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Ask Pastor John

English, Religion, 1 season, 2149 episodes, 1 day, 5 hours, 12 minutes
Daily audio clips of John Piper answering tough theological and pastoral questions.
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Overcoming Spiritual Laziness

How do we overcome half-hearted spiritual laziness? Pastor John appeals to the apostle Paul and Jonathan Edwards to commend a life totally devoted to Christ.
9/30/202411 minutes, 38 seconds
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Rome’s Seven Deadly Errors

The Roman Catholic Church teaches numerous unbiblical doctrines. So, can devout Catholics be genuinely saved?
9/26/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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Celebrate the Reformation with Us This October

Luther didn’t stand alone 500 years ago. Nor does he stand alone today. We’ve created a 31-day journey to introduce you to the many heroes of the Reformation. Join us at
9/25/20243 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Busy Soul Learning to Wait for God

How can active, impatient doers learn to wait on God? Pastor John describes spiritual waiting — and shows how we can answer such a question for ourselves.
9/23/202412 minutes, 37 seconds
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DG’s Slogan, Coined 36 Years Ago Today

“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.” How did John Piper craft this memorable motto? Tony Reinke tells the story.
9/19/20249 minutes, 25 seconds
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American Church, Is Your Christ Too Cheap?

Why do so many American Christians bear the marks of worldliness? Too often in our churches, Christ is too cheap, heaven is too distant, and earth is too big.
9/19/202413 minutes, 16 seconds
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Why Do I Exist?

Why do you exist? Why does anything exist? Pastor John shows from Isaiah 43:1–7 that God created his people to glorify him by enjoying him.
9/16/202412 minutes, 42 seconds
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Will God Forgive My Worst Sin?

Will God forgive my very worst sin? Pastor John shares seven powerful encouragements for those paralyzed with guilt.
9/12/202413 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Pitfalls of Being a Thinker

Thinking is indispensable — but thinking is also dangerous. How can we use our minds to glorify God rather than puffing up ourselves?
9/9/202412 minutes, 51 seconds
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On Hoarding

How can we help those struggling with hoarding? Pastor John shares five underlying factors and five practical suggestions for those who seem stuck.
9/5/202415 minutes, 28 seconds
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How to Find the Meaning of a Bible Verse

How do we make sense of Bible passages that we don’t understand? Pastor John demonstrates how to patiently interpret Scripture with Scripture.
9/2/202411 minutes, 48 seconds
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What Is ‘White-Hot Worship’?

Though our response to God often feels frustratingly inadequate, he is worthy of all our heart, soul, and mind. He is worthy of “white-hot worship.”
8/29/202411 minutes, 13 seconds
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Did My Negligence Kill My Baby?

What comfort does God give to those who feel responsible for tragic loss? Pastor John offers eight words of hope to a brokenhearted mom.
8/26/202413 minutes, 38 seconds
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Defining Success in My 9-to-5 Job

What does it mean to “work heartily, as for the Lord” in our 9-to-5 jobs? Pastor John considers five qualities of faithful work from Paul’s words in Colossians 3.
8/22/202410 minutes, 36 seconds
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Your Holy Deeds Are Not Filthy Rags

In Christ, the righteous deeds you do by faith are emphatically not “filthy rags.” Pastor John corrects a common and profound misunderstanding.
8/19/202411 minutes, 20 seconds
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Are Motorcycles for Fools?

If God is sovereign over life and death, does it matter what risks we take? Pastor John considers the place of precautions beneath God’s providence.
8/15/202411 minutes, 28 seconds
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Should We Ever Speak Directly to the Devil?

Scripture gives us a category for addressing the devil, but our normal way of defeating him is by trusting the promises of God and killing our own sin.
8/12/202411 minutes, 16 seconds
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Seven Encouragements for Parents of Prodigals

How can we not lose heart over children who wander from Christ? Pastor John opens the parable of the prodigal son to offer encouragement after encouragement.
8/8/202410 minutes, 19 seconds
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Can We Pray for God to Teach Someone a Lesson?

Can Christians ask God to teach the unrepentant hard lessons? Pastor John helps us pray against others’ sins without presuming to be God.
8/5/202410 minutes, 31 seconds
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Should My Construction Company Help Build a Casino?

Should a Christian construction worker help to build a casino — or any other building that facilitates sin? Pastor John offers principles for the Christian conscience.
8/1/202410 minutes, 38 seconds
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When Love Wanes, the Marriage Covenant Remains

Staying married is not first about staying in love. It’s about keeping a covenant that reflects Jesus’s own faithfulness to his bride, the church.
7/29/202411 minutes, 51 seconds
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Can a Single Pastor Date in His Church?

Where should an unmarried pastor look for a wife? Pastor John encourages single men in ministry to take practical steps while trusting God’s providence.
7/25/202412 minutes, 26 seconds
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What Makes a True Friend?

What makes for a true friend, according to God’s word? Pastor John sketches the nature and importance of friendship across the Scriptures.
7/22/202412 minutes, 29 seconds
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God Is Eager to Work for You

God looks throughout the earth, eager to work for those whose hearts are whole toward him. Pastor John unfolds glory from a favorite verse.
7/18/202413 minutes, 44 seconds
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Will God Judge People for Being Born Muslim?

Will God condemn someone for being born into another religion? Pastor John responds to a former Muslim deeply worried about her loved ones.
7/15/202411 minutes, 14 seconds
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On Repetitive Worship Songs

“For his steadfast love endures forever” appears 26 times in Psalm 136. What might we learn from this psalm about the right kind of repetition in worship?
7/11/202411 minutes, 4 seconds
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Let the Bible Smash Your Bad Theology

If you want more of your thoughts to become captive to Christ, open the Bible and pray, “Anything in my thinking that needs to be destroyed, destroy it.”
7/8/20249 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Good Grace of Being American

American citizens enjoy lavish blessings of common grace. Pastor John calls us to give thanks without giving away our far deeper allegiance to God’s special grace.
7/4/202412 minutes, 31 seconds
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Is My Joy Commanded or Spontaneous?

If joy in God is a gift from God, why does he also command us to rejoice? Pastor John takes us into a paradox that lies at the heart of the God-glorifying life.
7/1/202411 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Next Generation of Missionaries

The local church’s task of sending and sustaining long-term missionaries rests on several deep biblical assumptions. Pastor John shares five.
6/27/202410 minutes, 22 seconds
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How Your Heart Governs Your Mind

At the root of our sin is not a mind ignorant of God’s ways, but a darkened love, a hardened heart, and a will bent away from God’s ways.
6/24/202411 minutes
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Resurrection Power for Our Pain

In this fallen age, resurrection power does not keep us from pain. Instead, it brings life to others as we keep loving Jesus in our pain.
6/20/202411 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Emotional Roller Coaster of Bible Reading

Bible reading can bring comfort, but Bible reading can also bring fear. How can we rightly embrace both the comfort of God’s promises and the fear of his warnings?
6/17/202412 minutes, 27 seconds
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Taste Test Your Way to God’s Will

Paul says that the renewed mind discerns God’s good will “by testing.” What does that testing look like in the thousands of everyday decisions we make?
6/13/20249 minutes, 5 seconds
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God’s Purpose in Our Boredom

Our boredom in this world is meant to point us to another world — a world where the infinitely interesting God will banish boredom forever.
6/10/202412 minutes, 41 seconds
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How Can I Convince Comfortable People to Embrace Christ?

No matter how comfortable our friends and neighbors may seem, they are headed for hell unless they repent. So, what words might break through their comfort?
6/6/202412 minutes, 15 seconds
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Satan, the ‘Prince of the Air’ — What Does That Mean?

Why does Paul call Satan “the prince of the power of the air”? Pastor John explores the extent of Satan’s authority and Christ’s decisive victory.
6/3/202413 minutes, 43 seconds
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If I’m Not Elect, How Am I Guilty for Not Believing?

If God has not chosen to save me, then why would he condemn me for not believing? Pastor John explains the kind of inability that does not remove responsibility.
5/30/202411 minutes, 3 seconds
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What Shia LaBeouf Gets Wrong About Joy

Is Shia LaBeouf right to say that Jesus experienced “maximum joy” as he died? Pastor John considers the joy set before Christ and the horrors of the cross.
5/27/202413 minutes, 6 seconds
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Killing Lust with the Cross of Christ

“Cross,” “nails,” “spear,” and “thorns” are words that evoke images in our minds — images with tremendous power to dispel lustful thoughts.
5/23/202410 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ten Questions for Readers of Erotica

How should Christians think about sexually explicit material on the page rather than the screen? Pastor John offers ten questions for readers of erotica.
5/20/202410 minutes, 55 seconds
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Warning Our Children of Rebellion

Parents have the God-given duty to warn their children not to rebel against Christ, and some of the most powerful warnings come from stories of failed rebellions.
5/16/202411 minutes, 45 seconds
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Mom’s Role in Raising Boys

How can a mom raise boys to become strong and godly men? Pastor John offers counsel for training up the next generation.
5/13/202412 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Prayer You Don’t Want Answered

Sometimes, God responds to our sinful requests with a merciful no. But other times, he gives what we ask, brings misery with it, and then amazingly works good through it.
5/9/202411 minutes, 30 seconds
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How Can I Grow in Expressing Affection?

How can Christians grow in expressing their deepest affections for God and others? Pastor John offers eight pieces of counsel for those who struggle to speak.
5/6/202412 minutes, 5 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Satan to Block the Gospel?

God could destroy Satan at any moment. So, why has God allowed Satan to blind the minds of unbelievers from seeing the glory of Christ?
5/2/202413 minutes, 29 seconds
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Are Parents to Blame for Prodigals?

Does Proverbs 22:6 promise that children raised by godly parents will become Christians? Pastor John explains the proverb and points parents to their ultimate hope.
4/29/202414 minutes, 49 seconds
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How to Write a Good Sentence

What makes a good sentence? Good sentences are true, clear, authentic, thoughtful, creative, well-timed, clean, loving, and glorifying to God.
4/25/202414 minutes, 24 seconds
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A Daily Morning Exercise

How can we walk through this world of sin, suffering, and futility with strength and joy? Psalm 90:14 holds the key.
4/22/202410 minutes, 55 seconds
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Am I Confident or Arrogant?

In a society steeped in self-worth and self-esteem, how can Christians aim for significance in a way that glorifies Christ?
4/18/202411 minutes, 43 seconds
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Should the Church ‘Bless’ Same-Sex Relationships?

Should churches be willing to somehow “bless” same-sex relationships? Pastor John responds to Pope Francis’s concerning proposal.
4/15/202412 minutes, 5 seconds
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How Can I Glorify God as I Pray for Myself?

God does everything he does for his glory, including answering our prayers. So, how can we align all our requests with this big, overarching purpose?
4/11/202411 minutes, 30 seconds
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Am I Abusing Caffeine?

How can we tell if we’re abusing caffeine (or any food or drink)? Pastor John offers three questions to guide a Christian’s consumption.
4/8/202412 minutes, 51 seconds
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‘Death Is Yours’ — What Does Paul Mean?

If death belongs to the children of God, as the apostle Paul says, then death not only loses its sting, but it turns around and becomes our servant.
4/4/202412 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Man Who Died in the Pulpit

On September 22, 1967, V. Raymond Edman collapsed while delivering a chapel message at Wheaton. Pastor John reflects on his college chancellor’s final words.
4/1/202413 minutes, 56 seconds
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How Do I Forget My Sinful Past?

Some Christians carry an ongoing sense of guilt for sins confessed long ago. What can we do with these stubborn guilt feelings?
3/28/202413 minutes, 36 seconds
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God Delivers from the Suffering He Ordains

If God is sovereign over our suffering, then we can trust him to strengthen us in suffering, sanctify us through suffering, and ultimately save us from suffering.
3/25/202411 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Gift of God’s God-Centeredness

From eternity, God has been self-sufficiently happy in himself. And because he has no needs of his own, he is gloriously free to meet ours.
3/21/202411 minutes, 28 seconds
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Should Confidence in Sovereignty Make Me Prayerless?

If our souls are deeply satisfied in God, what room is there for petitionary prayer? Pastor John reframes the question by clarifying the nature of prayer.
3/18/202410 minutes, 54 seconds
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Your Most-Asked-About Bible Verse

If God is sovereign over salvation, do the non-elect even have a chance to repent? Pastor John addresses Romans 9:22, your most-asked-about Bible verse.
3/14/202414 minutes, 39 seconds
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How Much Error Can I Believe and Still Be Saved?

Some biblical truths are essential to believe for salvation — but not all. So, how much error can someone hold and still be saved?
3/11/202412 minutes, 8 seconds
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Is My Child Transgender Because of Me?

How can parents resist the despair that comes from feeling like failures? Pastor John offers ten words of hope for parents of prodigals.
3/7/202413 minutes, 49 seconds
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The ‘Ask Pastor John’ Book Is Here

After ten years and two thousand episodes, Tony Reinke has distilled the best of ‘Ask Pastor John’ in a remarkable new book.
3/5/202415 minutes, 56 seconds
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Is Obedience Without Affection Still Love?

If we obey God outwardly but feel no affection for him inwardly, is our obedience still love? Pastor John takes us to the heart beneath God-pleasing obedience.
3/4/202411 minutes, 54 seconds
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How Preachers Grow Graceless

How do preachers guard themselves from hypocrisy? Pastor John traces double-faced preaching to its deepest root: the love of human praise.
2/29/202414 minutes, 32 seconds
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Your Suffering Is Not Meaningless

How did Paul endure such unimaginable sufferings without turning from Christ? Pastor John traces three threads of the apostle’s perseverance.
2/26/202414 minutes, 35 seconds
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Why Did God Stigmatize the Disabled?

In Leviticus 21, God forbids men with physical defects from participating as full priests. How do we reconcile this prohibition with Jesus’s approach to the disabled?
2/22/202412 minutes
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Enjoying God in His Gifts

How do we enjoy pizza, friendship, or any other good gift without committing idolatry? Not only by enjoying God more than his gifts, but also by enjoying him in them.
2/19/202415 minutes, 4 seconds
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What’s the Essence of Love?

How do Paul’s travel plans relate to the Trinitarian depths of God’s love? Pastor John shows how ultimate reality undergirds the love between the saints.
2/15/202413 minutes, 59 seconds
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Political Flag-Waving Isn’t Enough

Christians have not only the right but the calling to speak truth to power. But such speech differs greatly from mere political flag-waving.
2/12/202412 minutes, 12 seconds
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Does Hidden Sin Bring Physical Suffering?

The wrath of God is gone for those who are in Christ. But does God still sometimes bring physical suffering in response to unconfessed sin?
2/8/202414 minutes, 16 seconds
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How Should I Choose a College Major?

What factors should Christian students consider when choosing a college or major? Pastor John gives five guidelines for those who don’t want to waste their lives.
2/5/202413 minutes, 55 seconds
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Do I Have a Hard Heart?

How can we know if our heart is hard toward God? Pastor John diagnoses hardness of heart, and gives a remedy for remaining soft to God’s Spirit.
2/1/202411 minutes, 37 seconds
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Was Jesus Confused by the Cross?

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Do these haunting words from Jesus suggest he was confused by the horrors of the cross?
1/29/202411 minutes, 12 seconds
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What Would World War III Mean for Missions?

We live in a time of mounting global tensions, of wars and rumors of wars. What hope do we have for the future of missions should conflict continue to build?
1/25/202414 minutes, 17 seconds
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Strategies for Building a Reverent Church

In a day starving for transcendence, how might church leaders arrange every element of the Sunday gathering to promote joyful Godward reverence?
1/22/202417 minutes, 16 seconds
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Leading a Church out of Casual Culture

How might churches move away from casual culture toward heartfelt, happy reverence on Sunday morning? Pastor John shares five steps for preachers.
1/18/202414 minutes, 20 seconds
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On Coffee-Sipping in the Sanctuary

Is it wrong to drink coffee during corporate worship? Pastor John moves beyond mugs to the heart of the issue.
1/15/202413 minutes, 40 seconds
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Should Christians Make Bucket Lists?

From college grads to retirees, many people love to keep bucket lists. Should Christians? Pastor John puts rest and recreation within a biblical mindset.
1/11/202411 minutes, 55 seconds
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How Do I Find the Main Point of a Psalm?

How can we discern the main point of not only a single verse, but an entire paragraph, section, or even chapter of the Bible?
1/8/202411 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Good News of God’s Faithfulness to God

God’s faithfulness to God may not sound like good news. But the foundation of our hope rests on God’s zeal to display the worth of his name.
1/4/202413 minutes, 59 seconds
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Read the Bible with Us in 2024

On the first day of a new year, Pastor John commends a yearlong Bible-reading plan and invites listeners to join him from Genesis to Revelation.
1/1/202413 minutes, 12 seconds
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Appeal from John Piper

Your prayers and financial support help us bring more people into the fullest enjoyment of the greatest treasure ever found. For every $10 per month you give, we can reach 70 more people with God-centered resources. Would you join us as a monthly partner?
12/29/20235 minutes, 17 seconds
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My Bible Reading Feels Flat — What Can I Do?

Sometimes, perhaps even often, we read Scripture with our eyes, grasp its truth in our minds, yet feel little pleasure in our hearts. What can we do in such moments?
12/28/202318 minutes, 17 seconds
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Four Reasons Christmas Is Special

Christmas is a day for marveling. Pastor John shares four earth-shaking, soul-satisfying reasons to glory in the coming of the Son of God.
12/25/202311 minutes, 50 seconds
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Looking Back at 2023, Looking Ahead to 2024

As a new year nears, Pastor John marvels at God’s grace from 2023 and shares exciting plans for the months ahead.
12/21/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Make the Bible Part of Your Everyday in 2024

What makes regular Bible intake not only helpful for the Christian life, but crucial? Pastor John gives ten reasons to make the Bible part of your everyday.
12/18/202315 minutes, 42 seconds
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Feast on the Bible’s Grammar

The word “therefore” appears almost five hundred times in the New Testament. And every one of them is a doorway to life and love.
12/14/202317 minutes, 16 seconds
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How John Piper Marks Up His Books

Pastor John never reads a book — even novels — without a pencil in hand. What does he do with it, and why won’t he use a pen?
12/11/202318 minutes, 33 seconds
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Make Your Life Count: Twelve Rules for Teens

How can teens make their lives count? From dating wisely to failing well, Pastor John offers twelve rules for teenage followers of Christ.
12/7/202319 minutes, 55 seconds
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Go to the Ant

We know God inspired the Bible, but we sometimes forget that he also spoke creation into existence. How might we begin to learn from both of God’s books?
12/4/202312 minutes, 57 seconds
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How to Study the Bible on a Topic

How can normal Christians learn to study the Bible on a topic? Pastor John models his own approach as he prepares answers for ‘Ask Pastor John.’
11/30/202310 minutes, 40 seconds
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Learning for Those Who Don’t Love Learning

The apostle Peter calls Christians to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. But how might we grow in knowledge if we don’t enjoy the process of learning?
11/27/202314 minutes, 28 seconds
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How Thanksgiving Shapes Your Life Story

At the heart of our unbelief lies not only our refusal to glorify God, but our refusal to thank him. Apart from grace, we take the gifts and ignore the Giver.
11/23/202314 minutes, 59 seconds
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How Does Learning Deepen Joy?

What role should emotions play in Christian education? If we take our cue from Scripture, appropriate feelings will be central, not peripheral, to all our learning.
11/20/202315 minutes, 38 seconds
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Learning in a World Blind to God

God communicates through not just his word, but also his world. Christian learning presses deeply into the Bible, but the stars have something to say as well.
11/16/202314 minutes, 44 seconds
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How to Lead Teens Deeper into Their Bibles

How can youth leaders lead teens deeper into their Bibles? By teaching with an eye on language, a heart for reality, and a knack for question-asking.
11/13/202316 minutes, 9 seconds
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How Can I Return to Normal Life After Tragedy?

Seasons of affliction, however painful or even deadening they may feel, do not last forever. God will restore the souls he has saved.
11/9/202314 minutes, 33 seconds
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Hoping in God When Our Heroes Die

Godly pastors and leaders are a tremendous gift to Christ’s church. So, how do we keep hoping in God when our spiritual heroes die?
11/6/202313 minutes, 23 seconds
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How Can I Kill My Selfishness?

If you want to kill your selfishness, focus on more than your selfishness. Fill your soul to overflowing with Christ.
11/2/202313 minutes, 53 seconds
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What Do We Celebrate on Reformation Day?

Over five hundred years after Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses, what do we celebrate on Reformation Day? Pastor John traces five of the Reformation’s greatest recoveries.
10/30/202311 minutes, 19 seconds
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Is My Painting Hobby a Wartime Waste?

When do our hobbies glorify God, and when do they become a wartime waste? Pastor John offers three guiding questions to ask of any hobby.
10/26/202314 minutes, 2 seconds
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Should We Consult with Dead Ancestors?

What do the Scriptures say about communicating with dead ancestors? Pastor John explains four truths about God and the sufficiency of his revelation.
10/23/202311 minutes, 47 seconds
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Can Pro-Life Advocates Lie to Save Lives?

With so much at stake in the fight against abortion, can pro-life advocates use doctrinal falsehoods to persuade parents to keep their babies?
10/19/202311 minutes, 29 seconds
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John Piper on ChatGPT

Intelligence without affection is barren, mechanical — even artificial. Pastor John reflects on his ministry in the light of developing AI technologies.
10/16/202314 minutes, 2 seconds
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Is It Sinful to Be Unhappy?

Given Paul’s command to “rejoice always,” do we sin when we lack joy? Pastor John offers a simple answer with three crucial qualifications.
10/12/202311 minutes, 16 seconds
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Is Joy a Choice or a Feeling?

Genuine joy in God is far deeper than a choice we make. Even so, our actions can help or hinder the spontaneous experience of joy.
10/9/202312 minutes, 24 seconds
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What Old Testament Promises Are for Me?

Can new-covenant Christians claim old-covenant promises? As long as we keep some key distinctions in mind, we not only can, but should.
10/5/202311 minutes, 47 seconds
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Evidence for the Cross and Resurrection

God has not left us without evidence for the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. But evidence alone will never open the eyes of the blind.
10/2/202313 minutes, 19 seconds
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Does God Love Us Simply for His Glory?

God-centered theology can raise all kinds of questions about God’s love for us. Pastor John asks and answers nine of them.
9/28/202312 minutes, 22 seconds
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If Sin’s Penalty Is Eternal, Why Isn’t Jesus Still Suffering?

If the penalty for sin is eternal punishment, how could Jesus’s finite sufferings pay the price of our redemption?
9/25/202311 minutes, 24 seconds
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Six Reasons Jesus Left Earth After Easter

Why did Jesus leave earth after his resurrection? Pastor John gives six reasons for Jesus’s ascension to the Father’s right hand.
9/21/202310 minutes, 9 seconds
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Even If Our Faith Is False, Aren’t Christians Happier People?

If Christ has not been raised, Paul says, then Christians are “of all people most to be pitied.” But why should we be pitied when we live with such joy?
9/18/202311 minutes, 47 seconds
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What Does Piper Mean by ‘Satisfied’?

“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.” What does Pastor John mean when he talks about “satisfaction in God”?
9/14/202314 minutes
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Christ, Our Sabbath Rest at Work

Christ is our rest on Monday as well as Sunday. But how do we experience the peaceful rest of Jesus in the midst of our labors?
9/11/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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How Can I Become a Humbler Calvinist?

The doctrines of grace are designed to destroy human boasting. So, what can we do if we find our theology becoming a platform for pride?
9/7/202311 minutes, 19 seconds
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Will We Work in Eternity?

At least six biblical pointers give us reason to expect some kind of work in the age to come. But whatever eternity holds, it will be a future beyond disappointment.
9/4/202313 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ten Authors for Your Soul

Rich doctrine makes the heart sing. So, where might Christians start if they want to read time-tested, soul-deepening books?
8/31/202311 minutes, 47 seconds
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Why John Piper Reads Books

With so many demands on our time, why should we carve out precious minutes for books? Pastor John gives seven reasons he loves to read.
8/28/20239 minutes, 50 seconds
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I Don’t Feel God’s Love — What Can I Do?

When life is hard and heaven seems silent, how can God’s people still feel his love? Pastor John offers six reminders for those in spiritual darkness.
8/24/202310 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ten Reasons You Need Unconditional Election

How important is unconditional election for the Christian life? Pastor John offers ten reasons why Christians need this crucial doctrine.
8/21/202311 minutes, 33 seconds
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Ten Criticisms of John Piper’s Preaching

Anyone who preaches for long will find his preaching criticized — sometimes unfairly, but often wisely. Pastor John shares ten criticisms that have shaped him.
8/17/202313 minutes, 18 seconds
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Do Christians Really Suffer in America?

If Jesus and his apostles promised that faithful Christians would suffer, how can comfortable disciples make sense of their experience?
8/14/202312 minutes, 7 seconds
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How Can I Explain Christian Joy to Unbelievers?

The Bible rings with the language of pleasure and joy in God. But how can we explain that pleasure and joy in ways non-Christian loved ones may understand?
8/10/202312 minutes, 26 seconds
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Why Does God Choose the Foolish?

World evangelization would spread more quickly, it may seem, if God had chosen the wise and powerful. So, why did he choose the foolish and weak instead?
8/7/202311 minutes, 34 seconds
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Resisting the Inner Skeptic in Our Bible Reading

When doubts disrupt our Bible reading, how can we resist the inner skeptic? Pastor John offers six ways to fight for faith in daily devotions.
8/3/202311 minutes, 35 seconds
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Can I Still Have Joy in Seasons of Doubt?

Seasons of doubt may afflict our minds and shake our hearts, but they need not take our joy. Beneath the waves of doubt, joy’s deep waters can still remain calm.
7/31/202311 minutes
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How Does God’s Joy Become My Joy?

The New Testament seems to connect the person of the Holy Spirit with the joy we experience as believers. But how do the two relate to each other?
7/27/202312 minutes, 31 seconds
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Fifty Years of Theological Battles

If you want to prepare for the unknown controversies of tomorrow, know your Bible deeply, thoroughly, confidently, joyfully.
7/24/202313 minutes, 7 seconds
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What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual?

Some Christians identify spirituality with gifts like speaking in tongues and healing. Does that view match the Bible’s own description of truly spiritual people?
7/20/202314 minutes, 34 seconds
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How Are We Being Saved Right Now?

If we are in Christ, then God has saved us from our sins in the past, and he will save us from his wrath in the future. But in what sense is he saving us right now?
7/17/202313 minutes, 47 seconds
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How Can I Encourage Without Flattering?

How can we celebrate the good we see without succumbing to flattery? Pastor John traces a key distinction between godly and ungodly praise.
7/13/202311 minutes, 12 seconds
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What Do We Give to God?

God is self-existent and self-sufficient, far beyond any need or lack. So, what can we give to God when we gather for corporate worship?
7/10/202313 minutes, 19 seconds
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What Does It Mean to Serve God?

The command to “serve the Lord” appears all through Scripture — but Scripture also assures us that God has no needs. So, how do we serve an all-sufficient God?
7/6/202315 minutes, 27 seconds
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Learning to Forgive Family

For some, forgiving family from the heart may be one of the hardest steps of obedience. Pastor John offers five ways forward when forgiveness feels impossible.
7/3/202315 minutes, 9 seconds
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On Sibling Rivalries

Sibling rivalries have fractured families since Cain and Abel. So, how does God work redemptively between siblings, and how might parents do their part to promote peace?
6/29/202313 minutes, 58 seconds
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Manhood and Womanhood in Parachurch Ministry

Increasingly, parachurch ministries are allowing women to occupy positions of spiritual authority once reserved for men. Do they have biblical warrant to do so?
6/26/202313 minutes, 35 seconds
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What Will We Remember in the New Creation?

In Isaiah, God promises that “the former things shall not be remembered” in the new creation. Will we really have no memory of this age in the age to come?
6/22/202314 minutes, 9 seconds
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Better Than Scrolling Your Phone in the Morning

Why do so many of us reach instinctively for our phones in the morning? Pastor John identifies six temptations and points to a better way to begin our day.
6/19/202315 minutes, 16 seconds
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Dangers in Exposing Cultural Sins

How can a preacher faithfully call out a culture’s sins while still sounding the dominant note of amazement at the glories of God in Christ?
6/15/202312 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Sick Love of Controversy

How can we recognize what Paul calls “an unhealthy craving for controversy” in ourselves and others? Pastor John identifies six traits of a controversy-loving spirit.
6/12/202315 minutes, 20 seconds
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How Much Should Pastors Make?

“The laborer deserves his wages” — including those who labor in preaching and teaching. But how might a church decide what a pastor’s wages should be?
6/8/202312 minutes, 38 seconds
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Can Single Men Pastor?

In Paul’s elder qualifications, he seems to assume that pastors will be married. So how should churches assess the qualification of a single man who wants to pastor?
6/5/202311 minutes, 43 seconds
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Why Do We Pray for Our President?

Why does Paul call Christians to pray for kings and other political rulers — and what specifically might we ask God to do in them and through them?
6/1/202310 minutes, 59 seconds
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Hope for the Fragile and Fragmented

In a world filled with wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes and famines, a right understanding of the end times can bring stability to anxious minds.
5/29/202313 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Joy of Jesus’s Return

When Jesus returns, he will magnify the radiance of his glory by multiplying our own joy in that glory. We will happily marvel, and he will forever shine.
5/26/202313 minutes, 2 seconds
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Why God Wills Suffering for the Children He Loves

If we’re going to rejoice in even the worst circumstances, then we need clear and strong reasons for why God wills suffering for the children he loves.
5/24/202315 minutes, 11 seconds
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Upcoming Changes to APJ

Tony Reinke shares two upcoming changes to Ask Pastor John in light of a brand-new John Piper sermon podcast called ‘Light + Truth.’
5/23/20233 minutes, 33 seconds
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Go to Work, Go to Church — Christ Is Coming Back!

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus and the apostles draw some profound connections between the glorious second coming and our ordinary everyday lives.
5/22/202314 minutes, 10 seconds
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Death Can Only Make Me Better: Remembering Tim Keller (1950–2023)

On May 19, 2023, Tim Keller entered the reward of his Master. In this special episode of Ask Pastor John, Tony Reinke shares a sermon clip from Dr. Keller on the joy of God in the face of cancer.
5/19/202316 minutes, 47 seconds
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Popular Blunders About Christ’s Return

Discussions of the second coming often spiral into speculation — or misconception. Pastor John explains five mistaken beliefs about Christ’s return.
5/19/202313 minutes, 24 seconds
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Five Ways to Find Wisdom

In the midst of a busy life, how can we find the time to read great Christian books? We might begin by setting aside just fifteen minutes a day.
5/17/202310 minutes, 45 seconds
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Nicotine, Amphetamines, and Holy Concentration

God does not give us a list of foods and drinks we can and cannot consume. Instead, he gives us his words and his Spirit to shape how we see all of life.
5/15/202315 minutes, 21 seconds
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A Beautiful Savior for the Unattractive

If we are going to find lasting satisfaction in the beauty of Christ, despite the pain of rejection, four massive changes need to happen in our hearts.
5/12/202313 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Hardest Act in Parenting Teens

Headship calls a man to put away his anger and initiate reconciliation — no matter how much of the fault lies with his wife or with his children.
5/10/202310 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Path from Orthodoxy to Demon Theology

The movement from orthodoxy to demon theology happens sometimes slowly and sometimes suddenly — but always because love for Christ has grown cold.
5/8/202311 minutes, 48 seconds
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‘Nothing Is to Be Rejected’ — Including Pot?

“Nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,” Paul says. So can Christians enjoy pot if they thank God for it?
5/5/202312 minutes, 30 seconds
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What Makes You Happiest?

What is the deepest source of your joy — what God gives to you, or who God is for you?
5/3/20235 minutes, 6 seconds
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Can I Be Saved If I Never Evangelize?

Will a professing Christian go to hell if he never shares the gospel? Pastor John gets to the heart and offers practical suggestions for growing in evangelism.
5/1/202314 minutes, 14 seconds
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Should Men Still Pray with Lifted Hands?

Paul desired that “in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands.” Should men in the church today still lift their hands when they pray?
4/28/202311 minutes, 1 second
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Our Joyful Duty

At the core of Christian Hedonism is the glorious reality that the duty God requires of us is the path to our greatest joy.
4/26/202310 minutes, 43 seconds
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Caring for Families with Cross-Dressing Children

Should parents allow children to cross-dress? Pastor John explains why this cuts across the grain of God-created reality and how to offer counsel to Christian parents.
4/24/202311 minutes, 4 seconds
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Should the World Like Us or Hate Us?

Jesus promised that his followers would be “hated by all,” but Paul said pastors must be “well thought of by outsiders.” So should the world like us or hate us?
4/21/202313 minutes, 53 seconds
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Why Did Jesus Use Spit and Mud to Heal?

Jesus could have healed the man born blind with a simple command; instead, he used spit and mud. Why?
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Does My Sexual Past Disqualify Me from Pastoring?

If a man has a history of fornication, is he disqualified from the office of pastor — or can he still be considered “the husband of one wife”?
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Overcoming Fear

If God has really given us “a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control,” then why do we still struggle with fear and anxiety?
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The Gospel’s War Against Our Fears and Insecurities

In the face of every fear and insecurity, the gospel says, “In Christ, God is for you — always and forever, with all of his heart and soul. So what can man do to you?”
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Should We Despise the Vile — or Love Them?

In Psalm 15, David tells us to despise the vile; in Matthew 5, Jesus tells us to love them. How can we do both?
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If God Desires All to Be Saved, Why Aren’t They?

God “desires all people to be saved,” Paul tells us — but clearly not all people are saved. Does this mean God cannot do what he wants to do?
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Christ’s Plan for the Globe — and You

Christ’s global purpose to ransom people from every tribe and tongue can be summed up in his words, “I have other sheep. I must bring them also.”
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Is Work a Blessing or a Curse?

God gave work as a blessing in the beginning, but we live now on the other side of the fall. So is our work today a blessing or a curse?
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Best Commentaries on the Whole Bible

Alongside his personal study of Scripture, what whole-Bible commentaries has Pastor John found most helpful over the years?
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How Do I Find My Identity?

If you want to settle the question of personal identity, don’t ask “Who am I?” Ask, “Whose am I?”
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Can Satan Put Thoughts into Our Heads?

We know the devil can tempt us and attack us and try to deceive us, but can he put thoughts into our heads?
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Does God Read Every Thought?

At every moment, God knows the thoughts and intentions of every human heart. Pastor John explores six vast implications of this foundational truth.
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John Piper’s Conversion Story

The book of Romans interprets life — and it also transforms life. Pastor John shares how Romans has shaped him, from conversion to the pastorate.
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How to Glorify God in Business Success

How can a Christian business leader speak about his success in a way that makes God, not him, look great?
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Is Venting the Same as Complaining?

Is there really a difference between complaining about our problems and venting about them — or are we just kidding ourselves?
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Christian Hedonism in Two Minutes

What is the simplest, shortest definition of Christian Hedonism? Pastor John explains in two minutes why pursuing joy in God is essential to the Christian life.
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How Does Childbirth Save Women?

Women, Paul says, “will be saved through childbearing.” How does childbirth save women — and what about women who never have children of their own?
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I’m Stuck in Sexual Sin — Should I Excommunicate Myself?

Those who play the victim to their sexual lusts act like slaves, like dogs eating their vomit, like washed pigs rolling in mud. But in Christ, they don’t have to stay that way.
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1 Percent of a Book Can Change Your Life

Even if you remember only one sentence of a book, that one sentence can create an immeasurable moment, a flash of insight that shapes you forever.
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Is ‘De-Gendering’ a Sin?

What might Scripture say to a woman who desperately wants to become a man? Pastor John offers six reasons why attempting to “de-gender” is a tragic act of sin.
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Are Christians Obligated to Vote?

Are Christians who have the opportunity to vote obligated to do so — or can we abstain from the whole process for righteous reasons?
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Why Christians Don’t Need Holy Shrines

Seven times in the book of Hebrews, the author captures the heart of Christianity in a simple, wonderful command: draw near.
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Do Angels Carry Our Prayers to God?

No angel, no saint, and not even Mary herself can improve the access to God we already have through Christ and his finished work.
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Was Paul Really the World’s Worst Sinner?

In 1 Timothy 1:15, the apostle Paul claims to have been “the foremost” of sinners. Is Paul speaking in hyperbole here, or was he really the world’s worst sinner?
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Overcoming Fear and Passivity in Evangelism

How can we become bolder in evangelism? Pastor John shares a story of his stumbling attempts to love a neighbor, and God’s patient persistence through it all.
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Was God at Work in My Pre-Conversion Life?

When we look with eyes of faith on our pre-conversion life, we find abundant reason to thank God for his mercy, and abundant reason to give others hope.
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How Could God Be Jealous?

The jealousy of God shows his zeal for his own worth — and it also shows his zeal for our deepest joy.
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The God-Centeredness of God Unlocks the Gospel

The biblical mindset puts God and his glory, not man and his desires, at the center of the universe. And grasping this blazing center unlocks the greatness of the gospel.
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I Shipwrecked My Faith — Am I Doomed?

Is there any hope for the recovery of a shipwrecked faith? Pastor John offers four reasons shipwreck need not be final.
2/13/202315 minutes, 59 seconds
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Sinners or Saints — How Should We Speak of Christians?

Should we speak of Christians as saints or sinners? Pastor John explores why Paul addresses Christians as saints dozens of times — and as sinners almost never.
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Why We Share the Gospel

What drove the apostle Paul to win people to Christ? He longed to taste the joy of the gospel not only in his own heart, but in the hearts of countless others.
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Preaching the Gospel of the Happy God

Sound preaching comes from those who live in the presence of God-centered glory and long to echo his infinite worth.
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Can I Really Trust My Interpretation of the Bible?

“The law is good, if one uses it lawfully,” Paul says. But how can we tell if we are using the law in the way that God intends?
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How to Keep Your Eyes on Christ

How can we guard against drifting in the Christian life? By looking and looking and looking at Jesus.
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How Can I Have a Good Conscience?

You do not need to walk in sinless perfection in order to have a good conscience. You just need to walk in the light.
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Did Paul Oppose Fiction?

The apostle Paul strongly warned Timothy and Titus against the “myths” of his day. What might he have to say about the fictional stories in our own day?
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Turn Down the Noise and Listen to Jesus

If we’re going to listen to Jesus and not drift away from him, we likely will need to turn down the noises that capture so much of our attention.
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Where Do You Draw Lines for Ministry Partnerships?

Where should pastors and other Christians draw lines for ministry partnerships? Pastor John shares the degree of unity he has pursued in six ministry settings.
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Were Abortions Induced on Old Testament Adulteresses?

Does Numbers 5:22 suggest that women guilty of adultery were punished with miscarriage? And if so, how does this passage speak to the pro-life position?
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Fight for Delight by Planning Your Devotions

If we don’t have a plan for when, where, and how we will read the Bible, our devotions will probably fall before the demands of the day.
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Eight Counsels for Those Thinking of Quitting

Every pastor receives criticism. But at what point might criticism become so serious or sustained that a pastor should consider stepping down?
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When Does Despondency Become Sin?

Everyone passes through seasons of despondency — seasons when the soul is troubled and hope feels thin. But when does despondency become sin?
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How Do I Push Truth from My Head to My Heart?

How can we push the truth of the Bible from our heads to our hearts, so that our times of daily Bible reading become times of daily worship?
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Getting the Tone Right on Sunday Morning

Given the pain of this world, the joy of salvation, and the glory of God, what kind of tone should a pastor seek to set on Sunday morning?
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Is Intermittent Fasting Sacrilegious?

Some people find intermittent fasting helpful for losing weight. But is fasting for merely physical purposes a sacrilegious use of a spiritual gift?
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The Bible’s Main Road Out of Discouragement

The psalmists show that darkness and discouragement are part of the normal Christian life. And they also show a crucial strategy for finding the light again.
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John Piper’s Favorite Things

Pastor John, like the rest of us, has his likes and dislikes. From movies and soft drinks to breakfasts and songs, here are twelve of his favorite things.
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Can I Be a Nurse for a ‘Gender-Reassignment’ Surgery?

If a hospital asks a Christian nurse to participate in a “gender-reassignment” surgery, should she agree — or should she take her nursing skills elsewhere?
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Beat a Path to the Word in 2023

Strong Christians read the Bible, memorize the Bible, meditate on the Bible, and live on the Bible. They make intentional plans for the word to be their daily bread.
12/28/202214 minutes, 16 seconds
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How Do I Put Away My Desire for Praise?

A desire to do good can easily become a desire to look good. So how do we put away our hunger to be praised by other people?
12/26/202216 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Christmas We Needed

The best gift anyone can receive at Christmas is deliverance from our two greatest enemies: sin and Satan.
12/23/202211 minutes, 59 seconds
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What Makes for a Good Musical Worship Experience?

A good musical worship experience involves head and heart, truth and affections. It will lead people to know their God and to embrace him with joy.
12/21/202215 minutes, 44 seconds
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‘Though He Slay Me’ — Why the Silence on This Verse?

“Though he slay me, I will hope in him.” Why has Pastor John barely mentioned these remarkable words of Job throughout his decades of preaching and teaching?
12/19/202218 minutes, 6 seconds
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Does God Still Save the Lost Through Visions?

Does God save the lost through visions today — or does someone need to hear the gospel to be saved?
12/16/202214 minutes, 49 seconds
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John Piper’s 2022 Year-in-Review

Pastor John discusses personal and ministry highlights from 2022, including podcasts, books, global outreach, and a new goal for ‘Look at the Book.’
12/14/202219 minutes, 11 seconds
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Good and Bad People-Pleasing

How can we find freedom from living for the opinions of people? Pray for and pursue a big vision of God. Find a firm identity in Christ. Look to your eternal reward.
12/12/202212 minutes, 49 seconds
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How Can I Cast My Cares on God?

Casting your cares onto God begins with believing that he really is the infinitely powerful, all-wise, always-good God he reveals himself to be.
12/9/202214 minutes, 32 seconds
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Satan Cannot Scare You into Hell

Satan may oppress you, attack you, and rage against you. But if you are in Christ, he holds no power to finally destroy you.
12/7/20229 minutes, 23 seconds
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Build Structures to Serve Your Calling

How can leaders prevent the pressures of running an organization from squeezing out opportunities for face-to-face work and ministry?
12/5/202212 minutes, 55 seconds
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How Can Satan Harm Christians?

Scripture is clear that Satan is not ultimately sovereign — God is. But under that sovereignty, in what ways can Satan still harm God’s people?
12/2/202212 minutes, 54 seconds
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Amusing Ourselves from Death

Outside of Christ, the fear of death is a slave master that holds everyone in bondage — even those who seem unaware of their chains.
11/30/202210 minutes, 7 seconds
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Give Young Christians a Chance to Lead

Our churches grow in wisdom and maturity when the young honor the old, the old listen to the young, and all clothe themselves with humility.
11/28/202213 minutes, 53 seconds
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Should We Seek to Suffer?

Suffering may be the price of Christian love, but it is not the aim of Christian love. Our aim is to do as much good as we can on the lowly path of service.
11/25/202210 minutes, 32 seconds
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Pray Your Way into Thanksgiving

How can we aim to be done with anxiety and enjoy peace in any circumstance? By bringing every circumstance to God in prayer.
11/23/202211 minutes, 31 seconds
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How Does Baptism Save Us?

If God saves his people through faith alone apart from works, why does Peter say that baptism now saves us?
11/21/202212 minutes, 40 seconds
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Do Unbelievers Get a Second Chance After Death?

In 1 Peter 3:19, we read that Christ “went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison, because they formerly did not obey.” What might Peter mean?
11/18/202212 minutes, 2 seconds
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How Do I Pray from the Misery of My Sin?

There is no distress that puts you beyond the good news that God brings — not even the distress caused by your own sin.
11/16/202213 minutes, 25 seconds
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Let the Nations Be Glad! — Thirty Years Later

Thirty years after ‘Let the Nations Be Glad!’ was published, Pastor John reflects on the book’s beginnings and its lasting legacy.
11/14/20228 minutes, 34 seconds
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What If I Don’t Have a Spiritual Gift?

Paul and Peter charge Christians to use our spiritual gifts for the good of the church. But what if we don’t seem to have any spiritual gifts?
11/11/202212 minutes, 31 seconds
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What Makes My Gift a Spiritual Gift?

If God has given helpful skills to both believers and unbelievers, what makes the difference between a merely natural ability and a spiritual gift?
11/9/202210 minutes, 50 seconds
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What Makes My Life Christian?

How can Christians live so that, at bottom, we can say with Paul, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me”?
11/7/202215 minutes, 29 seconds
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Should I Charge Other Christians for My Expertise?

Christ bids his people both to wisely get and freely give, and he supplies us with the grace we need to discern when to do what with our talents.
11/4/202212 minutes, 7 seconds
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Christ’s Death Was No Accident

The death of Christ was no accident. He came to be crucified, that he might hang the sins and sufferings of those he loves with him there.
11/2/202210 minutes, 45 seconds
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How Does Love Cover a Multitude of Sins?

Christian love labors to overlook the sins of others, just as Christ went to the cross to forgive us, not to shame us.
10/31/202213 minutes, 11 seconds
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Christian Unity in Three Steps

Real differences exist between real Christians. But where we lack unity of conviction, we can share unity of humble, sacrificial disposition.
10/28/202215 minutes, 2 seconds
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Step One in Preparing to Suffer

We ready ourselves to suffer well when we look our life dead in the eye and say with Paul, “I count it all as loss compared to Christ.”
10/26/202211 minutes, 27 seconds
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Is Suffering a Paradox for Christian Hedonists?

When Christ died, so did our sin-loving selves. Now, God sends suffering to weed out the sin that lingers and stunts our joy in Christ.
10/24/202212 minutes, 42 seconds
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How Much Speculation Should We Bring into Sermons?

Preachers are emissaries of God’s revealed truth. So how should we talk about parts of the text we don’t understand?
10/21/202210 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Relational Pain of Ministry

Christian ministry is relationally painful. Friends in the ministry can leave and never return, as even the apostle Paul experienced near the end of his life.
10/19/202210 minutes, 53 seconds
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How Do People Shipwreck Their Faith?

Jesus, Paul, Peter, and the author of Hebrews all describe people who begin well in the Christian life before eventually making shipwreck of their faith.
10/17/20229 minutes, 53 seconds
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How Can I Learn to Receive Criticism?

No one likes to receive criticism, even when it’s well-intended. How can we learn to control our emotional responses and remain grounded in the love of Christ?
10/14/202214 minutes, 29 seconds
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Becoming Unshakable in a World of Pain

We all face crises, and without grace, we find our world collapsing in the midst of them. But there is strong and stable hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
10/12/202213 minutes, 28 seconds
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Is Any Part of Life Morally Neutral?

Scripture calls us to do everything for the glory of God. Does that mean no action we take is morally neutral?
10/10/202211 minutes, 38 seconds
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Will My Spouse Be My Best Friend in Heaven?

What will the relationship between husband and wife be like in the age to come? Pastor John explains how the best parts of marriage point ahead to eternal joy.
10/7/202213 minutes, 19 seconds
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How Do I Persist in Prayer?

How can Christians always pray and not lose heart? In part, by remembering the generous heart of God and his delight to hear his people.
10/5/202212 minutes, 40 seconds
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How Do I Pray for My Husband’s Salvation?

How can a wife go on praying for her unbelieving husband after years, or even decades, of no evident change?
10/3/202213 minutes, 41 seconds
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How Do I See the Glory of Christ?

How can we see the glory of Christ? Renounce the praise of man. Devote yourself to Scripture. Turn to Christ through his word. Keep praying for sight.
9/30/202212 minutes, 43 seconds
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What’s the Real Problem with Fearing Man?

Why is the fear of man such a big problem? Because those who fear men cast their vote against the trustworthiness of God.
9/28/202210 minutes, 7 seconds
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How to Live Fearlessly

How can Christians live fearlessly? Replace the fear of man with the fear of God. Fear man — live fearfully. Fear God — live fearlessly.
9/26/202212 minutes, 42 seconds
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I Want to Be Baptized — My Husband Opposes It

Godly submission does not require that a woman do everything her husband says. Before she is a wife who submits to her husband, she is a Christian who submits to Christ.
9/23/202211 minutes, 59 seconds
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Am I Called to Ministry? Five Tests

How do we know if we are able to bear the heavy calling of being the aroma of life to some and the aroma of death to others?
9/21/20229 minutes, 49 seconds
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What Should We Think of Flashy Pastors?

Pastors who flaunt their riches will not draw anyone to the hope of the gospel. They will draw men and women to the hope of luxury.
9/19/202212 minutes, 40 seconds
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Who’s More Sinful: Men or Women?

Men and women may face temptations peculiar to their sex, but we both share a deep, common depravity and a profound need for mercy.
9/16/202213 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Godly Woman’s Charm

Hope in God clothes a woman with a beauty that will never fade, never perish, and never cease to be precious in God’s sight.
9/14/20228 minutes, 8 seconds
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How Much Jewelry Is Too Much Jewelry?

How might we as parents teach our daughters, even at young ages, how to express their femininity without flaunting their body?
9/12/202213 minutes, 19 seconds
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Does God Call Us to Submit to Everyone?

God calls church members to submit to their pastors, wives to their husbands, employees to their bosses. But is there also a sense in which God calls us to submit to everyone?
9/9/202212 minutes, 29 seconds
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Who Are My Enemies?

“Love your enemies,” Jesus says. But who are our enemies? The answer is broader than we might imagine.
9/7/20228 minutes, 12 seconds
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My Husband Left Me — How Do I Respond?

In the wake of great betrayal, how do we respond with love and forgiveness without minimizing the evil of the sin?
9/5/202213 minutes, 44 seconds
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How Do I Address My Spouse’s Ongoing Sin?

Peter tells wives to win their husbands “without a word.” Does that mean a wife should never confront her husband over a pattern of habitual sin?
9/2/202213 minutes, 17 seconds
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Overcoming Anger in the Home

How can a father governed by anger begin to recover kindness and tenderheartedness? By freshly embracing God the Father’s forgiveness through Christ.
8/31/20228 minutes, 45 seconds
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Can I Be Angry with God and Be Holy?

Is heartfelt anger toward God ever righteous, or even morally neutral — or is such anger always sinful?
8/29/202214 minutes, 32 seconds
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Is Double Predestination Biblical?

Does the Bible teach that God has predestined some to disobedience and destruction, just as he has predestined some to salvation?
8/26/202216 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Two Greatest Questions in the Universe

What are the two greatest questions in the universe? Pastor John explains by looking at 1 Peter 2:11–12.
8/24/202212 minutes, 22 seconds
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How Do Passions Wage War Against the Soul?

When do innocent desires of the flesh become threats to the soul? When they cross over from serving God’s will to serving our rebellious self.
8/22/202211 minutes, 10 seconds
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What’s the Difference Between Faith and Hope?

The biblical authors often intertwine faith and hope, yet they also distinguish them. So what is the difference between these two gifts of the Spirit?
8/19/202214 minutes, 15 seconds
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Why Do So Many Reject Jesus?

When the light of Christ shines upon the darkness of our sin, we either run to Christ as the only covering for our shame, or we run further into darkness.
8/17/202211 minutes, 16 seconds
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Who Will Judge the World?

Scripture speaks of the Father judging the world, the Son judging the world, and sometimes even the word of Christ judging the world. So, in the end, who will judge?
8/15/202215 minutes, 43 seconds
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How Are We Born Again?

The new birth is a sovereign work of the Spirit, but it is a work bound to the word. The Spirit of God works through the word of God to glorify the Son of God.
8/12/202212 minutes, 53 seconds
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How Money Fears Kill Our Worship

When we trust God with our money, we not only enjoy freedom from worry, but we magnify the shepherd, Father, and King who provides for us.
8/10/202211 minutes, 58 seconds
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What Makes Christian Love Different?

