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Ask The Naked Scientists SA

English, Sciences, 1 season, 224 episodes, 3 days, 8 hours, 29 minutes
Why scratch your head if you don't know the answer? What about the Earth made the dinosaurs so big? Why does the Universe spin? Is the Sun seem brighter in the morning than the evening? Are autistic people particularly at home with computers? Why do effervescent tablets fizz only in water? Why do Parkinson's patients sleepwalk without difficulty? Plus, news of a decoy molecule that can treat dwarfism and what earwax has revealed about blue whales...
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What is the best way to get rid of hiccups?

Can you bring someone back from the dead? Can a special diet help flexibility in older people? What is the best way to get rid of hiccups? Are hovercrafts safe? Why is yawning contagious? Does hot water sound different to cold water? Are there tardigrades on the ISS? Dr Chris Smith and Zain Johnson have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/4/202420 minutes, 19 seconds
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Why do fairground rides get worse as we age?

In a break from the usual format, the producers of The Naked Scientists take over from Clarence Ford to ask Dr Chris Smith some of your burning scientific questions. How does intuition work? Can you transplant a pancreas? Could we mine our second Moon? Why do lights flicker in our peripheral vision? Can one testicle still let you reproduce? Why do we dislike fairground rides as we age? Do we know what causes tinnitus? All will be revealed... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/27/202430 minutes, 25 seconds
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Should you wash every day?

Should you wash every day? Does washing your clothes damage them? Should you have a washcloth just for your face? Why does moving air make the temperature go down? Dr Chris Smith and Relebojile Mabotja have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/20/202415 minutes, 31 seconds
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Are more male babies born after a war?

Why do some people struggle to read? Are more male babies born after a war? Are some people allergic to hot skin? Why do some men's breasts swell up? Why do we use different frequencies for different broadcasts? Why do traffic lights go red when you're in a hurry? Dr Chris Smith and Relebogile Mabotja have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/13/202417 minutes, 49 seconds
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Can someone's heart keeping beating after death?

Why do some people grind their teeth? Can someone's heart keeping beating when they're dead? How does the brain interpret words? How do we know how long something has been dead for? Dr Chris Smith and Relebojile Mabotja have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/6/202415 minutes, 12 seconds
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How do bones heal themselves?

How much do wildfires contribute to carbon release? How do bones heal themselves? Why do weeds seem to grow faster than other plants? Why do some animals float, but others sink? Why do ducks like spinach? How did we evolve different blood types? Why do some people's temperature go down when they're feeling ill? How many of our metals come from space? Why do snails come out in the rain? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/30/202418 minutes, 31 seconds
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What should we know about monkeypox?

What is monkeypox, and how can we tackle it? Why can't you walk through walls if atoms are mostly empty space? If X-Rays are harmful, why are microwaves and infrared not harmful? What are the benefits of the Large Hadrin Collider? Does taking Vitamin C harm your immune response? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/23/202422 minutes, 13 seconds
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Will we ever run out of helium?

Will we ever run out of helium? Will any planets in the solar system get knocked out of orbit? What causes ovulation pain? Is it wise to pop a zit? Why are two astronauts stuck in space? Have we re-invented lost inventions? Dr Chris Smith and Sara-Jayne Makwala King have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/16/202417 minutes, 50 seconds
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How many cigarettes does it take to get hooked?

This week, Dr Chris and Relebongile find out how dietary salt affects the body, how loneliness and loss of a loved one can cause ill-health, what a blind person "sees" in their mind's eye, how broken fingers heal, how many cigarettes does it take to get hooked, and why does alcohol withdrawal cause shaking and tremors... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/12/202416 minutes, 56 seconds
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Why do athletes perform better on the day?

Questions for Dr Chris Smith on this week's Ask! include: What are the health benefits of exercise? How do you explain deja vu? Can you be in two places at once? What factors influence the weather? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/2/202414 minutes, 42 seconds
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Do teabags carry microplastics?

Dr Chris answers a wide range of listener science questions. What is entropy and how does it reconcile with equilibrium? What happens when they put dogs to sleep? Why can I read words when the vowels are removed? How do hair implants work? How does a bird find worms? Can birds see their own tails? Why do I cry when I have a bad cold? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/26/202420 minutes, 1 second
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Why can't other apes grow long head hair?

Why does your washing sometimes smell bad? What is the difference between forecast temperature and 'real feel'? Why can't other apes grow long head hair? What is the difference between a sprinter and a marathon runner? Why do Greenland sharks live so long? Can parrots see themselves in the mirror? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/19/202421 minutes, 54 seconds
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Are we overprotective of our children?

Dr Chris answers listener submitted questions including: would it be possible to slingshot continuously around the Earth and Mars? When does our consciousness 'switch on?' How worried should we be if we're outside during a thunderstorm? Is 0 positive or negative? What maintains our body temperature? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/12/202421 minutes, 25 seconds
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Why can we only recycle some types of plastic?

Do women suffer from flatulence, and what affects your level of flatulence? Does hitting someone on the head actually knock them out? Is being a psychopath down to nature or nurture? Why does the weather stay warm when the seasons shift? Why can we only recycle some types of plastic? Can a swollen heart be reduced in size? Can nuclear rods power spaceships? Can mattresses and pillows reduce snoring? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/5/202419 minutes, 25 seconds
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What happens to the body in extreme cold?

Does laying on your left side clean your organs? Are faces the only difference that different populations have, and why do we notice facial differences? What happens to the body when your body drops drastically? How does the body react to extreme trauma? Why do we get blemishes on our skin? Could you transplant muscles around the body? How do you seek help after a suspected rabies bite? Dr Chris Smith and Krystal Orderson have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
6/28/202421 minutes, 36 seconds
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Would an organ donor's DNA be in your body?

What causes monkeypox? Would an organ donor's DNA be in your body? Why does alcohol abate the symptoms of a hangover? Can you get bird flu from bird poo? Why do birds bob their head when they walk? Where does the word 'humour' come from? Is there a scientific basis on the laws of attraction? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
6/21/202420 minutes, 41 seconds
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Why is the longest day not the hottest day?

Dr Chris Smith answers listener science questions; what factors impact the onset of glycosuria? Might we have contaminated Mars with organisms from Earth? Why did the universe form the way that it did? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
6/14/202421 minutes, 59 seconds
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Why don't our lungs fill up with dust?

Are skin tags an indication of diabetes? Why don't cattle flee from fire? Do apples stimulate your appetite? Why are some cats great at hunting, and others not? Why doesn't dust fill up our lungs? What is the sediment at the bottom of frozen wine? When did our tail become a coccyx? What causes ringworm? What drives the magnetic field? Dr Chris Smith and Krystal Orderson have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
6/7/202420 minutes, 29 seconds
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Are some people more prone to addiction?

Dr Chris Smith chats with Relebogile Mabotja and her listeners about their science questions. Today: do older people yawn less frequently? And should you avoid zero sugar fizzy drinks whilst pregnant? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
5/31/202415 minutes, 1 second
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How were the pyramids built?

This time on Ask!, Dr Chris explains how tree rings helped scientists confirm last summer was the hottest for 2000 years. Also, how were the pyramids built? And where are we with understanding and treating Alzheimer's disease? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
5/24/202415 minutes, 18 seconds
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Is there a cure for OCD?

Chris Smith covers another cast of interesting queries submitted by listeners. They include: Why do we have accents? Is there such a thing as the "devil's hour?" What is acid reflux? Is there such a thing as race? If you had unfettered access to the James Webb Space Telescope, what would you point it at? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
5/17/202424 minutes, 22 seconds
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Do fish drink water?

Dr Chris takes on listener questions: how long can someone survive without food and water? Why are some of us more prone to hangovers? Do gorillas drink water? Does spicy food cause vivid dreams? What causes insomnia? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
5/10/202420 minutes, 57 seconds
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Is the '10,000 hours rule' accurate?

In this week's selection of science questions, Dr Chris explains the impact of sweetners on the body, what happens when we suffer a stroke, and where the other half of the moon disappears to... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
5/3/202417 minutes, 9 seconds
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How does cloud seeding work?

Why are viruses so contagious? Are there any treatments for macular degeneration? How are we treating depression with psychedelics? Why do people lose their sense of smell? Is cloud seeding a real thing? Dr Chris Smith and Relebogile Mabotja have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
4/26/202414 minutes, 25 seconds
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Why do we dream the things we dream?

Is our perfect total eclipse just a total coincidence? Where do our dreams come from? Can you launch a missile without it being picked up by satellites? Which animals have the best memory? Do humans have any instincts? Can gravity be 1g on a planet with a greater mass than Earth? Where could we go when Earth becomes uninhabitable? What was there before the beginning of the Universe? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
4/19/202420 minutes, 1 second
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Are lactose intolerant mothers allergic to their own milk?

Why did the eclipse move west to east across the Earth? Why are we so interested in nuclear fusion? Could we ever breathe underwater? What is the opposite force to gravity? Would alcohol sterilise a drowning fly? What the difference between cancer and cancerous growths? Are lactose introlerant mothers allergic to their own milk? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
4/12/202420 minutes, 32 seconds
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Do ants count their steps?

Do animals ever get lost? Do ants count their steps? Could we recreate the greenhouse effect on Mars? Why can you hear some aircraft, but not others? Could we mine the Moon? Is it ever too late to stop somking? Do people with autism have a different brain structure? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
4/5/202422 minutes, 12 seconds
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Do farmers produce double yolk eggs on purpose?

Dr Chris answers more listener submitted questions including, Why is South Africa on the bottom of the world map? Why are countries interested in landing on the moon again? How do undersea cables work? What is the Square Kilometre Array? Why are my car keys better at unlocking my car than my TV remote is at controlling my TV? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/22/202419 minutes, 15 seconds
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Why do we want to scratch our wounds?

Chris Smith answers science questions from the public. Does the rate of nail growth differ between men and women? What are the advantages of a nose swab over a mouth swab? What could improve the connectivity of my remote? Accounting for the rotation of Earth, does a plane flying from London to Cape Town fly in a straight line? How does a colour printer work? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/15/202420 minutes, 57 seconds
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Could popping a pimple on your face kill you?

Do statins affect your Vitamin D production? Why do we have leap years? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Could we live on the moon of Titan? Did COVID come from a lab? What aspects of science can we still now answer? Could popping a pimple on your face kill you? How does wireless charging work? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/8/202421 minutes, 6 seconds
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How much does the internet weigh?

Chris Smith answers another sample of enquiries from across the scientific spectrum: What might have caused my beetle infestation? Why do so many cultures describe an afterlife? What's the medical explanation for 'cracking the seal?' How do lions identify cubs that aren't theirs? If the Earth stopped rotating, would we feel it? Will hydrogen combustion engines be efficient? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/1/202422 minutes, 1 second
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Can you die of fright?

