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Answers with Ken Ham Profile

Answers with Ken Ham

Anglais, Christianity, 1 saison, 417 épisodes
A propos
Ken Ham is president of Answers in Genesis and cofounder of the 75,000-square-foot Creation Museum. This daily, 60-second audio program is also broadcast on over 800 radio stations.
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What About Apemen?

We’ve seen this week that human evolution is impossible when we start with Genesis. So what about all the supposed apemen?
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A Literal Adam Is Essential

This week we’re asking, “did humans evolve?” Well, consider that a literal Adam who really did sin and bring death into creation is essential to the gospel.
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From the Beginning

Did humans evolve from some kind of ape-like creature? Well, Genesis says no—God created man from the dust of the ground and woman from his side.
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Apemen to Apemen?

When Adam died, he returned to the dust he was made from, not to an apelike creature!
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What’s Your Biggest Problem?

Scripture makes it clear we’re all sinners deserving death. Actually, it’s because of sin that death and suffering exist at all.
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What Every Student Needs

Our public education system indoctrinates thousands of students each year not to believe the Bible. Most of them are taught evolution as fact.
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Worse Sinners Than Others?

Instead of blaming God for tragedies, suffering, and death, Jesus says “repent,” turn to the only one who can save you from eternal suffering—himself.
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A Choice We All Have

Genesis tells us that God’s original creation was “very good.” There was no death or suffering in that original world.
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Death—Our Fault?

It doesn’t take many years of living in this broken world for someone to ask why God allows suffering.
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Yes, It’s a Young Earth!

This week we’ve seen that the idea of millions of years doesn’t come from the rocks. It came from a belief about the past!
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Two Kinds of Science

This week we’re looking at where the idea of millions of years came from. Now you might wonder, “isn’t millions of years just science?”
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Disastrous Compromise

Once the door was opened to reject the historicity of God’s Word, the Scriptures were no longer viewed as the ultimate authority.
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Compromise on God’s Word

Past scientists argued the catastrophe of Noah’s flood made more sense of the evidence than the idea of slow and gradual processes.
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They Rejected the Flood

People stopped viewing the rock layers through the lens of a global flood, and they started arguing that the present is the key to the past.
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Only Eight Survived!

This whole week we’ve seen that the Genesis text is clear: Noah’s flood was global. But it’s not just Genesis!
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The Rainbow Covenant

This week we’re looking at the question “was Noah’s flood local or global?” Well, consider this: Noah’s ark was huge.
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Why Was the Ark So Big?

This week we’re looking at the question “was Noah’s flood local or global?” Well, consider this: Noah’s ark was huge.
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All and Every

Some Christians, including many pastors and Bible colleges, teach that Noah’s flood was just a local event, not a flood that actually covered the entire earth.
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Why Not a Global Flood?

I often hear from Christians who don’t believe Noah’s flood was a global flood. They’ll say it was just a local flood in Mesopotamia. But why?
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Peter Believed Genesis!

Yesterday we learned that the apostle Paul treated Genesis as literal history and as foundational to the gospel. Well, the apostle Peter did too!
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Paul Believed Genesis!

Paul always treats Genesis as literal history—and as history that’s foundational to the gospel message.
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Jesus Believed Genesis!

Many Christians today argue the first eleven chapters of Genesis were mythology but that’s not how Jesus treated those accounts!
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Reusing Names?

Today’s Tigris and Euphrates don’t match the description of the rivers of Eden. So why do they have the same names?
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Where Was the Garden of Eden?

Have you ever wondered where the Garden of Eden was? Many people assume the Middle East, but this is a wrong assumption.
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Same Evidence, Different Worldviews

Creationists and evolutionists both study the same fossils, the same rocks, the same world but come to very different interpretations because of our worldviews.
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Living Fossils?

Most scientists view fossils as a record of life’s history. So, they assume many mass extinctions throughout evolutionary history.
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Mass Extinctions?

Most scientists view fossils as a record of life’s history. So, they assume many mass extinctions throughout evolutionary history.
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Fossils Before Sin?

Why can’t Christians just accept the evolutionary interpretation? Well, because of what the Bible teaches.
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Exhibit A for Evolution?

The fossil record is often held up as “Exhibit A” for evolution. But when we start with a biblical worldview we have a very different interpretation.
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Jesus, the God-Man

All this week we’ve been asking “is Jesus God?” and we’ve seen that, from Scripture, yes, Jesus is God. That’s why Jesus is called “Emmanuel,” God with us.
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Should We Worship Jesus?

Only God deserves worship. Because of this, some people refuse to worship Jesus, saying he isn’t God. But does this hold up to the light of Scripture?
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Jesus—Just a Prophet?

Christians believe that Jesus is God. But that belief’s been attacked! For example, many claim Jesus was a wise prophet. But did Jesus speak like a prophet?
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What Does Jesus Say About Himself?

We’re looking at the question, “is Jesus God?” People say all kinds of things about who Jesus is but what matters is what he says about himself in his Word.
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Who Is the Great I AM?

Who is Jesus? Was he just a good moral teacher from two thousand years ago? Was he a being created by God? Well, what does the Bible teach?
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Arguing Against the Bible with the Bible?

The laws of nature and laws of logic only make sense if there’s a logical, orderly Creator who made both the material and the immaterial.
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A Magic Bullet?

I’m often asked for the best proof of creation. Now many Christians think with the right piece of evidence, well, they’d totally refute evolution.
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What Kind of Creator?

Intelligent Design is not a Christian movement. What’s the benefit of convincing someone of an intelligence if you don’t introduce them to the Creator?
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God or a Spaghetti Monster?

Intelligent Design is not a Christian movement. What’s the benefit of convincing someone of an intelligence if you don’t introduce them to the Creator?
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Religion in the Classroom?

Public schools in America promote naturalism, teaching that everything is the result of random processes over time, that there is no Creator.
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Why Are We So Different?

There’s only one race, but we look different because of the genetic diversity God built into DNA at the beginning. But why are there different people groups?
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Interracial Marriage?

Because of evolutionary influences, people still talk about so-called interracial marriage. But is there really such a thing?
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Red and Yellow, Black and White?

A popular children’s song reminds us that Jesus loves the little children, “red and yellow, black and white.” But are humans really those colors? No!
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I Don’t Say “Race”!

When I’m talking about humans I never use the word “race” to refer to people groups. And why not?
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There’s Only One Race

Scripture is clear—every person from every nation in the world ultimately traces their ancestry back to Adam. And this means there’s only one race.
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Adam and Aliens?

We’re looking at some of the problems with believing in aliens from a biblical worldview. Here’s the biggest one—it conflicts with the meaning of the gospel.
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Aliens and Evolution

Our government has spent millions of dollars searching for alien life. But do you realize the whole idea of aliens comes from a belief in evolution?
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Aliens in Kentucky?

People are so fascinated by aliens that earlier this year a city near the Creation Museum sent a message to outer space inviting aliens to visit them.
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Broken Cisterns

Young people are turning to other broken cisterns that cannot provide the living water they desperately need!
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Spiritual But Not Religious?

Many people have no concept of the biblical God. Instead, we need to start the way God does—in Genesis!
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Who Would Be Shocked?

