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Anchorpoint Radio

English, Christianity, 1 season, 424 episodes, 5 hours, 23 minutes
Anchorpoint Radio promotes Gospel awareness on 59 radio frequencies weekly across Canada as well as on satellite TV. Our mission is to provoke deeper thought upon life's key issues and to offer the only sure answer to man's deepest need - the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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The Simplicity of Salvation - Phil Coulson

At Anchorpoint, we are seeking to clarify the Gospel message. The Bible says that you can know for sure that you are saved and ready to meet God. In our message today, speaker Phil Coulson explains how that God’s salvation is so simple, even a child can be saved. He tells us the story describing how, as a child, he came to know Christ as his Saviour. We hope that you enjoy this captivating story.
9/30/202424 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Crown of Thorns - Jim Jarvis

Apart from the cross itself, there can be no more poignant a symbol of the horrendous sufferings of Christ than the awful crown of thorns that He wore. The hymn writer wrote, "See from His head, His hands, His feet; sorrow and love flow mingled down; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet; Or thorns compose so rich a crown?" It was an instrument of pain, mockery and reproach that came from the hearts of wicked men. But it was also an emblem of Christ's ultimate purpose to put away the curse once and for all. 
9/16/202425 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Unknown God - Marvin Derksen

Over 2000 years ago, the apostle Paul was walking through the city of Athens looking at all the idols set up there when he came across one with a strange inscription, “The Unknown God”. Paul took the opportunity to preach to the people about the God that he knew and appreciated personally but was yet unknown to the people around him. Who exactly IS this God? What is He like? Does He play any part in our world or in our lives? Is He still unknown to YOU?
9/6/202425 minutes, 11 seconds
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The World or Your Soul - Eugene Higgins

One of the most stirring questions in the entire Bible was once asked by the Lord Jesus Christ when He said, "What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" It is difficult to think of a question that contains such stakes - such weighty issues. The answer should be obvious, shouldn't it? But, sadly, many people go through life without ever asking themselves this question. Tragically, many are selling their souls a day at a time for things that just won't matter. What about you? Is there anything in this world that is worth losing your soul for?  
8/31/202425 minutes, 4 seconds
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What It Means to be Saved - David Hierlihy

Sometimes people struggle with the Biblical term 'saved'. Often, this is simply because they don't quite get the concept of being lost. If I am saved, then it certainly implies that there was something I needed to be saved from. And there is. We all need to be saved from a purposeless life, from the unhappy consequences of sin here on earth, and most of all from the eternal consequences of sin after life is over - in hell separated from God forever. Do YOU know what it means to be saved?
8/24/202423 minutes, 38 seconds
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Sin and Separation - Tom Baker

The Bible speaks openly about sin and various kinds of separation that it causes.  One inevitable separation is called death - something that we all have to face.  But there is also the eternal separation of the unsaved in a place of judgment - hell. Wonderfully, the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ comes between our sin and God.  He has bridged the great separation of sin that keeps us out of God’s heaven. We trust that today’s broadcast will help you think seriously about this great sin problem and will direct you to the wonderful remedy that God has provided to bring sinners back to Himself.
8/17/202423 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Origin of Life, Part 2 - Michael Penfold

God wants us to know Him and He has given us the intelligence to learn about the world that He has made. Belief in God does not hinder science - it actually motivates us to discover more about how the world works. In this week’s episode, Mr. Michael Penfold further discusses some of the current issues in the scientific field relating to the origin of life.
8/10/202425 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Origin of Life, Part 1 - Michael Penfold

Scientists have studied the origin of life for years and are still trying to find answers. Atheistic scientists are determined to show that life somehow arose spontaneously from non-life. But there is only one problem with this anti-theistic approach. The scientific evidence does not support it!  Listen to this week’s message on this controversial topic.
8/5/202425 minutes, 47 seconds
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Christ Died for Our Sins - Peter Ramsay

There are so many simple, easily understood statements in the Bible that contain all the Gospel truth you could ever need. Verses like - “Christ died for our sins”.  These five words contain within them all the gospel truth – the problem of our sin, the Person of Christ, the work for us upon the cross, and the personal aspect of applying it to ourselves. All in five words! Do YOU believe them? 
7/28/202425 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Pool of Bethesda - Frank Sona

This week's message is the scene of a very wonderful miracle by the Lord Jesus and the story contains many important lessons for us all. Apart from showing the compassion and power of Christ in dealing with people's sickness and hardships, it also gives us a good illustration of what the salvation of God is all about. 
7/20/202424 minutes, 53 seconds
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Faithful Words to a Favoured World - Gary Sharp

The Bible is filled with the promises of God - faithful promises - words that we can count on. One faithful saying is given in 1 Timothy 1:15 - that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. How wonderful is this! The mission of the Son of God in becoming a man was that sinners like ourselves could be saved. This week's broadcast is concerned with the faithful Word of God, the favoured world we live in, and the finished work of Christ on the cross to bring us back to God. 
7/15/202420 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Cross, the Crowd, the Cry - Marvin Derksen

In today’s broadcast, speaker Marvin Derksen takes a closer look at the scene at Calvary. There was the cross – the awful cross upon which Jesus suffered and died. There was the crowd looking on, showing by their actions the real attitudes of their hearts. And there was the cry – the cry of a repentant sinner on the verge of his own death and the beginning of a long eternity. What an awful and yet awesome place! 
7/9/202425 minutes, 15 seconds
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Christ the Perfect Offering

In remembering Christ by breaking bread and drinking wine, Christians are reminded every week of His tremendous offering for sin at the place called Calvary. Believers live in the conscious enjoyment of a finished work! How wonderful is that? If you are a Christian, we know that this devotional message will stir your heart to worship. And if not a Christian, we trust that thinking about the perfect offering of Christ will bring you into the greatest spiritual blessing of your life!
7/1/202423 minutes, 53 seconds
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Healer of Broken Hearts - Gaius Goff

Weary, held captive by destructive habits, confused, fearful, hurt. We've all been there, haven't we? It was for such people that the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world. Listen to this message to understand how God loves the world and has done everything needed to solve the ultimate problem underlying all of our sad issues - estrangement from Him.
6/22/202422 minutes, 31 seconds
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Questions from Eden - Stephen Harper

Today’s broadcast looks at the actual beginning of sin going back to the book of Genesis. It looks at when sin first came into the world, wreaking havoc on all generations since that time. The generations of human beings since then have become infected and infested with sin with its awful results seen in our world today. Only Christ could restore the lost relationship between Adam and God. And only He can restore YOUR relationship with God. He did this by paying the tremendous price of sin on Calvary’s cross. Have you come to Christ for the forgiveness of your sins? You need to. There is no other way.
6/15/202424 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Blessing of Forgiveness - Dan Shutt

Christians understand and acknowledge that, despite the world's skeptical and unthankful attitude at times, God is the ultimate source of all of our blessings. The greatest of all blessings that God wants you to receive from Him is His forgiveness through our Lord Jesus Christ. The first verse of Psalm 32 says "Blessed is he - or she - whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered." At the end of the day, isn't that all that really matters?
6/8/202424 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Problem of Sin - David Hierlihy

While it is true that the word ‘gospel’ means ‘good news’, it is so necessary to get people to realize that there is a black background to the shining diamond of God’s salvation. People need to realize the solemn and desperate condition they are in as sinners before a holy and righteous God. This involves bringing up the unsavoury topic of sin. This message takes a look at sin and the wonderful salvation the God offers to put it away once and for all.
6/2/202423 minutes
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Haves and Have Nots - Peter Ramsay

The Bible makes a very categorical statement in 1 John Chapter 5 and verse 12 - "He (or she) that hath the Son has life, and he (or she) that has not the Son of God, has not life." There are only two parts to that verse. You either have the Son - that is, truly know the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Lord and Saviour - or you do not. So, how about it? Do YOU have this 'life' that the Bible talks about?
5/23/202422 minutes, 40 seconds
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Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God - Gaius Goff

In Matthew 6:33, we have the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Yes, it was taught by Christ that the kingdom of God is something that we should all strive to enter into - that is, we should make it a priority in our lives. You see, none of us are born naturally into the kingdom of God, but the good news is that the kingdom of God is as close as a humble, repentant heart. Have YOU entered that kingdom?
5/17/202422 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Search is On - Marvin Derksen

It’s a familiar story told by the Lord Jesus – the story of the lost sheep. As He tells this story, He paints for us a vivid picture of a poor, lost sheep – helpless and hopeless in itself. But He also describes Himself – the shepherd – the good shepherd who cares for His sheep enough to give His life. It really pictures ourselves, lost in our sins, and the Lord Jesus Christ as the Saviour or rescuer of our souls. Have you ever seen yourself as the lost sheep that Jesus came to save?  
5/10/202423 minutes, 7 seconds
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Except You Repent - Phil Coulson

Make no mistake about it, the Lord Jesus Christ knew exactly how to answer the objections of His critics. With divine wisdom and grace, He turned their questions around to what really counts - the salvation of their souls. Listen to Phil Coulson as He explains the Saviour's words "Except Ye Repent!" Think you should take Him seriously?
5/6/202422 minutes, 9 seconds
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Shall Never Thirst - Peter Ramsay

The Lord Jesus Christ once asked for a drink of water from a woman at a well in a town called Sychar. Not only was He tired and thirsty, He also wanted to teach this woman about ‘living water’ – something that will satisfy forever. Something only HE could give. Today, through this well-known Bible story, speaker Peter Ramsay explains about this ‘living water’ – the water that satisfies, not only for time, but for all eternity!
4/28/202423 minutes, 16 seconds
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Except You Repent - Phil Coulson

Make no mistake about it, the Lord Jesus Christ knew exactly how to answer the objections of His critics. With divine wisdom and grace, He turned their questions around to what really counts - the salvation of their souls. Listen to Phil Coulson as He explains the Saviour's words "Except Ye Repent!" Think you should take Him seriously?
4/28/202422 minutes, 9 seconds
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Is It Nothing to You? - Eugene Higgins

The wonderful message of the cross is the main theme of the Bible. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son." How little this stupendous fact crosses the minds of sinful men and women! In fact, it was prophetically written in Lamentations 1:12 - "Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Behold and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow which is done unto me wherewith the Lord has afflicted me in the day of His fierce anger." The same question can be asked today. Is it nothing to you? 
4/19/202425 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Prodigal Brother - Frank Sona

The story of the prodigal son is a well known story told by the Lord Jesus Christ about a young man who squandered his father’s inheritance and, after losing it all, returned to his father. Graciously, the father welcomed him back. But many do not know about this man’s older brother. The story never ended so well for him. Why? Listen to today’s message to find out.
4/12/202424 minutes
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The Kindness and Love of God our Saviour - Stephen Harper

Well, this week's message is all about the kindness and love of God towards us - and it's a message that we hope will remove any of your hard thoughts about God. His countless blessings on every level are something we should thank Him for every day - not the least of which is the tremendous spiritual blessing of salvation. 
4/6/202424 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Life Changing Message - Jim Jarvis

We believe that the gospel is the best message you could ever hear. Not only does it save the soul and open the way for an eternity in heaven, it has tremendous affects on people's lives here and now. In fact, the Christian enjoys eternal life - a new life given by God - the moment he receives Christ. So, if there isn't a change in a person's life after meeting the Saviour himself, then there is something definitely wrong. Are you a professing Christian? Has it changed your life? 
4/1/202420 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Origin of Meaning and Morality, Part 3 - Michael Penfold

This week’s broadcast looks at the atheistic worldview and its effect on present day ethical and moral decisions, specifically issues like abortion, designer babies and euthanasia. The four BIG questions of life are considered - origin, morality, meaning and destiny – and the ability of different world views to deal with them. Atheism fails to answer the questions of origin, morality, meaning or destiny. Does that sound like something you would risk your eternity on? 
3/22/202422 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Origin of Meaning and Morality, Part 2 - Michael Penfold

This week’s broadcast looks at the atheistic worldview and its effect on present day ethical and moral decisions, specifically issues like abortion, designer babies and euthanasia. The four BIG questions of life are considered - origin, morality, meaning and destiny – and the ability of different world views to deal with them. Atheism fails to answer the questions of origin, morality, meaning or destiny. Does that sound like something you would risk your eternity on? 
3/18/202425 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Origin of Meaning and Morality, Part 1 - Michael Penfold

We all have a philosophy - a worldview as it were - the perspective that we take on life. Here on Anchorpoint, we present the Biblical worldview - the way that God would have us to understand Him and ourselves. This week’s broadcast takes a look at the secular take on life with regard to the historical development of Darwin's evolutionary theory and its damaging effect on theological thinking. 
3/14/202425 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Precious Blood of Christ - Peter Ramsay

There is not a more glorious theme running throughout the Word of God than that of the precious blood of Christ. All of the Old Testament points toward the coming of the Messiah, the Lamb of God. The full and free forgiveness for sins was made available to ALL people through the sacrifice of Christ. Was His precious blood shed for you?
3/1/202424 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Ten Lepers - David Petterson

In this week's message we look at an interesting story from the New Testament in which ten lepers had a momentous encounter with the only One who could help them - the Lord Jesus Christ. They were helpless and hopeless. What would Christ do? Well, yes, He healed them. But for one of them, He did much more. Listen about how a short encounter with the Saviour not only restored this man his health and his family but his eternal future as well!
2/24/202424 minutes, 14 seconds
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You Must Be Born Again - Frank Sona

In the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ answered all the questions that men put to Him. Some were genuine; others were nothing but trickery. But the most important questions were the ones He Himself asked. These were honest questions, questions that really matter. Like the day He asked the people, "What do you think of Me?" What a simple and yet searching question. And He’s looking for honesty in your answer. So, what DO you think of Christ? What is YOUR answer to life's greatest issue?
2/17/202425 minutes, 21 seconds
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Life's Greatest Issue - Marvin Derksen

In the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ answered all the questions that men put to Him. Some were genuine; others were nothing but trickery. But the most important questions were the ones He Himself asked. These were honest questions, questions that really matter. Like the day He asked the people, "What do you think of Me?" What a simple and yet searching question. And He’s looking for honesty in your answer. So, what DO you think of Christ? What is YOUR answer to life's greatest issue?
2/9/202424 minutes, 9 seconds
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Look Unto Me and Be Saved - David Hierlihy

Did you know that God describes Himself in the Bible? He says He is the ONLY God - there is no other. He says that He is just - perfectly right and fair in His assessment of things. And He says that He is a Saviour. That is, He desires to save those who don't and can't meet up to His holy standards. But how can He do this? Well, there was only one who could do this – the Lord Jesus Christ. He was the holy and sinless One who gave His life to ransom others. Are YOU one of them?He is the isis
2/3/202424 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Rapture Explained - Jack Hay

Last week we were considering the great truth that the Lord Jesus Christ, the same One who lived here on earth over 2000 years ago, who died for our sins, rose again from the dead, and ascended into heaven, will one day come again. It’s a wonderful and exciting truth for Christians, encouraging our hearts in this sad and dreary scene, and inspiring us to live each remaining day for His glory. But it’s bad news for unbelievers. For them, it will be a tragic surprise. They would be left behind to face the terrible Tribulation and later, judgment for their sins. Speaker Jack Hay, continues on this topic today starting with a reading from 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4 which describes this great event in some detail. 
1/26/202422 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Rapture Promised - Jack Hay

Well, one of the greatest hopes for Christians worldwide is the coming again of the Lord Jesus Christ – the rapture. The apostle Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 4:18, “Comfort one another with these words”. What a joy to know that at any moment Christ could return to take all believers to be with Himself – forever removed from sin and sorrow. Of course, the prospect of the Lord’s return is not a comforting one for those whose sins are not yet forgiven. They are not ready for that shout. Be honest. If that describes you, you should listen to our message today and  learn more about this great, soon-coming event, and how you can be prepared. 
1/21/202423 minutes, 34 seconds
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Alienation and God's Remedy for It - Dan Shutt

Our broadcast today deals with our alienation from God - and its consequences. But, here's the good part - there was One who was willing to bear this alienation, this separation for us. It was none other than the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary - where He suffered the separation from God that we should have experienced. It is possible for you to find forgiveness of sins and get to know God personally - to close up that gap of separation once and for all. Interested?
1/12/202425 minutes, 31 seconds
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No One Like Him - Stephen Harper

What a glorious message the gospel is! And what a glorious Saviour Jesus is! The one who was made perfect through His sufferings, who by Himself purged our sins on the cross of Calvary, and who passed into the heavens and abides there today awaiting the day when we shall be with Him. Do you have a message any greater than this? Do you have a religious leader greater than this? Do you have a way to God more sure and glorious than this?
1/6/202424 minutes, 39 seconds
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Joy to the World - Eugene Higgins

The Bible has a wonderful theme throughout it - JOY! This week's message takes a look at the familiar Christmas carol "Joy to the World" and explains how it is that people like you and me can enter into a secure, meaningful, and everlasting relationship with the God of heaven - through our Lord Jesus Christ - and come to know the joy that He wants us to have. 
12/30/202323 minutes, 52 seconds
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A Name Called Wonderful - Marvin Derksen

Isaiah wrote over 700 years ago in Chapter 9 and Verse 6 the following words: “For unto us a child is born; unto us a Son is given." We know that this child, this Son, was the Lord Jesus Christ Himself who was born in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago. But He didn’t begin his life there. The Bible says that He was the Creator of all things, the eternal Son of God. He was really born. He really died. He really rose again. And He will ultimately rule the universe as King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Do you know Him?
12/26/202324 minutes, 24 seconds
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What a Friend We Have in Jesus

Speaker Peter Ramsay considers the marvel of the friendship of Christ. He's a personal friend - a friend you need to know one-on-one - personally. He's the prodigal's friend. Have you ever acknowledged that YOU need Him? He's a continual friend - one who will never leave us or forsake us. And He's an eternal friend - His is a friendship that will not end at death. So, how about it? Do YOU have a friend in Jesus? Are YOU saved?
12/15/202321 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Risen Christ - Marvin Derksen

Christ is indeed alive! The apostle Paul wrote from prison to a young man, Timothy, explaining how this wonderful resurrection is the answer to all our tears, our fears, and our doubts. The glorious truth of the risen Christ is what gives us the strength and confidence to continue on in our Christian lives. If you don't enjoy the wonders of this risen Christ, turn to Christ today and come into the good of His glorious resurrection!
12/11/202325 minutes, 53 seconds
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Atheism and the Origin of the Universe, Part 2 - Michael Penfold

Atheists have proposed some alternatives to God as creator, such as - the universe doesn't actually exist, or that the universe always existed, or that the universe came from nothing - created itself, so to speak. You be the judge of these supposed alternatives as evangelist and teacher Michael Penfold explains each one. 
12/2/202324 minutes, 46 seconds
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Atheism and the Origin of the Universe - Part 1 - Michael Penfold

Scientific discoveries are made every day from the marvels of the huge and spectacular cosmos around us to the mind-boggling complexity of the miniscule cell. Is atheism a logical response to all of this? Can it come up with plausible arguments for why the world exists as it does? 
11/26/202326 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Thief on the Cross - Peter Ramsay

Calvary is the focal point of all history. It's the reason the Lord Jesus came. But there were two others that died that day. Two criminals - murderers and thieves. Both had lived a life of sin and rebellion. Both were the same literal distance from the Lord himself. Both had equal opportunity. But only one of them went to heaven. Listen to this episode to find out why. 
11/17/202324 minutes, 52 seconds
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Looking to Christ - David Petterson

Have you ever wondered deep down about your life? Why you're here? Where you're going? Have you ever wondered if answers to such questions even exist? Has following a system of religious ideas and practices brought you the peace and purpose you're looking for? Well, the Bible gives the answer to our soul's longings. It's both profound and simple at the same time - "Look unto Me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth for I am God and there is none else." Yes, God is the only One who can bring salvation to the soul. The work has been done by Christ on Calvary, and salvation is a free gift offered to all who will accept it. Will you?
11/12/202324 minutes, 24 seconds
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Water into Wine - Jack Hay

The setting for this week's message is the small town of Cana in Galilee. It was in a bustle with preparations - invitations, food, flowers, decorations. It was a wedding day! The special guest was the Lord Jesus Christ himself - and what a difference He made! Have you allowed Him to make a difference in your life?
11/3/202325 minutes, 36 seconds
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Forgivenees for Your Sins - Brody Thibodeau

There's an interesting story in the Bible about the healing of a paralytic man by the Lord Jesus Christ. Amidst all the drama of breaking up the roof and lowering the man down into the crowd, the Lord Jesus remained unfazed. He didn't even seem that concerned about the man's physical condition. "Your sins are forgiven", He said. Why would He say this? The man needed to be healed, didn't he? But to Christ, he had a more obvious need - the forgiveness of sins. The same goes for you and me. 
11/3/202325 minutes, 8 seconds
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Is the Bible True, Part 2 - Eugene Higgins

The Bible has the unique power to convict the soul, to save the soul, and to give comfort and assurance to all who trust in it. Hebrews 4:12 says that the Word of God is living and powerful and able to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart. It reaches into the inmost heart of our being. It convicts. It saves. How precious is this book! Have you read it today?
10/22/202322 minutes, 13 seconds
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Is the Bible True, Part 1 - Eugene Higgins

Anchorpoint applies a Christian perspective to the world and all its issues; to mankind and all of its problems. Of course, our text is solely the Bible, the Word of God. Why is it that we stand so firmly on this book? How is it that we can rely on it solely as our word of counsel? How can we know for certain that the Bible is worthy of our trust? Is the Bible really true? Well, today’s broadcast deals precisely with these questions.
10/15/202325 minutes, 35 seconds
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Prepare to Meet Your God - Gaius Goff

The Bible is filled with messages to us about the importance of being ready to meet God - of preparing for that coming day. There are facts that we cannot evade. We were created by God. We are going to die. We are going to meet Him. But God is on your side. He has provided total preparation for you in the death of His Son. Will you accept Christ and be prepared to meet God once and for all?
10/6/202320 minutes, 22 seconds
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God's Marvellous Mercy - Matthew Cain

The Lord Jesus often used many contrasts in order that we might feel the full impact of the lessons He was teaching. This week’s message is about the story of the Pharisee and the publican in which such a contrast could not be greater. There were two individuals who attempted to approach God is diametrically opposing ways. Only one received God's mercy and forgiveness. Which way will you take? 
9/28/202325 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Origin of Evil - Michael Penfold

The origin of evil has always been a controversial topic. It is basically at the root of all world religions. What is evil? How can we define it? Why is there so much evil in the world? Is it possible to get rid of it? Well, it's quite obvious that man's attempts over thousands of years have been futile. Higher education, a better environment, more government policies, a greater sense of community, self-actualization. All of these alternatives - and many more - have made tried to no avail. Maybe, it's time we listened to what the God of the Bible has to say about it. 
9/24/202325 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Promised Prophet - Eugene Higgins

We often don’t think of the Lord Jesus Christ as a prophet – but He was – and the greatest of all prophets! Previous prophets were sent BY God to bring messages and announcements FROM God. They were merely transmitters of God’s truth. They communicated God’s mind to the people. But this greatest of all prophets did so much more than this. He WAS the mind of God and never had to preface His words with “Thus says the Lord”. Instead, He would say “But I say unto you”. He was the authoritative voice of God incarnate and people like you and me were given the privilege of hearing His words firsthand. But what about you? Have you believed the WORD?
9/15/202324 minutes, 54 seconds
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Gambling at the Foot of the Cross - Peter Ramsay

You know, when we think about the cross of Christ, it really does impress upon us the stark contrast between the ultimate expression of love and compassion and the unremitting display of wickedness and cruelty. One of the many acts of careless indifference were those of the soldiers who actually played games of chance at the foot of the cross. They were gambling for mere clothing as three men suffered on crosses right in front of them. Though callous as this is, many people even today are gambling with their souls, frittering away precious moments on things that don’t matter. Let’s listen to this week’s message by speaker Peter Ramsay.
9/8/202324 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Person of the Gospel - Marvin Dersen

The clearest and most concise description of what the gospel message is all about is given in 1 Corinthians 15 and verses 3 to 4, which reads, “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.” It is clear from this portion of scripture that the person of the gospel (the Lord Jesus Christ) is all important. A sinless, spotless sacrifice was made on our behalf at Calvary. And God, being well-pleased with that atoning work, raised Him from the dead. We all need to look to the person of the gospel – Jesus – not to a church, a system of beliefs, or even a spiritual leader. Trust Christ alone today.
8/31/202325 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Coming Storm, Part 1 - Phil Coulson

