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5 Minute Chinese 五分钟中文

Chinese, Education, 1 season, 152 episodes, 12 hours, 10 minutes
5 Minute Chinese is a weekly podcast show that talks about all things in life in authentic yet comprehensible Mandarin. As a high school Mandarin teacher and language enthusiast, I explore fun, real-life experiences in the Mandarin language that you can relate, understand, learn and enjoy! Scripts and useful expressions can be found in the description of each Mandarin episode. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can email me at [email protected]. Best, The Lone Mandarin Teacher
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中美高中生打工文化 | High School Part-Time Job Culture: U.S. vs. China

这期播客介绍有简体中文和英语。由于空间限制,录音稿没有放在下面的描述栏。但您可以在我的播客网站上每一集的下面找到录音稿。网址是。如果找不到,请告诉我。如果您有任何问题,请随时通过电子邮件联系我,邮箱是[email protected]。祝您有美好的一天!This podcast introduction is in both Simplified Chinese and English. Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description below. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode. The web address is Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Have a great day!中文简介欢迎收听新一期的《五分钟中文》!今天我想和大家分享一下我对中美高中生打工文化差异的观察。作为美国高中的老师,我经常听到学生们聊他们在健身房、商店或者超市打工的经历,这是很常见的。而相比之下,中国的高中生因为学业压力大,尤其是要准备高考,所以很少会打工。这种差异也反映了两国不同的教育理念。不过,打工对学生来说都是一种宝贵的生活经验,能帮助他们为未来独立生活做好准备。English SummaryWelcome to a new episode of "5 Minute Chinese!" In today's episode, I share my observations on the differences between American and Chinese high school students' part-time job culture. As a high school teacher in the U.S., I often hear about my students working at gyms, stores, or supermarkets, which is quite common. In contrast, Chinese high school students rarely work due to heavy academic pressure, especially with the college entrance exam, Gaokao, looming over them. This difference highlights the distinct educational philosophies of the two countries. Regardless, part-time jobs offer valuable life experience and help students develop important skills for their future.发短信给我! Send me a text!Support the show如果您喜欢我的播客,您可以通过成为订阅者来支持我。您的支持对我来说是巨大的鼓励。但无论您是否选择捐款,我都很感激有您成为听众。能够每周与您分享几分钟的时间,对我来说是莫大的荣幸。❤️If you enjoy my podcast, you can support me by becoming a subscriber. Your support is a huge encouragement to me. But whether or not you choose to donate, I’m grateful to have you as a listener. It’s an honor to share a few minutes with you each week. ❤️
10/6/20244 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

中国的调休制度 China’s “Holiday Adjustment System”

这期播客介绍有简体中文和英语。由于空间限制,录音稿没有放在下面的描述栏。但您可以在我的播客网站上每一集的下面找到录音稿。网址是。如果找不到,请告诉我。如果您有任何问题,请随时通过电子邮件联系我,邮箱是[email protected]。祝您有美好的一天!This podcast introduction is in both Simplified Chinese and English. Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description below. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode. The web address is Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Have a great day!中文简介:大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《5分钟中文》。今天我想以今年中秋节为例,聊聊中国的调休制度。这个制度的初衷是让大家享受更长的、连续的假期,方便旅游探亲,刺激经济。但是随着工作压力的加大,许多人对调休的怨声载道,认为这种安排让人连续工作感到不合理。希望通过这一期节目,大家能更好地理解这一制度及其影响。English Summary:Hello everyone, welcome to the latest episode of “5-Minute Chinese.” Today, I want to use this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival as an example to discuss China’s holiday adjustment system. The original intention of this system is to provide longer, continuous holidays for convenient travel and family reunions, while also stimulating the economy. However, with increasing work pressure, many people are voicing their dissatisfaction, feeling that these arrangements force them to work continuously and are unreasonable. I hope this episode will help everyone better understand this system and its impacts.发短信给我! Send me a text!Support the show如果您喜欢我的播客,您可以通过成为订阅者来支持我。您的支持对我来说是巨大的鼓励。但无论您是否选择捐款,我都很感激有您成为听众。能够每周与您分享几分钟的时间,对我来说是莫大的荣幸。❤️If you enjoy my podcast, you can support me by becoming a subscriber. Your support is a huge encouragement to me. But whether or not you choose to donate, I’m grateful to have you as a listener. It’s an honor to share a few minutes with you each week. ❤️
9/28/20245 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

十年级秋游回顾 Sophomore Fall Trip Recap

这期播客介绍有简体中文和英语。由于空间限制,录音稿没有放在下面的描述栏。但您可以在我的播客网站上每一集的下面找到录音稿。网址是。如果找不到,请告诉我。如果您有任何问题,请随时通过电子邮件联系我,邮箱是[email protected]。祝您有美好的一天!This podcast introduction is in both Simplified Chinese and English. Useful expressions/key vocabulary are included below. Due to space constraints, the transcript is not available in the description below. However, it's easily accessible on my podcast website, where you will find the transcript under each episode. The web address is Let me know if you can't find it. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Have a great day!本集介绍 Episode Introduction 中文:大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《5分钟中文》!今天想跟大家聊聊我刚刚结束的10年级秋游。我们学校每年都会在这个时候组织各年级的秋游,而我这次的经历和前两年有所不同。我们没有去露营或划船,而是去了城市游,参观了大学和国际民权博物馆,甚至体验了激流漂流。总的来说,是一次很轻松有趣的经历。如果你也有类似的学校旅行经历,欢迎分享。如果你喜欢这个播客,请订阅、留言和分享。订阅和留言的链接在描述栏下方。感谢您的喜爱和支持,祝您有美好的一天!English:Hello everyone, and welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese! Today, I’ll be sharing about a recent 10th-grade fall trip I just completed. Every year around this time, our school organizes fall trips for each grade, but this year’s experience was different from the previous ones. Instead of camping or canoeing, we went on a city tour, visited a university and a Civil Rights museum, and even tried out some white-water rafting. Overall, it was a relaxing and fun experience. If you've had similar school trips, feel free to share! If you enjoy this podcast, please subscribe, leave a comment, and share. You can find the subscription and comment links below in the description. Thank you for your support, and have a wonderful day!发短信给我! Send me a text!Support the show如果您喜欢我的播客,您可以通过成为订阅者来支持我。您的支持对我来说是巨大的鼓励。但无论您是否选择捐款,我都很感激有您成为听众。能够每周与您分享几分钟的时间,对我来说是莫大的荣幸。❤️If you enjoy my podcast, you can support me by becoming a subscriber. Your support is a huge encouragement to me. But whether or not you choose to donate, I’m grateful to have you as a listener. It’s an honor to share a few minutes with you each week. ❤️把你的问题和建议发给我!Text me your questions or suggestions! 点击订阅支持:Support the show
9/22/20245 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

学校与暴风雨:应对天气紧急情况 School and Storm: Handling Weather Emergencies

本播客的介绍同时提供简体中文和英文版本。实用表达/重点词汇在下方。由于篇幅限制,全文稿件可通过邮件免费索取。我的邮件是[email protected] podcast introduction is in both Simplified Chinese and English. Useful expressions/key vocabulary are included below. Due to space constraints, the transcript is available for free by email request. My email is [email protected].中文:大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《五分钟中文》。今天,我想跟大家聊聊我们学校的暴风雨和提前放学的情况。昨天晚上我在上日语课时收到了关于热带气旋和洪涝的警告,但当时我没太在意。今天早上,我们真的经历了强烈的暴风雨。我会分享这次天气紧急情况对我们学校的影响以及我们是如何应对的。English:Hello everyone, welcome to the new episode of  5 Minute Chinese. Today, I want to tell you about the storm and the early dismissal at our school. Last night, while I was in my Japanese class, I received warnings about a tropical cyclone and flooding, but I didn’t pay much attention at the time. This morning, we really experienced heavy storms. I’ll share how this weather emergency impacted our school and how we handled it. 如果你喜欢这个播客,请点击此处支持我:Support the show(If you like this podcast, please click here to show your support.)把你的问题和建议发给我!(Send me your questions and suggestions!)实用表达/重点词汇 Useful Expressions智能音箱 (zhìnéng yīnxiāng) - Smart speaker. A device that responds to voice commands and provides information, music, and other functions.热带气旋 (rèdài qìxuán) - Tropical cyclone. A large-scale air mass that rotates around a strong center of low atmospheric pressure, often bringing heavy rains and strong winds.洪涝 (hónglào) - Flooding. An overflow of water onto normally dry land, which can be caused by heavy rain or other factors.中秋节 (Zhōngqiūjié) - Mid-Autumn Festival. A traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar, typically in late September or early October. It is a time for family reunions, appreciating the full moon, and eating mooncakes. The festival celebrates the harvest and the beauty of the moon.秋游 (qiūyóu) - Autumn school trip. A planned excursion or outing organized by schools during the autumn season, often for educational or recreational purposes.把你的问题和建议发给我!Support the showIt's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
9/16/20243 minutes, 39 seconds
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积德转世:中式轮回观 Virtue and Reincarnation: The Chinese Perspective on Life

(本播客的介绍同时提供简体中文和英文版本。实用表达在下方。由于篇幅限制,全文稿件可通过邮件免费索取。我的邮件是[email protected] podcast introduction is in both Simplified Chinese and English. Useful expressions are included below. Due to space constraints, the transcript is available for free by email request. My email is [email protected].)中文简介:大家好,欢迎收听《5分钟中文》。在这一期节目中,我将带大家探讨中国和日本文化中关于积德和转世的观念。我最近看了一部新日剧《重启人生》,这部剧讲述了一位为了能够在来生转世为人,而决定多次重启自己人生的女性。通过这部剧,我决定在本期节目中与大家分享我关于积德和转世的认知和体验,以及这些观念如何影响我们的生活和未来。English Introduction:Hello everyone, and welcome to this episode of “5-Minute Chinese.” In today’s show, I will explore the concepts of accumulating virtue and reincarnation in Chinese and Japanese cultures. Recently, I watched a new Japanese drama called “Brush Up Life (ブラッシュアップライフ),” which features a character who repeatedly restarts her life to secure a human rebirth in her next life. This show inspired me to share my insights and experiences regarding these concepts and how they influence our lives and futures.如果你喜欢这个播客,请点击此处支持我:Support the show(If you like this podcast, please click here to show your support.)把你的问题和建议发给我!(Send me your questions and suggestions!)生词和短语1.积德Pinyin: jī déEnglish: Accumulate virtue (doing good deeds)Explanation: The act of performing good deeds to build moral merit, believed to influence one’s current life and future reincarnations.2.转世Pinyin: zhuǎn shìEnglish: ReincarnationExplanation: The belief that after death, a person’s soul can be reborn into a new life.3.因果报应Pinyin: yīn guǒ bào yìngEnglish: Cause and effect (karma)Explanation: The concept that one’s actions, whether good or bad, will have corresponding consequences either in this life or in future reincarnations.4.轮回Pinyin: lún huíEnglish: Cycle of reincarnationExplanation: The belief in the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth, where souls are continuously reborn into new lives.5.今生 / 来生Pinyin: jīn shēng / lái shēngEnglish: Current life / Next lifeExplanation: “今生” refers to one’s present life, while “来生” refers to the life that follows after reincarnation.6.投胎Pinyin: tóu tāiEnglish: Rebirth (reincarnation into a specific form)Explanation: The process of being reborn into a new life, often used to describe which family or life form one reincarnates into.7.修身养性Pinyin: xiū shēn yǎng xìngEnglish: Cultivate oneself and nurture one’s natureExplanation: The practice of improving oneself through moral, mental, and spiritual development, often seen as a way to accumulate virtue.8.积善从德Pinyin: jī shàn cóng déEnglish: Accumulate good deeds and follow virtueExplanation: A phrase emphasizing the importance of consistently doing good deeds and following virtuous principles.9.作恶多端Pinyin: zuò è duō duānEnglish: Committing many evil deedsExplanation: Describes a person who has committed numerous bad or immoral acts, often leading to negative consequences in this life or the next.10.延年益寿Pinyin: yán nián yì shòuEnglish: Prolong life and enhance longevityExpl把你的问题和建议发给我!Support the showIt's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
9/14/20244 minutes, 35 seconds
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对看剧学中文的补充思考 Additional Thoughts on Learning Chinese with Shows

(本播客的简介有简体中文和英文。您可以在下方找到英文版本。 This podcast description is available in both Simplified Chinese and English. You can find the English version below.)(中文简介)大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《5分钟中文》。在这期节目中,我想继续分享关于通过看电视剧学习中文的想法。上期节目我提到,电视剧中的对话对语言水平要求很高,尤其是对初学者来说,可能会感到有些挑战。今天,我补充了几点建议:首先,选择带有中文字幕的剧集可以帮助理解和练习发音;其次,利用字幕做听写练习也是提高中文的好方法。此外,学习时不必追求完美,可以适当提高进度,以便接触更多的语言现象,提升学习效果。希望这些建议能对大家有所帮助。(English Description)Hello everyone, welcome to the latest episode of "5-Minute Chinese." In this episode, I continue to share my thoughts on learning Chinese through watching TV dramas. Last time, I mentioned that the language in dramas can be quite advanced and challenging, especially for beginners. Today, I’m adding a few more tips: First, choosing shows with Chinese subtitles can help with understanding and practicing pronunciation; second, using subtitles for dictation exercises is a great way to improve your Chinese. Additionally, there’s no need to aim for perfection—progressing through lessons at a faster yet comfortable pace allows you to encounter and reinforce more language features. I hope these suggestions are helpful to you.由于篇幅限制,我无法在此处附上完整文稿。但是,如果您需要文稿,请随时给我发电子邮件,我很高兴把稿子发给您!Due to space limitations, I am unable to include the full transcript here. However, if you need the transcript, please feel free to email me at [email protected], and I’ll be happy to send it to you!把你的问题和建议发给我!Support the Show.It's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
9/1/20246 minutes, 11 seconds
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通过看剧学语言的想法 My Thoughts on Learning Languages Through Watching Shows

(本播客的简介有简体中文和英文。您可以在下方找到英文版本。 This podcast description is available in both Simplified Chinese and English. You can find the English version below.)大家好!欢迎收看新一期的《五分钟中文》。在本期节目中,我将讨论通过看电视节目学习语言的利弊。虽然它通常被视为一种有趣且快速的学习方式,但它可能并不适合所有人,尤其是初学者。我介绍了“comprehensive input可理解输入”的概念,它指的是大部分可以理解但有一些新元素的语言材料。我分享了我看日本电视剧(名为《地面师たち》)的个人经历,并解释了为什么由于我目前的熟练程度,它没有显著提高我的日语水平。我还建议专注于与您的语言水平相匹配的听力材料,以使“磨耳朵”(听力训练)更有效。此外,我还谈到了 Maayot,这是一个通过适合水平的内容学习中文的有用网站。最后我谈到我制作这个播客的初衷就是提供简单而自然的语言输入,帮助学习者有效地练习。如果您觉得《五分钟中文》有用,请订阅、分享和支持这个播客!感谢您的收听!祝您有美好的一天!Maayot 是一个很棒的中文学习网站,提供带拼音的每日阅读、英文翻译、录音的专业反馈和阅读理解问题。它是提高中文学习的超棒的资源。这是Maayot的网站。请去试试看,相信你会喜欢的!由于篇幅限制,我无法在此处附上录音稿。但是,如果您想要,请随时给我发电子邮件,我很乐意把稿子发送给您。Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of “Five Minute Chinese.” In this episode, I discuss the pros and cons of learning languages by watching TV shows. While it's often seen as a fun and fast way to learn, it may not be suitable for everyone, especially beginners. I introduce the concept of 'comprehensive input,' which refers to language materials that are mostly understandable with some new elements. I share my personal experience of watching a Japanese drama (called 地面師たち or Tokyo Swindlers) and explain why it didn't significantly improve my Japanese due to my current proficiency level. I also recommend focusing on listening materials that match your language level to make '磨耳朵' (ear training) more effective. Additionally, I talk about Maayot, a useful website for learning Chinese through level-appropriate content. My goal with this podcast is to provide simple yet natural language input to help learners practice effectively. If you find 5-Minute Chinese helpful, please subscribe, share, and support the show. Thank you. Have a great day!Maayot is a wonderful Chinese learning website that offers daily readings with pinyin, English translations, professional feedback on your recordings, and reading comprehension questions. It’s a fantastic resource for enhancing your Mandarin Chinese learning. Check it out here: You'll enjoy it!Due to space constraints, I'm unable to include the transcript here. However, if you'd like a copy, please feel free to email me, and I'll happily send it your way.把你的问题和建议发给我!Support the Show.It's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
8/24/20247 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

愿自然灾害中平安 Wishing Safety in Natural Disasters

Hello everyone, and welcome to a new episode of 5-Minute Chinese. This Tuesday marked the return of our teachers to school, but after just one day, we transitioned to remote work for the next two days due to Tropical Storm Debby. Thankfully, we're back in action now. I also want to address the recent earthquake in Kyushu, Japan. My Japanese teacher lives in Miyazaki, and I'm relieved to hear that she is safe. My thoughts are with all of those directly affected. With natural disasters increasing and extreme weather events becoming more common worldwide, I extend my heartfelt wishes for your safety. Take care, and see you in the next episode.(I’m posting the script here since it’s brief. I hope it displays properly on Apple Podcasts. For scripts of longer episodes, please feel free to email me if you'd like a copy.)大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。我们这个星期二老师就返校了, 可是星期二上了一天班以后,周三、周四就都居家办公了。原因是我们这两天有一个叫Debby的热带风暴。虽然开学了还有很多工作要做,但是学校领导层出于安全考虑,决定关闭了学校。不过还好现在有zoom meeting,所以可以线上开会。有很多工作可以在家做。还是挺方便的。风暴过了以后,我们周五学校就重新开放了。说到自然灾害,我也知道前天日本九州岛遭遇了大地震。 而且,我的日本老师正好住在宫崎县。我听到这个新闻之后就赶快给她发消息问她有没有事。当她几个小时后回复我说她没事的时候,我真的是长舒了一口气。她说她当时正在冲浪,然后现在在安全撤离中。新闻说未来几天有更大地震的可能性。如果您是我在日本的听众朋友,我真心地祝福你平安。希望你安好。近年来世界各地自然灾害都在增加,极端天气也更多了。大家一定都要注意安全。那今天就跟大家聊到这里。我们下期再见!把你的问题和建议发给我!Support the Show.It's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
8/10/20242 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

覆盖式跟读法的好处: The Benefit of Synchronized Shadowing Reading

In this episode of "5-Minute Chinese," I share a language learning technique called "overlay shadowing reading." Unlike traditional shadowing, this shadowing method involves syncing your voice perfectly with the original audio, starting and ending at the same time to achieve complete overlap. I discuss how this method has helped me improve my Japanese skills.Additionally, I introduce Maayot, a wonderful Chinese learning website. Maayot offers daily readings with pinyin, English translations, professional feedback on your recordings, and reading comprehension questions. It’s a fantastic resource for enhancing your language practice. Check it out here: You'll enjoy it!把你的问题和建议发给我!Support the Show.It's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
8/9/20246 minutes, 24 seconds
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暑假中美生活与心态: Summer Life and Mindset: China vs. the U.S.

Send us a Text Message.Hello everyone! In this episode of Five Minute Chinese, I share my personal reflections on life in China versus the U.S. this summer. After being back in the U.S. for over a week and feeling the stress of the upcoming school year, I find myself reminiscing about the enjoyable and carefree experiences I had in China. Spending time with family there was delightful, and I didn’t have to do much to be in a good state. I reflect on the vibrant aspects of life in China, including its diverse activities and efficient services. I also explore the contrasts in convenience and cost between the two countries, highlighting the ease of accessing services and entertainment in China compared to the U.S.Due to space constraints, I'm unable to include the transcript here. However, if you'd like a copy, please feel free to email me, and I'll happily send it your way. Additionally, if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you all a fantastic day!Support the Show.It's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
7/31/20246 minutes, 3 seconds
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回美国的小插曲 Travel Hiccups But Finally Home

Send us a Text Message.Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of Five Minute Chinese. It’s nice to be back in the U.S. After returning a week ago, I came down with a bad cold, but DayQuil and NyQuil have been quite effective. In today’s episode, I’ll talk about my trip back to the U.S., including some challenges with a delayed flight and missed connection. I’m grateful for a friend’s kindness and a smooth drive home. I look forward to sharing more about my summer experiences with you soon. Thank you for listening, and I hope Five Minute Chinese brings some joy to your day. See you next time!Due to space constraints, I'm unable to include the transcript here. However, if you'd like a copy, please feel free to email me, and I'll happily send it your way. Additionally, if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you all a fantastic day!Support the Show.It's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
7/30/20244 minutes, 35 seconds
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五年后的中国印象 My Impression of China After 5 Years

Send us a Text Message.In this episode of “Five Minute Chinese,” I share my impressions of China after being away for five years. I’ve observed significant technological advancements that have transformed daily life, making smartphones essential for everything from dining to healthcare, despite concerns about complexity and privacy. The overall cleanliness and organization in my city have improved, though public restrooms still need enhancement compared to Japan’s high standards. Lastly, I’ve noticed that people are becoming more polite and respectful, and there are more venues for social activities, making city life more enjoyable and memorable.P.S. I apologize for not updating my podcast as frequently as I’d like, as I’ve been busy traveling and creating lasting memories with family and friends. If you need the script for any episode, please email me with the specific episode request, and I’ll do my best to provide it during my stay in China.Support the Show.It's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
7/17/20245 minutes, 31 seconds
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在中国的第一期!First Update in China

Send us a Text Message.Hi everyone! Welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese. It’s been a while since the last episode because I’ve been traveling in the U.S. and Japan. Now, I’m back in China and it’s great to see my family and friends again. Things here are improving, with new technologies making life easier, like visiting the doctor.The only downside is the internet. Many websites need a VPN, and even with Nord VPN, I couldn’t connect well and gave up. I wish I could keep up with my Japanese lessons on Preply, but it’s not possible here because of the internet connection. Luckily, I have plenty of apps and books to keep learning.PS: I just switched to Express VPN and it seems to be working.Support the Show.It's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
6/26/20245 minutes, 11 seconds
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旅行前的更新 Update Before My Trip

Send us a Text Message.Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of Five Minute Chinese. With this short episode, I just want to update you on my week. I shared that I was sick with a fever and body aches earlier this week, but my COVID-19, flu, and strep tests were all negative. Although I'm still not fully recovered, I'm grateful it's not serious. I also introduced a new feature on my podcast hosting site, Buzzsprout, called "fan mail," which allows listeners to send me messages, though I can't reply. For those requesting the podcast transcript, please email me directly. If I have time before my trip to Japan, I’ll record another episode. Thanks for your support! Thank you for listening to Five Minute Chinese. Have a nice day!Support the Show.It's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
5/28/20243 minutes, 55 seconds
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期末,回国,日本旅游 Semester end, China and Japan Trip

Send us a Text Message.In this episode of "5-Minute Chinese," I talk about preparing my students for their final exams with mock tests and home review. After exams, teachers will continue working on grading and planning for next year before starting our summer break. I'm excited about my upcoming trip, which is my first visit to China in five years, with a stop in Japan for sightseeing and a K-pop concert. The trip involves a lot of planning and learning Japanese, adding to my anticipation and joy for the summer ahead.Due to space constraints, I'm unable to include the transcript here. However, if you'd like a copy, please feel free to email me, and I'll happily send it your way. Additionally, if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you all a fantastic day!Support the Show.It's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
5/18/20247 minutes, 16 seconds
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耳朵怎么又发炎了??Ear inflection again??

Send us a Text Message.(If you notice the texting link above, it seems that my hosting site Buzzsprout is testing a new feature without creators enabling it: Buzzsprout's latest feature delivers listener love straight to your phone — Fan Mail! We dive into how we've been secretly testing this new tool and how you can turn it on for your own podcast. I don't know how it will work otu)Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of "5 Minute Chinese." Today, I'm sharing a recent health condition.  A few days ago, I noticed some discomfort and pain in my ear. Given my history of outer ear infection last year, I feared it might be a recurrence. Visiting the doctor after class on Tuesday, I learned that this time, the infection was inside the ear, requiring oral antibiotics instead of just ear drops. The doctor suggested it might be due to allergies, causing mucus buildup in my nasal cavity, leading to ear inflammation. Grateful for seeking timely medical attention this time, unlike last year when I endured severe pain before seeking help, I am confident that with proper medication, my condition will improve soon. Lastly I stress the importance of managing allergies to prevent such complications. Remember, taking care of yourself is essential!Due to space constraints, I'm unable to include the transcript here. However, if you'd like a copy, please feel free to email me, and I'll happily send it your way. Additionally, if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you all a fantastic day!Support the Show.It's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
5/5/20244 minutes, 30 seconds
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高中毕业舞会的故事 Story of Prom 2024

In this episode of "Five Minutes Chinese," I share the excitement and significance of prom night, a cherished tradition for American high school students. I recount my experience of volunteering at our school's prom, from the meticulous preparations to the elegant attire and the joyous atmosphere created by photographers and DJs. I also reveal the heartfelt story behind my special yellow dress, a gift from my students, marking our seven-year journey from middle school to graduation. As I reflect on their growth and bid them farewell, I express both nostalgia and optimism for their bright futures. Due to space constraints, I'm unable to include the transcript here. However, if you'd like a copy, please feel free to email me, and I'll happily send it your way. Additionally, if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you all a fantastic day!Support the showIt's truly an honor that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
4/22/20245 minutes, 18 seconds
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日食 Solar Eclipse

In this episode of "5 Minutes Chinese," I delve into the captivating topic of solar eclipses, known as 日食 (rì shí) in Chinese. I recently witnessed a partial solar eclipse on April 8th here in the United States, and I share insights into the scientific principle behind these phenomena. While some regions enjoyed a total eclipse, my East Coast location only saw a partial eclipse, called 日偏食 (rì piān shí). Despite this, I share my excitement and attempts to photograph the event. Reflecting on the rarity of eclipses, occurring once every couple of decades, I invite you to share your own eclipse experiences if you have one. Due to space constraints, I'm unable to include the transcript here. However, if you'd like a copy, please feel free to email me, and I'll happily send it your way. Additionally, if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you all a fantastic day!Support the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
4/10/20246 minutes, 27 seconds
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315消费者权益保护日 China's Consumer Rights Day

Hi everyone! Today's episode delves into the significance of March 15th in China, designated as Consumer Rights Day. It aims to heighten awareness about consumer protection, shedding light on issues like deceptive marketing, subpar product quality, and exorbitant pricing. This year's examples range from the sale of inferior food products to overpriced items with false health claims. It reminds consumers to stay vigilant, understand their rights, and report any violations. Despite regulatory efforts, loopholes persist. There is always a need for ongoing consumer education and awareness. Thank you for tuning in! Due to space constraints, I'm unable to include the transcript here. However, if you'd like a copy, please feel free to email me, and I'll happily send it your way. Additionally, if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you all a fantastic day!It's truly an honor to know that my podcast can provide help and value to you. Your support and engagement mean the world to me. If there's anything specific you'd like to hear more about or any topics you think would be beneficial, please don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you for being part of this journey with me!Support the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
3/22/202412 minutes, 55 seconds
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我在美国和车的故事 My Story with Cars in the US

Hello everyone, welcome to the latest episode of "5 Minute Mandarin." Today, I want to chat with you about my experiences with driving in the United States. As you may know, having a car is essential in most parts of the US, unlike in China where I never felt the need to drive. Upon moving to the US, I relied on public transportation and walking, as my first city had good infrastructure for both. However, when I found a job in a smaller town, owning a car became necessary. So, I decided to learn to drive, bought a used Toyota Camry, and practiced with friends and instructors. After some preparation, I took the driving test and passed, although there was a small mishap where I accidentally drove my car into a ditch. Luckily, kind locals helped me out, and I made it to my exam on time. This experience left me grateful for the generosity of others and taught me the importance of community support. Hope you like my story. Due to the length of the passage, please email me if you would like a transcript of this episode. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me. Wish everyone a very nice day!Support the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
3/1/20248 minutes, 24 seconds
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龙年快乐!Happy Year of the Dragon!

Hello everyone! Happy Lunar New Year! In today's podcast I talk about Lunar New Year celebratory activities at school. We went on a field trip on Tuesday, including a hotpot buffet meal and a visit to the Asian supermarket next door. We also did various other activities such as Chinese paper cutting and a "Cake Day" on Friday, where students brought cakes to celebrate. I also share my own Lunar New Year traditions, including wearing red, especially because it's my zodiac year. If you celebrate, I wish you a prosperous Year of the Dragon! Script and useful expressions below. I noticed that on some podcast platforms, this is not fully displayed. Please feel free to email me for script or questions!大家好,欢迎收听新一期的5分钟中文。今天是大年初一。我想先在这里给庆祝农历新年的朋友们拜一个年:祝大家龙年吉祥,生龙活虎,身体健康,万事如意!那这个星期我在我的学校也跟同学们进行了各种各样的活动。比如说星期二我们一起去旁边的大城市做了一个Field trip。就是先去了一个火锅店吃了火锅自助。吃完了以后呢,我们正好就走到旁边的亚洲超市逛了很长时间。去年我们也是一样的行程,但是去年的时间我安排的有一点紧。吸取了去年的经验教训之后呢,今年我安排时间安排得正好。我觉得大家都玩得很开心,时间正好够。然后回来差不多是6:00。跟我想的每个时间点都是一样的,所以我也特别的骄傲,我觉得明年也可以这么玩。大家吃喝玩乐特别开心。然后我们在星期三、四、五也有不同的活动。比如说,我们有中国的剪纸。我从中国的淘宝买了一些剪纸,然后学生每个人就用他们的手机扫描二维码,它的剪纸上面有教学的视频,所以他们就可以一边看一边剪。然后很多人都没有剪过中国剪纸。不管是简单的还是容易的(口误:难的),大家剪得都很认真,玩得很开心!剪完了之后,有的学生带回家,学生就想让我放在教室。所以我把学生剪的十二生肖啊,春字啊,还有龙啊、福啊,等等都贴在了教室不同的地方。星期五我们还有一个新的创意,就是cake day,就是蛋糕日。因为有个学生说我们怎么庆祝呢?我要不带一个蛋糕吧?我说中国新年蛋糕并不吃蛋糕。,但是为什么不呢?就可以是我们自己的中文课的传统。所以我有三个学生,不管是自己做的还是买的,带了三个蛋糕。然后我们一起吃了一天的蛋糕。我吃了特别多,导致我晚上都没有吃饭,因为吃了太多的东西了。学生问我我自己会怎么过春节呢?因为今年是我的本命年。我是属龙的。所以呢,传统上说我应该更注意穿红色,所以我今天一起来就换上红色的睡衣,红色的睡裤,然后这样的话好像是比较吉利。因为本命年嘛,大家要多注意。虽然这是一个迷信,但是我觉得穿红色很好看呀!因为红色是在中国文化里很喜庆、很欢乐的颜色。然后除了穿红色,我觉得大部分中国人一般就是全家在一起吃团圆饭。团圆饭大家可能见过。中国家庭的餐桌,就是有鱼有肉,如果是北方的话,一般会有饺子。反正是一桌,大家围在一起有说有笑,一边吃一边聊天,看春晚,我觉得是一个一年中很美好的时候!那今天就跟大家聊到这里,如果你庆祝农历新年在这里,再次祝你龙年行大运,感谢您的收听,我们下期再见!大年初一 (dà nián chū yī) - Chinese New Year's Day吉祥如意 (jí xiáng rú yì) - Good luck and happiness经验教训 (jīng yàn jiào xùn) - Experience and lessons learned自助 (zì zhù) - Self-service二维码 (èr wéi mǎ) - QR code传统 (chuán tǒng) - Tradition; Traditional团圆饭 (tuán yuán fàn) - Reunion dinner欢笑 (huān xiào) - Laughter and joy春晚 (chūn wǎn) - Spring Festival Gala (a special TV program aired on Chinese New Year's Eve)祝你龙年行大运 (zhù nǐ lóng nián xíng dà yùn) - Wishing you great success in the Year of the DragonSupport the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
2/10/20245 minutes, 22 seconds
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学中文有多难?How hard is learning Mandarin?

Hello everyone! In this episode I discuss the difficulty of learning Chinese compared to other languages, using the Foreign Service Institute's categorization. It classifies languages into four levels of difficulty for English speakers. Chinese is considered a "super-hard language," requiring approximately 88 weeks (2200 class hours) to achieve general professional fluency. By comparison, Spanish requires 30 weeks (750 class hours). While the ease of learning a language can be influenced by one's native tongue, mastering any language, including both easier and harder ones, is always a challenging endeavor, requiring consistent effort and dedication in language learning. As long as we work hard, we will definitely see results!Hope you enjoy this episode. You can find the script and useful expressions below. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Have a great day!大家好! 欢迎大家收听新一期的5分钟中文..今天想跟大家聊了话题是中文到底有多难呢?今天跟学生聊,我们已经学了多少东西的时候,学生就说:“西班牙语的学生学了很多。感觉我们已经学了一年多了,应该会说更多的东西。我说:“我们学了一年多了。而且我们进步很大。但是呢,你不能跟很多像西班牙语这样的语言比。因为中文虽然说它有简单的地方,但是总体来说他是一个比较难的语言。然后我就跟学生讲了一下美国国务院外交学院(就是他们的Foreign Service Institute)他们把各种的语言,根据母语为英语的学习者为基础,把他们的难易程度分为了不同的类别。一共呢,就有四级。第一级的语言呢,就是category 1。就是比较容易的,你如果想达到一般的、流利的程度,他叫general professional的这个程度,差不多需要24到30周,也就是差不多600到750个课时。然后原因呢,就是像法语啊、意大利语啊、西班牙语。这些语言,他们在语法词汇上都和英语更相似。而且他们学起来好像发音上也比较容易模仿。第二级的语言呢就需要的时间长一点,差不多需要36周,也就是差不多900个课时。那这个二级语言比一级的语言要难一点,更有挑战性。比如说,二级语言里有德语、印尼语、马来语等等。就是他们稍微难一点儿。对于母语为英语的学习者来说更有挑战性。然后下一级就是第三级。就是更难!那这些就被认为是hard languages,就是比较困难的语言了。那这些语言呢和英语有着比较明显的语言上或者文化上的差异。比如说波斯语、希伯来语、还有缅甸语、波兰语啊、俄语啊。就是很多语言,他们跟英语的差别比较大。所以比如说,我知道越南语好像比中国的中文的声调还要多。就他好像是有六个tones/声调。我对这些语言了解不多。但是这些呢,对于英语为母语的学习者来说,差不多需要44周也就是1100个课时,才能基本有一定的熟练程度。然后最难的呢,才是中文这种语言。就是属于超难的语言,就是super-hard languages。这些就是特别特别地具有挑战性。如果你的英语是母语的话,你如果想学习阿拉伯语,想学习中文、日语、韩语、就会非常的困难。你需要88周,差不多2200个课时,才能有一个基础的流利程度。所以你想这四级:从一级差不多西班牙语吧,是30周可以达到一个基本的流利程度。到中文,你需要快90周才能达到一个基本的流利程度。那就相当于,如果按美国的外交学院的这个标准来看,中文要比西班牙语难三倍。就是根据他的时间上来看,你需要用三倍的时间才能达到同样的一个语言的学习的程度。那当然了,这里说的都是以母语为英语的学习者为基础的。所以有的时候呢,你会发现中国人他学日语或者学韩语很容易。或者日本人学中文也感觉不是那么难。因为他们的母语不是英语,他们在语言和文化上、历史上和中国的交集也比较多,有更多的相似点,所以学起来就很容易。包括为什么以英语为母语的人,他学西班牙语啊,学法语为什么很容易呢?因为他有很多的词是一样的。在文化上、习惯上也有更多的相似的地方,所以学起来就比较轻松。但是不管是什么语言,我觉得想要学好、学精、都不是一件简单的事。都是需要用很多的时间去真正的去下功夫、去练习、去重复、去愿意跟人进行交流、多看书,等等等等。用各种的办法坚持努力才能学好。我不知道大家学中文学了多久了。如果你能听完这个播客,我觉得你的中文应该是非常棒的!不管怎么样,我们只要坚持就一定会有结果。努力就会有成功!感谢大家收听!如果你觉得这期节目对你有帮助,请帮我订阅、转发、分享,让5分钟中文可以帮到更多的人。如果你有什么问题,欢迎你给我留言或者写电子邮件。那今天就跟大家聊到这里。我们下期再见!Support the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
1/30/20248 minutes, 17 seconds
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新年分享 New Year Updates: Gratitude, Short Winter Break, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese. I want to begin by thanking you for listening to my podcast. I sincerely hope that it helps make learning Mandarin Chinese authentic and fun. Secondly, I want to update you on the busy period from the end of last year to the beginning of 2024. I share the unusually short winter break , lasting less than two weeks. After the brief break, teachers worked hard to finalized the semester grades and comments, which were due last week. Monday, 1/15 is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a federal holiday in the U.S. I would like to emphasize the importance of remembering the civil rights leader's legacy beyond just enjoying a day off. I think it's worth it to explore the stories behind holidays and commemorative days in our own countries. Thank you for listening! If you have any questions or comments, please let me know via comment or email. You can find scripts and useful expression below. Have a great day!大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。从去年年末到年初都比较忙,没有及时更新。不过新的一年我一定会努力保持更新。感谢大家一直以来的关注和支持。希望在新的一年里,能在五分钟中文这个节目里陪伴大家。新年的第一期跟大家聊聊近况吧。首先我想吐槽一下今年的寒假有多短。我们是12月21号开始放假,然后老师1月2号就上班,学生1月3号返校。一共放了不到两个星期。我觉得我当老师这么多年来,这次的寒假是最短的一次,没有之一。一般来说,我们寒假应该有两个星期多一点儿。很多学校。尤其是大学,这周才开学。不知道我们为什么新年后就马上开学。感觉还没有完全休息过来,就又要回去上班上学了。其实上周只是开学的第二周。但是感觉好像过去了很久。这两周对于老师来说并不轻松,因为需要完成期末考试的成绩和评语。不过随着上周五的过去,这项工作也结束了。迎来我们的是今年的第一个长周末。因为星期一放假。你可能要问,才放了假,这个星期一为什么又放假呢?原因就是星期一是马丁·路德·金纪念日(英语:Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)。这是美国联邦法定假日,纪念民权运动领袖马丁·路德·金牧师的生日。日期定为一月的第三个星期一,是在他生日1月15日左右。我以前说到马丁·路德·金日一般都说MLK日啊,或者是Martin Luther King Day。但是后来我跟一个朋友的聊天中,她都会用Dr. King这样的敬语,而不是直呼其名或者用缩写。之后我思考了一下,觉得应该像她一样称呼金博士,以表达尊敬。当然不是说用缩写的人和不用头衔称呼马丁·路德·金博士的人就一定是没有尊重。只是我觉得很多时候我们都忘了很多节日背后的意义。金博士是美国民权运动中主张非暴力抗议种族歧视的主要领袖。我希望每年这一天能提醒我们纪念像金博士这样的为人类平等自由奋斗终身的人,而不只是为了假期而高兴。我们学校在星期二会举办一系列的纪念活动。我觉得很好。我今天也翻找阅读了过去民权运动的历史。只有铭记历史,才能不重蹈覆辙。不知道你在的国家和地区有哪些特别的节日和纪念日呢?你觉得你对这个节日背后的故事了解吗?有时候我们自己国家和民族的节日我们反而知道得不多,可能是一个很有趣的发现呢。如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅点赞分享,让这个节目可以帮助更多有需要的人。感谢收听这一期的五分钟中文。我们下期再见!陪伴 (péibàn) - accompany返校 (fǎnxiào) - return to school评语 (píngyǔ) - evaluation comments纪念日 (jìniànrì) - commemorative day法定假日 (fǎdìng jiàrì) - statutory holiday民权运动 (mínquán yùndòng) - civil rights movement领袖 (lǐngxiù) - leader牧师 (mùshī) - pastor博士 (bóshì) - doctor (Ph.D.)敬语 (jìngyǔ) - honorific language直呼其名 (zhí hū qí míng) - address someone by their name directly头衔 (tóuxián) - title尊敬 (zūnjìng) - respect奋斗 (fèndòu) - struggle重蹈覆辙 (chóngdǎo fùzhé) - repeatSupport the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
1/15/20245 minutes, 28 seconds
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Untitled Episode

Hi all! Welcome to another episode of '5 Minutes Chinese'! In today's episode, we delve into the intriguing world of '轻断食' or intermittent fasting. I share my personal experiences with intermittent fasting and talk about the potential benefits, from weight management to improved insulin sensitivity, and overall health. Have you tried light fasting, or do you have questions about it? I would love to hear your story! You can share your thoughts by email or leaving a comment on Spotify. Script and useful expressions below. If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know! Have a nice day!大家好!欢迎收听新一期的5分钟中文。大家最近怎么样呢?我今天想跟大家聊的是轻断食,大家可能听过轻断食。轻断食在这几年还是蛮流行的。那什么是轻断食呢?轻断食就是intermittent fasting。“轻”就是light,不是那种很严格的,长时间的断食;“断”就是stop,cut off,就是停止,中断做一件事情。“食”就是进食,吃东西。放在一起:轻断食就是在一段时间内不吃东西。轻断食通过有规律地减少吃东西的时间来促进身体的健康和减轻体重。我轻断食也已经有几个月了。我最开始尝试的是16/8断食。就是每天有16个小时不吃东西,剩余的8个小时是进食窗口,在这8个小时内把每天需要的热量和营养都吃了。后来我慢慢习惯了以后我就开始进行18/6断食和20/4断食。18/6就是在6个小时内吃东西,剩余18个小时完全不吃东西。20/4就是每天20个小时完全不摄入卡路里,然后在4个小时内吃饭。还有OMAD(sorry about the slip of tongue),one meal a day,每天只吃一顿饭,剩余时间都不吃东西。我感觉都还很不错。很多研究表明,轻断食有很多好处。首先就是可以帮助我们减肥。我们现代人的生活环境中食物极大丰富,尤其是有各种各样的零食饮料。一不注意就会吃多。轻断食可以帮助我们减少这种隐性的高热量零食的摄入,有助减肥。同时,因为长时间不吃东西,你身体肝脏和肌肉中的糖原消耗完之后,你的身体可能就需要调动脂肪来为身体供能。这也对减肥有帮助。控制吃东西的时间也会让我们的身体的内分泌器官得到休息。比如,如果我们一直吃,我们的身体就要一直分泌胰岛素。有研究显示,轻断食可以改善胰岛素的敏感性,减少胰岛素抵抗,有助于预防或者管理二型糖尿病。还有研究显示,轻断食可以促进细胞自噬,可以帮助身体清除受损细胞,进行细胞的更新。轻断食还可以降低身体的一些慢性炎症的反应,改善心血管健康,增强脑功能等等。不过需要注意的是:就是这些好处可能是因人而异。轻断食对你身体健康的影响的因素很多。你选择的断食方法,你本身健康的状况,生活的状况,工作学习的压力,都会对你轻断食的效果有各种各样的影响。需要通过实践摸索体会,才能找到一个适合自己的,对自己健康益处最大的方法。就我个人来说,除了上面的一些益处,我也觉得断食可以帮你省很多时间。像我现在放假在家,每天只吃一顿或者两顿饭。我在20个小时不吃东西,然后我只在三四个小时内吃东西,其余时间都禁食。那这样的话就感觉就会有整块,没有被分割的时间来做我喜欢做的事情。平时上班的时候我是晚上7点前吃完东西,然后到第二天中午一点才再吃东西。不吃早饭我现在也不会觉得饿了, 反而觉得头脑很活跃。轻断食可能对有慢性病的人啊或者孕妇,儿童或者老年人不适用,所以如果你想进行断食以前应该咨询一下医生。但是对普通人来说,我觉得轻断食是一个很有趣的身体实验。对你的效果是怎么样需要你自己体验探索。那今天关于轻断食就跟大家聊到这里。不知道你听没听过轻断食呢?有没有因为各种原因进行过断食呢?如果你进行过轻断食,你进行的是哪一种呢?我听过各种各样轻断食的方法。如果你有什么问题或者有什么分享,欢迎你给我发邮件或者在Spotify留言。感谢您的收听!希望你在新的一年里身体健康,万事如意,期待与您下一次在播客见面!再见!轻断食 (qīng duànshí): Intermittent fasting.进食窗口 (jìnshí chuāngkǒu): Eating window.热量和营养 (rèliàng hé yíngyǎng): Calories and nutrients.慢慢习惯 (mànman xíguàn): Gradually get used to.高热量零食 (gāo rèliàng língshí): High-calorie snacks.调动脂肪 (diào dòng zhīfá): Mobilize fat.内分泌器官 (nèi fēnmì qìguān): Endocrine organs.改善胰岛素敏感性 (gǎishàn yìdǎosù mǐngǎn xìng): Improve insulin sensitivity.促进细胞自噬 (cùjìn xìbāo zìshì): Promote cellular autophagy.身体健康的影响 (shēntǐ jiànkāng de yǐngxiǎng): Impact on physical health.Support the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
12/29/20237 minutes, 21 seconds
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虚拟现实头盔体验 Meta Quest 2 Review

Hello everyone! In this episode of 5-Minute Chinese, I want to share my personal experience with my recently purchased Meta Quest 2 virtual reality headset. I talked about what VR is and my experience with the popular game Beat Saber. I also acknowledge some comfort issues, especially for glasses wearers like me. But overall I'm really satisfied with the virtual experience and look forward to exploring more on Meta Quest 2. If you also have a VR set, I would love to hear your experience! Thank you for listening. Transcript and useful expressions below. If you can't find it, please feel free to email me. My email can be found in the description. I wish you all a great week ahead! 大家好!欢迎收听新一期的5分钟中文!今天我想跟大家聊一聊我最近新买的Meta Quest 2。Meta Quest 2是一款虚拟现实的头盔:就是VR的头盔。我不知道大家对VR有没有了解。VR就是virtual reality。当你把这个头盔戴上以后,你周边的环境就不存在了。你会看到只是VR眼镜里的现实,但是这个现实并不是真的。所以他叫虚拟现实—VR。我是在黑色星期五的时候买的。我买了这个VR头盔已经有快三个星期了吧。但是因为我最近都很忙,所以没有太多的机会玩。终于等到这个周末我才有时间玩更多时间的VR头盔。我买了一个游戏叫Beat Saber. Best Saber可能是Meta Quest 2里面最流行的游戏之一。如果你问有VR头盔的人:哪个游戏最好玩,很多人都会跟你推荐beat saber。那这是一个什么游戏呢?其实很简单,就是你两个手拿着光剑,然后很多的Cube(方块)会向你飞来,然后你需要根据这个方块的箭头方向挥动你的光剑,然后把它击打成两半。然后你玩这个游戏的时候,他的方块是根据音乐节奏来的,所以很有动感,其实也像跳健美操一样,是一个运动。像我昨天玩了差不多半个小时,就消耗了100个卡路里。很有意思我觉得没事儿的时候可以用VR这个游戏来放松。当然了Meta Quest还有很多各种各样其他的游戏。但是我还没有来得及试。那VR我觉得我个人的体验是什么呢?我觉得它跟我以前玩的游戏都不太一样。以前的游戏不管屏幕多大,你还都是在一个现实的空间里玩的。但是你戴上了VR头盔以后,你周边的现实就不存在了。你玩的是在一个虚拟的环境里,我觉得很不一样,然后也很特别。除了玩游戏,你还可以用这个VR头盔做很多别的事情。比如它有一个虚拟的世界,你可以跟你其他有VR头盔的人一起去到同一个线上的地方。然后你们可以一起做事情、玩游戏。你还可以在线参加演唱会。Meta有一个music valley。它会推出一些线上的演唱会。我觉得我还蛮期待的!那这个VR头盔有什么不好的地方呢?我觉得首先就是他的舒适性还需要提高。这个VR头盔还是很重的。如果你戴的时间久了以后呢,就会感觉有点压得不舒服。还有,如果你戴眼镜的话,虽然它可以有一个spacer,但是还是很不舒服。我因为戴眼镜,所以感觉玩一会儿就要休息。不然的话会头疼。还有一点,我觉得就是可能因为我戴眼镜,所以它对我面部的契合不是很完美。有的时候我低头会从我的鼻子下面看到地面。这样的话就影响一个虚拟现实的沉浸性体验。因为你看到了现实中的地板嘛。不过总体来说,我对这个VR头盔还是很满意的。我觉得很好玩,跟我平时玩的游戏机感觉都是不一样的。如果我有时间,我希望玩更多Meta Quest的游戏。在虚拟现实中体验不同的感受!那关于meta quest 2就跟大家聊到这里。不知道你玩没玩过虚拟现实(就是VR的头盔)?你感觉怎么样?你有没有最喜欢的游戏可以推荐给我呢?如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅、点赞、分享,让5分钟汉语可以帮到更多的人,感谢您的收听,我们下期再见。虚拟现实 (xūnǐ xiànshí) - Virtual Reality音乐节奏 (yīnyuè jiézòu) - Rhythm of music光剑 (guāngjiàn) - Lightsaber方块 (fāngkuài) - Cube舒适性 (shūshì xìng) - Comfort沉浸性 (chénjìn xìng) - Immersive头盔 (tóukùi) - Headset箭头 (jiàntóu) - Arrow挥动 (huīdòng) - Swing击打 (jīdǎ) - Strike健美操 (jiànměicāo) - Aerobics卡路里 (kǎlùlǐ) - Calorie存在 (cúnzài) - Exist推出 (tuīchū) - Launch/Release期待 (qīdài) - Look forward to压 (yā) - Press/Pressure契合 (qìhé) - Fit/CompatibilitySupport the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
12/10/20236 minutes, 36 seconds
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奋斗文化和慢生活 Hustle Culture and Slow Living

Support the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
12/1/20238 minutes, 4 seconds
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中国人过不过感恩节? Does China have Thanksgiving?