We’ve been asking why dinosaur and human fossils haven’t been found together. But suppose it did happen. Who would be shocked—evolutionists or creationists?
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Out of Place Fossils?

Many out-of-order fossils have been found—evolutionists just reinterpret them or change their timeline!
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Where Are All the Human Fossils?

Could we someday find a preflood human fossil? Of course. Most of the fossil record hasn’t been explored! But do we need to find one? No.
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What’s in the Fossil Record?

This week we’re answering the question “why don’t we find human and dinosaur fossils together?” Well, let’s think about what’s in the fossil record.
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Dinosaurs and Humans Together?

Both dinosaurs and humans were destroyed during the global flood. So why don’t we find them buried together?
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Let’s Start with God’s Word

Do we really need ideas like the gap theory that we’ve looked at this week to add millions of years into the Bible?
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Replenish the Earth?

In Genesis 1:28 Adam and Eve are told to have kids and “replenish” the earth. Does this mean God was refilling the earth?
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Two Global Floods?

The gap theory is supposed to fit millions of years into the Bible, but the millions of years supposedly comes from the rock layers.
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A Gap Filled with Death

This week we’re looking at the idea of a gap of millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.
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Is There a Gap in Genesis?

As the idea of millions of years became popular in the 1800s, many Christians wondered what to do with Genesis.
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Yes, the Flood Really Did Happen!

We believe that the flood was a real historical event. And that’s because that’s how the Bible describes it!
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How Could the Animals Fit on the Ark?

How could Noah fit millions of species onto Noah’s ark? Well, my answer might surprise you—he didn’t!
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How Did Animals Get to the Ark?

The Bible tells us the animals came to him. God sent them! But how did they come from places like Australia?
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Could Noah Really Build an Ark?

People scoff at the idea that one man could build a massive wooden ship like the one described in Genesis. But does the Bible say only one man built the Ark?
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It’s Ark Week!

We’re celebrating the anniversary of the opening of the Ark Encounter by answering five common objections to the account of Noah’s ark and the flood.
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Is a Day a Thousand Years?

Some Christians claim we can’t know how long the days in Genesis were because, well, a day is a thousand years!
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Am I Limiting God?

Insisting on six literal days of creation isn’t limiting God, it’s limiting us to believing what God tells us in his Word.
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The Order Matters!

This week we’re asking, “Did God really create in six days?” Many Christians ask this question not because the Bible isn’t clear—it’s very clear!
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“For in Six Days”

Our week isn’t millions of years long because God created over millions of years. It’s seven days because God created in six days and rested for one.
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Does Day Mean Day?

Yes, the Bible says God created in six days but we can’t know how long those days were. But is that true?
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A Fraud Still Used in Textbooks!

Back in the nineteenth century the evolutionist Ernst Haeckel published drawings of embryos of several different species.
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Peppered Moths—Evolution in Action?

Have you ever heard of the peppered moth? It’s a supposed example of evolution often used in biology classrooms.
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Do Mutations Drive Evolution?

This week we’re looking at icons of evolution. And one of those icons is the supposed driving force of evolution—mutations, mistakes in our DNA.
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Natural Selection—Is It Evolution?

Natural selection is one of the icons of evolution with examples of natural selection, like Darwin’s finches, given as “proof” of evolution.
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Finches Stay … Finches

Open a high school biology textbook and you’ll probably find Darwin’s finches given as proof of evolution. And why?
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So What Was T. rex Eating?

All this week we’ve looked at a fossil find of a young tyrannosaur with some drumsticks in its stomach. But what creature did it eat?
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Fossils Before Sin?

A fossil tyrannosaur had drumsticks in its stomach. Now this fossil must’ve been formed after sin because God originally created everything to be vegetarian.
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Fossils—Where’d They Come from?

God sent a global flood as a judgment on mankind’s sin. That catastrophic flood would’ve buried billions of creatures quickly, preserving them as fossils.
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Fossilized Drumsticks?

Why did researchers find a fossil tyrannosaur with its final meal of some drumsticks in its stomach?
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What Did T. rex Eat?

If I asked you what a T. rex ate, you’d probably answer, “Anything it wanted to!” After all, it was a massive creature with very big, sharp teeth.
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Who Was Cain’s Wife?

We know from Scripture Adam and Eve, Cain’s parents, were the first people and everyone is descended from them.
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Who Was Cain’s Wife?

We know from Scripture Adam and Eve, Cain’s parents, were the first people and everyone is descended from them.
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Biblical Promises for Today

After the flood, God made a promise that clearly shows man cannot destroy the planet. God will do so at the end of time.
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Biblical Promises for Today

After the flood, God made a promise that clearly shows man cannot destroy the planet. God will do so at the end of time.
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Eat Less Meat?

Last year the United Nations said they’ll soon call on Americans to eat less meat to reduce emissions.
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Eat Less Meat?

Last year the United Nations said they’ll soon call on Americans to eat less meat to reduce emissions.
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A New Creation in Christ Jesus

Men and women aren’t the same, and simply declaring oneself to be a male or a female doesn’t change reality.
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A New Creation in Christ Jesus

Men and women aren’t the same, and simply declaring oneself to be a male or a female doesn’t change reality.
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A Study No One Needed!

There’s a difference between the race times of men and women—and their subjective gender identity didn’t change that.
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A Study No One Needed!

There’s a difference between the race times of men and women—and their subjective gender identity didn’t change that.
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Noah, Our Great-Great-Granddad

Have you ever traced your genealogy to discover who your great-great grandparents were? Well, go back far enough and you’ll find some biblical connections!
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Language from Nowhere?

Where did language come from? Well, in the evolutionary worldview, languages evolved over time as mankind slowly learned to communicate.
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An Explosion of Civilization?

In the evolutionary worldview, humans lived for tens of thousands of years without doing much at all. That makes no sense.
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Years and Years of Nothing?

The Bible’s history does. Mankind was created just thousands of years ago!
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Genesis Is the Key

Have you ever heard a sermon on Genesis chapter 11? Most Christians haven’t, and yet this event is important for properly understanding the world around us.
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Is There Any Hope?

Our world’s a mess. So, what do we do about it? The secular worldview says fix man’s environment, fix man’s problems—though that never seems to work, does it?
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What’s Wrong With Everything?

This world’s broken: people treat one another horribly, there’s always war happening somewhere, and sickness and death bring unbearable suffering.
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Why Am I Here?

The biblical worldview says all things were created for Christ. So, I’m here to bring glory and honor to Christ!
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So, Who Am I?

I don’t think there’s a bigger question being asked today, especially by the younger generations, than: “who am I?”
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Answering Life’s Questions

This week we’ll look at four “ultimate questions” and see the contrast between how the secular and the biblical worldview answer these questions.
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A Little Water and a Lot of Time?

Some say the rock layers in Grand Canyon were laid down over millions of years, and the Colorado River slowly eroded through those layers, producing a canyon.
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Ape-Men or Ape Varieties?

Evolutionists usually appeal to the fossil record which contains a wide variety of primates. But we know God created apes and humans and nothing in between!
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Same Time, Different Places

Dinosaurs are divided into three main groups. Now this is because certain dinosaurs appear only in certain rock layers. How should we interpret this fact?
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The Same Plants and the Same Animals

We understand God put massive amounts of diversity into each kind so they can adapt to a changing world.
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Same Universe, Different Views

Creationists and evolutionists both study the same universe and come to very different interpretations! Why?
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Why Do They Keep Looking?