Almost 3000 years ago, the great prophet Isaiah penned these tremendous words in Isaiah 32, verses 1 and 2 - "Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgment; and a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land." What did he mean? Who was this king? What is this tempest? When will all this happen? And how can a man be a hiding place? In our message today, you will hear answers to these and other questions as Phil Coulson relates Isaiah's words to the apostle John's revelations about the coming judgment on this planet. 
8/24/202322 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Coming Storm, Part 2 - Phil Coulson

Last week's message contained some thought-provoking teaching on future events as foretold by the prophet Isaiah and the apostle John - and how a MAN will be a hiding place in the time of storm. This broadcast goes into more detail of what that judgment will involve. And it's not a pretty picture - but one we must consider in order to realize the extent of God's dissatisfaction with this world of sin. It's all given in the Bible as a warning to us all. So, please take the time to listen to what God has to say about the coming storm and the remedy that God offers us.
8/24/202323 minutes, 39 seconds
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I Perish, I Thirst, I Believe - Stephen Harper

The gospel message does not require an intellectual understanding of Bible truth. It is an invitation for a personal relationship with the God of the universe. As with all personal interactions, there must be honesty. God knows all, so there's no use in trying to hide anyway. So, it's best to come clean. In this week’s broadcast, we will be looking at three simple statements starting with the "I perish" of the prodigal, Christ’s poignant cry on the cross, and the sinner’s words "I believe". We trust that these will be your words after you hear this message and that you will enter into the joy of sins forgiven.
8/13/202325 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Floodgates of Heaven - Dan Shutt

The broadcast this week at three very important truths from the Word of God. They basically comprise the gospel message. These are God’s wrath, God’s justice, and God’s grace. The Bible alludes to these topics time and time again.Yet, many today downplay God’s holiness and displeasure with sin. The cross of Calvary is hardly ever thought of in terms of God’s eternal justice being satisfied on our account. And sadly, not many understand or even know about the wonderful grace of God displayed towards sinners. We hope that these truths will be made clearer to you through this message. There is salvation for YOU, but you must agree to your need to escape the wrath of God and look to Calvary where divine justice was forever satisfied, and believing sinners saved by the grace of God. 
8/4/202323 minutes, 45 seconds
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Precious Words for Troubled Hearts - Peter Ramsay

I’m sure we all agree that we live in a troubled and broken world. Though it has always been that way, it seems that things just keep getting worse. It is certainly not at all what God intended for mankind. Our sin and depravity have devastated our beautiful planet, but even more so, our lives, futures, hopes, relationships – and most of all, ourselves! On occasions we read in the Bible of how the Lord Jesus grieved over the destruction that sin has brought to our world. Sickness and death – both physical and spiritual. He often wept when He saw the consequences of rejecting Him. We hope that you will respond to the tender entreaties of Jesus once again as you listen to this touching message about the love of God – for YOU. Take heed to the precious words in the Bible that point to eternal life and eternal satisfaction to all who believe them.
7/29/202325 minutes, 56 seconds
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Eternal Life - Matthew Cain

Today’s topic is about something that we’re sure most thinking people would like to know more about. It’s all about eternal life. After all, who wouldn’t want to live forever? To be in a place of no sorrow and suffering for all eternity? Right? Well, you will see from our message today that eternal life is much more than that. Yes, it is only available from God himself, but it is so much more than just quantity of life – that is, forever life – but it also includes the quality of that life. It is not just more of what we have now. No. It is a truly awesome existence for those transformed by the power of God to live eternally in His presence in a state of total harmony and purpose with God himself. And eternal life begins the moment you first believe – here and now!
7/22/202326 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Sheep and the Shepherd - Eugene Higgins

You know, sheep and shepherds were commonplace in Bible times. It is easy to see the contrast between the sheep and the shepherd. Sheep are helpless, weak, and needy creatures. They commonly lose their way and become easy targets for hungry predators. We are a lot like sheep. And spiritually we are easy prey for the devil who as a roaring lion seeks for those he can devour. On the other hand, we have a seeking Shepherd who is also looking for the sheep, ready to lay down His life for its rescue. What wonderful words Isaiah writes, “All we like sheep have gone astray. We have turned every one to his own way. And the Lord has laid on Him (Christ) the iniquity of us all.” Trust Him today, won’t you?
7/15/202326 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Uniqueness of Christ - Dan Shutt

The Lord Jesus Christ was and is the most truly unique person in the universe. He was the one and only Son of God. From His unique conception to His unique death, there was never anybody like Him on any level. No one can compare to Jesus. What a wonderful Saviour He is, my friend. To miss Him is to miss the whole purpose that God has in store for you. To miss Him is to be separated from God eternally. So, come to this unique One today, won’t you?
7/8/202325 minutes, 24 seconds
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How Do You Handle Christ - Marvin Derksen

 You know, when the Lord Jesus Christ was born into this world, it was the first time that men and women, like you and I, could physically see and touch Him. The apostle John spoke about how he and the other disciples actually “handled” the Lord. So, how about YOU? How do you handle Christ?  Do you handle Him with reverence, adoration, and gratitude? Do you handle Him as YOUR Saviour? We hope so!
7/3/202323 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Born Again Experience - Shad Kember

If you’ve ever read John chapter 3, you will find three imperatives there that are vital for all of us to understand. The first one is the necessity for every one of us to have spiritual life – we MUST be born again. John goes on to give another vital mandate in this chapter – this time regarding the Lord Jesus himself – when He said that He MUST be lifted up. Why? And the third imperative is all about the attitude and lifestyle of a Christian AFTER salvation – where Christ continually increases and the new Christian decreases. Upon the new birth, Christ becomes our all-in-all, we start to be transformed into His likeness, and we have a growing desire for Christ to be praised and exalted above everything else. Have you ever had this born again experience? 
6/25/202323 minutes, 7 seconds
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Who Then Can Be Saved - Gaius Goff

The word ‘saved’ is a very weighty word in the Bible. But it is used very often. In fact, the disciples often asked the Lord Jesus questions about what it means to be saved. He emphasized to them the importance of making it a priority in life – even impressing upon them that they needed to ‘strive’ to enter in. This means that we need to take the gospel message personally and seriously. Have you? 
6/16/202320 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Man Born Blind - William Skates

The Lord Jesus Christ was the Great Physician. He took away diseases. He gave strength to crippled limbs. He calmed the broken heart. The message this week concerns the miraculous healing of a man born blind. But, more importantly, the man received spiritual vision – and came to believe on Christ the Lord and worship Him.Yes, just like the old gospel hymn says – I once was blind, but now I see - millions of sinners have had their spiritual sight restored by Christ. 
6/9/202324 minutes, 49 seconds
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The King's Banquet - Peter Ramsay

The Lord Jesus told the most riveting stories and parables. As the ultimate teacher, His teachings hit home in the hearts of those that heard – really heard – what He was trying to tell them. One such story was about a grand wedding feast prepared by a King for His son. He intended for everyone to come. The invitation went out, “All things are ready – Come”! He had covered the cost of absolutely everything. In fact, even the correct wedding attire was provided. There was nothing to do but to accept the invitation and turn up on the appointed day. Sadly, they totally rejected the invitation. Have you? We hope not!
6/2/202326 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Suffering Christ - Stephen Harper

The message preached by the early church was a simple and yet triumphant one. They preached Christ “and Him crucified”. Christ bore our iniquities. He suffered for every one. How marvellous is the story of the grace of God! The Sovereign of the universe closed His eyes in death for the vilest sinner on earth. You find it hard to believe? It’s what the gospel teaches, my friend. Turn your incredulity into songs of praise. And open your heart to trust Him, won’t you?
5/27/202322 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Promised Seed - Eugene Higgins

God’s handiwork in creation was perfect in every way – and He gave it His stamp of approval from the very beginning – “God saw that it was good”. So, what happened between then and now? Well, just one small word actually – sin. Yes, sin entered the world and destroyed the paradise that God intended for man. But as soon as sin entered – through Adam – the promise was made of a Redeemer who would restore the world and the humans in it. This would be no less that the Messiah himself – the Lord Jesus Christ. And what a complete and wonderful restoration He has made on the cross of Calvary for sinners! But where do YOU stand? Are you redeemed?
5/19/202324 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Three Looks of Abraham - Stephen Harper

You know, it’s hard for some people to grasp the biblical truth that no one gets to heaven by anything that they do. Good works or a pious life can never atone for sins. Not one. It can be a hard pill to swallow. If you read Romans chapter 4, you will read about Abraham who was justified by faith alone. He believed God, and God counted it to him for righteousness. There was nothing that he could do. He simply trusted in the promises of God. Do you?
5/13/202326 minutes, 14 seconds
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Do You Believe? - Peter Ramsay

The prophet, Isaiah, over 750 years before the birth of Christ, foretold the Saviour who would come and what would happen to Him. He would be rejected and despised. He would be crucified. He would carry our sorrows. He would bare our iniquities. Isaiah asked a probing question, “Who has believed this report?” The same question can be asked today whenever the gospel is preached. Who is going to believe this marvellous story? Who is going to trust in this good news? Will you?            
5/6/202325 minutes, 45 seconds
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Saved by Grace - Marvin Derksen

Isn’t it a wonderful thing that the most powerful, most awesome God of the universe is a God of grace? How dreadful it would be if He were a tyrant God or simply one who didn’t care much about us or what is going on in our world. No, He is intimately involved with every detail of our lives and infinitely concerned about our destinies. As sinners, we could never draw close to God. We could never enter His kingdom or live in heaven with Him. But God has extended His hand of love and grace to us all. The ultimate expression of this was the giving of His Son to take the place of guilty sinners in order to save us. Yes, though we have sinned, God is FOR us. And He has taken the first step to reconciling us to Himself. 
4/30/202324 minutes, 56 seconds
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Where to Find Rest - Shad Kember Jr.

One of the most gracious invitations given by the Saviour to poor sinners is this, “Come unto Me, all ye who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). What a weary and laden down world we live in! So much unrest and fear. So much covert frustration and anger because of the failure to have our greatest needs satisfied. Our  spiritual needs. We need peace and rest in our souls, yet we persist in our tiresome search in places that cannot deliver, not realizing what the problem really is. We are disconnected from the source of all true joy and satisfaction. We are disconnected from God! Listen to this message about this beautiful verse and what God is offering in Christ. 
4/22/202324 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Folly of Waiting - Brody Thibodeau

One of the most important things that listeners have to remember when they consider the gospel is its utmost urgency. The Lord Jesus Christ exhorted His hearers to seek FIRST the kingdom of God. To strive to enter in. Not to count on the fact that tomorrow will always come. The gospel is not just something to sit back and consider at a later time, but something to act on. Now is the day of salvation.
4/14/202322 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Resurrection - Truth or Conspiracy - Sandy Higgins

Airtime: April 7-0, 2023Message Title: The Resurrection, Truth or Conspiracy rerunSpeaker: Sandy Higgins The topic of the resurrection is the foundation of the Christian faith, so it comes as no surprise that it is the doctrine that has been attacked most by atheists and other unbelievers down through the ages. Yet, the four gospels carefully preserve the details of the crucifixion and resurrection story. We trust that this message will help you to understand the gospel accounts more fully and that, if not saved, you would solemnly realize the implications of a risen Saviour and His claims upon YOUR life.
4/7/202325 minutes, 45 seconds
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Remember Jesus Christ - Matthew Cain

The apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 2:8 urges us to “remember Jesus Christ” – who He was and what He has done. That He is unique in His birth, in His descent, and in His death. And not only that, but in His victory over the grave in being raised from the dead. Why is it so important that we remember these things? Well, it makes us think of how special He was. The sinless One. God incarnate. This should bring worship to the hearts of those who love Him. And it should bring terror to those who have rejected and crucified Him. We would all do good to remember this great One, this holy One.
4/2/202325 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Coming of the Lord - Marvin Derksen

3/25/202324 minutes, 15 seconds
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Gospel Clarifications - Shad Kember Jr.

When people come to hear the gospel message, they often bring with them their own pre-conceived notions of what it is all about. They may realize that they have a need because of their sin, which is very important, but then contribute their own ideas as to how to get rid of their sins. Some depend on their good deeds; others on religious observances such as baptism or communion. Still others on their background, their church affiliation, or even their sincerity. But there is no support in the Bible for any of these methods. In today’s broadcast, we will look at some of the many verses in the Bible that make clear for us GOD’s way of salvation. 
3/18/202324 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Saviour of the World - Stephen Harper

There is a heart-warming story found in the Gospel of John about a weary woman, burdened down with guilt and hopelessness, who came on an ordinary day in her life to a well to get water. But on this particular day she got more than just the usual H2O. She received in her soul a well of refreshing and satisfying water that would be in endless supply. She met the One who had living water, the Saviour who met her deepest need. But it didn’t stop there. The joy in her soul could not be contained and she told everyone she knew about the “Saviour of the world” that she had come to know. And what a Saviour He is!
3/12/202322 minutes, 55 seconds
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Behold the Lamb - Dan Shutt

When John the Baptist pointed to the Lamb of God and cried, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”, there was no question as to who he was talking about. There stood before all the people a unique and sinless man who, by baptism, identified Himself with the rebellious nation of Israel, indeed the whole world. He came to stand in the place of sinners. He was God’s great solution to the universal problem of sin. And He was willing and able to be the Lamb, the perfect offering to satisfy the justice and righteousness of God.  Have you taken this Lamb of God as your own? You need to. 
3/4/202324 minutes, 38 seconds
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Finished - Brody Thibodeau

Today’s message looks closely at one of the Lord’s sayings on the cross. It is maybe the one of most significance to perishing sinners. The words, “It is finished” or one word in the Greek – “finished”. How this word has been a balm to troubled souls down through the years since that day at Calvary! What did it mean? Well, the depth of this utterance will probably never be fully known. For, you see, it was one of infinite victory! Christ’s  promises had been kept. The prophecies had been fulfilled. Satan had been crushed. Sin had been paid for. Death had been defeated. God had been satisfied. How profound was that cry from Calvary! Listen to our message today, and ask yourself, “What does that word mean to ME?”
2/26/202325 minutes, 41 seconds
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What Will You Do With Jesus? - Peter Ramsay

 A large part of the gospel is concerned with just one event in Jesus’ life – His arrest, trial, and crucifixion. Why? Well, it’s the very reason He came - to die for our sins! God wants us to direct our focus to exactly what happened on the day that He accomplished this great work. Many people made choices for or against Christ that day, but our message this evening is concerned with the decision and response of one particular individual, Pontius Pilate. He had to make a decision about what to do with Jesus. And so do we! 
2/17/202324 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Eternal God - Eugene Higgins

We will never know all there is to know about the Almighty God of heaven. His essence is eternal. His character is far beyond what we can even hope to understand. But we can be thankful that this same God has allowed us to know Him by revealing Himself to us through the Bible. That’s why it’s so important to read this Book. Also, Christ has made the invisible God visible. We see the nature of God in Him. 
2/10/202324 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Gospel Mystery - Dan Shutt

 Well, today's message is centered around the words found in 1 Peter 3:18 - "Christ also has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust that He might bring us to God." What a great gospel mystery we have here! Why is the sinless One suffering for sin? Listen to this week’s message as the great gospel mystery is unravelled through the wonderful fact of substitution.. 
2/3/202326 minutes, 15 seconds
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Unequalled Truths of the Gospel - Marvin Derksen

There is no other message like the gospel message. It’s all about our greatest need and God’s greatest provision. Believing it results in everlasting life. It means rejoicing for ages to come in the grace and love of God . This week’s broadcast presents four “unequalled truths of the Gospel” - the unparalleled life of the Saviour; His incomparable death; the indescribable gift He offers, and the unsearchable riches He wants us to enjoy.  The Lord is waiting for a response from you. 
1/28/202323 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Knowledge of the Truth - Jack Hay

At Anchorpoint our desire is for all our listeners to understand the great truths of the Gospel message, and about the Person who makes the good news possible – the Lord Jesus Christ. But first we need the knowledge of the truth - about ourselves, about the Saviour, and about God’s way of salvation. But the Bible speaks of the sad possibility of sinning wilfully against the truth that we DO know. We hope that our listeners will respond to the truth in repentance and faith and come to know the Lord Jesus as their own and personal Saviour.  
1/20/202325 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Sinless Sin-Bearer - Matthew Cain

This week’s broadcast focuses on the Man of Calvary. On the cross hung a unique Man in every sense of the word. He was perfect in every aspect of His life. Indeed, He was actually God manifested in the flesh. It’s a weighty mystery that the Bible does not attempt to explain. It states it as reality. He was sinless in thought, word, and deed. Yet He was willing to take on the sin of the entire world. He is the Yes, Christians will forever rejoice in the sinlessness of Christ and in the fact that one day we will be free from sin as well. And we can also rejoice in the fact that all our sins were borne by our sinless substitute on the cross. What about you? 
1/18/202324 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Christian's Boast - Dan Shutt

You know, if we sat at the foot of the cross long enough, we would have to come away greatly humbled – with absolutely nothing to boast about in ourselves. In fact, we would come away ashamed and convicted of the wretched creatures that we really are to crucify the Lord of life and glory. The apostle Paul never forgot his view of the cross. He said, “God forbid” that he would have an ounce of boasting or pride in his veins again. When it comes to salvation, it is only Christ who is to be “lifted up” as it were. His cross was the place of suffering, the place of substitution, the place of God’s entire satisfaction, and the place of eternal salvation. There is absolutely nothing there of ourselves that we can boast about. 
1/8/202325 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Greatest Gift Ever - Marvin Derksen

We have all experienced the joy both of giving and of getting gifts. But many people don’t really appreciate the greatness of the many gifts that God gives us. Not only of health and strength, loving relationships and other benefits of life, but gifts of eternal value – forgiveness, peace with God, peace with ourselves, a relationship with God, a home in heaven, enjoyment of the Saviour, eternal security … to name a few. But do you know that all of these gifts are wrapped up in one really. Jesus Christ. If you have Him, you have everything, now and forever. We trust that you will enjoy listening about the gift that God has for you.
12/29/202224 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Philippian Jailor - Stephen Harper

 There is an amazing story in the book of the Acts about a jailor in Philippi who received Christ as his Saviour after meeting the apostle Paul and Silas in the prison there. But God had His eye on this jailor long before that morning dawned. It was no accident that he came into contact with them that evening. God deals with individuals and often re-arranges their circumstances in such a way that they are made to think of their soul’s salvation? Like the jailor, have you ever been awakened to YOUR great need?
12/16/202224 minutes, 24 seconds
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When Shepherds Met the Good Shepherd - Marvin Derksen

Has it ever occurred to you as odd that the coming of the King of kings and Lord of lords was announced to simple country folk looking after a few sheep on a hillside? Well, the answer is simple. The Lord Jesus came to the earth in humble human form. His Kingdom would reign in people’s hearts, not in the pomp and display of outward ceremony. The Lord is actually the Good Shepherd – the One who loves His sheep whom He diligently cares for and tenderly carries. We hope that in this week’s broadcast that you will be drawn closer to the wonderful Good Shepherd, the Great Shepherd, who seeks for each one of us. 
12/16/202226 minutes, 5 seconds
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Sins Forgiven - Larry Perkins

There is no greater truth than to know that your sins are forgiven! King David could write in Psalm 32:1-2 – “Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered; blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputes not iniquity”. Can you think of anything better? We can only have a right relationship with God if, first, we recognize that the Almighty God see us in our sins and separated from Him. He is the When it comes to our soul’s salvation, we need to be honest with God and acknowledge it. Only then will we appreciate the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ in dying for us.
12/9/202222 minutes, 53 seconds
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A Seeking Sinner and a Seeking Saviour - Peter Ramsay

The message of this week’s broadcast is that God is seeking for you. The very fact that you're here on this page is an example of that. He longs to reconnect with each one of us - but sin has formed a tremendous barrier. Yes, God is looking for sinners. But there is the other side as well. Are YOU seeking for Him? The Bible promise still stands - you will find Him when you honestly look for Him - when you seek for Him with all your heart. 
12/5/202224 minutes, 40 seconds
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God's Wonderful Gift - Marvin Derksen

Biblical faith is simply this – believing in what God says and committing yourself to it. It is based on evidence that backs up that faith. You can rest on it. Is God trustworthy? Can you depend on what He has said in His Word? In this week’s broadcast we will look at the requirements of faith, the realities of faith in action, and the response of faith. This is no blind leap. It is simply trusting what Christ has done and what God has said about it. It is simply reaching out an empty hand to receive God’s unchanging truth. Trust Christ today, won’t you?
11/25/202223 minutes, 23 seconds
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In Adam or in Christ - John Meekin

The Bible speaks of two different classes of people in this world. Those "in Adam" or those "in Christ". We are all born into the first group, disconnected from God, spiritually dead. How can we get from this sad condition to being spiritually alive - "in Christ" ? Today's message makes this clear.
11/19/202221 minutes, 28 seconds
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Worthy to be Praised - Eugene Higgins

The "Hallelujah Chorus" is one of the most famous pieces of music ever composed. How beautiful are its words in praise of the only true God of heaven - the God of the Bible! This week's broadcast takes a look at some of the reasons that God is worthy to be praised - His creation, His incarnation, His wonderful and free redemption, His promised restoration of a defiled earth, just to name a few. Surely, we can all sing "Hallelujah, what a Saviour!"
11/11/202225 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Power of God - Dan Shutt

In this week’s broadcast, speaker Dan Shutt takes a look at the different aspects of the power of God - His creatorial power - His power to enact judgment – and the tremendous power of the gospel to save souls and transform lives. But there's also the power that we have ourselves - the power of choice - to believe or not believe God. What choice have you made? 
11/6/202222 minutes, 23 seconds
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Heaven, Have You Prepared? - Frank Sona

Well, there's no doubt about it - EVERYONE wants to go to heaven. So, isn't it a strange thing that most people don't bother to prepare for it? There's no preparation necessary for hell. It's straight ahead - you can't miss it. But heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. So then, how do you prepare for heaven?
10/28/202225 minutes, 32 seconds
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Strive to Enter In - David Hierlihy

Listen to these forceful words of the Lord Jesus Christ from Luke 13, "Strive to enter in at the narrow gate: for many will seek to enter in, and shall not be able." Why is this? Simply because they have not come God's way - through His only begotten Son. Through the cleansing power of the blood of Christ. Only Christ can take away sin through His sacrificial death on Calvary. Go in for God's salvation. You'll find a Saviour waiting to bless you. 
10/21/202225 minutes, 31 seconds
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Marks of Guilt and Marks of Love - Tom Hoy

One of the most difficult truths of the gospel message to get across to people is the fact that we have all offended a holy God. But these marks of guilt against God are continually being recorded in heaven to determine the judgment deserved by sinners. But these dreadful marks of guilt are here contrasted with the wonderful marks of love and forgiveness forever displayed in the Saviour’s wounds and names being indelibly written in the Lamb’s book of life. 
10/15/202222 minutes, 32 seconds
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Heaven, Am I Going There? - Eugene Higgins

Though there are many stories of love and many stories of sacrifice in the Bible, the two only truly come together for the first time at Calvary where Christ in love provided the ultimate sacrifice for sin. Why? So that we could be sure of being in heaven with Him. The Bible speaks of only two destinations. Those who trust Christ are saved and enter heaven through His blood, but those who refuse to receive God's forgiveness must be banished from the holy presence of God forever. Which destiny will it be for you?
10/7/202220 minutes, 10 seconds
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Impossible Certainties - Marvin Derksen

There is nothing relative about the Word of God. It is filled with timeless, unchanging, absolute truths. Sometimes it is this very inflexibility in scriptural statements that makes individuals uncomfortable with or even hostile to the Bible’s message. But there are some things in the Word of God that are absolute impossibilities. Even in relation to God. Did you know that there are some things that God CANNOT do? For one, He cannot lie. He also can never change. Some of these impossibilities are difficult for us to accept – like the impossibility of ever saving ourselves, of ever making ourselves any better in the sight of God. However, other impossibilities are wonderfully comforting – like the fact that God will never, no never, turn away anyone who comes to Him in repentance and faith. 
10/1/202224 minutes, 29 seconds
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Amazing Grace - Jim Jarvis

“Amazing Grace” is a truly beautiful song. But how sad that many music artists around the world while lending their beautiful voices and instrumental skills to the song hardly appreciate what the song is truly all about! Well, it contains the simple gospel message of the awareness of sin, the grace of God in saving souls, and the joy of the believer upon receiving that message. Is grace amazing to YOU? Are the words of this beautiful hymn the language of your heart?
9/24/202225 minutes, 20 seconds
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A Man Called Jesus - Stephen Harper