Hello everyone! In today's episode, I answer the question: Do Chinese people celebrate Thanksgiving? The short answer is no. Thanksgiving is not a holiday in China. However, China has its own harvest festival: the Mid-Autumn Festival. Though only a handful of countries celebrate "Thanksgiving",  a lot of cultures have harvest festivals with a family feast  focusing on family reunions and celebrating abundance. Thanks for listening. Scripts and useful expressions below. Email or comment if you have any questions! Have a nice day!大家好,欢迎收听新一期的5分钟中文!今天这期很短。我是想很简单地回应一个问题。这两天不是美国的感恩节嘛?就有很多美国人问我,说中国有没有感恩节?中国人过不过感恩节?传统上来说,中国是没有感恩节的。其实,你如果看世界。世界上过感恩节的国家不超过10个。所以感恩节并不是中国传统的节日。既然感恩节不是一个传统的节日,中国也没有美国人的那些感恩节传统。比如说,火鸡在中国就不是很常见。还有美国的stuffings,美国的一些casserole。当然了,在美国不同地方也有不同的感恩节传统。那话说回来,中国人有没有庆祝类似节日的传统呢?我觉得如果非要说,那中国的中秋节算是一个收获的节日。中国人在中秋节庆祝家庭的团圆,庆祝丰收。就好像美国在几百年前用一个大餐来庆祝丰收。后来感恩节的日期定下来,然后成了美国的传统。不过我觉得不管是哪个国家的harvest festival, 就是丰收的节日,都会有一个大餐。中国人在中秋节也会有很丰盛的食物。像美国在感恩节大家都会吃各种苹果派呀、南瓜派、火鸡、火腿、土豆泥、casseroles,、stuffings、这些都很好吃!那关于中国人过不过感恩节,就跟大家聊到这里。简单地说,中国人是不过的。但是我觉得世界上很多文化都有这种感谢丰收,感恩生活的节日。那如果你过感恩节的话,在这里祝你节日快乐!感谢您的收听,我们下期再见!回应一个问题 (huíyìng yīgè wèntí) - Respond to a question.美国的感恩节 (Měiguó de Gǎn'ēn Jié) - Thanksgiving in the United States.传统上来说 (chuántǒng shàng lái shuō) - Traditionally speaking.过感恩节 (guò Gǎn'ēn Jié) - Celebrate Thanksgiving.中秋节 (Zhōngqiū Jié) - Mid-Autumn Festival.家庭的团圆 (jiātíng de tuányuán) - Family reunion.丰收的节日 (fēngshōu de jiérì) - Harvest festival.不超过 (bù chāoguò) - Not exceed.类似 (lèisì) - Similar.并不是 (bìng bù shì) - Not necessarily.Support the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/24/20232 minutes, 47 seconds
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看舞蹈剧庆生 Watching Beijing Dance Theater to Celebrate My Birthday

Hello, everyone! Welcome to another episode of 5 Minutes Chinese! In today's episode I want to share how I celebrated my birthday with a wonderful performance by the Beijing Dance Theater based on the Oscar Wilde fairy tale "The Nightingale and the Rose." Thank you for tuning in. Find the script and useful expression below. Have a great week!大家好欢迎收听新一期的5分钟中文!大家这周过得怎么样呢?对于我来说,这周最重要的事就是我的生日。而在我生日的这天正好是北京当代芭蕾舞团来我们这儿巡演。其实,这件事还是我的一个美国同事告诉我的。不知道她是从哪儿看到北京当代芭蕾舞团要来我们这儿巡演。最开始听说的时候,我还是挺吃惊的。因为我们市真的是一个非常小的城市,只有10多万人,而且也不是很有名,所以不知道为什么北京当代芭蕾舞团会选在我们城市进行演出。而且碰巧的是:这场演出正好是在我生日这天,所以我就决定用演出来庆祝生日。决定看演出庆生以后呢,我就去这个剧院的官网买票。因为我不是学生,也没有其他的优惠,所以我就买了全价票:一共要$120。然后我也买了停车费,所以一共差不多130。但是我买的位置很好,我买的是舞台前边正中间的第一排的位置,所以这个票价也是正常了。演出7:30准时开始演出。演出从7:30到9:30一共差不多两个小时,中间有两次休息,不是说两个小时一直从头演到尾。这个舞团是结合了现代舞和芭蕾舞,我觉得很有创意很有意义。这次演出的名字是夜莺与玫瑰:The Nightingale and the Rose。它是英国作家王尔德的一个童话。这个故事是一个夜莺,它受到大学生的爱情感动,所以它决定帮助这个大学生在冬天也能给他心爱的姑娘献上一朵红色的玫瑰。所以在一个寒冷的夜晚,夜莺决定用自己的血染红玫瑰,可是当这个大学生把玫瑰献给他的爱人的时候却被拒绝了。因为他太穷了。一怒之下大学生就把夜莺用生命换来的玫瑰扔到了大街上。北京当代芭蕾舞团以这个故事为主线进行了多样的编舞。我觉得非常地好看,非常地有创意,最后结束的时候,演出赢得了全场经久不息的掌声。演出结束了之后,我出来还问工作人员“他们会不会出来跟观众见面呢?得到了否定的答案。我有点失落。但是工作人员跟我说他们有一个留言本,我可以在上面留言。所以我就给北京当代舞团留了言,我说:“感谢你们来我们这儿的巡演。正好今天也是我的生日。我很高兴你这样美好特别的方式度过。我想不到有更好的方式庆生。所以再次感谢你们的演出!祝你们一切顺利!”那关于这周我看京当代芭蕾舞团的演出来庆祝生日就跟大家聊到这里。希望您喜欢。不知道你的生日是什么时候呢?你一般都会怎么样庆祝生日呢?感谢您的收听。如果您喜欢5分钟中文,请帮我订阅点赞分享,让这期节目可以帮到更多的人!那今天就聊到这里,我们下期再见。演出 (yǎnchū) - Performance庆祝 (qìngzhù) - Celebrate巡演 (xúnyǎn) - Tour (as in a performance tour)创意 (chuàngyì) - Creative/Innovative主线 (zhǔxiàn) - Mainline/Plot (in the context of a story or performance)留言本 (liúyánběn) - Guestbook生命 (shēngmìng) - Life拒绝 (jùjué) - Reject/Refuse特别 (tèbié) - Special经久不息 (jīngjiǔbùxī) - Unceasing/Continuous (applause in this context) 一怒之下 (yī nù zhī xià) - In a fit of anger (literally: under one's anger)芭蕾舞团 (bāléiwǔtuán) - Ballet troupe献上 (xiànshàng) - Present/Offer染 (rǎn) - Dye失落 (shīluò) - Disappointed/DowncastSupport the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/12/20235 minutes, 47 seconds
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聊聊朋友最近的中国之行 Chatting about a Friend's recent trip to China

Hello everyone! Today I talk about a friend's recent trip to China. This episode is not scripted like I always do. As my friend just returned to the US today,  I asked her about her experiences. If you recall, in Episode 114, I discussed why you might want to think twice about traveling to China. In today's episode, we talk about how her trip aligns with the challenges I previously mentioned, such as navigating China without a Chinese phone number and bank account since everything happens on smartphones. My friend was very impressed with China's beauty and the kindness of its people. She also told me her personal favorite Chinese food - the Beijing roast duck.If you've enjoyed this unscripted episode, I would love to hear your feedback through comments or emails. Your feedback can help me tailor the podcast to your preferences. Thank you for tuning in, and have a wonderful day!Support the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/4/20238 minutes, 59 seconds
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第一次看越野跑比赛 My First Cross Country Race

Hello everyone! In today's episode I describe my first time experience watching a cross country race at a local park and share the excitement and joy of seeing my students participate in the race, and the sense of fulfillment that comes from witnessing their accomplishments. It was such a positive experience to be part of students' success and the wider community.  Scripts and useful expression below. Let me know if you have any questions or have any suggestions. Have a wonderful day!大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。今天我想聊聊我星期四看的cross country比赛。cross country的中文翻译是“越野”。“越”这个字有cross over的意思,“野”有open field的意思。所以从字面上可以看出越野跑跟在跑道上跑不一样。越野赛的每次的赛道是不一样的。我周四放学以后去看的越野赛是在我们市的一个公园里举办的。是cross country conference championship,就是赛区冠军赛。之前就有几个学生邀请我去看,而且我也确实想去看看越野跑比赛是怎么样的,因为没去过嘛。到那儿发现其实挺简单。这次的比赛就是五千米越野跑。男生组先跑完,女生再跑。我班上的一个女生在这次比赛终于跑进了20分钟。她跑完之后过来场边找我,激动地都哭了。跟我说她努力了两年,今天终于跑进20分钟了!就是那种坚持努力终于得到回报的感觉。我也说我真的很高兴今天来看你比赛,才有机会见证你达到了自己的目标。能把跟她一起就这样沉浸在成功的喜悦中。有时候我觉得我真的很幸运,能让学生下场来找我分享。能成为一个别人愿意与你分享快乐的人让我感到非常幸福。前几天还有个今年转学到别的学校的男生给我发邮件。他说现在的学校没有中文,但是他在上一个网课,继续学中文。很想念我的课堂。我知道他也是练跑步的。我就跟他说我周四要去看比赛,你会在吗?他说会的。周四在比赛的时候确实看到他了。他跑过的时候我就一直大喊给他加油,像我跟给我们学校的别的学生加油一样。感觉他比去年我在田径场看他的时候跑得更流畅了。这次他的成绩也在一百名选手中进了前八。赛后他也找到我,跟我打招呼。我说你整个人感觉都很好,跑得也很好。我真的为你开心。他一直很谦虚地说谢谢。但我确实是这样想的,没有夸张。这次我们学校女队有三四个人都跑进了前十,还拿到了赛区冠军!男队发挥也不错。大家跑得都很好。周四早些时候看天气预报还担心会下雨,但是比赛的时候天气却是很棒。在公园里看比赛的人不少。每个学校搭着自己的棚子,三俩队友们一起说话、吃东西。比赛的时候互相加油。我觉得十分美好!今天关于越野跑就跟大家聊到这里。你喜欢跑步吗?你平时都会去哪儿跑步呢?室内还是室外?感谢您的收听。如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅点赞分享,让这期节目可以帮到更多人。感谢收听。我们下期再见!越野 (yuèyě) - Cross country赛区冠军赛 (sàiqū guànjūnsài) - Conference championship坚持努力 (jiānchí nǔlì) - Perseverance加油 (jiāyóu) - Cheer on, encourage高兴 (gāoxìng) - Happy, delighted谦虚 (qiānxū) - Humble全力以赴 (quánlì yǐfù) - Give it your all棚子 (péngzi) - Tent or canop目标 (mùbiāo) - Goal, objective激动 (jīdòng) - Excited回报 (huíbào) - Return, reward沉浸 (chénjìn) - Immerse喜悦 (xǐyuè) - Joy流畅 (liúchàng) - Smooth, fluent夸张 (kuāzhāng) - ExaggerateSupport the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/23/20235 minutes, 26 seconds
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说中文的外国名人 Celebrities Speaking Chinese

Hello everyone! Hope you are each well! Today's episode discusses the topic of foreign celebrities who can speak Chinese. The first two notable examples are Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, who made an effort to speak Chinese during a visit to Beijing, and Kevin Rudd, the former Australian Prime Minister, who is known for his deep understanding of Chinese culture and fluency in Mandarin. Lastly we have John Cena, a WWE wrestler, actor, and TV host, who has impressed audiences with his Chinese-speaking ability.  Scripts and useful expressions below. Have a great day!大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。大家这周过得怎么样呢?我最近跟大家聊了很多中医节气的健康理念和习惯。想必大家也想听些别的了,所以今天我想跟大家聊聊外国名人说中文的话题。我这里想聊的会说中文的外国人,不是那种只会说你好的,也不是那种在中国的外国视频博主和网红,或者以说中文为职业必须的外国人。我想聊的是那种工作生活不在以中文为母语的国家的名人。我听说过很多会说中文的名人。比如我现在能想到的就是meta的CEO,Mark Zuckerberg,扎克伯格。我记得他在2014年去北京的清华大学跟学生座谈的时候说了中文。他说的中文都不是很复杂的,当然发音也不是很标准。比如他说“谢谢你们来到这里”,“我很高兴来到北京”“我爱这个城市。”“我的中文很糟糕,但是我学习中文” “我可能需要练习。” 这些句子一般你在学校学了一年中文就都会说得很好。但是有时候可能你在学校会说,不一定在实际场合也能说得好。在这么多人的面前说中文也还是需要一些勇气。而且我觉得Mark来中国说中文很有诚意,很酷。说到中文专家,就一定要提到澳大利亚前首相Kevin Rudd,陆克文。陆克文大学主修汉语和中国历史。所以他的中文和对中国的文化的了解应该是很深的。我看过他的全中文访谈。记者夸他的中文好,他还说:“我的普通话说得非常不好,越来越差。我还是个百分之百的老外。” 但是这句话他真是谦虚了。我听他说中文完全听不出他是外国人。他的中文一点儿口音也没有。整个说话的语法和习惯也非常中式。听上去像个百分之百的中国人。最后一定要提到的名人就是我们的WWE的职业摔角选手、演员、歌手及电视节目主持人John Cena。我很多学生都知道John Cena在宣传《速度与激情9》时说的:“早上好,中国!现在我有冰激凌。我很喜欢冰激凌。” 但是John Cena会说的中文可比这个多多了。不知道大家有没有看过他在WWE和中国的PPTV合作会的演讲。真的说得很好,很流利。虽然有口音,但是一点儿没有影响表达意思。说起口音,我觉得真的不是什么大问题。只要能让人听懂,大家可以愉快地交流就可以了。很多后来学第二语言的人多少都会带一点口音。大家不要纠结自己的发音是不是标准。勇敢地去说就会越说越好了。那今天就跟大家聊到这里。除了我提到的这三个外国名人,你还认识其他说中文很厉害的人吗?感谢您的收听。如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅点赞分享。让这个节目可以帮到更多的人。感谢您的收听。我们下期再见!健康理念 (jiànkāng lǐniàn) - Health philosophy/concept.视频博主 (shìpín bózhǔ) - Video blogger.网红 (wǎnghóng) - Internet celebrity.诚意 (chéngyì) - Sincerity.摔角 (shuāijiǎo) - Professional wrestling.宣传 (xuānchuán) - Promotion/advertising.百分之百 (bǎifēnzhībǎi) - One hundred percent (completely).普通话 (pǔtōnghuà) - Mandarin Chinese.流利 (liúlì) - Fluent.纠结 (jiūjié) - Be indecisive/entangled.以中文为母语 (yǐ zhōngwén wéi mǔyǔ) - Native speakers of Chinese.Support the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/15/20235 minutes, 56 seconds
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黄帝内经的养生原则 The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic's Principles on Wellness

In this episode of "5 Minutes in Chinese," I discuss the influence of traditional Chinese medicine and wellness principles from the ancient classic The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic or "Huangdi Neijing." I specifically highlights the concept of the "Five Strains," which are habits or postures that can harm health if not managed. I also emphasize the importance of adapting to the changing seasons and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. These ancient principles align with modern healthy living practices, making them relevant today.  Thank you for listening. Script and useful expressions below. Have a nice day!大家好,欢迎收听新一期的5分钟中文,最近天气变凉一些了,你们那里是不是感觉也越来越像秋天了呢?最近跟大家聊过中国的节气——白露。过了白露,秋天就要来了,夏天的暑气也会慢慢消退了。传统上,中国人在不同的节气,吃穿住行都有不同的讲究。现代中国人可能不太在乎传统的节气了。但是不可否认的是,古代的节气和相应的中医养生理论这些传统文化在中国人的日常生活中还是有很大影响的。今天我就想跟大家聊一聊一部中国的中医经典《黄帝内经》。传说《黄帝内经》是古代神话中的帝王黄帝写的。黄帝被认为是中国文化和医学的始祖。所以叫《黄帝内经》。《黄帝内经》是中国传统医学中最重要的著作之一,事实上是由各个时代很多中医学家写成,涵盖了很多中医的的核心理论,人体的运转和养生理论等。今天想跟大家分享几点黄帝内经中的理论和养生的原则。首先黄帝内经中提到“五劳所伤”。“五劳”是:久视,久卧,久坐,久立,久行这5种过劳病因素。久就是long time 的意思。黄帝内经中的五劳所伤就是不同的生活习惯和姿势可能会对人体的不同组织和器官产生不良的影响,从而引发健康问题。那具体来说: 1. 久视伤血:就是你总看,总用眼睛。太多了以后可能会伤害眼睛和血液循环。2.久卧伤气:久卧伤气的意思就是长时间躺着不动可能会导致你的身体循环不畅和体力减退。3. 第三个是久坐伤肉:久坐就是长时间坐着。长时间坐着可能会损害你的肌肉,导致肥胖。4. 第四个就是久立伤骨:久立长时间站立。伤骨就是损伤骨骼。你如果总站着,可能会对骨骼产生太多的负担。所以有伤害。5. 第五就是久行伤筋。久行就是长时间行走。如果你走的时间太长,可能会对你的骨骼还有筋肉产生过多压力。这样也是不好的。要维护身体健康,需要适度地调整生活方式,包括休息、运动、避免过度用眼、保持良好的坐姿和站姿等。这些原则都反映了古代中医学对健康的观点,可以在现代生活中参考。具体对于秋天的这个季节的养生来说 ,黄帝内经也提到了一些原则和方法。黄帝内经认为人需要顺应时节,与宇宙运行的规律相符。大自然有四季,秋天天气变凉,空气也变得清爽。没有夏天让人烦躁的暑热。我们应该主要保持平和的心态,要注意养生,收敛精神,不过度消耗体力和精力。我们要维持身体的一个平衡和稳定。这其中很重要的一点就是睡眠。秋天白天越来越短,所以黄帝内经建议我们跟随鸡鸣早睡早起,保持规律的生活作息。如果不顺应秋季的养生原则,过度地消耗精力或者过于紧张烦躁,就可能会损伤身体,导致冬季时一些健康问题,比如食欲不振或者消化不良。其实我觉得很多中医的原则是也是现代生活的方法。像早睡早起啊,吃应季的食物啊,做事情要适度等等。这些都是很健康的生活原则。凝聚了古代中国人对宇宙万物规律的观察和总结。那今天就跟大家聊到这里。希望你喜欢这期节目!如果你用Spotify,可以给我留言反馈。有什么问题可以给我发电子邮件。感谢您的收听,支持,和分享。我们下期再见!节气 (jiéqì) - Solar term; a period in the Chinese calendar that reflects seasonal changes.日常生活 (rìcháng shēnghuó) - Daily life.传统文化 (chuántǒng wénhuà) - Traditional culture.中医经典 (zhōngyī jīngdiǎn) - Traditional Chinese medicine classics.原则 (yuánzé) - Principle.维护 (wéihù) - To maintain.健康问题 (jiànkāng wèntí) - Health problems.规律 (guīlǜ) - Regularity; routine.生活作息 (shēnghuó zuòxī) - Daily routine.适度 (shìdù) - Moderation; in moderation.眼睛 (yǎnjing) - Eyes.身体循环 (shēntǐ xúnhuán) - Body circulation.身体组织 (shēntǐ zǔzhī) - Body tissues.生活习惯 (shēnghuó xíguàn) - Lifestyle habits.调整作息 (tiáozhěng zuòxī) - adjusting one's daily routineSupport the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/7/20236 minutes, 32 seconds
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秋游,有Blackpink的七年,油管频道更新 School Camping Trip, Seven Years with Blackpink, and YouTube Channel Update

Hello everyone! In today's episode, I do a recap of my recent school camping trip experience and reflect on seven years of memories marked by the K-pop girl group Blackpink. I also share an update of my Blackpink-related YouTube channel, which almost has 6k subscribers now. I want to express my gratitude to all my followers here and on YouTube with whom I share my life. Thank you.  Scripts and useful expressions below. Email me if you have any questions or need help with anything! Have a great week!大家好!欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。大家这周过得怎么样呢?我们三天的露营划船的school trip上周五圆满结束啦!这次行程简单说就是周三一大早在学校足球场集合分组,把行李装dry bag,然后坐大巴六个小时到高山湖区州立公园。然后卸行李、换衣服、按分组划船到各自的营地。搭建营地、做饭、然后进行一些活动。第二天划到下一个营地重复。最后一天回到接送点收拾、总结坐大巴回学校。这次整体体验比去年我第一次参加还更上一层楼!我觉得去年我就很幸运了。我带的group从学生到向导,到活动时间都是完美。今年我的group各方面也都非常完美,尤其是天气特别好。湖区景色风景如醉。玩儿得可真是太好了!不过虽然玩得不错,还是会旅途劳顿。幸好这周末是三天的长周末。可以多一天休整。星期五我回来以后就回家休息了。没做什么。然后星期六晚上11点我看了blackpink演唱会首尔最终场的重播。这次感觉七年好像真的要结束了。Blackpink在这七年标记了我无数的回忆。有时候记不清就会去查blackpink发歌的时间来定位。比如记不得我爸妈什么时候来美国看我的,我就会想到她们的as if it's your last这首歌。这是她们在2017年6月出的单曲。正好那时候我爸妈来美国找我玩儿。我们在西海岸road trip开车从San Diego路向北到Seattle。我就一路重复播放这首歌。最后连我爸都会唱了。Blackpink也标记了covid的起止。去她们第一次美巡2019年5月的亚特兰大演唱会的时候还不知道几个月后covid就要在中国开始了。后来在Covid世界大流行尾声的2022年11月我去了她们的第二场美国巡演的亚特兰大站两场演唱会。然后上个月的安可的时候就已经没人谈论covid了。虽然其实covid并没有消失,最近好像还有个小高峰。还有其他无数的大大小小的酸甜苦辣都有blackpink的音乐相伴。不管她们的空白期有多长,她们从来没有离开过我的生活。再次谢谢她们七年的陪伴。不管续约最后结果如何,请都加油好好走下去吧。那我还想跟大家报告一下我的blackpink的油管数据。到现在我的频道已经有快六千个粉丝了。很感恩有这么多人喜欢我的饭拍。让我能有机会能跟世界上这么多人分享我去的blackpink的演唱会。通过玩儿油管,就体会到视频博主的辛苦。虽然我的饭拍视频都是现成的,但是即使这样,编辑上传、加标题、描述、标签等等还是挺花时间的。然后我最开始评论都会一一回复,后来评论太多了也就回不过来了。不好的评价(比如说某某跳得不好),我也都就放着不动。但是有的比如恶意诅咒的(像我祝某某某从升降梯上摔下去),或者是性侮辱、威胁攻击性很强的,我就直接隐藏用户和评论了。 我们可以有自己的自的观点,但是有些就越线了。那关于这周就跟大家分享到这里。希望你喜欢这期节目!如果你觉得5分钟中文对你有帮助,请帮我订阅、评论、分享给更多的人,让这个节目可以帮到他们。那再次感谢您的收听。我们下期再见!圆满 (yuánmǎn) - Satisfactory, successful, complete更上一层楼 (gèng shàng yī céng lóu) - To reach a higher level风景如醉 (fēngjǐng rú zuì) - Scenery is intoxicating (beautiful landscape)旅途劳顿 (lǚtú láodùn) - Fatigue from the journey幸好 (xìnghǎo) - Fortunately重播 (chóngbō) - Replay回忆 (huíyì) - Memories, recollections定位 (dìngwèi) - Positioning, locating单曲 (dānqǔ) - Single (music track)起止 (qǐzhǐ) - Start and end, beginning and termination重复 (chóngfù) - Repeat, repetition尾声 (wěishēng) - The final part, conclusion安可 (ānkě) - Encore酸甜苦辣 (suān tián kǔ là) - The ups and downs, joys and sorrows (figuratively)相伴 (xiāngbàn) - To accompany空白期 (kòngbái qī) - Blank period, hiatus陪伴 (péibàn) - To accompany, to keep company饭拍 (fànpāi) - Fan video, fan-made video (often related to celebrities)现成 (xiànchéng) - Readymade, pre-made编辑 (biānjí) - Edit, editing标题 (biāotí) - Title描述 (miáoshù) - Description标签 (biāoqiān) - Tag, label恶意 (èyì) - Malicious, ill-intentioned诅咒 (zǔzhòu) - Curse侮辱 (wǔrǔ) - Insult, insulted威胁 (wēixié) - Threat, threaten攻击 (gōngjī) - Attack, assault隐藏 (yǐncáng) - Hide, conceal越线 (yuèxiàn) - Cross the line, go too far (figuratively)Support the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
9/24/20237 minutes, 3 seconds
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粉墨线上演唱会和明天的秋游 Blackpink Online Concert and School Trip Tomorrow

Hello everyone! In this episode I wanted to explain why I wasn't able to update this weekend. First, I woke up super early at 5 AM to watch an online concert by Blackpink, which took place in Seoul, South Korea, with a significant time difference from my location. It left me feeling tired all day. Additionally, I need to prepare for a school trip, similar to the one I went on last year, involving camping and canoeing for 10th-grade students. Time flies! I hope you find this episode enjoyable and helpful. Thank you for listening. Have a great day! Script and useful expressions below. 大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《五分钟中文》。本来想这个周日更新的。但是周日我太累了,没能更新。 为什么呢?因为周日我起得超级早:五点就起来了。因为要看Blackpink的在线演唱会。Blackpink世界巡演一年了,最后一站是韩国首尔站。在首尔的最终场有两场演出。第二场有在线直播。但是因为演唱会的时间是首尔时间,比美东快九个小时。所以要看晚上六点的首尔演唱会需要早上五点就起来。因为太早了,我前一天晚上又睡得很晚,所以差点儿都没起来。看完了以后又补了一觉。但是补觉还是不如一直睡醒好。所以周日一整天都很累。就没有更新。不好意思!而且这两天我还要收拾东西,为星期三到星期五的school trip做准备。这次我参加的跟去年的差不多,是一个露营加划船的trip。学生都是10年级的学生。我又要感慨一下了:去年同期我还做了节目记录了我第一次参加这个trip的经历。一转眼一年又过去了。到今天开学也已经一个月了。下半年万圣节,感恩节,圣诞节,一个一个节过完了以后又要到新年了。怎么感觉时间过得越来越快了呢?那今天就简单跟大家聊到这里。我要去收拾明天的行李啦!明天我们六点半就要到学校。希望这次也像上次一样一切都顺利。感谢您的收听。如果你觉得这个节目对你有帮助,请帮我订阅点赞分享,让这期节目可以帮到更多的人。祝你有愉快的一天。我们下期再见!巡演 (xún yǎn) - Tour首尔 (shǒu'ěr) - Seoul最终 (zuìzhōng) - Final; ultimate; eventually在线直播 (zàixiàn zhíbò) - Live streaming online补觉 (bǔ jiào) - Make up for sleep; catch up on sleep收拾 (shōu shi) - Pack; tidy up露营 (lù yíng) - Camping划船 (huá chuán) - Canoeing感慨 (gǎn kǎi) - To feel deeply; to be sentimental记录 (jì lù) - Record; documentSupport the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
9/20/20233 minutes, 8 seconds
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白露(节气) White Dew (Solar Term): How to Transition From Summer to Fall

Hello everyone! In this episode I discuss the Chinese solar term "Bailu," its cultural significance, and presented some traditional advice for this transitional period from summer to autumn which includes dietary and dressing recommendations. Hope everyone stay healthy as fall draws near. Script and useful expressions below.大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。今天我想跟大家聊一聊中国的节气——白露。在美国,大多数人只用公历。聊天气的时候也主要是春夏秋冬或者是每天的天气,像刮风下雨,冷热潮湿之类。最多说到春分、秋分,日照长短。但是大家如果对中国农历有了解的话,可能知道中国传统文化中一年分为24个节气。今天我想跟大家聊的是前两天才过的白露。白露是中国24节气中的第14个节气,通常在每年的9月7日左右。这个时候夏天已经过去,秋天的气息开始显现了。白露的节气的名字来源于中国古代农业文化。就是说天气慢慢凉了,露水也开始在草上凝结,不会像夏天那样蒸发。白露时节虽然白天可能还是会有点儿热,但是晚上的时候凉爽的秋意就十分明显了。昼夜温差也越来越大。中国传统文化对各种节气应该做什么,不做什么都是很有讲究的。比如在吃上,有一种说法是“白露三不吃”。首先就是不要大吃大喝,暴饮暴食。每顿都吃八分饱其实更加有益健康。然后就是不要或者少吃辣。白露时节不但气温降低,而且空气也更加干燥。辣的食物容易增加燥热。还会刺激肠胃,造成身体不适。第三就是不要多吃生冷的鱼虾海鲜。中医认为这些食物都是凉性的,所以一定要做熟,不要生吃。同时也要注意过敏。在饮食上,白露期间应该多喝水。吃饭也要吃得简单、清淡一些,最好吃有汤水的食物。这样可以减少秋燥,养护身体。中医认为梨啊红枣啊之类的食物可以滋补润燥,适合在这个时候吃。除了饮食上要有一些调整,白露后在起居上也要注意。入秋以后天气转凉,要注意早晚加衣服,同时注意减少身体的露出。有“白露三不露”的说法:一不露肩,二不露脚,三不露肚。入秋后身体的这些部位尤其要注意保暖,不要着凉,不然容易引起腹痛或者关节的不适。天气转凉后很多人也容易手脚冰凉。所以很多中国人会用热水泡脚。这样可以增加血液循环,驱寒暖身,降低疲劳,让你每天睡得更好。其实我这个星期就觉得身体有点儿不舒服。每天起来嗓子都觉得干燥发痒。星期六我就去看了医生。医生让我去买了些过敏药吃一吃。我这两天吃了药感觉起床嗓子好多了。联想到最近是换季,刚刚过了白露,秋天更近了。入秋大家要注意保暖和饮食,照顾好自己的身体。那今天就跟大家聊到这儿。如果你喜欢五分钟中文,请帮我订阅、点赞、分享,让这个节目可以帮到更多的人。感谢您的收听!我们下期再见!白露 (Báilù) - White Dew节气 (Jiéqì) - Solar Term春分 (Chūnfēn) - Vernal Equinox秋分 (Qiūfēn) - Autumnal Equinox日照 (Rìzhào) - Sunshine Duration气息 (Qìxī) - Atmosphere, feel in the air显现 (Xiǎnxiàn) - appear露水凝结 (Lùshuǐ Níngjié) - Dew Condensation秋意 (Qiūyì) - Autumnal Ambiance昼夜温差 (Zhòuyè Wēnchā) - Temperature Difference between Day and Night讲究 (Jiǎngjiu) - Particular About八分饱 (Bā Fēn Bǎo) - Eat Until 80% Full有益 (Yǒuyì) - Beneficial干燥 (Gānzào) - Dry露肚子 (Lù Dùzi) - Expose One's Belly刺激肠胃 (Cìjī Chángwèi) - Stimulate the Stomach and Intestines凉性食物 (Liángxìng Shíwù) - Cooling Foods滋补润燥 (Zībǔ Rùnzào) - Nourish and Moisturize血液循环 (Xiěyè Xúnhuán) - Blood Circulation驱寒暖身 (Qū Hán Nuǎnshēn) - Drive Away Cold and Warm the Body联想到 (Liánxiǎng Dào) - Associate withSupport the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
9/10/20235 minutes, 46 seconds
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油管初体验 Two Weeks As a YouTube Creator

Hello everyone! In this episode I share my first-hand experience about my new YouTube channel, which has gained over 1000 subscribers in just two weeks. It has been a lot of fun sharing content and learning about video uploading tips. I plans to continue sharing BLACKPINK concert videos, but I also plan to start another channel for podcast-like content. If you have any suggestions, please email me or comment where you can. Thank you all so much for the ongoing support. I wish you all the happiness. Script and useful expressions below. Email me if you need a copy.大家好!欢迎收听新一期的《五分钟中文》。上期期跟大家提到:我新开了一个油管的频道。然后昨天我去完健身房,差不多晚上9:00看了一下我的YouTube studio的analytics:发现我已经有1000多个粉丝了。两周的时间从0涨到1000,我觉得真的是承蒙大家的喜爱。这个油管频道目前只是用来发布、分享我8月11号、12号两天的BLACKPINK演唱会的饭拍视频。中国有一句话叫“独乐乐不如众乐乐”。就是一个人开心,不如大家一起开心。如果我这个频道的视频能给别人带来快乐,那我也会感到很幸福。这几天我也学到了很多关于上传视频的小知识。比如,我原来不知道如果想上传高质量的视频,需要先去YouTube的settings,把里面upload选到full quality。所以我最开始的视频清晰度都不是最好的。还有在上传短视频的时候,你是可以选择视频里的画面做封面的。但是发布以后好像就不能了。总之学到了很多各种各样的,有趣的小知识。我每天花很多时间在YouTube上。这次从观众到了创作者。角色转换有意思。YouTube Studio的analytics有很多观看数据,研究起来很有趣。除了看到你频道实时的粉丝数量,观看时长,你还可以看到具体视频的表现。比如你这个视频的观众平均观看时间,有多少人选择点击你的视频,观众来源地等等。有时候想到世界上这么多人选择花时间看我拍的视频,我觉得蛮酷的!不过,演唱会不能天天看。我也没跟着BLACKPINK全世界巡演。所以我的演唱会的视频总有一天会发完的。但是演唱会结束不代表大家对BLACKPINK就突然没有兴趣了,粉丝就都消失了。大家还是会看演唱会的视频吧。反正YouTube有时候会给我推荐过去的演唱会的老视频,我也会点开看。都是重温人生的回忆吧。当然我希望BLACKPINK四个人都能续约,继续在一起。这样我应该还会有机会去看她们的演唱会啦。我计划过一阵,等演唱会视频发得差不多了以后,就开另外一个频道,做一些类似播客的节目。如果大家有什么建议,请发邮件给我或者在有留言功能的平台给我留言。感谢大家一直以来的支持和陪伴。我希望我的节目对你有帮助。祝你开心幸福!我们下期再见!粉丝 (fěn sī) - Fans涨 (zhǎng) - Increase承蒙 (chéng méng) - To be thankful for饭拍 (fàn pāi) - Fan-shot (videos)上传 (shàng chuán) - Upload清晰度 (qīng xī dù) - Clarity/Resolution创作者 (chuàng zuò zhě) - Creator/Content Creator角色转换 (jué sè zhuǎn huàn) - Role transition数据 (shù jù) - Data实时 (shí shí) - Real-time来源地 (lái yuán dì) - Source/Origin点击 (diǎn jī) - Click推荐 (tuī jiàn) - Recommend重温 (chóng wēn) - To revisit/relive续约 (xù yuē) - Renewal of a contractSupport the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
9/4/20234 minutes, 30 seconds
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欢迎来我的油管频道!Welcome to my YouTube Channel: Blackpink & Much More!

Hello everyone! In this episode I first want to announce that I launched my YouTube channel, "greatdestination," last week! Though right now it only has videos from my two Blackpink encore concerts in New York, I plans to upload both concert content and podcast to the channel, including short videos introducing popular phrases and sharing fun stuff in Chinese. I had a lot fun exploring YouTube and would love for you to join the channel. I can't believe 5 Minute Chinese is almost 2 years old! I want to thank you as always for your support. Have a great weekend! Let me know if I can help you in any way. (script and useful expressions below)大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《五分钟中文》。今天主要想跟大家说一件事:那就是我开了一个YouTube的频道。频道的名字叫greatdestination。到今天已经一周了!大家不知道还记不记得我上期节目说到我最近去了两天Blackpink在纽约的演唱会。这两天的演唱会是在周五和周六。周五我在小舞台的第三排,周六我在站坑里。两天可以说都离舞台很近,所以也拍了很多视频。这几天陆续上传了一些到我的新的YouTube频道。我觉得还挺好玩儿的,挺有意思。我会继续整理上传更多的视频。喜欢blackpink的朋友们可以考虑关注一下。不过我计划这个YouTube频道不只是发演唱会的视频。毕竟演唱会不能天天看。我现在想的是慢慢把这个播客的内容也放到YouTube上。而且我也想给大家做一些shorts短视频,介绍一些流行语,或者一句中文分享什么的。总的来说,这一星期我玩儿YouTube玩儿得很开心。也学到了很多新的东西。所以再次欢迎大家去关注我的YouTube频道—greatdestination。希望能给大家带来更多的价值和快乐。那这期就跟大家分享到这里。其实我们这个播客《五分钟中文》已经快两岁了。你敢信吗?时间过得真是快!感谢大家一直以来的关注和支持。如果你觉得这个节目对你有帮助,请帮我点赞,分享给更多人,让这个节目可以帮到更多人。也欢迎大家来我的YouTube频道玩儿。祝大家周末愉快。我们下期再见!开(通)(kāi tōng) Open (a channel)频道 (píndào) Channel舞台 (wǔtái) Stage站坑 (zhàn kēng) Standing area (at a concert)视频 (shìpín)Video陆续 (lùxù) Successively; In sequence上传 (shàng chuán) Upload整理 (zhěnglǐ) Organize考虑 (kǎolǜ) Consider毕竟 (bìjìng) After all内容 (nèiróng) Content总的来说 (zǒng de lái shuō) Overall; Generally speaking价值 (jiàzhí) Value愉快 (yúkuài) Pleasant; HappySupport the showThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
8/26/20232 minutes, 49 seconds
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别来无恙: 开学季,粉墨演唱会,外耳道炎,新健身房 Life Recently: first day of school, Blackpink concert, ear infection, and my new gym

Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of 5 Minute Chinese. First I want to apologize for the extended gap between my episodes. And since it's been some time, I want to give you an update on what I've been doing recently, including the start of the school this week, the two Blackpink concerts in Newark last weekend, my ear infection, and my new gym. Hope you like it! Please email me or leave a comment if I can help you in any way. Thank you for listening! Script and useful expressions below.大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。好久不见了。这次应该是我最长的一次更新间隔。在这儿再次跟大家道个歉。那既然这么久没更新,就跟大家聊聊我最近都在忙什么吧!首先,这个星期三我们开学了!开学季总是让人又开心、激动,又有点儿紧张。对于我来说,大部分学生都是老学生,我都教了他们至少一年了。隔了一个暑假见到他们就像好久不见的朋友,会很开心,又可以跟他们一起说话,一起学习了。当然,每年我也会有新学生。第一次见到新生很激动,但是也有点儿紧张。希望能给他们留下一个好的第一印象,让他们可以在我的课上开心地学习。我希望能让他们不但学到很多,也能创造很多美好的回忆和体验。其次就是上个周末我去纽约看了两场Blackpink的演唱会。星期五我在小舞台的第三排靠左边。星期六我在左边的坑里。我对两天的位置都很满意,离舞台都很近。我是星期五早上到的纽瓦克机场。中午我还去了市里的快闪店。这是我第一次去快闪店。我觉得很有意思。买了一个钥匙链,还拍了很多照片。星期六我是pit的票。因为pit是没有座位的,所以,为了占到一个好位置,天没亮我就去场馆排队了。排了一整天,风吹日晒,但是我觉得很值得!因为位置超级好,前面没有人,看得很清楚。星期六的演唱会中途还下了一场大雨。不过幸好没有下很久。雨中的演唱会也是一次很特别的体验吧。其实这次演唱会的前一周我还生病了。因为我随便不注意掏耳朵,所以把耳朵弄发炎了。疼了两天以后,我星期六去看了医生,确诊得了外耳道炎。医生给我开了耳朵药水,每十二个小时滴四滴。那个周末是我最疼的那两天。以至于我半夜疼得睡不着,起来吃了布洛芬。但是庆幸的是在演唱会之前我基本好得差不多了。很难想象如果在演唱会的时候我的耳朵特别难受,听不清楚,那样就不能好好地享受演唱会了。所以这点我很感恩。我六月底在家附近找了一个健身房。我自从疫情以来一直在家健身,但是其实还是去健身房更好。这个健身房非常适合我:虽然不大,但是我需要的东西都有。而且离我家开车只需要五分钟。简直太方便了!让我更能坚持每天去。不过教练说他们这几个月会搬到一个更大的地方,会离我更远。但是我觉得应该也还好。那今天就跟大家聊到这里。开学以后我的生活应该会更加规律,更新也会更加规律。感谢大家一直一来的支持和理解。如果你觉得五分钟中文对你有帮助,请帮我订阅分享,让这个节目可以帮到更多人。感谢您的收听。我们下期再见!更新间隔 (gēngxīn jiàngé) - update interval跟大家道个歉 (gēn dàjiā dào gè qiàn) - apologize to everyone开学季 (kāixué jì) - back-to-school season回忆 (huíyì) - memory第一印象 (dì yī yìnxiàng) - first impression演唱会 (yǎnchànghuì) - concert位置 (wèizhì) - position舞台" (wǔtái) means "stage.看得很清楚 (kàn dé hěn qīngchǔ) - see very clearly外耳道炎 (wài ěr dào yán) - external otitis滴 (dī) - a measure word used for counting drops of liquid享受 (xiǎngshòu) - to enjoy, to experience值得 (zhíde) - worth it疫情以来 (yìqíng yǐ lái) - since the pandemic 更加规律 (gèngjiā guīlǜ) - more regularThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
8/19/20235 minutes, 25 seconds
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你为什么不应该去中国旅游 Why you should NOT travel to China

Hello everyone! Hope you are doing well. Today's episode discusses why traveling to China might not be as easy as expected. While China offers rich cultural experiences, great historic and natural sites, and friendly locals, there are challenges such as limited flights and high costs, internet restrictions (Great Firewall) & barriers with local apps, and specific accommodation requirements for foreigners. Some extra research and preparation are essential for a smooth trip to China.大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文!大家最近过得好吗?夏天有没有出去玩呢?今天这期节目我想跟大家聊聊你为什么不应该去中国旅游。如果你学习中文有一段时间了,你应该会想过去中国旅游。除了能参观大家耳熟能详的著名旅游景点,比如长城,故宫,兵马俑什么的,去中国旅游可以帮你实地、深入地了解、体验中国的社会文化。通过跟中国人进行面对面的交流,可以加深你对中国文化和语言的理解和运用。而且中国人一般都对外国人非常友好。如果你有需要,人们都很愿意帮助你。很多去过中国的外国人都有很美好的经历。那既然去中国旅游有这么多好处,我为什么还要说你不应该去中国旅游呢?那跟世界别的地方比,去中国旅游有什么特殊的难处吗?首先,就是目前航班不够,费用太高。虽然新冠疫情已经结束了,但是中国和世界各地之间的航班只恢复到疫情以前的四分之一左右。因为航班数量不够,导致现在去中国的机票比原来贵了好多,也很难买。这样一来,去中国旅游的时间和金钱成本就高了好多。第二就是中国的“墙”。在中国你并不能用你熟悉的Apps。像Google,Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok,Uber等这些在中国以外,大家都每天使用的工具和社交网站在中国是被禁的。想象一下:你不能随意通过社交网站分享你的旅行,不能使用谷歌导航你想去的地方,不能用Uber打车。如果你非要上,就要通过VPN。VPN的连接可能又慢又不稳定。很烦人。而且即使能上,这些Apps在中国也用处不大。毕竟绝大部分普通中国人平时不用。当然这些国外常用Apps在中国是有替代品的。可是使用这些中国本土的app很不方便。首先就是语言障碍:这些apps都是默认中国人用,所以都是中文。而且需要实名注册,手续很麻烦,对没有中国身份证的外国人很不友好。最后即使你注册成功了,很多时候也不能绑定外国信用卡支付。所以如果没有中国亲友帮忙就很难。最后就是住宿限制。我听说外国人在中国住宿要住所谓的涉外酒店。就是中国不是所有的酒店都可以接待外国客人。虽然说一般连锁酒店之类应该都是可以的,但是万一有问题,比如到了酒店发现不能接待或者要花很多时间登记,那就太烦心了。我没有听说美国有类似区分国内和国外客人的区别。而且中国法律也规定:外国人住旅馆以外的其他地方,应该在入住后二十四小时内由本人或者留宿人,向居住地的公安机关办理登记。这样看,在中国自由行就很难,没有那么轻松。那说了这么多,不是说大家就完全不应该来中国旅游了。中国有很好的人,很美的风景。但是如果大家不是跟旅游团或者中国亲友一起来中国的话,那来之前一定要做好调研,做足准备。这样有备无患,才能更好地享受在中国的旅行。感谢大家的收听。如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅,点赞,分享。让这期节目的信息可以帮到更多人。要是你有问题,随时留言或者给我发电子邮件。再次感谢!我们下期再见!旅游 (lǚ yóu) - Travel, tourism文化 (wén huà) - Culture社交网站 (shèjiāo wǎngzhàn) - Social media website面对面 (miàn duì miàn) - Face to face交流 (jiāo liú) - Communication, exchange理解 (lǐ jiě) - Understand, comprehension互相帮助 (hù xiāng bāng zhù) - Help each other经历 (jīng lì) - Experience, go through航班 (háng bān) - Flight, scheduled flight疫情 (yì qíng) - Epidemic, pandemic费用 (fèi yòng) - Cost, expenses机票 (jī piào) - Airplane ticket, airfare网络限制 (wǎngluò xiànzhì) - Internet restriction社交应用 (shèjiāo yìngyòng) - Social applications, social apps禁止 (jìn zhǐ) - Prohibit, forbid实名注册 (shí míng zhù cè) - Real-name registration信用卡支付 (xìn yòng kǎ zhīfù) - Credit card payment住宿限制 (zhù sù xiànzhì) - Accommodation restriction外国客人 (wài guó kè rén) - Foreign guests登记 (dēng jì) - Register, check-inThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
7/25/20236 minutes, 2 seconds
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一个人徒步需要注意的事 Solo Hiking Tips

Hello everyone! In today's episode I discuss three important points to consider when hiking alone. Firstly, choose popular trails where there are more people around for safety and assistance if needed. Secondly, pack essential supplies such as clothing, food, and equipment, and rely on yourself rather than others. Lastly, allow for extra time and be aware of your own physical capabilities to avoid exhaustion and potential dangers. Useful words and expressions below. If you have any questions or suggestion, please let me know through comment or email. Have a great day! Be happy!大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。今天我想跟大家聊一聊徒步,就是hiking。那我们徒步的时候一般都是成群结队的,但是有的时候如果我们很想去hiking、去徒步,但是找不到同伴,也就只能一个人去了。那一个人徒步更要注意安全。所以今天想跟大家讲三点我觉得一个人徒步需要注意的。首先,我觉得如果你是一个人去徒步,那么你就要选那种popular的、人多的trails,这些步道/trails虽然有难有易,但是重点在于它早晚都会有人走。所以如果你出现什么问题,总会有机会遇到其他的人来帮助你,搞不好还可以跟人结伴同行。所以这样的popular的trails基本不会有太大的危险。一个人去hiking,不要选太过偏僻,人迹罕至的地方,也不要轻易的去没有明确trails的区域。有的时候你很想去早一点开始爬,这样的话人会少,也容易停车,但是我建议不要去得太早。最早也要等到天亮以后再开始爬。第二就是要带好随身的补给。比如衣服、能量棒、水袋、防虫喷雾、防晒霜、夹克、雨衣、手机、照明设备等等。你也应该穿比较专业的户外的衣服和鞋子。不要为了拍照穿一些瑜伽裤啊,甚至裙子呀之类的。关于补给,我觉得自己一定要带好自己的东西。不要指望着别人帮你背。一个人hiking当然是要自己背自己需要的东西。但是即使是你跟家人朋友一起去hiking,你也应该背好自己的基本的需要的东西。因为如果你要跟别人走失了,找不到同伴了,你又想喝水,又想吃东西或者用一些装备的时候,那就会很麻烦的。最后,如果你一个人hiking,很重要的就是要打足富余量。什么叫打足富裕量呢?就是比如你平时只能爬个十公里。那你就不要一个人冲击二十公里的步道。如果你平时走一个小时就很累了,那么你就不要尝试一个人去走三个小时的trails。我建议你使用一个叫alltrails的APP,这个APP有很多人的数据,你可以看大家都需要多长时间完成这个步道。比如你看到一个trail差不多需要四到六个小时,那你就要说,如果我要花八到十个小时,我的时间还够不够?天黑之前能不能下山,有没有足够的时间休息。总之,你需要预留更多的时间。这样的话才会心里不慌。不会因为时间不够而焦虑。对自己的体能要心里有数。注意海拔爬升对身体的消耗。多打出富裕量。觉得有点儿累但是不太费劲儿就可以。如果走到一半发现太难的话,不要坚持非要上去。总之我觉得就是要对自己有足够的了解,要准备充分,多注意周围的环境,对大自然要充满敬畏。不知道你有没有一个人去爬山,去hiking过呢?你有什么经验吗?感谢您的收听!如果您喜欢这期节目请帮我订阅点赞分享。让这期节目可以帮到更多学中文的人。那这期就到这里。我们下期再见!徒步 (túbù) - to hike, hiking成群结队 (chéngqún jiéduì) - in groups, in a crowd步道(bùdào) - trails, paths危险 (wēixiǎn) - danger, risky偏僻 (piānpì) - remote, secluded人迹罕至 (rénjì hǎn zhì) - rarely visited by people轻易 (qīngyì) - easily, readily明确 (míngquè) - clear, definite补给 (bǔjǐ) - supplies, provisions随身 (suíshēn) - on one's person, carry with oneself能量棒 (néngliàng bàng) - energy bar水袋 (shuǐdài) - water bladder, hydration pack防虫喷雾 (fángchóng pēnwù) - insect repellent防晒霜 (fángshài shuāng) - sunscreen夹克 (jiákè) - jacket照明设备 (zhàomíng shèbèi) - lighting equipment专业的 (zhuānyè de) - professional户外 (hùwài) - outdoor背 (bēi) - to carry on one's back富余量 (fùyú liàng) - extra amount, surplus冲击 (chōngjī) - to attempt, to tackle预留 (yùliú) - to allocate, to set aside慌" (huāng)  to be flustered, panicked, or in a state of anxiety.海拔爬升" (hǎibá páshēng)  the ascent or elevation gain in altitude消耗" (xiāohào)  to consume or expend.体能 (tǐnéng) - physical fitness累 (lèi) - tired, exhausted费劲儿 (fèijìn er) - strenuous, laborious焦虑 (jiāolǜ) - anxious, worried充满敬畏 (chōngmǎn jìngwèi) - filled with awe, have great respect forThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
7/15/20235 minutes, 19 seconds
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爸妈的美国旅游体会二 What my parents see on their US trip 2

Hello everyone, in today's episode I share two more observations made by my parents about the US from our recent road trip. Firstly, they found that meat is cheaper in the U.S. compared to China, and they enjoyed eating it during their visit. Secondly, they felt Americans are more outgoing and friendly, with less negative energy, compared to the increasingly competitive and tense atmosphere in China. Script and useful vocabulary below.大家好,欢迎收听新一期的5分钟中文。上一期跟大家聊了三点我父母来美国的一些观察和体会。总结来说就是衣服便宜,人少,不怕冷。那这期节目想再跟大家分享两个我父母对美国的感受。第一个就是吃肉便宜,第二个就是美国人人的开朗友善。第一点其实我自己也有体会。那就是:在美国吃肉很便宜。我自己是非常喜欢吃肉的,尤其是牛排。有人可能觉得牛排在美国也不便宜呀,但是跟中国比,美国的牛排算是便宜的,而且一般来说质量也不错。在中国,从超市买牛排的话,两三百人民币的牛排可能远不如美国二三十美金的牛排新鲜、厚实、好吃。所以这次我爸妈来美国,我们几乎每天都会吃肉。因为在美国吃肉又好吃又不那么贵。爸妈每次都吃得很开心。第二点就是我父母觉得美国人都比较开朗,少有“戾气”。“戾气”这个词是指一种充满冷漠,敌意,不信任的情绪和气氛。虽然很多人会说,美国现在社会上也有更多愤怒、争吵,人们没有互相理解、倾听的耐心,但是其实在日常生活中,人与人的接触上,在美国的大家都还是比较开朗,友善,乐于助人的。反观中国:因为社会越来越卷,人民各方面的压力越来越大,大家一直处于一种紧张的竞争状态,很难放松下来,所以中国社会各个阶层的戾气也就越来越大。比起美国,可能少了一些平和,微笑,多了点儿紧张和怨气。那今天就简单跟大家聊到这里。不知道你对美国跟我父母对美国的观察有没有差异呢?如果你有问题,欢迎给我发电子邮件。如果你使用Spotify,欢迎给我留言。要是你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅点赞分享,让这期节目可以帮到更多的人。感谢您的收听我们下期再见!开朗 (kāi lǎng) -   cheerful, outgoing友善 (yǒu shàn) -   friendly, kind牛排 (niú pái) -   steak质量 (zhì liàng) -   quality新鲜 (xīn xiān) -   fresh厚实 (hòu shí) -   thick戾气 (lì qì) -   negative energy, hostility冷漠 (lěng mò) -   indifference, coldness敌意 (dí yì) -   hostility, enmity信任 (xìn rèn) -   trust, confidence情绪 (qíng xù) -   emotion, mood气氛 (qì fēn) -   atmosphere愤怒 (fèn nù) -   anger, fury争吵 (zhēng chǎo) -   argument, quarrel倾听 (qīng tīng) -   listen attentively, lend an ear接触 (jiē chù) -   contact, interaction乐于助人 (lè yú zhù rén) -   willing to help others卷 (juǎn) -   tense, to describe unhealthy competition处于 (chǔ yú) -   be in, be at紧张 (jǐn zhāng) -   tense, nervous竞争 (jìng zhēng) -   competition状态 (zhuàng tài) -   state, condition阶层 (jiē céng) -   social class, hierarchy平和 (píng hé) -   peaceful, calm微笑 (wēi xiào) -   smile怨气 (yuàn qì) -   resentment, grudgeThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
7/3/20233 minutes, 29 seconds
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爸妈的美国旅游体会 What my parents see on their US trip

