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At Home With Sally

English, Christianity, 1 season, 800 episodes, 4 days, 2 hours, 24 minutes
Home is the place where the whispers of God’s love are heard regularly, the touch of His hands is given intentionally throughout the day, the words of His encouragement and affirmation pointed to lay the foundation of loving relationships where a woman conducts the beauty of this life within its walls. I hope you will find inspiration to cultivate such a life within the pages of this blog. I welcome you here!
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Tea Time Tuesday: Today Is The Day You are Living Your Legacy - Episode 858

It has taken me a lifetime to learn the truth about what it means to suffer in this world and yet live to see the grace of God. I want to come alongside others so they will not feel as lost or alone as I often have. I want you to know, my friends, that you are seen and loved in the place you find yourself right now.
10/1/202450 minutes, 28 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: BYOT: Bring Your Own Teacup - Episode 857

A habit begun many years ago with a heavy traveling life — just a few rhythms of grace in my life make it a little bit more pleasant, even when traveling. Predictable, comforting, and after all, who wants to have tea or coffee out of a styrofoam cup when you can have it out of a china cup?
9/24/202417 minutes, 31 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: We Live By A Standard of Grace, Not Perfection - Episode 856

None of us will ever be perfect, but we are the exact mothers our children need.
9/17/202429 minutes, 53 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Motherhood is a Long Game

Motherhood is a long game, a marathon. There is no quick fix to make it easy. No amount of ranting or complaining can change the fact that we live in a fallen world, a battleground for souls.
9/10/202442 minutes, 19 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: 43 Years! Marriage: The Ideals & The Reality - Episode 854

Last weekend, Clay and I celebrated our marriage of 43 years — quite a legacy. We could never have imagined the adventures, legacy, lessons we would learn about life through our many years.
9/3/202449 minutes, 4 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Building Spiritual Muscle - Episode 853

In order to have a deeper personal faith, a foundation of truth based on reading God’s word, a habit of journaling and prayer, a trust in His goodness, a dependence on His counsel through His Holy Spirit, I must practice my spiritual walk as I practice my physical walk — as a discipline of my life every day.
8/27/202438 minutes, 15 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Finding Direction In A Chaotic World - Episode 852

God designed women to be strong agents of love, redemption, truth and beauty. The more clearly we can define our design and purpose, the more peace of mind and flourishing our lives will be.
8/20/202439 minutes, 23 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Finding Peace in the Dark Places of Life - Episode 851

Even now, my heart is tempted to deep discouragement as I ponder unanswered prayer, world issues, life tragedies of friends and family. Yet, walking with God through these pathways for many years has taught me to hold fast to faith, to cultivate thankfulness, to believe in His presence and reality.
8/13/202442 minutes, 5 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Building A Life Of Vision For Our Children - Episode 850

Building virtue, character, and righteousness into the life of a child is a lifelong commitment. But influence always starts out with a relationship with someone who is trustworthy, one who has integrity, who is gracious and kind.
8/6/202449 minutes, 21 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: All About Legacy - Episode 849

Every day of your life, you have the potential of leaving a godly model to follow, a kingdom message to believe, an integrity that is holy and a purpose that is eternal.
7/30/202428 minutes, 40 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Godly Endurance: The Gold Key to a Well-Lived Life - Episode 848

Sometimes, I think mamas hold the whole world together. Their work is that important. Much of our lives as a family has been a battle through raging storms. But, there are some amazing graces on this side of motherhood, when my four children have reached adulthood
7/23/202434 minutes, 32 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Allowing Pleasure to Influence Your Days (with Jennifer Pepito and Lyndsey Mimnagh) - Episode 847

To know and believe that God “wills us to be as free as birds,” and cares that we we are pleased is oxygen to our hearts that long to know His love. Just a little thought to ponder this week as we seek to show our children His gracious, generous love toward us.
7/16/202437 minutes, 56 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: A Legacy Of Love - Episode 846

God’s word became to me a guide for how to find peace in relationships, how to invest in them with God’s word as my guide. I still have conflict along my pathway, but I have been straining forward in learning how to avoid as much of unnecessary conflict as possible—and how to love better.
7/9/202443 minutes, 36 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Tea, A Friend, And A Soothed Spirit - Episode 845

What we practice daily when we face life’s trials will determine, to some degree, the legacy and memory we leave to those who know us well.
7/2/202441 minutes, 1 second
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Tea Time Tuesday: Initiative: An Attribute That Transforms the World - Episode 844

When we learn to take initiative, we reflect the out-reaching character of Christ. Little by little, as we train our children patiently and teach them to take initiative to be responsible, we are giving them a strong character and familiarity to take initiative when they are strong adults.
6/25/202435 minutes, 44 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Cultivating Great Writers, Teen Peer Pressure, Movies, Books, Ideas & Fun - Episode 843

The student becomes like his teacher. So if the teacher is growing intellectually, communicating profoundly and leading her students in rigorous discussion about these ideas, the natural consequence will be shaping a strong communicator. 
6/18/202434 minutes, 38 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Attentive Reaches Hearts - Episode 842

Jesus befriended His disciples, fed them, taught them, loved them, modeled faith, healed, spoke comfort and forgiveness. He was attentive to their needs and ultimately sacrificed His life on the cross for them and for us, that we might receive wholeness, forgiveness, eternal life. He was the servant king. I learned to become a servant mama, copying His ways.
6/11/202431 minutes, 56 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Who Are The Giants In Your Land? - Episode 841

An advocate parent is one who champions each child’s personality, seeks to encourage, pour in love, and is willing to go the long road to walk beside their child in every situation. It is what Jesus was like with us, His own children — an advocate, a lover, a shepherd, a savior.
6/4/202438 minutes, 8 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Dinner Table Feasts and Fantastic Fun - Episode 840

The daily habit of eating together while being intentional to talk, discuss, teach, encourage, debate, and share rousing stories was one of the most profound rhythms of our family life.
5/28/202430 minutes, 17 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Diligence: Character That Keeps Us Going Forward - Episode 839

Diligence is one of my ponders today on Tea Time Tuesday. Diligence requires attentive and persistent commitment in doing a task or keeping faithful to complete work, goals or faithfulness in relationship.
5/21/202434 minutes, 4 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: No One Sees Me — I Feel Lost! - Episode 838

We feel lost in this broken place, where we will never be fulfilled or complete. But God is never lost and we are never lost to him. He always sees us wherever we think we are hiding or in the dark.
5/14/202434 minutes, 44 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Subduing Our Worlds, Caring for Our Life - Episode 837

As God brought design, beauty and order to our world, so in His image, we do the same—but within our unique personalities, preferences and culture. We model to our children what it looks like to “take care” of our worlds of life and love.
5/7/202437 minutes, 59 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: The Vast Generosity of God - Episode 836

When we pour out our lives in abundance to love sacrificially, serving with a plentifully joyful heart, casting grace and light over all we do, then we are a picture of Christ Himself. Generosity of life heals, comforts, inspires.
4/30/202442 minutes, 54 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: The Gift of a Grateful Heart - Episode 835

A grateful heart sees the fingerprints of God in normal every day circumstances, be they great or challenging.
4/16/202437 minutes, 20 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Celebrate Yourself Today and Have Fun - Episode 834

This time of year, spring fever hits. This is a time to have one woman retreat, to plan delight for yourself, to bring joy and beauty just for a bit to bring new life into your soul.
4/9/202447 minutes, 4 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Delighting in an Oxford Spring & Celebrating Monumental Events with Sarah - Episode 833

Today, I ended my time with my wonderful daughter, Sarah, chatting about life, a momentous birthday and values and relationships we cherish. I hope you enjoy today’s podcast and our fun time together.
4/2/202431 minutes, 17 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Loving Words: The Pathway to Your Children's Hearts - Episode 832

Jesus was the Word, the message sent from God’s heart of love. Calling him that shows such the significance of words to God. Words give hope, communicate ideas, inspire movements to fight for freedom, sharpen our minds to know how to think well, inspire heroism, give leadership to those longing for direction. These words are alive and shape life.
3/26/202441 minutes, 27 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: I'd Rather Be A Risk Taker - Episode 830

I'd rather be a risk taker, live by faith, believe that He is here present than to let fear of what might happen (or fear of failure, or fear of what people might think) squeeze the life and childlikeness of my believing and hoping out of me, to cause me to do nothing at all.
3/19/202438 minutes, 45 seconds
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Strong Bodies, Strong Minds (with Ginny Yurich) - Episode 830

Today I talked with a wonderful friend, Ginny Zurich, who has a wealth of research, knowledge and understanding of an outdoor life. She is a treasure, a delight and an inspiration. Join us as we discuss many areas of this flourishing view of life.
3/18/202437 minutes, 32 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: My Happy Place - Episode 829

