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"A Moment of Truth" - The radio program of Pastor David Bass of New Geneva Orthodox Presbyterian Church Cover
"A Moment of Truth" - The radio program of Pastor David Bass of New Geneva Orthodox Presbyterian Church Profile

"A Moment of Truth" - The radio program of Pastor David Bass of New Geneva Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Anglais, Christianity, 1 saison, 117 épisodes, 2 jours, 4 heures, 29 minutes
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The Consequence of Illegal Immigration: Bordering on Extinction, part 3.

The forces at work flooding our border with slaves, drugs, and soldiers are not altruistic do gooders but enemies of the American people bent on destroying us. They include China, international corporations, cartels, and especially your own federal government.
10/03/202426 minutes, 55 secondes
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The Consequence of Illegal Immigration: Bordering on Extinction, part 2.

There are 3 factors which make this crisis evil and dangerous: 1. We're trading citizens for slaves 2. Common sense Americans for drugs and thugs 3. Hometown heroes for foreign sleeper cells. We are, as a nation, bordering on extinction.
25/02/202426 minutes, 55 secondes
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The Consequence of Illegal Immigration: Bordering on Extinction.

No nation can exist without clearly defined, zealously defended borders. God has wisely ordained a multiplicity of tongues, peoples, and nations to call to himself one "holy nation," his Church. Until then there must be many nations - with strong borders.
11/02/202426 minutes, 55 secondes
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The Chief Issue of This Election Year: Your Franchise of Freedom, Your Vote.

It matters not a whit who the candidate may be; even if George Washington was on the ballot, all would be fruitless if the ballot was rigged for Joe Biden. The integrity of your vote is threatened like never before.
28/01/202426 minutes, 55 secondes
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Has the Population Time Bomb Fizzled?

Ever since recorded history, men have been saying there’s too many people. It’s no different today. But the fear and hysteria over population and climate change isn’t working with most people and runs counter to the promises of God for us and Creation.
14/01/202426 minutes, 55 secondes
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What Does It Mean When a Nation is Ruled By a Dog King?

Throughout history, when a ruler wishes to show his contempt and hatred for the people over whom he rules, he puts a humiliating creature as a figurehead while he rules in reality. A dog king was an early example of this and endures today in America.
31/12/202326 minutes, 56 secondes
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How Does Postmillennialism Compare and Contrast with End Times Prophecy Being Taught in Our Churches Today?

Pastor Bass covers 3 points that clearly compare and contrast the differences between the two views - with implications for how we live our lives for God.
03/12/202326 minutes, 56 secondes
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How Should We Interpret Biblical Prophecy, part 2?

Pastor Bass completes 10 foundational principles for interpreting prophecy so we can better understand it and when, how, and why Christ will return to take complete dominion of his Creation.
19/11/202326 minutes, 56 secondes
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How Should We Interpret Biblical Prophecy?

Pastor Bass reviews some of the important principles for accurately interpreting Biblical prophecy in order to better understand when the millennium will be and when our Lord will come again.
05/11/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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What Are Some of The Foundational Teachings of the Post Millennial View of Eschatology?

Anticipating our mid week Bible study, Pastor Bass introduces some basic teachings of what is known as Post Millennialism where the time of great blessing and goodness promised in the Bible will come before Christ's second coming.
22/10/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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What is the 15th Principle of the Constitution from The 5000 Year Leap?

Pastor Bass articulates principle 15 of the Constitution from The 5000 Year Leap: The people prosper to the greatest degree when left to engage in a capitalist free market economy with no government interference.
08/10/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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What are Principles 13 & 14 of the Constitution in the 5000 Year Leap?

Pastor Bass articulates Principle 13: A Constitution must protect the people from the human frailties of their rulers and Principle 14: Life and liberty are secure only as long as the right to property is secure.
24/09/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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What are Principles 11 & 12 of the Constitution from The 5000 Year Leap?

Pastor Bass unfolds Principle 11: The majority of the people may alter or abolish a tyrannical government and Principle 12: The USA shall be a Republic.
10/09/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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What are Principles 9 & 10 of The Constitution from The 5000 Year Leap?