What causes the noise in a lightning strike? How do astronauts' bodies change after a long time in space? Can you die of fright? Are we living in the past? Why don't insects get hurt when they fall? Dr Chris Smith and Relebogile Mabotja have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
2/23/202415 minutes, 27 seconds
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Does your life flash before your eyes when you die?

Why do birds stand on one leg? Which animals can we eat, and which can we not? Does your life flash before your eyes when you die? Does a plug's wiring orientation matter? Why does hearing water make you need the toilet? Does anything travel alongside the ISS? Dr Chris Smith and Relebogile Mabotja have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
2/16/202417 minutes, 51 seconds
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How much rainfall becomes groundwater?

Dr Chris Smith answers listener questions including, how can we communicate science better? How much distance do we travel through space each second? Why might I feel stomach pain when I'm hungry and I take a cold drink? What causes people to feel sleepy when they're near a pregnant woman? Why do we enter planes on the left rather than the right? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
2/9/202416 minutes, 40 seconds
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How does the Sun transfer heat to the Earth?

Chris Smith takes on listener questions, including: How far out to sea do seagulls fly? How is the malaria vaccine rollout going? Why does hot weather make your muscles more tired? What is the hottest temperature humans can survive? How do vultures track their lunch? How do some people retain more information? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
2/2/202415 minutes, 35 seconds
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What is ultra processed food?

Chris Smith takes on listener submitted questions including, why do people disagree so much on what temperature to set the heating? Where do swallows and swifts go in the winter? Is it true that parrots don't have taste buds? And, what is dry ice? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
1/26/202417 minutes, 57 seconds
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Do mosquitoes prefer certain people?

Why might chilli cause an upset stomach? How does a boomerang work? What's the difference between 50Hz and 60Hz of energy? Why does Saturn have a hexagon? Are stars moving away from us? How do we know how large underground oil deposits are? Why aren't cameras as good as out eyes? Do mosquitoes prefer certain people? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
1/19/202419 minutes, 26 seconds
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Why doesn't the Earth make wind as it moves through space?

Why kind of gas is in a gas giant planet? Can you do anything about sleepwalking? What causes stutters and speech impediments? Does blowing out birthday candles spread germs onto the cake? Why don't we feel the wind from moving through space? What are shooting stars? Why don't we have strangers with identical DNA? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
1/12/202420 minutes, 30 seconds
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Where did Earth get its water from?

In the first Ask! of 2024, Dr Chris Smith tackles questions on UV rays, Fahrenheit vs Celsius, whether the Three Gorges Dam could be slowing down the Earth's rotation, what drives dictators to do bad things, whether neutrinos pose a threat to humans, and what happens to our bodies after we die? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
1/5/202419 minutes, 31 seconds
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Are some wildfires beneficial?

Are some wildfires beneficial? What is the worst case scenario for climate change? What causes lactose intolerance? Does sunscreen cause a vitamin D defiency? Why do blind people still move their eyes around when thinking? Why do we scratch itches? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
12/22/202323 minutes, 8 seconds
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Does Mercury have a moon?

This week, a Christmas surprise in Dr Chris's tree that he'd rather not have brought home; should I drink water from aircon machines or even vehicle exhausts, will coffee make me live longer, is the flag planted during the Moon landing still there, what's the scientific basis of itching, which planets don't have a moon, and what makes mosquitoes prefer me to other people? Dr Chris and Talk Radio 702's Relebogile Mabotja take on your science questions... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
12/18/202319 minutes, 5 seconds
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What is the science behind a midlife crisis?

What is the science of a midlife crisis? Can you store stainless steel in the fridge? Where do flies go in the winter? Could you make food directly from soil? Do the sun and the moon change positions in the winter? Why does the mouth generate saliva? How do worms get into your body? Dr Chris Smith and Relebogile Mabotja have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
12/8/202315 minutes, 23 seconds
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Are scientific discoveries becoming less groundbreaking?

Dr Chris and Clarence Ford take on listener questions. This time they include, is intelligence more nature or nurture? Is time travel possible? Could time travellers be walking among us? Are Tibetan monks really capable of levitating? Why do I feel down during the holidays? What are the differences between lab grown and mined diamonds? What are weeds and why do they always grow where they shouldn't? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
12/1/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Will we be able to put the AI genie back in the bottle?

Should we ban AI from the military sphere? Does eating too much meat cause gout? What determines the shape of clouds? Are recycled tyres a safe material for roads? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
11/24/202319 minutes, 25 seconds
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Should you sleep on your side or your back?

Does COVID damage your brain? Why do moths have 'dust' on their wings? Where did the oldest plants come from? Is it better to sleep on your side or your back? Who is the top dog in a pack when humans aren't around? What is your pineal gland for? Why would stomach ulcers cause headaches? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
11/17/202321 minutes, 26 seconds
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Does alcohol burn off in cooking, and is curiosity genetic?

Does alcohol burn off during cooking, why people put their principles in front of their own life and freedom, what causes ageing and can gene editing be used to reverse it, and is curiosity genetic across species? And does Dr Chris believe in God? Relebogile Mabotja and Dr Chris Smith have the answers to the questions you're asking! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
11/14/202316 minutes, 49 seconds
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Why does music make me emotional?

Dr Chris takes more listener questions. This week, they include: Why do the sun and the moon appear the same size during a lunar eclipse? How long does it take bowel movements to return to normal after a colostomy? Can you prick a balloon without popping it? Is an enlarged heart dangerous? Do wild horses suffer without having their hooves maintained? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
11/10/202322 minutes, 21 seconds
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How long do dreams actually last?

How does a boomerang work? Are windturbines harmful to birds? Which are smarter, dogs or cats? Can you breathe liquid air? How do racecar spoilers work? How long are dreams in real time? What affects systolic blood pressure? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
11/3/202322 minutes, 6 seconds
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What causes amnesia?

In this edition of Ask!, Dr Chris answers these questions and more: Do pineapples really eat you as you eat them? Do they have any health benefits? And why am I gaining weight as I go through the menopause? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/27/202317 minutes, 43 seconds
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Why is cancer so hard to treat?

Can fasting help with gut health? Why is cancer so hard to treat? Does a change in the weather lead to joint pain? How do you deal with chronic constipation in children? Dr Chris Smith and Relebogile Mabotja have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/20/202312 minutes, 38 seconds
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Why are there 7 years in a dog year?

What is our water carbon footprint? Does microwaving food destroy the nutritional value? Why do golf balls have dimples? Should we be desalinating water? Why are breastfed babies less likely to become obese? How did we calculate a dog year? Why do we always look at something that we're told not to? What is intermittent fasting? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/13/202324 minutes, 50 seconds
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Does eating grapefruit affect taking medication?

Does prior infection or vaccine protect better against COVID? How do you know when something is wrong with your bowels? What is the difference between old and new vaccines? What effect does grapefruit have on taking mediaction? What are the chemical markers that someone is pregnant? Chris Smith and Relebogile Mabotja have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/6/202318 minutes, 37 seconds
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Will ChatGPT replace The Naked Scientists?

Why do animals dream? Why do weird dreams feel so normal? Do ovulating people have more vivid dreams? Why might someone stop dreaming? Will ChatGPT replace The Naked Scientists? What is deja vu? Why is so much money being invested into AI? Can sunflowers absorb radioactive waste? Is the Mexican alien real? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/29/202320 minutes, 13 seconds
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Is one apple a day enough?

Do skin care products live up to the hype? Is it cheaper to heat homes with electricity or gas? How does IVF work? How long will the sun continue to burn for? What is arthritis? What is the sensation of deja vu? Is there a cure for baldness? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/22/202325 minutes, 49 seconds
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How do we know what other planets are made of?

How does colour blindness work? How do we know what other planets are made of? Why might a red dye suddenly disappear? Why don't you feel the velocity of a plane for the whole flight? Do mobile phones in crowded spaces expose us to anything dangerous? What causes testicular torsion? How do you avoid getting rats in your car? Where did humans come from? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/15/202324 minutes, 31 seconds
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What's the best way to stop signs of aging?

Do collagen skin treatments work? What exactly are teeth? Are DNA tests ever 100% accurate? Why do dead bodies float? Why doesn't the pole star move? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/8/202314 minutes, 1 second
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Why do wires always end up in knots?

Why am I right footed, but left handed? Why are dogs' sense of smell so superior? Do people with bigger eyes have better peripheral vision? Why do guns recoil? What's the function of the black patterns on the peripheries of car windscreens? Why are yawns contagious? Why are nuclear bombs so deadly? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/1/202323 minutes, 24 seconds
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Are there chemical elements yet to be discovered?

Why do I have to pee when I wash my hands? Are daddy long-legs poisonous? Are taste buds generic across the population? Why are babies so amused by their reflection? How effective are statins? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/25/202319 minutes, 36 seconds
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When does earth's atmosphere become space?

Dr Chris Smith tackles the impressive array of questions from listeners. What gives non Newtonian liquids their special properties? Could wearing socks in bed increase the risk of having a stroke? Do Inuits not experience dental decay? Why can't we remember when we fall asleep? And what makes certain foods traditional breakfast items? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/18/202319 minutes, 53 seconds
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What holds atoms together?

Why do we explore space? Why does a flame produce less of a shadow? Do zeolites pollute water? Why do some people float better in water than others? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/11/202316 minutes, 5 seconds
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Why do fridges get lights but freezers don't?

Should you drink re-boiled water? How do bees know who to attack? Should we just leave the deep sea alone? Why do some countries drive on the left? What causes fire? Why do we need the toilet as soon as we get home? Why is there a fridge light and not a freezer light? Why does the moon move in the sky? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/4/202321 minutes, 7 seconds
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What causes cluster headaches?

How do we fuel cars more sustainably? What causes morning sickness during pregnancy? Why does California have a sunny Christmas? Why are some smells able to summon powerful memories? Why can I hear fluid flowing when I move my neck? Is premature ejaculation nature's way of hastening reproduction? And what's the physics behind why stars twinkle? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/28/202320 minutes, 42 seconds
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What is on the dark side of the Moon?

How high a temperature can human's survive? Why does cleaning your ear make your eyes roll? How do astronauts make it back from the moon? What is on the dark side of the Moon? Should we put parachutes on aeroplanes? How long can DNA samples last? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/21/202320 minutes
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Do artificial sweeteners cause cancer?

Why do we itch ourselves? How do kidney stones form? I've started sleeping on a more comfortable mattress - why am I getting back pain? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/14/202320 minutes, 43 seconds
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What is causing climate change?

What is causing climate change? Does pumping out oil leave a hole behind in the Earth? What does an Adam's apple do? What causes temperature differences from day to day? How does throat singing work? What would happen to Twitter's data if it collapsed? What is the spring tide, and why is it dangerous? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/8/202321 minutes, 2 seconds
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What causes ocean swell?