What makes Christian love different from non-Christian love? It is rooted in the cross of Christ, sustained by the Holy Spirit, and aimed at the glory of God.
8/8/202212 minutes, 48 seconds
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What Does It Mean to Be ‘Overly Righteous’?

Ecclesiastes tells us not to be “overly righteous,” but Jesus calls us to a righteousness that exceeds even that of the Pharisees. How can we put these two texts together?
8/5/202213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Gospel Drift — and How to Avoid It

You don’t have to commit great sins in order to fall away from Jesus. You just have to neglect your great salvation.
8/3/202212 minutes, 16 seconds
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Why Did Jesus Need to Suffer and Die Publicly?

Did Jesus have to die a public, agonizing death, or could he have saved us by living sinlessly and dying in obscurity?
8/1/202213 minutes, 35 seconds
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Does God Ever Tempt Us to Sin?

God clearly tests his people, but does he ever tempt them to sin? Pastor John explores the distinction between tests and temptations in James 1.
7/29/202214 minutes, 6 seconds
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Trembling Before God on Sunday

Hundreds of times, God tells us to “fear not.” So why does he also call us to work out our salvation “with fear and trembling”?
7/27/202211 minutes, 19 seconds
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Is My Humorous Personality a Liability?

Sober-mindedness keeps us from the silliness that is allergic to serious moments, but it also keeps us from the somberness that doesn’t know how to be joyful.
7/25/202211 minutes, 29 seconds
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Are Eternal Rewards and Inheritance the Same?

Peter assures us of an inheritance kept safe in heaven; Jesus calls us to lay up treasures in heaven. Are eternal inheritance and rewards the same?
7/22/202212 minutes, 19 seconds
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Fighting for Faith in the Entertainment Age

In an age inundated with entertainment, how do Christians stay awake to the glory of Christ and help others do the same?
7/20/202212 minutes, 53 seconds
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Should Non-Christians Pray for Faith?

Saving faith is the gift of God, who opens blind eyes and raises dead hearts. So what can unbelievers do when they find themselves unable to believe on their own?
7/18/202211 minutes, 52 seconds
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How Do I Prioritize My Busy Life?

Sometimes, busyness and stress are reasons to realign our priorities. Other times, they are invitations to pray that God would empower us to do the seemingly impossible.
7/15/202213 minutes, 52 seconds
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Learning to Follow God’s Will

God doesn’t give us a blueprint for our futures, but he does give us biblical trajectories by which we can discern his will and follow it with confidence.
7/13/202213 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Key to Knowing God’s Will

How do “spiritual wisdom and understanding” fill us with the knowledge of God’s will for our daily lives? Pastor John explains from Colossians 1:9.
7/11/202214 minutes, 13 seconds
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Does God Send ‘Strong Delusions’ into the World?

In our sin, we refuse to hear the truth, receive the truth, believe the truth — until God intervenes to give us a deep and abiding love for the truth.
7/8/202214 minutes, 11 seconds
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God’s School of Prayer

When God puts us in the flames of suffering, he often intends to rescue us from self-sufficient comfort and awaken in us desperate, earnest prayer.
7/6/20229 minutes, 32 seconds
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Politics, Patriotism, and the Pulpit

We need pastors who will regularly remind us that our greatest allegiance is not to any political party, ethnicity, or nation, but to King Jesus.
7/4/202213 minutes, 56 seconds
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Who Is the Man of Lawlessness?

Paul teaches that Jesus will not return until “the man of lawlessness is revealed.” Who is this man of lawlessness?
7/1/202212 minutes, 43 seconds
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Roe v. Wade Has Ended — Our Pro-Life Work Has Not

The Christian pro-life cause goes far deeper than legislation. We aim not only to change laws and behavior, but to change hearts and eternities.
6/30/202223 minutes, 50 seconds
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Sustain Your Prayer Life with Sleep

Satan will try to put us to sleep in prayer. And he does so, most commonly, by tricking us into staying up too late the night before.
6/29/202215 minutes, 32 seconds
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Is God Present or Absent in Hell?

Is God present in hell, as John seems to say in Revelation 14:10 — or is he absent, as Paul seems to say in 2 Thessalonians 1:9?
6/27/202212 minutes, 53 seconds
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What’s the Center of Our Holiness?

Scripture describes the process of sanctification in many different ways. How can we weave the various strands together into one coherent picture?
6/24/202214 minutes, 43 seconds
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God’s Love and My Sickness

Because Jesus loved Lazarus, the Gospel of John tells us, he did not come to him right away, but lingered and let him die. How is that love?
6/22/202217 minutes, 58 seconds
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Crucial Texts for Our Hardest Battles

When temptation strikes, we need more than a vague sense of God’s goodness — we need specific promises. Pastor John shares his favorite passages for fighting sin.
6/20/202216 minutes, 46 seconds
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Is God More Honored or Dishonored in the World?

If God aims to be glorified in this world, why is human history and the daily news filled with so much that dishonors him?
6/17/202212 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Pervasive Problem of Loving Money

The love of money often lives where others least suspect, like in the hearts of Pharisees, miracle workers, and those who seem most moral.
6/15/202217 minutes, 52 seconds
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How Do I ‘Wrestle’ in Prayer?

Paul speaks of wrestling in prayer, and many of us use his phrase. But what might our prayer lives actually feel like if we wrestled like the apostle?
6/13/202214 minutes, 21 seconds
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Counsel for Wives with Harsh Husbands

“Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them,” Paul writes. But what can a wife do if she finds herself with a harsh man?
6/10/202213 minutes, 59 seconds
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Eight Essentials for Christian Living

How does God bring us from the grace of new birth to the glory of heaven? Pastor John explains eight essentials for Christian living from 2 Thessalonians 1:11–12.
6/8/202218 minutes, 13 seconds
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Did Jesus Tell Us to Give to Every Panhandler?

Jesus tells us to give to those who ask, but Paul warns the church against giving to the lazy. How might we apply these teachings when we meet a panhandler?
6/6/202213 minutes, 12 seconds
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Did Jesus Disregard the Sacrificial System?

If there is no forgiveness without shed blood, how could Jesus forgive sins apart from the sacrificial system and prior to his own death?
6/3/202212 minutes, 7 seconds
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Prayer in the Age of Global Hate

In an age of hate, Christians testify to God’s grace by praying for all kinds of people: high and low, white and black, Democrat and Republican, friend and enemy.
6/1/202217 minutes, 15 seconds
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How Will I Find My Ministry Calling?

When God grants us a ministry, does his leading come to us through internal impulses, external affirmation, or some combination of the two?
5/30/202211 minutes, 58 seconds
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Should We Pray for Unbelievers or for Evangelists?

Does Scripture ever command us to pray for unbelievers, or does it only command us to pray for the evangelists who speak to them?
5/27/202212 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Easiest Step of Love

Prayer is the easiest step of love, and it is also the most powerful. God can do far more for others in response to our prayers than we could ever do on our own.
5/25/202211 minutes, 57 seconds
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Have I Sinned If I Fall Short of Excellence at Work?

God is honored when we do our jobs with technical excellence, and he is also honored when we give ourselves to the kinds of excellence that cannot be measured.
5/23/202213 minutes, 45 seconds
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How Do I Not Provoke My Children?

How can we require obedience of our children without provoking and discouraging them? Pastor John offers eight pitfalls for fathers.
5/20/202213 minutes, 24 seconds
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Do Answered Prayers Depend on My Holiness?

Throughout Scripture, God warns that he will not hear the prayers of the disobedient. So do answered prayers depend on our holiness?
5/18/202211 minutes, 38 seconds
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For Christians Whose Testimony Seems Boring

We will never plumb the depths of sin and grace merely from past experience. Only God’s word can tell us how lost and dead we were, and how found and alive we are.
5/16/202211 minutes, 46 seconds
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Would You Have Supported Prohibition in 1913?

In the early twentieth century, many Christian leaders lent their approval to the cause of Prohibition. Would Pastor John have done the same if he lived back then?
5/13/202213 minutes, 12 seconds
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How Greatly Am I Loved?

In Christ, God has chosen us from eternity, and called us in time, so that we would boast no longer in ourselves, but only in him and his great love.
5/11/202217 minutes, 53 seconds
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How Do I Make Christian Hedonism My Own?

Some teachers influence us so deeply that we find ourselves imitating them without trying. So how can we move past imitation to make biblical truth our own?
5/9/202214 minutes, 56 seconds
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Why Dead Men Must Die

Paul says we all were dead apart from Christ, but he also says we died when we were united to Christ. In what sense, then, do dead men die?
5/6/202213 minutes, 36 seconds
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God Saves to Make Much of Himself — Doesn’t That Lessen His Love?

Nothing but God can forever satisfy hearts that are made for God. And so, in great mercy, God loves us in a way that makes much of himself.
5/4/202213 minutes, 13 seconds
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Should Gospel Disagreements End a Friendship?

Christians can disagree over many doctrines and stay friends. But what should we do when a friend rejects a doctrine central to the gospel?
5/2/202211 minutes, 40 seconds
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My Spouse Died Prematurely — Was It My Fault?

How might Christians process feelings of guilt over the death of a loved one? Pastor John offers counsel to a new widow struggling not to blame herself.
4/29/202214 minutes, 37 seconds
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How God Makes Much of You

In Christ, God makes more of us than we could ever imagine. And he will go on doing so forever.
4/27/202216 minutes, 30 seconds
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Does Faith Cause Regeneration?

Does faith bring about the new birth, or does the new birth bring about faith? Pastor John offers three reasons why getting the order right matters.
4/25/202214 minutes, 8 seconds
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Does God Delight in Justification or Holiness?

Does God delight in his people based on Christ’s work alone, or does his delight also depend on our own holiness?
4/22/202213 minutes, 25 seconds
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Why God Makes Much of You

When God makes much of us, he does it for his sake, not ours. And that makes his love far greater than we could have imagined.
4/20/202211 minutes, 32 seconds
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Shame: Its Uses and Abuses

Some shame condemns and destroys, and some shame heals and restores. So how can we tell the difference between misplaced and well-placed shame?
4/18/202212 minutes, 45 seconds
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What Are Church Traditions?

In his letters, Paul speaks not only of teachings he delivered to the churches, but also of traditions he passed on. What kind of traditions does he have in mind?
4/15/202213 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Heart of Fake Happiness

Many nominal Christians go to church, believe God loves them, and yet are on their way to hell. So what marks the born again from those who only think they are?
4/13/202214 minutes, 16 seconds
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Should Pro-Lifers Embrace Embryo Adoption?

In America, there are hundreds of thousands of frozen embryos, left over from in vitro fertilization. How might Christians weigh the decision to adopt one of them?
4/11/202212 minutes, 12 seconds
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Does Romans 7 Describe a Christian?

What kind of person does Romans 7:14–25 describe? Pastor John offers nine reasons to read Paul’s description as part of the Christian experience.
4/8/202216 minutes, 4 seconds
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What’s Lost When We Only Pray Alone?

The church of Acts often gathered together to praise God and intercede for his people. So what might we lose if we pray only by ourselves?
4/6/202214 minutes, 33 seconds
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Should We Dramatize Jesus’s Life for Television?

God gave us a book about Jesus, not a video. So how might Christians think about dramatic portrayals of Jesus’s life in television or movies?
4/4/202214 minutes, 34 seconds
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Do Christians Still Have Evil Desires?

If God’s wrath comes against evil desires, and not only evil behaviors, why will his wrath not come against Christians, who still battle evil desires?
4/1/202214 minutes, 49 seconds
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How Fleeting Pleasures Sidetrack Our Love

A lack of love for other people doesn’t show that we’re trying too hard to please ourselves — it shows that we’re far too easily pleased.
3/30/202210 minutes, 24 seconds
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I’m Too Distracted with Life to Meditate on Christ

How can we turn our attention away from regrets, dreams, and other consuming thoughts so that we can set our minds on things that are above?
3/28/202212 minutes, 44 seconds
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On Permanent Birth Control

If two spouses agree that they do not want to have more children, would it be sinful to pursue permanent forms of birth control?
3/25/202213 minutes, 3 seconds
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How Does God Lead Us in Daily Decisions?

How do I follow God’s lead in my daily decisions? I know he’s my shepherd, and that he’s leading me, but how do I know if I am following him?
3/23/202210 minutes, 48 seconds
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In Our Racial Differences, How Is Christ ‘All’ and ‘in All’?

To be a Christian is not only to trust Christ and treasure Christ, but to be indwelt by Christ. And that new identity transforms all our relationships.
3/21/202211 minutes, 54 seconds
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What Should We Make of Healing Ministries?

God still answers prayers for physical healing today. But how should Christians evaluate the claims of so-called healing ministries?
3/18/202213 minutes, 44 seconds
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When Will Christ Heal My Body?

We know that Jesus has purchased both our forgiveness and our physical healing at the cross. But what kind of healing can we expect in this life?
3/16/202211 minutes, 27 seconds
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All My Sins Were Canceled — So Why Continue to Confess?

If all our sins are forgiven — past, present, and future — does ongoing confession show that we doubt Christ’s finished work?
3/14/202213 minutes, 35 seconds
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My Flesh Was Crucified — So Why Do I Still Sin?

If our sinful flesh was crucified with Christ when we first believed, why do we keep sinning like we do?
3/11/202214 minutes, 41 seconds
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How Do I Know If My Good Deeds Are Worthless?

How do we make sure the good we do is not done in vain? Listen to Pastor John’s answer more than thirty years ago, just weeks after becoming a pastor.
3/9/202211 minutes, 25 seconds
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If God Is Sovereign, Why Is His World Full of Suffering?

When we look around at our world of horrific suffering, how can we keep believing in an all-good, all-wise, totally sovereign God?
3/7/202215 minutes, 26 seconds
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Is There a Place for Asceticism in the Christian Life?

Some self-denial exalts self and feeds sin, and some self-denial exalts Christ and kills sin. So how can we practice the right kind?
3/4/202212 minutes, 18 seconds
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How Do I Handle My Disordered Desires?

Every Christian battles excessive and distorted desires. And in Christ, God gives every Christian daily forgiveness, hope, and strength to keep fighting.
3/2/202212 minutes, 10 seconds
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How Did the Cross Disarm the Devil?

At the cross, Paul says, God “disarmed the rulers and authorities.” So what weapons are no longer in Satan’s hands?
2/28/202212 minutes, 57 seconds
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How Can I Avoid Worldly Thinking in My Studies?

How can Christians pursue education without being taken captive by worldly thinking? Pastor John reflects on Paul’s warning against “philosophy” in Colossians 2:8.
2/25/202213 minutes, 24 seconds
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God’s Providence in the Ministry of Crossway Books

In 1938, a small publishing ministry began distributing gospel tracts. Today, that ministry has spread millions of tracts, books, and Bibles all over the world.
2/23/202222 minutes, 53 seconds
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How Did God Reconcile ‘All Things’ to Himself?

Paul says that God has reconciled to himself “all things” in heaven and on earth. Does that mean even unbelievers and demons will be saved in the end?
2/21/202213 minutes, 58 seconds
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Are Divisions in the Church Necessary?

How should Christians respond to divisions in the church? Don’t make light of them, for they are tragic. And don’t make death of them, for they are predicted.
2/18/202215 minutes, 35 seconds
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Singing Sends Lovers of Christ to the Nations

Under God, musical worship can mobilize the church to finish the Great Commission. The gladness of Godward singing sends lovers of Christ to the nations.
2/16/202210 minutes, 42 seconds
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Can We Speak with Angels?

Scripture includes stories of angels talking with humans through dreams and visions. So should Christians expect, and even pursue, conversations with angels today?
2/14/202211 minutes, 45 seconds
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What Does It Mean to Cry, ‘Abba, Father’?

When God puts the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, giving us a spiritual sight of his fatherly care in Christ, we can’t help but cry, “Abba! Father!”
2/11/202217 minutes, 51 seconds
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Escaping the Love of Comfort and Safety

The freest people in this world are those most in love with the next. If our hope is safe in heaven, we can afford to take risks on earth.
2/9/202212 minutes, 5 seconds
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Has the Gospel Already Reached the Entire World?

Colossians 1:23 says the gospel “has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven.” Does that mean the gospel has already reached the entire world?
2/7/202212 minutes, 24 seconds
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Is My Salvation an Event or a Process?

If our final salvation rests on the condition that we persevere in faith, how can we know that we really will make it to heaven?
2/4/202212 minutes, 47 seconds
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Embracing Unpopular Truth in an Age of Political Correctness

Unless we become mature in our thinking, we will regularly be blown about by the winds of subtle, clever, politically correct language.
2/2/202218 minutes, 19 seconds
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Why Did God Make Eve from Part of Adam?

In creation, God made Adam and all the animals from the ground. So why, when God made Eve, did he take a rib from Adam’s side?
1/31/202212 minutes, 11 seconds
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If Every Gift Comes from God, Why Thank Anyone Else?

All good gifts are from God, through God, and to God. But in his providence, those gifts often come to us through others, who rightly deserve our thanks.
1/28/202212 minutes
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The God Who Dwarfs Big Tech

Pastor John commends Tony Reinke’s new book — a panoramic, penetrating theology of technology, tethered to God’s infallible Scriptures.
1/26/20227 minutes, 16 seconds
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Is Technology Holy or Worldly?

How can Christians live faithfully in the day of Big Tech? In ‘God, Technology, and the Christian Life,’ Tony Reinke explores God’s relationship to the innovations of our age.
1/25/202215 minutes, 25 seconds
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Did Bathsheba Sin with David?

Does the story of David and Bathsheba suggest that Bathsheba was a willing partner in his adultery, or that David took her against her will?
1/24/202213 minutes, 4 seconds
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I Enjoy Being Alone — Is That Unloving?

God made some Christians to enjoy spending a lot of time alone. But what makes the difference between a Christian loner and a self-centered loner?
1/21/202212 minutes, 13 seconds
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When Life Shrinks to the Size of Our Problems

The God of the universe cares about every problem you have, no matter how small. And he wants to draw you up into purposes far greater than your problems.
1/19/202215 minutes, 55 seconds
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How the Lottery Preys on the Poor

Pull-tabs and scratch games incentivize risky, destructive behaviors, especially among those who can least afford to play.
1/17/202213 minutes, 4 seconds
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I Have Multiple Disabilities — How Do I Not Waste My Life?

What might it look like for a Christian with significant disabilities to live a productive, spiritually fruitful, God-glorifying life?
1/14/202214 minutes, 4 seconds
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Should I Become a Preacher?

Should I become a preacher? Pastor John’s own road to the pastorate shows that God often makes preachers in unexpected ways.
1/12/202213 minutes, 12 seconds
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Should I Leave an Inheritance for My Children?

If Scripture doesn’t obligate parents to leave a financial inheritance to their children, how might Christians decide what to do with their money?
1/10/202212 minutes, 50 seconds
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Why Does God Hide Himself from Christians?

God will never leave or forsake his children. But for our lasting good, he may sometimes hide his face and allow us to walk through seasons of darkness.
1/7/202212 minutes, 19 seconds
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Let God’s Word Dwell in You Richly This Year

When we memorize and meditate on God’s word, we create a deep, transforming connection between the Bible, our minds, and our hearts.
1/5/202211 minutes, 3 seconds
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What Is an Idol?

The Bible describes idols as actual objects people worship, but today many use the language of “idolatry” more broadly. So what is an idol?
1/3/202214 minutes, 23 seconds
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Is Sanctification the Pursuit of Perfection?

In our pursuit to be holy as God is holy, how do we move past our failures to obey without feeling condemned in the process?
12/31/202113 minutes, 19 seconds
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What Desiring God Wants to Be Known For

The ministry of Desiring God is fueled by the prayers and financial gifts of God’s people. If you have been blessed by our resources in 2021, would you consider becoming a monthly partner?
12/29/20214 minutes, 40 seconds
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End-of-Life Medical Intervention — or Not?

God may use medicine to lengthen our lives, but he will always use habits of grace, like prayer and Bible reading, to sustain our faith in suffering.
12/27/202110 minutes, 48 seconds
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Why Is Christmas Precious to You?

We miss the miracle of what Christmas is if we forget why Christmas happened: God the Son became man — to die in our place.
12/24/202113 minutes, 34 seconds
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History Ended at Christmas

Christmas is not just another bend in the river of redemptive history. Christmas marks the end of the river and the arrival of the ocean.
12/22/202112 minutes, 34 seconds
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Do the Non-Elect Have a Chance to Repent?

The Bible teaches both the absolute sovereignty of God and the genuine accountability of man. And nowhere are they considered contradictory.
12/20/202114 minutes, 38 seconds
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Is It Normal to Have a Divided Heart?

No Christian consistently longs for God, which is one reason God gives us prayers like Psalm 86:11: “Unite my heart to fear your name.”
12/17/202118 minutes, 13 seconds
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The God Who Brings Us into Everlasting Pleasure

Those who live for joy in God now will possess joy in God forever. And until then, God pledges his protection over body and soul, through life and death.
12/15/202112 minutes, 17 seconds
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Can We Really Give God More or Less Glory?

Christians sometimes talk about giving God “some” glory, “more” glory, or “most” glory, but are those really biblical categories?
12/13/202114 minutes, 2 seconds
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How ‘Progressive’ Can a Christian Get?

None of us has an infallible understanding of the Bible, but at what point does open contradiction of Scripture call into question someone’s profession of faith?
12/10/202118 minutes, 41 seconds
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God’s Plan When Our Plans Fail

God, in his grace, does not keep us from trouble and pain. But he does order and measure our trouble and pain — and then uphold us through it all.
12/8/20219 minutes, 52 seconds
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How Can I Resist a Critical Spirit?

A love for excellence can easily grow into a hypercritical spirit. How can we resist the tendency to focus mostly on the failures of others?
12/6/202114 minutes, 24 seconds
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John Piper’s Ministry in One Bible Text

John Piper’s ministry has been marked by rigorous attention to God’s word paired with deep delight in God’s word — a double emphasis captured in Psalm 119:97.
12/3/202120 minutes, 27 seconds
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The God Who Turns Hearts to God

The story of Elijah on Mount Carmel shows that God rules over fire and rain, bulls and rocks — and even over every human heart.
12/1/202110 minutes, 22 seconds
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Does Righteous Anger Kill Our Joy?

If we allow anger to come quickly and stay long, it will eventually consume love, consume gratitude, consume mercy, and consume true perceptions of reality.
11/29/202114 minutes, 9 seconds
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How Do I Write a Personal Mission Statement?

God has reasons for everything he does — and an ultimate purpose driving it all. Personal mission statements help us align all of life with that great purpose.
11/26/202120 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Glorious Duty of Thanksgiving

Gratitude is a duty — we ought to thank God for the grace he has given. But genuine Christian gratitude is far more than mere duty.
11/24/20217 minutes, 7 seconds
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How Can I Serve My Disabled Friends?

Jesus healed people with deep, lifelong disabilities. So should we pray that he would heal loved ones with disabilities like Down syndrome or cerebral palsy?
11/22/202112 minutes, 47 seconds
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Is Violent Crime Under God’s Providence?

When we don’t understand God and his ways, we can still rest here: God is always totally sovereign, and God is always infinitely good.
11/19/202111 minutes, 16 seconds
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Only Jesus Knows the Full Force of Temptation

Jesus never lied, stole, coveted, grumbled, lusted, or sinned in any other way. And that means Jesus alone knows the full force of temptation.
11/17/202113 minutes, 51 seconds
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Parenting Young Children Through Life’s Pains

When suffering overshadows the life of a family, how can parents help their children embrace God’s all-good, all-wise, all-governing providence?
11/15/202111 minutes, 41 seconds
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Is Complementarity Merely Functional?

Are God’s callings for men and women merely functional and practical, or do they flow from something deeper in his design?
11/12/202113 minutes, 6 seconds
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One Day Tolerance Will End

We live in the day of salvation, the day of patience, the day of tolerance. But when Jesus returns, that day will end forever.
11/10/202110 minutes, 27 seconds
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On Cigarettes, Vaping, and Nicotine

Despite the warnings, cigarette smoking and other forms of nicotine use persist. How concerned should parents be about whether their teens smoke, chew, or vape?
11/8/202111 minutes
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Does God Command Our Praise for His Sake or Ours?

Pleasure in God is not complete unless it overflows in praise to God. And praise to God is not sincere unless it overflows from pleasure in God.
11/5/202111 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Find More Joy in God

Joy in God was never meant to be a solitary pursuit. Joy sends us out to serve — and serving fills us up with joy.
11/3/20219 minutes, 11 seconds
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Why Did God Make Me Unattractive?

Few of us feel as attractive as we would like, and some of us feel downright ugly. Why does God allow such unattractiveness in a world that prizes physical beauty?
11/1/202113 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Church’s Calling in an Age of Recreational Pot

Fifteen states have now legalized the recreational use of marijuana. What message might God be sending to the church in an age of legal pot?
10/29/202112 minutes, 1 second
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Finding a Life of Gospel Boldness

The boldest people in the world are those who can look into the face of God, in all of his holiness and power, and know that he is for them in Christ.
10/27/202114 minutes, 1 second
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How Do You Find Meaning in the Bible’s Narratives?

Whether Old Testament or New Testament, stories fill the pages of Scripture. How can we begin to discover God’s meaning in the Bible’s narratives?
10/25/202117 minutes, 14 seconds
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Is Stress Making Me More Holy or More Sinful?

Life’s pressures have a way of exposing hidden sins and introducing new temptations. So how do we know if pressure is making us more holy or more sinful?
10/22/202110 minutes, 48 seconds
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Would I Trust Jesus More If I Had Seen Him?

Many wish they could have seen Jesus in person as he walked on the earth. But to have the four Gospels is even better than being there.
10/20/202114 minutes, 33 seconds
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Reckoning with the Message of Job

Until we begin to grasp the infinite worth of God, and the horrific evil of sin, much of the Bible will make no sense — including a book like Job.
10/18/202112 minutes, 29 seconds
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How Do We ‘Dwell in the Shelter of the Most High’?

Psalm 91 offers spectacular promises for the one who “dwells in the shelter of the Most High.” What does dwelling in the shelter of God mean for us today?
10/15/202110 minutes, 42 seconds
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Five Ways Pastors Fail

Countless pastors carry out their ministries faithfully — and some abuse their position and cause many to stumble. What does God have to say to hypocritical pastors?
10/13/202116 minutes, 27 seconds
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Are Non-Christian Marriages Valid in God’s Eyes?

God made marriage to picture the relationship of Christ and his church. Does it follow that a marriage between an unbelieving man and woman is illegitimate?
10/11/202111 minutes, 45 seconds
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Has God Abandoned Me?

God has promised never to leave us or forsake his people. So how do we respond when it feels like he has?
10/8/202113 minutes, 19 seconds
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Parenting Through a Family Crisis

If we’re going to parent well through family troubles, we need to know, first, that our own sin is our worst problem, and second, that Jesus’s blood covers it all.
10/6/202113 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ingredients for a Theology of Feasting

The Bible talks a lot about feasting — far more than about fasting, in fact. So what is feasting, and how might we enjoy it in our Christian lives?
10/4/202111 minutes, 48 seconds
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How Do We Prepare for the Second Coming?

We know from the New Testament that Jesus will return in power and glory. What can we do to prepare ourselves for that long-expected day?
10/1/202110 minutes, 51 seconds
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You Don’t Need More Self-Love

Jesus’s command to love our neighbors as we love ourselves isn’t a call to raise our self-esteem. It’s a charge to seek others’ good in the same way we seek our own.
9/29/202113 minutes, 44 seconds
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Should Couples Use Role-Play in the Bedroom?

When the glory of God grows dim in our eyes, bodily appetites become gods. When we lose sight of a big purpose for our lives, sexual urges become too big.
9/27/202111 minutes, 3 seconds
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My Boyfriend Is Spiritually Lethargic — Should I Still Marry Him?

At what point should a Christian woman keep encouraging her spiritually lethargic boyfriend — and at what point should she call it off?
9/24/202115 minutes, 6 seconds
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Does God Love Me?

When do we experience the love of God most deeply? Not when we get whatever we want, but when he does whatever it takes to satisfy us in himself.
9/22/202111 minutes, 31 seconds
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How Do I Stop Rooting My Joy in My Circumstances?

We seem hardwired to be happiest when life goes well, and saddest when life goes poorly. How can we root our joy in Jesus instead of circumstances?
9/20/202111 minutes, 18 seconds
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Should Rich Christians Downgrade Their Lifestyle?

Jesus and the apostles regularly warn against the dangers of wealth. So, should rich Christians take steps to downgrade their lifestyle?
9/17/202113 minutes, 53 seconds
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Prayers That Work

Jesus promises spectacular responses to our prayers, but only if our desires are shaped by his word abiding within us.
9/15/202111 minutes, 38 seconds
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How Do We Discern False Teachers?

The Bible repeatedly warns us against false teachers. But how can we actually identify them, especially if their ministry is mainly online?
9/13/202110 minutes, 27 seconds
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John Piper’s 9/11 Radio Interview

On the morning after September 11, 2001, a radio station interviewed Pastor John about the day’s stunning and tragic attack. Listen to the 47-minute recording.
9/11/202147 minutes, 49 seconds
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What Does It Mean to Be Blessed?

The New Testament never pairs the blessing of God with material prosperity in this age. So, what does it really mean to be blessed?
9/10/202111 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Power of Your Personal Testimony

Don’t be intimidated when people far smarter than you level arguments against Jesus. Your personal testimony has power to trump the most sophisticated arguments.
9/8/202114 minutes, 19 seconds
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How Will Love Grow Cold in the End Times?

At the end of this age, “the love of many will grow cold.” What will such coldness look like — and how can we guard ourselves against it?
9/6/202111 minutes, 49 seconds
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Did Christ Already Return?

Does Revelation suggest that Jesus already returned when Jerusalem was destroyed in AD 70 — and therefore that we should not wait for another coming?
9/3/202110 minutes, 52 seconds
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We Become Like the Videos We Behold

For better or worse, we become what we behold. How should this truth affect our media consumption in the digital age?
9/1/20219 minutes, 2 seconds
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What’s the Difference Between Sloth and Rest?

Both the sluggard and the diligent might take a nap on their day off. So, what distinguishes the laziness of the sluggard from the rest of the diligent?
8/30/202112 minutes, 33 seconds
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God Never Runs Out

Everything in this world eventually runs out: money runs out, health runs out, pleasure runs out, time runs out. But God never runs out.
8/27/202111 minutes, 51 seconds
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How Can I Make Daily Bible Reading Authentic?

How can we prevent Bible reading from becoming a lifeless routine? Pastor John offers three principles for authentic daily devotions.
8/25/202115 minutes, 31 seconds
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How Can I Honor My Parents If I Don’t Respect Them?

God calls his people to show honor to everyone — but not for the same reasons, and not in the same ways.
8/23/202112 minutes, 8 seconds
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Does Christ Rule the Nations Now?

If Christ has all authority in heaven and on earth, does he rule over the nations now? Or is he waiting to exercise his rule until his second coming?
8/20/202111 minutes, 43 seconds
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You Don’t Know God If You Don’t Love Christ

If you want to know whether others love God, ask if they love the Jesus of Scripture. Love for Jesus is the litmus test of love for God.
8/18/202113 minutes, 52 seconds
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Is Death Past, Present, or Future?

According to Paul, Christians have died, will die, and die every day. What do these different deaths mean, and how else does Scripture speak of our dying?
8/16/202111 minutes, 21 seconds
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Six Dangers of Podcasts

Podcasts, including Christian podcasts, have great potential for both good and evil. Pastor John explains six dangers to beware of as you listen.
8/13/202112 minutes, 54 seconds
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Living the Mystery of Joy in Suffering

Christians are sorrowful, yet always rejoicing: sorrowful because of the ugliness and horrors of sin, and rejoicing because of the infinite worth of Jesus.
8/11/202114 minutes, 38 seconds
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If All My Sins Are Forgiven, Why Pursue Holiness?

If Christ already paid for all our sins — past, present, and future — then why do we need to work so hard to put sin to death and grow in holiness?
8/9/202111 minutes, 49 seconds
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Is Sex During Menstruation Sinful?

The Old Testament prohibited a husband and wife from having sex during menstruation. Is that command still in force today?
8/6/202116 minutes, 30 seconds
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Controversy Is Essential — and Deadly

Controversy is essential — and deadly. Slowly, we can begin to care more about defending the truth than enjoying the truth.
8/4/20219 minutes, 18 seconds
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How Do We Pray in the Spirit?

What do Paul and Jude mean when they command Christians to pray “in the Spirit” — and what would it mean to pray “out of the Spirit”?
8/2/202110 minutes, 54 seconds
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If We Read Our Bibles, Why Do We Need Sermons?

The Bible is perfect; preachers are not. So, why listen to the sermons of fallible men when we can read God’s infallible word for ourselves?
7/30/202112 minutes, 44 seconds
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How to Argue Like a Calvinist

John Newton cherished the doctrines of grace. And he knew that the best way to commend them was with a spirit of graciousness.
7/28/202112 minutes, 21 seconds
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Doing Math to the Glory of God

Why learn math — especially if studying math feels agonizing? Pastor John addresses an 8-year-old boy struggling to persevere in school.
7/26/202112 minutes, 39 seconds
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Can I Marry a Woman Half My Age?

The Bible doesn’t say how old Christians should be when they marry — or how close in age. So, can a Christian marry someone significantly younger?
7/23/202111 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Strong Murder the Weak Every Day in America

Killing an unborn child is illegal if the mother wants the baby — but legal if she doesn’t. The rights of the weak rest in the hands of the strong.
7/21/20219 minutes, 59 seconds
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How Much Media Is Too Much Media?

In a media-saturated age, obedience to Jesus requires intentional detachment from the patterns of the world — especially its patterns of entertainment.
7/19/202111 minutes, 53 seconds
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Will I Suffer More If I Follow Jesus?

Those who follow Jesus may suffer more in this life than those who don’t. But from the standpoint of eternity, they will suffer infinitely less.
7/16/202113 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Supremacy of God in Preaching: Conclusion

People are starving for the grandeur of God. Christian preachers, more than all others, should know this truth — and shape every sermon accordingly.
7/15/20218 minutes, 36 seconds
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Faith Won’t Survive Without Friends

We all need people who will remind us that Christ is far better than sin, and that unrepentant sin destroys. Without friends, our faith won’t survive.
7/14/20219 minutes, 59 seconds
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Does the Bible Say I Am Unique?

God made everybody, knitting each of us intricately in our mother’s womb. Does that mean we are each unique, unlike any other person God created?
7/12/202112 minutes, 35 seconds
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Will God Really Praise Us?

If God deserves all glory and praise, what does Scripture mean when it mentions God’s glorifying and praising us?
7/9/202113 minutes, 50 seconds
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Why Comfortable Christians Go Prayerless

Until we come awake to the great spiritual war that surrounds us, we will never truly know the privilege and power of prayer.
7/7/202112 minutes, 42 seconds
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Do Angels Walk Among Us Today?

Hebrews tells us that, by showing hospitality to strangers, “some have entertained angels unawares.” Does this suggest that angels walk among us in human form?
7/5/202110 minutes, 45 seconds
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On Codependent Dating Relationships

God made us to need other people — but not to be codependent on them. So, how can we tell the difference between healthy need and disordered neediness?
7/2/202111 minutes, 41 seconds
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Why Would God Create a Baby to Live for Two Minutes?

With eternity in view, any span of life is a vapor. However long we live, our time here is preparation for the endless days of heaven.
6/30/20218 minutes, 52 seconds
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Should We Watch for Signs from God?

Some Christians seem to be always on the lookout for signs from God in creation or circumstances. Does the Bible encourage us in that search?
6/28/202112 minutes, 22 seconds
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Should Christians Visit Cemeteries?

Should Christians make a habit of visiting loved ones’ graves? And if we do visit, how can we honor Christ in the cemetery?
6/25/202112 minutes, 26 seconds
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One Surprising Reason for Pain

Many wonder how a good God could govern a world filled with pain. But sometimes, pain becomes the very means God uses to awaken us to his goodness.
6/23/202111 minutes, 14 seconds
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Who Is the Disciple Jesus Loved?

The Gospel of John speaks of a “disciple whom Jesus loved” five times. Who was this beloved disciple, and why does he single himself out like this?
6/21/20219 minutes, 44 seconds
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Plans for 2021 and Beyond

After a year unlike any other, Pastor John looks ahead to new books and renewed ambitions to spread Christian Hedonism farther across the globe.
6/18/202113 minutes, 7 seconds
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How Not to Correct a Fellow Christian

How can Christians challenge and correct one another in a way that honors Christ and acknowledges our common neediness before him?
6/16/20219 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Disabled Wife and the Proverbs 31 Woman

God expects faithfulness of all his people. But faithfulness for one Christian may look far different than faithfulness for another Christian.
6/14/202110 minutes, 33 seconds
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Are Our Enemies Spiritual, Human, or Both?

Paul tells us that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood. But Paul himself had many human enemies. So, are our enemies spiritual, human, or both?
6/11/202113 minutes, 21 seconds
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To Be Loved Infinitely

The essence of God’s love is not that he makes much of us, but that he frees us, at great cost to himself, to enjoy making much of him forever.
6/9/202112 minutes, 14 seconds
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How Do I Serve Dying Unbelievers?

Many medical professionals regularly find themselves around people only hours or minutes from hell. How would love call us to act in those moments?
6/7/202111 minutes, 50 seconds
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Should Christian Jurors Show Mercy to the Guilty?

Christians display the character of God through both mercy and justice. But how do we know when to show mercy and when to give justice?
6/4/202111 minutes, 49 seconds
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Why Do You Want to Be Loved by God?

Almost everyone wants to be loved by God. But our reasons for wanting God’s love may reveal whether we truly know him or not.
6/2/202110 minutes, 15 seconds
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Is It Sinful to Pray for a Larger Income?

When God restored Job’s fortunes, he also doubled his wealth. Should Christians pray for God to do the same for us today?
5/31/202111 minutes, 51 seconds
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A Better Promise for Serial Daters

Serial dating, if left unconquered, often turns into serial marriage. So, what hope does Jesus offer to those addicted to the pleasures of a new relationship?
5/28/202112 minutes, 23 seconds
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Flee to Christ in Fear

God commands us both to fear him and to flee to him for refuge. How can we possibly do one without contradicting the other?
5/26/20218 minutes, 11 seconds
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Where Is Providence in the Vanity of Ecclesiastes?

The book of Ecclesiastes tells us that “all is vanity.” But if God providentially guides all things, then doesn’t he give meaning to everything in this world?
5/24/202111 minutes, 57 seconds
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What Is a Baptist?

As with other Protestants, many Baptists trace their lineage to the Reformation. But what makes Baptists unique among the heirs of the Reformation?
5/21/202113 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Key to Killing Lust

Strategies are important in our battle against lust. But nothing arrests our souls with the urgency of purity like the supremacy of Jesus Christ.
5/19/202116 minutes, 11 seconds
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What Does the Bible Say About Purgatory?

What is purgatory, and why have thoughtful Christians like C.S. Lewis believed in it? Does this belief in afterlife cleansing find support in Scripture?
5/17/202114 minutes, 22 seconds
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How Do I Love Neighbors Who Ignore Me?

Jesus commands us to love our neighbors. But how can we love them if they don’t want our help, or if they even actively ignore us?
5/14/202111 minutes, 44 seconds
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Reckoning with Personal Failure

Christians are new creations in Christ — yet we still feel the familiar pull of the old self. How do we reckon with the persistence of indwelling sin?
5/12/202112 minutes
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Why Have Africans Suffered So Much?

Some parts of the world seem to endure far more sorrow than other parts. Does God favor some places and peoples more than others?
5/10/202114 minutes, 24 seconds
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Is My Repentance Real If I Keep Committing the Same Sin?

Some of us find ourselves confessing the same sins over and over. How do we know our repentance is real if we repeatedly lose the same battles?
5/7/202114 minutes, 25 seconds
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How Churches Sabotage the Love of God

If we try to make much of the love of God by downplaying the wrath of God, we destroy the love of God.
5/5/202110 minutes, 34 seconds
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How Can I Protect My Child from State Indoctrination?

The primary responsibility for a child’s education belongs to parents, not to the state. So, what can parents do when the state tries to take control?
5/3/202114 minutes, 53 seconds
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Why Did the First Humans Live for So Long?

The book of Genesis records life spans in the hundreds of years. Why did the first humans live for so long — and why are our life spans today so short?
4/30/202111 minutes, 32 seconds
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How Have You Processed the Sin of Ravi Zacharias?

How might Christians process the failures of once-beloved figures like Ravi Zacharias? Pastor John draws out lessons from the ministries of fallen leaders.
4/29/202115 minutes, 28 seconds
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What’s Stopping You from Coming to Christ?

Some wait to come to Christ because they feel powerless to live the Christian life. But that power becomes ours only by coming to Christ.
4/28/202113 minutes, 4 seconds
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What Are Angels Doing Today?

Angels appear all over Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. But why did God create angels in the first place — and what are they doing today?
4/26/202113 minutes, 8 seconds
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How Should We Respond to Christian Conspiracy Theories?

Conspiracy theories — Christian or otherwise — are nothing new. But how can we talk to friends who find themselves gripped by them?
4/23/202111 minutes, 24 seconds
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What ‘No Condemnation’ Does to a Heart

“No condemnation” means that you are finally free: free to love, free to serve, free to forgive, and even free to die for the good of others.
4/21/20219 minutes, 35 seconds
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Did Abraham Laugh at God’s Promise?

Paul looks back to Abraham and celebrates his unwavering faith. But is Abraham’s laughter at God’s promise in Genesis 17 really a faithful response?
4/19/202112 minutes, 22 seconds
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What Makes Women the ‘Weaker Vessel’?

The differences between male and female are not obstacles to overcome or facts to ignore. They are distinct glories that God calls “very good.”
4/16/202113 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Problem with Asking, ‘What’s Wrong with It?’

If we want to follow Jesus, we will need to give up more than just sins. We will also need to give up everything that dulls our hearts for him.
4/14/202111 minutes, 50 seconds
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Hope for Children from Dysfunctional Families

How can children who come from dysfunctional or abusive families begin to embrace the perfect fatherhood of God?
4/12/202112 minutes, 2 seconds
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How Does Chronic Pain Glorify God?

Why might God allow his children to endure years, or even decades, of unremitting suffering? How does such chronic pain bring him glory?
4/9/202111 minutes, 34 seconds
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Escape the World’s Infatuation with Sex

The deepest cure for lust never comes from strategies or accountability. The deepest cure comes from seeing the soul-staggering grandeur of God.
4/7/202110 minutes, 19 seconds
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How Will Heaven Change Our Joy?

Joy isn’t just a nice byproduct of the Christian life, but an essential part of it. From propitiation to glorification, joy animates our life in Christ.
4/5/202112 minutes, 22 seconds
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How Does Easter Change Us?

Christ’s resurrection secures our future hope that we too will rise one day. In the meantime, it also grants us spiritual power for everyday life.
4/2/202113 minutes, 33 seconds
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What You Need More Than Self-Confidence

Everything good in the Christian life grows in the soil of rich, deep, and happy humility.
3/31/202113 minutes, 39 seconds
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What Didn’t Christ Accomplish?

The cross of Christ accomplished everything we need to glorify God by being eternally happy in him. But is there anything the cross didn’t accomplish?
3/29/202113 minutes, 17 seconds
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How Can I Serve the Dying?

When you have the privilege of caring for dying people, how can you minister to their souls in addition to meeting their physical needs?
3/26/202113 minutes, 24 seconds
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What Is the Gospel For?

Forgiveness, justification, adoption, and eternal life are all a means to something even greater: enjoying God himself.
3/24/202110 minutes, 7 seconds
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How Can I Fight Sin Without Losing Sight of Christ?

Christians rest on Jesus not only for justification, but also for sanctification. Both are blood bought. Both are certain.
3/22/202113 minutes, 53 seconds
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I Feel Called to Missions — Should I Date Someone Who Doesn’t?

If I feel called to missions, should I be open to dating a Christian who doesn’t share the same calling?
3/19/202112 minutes, 14 seconds
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Finding Hope in God’s Unfolding Plan

God determines the direction of history down to the smallest detail. But what is his ultimate goal in all his providence?
3/17/202112 minutes, 46 seconds
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Who Is God?

God is the most important and most valuable reality in the entire universe. Who has he revealed himself to be?
3/15/202117 minutes, 40 seconds
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How Can We Know God?

Before we can ask who God is, we need to know where to find the answer. Where can we go to learn the truth about who God reveals himself to be?
3/12/202112 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Courage We Need for Mission

God’s providence isn’t an obstacle to evangelism and missions. It is, instead, our only hope to see the good news of the gospel reach all nations.
3/10/202112 minutes, 14 seconds
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Do We Dishonor God by Neglecting His Gifts?

We dishonor God when we love the gifts more than the Giver. But we also dishonor him when we forget all the gifts he has given.
3/8/202113 minutes, 5 seconds
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John Piper’s Big Book on the Providence of God

John Piper’s newest book, ‘Providence,’ celebrates the all-embracing, all-pervasive, invincible providence of God.
3/6/20211 hour, 26 minutes, 25 seconds
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Why Did Jesus Choose Judas?

If Jesus knew that Judas would betray him in the end, why did Jesus choose Judas as a disciple to begin with?
3/5/202110 minutes, 37 seconds
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Finding the Confidence to Pray

The doctrine of God’s all-governing providence is not a problem for our prayers. It is our only hope for our prayers coming to pass.
3/3/202113 minutes, 26 seconds
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I’m Likely Going to Prison — Now What?

Where is God when I face life-changing consequences for my sin? Can he really work for my good, even in a punishment as severe as prison?
3/1/202111 minutes, 3 seconds
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Should I Ever Pursue My Dreams?

Can we pursue our own dreams while also obeying God? Or do we need to give up our dreams in order to follow what Jesus is really calling us to?
2/26/202110 minutes, 49 seconds
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Protected from False Teaching

Joyful faith in the all-governing providence of God immunizes us against false teaching that exalts man and detracts from the glory due to God alone.
2/24/202111 minutes, 12 seconds
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Who Wrote the Bible?

The question “Who wrote the Bible?” has a double answer: God and man. Humans held the quill, but God ultimately inspired their words.
2/22/202111 minutes, 27 seconds
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What Is the Meaning of Life?

When life just doesn’t seem to make sense, or even when it seems void of any meaning at all, what can help us to know our purpose again?
2/19/202114 minutes, 46 seconds
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Sustained Through the Hardest Suffering

God’s providence not only governs all things, but it gives us hope in our suffering. We can trust that our all-good God will turn every sorrow to joy.
2/17/202112 minutes, 57 seconds
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Why Is Baptism Important?

Jesus commands the church not only to make disciples, but also to baptize them. But why is baptism so important?
2/15/202114 minutes, 10 seconds
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My Teen Is Sexually Active — What Can I Do?

What can Christian parents do if they discover that one of their children is living in serious sexual sin? Pastor John offers counsel on where to begin.
2/12/202114 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Root of Beautiful Patience

God’s all-pervasive providence is the key that unlocks enduring patience. He is always working more good than we can ever see.
2/10/202112 minutes, 32 seconds
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Do My Sins Hinder My Prayers?

Peter tells us that a husband’s prayers are hindered if he dishonors his wife. Is this just a marriage principle, or does sin always obstruct our prayers?
2/8/202111 minutes, 47 seconds
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Is My Happiness Moral or Not?

Does the presence or absence of happiness say anything about us morally, or is happiness simply a nonmoral state of affairs?
2/5/202113 minutes, 41 seconds
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Escaping the Fog of Triviality

In a culture filled with silliness and superficiality, seeing and savoring the providence of God protects our hearts from trifling with divine things.
2/3/202112 minutes, 45 seconds
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Has Porn Already Broken My Future Marriage?

Pornography distorts our souls. But with the transformation of the Holy Spirit and a hard, honest fight, there is still hope for godly intimacy in marriage.
2/1/202113 minutes, 44 seconds
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Before You Tweet Criticism: Six Considerations

Social media feeds are often infernos of insults and anger. How can Christians engage online in ways that make much of Christ?
1/29/202112 minutes, 45 seconds
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Everything Made Meaningful

Even the tiniest details of history move forward under the providential care of our sovereign, all-good God. Nothing is random. Nothing is meaningless.
1/27/202112 minutes, 6 seconds
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Why Did God Create Us?

If God doesn’t need anything in this world in order to be who he is, then why did he create the world at all?
1/25/202114 minutes, 14 seconds
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Am I Too Hard on Myself?

God has given us a high and holy calling in Christ. But can a Christian ever be too hard on himself as he strives to live up to that calling?
1/22/202111 minutes, 45 seconds
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Trembling at Sin, Marveling at Grace

Seeing and savoring God’s providence in our redemption fills us with wonder and trembling joy. We owe everything to his grace.
1/20/202111 minutes, 1 second
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Martin Luther King and His Partner in the Cause

Christian citizenship expands far beyond the country on our passport. We share a citizenship with those from every nation who call upon the name of Jesus.
1/18/202114 minutes, 15 seconds
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Is an Audio Bible Sufficient for Devotions?

Is listening to the Bible just as good as reading it? Or do we risk missing something if our Bible intake comes mainly through listening?
1/15/202110 minutes, 47 seconds
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Confronting Lukewarm Worship

When we see and savor the providence of God, lukewarm worship gives way to wonder, awe, and holy reverence before our majestic God.
1/13/202111 minutes, 12 seconds
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How Do I Bear with Immature Christians?

Faithful pastors long to see their churches grow up in faith, hope, and love. So, how does a pastor bear with those who seem to be going backward?
1/11/202110 minutes, 49 seconds
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How Often Should I Question My Salvation?

The Bible instructs believers to examine themselves, but does it tell us to what extent or how often we should question our salvation?
1/8/202110 minutes, 24 seconds
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What Difference Does Providence Make?

What difference does seeing and savoring the providence of God make? Pastor John explains why providence overflows with practical implications.
1/6/202112 minutes, 4 seconds
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Can I Take a Vaccine Made from Aborted Babies?

Several vaccines in current use are developed from the cells of aborted babies. Can Christians use these vaccines in good conscience?
1/4/202111 minutes, 46 seconds
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How Do I Become Passionate About Bible Reading?

Regular, disciplined Bible intake is not optional for God’s people. It is God’s plan for preserving us and bringing us safely to glory.
1/1/202114 minutes, 18 seconds
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Eight Years of APJ, and What’s Ahead

At the end of another year, Pastor John reflects on 2020, the world of Ephesians, and the need for a new tidal wave of God-centered teaching.
12/30/202010 minutes, 3 seconds
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Should We Talk More About ‘Following Jesus’?

In the Gospels, Jesus repeatedly tells people to follow him. But why doesn’t that call ring out in the rest of the New Testament?
12/28/202012 minutes, 40 seconds
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Is Christmas Too Pagan for Christians?

Christmas offers an opportunity to look upon the incarnation with fresh amazement. But does the timing of our celebration just reflect pagan tradition?
12/25/202014 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why Did Christ Need a Body?

In the person of Jesus Christ, we encounter incarnate Deity. But why did he have to take on flesh that first Christmas?
12/23/202011 minutes, 20 seconds
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Do We Have the Exact Words of Christ, or a Paraphrase?

Do the Gospels give us the exact words that Jesus spoke, or do they give us a paraphrase that captures his meaning?
12/21/202012 minutes, 52 seconds
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Does Joy Come After Suffering, Or in It?