The Gospel of John, chapter 9, is entirely dedicated to the story of one poor blind man and his encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. It was one of the “sign” miracles that the apostle John included in his gospel – miracles that displayed the glory of God in Christ. This man was blind from birth and would never be able to see apart from divine intervention. How similar to this is our own condition. We are also blind from birth as far as the spiritual dimension is concerned. In our natural condition, we are not able to see and appreciate Christ for Who He is. Nor do we rightly understand our own standing before God as sinners. Our message this week looks into the circumstances of this man’s story and how it applies to us even today.  
9/18/202224 minutes, 1 second
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The Death of Christ - Dan Shutt

Time cannot be better spent than to sit at the foot of the cross and considering the death of our Lord Jesus Christ. There we see where God’s love and His judgment met together. There is no greater display of the grace of God for the very sinners who tortured and taunted Him there. Have you ever stopped long enough at the cross to think upon what was actually happening there and why?
9/10/202226 minutes, 4 seconds
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Sepulchre Similarities - Frank Sona

You know, we would be in denial if we didn’t concede that the world in which we live is filled with death, sorrow, fear, pain, and hopelessness. And we are powerless in the face of death, our final enemy. The Bible says that through fear of death, we are in bondage our whole lives. But the Lord Jesus has power over death. He was and still is the conqueror over the grave. Believers have eternal life – life that goes on beyond the grave. Interested? Then, listen as the wonderful story of Lazarus in John chapter 11 unfolds. 
9/2/202226 minutes, 16 seconds
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Christ Lifted Up - David hierlihy

Not long after the Israelites had been rescued from slavery under Pharaoh, King of Egypt, they started complaining and rebelling against God, bringing upon themselves judgment in the form of venomous snakes that bit the people. But God in His mercy provided a remedy. Moses hung a brass snake upon a pole - and all who looked upon it lived. The application is simple. Sin causes suffering, sadness, and death. The remedy? Christ himself, just like that brass snake, would be lifted up on a cross and guilty sinners who look to Him will be saved. Have YOU ever looked to Christ to have your sins forgiven? 
8/26/202225 minutes, 53 seconds
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Roadmap to Eternity - Eugene Higgins

What a wonderful message the Bible contains! There is salvation on the simplest terms! Christ has provided the way - the door to heaven - and we can only get on the narrow road to heaven through Him. But there is also the broad road that leads to hell and destruction. Have you located where you are on the roadmap to eternity?
8/19/202225 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Message of the Cross - Peter Ramsay

We all know that the cross is the symbol of Christianity worldwide. But even as a symbol, it serves to point out how Christianity differs from all other religious systems that the world has developed. After all, it is an old rugged cross - the cross upon which the Saviour died. In today’s broadcast, evangelist Peter Ramsay takes up the glorious message of the cross. Have you believed its glorious message? 
8/13/202221 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Second Birth - Marvin Derksen

Today's broadcast looks at the second birth as the absolute requirement for a person to get to heaven. Have YOU been born again? Has there ever been a time in your life when you received spiritual life from God through trusting Christ as YOUR Saviour? We trust that this message will help you understand your need and direct you to the only one who can save you - the Lord Jesus Christ.
8/5/202225 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Writing on the Wall - Gaius Goff

The most difficult part of the work of a gospel preacher is to get people to stop. Even for a moment. To get them to press the 'pause' button of their lives and consider the essential issues of what their lives are all about -  questions like - Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? Today's message comes from a jail cell, from a young man about to go out to die. We would do well to hear what he says about life, death, and eternity. 
7/31/202223 minutes, 1 second
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Welcome to a Broken World - Sandy Higgins

It's quite obvious that there is a lot of ‘brokenness’ of the world around us. he ‘whys’ may not all be answered, but there IS purpose in it all. God is not finished with this world yet. And Christians? Well, He’s helping us to focus on what really counts, testing our love and devotion, and developing in us a closer likeness to His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. 
7/22/202225 minutes, 42 seconds
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Light Rather Than Darkness - David Hierlihy

The Bible speaks of God's desire to bring men and women 'out of darkness’ and ‘into His marvellous light’. There is the natural darkness under which each one of us is born - and when we are exposed to the truth of the gospel, we have a choice - the light of God or the darkness of our sin. Which will it be for you?
7/15/202223 minutes, 15 seconds
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Inside or Outside - Peter Ramsay

Not everybody has a place reserved in heaven. There are many that still remain outside. Though the forgiveness of sins and a relationship with Christ is freely available to all, not all have availed themselves of God’s salvation. We need to ask ourselves, “Am I inside of God’s salvation or outside of it all, still exposed to the righteous judgment of God?” In this week’s message, our focus is turned to this very simple question. Where exactly am I when it comes to my standing before God?
7/10/202222 minutes, 49 seconds
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I am the Good Shepherd - Marvin Derksen

The Lord Jesus once told a story about a lost sheep - how there were ninety-nine that were safely in the shepherd's care, but one poor helpless sheep remained out in the wilderness, lost and alone. But there was a good Shepherd who would not rest until that sheep was back safely in the fold again. So, how about it? Are you a lost sheep? If so, have you heard the Shepherd’s voice? Have you answered His call?
6/30/202225 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Kindness of God - Dan Shutt

One of the marvellous attributes of God is His wonderful kindness. Titus Chapter 3, for example, says in verse 4 and 5 the following tremendous words: “But after that the kindness  and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us.” God is certainly kind toward us. The most extravagant expression was in the giving of His Son over 2000 years ago for our salvation. Do YOU know anything about the exceeding riches of the kindness of God to you through Christ?
6/26/202224 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Doctrine of the Gospel - Phil Coulson

The gospel message we hear today is often a confusing one. How often is sin preached? What about the need for genuine repentance? Or the judgment that awaits the Christ rejecter? Do we hear much about the sound Biblical doctrines behind the gospel message? We desperately need to get back to what the Bible actually says. This week’s broadcast looks at the writings of the Apostle Paul in the book of Romans as he discusses one of the essential elements of the scriptural gospel message.- sin and how God deals with it.
6/17/202227 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Perils of a Lost Sheep - Brian Kember

The Lord Jesus Christ was a great teacher and often used stories to illustrate truths that God wants us to know. One of these stories is the parable of the good shepherd who sought after one lost sheep. The picture is simply this. We are ALL like lost sheep, going our own way, wilfully leaving the path of the shepherd.  But, there is a seeking shepherd - the Lord Jesus Christ himself. And He proved His love for the lost sheep by being willing to lay down His life for it. Have YOU seen yourself as the lost sheep that Jesus died to save? 
6/11/202222 minutes, 3 seconds
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A Touch of His Garment - Brody Thibodeau

You know, the Lord Jesus Christ was the Great Physician. Multitudes of people came to Him with various ailments and were instantly healed. We have one such story in the Bible of a woman who had spent all of her money on medical remedies but continued to grow worse. Her time was running out. Would she admit that she needed help? Her life depended on it. In this week’s message, we look at  this woman’s story in more detail applying the glorious gospel message to her experience with Christ that day.
6/4/202225 minutes, 47 seconds
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Words of Assurance - Eugene Higgins

5/26/202223 minutes, 38 seconds
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At the Cross - Marvin Derksen

The Bible says that the “preaching of the cross is foolishness to them that perish. But unto us which are saved, it is the power of God.” The cross of Calvary is the central focus of the Word of God. The prophets of old looked forward to it, those who lived at the time of Christ saw the cross experience with their own eyes, and we, today, look back at it as an accomplished fact. This week’s message focuses on the cross of Christ and the crossroads that meet at the foot of it. We all need to decide for ourselves – is it foolishness? Or the best news that we have ever heard?
5/22/202223 minutes, 16 seconds
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A Life Changed - Stephen Harper

 The Lord Jesus Christ changes lives and He changes destinies. There are many instances of this in the gospels, but in this broadcast we will be considering the salvation of what you might call a “poor, rich man”. He was extremely wealthy, the Bible says, but all his money was ill-gotten. Zacchaeus was the chief of tax collectors and climbed his way to the top by shrewd and fraudulent means. But he was not a happy man. He was troubled about his `sins and his need for salvation. One day, his opportunity came to see Jesus. But Jesus was looking for him, too. What a happy man he was to learn that the Son of Man came to seek and to save that was lost.He is the 
5/14/202224 minutes, 35 seconds
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God's Unspeakable Treasure - David Petterson

The apostle Paul once referred to God's wonderful gift of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ as an 'unspeakable gift". All the glories and splendours of heaven itself are found in Him. He is the central focus of all the Bible. He is the 'alpha' and the 'omega'. He's everything. He is God's 'unspeakable' treasure! Have you considered the worth of God's Son? 
5/7/202224 minutes, 43 seconds
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A Story of Salvation - Gaius Goff

There is nothing like hearing a personal testimony of how a Christian came to faith in the Lord Jesus. It does good to the heart of believers as well as to seeking sinners anxious to know their sins forgiven. Yes, becoming a Christian involves a very personal encounter with Christ Himself – through the Word of God. In today’s message, evangelist Gaius Goff tells the story of how he got saved – of God’s dealings with him throughout his lifetime until the day of his salvation in his teenage years. 
4/30/202225 minutes, 57 seconds
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What is Eternal Life? - Peter Ramsay

Eternal life is not something to expect after you die - you can have eternal life right now - at this moment! And be sure of it! Today we will consider the meaning of eternal life through the words of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself from John Chapter 17. "This is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent." 
4/21/202224 minutes, 2 seconds
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Truth, Why the Bible is the Word of God - Michael Penfold

How can we have confidence that the Bible is the Word of God? This message takes up five reasons why the Bible is trustworthy: its unity, sublimity, accuracy, prophecy, and efficacy. Each of these characteristics is explained as to how they lay a solid foundation for the Christian faith.            
4/15/202224 minutes, 12 seconds
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Truth, How God Reveals It - Michael Penfold

This week's message looks at how God conveys this truth to us: through general revelation in creation, through specific revelation in the scriptures, through incarnate revelation in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in saving revelation - that is, the opening of a sinner's understanding when he considers the cross and what took place there. It is sure to be of help to you in the defense of Christianity or in your own personal search for truth.             
4/8/202224 minutes, 11 seconds
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Truth - Where and What is It? - Michael Penfold

Today’s message looks at the subject of truth by surveying four major philosophical approaches to it down through the years - rationalism, empiricism, pragmatism and relativism. Whether you are a Bible believer or not, we're sure this discussion of what truth is will be helpful to you in evaluating the claims and plausibility of these different systems of thought when contrasted with a Biblical worldview.    
4/1/202224 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Place Called Calvary - Frank Sona

Without a doubt, the most monumental location affecting every human being who has ever lived is the place called Calvary. It was the place where heaven’s love and heaven’s justice met. What an individual does with this place will determine the greatest matter in the universe – the salvation of the soul. So, if you have never been to Calvary, we trust that today you will find yourself at the foot of the cross with a full understanding of the great transaction that took place there – for you!
3/26/202223 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Lord is Coming, Are You Ready? - Marvin Derksen

The Bible contains three main themes centered around one unique person, the Lord Jesus Christ - the Old Testament predictions of the Messiah; the fact that He actually DID come in human form about 2000 years ago; and the truth that this same Jesus is coming back again. Look around you. Read your Bible. Yes, the Lord is coming again! Are you ready? 
3/18/202222 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Forgiveness of Sins - Peter Ramsay

This week, we’ll be heading for the courtroom - God's courtroom - and we’ll be facing some serious charges. The verdict? "Guilty as charged!" But it is possible to walk out of the courtroom cleared of all guilt and enjoying a relationship with the very One that we have offended! Find out how!
3/11/202225 minutes, 47 seconds
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Life and Death - Jim Jarvis

Given the fact that 100 out of 100 people die, it makes sense that we should think about death, doesn't it? With a Saviour available to us all, the subject is not all doom and gloom. There is wonderful hope in the Christian message that you will find nowhere else. Maybe the next 30 minutes will be the time when you prepare for that great appointment. 
3/5/202223 minutes, 18 seconds
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What to do about Doubts - Michael Penfold

Salvation is a gift from God, given to sinners who acknowledge their sin and admit their need. Yet, sometimes doubts may arise. In this week's broadcast, a solution is given - to focus on the work of Christ for safety, the Word of God for security, and the witness of the Spirit for enjoyment!  
2/26/202222 minutes, 11 seconds
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Almost Persuaded - John Meekin

The book of Acts contains many of the apostle Paul's sermons to various individuals. This message concerns his gospel presentation to a certain King Agrippa. Sadly, Agrippa made a tragic decision. He rejected God's free offer of forgiveness which he so desperately needed. Yes, it’s possible to be ALMOST persuaded to receive the message of the Gospel – to ALMOST accept Christ as Lord and Saviour. How tragic to be so close!
2/18/202224 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Goodness and Severity of God - Eugene Higgins

All of us who know the God of the Bible in any measure have come to one simple conclusion – God is good! Not only do we read this over and over again in the Bible both as fact as well as from numerous scriptural examples, we also know it from our own experience. Bur the Bible also speaks of the ‘severity’ of God – the result of His unbending holiness in dealing with sin. Which will you experience? We hope that you will trust in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation and receive God’s eternal blessing.
2/12/202222 minutes, 39 seconds
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The High Cost of Redemption - Gaius Goff

The salvation of a soul is a costly thing. The Bible says that we are bankrupt as far as God is concerned. We have offended God and cannot undo anything we have done. There is judgment for sin and we cannot pay it. This is where the good news of the gospel comes in! God Himself has intervened in the affairs of men to solve the great sin problem and He did this by meeting the high cost of redemption Himself! 
2/12/202225 minutes, 35 seconds
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I Will Give You Rest - Peter Ramsay

Well, today's message touches the heart of all of us - our need for peace. So often, the world is full of trials, difficulties, broken dreams, and empty pleasures. Ever wondered what life is all about anyway? We trust that today's message will point you to the answer to your innermost need - the Lord Jesus Christ.
1/30/202225 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Rapture - Where Did All the Christians Go? Part 2 - Eugene Higgins

Conditions in our world today appear to be setting the final stage for the great event known as the rapture of the church or the return of Christ. He came to this earth the first time as a man in order to die for sin - to provide salvation for fallen mankind. He will come the second time to call His loved ones home. We should all ask ourselves the question, "Will I go to be with the Lord when He returns? Or will I be left here with all hope of salvation gone?"  
1/22/202224 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Rapture - Where Did All the Christians Go? Part 1 - Eugene Higgins

The rapture of the church is a Bible truth that you probably haven't heard much about, even though it was strongly believed and faithfully taught by the early Christian church. The Lord Jesus Christ, before He went back to heaven, promised His followers that He would return again. He didn't say WHEN, but He DID say how. The apostle Paul explains how that Christ will return from heaven and all those who have believed on Him down though the ages, both living and dead, will rise to meet Him in the air to be forever with Him in His heavenly home. The Bible calls it the 'blessed hope'. You see it's a wonderful prospect for believers, but a tragic one for those who have chosen to reject Christ. They will be left behind to face the Great Tribulation here on earth and the final judgment of God in a future day. The question is “Will you be ready?”
1/15/202225 minutes, 55 seconds
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Repent and Believe - Jack Hay

The mere knowledge of the Gospel message is not salvation. The Lord Jesus Christ made it clear that we need to do more with the Gospel than listen and superficially agree. He said that we need to repent – to change our minds about ourselves and about God. This week's broadcast examines the scriptural meaning of repentance and faith. We trust it will help you to truly repent of your sins and place your faith in the God who longs to save you. 
1/7/202225 minutes, 22 seconds
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Questions from Job - David Petterson

Did you know that the oldest book in the Bible - Job - contains the same questions that have plagued mankind for centuries ever since? The big questions about life, death, and eternity? And did you know that Lord Jesus Christ himself answers these questions? This week's message explains the adequacy of God's own Son to not only answer our biggest questions but also to meet our greatest spiritual needs.
1/2/202222 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Mystery of the Manger - Marvin Derksen

Today’s message focuses our attention on the baby in Bethlehem’s manger and the staggering mystery of the incarnation. Why did He come – the babe in the manger? Well, for revelation – to show us the character of God in all His beauty and glory; for redemption – to put away our sins by the sacrifice of Himself; and for relationship – to invite you to trust Him and come into His family. We hope that what you hear will open your heart to the marvellous truth of God walking with men and His wonderful love for sinners.
12/24/202126 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Wonder of His Name - Marvin Derksen

Christians love to sing about Jesus. Why is this? Because we love Him, of course! And that Name contains all of what God IS and what a poor sinner needs. In Isaiah 9:6 we read, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.” Our message this week looks at this beautiful verse in depth, uncovering just a little of the wealth of meaning in that Name!
12/17/202126 minutes, 16 seconds
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Christ our Kinsman Redeemer - Frank Sona

Our message today could well be called the Gospel of Ruth, as this Old Testament book not only tells a captivating story of love and loss but also gives us a wonderful illustration of the tender dealings of God with sinners and His plan for their redemption – the good news of the gospel, if you will. For in this story, we have a needy soul - an outcast really – and how God moved in a miraculous way to meet her need. Like Ruth, we also have no resources to commend ourselves to God, but we also can be redeemed – saved - by the ‘mighty man of wealth’, the great Redeemer, our Lord Jesus Christ!
12/10/202123 minutes, 56 seconds
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Set Free - Larry Perkins

Apart from almost being an archaic word these days, the word 'sin' is tremendously misunderstood. First of all, most people dislike the use of the word, but redefining 'sin' will never get rid of its existence and its effects in our lives. The Bible says that all sin is disobedience and rebellion against God. It is missing the mark as to God's standard and intention for mankind. But sin is something more. It is slavery. Christ has bought us back out of slavery and misery. He willingly paid the price to buy us from the slave market of sin, so to speak. So, how about it? Has there ever been a time in your life when you were redeemed by the blood of the Lamb? You need to be.
12/4/202122 minutes, 17 seconds
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You and Your God - Peter Ramsay

You know, the gospel message is not complicated. We have a righteous God who created us and who loves us. Why is it then that we don’t know this God – can’t connect with Him? Why are we miserable and hopeless and messed up? Well, the reason is simple. This righteous God is very much offended at the kind of behaviour we display as we live the lives He has given us. Our willful rebellion, our ingratitude, our pride, our wicked ways, our selfishness … and so much more. These attitudes and behaviours are what God calls SIN. And it is SIN that has separated us from Him. But the offended has found a way to pardon the offender. And it’s all because of grace! Let’s hear what the Bible says about God’s plan of salvation.
11/26/202125 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Focus of the Gospel - Matthew Cain

Who is the focus of the gospel? Christ of course! Often, we look at ourselves - or others. We look at our own understanding of what God requires or we get taken up with peripheral topics and theological issues. But God wants to direct our gaze to what is central to HIM – His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ who came into the world to save sinners. First, as the offspring of the woman. That is, He had no earthly father, not inheriting Adam’s sin as we all do. He was the sinless Son of God. Second, He was the offspring of Abraham and, as such, was the one through whom ALL the world would be blessed. He is the universal Saviour! Also, He was the offspring of David; that is, the everlasting King who will reign over every person who ever lived. All will bow the knee to Him and confess that He is Lord. We hope that you have your focus turned to Christ today.
11/20/202124 minutes, 5 seconds
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True Conversion - Brody Thibodeau

Jesus Christ made it very clear that a person needed to be born again to have a relationship with God. We all had a physical birth, but we need a spiritual birth to enter into the realm of heaven where God is. The most famous conversation in the Bible about the new birth is the talk that Jesus had with a teacher of the Jews, Nicodemus. Jesus said, “You must be born again.” This week’s message takes up three basic and vital elements in any true conversion story – that is, for a person who has been born again 
11/13/202123 minutes, 4 seconds
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An Unlikely Cure - Stephen Harper

Many still believe that God is against them and it’s easy for them to grumble and complain about their circumstances even when God had been good to them over and over again. This is exactly what the children of Israel did on their journey to the promised land so many years ago. For this ingratitude, God had venomous snakes invade the camp and many people were bitten; many died.  But when they cried out for mercy, the Lord presented Moses with an unlikely remedy for their problem – he made a bronze serpent, placed it on a pole and showed it to all the people. Whoever looked at it was healed! This is a beautiful illustration of God’s way of salvation for us today.
11/7/202125 minutes, 49 seconds
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It is Finished - Peter Ramsay

In this week's broadcast, we will be looking at some of the last words of the Saviour on the cross - “It is finished”. So what exactly WAS finished there that day? Well, there were the finished prophecies, the finished pain, the finished payment for sin, and the finished purpose for which He came. Best of all, God wants you to know that the work of salvation itself is finished. It's already been done! Consider this wondrous fact today Trust Christ and receive God's offer of eternal life! 
10/30/202121 minutes, 16 seconds
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Questions About Christ - Gaius Goff

Have you ever thought about the Lord Jesus Christ - His person and His claims? We hope so. Anybody who thinks seriously about questions concerning life, death, and eternity would certainly have to consider Him. Questions like - Who is He? Where is He? What do I think of Him? What will I do with Him? Your eternity depends on your answers.
10/22/202123 minutes, 52 seconds
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That Grand Word Whosoever - Marvin Derksen

There is a word used quite often in the Bible - and there's good reason for it. The word is 'whosoever' and it's used to make its timeless message personal to all who read it. There are at least five kinds of 'whosoevers' mentioned. We trust that evangelist Marvin Derksen's message will help you decide which of the Bible 'whosoevers' that you would like to be.
10/15/202125 minutes, 8 seconds
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Jesus is Coming Again - Jim Jarvis

The Bible is God's wonderful message to mankind, telling of a Saviour who has come to take away sin and bring us back to God.  How tremendous the gospel message is! But there is more! You see, this same Jesus who rose from the dead and ascended into heaven is coming back again. Just as He left! In bodily form. He is coming back to receive the church living on earth - those who trusted in Him for salvation. The dead in Christ will arise followed by all those living who have been born again - who accepted Him as their own, personal Saviour. The Bible teaches that this great event could happen at any time, though nowhere in scripture does it give a specific date.  Are you ready to meet Him? 
10/9/202122 minutes, 55 seconds
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So Far - Eugene Higgins

We need to look at our lives as God does - as totally devastated by the ravages of sin in our hearts.  Does that sound extreme?  Maybe, but we would do well to consider sin as what the Bible defines it to be in all its ugliness. In response to our enormous problem of sin, God was willing to go the extreme distance to meet our need.  Christ came to bridge the immeasurable distance that separates us from God.  And He came SO FAR to do this!
10/1/202122 minutes, 17 seconds
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Atheism and Romans 1 - Michael Penfold

Many atheists today have launched an all-out attack on the truths of the Bible and the very foundations upon which it is based. Scriptural truth has always been assailed down through the ages - and the Bible itself speaks of the forms of unbelief we can expect. Today’s message looks at the atheistic attitudes of today and compares them to what we read in Romans Chapter 1- and the parallels are astounding! 
9/26/202126 minutes, 25 seconds
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No Difference - Phil Coulson

This week’s message is a comparison of the atheistic attitudes of today and what we read in Romans Chapter 1. Mankind's unbelieving response to truth is revealed in all its fullness there. Despite 24/7 revelation from God, people still choose to reject it, suppress it, or change it into something else. There's more to the statement, "I don't believe there is a God" than meets the eye. It's more than an intellectual difficulty - the will is very much involved. In fact, despite all these atheistic arguments, God makes one pronouncement - they are without excuse. The evidence is there for all to see and investigate. We trust that today's message will start you on a quest for truth - Biblical truth - and that you will discover the Lord himself who longs for you to come into a saving relationship with Him.
9/19/202124 minutes, 55 seconds
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What Shall It Profit a Man? - Marvin Derksen

What is the most valuable thing in the whole world to you? Well, the Lord Jesus Christ gives us a heavenly perspective on this question. And He wants us to imagine for a moment that we own the whole world. Now that would be quite a thing, wouldn't it? To own the whole world and have everything at our disposal! Yet, there is something far greater in value. Listen to His question tonight, “What will it profit you, if you gain the whole world, and lose your own soul?" Yes, He considers your soul to be the most precious possession you have. Do you?
9/11/202124 minutes, 34 seconds
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Burdens are Lifted at Calvary - Bill Seale

If we asked you “Where are your sins?”, what would your answer be? Surely, you wouldn’t respond that you don’t have any sins. God says we all do – and if you’re honest, you would have to agree – totally. The Bible is clear on this description of us. And sins become heavier as time goes on – they accumulate, they get entangled.  They make life complicated and messed up. What burdens they are! How can we ever get rid of them? Today’s message looks at the picture of sin in our lives as a heavy burden and the need to have that burden removed. Are you tired of carrying around this burden? Then, come to the Saviour. God had laid on Him the iniquity of us all! 
9/3/202124 minutes, 5 seconds
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White as Snow - Matthew Cain

