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Ancient Faith Documentaries

English, Christianity, 1 season, 46 episodes, 12 hours, 38 minutes
Ancient Faith Radio is pleased to present our growing slate of long-form documentaries on a wide variety of topics related to the Orthodox Church.
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Will All be Saved? Examining Universalism and the Last Judgement

Fr. Tom Soroka and John Maddex will dive into the topic of Universalism and speak with Orthodox panelists who fall into one of three categories: Confident Universalists, Hopeful Universalists, and those who say Universalism was condemned as a heresy. We read in Scripture that God is not willing that any should perish (2 Peter 3:9). But we also read that It is appointed unto man once to die, and after that comes the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). There are those who claim that, since Christ died for all, we can be assured that all will indeed be saved and not face eternal condemnation. This is called “universalism” or “apocatastasis.” Was this teaching condemned by the Church? Who among the Church Fathers embraced universal salvation?
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Three Men and a Mountain: A Pilgrimage to Holy Mt. Athos

Join Bobby Maddex, Jerry Minetos, and Samuel Heble as they journey to Greece to experience firsthand the monasteries, sketes, and churches of both Thessaloniki and Mount Athos. In partnership with Orthodox Tours, the three travelers—all employees of Ancient Faith Ministries—present listeners with the highs and lows of pilgrimage, as well as what they should expect on their own potential journeys to Greece and the Holy Mountain. For more information about Orthodox Tours, please visit
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Three Men and a Mountain: A Pilgrimage to Holy Mt. Athos

Join Bobby Maddex, Jerry Minetos, and Samuel Heble as they journey to Greece to experience firsthand the monasteries, sketes, and churches of both Thessaloniki and Mount Athos. In partnership with Orthodox Tours, the three travelers—all employees of Ancient Faith Ministries—present listeners with the highs and lows of pilgrimage, as well as what they should expect on their own potential journeys to Greece and the Holy Mountain. For more information about Orthodox Tours, please visit
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Two Natures: Examining Chalcedon and Communion

Most of us know about the so-called Great Schism, which tragically divided the Christian Church between East and West in 1054. But there was an earlier division in the 5th century, following the Fourth Ecumenical Council in Chalcedon in 451, which clarified how Jesus is both God and Man. Charges of heresy were brought, anathemas were proclaimed, and communion was broken. Which Churches did not accept the decision of the Council and the subsequent three Councils that followed? Today they are known as the Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syrian, Malankara, Eritrean, and Ethiopian Orthodox Churches. What specifically separates us theologically? Are there reasons to hope that we are closer to these believers than we thought? What efforts have been made to better understand each other in recent decades? On this special edition of Ancient Faith Today Live, Fr. Tom Soroka and John Maddex examine the causes of our division and consider what any path to unity might involve. Panelists include: Bishop (Dr.) Daniel (Findikyan) Dr. Peter Bouteneff Christine Chaillot Dr. David Ford Dr. Emmanuel Gergis Dr. Chad Hatfield Dr. Michael Ibrahim Rev. Dr. Joseph Lucas Dr. Sam Noble Rev Dr. Timothy Thomas
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Two Natures: Examining Chalcedon and Communion

Most of us know about the so-called Great Schism, which tragically divided the Christian Church between East and West in 1054. But there was an earlier division in the 5th century, following the Fourth Ecumenical Council in Chalcedon in 451, which clarified how Jesus is both God and Man. Charges of heresy were brought, anathemas were proclaimed, and communion was broken. Which Churches did not accept the decision of the Council and the subsequent three Councils that followed? Today they are known as the Oriental Orthodox Churches, including the Coptic, Armenian, Syrian, Malankara, Eritrean, and Ethiopian Orthodox Churches. What specifically separates us theologically? Are there reasons to hope that we are closer to these believers than we thought? What efforts have been made to better understand each other in recent decades? On this special edition of Ancient Faith Today Live, Fr. Tom Soroka and John Maddex examine the causes of our division and consider what any path to unity might involve. Panelists include: Bishop (Dr.) Daniel (Findikyan) Dr. Peter Bouteneff Christine Chaillot Dr. David Ford Dr. Emmanuel Gergis Dr. Chad Hatfield Dr. Michael Ibrahim Rev. Dr. Joseph Lucas Dr. Sam Noble Rev Dr. Timothy Thomas
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The Orthodox Deaconess: Examining the Call for Restoration