Hello everyone! Long time no see! I just came back from my road trip with my parents. We had a blast. I'm extremely grateful for the opportunity to spend such an amazing time with them after four years. In today's episode I want to share 3 things in the US that my parents think are different from China: cheap clothing, temperature of comfort, crowdedness of parks. Hope you enjoy! 大家好,好久不见!欢迎收听新一期的5分钟中文。像我上次跟大家提前报备的一样,我这么长时间没有更新的播客是我在外面旅行,没有条件更新播客。感谢大家的理解。这次旅行是我时隔四年第一次跟我爸妈相聚。我们仨从LA一起出发road trip。一路到黄石。这一路非常地充实,每天的时间都得到了充分的利用。但是同时,这次也不是一次轻松的度假。 在两周的时间里,我们一路向北,玩儿了五个国家公园,不是在徒步,就是在开车。当然还有逛街,吃饭等等。总的来说,我们都玩儿得都非常开心,留下了很多美好的回忆。虽然我爸妈不是第一次来美国,但是毕竟距离上次来美国也过了好几年了,他们对美国也有了很多新的观察和体会。所以我想在这儿跟大家分享一下。第一就是他们觉得美国的衣服好便宜。我爸妈这次来美国,每人都买了一大包衣服和鞋子带回去了。因为他们觉得太便宜了。在中国国内,有一点儿牌子的衣服很轻松就要上几百,上千。我妈说,比如一件普通的under armour的polo衫,在中国没有几百元(差不多是美元几十到一百美元)绝对买不下来。但是在美国机场,商店打折只要不到二十美元。我也觉得美国的衣服确实是不贵的。一百美元可以买到一件质量不错的衣服。对比一百人民币的购买力:一百人民币基本买不到什么好衣服。这点我上次回国也很有体会。我就觉得中国的商场随便一件衣服就要上千,甚至几千,到底是谁在买?大家都这么有钱吗?我爸妈的第二个观察就是美国人不怕冷。在黄石公园的时候,我爸观察到很多美国人在十来度的气温下只穿着短裤和T恤,一点儿都看不出来他们冷。而我们仨穿着棉服,夹克,好像跟人家不在是一个季节。我爸猜想,这就跟中国人习惯喝热水,美国人习惯喝冰水一样吧,穿衣也是一个习惯。如果从小就穿得少,身体也就习惯这样的温度,所以也不会觉得冷。相比之下,中国人一般都比较重视保暖,所以穿得相对多一些。第三点就是美国的国家公园游客跟中国比少很多,也很少有围栏和管理人员。在中国参观一个景点,尤其是在节假日,很容易人挤人,继而就会有有很多工作人员维持秩序。人多也很嘈杂。而美国国家公园里的游客比中国少很多。这样就可以更好地专注享受大自然的美,而不会因为人太多破坏了兴致。我们去的时候,夏天旅游旺季还没有开始。但是,即使是旺季,美国离中国很多著名景点的拥挤程度还是差远了。那今天关于我爸妈对美国旅游的一些体会就跟大家分享到这里。你们出国旅游的时候有没有观察到旅游地和你居住地的生活方式和文化习惯上的差异呢?如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅点赞!感谢您的收听。我们下期再见!播客 (bō kè) - podcast更新 (gēng xīn) - update相聚 (xiāng jù) - reunite充实 (chōng shí) - fulfilling利用 (lì yòng) - make use of轻松 (qīng sōng) - easily度假 (dù jià) - vacation徒步 (tú bù) - hiking美好的回忆 (měi hǎo de huí yì) - beautiful memories观察和体会 (guān chá hé tǐ huì) - observations and experiences牌子的衣服 (pái zi de yī fú) - branded clothes打折 (dǎ zhé) - discount购买力 (gòu mǎi lì) - purchasing power保暖 (bǎo nuǎn) - keep warm围栏 (wéi lán) - fence管理人员 (guǎn lǐ rén yuán) - staff, personnel秩序 (zhì xù) - order拥挤程度 (yōng jǐ chéng dù) - level of congestion生活方式 (shēng huó fāng shì) - way of life文化习惯 (wén huà xí guàn) - cultural habits质量 (zhì liàng) - quality甚至 (shèn zhì) - even棉服 (mián fú) - cotton clothes夹克 (jiá kè) - jacket猜想 (cāi xiǎng) - speculate, conjecture节假日 (jié jià rì) - holidays继而 (jì ér) - and then, furthermore维持 (wéi chí) - maintain, sustain嘈杂 (cáo zá) - noisy, bustling兴致 (xìng zhì) - interest, enthusiasm旺季 (wàng jì) - peak season拥挤 (yōng jǐ) - crowdedThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
6/24/20235 minutes, 16 seconds
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忙碌的半年总结 Busy Half-Year Summary

Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese. Before anything, I want to apologize for the delay in updating. We are almost half way through the year, and it has been the busiest for me. First, we did so much work around the house: putting down new floors and remodeling the kitchen. I also spent a lot of time researching and planning my parents' upcoming visit to the US. Lastly,  there are just so many things at the end of the semester. But, I see light a the end of the tunnel!If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me or drop a comment on Spotify. I hope you have a wonderful week. Take care! (see script below)大家好,欢迎收听今天新一期的5分钟中文。距离上一次更新已经有一段时间了,这里想跟大家道个歉,因为最近一个多月都没有及时地更新。确实是很忙。所以有空的时候都是休息、充电、self-care。所以谢谢大家的谅解。0:31那说到我最近都很忙,都是在忙什么呢?首先我家上半年以来一直在装修。春节以后我家先把全家的地板都换了。这是一个很大的工程,中间还有几天都不能在家。生活有很多不方便的地方。年初铺好了地板以后没隔多久,这两个月我家又重新装修了厨房:换了新的橱柜和台面。这个差不多又断断续续花了一个月的时间。在此期间我也是很不方便。因为我家的厨房不能用,而且我家到处都堆着箱子。1:27再有就是疫情结束了,我父母要来美国看我了。新冠这三年多,我都没有回中国,我的爸爸妈妈也没有机会来美国看我。所以我们一听到政策放松了,就赶紧想着安排爸爸妈妈来美国。虽然疫情已经结束了,大家的生活感觉已经恢复正常很久了,但是其实很多东西还没有完全恢复回到正常的样子。当然了,可能永远也回不到以前的样子了。比方说,来美国的机票就比原来贵了很多,因为中美之间的航班数量比过去差了很多。原来一个星期往返中美的航班有三四百个,现在可能只有几十个。但是需求还是那么高,所以肯定是会造成票价上涨。我记得原先暑假回中国只要一千多往返,现在要翻倍了,而且还要抢票。我爸爸妈妈很幸运地抢到了机票,但是他们来美国去哪儿玩,玩什么都需要我来安排。因为他们对美国了解不多,也不太会说英语。所以我花了很多时间每天晚上去查景点,订酒店、租车,买门票等等。这些东西都很花时间和精力。有的时候一晚上才能查到、定好一天的行程。不过,最后我觉得还是值得的,我对自己安排的行程比较满意,希望到时候一切顺利吧!3:43第三让我焦头烂额的就是期末了。这两周是这学期最后的两周了。这个星期我们是最后一周上课,下个星期一到星期三是期末考试,然后就是毕业典礼什么的了。因为我教很多不同的课,所以要准备很多不同的考试。虽然我是老师,但是我也为学生期末考试准备得好不好焦虑,但是我只能做到我能做到的,并不能帮他们学习。希望他们都能安排好自己的时间,到时候考出好成绩。4:31这应该是我在六月底之前最后一次更新播客了。因为下周六我就要坐飞机去美国西部去接我父母,一起先在美西玩,再一起飞回东岸待一个星期,最后送我爸妈从华盛顿回国。所以在我父母回国之前我想多陪陪他们,所以应该不会花时间更新播客了。感谢大家的支持理解,希望你也有更多的时间和你爱的,珍惜的人在一起。度过美好的时光。感谢您的收听,我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
5/15/20235 minutes, 23 seconds
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怎么减少压力 How to Reduce Stress

In this episode we talk about some tips on how to reduce stress in our school and daily life.大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。今天是五月的第一天。五月是我们这个学年最后一个月了。期末马上就要到了。所以我想跟大家谈谈如何科学合理地减少期末这个月的压力。即使你不是学生,没有期末考试,也可以听听这些怎么减少压力的建议。因为我觉得我们现代人每天的压力真的太大了。期末考试是很多人感到压力的时期,所以我下面有七个减少期末考试压力的方法。你不妨试一试。第一,提前制定学习计划:合理地分配时间和任务,避免在考试前一天赶作业或者复习。功夫要放在平常。不要“临时抱佛脚”。早点计划,这样到时候就不慌。第二,积极地和同学和老师沟通:和大家一起交流学习经验、学习资源可以更好地准备考试。如果有问题,尽早跟老师联系,看看老师有没有时间给你单独辅导。第三,保持足够的睡眠时间:根据世界卫生组织的建议,青少年每天应该睡8到10小时。这个睡眠时间可以帮助保持学生的身心健康,有助于应学习和生活的压力。第四,锻炼身体:适度的运动可以释放身体中的压力,缓解焦虑和紧张的情绪。第五,合理饮食:均衡的饮食有助于维持身体健康,提高大脑的认知能力和专注力。第六,放松:就是每天花一些时间给自己。你可以放松、拉伸、冥想、深呼吸、做瑜伽等,都有帮助。最后,你应该避免过度使用社交媒体:社交媒体有可能带来过度的焦虑,对减轻压力没有好处。现代社会的人们花太多时间在抖音(TikTok),instagram之类上。不但浪费时间,而且也对身心健康无益。那今天关于如何减少压力,就跟大家聊到这里。如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅、点赞、分享,让这个节目可以帮到更多学习汉语的人。感谢您的收听。我们下期再见!如何 (rúhé) - how科学 (kē xué) - science, scientific合理 (hé lǐ) - reasonable, rational感到 (gǎn dào) - feel, sense不妨 (bù fáng) - might as well, there's no harm in制定 (zhì dìng) - formulate, draw up分配 (fēn pèi) - allocate, distribute避免 (bì miǎn) - avoid, prevent赶 (gǎn) - rush, catch up with功夫 (gōng fū) - time, effort临时抱佛脚 (lín shí bào fó jiǎo) - to try to make up for something at the last minute 慌 (huāng) - anxious, flustered积极 (jī jí) - positive, active沟通 (gōu tōng) - communicate, communication单独 (dān dú) - alone, solitary辅导 (fǔ dǎo) - guide, coach, tutor有助于 (yǒu zhù yú) - contribute to, be helpful to应对 (yìng duì) - deal with, cope with适度 (shì dù) - moderate, appropriate释放 (shì fàng) - release, set free缓解 (huǎn jiě) - alleviate, ease焦虑 (jiāo lǜ) - anxiety, worry紧张 (jǐn zhāng) - tense, nervous均衡 (jūn héng) - balanced, equilibrium维持 (wéi chí) - maintain, sustain认知能力 (rèn zhī néng lì) - cognitive ability专注力 (zhuān zhù lì) - concentration, focus拉伸 (lā shēn) - stretch, stretching冥想 (míng xiǎng) - meditation深呼吸 (shēn hū xī) - deep breath, deep breathing瑜伽 (yú jiā) - yoga过度 (guò dù) - excessive, excessive indulgence社交媒体 (shè jiāo méi tǐ) - social media对...无益 (duì...wú yì) - no benefit to, of no use to.Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
5/2/20233 minutes, 51 seconds
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高中毕业舞会 Prom

Hello everyone, in today's episode I talk about prom in the US and why China doesn't have this tradition. Script and useful expressions below (by paragraph). Email me or leave a comment if you have any feedback on the show. Have a great day!1)大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。今天我想跟大家介绍一下美国的prom:就是高中毕业舞会。美国高中学生快毕业以前,学校通常会举行一次“毕业舞会”。毕业舞会通常在晚上举行,学生会穿上漂亮的裙子和西装,参加他们高中最重要的舞会。我们学校今年的毕业舞会是上个星期六在一个艺术博物馆举办的。除了毕业生,高中三年级学生也可以参加。毕业舞会会有一些特别的主题。比如今年我们的主题是星空。学生们就会根据这个主题选择合适的服装、音乐和装饰,来装点整个舞会。2)在毕业舞会上,学生们除了跳舞,还可以吃各种小吃,点心、饮料,跟朋友聊天,拍照或者玩游戏。我们的毕业舞会是从7:30到10:30。这是学生们最后一次一起庆祝他们在一起的时光,是一个令人难忘的夜晚。3)那么中国有没有毕业舞会呢?在中国,普遍没有像美国高中毕业舞会一样的活动。这可能是因为文化差异和教育体制的不同。中国的高中教育注重学术成绩和考试,中国家庭和社会对高中生的社交和个人活动的控制比较严格,这也可能限制了这样活动的发展。但是一些富裕的私立学校或者国际学校可能会举办类似的活动。这些活动通常会有特定的主题,学生们会穿上漂亮的礼服和西装参加,和同学们一起跳舞和社交。不过这些活动的规模和意义一般不像美国的prom(毕业舞会)那么盛大和普及。4)那关于毕业舞会就跟大家聊到这里。你们那儿有毕业舞会吗?你参加过毕业舞会吗?感谢您的收听。如果你喜欢五分钟中文,请帮我订阅,点赞,分享这个节目。让五分钟中文可以帮到更多喜欢中文的人。那就这样。我们下期再见吧!Useful Expressions by paragraph1.毕业舞会 (bì yè wǔ huì) - Graduation dance party西装 (xī zhuāng) - Suit主题 (zhǔ tí) - Theme星空 (xīng kōng) - Starry sky装饰 (zhuāng shì) - Decoration装点 (zhuāng diǎn) - Adornment2拍照 (pāi zhào) - Take a photo时光 (shí guāng) - Time令人难忘 (lìng rén nán wàng) - Unforgettable3普遍 (pǔ biàn) - Common, widespread差异 (chā yì) - Difference体制 (tǐ zhì) - System注重 (zhù zhòng) - Pay attention to, value学术 (xué shù) - Academic社交 (shè jiāo) - Social控制 (kòng zhì) - Control严格 (yán gé) - Strict限制 (xiàn zhì) - Limit. strick富裕 (fù yù) - rich, wealthy类似 (lèi sì) - Similar特定 (tè dìng) - Specific礼服 (lǐ fú) - Formal dress规模 (guī mó) - Scale, size盛大 (shèng dà) - Grand, magnificent普及 (pǔ jí) - Popularize, widespreadThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
4/20/20233 minutes, 25 seconds
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Easter 复活节

Hi everyone! In this episode I talk about Easter, it's traditions, and whether China has Easter. The script and useful expression are below. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email me.  Thank you and have a great week!0:00(1)大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《五分钟中文》。今天我想跟大家聊一聊复活节。复活节是复活节是一个基督教节日,是为了纪念耶稣基督在三天后从死里复活的事件。复活节也是基督教教会最重要的节日之一。通常在每年春季。美国复活节的日期是每年春分月圆后的第一个周日。因此,美国复活节的日期一般会在3月22日到4月25日之间。0:57(2)复活节有很多传统和习俗。一说到复活节,很多人就想到复活节彩蛋。装饰彩蛋是复活节传统习俗,人们会把鸡蛋涂上各种颜色和图案,以庆祝复活节的到来。有人也可能会送朋友——尤其是小朋友——复活节主题的巧克力和糖果。许多家庭也会在复活节准备一顿丰盛的大餐,通常包括烤羊肉、烤火腿、各种蔬菜和甜点。基督徒也会在这个重要的节日去教会,参加庆祝活动。有的地方会举办游行和表演来庆祝复活节的到来。总之,复活节是一个充满乐趣和庆典的节日,也是一个基督教教会的重要节日。2:25(3)那么说完了美国的复活节和习俗,中国有没有复活节呢?复活节是一个基督教节日,而中国的主要宗教不是基督教,所以复活节不是一个传统的节日。但是,随着全球化和中国基督徒的增多,复活节在中国也开始变得越来越普遍了。在中国,一些教堂和基督教社区会庆祝复活节,举行特别的礼拜和庆祝活动。此外,一些商场和餐厅也会推出复活节主题的特别菜品和装饰——比如复活节兔子——以吸引顾客。像圣诞节一样,复活节在中国更是一个商业性的节日,而不是一个宗教节日。3:45(4)那今天关于复活节就跟大家介绍到这里。你过复活节吗?你那儿的人们都是怎么庆祝复活节的?如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅,留言,点赞,分享。让这个节目可以帮到更多的人。感谢您的收听。我们下期再见!Useful Expressions (by paragraph)(1)复活节 (Fùhuójié) - Easter基督教 (Jīdūjiào) - Christianity纪念 (Jìniàn) - Commemorate耶稣基督 (Yēsū Jīdū) - Jesus Christ复活 (Fùhuó) - Resurrection春分 (Chūnfēn) - Vernal Equinox(2)彩蛋 (Cǎidàn) - Easter eggs (literally, "colorful eggs")装饰 (Zhuāngshì) - Decorate; Decoration传统习俗 (Chuántǒng xísú) - Traditions and customs涂上 (Tú shàng) - Apply; Brush on丰盛 (Fēngshèng) - Rich and plentiful通常 (Tōngcháng) - Usually; Generally; Typically充满乐趣 (Chōngmǎn lèqù) - Full of fun; Filled with joy and happiness(3)宗教 (Zōngjiào) - Religion随着 (Suízhe) - Along with; In the wake of全球化 (Quánqiú huà) - Globalization增多 (Zēngduō) - Increase; Grow in number普遍 (Pǔbiàn) - Universal; Common; Widespread礼拜 (Lǐbài) - Worship; Religious service; Week (short form of 星期)推出 (Tuīchū) - Launch; Release; Introduce菜品 (Càipǐn) - Dishes (in a restaurant or at a meal)吸引顾客 (Xīyǐn gùkè) - Attract customersThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
4/10/20234 minutes, 18 seconds
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简单包饺子 Dumplings Made Easy

Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode 5 Minute Chinese. In today's episode I talk about dumplings and the shortcut to make them easily at home (by buying premade wrappers and ingredients). Without too much work, everyone can enjoy making dumplings and have a good time together. Indeed, cooking is not just for the purpose of making food. It is a way to socialize and have fun as well as an activity that helps you relax. Hope you like this episode. Scripts and useful expressions below (by paragraph).1)0:01 大家好!欢迎收听新一期的《五分钟中文》。今天想跟大家聊一聊关于饺子和做饭的话题。饺子大家可能都听说过,很多人也都吃过饺子。饺子是一种中式传统食品,制作方法是用饺子皮把馅料包起来再下锅煮。饺子馅儿可以是肉、海鲜、蔬菜或者其他食材,也可以根据个人口味和地方传统进行不同的变化和组合。饺子是农历新年等传统节日主要的食品之一,也是中国餐桌上常见的一道美食。2)1:08虽然我在中国长大,但是除了过年,我家没有做过几次饺子。因为饺子在中国很常见,所以想吃的时候随便上街找一个馆子就可以了,不需要自己做。毕竟要是从做饺子皮开始包饺子,还是要挺长时间的。而且在饭店还可以点各种各样的饺子吃,不像在家一般只能包一个馅儿的饺子。3)1:57不过,饺子不只是为了吃。很多时候吃饭并不只是为了吃饭,做饭和吃饭的过程也是一个很好的社交娱乐活动。大家可以一边包饺子一边聊天,比直接吃饺子有趣。如果你想体验包饺子的乐趣,但是又不想太麻烦,我建议你从你本地的亚洲超市买做好的饺子皮。这样你就不用从头开始,你只需要拌馅儿就可以了。比如,如果你想做猪肉白菜馅儿的饺子,你就可以在超市直接买猪肉肉馅儿,再切好白菜啊,葱姜蒜啊放进肉馅儿搅拌,加酱油,盐,香油等就好了。真的很简单,也不需要花很长时间。主要就是大家围在一起把做好的饺子馅儿用饺子皮包起来。包好放进锅里煮,几分钟就煮熟了。4)3:28其实,我还是挺喜欢做饭的。我对做饭的了解越多,做得越好,我就越有兴趣。现在对我来说,做饭是一种放松的方法。研究怎么做饭很有意思。专心沉浸在做饭的过程中会让你忘掉生活的中烦恼,只关注怎么切好这个菜,怎么确定这个肉的温度正好。5)4:09那今天关于怎么快速包饺子就跟大家聊到这里。你吃过饺子吗?你有没有包过饺子?你喜欢做饭吗?如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅点赞分享,让这个节目可以帮到更多的人!再次感谢您的收听。我们下期再见!1制作 | Zhìzuò | make方法 | fāngfǎ | method饺子皮 | jiǎozi pí | dumpling skin馅料 | xiàn liào | filling and condiments馅儿 | xiàn er | fillings口味 | kǒuwèi | taste, flavor变化 | biànhuà | Variety组合 | zǔhé | combination 2 馆子 | guǎnzi | (usually small, informal) restaurant3社交 | shèjiāo | social体验 | tǐyàn | to experience拌 | bàn | mix切 | qiè | cut搅拌 | jiǎobàn | to stir酱油 | jiàngyóu | soy sauce香油 | xiāngyóu | sesame oil煮熟 | zhǔ shú | cook by boiling 4研究 | yánjiū | Research专心 | zhuānxīn | concentrate沉浸 | Chénjìn | immerse过程 | guòchéng | process忘掉 | wàngdiào | forget烦恼 | fánnǎo | trouble确定 | quèdìng | make sure 5快速 | kuàisù | fastThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
3/29/20234 minutes, 42 seconds
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音乐剧《魔法黑森林》Into the Woods

Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese. In this episode I talk about our high school musical Into the Woods, which I had the honor and pleasure to watch last Thursday night. It was a wonderful musical that intertwines the plots of several famous fairy tales, exploring the consequences of the characters' wishes and quests. There is a Disney movie of it if you are interested. Without spoiling the story, I picked out a few meaningful lines and shared here. Hope you enjoy! 1大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。这个星期四我去看了我们学校的一个音乐剧,叫Into the Woods,中文叫《魔法黑森林》。《魔法黑森林》是1987年的音乐剧。讲述了许多经典童话故事中人物相互交织的故事。主要角色来自《小红帽》,《杰克与豌豆》,《长发公主》和《灰姑娘》。故事开始讲述了这些角色们各自的目的,他们都希望实现自己的愿望,但在后来他们都被卷入了一个神秘的森林之中,经历了各种困难和挑战。我看到迪士尼在2014年把这部音乐剧拍成了电影。如果你有兴趣可以搜搜看。2这是一个两个半小时的音乐剧。对于高中生来说很不容易。参加这个剧的学生们每天放学以后去剧院排练,每天都要忙到深夜。十一点左右才能到家。时间紧,压力大。但是周四的试演我觉得非常好。从舞台设计,服装制作到乐队伴奏,台上演员的演出和互相配合,真的是非常棒的一场演。为他们骄傲!3这部音乐剧被认为是音乐剧历史上最著名、最成功的作品之一,里面也有很多有意思的名句。比如有一句是"小心你说的,因为小孩儿会听到。小心你做的,因为小孩儿会看到,学到。“意思是说,我们需要注意我们说和做的事情,因为孩子们会从中学习。对于家长和老师,都要注意自己的言行。因为小孩会模仿大人。4还有后来小红帽和公主的对话中,公主说“没有人真的孤身一人,没有人是孤单的”。小红帽的妈妈可能不在了,不能再引导她。可是即使我们觉得自己孤单无助,其实我们身边还有朋友可以帮助我们。5还有一句歌词意思是:实现愿望可能会带来问题,但是如果你从来没有实现过愿望,那会更遗憾。我想到很多时候我们人生中有很多理想愿望,但是我们不敢去追求。因为可能会遇到困难,最终失败。那时候会想,要是像原来一样,不去追求理想就没有这些问题。可是从来没有尝试过的人生才是最让人后悔的吧。你听说过Into the Woods这个音乐剧吗?你看过它的电影吗?如果你喜欢五分钟中文,就请帮我订阅,点赞,分享。让这个节目能帮到更多的人。感谢您的收听。我们下期再见!Useful Vocabulary and Expressions by paragraph1 戏剧 | Xìjù | drama魔法 | mófǎ | magic森林 | sēnlín | forest讲述 | jiǎngshù | to tell, narrate经典 | jīngdiǎn | classic童话 | tónghuà | fairy tale交织 | jiāozhī | interweave《小红帽》 | “xiǎohóngmào” | little Red Riding Hood《杰克与豌豆》 | “jiékè yǔ wāndòu” | Jack and the Beanstalk《长发公主》 | “zhǎng fā gōngzhǔ” | Long Hair Princess Rapunzel《灰姑娘》 | “huī gūniáng” | Cinderella实现愿望 | shíxiàn yuànwàng | realize one's wish卷入 | juàn rù | get involved神秘 | shénmì | mystery拍(电影) | pāi (diànyǐng) | filming搜 | sōu | Search2排练 | páiliàn | rehearse时间紧 | shíjiān jǐn | Tight schedule试演 | shì yǎn | audition舞台设计 | wǔtái shèjì | Stage design服装制作 | fúzhuāng zhìzuò | clothing production乐队伴奏 | yuèduì bànzòu | band accompaniment配合 | pèihé | Cooperation骄傲 | jiāo'ào | pride3 名句 | míngjù | famous lines模仿 | mófǎng | imitate4 孤单 | gūdān | alone引导 | yǐndǎo | guide5 遗憾 | yíhàn | regret, pity理想 | lǐxiǎng | hopes and wishes追求 | zhuīqiú | Pursue遇到 | yù dào | meet最终 | zuìzhōng | finally失败 | shībài | failThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
3/20/20234 minutes, 54 seconds
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有机食品是什么? What is organic food?

Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese. In this episode I talk about organic food.  Despite its growing popularity, not a lot of people really know the standards for organic food by USDA. In this episode we will discuss the  standards and their impacts on people's health and environment. Thank you for listening! Script and useful expressions below (by paragraph).大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《五分钟中文》。今天我想跟大家谈谈有机食品。随着大家生活水平的提高,很多人都在超市购物的时候有意识地选择有机食品。在我居住的美国,最近十几年,有机产品的销量增长得非常快。虽然大家越来越倾向购买有机食品,普通人对有机食品的了解却不多。有一个调查显示,虽然有70%的人有购买有机产品的经历,但是只有20%的人能说清楚什么是有机食品。所以我们今天就看看在美国要成为USDA(美国农业部)认证的有机食品需要满足什么标准,以及有机食品对自然和健康有什么好处。1:27首先,有机食品禁止使用化学农药和肥料,农民必须使用有机的肥料和防治病虫害的方式。因此,有机食品含有更少的化学残留,对人体的健康风险更小。而且因为有机农业不使用化学肥料和农药,减少了化学物质对土壤和水体的污染,对环境影响较小,更环保。2:13其次,USDA有机标准规定,禁止使用转基因技术生产有机农产品。所以如果一个食物是“有机”的,就一定是non-GMO,也就是非转基因的。关于转基因有一些争议。有的观点认为转基因食物对人的身体健康和生态环境有不好的影响。所以如果你不想吃转基因的东西。可以买有机食品。2:58第三,USDA的有机标准里也包括动物福利。它规定动物应该有足够的自由和活动空间,不可以使用激素和抗生素。比如有机牛只能吃有机饲料,不能接触化学药物、激素、抗生素和其他化学物质。也要保证他们有足够的空间、食物和水,还有户外活动的机会等等。有机牛肉一般被认为更健康,更道德,更环保。但像其他有机产品一样,由于生产成本比较高,价格也会更高。4:00有研究表明,有机食品的营养比非有机食品的多。有机农业通过增加有机物质含量,改善土壤质量,使植物生长更健康。有机动物在更自然健康的环境中生活,所以这样的产品也更加优质,对身体更好。很多人也觉得有机食品的味道更好。 4:39那今天关于有机食品就给大家介绍到这里。你平时会注意有机食品的标志吗?你喜欢吃有机食品吗?你觉得跟非有机食品相比有差别吗?感谢您的收听。如果你喜欢这期节目请帮我订阅点赞分享。让五分钟中文可以帮到更多有需要的人。感谢您的收听,我们下期再见!1有机 | Yǒujī | organic食品 | shípǐn | food有意识 | yǒuyìshí | consciously销量 | xiāoliàng | Sales增长 | zēngzhǎng | increase倾向 | qīngxiàng | tendency调查 | diàochá | research 显示 | xiǎnshì | show认证 | rènzhèng | certified满足 | mǎnzú | satisfy标准 | biāozhǔn | standard2 禁止 | jìnzhǐ | prohibit农药 | nóngyào | pesticide肥料 | féiliào | fertilizer农民 | nóngmín | farmer防治 | fángzhì | prevention病虫害 | bìngchónghài | harm caused by pests and illness 含有 | hányǒu | contain残留 | cánliú | residual风险 | fēngxiǎn | risk农业 | nóngyè | agriculture物质 | wùzhí | substance土壤 | tǔrǎng | soil环保 | huánbǎo | Environmental friendly3 规定 | guīdìng | Regulation转基因 | zhuǎnjīyīn | genetically modified技术 | jìshù | technology农产品 | nóngchǎnpǐn | agricultural products非 | fēi | Non-争议 | zhēngyì | dispute认为 | rènwéi | think生态 | shēngtài | ecology4 动物福利 | dòngwù fúlì | animal welfare自由 | zìyóu | free激素 | jīsù | hormone抗生素 | kàngshēngsù | antibiotic饲料 | sìliào | feed (n.)接触 | jiēchù | get in touch道德 | dàodé | moral成本 | chéngběn | cost5营养 | yíngyǎng | Nutrition改善 | gǎishàn | improve质量 | zhìliàng | quality植物 | zhíwù | plant优质 | yōuzhì | high qualityThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
3/10/20235 minutes, 23 seconds
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中美的装修 Home Improvement in China and the US

Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese. In this episode I talk about my recent home flooring project (reason why I didn't update last week) and compare how it's different in China vs the US. In short, in China it's relatively quicker (in terms of wait time) and cheaper (especially when it comes to labor cost). Script and expressions below. Have a nice day!大家好!欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。先跟大家道个歉,因为我最近都没有及时地更新。我家这两周铺地板,所以家里很乱,我每天忙着收拾,中间还有几天不在家,所以没有来得及做节目。那么这期节目正好就跟大家聊一聊中国和美国在装修这方面的不同。仅是我个人的感觉和体验,供大家参考。道歉 | Dàoqiàn | Apologize | 铺地板 | pū dìbǎn | lay down floor | 收拾 | shōushí | (v.) tidy | 装修 | zhuāngxiū | home improvement, renovation | 供参考 | gōng cānkǎo | for reference |0:47首先,中国和美国的等待时间不太一样。我家从开始跟人联系,勘察预估,挑选地板,等工期,从去年到今年好像过了好几个月。感觉在美国这个时间线挺正常的。不过在中国好像不会等这么久。我觉得也是因为疫情的影响,还没有完全地恢复。但是总体感觉中国等的时间应该会少一点儿。勘查 | kānchá | prospecting预估 | yù gū | estimate挑选 | tiāoxuǎn | choose, select恢复 | huīfù | recover1:37其次就是人工价格方面了。美国安装地板的价格里很大一部分是人工的钱。相比之下中国的人工费比美国低很多。人工便宜在中国是一个普遍现象。不管是外卖快递还是安装修理,人工的价格算起来都比美国低得多。这也是中国家长非常重视孩子的教育,希望孩子上一个好大学的原因之一。因为在中国体力劳动普遍挣得比较少,不太受尊重。而在美国人工比较贵,所以一个会技术的工人也可以过上不错的生活。读书并不是唯一的出路。不管怎样,我觉得一个社会里每个努力工作的人都应该获得体面的回报,每个人都应该得到尊重。这样是最好的。人工 | réngōng | labor价格 | jiàgé | price费 | fèi | fee, cost普遍 | pǔbiàn | common, universal现象 | xiànxiàng | Phenomenon外卖 | wàimài | food takeout, delivery快递 | kuàidì | express delivery安装 | ānzhuāng | Install修理 | xiūlǐ | repair体力劳动 | tǐlì láodòng | manual labor挣 | zhēng | earn尊重 | zūnzhòng | respect唯一 | wéiyī | only出路 | chūlù | way获得 | huòdé | get, receive体面 | tǐmiàn | decent3:07最后,就像上面提到的,体力工作跟其他的工作一样,也是每天八小时。工人们每天八点多开始,四点多结束。我跟我妈提到工期比预期长了两天,我妈说要是在中国可能就加班赶紧给你干完了。当然美国人也是会加班的,但是一般来说没有中国那么自然,普遍。周末也不会工作。说到这里我想给大家提个醒,那就是装修不管是时间还是花费一般都会超出你的预计。所以如果你想装修最好多留出一点儿时间和金钱。结束 | jiéshù | Finish工期 | gōngqí | duration预期 | yùqí | expected time加班 | jiābān | work overtime赶紧 | gǎnjǐn | hurriedly, quickly自然 | zìrán | natural提醒 | tíxǐng | remind预计 | yùjì | estimate留出 | liú chū | set aside4:16那今天关于装修就跟大家聊到这里。你同意我说的吗?你对装修有什么体验呢?如果你有什么问题和建议,欢迎给我发邮件。如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅点赞分享,让这个节目可以帮到更多对中文有兴趣的人。感谢您的收听。我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
3/3/20234 minutes, 57 seconds
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七夕和情人节 Qixi & Valentine's Day

Hello everyone. In this episode I talk about Valentine's Day and Qixi the traditional "love festival" in China. What are the origins of these two holidays? And how are these holidays celebrated in modern China? Script and expressions below.大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。2月14号是西方的情人节,所以我想跟大家聊一聊西方情人节和中国七夕。因为有人也把七夕比作中国的情人节。中西这两个情人节的传说是什么?现代人又都是怎么过情人节的呢?情人节 | Qíngrén jié | Valentine's Day七夕 | qīxì | Qixi很多美国人都会过情人节。但是不是所有人都知道情人节的起源。关于情人节,最有名的说法是3世纪,罗马皇帝下令所有单身男性从军,不许结婚。天主教神父瓦伦泰(Valentine)违反皇帝的禁令,秘密替人证婚,结果被士兵逮捕,在269年2月14日被绞死。为了纪念瓦伦泰,人们将每年2月14日定为纪念日,成了后来的“情人节”。起源 | qǐyuán | origin说法 | shuōfǎ | one's version (of events)罗马 | luómǎ | Rome皇帝 | huángdì | emperor单身 | dānshēn | single男性 | nánxìng | male从军 | cóngjūn | join the army结婚 | jiéhūn | marry天主教 | tiānzhǔjiào | catholic神父 | shénfù | priest违反 | wéifǎn | violation禁令 | jìnlìng | ban秘密 | mìmì | secret替 | tì | for证婚 | zhènghūn | Witness the marriage逮捕 | dàibǔ | arrest绞死 | jiǎo sǐ | to hang纪念 | jìniàn | commemorate中国的七夕节也有各种版本的传说。最有名的是织女是天宫的王母娘娘的女儿,有一次她跟她的姐妹们一起到地上玩儿,在一个湖里洗澡的时候认识了牛郎。两个人都爱上了对方。所以织女决定留在地上,跟牛郎结婚生子。后来王母娘娘知道了这件事,非常生气。她把织女带回天上,并且用银河把织女和牛郎分开。可是天上的喜鹊被他们的爱情感动,所以一起为他们搭成了一座“鹊桥”。这样两个人就可以在桥上见面了。最后王母娘娘也被他俩感动,定了每年农历7月7日两个人可以见一次。所以每年的七夕这一天,大家都会期待美好的爱情。版本 | bǎnběn | Version织女 | zhīnǚ | weaver girl天宫 | tiāngōng | Heavenly Palace王母娘娘 | wángmǔniángniáng | queen mother牛郎 | niú láng | Cowherd银河 | yínhé | miky way喜鹊 | xǐquè | magpie爱情 | àiqíng | love感动 | gǎndòng | move搭 | dā | build鹊桥 | quèqiáo | Magpie Bridge那中国人都是怎么过七夕和情人节的呢?在中国,我觉得大家两个节都会过。不过我感觉没有人会太在乎情人节和七夕的传统。我查了一下,七夕节的传统活动有“穿针乞巧”、“观星”、 “吃巧果”等等。但是其实中国人过七夕最重要的活动就是跟爱人在一起,吃美食,互送礼物。跟过西方的情人节也差不多。现在中国人都用微信,也很喜欢用微信发红包。在情人节或者七夕节的时候,中国人会给自己的爱人发电子红包。很多人会发520元,因为520的中文发音“五二零”很像”我爱你”。穿针 | chuān zhēn | thread the line through the needle | 观星 | guān xīng | stargazing | 吃巧果 | chī qiǎo guǒ | eat various nuts | 美食 | měishí | Nice food | 你知道情人节和七夕节的传说吗?你过这两个节吗?如果你过的话,你一般会怎么过呢?感谢您收听这期关于情人节得节目。如果你喜欢五分钟中文,请帮我订阅、点赞、分享,让这个节目可以帮到更多的学习中文的人。感谢您的收听,我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
2/16/20234 minutes, 52 seconds
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More on 外国品牌的中文名 Chinese Names of Foreign Brands

Hello everyone! In today's episode I continue to talk about the translation of foreign brand names into Chinese with some more examples: IKEA (宜家), Mercedes-Benz (奔驰),  Lancôme (兰蔻), and Best Buy (百思买).  Scripts and useful expressions below. 大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。上次节目跟大家聊了三个外国品牌的中文翻译,分别是可口可乐,好市多和家乐福。因为时间有限,所以只聊到了这三个牌子。这个星期我想继续跟大家聊这个话题。因为我觉得品牌的本地化名字真的是一门跨文化艺术。需要兼顾读音和品牌的关联性,又要让这个名字能被目标市场的消费者记住,并且在文化、语言上具有美好的寓意。一个好的本地化的名字会关系到品牌的在本地的发展的成败。有限 | Yǒuxiàn | limited跨文化 | kuà wénhuà | Cross-culture兼顾 | jiāngù | take into account关联性 | guānlián xìng | relevance目标 | mùbiāo | Target消费者 | xiāofèi zhě | consumer寓意 | yùyì | meaning, implication成败 | chéngbài | success or failure1:14今天我想说的第一个牌子就是瑞典的家具店IKEA。其实IKEA这个名字原本是他的创始人的姓名,他从小长大的农场和附近村庄的名字的四个首字母的缩写,跟家具一点儿关系都没有。但是它的中文名字“宜家”既在发音上跟原名极其相似,又完美地表达出了IKEA是做什么的。宜就是suitable,appropriate的意思,家就是home。所以宜家这个名字就好像在告诉消费者我们的家具是最适合你家的。那还有什么比这个名字更完美的翻译吗?瑞典 | ruìdiǎn | Sweden家具 | jiājù | furniture创始人 | chuàngshǐ rén | founder首字母 | shǒu zìmǔ | Initials缩写 | suōxiě | abbreviation极其 | jíqí | extremely相似 | xiāngsì | resemblance2:23如果你喜欢车,你一定听说过Mercedes-Benz。这两个词都是人名。本身并没有任何关于车的意思。但是中国人一般叫它“奔驰”。奔驰在中文里有run quickly,speed的意思。奔驰这个名字不但表达了奔驰车优越的速度和性能,让人觉得这个车就是速度和激情的象征。而且奔驰也和原名发音非常接近。任何 | rènhé | any奔驰 | bēnchí | speed, run quickly, gallop优越 | yōuyuè | superior速度 | sùdù | speed性能 | xìngnéng | performance激情 | jīqíng | passion象征 | xiàngzhēng | symbol3:10Lancôme是一个法国化妆品品牌。它的中文翻译”兰蔻”也很经典。首先,它在发音上和法语差不多。而且,它选的字的寓意也很棒。兰蔻作为化妆品想要传递一种优雅,美丽,高贵的寓意。而中文里的兰和蔻正好有这样美好的文化内涵。兰在中国文化里有beauty, elegance的寓意。​​蔻源于唐诗 ,是少女的意思,所以寓意上代表年轻。很符合化妆品的功效。化妆品 | huàzhuāngpǐn | cosmetic传递 | chuándì | transfer, spread优雅 | yōuyǎ | grace内涵 | nèihán | Connotation唐诗 | tángshī | Tang dynasty poetry少女 | shàonǚ | young girl功效 | gōngxiào | effect4:06中文名对品牌发展影响的一个负面例子就是Best Buy的中文名字“百思买”。Best Buy在中国市场的失败有各种原因,但是不可否认的是它的中文名“百思买”并没有什么帮助。百思就是一百次思考,买电子产品思考太多、太久可能就不想买了吧。负面 | fùmiàn | the negative失败 | shībài | fail, failure例子 | lìzi | example不可否认 | bùkě fǒurèn | undeniable思考 | sīkǎo | think, contemplate4:42今天又跟大家聊了几个外国品牌的中文翻译。希望你也觉得这是有意思的话题。如果你喜欢五分钟中文,请帮我订阅点赞分享。感谢您的收听。我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
2/4/20235 minutes, 6 seconds
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外国品牌的中文名 Chinese Names of Foreign Brands

Hello everyone! In this episode I talk about three classic translation of famous foreign brands: coca cola (可口可乐), Costco(好市多), and Carrefour(家乐福). These translations are classic because they not only approximate the original names in pronunciation, but also contain great meanings related to what these companies do.  Scripts and useful expressions below. 大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。今天我想跟大家聊一聊外国品牌的中文翻译。在中国改革开放以后,很多外国的大公司都进入了中国。那这些公司和品牌进入中国市场一般都会取一个本土化的名字。今天就跟大家聊三个常见的大品牌的中文翻译。品牌 | Pǐnpái | brand翻译 | fānyì | translate改革开放 | gǎigé kāifàng | Reform and Opening取...名字 | qǔ... Míngzì | a name本土化 | běntǔ huà | localization0:43第一个就是coca cola的中文名“可口可乐”。可口可乐真的翻译得太好了。不但在发音上相似,而且在意思上也特别好。“可口”在中文是tasty,palatable的意思。“可乐”也可以翻译成happy,amusing。在美国,可口可乐也是想传递一种又好喝又享受的感觉。可口可乐这个中文名完美地传达了这个意思。传递 | chuándì | transmit享受 | xiǎngshòu | enjoy完美 | wánměi | Perfect传达 | chuándá | convey1:34我想到的第二个就是前两年才进军中国的美国超市Costco。Costco的中国名字叫“好市多”。我觉得这个品牌翻译也相当成功。因为它也是不但做到了发音上的关联,而且选的字也非常有意义。“好”就是good。“市”就是market,“多”就是many,more。那“好市多”在语义上就给人们“好的超市,东西很多”的感觉。同时,“好事”good things和“好市”同音。“好事多”就像是一种祝福你生活中有很多好事发生。听上去非常吉利。大家都会喜欢的。进军 | jìnjūn | march into相当 | xiāngdāng | quite关联 | guānlián | associate同音 | tóngyīn | Homophone祝福 | zhùfú | wish吉利 | jílì | auspicious2:48最后,我想到的是“家乐福”。家乐福不是美国的品牌,家乐福是一家法国的大型零售集团。法语叫Carrefour。这个翻译—“家乐福”也很棒。因为除了发音上非常相似,而且如果你把家乐福这三个字拆开。家就是family, home。乐就是happy,laughter。福就是good fortune。就是春节中国人会在门上贴的福字。家乐福这个名字就给我们一种:一家人一起去这个超市购物,大家都很开心,都很有福气的寓意。大型 | dàxíng | large scale零售 | língshòu | retail集团 | jítuán | group棒 | bàng | Great相似 | xiāngsì | resemblance拆开 | chāi kāi | divide, separate福气 | fúqi | luck寓意 | yùyì | implied meaning3:50那关于外国品牌的中文翻译,今天就跟大家聊这么多。你知道这三个公司吗?你想过它们名字的中文翻译的意义吗?如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅,点赞,分享。让这个节目可以帮到更多的人。感谢您的收听。我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
1/31/20234 minutes, 23 seconds
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庆祝兔年一日游 Field Trip to Celebrate the Year of the Rabbit

Hello everyone! Happy Year of the Rabbit. In today's episode I talk about our out-of-town field trip on Tuesday to celebrate the lunar new year.  Students ate a delicious all-you-can-eat Chinese hot pot buffet and shopped at the H Mart next door. We had a great time! Script and useful expressions below.0:00大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《五分钟中文》。今天是农历大年三十。明天就是农历大年初一了。如果你过农历新年,在这里祝你春节快乐,兔年吉祥!今天我想跟大家说说今年我是怎么跟学生一起庆祝春节的。兔 | Tù | rabbit吉祥 | jíxiáng | auspicious0:32这个星期二我带全体学中文的学生去附近的大城市体验了一次正宗的中式火锅和亚洲超市。我让学生跟平时一样八点十分到校。大家在我教室整顿一下以后,八点半我们准时坐校车从学校出发。我们的城市距离附近的大城市并不近。如果是自己开车,谷歌地图说需要不到两个半小时。我之前计划这次行程的时候,觉得坐校车比自己开车的时间最多多一个小时吧。还担心到得太早。但是其实因为校车开得慢(好像只能开到55英里每小时),而且我们中途还去了一次休息区,所以到饭店的时间正好是他们开门的时间。我们到了以后就直接进去了。全体 | quántǐ | all体验 | tǐyàn | to experience正宗 | zhèngzōng | authentic中式 | zhōngshì | Chinese style火锅 | huǒguō | hot pot亚洲 | yàzhōu | Asia整顿 | zhěngdùn | settle down谷歌 | gǔgē | Google英里 | yīnglǐ | mile中途 | zhōngtú | halfway2:02来之前我已经跟饭店的老板多次沟通了。比如,他们知道我们差不多几点到,也知道我们是快三十个高中生,从来没吃过火锅,也不太懂怎么吃。老板安排我们坐在一起,还找服务员教我们怎么在iPad上点菜,怎么涮火锅,怎么调酱料。总之,饭店的人都十分热情,有耐心。我们大家吃得很开心。午餐火锅自助是一位24美元。我觉得很实惠!沟通 | gōutōng | communicate快 | kuài | almost涮火锅 | shuàn huǒguō | Shabu Shabu调 | tiáo | blend酱料 | jiàng liào | sauce热情 | rèqíng | enthusiasm耐心 | nàixīn | patience自助 | zìzhù | self serving实惠 | shíhuì | affordable2:56吃完饭以后,我们就去旁边的H Mart亚洲超市逛了。因为在饭店的时间有点儿长,所以我们在超市只有半个小时时间逛。这么大的超市,我的学生又是第一次来,其实说半个小时是有点儿紧张的。虽然大家也都逛完、买到了自己喜欢的东西,但是下次我会安排更充足的时间让大家好好逛逛,仔细地观察体验亚洲超市。紧张 | jǐnzhāng | nervous充足 | chōngzú | enough仔细 | zǐxì | carefully, closely观察 | guānchá | Observe3:45逛完超市以后我们就返程了。五点半才回到学校。不过,除了回来赶上了晚高峰,交通上一切都还是很顺利的。整个这一天学生们不管在校车上还是在饭店和超市里都是欢声笑语。我们一起提前度过了非常快乐的一个农历新年!返程 | fǎnchéng | return trip晚高峰 | wǎn gāofēng | evening peak hour (traffic)顺利 | shùnlì | smoothly整个 | zhěnggè | entire欢声笑语 | huānshēng xiàoyǔ | full of happy talks and laughs4:22那今天就跟大家聊到这里!你庆祝农历新年吗?你是怎么庆祝农历新年的呢?如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅, 点赞,分享!感谢您的收听。我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
1/22/20234 minutes, 46 seconds
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美式中餐和中国中餐的差别 Difference between American Chinese Food and Chinese Food in China

Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese. In today's episode I want to talk about the difference between American Chinese food and Chinese food in China. The first difference lies in the cooking method. A lot of Chinese food in America is usually cooked by deep frying whereas in China a variety of cooking methods are used.  Secondly, the concept of a main dish and the presentation of food are also different due to cultural traditions. Lastly, Chinese people welcome a much wider range of ingredients than Americans who only consider a limited number of ingredients as appropriate to eat.大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《五分钟中文》。今天我想跟大家聊一聊中国的中餐和美式中餐的差别。你可能想不到,在美国,中餐馆的数量远远超过麦当劳,是麦当劳的三倍。美国有4万多家中餐馆,麦当劳只有1万4千家。从中餐馆的数量可以看出,美国人对于中餐是有多么地喜爱。可是美国人爱吃的中餐和中国本土的中餐是一样的吗?有什么不同呢?美式 | Měishì | American style差别 | chābié | difference超过 | chāoguò | Exceed麦当劳 | màidāngláo | McDonald's倍 | bèi | times数量 | shùliàng | quantity0:57首先,美式中餐和中国中餐的烹饪方法不太一样。美国的中餐很多都是油炸的。比如,美国人爱吃的”橙子鸡“ (Orange Chicken)就是把腌制的鸡块油炸后再放入做好的橙子酱中。让炸鸡都沾到酱就可以吃了。橙子鸡除了酱料有中国特色, 本质上跟麦当劳的炸鸡块是一样的。而在中国,油炸并不是主流的烹饪方法。中餐有二十八种烹饪方法。其中主要的有炒(stir fry),炖(stew),蒸(steam),煮(boil)。而感觉美国的中餐比较少地用到蒸煮。烹饪 | pēngrèn | cooking方法 | fāngfǎ | method油炸 | yóu zhá | fried腌制 | yān zhì | marinated沾 | zhān | touch, cover酱 | jiàng | Sauce本质 | běnzhí | essentially, Nature主流 | zhǔliú | mainstream炒 | chǎo | saute, stir fry炖 | dùn | stew蒸 | zhēng | Steam煮 | zhǔ | boil2:06除了烹饪方法不同, 美式中餐和中国中餐的模式也不同。第一,美国中餐沿袭西餐的传统,主菜一般是各种肉类或者海鲜,配蔬菜,面条,米饭等。而且因为西餐是分餐制,所以美式中餐一般都放在一个盘子里。每个人就点一个主菜,自己吃。模式 | móshì | model沿袭 | yánxí | follow (a tradition)配 | pèi | match分餐制 | fēncān zhì | individual food serving system2:50中国的中餐就不一样了。传统中国中餐的主菜除了鱼啊,肉啊的荤菜,素菜也可以做主菜。每个菜都有自己的盘子。一般不会和米饭放在一起。而且所有菜都放在桌子中间,像美国的family style。然后每个人有自己的米饭或者面食。大家分享饭桌中间的菜。不像在美国的分餐制是自己吃自己的。荤菜 | hūncài | Meat dishes素 | sù | non-meat, vegetarian分享 | fēnxiǎng | share3:39最后,美式中餐的食材选择没有中国中餐的范围大。西方文化在食用肉类上通常比较保守。美国人吃的肉一般就是鸡肉,牛肉,猪肉之类。不太会吃一些“奇怪”的部位。比如猪耳朵,牛舌头,鸡心。所以在美国的中餐馆你不太会看到用这些食材做的菜,而这些食材在中国都是很常见的。大家很喜欢吃。食材 | shícái | Ingredients选择 | xuǎnzé | choose, selection范围 | fànwéi | scope食用 | shíyòng | edible保守 | bǎoshǒu | conservative部位 | bùwèi | parts4:30你喜欢吃中餐吗?你觉得你的城市的中餐跟正宗的中餐一样吗?有什么相同和不同的地方?那今天关于中国和美国的中餐就跟大家聊到这里。如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅,点赞,分享。感谢您的收听!我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
1/12/20235 minutes, 6 seconds
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我生活中不能缺少的东西 The Things I can't Live Without

Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese. First of all, I want to wish everyone happy new year! In our first episode of 2023, I want to share with you three little things that I can't live without: lens wipes, smart speakers, and noise cancellation earphones. What are some things that you have to have every day? Hope you enjoy this episode. Script and useful vocabulary below. 0:00大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《五分钟中文》。这期是2023年第一期节目。在这里先祝大家新年快乐!今天我想跟大家聊一聊我生活中不能缺少的三个小东西。缺少 | Quēshǎo | Lack0:26我生活中不能缺少的第一个东西就是擦眼镜的湿巾。就是lens wipes。因为我近视,所以每天时时刻刻都离不开眼镜。眼镜一直戴着,就很容易因为空气中的灰尘或者不小心碰到而弄脏。这时候我就会拿出来一张擦眼镜湿巾把眼镜清洁干净。这种湿巾真的比眼镜布好用多了。自从发现了擦眼镜湿巾的好,我在每个地方都要放几片。这样我想擦眼镜的时候就可以很方便找到。擦 | cā | wipe眼镜 | yǎnjìng | Glasses湿巾 | shī jīn | wet wipes近视 | jìnshì | Shortsighted时时刻刻 | shí shíkè kè | all the time戴 | dài | wear空气 | kōngqì | Air灰尘 | huīchén | dust弄 | nòng | to handle脏 | zàng | dirty清洁 | qīngjié | clean (v.)干净 | gānjìng | clean (adj.)布 | bù | cloth自从 | zìcóng | since1:24我生活中也离不开智能音箱。我家有五个智能音箱,在我家不同的地方。我用他们设闹铃、提醒,定时,听歌儿,看新闻,也经常问它们天气和其他问题。比如,明天的天气怎么样?晚上会不会下雨?这个词是什么意思,怎么拼?某个城市的人口是多少?从A到B有多远?在没有办法拿手机,但是又想马上得到答案的时候,直接问智能音箱太方便了。智能 | zhìnéng | intelligent, smart音箱 | yīnxiāng | speakers闹铃 | nào líng | alarm clock提醒 | tíxǐng | remind定时 | dìngshí | timer某 | mǒu | certain答案 | dá'àn | Answer (n.)2:17最后,我每天的生活也离不开无线降噪耳机。降噪耳机就是可以降低外界噪音的耳机。降噪耳机在很多地方都大有用处。在咖啡厅学习的时候,戴上降噪耳机可以帮你更加专心。在家里看视频但是邻居开割草机的的时候, 戴上降噪耳机可以屏蔽割草机的轰鸣声,让你更舒服地看视频。坐飞机旅行的时候,戴降噪耳机听歌或者有声书不但可以帮助你降低噪音,而且还可以缓解焦虑。跑步听歌的话,降噪耳机也很好。不过,要提醒大家注意安全,不要因为听不到外面的声音造成事故。无线 | wúxiàn | wireless降噪 | jiàng zào | noise reduction耳机 | ěrjī | earphone降低 | jiàngdī | reduce外界 | wàijiè | outside world噪音 | zàoyīn | noise大有用处 | dà yǒu yòngchù | very useful专心 | zhuānxīn | concentrate视频 | shìpín | video割草机 | gē cǎo jī | Lawn mower屏蔽 | píngbì | block (v.)轰鸣声 | hōngmíng shēng | roar, boom to describe loud noise by machine缓解 | huǎnjiě | ease焦虑 | jiāolǜ | anxiety造成 | zàochéng | cause3:28以上就是我生活中不能缺少的三个小东西。你生活中有什么东西是不能缺少的吗?为什么?那今天跟大家聊到这里。如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅,点赞,分享,让这个节目能帮到更多的人。感谢您的收听!我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
1/5/20234 minutes, 2 seconds
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圣诞节的中餐 Chinese Food on Christmas

Hello everyone, in today's episode I talk about the tradition of eating Chinese food/going to a Chinese restaurant on Christmas Day.  In the US,  Chinese people who do not celebrate Christmas usually keep their restaurants open when most other businesses are closed for the holiday. The tradition is particularly alive in the Jewish communities because Chinese restaurants are mostly not religious, convenient, and Kosher.  Script and useful words below. Thank you for listening. Happy Holidays!0:00大家好,欢迎收听新一期的<五分钟中文>。明天就是圣诞节平安夜了。如果你过圣诞节的话,祝你圣诞快乐!如果你好奇中国人过不过圣诞节,可以去听一听我去年平安夜录的节目。今天我想跟大家聊一聊圣诞节吃中餐的传统。圣诞节 | Shèngdàn jié | Christmas平安夜 | píng'ān yè | Christmas Eve0:31象春节一样,圣诞节是美国最大的节日之一。在圣诞节这两天,因为很多人要过节,所以大部分的地方都不开门营业。包括饭店。所以如果你想在圣诞这天出去吃饭,就会发现很难找到饭店。我记得我刚来美国的时候,圣诞节正好在外旅游,不太了解这个情况。没想到不管是饭店还是超市都不开门。想找一个便利店随便买点儿东西吃都找了半天才找到。开门 | kāimén | open the door (open for business) | 营业 | yíngyè | in business | 便利店 | biànlì diàn | convenience store | 1:25虽然现在跟过去比起来,圣诞节开门的饭店可能比过去多了一些,但是选择还是少。而相比美国人,中国人传统上大多是不信教的,也不过圣诞节。所以中餐厅在圣诞节的时候也就照常开门。于是就有了美国人——尤其是美国犹太人——圣诞节吃中餐的传统。由于犹太人也不过圣诞节,所以没有基督教色彩且圣诞节照常营业的中餐厅就成了一个绝佳的选择。除了世俗和便利的原因以外,中餐也比较符合犹太人的一些饮食禁忌。比如中餐不太会用到奶制品。选择 | xuǎnzé | choose相比 | xiāng bǐ | compared to信教 | xìnjiào | believe in religion照常 | zhàocháng | as usual犹太人 | yóutàirén | jews基督教 | jīdūjiào | Christianity色彩 | sècǎi | color, character绝佳 | jué jiā | excellent, wonderful世俗 | shìsú | secular符合 | fúhé | conform to饮食禁忌 | yǐnshí jìnjì | Dietary restrictions奶制品 | nǎi zhìpǐn | dairy products2:36美国犹太人圣诞节吃中餐已经有一百多年的历史了。其实不只是犹太人,只要你不过圣诞节,在这个节庆期间一个人就难免会觉得有点儿孤单寂寞。所以很多人会跟亲朋好友一起聚会。如果想出去聚的话,不歇业的中餐厅就是一个不错的选择了。现在即使有更多的餐厅圣诞节不歇业,圣诞节吃中餐的传统也继续流传下来。节庆 | jiéqìng | festival, festive难免 | nánmiǎn | unavoidable孤单 | gūdān | alone寂寞 | jìmò | lonely聚会 | jùhuì | reunion歇业 | xiēyè | out of business流传 | liúchuán | spread, pass on3:26你过圣诞节吗?你在圣诞节会在哪儿吃饭呢?你在圣诞节去过中餐馆吗?那今天就跟大家聊到这里。如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅、点赞、分享。感谢您的收听。我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
12/24/20223 minutes, 53 seconds
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世界杯 The World Cup ⚽️

Hello everyone! In today's episode, I talk about the world's most popular sport, soccer,  and the World Cup. China doesn't lack soccer fans, but China men's soccer has been a national disgrace and laughing stock. Why didn't China's soccer develop as successfully as its economy? Listen and find out! Script and useful expressions are below. Have a great day!0:00大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《五分钟中文》。最近正好是卡塔尔世界杯。大家都看球了吗?因为我在美国学校,所以之前有美国队比赛的时候,很多老师都在教室大屏幕上播放了美国队的比赛。美国队虽然没有走得更远,但是今年踢得也不错了。一转眼世界杯都结束了。今天早些时候的决赛,阿根廷“点球大战”击败了法国队。我觉得这届世界杯“跌宕起伏”, 还蛮好看的。你觉得呢?你支持的球队赢了吗?卡塔尔 | Kǎtǎ'ěr | Qatar世界杯 | shìjièbēi | world cup屏幕 | píngmù | screen播放 | bòfàng | play (e.g. a video)一转眼 | yī zhuàn yǎn | A blink of an eye结束 | jiéshù | End决赛 | juésài | finals点球大战 | diǎn qiú dàzhàn | penalty shootout击败 | jíbài | beat跌宕起伏 | diēdàng qǐfú | ups and downs蛮 | mán | quite1:01足球可以说是世界上第一大运动。世界杯也是足球的最顶级的赛事。足球这项运动充满了魅力和激情,吸引了世界上无数人的关注和参与。中国人也很喜欢足球,但是中国男子足球队这么多年来一直是中国人的笑话。成了耻辱和失败的代名词。那为什么中国这样一个大国,男足却这么差呢?顶级 | dǐngjí | topmost赛事 | sàishì | competition充满 | chōngmǎn | full, filled with魅力 | mèilì | charm激情 | jīqíng | passion吸引 | xīyǐn | attract关注 | guānzhù | focus, attention参与 | cānyù | participate耻辱 | chǐrǔ | shame失败 | shībài | failure1:46主要原因就是体制问题:跟很多中国很多运动一样,中国足球受到从上而下的”举国体制”的影响。中国足协(足球协会)和国家队的官员们有着极大的权力。这种至高的行政权力就造成了腐败和资源浪费。比如在中国男足,有时候不是你踢得好就能进国家队,上场比赛,而是,你需要跟领导关系好才行。不管是教练还是球员,只是有能力是不行的。也是由于这种国家化的管理和组织形式,足球这种植根于社区的运动并没有发展起来。在中国,没有完善的从低到高的联赛体系。如果想踢足球,就要进入体制内的专业足球体校训练,选拔。而这样就又容易造成腐败。体制 | tǐzhì | system举国体制 | jǔguó tǐzhì | Nationwide system协会 | xiéhuì | association极大 | jí dà | great权力 | quánlì | power至高 | zhìgāo | supreme行政 | xíngzhèng | administrative腐败 | fǔbài | corruption资源 | zīyuán | resource浪费 | làngfèi | waste领导 | lǐngdǎo | leader国家化 | guójiā huà | Nationalized管理 | guǎnlǐ | manage形式 | xíngshì | form植根于 | zhí gēn yú | rooted within完善 | wánshàn | Complete联赛 | liánsài | sports league体系 | tǐxì | system选拔 | xuǎnbá | selection造成 | zàochéng | cause3:12足球在中国没有发展起来还有一个原因就是文化。中国人传统上一直对学校教育非常重视。认为小孩儿最重要的事就是努力读书,考一个好大学。体育就是玩儿,是浪费时间。练体育的小孩的人儿都是不行的。踢足球的都是成绩不好,不聪明,靠上学没有出路的孩子。所以才只能踢球。于是,很少有学习好的孩子的家长愿意为孩子踢足球进行更多的投入。在中国做一名职业足球运动员太难了。所以还是好好学习,以后找一份好工作比较靠谱。重视 | zhòngshì | Pay attention to靠 | kào | Depend on出路 | chūlù | pathway, the way out投入 | tóurù | put in职业 | zhíyè | Profession靠谱 | kào pǔ | Reliable, dependable4:19这个周末就是圣诞节了。很多学校和公司这周都会开始放假了。如果你过圣诞节的话,祝你节日快乐!不管你过不过圣诞,我都希望你能度过一个轻松美好的一周。如果你喜欢《五分钟中文》,请帮我订阅、点赞、分享,让这个节目可以帮助到更多的人。感谢您的收听!我们下期再见。圣诞 | shèngdàn | Christmas度过 | dùguò | spendThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
12/18/20224 minutes, 57 seconds
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柳州螺狮粉 Liuzhou Luosifen (Liuzhou River Snails Rice Noodle)

Hello everyone, welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese. In this episode I talk about one of the most popular noodles in China-Liuzhou luoshifen. What is luoshifen? What's in it and what's the special ingredient that creates the uniquely stinky smell? Because of its huge popularity, we can now so many packaged luoshifen brands to choose from if you would like to try it but don't have a luoshifen restaurant nearby. Scripts and useful vocabulary below. Thank you for listening to 5 Minute Chinese. See you next week!0:00大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《五分钟中文》。我今天想跟大家聊一聊“螺狮粉”。螺狮粉是最近几年风靡中国的一种面条。螺狮是一种淡水的田螺。有点儿象蜗牛。粉就是米粉,是一种米做的面条。螺狮粉之所以叫螺狮粉就是因为他的汤是用螺狮熬的。不过螺狮粉不只是用田螺汤和米粉就可以了。它的里面还有其他各种各样的食材。放在一起才有了螺狮粉独特的味道。螺狮粉 | Luó shī fěn | Snail noodle | 风靡 | fēngmí | all the rage, extremely popular, trending | 淡水 | dànshuǐ | freshwater | 田螺 | tiánluó | river snail | 蜗牛 | wōniú | snails | 米粉 | mǐfěn | rice noodle | 熬 | áo | boil, slow cook | 食材 | shícái | Ingredients | 独特 | dútè | unique | 味道 | wèidào | smell | 0:55很多人说螺狮粉是世界上最臭的面条。关于螺狮粉的臭有很多搞笑的故事。比如,有人说在国外公寓里做螺狮粉,因为太臭了,被人报警。还有人说螺狮粉的臭味会停留在你家里长达三个月。那么螺狮粉的臭味是从哪儿来的呢?螺蛳粉的那股臭味其实主要来自酸笋。酸笋的做法就是把甜笋切成块或片,放在陶罐中,加水和盐,在阴凉处发酵一个月左右就腌好了。腌好的酸笋有一种酸臭的味道,就是大家熟悉的螺蛳粉的臭味的来源。没有了酸笋,螺蛳粉就不是螺狮粉了。很多人爱吃螺蛳粉,就是因为螺蛳粉的酸辣口感:越酸越辣,唾液分泌越多,就越想吃,越吃越上瘾。臭 | chòu | Smelly搞笑 | gǎoxiào | funny公寓 | gōngyù | apartment报警 | bàojǐng | Call the police停留 | tíngliú | stay长达 | zhǎng dá | up to酸笋 | suān sǔn | sour bamboo shoots陶罐 | táo guàn | clay pot阴凉处 | yīnliáng chù | the shade发酵 | fāxiào | fermentation腌 | yān | pickled熟悉 | shúxī | familiar来源 | láiyuán | source口感 | kǒugǎn | Taste唾液 | tuòyè | saliva分泌 | fēnmì | secretion上瘾 | shàngyǐn | addicted2:24那除了螺狮,米粉,和酸笋以外,一碗正宗的螺狮粉里还有什么呢?一般来说,螺狮粉里会放腐竹,炸花生,萝卜干,酸豆角,木耳,青菜等。除了这些以外,还有一些其他配菜,比如鸭脚,卤蛋和豆腐泡什么的。为了平衡螺狮粉的又酸又爽的强烈味道,很多人会在吃螺狮粉的时候喝豆奶。就像我们吃辣以后会喝牛奶一样。正宗 | zhèngzōng | authentic腐竹 | fǔzhú | Yuba tofu skin豆角 | dòujiǎo | beans木耳 | mù'ěr | fungus, woodear mushroom配菜 | pèi cài | side dish鸭脚 | yā jiǎo | Duck feet卤蛋 | lǔ dàn | spiced corned egg豆腐泡 | dòufu pào | tofu puff平衡 | pínghéng | balance强烈 | qiángliè | strong3:16螺狮粉这几年得到了飞速的发展,在中国各地都非常流行。除了去饭店吃螺狮粉,现在也有各种各样的袋装螺狮粉可以选择。如果你不在中国但是想试试螺狮粉,你就可以去本地的亚洲超市或者上网买,都不难买到。不过建议你煮螺狮粉之前要跟家里的亲人朋友提前说一下,毕竟不是所有人都能接受螺狮粉的味道。飞速 | fēisù | fast袋装 | dài zhuāng | bagged本地 | běndì | local亚洲 | yàzhōu | Asia煮 | zhǔ | cook, boil接受 | jiēshòu | accept4:06那关于螺狮粉就跟大家聊到这里。最近很忙,所以感谢您的耐心。如果您喜欢五分钟中文,请帮我关注,点赞,分享,让这个节目能帮助更多的人。感谢您的支持。我们下期再见!耐心 | nàixīn | patienceThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
12/9/20224 minutes, 33 seconds
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寿司的故事 🍣 The Story of Sushi

Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese. In today's episode, I talk about one of the most loved food in the world—Sushi. Where did sushi originate? Why do people say it is from China? And how did it evolve over time and become one of the most popular food now? Scripts and expressions below. Thank you for listening. Have a nice day!0:00大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《五分钟中文》。今天我想跟大家聊一聊寿司。寿司是一个很受大家欢迎的美食。寿司除了是日本人喜爱的食物以外,在日本以外的地区也非常流行。从高级的寿司店到外卖餐厅,世界很多地方你都可以吃到寿司。在美国,中国和很多国家的超市里也有包装好的寿司。寿司 | Shòusī | sushi美食 | měishí | delicious food外卖 | wàimài | takeout包装 | bāozhuāng | Package0:49像很多世界其他美食一样,寿司也有自己的历史起源和发展过程。我查了一些关于寿司起源的资料,可是说得都不太一样。有的人认为寿司源于中国。日文中的寿司的两个汉字最早都源自中国。一个的意思是切得很碎的鱼。一个的的意思是通过米和盐发酵制成的发酵鱼肉。这两个字都包含了寿司的基本配料和做法。一百年后这两个汉字才被传到日本。因此,很多人说寿司来自中国。同时,很多人—包括很多日本人—说寿司源自东南亚。是先从东南亚传到中国,再从中国传到了日本。不管寿司最初的起源地是哪儿,寿司都是在日本得到了长足的发展,最后也是从日本走向世界。现在人们一说到日本饮食首先就想到寿司。起源 | qǐyuán | origin发展过程 | fāzhǎn guòchéng | development process资料 | zīliào | material源于/源自 | yuán yú/yuán zì | originate from切碎 | qiē suì | chop up发酵 | fāxiào | fermentation制成 | zhì chéng | production包含 | bāohán | Include基本配料 | jīběn pèiliào | basic ingredients传 | chuán | spread, pass on东南亚 | dōngnányà | Southeast Asia最初 | zuìchū | initial长足 | chángzú | long and sufficient走向 | zǒuxiàng | go towards2:34寿司源于人们用米饭把鱼包起来保存。在过去没有冰箱的时代,发酵是一种很方便、常用的保存食物的方法。米饭发酵后的产物可以阻止细菌生长,从而达到帮鱼保鲜的作用。因为经过长时间发酵以后的米饭又酸又臭,所以人们在吃腌制鱼的时候,一般都会把外面包着的米饭扔掉。冰箱 | bīngxiāng | refrigerator保存 | bǎocún | preserve, save产物 | chǎnwù | product阻止 | zǔzhǐ | Prevent细菌 | xìjùn | bacteria生长 | shēngzhǎng | to grow保鲜 | bǎoxiān | Keep Fresh经过 | jīngguò | go through酸 | suān | sour臭 | chòu | Smelly腌制 | yān zhì | marinated扔掉 | rēng diào | throw away3:20后来,人们发现在米饭里加米醋可以大大缩短发酵的时间。而且加了醋以后的米饭也没有原来那么难吃了。所以人们也开始吃原来为了保鲜鱼的米饭了。后来沿海的地区的人直接用新鲜的生鱼片和加醋的新米饭一起吃。这就是现代寿司的雏形了。现在我们常见的寿司形式有握寿司和寿司卷。握寿司就是把一个鱼片放在一小握米饭上。寿司卷一般是用紫菜卷米饭和其他配料。寿司不一定非要是鱼做为主料,也可以是天妇罗,虾,蟹棒和其他蔬菜水果。米醋 | mǐcù | rice vinegar缩短 | suōduǎn | shorten沿海 | yánhǎi | coastal雏形 | chúxíng | prototype形式 | xíngshì | form握寿司 | wò shòusī | nigiri sushi寿司卷 | shòusī juǎn | sushi rolls紫菜 | zǐcài | seaweed主料 | zhǔ liào | main ingredient天妇罗 | tiān fù luō | tempura蟹棒 | xiè bàng | crab sticks4:35二战后,尤其在七十年代,随着日本的崛起和日本的移民,寿司也走向了世界。除了传统的日本寿司,现代寿司也更本地化,更多融合了其他饮食文化特色。现在你去美国的寿司店,很有可能会在菜单上看到California roll 加州卷或者philadelphia roll 费城卷。这些美国化的寿司都是寿司师傅为了迎合美国人的口味发明的。各个国家、民族的美食文化交流,相互影响,创新,才有了我们越来越多的美食啊!崛起 | juéqǐ | to rise移民 | yímín | migrant本地化 | běndì huà | localization融合 | rónghé | fusion特色 | tèsè | feature师傅 | shīfù | chef, master口味 | kǒuwèi | taste交流 | jiāoliú | exchange创新 | chuàngxīn | innovation5:37那今天关于寿司就跟大家聊到这里。大家喜欢吃寿司吗?喜欢吃那种寿司呢?感谢您的收听。如果你喜欢,请帮我订阅、点赞、分享。感谢您的支持。我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
12/1/20226 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

巡演的幕后 Behind the Scenes at Concert Tours

Hello everyone! In today's episode I talk about what happens behind the scene to make a concert tour successful. From negotiating revenue split with the venue , renting buses and hotel rooms in the planning phase, to setting up the stage in oftentimes less than a day and making sure all things work as they should, everything has to line up perfectly to make a concert a success. Next time you enjoy a concert, thank not only the artist/s, but also the team that work with artist/s to put on a great show. Script and expressions below.0:00大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《五分钟中文》。之前跟大家聊到十一月初我去亚特兰大看了Blackpink的世界巡回演唱会。真的是特别棒的体验。那今天就说说一场成功的巡演的背后到底是怎么运作的。世界 | Shìjiè | world巡回 | xúnhuí | (concert) tour 演唱会 | yǎnchàng huì | concert巡演 | xúnyǎn | (show) touring棒 | bàng | Great体验 | tǐyàn | to experience到底 | dàodǐ | in the end运作 | yùnzuò | operate0:30如果你参加过美国学校跟戏剧有关的活动,你应该了解排演新剧的时候,不只是需要台上的演员,幕后还有很多服装人员,舞台技术人员,灯光人员,乐队等工作人员。大家都要一起配合好才能给观众献上一个完美的演出。巡回演唱会也是一样。一般提前一年左右就要开始准备了。演唱会前,巡演公司需要先跟演出场地的人谈好费用和所有收入怎么分。一般来说,艺人的公司会拿到百分之八十五左右。夏天的演唱会,上一年的秋冬就要把这些定下来了。定下来时间和地点以后, 巡演公司就要租卡车,大巴,飞机等。除了交通工具以外,还有专门的人为大家订酒店,并告诉酒店有什么具体的时间,饮食方面的需求。虽然都是提前很久计划,但是有时候还是“计划赶不上变化”,这就需要公司跟酒店和租车公司时刻保持联系。如果有什么变化,及时沟通。排演 | páiyǎn | rehearsal台上 | tái shàng | on stage演员 | yǎnyuán | actor, performer幕后 | mùhòu | behind the scenes服装 | fúzhuāng | clothing舞台技术 | wǔtái jìshù | stage technology灯光 | dēngguāng | lighting配合 | pèihé | Cooperate观众 | guānzhòng | audience献上 | xiànshàng | present, offer完美 | wánměi | Perfect演出 | yǎnchū | show提前 | tíqián | in advance场地 | chǎngdì | venue费用 | fèiyòng | cost收入 | shōurù | income艺人 | yìrén | artist定 | dìng | decide, nail down卡车 | kǎchē | truck大巴 | dà bā | bus专门 | zhuānmén | specialized计划赶不上变化 | jìhuà gǎnbushàng biànhuà | Plans can't keep up with changes时刻 | shíkè | time保持 | bǎochí | Keep及时沟通 | jíshí gōutōng | timely communication2:29巡演公司从一场到下一场都是分组行动。艺人和他们的经纪人,助理之类可能会坐飞机。乐队和伴舞坐旅游大巴。如果路程远,时间紧,又是晚上赶路的话,公司会订有床的大巴,这样大家就可以在车上睡觉。其他人——比如舞台技师和工人——在把舞台音响设备,办公物品等装车之后,也是坐大巴前往下一场的地点。要是两场演唱会之间间隔很短,又要开夜车的话,大巴司机的休息时间就特别重要了。他们白天睡觉,晚上开车。都没有时间看演唱会。分组 | fēnzǔ | by group行动 | xíngdòng | action经纪人 | jīngjì rén | broker伴舞 | bànwǔ | backup dancer赶路 | gǎnlù | to hasten on with one's journey技师 | jìshī | technician音响 | yīnxiǎng | Audio设备 | shèbèi | equipment办公物品 | bàngōng wùpǐn | office supplies装 | zhuāng | Pack间隔 | jiàngé | interval开夜车 | kāiyèchē | night drive3:41因为美国大多数演唱会都是在NBA,NFL球队的体育馆举行。这些体育馆平时是为了比赛,不是为了开演唱会。所以什么演唱会的东西都要巡演公司自己去搭建。很多时候人手不够,都要雇本地的工人帮忙才能按时完成。然后下午到演唱会正式开始前会有彩排,试音,和安保演习,最后确定没有什么问题。到了晚上,观众陆陆续续入场,演唱会按时开始。在美国的演唱会大家不管是内场票还是站台(should be 看台)票,一般都会站着又唱又跳,度过一个难忘的夜晚。搭建 | dājiàn | to build人手 | rénshǒu | manpower雇 | gù | hire按时 | ànshí | on time彩排 | cǎipái | dress rehearsal试音 | shì yīn | Audio test, soundcheck安保 | ānbǎo | security陆陆续续 | lù lùxù xù | one after another内场票 | nèi chǎng piào | standing ticket看台票 | kàntái piào | seating ticket4:51那今天关于演唱会就跟大家聊到这里。跟很多事情一样,我们一般只看到最后的结果,而看不到背后无数人的努力。下次,如果你去了一场成功的演唱会,除了谢谢艺人歌手,别忘了也谢谢他们的团队。是全体一起努力才有了演唱会的顺利、成功地进行。如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅,点赞,分享。感谢您的收听。我们下期再见!结果 | jiéguǒ | result无数 | wúshù | countless团队 | tuánduì | team顺利 | shùnlì | smoothlyThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/23/20225 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

冬季户外运动的注意事项 How to Exercise in the Winter Time

Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese. Today I talk about how the winter time and temperature change affect how we go about exercising outdoors. Script and expressions below.大家好,欢迎收听新一期的<5分钟中文>!上个星期我跟大家聊到我对冬令时的不适应。原来,到五六点的时候天还是亮的。可是现在到4:30、 5:00天色就暗了。5:00多天就黑了。随着太阳下山,气温也降得很快。在户外活动不像前一阵儿那么暖和了。那怎么能在户外活动中,尤其是跑步的时候,既能锻炼身体又尽量让自己舒适呢?冬令时 | Dōnglìng shí | winter time暗 | àn | dark随着 | suízhe | along with太阳 | tàiyáng | sun下山 | xiàshān | downhill降 | jiàng | drop户外 | hùwài | outdoor前一阵儿 | qián yīzhèn er | a while ago尤其 | yóuqí | especially跑步 | pǎobù | run锻炼 | duànliàn | exercise尽量 | jǐnliàng | as much as possible舒适 | shūshì | comfortable上个星期六气温还不错,最高气温有21度,所以短衣短裤出去走一走、跑一跑感觉气温正好,很舒服。但是星期日比星期六就冷了好多。我下午4:00左右出门气温差不多是十三四度。虽然我穿了长裤,但是上身还是短袖。就觉得被风吹得、冻得皮肤都有点儿发红了,手也有点儿冻僵了。短袖 | duǎn xiù | short sleeve吹 | chuī | blow冻 | dòng | freeze皮肤 | pífū | skin发红 | fā hóng | redness僵 | jiāng | stiff那既然现在天气冷了,我们出去运动应该注意什么呢?应该穿什么呢?我觉得首先要注意的就是安全问题。因为现在天黑得早,5:00多可能天就完全黑了。天黑的时候出去跑步什么的没有白天的时候安全。所以,如果出去运动的话,尽量早一点出门,这样就能早点回来。比较安全。如果白天上班上学,没时间的话,可以选择在家里或者健身房运动,也可以把户外活动安排在周末白天的时候。既然 | jìrán | now that选择 | xuǎnzé | choose其次就要说到冬季户外活动的时候需要怎么穿衣服了。冬天在外面跑步或者走路最重要的一点就是保暖。冬季跑步可以用三层穿衣法。最里面穿速干衣,有助于快速排汗。不然出汗了再被冷风一吹,很容易感冒。中层穿抓绒保暖。外层穿防风衣防风雨。下身就穿紧身长裤就可以了。跑起来腿不会感觉太冷。需要保暖的是上肢和手指、耳朵等。所以帽子、手套是必备的。从户外回到家中要及时换上干衣服。在运动前热身的时间要比天暖和的时候长一些。运动完也要好好地拉伸。保暖 | bǎonuǎn | keep warm层 | céng | layer法 | fǎ | method速干衣 | sù gàn yī | quick-drying clothes有助于 | yǒu zhù yú | helps快速 | kuàisù | fast排汗 | pái hàn | perspiration出汗 | chū hàn | sweat感冒 | gǎnmào | cold抓绒 | zhuā róng | fleece防风 | fángfēng | windproof下身 | xiàshēn | lower body紧身 | jǐnshēn | tight上肢 | shàngzhī | upper body及时 | jíshí | timely干 | gàn | Dry热身 | rèshēn | warm up拉伸 | lā shēn | stretch随着天黑得越来越早,天气越来越冷,户外活动需要的准备工作也越来越多。希望大家都能安全运动,享受冬天运动的乐趣。如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅、点赞、分享。感谢您的收听!我们下期再见。享受 | xiǎngshòu | enjoy乐趣 | lèqù | pleasureThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/15/20224 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

亚特兰大的Blackpink演唱会 Blackpink Concert in Atlanta

Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese. If you live in the US, I hope you are adapting well to the end of daylight saving time. In today’s episode I talked about Blackpink’s concert in Atlanta last week.  It has been three years since their last concert and despite the high ticket price, it was totally worth it to see them close up in person. I hope I can see them again in the future. Scripts and useful expressions below. 大家好!欢迎收听新一期的5分钟中文。这个星期一是美国夏令时结束,冬令时开始的第一个星期一。在美国的大家感觉怎么样呢?我之前有一期节目聊过这个话题。中国过去其实也有一段时间采用夏令时,但是后来停了,我希望美国也早点结束这个冬令时,夏令时的转换。因为真的让人很不舒服。我星期日起来的时候就觉得很累,今天休息得也不是很好。夏令时 | Xiàlìng shí | daylight saving time采用 | cǎiyòng | use转换 | zhuǎnhuàn | convert0:54那关于夏令时就不多说了,今天主要想跟大家聊一聊我上个星期去的BLACKPINK的演唱会。我之前有一期节目聊过我跟BLACKPINK的故事。BLACKPINK是韩国的一个女团。我2019年去亚特兰大看过她们的演唱会。到今年已经有三年了,这三年真的世界发生了太大的变化。不过今年终于她们又来美国巡演了。我也又有机会在亚特兰大见到她们。演唱会 | yǎnchàng huì | concert女团 | nǚ tuán | girl group亚特兰大 | yàtèlándà | Atlanta变化 | biànhuà | change巡演 | xúnyǎn | tour1:44我这次买的是站票。说到这儿,不得不说一说票价。19年Blackpink演唱会VIP票价只要403。对比今年,最高级的VIP票价是1250,跟19年比,最好的票的价格翻了三倍。真是太可怕了。不过这也是从侧面证明了BLACKPINK现在真的很火。站票 | zhàn piào | standing ticket高级 | gāojí | high level票价 | piào jià | ticket price翻倍 | fān bèi | double可怕 | kěpà | scary侧面 | cèmiàn | side证明 | zhèngmíng | prove2:21VIP站票没有固定座位,所以就不能到演唱会快开始了才去。如果你很想占到好的位置,那么越早去排队越好。像我这次是早上吃完早饭就立马去排队了。到的时候天还没亮。差不多7:00。门口已经有好几个人在排队了。从七点等到十点开始按照不同的VIP等级检票。检票后会给你一个手环,上面有你的号码。有了这个号码以后,就转到地下停车场按照号码继续排队。但是这时候因为你已经有了号码,你就可以离开去吃饭,买东西什么的。不用一直站在队里等。只要soundcheck之前回来就可以了。soundcheck是五点开始。一共十多分钟。会唱三首歌。soundcheck完了以后大家就在原地等演唱会开始。当然,中途你可以去买水,吃东西,上厕所什么的。但是人多的话,来回会很不方便。所以很多人就一直站到十点演唱会结束。所以说追星也个体力活儿啊!不过这一切的辛苦都比不上看到BLACKPINK的开心和兴奋。就会觉得一切都值得了。固定 | gùdìng | fixed座位 | zuòwèi | seat占 | zhàn | Take up位置 | wèizhì | Location, spot排队 | páiduì | queue立马 | lìmǎ | Immediately按照 | ànzhào | according to等级 | děngjí | level检票 | jiǎnpiào | check in手环 | shǒu huán | wristband号码 | hàomǎ | Number原地 | yuán dì | in situ中途 | zhōngtú | halfway追星 | zhuīxīng | chasing celebrity体力活 | tǐlì huó | physical labor辛苦 | xīnkǔ | Hard work兴奋 | xīngfèn | excited值得 | zhídé | worth4:24那今天关于BLACKPINK的演唱会就跟大家聊到这里。你喜欢哪个歌手呢?你有没有去过他们的演唱会呢?你的演唱会经历是怎么样的呢?感谢您的收听!如果你对这期节目有什么问题,请给我发电子邮件。如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅点赞分享。祝你有美好的一周。歌手 | gēshǒu | singer经历 | jīnglì | experienceThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/8/20225 minutes, 1 second
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中国的大学宿舍 College Dorms in China

Hello everyone, in today's episode I talk about college dorms in Chinese colleges. Compared with a lot of places in the world, in China the living standard of college dorms is sub-par. First, it's usually crowded with 4 or more people in the same room. Second, the dorm rooms are not fully equipped with what many would considered as basic (such as hot shower). Lastly, many Chinese dorms don't have A/C. Considering how hot most of China can get in the summer, it's pretty hard to sleep comfortably in the dorm.  Interestingly, Chinese colleges usually have separate dorms for international students with better conditions. Script and expressions below.大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。今天我想跟大家聊一聊中国大学的宿舍。大部分大学生上大学都会住在宿舍,中国大学生也不例外。我当时上大学的时候也住在宿舍。那中国大学宿舍具体是什么样的呢?大部分 | Dà bùfèn | most例外 | lìwài | exception具体 | jùtǐ | specific0:34跟中国外的大学宿舍比,中国大学宿舍的条件可以说是比较差的了。首先,在国外的大学宿舍一般是一人一间或者是两人一间。但是中国大学宿舍一般是四人一间,甚至六到八人一间。那你可能想,如果要这么多人住在一个房间,这个房间应该很大吧?其实并没有。中国的四人宿舍跟美国一两人宿舍差不多一样大,却多了一倍的人。所以中国的大学宿舍感觉很挤。因为这么小的面积需要放这么多人,所以很多中国大学宿舍的床是上下铺。上面睡一个人,下面睡一个人。我在中国上大学的时候宿舍就是四人间。我当时睡下铺。每个人还有一个小书桌。书桌上面是书架和柜子。除了这些,就没有什么地方放别的东西了。美国宿舍因为人少,所以每个人的空间也大很多。一般 | yībān | generally甚至 | shènzhì | even倍 | bèi | times面积 | miànjī | area铺 | pù | bed空间 | kōngjiān | space2:17美国大学宿舍的卧室虽然可能不都是直接连着卫生间,但是卫生间很多都在套房里,或者离得很近。而且都很宽敞、干净。如果想洗澡或者洗脸、刷牙就会非常方便,也不会有很多人跟你“抢”。中国大学宿舍有的有独立卫生间,但是一般都很小,而且功能不全。比如我大学时候四人宿舍里面是有卫生间的,配有厕所和洗脸池,但是只有凉水淋浴,不能洗热水澡。洗澡的地方在另外一个楼。非常不方便。连 | lián | connect套房 | tàofáng | suite宽敞 | kuānchǎng | spacious干净 | gānjìng | clean刷牙 | shuāyá | brush teeth抢 | qiǎng | grab, fight to get access独立 | dúlì | independent功能 | gōngnéng | Function全 | quán | Complete配 | pèi | equip洗脸池 | xǐliǎn chí | washbasin淋浴 | lín yù | shower另外 | lìngwài | in addition3:21关于中国大学宿舍的居住条件,还有一点美国人可能想不到:那就是中国很多大学宿舍是没有空调的。对于从出生就习惯了空调的美国人来说,这可能真的无法想象。其实不光是宿舍,大学的教室也不是都有空调的。而中国夏天普遍高温,宿舍里的温度可能达到八九十度。因为太热,很难睡好。教室里太热,学生们也很难专心学习。居住 | jūzhù | live, living条件 | tiáojiàn | condition空调 | kòngtiáo | air conditioner想象 | xiǎngxiàng | imagine不光 | bùguāng | not only普遍 | pǔbiàn | universal高温 | gāowēn | high temperature达到 | dádào | reach专心 | zhuānxīn | concentrate4:12有意思的一点就是中国大学会给留学生建不同于中国学生的宿舍。因为中国学生宿舍的条件对于外国留学生来说太差了,所以需要给他们单独建更好条件的宿舍才能满足他们的基本需要。留学生 | liúxuéshēng | international students单独 | dāndú | separately建 | jiàn | build满足 | mǎnzú | Satisfy4:39那关于中国的宿舍的情况就跟大家聊到这里。你住过大学宿舍吗?你宿舍的条件怎么样?如果你喜欢这期节目请帮我订阅、点赞,分享。感谢您的收听,我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/30/20225 minutes, 6 seconds
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喜欢种菜的中国人 Chinese, a people who love to grow vegetables

Hello everyone! Hope you are having a nice week. In today's episode I talk about Chinese people's love for growing vegetables and why. I harvested my first batch of radishes this weekend and it was so much fun! Script and useful expressions below.大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。今天想跟大家聊一聊中国人对种菜的热爱。《舌尖上的中国1》(A Bite of China 1) 中,导演胡博曾说过:“中国人走到哪里,都得想办法种点儿菜。” 不管是在中国国内,还是在海外,中国人都喜欢种菜。种菜 | Zhòng cài | grow vegetables热爱 | rè'ài | love办法 | bànfǎ | Method国内 | guónèi | domestic海外 | hǎiwài | overseas0:34 我前一阵也在阳台上种了菜。八月三号我买了西红柿,小白菜,罗勒,水萝卜,秋葵,香菜,还有生菜的种子。正式开始种菜。这是我第一次种菜。其实种得有点儿晚了。最近天气已经变冷,这些菜在冷的天气很难继续成长。像生长期比较长的西红柿。现在虽然长得很高很大,但是离结果还有一段时间。随着天气越来越冷,可能这一季等不到果实了。不过,我这次的菜并没有“全军覆没”。我上周末收获了我的第一个菜:水萝卜。把水萝卜去皮,切薄片,然后用盐,糖,白醋腌一下,做成凉菜。吃起来还不错!吃自己种的菜很有成就感。前一阵 | qián yīzhèn | a while ago阳台 | yángtái | balcony西红柿 | xīhóngshì | tomato罗勒 | luólè | basil水萝卜 | shuǐ luóbo | Radish秋葵 | qiū kuí | Okra香菜 | xiāngcài | coriander生菜 | shēngcài | lettuce种子 | zhǒngzǐ | seed正式 | zhèngshì | formal生长期 | shēng cháng qí | growing season结 | jié | bear (fruit) 果(果实) | guǒ (guǒshí) | fruit 全军覆没 | quán jūn fùmò | completely annihilated (lit. all army failed and destroyed)收获 | shōuhuò | harvest去皮 | qù pí | peel skin切 | qiè | cut薄片 | bópiàn | thin slices腌 | yān | marinate成就感 | chéngjiù gǎn | sense of achievement2:08我也认识一个新来美国的中国人。她发现小区有菜地出租,只要三十块(美元💲)。所以就找管理公司说想租这块地。那儿的人建议她说,不要着急。可以等到春天天气暖和了再租。现在天气冷,租了也没办法种。虽然没有租,但是我相信,等到天气一暖和,她就会马上租下这块地开始种菜啦!小区 | xiǎoqū | community菜地 | cài dì | vegetable field租 | zū | rent2:52中国人在大大小小的地方,各种各样的条件下,种菜的故事太多了。那中国人为什么对种菜有这么大的热情呢?大多数人认为这是跟中国的古文明有关。中国长江和黄河被认为是中国文明的发源地。因为这里的气候条件和土壤很适合发展农耕,所以很多人来这里种地谋生。一个家庭可以自己家种粮食,自己家种菜,自己家吃。不过种粮食比种菜的时间长,如果有战乱,等不到收获可能就会饿肚子。所以中国人也会种很多需要时间很短的蔬菜。不过,不管是种粮食还是种蔬菜,中国人种菜的传统可能是刻在了基因里吧。条件 | tiáojiàn | condition文明 | wénmíng | civilization发源地 | fāyuán dì | Origin气候 | qìhòu | climate土壤 | tǔrǎng | soil农耕 | nónggēng | agricultural farming种地 | zhòng dì | farm, work the land谋生 | móushēng | make a living粮食 | liángshí | foodstuff, grain crops战乱 | zhànluàn | war饿肚子 | è dùzi | Hungry stomach刻 | kè | carve基因 | jīyīn | Gene4:18你种过菜吗?种过什么菜?感谢您的收听。如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅,点赞,分享。感谢您的支持。我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/25/20224 minutes, 37 seconds
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中国“黄牛” Scalpers in China

Hello everyone! In today's episode, I talk about 黄牛, which is the Chinese name for scalpers, and their roles in Chinese society. Whether you need a train ticket during the Spring Festival travel rush, or a highly-sought-after new iPhone, or a hard-to-get appointment with a great doctor, or a concert ticket of a famous artist, you will likely come across 黄牛 the Chinese scalper. See script and useful expressions below. Hope you enjoy this episode. Have a wonderful week!大家好,欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。今天我想跟大家讲一讲“黄牛”。从字面上看,黄是yellow,牛是cow,黄牛就是黄色的牛。黄牛确实是中国的一种牛。可是今天我想跟大家聊的不是牛,是一种职业。确实 | Quèshí | really职业 | zhíyè | Profession0:36黄牛就是俗称“票贩子”,就是倒卖各种票的人。在20世纪的上海,票贩子们抢购票时常常像一群黄牛一样骚动,所以人们就把他们叫做黄牛或者黄牛党。不过黄牛不只倒卖票,还倒卖其他东西。在市场中,黄牛们用正常的价格大量购买人们需要的商品,比如新的电子产品或者活动门票,并且希望这些商品售罄或者卖完。这样的话,人们通过正规渠道就没有办法买到自己想要的商品,只能找“黄牛”买。这时候黄牛就可以用更高的价格卖出自己之前用正(常)价(格)购买的商品,由此获得高额差价利润。俗称 | súchēng | Commonly known as贩子 | fànzi | dealer倒卖 | dǎomài | reselling抢购 | qiǎnggòu | snap up骚动 | sāodòng | commotion购买 | gòumǎi | Buy, purchase大量 | dàliàng | a large quantity 售罄 | shòu qìng | sold out正规渠道 | zhèngguī qúdào | Formal channels高额 | gāo é | high (amount)差价 | chājià | price difference, price spread利润 | lìrùn | profit2:02比如,在中国,人们有春节回家过年的传统。每年“春运”的时候,因为大家都在这几天买火车票,常常“一票难求”,就是买不到票。这时候很多人就会买黄牛票,黄牛们就可以把手中的票卖出高价。一票难求 | yī piào nán qiú | Hard to get even one ticket | 2:34苹果手机也是黄牛喜欢的商品。每次苹果发售新手机的时候,黄牛们就会提前去苹果店门口排队,大量购买新出的手机。因为黄牛把新手机都买没了,想买新手机的人就买不到了。如果你很想赶快用上新手机,就只能找黄牛买。价格可能比店里贵几百或者更多。发售 | fāshòu | release to sale排队 | páiduì | queue3:18医院里也有黄牛。他们用各种办法拿到很多医生的预约。这样,想看病的病人就没办法及时约到医生。如果想早点儿看上医生,就只能从黄牛那儿购买预约。越有名的医生,越难约上的医生,黄牛的价格也就更贵。预约 | yùyuē | appointment及时 | jíshí | timely3:51演唱会也一样。有的很火的演唱会很难抢到票。没有抢到票的粉丝就只能加价从黄牛那儿买票。美国一些有名的二手票网站比如stubhub,就是二手黄牛票的平台。演唱会 | yǎnchàng huì | concert火 | huǒ | hot, popular, fire抢 | qiǎng | grab粉丝 | fěnsī | fan二手 | èrshǒu | second hand平台 | píngtái | platform4:18不过黄牛也不是每次都会成功。比如今年的iphone 14手机。中国的黄牛们以为会像以前一样供不应求:就是大家都想买iphone 14,但是买不到。黄牛们买了大量的iphone 14,却发现卖不出去了。别说加价了,反而要比他们买的价格低几百才有人买。所以这次黄牛亏了。供不应求 | gōngbùyìngqiú | in short supply加价 | jiājià | markup亏 | kuī | lose money (in a trade)5:01你听过黄牛吗?你们那儿有没有黄牛?你买过黄牛票吗?那今天就跟大家聊到这里。如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅,点赞,分享。感谢您的收听。我们下周再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/17/20225 minutes, 26 seconds
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生活中的通货膨胀 Inflation in Our Life

Hi everyone, today I talk about what is inflation,  how it looks like in our daily life (one example is the price increases of Chipotle steak bowl), the main reason behind inflation, as well as its impact on our lifestyle.  Script and expressions below. Hope you enjoy! 0:00大家好欢迎收听新一期的五分钟中文。今天想跟大家聊一聊通货膨胀。通货膨胀是在一定时间内一般物价水平的持续上涨现象。通货膨胀最直接的表现是纸币贬值,物价上涨,货币购买力降低。通货膨胀 | Tōnghuò péngzhàng | inflation内 | nèi | within, Inside物价水平 | wùjià shuǐpíng | price level持续 | chíxù | continued上涨 | shàngzhǎng | rise现象 | xiànxiàng | Phenomenon表现 | biǎoxiàn | show, display纸币 | zhǐbì | paper money贬值 | biǎnzhí | depreciate货币 | huòbì | currency购买力 | gòumǎilì | purchasing power降低 | jiàngdī | reduce0:33对于很多普通人来说,通货膨胀就是手里的钱越来越不值钱,东西越来越买不起。我有一个很经典的例子。就是Chipotle的牛排饭的价格。chipotle是美国一个有名的健康快餐店。我翻看我2020年在Chipotle的订单,一份牛肉饭是$8。2021年6月4号以前涨到$9.75,6月4号就变成了$10.20。那时候觉得,哇噻,一比较涨了好多啊。可是现在回头看,我笑了:去年$10.2还不知足。现在一份一样的饭都要$13.25了!前一阵周末去一个中餐外卖店点中餐午饭。一个菜就要$12.95。可是这是午饭啊!午饭难道不应该是便宜一些吗?怎么这么贵了。其实不止在外面吃饭贵了。别的东西也都贵了。不然怎么叫通货膨胀呢?通货膨胀就是什么都变贵了。油价更贵了,衣服更贵了,买菜也更贵了。对于…来说 | duìyú…lái shuō | with regards to普通 | pǔtōng | ordinary之前 | zhīqián | Before经典 | jīngdiǎn | classic例子 | lìzi | example价格 | jiàgé | price翻看 | fān kàn | look through订单 | dìngdān | Order变成 | biàn chéng | become涨 | zhǎng | rise知足 | zhīzú | contentment难道 | nándào | Is it不止 | bùzhǐ | more than2:39通货膨胀的原因很多。主要是因为人们对商品的需求比商品的供给多。中央银行印的钱比需要的钱多。钱多但是东西少,那么同样的商品就要更多的钱才能买到。你就觉得东西就变贵了。当然,东西涨的时候,人们的收入也会有增长,可是大多数人们的收入的增长速度跟不上物价上涨的速度。这时候人们的生活水平就会下降。毕竟同样的钱已经买不到过去的生活方式:出去吃饭贵了就得少出去吃,自己在家做。飞机票涨价了就要考虑少去远的地方旅游。原因 | yuányīn | reason商品 | shāngpǐn | commodity, goods需求 | xūqiú | need供给 | gōngjǐ | supply(中)央(银)行 | (zhōng) yāng (yín) xíng | Central Bank印 | yìn | print同样 | tóngyàng | same当然 | dāngrán | certainly收入 | shōurù | income增长 | zēngzhǎng | increase速度 | sùdù | speed生活水平 | shēnghuó shuǐpíng | standard of living下降 | xiàjiàng | decline毕竟 | bìjìng | after all生活方式 | shēnghuó fāngshì | lifestyle3:55你觉得生活中的东西变贵了吗?你们那儿通货膨胀严重吗?感谢您的收听。如果你喜欢《五分钟中文》,请帮我点赞,分享。祝您一周愉快。我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/11/20224 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