There is a beautiful verse in Isaiah 1:18 and it says, “Come now, let us reason together”, says the Lord, “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” It’s no less than the Lord God of heaven who is speaking here and – imagine – He is wanting to reason with us - poor sinners. He is making an offer to provide us with a slate wiped clean in His sight. Ugly sins washed clean – as white as snow as it were. Is that not something that you would like? 
8/27/202121 minutes, 1 second
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Bible Superlatives - Peter Ramsay

Well, today’s message is a beautiful one as it centers on the place that God centers – it brings us to the cross of Calvary. The cross where the Lord Jesus Christ shed His precious blood for guilty sinners such as you and me. Does Calvary mean anything to you personally? Or is it nothing more to you than an event in history - something that happened to Jesus many years ago? Or does it mean EVERYTHING to you? We hope that it will – because it is the central focus of the Bible. The cross is why Christ came.
8/21/202124 minutes, 16 seconds
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Are You Prepared to Meet God? - Frank Sona

You know, as human beings, we all have the ability to look into the future somewhat, become aware of what just may happen to us and our loved ones, and make the necessary preparations. It’s the only wise thing to do. We often we prepare for things that MIGHT happen to us. What about things that surely WILL happen? Have you prepared for SPIRITUAL realities? For your day of departure from this life? For your ULTIMATE destiny? Wouldn’t you love to have such pressing questions settled once and for all? You can. God says you can. And you must. We trust that today’s word from the Bible will help you to be ready to meet God. To have your sins forgiven once and for all. Only then will you really start to live!
8/13/202122 minutes, 16 seconds
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Do You Believe God's Report? - Gaius Goff

The gospel message is basically the retelling of a report that God has given to man - a report concerning His way of salvation. It's not a list of do's and don'ts or of a set of beliefs and practices you must follow to become a member of a church group. His report is given throughout the entire Bible, beginning long ago with the prophets, right up to the time of Christ and beyond with the writings of His followers in the New Testament. And it's a report that must be received. God wants you to believe what He has written. Isaiah Chapter 53 begins with this question - "Who has believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?" That is, God is asking the question - Who really believes what I'm saying here? You see, God has given us the facts - about our sin - and about His remedy for it. Are you going to believe it?
8/7/202121 minutes, 48 seconds
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No Other Name - Dan Shutt

In Acts Chapter 4 we read one of the earliest gospel messages ever preached. The apostle Peter declared, “Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” It was short and to the point – we need to be saved - and the only Person Who provides that salvation is the Lord Jesus Christ. 
7/31/202123 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Origin of the Gospel, Part 2 - Michael Penfold

It's amazing how the prominent atheists of our day are trying to promote the idea that faith means believing without evidence - just a leap in the dark, as it were. This is categorically false when it comes to biblical faith. Christianity is based on solid, eye-witness testimony of individuals who were in direct contact with Jesus Christ. And the gospel writers put their experiences on paper for the very purpose of providing historical FACTS upon which we can base our faith. Biblical faith is grounded on evidence - not fantasy, myth, or wishful thinking. We hope that you won't fall for this false conception of faith that atheists would have you to believe.
7/24/202125 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Origin of the Gospel, Part 1 - Michael Penfold

It is always important, when considering a particular teaching or line of thought - on any subject - to go back and test the ORIGIN of that teaching or thought. If you've ever wondered about certain religious systems, for example, be sure to research the history behind those systems. On today's Anchorpoint, we will explore the solid historical background of the Christian faith and the significance of an extremely unlikely convert - a strict Judaic Pharisee called Saul of Tarsus - in the eventual spread of the gospel message.
7/18/202125 minutes, 56 seconds
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Justification - Bill Seale

Anyone who is familiar with the Bible at all will discover almost immediately that mankind has a problem. God makes this very clear from beginning to end. We are broken and damaged - unable to meet up to our own standards, let alone the standards of God. And since God hates sin, since no sin can enter into His presence, that leaves us with a very serious problem indeed. Is it possible to have our guilty record made clean? From start to finish? Is it really possible to have ALL our sins forgiven? A clean slate, as it were? Yes! It's called justification - and it's the topic of today's broadcast.
7/10/202125 minutes, 35 seconds
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Forgiven - Stephen Harper

There is one word that describes true born-again Christians everywhere - the word is ‘forgiven’. What a wealth of blessing that one word contains! Peace with God, a debt paid, a stain removed, a burden lifted - and so much more! Yes, the Bible says that we have all sinned, and settled peace will never be ours until we are right with God. Do you know anything about the meaning of the word ‘forgiven’ in YOUR life?
7/3/202125 minutes, 5 seconds
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You Can Be Sure - Jim Bergsma

Did you know that you could know for sure that you'll be in heaven? Well, the Bible says you can. And much more than that, the Bible says that you MUST know it before you die. Now is the day of salvation. Crossing your fingers and hoping for the best will not do it. Sin is serious. It must be taken care of in the here and now. It will be too late after you die. God wants you to be saved in life, while there is time. And He wants you to know and enjoy it for the rest of your life here below.
6/24/202126 minutes, 30 seconds
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What Shall I Do With Jesus? - Marvin Derksen

It's a question of paramount importance. It's the biggest question you will ever answer in your lifetime. And it's a question that you cannot avoid. "What shall I do with Jesus, who is called Christ?" In today's broadcast, we will hear how two Biblical characters ultimately answered that question - and how tragic their answers were! We have Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor. And we have Judas Iscariot, a supposed disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. Both decided they wanted something else. Imagine wanting ANYTHING other than Christ in your life, your sins forgiven, and peace with God! How foolish to think that anything temporal in this world is a good bargain compared to what Christ offers! We hope that today's message will focus this pivotal question for you. 
6/19/202125 minutes, 23 seconds
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Salvation by Faith - Gaius Goff

The foundational difference between Christianity and all other world religions is the fact that the restoration of man's relationship with God is based entirely on God - not in any way dependent on who we are or what we can do. We cannot get right with God by doing good works of our own nor by a cooperative effort between ourselves and God. Religions and spiritual philosophies require us to work at it, to offer something of ourselves. This is not what the Word of God tells us. No, Christ came to pay our debt when we were bankrupt in our sins. God makes it clear that "By grace are you saved through faith." Faith is the means by which we can avail ourselves of God's wonderful gift of eternal life. Simply taking God at His Word.  
6/11/202122 minutes, 25 seconds
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Heaven, Have You Made Your Reservation? - Peter Ramsay

On today’s broadcast, we’ll be considering making the necessary reservations for the most important journey we could every make – the journey into eternity. Nobody finds themselves in heaven without a prior booking. Are you prepared for that trip? Your certainly need to be! The old hymn says, “My passport to the realms of bliss is Jesus died for me.” Have you made YOUR reservation? 
6/5/202121 minutes, 6 seconds
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John 3:16 - William Skates

Perhaps the most well-known of all the verses in the Bible is John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life." It has often been called the 'gospel in a nutshell' because through it a person can know all the elements of the gospel message. Today we will be looking specifically at this wondrous verse. It contains a number of superlative things - the greatest power, the greatest passion, the greatest people, the greatest provision, the greatest person, the greatest plan, AND the greatest purpose! What a marvellous verse! 
5/28/202122 minutes, 24 seconds
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Look Unto Me - Dan Shutt

What exactly is the gospel? Well, as we shall hear today, it’s been described as the “greatest possible blessing”, given by the “widest possible invitation”, based on the “highest possible authority”, and received on the “simplest possible terms”. What a wonderful message! We’re sure that every Christian will enjoy this simple and clear gospel message and trust that any unsaved person listening today will drink in this wonderful message for themselves.
5/22/202126 minutes, 11 seconds
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Coming to Christ - Gaius Goff

The gospel message is not complicated. It is God's offer of grace to sinners who don't deserve it. It's a simple extension of pardon to anyone willing to accept the guilty verdict and come and receive it. Why is it then that multitudes are not lined up at the door wanting to get it. The answer is simple. Most people don't take God seriously when He says that we need salvation. They also think that there is something that they can do. The gospel message is that you need to have your sins forgiven and that God has provided the means to do that.
5/15/202124 minutes, 44 seconds
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One Thing - Peter Ramsay

In the Gospel of Mark Chapter 10 we find a very interesting story of an encounter that a young man had with the Lord Jesus Christ. He asked, "What do I need to do to inherit eternal life?" Today’s message looks at what was fundamentally wrong with that question. But we will also learn about the tragic truth that it is usually only ONE thing that keeps a sinner from trusting Christ. How foolish it is to trade eternal life for one fleeting thing that you may hold so dearly today. Come to Christ today won't you, and be sure that you will never face an eternity of regret and sorrow at making the same wrong decision that this rich, young ruler made.
5/8/202123 minutes, 2 seconds
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God's Great Banquet - Tom Hoy

There was a story that Jesus told about a man who prepared a great banquet feast – and the invitations all went out. “Come for all things are now ready!” But there were many refusals. A lot of them! Jesus said the man became angry and sent his servants out to bring in other people to his banquet instead. Well, His point was simple. The gospel message goes out to all – but then the refusals come in - excuses that will not hold up when placed before God. You see, God has also prepared a tremendous banquet as it were - filled with good things – eternal life, the forgiveness of sins, a life with Christ, peace, purpose, endless fulfillment and joy – to name a few! We hope that you will not come up with excuses for rejecting the call of God for salvation.
5/1/202126 minutes, 29 seconds
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When I See the Blood - Stephen Harper

Many people know something of the Exodus story in the Bible – the story about how God delivered the Israelites from slavery by visiting Egypt with ten formidable plagues, the last of which was the death of the first born of all those who refused to obey the Lord’s instructions. But God told the Israelites to slay a lamb, a perfect lamb, and to put the blood on the lintel and side posts of the door to their houses. God told them that when He “saw the blood, He would pass over them” – meaning that they would be protected from the last terrible plague. Who is the Lamb? John the Baptist tells us, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” It is the Lord Jesus Christ himself.
4/25/202126 minutes, 28 seconds
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What Christ Has Done For You - Peter Ramsay

Has Christ ever done anything for you? Think about it. The first verse of Isaiah 53 asks a similar question – “Who has believed our report?” That is, many people hear God’s report of His Son – the gospel message of how Christ died for their sins – but don’t believe it. Has Christ ever done anything for them? In unbelief, they would likely answer “No”. And they are wrong. The Lord Jesus was willing to go all the way to the cross for sinners. But all of Christ’s work would be to no avail if He is not received personally as Lord and Saviour. So ask yourself again, “Has Christ ever done anything for me”? 
4/16/202127 minutes, 52 seconds
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Christ Can Give You Eternal Life - Frank Sona

The Bible tells us in no uncertain terms that we were all born sinners, spiritually disconnected from God because of sin. We start out spiritually dead – with low thoughts about God and high thoughts about ourselves. Since our lives are infected by sin we end up with broken relationships, self-destructive behaviour, sinful habits, bitterness, and confusion as to what life is all about anyway. The good news of the gospel is that the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to remedy this dire situation by taking care of the root cause of all our problems – sin. As the sinless substitute, He was able to bear our sins and put them away, bridging the broken connection with God again. 
4/8/202126 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Empty Tomb - Marvin Derksen

It is hard to enter in to the devastation felt by Jesus’ disciples when they watched Him being taken, crucified, and left to die. All their hopes were completely dashed. They had trusted in Him as the long-awaited Messiah – and yet He died seemingly helpless upon a Roman cross. The Lord Jesus had told them that it would happen – it was why He came - but they just couldn’t take it in. So now, their world crashed in upon them. All hope was gone! What a desperate Saturday it must have been for them! But WE know the end of the story – or the beginning really – that Christ would rise again in the power of an endless life and share that life with all who trusted Him with their souls. Yes, the truth of Easter brings hope and new life to all who believe in Christ for their salvation. 
4/1/202125 minutes, 25 seconds
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How I Was Saved - Matthew Cain

Everybody enjoys hearing stories of instances in the lives of people when they were rescued, or their whole course of life was drastically changed, or they discovered some new thing. Today’s message is one of such stories – but it is more than an account of a life-changing event. It is an account of an Eternity-changing event! Yes, a story of salvation. Join us as evangelist Matthew Cain tells us about how he came to know the Saviour. He does this by relating it to the story of the publican and the Pharisee in the Bible. Matthew uses this comparison as he describes his own life as both of these – once as the self-righteous Pharisee – but then as the poor sinner who needed to be saved.
3/25/202125 minutes
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The Real Pandemic - Eugene Higgins

There are many Bible stories about how the Lord Jesus Christ healed the sick and dying. He was known as the “Great Physician” whose compassion and healing power attracted multitudes of sad and afflicted people. But not all people were drawn to the Saviour – in fact, the religious people were the greatest critics. They felt they had no need of Christ in their lives. He exposed their hypocrisy and sin – and they hated Him for it. Is it any different today? Join us as we look at “the REAL pandemic” – that is, the pandemic of sin in our world and God’s remedy for it.
3/19/202126 minutes, 17 seconds
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Foundation Truths - Marvin Derksen

Well, it seems that in our day and age, there is so much of the very foundation of the Christian faith that is under attack, isn’t there?  One sad reason for this is the fact that more and more of our children and young people are growing up without ever being taught the principles and truths of the Word of God.  Many are not even sure who Christ is, let alone the Bible’s teaching about salvation and Christian living.  In today’s broadcast, evangelist Marvin Derksen will take us back to the foundation of our Christian faith using three simple truths to illustrate the basics of God’s great salvation.
3/12/202126 minutes, 7 seconds
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Who Can We Trust? - Jim Jarvis

Both national and personal levels of uncertainty, anxiety, and mistrust have arisen over the past months as a result of the pandemic crisis the world is experiencing. What really is going on? Who holds the real answers? Who can we trust? All of these questions have been bouncing around for some time now and the answers seem to change with each news report. Well, there is really only One in whom we can place our full confidence and trust – and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only person who ever lived who was trustworthy in all that He said, did, and promised. And WHAT can we trust in? Well, it’s the Word of God, the Bible, whose authority and reliability has remained firm and established down through the ages.
3/4/202125 minutes
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For God So Loved - Stephen Harper

You know, the Lord makes some surprising statements in His Word. Sometimes, you just have to stop and think about them. For example, John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." But there are two amazing truths in this one verse - that God SO loved the world and that God actually GAVE His only Son. What a statement! 
2/26/202122 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Authority of the Bible - Part 2 - Sandy Higgins

On what basis can we hold the Bible as the authority in all aspects of our lives in the twenty-first century? This week’s message continues to examine the concept of Biblical inspiration and the manner of God's revelation to us. After all, we would understand nothing about God unless He reveals His mind to us. This He does through the solid foundation of Biblical teaching and the instrumentality of inspired writers. But the ultimate authority and power standing behind the Word of God is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. His claims and prophecies were backed up by His tremendous power over death. Yes, the resurrection of Christ gives the iron clad stamp of approval by God Himself that the words He spoke and the scriptures He referred to were undisputedly authoritative.
2/18/202122 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Authority of the Bible - Part 1 - Sandy Higgins

The Bible has always been under attack by unbelievers down through the ages. In fact, The Word of God and the authority of Christ himself was openly questioned by skeptics long ago. The human heart hasn't changed, and there still is a resistance to accepting what God has to say about people and about His Son. How is it that we can depend on the Bible's message for us today? Where does this authority come from? On what basis does the Bible claim our attention and allegiance? We trust that these insights will be helpful in settling the Bible as a foundation in YOUR life.
2/14/202126 minutes, 9 seconds
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A Change of Mind - Larry Perkins

The problem with understanding the Bible for just about all of us is that we all come to the Bible with our OWN way of thinking. We've already decided what God is like and what we are like. Unfortunately, it is usually a very wrong assessment. In the gospel of Luke, Chapter 15 the Lord Jesus Christ tells a story that we know now as 'the prodigal son'. But there is more to the story than the son who left home for a far country and later returned to his father. You see, the Lord Jesus was telling the story to a group of self-righteous Pharisees.  Yes, the prodigal son certainly needed forgiveness all right, but so did the religious congregation. You see, they ALL needed a 'change of mind'. They needed to look at reality the way that God reveals it to us in His Word. And so do we!
2/4/202121 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Lost is Found - Peter Ramsay

The Bible is filled with accounts of individuals who actually had one-on-one dealings with the God of heaven. There are many of these fortunate individuals whose experiences with the Lord Jesus Christ were recorded for us in the New Testament. Today's message is about one of these tremendous experiences in the gospel of Luke, chapter 19. It may be a familiar story to you - the story of Zaccheus - a hated person in his community of Jericho - a tax collector and a cheat. Would Jesus have dealings with a person like that? You bet He would! 
1/29/202122 minutes, 7 seconds
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No Other God - David Hierlihy

God has made it clear and plain in the Bible that He is the only God there is. It is hard to be more emphatic. He says it more than once: "I am God and there is none else". And what kind of a God is He? Well, the Bible says that He is a just God and a Saviour. He does only what is right and just. That is a tremendous thing - but a fearful one as well. Why? Well, we are 'unjust' - sinners - people who have turned our back on God and gone our own way. Justice requires that we face our sentence of condemnation. But God also proclaims the sinner just who believes in Christ for salvation. And the remedy is simple - "Look unto Me and be ye saved." He has done it all. Isn't that wonderful?
1/24/202123 minutes, 19 seconds
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Saved from Condemnation - Dan Shutt

One of the most well-known verses in the Bible - and you may know it - is John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.” A beautiful verse - the gospel in a nutshell. Well, today's message is based on the verse following John 3:16 - and here's how it reads, "For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." An equally beautiful verse, don't you think?  But does this verse mean that we are not condemned? No. The world is already lying under total condemnation by God because of our sin. That’s why the Saviour came. Have YOU ever acknowledged this fact?
1/15/202124 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Gospel - Gaius Goff

It's a common mistake for many people to think that there is something they have to DO to gain acceptance with God. An individual may rightly begin to realize a sense of need in their own soul - a need to have matters settled with God - a need to have their sins forgiven. Maybe you're at Anchorpoint today with a desire to have the salvation that the Bible speaks of. Or maybe, you are merely curious about these things. Either way, we're glad you've tuned in because today's broadcast will have many of the answers you're looking for.
1/9/202120 minutes, 25 seconds
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Wise Men Still Seek Him - Marvin Derksen

Who doesn’t like the old, familiar hymn with the catchy tune “We Three Kings of Orient are”? It conjures up images of bejewelled noblemen riding on stately ornamented camels, each with a gift in their hands. Well, the real story from the Bible is a lot different from that. Yes, there were “wise men” or magi that actually made that arduous journey in search for a King, a Messiah. But their quest was for something far deeper than to see the latest heir to the throne. They had heart longings to personally meet the Saviour promised by God. It was worth it for them to leave their homes and head off in long, hard journey until they found Him. And find Him they did! What a joyous day it was for these men! Those that stayed behind in unbelief missed the greatest discovery of their lives! And how many are doing the same today?
12/31/202026 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Gospel According to Angels - Marvin Derksen

We can become so familiar with the Christmas story that we lose the awesome wonder of that day! And so many people miss the message completely - a message brought to us from heaven by angels no less! Tremendous news of a Saviour given “unto US”! Why would God even do this for sinners who hated and rejected Him? And who still do! Well, the only reason is in God’s great heart of love for sinners like us. Yes, this gospel message of good will to mankind came from the lips of angels. We would do well to give it our utmost attention, don’t you think?
12/25/202025 minutes, 6 seconds
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Mary, Did You Know? - Eugene Higgins

The Christmas message is really a year round message - it's the message of the gospel - God's invitation to sinners to receive His only provision for sin - the Lord Jesus Christ! Christians remember Christ's birth all year round - and praise and thank God for ever sending His Son to come to this world and die at the place called Calvary to reconcile sinners back to Himself. What a wonderful person Christ is! Do you know Him?
12/17/202025 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Blessed Hope - Gary Sharp

Titus 2:13 says, "Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ who gave Himself for us." Who's looking forward to this great event - the coming again of our Lord Jesus Christ? Well, it's believers, of course. Christians. Those who have placed their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as their own personal Saviour. Are YOU a believer in Christ? Have YOU thought about His return today? It's a blessed prospect, and though the Bible does not give any date for this great event, we know that it could happen at any time. Is the prospect of the Lord's return a blessed one for you?
12/11/202022 minutes, 46 seconds
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Why Evil in the World? - Eugene Higgins

I don’t have to tell you that we live in a wicked world. One that is harsh, hazardous, and unfair. Some would ask, “Why is there evil anyway? Where did it come from? Why doesn’t God do something about it? Why is there evil anyway, if God really exists?” Well, these are good questions, and the Bible has the answers. Are you ready to listen to them? In our uncertain and unstable world, we trust that you will find this message not only one of comfort, but of salvation for your soul 
12/4/202023 minutes, 8 seconds
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What Salvation is All About - Marvin Derksen

11/27/202024 minutes, 52 seconds
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One Thing - Stephen Vance

You know, the Lord doesn't require a lot from any one of us. In fact, He would like us to know just ONE thing. One thing. Sadly, many people don't know even this one thing. In fact, when people hear the clear truth of the gospel - that we are sinners and have offended God, that we need to acknowledge this and turn from our sin and trust Christ to save us, they come up with MANY, MANY things they feel they need to know and do. In fact, they often construct their own 'religion' with rules and methods to follow. But the gospel is the opposite of working at it. It is the opposite of DOING. The gospel message is all about what CHRIST has done for us. Do you know the ONE thing that God wants you to know?
11/22/202025 minutes, 13 seconds
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Christ Crucified - Stephen Harper

You know, in our world of sickness and sorrow, the gospel message of peace and hope stands out like a diamond against a dark background of despair. And not just the message, but the theme of that message - the Lord Jesus Christ. There was no one who ever sympathized so much with sinful mankind - no one who ever cared for us personally and individually - no one who ever stepped in to bare our griefs and our sorrows. And certainly no one who ever came to bare our sins and prepare for us a home in heaven. It’s a mystery why so many people reject this glorious Saviour! Have you bowed the knee to Him? Some day you will. Why not now? Don’t make the tragic choice of the unbeliever and live to regret forever the loss of your precious soul.
11/13/202023 minutes, 17 seconds
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Now is the Day of Salvation - Peter Ramsay

Many people are already aware of what the Gospel message is all about. Some may have heard it for years, starting as children in Sunday School. They know all about the problem of sin in our lives, the plague that it has been on mankind, and its destructive effects on people. They may know how Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, how that He went to the cross to suffer for sins as a substitute for guilty sinners. And many know that by trusting Christ they can receive the forgiveness of sins and peace with God. Well, that would be wonderful if they possess all this knowledge. But the question remains, “Have they come to Christ for salvation?” The gospel call is an urgent one. It’s not one to consider later on down the road. The Bible says that NOW is the day of God’s grace. Not tomorrow. What are you waiting for?
11/7/202024 minutes, 28 seconds
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Thanks Be Unto God - Gaius Goff

Today’s broadcast looks at three beautiful scriptures that prove to us the unconditional love of God for sinners. All of these contain the wonderful words "He gave Himself". Yes, they are talking about the Lord Jesus Christ who gave Himself for our sins in order to deliver us from the bondage and terrible consequences of sin; who gave Himself to redeem us from all iniquity (that is, to buy us back from the awful shame and wretchedness of our sin); and who gave Himself out of love to every individual who trusts Him in order to save them from hell and destruction. Wonderful verses, don't you think? Listen along as Mr. Goff explains them to us in our message today.
10/30/202022 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Message of Salvation - Dan Shutt

 We are so prone to thinking about God as someone who we need to clean ourselves up for and heaven as a place that we have to work hard to attain. Well, certainly we cannot stand in God's presence the way we are, and certainly heaven is NOT open for unprepared sinners. But the gospel message really comes to us from God's view - not ours - and He has made mankind an offer of forgiveness. What an extravagant display of love and grace! Have you ever said ‘Thank you’?
10/23/202025 minutes, 4 seconds
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Four Outstanding Days - Marvin Derksen

The Bible is a book of history, outlining sequences of events in the order that they happened to make up a narrative that can be understood, examined and verified. Various times, events, and experiences that scholars have both studied and relied upon for centuries are recorded with amazing accuracy. Often, the writers specified actual ‘days’ in which different, important events happened, and there is much to learn as we read through the accounts of what actually transpired on those days and how they affect us even today. This message looks at four outstanding days as described by the Apostle Luke in his gospel. This can be a day of opportunity for you – a day when you listen to the Word of God and believe it - a day when you can trust the Saviour once and for all for the salvation of your soul. In the perilous times that we are living in, don’t you think that would be the wise thing to do? Today?
10/15/202025 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Wrath of God - Phil Coulson