So why do they keep looking? Well, because evolutionary scientists, in their own foolish wisdom, think they can use the present to explain the past.
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Another One Bites the Dust

Tiktaalik is a fish fossil that supposedly had the beginnings of “legs.” Is this creature the missing link?
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Our Great-Grandma Lucy?

Tiktaalik is a fish fossil that supposedly had the beginnings of “legs.” Is this creature the missing link?
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A Very Fishy Fossil

Tiktaalik is a fish fossil that supposedly had the beginnings of “legs.” Is this creature the missing link?
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A Dino-Bird?

Evolutionists have long upheld Archaeopteryx as a missing link between birds and dinosaurs. But what’s the evidence for that?
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Who Controls the Future?

Climate change is one of today’s hot topics, influencing everything from policy to couples’ decisions about children.
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Answers for Life

Our culture claims to value everyone but then celebrates the murder of unborn children, promote racist ideas, and support euthanasia. It’s all so inconsistent!
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Male and Female, He Created Them

What is a woman? Well, that question’s sparked a lot of debate. One Justice even said she couldn’t answer because she’s not a biologist!
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The God of Self?

What’s the god of this age? Well, for the younger generations, it’s identity. They worship self and their subjective feelings about self.
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God Created Marriage!

Our culture is very confused when it comes to sexuality. But there are answers for this confusion, and they start in Genesis.
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The Bible Is Enough

Don’t get trapped thinking if God would just speak to you or answer all your questions then you’d have real faith or feel close to God. Go to his Word!
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Are We Missing Hidden Knowledge?

Christians today aren’t the first to wonder about the parts of Jesus’ life the Bible doesn’t comment on.
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Do We Need the Apocrypha?

Some skeptics claim the apoycryphal books were arbitrarily left out of our Protestant Bibles. But is that true?
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What’s the Role of Science?

Christians can study creation for God’s glory and our good. But science doesn’t trump the Bible. God’s Word is the ultimate authority because it’s flawless.
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Is the Bible Enough?

There’s a biblical doctrine that’s comes under attack a lot and that’s the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture. In other words, “is Scripture enough?”
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Settled Science?

The history of climate change science is failed predictions. If you’re assumptions are wrong, your model will be wrong.
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Failed Predictions

God promised that seasons will continue as long as earth endures so we don’t need to panic about the environment. But what about the science of climate change?
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We’re Not God!

What’s behind much of the modern environmental movement, especially the panic around climate change? Well, it’s the idea that mankind is God.
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Wise Stewardship

Many people view mankind is a blight on earth and we’re responsible for everything bad that’s happening to our planet. But what’s the biblical worldview?
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Worshipping Creation?

Today is Earth Day. For some, this is a day to remind others to plant trees, reduce pollution, or clean up trash. But for many this is almost a religious day.
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A Big Assumption

Immaterial laws only make sense if there’s a logical, orderly God behind the universe who structured the universe in a logical, orderly way.
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Eternal God or Eternal Matter?

We’re often told that Christians have faith, but evolutionists are rational—they have science. But evolutionists have faith too!
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God and the Big Bang?

When it comes to what you believe about the past, you have two primary options—the eternal God who created all things, or eternal matter.
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I’m a Biblical Creationist

Every position on creation that compromises God’s Word starts from outside the Bible—with man’s word. And that’s dangerous!
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Don’t Call Me a Young-Earth Creationist!

A number of years ago we published an article titled, “Don’t Call Us Young-Earth Creationists.” Now why would we say that?
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The Difference of a Biblical Worldview

What a difference when we start with a biblical worldview! In that view, we’re made in the very image of God—fearfully and wonderfully.
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Only the “Fit” Survive

Most parents given a prenatal diagnosis of a disability or abnormality are pressured to abort—to have their child killed.
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The New Face of Eugenics

Now what’s “eugenics”? Well, it’s the idea of being “well born.”
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The Laws of Nature

Our universe is ordered by very precise laws. But where did these laws come from?
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Order from Chaos?

Today millions of Americans will be treated to a rare sight—a total solar eclipse! But have you ever thought about how this is possible?
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Are Creationists Holding Back Science?

It’s only when we start with God’s Word that we have the right foundation for interpreting the world around us.
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What Is Male and Female?

Is there a biological standard for male and female? Well, it’s pretty obvious the answer is yes.
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AI and Aliens?

How do you communicate with an alien? Well, first we’d have to find one, and that has not been successful!
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Why So Much Interest in Magic?

Like all of us, Generation Z’s hearts are sick and deceived and they’ll turn to anything other than submit to God’s authority.
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A Degree in Magic?

Many in Generation Z might be atheists, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t religious—just most don’t want to believe in the biblical God.
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Jesus Is Alive!

Today is Good Friday, when we remember Christ’s death. But we look forward to Sunday because that’s when we celebrate that he is alive!
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Many Infallible Proofs

Yes, Jesus offered infallible proofs of his resurrection because he really did rise from the dead!
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Who Made God?

So, who made God? No one! He’s the eternal God with no beginning and no end.
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Is Death “Very Good”?

Genesis tells us that when God saw everything he’d made, it was “very good.” In other words, God’s original creation was perfect.
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God of an Old Earth

Many Christians accept the idea of millions of years for earth’s history and add it into the Bible.
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The Right Foundation

In the Word of God we have the eyewitness account of history given to us by the God who was there, who knows everything, who never makes mistakes.
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Living in a Harsh World

Neanderthals weren’t subhuman or even our “cousins.” They were people, made in God’s image, descended from Adam and Eve, just as we are.
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Human Variation

Neanderthals just represent variation within the human kind—exactly what we’d expect starting with God’s Word!
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Neanderthal Chemists?

You’ve probably never pictured Neanderthal chemists, and that’s because the evolutionary worldview has indoctrinated everyone to see them as brutes.
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Neanderthals—Our Siblings?

It’s taken evolutionists decades to come to the same conclusion creationists came to from the beginning—Neanderthals, they were just like us!
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We Can Trust God’s Word

There aren’t any true contradictions in the Bible. And here’s why—because the Bible isn’t ultimately a human book!
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Abel—an Eater of Sheep?

The Bible doesn’t tell us Abel ate meat. Abel could’ve been raising sheep for wool, milk, or leather, or for sacrifices.
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A Solid Sky?

Some skeptics claim the Bible makes unscientific claims, teaching that the sky is a solid dome. But does the Bible really teach this?
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Contradictions in Genesis?

I often hear the claim that there are two contradictory creation accounts in Genesis.
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Bible Contradictions?

Many skeptics claim the Bible is full of contradictions but nearly every supposed contradiction falls into one of three categories.
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Cosmic Origins—a Mystery?

Evolutionists can’t explain where space, matter, and energy came from. You might think, “Yes they can—the big bang!”
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How Can We Agree?

Dawkins and I will agree on lots of things involving observational science, but where we’ll disagree is when it comes to historical science.
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Do I Agree with Richard Dawkins?

When you think of people I agree with, atheist Richard Dawkins probably doesn’t come to mind! But we actually agree on something!
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A Puny God!

