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Answers with Bayless Conley Profile

Answers with Bayless Conley

English, Christianity, 1 season, 494 episodes, 2 days, 19 hours, 54 minutes
Bayless is the founding pastor of Cottonwood Church in California. He is known for his clear presentation of the gospel and the way he applies the life-changing truth of God‘s Word to everyday life. It‘s this same truth that radically turned his life around many years ago. Today, Answers with Bayless Conley is impacting lives around the world in many languages on TV and online.
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The Lukewarm Church (Full Message)

Most Christians begin their spiritual life on fire for the gospel, but many find themselves just going through the motions at some point. In Pastor Bayless’ message, “The Lukewarm Church,” you’ll discover what’s really happening in the heart of the lukewarm believer, and the steps you can start taking if you find yourself losing your passion. Find out what it takes to begin breaking free from lukewarm spirituality today!
9/27/202444 minutes, 59 seconds
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Preach, Provide, and Pray

As believers, God invites us into His great plan for salvation for the world. So what should we be about as we tarry here on earth? In his message “Preach, Provide, and Pray,” Pastor Bayless takes you to the book of James to show how God wants you to invest your time, talents, and treasure here on earth—proclaiming the gospel and reaching the world with the good news of our living Jesus. Discover your true purpose on this earth in this inspirational message!
9/20/202428 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Incredible Power of Words (2/2)

So much pain in the world is caused by carelessly spoken words. But if you can change the way you think, you’ll change the way you talk—speaking words of life that build up instead of tearing down. In part two of his message “The Incredible Power of Words,” Pastor Bayless teaches you what it means to be slow to speak, giving more thought to the words you say for the building up of others. Discover how you can transform your speech in this eye-opening message!
9/13/202429 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Incredible Power of Words (1/2)

Your words have power…the power to build up, the power to tear down, the power to create and destroy. Pastor Bayless gives you practical wisdom for using your words for good in his message “The Incredible Power of Words.” You’ll discover why your words matter so much, and how you can avoid giving the devil a foothold in your speech. Learn how you can speak words of life in this timely message!
9/6/202429 minutes, 3 seconds
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Experiencing God’s Abundant Provision

Everyone wants to experience God’s blessing and provision over their lives. But how can you enter the life of abundance God has for you? In his message “Experiencing God’s Abundant Provision,” Pastor Harrison Conley takes you to Scripture and shows you how the principle of sowing and reaping touches every area of your life, and how blessing comes when you invest in the things of God. Listen and discover how you can experience the abundant, fulfilling life God has for you!
8/30/202428 minutes, 59 seconds
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Treasures in the Ark

The ark of the covenant was Israel’s most holy and precious object in the tabernacle of God. Only the High Priest approached it, and that only once a year—so what changed when Jesus died on the cross? In his message “Treasures in the Ark,” Pastor Bayless traces the biblical parallels between the ark of the covenant in the Old Testament and the heart of the Christian today. You’ll discover why you, as a believer, are now the carrier of God’s presence because of Christ. Find out how you can unlock the treasure God has placed in you in this powerful, truth-filled message!
8/23/202430 minutes, 38 seconds
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Does Jesus Still Heal Today?

Physical healing is an integral part of the gospel. Yet most Christians rarely hear teaching on this topic and ask themselves if Jesus still heals today. Pastor Bayless tackles this question head-on in his message “Does Jesus Still Heal Today?” where he shares from Scripture how healing wasn’t just part of Jesus’ earthly ministry—what He did then, He wants to do for you today. Listen to this faith-building message and discover that Jesus is still a merciful healer today.
8/16/202430 minutes, 27 seconds
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How Do You Pray for the Sick?

The Bible tells us to earnestly desire spiritual gifts—and that includes the gifts of healings. In his message “How Do You Pray for the Sick?”, Pastor Bayless takes an in-depth look into what it means to have these gifts and shows you why every member of the body of Christ is valuable, regardless of the unique gifts God has given them. Discover the vital role you have to play in God’s kingdom in this eye-opening message!
8/9/202430 minutes, 34 seconds
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Is All Sickness Caused by Sin?

When sickness or injury comes our way, many people think they’ve sinned too much or are too broken to be healed—and that their condition is a punishment for that sin. But Jesus doesn’t play the blame game when it comes to healing. In Pastor Bayless’ message “Is All Sickness Caused by Sin?” he takes a look at an instance where the disciples struggled with this very question—and shows you the eye-opening answer Jesus gives: that God wants to bring healing and restoration to every situation. Listen in and be encouraged that God wants to bring healing and restoration to your situation as well.
8/2/202430 minutes, 31 seconds
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Forgiven but Not Healed?

If you ask most Christians, “What is more important, Jesus’ healing or His forgiveness?”, most will say forgiveness of sin. But the wonderful promise of God is that we don’t have to choose—they are both available! In his message, “Forgiven but Not Healed?”, Pastor Bayless examines how healing and forgiveness of sins go hand-in-hand, and what it means for you as you pray for healing today. Discover how you can have full access to the blessings of Jesus in this uplifting message!
7/26/202430 minutes, 33 seconds
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Do You Want to Be Healed?

So many Christians long to be free of pain or sickness, but when it comes to asking for healing, their requests are vague. They’re afraid to pray specific and faith-filled prayers. In his message “Do You Want to Be Healed?”, Pastor Bayless takes a look at one of Jesus’ most well-known healings and shows you why it’s important to be specific and pray in faith when you need healing. Learn to pray for healing with boldness and confidence in this faith-building message!
7/19/202430 minutes, 28 seconds
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How Does God Heal?

Healing is something we all long for when we’re sick. But what needs to be active in our lives for God to heal us? Is it because we’re “good Christians,” or is there something deeper at work? Pastor Bayless answers these all-important questions in his message, “How Does God Heal?” In it, you’ll discover the single ingredient that must be present in your life to receive healing from God.  Listen and learn how you can step into a new season of healing in your life!
7/12/202430 minutes, 30 seconds
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Why Isn’t Everyone Healed?

Sickness is an enemy we all encounter in the world today. But God is the Great Physician, and He wants us sound and whole in spirit, soul, and body. So why isn’t everyone healed? In his message “Why Isn’t Everyone Healed?” Pastor Bayless takes a look at Israel in the Old Testament, exploring why God’s chosen people missed out on His healing for a time and why many Christians don’t experience healing today. Find out how you can turn to God for the healing you may be missing in this powerful message!
7/5/202430 minutes, 32 seconds
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Jesus: The Way, the Truth, and the Life

There is great joy in following Jesus—but you can’t experience His joy if you don’t embrace His truth. In his message “Jesus: The Way, the Truth, and the Life,” Bayless Conley takes a look at Jesus’ exclusive claim to be the only path to God in John 14:6, and shares why you can’t enjoy the peace of eternal life without declaring the truth of who Jesus really is. Discover the joy and peace that comes with full submission to Jesus in this powerful message!
6/28/202430 minutes, 28 seconds
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Lessons from a Father (2/2)

Some of life’s greatest lessons are those passed down from a father to a child. In part two of his special Father’s Day message “Lessons from a Father,” Pastor Bayless talks about the crucial role that a father—both earthly and heavenly—plays in the lives of his children, and challenges dads to pass along truth to their own children by investing in their lives. Listen in and explore the depth of our Father’s heart for you!
6/21/202430 minutes, 34 seconds
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Lessons from a Father (1/2)

Every child has an inner gifting that points them toward God’s direction for their lives. And a parent’s job is to cultivate that gifting so they can accomplish all God has for them. Listen in to part one of this special Father’s Day message, “Lessons from a Father,” as Bayless Conley shares how you can be an encouraging force in your children’s lives—so they can achieve their God-given destiny. Discover how you can point your children toward a life of Kingdom impact in this eye-opening message.
6/14/202430 minutes, 36 seconds
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Good Father, Evil Son (2/2)

King Hezekiah in the Old Testament was a shining example of faithfulness. But his son Manasseh was not. He turned from the ways of his father and did evil in the Lord’s sight. In part two of Pastor Bayless’ message, “Good Father, Evil Son,” you’ll discover what can happen when we turn from God’s way and go our own—and how God can put you and your loved ones back on the right path if you’ve gone astray. Dive into this eye-opening message and learn how you can make the right choice in who you follow and what path you choose.
6/7/202430 minutes, 29 seconds
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Good Father, Evil Son (1/2)

When the enemy strikes, you have the choice to either stay faithful to God or fold and let the evil one win. In part one of his message, “Good Father, Evil Son,” Pastor Bayless takes an in-depth look at the life of King Hezekiah, showing how faithfulness in the face of challenges works out for your good and God’s glory. Listen and discover how you can show bold faith in the face of any opposition!
5/31/202430 minutes, 35 seconds
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A Good King with a Bad Habit (2/2)

We’ve all been in situations where we know what we should do, but everyone else seems to be going the wrong direction. It can be tough in those times to stand firm. In the second part of “A Good King with a Bad Habit,” Pastor Bayless shares how King Jehoshaphat in the Old Testament learned the hard way that doing the right thing takes courage—which is true for you today as well. Find out how you can stay strong in your convictions in this inspiring message!
5/24/202430 minutes, 37 seconds
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A Good King with a Bad Habit (1/2)

Choices have consequences—and the people you choose to surround yourself with will have one of the most consequential impacts on your life. So choose wisely. In part one of his message “A Good King with a Bad Habit,” Pastor Bayless examines the story of King Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles, sharing about the power others’ actions and attitudes have on you, and how your actions and attitudes can make a difference on them. Learn to surround yourself with the right people and use your influence for good in this encouraging message!
5/17/202430 minutes, 34 seconds
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Women in Ministry (2/2)

It’s a question that Christians have debated for centuries. Does God call women into ministry? In part two of his message “Women in Ministry,” Bayless Conley shares about the solemn ministry responsibilities God gives women both in the Bible and today, and how women in ministry can fulfill their God-ordained roles as they serve. Listen in and find freedom in serving how God intended!
5/10/202430 minutes, 21 seconds
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Women in Ministry (1/2)

Some Christians believe God only uses men in roles of leadership in ministry. But if you look to the divine record, Scripture is filled with women who were anointed by God to lead. In part one of “Women in Ministry,” Bayless Conley looks at the lives of two such women, Miriam and Deborah, sharing how God used them to lead at a critical time in Israel’s history, and how He still uses women to minister powerfully today!
5/3/202430 minutes, 28 seconds
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Conquering the Wind (2/2)

The Bible promises challenges will blow our way. But God gives you everything you need to remain firmly rooted when they do. Bayless Conley shows you how to overcome the winds of false doctrine and trouble in part two of his message, “Conquering the Wind.” You’ll discover how to plant God’s Word deeply in your heart so you won’t fail nor falter when these tempests blow your way. Discover how you can withstand whatever storm blows your way in this encouraging message!
4/26/202430 minutes, 19 seconds
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Conquering the Wind (1/2)

Living the Christian life can often feel like you’re walking into the wind. Challenges arise that push against you. And if you’re not stepping forward in faith, you can falter. In part one of his message “Conquering the Wind,” Bayless Conley uses the acrostic FAITH to show you five crucial elements that need to be present in your life to help you overcome the wind of doubt that threatens your spiritual growth. Find out how you can stay sure and steady when the wind of doubt blows against you!
4/19/202430 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Difference Between Trusting and Leaning (2/2)

Trusting in God’s plan and provision will sometimes make you look foolish in the eyes of the world—but you should do it anyway. In part two of “The Difference Between Trusting and Leaning,” Bayless Conley gives you practical guidance from God’s Word on how you can approach life’s challenges God’s way, even when it flies in the face of conventional wisdom.  Learn to step out in faith even when it’s hard with this insightful message!
4/12/202430 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Difference Between Trusting and Leaning (1/2)

Scripture is clear that in life, you can either go the way of the world or follow God’s path. You can’t have it both ways.                   In part one of his message “The Difference Between Trusting and Leaning,” Pastor Bayless opens God’s Word and shows you why faith in God’s provision and plans is so much better than worldly wisdom. Listen and discover how your life can overflow with blessings when you look to God first.
4/5/202430 minutes, 24 seconds
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He Is Risen

No greater news has ever been shared than the message of Jesus’ resurrection. It’s the glue that holds our faith together. In this special Easter message called “He Is Risen,” Pastor Harrison Conley dives into the meaning behind the resurrection and uses the acrostic R-I-S-E-N to show you how it makes all the difference in your life today. Discover the eternal life that’s yours through the risen Jesus in this life-giving message!
3/29/202430 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Holy Spirit’s Power and You (Full Message)

When Jesus returned to heaven, He didn’t leave His followers weak and alone. Instead, He promised that they—and you—would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them: the same Holy Spirit that empowered Jesus to heal the multitudes. Discover what this means for you in Pastor Bayless Conley’s message “The Holy Spirit’s Power and You.” You’ll explore what being baptized in the Holy Spirit is really all about and how God wants to work through you as a witness for Christ—both where you live and around the world. Listen and learn how the Holy Spirit can change the world by changing you.
3/22/202441 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Attitude of Gratitude (2/2)

Thankfulness. The idea seems so simple, but how often do our lives really reflect gratitude toward our heavenly Father? In part two of his message “The Attitude of Gratitude,” Pastor Bayless shares the right response to the greatest gift of all—salvation in Jesus Christ—and how you can live your life out of thankfulness for that wonderful gift. Listen today and learn how you can make your life a thankful response to God for His indescribable gift!
3/15/202430 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Attitude of Gratitude (1/2)

One of the rarest qualities among people today is a truly grateful heart. But when God blesses us, thankfulness is the right response. So how can you cultivate a stronger attitude of gratitude for the gifts He’s given you? In part one of his message “The Attitude of Gratitude,” Pastor Bayless shows you what a grateful heart really looks like—and how you can be thankful even when circumstances aren’t going your way.  Discover the key to thankful living in this eye-opening message!
3/8/202430 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Dead Church

The Christian life is one of constant overcoming. And one of the more challenging obstacles to overcome can be a lukewarm spiritual life. In part two of his message “The Lukewarm Church,” Pastor Bayless shows you what to do if you find yourself at a point where Jesus feels distant, and how He’s always there waiting for you to open your heart to Him again. Learn how you can revive your relationship with God when you watch this encouraging message!
3/1/202430 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Lukewarm Church (2/2)

The Christian life is one of constant overcoming. And one of the more challenging obstacles to overcome can be a lukewarm spiritual life. In part two of his message The Lukewarm Church, Pastor Bayless shows you what to do if you find yourself at a point where Jesus feels distant, and how He’s always there waiting for you to open your heart to Him again. Learn how you can revive your relationship with God when you watch this encouraging message!
2/23/202430 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Lukewarm Church (1/2)

Most Christians begin their spiritual life on fire for the gospel, but many find themselves just going through the motions at some point. In part one of Pastor Bayless’ message, “The Lukewarm Church,” you’ll discover what’s really happening in the heart of the lukewarm believer, and the steps you can start taking if you find yourself losing your passion. Find out what it takes to begin breaking free from lukewarm spirituality today!
2/16/202430 minutes, 14 seconds
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Building Strong Families (2/2)

The Bible says that children are like arrows in the hands of a warrior. But how do you raise those “arrows” to fly true when you release them? In part two of his message Building Strong Families, Pastor Bayless shares from Psalm 127 how to fulfill your role as a parent in preparing your children for the amazing journey ahead. Listen today and learn how God can transform your family life!
2/9/202430 minutes, 27 seconds
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Building Strong Families (1/2)

Building a strong family isn’t a mystery. It only takes one thing to completely change the trajectory of your home. In part one of Building Strong Families, Pastor Bayless takes you to Psalm 127 to show you how God can put your family on a solid foundation when you fully rely on His guidance in building it. Find out how you can tap into supernatural power for your home in this encouraging message!
2/2/202430 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Grace That Comes from Giving (2/2)

All of us, at some time or another, need help. But what happens when you let God deliver you out of your need so that you can then pour into others’ lives? That’s what Pastor Bayless talks about in part two of his message “The Grace that Comes from Giving.” You’ll discover how a special grace is deposited in your life when you put others first. Listen in now and learn how you can experience a deeper filling of God’s grace today!
1/26/202430 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Grace That Comes from Giving (1/2)

Generosity always brings blessings for both the giver and the receiver. And those blessings can result in radical life transformation. But it all begins with giving. Pastor Bayless shows you how you can experience these life-transforming blessings in part one of his message, “The Grace that Comes from Giving.” Find out how you can experience grace upon grace when you listen to this insightful teaching!
1/19/202430 minutes, 33 seconds
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Four Keys to Successful Living (2/2)

Is this life simply meant to be endured, or is it actually possible to have true meaning and fulfillment during your time on earth? In part two of his message “Four Keys to Successful Living,” Pastor Bayless unpacks how to live a life full of God’s rich blessings—full of purpose, passion, peace, and play.  Listen in and discover how you can experience the beautiful, fulfilling life God has for you!
1/12/202430 minutes, 30 seconds
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Four Keys to Successful Living (1/2)

What is it that really makes a successful life? Money? Fame? Or is there much more to living with the joy and purpose you are meant to have? In part one of “Four Keys to Successful Living,” Pastor Bayless lays the groundwork for how you can discover what stirs your spirit and ignites a fire in you—all so you can live a truly successful life. Find out how you can elevate your living to new heights in this inspiring message!
1/5/202430 minutes, 34 seconds
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What Yoke Are You Wearing? (Full Message)

In the Scriptures, the image of the yoke is used to symbolize connection to someone or something else—and it can have either positive or negative connotations. And in his message "What Yoke Are You Wearing?" Pastor Bayless Conley takes you through several examples in God's Word to help you discern what you are yoked or tied to and to encourage you to put on the yoke of Jesus Listen now and find the restful yoke of the Savior.
12/29/202343 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Intervention of Angels

There’s so much confusion in our culture today about angels. Who are they? What do they do? And how can they help you? In The Intervention of Angels, Pastor Bayless shares a powerful first-hand account of the work of angels in his life and shows you what God’s Word says these ministering spiritual beings are sent to do for you. Unleash the power of angelic presence in your life with The Intervention of Angels!
12/22/202330 minutes, 40 seconds
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Love Like God

When Jesus came into the world, it was the ultimate expression of God’s love for humanity. And as followers of Christ, we’re to reflect that same love to a world in need. In his special Christmas message Love Like God, Pastor Bayless shares how God empowers you to love the unlovely, the undeserving, and the unworthy…just as Jesus loves you. Learn to shake off bitterness and love like God loves in this eye-opening message!
12/15/202330 minutes, 27 seconds
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How to Overcome the Storms of Life

Everyone experiences storms in life—those tempest-tossed seasons of difficulty in your marriage, your finances, your health, or any other area of your life. But the Bible has certain promises of deliverance for you in those times. In his message How to Overcome the Storms of Life, Pastor Bayless shows you how God’s Word will bring you through the tough seasons. Find your way out of the darkness with this powerful message!
12/8/202329 minutes
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The Power of a Promise

Difficult times come to all of us…but if you’ve got a promise, you have a reason to praise! That’s what Pastor Bayless encourages you to do in his message, The Power of a Promise. You’ll discover how the Bible is filled with specific promises to help you through life’s trials and adversities. Listen today and deepen your trust in the One who’s promised to deliver you!
12/1/202330 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Real Truth About Jesus

When the apostle Paul wrote to the church in Colossae, he was deeply troubled by false teachers who were diluting and degrading the truth of the gospel. Still today, the enemy is using the very same tactic. In this passionate teaching from Colossians 1, Pastor Harrison Conley helps you see through the devil’s lies by showing you the supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ. Your heart will be stirred and your spirit lifted as you discover six truths about Jesus that will empower you to build an unshakable life of faith. 
11/24/202330 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Healing Power of God’s Word

Just as a tiny acorn holds all that’s needed to produce a mighty oak tree, so too God’s Word holds incredible power. But what’s the secret to unleashing the power that’s locked within God’s mighty Word? In this Scripture-rich message, Pastor Bayless shares inspiring testimonies and practical guidance to help you plant the seed of God’s Word deep into the soil of your heart. Learn how you can experience God’s healing power over physical, emotional, and spiritual issues in your life when you listen today.
11/17/202330 minutes, 32 seconds
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Four Things That Are Needed for a Harvest (2/2)

The Bible tells us that there’s a ripe harvest of souls waiting to be reaped into God’s Kingdom.   Bringing in this harvest isn’t just a job for pastors or preachers—but for YOU! And it’s not just a calling for some time in the future—but for TODAY!   In the second of this two-part series, Pastor Bayless equips and empowers you for this exciting task as he outlines the final two ingredients needed to bring in an abundant harvest for God!
11/10/202330 minutes, 34 seconds
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Four Things That Are Needed for a Harvest (1/2)

In John 4:35, Jesus tells us to, “…lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” In the first of two eye-opening messages, Pastor Bayless shows from the Scriptures how Jesus isn’t just talking about future revival—but about a harvest that’s ripe and ready for reaping right now!   Yes, there are hungry souls at your workplace, in your neighborhood, at your kids’ school, on the football field, at the grocery checkout… Listen in and discover the essential ingredients needed for God to use you in reaching these people for Christ…today!
11/3/202330 minutes, 30 seconds
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How the Holy Spirit Imparts Wisdom

God’s Word teaches us that wisdom is supreme, above all things. And true wisdom comes from God, through the Holy Spirit. In his message “How the Holy Spirit Imparts Wisdom,” Pastor Bayless Conley opens the Scriptures to show you five ways the Holy Spirit works to give you, and every believer, the wisdom you need. Listen today and get wisdom for living well.
10/27/202353 minutes, 50 seconds
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Things God Gives Us in Abundance—Responsibility

Among the many things God gives you as a follower of Jesus, He entrusts you with the great responsibility of faithfully letting your light shine before people and sharing the message of reconciliation with them. That’s the subject of the final part of Pastor Bayless’ message series “Things God Gives Us in Abundance.” In it, discover your unique role in this world as an ambassador of your heavenly homeland. You’ll find nothing more significant to which you can give your life. Be empowered in your role as a world changer with this encouraging message!
10/20/202330 minutes, 36 seconds
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Things God Gives Us in Abundance—Promises

The promises of God are exceedingly great and precious, and they’ve been given to you in abundance as a follower of Jesus Christ. In part three of his message series “Things God Gives Us in Abundance,” Pastor Bayless shows you from Scripture how God’s nature is released into your situation when you take a promise and act upon it in faith. Discover God’s answers for every area of need in your life when you listen today!
10/13/202330 minutes, 39 seconds
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Things God Gives Us in Abundance—Authority (2/2)

As a Christian, you have the beautiful, matchless, and powerful name of Jesus at your disposal at any moment—and all the authority that comes with it! In part two of his message series “Things God Gives Us in Abundance,” Pastor Bayless reveals what can happen in and through your life when you truly lay hold of the authority that’s yours in Christ. Find out how you can start living the powerful life God has for you today!
10/6/202330 minutes, 38 seconds
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Things God Gives Us in Abundance—Authority (1/2)

When you come to Christ, God gives you immediate access to some amazing things. One of them is the authority you receive as a member of God’s household. In part one of his message series “Things God Gives Us in Abundance,” Pastor Bayless reveals the staggering amount of authority vested in you as a member of the body of Christ—and how it has the potential to change your own and others’ lives. In this eye-opening message, discover the authority and power you have through faith in the name of Jesus!
9/29/202330 minutes, 34 seconds
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Regaining Your Cutting Edge (2/2)

When you first come to Jesus, it’s easy to be sharp and sensitive to the Spirit. But that cutting edge can become dull over time. In part two of his message “Regaining Your Cutting Edge,” Pastor Bayless brings a word of encouragement about how you can rise above the muddy waters of life and restore the vibrancy your faith once had. Discover how you can experience a new zeal for God in Regaining your Cutting Edge!
9/22/202330 minutes, 36 seconds
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Regaining Your Cutting Edge (1/2)

Every believer goes through times of spiritual dullness—those seasons when God seems distant, and it feels like you’re just going through the motions of the Christian life. But you don’t have to stay there. In part one of his message “Regaining Your Cutting Edge,” Pastor Bayless shows you how to begin regaining your spiritual sharpness. You’ll learn how to come back to the Lord and experience the Holy Spirit afresh in your life. Get ready to experience the revival God has for you with this powerful message!
9/15/202330 minutes, 22 seconds
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We’re Almost Home