I've been pondering why intentional words are so important and give so much life to people. Many I know are a bit empty, weary — but words of life have worked magic in them.
3/12/202438 minutes, 51 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: It's The Small Things - Episode 828

When I look to God’s ways, I observe what He has made and listen to the voice of creation. He has made even the insignificant, a small child, a thing of glory, beauty to behold, heavenly art in which my heart is amazed. In His hands, the small becomes significant.
3/5/202437 minutes, 29 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Love One Another: Kindness, Gentleness, & Respect - Episode 827

The more we believe in His love, the more we live in the peaceful and generous acceptance we have from Him, the more we will exhibit it to others in our lives.
2/27/202437 minutes, 32 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Courage Wins The Day - Episode 826

What would a world hope for if there were not great women committed to serving, civilizing, bringing beauty from chaos and believing courageously in the truths of God, even during dark times?
2/20/202449 minutes, 34 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Why Does Submission Matter? - Episode 825

God does not arbitrarily issue us commandments to be hard on us. His commandments, which must be obeyed, are for our best — to protect us, to bless us, to cause us happiness and to help us become the best we can be.
2/13/202443 minutes, 9 seconds
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Metaphors That Will Inspire For Life (with Joy Clarkson)

In the same way that we expose ourselves and children to great stories to shape our moral imagination, so Jesus used so many metaphors in scripture to give us a personal picture of what He is like.
2/12/202435 minutes, 58 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Honor: Giving Worth & Esteem To Others - Episode 823

Honor was one of the foundational values of our home. Honor, recognizing the worth of another human being and treating them as such, was foundational to our children learning to bow their knee before God.
2/6/202437 minutes, 17 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Discernment to Understand & See Truth & Beauty - Episode 822

Often, we live through daily rhythms and don’t realize that even common moments are shaping the impressions on our children’s hearts.
1/30/202442 minutes, 2 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Believing & Living In The Goodness Of God

Believing when we cannot see, practicing faithfulness when no one else sees is a long tradition of faithful saints throughout history.
1/23/202441 minutes, 27 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Courage To Stay Faithful - Episode 820

Biblical truths have held me through my own dark clouds, anchoring my thoughts and heart to know and understand the never changing attributes of God and his goodness. These truths, stored up in our minds and our children, will speak to us and carry us through.
1/16/202443 minutes, 9 seconds
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Greater Love Has No Mama Than To Lay Down Her Life - Episode 819

One of the strengths and profound work of a woman, is to bring civility and order out of chaos, to bring beauty, intelligence, excellence in subduing her kingdom of home into a life-giving haven.
1/15/202420 minutes, 15 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Cultivate Your Own Joy - Episode 818

Today on my podcast, I am starting a new series—training in truth, virtue, discipling your children and discipling yourself.
1/9/202433 minutes, 13 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Endurance With Grace Through All Seasons - Episode 817

Today, I have been thinking about how to move through the different years, the varied seasons of life with generous grace. And life requires intentional endurance to keep going strong with determination to make it a beautiful story.
1/2/202444 minutes, 34 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Decluttering Your Heart & Soul For 2024

Every year this time, I go away by myself with a journal to search my heart in order to clear it from attitude, heart clutter.
12/27/202338 minutes, 40 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Keeping Joy in the Holidays Amidst Tension - Episode 815

I am praying for all of you — but even more, God is praying for you and loves you. Don't give into discouragement or inadequate feelings. With God all things are possible. He is so glad you are trying and that you care.  You are precious to Him and He is training your character to grow strong as you are training your children.
12/19/202320 minutes, 31 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Practicing Presence With Our Precious Ones - Episode 814

It's hard for all of us—especially in the hurry and flurry of the Christmas season—to take time to stop and listen to our children. But I've realized that's the most important thing of all. If I want my children to be open to hearing the messages I have for them, I must listen to the ones they have for me.
12/12/202330 minutes, 3 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Making Christmas Live for a Lifetime In the Hearts of Your Children - Episode 813

The goal of  Christmas traditions is not to do the most elaborate and difficult things, but to help my children love Jesus, revere Him, enjoy His story, to embed the beauty of Christmas deeply into their hearts.
12/5/202327 minutes, 3 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Waiting For God's Light To Break Into Our Darkness (with Joel Clarkson) - Episode 812

Join me as I speak today about the Biblical meaning of waiting. Advents finds us waiting for His light to come into our darkness.
11/28/202356 minutes, 50 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: We May Never Pass This Way Again

The holidays bring such an array of activities, things to do, traditions to occupy our time. Yet, if we want to make this holiday memorable and special, we need to determine to be present in the moment with those in our midst, our children, friends, relatives, neighbors. This is the day, this is the moment the Lord has made.
11/21/202342 minutes, 14 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Celebrating Autumn & Enjoying the Steadfast Love of God

None of us will ever be perfect. We are in process. And at every step, God who is steadfast in His love and never changing, loves us and wants to companion us and carry our load.
11/7/202329 minutes, 17 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: A New Human Being Has Come Into Our Midst

Week by week, our family waited for the arrival of our precious baby to come. Yet, this mysterious journey of motherhood means that every time a baby is born, it is miraculous and unpredictable. Finally, on her due date, my newest grandchild decided to hint that she might be on her way.
10/31/202324 minutes, 53 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Hospitality Through the Colors and Tastes of Fall - Episode 808

A truth told without love and grace is a truth that is rejected. Would Jesus' message have had the same impact without His feeding thousands, taking children into HIs arms, and washing the feet of His friends? It is in service that God incarnate is recognized. And service begins with serving those who are closest to us, making home the very best place to be.
10/24/202340 minutes, 54 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Building on Foundations of Wisdom - Episode 807

Creating and noticing beauty, the loveliness of life, the gift of sweet relationships with my littles is an emotional and spiritual defense against being overcome by evil and darkness.
10/17/202341 minutes, 39 seconds
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Hope That Keeps Us Moving Forward - Episode 806

Our walk with God, our hope in His reality, His companionship, His presence every day gives our children a way forward to know how to engage with the realities of a dark, broken world. The way we narrate life to them becomes their instructor for how to narrate life for themselves.
10/10/202341 minutes, 10 seconds
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Persevering & Thriving Through Motherhood - Episode 805

We all go through struggles and dark seasons as women and mothers. The battles are real and can seem overwhelming. Along the way, I have had a few people who have met me at my point of need, my point of depression, my hunger, for wisdom and instruction.
10/3/202349 minutes, 12 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Delighting in Autumn: Recipes, Traditions, Music, & Fun - Episode 804

Autumn is a time for savoring, for choosing to make a memory. We intentionally take the opportunity to look into the eyes of our beloveds, to make one more sweet memory with a full knowledge that seasons change and that the moment might pass.
9/26/202340 minutes, 33 seconds
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My Fabulous Friend S.D. Smith & the Green Ember Series - Episode 803

I hadn’t had a conversation with my friend, Sam, for quite a while, so we met for a chat to catch up and I knew many of you would enjoy listening in.
9/25/202338 minutes, 18 seconds
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Lighting A Fire Of Vision To Last A Lifetime - Episode 802

We were created to be message makers, healers, redeemers. There is a kingdom of darkness but we are people of the light and the light will overcome all that is evil, dark, meaningless, and harsh.
9/19/202331 minutes, 9 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: A Spot Of Tea Is Just What I Needed - Episode 801

Let us embrace the joy worth repeating, again and again, and seek out those warm conversations that nourish our spirits and remind us of the beauty of connection. And may we never underestimate the power of tea and a friend to bring peace, comfort, and a touch of magic to our lives.
9/12/202344 minutes, 58 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Peace in the Storms of Life - Episode 800

He who was with Jesus, is with me. He is still the calm in the midst of storms, the peace and rest in the torrents, the comfort and lover and One who is powerful above all and still says to the powers that threaten, “Be still.”
9/5/202338 minutes, 34 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Bearing Even More Fruit - Episode 898

So often, God prunes my branches of life. He takes away, he cuts my life back—and truly I have learned that I bear more fruit from these times of discipline than I could have understood when I was younger. He has the best for me in mind—that I may bear even more fruit.
8/29/202331 minutes, 39 seconds
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Serving & Loving With an Eternal Purpose

It is a legacy of faith we are passing on, when we daily stoop to serve, patiently giving our energy to meet the needs of others.
8/22/202344 minutes, 24 seconds
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Teatime Discipleship for Mothers & Daughters - Episode 797

I invested a lifetime of building heart-to-heart connections through words of grace, rhythms of shaping thoughts, convictions, and imagination of His goodness, beauty, and love. These happened in all the moments of the days and were underlined by the intentional special times when we would meet alone, share a cuppa of something soothing and warm, a treat, and speak of eternal virtues that inspired a lifetime of joy.
8/15/202344 minutes, 39 seconds
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Essential Joy for Flourishing - Episode 796