AI makes a sad god, created by humans and limited by what we can program.
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A Digital God?

You know, ever since the events of Genesis 3, humanity’s been trying to create their own gods based on their own wisdom.
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Always Start with God’s Word

As I often teach families, when we see a claim in the news about evolution we should ask, “were you there?” And, of course, the answer is no!
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Ape-Men or Humans?

Neanderthals aren’t closer to the apes than us—they were humans, made in God’s image, and descended from Adam just as we are.
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An Ape Is Just an Ape

Did you know all so-called apemen fit into one of three categories—either mistakes, apes, or humans? Today we’ll look at apes.
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Three Ways to Make an Ape-Man

All the supposed “missing links” between humans and apes fall into one of three categories: mistakes, apes, or humans!
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Evidence for Evolution?

It’s impossible to add evolution to the Bible. So why do some Christians think we should try?
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It’s an Authority Issue!

If you read Genesis on its own you won’t find evolution or millions of years anywhere! Those ideas come from outside Scripture.
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The First and Last Adam

The Bible says there was a first Adam who sinned and brought death into God’s creation.
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From the Beginning of Creation

Many Christians today want to argue that God used evolution to create mankind and that we’re descended from apelike creatures.
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Dust to Dust

God doesn’t tell Adam he was an apeman and he’d return to an apeman! No, he confirms that Adam was made of dust and to dust he would return.
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Are Humans Animals?

God’s Word says humans are different from the animals—we’re made in God’s image! No animal bears God’s image—only we do.
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It’s Compromise!

Evolution and millions of years don’t come from the Bible. They come from outside of Scripture, and then are used to reinterpret God’s clear Word.
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Animal Carnivory?

If the fossil record is millions of years old, then for millions of years animals were eating each other and yet God said they were vegetarian.
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Death for Millions of Years?

According to evolution, death has always been around. As long as there’s been life, there’s been death.
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The Order of Events Is Wrong!

Could God have used evolution and the big bang to create? Some Christians say “yes”—but what does the Bible say?
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Two Different Religions

Many Christians try to add evolution into the Bible by saying that God created. But he used evolution over millions of years to do it.
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Would the Ark Have Floated?

Skeptics often tell me that a wooden ship the size of Noah’s ark could never have floated. But large wooden ships have been successfully used for centuries.
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How Many People Built the Ark?

Could Noah and his family have built such a massive structure as Noah’s ark by themselves? Well, did they have to?
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Dinosaurs on the Ark?

Among the animal kinds featured on our life-size Ark at the Ark Encounter are dinosaurs. But how could dinosaurs fit on the ark?
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How Did Noah Care for the Animals?

Since Noah only had to take 2 of every kind of land animal, there were probably less than 7,000 animals to care for.
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How Did Noah Fit the Animals on the Ark?

Noah probably only needed about 1,400 animal kinds. That’s less than 7,000 animals total! There was plenty of room on board the Ark!
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Are the Ice Sheets Old?

Ice sheets don’t form just one layer per year. And in the past, after Noah’s flood, layers formed very quickly.
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The Ice Age and Ice Cores

The ice cores need to be interpreted, and our starting point determines how we interpret the evidence.
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Man and the Ice Age

The ice age, which came after the flood, provided the perfect conditions for mankind to spread around the Earth.
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The Flood and the Ice Age

There was only one ice age, and it came after the global flood. As the fountains of the great deep burst open, underwater volcanoes warmed the oceans.
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When Was the Ice Age?

The idea of an icy world inhabited by mammoths and saber-toothed tigers fascinates people. But where does this fit into biblical history?
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Zonkeys, Ligers, and Wholphins

Zonkeys are the offspring of zebras and donkeys, ligers come from lions and tigers, and wholphins come from false killer whales and dolphins.
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Information from Information

DNA is an information system with all the instructions on how to make you. So where did this information come from?
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Coal and the Flood

There was more than enough vegetation before the flood to produce all the coal we have today.
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Carbon-14 in Coal

The Bible provides the true age for coal. Most deposits were initially formed during the year-long, catastrophic global flood just thousands of years ago.
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Quick-Forming Coal

Many think it took millions of years of slow processes to produce coal. But when scientists copy these natural processes in a lab, it only takes a few months!
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What About Plant Death?

Plants were designed as a food source in a perfect world. So, God didn’t make them to live or die like animals.
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Evolution and the Law of Biogenesis

When you start with the Bible, the law of biogenesis makes sense. There was never a time when life had to come from non-life because life is from the Creator.
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The Gospel Begins in Genesis

Many think it doesn’t matter what you believe about Genesis as long as you believe in Jesus. But it does matter because the gospel message begins in Genesis!
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The God of Evolution

Many Christians believe in evolution and just add God in. But this view misrepresents who God is.
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Carbon-14 in Fossils

Many people claim that the Earth can’t be just thousands of years old like the Bible teaches, because carbon-fourteen dating gives such old ages.
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The Flood Explains Fossils

The Bible’s account of the flood explains what we see in the world around us—millions of years doesn’t! The evidence confirms God’s Word—beginning in Genesis.
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Massive Fossil Graveyards

Around the world we find fossil graveyards. These are massive deposits of billions of fossils buried together.
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Slow, Gradual Processes?

According to secular geologists, the layers of coal we find around the world were laid down over millions of years. But there are big problems with this idea.
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Fossils—Rapidly Buried

Many think it took millions of years to get the billions of fossils we have today. But the fossil record shows evidence of having been laid down very quickly.
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It Doesn’t Take Millions of Years!

Evolutionary teaching has indoctrinated us to think it takes millions of years to make a fossil—but it doesn’t! It just takes the right conditions.
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Beware False Teachers!

The only way to combat false teaching is by knowing the truth! We need to study the Word of God so we can recognize false teaching when we hear it.
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Compare Scripture with Scripture

When you read and interpret the Bible, compare Scripture with Scripture!
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Scripture Is Clear

This week we’ve been looking at how to read the Bible. And one important principle is the “plain meaning of Scripture.”
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Context Is Key!

Did you know the Bible says there’s no God? Well, the Bible only says this if you ignore the context!
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Should We Interpret the Bible Literally?

If we interpret Genesis literally, do we need to interpret the whole Bible that way?
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The Last Three of the Seven C’s

The penalty for sin is death, and because we’ve all sinned, we all deserve death! But from the beginning God promised a Savior.
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Catastrophe and Confusion

After sin entered the world, mankind became increasingly wicked. So wicked that God judged them with a global flood.
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Sin Brought Death

Yesterday we learned about the first of the Seven C’s of History, Creation. God created a perfect world, free from death and suffering. But what happened?
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God’s Eternal Plan

At the Creation Museum we summarize the foundational history of the Bible as the Seven C’s of History. And we’re going to look at those C’s this week.
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Merry Christmas!

Many families gather to read from the Gospels of Matthew or Luke as they celebrate the birth of the Savior. But we really should start reading back in Genesis!
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How Should We Respond to Climate Change?

We need to do good research that starts from a biblical worldview and recognizes that our climate was designed by an all-wise Creator who sees the future.
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Man-Made Climate Change?

Climate-change alarmists tell us that it’s definitely man-made carbon dioxide emissions that are causing climate change.
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Are All Scientists Convinced?