This world is not our home. We live today in anticipation of a glorious eternity to come—when all that’s broken will be healed, all that’s lost will be found, and sin, death, and the enemy will be forever defeated. We live today preparing ourselves for where we truly belong...heaven. In his message “We’re Almost Home,” Pastor Harrison Conley opens the book of Revelation to show you how to live ready for the glorious life to come!
9/8/202330 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Good Shepherd (2/2)

The Bible says that all of us are like sheep—prone to go astray, wander from the shepherd, and get ourselves in danger. So how can we stay on the path of life?  In part two of his message “The Good Shepherd,” Pastor Bayless explores Jesus’ shepherd heart—and shows you how to respond to His loving invitation to be your protector, provider, and guide. Discover how you can let Jesus lead you on the right paths in this encouraging teaching
9/1/202330 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Good Shepherd (1/2)

A shepherd in biblical times had a solemn obligation to his herd—to protect, to defend, and to lead his sheep away from danger. That’s why Jesus so often referred to Himself as a Shepherd, and to us as His sheep.  He is our protector and defender and always leads us toward life. In part one of his message “The Good Shepherd,” Pastor Bayless looks at what the Bible says about Jesus, our Shepherd, and shows you what it means to rest under His guidance, care, and correction. Find peace in the arms of the Good Shepherd with this powerful teaching!
8/25/202330 minutes, 29 seconds
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Trials: Move Forward in Victory

No trial you face in life is ever permanent. God is always moving you to victory! In the final part of his message series “Flourishing in the Midst of Trials,” Pastor Bayless gives you a powerful word of encouragement that no matter what valley you’re going through today, God is bringing you to the mountaintop. Be refreshed and filled with hope in this life-giving message from Bayless!
8/18/202330 minutes, 23 seconds
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Trials: God Has a Way for You

There’s always more than meets the eye when trials come your way. In part three of his message series “Flourishing in the Midst of Trials,” Pastor Bayless pulls back the curtain and exposes the spiritual warfare that’s happening when hard times hit. You will discover how you can stand strong against Satan and overcome in Jesus’ name. Get equipped to disarm the powers of darkness when you listen to this practical teaching from Scripture today!
8/11/202330 minutes, 33 seconds
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Trials: When You Don’t Know What to Do

Trials can often take the wind out of our sails. Sometimes, they leave us completely at a loss for words. In part two of “Flourishing in the Midst of Trials,” Pastor Bayless brings biblical wisdom to those moments when you’re at a loss—you don’t know what to do, what to say, or how to react. He shows you the one step you can take in that moment to get your life back on track. Discover how you can make God your go-to in this eye-opening teaching from Bayless Conley!
8/4/202330 minutes, 26 seconds
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Trials: How To Thrive During Difficult Times

Everyone faces difficult circumstances in life—whether it’s physical, financial, or problems with their family or other relationships.  In part one of his message series “Flourishing in the Midst of Trials,” Pastor Bayless shares practical advice from God’s Word on how to not just survive difficult times, but truly thrive when life throws obstacles in your way. Experience God’s best even in your most challenging times with this powerful message!
7/28/202330 minutes, 24 seconds
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The ABCs of Christ’s Redemption (2/2)

Your redemption in Christ includes much more than just going to heaven one day. It’s an entirely new identity right now as you die to your old self, have your sins erased, and rest in the finished work of Jesus on the cross. In part two of his message “The ABCs of Christ’s Redemption,” Pastor Bayless looks at how salvation in Christ changes everything in the life of a believer, starting today. Listen and discover how you can experience real transformation beginning right now!
7/21/202330 minutes, 33 seconds
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The ABCs of Christ’s Redemption (1/2)

Jesus Christ died for you so that you can receive the gift of eternal life. But what all does that entail? Join Pastor Bayless for the first part of his message “The ABCs of Christ’s Redemption”—sharing three crucial facets of your redemption and why they matter in your daily life. Get equipped to live out your salvation in every aspect of your life with this powerful teaching!
7/14/202330 minutes, 36 seconds
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Listening Ears and Obedient Hearts

Scripture says Jesus calls us by our name, meaning He speaks to us as individuals. And Jesus summed up the heart of our responsibility as Christians when He said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” (John 10:27) In his message “Listening Ears and Obedient Hearts,” Pastor Bayless Conley shares a well-known Old Testament story to show you that God delights when we listen to His voice and heed His words—just as He delights in forgiving us if we miss His voice but repent. Listen today and be encouraged in God’s Word.
7/7/202340 minutes, 42 seconds
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Change Your Thoughts, Change Your World

How we think and what we think sets the course for our lives. That’s why we must embrace God’s thoughts. And in his message “Change Your Thoughts, Change Your World,” Pastor Bayless Conley shows you what happens when you let go of your thoughts and embrace the thoughts of God. You’ll discover that you don’t have to be stuck where you are now and how God’s thoughts bring freedom, joy, peace, fruitfulness, mercy, and much more to your life. Be encouraged when you listen today.
6/30/202355 minutes, 52 seconds
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Jesus Is Enough

Sadly, almost everyone knows someone who once followed Jesus but has now fallen away from the gospel’s truth. How does that happen? And how can you make sure it doesn’t happen to you? In Pastor Bayless’ inspiring message “Jesus Is Enough,” you’ll discover the vital importance of sinking deep roots into your relationship with God. This teaching from Colossians 2 will help you understand how to protect yourself from false teaching so you will not be deceived. Listen and learn how to identify what matters most so you can grow in spiritual maturity and stay strong in your faith.
6/23/202330 minutes, 30 seconds
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How to Live a Significant Life

If you want to live a life that matters, you’re not alone. Everyone on Earth longs for significance. But how do you achieve it? More importantly, how do you live a life that’s committed to God’s definition of significance and not the world’s? Find the answers with Pastor Harrison Conley as he examines the exploits of King David’s mighty men from 2 Samuel 23 in his powerful message “How to Live a Significant Life.” Listen and learn how you can stand up and be faithful as you live a life that matters—for time and eternity.
6/16/202330 minutes, 31 seconds
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Overcoming Unbelief (2/2)

 What if you had the ability to fling open the door to God’s promises and allow them to flourish in your life? According to Scripture, you do. There’s just one thing standing in your way... Find out exactly what that is in the second part of Pastor Bayless’ powerful message “Overcoming Unbelief.” You’ll discover what’s keeping you from inheriting God’s promises—and how to get rid of it. Listen and uncover the cure for unbelief as you dig into the riches of God’s Word and the promises that are yours if you just believe.
6/9/202330 minutes, 37 seconds
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Overcoming Unbelief (1/2)

Again and again, people in the Bible missed out on God’s best because they refused to believe what He said. Could you be at risk of making the same mistake? Discover just how dangerous unbelief can be in part one of Pastor Bayless’ message “Overcoming Unbelief.” You’ll follow the Israelites throughout history, from fleeing Egypt to encountering Jesus, and see how unbelief held back the miracles they could have experienced—but missed. Listen and learn how to dodge the disappointment caused by disbelief—and rest in God’s promises and power instead.
6/2/202330 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Ideal Marriage (2/2)

No marriage is perfect. But the Scripture is filled with wisdom and insight to make your marriage the very best it can be. In part two of “The Ideal Marriage,” Pastor Bayless Conley closes out his teaching on the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah from the book of Genesis, and finishes the SPOUSE acrostic to show you the final three elements that make a great marriage. Discover God’s best for your marriage with this powerful conclusion of “The Ideal Marriage.”
5/26/202330 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Ideal Marriage (1/2)

A great marriage takes work. And even the best marriages have their ups and downs.  In part one of his message “The Ideal Marriage,” Pastor Bayless Conley looks at the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah in the book of Genesis, and shows you key elements captured by the acrostic SPOUSE that need to be present in your marriage to make it the best it can be. Whether you’re married now or hope to be one day, start your journey toward a healthier, more life-giving relationship with this eye-opening message!
5/19/202330 minutes, 30 seconds
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Five Centurions

A Roman centurion was a military leader of a hundred soldiers. And throughout the Gospels, five of these men were remarkably woven into the fabric of God’s plan to redeem humanity. In his message “Five Centurions,” Pastor Bayless Conley reveals some of the crucial lessons learned from these five men, and shows you what it means to have a genuine encounter with God just like they did. Discover what it means to go all in with Jesus in this uplifting message!
5/12/202330 minutes, 35 seconds
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This World Is Not My Home

Scripture is clear that this world is not our home. And without a guide, we’re prone to wander aimlessly and without purpose.  In “This World Is Not My Home,” Bayless Conley shares what it means to be a sojourner on the earth, and shows you several biblical principles to guide and encourage you as you journey through this world into eternity. Learn what it takes to live courageously now for the promise of eternal glory to come! 
5/5/202330 minutes, 37 seconds
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Love Your Woman, Respect Your Man (2/2)

In Ephesians 5, the apostle Paul sets a high standard for the marriage relationship by comparing it to the relationship between Christ and the Church. No matter what your relationship status is, you’ll find timeless principles and relevant wisdom in this amazing passage of Scripture. And in part two of his message “Love Your Woman, Respect Your Man,” Pastor Bayless Conley explores Ephesians 5 to reveal the truest way to a man’s heart. Listen and discover how respecting and honoring your husband can help him grow into the man God wants him to be.
4/28/202330 minutes, 34 seconds
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Love Your Woman, Respect Your Man (1/2)

God’s Word is the road map for your life—and for your relationships. And whether you’re married, widowed, divorced, or single, God’s Word holds wisdom for you. In part one of Pastor Bayless Conley’s message “Love Your Woman, Respect Your Man,” you’ll dive deep into Ephesians 5 to discover what women need most from their husbands. Together with Pastor Bayless, you’ll uncover how God designed relationships to function best—so yours can flourish. Listen and learn how to make a bad marriage good, a good marriage great, and every relationship a healthy one.
4/21/202330 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Holy Spirit’s Power and You

When Jesus returned to heaven, He didn't leave His followers weak and alone. Instead, He promised that they—and you—would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them: the same Holy Spirit that empowered Jesus to heal the multitudes. Discover what this means for you in Pastor Bayless Conley's message "The Holy Spirit's Power and You." You'll explore what being baptized in the Holy Spirit is really all about and how God wants to work through you as a witness for Christ—both where you live and around the world. Listen and learn how the Holy Spirit can change the world by changing you.
4/14/202330 minutes, 33 seconds
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What Is Yours as a Member of God’s Household

In this world, it can sometimes be hard to fit in. But if you’re a part of God’s family, you have a place at the Father’s table. You belong. And when you realize your position in Christ, it will change how you live, pray, interact with others, and look at problems. It will change everything. So listen in as Pastor Bayless Conley explores Jesus’ final words before the cross in his message “What Is Yours as a Member of God’s Household.” You’ll discover what it means to be a dearly loved child of God—and all that’s waiting for you today.
4/7/202330 minutes, 35 seconds
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God's Word, the Sword of the Spirit

There are millions of books in this world—why is it important to read the Bible? Of course, most believers know they should study God's Word, but sometimes we need a refresher of the specific reasons Scripture is so important to our walk with Christ Bayless Conley gives six reasons the Bible deserves our attention more than any other book. This practical teaching will spark a renewed interest in you to not just revere, but read your Bible.
3/30/202341 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Ups and Downs of Faith

Life is full of ups and downs—times when everything seems to be working out great and times when you just feel discouraged. In his encouraging message "The Ups and Downs of Faith," Pastor Bayless Conley gives you practical, biblical wisdom for how to face times of discouragement and darkness as you trust God and lean into Him no matter what challenges life brings. Listen today and discover where you can find supernatural strength when hard times hit.
3/24/202330 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Power of Your Story (2/2)

One of the most dramatic stories of a transformed heart comes from the apostle Paul, whose life was radically changed when he met the risen Christ on the road to Damascus. In part two of his message series "The Power of Your Story," Pastor Bayless explores the story of Paul's conversion and shares his own Damascus road experience, when God's love and grace rescued him during his darkest hour. Listen and be encouraged that hope and a new beginning can be yours by God's grace—no matter how desperate your situation may be.
3/17/202330 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Power of Your Story (1/2)

The Bible is filled with stories of people just like you who faced struggles but overcame them by God's grace. Their powerful stories encourage us to persevere, to be faithful, and to be bold for Jesus. In part one of his message series "The Power of Your Story," Pastor Bayless unpacks the impact your story can have in planting gospel seeds in the lives of others. Listen to this eye-opening message today—and learn how God can use your story to bring others to Himself!
3/10/202330 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Empowerment of the Holy Spirit

Both the Church and individual believers will never be all they were intended to be without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. In his message "The Empowerment of the Holy Spirit," Pastor Harrison Conley takes a look at who the Holy Spirit is, what He does throughout Scripture, and how He wants to empower the lives and ministries of believers today—including you! Listen and discover how fresh power and a fresh anointing can be yours today!
3/3/202330 minutes, 34 seconds
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How the Holy Spirit Imparts Wisdom

God's Word teaches us that wisdom is supreme, above all things. And true wisdom comes from God, through the Holy Spirit. In his message "How the Holy Spirit Imparts Wisdom," Pastor Bayless Conley opens the Scriptures to show you five ways the Holy Spirit works to give you, and every believer, the wisdom you need. Listen today and get wisdom for living well.
2/24/202330 minutes, 35 seconds
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10 Things Every Believer Should Know About Faith (3/3)

Faith is how we partake of the promises of God. It is a lifestyle we need to maintain in order to please Him. And yet so many Christians don't know some basic faith facts found in God's Word that can transform their life. And in part three of his message series "10 Things Every Believer Should Know About Faith," Pastor Bayless concludes his teaching with four profound truths about faith that will help you identify and shore up any weak areas of your faith—so you can withstand any test. Listen and be encouraged today.
2/17/202330 minutes, 24 seconds
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10 Things Every Believer Should Know About Faith (2/3)

Faith is foundational to the Christian walk, and yet surprisingly, many believers don't understand—or don't recall—some of the most basic aspects of faith. And in part two of his message series "10 Things Every Believer Should Know About Faith," Pastor Bayless Conley shares two powerful facts about where faith resides and what it rests upon.  Listen now and be strengthened in your faith.
2/10/202330 minutes, 23 seconds
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10 Things Every Believer Should Know About Faith (1/3)

Faith is vital to the Christian life. The Bible tells us that without faith it is not just hard to please God—it is impossible. That's why every believer needs to understand the fundamental facts of faith. And in part one of his message series "10 Things Every Believer Should Know About Faith," Pastor Bayless Conley shares the first four of 10 important faith facts to help you understand, grow in, and live out your faith. Watch now to learn what you need to know about faith.
2/3/202330 minutes, 29 seconds
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Keys to the Lord's Healing Power

God's healing power is available to everyone, and that includes you. It is as much in God's nature to heal as it is to forgive. In his message "Keys to the Lord's Healing Power," Bayless Conley examines the story of Jesus healing the paralytic man in Luke 5 to show how you can experience the healing power of God in your life. Listen today and discover how you can unlock the Lord's healing power.
1/27/202330 minutes, 29 seconds
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Three Things the Holy Spirit Gives to Every Believer

When you come to faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit comes into your life—and you receive some amazing gifts through Him. In his message "Three Things the Holy Spirit Gives to Every Believer," Pastor Bayless Conley reveals three powerful, life-changing gifts you receive from the Holy Spirit when you become a Christian. Listen and discover the gifts available to everyone who trusts in Christ as their Savior.
1/20/202330 minutes, 35 seconds
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Lead Me to the Rock

Every one of us will face overwhelming circumstances that we cannot handle with our own strength and our own energy. And in his message "Lead Me to the Rock," Pastor Bayless Conley opens Psalm 61 to show you three emblems of God's aid in your distress and what they reveal about potential causes for an overwhelmed heart. Listen today and find your rescue in God, the rock of your salvation.
1/13/202347 minutes, 12 seconds
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What Yoke Are You Wearing?

In the Scriptures, the image of the yoke is used to symbolize connection to someone or something else—and it can have either positive or negative connotations. And in his message "What Yoke Are You Wearing?" Pastor Bayless Conley takes you through several examples in God's Word to help you discern what you are yoked or tied to and to encourage you to put on the yoke of Jesus. Listen now and find the restful yoke of the Savior.
1/7/202330 minutes, 32 seconds
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Heavenly Advice for Earthly Living

When evil seems to prosper, we can become discouraged or even tempted to envy the success of wrongdoers. So how can you not lose heart or grow weary in doing good? In his message "Heavenly Advice for Earthly Living," Pastor Bayless Conley reveals God's admonitions from Psalm 37 to continue trusting Him as you lean on His promises to those who persevere. Listen and discover heavenly wisdom for your earthly life today.
12/30/202230 minutes, 32 seconds
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How the Holy Spirit Guides and Empowers You

Before He returned to Heaven, Jesus gave His disciples, and us today, final instructions to wait for the promise of the Father—that they would be baptized in the Holy Spirit and given power to fulfill the mission of the Church. In his message "How the Holy Spirit Guides and Empowers You," Pastor Bayless Conley shows you how, when you are baptized in the Holy Spirit, God fills you with power and guides you to reach this lost and dying world for His kingdom. Listen and discover the amazing promise that's available to you today!
12/23/202230 minutes, 32 seconds
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Preparation for Revival

The prophecies in Isaiah 35 spoke to the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah of the coming salvation God promised them. But these words are still speaking to the Church today of events yet to come. And in his message "Preparation for Revival," Pastor Harrison Conley examines Scripture to show you how you can prepare for the harvest of souls that is coming in the final days and be part of God's work to draw others to Himself in a time of great revival and restoration. Listen today to find encouragement and strength to live for God as you prepare the way of the Lord.
12/16/202230 minutes, 32 seconds
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But God (5/5)

The words "But God" are so simple, and yet incredibly profound. They have the power to turn even the most hopeless situations around and change your life completely.  In the final part of his message series "But God," Pastor Bayless Conley examines several instances of "But God" moments in the Scriptures to show you how God works in your life to bring understanding, growth, strength, and hope where they didn't exist before. Listen today to be strengthened by these two powerful words: "But God."
12/9/202230 minutes, 37 seconds
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But God (4/5)

Two words—"But God"—inserted into any critical situation, have the potential to change your impossibilities into possibilities and even save your life.  And in part 4 of his message series "But God," Pastor Bayless Conley shows you what King David's example in 2 Chronicles teaches about how God puts limits on His people—for His purposes and their protection. Discover why it's important to pay attention to the "But Gods" in your own life when you listen today.
12/2/202230 minutes, 31 seconds
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But God (3/5)

There are two words that occur throughout the Bible that, when they appear, signal the turning point of things going from wrong to right, from bad to good.  And in part 3 of his message series "But God," Pastor Bayless Conley examines Ephesians 2 to show you the significance of these two words which reveal that, just as God did for so many throughout Scripture, He can step into your situation and change your life.  Listen today and be encouraged that your situation is not too difficult for God! 
11/25/202230 minutes, 32 seconds
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But God (2/5)

When we face what appear to be insurmountable odds, we can be tempted to give up hope, until we remember two powerful words…"But God." And in part two of his message series "But God," Pastor Bayless Conley shows you in Paul's letters to the Philippians and Corinthians that nothing is too difficult for God. And whether it's a health problem or an obstacle in ministry, God delights in doing great things in our lives for His glory. Listen and discover how God can work wonders in you and through you.
11/18/202230 minutes, 37 seconds
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But God (1/5)

You're probably familiar with the Old Testament story of Joseph. His brothers betrayed him and sold him into slavery. His master's wife falsely accused him and had him thrown into prison. His situation seemed hopeless, but God had other plans. In part one of his message series "But God," Pastor Bayless Conley examines what God did in Joseph's life to show you the amazing hope and possibilities that are found in those two little words: "But God." Listen today and be encouraged.
11/11/202230 minutes, 28 seconds
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Hopeful About the Future (3/3)

Even when things go awry for us personally, as a people group, or as a nation, we still should be hopeful about the future. And in his message "Hopeful about the Future," Bayless Conley shares how God's unrelenting nature and unmatched love for you are reason enough to hope in what's to come. Listen to this powerful message today.
11/4/202230 minutes, 38 seconds
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Hopeful About the Future (2/3)

As believers, we have many reasons to hope for what's to come, no matter our present circumstances. In his message "Hopeful About the Future," Bayless Conley discusses three things about the Lord that can help you have hope in the coming season. Listen today and discover reasons for hope from the Book of Revelation.
10/28/202230 minutes, 37 seconds
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Hopeful About the Future (1/3)

No matter what goes wrong in the world or in your own life, as a believer you can be confident that God has a plan for you, and this confidence gives you hope for the future. In his message "Hopeful About the Future," Bayless Conley explores the book of Revelation to uncover three important truths that give you reason to have hope in the coming season. Watch today and find hope for tomorrow.
10/21/202230 minutes, 41 seconds
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Finding God’s Will for Your Life (3/3)

God reveals in Ephesians 5 how you can understand what His will is for every believer's life. It's His invitation to embrace His plans and purposes for you today. And in the final part of his message "Finding God’s Will for Your Life," Pastor Bayless Conley looks at two more vital elements of being in God's will—challenging you to live with gratitude and turn to God with all your heart. Listen to the powerful conclusion to this message today.
10/14/202230 minutes, 36 seconds
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Finding God’s Will for Your Life (2/3)

God hasn't kept His will hidden. On the contrary, in the Scriptures He has revealed how you can recognize and walk in His will for your life.  In part two of "Finding God's Will for Your Life," Pastor Bayless Conley explores two powerful ways you can be in God's will—by working hard unto Him and by avoiding immorality in whatever form it presents itself. Listen today and find hope in God's Word.  
10/7/202230 minutes, 35 seconds
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Finding God’s Will for Your Life (1/3)

Many people wonder what God's will is for their life, wrestling with confusion at every turn. But the truth is you can know God's will for certain and take steps to walk in it. In part one of his eye-opening message "Finding God's Will for Your Life," Pastor Bayless Conley looks at the book of Ephesians to uncover things that you can do to know that you are in God's will. It's an encouraging message you'll want to hear, so listen today.
9/30/202230 minutes, 37 seconds
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Romans 12: Your Right Response to the Gospel

The first eleven chapters of Romans provide an in-depth explanation of the gospel and what we are to think and believe about God. The very next chapter shows us how to put the gospel into practice in our daily lives. In his insightful message "Romans 12: Your Right Response to the Gospel" Pastor Harrison Conley dives into Romans 12 to help you see what a right response to the gospel looks like…and how it can transform lives. Listen and discover how to apply the gospel message to your day-to-day life.
9/23/202230 minutes, 36 seconds
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Overturning Hopelessness (2/2)

Hopelessness can be paralyzing. And it creates within you an attitude that breeds more despair. In his message “Overturning Hopelessness,” Bayless Conley helps you understand the role of persistence and praise in reversing hopelessness in your life. Discover how you can overturn hopelessness when you listen today!
9/16/202230 minutes, 43 seconds
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Overturning Hopelessness (1/2)

God used the prophet Jeremiah to speak a message of hope into the lives of the Jewish captives in Babylon—words that apply to us today as well. In “Overturning Hopelessness,” Bayless Conley uncovers important truths you must embrace in order to overturn hopelessness and look forward to the future God has for you. Listen and rejoice as you realize that God cares for you and has a plan for you.
9/9/202230 minutes, 38 seconds
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Listening Ears and Obedient Hearts

Scripture says Jesus calls us by our name, meaning He speaks to us as individuals. And Jesus summed up the heart of our responsibility as Christians when He said, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." (John 10:27) In his message "Listening Ears and Obedient Hearts," Pastor Bayless Conley shares a well-known Old Testament story to show you that God delights when we listen to His voice and heed His words—just as He delights in forgiving us if we miss His voice but repent. Listen today and be encouraged in God's Word.
9/2/202230 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Ten Commandments of Marriage (3/3)