If there was nothing before the big bang, who created nothing? When egg shell falls into the pan, why is the rest of the egg shell the most effective way to fish it out again? And what's going on with the James Webb space telescope? Dr Chris Smith and 567 CapeTalk's Clarence Ford take a look... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
6/30/202322 minutes, 3 seconds
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How much pressure was on the Titan sub?

What are the benefits of cold water swimming? How much pressure was on the Titan submersible? How big are protons and electrons? Why do all babies have straight hair? Why are orcas sinking sailboats? Why does a glass hob's heat not move laterally? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
6/23/202318 minutes, 51 seconds
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Why is a cold called a cold?

Why do my eyes burn when raindrops run into them? Why can eye and hair colour change? Why do I cry when I go to the loo? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
6/9/202320 minutes, 38 seconds
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Why disinfectants kill only 99.9% of germs

How do flysprays work, and are they harmful for humans? What's "muscle memory" and where are these memories stored? Why do disinfectants "only" kill 99.9% of germs? How do I cleanse domestic rainwater tanks to kill microbes? How does freefall - as described by orbiting astronauts - work? If I let my pet cobra go, will it survive in the wild? What's the basis of sweating, and why do some people sweat more than others? Dr Chris Smith and CapeTalk's Clarence Ford have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
6/2/202319 minutes, 22 seconds
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Why do my flowers only smell nice at night?

This week,?What makes an appendix burst? Why do we blush??Do carrots really improve our eyesight? What other foods can we eat to regenerate our organs? Can lions survive on seafood? Can studying the arts impact on my health? And why do some flowers only release their scents at night, a how? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
5/27/202319 minutes, 6 seconds
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Why do bright lights make spots in my vision?

What are hiccups and what's the medical term for the phenomenon? How far to the horizon and why does it always appear to be at eye-level? What are lectins and are they harmful? What is pulmonary fibrosis, why does it happen and can it be cured? Why do bright lights make spots on my vision, and why does the colour change when I close my eyes? And as a 65 year old in good health and with 4 Covid-19 vaccines and one mild SARS-CoV-2 infection, do I need another Covid-19 booster?? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
5/15/202322 minutes, 35 seconds
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Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Why do we always find cockroaches on their back? How does medicine know where it hurts? Why do we dream? Why is the Earth still so hot? What came first, the chicken or the egg? Why did Chernobyl explode? How much energy does a seed need to grow? Can we work out how much energy there is in the world? Why do most of us look different? Chris Smith and Clarence Ford answer questions from the students of the International School of Cape Town... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
5/14/202324 minutes, 48 seconds
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Is JWST disproving the big bang theory?

Why do I feel phantom pain? What is the sleep in my eyes constituted of? Why are things we drop into our eyes poisonous to ingest? What is fibromyalgia? What is aquamation? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
4/28/202323 minutes, 17 seconds
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Do we have two sets of DNA?

What makes the brain age? Why don't ice skaters get dizzy? Do we have two sets of DNA? Where does all of the burned fuel go? Do dogs get headaches? Why are dogs so good at pattern recognition? Does someone carrying a donor egg provide any of the child's DNA? Would watering your lawn increase the chance of rain? Dr Chris Smith and Amy MacIver have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
4/21/202324 minutes, 30 seconds
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Can we control AI?

The dangers of mains electricity. Are computers helping or hindering our lives? What if I shine a torch while travelling at the speed of light? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/31/202320 minutes, 48 seconds
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Why do we cry when we laugh?

Why is TB so drug resistant? How do nature drugs fit the lock and key in our brains? Why are some family members less fussy eaters than others? Why do we cry when we laugh? Is a love of public speaking from nature or nurture? What's the point of going to Mars? Dr Chris smith and have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/24/202320 minutes, 55 seconds
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Does red really make bulls angry?

How do we get a transplanted heart to start pumping in someone's body? Is it possible to have a stomach transplant? Is Earth's crust displacement likely to have occured in the past? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/17/202318 minutes, 51 seconds
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What would T-Rex taste like?

Can pain medicines go off? Why is mouldy cheese ok? What is the James Webb Space Telescope looking at? How long would it take someone to adapt to living in a different climate? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/17/202321 minutes, 30 seconds
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Can mosquitos get drunk off blood alcohol?

How can I bulk up my muscles? Where does candle wax disappear to? Why don't pigs eat onions? Do women take on male DNA when they're pregnant? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/3/202318 minutes, 19 seconds
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Can you sing one song to the tune of another?

Why do we teach kids nursery rhymes? How do we know how anatomically modern humans populated the world? What is cataract surgery, how is cataract surgery performed, and is there an upper age limit? Is most human behaviour innate, or learned? Why does water boiled in a microwave sometimes explode when you add sugar or coffee? Join Dr Chris and TalkRadio 702's Relebogile Mabotja to find out... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
2/6/202318 minutes, 41 seconds
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Are mobile phone microwaves dangerous?

Why is earth's magnetic field changing direction? Why can I sense when someone is looking at me? How might the world come to an end? Why does time seem to be going past more quickly as I get older? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
1/27/202319 minutes, 13 seconds
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What would a solar flare do to Earth?

What would a large solar flare do to Earth? Why do stars appear to flicker, or move? Can animals experience regret? How does AI work? What are probiotics? Dr Chris Smith has all the answers for the listeners on Radio 702 and 567 CapeTalk... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
1/20/202317 minutes, 39 seconds
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Is the carrot top safe to eat?

Do scientists know how many stars are in the galaxy? Why do some ailments only affect us at night? Should I get a petrol or diesel car? Are we drinking the same water as our ancient ancestors? What's the difference between intelligence and creativity? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
1/13/202319 minutes, 37 seconds
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Are there any advantages to having a disease?

Does flash photography harm baby's eyesight? What is ocular myasthenia gravis? Can having a disease give you an advantage against another disease? Why are soldiers so prone to PTSD? Why is it so difficult to predict the weather? What does it mean to be double-jointed? Are we susceptible to certain rhythms? Why is water so important? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
1/6/202323 minutes, 59 seconds
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What is cellular data and what do we pay for?

Is carbonated water better for you than still water? Why are some dogs scared of fireworks, and being touched? Is there a cure for tinnitus? Do energy drinks actually give you energy? Why does the second cup of tea never taste as good as the first? What is electronic data? What is a melanoma? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
1/4/202324 minutes, 28 seconds
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Will identical twins die of the same thing?

Chris answers an eclectic crop of science questions including: why do we appear to have superhuman strength in high stress situations? Are science and religion at odds with one another? What's the cause of grid outages and blackouts? Will identical twins die of the same illness/disease? Why are manufactured goods so prone to breaking despite technological advancements? Are coal mines on the verge of becoming obsolete? Why do we hold our heads in exasperation? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
12/16/202221 minutes, 42 seconds
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How does our brain coordinate our body?

What role do cockroaches play in our ecosystem? What would happen if all of Earth's gases combined? Why is the universe expanding? What is the most flammable gas? Why does the Earth look flat from the ground? How does the brain co-ordinate the body? How were the pyramids built so long ago? What happens to our body during a heart attack? In this 'Classroom Edition' of Ask The Naked Scientists, Dr Chris Smith and are answering the questions set by pupils at John Graham Primary School... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
12/9/202224 minutes, 30 seconds
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How do we know how old the Earth is?

When is the next comet? What is past the milky way? Which animals have been sent into space? Did the moon come before the Earth? What lifts up the moon? What are all the dents in the moon? How did the moon form? How do we know how old the Earth is? Why are Neptune and Uranus blue? Why is the sun the only star we can see in the daytime? How fast do you need to go to escape a black hole? Is there other life in the universe? In this 'Classroom Edition' of Ask The Naked Scientists, Dr Chris Smith, Clarence Ford are answering the questions set by pupils at Parow East Primary School... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
12/2/202225 minutes, 53 seconds
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How do animals survive in the deep sea?

Why is nearly everyone right handed? How do genetically modified crops work? Why do some animals bob their head as they walk? How did stem cells restore people's sight? Why are people so hesitant to use CRISPR? How big are Qatar's air conditioners? Why doesn't honey go off? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
11/25/202223 minutes, 8 seconds
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Why do I cry when I trim my nose hairs?

Are we the only animals that do maths? Why are we still driving vehicles with high emissions given our climate concerns? Could volcanoes pose a threat to earth? Are animals susceptible to malaria? What causes bees to get angry? Why are there more dinosaur fossils than those of people? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
11/11/202224 minutes, 7 seconds
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Do I get drunk quicker after Sober October?

Neanderthal genetics and what DNA can tell us about ancient societies, no evidence for telekinesis, whether low blood pressure is a bad thing, the reason why humans cry, human DNA diversity in Africa and beyond. Also, do I get drunk quicker after "Sober October", can a team of cyclists solve the energy crisis, is Earth gaining or losing mass, will nature eventually deal with invasive species, and are electric cars a good thing? Dr Chris and Clarence Ford have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/25/202223 minutes, 19 seconds
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How do planes fly upside down?

How do planes fly upside down? Why do sheep eat so much grass? What is outside of the universe? How does hypnotism work? What does anaesthetic do? Why don't the colour stripes in toothpaste mix? Why don't we keep primates as pets? What is the cold shiver? Dr Chris Smith and Clarence Ford have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/14/202222 minutes, 25 seconds
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Why are bad habits so hard to kick?

Why are bad habits so hard to drop? Are we in a new industrial revolution? Why don't islands have snakes? How do drugs know where to go? Would fireworks work on Mars? Which foods cause inflammation? Why can't we harness power from. The Earth's magnetic field? How does sepsis get into the body? Should you avoid steroids? Do masks affect learning development in children? Dr Chris and Clarence Ford have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/7/202224 minutes, 47 seconds
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Why do birds fly in formation?

Why is Pluto not considered a planet anymore? What is the possibility of there being more than one universe? Why do birds not get electrocuted when they stand on electrical wires? Is the universe finite or infinite? If it is finite, what is it expanding into? What is the actual measurement of a lightyear? How do meteors form? Why do birds fly in formation? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/30/202219 minutes, 18 seconds
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Why Doesn't Super Glue go Hard in the Tube?

What's the difference between mist and fog? Would 1 kilometre on our orbit make the difference between life and death on Earth? How do washing powders get clothes clean? How does sunlight and seawater lighten hair? How deafening was the Big Bang? Will rainwater wash clothes better than tapwater? Why does water issuing from a tap when you first turn it on, look white with tiny bubbles? Why doesn't Super Glue go hard in the tube? Are gravitational waves audible? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/19/202223 minutes, 32 seconds
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Why do some people learn languages so easily?