WFH during Tropical Storm 飓风的居家工作日

Hello everyone, in today's episode I talk about my WFH day this Friday due to tropical storm warning in my city. I was able to hone my recommendation letters for my wonderful students. With the submission of the letters, I completed one of my big projects. But life goes on, and we will have more things to do. I hope we can all work hard but also enjoy all the down time and happy hours of life.  Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me subscribe, like and spread the show. Thank you and have a great day!0:00大家好!欢迎收听。大家这个星期过得怎么样?我们星期一没有上课,因为我们学校trip以后,星期一放了一天秋假。这样大家就能得到更好的休息。然后这个星期五我们也没有上课,但是原因不一样。星期五不上课的原因是飓风。其实这么说也不太准确,因为到我们这儿的飓风已经变成了热带风暴。星期四的时候,我们这里发布了热带风暴警告,说星期五热带风暴会来。届时会有大风和暴雨,局部地区会有洪涝。出于安全考虑,我们学校跟本地区其他学校一样,在周五都停课了。很多商店在星期五也关门停业了。比如target星期五就没有开门。在周四整晚和周五一天的狂风暴雨后。到周六的时候就又阳光灿烂了。所以感觉这次飓风对我们没有什么大影响。不过看新闻上说Florida受灾蛮严重的,希望他们能早日恢复正常的生活。原因 | Yuányīn | reason飓风 | jùfēng | hurricane准确 | zhǔnquè | precise变成 | biàn chéng | become发布 | fābù | release, issue热带风暴 | rèdài fēngbào | tropical storm警告 | jǐnggào | warn, warning届时 | jièshí | when the time comes暴雨 | bàoyǔ | rainstorm局部 | júbù | local, part洪涝 | hónglào | flood出于...考虑 | chū yú... Kǎolǜ | out of the consideration of ...本地区 | běn dìqū | this region关门/开门 | guānmén/kāimén | close/open (business)停业 | tíngyè | suspend business operation狂风 | kuángfēng | strong wind阳光灿烂 | yángguāng cànlàn | sunny受灾 | shòuzāi | Affected by disaster蛮 | mán | quite恢复 | huīfù | recover1:54那周五的这一天我都做了什么呢?星期四因为外面狂风大雨,感觉睡得其实不太好。星期五9:00多才起床,然后我就做了咖啡,吃了早饭,开始一天的工作。周五一天正好给了我时间去好好地写我学生的推荐信。写推荐信很费时间。而且好像我花的时间要比别的老师花的时间多。不管怎么样,我希望我的推荐信能帮助大学招生官更好地了解我的学生,他们真的都是非常棒的学生!写完了推荐信可以说完成了我近期的一个大工程。推荐信 | tuījiàn xìn | recommendation letter费 | fèi | cost不管怎(么)样 | bùguǎn zěn (me) yàng | anyway, no matter what 招生官 | zhāoshēng guān | admission officer近期 | jìnqí | recent工程 | gōngchéng | project2:59不过,完成了一件事就还会有下一件事。生活就是这样忙忙碌碌的。希望我们都能抓住生活中的小开心,小惬意。劳逸结合。度过一个美好的周末!再次感谢您的收听。如果你喜欢五分钟中文,请帮我关注、点赞、分享。我们下期再见!忙忙碌碌 | máng mang lùlù | busy抓住 | zhuā zhù | catch, grasp惬意 | qièyì | comfort劳逸结合 | láo yì jiéhé | combine work and restThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/1/20223 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

十年级露营⛺️划船🚣‍♀️游记 10th Grade Canoeing & Camping Trip

Hello everyone! In today's episode I talk about our 10th grade canoeing and camping trip.  Hope you enjoy! Script and useful expressions below. Have a great week!大家好,欢迎收听《五分钟中文》。上个星期三、四、五三天我跟我们学校的10年级去了划船露营。所以今天就跟大家聊聊这次的经历。希望你喜欢。第一天我们6:30全体同学、老师在学校草地集合,分组。我们十年级一共分了4组,每组12个学生,基本男女各半。两组6男6女,两组7男5女。想起在中国的时候,高中一个班就跟我们学校现在一个年级的人数差不多。划船 | Huáchuán | boating露营 | lùyíng | camping全体 | quántǐ | all, whole (student) body集合 | jíhé | gather分组 | fēnzǔ | grouping0:57在进行简单的欢迎和介绍后,组织者分发给我们大小防水包,睡袋,睡垫,水瓶等。 我们装好后,和船,帐篷,还有其他装备被分开运送到目的地。我们只带随身物品上了大巴。两个小时车程以后我们到达了湖区的营地。1:33午后到了营地我们就搭帐篷,吃午饭。这三天的午饭都是三明治,很简单。第一天这个半天主要为了第二天划船做准备。第一天我们学习了野外露营的基础知识和划桨方式之类。 学完了之后我们就去附近体验了一下,学生还游了泳。在水里玩儿得很开心。防水 | fángshuǐ | water proof睡袋 | shuìdài | sleeping bag睡垫 | shuì diàn | sleeping pad帐篷 | zhàngpéng | tent装备 | zhuāngbèi | equipment分开 | fēnkāi | separate随身物品 | suíshēn wùpǐn | belongings车程 | chēchéng | (n.) drive湖区 | húqū | Lake District营地 | yíngdì | camp ground2:11第一天的晚饭由学生分工负责,大家一起做了意面。吃晚饭以后就是收拾刷碗。然后就是自由活动时间了。大家有的打牌,有的去别的组串门,有的坐在吊床上聊天,还有大家一起捉迷藏。 营地中央有一片大草地。我晚上在这儿散了步。湖区的光污染比城市小得多,漫天星光闪闪。临睡前,大家围坐一圈总结分享后就洗漱睡觉了。我们的营地在厕所和水龙头旁边。所以很方便。这是我第一次睡帐篷。但是我觉得我睡得还不错。分工 | fēngōng | division of labor负责 | fùzé | Responsible意面 | yì miàn | pasta收拾 | shōushí | tidy up刷完 | Shuā wǎn | wash dishes自由活动 | Zìyóu huódòng | free time打牌 | Dǎpái | play cards串门 | chuànmén | drop by吊床 | diàochuáng | hammock捉迷藏 | zhuōmícáng | hide and seek散步 | sànbù | casual walk光污染 | guāngwūrǎn | light pollution漫天星光 | màntiān xīngguāng | starry sky闪 | shǎn | flash, blink临睡 | lín shuì | right before sleep围坐 | wéi zuò | sit around总结 | zǒngjié | Summarize洗漱 | xǐshù | wash and brush teeth水龙头 | shuǐlóngtóu | Faucet3:16第二天是这次行程唯一的一个全天。今天我们要划船从一个营地到另一个营地。6:30大家起床洗漱后吃了开水做的麦片早餐。早餐后我们收拾好行李,9:30装船从营地出发。一共六七英里的航程,我们组花了不到四个小时,在1:30左右到了。中途我们停了两次吃些零食,喝些水,可是没有吃午饭。因为大家以为没多远了,就想着到了再吃。结果到1:30才到,很多学生说最后划得又累又无聊。行程 | xíngchéng | journey, itinerary唯一 | wéiyī | only装 | zhuāng | pack英里 | yīnglǐ | mile航程 | hángchéng | voyage4:23我们组是第一组到的。到了以后我们就在水里玩儿了一小会儿。然后把船抬到坡上的新营地,吃了午饭。因为说过一阵儿有可能下雨,所以大家先把帐篷搭了起来再干别的。这后来被证明是超正确的决定。因为差不多三四点的时候开始刮大风,然后就开始下雨了。我们大家正好可以都在帐篷里避雨,这比在风雨中搭帐篷要好多了。晚饭学生们做了鸡肉青椒饭,特别好吃!晚上一起烧火篝火烤了s’mores。大家一起说话聊天,度过了一个美好的夜晚。坡 | pō | slope证明 | zhèngmíng | prove正确 | zhèngquè | correct避雨 | bì yǔ | shelter from the rain青椒 | Qīngjiāo | green pepper篝火 | gōuhuǒ | bonfire5:28最后一天返程。没有什么大安排,就是收拾打包回城。在回学校前,我们先去户外中心帮他们清洁整理这两天的野营装备用品。3:00家长们在学校接学生们回家。返程 | fǎnchéng | return journey打包 | dǎbāo | pack户外中心 | hùwài zhōngxīn | Outdoor Center整理 | zhěnglǐ | tidy5:53这两天我都没怎么看手机。也没怎么给学生照相。风景这么美,大家玩儿得这么开心,有现代的科技的存在就没意思了。这是我第一次划船露营。我觉得很好玩儿。我们组的人都特别好!向导老师也是经验丰富,又很风趣。对大家都是一次非常棒的体验。经验丰富 | jīngyàn fēngfù | Experienced风趣 | fēngqù | funny棒 | bàng | Great体验 | tǐyàn | experience6:28 你参加过类似都学校活动吗?你喜欢露营或者划船吗?感谢您的收听。如果你喜欢这个节目,请帮我订阅、点赞、分享。祝你有美好的一周!我们下期再见!类似 | lèisì | similarThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
9/26/20226 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

我买了新苹果手表 I bought the new Apple Watch

Hello everyone! In today's episode I talk about the new Apple Watch Series 8 I just got and its new functions. Hope you enjoy. Script and useful vocabulary below by paragraph.1:01 hand-washing1:42 heart health2:13 Medication App2:28 crash detection (&fall detection)3:56 Workout App0:00大家好! 欢迎收听新一期的《5分钟中文》。我上个星期买了新出的苹果手表Apple Watch,昨天送到了。还挺快的。我已经用了一天,今天就想跟大家聊聊苹果手表的新功能和我的用户体验。功能 | Gōngnéng | Function用户体验 | yònghù tǐyàn | user experience0:29我的上一个苹果手表是2017年出的第三代的苹果手表,我戴了差不多四年才换新的。很多新功能其实前两年的苹果手表就都已经有了,不是今年才有的。但是因为我很久都没有换手表,所以很多功能对我来说是新的。戴 | dài | wear代 | dài | generation1:01我想跟大家介绍的第一个苹果手表新功能就是洗手时间。苹果手表会检测到你在洗手,然后帮你倒计时洗手的时间。提醒你要好好、仔细地洗手不能洗得太快,导致洗得不干净。我通过这个功能发现我每次洗手的时间都不够。洗手洗够时间还是很有必要的。检测 | jiǎncè | detect | 倒计时 | dàojìshí | countdown | 提醒 | tíxǐng | remind | 仔细 | zǐxì | thoroghly, with attention to detail | 导致 | dǎozhì | lead to | 1:42苹果手表第二个有新功能就是帮助你监测心脏健康。苹果手表可以检测房颤。它也可以检测你的心跳是否正常。如果你在没有运动的情况下,心跳却超出正常范围,它就会提醒你这个异常情况。监测 | jiāncè | monitor心脏 | xīnzàng | heart房颤 | fáng chàn | atrial fibrillation心跳 | xīntiào | heartbeat超出...范围 | chāochū... Fànwéi | Out of ...range异常 | yìcháng | abnormal情况 | qíngkuàng | situation, scenario2:13第三个功能就提醒你吃药。有时候我们工作、学习很忙,就不记得按时吃药和保健品。新的苹果手表可以在应该吃药的时候提醒你。这样你就不会忘了。按时 | ànshí | on time保健品 | Bǎojiàn pǐn | health products2:38第四个功能是车祸检测。苹果手表在检测到严重车祸时会显示提醒,并在20秒后自动报警。如果你没有反应的话,他会自动播放语音告诉警察你出了车祸和你的大致位置,为救援提供便利。在这之前苹果也有摔倒检测的功能。如果它检测到你摔倒了,而且一分钟内都没有动作,它就会认定你摔得很厉害。这时候苹果手表也会自动为你报警,通知你的紧急联系人。我希望我们都不会用到这两个功能。但是如果真的出现了这样的紧急的情况,而我们没有办法动弹、求救,这个功能可能就是救命的功能。车祸 | chēhuò | car accident检测 | jiǎncè | detect显示 | xiǎnshì | show, display自动 | zìdòng | automatic报警 | bàojǐng | Call the police反应 | fǎnyìng | response, reaction播放 | bòfàng | play语音 | yǔyīn | voice大致 | dàzhì | approximate位置 | wèizhì | Location救援 | jiùyuán | rescue提供 | tígōng | provide便利 | biànlì | convenient摔倒 | shuāi dǎo | fall动作 | dòngzuò | action认定 | rèndìng | identify通知 | tōngzhī | Notice紧急 | jǐnjí | emergency联系人 | liánxì rén | contact动弹 | dòngtán | move求救 | qiújiù | ask for help救命 | jiùmìng | Help3:56最后,我要说一下苹果手表对我最重要的功能:增强的运动记录功能。如果你用苹果手表运动,你对健身圆环可能并不陌生。健身环对我每天坚持健身非常有帮助。新的苹果手表不但可以帮你记录活动时间,不同运动类型,心率,和卡路里消耗,还可以记录你的心率区间,跑步功率,制定自己的体能训练等等。新的体能训练视图测量你的跑步姿势。我觉得还挺酷的。这些测量指标可以帮助我们更安全高效的运动。记录 | jìlù | Record坚持 | jiānchí | persist in类型 | lèixíng | type心率 | xīnlǜ | heart rate卡路里 | kǎlùlǐ | Calories消耗 | xiāohào | consume区间 | qūjiān | interval, zone功率 | gōnglǜ | power制定 | zhìdìng | formulate体能 | tǐnéng | physical fitness视图 | shìtú | view, infochart测量 | cèliáng | Measurement知识 | zhīshì | Knowledge高效 | gāoxiào | efficient5:00那今天关于新苹果手表和它的新功能就跟大家聊到这里。你戴苹果手表吗?你觉得苹果手表的这些新功能对你的生活有帮助吗?感谢您收听五分钟中文。如果你喜欢,请帮我订阅、点赞、分享。感谢收听。我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
9/17/20225 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

中秋这忙碌的一周 A Busy Week & Mid-Autumn Festival

Hello everyone! In today’s episode I talk about my busy week this week with the school curriculum night, the Mid-Autumn Festival, and my work to set up a Chinese honors society. Today is Mid-Autumn Day. If you celebrate this holiday, I wish you a happy holiday of abundance and prosperity. Thank you for listening. Script and useful words below. Email me if you have any questions or suggestions. 大家好!欢迎收听新一期的5分钟中文。我们已经开学三周了,但是我还是感觉有很多东西要忙。事情一件接着一件。除了备课、改作业之外,还有很多其他的事情。所以今天就跟大家聊一聊我最近一周都在忙什么吧。感觉 | Gǎnjué | Feel0:33这周的一件大事就是星期四的课程之夜curriculum night。这次是我们疫情以来第一次实地的curriculum night。前两年都是线上进行的。curriculum night主要是向家长介绍一下自己,课程,教学计划,课堂要求,评分标准之类。Curriculum Night从晚上6:00到8:00。我回家的时候感觉好累。实地 | shídì | on-site线上 | xiàn shàng | on-line评分标准 | píngfēn biāozhǔn | Grading standard之类 | zhī lèi | such as1:16星期五我在我的课上跟我的学生们一起庆祝了中秋节。今年的中秋节好像比去年早一些。今年我很惊喜地在Costco看到月饼和凤梨酥。这些在去年是没有的。我一直很羡慕大城市会有更多的亚洲食品。现在我们也慢慢有了。真好!我买了一盒月饼和两盒凤梨酥。星期四我们有一个中国家长给我打电话说他有很多的月饼,还有日本小零食。他吃不了,所以问我要不要。如果我需要的话,他就让他的儿子给我带到学校,我正好可以跟大家分享。我说,当然啦!越多越好啊!我觉得他给我的月饼比我在Costco买的月饼好吃。学生们也很喜欢!庆祝 | qìngzhù | celebrate惊喜 | jīngxǐ | surprise月饼 | yuèbǐng | moon cake凤梨酥 | fènglí sū | Pineapple Cake羡慕 | xiànmù | envious亚洲 | yàzhōu | Asia食品 | shípǐn | food零食 | língshí | snack分享 | fēnxiǎng | share2:34这周我还在弄全美中小学中文教师协会的会员,因为我想建立一个中文荣誉社团(honors society)。这个社团的老师必须是会员才能申请。这件事本来应该是很简单的,但是却没有一帆风顺。申请会员需要付费,但是他们的支付系统很奇怪,一定要通过PayPal。但是我们用学校的信用卡就一直出问题。所以只能等到下周再试试了。不过我觉得最后一定能够成功的。弄 | nòng | (informal) to do, to manage, to handle协会 | xiéhuì | association会员 | huìyuán | member荣誉 | róngyù | honor社团 | shètuán | society申请 | shēnqǐng | Application一帆风顺 | yīfānfēngshùn | smooth sailing付费 | fùfèi | pay (fee)支付系统 | zhīfù xìtǒng | payment system通过 | tōngguò | through, via3:26这就是我这一周忙的大大小小的事情了。今天是中秋节。如果你庆祝中秋节的话,我在这里祝您节日快乐!感谢您的收听,如果你喜欢5分钟中文。请帮我订阅、点赞、分享。我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
9/10/20223 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

美国劳工节 Labor Day in the US

Hello everyone! In today’s episode, I talk about Labor Day in the US: it’s time, origin, and what people do on the day then and now. Scripts and useful expressions below. Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions. Have a nice long weekend if you are in the US!大家好,欢迎收听《五分钟中文》。因为星期一是劳工节,放假一天,所以这个周末是一个三天的长周末。那今天我们就说一说美国的劳工节。劳工节 | Láogōng jié | labor day0:19美国的劳工节是每年九月的第一个星期一,是一个庆祝劳动对经济和社会贡献的节日。劳工节起源于十九世纪的工业革命时期。这时越来越多的人进入工厂工作,拿工资。然而,虽然工厂给工人们提供了就业,但是那时候的工作条件非常差,而且工作时间也很长。工人们每天需要工作十二个小时,就像中国现在的996工作制。因此,很多工人组织起来,通过工会进行游行罢工。要求提高工人待遇,改善工作条件。他们当时有一个口号是:八小时工作,八小时休息,八小时娱乐。庆祝 | qìngzhù | celebrate贡献 | gòngxiàn | contribution起源于 | qǐyuán yú | begins at, originate世纪 | shìjì | century工业 革命 | gōngyè gémìng | The Industrial Revolution提供 就业 | tígōng jiùyè | provide employment工作 条件 | gōngzuò tiáojiàn | working conditions制(度) | zhì (dù) | system工人 | gōngrén | Worker工会 | gōnghuì | union游行 | yóuxíng | procession罢工 | bàgōng | strike提高待遇 | tígāo dàiyù | Improve treatment改善 | gǎishàn | improve口号 | kǒuhào | slogan1:33美国第一个的劳工节游行是1882年9月5日。在这一天,成千上万的工人们在纽约举行了大游行。他们一起游行,聚餐,演讲。后来纽约中央工会就把劳工节定在了每年九月的第一个星期一。从此以后,越来越多的州参加进来,把这一天定为公共假日。最后,在1894年,劳工节正式成为了美国的联邦法定假日。成千上万 | chéng qiān shàng wàn | thousands聚餐 | jùcān | potluck, dine together演讲 | yǎnjiǎng | speech州 | zhōu | State假日 | jiàrì | holiday正式 | zhèngshì | formal联邦 | liánbāng | federal法定 | fǎdìng | legal2:20劳工节的真正的意义离现代美国人的生活很远了。虽然还是有很多人在劳工节这一天游行,争取更好的劳动待遇。但是对大多数美国人来说,劳工节是7月国庆节和11月感恩节中间的一个小长假。人们在劳工节期间和亲朋好友团聚,在户外烧烤,出门旅游,观看球赛等等。劳工节在美国也代表了夏天结束。对很多美国学生来说,劳工节代表暑期的结束,新学年的开始。真正意义 | zhēnzhèng yìyì | true meaning现代 | xiàndài | modern争取 | zhēngqǔ | strive for劳动待遇 | láodòng dàiyù | Labor treatment国庆节 | guóqìng jié | National Day感恩节 | gǎn'ēn jié | Thanksgiving团聚 | tuánjù | reunion户外烧烤 | hùwài shāokǎo | Outdoor BBQ结束 | jiéshù | Finish3:14那关于美国的劳工节,就跟大家聊到这里。如果您喜欢这期节目,请帮我订阅点赞分享。感谢您收听《五分钟中文》,我们下期再见!订阅 | dìngyuè | subscribe点赞 | diǎn zàn | like分享 | fēnxiǎng | shareThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
9/3/20223 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

中文课、秋游和生活 Classes, Trips, and Life

Hello everyone! In today’s episode I talk about three topics in life. Firstly, I talk about my mixed-level classes this year. Next I talk about our upcoming 10th grade camping trip. Lastly, I talk about the things in life and how I deal with them. Listen and find out more. Scripts and useful expressions below. Let me know if you have any suggestions or questions. Have a great week!大家好!欢迎收听。今天想跟大家聊一聊我最近的生活。我分了三个题目。第一个题目是开学;第二个题目是秋游;第三个题目是生活。那先跟大家聊聊开学的事吧!0:22这个星期是我们正式开学的第二周。这个学期我有四节课。可是,这四节课里有两节是混合班。也就是说在一节课中有两个不同程度的班同时上。虽然加起来学生也不多,但是这种上课形式还是很有压力,很有挑战性。混合课堂的有的方面——比如需要更多时间备课——我自己可以克服。可是有的方面——比如课上无法及时回应学生——是无法解决的。尤其到了高级的课程,每个班都需要跟老师深度地互动。而因为两个不同的班一起上课,我很难完全照顾得到每个学生的需求。这也让我很难过,但是也没办法。我只能尽我自己最大的努力去平衡。正式 | Zhèngshì | formal混合 | hùnhé | mix程度 | chéngdù | degree, level同时 | tóngshí | at the same time形式 | xíngshì | form挑战性 | tiǎozhàn xìng | challenge方面 | fāngmiàn | aspect备课 | bèikè | lesson preparation克服 | kèfú | overcome无法 | wúfǎ | unable to, without means to及时 | jíshí | timely回应 | huíyīng | respond, feedback解决 | jiějué | solve尤其 | yóuqí | especially高级 | gāojí | advanced深度 | shēndù | in-depth互动 | hùdòng | interaction照顾 | zhàogù | take care of难过 | nánguò | sad尽 | jǐn | exhaust, as much as possible平衡 | pínghéng | balance1:44第二个题目是秋游。我们学校今年九月底会组织每个年级的活动。十年级和十一年级都会去秋游。我报名参加了十年级的旅行。这也是我第一次参加高中的户外集体活动。这次是去一个湖划船,然后露营两晚。虽说是露营,但是听说有卫生间,营地也不全是在野外。还有地陪、向导。所以我觉得可以接受。还有点期待呢。虽然现在有的学生不想参加,但是我觉得他们很久以后回想这次旅行,应该也会有美好的回忆吧。底 | dǐ | end户外 | hùwài | outdoor集体 | jítǐ | collective, as a group划船 | huáchuán | boating露营 | lùyíng | camping营地 | yíngdì | camp野外 | yěwài | wilderness, field地陪 | dì péi | local accompanying staff向导 | xiàngdǎo | guide接受 | jiēshòu | accept期待 | qídài | expect, look forward to回想 | huíxiǎng | recall2:44第三个题目就是生活。生活就会有很多琐事。比如报税,交税,车检,保险,都要一件一件地处理。其实蛮考验耐心的。最近还要把地毯换成地板。这样的话粉尘会少一点儿。对室内空气质量有帮助。但是也是要慢慢地,好好地选出自己喜欢的地板。不能“操之过急”。我宁可开始多花一些时间看看、挑挑,也不想因为着急,换了自己不是最喜欢的地板。毕竟是每天生活的空间,不能太随便。不过每件事都会有自己的时机、过程。只要不急躁,多听多看再做决定,就可以了。琐事 | suǒshì | trivial things税 | shuì | Tax车检 | chē jiǎn | Vehicle inspection保险 | bǎoxiǎn | Insurance处理 | chǔlǐ | deal with蛮 | mán | quite考验 | kǎoyàn | test耐心 | nàixīn | patience地毯 | dìtǎn | carpet地板 | dìbǎn | floor粉尘 | fěnchén | dust空气质量 | kōngqì zhí liàng | air quality操之过急 | cāozhīguòjí | is too hasty宁可 | nìngkě | rather时机 | shíjī | opportunity急躁 | jízào | impatient3:58那今天就跟大家聊到这里,如果你喜欢《5分钟中文》请帮我订阅分享。如果你有什么问题和建议,欢迎给我发电子邮件。邮件地址可以在描述栏中找到。感谢您的收听,我们下星期再见。Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
8/28/20224 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

开学啦 Back to School

Hello everyone. Happy Back-to-School season. This is our first week of school, and I'm excited to be back in class and learn with my students. In today's episode, I talk about my thoughts and feelings as I enter my 10th year of teaching Mandarin.  Hope you enjoy! Script and useful expressions below.0:001 大家好,欢迎收听<五分钟中文>。这周是我们第一周开学,所以我想跟大家聊聊我今年开学的一些感受。0:152 首先,今年是我的一个milestone,一个里程碑。因为这是我教汉语的第十年了。只能说,时间过得真的太快了。让人感慨!虽然我已经有十年的教学经验了,但是我觉得我每年都有新的体会,新的挑战,新的感想。每天都能跟学生学到新的东西,是一个让人谦卑的过程。中国人说“教学相长”:就是说学生和老师在这个过程中互相学习,互相影响,都获得了提高。我很感恩我的学生给我这个跟他们共同成长的机会。里程碑 | Lǐchéngbēi | milestone感慨 | gǎnkǎi | emotional, deeply moved经验 | jīngyàn | experience感想 | gǎnxiǎng | impression谦卑 | qiān bēi | humble过程 | guòchéng | process教学相长 | jiàoxuéxiāngzhǎng | Teaching each other互相 | hùxiāng | each other获得 | huòdé | get, acquire提高 | tígāo | improve, improvement感恩 | gǎn'ēn | grateful共同 | gòngtóng | common, together成长 | chéngzhǎng | grow1:173 今年不但是我的第十年,也是我第一年只教高中。我过去教初中和高中。因为我今年只有高中生,所以我的教室也换到了高中楼。在二楼的一角(corner)。我的新教室虽然不大,但是风景很好。我的桌子正对面的窗户外就是草坪和远处的足球场和树林。视野非常开阔,让人感觉心旷神怡。我很喜欢这个新教室。角 | jiǎo | corner草坪 | cǎopíng | lawn树林 | shùlín | forest, wood视野 | shìyě | view, vision开阔 | kāikuò | wide open心旷神怡 | xīnkuàngshényí | lit. heart untroubled, spirit pleased (idiom); carefree and relaxed2:034 今年是新冠疫情以来,第一年正常开学。当然了,我们学校去年也是一直在校上课,而不是网课。但是因为新冠,还是有很多活动不能像以前一样进行。今年应该会有更多的机会尝试各种各样的活动。比如,我可以组织学生去中餐馆庆祝春节,而不是点外卖来班里吃。我也可以教学生上手包饺子、煮饺子,而不需要特别担心新冠的问题。总之,我对今年有很多期待和想法。我希望跟学生们一起实现,一起过一个又充实又有趣的一年。新冠疫情 | xīnguān yìqíng | COVID-19正常 | zhèngcháng | normal尝试 | chángshì | try庆祝 | qìngzhù | celebrate点外卖 | diǎn wàimài | order takeout上手 | shàngshǒu |  get hands-on包饺子 | bāo jiǎozi | wrap/make dumplings煮 | zhǔ | cook by boiling期待 | qídài | expect, anticipate想法 | xiǎngfǎ | idea, though实现 | shíxiàn | accomplish, realize充实 | chōngshí | enriching3:055. 感谢大家一直以来对《五分钟中文》的支持。新学期我希望《五分钟中文》对你的中文学习有更多的助益。如果你喜欢这个节目,请帮我点赞传播,告诉你学习中文的朋友。如果有问题和建议,就给我发邮件吧。地址可以在描述栏找到。谢谢收听。我们下期再见!助益 | zhù yì | help & benefit点赞 | diǎn zàn | like传播 | chuánbò | spread描述栏 | miáoshù lán | Description barThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
8/20/20223 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

玩桌游 Play Board Games

Hello everyone, in today's episode I talk about board games. The most recent one I played is called Machi Koro 2--an easy, fun board game where you build establishments,  earn returns, and build 3 landmarks to win. In this day and age, board games may sound boring compared to our smartphones, computers and other forms of multi-media entertainment. Yet board games have its unique merits. First, it's very engaging since you need to actively think about your moves as well as other players'. And more importantly, you can have a wonderful time with your friends and family without the distraction of things like your phones.Thank you for listening to 5 Minute Chinese. If you like the show, kindly take a second to rate and share the show so that it can help more people. I appreciate your support. See you next time!0:00大家好,欢迎收听。不好意思这个星期比较忙,一直到周五才有时间更新。今天我想跟大家聊一聊桌游。更新 | Gēngxīn | renew | 桌游 | zhuō yóu | board game | 0:15最近我接触了两个新的桌游。一个叫《卡坦岛》(Catan)。一个是《街口 2》(Machi Koro 2)。昨天我玩儿的是《街口2》。在这个游戏中,玩家扮演市长的角色,购买餐厅,果园,购物中心等各种物业。然后掷色子🎲。如果掷到符合自己物业卡片要求的数字就会得到相应的回报。游戏中玩家努力扩展自己的物业,增加收入,用来购买标志性的建筑(landmark)。最先建成三个标志性建筑的玩家就赢了比赛。街口是一款简单好玩的桌面游戏。很容易上手。接触 | jiēchù | get in contact with扮演...的角色 | bànyǎn……de juésè | play...roles市长 | shì zhǎng | mayor购买 | gòumǎi | Buy, purchase果园 | guǒyuán | orchard物业 | shíshìqiúshì | property掷 | zhì | throw色子 | shǎi zi | Dice符合 | fúhé | meets the卡片 | bàoxiāo | card数字 | shùzì shùzì | number相应 | yǒushí | corresponding回报 | huíbào | return努力 | nǔlì | strive扩展 | kuòzhǎn | expand增加 | zēngjiā | Increase标志性 | biāozhì xìng | iconic, landmark建筑 | jiànzhú | architecture1:17我小时候玩过很多桌游。但是好像长大以后就很少玩了。我觉得是因为现代人的室内娱乐方式更多了。首先,人人都有智能手机。业余时间大家可以用手机上网,听歌儿,刷社交媒体,看YouTube视频什么的。其次,现在有各种视频流媒体。大家在家就可以用Hulu,Amazon Prime看电影,看剧。或者看有线电视上的娱乐节目,体育比赛直播。在各种多媒体的娱乐时代,桌游或者卡牌游戏感觉有点儿无聊。但是其实桌游是很有意思的。玩桌游需要动脑,主动去制定自己的策略,同时观察、分析别人的情况。这些都会让你很投入到游戏中,一点儿都不会无聊。而且,没有手机、电视、电脑的打扰,跟亲朋好友围坐在一起玩桌游,一边玩一边聊天说话,度过快乐的时光。这是多么美好的一件事呀!我觉得大家可以考虑聚会的时候多玩儿玩儿桌游。而不是大家都自己在玩儿手机。室内 | shìnèi | indoor娱乐方式 | yúlè fāngshì | entertainment智能 | zhìnéng | intelligent, smart业余 | yèyú de | spare time刷 | shuā | scroll社交 | shèjiāo | social视频 | shìpín | video流媒体 | liú méitǐ | streaming media直播 | zhíbò | live streaming卡牌 | kǎ pái | card动脑 | dòngnǎo | brainstorm主动 | chàngyì | actively制定策略 | zhìdìng cèlüè | make strategies观察 | guānchá | Observe分析 | fēnxī | analyze投入 | liú | engaged, invest, put in亲朋好友 | qīnpéng hǎoyǒu | friends and relatives围坐 | wéi zuò | sit around度过 | dùguòle | spend时光 | shíguāng | time考虑 | kǎolǜ | consider聚会 | jùhuì | party, reunion3:15那今天关于桌游就跟大家聊到这儿。你平时喜欢玩儿桌游吗?你最喜欢的桌游是什么?感谢您的收听。如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我点赞分享。我们下期再见。Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
8/12/20223 minutes, 38 seconds
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雪糕刺客 Ice Cream Assassin

Hello everyone! In today's episode I talk about the buzzword 雪糕刺客 (Ice Cream Assassin). Chinese people call an ice cream an ice cream assassin when it looks unremarkable but turns out to be very pricey, dealing a heavy blow to your wallet at checkout. Scripts and useful expressions below. Thank you for listening. Have a nice day!大家好!欢迎收听。天气最近这么热,大家有没有吃雪糕呢?雪糕是ice cream bar。雪是snow的雪,糕是蛋糕cake的糕。雪糕放在一起就是“snow cake”。你在中文课本里可能学过”冰激淋”这个词。在中国,雪糕和冰激淋的意思都差不多,都是ice cream。不过,雪糕常常指ice cream bar。就是中间有一个棍儿(stick)的雪糕。而冰激淋很多是盒装或者是用蛋筒装的。 雪糕 | Xuěgāo | ice cream (bar)冰激淋 | bīng jī lín | ice cream指 | zhǐ | refer to盒装 | hé zhuāng | boxed, box packaged蛋筒 | dàn tǒng | ice cream cone0:52雪糕是ice cream bar。刺客是assassin。“雪糕刺客”就是ice cream bar assassin。那你可能就好奇了:雪糕应该是一种很受欢迎的食品,怎么就变成刺客了呢?这个夏天,很多中国人开玩笑地用“刺客”来形容超市里那些外表“平平无奇”,但是能在价格上给你“致命一击”的雪糕。刺客 | cìkè | assassin好奇 | hàoqí | curious外表 | wàibiǎo | appearance价格 | jiàgé | price平平无奇 | píngpíng wú qí | unremarkable致命一击 | zhìmìng yī jī | fatal blow 1:29那被中国人称为刺客的雪糕到底有多贵呢?雪糕刺客里最有名的就是钟薛高的两款雪糕,要168元一盒,也就是23.64美元。这个盒子还不是很大的家庭装的那种,看上去也就一品脱(1 pint)。所以真是太贵了!还有费雷罗(Ferrero)巧克力雪糕,一盒有四个小雪糕,要200元。也就是7.4美元一个。还有一种含酒的冰激凌要100元一小杯,也就是14.81美元一小杯。便宜一些的雪糕刺客也有很多。它们的价格差不多都是十多块,二十块,也就是两三块美元。这个价格我觉得还好,虽然也不便宜吧。不过,中国的人均收入比美国要低很多,所以你可以想象这些雪糕刺客的价格对人们钱包的杀伤力。 到底 | dàodǐ | in the end美元 | měiyuán | US Dollar款 | kuǎn | classifier for versions or models (of a product)含 | hán | contains人均收入 | rénjūn shōurù | Per capita income想象 | xiǎngxiàng | imagine钱包 | qiánbāo | wallet杀伤力 | shāshāng lì | lethality3:00我记得我小时候一个雪糕也就一两块钱,也就是美元的几毛钱。也是因为大家印象里雪糕都不会特别贵,所以大家在买的时候都不太会注意价格。但是现在的东西是越来越贵了。雪糕也可能变成刺客,在结账的时候你才发现原来这么贵,给你出其不意的一击。我爸说有一次他想吃雪糕。就随便拿了一小盒。在结账的时候,他给了收银员50元。他觉得肯定够了,可是收银员却告诉他钱不够。这个雪糕要60元。我爸当时就很吃惊:雪糕这么贵?50元都不够?用现在的话说,我爸当时就是遇到了雪糕刺客。 记得 | jìdé | Remember印象 | yìnxiàng | impression变成 | biàn chéng | become结账 | jiézhàng | pay the bill出其不意 | chūqíbùyì | by surprise击 | jī | hit收银员 | shōuyín yuán | cashier却 | què | but遇到 | yù dào | meet 4:12那今天关于雪糕刺客就跟大家聊到这里。你遇到过雪糕刺客吗? 你吃过的最贵的冰激淋要多少钱?感谢您的收听。如果您喜欢五分钟汉语,请帮我点赞、传播这个节目。我们下期再见!点赞 | diǎn zàn | like传播 | chuánbò | spreadThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
8/2/20224 minutes, 37 seconds
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中国的午休文化 The Siesta Culture in China

Hello everyone! In today's episode I talk about China's siesta culture. Chinese people are used to taking a nap after lunch since childhood. School and company schedules usually accommodate the need of siesta with a longer lunch break than what is common in the US. The two main reasons for Chinese people's s siestas are their high-carb, heavy lunch and  their long work/school day that needs refueling in the middle of the day. (Script and useful expressions below).Thank you for listening to 5 Minute Chinese.  If you like this episode, kindly review and share this show. Let me know if you have any questions or comments. Have a great day!0:001. 大家好!欢迎收听新的一期的5分钟汉语,今天想跟大家聊一聊中国的午休文化。午休就是中午休息。午休也叫午睡。因为很多人在中午休息的时间会睡一小觉。即使睡不着,也会“闭目养神”一下。午休 | Wǔxiū | lunch break |  休息 | xiūxí | rest |  闭目养神 | bì mù yǎngshén | Close your eyes and rest |  0:322. 中国人从小就有睡午觉的习惯。从幼儿园开始就有统一的午睡时间,所以中国人一上学就被培养睡午觉。到了小学,中学,很多学校的日程表也都安排睡午觉的时间。中国的学校的午休(lunch break) 有差不多两个小时。在这么长的午休时间里,学生可以回家或者在学校吃饭、睡觉、休息。也可以自由选择做其他事情。比如去学校附近的饭店吃饭什么的。在美国的学校,lunch break可能只有40分钟。在这个时间,学生们一般会跟朋友一起吃饭、聊天。如果去校外吃的话,时间只够吃快餐。美国没有什么午休文化,所以也很少见美国学生在午休的时间睡觉。而中国学生睡午觉的比例就大得多了。中国学生也被鼓励睡午觉,因为睡午觉可以补充精力,提高下午的学习效率。习惯 | xíguàn | Habit统一 | tǒngyī | Uniformed培养 | péiyǎng | cultivate, foster, nurture日程表 | rìchéng biǎo | schedule自由选择 | zìyóu xuǎnzé | choose freely比例 | bǐlì | Proportion鼓励 | gǔlì | encourage补充 | bǔchōng | Replenish精力 | jīnglì | energy提高 | tígāo | improve效率 | xiàolǜ | efficiency02:173. 上班了以后,很多公司也会给员工午休的时间。大家可以利用这个时间吃饭,睡觉休息,或者办一些个人事情。很多公司的办公室里甚至会配备床,方便员工午睡。因为午睡的文化,很多地方中午会有两个小时左右不营业。不像在美国,大多数地方的营业时间在中午没有间断。上班 | Shàngbān | work, go to shift | 员工 | yuángōng | Staff | 利用 | lìyòng | use | 办 | bàn | manage, conduct | 个人 | gèrén | personal | 甚至 | shènzhì | even | 配备 | pèibèi | equip | 营业 | yíngyè | business | 间断 | jiànduàn | interruption |02:534. 那为什么中国人要午睡呢?首先,这是因为中国人的饮食结构。中国人比较重视午饭。认为午饭要吃饱吃好。 而中国人的饮食又以碳水化合物为主,所以吃完血糖加速上升,就容易困,需要睡午觉。相比之下,美国人不太在乎午饭。午饭吃得少,也就不太会犯困。其次就是作息时间。中国人不管是工作还是上学,每一天都很早就开始了。所以到中午的时候确实需要更长的午休时间,这样才能以更好的状态进行下午和晚上的工作和学习。饮食结构 | yǐnshí jiégòu | Diet重视 | zhòngshì | attach importance to碳水化合物 | tànshuǐ huàhéwù | carbohydrate血糖 | xiětáng | blood sugar加速 | jiāsù | accelerate上升 | shàngshēng | rise相比之下 | xiāng bǐ zhī xià | by contrast在乎 | zàihū | care犯困 | fànkùn | sleepy作息 | zuòxí | work and rest确实 | quèshí | really状态 | zhuàngtài | state5. 那今天关于中国的午睡文化就跟大家聊到这里。你们那儿也有午睡的文化吗?你喜欢午睡吗?如果喜欢这期节目,请帮我点赞转发。感谢您的收听。我们下期再见。Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
7/28/20224 minutes, 23 seconds
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三伏天 The Dog Days of Summer

Hello everyone! In this episode I explain what is "sanfu tian"—the Chinese "Dog Days of Summer", the ancient Chinese solar terms marking the beginning and end of the Sanfu Tian, and the folk traditions along with this period. Script and useful expressions below. Let me know if you have any questions or comments! Thank you. Have a great day!1 大家好。最近一直都在说天气热。看新闻说最近全世界的天气都很热。英国首次预测气温将达到 40°C("以上"是口误)。与此同时,在葡萄牙和西班牙,气温已高达46°C。最近大约真的是一年当中最热的时候了。首次 | Shǒucì | first time预测 | yùcè | predict达到 | dádào | achieve, reach the level口误 | kǒuwù | slip of the tongue与此同时 | yǔ cǐ tóngshí | at the same time葡萄牙 | pútáoyá | Portugal西班牙 | xībānyá | Spain高达 | gāodá | as high as  2 在中国文化里,现在这段非常炎热的日子就是“三伏天”。三伏在小暑和处暑两个节气之间,在公历7月中旬到8月中旬。分为初伏、中伏和末伏。根据中国的古代的历法,初伏、末伏规定的时间是10天。但中伏的天数就有长有短了。“伏”表示阴气受阳气所迫藏在了地下。三伏天的气候特点是气温高、气压低、湿度大、风速小。是一年中气温最高且又闷热潮湿的时段。三伏天 | sān fútiān | dog days of summer段 | duàn | part, period炎热 | yánrè | hot小暑 | xiǎoshǔ | little heat处暑 | chùshǔ | end heat节气 | jiéqì | solar term历法 | lìfǎ | calendar规定 | guīdìng | Regulation阴气/阳气 | yīn qì/yáng qì | Yin/Yang受...所迫 | shòu... Suǒ pò | forced by藏 | cáng | hide气候 | qìhòu | climate特点 | tèdiǎn | Feature气压 | qìyā | air pressure湿度 | shīdù | humidity风速 | fēngsù | wind speed闷热 | mēnrè | sultry潮湿 | cháoshī | damp 3 小暑(Slight heat)是每年公历7月6至7或者8日,是“伏天”的开始。 小暑就是“小热”,意思是虽然已经能够感受到天气的炎热,但是还没有达到一年内最热的时候,小暑只是炎炎夏日的开始。感受 | gǎnshòu | feel炎炎夏日 | yányán xià rì | hot summer  4 处暑(the Stop of Heat)是每年公历8月22或者23、24日开始,九月初结束。“处”在古代有终止的意思,所以处暑就是终结暑热,表示炎热暑天即将结束。不过这段时间虽然天气在慢慢变凉,但是仍然会出现短期的回热天气,没有真正凉爽下来。中国人把八九月份这种短期高温的天气叫“秋老虎”。我想它的意思就是,虽然已经是秋天了,但是热天气却在我们没有准备的情况下突然来到。终结 | zhōngjié | end即将 | jíjiāng | coming soon仍然 | réngrán | still短期 | duǎnqí | short term在...情况下 | zài... Qíngkuàng xià | in case of5 三伏天期间也有很多习俗。比如小暑的时候,南方有“食新”的习俗。人们会吃新米,喝新酒。在北方有“头伏吃饺子“的习俗。不过我觉得在中国北方,大家会找各种各样的理由吃饺子。因为饺子真的是太好吃了吧!除了小暑,处暑的民俗活动也有很多。比如说,吃鸭子、放河灯(放河灯就是在水中放灯悼念逝者)、还有开渔节(就是欢送渔民出海捕鱼的节日)。习俗 | xísú | custom食新 | shí xīn | eat new理由 | lǐyóu | reason民俗 | mínsú | Folklore 那今天关于三伏天就跟大家聊到这里。如果你有什么问题,请给我发电子邮件。感谢您的收听。如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮忙点赞分享,我们下期再见。Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
7/19/20224 minutes, 24 seconds
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中国古人如何消暑 How to Beat the Summer Heat in Ancient China

Hello everyone! In today's episode I talk about 5 traditional ways Chinese people used to beat the summer heat in ancient time: fans, stored ice, cooling mat, cool water house, plus special summer diets. Some of the methods are still used today in conjunction with the A/C. Full script and useful expressions below. 1. 大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《五分钟汉语》。今天想跟大家聊的是中国传统“消暑”方法。消暑就是度过暑期。北半球的国家都进入了暑期,差不多是一年中最热的时候了。今天我在的城市最高气温达到了88度,体感温度比这个还要高得多。最近天气又晒又闷,还经常下暴雨。所以我一点儿都不想出门,每天就喜欢在家里待着。但是我能在家里很舒服的原因是家里有空调!如果没有空调的话,室内可能比室外还难熬。可是空调是在1902年才被发明出来的。那以前没有空调的时候,中国人是如何“消暑”的呢?消暑 | Xiāoshǔ | (lit.) spend summer, relieve the summer heat | 北半球 | běibànqiú | Northern Hemisphere | 体感 | tǐgǎn | feels like | 晒 | shài | shine on | 闷 | mèn | stuffy | 待 | dài | stay, hang out | 难熬 | nán'áo | difficult to endure | 空调 | kòngtiáo | air conditioner | 发明 | fāmíng | invent, invention | 2. 扇子是中国古人夏天最常用的消暑工具。古人夏天的时候用大树叶扇风解暑,这大概就是扇子的起源了。现在中国人还有很多人用扇子。扇子的种类也更多了。有大有小,有的可以折叠,有的不能,有的是塑料的,有的是天然的。我小时候最喜欢的扇子是檀香木扇。檀香扇是特色手工艺品。用檀香木制成的檀香扇具有一种天然香味,用它扇风的时候就可以闻到檀香木的清香。所以我很喜欢。古人 | gǔrén | the ancients树叶 | shùyè | Leaves扇风 | shān fēng | fan解暑 | jiě shǔ | Relieve the heat大概 | dàgài | perhaps起源 | qǐyuán | origin种类 | zhǒnglèi | type折叠 | zhédié | fold塑料 | sùliào | plastic天然 | tiānrán | natural檀香木 | tán xiāngmù | sandalwood具有 | jùyǒu | have香味 | xiāngwèi | fragrance清香 | qīngxiāng | Fragrant3 除了扇子,中国古人也用冰🧊降温消暑。三千多年前的中国就有记录说:人们在冬天的时候把河里的冰凿出来,藏在地窖里。等到了夏天,再把这些藏冰从地窖里取出来使用。冰可以放在室内降低环境温度,也可以用来冰水果。夏天吃冰凉的水果很“解暑”。当然,古代的时候只有王公贵族才有能力储藏冬天的冰到夏天使用。降温 | jiàngwēn | cool down记录 | jìlù | Record凿 | záo | chisel(储)藏 | (chǔ) cáng | store, storage地窖 | dì jiào | cellar, basement取 | qǔ | Pick使用 | shǐyòng | use环境 | huánjìng | surroundings古代 | gǔdài | Ancient4. 第三个消暑的方法就是凉席。中国古人常用藤、苇、竹等编织凉席,是普通人家消暑的常用品。有的富贵人家会用大块的玉石制作成凳子和床,坐在或者睡在上面就十分凉爽,让你在夏天也能睡一个清爽的觉。但是玉石十分昂贵,只有有钱人家才能负担得起。凉席 | liángxí | cooling mat藤 | téng | rattan苇 | wěi | reed竹(子) | zhú (zi) | bamboo编织 | biānzhī | weave普通人家 | pǔtōng rén jiā | ordinary people常用品 | cháng yòngpǐn | Common Items富贵 | fùguì | rich and important玉石 | yùshí | jade制作 | zhìzuò | make凳子 | dèngzǐ | stool凉爽 | liángshuǎng | cool清爽 | qīngshuǎng | refreshing负担 | fùdān | burden5. 最后我要说的一个消暑方法就是“凉屋”。把房子建在水源边上,然后用水车把水送到屋顶,让水自然流下,形成“水帘”,使凉气进入屋子。当然,这样的房子也是需要严格的选址和设计,而且可能需要人力来推动水车。也不是寻常人家可以享受得到的。凉屋 | liáng wū | cool house建 | jiàn | establish, build水源 | shuǐyuán | water source水车 | shuǐ chē | waterwheel屋顶 | wūdǐng | roof流 | liú | flow形成 | xíngchéng | form水帘 | shuǐ lián | water curtain凉气 | liáng qì | cool air严格 | yángé | strict选址 | xuǎn zhǐ | site selection设计 | shèjì | design人力 | rénlì | manpower推动 | tuīdòng | promote寻常 | xúncháng | common享受 | xiǎngshòu | enjoy6. 除了扇子,冰,凉席,凉屋,中国人也喜欢吃一些传统的消暑食品来消暑,比如绿豆汤,西瓜和凉茶。中国人传统来说认为夏天饮食应该清淡一点儿,不要吃太多荤肉。可以多吃一些苦味的食物,少吃糖。所以你夏天都喜欢吃什么呢?你觉得什么样的食物最解暑呢?传统 | chuántǒng | Tradition | 绿豆汤 | lǜdòu tāng | Green bean soup | 凉茶 | liángchá | Chinese herbal tea | 清淡 | qīngdàn | light (of food, not greasy or strongly flavored) | 荤肉 | hūn ròu | meat | 苦味 | kǔwèi | bitter flavor, bitterness | Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
7/13/20225 minutes, 29 seconds
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动物园一日游 A Day at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Hello everyone, in today's episode I talked about my recent trip to Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs.  In Part 1, I briefly talked about my favorite Zoo in China—the Beijing Zoo and my hometown safari-style zoo. In Part 2 and 3, I talked about my experience in the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. It's a family-friendly zoo with giraffe-feeding experience, nice food court and kids' play area. Lastly, I discussed the controversy around modern zoos. Despite their shortcomings,  zoos can play a positive role in educating people about the animals and the need to protect them.  Script and useful expression below.If you like this podcast, please like and subscribe. Thank you, and see you in a week!1 大家好,欢迎收听。大家对动物园应该都不太陌生吧。我小时候去过中国很多动物园,我最喜欢的动物园是北京动物园。北京动物园是中国最早,动物种类最多的动物园。不过我最喜欢看的只有熊猫。我的家乡也有一个很大的野生动物园。因为动物是野生放养的,入园参观大部分时间要开车或者坐园内的小火车。而且要注意安全,不要随便开窗、下车,不然容易遭到野兽的攻击而受伤。动物园 | Dòngwùyuán | zoo | 动物 | dòngwù | animal | 陌生 | mòshēng | strange | 种类 | zhǒnglèi | type, kind | 家乡 | jiāxiāng | hometown | 野生 | yěshēng | wild, wildlife | 放养 | fàngyǎng | free roaming, raise in free style | 入园 | rù yuán | Enter the park | 园内 | yuán nèi | Inside the park | 参观 | cānguān | visit | 大部分 | dà bùfèn | most | 野兽 | yěshòu | wild animal, beast | 攻击 | gōngjí | attack | 而 | ér | and (as a result) | 受伤 | shòushāng | Injuried | 2 这次去的Colorado springs的cheyenne mountain zoo是美国海拔最高的动物园,高于海平面6,714英尺。一入园就是世界最大的长颈鹿🦒园。你可以花5块钱买一把生菜🥬,就可以去喂长颈鹿了。长颈鹿有很多,当它们看到你有吃的,就伸着长长的脖子来找你要。你可以慢慢地,一点一点地给他们。这样,就可以有时间拍照,跟可爱的长颈鹿合影。海拔 | hǎibá | altitude高于 | gāo yú | higher than海平面 | hǎi píngmiàn | sea ​​level英尺 | yīngchǐ | (length unit) foot长颈鹿 | chángjǐnglù | giraffe喂 | wèi | feed伸 | shēn | stretch, stick out脖子 | bózi | neck拍照 | pāizhào | take picture合影 | héyǐng | group photo3 这个动物园不大不小,我们边走边玩,还在里面吃了午饭,一共差不多用了三个小时逛完。在这里,我们看到了各种各样的动物:比如河马🦛,大象🐘,猴子🐒,麋鹿Elk, 狮子🦁️,熊🐻,孔雀🦚,老虎🐯,袋鼠🦘,企鹅🐧,等等。因为天气热,又是中午,很多动物都不太活跃,很多在休息,睡午觉,或者慢慢地走来走去。除了几百种动物,动物园里面还有美食广场,饭店,旁边也有孩子们的游乐区。我觉得挺适合全家一起来玩的。各种各样 | gè zhǒng gè yàng | a variety of活跃 | huóyuè | active美食 | měishí | delicous food广场 | guǎngchǎng | square河马 | hémǎ | hippo大象 | dà xiàng | Elephant麋鹿 | mílù | Elk狮子 | shīzi | lion熊 | xióng | Bear孔雀 | kǒngquè | Peacock老虎 | lǎohǔ | tiger袋鼠 | dàishǔ | kangaroo企鹅 | qì'é | penguin4 对于动物园,其实也有很多争议。很多人觉得动物们应该在大自然里,在野外生活,而不是被人工圈养,像是在动物园。我觉得这些是有道理的。不过动物园也有积极的作用,比如它可以让人们更好地认识、了解各种动物,产生直观的情感链接,这在一定程度上有助于动物保护。毕竟人更容易在意,保护自己认识,了解,跟自己有关系的东西。争议 | zhēngyì | controversy | 野外 | yěwài | field | 生活 | shēnghuó | Live, life | 人工 | réngōng | manmade, artificial | 圈养 | Juànyǎng | raise in an enclosure | 有道理 | yǒu dàolǐ | Makes sense, reasonable | 积极 | jījí | positive | 作用 | zuòyòng | effect | 了解 | liǎojiě | learn | 直观 | zhíguān | direct observation, directly perceived through the senses | 情感链接 | qínggǎn liànjiē | emotional connection | 程度 | chéng dù | degree | 有助于 | yǒu zhù yú | helpful for, contribute to | 动物保护 | dòngwù bǎohù | animal protection | 在意|zài yì| care about5 那今天关于动物园就跟大家聊到这里。你去过动物园吗?你最喜欢的动物园是哪个呢?如果你喜欢《五分钟汉语》,请帮忙转发,传播这个节目。感谢你的收听。我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
7/6/20224 minutes, 12 seconds
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科罗拉多的高原反应 High Altitude Sickness in Colorado