Learning to be responsible for your own sense of well-being, your sense of contentment, and the ability to thrive is one of the most foundational aspects of flourishing over a lifetime.
8/14/202323 minutes, 30 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Does Hidden Faithfulness Matter? - Episode 795

His spirit shapes us as we shape a generation for His glory. And we are able to take one more step of obedience and pour out His unconditional love and wisdom to children who are not always aware of our sacrifice until they are older.
8/8/202334 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ask Your Questions! - Episode 794

As I look to the years ahead, I wonder how I could best invest my time and my love for all of you whose lives matter so much.
8/6/202325 minutes, 30 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Happy Birthday To Me! - Episode 793

As I ponder where I have been and where I am going, I have realized that I want to consider how to best invest my life for Him in the years ahead, how to love well, to encourage generously, to grow a little bit more like Jesus every day.
8/1/202333 minutes, 36 seconds
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Building An Immovable Foundation - Episode 792

For our children to have a strong standard of truth speaking to their invisible thoughts, their minds must be filled with thousands of teachings of scripture so their brains will have a "go-to" place when they are making decisions about their lives.
7/31/202325 minutes, 25 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Preparation for Fun and Adventure - Episode 791

Today on my podcast I share many of the ways Clay and I prepared for our home for our grandchildren to be child friendly, a place to rest and be at peace, and a welcome to their parents.
7/25/202336 minutes, 46 seconds
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All Relationships Are Fraught - Episode 790

As believers, we need to understand the principle of unconditional love. It is natural to disdain or criticize people—it is supernatural to love, to forgive, to be patient.
7/24/202323 minutes, 20 seconds
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Never Too Old To Dress Up - Episode 789

“Even grown ups love to play dress up once in a while.” Add to that a cold gas of sparkling Elderflower juice, shared with a dear friend with lots of laughter and you have an unforgettable memory to come back to again and again.
7/11/202341 minutes, 37 seconds
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Bear With One Another - Episode 788

Unless we learn to give these wounds into the file drawer of heaven, to allow Christ to take these burdens of heart for us, we will be overwhelmed by a shadow of bitterness, anger or disappointment. That is why forgiveness is so very essential to the message of Christ.
7/10/202319 minutes, 46 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Hospitality: Serving the Least of These Pleases Jesus Greatly - Episode 787

Tending to the hearts of the “least of these” is what pleases Jesus. We are His hands, voice, and touch to those He has trusted into our care.
6/27/202347 minutes, 41 seconds
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In Quietness is Your Strength - Episode 786

In a broken world where we are subject to our own foolishness and sin as well as the chaos of the world and other sinful people, in quietness and rest in God is our strength.
6/26/202313 minutes, 23 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Bonnie Scotland - Episode 785

Sometimes there are places that wrap their vast beauty around your heart and hold you there with a sense that you are experiencing another world. From the first time I visited St. Andrews, I was charmed, inspired, and held such a sense of belonging.
6/20/202333 minutes, 37 seconds
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Sacred Celebrations - Episode 784

Celebrations live in the hearts, minds, souls of the one celebrated for a lifetime and gives hope and courage when hard times come.
6/19/202312 minutes, 37 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: A More Excellent Way - Episode 783

I am convinced that if we women understood that we have a capacity to work a little harder, give more and cultivate more intentionally, we would indeed be able to see greatness of soul, depth of faith arise out of our children’s lives.
6/13/202346 minutes, 46 seconds
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Obedience: The Action of Authentic Faith - Episode 782

To obey means to act according what you have been asked or ordered to do by someone in authority, or to behave according to a rule, law, or instruction. Obedience is the action of authentic faith. Jesus said, “If you love me, obey me.”
6/12/202310 minutes, 38 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Celebrate, Rest, and Be Still

Take time for your favorite cuppa and relax a bit and enjoy Tea Time Tuesday.
6/6/202332 minutes, 56 seconds
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David: A Man After God's Own Heart - Episode 780

How can you show God that you are after his heart right in the midst of your story today?
6/5/202318 minutes, 38 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Cheers: Sit Down & Rest A Spell - Episode 779

“Cheers, friends! Sit down and rest a spell!” My grandmother used to say when we came to her house. Always a welcome, always a cheery wish for us to take time for a visit, a time to chat, a time to be friends. So, today, sit down and rest a spell. You will be so glad you did.
5/30/202336 minutes, 33 seconds
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People Who Know Their God - Episode 778

Do you have a friend whose story has encouraged or inspired you because of her knowledge and love of God?
5/29/202314 minutes, 57 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Friendship is Not Frivolous, but Essential to Our Well-Being - Episode 777

We were made for companionship, community, close friendship. We are happier deep down, flourish more, grow stronger in every way when we have a close friend standing with us in life.
5/23/202352 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Lovingkindness of God - Episode 776

Today, we talk of the lovingkindness of God—the term comes from Chesed, the Hebrew term which meant to give oneself fully, generously, with love and compassion.
5/22/202310 minutes, 58 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: A Fun Traditional Tea - Episode 775

It was a fun week! I met with our editor of Victoria Magazine with a lovely traditional tea.
5/16/202331 minutes, 3 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Coronation Day - Episode 774

Today, on Tea Time Tuesday, I speak of one of my favorite children’s authors and illustrators, a new recipe, the profound influence of music on our brains, beauty as something that lowers adrenalin and the ways of rhythms in life.
5/9/202342 minutes, 16 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday, 2 Days Late - Episode 773

Don't you think that God meant for us to go outside, to take naps under budding trees, to breathe in pleasure when everything is alive and inviting after a long hard winter? An overwhelming desire to escape is rushing through every molecule of my being.
5/4/202321 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Power of Returning Spring - Episode 772

The power of returning spring is unstoppable, as though God's song refuses to be quieted.
5/1/202316 minutes, 13 seconds
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Our Sovereign Role as Mothers - Episode 771

Mothers were uniquely created to create goodness and calm chaos, to kindle hope, and foster faith. We are the beauty bringers and soul shapers of our homes and our communities.
4/27/202326 minutes, 25 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Flourish! - Episode 770

When we add up a life of faithfulness in serving God, accumulating maturity, grace, knowledge, wisdom, failure, forgiveness, compassion—it is thousands of moments of choosing to practice persevering, one moment at a time.
4/25/202334 minutes, 47 seconds
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Rainy Days Will Always Come - Episode 769

Rainy days will come, but the way you handle them will determine your ability to keep going forward.
4/24/202316 minutes, 27 seconds
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Victoria Magazine Giveaway & A Great Big Celebration! - Episode 768

I pray that this book will refresh you in your ideals and give you a sense of why bringing rhythms of grace regularly into your life will help you keep steadfast in your meaningful work of mentoring, loving, serving and praying for those in your personal life and story.
4/18/202332 minutes, 51 seconds
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Win a Virtual Tea with Sally - Episode 767

I have been through so many seasons, but I have learned how to keep going forward, by God’s grace. I pray you are encouraged in your own season of giving yourself to your ideals.
4/17/202313 minutes, 59 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: God's View of Hospitality

Teatime Discipleship is about the hospitality one friend offers another, to link arms, to say, "I am here for you" in a world that is draining and isolating.
4/11/202335 minutes, 33 seconds
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Mentoring with Grace - Episode 765

Each of us is designed by God to whisper His words to the hearts of our children so they will feel the call of God in their own lives to become "fishers of men."
4/10/202340 minutes, 1 second
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Tea Time Tuesday: A Simple Little Tea Time - Episode 764

Sometimes a girl needs a little spoiling. Just a fun, special tea time with a dear friend can pick me up! Like the Dowager Countess can say, “Well, there is nothing else to be done. Let’s have tea.”
4/4/202325 minutes, 46 seconds
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Cultivating Peace in the Trenches of Motherhood (with Lyndsey Mimnagh) - Episode 763

If you are experiencing weariness and discouragement, it signifies you are engaged in the battle. Join me today to find some answers to bring peace to the trenches of life.
4/3/202340 minutes, 20 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Aging Gracefully and With Vision - Episode 762

If you have a vision for being steadfast into old age, you have an intrinsic strength to make it through all the years and seasons. Ponder your life through all the seasons, friends, and know you are living your story you will tell to generations.
3/28/202335 minutes, 32 seconds
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Building a Legacy of Faith Takes Relentless Forbearance - Episode 761

Life is a marathon. Keep your legacy going. My friends, never give up, never give in. Your labor is not in vain. You matter.
3/27/202331 minutes, 13 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Cuddle Your Tea Pot - Episode 760

Don't we all need the world to go away for just a few? So, take time today for a cuppa and close the world out in your mind and breathe in peace. 
3/21/202337 minutes, 16 seconds
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Light Outshines the Darkness - Episode 759