What is the difference between 93 and 95 octane petrol? Why is the sea salty? What is at the end of the universe? How can we cure epilepsy? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/14/202219 minutes, 50 seconds
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Are diet supplements a scam?

Could we slow down light to see backwards in time? Why does the moon appear not to rotate? Why don't some melting icebergs lead to sea level rise? What are the problems with Newtonian physics? Do acupuncture and fish therapy work? Are supplements a scam? How did our solar system form? Does light therapy work? Lester Kiewit and Dr Chris have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/2/202225 minutes, 52 seconds
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Should we want to stop feeling pain?

Did the Earth just have its shortest day ever? Should we ever stop feeling pain? Why are different areas of hair on our body different colours? Is your car's speedometer correct? Are orcas evil? Why don't woodpeckers get brain damage? How do pigeons navigate? Lester Kiewit and Dr Chris have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/5/202224 minutes, 29 seconds
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Why does time only move forward?

How do we know that white light contains every colour? Why does time only move forward? Why aren't birds electrocuted by power lines? How do aeroplanes manage to stay airbourne? Why can't different species reproduce? How do X-Rays work? Why do antibiotics work against bacteria, but not viruses? Lester Kiewit and Dr Chris have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/29/202221 minutes, 3 seconds
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Can we see the big bang now?

Can the James Webb telescope see the origins of the universe? Does freezing your jeans remove stains and preserve the colour? Why is AM frequency affected by power lines? This and more are the subject of Lester and Chris' weekly science QnA session... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/22/202224 minutes, 56 seconds
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What is time?

What's better to injest after antibiotics treatment, yoghurt or probiotics? What makes milk and snow so white? Why does being exposed to cold water make one breathe so heavily? Is time really a human construct? This and more are the subject of Lester and Chris' weekly science QnA session... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/8/202227 minutes, 48 seconds
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Do we sneeze in our sleep?

Why chainsaw's blunt over time, planet rotation, Star Trek's on the money with scientific accuracy, mathematical conundrums, sneezing in your sleep, the kinetic energy of a sneeze and our perception of flavour. Lester and Dr Chris have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/1/202223 minutes, 17 seconds
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Counting all the stars in the known universe

Consumption of energy in the brain; the role of my adam's apple; seed anatomy; why there are so many planets; body components that suck oxygen from the air; NASA predicts the number of stars in our universe; why do flowers bloom in spring; measuring the milky way; the chemical properties of bromine; pursuing the origns of life; if the moon isn't cheese, what is it made of? Dr Chris Smith joins 567 Cape Talk's Lester Kiewit to talk the answers through... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
6/24/202225 minutes, 18 seconds
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Drinking alcohol as you soak?

Soap on the bathroom mirror with a hot shower running; sedatives acting unusually; coffee reduces tiredness but also provides a lick of energy; does a glass of sherry warm you up on a cold night; how do you contract shingles; asian flush; water density experiment for you to try at home; is the conflict in Ukraine speeding up climate change. Dr Chris Smith joins 567 Cape Talk's Lester Kiewit to talk the answers through... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
6/17/202224 minutes, 40 seconds
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DNA fingerprints after an arm transplant!

The Platinum Jubilee; aerodynamics and physics of tailgating vehicles; why planets and the moon are all in the same orbital plane; how ants lead their nest-mates to a food source; animal extinction; how light can reveal what something is made of; do transplant recipients inherit genetic diseases from their donors; and would someone with an arm transplant leave a different DNA fingerprint with their new hand? Dr Chris Smith joins 567 Cape Talk's Lester Kiewit to talk the answers through... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
6/3/202226 minutes, 26 seconds
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Why do boats have round portholes?

Shortages of cooking oil, risks of being hit by lightning and can lightning travel through your plumbing; why boats have round portholes; what's the memory capacity of a human brain; can we measure happiness; do animals feel happy and sad like we do; what gives farts their unique characteristics, and why do stars twinkle? Lester and Dr Chris have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
5/20/202227 minutes, 47 seconds
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Why doesn't our own snoring wake us up?

Why do some animals sleep standing up? And do fish sleep? Why are elderly voices higher pitched than younger voices? Why does the outside temperature drop just before the sunrise? Why do I feel pain in my ears during a plane takeoff, and why does chewing gum help? Do cats and dogs recognise their siblings? Why is yawning contagious? Do dogs get depressed? And why doesn't our own snoring wake us up? Dr Chris and Abongile Nzelenzele have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
5/2/202224 minutes, 27 seconds
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How are some children geniuses?

Can trees produce more than 1 type of fruit? Why do some flowers only have a scent at night? What makes fruit taste sweet? How does the Google search engine work? How do motorcycle tyres grip the road? How are some children geniuses? What is myasthenia gravis? What's the difference between a sickness, a disease, an illness, an affliction, a malaise and a disorder? How does reverse swing work on a cricket ball? And how do tides work? Dr Chris Smith and Lester Kiewit have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
4/8/202227 minutes, 12 seconds
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Will a cold onion make me cry less?

Why are humans still born with bits we don't need - will evolution do away with them? Did an onion make me cry less because it was cold from the fridge? Do animals get diabetes like humans do? What is the physics of a rainbow? Where does lightning come from? What did cloning Dolly the Sheep mean for me? And is Covid-19 nature redressing the balance? Dr Chris Smith and Relebogile Mabotja have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
4/4/202220 minutes, 33 seconds
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Smoking causes cancer but cures salmon?!

Nominative determinism; can cold showers ward off coughs and flu; what's von Willebrand's Disease; if smoking causes cancer how does it cure salmon; why can some people roll their tongues; what's "Agent Orange"; in television, how does a green screen work; do crocodiles age more slowly than we do; what is Helicobacter pylori? Chris and Lester have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/18/202225 minutes, 34 seconds
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Blessed Algorithms

We have Alexa, we have drones in the sky, killer robots on the battlefield and creepy algorithms designed to anticipate our every need. But do we lose sight of the potential benefits of A.I? Beth Singler and Hope McGovern throw some light on a much discussed subject... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/14/202229 minutes, 56 seconds
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Full tank or better to drive about half full?

Is it better to keep the tank topped up to full, or should I drive around on half empty: what's better for my car and fuel consumption? Why might althletes take an ice bath after exercise? If I go out with wet hair, will I really catch a cold, or is that a myth? Do babies sleep better in a cooler room? What's the difference between an electrical blackout and a brownout? Is the expensive face cream better than the cheaper one? Lester Kiewit and Dr Chris have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/11/202219 minutes, 54 seconds
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If identical twins marry identical twins...

What happens, genetically, when a black and a white human partner have children? And if a pair of genetically identical twins marries another pair of identical twins, are their kids genetically brothers and sisters? Do birds have ears? And if you lose one of your special senses, do other senses strengthen to compensate? What's the reason for human handedness? And does a blood transfusion recipient carry the genes of the blood donor? Dr Chris has the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/1/202218 minutes, 57 seconds
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Are my feet ageing faster than my face?

Why does my kiddie object to wearing shoes? What is spacetime and how does time dilation work? What is entanglement, otherwise known as spooky action at a distance? Are my feet ageing faster than my head? When a person dies, does their energy pass into their offspring? How does hyperloop technology work? Relebogile Mabotja and Dr Chris Smith have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
2/20/202217 minutes, 8 seconds
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Dark side of the moon for the James Webb?

How does the James Webb Space Telescope work, and what will it reveal to us? How do spring and neap tides work, and what determines the times of tides? What causes hot flushes and night sweats? And why park the James Webb Space Telescope out in space - why not on the dark side of the moon? Lester Kiewit and Dr Chris Smith are back in action! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
2/7/202215 minutes, 4 seconds
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What's the best shaped ice cube?

What's the best shaped ice cube, the study suggesting a pan-coronavirus vaccine might be on the cards, why a temperature of 30 degrees C feels hot despite being below human body temperature, what effect have wars had on human population, where has the flu gone to in recent wnters? Join Dr Chris to find out! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
1/14/202223 minutes, 31 seconds
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Why do I think I look different in photos?

Why cockroaches invariably are found dead on their backs; what happens to old and previous Covid-19 variants; why do I see myself differently in photographs compared with when I look in the mirror; how do chickens produce eggs; what powers deep space probes; why do some people snore, especially after a few drinks; and why is yawning contagious? Dr Chris Smith and Lester Kiewit have the solutions! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
12/24/202126 minutes, 53 seconds
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Why does everything taste rotten after Covid?

Why, after a dose of Covid-19, am I left with a new taste sensation resembling rotten onions? Why does bleached hair look blond, not white, and does salt water decolour the hair of surfers? How do I get rid of unwanted facial hair? Why is the hole my dog digs bigger than the dirt or sand that came out of it!? Why do mosquitoes prefer me to my wife? Does lighting a match do away with the smell of poo? Dr Chris and Lester Kiewit have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
12/17/202127 minutes, 16 seconds
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Can memories be artificially implanted?

What boils fastest, a glass or plastic kettle? Do animals adapt to their surroundings? Why do I feel sleepy when I take a trip to the coast? What's an itch? Why can I hear my husband snoring, but not me doing it myself? Can we artificially insert memories into the brain? Why do the colour of the sea vary in different locations? Why is entropy not a force? What is in it for a virus? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
12/4/202127 minutes, 1 second
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Is Google Maps harming my sense of direction?

This week, what's the bottom line on sanitising surfaces against Covid-19? Why, wonders Lester, am I so sluggish for the first few hours of the day? And can you train your chronotype to be a better morning person? Does it make a difference if you sleep on your left or your right? Why is gambling addictive and is addiction a genetic trait? Can pornography be addictive? And will resorting to apps like Google Maps impact my sense of direction? Join Dr Chris Smith and Lester Kiewit for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
11/20/202129 minutes, 3 seconds
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Why doesn't an injured spinal cord re-grow?

The chemistry of fireworks, can I safely eat one year old Christmas cake, why we don't fall out of bed at night, what the Universe is expanding into, the reason we have to remove laptops from bags at airports, why the spinal cord won't spontanteously regenerate, sleep apps, and the science of forgetfulness all go under Lester and Dr Chris's microscope for analysis this week! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
11/11/202125 minutes, 53 seconds
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How long does Covid-19 vaccine immunity last?

This week we join young learners at Christel House school who ask us about the duration of immunity to Covid-19 post-vaccine and post-infection. Also, menstrual synchrony and whether it's fact or fiction, craniofacial abnormalities and the developing baby, the threat humans face from Artificial Intelligence (AI), why we're conscious and why we sleep. Dr Chris Smith and Lester Kiewit have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
11/3/202123 minutes, 4 seconds
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How different are dog and human brains?