Today’s message is focused on a topic that is not spoken about much in churches these days – the wrath of God. Yes, the wrath of God. You might be surprised by what the Bible teaches about it. Make no mistake though – God is a God of love. In fact, God IS love. But really, both characteristics go together. The solemn truth is that God’s wrath is not only future, but we experience its affects in our lives already. John 3:36 says that it ‘abides’ on unbelievers. But this great Bible chapter also gives us the truth of how God is holding back His wrath and wants to show his love for us – “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.” We hope that you take today’s message very seriously and will turn to God’s great provision for sin – the Lord Jesus Christ.
10/8/202026 minutes, 14 seconds
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Saving Faith - Gaius Goff

What a tremendous amount of confusion surrounds the use of the term 'faith.' Many people look at faith as a concept that comes up only in religious discussions. They forget or don't realize that they exercise faith every day of their lives - in people and things around them. Some are even proud of their faith, claiming to have 'great faith' and relying on it to get them to heaven. They forget that even great faith in an unreliable object is very foolhardy indeed. Skeptics even contrast faith with reason, teaching that faith is only necessary when there is nothing to support it. How totally wrong this is! And how contrary to evidence-based Biblical faith! This week’s message looks at the faith in three well-known Bible characters - Noah, Moses, and Abraham, and how it relates to the qualities of 'saving faith' that we all need - the kind of trust and reliance on God that truly saves the soul. Do you have it? 
10/1/202025 minutes, 35 seconds
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Heaven and How to Get There - John Fleck

Sadly, many have the misconception that heaven is basically a place that caters to their unfulfilled wishes in THIS life - kind of a place where we can forever hang out with our friends enjoying some kind of eternal party. While heaven is indeed a real place and it IS forever, people do not realize that it is characterized by holiness and the complete absence of sin - a place where the will of God is foremost and the worship of God is paramount. Sound like a place where you'd like to go? Not likely, if you are still living under the power of sin in your own life. It is through Christ alone that sinners can be saved and fitted for heaven. So, are YOU sure of being in heaven? You can be!
9/25/202022 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Passover - Eugene Higgins

The children of Israel under cruel bondage in Egypt were finally set free as Pharaoh gave in to the last plague against that nation - the death of the first born. All those who sacrificed a lamb and put the blood on the doorpost were 'passed over' - spared from judgment. What a wonderful picture of Christ who, as the Lamb of God, became the substitute on the sinner's behalf! Have YOU received Him? Any blood on YOUR door?
9/17/202025 minutes, 20 seconds
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Responses to Christ - Marvin Derksen

Can you be sure you will be alive this time tomorrow? Or later on tonight? No, of course you can't. God wants you to get the matter of your soul's salvation settled - now. The gospel message demands a response from individuals. What will yours be?
9/11/202026 minutes, 17 seconds
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Me the Sinner - Michael Penfold

We all tend to think of ourselves more highly than we ought to think. We compare ourselves to others and judge ourselves to be not that bad after all. Well, the Lord looks much deeper than that.  Today’s message lays out the nature of a sinner - and wonders if you see a reflection of yourself in the Bible's description, ‘Me the sinner’. It's important because acknowledging you are a sinner is the first step toward receiving the wonderful gift of eternal life from.
9/4/202025 minutes, 46 seconds
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Life's Realities - Bill Seale

In today’s prevailing atmosphere of virtual experiences, cyber games, and online relationships, it’s becoming harder to get people to face life’s true realities. Realities that are not always easy to accept. People will often prefer to deny the hard facts of life. We want you to know that not all of reality is doom and gloom. Indeed, true reality involves all of the fullness of life that God has given to each one of us. Yes, we need to face our sin and our need. But God’s Word is filled with assurances of God’s great truth and reality - the wonderful certainty of eternal life for all those who trust in Christ. We hope that you will have the courage to face some great realities from God’s Word on this program today. 
8/28/202024 minutes, 27 seconds
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Our Heavenly Joseph - Stephen Harper

One of the most loved stories in the Old Testament is the many-part drama of Joseph, starting from his birth as a favoured son of the patriarch Jacob, to his enslavement in Egypt, to his wrongful conviction and imprisonment, and to his eventual rise as the second in command to Pharaoh himself. It’s a story of intrigue, treachery, and injustice. But it’s also a story of love, devotion, and forgiveness. If you haven’t read it, then pick up the Bible and start reading at Genesis 37. It’s a story like none other. 
8/21/202026 minutes, 6 seconds
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Unseen Things - Peter Ramsay

Life is much more than all we see around us – more than material, physical things. But how easily we get caught up with things of time and sense! We easily forget that all these things are temporal – they don’t last. The Bible says that the things that are UNSEEN are eternal. And these are the important things we need to take note of. Things like your soul, the spiritual world, the future realities of heaven and hell, and the reality of love expressed in the death of Christ for sins. What weighty realities these are! We hope that you will take them to heart and start focusing on unseen things, eternal things.
8/13/202024 minutes, 9 seconds
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Saved - David Petterson

The word ‘saved’ is a Bible word. It occurs many times in the scriptures, and in the gospel it is often used in the imperative. That means it is not an option for individuals who ever want to be in heaven. Yes, salvation is a possibility, but it is also a necessity. We MUST be saved, the Bible says. And it is obvious why. 
8/7/202025 minutes, 6 seconds
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Almost But Lost - Dan Shutt

You know, the gospel is an urgent message. It’s not a message people should put on the back burner to consider at a later date - perhaps when life is less complicated or when they have more time. But consider this one important and solemn fact - it is possible to miss Christ. We can be like those who think everything is okay  - that a show of religion is close enough to the real thing. How tragic! We hope that none of our listeners will ever regret a missed opportunity to be saved.
8/1/202022 minutes, 50 seconds
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Only One Way - Gaius Goff

The gospel always begins with God. He is the One who prepared the way of salvation and initiated it in sending His Son. He is the one who follows sinners and brings them to the place where they have the opportunity to receive Christ as Saviour and be reconciled to God. Yes, there is only one way - the way of the cross of Christ - that can bring sinners back to God. Not wishful thinking, not works, not prayers or religious observances, not even a change in the way you are living. None of these. Only Christ. 
7/25/202024 minutes, 55 seconds
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Silent Lips - Peter Ramsay

God’s salvation is not a complicated process. In fact, it’s not a process at all. It happens in a moment of time. But the basic and vital ingredient is the acknowledgment on the part of the sinner of his lost position before God. There must be the confession of guilt and helplessness to save ourselves. It is not Christ PLUS what we can do. It must be Christ alone. Our mouths ‘must be stopped’. Cast away any thought of your own goodness or of saving yourself. Only Christ’s work will be accepted of God. Trust Him as your own personal Saviour today – and go on your way with a new song in your heart.
7/16/202024 minutes, 48 seconds
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Be Ye Reconciled to God - Matthew Cain

The Bible makes it clear to us that we have ALL transgressed the right ways of God. We are not naturally on good terms with Him. Not that it is ever GOD'S fault. WE are the ones who have moved away from God's laws. Because of this, the Bible commands us to 'be reconciled to God' - to have our differences cleared away - to make everything right between us and God. But how can we do that? Through the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Full and free for all who believe! We hope that you will accept God's free offer of reconciliation as you listen to our message today.
7/10/202024 minutes, 42 seconds
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Is It Nothing to You? - Marvin Derksen

In the book of Lamentations, Chapter 1 and verse 12 we read these poignant words prophetically spoken in reference to the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. “Is it nothing to you which pass by?” What a pitiful cry from the suffering Saviour! There is almost a sense of disbelief in the question. How could anyone possibly pass by and not be affected by the scene before them? Yet, sadly, in its fulfillment, that is exactly what men and women did. But what about today? Have you been passing by the cross so far in your experience? If so, it’s high time you stopped and considered what happened there. 
7/4/202024 minutes, 59 seconds
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Points to Ponder - Shawn St. Clair

Who could ever plumb the depths of the words and thoughts of God Almighty? Yet, God has presented His Word to us in such a way that we are able to understand the simple truths necessary to be right with Him. For example, in the book of Psalms He has placed several markers (by using the term ‘selah’) to help us realize that we should stop and think over what we have just read. Yes, God doesn’t want us to miss some important truths. Today’s message looks at some places in scripture where these ‘full stops’ occur and how it applies to us as readers today. 
6/26/202024 minutes, 51 seconds
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Noah Found Grace - Stephen Harper

If you read the book of Genesis, it’s not long before you come across the account of Noah’s flood. Mankind had lived and multiplied upon the earth for many years, and it seems that their depth of wickedness and depravity only became worse and worse. There was great violence on the earth and men seemed to do whatever pleased them taking no thought of the righteousness of God. What an awful place it must have been - something similar to our world today. But it’s an amazing fact that Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. And grace is exactly what we need as well! The gospel brings us this good news of how this could happen – to you!
6/20/202023 minutes, 51 seconds
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As Little Child - Dan Shutt

In the gospel of Matthew Chapter 18 and verse 3, the Lord Jesus Christ says, "Verily, I say unto you, except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." Does this sound like a very strange statement to you? What did Christ mean? Well, it is certainly very important for us to know what it means because He is presenting us with an imperative that will decide whether or not we can go to heaven! He gives a very specific qualification - we need to become like little children in order to go to heaven. How can this be? 
6/11/202021 minutes, 44 seconds
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Sin and the Sufferings of Christ - Jack Gould

This message will be looking at a beautiful verse in 1 Peter 3:18 which says this: "For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit." Here is the entire gospel message in one verse! And what a wonderful source of hope it is to an individual, maybe somebody like you, who is longing to have forgiveness of sins and peace with God. 
6/4/202023 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Greatest Fall and the Greatest Call - William Skates

Well, it's really not hard to see problems, hardships, and sadness everywhere in our world today at least from a Biblical view. It is sin. Yes, an out-dated word to many - but call it by any other name, its ugly character still remains, and it seriously affects every aspect of our lives. In this broadcast we will be taking a look at how this mess got started in the first place by looking at the account of man's history - starting with his FALL - his turning away from God and choosing his own way; then, how this poor start has totally affected ALL of mankind; and finally the CALL - yes, the call of God for sinners to repent. Millions have responded to that call to come to Christ. Have you?
5/30/202023 minutes, 18 seconds
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Through This Man - Phil Coulson

One of the primary differences between a man-made religion and the gospel of the grace of God is in one simple word – done. You see the work of salvation has already been provided in the death of Christ on the cross of Calvary. It is “through Him” alone that we can be saved. Today’s gospel message takes a look at the basics of the gospel message – the sin problem, a holy God, the need for all of us to acknowledge and repent of our sin, and the forgiveness offered by God Himself in sending Christ to pay the great debt that we could never pay. ‘Through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.’ It’s a wonderful message that we hope will help you understand God’s way of salvation.
5/21/202025 minutes, 41 seconds
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What is Your Response? - Gaius Goff

One of the primary differences between a man-made religion and the gospel of the grace of God is in one simple word – done. You see the work of salvation has already been provided in the death of Christ on the cross of Calvary. It is “through Him” alone that we can be saved. Today’s gospel message takes a look at the basics of the gospel message – the sin problem, a holy God, the need for all of us to acknowledge and repent of our sin, and the forgiveness offered by God Himself in sending Christ to pay the great debt that we could never pay. ‘Through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins.’ It’s a wonderful message that we hope will help you understand God’s way of salvation.
5/14/202024 minutes, 21 seconds
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Works Don't Work - Jon Procopio

One of the biggest problems in gospel preaching is for people to get what God is trying to tell them - they are sinners and their 'good' works are unable to get them one step closer to heaven. God can never compromise His standard of righteousness. There is only one who ever lived who pleased God in all respects - One who was as perfect as God Himself. Yes, it was the Lord Jesus Christ. As the sinless substitute, He alone was able to bring us poor sinners back to God. What a wonderful truth is this! 
5/8/202024 minutes, 46 seconds
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Without Christ in the World - Jack Hay

The life story of every Christian can be divided into 3 separate time periods.The first one is the time of life spent ‘WITHOUT Christ’. We all arrived into the world as sinners, and as such, separated from God - without God and without hope in the world. What a sad condition indeed! But, after we acknowledge our sin and trust Christ, the Bible describes us as ‘IN Christ’. And what a glorious truth this is! We are seen by God as if we had never sinned – we stand before God in the righteousness of Christ Himself. And it is during this time that we are able to live our lives for His glory, enjoying His presence along the way. And finally, the third section is ‘WITH Christ’. That is, we have a secure future in heaven and will be experience the joys of Christ forever. How wonderful is that?            
4/30/202025 minutes, 32 seconds
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Born Again - Why and How - Dan Shutt

In this week's broadcast, we are considering an interview between the Lord Jesus Christ and a man called Nicodemus. There is some shock factor in the conversation and Nicodemus felt it. You see Nicodemus approached the Lord as merely a teacher that could teach him more about God. He wasn’t prepared for the Lord’s pronouncement – “You must be born again.” But how wonderful that Nicodemus responded to Christ’s words and trusted Him alone for his salvation. We hope that you will too. So, how about it? Have you ever been born again?
4/23/202023 minutes, 55 seconds
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A Life-Changing Encounter - Stephen Harper

Everyone who ever met the Lord Jesus Christ is never the same again. Either they moved away from Him with the knowledge that they had rejected Him, or they believed His message and received from Him the gift of God’s salvation. Yes, coming into contact with Christ is a pivotal point in a person’s life. Our messages here on Anchorpoint are given for just this reason – so that you may have a “life changing encounter”. Such was the experience of a sinful woman who had the wonderful opportunity to have a personal conversation with the Saviour of the world. The woman had a need, a longing in her soul that only the Saviour knew and only the Saviour could meet. And Christ knows YOUR need as well.
4/16/202025 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Sinner's Saviour - Phil Coulson

There are so many voices that clamour to be heard these days as we experience a worldwide pandemic. It can be both overwhelming and confusing. But we would like you to know that today’s message on Anchorpoint will not be changed into a different one tomorrow. And the truths you hear will not be fake or misrepresentations of reality. God has given us His unchanging Word – it is faithful and worthy of universal acceptance. His Word can be relied on. 1 Timothy 1:15 says “It is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” We trust that the precious truths found in this verse will be understood and received by our listeners today. And not only that, but that it would be applied personally and that Christ will be accepted and trusted for the forgiveness of sins. 
4/9/202022 minutes, 28 seconds
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A Crisis Response - Jim Jarvis

You know, the gospel message basically contains three elements – the problem of sin, what God in grace has done about it, and the responsibility of the sinner to repent and receive God’s offer of forgiveness. Some people hear the glorious gospel message and receive it with joy. They see it as the answer to all their sin and their need. But, you know, others (maybe most) people have to come to some sort of crisis in their lives before they are willing to take God seriously.            In our current world situation there is a crisis. People have been made to stop and take note of their lives, their values, and their priorities both pre and post Covid-19. Today’s message looks at crises in our lives and the need for each one of us to learn from them – particularly with regard to our need for God’s forgiveness in light of an eternity that awaits each one of us.
4/2/202025 minutes, 41 seconds
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God's Good News - Marvin Derksen

According to the Bible, the good news of the Gospel involves four basic truths. And what wonderful truths they are! First, we have an interest expressed on the part of God Himself.Yes, it all starts with ‘God so loved the world”. Secondly, there was the will of God put into action – that is, a plan was made from eternity past to deliver men and women from the bondage of sin. Then, of course, there was the price paid - the Saviour was sent to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. Lastly, the gospel involves the invitation going out worldwide for all men to repent and believe what God has done. All of these gospel truths, my friend, are what God has done. There is nothing for you to do but to come to Christ and trust in His already accomplished work. Will you receive Him today? 
3/27/202026 minutes, 1 second
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Are Your Sins Forgiven? - Jack Gould

Here's one question that you weren't likely asked today - Are your sins forgiven? Yes, your sins. Are they forgiven? On today's broadcast, we will be considering what the Bible has to say about forgiveness - WHY is it necessary? HOW can I get it? Important questions that we would like you to face honestly today. The Lord Jesus said that He has power "on earth" to forgiven sins. That means here and now - before you leave this early scene. Yes, you NEED the forgiveness of sins - it's not an option. 
3/19/202022 minutes, 39 seconds
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Assurance of Salvation - Eugene Higgins

Do you have a time when you first came to know Christ as YOUR Saviour? Were you ever awakened to the fact that you are a sinner in need of having your sins forgiven in order to be right with God? Have you ever received Him as your own personal Saviour and Lord and experienced the joy of salvation? We hope that you have. Well, today’s broadcast is directed towards believers and is concerned with something that unfortunately may later come into our lives. Doubts. Yes, doubts. Such as “Am I really saved?” “How can I be sure that everything is settled for eternity?” If you are a believer, we hope that today’s message will be of help to you in your Christian life.
3/12/202025 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ready to Forgive - Peter Ramsay

Psalm 86:5 is a lovely verse. "For Thou Lord art good and ready to forgive, and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon Thee." Do you believe it? Are you harbouring some notion that God is NOT good? That God is out to get you or to make your life miserable? Or that God is somehow reluctant to forgive you? If so, you need to change your mind about the God of the Bible. What does this verse say? God is GOOD. God is READY to forgive. God is PLENTEOUS in mercy. The problem is not with God. The problem is with us. Do you realize that YOU have a great debt of sin that needs forgiveness? Won't you call upon Him today to put away your sin once and for all? 
3/6/202025 minutes, 52 seconds
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God's Remedy - John Grant

People often look at today’s sad world and ask the question, “Why doesn’t God DO something about it?”  Well, He has! God has provided a remedy for the ultimate cause of all our sorrow – sin. First, God ‘commands’ – that is, He has made His wishes known – that all men and women should repent – or turn from their sin. Secondly, God ‘commends’. That is, He has commended or expressed to us His great love in giving His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to be our substitute. And finally, He ‘calls’. Yes, He’s calling everyone to come to Christ to receive His free gift of forgiveness, peace, hope, and eternal life. God has provided all the remedy that we need!
2/28/202026 minutes, 9 seconds
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At the Foot of the Cross - Jim Jarvis

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, the most amazing location in all the world is at the foot of the cross of Christ. It was there that emotions ranged from horror to peace, from guilt to forgiveness, from terror to calm, from hatred to love, from unbelief to faith in God. One of the figures who stood at the foot of the cross was a Roman centurion who was a front row spectator to the greatest event in history! What he saw and heard caused a response in his heart that changed his life and his eternity. The centurion is in heaven today because of what he did with the Lord Jesus Christ when he had the chance. Are you going to do the same?
2/20/202024 minutes, 3 seconds
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Now is the Time - Dan Shutt

The gospel message has not changed over time. People still need to have their sins forgiven in order to go to heaven. They need to receive spiritual life from God that they cannot attain on their own. The gospel preached by the apostle Paul contained the same elements as the message is comprised of today. And he depended on the power of the Word of God to reach the hearts of sinners, just as we do today. Yes, trusting Christ should be the only sane response to the gospel message.There is far too much at stake to treat the message lightly. One day you will hear God's calling for the last time. Be wise and heed it today, won't you? 
2/13/202024 minutes, 19 seconds
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Heaven's Last Call - Marvin Derksen

Have you ever heard the call of God? Sometimes we don't realize that we're hearing it. The circumstances in life contain the call of God to us - both good times and bad times. Sometimes it's a whisper, sometimes it's a shout. Have YOU ever been made aware of God's call to YOU? But God's call comes mainly through His Word. He touches our hearts with truths that we all know to be right. We know that there is something wrong with the world - with US! We feel the guilt of our sin. We long for forgiveness and unconditional love. Don't look into strange new philosophies. Don't fall for self-improvement programs. Just read what God says - and take what He offers freely - salvation and eternal life! One day will be God's last call to you.
2/6/202022 minutes, 32 seconds
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What Faith Looks Like - Phil Coulson

You've probably heard people say that they have 'great faith'. But surely, that is can be very deceptive. A vague, undefined notion of 'having faith' or 'being spiritual' or 'believing in a higher power' has no substance. It is merely a state of mind. Or you may have great faith in an unworthy object - for example, a boat that is filled with holes. Will that faith help you when the boat begins to sink? No, it was an unworthy object for your faith. Neither is faith something you hold onto when all else fails or when there is no evidence to stand on. Nor is it a leap into the dark. These are objections that are false and misleading. Today's broadcast involves an answer to the question, "What does faith look like?"
1/30/202025 minutes, 31 seconds
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How God Speaks - Gaius Goff

The main way that God speaks to us is through the Bible. So, if you want to hear what God has to say - well, read the Bible. It is the most enduring book ever written. But there are many other ways that God can communicate Himself to man - in creation itself - the beauty and order of the universe and world around us. Another way is through His goodness - those good things in your life for which you feel a sense of thankfulness to the giver. And then, of course, there is conscience. There are other ways, but these three are the main ones taken up in today's message. We hope that it will be a help to you in understanding that God has an interest in you!
1/24/202025 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Power of Your Choice - Dan Shutt

The magnificent power of the creator Himself can be seen from the far reaches of the universe to the invisible atomic building blocks of our world. But God's power extends to far more than creation. He has the utmost power in the courthouse of heaven - the power to condemn and the power to pardon. But the sinner has power as well - the power of choice. The power to believe what God says and to trust the Saviour for themselves. What will yours be?
1/17/202026 minutes, 9 seconds
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Our Blessings in Christ - Marvin Derksen

The clear and simple Gospel message embraces two opposing realities - judgment for sin or an eternal blessed future in heaven. For the Christian, judgment is passed already - we are set free by the blood of Christ. But this is only the beginning of a an eternal lifetime of discovery - of learning more about Christ and the ‘great salvation’ that was obtained for us on the cross of Calvary. 
1/10/202022 minutes, 30 seconds
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Angels and Shepherds - Eugene Higgins

"While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night" is one of the most familiar Christmas carols we hear at this time of year. How simply and beautifully it retells the amazing Christmas story to us! A 400 year silence was broken with those wonderful words, 'FEAR NOT'! And what was their glorious and urgent announcement? The promised child had been born! The Son had been sent! The Messiah had finally arrived to put away sin. And this Messiah was Himself a good shepherd, a great shepherd. 
1/2/202024 minutes, 56 seconds
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A Name Called Wonderful - Marvin Derksen

Isaiah wrote over 700 years ago in Chapter 9 and Verse 6 the following words: “For unto us a child is born; unto us a Son is given." We know that this child, this Son, was the Lord Jesus Christ Himself who was born in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago. But He didn’t begin his life there. The Bible says that He was the Creator of all things, the eternal Son of God. He was really born. He really died. He really rose again. And He will ultimately rule the universe as King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Do you know Him?
12/26/201924 minutes, 27 seconds
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Joy to the World - Eugene Higgins

The Bible has a wonderful theme throughout it - JOY! This week's message takes a look at the familiar Christmas carol "Joy to the World" and explains how it is that people like you and me can enter into a secure, meaningful, and everlasting relationship with the God of heaven - through our Lord Jesus Christ - and come to know the joy that He wants us to have. 
12/19/201923 minutes, 55 seconds
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Evolution - A Theory in Crisis, Part 3 - Michael Penfold

For the last 2 weeks, we have been looking at 14 so-called proofs of evolution and basically dismissing each one of them in the face of closer examination. These included the three ‘great facts’ upon which Darwin rested his theory. In today’s part 3 of our series we will look at 8 problems that evolutionary theory faces in its attempt to explain the processes by which all the life around us originated without a designer God. Lastly, three pathways to a different way of looking at things are presented. Either life originated by a designer God or it arose through chance and natural processes alone. Leaving God out altogether presents an enormous problem for evolutionists on many grounds, as we have seen in this series.  
12/12/201924 minutes, 1 second
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Evolution - A Theory in Crisis, Part 2 - Michael Penfold

Last week, we looked at 14 so-called proofs of evolution and the problems that they entail. Today’s broadcast is a continuation of this presentation where the supposed 3 ‘great facts’ that prove evolution are taken up  explaining the difficulties with each one. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that such problems exist. God’s Word never contradicts the realities revealed by honest science. The problems with these so-called proofs for evolution is that man has already concluded what he wants – that there is no God with Whom he has to deal. We trust that you will be one of those who will believe what God says to the saving of your soul.
12/5/201926 minutes, 2 seconds
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Evolution - A Theory in Crisis, Part 1 - Michael Penfold