The Ten Commandments were a lot like God's wedding vows to His people—establishing the foundation for a healthy relationship between Israel and the Lord. And when you read them in this way, they provide timeless principles for how you can build a thriving marriage as well. In part 3 of his message "The Ten Commandments of Marriage," Pastor Bayless takes a look at the final four commandments to show you why genuine love, integrity, truthfulness, and contentment are indispensable in a great marriage. Listen and be encouraged today.
8/26/202230 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Ten Commandments of Marriage (2/3)

God looked at His people, Israel, as His bride. He considered Himself married to them—showing how close God wants to be with His people. So when He gave them the Ten Commandments, they were as much as anything a set of marriage vows. And in part 2 of "The Ten Commandments of Marriage," Pastor Bayless Conley examines the fifth and sixth commandments to show you the importance of gratitude and forgiveness in a healthy marriage. Listen today and discover timeless principles for how you can build thriving relationships.
8/19/202230 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Ten Commandments of Marriage (1/3)

Great marriages don't just happen, and they require much more than passion. Great marriages are built on principles. And the Bible provides the very best principles for how you can build a thriving marriage. In his message "The Ten Commandments of Marriage," Pastor Bayless Conley takes a look at God's wedding vows with His bride, Israel, and shows you how the Ten Commandments are as relevant for marriages today as ever. So whether you're married, divorced, widowed, or single…listen in because this message has something powerful for you.
8/12/202230 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Healing Power of Forgiveness

One of the ways the devil comes into people's lives is through resentment and unforgiveness. And unresolved anger and bitterness can open the door to sickness. In this powerful and convicting message "The Healing Power of Forgiveness," Pastor Bayless Conley shows you how vital forgiveness is to your own healing and freedom. Listen and discover the gift forgiveness can be in your life.
8/5/202230 minutes, 24 seconds
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Change Your Thoughts, Change Your World (2/2)

When you embrace God's thoughts, you'll experience rich blessings like joy, peace, mercy, and fruitfulness—but holding on to God's thoughts means releasing your own. And in part two of his message "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your World," Pastor Bayless Conley shows you the thoughts you need to abandon if you're to embrace God's thoughts. You'll discover that despite how things may appear, God is in control, and He will use you in amazing ways if you change your thoughts to His. Find comfort in God as you listen today.
7/29/202230 minutes, 25 seconds
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Change Your Thoughts, Change Your World (1/2)

How we think and what we think sets the course for our lives. That's why we must embrace God's thoughts. And in part one of his message "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your World," Pastor Bayless Conley shows you what happens when you let go of your thoughts and embrace the thoughts of God. You'll discover that you don't have to be stuck where you are now and how God's thoughts bring freedom, joy, peace, fruitfulness, mercy, and much more to your life. Be encouraged when you listen today.
7/22/202230 minutes, 30 seconds
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Getting Through Life’s Floods and Fires

As a Christian you are not exempt from the floods and fires of life. But God promises to be with you in the floods that try to overwhelm you and the fires that threaten to destroy you. And in his message "Getting Through Life's Floods and Fires" Pastor Bayless Conley opens the Scriptures to give you six words of wisdom to help you rise above life's floods and pass through the fires you face. Listen and discover God's promises to rescue you.
7/15/202230 minutes, 33 seconds
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Living in the Last Days (5/5)

Scripture makes it clear that we are now living in the last days, and it tells us what society will look like during these times. And in the final part of his message series "Living in the Last Days," Pastor Bayless Conley offers some concluding observations about what society will look like and what the Church needs to do to set itself apart from the world around it. You'll gain a fresh understanding of the power of listening to others, being humble and teachable, and living generously towards God.  Watch today and see how you can stand out for Jesus.
7/8/202230 minutes, 31 seconds
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Living in the Last Days (4/5)

As the Church living in the last days, there are certain features that should characterize our lives to set us apart from the society around us. And in part four of his message "Living in the Last Days," Pastor Bayless Conley gives you three key traits that you should display to the world as an opposite depiction of the society around you. You'll discover how building people up, being disciplined, and encouraging others will show our broken world what Jesus looks like. Watch now and be equipped to shine His light into the world.
7/1/202230 minutes, 28 seconds
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Living in the Last Days (3/5)

Scripture paints a vivid picture of what society will look like in the End Times in which we are now living. And in part three of his message "Living in the Last Days," Pastor Bayless Conley examines the characteristics of last-days society and shows you the opposite side of those traits which the Church should display.  You'll discover how you are to live in the last of the last days in order to look like Jesus. So watch now and see how your life can draw others to Christ
6/24/202230 minutes, 26 seconds
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Living in the Last Days (2/5)

It's becoming more apparent than ever that we are living in the final moments of the final age. In part two of his message "Living in the Last Days," Bayless Conley examines where our society is headed in these last days, what the Church should look like as Christ's return draws nearer, and how all believers are called to live in this moment in history. You'll discover the hallmarks of end-times society and the attitude you are to have as a believer to make an impact for Christ in these final days.
6/17/202230 minutes, 30 seconds
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Living in the Last Days (1/5)

Technically speaking, the last days began when God poured out His Spirit on the day of Pentecost. But are we now living in the last of the last days? In part one of his message "Living in the Last Days," Bayless Conley opens God's Word to uncover specific reasons why our generation is indeed living in the end times, how you are to live as a Christian, and why it's exciting to be living in the last days. You'll discover that, even as the world turns darker, a light will shine upon God's people and there will be a great drawing into the kingdom of God.
6/10/202230 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Great Exchange (2/2)

On the cross of Calvary, Jesus paid the price for the sins of the world once and for all. He was bruised, beaten, and crushed so we could be made whole. He bore our sins so we could bear His righteousness. And in his message "The Great Exchange," Pastor Bayless Conley challenges you to embrace the risen Savior and all that His cross means—most importantly, victory over sin, oppression, sickness, and even death. Listen today and discover how you are more than a conqueror in Christ.
6/3/202230 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Great Exchange (1/2)

Centuries before Christ went to the cross, God's servant Isaiah prophesied about what the Messiah would do to take away our sins and make us whole. And in his message "The Great Exchange," Pastor Bayless Conley examines Isaiah chapters 52 and 53 to show you what Jesus' substitutionary sacrifice on the cross accomplished for you. Listen and believe what Christ has done for you.
5/27/202230 minutes, 42 seconds
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Listen and Obey God

When God asks you to do something, it's always for your good. But sometimes we're so busy with our lives and so distracted that we never really hear what He has to say. And disobedience can open the door for troubles and heartache. In this insightful message, Bayless Conley shows you why and how to listen and obey the Lord. God wants to take you on the greatest adventure you'll ever be on, and you would be amazed at what would happen when you grow in knowledge and understanding of Him.
5/20/202248 minutes, 6 seconds
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You Have Influence

Statistics reveal that the average person influences tens of thousands of people in their lifetime. That means no matter what you do or what kind of personality you have, your life will definitely impact others. Will you have a positive or a negative influence? Bayless Conley shares how you can powerfully impact people for the gospel in his message "You Have Influence." Discover four ways you can yield your life to God so it makes an eternal difference in every life it touches.
5/13/202235 minutes, 37 seconds
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Heroines of the Faith

God’s Word is full of examples of strong women that God used to literally change the world. And in his message “Heroines of the Faith,” Bayless Conley explores the lives of a few of these incredible women of faith—and shows you how God can use you or someone you know to be a person of powerful influence in the world.
5/6/202230 minutes, 31 seconds
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Moving from Problem to Peace

God desires peace for you. But that does not mean He will just automatically give you peace – He will likely take you on a path from the problem to a place of peace. And in his message “Moving from Problem to Peace,” Harrison Conley explores the story of Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles to uncover two simple but indispensable steps on the pathway to peace. Listen today and discover how to move from problem to peace.
4/29/202230 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Holy Spirit and His Gifts: The Power Gifts (4/4)

Spiritual gifts can be a difficult topic—but God wants us to have clarity and certainty when it comes to this all-important subject. In his message “The Holy Spirit and His Gifts: The Power Gifts,” Bayless Conley brings biblical truth to light about the spiritual gifts of power: miracles, special faith, and healing. You’ll learn how each of these supernatural gifts can manifest in your life. And you’ll discover where and how God wants you to use them. Find out how you can let God’s strength show in your life with the gifts of power!
4/22/202230 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Three Crosses

Paul said in 1 Corinthians that the cross is foolishness to some, but for others it is the power of God. And in his message “The Three Crosses,” Bayless Conley examines the very different attitudes and actions toward Jesus of the two thieves that were crucified with Him on Calvary and how you also must decide how you’ll respond to Jesus.
4/15/202230 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Holy Spirit and His Gifts: The Vocal Gifts (3/4)

God wants us to be clear about the gifts of the Holy Spirit—yet there’s a real lack of clarity when it comes to this subject today. Bayless Conley shines some critical light on the spiritual gifts of prophecy and tongues with his message “The Holy Spirit and His Gifts: The Vocal Gifts.” You’ll learn what the gifts look like manifested in your life. And you’ll discover how you can have the right attitude when it comes to using them to expand the gospel. Find out how God can use you powerfully today!
4/8/202230 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Holy Spirit and His Gifts: The Revelation Gifts (2/4)

First Corinthians 12 talks about many different kinds of gifts given by the Holy Spirit. Among these are the revelation gifts—the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, and the discerning of spirits. In his message “The Holy Spirit and His Gifts: The Revelation Gifts,” Bayless Conley shows you how these three gifts may manifest themselves in your life—and how you can use them to boldly advance the gospel in our lost and broken world. Discover how you can be a vessel of supernatural truth to a lost world today!
4/1/202230 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Holy Spirit and His Gifts (1/4)

Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would equip and empower believers as they carry out the work of the Great Commission. And in his message "The Holy Spirit and His Gifts," Bayless Conley shows you how the gifts of the Spirit manifest in your life and how you can utilize them to take the gospel to a lost and dying world. Discover how you can let the Holy Spirit work supernaturally through you today!
3/25/202230 minutes, 31 seconds
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Three Things That Point Humanity to God

In God’s view (and His is the only one that truly matters), everyone in the world is in one of two groups: ‘lost’ or ‘saved,’ or as the apostle Paul put it, ‘in Adam,’ or ‘in Christ.’ For those in Adam, God will move heaven and earth to show them the way into a relationship with Christ. In his message “Three Things That Point Humanity to God,” Bayless Conley reveals how God’s Law, His Creation, and your inner voice, which echoes God’s heart, all illuminate the way to Him. Discover the great lengths God goes to in order to reveal the gospel truth to all humankind. It’s a love story as fascinating as it is powerful.
3/18/202230 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Fire, Frequency, and Focus of the Church

In his letter to the Galatian church, the apostle Paul asks a penetrating question: "Are you trying to complete the work God started under your own power?" The Church today must answer this same question. But what characterizes the Church that's operating under God's power? In his message "The Fire, Frequency, and Focus of the Church," Bayless Conley uncovers three traits of the early Church that demonstrate dependence on God's power and shows you why they're important for you as well. Listen today to discover how you can follow the example of the early Church.
3/11/202230 minutes, 27 seconds
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Hopeful About the Future (3/3)

Even when things go awry for us personally, as a people group, or as a nation, we still should be hopeful about the future. And in his message "Hopeful about the Future," Bayless Conley shares how God's unrelenting nature and unmatched love for you are reason enough to hope in what’s to come. Listen to this powerful message today.
3/4/202230 minutes, 38 seconds
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Hopeful About the Future (2/3)

As believers, we have many reasons to hope for what's to come, no matter our present circumstances. In his message "Hopeful About the Future," Bayless Conley discusses three things about the Lord that can help you have hope in the coming season. Listen today and discover reasons for hope from the Book of Revelation.
2/25/202230 minutes, 37 seconds
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Hopeful About the Future (1/3)

No matter what goes wrong in the world or in your own life, as a believer you can be confident that God has a plan for you, and this confidence gives you hope for the future. In his message “Hopeful About the Future,” Bayless Conley explores the book of Revelation to uncover three important truths that give you reason to have hope in the coming season. Listen today and find hope for tomorrow.
2/18/202230 minutes, 41 seconds
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Overturning Hopelessness (2/2)

Hopelessness can be paralyzing. And it creates within you an attitude that breeds more despair. In his message "Overturning Hopelessness," Bayless Conley helps you understand the role of persistence and praise in reversing hopelessness in your life. Discover how you can overturn hopelessness when you listen today!
2/11/202230 minutes, 43 seconds
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Overturning Hopelessness (1/2)

God used the prophet Jeremiah to speak a message of hope into the lives of the Jewish captives in Babylon—words that apply to us today as well. In "Overturning Hopelessness," Bayless Conley uncovers important truths you must embrace in order to overturn hopelessness and look forward to the future God has for you. Listen and rejoice as you realize that God cares for you and has a plan for you.
2/4/202230 minutes, 38 seconds
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Keys to Experience God’s Healing Power

God's healing power is available to everyone, and that includes you. It is as much in God's nature to heal as it is to forgive. In his message "Keys to Experience God’s Healing Power," Bayless Conley examines the story of Jesus healing the paralytic man in Luke 5 to show how you can experience the healing power of God in your life. Listen today and discover how you can unlock the Lord's healing power.
1/28/202230 minutes, 29 seconds
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A New Way of Living

In Christ, you no longer sit under the condemnation of God. Where your sins once were, God sees only the perfect sacrifice of Jesus! And in his message “A New Way of Living,” Pastor Harrison Conley helps you recognize that the voice that speaks condemnation and shame to believers is not from God but from the enemy. You’ll discover the difference between condemnation and conviction and how the Holy Spirit leads you into a life of freedom. Listen and experience the victory of living free in Christ!
1/21/202230 minutes, 34 seconds
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How to Live in Spiritual Victory

If you are a Christian, sin is a dethroned monarch as far as you are concerned. It holds no power to dictate your actions. And in his message “How to Live in Spiritual Victory” Bayless Conley explores how your new nature in Christ frees you from the dominion of sin. Discover how the Holy Spirit gives you power to resist temptation, flee from sin, and walk in spiritual victory every day.
1/14/202240 minutes, 48 seconds
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Four Keys to Your Healing

How can you experience the kind of healing God offers His children? What’s the key to tapping into God’s power to heal? Bayless shares the answers in his message “Four Keys to Healing.” He dives into a powerful lesson Jesus taught His disciples in Mark 11 to uncover four truths you must embrace to cooperate with God and see the miraculous. Listen today and discover how you can experience healing.
1/7/202230 minutes, 25 seconds
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Hindered by Satan, Helped by God

God never leaves His children alone in their struggles. Sometimes He comforts them with His angels—and other times He sends messengers in the form of other people. In “Hindered by Satan, Helped by God,” Bayless Conley shows you from Scripture how God provides His perfect helpers when His children are in need. And sometimes, that helper is you. Learn to discern the helpers from the hinderers in this powerful message!
1/1/202240 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Secret of Going Just a Little Further

There are times in life when your efforts can feel like you’re digging a dry well and wasting your time, which tempts you to stop short. But what if breakthrough is closer than you think? You can experience God’s supernatural power in dramatic ways.   Bayless Conley shares the secret to breaking into a river of blessing and favor in your life—more than you may have ever anticipated—through simple practices that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Fall more in love with God as you press in and take your faith a little further in four specific areas.
12/31/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Work of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is not the third wheel of the Trinity. He is not the lesser sidekick of God the Father and God the Son. He is just as much God as the Father and the Son. And He plays a crucial role in the life of every believer.   In his message “The Work of the Holy Spirit,” Pastor Harrison Conley teaches you how the Holy Spirit applies salvation, develops maturity, and helps you live with the joy and peace that come with eternal assurance.
12/24/202130 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Secret of Unlocking Joy

Some of God's greatest blessings for you can only be accessed in one way. The good news is that He has already revealed the sequential combination that you must live by in order to tap into them. Jesus, others, then you. In his message "The Secret of Unlocking Joy," Bayless Conley explains what it actually means, in practical terms, to live with the priorities of Jesus first, then others, and then you—and how living by this simple sequence can unleash God's blessings in your life.
12/23/202130 minutes, 41 seconds
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Is It God, the Devil, or Just Me? (2/2)

A lot of people like to look for demons behind every thought. Others are quick to proclaim it must be God. Still others will say, “No, it’s all in my head.” So how can you tell which force is at work when a thought crosses your mind? In “Is It God, the Devil, or Just Me?” Bayless Conley shines important light on the source of your thought patterns—so you can be sure how you’re being led is coming from the right place!
12/17/202130 minutes, 31 seconds
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Is It God, the Devil, or Just Me? (1/2)

A lot of people like to look for demons behind every thought. Others are quick to proclaim it must be God. Still others will say, “No, it’s all in my head.” So how can you tell which force is at work when a thought crosses your mind? In “Is It God, the Devil, or Just Me?” Bayless Conley shines important light on the source of your thought patterns—so you can be sure how you’re being led is coming from the right place!
12/10/202130 minutes, 37 seconds
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Expect the Unexpected: The Great Pursuits Series Part 14

When you are pursuing things you’ve lost, you are often at your point of greatest weakness and perplexity. But it is in those moments that God will use you and others in ways you would never expect. In his message “Expect the Unexpected,” Pastor Bayless Conley explores how God helps you in the midst of loss by leading you to serve others—and discover the powerful role they play in your recovery process. This message is part of Bayless Conley’s series “Great Pursuits,” in which he shares the most important things God wants you to chase after in life.
12/3/202131 minutes, 7 seconds
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Four Keys to Recovering Lost Things: The Great Pursuits Series Part 13

Everyone experiences loss in this broken world. But God is a God of recovery, and He’s inviting you to pursue those blessings that life and the enemy have stolen. In his message “Four Keys to Recovering Lost Things,” Pastor Bayless Conley gives you four principles to help you pursue what you’ve lost as you trust in God’s recovery process. This message is part of Bayless Conley’s series “Great Pursuits,” in which he shares the most important things God wants you to chase after in life.
11/19/202130 minutes, 48 seconds
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Four Simple Questions for Discovering Your Purpose: The Great Pursuits Series Part 12

When you are saved, Christ lays hold of you to bring God’s Kingdom influence on this world in a unique way. And when you discover and follow that purpose, you’ll experience incredible blessings and satisfaction.   In his message “Four Simple Questions for Discovering Your Purpose,” Pastor Bayless Conley gives you four crucial questions to ask yourself that will help you discover God’s unique design and purpose for your most abundant life in Christ.   This message is part of Bayless Conley’s series “Great Pursuits,” in which he shares the most important things God wants you to chase after in life.
11/19/202131 minutes, 8 seconds
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God Has a Purpose for You: The Great Pursuits Series Part 11

God designed you with a unique purpose, but He doesn’t give you the whole story all at once. Finding your purpose is a progressive revelation, and to discover it you must pursue it throughout your life. In his message “God Has a Purpose for You,” Pastor Bayless Conley reveals how to continually seek after the unique purpose God has created you to fulfill, so you can embrace His perfect plan for you! This message is part of Bayless Conley’s series “Great Pursuits,” in which he shares the most important things God wants you to chase after in life.
11/12/202131 minutes, 8 seconds
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Why Gentleness Is Not Weakness: The Great Pursuits Series Part 10

The Bible says gentleness is a fruit of the Spirit, but in our culture it is often confused with weakness. Jesus Himself was gentle—not because He was weak, but because He was infinitely powerful. In "Why Gentleness Is Not Weakness," Bayless Conley helps you cultivate gentleness in your own life and shows you the great power you can demonstrate when you have a gentle response to others. Experience true rest in Jesus when the spirit of gentleness permeates your life! This message is part of Bayless Conley's series "Great Pursuits," in which he shares the most important things God wants you to chase after in life. Bayless' new book "Great Pursuits" is the practical guide to finding the things in life worth chasing. Request your copy here:
11/5/202130 minutes, 55 seconds
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Why Patience Matters: The Great Pursuits Series Part 9

God's Word tells you to pursue patience, but patience doesn’t come easily to most people. In "Why Patience Matters," Bayless Conley looks at three areas where you can both learn and apply patience in your life... the promises of God, people, and persecution. Whatever you are waiting for today, God wants you to practice patience, a brave enduring perseverance, and trust that His timing is always perfect! This message is part of Bayless Conley's series "Great Pursuits," in which he shares the most important things God wants you to chase after in life. Bayless' new book "Great Pursuits" is the practical guide to finding the things in life worth chasing. Request your copy here:
10/29/202131 minutes, 8 seconds
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What Jesus Says About Faith: The Great Pursuits Series Part 8

The book of Hebrews describes Jesus as the author and finisher of our faith. So knowing what He said about faith is critical. In "The Pursuit of Faith," Bayless Conley explores the three kinds of faith Jesus talked about. He shows you why faith only works through love and what it looks like to move toward great faith in your everyday life. Pursue great faith… and please God in a great way! This message is part of Bayless Conley's series "Great Pursuits," in which he shares the most important things God wants you to chase after in life. Bayless' new book "Great Pursuits" is the practical guide to finding the things in life worth chasing. Request your copy here:
10/22/202130 minutes, 49 seconds
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Four Promises for Godly Living: The Great Pursuits Series Part 7

God promises there are certain rewards you'll receive when you live a godly lifestyle. And the benefits you'll enjoy far outweigh the challenges that come with those choices. In his message "The Pursuit of Godliness," Bayless Conley shows you how to pursue an inward posture of devotion to God and shares four life-changing benefits of godliness you'll experience when you do. Godly living can be a challenge, but the rewards you'll receive are always worth it. Find out how today! This message is part of Bayless Conley's series "Great Pursuits," in which he shares the most important things God wants you to chase after in life. Bayless' new book "Great Pursuits" is the practical guide to finding the things in life worth chasing. Request your copy here:
10/15/202130 minutes, 42 seconds
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What It Means to Live with Integrity: The Great Pursuits Series Part 6

A life of integrity comes from knowing God and seeking after Him before anything else. Listen as Bayless Conley shares his message "What It Means to Live with Integrity"—and shows you that when you live with integrity, you in turn attract other people to God. Find out how seeking righteousness above all else produces enduring results in your life.  This message is part of Bayless Conley's series "Great Pursuits," in which he explores the things God wants you to chase after in life. Bayless' new book "Great Pursuits" is the practical guide to finding the things in life worth chasing. Request your copy here:
10/8/202130 minutes, 58 seconds
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Love Makes All the Difference: The Great Pursuits Series Part 5

Love is one of the highest callings of the Christian life—having an impact on your marriage, family, salvation, enemies... and much more. But the Bible also says the pursuit of love is connected to the desire for spiritual gifts. In "The Pursuit of Love," Bayless Conley explores how the desires and manifestations of spiritual gifts in your life are most effective when they're motivated by love. Listen today to discover how when you do everything in a spirit of love, it makes all the difference in your life. This message is part of Bayless Conley’s series "Great Pursuits," in which he explores the things God wants you to chase after in life. Bayless' new book "Great Pursuits" is the practical guide to finding the things in life worth chasing. Request your copy here:
10/1/202131 minutes, 25 seconds
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It's Not Just About You: The Great Pursuits Series Part 4

Each of us naturally goes after things we believe are good for us. But God has called us to pursue good not only for ourselves, but for all. That includes our enemies. In his message “The Pursuit of What Is Good,” Bayless Conley opens God’s Word to show you that as you pursue what is good for you, it’s also important to ask if it is good for others as well. When you focus on seeking good for others and blessing them, God will bless you as well. This message is part of Bayless Conley's series "Great Pursuits," in which he explores the things God wants you to chase after in life. Bayless' new book "Great Pursuits" is the practical guide to finding the things in life worth chasing. Request your copy here:
9/24/202129 minutes, 57 seconds
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Why Hospitality Matters to God: The Great Pursuits Series Part 3

Hospitality is extremely important in God’s economy. So even if it does not come naturally to you, the Bible says it is something you need to pursue. In his message "Why Hospitality Matters to God," Bayless Conley shows you how you are called to make hospitality part of your life because it's a tangible way to demonstrate the reality of your salvation through the love of Christ. Let God's love show in your life through the power of hospitality! This message is part of Bayless Conley's series "Great Pursuits," in which he explores the things God wants you to chase after in life. Bayless' new book "Great Pursuits" is the practical guide to finding the things in life worth chasing. Request your copy here:
9/17/202130 minutes, 20 seconds
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Four Keys to Knowing God Better: The Great Pursuits Series Part 2