What gases are present in lava? What happens when hot magma meets cold water in the sea? How different is an animal's brain to my own? How much of my intelligence is down to genes, and how much is the environment in which I grew up? Do photons weigh anything? Is there a cancer pandemic? And will a spoon in the neck of the bottle keep champagne fizzy? Dr Chris and Lester Kiewit tackle your burning questions... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/25/202127 minutes, 5 seconds
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Are farts infectious?

This week, James Croll and Mulitun Milankovic's contributions to planetary climate cycles; what it takes to knock a planet off-axis; where do clouds falling off Table Mountain go; does a discharged battery weigh less than a charged battery; the cheese reaction and bad dreams; why some foods go through undigested; why are planets round; birds recognising their own flocks; Captain Kirk heads to space; is a bad smell potentially infectious? Lester Kiewit and Dr Chris have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/15/202128 minutes, 19 seconds
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Why are only some batteries rechargeable?

This week, where Vitamin D comes from, if lab-grown protein is vegan-friendly, how mammals evolved to dive deep underwater, how genes can be used to track evolution, how chillies create a burning sensation in the mouth, whether feet change shape as we age, what makes a battery rechargeable, and why tropical seas tend to be blue and clear. Dr Chris Smith and Lester Kiewit have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/4/202127 minutes, 37 seconds
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Why are only some batteries rechargeable?

This week, where Vitamin D comes from, if lab-grown protein is vegan-friendly, how mammals evolved to dive deep underwater, how genes can be used to track evolution, how chillies create a burning sensation in the mouth, whether feet change shape as we age, what makes a battery rechargeable, and why tropical seas tend to be blue and clear. Dr Chris Smith and Lester Kiewit have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/4/202126 minutes, 33 seconds
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What makes a virus like Covid-19 mutate?

What makes a virus mutate? Why does bladder control become so much harder to achieve the closer I get to a toilet? How does sneezing work? How are vaccines quality controlled and assured around the world? What happens to Covid-19 vaccines if the cold-chain is broken? Dr Chris and Africa Melane have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/29/202122 minutes, 56 seconds
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Can science bring back extinct species?

This week it's time to join another local school to answer their burning science questions including can we bring back extinct species from the dead; is the Universe infinite; can we replace cells and tissues in the body; will science solve Alzheimer's Disease; are humans getting taller; how do viruses like Covid-19 evolve and change; why do black holes matter; and, an easy one to finish on: what's consciousness!? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/18/202130 minutes, 34 seconds
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How does a water softener work?

What causes r-rolling difficulties otherwise known as rhotacism? Also, why do we have to stay still in an MRI scanner, why is calcium a metal, what makes water hard and how does a water softener work, what is the impact of a caesarian birth on health and why, what's the reason dementia affects short but not long term memory, and how does gravity work? Join Lester and Dr Chris for the answers to this week's crop of questions... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/11/202127 minutes, 29 seconds
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Why does heat wipe out a magnet?

This week we ask whether we're about to start spoiling other planets with our space forays, if there is antimatter in the human body, what causes cluster headaches, whether microwaving can ripen avocado, what causes long-sight, how atomic clocks operate, the basis of entropy and thermodynamics, why heat wipes out a magnet, and whether cleaning surfaces is a good idea for combating Covid-19... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/3/202127 minutes, 49 seconds
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Can two light rays collide?

Is there such a thing as a true circle? Can two light rays collide with one another? What makes the sky look blue? Have aliens ever visited Earth? Will time travel ever be possible? What's the perfect pH for seed germination? Would a truck full of birds weigh less if all the birds took off? What's at the bottom of a black hole? Why is poo brown despite the fact we all eat different foods? This week the questions for Dr Chris come from the kids at Gaia Waldorf School, and they're very hard! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/28/202126 minutes, 39 seconds
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In computing, how does the cloud work?

Why do I shiver when I wee? How does carbon dating work? What can I not tickle myself - is that similar to why I mind my own farts less than someone else's? Does breath-holding block tickle sensations? How does "the cloud" work in computing? Why are sunsets red, and what is the green flash? Why would a telegraph pole by the road vibrate of its own accord? Dr Chris and Lester have the solutions! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/21/202127 minutes, 35 seconds
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Allergic to just one part of an animal?

Can you be allergic to one part of an animal but not another? What's the point of dreaming? What happened before the Big Bang? What's in wine that causes hangovers, and is this an allergic reaction? Are we seeing into the past when we detect light from far away in space? Why does driving through a long tunnel or across a bridge make me feel giddy? Lester and Dr Chris make your head spin with the answers! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/14/202127 minutes, 51 seconds
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Does digital data weigh anything?

How do African animals withstand extreme cold in the Kalahari? Does the data we're all generating and storing weigh anything? How does relativity relate to the real world? Why do we run Olympic races in the direction we do? Is the ozone hole disappearing now? Were left handers less able to defend themselves back in history? Is a germinating seed making new matter? And will volcanoes eventually empty the Earth of magma? Lester and Chris have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/6/202124 minutes, 37 seconds
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Are we at peak human Olympic performance?

Why do some forms of heater seem to warm a room up faster? What's the different between Alzheimer's Disease and dementia? Are aluminium cooking utensils a risk factor for Alzheimer's? Can magic mushrooms control dementia, or other mood disorders? How do we know what's inside the Earth, and did we collide with another planet during Earth's past? Are microwaves a risk for cancer? Is there a limit to human Olympic performance? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/24/202124 minutes, 14 seconds
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Why does squinting sharpen vision?

In this week's show, recorded before the Euro 2021 final, Dr Chris explains why Inuits survive on polar fare with impunity but Shackleton's crew developed nutritional deficiency when they were stuck in the Antarctic. Also, why laser beams are bad for goalkeepers, if energy drinks are dangerous, why squinting sharpens vision, if there humans with better senses than average, and what is meant by the percentage chance of rain? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/17/202125 minutes, 13 seconds
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Electric eels to power the national grid?

Can electric eels power the national grid? What does 5% alcohol in a beer really mean? Does alcoholic hand cleanser ruin your fingerprints? Why does warm water on cold feet feel scalding hot? Is behaviour genetic - do I inherit my mood from my dad? Join Dr Chris and Azania Mosaka as they unravel the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
6/28/202118 minutes, 34 seconds
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What happened to the Wankel Rotary Engine?

This week, what happened to the Wankel Rotary Engine; why does air become thinner at altitude and thicker at depths; and why do I need to blow my nose vigorously when I first wake up but not at other times of the day? Also, what are the best pollinators, what's the evidence for macro-evolution, why do many great discoveries get discovered at the same time by independent workers, and what happens in the brain during hypnosis. Join Dr Chris and Lester Kiewit for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
6/18/202129 minutes, 30 seconds
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Why don't tennis players get one massive arm?

Which is better, male or female? Why does one nostril sometimes seem to work better than the other? Why do some birds hop but others waddle? What's monosodium glutamate and what does it do to food? Why are other people's farts harder to tolerate? What causes multiple pregnancies? Why do we sometimes feel cold? And why don't professional sportsmen, like tennis players, not end up with one massive dominant arm? Join Dr Chris Smith and Lester Kiewit for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
6/16/202126 minutes, 33 seconds
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How do bees make honey?

Why might it feel colder at daybreak compared with during the night? What's the best gap between doses for Covid-19 vaccines? What causes albinism and can albinos do anything to make their skin darker? What are stretch marks? And how do bees make honey? Join Dr Chris and Azania Mossaka for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
6/7/202120 minutes, 8 seconds
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Can dogs detect Covid-19?

This week how medical detection dogs are sniffing out Covid-19 with 94% success rates, the force powering the expansion of the Universe, how a master key works, whether parallel universes are more fact than fiction, what was Dr Chris's favourite science subject at school, what causes bad dreams, what triggers early labour, and should a Covid-19 recoveree get vaccinated? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
5/28/202119 minutes, 45 seconds
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Why sugared cucumber might taste like melon

This week, expiry dates on vaccines, what is a smell and how does the body's olfactory (smelling) system work? Why does the smell of fruits change during the ripening process? Why might sugar on cucumber taste like melon? Do some people inherit genes that mean some smells are inapparent to them? When clouds disappear, where have they gone? How does a cell phone touchscreen work? And why do car exhausts seem to last longer these days? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
5/21/202123 minutes, 17 seconds
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Why won't water burn?

This week, the Covid-19 crisis in India and why it's happening, we discuss why water, despite being replete with hydrogen and oxygen which burn readily, is incombustible, we talk through the safety profile of the coronavirus vaccines, find out why shaking the remote control can apparently bring dead batteries back to life, and touch on the ageing process. We also bid farewell to Kieno, who is departing for pastures new... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
5/8/202116 minutes, 57 seconds
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Why don't animals have green fur?

This week, why it's more comfortable to look at the Sun on the horizon compared with when it's directly overhead, why dogs pee on upright objects, where mosquitoes go in winter, is it normal to have one foot bigger than the other, and what's the best way to breed tall children? Ray White and Chris Smith take on your science questions... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
4/30/202121 minutes, 49 seconds
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Low platelets, but blood clots. Why?

If the AZ vaccine causes blood clots, why do affected individuals have low platelets, which should make clotting less likely? Also, when the Earth wobbles on its axis, does the Moon's orbit also change? How many genes of mine will my offspring carry? Could we dump nuclear waste in space? Why do disinfectants claim to kill 99.9% of bugs? Where do they get that number from?! Dr Chris Smith and Azania Mosaka have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
4/19/202119 minutes, 41 seconds
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Why halt the Johnson and Johnson Vaccine?

Chris Smith and Kieno Kammies discuss the latest on blood clots and Covid-19 vaccines, including the US and South Africa decisions to halt use of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. Also, are the vaccines a risk for people with aneurysms, what causes recurrent nosebleeds, can we mix flu and coronavirus vaccines, why the heart is so tied up with emotions, and does not having sex harm your health? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
4/16/202128 minutes, 19 seconds
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Flu and Covid-19 vaccines together?

Should I get vaccinated despite previous Covid-19 infection? Can I get a combined flu and Covid-19 shot? Why can't my pharmacist give me a Covid jab in South Africa? Is a Covid-19 vaccine safe for someone with a history of Guillain-Barre syndrome? Can you find out what Covid-19 variant has infected you? Did they really find Jack the Ripper? And why do dogs and cats turn around in circles when they first get into bed? Join Dr Chris Smith and Kieno Kammies for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
4/14/202126 minutes, 50 seconds
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Why do masks stop Covid-19 but not smells?

The people that don't believe Covid-19 is real, how ants smell out sources of food, how soda water makes you burp, a way to banish ants, what would you change about the human body, why masks stop Covid-19 but not smells, and how long is the recovery time from bone fusion surgery? Join Dr Chris Smith and 567 Cape Talk's Kieno Kammies for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/26/202122 minutes, 32 seconds
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If I've had Covid-19, do I need a vaccine?