⁠The story of the Orthodox Deaconess is largely unknown today. When did they exist, and what was their function? In recent decades, there has been a call for restoring the female diaconate, causing no small debate between Orthodox proponents and opponents.⁠ In the first special edition of Ancient Faith Today Live, Fr. Tom Soroka and John Maddex take a deep dive into the topic with a full-length audio documentary, which will feature scholarly experts from both sides of the issue and reflect upon the views shared and what we can conclude about the Church’s wisdom on this issue today.
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The Orthodox Deaconess - Examining the Call for Restoration

Have there ever been female deacons in the Orthodox Church? The answer is yes but several centuries ago. In the last decade or so, there have been calls to restore the office of Deaconess today which is a rather touchy subject in the Orthodox world. As part of our mission to Educate, Edify, and Evangelize, Ancient Faith Radio presents an in-depth audio documentary examining the call to restore Deaconesses in the Orthodox Church today. We talk with both proponents and opponents as well as those in the nuanced middle. We do not necessarily endorse the comments of every participant but we are grateful for their willingness to be recorded Here is the list of people we spoke with: Metropolitan Saba (Antiochian Archiocese) Dr. Edith M. Humphrey Dr. Carrie Frederick Frost Fr. Stephen De Young Dr. John Panagiotou Dr. Valerie Karras Dr. Jeannie Constantinou Dr. James Skedros Fr. Lucas Christensen Fr. Alexander Lebedeff Dr. Helen Theodoropoulos Mother Christophora Dr. Sarah Byrne-Martelli Fr. Joseph Lucas Frederica Mathews-Green Dr. Mary Ford The full interviews with each of them are available HERE.
1/31/20241 hour, 42 minutes, 22 seconds
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Transformation: Part 4 - Listen and Learn

Part four of our four-part documentary, "Transformation: Same Sex Attraction Through The Lens Of Orthodox Christianity." In this episode, we will hear a call to listen, to engage, to show patience, and extend the benefit of the doubt wherever we can—especially our young people who are asking tough questions and deserve to be heard. Resource: Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction by Fr. Thomas Hopko
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Transformation: Part 4 - Listen and Learn

Part four of our four-part documentary, "Transformation: Same Sex Attraction Through The Lens Of Orthodox Christianity." In this episode, we will hear a call to listen, to engage, to show patience, and extend the benefit of the doubt wherever we can—especially our young people who are asking tough questions and deserve to be heard. Resource: Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction by Fr. Thomas Hopko
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Transformation: Part 3 - The Greatest of These is Love

Part three of our four-part documentary Transformation: Same-Sex Attraction Through the Lens of Orthodox Christianity How are we doing as a Church at showing love to everyone who walks in our doors? Are we welcoming or judgmental? Does a warm welcome translate into endorsement of someone's lifestyle? If we are to truly love one another and bear one another's burdens, we need to get to know them first. Resource: Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction by Fr. Thomas Hopko
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Transformation: Part 3 - The Greatest of These is Love

Part three of our four-part documentary Transformation: Same-Sex Attraction Through the Lens of Orthodox Christianity How are we doing as a Church at showing love to everyone who walks in our doors? Are we welcoming or judgmental? Does a warm welcome translate into endorsement of someone's lifestyle? If we are to truly love one another and bear one another's burdens, we need to get to know them first. Resource: Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction by Fr. Thomas Hopko
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Transformation: Part 2 - The Clear Teaching of the Church

Part two of "Transformation: Same-Sex Attraction Through the Lens of Orthodox Christianity." In part two, we take a deep dive into the theology surrounding same-sex attraction. What do the Scripture, canons, and Fathers have to say about it? Is it sinful to have a same-sex attraction? Archbishop Michael, Dr. Jeannie Constantinou, Fr. Harry Linsinbigler, Dr. Roxanne Louh, and Dr. Edith M. Humphrey are among our panelists. Resource: Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction by Fr. Thomas Hopko
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Transformation: Part 2 - The Clear Teaching of the Church

Part two of "Transformation: Same-Sex Attraction Through the Lens of Orthodox Christianity." In part two, we take a deep dive into the theology surrounding same-sex attraction. What do the Scripture, canons, and Fathers have to say about it? Is it sinful to have a same-sex attraction? Archbishop Michael, Dr. Jeannie Constantinou, Fr. Harry Linsinbigler, Dr. Roxanne Louh, and Dr. Edith M. Humphrey are among our panelists. Resource: Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction by Fr. Thomas Hopko
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Transformation: Part 1 - Made in His Image and Likeness