Climate-change activists argue that virtually all scientists agree that devastating climate change is the result of man’s actions. But is this true?
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Climate Change Is Real

I often hear the claim that creationists don’t believe in climate change. But that’s not true!
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Worldview and Climate Change

Climate change is constantly in the news. But did you know it’s not really about the data—it all has to do with your worldview?
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Fast-Forming Fossils

What’s the key to forming a fossil? Well, if you guessed “time” you’re wrong! The key is the right conditions—specifically rapid burial and mineral rich mud.
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Opals in the Outback

Have you ever seen an opal? These beautiful blue, green, yellow, and red gemstones nearly all come from Australia.
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Koalas—Living on Poison?

In God’s perfect creation, toxic trees didn’t exist. But God designed koalas with the ability to adapt their diet after the fall.
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Wonderful Worms?

In the earthworm, God has provided Earth with an efficient system of enriching the soil. Even the lowly worm proclaims the Creator’s glory!
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God and Suffering

How can we answer someone who’s hurting who asks, “why would a good God create death and suffering?”
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Radically Changed Lives!

Just weeks after the resurrection, the apostles were preaching and also suffering persecution! Their lives were radically changed when they met the risen Lord.
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Dying for a Lie?

If the disciples had invented Jesus and his resurrection, would they really have been willing to suffer and die for it?
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Evidence from Outside the Bible!

Josephus and Tacitus are just two of the many non-Christian, early sources that mention Jesus. To say Christians made him up is to ignore the Bible and history.
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The Testimony of Scripture

If Jesus never even lived and the disciples just made him up, somebody could’ve pointed out that no one remembered any such man! And yet no one did that.
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Did Jesus Really Live?

Have you ever heard the claim that Jesus never even existed but was just a made-up figure? Now, how would you respond?
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Why Don’t They Believe?

We’re all without excuse for rejecting our Creator. And yet people do—not because of a lack of evidence, but because they suppress the truth in unrighteousness.
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Thinking God’s Thoughts

When scientists copy nature in their designs, it’s called “biomimicry.” But, they aren’t really copying nature. They’re copying God’s design!
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Finely Tuned

Earth is a very special place, uniquely suited for life. Consider that our sun is just the right color for plants to be able to turn sunlight into energy.
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Order in the Cosmos

If you take a telescope and peer into outer space, you might notice that it’s very orderly. There’s nothing random out there!
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It’s a Language System!

DNA is so complex and so compact that just a pinhead of DNA holds enough information to fill a stack of books that would reach to the moon—five hundred times!
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Thankful All Year!

The Christmas season should remind us that our biggest problem has already been solved!
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Giving Thanks to God

Because of what Christ has done, and no matter what your present circumstances, you do have something to give thanks for!
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Why Does Jesus Need to Come Again?

All the consequences of man’s sin will be done away with, and those who have trusted Christ will live with him for eternity.
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Are We Living in the End Times?

So, how close might we be to the end? Well, I don’t know but I do know this! We’re living in the end times, compared to those who came before us.
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The Seventh C of History

At the Creation Museum we teach “The Seven C’s of History,” the foundational history in God’s Word. But one of those C’s isn’t history—it’s still to come!
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Can We Be Dogmatic?

Some people say we can’t be dogmatic about things like the age of the earth. They say we can’t really know what the book of Genesis really means.
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So, Who Made God?

Once at a conference, I had a young boy ask me, “If God created us, who created God?”
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It’s Nothing New!

We’ve never seen such a dramatic rise in moral relativism—and the LGBTQ worldview—in our lifetime. What’s going on?
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A Seventh Kingdom?

As Christians, let’s start our thinking with God’s Word. And that means we need a seventh kingdom of life—the human kingdom!
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The UN Wants to Do What?

The United Nations released shocking guidance that called for the decriminalization of sexual relations with minors, with no age limit given. It’s appalling!
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God Will Restore All Things!

God created a “very good” world with a “very good” design for the family. But sin broke God’s very good creation and now everything groans because of sin.
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Who Owns Children?

God’s design for the family is for one man and one woman to get married and have children, and those children are a gift from God! Children belong to parents.
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God Created Marriage!

God defines marriage because he created it! And he designed it to be between one man and one woman for life.
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Male and Female He Created Them

We aren’t self-made people who can just create our own identity. We’ve already been given an identity by God as either a male or a female.
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God’s Design Is Good

It doesn’t take much to see that our culture in general hates God’s design for the family. They hate marriage between one man and one woman.
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We Can’t Raise the Dead!

It’s God—not us—who saves. We simply obey his Word, do our part, and trust that Christ will build his church. The gates of hell just can’t prevail against it.
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Lazarus—Come Forth!

We can’t save the spiritually dead—only Jesus can. But we can “move the stones” by sharing reasons for the hope we have. Then trust God with the results.
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Do Atheists Really Mean It?

In my conversations with atheists, I’ve had many say that if they just had more evidence for God’s existence, they’d believe. But, do they really mean that?
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Searching in All the Wrong Places

Today is Halloween here in America. For many, this is a day to dress up the kids and get some candy. But for others, it’s a day of witchcraft and wickedness.
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Everyone Worships Something!

Satanism—which is really just a form of atheism—is growing. But why? Because everyone worships something, there’s always a god on the throne of your heart!
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Genesis—Foundational to Science

Using the history of Genesis as our framework, we can properly interpret the evidence in biology, geology, astronomy, and so much more.
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Male and Female?

Our culture is very confused about what it means to be a man or a woman or if there are even men and women! There’s confusion everywhere.
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The Genesis of Marriage!

People believe the Supreme Court of the US defines marriage. But marriage wasn’t invented or defined by humans! It was created by God and defined in Genesis.
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Our Sin and Our Savior

God created a perfect world, free from death and suffering. But the first man, Adam, disobeyed God’s command, and the penalty for sin is death.
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It’s the Foundation!

Did you know every major doctrine of Christian theology is ultimately grounded in the history in the book of Genesis? Think about it!
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Ancient Math and Technology

Mankind did not evolve but was made in the image of the Creator. It’s no surprise our ancestors used their God-given intellects to accomplish great feats.
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Ancient Globetrotters?

Since man was created intelligent and told to fill the earth, it should be no surprise to us that ancient man explored and navigated around the world.
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Astounding Ancient Architecture

Evolution claims human society evolved into more complex forms. But the evidence instead shows complex civilizations arising around the world—at the same time!
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Ancient Man—a Genius?

Ancient man was not unintelligent. Humans were created in God’s image and have been using their minds to accomplish great things since the very beginning.
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Ancient Man: Brute or Brilliant?

According to man’s ideas about history, humans evolved from ape-like creatures and were originally primitive and unintelligent.
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Homology—Evidence for Evolution?

We see many similarities between living things. This is called “homology.” It’s often used by evolutionists as evidence of descent from a common ancestor.
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Why Does Creation Matter?

Creation is also important because this is an authority issue. There are only two starting points: man’s word and God’s Word.
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More Evidence?

It doesn’t seem to matter how much—or how good—our evidence is. Some people just won’t believe. So, do they need more evidence?
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The God of Evolution?