Hello everyone, long time no see! I was traveling in Colorado, so I wasn't able to make new episode last week.  In today's episode I talk about high altitude illness as Colorado has the highest mean altitude of all the states and home to more 14,000-feet mountain peaks than any other state. Lower oxygen level at higher altitudes is the main contributor to altitude sickness and we need to be mindful when we find ourselves in especially high-altitude mountain areas. I plan to talk more about my trip to Colorado, so stay tuned! (Scripts and useful expressions below)大家好,这次真的是好久不见了。我最近都没有更新,因为我去科罗拉多(就是Colorado)旅游了。我在科罗拉多(Colorado)去了很多地方:比如,有首都丹佛(Denver)的植物园(Botanic garden),红岩剧场(red rock amphitheater),落基山国家公园(Rocky Mountain National Park),埃文斯峰( Mount Evans),派克峰 (Pikes Peak),众神花园(Garden of Gods),还有Colorado Springs的奥林匹克训练中心(Olympic Training Center)和附近的动物园(Cheyenne Mountain Zoo)。我想可以分几次跟大家分享。大家敬请期待!更新 | Gēngxīn | update科罗拉多 | kēluōlāduō | Colorado首都 | shǒudū | capital植物园 | zhíwùyuán | Botanic Garden剧场 | jùchǎng | theater国家公园 | guójiā gōngyuán | National Park峰 | fēng | peak奥林匹克 | àolínpǐkè | Olympic动物园 | dòngwùyuán | zoo分 | fēn | divide, separate分享 | fēnxiǎng | share敬请期待 | jìng qǐng qídài | (set phrase) stay tuned (lit. respectfully please anticipate)这期想跟大家聊一个我这次旅行的新体验:就是“高海拔症”(High altitude illness),也叫高原反应,是指人在高海拔地区时,因高海拔的特殊环境所导致的健康风险。当海拔高度的上升的时候,很多环境条件和海平面是不一样的。其中对人影响最大的就是因为低气压导致空气中氧气水平比较低。丹佛(Denver)又叫mile high city,因为它的海拔有5130英尺。所以它空气中的氧气要比海平面少17%。但是丹佛(Denver)毕竟不在高山里,所以我没有高原反应。我第一次明显体验到有一点儿高原反应是在Mount Evans——埃文斯峰。埃文斯峰(Mount Evans)的山顶停车场海拔是14130英尺,也就是4307米。我们停车以后又往上爬了一点儿。在爬的过程中,我就很明显地感受到耳朵后面有点儿疼。我的一个朋友反应更大:我们开车上山的时候她就开始吸氧。到山顶都没有下车,而是坐在车里休息。在埃文斯峰(Mount Evans)山顶,氧气含量只有海平面的60%。所以对于生活在低海拔的地方的人,突然处于这样的特殊环境时,就是可能会出现一些高原反应。体验 | Tǐyàn | experience海拔 | hǎibá | altitude症 | zhèng | disease高原 | gāoyuán | plateau反应 | fǎnyìng | reaction因 | yīn | because特殊 | tèshū | special环境 | huánjìng | environment导致 | dǎozhì | lead to健康 | jiànkāng | healthy风险 | fēngxiǎn | risk上升 | shàngshēng | rise条件 | tiáojiàn | condition海平面 | hǎi píngmiàn | sea ​​level气压 | qìyā | air pressure空气 | kōngqì | Air, atmosphere氧气 | yǎngqì | oxygen水平 | shuǐpíng | Level英尺 | yīngchǐ | feet毕竟 | bìjìng | after all明显 | míngxiǎn | obvious山顶 | shāndǐng | mountain top, peak感受 | gǎnshòu | feel吸氧 | xī yǎng | Oxygen含量 | hánliàng | content高原反应也是因人而异,不一定会发生在你身上,但是也不能大意。如果去高海拔地区,要注意身体的感受。爬海拔高的山的时候,要量力而为。如果身体不舒服,要及时下山休息。因人而异 | Yīn rén ér yì | varies from person to person大意 | dàyì | unwary, negligent量力而为 | liànglì ér wéi | to weigh one's abilities and act accordingly;to act according to one's means及时 | jíshí | timely 那关于高原反应就跟大家聊到这里。这个周末是美国的4th of July,也是非常繁忙的旅游季节。如果你准备出行,祝您的旅行安全顺利。如果你喜欢这期节目,请帮我点赞,分享。感谢您的收听。我们下期再见!繁忙 | fánmáng | busy出行 | chūxíng | travel安全 | ānquán | Safety顺利 | shùnlì | smoothlyThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
6/28/20224 minutes, 14 seconds
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航班被取消了?!Flight Cancellation? !

Hello everyone, in today's unscripted Mandarin chat, I talked about my flight cancellation by American Airline today due to weather. My only hope now is that I will be able to fly out successfully on the rebooked flight early Sunday morning so that my trip is not cut any shorter. If you travel this summer, beware of the weather factor and the staffing shortage  of airlines that can cause delays and cancellations. I hope we can all have a smooth trip.Thank you for your support of the show. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please share it with your Mandarin-learning friends. See you next time!Some useful expressions稿子 |gâo zi| script旅游旺季 | lǚyóu wàngjì |  | Tourist season | 约 | yuē |  |agree, make an appointment | 订 | dìng |  | reserve, order | 期待 | qídài |  |look forward to, expect | 收拾行李 | shōushí xínglǐ |  | packing luggage | 惊讶 | jīngyà |  | surprised | 取消 | qǔxiāo |  | Cancel | 重新 | chóngxīn |  | again | 以为 | yǐwéi |  | Thought (incorrectly) | 遇到 | yù dào |  | meet, come across | 情况 | qíngkuàng |  | situation | 信用卡 | xìnyòngkǎ |  | credit card | 系统 | xìtǒng |  | system | 咨询 | zīxún |  | consult | 在...控制范围内 | zài... Kòngzhì fànwéi nèi |  | within the control of | 预约 | yùyuē |  | reserve, make an appointment | 受到影响 | shòudào yǐngxiǎng |  |get affected | 甚至 | shènzhì |  | even | 生气 | shēngqì |  | angry | 退款 | tuì kuǎn |  | Refund | 更重要的是... | gèng zhòngyào de shì... |  | more importantly... | 整个 | Zhěnggè |  | entire | 行程 | xíngchéng |  | journey, itinerary |打乱|dâ luàn| mess up plans 办法 | bànfǎ |  | Method, way | 唯一 | wéiyī |  | only | 原因 | yuányīn |  | reason | 飞行 | fēixíng |  | fly, flying | 状况 | zhuàngkuàng |  | situation | 减少 | jiǎnshǎo |  | reduce, decrease | 数量 | shùliàng |  | quantity | 希望 | xīwàng |  | hope | 顺利 | shùnlì |  | smoothly | 耽误 | dānwù |  | hold up | 就是这样 | jiùshì zhèyàng |  | That's it | 井喷 | jǐngpēn |  | surge [lit. (oil) blowout] | 需求 | xūqiú |  | need | 准备 | zhǔnbèi |  | Prepare | 加上 | jiā shàng |  | plus | 困 | kùn |  | trapped | 滞留 | zhìliú |  | stay unintentionally, can't leave | 恢复 | huīfù |  | resume | 点赞 | diǎn zàn |  | like | 分享 | fēnxiǎng |  | share | Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
6/18/20228 minutes, 44 seconds
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暑期作业和中国的高考 Summer Reading & China's Gaokao

Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese. In today's episode, I talk about summer (school)work in the US and China—which subjects typically have summer work and what type as well as my first summer reading for my AP class. Later in the episode I talk about Gaokao—generally deemed to be the most important and fairest exam in Mainland China. I also talked about Gaokao in Ep.25 and 26 (English + Chinese) on 11/14 last year if you want to check them out. You can find the full script and useful words by paragraph below. If you have any questions or comments, please email me! You can find the email in the show description. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help subscribe and give the show a positive review.  Thank you for your support. See you next time!                                                                              暑期作业和中国的高考0:00大家好,欢迎收听这期的五分钟汉语。今天想跟大家聊聊中美暑期作业和这两天的中国高考。上期跟大家聊到我们学校的暑期开始了。到这周,估计大部分美国的学校都放暑假了吧。前天我收到了学校的邮件,说我订的暑期阅读的书到了。这个书是我为明年的AP中文的学生买的。书中有很多有名的寓言故事,节日传说和神话故事。我希望学生们在暑假的时候读一些中文,为明年的AP课做准备。我把书放在了学校的前台,让学生这几天去取。估计 | Gūjì | estimate大部分 | dà bùfèn | most (part)阅读 | yuèdú | read, reading寓言 | yùyán | fable故事 | gùshì | story传说 | chuánshuō | legend神话 | shénhuà | myth希望 | xīwàng | hope读 | dú | read前台 | qiántái | front desk取 | qǔ | Pick up1:10这其实是我第一次给学生留暑假作业。不过,在美国,学校留暑假作业也很常见。比如,我们学校的英语课要求6-12年级的学生从老师给的书单里选读一到两本书。读的时候要记笔记,之后还要写读后感。AP社会学习(social studies)课的老师也会给学生暑期阅读和其他相关的作业。不过其他课一般不会有什么暑期作业。留 | liú | leave (homework)常见 | chángjiàn | common书单 | shū dān | book list记笔记 | jì bǐjì | take notes读后感 | dúhòugǎn | after-reading response相关 | xiāngguān | related2:03我在中国上学的时候每个暑假都是有作业的。每门课都有一本暑假作业。主科—像数学,语文,英语—是一定会有暑假作业的。除了暑期阅读,还要做习题,预习生词,背诵古诗等等。总体来说,我觉得中国的暑假作业比美国的暑假作业多一些。语文 | yǔwén | Chinese language art (in Mainland China)习题 | xítí | exercise (school work)背诵 | bèisòng | recite古诗 | gǔshī | ancient poetry总体来说 | zǒngtǐ lái shuō | In general2:44这两天中国有一件大事儿——那就是高考。我在去年11月14日的第25和26期用中英文介绍过高考。大家有兴趣的话可以回听。这次,我想主要讲讲中国人为什么觉得高考是最重要、最公平的考试。回听 | huí tīng | go back to listen公平 | gōngpíng | fair3:16高考的全称是《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试》(Nationwide Unified Examination for Admissions to General Universities and Colleges)。一般来说,在中国大陆,学生需要参加高考并且达到一定的分数才能上大学。不同的大学录取分数不同。越好的大学的录取分数就越高。对于很多中国的学生来说,高考可能是他们一生中最重要的考试之一。因为高考是大学录取的唯一标准。高考考得好就能上一个好大学。而好大学的毕业生更容易找到好工作,过上好生活。除了重要,高考也是中国最公平的考试。因为高考只看分数,不看其他因素。所以对于没有资源,背景的学生来说,高考是一次公正,客观的竞争。高考给了很多人通过自己努力学习,参加高考,改变的命运的机会。全称 | quánchēng | full name一般来说 | yībān lái shuō | Generally speaking大陆 | dàlù | mainland, continent达到 | dádào | reach, achieve分数 | fēnshù | score录取 | lùqǔ | Admission一生 | yīshēng | lifetime唯一 | wéiyī | only标准 | biāozhǔn | standard毕业生 | bìyè shēng | graduate过上好生活 | guò shàng hào shēnghuó | live a good life因素 | yīnsù | factor资源 | zīyuán | resource背景 | bèijǐng | background客观 | kèguān | objective竞争 | jìngzhēng | compete改变 | gǎibiàn | Change命运 | mìngyùn | destiny, couse of life4:58 那今天跟大家聊了一下中美的暑期作业和中国这两天的高考。如果您听到了这里,再次感谢您的支持。如果您喜欢五分钟汉语,别忘了订阅,点赞,分享。如果你有什么意见和评论,欢迎给我发电子邮件。地址可以在描述栏中找到。感谢您的收听。我们下期再见!订阅 | dìngyuè | subscription点赞 | diǎn zàn | like分享 | fēnxiǎng | share描述栏 | miáoshù lán | Description columnThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
6/9/20225 minutes, 38 seconds
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暑假来了 Summer is here!

Hello everyone! Summer is here! In today's episode, I compare China's summer vacation with America's summer vacation: When and how long is the summer vacation in China and the US? What do students do during summer? Many Chinese students used to go to tutoring classes over the summer, but is this changing? How about students in the US?  Scripts and vocabulary below.Hope you enjoy! 大家好,好久不见!上个星期是学生的最后一周。这周老师们收拾、整理一下,也要开启暑假模式了。忙了一学期,老师和学生终于可以好好休息一下了!收拾 | Shōushí | tidy up, clean整理 | zhěnglǐ | tidy up, organize我们学校放假算是比较早的。我知道北边很多的学校要到六月中下旬才结束这个学期,开始放假。不过,虽然北方学校的放假时间比南方晚一点儿,但是还是比中国的学校早很多。我去查了一下北京2021到2022学年的校历。北京的学校第二学期是2022年2月21日开学,7月14日结束,一共20周零4天。北京学校的暑假是从2022年7月15日到8月31日,一共6周零6天。对比下我们学校,我们第二学期是2022年1月4日开学,5月26日是最后一天。然后就开始放暑假了。2022年8月17号正式开始上课,所以暑假一共是11周零6天——比北京学校的暑假长了5周。算是 | suànshì | be considered as中下旬 | zhòng xiàxún | mid to late (旬 a full period of something)结束 | jiéshù | Finish, conclude放假 | fàngjià | Have time off, have a vacation查 | chá | check校历 | xiào lì | School calendar开学 | kāixué | school starts暑假 | shǔjià | summer vacation对比 | duìbǐ | Compare with, by comparison不过,不管是中国还是美国,暑假都是学生们一年里最长的假期。那大家都会做什么呢?中国学生很多会在家长的安排下参加各种暑期辅导班、补习班。复习巩固这一年学习的知识,为新学期提前做准备。不过,这两年中国打压寒暑假的校外培训。暑假参加课外辅导的学生可能少了很多吧。除了参加学习班,也有很多学生会参加各种兴趣班。比如钢琴,足球。当然,夏天还有很多其他的活动可以做,比如去旅游,去参加夏令营什么的。不过 | bùguò | but, yet不管...还是... | bùguǎn háishì | Whether... or...假期 | jiàqī | Holiday, vacation time暑期 | shǔqí | summertime辅导班 | fǔdǎo bān | tutoring class补习班 | bǔxí bān | cram school (lit. catch-up studying class)复习 | fùxí | review巩固 | gǒnggù | consolidate打压 | dǎyā | suppress校外培训 | xiàowài péixùn | off-campus tutoring兴趣班 | xìngqù bān | Interest class, hobby class其他 | qítā | other夏令营 | xiàlìngyíng | summer camp说到夏令营。美国孩子的暑假离不开夏令营。美国有各种各样的夏令营:如果你喜欢篮球运动,你可以参加篮球夏令营。如果你喜欢画画儿,你可以参加艺术夏令营。如果你喜欢机器人,你可以参加机器人夏令营。如果你想学中文,你还可以参加中文沉浸式夏令营。总之,什么夏令营都有。每个夏令营的时间有长有短,价格有高有低。要求也不一样。但是只要提前计划,一般都能报到想去的夏令营。大一点的学生还可以去夏令营工作。美国很多高中生暑假都会打工。也有很多人会旅游。现在疫情基本过去了。利用暑假的时间出去走走、看看也挺不错的。离不开 | lì bù kāi | can't do without各种各样 | gè zhǒng gè yàng | various画画儿 | huà huà er | draw, paint艺术 | yìshù | Art机器人 | jīqìrén | robot, robotics沉浸式 | chénjìn shì | Immersion type总之 | zǒngzhī | in short价格 | jiàgé | price提前 | tíqián | in advance计划 | jìhuà | plan打工 | dǎgōng | to work a temporary or casual job;(of students) to have a job outside of class time, or during vacation疫情 | yìqíng | pandemic利用 | lìyòng | use, make use of那今天就先跟大家聊到这里。祝大家暑期快乐。我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
6/3/20224 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

考试那些事 Exams in China and the US

Hello everyone, today I explore the topic of exam during our exam week:  When do US and Chinese students start to have exams?  How important are exams and grades in different levels of schools in China and the US? What's Gaokao? What's behind China's exam culture that attaches ultimate importance to exam scores? (script and useful words below)Thank you for listening. Have a great week!大家好,过两周这个学期就要结束了。很多学校最近都在期末考试。所以今天想跟大家聊聊“考试那些事。”期末 | Qímò | semester end结束 | jiéshù | finish, end我们学校这两周是期末考试周。上周高中考完了。这个星期四和星期五初中也要考完了。我们学校从七年级开始有期中、期末考试。而且七年级和八年级的考试,也就是exam,也不是每一科每学年都有期中期末考试。比如,七年级的外语考试就只有期中考试,期末就不再考外语了。而数学没有期中考试,但是有期末考试。这样的话,初中学生在每个学期末就只需要准备两到三门考试,而不是每门课都要准备。六年级是没有考试的。我觉得可能是考虑到六年级是初中第一年,要给他们一些时间去适应。这跟中国不一样。我上学的时候,从小学一年级就有期中期末考试了。有的学校小学升初中,初中升高中也是要靠考试成绩来决定录取。初中 | chūzhōng | middle school科 | kē | subject考虑到 | kǎolǜ dào | considering适应 | shìyìng | adapt to升 | shēng | ascend, move on to the next level靠 | kào | Depend on成绩 | chéngjī | grade (school)决定 | juédìng | Decide录取 | lùqǔ | Admission到了高中以后,每门课都有期中、期末考试。成绩也更重要了。因为在美国,申请大学的时候大学要看你上了什么课和每门课的成绩。要是想上一个好大学,绩点是非常重要的。所以在高中阶段学生对平时作业和考试的成绩比在初中的时候重视得多。不过,只要合理地安排自己的课程,好好上课,认真做作业,考前好好复习,应该都会不错的。重要 | zhòngyào | important申请 | shēnqǐng | Apply绩点 | jī diǎn | GPA阶段 | jiēduàn | stage, phase平时 | píngshí | usually重视 | zhòngshì | attach importance to, value合理 | hélǐ | Reasonable我觉得我喜欢美国教育的一点就是美国的学校不只看学习成绩,而也会看学生在其他方面的成就,比如体育、艺术,课外活动等。除了绩点,大学也会考察申请人的综合素质。看看他们是怎样的一个人。学业成绩只是学校生活的一部分。不能代表学生的全部。但是在中国不一样。中国选拔人才的时候,考试分数很多时候是唯一的标准。中国有很长的考试历史和文化。在古代,普通人想要当官就必须要通过“科举”考试。在现代,大多数中国人要通过“高考”才能上大学。而高考每年只有一次,如果错过了或者没有考好,就要再等一年才可以重新考。因为高考的成绩也是决定你能不能上你想去的大学的唯一标准,你高中的成绩都不算数。所以高考的压力是很大的。你的整个高中都是在为最后的高考做准备。我知道美国学生申请大学也要考SAT,ACT什么的,但是跟高考比,SAT可以每年考很多次,而且它也只是大学看的一个指标而已。所以跟高考还是很不一样的。其他方面 | qítā fāngmiàn | other aspects成就 | chéngjiù | Achievement考察 | kǎochá | examine and observe综合素质 | zònghé sùzhì | Comprehensive quality学业 | xuéyè | academic代表 | dàibiǎo | represent全部 | quánbù | all选拔人才 | xuǎnbá réncái | select the best talent唯一标准 | wéiyī biāozhǔn | only standard古代 VS 现代 | gǔdài VS xiàndài | Ancient vs Modern普通人 | pǔtōng rén | ordinary people当官 | dāng guān | serve as government official通过 | tōngguò | pass (such as an exam)科举考试 | kējǔ kǎoshì | Imperial Examination高考 | gāokǎo | college entrance examination错过 | cuòguò | miss, let slip (an opportunity)重新 | chóngxīn | all over again不算数 | bù suànshù | does not count压力 | yālì | pressure, stress整个 | zhěnggè | entire指标 | zhǐbiāo | indicator那今天跟大家聊了聊“考试那些事”。如果大家有什么问题可以给我发邮件。我的邮件在描述栏可以找到。感谢您的支持。我们下期再见!描述栏 | miáoshù lán | description (column, part)Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
5/22/20225 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

学术奖颁奖典礼 Academic Awards Ceremony

Hello everyone, in today's episode, I talk about our academic awards on Friday. It was so great to see students walk on stage to receive the awards. But awards or not, I feel happy and proud for all the students for their many accomplishments in and out of my class. 大家好,欢迎收听!这个星期五放学以后举行了高中学术奖的颁奖典礼。首先,高中学生会主席带着大家在国旗下宣誓。然后,校长致欢迎词。随后,新一届的学生会(Student government)和荣誉委员会(Honors Council)宣誓就职。然后正式开始颁每个年级奖,艺术奖,领导力奖等等。之后,每个系颁发自己的学术奖给每个课程成绩最高的学生。也有其他的奖给对这些学科有热情的,努力的学生。看着学生们上台领奖,我都觉得心里十分高兴。其实,不管这天有没有得奖,每个学生都有自己擅长的地方,自己的闪光点。我都为他们骄傲。举行 | Jǔxíng | hold学术 | xuéshù | academic颁(发) | bān (fā) | Issue, give, award奖 | jiǎng | award, prize典礼 | diǎnlǐ | ceremony主席 | zhǔxí | Chairman国旗 | guóqí | national flag宣誓 | xuānshì | take oath致词 | zhìcí | give speech就职 | jiùzhí | Inauguration, installation系 | xì | (academic) department成绩 | chéngjī | grade, score学科 | xuékē | (academic) subject热情 | rèqíng | passion, enthusiasm上台 | shàngtái | come on stage领(奖) | lǐng (jiǎng) | receive (award)擅长 | shàncháng | good at, excel at闪光点 | shǎnguāng diǎn | shining point骄傲 | jiāo'ào | proud今天的颁奖仪式出了一个小插曲,那就是才开始没多久,我们学校就停电了,灯全部都灭了。我们就在应急灯下继续颁奖。到快结束的时候才来电。我倒是觉得这是很有意思的经历。可能反而让这次的颁奖更让人难忘。毕竟停电不是每天都发生的。仪式 | Yíshì | ceremony 插曲 | chāqǔ | incidental music music played in a theatrical interlude (fig.) incident, episode 灭 | miè | (light, fire) go out 应急 | yìngjí | emergency 继续 | jìxù | continue 来电 | láidiàn | to come back (of electricity, after an outage) 倒是 | dǎoshì | contrary to what one might expect, actually 反而 | fǎn'ér | instead, on the contrary 毕竟 | bìjìng | after all颁奖结束以后,我在外面停了一下,祝贺几个学生。我正要走的时候,一个学生和他的妈妈叫住了我。然后学生举着奖状,妈妈给我和学生照了一张合照。然后我们聊了几句。其实,我不是很擅长聊天,表达自己的心情。但是我真的心里很感动,很为学生高兴。最后我说:我爱你。学生说:我也爱你!我感恩能有机会教我的学生们。祝他们前程似锦!祝贺 | Zhùhè | congratulate叫住 | jiào zhù | call someone to pause, stop举 | jǔ | hold up, lift奖状 | jiǎngzhuàng | Certificate of award合照 | hézhào | Group photo表达 | biǎodá | Express心情 | xīnqíng | Feeling感动 | gǎndòng | Moving (emotionally)感恩 | gǎn'ēn | grateful前程似锦 | qiánchéng sì jǐn | bright future (lit. future journey like the beautiful brocade)又是一年的毕业季。是结束,也是开始。祝每个学生,我们每个人,都有美好的明天。感谢您的收听。我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
5/14/20223 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

我得新冠的经历 My COVID Experience

Hello everyone, in today's episode, I talk about how COVID ran its course in my body this week.大家好,欢迎收听。今天想跟大家聊一下我刚经历的新冠。(0:10)上个星期六我一早起来就觉得不舒服,尤其是嗓子特别疼。我测了一下体温,发现有点儿发烧。我就预约了CVS药店的诊所去检查一下是不是新冠。检查很方便。就是医生用一个棉签在鼻子里转几次,然后放进检验机器。这种快的检测,等十分钟就可以知道结果。十分钟后,新冠检测的机器显示我是新冠阳性。医生说我是诊所那一天的第一个阳性。新冠 | Xīnguān | new crown测 | cè | measure, test体温 | tǐwēn | body temperature嗓子疼 | sǎngzi téng | sore throat发烧 | fāshāo | fever预约 | yùyuē | book an appointment诊所 | zhěnsuǒ | Clinic检查/检测/检验 | jiǎnchá/jiǎncè/jiǎnyàn |(v. & n.) test, detect, examine棉签 | miánqiān | cotton swab机器 | jīqì | machine显示 | xiǎnshì | show, display阳性(阴性) | yángxìng (yīnxìng) | positive (negative) (for an illness)(1:09)检查出新冠的这天,除了嗓子很疼,流鼻涕,发低烧以外,我没有什么别的症状。医生跟我说,最近的新冠病人很多都是说嗓子疼。她说,你不严重的话,吃一些感冒退烧药,好好在家休息就可以了。于是,我就买了感冒药水回家。到家就喝了。感冒药水真是有用!喝完了以后,我虽然还是有一点儿发烧,但是除了体温有点儿高,我感觉就像没有得新冠一样。我精神很好,不觉得很累,也不觉得很难受,甚至还可以做一点儿运动。总之,得新冠的前几天,我每四小时喝一次感冒药水,感觉还不错。可能也是因为我打了疫苗,所以症状不严重,像感冒一样。流鼻涕 | liú bítì | runny nose症状 | zhèngzhuàng | symptom感冒 | gǎnmào | cold退烧 | tuìshāo | Fever于是 | yúshì | thus, therefore精神 | jīngshén | Spirit难受 | nánshòu | uncomfortable, suffer甚至 | shènzhì | even(2:37)星期三的晚上,我停药了。 因为我想看看如果没有感冒药的帮助,第二天会觉得怎么样。第二天早上基本不发烧了。可是,我发现我没有吃药的时候舒服了。星期四一天都有点头重脚轻的,觉得头晕,恶心。本来我是准备星期五回学校上课的,但是因为星期四觉得不舒服,我就跟学校说我还没有好,需要再在家休息。就没去。舒服 | shūfú | Comfortable头重脚轻 | tóuzhòngjiǎoqīng | top heavy头晕 | tóuyūn | Dizziness恶心 | ěxīn | nausea(3:30)到今天我得新冠一星期了。我还是不能说自己完全好了。现在我不发烧了,嗓子也不疼了,也不咳嗽了,也不流鼻涕了。但是我停药以后这两天都觉得头晕,头疼。而且胃有些恶心。吃了布洛芬ibuprofen和Claritin过敏药也没好。我只能希望过几天它能自己好了吧。 咳嗽 | késòu | cough头疼 | tóuténg | Headache胃 | wèi | Stomach希望 | xīwàng | hope那今天就跟大家聊到这里。感谢您的收听。祝大家身体健康。我们下期再见。Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
5/7/20224 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

火锅派对 Hot Pot Party

Hello everyone, in today’s episode I talk about the hot pot party we held in school this week. 大家好,最近期末真的很忙。所以周中都没有时间更新,只能在周末更新一次。不好意思。今天想跟大家聊聊这周我举办了火锅聚会。我在去年十月份的第15期和第16期的节目里也聊过火锅。有中文和英文的两个版本,大家如果有兴趣可以找来听一下。更新 | gēngxīn | renew聚会 | jùhuì | gathering, party期 | qī | episode版本 | bǎnběn | Version这周我高中班的火锅聚会是在户外举行的。我跟朋友借了丁烷炉(butane stove)和鸳鸯火锅。当然有了锅和炉子,还要有锅底,蘸料和食材。我准备了麻辣的和清汤的两种锅底。也买了不辣的火锅蘸料。因为是第一次办,我没有买太多种火锅食材,主要买的就是牛肉。现在牛肉也真是不便宜,一盒要十美金。除了牛肉,我还买了面条,饺子作为主食。任何聚会都要有饮料和零食,所以我买了旺旺雪饼(want want shelly senbei),沙琪玛(sachima),和草莓威化(strawberry wafers)。都是学生喜欢吃的。饮料的话,我买了上次春节学生喜欢喝的冰红茶(lemon ice tea)。除了中国的茶饮料,我也买了很多美国的饮料。比如Dr.Pepper, 雪碧(Sprite),还有可乐。户外 | hùwài | outdoor鸳鸯火锅 | yuānyāng huǒguō | Hot Pot with middle divider锅 | guō | pot炉子 | lú zǐ | stove锅底 | guō dǐ | soup base蘸料 | zhàn liào | dipping sauce食材 | shícái | Ingredients麻辣 | málà | numbing spicy清汤 | qīngtāng | clear broth牛肉 | niúròu | beef火锅聚会的天气很不错。只是有点儿晒。可是我没想到周三中午的户外火锅竟然让我和几个学生都不同程度的晒伤sunburn了!我已经很多年没有被晒伤了。这次没想到太阳这么厉害。回家发现两个胳膊都被晒得红红的,有点儿疼了。应该早点儿把桌子搬到阴凉的地方就好了。不过除了这点以外,其他一切都很完美。我和我的学生们一起涮肉,下面条,吃饺子。玩得很开心!我很高心他们喜欢吃火锅。我希望以后还有机会跟他们一起开火锅party。晒 | shài | (of the sun) to shine on不同程度 | bùtóng chéngdù | Varying degrees晒伤 | shài shāng | sunburn没想到 | méi xiǎngdào | did not expect胳膊 | gēbó | arm阴凉 | yīnliáng | shady, cool完美 | wánměi | Perfect涮 | shuàn | to cook by dipping finely sliced ingredients briefly in boiling water or soup (generally done at the dining table)你听说过中国火锅吗?你吃过火锅吗?有机会不妨尝试一下。那今天就跟大家分享到这里。感谢您的收听。我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
5/2/20223 minutes, 13 seconds
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五一劳动节和“调休” May 1 Labor Day and “Switched Days Off”

Hello everyone! In this episode, I talk about May 1 Labor Day—China’s upcoming “5-day” holiday, which in fact is only 3 days because during the two weeks before and after the holiday, people need to work for 6 days (one weekend day each week) to make up for the “lost” 2 days that make the holiday 5 days. 大家好,大家这周过得怎么样?我们学校刚过了春假,在暑假以前基本没有假期了。不过在中国,马上要有一个小长假:那就是五一劳动节,在每年的5月1日。五一劳动节是一个国际节日,是世界上80多个国家的劳动节。国际劳动节起源于1886年的美国,是为了纪念当时美国各地的工人为了要求八小时工作日举行的罢工运动。劳动 láodòng: labor起源于 qǐyuán yú: originates in国际节日 guójì jiérì: international festival 纪念 jìniàn: commemorate 工人 gōngrén: worker罢工 bàgōng: strike, refuse to work运动 yùndòng: movement劳动节翻译过来就是Labor Day。作为起源地,美国也有自己的劳动节。美国的劳动节是每年九月的第一个星期一。每年的日期不一样。因为是星期一,所以就有劳动节长周末。相比之下,中国的劳动节每年的日期是一样的,都是5月1日。翻译过来Fānyì guòlái: translated into日期 rìqí: date (mm/dd)相比之下 xiāng bǐ zhī xià: by comparison 我小的时候,五一假期比现在长,有一个星期。现在只有五天了。而且还要“放假调休”。那你可能就问了,放假就放假,怎么还有“调休”?“调” 就是调整,“休” 就是休假,休息。“调休” 就是调整你休息的日期。比如,2022年的五一劳动节假期是从4月30日到5月4日,一共五天。但是,不是简单地放五天假。为了能连着放五天(假),中国人需要在4月24日星期日和5月7号星期六上班。所以其实只有三天假期,因为4月24日和5月7日本来就是周末。现在却要上班。听到这里,你是不是觉得很奇怪?为什么要这样呢?真的还不如从5月2号到4号放三天(假)呢!因为这个“调休”,意味着五一假期的前面和后面两周你都要工作6天!所以很多中国人不喜欢这个政策。如果是我,我也更愿意放三天假,而不是为了五天的假期“调休”。现在中国的很多长假都要“调休”。中国最长的两个假期—春节和国庆节—虽然都是7天的假期,但是跟劳动节一样,都需要在前后两周上六天班。放假 fàngjià: have time off调休 diào xiū: switch vacation days 调整 tiáozhěng: adjust 连着 liánzhe: in continuous manner却 què: yet, but不如 bùrú: not as good as; it’s be better to 意味着 yìwèizhe: (it)means to 政策 zhèngcè: policy国庆节 guóqìng jié: national day celebration 那今天关于中国劳动节和“调休”就跟大家聊到这里。对于过五一劳动节的朋友,祝你们节日快乐。希望大家下周一切顺利!如果有什么问题和建议,欢迎给我发电子邮件。我们下期节目再见!一切顺利 yī qiè shùn lì: everything goez smoothlyThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
4/24/20223 minutes, 50 seconds
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复活节 Easter VS 清明节 Qing Ming Festival

Hello everyone, in today's episode I compare Easter and Qing Ming Festival. Both are "spring festivals" in late March/early April and include outdoor activities in the beautiful spring weather. The difference between the two festivals lies in the cultural origin and tradition: though both are related to death, Qing Ming is about remembering dead ancestors whereas Easter, in its Christian origin, celebrates Jesus's resurrection from the dead.  大家好,欢迎收听。希望大家都度过了一个美好的周末。这个周日是美国的复活节。很多地方周五就放假了。所以这个周末是一个长周末。复活节的时候很多地方天气也已经变暖,很适合户外活动。复活节的一个经典的活动就是捡彩蛋。很多家庭,社区和幼儿园都会组织小朋友一起捡彩蛋,老师和父母会先把彩蛋藏在不同的地方,然后让孩子们提着小篮子去找。据说在复活节谁找到的彩蛋更多,谁就会更幸运。复活节 | Fùhuó jié | Easter户外 | hùwài | outdoor捡 | jiǎn | pick up彩蛋 | cǎidàn | Easter eggs藏 | cáng | hide提 | tí | carry篮子 | lánzi | basket据说 | jùshuō | it is said幸运 | xìngyùn | Lucky说到复活节,那中国人过复活节吗?我觉得绝大部分中国人是不过复活节的,除非你的基督徒。跟复活节离得最近的中国传统节日是清明节。和复活节一样,清明节每年的时间也不同。复活节是每年春分月圆后的第一个星期天。清明节一般都是在4月5日前后。两个节日时间很近。2021年的清明节和复活节就碰巧在同一天。绝大部分 | jué dà bùfèn | the vast majority基督徒 | jīdū tú | Christian清明节 | qīngmíng jié | Ching Ming Festival春分 | chūnfēn | spring equinox碰巧 | pèngqiǎo | happen, coincidental复活节和清明节都可以说是春天的节日。所以你就看到这两个节日放假期间,大家都经常会参加各种各样的户外活动。复活节有滚彩蛋,捡彩蛋的活动。清明节的时候,中国人也会出门游玩,亲近自然,享受春天。滚 | gǔn | roll | 亲近 | qīnjìn | close to | 享受 | xiǎngshòu | enjoy | 那两个节日的不同点可能就是起源了。清明节是一个中国的古老的节日,大家除了去郊外散步游玩,迎接春天以外,很多人也回老家祭祖扫墓。所以清明节在英文也被翻译成Tomb-sweeping Day。在这个日子,中国人会去祖先的墓地,祭拜缅怀逝去的亲人。复活节一般认为是源于基督教。是纪念耶稣从死里复活的节日。所以这么说,这两个节日其实都有与死亡有关。但是意义不同。起源 | qǐyuán | origin郊外 | jiāowài | outskirts散步 | sànbù | walk迎接 | yíngjiē | welcome in老家 | lǎojiā | hometown祭祖 | jì zǔ | ancestor worship扫墓 | sǎomù | Tomb Sweeping翻译 | fānyì | translate祖先 | zǔxiān | ancestor墓地 | mùdì | cemetery祭拜 | jì bài | worship缅怀 | miǎnhuái | remembrance失去 | shīqù | lose, lost一般认为 | yībān rènwéi | Generally considered纪念 | jìniàn | commemorate耶稣 | yēsū | Jesus从死里复活 | cóng sǐ lǐ fùhuó | resurrection from the dead死亡 | sǐwáng | die意义 | yìyì | significance那今天关于复活节和清明节就跟大家聊到这里。我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
4/18/20223 minutes, 31 seconds
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又停电又有火警的一天 Power Outage & Fire Alarm in One Day

Hello everyone, in this episode I recount our crazy Thursday at school. The power went out overnight and wasn't restored until right before class. Then 10 minutes into the first period, we were told to evacuate due to an electric fire. After 20 minutes in the rain and another 30 minutes of waiting in the gym, we were finally back in the classrooms for third period. What a day! Scripts and useful words below. 大家好,今天想跟大家聊一聊我们学校的这个星期四。这个星期四,我像平时一样七点多一点儿就到了学校。可是到了中学门口,发现自己的门禁卡不能用了。然后我才看到学校几分钟前发的邮件说学校停电了,所有的网络也都断了。没有电,门禁系统当然也就不能用了。我正在门口想怎么才能进去。正好一个老师路过,说他有大门的钥匙。就给我开了门,让我进去了。我从中学教室拿上了我的电脑就去了高中楼。高中楼大门开着,楼里当然也是没有电的。高中大厅的灯跟中学过道的一样,也是一直闪,很不稳定。我到了二楼的教室坐下,教室里的灯当然也是不能开的。我就坐在黑黑的教室里,什么工作也做不了。因为我所有的东西都在Google Drive。而Google Drive需要有网才行。我也没办法打印,因为打印机也需要网。没有灯,我也看不了书。所以我就只能看着手机。等着来电。P1门禁卡 | ménjìn kǎ | Access Card停电 | tíngdiàn | power outage系统 | xìtǒng | system钥匙 | yàoshi | key路过 | lùguò | pass by闪 | shǎn | flash稳定 | wěndìng | Stable, stablize打印 | dǎyìn | Print后来快上课的时候,学校的电好像大多恢复了。我教室里的灯能开了,电脑和投影仪也都可以用了。通过这次,我才知道原来电脑可以不需要网,用蓝牙就可以连到投影仪。星期四我第一节课没有考试,也不用打印什么东西。只要有练习册就能上课了。P2 恢复 | huīfù | recover, resume投影仪 | tóuyǐng yí | projector通过 | tōngguò | through, via蓝牙 | lányá | Bluetooth连 | lián | link, connect上课才上了十分钟,我们学校的一个老师就急忙跑到我的教室说,现在有火警,所有人都要疏散去体育馆。于是我和学生就拿上书包,下楼去体育馆。走到一半,我们又被告知,要在体育馆门口的停车场等。大家就在停车场开始了漫长的等待。这时候又下起了雨。有的人带了伞,几个人用一把伞。有的就没有伞,所以在雨里浇着。高中师生就这样在雨里站了二十分钟, 看着四五辆消防车来到高中楼。消防员爬上屋顶检查。之后又让我们去体育馆里等。体育馆环境起码好一些,而且还有篮球,排球什么的可以玩。学生、老师也有地方坐下来休息。在体育馆又等了一阵,校长来通知我们,说再等十五分钟就可以回去上课了。后来等到十点左右,大家才回到了教室。这时候已经是第三节课的时间了。大家折腾了半上午,都很累了。因此,很多老师也推迟了当天的考试。对了,后来我们才知道火警的原因是重启空调系统的时候导致了电线着火。P3急忙 | jímáng | hastily火警 | huǒjǐng | fire alarm疏散 | shūsàn | evacuate告知 | gàozhī | inform漫长 | màncháng | lengthy等待 | děngdài | wait浇 | jiāo | pour 消防车 | xiāofáng chē | fire truck屋顶 | wūdǐng | roof起码 | qǐmǎ | at least折腾 | zhēteng | cause suffering, toss and turn累 | lèi | tired推迟 | tuīchí | put off, postpone重启 | chóngqǐ | reboot空调 | kòngtiáo | air conditioner导致 | dǎozhì | lead to电线 | diànxiàn | electric wire着火 | zháohuǒ | on fire所以这个星期四真的是神奇的一天:停电,下雨,还有火警。不过,虽然大家都有很多抱怨,学校在很多地方还可以做得更好,但是起码大家都安全,没有什么损失。之后也都正常上课了。P4 神奇 | shénqí | magic损失 | sǔnshī | loss那今天就跟大家说到这里。我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
4/10/20225 minutes
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正牙是一生的功课 My Journey with Invisalign

Hello everyone! In this episode I talk about my dentist's appointment today and my journey with Invisalign, which started in late 2019 and is still going. Today they took new pictures and impressions to send back to Invisalign for new sets. I also learned that braces is a life-long commitment since I need to continue to wear retainers at night even after I finish my treatment.大家好,欢迎收听。今天想跟大家聊一聊我整牙的经历。今天上午我又去看了牙医。这次是为了检查一下我的隐适美(Invisalign)矫正牙套的最后一个疗程的效果,看看下一步怎么办。我是从2019年下半年开始戴隐适美矫正牙套的。到现在已经有好久了。中间经过了很多疗程。这次我对我的牙医说,我觉得我的牙看上去比原来好了很多,但是我觉得因为矫正,有的牙之间产生了小缝隙,然后也有的地方高低不太整齐,有的地方还有点儿挤。我的牙医也同意,然后问我,愿意不愿意花更多的时间来继续矫正。我说当然了。毕竟我已经投入了这么多的时间和精力了,怎么可能就这么放弃不做了呢?于是,这次又重新给我的牙齿拍了照片,打了模子。然后他们要把这些资料发给隐适美公司,隐适美要花三周左右的时间才能做好新的一批牙套。我的牙医说他们一收到就给我打电话。我今天还问我的牙医,我什么时候可以不用戴牙套了呢?我的牙医说,很多人其实不知道,那就是:即使不用24小时,除了吃饭,都戴着牙套,晚上也要戴保持器。而且是终生都要戴。如果不好好戴,牙可能就回去了。我原来还以为只需要戴一两年就可以彻底不戴了呢...这么看来,牙齿真的是一辈子的功课啊!那今天就跟大家聊到这里。我们下期再见!正牙 | Zhèng yá | Orthodontics牙医 | yáyī | dentisit (general)矫正 | jiǎozhèng | Correct, straighten牙套 | yátào | braces疗程 | liáochéng | Course of treatment效果 | xiàoguǒ | Effect戴 | dài | Wear缝隙 | fèngxì | small gap继续 | jìxù | continue当然 | dāngrán | Of course毕竟 | bìjìng | after all投入 | tóurù | put in, invest精力 | jīnglì | energy放弃 | fàngqì | give up重新 | chóngxīn | all over again模子 | múzi | mold资料 | zīliào | material批 | pī | batch保持器 | bǎochí qì | retainer终生 | zhōngshēng | lifelong彻底 | chèdǐ | thorough一辈子 | yībèizi | lifetimeThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
4/7/20222 minutes, 36 seconds
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从大学篮球说到中美学校体育文化 From March Madness to School Sports

Hello everyone! In this episode, I start with last night's game between UNC and Duke and talk about the difference in school sports cultures in the US and China. March Madness is a great example of Americans' love for college sports and sports in general. By comparison, Chinese schools place much less emphasis on school sports and think that students should spend their day studying instead of playing sports. 大家好,美国大学篮球的“疯狂三月”(March Madness)马上就要结束了。星期六的两场半决赛大家看了吗?我昨天晚上看了UNC对Duke的比赛。这两支球队都是强队,而且都在北卡州(North Carolina),是老对手了。今年也更特别,因为今年是Duke的主教练Coach K的最后一个赛季。全场比赛都很激烈,最后UNC以81比77赢得了比赛。他们将在星期一与Kansas争夺冠军。疯狂 | fēngkuáng: | crazy结束 | jiéshù | end强队 | qiáng duì | strong team半决赛 | bàn juésài | semifinal对手 | duìshǒu: | opponent赛季 | sàijì: | season激烈 | jīliè: | fierce赢得 | yíngdé: | win争夺 | zhēngduó: | contend vie for冠军 | guànjūn: | champion那回到开头,什么是“疯狂三月”呢?三月有什么特别?对于很多美国人来说,每年的三月让人“疯狂”。因为三月有全国大学体育协会一级联赛男篮锦标赛”(就是NCAA Division 1 Men’s Basketball Tournament)。所以三月是美国大学篮球爱好者的节日,他们观看比赛,为自己母校或者自己喜爱的球队加油。“疯狂三月”体现了美国校园体育文化的流行。从小到大,很多美国人都会参加各种各样的运动:像篮球,足球,网球,棒球,跑步,游泳...喜欢什么运动都有机会参加。你可以参加学校的运动队,也可以参加校外的运动队,然后跟着自己的球队参加各种比赛。参加体育运动不但可以强身健体,而且在这个过程中,还可以交到很多好朋友,得到更多的快乐。大学也很喜欢运动好的人。运动可以培养很多优秀的品质,展现一个人全面的素质。开头 | kāitóu | beginning协会 | xiéhuì | association联赛 | liánsài | league锦标赛 | jǐnbiāosài | championship爱好者 | àihào zhě | lovers, enthusiasts体现/展现 | tǐxiàn/zhǎnxiàn | embody / show强身健体 | qiángshēn jiàn tǐ | strenghten one's physical fitness过程 | guòchéng | Process培养 | péiyǎng | develop, nourish品质 | pǐnzhí | quality, intrinsic character素质 | sùzhì | Quality, essential character和美国比起来,中国的学校对体育的重视就少多了。 中国社会觉得上学的时候,学习最重要。所有的时间都应该花在学习上,而不是“玩(儿)”体育。中国的学校是有体育课的,可是你会经常看到体育课被取消,变成自习或者其他更“重要”的课,比如数学课。中国的学校也很少有自己的校队和有组织的学校间的联赛。也没有观看校队比赛,为自己的学校运动队加油的文化。一个中国学生每天基本都是坐在教室里上课学习。而在美国,学习只是学校生活的一部分,而不是全部。我感觉现在中国也越来越重视体育教育了,不过因为文化和社会发展的原因,离美国这样的全民体育文化还有很远的距离。重视 | zhòngshì | attach great importance to社会 | shèhuì | society基本 | jīběn | basically, mainly部分 | bùfèn | part发展 | fāzhǎn | developing全民 | quánmín | All people, whole society距离 | jùlí | distance今天跟大家聊了一下中美学校体育文化的差异。感谢大家的收听。我们下期再见!差异 | chā yì |differenceThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
4/3/20224 minutes, 18 seconds
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学习冷水澡 Forced to Learn about Cold Shower

Hello everyone! In today's episode, I talk about how my broken hot water heater led me to temporarily change my shower routine and learn the benefits of cold shower. Script and useful expressions attached. Thank you for your support! Let me know if you have any questions or comments.大家好,今天是周日,大家的周末过得怎么样呢?上个周末我家的热水器在半夜的时候坏了。第二天一早,我起床洗澡。因为是半夜坏的,所以水还不是完全是凉的。结果就是:我洗到一半发现热水器是坏的。因为是周末,所以周一才给家电保险公司发邮件。保险公司的人服务还是很快的。当天就回邮件说周四来给我们安装新热水器。所以我这个周四就又洗上了热水澡。 | 热水器 | Rèshuǐqì:hot water heater | 冷水澡 | lěngshuǐ yùndòng: cold shower | 半夜 | bànyè: midnight | 洗澡 | xǐzǎo: shower, take a shower | 家电 | jiādiàn: home appliance | 保险公司 | jīxiāng: insurance company | 安装 | ānzhuāng: install 那没有热水器的这几天我是怎么洗澡的呢?我平时每天都是早上洗澡,但是因为热水器的问题,我把洗澡的时间分成两半:早上只洗头发,晚上洗澡。早上起来以后,我会用锅烧一大锅开水,然后用一个水盆,把开水兑到凉水里,然后用水盆里的水洗头发。洗完以后再冲几次就干净了。就这样,我在水盆里洗了两三天头发。洗身上我也是用同样的办法。 | 分成 | Fēnchéng: divide into | 锅 | guō: pot | 烧水 | shāo shuǐ: boil water | 水盆 | shuǐ pén: water bowl | 开水 | kāishuǐ: boiling water | 兑 | duì; concoct  | 头发 | tóufǎ: hair | 冲 | chōng: wash | 办法 | bànfǎ: method 最开始我试了一下洗冷水澡。但是觉得还是不太适应。所以就算了,没有继续尝试。其实我查了一下,洗冷水澡是有很多好处的。首先,可以增强身体的免疫力。防止感冒生病。其次,冷水洗澡还可以兴奋大脑,提高神经系统的功能。第三,洗冷水澡还可以改善消化功能,增强新陈代谢。有助减肥!最后,洗冷水澡促进血液循环,对皮肤也很有好处。会让皮肤变得更柔软,更有弹性。如果你运动的话,洗冷水澡可以加速恢复,缓解肌肉的疲劳 | 增强 | Zēngqiáng: enhance | 免疫力 | miǎnyì lì: immunity | 兴奋大脑 | xīngfèn dànǎo: excite the brain | 神经系统 | shénjīng xìtǒng : nervous system | 改善消化功能 | gǎishàn xiāohuà gōngnéng: Improve digestive function | 新陈代谢 | xīnchéndàixiè: metabolism | 促进血液循环 | cùjìn xiěyè xúnhuán: Promote blood circulation | 柔软 | róuruǎn: soft | 弹性 | tánxìng: elastic  | 加速恢复 | jiāsù huīfù: speed up recovery | 缓解肌肉疲劳 | huǎnjiě jīròu píláo: Relieve muscle fatigue 不过虽然洗冷水澡有这么多好处,但是还是需要慢慢地学习适应,不能突然一下子就从洗热水澡到洗冷水澡。现在虽然我的热水器好了,因为知道了冷水澡的好处,我也把水温调低了一些。慢慢习惯洗冷一点的澡! 所以这次热水器坏了的经历也让我学到了关于冷水澡的一些新的知识。我以后要洗冷一点的澡。大家如果有兴趣的话,也可以尝试一下。那今天就跟大家聊到这里。我们下期再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
3/28/20223 minutes, 53 seconds
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中美饮食差异之零食文化 Snack Cultures in China and the U.S

Hello everyone! In today's episode, I talk about the differences in culture when it comes to eating snacks in China and the U.S.  Script and useful expressions below by paragraph.大家好,上次跟大家聊了一下中美饮食的第一个不同:就是在“吃菜”这个方面。简单地说,就是中国人吃菜吃得比美国人多。今天我说说中美饮食文化的第二个不同:就是吃零食的习惯。我原来在中国的时候,不太有吃零食的习惯。到现在,我也不怎么吃零食。当然,我不喜欢零食,但是我很多中国的朋友喜欢吃各种零食。但是即使喜欢,大家一般也不会觉得零食可以随时吃,甚至可以代替正餐。在中国,零食就是一个消遣。该吃饭的时候还是要好好吃饭。如果很忙,没时间做饭,就点一份外卖。反正在中国外卖送餐又快又方便。不太可能因为忙,中国人就把零食当成“饭”。 | 零食 | língshí: snacks | 习惯 | xíguàn: habit | 即使 | jíshǐ: even though, though | 随时 | suíshí: at any time | 甚至 | shènzhì: even | 代替 | dàitì: substitute | 消遣 | xiāoqiǎn: pastime | 外卖 | wàimài: takeout, delivery美国就不一样了。我感觉在美国,很多人都有两餐之间吃零食的习惯。有时候吃零食吃多了,到应该吃饭的时候不饿。所以正餐就吃得少了或者不能按时吃。美国人也不会觉得正餐特别重要,一定要按时好好地吃。吃零食吃饱了就好了。不用太担心。我觉得这样还是对身体健康不好。因为零食一般没有什么营养,不能取代正常的一日三餐。 | 感觉 | gǎnjué: feel, feeling | 按时 | ànshí: according to schedule | 正餐 | zhèngcān: regular meal, full meal | 营养 | yíngyǎng: nutrition | 取代 | qǔdài: replace | 一日三餐 | yī rì sān cān: three meals a day所以为什么美国人这么喜欢吃零食呢?我觉得是因为饮食环境和文化的原因。在美国,哪儿都有自动售货机。公司的茶水间/休息室里经常也有各种各样的零食,像糖果,薯片,饼干,和各种饮料。因为零食在美国又方便又容易得到,所以就很容易养成吃零食的习惯,而且一不注意就会吃多了。 | 自动售货机 | Zìdòng shòu huòjī: vending machine | 茶水间 | cháshuǐ jiān: "room for tea and water"  | 休息室 | xiūxí shì : lounge | 各种各样 | gè zhǒng gè yàng: all kinds and varieties  | 养成 | yǎng chéng: form, develop那今天关于零食就跟大家分享到这里。我们下期再见!|关于| guānyú: about, regarding|分享| fēnxiǎng: shareThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
3/24/20223 minutes, 4 seconds
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中美饮食差异之“吃菜”: “Eating Vegetables” —a Dietary Difference between China and the U.S.