Faith does not shield us from waves of sorrow. But it does plant our feet on a rock of immovable joy. And when the waves leave, the rock remains.
12/18/202016 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Sweetness of Christ in 2020

As 2020 draws to a close, Pastor John describes the one reality that shaped everything else for him: the experience of sweeter fellowship with God.
12/16/202017 minutes, 11 seconds
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What Happens to Non-Christians Who Take the Lord’s Supper?

What happens when unbelievers eat the Lord’s Supper — either because they think they are believers or because the church has welcomed them to participate?
12/14/202014 minutes, 2 seconds
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Christian Marries Non-Christian — How Does a Church Respond?

How should pastors respond to a Christian who marries a non-Christian? And what might repentance look like in such a situation?
12/11/202010 minutes, 8 seconds
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Fight Sin Like a Victor, Not a Victim

When Christ gives you new life by the Spirit, you are no longer a victim under sin’s power, but a victor who has the strength to triumph.
12/9/202012 minutes, 35 seconds
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How Do I Battle Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome can make us feel like frauds in the workplace — like we are never good enough and always about to be exposed. How can we respond?
12/7/202014 minutes, 49 seconds
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Did Jesus Say We Are gods?

In John 10, Jesus quotes from Psalm 82, saying, “You are gods.” Does this mean human beings are gods, or is something else going on?
12/4/20208 minutes, 32 seconds
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What’s Keeping Me from Seeing Jesus?

By nature, we all want to be made much of. Until that craving for praise is laid to rest, we’ll never know the joy of making much of Jesus.
12/2/202013 minutes, 20 seconds
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Can I ‘Name It and Claim It’?

God can do far, far more than we can think to ask. But that doesn’t mean whatever we wish lines up with his sovereign plans to bring us good.
11/30/202015 minutes, 38 seconds
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Critical Race Theory, Part 2: The Root Problem

How should Christians respond to critical race theory? In a special episode, Pastor John explains the theory’s goals, assumptions, and root problem.
11/24/202024 minutes, 14 seconds
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Critical Race Theory, Part 1: The Relationships

Critical race theory is a divisive topic among many Christians today. In a special episode, Pastor John explains why we should be careful in how we talk to each other about it.
11/23/202022 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ten Effects of Seeing and Savoring the Providence of God

When we see and savor the all-embracing, all-pervasive providence of God, we cannot help but show the worth of his providence in all of life.
11/20/202056 minutes, 11 seconds
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Have You Seen the Providence of God?

Immersing ourselves in the ocean of God’s providence helps us to know him, fear him, trust him, and love him as we ought.
11/18/202034 minutes, 23 seconds
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God’s Providence in 2020

In January 2021, John Piper releases his newest book: a 750-page study of the all-embracing, all-pervasive providence of God.
11/16/202016 minutes, 42 seconds
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Does God Regret Making Me?

We know that God is committed to saving his people. But does he ever become so frustrated with us that he regrets having made us in the first place?
11/13/202014 minutes, 43 seconds
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What Makes Us Want to Move and Travel?

Our cravings can take us to new spouses, new jobs, or even new cities or countries. But there is only one place we’ll find the satisfaction we seek.
11/11/20209 minutes, 38 seconds
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My Wife Is More Spiritual — How Do I Lead Her?

As a husband, I know that God calls me to lead my family. But what if my wife is more capable and more spiritually mature than I am?
11/9/202014 minutes, 7 seconds
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Am I Completely Surrendered to Christ?

Jesus calls us to renounce all we have to follow him. But how can we gauge if we are fully and completely committed to him?
11/6/202012 minutes, 50 seconds
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How Can I Grow in Obeying God?

Unless God enables our obedience, we work and serve in vain. All true obedience flows from the strength he supplies.
11/4/202011 minutes, 52 seconds
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I Sought a Prostitute — Am I Doomed?

Proverbs says that no one who visits the “forbidden woman” will return to the paths of life. So, is a man who seeks a prostitute doomed?
11/2/202012 minutes, 56 seconds
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When Does God Harden a Sinner’s Heart?

Does God harden sinners’ hearts only in response to their persistent sin, or is their sin a result of his prior hardening?
10/30/202014 minutes, 5 seconds
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God’s Good Design in Our Suffering

In this life, we will have trouble. But every trial paves the way to an inheritance with Christ that will satisfy us forever.
10/28/202010 minutes, 53 seconds
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Do My Past Sins Work Toward My Future Good?

We know that God works all things together for the good of his people. But does “all things” include even our sins?
10/26/202012 minutes, 37 seconds
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How Do We Raise Kids Who Are Not Naive or Cynical?

As Christians, we aspire to live out the paradox of brokenhearted boldness. But how do we teach and model this attitude for our kids?
10/23/202012 minutes, 59 seconds
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How Did God Call Me to Himself?

From our perspective, coming to Jesus Christ feels like placing our faith in him. But God himself enabled and awakened that faith in us.
10/21/20209 minutes, 56 seconds
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I’m Obsessed with My Appearance — How Can I Stop?

We know outward beauty is insignificant compared to inward beauty. But what should we do if we still feel insecure about our looks?
10/19/202011 minutes, 31 seconds
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Are Our Standards for Sexual Purity Too High for Pastors?

Is faultless chastity an appropriate standard for pastors, or are our expectations simply too high?
10/16/202010 minutes, 51 seconds
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My Suffering Feels Meaningless — What Can I Do?

Sometimes pain seems meaningless, but in Christ, every millisecond of your suffering is producing for you an eternal weight of glory.
10/14/202016 minutes, 34 seconds
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How Can I Love God More Than My Boyfriend?

As a couple’s affection for one another deepens, how can they make sure they are loving God more than each other?
10/12/202010 minutes, 23 seconds
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Is My Suffering a Correction for Sin?

When trials come, how can I know whether God is calling me to patiently endure, or whether he wants me to repent of a specific sin?
10/9/202011 minutes, 19 seconds
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How Do We Get Tricked into Sinning?

When we obey sin, we obey a liar, a deceiver, a murderer. Sin is a slave master who tricks his subjects into eternal death.
10/7/202012 minutes, 31 seconds
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Why Did Demons Ask Jesus for Pigs?

When Jesus comes, he brings deliverance, freedom, grace, and power. But some people prefer what life is like without him.
10/5/202010 minutes, 56 seconds
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Why Do I Need to Read the Bible When We Have Bible Teachers Online?

Today more than ever, Christians have access to a wealth of faithful Bible teaching online. So, why do we need to read the Bible for ourselves?
10/2/202012 minutes, 59 seconds
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Dismiss the Devil with a Song

Singing together is not merely the prelude to the sermon. When God’s people sing from the heart, more happens than we imagine.
9/30/20208 minutes, 32 seconds
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Is Enjoying God the Same as Glorifying God?

“God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.” Does that mean enjoying God and glorifying God are the same thing?
9/28/202013 minutes, 1 second
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Why Is the Bible So Violent?

The Bible depicts more violence than our modern sensibilities often want to admit. How do we handle these parts of Scripture when we come across them?
9/25/202012 minutes, 56 seconds
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How Do I Overcome My Fear of the Future?

In this life, we will have trouble. In this world, we will have reasons to fear. But in Christ, our God is with us through it all.
9/23/20209 minutes, 13 seconds
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Why Does It Matter That Christ Was ‘Begotten, Not Made’?

The Nicene Creed speaks of Jesus as “begotten, not made.” What does that mean, and why does it matter?
9/21/202015 minutes, 25 seconds
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Money Motivates Me to Work Hard — Is That Okay?

How can we tell if our desire for money is a good, God-given desire, instead of a love for Mammon? Pastor John offers seven ways to discern the difference.
9/18/202012 minutes, 23 seconds
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How Do I Tell If I Am Lukewarm?

How can we tell if we are spiritually lukewarm, like the Christians in Laodicea? We can look at our private prayer life.
9/16/202011 minutes, 36 seconds
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What Do You Love Most About God?

Unless the Bible informs what we love most about God, we risk imagining a god in our own likeness, rather than treasuring him for who he really is.
9/14/202013 minutes, 15 seconds
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‘Always Learning but Never Arriving’ — Is That Me?

Paul warns us about some who are “always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.” What kind of person does he have in mind?
9/11/202012 minutes, 52 seconds
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What Is God Accomplishing in My Suffering?

Suffering often feels meaningless in the moment. So how can Christians learn not only to endure trials, but to rejoice in the midst of them?
9/9/202012 minutes, 24 seconds
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What Do My Entertainment Habits Reveal About My Soul?

If we cope with stress by watching movies, posting on social media, or consuming other forms of entertainment, what does that say about our souls?
9/7/202011 minutes, 55 seconds
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Does Every Sin Cost Me an Eternal Reward?

God promises eternal rewards for his people’s present obedience. But does every sin cost us one of those rewards?
9/4/202011 minutes, 13 seconds
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I Feel Unappreciated — How Should I Respond?

Ingratitude can make us feel unwanted and unnoticed. But our Father in heaven sees in secret, and he will more than make up for every thankless deed.
9/2/202010 minutes, 43 seconds
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Is My Career in Marketing Vain?

Some marketing succeeds by cultivating consumerism in the human heart. Can a Christian glorify God in that kind of job?
8/31/202012 minutes, 41 seconds
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How Do I Recover from an Unbearable Tragedy?

Some tragedies make life feel barely worth living anymore. So is there any hope that we could one day be happy and at peace again?
8/28/202015 minutes, 15 seconds
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What Does My Stealing Say About My Soul?

Whether we steal time, money, glances, or anything else, our impulse to take what is not rightfully ours reveals a lot about our view of God.
8/26/202011 minutes, 48 seconds
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Will the New Creation Look Like This One?

The new creation will probably seem familiar to us. But there will also be new dimensions of life and joy we can’t even begin to fathom.
8/24/202014 minutes, 41 seconds
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Is Angry Prayer Okay?

We have nothing to hide from God since he already knows our hearts. But that doesn’t mean we can do or say whatever we want in prayer.
8/21/202011 minutes, 47 seconds
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How Did John Piper Become a Calvinist?

When John Piper entered seminary in 1968, he believed in the self-determining will of man. But then he encountered Philippians 2 and Romans 9.
8/19/20209 minutes, 10 seconds
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When Should I Follow My Heart?

If a Christian desires God above all, then shouldn’t he follow his heart? Or are our hearts so deceitful that we can never trust them at all?
8/17/202010 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ten Reasons to Read the Bible Every Day

If we are going to grow up into maturity in Christ, we need to feast on Scripture — and not just here and there, but every day.
8/14/202011 minutes, 57 seconds
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How Does Christ Change How I Work?

When you come to know Jesus Christ, something about everything in your life changes — including how you approach your vocation.
8/12/202011 minutes, 3 seconds
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How Do I Lead Someone to Christ?

To lead someone to Christ is a spectacular gift from God. But what should you actually say and do in the moment?
8/10/202015 minutes, 7 seconds
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Do We Need Extrabiblical Texts to Understand the Bible?

Extrabiblical sources can help fill in some details of our Bible study, but all the gold we need to mine for life and godliness is in our English Bibles.
8/7/202010 minutes, 40 seconds
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Did God Save Me to Call Attention to Himself?

Over and over in the Bible, God says that he saves us in order to draw attention to himself. Why did God design salvation that way?
8/5/20208 minutes, 16 seconds
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Are Christian Couples Required to Have Kids?

The Bible is clear that children are a gift from God. So is there any room for a Christian couple to decide not to have any?
8/3/202013 minutes, 14 seconds
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Can a Christian Hedonist Get Depressed?

If we glorify God by enjoying him, how do we think about seasons of darkness in the Christian life, when joy seems far away?
7/31/202011 minutes, 47 seconds
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How Do I Wait for God?

God works for those who wait for him. But what does it mean to wait for God?
7/29/202013 minutes, 21 seconds
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John Piper Interviews J.I. Packer

In a 72-minute interview, John Piper and J.I. Packer discuss the Puritans, theology, the Christian life, and our heavenly hope.
7/28/20201 hour, 16 minutes, 20 seconds
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How Do I Glorify God in My Daily Life?

God created us to glorify him by enjoying him forever. But how do we fulfill that purpose in the little things, in the small moments, in the day to day?
7/27/202011 minutes, 53 seconds
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Am I Wasting My Life in a Secular Job?

Our vocation doesn’t automatically determine our fruitfulness for Jesus. God uses all kinds of people in all kinds of places to accomplish his purposes.
7/24/202010 minutes, 55 seconds
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How Does God Become Totally for Me?

God won’t settle for anything less than perfection from us. Either we depend on Christ’s perfection in our place, or we keep the entire law.
7/22/20207 minutes, 39 seconds
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How Do I Wage War on My Self-Pity?

At the cross, Christ canceled all our sins through his blood. Now, by the Spirit, we work to conquer every canceled sin.
7/20/202012 minutes, 17 seconds
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A Seriously Happy Puritan: Praising God for J.I. Packer

On the morning of July 17, J.I. Packer passed into glory. Pastor John shares a tribute to the man he looked up to as a father in the faith.
7/19/202038 minutes, 20 seconds
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Seven Lessons for Productivity

After fifteen hundred episodes of the Ask Pastor John podcast, Pastor John shares seven lessons that have inspired him to labor faithfully over decades.
7/17/202019 minutes, 17 seconds
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What Does Freedom from the Love of Money Look Like?

Our hearts were never meant to find their meaning in money. God made us for something far more valuable.
7/15/20209 minutes, 53 seconds
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How Can I Disagree with My Husband and Still Submit?

How can a wife disagree with her husband about a decision while still submitting to his leadership in the home?
7/13/202013 minutes, 38 seconds
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How Do I Know If I’m Doing Enough for God?

Before you get overwhelmed by all of the Bible’s commands, remember your right standing with God and focus first on the anchors of faithful obedience.
7/10/202013 minutes, 1 second
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Why Do I Need to Be Saved?

At the cross, God not only clears a path for sinners to himself. He also vindicates his righteousness after passing over centuries of sin.
7/8/202013 minutes
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Why Does ‘Atonement’ Disappear in the New Testament?

The word “atonement” appears all over the ESV’s translation of the Old Testament, but never in the New. Didn’t Jesus make atonement for our sins?
7/6/202010 minutes, 57 seconds
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How Much Patriotism Is Too Much Patriotism?

If Christians are first and foremost citizens of heaven, then is it ever appropriate to show patriotism for a homeland?
7/3/202014 minutes, 46 seconds
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How Can I Be Free from Materialism?

For many Western Christians, materialism has transformed our wants into needs and distorted our view of biblical Christianity. How can we be free?
7/1/20207 minutes, 54 seconds
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Did Moses Think Sinners Could Keep the Law?

The Mosaic law requires obedience over and over again. Does that mean old-covenant believers earned their way to a right standing with God?
6/29/202013 minutes, 41 seconds
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Do I Need to Understand the Trinity to Be Saved?

What does someone need to know about the Trinity in order to have saving faith in Jesus?
6/26/202014 minutes
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How Do I Find Freedom from Worry?

In the moment when troubles come or worries rise, we need the precious truth of specific promises from God’s word.
6/24/202010 minutes, 49 seconds
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Would God Have Been More Loving Not to Create Anyone?

If God knew before he created the world that millions of people would suffer eternally in hell, would he have been more loving not to create at all?
6/22/202012 minutes, 10 seconds
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Which Characters in Job Can We Trust?

Job is a famously difficult book to understand and apply. But God has not left us without interpretive guides to help us discern the book’s message.
6/19/202014 minutes, 20 seconds
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Update from John Piper and How You Can Help Us

Hear from Pastor John on his latest ministry projects, and learn how you can partner with us to spread joy in Jesus Christ for years to come.
6/18/202020 minutes, 6 seconds
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What Do You See When You Look at the Sky?

All creation rings with its Maker’s praise. If we pause to look and listen, God can show us glory in all that he has made.
6/17/20209 minutes, 29 seconds
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Why Does Christ Want Some Not to Believe?

If God desires all people to be saved, why did Jesus sometimes speak in a way that kept people from believing?
6/15/202012 minutes, 24 seconds
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How Should Christians Respond to Climate Change?

Climate-change activists warn of dire consequences if nations and individuals refuse to care for the environment. How should Christians respond?
6/12/202012 minutes, 59 seconds
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Why Must Our Bodies Get Resurrected?

Our resurrection bodies will allow us not only to experience life without disease and decay, but also to enjoy God in the bliss he intended.
6/10/20208 minutes, 5 seconds
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Does the Law Aggravate Our Sin Nature?

The Mosaic law raises countless questions for Christians. But how might we begin to understand the function of the law in redemptive history?
6/8/202017 minutes, 5 seconds
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What Are the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven?

Jesus gave his disciples the keys to the kingdom of heaven so that they could loose and bind. What does that mean for Christians today?
6/5/202010 minutes, 38 seconds
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What Do You Say to Evangelicals Who Affirm So-Called ‘Same-Sex Marriage’?

When someone close to you affirms so-called “same-sex marriage,” how do you respond in both faithfulness to Scripture and love for that person?
6/3/202010 minutes, 47 seconds
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My Pastors Don’t Preach Against Sin — Is That Okay?

Addressing sin and repentance may sound harsh to some, but genuine biblical preaching names and denounces specific sins.
6/1/202015 minutes, 43 seconds
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Does John Piper Deny Personal Assurance?

God gives believers warnings not to strip us of our assurance, but to keep us clinging to Christ and killing sin by the Spirit.
5/29/202013 minutes, 32 seconds
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What Are God’s Purposes in a Recession?

God has thousands of purposes in all that he does — including recessions. What does Scripture tell us about God’s designs in our financial uncertainty?
5/27/20207 minutes, 17 seconds
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How Much Joy Did the Curse Cost Me?

Because of the fall, we are by nature dead to joy in God. Because of the cross, we can experience more joy in God than we ever could have had in Eden.
5/25/202010 minutes, 57 seconds
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Do My Sins Ruin God’s Plan for My Life?

Some sins unalterably change the course of our lives, leaving us to live with the consequences. Do these sins sabotage God’s best plan for us?
5/22/202012 minutes, 28 seconds
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The God over Viruses

If we say God is sovereign, does that mean he’s in charge of everything — even down to the tiniest molecule?
5/20/20209 minutes, 21 seconds
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Does Christ Govern Every Storm?

Jesus stilled a storm for his disciples two thousand years ago, but does that necessarily mean he controls every single storm today?
5/18/202013 minutes, 9 seconds
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Am I Living by Faith or Unbelief?

The Bible calls us to walk by faith, but how can we actually know if we are living by faith instead of unbelief?
5/15/202011 minutes, 30 seconds
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Could a Recession Serve Our Joy?

Sometimes it takes a recession to dig up the roots of our lives and replant them in soil that causes us to bear the fruit of generosity.
5/13/20209 minutes, 46 seconds
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What Is Hyper-Calvinism?

Doctrinal systems can help us summarize the Bible’s teaching, but they are never a substitute for Scripture itself.
5/11/202013 minutes, 1 second
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What’s the Comfort If the Coronavirus Is Judgment?

Even in the most bitter providences, Christians have comfort to offer. The gospel is best news in the world for the hardest moments in the world.
5/11/202017 minutes, 20 seconds
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What Is Grace?

We often define “grace” as “undeserved favor.” But the grace of God has another meaning in the Bible that is filled with encouragement and comfort.
5/8/202010 minutes, 33 seconds
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How Can I Receive Christ?

The help Jesus offers isn’t a commodity you can buy with money or morality. To have the Son, you must receive him by faith.
5/6/202011 minutes, 15 seconds
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Is the Calvinist-Arminian Debate Really Important?

Are Calvinism and Arminianism just points of debate for theologians, or do they actually have real-life implications on our relationship with God?
5/4/202015 minutes, 5 seconds
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How Should We Dress for Church?

How we dress for church will depend on our vision of God, our understanding of God’s people, and our grasp of what is at stake when we gather.
5/1/202012 minutes, 40 seconds
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What Are the Spiritual Dangers of Technology?

Technology can make our lives easier and more efficient than ever. But it can also slowly numb our affections to the things that matter most.
4/29/20209 minutes, 34 seconds
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Is the Christian’s Heart Deceitfully Wicked?

Is the Christian heart still wicked and deceitful? Or does God give us a completely new heart at the new birth?
4/27/20208 minutes, 3 seconds
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What Sins Disqualify a Pastor for Life?

Should churches ever consider calling a pastor who has committed adultery in the past? And if so, how should they evaluate his repentance?
4/24/202012 minutes, 17 seconds
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Sovereign Comfort for Uncertain Times

When crisis hits, Jesus Christ remains on his throne. He reigns supreme, and he will never leave nor forsake his people.
4/22/202010 minutes, 54 seconds
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Why Do We Confess If Our Sins Are Already Forgiven?

If Christians are already fully forgiven, justified, and united with Christ, then why do we need to continually confess our sins to God?
4/20/202012 minutes, 16 seconds
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Is God Humble?

As we seek to put away pride and become more humble, is there any humility in God for us to imitate? Or is humility fitting only for creatures?
4/17/202012 minutes, 12 seconds
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More Precious Than Praise and Possessions

How we handle our possessions in this world and the praise of man not only shapes our lives now, but determines our fate for eternity.
4/15/202012 minutes, 31 seconds
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Fighting Loneliness in the Coronavirus Outbreak

God created us to live in community, not to self-isolate. But when we do experience loneliness, to what promises can we turn?
4/14/20209 minutes, 56 seconds
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I’m Afraid of Surrendering to Christ — What Can I Do?

The life Jesus promises when you follow him far surpasses anything you might have to give up. There is no greater joy than in walking with him.
4/13/202012 minutes, 5 seconds
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Why Do We Celebrate Easter?

If Jesus remained in the grave, then his followers have no hope. But Jesus didn’t stay dead. Christ is risen.
4/10/202011 minutes, 21 seconds
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Why the Sovereignty of God Is Good News

The doctrine of God’s sovereignty does not sit on the periphery of theology. Without the sovereignty of God, we have no gospel.
4/9/20208 minutes, 20 seconds
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Coronavirus and Christ (Audiobook)

What is God doing through the coronavirus pandemic? He is not silent about what he is doing in the world. He has given us the Scriptures. In this special edition of APJ, Pastor John narrates his first-ever audiobook entitled Coronavirus and Christ.
4/8/20202 hours, 7 minutes, 35 seconds
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How Do I Know If the Holy Spirit Is in Me?

Whether you became a Christian at age 5 or 85, God worked in you, by his Holy Spirit, to open your eyes to the wonder and beauty of Jesus Christ.
4/6/202011 minutes, 30 seconds
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Is It a Sin to Back Out of a Commitment?

Honesty, integrity, and reliability should characterize every Christian. Since God delights in truth, so should his people.
4/3/202010 minutes, 7 seconds
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Plan for Something Greater Than Retirement

Retirement is not the last chapter of life — eternity is the last chapter. And the hope of being with Jesus forever should shape our final years on earth.
4/1/202012 minutes, 1 second
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How to Talk to Children About the Coronavirus

Little hearts need the hope and security of a big God. What can parents tell kids and teens in the middle of a pandemic?
3/31/202013 minutes, 14 seconds
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Public, Private, Online, Homeschool?

When Christian parents have a number of educational options for their children, what biblical principles help us decide what’s best?
3/30/20209 minutes, 38 seconds
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What’s Next for an Aging Pastor?

God never wastes his children. If you devote yourself to serving the Lord, he will never leave you without significant opportunities for good works.
3/27/202010 minutes, 29 seconds
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How Do I Fight My Coronavirus Fears?

The coronavirus is a wake-up call for everyone. Have we built our lives on a fragile foundation, or do we have true, unshakable hope in Jesus Christ?
3/26/202016 minutes, 15 seconds
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Grace for Our Hardest Moments

Jesus may not give us everything we want, or even everything we think we need. But he will give us everything we truly need — all the way to the end.
3/25/202011 minutes, 54 seconds
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Are IVF Babies Knit Together by God Too?

No technology can ever thwart God’s sovereignty. His oversight extends even to those advancements that seem to take his place.
3/23/202011 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Word to Men Who Demean Their Wives

God calls husbands to provide and protect, not demean and belittle. Husbands must lead, but always with gentleness and grace, especially in the home.
3/20/202015 minutes, 29 seconds
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Jesus Didn’t Die for Our Present Prosperity

Jesus doesn’t want disciples who seek him merely for what he can provide. He wants disciples who treasure him for who he is.
3/18/202012 minutes, 42 seconds
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Jesus Came to Bring Violence — but What Does That Mean for Us?

Jesus told his disciples, “I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” What kind of sword does the Prince of Peace bring?
3/16/20208 minutes, 46 seconds
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How Do I Take Risks Without Being Unwise?

Jesus calls us away from self-protection and toward taking risks of love. To follow a sacrificial Savior is to give and sacrifice with him.
3/13/202010 minutes, 25 seconds
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John Piper’s Death-Row Plea

Jesus does not discriminate. He offers the bread of life to anyone who calls on his name — even to those who have committed unspeakable crimes.
3/11/202012 minutes, 4 seconds
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Am I Mainly the Product of My Background?

Are we free to be who we want to be, or are we instead the products of our backgrounds and environments?
3/9/202011 minutes, 6 seconds
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If God Is Sovereign, Are My Prayers Pointless?

If all of God’s plans stand, and all of his purposes come to pass, is praying for what we want pointless?
3/6/202011 minutes, 5 seconds
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Will Suffering Weaken My Ministry?

Suffering is not a hindrance to the spread of the gospel. Suffering is, very often, God’s means of spreading the gospel where it has never gone before.
3/4/202012 minutes, 38 seconds
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How Do I Care for My Depressed Wife?

How can a husband cultivate an atmosphere of holy joy at home if his wife struggles with chronic sadness or depression?
3/2/202011 minutes, 49 seconds
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How Can Couples Heal After Adultery?

After adultery, couples may feel like their marriage is ruined beyond repair. What biblical realities can help them begin to find healing?
2/28/202014 minutes, 2 seconds
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How Do We Make Sense of the Coronavirus?

How can Christians make sense of the coronavirus, which has infected and killed so many people all throughout the world? Pastor John offers four biblical realities.
2/28/202016 minutes, 7 seconds
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How Can I Jumpstart My Prayer Life?

Prayer offers us a lifeline to our Lord, a vital connection we need every day. But unless we plan ahead, we will be prone to wander.
2/26/202010 minutes, 33 seconds
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How Much Victory Can I Expect over Sinful Desires?

The new birth brings an awakening of delight in Christ and increasing victory over sin. But how much delight and victory should Christians expect?
2/24/202012 minutes, 8 seconds
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How Do I Bless My Children Before Bed?

If you want to raise your children to know and love Jesus, then a regular rhythm of blessing may prove to be a helpful habit of grace.
2/21/202011 minutes, 19 seconds
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Why Is My Theology Not Changing My Life?

If I believe all the right things, then why does my growth in holiness seem so tedious and slow?
2/19/20209 minutes, 56 seconds
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Should Christians Attend Alcoholics Anonymous?

Alcoholics Anonymous, and programs like it, seem to genuinely help hurting people. But what do such programs miss that Christians can’t overlook?
2/17/202010 minutes, 24 seconds
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Can We Love Both God and Pleasure?

If the Bible says that loving pleasure is a sign of ungodliness, then can we really make joy and pleasure essential to our pursuit of God?
2/14/202010 minutes, 43 seconds
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How Do I Let Go of Anger over Past Wrongs?

How do we lay down our anger, our bitterness, our grudges against those who have wronged us and gotten away with it?
2/12/202012 minutes, 41 seconds
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Would God Be Just as Glorified If We Were His Slaves?

God gets maximum glory from his people, not when we work for him out of begrudging duty, but when we run to him out of sheer delight.
2/10/202010 minutes, 59 seconds
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How Do I Find a Good Church?

If you live near a number of gospel-preaching churches, how do you decide which body is best for you to join? Pastor John suggests nine steps.
2/7/202010 minutes, 47 seconds
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How Do I Grow in Wisdom?

How do I become a sage who overflows with godly wisdom? Pastor John recommends a path too few of us choose to tread.
2/5/202010 minutes, 56 seconds
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Should My Husband Pray with Me More?

We all need private, regular communion with God. But the Bible presents a vision for prayer that reaches well beyond our personal quiet times.
2/3/202011 minutes, 24 seconds
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Should We Call Female Leaders ‘Pastors’?

The New Testament doesn’t apply the term “pastor” to any leader in the church, but only to qualified men who oversee and teach the flock.
1/31/202011 minutes, 9 seconds
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Who Is Yahweh?

The God of our Bibles is more glorious than we can even begin to imagine. And it all begins with this fact: God absolutely and simply is.
1/29/202010 minutes, 27 seconds
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Is John Piper Popular Because He Makes Christianity Look Intelligent?

What happens when a preacher saturates himself with the Scriptures, walks into a pulpit, and overflows with a God-entranced vision of all things?
1/27/20209 minutes, 40 seconds
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Did My Dad Die Because I Lacked Faith?

James tells us that we have not because we ask not. But do we still lack sometimes because we don’t ask with enough faith?
1/24/20209 minutes, 36 seconds
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Is Something Evil Only If It Harms Others?

Evil goes beyond the harm we commit against other humans. Evil is preferring anything above God, even if we harm no one in the process.
1/22/20208 minutes, 42 seconds
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What Is the State of Race Relations in the Church?

Our perceptions of race relations in the church are of some importance. God’s vision for where race relations are heading is of infinite importance.
1/20/202010 minutes, 40 seconds
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Is a Similar Sense of Calling Required for Marriage?

Most fundamentally, marriage is not a convenient matchup of vocations, but a covenant that displays the love Jesus has for his church.
1/17/202010 minutes, 18 seconds
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How Should I Parent My Non-Christian Teen?

Should parents require non-Christian teens to attend church with them? And if so, how do they avoid creating hypocrites of their kids?
1/15/20209 minutes, 29 seconds
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Are Hell and the Cross Overkill for Sin?

The cross will seem like an overreaction as long as man is big and God is small. The essence of sin is not harm done to man, but indignities done to God.
1/13/202012 minutes, 58 seconds
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How Do We Respond to Claims That Christianity Is Dangerous?

How should Christians live in a culture that increasingly views our faith as bigoted, immoral, and even dangerous?
1/10/202013 minutes, 27 seconds
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What Every Marriage Needs Most

What our marriages need most is probably not new and novel counsel from the latest book or seminar, but this one piece of timeless, biblical truth.
1/8/20209 minutes, 36 seconds
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How Do I Respond to Sexual Dreams?

What do sexually illicit dreams reveal about our souls? Pastor John offers biblical principles for understanding dreams and practical ways to overcome them.
1/6/202012 minutes, 1 second
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What Should I Expect My First Time Through the Bible?

What can you expect when you set out on a journey through the entire Bible? Pastor John offers three cautions and nine life-transforming hopes for every Bible reader.
1/3/202011 minutes, 53 seconds
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Are Personal Resolutions Effective or Futile?

Are New Year’s resolutions helpful, are they harmful, or are they just a setup for eventual failure?
1/1/20208 minutes, 21 seconds
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I Have a New Journaling Bible — How Should I Mark It Up?

Journaling Bibles can be a great way to go deeper in God’s word, but many feel paralyzed, not knowing what to write (or not).
12/30/201911 minutes, 50 seconds
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How Concerned Should Christians Be with Consumerism?

In our good concern for what and how we consume, how do Christians keep from being consumed by ethical consumerism?
12/27/20199 minutes, 29 seconds
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Why Was Christ Born into This World?

The wonder and glory of Christmas will never dry up because the manger lets loose waterfalls of mercy that will flow forever.
12/25/201920 minutes, 26 seconds
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Should I Use Christmas Dinner for Evangelism?

As we gather around the dinner table this Christmas, how might we share the gospel with family who don’t understand the meaning of Jesus’s birth?
12/23/20198 minutes, 35 seconds
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Does the Bible Forbid My Nativity Set?

The second commandment forbids using an image or likeness of God in worship. Does that mean we should take down our nativity sets?
12/20/201911 minutes, 34 seconds
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How Do I Banish Low Thoughts of Christ?

The Christ who took on flesh and dwelt among us never had a beginning. He existed eternally before, and will be forever after.
12/18/201915 minutes, 34 seconds
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How Do I Battle Subtle Temptations to Lust?

Victory over pornography use is no small thing, but that doesn’t mean our battle is over. God lays claim to every impulse in our hearts, however small.
12/16/201911 minutes, 49 seconds
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Will All Nations Be Reached Before Christ Returns?

Did the biblical writers expect Jesus to return at any moment, or were they waiting for certain events to take place before the end would come?
12/13/201911 minutes, 39 seconds
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What’s the Deepest Desire of My Heart?

The greatest ache of the human heart is not to have wealth, comfort, or power, but to see and savor the glory of God in the face of Christ.
12/11/201913 minutes, 45 seconds
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Does Christmas Create Racial Tensions?

Why was Jesus born a Jew? The incarnation undercuts all ethnic boasting and throws people from every tribe, tongue, and nation on the mercy of a Jewish man from Nazareth.
12/11/20195 minutes, 54 seconds
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I’m Not Good at My Job — Is the Lord Telling Me to Quit?

If we don’t see much success in a career we thought God called us to, did we misread his call?
12/9/201911 minutes, 58 seconds
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How Can I Revitalize My Church from the Pulpit?

Whether a church is healthy or needs revitalization, every local congregation needs a consistent window to the greatness and glory of God from the pulpit.
12/6/201910 minutes, 10 seconds
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What Happens When We Sing Together

Singing together is never just a formality in a church service. God uses truth in song to sustain, encourage, and recharge his people.
12/4/20199 minutes, 57 seconds
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Why Do I Still Struggle with My Pre-Conversion Sins?

Every believer is already new in Christ, and yet vestiges of our old selves remain. We must fight every day to become who we already are.
12/2/201910 minutes, 29 seconds
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My Life Is Endless Drudgery — How Do I Find Joy in Christ?

The burdens and drudgery of life may feel like walls keeping you from joy. But inside these walls, God Almighty is working for your everlasting good.
11/29/201912 minutes, 8 seconds
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How Do We Feast to the Glory of God?

If God made everything good, then do we honor him just by using what he has made? Pastor John explains the essential steps to God-honoring feasting.
11/27/201914 minutes, 55 seconds
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How Should I Handle My Regrets?

Every single one of us can look over our lives and find failures we regret. How do we deal with remorse in light of God’s mercy?
11/25/201911 minutes, 7 seconds
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Is It Sinful to Watch Sin on a Screen?

Our culture saturates itself with entertainment that hardly gives a passing thought to God. Should Christians consume such media?
11/22/201910 minutes, 29 seconds
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Is the God-Centeredness of God Precious?

When you discover that God is not only perfectly glorious, but that everything he does is for his glory, your life may get flipped upside down.
11/20/20198 minutes, 28 seconds
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How Do I Stay Attracted to My Aging Spouse?

Sexual desire doesn’t begin and end with physical attraction. God made us to cherish inner beauty and glory, not just looks that pass with age.
11/18/201912 minutes, 53 seconds
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Will We Pray in Heaven?

If heaven is a world of love, with no grief or pain or loss, then will we have any need to pray to God once we are there?
11/15/20199 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Key to Our Victory over Sin

Only the grace of supernatural delight can empower us to resist the allure of sin’s constant temptations.
11/13/201915 minutes, 4 seconds
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I Feel No Sexual Attraction — Should I Still Pursue Marriage?

If someone’s sexual desires are low to the point of indifference, should he or she still be open to marriage down the road?
11/11/201912 minutes, 28 seconds
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Why Does the Bible Stress the Power of Jesus’s Name?

The Bible stresses repeatedly the power and greatness of Jesus’s name. But why does it emphasize his name, and not just his person?
11/8/201912 minutes, 17 seconds
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‘I Don’t Believe in Christ — Why Is Faith So Hard?’

If Jesus promises that his yoke is easy and his burden light, then why do some people struggle so much to put their faith in him?
11/6/20197 minutes, 50 seconds
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When Has My Career Become My Idol?

If God created us for good works and wants us to labor diligently, then how do we determine when our career has become an idol?
11/4/201911 minutes, 34 seconds
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Advice for Christians Who Work Sundays

If your job requires you to work on Sundays, how do you honor the Lord’s Day? Pastor John offers three pieces of counsel.
11/1/201911 minutes, 17 seconds
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What Did the Reformation Give Us?

Every Protestant owes a debt of gratitude to the Reformers, especially for one of their most precious gifts to us: expository exultation.
10/30/201913 minutes, 13 seconds
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Should We Stop Reading Dead White Guys?

Christians should judge a book not by the color of its author or the number of its century, but by the God-exalting or God-ignoring content of its pages.
10/28/201912 minutes, 41 seconds
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Should Anyone Say, ‘I Am of Calvin’?

As we sit under preaching in our churches, what matters most is not how eloquent the teacher is, but how much truth shines forth in his content.
10/25/201910 minutes, 27 seconds
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What Makes a Sermon Good?

Sermons are more than a transfer of facts and stories. They are a part of worship that God uses to work miracles in both the preacher and the people.
10/23/201911 minutes, 51 seconds
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Should Stay-at-Home Moms Take a Day Off?

With all the demands on our time, how can young families pace themselves to run the marathon of life without burning out halfway through?
10/21/201913 minutes, 39 seconds
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Are God’s Providence and God’s Sovereignty the Same?

God’s sovereignty is his right and power to do whatever he pleases. God’s providence is his wise and purposeful sovereignty.
10/18/201910 minutes, 39 seconds
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When to Stop Listening to This Podcast

If God has given you elders in your local church and brothers and sisters in Christ, then why should you bother seeking wisdom from this podcast?
10/16/201911 minutes, 52 seconds
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How Do I Follow God’s Will in the Face of Two Good Options?

God may not reveal every detail we want to know about our future, but he does promise to walk with us and direct our steps.
10/14/201910 minutes, 59 seconds
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What Does the Bible Say About ‘National Coming Out Day’?

Our culture may celebrate sin and stifle truth, but that doesn’t mean we should lose hope. God can still grant an awakening.
10/11/201911 minutes, 27 seconds
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How Do We Respond When a Pastor Leaves the Faith?

If we believe in the sovereignty of God, then how do we explain friends or prominent leaders who turn their backs on Jesus?
10/9/201914 minutes, 39 seconds
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How Much ‘Lover’ Language Should We Use in Worship Songs?

Our song choices influence our churches nearly as much as our sermons. If we don’t choose our music with care, we aren’t shepherding well.
10/7/20199 minutes, 13 seconds
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Should We Call Out False Teachers or Ignore Them?

False teachers threaten churches all over the world. Every Christian, and especially pastors, should know how to respond to their danger.
10/4/201911 minutes, 53 seconds
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How Do I Submit to My Unbelieving Husband?

A wife’s submission to her husband is qualified submission. She follows Jesus first, and then does whatever she can to honor her husband’s leadership.
10/2/20197 minutes, 19 seconds
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Is Everyone Punished the Same in Hell?

The Bible describes degrees of happiness for the saints in heaven. Does that mean there are degrees of despair in hell?
9/30/201912 minutes, 17 seconds
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John Piper’s Most Bizarre Moment in Preaching

If John Piper wants Christians to find their ultimate happiness and joy in God, why hasn’t he ever told a joke from the pulpit?
9/27/201916 minutes, 15 seconds
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Who Is John Piper?

We make plans and prepare for what’s ahead, but only God orders our steps. Pastor John shares his path toward a lifetime of fruitful ministry.
9/25/201912 minutes, 42 seconds
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Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?

The Bible commands us to be baptized, but what does the water actually do? Does it save us, like 1 Peter 3:21 appears to say?
9/23/201916 minutes, 1 second
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We’re Back! — Update from John Piper

Pastor John recently finished a book on the providence of God — the purposeful sovereignty of a heavenly Father who loves and cares for his children.
9/20/201914 minutes, 11 seconds
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Should We Sing of God’s ‘Reckless Love’?

Is the term “reckless” too reckless? Pastor John offers pastors, worship leaders, and congregations ways to think about the popular lyrics.
9/18/201916 minutes, 1 second
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When God Feels Distant, He May Want Us to Grow Up

When God feels distant, he may be calling us away from a flimsy faith to a tough, unshakable allegiance to Jesus.
9/16/201911 minutes, 54 seconds
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God’s Sovereign Plans Behind Your Most Unproductive Days

God’s priorities for efficiency in this life are not ours. His aim is not to provide the most direct route, but to sanctify the traveler.
9/13/201910 minutes, 2 seconds
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How Does ‘Willful Sinning’ Threaten My Salvation?

All sin involves the will. But continuing to sin deliberately — with eagerness and persistence — will destroy the soul.
9/11/201912 minutes, 12 seconds
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Two Strategies to Win the War on Lust

God calls us to not only resist lustful thoughts, but to fill our minds with the beauties of Christ so that our desires gradually conform to his.
9/9/201913 minutes, 51 seconds
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What’s the Origin of Desiring God’s Slogan?

This slogan became the heartbeat of Pastor John's life and the hallmark of Desiring God’s ministry. So where did it come from?
9/6/201910 minutes, 56 seconds
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When Worship Lyrics Miss the Mark

Members of our churches learn truth not only from the sermons they hear, but also from the songs they sing. Lyrics on Sunday morning matter.
9/4/201913 minutes, 37 seconds
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Can Loved Ones in Heaven Look Down on Me?

Although we don’t know how much our loved ones in heaven can watch us, we do know that they would encourage us to fix our eyes on Jesus.
9/2/20199 minutes, 50 seconds
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How Do I Pray Without Ceasing?

The command to “pray without ceasing” should motivate rather than intimidate us. Armed with joy and thankfulness, we can overflow in prayer.
8/30/201911 minutes, 8 seconds
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Should Children Sit Through ‘Big Church’?

The greatest stumbling block for children in worship is parents who don’t cherish their own worship. We can’t impart what we don’t possess.
8/28/201912 minutes, 43 seconds
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Can a Christian Blaspheme the Holy Spirit?

Blasphemy against the Spirit is a willful, determined opposition to the present power of the Holy Spirit. Christians cannot commit that kind of sin.
8/26/201910 minutes, 42 seconds
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Bikinis and Modesty

Until we supremely value Christ, our attitude toward clothing will be controlled by forces that don’t honor God.
8/23/20199 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ten Principles for Personal Productivity

How can we approach our responsibilities so that we make the most of life for Christ? Pastor John provides ten principles for personal productivity.
8/21/201912 minutes, 35 seconds
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I Slept with My Girlfriend — Now What?

Unmarried couples who sleep together lose something precious. But if Christ is their treasure, his grace still reigns over their shame.
8/19/201914 minutes, 34 seconds
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Has My Sexual Sin Made Me Unsavable?

Pastor John extends biblical counsel to those who struggle with sexual sin and worry that they may be beyond repentance.
8/16/201913 minutes, 41 seconds
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Why Do Christians Fast?

Fasting is a way of saying with our stomach and our whole body how much we need and want and trust Jesus.
8/14/201913 minutes, 42 seconds
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What Does It Mean for a Man to Lead His Family Spiritually?

Husbands take their cues from Christ, who gave himself up for the church. How can Christian men serve their wives and kids while leading them?
8/12/201915 minutes, 21 seconds
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Where Did Satan’s First Desire for Evil Come From?

We may not be able to explain how Satan became evil, but we do know that God did not compromise his goodness or glory in allowing Satan’s fall.
8/9/201912 minutes, 25 seconds
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How Do I Know God’s Calling for My Life?

Should I stay and send, or should I go to the mission field? Pastor John gives seven factors to keep in mind when weighing a calling to missions.
8/7/201912 minutes, 18 seconds
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Will God Ever Give Us More Than We Can Handle?

Many Christians say, “God will never give us more than we can handle.” But the truth of that statement depends on two key words.
8/5/20199 minutes, 18 seconds
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Watershed Differences Between Calvinists and Arminians

The five points tease out the differences between Calvinists and Arminians, but how can parents teach them to their kids simply and clearly?
8/2/20198 minutes, 39 seconds
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Don’t Waste Your Mornings

Checking our phones first thing in the morning won’t prepare us for the day ahead. Our routine should set our eyes on, and strengthen us in, God alone.
7/31/20198 minutes, 42 seconds
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How Do I Take My Thoughts Captive?

Left to ourselves, we cannot discern or remove the flaws in our thoughts. But God’s word and the Holy Spirit can renew our minds.
7/29/20199 minutes, 8 seconds
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What Is God’s Glory?

We love to talk about it, but can we define it? God means for us not only to see his glory profusely, but to speak about it precisely.
7/26/201910 minutes, 14 seconds
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Is Drinking Alcohol a Sin?

Alcohol consumption is permissible and can be a blessing, but it is also fraught with dangers.
7/24/20199 minutes, 43 seconds
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Would You Attend a Gay Wedding?

Christians do not celebrate what dishonors Christ. Pastor John gives five reasons why he would not attend a so-called same-sex wedding.
7/22/20196 minutes, 3 seconds
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Can a Born-Again Christian Lose Salvation?

A born-again person cannot be unborn again. If God has called you by name, he is faithful to keep you until the end.
7/19/20199 minutes, 46 seconds
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How Do I Live Like a Son Rather Than a Slave?

God has called us sons and daughters, but his people sometimes talk as if we were still slaves. What does it mean to talk like children of God?
7/17/201912 minutes, 51 seconds
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How Does ‘Christ Live in Me’ (Galatians 2:20)?

When we are saved, we’re united to Christ by the Spirit. Our old self — our unbelieving, rebellious, sin-loving self — dies, and we live by the Spirit.
7/15/201911 minutes, 13 seconds
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Does Jesus Teach Us to Sell All Our Possessions?

Jesus said, “Sell your possessions, and give to the needy.” Are we disobeying Jesus if we don’t literally give away all that we have?
7/12/201912 minutes, 13 seconds
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How Can I Forgive My Parents for Childhood Abuse?

How can we forgive others who have hurt us deeply? Pastor John gives three practical suggestions for pursuing forgiveness.
7/10/201911 minutes, 36 seconds
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I’m Terrified of Giving Birth — Should I Still Pursue Marriage?

The fall has made childbirth painful and dangerous. But in Christ, the deepest dangers of the curse have been removed.
7/8/201911 minutes, 11 seconds
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How Do I Survive This Midlife Crisis?

God keeps his children through midlife crises by empowering them to keep fighting to be kept.
7/5/201914 minutes, 5 seconds
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Is God Just as Sovereign over Damnation as Salvation?

What role does God play in the redemption and damnation of sinners? Is he just as sovereign over both?
7/3/201912 minutes, 51 seconds
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What Is a Father’s Role in Caring for an Infant?

A godly father will want to show God the Father to his children. He will want to model for them the heart of Jesus.
7/1/201912 minutes, 41 seconds
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Would God Be Less Glorious If He Never Created?

If God created the world to display the fullness of his attributes, would he have been less glorious without creation?
6/28/201912 minutes, 3 seconds
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Is God Angry at Me When I Sin?

We go from a rebel against the King to a child of the King. God’s attitude toward us completely changes. But does he still get angry at us when we sin?
6/26/201914 minutes
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The Heart of the Calvinist-Arminian Divide

Both Calvinists and Arminians see grace as powerful and necessary, but not in the same way. Pastor John gets at the heart of the theological divide.
6/24/201913 minutes, 50 seconds
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What Is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?

If you are a Christian, then you have the Holy Spirit. But is this the same as being baptized in the Holy Spirit? Pastor John explains the difference.
6/21/201913 minutes, 56 seconds
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How Do I Trust God with the Eternal Destiny of My Child?

We know God will accomplish his purposes for good, but he doesn’t promise our children’s eternal good. How can we be satisfied in God with this unknown?
6/19/201910 minutes, 59 seconds
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Does God Ever Soften a Heart He Has Hardened?

When we think God has hardened someone’s heart, we should not assume that the hardening is permanent. God can and does break in and save.
6/17/201910 minutes, 40 seconds
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How Should a Husband Treat His Quarrelsome Wife?

“Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife.” What are readers of Scripture supposed to learn from a proverb like this?
6/14/20199 minutes, 25 seconds
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Should My Boyfriend and I Travel Alone?

Is it wise for a girlfriend and boyfriend to travel together and stay in the same hotel? Should they? Pastor John gives three reasons why they shouldn’t.
6/12/201911 minutes, 28 seconds
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Do Human Technologies Ever Threaten Divine Sovereignty?

At any moment, God can put a complete stop to the plans of man. Rebellious human plans never threaten a sovereign God.
6/10/20199 minutes, 7 seconds
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Was Job a Man or a Myth?

Job is a profound book on human suffering, worthy of a lifetime of study. But was Job himself a real, historical character? And does it matter?
6/7/20199 minutes, 51 seconds
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Why Does God Discipline Some Christians with Death?

Why would God take some of his children home as a means of discipline when he could have prevented their sin another way?
6/5/20199 minutes, 48 seconds
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How Do I Kill My Pride?

Faith kills pride by forcing us to look away from ourselves to God to receive the gift of salvation that we could never earn on our own.
6/3/201911 minutes, 27 seconds
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Do I Need to Love Myself More?

Jesus said we should love our neighbors as ourselves. How is this kind of self-love different from the mantra we hear in advertising and social media?
5/31/201911 minutes
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How Much Authority Does Satan Have in the World?

All Satan’s power is by permission. He has no authority to do anything God does not permit for infinitely wise purposes.
5/29/20199 minutes, 57 seconds
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Are Christians Righteous or Unrighteous?

Are Christians righteous or unrighteous? Pastor John explains two forms of righteousness in Scripture that get to the core of the gospel.
5/27/201911 minutes, 21 seconds
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Should We Postpone Children While I Finish My Degree?

Deciding when to start a family can be complex. Pastor John shares how he and Noël decided, and what biblical truths should inform the process.
5/24/201912 minutes, 12 seconds
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Why Is It Better That Christ Went Away (John 16:7)?

It’s better for us that Jesus is gone. He said so when he left. But why is Christ’s physical absence from us better for us than his physical presence?
5/22/201910 minutes, 52 seconds
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Will Marriage Cure My Lust?

Sex in marriage, just like other physical gifts from God, is not an absolute cure for lust, but it can be a great help in the battle.
5/20/201911 minutes, 34 seconds
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Can an Elect Person Die Without Hearing the Gospel?

Letting the truth of election deter evangelism isn’t only illogical, but unbiblical. Pastor John shows how election moves us to action, not inaction.
5/17/201911 minutes, 11 seconds
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Should a Gay Couple, Once Converted, Stay ‘Married’?

The union of two men or women is not “gay marriage.” It’s no marriage. When they come to Christ, that former relationship has no binding authority.
5/15/20199 minutes, 40 seconds
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Is It Sinful to Want to Die?

Pain surrounds us in this world, and for those in Christ, the exact opposite awaits us after we die. Is it sinful to want to die and be with Jesus?
5/13/201911 minutes, 31 seconds
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Should We Expect Revival or More Social Decay?

Scripture tells us that the last days will bring an upsurge of evil in the world. Does that mean we should stop expecting revivals to take place?
5/10/201913 minutes, 19 seconds
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How Does the Gospel Speak to Self-Hate?

The Bible has a lot to say about the issue of self-hate. Where should we begin if we’re talking to a non-Christian who struggles in this area?
5/8/20199 minutes, 51 seconds
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Does Christ’s Righteousness Cover My Joylessness?

Jesus is our substitute, the one who became sin so we might be saved. So does his righteousness also cover our joylessness?
5/6/201911 minutes, 13 seconds
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Does God Direct All the Details of My Life?

God’s sovereign control is complete, not partial. He governs every aspect of nature, every aspect of history, and every aspect of personal life.
5/3/201913 minutes, 27 seconds
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What Does It Mean to Live ‘in the Flesh’?

Over ninety times, Paul speaks of “the flesh.” So what does this word mean to the apostle? Pastor John forms a definition from two key passages.
5/1/201911 minutes, 54 seconds
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Is Cremation Okay If I Give My Body to Science?

