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Alex Cruz

English, Music, 1 season, 58 episodes, 2 days, 20 hours, 6 minutes
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #58 (Summer)

Time for some summer tunes!! That was literally what I was feeling when I was going through my music and selected these tunes that gave me that summer feeling. I hope you’ll enjoy this mix as much as I liked creating it. It’s been quite the summer already with more travel coming up soon where I am super excited for and then in less than a month from now I will be playing 4 gigs at Burning Man as well. Stay tuned for when and where that will be. For now, enjoy your summer in the Northern hemisphere. For those underneath the equator, I hope this will get you ready for spring to come soon! Much love, Alex Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify:
7/31/20241 hour, 12 minutes
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #57 (Joy)

Hello beautiful people! Welcome to Deep & Sexy Podcast #57. Every time I work on a podcast I feel so unbelievably joyful. You cannot imagine what it feels like to create something that I share with all of you. All the joy I have upfront by imagining what you’d think of the tracks, the journey and transitions and how it makes you feel. I truly hope it gives you as much joy as it does to me. I have been able to work in the studio a lot the last few weeks to be able to release a lot of new songs on Spotify the next months. I’m off soon to Europe and Africa to do some gigs and I’ll have studio time with my friend Brascon in Berlin as well so I am super excited for all of that. Have a listen and hope you’ll enjoy my new podcast. Much love! Alex Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify:
4/16/20241 hour, 1 minute, 6 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #56 (Live @ Titanic's End // Burning Man 2023)

Hello lovely people!! Please find here a recording of one of the sets I played at Burning Man this year. It was my Thursday evening set at Titanic’s End. It was an absolute pleasure to play there and see so many of my friends show up and of course many others. Burning Man is always a special time, especially this year with some rain and muddy, fun times after and during. Thank you all for seeing me at live events this year and listening to my music on Spotify and Soundcloud. I feel very grateful for all the messages I receive where many of you share very personal things with me. It’s an honour to touch so many of you. Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and New Year and hope to see you somewhere on this globe next year. Much love, Alex Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify:
12/19/20231 hour, 25 minutes, 10 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #55 (Peace)