Why are the EU posturing around AstraZeneca's Covid-19 vaccine, and what will be the consequences? And if you've already caught coronavirus, should you still get vaccinated if you are already immune? What is ataxia and how can it be treated? What causes rigor mortis and how long does it last? In Covid-19 genetic vaccines, how long does the foreign genetic material persist in the body? Plus why conspiracy theories and misinformation proliferated online are so toxic. Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/22/202122 minutes, 14 seconds
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Do catwalk models have more neck bones?

Why is the Moon moving away from the Earth, and what would have been the consequence of it being closer to us millions of years ago? Also, why does Covid-19 anosmia stop me smelling Vick's Vapour rub but I can still feel its effects? Do models have more neck bones to account for their longer necks? Why do some people float but others sink in the swimming pool? And how does lightning work: does it travel upwards, downwards, or neither? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/12/202124 minutes, 10 seconds
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Will not having sex harm my health?

Why do we fall asleep when we don't want to? Will going without sex harm your health? Why do aircraft resort to black boxes when they could send data to satellites? Why don't brakes overheat and lock on? Can you create a 1 degree angle? And why does Earth look flat for people on the surface when we all know it's not really flat? Join Dr Chris Smith and Talk Radio 702's Azania Mosaka for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/8/202125 minutes, 23 seconds
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Why haven't we evolved not to age?

Good news on the Covid-19 vaccine front from the UK, why South Africa isn't using AstraZeneca's vaccine, is the Universe under threat from "strangelets", why has evolution not solved the ageing problem, why ice sticks to an empty glass, the PCR test for Covid-19, and how to stop cats killing wildlife... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
2/27/202126 minutes, 36 seconds
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Why does Covid come in waves?

Will loud music deafen my dog? Why are some dog breeds more docile than others? Why do Covid-19 outbreaks follow cycles of boom and bust? What gives a person their "second wind"? Why do ants invade my kettle and other electronic devices ? Is ant invasion in you home a sign that the place is dirty? Why have I got vibration sensations in my foot? Join Dr Chris Smith and 567 Cape Talk's Saskia Falken to find out... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
2/15/202119 minutes, 29 seconds
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Can teeth fillings tune in to radio waves?

This week we talk vaccines for Covid-19, especially the Novavax trial results, and hear why it might be possible to tune into radio waves with your teeth. We also discuss Covid and cytokine storms, bubbles in the Milky Way, where the sharks go during a tsunami and how radioactivity is used to power spacecraft... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
2/5/202123 minutes, 44 seconds
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Are the Covid-19 vaccines safe?

This week, Dr Chris and Kieno Kammies talk Covid-19 vaccinations, explore whether ivermectin might be a helpful coronavirus drug, explain how maggots get into wounds, unpick what's in the Covid-19 vaccine, and talk nanoparticles... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
1/26/202122 minutes, 24 seconds
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Am I a snake: my yawns spray saliva!

This week, journey times to Mars, how stars come by the matter inside them, why some people feel compelled to eat paper, how coronavirus antibody levels correlate with Covid-19 severity, whether water really goes down the drain in different directions on opposite sides of the Earth, and why a yawn produces a spray of saliva. Join Dr Chris Smith and Azania Mosaka for the answers. Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
1/22/202121 minutes, 16 seconds
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Can you swallow upside down?

This week, Aza catches coronavirus, Covid-19 vaccines, viral variants and where are the mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 genome, can you still swallow when you're upside down, how was Einstein proved right, and what causes cramp? Dr Chris Smith has the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
1/18/202120 minutes, 36 seconds
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Why do you float on the Dead Sea?

How do energy drinks give you a buzz? Why do planets orbit on a plane? Should we test for Covid-19 infection before we vaccinate? Do energy drinks cause diabetes? Why do you float on the Dead Sea? How does the Plimsoll Line on a boat work? When does Covid infectivity cease after death? What's your first and last organ to die? How do planets orbit? And what's the best way to get rid of rat poison? Join Dr Chris Smith for all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
1/11/202127 minutes, 15 seconds
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Why car indicators flash at different rates

How do point of care tests for Covid-19 work? Are they any good? How infectious are people asymptomatically infected with Covid-19? Why do different car indicators flash at different rates? How do accents work and where do they come from? How many Earths could fit inside Jupiter, and what is the "giant red spot"? Does wearing a facemask have any negative health impacts? Do hailstorms only happen in the daytime? Join Dr Chris Smith and Tshego Modisane for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
12/18/202016 minutes, 19 seconds
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Why is it dark in space?

An update on the Pfizer vaccine for Covid-19, the lotto likelihood of sequential winning numbers, why swallows congregate around motorway bridges, the logistics of keeping the Covid-19 vaccine cold, and why is it dark in space? Also, why is there a Covid-19 vaccine in 10 months but no HIV vaccine after 4 decades, would we still have tides without the Moon, and why is the Moon white since the sky is blue? Join Dr Chris and 567 CapeTalk's Kieno Kammies for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
12/8/202024 minutes, 9 seconds
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Why shave sheep in winter?

Why shear a sheep in winter when it's cold? And can animals count? Why do geese and turkeys chase people? Also, how does coronavirus infection alter our sense of smell and taste? How do artificial sweeteners work? And when it comes to survival of the fittest, what constitutes "the fittest"? What brings asteroids onto a collision course with the Earth? Dr Chris joins Kieno Kammies to answer this week's crop of farmyard-inspired - and other - questions... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
12/4/202024 minutes, 12 seconds
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Can we taste through our fingers?

Why did touching something make me taste metal? Also, what's the best liver detox, why does listening to loud music stop a stammer, does music help attention deficit disorder and is sunrise to the south even in the southern hemisphere. We also wonder whether perpetual motion is possible, why the sun can make some people sneeze, why ice cubes sometimes crumble, and how some fruits encourage others to ripen. Join Dr Chris Smith and Kieno Kammies for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
11/27/202021 minutes, 12 seconds
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Why does my Coke froth up when I add ice?

Why does my Coke froth up when I add ice? How is an oesophageal stricture treated? Does immunity to other coronaviruses confer immunity to Covid-19? Can cats smell things that are poisonous? Why do athletes place their hands on their hips after exercise? And how do fingers help with heat control. Join Dr Chris Smith and Talk Radio 702 Azania Mossaka for all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
11/17/202016 minutes, 14 seconds
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Why fidgeters are less fat

This week, why teenagers can feel moody, what causes restless leg syndrome, fidgeting and obesity, Covid-19 genetic risk factors, whether potatoes can prevent night cramps and arthritis, and the effects of Epsom salts. Join Dr Chris Smith and 567 CapeTalk's Kieno Kammies for this week's crop of questions and answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
11/6/202021 minutes, 39 seconds
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Do named painkiller brands work better?

What's the best way to avoid mosquito bites, and a suggestion that tomatoes ward the insects off. Also, why cookers heat some parts of pans better than others, the mind-over-bladder effect when you really need to go, why generic drugs are no different to named brands, why oil makes a rainbow effect on water, if a previously transplanted kidney could be re-used elsewhere, and the toxicity of ozone. Join Dr Chris Smith and 567 CapeTalk's Koketso Sachane for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
11/4/202022 minutes, 13 seconds
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Why only use big dogs as sniffer dogs?

Vitamin D for coronavirus? Narcissism and the brain. Why use big dogs as sniffer dogs? Understanding conversations in noisy places, and why that gets harder as we age. Why does my hand itch before I receive money? Is the new coronavirus linked to type I diabetes in children? And attaching significance to coincidence! Join Dr Chris on 567 CapeTalk for all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/30/202024 minutes, 46 seconds
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Would a fat person last longer in a famine?

Can omnivores switch their diets to survive on whatever is available? Would a fat person last longer in a famine? How does serology help in the management of Covid-19? Could we use GM technology to develop a healthy form of tobacco? How and why do chameleons change colour? Why does ice stick to your skin? Why does a shop-bought chicken have tender meat and softer bones? Join Dr Chris Smith and Talk Radio 702's Azania Mossaka for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/26/202020 minutes, 8 seconds
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What would a brain transplant feel like?

The virtual reality system for visualising molecules, where Covid-19 came from, what would a brain transplanted individual experience, where did all the dust go when Beirut blew up recently, and why is smoking addictive? Join Dr Chris Smith and Talk Radio 702's Azania Mossaka as they delve into the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/19/202021 minutes, 29 seconds
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How does all that web fit inside a spider?

How a tiny spider can spin so much silk, how the moon's cycle affects human behaviour, the effect of body weight on bone mass, the reason people have consciences, and the way to become a scientist all get discussed this week. Join Dr Chris Smith and Kieno Kammies for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/17/202018 minutes, 15 seconds
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How does body weight affect the skeleton?

Hyenas everywhere in the Kruger, but why so many? How does the human skeleton respond to changing body weight? Why remove and dump a whale carcass when it would rot down naturally? How long does the Covid-19 coronavirus remain viable in the body? Why is the sky blue? And is there a probiotic answer to body odour? Join Dr Chris Smith and Talk Radio 702's Azania Mosaka to find out the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/12/202020 minutes, 3 seconds
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Donald Trump diagnosed with Covid

Donald Trump diagnosed with Covid-19, SNP MP Margaret Ferrier takes two trains despite coronavirus infection, and the answers to why toddlers have potbellies? Can free-divers get the bends? How does sunscreen work? What's actually inside a black hole? And why do we itch, and what's the point? Join Dr Chris Smith and Kieno Kammies from 567 CapeTalk as they shoot the scientific breeze... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/2/202025 minutes, 16 seconds
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Toilet bleach: what's best, thick or thin?

Would a baby exposed to 5 languages from birth learn all of them? Toilet bleach: what's best, thick or thin? Are new varieties of fruits equally good for you? What's the proof for absolute zero? How are radio and TV audiences measured? What causes high pitched sounds in the ear that appear to come from nowhere? Join Chris Smith and Kieno Kammies for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/25/202022 minutes, 51 seconds
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How does alcohol in hand sanitiser work?

How do different tasks recruit different parts of the brain? What's the story of potential life on Venus? How long to boil the perfect egg? What's homocysteine and how much is a safe level in the blood? How does alcohol in hand sanitiser work? What's the most intelligent animal? Are smartphones changing our brains? And does same sex attraction occur in wild animals as well as humans? Join Dr Chris Smith and Kieno Kammies for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/20/202021 minutes, 31 seconds
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Covid-19: Has the world over-reacted?