We testify to the hope of resurrection when we choose burial over cremation. But if we first donate our body to science, is cremation okay then?
4/29/20199 minutes, 9 seconds
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Does Junk Food Dishonor God?

When it comes to food, many of us are in greater danger of judging people where we shouldn’t than of eating what we shouldn’t.
4/26/20199 minutes, 34 seconds
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I Want Jesus to Be My Treasure — Is the Wanting Enough?

Our satisfaction in God will be in measure, not in fullness, until the day we see him face-to-face.
4/24/201911 minutes, 26 seconds
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My Joy Is So Short-Lived — How Do I Make It Last?

God promises lasting joy. But what should we do when we feel full on Sunday but empty by Monday?
4/22/201913 minutes, 6 seconds
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What’s the Significance of Simon Carrying Jesus’s Cross?

Matthew, Mark, and Luke all tell us that Simon of Cyrene helped carry Jesus’s cross. What’s the significance of this story?
4/19/201912 minutes, 9 seconds
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Where Was the Holy Spirit on Good Friday?

At the cross, the triune God was at work, securing our redemption. But what role did the Holy Spirit play in Jesus’s crucifixion?
4/17/201911 minutes, 52 seconds
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Is There Any Place for Fear in the Christian Life?

Fear does not govern the Christian life. But we have a skewed view of the Christian life if we exclude fear.
4/15/201911 minutes, 2 seconds
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How Does God Answer Today’s Skeptics?

Many of today’s skeptics ask questions that God himself has already addressed. Sometimes, we just need to hear how God responds to his critics.
4/12/201913 minutes, 7 seconds
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How Do Christians Survive in Middle-Class America?

“Woe to you who are rich. Woe to you who are full now. Woe to you who laugh.” What do Jesus’s woes mean for middle-class Americans?
4/10/201911 minutes, 56 seconds
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What Is the Sovereignty of God?

God’s sovereignty over all creation is one of the grandest themes in the Bible. Pastor John overviews some of the basics.
4/8/201910 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why Have Kids If They Might End Up in Hell?

Every child is an eternal being, someone who will live forever. So if our children may end up in hell, would we be better off not having kids?
4/5/20199 minutes, 3 seconds
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I’m Eager to Pastor Now — Should I Skip Seminary?

With so many urgent spiritual needs in the world, is it wise to spend years of life in a seminary classroom? If someone is eager for ministry, why wait?
4/3/201912 minutes, 16 seconds
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Why Did Jesus Need to ‘Become Superior’ to Angels?

If Jesus is God, why does the Bible say that he “became” superior to angels? Hasn’t he always been superior to angels?
4/1/20199 minutes, 55 seconds
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How Much Can Christians Learn from Non-Christians?

Christians can learn many important facts from non-Christian teachers. But they cannot learn the most important facts — or how to love them.
3/29/201911 minutes, 23 seconds
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He Killed His Wife and Children — Can He Really Be Forgiven?

Chris Watts murdered his pregnant wife and two daughters. A few months into his prison sentence, he said he found God. Can he really be forgiven?
3/27/201911 minutes, 21 seconds
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Does the Old Testament Alienate the Disabled?

In the Old Testament, the disabled were excluded from the holy place. In the New Testament, Jesus touched and healed the disabled. Why the difference?
3/25/201910 minutes, 47 seconds
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Why Does God Choose Some and Not Others?

God could have chosen all to inherit eternal life, but he didn’t. So why would God choose some and not choose others?
3/22/201912 minutes, 46 seconds
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Money, Mardi Gras, and Something Far Better: Stories from South America

Dozens of countries are experiencing a resurgence of biblical Christianity. Pastor John shares several stories from his recent trip to Brazil and Argentina.
3/20/201914 minutes, 7 seconds
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How Do I Resist Smartphone Overuse?

Your smartphone is changing you, whether you realize it or not. Tony Reinke explains the costs of smartphone overuse, and how we can resist.
3/8/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 55 seconds
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Can a Coin Flip Reveal God’s Will for My Life?

Making a decision with a coin flip glorifies chance. But making a decision from a renewed mind glorifies God.
2/27/201910 minutes, 59 seconds
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My Girlfriend Affirms Homosexual Love — Is This a Deal-Breaker?

“My girlfriend affirms homosexual love — is this a deal-breaker?” Yes. Pastor John gives five reasons why.
2/25/20199 minutes, 57 seconds
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What Does Jesus Mean by ‘I Never Knew You’?

When Jesus says, “I never knew you,” he means, “I don’t recognize you as my disciple, as my follower. You are a spiritual stranger to me.”
2/22/20198 minutes, 20 seconds
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My Husband Is Passive — What Can I Do?

God may use you to change your spouse. But if you press in to him, no matter how disappointed you are in marriage, he will certainly change you.
2/20/20199 minutes, 12 seconds
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How Do I Break My Entertainment Addiction?

As God’s child, you are not enslaved to entertainment or anything else. Christ has purchased a way out for you.
2/18/20198 minutes, 48 seconds
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How Much Entertainment Is Too Much?

Watching a movie, playing a board game, reading a novel — is God disappointed if we use free time for these instead of reading Scripture and praying?
2/15/201912 minutes, 35 seconds
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I’m an Anxious Person — How Do I ‘Rest in Christ’?

In Jesus, God has given us what we need to rest — even while we work. To every anxious soul, Jesus says, “Come to me, and I will give you rest.”
2/13/20199 minutes, 45 seconds
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How Can I See the Beauty of God?

Seeing and loving art and seeing and loving divine glory are not the same. They require different ways of seeing. So how can we see the beauty of God?
2/4/201948 minutes, 34 seconds
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Is Street Evangelism Better Than Building Relationships?

God has not given us a formula for when to share the gospel quickly and when to share over time in the context of a relationship. Both are needed.
2/1/20197 minutes, 20 seconds
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Why Global Missions Requires Healthy Churches

The Great Commission isn’t disconnected from the church — it’s given to the church. God designed the local church and missions to be wed together.
1/30/20199 minutes, 33 seconds
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Should Hell Motivate Our Missionaries?

We cannot afford to ignore hell. Christians must care about suffering, but especially eternal suffering. And it must mobilize us to go and to send.
1/28/201911 minutes, 20 seconds
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I Feel Trapped in My Job — What Should I Do?

We were made to work, and we are happy only if we do work. But what should we do if our job makes us feel trapped, not fulfilled?
1/25/20199 minutes, 45 seconds
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How Your Career Could Crush You

If we are not finding purpose in our work from God, then we will likely turn our job into a means of self-fulfillment and self-advancement.
1/23/20198 minutes, 17 seconds
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Is Investing in Stocks Any Better Than Gambling?

Wherever we put our money, we are accepting risk. So is there any difference between educated sports gambling and investing in stocks?
1/21/20198 minutes, 9 seconds
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Did Jesus Endorse Polygamy in the Parable of the Ten Virgins?

“The bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast.” Did Jesus endorse polygamy here?
1/18/20198 minutes, 2 seconds
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Why Is God Withholding Marriage from Me?

How can single people who desire marriage keep those desires in proper perspective? Pastor John offers six ways to cultivate godly desire.
1/16/20198 minutes, 25 seconds
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Are Calvinists Inconsistent with Romans 9?

God sends the wicked to hell because they deserve it. God welcomes the humble to heaven because Christ secured it. This isn’t inconsistent. This is the gospel.
1/14/201910 minutes, 18 seconds
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How Can We Prioritize Our Marriage over Work and Kids?

Marriages die from neglect but grow with God-centered time and attention. Pastor John gives six ways to feed your marriage the time it needs.
1/11/201910 minutes, 6 seconds
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When Does Bible Neglect Become Sinful?

When does diminishing time in God’s word become sinful? Pastor John identifies five symptoms of Bible neglect.
1/9/20198 minutes, 29 seconds
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I’m Tired and Busy — How Do I Make Time for the Bible?

We wake up every day needing to meet God in his word. Don’t leave the word to fill the cracks. Force other things into the cracks.
1/7/20199 minutes, 1 second
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I Have an Hour a Day to Read — How Much Should Be Bible?

If I have only an hour a day to read, how should I divide my time between the Bible and great Christian books?
1/4/20197 minutes, 39 seconds
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Three Reasons to Read the Bible Every Day in 2019

As we begin another year of Bible reading, Pastor John takes us back to the basics: feed your motivation, grow in skill, and pray for illumination.
1/2/20198 minutes, 11 seconds
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How Do I Make the Most of Daily Bible Reading?

As you plan your Bible reading for 2019, know yourself, know your tendencies, but know most of all that you desperately need God’s word.
12/31/20189 minutes, 23 seconds
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Can a Christian Survive in Silicon Valley?

Can the Christlike virtues of patience, forgiveness, and gentleness survive in a cutthroat technology sector like Silicon Valley?
12/28/201812 minutes, 37 seconds
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How Do I Welcome Christ at Christmas?

The famous hymn calls every heart to “prepare him room.” But what does it mean to receive Christ this Christmas?
12/25/201811 minutes, 59 seconds
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What Makes Christmas So Controversial?

The wrath of God is our biggest problem. If it didn’t exist, we wouldn’t need the gospel, and we wouldn’t need Christmas.
12/23/201811 minutes, 4 seconds
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What Is the Rapture?

Will Christians be raptured before the tribulation? Or will we rise to meet the Lord only at his final coming?
12/21/201812 minutes, 52 seconds
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Will We Meet Jesus as Soon as We Die?

We often say that our dead loved ones are with Jesus now. But Paul seems to say that Christians will meet Jesus at the second coming. Which is right?
12/19/201810 minutes, 44 seconds
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How Will Christ ‘Reconcile’ Unbelievers to Himself?

Colossians 1:20 says that Christ will reconcile “all things” to himself. Does that include demons and unbelievers?
12/17/201810 minutes, 15 seconds
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Why Do We Give Christmas Gifts?

Gift giving, done rightly, doesn’t distract from the meaning of Christmas. Pastor John puts Christmas gifts in biblical context.
12/14/201811 minutes, 8 seconds
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What Should I Tell My Kids About Santa?

If we think Christ cannot compete with Santa in the hearts of our children, we don’t know the real Christ.
12/12/201812 minutes, 43 seconds
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How Do We Know Jesus Is the Messiah?

When we say “Jesus Christ,” we should be thinking “Jesus the Messiah”: the promised Priest, King, and Prophet, the one God anointed to redeem us.
12/10/201817 minutes, 13 seconds
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I Will Die Young — How Do I Fight for Hope?

When the prognosis is an early death, how can we live in a courageous manner that honors God and refuses to be jaded toward him?
12/7/201812 minutes, 16 seconds
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My Friend Claims She’s Gay — What Do I Say?

What do you say when a professing Christian is ready to embrace the gay lifestyle? Pastor John offers a place to start.
12/5/20189 minutes, 58 seconds
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How Do Introverts Guard Against Selfishness?

Instead of seeing introversion as a fatalistic limitation, ask, “How can I make my peculiar personality bent a means of grace to others?”
12/3/201811 minutes, 4 seconds
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Why Is the Ministry Called ‘Desiring God’?

Why did Pastor John name his book and ministry “Desiring God” instead of “Enjoying God,” “Delighting in God,” or “Rejoicing in God”?
11/30/20189 minutes
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What Will Become of Christian Hedonism After You’re Gone?

What will happen to Christian Hedonism in generations to come? Pastor John shares eight dangers for young Christian Hedonists.
11/28/201812 minutes, 38 seconds
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What Does Christian Hedonism Add to Reformed Theology?

Christian Hedonism does not revise Reformed theology. Rather, it clarifies one of the central assumptions of Reformed theology.
11/26/201816 minutes, 49 seconds
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Should I Ever Go Through the Motions in Worship?

Is there an alternative between empty, duty-driven worship and spontaneous, joyful worship? Pastor John gives six marks of a middle way.
11/23/201811 minutes, 25 seconds
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Do I Need to ‘Hear from God’ Before I Make a Decision?

We all want to know we are making the right decisions. To decide wisely, do we need to hear from God beyond what he has already written?
11/21/201810 minutes, 32 seconds
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How Do I Respond to Blasphemous Thoughts?

All of us experience harassing thoughts. Where do these thoughts come from? And how do we respond?
11/19/201813 minutes, 39 seconds
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Seven Ways This Podcast Will Kill Your Joy

This podcast could bring life and joy, or it could be a deadly weapon in the enemy’s hands. Pastor John explains how not to use Ask Pastor John.
11/16/201811 minutes, 11 seconds
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What Comes First: My Obedience to Jesus or My Joy in Jesus?

Does our obedience or our joy come first? Pastor John explains that joy-driven obedience is the only obedience worth pursuing.
11/14/20189 minutes, 26 seconds
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How Do I Pray for Healing and Honor God’s ‘No’?

Our greatest hope in prayer is not getting what we asked for, but rather in the goodness of our Father, who always gives what is best for his children.
11/12/201811 minutes, 1 second
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Does My Sexual Past Make Me Unsavable?

Our past sexual sin is not beyond the reach of God’s forgiveness — unless we don’t give it up. It’s not too late to turn and receive God’s mercy.
11/9/201810 minutes, 54 seconds
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Does Jesus Commend Dishonesty in Luke 16?

What was Jesus commending in the parable of the dishonest manager, and what are the implications for Christians today?
11/7/20188 minutes, 29 seconds
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How Can God Be Sovereign and Good and Allow Suffering?

God designs all our weaknesses — even those that leave us unable to do anything. And one of his purposes in our weaknesses is to sanctify the strong.
11/5/201812 minutes
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Do Gender Roles Apply Beyond Marriage?

God designed us as male and female for his glory. And he intends for us to reflect him in every relationship, not just marriage.
11/2/201811 minutes, 29 seconds
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What Is Union with Christ?

What does it mean to be united to Christ? Pastor John shows how we can begin to mine the riches of this doctrine from Scripture.
10/31/201811 minutes, 58 seconds
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Is It Sinful to Gamble on Fantasy Sports?

Gambling your money — whether at a slot machine or with your fantasy team — is not just unwise. It is sin. Pastor John gives seven reasons why.
10/29/201811 minutes, 10 seconds
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How to Read the Bible for Teenagers

When the teenage years come, we get to teach our kids how to move from reading the Bible to studying it. Here are seven places to start.
10/26/201813 minutes, 25 seconds
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How Do I Question Someone’s Salvation at the End of His Life?

How do we approach the deathbeds of professing Christians whose faith we are not sure is real? Pastor John offers four ways to love them.
10/24/201812 minutes, 48 seconds
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I Didn’t Treasure Christ When I First Believed — Was I Unsaved?

Treasuring Christ is a key ingredient to saving faith. But what if you don’t remember treasuring him when you were converted?
10/22/201812 minutes, 25 seconds
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My Girlfriend Is Pregnant — What Do I Do Next?

A premarital pregnancy means a couple has chosen sin over God. But it doesn’t mean they need to continue to make that choice.
10/19/201812 minutes, 29 seconds
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Does Premarital Pregnancy Nullify ‘Unequally Yoked’?

God clearly calls believers to marry only believers. But does a premarital pregnancy introduce an exception?
10/17/20189 minutes, 17 seconds
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Why Does Piper Avoid Politics and What’s Trending?

In general, Pastor John avoids talking about politics, breaking news, and hot trends. Why doesn’t he address such cultural issues more often?
10/15/201814 minutes, 51 seconds
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Why Does John Piper Journal?

God does not require any of us to keep a journal. But journaling may help some of us see Christ, love Christ, and become like Christ.
10/12/201814 minutes, 9 seconds
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Does Depression Disqualify a Pastor?

At what point, if any, does depression or joylessness disqualify a pastor from ministry? Pastor John gives several factors to consider.
10/10/201810 minutes, 33 seconds
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When You Sin at Home: Learning to Pause and Repent

Many of us spend our days running around with few breaks. So how do we repent of our sins when we find it hard to pause even for a moment?
10/8/20188 minutes, 12 seconds
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How John Piper Became a ‘Christian Hedonist’

How does our passion for happiness fit with God’s passion for glory? Pastor John lived with this tension for years, until he found Christian Hedonism.
10/5/201812 minutes, 23 seconds
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Are We Fighting Against Sin or for Joy?

Should we focus on fighting against our sin? Or should we focus on fighting for pleasure in God, which will in turn kill our sin?
10/3/201810 minutes, 21 seconds
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Should We Raise Our Hands in Worship?

Should we lift our hands during musical worship, or keep them in our pockets? Pastor John shares some principles from Scripture and his own experience.
10/1/20189 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Raise Children in a Pornographic Culture

What can parents do to protect their children from pornography? Pastor John shares eleven ways to guard our families.
9/28/201811 minutes, 9 seconds
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My Funding Dried Up — Is This My Sign to Leave the Ministry?

If my funding dries up, is this God’s sign that I should leave the mission field? Pastor John suggests three ways to interpret a lack of funding.
9/26/20189 minutes, 16 seconds
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What Part Does God Play in Positive Social Change?

When good happens in society — a government is fixed, slavery is abolished, or minorities are given equality — is God secretly at work?
9/24/20189 minutes, 56 seconds
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Should I Attend the Wedding of a Couple Already Living Together?

Whether we attend the wedding of a couple living together or decide to stay home, we are saying something. So what exactly should we say?
9/21/20189 minutes, 58 seconds
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How Do I Teach ‘Christian Hedonism’ to My Kids?

Children don’t need to use the label “Christian Hedonism,” but parents can help them grasp what it means to be happy in God.
9/19/201811 minutes, 31 seconds
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Should I Ever Take an Action I Don’t ‘Have Peace’ About?

Peace and calm are not the only factors in determining what we should do. Pastor John explains what else should govern our decisions.
9/17/20188 minutes, 46 seconds
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Five Ways Jesus Changes Our Relationship to the Old Testament

How do Christians know which Old Testament laws apply to them? Pastor John explains five ways Jesus shapes our approach to the Old Testament.
9/14/201812 minutes, 33 seconds
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What Is the Place of Faith in My Unanswered Prayers?

When God consistently answers prayers with “no,” many of us wonder if our faith is the problem. So what role does faith play in unanswered prayers?
9/12/201810 minutes, 55 seconds
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What Hope Does God Offer in My Depression?

God promises hope to the downcast, fullness of life to the broken, and joy to the depressed. Here are five passages to turn to when darkness falls.
9/10/201815 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ministering Without R.C. Sproul

R.C. Sproul went home to be with the Lord on December 14, 2017. Burk Parsons shares what it’s like to live and minister without him.
9/7/20189 minutes, 41 seconds
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Real Sermons Are Not Lectures or Moral Stories

Pastors are not merely teachers or lecturers. They are shepherds to needy sheep. Burk Parsons describes the kind of sermons a shepherd should give.
9/5/201812 minutes, 43 seconds
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How Do I Feed My Joy in Jesus Every Morning?

If Christ is not our supreme treasure, something else will gladly take his place. So how do we preserve our joy in God through the day?
9/3/201812 minutes, 23 seconds
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How Do I Choose Good Books and Grow My Library?

Millions of books compete for our attention, but only a fraction of them are worth reading. So where do we start when trying to grow our library?
8/31/201813 minutes, 46 seconds
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I Have Chronic Fatigue — How Do I Not Waste My Life?

How do people not waste their lives if a chronic illness has stolen their strengths, taken their time, and put them in bed all day?
8/29/201810 minutes, 31 seconds
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How Self-Esteem Ruins Bible Reading

A relentless pursuit of self-esteem can increase your confidence and soothe your emotions. And it can also ruin your Bible reading.
8/27/20187 minutes, 30 seconds
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How Has Social Media Changed Bible Reading?

Hand-lettered verses on Instagram may comfort and encourage us, but they will never suffice. We need more than devotional tidbits to survive.
8/24/20189 minutes, 24 seconds
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Women of the Word: Reading the Bible for Ourselves

Comprehension, interpretation, and application — these three steps from Jen Wilkin have helped thousands of women dive deep into God’s word.
8/22/20186 minutes, 12 seconds
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Is It Wrong for Men to Have Long Hair?

Long hair may be acceptable for men today, but that doesn’t mean we can ignore what Paul was saying to the Corinthians. Pastor John explains why.
8/20/201813 minutes, 13 seconds
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How Do We Respect Others While Rejecting Their False Beliefs?

How do we respect Buddhist priests? How about imams? Pastor John helps explain how to treat everyone with respect but still make our differences known.
8/17/201811 minutes, 56 seconds
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Piper’s Reflections After a Mainline Church Service

Pastor John shares six tragic observations from a mainline church, and a helpful report card to check our tendencies to make assumptions about God.
8/15/201811 minutes, 44 seconds
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What Can We Learn from the Jordan Peterson Phenomenon?

Jordan Peterson has a bestselling book and a fast-growing following, especially among young men. What should Christians learn from him?
8/13/201828 minutes, 7 seconds
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Why Is My Child Disabled?

God could have prevented every disability we know today, but he didn’t. And he has ten thousand reasons why.
8/10/201812 minutes, 6 seconds
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Three Threats to the Joy of This Generation

God wants his people to have serious joy. But at least three obstacles threaten the joy and the seriousness of this generation.
8/8/201811 minutes, 24 seconds
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What’s the Point of My Life?

All people want to be a part of something larger than themselves. This is no accident. God designed you to join him in his goal of global glory.
8/6/201811 minutes, 22 seconds
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John Piper’s Most-Used Promises

We kill sin with superior promises. Pastor Piper shares his most-used promises and how they have served him over the decades.
8/3/201812 minutes, 18 seconds
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How to Win the War for Morning Devotions

When you wake up more interested in Twitter than God’s word, the battle is not lost. It has just begun. Fight to get into his word.
8/1/20186 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Miracle of Waiting Faithfully

Whether we’re hoping for a job, a spouse, or something else, no one likes to patiently wait. But God transforms us in our waiting.
7/30/20185 minutes, 23 seconds
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How Do I Cling to God — When Life Feels Easy?

We’re needy people. But when life’s going well, we often forget just how needy we really are.
7/27/20185 minutes, 44 seconds
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How Much Joy Can We Really Expect in This Life?

In this life, our indwelling sin clouds our joy in God. But every Christian has the promise of never-ending, ever-increasing joy in God’s presence.
7/25/201810 minutes, 26 seconds
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Make War on Your Urge to Sulk

We all know that anger will only wound those around us. But its silent brother, sulking, can be just as deadly.
7/23/201813 minutes, 27 seconds
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When God Answers ‘No’ to Our Prayers

How do we not let a no from God squelch our joy in him? John Piper offers two anchors of hope to help us remain steady in the struggle.
7/20/201811 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to Navigate Conversations About Sexual Identity

A harvest awaits Christians in the gay community. Sam Allberry shares how he engages LGBT students with the message of Jesus.
7/18/201811 minutes, 35 seconds
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Am I Less Human If I’m Sexually Unfulfilled?

You don’t need sex to be happy. Jesus never married, never had a romantic relationship, never had sex, and he was the most complete man to ever live.
7/16/201811 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Christian Debate over Sexual Identity

Sam Allberry, who has been attracted to the same sex his whole life, gives an insider’s take on the current debates over sexual identity.
7/13/201812 minutes, 33 seconds
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Does God Want Me to Be Happy or Holy?

Does God want us to be happy or holy? How are holiness and happiness not at odds, but work together?
7/11/20189 minutes, 50 seconds
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Did Paul and Moses Prioritize Mission over Joy in God?

If Moses and Paul wished to be personally damned so others could be saved, didn’t they prioritize mission for others over joy in God?
7/9/201812 minutes, 26 seconds
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Does John Piper Add (Joy) to the Gospel?

We don’t receive Jesus in a saving way when we receive him as a ticket out of hell. He’s not a ticket. He’s a treasure — the greatest treasure.
7/6/201812 minutes, 41 seconds
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Universalism Distorts the Grace of God

When everyone gets grace, no one actually gets grace. Michael McClymond explains how universalism expels the biblical view of grace.
7/4/201812 minutes, 35 seconds
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Universalism Is ‘Alive and Well’ — How Do We Oppose It?

What is Christian universalism, and how should we respond? Michael McClymond, author of a new book on the topic, details the basics.
7/2/20189 minutes, 38 seconds
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Did C.S. Lewis Warn Against Christian Hedonism?

Do Christian Hedonists call people to experience a level of joy now that will be available only in heaven?
6/29/201813 minutes, 10 seconds
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What Does It Feel Like to See the Beauty of Christ?

We often miss Christ’s beauty in his word because our hearts are out of sync. Pastor John explains how he prepares his heart to meet God.
6/27/201815 minutes, 6 seconds
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Is God Glorified in Those Who Reject Him?

We know God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. But is God at all glorified in those who reject him?
6/25/201811 minutes, 29 seconds
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What 40-Year-Old David Platt Would Say to His 20-Year-Old Self

David Platt, like all of us, has past regrets and future hopes. Here’s what he would say to his 20-year-old self.
6/22/201812 minutes, 57 seconds
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Isn’t the Joy-Centered Life Just an Emotional Roller Coaster?

If our affections are the thermometer of our relationship with God, how can we remain stable through all our emotional ups and downs?
6/20/201813 minutes, 5 seconds
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How Do I Find God’s Will for My Life?

Security, comfort, and wealth aren’t the primary guides for our job decisions. God is. But how do we discern his will?
6/18/201815 minutes, 25 seconds
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Does Scripture Forbid Entrepreneurs from Raising Big Money?

A bank account with seven, eight, or nine zeros is not necessarily sinful. But it is dangerous for hearts that easily treasure dollar signs.
6/15/201813 minutes, 9 seconds
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How Do I Overcome Crippling Self-Consciousness?

An excessive self-focus leads to either discouragement or pride. So what steps can we take to conquer the curse of self-consciousness?
6/13/201811 minutes, 33 seconds
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Where Is Satan Most Visibly Active Today?

Wherever saving truth is hated, distorted, and muted, Satan is at work. Our best weapon against him is to tell and live the truth.
6/11/201812 minutes, 57 seconds
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A Word to Strengthen Parents of Disabled Children

Caring for a disabled child often goes unthanked and unrecognized in this world. But God sees every sacrifice, and he will reward you.
6/8/201811 minutes, 36 seconds
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How Do I Overcome My Fear of Death?

Everything we need in life and death was bought by the blood of Jesus. We have nothing to fear — not even death.
6/6/201810 minutes, 33 seconds
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Should Christians Save for Retirement?

The Bible doesn’t have a category for retiring from ministry. We may retire from a paid vocation, but never from loving and serving others.
6/4/20189 minutes, 28 seconds
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Drug Users and Christian Hedonists — Aren’t Both Just Chasing the Next High?

Both drug users and Christians feel ups and downs. But the parallels end there. Pastor John gives five reasons why the experiences are different.
6/1/201811 minutes, 28 seconds
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How Can We Tweet to the Glory of God?

Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat — they allow us to say more words to more people than ever before. So how can we use them for an eternal purpose?
5/30/201814 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Secret to Fighting Anxiety

Worry gains us nothing. As soon as we discover we have a problem, God has already been working on it, and the solution is on the way.
5/28/20188 minutes, 18 seconds
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Should We Sing of God’s ‘Reckless Love’?

Is the term “reckless” too reckless? Pastor John offers pastors, worship leaders, and congregations ways to think about the popular lyrics.
5/25/201816 minutes, 1 second
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Is My Joy Essential in Glorifying God?

Our enjoyment of God is not only a response to God’s glory — it is the way we glorify him. Therefore, joy in God is not optional.
5/23/201810 minutes, 49 seconds
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Reflections on the Seashells Sermon, 18 Years Later

Eighteen years after OneDay 2000, Pastor John reflects on a sermon that roused thousands of young people to not waste their lives.
5/21/201818 minutes, 30 seconds
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How Do I Know If a Sermon Is Too Long or Too Short?

Is there an ideal sermon length? Pastor John gives five factors to consider when trying to decide how long to preach.
5/18/20189 minutes, 6 seconds
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What Is the Place of Eloquence in Christian Preaching?

From alliteration and assonance to metaphors, imagery, and illustrations — what role does creativity, imagination, and rhetoric have in preaching?
5/16/20189 minutes, 57 seconds
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How to Read the Bible — and Preach It

Good sermons and good Bible reading push into a writer’s words, grammar, and logic to embrace all the glorious realities behind them.
5/14/201811 minutes, 2 seconds
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Piper’s Six-Stage Process for Writing Books

After writing over fifty books, Pastor John explains his six-stage process, from gathering the initial idea to seeing the project come to life.
5/11/201811 minutes, 31 seconds
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How Does God’s Sovereignty Not Violate Our Decision-Making?

How does God’s sovereignty not make us robots? Pastor John explores the relationship between God’s sovereignty and the human will in seven steps.
5/9/201812 minutes, 57 seconds
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My Body: Friend or Foe?

True freedom from body hatred does not come from finally liking what we see in the mirror. It comes from being swept up in the greatness of God.
5/7/201813 minutes, 20 seconds
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Isn’t God Most Glorified in Me When I Am Most Self-Giving?

Enjoying God and loving our neighbors are not competing goals. True love is the overflow of joy in God that meets the needs of others.
5/4/201812 minutes, 38 seconds
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How to Keep Your Faith When You Lose Confidence in a Local Church

Christian community is a precious gift from God. But our love for the community must never replace our love for the Lord of the community.
5/2/201812 minutes, 56 seconds
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Why Do We See So Few Miracles Today?

There were fewer miracles in the Bible than many of us think, and there are more miracles today than many of us know.
4/30/201810 minutes, 26 seconds
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Where the Gospel of Roman Catholicism Fails

Protestants insist that God imputes Christ’s righteousness to believers, while the Catholic Church claims that he imparts it. What’s the difference?
4/27/201812 minutes, 29 seconds
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Do Paul’s Missions Leave Us with a Geographic Pattern to Follow?

Paul’s missionary journeys do not mandate how we should do missions today, but we can certainly learn from the methods he used.
4/25/201811 minutes, 31 seconds
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Why Will Some of Us Get Fewer Rewards in Heaven?

There will be no envy in heaven. Perfect love will reign. Those who have more will have humility; those who have less will rejoice in others’ gifts.
4/23/201810 minutes, 32 seconds
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Will Profanity Make Us More Relevant in Reaching Our Culture?

Crude language won’t transform the culture. It won’t convict sinners. It may make us more relatable, but in the end it will backfire.
4/20/201810 minutes, 21 seconds
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Can We Skip the Parts of the New Testament Not in the Original Manuscripts?

The first manuscripts of the Bible no longer exist, but that doesn’t need to shake Christians’ faith. Pastor John gives three reasons why.
4/18/201811 minutes, 53 seconds
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Do the Biblical Warnings Against Riches Apply to Most Americans?

The aim of wartime simplicity is not to be as poor as possible, but to use all of our resources for the advancement of the gospel.
4/16/201812 minutes, 31 seconds
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Have I Really Forgiven Someone If I Keep Remembering Their Wrong?

The sign of forgiveness is not that you forget the pain another caused you, but that you relinquish the desire to punish, and instead seek their good.
4/13/201812 minutes, 59 seconds
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How Do I Avoid the Pitfalls of Too Little Introspection and Too Much?

Self-examination can quickly turn into self-condemnation. Pastor John offers three strategies to keep introspection in its proper place.
4/11/201811 minutes, 27 seconds
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When Do We Intervene in Other People’s Conflicts?

God calls Christians to be peacemakers. But when and how should we intervene in other people’s conflicts?
4/9/20188 minutes, 42 seconds
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Does the Bible Portray Women as Emotional and Men as Rational?

Our culture often stereotypes women as hyperemotional and men as rational. But is this a biblical dichotomy?
4/6/201812 minutes, 18 seconds
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How Do I Show Kindness to My Children and Expect Them to Obey?

How do we teach our children to respect our God-given authority, while also treating them with Christlike humility and servant leadership?
4/4/201814 minutes, 23 seconds
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Is the Great Commission for Every Individual Christian?

God may not call you to move to another country to join the Great Commission, but he has called you to play a significant part.
4/2/201811 minutes, 4 seconds
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Does Reformed Theology Impede Racial Reconciliation?

Some have suggested Reformed theology is a hurdle to racial harmony. Pastor John explains why the opposite has been true over decades of urban ministry.
3/30/201812 minutes, 12 seconds
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Dating: Good Jealousy and Bad

Is all jealousy bad? No, God models perfect jealousy, and calls us to have the same zeal for his glory in all we do — even in dating.
3/28/201810 minutes, 17 seconds
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Is It Sinful for My Husband and Me to Pray Against Pregnancy?

God’s highest priority is not for us to have children, but for us to have Christ-exalting faith that overflows in meeting the needs of others.
3/26/20187 minutes, 45 seconds
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Isn’t It Loving to My Family to Prepare for Doomsday?

Has a husband and father failed in his God-given responsibility if his family is suffering when he could have prevented it?
3/23/201810 minutes, 35 seconds
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How to Climb the Corporate Ladder — for Jesus’s Sake

How can we glorify God in our jobs? Pastor John offers ten reflections to help Christians integrate their Christian life with their working life.
3/21/201812 minutes, 11 seconds
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My Midlife Crisis — and Counsel for Yours

Some men may avoid a midlife crisis, but many of us will face one. Pastor John describes his own midlife crisis, and how God carried him through.
3/19/201813 minutes, 40 seconds
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Sex-Abuse Allegations and the Egalitarian Myth

For fifty years, our culture has denied that men have any unique responsibility to care for and protect women. It was a myth, and it isn’t working.
3/16/201815 minutes, 17 seconds
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When God Feels Distant, He May Want Us to Grow Up

When God feels distant, he may be calling us away from a flimsy faith to a tough, unshakable allegiance to Jesus.
3/14/201811 minutes, 54 seconds
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God’s Sovereign Plans Behind Your Most Unproductive Days

God’s priorities for efficiency in this life are not ours. His aim is not to provide the most direct route, but to sanctify the traveler.
3/12/201810 minutes, 2 seconds
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How Do We Avoid Over-Thinking (or Under-Thinking) the Christian Life?

The Bible calls us not to over-think, under-think, think poorly, or think falsely. So how can we avoid slipping into these ruts?
3/9/201811 minutes, 41 seconds
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Do Christians Carry More Emotional Stress Than Non-Christians?

Many believers experience deep emotional stress over the sin and pain in the world. When these emotions become paralyzing, what should we do?
3/7/201811 minutes, 12 seconds
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Christians Are Marrying Later — How Do I Wait in Faith?

Although some singles are delaying marriage for the wrong reasons, many are not. What does God say to those who yearn to marry but have no prospects?
3/5/201812 minutes, 1 second
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Will We Be Finally ‘Saved’ by Faith Alone?

Protestants have long championed justification by faith alone. But we distort this truth when we confuse justification and final salvation.
3/2/201815 minutes, 42 seconds
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Do Reproductive Technologies Oppose God’s Design?

What encouragement does God give to those who are the product of reproductive technology and feel like they were abandoned by a biological parent?
2/28/201812 minutes, 27 seconds
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In What Way Will Christians Judge Angels?

In the new heavens and new earth, Christians will sit with Jesus on his throne. Ordinary believers will join God in judging the universe.
2/26/201810 minutes, 12 seconds
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Do Cessationists Miss Out on the Full Joys of Christianity?

God calls us to pursue our fullest joy in him. Will we fall short if we don’t pursue the extraordinary supernatural gifts like tongues and prophecy?
2/23/20189 minutes, 21 seconds
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On the Day Billy Graham Died

In this special episode, Pastor John reflects on the life and legacy of Billy Graham.
2/21/201824 minutes, 25 seconds
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Can a Devout Roman Catholic Be Genuinely Born Again?

Roman Catholic teaching has led many astray, even into destruction. But are there some genuine Christians in the Roman Catholic Church?
2/21/201810 minutes, 1 second
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How Does ‘Willful Sinning’ Threaten My Salvation?

All sin involves the will. But continuing to sin deliberately — with eagerness and persistence — will destroy the soul.
2/19/201812 minutes, 12 seconds
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Isn’t Veganism Closer to God’s Original Design?

Bacon, ground beef, sausage — God allows us to eat meat. But he didn’t always allow it. Is it wise to return to a pre-fall diet?
2/16/201810 minutes, 21 seconds
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In What Sense Did Christ Die for the Non-Elect?

Don’t let the truth of God’s electing love prevent you from declaring that Christ died for all. Whoever believes in him will have eternal life.
2/14/201810 minutes, 56 seconds
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Avoiding Pride in a World of Selfie Sticks and Social Media Platforms

Instagram selfies, Facebook updates, and endless Snaps feed off our self-focus and self-exaltation. But the sins behind the technology are not new.
2/12/20188 minutes, 51 seconds
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Did Jesus Advocate Castration to Break Sex Addiction?

If you pluck out your right eye to fight lust, your left eye will pick up the slack. We need more than self-mutilation to fight this enemy.
2/9/20189 minutes, 10 seconds
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How Important Is It to Confess My Sin to Someone Other Than God?

The New Testament teaches that Christians should confess their sins regularly — not only to God, but also to each other.
2/7/201811 minutes, 21 seconds
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Did Jesus Say I’d Be Healthier If My Faith Were Stronger?

If you have a mustard seed of faith and mountains aren’t moving, you may have the wrong kind of faith — or God may have a better plan.
2/5/20189 minutes, 12 seconds
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How Do I Fight Pride When Competing in School, Business, and Sports?

Grading on a curve, competing for a job against others, sports-team tryouts — how do we seek the good of others when they are our rivals?
2/2/201811 minutes, 53 seconds
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Two Strategies to Win the War on Lust

God calls us to not only resist lustful thoughts, but to fill our minds with the beauties of Christ so that our desires gradually conform to his.
1/31/201813 minutes, 51 seconds
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Following Christ Is Costly — But How Do You Count the Cost?

We don’t get to negotiate the cost of following Christ. But there is no cost you can pay that won’t be made up a thousandfold in the resurrection.
1/29/20189 minutes, 5 seconds
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“Let Your Light Shine” — Should I Instagram My Good Works?

Jesus commands us to do our good deeds in secret, but he also commands us to let our good deeds shine before others. How can we do both?
1/26/201813 minutes, 13 seconds
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Is This Life Too Short to Determine Our Eternal Destiny?

God would be just to condemn us even if we only sinned for five seconds. The time it takes us to sin does not measure the gravity of the offense.
1/24/201810 minutes, 57 seconds
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Is There a Place for Female Professors at Seminary?

Seminary professors need to be more than competent exegetes, linguists, or theologians. They need to embody the pastoral office.
1/22/20188 minutes, 56 seconds
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Does God’s Happiness Depend on Mine?

When one sinner repents, God and his angels rejoice in heaven. Does that mean that God’s happiness depends on ours?
1/19/201810 minutes, 51 seconds
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What Value Is the Old Testament to the Christian Life?

All Scripture is profitable — not just the pages of the New Testament. But how should Christians read the Old Testament in light of Christ’s coming?
1/17/201810 minutes, 46 seconds
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Does God Love the Non-Elect?

God has a special love for his adopted children, but that does not mean he has no love for those who reject him.
1/15/201810 minutes, 25 seconds
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Do Non-Christians Ever Please God?

Can a non-Christian ever please God? If not, how should we understand the account of Cornelius in Acts 10?
1/12/20189 minutes, 55 seconds
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What’s Wrong with Dressing Immodestly for Attention?

When billboards, TV commercials, and even dolls tell women that beauty comes from tight, trim-cut clothing, how can we cultivate beauty in the heart?
1/10/201812 minutes, 17 seconds
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To Discouraged Pastors and Their Wives

What should a pastor do if he feels discouraged, defeated, and almost ready to quit? Pastor John gives a series of diagnostic questions.
1/8/201813 minutes, 34 seconds
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Why ‘Falling Out of Love’ Never Justifies Divorce

Staying married is not first about staying in love. It’s about keeping a covenant that reflects Jesus’s own commitment to his bride — the church.
1/5/201810 minutes, 59 seconds
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Deep Bible Reading Strategies for the Tired and Busy

Deep study of Scripture yields deep payoffs, but many of us can’t engage in rigorous study every day. So how do we strike a proper balance?
1/3/201810 minutes, 26 seconds
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A New Year, A New Bible Reading Plan

We need to read large sections of Scripture and stop to meditate on short passages. Pastor John recommends a reading plan that allows you to do both.
1/1/201811 minutes, 43 seconds
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I’m Retired and Want to Do Missions — What’s My First Step?

Retirees, what a glorious exchange it would be to give up our golf game and bridge club for the mission field. But where should we start?
12/29/20179 minutes, 58 seconds
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Where Is Heaven Right Now?

We can say with confidence God does not dwell in a geographic place we could go to in a spaceship. So what can we say about the location of heaven?
12/27/20179 minutes, 50 seconds
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Why Did Jesus Need to ‘Learn Obedience’?

Why does Hebrews tell us that Jesus needed to “learn obedience” and “be made perfect” if the Bible also says he never sinned?
12/25/201710 minutes, 17 seconds
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Why Christmas Never Lives Up to the Buildup

Christmas may fall short now, but one day our delight will be full — and it will go on increasing for all eternity. This is what Christmas is all about.
12/22/201712 minutes, 57 seconds
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Do I Love God for His Gifts or for Who He Is?

Every good gift we receive comes through the death of Christ. So every gift from God is an opportunity to enjoy God himself.
12/20/201711 minutes, 16 seconds
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Did Jesus Diminish His Divine Power to Become Human?

Jesus is one hundred percent God, one hundred percent man. This union of divinity and humanity may be mysterious, but it’s the only hope for sinners.
12/18/201712 minutes
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Keep Close to the Heart of Christmas

Let’s stay close to the heart of Christmas: God took on flesh that he might die to destroy our enemies, deliver us from sin, and give us eternal life.
12/15/20179 minutes, 55 seconds
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To Live Is Christ — What Does That Mean?

The key to magnifying Christ in life and in death is to find him more precious and more satisfying than everything we lose in death.
12/13/20179 minutes, 53 seconds
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What Is the ‘Sin Not Leading to Death’ in 1 John 5?

The only kind of sin that does not lead to death is the sin that we confess, repent of, and resolve to fight by God’s grace.
12/11/20179 minutes, 31 seconds
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Can I Leave and Cleave If We Live with My Parents?

In many cultures, married couples live with the husband’s family. But does “leaving and cleaving” mean they should move out and get their own place?
12/8/201710 minutes, 21 seconds
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How to Live Wisely in the End Times

George Ladd has done more to shape our view of the end times than almost any other theologian. Pastor John explains the man and his influence.
12/6/20178 minutes, 53 seconds
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We Are Accountable for What We Know

“Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required.” Did Jesus intend this warning for believers or nonbelievers?
12/4/20179 minutes, 3 seconds
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When Do Christians Resist a Government That Kills Its Citizens?

By default, Christians should submit to public officials. But how should Christians respond to rampant injustice in government?
12/1/201711 minutes, 16 seconds
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To Whom Did Jesus Pay Our Ransom?

If Christ died to pay our debt, whom did he pay? Did he pay Satan in order to free us from captivity, or did he pay God to free us from our penalty?
11/29/20179 minutes, 47 seconds
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Did Public Controversy over the Nashville Statement Hurt the Cause?

The Bible’s view of human sexuality is a beautiful truth that we should set on a pedestal — even if that means others hate us for it.
11/27/201718 minutes, 9 seconds
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Does Hebrews Tell Us to “Grow Up” Beyond the Gospel?

We don’t ever outgrow the gospel. So why does Hebrews call us to “leave behind the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity”?
11/24/201710 minutes, 56 seconds
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How Do You Structure Your Prayer Life?

On any given day, innumerable needs surround us that all call for prayer. So how do we navigate these endless needs and decide what to pray for?
11/22/201714 minutes, 13 seconds
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Does God Decree Events He Doesn’t Want to Happen?

If nothing happens outside of God’s control, then why is this world filled with events that clearly oppose God’s revealed will?
11/20/201712 minutes, 19 seconds
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How Do I Glorify God in My Job?

Most of us spend at least forty hours a week at work. So how do we leverage our time there to bring honor and praise to God?
11/17/201710 minutes, 2 seconds
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How Do I Process Personal Criticism?

Aim to be humble rather than defensive when it comes to criticism. Only then will we be able to listen to their words and change if we’re wrong.
11/15/201713 minutes, 12 seconds
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Why Does Gossip Feel So Good?

Spreading damaging reports about others feels so good and comes so naturally. But why is this impulse so natural? And how do we fight it?
11/13/201711 minutes, 19 seconds
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Am I Wrong to Prepare for a Nuclear Doomsday?

Under the threat of nuclear war, we could easily start preparing for the worst by stocking up on food and building a bomb shelter. But should we?
11/10/201711 minutes, 21 seconds
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Why Does God’s Sovereignty Make Some Ambitious and Others Apathetic?

Why do some hear of God’s sovereignty and run into the mission field with confidence, while others passively say, “What will be will be”?
11/8/201711 minutes, 57 seconds
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How Do I Love God More Than My Entertainment?

What should we do if the thrills of TV, movies, video games, and sports feel more interesting than spending time with God?
11/6/201711 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Dignity of Those with Dementia

Dementia may turn God’s people into frail shadows of their former self, but these saints are sitting on the brink of a glory and power we can’t imagine.
11/3/201710 minutes, 47 seconds
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Six Common Ways Preachers Dishonor God’s Word

The stakes are high when pastors do not root their points plainly from the text in front of them. Here are six consequences.
11/1/20179 minutes, 47 seconds
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How Do I Know If I’m Loving My Wife Well?

The Bible calls husbands to lead their wives. But where should you go for help if you’ve never seen anyone model Christlike leadership in the home?
10/30/201713 minutes, 32 seconds
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Church Membership Has Left Me Relationally Jaded

Even the best churches and friendships can leave us feeling relationally jaded. So how can we persevere in love when others disappoint us so much?
10/27/201710 minutes, 54 seconds
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Is God a Megalomaniac?

God seeks our worship, not because it meets his need, but because it meets ours. God is the only one beautiful enough to satisfy us forever.
10/25/201714 minutes, 35 seconds
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How Much of My Happiness Is Settled by Factors Outside My Immediate Control?

Someone recently claimed that 88% of our happiness is outside of our control. How should a Christian hedonist evaluate this theory?
10/23/20177 minutes, 59 seconds
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How Martin Luther Built a Brand That Changed the World

The Reformation spread when an unknown monk leveraged a rudimentary piece of technology developed by a devout Roman Catholic.
10/20/201734 minutes, 26 seconds
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What Are the Best Reformation Biographies?

Good biographies expose us to times, people, and thinking outside of our own day. Here are some of the best biographies of Reformation figures.
10/18/201710 minutes, 48 seconds
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Why the Reformation Remains Relevant After 500 Years

Choosing which of the five ‘solas’ is most important is like choosing which wing of an airplane matters most. All the ‘solas’ stand or fall together.
10/16/201712 minutes, 6 seconds
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Is Anyone Born a Racist? Or Is It Learned?

Racism, hate, and anger have all erupted in fresh ways this last year. Are we born with these ethnic prejudices, or do we learn them?
10/13/201712 minutes, 5 seconds
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Is Knowing God’s Sovereignty Important to My Daily Life?

The Bible not only recognizes that God controls everything. It also demands that we build our lives around that truth.
10/11/201715 minutes, 2 seconds
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God Is Holy and Righteous — Are Those the Same?

What is the difference between God’s holiness and his righteousness? And what does that mean for us?
10/9/20179 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ephesians 1:18: Who Will Receive the Riches of Heaven?

Is Ephesians 1:18 about God inheriting believers, or is it about believers inheriting God’s glory? Pastor John offers a few defenses for his view.
10/6/20178 minutes, 56 seconds
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Confronting Emotional and Verbal Abuse in the Home

God did not design marriage for outbursts, verbal putdowns, or raised voices. If this describes your marriage, here’s some advice from Pastor John.
10/4/201712 minutes, 32 seconds
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Is It Harmful to Date in High School?

Falling in love is a wonderful gift, but for most the maturity to handle a relationship of that depth doesn’t come in high school.
10/2/201710 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Great Marriage Killer

Anger destroys relationships, but the Bible has a category for righteous anger. So what’s the difference between the good version and the deadly one?
9/29/201710 minutes, 15 seconds
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Reading Is Agonizing for Me — How Can I Study the Bible in Small Bits?

Hearing the word of God is not a mere discipline — it is a matter of life and death. But how can we take in God’s word when reading feels like a chore?
9/27/201711 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Lord’s Supper — Somber or Cheerful?

Communion calls to mind the most tragic event in the history of the world and the greatest hope ever offered. Only mature believers can set that tone.
9/25/20179 minutes, 25 seconds
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What Does It Mean to ‘Abide in Christ’?

Jesus is clear that abiding in him is not optional. But what does it actually mean to daily remain attached to him?
9/22/201712 minutes, 16 seconds
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What’s the Origin of Desiring God’s Slogan?

This slogan became the heartbeat of Pastor John's life and the hallmark of Desiring God’s ministry. So where did it come from?
9/20/201710 minutes, 56 seconds
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Did Adam and Eve Sin Before the Bite?

The ultimate sin in the garden was not eating the fruit. Adam and Eve lost their taste for God’s beauty before they reached for the tree.
9/18/201712 minutes, 11 seconds
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Does God Control All Things All the Time?

We know that God has the ability to control everything, but does he always choose to exercise his full sovereignty?
9/15/201711 minutes, 29 seconds
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Popular Author Stumbles — What Should We Do With His Books?

All authors are flawed, but what should we do with an author’s work when a public failure discredits them as a sound teacher?
9/13/201710 minutes, 14 seconds
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Are We Called to Thank God for Our Severest Suffering?

We don’t have to pretend we don’t feel pain from our losses. Grieving with hope means something far greater than moving on from the pain.
9/11/201715 minutes, 50 seconds
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John Piper’s Prayer in the Path of Hurricanes

God doesn’t mean for us to forget him or minimize him when hurricanes devastate human life. Pastor Piper turns Godward and prays in the path of hurricanes.
9/9/20179 minutes, 10 seconds
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What Is the Kingdom of God?

Jesus focused a lot on the kingdom of God. But what is the kingdom? And why does the rest of the New Testament hardly mention the theme?
9/8/201710 minutes, 26 seconds
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Are Small Churches Less Fruitful?

A pastor’s job is not to count how many people come on Sunday, but to make faith-filled, self-denying, fruit-bearing disciples.
9/6/201710 minutes, 42 seconds
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How Did I Fail My Unbelieving Children?

Parents will fail hundreds of times as they strive to raise their kids biblically. So how can we find hope in the midst of these many shortcomings?
9/4/201711 minutes, 59 seconds
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Has Marriage Become My Idol?

God never designed marriage to be our ultimate treasure. Here are some signs that we have made our marriage into something God never intended it to be.
9/1/201711 minutes, 18 seconds
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Did God Choose Me Because He Loved Me or Love Me Because He Chose Me?

God’s love and election work hand and hand. There’s no election that is not loving, and there’s no initiating love that is not electing.
8/30/201710 minutes, 44 seconds
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Six Questions to Ask Before You Binge on Netflix

When thinking about TV, music, or movies, don't ask, “What’s wrong with this?” but, instead, “Will it maximize my holiness?”
8/28/201712 minutes, 6 seconds
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Is Wartime Living the Same as Minimalism?

Wartime lifestyle seeks to glorify God — not to live with the least amount of stuff. It simply admits that life must be different during a battle.
8/25/201714 minutes, 21 seconds
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If Someone Doesn’t Like Me, Have I Ruined My Christian Witness?

When is it right to please people? When is it wrong to please people? Motive matters.
8/23/201710 minutes, 52 seconds
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Am I Single Because I’m Defective?