Jesus said humans were created at the beginning; evolutionists say we didn’t arrive until billions of years after the big bang.
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A Reminder of Salvation

Just like there was only one door into the ark, there’s only one way to escape God’s judgment. And that is through Jesus Christ.
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Should We Explore Outer Space?

The more we learn about the intricacies of space, the more we’re in awe of what he’s done. Yes, space exploration can be a good thing!
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Neanderthals—Fully Human!

Scientists used to think Neanderthals were sub-human brutes. But creation scientists recognized that Neanderthals had all the hallmarks of being human.
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Flood Legends—They’re Similar!

Flood legends confirm that the Bible’s history is true. Yes, people groups from all over carry the memory of Noah’s global flood.
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Sound Familiar?

Many cultures have legends with elements remarkably similar to the account of creation, the fall, and the flood. Consider this one from Tanzania, in Africa.
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The Same Old Story?

All last week, I answered common questions about Noah’s ark. But is there any evidence there really was a global flood and a Noah’s ark?
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Dinosaurs on the Ark?

At the Ark Encounter, we feature several sculpted dinosaurs to depict how they were housed and cared for. Wait—how could dinosaurs fit on the ark?
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Noah—Did He Build It Alone?

So many people wonder how Noah could’ve done such a big project with just his three sons.
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How Did Noah Care for the Animals?

Many secularists mock the account of the flood, claiming there’s no way just eight people could care for all the animals on the ark.
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Was the Ark Big Enough?

Have you ever wondered how Noah fit all the animals on the ark? Well, he didn’t need all the species we have today.
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Technologically Savvy Noah?

Secularists claimed we shouldn’t be using technology to build the Ark since Noah didn’t or did he?
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Canada—a Nation of Death!

Assisted suicide is murder—it’s not compassionate and merciful. It takes advantage of the poor and sick. It devalues precious human lives.
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Why Do We Look Different?

Genesis explains our differences! There’s one race—the human race.
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Start with God’s Word

The creation/evolution debate isn’t a battle over the evidence—it’s a battle over two different interpretations of the same evidence.
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When Should We Talk About Evolution?

Take advantage of opportunities when they hear the lies of the world. Point them to God’s unchanging truth. Teach them to always start thinking with God’s Word.
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Morality Without God?

Several years ago, researchers in Europe wanted to see if morality was declining within the church. And their answer was “no, not really.”
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The Big Bang: Proven Science?

A few years ago, the media excitedly announced proof of the big bang. Many Christians were troubled by this, since the big bang directly contradicts God’s Word.
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Archaeology—It Confirms God’s Word!

We shouldn’t be surprised when archaeology confirms God’s Word. After all, God’s Word is true, so this is exactly what we should expect!
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What Do You Put Your Hope in?

Evolution is a story about the past. But, it’s also a story of the future. You see, in this worldview, death and suffering are just part of life.
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Mixing God’s Word with Man’s Ideas

When you mix man’s ideas with God’s Word, it’s God’s Word that usually gets radically changed. And change in one area leads to change in other areas.
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Where’s God in This?

Today is 9/11, the sad anniversary of the terrorist attack on America. This event shocked America, and many wondered, “Where’s a loving God in this tragedy?”
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Our Good and God’s Glory?

Biblically, we’re to steward earth for our good, God’s glory. But what does that mean?
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Good Stewardship Matters!

God cares for what he’s made—including the plants and animals. So, we can’t just do whatever we want, depleting resources with no thought of the future.
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God Keeps His Promises!

This week we’re looking at the issue of climate change. Should we be in panic? No.
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Don’t Panic!

If you listen to the media, it’s time to panic, because we’re ruining earth. And there’s supposedly only a few years left before it’s too late!
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Practice Biblical Dominion

This world isn’t better off without humans. God has designed creation to be cared for by us, so let’s practice biblical dominion.
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Did Humans Live with Dinosaurs?

Cultures all around the world have legends of dragons. Their art features some of these creatures, recognizable as brachiosaurs, stegosaurs, or other dinosaurs.
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What Happened to the Dinosaurs?

There’re a lot of secular theories for why the dinosaurs went extinct. But the Bible gives us the proper framework for understanding their extinction.
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Dinosaurs on the Ark?

Noah took two of every kind of land-dwelling, air-breathing animal. Since dinosaurs are land-dwelling and air-breathing, they came to Noah to go on the ark.
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Dinosaurs—Living with People?

Genesis chapter 1 tells us that, originally, people and the animals were created vegetarian. God gave them the plants to eat.
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When Were Dinosaurs Created?

If you were asked “where did dinosaurs come from?,” how would you answer? Well, it’s not a hard question if we start with the Bible. Let’s take a look.
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What Is a Woman?

Who would’ve thought, even ten years ago, people would be asking “what is a woman?” But, well, here we are!
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Can Boys Really Become Girls?

God has made you the way you are on purpose. You are fearfully and wonderfully made by him in his very image as either a male or a female!
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Who Owns the Children?

I have a question for you—who owns the children? Well, our culture today largely believes that the government does! But, is that what the Bible teaches?
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Protect Your Children!

It’s been horrifying to watch children being sucked into trans ideology. What can we do to protect our children?
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Puberty Blockers—Life-Saving?

Our culture today says gender is fluid, that biology has nothing to do with it! Boys can be girls, and girls, boys.
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Only Two Foundations!

When it comes to the foundation for your worldview, there’s only two choices: man’s word or God’s Word.
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Temples of Atheism?

The temples of atheism are most public schools. This religion is taught to millions of students every day in our education system, many are believing it.
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Is One Day Enough?

A few hours in church is just not enough. You need to be diligent every day to teach your children the things of the Lord, combat the lies of the world.
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Is Your Child a Missionary?

Many parents claim, “well, my kids need to be in public school. They can be missionaries to the other children.” But can your child really be a missionary?
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Public Schools Aren’t Neutral!

Many people think that secular means “neutral.” So public schools—because they’re “secular”—are neutral. But there’s actually no such thing as true neutrality!
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Tracks—But No Trilobites?

Trilobites are extinct sea creatures. Many of them are found in the fossil record. But what’s even more interesting is that many trilobite tracks are also found in the fossil record.
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Fossil Leaves—They’re a Problem!

When leaves fall from the trees, it doesn’t take long for them to curl up and start to crumble. And yet fossil leaves are flat and look like they were freshly picked!
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Birds—Are They Dinosaurs?

Evolutionists believe birds evolved from dinosaurs. In fact they actually think birds are dinosaurs! But there’s big problems with this idea, including the way birds walk.
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Dinosaur Soft Tissue?

T. rex supposedly lived sixty-eight million years ago—so how could soft tissue last that long? Well, the short answer is—it can’t!
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The Cambrian Explosion—a Big Problem!

This week we’re going to look at five fossil mysteries that evolution can’t explain.
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False Teachers and Sound Teaching

The only way we can recognize those who won’t endure sound teaching is by knowing God and his Word!
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The Heart of False Teaching

Scripture says false teachers will “follow their sensuality.” Does the heart behind a teaching encourage sin and lust of the flesh?
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Teaching According to Christ

In the book of Colossians, we’re told to beware of being taken captive by philosophy and empty deceit. Now, how can we know what is mere philosophy and deceit?
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False Teaching—It Causes Divisions!