Pastor Bass articulates principle 9: To protect man's rights, God has revealed principles of divine law. And principle 10: The God given right to govern is vested in the sovereign authority of the whole people.
27/08/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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What are Principles 7 & 8 of the Constitution in the 5000 Year Leap?

Pastor Bass articulates Principle 7: The proper role of government is to protect equal rights and not equal things. Principle: 8: Men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.
13/08/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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What are Principles 5 & 6 of the 5000 Year Leap?

Pastor Bass continues in his series on the 5000 Year Leap with principle 5: Upon God the Creator All Men Are Equally Dependent and to Him Held Equally Responsible and 6: All Men are Created Equal.
30/07/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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How Do I Access More Broadcasts By Pastor Bass?

Since Pastor Bass has received many requests for copies of previous podcasts in the past, he thought it time to describe what is available at It is the website where the catalog of those podcasts can be found with relative ease. Pastor Bass provides some history and descriptions of those podcasts.
16/07/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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Liberty Must Be Learnt: Our Founders Knew That The Principles of Liberty Do Not Come Naturally But Must Be Taught.

Slavery is the natural, default setting of the human condition. History bears this out. Liberty (different from freedom) is the exception and can only be found in the principles of the Bible. These in turn must be taught diligently to every generation if liberty is to endure.
02/07/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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Defeating Tyranny: Where are The States?

Under the principle of The Doctrine of The Lesser Magistrate, the governor and his or her State have the best hope of resisting tyranny. The Constitution was written to serve the States and the People, after all.
18/06/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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An Open Letter to the Illegal Alien, part 2.

Pastor Bass continues his appeal to the illegal alien to consider 7 principles which helped shape America and make it the most free and prosperous nation in history. When practiced we are strong; when ignored we are weak.
04/06/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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An Open Letter to the Illegal Alien.

There are biblical, constitutional principles that have made the USA the free, prosperous country you want to live in. Honor and observe them if you would keep it that way. And ask yourself: Am I compromising my children's future by coming here in the way that I am?
21/05/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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The Transgender Agenda is a Dead End for America: A Perspective from History, part 2.

Pastor Bass continues to explore androgyny and it's background including its tendency towards violence and aggression in promoting its aims and its necessity to predate and groom the offspring of mothers/fathers or "breeders" as they contemptuously refer to us. Otherwise they are incapable of reproducing the next generation of transgenders.
07/05/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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The Transgender Agenda is a Dead End for America: A Perspective from History.

Pastor Bass does what very few people have done with this issue: Look at it in the light of history and observe the destructive effects of androgyny (it's real name, not transgenderism) upon societies that embrace it. It always spells the extinction of that society.
23/04/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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The Resurrection: The Empty Tomb is The Garden of Covenant Blessing.

Pastor Bass explores some of the themes of the resurrection in contrast with and as a consequence of the crucifixion. The resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is the lynchpin of our faith: glorious and powerful!
02/04/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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The Crucifixion: The Cross is The Altar of Covenant Curse.

Pastor Bass explores the meaning and significance of the crucifixion of Jesus for the believer during this Lenten season. In it our Lord took upon himself the curse of God due each one of us.
19/03/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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A Stark Choice: War or Revival?

America seems poised at a crucial crossroads: war or revival? The war in Ukraine could envelope us in a nuclear holocaust or the Lord could lead us in the path of spiritual revival as we see happening at Asbury College in Kentucky. History bears these things out. The choice is ours.
05/03/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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Talkin' Bout My Generation: What Have the Baby Boomers Wrought?

Along with The Who - who wrote the song "Talkin' Bout My Generation" - we Baby Boomers thought we were rebelling against the system and would usher in the ideal utopia. How has all of that turned out? Maybe not like we thought. Why? And who's responsible?
19/02/202326 minutes, 53 secondes
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The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: The Biblical Response to Tyranny, part 3.

Pastor Bass continues with several other features of the doctrine, including who should participate in and who should lead armed resistance, and the indispensable role of the people in supporting the magistrate when he steps forward.
05/02/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: The Biblical Response to Tyranny, part 2.