Hello everyone! In today's episode I talk about a big difference between traditional Chinese and American diets—how and how much vegetables are cooked and eaten. Scripts and useful expressions below.P1大家好,欢迎收听。今天这期我想跟大家聊聊中美传统饮食上的差异。第一个就是在吃蔬菜上。P2在中国,一顿饭基本上是两菜一汤,加米饭。“两菜”一般就是两个炒菜(stir-fried dish)。可以是荤菜(就是肉菜),也可以是素菜(也就是蔬菜),或者荤素搭配(也就是有肉有菜)。“一汤”就是一份汤。汤也可以是荤的或者是素的。一般来说,中餐以(蔬)“菜”为主。而且,中国人吃饭的时候,所有菜都放在桌子中间,这样每个人都可以够得到。就像美国的family style meal。因为中餐的这种形式,所以每个人每餐都可以吃到各种蔬菜。我感觉中国人吃的蔬菜的种类也比美国人多一些。选择也就多一些。P3美国人的饭一般都是一人一份。以蛋白质为主。比如牛肉,鸡肉,鱼,蛋。然后可能搭配沙拉作为配菜(side dish)。不过即使有蔬菜色拉,因为沙拉一般不是主菜,量不大。就算沙拉作为主菜,蔬菜也不一定很多。不过,我觉得吃沙拉好的一点就是沙拉用的蔬菜是新鲜的蔬菜。不像中国人做的菜大多是炒菜或者是其他热加工的蔬菜。毕竟过度烹饪会造成营养的流失。当然了,我这里要说一下,就是美国人也不是只有吃沙拉的时候才吃蔬菜。美国也有各种烤的或者煮的蔬菜。中国人也会吃凉拌的、没有热炒的蔬菜。就是中国的色拉吧!P4总体来说,中国人的饮食里蔬菜占的比重会比传统美国饮食里蔬菜占的比重高一些。中国人不太可能一天都吃不到绿叶菜,中餐讲究荤素搭配。不能每个菜全都是鸡鸭鱼肉什么的。但是在美式西餐,你可以早上吃鸡蛋培根(Bacon & eggs),中午吃土豆牛排,晚上吃意大利辣香肠比萨(pepperoni pizza),这样的话就一天都没有吃蔬菜。P5今天跟大家聊了聊中美在吃“菜”上的差异。这些都是根据我个人生活中的观察体验,不是全面客观的科学研究。大家如果觉得我说得不准确,可以发邮件告诉我。感谢大家的支持!我们下期再见!Useful expressions by paragraph P1差异  | Chāyì : differenceP2炒菜  | chǎocài : stir-fry dish荤 | hūn:non-vegetarian素 | sù: vegetarian, vegetable-based搭配 | dāpèi: pair up, match, combination一般来说|yī bān lái shuō: generally speaking以…为主|Yǐ…wéi zhǔ : to rely mainly on, to attach most importance to份 | fèn: portion, serving种类|zhǒng lèi: kind, category选择|xuǎozé: select, choose, option够 | gòu: reach 形式 | xíngshì: format, formP3蛋白质 | dànbáizhí: protein配菜 | pèi cài: side dish色拉/沙拉 | sè lā/shālā: salad作为|zuò wéi: to act as量|liàng: quantity 就算|jìu suàn: granted that, even if新鲜 | xīnxiān: fresh热加工 | rè jiāgōng: heat-processed, process by heating毕竟 | bìjìng: after all过度 | guòdù: excessive, over-烹饪 | pēngrèn: cooking, culinary arts 营养 | yíngyǎng: nutrition流失 | liúshī: lose, “wash away”烤|kǎo: roast, bake, broil煮|zhǔ: boil凉拌|liáng bàn: cold vegetables dressed with sauce热炒 |rè chǎo: fried, stir-fryP4总体来说|zǒng tǐ lái shuō: to view as a whole, all in all占…比重 | zhàn…bǐzhòng: to take up … proportion讲究 | jiǎngjiù: to pay particular attention to, carefully selected for quality美式|měi shì:  American styleP5观察 | guānchá: observe, observation体验 | tǐyàn: experienceThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
3/15/20224 minutes, 6 seconds
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游戏世界里的好人 Nice People in the Gaming World

Hello everyone, in today's episode I talked about how nice and helpful people are in my co-op gaming experience.  See below for English and Mandarin scripts as well as useful expressions.大家好!今天是星期三。一个星期又过去一半了。大家这个星期过得怎么样呢?今天我晚饭以后又玩手机游戏《原神》就是Genshin Impact。我在第46期跟大家说过,这个游戏是我学生推荐给我的。我开始玩了以后也觉得挺不错的,所以也就经常玩儿。最开始玩儿的时候,我等级低。只能单人游戏,不能联机。现在我等级够高了,就可以让其他玩家加入我的世界一起玩儿。最近就经常有人申请加入,而且这些人的等级都比我高得多。比如我现在是60级,而加入我世界的玩家一般都有80级。 加入了以后,我们会先互相问好,然后他们就会问我可以帮我做什么,比如可以帮我攻打一个大boss。因为他们的等级比我的高很多,所以有他们的帮助,就可以很轻松地打败我的世界里的大boss或者通过我自己不能完成的挑战。帮完我之后,他们还会确认我不需要其他帮助以后再离开我的世界。每次联机游戏我都会跟他们说很多次谢谢。他们也会说,“啊,当然啦。别客气!”之类的。可是我从来没问过:“呃,你们为什么要来我的世界帮我呢?“但是我今天问了这个问题。然后今天跟我联机的这个玩家说,”跟你打游戏很好玩啊。我自己也玩得很开心啊!” 我就觉得这是最理想的了吧。在日常生活中,如果你能花自己的时间和精力去帮助一个人,然后这个过程又让你自己很开心,很享受。那这真的是太棒了!那好了。今天就跟大家分享到这里。我们下期再见!Hello everyone! Today is Wednesday. Another half of a week has passed. How are you all doing this week? Today I played the mobile game Genshin Impact again after dinner. I mentioned in Ep. 46 that this game was recommended to me by my students. After I started playing it, it felt pretty good, so I played it often. When I first started playing, my level was low. I can only play single player mode, not co-op mode. Now that my level is high enough, I can let other players join my world and play together. Recently, there have been people requesting to join, and these people are much higher level than me. For example, I am level 60 now, and players who join my world are generally level 80. After joining, we would say hello to each other first, and then they would ask me what they could do for me, such as attacking a big boss. Because their level is much higher than mine, with their help, it's easy to beat the big bosses in my world or pass challenges that I can't complete by myself. After helping me, they would also confirm that I don't need other help before leaving my world. Every time I play co-op I say thank you to them many times. They'll also say, "Ah, of course. No problem!" or something like that. But I never asked, "Well, why do you come to my world to help me?" But I asked this question today. And then the player I connected with today said, "It's so much fun playing games with you. I'm having so much fun myself!"I think this is the best. In everyday life, if you can spend your time and energy helping a person, then the process makes yourself very happy and enjoyable. That's really awesome!OK. That's all the sharing for today. See you next episode!Useful expressions  | 期 | Qī: episode | 推荐 | tuījiàn: recommend | 等级 | děngjí: level | 单人 | dān rén: single person, single play (games) | 联机 | liánjī: co-op mode | 申请加入 | shēnqǐng jiārù: apply/request to join | 攻打 | gōngdǎ: attack | 打败 | dǎbài: beat someone (in a competition) | 通过 | tōngguò: pass, get through | 挑战 | tiǎozhàn: : challenge | 确认 | quèrèn: confirm | 当然 | dāngrán: of course, for sure | 之类的 | zhī lèi de: and the like | 玩家 | wánjiā : player (in a game) | 理想 | zuì lǐxiǎng: ideal  | 精力 | jīnglì: energy | 享受 | xiǎngshòu: enjoy, enjoymentThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
3/10/20223 minutes, 1 second
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生活中的“小确幸” The Little Blessings in Life

Hello everyone! In this Mandarin episode, I talk about the "little sure blessings" in life that we tend to take for granted.  Scripts and useful expressions are below.大家好!欢迎收听。今天想跟大家聊一聊生活中的小确幸。小确幸就是生活中虽然很小但是确定的幸福。简称小确幸。我们生活有时候会觉得很无聊,甚至心情低落沮丧。其实生活中有很多美好幸福的事情,只不过我们都习以为常,不会注意。如果静下来好好想一下自己生活中美好的事情,其实还是有很多的,那今天就跟大家分享一下我最近生活中的小确幸吧!首先就是我们这周放一周假。我原来是想去哪儿旅游或者做点儿什么。但是最后哪儿也没去。觉得很多地方都去过了,没有很想去的地方。不过这样在家休息一星期也不错。每天看看书,玩玩手机,跟朋友聊聊天什么的。而且我今天出门去公园走了一个小时,然后午饭吃了好吃的三明治,喝了咖啡,下午去超市逛了逛。为什么这个是小确幸呢?因为我知道不是谁都有这样闲暇的时间。然后我第二个小确幸就是我最近发现了一家很好吃的饭店。而且这家饭店还离我家很近。然后我每次去都会点他们的Filet牛排,Caeser沙拉,还有他们的芝士蛋糕。每次都特别好吃!然后他们的服务也好,环境也好。真的是一个特别好的饭店。然后,还有就是我前两天去了Trader Joe’s。如果你在的城市有Trader Joe's,你就知道它一般都很难停车。每次我想去,一想到交通就头疼,不想去了。然后因为这周放假,所以我可以在不那么堵的时候去,所以我就去了。然后这次去逛,我买了很多冷冻食物。Trader Joe’s的冷冻食物真的很好!我买了橙味鸡(orange chicken)。你可以把它放在烤箱,400华氏度烤20分钟就好了。特别方便!我还买了台湾葱油饼(Taiwan green onion pancake)。跟小时候家里做的味道一样。还有这次买的猪肉包(pork buns)还有小笼包也都很好吃。其实为什么是小确幸呢?因为能买到,吃到自己喜欢吃的东西是很幸福的。不一定每次去超市买的东西你都喜欢吃。所以遇到好吃的东西就很美好啊。最后就是这个星期的天气也挺好的。没有阴雨。阴雨天的话,即使在家里不出门,也会心情不太好。如果要出门就更麻烦了。这周天气虽然没有特别暖和,但是我觉得气温还是挺舒服的。像今天气温60几度,特别适合出去运动一下。好天气也是一种小确幸呀!尤其像我们这儿的天气经常阴晴不定,下雨下一周也很正常。好了!今天就跟大家分享到这里。你的生活中有什么小确幸呢?仔细想想可能就发现了。好了。感谢大家的收听。我们下期再见!  | 小确幸 | Xiǎo què xìng: little but sure blessings | 确定 | quèdìng: sure, certain | 幸福 | xìngfú: happiness, blessings | 简称 | jiǎnchēng: short for, acroynym | 心情 | xīnqíng: emotion, feeling | 低落 | dīluò: low, downcast | 沮丧 | jǔsàng: sad, depressed | 习以为常 | xíyǐwéicháng: accustomed  to, take for granted | 静下来 | jìng xiàlái: calm down | 分享 | fēnxiǎng: share | 闲暇 | xiánxiá: free, leisure  | 冷冻食物 | lěngdòng shíwù: frozen food | 烤箱 | kǎoxiāng: oven | 华氏度 | huáshì dù: Fahrenheit | 猪肉 | zhūròu: pork | 小笼包 | xiǎo lóng bāo: little steamed soup buns | 遇到 | yù dào: come across, run into | 仔细 | zǐxì: carefully, attentiveThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
3/5/20224 minutes, 48 seconds
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中美车文化的差异 Car Culture in China vs in the US

Hello everyone, in this episode I talk about the different cultures about cars in China and the US. First, in many states in America, people can get behind the wheel as young as 15 whereas in China you have to be at least 18 to get a driver's license. Secondly, because China has more choices in terms of public transportation, many Chinese do not feel that much of a need to get a car. But it's likely that you will have to have a car to be able to get around if you live in most of the US.大家好,欢迎收听!我上个星期在上课的时候,做了一个自行车交通事故的阅读练习。我的学生当时问为什么是自行车,而不是汽车呢?他们觉得有点儿奇怪。因为在我们这里,没有人骑自行车,除非是为了运动。我说这也是一个文化上的差异吧,因为绝大多数的中国的高中生和大学生是不开车的。我的学生们听了就都很惊讶。所以今天我想来具体聊一聊中国和美国关于车的文化习俗。首先,中国人和美国人开始开车的法定年龄和程序不同。中国十八岁以上才可以考驾照。在中国,一般人会去驾校学习开车。学好以后参加笔试和路考。通过了以后,才可以上路。而在美国,比如我在的北卡(North Carolina),十五岁就可以拿“有条件的学习许可”(Limited Learner's Permit - Level 1)。有了这个证的话,前六个月,可以在前座监督司机的陪同下,早上5:00到晚上9:00之间开车。前六个月之后,可以在有人监督的情况下随时开车。持有“有限学习驾照”至少12个月后,可以参加路考,获得“有限临时驾照”(Limited Provisional License - Level 2)。这个时候你就可以在没有监督司机的情况下开车上下学了。年满十六岁并且持有限临时驾照至少六个月,就可以获得完全驾照(Full Provisional License - Level 3)。当然所有这些的前提是你没有违反交通法规。因为中国十八岁以前不能开车,所以你也就看不到中国的高中生开车。其实在中国的大学校园里,学生开车也不常见。很多上班了的中国人也不开车。美国人就会觉得:那难道不是很不自由吗?没有车哪儿也去不了啊!这就是我要说的第二点中美差异:中国和美国的生活习惯和汽车文化不同。跟美国比起来,中国的公共交通方便得多。对于大部分中国学生来说,没有特别需要学习开车。不管上学还是上班,出差还是旅游,一般来说都可以通过公共交通解决。比如地铁、公共汽车、机场快线、动车、高铁,又快又方便。但是在美国,如果你不住在公共交通相对发达一些的大城市的话,你一定要开车才能正常地生活。我在中国就不会开车,我也没想学开车。从小学到大学,我都没开过车。中小学的时候我走路,坐公共汽车或者骑自行车上下学,大学我骑自行车或者坐公共汽车。到了美国以后,因为没车实在太不方便了,所以才买了车,开始学习开车。在中国因为没车也不太影响自己能去哪儿,所以也不会觉得行动受到限制。觉得不自由。在美国没有车真的不自由!好了,今天就跟大家聊到这里。希望大家喜欢!再见! | 交通事故 | Jiāotōng shìgù: traffic accident | 除非 | chúfēi: unless | 差异 | chāyì: difference | 惊讶 | jīngyà: surprised | 具体 | jùtǐ: specific | 习俗 | xísú: custom and habit | 法定年龄 | fǎdìng niánlíng: legal age | 程序 | chéngxù: procedure | 驾照 | jiàzhào: driver's license | 驾校 | jiàxiào: driving school | 笔试 | bǐshì: written test | 路考 | lùkǎo: road test | 有限 | yǒuxiàn: lmited | 获得 | huòdé: acquire, get | 临时 | línshí: temporary | 监督 | jiāndū: supervise | 前提 | qiántí: premise | 违反 | wéifǎn: violate | 法规| fǎguī: laws and regulations  | 难道 | Nándào: used in rhetorical questions | 自由 | zìyóu: free, freedom | 生活习惯 | shēnghuó xíguàn: life habits | 出差 | chūchāi: go on business trip | 解决 | jiějué: solve | 发达 | fādá: developed | 限制 | xiànzhì: limit, restrictThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
2/27/20224 minutes, 58 seconds
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中文闲聊 Mandarin Chat: 冬假来了!Winter Break is Coming

Hello everyone, in today's Mandarin chat, I talked about my "no" plan for next week's long winter break.  Transcribed script and useful expressions are below. If you have any questions or suggestions,  email me at [email protected]. Have a nice day!Script (transcribed)大家好!欢迎收听。今天是一个闲聊节目。想跟大家聊聊我下个星期的计划。那这个星期一我没有上班。这是一个长周末。因为什么呢?因为星期一是总统日,就是Presidents’ Day。那在美国有的学校会放假,有的学校不放假。可能今年是我们学校的一次总统日放假吧。所以今天星期二是我第1天上班。那这个星期,除了星期一,还有四天。四天以后我们就放冬假了,就是我们的winter break。那我们的winter break是很长的。是从星期一到星期五放一个星期。如果你加上前面的周末和后面的周末,那就差不多有10天。是一个很长的假期!可是我到现在还没有什么假期的安排。今天上午休息的时候就跟同事聊天。我就问他们下个星期出不出门。有一个同事就说他下个星期不出门。因为他要攒钱。这样他暑假就可以回国。然后我还有一个同事她也没什么计划。但是她这个星期六要跑马拉松。所以下个星期休息一周正好!我觉得这个计划不错。可是我既不要攒钱暑假的时候回国,也不用跑马拉松。所以也不需要休息。所以我也不知道我下个星期要做什么。我平时有长假的时候,一般就是看书,要不就是玩手机,看电视什么的。但是又觉得每天都做这些事情就很无聊。然后昨天又看到Kpop组合Twice正在美国巡演。她们在3月初—也就是下个星期—在长岛Long Island会有一个演唱会。然后我就想我要不要飞去长岛去听她们的演唱会呢?然后我又觉得我并不是那么喜欢Twice。然后演唱会也挺贵的。而且现在有疫情,可能也不安全。哎,反正我也不知道我下个星期要做什么。可能也真的是看看书、做做运动、看看电视。不过我也有可能临时准备去哪里旅游。然后当天买机票就直接去了!不过现在想,还沒有特别想去的地方。不过可能过两天我就知道下星期要做什么了。好了,今天就跟大家闲聊到这里。你放假的时候都去哪儿呢?你都喜欢做什么呢?那感谢大家今天的收听。我们下期再见! | 闲聊 | Xiánliáo: chat, small talk | 放假 | fàngjià: have a break, days off | 攒钱 | zǎn qián: save up money | 安排 | ānpái: arrange | 同事 | tóngshì: colleague, coworker | 跑马拉松 | pǎo mǎlāsōng: run a marathon | 休息 | xiūxí: rest, take a break | 无聊 | wúliáo: boring | 巡演 | xúnyǎn: tour  | 并不是 | bìng bùshì: not really | 临时 | línshí: temporary| 演唱会 | yǎnchàng huì: concertThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
2/23/20223 minutes, 56 seconds
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我和Blackpink的故事 My Story with Blackpink

Hello everyone! In today's Mandarin episode I talk about my favorite Kpop group Blackpink: how I found them,  supported them, went to their concert in Atlanta and why I like Kpop in general. See script and useful expressions below. Have a wonderful day!大家好,欢迎收听。今天我想跟大家聊聊我和Kpop组合——Blackpink的故事。Blackpink是韩国YG娱乐公司在2016年推出的新女团,成员有Lisa,Jennie, Rosé和Jisoo。虽然她们在2016年就出道了,但是我是在2017年初才知道这个女团的。我的入坑曲是playing with fire。我忘了是在哪儿听到这首歌的。反正当时就觉得:唉?这个歌真不错啊。然后我就去查是谁唱的。就这样认识了Blackpink,并成为了她们的忠实粉丝。Blackpink四个人长得漂亮,唱歌唱得好听,跳舞跳得也超厉害,四个人也都非常有舞台魅力。真的是非常厉害的组合。如果你看了他们的舞台,你也一定会爱上他们的。关注了Blackpink以后,我看了很多她们的综艺节目和访谈节目。我觉得她们每个人都很可爱。性格也很棒。除了看有她们的节目,我也会通过购买和听她们的音乐来支持他们。她们出的每一张专辑我都买了四张。可以放在车里听,作为礼物送朋友,或者自己收藏。我也会在Spotify和Youtube上听她们的歌,因为觉得好听,听多少遍都不会觉得腻。自从喜欢上了Blackpink以后,我就很期待能有一天去他们的演唱会。后来YG公司终于宣布Blackpink在2019年要全球巡演,将要来美国五个城市。离我最近的演出城市是亚特兰大(Atlanta),所以我就买了亚特兰大(Atlanta)场的票。买票的过程并不容易。不过最后还是买到了。当时是晚上八点的演唱会,我早上六点半就到那儿开始排队了。到了以后我发现我前面已经有三四十个人了!大家真是太热情了。除了演唱会的站票(general admission-floor standing room),我还买了彩排(soundcheck)的票。所以排完站票了又排彩排的票。排了四个小时。不过因为我排队去得早,我入场也早。所以晚上就前排近距离的看到了Blackpink的精彩演出。就觉得站了一天都值得了。除了Blackpink,我也会听其他的kpop组合的歌曲。比如Red Velvet,BTS,和Itzy。什么kpop我都听。我喜欢kpop的一个原因就是每个站在舞台上的kpop歌手都做了很多年的练习生。他们经历过很多困难和挫折,才有今天的成功。他们的一直的努力感染了很多人,也鼓励了很多人,包括我。为了梦想奋斗,不管怎么样都让人敬佩吧。好了,今天跟大家聊了聊我和Kpop组合Blackpink的故事。一转眼,喜欢他们这么多年了。这两年他们没怎么活动。希望在2022年他们多多活动,给我们带来更精彩的演出吧。那今天就说到这里。感谢您的收听!再见。 | 故事 | Gùshì: story | 推出 | tuīchū: introduce, roll out | 女团 | nǚ tuán: girls group (esp. in Kpop) | 成员 | chéngyuán: member | 出道 | chūdào: debut, embark on one's career | 入坑曲 | rù kēng qū: the song that get someone into a fandom; | 忠实 | zhōngshí: loyal, faithful | 粉丝 | fěnsī: fan (a person) | 舞台 | wǔtái: stage | 魅力 | mèilì: charm | 综艺节目 | zōngyì jiémù: variety show | 访谈 | fǎngtán: interview, talk show | 购买 | gòumǎi: purchase | 支持 | zhīchí: support | 专辑| zhuānjí: album | 腻 | nì: bored (after listening so much) | 期待 | qídài: expect | 演唱会 | yǎnchàng huì: concert | 宣布 | xuānbù: announce | 全球巡演 | quánqiú xúnyǎn: world tour | 演出 | yǎnchū: perform, performance | 亚特兰大 | yàtèlándà: Atlanta | 场 | chǎng: venue, event | 排队 | páiduì: stand in line | 热情 | rèqíng: enthusiastic  | 站票 | zhàn piào: standing ticket  | 彩排 | cǎipái: soundcheck, rehearsal | 前排 | qián pái: front row | 距离 | jùlí: distance | 精彩 | jīngcǎi: brilliant | 值得 | zhídé: worth, worthy | 组合 | zǔhé: group | 困难 | kùnnán: difficult  | 挫折 | cuòzhé: setback | 感染 | gǎnrǎn: influence, affect, arouse | 鼓励 | gǔlì: encourage | 奋斗 | fèndòu: strive | 敬佩 | jìngpèi: admire, esteem | 一转眼 | yī zhuàn yǎn: a turn of the eye-indicating time fliesThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
2/19/20224 minutes, 40 seconds
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中国元宵节的传统 Lantern Festival Traditions

Hi everyone, in today's Mandarin episode,  I talk about the two traditions of the Lantern Festival in China: eating glutinous rice ball (tangyuan & yuanxiao) and going to a street light show. Script and useful expressions below.  (correction:  元宵Yuanxiao is popular in the northern area of China while 汤圆 tangyuan is more in the south. I said it the other way. Sorry for the confusion.)Script:大家好,欢迎收听时间过得真快啊,感觉才忙完春节,又要过元宵节了。元宵节是农历一月十五号。元宵节也代表着春节的结束。那过了元宵节,这年才真的过完了。那元宵节都有什么传统呢?你从元宵节的名字就知道元宵节要吃元宵。其实这么说也不准确,因为在元宵节这一天,南方吃元宵,北方吃汤圆(correction:  南方吃汤圆,北方吃元宵)。很多中国人认为元宵和汤圆是一种东西,没有差别,但是其实不是的。元宵和汤圆是两种做法不同的元宵节传统食物。它们俩最大的区别在于制作方法(see useful expressions section below for more details):北方的元宵是把馅儿在面粉里“滚”roll出来的,也就是roll the moist filling in the glutinous flour。而南方的汤圆是把馅儿像包饺子一样“包”wrap出来的,也就是wrap the filling with the glutinous flour dough。所以对我来说,其实我不是很在乎汤圆和元宵的差别。我更在乎馅儿是不是好吃。我最喜欢黑芝麻馅儿black sesame filling。不管是滚的元宵还是包的汤圆,只要是黑芝麻馅儿我就都喜欢!除了吃元宵,过元宵节的时候大家还会“看灯” ,就是去街上看lantern festival lights and parades。我觉得就有点儿像美国的圣诞灯展-Christmas lights。当然了,中国的元宵节的灯展有很多中国文化的元素,比如大红灯笼啊,还有中国的龙。我小的时候每年元宵节我爸妈都会给我买一个或者做一个小灯笼,然后我拿在手上,一起跟家人出门去看灯。大街上有各种各样好看的灯笼和花车—花车就是floats—还有卖小吃的。我觉得元宵节看灯可以说是美国的street fair, Christmas lights, Mardi Gras Floats parade在一起的一个活动。而且小时候冬天也不觉得冷,拿着灯笼玩得很开心。今天跟大家聊了聊中国过元宵节的两个传统:第一就是吃元宵或者汤圆。第二就是去街上看灯。那大家过不过元宵节呢?你们那儿有没有元宵节的灯展呢?感谢大家今天的收听。我们下次再见!Useful expressions | 元宵节 | Yuánxiāo jié: Lantern Festival | 代表 | dàibiǎo: represent | 结束 | jiéshù: end | 传统 | chuántǒng: tradition, traditional | 准确 | zhǔnquè: accurate | 元宵 | yuánxiāo: yuan xiao, glutinous rice ball - The filling needs to be cooled, made into little cubic balls, and dipped into water first. The you roll the wet filling cubes in glutinous rice flour, which stuck on the filling in layers.The fillings of Yuanxiao are relatively simple. Traditional Yuanxiao is mainly filled with white sugar, sesame and osmanthus flowers paste. | 汤圆 | tāngyuán: glutinous rice ball - the process of which is similar to making dumplings: wrap the filling with the glutinous flour dough and make it into a ball with your hands. | 做法 | zuòfǎ: method of making | 馅儿 | xiàn er: filling | 面粉 | miànfěn: flour | 滚 | gǔn: roll | 包 | bāo: wrap (v.) | 在乎 | zàihū: care, matter (v.) | 黑芝麻 | hēi zhīma: black sesame | 灯展 | dēng zhǎn: light exhibit | 元素 | yuánsù: element | 灯笼 | dēnglóng: lantern | 龙 | lóng: dragonThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
2/12/20223 minutes, 45 seconds
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为什么很多中国人不太爱过年了?Why aren’t people into the lunar new year any more?

Hi everyone, in today's episode,  I talk about why more and more Chinese people are not that into  the lunar new year any more. First of all,  people can get whatever they want anytime and with ease instead of waiting in anticipation for the new year, which lessens the significance of the festival. Secondly, people, especially the younger generation, have grown tired of relatives not respecting personal boundaries by asking uncomfortable questions and giving unsolicited advice.大家好!欢迎收听。今天我想跟大家随便聊聊为什么越来越多的中国人不喜欢过年了。我觉得第一个原因就是过年的意义没有原来的大了。在几十年前的中国,可能只有在过年的时候,你才能买新衣服,买一些自己想要的东西。所以过年可能承载了很多人—不管是大人还是小孩—他们一年的希望。就等到过年的时候来实现自己的一些小愿望。但是后来中国的经济发展了,人民的生活水平得到了很大的提高。大家有钱了。所以也不用非要等到过年的时候才能买自己想要的东西。现在大家想要买什么,直接网络就可以了。两三天,最多一个星期,就可以送到。可能没有这个等待和期待的过程,过年的意义就减弱了。再比如,原来的年夜饭可能是大家一年之中吃的最好的、最丰盛的一餐。比如有鱼、有肉、还有海鲜什么的。但是现在大家生活好了,有钱了,可以经常吃到好鱼好肉,不用等到过年吃年夜饭才能吃到。所以现在的中国人,不管是吃、穿,还是用、都不是像过去一样,要等到过年的时候才能实现。所以这样的话,过年就没有那么大的意义了吧。那你就要问了:我可以理解—就是现在中国人生活好了,不需要等到过年才能吃好、喝好、用好的东西,但是过年应该不是只是这个意义。过年更大的意义难道不是跟家人团聚吗?不然为什么有“春运”呢?其实这两年中国很多人因为疫情的原因不能回家过年了。很多人就在他们工作和学习的城市跟朋友过年,或者甚至自己过年。在外地过年听上去看孤单。但是很多人发现其实比回家过年更好玩,更加舒服、自在。那这是为什么呢?就是因为中国人在过年全家聚会聊天的时候经常会问到让人不舒服的问题。如果你是学生,大家就可能会问你:考试考得怎么样呀?这个学期的成绩怎么样呀?然后就拿你跟家里的其他孩子比较。所以不管你是好学生还是成绩不好的学生,都会让你感觉很不舒服。年轻人也一样。年轻人如果没有结婚或者没有男女朋友的话,家里人就会催促他们赶紧找男朋友/女朋友,赶紧结婚。如果你已经结婚了的话,大家就会说:啊,你什么时候生小孩啊?如果你有小孩儿了的话,大家就会问你一些(孩子)上学的问题呀。反正总之都是要不停的比较。所以就让人很累。尤其是过年是一大家聚会。很多人跟你一点都不熟,但是他们却可以对你的私生活指指点点。让人很不爽。所以可能这就是第二个中国人不喜欢过年的原因吧!大家都想轻松的过自己的生活,而不被别人随意评断。好啦,这就是今天的五分钟汉语感谢收听。再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
2/9/20224 minutes, 58 seconds
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汉语闲聊 Mandarin Chat: 累却快乐的春节 The Tiring yet Happy Lunar New Year Week

In this Mandarin chat, I talked about my tiring yet super satisfying and rewarding Lunar New Year with my students. (Script - transcribed)今天是2月3日,星期四。先在此祝大家春节快乐!如果你庆祝春节的话,希望你和你的家人、你的朋友、或者你自己度过一个美好的春节。在新的一年大吉大利,虎虎生威!今天我没有提前写稿子,所以也就想跟你们像朋友一样聊聊天,说说我这周过得怎么样吧。我这周其实真的很忙。虽然没有上课,但是比平常上课更忙。那你可能就好奇了,说:你平时上课,每天那么多课都要备课。为什么这个星期庆祝中国新年,那么多活动—都是好玩的活动—也不需要备课。为什么比平时还忙呢?其实准备一次有意思的活动不比准备一节课轻松。其实很多时候要比准备一节课费时费力。比如说,这星期我准备了一个写春联的活动,那写春联,你就要准备:我需要什么材料?我这个材料是要买,还是要自己做?如果要买的话,要提前跟学校说或者自己开车去买。如果自己做的话,要怎么做?还有需要毛笔,需要墨水,然后需要一个大桌子(有大桌子的场地)所以这些都是要提前想好。不能到当时再想。没有东西的话再拿。这样的话时间会不够。学生来的时候呢,一切就都准备好了才能进行一个非常好玩,有意思的写春联活动。其实不光是准备这些材料呀,你还要跟他们介绍春联的背景,还有怎么样跟他们解释他们才能更加地理解春联的意义。其实,不管前期的准备有多么费时间,费心力。但是跟学生在一起写春联就觉得特别的开心,特别有意义。我的学生都是非常棒的学生。他们愿意去学习,愿意去了解中国的文化,愿意去练习写汉字。我给学生们照了很多照片。记录下了他们写毛笔字、写春联的样子。看着他们开心我就觉得非常的值得。像个这个星期,除了写春联,我在星期二和星期三还组织了中国午饭的活动。就是大家一起聚餐,吃一个年“午”饭。然后除了这个以外,我还准备了零食试吃会。我从超市里买了中国的、还有东亚其他地方的零食。然后让他们吃完之后做一个调查问卷:看看他们最喜欢什么零食。我的学生们最喜欢的零食是沙琪玛。然后他们最喜欢的饮料是康师傅冰红茶。我们还一起看了春晚,顺便吐槽了春晚。我觉得真的是非常有意思。这个星期虽然没有上课,但是真的是带学生们学习体验了很多中国人怎么过新年,还有中国的文化。我觉得非常有意义!好啦,感谢大家今天收听我的闲聊节目。祝你新春快乐,万事如意!再见!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
2/4/20224 minutes, 42 seconds
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准备过年啦!Ready for the Lunar New Year!

Hello everyone, in today's Mandarin episode, I talk about what I have prepared for the Lunar New Year at my school. From decorations, gifts, food and snacks, to fun activities, I'm ready to welcome in the new year!  Script and useful expressions below.When you see this episode, maybe it's already the new year. Here I wish you a happy and prosperous year of the tiger! Thank you for listening to 5 Minute Chinese!Script大家好,下周二就到农历新年了。今天我想跟大家聊聊我为新年都买了什么东西,做了什么准备。首先,我在淘宝买了很多春节装饰品:有春联,福字,虎年吉祥物,虎年特色红包,虎年挂饰,窗花,还有其他过年的小东西。一部分用来装饰自己家,一部分装饰我的教室。不管在家还是在学校都装饰起来,这样才有过年的气氛。除了春节的装饰品,我还买了各种各样的礼物给学生。第一,我给每个高中学生定制了他们中文名字的传统印章。印章也是在淘宝买的。先找一个靠谱的店,然后告诉他们学生的名字,给每个学生做了独一无二的印章。印章在中国社会还挺常见的。从医生到书法家都会用印章代替签名。然后我也买了好多中国传统小老虎布偶。一半是蓝色的,一半是红色的。两种都很可爱!很适合虎年送人。除了装饰品和小礼物,我还给学生准备了中国零食和“年夜饭”。上个星期我去我们这儿的中国小超市挑了差不多一百美元的零食。星期一上课的时候要给学生举办一个中国零食试吃会。喜欢不喜欢不重要,重要的是让学生有一个新的体验!至于“年夜饭”New Year’s Eve’s Dinner,其实并不是年“夜”饭。因为不是在晚上,而是在中午。应该叫年“午”饭。因为疫情,所以我们不能像过去一样一起去中餐馆,而是只能让饭店送到学校。但是我觉得一样会是一个很棒的经历。除了上面说的,新年的这周我还有写春联,春节知识比赛,看电影等活动。这周我也不准备给学生留作业。希望大家能过一个快乐轻松的虎年春节!当您听到这期节目的时候,可能已经是除夕或者大年初一了,所以在这里提前祝大家春节快乐!虎年吉祥!感谢您的支持。下期再见!Useful Expressions | 农历 | Nónglì: lunar calendar | 装饰品 | zhuāngshì pǐn: decorations | 春联 | chūnlián: spring couplets | 福字 | fú zì: Good fortune character | 虎年(老虎) | hǔ nián (lǎohǔ): Year of the Tiger | 吉祥物 | jíxiáng wù: mascot | 特色 | tèsè:  feature, characteristic | 窗花 | chuānghuā: window sticker   | 过年 | guònián: celebrate the lunar new year | 气氛 | qìfēn: atomsphere | 礼物 | lǐwù: gift | 定制 | dìngzhì: custom-made  | 传统 | chuántǒng: tradition, traditional | 印章 | yìnzhāng: seal, stamp | 靠谱 | kào pǔ: reliable (colloquial) | 独一无二 | dúyīwú'èr: unique | 书法家 | shūfǎ jiā: calligraphy artist | 代替 | dàitì: use in the place of, substitute | 签名 | qiānmíng: signature  | 布偶 | bù ǒu:  mascot toy made of cloth | 零食 | língshí: snacks | 年夜饭 | nián yèfàn: New Year Dinner  | 试吃会 | shì chī huì: Food Sampling Event | 体验 | tǐyàn: experience | 疫情 | yìqíng: pandemic situation  | 经历 | jīnglì: experience  | 留作业 | liú zuòyè: leave homework | 轻松 | qīngsōng: easy, relaxing | 除夕 | chúxì: Lunar New Year's Eve | 大年初一 | dà nián chū yī: Lunar New Year's Day | 虎年吉祥 | hǔ nián jíxiáng: Great Fortune in the Year of the TigerThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
1/31/20223 minutes, 28 seconds
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放雪假: A "Snow" Day Long Weekend ❄️

Hello everyone! In today's Mandarin episode, I talk about my past 3-day weekend due to a late-coming "snow day." See script and useful expressions below.大家好!欢迎收听。今天想跟大家聊聊我刚刚过去的长周末。一说长周末,你马上就想:为什么你会有长周末呢?最近也没有什么节假日啊?我上周末多了一天,是因为我们星期五放雪假停课了。雪假就是Snow Day。是应该下雪才有的假。当时,天气预报说上星期五可能会下冻雨和雪。气温也会在零下。这样的话,下的雨雪就会在道路上和电线上结冰,造成交通安全问题,也有可能会造成一些地方停电。所以为了安全起见,学校决定星期五放假。但是其实我们星期五没有下雪。只是下了雨,白天的最低气温也在零上。直到星期五半夜才下,星期六我起来的时候发现地上有雪。周末多一天好像不多,但是其实给人感觉很不一样。我觉得平时两天的周末就过得很快,什么都没干就又到周一了。但是如果多一天,变成三天,周末就感觉多了不止一天。这个周末我做了很多事:我看了一本新书,玩了手(机)游(戏),做了好吃的饭菜,跟朋友和父母聊天,还(准)备了课,还睡了美美的懒觉。真的是一个很舒服的周末。多出来的一天让我感觉有更充裕的时间做很多自己喜欢的事情。又不觉得很“赶”。这个长周末虽然外面阴雨天,天气很冷,但是我提前在周三去了超市,囤了吃的东西,所以就一直在家不出门也没关系。通过这次,我感觉我可以理解“四天工作日”的提议了。多一天真的给人很不一样的感觉。休息好了,有更多的自由时间,我们在工作日学习和工作的时候也可以更有效率。你们那儿下雪的时候会放雪假吗?要下多大的雪才会放假呢?我们在南方,所以一点儿雪就会放假。但是在北方,大家可能觉得没关系。可以正常上学,正常去工作。好了。今天就跟大家聊到这里。希望你有美好的一天。再见。 | 节假日 | Jiéjiàrì: holidays & vacations | 雪假 | xuě jiǎ: snow day | 停课 | tíngkè: cancel classes | 冻雨 | dòngyǔ: freezing rain | 气温零下 | qìwēn língxià: temperature below zero | 道路 | dàolù: road | 造成 | zàochéng: cause | 交通安全 | jiāotōng ānquán: traffic safety | 停电 | tíngdiàn: loss of power | 为了安全起见 | wèile ānquán qǐjiàn: for safety reasons | 备课 | bèikè:  (teachers) prepare for classes | 睡懒觉 | shuìlǎnjiào: sleep in | 充裕 | chōngyù: rich, abundant | 赶 | gǎn: rushed | 囤 | dùn: store up | 理解 | lǐjiě: understand | 提议 | tíyì: propose, proposal | 自由时间 | zìyóu shíjiān: free time | 效率 | xiàolǜ: efficiency, productivity | 正常 | zhèngcháng: normal | 希望 | xīwàng: hopeThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
1/25/20223 minutes, 37 seconds
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原神(Genshin Impact)是什么游戏?好玩吗?

Hello everyone! In this Mandarin episode, I talk about Genshin Impact (原神), an open-world action game I started playing last weekend at the recommendation of my students.  What is the theme of Genshin Impact? And why do I like the game? Let's find out.大家好,欢迎收听。今天想跟大家聊一个我最近开始玩的游戏,叫《原神》,英文名字叫Genshin Impact。我在中文的社交媒体上见过这个游戏的广告,而且我有几个八年级的学生也都在玩。他们就一直跟我推荐这个游戏,让我一定要玩。上周末正好是(MLK)长周末,所以我就有时间好好地玩了这个游戏。《原神》是由上海“米哈游”(公司)制作发行的一款开放世界角色冒险游戏。在游戏开始的时候,旅行者兄妹——哥哥“空”和妹妹“荧”——在不同世界之间旅行(我选择了哥哥)。故事一开始,妹妹就被带走,与哥哥分离了。为了找回妹妹,哥哥从此踏上探险的旅程。他的第一站是蒙德城Mondstadt。我现在也只玩到了蒙德城的地图。我现在解锁了四个人物,最开始的旅行者哥哥,Amber,Kaeya和Lisa。我最喜欢用的是哥哥和Kaeya。我挺喜欢这个游戏的。首先,我觉得游戏的画质很精美。人物和动作的细节处理都很不错。在广阔的地图上探索的时候,美丽的画面让人很享受。可以在新世界里通过人物体验一年四季,阴晴雨雪,顺便打怪物也不错哈。而且,不但原野很漂亮,城市做得也很漂亮。蒙德城Mondstadt应该是根据中世纪的德国城市做的。你可以去城里的饭店买外卖。也可以去酒吧坐下来喝酒,还可以去商店买卖东西。我觉得很有意思。听说下一站璃月港是根据中国古代的城市做的。我很期待自己能玩到那儿。可以体验古中国的美。我觉得这个游戏好玩的另一个原因就是人物设定。每个人物都有自己的元素属性。这里我觉得有点儿借鉴了中国文化里的“五行”:金gold、木wood、水water、火fire、土earth。这就是中国文化里的five elements—五行。比如,水“克”火。克 means defeat or against. 所以水water against 火fire。在原神游戏里一共有七种不同的元素(element),你需要知道用什么元素才能打败另一个元素的怪物。 比如,下雨的时候,或者在河边湿地,你就可以用Kaeya的冰攻击。因为怪物身上有水,你就可以把它冻住以后再攻击他。这样更有效。总之我觉得原神是一个制作精良的游戏。如果大家最近有空的话,我推荐你下载玩一下。我也会继续玩这个游戏的。好了。关于原神今天就跟大家聊到这里。感谢您的收听。再见。Useful words and expressions | 原神 | Yuán shén: (game) Genshin Impact | 社交媒体 | shè jiāo méitǐ: Social media | 广告 | guǎnggào: advertisement | 推荐 | tuījiàn: recommend; recommendation | 制作发行 | zhìzuò fāxíng: produce & publish | 开放世界 | kāifàng shìjiè:  open world | 角色冒险 | juésè màoxiǎn: character adventure | 旅行者 | lǚxíng zhě: traveller | 分离 | fēnlí: separate, set apart | 踏上 | tà shàng: set foot on (a journey) | 探险 | tànxiǎn: explore & adventure | 解锁 | jiěsuǒ: unlock | 人物 | rénwù: character, personality  | 画质精美 | huà zhì jīngměi: high resolution (lit) picture quality delicate and beautiful | 动作 | dòngzuò: action| 细节处理 | xìjié chǔlǐ:  handling of details - (lit) detail handle  | 广阔 | guǎngkuò: wide, expansive | 探索 | tànsuǒ: explore | 画面 | huàmiàn picture | 享受 | xiǎngshòu: enjoy | 体验 | tǐyàn: experience  | 顺便 | shùnbiàn: on the side, by the way | 打怪(物) | dǎ guài (wù): beat monsters | 原野 | yuányě: field (such as grass-covered plain) | 中世纪 | zhōngshìjì:  Middle Ages | 德国 | déguó: Germany | 古(代) | gǔ (dài): ancient | 期待 | qídài: anticipate,  look forward to  | 元素 | yuánsù: element | 属性 | shǔxìng: characteristic|设定| shè dìng:setting | 借鉴 | jièjiàn: borrow from, build on (an idea, concept) | 五行 | wǔháng: (Chinese culture)Five Element  | 打败 | dǎbài: beat, defeat | 湿地 | shīdì: wetland | 攻击 | gōngjí: attack | 冻 | dòng: freeze, frozen | 有效 | yǒuxiào: effective | 精良| jīngliáng: excellent, sophisticatedThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
1/20/20224 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Chinese “班” VS The US “class”

In this Mandarin episode, I explore the word 班/class. If you are a Mandarin student, this word is probably among the first that you learned. But have you ever thought of the socio-cultural concept of 班/class in a real school experience?What is a class in the US school context vs a 班 in a Chinese school? Let's find out! (script)大家好,欢迎收听。今天想跟大家聊“班”这个词。班被翻译成class。但是翻译并不能让我们很好地认识社会文化上”班“的差别。所以下面我会用我自己的经历来对比中国和美国,从而解释“班”这个词。说中国的班/class的概念以前,我们先说说美国的班/class。在美国小学和幼儿园阶段,学生们每天都是跟自己的“班”在一起学习,吃饭,活动。比如我在的学校,五年级分成两个班。每个班的课程表是不一样的,但是每个班里的学生的课(程)表都是一样的。每个班每天学的的东西也是一样的。两个班不在一起学。但是到了初、高中阶段,每个学生的课程表就都不一样了。因为每个学生可以根据自己的需要安排自己每周的课程。这样他们就可以选自己喜欢的,适合上的课。每个人都有自己的课表,很少有人的课表跟另外一个人的完全重合。那中国的情况呢?中国的学校都是以班为单位上课、组织活动的。如果你去一个中国的高中,你会看到有教室门口都挂着牌子。上面写着班级的名字,比如“高三4班”。就是高中三年级的第四个班。 中国学校会在所有学生刚进入小学,初中和高中的时候进行分班。分班以后一般不会再进行大的调整。所以一个中国学生在整个小学,初中或者高中阶段,都是在同一个班,跟一样的同学一起学习,生活。高中三年,一个班的同学就一起学习生活三年。像美国的小学的班,每个班的课程表是不一样的,但是每个班里的学生的课表是一样的。大家一起上课,活动。中国学校里每个班的教室也是固定不变的。同一个班的学生每天都会在自己班的教室等不同课的老师来上课。对比在美国,教室的牌子上不是班的名字,而是老师的名字。美国老师会一直在自己的教室教课,备课,改作业,判卷子,学生只在有这个老师的课的时候才会来这个教室上课。对比在中国,老师会在教师办公室工作。因为教室是一个班的学生学习的地方,不是老师工作的地方。中国教室可以说是学生的home base。老师只是来上课的。现在我们回到班/class的定义,你就可以理解,美国人说的class和中国人想的班是不一样的。美国人说的class——特别是初中,高中的时候——指的是一个grade level cohort。比如the senior class。可是中国人说“班”,说的是一个“什么活动都一起做,什么课都一起上”的团体。中文说“我们班”指的是几年朝夕相处的一群人的概念。正因为如此,所以中国人对一个“班”的同学的感情可能会更深一些。而因为美国初高中学生因为课程组织安排的差异,很少会有这样的经历。好了,今天跟大家聊了聊班这个定义。希望大家喜欢。再见!Useful words and expressions | 翻译 | Fānyì: translate | 并 | bìng: not at all | 社会文化 | shèhuì wénhuà: society & culture | 差别/异| chābié/yì : difference | 经历 | jīnglì: experience | 从而 | cóng'ér: thus, thereby | 概念 | gàiniàn: concept | 阶段 | jiēduàn: stage | 分成 | fēnchéng: divide, categorize into | 课(程)表 | kè (chéng) biǎo: class schedule | 根据…需要 | gēnjù…xūyào: based on ... need | 重合 | chónghé: overlap | 情况 | qíngkuàng: situation, circumstance | 以…为单位 | yǐ…wèi dānwèi: treat ... as a unit | 牌子 | páizi: sign,  | 调整 | tiáozhěng: adjust | 整个 | zhěnggè: the whole, entire... | 生活 | shēnghuó: live, life | 固定不变 | gùdìng bù biàn: set and unchanged | 而 | ér: however | 改作业 | gǎi zuòyè: check and give correction on homework | 判卷子 | pàn juànzi: grade exams | 定义 | dìngyì: define, defination | 理解 | lǐjiě: understand, comprehend | 朝夕相处 | zhāoxìxiāngchǔ:  | 正因为如此 | zhèng yīnwèi rúcǐ: exactly because of this | 感情 | gǎnqíng: emotions, feelingsThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
1/15/20225 minutes, 3 seconds
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中国的天气怎么样?What's the weather like in China?