Evolutionary theory is the assertion that all living things have a common ancestor from which they evolved through numerous successive changes over billions of years to produce the complexity of all life that we see today - a ‘bacterium to Beethoven’ concept. It is widely accepted, but not by all scientists. In fact, there are many, many problems with the claims of evolution. Today's message is the first of a three part series that examines the 14 main 'proofs' of evolution. If you are a Christian, we know that this short series will be a help to you in discussing this with unbelievers. And, if not a Christian, we trust that with an open mind, you will face up to the difficulties with the theory and consider what the Bible has to say about this important topic.
11/28/201925 minutes, 28 seconds
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Christ in Psalm 23 - Sandy Higgins

The book of Psalms is one which Christians love to turn to for comfort, strength, and encouragement. Every human condition from despair and failure to joy and adoration can be found there. What a solace the psalms have been to Christians down through the ages! I’m sure that every Christian is familiar with David’s word in Psalm 23, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” As familiar as we are with this psalm, there are many wonderful truths buried there for us to discover with each and every reading. Today's focus is on Psalm 23 as it relates to the different New Testament appearances of the Lord Jesus Christ. The truths in each of David’s statements is lived out by the Lord Himself in His post-resurrection appearances as He deals with His own beloved followers and disciples. This message takes us to the very heart of Christ Himself!
11/22/201927 minutes
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Come Unto Me - Jim Jarvis

The Bible's message of the gospel basically contains two fundamental truths. First, it involves a warning - a very strong imperative for listeners to take stock of their lives and acknowledge their great need before God. Yes, it's about facing your sin and the consequences of it. Secondly, there is the gracious invitation of God to sinners to trust Christ to put away their sin. The Lord Jesus says to us all, "Come unto Me and I will give you rest". Are there any restless souls among our listeners today? Any bad consciences? Any regrets about how your life is going? Then, this message is for you!
11/13/201923 minutes, 7 seconds
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Lessons on the Mountain - Jack Hay

  One of the most well-known miracles of the Lord Jesus Christ is the feeding of the multitude – the 5000 men, plus women and children, with only 5 barley loaves and 2 small fish. It is interesting that this miracle is the only one which is recorded in all four of the gospels, so it is an event in the life of Christ that we would do well to learn more about. Today's broadcast examines this miracle based on the Gospel of John Chapter 6, in which John presents it as one of the ‘signs’ - remarkable evidences of divine power that prove that Jesus is truly the Son of God. There are many practical lessons from John’s account that teach us not only about the person of Christ but also about ourselves!
11/7/201926 minutes, 25 seconds
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Will It Be Heaven For You? - Peter Ramsay

The Lord Jesus Christ gives us an unmistakable imperative in Matthew Chapter 7. He says, "Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads unto life, and few there be that find it." It is difficult to miss the two roads and the two destinies spoken of in these verses. Yes, there is a heaven; and yes, there is a hell. And the choice is ours as to which road we take and which destiny we arrive at. But only in the Bible will you find an honest and unbiased assessment of man's true nature and the unchangeable standards of God to which we must attain. But, yes, heaven IS attainable, not by our works or merit but by the work of Christ on the cross for us. 
10/31/201923 minutes, 23 seconds
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Peace in the Storm - Phil Coulson

Living in a troubled world as we do , we often have to face many perplexing issues that come our way. But what a comfort is provided us by the Word of God. In Psalm 46 we read, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear ...” . We trust that this searching meditation will be uplifting and encouraging to you as a believer in Christ. If you don’t yet know Christ as your Saviour, you need to obey the gospel message – acknowledge your sinfulness before a holy God and accept His provision through Christ’s death on the cross as your sinless substitute. Only then will you receive the spiritual life you need to avail of the full blessing of such beautiful psalms as this where God can speak to you personally.
10/25/201925 minutes, 13 seconds
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A Gospel That Transforms - Micah Hackett

This week's message is all about the transforming power of the gospel - the power to transform lives as well as destinies. Micah Hackett, a young man who we featured last week on our broadcast, looks at this transforming power in three aspects – the power to change the sinner’s condition before God, to change the sinner’s relationship with God, and to change the sinner’s position in God’s reckoning. In our helpless and hopeless state, this is the power we don’t have, but it is the power readily available to us through our Lord Jesus Christ. Though Micah is not with us anymore to proclaim the gospel personally, we trust that the recorded words of this young man will convince you that salvation is real and that it’s something that you, if you don’t know Christ already, desperately need. Receive the grace offered to you through Christ, even today. Tomorrow may be too late.
10/16/201925 minutes, 47 seconds
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A Gospel Worth Preaching - Micah Hackett

This week we have the first of two special broadcasts which are featuring messages given by a young man, Micah Hackett, who went to be with his Lord and Saviour on July 17th, 2019 at the young age of 19. Micah accepted Jesus as his Saviour in his youth and never looked back in his devotion and service for the Lord he loved. Even in the face of death, he was sustained by the Word of God and desired that his last days be fruitful ones. Micah loved the gospel, and this message is entitled “A Gospel Worth Preaching” where he presents the significance of the gospel, its reliability, and its power to change lives. We hope that the words of this young man just months before his passing will convince you to trust the Saviour you need as well. 
10/10/201926 minutes, 16 seconds
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Doors and Destinies - Marvin Derksen

Many people familiar with the Bible have heard the words of the Lord Jesus Christ – “Behold, I stand at the door and knock”. Why is He knocking? And why is He standing outside the door to begin with?“ In the Bible, the word 'door' is often used to express a separation – a barrier – but it also symbolizes an entrance, a way to enter, an opportunity. One thing is certain. The Lord Jesus Christ wants to come in. He is given the outside place by most people in our world today. He’s simply not welcome into their lives. But what a door of opportunity is available to us! The Lord has untold blessings to give. Have you opened your heart's door to Him? 
10/4/201925 minutes, 2 seconds
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Jesus Christ Our Only Hope - Eugene Higgins

The Lord’s return has tremendous implications particularly for those who do not know Christ as Saviour. His coming can be at any moment, and for those not ready, they will be left for certain judgment. Yet, in a world that has lost all hope for this life and the next, there is a way back to true purpose and fulfilment. The Lord Jesus Christ came to this poor hopeless world to provide an incredible salvation – it's vast, it's full, and it's free for all who will trust Him. He has finished the work that satisfies God - He has died for sin. Won’t you trust Him today? Then, you too can join the millions of saved ones who will go to be with the Lord Jesus Christ when He returns.
9/26/201925 minutes, 25 seconds
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Vanity of Vanities - Dan Shutt

9/19/201924 minutes, 40 seconds
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A Life Worth Living - Gaius Goff

We live in the same 'present evil world' that the Apostle Paul mentioned in Galatians 1:4. It's not going to change. Men and women have chosen to use their free will for themselves, placing themselves on the throne and disregarding  their Creator. And because of this, we have been going down one dead end road after another seeking for wants to give you a 'life worth living'. And all of this starts with having your sins forgiven and getting right with God. Only then will you have the correct perspective to view life from God's angle - the vantage point of His marvellous grace. 
9/13/201925 minutes, 54 seconds
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New Life in Christ - Larry Perkins

For every Christian there is a story - a story of a life WITHOUT Christ - when they didn't know Him as Lord and Saviour - and a story of a life WITH Christ - that is, the present reality of having Christ in their lives as Saviour, teacher, and friend. And indeed there MUST be a before and an after - there must be a time of coming into vital contact with God through Christ - the new birth. We all need 'spiritual' life - and that is only received from God Himself. Has YOUR life been transformed by the power of the gospel message?
9/5/201923 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ten Golden Words - Marvin Derksen

One of the most familiar verses in our Bible is John 3:16 has been rightly called the 'gospel in a nutshell' because the entire gospel message can be expressed in these 25 words alone. In today’s broadcast, evangelist Marvin Derksen takes up this wonderful verse in John’s gospel and focuses specifically on what he calls “Ten Golden Words”. From these ten words, we see the heart of God expressed toward us – His love and desire for our blessing; the scope of God’s offer – to whosoever; and finally the simple terms of receiving God’s wonderful gift of salvation. What a glorious message!   
8/30/201926 minutes, 20 seconds
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Two Men at Calvary - Peter Ramsay

The pivotal point of all human history is an event that took place at a specific location here on earth - a place called Calvary. It is a place of contrasts. A place of decision. A place of destinies. This week's message will be looking at the two thieves there on either side of the Lord Jesus Christ. At first, united in their ridicule and hatred of Christ, they soon part ways. One, for the first time in his life, came to terms with his own mortality and, more importantly, his tremendous sin and need before a holy God. What we then see is a remarkable example of God's grace we see as Christ in His last hours on Calvary reaching out to save a repentant sinner. Has He ever saved you? 
8/23/201921 minutes, 57 seconds
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What is the Gospel? - Gaius Goff

Most tend to think of things related to God as being 'religion' and want to have nothing to do with it. We here at Anchorpoint don't want anything to do with religion either. You see, religion is just man's vain attempt to reach out to God - and is often very much mistaken about who God is and what He wants us to know about Him. The gospel is nothing like this. It is the simple plan of salvation initiated and carried out by God Himself. It is all about the Christ of Calvary. It's all about His cross. Now, what could be better than that? 
8/16/201922 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Lamb of God - Dan Shutt

Early in the gospel of John, we read these wonderful words spoken by John the Baptist, "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." It's as if God himself couldn't wait any longer to introduce to the reader His own well-beloved Son - and who He was - the lamb of God. Have you ever looked at your sins and failures and honestly acknowledged that you are a sinner needing God's forgiveness? Then, a lamb is what you need, and you would be wise to take the one that God has provided for you.
8/8/201925 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Righteous Judge - Andrew Kluge

Anyone who has ever had to stand before a judge knows how uncomfortable and even terrifying it can be. How much more should we be concerned about a heavenly judge - the one who decides our soul's ultimate destiny? Yes, this judge is Christ Himself - the very one sinned against, the very one rejected. It's a solemn thought. The fact that we are guilty as charged goes without saying - but what will the Judge do? What kind of judge is He? Well, the kind that has found a way for justice to be reconciled with mercy. He took the payment and judgment for sin upon Himself. Hard to believe? Not when you know the God of the Bible. 
8/4/201924 minutes, 14 seconds
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Paul's Persuasion - Jack Hay

Anyone who reads the Bible is familiar with the Apostle Paul - the fanatical Pharisee who hunted and persecuted Christians before he came into personal contact with the Lord Jesus Christ himself. After this, Paul spent the rest of his days seeking to persuade the Jews and others to understand and believe what he had come to know about Christ and God's salvation. Have you never been persuaded of the truth of the gospel? There is no more time to delay. The Bible says that NOW is the day of salvation. 
7/26/201923 minutes, 33 seconds
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Believing What God's Says - Brody Thibodeau

Some people don’t want to hear any bad news. This can have serious consequences when it comes to spiritual matters. The Israelites also did this. They actually wanted their prophets to tell them only good things - or even lies - if it made them feel more comfortable. The true gospel message doesn’t necessarily make you feel good, but it is important to face facts. Only then will you enjoy the blessings of God's good news. So, how about you? Do YOU believe what God says? Have you ever acknowledged your sin before God and accepted the just punishment for those sins? If you have, then there is a Saviour waiting for you! 
7/19/201922 minutes, 23 seconds
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Science and the Gospel - Eugene Higgins

Our message today looks at a few of the preponderance of scientific facts that support the worldview of design and theistic creation. Does science in any way disprove the existence of God? Absolutely not! In fact, science points the objective seeker to God, the creator of all of the marvellous world we see around us! Are you a meaningless natural accident living in a world of other meaningless natural accidents? Or are you one of God's unique creations, known and loved of God?
7/12/201926 minutes, 35 seconds
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Come Let Us Reason Together - David Hierlihy

You know, some people have the notion that the God of the Old Testament is somehow different from the God of the New. Many characterize the Old Testament God as austere, judgmental - even severe and the God of the New Testament as loving, compassionate, and forgiving. Well, rest assured that both testaments speak of the same God - the only true and living God, the God of heaven and earth. A holy and offended God calling out to sinners to be reconciled to Him. Have YOU ever come to God - and 'reasoned with Him' as it were? We hope that you will do so, even today.
7/4/201924 minutes, 30 seconds
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Looking to Christ - David Petterson

Have you ever wondered deep down about your life? Why you're here? Where you're going? Have you ever wondered answers to such questions even exist? Has following a system of religious ideas and practices brought you the peace and purpose you're looking for? Well, the Bible gives the answer to our soul's longings. It's both profound and simple at the same time - "Look unto Me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth for I am God and there is none else." Yes, God is the only One who can bring salvation to the soul. The work has been done by Christ on Calvary, and salvation is a free gift offered to all who will accept it. Will you?
6/28/201924 minutes, 36 seconds
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Good News - Brian Kember

If you're looking for good news, you've come to the right place. Just listen to what God wants YOU to know! How lost and guilty sinners can have their sins forgiven. How sad and weary souls can find rest. How confused and hurting people can come into contact to someone who REALLY cares. You'll hear the elements of the simple gospel message - God's immeasurable love for sinners like us!
6/20/201925 minutes, 48 seconds
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A King Rejected - Peter Ramsay

One of the most popular parables told by the Lord Jesus Christ is known as the 'Parable of the Talents' where a nobleman goes on a journey to a far country to receive a kingdom, leaving his servants with different amounts of money to use while he was gone. There is an interesting detail that Jesus mentioned in this story - the citizens of the country REJECTED the nobleman saying, "We will not have this man to reign over us." Why did Jesus mention this point? Well, you know, that is exactly what people were saying about HIM! Many did not want Him to rule as a king over them. Is it any different today? Is it any different for YOU?
6/13/201922 minutes, 24 seconds
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Three Strong Wills - Gaius Goff

The Gospel message is quite clear on this one point - we are ALL quite responsible here and now for what we do with God's offer, and more importantly, what we do with Christ. This message focuses on the 'Three Strong Wills' in our lives - God's will, the devil's will, and our will. You can be certain that God desires your salvation and well-being, a blessing that the devil is also determined to keep from you. But you can also be sure that YOU have the deciding will in this matter - not that you can save yourself - but that you must make salvation the priority of your life. 
6/7/201924 minutes, 38 seconds
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Pilate's Choice - Marvin Derksen

It was to be the most defining day in Pilate's life - the day that he had to make a choice. An unusual "criminal" stood before him. A prisoner whom he declared completely innocent. But in front of an angry mob an easy verdict turned into the greatest travesty of justice ever perpetrated. What were the factors that would enter into this catastrophic choice? And how many similar choices will be made here and now in our day as individuals will hear the gospel and tragically decide to place something else ahead of Christ. So, remember Pilate's choice, and don't make the same mistake that he did.
5/30/201926 minutes, 20 seconds
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A Choice to Make - Eugene Higgins

We are faced with many mundane decisions on a daily basis. Most are not that important, but there is a choice that will affect us well beyond on lives here - that will affect us for eternity - the decision to make the welfare of our soul the priority. Yet, most people don't give a moment's thought to where they will be after they die. We hope that today YOU will take the time, here and now, to consider YOUR soul. What way will you follow - God's way or you own way?  
5/23/201925 minutes, 3 seconds
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Outside the Door - Frank Sona

There are two brothers in the story of the prodigal son in the Bible. There is the disobedient and unappreciative son who prematurely takes his inheritance and leaves his father's home for a life of sin and excess in the big city. We have his father accepting him with love and forgiveness upon his return. But for his brother who considered himself okay, there was no forgiveness. No rejoicing over a sinning son that returned to his father. He remained outside the door of salvation. 
5/16/201925 minutes, 25 seconds
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Free At Last - Dan Shutt

The Bible claims that people are actually slaves - but rather to ourselves - to our own selfish desires - slaves to sin. The Bible says that this puts us into a bondage that we cannot escape through our own efforts. But there is a Saviour that God has provided. Christ came to save you from your sins and to give you freedom indeed.Have you been freed from YOUR shackles of sin? Have you ever had a time in your life when you came to Christ to be set free?
5/10/201921 minutes, 44 seconds
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Condemned No More - Jim Jarvis

Salvation is only open to those who come "as a sinner" to Jesus. In our world today, there is so much emphasis on 'living and let live' as it were. No one wants to be corrected or questioned in any way. Well, the Bible makes it clear that we all belong under the classification of 'sinners' whether we like the term or not. That makes us all condemned. God longs to embrace the sinner in love and forgiveness. But we need to agree with God and come as a sinner to Calvary's cross in order to receive God's full and free forgiveness.
5/2/201924 minutes, 38 seconds
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Twenty-Five Words - Marvin Derksen

The gospel message that we present weekly on Anchorpoint is really not a complicated one. The message can be expressed in just 25 words. Twenty-five words that can mean the difference between eternal life and eternal death. "This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief."       Yes, the Lord Jesus Christ came to do for us what we could never do for ourselves. Can you trust in the record that God has given us about it 
4/25/201924 minutes, 58 seconds
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God's Great Search - Brody Thibodeau

There is quite a touching account in the Old Testament of the love story between Isaac and Rebekah. Abraham, Isaac's father, initiated a search throughout the land to find the perfect wife for his son. She believed the word that she heard from the seeking servant and left all that pertained to her old life behind. So, what will your answer be? Will you, like Rebekah, consider the offer? Will you also respond, "I will go with this man"? 
4/18/201926 minutes, 9 seconds
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Justifying the Unjust - Phil Coulson

There is a wonderful verse in the Bible, 1 Peter 3:18 - "For Christ also has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God". Yes, Christ has suffered the momentous judgment of God against sin, opening the way for repentant sinners to avail of God's great gift of salvation. In this week's message, Phil Coulson looks at some Old Testament illustrations and then applies this principle of judgment to what happened in its ultimate extreme on the cross when Christ suffered to put away sin. 
4/10/201926 minutes, 21 seconds
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Empty Lamps - Frank Sona

Today's story is all about being wise, not just for this life but for eternity. Do you have the only thing you need when it comes to your closing moments here on earth? When you think of it, what else really matters? What is it? Hear what the Lord Jesus Christ has to say about it in this parable.
4/4/201925 minutes, 3 seconds
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A Night to Remember - Peter Ramsay

In John Chapter 3, we read the story of one man's personal interview with the Lord Jesus Christ. His name was Nicodemus, and we are told that he came to Jesus sometime in the night. And what a memorable night that was in the experience of this religious, yet empty man! A night he would always remember. A night that he came to realize that the Lord Jesus Christ was much more than a teacher - He was a Saviour - the Saviour he desperately needed if he were ever to be in heaven.
3/28/201922 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Get Right with God - William Skates

One of the most ancient questions in the world was asked by Job in the old testament - "How can a man be just with God?" Or maybe we could say "How can I have my sins forgiven? How can I know that I will be in heaven?" The Lord Jesus told a story to illustrate what the answer was. You see, the answer to God's ancient question is Christ himself. It is through Christ that we are justified and cleared of all guilt. It is through Christ that we have peace with God. 
3/21/201924 minutes, 41 seconds
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What Think Ye of Christ? - Marvin Derksen

Here's a personal question for you. What do you think of Christ? It's not really an unusual question. You see, it was asked over 2000 years ago. And do you know Who asked the question? The Lord Jesus Christ Himself! He asked the people who followed Him what they thought of Him? Notice He did not ask what they thought ABOUT Him. His question went much deeper than that. So, what if YOU were there that day? What would YOU have said? It's a question that will determine your eternal destiny.
3/14/201926 minutes, 18 seconds
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Our Great High Priest - Stephen Harper

One of the beautiful pictures in the Bible is that of the Lord Jesus Christ as our great High Priest. Priests represent people before God – they stand in the place of the people. Did you know that Christ does that? Because He is sinless, He can come before God and plead for us. He does not need a sacrifice for His own sins. He had none. Instead, He has become a great sacrifice Himself. He presented Himself to God in our place and became a substitute for us, dying in our place on Calvary’s cross. We don’t need an earthly priest to bring us to God – we just need Christ! 
3/7/201924 minutes, 59 seconds
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I Am the Door - Brody Thibodeau

The Lord Jesus Christ in His attempt to reach sinners of all intellects and educational levels, gave illustrations that were simple enough for even children to understand. One example is when He refers to Himself as a “door” – an entrance way, if you will – into heaven. But please notice that he goes further than to call himself a door – he calls Himself THE door. Yes, Christ says that the demands of a holy and offended God will accept only one way. So, have YOU entered in through the door that God has provided?
2/28/201925 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Wonderful Gift of God - Peter Ramsay

Every religion in our world today stresses the importance of the need to do something in order to obtain the approval of a divine being, the forgiveness for wrongdoings, or the attainment of spiritual peace within. The Bible, however, is very clear in its emphasis that there is nothing that we are able to do to please God, that we are spiritually bankrupt. Over and over again, the scriptures point out how that eternal life and forgiveness with God is a GIFT – a gift that comes from God, not from us. That is really why the gospel is really all about good news – there is a divine solution to a tremendous problem that we are unable to fix ourselves. 
2/22/201924 minutes, 33 seconds
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Enter In at the Strait Gate - Jim Jarvis

The Bible speaks very simply of two roads and two destinies. One road is broad and very crowded. It has room for everybody’s opinions and ideas. It has room for every pleasure and distraction you can think of. Unfortunately, multitudes choose this road. It's easy and it steadily flows along day after day as we pursue our own desires. However, the other road is narrow. There’s no room for a hundred different viewpoints and a thousand different pleasure trips – there’s only room for God’s way, for righteousness and truth. Unlike the other road, this one goes up – upwards to heaven, and it’s a road we'd all be wise to choose. 
2/14/201924 minutes, 55 seconds
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But God - Marvin Derksen

How often we, as mere human beings, make our every day plans as is we are in total control of our lives. We forget the disclaimer often made in the Word of God - the little words "BUT GOD". Yes, God has the final word. Perhaps we face some very difficult circumstances in life, and there seems to be no way out. Or, worse still, we learn about our sinful condition before a holy God and come to realize that there is nothing we can do about it. It is wonderful to know that despite our condition and circumstances, there is a God Who is ready to step into our lives and make a difference. 
2/7/201924 minutes, 12 seconds
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Salvation in None Other - Gaius Goff

 The Christian faith is very clear on this one important fact - that there is salvation in nothing or no one else but the Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 4:12 states: "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Man's universal problem is sin - and sin must be put away if we are to be on the right terms with a holy God. As sinners, we cannot do this ourselves. We need the intervention of another who has no sin of His own - that is, the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. And there is only one way to receive it - by trusting in His work alone.
1/31/201922 minutes, 31 seconds
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In Whom We Have Redemption - Sandy Higgins

Well, our broadcast today is one you won’t want to miss because it’s all about God’s wonderful plan of salvation for you. In Ephesians 1:7 we read these amazing words – “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” Yes, it can be a present reality for everyone who hears this message today. What greater possession than having the forgiveness of sins and peace with God? And where is this redemption found? In the person of the Lord Jesus Christ!
1/24/201925 minutes, 38 seconds
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They That Hear Shall Live - Marvin Derksen

It is impossible to over-emphasize the importance of the Word of God when it comes to the salvation of the soul. It is only by depending on the authority of the Bible that sinners can firmly secure their faith as sure as an anchor holds fast to a giant rock. But not only do we need this firm foundation of our faith - we need to hear it for ourselves. We need to hear God speaking to us THROUGH His Word. It is the Word of God that is able to save the soul. "Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life!" the hymn writer could say. Have you trusted them?
1/17/201925 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Troubled Saviour - Jon Procopio

The Bible is quite clear on the true natural human condition. Indeed, the problem of sin troubled the Saviour very much. And we should be troubled by it as well. In fact, it must be faced if we are ever to appreciate the good news at all. Today's broadcast takes up the topic of a 'troubled Saviour', referring to instances in the Bible where it is stated that Christ was greatly troubled. Each of these times is in response to sin and the devastation it causes to human lives. But what a wonderful promise the Saviour gives to us!  "Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in me." What amazing grace! Christ was troubled so that we might not be. This is the heart of the gospel message.
1/9/201922 minutes, 17 seconds
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Love's Highest Expression - Peter Ramsay

The gospel message is full of superlatives. Its importance, its magnificence, its consequences are of an incomprehensible order of magnitude. It involves love's highest expression - the unbounded love of God shown to us in the person of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. And it is expressed most fully at the cross of Calvary where the Lord Jesus Christ suffered and died for the ungodly. But at Calvary we humanity's truest colours as well. The true wickedness of the heart of man against God has been revealed. Here we see the heaviest load imaginable placed upon the Saviour himself - the load of the sin of all people, of all the ages. And one more superlative - the broadest acceptance imaginable to sinners far and wide. 
1/4/201926 minutes, 5 seconds
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Angels and Shepherds - Eugene HIggins