God wants you to know Him intimately. And a relationship with Him doesn't come through rituals, rules, and regulations. In order to know God, you have to pursue Him. And the pursuit of God requires intentionality. In "Four Keys to Knowing God Better," Bayless Conley shows you how you can know God more intimately through His creation, fellowship, prayer, and much more. Pursue God intentionally... because there's nothing more important than knowing Him! This message is part of Bayless Conley’s series, "Great Pursuits," in which he explores the things God wants you to chase after in life. Bayless' new book "Great Pursuits" is the practical guide to finding the things in life worth chasing. Request your copy here:
9/10/202130 minutes, 23 seconds
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How You Can Have Peace: The Great Pursuits Series Part 1

Peace is something everyone acknowledges is important—but few people actually have it. So how can you experience the lasting peace God wants for you? In his message "How You Can Have Peace," Bayless Conley shares how peace in your life can only be found when you first have peace with God—and that comes through His Son, Jesus Christ. Discover how you can have peace with God, so you can then enjoy the peace of God in every area of your life! This message is part of Bayless Conley's series "Great Pursuits," in which he explores the things God wants you to chase after in life. Bayless' new book "Great Pursuits" is the practical guide to finding the things in life worth chasing. Request your copy here:
9/3/202130 minutes, 21 seconds
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Count It All Joy (Lessons from James Chapter 1)

The Word of God is always giving birth to new revelation! In this message, Bayless Conley examines the first chapter of the Book of James. Should you be glad, even if you have a lot of trouble? Do the rich have more favor with God than the poor? Does God ever tempt us or cause evil things to happen in our lives? Not sure about the answers? Listen now and see for yourself what the Bible has to say about these three challenging questions.
8/27/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Three Essential Qualities of a Godly Person

Just about everything you could imagine happening in a person’s life happened to King David – ups and downs, successes and failures, friendships and mortal enemies. Yet David carried out God’s plan and God called him a man after His own heart. Join Bayless Conley for a very rewarding study of David’s life and discover three essential qualities of a godly person that were on display in his character. As you listen, be inspired to carry out the purposes of God in your own life and emulate David’s qualities of being a man of war, a man of worship, and a man of the Word.
8/20/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Psalm 119: The Transforming Power of God’s Word

How do you bring forth good things in your marriage? What about good things in the lives of your children? How do you bring forth good things in your career, in your finances, your health, your community, and your relationships?   Bayless Conley shares the answer in his message “Psalm 119: The Transforming Power of God’s Word.” If you want to lead the abundant, influential, and holy life that is God’s will for you in Jesus, you must hide His Word in your heart.   What fills your heart is what will come out in your life. So let God’s Word take root and bear good fruit for His glory and your greatest good!
8/13/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Psalm 119: Making God My Portion

God wants to be your everything—every minute of every day—because He knows there’s no greater joy or satisfaction than Him.   In his message “Making God My Portion,” Pastor Harrison takes you to Psalm 119 and shows you why God’s abiding presence in your life is more precious than anything else and how you can experience it.   Stop settling for what the world says will satisfy—make God your full portion today!
8/6/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Psalm 119: The Creator’s Word

Nothing is beyond God’s creative power—not life, not death, not the most hopeless of situations. He can and does make something out of nothing. In his message “Psalm 119: The Creator’s Word,” Bayless Conley takes you to Psalm 119 and shares how God’s power to speak creation into existence means there’s hope for broken marriages, failed health, emotional turmoil, and any other challenge you may face.  God is a creator who never fails—discover how the same Word that brought galaxies into existence can turn the tide for you!
7/30/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Three Things Jesus Wants to Do for You

We live in a world of rapid change and uncertainty, which can leave us anxious and overwhelmed. Thankfully, Jesus is the constant in the chaos. In fact, He’s the same today as He was when He walked on earth. He is the same one who had mercy for the guilty and peace for the troubled. The things He did then are the things He still does today. Bayless Conley shows three things an unchanging Jesus wants to do for you in an ever-changing world.
7/23/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Finding Peace

Everyone longs for peace—yet it can seem so elusive. Anxiety over kids, jobs, finances . . . not to mention global events . . . floods our thoughts every day. Is it really possible to experience the peace God promises with so much turmoil in the world? In his message “Peace in Troubled Times,” Bayless Conley shows how you can make prayer the antidote to the worries you face. Find out how you can surrender control to God—and experience His perfect peace right here and now!
7/16/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Free But Wise

Scripture is clear that salvation is a work of God alone—and that in Christ, you’re completely free. How, then, do you enjoy that freedom while still walking in wisdom, following Christ instead of the crowd? “Living Free, Living Wise” is a special message from Bayless Conley that shows you how to fully embrace your freedom in Christ without being snared by sin. Discover the joy of a life marked by freedom and blessed by wisdom!
7/9/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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He Is Mightier Than the Storm

So many people today are just treading water in the midst of life’s storms—enduring wave after wave with little hope of rescue in sight. In his message “Mightier Than Your Storm,” Bayless Conley shows you how God can give you supernatural peace and guidance in the midst of the challenges of life. You’ll learn that while no believer is immune to trials, Jesus is Lord over every trouble you face and has the power to silence any storm!
7/2/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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The God Who Carries You

The Bible is filled with accounts of nations serving idols that must be carried from place to place. Our God is different. He doesn’t expect to be carried, but instead carries you through every battle, every trial, and every temptation you’ll ever face. In “The God Who Carries You,” Bayless Conley shows why you never outgrow the need to be carried by God through the ups and downs of life. Discover how you can find true rest in God’s everlasting arms in this uplifting message!
6/25/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Desperate Prayers and Dramatic Answers

God often does His greatest and most miraculous work when it seems all is lost. Whether it’s the death of your dreams, financial ruin, a broken relationship, or a nation that’s gone astray, God can and does bring what’s dead back to life—if you truly seek Him with all your heart and soul. In his message “Desperate Prayers and Dramatic Answers,” Bayless Conley shares how you can access God’s restorative power for your most broken circumstance—so you can experience true healing in seemingly hopeless situations!
6/18/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Winning Against the Devil’s Strategies

The devil will stop at nothing to keep you from fulfilling the divine calling that’s been placed on your life. That’s because you are in a spiritual battle, and Satan wages war by trying to stamp you out and keep you from realizing God’s best in your life. Pastor Bayless shows you how to fight and win against Satan’s schemes in his message Winning Against the Devil’s Strategies. Find out how you can tap into God’s miraculous power and experience victory over the enemy for good!
6/11/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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It’s Time to Fight

We live in contentious days when speaking the name of Jesus invites criticism and antagonism from the world. So it’s more important than ever that the people of God are prepared to fight for the faith. In "It’s Time to Fight," Pastor Harrison Conley gives you practical steps for contending for the faith in a world that tempts you to compromise and fall into an ineffective, lukewarm Christianity. Don’t sit on the sidelines while a spiritual battle rages around you. Get ready to fight today!
6/4/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Four Keys to a Life of Impact

Do you want your life to really matter? Could you feel more fulfilled, energized, or focused? Would you like to be certain you are moving in the right direction? Bayless Conley gives you 4 FUNDAMENTAL KEYS to help you unlock a life of true purpose and significance. Learn to navigate the waters of your day to day, so you can reach the shores of destiny with enough confidence and perspective to make a lasting difference.
5/28/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Strength in Troubled Times

Scripture declares that you will go through hard times. But the great news is you don’t have to stay there. Because if God brings you to a tough season, you can be sure He will bring you through it! In his message “Strength in Troubled Times,” Bayless Conley explores the subject of suffering in God’s Word and gives you practical, biblical encouragement to help you remain fully focused on the assurances of Christ when troubles hit. Don’t let temporary hardships keep you from expecting God’s best. Embrace His promises of deliverance today!
5/21/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Three Easy Tests to Gauge Your Spiritual Growth

Did you know that in both the Old and New Testaments God specifically tells believers to test and examine themselves? For example, He says in 2 Corinthians 13:5, “Test yourselves to make sure you are solid in the faith. Don’t drift along taking everything for granted. Give yourselves regular checkups. You need firsthand evidence, not mere hearsay. Test it out. If you fail the test, do something about it.” But how exactly are those tests to be conducted? What should you be looking for? Bayless Conley offers three crucial tests to help you gauge your spiritual growth in this foundational and uplifting message.
5/14/202135 minutes, 8 seconds
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God's Answers for Depression, Sickness, and Fear

In what is perhaps Jesus’ most impacting parable, God’s Word is compared to a seed. When that seed gets planted in a fertile human heart, it can grow to overcome sickness, fear, depression, anxiety, and all other obstacles. The key is preparing the soil (your heart) for God’s Word to take root and flourish. Access the mountain-moving, relentless power of God’s Word as you come to understand a principle Bayless says has changed his life more than he could possibly communicate.
5/7/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Understanding End Times (2/2)

One thing is for sure: We are living in the last days. The signs of the end that Jesus told us to watch for are not just beginning to happen . . . they have already been happening. So, how exactly will things play out from here? What will the world (and our lives) look like leading up to and following Jesus’ triumphant return? How should we be living in these last days? Bayless Conley answers these and other important questions, providing a succinct timeline from the Bible.
4/30/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Understanding End Times (1/2)

One thing is for sure: We are living in the last days. The signs of the end that Jesus told us to watch for are not just beginning to happen . . . they have already been happening. So, how exactly will things play out from here? What will the world (and our lives) look like leading up to and following Jesus’ triumphant return? How should we be living in these last days? Bayless Conley answers these and other important questions, providing a succinct timeline from the Bible.
4/23/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Prayers in the Wilderness

Moses had some incredibly interesting conversations with God after the Israelites crossed the Red Sea. We can learn and apply Moses’ wilderness prayers in order to grow closer to God and see a real difference in our lives and relationships. Keep first things first as you improve your communication with your Creator!
4/16/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Becoming a Fisher of Men

The good news of Jesus can’t be tamed, restrained, or contained. It’s meant to break out of your life to set people free wherever you go. “Becoming a Fisher of Men” is a special message from Bayless given on location during a fishing excursion in the Pacific Ocean. Go along with Bayless as he shows what Jesus meant when He called the disciples “fishers of men,” and how you can fulfill that calling in your life today, no matter where God has you!
4/9/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Hope for Those Who Are Hurting

Sometimes you are still smiling on the outside while also deeply hurting on the inside. And dealing with lingering physical, emotional, or relational pain while having to keep up with life’s demands can be exhausting. In a season like that, you might wonder why God keeps you waiting and when He will come through for you. Harrison Conley wants you to know that in the story of Easter—Christ’s betrayal, suffering, and resurrection—God has given us a way to find hope when we are hurting. Watch now, and discover two crucial keys God will use to redefine any painful season in your life.
4/2/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Finding Your Way Back to God (Good Friday Reflections)

Every year, Christians across the globe commemorate the day Jesus died on the cross. In his Good Friday reflections, Bayless Conley explains what Christ’s sacrifice is all about and why—as terrible as the day was—His suffering and death give us reason to rejoice. Whether you’ve gotten lost in your faith journey and are struggling to find your way back to God or your relationship with Him is rock solid, this message will leave you with a renewed sense of gratitude for what God has done for you at the cross.
3/26/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Three Conversations that Can Change Your Life

What would it be like if we could listen to some of the conversations Jesus had with His disciples, the chief priests and scribes, or His heavenly Father? The Gospels record for us three short conversations Jesus had on Palm Sunday. In this timely message, Bayless Conley unpacks the significance of each of these conversations. Each time Jesus speaks, we discover something new about Him – who He is, why He came, and how He can change our lives for eternity. Deepen your faith as you listen, or maybe get introduced to Jesus for the very first time.
3/19/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Ministry of Angels (3/3)

If someone claims to see an angel today, most people are immediately skeptical. Even a lot of Christians tend to take a similar posture. Yet, as we read the Bible, angels are everywhere, appearing from cover to cover nearly 300 times. In Bayless Conley’s 3-part series Angels, you’ll learn how to replace your skepticism with confidence as you discover who angels are, what they do, and how they work in our lives. Learn how to think biblically about the angelic realm so you can respond to the supernatural with the truth of Scripture.
3/12/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Ministry of Angels (2/3)

If someone claims to see an angel today, most people are immediately skeptical. Even a lot of Christians tend to take a similar posture. Yet, as we read the Bible, angels are everywhere, appearing from cover to cover nearly 300 times. In Bayless Conley’s 3-part series Angels, you’ll learn how to replace your skepticism with confidence as you discover who angels are, what they do, and how they work in our lives. Learn how to think biblically about the angelic realm so you can respond to the supernatural with the truth of Scripture.
3/5/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Ministry of Angels (1/3)

If someone claims to see an angel today, most people are immediately skeptical. Even a lot of Christians tend to take a similar posture. Yet, as we read the Bible, angels are everywhere, appearing from cover to cover nearly 300 times. In Bayless Conley’s 3-part series Angels, you’ll learn how to replace your skepticism with confidence as you discover who angels are, what they do, and how they work in our lives. Learn how to think biblically about the angelic realm so you can respond to the supernatural with the truth of Scripture.
2/26/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Rewards of Fasting (2/2)

When Jesus taught His disciples about fasting, He instructed them on when—not if—they should employ this spiritual discipline. The same is true for Christ-followers today. God calls us to fast to bring our minds and bodies under subjection so that we can better hear His voice. Fasting is so much more than simply skipping a meal. And in his message “The Rewards of Fasting,” Bayless Conley makes clear that it’s an act of surrender and submission to God. Discover how you can experience the blessing and leading of God through the spiritual act of fasting.
2/19/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Rewards of Fasting (1/2)

When Jesus taught His disciples about fasting, He instructed them on when—not if—they should employ this spiritual discipline. The same is true for Christ-followers today. God calls us to fast to bring our minds and bodies under subjection so that we can better hear His voice. Fasting is so much more than simply skipping a meal. And in his message “The Rewards of Fasting,” Bayless Conley makes clear that it’s an act of surrender and submission to God. Discover how you can experience the blessing and leading of God through the spiritual act of fasting.
2/12/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Experience God’s Peace in Anxious Times

We live in anxious times. And if you are prone to worry, the challenges of your personal life and the world we live in make it even harder to keep your sanity. But it's God's will for you to experience His supernatural peace in every circumstance of your life, no matter how turbulent things get. Jesus wants to give you peace and rest. Let Bayless Conley show you from the Bible how the peace of God can keep you from feeling anxious when normal reasoning says you should be worried. It really is possible to have a peaceful life, so find freedom from worry today!
2/5/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Living a Life of Trust

Every believer needs to know how to live a life of trust in God. Proverbs 3:5 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." The truth is that God's ways are sometimes diametrically opposed to conventional human wisdom. When faced with tough choices, do we still trust that His plans are better than ours? Living a life of trust won't just happen—as we rest on His promises, we all need to seek God for His wisdom, His strength, and His guidance in every circumstance. Bayless Conley's teaching will inspire you to live life this way, every day, fully trusting in the Lord.
1/29/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Jesus: The Light of the World

Jesus declared in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” As a child of God, you have been rescued from the kingdom of darkness and welcomed into the kingdom of light—not only that, you’ve been given authority to light up the dark. Find out how you can exercise the power God’s given you to push back the darkness in Bayless Conley’s message “Jesus: The Light of the World.” God wants to use you in your sphere of influence to bring the lost and hurting into the light of His kingdom. Ready to get started?
1/22/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Listen and Obey God

When God asks you to do something, it's always for your good. But sometimes we're so busy with our lives and so distracted that we never really hear what He has to say. And disobedience can open the door for troubles and heartache. In this insightful message, Bayless Conley shows you why and how to listen and obey the Lord. God wants to take you on the greatest adventure you'll ever be on, and you would be amazed at what would happen when you grow in knowledge and understanding of Him.
1/15/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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You Have Influence

Statistics reveal that the average person influences tens of thousands of people in their lifetime. That means no matter what you do or what kind of personality you have, your life will definitely impact others. Will you have a positive or negative influence? Bayless Conley shares how you can powerfully impact people for the gospel in his message “You Have Influence.” Discover key ways you can yield your life to God so it makes an eternal difference in every other life it touches.
1/8/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Secret of Going Just a Little Further

There are times in life when your efforts can feel like you’re digging a dry well and wasting your time, which tempts you to stop short. But what if breakthrough is closer than you think? You can experience God’s supernatural power in dramatic ways. Bayless Conley shares the secret to breaking into a river of blessing and favor in your life—more than you may have ever anticipated—through simple practices that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Fall more in love with God as you press in and take your faith a little further in four specific areas.
1/1/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Revival Is Coming

Jesus said in Matthew 24 that the gospel would be preached in all the world, and then the end will come. It's estimated that new technologies will bring the translated Word of God into every language that still needs it within our lifetime. Pair that with the fulfillment of many other biblical prophecies, and you can conclude we're living in the last days. As believers, we don't have to fear the end times. If anything else, the opposite is true—what a time it is to be alive. God is at work in the earth, and He is moving amongst His people. In this powerful message, Harrison Conley stirs your heart toward desiring and seeing God revive His people and pour out His Spirit like never before.
12/25/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Christmas Story through Joseph’s Eyes

While sometimes overlooked, Joseph played a significant part in the Christmas story as the earthly father of Jesus. Thrown into unusual circumstances beyond his control, he humbly trusted and obeyed God. And the same qualities that Joseph demonstrated in his life will help you in your life when you face situations that you never chose and don’t understand. Bayless Conley’s look at the Christmas story through Joseph’s eyes will encourage you to walk faithfully with God even when life hits you with the unexpected. Listen today!
12/18/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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Psalm 24: The Return of the King

Who can come into the presence of a holy God? Only those whose hands and heart are pure, says Psalm 24. So what’s the issue, you ask? None of us qualifies! Romans 3:23 tells us, For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Think about it: even with all of humanity’s advancements throughout history, we’re still utterly lost spiritually. In this message, Bayless Conley looks at three prophetic psalms that point to different aspects of who Jesus is and what He has done for us. Put your trust in His finished work in Psalm 22, embrace Him as your Shepherd in Psalm 23, and be welcomed in Christ into the presence of a holy God without shame and guilt in Psalm 24.
12/11/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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Count It All Joy (Lessons from James Chapter 1)

The Word of God is always giving birth to new revelation! In this message, Bayless Conley examines the first chapter of the book of James. Should you be glad, even if you have a lot of trouble? Do the rich have more favor with God than the poor? Does God ever tempt us or cause evil things to happen in our lives? Not sure about the answers? Listen now and see for yourself what the Bible has to say about these three challenging questions.
12/4/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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Understanding Faith

If you want to learn how faith works in your life, then you need to look to Jesus. He is both the source and the developer of your faith, bringing it to maturity. In this message, Bayless Conley shares four basic principles of the faith-filled life. How it is first and foremost about trusting a person, Jesus Christ. How having faith in Him works by ‘saying’ and ‘praying.’ Plus, the great hindrance to faith—not forgiving. Don’t miss this very practical teaching, it’s going to help you!
11/27/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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Three Things Jesus Wants to Do for You

We live in a world of rapid change and uncertainty, which can leave us anxious and overwhelmed. Thankfully, Jesus is the constant in the chaos. In fact, He’s the same today as He was when He walked on earth. He is the same one who had mercy for the guilty and peace for the troubled. The things He did then are the things He still does today. Bayless Conley shows three things an unchanging Jesus wants to do for you in an ever-changing world.
11/20/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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Three Essential Qualities of a Godly Person

Just about everything you could imagine happening in a person’s life happened to King David – ups and downs, successes and failures, friendships and mortal enemies. Yet David carried out God’s plan and God called him a man after His own heart. Join Bayless Conley for a very rewarding study of David’s life and discover three essential qualities of a godly person that were on display in his character. As you listen, be inspired to carry out the purposes of God in your own life and emulate David’s qualities of being a man of war, a man of worship, and a man of the Word.
11/13/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Lost Coin

In Luke chapter 15, we find Jesus speaking about lost sheep, lost silver, and a lost son. These are actually three different parts or phases of the same parable, and all of them are very significant. Join Bayless Conley as he shares seven specific thoughts that will help you understand the main point of this parable: how God desires to use you to reach the lost. There are people in your world who are at the end of their rope, saying, “God, if you’re real, show me.” Their lives will be radically transformed when you become a carrier and a conduit of the Good News, so be encouraged to let your light shine!
11/6/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Importance of Being in the Right Place

It’s important to be in the right place! When you are where God wants you to be, you can expect Him to meet your needs in powerful ways and work through you to do amazing things. Bayless Conley shares how God will lead you to specific places in life in order to bring you illumination, provide for you, and use you to be an instrument of healing and blessing to others. Watch or listen to this eye-opening message, and learn to discern God’s guidance as He directs you to the place that’s right for you.
10/30/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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Find God’s Strength (When You Need it Most)

Whatever sort of strength you need—be it physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual—God’s strength is available to help you. If you want to learn how to take hold of this strength and to experience God’s power in your everyday life, you’ll be encouraged by this insightful message to dig deeper into God’s Word and hold fast to Him as your refuge and strength. Even if you are in the midst of a crisis right now and feel sorrowful or perplexed, or if you’ve been unjustly thrown into circumstances far beyond your control... God has strength and an answer for you! He is for you and wants to undergird you with His mighty power.
10/23/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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Five Ways to Experience More of God’s Power

The same power that resurrected Christ turns sinners into new creations, heals sick bodies, delivers the oppressed, works miracles, and gives you victory over sin, failure, and weakness. In this compelling message, Bayless Conley unveils from the Scriptures how you can experience more of God and His resurrection power for the race you are called to run. Learn five ways to deepen your relationship with God and consequently reveal more of His presence and power in your life.
10/16/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Greatest Verse in the Bible

John 3:16 declares, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." No other verse in the Bible says so much to so many in so few words. In this message, Harrison Conley helps you understand the depth of what the gospel is and why it matters. There is nothing more important than to find out where you stand in relation to what God's Word says in the greatest verse in the Bible.
10/9/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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Your Past Does Not Define Your Future

Your past doesn't have to define your future. Join Bayless Conley as he examines the life of a biblical character who was brought up in a background of idolatry and against all the odds turned to the Lord with all of his heart. Regardless of your past, God has good plans for your life. Your role is to get into His Word, make it your final authority, and live by it. If you've worried about how your past affects God’s will for your future, this teaching offers hope and practical steps to help you discover your destiny.
10/2/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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Six Traits that Build a Great Life

The fact that life goes by fast should make us think about how we spend the rest of ours. So how do we build a meaningful life in the time we have on earth? In this episode, Bayless Conley is unpacking six character traits that build a great life in the eyes of God for you and for those around you. As a believer, you're called to stand out and do all you can to further God’s kingdom. When you develop these six traits, it will be impossible for your faith—and your life—to remain unnoticed.
9/25/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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Following in the Footsteps of Jesus | Part 3

Go on a faith-building journey through the Holy Land in this inspiring series called Following in the Footsteps of Jesus with Bayless Conley. Join Bayless as he shares God’s Word with you from different areas where Jesus walked. This study will deepen your understanding of key biblical events, and be a source of great encouragement to you. Each of these engaging sessions is filmed in Israel, taking you to key locations such as the Sea of Galilee and the Garden of Gethsemane. Be inspired with fresh insights that will show you how you can live life in Jesus’ footsteps today!
9/18/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Following in the Footsteps of Jesus | Part 2

Go on a faith-building journey through the Holy Land in this inspiring series called Following in the Footsteps of Jesus with Bayless Conley. Join Bayless as he shares God’s Word with you from different areas where Jesus walked. This study will deepen your understanding of key biblical events, and be a source of great encouragement to you. Each of these engaging sessions is filmed in Israel, taking you to key locations such as the Sea of Galilee and the Garden of Gethsemane. Be inspired with fresh insights that will show you how you can live life in Jesus’ footsteps today!
9/11/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Following in the Footsteps of Jesus | Part 1