What causes new infections, like Covid-19, to emerge in the first place? Why does the same temperature seem to feel colder in the day than it does at night? Why have we locked down the world for Covid-19 when it seems less serious than we first thought? We also talk about the symptoms of long-Covid, and explain how the heart formed back in evolutionary history, with Dr Chris Smith and 567 CapeTalk's Kieno Kammies... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/13/202023 minutes, 50 seconds
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Would sea level rise if we all went swimming?

Why does sugar get onion smells off my skin? Are aluminium cooking pots harmful to health? Why don't hail stones make holes in leaves? What causes heart palpitations? If we all went swimming at the same time, by how much would the sea level rise? Why are covid swabs so long? How are fibre optic data transmission rates so high? Why can I hear my own heart in my ears? Join Dr Chris Smith and 567 CapeTalks Koketso Sachane to find out... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/7/202025 minutes, 8 seconds
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Asymptomatic Covid-19, and where space starts

At what temperature does the new coronavirus survive the best? Is there a tension between science and religion? Are food additives harmful? Why is covid aysymptomatic in some people, and when are we infectious? Where does the Earth stop and space begin, and do we switch off our sensation when we go to sleep? Dr Chris and Talk Radio 702's Azania Mosaka have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
9/4/202016 minutes, 45 seconds
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How animals eat venomous snakes and not die

Join Dr Chris and 567 CapeTalk's Kieno Kammies to hear why certain sounds make us shudder, whether you should sunbathe in winter, why Donald Trump is orange, what makes a crescent moon, why animals can eat venomous snakes and not be poisoned, the evidence that we really went to the moon, how is electricity made, and what is the best way to manage insomnia? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/31/202024 minutes, 10 seconds
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Why do I look upside down in a spoon?

This week climate records and snow in Australia. We also explain why reflections in a spoon are upside down? Would an astronaut adrift in space be fried, frozen, or both? How did the guy who invented a clock know the time? What links the ABCC11 gene and earwax? Why do only certain species look after their young? Is a vegan diet healthy for a growing child? And what are the bright silver sparkles when looking at a bright blue sky? Join Dr Chris Smith and Talk Radio 702's Azania Mosaka... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/24/202020 minutes, 17 seconds
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Will living next to a 5G mast harm my health?

How do induction loops in the road control traffic lights? Are there any health threats from 5G masts? Why do we yawn and why are yawns infectious? What guided ancient civilisations when they built landmark structures? What is tinnitus and can we treat it? Do birds fly in the rain? And what causes tennis elbow and how do I treat it? Join Dr Chris Smith on 567 CapeTalk for the answers! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/21/202027 minutes, 32 seconds
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What causes a dead leg?

What's happening when your arm or leg goes to sleep? What is the odds that ET exists elsewhere in the Universe? Is there a "right" way to sleep? What makes eyelids twitch? What is the D614G strain of Covid-19, and is it a threat? Why do children sleepwalk? Is space mining a realistic prospect? And why might a man's resting pulse rate be lower than a woman's? Dr Chris Smith joins Azania Mosaka to answer your questions on Talk Radio 702... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/17/202021 minutes, 50 seconds
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How bacteria and viruses turn drug resistant

Why we love music, the reason that standing on one leg becomes a challenge with age, how bacteria and viruses become drug resistant, how plants swap chemicals underground, how old is ancient starlight, and why does Venus appear to rise so rapidly on the horizon? Join Dr Chris Smith on 567 CapeTalk to find out... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/14/202022 minutes, 27 seconds
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Why does my barbecue smoke follow me around?

The science of explosions, including what happens when brake fluid and hypochlorite mix, and what blew up in Beirut, why lemons make you grimace, the reason that the smoke from the barbecue mysteriously seems to know where you are standing, what determines your IQ, how a fruit battery works, why we forget dreams, and how genetics controls height. Join Dr Chris Smith and 567 CapeTalk's Kieno Kammies for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/7/202020 minutes, 50 seconds
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Can birds carry Covid-19?

How supermarkets ripen fruits and vegetables, how people knew space existed before they went there, whether Covid-19 can infect birds, the advent of space tourism, why flight paths are sometimes curved rather than straight, what causes goose bumps, and are aeroplanes Covid-safe? Join Talk Radio 702's Azania Mosaka and Dr Chris Smith for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
8/2/202022 minutes, 37 seconds
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Can I catch Covid19 from a library book?

Evidence for Russian Covid-19 vaccine espionage, whether minicabs spread coronavirus infection, whether Covid-19 can cling to a library book, how to spot a male ant, can birds carry Covid-19, why vaccines take so long to make, and what causes my heart to suddenly begin to race? Join Dr Chris Smith and 567 CapeTalk's Kieno Kammies to find out... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/27/202019 minutes, 21 seconds
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This week what is special about the word pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, and, more importantly, what does it mean? Also, how do viruses and bacteria differ, does growing an Afro make you thin, how does body temperature vary across the day, does clipping hair and nails make them grow faster, and how do hair loss remedies work? Dr Chris Smith and Talk Radio 702's Refilwe Moloto have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/19/202022 minutes, 29 seconds
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Is time travel possible?

This week, how blood transfusions from individuals who exercise could take decades off the brain ages of recipients, the toenails that refuse to grow, what causes giddiness, do we need to Earth ourselves to tackle unhealthy charge imbalances, and can air purifiers use UV to remove infectious diseases? Join 567 CapeTalk's Kieno Kammies and Dr Chris Smith for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/12/202021 minutes, 38 seconds
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Why is it easier to park a car in reverse?

This week, the intriguing question of how visible light, but not microwaves, can escape through the grille of a microwave oven, how far Earth and Mars are apart, the speed of a falling meteor, why parking a car in reverse is easier, the reason that oil and water won't mix, and the prospects of alien life. Join Dr Chris Smith and Talk Radio 702's Azania Mosaka for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/8/202019 minutes, 44 seconds
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How fast does a decapitated head stop seeing?

What causes phantom limb pain? How does the bladder control when it fills and empties? What the F are food E numbers? Where does medical oxygen come from and will we run out? How fast does the brain switch off after decapitation? Why don't bats suffer a rush of blood to the head when they sleep upside down? And what causes catatonia? Join Dr Chris Smith and 567 CapeTalk's Kieno Kammies for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/3/202021 minutes, 12 seconds
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How long am I infectious with COVID19?

This week, if something could move faster than light, how would we detect its speed? Also, why do we cry, and why do the experiences of others make my feet tingle? How far from Earth is Mars, why has smoking been banned in South Africa during Covid lockdown, why are wind turbines not placed single-file, how long am I infectious with Covid-19, and can you smell in space? Join Azania Mosaka and Dr Chris Smith for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
7/1/202020 minutes, 55 seconds
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Does a mirror multiply light?

The UK eases the lockdown... a little bit, what makes our eyes move together, what makes Earth so special when it comes to supporting life, how long does a journey to Mars take, why can't I take my chemotherapy by mouth, does a mirror multiply light, and is climate change down to us, or natural temperature cycles? Join Dr Chris and Talk Radio 702's Azania Mosaka for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
6/24/202021 minutes, 7 seconds
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Why don't birds get cold feet?

This week how birds keep warm in winter, how long to recover from ventilation for Covid-19, when do doctors need to ventilate a patient, seeing your own brain by MRI, why sunlight is warmer in summer, and can infrared light kill Covid? Join Dr Chris Smith and 567 CapeTalk's Kieno Kammies for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
6/12/202018 minutes, 10 seconds
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101 ways to sterilise a facemask

How to sterilise a facemask: will zapping it in a microwave oven, or steaming it over a kettle work? What's the deal with UVC to kill coronaviruses? Are books returned to libraries an infection risk? And what about deliveries of flowers? Can garlic fend off infection? Why do fridges jolt on? And is a plane journey a risk factor for infection? Join Dr Chris Smith and Kieno Kammies for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
6/6/202024 minutes, 14 seconds
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Where does methanol come from in home brew?

This week where methanol comes from in home brewing, 5G and the coronavirus conspiracies, why cut flowers still need water, rice behaving bizarrely in the microwave, whether wind blows away infections, exploding jugs of custard, safe alcohol consumption, why light has the speed it does, and why weather stops a space launch. Join Chris Smith and Lester Kiewit for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
6/1/202021 minutes, 9 seconds
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Are my muscles more efficient than a car?

Engine efficiency, what happens when the Earth's magnetic field flips, what is a solar minimum, why are some people shorter than others and what causes dwarfism, and how can I tell planets from stars? Join 702's Azania Mosaka and Dr Chris Smith for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
5/25/202018 minutes, 57 seconds
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What are the thin bones in chicken wings for?

Antibody tests for Covid-19, do mild Covid cases produce as many antibodies as more severe infections, what is covid viral load, where did the water on Earth come from, how do diuretics work, why does cooked fruit taste more sour, how are memories laid down, what are the thin bones in a chicken leg, and do carrots really help us see in the dark? Dr Chris Smith and 567 CapeTalk's Pippa Hudson have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
5/15/202025 minutes, 58 seconds
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Can blood group affect Covid-19 risk?

This week, Rasmussen's encephalitis and brain surgery, are packages safe from coronavirus contamination, do blood groups affect Covid-19 risk, why does the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus appear to spread better in some places than others, what is heart ejection fraction, and how do I disinfect my groceries? Join Dr Chris Smith and Kieno Kammies from 567 Cape Talk, for all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
5/8/202020 minutes, 22 seconds
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Can a common cold confuse a coronavirus test?

Sending children back to school, the role of different facemasks in controlling coronavirus spread, whether common colds are confusing coronavirus tests, is everyone dreaming more at the moment or it is just me, how do we prevent coronavirus spread at the office, and what's the best way to keep viruses away from your face? Dr Chris Smith and CapeTalk's Kieno Kammies have the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
5/1/202016 minutes, 34 seconds
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UV light therapy for coronavirus? No Mr Trump

When it comes to coronavirus and the lockdown, are we at risk of a treatment worse than the disease? Also is UV the new therapy for Covid-19, as Mr. Trump proposes, or is he mistaken? Why could SARS-CoV-2 not have originated in lab? How should we dispose safely of used personal protective equipment (PPE), and why, if older people have weaker immune systems, are older people more vulnerable to Covid-19? Join Dr Chris Smith and 567 CapeTalk's Kieno Kammies for all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
4/24/202014 minutes, 26 seconds
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Will lockdown lead to a fitter coronavirus?

This week, are we breeding a fitter coronavirus? Lockdown measures suppress spread, but do they select for a virus with superior spreading power? Also, what are the half-moon shapes in finger and toenails? Do facemasks protect wearers, or third parties from viral infections? And how should I clean my shopping to keep coronavirus out of my home? Join Dr Chris Smith and 567 CapeTalk's Kieno Kammies for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
4/19/202012 minutes, 54 seconds
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Can coronavirus be carried in semen?