Welcome to a new Deep & Sexy journey! This time my theme is ‘peace’. Maybe an obvious one. There is always need for more peace, whether it’s on a global level or on a smaller level. Everywhere we need more peace. Peace between countries is probably the one most needed these days. But don’t forget the peace in classrooms where kids are bullied by others. Not only happens it at schools, it happens at the corporation where you or your neighbor might be working as well. So please look around you and try to show up for people who need it. Also….it doesn’t mind to be more kind. Just be aware of it to try to show up with kindness and compassion. There is a story behind everyone. From the outside we can’t see what’s all going on in the human in front of us or next to us. Enjoy some music now…..hope you’ll be able to enjoy and share it with your friends. Much love, Alex Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify:
11/14/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 26 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #54 (Live @ Ubuhlanti // AfrikaBurn 2023)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Afrikaburn 2023….what another adventure that was. I played two sets. One at my beloved Space Cowboys and the second one at the Bridges For Music camp, called Ubuhlanti. Saturday night, a packed venue (yes, I would call it a venue) and an amazing African female artist playing before me, creating a high energy amongst the crowd. My turn….so much fun, so many happy faces, so much love to share. Being at AfrikaBurn is always one of my highlights of the year and this year was definitely not an exception to that. Enough words….enjoy the music and the vibe! See you soon somewhere on this planet! Love, Alex
7/31/20232 hours, 15 minutes, 40 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #53 (Breathe)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Welcome to my 53rd podcast! Breathe….it’s probably the most important thing in life and I practice it consciously almost every day. Why? Cause it brings me back into my body whenever I feel a little out of touch with it. Nowadays there are many ‘teachers’ who can help with this. I still do my practise with the good old Wim Hof and recently I discovered another amazing breath coach Finnian Kelly who was able to bring me very deep back into my own body. Thank you Finnian for guiding me there. After a breath session I dove into my catalogue of music and created another podcast for you all. The last few weeks I was able to work on a lot of new releases for the next coming months as well, so keep an eye on my Spotify channel. I am very excited for many of this releases which I will gradually share with you throughout the year. For now, be safe and stay well. If you like this podcast please don't forget to like and share it with your loved ones. Love, Alex
4/4/202358 minutes, 54 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #52 (The Journey)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Hello beautiful people. I really enjoyed making this podcast for you all. I never listen back to any of my podcasts after I have made them but yesterday I gave myself over an hour to fully listen to what I recorded and what came to mind for me during this car ride was that it felt like a journey. Many of you have shared with me in the past that my podcasts take you on a journey. And now I witnessed that myself. So….long story short, enjoy this ride, enjoy this journey. We all have our own journeys in life and my journey for the next year feels like I will be able to bring you lots of beautiful originals, covers, remixes and of course these Deep & Sexy Podcasts. Wishing you a beautiful last month of the year ahead and thanks for sharing my music with your friends, family members, Uber drivers, coffee shops and many others. Much love! Alex
11/30/20221 hour, 15 minutes, 56 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #51 (Live @ Space Cowboys // AfrikaBurn 2022)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: One of my happiest moments of the year is when I go to AfrikaBurn. Being there in the middle of nowhere, no civilization, people building shelter and accommodation for a few days, being there for a few days to a week, break off everything and leaving no trace. In the middle of all that I find myself in such a luxurious position where I can see many of my friends, spend time with them without having the distraction of phones, e-mail etc. Being fully present with the people there and then also being able to share music with them….that to me is such a blessing and I think you can hear that back in my sets. So…..I played another set at Space Cowboys and I felt so much joy, I saw so much pure joy in peoples eyes, body language and the sounds which came out of their mouths ;-) Enjoy the live set I played there with the sound of the audience in it as well. Much love! Alex
8/25/20222 hours, 10 minutes, 11 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #50 (Live in San Francisco)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: After being on the road again the last 3 months with multiple amazing events and with a few very special moments in my heart I decided it’s time again to share (parts of) my live sets again. I played a set a month ago at Public Works in San Francisco and it was an absolute magical night. One out of many the last few months to be honest… here you’ll find part of the set that I played that night. My next one (51) will be my live recorded set at AfrikaBurn of late April of this year. So a little more patience on that one. I hope you’ll like this one. It has a few of my currently favourites in it. Listen to it with good company and don’t forget to (sun)shine in your life. Life is way too short…..I just recently noticed that with a sudden death of a close friend’s dad and another close friend got diagnosed with cancer…..let’s be grateful for what we have because life is not infinite. Much love, Alex
7/13/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 19 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #49 (Gratitude)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Here we go! Freshly squeezed for all of you: my new Deep & Sexy podcast. I am very grateful for all the people I am surrounded with in my life and I am also very grateful that I am able to do what I love in life. Looking at what is happening these days in for example Ukraine is very painful to watch. In the part of the world where I am living, many people have choices. ‘If’ we have choices, my opinion is that we have a responsibility to be there for others who don’t have options and choices. With my music I try to reach as many people as possible who resonate with my creations and mixes. Hopefully it helps people to get something out of it, no matter what it is. Let me know your thoughts on this podcast and I will be back soon with a new song on Spotify. Much love! Alex
3/16/20221 hour, 1 minute, 4 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #48 (Jungle Dreams)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: One of my favourite moments of the year is when I work on a new podcast. I love playing live for people, which is, don’t get me wrong, amazing. One other aspect of what I do is working in the studio, I truly love the creation of a new podcast. My true desire while making it is to create a journey what gives the listeners (you) the feeling that they are being taken on an adventure. It’s like going out for a day trip and not knowing what to expect and what is coming. And while making edits, remixes etc I already get very excited while picturing the sensation on your end. That’s a very fulfilling feeling when I receive all your heartfelt messages where you share the journey with me that I created for you. All the emotions that lie in musical creations are so powerful. And yes, while creating I sometimes shed a tear where I get touched myself by the journey. After recording the audio it’s time for the artwork. So I spend time on that while playing the podcast for myself. And the result you are seeing here :-) So….long story short, while being in the jungle for a few days last week I finished this new and freshly squeezed Deep & Sexy for you. Enjoy it to the fullest and hope to see you somewhere on this planet soon again. Much love, Alex