God has designed marriage to bring about a kind of cherishing that emerges nowhere else. But that doesn’t mean you are uncherishable if your single.
8/21/20179 minutes, 29 seconds
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Local Atheist or Modern Pharisee — Who Is the Greater Threat?

Jesus faced more opposition from the Pharisees than the Romans. Are religious formalists a greater threat to the church today than our secular neighbors?
8/18/20177 minutes, 50 seconds
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How to Stay Christian in College

Students, attending college means stepping out into the front line of the war for your faith. In order to hold fast, arm yourself for battle.
8/16/201713 minutes, 33 seconds
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Our Wedding Date Is Set — Why Not Have Sex Now?

God created sex for marriage. He designed it as beautiful gift and placed it precisely where he knew it should be.
8/14/201711 minutes, 6 seconds
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Is God’s Grace Really Free, or Does It Cost Me Everything?

We by nature don’t delight in God but in his gifts. New cars, our job, even our phones all compete for our supreme joy unless God transforms our hearts.
8/11/201711 minutes, 43 seconds
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Retirement Homes and Caring for Aging Parents

One way to honor our parents is to love them as we love ourselves. If we would hope to be helped in our old age, we should find ways to help our parents.
8/9/201710 minutes, 40 seconds
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When Worship Lyrics Miss the Mark

Members of our churches learn truth not only from the sermons they hear, but also from the songs they sing. Lyrics on Sunday morning matter.
8/7/201713 minutes, 37 seconds
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Do All Religions Lead to God?

Jesus provides the litmus test for all religions. Any religion that refuses to worship him is a false religion.
8/4/201710 minutes
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Should a Single Parent Get Married?

Two parents are better than one. But does God require a single parent to marry if he or she doesn’t desire marriage?
8/2/201711 minutes, 10 seconds
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My Best Life Now?

Following Jesus brings suffering we could have avoided. But the alternative is losing your soul while only gaining the cheap pleasures of the world.
7/31/201712 minutes, 15 seconds
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Does John Piper Overplay Bible Literacy?

Was Piper right to say, “You don’t have a chance against the devil unless you know how to read and understand God’s word”?
7/28/201711 minutes, 18 seconds
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Should We Memorize Catechisms or Scripture?

A catechism can help children interpret the Bible, point them to important Scriptures, and capture the whole counsel of God’s word.
7/26/20178 minutes, 36 seconds
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Why the Coming Kingdom of Christ Is Really Bad News

For millions of people, the future reign of God is terrible news. His rule will not be an invitation to eternal joy, but a final verdict: eternal damnation.
7/24/20179 minutes, 36 seconds
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Glorifying God in Unshakable Grief

Joy will come, even when it feels like the pain will never end. In the meantime, God promises to be near you in ways you can’t feel outside of suffering.
7/21/201710 minutes, 12 seconds
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“My Life Feels Pointless”

Our aging bodies and nearness to death need not sap the joy that God gives us while we remain on earth. He still has a purpose for us.
7/19/201710 minutes, 4 seconds
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Does My Sex Life Affect My Prayer Life?

When couples temporarily suspend sexual intimacy for the purpose of prayer, they say with their bodies how desperate they are for God to answer.
7/17/20178 minutes, 41 seconds
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“I Had an Abortion”

Those who have had an abortion should own the guilt, but they should not stop there. God has more than enough grace reserved at the cross.
7/14/201713 minutes, 8 seconds
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Soul Care for Exhausted Young Mothers

Moms, your walk with God is as essential for the good of your children as the milk you feed them and the diapers you change.
7/12/201710 minutes, 5 seconds
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Does God’s Pursuit of His Glory Ever Detract from His Love?

Our deepest, sweetest joy will not come from God making much of us, but from God freeing us to make much of him forever.
7/10/20177 minutes, 35 seconds
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Should I “Dream Big” for God When I Have a Huge Ego?

Egos do not shrink when we stop dreaming big. With big, small, and even stagnant dreams, we will need to kill our self-promoting instinct.
7/7/20178 minutes, 35 seconds
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How Much Sleep Is Too Much Sleep?

Sleep shatters our God complex because we have to put down our tools, take off our boots, and remember that God is the decisive worker, always.
7/5/20178 minutes, 12 seconds
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Can I Remarry If My Spouse Dies? Should I?

Widows and widowers should feel no pressure to rush into a remarriage, but they shouldn’t exclude the possibility either.
7/3/20178 minutes, 48 seconds
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How Would You Lead an Overly Patriotic Church?

The goal of any change in a local church is to shepherd people into a deeper love for God. We must not lose sight of that in our zeal to align with God’s word.
6/30/20179 minutes, 20 seconds
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Should Patriotism Have a Place in Church?

A Christian’s first identity is with the King of the universe, not with any country or nationality or political party or governmental regime.
6/28/20179 minutes, 8 seconds
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How Is Jesus Both Joy and Master?

The Bible calls us to serve God, but we must remember that we can only do that because God first came to serve and help us.
6/26/201711 minutes, 11 seconds
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How Do I Study a Specific Topic in the Bible?

Studying the Bible does not need to be complex. Simple tools can help us glean amazing insights from the word.
6/23/201710 minutes, 8 seconds
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Jesus Said He’d Return Soon, So Where Is He?

A careful study of New Testament prophecy should never lead us to assume that Jesus and the apostles were wrong about the timing of Jesus’s return.
6/21/201712 minutes, 38 seconds
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How Can I Better Study a Bible Passage?

“Think over what I say,” commands the Lord. How can a faithful student of the Bible do this without leaning on commentaries and scholars?
6/19/20178 minutes, 31 seconds
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What Can We Say to Friends Facing Suffering?

When suffering drones on and on, what can we do to stay steadfast in our call to share in this suffering?
6/16/201710 minutes, 40 seconds
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How Do I “Give My Life to God”?

Settle it in your mind and heart whether you believe Christ purchased you. If so, you are utterly dependent on God for life, meaning, and satisfaction.
6/14/20179 minutes, 41 seconds
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I Know God Loves Me, but Does He Like Me?

If you live in the flesh, you will never please God. But those who have the Spirit delight God as they bear fruit. Even the small harvests please him.
6/12/201713 minutes, 5 seconds
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Did Israel’s King Consult with a Witch?

God’s people must not consult with mediums — not because there’s no such thing as communication with the dead, but because it is an abomination to do so.
6/9/20178 minutes, 27 seconds
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When Do I Unfollow My Pastor?

To be united to God is to be united in principle and in love to the people of God. We don’t choose between belonging to God and belonging to his people.
6/7/20179 minutes, 29 seconds
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How Do I Escape Regret over Hurt I’ve Caused?

Don’t be paralyzed by feelings of regret. Rather let those very feelings empower you with a sense of greater grace, gratitude, and joy in God’s grace.
6/5/20178 minutes, 37 seconds
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How Do I Follow Big Sections of Scripture?

As you study the Bible, study larger portions by looking for similarities in the sections that fit together.
6/2/201711 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Only Solution to Spiritual Blindness

Spiritually dead and blind people are willfully dark. It’s what they prefer. Therefore, they can only be rescued by a divine miracle.
5/31/20177 minutes, 44 seconds
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What’s the Point of Your New Trilogy of Books?

John Piper believes nothing is more important for his remaining years than to focus on the authority and the meaning and the heralding of God’s word.
5/29/201710 minutes, 18 seconds
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God’s Work in Your Depression

Depression is not simply black and white. There are many degrees of discouragement, and God is able to provide help in them all.
5/26/201710 minutes, 12 seconds
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Will You Ever Write a Piper Bible Commentary?

Good commentaries should ask and answer questions that enable people to see things for themselves, and probe into reality, not just verbal relations.
5/24/201710 minutes, 37 seconds
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My Sin Feels Good in the Moment — Why Stop?

God commands us not merely to flee evil, but to hate evil — not merely to do mercy, but to love mercy.
5/22/201714 minutes, 3 seconds
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Can We Be Legalistic About Not Being Legalists?

Christ’s righteousness is the sole ground of our acceptance into God’s favor, but our new life of holiness is necessary to demonstrate that we are truly in him.
5/19/201711 minutes, 37 seconds
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Is Body Image My Idol?

Pursuing physical fitness becomes sinful self-glorification when we no longer do so to overcome our own sin, serve others, and glorify Christ.
5/17/201711 minutes, 6 seconds
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Will You Write More Biographies?

Tell stories of Christians to inspire others to love Jesus, give them insight into perplexing difficulties, and motivate them to follow him no matter what.
5/15/201714 minutes, 16 seconds
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What’s the Difference Between ‘Foolish’ and ’Sinful’?

Foolishness in the Bible is always sinful. To act foolishly is sin, and to sin is to act foolishly.
5/12/20178 minutes, 40 seconds
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Can I Forgive Someone Who Doesn’t Confess Wronging Me?

Renounce revenge, trust your cause to God, and return good for evil. You can do that whether your adversary admits wrong or not.
5/10/201711 minutes, 23 seconds
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Is Homosexuality Really the Worst Sin?

The blood of Christ is sufficient to wash away every sin and remove all judgment and bring us to everlasting healing and joy.
5/8/20178 minutes, 49 seconds
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Why Does John Piper Complicate Saving Faith?

To come to true saving faith, you have to experience the miracle of spiritual sight of the supremely valuable glory of Christ, the image of God.
5/5/201710 minutes, 59 seconds
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Explaining Hell to Our Children

God intends for our real and wise fear of hell to be a means of clarifying and establishing his glory and truth in our hearts.
5/3/201714 minutes, 13 seconds
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How Will God Judge What I Do Today?

Teachers need to be vigilant over what they teach, and all Christians need to be vigilant over what they do with what they are taught.
5/1/201712 minutes, 9 seconds
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Is John Piper Happy?

The promise of future joy penetrates back into the present and sustains us with joy now in the midst of sorrow.
4/28/20179 minutes, 43 seconds
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Three Strategies for Overcoming the Superficial Life

Our tragic loss of wonder and amazement is epidemic, especially in our age of ever-present distraction by superficial input from every manner of media.
4/26/20179 minutes, 47 seconds
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God Made Me — So Doesn’t He Owe Me Salvation?

Thinking that God owes us naturally leads to arrogant abuse. But knowing that we deserve nothing good from God naturally leads to brokenhearted love.
4/24/20178 minutes, 58 seconds
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Does the Bible Prescribe Alcohol to the Depressed?

Don’t open your mouth to alcohol to numb your pain. Open your mouth to speak right things that would deliver you from misjudgment.
4/21/20178 minutes, 45 seconds
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Is Male Headship a Lost Cause?

There will always be complementarians willing to die for the truth who will give their lives rather than conform to an unbiblical culture.
4/19/20179 minutes, 46 seconds
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How Do I Love My Unbelieving Spouse?

The key to persevering in a discouraging marriage is hope and faith from God’s word that he can overcome the divide.
4/17/201711 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Glory of Good Friday

Christ was a just and merciful substitute for sinners. When he died for his elect, he bore their punishment. They experience no condemnation.
4/14/201712 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Horror of Crucifixion

Studying the historical and physical realities of crucifixion shows how deplorable and inhumane that form of human extermination is.
4/12/201714 minutes, 55 seconds
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What’s the Last Thing You Would Tweet?

Jesus, God’s Son, died in the place of sinners and rose so that all who love him supremely might be forgiven all and have eternal joy in God.
4/10/20178 minutes, 46 seconds
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Campus Ministry and the Local Church — Do They Work Together?

When parachurch campus ministries are an extension of the local church, they can strategically reach and disciple the lost together.
4/7/20177 minutes, 16 seconds
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How Do Finite Beings Worship an Infinite God?

God does not require finite man to love him infinitely. But he does require total and supreme love.
4/5/201710 minutes, 48 seconds
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Was Calvin a Christian Hedonist?

Because John Calvin loved the glory of God and our pursuit of happiness in him, John Piper believes he would have been a Christian Hedonist.
4/3/20177 minutes, 10 seconds
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Should Christians Vacation to Religious Shrines?

It is a terrible sign of spiritual obliviousness to visit religious shrines and not feel heartbreak and caution for demonic powers of deception.
3/31/20178 minutes, 49 seconds
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My Parents Say Missions Is a Waste of American Blessings

If your parents think pursuing missions is a waste, win them to your vision and show them that Christ is sufficient to satisfy your soul.
3/29/20178 minutes, 58 seconds
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What’s the Appeal of Heavenly Rewards Other Than Getting Christ?

Christ is our reward — as is everything else that more fully reveals him and more fully enables us to enjoy him.
3/27/201710 minutes, 38 seconds
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Should We Baptize the Dead?

Baptism demonstrates and symbolically reenacts our spiritual death, burial, and resurrection in Christ. But it does not save anyone.
3/24/201712 minutes, 34 seconds
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I’m Confused — Are We to Pray with Few Words or Without Ceasing?

Pray to God at all times, but don’t think you can twist God’s arm by repeating your requests. He seeks heartfelt, authentic fellowship.
3/22/20179 minutes, 1 second
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How Can My Difficult Marriage Glorify Christ?

A faithful, covenant-keeping spouse can display the truth of Christ’s covenant with us — even after a failed marriage.
3/20/20178 minutes, 24 seconds
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Do We Really Need Musical Worship?

Qualified leaders should help God’s people come together to express his infinite value by lifting their voices and hearts in song.
3/17/201710 minutes, 21 seconds
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When Should Christians Use Satire?

While satire, irony, sarcasm, and ridicule all have their place in exposing evil and harm, Christians should patiently seek to win others in love.
3/15/20179 minutes, 29 seconds
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Why Does the New Testament Cite Extrabiblical Sources?

Sometimes biblical authors drew in material from outside the Bible in order to strengthen their points for their audience.
3/13/20177 minutes, 45 seconds
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What Is Revival and Where Do We Find It?

Revival is a concentrated work of God where Christians in various churches earnestly desire more of Christ, boldness in witness, and commitment to missions.
3/10/20177 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Benedict Option and American Politics: 12-Minute Audio with Don Carson

Christians are called to be different from the world, but engaged with the world. That’s not comfortable, but it is essentially Christian.
3/9/201712 minutes, 20 seconds
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Why I’m Baptist

First, be a Bible-guided Christian. Second, embrace the Bible-rooted doctrines of grace. Third, come to your convictions on baptism.
3/8/20179 minutes, 3 seconds
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My Prodigal Left Home — Should I Give Him Money?

If you have a prodigal, immerse yourself in the Bible and pray with your spouse for wisdom, love, boldness, and joy.
3/6/20178 minutes, 8 seconds
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Is God Ever Surprised?

God is never ignorant about the future or about anything. He is never uncertain about what is coming. He is God.
3/3/20178 minutes, 37 seconds
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What If Life Turns Out to Be Pointless?

Christianity and nihilism are exclusive, because God himself is the meaning and purpose and value of human existence.
3/1/20177 minutes, 1 second
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Am I Really Ready for Heaven?

Receive Christ, the one who did all the doing that had to be done as the foundation of our acceptance with God.
2/27/201713 minutes, 12 seconds
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Does God Know the Exact Day I Will Die?

God determines when everybody dies. He decided so before the world existed.
2/24/20178 minutes, 21 seconds
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How Soon Is Christ’s Return?

If Christ’s millennial reign comes after his second coming, Jesus could come very, very quickly.
2/22/20178 minutes, 42 seconds
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Can We Ever See God or Not?

There are some senses in which God’s people can see him, and other senses in which they cannot.
2/20/20178 minutes
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Will Every Jew Be Saved?

Not all Israelites will be saved, and no Jews who are waiting for a Messiah but rejecting Jesus while they wait will be saved.
2/17/201710 minutes, 54 seconds
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How Many Bible Versions Should I Read?

Use multiple Bible translations for increased general understanding, and use one main translation for meditation and memorization.
2/15/20177 minutes, 15 seconds
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Is Pain Punishment for My Sin?

The purpose and design of God’s justice in punishment is infinitely different than his purifying discipline in pain.
2/13/201710 minutes, 20 seconds
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Do Pets Distract the Christian Life?

While pets, like other good things, can distract us from the glory of God, they can also provide God-saturated fascination and joy.
2/10/20178 minutes, 54 seconds
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Never Send Nude Selfies: Seven Reasons

Nudity belongs in marriage, and nowhere else — not in dating, not in engagement, and certainly not on your phone. Pastor John gives seven reasons why.
2/8/201712 minutes, 33 seconds
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How Do I Pray the Bible?

Praying the Bible keeps us from focusing on our immediate private concerns to the exclusion of God’s larger purposes.
2/6/201711 minutes, 14 seconds
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Was Jesus a Christian Hedonist?

Jesus lived to glorify his Father by enjoying him as the sustaining power for all his life, including his greatest suffering.
2/3/201711 minutes, 37 seconds
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Can I Be Faithful to God and Popular at School?

Imitate Christ and ask yourself, “How can I serve somebody today?” not, “How can I get somebody to like me today?”
2/1/20179 minutes, 48 seconds
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Will Some People in Heaven Have More Joy Than Others?

The greatness of our rewards in the age to come correspond with the life of obedience that we have lived here.
1/30/20179 minutes, 48 seconds
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Grape Nuts — Hot or Cold?

The secret to enjoying Grape Nuts is so special, John Piper wrote a limerick to explain.
1/28/20172 minutes, 54 seconds
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Can Loved Ones in Heaven Look Down on Me?

Although we don’t know how much our loved ones in heaven can watch us, we do know that they would encourage us to fix our eyes on Jesus.
1/27/20179 minutes, 50 seconds
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Was Any Biblical Writer Aware He Was Inspired?

The Bible is God’s word not simply because the authors said so, but because of the way God’s glory shines through it.
1/25/20176 minutes, 42 seconds
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What If I Ruin My Kids?

When God calls a woman to be a mother, it is a glorious calling, and such women should consider and embrace those glories.
1/23/201711 minutes, 1 second
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John Piper’s Prayer for President Trump

Listen to John Piper’s heart and Godward hopes for the 45th presidency of the United States.
1/20/20177 minutes, 42 seconds
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Christ Reigns over All: Biblical Survey of God’s Kingdom

The ultimate hope for all Christians is the new heaven and the new earth, where everyone will see God as King over all.
1/20/201735 minutes, 17 seconds
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Help! My Teen Is Abandoning Christ

If your child has turned from Christ, don’t despair. God loves to hear your prayers and can meet your situation with power.
1/18/201710 minutes, 37 seconds
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What Does It Mean That God Will Glorify Me? And How?

If you find praise from other people more satisfying than praise from God, you will not be able to believe on Jesus.
1/16/20178 minutes, 2 seconds
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Are Men Superior to Women?

With every difference between men and women, there is a kind of counterpoint of indispensability.
1/13/201711 minutes, 3 seconds
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I’m Exhausted — How Do I Recharge My Body Without Neglecting My Soul?

If you are a weary pastor, ask God to protect you from wasted leisure and to help you pursue God-honoring refreshment.
1/11/201713 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Waste Your Engagement: How to Prepare for Marriage

Engagement is a golden opportunity for men to set patterns of spiritual leadership and talk with their ladies about biblical and spiritual realities.
1/9/20179 minutes, 1 second
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Did John the Baptist Advocate Divorce?

Some people use Matthew 14:4 to justify divorce. But Piper shares three uncertainties in the text that should keep us from doing so.
1/6/20176 minutes, 51 seconds
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Am I Holy Enough to Take Communion?

If you are a member in good standing at your local church, renounce sin, and treasure Christ, then you should eat the Lord’s Supper with hope.
1/4/20177 minutes
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Will I Be Single for the Rest of My Life?

God promises to give his single children an everlasting monument and name better than sons and daughters.
1/2/201712 minutes, 29 seconds
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Is It Sinful to Seek Fame Online?

We must not find satisfaction in the praise of men, but in God himself and in helping others find that same satisfaction.
12/30/201610 minutes, 50 seconds
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Why Are Women More Eager Missionaries?

More single women serve in missions than single men, but God is able to give grace for every circumstance.
12/28/201610 minutes, 18 seconds
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How Does a ‘Man’s Man’ Sing to a ‘Beautiful’ Jesus?

When we see all of Jesus’s virtuous capacities and magnificent achievements, it is natural, not awkward, to call him beautiful.
12/26/201610 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Sacrifice of Christ in the Season of Christmas

We must see how sacrifice works as a theme in all of the Bible in order to fully appreciate the cross of Christ.
12/23/201623 minutes, 29 seconds
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John Piper’s Favorite Hymn

And it’s a rather obscure German hymn you’ve probably never heard — until now.
12/21/201611 minutes, 58 seconds
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Santa Claus: Harmless Fun or Tragic Distraction?

If being Jesus-focused is a killjoy for your Christmas, you don’t know him well.
12/19/20166 minutes, 23 seconds
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Will We Fear God in Heaven?

We should not exclude the prospect of trembling in and of itself from our glorified state in the age to come.
12/16/20167 minutes, 22 seconds
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Is It Sinful to Be Pregnant Before Marriage?

A pregnancy outside of marriage exposes a previous sin, but pregnancy itself is not sin. Pastor John gives three reasons why.
12/14/20168 minutes, 23 seconds
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Can Christians Benefit from Books by Nonbelievers?

It is wise to pursue a measured use of wide reading and listening — including non-Christian authors.
12/12/201610 minutes, 55 seconds
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Can We Do Whatever We Want in Heaven?

In the age to come, when there will be no more sorrow or sin, we will experience perfect freedom for the first time.
12/9/20166 minutes, 31 seconds
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I’m Paralyzed by Indecision — What Should I Do?

As you make plans, know that when God works for you, the goal of his work is to fit you for enjoying God himself.
12/7/20169 minutes, 16 seconds
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Am I Quenching the Holy Spirit?

Quenching the Spirit means despising or neglecting his gifts, refusing to express spiritual emotion, and resisting his fruit.
12/5/20167 minutes, 20 seconds
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Does God Promise to Feed and Clothe Christians?

God will give us everything we need to do his will and to glorify him most fully, even if it means death.
12/2/20168 minutes, 15 seconds
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Which Old-Testament Promises Apply to Me?

We are heirs of all God’s promises. But they are fulfilled differently today because of the work of Jesus.
11/30/20169 minutes, 6 seconds
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Talk to Your Wife About Lust

Only Christ-centered commitment enables spouses to be honest with each other about their sexual purity.
11/28/20166 minutes, 27 seconds
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Are We Overdoing the Anti-Prosperity Gospel Theme?

God does not mean to remove suffering in this life, but assure us in suffering that nothing can separate us from his love.
11/25/201612 minutes, 58 seconds
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Yes to Hating Sin, No to Hating Self

Remember your corruption enough to humble yourself, but forget whatever keeps you back from pressing on toward Christ.
11/23/201611 minutes, 15 seconds
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Should We Encourage Interracial Marriage?

Your conscience should be clear in marrying a godly, Christ-exalting spouse, whatever his or her race.
11/21/201612 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to Read a Bible Full of Promises

The Bible portrays the unfolding of history under the sovereignty of God to bring about his purposes in line with his promises.
11/18/201622 minutes, 57 seconds
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How Is Christ My Advocate If His Saving Work Is Finished?

Christ’s advocacy is the ongoing presentation of our union with him established at the cross through faith by the Spirit.
11/16/201612 minutes, 23 seconds
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Did My Lust Cause Our Miscarriage?

God wills a new humility and submission and faith through our sin and the pain of loss.
11/14/201613 minutes, 2 seconds
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Should We Obey Old Testament Law?

The prohibition of eating pork is a refusal to submit to God’s plan for the fulfillment of the Law in Jesus.
11/11/20168 minutes, 44 seconds
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What Is “Fullness of Joy” and Do I Have It?

The fullness of our joy in God will climax when we delight in the Son with the very delight that the Father has in him.
11/9/201610 minutes, 45 seconds
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Isn’t Unlimited Atonement More Glorious Than Limited Atonement?

Definite atonement triumphs over unbelief and hardness of heart and brings to pass salvation and all the purposes of God that depend on it.
11/7/201612 minutes, 19 seconds
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A Little Introduction to Covenants

We think of our Bibles as two testaments, but the notion of covenant shapes much of how God has shaped the Scriptures.
11/4/201620 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Heart of Christian Hedonism — and the Bible and Creation and Everything

The greatest happiness God pursues is the delight he takes in the echoes of his excellence in the supremely happy praises of the saints.
11/2/20169 minutes, 6 seconds
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Why Do We Celebrate the Protestant Reformation?

The Reformation celebrates how embracing Christ as our supreme treasure in faith is how we enjoy God’s fellowship.
10/31/201611 minutes
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Contrary to Roman Catholics, the Bible Is Our Sufficient Authority

If the Bible is God’s word, by definition no human authority can serve alongside it with equal authority.
10/28/20168 minutes, 48 seconds
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Is It Sinful to Watch Porn with My Spouse?

It is inconceivable that the pleasures Christ has in the church would be stimulated by his imaging a prostitute to get his juices flowing.
10/26/20168 minutes, 13 seconds
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Why Does God Regret and Repent in the Bible?

God is capable of bringing something about and both lamenting that act in one regard, while affirming it as best in another.
10/24/20169 minutes, 35 seconds
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Is It Love If I Don’t Feel It?

Our loving behavior must always include gladness in God that overflows in the hope of including other people in our joy.
10/21/201613 minutes, 27 seconds
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How Is the Law Written on Every Heart?

Real obedience to God, even though imperfect, is made possible through the work of Christ for all who believe in him.
10/19/201611 minutes
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Why Did Jesus Delay So Long Before Entering Human History?

Given the way he chose to make the gospel clear in the world, God’s preparations for Christ were necessary and fitting.
10/17/201610 minutes, 12 seconds
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Little Ears, “Big Church,” and Sensitive Sermons

Pastors should notify parents when they need to address difficult topics so they can decide if they want their children present.
10/14/20169 minutes, 29 seconds
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As a Pastor, Did You Use Church Growth Strategies?

There should be a never-ending stream of creativity in helping our people reach the lost, but theological faithfulness is essential.
10/12/201612 minutes, 48 seconds
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How Do We Prepare Our Children for Suffering?

Help your children prepare to suffer by teaching them a biblical worldview, disciplining them, and modeling joy through your own sorrow.
10/10/201610 minutes, 9 seconds
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Fight Sin, Find Rest

The fight, the striving, the narrow, the hard, the work, the warfare is not a striving to get Christ. It is a striving precisely to rest.
10/7/201610 minutes, 10 seconds
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Does Porn Use Disqualify a Pastor?

If a pastor looks at porn once, restore him with his wife and fellow elders. But if it is a pattern, he is unqualified for eldership.
10/5/20168 minutes, 53 seconds
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You Cannot Glorify God If You Find Him Boring

God created the world to present himself as glorious, not boring. Therefore, we must move beyond knowing and believing to joy.
10/3/201610 minutes, 30 seconds
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How Do I Test My Interpretations of the Bible?

There are many dangers that teachers like John Piper must guard against, but also many practices which help guard them.
9/30/20169 minutes, 55 seconds
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How Can I Minister to My Classmates This Year?

Students, you can be ready to tell someone why you have hope in Jesus.
9/28/20169 minutes, 49 seconds
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Is the Missionary Greater Than the Artist?

While God requires faithfulness from everyone, some vocations are worth twice the honor as others.
9/26/201611 minutes, 29 seconds
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Should I Confront Sin in My Non-Christian Friends?

The longer you wait to share Christ with your friends, the more perplexed they will be. Befriend and confront others in love, as Jesus did.
9/23/20168 minutes, 24 seconds
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Is Christian Hedonism Only for Complementarians?

Egalitarians can also embrace Christian Hedonism, though not all the relational details will look the same.
9/21/201612 minutes, 21 seconds
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Five Strategies for Avoiding Intellectualism

A warm, practical, affectionate relationship with the living Christ really matters.
9/19/201610 minutes, 35 seconds
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Can I Be Sure I’m Saved If Persevering Is the Proof?

God intends for his children to take heart from his promises to preserve them to the end.
9/16/201613 minutes, 36 seconds
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Why Did Jesus Not Seek His Own Glory?

Jesus does not seek private glory apart from the Father’s glory, but he does seek his glory through the Father after his redemptive work is done.
9/14/20169 minutes, 18 seconds
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Does God Love His Enemies?

Both God and his people love their human enemies, but not in the same way, since God is all-wise and all-governing, and we are finite.
9/12/20168 minutes, 10 seconds
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How Can I Soften My Own Heart?

God causes the miracle of unhardening our hearts, and we act the miracle of unhardening them.
9/9/20169 minutes, 47 seconds
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Jesus Is My Brother — But What Does That Mean?

Christ shared in our suffering as fallen mortals so that we could be included in the divine family, with Christ as our superior older brother.
9/7/201611 minutes, 59 seconds
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How Do I Pray Without Ceasing?

The command to “pray without ceasing” should motivate rather than intimidate us. Armed with joy and thankfulness, we can overflow in prayer.
9/5/201611 minutes, 8 seconds
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Should We Meet in House Churches?

Nowhere in the New Testament is it commanded or forbidden that local churches meet in homes. Leaders must use other factors to make that decision.
9/2/20168 minutes, 57 seconds
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How Do You Pray in Public, Without Performing?

Pastors must affirm the absolute power, goodness, and wisdom of God during the most tragic of circumstances to give their people comfort and hope.
8/31/201616 minutes, 35 seconds
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“I Go to Church to See Miracles” — Is That Reason Legit?

Jesus’s miracle of fish and bread proves it. An appetite for miracles is no proof one is a Christian. As John Piper explains, “Seeing the mere event of an external physical miracle should never be the goal of the Christian.”
8/30/20168 minutes, 25 seconds
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Can We Overdo Christian Hedonism?

Yes, we can overdo Christian Hedonism, “because it is possible to overemphasize anything,” says John Piper. So what are the warning signs?
8/29/20167 minutes, 28 seconds
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God’s Glory Illustrated — for Kids

When you want God over everything else, you glorify the value of God.
8/26/201610 minutes, 28 seconds
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Red, Yellow, Black, and White — Could Every Race Come from Adam, Eve, and Noah?

“The division of humanity into languages and ethnicities was a judgment from God,” says John Piper. And yet it was also part of his unfolding plan to save the nations.
8/25/20168 minutes, 40 seconds
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What Is the Role of Pentecostalism in the World?

Evangelicalism’s global growth is mainly Pentecostal, says John Piper. This is cause for celebration, and for concern, because the growth is often entangled by prosperity theology.
8/24/20166 minutes, 27 seconds
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Tragedy Overload in the Digital Age: How Do We Handle All the Bad News?

In the digital age, needs surround us. So how do we avoiding inactivity paralysis? We return to God, says John Piper, whose shoulders alone can bear the crushing weight of global suffering.
8/23/201610 minutes, 11 seconds
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If I’m Dead to Sin, Why Must I Kill It Every Day?

If Christians are born again and have therefore died to sin, why do we need to fight so hard to put sin to death?
8/22/201611 minutes, 46 seconds
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Prepare for Suffering Now

Personal suffering should not surprise us (1 Peter 4:12). The Bible not only promises it, it also teaches us how to “squeeze as much Christ-exalting meaning out of our suffering as we can.” John Piper explains.
8/18/201612 minutes, 49 seconds
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What Makes My Life Significant?

What drives John Piper? “This is one of the greatest discoveries of my life,” he recent told an audience in Italy, “that God’s purpose to be glorified and my passion to be satisfied are not at odds.”
8/17/20166 minutes, 3 seconds
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Divorce, Remarriage, and Honoring God

If you’re married, keep your promise. If you’re divorced and remarried, keep your promise. Don’t break your word a second time.
8/16/201611 minutes, 34 seconds
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Should Children Sit Through ‘Big Church’?

The greatest stumbling block for children in worship is parents who don’t cherish their own worship. We can’t impart what we don’t possess.
8/15/201612 minutes, 43 seconds
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Transgenderism: Hopes, Tensions, and Biological Roadblocks

“Until we find our rest in Christ, we will be trying to invent ourselves in ways that will only end in tears.” Rob Smith on the hopes, tensions, and roadblocks of the transgender movement.
8/12/20167 minutes, 55 seconds
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Is Technology Outpacing Our Ethics?

“Transgender surgery often contradicts the Hippocratic principle of ‘Do no harm,’” says theologian and ethicist Rob Smith in today’s episode. “You are now perhaps mutilating a perfectly healthy body to try and address a psychological problem.”
8/11/20167 minutes, 42 seconds
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What Gives Us the Right to Label Transgender Impulses as Wrong?

“Christians should get as good a grasp on questions about transgender, whether or not we have transgender friends,” says theologian and ethicist Rob Smith. “Because when a person hurts themselves, it hurts others.”
8/10/201612 minutes, 49 seconds
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What Causes Gender Dysphoria?

“God has given us distinct body and soul, but they exist in psychosomatic unity,” says theologian and ethicist Rob Smith. “The two are knit together (Psalm 139:13).” So what does this mean in the transgender debate?
8/9/20169 minutes, 11 seconds
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Why Did the Transgender Revolution Catch Us by Surprise?

“Gender dysphoria ought to evoke our compassion,” says Rob Smith, our guest this week on the podcast. “It is a horrific affliction to bear.” Smith is a theologian and ethicist at Sydney Missionary and Bible College in Australia, and for him, gender dysphoria hits home.
8/8/201612 minutes, 25 seconds
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John Piper’s Funeral Prayer for a Family of Five

What John Piper prayed at the funeral of Jamison and Kathryne Pals, 29, and their three children, 3-year-old Ezra, 23-month-old Violet, and 2-month-old Calvin.
8/6/201613 minutes, 11 seconds
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Exodus: Understanding One of the Bible’s Major Themes

“Here is the greatest redemptive event in the Old Testament to which subsequent revelation points to again and again and again,” says Don Carson. It’s worth understanding well.
8/5/201627 minutes, 37 seconds
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Paying Pastors, Church Buildings, and Weekly Sermons?

Any given Sunday — thinking biblically about pastor salaries, buildings, and the place of preaching.
8/4/201610 minutes, 17 seconds
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Three Steps to Stop Wasting Your Life

If you trust God, renounce self-reliance, and bring him into every life situation, he will make your paths straight.
8/3/20163 minutes, 45 seconds
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If the Bible Has Been Added To, Can We Trust It?

The same criteria we use to discern which passages don’t belong in the Bible are the same criteria we use to discern which passages do belong.
8/2/20168 minutes, 17 seconds
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Should I Pursue Marriage If I Doubt My Salvation?

Pastor John helps a listener who doubts his salvation discern when to seek a wife.
8/1/20167 minutes, 13 seconds
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“I Want Kids. My Husband Doesn’t”

Pastor John advises a married couple who disagree on whether or not to have kids.
7/29/201611 minutes, 55 seconds
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When Does Humor Become Sinful?

Is humor appropriate in the Christian life? Pastor John gives 5 thoughts.
7/28/201611 minutes, 10 seconds
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The World Is Full of Glory, But Only One Glory Can Save

Pastor John explains a "peculiar" glory in this message excerpt.
7/27/20164 minutes, 49 seconds
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Does John Piper Hate Fun?

In an age when many of us are infected with the vocabulary of entertainment and amusement, we need to see models of serious joy.
7/26/201611 minutes, 41 seconds
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How Do I Know Paul’s Epistles Are Relevant for My Life?

Pastor John gives reasons from the Scriptures on why the Epistles are still relevant to us today.
7/25/201610 minutes, 44 seconds
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Why Is My Delight in God So Short Lived?

We all long for enduring joy, but we often forgot a simple step: start by praying for your Bible reading before you begin.
7/22/201611 minutes, 27 seconds
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Can a Christian Blaspheme the Holy Spirit?

Blasphemy against the Spirit is a willful, determined opposition to the present power of the Holy Spirit. Christians cannot commit that kind of sin.
7/21/201610 minutes, 42 seconds
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Miracles Surround Your Life

In this sermon excerpt, Pastor John preaches on the glory of God and the miracles that surround our life.
7/20/20165 minutes, 14 seconds
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Can We Overthink the Christian Life?

It's possible to overthink the Christian life, but the majority of the Christian life is spontaneous.
7/19/201612 minutes, 22 seconds
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What’s the Goal of Our Union with Christ?

We are not made to find ultimate joy in being glorious. We are made to find ultimate joy in God.
7/18/20168 minutes, 12 seconds
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Welcomed into the Family of God: Sonship in the Bible

Tony Reinke continues his interview with guest, D.A. Carson on the topic of sonship.
7/15/201625 minutes, 51 seconds
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Is Love Fake If Motivated by Reward?

Pastor John urges Christians to remember the reward when loving others.
7/14/201613 minutes, 4 seconds
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Can Satan ‘Devour’ True Christians?

Can true, born-again Christians be devoured by Satan? No. Pastor John explains.
7/13/20167 minutes, 17 seconds
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What Is “the Joy of the Lord” and Where Can I Find It?

The joy of Jesus in us is the presence of the Holy Spirit himself. Pastor John explains.
7/12/20167 minutes, 43 seconds
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How Do I Survey All the Deep Wonders of the Cross?

Pastor John helps Christians drink deeper of the glories from the cross of Christ.
7/11/201610 minutes, 28 seconds
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Should Christians Be Patriotic?

Conflicts will come between how Christ our King calls us to live and how our homeland expects us to live. Christians are first pilgrims, not patriots.
7/1/201615 minutes, 8 seconds
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How Did Jesus ‘Learn Obedience’ and ‘Become Perfect’?

Christ was sinless, but he learned obedience while on earth. Pastor John explains.
6/30/20169 minutes, 26 seconds
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The End Is Near — Are You Ready?

The hour is coming. No one knows the time or day, but God has promised that Jesus is coming back. Are you ready?
6/29/201610 minutes, 29 seconds
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Does Medicine Impede God’s Plan for My Suffering?

Pastor John encourages Christians to seek the Lord for wisdom when it comes to medical treatment.
6/28/201612 minutes, 17 seconds
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Must I Wait for My Parents to Approve of My Future Spouse?

God has given us parents for a reason, but that does not mean that their word is the final and binding authority. That belongs to God.
6/27/20169 minutes, 59 seconds
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A Short History of Bible Clutter

Tony Reinke’s interview with Glenn Paauw dives into the pros and cons of contemporary Bible design.
6/24/201631 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Theology of Summer Vacations

God created man to have need for rest. Jesus' example provides us a framework for thinking theologizing rest and recreation.
6/23/20169 minutes, 28 seconds
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Bikinis and Modesty

Until we supremely value Christ, our attitude toward clothing will be controlled by forces that don’t honor God.
6/22/20169 minutes, 47 seconds
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How Do I Delight Myself in the Trinity?

Tony Reinke interviews Michael Reeves on delighting in the Trinity.
6/21/201611 minutes, 51 seconds
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Our Triune God Among the False gods

Tony Reinke interviews guest Michael Reeves on the Trinity.
6/20/201611 minutes, 28 seconds
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Envisioning Fatherhood

Tony Reinke interviews guest, Eric Mason, on fatherhood.
6/17/20167 minutes, 13 seconds
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Perfect Manhood on Display

Tony Reinke interviews guest, Eric Mason, on manhood.
6/16/201610 minutes, 5 seconds
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What You Admire Is What You’re Becoming

In this sermon excerpt, Pastor John preaches that what you admire is what you become.
6/15/20164 minutes, 21 seconds
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Should I Finish School Before I Marry? Six Options to Consider

Pastor John gives advice to a dating couple who are considering marriage.
6/14/20166 minutes, 35 seconds
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Spanking Is Illegal in My Country — Now What?

Pastor John gives encouragement to parents who live in countries where spanking is illegal.
6/13/20169 minutes, 24 seconds
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What Is the Difference Between ‘Called’ and ‘Chosen’?

God gives a general call for the whole word to hear and heed his gospel, but he calls only some to come to life.
6/10/20168 minutes, 28 seconds
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My Six Favorite Books on Romans

Pastor John shares the commentaries that he referenced in his study of Romans.
6/9/20169 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Outrage of History

In this sermon excerpt, Pastor John explains why we, and the universe, exist.
6/8/20165 minutes, 28 seconds
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Weddings: Don’t Break the Bank

Plan weddings at one fourth of the cost and one fourth of the stress — and double the focus on the glory of Christ.
6/7/20169 minutes, 12 seconds
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No Cremation — But Should I Gift My Body to Science?

Pastor John answers a follow-up question to the cremation question. Should Christians donate their bodies to science?
6/6/20169 minutes, 18 seconds
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How Can I Share Conflicts with My Spouse Without Gossiping?

Pastor John addresses relational conflict, and if and when to share with your spouse.
6/3/201610 minutes, 14 seconds
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Are the First and Last Commandments the Same?

In this sermon excerpt, Pastor John invites us to consider the 10 commandments, and the correlation between idolatry and covetousness.
6/2/20166 minutes, 51 seconds
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How Our Sex Life Manifests Our Soul Health

Our sexual brokenness is a result of a broken exchange — we have traded God’s glory for lesser delights.
6/1/20167 minutes, 47 seconds
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I Don’t Like My Job — Now What?

Tony Reinke interviews Tim Keller on work and doing it well.
5/31/20166 minutes, 48 seconds
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Why Grumpiness at Work Lies About God

Guest, Tim Keller, discusses the Gospel and work with Tony Reinke.
5/30/20169 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Bible Often Mentions God’s Wrath — Why Does It Matter?

Guest, Don Carson, discusses the theme of the wrath of God.
5/27/201621 minutes, 13 seconds
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I’m a Complementarian Married to an Egalitarian — Who Compromises Now?

Pastor John continues the discussion on couples who hold different theological views.
5/26/20168 minutes, 52 seconds
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Why Hell Exists

In this sermon excerpt, Pastor John preaches on the existence of Hell.
5/25/20166 minutes, 31 seconds
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How Do My Unbaptized Children Relate to the New-Covenant Promises?

As a baptist, Pastor John shares how we should view our children within the church covenant.
5/24/20167 minutes, 13 seconds
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How Do I Feed My Soul in the Hard Books of the Old Testament?

Pastor John gives encouragement for reading the Old Testament.
5/23/20168 minutes, 38 seconds
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My Friend Honored God and His Parents — Why Did He Die Young?

Does God promise long life to his children? Pastor John discusses.
5/20/20168 minutes, 49 seconds
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I See a Church Leader Living in Sexual Sin — Should I Expose Him?

Pastor John urges Christians to expose sin, and gives advice how.
5/19/20167 minutes, 17 seconds
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Why Do I Need Forgiveness? Beware of the Wrong Answers

In this sermon excerpt, Pastor John preaches on the ultimate aim of the cross for us in the forgiveness of our sins.
5/18/20167 minutes, 8 seconds
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“May I Have Two Wives?” Six Vetoes

Pastor John gives 6 vetoes to accepting polygamy.
5/17/201610 minutes, 20 seconds
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Will You Use Target’s Transgender Bathroom?

How should Christians respond to cultural evil? Not mainly by criticizing the culture, but by building a grand alternative vision of reality.
5/16/201610 minutes, 2 seconds
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What the Whole Bible Says About Sin

Guest, Don Carson, gives us a brief biblical theology of sin.
5/13/201619 minutes, 53 seconds
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Why Can’t God Eternally Love Those Who Don’t Believe in Him?

Pastor John gives 3 responses to "why can God not eternally love those who don’t believe him?"
5/12/201611 minutes, 38 seconds
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Leading with Words

Guest, Al Mohler, shares principles of leading with words in the digital age.
5/11/20166 minutes, 6 seconds
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Conviction, Humility, and Self-Confidence in the Workplace

Guest, Albert Mohler, speaks on conviction, humility, and self-confidence in the workplace.
5/10/20167 minutes, 1 second
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The Power of Storytelling in Leadership

Guest, Al Mohler, shares with us how he sees the church has failed businesspeople.
5/9/20167 minutes, 56 seconds
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What Can We Learn from ‘Black Lives Matter’?

Pastor John shares what he has learned from Black Lives Matter.
5/6/20169 minutes, 58 seconds
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How Do Money, Sex, and Power Expose the Real Me?

Money, sex, and power are God-given means that show what we value. Pastor John explains.
5/5/201611 minutes, 58 seconds
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How Our Loves Bind Our Will

In this conference message excerpt, Pastor John argues that the debate over the freedom of the will was central to the Reformation.
5/4/20166 minutes, 38 seconds
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Can Pleasure in God Really Compete with the Pleasures of Porn?

Pastor John argues that spiritual pleasure in Jesus can be intense enough to conquer ungodly physical pleasure.
5/3/201613 minutes, 15 seconds
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Correcting My Mistake with Money, Sex, and Power

Pastor John discusses the mistake he made with his new book, "Living in the Light: Money, Sex, and Power".
5/2/20168 minutes, 7 seconds
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What Is Worship?

Right worship depends on a right grasp in our minds of the way God really is, and a right response in our hearts to his worth.
4/29/20168 minutes, 25 seconds
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I’ve Already Wasted My Life — Now What?

What we’ve done isn’t the measure of what God can do through us in the future. Pastor John offers five ways forward for those who feel stuck.
4/28/20169 minutes, 21 seconds
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Why Jesus Needed a Body

In this 1995 sermon excerpt, Pastor John tells why Jesus needed a body.
4/27/20166 minutes, 36 seconds
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Should Christians Partner with Non-Christians on Social Issues?

Pastor John gives his opinion on partnering with non-Christians on social issues.
4/26/20169 minutes, 7 seconds
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What Is the Line Between Courage and Foolishness?

Pastor John discusses risk and the difference between courage and foolishness.
4/25/20168 minutes, 52 seconds
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Spoil the Grandkids? A Better Way Forward

Pastor John addresses the popular idea of grandparents spoiling their grandchildren.
4/22/20168 minutes, 20 seconds
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‘Please Help! — I’m Wandering Away from God’

No matter how deep your sin, God’s grace is greater. God always stands ready to pardon those who would come to him through Christ.
4/21/201612 minutes, 48 seconds
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Is the Christian Life Peace or War?

In this sermon excerpt, Pastor John preaches about the Christian life of rest and war.
4/20/20169 minutes, 33 seconds
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Do We Have Joy or Fight for It?

Pastor John talks about his fight for joy.
4/19/201610 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ten Principles for Personal Productivity

How can we approach our responsibilities so that we make the most of life for Christ? Pastor John provides ten principles for personal productivity.
4/18/201612 minutes, 35 seconds
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When Worldly “Freedoms” Become Sinister Shackles

Pastor John addresses Christian freedom for marriage and singleness.
4/15/201613 minutes, 7 seconds
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Sneak Peek of John’s Next Book

Pastor John gives us a sneak peek of his upcoming book.
4/14/201610 minutes, 50 seconds
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Jesus Is Real, Living, Precious, and Present

In this sermon excerpt, Pastor John preaches on what it means to be "in" the Word, and having a closeness with Christ.
4/13/20169 minutes, 43 seconds
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Will God Hurt Me and Call It Good?

Pastor John connects the goodness of God with the wisdom of God, and how we can trust God when his goodness seems arbitrary.
4/12/20169 minutes, 10 seconds
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My Young Life Has Been Physically Ruined — Now What?

Pastor John encourages young people who have a life-altering disability.
4/11/201610 minutes, 47 seconds
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Gospel Hope for Self-Haters

In this special episode, Tony Reinke interviews David Powlison about self-hate among Christians.
4/8/201649 minutes, 4 seconds
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Does My Soul Sleep After Death?

What happens after we die? Do we go directly to be with Christ, or do our souls sleep until Christ returns at the second coming?
4/7/201610 minutes, 28 seconds
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To Spiritually Float Is to Dangerously Drift

In this sermon excerpt, Pastor John addresses the dangers of a drifting Christian.
4/6/201610 minutes, 19 seconds
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Look at the Book — Should Preachers Draw on Texts During Their Sermons?

Pastor John explains why he does not use or recommend visual media during preaching.
4/5/20169 minutes, 56 seconds
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My Pastor Uses Pre-Made Sermons — Should I Be Concerned?

Secondhand sermons will not suffice. Preaching requires pastors who see the beauty of truth and express the value of it for themselves.
4/4/20169 minutes, 42 seconds
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How Do You Use Your iPhone and iPad in Christian Growth?

Pastor John shares how he uses technology for his Christian life.
4/1/201617 minutes, 9 seconds
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I Slept with My Girlfriend — Now What?

Unmarried couples who sleep together lose something precious. But if Christ is their treasure, his grace still reigns over their shame.
3/31/201614 minutes, 34 seconds
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Social Justice on Purpose

In a 2008 sermon, Pastor John preaches on loving God by loving others.
3/30/20167 minutes, 29 seconds
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How Our Faith and Law-Keeping Work Together in the Christian Life

Pastor John explains how our faith and law keeping work together in the Christian life
3/29/201616 minutes, 14 seconds
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Should Christians Swear on the Bible?

Pastor John explains why he would not swear on the Bible.
3/28/20167 minutes, 44 seconds
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A Biblical Theology of Resurrection

Guest Don Carson helps us understand and appreciate the Bible’s theology of resurrection.
3/25/201619 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ten Ways Easter Changes Everything

To say the resurrection changes everything may fell extreme. But as you read the Bible, you see it is no exaggeration to say that it truly changed everything.
3/24/201612 minutes, 15 seconds
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Stop Living a Half-Life with God

God alone secured our salvation. We can take no credit. This biblical view of salvation keeps us humble and grounded.
3/23/20167 minutes, 16 seconds
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Seven Simple Tips to Refresh Your Prayer Life

God loves when his children pray. Pastor John shares seven practical ways to refresh your prayer life.
3/22/201611 minutes, 59 seconds
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A Plea for a Radical Christian Wartime Lifestyle in the Retirement Years

Pastor John gives his plea for radical Christian wartime in retirement.
3/21/201611 minutes, 24 seconds
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Did Biblical Writers Mature over Time?

Pastor John shares his principles on Bible interpretation related to Paul's maturity over time.
3/18/201611 minutes, 7 seconds
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Gospel Hope for Cultural Pessimists

Pastor John gives gospel hope for cultural pessimists.
3/17/20169 minutes, 16 seconds
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You Were Made to Celebrate

In this sermon excerpt, Pastor John preaches that celebration comes naturally to us because we were made to rejoice.
3/16/20166 minutes, 59 seconds
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Gospel Wisdom for Approval Junkies

Pastor John shares wisdom for approval junkies.
3/15/201610 minutes, 8 seconds
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Is My Dating Relationship Idolatrous?

Pastor John gives counsel to a young woman who fears her relationship with her boyfriend is idolatrous.
3/14/20169 minutes, 1 second
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A Theology of Creation in 12 Points

Guest, Don Carson, focuses on the implications of Creation in the first two chapters of Genesis.
3/11/201619 minutes, 13 seconds
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May Christian Doctors Help Patients Die If the Law Permits?

Pastor John discusses physician assisted suicide.
3/10/201611 minutes, 12 seconds
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Jesus Is Not Dead, Absent, Boring, or Predictable

Jesus is not dead, boring, or predictable as John Piper explains from the conversion of Paul.
3/9/201611 minutes, 3 seconds
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Is Oprah Right on Psalm 37:4?

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Oprah missed the most important part of the verse: God himself.
3/8/201611 minutes, 32 seconds
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Jerry Bridges (1929–2016): Five Lessons from a Remarkable Life of Faith

Life lessons from Jerry Bridges, who passed away at the age of 86.
3/7/20167 minutes, 37 seconds
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Does Sin Have a Necessary Place in God’s Plan for the Universe?

Pastor John shares why sin is part of God’s ultimate plan.
3/7/20169 minutes, 29 seconds
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Why Casinos Always Win in the End

Guest, Vern Poythress, explains why casinos don't lose money.
3/4/201614 minutes, 18 seconds
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Should We Flip a Coin to Find God’s Will?

Guest, Vern Poythress discusses chance and the sovereignty of God.
3/3/201611 minutes, 24 seconds
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Why Going to Church Does Not Make You a Christian

In this sermon excerpt, Piper recounts when he discovered his desire for Christ was too weak.
3/2/20168 minutes, 1 second
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‘My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?’ Didn’t Jesus Already Know?