Pastor Bass continues to explore the doctrine of the lesser magistrate, explaining his duty, showing objective standards for law, and showing the intrinsic reasons his role is best for overthrowing tyranny.
22/01/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: The Biblical Response to Tyranny.

Although unfamiliar to most Christians today, the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate is a well established principle for God's people to resist tyranny even to the point of armed resistance. It maintains that if the superior power is unjust and tyrannical then the lesser power has the obligation and duty to resist the superior power and has God's blessing for doing so.
08/01/202326 minutes, 54 secondes
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Some Random Thoughts on Christmas.

Pastor Bass shares his annual reflection on several important but not always featured facts about Christmas which we hope blesses your celebration of Christ's advent.
01/01/202326 minutes, 55 secondes
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Should We Grant Amnesty to the COVID Crazies Who Afflicted Us?

The Progressive author Emily Oster wrote an article for The Atlantic entitled: Let's Declare a Pandemic Amnesty. Pastor Bass responds with an answer based upon reason and biblical principle.
11/12/202226 minutes, 55 secondes
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A Fourth Branch of Government has Made Your Vote Irrelevant.

A 4th branch of government, The Intelligence Branch, has been growing like a cancer on the body politic since 9/11. To keep its power it must make the vote of the people irrelevant. These are the machinations we see unfolding during the midterms.
13/11/202226 minutes, 55 secondes
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Are You a Prepper? Some Basic Principles for Prepping, part 2.

As Joseph prepared Egypt for difficult times, so we Christians must prepare the Church for the difficult times coming upon us. Pastor Bass covers areas like weapons, medical needs, and items for barter, all according to biblical perspectives.
30/10/202226 minutes, 55 secondes
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Are You a Prepper? Some Basic Principles for Prepping.

Preparing for unforeseen disasters and crises has roots in the Bible. Pastor Bass covers the basics of prepping from a biblical perspective.
09/10/202226 minutes, 55 secondes
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What is the Real Agenda Behind the Climate Change Crisis?

The real agenda behind the climate change crisis can easily be shown to be a power elite grab for a feudal like grip on the world's wealth and power. Owing to the lack of supporting science, it cannot be about the climate.
18/09/202226 minutes, 55 secondes
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How Settled is the Settled Science on Climate Change?

Pastor Bass takes up 10 challenges to the so called "settled science" on climate change with reference to Scripture on God's creation.
21/08/202226 minutes, 55 secondes
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Reporting for Duty: Is the Church AWOL in the Culture War?

The saying goes "As goes the Church, so goes the nation." We need to take responsibility in reclaiming the nation's culture for Christ.
07/08/202226 minutes, 55 secondes
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Make America Good Again.

Making America good again by repenting and reforming according to God's standards is a necessary precondition to making America great again.
24/07/202226 minutes, 55 secondes
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The 2nd Amendment: A God Given Right to Bear Arms.

Pastor Bass Establishes a biblical rationale for a citizen's right to be armed which the Founding Fathers used in part for the 2nd amendment.
10/07/202226 minutes, 55 secondes
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The New American Slave: America's Unconscious Slide into Slavery. (part 2)

Pastor Bass continues detailing the reasons why Americans often contribute to their own descent into slavery unawares.
26/06/202226 minutes, 55 secondes
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The New American Slave: America's Unconscious Slide into Slavery.

Americans are increasingly sliding into slavery due to factors like impossible debt, worthless money, oppressive government tyranny, and a servile mentality. Slavery is the norm for history; liberty the exception. We are merely returning to the norm.
12/06/202226 minutes, 55 secondes
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How Does The War in Ukraine Line Up with the Principles of The Just War Theory? (part 2)

Pastor Bass articulates principles 5-7 of the Just War Theory. Rather than listening to hysterical screeds intended to whip up emotions for war, every Christian should cooly measure what God thinks about war and its prosecution before committing to it.
29/05/202226 minutes, 55 secondes
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How Does The War in Ukraine Line Up with the Principles of The Just War Theory?