11/30/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 5 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #47 (Focus)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: I am a true believer of when you really want to make something happen you need 5 letters for that. F O C U S. It’s not always easy and sometimes the circumstances make it hard. Also, we are not all that privileged on this planet that we’re able to decide what we want to do ourselves. But….when we have the possibility to be able to make choices and preferably try to aim to reach our (heart) goal we have the responsibility, in my opinion, to aim for that and do the work. Cause so many are simply not in our position. I feel very blessed that I was able to try to reach for what makes me happy. I have always been very passionate about music. At the age of 9 I heard an album of the BeeGees played at one of my father’s friends in Amsterdam and I froze…..I loved what I heard. And no, that day I did not know I wanted to work in the music industry but my thoughts wandered back to that moment many times during my life. At a certain waking up moment I realised that time is too precious to waste. I had to focus on what I really wanted. Luckily all of you who listen(ed) to my podcasts and songs gave me the opportunity to make my dream come true. Welcome to Podcast 47: Focus. Much love, Alex
7/31/202158 minutes, 38 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #46 (Kissing)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: It took me a while after having moved to another country and a change in my personal life to find the inspiration and consistent workflow again. I am getting closer and closer and part of the consistency was creating this podcast for you. The first track I have loved for many years now and always wanted to do something with it, thanks Francesca for sharing the original with me. I finally felt inspired to grab it and give it some AC flavour. It's always a proces to create a journey with musical tracks, where I am trying to bring that timelessness, balance and surprise in there. It's probably the same proces as writing a book. Keep you curious for what is coming next. It's just like life. Well....enough words, enjoy the music and journey and hope to see you in real life again soon! Love, Alex
4/8/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 29 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #45 (The Sun)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Hello everyone! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you! This year has been a rollercoaster for all of us on this planet. For me personally it meant a lot of heavy weight on my shoulders whenever the pandemic hit us and many different kind of emotions during all the stages throughout the year. So many people have lost loved ones, lost their jobs, homes and (decent) food. All I can do is try to be there for my friends, my family and my fans. I bet many of you want to do so much more but all we can do has a limit. But all the little things help so please keep on being there for your loved ones, that stranger on the street and the human being with the same red blood but different skin colour. We are all in this together, now and always. And please look and feel the sun when you have a hard moment. The sun is very powerful and energetic, let it warm you when you feel (mentally or physically) cold. I hope this podcast brings you some sunshine as well! And for 2021: all the best and let us dance together again. Let our vibrations come together and create that united feel. Much love, Alex
12/24/20201 hour, 47 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #44 (The Light)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Bringing sunshine, light, joy and touching YOU in your heart.....that's what I try to do while releasing podcasts, playing live or when I am in the studio creating new songs & remixes. In this day an age it's a little harder to receive, to see the light (also for me every now and then) but remember that your thoughts influence your feelings and shape your life in many ways. Easier said than done but practising on changing the thoughts can make a change and make you feel differently. This new podcast is to hopefully bring you more light, so throw any of the dark thoughts off of your shoulder and focus on the things you would like to receive, give and achieve in your life. Remember it can be over before you know it so please look at the sun and feel the warmth and light of its arrays. Focus on that and you will already feel different. Enjoy this new podcast and let me know what you think of it below please? :-) Much love! Alex
9/24/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 40 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #43 (Changes)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Hello everyone! What a tornado we are all in this year. There is quite something going on in the world and BLM and Covid-19 affect more people compared to any other event over the last few years. There are still disasters going on everywhere on this planet where many people don’t even know about. From being homeless to losing your beloved one(s), being a refugee child or having a flooding which makes your house being under water. From a bushfire to so much plastic in the ocean (and thus: our bodies if we consume seafood). Talking about BLM…..I am white and I feel ashamed for myself and my ancestors who have been part of history and the present time where people of colour were and are treated differently. I genuinely hope that we all can make a change. Underneath our colour is a human of flesh, blood, a heart, senses and two ears. So without making this too much of a political talk. Let’s try to create a change, all of us, to make society more equal to all. And coming back to your senses and two ears….please have a listen to my new podcast. This podcast is definitely a memorable one for me cause although I am still very privileged, I find it hard to see so much pain and inequality going on in the world. Be strong, share love with each other and be respectful. It will help us all. Love, Alex
6/18/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 30 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #42 (Real Love)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Hello everyone……yes, these days are very uncertain, very unknown. A virus which is spreading all over the world and causing so much damage and fear. A modern war in 2020……who could have expected this, exactly…..not many. That reminds me of life in general. This virus shows us again that planning our lives is almost impossible. We don’t have control of everything so therefore can’t predict any outcome of our plans. All we can do is love and live with our full intention and live our lives from our heart and hopefully being very passionate about our mission. We all have our missions in life, one has a bigger impact to the world than others but we all have our roles which are all very important. We all can make changes. We need to be present today because we don’t have a clue what will happen in the next few days, weeks, months. Not to ourselves and not to our loved ones or any other people on this planet. So this is also a time for new opportunities for many. Don’t we want to do what we love, just follow your heart, intuition, listen to what’s inside. Isn’t that what really matters? Let’s be grateful for what we have and for all the people who are fighting for other peoples lives, not only these days but year round. They are our heroes! We can be our own heroes by fully listening to our core, then we can be proud of who we are. Be intentional and honest to yourself and follow that. And most of all be kind, be loving, be helpful to people who need it most. Do you have an older neighbour or friend or family member who is too afraid to go outside to do grocery shopping? Please help them, buy their groceries or cook them a meal, show them some love and kindness and don’t forget to smile. I know, it’s not always easy but it can make a difference to yourself and the ones around you. Give yourself and others some real love. Thank you.