Why did Jesus cry out, “Why have you forsaken me?” if he already knew why? Pastor John gives three reasons.
3/1/20169 minutes, 19 seconds
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Has My Sexual Sin Made Me Unsavable?

Pastor John extends biblical counsel to those who struggle with sexual sin and worry that they may be beyond repentance.
2/29/201613 minutes, 41 seconds
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How Do I Wisely Tell a Professing Believer I Don’t Think He Is Saved?

Many profess, but not all believe. Pastor John offers seven ways to approach someone who does not display the fruits of the Spirit.
2/26/201610 minutes, 42 seconds
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Four Reasons to Share Your Personal Struggles with Non-Christians

Pastor John counsels Christians, in wisdom, to share their weaknesses with unbelievers.
2/25/20168 minutes, 34 seconds
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Jesus Did Not Stop at Making Salvation Possible

In this sermon excerpt, Pastor John preaches that "the cross was not a tragic event God turned for good. It was a loving event God planned for good.”
2/24/20167 minutes, 47 seconds
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Help Me Trust in God’s Sovereign Goodness over My Wearisome Life

When the burdens and monotony of life in a fallen world cloud our view of Christ, where can we turn and what can we do to see more clearly again?
2/23/201612 minutes, 15 seconds
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How Do I Live the Authentic Christian Life?

The authentic Christian life is the obedient Christian life. Pastor John shares an acronym that helps him to walk in the power that God supplies.
2/22/201610 minutes, 27 seconds
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Could a Complementarian / Egalitarian Marriage Work?

Can a complementarian and an egalitarian ever get along in a marriage? Or is the difference of belief too fundamental to for the relationship to work?
2/19/20165 minutes, 42 seconds
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How Are God’s Attributes “Clearly Perceived” by Everyone?

Romans 1 tells us that the existence of God, along with his attributes, are evident to everyone. Does this mean that even atheists have some knowledge of God?
2/18/20168 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Christian’s Great Vocation

Every believer is written in the Lamb’s book of life. That’s not just a privilege for eternal life later but a humble, happy, and satisfied life now.
2/17/20168 minutes, 9 seconds
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Doesn’t the Bible Tell Christians to Put Homosexuals to Death?

Putting practicing homosexuals to death belonged to a particular season in the history of God’s dealings with his people.
2/16/201613 minutes, 39 seconds
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Should Christians Tolerate False Religious Beliefs?

Christians should tolerate other belief systems not because we think we are all correct, but because we desire people to come freely — not under coercion — to understand the truth.
2/15/201612 minutes
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An Overview of the Whole Bible

If we are going to understand specific parts of the Bible, then we need to understand the flow of redemptive history. Special guest, D.A. Carson, walks us through the entire Bible in half an hour.
2/12/201633 minutes, 50 seconds
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May I Split My Giving Between My Church and Another Ministry?

Opportunities abound for Christians to give money and resources, but should we prioritize giving to our churches first and foremost?
2/11/20168 minutes, 3 seconds
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We Will Sing Bloody Songs Forever

The song of the redeemed will resound forever in heaven because of the Lamb whose slaying was planned before the foundation of the world.
2/10/20165 minutes, 57 seconds
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Why Do Christians Worship Together on Sundays?

If Christians have the freedom to gather and worship on any day of the week, why have we traditionally assembled on Sundays?
2/9/201611 minutes, 16 seconds
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Why Do Christians Fast?

Fasting is a way of saying with our stomach and our whole body how much we need and want and trust Jesus.
2/8/201613 minutes, 42 seconds
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Romantic Love Is a Wonderful Gift — and a Terrible God

Romance can neither ground nor sustain a good marriage. We need something deeper, and much more steadfast to stand on.
2/5/20168 minutes, 26 seconds
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My Child’s Greatest Need

Awe is an important principle for parenting. We can cast most of our struggles with our children as helping our kids redirect their awe to the proper place.
2/4/20167 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Single Aim of All Ministry

We should never keep our awe in God to ourselves. So how can we—especially ministry leaders—experience a depth of awe that overflows others?
2/3/20169 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Spiritual Battle with Weight Loss

Diets and quick-fix programs for weight loss don’t work because weight loss is actually a spiritually battle that requires us to get our hearts right first.
2/2/20165 minutes, 28 seconds
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God’s Glory Must Enchant Us

God’s astounding glory and majesty should awe us. If we don’t live with a fearful sense of his glory, then we miss one of our greatest paths to intimacy with God.
2/1/20168 minutes, 48 seconds
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How Do You Humbly Receive Harsh Feedback?

We all need constructive criticism to help us grow and mature. But how do we respond to feedback that seems harsh, and perhaps downright rude?
1/29/201610 minutes, 12 seconds
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If We Have the Holy Spirit, Do We Need Other Teachers?

God has granted us his word and his Spirit to guide us into all truth. Does that mean we don’t really need anyone to teach or instruct us in the ways of the faith.
1/28/20169 minutes, 46 seconds
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What Is ‘Glorified Joy’ and Can I Get It?

The Bible speaks not only about joy but “inexpressible joy” and “glorified joy.” Is it really possible for us to experience such bliss on this side of heaven?
1/27/20169 minutes, 54 seconds
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How Do You Synthesize Your Simple Lifestyle and Speaking at Expensive Conferences?

Christian ministries often spend significant amounts of money on conferences, marketing, and other things that can seem excessive. Do such expenses align with a wartime lifestyle?
1/26/201613 minutes, 44 seconds
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What Is Discipleship and How Is It Done?

We all know the call to make disciples of all nations, but where do we start? And how do we know if we have actually succeeded?
1/25/20169 minutes, 16 seconds
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What Truths Do We Need from Outside the Bible?

Scripture is sufficient, and yet there is a lot that we can learn from natural revelation. How do we evaluate those truths not contained in the Bible?
1/22/20169 minutes, 22 seconds
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How Do We Know We Cannot Sin in Heaven?

If Adam and Eve sinned in the paradise of Eden, how do we know we won’t sin in the next paradise of the new heavens and the new earth?
1/21/20169 minutes
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How Christ Sensitizes Us to Reality

In a 2015 message, Pastor John preaches that the gospel brings life, and in this life comes sensitivity to reality, and there is great sadness in reality.
1/20/20167 minutes, 57 seconds
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Can I Be Blotted from the Book of Life?

Several passages in Scripture mention being blotted out of the book of life. Does this mean genuine believers can lose their salvation?
1/19/20168 minutes, 34 seconds
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Is God Sovereign over My Free Will?

We do not have ultimate self-determination, but we will all give an account to God for our choices.
1/18/201610 minutes, 25 seconds
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Why Was Jesus Baptized?

Jesus clearly stated that he needed John to baptize him. But why would Jesus need to go through the waters of baptism if he had not sinned?
1/15/20166 minutes, 33 seconds
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Humbly Handling the Offense of the Gospel with Non-Christians

In a pluralistic world, Christianity faces all sorts of backlash against its exclusive claims. How can we respond well to the claims of other religions?
1/14/201611 minutes, 11 seconds
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Who Is Jesus to You?

Jesus Christ is the Alpha and the Omega. He never had a beginning and will have no end. He is fully and completely God.
1/13/20168 minutes, 57 seconds
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Four Ways to Kill the Sin of Habitual Suspicion

Sometimes it’s too easy to question others’ motives, especially if we think they want something from us. How do we fight that tendency to suspicion?
1/12/20165 minutes, 52 seconds
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What Does It Mean for a Man to Lead His Family Spiritually?

Husbands take their cues from Christ, who gave himself up for the church. How can Christian men serve their wives and kids while leading them?
1/11/201615 minutes, 21 seconds
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Will God Call Me to a Career I Don’t Enjoy?

Can a believer ever be called to a lifelong career that they do not enjoy? Pastor John explains why we should ask a different question.
1/8/20167 minutes, 47 seconds
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Strategies for When Life Seems Aimless

When seasons of waiting make you feel aimless and without purpose, what truths from Scripture can keep you moving forward.
1/7/201612 minutes, 5 seconds
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What’s the Most Neglected Spiritual Discipline?

Which spiritual discipline can help awaken our appetite for God, but is rarely practiced well today?
1/6/20166 minutes, 26 seconds
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What Spiritual Disciplines Are Most Important?

Taking in the word of God and talking to him in prayer are the most basic, fundamental disciplines. But is there a way to do both of those better?
1/5/20165 minutes, 31 seconds
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How Do I Know If I’m Doing the Spiritual Disciplines Right?

Discipline is a mark of a believer in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit gives us new desires to see and savor Jesus Christ wherever we can find him.
1/4/20166 minutes, 51 seconds
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Why We Need Personal and Congregational Disciplines

The spiritual disciplines are habits to be engaged in personally and corporately. We need time alone with God, and we need time together with his people.
1/1/20167 minutes, 21 seconds
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What Are Spiritual Disciplines?

What makes a discipline spiritual, and what makes a spiritual practice a discipline? Don Whitney addresses six characteristics of Christian spiritual disciplines.
12/31/20158 minutes, 9 seconds
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What Are the Biggest Challenges Facing the Evangelical Church in 2016?

Every generation faces unique issues, but the most pressing, most urgent Christians remain the same year in and year out.
12/30/20158 minutes, 4 seconds
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Why Sexual Metaphors of Jesus and His Bride Embarrass Us

Marriage — including sexual intimacy — portrays Jesus’s relationship with the church. Pastor John explains how.
12/29/201512 minutes, 54 seconds
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Are We Saved by Belief in God or by Delight in God?

Faith, defined biblically, not only believes in Jesus Christ but also treasures him as the supreme value of all the universe.
12/28/201512 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Key to Experiencing Christmas Peace in Your Life Today

Christmas is a time for relishing in the peace that God offers the whole world through Jesus Christ, but we will only have it if we put our faith in the one who took on flesh that first Christmas.
12/25/20159 minutes, 50 seconds
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Glory to God and Peace on Earth

The birth of Jesus at Christmas enables glory to ascend forever to God and peace to descend on his people forever.
12/24/20155 minutes, 51 seconds
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Santa Claus: Harmless Fun or Christmastime Diversion?

Compared to all the riches of knowing Jesus Christ, even the best gift Santa could bring is little more than a lump of coal.
12/23/20157 minutes, 31 seconds
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Truth or Fiction: Did Herod Really Slaughter Baby Boys in Bethlehem?

Matthew’s Gospel recounts Herod’s infanticide of baby boys in Bethlehem, but no other historical sources appear to mention this tragedy. Did it really happen?
12/22/201512 minutes, 46 seconds
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Should Missionaries Fundraise?

Lots of missionaries raise their own support for ministry. Does the Bible have any examples of this kind of support-raising that we can look to as a model?
12/21/20159 minutes, 48 seconds
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Does the Cross Show How Valuable I Am?

Does the cross of Christ show how valuable we are? Or how enormous sin is that we need a Savior?
12/18/20159 minutes, 26 seconds
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Four Signs Food Has Become an Idol

When our contentment in God fades, food quickly takes its place. Pastor John focuses on the secret to winning the war for our desires.
12/17/20159 minutes, 17 seconds
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I Will Not Leave Jesus — But I’m Done with the Church

“I’m done with the organized church, but I still love Jesus.” If you walk away from the church, you walk away from Jesus.
12/16/20153 minutes, 18 seconds
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Should I Hate Satan?

We know Satan has been working evil since the beginning. But should we actually hate him? Pastor John explains why we should.
12/15/20159 minutes, 35 seconds
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Where Did Satan’s First Desire for Evil Come From?

We may not be able to explain how Satan became evil, but we do know that God did not compromise his goodness or glory in allowing Satan’s fall.
12/14/201512 minutes, 25 seconds
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I Read the Bible and Feel Nothing — What Should I Do?

Never settle for passionless Bible reading. Lean in, pray for God to open your eyes, and keep searching for treasure for your heart.
12/11/201511 minutes, 38 seconds
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Do I Own My Art? On Intellectual Property Rights

Are property and intellectual rights selfish, or do they actually match up with clear biblical principles?
12/10/201511 minutes, 16 seconds
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You Have a Lawyer in Heaven’s Court

Our salvation isn’t just a once-and-done event, but a lifetime of drawing near to God through Jesus Christ, our high priest.
12/9/20157 minutes, 1 second
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What Does It Mean to Live in God’s Presence?

For Christians indwelt by the Spirit, God is always in us and with us. But sometimes, he exerts his influence for our good in unique, unmistakeable ways.
12/8/20158 minutes, 31 seconds
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How Do I Know God’s Calling for My Life?

Should I stay and send, or should I go to the mission field? Pastor John gives seven factors to keep in mind when weighing a calling to missions.
12/7/201512 minutes, 18 seconds
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Counsel for Online Shopping Addicts?

Shopping today is more convenient than ever, especially online. But what should we do when online shopping becomes more than just a convenience?
12/4/201510 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Holy Kiss — Relevant Today or Not?

The New Testament mentions greeting one another with a kiss four times. Is that just an outmoded cultural practice, or is there something we can learn from it today?
12/3/20159 minutes, 52 seconds
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Your Suffering Is Working for You

For every believer, we can know with complete confidence that God is not only with us sin our pain, but is producing glory through every ounce of our suffering.
12/2/201512 minutes, 16 seconds
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Is God Directing My Life Through My Anxieties?

God can use anything he wants — even sin — to lead and guide his people. But that doesn’t mean we should seek out sinful means just because God can sovereignly use them.
12/1/20159 minutes, 21 seconds
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When Am I Ready to Become a Christian?

I’ve heard the gospel, but how can I be sure that I am truly ready to surrender my whole life to Jesus Christ?
11/30/201512 minutes, 21 seconds
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What Will My Happiness Look Like in Heaven?

God offers all of his children joy in Christ now. But compared to heaven, those are just mere glimpses of what is to come.
11/27/20154 minutes, 49 seconds
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Christian Joy and Feasting

Throughout the Scriptures, God’s people feast as an expression of their joy in the Lord. What would it look like for the church to be known for celebration and joy?
11/26/201510 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Two Sworn Enemies of Our Joy

Sin and anxiety threaten to still our happiness every day. Thankfully, Jesus offers us greater pleasure than sin and an antidote to all our worry.
11/25/20156 minutes, 20 seconds
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If God Is Happy, Why Does He Seem Bad-Tempered?

As we read the Bible, we see a God who is righteously angry at sin. But we can’t let that overshadow the reality that God is a fundamentally happy being.
11/24/20157 minutes, 31 seconds
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Is Happiness Different from Joy?

We often hear that joy and happiness are fundamentally different. But does this idea actually hold up to the way the Bible presents the concepts of happiness and joy to us?
11/23/201512 minutes, 40 seconds
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What’s the Point of Thinking Deeply About God?

If we are inclined to embrace emotion more than thinking, what biblical truths might help us embrace a balance between passion and intellect?
11/20/20159 minutes, 54 seconds
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When Should Non-Quitters Quit?

Do I dishonor God when I quit something that I have committed to? What if that commitment prevents me from doing other things that honor the Lord?
11/19/20158 minutes, 1 second
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Even in Setbacks, God Is Lacing Your Life into an Infinite Storyline

So much of our lives seem ordinary, or even trivial. But the truth is that nothing done for Christ’s sake is ever ordinary.
11/18/20156 minutes, 46 seconds
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Four Key Ways We Enjoy God in Our Work

Our vocation isn’t something we do apart from efforts to know and enjoy God. Rather, our work should be the very sphere where we publicly enjoy and show off the glory of God.
11/17/201514 minutes, 11 seconds
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Articulating the Glorious Cross to an Atonement-Rejecting Culture

Substitutionary atonement may not appeal to modern sensibilities, and even seems unjust to some. But if we lose Christ in our place, we lose the gospel.
11/16/201512 minutes, 22 seconds
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Am I Righteous Enough to Enjoy the Promises in the Psalms?

The psalmists regularly plead their own righteousness before God. Can Christians today do the same, even though we know just how sinful we really are?
11/13/20157 minutes, 48 seconds
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Do I Delight in God or in Others Being Impressed by My Discovery About God?

In our personal communion with the Lord, we want the highlight of our time to be worship an adoration, not just more ideas and notes for our next sermon or Bible study.
11/12/201511 minutes, 31 seconds
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What Does It Mean to Receive Jesus into My Life?

If God gave his only Son, then that means that we must receive him. But what does it really mean to receive Jesus Christ?
11/11/201511 minutes, 44 seconds
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Nine Forceful Warnings to Confront Your Friend’s Adultery

Pursuing romance outside of marriage might seem like it offers a path to pleasure and joy, but in the end, it obscures the only way to life and sets you on a road to destruction.
11/10/20159 minutes, 13 seconds
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Six Ways Parents of Rebellious Children Fight for Faith

Every believing parent longs to see their children walking with the Lord. But what can a mom or dad do when their son or daughter rebels?
11/9/20159 minutes, 35 seconds
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Gun to Your Head, Will You Deny Christ?

Would we really stand for Christ in the moment our life is on the line? What if we’re really not sure?
11/6/20159 minutes, 11 seconds
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Is Tardiness and Punctuality a Christian Witness Issue?

Tardiness may not seem like a big deal, but when it becomes a habit, it can really disrupt someone’s life. So how can brothers and sisters in Christ help each other deal with chronic lateness?
11/5/20158 minutes, 50 seconds
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Hope in Eternal Purity, Aim at Daily Purity

The new birth changes our status before God and how we act in the world. We now fight for purity as adopted children of the Most High.
11/4/20156 minutes, 6 seconds
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Can My Life Be Plagued by Generational Sins, Hexes, or Curses?

Christ has freed all his people from any and every Christ. All who take refuge in him need no longer fear any generational sin, hex, curse, or anything else.
11/3/20159 minutes, 51 seconds
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How Do I Praise Others but Avoid Flattery?

The Bible calls us to encourage one another, but how do we prevent encouragement and praise from devolving into flattery?
11/2/201511 minutes, 31 seconds
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No Creed But the Bible?

If Scripture is the Christian’s primary guide, then why do we need confessions of faith? Shouldn’t we just stick to the Bible?
10/30/201512 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Major Obstacle in Forgiving Others

Even when others won’t acknowledge the wrong they have committed, Jesus still calls his people to love, forgive, and forebear.
10/29/201511 minutes, 12 seconds
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Would You Settle for One Million Dollars?

The inheritance we have in Christ far outvalues anything this world can offer. Our eternal treasure is safe and secure in him.
10/28/20157 minutes, 45 seconds
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Why Do Non-Christian Novelists Know the Human Condition So Well?

When we reject God, we suppress the truth. But we can never escape all that is true, good, and beautiful in our Father’s world.
10/27/201511 minutes, 21 seconds
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Knowledge Exists Because God Exists

God has known himself perfectly for all eternity, and now he knows every aspect of his world perfectly. So as we come to learn and discover, we are simply thinking God’s thoughts after him.
10/26/20154 minutes, 57 seconds
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Does God Delight in Destroying Sinners?

The Bible seems to say that God does not take pleasure in death, and yet that he takes delight in executing his wrath. Is this a contradiction, or can they both be true?
10/23/20158 minutes, 9 seconds
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Everything About God Is About Everything

Nothing exists that does not relate directly to God. In other words, everything about God is also about everything in this world.
10/22/20156 minutes, 1 second
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When Depression Descends, Do the Next Thing

Do not underestimate the power of preaching to your soul and singing to God when you can’t shake spiritual darkness.
10/21/20157 minutes, 13 seconds
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How Should Christians Think About Socialism?

How does socialism borrow from the Bible? And how does socialism differ from biblical principles on compassion and justice?
10/20/20159 minutes, 48 seconds
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Is the Refugee Crisis an End-Times Event?

As peoples spread and migrate across the globe, Christianity ebbs and flows. But there is no reason to believe that God won’t use the movement of peoples to advance the gospel.
10/19/20159 minutes, 53 seconds
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Should I Care at All What People Think of Me?

Christ frees every believer from being overly concerned with what others think. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t care at all.
10/16/20158 minutes, 55 seconds
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God Wrote a Book — That Changes All Other Books

Good books have so much to offer for the Christian life. Pastor John describes seven ways books have shaped him personally.
10/15/201510 minutes, 20 seconds
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Loving Money Is Suicide

We all need money and we all use money. But when we begin to seek happiness in money, we are taking steps toward destruction.
10/14/20155 minutes, 24 seconds
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What’s the Difference Between Self-Love and Self-Esteem?

Jesus commands us to love others as we love ourselves. Does that mean he wants us to have high self-esteem?
10/13/201510 minutes, 17 seconds
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Eight Promises to Students Facing Ridicule at School

How can a student face persecution from their peers at school? What promises can they hold on to when all seems to be shaking?
10/12/20159 minutes, 34 seconds
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Do Arminians Preach a Sufficient Gospel?

Spurgeon seemed to say that Arminians preach an insufficient gospel. But can our theological commitments really ruin our gospel presentation to the point that it’s completely defective?
10/9/20159 minutes, 26 seconds
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Is God Only Glorified by People Who Love Him?

God will receive glory from every part of his creation, even from those who rebel against him. But he receives most glory from the believer when our hearts find our fullest satisfaction in him.
10/8/20156 minutes, 18 seconds
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Consistent Spiritual Discipline Is Not Legalism

Consistent spiritual discipline is Christian living and is not legalistic.
10/7/20156 minutes, 28 seconds
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Does the Bible Say True Christians Never Sin?

Some texts in the Bible, like 1 John 5:18, may seem difficult to understand at first. But with a little digging, nuggets of gold are sure to surface.
10/6/20158 minutes, 42 seconds
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Doesn’t the Cross Display God’s Wrath Better Than Hell?

If Christ already bore the wrath of God on the cross, then is hell just redundant? Does hell take away from the glory of what Christ accomplished?
10/5/20158 minutes, 36 seconds
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Don’t Neglect the Work of Speck Removing

Before correcting a brother or sister in Christ, how certain must we be that our own outlook is free from sin and deceit?
10/2/20158 minutes, 53 seconds
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Can God Be Sovereign over All Sin and Still Be Good?

How we talk about God’s absolute sovereignty, right down to our word choice, makes a big difference in how people receive this precious truth.
10/1/201510 minutes, 9 seconds
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Does Netflix Make Christ More Precious to You?

The accommodations of our modern world aren’t all inherently sinful. But unless they serve our faithfulness to Jesus, what good are they?
9/30/20158 minutes, 26 seconds
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Should Christians Start Revolutions or Just Live Quietly?

First Thessalonians 4:11 says that we should “live a quiet life.” Do Jesus’s and Paul’s lives measure up to that instruction?
9/29/20157 minutes, 43 seconds
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Will God Ever Give Us More Than We Can Handle?

Many Christians say, “God will never give us more than we can handle.” But the truth of that statement depends on two key words.
9/28/20159 minutes, 18 seconds
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What’s the Difference Between Peace and Joy?

God desires that we have both peace and joy as we walk with him. How to joy and peace relate, and how do they differ?
9/25/20158 minutes, 35 seconds
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When Should We Pray for God to Take Us Home?

When we learn that our time on this earth is short, what truths can help us live out our last days with joy?
9/24/20159 minutes, 4 seconds
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Truths You Will Need When Cancer Hits

The Bible speaks to our toughest moments.
9/23/20155 minutes, 41 seconds
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Seven Tips for College Students

Do what you have to do to be radically devoted to Jesus and his holiness.
9/22/20158 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Joy Project

The doctrines of grace invite us to discover the endless fountain of all joy. Let The Joy Project guide you on a journey to uncover those riches of happiness.
9/21/20154 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Help Friends Escape the Prosperity Gospel

The prosperity gospel may be easy to critique from a distance, but what about when it comes home? How can you talk to close friends and loved ones who have accepted the so-called prosperity “gospel”?
9/20/201511 minutes, 23 seconds
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How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse

What if zombie stories and movies weren’t just mindless horror but could actually teach us about the true nature of our world?
9/18/20156 minutes, 21 seconds
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If My Work Can Be Used for Evil, What Should I Do?

If my work can be corrupted by others for evil purposes, does that cancel out any good that I achieve?
9/17/20156 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Only Escape from Our Boasting

We love to enjoy the benefits of the gospel, but the gospel is actually not an end in itself. So what is the ultimate goal of the gospel?
9/16/20154 minutes, 17 seconds
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If My Government Funds Abortions, Why Pay Taxes?

Our tax dollars inevitably end up at places like Planned Parenthood — an organization that takes innocent life. Is it wrong to continue contributing taxes to a government that underwrites sin?
9/15/20157 minutes
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If Babies Go to Heaven, Why Oppose Abortion?

Some argue, “If aborted babies go to heaven, why is abortion such a big deal?” Pastor John gives six reasons why Christians must never compromise.
9/14/20157 minutes, 42 seconds
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Is Kim Davis Right to Refuse Marriage Licenses?

In August 2015, Kim Davis, a county clerk in Kentucky, refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Was she right to do so?
9/11/201513 minutes, 24 seconds
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How to Engage Culture and Swim Against It

As you swim in the culture, be a dolphin that cuts through the currents, not a jellyfish that goes with the flow.
9/11/201511 minutes, 10 seconds
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Are Comfortable Christians Compromisers?

When everything in life is going well, should we be worried because we are not experiencing the suffering Scripture promises?
9/10/20156 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Love You’ll Never Get from Hollywood

The love of God in the Bible can sometimes be difficult to understand, like when Jesus lets Lazarus die because he loves him. What is love in a passage like that?
9/9/20156 minutes, 52 seconds
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Hope for Hard Marriages

If you are in a discouraging marriage, don’t focus on whether your marriage is pleasing to the Lord. Focus on whether you are.
9/8/201512 minutes, 25 seconds
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Should Energy Drinks Fuel the Christian Life?

When thinking about energy drinks, we need to ask if the stimulant is masking a deeper problem, becoming a new master in our lives, or harming other people.
9/7/201511 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Passions That Prevent Adultery

New passions, new affections, produce new conduct. I am a Christian Hedonist for theological reasons. I am after people’s affections because all of our behaviors come from this.
9/4/20153 minutes, 54 seconds
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How Does God’s Forgiveness Free Us from Idols?

In a fallen world, we will never rid ourselves completely from the threat of and allure of idols. But the gospel has the power to free us to live from security and stability.
9/4/20159 minutes, 2 seconds
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Why Are Relationships Thin in the Digital Age?

Social media allows us to connect with high numbers of people, but often those relationships remain thin. For security in our identity, we need depth, not just breadth.
9/3/20157 minutes, 21 seconds
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Has My Phone Become My Idol? Three Diagnostic Questions

How do I know if my smartphone plays too prominent a role in my life? Dr. Richard Lints offers pointed questions to help you diagnose your screen time habits.
9/2/20155 minutes, 35 seconds
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Why Are Control Freaks Prone to Idols?

We all desire control. But when we realize that we are far from having any real control over our lives, we look for something we can easily manipulate — like a smartphone.
9/1/20158 minutes, 28 seconds
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Why We Never Find Our Identity Inside of Ourselves

In an individualistic era, we like to think that we can just be who we are. But in fact, we are only who we are in relation to others — and most especially in relationship to God himself.
8/31/20157 minutes, 1 second
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How Often Should We Voice Our Views on Homosexuality Online?

When addressing contentious cultural issues like homosexuality, Christians should never merely voice our opinions. We are stewards of God’s very grace and truth.
8/28/20157 minutes, 6 seconds
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When Should We Vent over Social Sins?

Outcries over social ills say something about God, but so does silence. So when should we vent over social sins?
8/27/201512 minutes, 12 seconds
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How Is God Directing My Life?

God’s words lead us to the path of life. They help us see that God is sovereign, a shelter for the needy, and a treasure to those who love him.
8/26/20157 minutes, 29 seconds
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When Should I Get Rid of My Smartphone?

Our smartphone will not destroy us. But our love for it can. Ask the Lord to make it plain when the time has come to get rid of your smartphone.
8/25/201510 minutes, 16 seconds
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If I Fail to Forgive Others, Will God Not Forgive Me?

The love and forgiveness every believer experiences from God came at the highest price of God’s own Son. How could we ever hold back that grace and mercy from others?
8/24/201510 minutes, 38 seconds
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John Piper’s Prayer at Planned Parenthood

On August 22, 2015, Christians and others gathered around the country to protest Planned Parenthood and government funding for the organization. Listen to Pastor Piper’s prayer from the gathering in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
8/22/20155 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Case for Satan

Satan is real. He has massive influence all over the world, and he never tires of wreaking havoc wherever he is able.
8/21/201510 minutes, 2 seconds
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Does Proverbs Promise My Child Will Not Stray?

The Bible never promises that the children of believers will grow up and still follow Jesus. But that doesn’t mean parents are helpless in shepherding their littles ones to the Lord.
8/20/201513 minutes, 51 seconds
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Our Theology Is Meant to Flatten Us

How do you stay humble when God blesses you? How do we guard against pride when others notice that blessing too?
8/19/201510 minutes, 27 seconds
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What’s the Difference Between Types and Analogies?

The Bible uses types to teach us about the single stream of redemptive history that culminates in Christ. But are types really any different than analogies?
8/18/20159 minutes, 19 seconds
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You Are More Sinful Than You Know, More Loved Than You Imagine

Our sin can overwhelm us, leaving us depressed and feeling stripped of value. How do we face our sin honestly without falling into hopelessness?
8/17/201513 minutes, 11 seconds
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How Culturally Up-to-Date Must My Pastor Be?

A pastor can’t be an expert on every news trend, but he can help shape a biblical worldview in his people so they can wrestle with the issues on their own.
8/14/20159 minutes, 3 seconds
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Should Women Be Police Officers?

The Bible prescribes different roles for men and women, but are those roles just for the home and the church?
8/13/20159 minutes, 29 seconds
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The God Who Commands Our Emotions

If telling someone to be happy doesn’t make them happy, then why does the Bible constantly command us to feel a certain way?
8/12/20157 minutes, 58 seconds
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Watershed Differences Between Calvinists and Arminians

The five points tease out the differences between Calvinists and Arminians, but how can parents teach them to their kids simply and clearly?
8/11/20158 minutes, 39 seconds
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Am I Overworking?

The Bible presents a pattern for six-day labor. Whether we follow that same pattern today depends on what we mean by sabbath and how we define our work.
8/10/20158 minutes, 24 seconds
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How Do I Choose Between Two Good Things?

Every person experiences disordered desires. The only hope we have to align ourselves with God’s desires is to pursue God in his word through prayer, all in the context of a community of saints.
8/7/20157 minutes, 10 seconds
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Biblical Hope for Breakups

The identity Christ gives to us guards us from devastation when painful breakups happen. We are secure in Jesus no matter what.
8/6/201510 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Single Key to Personal Change

We can all benefit from practical examples of applying Scripture, but what really drives us toward change is a fresh sight of God’s glory and our place in his world.
8/5/20155 minutes, 47 seconds
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Why I Chose ‘God Is Most Glorified’ Not ‘Christ Is Most Glorified’

The New Testament clearly teaches that Christ should be preeminent in all things. So then why does Desiring God’s slogan not even name him?
8/4/20157 minutes, 20 seconds
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A Mysterious Naked Guy in Gethsemane, and a Lesson in Bible Interpretation

Why does a naked man show up at Jesus’s arrest, and then flee the scene completely naked? Pastor John offers some hermeneutical principles for interpreting seemingly strange texts like this one.
8/3/20159 minutes, 34 seconds
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How Christian Is ‘Pay It Forward’?

The call to “pay it forward” may promote kindness and goodwill, but is it Christian?
7/31/201512 minutes, 41 seconds
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Battling Doubt and Cynicism in Our Bible Reading

Doubt can hijack our time in the word, turning our Bible reading into a battle, not a delight. Where can we turn when this discouragement bombards us?
7/30/201511 minutes, 6 seconds
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Holiness Is a Race, Not a Prohibition

God doesn’t just call his people to avoid sin. He wants us to run our race for righteousness by throwing off anything that holds us back from reaching him.
7/29/20156 minutes, 14 seconds
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What Is Love?

The most beautiful love is God’s love, which paid the highest price — the life of the Son — to give undeserving enemies the greatest happiness.
7/28/201510 minutes, 42 seconds
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Is Yoga Sinful?

When it comes to yoga or anything else, don’t simply ask, “What’s wrong with this?” Ask the much fuller question, “Will this make me more Christlike?”
7/27/201511 minutes, 21 seconds
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Living Out God’s Design for Marriage in Today’s World

When we enter into the covenant of marriage, we inevitably bring baggage with us. But God gives grace for us to learn and grow and flourish together.
7/24/20155 minutes, 5 seconds
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How Do I Explain Sin to Someone for the First Time?

In a pluralistic, postmodern culture, the concept of sin can prove difficult to understand. Where should we begin in helping others understand this essential tenet of the faith?
7/23/20155 minutes, 6 seconds
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Why We Must Understand the Temple in God’s Plan Today

“Temple” is a theme that runs throughout the entirety of the Scriptures. How do we trace it, and how does this thread help us understand the whole Bible?
7/22/201511 minutes, 18 seconds
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What Is Biblical Theology? And Do We Need It?

Biblical theology isn’t just theology derived from the Bible, but is a discipline that helps us understand the unique contribution of each part of Scripture to the unified whole.
7/21/20158 minutes, 13 seconds
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Should We Learn to “Forgive Ourselves”?

We no longer have to bear the burden of our guilt. God offers the verdict of no condemnation to all who are in Christ.
7/20/20156 minutes, 15 seconds
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Should My Spouse Talk to Others About Our Marriage Struggles?

Every marriage has struggles, but how open should we be in sharing those problems with others close to us?
7/17/20159 minutes, 23 seconds
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He or She? How Should I Refer to Transgender Friends?

Does love demand that we agree to call our transgender friends by their preferred gender title?
7/16/201510 minutes, 1 second
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What About Soft Cussing?

What we speak with our mouths ought to reflect the purity we strive for with our bodies and the love for God and neighbor we want to exude with our whole being.
7/15/201512 minutes, 9 seconds
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A Song for Sufferers

Under God, none of our suffering is ever meaningless. Whatever comes our way, yet shall we hope in him.
7/14/20156 minutes, 37 seconds
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Should We Prep Our Testimony or Let It Flow?

When the opportunity comes to testify to Christ’s goodness, we don’t always need a rhetorically sound presentation. We need to overflow from faith-filled communion with our Lord and Savior.
7/13/201510 minutes, 25 seconds
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Don’t Waste Your Mornings

Checking our phones first thing in the morning won’t prepare us for the day ahead. Our routine should set our eyes on, and strengthen us in, God alone.
7/10/20158 minutes, 42 seconds
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Why Not to Check Your Phone in the Morning

Every morning we wake up with a craving — a craving our phone is eager to satisfy. But this temporary snack cannot feed us like the bread of life.
7/9/20158 minutes, 42 seconds
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What Are We Saved for?

In the gospel, we receive forgiveness and salvation, but also so much more. The end point of the good news is pure joy in the presence of God forever.
7/8/20157 minutes, 51 seconds
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Is My Bible Reading Too Academic?

Rigorous study of the Bible doesn’t have to be cold and detached. Rather, intense intellectual work can fuel worship for God and love for others.
7/7/201510 minutes, 41 seconds
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Put Your Phones Away at the Dinner Table

Mealtimes should offer a time for families to enjoy one another’s company. But what if phones get in the way?
7/6/20159 minutes, 37 seconds
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Why Are Old Testament Commands No Longer Binding?

Christians refrain from keeping the Old Testament law code not because we ignore Scripture, but because Jesus Christ fulfills the whole law.
7/3/201510 minutes, 5 seconds
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Can Souls Be Scared into Heaven?

If we come to Christ simply to receive his gifts, then we have actually missed the greatest gift God can bestow: himself.
7/2/201512 minutes, 49 seconds
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Where Do All Our Prayers Go?

Pray is not only a means for us to commune with our Creator, but is God’s appointed means by which his kingdom will come and have victory.
7/1/20153 minutes, 58 seconds
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Does Hebrews 6 Say the Gospel Is Only for Beginner Christians?

The cross is the ground of all that God does in redemptive history, which means that the cross should be the basis for all that we preach and teach in our churches.
6/30/201510 minutes, 8 seconds
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How Should We Respond to Calamity in the News?

When tragedy strikes, Christians have need to know how to respond. So how does the Bible guide us to think, feel, and act in the face of calamity?
6/29/201510 minutes, 40 seconds
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Don Carson Responds to the SCOTUS Ruling on (So-Called) Same Sex Marriage

How will the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize so-called “same-sex marriage” impact Christians and our churches? Scholar and Theologian D.A. Carson weighs in just after the ruling was announced.
6/26/201518 minutes, 25 seconds
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What Is the Daily Aim of Parenting?

In the trenches of day-to-day parenting, we need to remember the big picture — namely, that we have the unique opportunity, under God, to shape a form a human soul.
6/26/20154 minutes, 43 seconds
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Do I Love Money? One Simple Test

Money may allow us to buy stuff, but it can never buy contentment. If we try to use money to purchase our happiness, it will fail us every time.
6/25/20153 minutes, 39 seconds
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God Takes Away to Display Christ’s Beauty

The Lord takes away not so that we experience loss, but so that we know the fullness of hope and joy only Jesus Christ offers.
6/24/20156 minutes, 25 seconds
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Flee from Delusions of Strength

God’s grace is sufficient for our every weakness — even the subtle weakness of taking pride in our own “strength.”
6/23/20153 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Church’s Role in Sexual Mythology

Sex isn’t a topic the church should be embarrassed about. In fact, our God-given sexuality offers us an opportunity to display fundamental truths about God and his world.
6/22/20157 minutes, 41 seconds
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What Porn-ified Culture Does to Marriage

When sex becomes all about “my pleasure,” it corrupts a pleasure that God intended to be shared and enjoyed in close, intimate relationship.
6/19/20155 minutes, 9 seconds
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What Sex Outside Marriage Says About You

God has set boundaries for sex not because he wants to deny us some hidden pleasure, but because he wants us to experience the best joy possible.
6/18/20154 minutes, 16 seconds
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Postmodern Nonsense Meets Palpable Evil

What happens when a postmodern perspective on good and evil collides with a breathtaking tragedy like the holocaust?
6/17/20156 minutes, 8 seconds
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Life Is One Big Glory War

Our hearts have a natural drive to seek glory. But unless we find that desire in God, we will never experience the satisfaction we so crave.
6/16/20154 minutes, 37 seconds
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Pleasure Is Only Protected by Pleasure

Unless our pursuit of pleasure has proper boundaries, we’ll always come up short of the lasting joy we’re looking for.
6/15/20155 minutes, 39 seconds
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Should We Pray for ISIS to Be Saved or Destroyed?

Jesus tells us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. But what about enemies who constantly kill and destroy innocent life like ISIS?
6/12/20159 minutes, 38 seconds
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Blind to the Glory of Sex

Sex may be a natural, physical act, but the union of a man and woman is from God himself. Only those with eyes to see can truly know the wonders of the marriage bed.
6/11/20158 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Emotional Complexity of the Christian Life

God has deep purposes in our most searing pains. We don’t always know what he is doing, but we can experience joy in the sorrow when we trust him.
6/10/20158 minutes, 33 seconds
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Has God Called Me to Write?

To write with a calling from God isn’t simply to enjoy putting pen to paper, but to have an insatiable drive to awaken delight in God with whatever you say.
6/9/20158 minutes, 16 seconds
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Don’t Conversations Illuminate Truth Too?

The process of writing — putting thoughts into words and sentences and paragraphs — clarifies our thinking in ways that dialogue simply cannot.
6/8/20157 minutes, 47 seconds
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Do Bad Ethics Qualify as Heresy?

Doctrine and ethics are never far apart. The beliefs and views that lead distort one will inevitably corrupt the other.
6/5/20157 minutes, 16 seconds
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Hope in Heaven Changes Today

The hope of heaven not only grants us comfort when we think of eternity, but also empowers our love for God and Neighbor today.
6/4/20159 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Key to Ministry Longevity

The resolve to keep moving forward in ministry doesn’t come from mere determination, but daily dependence on God’s amazing grace.
6/3/20158 minutes, 5 seconds
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When Scripture Demolishes Your Theology

Sometimes the Bible confronts us and tears down our longstanding opinions. And although the process may hurt, being refined by God’s word is always worth the cost.
6/2/20159 minutes, 4 seconds
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Can We Trust the Bible?

God’s world shines with his glory — and so does his word. Just as the heavens declare God’s greatness, so his word overflows with the beauty of his majesty.
6/1/201510 minutes, 54 seconds
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How Much of My Decision-Making Is Emotional?

When it comes to making God-honoring decisions, our greatest problem isn’t necessarily that we don’t think enough, but that we don’t have hearts and emotions that treasure God above all else.
5/29/201510 minutes, 53 seconds
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How Do I Study Bible Verses and the Bible Storyline Together?

As we study the Bible, we want to go deep into the details of specific texts, and we want to get a broad overview of the whole. How can we do both in a limited amount of time?
5/28/20158 minutes, 36 seconds
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Getting the Tough/Tender Balance Right

We need more pastors with both theological backbones of steel and compassionate hearts of warmth. In short, we need more pastors like our Lord Jesus Christ.
5/27/20158 minutes, 8 seconds
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How Much of My Sinful Past Should I Tell My Children?

Should a parent share their past sins with a child to comfort or warn them? Or are parents better off just keeping their sins to themselves?
5/26/201510 minutes, 7 seconds
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What Qualifies as Worldly Music?

The Bible repeatedly calls Christians to set their minds on what is above — on what is true and good and beautiful. But does that mean we need to avoid anything that isn’t obviously Christian?
5/25/201511 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Books That Most Shaped @TripLee

As a writer and musician, Trip Lee reads regularly to spark his creativity. So what three books have influenced his life most?
5/22/20154 minutes, 14 seconds
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Procrastination Is Pride

We may assume that we can always just do something later, but God never guarantees a “later.” We must make the most of the time we have now.
5/21/20153 minutes, 41 seconds
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How to Be Insecure for the Rest of Your Life

We will never find security if we think we have what it takes to make it through life. Only God himself can provide the fullness of hope we desperately long for.
5/20/20153 minutes, 36 seconds
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Don’t Be a Jerk When the World Doesn’t Like You

God calls Christians to stand firm in the truth, but that doesn’t excuse us for being jerks when our culture turns against us.
5/19/20155 minutes, 27 seconds
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Avoiding Smartphone iDolatry

Our phones offer us plenty of convenience, but it comes at the price of distraction. Sometimes we need to step back and make sure we control our phones and that they haven’t mastered us.
5/18/20154 minutes, 2 seconds
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Watching On-Screen Nudity Is Not Worth It

Explicit sexuality and nudity are pervasive in our culture. And because it’s everywhere, Christians need to guard their souls more than ever.
5/15/20153 minutes, 41 seconds
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Joy, Faith, and Self-Denial

We may sometimes be tempted to think that God is just a cosmic killjoy with lots of rules. But in reality, he is working for our highest joy, even when he asks us to deny ourselves.
5/14/20154 minutes, 10 seconds
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Why Fame Cannot Make You Happy

We can use social media as a tool for good, but all too often, the likes and retweets can consume us. How do we get sucked in so easily?
5/13/20154 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Daily Fight for Joy in Christ

Joy in the Christian life doesn’t usually come without a struggle. We have to fight to delight in the Lord on a daily basis.
5/12/20154 minutes, 3 seconds
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When Trials Kill Your Dreams

True strength doesn’t come from having the energy to do everything we want to accomplish. According to the Bible, when we are weak, then we are strong.
5/11/20155 minutes, 7 seconds
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Can Jesus Really Understand My Temptations?

Jesus did not have a sinful nature like ours, but that doesn’t mean he can’t identify with our temptation. He was tempted as we are, but had to remain without sin to save us forever.
5/8/20158 minutes, 41 seconds
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How Does God ‘Deliver Us from Evil’?

Jesus teaches us to pray that the Father would deliver us from evil. But what exactly does God deliver us from, and does he do it?
5/7/20156 minutes, 28 seconds
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Spend Your Life to Build a Risk-Taking Church

The world around us isn’t impressed with a church that lives just like everyone else. What they need to see are people who daily breathe the air of another world.
5/6/201510 minutes, 17 seconds
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Have I Cast My Anxieties or Hoarded Them?

First Peter calls us to cast our anxieties on the Lord. But how can we know if we have really given over all our stresses and burdens to him?
5/5/20158 minutes, 38 seconds
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Why Is Radical Islam Alluring to Westerners?

The human heart longs to be part of a God-sized cause, and radical movements like ISIS tap into those innate desires to lure and recruit.
5/4/20158 minutes, 56 seconds
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Does God Favor Boys over Girls?

God values men and women alike, and so should his people. So does that mean we shouldn’t pray specifically to have a boy or girl when expecting a child?
5/1/201511 minutes, 12 seconds
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What to Say to a Pastor Who Wants to Officiate a Gay Wedding

Same-sex “marriage” is simply not permissible according to Scripture. And for a pastor to marry a same-sex couple is to bless eternal suicide.
4/30/20158 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Fear That Haunts Humanity

We may not always know it consciously, but the fear of death motivates much of how we live. But what if we could be liberated from that primal fear and live to the full?
4/29/20158 minutes, 3 seconds
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Is Marriage Eternally Futile?

In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul commends singleness for the sake of the Lord. But does that mean that the married life is somehow less than the single, missionary calling?
4/28/201514 minutes, 48 seconds
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The New Book John Piper Wrote

The Scriptures not only tell us about God and his works, but shine with their own peculiar glory that open our eyes to vistas of majesty.
4/27/20158 minutes, 18 seconds
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How John Piper Writes Books

Just because John Piper has written so many books doesn’t mean they come easily. In this episode, he offers more tips for the writing process.
4/24/20159 minutes, 11 seconds
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How John Piper Prepares to Write Books

John Piper has written dozens of books, but that doesn’t mean the process is easy. So how does he begin laboring on a book project?
4/23/20158 minutes, 53 seconds
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Life Is Hard. God Is Good.

The clouds of suffering may darken the light for a time, but the steadfast love and mercy of the Lord never ever ceases.
4/22/20158 minutes, 38 seconds
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Your Job Is Not Your Savior

Sabbath is not only a principle for rest, but the context from which we live. We work and play and have our being from the grace of rest in God.
4/21/20155 minutes, 19 seconds
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iPhone Fasting

In a digital age, a constant barrage of information can crowd out what matters most. Maybe we could all benefit from a break every once in a while.
4/20/20157 minutes, 38 seconds
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How Facebook and Twitter Change Us

The digital frontier presents countless opportunities, but also sobering dangers. Christians need wisdom to think through how technology shapes and impacts our faith.
4/17/201510 minutes, 11 seconds
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A Battle Plan Against Pornography

We can fight pornography, but we have to want to battle it. We need a plan and some backup from fellow soldiers if we hope to see victory.
4/16/20154 minutes, 13 seconds
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Can My Good Works Outweigh My Bad?

Not even the greatest good deed earns us anything with God apart from faith. We have favor with God on the basis of Jesus Christ alone.
4/15/20154 minutes, 58 seconds
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Fear, Anxiety, and Growth in Godliness

When fear and anxiety creep up, we can cling to the most precious promise of all: God is with us, and he hears us.
4/14/20152 minutes, 46 seconds
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Can I Grow in Holiness Without the Church?

The local church is essential to our growth in holiness. We need our brothers and sisters in Christ to spur one another on to love and good works.
4/13/20157 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Root of Sinful Anger

Anger creeps up when we try to take God’s place. He is the only judge and lawgiver, and so we can relax our grip a bit on what pains and troubles us.
4/10/20156 minutes, 28 seconds
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Battling Anxiety Is a Blessed Struggle

To our fears, God speaks beautiful promises. And the most precious of all may just be that he is with us, always and forever.
4/9/20152 minutes, 43 seconds
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Sin Prefers Anything to God

God deserves our highest allegiance, but too often, all we do is belittle him by choosing to find our hope in joy in something else.
4/8/20153 minutes, 32 seconds
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Vision for the Local Church in Exile

Christians may live in exile, but we still have opportunities to serve and seek the welfare of wherever God has placed us.
4/7/20153 minutes, 17 seconds
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Strategy for Social Media

Social media often draws out division and gossip — but it doesn’t have to. Christians can use their platforms to encourage and sustain.
4/6/20152 minutes, 55 seconds
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Easter Breaks Our Mediocrity

The gospel isn’t just a solution to our sin, but a key that unlocks the fullness of life and joy that God desires for all his people.
4/3/20158 minutes, 55 seconds
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Easter Breaks Our Sin

Jesus Christ not only came to rescue us, but in his humanity, he identifies with his people and paves the way for us to know God’s redeeming grace.
4/2/20157 minutes, 50 seconds
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Easter Breaks Our Heartbreak

Sin and suffering can set us back and even break our hearts. But in our risen Lord Jesus Christ, we have a hope that shines through even the darkest night.
4/1/20156 minutes, 24 seconds
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Why Gossip Destroys

We may like to think that words can never hurt us, but in fact, Proverbs tells us that “death and life are in the power of the tongue.”
3/31/20154 minutes, 48 seconds
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Helping Our Children Feel Loved by God

Parenting can feel exhausting and tough. But our homes should overflow with the glorious goodness of God, because that is the ultimate foundation of reality.
3/30/20154 minutes, 22 seconds
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How to Regain Your Joy in Christ

God beckons his children to cast every care upon him, and to feel afresh the good news of the gospel in the communion of saints.
3/27/20154 minutes, 10 seconds
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You Will Submit to Something, Why Not Scripture?

The Bible is no mere book. For Christians, the Scriptures are the scepter of the King: how he rules and reigns among us.
3/26/20153 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Heart of Screen Addiction

Sin not only suppresses the light of the truth, but also exchanges true glory for the false hope of idols — which, in our age, are often found on a screen.
3/25/20156 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Secret to Marriage (Word to Husbands)

The secret of lasting marriages is the biblical call to "rejoice in the wife of your youth." Remembering the spouse you feel in love with produces thankfulness for who God gave you.
3/24/20153 minutes, 34 seconds
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Word of the Day from Jonathan Edwards

Jonathan Edwards wrote frequently about the “excellency” of God and of Christ. But what does “excellency” mean, and how does it help us understand God?
3/23/20158 minutes, 19 seconds
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Does God Want Me to Be Happy or Holy?

Our happiness in God never has to contradict our obedience to God because to delight in God is to obey him, and to obey him is to find lasting joy in him.
3/20/20157 minutes, 39 seconds
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What Would You Ask Jonathan Edwards?

John Piper has said that, outside of the Bible, Jonathan Edwards has influenced his life and theology most. So, if given the chance, what would he ask his hero in the faith?
3/19/20157 minutes, 10 seconds
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Look at Christ, What Do You See?

We don’t come to Christ simply by making a decision for him. God needs to give us a fresh sight of his infinite, all-satisfying beauty and worth.
3/18/20158 minutes, 19 seconds
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Read Old, Dead Theologians 15 Minutes a Day

Reading serious theology takes time and commitment, but the world needs more people who read deeply to nourish their soul, not just inflate their heads.
3/17/201510 minutes, 42 seconds
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Are Christian Hedonists Happier Than Unbelievers?

If there is no resurrection, then Christians haven’t just wasted their lives. We’ve misrepresented God and falsely taught in his name.
3/16/201510 minutes, 8 seconds
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Is Permanent Birth Control a Sin?

Is permanent birth control a sin? Pastor John draws on principles for marriage, sex, human life, and the sovereignty of God.
3/13/201510 minutes, 57 seconds
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Is Joy in God the Same as Love for God?