I wrestled with my faith over years, but in doing so, I came to a deeper understanding of this fallen world, the nature of evil, that God’s light was stronger than the darkness, that we are all heading to a kingdom that cannot be shaken.
3/20/202328 minutes, 46 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Gathering Together Shapes Souls & Cherishes Faith - Episode 758

Often, people ask what drew our family close, that built a common legacy of ideals, the foundation that made all of us writers, and cultivated the kind of faith that lives in all of us today. Our souls were shaped by the daily rhythms of gathering, eating meals together, sharing in deep fellowship as a regular habit.
3/15/202333 minutes, 40 seconds
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Don't Ever Stop Listening For the Music or Dancing to His Songs - Episode 757

We must not give in to the dark side, that creates the cacophony to blot out all of the alluring, heavenly music of His voice, words. May God grant us ears to hear, hearts to listen.
3/13/202319 minutes, 24 seconds
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Teatime Tuesday: Teatime Comes In Many Forms - Episode 756

Today, I have so many fun subjects on Tea Time Tuesday. Of course music for this season of Lent, food from Mary Barry, who used to be on The Great British Bakeoff, and so much more.
3/7/202343 minutes
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Resist Performing for Others: It Is a Poison - Episode 755

No two families are alike. No two children are alike. They develop at different times, have different fingerprints, differing personalities, different looks and DNA—God made them to be unique. And He did not intend for us to worry if we were doing enough at every stage of life.
3/6/202344 minutes, 22 seconds
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An Angel Friend (with Leah Boden) - Episode 754

Every once in a while, I feel like God kisses me on my cheek and brings along an angel friend just when I need one. Leah and I have similar hearts—we love beauty, our families, education, art, eating and drinking tea, the Lord, writing, publishing and so much more.
3/1/202339 minutes, 53 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: The World of Tea in 1775 & a Famous Author

Today’s Tea Time Tuesday is lots of fun. Be sure to share a cuppa something wonderful with someone in your life who would enjoy a few moments of pure pleasure, relaxation and with friendship and peace.
2/28/202336 minutes, 25 seconds
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Do You Ever Feel Like A Child? - Episode 752

Do you ever feel like a child? Not knowing where you are going or what you are doing? This is how many have felt throughout history—lost, confused, not sure of what is ahead or if we are capable enough to live the life we have been called to. Throughout scripture, we see that some of the most faithful heroes of faith felt lost along the way.
2/27/202346 minutes, 5 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Cheers, My Friends!

If only you could come sit with me and sip a golden cup of tea. I would ask you questions and hope to be of encouragement to you. We would talk about everything in the world, share thoughts and dreams, fears and failures, and give one another joy in time well-spent.
2/21/202331 minutes, 9 seconds
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Servant Leadership Opens Hearts - Episode 750

As we seek to influence the thinking, faith, love of our children, it will be as we do the work of serving, over and over again, of exercising thoughtful, kind deeds, thousands of times, one moment at a time.
2/20/202340 minutes, 36 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: The Pathway to Becoming Mature is to Accept Advice

I have been one of the richest women in the world because of the sweet fellowship and deep friendships I have experienced. This is what my new book Teatime Discipleship is all about—creating a place where people can become friends, grow in faith, find support and encouragement.
2/14/202345 minutes, 1 second
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Why Teatime Discipleship Matters - Episode 748

Through teatime discipleship, repeated over many years, my children and I became the deepest of friends. It is a tool, a holding place for creating relationships, a hopeful expectation that, “Mama wants to spend time with me, we shall be friends.”
2/13/202322 minutes, 3 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: A Family Culture of Love

We were not a perfect family, we had conflict through seasons, but unchanging love was the holding foundation of our home culture.
2/7/202341 minutes, 31 seconds
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Tea Time Habit - Episode 746

Deep friendships and connected relationships happen best when intentional encouragement is planned and given on a regular basis.
2/6/202328 minutes, 12 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Humility: Becoming Like Jesus

Something that seems to be true of my own life, the longer I live: “Life is a long lesson in humility.” (JM Barrie) Oh, to be openhearted to be like Jesus—that is my prayer.
1/31/202345 minutes, 54 seconds
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Try Not To Be So Hard On Yourself - Episode 744

God is my hope when I am out of control. He is my prayer-answerer when I am beyond my own strength. I live practicing joy because He is my audience and I want to rest in Him because He wants to be my adequacy.
1/30/202330 minutes, 6 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Morning Delighting in Life - Episode 743

This week, I am on a quest for delight—for myself and my people. We all need some moments to put away darkness and to invest in beauty, fun, celebration. Determine that this will be a week when you bring joy, beauty, delight to yourself and your beloveds.
1/24/202329 minutes, 11 seconds
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My Work is Never Finished - Episode 742

I had no idea what motherhood would cost me in time, heart, work, creativity, love, instruction and so much more. And yet, I am old enough, seasoned through the many years to be able to say it is the most profound work I have ever undertaken—to shape real human beings in faith, virtue and purpose in life over days, months, years and decades.
1/23/202325 minutes, 48 seconds
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Teatimes Waiting to Happen - Episode 741

This is a marathon of a life for most of us, but with every step, I come to see the loving, gracious compassion and sympathy of God at work. Most issues take longer than I want them to take—God rarely seems in a hurry. Yet, He companions us each step. Sip your tea or coffee with me today and rest in His generous love.
1/17/202340 minutes, 12 seconds
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Gentleness Opens Hearts - Episode 740

In a study about gentleness recently, I found no less than 8 Biblical writers that place gentleness at the core of their call to righteousness. Today's podcast is about these leaders and what they wrote. God grant us gentleness.
1/16/202332 minutes, 38 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Love in Action - Episode 739

Lots of fun on Tea Time Tuesday today!
1/10/202321 minutes, 22 seconds
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Graceful Endurance: Remaining Under the Weight - Episode 738

As I look back, I am sometimes amazed at the ways God has led, lessons learned, souls were shaped, faith grew. It all started when I made a quiet commitment to Him.
1/9/202317 minutes, 45 seconds
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Awaking Wonder: Inspiration for a New Season - Episode 737

Whether you are single, married, working outside your home, or a stay-at-home mom, you are called by the heart of Jesus to give of yourself to others.
1/5/202339 minutes, 6 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Keep Up Your Courage, Friends - Episode 736

Today, I review the disastrous storm in which Paul found himself and other passengers who were scared. He teaches us about how to rally others to courage and faith.
1/3/202341 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Lifegiving Home Plan: 2023 - Episode 735

There is no one right way to live life in a home. No one size of routine or rules or order fits all. Homes with young children will be quite different from a single-adult home. Elderly adults will order their lives by different life rituals than will young marrieds or students. But the more carefully we plan our days, the better our homes will provide us with freedom and enjoyment as well as purpose and accomplishment.
12/30/202224 minutes, 32 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Decluttering Your Heart & Soul For 2023 - Episode 734

Many years ago, I began the habit at the beginning of the new year to declutter my heart and soul.
12/27/202241 minutes, 6 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Pondering Mary this Christmas - Episode 733

Pondering Mary, one of my favorite role models, I speak today of what was in her heart when God says, "Greetings, you who are highly favored. The Lord is with you."
12/20/202237 minutes, 8 seconds
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Advent: Living in His Light With Malcolm Guite - Episode 732

Today on my podcast, I am reintroducing you to my friend, Malcolm Guite, a scholar in Cambridge, a Poet and very winsome and informative teacher. You will love hearing about why and how we celebrate Christ throughout the church year. This podcast has been a favorite in the past couple of years, and now it has become a tradition to play it again, to bring all of us from the dark world, this year a Covid-filled year, into the light of Christ’s reality.
12/19/202236 minutes, 33 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Just One Cup - Episode 731

When Jesus said, “whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward," I’m quite sure He also had in mind "whoever gives a steaming cup of tea!”
12/14/202219 minutes, 32 seconds
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Choosing Lifelong Faith - Episode 730

Faith requires a listening heart. God is so willing to use normal people—who are listening, willing to obey. What risk will you take, by faith, to live a story that others will tell for generations to come?
12/12/202224 minutes, 51 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Canticles to Memorize, Orzo, Michael Card & An Adventure - Episode 729

Today, my forever friend, Jacqui and I speak of friend formation, and tell of our intentional and purpose driven fun times and how it has shaped us. Such fun. Hope it encourages you.
12/7/202254 minutes, 25 seconds
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Building a Long Term Marriage - Episode 728

Nothing quite prepared me, as an untrained young woman, to know how to bear all of the stresses we would face by being a family. And yet, I had been taught to seek God’s word, to pray and to obey and live in wisdom.
12/5/202235 minutes, 18 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Preparing Your Heart to Face the Holidays with Grace - Episode 727

This week, I am asking myself what I need to do to prepare my heart to be present to my people, ready to serve and to determine not to give into the weariness or demands.
11/29/202234 minutes, 16 seconds
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In the Cold Winter Seasons, Find the Light - Episode 726