3/16/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 41 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #41 (Purification)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: A new year, a new decade. For me, I felt a strong desire for cleaning, cleaning my studio, cleaning my travelbag which I use soooo often and is with me more than half of the year. Cleaning my kitchen, getting rid of the toxic, non PFOA-free frying pan. A new start of a cleaner me. Being closer to purity. And it feels good, very good. I don’t need a lot of material, the material I want is my studio gear, a nice mattress to sleep on and nice healthy cooking gear with natural produce and ingredients. And so there is less distraction around me so I can focus in a more clean way on music and spending time with my loved ones. With that in mind I made this new podcast. Enjoy the ride and hope to see you somewhere on this planet in 2020 or another time this decade. Smile and be kind, love and feel loved, sounds to me as a good start of every day.
1/9/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 25 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #40 (Playa Special // Burning Man 2019)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Music Lovers! Please find here my Burning Man 2019 podcast! It was already 4 years ago that I attended ‘The Burn’ in Nevada and this year I was very drawn to go back to the Playa to celebrate life and play some sets in the middle of the desert. I had some beautiful serendipitous moments running into people I would never have thought to run into. One special one was that I ran into my Pakistani friend who is a well-known actress and all of a sudden showed up in a very small tipi. I was wearing a hat and goggles so I thought no-one would recognise me……well….I was wrong! It was so wonderful to finally meet her in real life after have been in touch on social media for some years. Another one was to run into my ‘One Golden’ friend for 3 times during the 4 days I was there. Believe me, that is hard on such a big playa with 70.000 people being there. A few other highlights were playing the magical 747 Boeing airplane with many of my friends and my percussion friend Caleb on my side. I played a set for him and his wife Levina right before their wedding and then another remarkable set was at the art car called ‘Smile High’. I played a 3 hour set with all these beautiful people on and off the car in front of that beautiful art piece. It was very special to finally play this set for one of my close friends who runs the art car on the playa…..a gift from him to me to play his amazing art car and a gift from me to him to finally play on his ‘baby’ while being ‘fed’ by my friend Cristo, who is such a humble and talented artist. Well, listen to it yourself and let me know if you like it please? Much love! Alex
10/17/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 9 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #39 (Pynk Skies)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify:
8/21/20191 hour, 1 minute, 14 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #38 (Live Set @Space Cowboys // AfrikaBurn 2019)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Lovers of Music! Here we go again, this time with a 2,5 hour live set I played at AfrikaBurn earlier this month. Being at AfrikaBurn is always such a highlight of the year for me. Being there with people I love and then playing for a crowd who really likes what I am doing! (Lucky me ;-)) This year I played for the Leopard Mafia on Wednesday and on Thursday for the Space Cowboys. The week before I played at another sold out Suikerbossie in Cape Town (thanks to Caroline/Karen to make that happen again). So I already had a nice warm-up for the South African crowd. I never have expectations before I play somewhere because I always want to go all-in with a blank mind. And so I did on this trip as well. But knowing what the crowd and atmosphere was the years before I always feel very excited to bring some nice pieces of music with me. Please listen yourself what happened during this sunset set. After ‘Follow The Sun’ we went into nighttime mode and although the temperature dropped my heart was heated by the love and happy faces I saw in front of me. Hasta La Vista and till next time! Love, Alex Free download on iTunes, podcast section.
5/30/20192 hours, 24 minutes, 22 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #37 (India Pool Party)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Here we go with Deep & Sexy Podcast #37!! Last week I was in India for a couple of days and got fully inspired after that. So firstly I created a new podcast and secondly I worked on some new originals, remixes and edits. So yeah, it was a very inspiring trip. I met so many interesting, kind, open hearted and passionate people and that is such a privilege to then play music for them and also build a connection before and after that. A lucky guy I am, I realise that over and over again. At the same time I am on my path of creating and playing music to bring lightness to the world. There is much light and much dark sides on this planet but it is all about perspective. The half empty or half full glass. I try to live it with half of a full glass. Please let me know what you think of this podcast? What is your favourite track and I know I have said it before but #38 will be a Club Mix. So you have an idea what I do in a nightclub when playing live there :-) Enjoy it for now! And cease the day. Much love, Alex
4/4/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 27 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #36 (Live in Cairo)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Sometimes you have these travel weeks where you keep on flying and it really felt that I spent more time on planes and airports than I spent time in the countries where I was. I went from a very nice intimate setting in Denver to a Finnish Sauna in Helsinki, to my first gig ever (finally) in Cairo, Egypt and ended that week in London at the Madison. I met many new people and also had encounters with people who I did not expect to see at all. Overall another wonderful week in my life. 2018 was a very special year with many highlights. I want to thank all of you who listen to my music over and over again and also make it to shows I am playing all over the world. I love days in the studio creating these new songs, edits and remixes but I feel most alive when I am able to feel the energy in a club, rooftop or pool party and share the happy energy where we can all connect together and fuel our hearts and souls. Merry Christmas to all of you. I hope you will be able to spend these days with your beloved ones. Focus, be loving and kind and with a simple smile on our face we can make this world a better place. Enjoy my new Deep & Sexy with your friends and families. Till soon! Alex Free download via iTunes/podcasts. There is a link added to this track. Enjoy!