Pastor Bass articulates the 7 principles of the Just War Theory that has a long and storied tradition in the life of the church and compares them with what is going on in the war in Ukraine. How do you think they measure up to those principles?
08/05/202226 minutes, 55 secondes
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He is Risen: The Necessity of the Resurrection.

Pastor Bass reprises the necessity of Christ's resurrection in the face of emergencies and shutdowns. It may not be necessary to tyrants but it is to all Christians.
17/04/202226 minutes, 55 secondes
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There Will Be Blood.

There is no escape from the circumstances of existence that every human soul will pay the price of his life for his sin against God in one of two ways, emblemized by the blood of the creature: either with his own blood or the blood of another, a substitute, that is, the blood of Jesus Christ. 
03/04/202226 minutes, 55 secondes
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Holding Our Magistrates Accountable.

Pastor Bass highlights the perennial truth that evil thrives in any society and land in which evil magistrates are allowed to proliferate without being brought to account. We Christians in particular must be faithful to the biblical principle "Justice - and only justice - shall you follow in the land."
20/03/202226 minutes, 55 secondes
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The Distracting Bright Bauble of War.

Our ruling elite have jumped from tyrannizing the American people with the COVID fraud to tyrannizing us with the crisis of so called "war" with Russia over Ukraine, confirming Solzhenitsyn's observation: "A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny." 
06/03/202226 minutes, 55 secondes
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The Truth Liberates You From the Cult of the Lie.

Although not infallible, those who know the truth in the person of Jesus Christ are more likely to see through the lies of the world from the Father of Lies and come to the truth. This is the sense of "Know the truth and the truth will set you free." It is first and foremost a spiritual truth!
20/02/202226 minutes, 55 secondes
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The State is the Cult of the Lie.

Once the Christian understands that our Deep State cares not for we the people but rather for its own accumulation and extension of power, then we see that it relies on one big lie in order to exist: We speak truth! We are prone to believe the State's propaganda - to our enslavement and demise.
06/02/202226 minutes, 55 secondes
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Some Random Thoughts on Christmas.

Pastor Bass shares his annual reflection on several important but not always featured facts about Christmas which we hope blesses your celebration of Christ's advent.
26/12/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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Oliver Cromwell or Guy Fawkes: Two Ways to Respond to Tyranny, part 3.

Pastor Bass focuses upon the 1st and chief strategy in battling the "full spectrum dominance" being foisted upon us: the life of Christian community. A premier example is how the Church responded to the collapse of the Roman Empire.
05/12/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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On Thanksgiving, Have We Forgotten Our God?

America has a rich tradition of colonial governments covenanting with God to be faithful to Him. This tradition - though not explicitly stated in our federal constitution - nevertheless continues in our history. Have we forgotten this tradition?
28/11/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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Oliver Cromwell or Guy Fawkes: Two Ways to Respond to Tyranny, part 2.

Pastor Bass articulates how we Christians, the Church, must respond to the "Full Spectrum Dominance" which the global elite impose upon us. The Church is the only institution throughout history which rebuilds the collapse of society.
14/11/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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Oliver Cromwell or Guy Fawkes: Two Ways to Respond to Tyranny, part 1.

History provides us with 2 classic ways to respond to tyranny: with illegitimate terror like Guy Fawkes; or with the authority of the lesser magistrate like Oliver Cromwell. Which will concerned Americans choose?
31/10/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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7 Great Myths of Church History, part 3.

Pastor Bass deals with myths 6 & 7: 6. People back then didn't believe like I do and can't be saved (historical anachronism - the practice of imposing modern judgments and values upon cultures and societies of the past). 7. I can draw one continuous line of belief through church history of those who believe what I believe.
17/10/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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7 Great Myths of Church History, part 2.

Pastor Bass deals with myths 4 & 5: 4. The catholic Church has always and only been a monolithic, apostate Church throughout church history complete with funny hats, rosaries, hail Mary's, and fish on Fridays. 5. Things like confessions and creeds and catechisms, church liturgies, and complex theologies are all unnecessary distractions. All I need is Jesus and my Bible.
03/10/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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7 Great Myths of Church History, part 1.