In my life as a mom, there have been countless times, I felt like I was not accomplishing anything productive from day to day. Five scriptures have been especially helpful to me when I am overwhelmed.
11/28/202239 minutes, 43 seconds
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Welcoming Holiday Celebration with Joy - Episode 725

To me, Thanksgiving is the entry way to preparing my heart to be filled and renewed with a love for Christ. I need child-like excitement and gratitude to fill my heart again, so that I might bring light into my year ahead.
11/22/202241 minutes, 30 seconds
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Growing Gratefulness - Episode 724

Giving thanks starts with a humble heart, one that does not demand but receives the gifts of everyday moments with joy. A grateful heart sees the fingerprints of God in normal every day circumstances, a lens through which we see life, people, simple pleasures as a gift.
11/21/202217 minutes, 13 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Goodness: The Power to Fight Darkness - Episode 723

When we read in the Word, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good,” this is a call out of passivity to action, to engaging, to spreading the moral excellence through each aspect of our lives that God has called us to. Today, I discuss what that has meant to me lately. I hope it will encourage you.
11/15/202237 minutes, 35 seconds
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Why Stories Matter (& Nathan's New Movie!) - Episode 722

Stories have the power to change and inspire us in ways nothing else does. I hope you'll join us in this journey of bringing a good story to life that just might be the thing to help a world in need.
11/14/202234 minutes, 25 seconds
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Building a House for Eternity - Episode 721

I have come to realize that embracing God's call to the duties of motherhood doesn't diminish my abilities to use my gifts, strength, and training, but fulfills a part of God's design.
11/8/202237 minutes, 48 seconds
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Minding Your Mind - Episode 720

What if someone could read your thoughts—would you like what they see? Worship the Lord Your God with all of your mind, we are told. I call it “minding your mind” because thinking, learning, understanding, creating—so many things we do with our minds, are to be a focus of our worship of God. Worshipping God with our mind requires a focus, intentionality, effort, a plan.
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Minding Your Mind - Episode 720

What if someone could read your thoughts—would you like what they see? Worship the Lord Your God with all of your mind, we are told. I call it “minding your mind” because thinking, learning, understanding, creating—so many things we do with our minds, are to be a focus of our worship of God. Worshipping God with our mind requires a focus, intentionality, effort, a plan.
11/7/202228 minutes, 38 seconds
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Seasons of Life - Episode 719

Whatever season you find yourself in is eventually going to pass. God is aware of your season and He will give you wisdom, strength, grace to walk through the seasons with Him by your side to provide you with insight and understanding into the ways he is working in the world.
11/3/202236 minutes, 37 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Our Dwelling Shapes Us - Episode 718

When the places inside home are intentionally crafted, these seasons can become the places where memories can be shaped and stored forever.
11/1/202234 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Grace of Aging Well - Episode 717

There are many gifts of aging, gaining experience. It comes from waiting, learning, storing up experience and understanding.
10/31/202217 minutes, 18 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Living a Story That Holds a Legacy - Episode 716

As I watch the leaves rain softly to the ground, and the colors give their last bit of glory before disappearing into a pile on the ground, I am reminded that my own life is reflecting seasons. I want to take advantage of this time to its fullest that I may have been a good soldier in this battle between darkness and light and left a bit of the glory and light I have known.
10/25/202241 minutes, 36 seconds
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Freedom: From a Life of Bondage to a Life of Joy - Episode 715

Freedom in a biblical sense means: emancipation, the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. We do not have to be slaves to our shame, our failures, our weakness. We have been emancipated, let out of guilty land, because of His work.
10/24/202229 minutes, 44 seconds
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Launch Day: Giving Your Words! - Episode 714

Today, Giving Your Words is officially out in the world. Many of you have asked Clay to join me in an interview about our book. So today, we have a special podcast for you about how Giving Your Words came about—from his perspective.
10/18/202233 minutes, 50 seconds
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Giving Your Words: An Interview with Clay Clarkson - Episode 713

Our hope is that parents all over the world will become even more skillful at leaving their children a legacy of words and messages giving hope, foundational faith, unconditional love.
10/17/202232 minutes, 45 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Aslan's Sympathy, Delicious Tartes, & Adventure - Episode 712

Today I speak of choral music, tastes of French food, adventures in a flower farm cafe, the best bread, finding light in the darkest clouds of life, Jacqui adventures, and more.
10/12/202241 minutes, 16 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: A Murder Mystery, Coffee Treat, Dear Wallflower Podcast, & More - Episode 711

Last week’s adventures took me on journeys fun and mysterious. Join me for another fun podcast of Tea Time Tuesday!
10/4/202243 minutes, 6 seconds
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Giving Your Words: Discernment: Wisdom to Navigate Life - Episode 710

Today's word is discernment: the insight to understand what is true to navigate life in wisdom.
10/3/202241 minutes, 33 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Are You a Good Samaritan? - Episode 709

Join me today on my podcast as I talk about becoming a Good Samaritan in the normal moments of your life, cultivating compassion for those who need sympathy.
9/27/202237 minutes, 57 seconds
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Instruction: Nurturing Minds to Apply Wisdom - Episode 708

Instruction teaches one how to do something, how to apply wisdom and skill to life and the steps to do something. It provides practical steps to take.
9/26/202225 minutes, 52 seconds
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Leaving a Faithful Legacy - Episode 707

This week, I have been pondering how commitments, vows, and dedications of words hold us faithful to ideals we have committed to. Join me on Tea time Tuesday as I ponder the importance of making commitments to God, to review them, to live by them.
9/21/202250 minutes, 50 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Hope in the Mess of Life - Episode 706

Today I will share about how life has been — beautiful and wonderful amidst many mistakes, many flaws, many immature moments. Yet, God's grace is like a beautiful cloth that covers the scars on my well-beloved old tables. His love and grace cover my imperfections.
9/13/202228 minutes, 35 seconds
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Wisdom: The Word of the Day - Episode 705

All of us need wisdom every day. Jesus tells us to worship him with our minds — to love Him with our minds. The ability to think biblically is no small matter in a world that shouts to us with values that are worldly, pumping out lies about life, family, and morality, in thousands of ways every day.
9/12/202236 minutes, 3 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: When Tea Becomes a Ritual - Episode 704

When tea time becomes a ritual, it enables us to see greatness in even the small things.
9/6/202237 minutes, 57 seconds
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Words Are Friends That Speak To You Your Whole Life - Episode 703

Words become ways to influence a child when they work themselves into a child’s inner being. They shape their worldview, systems of theology, ways of relationships, view of themselves, self-image, and so much more.
9/5/202235 minutes, 20 seconds
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Life with Sally Membership: Celebrating 5 Years - Episode 702

What started as a simple idea conceived in my living room has blossomed and grown into a site where hundreds of women from all over the world come to be encouraged and challenged to use their agency to bring God’s kingdom to those around them.
8/30/202249 minutes, 16 seconds
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Reflections from a Weekend - Episode 701

It is encouraging to be amongst friends that are driven and excited about finding ways to minister to women who are lonely and doing their best to parent the children that God has blessed them with. I pray you will be encouraged by our conversation and find something to carry you through this season with courage and hope.
8/29/202225 minutes, 13 seconds
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What if Love is the Point? (with Carlos & Alexa PenaVega) - Episode 700

Hearing Carlos and Alexa's love story, how they met and got married, was a picture of God’s providence in their lives. They now have 3 young children, and have continued to have flourishing careers as actors, musicians, and performers. Both are dynamic and articulate about their lives and faith, personal and warm, inspiring and grounded. I know you will love this podcast.
8/25/202224 minutes, 50 seconds
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Sometimes Supermama Has to Take a Break - Episode 699

My friends, pray for me to run this marathon well and finish still alive. Sending love, prayers, and lots of wishes for you to have a bit of fun tucked into the days of your lives. I’ll be taking a podcast and Tea Time Tuesday break, but will be back soon!
8/23/202211 minutes, 49 seconds
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Remembering... - Episode 698

Last week, I explored a wild canyon with the man who is my real life valiant hero.
8/22/202217 minutes, 55 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: The Out of the Box Life - Episode 697

I have been pondering "should" lately — we are often ruled by them: “You should…” but most of my life, I have lived by the beat of a different drummer and it has led me to joy, peace, delight, deep love.
8/16/202243 minutes, 27 seconds
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I Wish I Had Trust Him More & Complained Less - Episode 696

No amount of ranting or complaining can change the fact that we live in a fallen world. I wish I had known sooner that I needed to accept this reality, to determine to grow up, to build up my strength little by little.
8/15/202226 minutes, 20 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Faithfulness in Your Long Life Journey - Episode 695

How we live through these seasons following hard after God at every point, leaves us with a soul satisfying story, because we learn that God was with us and faithful at every point.
8/9/202238 minutes, 2 seconds
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Daily Acts of Crafting the Art of Life - Episode 694