12/22/20181 hour, 1 minute, 6 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #35 (New York Rooftop)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Lovely people! It has been a while…..silence before the storm that’s what they say then…..because….here is Deep & Sexy #35. Why Deep & Sexy? That’s what people every now and then ask me. The answer is as simple as the question. I try to bring you close to your core through touching you deep down there in your heart. What’s better to get there through lovely sexy vibes? 6 years ago I was still only playing in Holland and played often together with an MC (MC Haits) who also travels the world now spreading love through his vocals. He was the one who always came to me and literally kept repeating himself by the words: you play such f**cking Deep & Sexy tunes like Solomun. So a year later when I started my podcast series I already had the name of my podcast series. Next month I will bring you a more energetic/dancy/clubby version of what I do when I play in nightclubs so you also have a feel of what I do when the night is falling and the sun is down. For now, enjoy this podcast from the Rooftop in New York and don’t forget to be present and feel all your senses. Love, Alex for a free download
10/11/201858 minutes, 44 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #34 (AfrikaBurn 2018)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: AfrikaBurn has a special spot in my heart. The reason why is the people I have met over the last 3 times I was there. There is something about being in an area with no buildings, roads or whatsoever. People build their own 'camps/homes/tent structures' to be able to live out of there for a couple of days to a week. And one very important thing: no cell phone service, no wifi, no tv, no billboards.....instead of that: wind, rain, sand,'s all there. And then there is the people, meeting random people, people you already saw before and just having fun with them, share food, water, music, art structures and/or meaningful conversations. It's all there and brings us in my opinion a little closer to our cores, probably closer to how our ancestors were living. And then....being able to play music for the people who are feels like a blessing to share that and seeing all these happy faces, dancing and moving bodies. Nothing to worry, just feel and hear the music and enjoy it with the people around you/ the inspiration of this podcast brings me back to AfrikaBurn 2018. I am looking forward to be back next year. For now: Enjoy this musical journey! Love, Alex for a free download
6/14/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 55 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #33 (Ready For Spring)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Good morning music lovers!!! Here is another freshly squeezed podcast for your heart, senses and friends and beloved around you. This podcast is made with spring in my mind. I love 4 seasons but if I have to pick my favourite I think Spring will win. Flowers are opening up again, so many things in nature start growing again, people take off their winter clothes (depending where you live) and doors and windows will be opened to live life to the fullest. And yes, with that in mind I selected some of my faves of this moment. I am so much looking forward to the next coming months. A few releases will find the way to Spotify and all other channels to start with Downtown (Crazy For You). In one month from now you will find it but of course I will let you know when it will exactly happen. For now I wish you all a beautiful time ‘listening and feeling’ this podcast. Please share with me your favourite part! Arrivederci amigos! Love, Alex Free download is available at:
4/20/20181 hour, 4 minutes, 43 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #32 (Maldives Island Vibes)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: My last trip was a tour which brought me to several places all over the world. Playing in Davos, Switzerland. From there flying to an amazing new and fresh festival in Chiang Mai, Thailand and then to these magical group of Islands called Maldives. Playing on one of these islands for a wonderful, exciting group of people was such a special moment. Playing a sunrise set and then finding out at a certain moment, while people kept on dancing and dancing, that the clock hit 10am.....completely lost in time that's how it felt and that's where the inspiration came for this new podcast. Part of this podcast I already played last weekend in New York (Output) and San Francisco (Audio) during my Deep & Sexy Live event with my incredible Live Band. And now it is time for you all to listen to it. I hope you will feel the Island Vibes in it. Enjoy and be present in all you do and see you soon somewhere on this globe. Love! Alex Free download is available at:
2/15/20181 hour, 4 minutes, 59 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #31 (From Medellin With Love)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: After being on the road for a long time, then coming back into the studio and getting back into producing/editing/remixing tracks for single releases and podcasts was to be honest quite tough the last 2 months. Making tracks and then realising at certain moments that clearances will not happen so these tracks won’t be released at all…..that is far from inspiring. So I was searching for some inspiration again and then I flew to Colombia, Medellin. 5 flights within 24 hours to only get there, starting just before midnight. It is not all glitter and glamour in the dj world. BUT…..arriving at Medellin and then getting such a warm welcome from people who I have never met before. Julian, Clara, David, Beto, Mia, to name a few. I played a private party that day and the day after a 3-hour set at Salon Amador (Thanks to Panda 404). A beautiful, cozy and well designed and decorated nightclub in the heart of Medellin. What I did not expect (I hardly have expectations) is that so many people inside this club knew me and where really excited for my performance. How can you go wrong then? I think I played one of my best sets of this year and looking at the crowd I think they liked it as well ;-) So Medellin, Salon Amador, people from Colombia, thank you so much for making me feel inspired again! This is what came out of it: please listen and enjoy to Deep & Sexy #31. Love, Alex PS: A special shout out to my fellow musicians: Andreas, Georg & Little Indian. Thanks for being in my life! Free download is available at:
12/7/20171 hour, 3 minutes, 50 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #30 (Garden Of Eden)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: After having had such a beautiful summer with gigs all over, from Athens to Mykonos, Rome, Colorado, LA, San Francisco, New York, Beirut, Mexico, Necker Island, Vegas and so many more I am finally back in the Garden of Eden. Feeling so inspired returning to my home and studio space I created this new podcast for all of you. I haven’t been just working on this podcast, also on many new tracks which will be released later on. But now, please enjoy this creation. Hope you like it and you feel inspired to share it with your beloved people around you. Till soon! Free download is available at: Artwork picture by
9/20/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 6 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #29 (Alive @ AfrikaBurn)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: That time of the year....AfrikaBurn.....and yes it was another one on fire again. I felt ALIVE this AfrikaBurn. And the set you find here is the set I played on Thursday afternoon, sunset at Camp Now. Playing on the playa, dancing people around me, beautifully dressed up and feeling the freedom and their own soul and emotions. It was another privilege to play for all of these people again. Thanks as well to Bubbles & Bass and The Golden Calf for bringing so many beautiful experiences during my live sets there! And of course a big thanks to my AfrikaBurn Dino family! Enjoy this set! Till soon! Love, Alex Free download:
5/1/20171 hour, 48 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #28 (Feeling Home)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Hi guys, please find here my Deep & Sexy Podcast #28 (Feeling Home) This times journey has brought me from Shanghai to Thailand, for a week off, a holiday during Christmas in the middle of the rainforest to recharge my battery. Spending New Years in Verbiers, Switzerland and after that returning home and doing some gigs in the Virgin Islands and the US. Returning home doesn’t necessarily mean ‘feeling home’. I always try to make myself feel at home wherever I am. If it is a lousy hotelroom or a place on an airport cause for some reason there is a 6 hour delay. Feeling home in my own place, or feeling at home at a friend’s place. I always try to make myself feel at home…..and again, it is not always possible but feeling home is a feeling I so much love. Cause it brings the best out in myself and so I assume in everyone if he/she has the same home feeling. Enjoy my Home Feeling mix! See you hopefully soon! Love, Alex Free download:
2/21/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 36 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #27 (Morocco Special)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Hello there!! First I would like to thank you for all the support you’ve been giving me over the last 3 years! I feel blessed that I am able to play so many shows all over the world. All these happy faces in front of me gives me chills every time! Second, thank you for all the support through all of your messages! It is heart warming to read your stories what my music makes you feel or go through. Finally…… is my new podcast for all of you. I got inspired on my trip to Morocco with the Voyaj crew, after sitting on a camel in the Sahara, sleeping in a tent and wake up for sunrise. The world is such a magic place. Being in the desert, hardly hearing noises except for the rushing wind. And then the day after I was playing in Rabat on a pirate ship! Who expects that? So much fun again! Something else which has been on my mind and heart the last weeks. Many people in this world want changes in their lives. Sometimes they even forget that respect for yourself and the people around you is a very important thing, at least it is to me. We should have respect for women, men, mexicans, gays….you know where I am going right? ;-) Please know that every individual can change this world. So take responsibility for your own life and of those around you. How expensive is it to just smile and be kind to yourself and others? A smile can do a lot…..please smile a little more. It makes a change. Love! Alex Free download is here:
12/2/20161 hour, 40 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #26 (Rio Olympics)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Good morning!! Please find here my Deep & Sexy Podcast #26! This is my Rio 2016 edition. I played 5 events in Rio de Janeiro during the Olympics and this podcast is a selection of the finest tracks which I played there. It was such a privilege to be able to play, on my day of arrival, for about 3000 people at a beautiful castle. Rushing in to get in time I finally arrived a few minutes after midnight, I was supposed to start at midnight. So coming there, the promoter said, well…..maybe wait for a little longer cause then the place is totally filled up since I was there headliner. After a few times:’aaaah, wait a little longer’, I started my set at 01:30. But….it was worth the wait. What a crowd and what a joy and excitement on the floor! My friend from New York, Kung Pow Meow also arrived so he was able to shoot some crazy footage of it, check my Facebook page for the video of that event. Furthermore I played for the United Nations/Unicef for their official ’Refugee House’. I played at the official Dutch ‘Heineken House’, the Olympic Village and at a private mansion. Apart from that I am a huge sports fanatic, love doing sports myself, so I had a wonderful time in Rio de Janeiro. I hope you enjoy it, it has some more intensive energetic tracks to it than you’re used to hear. So let me know your thoughts! Till soon! And a download is available again on my Facebook page: Ate logo, beijo! Alex
10/4/20161 hour, 5 minutes, 29 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #25 (Live in LA)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: I recorded this 25th podcast live at a real intimate Deep & Sexy party last Sunday. In a wonderful setting with a beautiful pool, palm trees and amazing people ? The last months has brought me several highlights. Playing for the first time in San Francisco, my very own Deep & Sexy pool party with genius Sax player Justin Ward. Playing on a yacht and a castle in Cambridge, enjoying another yacht at the Film Festival in Cannes, France. Playing Dusk in NYC, in the deep jungle of Nicaragua, also another beautiful gig at sir Richard Branson’s Necker island again. At the beach of the Dominican Republic, Cabarete and so many other beautiful places. On my way to Ibiza in a second for another beautiful encounter! And in 2 weeks I will be playing several events at The Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. One of them will be in the Olympic Village, so I am so excited for that! Creating some deep house tracks with existing Brazilian vocals on it right now to make sure I am ready for the Brazilian people! For now: enjoy my new podcast and hope to bring some sunshine and happiness in your life with it! Hopefully till soon somewhere on this planet! Love, Alex Free download:
7/28/20161 hour, 3 minutes, 39 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #24 (AfrikaBurn Edition)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: So many beautiful experiences I have been through the last couple of weeks. From a beautiful gig in Lake Tahoe, to other crazy ones in LA, NY, San Diego and Austin. And then last week I had the privilege to play at the AfrikaBurn. A festival about 5 hours drive from Cape Town. I did two shows there. A sunset one and a pre-burn one. Both beautiful on its own. And when you hear the crowd scream: 'one more song, one more song' knowing that I already played 2 'more' songs....yes, then you know that they like what you do. That having said: I love bringing joy and happiness in your lives so the feeling is mutual! So straight from the heart another Deep & Sexy podcast for you guys. It's been a while so it is about time to fill your hearts with joy, soul and emotion again through some music. Embrace it and till the next time we (live or on soundcloud)meet! Love! Alex for a free download.
4/29/20161 hour, 9 minutes, 7 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #23 (Live From Necker)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Deep & Sexy Podcast no.23 - Live recorded at Necker Island. Last week I had the honour to play at sir Richard Branson's own private Island, which is part of the British Virgin islands. After a show in Panama, a show on top of a mountain in Utah with a stunning sunset, these tracks came out of my recordbag on this beautiful island. The environment of a beach, a BIG hot tub, palm trees, cocktails and amazingly smart, intelligent and most of all FUN people I played a 4 hour set (with live on Violin mister Dave Kim and support by legend DJ John Dill) until we took the last boat off of the island at 3:30am. An amazing adventure! I have been in the studio again the last couple of days to be sure that some new tracks will come your way soon! Have fun listening for now and see you soon! Hasta la vista! Free download:
2/19/20161 hour, 9 minutes, 11 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #22