Pastor Bass deals with the first 3 myths: 1. Church history doesn't matter; all that matters is what I believe today. 2: I can leap frog over 2000 years of church history and do church like the church in the book of Acts did. 3. After the deaths of the apostles the church disappeared and has only recently been restored by…(the guy I follow; fill in the blank).
19/09/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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Principles 3 & 4 of the 28 Principles of the Constitution.

Pastor Bass treats principles 3 & 4: 3. The best method of securing a virtuous people is to elect virtuous leaders. 4. Without religion the government of a free people cannot be maintained. That religion in the minds and hearts of our founding fathers was biblical Christianity.
12/09/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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The First 2 Principles of the 28 Principles of the Constitution.

Pastor Bass treats the first 2 principles: 1. Natural Law - the only reliable basis for sound government and just human relations. 2. A free people cannot survive under a republican constitution unless they remain virtuous and morally strong.
05/09/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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There are Absolute Moral Preconditions for Human Progress.

Pastor Bass observes that in order to achieve true liberty for the free actions of men, man must find spiritual liberty in the gospel of Jesus Christ before he finds physical and political liberty in God's creation. The 28 principles of Constitutional liberty depend upon this moral precondition.
29/08/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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People's Law, vs. Ruler's Law or Anarchy, is the Context for the 5000 Year Leap.

Pastor Bass studies the background and salient features of People's Law which has provided the balance between liberty, and law and order required for our optimum performance as free men.
22/08/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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Continuing the Introduction to The 5000 Year Leap.

Pastor Bass briefly reviews the exponential progress of mankind in the liberty provided under the American Constitutional Republic in 4 Revolutions: The Industrial Revolution, The Transportation Revolution, The Communications Revolution, and The Computer Revolution.
15/08/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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Introduction to What Historians Call The 5000 Year Leap.

Pastor Bass briefly reviews the exponential progress of mankind in all areas of life since the founding of the American Constitutional Republic such that they can be called a "leap" in comparison to the last 5000 years. Four revolutions are noted with grateful acknowledgment to the National Center for Constitutional Studies and its founder W. Cleon Skousen.
08/08/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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Where is True Unity Found in These Days of Division?

Pastor Bass explores the bonds of fellowship that exist among groups, in which nothing excels that of the unity the Church has in its Savior, Jesus Christ. Only when we rally around our unity in Him will we find a solution to the vicious divisions being perpetrated upon us by our enemies in the Deep State and the tyranny of the global elites.
25/07/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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Ponder Our Covenantal, Constitutional Obligation to Posterity.

Every covenant incorporates as one of its provisions covenant succession, the bond in blood to be handed down to its posterity. The Mayflower Compact did, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut did, and our Constitution did as well: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union...and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
04/07/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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Of All the Liberties We Claim as Free Men, Which is the Chief?

Pastor Bass establishes the fundamental truth that the first, prior liberty to all other liberties is spiritual liberty in Jesus Christ. This is the essence of Jesus' words: "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
27/06/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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Vaccines Are One of the Great Tools for Culling the Human Race.

Irrational fear has driven millions of Americans to take a vaccine that is really nothing more than an experimental gene therapy. Untested, demonstrably destructive, these vaccines are manifestly perpetrated on us by a malicious global elite, headed by hucksters like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci.
13/06/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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I Took the Vaccine and Bad Stuff Happened - But It Wasn't the Vaccine!

Pastor Bass explores the absolute state of denial in which so many Americans exist after having experienced countless negative effects from the COVID vaccines. A variety of mental, emotional, and spiritual predispositions make this likely - including pride, ignorance, laziness, expediency and, most of all, a manifest distrust of our God given immune system.
30/05/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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God's Civil Covenant Demands That We Take Back Our Government.

God's covenant with Noah after the Flood in Genesis 9 establishes civil government in its primitive form. It demands that we as individual citizens participate in establishing justice and choosing moral representatives to administer justice. Only we individual citizens united as a civil body can do this.
16/05/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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Because America Invites Demonic Delirium, Her Protective Covering is Removed.