We must rule over our domains in such a way to have order, rhythms, traditions, and anchors in our schedule that provide for this divine reflection of what God has done.
8/8/202217 minutes, 40 seconds
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Mothering without Fear (with Jennifer Pepito) - Episode 693

Today, I am so happy to share my conversation with you that my friend Jennifer Pepito and I had earlier this week. As a seasoned mama of 7, she brings gentleness, peace, fun, insight, and wisdom to us mamas on our journey.
8/3/202220 minutes, 3 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Put Away Anger, Put on Love - Episode 692

Growing older wisely means to have more ability to love generously, to forgive, to allow people time to grow as you need time to grow, and to watch over your heart that it might not be eaten up by self-righteousness of bitterness. Put anger and harsh criticism away and put on love.
8/2/202246 minutes, 45 seconds
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Get Your LifeGifts Disciple Planner - Episode 691

We came up with a model that worked for our family called LifeGIFTS. Each letter in the word gifts stood for one of the five areas I held as a grid in my mind to focus on each day: grace, inspiration, faith, training, and service.
8/1/202240 minutes, 5 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday (with Nathan & Keelia) - Episode 690

Giggling, belly laughing and guffawing they say are good for your soul — even scripture teaches that a joyful heart is good medicine. Today on my podcast, Keelia, Nathan, and I could not stop laughing. We hope you enjoy the merriment.
7/26/202233 minutes, 43 seconds
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Do You Ever Wonder If Your Life Matters? - Episode 689

God is with us, He will answer and He cares for you. Today, in my podcast, I speak of ways and rhythms I practice in my life to bring my being back to health and strengthen and ways to keep myself going forward.
7/25/202233 minutes, 18 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Dogs, Honey Cakes, & Strength - Episode 688

It took a lifetime to build our home and environment and books and rhythms that echo through all of the days -- tea mornings, breakfast every day, evening meals… it is fun to see how much my children have adopted and applied these things in their own way.
7/20/202233 minutes, 30 seconds
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Covering Imperfections with Grace - Episode 687

It is simple to see all the flaws in my children, my husband, and myself. But that is not healthy or biblical. I am practicing several commitments to help me see each person for who they are inside and to bring a fresh wind of grace to each moment. 
7/18/202223 minutes, 38 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: I Betook Time for Myself - Episode 686

I snuck out of the house, I betook myself to a lovely breakfast in an outdoor cafe and breathed in peace, and centered myself for an hour before jumping back into the wild of life. Finally, my life began to be centered, ideas flowed and peace ruled. Take time for yourself to sit, ponder and sip.
7/12/202239 minutes, 15 seconds
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God Regards Our Love, Not Perfection - Episode 685

Our multitudinous little tasks, washing one more dish, correcting one more attitude, kissing one more cheek, when given from a heart full of love for Him,  pleases Him far more than if we made millions & had a title of strategic importance.
7/11/202235 minutes, 21 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Tea by the Tray - Episode 684

Habits of grace -- I call these rhythms that bring moments of civility into your day -- or give pause and peace to your week.
6/29/202225 minutes, 24 seconds
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Owning the Beautiful, Sacred Role of Motherhood - Episode 683

As a mother who has raised four children from birth into adulthood, engaging my life & faith in the lives of my children has been my most fulfilling, fruitful work.
6/27/202227 minutes, 51 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Celebration is Sacred - Episode 682

When we value a person, we speak well of them, affirm their worth, cherish their lives. They have significance in this world; God has created them with purpose and meaning to His story in the world. Celebrating someone takes time and energy and planning.
6/21/202237 minutes, 31 seconds
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You Will Never Be Enough - Episode 681

We will never be perfect or adequate on our own, but we are adequate when we walk by faith and live into God's provision for strength, joy, growth and wisdom.
6/20/202215 minutes, 6 seconds
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Wisdom, Agency, & Capacity for a Blessed Life - Episode 680

As I have watched my girls flourish as women and as professionals, I see them stretching into the women God made them to be. I absolutely love women of every background, story, and personality and want to champion them all.
6/14/202243 minutes, 18 seconds
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Summer is for Memories, Creating Fun, Enjoying Life, & Not for Complaining - Episode 679

Whatever we water in the souls of our hearts will certainly grow. And if we water "weeds" in the garden of our souls, they will certainly take over and devastate the crop of faith, love, thankfulness, grace, joy.
6/13/202237 minutes, 4 seconds
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Cheers to Queen Elizabeth! - Episode 678

Collecting details about Queen Elizabeth's life was the source of Tea Time Tuesday podcast today. Enjoy and celebrate with me, one whose life has so much wisdom and experience to fill our own vision for life.
6/7/202231 minutes, 47 seconds
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Heritage: A Place to Belong: Episdoe 677

When a child has a sense of family culture, the traditions they practice over a lifetime, it provides a sense of confidence in who he or she is and what light and goodness that culture has brought to the world.
6/6/202234 minutes, 56 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Courage Will Lead Us Forward: Daniel - Episode 676

All of us can feel quite overwhelmed by the darkness of circumstances around us. Yet, courage means: exercising mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.
5/31/202238 minutes, 27 seconds
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We All Need Gentleness, Not Criticism Right Now - Episode 675

The older I get and see my heart more clearly, the more humbled I become, wondering at God's generous mercy and grace. Let your relationships be ruled by love and grace.
5/30/202234 minutes, 14 seconds
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A Community of Friendship & Inspiration: - Episode 674

Today, I speak with my wonderful friends about their lives and how they have grown together through gathering on my membership, Life with Sally. If you are interested, you can find out more at I do have to tell you, it is a pretty wonderful community to be in.
5/26/202213 minutes, 48 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Savor the Days - Episode 673

What an exciting time it was for me to be at W&F with hundreds of women, making new friends, speaking, signing books, enjoying conversations. Truly it was deeply fulfilling for me. I’ll share all about my week on today’s podcast!
5/24/202242 minutes, 32 seconds
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Thoughts from Some Friends - Episode 672

Women laughed, teared up, were inspired, and left with words of significance burning in their hearts and minds. I thought you might want to hear from some when were there as an encouragement to you that you are not alone—that others are walking the same road as you.
5/23/202235 minutes, 6 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Tolkien's Story of Life Brings Hope - Episode 671

Tolkien was a part of my thoughts this week as I get ready to travel to Dallas to speak at Wild and Free. His story was a tragic one, but it led him to write an epic story to his generation to give them a picture of hope—fighting the darkness with light, goodness, and courage.
5/17/202239 minutes, 24 seconds
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Together is a Beautiful Place - Episode 670

My friend, Bailey Hurley, joined me today to discuss principles of belonging with me on my podcast, and to share about her new book, “Together is a Beautiful Place”. I hope this podcast and post will be of help to you this summer as you invest in friendships with your own children and friends.
5/16/202239 minutes, 43 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Walking Through Grace in Marriage - Episode 669

Clay and I are not formulaic in almost any subject we approach. We approach the wisdom principles that apply to marriage, not just a few select verses. Mostly, I hope that as you join me with a cup of tea or something wonderful, you will be refreshed in our time together.
5/10/202248 minutes, 25 seconds
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Encountering Jesus (with Matthew Clark) - Episode 668

We might feel lost, but Jesus is never lost. Today, I have had my friend, Matthew Clark, with me on my podcast, talking about such things.
5/9/202247 minutes, 10 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: I Want to Have Tea with Mary - Episode 667

Today, for Tea Time Tuesday, I have so many fun things to share—a favorite book I just put on my coffee table once again, a recipe, and what I have been studying.
5/3/202240 minutes, 32 seconds
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Your Opinion, Please? - Episode 666

It would help me so much if you could tell me specifically how I can best encourage you? What areas do you most want me to write about, speak about, podcast about—be specific!
5/2/202232 minutes, 33 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Learning the Dance of Joy in the Arms of the Father - Episode 665

"We have a choice to dance, to love, to sing, to live fully alive as long as He is alive in our imagination, in our thoughts, in our worship—to celebrate His daily presence." May God give you ears to hear and His grace to live fully during this time. I hope this podcast encourages you today.
4/26/202239 minutes, 52 seconds
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Walking in the King's Counsel: The Way of Wisdom (with Nathan Clarkson) - Episode 664

We all walk by the voices in our head. Today, Nathan and I recorded a podcast about his new book, The Way of Kings, and what it looks like to walk in the wise counsel of the king of kings.
4/25/202221 minutes, 24 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Jesus Teaches us the Way of a Servant - Episode 663

Jesus built deep relationships for three years with a dozen men and a few others in a community of friends.His ministry was small and personal, meeting needs, eating meals, living life with a focussed few, serving and dying for them.
4/19/202236 minutes, 10 seconds
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A Great Estate is Built One Brick at a Time - Episode 662