Part one of a four-part documentary called "Transformation: Same-Sex Attraction Through the Lens of Orthodox Christianity." In this first episode, we meet four individuals who are faithful, obedient Orthodox Christians in terms of celibacy, but are attracted to members of the same sex. What are their stories, struggles, and disappointments? How have they been received in the Orthodox Church? And what do they want the Church to know about that struggle? Resource: Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction by Fr. Thomas Hopko
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Transformation: Part 1 - Made in His Image and Likeness

Part one of a four-part documentary called "Transformation: Same-Sex Attraction Through the Lens of Orthodox Christianity." In this first episode, we meet four individuals who are faithful, obedient Orthodox Christians in terms of celibacy, but are attracted to members of the same sex. What are their stories, struggles, and disappointments? How have they been received in the Orthodox Church? And what do they want the Church to know about that struggle? Resource: Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction by Fr. Thomas Hopko
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Transformation: Part 4 - Listen and Learn

Part four of our four-part documentary, "Transformation: Same Sex Attraction Through The Lens Of Orthodox Christianity." In this episode, we will hear a call to listen, to engage, to show patience, and extend the benefit of the doubt wherever we can—especially our young people who are asking tough questions and deserve to be heard. Resource: Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction by Fr. Thomas Hopko
10/22/202132 minutes, 49 seconds
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Transformation: Part 3 - The Greatest of These is Love

Part three of our four-part documentary Transformation: Same-Sex Attraction Through the Lens of Orthodox Christianity How are we doing as a Church at showing love to everyone who walks in our doors? Are we welcoming or judgmental? Does a warm welcome translate into endorsement of someone's lifestyle? If we are to truly love one another and bear one another's burdens, we need to get to know them first. Resource: Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction by Fr. Thomas Hopko
10/22/20211 hour, 12 minutes
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Transformation: Part 2 - The Clear Teaching of the Church

Part two of "Transformation: Same-Sex Attraction Through the Lens of Orthodox Christianity." In part two, we take a deep dive into the theology surrounding same-sex attraction. What do the Scripture, canons, and Fathers have to say about it? Is it sinful to have a same-sex attraction? Archbishop Michael, Dr. Jeannie Constantinou, Fr. Harry Linsinbigler, Dr. Roxanne Louh, and Dr. Edith M. Humphrey are among our panelists. Resource: Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction by Fr. Thomas Hopko
10/22/202154 minutes, 17 seconds
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Transformation: Part 1 - Made in His Image and Likeness

Part one of a four-part documentary called "Transformation: Same-Sex Attraction Through the Lens of Orthodox Christianity." In this first episode, we meet four individuals who are faithful, obedient Orthodox Christians in terms of celibacy, but are attracted to members of the same sex. What are their stories, struggles, and disappointments? How have they been received in the Orthodox Church? And what do they want the Church to know about that struggle? Resource: Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction by Fr. Thomas Hopko
10/22/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Miracle in Zone One: Guatemala City's Hogar Raphael Ayau Orthodox Orphanage

In this new audio documentary, exclusive to Ancient Faith Radio, Bobby Maddex takes a trip to the Hogar Raphael Ayau Orthodox Orphanage in Guatemala City, Guatemala. Learn how the orphanage came to be, what takes place there on a daily basis, and why it is truly miraculous beyond measure.
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The Miracle in Zone One: Guatemala City's Hogar Raphael Ayau Orthodox Orphanage

In this new audio documentary, exclusive to Ancient Faith Radio, Bobby Maddex takes a trip to the Hogar Raphael Ayau Orthodox Orphanage in Guatemala City, Guatemala. Learn how the orphanage came to be, what takes place there on a daily basis, and why it is truly miraculous beyond measure.
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The Equal of Martyrdom: Fr. Nicola Yanney, Holy Man of Nebraska

In this special documentary, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick goes on pilgrimage to encounter Fr. Nicola Yanney, an early 20th century Orthodox missionary in America and the first priest ordained by St. Raphael of Brooklyn, whose missionary territory included most of the Great Plains. Join Fr. Andrew as he explores the life of this holy man through interviews, research and prayer in Kearney, Nebraska, asking the question: Is Fr. Nicola a saint? Included with this documentary are 9 bonus tracks of extra interviews and other material that was not included in the main documentary.
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The Equal of Martyrdom: Fr. Nicola Yanney, Holy Man of Nebraska