When a people persist in their indulgence of sin in their demonic delirium, God removes their protection of covering over them. This is what is happening to America: her protective covering from God has been removed and she is being judged just as Israel and other nations were throughout history.
02/05/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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Further Evidences That We Are Living in "Days of Demonic Delirium."

Not only are there biblical and ancient examples of days of demonic delirium, but there are also modern examples: The French Revolution in the late 18th century, The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in the early 20th century, and The Maoist Revolution in mid 20th century China. The 7 deadly sins is an accurate metric the Church has used in the past to measure the depth and extent of demonic delirium. How do we measure up?
11/04/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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"Days of Demonic Delirium" Aptly Describes the Evil About Us Today

There has been a historical ebb and flow when evil seems more palpable and tangible than at other times, such that it can be described as demonic delirium. Delirium is "an acutely disordered state of mind involving incoherent speech, hallucinations, and frenzied excitement." When it is thoroughly evil, it is manifestly demonic. Such is the time in which we live.
04/04/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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What Does the Biblical Prophet Hosea Mean When He Declared, "My People Perish for a Lack of Knowledge?"

While the Lament "My people perish for a lack of knowledge" has become a cliche in America for a dearth of prosaic information, it really means a lack of knowledge of the living God of the Bible - a knowledge utterly requisite for revival and reformation in America today.
14/03/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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"The Great Reset" Will Culminate in Your Meeting a Chinese Trooper. (part 3)

In complete harmony with the strategy and tactics of Sun Zhu, China is patiently using the Great Reset in order to extend and consolidate its power, wealth, and hegemony over the entire world - America in particular! For example, economic domination, political intrigues, and efforts to deceive and demoralize the enemy must be used before military strength. But once its time, be ruthless! So, one day, you will meet a Chinese trooper.
28/02/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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What is "The Great Reset" That Globalists are Trying to Foist On Us? (part 2)

Some of the particular buzzwords and concepts used to deceive us into giving up our liberty, wealth, and humanity in the Great Reset are exposed: build back better, digital currency, sustainability, a social credit score, tiny home, carbon footprint, COVID 'safety' measures, and a nanotech operating system. A number of solutions are proposed - including opting out of the system that is being built to enslave us.
14/02/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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What is "The Great Reset" That Globalists are Trying to Foist On Us? (part 1)

Your fabulously wealthy and powerful global elite are ambitiously executing a plan to aggrandize and conserve their power and wealth through radical means to collapse the present world through tactics like COVID measures and war and financial collapse, and then erecting a new elite tyranny in its place, a "reset" of all things.
31/01/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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What Are the Dirty Dozen Things to Expect From a Biden Administration?

Biden has been "infraudurated," so we might expect him to enact the following agenda items which will advance The Great Reset: a medical tyranny, the consolidation of power, election fraud will be institutionalized, criminalizing climate change deniers, defunding of the police, and an assault on the 2nd amendment are just a few of them.
24/01/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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The Peaceful Transition of Power, of Which We Used to Boast, Has Gone Away.

Combined with the fraud of voting in the presidential election and the murder of Trump supporter Lindsey Babbitt by a DC policeman. All of our "fail safe" systems did fail to correct fraud. In the future, America will only descend into the rule rather than the exception of the transition of power: blood, violence, intrigue, and conspiracy rather than a representative republic where the individual vote was our sacred franchise. It is up to us to stop that!
10/01/202126 minutes, 55 secondes
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The Peaceful Transition of Power in the U.S. has now Gone Away

27/12/202026 minutes, 53 secondes
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Can we Please Move on from Reacting to the China Virus

29/11/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
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How Difficult is it to De-program Someone who has been Initiated into the Covid Cult?

15/11/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
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What are the Psychological, Spiritual, and Social Implications of Wearing a Mask?

01/11/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
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Reformation Sunday

25/10/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
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A Christian Millennium: Why is Spiritual Revival and Restoration the One Necessary Key to Unlock a Christian Constitutional Republic?