False teaching doesn’t bring unity or point people toward a greater love for Christ. Instead, it causes disunity and division within the body of Christ.
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Test the Spirits!

The New Testament is filled with warnings to be watchful, to avoid false teachers. That was true back then and it’s still true today.
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Let’s Start with the Bible!

Sadly, many Christians start with man’s ideas about origins and try and fit them into the Bible. But here’s two massive problems with this.
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Evolution … It’s Impossible!

The Bible says we were created by God. He made everything according to its kind, one kind won’t ever turn into another kind. That’s exactly what we observe!
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Mutations—Driving Evolution?

Mutations are changes in genetic information that already exists. Mutations don’t create brand-new, genetic information.
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Natural Selection—the Opposite of Evolution!

Natural selection has never been observed to create brand-new genetic information. It acts on genetic variability that’s already there.
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Is Natural Selection Evolution?

On the Galapagos islands, Charles Darwin noticed small variations within finches. Some of these birds had larger beaks for cracking open seeds.
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The Bible—Is it a Science Textbook?

I’ve had Christians tell me, “The Bible’s not a science textbook!” And I agree, I’m glad!
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The Pathfinder of the Seas

I wish there were more scientists today like Matthew Maury. This man is remembered as the “Pathfinder of the Seas.”
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Is It Really an Expanding Universe?

In the book of Isaiah we read that “God stretches out the heavens like a curtain.” This suggests the universe has expanded since creation.
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Earth—Hanging on Nothing?

Many ancient peoples believed that earth must sit on something. But what does the Bible say?
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A Round Earth?

I’ve often said that the Bible’s not a science textbook. But, when it does touch on science, it’s always right.
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We’re in a War But We Have Weapons!

How do we fight in this war? With the weapons God’s given us: his armor, including prayer and God’s Word and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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Every Life Has Value!

We now live in a culture of death that doesn’t view the unborn, elderly, differently abled, or terminally ill as having any value.
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Do Kids Actually Need to Think About Gender?

The toy brand American Girl told its young readers if they don’t feel comfortable in their bodies, they might be boys, that’s okay!
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Children—They’re a Blessing!

It’s heartbreaking how children are treated not just as unwanted, but as bad.
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An “Extinction Activist”?

Extinction activists think that humans should immediately stop having children and allow our species to completely die out.
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Jesus, Our Ark of Salvation

The most important feature at the Ark Encounter is that we teach millions of children and adults that the Bible’s history is true.
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Dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark?

Dinosaurs were land animals, so they were created on day six of creation week. And because they were land animals, their kinds were on the ark.
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Kinds Not Species!

Did you know that Noah had to take far fewer animals than you probably think onto the Ark?
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The Ark Was a Massive Ship

When many people think of Noah’s Ark, they picture a small boat, overcrowded with cartoon animals. Sadly, they don’t think of real history.
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It’s “Ark Week”!

We’re celebrating seven years since our Ark Encounter opened! To celebrate, this will be “Ark week” where I’ll answer common questions about Noah’s Ark.
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Mother Earth and Father Space?

Evolutionists think differently about meteors. You see, many of them believe these space rocks might’ve brought life to earth!
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Do I Believe in UFOs?

So, do I believe in UFOs? Yes, I do. There certainly are unidentified flying objects! But do I believe these UFOs are piloted by extraterrestrials?
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The Dinosaurs—Wiped out by an Asteroid?

Off the coast of Mexico, deep in the ocean, is a massive crate made by an asteroid! It’s this asteroid that’s believed to have wiped out the dinosaurs.
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Rewriting Evolution … Again

Everyone knows of the beautiful rings surrounding Saturn or Jupiter. But did you know that scientists discovered a new ring system just this year?
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A Global Flood … on Mars?

The planet Mars is marked with evidence of massive amounts of erosion—so much so that many scientists believe there was a global flood on Mars!
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Creationists—We Were Right!

The most famous of the so-called cavemen are the Neanderthals. Now, those who start with God’s Word have always said that these people were fully human, descended from Adam.
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Adam—Made from an Ape-Man?

The influence of evolution, even in the church, has become strong. Some Christians claim that God created Adam from an ape man, Eve from an ape woman!
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Don’t Trust the TV Depictions!

Most people’s view of cavemen comes from TV programs that depict so-called cavemen as dumb, hunchbacked brutes—who can only grunt a few syllables.
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Are Cavemen a Big Mystery?

Living in caves scattered across Europe, a group of people left behind tools, art, and a few bones. Who were they? And when, how—did they live?
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Cavemen—Leaving Clues of Their Intelligence

On cave walls across Europe, you’ll find paintings of animals accompanied by dots and dashes—what could it mean?
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Life—It Couldn’t Have Evolved!

Yesterday I shared that scientists claim they’ve created the “building blocks of life” in a lab. But what did they really make?
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Where Did Life Come from?

Many scientists now believe the ingredients for life came from deep in outer space, arriving here on a meteorite.
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Who’s Your Authority?

The gender and pronoun fad will come and go, but God’s truth remains forever!
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Does God Use They/Them Pronouns?

God has revealed himself to us—and he’s done so with masculine pronouns and titles such as Father, Son, God, King, Priest, and Prophet.
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Theology—Dependent on Feelings?

Theology refers to the study of God: who he is and what he’s done. Now, what should shape our theology?
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Heaven Rules

God offers salvation to all through his Son. Jesus paid our sin debt. All who turn to him receive forgiveness and eternal life. Come to Christ today!
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A Battle of Pride

The battle over marriage and gender being waged right now in the church is about much more than marriage or gender. It’s ultimately about pride.
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Pride—the Root of All Sin?

Pride isn’t worth celebrating because rebelliously thumbing our nose at the Creator is a sin and it leads to more and more sin.
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Pride—the First Sin

Our culture today treats pride like a good thing—but pride is a sin. In fact, it was the first sin.
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God Hates Pride

The month of June is now known by many as “Pride Month.” Now, at the heart of this “celebration” is the sin of pride.
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A Problem for Evolution!

Last year the global population hit eight billion. Now, you might think that’s a lot—but it’s really not if evolution’s true!
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A Population Problem

Earth has a population problem—but it’s not what you might think!
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The Dominion Mandate

Nature has intrinsic value because it was made by God and he cares for what he’s made. But it isn’t more important than people who bear God’s image.
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Good or Bad?

We should celebrate that there are eight billion image-bearers of God living on a remarkable planet he made for us!
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Remembering Sacrifice

It’s Memorial Day here in the United States. On this national holiday, we respectfully remember the costly sacrifice that so many have made for our country.
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Religion—Just Personal Opinion?

What we believe as Christians shouldn’t just be our opinions. We can speak with authority, like Jesus did, because our faith is based in truth.
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Can God Contradict the Bible?

It’s God’s Word that tells us what the holy God expects from us—and what his standard is. And that standard is perfection!
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Jesus—Was He Really God?

Jesus is the eternal God—the Creator of the universe, the God of Abraham, and the I AM who met with Moses. No, Jesus wasn’t created!
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Does God Learn?

Nearly half of “Evangelicals” believe “God learns and adapts to different circumstances.” In other words, they believe God changes and he isn’t all-knowing.
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God—the God of All?