Go on a faith-building journey through the Holy Land in this inspiring series called Following in the Footsteps of Jesus with Bayless Conley. Join Bayless as he shares God’s Word with you from different areas where Jesus walked. This study will deepen your understanding of key biblical events, and be a source of great encouragement to you. Each of these engaging sessions is filmed in Israel, taking you to key locations such as the Sea of Galilee and the Garden of Gethsemane. Be inspired with fresh insights that will show you how you can live life in Jesus’ footsteps today!
9/4/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Four Common Mistakes that Can Derail Your Destiny

Every one of us is at risk of derailing our destiny. In this compelling message, Bayless Conley shares four common mistakes that can hold you back from doing the good works God has planned for your life long ago. Great things can be accomplished through you as you yield yourself to God. This teaching will show you how to make the necessary heart adjustments to see your destiny fulfilled for the glory of His kingdom!
8/28/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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From Suffering to Healing: The Story of Job | Part 4

Many people regard the Book of Job as an account of perpetual suffering. They think of Job as someone who never experienced healing, freedom, or deliverance. But the main lesson from this Bible text is found in the final chapter, "Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning." (Job 42:12) In this message series, Bayless Conley guides you through Job's journey on a path from suffering to healing. As you explore this biblical story through a lens of hope and healing, you will be strengthened to face any trial with renewed confidence in God’s compassion and power to restore!
8/21/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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From Suffering to Healing: The Story of Job | Part 3

Many people regard the Book of Job as an account of perpetual suffering. They think of Job as someone who never experienced healing, freedom, or deliverance. But the main lesson from this Bible text is found in the final chapter, "Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning." (Job 42:12) In this message series, Bayless Conley guides you through Job's journey on a path from suffering to healing. As you explore this biblical story through a lens of hope and healing, you will be strengthened to face any trial with renewed confidence in God’s compassion and power to restore!
8/14/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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From Suffering to Healing: The Story of Job | Part 2

Many people regard the Book of Job as an account of perpetual suffering. They think of Job as someone who never experienced healing, freedom, or deliverance. But the main lesson from this Bible text is found in the final chapter, "Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning." (Job 42:12) In this 4-part message series, Bayless Conley guides you through Job's journey on a path from suffering to healing. As you explore this biblical story through a lens of hope and healing, you will be strengthened to face any trial with renewed confidence in God’s compassion and power to restore!
8/7/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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From Suffering to Healing: The Story of Job | Part 1

Many people regard the Book of Job as an account of perpetual suffering. They think of Job as someone who never experienced healing, freedom, or deliverance. But the main lesson from this Bible text is found in the final chapter, "Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning." (Job 42:12) In this four-part message series, Bayless Conley guides you through Job's journey on a path from suffering to healing. As you explore this biblical story through a lens of hope and healing, you will be strengthened to face any trial with renewed confidence in God’s compassion and power to restore!
7/31/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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Living a Life of Trust

Every believer needs to know how to live a life of trust in God. Proverbs 3:5 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." The truth is that God's ways are sometimes diametrically opposed to conventional human wisdom. When faced with tough choices, do we still trust that His plans are better than ours? Living a life of trust won't just happen—as we rest on His promises, we all need to seek God for His wisdom, His strength, and His guidance in every circumstance. Bayless Conley's teaching will inspire you to live life this way, every day, fully trusting in the Lord.
7/24/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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Where You Should Place Your Trust

God calls us to firmly anchor our faith in Him alone—to agree with and act upon what He has promised in His Word. But we all have a tendency to place our trust in things that the Bible clearly tells us not to rely on. As a result, often our hearts are divided within us. Bayless Conley cautions you about several unexpected things that tend to divide our hearts and explains why placing your trust in these earthly things instead of God is so dangerous. This teaching is full of practical insights that will show you what it really means to “trust in the Lord with all your heart.” You might be surprised by how simple it is.
7/17/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Presence, Power, and Person of the Holy Spirit | Part 2

The Holy Spirit has a presence, He carries a power, and His plan for you is to know Him as a person. He wants you to experience an intimate friendship with Him. Bayless Conley shows you how your fellowship with the Holy Spirit brings you hope, joy, and comfort as you cling to God’s promises and the Holy Spirit makes them a reality in your life. When you embrace His work in your heart, no demon, no distressing circumstance, and no unanswered question can ever move you off the foundation of your faith in Christ. How well do you know the Holy Spirit?
7/10/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Presence, Power, and Person of the Holy Spirit | Part 1

The Holy Spirit has a presence, He carries a power, and His plan for you is to know Him as a person. He wants you to experience an intimate friendship with Him. Bayless Conley shows you how your fellowship with the Holy Spirit brings you hope, joy, and comfort as you cling to God’s promises and the Holy Spirit makes them a reality in your life. When you embrace His work in your heart, no demon, no distressing circumstance, and no unanswered question can ever move you off the foundation of your faith in Christ. How well do you know the Holy Spirit?
7/3/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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Know Him, Serve Him, Seek Him

We all want lives that have significance. Yet many of us may feel as though we don’t have much of value to bring. Maybe we compare ourselves to others or assume we aren’t as important as someone else. But God created each one of us with a purpose, and He wants us to find freedom from any insecurities by knowing who we are in Christ. In this passionate message, Harrison Conley shares how God wants to use you to build His Kingdom. You’ll be inspired to know Him, serve Him, and seek Him with all your heart!
6/26/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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What My Dad Taught Me about Life

What lessons did your parents teach you that you will never forget? In What My Dad Taught Me about Life, Bayless Conley recalls six important principles that his dad passed on to him. These are six values every parent should impart to their children, both by verbal instruction and more importantly through modeling these qualities in their own lifestyle. Make a difference in the lives of the next generation by teaching them about friendship, the divine law of reciprocity, and taking time for yourself. Encourage your children to be honest, always keep a sense of humor, and never stop learning.
6/19/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Build Bridges for the Gospel

Helping people know Jesus is every believer's high privilege and calling. Many have yet to hear about the sacrifice Jesus made for them so they can be saved. That’s why God wants us to build bridges for the gospel and be ready to proclaim it when the opportunity comes. In this compelling message, Bayless Conley shares several bridges you can (and should) build to carry the gospel to lost and hurting people in your world. Discover how God longs to use you to make an eternal difference in others’ lives when you listen today.
6/12/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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The God of Much More

God never lacks any resource, and He knows how to give good gifts to His children. Yet many Christians settle for far less than what’s available to them in Christ. Too many believers are choosing to find happiness in the mundane and ordinary when God wants to do so much more! Bayless Conley shows you how you can experience more of God’s limitless resources, favor, and peace. This practical message helps you explore all that God wants to do in your life… Are you ready? Nothing compares to the bright future God has for you—if you seek His Kingdom first. We pray this message shows you how you can experience God’s ‘much more’ starting today!
6/5/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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Wisdom in the Waiting

Have you wondered what to do while waiting for God to lift you out of a problem or circumstance? You’ve prayed and trusted God, but when you scan the horizon, it seems like the ship with your answer is nowhere to be found. Using the acrostic W-A-I-T, Bayless Conley encourages you with 4 practical things to do as you wait: Worship, Ask for wisdom, Incline your ear, and Take your stand. In this empowering message, learn what to do while waiting for God’s help and deliverance to arrive on the scene!
5/29/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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What You Can Expect from God as Your Father | Part 3

There is one aspect of God’s nature that should raise your level of expectation every time you interact with Him: He is a Father. What would life look like if you were continually aware of the Father’s presence and care, just like Jesus was when He walked the earth? You may have a tainted view of your earthly father, but you can know God, the perfect Heavenly Father. Bayless Conley’s inspired teaching reveals what you can expect from God as your Father so you don’t miss out on any of the benefits that belong to you as a child of the Most High God. 
5/22/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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What You Can Expect from God as Your Father | Part 2

There is one aspect of God’s nature that should raise your level of expectation every time you interact with Him: He is a Father. What would life look like if you were continually aware of the Father’s presence and care, just like Jesus was when He walked the earth? You may have a tainted view of your earthly father, but you can know God, the perfect Heavenly Father. Bayless Conley’s inspired teaching reveals what you can expect from God as your Father so you don’t miss out on any of the benefits that belong to you as a child of the Most High God.
5/15/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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What You Can Expect from God as Your Father | Part 1

There is one aspect of God’s nature that should raise your level of expectation every time you interact with Him: He is a Father. What would life look like if you were continually aware of the Father’s presence and care, just like Jesus was when He walked the earth? You may have a tainted view of your earthly father, but you can know God, the perfect Heavenly Father. Bayless Conley’s inspired teaching reveals what you can expect from God as your Father so you don’t miss out on any of the benefits that belong to you as a child of the Most High God.
5/8/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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Why It’s Important to Read the Bible

There are millions of books in this world—why is it important to read the Bible? Most believers know they should study God's Word, but sometimes we need a refresher of the specific reasons Scripture is so important to our walk with Christ! Bayless Conley gives six reasons the Bible deserves our attention more than any other book. This practical teaching will spark a renewed interest in you to not just revere, but read your Bible. Watch today!
5/1/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Experience God’s Peace in Anxious Times

We live in anxious times. And if you are prone to worry, the challenges of your personal life and the world we live in make it even harder to keep your sanity. But it's God's will for you to experience His supernatural peace in every circumstance of your life, no matter how turbulent things get. Jesus wants to give you peace and rest. Let Bayless Conley show you from the Bible how the peace of God can keep you from feeling anxious when normal reasoning says you should be worried. It really is possible to have a peaceful life, so check out this liberating teaching today!
4/24/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Responding to Rejection

Rejection hurts. It can leave you feeling worthless and unwanted when your ideas, input, or affections are pushed away. Unfortunately, this common human experience can’t be avoided. So how do you respond in the right way when rejection comes at you? As simple as it sounds, the answer is turning to God. Bayless Conley examines several instances of rejection in the Bible that will give you keen insight into dealing with this very real issue. Listen now, this message will help you!
4/17/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Hope for Those Who Are Hurting

Sometimes you are still smiling on the outside, while also deeply hurting on the inside. And dealing with lingering physical, emotional, or relational pain while having to keep up with life’s demands can be exhausting. In a season like that, you might wonder why God keeps you waiting, and when He will come through for you. Harrison Conley wants you to know that in the story of Easter—Christ’s betrayal, suffering and resurrection—God has given us a way to find hope when we are hurting. Listen now, and discover two crucial keys God will use to redefine any painful season in your life.
4/10/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Finding Your Way Back to God

Every year, Christians across the globe celebrate the day Jesus died on the cross. In his Good Friday reflections, Bayless Conley explains what Christ’s sacrifice is all about, and why—as terrible as the day was—His suffering and death give us reason to rejoice. Whether you’ve gotten lost in your faith journey and struggling to find your way back to God, or your relationship with Him is rock-solid, this message will leave you with a renewed sense of gratitude for what God has done for you at the cross.
4/3/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Three Conversations that Can Change Your Life

What would it be like if we could listen to some of the conversations Jesus had with His disciples, the chief priests and scribes, or His Heavenly Father? The Gospels record for us three short conversations Jesus had on Palm Sunday. In this timely message, Bayless Conley unpacks the significance of each of these conversations. Each time Jesus speaks, we discover something new about Him – who He is, why He came, and how He can change our lives for eternity. Deepen your faith as you listen, or maybe get introduced to Jesus for the very first time.
3/27/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Five Ways to Be in the Will of God | Part 2

Many people fret about whether or not they’re in God’s will. They try their best to discern their thoughts and motives in life, but they’re never quite sure that the path they’re taking is the one God wants. So how can you know that you are walking in the will of God? In this refreshing message, Bayless Conley teaches that learning God’s will doesn’t have to be like finding a hidden treasure. All it takes is an obedient heart toward the things God has revealed to you already. It really is that simple!
3/20/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Five Ways to Be in the Will of God | Part 1

Many people fret about whether or not they’re in God’s will. They try their best to discern their thoughts and motives in life, but they’re never quite sure that the path they’re taking is the one God wants. So how can you know that you are walking in the will of God? In this refreshing message, Bayless Conley teaches that learning God’s will doesn’t have to be like finding a hidden treasure. All it takes is an obedient heart toward the things God has revealed to you already. It really is that simple!
3/13/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Living Life to Its Fullest

Most of us desire to live life to the fullest. But achieving it? That‘s another story. We’re often tempted to settle for less than what God considers best. And when we do, there’s a real danger for us to end up living small, dissatisfied lives. In this insightful message, dive into five critical ways God wants you to grow so you can live a truly fulfilling life. If you don't know how to reach your God-given potential, this teaching from Bayless Conley will help. Watch now!
2/28/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Growing into Spiritual Maturity

We expect growth to come as children age. Each year should bring a little more maturity in their lives. When it doesn’t happen, we get concerned. We should have those same feelings when a member of God’s family is not growing spiritually. God’s goal for us isn’t just to go to heaven; His ultimate goal is for us to be spiritually mature. But how do we achieve this maturity? In this message, Bayless Conley looks at the traits of a spiritually mature believer. Discover four essentials for spiritual growth, so you can joyfully embrace the work God is doing to make you more like Jesus!
2/21/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Following in the Footsteps of Jesus (3/3)

Go on a faith-building journey through the Holy Land in this inspiring 3-message series called Following in the Footsteps of Jesus with Bayless Conley. Join Bayless as he shares God’s Word with you from different areas where Jesus walked. In this program, Bayless addresses the question, "Why did Jesus suffer so much before He died?" The answer will be a source of great encouragement to you. Each of these engaging sessions is filmed in Israel, taking you to key locations such as the Sea of Galilee and the Garden of Gethsemane. Be inspired with fresh insights that will show you how you can live life in Jesus’ footsteps today!
2/14/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Following in the Footsteps of Jesus (2/3)

Go on a faith-building journey through the Holy Land in this inspiring 3-message series called Following in the Footsteps of Jesus with Bayless Conley. Join Bayless as he shares God’s Word with you from different areas where Jesus walked. In this episode, discover how God brings restoration to our lives. If you’ve experienced loss in any way, this message will be a source of great encouragement to you. Each of these engaging sessions is filmed in Israel, taking you to key locations such as the Sea of Galilee and the Garden of Gethsemane. Be inspired with fresh insights that will show you how you can live life in Jesus’ footsteps today!
2/7/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Following in the Footsteps of Jesus (1/3)

Go on a faith-building journey through the Holy Land in this inspiring 3-message series called Following in the Footsteps of Jesus with Bayless Conley. Join Bayless as he shares God’s Word with you from different areas where Jesus walked. This study will deepen your understanding of key biblical events, and be a source of great encouragement to you. Each of these engaging sessions is filmed in Israel, taking you to key locations such as the Sea of Galilee and the Garden of Gethsemane. Be inspired with fresh insights that will show you how you can live life in Jesus’ footsteps today!
1/31/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Keep Moving Forward

Progress is never easy. It comes from facing and overcoming obstacles. Progress is moving forward against resistance. In this inspiring message, Bayless uses the Apostle Paul’s life to illustrate progress—how Paul overcame the setbacks he faced in order to pursue and fulfill God’s summons on his life. Learn from Paul how you can develop a heart that never quits or backs down, but keeps moving forward for God from here on out!
1/24/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Why Your Life Matters

For every one person that’s in the spotlight, there are a thousand people in the background that made what that person is doing possible. We see this in the Bible and in the world today. In this message, Bayless spotlights unsung heroes in the Bible that are woven by God into the tapestry of history and destiny. You’ll learn how it takes numerous, seemingly unseen people to further God’s kingdom, and be reminded of an important biblical message: Whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap. So be faithful in serving God and His house even when you feel overlooked. You might never be applauded on earth, but your name will be known in heaven.
1/17/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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It’s Never Too Late with God

Waiting is never easy… But is God ever really late? You might feel tempted (while waiting) to shift your focus to something less than God’s best for you. Peter, Jesus’ disciple, faced that very temptation more than once. The good news: There’s always grace, and God is so kind in the way He persistently brings you back to His promises for the life you’re really hoping for. So remember during those foggy, sunless days when it seems God has abandoned and forgotten you: He hasn’t. Learn why He’ll never fail to keep His word.
1/10/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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How God Can Change Your Life

God changes lives; in fact, nothing is higher on His agenda! Jesus changed many lives when He was here on earth, and He wants to change your life today. How? The amazing change He brings works from the inside out because of His great love (not your efforts or merits). So let the water of your old life be transformed into God’s glorious wine as you discover some of the deepest and most foundational truths shown in the first miracle Jesus ever performed.
1/3/202028 minutes, 31 seconds
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Jesus, Community, and Joy

So many of us struggle to find fulfilment in our own identity and status, only to end up feeling empty and lost inside. We long for joy, but it seems to be something just out of our reach. What is real joy, where does it come from, and how can we find it? Harrison Conley’s message offers a biblical perspective on how to attain genuine joy. Listen today, and be inspired to take your next step to a life filled with inexhaustible hope, healthy connections, and lasting joy!
12/27/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Christmas Story through Joseph’s Eyes

While sometimes overlooked, Joseph played a significant part in the Christmas story as the earthly father of Jesus. Thrown into unusual circumstances beyond his control, he humbly trusted and obeyed God. And the same qualities that Joseph demonstrated in his life will help you in your life when you face situations that you never chose and don’t understand. Bayless Conley’s look at the Christmas story through Joseph’s eyes will encourage you to walk faithfully with God even when life hits you with the unexpected. Listen today!
12/20/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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The God Who Works from Back to Front

Have you ever wondered why God allowed you to go through certain situations, only to find out later that He had a bigger plan in mind? In this powerful message, Bayless Conley reveals that God is not surprised when hard times hit. And in fact, even these trials are woven into His great plan for your life! You’ll learn how you can trust God while working through these challenges and how He can take life’s blunders and hard times and use them for your best. Though you may not see it now, God is working in your life with the end goal in mind. So find out how the God who works from back to front will bring you through the challenges in life so you can look back in victory!
12/13/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Pray

If you are like many Christians, you want an effective prayer life but find it difficult to remain consistent. You know that you should pray, but you are not sure how to pray. In this message, Bayless Conley challenges you to use the simple acrostic P-R-A-Y as the blueprint for an effective and fulfilling prayer life. As you learn HOW TO PRAY you will notice the difference in your daily life and discover the blessings God has waiting for you.
12/6/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Earnest Expectations

God wants you to have great expectations! And in this exciting message from Bayless Conley called Earnest Expectations, you’ll learn how your expectation impacts what you receive… or don’t receive… from the Lord. In this message, you’ll discover how to gauge your true expectation by listening to your own words, you’ll discover the methods the enemy uses to take your focus off of God, and you’ll learn how to reject the labels and verbal boundaries others try to place on you. Now’s the time to hold fast to your earnest expectations and to receive all that God has in store for you!
11/29/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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4 Things Jesus Wants to Do for You (2/2)

We live in a world of rapid change and uncertainty, which can leave us anxious and overwhelmed. Thankfully, Jesus is the constant in the chaos. In fact, He’s the same today as He was when He walked on earth. He is the same one who had mercy for the guilty and peace for the troubled. The things He did then are the things He still does today. Bayless Conley shows four things an unchanging Jesus wants to do for you in an ever-changing world.
11/22/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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4 Things Jesus Wants to Do for You (1/2)

We live in a world of rapid change and uncertainty, which can leave us anxious and overwhelmed. Thankfully, Jesus is the constant in the chaos. In fact, He’s the same today as He was when He walked on earth. He is the same one who had mercy for the guilty and peace for the troubled. The things He did then are the things He still does today. Bayless Conley shows four things an unchanging Jesus wants to do for you in an ever-changing world.
11/15/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Three Powers in the Home (2/2)

Healthy relationships take work, especially when it comes to family. No matter how hard we work, we fight against unseen forces actively creating division among spouses, children, siblings, and more. Thankfully, there is a way to overcome these challenges and live in God’s best. Bayless and Janet Conley share three powers you can leverage to build a strong family and protect those relationships.
11/8/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Three Powers in the Home (1/2)

Healthy relationships take work, especially when it comes to family. No matter how hard we work, we fight against unseen forces actively creating division among spouses, children, siblings, and more. Thankfully, there is a way to overcome these challenges and live in God’s best. Bayless and Janet Conley share three powers you can leverage to build a strong family and protect those precious relationships.
11/1/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Count It All Joy (Lessons from James Chapter 1) (2/2)

The Word of God is always giving birth to new revelation! In this message, Bayless Conley examines the first chapter of the Book of James. Should you be glad, even if you have a lot of trouble? Do the rich have more favor with God than the poor? Does God ever tempt us or cause evil things to happen in our lives? Not sure about the answers? Listen now and see for yourself what the Bible has to say about these three challenging questions.
10/25/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Count It All Joy (Lessons from James Chapter 1) (1/2)

The Word of God is always giving birth to new revelation! In this message, Bayless Conley examines the first chapter of the Book of James. Should you be glad, even if you have a lot of trouble? Do the rich have more favor with God than the poor? Does God ever tempt us or cause evil things to happen in our lives? Not sure about the answers? Listen now and see for yourself what the Bible has to say about these three challenging questions.
10/18/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Our Partnership with God (2/2)

No one can have faith without hearing the message about Christ (Romans 10:17). And unless we speak up, there will be no response. But many of us are afraid to share the gospel because we don’t know what to say. If that’s you, this teaching will help! Bayless Conley explains how Jesus reveals Himself to others through our praying and sharing. This message is full of specific, practical examples that will inspire you. It may very well transform your partnership with God in the gospel. Listen now!
10/11/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Our Partnership with God (1/2)

No one can have faith without hearing the message about Christ (Romans 10:17). And unless we speak up, there will be no response. But many of us are afraid to share the gospel because we don’t know what to say. If that’s you, this teaching will help! Bayless Conley explains how Jesus reveals Himself to others through our praying and sharing. This message is full of specific, practical examples that will inspire you. It may very well transform your partnership with God in the gospel. Listen now!
10/4/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Understanding Faith (2/2)

If you want to learn how faith works in your life, then you need to look to Jesus. He is both the source and the developer of your faith, bringing it to maturity. In this message, Bayless Conley shares four basic principles of the faith-filled life. How it is first and foremost about trusting a person, Jesus Christ. How having faith in Him works by ‘saying’ and ‘praying.’ Plus, the great hindrance to faith—not forgiving. Don’t miss this very practical teaching, it’s going to help you!
9/27/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Understanding Faith (1/2)

If you want to learn how faith works in your life, then you need to look to Jesus. He is both the source and the developer of your faith, bringing it to maturity. In this message, Bayless Conley shares four basic principles of the faith-filled life. How it is first and foremost about trusting a person, Jesus Christ. How having faith in Him works by ‘saying’ and ‘praying.’ Plus, the great hindrance to faith—not forgiving. Don’t miss this very practical teaching, it’s going to help you!
9/20/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Faith in Crisis

Trouble visits everybody. And contrary to popular opinion, being a follower of Jesus does not insulate us from having to walk through pain and trouble in our own lives. So what should our response be? Harrison Conley talks about three different aspects of God's provision that you can expect to experience in the midst of a crisis. Be inspired to get your hopes up because faith without expectation is no faith at all!
9/13/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Seven Kinds of Faith (4/4)

If you believe in God, you probably pray for many different things on any given day. But what do you do when the answer to a prayer is not on the horizon, and anxiety starts creeping in? Bayless Conley explains which kind of faith will help you in your hour of need. This inspiring message series may just be what you need to hear today. Don’t miss it.
9/6/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Seven Kinds of Faith (3/4)

If you believe in God, you probably pray for many different things on any given day. But what do you do when the answer to a prayer is not on the horizon, and anxiety starts creeping in? Bayless Conley explains which kind of faith will help you in your hour of need. This inspiring message series may just be what you need to hear today. Don’t miss it.
8/30/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Seven Kinds of Faith (2/4)

If you believe in God, you probably pray for many different things on any given day. But what do you do when the answer to a prayer is not on the horizon, and anxiety starts creeping in? Bayless Conley explains which kind of faith will help you in your hour of need. This inspiring message series may just be what you need to hear today. Don’t miss it.
8/23/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Seven Kinds of Faith (1/4)