In this special documentary, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick goes on pilgrimage to encounter Fr. Nicola Yanney, an early 20th century Orthodox missionary in America and the first priest ordained by St. Raphael of Brooklyn, whose missionary territory included most of the Great Plains. Join Fr. Andrew as he explores the life of this holy man through interviews, research and prayer in Kearney, Nebraska, asking the question: Is Fr. Nicola a saint? Included with this documentary are 9 bonus tracks of extra interviews and other material that was not included in the main documentary.
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The Equal of Martyrdom: Fr. Nicola Yanney, Holy Man of Nebraska

In this special documentary, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick goes on pilgrimage to encounter Fr. Nicola Yanney, an early 20th century Orthodox missionary in America and the first priest ordained by St. Raphael of Brooklyn, whose missionary territory included most of the Great Plains. Join Fr. Andrew as he explores the life of this holy man through interviews, research and prayer in Kearney, Nebraska, asking the question: Is Fr. Nicola a saint? Included with this documentary are 9 bonus tracks of extra interviews and other material that was not included in the main documentary.
5/31/20191 hour, 1 minute, 28 seconds
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Parallel Love: The Story of a Band Called Luxury

Fr. David Bozeman, Fr. James Bozeman, and Fr. Christopher Foley discuss their experience as members of the band Luxury and introduce the new documentary about that experience. The entire band suffered through an accident in the early Nineties that led to their conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy. Here is the trailer for the documentary:
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Parallel Love: The Story of a Band Called Luxury

Fr. David Bozeman, Fr. James Bozeman, and Fr. Christopher Foley discuss their experience as members of the band Luxury and introduce the new documentary about that experience. The entire band suffered through an accident in the early Nineties that led to their conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy. Here is the trailer for the documentary:
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Parallel Love: The Story of a Band Called Luxury

Fr. David Bozeman, Fr. James Bozeman, and Fr. Christopher Foley discuss their experience as members of the band Luxury and introduce the new documentary about that experience. The entire band suffered through an accident in the early Nineties that led to their conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy. Here is the trailer for the documentary:
8/7/201840 minutes, 8 seconds
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Out of Appalachia: Orthodox Christianity and the Old Regular Baptists

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick journeys into the hollers of central Appalachia and encounters one of the least-known forms of American Protestant religion, exploring their faith, their music and one of their churches, through the eyes of an Orthodox priest raised in that tradition.
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Out of Appalachia: Orthodox Christianity and the Old Regular Baptists

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick journeys into the hollers of central Appalachia and encounters one of the least-known forms of American Protestant religion, exploring their faith, their music and one of their churches, through the eyes of an Orthodox priest raised in that tradition.
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Out of Appalachia: Orthodox Christianity and the Old Regular Baptists

Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick journeys into the hollers of central Appalachia and encounters one of the least-known forms of American Protestant religion, exploring their faith, their music and one of their churches, through the eyes of an Orthodox priest raised in that tradition.
2/5/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 8 seconds
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Golden Wedding Anniversary for the Hopkos

June 9 marks the 50th wedding anniversary for Fr. Tom and Matushka Anne Hopko. In this special episode, the 2 of them are interviewed in their home by Frs. John Shimchick and Alexander Garklavs. Together they remember their early years and God's blessing on their lives. May God grant them many years!
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Golden Wedding Anniversary for the Hopkos

June 9 marks the 50th wedding anniversary for Fr. Tom and Matushka Anne Hopko. In this special episode, the 2 of them are interviewed in their home by Frs. John Shimchick and Alexander Garklavs. Together they remember their early years and God's blessing on their lives. May God grant them many years!
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Golden Wedding Anniversary for the Hopkos

June 9 marks the 50th wedding anniversary for Fr. Tom and Matushka Anne Hopko. In this special episode, the 2 of them are interviewed in their home by Frs. John Shimchick and Alexander Garklavs. Together they remember their early years and God's blessing on their lives. May God grant them many years!
6/9/20131 hour, 5 minutes, 27 seconds
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Orthodoxy and the Cornerstone Music Festival