Joy is essential to the Christian life, but it’s not the only component. From our hearts’ delight in God flows the desire to please him in the ways we think and act.
3/12/20158 minutes, 22 seconds
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Why Do We Preach and Sing?

Christianity isn’t simply a way of life or a new morality. Christianity is about the best news in all the world that we now herald in word and song.
3/11/201510 minutes, 12 seconds
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Will Some Saints Be Happier in Heaven?

The New Testament speaks of varying degrees of reward in heaven, but that doesn’t mean there will be any envy or boasting. All will experience fullness of joy in their own capacity.
3/10/201511 minutes, 28 seconds
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How Do I Honor God in Chronic Pain?

Injury doesn’t have to impede our ability to grow in and witness to Christ. God wants to use our weakness for his glory.
3/9/20157 minutes, 42 seconds
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If God Is So Happy, Why Did He Create the Non-Elect?

We may not always know precisely why God does what he does, but we can always trust his infinite wisdom, righteousness, and justice.
3/6/20158 minutes, 26 seconds
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How Do I Explain Election over Brunch?

The doctrine of election isn’t just a point of theology to study, but a profound truth that awakens amazement for all God has done.
3/5/20159 minutes, 46 seconds
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Finding the Courage to Be Christian

What Jesus Christ offers in the gospel isn’t merely a band-aid for sin, but everlasting joy that outweighs any and every earthly pleasure.
3/4/20159 minutes
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How Do I Take My Thoughts Captive?

Left to ourselves, we cannot discern or remove the flaws in our thoughts. But God’s word and the Holy Spirit can renew our minds.
3/3/20159 minutes, 8 seconds
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Do I Tithe to My Church or to God?

When we give money to our churches and to God through them, we need to always remember that every desire and ability to serve and give are themselves gifts from God.
3/2/20158 minutes, 34 seconds
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What to Do When God Feels Distant

When we feel no joy, when we go to Scripture and walk away discouraged, when God feels distant, what can we do?
2/27/20159 minutes, 22 seconds
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Does the First Sin Undermine Christian Hedonism?

Pastor John teaches how the first sin displayed a heart that did not trust nor treasure God.
2/26/20155 minutes, 55 seconds
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Don’t Become an Entertainment-Addicted, Approval Junkie

When we as a church assume that we are owed cultural dominance and prosperity, our otherworldly hope can quickly begin to fade.
2/25/20158 minutes, 51 seconds
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Is My Lack of Joy Sinful?

Whenever we talk about emotions in the Christian life, like joy, we need to remember that we all experience life differently, and God has grace for all our shortcomings.
2/24/201510 minutes, 51 seconds
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Advice to Teens About Their Parents

When a Christian teen disagrees with their Christian parent, are they both stuck, or is there more to pursue than agreeing to disagree?
2/23/201510 minutes, 1 second
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Do Pets Go to Heaven?

Only humans are made in God’s image, and only humans can be redeemed. So do we have any biblical basis for saying our pets will be in heaven?
2/20/201511 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Dangers of Nostalgia

The past isn’t just a source for nostalgia and fond memories, but a reservoir of God’s grace that empowers our faith in all that God has promised to be for us.
2/19/20159 minutes, 48 seconds
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How to Make a Difference in the World

We only have one life on this earth to devote to honoring and glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t waste it; make it count.
2/18/20158 minutes, 29 seconds
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Does Your Theology Drive Your Exegesis?

The content of a pastor’s preaching should connect directly with his text. To preach faithfully is to show your people the truths that are really present in a passage of Scripture.
2/17/201510 minutes, 59 seconds
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Can a Woman Preach If Elders Affirm It?

All men and women should be active in ministry. The question is how. Pastor John explains why God reserves Sunday-morning preaching for men.
2/16/201510 minutes, 1 second
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Counsel for White Cops

Christian police officers have a God-given platform to advocate for positive change in their communities. Pastor John offers four pieces of advice for speaking on race.
2/13/201510 minutes, 48 seconds
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What the Church Offers for Race Relations

Churches are not social action agencies, but Christ does call his community to embody and witness to the power and values of his kingdom.
2/12/20157 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Real Cost of Pornography

Pornography and lust may seem harmless at first, but, in the end, they may just cost you the most precious gift in all the universe.
2/11/201512 minutes, 34 seconds
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What Hope Does God Give Lonely Singles?

Longing for marriage can be a good, God-given desire. But finding a spouse can never replace our primary life’s passion: seeing and savoring Jesus Christ.
2/10/20155 minutes, 24 seconds
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Dating and Marriage for the Victims of Past Abuse

The Church is made of broken people who look to Jesus for satisfaction and joy. Many in the church experienced sexual abuse and struggle in their relationships.
2/9/20153 minutes, 8 seconds
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Signs a Single Should Stop Dating

To be ready for a dating relationship, a young man or woman doesn’t only need availability and desire, but a growing relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
2/6/20155 minutes, 24 seconds
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Should a Boyfriend “Lead” His Girlfriend?

Boyfriends should take the initiative to lead their girlfriends in ways that are appropriate outside the marriage covenant — especially when it comes to sexual purity.
2/5/20154 minutes, 36 seconds
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Should I Date a Godly Girl I Do Not Find Attractive?

Our culture may place a high premium on looks, but what attracts godly people isn’t just the right physical features, but the spirit and character that lay underneath.
2/4/20155 minutes, 12 seconds
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Should My Church Help Me Get Married?

The local church is a community for all kinds of people, including every age group. And members should constantly be looking for ways to learn from and serve one another across generations.
2/3/20155 minutes, 32 seconds
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Has Facebook Ruined Dating?

Matt Chandler joins the Ask Pastor John podcast to discuss the speed of relationships moving toward marriage, and whether social media has negatively impacted dating.
2/2/20156 minutes, 11 seconds
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Is Your Boyfriend Mature Enough for You?

For Christians, the church is the best context for developing relationships because a local community of faith should provide discipleship and accountability like no other place.
1/30/20154 minutes, 14 seconds
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Prepared Prayers, Impromptu Prayers, Sloppy Prayers

Both spontaneous and prepared prayers can edify the health of our spiritual lives, but whenever we pray, we need to aim for glory, rely on God, and speak in the Spirit.
1/29/20156 minutes, 23 seconds
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You Have Been Greatly Loved

When God issues his call to awaken new spiritual life in a once dead heart, he create what he commands out of an overflow of his love.
1/28/20154 minutes, 55 seconds
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Does Philippians 1:23 Prove Christian Hedonism Wrong?

Does the apostle Paul actually chose a lesser joy in Philippians 1:23, and actually contradict the Christian Hedonistic principle of always pursuing our highest joy?
1/27/20156 minutes, 17 seconds
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What Parts of My Suffering Are “Trials”?

Our pain and suffering may result from persecution, or just the troubles of everyday life. Either way, God is at works and desires that we trust him by faith.
1/26/20159 minutes, 34 seconds
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My Spouse Doesn’t Enjoy Sex

Marriage over presents us with a mismatch in sexual desire. But if both husband and wife work to outdo one another in showing honor, sexual intimacy can still bring joy to both.
1/23/201511 minutes, 15 seconds
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Is Sexual Pleasure Essential for Marriage?

Sex and its pleasures may not be absolutely essential in a marriage, but we inevitably lose part of the pointer of Christ and his church when sexual intimacy is absent.
1/22/20156 minutes, 53 seconds
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Love Jesus over Human Approval

Christians don’t need to crave people’s approval because we live every day in the full and lasting approval of our heavenly Father.
1/21/20154 minutes, 44 seconds
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Are My Septuplets in Heaven?

Children who perish before they can understand the gospel don’t have to fear judgment, but are enveloped by the grace of God who saves according to his mercy.
1/20/201511 minutes, 12 seconds
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Is the Threat of Eternal Punishment Manipulation?

When God threatens punishment for our failure to delight in him, he’s not manipulating us, but showing us the urgency of choosing life and joy in him.
1/19/201510 minutes, 42 seconds
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Why So Few African-American Calvinists?

During an era when Reformed theology has seen a resurgence, why does it appear that the embrace of Reformed doctrine is disproportionately white?
1/16/201511 minutes, 49 seconds
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How Local Church Trumps Twitter and Facebook

When Christians lose social influence, we need to remember that opposition is normal, and that our hope for the kingdom never rests with Facebook or Twitter.
1/15/201510 minutes, 26 seconds
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Your Life’s Greatest Problem

What God saves us from isn’t low self-esteem or even just immorality, but his own righteous wrath against sinners.
1/14/20154 minutes, 45 seconds
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Dads and Family Leadership

Parents should monitor their kids use of technology, not just so that they get good grades or avoid trouble, but so that they grow up to live for Christ and his kingdom.
1/13/20152 minutes, 51 seconds
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Why Christian Singles Are Marrying Later

Francis Chan gives reasons why he thinks Christians are delaying marriage.
1/12/20155 minutes, 14 seconds
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How to Argue with Your Spouse

Husbands have a high calling in their homes. And one of the primary ways we can see our families flourish is by humbling ourselves and not insisting on our own way.
1/9/20153 minutes, 38 seconds
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Why Joy Is Essential to Leadership

If joy is a fruit of the Spirit, then any Christian home should strive to be a source of joy, for the family first, and then as an overflow to others.
1/8/20153 minutes, 16 seconds
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Discerning Maturity in a Boyfriend Before Marriage

What matters in a potential significant other isn’t just what they do, but whether they know and love Jesus in a deep relationship.
1/7/20153 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Christ-Centered Family

What matters most in our homes isn’t that our children enjoy everything parents do, but that they come to know and love Jesus more than anything else.
1/6/20154 minutes, 5 seconds
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Francis Chan’s Daily Fight for Joy

Joy in the Lord isn’t automatic, but a daily fight to delight in him. Even prominent leaders like Francis Chan are no stranger to the struggle.
1/5/20153 minutes, 37 seconds
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Jesus’s Aggressive, Relentless, Surgical Love

Our souls thirst for water that will satisfy us fully and forever. We long for the fullness of life that only Jesus himself can provide.
12/31/20147 minutes, 51 seconds
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Best Piper Books for Beginners

Pastor Piper has written dozens and dozens of books Where should someone begin — especially a new believer — if they want to start reading Piper’s work?
12/30/201410 minutes, 49 seconds
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Incredible Growth in 2014, Goals for 2015

Pastor John gives an update about the ways God worked through Desiring God in 2014, and shares goals of the ministry for 2015.
12/29/20149 minutes, 54 seconds
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Christmas at the Piper Home

Pastor John and Noel talk about how they celebrated Christmas in their home as their kids were growing up and their two overarching goals.
12/24/20149 minutes, 59 seconds
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How Do Men and Women Show Physical Affection in the Church?

Establish a principled and emotionally healthy and happy place at your church where people, especially women, feel safe to hug or not to hug.
12/23/20147 minutes, 56 seconds
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Is God Less Glorified in the Judgment of Sinners?

God’s glory does not rise and fall as our effectiveness in showing him glorious rises and falls.
12/22/20148 minutes, 41 seconds
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How Does Scripture Serve Our Prayers?

The most important thing we do every day is make our souls happy in God by praying over the Bible.
12/19/20148 minutes, 32 seconds
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What Will Submission to My Husband Look Like?

Submission is mainly a wife’s intelligent, happy, wise support for her husband’s leadership.
12/18/201412 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Message of the Magi’s Star

We can’t explain precisely what the star of Bethlehem was, but we do know God formed it to bring the nations to their Savior.
12/17/20147 minutes, 10 seconds
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Is My Relationship with God Healthy?

There are certain tests from the Bible that help us know if our relationship with God is a good one.
12/16/201412 minutes, 35 seconds
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Are New Testament Ethics Final or Trajectory-Setting?

If you think the New Testament simply sets a trajectory for ethics, you might effectively strip the Bible of its final authority.
12/15/201410 minutes, 6 seconds
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Can a Spiritually Dead Soul Thirst for God?

Unless the Spirit gives us eyes to see that the true God is beautiful and desirable, we won’t seek him.
12/12/201410 minutes, 56 seconds
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How Open Should I Be with My Parents?

Trusting your parents by being honest is a huge honor to them.
12/11/20145 minutes, 59 seconds
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Declare War on Sin

There is a mean streak in Christianity, and it is not against anybody else but ourselves and our sinfulness.
12/10/20147 minutes, 38 seconds
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What Arminians Have Helped You Most?

Men like John and Charles Wesley, G.K. Chesterton, George MacDonald, and, in a sense, C.S. Lewis have been the most influential Arminians in Pastor John's life.
12/9/20148 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Camaraderie of Christian Hedonism

Christian fellowship does not distract from the supreme glory of God in the believer’s life, it testifies to it.
12/8/20146 minutes, 53 seconds
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Is My Boyfriend’s Video-Game Addiction a Marriage Deal-Breaker?

An addiction to video games says something about a man’s subjection to Christ, state of mind, self-control, and fitness to lead a family.
12/5/20147 minutes, 34 seconds
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Advice for Fathers of Sons

For fathers of new sons, Pastor John summarizes his encouragement: Be a weeping, happy, loving father full of God, full of truth, full of joy.
12/4/20149 minutes, 50 seconds
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Pray This Daily for Your Family

If you want your kids, spouse, parents, coworkers, and friends to know God — if you want to know God — rehearse Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3.
12/3/20147 minutes, 15 seconds
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Why Was Adam Lonely If God Is Enough?

When we enjoy what God has created, we know and enjoy God more. And when what has been created fails us, our Creator never will.
12/2/20149 minutes, 4 seconds
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Are We Satisfied ‘in God’ or ‘by God’?

We are satisfied in God rather than by God if God is the object of our satisfaction, not simply the provider of it.
12/1/201410 minutes, 33 seconds
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Doesn’t Prosperity Preaching Glorify Jesus?

The prosperity gospel falls short on two counts: It presents a weak God, and it neglects to reckon with the Bible’s teaching on suffering.
11/26/20149 minutes, 51 seconds
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Are Smart People Less Happy?

For the Christian, knowing God’s word and world increases our sorrow — and our joy.
11/25/20148 minutes, 36 seconds
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Does Happiness Require Apathy to Others’ Sorrows?

Sorrow and suffering make up daily life across the world. So what does it look like for Christians to be both happy and sorrowful?
11/24/20148 minutes, 49 seconds
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Avoid the Unrepentant — But What If They’re Family?

How should believers behave toward family members who walk in unrepentant sin but continue to call themselves Christians?
11/21/20146 minutes, 8 seconds
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A Prayer for Those Stuck in Sin

Even if deliverance does not come right away, our prayers are not in vain. If you are stuck in sin, this prayer is for you.
11/20/20147 minutes, 39 seconds
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Good Motives for Bible Memory

Memorizing Scripture offers Christians at least eight benefits, including fostering fellowship with Jesus and combating Satan’s lies.
11/19/20145 minutes, 29 seconds
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Is Sexual Attraction Essential for Marriage?

Sexual attraction is not essential for marriage, but God does call for marital intimacy — both physical and emotional.
11/18/20147 minutes, 21 seconds
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Must My Wedding Be in a Church?

The Bible doesn’t detail the cultural symbols for a marriage ceremony. Does this mean a wedding doesn’t need to happen in a church?
11/17/20144 minutes, 52 seconds
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Should I Look at Beheading Images?

Viewing horrific images may prepare Christians distant from horrors in the world to embrace the sovereignty of God over what is to come.
11/14/20147 minutes, 5 seconds
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Do You Regret Partnering with Mark Driscoll?

What should our response be to Mark Driscoll’s failures? Pastor John unpacks some lessons from his partnership with the former Seattle pastor.
11/13/201411 minutes, 17 seconds
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Christ Reigns over Every Inch

Know the glories and beauties of Christ who reigns supreme over kings and tyrants, over mountains and hurricanes, over time and death.
11/12/201411 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Role of Family Worship

Family worship often includes prayer and reading scripture. But it can also include singing and memorization as you leave a legacy of worship.
11/11/20145 minutes, 44 seconds
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Can I Confess the Name of Jesus and Be Unsaved?

If no one can say that Jesus is Lord except in the Holy Spirit, then why are there people who say, “Lord, Lord,” whom Christ denies ever knowing?
11/10/20146 minutes, 51 seconds
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Did God Commission Terrorism in the Bible?

When the Israelites entered the Promised Land, they slaughtered at God’s command. How can Christians claim the moral high ground over modern genocides?
11/7/201411 minutes, 51 seconds
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Is My Pastor a Bully?

It’s a weighty thing to be a pastor. Shepherds bear greater responsibility. How do we discern when they are abusing their position?
11/6/201411 minutes, 26 seconds
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Killing Our Addiction to Human Praise

When the fresh water from Jesus’s well quenches your thirsty soul, the tepid drink of praise from other people loses its allure.
11/5/20144 minutes, 41 seconds
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How Do I Go Deeper with Christ?

What does Paul mean when he commands us to be “rooted and built up” in Christ? How does he tell us to get there?
11/4/20148 minutes, 50 seconds
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I’ve Never Read the Bible, Where Should I Start?

If you are new to the Bible, the life and ministry of Jesus recorded in the gospels will illuminate the rest of the Bible. Let the adventure begin!
11/3/20146 minutes, 48 seconds
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Prayers That Don’t Work

If Jesus says, “Whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you,” how can James say that sometimes God withholds our requests?
10/31/20146 minutes, 57 seconds
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We Pray to a Father

When we pray to God as our Father, we remember he is more than a boss. He is the lover of our still sinful souls, working in us to seek after him.
10/30/20145 minutes, 53 seconds
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Joy, Sorrow, and the Healthy Prayer Life

Our requests, our laments, and even our complaints in prayer have worth in the hands of the God who works sovereignly through them.
10/29/20145 minutes, 55 seconds
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Fighting for Solitude

Tim Keller offers help for distracted believers who struggle to focus their minds and warm their hearts when they pray.
10/28/20146 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Pray the Psalms

The Psalms can give us spiritual breath that we didn’t even know we needed. Tim Keller offers practical help to pray the Psalms.
10/27/20146 minutes, 25 seconds
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Encouragement for Slow Readers

For some, reading feels like a chore instead of a joy. Audio Bibles open the door to God’s word, even for those who don’t read.
10/24/20148 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Future of World Missions

World missions is the great work of the church, and David Platt exudes a passion to reach the unreached peoples with a massive God behind him.
10/23/20148 minutes, 20 seconds
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Winning the War Against Lust

Fight lust with a stronger weapon than guilt, shame, and fear. Fight lust by feeding faith with the knowledge of an irresistibly glorious God.
10/22/20145 minutes, 24 seconds
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Why Our Happiness Makes God Happy

God doesn’t need anything from anyone, so when we obey God, do we obey him for his sake or for our own happiness?
10/21/201413 minutes, 57 seconds
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How Do I Fight Same-Sex Desires?

Paul said that it is better to marry than to burn with passion. What does that mean for the person struggling with homosexual desire?
10/20/20147 minutes, 8 seconds
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When Enjoying Money and Possessions Is a Work of Grace

The message of Ecclesiastes: Life — and money and possessions — is empty and futile without God.
10/17/20147 minutes, 16 seconds
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How Does Delight in God Fuel Delight in Creation?

More than any other kind of person, Christians are able to delight in creation because they are not bound to worship it.
10/16/20147 minutes, 9 seconds
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A Prayer to Hold Your Life Together

Pastor John points to the purpose of prayer — that God would look great in the world and in the lives of his people.
10/15/20147 minutes, 42 seconds
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Does God Predestine People to Hell?

Predestination to hell is a heavy reality. But what is mysterious to us now will be revealed in the end. And we will see that it is right.
10/14/20148 minutes, 1 second
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Why Are Believers Threatened with Perishing?

Even those who claim Christ can show themselves not to share in him if they refuse to repent of their sin.
10/13/20147 minutes, 39 seconds
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My Church Makes Ministry a Pain

The joys of pastoring may ebb and flow, but Pastor John offers ten hope-filled counsels to help pastors press on when ministry proves difficult.
10/10/201410 minutes, 22 seconds
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How Do I Prepare for the Rapture?

Jesus is coming back. Pastor John shares what Christians should do while they wait for his return.
10/9/20148 minutes, 29 seconds
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Three Motivations to Pray

Pray because God tells us to. Pray because it increases our joy. Pray because the sovereign ruler of the universe makes things happen through prayer.
10/8/20147 minutes, 19 seconds
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Why Save Sex for Marriage?

Sex is kept within a covenant between a man and a woman because it points to a greater covenant between humans and God.
10/7/20147 minutes, 35 seconds
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Should I Eat Halal Meat?

Paul gives believers great freedom to eat the food offered to them. But do we have the freedom to eat halal meat?
10/6/20147 minutes, 45 seconds
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Why Parents Don’t Spank

Does spanking amount to abuse, or does it have a place in parenting? Ted Tripp counsels parents on when physical discipline is appropriate.
10/3/20146 minutes, 38 seconds
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Why Parents Spank

Ted Tripp offers his perspective on why parents should spank their kids and points out some of the advantages over other forms of discipline.
10/2/20147 minutes, 20 seconds
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Helping Children Discover Heart Idols

How can parents teach their kids to recognize idolatry in their own hearts? Ted Tripp offers some practical advice.
10/1/20145 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Greatest Threat To the Christian Family

Pornography saps spiritual life and compromises spiritual leadership — Ted Tripp warns against one of the greatest dangers facing families today.
9/30/20145 minutes, 40 seconds
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Is Parenting Complicated or Simple?

The goals of parenting are not all that complicated, but it takes diligent, intentional work to not just manage children, but to shepherd them.
9/29/20145 minutes, 6 seconds
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6 Tips If You Find the Bible Hard to Read

Why keep reading the Bible if you just can’t get it? Because it’s worth it. Pastor John shares six ways to help you better treasure truth as you read.
9/26/20146 minutes, 59 seconds
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Bible Time for Busy Moms

When can busy moms find time to read their Bibles amid endless daily demands? Pastor John gives husbands six exhortations to help their wives.
9/25/20146 minutes, 22 seconds
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The High Cost of Sexual Sin

Demons know God and seethe with lust. Christians know God and sever the root of lust. What’s the difference?
9/24/20147 minutes, 4 seconds
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If I Listen to Sermons, Why Do I Need to Read My Bible?

The word of God is meant to satisfy and create hunger — and the Sunday sermon is not enough to satisfy it.
9/23/20146 minutes, 24 seconds
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Should I Read My Bible Daily?

In anxiety, anger, and anguish, in success, evangelism, and daily routines at work, the Bible speaks to all aspects of real life.
9/22/20147 minutes, 12 seconds
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Should I Commit to One Church?

Pastor John shares five passages in Scripture to explain why Christians belong in accountable, local church communities.
9/19/20147 minutes, 55 seconds
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Do I Need to Repent If Christ Died for All My Sins?

Jesus has paid for the sins of believers once for all, but in this life, Christians still sin. What then is the role of confession and repentance in the Christian life?
9/18/20148 minutes, 52 seconds
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Lust: More Dangerous Than Nuclear Holocaust

Do you see lust as more deadly, more disastrous, than nuclear war? The Bible has a few reasons why you should.
9/17/20145 minutes, 59 seconds
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Apple, Subaru, Target — Should We Buy from Promoters of Sin?

For now, buying products from Apple, Subaru, and Target is not linked so tightly to endorsing sin that we should boycott them.
9/16/20148 minutes, 8 seconds
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Handling Post-Sermon Blues

Pastor John offers counsel to pastors who find themselves discouraged on Monday mornings. What should pastors do when facing the blues?
9/15/20148 minutes, 42 seconds
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Is $75 Too Much for a Bible?

Pastor John shares six reasons why expensive Bibles like the Bibliotheca Bible will not become the norm despite their elegance.
9/12/20148 minutes, 23 seconds
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John Piper’s Message to Ray Rice

In this special episode, Pastor John addresses how complementarian Christians can respond to recent events surround former NFL player Ray Rice.
9/11/20148 minutes, 49 seconds
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Explain Your Title ‘Pastor Emeritus’

Pastor John explains the freedoms, restrictions, and joys of a pastor emeritus covenant — one that he wrote.
9/11/20149 minutes, 36 seconds
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Lust Defined

Lust takes a good gift from God and strips it of regard for God's holiness and honor toward his image-bearers.
9/10/20143 minutes, 30 seconds
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Should We Side with Israel or Palestine?

Pastor John tackles a tough question that is theological and political at once. What is the proper response to the present situation in Israel?
9/9/20149 minutes, 59 seconds
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What Whites Can Learn from Ferguson

What can white evangelicals learn from the events in Ferguson, Missouri? Pastor John offers three lessons.
9/8/20148 minutes, 15 seconds
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How Does Scripture Produce Faith?

How do salvation, faith, and the Bible related to each other? Pastor John explains how the Bible awakens saving faith.
9/5/20144 minutes, 50 seconds
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What Does It Mean to ‘Kill Sin by the Spirit’?

How does the Spirit put to death the deeds of the body? Through the word of God, which we must wield, recite, and trust.
9/4/20148 minutes, 27 seconds
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Worship in the Workplace

How does the Christian’s daily life at work or home become worship? We must become what we already are in Christ.
9/3/20144 minutes, 52 seconds
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Wartime Wisdom for the Wealthy

A wartime lifestyle for wealthy Christians could demand that they give their resources away. But it may sometimes call for strategic investment.
9/2/20148 minutes, 19 seconds
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What Luxuries in My Life Are Sinful?

Even simple, inexpensive pleasures can be nonessential luxuries. How can believers discern which luxuries are worth spending money on?
9/1/20148 minutes, 26 seconds
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Should I Pray to the Father, the Son, or the Spirit?

Learn how the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit should shape our prayer life.
8/29/20146 minutes, 22 seconds
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Is God More Happy with Other Christians Than Me?

Christians can rest in the goodness and wisdom of God and the freeness of his grace in gifting his people. God is a good gift-giver.
8/28/20148 minutes, 49 seconds
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God’s Will and the Evil of the Cross

The cross displays this profound paradox: God scripted and ordained the murder of his Son — without once sinning.
8/27/20145 minutes, 48 seconds
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Should I Let Unmarried Couples Stay in My House?

What should we do when unmarried non-Christian friends or family members are spending the night at our house and want to share a bed?
8/26/20147 minutes, 3 seconds
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Incentives to Kill My Love of Human Praise

The praise of others lulls Christians into disbelief of their great, eternal reward. So how can Christians slay the dragon of praise-seeking?
8/25/20146 minutes, 36 seconds
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When Should I Stop Praying for Something?

Throughout Scripture, God repeatedly commands his people to pray more. But is there ever a time to stop praying for something?
8/22/20147 minutes, 17 seconds
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I Caught My Husband Checking Out Another Woman

A wife is not responsible for her husband’s sin. But she is responsible for how she responds to his sin.
8/21/20147 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Key to Christian Obedience

Pastor John describes three stages to Christian obedience: knowledge of God’s word, meditation on God’s word, and the abundance of our hearts that flow from both.
8/20/20149 minutes, 57 seconds
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What Is Idolatry?

The jealousy of God is both loving and righteous. For idolaters, it is also dangerous.
8/19/20147 minutes, 46 seconds
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Why Do You Journal?

Journaling clarifies thoughts, stewards Spirit-given insight, and reminds believers of God’s daily faithfulness.
8/18/20148 minutes, 40 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Satan to Live?

Satan works everyday to dishonor God and to destroy his image. So why does God allow him to live? Pastor John shares his thoughts.
8/15/20146 minutes, 24 seconds
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How Can I Know the Gospel Is True?

We can know the gospel is true because the God who authored it wants us to know, and gives the gift of eyes to see, believe, keep seeing, and keep believing.
8/14/20149 minutes, 3 seconds
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Cremation or Burial?

The question of cremation or burial is not an ultimate one, but an important one. Pastor John explains why he counsels toward burial, not cremation.
8/13/20145 minutes, 9 seconds
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Is Online Dating Good for Christians?

Online dating can be a good gift if it unites two believers able to discern the other’s genuine allegiance to Jesus.
8/12/20145 minutes, 6 seconds
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Use Commas to Love Your Reader

Pastor John commends the well-placed comma to writers along with this encouragement: good grammar invites writers to love their readers.
8/11/20145 minutes, 51 seconds
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Can I Approach God with a Joyless Heart?

Jesus is the joy that we seek. Go to him when you feel empty, weary, or broken down, and he will supply you with rest and refreshment.
8/8/20145 minutes, 3 seconds
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Which Comes First, Obedience or Joy?

Does our joy in God drive our obedience to his will, or does obeying God produce our joy?
8/7/20145 minutes, 47 seconds
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Discernment Gone Wrong

In protecting doctrinal purity, Christians must be careful not to lose sight of the beauty of what they are protecting.
8/6/20145 minutes, 2 seconds
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Is Oral Sex Okay?

Is oral sex prohibited in the Bible, and is it unkind?
8/5/20148 minutes, 29 seconds
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Is Election Divine Favoritism?

Does God play favorites? Pastor John explains how God is only good and only wise in his decisions to choose some and not others.
8/4/20148 minutes, 47 seconds
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Does Christian Hedonism Confuse Joy and Faith?

Does it muddy the water to say that saving faith must include joy in God? Or does it bring an extra note of clarity?
8/1/20147 minutes, 34 seconds
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To a Spouse Considering Divorce

When everything in a marriage feels broken, what do you do? Pastor John offers hope for overwhelmed spouses.
7/31/20148 minutes, 46 seconds
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Why Sex Is Not the Root of Sexual Sins

The misuse of sex is only a symptom of a far graver disease. Sexual sin arises when we lose our joy in God and go looking for it elsewhere.
7/30/20146 minutes, 5 seconds
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What Tools Do I Need to Study the Bible?

Bible study resources abound. So which tools do you need as you delve into personal Bible study?
7/29/20148 minutes, 43 seconds
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Goodbye, Burger King?

Our meal choice has not always been a moral issue, but Burger King and other restaurants are starting to make it one.
7/28/20148 minutes
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Does God Delight in Me?

God made us for joy in him, so he knows that by maximizing himself — not us — he achieves our greatest joy.
7/25/20146 minutes, 36 seconds
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Don’t Waste Your Life

Are you wasting your life? Pastor John answers by reminding us why we exist — to know and love God.
7/24/201411 minutes, 9 seconds
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Is God Fed Up with Me?

Is it possible to backslide so long and so deeply that there is no return? Pastor John answers “yes” but offers hope for Christians who repent.
7/23/20147 minutes, 29 seconds
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What Is God’s Glory?

We love to talk about it, but can we define it? God means for us not only to see his glory profusely, but to speak about it precisely.
7/22/201410 minutes, 14 seconds
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If God Is Joyful, Why Does He Seem So Mad?

God is not distant from us, but agonizes with us over sin and suffering and sorrows. He is angry at our sin. But he also rejoices over his people.
7/21/20147 minutes, 31 seconds
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The World Needs Women Ministers

Physical, emotional, and spiritual needs abound in the world. Pastor John encourages women of God can meet them.
7/18/20146 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Mystery of Sorrowful Rejoicing

How do believers respond to the inevitable suffering of this life? Pastor John explains what it means to be “sorrowful, yet always rejoicing.”
7/17/20145 minutes, 58 seconds
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Does God Verbally Speak to Me?

God is speaking to us. His word tells us what he wants us to know, and what we need to hear.
7/16/20146 minutes, 36 seconds
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How Do I Change?

God’s glory is transformative. When Christians behold his glory in his word by his Spirit, we change to be more like Christ.
7/15/20146 minutes, 4 seconds
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I’m Bored with the Bible

Pastor John gleans wisdom from the Psalms for dispassionate hearts. God himself will rekindle our love for his book.
7/14/20145 minutes, 12 seconds
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Christian Life as Union with Christ

Union with Christ is not a side benefit of the Christian life — it defines it.
7/11/20147 minutes, 31 seconds
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How Do I Pursue Joy in Christ?

“We were created to share the Father’s sweet pleasure in his Son.” But how do we pursue that goal? Michael Reeves offers practical advice to help.
7/10/20147 minutes, 10 seconds
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Why Do Catholics Pray to Mary?

Historian Michael Reeves explores the Catholic tradition of praying to Mary, and encourages Christians toward Jesus, our great high priest.
7/9/20146 minutes, 30 seconds
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Robust Theology Fuels Ambitious Evangelism

Armed with the life of John Calvin, Dr. Michael Reeves shows how sound doctrine produces driven saints.
7/8/20146 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Transforming Power of Christ’s Glory

Doubt pursued the Puritan Thomas Goodwin for seven years until he finally understood Christ’s work. Then, his whole life changed.
7/7/20148 minutes, 3 seconds
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Pilgrims and Patriots

God’s people are Christians before they are patriots, but they still work for the good of their homelands.
7/4/20148 minutes, 54 seconds
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Am I Saved?

At some point, all Christians ask, “Am I really a Christian?” Learn how the Spirit gives God’s people the assurance of salvation.
7/3/20148 minutes, 28 seconds
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How Can a Sovereign God Be Surprised?

Can God, who brings about everything, be caught off guard by anything? The belief that he can springs from a misinterpretation.
7/2/20147 minutes, 56 seconds
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How Do I Reclaim My Heart?

When sin’s lies have hardened your heart, here are six ways to soften it again.
7/1/20149 minutes, 17 seconds
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Delighting in What Is Not God

If we are supposed to find joy in God alone, what do we make of Psalms calling us to delight in God’s word?
6/30/20147 minutes, 31 seconds
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Christian Pitfalls in a Secular World

Christians do not put their hope in being the moral majority, but in God’s promise to give them the kingdom.
6/27/20147 minutes, 2 seconds
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Where America’s Sex Ethic Is Headed

How should the church respond as technology-driven, morally unhinged sexuality leaves more and more people thirsty for true, living water?
6/26/20148 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Dime-Store Prosperity Gospel

How should Christians live in an increasingly secular culture? Russell Moore gives three lessons for parents and their children.
6/25/20147 minutes, 24 seconds
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When Evangelical Leaders Toy with Truth

Russell Moore guides believers as they respond to both false shepherds and other sheep on contentious topics like so-called same-sex marriage.
6/24/20148 minutes, 41 seconds
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Should We Fight for Religious Liberty?

What belongs to Caesar, and what belongs to God? Dr. Russell Moore shares three ways Christians should think about religious liberty.
6/23/20147 minutes, 33 seconds
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Should Christians Watch ‘Game of Thrones’?

Christians are called not to be hip, but holy. Here are twelve reasons why Christians do not need on-screen nudity.
6/20/201412 minutes, 2 seconds
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The 8 Steps of Christian Obedience

Here are eight steps of sanctification that clarify God’s decisive role and our inspired role in bringing holiness to completion.
6/19/20149 minutes, 38 seconds
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Does Justification-Centered Sanctification Lead to Antinomianism?

Can we spend too much time celebrating the fact that we are righteous before God, so we think we need not obey him today?
6/18/20146 minutes, 36 seconds
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Will You Marry a Couple Already Living Together?

Purity and holiness are possible in Christ even for those who have sinned sexually in the past.
6/17/20147 minutes, 16 seconds
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Are Wedding Rings a Waste of Money?

A wedding ring makes a profound statement to the world and to the one who wears it, but is it worth the cost?
6/16/20149 minutes, 54 seconds
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What Age Will I Appear in Heaven?

Questions abound when it comes to our eternal home. What about our bodies? What age will we appear in heaven?
6/13/20146 minutes, 19 seconds
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Sex in Heaven?

Does a sexless heaven sound boring to you? Randy Alcorn explains how our marriage to Jesus will enhance our earthly relationships, not diminish them.
6/12/20146 minutes, 5 seconds
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Travel in Heaven?

Randy Alcorn argues that bucket lists have little merit for Christians who will have the new creation at their fingertips to enjoy to the glory of God.
6/11/20145 minutes, 39 seconds
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Sports in Heaven?

Sports bring out the best and the worst in people, so will there be sports in heaven? Randy Alcorn shares his thoughts.
6/10/20143 minutes, 34 seconds
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What Will Be Familiar to Us in Heaven?

How different will we and the realities around us be in the new earth as compared to the old? Randy Alcorn answers, “Perhaps not much.”
6/9/20144 minutes, 40 seconds
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Counsel for Those Considering Transgender

How should you counsel a friend who is considering transgender? Pastor John offers seven encouragements.
6/6/201410 minutes, 57 seconds
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Is Sexual Identity My Choice?

Our preferences do not dictate our worship or our sexual identity. God reveals truth about both through nature.
6/5/201412 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to Explain Christian Hedonism over Lunch

How would Pastor John explain what he means by “Christian Hedonism” over a thirty-minute lunch?
6/4/20146 minutes, 14 seconds
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Do My Sufferings Complete Christ’s?

How did Paul “fill up what is lacking” in Christ’s afflictions? Didn’t the cross provide a sufficient payment for the sins of God’s people?
6/3/20146 minutes, 37 seconds
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Look at the Book — New Chapter in Piper’s Legacy

How did Look at the Book begin? Pastor John explains its past and shares his hopes for its future: to give all Christians confidence in Bible reading.
6/2/20146 minutes, 14 seconds
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Sing to the Lord, Alone

Singing to the Lord can enrich your devotions and enliven your soul, even if you aren’t a natural singer.
5/30/20149 minutes, 14 seconds
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Suicide and Salvation

A final act of self-murder is not necessarily decisive in determining if someone was saved. God regards the whole life.
5/29/20149 minutes, 18 seconds
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Explaining Adoption to Your Adopted Child

Talking to your children about their adoption requires timing and initiation.
5/28/20147 minutes, 43 seconds
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Counsel for Couples Pondering Adoption

Adoption is an eternal reality. God planned it before he founded the earth. Now, we have the chance to act it out.
5/27/20146 minutes, 58 seconds
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One Beautiful Adoption Story

Adoption is hard, and parenting often hurts, but God can create happy stories even in those difficulties.
5/26/20147 minutes, 16 seconds
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Vision for Your Family Vacation

Vacations are a time to rest and refresh. What does it look like for a dad to share the leadership of the family with his wife while on break?
5/23/20147 minutes, 6 seconds
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A Theology of Vacations

For believers, both work and rest become redemptive tools in God’s hands to advance his kingdom.
5/22/20149 minutes, 15 seconds
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Can I Believe the Whole Bible and Not Be Elect?

Sincere belief cannot exist apart from salvation. Pastor John unpacks the implications of believing that the Bible — all of it — is true.
5/21/20147 minutes, 30 seconds
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Do I Love God or Just Love Loving Him?

Holiness, news, risk, and suffering. Pastor John offers four words for four tests to determine whether you love God or just love loving God.
5/20/20146 minutes, 42 seconds
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How Should I Think About My Failures?

God has sufficient grace for our sins, our weaknesses, and our failures. He can turn even our failures into gospel successes.
5/19/20148 minutes, 57 seconds
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Is God Everywhere and Absent from Hell?

If God is everywhere, is he also in hell? If so, in what sense is God present in hell? Pastor John answers.
5/16/20146 minutes, 46 seconds
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Bikinis and Modesty

True modesty is the fruit of joyfully submitting to Christ, saturating ourselves with the word of God, and considering the good of others.
5/15/20148 minutes, 54 seconds
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What Is Calvinism?

God’s glory is the goal of all things, and his freedom and his sovereignty are essential to his deity — and our salvation.
5/14/20149 minutes, 32 seconds
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Do Loved Ones in Heaven Look Down on Us?

We don’t know how much the saints in heaven know about the events on earth. But the Bible’s promises for the joy of the saints are glorious.
5/13/20145 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sick of Singleness and Satisfied in Christ

Desires for marriage, even very strong desires, are not necessarily at odds with contentment in Christ.
5/12/20148 minutes, 23 seconds
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If God Never Leaves Me, Why Does He Withdraw?

Pastor John explains why God withdraws from his people in light of his new-covenant promises to stay with them forever.
5/9/20148 minutes, 3 seconds
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Battling Homosexual Lust

Our battles against sin are not meant to be easy or pain-free. But they can — and should — be marked by joy and filled with the promises of God.
5/8/20147 minutes, 49 seconds
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When Past Sexual Sin Haunts Your Wedding

There is hope for those who regret past sexual mistakes and their current consequences in the context of marriage and engagement.
5/7/20146 minutes, 52 seconds
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When Sin Fractures a Church

Pastor John remembers a painful time in Bethlehem’s history and encourages pastors to stay with their churches through seasons of discipline and grief.
5/6/20148 minutes, 43 seconds
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What Joy Did Jesus Not Already Have?

How can anything make God more or less joyful than he already is? Does the joy of God ever fluctuate?
5/5/201410 minutes, 50 seconds
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MLK’s Most Powerful Words

On April 16, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. penned “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” a vivid report of racial injustice and oppression.
5/2/20146 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Future of Race in the Church

The light will become lighter and the dark will become darker. The world is changing, but sin, Jesus, and the every-knee-will-bow reality will not.
5/1/20146 minutes, 46 seconds
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Civil Rights 50 Years Later

We live in racial realities that 50 years ago would have been inconceivable. But our church and country continue to chart new multiethnic territories.
4/30/201410 minutes, 59 seconds
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Tony Evans, Race, and the Bible

Jesus crossed painful racial lines at the well two thousand years ago. Pastor John recounts Tony Evans’s powerful message from John 4 at Kainos 2014.
4/29/20148 minutes, 17 seconds
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Is Fornication Worse Than Porn?

Both premarital sex and pornography addiction harm men and women alike, but in different ways. So which sin is worse?
4/28/20147 minutes, 24 seconds
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Breaking My Addiction to Entertainment

Pastor John shares six ways that Christians can begin to sever the cords of their addiction to entertainment.
4/25/20144 minutes, 1 second
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Should We Read the Holy Books of Other Religions?

Pastor John gives his take on whether or not Christians should feel obligated to read the holy books of other religions.
4/24/20143 minutes, 24 seconds
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Cautions for New Calvinists

What kind of pitfalls exist in the “New Calvinism” movement? What do New Calvinists need to beware of?
4/23/20144 minutes, 34 seconds
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What Must I Believe to Be Saved?

Our sin, God’s holiness, and Jesus’s cross are the core truths around which saving faith is formed.
4/22/20146 minutes, 51 seconds
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Certain and Conditional: More on Eternal Security

God elects unconditionally. But he glorifies us on the condition of our faithful obedience. Does that mean our glorification is not guaranteed?
4/21/20148 minutes, 33 seconds
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Eternal Security: Vaccination or Therapy?

The promises of God mark us as his children. They also keep us in the family when we walk through trials and persecution.
4/18/20146 minutes, 6 seconds
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Sin and the Speed Limit

Going the speed limit is an act of faith in the God who controls your day and can maximize your minutes for his glory.
4/17/20149 minutes, 22 seconds
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A Bite-Sized Theology of Food

Pastor John shares five specific principles from the Bible relating to food. God created food good, but there is a right and wrong way to enjoy it.
4/16/20148 minutes, 35 seconds
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Six Keys to Detecting the Prosperity Gospel

How can Christians detect the beginnings of prosperity preaching? Pastor John shares six signs.
4/15/20148 minutes, 13 seconds
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What’s New About ‘New Calvinism’?

The five solas unite Reformed Christians past and present, but Pastor John notes how seven factors may be creating a new mold under the same banner.
4/14/20147 minutes, 18 seconds
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Should Christians Be Cops and Soldiers?

If Jesus calls his followers to turn the other cheek, then can a Christian serve society as a cop or a soldier?
4/11/20147 minutes, 49 seconds
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More on Guns and Self-Defense

Self-sacrifice and just punishment under ruling authorities image God’s love and justice. Pastor John shares more thoughts on Christians’ use of force.
4/10/20148 minutes, 21 seconds
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Social Evils and Reformed Theology

Reformed theology, as a biblical expression of the gospel, is relevant for every problem in every ethnicity of every stress and stripe.
4/9/20148 minutes, 15 seconds
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Churches Pursuing Ethnic Diversity

Pastor John describes the growing need for a theology of race in reformed circles and for pastors’ to purposely pursue ethnic diversity in their churches.
4/8/20147 minutes, 54 seconds
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Pride and Humility in Criticizing Sermons

Scripture tells us to test all things. But overanalyzing what the pastor is saying keeps us from being in awe of what God said.
4/7/20146 minutes, 5 seconds
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Marriage Challenges and Christian Ministry

Some of the most surprising challenges to effective ministry will stem from family and marriage. How has Pastor John experienced God’s grace in his?
4/4/20145 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Doctrinal Flavor of Reformed Churches

How important is reformed doctrine for Christians who are seeking out a church home? Pastor John shares his thoughts.
4/3/20144 minutes, 59 seconds
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How Piper Learned Reformed Theology

Pastor John reflects on the staying power of Westminster Seminary and the inescapably Reformed theology of the Bible.
4/2/20144 minutes, 56 seconds
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What Does It Mean for the Christian to Fear God?

God calls his children to fear him with trembling, reverence, awe, and worship — but not with cowering.
4/1/201410 minutes, 40 seconds
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What Is Christian Freedom?

When Christ frees a Christian, he frees her to love him. Only those who delight to obey God are truly free.
3/31/20147 minutes, 48 seconds
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If Our Will Is Not Free, Are We Accountable?

No human being has the power to conquer sin. Yet God righteously holds everyone responsible for their failure. How can both realities be true?
3/28/20147 minutes, 13 seconds
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Do We Have Free Will to Choose Christ?

In our flesh, we walk morally ruined, spiritually blind, and broken-willed. But our salvation depends on God’s free grace, not on our free choice.
3/27/20147 minutes, 48 seconds
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God, Guns, and Biblical Manhood

Given the Christian man’s duty to protect his family, self-defense may seem appropriate. But Scripture calls him to an even higher standard of love.
3/26/20147 minutes, 46 seconds
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Believer Baptism and Mental Disabilities

Believer’s baptism requires assent, so what about people who cannot give it? Pastor John explores baptism for people with mental disabilities.
3/25/20148 minutes, 47 seconds
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Visualizing Christ to Battle Lust?

For every lustful thought or nude picture that plagues the mind, a visualized image of the bloodied, crucified Jesus can turn a battle into victory.
3/24/20148 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Greatest Threat to Gospel Ministry

Without joy in Christ and his word, pastors have nothing to offer to their people. Joy — or joylessness — is powerful and contagious.
3/21/20147 minutes, 11 seconds
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How Real Is the Book ‘Heaven Is for Real’?

While books like ‘Heaven Is for Real’ offer guesswork, the Bible offers certain, infallible truths about heaven that would take lifetimes to explore.
3/20/20146 minutes, 8 seconds
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Behind the Scenes at Ask Pastor John

Ask Pastor John’s host, Tony Reinke, takes listeners through the ins and outs of the podcast and lists some of its top episodes.
3/19/20149 minutes, 28 seconds
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Why Do We Love March Madness?

From smooth finishes at the rim to impressive displays of endurance, Pastor John shares his thoughts about the undeniable draw of March Madness.
3/18/20148 minutes, 14 seconds
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God Has No Vocal Chords

Many prefer sounds over words, listening over reading. But God is spirit. He has no vocal cords. He speaks through what he already said in the Bible.
3/17/20146 minutes, 14 seconds
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How To Bless Your Pastor

When believers walk through trials with extraordinary faith, they bless the pastor who prepared them for this moment.
3/14/20144 minutes, 24 seconds
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Do Podcast Preachers Make My Pastor Irrelevant?

Podcasters can teach, encourage, exhort, and explain, but they cannot shepherd. Only your pastor can do that.
3/13/20146 minutes, 45 seconds
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What Is Inerrancy?

Jesus, the Word, proclaims the word of God to be true. So is it? Pastor John defines inerrancy and encourages our confidence in the truth of the word.
3/12/20149 minutes, 19 seconds
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Are We Too Financially Unstable to Get Married?

Marriage represents an opportunity to fight for faith together, including through potentially tough financial times.
3/11/20146 minutes, 4 seconds
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God Is Not Male

Jesus came to earth as a man, and God reveals himself as a king. However, Christians should not think of God the Father or God the Holy Spirit as male. Pastor John explains why.
3/10/20144 minutes, 30 seconds
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Is God a Needy Vacuum Trying To Suck Praise Out of Us?

Pastor John responds to criticism of Calvinism, Edwards, and Christian hedonism by explaining how God’s glory is God’s love, not his neediness.
3/7/201411 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ayn Rand’s Tragic Trajectory

Without God, Ayn Rand’s creativity and logical brilliance led her straight past the truth and into darkness.
3/6/201411 minutes, 36 seconds
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Pornography and Resisting the Power of Temptation

We don’t learn anything about sin by giving in, but rather by fighting back. Pastor John shares a parable on resisting sexual temptation.
3/5/20146 minutes, 38 seconds
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Pastor of World’s Largest Church Convicted of Embezzlement

No pastor is immune from the insidious desire for riches. Pastor John provides five pleas to pastors to safeguard their hearts and the name of Christ.
3/4/20149 minutes, 7 seconds
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Biblical Hope for Christians Facing Poverty

Those who know Christ possess greater riches than the richest billionaire on the planet — spiritually right now, and materially in eternity.
3/3/20147 minutes, 45 seconds
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Is the Believer’s Heart ‘Desperately Sick’?

If you are in Christ, you have a new heart. Your flesh will cause you still to stumble, but God will direct your affections to himself.
2/28/20148 minutes, 2 seconds
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Giving up on Church

Pastor John exhorts believers, especially those tempted to give up on church, with four biblical reasons to seek out membership in a local body.
2/27/20149 minutes, 15 seconds
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Childless Missionaries by Design?

Is the mission field compatible with having children? Pastor John helps aspiring missionaries think through the implications of remaining childless.
2/26/20146 minutes, 26 seconds
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Is Song of Solomon an Allegory?

Can the Song of Solomon, in all its sexual directness, really describe God’s relationship with his people?
2/25/20147 minutes, 28 seconds
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Where Should a New Believer Start in the Bible?

For Christians, Bible reading is a lifelong routine — day by day, year by year. Where should new believers start?
2/24/20144 minutes, 48 seconds
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Anti-Depressants, Sleep, Diet, and Exercise

We use countless physical strategies every day to cope with life’s difficulties. So how do sleep, antidepressants, and diet relate to a Christian’s spiritual life?
2/21/20146 minutes, 32 seconds
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Is A.D.D. a Sin?

A.D.D. brings unique temptations to sin, but Pastor John encourages those who affected by the disorder with the gospel’s power to transform and renew.
2/20/20145 minutes, 42 seconds
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Anxiety: Sin, Disorder, or Both?

Are the various anxieties in our lives sinful? Are they simply disorders? Are they neither? Are they both?
2/19/20147 minutes, 32 seconds
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Does God Cause All Sickness?

Satan’s plan is for evil. God’s plan is for good. Both set causes in motion but God exercises ultimate authority over all.
2/18/20147 minutes, 16 seconds
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Dads, Play with Your Kids

Does dad enjoy playing with me? A father’s earthly love for a child can serve as a picture of the Father’s heavenly love for them.
2/17/20148 minutes, 27 seconds
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Can a Husband Lust After His Wife?

What is right in the marriage bed is right in the mind, but husbands should strive to serve their wives, not use them, in both.
2/14/20146 minutes, 31 seconds
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“Piper Is Too Intellectual”

The Bible often makes high demands of our minds. Believers must therefore work hard to understand and teach God’s word.
2/13/20147 minutes, 20 seconds
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Do Digital Bible Searches Relativize Memorization?

With digital Bibles and keyword searches at our fingertips, why should Christians take the time to memorize Scripture?
2/12/20144 minutes, 35 seconds
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Digital or Paper Bible for Devotions?

The digital revolution presents new challenges and opportunities. Should believers take advantage of the digital tools available for Bible study?
2/11/20146 minutes, 34 seconds
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Bible for Church: Digital or Paper?