If you believe in God, you probably pray for many different things on any given day. But what do you do when the answer to a prayer is not on the horizon, and anxiety starts creeping in? Bayless Conley explains which kind of faith will help you in your hour of need. This inspiring message series may just be what you need to hear today. Don’t miss it.
8/16/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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God’s Family, the Church (2/2)

In this powerful message, Bayless and Janet Conley share out of their wealth of knowledge and practical experience gained in pastoring Cottonwood Church for over three decades. Learn about four highly significant areas in which God desires each and every member of His family, the church, to grow and mature. There is a lot of wisdom here–listen now!
8/9/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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God’s Family, the Church (1/2)

In this powerful message, Bayless and Janet Conley share out of their wealth of knowledge and practical experience gained in pastoring Cottonwood Church for over three decades. Learn about 4 highly significant areas in which God desires each and every member of His family, the church, to grow and mature. There is a lot of wisdom here–listen now!
8/2/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Journey to Generosity (2/2)

When our hearts are fully God’s, so should be our treasures, our time, and our talent. But how do we move from a place where we’re concerned mainly about our own needs to generously sowing into the Kingdom? In this revealing message, Bayless Conley shares an important key for experiencing a deep sense of God’s presence and the wonder of His grace in your own life: generosity. Learn how your prayers and giving can cause any need to be met abundantly from heaven when you obey the Lord’s prompting to give of yourself. Begin your journey to generosity as you listen today!
7/26/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Journey to Generosity (1/2)

When our hearts are fully God’s, so should be our treasures, our time, and our talent. But how do we move from a place where we’re concerned mainly about our own needs to generously sowing into the Kingdom? In this revealing message, Bayless Conley shares an important key for experiencing a deep sense of God’s presence and the wonder of His grace in your own life: generosity. Learn how your prayers and giving can cause any need to be met abundantly from heaven when you obey the Lord’s prompting to give of yourself. Begin your journey to generosity as you listen today!
7/19/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Wisdom in the Waiting

Have you wondered what to do while waiting for God to lift you out of a problem or circumstance? You’ve prayed and trusted God, but when you scan the horizon, it seems like the ship with your answer is nowhere to be found. Using the acrostic W-A-I-T, Bayless Conley encourages you with 4 practical things to do as you wait: Worship, Ask for wisdom, Incline your ear, and Take your stand. In this empowering message, learn what to do while waiting for God’s help and deliverance to arrive on the scene!
7/12/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Must Christians Keep the Sabbath? (2/2)

How often have you thought, “I’m too busy. I feel like my life is on fast-forward.” Time is the most precious commodity we have, and it often feels like there is just not enough of it for all the things that pack our schedules. God’s solution to this problem seems counter-intuitive. He commands us in His Word to set aside one day per week for physical rest and spiritual exercise, the Sabbath. God wants us to trust that we can do more in six days by His grace than we can do in our own strength in seven. So what exactly is the Sabbath? How and when should a Christian keep it? Join Bayless Conley as he answers these important questions about God’s holy day of rest from the Scripture, and find the rest you so desperately need!
7/5/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Must Christians Keep the Sabbath? (1/2)

How often have you thought, “I’m too busy. I feel like my life is on fast-forward.” Time is the most precious commodity we have, and it often feels like there is just not enough of it for all the things that pack our schedules. God’s solution to this problem seems counter-intuitive. He commands us in His Word to set aside one day per week for physical rest and spiritual exercise, the Sabbath. God wants us to trust that we can do more in six days by His grace than we can do in our own strength in seven. So what exactly is the Sabbath? How and when should a Christian keep it? Join Bayless Conley as he answers these important questions about God’s holy day of rest from the Scripture, and find the rest you so desperately need!
6/28/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Family Matters (Psalm 127)

In Psalm 127, God says, “It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows; for so He gives His beloved sleep.” But how many have eaten their meals in sorrow and lost sleep over family matters, especially over issues with their children? They can impact our hearts positively and negatively, no matter what their age might be. Bayless Conley understands the struggles you are facing as a parent. In this message, he shows you how God wants to help build, strengthen, and establish your family—regardless of the situation you may be facing in your home. Once you learn to do your part, you will lay down in confidence and sleep sweetly as you put your trust in God concerning His part to build and guard your loved ones.
6/21/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Two Kinds of Treasure (2/2)

We are to be stewards of the treasures God has given us. But how? Proverbs 15:6 tells us that there is much treasure in the house of the righteous, but it's not just material treasure—there is actually a much more important treasure than that, the treasure of the Word of God and of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In this eye-opening message, Bayless Conley expounds on several biblical facts about material and spiritual treasure you cannot risk to ignore. Learn how to steward wisely what God has entrusted to you, so you can truly appreciate and enjoy all of His blessings!
6/14/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Two Kinds of Treasure (1/2)

We are to be stewards of the treasures God has given us. But how? Proverbs 15:6 tells us that there is much treasure in the house of the righteous, but it's not just material treasure—there is actually a much more important treasure than that, the treasure of the Word of God and of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In this eye-opening message, Bayless Conley expounds on several biblical facts about material and spiritual treasure you cannot risk to ignore. Learn how to steward wisely what God has entrusted to you, so you can truly appreciate and enjoy all of His blessings!
6/7/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Purposes and Perspectives

Before you were born, God gave you a destiny. And it’s not meant to be some big mystery hidden from you that you somehow can't know. In this enlightening message, Bayless Conley talks to you about your purpose, as well as patience, prayer, and perspective. Discover how you can c and do the good works that God has planned for you long ago.
5/31/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Lost Coin (2/2)

In Luke chapter 15, we find Jesus speaking about lost sheep, lost silver, and a lost son. These are actually three different parts or phases of the same parable, and all of them are very significant. Join Bayless Conley as he shares seven specific thoughts that will help you understand the main point of this parable: how God desires to use you to reach the lost. There are people in your world who are at the end of their rope, saying, “God, if you’re real, show me.” Their lives will be radically transformed when you become a carrier and a conduit of the Good News, so be encouraged to let your light shine!
5/24/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Lost Coin (1/2)

In Luke chapter 15, we find Jesus speaking about lost sheep, lost silver, and a lost son. These are actually three different parts or phases of the same parable, and all of them are very significant. Join Bayless Conley as he shares seven specific thoughts that will help you understand the main point of this parable: how God desires to use you to reach the lost. There are people in your world who are at the end of their rope, saying, “God, if you’re real, show me.” Their lives will be radically transformed when you become a carrier and a conduit of the Good News, so be encouraged to let your light shine!
5/17/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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A Mother’s Great Faith

In this special Mother’s Day message, Harrison Conley shares three vital ingredients for great faith. They are all demonstrated by the mother from Matthew chapter 15, whose faith Jesus labeled as “great.” This insightful teaching will equip you to respond effectively to moments where unshakable faith is needed. Learn from this woman’s encounter with Jesus how persistence, worship, and humility – when coupled together – result in having great faith. And when you face those moments in your own life, may it be said of you as it was said of this woman, “Great is your faith. Let it be as you desire.”
5/10/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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God’s Season Of Opportunity And The Part We Play

A person's highest created purpose is to know God, and God can use your prayers, your sharing, and your acts of kindness to touch someone's heart for Christ. Teaching from the parable of the barren fig tree, Bayless Conley exhorts you to be discerning about the time we're living in – a time where God's patience has been extended, and the lost can still be made right with Him. This thoughtful message will inspire you to join with God in the great work of reaching others for Him – allowing them to come back to their Creator. Get involved today!
5/3/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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5 Ways to Experience More of God’s Power

The same power that resurrected Christ turns sinners into new creations, heals sick bodies, delivers the oppressed, works miracles, and gives you victory over sin, failure and weakness. In this compelling message, Bayless Conley unveils from the Scriptures how you can experience more of God and His resurrection power for the race you are called to run. Learn 5 ways to deepen your relationship with God, and consequently reveal more of His presence and power in your life.
4/26/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Power Of The Cross

In every generation since the time of Christ’s crucifixion, people have called out in praise because of the cross. What would evoke such a response? Follow along as Bayless Conley explains what makes the crucifixion of Jesus Christ different from thousands of others throughout human history. We pray this thought-provoking message will help you gain a fresh perspective and renewed sense of gratitude for Christ’s triumph at the cross. Thank God for what He did!
4/19/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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What The Bible Teaches About Baptism (2/2)

Do you have questions about the baptism in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues? Are you pondering if you should be baptized in water? Join Bayless Conley for this foundational teaching about 4 baptisms in the New Testament: John’s baptism, the baptism into the body of Christ, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and water baptism. Understand the reason for and significance of each baptism, and be encouraged to take the next step on your spiritual journey as you discover what God’s Word says about this important topic.
4/12/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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What The Bible Teaches About Baptism (1/2)

Do you have questions about the baptism in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues? Are you pondering if you should be baptized in water? Join Bayless Conley for this foundational teaching about 4 baptisms in the New Testament: John’s baptism, the baptism into the body of Christ, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and water baptism. Understand the reason for and significance of each baptism, and be encouraged to take the next step on your spiritual journey as you discover what God’s Word says about this important topic.
4/5/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant (2/2)

The highest purpose of the abilities you have been given from God is to bring influence for the sake of God's kingdom, and to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Bayless Conley invites you to look at an assessment that every believer would like the Lord to make about them when the time comes to stand before Him and give an account for their life: “Well done, good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:23) Whatever gifts God has assigned to you, this message will show you how to steward them with a spirit of excellence, because ultimately they are His!
3/29/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant (1/2)

The highest purpose of the abilities you have been given from God is to bring influence for the sake of God's kingdom, and to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Bayless Conley invites you to look at an assessment that every believer would like the Lord to make about them when the time comes to stand before Him and give an account for their life: “Well done, good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:23) Whatever gifts God has assigned to you, this message will show you how to steward them with a spirit of excellence, because ultimately they are His!
3/22/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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3 Essential Qualities Of A Godly Person (2/2)

Just about everything you could imagine happening in a person’s life happened to King David: ups and downs, successes and failures, friendships and mortal enemies. Yet David carried out God’s plan, and God called him a man after His own heart. Join Bayless Conley for a very rewarding study of David’s life, and discover three essential qualities of a godly person that were on display in his character. As you listen, be inspired to carry out the purposes of God in your own life and emulate David’s qualities of being a man of war, a man of worship, and a man of the Word.
3/15/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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3 Essential Qualities Of A Godly Person (1/2) | Podcast

Just about everything you could imagine happening in a person’s life happened to King David: ups and downs, successes and failures, friendships and mortal enemies. Yet David carried out God’s plan, and God called him a man after His own heart. Join Bayless Conley for a very rewarding study of David’s life, and discover three essential qualities of a godly person that were on display in his character. As you listen, be inspired to carry out the purposes of God in your own life and emulate David’s qualities of being a man of war, a man of worship, and a man of the Word.
3/8/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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5 Confessions God Wants to Hear (2/2) | Podcast

The words you speak as a habit of life are powerful! The Bible likens our tongue to a rudder on a ship, determining the direction that our lives will take. It even teaches that by our words we can bring blessing or curses into our lives and the lives of others. In this enlightening message, Bayless Conley covers five confessions God wants to hear. Jesus Himself said that we will stand in judgment for every idle word that we have spoken, “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Understand the eternal significance of making “The confession resulting in salvation,” “The confession of our sin to God and one another,” “The confession of our faith to the unbeliever,” and “The confession of our confidence in God’s promises” when you watch or listen today.
3/1/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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5 Confessions God Wants to Hear (1/2) | Podcast

The words you speak as a habit of life are powerful! The Bible likens our tongue to a rudder on a ship, determining the direction that our lives will take. It even teaches that by our words we can bring blessing or curses into our lives and the lives of others. In this enlightening message, Bayless Conley covers five confessions God wants to hear. Jesus Himself said that we will stand in judgment for every idle word that we have spoken, “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Understand the eternal significance of making “The confession resulting in salvation,” “The confession of our sin to God and one another,” “The confession of our faith to the unbeliever,” and “The confession of our confidence in God’s promises” when you watch or listen today.
2/22/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Lessons from Philippians Chapter 1 (2/2) | Podcast

Join Bayless Conley as he walks you through Philippians chapter 1, teaching on answered prayers, the afterlife, and adorning the gospel. Get ready to be equipped to effectively pray for specific needs in your life, better cope with sorrow over the loss of a loved one, and live in a manner that reflects well on the gospel. This message takes you into the heart of the apostle Paul as he instructs believers in Philippi about the character, attitudes, and lifestyle they should display as citizens of heaven.
2/15/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Lessons from Philippians Chapter 1 (1/2) | Podcast

Join Bayless Conley as he walks you through Philippians chapter 1, teaching on answered prayers, the afterlife, and adorning the gospel. Get ready to be equipped to effectively pray for specific needs in your life, better cope with sorrow over the loss of a loved one, and live in a manner that reflects well on the gospel. This message takes you into the heart of the apostle Paul as he instructs believers in Philippi about the character, attitudes, and lifestyle they should display as citizens of heaven.
2/8/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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How To Get Your Joy Back | Podcast | Harrison Conley

God doesn't want your life to be full of stress, worry and anxiety. He doesn't want you to feel like you are about to collapse under the weight of your circumstances. No, His plan for you is to experience joy in every season of your life! As the Old Testament prophet Nehemiah said, “The joy of the Lord is our strength.” It's what holds us when the weight of the world is on our shoulders. Join Harrison Conley and discover 3 practical keys to help you tap into God’s joy. Learn how your assumptions about others, practicing the art of contentment, and generosity are vital pieces to build a life that is filled with joy.
2/1/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Presence, Power, and Person of the Holy Spirit (2/2)| Podcast

The Holy Spirit has a presence, He carries a power, and His plan for you is to know Him as a person. He wants you to experience an intimate friendship with Him. Bayless Conley shows you how your fellowship with the Holy Spirit brings you hope, joy, and comfort as you cling to God’s promises and the Holy Spirit makes them a reality in your life. When you embrace His work in your heart, no demon, no distressing circumstance, and no unanswered question can ever move you off the foundation of your faith in Christ. How well do you know the Holy Spirit?
1/25/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Presence, Power, and Person of the Holy Spirit (1/2)| Podcast

The Holy Spirit has a presence, He carries a power, and His plan for you is to know Him as a person. He wants you to experience an intimate friendship with Him. Bayless Conley shows you how your fellowship with the Holy Spirit brings you hope, joy, and comfort as you cling to God’s promises and the Holy Spirit makes them a reality in your life. When you embrace His work in your heart, no demon, no distressing circumstance, and no unanswered question can ever move you off the foundation of your faith in Christ. How well do you know the Holy Spirit?
1/18/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Importance of Being in the Right Place (2/2)

It’s important to be in the right place! When you are where God wants you to be, you can expect Him to meet your needs in powerful ways and work through you to do amazing things. Bayless Conley shares how God will lead you to specific places in life in order to bring you illumination, provide for you, and use you to be an instrument of healing and blessing to others. Watch or listen to this eye-opening message, and learn to discern God’s guidance as He directs you to the place that’s right for you.
1/11/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Importance of Being in the Right Place (1/2)

It’s important to be in the right place! When you are where God wants you to be, you can expect Him to meet your needs in powerful ways and work through you to do amazing things. Bayless Conley shares how God will lead you to specific places in life in order to bring you illumination, provide for you, and use you to be an instrument of healing and blessing to others. Watch or listen to this eye-opening message, and learn to discern God’s guidance as He directs you to the place that’s right for you.
1/4/201928 minutes, 31 seconds
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Three Things To Light Up Your World

Jesus said, "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden." (Matthew 5:14 NKJV) He encouraged us to let our light shine. But how can we be reflectors of God’s glory? How can we let our light shine for Him? In this illuminating message, Bayless Conley helps you discover three distinct ways of being a carrier of God’s light and having greater influence for Christ in your world.
12/21/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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The God Who Works From Back To Front

Have you ever wondered why God allowed you to go through certain situations, only to find out later that He had a bigger plan in mind? In this powerful message, The God Who Works from Back to Front, Bayless Conley reveals that God is not surprised when hard times hit. And in fact, even these trials are woven into His great plan for your life! You’ll learn how you can trust God while working through these challenges and how He can take life’s blunders and hard times and use them for your best. Though you may not see it now, God is working in your life with the end goal in mind. So find out how The God Who Works from Back to Front will bring you through the challenges in life so you can look back in victory!
12/14/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Pray | Podcast

If you are like many Christians, you want an effective prayer life but find it difficult to remain consistent. You know that you should pray, but you are not sure how to pray. In this message, Bayless Conley challenges you to use the simple acrostic P-R-A-Y as the blueprint for an effective and fulfilling prayer life. As you learn HOW TO PRAY you will notice the difference in your daily life and discover the blessings God has waiting for you.
12/7/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Jesus The Door | Harrison Conley

Jesus uses a simple description of Himself to show us the liberating truth of how we can access the abundant life God desires for us. In this exciting message, Harrison Conley explains what Jesus means when He says, “I am the door.” (John 10:9) Watch or listen today, and discover the one and only door that will lead you to salvation, freedom, and rest on the other side.
11/30/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Prayers in the Wilderness (2/2)

Moses had some incredibly interesting conversations with God after the Israelites crossed the Red Sea. We can learn and apply Moses’ wilderness prayers in order to grow closer to God and see a real difference in our lives and relationships. Keep first things first as you improve your communication with your Creator!
11/23/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Prayers in the Wilderness (1/2)

Moses had some incredibly interesting conversations with God after the Israelites crossed the Red Sea. We can learn and apply Moses’ wilderness prayers in order to grow closer to God and see a real difference in our lives and relationships. Keep first things first as you improve your communication with your Creator!
11/16/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Significant Life

How do you make a difference in this world? Join Bayless as he uses the word S-I-G-N as an acrostic to share with you four elements of a significant life: being consistently generous with our resources, investing ourselves in others, living a thankful life, and not vying for the spotlight. A truly significant life in the scope of eternity is a life that points others to Jesus. Live a significant life!
11/9/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Earnest Expectations

Do you realize that much of what we receive from God is in direct correlation to our earnest expectations? In this message, discover what the Bible says about gauging the level of your expectation by listening to your own words, the methods the enemy uses to take your focus off of God, and rejecting the labels others may try to place on you. Learn to hold fast to your earnest expectations and receive all that God has in store for you.
11/2/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Finding God's Strength (2/2)

Whether you are in need of spiritual strength, emotional strength, material strength, or physical strength, God has it, and it can be laid hold of. Even if you are in the midst of a crisis and feel sorrowful or perplexed, God has strength and an answer for you!
10/26/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Finding God's Strength (1/2)

Whether you are in need of spiritual strength, emotional strength, material strength, or physical strength, God has it, and it can be laid hold of. Even if you are in the midst of a crisis and feel sorrowful or perplexed, God has strength and an answer for you! Listen to part 2 here:
10/19/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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3 Easy Tests to Gauge Your Spiritual Growth

Did you know that in both the Old and New Testaments God specifically tells believers to test and examine ourselves? But how exactly are those tests to be conducted? What should you be looking for? Bayless Conley offers 3 crucial tests to help you gauge your spiritual growth in this foundational and uplifting message.
10/12/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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6 Characteristics of a Vibrant Church (2/2)

What does God want His church to look like? How about our individual lives? Bayless shares 6 attributes God wants every believer (and assembly of believers) to display, using the word C-H-U-R-C-H as an acrostic. Learn to live a vibrant life of growth, purpose, depth, impact, and meaningful connection.
10/5/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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6 Characteristics of a Vibrant Church (1/2)

What does God want His church to look like? How about our individual lives? Bayless shares 6 attributes God wants every believer (and assembly of believers) to display, using the word C-H-U-R-C-H as an acrostic. Learn to live a vibrant life of growth, purpose, depth, impact, and meaningful connection.
9/28/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Share Your Faith (2/2)

Jesus gave us, His church, a final commandment: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, and make disciples of all nations.” Jesus’ last command should be our first priority, since reaching and impacting the lost is the most precious thing to the Father's heart. We need to do all we can while we can to reach everyone we can by any means we can. But how? In this 2-message series, Bayless wants to help you reach the lost in your world through your words, actions, character, and lifestyle. Sign up for FREE daily devotionals: To request Bayless' latest booklet and CD/DVD bundle, The Cross (including this message, Lost and Found), follow this link: Connect with Bayless: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Bayless is the founding pastor of Cottonwood Church in California. He is known for his clear presentation of the gospel and the way he applies the life-changing truth of God‘s Word to everyday life. It‘s this same truth that radically turned his life around many years ago. Today, Answers with Bayless Conley is impacting lives around the world in many languages on TV and online.
9/21/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Share Your Faith (1/2)

Jesus gave us, His church, a final commandment: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, and make disciples of all nations.” Jesus’ last command should be our first priority, since reaching and impacting the lost is the most precious thing to the Father's heart. We need to do all we can while we can to reach everyone we can by any means we can. But how? In this 2-message series, Bayless wants to help you reach the lost in your world through your words, actions, character, and lifestyle. Sign up for FREE daily devotionals: To request Bayless' latest booklet and CD/DVD bundle, The Cross (including this message, Lost and Found), follow this link: Connect with Bayless: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Bayless is the founding pastor of Cottonwood Church in California. He is known for his clear presentation of the gospel and the way he applies the life-changing truth of God‘s Word to everyday life. It‘s this same truth that radically turned his life around many years ago. Today, Answers with Bayless Conley is impacting lives around the world in many languages on TV and online.
9/14/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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4 Keys to a Growing Church (2/2)

In this helpful sermon called Four Keys to a Growing Church, Bayless Conley reveals what the Bible says are four key elements of a healthy growing church. You’ll discover why the ministry of the Word and miracles are integral to bringing others into God’s Kingdom, and you’ll find out how a mutual connection with others and a clear Gospel message will guard God’s truth among the body of Christ.
9/7/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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4 Keys to a Growing Church (1/2)

In this helpful sermon called Four Keys to a Growing Church, Bayless Conley reveals what the Bible says are four key elements of a healthy growing church. You’ll discover why ministry of the Word and miracles are integral to bringing others into God’s Kingdom, and you’ll find out how a mutual connection with others and a clear Gospel message will guard God’s truth among the body of Christ.
8/31/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Believer's Response to Culture and Politics

We live in a divided world of rampant tension and unkindness. So many seem distracted, suspicious, hostile, scared… Cultural and political upheaval makes us wonder where to turn, who to trust, and how to live. Harrison Conley unpacks Paul’s sagely advice for navigating these uncertain times—offering a biblical approach to politics, the government, and society itself.
8/24/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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End Time Events Explained (2/2)

We may very well be living in the end of the end times, the closing minutes on God’s clock before Christ returns. The signs of the end that Jesus told us to watch for are not just beginning to happen... they have already been happening. So, how exactly will things play out from here? What will the world (and our lives) look like leading up to and following Jesus’ triumphant return? Bayless answers these and other important questions, providing a succinct timeline from the Bible. Watch and get the encouraging answers you need!
8/17/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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End Time Events Explained (1/2)

We may very well be living in the end of the end times, the closing minutes on God’s clock before Christ returns. The signs of the end that Jesus told us to watch for are not just beginning to happen... they have already been happening. So, how exactly will things play out from here? What will the world (and our lives) look like leading up to and following Jesus’ triumphant return? Bayless answers these and other important questions, providing a succinct timeline from the Bible. Watch and get the encouraging answers you need!
8/10/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Live for Christ in These Last Days (2/2)

We may very well be living in the end of the end times, the closing minutes on God’s clock before Christ returns. The signs of the end that Jesus told us to watch for are not just beginning to happen... they have already been happening. So, how exactly will things play out from here? How should we be living in these last days? Learn to look forward with confidence!
8/3/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Live for Christ in These Last Days (1/2)

We may very well be living in the end of the end times, the closing minutes on God’s clock before Christ returns. The signs of the end that Jesus told us to watch for are not just beginning to happen . . . they have already been happening. So, how exactly will things play out from here? How should we be living in these last days? Learn to look forward with confidence!
7/27/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Four Keys to a Life of Impact

Do you want your life to really matter? In this message, Bayless gives you 4 FUNDAMENTAL KEYS to help you unlock a life of true purpose and astounding success. Learn how being faithful in the small things, understanding the season you're in, cultivating a thankful heart, and knowing who you are (and who you're not) will help you move into a life of greater success and significance. Sign up for FREE daily devotionals:
7/20/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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More Things We Should Value (Prophecies, Young Leaders, and the Lost)

God’s values never change. This series of messages on "Things We Should Value" will help you to align your priorities with God’s to give your life a firm foundation!
7/13/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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More Things We Should Value (Worship, Offerings, and Prophecies)

God’s values never change. This series of messages on "Things We Should Value" will help you to align your priorities with God’s to give your life a firm foundation!
7/6/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Things We Should Value (God's Correction and Small Beginnings)

God’s values never change. This series of messages on "Things We Should Value" will help you to align your priorities with God’s to give your life a firm foundation!
6/29/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Things We Should Value (God's Counsel and His Goodness)

God’s values never change. This series of messages on "Things We Should Value" will help you to align your priorities with God’s to give your life a firm foundation!
6/22/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Regain Your Cutting Edge

Have you lost your edge? Was your relationship with God once closer and more vibrant? Do you feel dull, tired, lethargic, or low? The good news: God is a God of restoration. He wants to re-sharpen your cutting edge so you can live a life of power and clear-cut purpose in His presence.
6/15/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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God's Answers for Sickness, Depression, and Fear (2/2)

In what is perhaps Jesus’ most impacting parable, God’s Word is compared to a seed. When that seed gets planted in a fertile human heart, it can grow to overcome sickness, fear, depression, anxiety, and all other obstacles. The key is preparing the soil (your heart) for God’s Word to take root and flourish.
6/8/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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God's Answers for Sickness, Depression, and Fear (1/2)

In what is perhaps Jesus’ most impacting parable, God’s Word is compared to a seed. When that seed gets planted in a fertile human heart, it can grow to overcome sickness, fear, depression, anxiety, and all other obstacles. The key is preparing the soil (your heart) for God’s Word to take root and flourish.
6/1/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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6 Necessities in Life (2/2)

Oil is necessary for an engine to run; likewise, God reveals several necessary things that will cause your life to run smoothly—things you best pay attention to and put to practice. Bayless Conley shares 6 of these necessities to help bring your priorities in line with God’s.
5/25/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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6 Necessities in Life (1/2)

Oil is necessary for an engine to run; likewise, God reveals several necessary things that will cause your life to run smoothly—things you best pay attention to and put to practice. Bayless Conley shares 6 of these necessities to help bring your priorities in line with God’s.
5/18/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Study the Bible

The Bible is God’s roadmap for your life. God wants to speak to you through the Bible – to teach you how to succeed and flourish in every important arena. But how? Join Harrison Conley, and discover a practical framework you can use to take advantage of all God has for you in His Word!
5/11/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Can You Take On the Challenge?