In this Mandarin episode, I talk about China's weather: is it winter or summer in China now? What's the weather like in China? Is China cold or hot? Script and useful expressions can be found below. (Script)大家好,欢迎收听。今天跟大家聊聊中国的天气。有时候会有美国朋友问我,中国现在什么季节?跟我们(美国)一样吗?现在也是冬天吗?中国冷不冷?所以今天我们就说说中国的天气和气候的话题。首先,中国在北半球。北半球现在是冬天,中国也是冬天。不过,不能因为中国和美国一样:都在北半球,就认为中国的气候和美国的气候一样。中美虽然都在北半球,但是地理位置不一样,地形地貌也不一样,所以两个国家的气候自然也就不一样了。中国是一个国土面积很大的国家。不同地方的天气差别很大。所以不能一概而论地说中国现在的天气怎么样或者中国的气候如何。就像我们说美国天气的时候,不能说美国现在很热或者很冷。因为美国太大了。在同一天的同一个时间,可能Seattle是阴天,很冷,但是Miami却是大晴天,像夏天一样。比如,很多中国人冬天的时候会飞去海南岛过冬。海南岛是中国南部的一个岛。像美国的Hawaii,是度假胜地。海南的首都海口今天的气温是摄氏17度到21度(17-21 degrees Celsius) or 华氏64到70度(64-70 degrees Fahrenheit)。而这一天中国最北的漠河市最高气温零下18度,最低气温零下28度。(-18~-28 degrees Celsius) or 华氏最高温度零下2度,最低气温零下20度 (-2~ -20 degrees Fahrenheit)。所以你看中国南北的天气是非常不一样的,气温差很多。不只是南北,中国的东西,内陆和沿海的气候差别也很大。我们现在来练习几个小问题吧!我说问题,然后给你十秒钟的时间回答,然后我再回答。1. 你们那儿现在是冬天还是夏天?A: 我住在美国现在是冬天。2. 最近的天气怎么样?A: 我们最近晴天,但是天气很冷。3.  你在的城市现在气温是多少?A: 我们今天最高47度 最低30度 (F)4. 你喜欢你在的城市的气候吗?A: 我挺喜欢的。因为我们冬天不冷。我很不喜欢冷。5. 你喜欢冷的天气还是热的天气呢?A:我比较喜欢热一点的天气。热比冷好。Useful expressions | 天气 | Tiānqì: weather | 气候 | qìhòu: climate | 北半球 | běibànqiú: Northern Hemisphere | 冬天 | dōngtiān: winter | 地理位置 | dìlǐ wèizhì:  Geographical location | 地形地貌 | dìxíng dìmào: geography, terrain | 自然 | zìrán: nature, naturally | 国土面积 | guótǔ miànjī:  Land area of a country | 差别 | chābié: difference | 一概而论 | yīgài'érlùn: generalized, blanked statement | 同(相同) | tóng (xiāngtóng): same | 阴天 | yīn tiān: cloudy, overcast | 晴天 | qíngtiān: sunny | 夏天 | xiàtiān: summer | 过冬 | guòdōng: spend the winter season | 岛 | dǎo: island | 度假胜地 | dùjià shèngdì: resort, vacation destination | 摄氏度 | shèshìdù: celsius | 华氏度 | huáshì dù: Fahrenheit | 温度/气温 | wēndù/qìwēn: temperature | 内陆 | nèi lù: inland | 沿海 | yánhǎi: coastalThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
1/12/20224 minutes, 46 seconds
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东西买不到,还涨价?The "New" Shopping Experience

In this Mandarin episode (with script), I talk about buying things in this day and age: how easy is it to get what we want either online or in-store? Based on my recent experience, it's not as smooth or fast as we'd like it to be. After talking about my recent experience, I have 5 questions that are related to today's topic. For each question, you will have 20 seconds to respond. My answers are after the 20s response time. The script and useful expressions are below. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.(script)大家好,今天想跟大家聊聊现在我们买东西的时候遇到的涨价和缺货的情况。我去年12月27号从William Sonoma的网站上买了一把厨房剪刀。我以为很快就能收到,结果我下单以后就缺货了。网站上显示要等到1月19-20号才能收到。所以我现在也没有剪刀用。真的很不方便。上一期节目跟大家说,我想换一套新的厨房家电:灶台,冰箱,微波炉。可是我问了很多店,他们都说现在没有货。我想要的的牌子,最快的也得10-14个星期。其他牌子也没有货。你们那儿也是这样吗?我准备了五个相关问题。每个问题后面有二十秒时间给你思考回答。二十秒之后我会给我的回答。那我们现在开始吧!1.  你喜欢网购还是去实体店买?(1:28)我喜欢网购。不过,很多东西还是去实体店买比较好。比如衣服,可以去在店里试了再买。家具也是,还是去实地看看摸摸再买更好。2.  你最近买了什么东西?(2:15)我最近买了两件毛衣和一些厨房用品。都很不错。我很喜欢。3. 你想买的东西都能买到吗?有没有缺货?(2:48)我想买的吃的,还有生活用品都买到了。可是我买的厨房剪刀还是缺货,不知道什么时候才能收到。4. 你等了多久才收到订购的东西?(3:28)在Amazon网购的东西,只要有货,都很快收到了。差不多三四天吧。缺货的东西,我不知道要多久才能收到。5. 你觉得最近东西涨价了吗?(4:06)我觉得最近很多东西都涨价了。吃的东西涨了不少。比如我喜欢吃的chipotle,两年前的一份牛肉饭只要8 美元,现在要10.95。感觉很多大大小小的东西都贵了。Useful expressions: | 遇到 | Yù dào: encounter | 涨价 | zhǎng jià: price increase, raise the price | 缺货 | quē huò: backorder, lacking stock | 情况 | qíngkuàng: situation | 剪刀 |Jiǎndāo: scissors | 下单 | xià dān: place the order | 显示 | xiǎnshì: to show, display | 牌子 | páizi: brand, sign | 没(有)货 | méi (yǒu) huò: doesn't have item, out of stock | 网购 | wǎnggòu: online shopping | 实体店 | shítǐ diàn: physical store | 家具 | jiājù: furniture | 实地 | shídì: on-site | 摸 | mō: touch | 毛衣 | máoyī: sweater | 厨房用品 | chúfáng yòngpǐn: kitchen supplies | 生活用品 | shēnghuó yòngpǐn: everyday life essentials | 订购 | dìnggòu: subscribe & orderThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
1/8/20225 minutes
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中式厨房和西式厨房的区别 Chinese Kitchen VS American Kitchen

In this Mandarin episode, I talk about the differences between a typical Chinese kitchen and a typical kitchen in the west. First, a Chinese kitchen is not usually equipped with a full-size oven and a dishwasher like we see in an American kitchen. Secondly, a Chinese kitchen is often separated from the rest of the house by design due to the cooking smoke, which is more of a source of indoor air pollution than western-style cooking.Some useful expressions: | 中式厨房  | Zhōngshì chúfáng: Chinese-style kitchen | 西式 | xīshì: "Western" -style (not America's West, but west hemisphere/the western world) | 灶台 | zào tái: stove-top  | 微波炉 | wéibōlú: microwave | 家电配置 | jiādiàn pèizhì: home appliance set-up | 大烤箱 | dà kǎoxiāng: big oven/full-size oven | 洗碗机 | xǐ wǎn jī: dishwasher | 越来越多 | yuè lái yuè duō: more and more  | 装 | zhuāng: install | 主要 | zhǔyào: main | 空间 | kōngjiān: space | 传统中餐 | chuántǒng zhōngcān: traditional Chinese food | 占地方 | zhàn dìfāng: take up space | 封闭 | fēngbì: confined, closed off | 开放式 | kāifàng shì: open-style | 单独 | dāndú: stand-alone | 屋子 | wūzi: room | 隔开 | gé kāi: separate, set apart | 设计 | shèjì: design | 跟…有关 | gēn…yǒuguān: relate to... | 饮食 | yǐnshí: diet, food | 煎炒烹炸 | jiān chǎo pēng zhà: (signature Chinese cooking methods): panfry, stir-fry, boil, deep-fry | 油烟 | yóuyān: cooking smoke/cooking fume | 污染 | wūrǎn: pollute, pollution | 所有 | suǒyǒu: all|特点| tèdiǎn:feature, trait, characteristic | 吸油烟机 | xīyóu yān jī: kitchen vent(ilator)/range hood |吸力| xīlì: extraction power | 烹饪 | pēngrèn: cooking (formal) | 产生 | chǎnshēng: produceThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
1/5/20224 minutes, 27 seconds
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旅行清单 Travel Packing List

In this Mandarin episode, I talk about what things to bring for travel. ID, money and phone are basic essentials (0:09). Also, don't forget to bring toiletries (1:27) and a travel medicine kit (2:07).  Lastly, make sure you bring appropriate clothing (3:02) according to the weather and your travel purpose.Some useful words and expressions to put on your vocabulary packing list: Basic Essentials (0:09) | 身份证明 | Shēnfèn zhèngmíng: personal ID | 驾照 | jiàzhào: driver's license | 护照 | hùzhào: passport | 钱包 | qiánbāo: wallet, purse | 信用卡 | xìnyòngkǎ: credit card | 现金 | xiànjīn: cash | 零钱 | língqián: change (money) | 支付 | zhīfù: payment, pay | 系统 | xìtǒng: system | 所幸 | suǒxìng: thankfully | 保持联系 | bǎochí liánxì: keep in contact | 不可或缺 | bùkě huò quē: indispensableToiletries (1:27)  | 洗漱用品 | xǐshù yòngpǐn: Toiletries  | 洗面奶 | xǐmiàn nǎi: facial cleaner  | 牙膏牙刷 | yágāo yáshuā: toothpaste & toothbrush  | 化妆品 | huàzhuāngpǐn: cosmetics | 粉底 | fěndǐ: foundation (cosmetics) | 眉笔 | méi bǐ: eyebrow pencil | 眼影 | yǎnyǐng: eye shadow | 洗发水护发素 | xǐ fǎ shuǐ hù fā sù: shampoo & conditioner | 身体乳 | shēntǐ rǔ: body lotion | 沟通 | gōutōng: communicate Medicine for travel (2:07) | 医药用品 | yīyào yòngpǐn: medical supplies | 新冠疫情 | xīnguān yìqíng: COVID pandemic | 消毒用品 | xiāodú yòngpǐn: disinfectant  | 酒精湿巾 | jiǔjīng shī jīn: alchohol wipes | 免洗洗手液 | miǎn xǐ xǐshǒu yè: hand sanitizer  | 口罩 | kǒuzhào: face mask | 保健品 | bǎojiàn pǐn: dietary supplements | 按照 | ànzhào: according to  | 计算 | jìsuàn: calculate | 药物 | yàowù: medicine | 布洛芬 | bù luò fēn: ibuprofen  | 肠胃药 | chángwèi yào: Gastrointestinal medicine | 野外徒步  | yěwài túbù: outdoor hiking  | 蚊虫叮咬 | wénchóng dīngyǎo: mosquito & insect stings/bites | 喷雾 | pēnwù: spray | 药膏 | yàogāo: ointment Clothing (3:02) | 根据 | gēnjù: based on | 目的 | mùdì: purpose | 拍照打卡 | pāizhào dǎkǎ: take pictures and check off the list  | 时尚 | shíshàng: fashion | 露营 | lùyíng: camping out | 登山 | dēngshān: hiking (in mountains) | 天气预报 | tiānqì yùbào: weather forecast | 安全舒适 | ānquán shūshì: safe and comfortableThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
12/30/20214 minutes, 9 seconds
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Popular drinks in China: 中国人喜欢喝什么饮料?

In this Mandarin episode, I talk about what Chinese people like to drink when they eat in a restaurant or hang out with friends. Orange juice and coke are popular in restaurants, along with some traditional drinks such as plum juice and Chinese herbal tea. Milk tea or Boba tea is hugely popular among the Chinese, especially the young, in all occasions. | 准确 | Zhǔnquè: accurate | 资料 | zīliào: resource, material | 采访 | cǎifǎng: interview | 椰汁 | yē zhī: coconut milk | 橙汁 | chéngzhī: orange juice | 甜茶 | tiánchá: sweet tea | 传统 | chuántǒng: traditional | 酸梅汤 | suānméitāng: plum juice | 消暑 | xiāoshǔ: relieve the summer heat | 凉茶 | liángchá: Chinese herbal tea (common in Guangdong regions) | 功效 | gōngxiào: effect | 奶茶 | nǎichá: milk tea, boba tea | 混合 | hùnhé: mix | 珍珠 | zhēnzhū: pearl  | 椰果 | yē guǒ: jelly (in boba) | 布丁 | bùdīng: pudding | 甜度 | tián dù: sweet level | 多糖/少糖/无糖 | duōtáng/shǎo táng/wú táng: more/less/no sugar | 温度 | wēndù: temperature | 热饮/冰饮 | rèyǐn/bīng yǐn: hot/cold drink | 基本步骤 | jīběn bùzhòu: basic steps | 口味 | kǒuwèi: flavor | 不妨试试 | bùfáng shì shì: might as well tryThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
12/29/20214 minutes, 34 seconds
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Christmas in China? 中国人过圣诞节吗?

In this Mandarin episode, I talk about the perennial question: Do Chinese people celebrate Christmas?  I try to first define celebrate in terms of whether we treat Christmas as a religious holiday. If so, then most Chinese don't celebrate Christmas in that sense. However, if we broaden the concept of Christmas as a holiday celebration for friends and family to get together and have a good time, then a lot of Chinese do participate. If you celebrate Christmas in any shape or form, I wish you a Merry Christmas!Some useful expressions:  | 圣诞节 | Shèngdàn jié: Christmas | 定义 | dìngyì: define, definition | 宗教意义 | zōngjiào yìyì: religious meaning | 毕竟 | bìjìng: after all | 信教 | xìnjiào: believe in religion (usually referring to Christianity) | 放宽 | fàngkuān: broaden, let expand | 当成 | dàngchéng: regard as | 传统 | chuántǒng: tradition, traditional | 阖家团圆 | hé jiā tuányuán: family reunion | 聚会 | jùhuì: party, get-together | 装饰 | zhuāngshì: decorate, decoration | 圣诞树 | shèngdànshù: Christmas Tree | 集市 | jí shì: market (esp. with street vendors, outdoor market) | 种类 | zhǒnglèi: variety, type | 口味 | kǒuwèi: taste, flavor | 增加 | zēngjiā: increase, add to | 气氛 | qìfēn: atomsphere | 年轻人 | niánqīng rén: young people | 专利 | zhuānlì: patent, specialty, limited to certain group | 普及 | pǔjí: widespread | 互赠礼物 | hù zèng lǐwù: exchange gifts | 欢聚 | huānjù: happily gather | 郑重其事 | zhèngzhòng qí shì: take something seriously, solemnly  | 大张旗鼓 | dàzhāngqígǔ: on a big scale, in a big way  | 相通 | xiāngtōng: universal, interconnected, shared | 年龄 | niánlíng: age | 享受 | xiǎngshòu: enjoyThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
12/24/20213 minutes, 56 seconds
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Things to do on a plane: 坐飞机的时候你喜欢做什么?

In this Mandarin episode, I talk about my recent trip by air and what I like to do while traveling on a plane.Some useful expressions: | 更新 | Gēngxīn: update, renew | 转机 | zhuǎnjī: transfer, connect (flight) | 直达 | zhídá: direct (flight) | 打发时间 | dǎfā shíjiān: kill time | 羡慕 | xiànmù: envy, admire | 下载 | xiàzài: download | 飞行模式 | fēixíng móshì: airplane mode | 配上 | pèi shàng: to fit, pair with | 降噪耳机 | jiàng zào ěrjī: noise-cancellation earphones | 感受 | gǎnshòu: feelings | 干扰 | gānrǎo: interfere, disturb | 专心 | zhuānxīn:  focused, concentrated | 沉浸其中 | chénjìn qízhōng: immerse in (something) | 有声书 | yǒushēng shū: audible book | 选择 | xuǎnzé: choice, select | 闭目养神 | bì mù yǎngshén: close eyes & recharge | 休息 | xiūxí: rest | 电子书 | diànzǐ shū: e-book | 累 | lèi: tired | 自带 | zì dài: bring your own | 娱乐系统 | yú yuè xìtǒng: entertainment system | 长途 | chángtú: long-distance, long-haul | 屏幕 | píngmù: screen | 空乘人员 | kōngchéng rényuán: flight attendant | 一直 | yīzhí: always, continuously | 一路顺利 | yīlù shùnlì: Bon voyage | 旅途愉快 | lǚtú yúkuài: Happy travelThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
12/23/20214 minutes, 26 seconds
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考试周结束啦! Exam Week is Over!

In this Mandarin episode, I talk about our exam week this week: the organization, time and format, the tiredness, the stress and sincere gratitude. I want to give thanks to my students and listeners. I appreciate the opportunity to share my life with you all. Some useful words:疲惫Píbèi:tired, exhausted虽然...但是...suīrán... Dànshì... :  although... but...调整Tiáozhěng: adjust, alter工作量gōngzuò liàng: workload出题chū tí : to author or create questions (for school exams, tests)过程guòchéng: process回顾huígù: look back, review整个zhěnggè: entire, whole内容nèiróng: content总结zǒngjié: summary, summarize 交卷(子)jiāojuàn (zi): submit or turn in the exam paper批改pīgǎi:  to grade/mark (e.g. exam, writing)待dài: stay till焦急jiāojí  anxious成绩chéngjī:   grade/score尽快jǐnkuài: ASAP年初niánchū: beginning of the year假期jiàqī: vacation period福利fúlì: (work, social) benefit感谢gǎnxiè: give thanks to珍惜zhēnxī: cherish时光shíguāng: time  (more poetic, formal)不仅仅bùjǐn: not just圣诞shèngdànL Christmas支持zhīchí: supportThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
12/17/20213 minutes, 11 seconds
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五个买衣服的问答练习: Practice 5 questions on buying clothes

In this Mandarin Q &A practice, I ask 5 questions on buying clothes. After each question, you have 5 seconds to respond yourself before hearing my response. The script (English & Chinese) are below. If you have any questions or comments, please email me at [email protected]. 1.  Q: 你平时都去哪儿买衣服(呢)?       A: 我平时都是上网/去shein/去商场买衣服。2.  Q: 你喜欢穿什么牌子(páizi: brand)的衣服?             A: 我最喜欢穿nike的衣服,可是我也喜欢别的牌子。             OR 我其实不太在乎衣服的牌子。穿着舒服就可以了。3. Q: 你买衣服的时候是更注重样式(yàngshì: fashion style)还是更注重材质(cáizhì: material) ?     A: 我买衣服最看重材质,因为材质好穿着才舒服。     OR: 我买衣服的时候最看重样式。我不需要它穿着舒服,但是一定要穿着好看。4.  Q: 你多久买一次衣服?       A: 我一般一个月买一次衣服。        OR: 我很少买新衣服。我只有在过年的时候才买衣服。5. Q: 你穿多大号的衣服/鞋?      A: 我穿大/中/小号的衣服。            我穿7号半(的鞋)。(对应中国号码:38号)1.  Question: Where do you usually buy clothes?      A: I usually go online / go to / go to the mall to buy clothes2. Q: What clothes do you like to wear?      A: I like to wear Nike the most, but I also like other brands’ clothes.             Or I actually don't really care about the brand of clothes as long as it wears comfortably.3. Q: When you buy clothes, do value the design/style or material more?     A: I value the material most when I buy clothes, because only when the material is good will it be comfortable to wear.     Or: I value style the most when I buy clothes. I don’t need it to be comfortable, but it has to look                  good.4.  Q: How often do you buy clothes?       A: I usually buy clothes once a month.      Or: I rarely buy new clothes. I only buy clothes during the Chinese New Year.5. Q: What size clothes/shoes do you wear?     A: I wear large/medium/small clothes.           I wear (shoes) in size 7 and a half (Corresponding Chinese size:  size 38)Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
12/12/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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What is Shein? 中国人都没听说过!

In this Mandarin episode, I talked about Shein, a popular online clothing store that is located in China but targets markets outside of China.  Have Chinese people heard of Shein? Where do Chinese people buy clothes online?总部 Zǒngbù:Headquarters电商 diàn shāng:E-commerce company卖衣服 mài yīfú:sell clothes发展迅速 fāzhǎn xùnsù:develop rapidly疫情阶段  yìqíng jiēduàn:pandemic period抓住利用机会 zhuā zhù lìyòng jīhuì:Seize and use the opportunity网红营销 wǎng hóng yíngxiāo:influencer marketing真实生活 zhēnshí shēnghuó :real life算法 suànfǎ:algorithm通过 tōngguò:pass through推荐 tuījiàn:recommend购买 gòumǎi :purchase, buy薄利多销  bólì duō xiāo:razor-thin profits but huge sales amount挣到钱 zhēng dào qián:earn money量 liàng:quantity火 huǒ:hot,popular,fire惊讶 jīngyà:surprised消费 xiāofèi:consume, consumption市场shìchǎng:market淘宝/京东/唯品会 táobǎo/jīngdōng/wéi pǐn huì:Taobao/JD/Vipshop - popular e-commerce site in ChinaThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
12/10/20213 minutes, 37 seconds
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Pork over Beef: 为什么中国人喜欢猪肉,不喜欢牛肉?

In this Mandarin episode, I talk about the historical, geographical and cultural reasons behind China's preference for pork over all other meat.牛肉 Niúròu: beef猪肉 zhūròu: pork欧美 ōuměi: (abbr) europe and america 农业 nóngyè: agriculture农耕 nónggēng: agriculture, crop growing耕地 gēng dì: to plow land深厚 shēnhòu: deep-rooted生产工具 shēngchǎn gōngjù: production tool古代 gǔdài: ancient皇帝 huángdì: emperor畜牧 xùmù: pasture, graze地广人稀  dì guǎng rén xī: vast land, few people平原广阔 píngyuán guǎngkuò: vast plain水草丰茂 shuǐcǎo fēngmào: abundant in water and grassland圈养 juànyǎng: to pen in (a pig)精细 juànyǎng: meticulously, with care照看 zhàokàn: care for, look after养活 yǎnghuo: raise, keep (an animal)生产周期 shēngchǎn zhōuqí: production cycle传统 chuántǒng: traditional现实 xiànshí: realistic消费 xiāofèi: consume, consumption内蒙古 nèiménggǔ: inner mongolia养成 yǎng chéng:  cultivate, form (a habit)习惯 chéng xíguàn: habitThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
12/5/20214 minutes, 9 seconds
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Super Idol的歌词(Lyrics)

In this Mandarin episode, I explain the Chinese lyrics of the hot Tik Tok song Super Idol. You can find the lyrics and YouTube link below, along with some useful vocabulary words I used.火 (huǒ): hot, popular迷(mí): obsessed, fascinated分析(fēnxī): analyze歌词(gēcí): lyrics笑容(xiàoróng): smile梦想(mèngxiǎng): dream成为(chéngwéi): become主持(zhǔchí): host (an event)演戏(yǎnxì): act (in a film or TV show)才艺(cáiyì): talent, skill耀眼(yàoyǎn): dazzling热爱(rè'ài): love passionately摄氏度(shèshìdù): degree celsius沸点(fèidiǎn): boiling point (100 degrees celsius=212 degrees fahrenheit)滴(dī): drop清纯(qīngchún): pure蒸馏水(zhēngliúshuǐ): distilled water纯净(chúnjìng): pure, clear不含(bù hán): not contain杂质(zázhí): impurities歌词Lyrics:super idol 的笑容都没你的甜八月正午的阳光都没你耀眼热爱105度的你滴滴清纯的蒸馏水YouTube Link to the song: you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
12/2/20214 minutes, 42 seconds
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跟朋友重聚 Reunion with an Old Friend

In this Mandarin episode, I talked about my Saturday reunion with a friend whom I met in 2014. We went for a walk in the state park, visited our local aquarium, and had a lot of seafood and a lot of talk.  I'm grateful for our friendship and times of reunion like this. Some useful words大学/研究生 (Dàxué/yánjiūshēng): University/Graduate毕业 (bìyè): graduate交流 (jiāoliú): exchange疫情 (yìqíng): pandemic situation一日游 (yī rì yóu): one-day tour教授 (jiàoshòu): professor州立公园 (zhōulì Gōngyuán): state park 海边 (hǎibiān): seaside白沙 (báishā): white sand土 (tǔ): soil植被 (zhíbèi): vegetation (e.g. plants)蚊子 (wénzi): mosquito长大 (zhǎng dà): grow up海鲜拼盘 (hǎixiān pīnpán): seafood platter蟹 (xiè): crab鱼 (yú): fish虾 (xiā): shrimp水族馆 (shuǐzú guǎn): aquarium圣诞树 (shèngdànshù ): Christmas tree拍照(pāizhào): take pictures羊排 (yáng pái): lamb chop亲切 (qīnqiè): close (relationship)放松 (fàngsōng): relax, relaxing见面 (jiànmiàn): meet up一切都好 (yīqiè dōu hǎo): everything goes wellUniversity/GraduateGraduatecomminicateepidemicDay tripprofessorStateseasideBaishaearthvegetationmosquitogrow upSeafood plattercrabfishShrimpaquariumChristmas treePhotographLamb chopskindrelaxMeetEverything is fineThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/29/20214 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep.31 感恩节的食物 Thanksgiving Food in China?

In this Mandarin episode, I go down the list of traditional Thanksgiving food in the US to see if they are common in China and why.Some useful words:食品/食物 (Shípǐn/shíwù): food火鸡 (huǒ jī): turkey常见 (chángjiàn ): common方式 (fāngshì): method土豆泥 (tǔdòu ní): mashed potato基本 (jīběn): basic切 (qiē): cut块 (kuài): chunk丝 (sī): thin julienne炖 (dùn): stew炒 (chǎo): stir fry配料 (pèiliào): ingredient烤箱 (kǎoxiāng): oven提到 (tí dào): mention传统 (chuántǒng): traditional 南瓜 (nánguā): pumpkin派 (pài): pie蒸 (zhēng): steam煮 (zhǔ): boil邻居 (línjū): neighborThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/25/20213 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep.30 感恩节 Thanksgiving: The American Holiday & The Chinese Culture

This Mandarin episode talks about the traditional American holiday of Thanksgiving, which is not celebrated in China, and the important idea of being grateful and giving thanks in Chinese culture.Some useful words:感恩节(gǎn'ēn jié): Thanksgiving Holiday传统节日 (chuántǒng jiérì): traditional holiday亲朋好友 (qīnpéng hǎoyǒu): family and friends解释(jiěshì): explain反过来 (fǎn guòlái): in turn 当然 (dāngrán): of course, certainly就好比 (jiù hǎobǐ): just like...之类 (... zhī lèi): ...and the like,  such as...概念 (gàiniàn): concept, idea谚语 (yànyǔ): proverb吃水不忘挖井人 (chīshuǐ bù wàng wā jǐng rén): don't forget the well-digger when you drink water from the well永远(yǒngyuǎn): forever表达 (biǎodá): express不管 (bù guǎn): no matter...理所应当(lǐ suǒ yīngdāng): take things for granted, as it should be 感谢 (gǎnxiè): grateful, thankful回报 (huíbào): return (the favor, kindness, help...)Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/24/20214 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ep.29 中国的物价: What things are cheaper in China?

In this Mandarin episode, I talk about consumer prices of things in China, as compared to the US, to see what is cheaper to buy in China and what could be more expensive and why.  Some useful words and expressions: 物价 (Wùjià): consumer price刀/美元 (dāo (colloquial)/měiyuán): dollar人民币/元 (rénmínbì/yuán): name of China's currency/Chinese yuan斤 VS 磅 ( jīn VS bàng): China's weight unit/pound倍 (bèi) :  -fold, times换算 (huànsuàn): convert甚至 (shènzhì): even, so much so that百/千/万 (bǎi/qiān/wàn): hundred/thousand/ten thousand 包括(bāo kuò): include正常(zhèng cháng) normal网费 (wǎng fèi): internet fee手机壳 (shǒujī ké): phone case普通 (pǔtōng): ordinary, common人工 (réngōng): manual work, labor安装 (ānzhuāng): install空调 (kòngtiáo): A/C 奢侈品 (shēchǐ pǐn): luxury goods进口 (jìnkǒu): import交税 (jiāo shuì): pay taxes高档 (gāodàng): high-end价格 (jiàgé): price名牌 (míngpái): name-brand, famous brandThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/20/20214 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep.28 中外预约文化 Appointment Cultures

In this Mandarin episode, I compare the appointment cultures in China and Europe & US: How prevalent is the appointment culture? When do you have to make an appointment to get service?  Can you see a doctor or get a haircut relatively conveniently without appointments? And how may this cultural different potentially affect you?Some useful words: 预约文化 (yù yuē wén huà): appointment culture提前(Tíqián): in advance看医生/看病 (kàn yīshēng/kànbìng): see a doctor位置 (Wèizhì): place, location满 (mǎn): full剪头发 (jiǎn tóufǎ): cut hair理发师 (lǐfǎ shī): hair dresser (literal. manage hair master)不然 (Bùrán) (的话): otherwise得到(dédào): get习惯 (xíguàn): habit安装家具 (jiājù): install/assembly furniture当然 (dāngrán): of course随便 (suíbiàn): casually基本 (jīběn): basic, basically才能(cáinéng): ... only then错过 (cuòguò) : miss (appointment, opportunity)适应 (shìyìng): adapt to, fit随时 (suíshí): at any time开会 (kāi huì): have a meeting谈事情 (tán shìqíng): talk about things (e.g. business deals)Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/17/20214 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ep.27 高考 (gāo kǎo) China's College Entrance Exam

In this Mandarin episode, I talk about 高考 (gāo kǎo) college entrance exam. What is 高考 short for?When is 高考?When are the exams held?What subjects are tested in 高考?What are 文科生 or 理科生?What different subjects are included in 文科综合 and 理科综合?Why is 高考 so important and so stressful? Some useful words简称/全称(Jiǎnchēng/quánchēng): abbreviation/full name通过(tōngguò): through举行(jǔxíng): hold比如(bǐrú): for example文科综合(wénkē zònghé)(abbr.文综): liberal arts comprehensive理科综合(lǐkē zònghé)(abbr.理综):science comprehensive学科(Xuékē): academic subjects试卷(shìjuàn): exam paper选择(xuǎnzé): choose专业(zhuānyè): major报名(bàomíng): apply for社会(shèhuì): society警车(jǐngchē): police car压力 (yālì): pressure, stress业余时间 (yèyú shíjiān): leisure time解放(jiěfàng): liberating 噩梦(è mèng) nightmare办法(bànfǎ): method, wayThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/14/20214 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep.26 (English) What is Gaokao-China’s SAT?

In this English episode I talked about Gaokao, China's College Entrance Examination. Questions I covered include:When is Gaokao?Does everyone take the same Gaokao?How crucial is Gaokao score and why?What are the two tracks of Gaokao?Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/14/20214 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep.25 (English) China's Education System

In this English episode, I briefly introduce how China's education system is structured from Kindergarten to 12th grade. We mainly talk about:Age requirements for each level of schoolingYears students spend in each level Testing requirements for each levelImportance of Zhongkao & GaokaoThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/13/20214 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep.24 中国的教育系统 China's Education System

In this Mandarin episode, I briefly introduce how China's education system is structured from kindergarten to post-secondary education: how many years for each level of schooling, if students have to take exams to move on to the next level in the system,  the school choices parents have and so on. Here are some useful words:教育系统(Jiàoyù xìtǒng): education system幼儿园 (yòu'éryuán): kindergarten话题(huàtí): topic of discussion公立/私立(gōnglì/sīlì): public/private (in talking about organizations such as school or hospital)咨询(zīxún): consult 一般(来说)(yībān lái shuō): in general, generally speaking学区(xuéqū): school district阶段(jiēduàn): stage, period小(学)升初(中)-xiǎo (xué) shēng chū (zhōng) : rising from elementary/primary school to middle school九年义务教育 (jiǔ nián yìwù jiàoyù): (policy) 9-year compulsory education到...为止 (dào... Wéizhǐ): until... ( an end)进行(jìn xíng): do, conduct通过(tōng guò):pass 中考 (zhōngkǎo): high school entrance exam高考(gāokǎo): college entrance exam分数 (fēnshù): score (in school assessments)报考 (bàokǎo): apply for毕业 (bìyè): graduation研究生 (yánjiūshēng): graduate school student体系 (tǐxì): systemThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/13/20213 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep.23 Mandarin Chat: 今天是我的生日🎂

In today's birthday episode, I talked about how I spent my birthday today. Some useful expressions:其实(qíshí): in reality, actually请假(qǐngjià): ask for day off本来(běnlái): originally醒(xǐng): wake up, awake习惯(xíguàn): used to; habit想起来(xiǎng qǐlái): it occurred to me, be reminded免费(miǎnfèi): free (of charge)喜好(xǐhào) : preference反正(fǎnzhèng):  anyway, either way就我(自己)来说 (jiù wǒ (zìjǐ) lái shuō): as for me (myself)虽然(suīrán): though, although毕竟 (bìjìng) :  after all洗车(xǐchē): wash car不管...还是... (bùguǎn... Háishì...):  whether ... or ... (or can sometimes be repeated)刚才(Gāngcái): just nowThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/10/20213 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ep.22 (English) Why doesn't China have Daylight Saving Time (any more)?

In this English episode, I talk about why we had daylight saving in the first place and why China, after briefly experimented with the idea, decided to not use daylight saving time.Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/6/20213 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep.21 夏时令(xià shí zhì): Daylight Saving Time in China?

In this Mandarin episode, I explore the history and reason behind Daylight Saving Time and talk about why China only adopted Daylight Saving Time for 6 short years (hint: time zones), as compared to the U.S. where Daylight Saving is still used.Some useful words:采用/采取 (Cǎiyòng/cǎiqǔ): adopt夏时令/冬时令 (xià shílìng/dōng shílìng): Daylight Saving Time,/Winter Time使用(shǐyòng): use主要原因(zhǔyào yuányīn): main reason节能(jiénéng) (short for节约能源(jiéyuē néngyuán): saving energy天亮(tiānliàng): "sky bright" sun is up时钟/表(shízhōng/biǎo): clock/watch调(tiáo): adjust, switch利用(lìyòng): use, take advantage of照明(zhàomíng): illuminate能源紧张(néngyuán jǐnzhāng): energy shortage战争(zhànzhēng): war增加/减少(zēngjiā /jiǎnshǎo):increase/decrease, reduce户外活动(hùwài huódòng): outdoor activity生物钟(shēngwùzhōng): biological clock在一定程度上(zài yīdìng chéngdù shàng): to a certain extent对...有影响(duì... yǒuyǐngxiǎn): have an impact on ...取消(qǔxiāo): cancel必要(bìyào): necessary过时(guòshí): outdated, obsoleteThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/6/20213 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep.20 (English) Why China only uses Beijing Time?

In this English episode I talk about the history of time zones in China and the universal use of Beijing time now for the entire country, which spans 5 international time zones.Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/5/20214 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep.19 时区(shíqū): Are there different times in China?

In this Mandarin episode, I explore why China only uses Beijing time despite the fact that it spans across 5 different time zones, compare China's time zone use with that of continental USA, and talk about East Coast bias in both China and the US.Some useful words:东八区(dōng bā qū): East 8 Zone (UTC/GMT +8 hrs) (Beijing Time is GMT +8hr) 全球(quán qíu): worldwide, global按...划分(àn... huàfēn): categorize, divide ... according to标准(biāozhǔn): standard根据(gēn jù): based on, according to 横跨(héng kuà): span across (geographically)统一(tǒngyī): unified, uniform绝大部分(jué dà bùfèn): the vast majority幅员辽阔(fúyuán liáokuò): vast size (e.g. of a country, geographic regions)作为(zuòwéi): as合理(hé lǐ): reasonable 顺便(shùnbiàn): by the way人口(rénkǒu): population赛事(sàishì): competition (e.g. sporting)报道(bàodào): reporting重视(zhòngshì): to attach importance to, to value 照顾(zhàogù): take care of,  show consideration观众(guān zhòng): audience总决赛 (zong jué sài): final东岸偏见(dōng àn piān jiàn): east coast biasThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
11/2/20214 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep.18 (English) Halloween in China?

This English episode covers the Chinese translation of Halloween, a short recap of Halloween origin and tradition,  the Chinese version of Halloween and whether Halloween is celebrated in China. Happy Halloween!Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/30/20214 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep.17 万圣节(wànshèngjié)🎃: Halloween in China?

In this Mandarin Halloween special, I talk about the meaning of Halloween in Mandarin, its traditions and customs, and relate the festival to the origins and traditions of the Chinese Ghost Festival and the Chinese New Year's Eve. Have a fun Halloween!Some useful words:翻译 Fānyì: translate, translation根据gēnjù: based on, according to结束jiéshù: end, fiinish移民yímín: immigrate, immigration, immigrant死去的灵魂sǐqù de línghún: dead soul鬼魂guǐhún: ghost spirit面具miànjù: mask (for halloween or theater arts)服装fúzhuāng: clothing, attire其实qíshí: actually, in reality起源qǐyuán: origin地府dìfǔ: underground world, hell世间shìjiān: living world祭祖jì zǔ: worship ancestor放松fàngsōng: relax享受生活xiǎngshòu shēnghuó: enjoy life游荡Yóudàng:  wander吓走xià zǒu: scare away怪物guàiwù: monster不过buguò:  however, that said南瓜nánguā:pumpkinThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/30/20214 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ep.16 (English) Huoguo the Chinese Hot Pot

In this English episode, I talk about Huoguo the Chinese hot pot: what is it? How to have a hot pot meal? And why is it popular among Chinese across the world?Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/29/20214 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep.15 火锅 (huǒguō) The Chinese Hot Pot

In this Mandarin episode, I talk about 火锅 (huǒguō) the Chinese Hot Pot: What do the name characters mean? What consist of a 火锅 (huǒguō) meal? And why do Chinese people all over the world love 火锅 (huǒguō)?Here are some useful words: 加热Jiārè: add heat, heat up锅底guō dǐ: soup base清汤qīngtāng: clear soup/broth麻辣málà: numbing spicy食材shícái: "food material," ingredients煮开/煮熟zhǔ kāi/zhǔ shú: Boiled/cooked切成薄片qiè chéng bópiàn:  sliced to thin pieces蘸酱zhàn jiàng Dipping sauce配调料pèi tiáoliào: concoct seasoning老少皆宜 lǎoshào jiē yí: suitable, enjoyable for all agesThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/26/20214 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep.14 (English) Douyin the Chinese TikTok

This English episode presents a brief introduction to Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok: the name, logo, what people do on Douyin, and so on.Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/23/20213 minutes, 1 second
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Ep.13 抖音 (Dǒu yīn) the Chinese TikTok

In this Mandarin episode, I talk about 抖音 (dǒu yīn) the Chinese TikTok:  why is it called douyin? What do people do on douyin? And why does China have its own version of TikTok?Useful words for comprehension标志 biāozhì: logo, sign音符yīnfú: (music) note地位dìwèi: status娱乐生活方式yúlè shēnghuó fāngshì: Entertainment lifestyle短视频 duǎn shìpín: short videos刷抖音shuā dǒu yīn: scrolling TikTok动作dòngzuò: movement拍抖音pāi dǒu yīn: shot TikTok (videos)商家shāngjiā: merchant, store直播zhíbò: live stream做广告zuò guǎnggào: advertise中国版/国际版 zhōngguó bǎn/guójì bǎn: Chinese version/international version国外企业guówài qǐyè: foreign company数据互通shùjù hùtōng: data sharing and communication内容nèiróng: contentThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/22/20214 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep.12 (English) Buzzword 卷(juǎn): Forced into the rat race

This English episode explores the meaning of 卷 (juǎn) in two contexts: school and work. As  the Chinese society increasingly forces its people into various rat races from cradle to grave, I wish we can all live a life of our own of love, intention and enjoyment.Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/15/20214 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep.11 Buzzword 卷(juǎn): Forced into the rat race

This Mandarin episode explores the meaning of 卷 (juǎn) in two contexts: school and work. As  the Chinese society increasingly forces its people into various rat races from cradle to grave, I wish we can all live a life of our own of love, intention and enjoyment.补课/补习班 bǔ kè/bǔ xí bān: cram school, after-school tutoring努力程度 nǔ lì chéng dù: degree of effort (how hard you work)被别人落在后面: left behind by other people内卷(same as 卷)  nèi juǎn: forced into the rat race成绩or分数 chéng jì/fēn shù: exam results; grades考入kǎo rù: enter (a school) after passing a competitive exam 家庭负担 jiā tíng fù dān: family burden取缔 qǔ dì: to ban, prohibit, crack down不断地 bù duàn de: continuously, constantly保证 bǎo zhèng: guarantee竞争 jìng zhēng: compete, competition结果 jié guǒ: result. outcomeThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/15/20214 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep.10 机场广播 Airport Announcement ✈️

In this episode, I read an airport announcement (regular speed and slow speed) and go over 10 useful vocabulary and expressions. The script is as follows.尊敬的旅客朋友们,我们抱歉地通知您,您乘坐的国航4879次,飞往上海的航班由于暴风雪,被临时取消了。在此我们深表歉意。新的具体起飞时间待定。我们将密切关注天气预报。请您在候机大厅安静等候新的广播通知。中国国家航空公司将安排大家在首都机场的天水大酒店入住一晚。我们会尽快通知您明天新的起飞时间。如需其他帮助,请与我们联系。谢谢您的配合理解。尊敬zūn jìng: honorable,respectful抱歉 bào qiàn:  apologize,feel sorry, apologetic乘坐chéng zuò:  ride (such as plane, train, bus, car and other means of transportation)待定 dài dìng: TBD密切关注mì qiè guān zhù: watch closely深表歉意 shēn biǎo qiàn yì:  deeply felt apology临时 lín shí: temporary候机(大)厅hòu jī dà tīng: airport departure terminal入住rù zhù:  to check in at a hotel配合理解 lǐ jiě pèi hé:  cooperative and understandingThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/14/20216 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep.9 乒乓球在中国🏓️ Table Tennis in China

This Mandarin episode explores why table tennis is so popular in China. After the reading, I pick out and explain some useful vocabulary and expressions for you in Mandarin and English. 随着中国的经济发展水平的提高,中国大众有了更多的时间投入到自己的业余活动中。中国人最热衷的娱乐运动/活动之一就是乒乓球。乒乓球被称为中国的“国球”,首先是因为在中国它有广大的群众基础,几亿人会打乒乓球,四、五千万人经常打乒乓球。其次,乒(乓球)超(级)联赛和全国各地的业余比赛给国民带来欢乐和享受;最后, 乒乓球是中国拿到的第一个体育世界冠军。因此,中国人非常骄傲,从此乒乓球开始在中国快速发展,爱好的人也越来越多。民族自豪感。乒乓球的流行是因为乒乓球设备简单,容易普及。跟足球、篮球等不同,乒乓球不需要很大的场地就可以打。你只需要一个桌子, 一个球。和两个球拍。中国的公园里一般都有乒乓球桌。在各个城镇的活动中心也都有室内的乒乓球设施。而且,乒乓球也很容易打。 不是一个很难上手的运动。老少皆宜:从老人到孩子都能打。可以说是一项亲朋好友的聚会运动。Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/12/20216 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep.8 Proverb 磨刀不误砍柴工: Sharpen your axe, expedite the job (bilingual explanation)

In this episode (a mix of English and Mandarin explanation), I talk about the Chinese proverb 磨刀不误砍柴工 (mó dāo bú wù kǎn chái gōng): (literally) honing your ax will not hold up your wood-chopping job. The proverb tells us that the time we spend on improving our tools and taking care of ourselves in preparation for the job is not wasted. It will pay off in way of increased productivity. Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/11/20215 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep.7 (English) Buzzword 学霸 (and 学渣)- Academic Lord

In this English episode, we talk about the meaning of 学霸 (a top academic) and its opposite 学渣。Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/11/20213 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep.6 Buzzword 学霸 (and 学渣): Academic Lord

In this Mandarin episode, we explore what is 学霸 (xué bà) a top student in academics (opposite word is 学渣 xué zhā).Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/11/20213 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep.5 (English) Buzzword 社畜 Society's Farm Animal

In this English episode, I talk about the buzzword 社畜: its translation, use, and my take on the word.Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/10/20213 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep.4 Buzzword 社畜 Society's Farm Animal

In this Mandarin episode, I try to unpack the meaning of the Chinese buzzword 社畜 (shè chù):  society's farm animalThank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/10/20213 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep.3 对话练习: 去海滨小城旅游 Conversation Practice: Travel to the Beach Town

In this all-Mandarin episode, we will practice answering six travel-related questions. You will have 20s after each question to respond. My personal response starts at the end of your response time. You can practice according to your own needs. Let me know if you have any questions or need further help.Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/10/20215 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ep.2 现代中国人的审美变化 Beauty Standards in China

This all-Mandarin episode talks about beauty standards and recents shifts in beauty concepts in modern China.中国的传统文化和现代文化的审美不太一样。古代胖是美。比如在唐朝的时候,女人胖一些更受人喜爱,欢迎。现在中国社会却不一样了:现在主流文化认为女人越瘦越好。很多女生虽然并不胖,却总是在减肥。为了减肥,很多女生不好好吃饭,导致身体健康都出现了问题。经常生病。现在不健康的审美也受到了很多人的批评。很多人也认识到瘦不是美,健康才是第一的。不应该为了追求瘦不吃饭。即使需要减肥,大家也都健康减肥。比如参加运动或者去健身房。中国人也非常喜欢“白”。尤其是中国的女人很热衷于美白。为了白,他们花钱买各种美白产品。中国人夏天出门的时候一般都会打太阳伞,防止阳光让自己变黑。因为怕晒黑,中国人也不像美国人那么喜欢去沙滩晒太阳。不过现在也有很多人崇尚健康的肤色,而不是苍白的肤色。越来越多的中国人参加户外运动,比如跑步,骑自行车。她们不怕太阳,也为自己的自然肤色骄傲。Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/9/20213 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ep.1 智能手机的利弊 The Good and Bad about Smartphone in China

This all-Mandarin episode explores the pros and cons of smartphone use by Chinese people.中国改革开放以后科技,经济都有了飞速的发展。中国的工业产品也慢慢跻身世界先进行列。中国的5G网络,人工智能,电动车都是新一代中国科技的代表。这其中对中国人影响最大的是智能手机和移动网络。智能手机近些年在中国获得了极大地普及。据统计,中国现在智能手机的数量已经超过了中国人口的数量。很多人不只有一个手机。而且经常更换新手机。智能手机给人民的生活带来了很多好处。(好处:)第一它给普通人的生活带来了舒适和便捷。现在中国人出门只需要带上手机,钱包都不需要带。手机地图可以为你指路,手机上的移动支付可以让你在没带现金的情况下支付购买商品和服务:乘坐出租车,在商场买东西,购买健身课程,都可以手机支付。在家的时候,你可以用手机上网购物,你也可以用手机点外卖。不管你住在大都市还是小县城,快递都可以很快送到你的家门口。第二,现代中国人的娱乐学习活动也都在手机上。大家用手机看新闻,看网剧,刷抖音,看视频,聊微信,发朋友圈,视频聊天,玩手游,看电子书等等。可以说只要有一部智能手机,你的一天就不会无聊。学习方面,很多人用智能手机读书,上网课,在业余时间自我提高。(不好) 不过智能手机也有他不好的一面。第一个不好的地方就在于很多时候智能手机的过度普及,大家对手机的过度依赖,让人们忘了虽然大部分人都有智能手机,但是还有一些人因为各种各样的原因没有智能机。因为大众的思维惯性,没有智能手机的人就被这个社会边缘化,被遗忘了。我记得看到一个新闻就是一个政府服务中心要求用智能手机扫码排队,但是新闻里的老人因为年纪大了没有智能手机也不会用智能手机,所以就没办法顺利地得到帮助。而且,智能手机让大家离得更近,却同时离得更远。因为每天的社交活动都在手机上,大家聚会的时候反而都不知道怎么进行面对面交流,虽然坐在一个桌子,却都不说话, 而是自己刷手机。菜上来的第一反应不是跟家人朋友分享食物的美味和团聚的美好,而是着急拍照发社交媒体。这些对于人的心理健康非常不利。长期依赖于手机的社交阻碍了人之间正常的理解和沟通,进而与世界和他人建立深刻的情感链接的能力。最后,智能手机对每个人的身体健康也有不好的影响。智能手机以及(平板)电脑的屏幕都会产生蓝光,这会影响到我们的睡眠。许多人因长时间低头使用手机而造成颈椎手腕不适。在有的情况下,使用手机时不看前方可能导致身体伤害甚至死亡。开车时发短信是最致命的,而边走边发短信危害也很大,这要比边走边打电话的危害更严重。无论对于心理健康还是身体健康,有意识地减少手机使用或是一个好的方法。除非你的确需要随身携带手机,否则外出时就把手机放在家中,或者是在家时就把手机放在另外一个房间,在工作时就把它放在包里。绝不要把手机放在床上或者躺在床上使用手机。智能手机是有益有趣,但当它影响到我们的生活时,就需要适可而止。Thank you for listening. If you like 5 Minute Chinese, please help me by subscribing, liking, and sharing the show so that it can help more people. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, you can email me at [email protected].
10/9/20214 minutes, 42 seconds