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Hello music lovers and fans, this is my 22nd Deep & Sexy Podcast! I would like to thank you all for giving me the inspiration during my trips to record new songs and podcasts. Playing live for you guys is such an amazing feeling! All the communal love and energy I see during my shows is mind-blowing. So thank you for showing and sharing this with me. This podcast I’d like to dedicate to two people. First one is my mom. She is not here anymore but today was her birthday. So this is something for me to celebrate. The second person I’d like to dedicate this podcast to is, let’s call her ‘M’. I met her last week and I want to give her, through this podcast, new energy and positivity, cause she is going through a big challenging time in life right now. And of course all of you, enjoy this 22nd chapter and let me know if you like it! ❤️ Hasta la vista! Alex Free download: spotify:
12/6/20151 hour, 13 minutes, 14 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #21 (Playa Special)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Down at Deep Playa (Burning Man) I played a set....I was surrounded with a desert, amazing people, a beautiful art car and then I explored what comes towards me. So I played whatever came up in my mind....this is a short selection of that particular set as a Tribute to Dan The Raptor and his beloved. Thank you for following me the last 2 means the world to me <3 for a free download. insta: @alexcruzmusic This beautiful piece of artwork is created by an amazing artist and painter. Meet her here: insta: @jessbushpaints fb: Jess Bush Art
9/18/20151 hour, 2 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #20