Jesus invites you to experience a life you simply don’t want to miss out on! Be welcomed onto the pathway of God’s great purpose. You’re invited… Are you ready to take on the challenge?
5/4/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Are You Hungry for More? (2/2)

Jesus invites you to experience a life you simply don’t want to miss out on! Be welcomed onto the pathway of God’s great purpose. You’re invited… Are you hungry for more?
4/27/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Are You Hungry for More? (1/2)

Jesus invites you to experience a life you simply don’t want to miss out on! Be welcomed onto the pathway of God’s great purpose. You’re invited… Are you hungry for more?
4/20/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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You're Invited... Have You Responded? (2/2)

Jesus invites you to experience a life you simply don’t want to miss out on! Be welcomed onto the pathway of God’s great purpose. You’re invited… Have you responded?
4/13/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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You're Invited... Have You Responded? (1/2)

Jesus invites you to experience a life you simply don’t want to miss out on! Be welcomed onto the pathway of God’s great purpose. You’re invited… Have you responded?
4/6/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Solving Mankinds Greatest Problem

What if all the difficulties, tragedies, brokenness, and heartache in the world could be traced back to a single source—a single underlying problem to be solved? See what the Bible so clearly reveals (which many have failed to recognize) about mankind’s true core problem and God’s ultimate solution in Jesus.
3/30/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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God's Manual for Living (2/2)

Psalm 119 reveals how God’s Word is essential in every circumstance you face. Learn to apply God’s Word so you can overcome sin and temptation, resistance and persecution, spiritual dryness, depression, and more.
3/23/201828 minutes, 27 seconds
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God's Manual for Living (1/2)

Psalm 119 reveals how God’s Word is essential in every circumstance you face. Learn to apply God’s Word so you can overcome sin and temptation, resistance and persecution, spiritual dryness, depression, and more.
3/16/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Am I Good Enough (2/2)

You should return often to core foundational truths, such as the fact that you are indeed accepted and already more than good enough because of God’s love and grace. Scripture declares God’s goodness in your life to be the source of honor, privilege, authority, and an indescribably spectacular future!
3/9/201826 minutes, 1 second
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Am I Good Enough (1/2)

Jesus salvation redeem redemption foundation doctrine destiny called calling purpose dream goal mistakes past recover progress setback
3/2/201826 minutes, 1 second
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Run Your Race Well

There’s usually one root issue God wants to bring to the surface and deal with, and then everything else clears up on its own. Find out how you can narrow in on that “one thing” and run your race well to the end.
2/23/201826 minutes, 1 second
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Faith In God (Back To Basics) (2/2)

What is faith? Is faith the same as belief, trust, wishful thinking…? Is faith just some set of principles to apply? Why should I have faith, and how will I know if I do? Is it possible to get more faith? How should faith be expressed?
2/16/201828 minutes, 27 seconds
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Faith In God (Back to Basics) (1/2)

What is faith? Is faith the same as belief, trust, wishful thinking…? Is faith just some set of principles to apply? Why should I have faith, and how will I know if I do? Is it possible to get more faith? How should faith be expressed?
2/9/201828 minutes, 27 seconds
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Love Is… (2/2)

The Bible says, “God is love.” But what does that really mean? Paul writes that loving others is the sum of all God’s commands, and that God has poured out His love in our hearts—a love ready to be tapped into and expressed. But how? What should God’s love should look like in our lives?
2/2/201828 minutes, 27 seconds
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Love Is… (1/2)

The Bible says, “God is love.” But what does that really mean? Paul writes that loving others is the sum of all God’s commands, and that God has poured out His love in our hearts—a love ready to be tapped into and expressed. But how? What should God’s love should look like in our lives?
1/26/201826 minutes, 1 second
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Not What You'd Expect

Have you ever felt like you let God down? When you feel that way, God’s love comes to pursue and restore you . . . to win you with kindness. God seeks to renew hopes, dreams, and ideals you may have given up on long ago. Learn to accept God’s love when you’d least expect it.
1/19/201826 minutes, 1 second
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Four Ways To Lead a Significant Life (2/2)

Ever wonder what qualities will lead to a life of impact? Discover four characteristics that will pave the way for your success so you can make a monumental difference in your world.
1/12/201826 minutes, 1 second
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Four Ways To Lead A Significant Life (1/2)

Ever wonder what qualities will lead to a life of impact? Discover four characteristics that will pave the way for your success so you can make a monumental difference in your world.
1/5/201826 minutes, 1 second
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The God I Wish You Knew

We will spend eternity discovering new aspects of God’s amazing grace and character. Yet God wants you to know Him in this life as well—to show you as much of His multi-faceted grace as possible. Discover the God that responds to hungry hearts, gives abundant life, and gives you the grace to enjoy the destiny He’s called you to.
12/29/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Mary's Journey - Our Journey

Mary’s life provides a blueprint for us to follow. Her attitude enabled her to experience God’s love and mercy. She knew how to embrace God’s promise and walk in His power. She was able to endure tough times and ultimately play her part in God’s great sovereign plan. And so can you!
12/22/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Worship the King

There is more to the Christmas Story than manger scenes and star-and-angel motifs. Discover four ways in which all believers should worship our beloved Savior. See why your heart and treasure are always tied together, how your investments reveal your values, how prayer is an act of worship, and how God wants you (yourself) more than anything else.
12/15/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Recovering Lost Things

Our God is a God of recovery. He recovers lost souls, lost relationships, lost hopes, lost property, lost health, etc. Discover God’s recovery process. Learn the importance of taking time to weep, of never blaming others, of understanding who your real enemy is, and of not putting God in a box.
12/8/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Seedtime and Harvest

The law of sowing and reaping is an inescapable law that God has woven into the very fabric of the universe. Discover the amazing harvest God promises when we sow our finances into His kingdom.
12/1/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Bound by Satan, Freed by Christ

The spiritual world isn’t really that complicated. There are forces that seek to steal, kill, and destroy; and then there’s God who wants to bless you with an abundant life of freedom and victory. Discover one of the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT KEYS to properly anchoring your faith so you can live that triumphant life of growth, joy, and value!
11/24/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Three Heart Postures for Prayer

Prayer is important. Most believers feel compelled to pray more than they do. But how? Is there a “right way” to approach God in prayer? Are there certain words or heart postures God specifically looks for and responds to? Bayless helps you discover three keys to effective prayer so you can always approach God with confidence.
11/17/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Lessons from the Nobleman (2/2)

Life has its up moments and down moments. We go through various seasons, some brighter and happier than others. Yet God’s love remains true regardless. He can move in any season to bring about something truly good and beneficial.
11/10/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Lessons from the Nobleman (1/2)

Life has its up moments and down moments. We go through various seasons, some brighter and happier than others. Yet God’s love remains true regardless. He can move in any season to bring about something truly good and beneficial. Listen to Part 2 here:
11/3/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Run Your Race Well

There’s usually one root issue God wants to bring to the surface and deal with, and then everything else clears up on its own. Find out how you can narrow in on that “one thing” and run your race well to the end.
10/27/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Qualities That Attract Gods Blessings

Join Bayless Conley as he studies the story of Ruth and uncovers five qualities that will attract the blessing of God in our lives today. Qualities that will put spiritual laws into motion and actually bring the strength of God and the blessing of God and the favor of God into our lives!
10/20/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Pursuing Patience And Gentleness

God wants us to show love and selflessness, to be patient (or longsuffering) and gentle, to have joy and self-control… Bayless shares how such character traits are often developed through the difficulties and opposition we face. Allow God to work through your most trying circumstances and relationships, and become a living testament to His love and transforming power.
10/13/201726 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Significant Life

The significant life looks beyond itself and its own success. It sets its sights on finding and fulfilling its unique part in God’s epic work to change the world and build His kingdom. The ironic part: No success is anywhere near as satisfying as being a living sign that points to God!
9/29/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Keep Moving Forward

Progress is never easy. It comes from facing and overcoming obstacles. Progress is moving forward against resistance. Learn to develop a heart that never quits or backs down, but keeps moving forward for God from here on out!
9/26/201726 minutes, 1 second
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How to Win at Life (2/2)

Life moves in one of two ways: You’re either climbing up toward growth and success, or you’re sliding down. Some forces that work to keep you down are: unforgiveness, temptations, pride, greed, illness, oppression, worry... Learn to rise above these obstacles and step up day-by-day to the amazing life of influence and impact God has planned for you! Win!
9/22/201726 minutes, 1 second
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How to Win at Life (1/2)

Life moves in one of two ways: You’re either climbing up toward growth and success, or you’re sliding down. Some forces that work to keep you down are: unforgiveness, temptations, pride, greed, illness, oppression, worry... Learn to rise above these obstacles and step up day-by-day to the amazing life of influence and impact God has planned for you! Win!
9/15/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Extraordinary Relationships (2/2)

Our most important relationships can often be the most difficult. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can build solid bonds that last and flourish in the face of challenges. God wants to help make your relationships EXTRAORDINARY!
9/8/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Extraordinary Relationships (1/2)

Our most important relationships can often be the most difficult. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can build solid bonds that last and flourish in the face of challenges. God wants to help make your relationships EXTRAORDINARY!
9/1/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Am I Good Enough? (2/2)

Discover your full acceptance and great value in God today! Bayless Conley unpacks your important role in God’s great plan in this verse-by-verse study from Ephesians, chapter 3.
8/25/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Am I Good Enough? (1/2)

Discover your full acceptance and great value in God today! Bayless Conley unpacks your important role in God’s great plan in this verse-by-verse study from Ephesians, chapter 3.
8/18/201726 minutes, 1 second
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True Salvation

It’s good to return often to the core foundational truths of our faith: that God rescued us from sin and destruction by sending His Son to take our place; and that we are now reconnected to God, the source of life and all good things, such as honor, privilege, authority, and an indescribably spectacular future!
8/11/201726 minutes, 1 second
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This Is Who I Am

Life often gives us reasons to doubt the amazing declarations God makes about us in Scripture. God wants us to understand and always remember the resources, gifts, and blessings available to us as part of His family, despite anything that might conspire to convince us otherwise.
8/4/201726 minutes, 1 second
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It's Never Too Late with God

Waiting is never easy… But is God ever really late? Learn to keep first things first so you can live an epic and world-changing life!
6/8/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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How God Can Change Your Life

Let your “water” be transformed into “wine” as God does a mighty work in you!
6/2/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Discover the Real Treasures of Life

Jesus’ parables are chalk full of weighty spiritual truth, often so dense that layers of understanding and illumination will sink in by degrees as we grow in maturity as believers. By examining and reexamining the parables over time, we can always be gaining further insight into how God’s Kingdom operates, as well as our rights and privileges as Kingdom citizens.
5/26/201728 minutes, 31 seconds
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Pursuing Peace

The whole world desperately seeks after peace. Peace is the ultimate goal in every frantic pursuit, whether for wealth, relationships, religious ritual, escape… You can experience God’s peace, and live free of regrets when you do your part to bring God’s peace to everyone in your world.
5/19/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Conflict Resolution 101

Thank God for not hiding the flaws and shortcomings of those great faith heroes we read of in Scripture, for they struggled and had conflicts with one another just as we do; and we can learn so much from their example. Discover biblical conflict resolution you can apply to even your tensest interpersonal clashes.
5/12/201726 minutes, 1 second
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The Power Of Unity

God never intended for His church to be without power. Yet if we allow ourselves to get divided and in disharmony with one another, we’re robbed of the power and influence God calls us to have. Discover five crucial benefits of walking in unity—five powerful treasures we can potentially lose out on if unity among God’s family gets broken.
5/5/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Be Healed and Set Free

Healing is God’s will. Sickness and disease were never part of His original plan; they are indirectly (and sometimes directly) the result of the enemy’s work. Experience God’s healing and deliverance today!
4/28/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Experiencing the Merciful Healer

Faith isn’t some checklist or set of principles to follow; it’s a relationship. We TRUST God to be true to His Word because of His character—because of who He is. When it comes to physical healing, we see God’s heart and will on the matter perfectly demonstrated in the life and ministry of His Son, Jesus Christ.
4/21/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Why Your Life Matters

For every one person who’s in the spotlight, there are a thousand people in the background making what that person is doing possible. We see this in the Bible and in the world today. Listen and watch Bayless’ eye-opening message, Why Your Life Matters, to find out how God uses unknown heroes to advance His Kingdom!
4/7/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Timeless Truths for All Seasons - Part 2

It’s important to stay aware of the specific seasons we go through in life while still never losing sight of God’s unchanging promises and values. No matter what we’re up against right now, there are principles in Scripture we can always fall back on and apply to establish a firm foundation of faith.
3/24/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Timeless Truths for All Seasons - Part 1

It’s important to stay aware of the specific seasons we go through in life while still never losing sight of God’s unchanging promises and values. No matter what we’re up against right now, there are principles in Scripture we can always fall back on and apply to establish a firm foundation of faith.
3/17/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Trail Markers In The Wilderness

Generational differences are a great example of our diversity that can pose challenges if we’re unprepared. Discover several important trail markers for both the older and younger generations as we launch out into this wilderness—this uncharted territory of building a multi-generational church where those of all ages can effectively bring what they have to the table.
3/10/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Five Thoughts For Spiritual Fathers

Everyone has an opinion, and there’s no shortage of church folks who love to sit back and point fingers, eager to correct others (from afar). But what the church needs are true spiritual fathers and mothers—those who care enough to come alongside the inexperienced and do the “messy work” of helping to build them up.
3/3/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Building a Future - Part 2

God’s plan for His church is always to have multiple generations working together toward His common vision. Discover practical insight for making the process of transition smooth and joyful instead of tense and competitive. We’re in this race together, and only by staying generationally-minded can we make the difference God is calling us to make!
2/24/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Building a Future - Part 1

God’s plan for His church is always to have multiple generations working together toward His common vision. Discover practical insight for making the process of transition smooth and joyful instead of tense and competitive. We’re in this race together, and only by staying generationally-minded can we make the difference God is calling us to make!
2/10/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Gaining a Brother without Losing Yourself - Part 2

Have you been wronged, hurt, or treated unfairly? Have you tried to help someone grow or understand the error of their ways only to receive hostility and a cold shoulder in return? Learn to soften and resolve even your most bitter conflicts, and discover the immense value in getting your heart free from animosity and unforgiveness.
2/10/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Gaining a Brother without Losing Yourself - Part 1

Have you been wronged, hurt, or treated unfairly? Have you tried to help someone grow or understand the error of their ways only to receive hostility and a cold shoulder in return? Learn to soften and resolve even your most bitter conflicts, and discover the immense value in getting your heart free from animosity and unforgiveness.
1/27/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Social Healing - Building a Culture of Unity

The world is divided in so many ways: politically, racially, morally… Yet Jesus came to bring reconciliation, to heal and supersede divisions, and to unite and empower us with love and hope to heal a broken world. Learn how God wants to use us now to set society on a new course defined by peace.
1/27/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Godly Wisdom For Leaders - Part 2

Leadership is about more than position or talent. It’s about influence; and influence requires character. There are certain traits, motivations, and practices all effective leaders share and rely on to make a lasting difference in the lives of those they lead. Join Bayless Conley and discover Godly Wisdom for Leaders.
1/20/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Eight Keys To Radical Christianity - Part 2

At its core, Christianity is far from boring, sedate, humdrum… The Creator of the universe has chosen to demonstrate His great love for us by literally becoming human, dying, and rising again so that we might know Him. Having a relationship with God leads to a radical life of unparalleled excitement, adventure, and influence . . . or, it should!
1/6/201726 minutes, 1 second
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Eight Keys To Radical Christianity - Part 1

At its core, Christianity is far from boring, sedate, humdrum… The Creator of the universe has chosen to demonstrate His great love for us by literally becoming human, dying, and rising again so that we might know Him. Having a relationship with God leads to a radical life of unparalleled excitement, adventure, and influence . . . or, it should! Listen to part 2 here:
12/29/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Worship The King

There is more to the Christmas Story than manger scenes and star-and-angel motifs. Discover four ways in which all believers should worship our beloved Savior. See why your heart and treasure are always tied together, how your investments reveal your values, how prayer is an act of worship, and how God wants you (yourself) more than anything else.
12/23/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Pursuing Righteousness, Godliness, Faith, and Love - Part 2

What is your greatest priority? What does your heart really long for more than anything else? Every good pursuit results in godly character and perspective. Yet to truly pursue such treasures, we must first be willing to abandon contrary pursuits. Learn to faithfully pursue the attitudes and behaviors that glorify Him and lead to a life of victory.
12/9/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Pursuing Righteousness, Godliness, Faith, and Love - Part 1

What is your greatest priority? What does your heart really long for more than anything else? Every good pursuit results in godly character and perspective. Yet to truly pursue such treasures, we must first be willing to abandon contrary pursuits. Learn to faithfully pursue the attitudes and behaviors that glorify Him and lead to a life of victory.
12/2/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Pursuing Patience and Gentleness

God wants us to show love and selflessness, to be patient (or longsuffering) and gentle, to have joy and self-control… Bayless shares how such character traits are often developed through the difficulties and opposition we face. Allow God to work through your most trying circumstances and relationships, and become a living testament to His love and transforming power.
11/23/201626 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Power Of Vision - Part 2

Using the word V-I-S-I-O-N as an acrostic, Bayless shares crucial elements involved in having a vision from God. Vision keeps you on target and helps you to stay passionate. There are always a million things to do, but vision keeps God’s priorities central to your focus.
11/18/201626 minutes, 1 second
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The Power Of Vision - Part 1

Using the word V-I-S-I-O-N as an acrostic, Bayless shares crucial elements involved in having a vision from God. Vision keeps you on target and helps you to stay passionate. There are always a million things to do, but vision keeps God’s priorities central to your focus. Click here to listen to part 2:
11/11/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Pursuing The Good Of All And Love

God wants you to be happy, but not at someone else’s expense. Your success is important to Him, but He also wants to use you to help others. Allow God to prepare your heart to express His love so you can live a life of marvelous, supernatural impact.
11/4/201626 minutes, 2 seconds
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Pursuing Purpose - Part 2

You are not just a face in some huge crowd, or a number on an endless list. Your life is incredibly valuable to God. He created you to live a life of meaning, purpose, impact and fulfillment. Let God prepare you for a life of great adventure. Step into a uniquely you-shaped destiny today, and start really living!
10/28/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Pursuing Purpose - Part 1

You are not just a face in some huge crowd, or a number on an endless list. Your life is incredibly valuable to God. He created you to live a life of meaning, purpose, impact and fulfillment. Let God prepare you for a life of great adventure. Step into a uniquely you-shaped destiny today, and start really living! Listen to part 2 here:
10/21/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Pursuing The Knowledge Of God And Hospitality Part 2

God reveals Himself to us in many ways, several of which Bayless explains in this exciting message. You’ll also learn the crucial importance of pursuing hospitality, which means demonstrating God’s love by being inclusive and inviting. God can use your hospitality to reach and influence others, and to bring great friends into your life whom you have yet to meet.
10/13/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Pursuing The Knowledge Of God And Hospitality - Part 1

God reveals Himself to us in many ways, several of which Bayless explains in this exciting message. You’ll also learn the crucial importance of pursuing hospitality, which means demonstrating God’s love by being inclusive and inviting. God can use your hospitality to reach and influence others, and to bring great friends into your life whom you have yet to meet.
10/7/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Who Does God Accept?