As Nathan and I share about what shapes one’s understanding of what it means to be royalty, God’s holy subjects, as stewards of all that is his, I am reminded that the faith he now holds dear was built over countless thousands of days, with stories told, love given, conversations had, training give over and over again.
4/18/202227 minutes, 12 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: What's Up With the Clarksons? - Episode 661

This week reminded me that our family was shaped by feasting, talking, laughing, being together over and over and over again. And this is how we celebrated our closeness and mutual legacy of family friendship this week.
4/12/202235 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Way of Kings (with Nathan Clarkson) - Episode 660

Since Nathan was little, he has been cultivating the hero that was inside his heart. Now, he decided to write a book that would come along parents to inspire their children to imagine themselves becoming a hero in their own stories. The Way of Kings is a beautiful book written with you in mind.
4/11/202217 minutes, 18 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Learning How to Die as the Key to a Peaceful Life (with Joy Clarkson) - Episode 659

This week, I have been pondering death and dying to self. If only I had known that was the secret to my life of worship—giving up my rights, pouring out my life, choosing to serve others as Christ did, and living into the joy of the Holy Spirit surging through my life to bring His light and love to bear.
4/5/202250 minutes, 28 seconds
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Be "For" Your People! - Episode 658

Being “for” someone does not mean that they will always exhibit the kind of behavior or character we deem admirable. But it is looking at our children with unconditional love and cultivating eyes that see the possibilities in the midst of the “terrible twos” of toddlers or hormonal teen years.
4/4/202213 minutes, 4 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Joy: A Spiritual Discipline To Cultivate - Episode 657

Our world is very troubled now and has been for a long time. Yet, I have learned that cultivating joy, being a light bearer is a spiritual discipline to practice, employ in the demands of every day life.
3/29/202251 minutes, 32 seconds
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Celebrating Life in the Everyday - Episode 656

Some things are more important than all the piles of “to do’s.” Time with my very precious daughter, where we would invest in one another’s lives, talk, make memories drove me to put everything aside for one day and to make the spontaneous commitment.
3/28/202224 minutes, 8 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Diligence Builds Legacy - Episode 655

So much to share about on this Tea Time Tuesday podcast: music, lentil soup recipe, 2 books to read, stories about Frank Lloyd Wright, and Mozart. Blessings and blessings to all of you today!
3/22/202244 minutes, 45 seconds
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A Heart for Serving Others: 10 Gifts of Heart: Chapter 5 (#1) - Episode 654

Serving others, when it becomes a habit, becomes an art form that can bring great pleasure and a sense of accomplishment to us and our families.
3/21/202229 minutes, 1 second
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Tea Time Tuesday: Do Not Despair - Episode 653

I decided I could slip in one more Tea Time Tuesday! Today I’ll share about umbrellas, spiritual trends in America, and a new book, The Resilient Pastor, along with a chat with Pastor Glenn Pakiam.
3/15/202236 minutes, 12 seconds
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Cristina Odone: Director of the Family Policy at the Centre for Social Justice - Episode 652

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of meeting a kindred spirit: Cristina Odone, who works as the Director of The Family Policy at The Centre for Social Justice. Her story was so amazing that I knew I wanted to have her join me on a podcast so that you could hear it.
3/14/202236 minutes, 6 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Strength & Hope Amidst Adversity - Episode 651

I share many thoughts this week about my eye accident, why I am having surgery, and what I have learned over many years of how to become a dependable and wise warrior in this broken world.
3/8/202242 minutes, 14 seconds
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Graciousness & Thoughtfulness: The Heart of Manners (10 Gifts of Heart) - Episode 650

When a child grows up developing graciousness as they go, they will have it as a treasure the rest of their lives.
3/7/202232 minutes, 44 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Pancakes, Patience, & London - Episode 649

Today, I'll share all about my trip to London, some tasty food, and what I have been pondering lately about cultivating patience and flexibility.
3/1/202235 minutes, 53 seconds
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Cultivating Virtue & Character in the Real World: 10 Gifts of Heart, Chapter 3 (#2) - Episode 648

Character is the pool from which our children will live and make all of their life decisions. Virtue takes a lifetime to build, yet is it one of the best gifts we can give or our children.
2/28/202225 minutes, 46 seconds
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Winnie the Pooh, Friendship, & Tea Time Tuesday - Episode 647

When we feel someone knows us and still loves us and understands us and our deepest thoughts and dreams, we are so very grateful. I pray you will feel seen, loved and affirmed in our time together for Tea Time Tuesday.
2/22/202243 minutes, 59 seconds
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Shaping A Heart with Character: 10 Gifts of Heart, Chapter 3 (#1) - Episode 646

To give our children a virtuous heart, to teach them to value hard work, patience, relationship skills, truth-telling, keeping their word and so much more is to bless them for their whole life.
2/21/202236 minutes, 58 seconds
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Tea, Anyone? (Tea Time Tuesday: Aggressively Happy) - Episode 645

How I wish I could have each of you over for tea to my little home today. I would pick your brain, hear your thoughts and dreams, share with you mine. To have the opportunity to share in real friendship is one of the treasures of my life. So join me today for another Tea Time Tuesday podcast!
2/15/202240 minutes, 2 seconds
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Giving the Gift of Friendship: 10 Gifts of Heart, Chapter 2 (#2) - Episode 644

Our children will adopt a “putting others first” heart only if we first help them have God’s mind about selflessness. Instructing our children in what it truly means to put the needs of others first will enable them to be great friends and have great friends.
2/14/202227 minutes, 17 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Peace Be Yours, Beloved - Episode 643

This week, after reading some news reports, I felt a little anxious about the state of affairs. I did a little study on peace in scripture. I hope you will enjoy it.
2/8/202236 minutes, 40 seconds
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A Heart for Friendship: 10 Gifts of Heart, Chapter 2

Just the other day, I was looking at old photos and found a favorite from some friends I used to spend a weekend a year with at the beach before or after our California conference—I could never have made it through all the years without my sweet friends.
2/7/202242 minutes, 47 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Ely: A Magical, Magnificent Town - Episode 641

Ely has for many years been one of my very favorite towns in the UK. What a gift it was that a sweet friend of mine invited me to go on a little 2 day explore together to have fun once again in the Magical Medieval town.
2/1/202245 minutes, 26 seconds
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Cultivating An Authentic Life of Faith: 10 Gifts of Heart, Chapter 1 (#2) - Episode 640

While every family has its own story and each puzzle of life is different, there are some practical ways we can make the life of faith tangible to our children and those are the focus of the second half of this chapter!
1/31/202243 minutes, 21 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: What To Do When You Are Lost - Episode 639

1/25/202246 minutes, 20 seconds
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A Heart for Faith: 10 Gifts of Heart, Chapter 1

The world of teens is focused on their test scores as they graduate from high school. But what if God wants us to focus on a different kind of preparation before they leave our homes?
1/24/202221 minutes, 59 seconds
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Adventure or Another Cup of Tea: Introducing the Adventures of Miss Tea Cup - Episode 637

I have a family of tea cups that sit together on my shelf wherever I live. Stay tuned — you will be seeing my adventures with tea cup in hand. I have some adventures planned this very week. As mom of 4, I learned to see life as an adventure and to create a sense of joyful adventures along the way, even in mundane days.
1/18/202243 minutes, 54 seconds
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Passing On A Heart for Virtue: 10 Gifts to Give Your Children Before They Leave Home - Episode 636

In the weeks ahead, I will be hosting a podcast series from my book, 10 Gifts of Heart, a book Clay and I wrote to focus on the habits we wanted our children to have before they left our home and entered the world as adults. Today, I talk with my friend, Dr. Michael Ward, about his book, After Humanity, and we discuss the role virtue plays in the shaping of character. Be inspired.
1/17/202254 minutes, 2 seconds
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Cultivating A Beautiful Life - Episode 635

We cannot pass on civility, beauty, intelligence, excellence of mind and heart, if we do not ourselves make these virtues a goal of our lives. Whatever we pursue and cultivate will determine what we are also able to pass on to all who we encounter.
1/11/202237 minutes, 8 seconds
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A New Year Awakens Wonder & Inspiration - Episode 634

On today’s podcast, I talk about making your life whole in mind, body, character, and actions so that those who listen to you have a virtuous, good, right model to follow. Jesus said, “The student when fully trained will be like his teacher.” And so, our children who look to us as teachers, call us to become our best selves.
1/10/202226 minutes, 14 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: A New Year Begins - Episode 633

We all get so caught up with making one more meal, getting one more chore done, but it is truly our personal relationships that will see us through hard times. We must make time to say, “I am so grateful to be with you today. How are you?”
1/4/202236 minutes, 27 seconds
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Covering A Multitude Of Sin With Love