An Evangelical Protestant rock festival that serves as a hotbed for Eastern Orthodoxy? That’s exactly what Bobby Maddex found last July at the Cornerstone Music Festival in Bushnell, Illinois. In this audio documentary, exclusive to Ancient Faith Radio, Bobby explores the uniqueness of Cornerstone—what it is about those who attend and play at the festival that makes them so receptive to Orthodox Christianity.
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Orthodoxy and the Cornerstone Music Festival

An Evangelical Protestant rock festival that serves as a hotbed for Eastern Orthodoxy? That’s exactly what Bobby Maddex found last July at the Cornerstone Music Festival in Bushnell, Illinois. In this audio documentary, exclusive to Ancient Faith Radio, Bobby explores the uniqueness of Cornerstone—what it is about those who attend and play at the festival that makes them so receptive to Orthodox Christianity.
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Wheaton and the Fathers

Wheaton College, the epicenter of Evangelical Protestantism, has just opened a Center for Early Christian Studies that will immerse students in the fields of Patristics, the Ecumenical Councils, and early Christian literature. This audio documentary, exclusive to AFR, explores the reasons for the sudden Evangelical interest in the Church Fathers, as well as the potential ramifications of this interest.
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Wheaton and the Fathers

Wheaton College, the epicenter of Evangelical Protestantism, has just opened a Center for Early Christian Studies that will immerse students in the fields of Patristics, the Ecumenical Councils, and early Christian literature. This audio documentary, exclusive to AFR, explores the reasons for the sudden Evangelical interest in the Church Fathers, as well as the potential ramifications of this interest.
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Agia Sophia - Fresh Coffee, Ancient Wisdom

A 26 minute documentary on an Orthodox coffee house/bookstore in Colorado Springs
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Agia Sophia - Fresh Coffee, Ancient Wisdom

A 26 minute documentary on an Orthodox coffee house/bookstore in Colorado Springs
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Life at the Monastery of the Transfiguration

Ancient Faith Radio correspondent Chrysanthe Loizos takes us "behind the scenes" at the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration in Ellwood City, PA. With the blessing of the Abbess, Mother Christophora, Chrysanthe gives us a glimpse into the daily life of the nuns as well as their purpose and goals.
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Life at the Monastery of the Transfiguration

Ancient Faith Radio correspondent Chrysanthe Loizos takes us "behind the scenes" at the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration in Ellwood City, PA. With the blessing of the Abbess, Mother Christophora, Chrysanthe gives us a glimpse into the daily life of the nuns as well as their purpose and goals.
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Life at the Monastery of the Transfiguration

Ancient Faith Radio correspondent Chrysanthe Loizos takes us "behind the scenes" at the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration in Ellwood City, PA. With the blessing of the Abbess, Mother Christophora, Chrysanthe gives us a glimpse into the daily life of the nuns as well as their purpose and goals.
8/14/201234 minutes, 31 seconds
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Orthodoxy and the Cornerstone Music Festival

An Evangelical Protestant rock festival that serves as a hotbed for Eastern Orthodoxy? That’s exactly what Bobby Maddex found last July at the Cornerstone Music Festival in Bushnell, Illinois. In this audio documentary, exclusive to Ancient Faith Radio, Bobby explores the uniqueness of Cornerstone—what it is about those who attend and play at the festival that makes them so receptive to Orthodox Christianity.
5/16/201256 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Miracle in Zone One: Guatemala City’s Hogar Raphael Ayau Orthodox Orphanage

In this new audio documentary, exclusive to Ancient Faith Radio, Bobby Maddex takes a trip to the Hogar Raphael Ayau Orthodox Orphanage in Guatemala City, Guatemala. Learn how the orphanage came to be, what takes place there on a daily basis, and why it is truly miraculous beyond measure.
7/10/201039 minutes, 26 seconds
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Wheaton and the Fathers

Wheaton College, the epicenter of Evangelical Protestantism, has just opened a Center for Early Christian Studies that will immerse students in the fields of Patristics, the Ecumenical Councils, and early Christian literature. This audio documentary, exclusive to AFR, explores the reasons for the sudden Evangelical interest in the Church Fathers, as well as the potential ramifications of this interest.
1/16/201040 minutes, 5 seconds
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Agia Sophia - Fresh Coffee, Ancient Wisdom

A 26 minute documentary on an Orthodox coffee house/bookstore in Colorado Springs
11/4/200626 minutes, 4 seconds