Have you ever felt out of place, overlooked, or discredited—stuck wandering around the edges of life’s “cool” or “blessed” clubs? Discover a God that loves and prizes you just as you are—not as you “should” be.
9/30/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Three Things Every Believer Should Prepare

Did you know you can literally set yourself up for God to do astounding things in your life? Learn to prepare for answered prayer, and to prepare your heart and gifts; God promises to do the rest, bringing you to new levels of joy and success.
9/23/201625 minutes, 53 seconds
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Three Baptisms - Part 2

There are certain key doctrines and experiences God sets as foundation stones upon which His church should be built in every generation. Learn about the three baptisms we see in the early church of Acts, chapter 2, which have each remained a core foundation of God’s church ever since.
9/16/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Three Baptisms - Part 1

There are certain key doctrines and experiences God sets as foundation stones upon which His church should be built in every generation. Learn about the three baptisms we see in the early church of Acts, chapter 2, which have each remained a core foundation of God’s church ever since.
9/9/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Five Core Values

In Five Core Values, Bayless Conley reveals what should be fixed landmarks to every believer’s spiritual DNA. Discover values to prioritize and keep central to your focus—such as God’s Word, working with excellence, and Jesus’ commandment to reach the lost.
9/2/201626 minutes, 1 second
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How God Cares for You - Part 4

We all go through rough seasons in life; and sometimes it can even feel like God doesn’t care. Yet whether your current path is smooth or rocky, God’s promise still stands strong: He is your Good Shepherd who ALWAYS cares for you. Learn to receive your loving Shepherd’s gifts of guidance, provision, peace, restoration, and salvation.
7/27/201626 minutes, 1 second
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How God Cares for You - Part 3

We all go through rough seasons in life; and sometimes it can even feel like God doesn’t care. Yet whether your current path is smooth or rocky, God’s promise still stands strong: He is your Good Shepherd who ALWAYS cares for you. Learn to receive your loving Shepherd’s gifts of guidance, provision, peace, restoration, and salvation. Listen to part 4 here:
7/27/201626 minutes, 1 second
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How God Cares for You - Part 2

We all go through rough seasons in life; and sometimes it can even feel like God doesn’t care. Yet whether your current path is smooth or rocky, God’s promise still stands strong: He is your Good Shepherd who ALWAYS cares for you. Learn to receive your loving Shepherd’s gifts of guidance, provision, peace, restoration, and salvation. Listen to part 3 here:
7/27/201626 minutes, 1 second
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How God Cares for You - Part 1

We all go through rough seasons in life; and sometimes it can even feel like God doesn’t care. Yet whether your current path is smooth or rocky, God’s promise still stands strong: He is your Good Shepherd who ALWAYS cares for you. Learn to receive your loving Shepherd’s gifts of guidance, provision, peace, restoration, and salvation. Listen to part 2 here:
7/27/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Golf and the Word of God - Part 2

Only God’s Word can turn a spiritual infant into a true disciple of Christ. Only God’s Word can transform a high maintenance, low impact believer into a world-changer. Learn the immense value of a strong stance rooted in the Word, and why you should never let anything influence you to loosen your grip on His promises.
7/27/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Golf And The Word Of God - Part 1

Only God’s Word can turn a spiritual infant into a true disciple of Christ. Only God’s Word can transform a high maintenance, low impact believer into a world-changer. Learn the immense value of a strong stance rooted in the Word, and why you should never let anything influence you to loosen your grip on His promises.
7/22/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Seedtime And Harvest

The law of sowing and reaping is an inescapable law that God has woven into the very fabric of the universe. Discover the amazing harvest God promises when we sow our finances into His kingdom.
7/15/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Evangelism Teaching And Healing - Part 2

God wants to do important things in your life. He longs to increase your character and influence. Thankfully, when it comes to character and influence, Jesus’ life and ministry provide a perfect blueprint to follow. Learn to carry the heart of Jesus, speak the words of Jesus, and do the works of Jesus.
7/8/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Evangelism, Teaching, and Healing - Part 1

God wants to do important things in your life. He longs to increase your character and influence. Thankfully, when it comes to character and influence, Jesus’ life and ministry provide a perfect blueprint to follow. Learn to carry the heart of Jesus, speak the words of Jesus, and do the works of Jesus.
7/1/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Heroes Of Faith (Isaac, Jacob & Joseph) - Part 2

Faith is often choosing to say the same things God says because we trust Him. Faith is also looking beyond our own life and interests to involve ourselves in God’s eternal plans as they play out in history. Faith sees eternity and leaves a legacy that lives on long after we are gone.
6/24/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Heroes Of Faith (Isaac, Jacob & Joseph) - Part 1

Faith is often choosing to say the same things God says because we trust Him. Faith is also looking beyond our own life and interests to involve ourselves in God’s eternal plans as they play out in history. Faith sees eternity and leaves a legacy that lives on long after we are gone.
6/17/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Heroes Of Faith (Noah) - Part 2

Faith means trusting God to do just what He says; and that trust is shown in many ways. Noah would say, “Faith prepares!” Faith acts upon God’s promises, preparing for the answer no matter how things look. Noah prepared an ark because God promised rain. Bayless Conley shares how preparing demonstrates our faith.
6/10/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Heroes of Faith (Noah) - Part 1

Faith means trusting God to do just what He says; and that trust is shown in many ways. Noah would say, “Faith prepares!” Faith acts upon God’s promises, preparing for the answer no matter how things look. Noah prepared an ark because God promised rain. Bayless Conley shares how preparing demonstrates our faith.
6/3/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Mr. Holy Spirit - Part 2

When it comes to the lives of others, sometimes we need to learn to leave things alone and let the Holy Spirit do His work! Recognize and foster the Holy Spirit’s influence in the lives of your loved ones and acquaintances, and never get in His way.
5/27/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Mr. Holy Spirit - Part 1

When it comes to the lives of others, sometimes we need to learn to leave things alone and let the Holy Spirit do His work! Recognize and foster the Holy Spirit’s influence in the lives of your loved ones and acquaintances, and never get in His way.
5/20/201626 minutes, 1 second
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The Anatomy Of God - Part 2

The longer you walk with God, the more you discover about His character and nature. Discover a God who always sees your heart and struggles; who yearns over you, desiring to bring mercy, rescue, and comfort; who holds your world in his capable hands; and whose face shines with favor and friendship toward you.
5/13/201626 minutes, 1 second
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The Anatomy Of God - Part 1

The longer you walk with God, the more you discover about His character and nature. Discover a God who always sees your heart and struggles; who yearns over you, desiring to bring mercy, rescue, and comfort; who holds your world in his capable hands; and whose face shines with favor and friendship toward you.
5/5/201626 minutes, 1 second
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The God I Wish You Knew

We will spend eternity discovering new aspects of God’s amazing grace and character. Yet God wants you to know Him in this life as well—to show you as much of His multi-faceted grace as possible. Discover the God that responds to hungry hearts, gives abundant life, and gives you the grace to enjoy the destiny He’s called you to.
4/29/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Ready Or Not, Here He Comes - Part 2

Jesus wants us to know that (1) We are living in the last days; (2) we do not know exactly when the end will come; and (3) we are told to always be ready because the end will come at a time we do not expect. Discover your responsibilities to God’s fellow servants, to outsiders, and to the Lord Himself.
4/21/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Ready Or Not, Here He Comes - Part 1

Jesus wants us to know that (1) We are living in the last days; (2) we do not know exactly when the end will come; and (3) we are told to always be ready because the end will come at a time we do not expect. Discover your responsibilities to God’s fellow servants, to outsiders, and to the Lord Himself.
4/15/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Victory Over Sin (Romans Chapter 7) - Part 2

Is it possible for believers to always live by their convictions? What about our selfish tendencies that seem to pull us in every direction except for onward and upward in life? Discover what the Bible says about sin and temptation. Be set free as you learn to lean daily upon God’s grace with the help of His Holy Spirit.
4/8/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Victory Over Sin (Romans Chapter 7) - Part 1

Is it possible for believers to always live by their convictions? What about our selfish tendencies that seem to pull us in every direction except for onward and upward in life? Discover what the Bible says about sin and temptation. Be set free as you learn to lean daily upon God’s grace with the help of His Holy Spirit. Click here to listen to part 2:
4/1/201626 minutes, 1 second
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The Significance Of The Resurrection

Jesus’ resurrection is the most profoundly important event in history. Bayless unpacks why Jesus paid the ultimate price, dying on the cross to destroy evil, fear, illness, sin, and corruption. Jesus’ resurrection endows believers with new life.
3/25/201626 minutes, 1 second
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The Attitude Of Gratitude

God is attracted to gratitude. An attitude of gratitude brings both God’s presence and His favor. Bayless shares how gratitude and thankfulness will actually paint a big bulls-eye on your life that reads: “Bless me.” Learn why you have much more to be thankful for than you might realize. See why gratitude and generosity are inseparably linked in God’s eyes.
3/18/201626 minutes, 1 second
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What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do - Part 2

God plans to make full use of every gift with which He has entrusted you. His plan will lead to a life more fulfilling than you could have ever imagined. Do you know what your destiny is? What can you do if you’re not sure yet? Discover ten areas to engage your focus at every stage in your life’s journey.
3/11/201626 minutes, 1 second
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What to Do When You Don't Know What to Do | Part 1

3/5/201626 minutes, 1 second
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What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do - Part 1

God plans to make full use of every gift with which He has entrusted you. His plan will lead to a life more fulfilling than you could have ever imagined. Do you know what your destiny is? What can you do if you’re not sure yet? Discover ten areas to engage your focus at every stage in your life’s journey. Listen to part 2 here:
3/4/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Unless The Lord Builds The House - Part 2

Our life with God is always a balance between reliance and action—between rest and work—since both together equal faith. Bayless examines a key verse of Scripture to unpack how that balance plays out in light of whatever you might feel compelled to do or build for God. It could be building your business, your family, your ministry, your character...
2/26/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Unless The Lord Builds The House - Part 1

Our life with God is always a balance between reliance and action—between rest and work—since both together equal faith. Bayless examines a key verse of Scripture to unpack how that balance plays out in light of whatever you might feel compelled to do or build for God. It could be building your business, your family, your ministry, your character...
2/19/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Loving Guidance And The Guidance Of Love - Part 2

If you love and search after God’s wisdom, the Bible says you will find prosperity, riches, honor, protection, and promotion. God’s wisdom will also guide you in your relationships, urging and constraining you when necessary so that you can avoid heartache and make all your relationships more fruitful and fulfilling.
2/12/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Loving Guidance And The Guidance Of Love - Part 1

If you love and search after God’s wisdom, the Bible says you will find prosperity, riches, honor, protection, and promotion. God’s wisdom will also guide you in your relationships, urging and constraining you when necessary so that you can avoid heartache and make all your relationships more fruitful and fulfilling.
2/5/201626 minutes, 1 second
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What To Do When You're Stuck In A Dry Place

We all go through spiritual “dry places” at times, where we feel no momentum in our life with God; obstacles seem unyielding; prayer is hard; Bible study is uninspired; things are static, boring, and without life. Discover four things that will bring God’s life when you feel stuck in a dry place.
1/29/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Today, If You Will Hear His Voice - Part 2

God promises to speak to believers, whether through His Word or by the nudges and promptings of His Spirit. When we hear the voice of God, there comes a great responsibility to obey. God is always leading us toward the best outcomes, both for ourselves and others.
1/22/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Today, If You Will Hear His Voice - Part 1

God promises to speak to believers, whether through His Word or by the nudges and promptings of His Spirit. When we hear the voice of God, there comes a great responsibility to obey. God is always leading us toward the best outcomes, both for ourselves and others.
1/15/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Courage, Character, And Commitment - Part 2

We all face obstacles from time to time. You can overcome, and God wants to empower you! Bayless Conley helps you discover and develop three things that will enable you to rise above life’s obstacles in Courage, Character, and Commitment.
1/8/201626 minutes, 1 second
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Courage, Character, and Commitment - Part 1

We all face obstacles from time to time. You can overcome, and God wants to empower you! Bayless Conley helps you discover and develop three things that will enable you to rise above life’s obstacles in Courage, Character, and Commitment. Find part 2 here:
12/30/201526 minutes, 1 second
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The Parable Of The Sower - Part 2

Jesus compares God’s promises to seeds that will blossom into liberty, healing, salvation, and every other facet of His grace. Prepare the soil of your heart for the seeds of God’s Word to take root and grow. Be encouraged, for the seeds of God’s Word are filled with mountain-moving, relentless power that will eventually overcome every obstacle in their way.
12/23/201526 minutes, 1 second
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The Parable Of The Sower - Part 1

Jesus compares God’s promises to seeds that will blossom into liberty, healing, salvation, and every other facet of His grace. Prepare the soil of your heart for the seeds of God’s Word to take root and grow. Be encouraged, for the seeds of God’s Word are filled with mountain-moving, relentless power that will eventually overcome every obstacle in their way.
12/18/201526 minutes, 1 second
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The Parable Of The Wheat And The Tares - Part 2

God has determined a specific place where you can have influence for His kingdom—it could be a particular geographical location, or an area in society.
12/11/201526 minutes, 1 second
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The Parable Of The Wheat And The Tares - Part 1

The world is God’s. God makes a difference in this world by planting people that will live godly lives, do godly works, pray earnest prayers, and share God’s truth with others. God has determined a specific place where you can have influence for His kingdom—it could be a particular geographical location, or an area in society.
12/4/201526 minutes, 1 second
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The Impact Of A Generous Heart

Do you want to be financially successful and prosperous? Listen and watch Bayless Conley’s message, The Impact of a Generous Heart, and learn to be stable regardless of the economy, the government, or your industry. You’ll discover God’s open doors of favor for you, increase your influence, and become a source of stability to others in this unstable world.
11/25/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Lessons from a Father - Part 2

Discover seven lessons every parent should transmit to their children, either by verbal instruction or, more importantly, by modeling it through lifestyle. Make a difference in the lives of the next generation by finding and fulfilling your purpose, modeling humility, and warning them of likely dangers. Teach your children to show respect, to be eternity-minded, and to enjoy life.
11/20/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Lessons from a Father - Part 1

Discover seven lessons every parent should transmit to their children, either by verbal instruction or, more importantly, by modeling it through lifestyle. Make a difference in the lives of the next generation by finding and fulfilling your purpose, modeling humility, and warning them of likely dangers. Teach your children to show respect, to be eternity-minded, and to enjoy life.
11/13/201526 minutes, 1 second
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A New Birth Requires New Clothes - Part 2

In Colossians, chapter 3, Paul compares the transforming work that Jesus accomplishes in our lives to putting on a new set of clothes. We find a description of the “best-dressed” and “worst-dressed” in God’s Kingdom. Discover how spiritual growth plays out in the mother of all testing grounds, where we live and work each day…
11/6/201526 minutes, 1 second
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A New Birth Requires New Clothes - Part 1

In Colossians, chapter 3, Paul compares the transforming work that Jesus accomplishes in our lives to putting on a new set of clothes. We find a description of the “best-dressed” and “worst-dressed” in God’s Kingdom. Discover how spiritual growth plays out in the mother of all testing grounds, where we live and work each day…
10/30/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Praise that Honors God - Part 2

We worship God to meet with Him. Worship is our way of expressing how amazing God is for all He’s done. Praising God draws Him near, where He can radically impact our lives. Amazing things can happen when we open our heart and truly begin to worship God.
10/23/201526 minutes, 2 seconds
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Praise that Honors God - Part 1

We worship God to meet with Him. Worship is our way of expressing how amazing God is for all He’s done. Praising God draws Him near, where He can radically impact our lives. Amazing things can happen when we open our heart and truly begin to worship God.
10/16/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Expecting The Holy Spirit's Help - Part 2

God wants to help you in all your interactions with others. Learn how the Holy Spirit turns your words into arrows that can penetrate human hearts; why your Spirit-directed actions will have eternal rippling affects; and why you should expect the Holy Spirit to move and even work the miraculous as you share about Jesus and God’s great love.
10/9/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Expecting The Holy Spirit's Help - Part 1

God wants to help you in all your interactions with others. Learn how the Holy Spirit turns your words into arrows that can penetrate human hearts; why your Spirit-directed actions will have eternal rippling affects; and why you should expect the Holy Spirit to move and even work the miraculous as you share about Jesus and God’s great love. Listen to part 2 here:
10/2/201526 minutes, 1 second
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The Pursuit Of God, Or God Pursuing - Part 2

Are you searching for God? According to the Bible, God is really the One searching . . . for you. Discover who God specifically says He searches for, such as those who will simply be themselves in worship, those who have been hurt, and those who do not yet have a relationship with Him.
9/25/201526 minutes, 1 second
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The Pursuit Of God, Or God Pursuing - Part 1

Are you searching for God? According to the Bible, God is really the One searching . . . for you. Discover who God specifically says He searches for, such as those who will simply be themselves in worship, those who have been hurt, and those who do not yet have a relationship with Him.
9/18/201526 minutes, 1 second
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The Ten Commandments For Marriage - Part 2

The Ten Commandments were God’s wedding vows for His people, yet each commandment can be properly applied to bring great stability and joy to our marriages and other relationships.
9/11/201526 minutes, 1 second
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The Ten Commandments For Marriage - Part 1

God’s Word gives us the best principles for healthy relationships in every generation. The Ten Commandments were God’s wedding vows for His people, yet each commandment can be properly applied to bring great stability and joy to our marriages and other relationships. Find out how God’s Ten Commandments can empower and sweeten your most important relationships today. Click here to listen to part 2 of this message:
9/4/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Love Your Neighbor - Part 2

Learn to love the way Jesus does! Loving others is the sum and fulfilment of God’s Law. Love is shown in the words we speak and in the value we place on others as we allow the Holy Spirit to ignite and direct our compassion.
8/28/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Love Your Neighbor - Part 1

The Bible says that loving others is the sum and fulfilment of God’s Law. Discover how Jesus’ friendliness enabled Him to effectively reach out to those in need, and how love is shown in the words we speak and in the value we place on others as we allow the Holy Spirit to ignite and direct our compassion. Listen to part 2 here:
8/21/201526 minutes, 1 second
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The Offense Of The Cross - Part 2

The message of the cross is an object of offense, stumbling, and foolishness to many. It is also fundamentally God’s loving open door to mercy, grace, and eternal joy for all who come.
8/14/201526 minutes, 1 second
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The Offense Of The Cross - Part 1

Why is the message of the cross such an object of offense, stumbling, and foolishness to so many? It is a narrow message that defies human logic in its simplicity. Learn why the message of the cross is also fundamentally God’s loving open door to mercy, grace, and eternal joy for all who come.
8/7/201526 minutes, 1 second
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At His Feet - Part 2

Jesus is our bridge or connection to God, the Father. We experience the good things God has for us when we come to Jesus. Examine three Bible stories involving Mary and Jesus; learn to approach Jesus to hear from God, to find answers to your toughest questions, to have your needs met, to bring Him praise, and more.
7/24/201526 minutes, 1 second
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At His Feet - Part 1

Jesus is our bridge or connection to God, the Father. We experience the good things God has for us when we come to Jesus. Examine three Bible stories involving Mary and Jesus; learn to approach Jesus to hear from God, to find answers to your toughest questions, to have your needs met, to bring Him praise, and more.
7/17/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Victory Out Of Adversity - Part 2

Trials and adversities can come at you like arrows, but you can be victorious! Learn to avoid the arrows of hatred, envy, rejection, betrayal, temptation, false accusation, bewilderment, discouragement and ingratitude. The key is maintaining your relationship with God and having an awareness of His presence in the face of adversity.
7/10/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Victory Out Of Adversity - Part 1

Trials and adversities can come at you like arrows, but you can be victorious! Learn to avoid the arrows of hatred, envy, rejection, betrayal, temptation, false accusation, bewilderment, discouragement and ingratitude. The key is maintaining your relationship with God and having an awareness of His presence in the face of adversity.
7/2/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Six Ways to Be in the Will of God - Part 2

Fact: It is possible to know for sure that you are doing exactly what God wants. Learn how God’s will for your life reaches from the decisions you make each day to the ultimate fulfillment of your unique destiny. Discover what you were made for, and then pursue with zeal and joy the amazing life God has for you!
6/25/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Six Ways to Be in the Will of God - Part 1

Fact: It is possible to know for sure that you are doing exactly what God wants. Learn how God’s will for your life reaches from the decisions you make each day to the ultimate fulfillment of your unique destiny. Discover what you were made for, and then pursue with zeal and joy the amazing life God has for you! Listen to part 2 here:
6/25/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Four Things God Wants Us To Lift Up

God is waiting to meet your needs in tangible, undeniable ways! He longs to give you favor, peace, and answers to prayer. How can you experience those wonderful gifts God has in store for you? Discover how lifting your voice, soul, hands, and eyes opens the door for every good thing God wants to send your way.
6/25/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Qualities That Attract God's Blessings

Join Bayless Conley as he studies the story of Ruth and uncovers five qualities that will attract the blessing of God in our lives today. Qualities that will put spiritual laws into motion and actually bring the strength of God and the blessing of God and the favor of God into our lives!
6/25/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Closing The Door Of Disobedience

When God asks you to do something, it’s always for your own good. Disobeying can open the door for troubles and heartache. God wants to take you higher, and you would be amazed at what would happen if you made the choice just to listen and obey. Bayless Conley shows you how and why to make that choice.
6/25/201526 minutes, 1 second
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The God Of Much More - Part 2

God wants to do so much more for you than you could even imagine. In The God of Much More, Bayless Conley teaches you to put God first so you can experience His limitless resources, favor, and peace. God can open doors for you that could not be opened otherwise. Nothing compares to the bright future God has for you.
6/25/201526 minutes, 1 second
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The God Of Much More - Part 1

God wants to do so much more for you than you could even imagine. In The God of Much More, Bayless Conley teaches you to put God first so you can experience His limitless resources, favor, and peace. God can open doors for you that could not be opened otherwise. Nothing compares to the bright future God has for you.
6/25/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Letters From God

Your life is actually God’s love letter to everyone in your world. They will see the truth of your beliefs by your lifestyle and obedience. Bayless Conley shares how faith and love are predominant themes that will be impossible for those watching our lives to ignore.
6/25/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Heroes Of Faith (Abel And Enoch) (2/2)

It’s by faith that we reach the good things God’s promised. Abel would say, “Faith is giving God your first and your best.” According to Enoch, faith is spending time with a God you cannot see. Discover how giving your all for God will enrich your life and open doors for you to a surplus of good things.
6/25/201526 minutes, 2 seconds
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Heroes Of Faith (Abel And Enoch) (1/2)

It’s by faith that we reach the good things God’s promised. Abel would say, “Faith is giving God your first and your best.” According to Enoch, faith is spending time with a God you cannot see. Discover how giving your all for God will enrich your life and open doors for you to a surplus of good things.
6/25/201526 minutes, 2 seconds
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Nothing Takes God By Surprise (2/2)

None of the challenges you face can keep you from the amazing things God wants to do. If you learn to respond to setbacks and difficulties the right way, then God can weave even your mistakes and shortcomings into His great plan.
6/25/201526 minutes, 2 seconds
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Nothing Takes God By Surprise (1/2)

None of the challenges you face can keep you from the amazing things God wants to do. If you learn to respond to setbacks and difficulties the right way, then God can weave even your mistakes and shortcomings into His great plan. Listen to part 2 here:
6/25/201526 minutes, 2 seconds
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Essentials For Navigating Tough Times

Seasons of sickness, disappointment, stress, and spiritual dryness can be difficult to navigate. If you have certain “essentials” in place, you’ll be ready to weather the tough times and to push through with God’s help! Respond to difficult life experiences by believing in God’s love, clinging to His Word, developing good friendships, and staying focused on God’s purpose for you.
6/25/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Postures Of Faith (2/2)

The Bible says it’s impossible to please God without faith. Faith is the foundation of our relationship with God. Discover God’s wisdom for standing on His promises today, walking patiently along His path for you, and running your life’s race of faith for the long haul.
6/25/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Postures Of Faith (1/2)

The Bible says it’s impossible to please God without faith. Faith is the foundation of our relationship with God. Discover God’s wisdom for standing on His promises today, walking patiently along His path for you, and running your life’s race of faith for the long haul.
6/25/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Do Him Good

Jesus makes it clear that the way we treat others is of the utmost importance to God. Find practical ways to do good things for your children, your spouse, other believers, unbelievers, and even your enemies… Believers are called to show the same forgiveness, grace, and love that we ourselves receive so freely from God.
6/25/201526 minutes, 1 second
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The Man Of Iron

God’s plan for our life has much to do with the type of person we become. In this message, Bayless Conley shares God’s desire to help you become a person of compassion, loyalty, bold faith, generosity, and commitment.
6/25/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Can We Expect To Be Healed?

Bayless helps you see that healing is both a sovereign blessing from God, as well as your redemptive right because of Jesus’ sacrifice in his insightful message, Can I Expect to Be Healed? Discover four keys to help you experience God’s promises for healing found in His Word.
6/25/201526 minutes, 1 second
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The Astonishing Son Of God

Journey with Bayless Conley through the book of Colossians to catch a deeper glimpse of Jesus as your Savior, your Deliverer, and your Sustainer. Jesus is the exact representation of God, who holds the universe and your life together. When He has His rightful place as first in your heart and life He will transform you from the inside out!
6/25/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Hopeful About The Future

Bayless Conley’s message, Hopeful about the Future, helps you discover the bright future God has in mind for you! God is huge—next to Him your troubles are nothing, so give him your concerns, and watch as they absorb like tiny drops into an endless sea. God will never give up on you, so let Him help you to expect great things!
6/25/201526 minutes, 1 second
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Lessons From My Journey

You don’t have to understand the bad things that happen in life to know that God is good! Lessons from My Journey is Bayless Conley’s first message since undergoing months of healing and rehabilitation after a near-fatal boating accident. The lessons Bayless learned will give you a deeper understanding of God’s goodness no matter what you face!
6/25/201526 minutes, 1 second
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God Pleading Through Us

Bayless Conley shares the amazing story of his own search for truth, and how he was ultimately transformed by God’s love. Listen and watch to gain a greater understanding of the trust God has in you to reach out to others with the good news of His love, forgiveness, restoration, and peace in Jesus.
6/25/201526 minutes, 1 second