"While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night" is one of the most familiar Christmas carols we hear at this time of year. How simply and beautifully it retells the amazing Christmas story to us! A 400 year silence was broken with those wonderful words, 'FEAR NOT'! And what was their glorious and urgent announcement? The promised child had been born! The Son had been sent! The Messiah had finally arrived to put away sin. And this Messiah was Himself a good shepherd, a great shepherd. 
12/27/201824 minutes, 57 seconds
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Take the Gift - Eugene Higgins

One of the simplest explanations of the gospel is found in Romans 6 and verse 23: "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Basically, that is all you need to know of the gospel message to pass from spiritual death to spiritual life. As the old adage goes: "Life is short; death is sure. Sin the cause; Christ the cure." So what is the gift of God? Well, the verse says it is eternal life. But a gift needs to be received. Have you received it yet?
12/13/201826 minutes, 58 seconds
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A Sinner and a Saviour Meet - Frank Sona

The well known story in the Bible of Zacchaeus is about much more than how a short man climbed a tree to see Jesus. It's all about a sinner who earnestly sought out the Saviour, an individual tired of his sins, a rich man sick of his money who wanted instead the true riches of God's salvation. And, yes, it's also about a seeking Saviour - one who came specifically to seek and to save the lost - the one whose heart yearned for the salvation of sinful souls. Is it any wonder then that the two of them met?
12/6/201825 minutes, 51 seconds
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Is There Life Before Death? - Eugene Higgins

There are many ways to handle the complexities of life - many ways of looking at or trying to make sense of the world around us. There is polytheism, secularism, humanism, and post-modernism to name a few. But all these fall short in fulfilling our greatest need - the need for forgiveness. The simple answer lies in John Chapter 10 - in  the Door to heaven. Who is this door? The Lord Jesus Christ whom believing souls can confidently trust for their salvation.
11/29/201825 minutes, 49 seconds
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Forgiveness for Your Sins - Brody Thibodeau

There's an interesting story in the Bible about the healing of a paralytic man by the Lord Jesus Christ. Amidst all the drama of breaking up the roof and lowering the man down into the crowd, the Lord Jesus remained unfazed. He didn't even seem that concerned about the man's physical condition. "Your sins are forgiven", He said. Why would He say this? The man needed to be healed, didn't he? But to Christ, he had a more obvious need - the forgiveness of sins. The same goes for you and me. 
11/23/201825 minutes, 28 seconds
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Are You Reconciled to God? - Stephen Harper

The apostle Paul was a tremendous evangelist and wrote a large portion of the New Testament explaining the doctrine of the gospel. Many people have gotten saved through the wonderful verses that the Holy Spirit led him to write. Verses of conviction and verses of salvation. This episode looks at three verses in 2 Corinthians that explains the clear gospel message. 
11/15/201828 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Crown of Thorns - Jim Jarvis

Apart from the cross itself, there can be no more poignant a symbol of the horrendous sufferings of Christ than the awful crown of thorns that He wore. The hymn writer wrote, "See from His head, His hands, His feet; sorrow and love flow mingled down; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet; Or thorns compose so rich a crown?" It was an instrument of pain, mockery and reproach that came from the hearts of wicked men. But it was also an emblem of Christ's ultimate purpose to put away the curse once and for all. 
11/8/201825 minutes, 31 seconds
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Three Questions - Bryan Funston

Did you know that the very first question asked by God in the Bible were the words, "Where are you"? He expects a response, you know. He wants us to get ourselves located in relation to Him. Another important question in the Bible was asked by a young man who was about to die. He was looking for hope. And a third? Well, it's a direct question aimed at our personal decision to receive Christ or not. What would YOUR answer be?
11/1/201825 minutes, 4 seconds
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How To Be In God's Family - William Skates

Are we all "children of God"? Well, we certainly are all God's creatures, but unfortunately we possess the family likeness of our sinful forbears - a fallen, sinful nature. The Bible is clear that we need a second birth to bring us into the family of God. A birth from above. A spiritual birth. One that brings us into the family of God with the likeness of His Son. Has there ever been a time like that in YOUR life?
11/1/201821 minutes, 56 seconds
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What is a Christian? - Gaius Goff

One of the most misunderstood concepts in religious circles is the actual definition of the word 'Christian'. Some countries are considered 'Christian' countries simply because Christianity is the belief system of most of its residents. Does being a Christian mean that you belong to a certain church or that you are a God-fearing, law-abiding citizen? No. The Bible's definition of a Christian is not any of these. You may be surprised at the scriptural answer to this question. Make sure that you are truly a Christian today - one that God recognizes as His very own.
10/25/201825 minutes, 46 seconds
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Rich Towards God - Rich Towards God

Are you rich towards God? It's certainly possible not to be. In fact, if we are still sinners - if we have never been saved - then, we are definitely not rich towards Him. Our lives would be all taken up with ourselves - our own pleasures and plans. Lord Jesus Christ told a parable about such a person. Sadly, he forgot to take God into account and the Lord Jesus calls him a fool. Tragically, we are all in peril of doing the same thing - of coming to the end of life - perhaps unexpectedly - and finding out too late that we were fools in God's eyes. We hope that you take heed to Christ’s teachings in our message today.
10/11/201826 minutes, 5 seconds
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Except Ye Repent - Phil Coulson

Christ's message for us today is the same as He said to the people of His time - "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." Instead of hiding behind the opinions and experiences of others, we each need individually to consider this command. It's a personal one. Make this the day that you stop to hear the word of the Lord Jesus Himself, acknowledge your sin, and trust in Him alone for the salvation we all most desperately need. We only have NOW. Eternity awaits all of us.
10/4/201822 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Life Changing Message - Jim Jarvis

We believe that the gospel is the best message you could ever hear. Not only does it save the soul and open the way for an eternity in heaven, it has tremendous affects on people's lives here and now. In fact, the Christian enjoys eternal life - a new life given by God - the moment he receives Christ. So, if there isn't a change in a person's life after meeting the Saviour himself, then there is something definitely wrong. Are you a professing Christian? Has it changed your life? 
9/27/201821 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Prodigal Brother - Frank Sona

The story of the prodigal son is a well known story told by the Lord Jesus Christ about a young man who squandered his father’s inheritance and, after losing it all, returned to his father. Graciously, the father welcomed him back. But many do not know about this man’s older brother. The story never ended so well for him. Why? Listen to today’s message to find out.
9/20/201824 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Christian World View - Sandy Higgins

What is your world view? How do you interpret and make sense of how the world operates? How do you look at life and circumstances that come your way? We all have one – a perspective about the world – a world view. But what is the world view of the Bible believing Christian? How does a vital connection with the God of heaven influence our assessment of and interaction with the world around us?
9/14/201825 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Unknown God - Marvin Derksen

Over 2000 years ago, the apostle Paul was walking through the city of Athens looking at all the idols set up there when he came across one with a strange inscription, “The Unknown God”. Paul took the opportunity to preach to the people about the God that he knew and appreciated personally but was yet unknown to the people around him. Who exactly IS this God? What is He like? Does He play any part in our world or in our lives? Is He still unknown to YOU?
9/6/201825 minutes, 7 seconds
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Water into Wine - Jack Hay

The setting for this week's message is the small town of Cana in Galilee. It was in a bustle with preparations - invitations, food, flowers, decorations. It was a wedding day! The special guest was the Lord Jesus Christ himself - and what a difference He made! Have you allowed Him to make a difference in your life?
8/30/201826 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Touchstone of Christianity - Peter Ramsay

True Christianity is a whole lot more than adherence to a set of scriptural doctrines about God and how we should live our lives. Christianity revolves around a person - the Lord Jesus Christ - and our relationship with God through Him. Many people like to think of themselves as Christians because they believe ABOUT Christ - that He came to earth from heaven to save us from our sin. But the real question we should be asking ourselves is whether or not we truly KNOW Him personally.
8/23/201824 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Way of Cain - Phil Coulson

Well, if you have ever read the book of Genesis, you will know that you are not too many pages into the book before you witness the first murder ever committed in this world. What a sad commentary on the effects of sin in the lives of human beings! Today's message examines the story of Cain and Abel in some detail and finds that it actually reveals to us the origin of the world's first religion - the way of Cain. 
8/16/201826 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Gospel of the Grace of God - Marvin Derksen

Do you know what makes Christianity different from every other belief system in the world? Well, there are many things really. But there is one major difference – grace! Yes, the concept of God’s unmerited favour towards the undeserving is something that is wonderfully unique to the Christian message – the gospel of the grace of God. 
8/9/201826 minutes, 39 seconds
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Lessons from Calvary - Norman Crawford

Millions of individuals in our world have heard about the Lord Jesus Christ and His death on the cross. They know where it happened and a little of how it happened. But how many really understand what actually took place there outside the walls of Jerusalem 2000 years ago?
8/2/201823 minutes, 48 seconds
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Born Again, What Does Jesus Say? - Eugene Higgins

The term “born again” is well-known in our society today. It has unfortunately taken on a number of definitions and meanings, most of which have nothing to do with what the scriptures say. It was the Lord Jesus himself who gave the command. So, what does Jesus say? 
7/26/201825 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Best News You Ever Heard - John Grant

Would you like to hear some good news for a change? Well, it can be found in one verse - "This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief." This news is worthy to be accepted. It's reliable, beneficial, and accurate. It's of vital importance. And, importantly, it's personal. When are you going to make the truths of the gospel personal for your own soul?
7/19/201825 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Good Samaritan - Andrew Kluge

The Lord Jesus told many stories to give us apt illustrations of ourselves. In the parable of the good Samaritan, there is a poor man ambushed on the road and left destitute.There were two people who came across the poor man, but they did nothing to help him. At last there was a despised Samaritan who freely gave of himself to save the dying man. Who do these people in the parable represent? And which one applies to ourselves personally? Listen to this message to find out.
7/12/201824 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Sower and the Seed - Jim Bergsma

In today’s broadcast, we will be considering one of these parables – the story of the sower and the seed. The sower threw his seed on different types of ground – hard, stony, and thorny. But the crop in each case failed. Not that there was anything wrong with the seed – no, the problem was with heart of the listener. Only when falling on GOOD ground, could the seed germinate, take root and grow. Only then could there be fruit for God. On what kind of ground will the seed, the Word of God, to you fall today?
7/5/201825 minutes, 5 seconds
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Questions from Eden - Stephen Harper

Today’s broadcast looks at the actual beginning of sin going back to the book of Genesis. It looks at when sin first came into the world, wreaking havoc on all generations since that time. The generations of human beings since then have become infected and infested with sin with its awful results seen in our world today. Only Christ could restore the lost relationship between Adam and God. And only He can restore YOUR relationship with God. He did this by paying the tremendous price of sin on Calvary’s cross. Have you come to Christ for the forgiveness of your sins? You need to. There is no other way.
6/28/201824 minutes, 44 seconds
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One Son, One Sacrifice - Bruce Rodgers

The Old Testament prophetically speaks about the Messiah who would come to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. The one whom God would send to take care of our greatest problem – the problem of sin – and whom God would later glorify and set on the highest throne of heaven in greatest exaltation over His enemies. Of course, this speaks of Christ – yes, the meek and lowly Jesus. He’s coming back again! 
6/21/201826 minutes, 7 seconds
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Healer of Broken Hearts - Gaius Goff

Weary, held captive by destructive habits, confused, fearful, hurt. We've all been there, haven't we? It was for such people that the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world. Listen to this message to understand how God loves the world and has done everything needed to solve the ultimate problem underlying all of our sad issues - estrangement from Him.
6/14/201822 minutes, 52 seconds
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He That Believeth on the Son - Tom Baker

God’s word tells us that everlasting life is something each of us can have right here and now in this life. And that everlasting life is found in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son. Listen to the words of John 3:36 – He that believeth on the Son has everlasting life; and he that believes not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abides on him”. Now ask yourself the question, “Which part of the verse am I in?”
6/7/201824 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Gift or the Wages - Frank Sona

The Bible speaks about wages - wages that each one of us earns. However, these wages are not the kind we look forward to. Death - the consequence of our sin and disobedience towards God. But it also speaks of a wonderful gift offered through Jesus Christ our Lord. Will you be content to take the wages of sin? Or will you look to the Christ of Calvary and receive the gift of eternal life that He alone can give? 
6/4/201822 minutes, 40 seconds
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Three Voices Calling - Marvin Derksen

There are many calls that we hear from God’s word. Have you ever heard them? In today’s broadcast, the first call we hear is from the prodigal son – a famine and voice from the earth, Luke 15. And then, at a great banquet in Luke 14 - a feast and a voice from heaven. And lastly, from the lost sinner – a flame and a voice from hell - the words of the Lord Jesus Christ from Luke 16. And what about God’s wonderful invitation to you? Have you heard that call?
6/4/201823 minutes, 48 seconds
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This is a Faithful Saying - Bryan Funston

Exactly who or what can we trust these days? Are there ANY faithful things, reliable things, things you can count on? Yes - the Word of God. 1 Timothy Chapter 1, verse 15 says, “This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” Starting with Paul’s conversion when he first received this faithful message, evangelist Bryan Funston explains what the gospel message is – how that Christ suffered and paid for our sins - and why you can count on His great work with complete assurance for your salvation.
5/17/201823 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Kindness and Love of God our Saviour - Stephen Harper

This week's message is all about the kindness and love of God towards us - and it's a message that we hope will remove any of your hard thoughts about God. His countless blessings on every level are something we should thank Him for every day - not the least of which is the tremendous spiritual blessing of salvation. 
5/10/201825 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Power of John 3:16 - Jack Gould

A person needs a certain level of knowledge of what God is trying to communicate, but that knowledge itself will never provide the life that the sinner needs. For example, John 3:16 gives the gospel "in a nutshell" as some would say - but it will have no effect on the listener unless he or she actually hears what is being said in that verse - personally. Unless he or she individually comes into contact with the person of whom it is speaking - the Lord Jesus Christ himself.
5/4/201825 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Coming Storm, Part 2 - Phil Coulson

Last week's message contained some thought-provoking teaching on future events as foretold by the prophet Isaiah and the apostle John - and how a MAN will be a hiding place in the time of storm. This broadcast goes into more detail of what that judgment will involve. And it's not a pretty picture - but one we have to look at in order to realize the extent of God's dissatisfaction with this world of sin. It's all given in the Bible as a warning to us all. So, please take the time to listen to what God has to say about the coming storm and the remedy that He offers us.
4/25/201824 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Coming Storm, Part 1 - Phil Coulson

Almost 3000 years ago, the great prophet Isaiah penned these tremendous words in Isaiah 32, verses 1 and 2 - "Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgment; and a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land." What did he mean? Who was this king? What is this tempest? When will all this happen? And how can a man be a hiding place? In our message today, you will hear answers to these and other questions as Phil Coulson relates Isaiah's words to the apostle John's revelations about the coming judgment on this planet. 
4/19/201823 minutes, 11 seconds
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Father Forgive Them - David Hierlihy

Today's message brings us back to the cross of Calvary - the place where God's love and God's justice met. It was there that God declared His supreme desire for mankind - their forgiveness. Listen to the words of Jesus when He said, "Father, forgive them." What gracious words in the face of abject hatred and cruelty! This message takes us back to that scene and the events that led up to the utterance of those marvellous words.
4/10/201824 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Realities of Salvation - Marvin Derksen

This message is a 'bird's eye-view" of the basics of the gospel message. An answer to questions people often ask when they become concerned about spiritual things. Questions like - What has God done? And why did He do it? How much did it cost God? How much does it cost me? And who's included? We hope that the answers to these questions will open your understanding as to what God is trying to communicate to us poor sinners.
4/6/201824 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Blessing of Forgiveness - Dan Shutt

Christians understand and acknowledge that, despite the world' sceptical and unthankful attitude at times, God is the ultimate source of all of our blessings. The greatest of all blessings that God wants you to receive from Him is His forgiveness through our Lord Jesus Christ. The first verse of Psalm 32 says "Blessed is he - or she - whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered." At the end of the day, isn't that all that really matters?
3/29/201826 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Power of God Unto Salvation - John Grant

There is not a philosophy, a religious doctrine, an educational treatise, a scientific theory that comes close to delivering the power that is found in the preaching of the Gospel. This week's message looks at the power of God in salvation as expressed at Calvary. There were three crosses there. One sufferer died with the assurance of eternal life; the other faced certain judgment as he rejected his only hope. Which of the two thieves represent you? 
3/8/201825 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Love of God - Norman Crawford

Today, we’ll be hearing about the wonderful love of God for us - this special love of God which was offered before we ever loved Him - love that was first in time, in degree, in grace, and finally in its claims upon us as believers to reach out to see others saved. What a marvellous love! We hope that if you’re not saved, that you’ll accept God’s priceless gift – His Only Son – as your Saviour today. 
2/28/201821 minutes, 45 seconds
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What Heaven is Like - Eugene Higgins

How do you imagine heaven? A place of never-ending rest – a kind of celestial retirement home? Or maybe a place where you can do whatever you want? A place of beautiful architecture, scenery, and music?Well, what does the Bible say? After all, it IS God’s heaven. Has He not told us something of what that place is really like? Well, yes, He has. But does God’s description fit yours? You may be surprised! 
2/22/201823 minutes, 29 seconds
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Seven Truths About Sin - Michael Penfold

Would you be surprised to know that the Bible's teaching about sin and judgment can be found in the beloved book of the Psalms? It is not only in the New Testament's proclamation of the gospel that we hear about man's need and God's remedy. Psalm 53, for example, considers seven aspects of sin, but then goes on to explain how God has dealt with the sin problem - for US!
2/15/201823 minutes, 23 seconds
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Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God - Gaius Goff

In Matthew 6:33, we have the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Yes, it was taught by Christ that the kingdom of God is something that we should all strive to enter into - that is, we should make it a priority in our lives. None of us are born naturally into the kingdom of God, but the good news is that the kingdom of God is as close as a humble, repentant heart. Have YOU entered that kingdom?
2/8/201822 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Four L's of the Gospel - Marvin Derksen

Today’s message explains the truths of the gospel very simply using just 4 words, and they each begin with the letter “L”. The first one is "lost" - making the uncomfortable discovery that you don’t know where you are or where you are going. The truth is, you are actually ‘lost’ long before you make that realization! This is what God is trying to get us to acknowledge. The gospel message includes three more of these "L's" - “left”, “loosed”, and the best one of all – “Lord”!
2/2/201825 minutes, 33 seconds
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No One Like Him - Stephen Harper

What a glorious message the gospel is! And what a glorious Saviour Jesus is! The one who was made perfect through His sufferings, who by Himself purged our sins on the cross of Calvary, and who passed into the heavens and abides there today awaiting the day when we shall be with Him. Do you have a message any greater than this? Do you have a religious leader greater than this? Do you have a way to God more sure and glorious than this?
1/28/201824 minutes, 41 seconds
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Only One God - David Hierlihy

1 Timothy 2:5 says, "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." How much is contained in this statement! First, there is one God. This seems like an odd statement when we consider all the religions in the world. How can this be? Secondly, this verse tells us about one go-between - between man and God - and that person is the Lord Jesus Christ. Do you know Him? Have you ever stopped and received this great gift of reconciliation that God so freely offers? 
1/19/201824 minutes, 44 seconds
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Our Sin Problem - Peter Ramsay

There is only one issue that is keeping you from God. Sin. Yes, sin has become almost an archaic term in today's liberal society. People today make mistakes, wrong choices maybe. But the Bible calls it for what it really is - sin - rebellion against God. And God tells us that over and over again in His Word that sin brings death and destruction. But God also tells us in the Bible many times over that He has done something about our sin problem. He has provided a Saviour. Do you know Him?
1/11/201824 minutes, 30 seconds
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This Man's Blood - Marvin Derksen

The Bible is filled with the theme of the precious blood of Christ. It is pictured in the Old Testament and seen with clarity in the New. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sin. It's why Christ came - to pay the price for sin on our behalf. Have you accepted the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus, His death upon the cross as payment for YOUR sin? That is what it means to be a Christian. Trust Him today. 
1/4/201825 minutes, 57 seconds
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Joy to the World - Eugene Higgins

The Bible has a wonderful theme throughout it - JOY! This week's message takes a look at the familiar Christmas carol "Joy to the World" and explains how it is that people like you and me can enter into a secure, meaningful, and everlasting relationship with the God of heaven - through our Lord Jesus Christ - and come to know the joy that He wants us to have. 
12/28/201723 minutes, 52 seconds
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Mary Did You Know? - Eugene Higgins

The Christmas message is really a year round message - it's the message of the gospel - God's invitation to sinners to receive His only provision for sin - the Lord Jesus Christ! Christians remember Christ's birth all year round - and praise and thank God for ever sending His Son to come to this world and die at the place called Calvary to reconcile sinners back to Himself. What a wonderful person Christ is! 
12/21/201726 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Search is On - Marvin Derksen

It’s a familiar story told by the Lord Jesus – the story of the lost sheep. As He tells this story, He paints for us a vivid picture of a poor, lost sheep – helpless and hopeless in itself. But He also describes Himself – the shepherd – the good shepherd who cares for His sheep enough to give His life. It really pictures ourselves, lost in our sins, and the Lord Jesus Christ as the Saviour or rescuer of our souls. Have you ever seen yourself as the lost sheep that Jesus came to save? 
12/14/201723 minutes, 19 seconds
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Is It Nothing to You? - Eugene Higgins

The wonderful message of the cross is the main theme of the Bible. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son." How little this stupendous fact crosses the minds of sinful men and women! In fact, it was prophetically written in Lamentations 1:12 - "Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Behold and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow which is done unto me wherewith the Lord has afflicted me in the day of His fierce anger." The same question can be asked today. Is it nothing to you? 
12/7/201725 minutes, 38 seconds
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Peace with God - Bill Seale

Something that unifies all of mankind is the most basic need of peace in our minds and in our souls. But how elusive it is - despite our many efforts to attain it! The problem is a simple one. We are all looking in the wrong places. The Bible says that we need to look to a person. There is only one 'Peace Giver' - the Lord Jesus Christ. He not only promises peace - peace that the world cannot give, but He did what was required to attain it for us! It is only by trusting Christ as Saviour that you will become a believer on Christ - and truly know the peace of sins forgiven!
11/30/201725 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Three Questions of Nicodemus - John Grant

Some of the most important truths regarding God's way of salvation was revealed by the Lord Jesus Christ to a religious Jewish rabbi. Nicodemus had three important questions for Christ to answer that go something like this: "You came from God, right?", "How can a man be born again when he is old?", and "How is the new birth possible in my life?" The Lord Jesus Christ answers each of these questions and, in so doing, provides us with the vital answers that WE need as well.
11/23/201725 minutes, 54 seconds
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Shall Never Thirst - Peter Ramsay

The Lord Jesus Christ once asked for a drink of water from a woman at a well in a town called Sychar. Yes, He was thirsty and weary from His journey. But He also wanted to teach this woman about ‘living water’ – something that will satisfy forever. Have you ever taken a drink of that living water! One drink is enough to satisfy, not only for time, but for all eternity. You’ll never thirst again!
11/16/201723 minutes, 53 seconds
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Faithful Words to a Favoured World - Gary Sharp

As the Bible is filled with the promises of God - faithful promises - words that we can count on. One faithful saying is given in 1 Timothy 1:15 - that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. How wonderful is this! The mission of the Son of God in becoming a man was that sinners like ourselves could be saved. This week's broadcast is concerned with the faithful Word of God, the favoured world we live in, and the finished work of Christ on the cross to bring us back to God. 
11/9/201720 minutes, 21 seconds
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As For Me - Marvin Derksen

Today’s message looks at some crisis moments in the lives of Joshua, Samuel and David in which their strength of commitment to the will of God became evident. All three of them make the amazing statement “As for me”. Yes, they decided to follow after God, whatever the cost. But consider God’s side of this commitment. David wrote in Psalm 18 – “As for God, His way is perfect.” The Lord will guide the Christian's footsteps and meets their commitment with the strength needed to carry it through.
11/2/201725 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Thief on the Cross - Peter Ramsay

Calvary is the focal point of all history. It's the reason the Lord Jesus came. But there were two others that died that day. Two criminals - murderers and thieves. Both had lived a life of sin and rebellion. Both were the same literal distance from the Lord himself. Both had equal opportunity. But only one of them went to heaven. Listen to this episode to find out why. 
10/26/201724 minutes, 50 seconds
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What It Means To Be Saved - David Hierlihy