This week, coronavirus infection in big cats, how new diseases emerge in the first place, whether face masks work against coronavirus, can Covid-19 spread through the air, can you catch Covid from urine, and is previous TB a risk factor for severe coronavirus disease? Also, will wearing a face mask protect other people from you, is 5G a risk for Covid-19, and can coronaviruses be carried in semen? Join Dr Chris and Azania as they Ask the Naked Scientist... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
4/10/202022 minutes, 9 seconds
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What does Earth look like inside?

This week, how did birds dodge the dinosaur apocalypse? Why does my rug climb the wall? How can we make a country richer? What does Earth look like inside? Is Covid-19 a conspiracy? Where did viruses come from in the first place? And will lockdown produce a baby boom? Join Dr Chris and Kieno Kammies for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
4/4/202019 minutes, 41 seconds
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Is Covid-19 a problem in pregnancy?

What is Covid-19? Are masks worth wearing to protect against coronavirus infection? How does flu compare with coronavirus infection? Do gloves help prevent Covid infection? Are viruses alive? Will ozone kill coronaviruses on my shopping? How does menthol clear nasal passages? And what happens if you catch coronavirus while pregnant? Join Dr Chris Smith and Talk Radio 702's Gushwell Brooks to find out! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/31/202022 minutes
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If I've had COVID-19, am I immune?

Why are people stockpiling? Why does no one remind people not to smoke? Why are some songs music to my ears but a cacophony for others? What determines the rate of radioactive decay? Is COVID-19 an experiment in biowarfare? Can hair carry coronaviruses? Can chloroquine combat coronavirus infection? Once I've recovered from coronavirus infection, am I immune? And will Dettol deactivate coronaviruses? Chris Smith and Jeremy van Wyk answer your science questions... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/20/202018 minutes, 5 seconds
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Cancel matches to combat coronavirus?

Coronavirus conundrum: how best to block to the spread of the virus. Also, we discuss insect and spider bites, why plastic is such a problem for the oceans, the Mpemba effect - why hot water might freeze faster than cold water - and whether vitamins and supplements can boost your immune system... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
3/13/202022 minutes, 50 seconds
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What else do mosquitoes eat?

Do blood groups affect mosquito preference for who they bite? What else do mosquitoes eat when they are not drinking blood? What is anger? How do blood groups work? Why do things like smoke and dirt seem to preferentially aim for our eyes? Is wildlife thriving around Chernobyl? And how far aloft is the sky blue? Join Kieno Kammies and Dr Chris Smith for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
2/21/202017 minutes, 57 seconds
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What's gut instinct?

This week, we answer Paul's question about the size of a diamond you could make with the carbon in a piece of coal, we discuss where butterflies in your stomach come from, discuss the basis of gut instinct, and ask how much magnesium you need and how the body absorbs it. Join 567 CapeTalk's Kieno Kammies and Dr Chris Smith to find out... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
2/14/202015 minutes, 37 seconds
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Did the new coronavirus come from pangolins?

Data on the Chinese emerging coronavirus and did it come from pangolins? Why does glassware look more shiny when wet? How does the body fight off viral infections? And what happens when you freeze breast milk? Talk Radio 702's Azania Mosaka and Dr Chris team up to Ask the Scientist! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
2/10/202014 minutes, 25 seconds
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How long do viruses linger in the air?

What's the latest on the coronavirus situation? Do facemasks protect against viruses? Can we use nuclear bombs to combat climate change? Are artificial diamonds valuable? How long do viruses persist in the environment? What is WiFi sensitivity? Why does the Sun resemble popcorn in photographs? And why can I hear my sonic pest repeller? Dr Chris and 567 Cape Talk's Lester Kiewit for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
2/7/202022 minutes, 47 seconds
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How many megapixels is my eye?

This week, what's the resolution of the human eye? Would nanobots be attacked by our immune systems? How small would a squash ball lump of coal be if you squished it into a diamond? Why do propellers look like they change speed, or even go backwards? And why do men's hairlines recede? Plus in the news, what's happening with this new coronavirus in China? Dr Chris chats with Kieno Kammies... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
1/24/202016 minutes, 22 seconds
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Only one of my bottles of water froze

This week, why only one bottle of water froze while others remained liquid; do hot drinks cool you down? What's phlegm and is it safe to swallow? Is human body temperature changing? How did the NASA student intern discover an exoplanet? Are fizzy drinks safe for diverticular disease? And what's the ideal healthy diet for a human? Join Dr Chris and Kieno Kammies to find out... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
1/17/202024 minutes, 4 seconds
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Can bacteria eat plastic?

This week, will a walk benefit my waistline; can bacteria eat plastic? Is it just humans that get prostate cancer? What limits the length of body hair? What's the physics of making a cricket ball swing? Can you combat male pattern baldness? And do sleep requirements change with age? Join Dr Chris and Kieno Kammies to Ask! The Naked Scientist and find out... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
1/10/202024 minutes, 2 seconds
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What causes floaters in your eyes?

Welcome to 2020! And in our first show out of the gate this decade, we explore the science of excessive sweating; how you can get an egg within an egg; why dirty and clean water don't instantly mix; why people in the opposite hemisphere aren't upside down, what are eye floaters, and why does pressing on my eyes make me see bright lights? Join Dr Chris and 567 CapeTalk's Kieno Kammies to find out... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
1/3/202024 minutes, 37 seconds
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Where do road corrugations come from?

How might a sore throat be linked to a hear problem? Are elevated toilet cisterns better at flushing the toilet? What's your take on aliens and the paranormal? What are diabetes and coeliac disease? Why does my husband yawn so much? And where do road corrugations come from? Join Dr Chris and CapeTalk 567's Melanie Rice to find out! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
12/20/201918 minutes
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Virus vs bacterium: what's worse?

What's an exponential dilemma? Why do copper bangles make your wrist go green? What causes hot flushes associated with menopause? Which is worse, viruses or bacteria? Why put power points at floor level? Can ketamine be used to treat mental illness? And why don't the bubbles from cracked joints cause an air embolism? Join Dr Chris and Kieno Kammies for the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
12/13/201916 minutes, 59 seconds
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Is mercury in vaccines safe?

Why are preservatives, including mercury compounds like thiomersal, added to vaccines? What is "invert sugar" and is it better for my teeth? How does is "aquamation" - the alkaline hydrolysis equivalent of a cremation - work? Is crude oil the same stuff everywhere, or does the composition vary? Can you clean your teeth with bicarbonate of soda? Why do knuckles crack? And what actually is "acidity". Join Dr Chris and Kieno Kammies for all the answers... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
12/9/201917 minutes, 59 seconds
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How do hard water and soft water differ?

How does water-based water-repellent paint work? Did a burger on top of my normally vegetarian diet cause my belly ache? Why has no one invented a silent vacuum cleaner? And if an egg yolk ruptures, does that mean the egg is bad? Also, why the obsession with electric cars: surely hydrogen is the future? How do hard and soft water differ? And can blue-eyed parents have a brown-eyed baby? Join Dr Chris and Kieno Kammies for the answers on this week's Ask! The Naked Scientists... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
11/29/201915 minutes, 20 seconds
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Does Prince Andrew not sweat in nightclubs?

Do flu jabs really work? What's a TB gland? Can Prince Andrew really not sweat? Why does pinching your nose halt a sneeze? How old is the Earth and how do we know? If dogs have such a keen sense of smell, why get so close to a turd to sniff it? Why does tiredness cause bags under the eyes? And what's the best time of day to clean teeth, morning or night? Want to know the answer, join Dr Chris Smith and Kieno Kammies to find out... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
11/22/201921 minutes, 39 seconds
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Does swimming after lunch really cause cramp?

This week we're exploring why swimming on a full stomach might cause a cramp, whether it's really true that joints ache more when the weather's cold, and why does tapping the top of a beer bottle make the drink explode? Plus, why do aeroplanes fly high if there's less oxygen for the engines and less air for lift? And why does a child's hair often darken as they age? Join Dr Chris and Kieno Kammies for this week's Ask the Naked Scientist, to find out! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
11/15/201918 minutes, 16 seconds
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Are bananas sterile inside?

What are the medical risks and benefits of silver? Is what I call a smell the same experience for you? And why do some things smell appealing, but not others? Does engine oil have a best-before date? And why do metal insulin needles have a use-by date? What makes body odours attractive? Is the inside of a banana sterile? And how do scientists find the medical properties of plants? Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
11/8/201924 minutes, 20 seconds
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Where would a bullet fired in space end up?

Does holding a car remote to your head really improve its range? What would happen to a bullet fired off the International Space Station? How did a marble make a hole smaller than itself in my window? Are mobile phone towers safe? Why does egg white go white when whipped? Why is colour blindness more common in men? And is toast bad for you? Join Dr Chris and Kieno Kammies for the answers to these and other cool science questions... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
11/1/201925 minutes, 32 seconds
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Will salt make my pasta cook quicker?

Why is salt needed in an old-fashioned ice-cream maker? Are gravity and electromagnetism the same, and could we build a big enough electromagnet to repel the Moon? Are some stars no longer where we see them? Does salt make water boil hotter and hence will my pasta cook quicker? Why do distant lights twinkle? How does an air conditioner work? Why do my ear-buds make me cough when I insert them? What causes my microwave oven to interfere with my WiFi and Bluetooth? Is it possible to re-magnetise the magnet on the bathroom cabinet? Can we use light to propel a spacecraft? And why do we find our... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/25/201921 minutes, 31 seconds
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What actually is a shooting star?

Is it ethical to grow a brain organoid in a dish? What's a shooting star? Do food preservatives build up in the body? What is cancer and why is it so tricky to treat? Why doe staring at a mobile phone screen cause car sickness on a long journey? Join Dr Chris and 702's Azania Mosaka and Ask! The Naked Scientists to find out... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/22/201918 minutes, 42 seconds
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Can you suffocate under a duvet?

Why does alcohol affect different people differently? What's the difference between white and brown sugar, and is the brown form healthier? Can you suffocate under a blanket? Why have only 28 days in February? Why do wind turbines have long thin blades but room fans use shorter wide blades? Does diluting alcoholic drinks affect how drunk you become? Why is some metal okay in the microwave but other metallic objects make sparks? Join Dr Chris and 567 Cape Talk's Kieno Kammies for this week's crop of questions. As they say - don't know the answer? Ask the Naked Scientists! Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/18/201919 minutes, 1 second
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How does the brain work?

What will phenomics do for medicine? Is the limbic system in conflict with the brain's pre-frontal cortex? How does the brain actually work? And what is consciousness? Join Dr Chris and Talk Radio 702's Azana Mosaka to "Ask! The Naked Scientists" and answer your science questions... Like this podcast? Please help us by supporting the Naked Scientists
10/4/201917 minutes, 57 seconds