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: Summer has arrived and yes: here is my Summer podcast for you and your friends! Deep & Sexy Podcast #20. Hope you like it and don't hesitate to tell your friends about it ;-) Have a GREAT Summer!! <3 For download:
7/14/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 15 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #19

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify:
5/9/20151 hour, 6 minutes, 24 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #18

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3/10/20151 hour, 7 minutes, 45 seconds
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Alex Cruz - Deep & Sexy Podcast #17

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: My new Deep & Sexy Podcast for you guys is ready to embrace it! So feel the love in yourself and in others. Because after all isn't it all about love? Love for the people you care about, love for your pet, for the city you live in, love for nature. Love for respecting people the way they are......and so on and on. Enjoy listening to the new journey of Deep & Sexiness. Free download is available at: See you soon somewhere around this globe? Love, Alex!
1/26/20151 hour, 2 minutes, 12 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #16 - December 2014

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12/23/20141 hour, 5 minutes, 37 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #15 - November 2014

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11/18/20141 hour, 9 minutes, 1 second
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #14 - October 2014

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10/14/20141 hour, 1 minute, 57 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #13 - September 2014

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify:
9/18/20141 hour, 12 minutes, 10 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #12 - August 2014

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8/18/20141 hour, 21 minutes, 20 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #11 - July 2014

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify:
7/17/20141 hour, 7 minutes, 30 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #10 - June 2014 (Your Summer Sounds)

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify:
6/15/20141 hour, 15 minutes, 44 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #9 - May 2014

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify:
5/9/20141 hour, 12 minutes, 3 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #8 - April 2014

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4/10/20141 hour, 5 minutes, 59 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #7 - March 2014

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify:
3/10/20141 hour, 15 minutes, 46 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #6 - February 2014

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify:
2/8/20141 hour, 14 minutes, 49 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #5 - January 2014

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify:
1/2/20141 hour, 17 minutes, 56 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #4 - December 2013

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify:
12/5/20131 hour, 6 minutes, 20 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #3 - November 2013

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify:
11/6/20131 hour, 14 minutes, 37 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #2 - September 2013

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify:
9/20/20131 hour, 8 minutes, 40 seconds
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Deep & Sexy Podcast #1 - August 2013

Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify:
7/25/20131 hour, 12 minutes, 7 seconds