Sometimes people struggle with the Biblical term 'saved'. Often, this is simply because they don't quite get the concept of being lost. If I am saved, then it certainly implies that there was something I needed to be saved from. And there is. We all need to be saved from a purposeless life, from the unhappy consequences of sin here on earth, and most of all from the eternal consequences of sin after life is over - in hell separated from God forever. Do YOU know what it means to be saved?
10/19/201723 minutes, 50 seconds
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Who Has Believed Our Report - Marvin Derksen

Isaiah, one of the major prophets, spoke extensively about things to come before they actually happened! And this included many details about the Saviour – His characteristics and His ministry here on earth. Some have referred to his writings as “The Gospel according to Isaiah” and they are certainly right! If you’ve never read Isaiah, Chapter 53, I’d urge you to. It starts with a compelling and personal question - WHO has believed the report? Have you?
10/12/201724 minutes, 51 seconds
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God's Marvellous Mercy - Matthew Cain

The Lord Jesus often used many contrasts in order that we might feel the full impact of the lessons He was teaching. In today's message, evangelist Matthew Cain takes a look at the story of the Pharisee and the publican in which such a contrast could not be greater. There were two individuals who attempted to approach God is diametrically opposing ways. Only one received God's mercy and forgiveness. Which one will you take? 
10/5/201725 minutes, 40 seconds
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Is The Bible True, Part 2 - Eugene Higgins

The Bible has the unique power to convict the soul, to save the soul, and to give comfort and assurance to all who trust in it. Hebrews 4:12 says that the Word of God is living and powerful and able to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart. It reaches into the inmost heart of our being. It convicts. It saves. How precious is this book! Have you read it today?
9/27/201723 minutes, 26 seconds
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Is The Bible True, Part 1 - Eugene Higgins

Anchorpoint applies a Christian perspective to the world and all its issues; to mankind and all of its problems. Of course, our text is solely the Bible, the Word of God. Why is it that we stand so firmly on this book? How is it that we can rely on it solely as our word of counsel? How can we know for certain that the Bible is worthy of our trust? Is the Bible really true? Well, today’s broadcast deals precisely with these questions.
9/20/201725 minutes, 35 seconds
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Who Then Can Be Saved? - Gaius Goff

The word ‘saved’ is a very weighty word in the Bible. But it is used very often. In fact, the disciples often asked the Lord Jesus questions about what it means to be saved. He emphasized to them the importance of making it a priority in life – even impressing upon them that they needed to ‘strive’ to enter in. This means that we need to take the gospel message personally and seriously. Have you? 
9/15/201721 minutes, 27 seconds
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Sin and Separation - Tom Baker

The Bible speaks openly about sin and the separation that it causes. You see, the separation that sin causes between man and God is our greatest and most urgent problem. And this leads to an inevitable separation called death and this includes eternal separation from God. This week’s broadcast will help you think seriously about this great sin problem and will direct you to the wonderful remedy that God has provided to bring sinners back to Himself.
8/30/201723 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Friend of Sinners - Peter Ramsay

How true it is that so few people have any ‘real’ friends - friends who REALLY care, friends who are true and committed. Well, there was One in the Bible who was called a friend. But often the term was used in a derogatory way. You see the Lord Jesus Christ was known as the friend of SINNERS. Who would want to associate with the poor, the sick, the needy, the sinful? Christ certainly did. In fact, He died for those that did NOT love Him in return – His enemies. Do you have a friend like that?
8/24/201724 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Great Gospel Truths - William Skates

Well, the great truths of the gospel are really not that hard to understand. This week’s broadcast explains God's great message of good news in three simple words. First, there is the reality of the 'Fall' - that is, how sin can into the world in the first place. Secondly, the word 'All'. Yes, we are ALL affected by sin, but we are also ALL objects of God's boundless love. And finally, the 'Call'. Yes, God's call goes out to the whole world to come to Him and be saved - through the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. 
8/17/201724 minutes, 27 seconds
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Reason To Trust - David Hierlihy

Whenever people hear the gospel presented there is always a choice to be made. Facts are given about their need and about God’s remedy. Information is given concerning the person and life of Christ and why He is worthy of your trust. But, in the end, the choice comes down to the individual. You and me. No one else can answer for us. Are you willing to accept and believe the Gospel today? 
8/10/201725 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Second Birth - Marvin Derksen

Today's broadcast looks at this second birth as the absolute requirement for a person to get to heaven. Have YOU been born again? Has there ever been a time in your life when you received spiritual life from God through trusting Christ as YOUR Saviour? We trust that this message will help you understand your need and direct you to the only one who can save you - the Lord Jesus Christ.
7/27/201726 minutes, 13 seconds
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Haves and Have Nots - Peter Ramsay

The Bible makes a very categorical statement in 1 John Chapter 5 and verse 12 - "He (or she) that hath the Son has life, and he (or she) that has not the Son of God, has not life." There are only 2 parts to that verse. You either have the Son - that is, truly know the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Lord and Saviour - or you do not. So, how about it? Do YOU have this 'life' that the Bible talks about?
7/19/201723 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Prodigal Son - John Grant

The story of the prodigal son is really a picture of how we, as sinners, have strayed away from God and desire to live our lives just as we choose - without God. It's a sad commentary on the human heart. Just like the prodigal, we take all the good things that the Father has provided for us and leave for the 'far country' to spend our time and resources on things that just don't satisfy. Only when the prodigal 'came to his senses' was he prepared to turn back again in search of all that he had left behind.
7/13/201726 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Problem of Sin - David Hierlihy

While it is true that the word ‘gospel’ means ‘good news’, it is so necessary to get people to realize that there is a black background to the shining diamond of God’s salvation. People need to realize the solemn and desperate condition they are in as sinners before a holy and righteous God. This involves bringing up the unsavoury topic of sin and this week’s message takes a long, hard look at this unpopular theme.
7/5/201722 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Origin of Evil - Michael Penfold

The origin of evil has always been a controversial topic, one that needs to be accounted for in all religions. What is evil? How can we define it? Why is there so much evil in the world? Is it possible to get rid of it? Well, it's quite obvious that man's attempts over thousands of years have been futile to do much about it. Maybe, it's time we listened to what the God of the Bible, the only true God, has to say about it.
6/29/201726 minutes, 3 seconds
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I Perish, I Thirst, I Believe - Stephen Harper

The gospel message is a personal message. It's not just and intellectual understanding of Bible truth. It is an invitation for a personal relationship with the God of the universe. As with all personal interactions, there must be honesty. God knows all, so there's no use in trying to hide anyway. This message looks at three simple statements starting with the sinner's, "I perish". Next, with Christ's cry from the cross, "I thirst". And finally the words "I believe", which is precisely what God wants you to do.
6/15/201725 minutes, 38 seconds
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Bible Intersections - Marvin Derksen

How marvellous that God should ever choose to intersect our earth, our history, our own personal lives! But He has! By the giving of His Son, God has provided a way for me and you to be brought back into a personal relationship with Him. But this, of course, meant that He had to come from eternity into our time and to leave heaven to enter our world. Why? So that our upcoming appointment with eternity will bring us joy together with Him instead of the separation that comes from never knowing Him as Saviour.
6/8/201724 minutes, 38 seconds
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Alienation and God's Remedy For It - Dan Shutt

Our broadcast today deals with our alienation from God - and its consequences. But, here's the good part - there was One who was willing to bear this alienation, this separation for us. It was none other than the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary - where He suffered the separation from God that we should have experienced. It is possible for you to find forgiveness of sins and get to know God personally - to close up that gap of separation once and for all. Interested?
6/2/201725 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Man Born Blind - William Skates

Just like the old gospel hymn says – I once was blind, but now I see - millions of sinners have had their spiritual sight restored by Christ. We were all born in darkness – with the terrible affliction of blindness as far as our souls are concerned. We can’t see God. And we can’t really see ourselves either – unable to recognize the seriousness of our lost condition before God. Today's message talks a little about spiritual blindness – and the remedy God has provided for it.
5/25/201725 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Truth Factor - Matthew Cain

In today's 'post-modern' society, the greatest casualty of departure from God is 'truth'. Everything has become very relative - what's good for you or truth for you, may not be so for me. There is no solid basis for establishing objective reality - just changing opinions that suit our particular mindset at any particular time. How sad this is - and how tragic! We hope that you will open your mind and heart to the truth as it is expressed in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ through His Word.
5/11/201722 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Origin of Meaning and Morality Part 3 - Michael Penfold

This week’s broadcast looks at the atheistic worldview and its effect on present day ethical and moral decisions, specifically issues like abortion, designer babies and euthanasia. The four BIG questions of life are considered - origin, morality, meaning and destiny – and the ability of different world views to deal with them. Atheism fails to answer the questions of origin, morality, meaning or destiny. Does that sound like something you would risk your eternity on? 
5/4/201723 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Origin of Meaning and Morality Part 2 - Michael Penfold

This week’s broadcast continues in the discussion of the origin of meaning and morality by looking at major historical figures who were influenced by Darwin’s theory of evolution as well as concepts like abortion, eugenics and euthanasia which are the logical outworkings of an atheistic worldview. We hope that this message will help you understand the issues more clearly and that you will choose to place a firm foothold on the Word of God.
4/27/201726 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Origin of Meaning and Morality Part 1 - Michael Penfold

We all have a philosophy - a worldview as it were - the perspective that we take on life. Here on Anchorpoint, we present the Biblical worldview - the way that God would have us to understand Him and ourselves. This week’s broadcast takes a look at the secular take on life with regard to the historical development of Darwin's evolutionary theory and its damaging effect on theological thinking. 
4/20/201726 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Resurrection of Christ, Part 2 - Dan Shutt

The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is undoubtedly the most contested Bible truth among skeptics. Untold books have been written attempting to discredit this clearly presented Bible event, but none have succeeded. Today's broadcast looks at the arguments often put forward in the attempt to disprove Christ's resurrection. We will let the evidence stand for itself!
4/13/201724 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Resurrection of Christ, Part 1 - Dan Shutt

There is not a truth more fundamental to the Christian faith than the truth of the resurrection of Christ. And it is especially at this time of year that millions around the world are confronted with this amazing claim - many with joy and thanksgiving at the blessed hope of the risen Christ, but others who refuse to believe what the Bible says. How important it is that Christians not only have a firm grip on this bedrock doctrine of the faith but also have the ability to convey it to skeptics who resist the truth. 
4/9/201726 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Writing on the Wall - Gaius Goff

The most difficult part of the work of a gospel preacher is to get people to stop. Even for a moment. To get them to press the 'pause' button of their lives and consider the essential issues of what their lives are all about - questions like - Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? Today's message comes from a jail cell, from a young man about to go out to die. We would do well to hear what he says about life, death and eternity. 
3/30/201723 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Resurrection - Truth or Conspiracy - Sandy Higgins

The topic of the resurrection is the foundation of the Christian faith has been attacked by unbelievers down through the ages. Yet, the four gospels carefully preserve the details of the crucifixion and resurrection story. We trust that this message will help you to understand the gospel accounts more fully and that, if not saved, you would solemnly realize the implications of a risen Saviour and His claims upon YOUR life.
3/23/201725 minutes, 57 seconds
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John 3:36 - Tom Baker

God’s word tells us that everlasting life is something each of us can have right here and now in this life. And that everlasting life is found in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son. As we listen to the message each of should ask ourselves the question, “Who or what am I trusting in to be sure of heaven”? He that believes on the Son has everlasting life; he that believes not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him. Which part of the verse are YOU in?
3/17/201724 minutes, 54 seconds
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The World or Your Soul - Eugene Higgins

One of the most stirring questions in the entire Bible was one asked by the Lord Jesus Christ when He said, "What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" It is difficult to think of a question that contains such stakes - such weighty issues. he answer should be obvious, shouldn't it? But, sadly, many people go through life without ever asking themselves this question. tragically, many are selling their souls a day at a time for things that just won't matter. What about you? Is there anything in this world that is worth losing your soul for? 
3/9/201724 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Cross, the Crowd, the Cry - Marvin Derksen

In today’s broadcast, evangelist Marvin Derksen takes a closer look at the scene at Calvary. There was the cross – the awful cross upon which Jesus suffered and died. There was the crowd looking on, showing by their actions the real attitudes of their hearts. And there was the cry – the cry of a repentant sinner on the verge of his own death. What an awful and yet an awesome place. Where do YOU stand at Calvary? 
3/2/201725 minutes, 8 seconds
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Forgiven - Stephen Harper

There is one word that describes true born-again Christians everywhere - the word is ‘forgiven’. What a wealth of blessing that one word contains! Do you know anything about the meaning of the word ‘forgiven’ in YOUR life? Can your sins be forgiven? Yes, surely they can! That’s what the gospel message is all about. 
2/9/201725 minutes, 49 seconds
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What Will You Do With Jesus? - Peter Ramsay

A large portion of the gospels is concerned with one tremendously important event in the life of the Lord Jesus Christ - His crucifixion. Many people made choices for or against Christ that day, but this message is about one in particular - Pontius Pilate. Did he make the right one? Will you? 
1/28/201726 minutes, 9 seconds
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God So Loved - Stephen Harper

You know, the Lord makes some surprising statements in His Word. Sometimes, you just have to stop and think about them. For example, John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." But there are two amazing truths in this one verse - that God SO loved the world and that God actually GAVE His only Son. What a statement! 
1/26/201723 minutes, 11 seconds
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Why Christ Came - Marvin Derksen

Some people complain that the Bible is hard to understand - that it takes years to study the scriptures to figure these things out. Well, these individuals need to read just one verse to dispel that notion.1 Timothy 1:15 says "This is a faithful saying that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief". Why did the Lord Jesus Christ even come into this world? To save sinners! It's not hard to understand. It's a matter of acceptance.
1/12/201724 minutes, 27 seconds
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My Time Your Time, Part 2 - Sandy Higgins

Last week we discovered that the Bible has a lot to say about the very special commodity of time. First, that we need to learn lessons from our ‘time past’, and then use the ‘rest of our days’ in service to the Lord. Dr. Higgins continues with his subject today, specifically talking about our ‘leisure time’ in terms of purpose, priorities and pitfalls.
1/5/201725 minutes, 8 seconds
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My Time Your Time, Part 1 - Sandy Higgins

How often we, as Christians, fall into the snare of wasting the precious time we have, usually through making poor choices in how we spend it - for ourselves and not for the Lord. But we can also become ensnared by our past failures and regrets that prevent us from moving forward in our walk for the Lord. The answer is maintaining the pre-eminence of Christ in our lives. This gives us the joy, strength, and direction we need to live for Him. 
12/29/201624 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Ten Lepers - David Petterson

One of the most graphic pictures of sin in the Bible is the disease of leprosy. Sin is disfiguring and destructive.Without applying the remedy, death is sure.This week's message describes an encounter with a leper with the only One who could heal him - the Lord Jesus Christ. But not only did he receive physical healing but spiritual healing as well. He went away enjoying eternal life! We hope that this will be your experience as well.
12/16/201624 minutes, 50 seconds
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One Thing - Stephen Vance

You know, the Lord doesn't require a lot from any one of us. In fact, He would like us to know just ONE thing. In today's broadcast, evangelist Stephen Vance looks at an individual in the Bible who discovered the ONE THING that he needed to know before he left this world. And you may be surprised at what it was!
12/8/201625 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Pool of Bethesda - Frank Sona

This week's message is the scene of a very wonderful miracle by the Lord Jesus and the story contains many important lessons for us all. Apart from showing the compassion and power of Christ in dealing with people's sickness and hardships, it also gives us a good illustration of what the salvation of God is all about. 
12/1/201624 minutes, 48 seconds
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So Great Salvation - Marvin Derksen

One of the most pointed questions in our Bible was penned by the writer of Hebrews in Chapter 2 and verse 3 -"How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?" Just 10 words but what a tremendous question to consider! Evangelist Marvin Derksen primarily takes up the last 3 words of this question - 'so great salvation'. Yes, the salvation of God is so great in its source, its scope, its simplicity, its sacrifice, and its sentence. Yes, what a wonderful salvation God has to offer each one of us!
11/17/201626 minutes, 50 seconds
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You Can Be Sure - Jim Bergsma

The Bible says that you can know that you'll be in heaven. In fact, the Bible says that you MUST know it before you die. Do you believe what God says? Or are you still one of the many who persist in calling God a liar? We hope not.
10/27/201626 minutes, 26 seconds
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Believe and Be Saved - David Petterson

10/12/201625 minutes, 16 seconds
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By Grace Are Ye Saved - Marvin Derksen

"Amazing Grace" is more than just a popular hymn - it's a living reality that has come right alongside each one of us. God's love for the undeserving has been revealed and expressed in the greatest of ways. Yes, there is grace - God's amazing grace - that has provided a wonderful salvation for poor sinners. Are you rejoicing in God's wonderful grace?
9/30/201625 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ye Must Be Born Again - Frank Sona

It’s important that we know exactly what Christ meant by being born again for one simple reason – without it, we can never enter heaven. Only ‘born again’ ones will be there. So, what does it mean to be born again? In today's broadcast, evangelist Frank Sona first reads some Bible passages and then goes on to explain the wonderful truth of ‘being born again.'
9/1/201626 minutes, 17 seconds
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Christ Died For Our Sins - Peter Ramsay

There are so many simple, easily understood statements in the Bible that contain all the Gospel truth you could ever need. Verses like - “Christ died for our sins”. These five words contain within them all the gospel truth – the problem of our sin, the Person of Christ, the work for us upon the cross, and the personal aspect of applying it to ourselves. All in five words! Do YOU believe them? 
8/25/201626 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Value of the Soul - Marvin Derksen

What is the value of the soul? The Word of God doesn’t even attempt to give an answer. The Lord Jesus just summed it up by saying that the total of everything this world has to offer just doesn’t compare to worth of a soul. We hope that this week's message will help you consider the value of YOUR soul.
8/20/201623 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Rapture Predicted - Jack Hay

The coming again of our Lord Jesus Christ is a wonderful and exciting truth for Christians. But let’s face it, it’s bad news for unbelievers. How important it is to be ready! 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4 describes this great and soon-coming event in some detail. 
8/11/201622 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Rapture Promised - Jack Hay

Well, one of the greatest hopes for Christians worldwide is the coming again of the Lord Jesus Christ – the rapture. At the coming of the Lord, those that are in the graves will hear His voice as well as those that are alive, and we shall all be caught up to meet the Lord in the air! But what about you? Will you be one of the Lord’s own that He calls to be with Himself? He wants you to be.
8/3/201623 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Origin of Life, Part 2 - Michael Penfold

God wants us to know Him and He has given us the intelligence to learn about the world that He has made. Belief in God does not hinder science - it actually motivates us to discover more about how the world works. In this week’s episode, Mr. Michael Penfold further discusses some of the current issues in the scientific field relating to the origin of life.
7/21/201625 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Origin of Life, Part 1 - Michael Penfold

Scientists have studied the origin of life for years and are still trying to find answers. Atheistic scientists are determined to show that life somehow arose spontaneously from non-life. But there is only one problem with this anti-theistic approach. The scientific evidence does not support it! Listen to this week’s message on this controversial topic.
7/14/201626 minutes, 10 seconds
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Prepare to Meet Your God - Gaius Goff

The Bible is filled with messages to us about the importance of being ready to meet God - of preparing for that coming day. There are facts that we cannot evade. We were created by God. We are going to die. We are going to meet Him. But God is on your side. He has provided total preparation for you in the death of His Son. Will you accept Christ and be prepared once and for all?
7/7/201621 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Precious Blood of Christ - Peter Ramsay

There is not a more glorious theme running throughout the Word of God than that of the precious blood of Christ. All of the Old Testament points toward the coming of the Messiah, the Lamb of God. The full and free forgiveness for sins was made available to ALL people through the sacrifice of Christ. Was His precious blood shed for you?
6/23/201625 minutes, 12 seconds
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More About Jesus - Norman Crawford

In Philippians 3:8, Paul says, “I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.” These are the words of a man who was consumed with learning more about the Lord Jesus Christ. And as forgiven sinners we also desire to know our wonderful Saviour more and more. Are you growing in your faith and witnessing to the lost all around you? We hope that today’s message will encourage you to do so.
6/18/201620 minutes, 39 seconds
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Look Unto Me and Be Saved - David Hierlihy

Did you know that God describes Himself in the Bible? He says He is the ONLY God - there is no other. He says that He is just - perfectly right and fair in His assessment of things. And He says that He is a Saviour. That is, that He desires to save those who don't and can't meet up to His holy standards. But how can He do this?
6/3/201624 minutes, 33 seconds
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A Man, a Message and a Moment - Marvin Derksen

Our broadcast today takes us back to the ancient city of Nineveh and the day there was a strange visitor at its gates. His name was Jonah - and he had come to Nineveh on a mission. And his arrival affected the entire population. God still uses His messengers to intersect lives today. 
4/21/201626 minutes, 9 seconds
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Atheism and the Origin of the Universe Part 2 - Michael Penfold

Atheists have proposed some alternatives to God as creator, such as - the universe doesn't actually exist, or that the universe always existed, or that the universe came from nothing - created itself, so to speak. You be the judge of these supposed alternatives as evangelist and teacher Michael Penfold explains each one. 
4/14/201625 minutes, 29 seconds
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Atheism and the Origin of the Universe Part 1 - Michael Penfold

Scientific discoveries are made every day from the marvels of the humungous cosmos around us to the mind-boggling complexity of the miniscule cell. Is atheism a logical response to all of this? Can it come up with plausible arguments for why the world exists as it does? 
4/7/201626 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Risen Christ - Marvin Derksen

Christ is indeed alive! The apostle Paul wrote from prison to a young man, Timothy, explaining how this wonderful resurrection is the answer to all our tears, our fears, and our doubts. The glorious truth of the risen Christ is what gives us the strength and confidence to continue on in our Christian lives. If you don't enjoy the wonders of this risen Christ, turn to Christ this Easter weekend and come into the good of His glorious resurrection!
3/23/201626 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Cross of Christ - Jim Smith

Nothing is more central to the theme of the Bible than the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. It has been said to be the focal point of all the ages. Today's message takes up how God ‘chose’ the cross to be the expression of His extreme love for us; how Christ ‘chose’ the cross out of devotion to His Father God and the desire for our blessing. And lastly, how we, as believers should ‘choose’ the cross in carrying out God’s purposes in our lives for Him. 
3/17/201625 minutes, 28 seconds
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What a Friend We Have in Jesus - Peter Ramsay

Evangelist Peter Ramsay considers the marvel of the friendship of Christ. He's a personal friend - a friend you need to know one-on-one - personally. He's the prodigal's friend. Have you ever acknowledged that YOU need Him? He's a continual friend - one who will never leave us or forsake us. And He's an eternal friend - His is a friendship that will not end at death. So, how about it? Do YOU have a friend in Jesus? Are YOU saved?
3/3/201622 minutes, 38 seconds
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Three Books - Harold Paisley

On our broadcast this week, evangelist Harold Paisley speaks about different books mentioned in the Bible. The first one is the Word of God Itself, read aloud by the Lord Jesus Christ in the synagogue of Nazareth. The next is the life history of everyone who has ever lived. And lastly, the Lamb’s book of life that contains the names of all the redeemed. Follow along as Mr. Paisley describes these books and how they apply to our lives today.
12/10/201525 minutes, 50 seconds
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Without Christ - Jim Smith

Paul's letter to the Ephesians (12:2) contains two of the most gripping words in our Bible. He reminds the Christians that at one time - before they were saved - they were 'without Christ'. He goes on to describe this desperate condition as 'having no hope' and 'without God in the world'. What a sad picture! Has there been a time in your life when YOU moved from the position of being 'without Christ' to being a child of God?
9/17/201527 minutes, 9 seconds
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Hell - What the Bible Teaches - Peter Ramsay

When did you last hear a sermon on hell? Just as the Bible speaks about heaven, there is also most assuredly a hell – a place where Christ rejecters will spend their eternity. Christ himself spoke about it, so we would all do well to listen. Evangelist, Peter Ramsay, takes up this subject in order to make sure that we all understand that hell is a real place, and God does NOT want us to go there. 
9/10/201522 minutes, 8 seconds
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The God You Can Know - Jim Jarvis

The Bible gives a picture of a spiritual person, one who has been born again, as a tree growing and flourishing next to a flowing stream, obtaining its life and vitality from the water beneath its soil. Another picture is of a withered tree, an individual who does not have life. So, how is it with you? Do you know God? You can!
7/16/201525 minutes, 20 seconds
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What God Expects - Gaius Goff

God. A moment called life. Eternity. These are the ultimate issues, aren't they? Settle these questions, and you will enjoy all that God expects from you - that you come to know Him personally and live with Him forever!
6/21/201524 minutes, 36 seconds