18/10/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
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Socialism in America: An interview with Bill Ayzin, Owner of Wealth of Health in Idaho Falls, Idaho (Part 2)

11/10/202026 minutes, 52 secondes
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Socialism in America: An interview with Bill Ayzin, Owner of Wealth of Health in Idaho Falls, Idaho (Part 1)

04/10/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
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A Christian Millennium: How do we Successfully Wage a Righteous Revolution?

27/09/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
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A Christian Millennium: If we are to Prosecute a new American Revolution Against the Deep State, What will take its Place?

20/09/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
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A Christian Millennium: How the Declaration of Independence Speaks to the Necessity of Abolishing our Present Form of Government, part 5.

13/09/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
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A Christian Millennium: How the Declaration of Independence Speaks to the Necessity of Abolishing our Present Form of Government, part 4.

06/09/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
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A Christian Millennium: How the Declaration of Independence Speaks to the Necessity of Abolishing our Present Form of Government, part 3.

30/08/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
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A Christian Millennium: How the Declaration of Independence Speaks to the Necessity of Abolishing our Present Form of Government, part 2.

23/08/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
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A Christian Millennium: How the Declaration of Independence Speaks to the Necessity of Abolishing our Present Form of Government, part 1.

16/08/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
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A Christian Millennium: How the Declaration of Independence Speaks to the Necessity of Abolishing our Present Form of Government, part 1.

09/08/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
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A Christian Millennium: 8 Propositions for a Christian Millennium.

26/07/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
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Is Romans Chapter 13 the Only Bible Text that Speaks of the Christian's Relationship to the State?

12/07/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
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The Relationship Between the Church and the State

05/07/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
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A Christian Millennium: More on the Vision for a Christian World Government.

21/06/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
Episode Artwork

A Christian Millennium: What Would a Christian World Government Look Like?

14/06/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
Episode Artwork

A Christian Millennium: Why is a Congress of Christian Constitutional Republics Inevitable

31/05/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
Episode Artwork

A Christian Millennium: Spiritual Revival and Reformation Is the Key to Unlock a Christian Constitutional Republic

24/05/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
Episode Artwork

A Christian Millennium: How Do We Successfully Wage a Righteous Revolution?

17/05/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
Episode Artwork

A Christian Millennium: If we are to Prosecute a New American Revolution Against the Deep State, What Will Take its Place?

10/05/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
Episode Artwork

A Christian Millennium: The Particular Complaints of the Founders in the Declaration Are as Applicable To Us as They Were to Them (Part 4)

03/05/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
Episode Artwork

How do Military Officers Break the Spell of Fear?

26/04/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
Episode Artwork

An Open Letter to the Progressives and their Social Shaming

19/04/202026 minutes, 56 secondes
Episode Artwork

Is the Resurrection of Christ Essential or Nonessential

05/04/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
Episode Artwork

A Christian Millennium: The Particular Complaints of the Founders in the Declaration Are as Applicable To Us as They Were to Them (Part 3)

29/03/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
Episode Artwork

A Letter to Our Congregation Regarding the Coronavirus

22/03/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
Episode Artwork

A Christian Millennium: The Particular Complaints of the Founders in the Declaration Are as Applicable To Us as They Were to Them (Part 2)

08/03/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
Episode Artwork

A Christian Millennium: The Particular Complaints of the Founders in the Declaration Are as Applicable To Us as They Were to Them (Part 1)

23/02/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
Episode Artwork

A Christian Millennium: The Declaration of Independence Is as Relevant to Our Generation as It Was to That of the Founding Fathers

16/02/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
Episode Artwork

A Christian Millennium: The Deep State Has Corrupted Our Secular Constitutional Republic and Must Be Destroyed

02/02/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
Episode Artwork

A Christian Millennium: 8 Propositions for a Christian Millennium

19/01/202026 minutes, 56 secondes
Episode Artwork

God's use of All the Elements of Creation to Bring About His Will

12/01/202026 minutes, 55 secondes
Episode Artwork

What is the Importance of the Altar in the Apocalypse?

05/01/202026 minutes, 56 secondes