Digital Bibles can distract from worship — just like anything else. Readers and pastors alike must fight to wield them well.
2/10/20146 minutes, 40 seconds
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Is Porn the Unforgivable Sin?

If you feel in bondage to pornography, don’t assume it’s too late to repent. But don’t assume that repentance can wait until tomorrow.
2/7/20147 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Bible’s Most Important Verse

Pastor John explains how humanity’s terrifying problems meet God’s glorious remedies in Romans 3:25.
2/6/20146 minutes, 3 seconds
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Was God Unfair at the Cross?

Was God unfair on the cross? No. Pastor John proclaims two life-changing truths about the substitution of Christ in our place.
2/5/20147 minutes, 6 seconds
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How Hobbies Glorify God

Whether rock climbing or crosswords, hobbies can encourage or discourage a believer’s relationship with God.
2/4/20145 minutes, 27 seconds
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Distinguishing Weaknesses from Sins

Believers can boast in their weaknesses, but crush the sin that slithers through their hearts.
2/3/20146 minutes, 7 seconds
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Feminine Beauty in God's Eyes

Pastor John encourages women to cultivate a beautiful heart for the God who truly sees them before laboring over a beautiful appearance for everyone else.
1/31/20149 minutes, 29 seconds
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Who Should Discipline the Kids — Mom or Dad?

Although moms and dads should both discipline their kids, God calls husbands to be engaged leaders and servants in their homes.
1/30/20149 minutes, 31 seconds
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Discerning Loving Criticism and Unloving Criticism

Loving criticism must always work with heartfelt care for the good of another. Unloving criticism acts out of a prideful spirit unaware of the need for grace.
1/29/20146 minutes, 25 seconds
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Why Is Jesus My Advocate If I’m Already Justified?

Christ’s glory shines most fully, most brightly, most durably by making a complete atonement for sin on the cross and interceding for us in heaven.
1/28/20147 minutes, 41 seconds
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So If I Feel No Emotion, Can I Worship?

Sometimes, the aching desire to want to worship God is itself worship. But what happens when a Christian feels nothing at all?
1/27/20149 minutes, 26 seconds
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Do I Worship God?

When the eyes see God’s beauty and the mind understands God’s worth, the heart overflows in worship.
1/24/20146 minutes, 9 seconds
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Roe v. Wade Assaults the Incarnation of Christ

Not only does abortion attack God’s image by murdering his image-bearers — it assaults God’s own Son, who came to earth by Mary’s womb.
1/22/20147 minutes, 38 seconds
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If My Church Lacks Available Singles, Should I Leave?

Leaving a church for any reason is a serious matter; when should I leave a church to find a wife?
1/22/20144 minutes, 22 seconds
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Can Christians Cuss to Prove a Point?

The Bible doesn’t include a list of God-approved words. Christians should instead ask, Does my speech exalt Christ? Does it build others up?
1/21/20148 minutes, 33 seconds
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What Translation for Bible Memory?

Pastor John encourages listeners to settle on a single Bible translation and commends the ESV as his go-to and recommended one.
1/20/20145 minutes, 4 seconds
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Practical Tips for Bible Memory

Andy Davis’s method for memorizing Scripture helps believers on their way to retain long passages one day, and one verse, at a time.
1/17/20145 minutes, 53 seconds
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Bible Memory: Essential or Optional?

We don’t have to memorize the Bible — we get to. Lovers of God delight to read, know, and recite his precious word.
1/16/20148 minutes, 1 second
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What Steals Your Joy?

A happy home can empower ministry, but struggles at home can deplete its power. Pastor John shares six counsels for a joyful family and ministry.
1/15/20147 minutes, 1 second
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Dad’s Role in Homemaking

Dads joyfully lead their households so that each member can flourish to the fullest extent God has planned.
1/14/20145 minutes, 54 seconds
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God Heals All Our Diseases — Really?

Scripture does not promise deliverance from harm in the present age. But in Christ, we will all get the best healing in the age to come.
1/13/20146 minutes, 43 seconds
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When Leaders Don’t Affirm Your Ministry

What should Christians do when their church’s elders hesitate to put them in a position of leadership?
1/10/20145 minutes, 20 seconds
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Did Christ Die for the Whole World?

When we consider definite atonement, we must always ask, “What do you mean when you say ‘Jesus died for all?’”
1/9/20149 minutes, 9 seconds
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When Our Heroes Age

Billy Graham preached the gospel faithfully. But as he got older, he said some troubling words. So how should we think about our heroes as they age?
1/8/20146 minutes, 37 seconds
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Billy Graham’s Controversial Ministry

Despite controversy, Billy Graham, Bob Jones, and John Piper’s father shared a desire to see Christ glorified and millions saved.
1/7/20147 minutes, 45 seconds
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When I Met Billy Graham

Pastor John relates Billy Graham’s impact on his life, from their personal meetings, to his crusades, to his time at Bob Jones University.
1/6/20148 minutes, 1 second
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Slavery, Oppression, and America’s Prosperity

We do not share in guilt, but we do bear the shame of past iniquity in America. We must respond now with a chastened gratitude for unearned blessings and with a zeal to remedy the shame.
1/3/20148 minutes, 29 seconds
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What Podcasts Do You Listen To?

Podcasts stir us up by way of reminder, provide a platform for raw, inviting experiences with God, and help us make the best use of the time.
1/2/20147 minutes, 31 seconds
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A Little Theology of Resolutions

Seeking God requires firm resolve. But should Christians wait until the New Year comes around before making any resolutions?
1/1/20147 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ghostwriting and Research Assistants

In using ghostwriters, authors hide their own weaknesses and put money before the truth. Therefore, ghostwriting is out of step with the way of Christ.
12/30/20138 minutes, 54 seconds
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Exciting Days Ahead for Desiring God

Help through tragedy. Global Impact. App Development. Pastor John reflects on past grace and anticipates future grace to and through the ministry of Desiring God.
12/26/20138 minutes, 17 seconds
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What Christmas Is All About

Before it rings the bell of family, or charity, or gift-giving, or Saint Nick, Christmas sounds the trumpet of God’s salvation for sinners.
12/24/20135 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Virgin Birth and Human Sexuality

If God called human sexuality good, along with the rest of creation, then why did he send Jesus to be born of a virgin?
12/23/20137 minutes, 8 seconds
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Six Reasons to Skip Tattoos

Tattoos may appeal to Christians, even for missional reasons. Pastor John weighs the costs of tattoos against any benefits they offer.
12/20/20136 minutes, 45 seconds
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Tattoos in Biblical Perspective

The question of tattoos involves more than law or culture. It touches the allegiance of our hearts.
12/19/20138 minutes, 7 seconds
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Why Stoicism Is Toxic

Although emotionalism can lead churches into unhelpful practices and even abuse, emotionless churches are in greater danger. Pastor John explains why.
12/18/201311 minutes, 53 seconds
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Where’s the Arminian John Piper?

If God does not sit at the center of your theology, your worship will fizzle out. He made you to delight in him.
12/17/20139 minutes, 40 seconds
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Where Did All These Calvinists Come From?

What factors led to the current rise in Calvinism? Where does Pastor John fit into the picture?
12/16/20138 minutes, 22 seconds
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I May Be Called to Missions — Where Do I Start?

If you feel the slightest tug to go with the gospel to the unreached peoples of the world, here are seven steps to speed you on your way.
12/13/20136 minutes, 46 seconds
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Muslims vs. Christians on the Sovereignty of God

Whereas Allah can act capriciously, the Bible assures believers that God’s sovereignty works in perfect harmony with his justice and love.
12/11/20138 minutes, 31 seconds
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Lessons from the Middle East

Pastor John relays lessons from his trip to the Middle East — The harvest is plentiful, the pastors need teachers, and God has opened the door for the gospel.
12/10/201313 minutes, 10 seconds
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What Makes Homosexuality Wrong?

We know the Bible teaches that homosexual behavior is a sin. Why is that so? Does Scripture give us reasons touching closer to the heart of the issue?
12/9/20136 minutes, 56 seconds
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Why I Abominate the Prosperity Gospel

The “good news” of the prosperity gospel preys upon the poor and leads people into suicidal desires for wealth, all while missing the greater riches of eternal life in Christ.
12/6/201310 minutes, 49 seconds
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Should Christians Use the Pill?

Christians should not use pills that destroy a fertilized egg. But if children are a blessing from the Lord, should contraceptives ever be an option?
12/5/20137 minutes, 17 seconds
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How Do You Prepare Sermons?

Although pastors should find their own rhythms for preparing sermons, the prayer remains the same: “God help me to see and say what’s really in your Word.”
12/4/20134 minutes, 35 seconds
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How Did You Learn to Preach?

Pastor John’s ability to preach rose up out of a heart that was satisfied and thrilled by the Bible.
12/3/20134 minutes, 4 seconds
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Should Moms Work Outside the Home?

Christ’s kingdom advances through the ministry of faithful mothers whose homes are light for their children, and for the world.
12/2/20133 minutes, 26 seconds
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How Do You Know Christianity Is True?

Pastor John walks through three lines of evidence that make a compelling case for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
11/29/20136 minutes, 41 seconds
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Proud People Don’t Give Thanks

Proud hearts don’t know their need for grace, but humble hearts joyfully give thanks to the God who has given them everything, including salvation.
11/27/201310 minutes, 19 seconds
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Is It Sin to Dislike Divine Election?

As believers become more and more like Jesus, they will come to love the things that God loves, in the way that God loves them.
11/26/20133 minutes, 37 seconds
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Does John 15 Defy Calvinism?

In John 15, Jesus cuts off branches that bear no fruit. Does that mean that Christians can lose their salvation?
11/25/20138 minutes, 2 seconds
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Must a Wife Take Her Husband’s Last Name?

Pastor John offers cultural, practical, and biblical support for his encouragement for wives to take their husbands’ last names.
11/22/20138 minutes, 37 seconds
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Has My Heart Sinned Even If I Stop Words from Exiting My Mouth?

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks — but what if we stop the speaking? Have we still sinned?
11/21/20135 minutes, 54 seconds
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Make War Against Pouting

All sin makes war on the Christian, so the Christian must make war on all sin — whether sexual immorality or self-pity.
11/20/20136 minutes, 19 seconds
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Busy Pastors and Biblical Encounters, Part Two

How does God provide the food so that his appointed shepherds — time-pressured, busy pastors — can feed their flocks?
11/19/20137 minutes, 7 seconds
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Busy Pastors and Biblical Encounters, Part One

Academia affords more leisurely time to study the Bible, but the pastorate compels shepherds to find daily biblical nourishment daily to feed themselves and their flock.
11/18/20137 minutes, 7 seconds
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Charismatic Abuses? Discernment and Finances

Discernment and financial abuses exist in charismatic and non-charismatic churches alike. Pastor John urges believers to cling to the word of God.
11/15/20138 minutes, 28 seconds
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Charismatic Abuses? Doctrinal and Emotional

Flaws litter charismatic and non-charismatic churches alike. Pastor John has two biblical warnings for those who prize feelings over mature thinking.
11/14/20138 minutes, 8 seconds
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What Is Prophecy Today?

Do new-covenant prophecies carry the same level of authority as Scripture? Pastor John explains three reasons why they don’t.
11/13/20137 minutes, 53 seconds
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John MacArthur and Strange Fire

Paul told the Corinthians to earnestly desire the gift of prophecy. But should Christians today do the same?
11/12/20135 minutes, 38 seconds
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Travel Updates and Prayer Requests

Pastor John talks about his plans to strengthen pastors in the Middle East and asks listeners to pray for strength.
11/11/20134 minutes
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Advice for Christian Loners

Pastor John encourages Christian loners — even those who have been hurt by the church — to pursue God in Christ-exalting friendships.
11/8/20135 minutes, 35 seconds
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What Events in this World Echo in Eternity?

All of history details the story of God's redemptive grace through Jesus Christ. We will not forget this story in heaven — we will rehearse it forever.
11/7/20138 minutes, 30 seconds
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Do Christian Hedonists Idolize Joy?

Pastor John explains how Christian Hedonism avoids idolizing joy.
11/6/201310 minutes, 7 seconds
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Dead To the World — What’s That?

Jesus surpasses whatever good the world has to offer. So rather than worship those good things, disciples of Jesus receive them as gifts.
11/5/20138 minutes, 17 seconds
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Finding Joy When Life Hurts Most

The doctrine of God’s sovereignty doesn’t only mean that he controls everything, but that he controls everything for the good of his people.
11/4/20137 minutes, 36 seconds
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God’s Supreme Happiness

Pastor John discusses how God's sovereignty relates to joy in God.
11/1/20136 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Danger of Deserting Community

How has God designed our community to help keep us in Christ? Pastor John unpacks God’s prescriptions of prayer and exhortation.
10/31/20136 minutes, 2 seconds
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God’s Sovereignty over Evil in My Life

God does not traffic in futility or vanity. He intends all things, even terrible calamity, for the ultimate good of his people.
10/30/20133 minutes, 16 seconds
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Does It Make God Evil to Ordain Evil?

Pastor John explains God's sovereignty over evil acts without himself being evil.
10/29/20136 minutes, 40 seconds
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Wisdom in Friendships with Non-Christians

How do we reconcile seemingly conflicting commands from Scripture to hang out with the corrupt and to befriend them like Jesus?
10/28/20134 minutes, 25 seconds
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With So Many Orphans, Why Have Children?

Children are a blessing from the God who commands us to be fruitful and multiply. But how does that command fit in a world with orphans who need a home?
10/25/20138 minutes, 11 seconds
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How Do I Obey and Submit to My Leaders?

God calls pastors to lead their churches by serving, not dominating, and he calls congregations to follow with humble teachability.
10/24/20136 minutes, 26 seconds
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Is Drinking Alcohol a Sin?

Alcohol consumption is permissible and can be a blessing, but it is also fraught with dangers.
10/23/20139 minutes, 43 seconds
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What Pains Here Bring Greater Reward in Heaven?

God is working a weight of glory through our hardships, even the ones that seem most trivial.
10/22/20138 minutes, 17 seconds
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What Does Definite Atonement Offer My Life?

For Christians, to embrace the definite atonement is to embrace that Christ set his love on them particularly, specially, and certainly.
10/21/20137 minutes, 33 seconds
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Why Did God Forbid One Tree in Eden?

The forbidden tree was neither an arbitrary test of obedience nor a greedy restriction by a stingy God. It was an insurance policy to secure supreme pleasure.
10/18/20134 minutes, 47 seconds
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Why Honor C.S. Lewis When He Had So Many Flaws?

Although Lewis held several defective doctrines, Pastor John gives six reasons why he remains so helpful to Christians worldwide.
10/17/20137 minutes, 24 seconds
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How Your Imagination Helps You See

A good imagination transforms the normal into the fantastic. A great imagination sees normal things for the wonders they really are.
10/16/20137 minutes, 7 seconds
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Is God an Egomaniac?

God’s pursuit of his own glory is the best possible news for all who seek him because “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.”
10/15/20136 minutes, 14 seconds
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How Do We Walk by the Spirit?

Walking by the Spirit can seem vague and hard to live out. Pastor John gives believers practical steps to walk and live by the Spirit.
10/14/20137 minutes, 23 seconds
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How Did Your Vision for Missions Develop?

No other motive provides a better foundation for missions than God’s own zeal to be glorified by blood-bought people from every tribe and tongue.
10/11/20138 minutes, 59 seconds
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Would You Attend a Gay Wedding?

Christians do not celebrate what dishonors Christ. Pastor John gives five reasons why he would not attend a so-called same-sex wedding.
10/10/20136 minutes, 3 seconds
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Counsel for Busy Moms

However mundane dirty diapers and yet another meal may seem, Jesus assures busy moms, “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me.”
10/9/20137 minutes, 57 seconds
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Are Christians Called to Obey the Law?

Because Christ justifies believers, not their own law-keeping, do Christians still need to keep the commandments?
10/8/20139 minutes, 15 seconds
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Must Christian Rap Have the Gospel in Every Song?

Christ should radiate in and through every rap song, but the gospel need not be explicitly presented every time. Pastor John describes Christ-exalting rap.
10/7/20135 minutes, 27 seconds
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When Should I Leave My Church?

Pastor John describes marks of a healthy church and the combination of factors that may suggest it’s time to leave.
10/4/20135 minutes, 47 seconds
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Should We Confess Our Sins to a Priest?

By his blood, Jesus purchased a unified bride in which the saints lay their souls bare and pray for one another.
10/3/20136 minutes, 20 seconds
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Botox, Dieting, and Plastic Surgery

How should Christians care for their bodies, which the Bible calls temples of God, without idolizing them or investing too much in outer beauty?
10/2/20137 minutes, 38 seconds
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What’s Your Process for Owning Truth?

We can know Scripture, and we can know the Scripture. Take the time to read and analyze, but leave plenty of time to experience it as well.
10/1/20134 minutes
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How Do I Own Biblical Truths for Myself?

How should believers pursue affections for Jesus in a broken world where those affections seem to rise and fall constantly?
9/30/20138 minutes, 18 seconds
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Is Tithing Commanded for Christians?

Christ has fulfilled the Old Testament law for his people. But does that mean God no longer expects us to tithe?
9/27/20137 minutes, 12 seconds
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How Do We Know God’s Will?

Ninety percent of our daily decisions have no guiding list. But a mind renewed by God through his word and Spirit can know the delightful taste of God’s will.
9/26/20136 minutes, 33 seconds
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Jesus’s Sheep Hear His Voice — What’s That Mean?

The mark of Jesus's sheep is that they hear and believe the saving word of the gospel preached to them.
9/25/20135 minutes, 21 seconds
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This Week’s Conference on C.S. Lewis

Pastor John gives a taste of the upcoming Desiring God National Conference, centered around C.S. Lewis.
9/24/20136 minutes
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Can a Sinner Be Saved After Death?

Pastor John unpacks the story of the rich man and Lazarus to show the great chasm fixed between believers and unbelievers after death.
9/23/20135 minutes, 39 seconds
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Can a Sinner Be Saved at Death?

The Lord can and will show mercy to sinners who repent in the eleventh hour. Yet, spiritual corpses who love their sin cannot raise themselves from the dead.
9/20/20136 minutes, 25 seconds
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Should We Brag About Our Favorite Teachers?

Believers walk day by day as servants of others because their Savior is alive, their Father is King, the Spirit is present, and their reward is coming.
9/19/20135 minutes, 21 seconds
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Do We Need Christian Role Models?

There are rich biblical grounds for saying, "Yes, believers do need role models in Christ." God has given us one another to imitate.
9/18/20136 minutes, 32 seconds
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Is It Sinful to Date a Non-Christian?

Marriage — and dating on that trajectory — cannot be the beautiful union God designed it to be if he himself is not in the picture.
9/17/20135 minutes, 59 seconds
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Does James Say Not to Pursue Joy?

There is a time for everything. When confronted by our sin, sorrow is the appropriate reaction — the one that can lead to true repentance.
9/16/20135 minutes, 36 seconds
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How Do I Motivate My Church for Ministry?

If you want to motivate your church, don’t start with programs and activities. Start with a vision of God’s glory.
9/13/20136 minutes, 49 seconds
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Fighting Bitterness

Bitterness flows from a heart that feels the pain of injustice. Forgiveness flows from a heart overcome by trust in God’s justice.
9/12/20138 minutes, 41 seconds
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How Singleness Is Good

Marriage only lasts a lifetime. The relationships Christians build with one another last for eternity.
9/11/20133 minutes, 33 seconds
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Why Adam’s Singleness Was Not Good

Psalm 73 declares that God’s people desire nothing on earth besides God. Why then was it “not good” that Adam was alone with God?
9/10/20134 minutes, 22 seconds
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Have I Exhausted God’s Patience with My Sin?

If you feel any measure of fear of judgment, or horror for your sin, turn to Jesus and repent — it’s not too late.
9/9/20137 minutes, 22 seconds
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Should We Listen for the Audible Voice of God?

God still speaks today through his living, active word. All other revelation must be tested against Scripture (and hopefully alongside wise believers).
9/6/20136 minutes, 25 seconds
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When I’m Bored of the Bible — What Can I Do?

Christians are like farmers who, in reading God’s word, tend their gardens day by day, even when the fruit is not yet visible.
9/5/20134 minutes, 52 seconds
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Is My Husband’s Porn a Marriage Deal-Breaker?

Marriage is a lifelong, God-wrought covenant. God did not create it to break — even when one partner goes back on their vows by viewing pornography.
9/4/20137 minutes, 30 seconds
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Salt, Light, and Complaining

Pastor John explains how complaining not only diminishes the light of God’s power and goodness, but also the light of his reward for his children.
9/3/20135 minutes, 55 seconds
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What My Complaining Says About God

Complaining snuffs out the light that believers hold — the light of God’s goodness, his power, and his wisdom in the midst of a dark world.
9/2/20135 minutes, 47 seconds
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Do Promises in the Psalms Apply to Me?

Some psalms relate to specific events in the life of David or Israel, so how should Christians take the promises in those psalms?
8/30/20136 minutes, 30 seconds
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Why Evangelicals Go Catholic

Pastor John identifies some of the reasons why evangelicals go to the Catholic Church, along with some of the issues with Catholic teaching.
8/29/20134 minutes, 39 seconds
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Is Abortion Like the Holocaust?

Pastor John discusses the similarities and differences between the Holocaust and abortion, ending with this certainty: God will settle every account.
8/28/20134 minutes, 52 seconds
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What Is Gossip?

Gossip springs up from a proud and negative heart that hides beneath a veneer of concern and love.
8/27/20134 minutes, 12 seconds
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John Piper’s Testimony

Pastor John shares the story of his testimony. He can’t remember it, yet it is still amazing.
8/26/20135 minutes, 30 seconds
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What Is Legalism?

The word “legalism” is not found in the Bible. So what do people mean when they contrast legalism with the gospel?
8/23/20136 minutes, 42 seconds
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Women As Ministers?

God equips women to minister mightily in this world. Pastor John clarifies 1 Timothy 2 and calls women to endless possibilities.
8/22/20136 minutes, 34 seconds
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Does God Remember Our Sins or Forget Them?

Pastor John examines how God can both remember and forget sins according to what will work the most for our good.
8/21/20137 minutes
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Why Is My Evangelism at Work So Lame?

It is difficult, even strange, to turn workplace conversations from football and fashion to the gospel. How then should believers approach evangelism at work?
8/20/20135 minutes, 47 seconds
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What Does It Mean to Be Made in God’s Image?

Sin defaces the image of God, but it doesn’t destroy it. Pastor John explains what it means to be made in the image of God in this age of redemption.
8/19/20136 minutes, 28 seconds
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Battling Jealousy

The jealousy of God is both righteous and loving; often, our jealousy is sinful and selfish. How can Christians distinguish these jealousies?
8/16/20136 minutes, 22 seconds
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Battling Envy

Envy rises up out of a resentful, discontent hearts. Therefore, trust in God’s goodness is the believer’s secret weapon in the battle against envy.
8/15/20135 minutes, 29 seconds
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How Does the Spirit Testify I’m Saved?

The Holy Spirit testifies that believers are God’s children by working good fruit in their lives and a cry in their hearts: “Father! Lord!”
8/14/20138 minutes, 12 seconds
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My Husband Is Okay with Racy Scenes — I Hate It

Behind sexual scenes in entertainment swirls a sea of lust, adultery, and hate — sexual sin that killed Jesus, and that Jesus died to kill.
8/13/20137 minutes, 6 seconds
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When a Christian Won’t Repent from Sexual Sin

The four steps of biblical discipline are designed to keep the church holy and pure while it loves the unrepentant back to Jesus.
8/12/20136 minutes, 9 seconds
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Is It Selfish to Pray for Joy?

Pastor John defines selfishness and discusses the holy pursuit for joy in prayers.
8/9/20137 minutes, 1 second
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God’s Fame and Global Missions

Pastor John talks about God’s plan to take his glory to the nations, the spreading of his name.
8/8/20136 minutes, 1 second
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Am I Lukewarm?

Self-satisfied hearts that don’t see their desperate need for the all-satisfying Christ are the seedbed for lukewarm Christianity.
8/7/20137 minutes, 43 seconds
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What Advice Would You Give Newly Married John Piper?

Many of us marry with little idea of the gifts and hardships ahead. So what would Pastor John tell his newly married self?
8/6/20138 minutes, 57 seconds
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Work Like an Arminian, Sleep Like a Calvinist?

Work, play, and sleep like a Calvinist — outproduce, outplay, and outdream everyone by trusting in your sovereign God.
8/5/20139 minutes, 43 seconds
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Avoiding Ministry Burnout

Pastor John shares eight practical counsels to avoid ministry burnout, starting with, “Love what you do.”
8/2/20135 minutes, 16 seconds
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Help! I’m Addicted to Lying

When a lie would win approval and favor from others, a Christian’s truth-telling hinges on contentment in the approval and favor of God.
8/1/20136 minutes, 56 seconds
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God Loves the Sinner, But Hates the Sin?

If we don’t understand that God finds us hateful and loathsome in our sin, we won’t be as stunned by the depth of his love for us.
7/30/20136 minutes, 3 seconds
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How Do I Know I’m Saved?

Believers know their own sin all too well. How can they know they are saved? Pastor John offers encouragement for those struggling with assurance.
7/29/20137 minutes, 7 seconds
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Slavery and Jonathan Edwards

Though a great thinker, Jonathan Edwards was blind on the issue of slavery. Pastor John offers five sobering responses to those who read him.
7/26/20137 minutes, 2 seconds
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Is Discouragement a Sin?

The Bible accommodates strong, godly emotions, but how do we know when godly anger or discouragement has become sinful?
7/25/20135 minutes, 4 seconds
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God Does Make Much of Us

Pastor John explains how God actually does make much of us, so that we might make much of him.
7/23/20136 minutes, 17 seconds
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Childlike, Not Childish

How can Christians pursue a childlike faith while growing mature in their thinking like the Bible commands?
7/22/20134 minutes, 21 seconds
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Trayvon, Race, and Gospel Ministry

In this special episode of APJ, Pastor John weighs into the non-guilty verdict of George Zimmerman.
7/20/201313 minutes, 41 seconds
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Can I Say ‘God Loves You’ to Unbelievers?

Although God loves his people with a special, electing love, he loves all people by freely offering his Son for them to receive.
7/19/20134 minutes, 48 seconds
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If God Is Happy, Why Does He Seem Angry?

God delights in all of his works in the grand scope of God’s redemptive plan. But in the day-to-day sins and struggles of his image-bearers, God grieves.
7/18/20137 minutes, 18 seconds
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What Is Evil?

The heart of evil lies in its desire for other things above God. When evil looks out at all that is, it chooses creation over Creator.
7/16/20136 minutes, 11 seconds
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Bible Memory as Ministry to Others

By memorizing and reciting Scripture before others, believers become emissaries of grace who make mundane moments explode with significance.
7/15/20134 minutes, 29 seconds
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I’ve Sinned Horribly, Is There Any Hope?

Pastor John walks through Psalm 107 to call Christians who have sinned grievously and foolishly to cry out to the God of steadfast, enduring love.
7/12/20135 minutes, 7 seconds
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On Ghostwriters

Properly attributing people's work is a matter of honesty. God wants us to give credit where it's due.
7/11/20136 minutes, 27 seconds
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How Do I Delight Myself in the Lord?

Delight in God as most admirable. Delight in God as Savior and friend. Delight in God through his gifts. And you will delight yourself in the Lord.
7/9/20139 minutes, 36 seconds
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Advice for Better Bible Reading

If you struggle in your Bible reading, Pastor John commends copying down the Scriptures each day and gives four reasons why.
7/8/20134 minutes, 30 seconds
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Mealtime Prayers: Impromptu or Memorized?

Spontaneous and memorized prayers teach families important aspects of a real, dynamic relationship with God.
7/5/20133 minutes, 30 seconds
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Patriotism and the Christian

God’s people are Christians before they are patriots, but they still work for the good of their homelands.
7/4/20138 minutes, 4 seconds
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Mealtime Prayers: Necessary or Optional?

Prayers at meals, even when we don't feel like making them, form soul-nourishing habits of joy that can pass from generation to generation.
7/2/20138 minutes, 14 seconds
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How Food and Sex Are Made Holy

Food and sex easily turn from gifts into gods. Pastor John encourages believers to dethrone false gods by thanking the true God for his gifts.
7/1/20138 minutes, 35 seconds
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Is My Boyfriend’s Porn a Marriage Deal-Breaker?

Porn ravages souls. Porn demeans women. Porn destroys love. So should porn use be a marriage deal-breaker?
6/28/201310 minutes, 13 seconds
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Suffering, Sacrifice, and Christian Hedonism

Christian hedonism does not ignore pain for the sake of joy. Rather, it exclaims that God is satisfying enough to give you joy in the midst of pain.
6/27/20134 minutes, 54 seconds
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Does Christian Hedonism Make Joy an Idol?

Don’t delight in delight, glorify God by rejoicing in him, and three more safeguards against idolizing joy for Christian Hedonists.
6/26/201310 minutes, 7 seconds
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What Does It Mean to Be Dead to the World?

Jesus surpasses whatever good the world has to offer. So rather than worship those good things, disciples of Jesus receive them as gifts.
6/25/20138 minutes, 24 seconds
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Is the 40-Minute Sermon Passé?

Some tire of listening to sermons, as though they were lectures. But a preacher is not a professor, but a herald of God, proclaiming the good news to the church.
6/24/20136 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Joy of Calvinism and the Fight for Joy

God’s sovereign working in the gospel assures his people that no hardship is wasted and no wrongdoing will slip by unnoticed. He will settle every account.
6/21/20137 minutes, 32 seconds
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God’s Joy and the Joy of the Calvinist

God’s joy in himself bears up his self-sufficient, sovereign work in the world. Pastor John unpacks God’s infinite, trinitarian joy.
6/20/20136 minutes, 13 seconds
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Why Is Interracial Marriage Such a Hot Topic?

Christians celebrate interracial marriage, but black-white marriage especially touches sensitive cultural nerves. Pastor John identifies five of them.
6/19/20137 minutes, 52 seconds
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Tornados and Twitter Timing

In light of two regrettable tweets, Pastor John shares the lessons he learned about how, when, and where to speak online.
6/18/20137 minutes, 46 seconds
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Natural Disasters and Pastoral Ministry

When catastrophes hit, pastors should lead their churches toward a healthy response — filled with mourning and worship.
6/17/20137 minutes, 35 seconds
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Adjusting to Life in the Country

While God calls us to spend most of our time in the thick of regular life and ministry, occasional retreats are good for refreshing the soul.
6/14/20133 minutes, 27 seconds
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Our Move to Tennessee and New Projects

Pastor John reflects on his move to Tennessee — both his motives for moving and the projects he hopes to accomplish while living there.
6/13/20136 minutes, 17 seconds
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Why Eternal Security Needs Community

Eternal life is sure for the bride of Christ. But prayers and exhortations of Christian community may be the very means God uses to preserve his people.
6/12/20136 minutes, 4 seconds
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For Christian Loners

Pastor John encourages Christian loners — even those who have been hurt by the church — to pursue God in Christ-exalting friendships.
6/11/20135 minutes, 26 seconds
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Affections and Emotions

Our affections move us to not only eat, but savor; not only avoid what is evil, but despise it; not only sing by rote, but worship God with delight.
6/10/20136 minutes, 7 seconds
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Who Has Been Most Influential in Your Life?

Pastor John shares his personal list of influencers — people who contributed significantly to shaping his mind.
6/7/20135 minutes, 1 second
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How Evangelistic Should Sundays Be?

The one gospel does two things: It feeds the saints week by week and it calls unbelievers to repent and believe in Jesus for salvation.
6/6/20134 minutes, 32 seconds
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Personal Comfort in God’s Sovereignty Over Evil

If God is absent, life is meaningless; if he is helpless, we have no hope. But if he is sovereign, he works even evil for the good of his children.
6/5/20133 minutes, 21 seconds
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Can God Ordain Evil Without Being Evil?

If no single evil act falls outside of God’s control, how can God be completely good?
6/4/20136 minutes, 44 seconds
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On Pastors Who Use Churches as Studios

God may choose to extend the influence of a pastor beyond the church doors, but his call remains the same: Faithfully feed your flock.
6/3/20134 minutes, 16 seconds
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Can a Born-Again Christian Lose Salvation?

A born-again person cannot be unborn again. If God has called you by name, he is faithful to keep you until the end.
5/31/20139 minutes, 46 seconds
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Is Jeremiah 29:11 a Promise to Christians?

If the promise in Jeremiah 29:11 was made to exiles in Babylon, what business do Christians have claiming it for themselves?
5/30/20133 minutes, 22 seconds
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Boundaries for Non-Christian Friendships

In their friendships with non-Christians, are believers loving and transforming, or conforming and being transformed?
5/28/20134 minutes, 23 seconds
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Stranded on a Desert Island, What Books Do You Bring?

What three books would you want with you if you were stranded on a desert island? Pastor John shares his three picks.
5/27/20132 minutes, 57 seconds
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Can a White Woman Marry a Black Man?

God does not restrict believers from marrying someone with a different skin color. He only requires that they be a Christ-follower.
5/24/20137 minutes, 6 seconds
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On Cussing

If you feel tempted to cuss, ask, “Is it going to build this person up? Will it make them stronger? Will it make Christ more beautiful in their eyes?”
5/23/20138 minutes, 20 seconds
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Will World History Become the Ballad of Eternity?

God does not intend for us to forget about our earthly lives when we enter heaven. We will be singing about the trophies of his grace for all eternity.
5/22/20138 minutes, 27 seconds
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Encouragement for Ordinary Pastors

A local pastor does not need to compete with Tim Keller, John Piper, and Matt Chandler. He simply needs to faithfully expound the Bible to his people.
5/21/20134 minutes, 19 seconds
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Do Online Sermons Undermine Local Churches?

The internet has flooded believers with solid biblical content. But it can never replace a pastor whom God has called to shepherd a local church.
5/20/20135 minutes, 42 seconds
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What Does Opposition to Chris Broussard Tell Us?

Although more people will abandon and defile the truth as the end approaches, God may still bring a mighty outpouring of his grace before Christ returns.
5/17/20137 minutes, 6 seconds
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Explain Your New Poem “Grace Forfeited”

In this special edition, John Piper explains the meaning and motive of his poem, “Grace Forfeited.”
5/17/20135 minutes, 30 seconds
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Was Chris Broussard Right?

God will condemn homosexual practice just as he does thievery and greed. All our broken desires deserve God’s wrath as their punishment.
5/16/20136 minutes, 36 seconds
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Facing Death Faithfully

When death draws near, God’s word assures believers that God will not withhold any good from them, even when it feels they are losing so much.
5/15/20138 minutes, 9 seconds
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A Mother’s Role in Raising Boys

Moms, don’t assume that only dad can show their son what it means to be a man. Moms have a unique role in helping sons grasp manhood.
5/14/20137 minutes, 59 seconds
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Choosing a Seminary

Faculty matters more than buildings when you are deciding what seminary to attend. You need to find a place where everyone cherishes the Bible.
5/13/20133 minutes, 40 seconds
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Was C.S. Lewis a Christian Hedonist?

Lewis has helped Pastor John shape what he calls Christian Hedonism, but does he believe that C.S. Lewis was himself a Christian Hedonist?
5/10/20137 minutes, 58 seconds
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Appreciating Creation While Anticipating New Creation

C.S. Lewis can help us see the beauty of the creation around us because he knew that this beauty points us to the more satisfying Creator.
5/9/20133 minutes, 20 seconds
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How Did Lewis Prepare You for Edwards?

C.S. Lewis build conceptual categories for John Piper. Jonathan Edwards set the content on fire with Bible.
5/8/20133 minutes, 31 seconds
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How Do You Process Public Tragedy?

God’s sovereign ability to stop tragedies never undoes our calling to weep with those who weep, to help however we can, and to lament the evil in it all.
5/7/20138 minutes, 56 seconds
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How Far Is Too Far Before Marriage, Spiritually and Emotionally?

Couples often set physical boundaries, but overlook the spiritual and emotional lines we cross in relationships. How, then, can we guard ourselves from going too far before marriage?
5/6/20137 minutes, 14 seconds
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How Has C. S. Lewis Influenced You?

Lewis awakened a teenage pastor John to the wonder of the world. He taught him that rigorous logic and romantic language can go together.
5/3/20137 minutes, 50 seconds
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When Did You First Meet C.S. Lewis?

C.S. Lewis has made a lasting impact on pastor John because of his ability to be lucid, logical, illuminating, large-hearted, and joyfully longing.
5/2/20137 minutes, 17 seconds
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Why Host a Conference on C. S. Lewis?

C.S. Lewis’s writing has continued to affect millions today, but should we ever host an entire Christian conference focused on a person other than Christ?
5/1/20135 minutes, 32 seconds
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How to Handle Panhandlers

The Bible calls believers to give to the one who begs, but how can we obey this commandment without being ripped off or feeding someone’s bad habits?
4/30/20136 minutes, 38 seconds
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How to Fight Laziness

Hard work is not a consequence of the fall, but a gift. If we are going to fight laziness, we need to develop a good theology of work.
4/29/20134 minutes, 47 seconds
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When Jehovah’s Witnesses Knock at Your Door

Christians and Jehovah’s Witnesses have major differences that we can’t ignore when they visit. But how can you love them well if you don’t have time to debate?
4/26/20135 minutes, 22 seconds
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Christians and Marijuana

Marijuana continues to become legal in more and more states. As the drug becomes more common, how should we think about it from a biblical worldview?
4/25/20135 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Power to Conquer Selfishness

Anyone can use their power to command others, but there is a unique greatness and power found in those who chose to serve through Christ.
4/24/20134 minutes, 45 seconds
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Reflections on His Last Sermon As Pastor

As Pastor John preached his farewell sermon, he wanted to point Bethlehem to the great shepherd who would be with them long after he was gone.
4/23/20134 minutes, 35 seconds
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How Are Teachers Judged More Strictly?

Because teachers have been given more, God will hold them more accountable. He will judge them on how they used the opportunity they were given.
4/22/20138 minutes, 47 seconds
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How Far Is Too Far Before Marriage?

God designed sex to bring joy, and he reserved this gift for marriage. How can we guard ourselves to avoid awakening sexual feelings outside marriage?
4/19/201310 minutes, 22 seconds
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What Is the Purpose of Fasting?

Fasting only adds to our hunger for God. Through fasting, we put our stomach where our hearts are to give added intensity to our ache for Jesus.
4/18/20135 minutes, 17 seconds
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Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same Deity?

Pastor John explains why Muslims do not worship the God of the Bible.
4/17/20135 minutes, 33 seconds
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Was Jesus for Real?

How can we be sure that Jesus is who he said he is? Can we have any assurance the Jesus we read about in the Bible is real?
4/16/20137 minutes, 21 seconds
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Is Jesus the Only Way to Be Saved?

It might feel unloving to say that Jesus is the only way, but it would be even more unloving not to.
4/15/20135 minutes, 26 seconds
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What Do You Think of Your Influence on Christian Hip Hop?

At least twelve rap songs have been directly influenced by Pastor John, how does he feel about this legacy?
4/12/20136 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Parent’s Role in a Child’s Gender Development

God calls parents to love their children enough to shape them into future men and women. But how much influence should a parent have?
4/11/20135 minutes, 17 seconds
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Wimpy Theology Makes Wimpy Women

Pastors and husbands reject complementarity when they cripple women by not encouraging them to study, mediate, and ponder deeply.
4/10/20133 minutes, 45 seconds
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What Is “Strong Feminine Womanhood?”

A hope-filled woman finds her strength in the God who comforts her as she finds shelter in him.
4/9/20137 minutes, 27 seconds
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Advice for Discouraged, Unemployed College Grads

Worried about where you will work? God’s mercy finds us even when the job search leaves us defeated.
4/8/20136 minutes, 53 seconds
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How Do Believers Exceed the Works of Jesus?

Jesus promised that we would do greater works than he did. What does that mean, and have you done any?
4/5/20137 minutes, 28 seconds
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Fasting from Twitter and Facebook

Social media can reveal how much we love to be known and liked. It’s one mirror revealing our fear of man.
4/4/20135 minutes, 32 seconds
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Twitter Goals and “Humble Brags”

How should believers use social media? In a world that loves broadcasting selfies and counting retweets, we must find better ways to tweet.
4/3/20136 minutes, 44 seconds
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How Can We Serve One Another in Battling Lust?

Lust is serious enough to take extreme measures to put to death. This applies not only to our own efforts but also to the efforts of accountability partners.
4/2/20138 minutes, 30 seconds
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Living Easter Sunday’s Victory on Monday Morning

If the realities of Monday morning threaten the joys we found on Easter Sunday, we haven’t realized promises given to us at the cross.
4/1/20135 minutes, 42 seconds
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What Makes Easter So Special?

What we celebrate on Easter is the foundational hinge of Christianity.
3/29/20136 minutes, 5 seconds
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Do You Use Bible Commentaries Written by Women?

Does a pastor’s use of a female-authored commentary put him in opposition to Paul’s instruction that women should not teach or have authority over men in the church?
3/27/20135 minutes, 26 seconds
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How Do I Know If I Love the Gifts More Than the Giver?

The possibility of turning God’s gifts into idols is a result of sin. But this doesn’t mean we should reject the gifts.
3/26/20136 minutes, 44 seconds
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How Jesus’s Glory Drives Creative Communication

It is foolish and prideful to believe we can save anyone with the words we choose. But God chooses to save through “the word of Christ,” so how should we think about the language we use?
3/25/20136 minutes, 3 seconds
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Can We Reconcile Creation and Evolution?

Is it possible to combine evolution with Christianity? Should we even try?
3/22/20135 minutes, 48 seconds
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How Does It Glorify God to Predestine People to Hell?

In the final judgment, God’s justice will be fully vindicated, his grace and mercy will be underlined, and our worship will be intensified.
3/21/20135 minutes, 42 seconds
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My Faith Is Driving My Family Away — What Do I Do?

The tension arising from believing the gospel in an unbelieving family can be severe. Pastor John has this to say to Christians feeling the pain of family division because of their faith.
3/20/20136 minutes, 24 seconds
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Does It Bother You People Are Entertained by Your Gestures?

What is Pastor John's response to people who are amused by his movement and gestures behind the pulpit?
3/19/20135 minutes, 10 seconds
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What’s with All the Preaching Gestures?

Pastor John is well-known for his movements behind the pulpit. What role do those gestures play in preaching, and how much thought goes into them?
3/18/20135 minutes, 54 seconds
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A Response to the First Republican Senator to Support So-Called Same-Sex Marriage

Pastor John what are your thoughts on Republican senator Portman's editorial supporting so-called same-sex marriage?
3/15/20135 minutes, 32 seconds
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Do You Ever Doubt God’s Existence?

The more we consider the world around us and the Jesus of our Bibles, the more we can see that God is real.
3/15/20135 minutes, 3 seconds
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Why No Pastor Lives Up to What He Preaches

If a pastor is preaching properly, he will regularly fall short of his own preaching. How can pastors avoid becoming overwhelmed by this reality?
3/14/20135 minutes, 5 seconds
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Care for Couples Struggling with Infertility

What might be said to couples dealing with the deep pain of childlessness? Pastor John identifies some pillars of hope for those grieving over infertility.
3/13/20134 minutes, 26 seconds
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How Do I Know If I’m Being Disciplined by God?

God’s discipline could come through suffering or a cool breeze on a sunny day. If God’s discipline comes in various forms, how can we know if we’re being disciplined?
3/12/20137 minutes, 14 seconds
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What Oppressive Governments Cannot Do

Paul wrote that “rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad.” But rulers sentenced Jesus to death, so how should we understand Paul’s words?
3/11/20132 minutes, 53 seconds
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Does Romans 13 Prohibit All Civil Disobedience?

Paul says to submit to the government God has established. Does this include evil and unjust governments?
3/8/20135 minutes, 46 seconds
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Biblical Womanhood in Five Minutes

What does it mean to be a woman? Here are four ways the Bible defines womanhood.
3/7/20135 minutes, 40 seconds
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What’s the Connection Between IQ and Holiness?

The Bible requires us to use our minds to grow in holiness. Does this mean that smarter people have a leg up on holiness?
3/6/20134 minutes, 14 seconds
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Do You Conduct Funerals for Non-Christians?

Christian pastors should never conduct a generic funeral for unbelievers. There is always something hopeful for us to say at funerals.
3/5/20134 minutes, 9 seconds
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How Can I Help My Friends Stay Satisfied in God?

Christians help their friends be satisfied in Christ by speaking God's promises to each other, and by filling our own wells of joy in God.
3/4/20134 minutes, 56 seconds
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God Hears My Prayers, So Why Should I Pray for Things Twice?

Jesus tells us to repeat our prayers with persistence, but he also says that God disregards vain repetition. So how do we know when to repeat ourselves?
3/1/20133 minutes, 58 seconds
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A Theology of Prayer in Three Minutes

Regardless of how God answers our individual prayers, he loves to hear them, and he will use them to establish his kingdom once and for all.
2/28/20133 minutes, 48 seconds
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How Can I Live More Like an Evangelist?

If we want to become more evangelistically-minded, we should constantly ask, “What is God doing here?”
2/27/20133 minutes, 11 seconds
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Why Pastoral Professionalism Isn’t Enough

Pastor John gives his thoughts on the 2013 Conference for Pastors, “Brothers, We Are Still Not Professionals.”
2/26/20134 minutes, 29 seconds
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Why Your Pastor Needs Your Prayers

One of your pastor's greatest needs is for you to pray for him.
2/25/20133 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Spirit Lives in Me, So Why Do My Affections Waver?

If God is the source of the Christian’s joy, and God lives in us, why are there times when we don’t feel joy?
2/22/20133 minutes, 54 seconds
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Should Missionaries Intentionally Lie?

Is it okay for missionaries to lie in order to do ministry in closed countries?
2/21/20132 minutes, 55 seconds
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How Do Rape, Incest, and Threat to the Mother’s Life Affect Your Pro-Life Stance?

Should the difficult circumstances of some pregnancies affect our pro-life position?
2/20/20136 minutes, 41 seconds
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Three Levels of God-Glorifying Emotion

Is God glorified in our desire to enjoy him? Or can we only glorify God when we're actually delighting in him?
2/19/20136 minutes, 22 seconds
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A Theology of Art in Five Minutes

What role should art play in the church and the Christian life? A Christian theology of art considers God as an artist who commands creativity from his creation.
2/18/20135 minutes, 33 seconds
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Should a Joyless Pastor Preach Joy in God?

How do you preach joy in God when you have almost no feeling of it? Pastor John gives some helpful counsel for pastors struggling to experience joy in the Lord.
2/15/20133 minutes, 21 seconds
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Fighting for Joy in Pastoral Ministry

Pastor John offers counsel for pastors and others challenged by spiritual dryness and burnout.
2/14/20135 minutes
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Must Bible Reading Always End with Application?

What are you looking for in your Bible reading? Do you hope mainly to glean life principles or to be shaped by what you see of God's glory?
2/13/20135 minutes, 39 seconds
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What Is Leadership?

What does godly leadership look like? Christian Leadership is acting and speaking to create a following toward a goal, all defined by the Bible.
2/12/20134 minutes, 44 seconds
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Writing Poetry: Where Do I Start?

Pastor John offers practical help for Christians who want to write poetry but don’t know how to start.
2/11/20134 minutes, 59 seconds
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What Is Definite Atonement, and Why Does It Matter?

Pastor John introduces definite atonement, the doctrine that Christ’s death accomplished a real salvation for a definite group of men and women.
2/8/20137 minutes, 26 seconds
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Priorities for Youth Pastors

What are the fundamental truths that youth leaders and pastors should drill into the hearts of young people today?
2/7/20134 minutes, 12 seconds
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What Does Christian Hedonism Offer the Depressed?

Our joy does not only glorify God when we feel happy and carefree. God is also glorified when we cling to his supreme worth in the midst of pain.
2/6/20134 minutes, 33 seconds
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How Active Should We Be in the Pursuit of Joy?

Should Christians pursue joy in God, or should they wait for God to simply give it to them? Pastor John clarifies our call to rejoice in the Lord.
2/5/20132 minutes, 58 seconds
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Does God Ever Withdraw His Presence from His Children?

Christian Hedonists affirm that we ought to be happy in God. Often, we are not. What should our response be to seasons of spiritual darkness?
2/4/20135 minutes, 27 seconds
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Fighting Porn Addiction with Grudem’s Systematic Theology

Heaven and hell are at stake in the fight against pornography. When we recognize that, using every weapon at our disposal won’t feel extreme.
2/1/20137 minutes, 15 seconds
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We Are Makers — Lessons on Vocation from Dorothy Sayers

Christians should think of themselves as being made new in Christ to be makers with God.
1/31/20133 minutes, 51 seconds
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Interpreting the Miracles of Jesus

To understand the significance of Jesus’s miracles, we should begin by simply slowing down and asking, “What does this say about Jesus?”
1/30/20134 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why False Doctrine Can Make You Happy

Does doctrine matter so long as we feel happy in God? Pastor John explains why only a true view of God can glorify him and satisfy us.
1/29/20134 minutes, 53 seconds
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Why John Piper Recycles

Why should Christians care about this earth if we are waiting for a new one? Ultimately, it is because we love our neighbors.
1/28/20135 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Essential Warfare for Holiness

We don’t add happiness to holiness in the Christian life. Our happiness in God is an essential piece of what it means to be holy.
1/26/20135 minutes, 55 seconds
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Exercising the Body (For the Sake of the Soul)

God cares about what we do with the bodies he’s given to us. We should govern our eating, sleeping, and exercise to maximize our life and soul for the kingdom.
1/25/20135 minutes, 55 seconds
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What Is the Difference Between Right Risk and Wrong Risk?

All Christians are called to risk. But how do we know when the risk is worth it and which risks we should take personally?
1/24/20134 minutes, 18 seconds
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Safety Is a Myth

Risk is unavoidable in life. It is better to risk rightly, for the sake of Christ’s glory, than to try avoid all danger.
1/23/20137 minutes, 12 seconds
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Arrests and Imprisonments in Opposing Abortion

Pastor John shares his experiences of being arrested for anti-abortion demonstrations and offers some principles for civil disobedience in opposing abortions.
1/22/20137 minutes, 21 seconds
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Leadership Lessons from Martin Luther King

Despite his flaws, Martin Luther King, Jr. was an effective leader because he was courageous, brilliant, and a visionary.
1/21/20133 minutes, 53 seconds
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What Are Your Takeaways from Passion 2013?

After preaching to 60,000 students at the Passion conference, Pastor John discusses the movement and its core desire for God’s name and renown.
1/18/20134 minutes, 27 seconds
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What Is It Like Preaching to 60,000 People?

Pastor John recently preached to 60,000 at Passion. He talks about the unique temptations and mercies of speaking on such a large platform.
1/17/20139 minutes, 26 seconds
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Why Adam Matters for Global Missions

Whether we believe in a historical Adam or not will affect more than our theology. For instance, his existence is one powerful tool in world missions.
1/15/20134 minutes, 38 seconds
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Was Adam for Real, and Does It Matter?

Does it matter whether we think Adam really existed or not? Pastor John talks about what is at stake in a major debate over Genesis.
1/14/20136 minutes, 25 seconds
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How Important Is a Christian Writer’s Influence?

Writers should utilize their influence carefully, while allowing the process of writing to open their own eyes and shape their own souls.
1/13/20138 minutes, 1 second
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Who Was George Herbert?

In his life, ministry, and poetry, George Herbert wrestled with the tension between worldly ambition and godly ambition. What can we learn from him?
1/12/20134 minutes, 27 seconds
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Reflections from John Piper on His Birthday

On his 67th birthday, Pastor John reflects on God's grace to him as a husband, father, and pastor, and asks for prayer over his final era of life and ministry.
1/11/20138 minutes, 8 seconds