A recent study found that over half of “Evangelicals” believe God accepts the worship of all religions. But is that true?
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Parents—You Need a Biblical Worldview

What you believe determines what you pass along to your children. And, sadly, only two percent of US parents with young children have a biblical worldview!
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Salt and Light?

A worldview that isn’t firmly anchored to the truth of God’s Word is ultimately going to shift along with our culture.
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God Hates Syncretism

Many professing Christians take elements of man’s pagan religion of our age—like evolution and millions of years—and mesh it with Scripture.
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A Customized Worldview

Yesterday we learned that very few Americans have a biblical worldview. So, what do the rest of Americans believe?
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Who Has a Biblical Worldview?

Seventy percent of Americans claim to be Christians and yet only six in one hundred have a biblical worldview!
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They Can’t Be Salt Until They Have Salt!

Parents might want their children to be like “missionaries” in the public education system. But I remind them—children can’t be salt there until they have salt!
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Equip Your Kids!

Our Christian worldview is grounded in the history in Genesis. And yet so many Christians avoid Genesis and don’t know what to believe about it!
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Start with Genesis

How can you best impart a biblical worldview to your children? Well, start with Genesis!
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It’s Not About the Evidence!

Historical science is all about an interpretation of the evidence. And that’s why scientists often disagree about their conclusions!
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What Is Science?

When people consider science, they usually think of it as making observations about the natural world or maybe seeing technological advances.
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Science—Always Scientific?

Over the past few years, I’ve seen many articles pointing to a big problem within modern science—it’s not always, well, scientific!
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It’s National Day of Prayer

Well, today is the National Day of Prayer—a day when many Americans stop and spend time praying for our nation.
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The Big Bang—It’s Not Good Science!

There’re so many problems with the big bang model—and recent observations aren’t helping! Here’s just a few problems.
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Where’s the Inflation?

Now, when I ask “where’s the inflation?,” I’m not talking about economics! Here’s what I mean.
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Is It Time to Panic?

The big bang model contradicts the Bible, which says, “in the beginning God created.” So, we do not expect the evidence to confirm the big bang.
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Everyone Thought of the Same Thing?

In various places around the world, you’ll find man-made structures built several thousand years ago. What’s interesting is that they all look eerily similar.
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A Descendant of Noah

Many families have kept detailed chronologies for generations. Some of these genealogies go all the way back to one man—and you might recognize his name—Noah!
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How Many Languages?

Language scientists say the world’s 7,000 languages came from fewer than 100 original language families. So, where’d these families come from?
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Ancient Civilizations?

When did civilization start? Well, according to evolutionary ideas, modern man evolved two hundred thousand years ago.
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What Happened at Babel?

Many Christians don’t really think much of the Tower of Babel, but it’s an important event in human history!
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The Bible—Right or Wrong?

Today we’re looking at one more “ite” from the Old Testament. This time it’s the Edomites, Esau’s descendants.
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God’s Word Is Trustworthy

The Bible mentions a group of people called the Moabites, descended from Abraham’s nephew Lot. But did these people actually exist?
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The Bible Was Right!

Who were the Ammonites? Well, they’re one of the many “ites” mentioned in the Bible. Who were these people?
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The Bible—Always Accurate

When it comes to God’s Word, it’s accurate in everything it says—even in the details! Here’s an example.
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Archaeology—What’s It for?

This week we’re looking at archaeology—is it a friend or foe of the Bible? Well, spoiler alert, it’s a friend!
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God’s Word—Worth Dying for!

Today we’ve unprecedented access to God’s Word. But it wasn’t always this way!
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So, Who Decided?

How did we get the 27 books of the New Testament? Many believe it was an arbitrary vote at the Council of Nicaea. But that’s not even close to the truth!
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Lots and Lots of Manuscripts

Yesterday we learned that the Bible was carefully hand copied for thousands of years. But does this mean that people changed the text for hundreds of years?
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God Has Preserved His Word

This week we’re looking at how we got the Bible. Yesterday we learned that ultimately it came from God and that God has faithfully preserved his Word. But how?
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Scripture—It’s from God!

This week we’re going to see where our Bibles came from. But first, we have to understand that, ultimately, the Bible comes from God.
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Risen, Reigning, Returning

This week we’ve seen that Jesus is the perfect sacrifice for our sins. With his death on the cross, he paid the price that our “sin-debt” demands.
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Why the Sacrifices?

Did you know the Old Testament is like a big arrow pointing to Jesus and what he came to do?
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Our Passover Lamb

This Easter, take time to thank God for the Passover lamb, slain and raised again for us.
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Why Do We Sin?

Yesterday we learned that we’re all sinners. But why? Well, it goes back to Genesis.
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The Bad News First

I have some bad news, and some good news—which do you want first?
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Climate Change—Should We Care?

We’ve seen that there’s no reason, from a scientific or biblical perspective, for the climate hysteria of our day. So, should we care at all?
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Climate Change Has Changed!

In the 1970s global cooling was considered our planet’s biggest threat. Within decades, it was global warming and now it’s just “climate change.” What happened?
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A Lack of Data

Is climate change our biggest threat? We’re often told YES!—and that “the science is settled.” But is it really?
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So, Why the Hysteria?

There’s good reason to believe today’s climate change is just part of normal variations in earth’s climate. So, why’s there so much hysteria?
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Climate Change—the Biggest Threat?

“The earth is dying—and it’s your fault!” That’s the message we’ve heard for decades. But is it true? Is climate change the biggest threat to life on earth?
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Can’t and Won’t

The wrong worldview leads to wrong interpretations and missed opportunities to understand our world.
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Helium or No Helium?

Creationists believe radioactive decay greatly sped up during creation week and then during Noah’s flood.
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Fast-Forming Species?

Creationists believe that God created creatures according to their kinds with new species forming within those original kinds, in just a few thousand years.
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Folded, Not Fractured!

It’s important to know that, most of the time, science has nothing to do with evolution or even origins at all!
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Can Creationists Be Scientists?

It’s important to know that, most of the time, science has nothing to do with evolution or even origins at all!
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They Aren’t Related!

This week we’ve seen there’s no evidence for the idea of “feathered” dinosaurs. And that’s just what we’d expect, starting with God’s Word!
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Folds to Feathers?

As we’ve seen this week, evolutionists believe dinosaurs evolved into birds. In their worldview, scales must’ve, by chance, evolved into feathers. But how?
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Fuzzy Dinosaurs?

Fossils of true dinosaurs have been found with a “fuzz” on them. Now, this “fuzz” is far from feathers. So, what is it?
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Feathered Dinosaurs?

The idea of feathered dinosaurs comes from the belief that dinosaurs evolved into birds. But is there evidence for this?
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Fact or Interpretation?

Evolutionists approach dinosaur fossils with the assumption they’ll find evidence for that belief. But were there feathered dinos?
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Fiction or Legend?

Humans have legends of dinosaur-like creatures because, well, people lived with them.
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Dinosaurs—Why’d They Disappear?

What happened to the dinosaurs? Well, it wasn’t an asteroid impact that wiped them out!
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Dinosaurs on the Ark?

Children’s Bibles usually show Noah leading different land animals into the ark. Few show Noah loading on a brontosaurus or a stegosaurus. Why?