While it is incredibly wonderful to set our standards high and live within these great ideals, we must hold ourselves to a standard of grace, not perfection.
1/3/202222 minutes, 11 seconds
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2022: A New Year, A Time To Celebrate - Episode 631

There is a life and hope and energy in this celebrating. It brings all earthly struggles into perspective, a baby bringing life that would conquer all ills, calm all storms, wrest all evil powers, heal all wounds.
12/31/20217 minutes, 44 seconds
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Decluttering Your Soul: Planning A Year For Joy In 2022 - Episode 630

There are so many ways to feel guilty or less than, but when we seek Him and His priorities and free ourselves from the burdens we are not meant to carry, we will find strength and purpose for each day. I pray you have a wonderful New Year and a light soul.
12/30/202136 minutes, 9 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Today, I Offer You A Red Rose - Episode 629

For today's Tea Time Tuesday, I share all about our family's music, food, life, Christmas plans, inspiration. Let me know if you enjoy my ramblings. Hoping you have a wonderful week!
12/21/202142 minutes, 52 seconds
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Shepherd's Meal: Written On Our Hearts - Episode 628

There was something so special about that first Shepherds’ Meal that we couldn’t wait to “do it again next year.” And so we have. In the thirty-plus years since then, our family has enjoyed a Shepherds’ Meal every Christmas Eve, no matter where we lived. Even the preparation has become a tradition—a family affair.
12/20/202120 minutes, 3 seconds
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Weathering the Storms of Difficult People: Help I'm Drowning - Episode 627

One of my biggest challenges in this very fraught and emotional storm was that as a young, naive believer, I didn’t know some of the worst hurts in my life would come from others who called themselves Christians.
12/15/202126 minutes, 20 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Discipleship Is A Heart Issue - Episode 626

We can exist within the mundane moments of motherhood or marriage or work longer if we know that somehow it is meaningful to our over-arching life story, when we serve and patiently give of our energy to meet the needs of others.
12/14/202137 minutes, 10 seconds
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God Loves You 10,000 - Episode 625

Every single morning when we awaken, God’s mercy sees our frailty and provides for a covering of grace through every moment we fall short of perfection. Every day, we can live in the freedom to know we are forgiven.
12/13/202121 minutes, 54 seconds
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We Always Tell the Truth: Our 24 Family Ways #24 - Episode 624

Learning to think clearly and Biblically, in order to be able to fight the formulas and ways of other men takes practice and investment of time---and it is the one way all children need to grow--to learn to think well, to learn to see the fallacies, false doctrine and rules that are man made and not in scripture--it requires thinking and being a steward of the word.
12/8/202132 minutes, 26 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Why We Should Rejoice - Episode 623

Tea is magical. Whatever you need, warmth, cooling down, cheer, calm, or peace — you can find it in a few moments where you take time to sit quietly and care for your soul.
12/7/202139 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Wisdom of Cultivating Joy this Christmastide - Episode 622

Life will always hold difficulties beyond what we ever imagined; sadness, broken-heartedness, deep disappointments. Yet, our commitment to keeping a grid of joy will carry us through and allow us to get up, time after time, to live one more day worshipping Him right in the midst of our stories.
12/6/202135 minutes, 14 seconds
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We Exercise Self-Control: Our 24 Family Ways #23 - Episode 621

Education of morals, habits, character and faith determine the foundations upon which a life will be built. Strong foundations lend themselves to vast structures. Make a plan today about how you will build those foundations into your own life and that of your children!
12/1/202126 minutes, 47 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Preparing Room In Your Heart For Friendship - Episode 620

I’ve found that the best way to cultivate a true, deep-rooted friendship is to commit to seeking them out, intentionally going out of our way to invite a new friend over for a cup of tea and a deep discussion.
11/30/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 6 seconds
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Hope In Christ, The Foundation Of Our Faith - Episode 619

Now is the time for us to kindle our hope, encourage one another and to stay fast as we live faithfully.
11/29/202135 minutes, 56 seconds
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We Ask Before We Act: Our 24 Family Ways #22 - Episode 618

No matter how old your children become, you are the example for them. They will always be looking at you to see integrity, ideals, and how you interact with God. The longer you provide your children with wisdom based on truth, the more they will quickly consider your advice as they walk their own adult journey.
11/24/202130 minutes, 24 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: A Time to Catch a Breath: Seek a Peaceful Life - Episode 617

Accomplishing some great feat is no more important than living a quiet life if it is done in relationship with Jesus—who lived small, quiet, personal.
11/23/202115 minutes
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Guilt Destroys; Grace Heals - Episode 616

The older I am the more I see my inadequacies, selfishness, and propensity to behave in an immature way. It has led me to have more mercy, compassion, and patience with others, especially my children.
11/22/202119 minutes, 53 seconds
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We Do What We Know Is Right: Our 24 Family Ways #21 - Episode 615

Learning to be righteous is a heart issue, not a rules-memorized issue. We cannot force righteousness on our children by legalism and harshness. This only makes them want to hide from us. But instead, we nurture and cultivate a love for goodness by cultivating it in our home each day.
11/17/202140 minutes, 36 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesday: Delighting In Life - Episode 614

Delight has been my ponder in several areas the past week. The definition of delight is: a high degree of gratification or pleasure -- joy
11/16/202144 minutes, 25 seconds
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Thanksgiving: A Time For Family Traditions! - Episode 613

Thanksgiving is one of those holidays I so enjoy because it’s all about gratitude in the context of relationships! It is always a treat when I can gather my ministry team for a chat, and today we’re sharing a conversation about Thanksgiving traditions from our own homes.
11/15/202136 minutes, 45 seconds
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We Choose To Be Gracious: Our 24 Family Ways #20 - Episode 612

We treat our children with respect, serve them in humility, choose to use honorable words to our husbands, to friends, because when they learn this attribute of God, they will become those who win the souls of others who are so longing for someone to validate their worth.
11/10/202120 minutes, 12 seconds
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Tea Time Tuesdays, What Do You Think? - Episode 611

I wondered if it might be fun to have you join me with a cuppa something wonderful and warm, (tea, chai, coffee, cider) and sit for just a few minutes over calm, comfort, friendship and encouragement.
11/9/202136 minutes, 33 seconds
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Loving Your Imperfect Child & Others Who Need It - Episode 610

Love settles the heart, offering warmth and light that encourages giftings and talents to grow strong and straight.
11/8/202119 minutes, 59 seconds
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We Choose to be Patient: Our 24 Family Ways #19 - Episode 609

Patience leads to all sorts of strength — spiritual, mental, physical, skill acquisition, musical accomplishment, athletic strength, academic prowess, financial security — so many blessings come through learning to be patient.
11/3/202131 minutes, 53 seconds
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There Are No Perfect Families - Episode 608

Too often, we compare ourselves to others we think have it more together. But the truth is we are all broken in some way, but family can be the healing place—the place where we see God’s grace grow and flourish.
11/2/202130 minutes, 21 seconds
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Becoming A Source Of Light In A Dark World - Episode 607

What if each of us determined to leave light to everyone we came across, to our children, to our friends and husband? But to do that, we must be in an intimate relationship to the true source of light, Christ.
11/1/202114 minutes, 52 seconds
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We Choose to be Peacemakers: Our 24 Family Ways #18 - Episode 606

Whether in the setting of marriage, friendship, family, with colleagues, or as parents, peacemaking—the act of choosing to reach out in the work of restoration—comes from a heart that worships God.
10/27/202126 minutes, 26 seconds
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Seasons Remembered, Seasons Celebrated - Episode 605

Today, sweet mama, you are building a gift of love for yourself that will bless you your whole life. Cherish this season with your precious ones and watch it grow into something beautiful.
10/25/202133 minutes, 34 seconds
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We Choose to be Joyful: Our 24 Family Ways #17 - Episode 604

When we have tribulation of any kind, Jesus admonishes us to "take courage." Have courage, change your attitude from hurt to brave, from overwhelmed to "I can move through this with God's grace."
10/20/202132 minutes, 17 seconds
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Books That Changed Our Lives Forever - Episode 603

What you feed your mind determines what thoughts will direct your life. Today, my wonderful team and I are reviewing some of the books I have written and how they have transformed our lives.
10/19/202146 minutes
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The Civilization of Nations Begins at Home - Episode 602

Today on my podcast, Joy and I speak of other brilliant and outstanding women throughout history who have made a difference in their world, their time in history.
10/18/202126 minutes, 55 seconds
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We Take Personal Responsibility: Our 24 Family Ways #16 - Episode 601

No one becomes excellent of character automatically from lectures, but rather from practicing skills, responsibilities, and chores together with contented spirits. Wisdom and skill require time, instruction and practice — modeling combined with gentle and patient instruction.
10/14/202129 minutes, 2 seconds
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Don't Mom Alone (with Heather MacFayden)

God created us for companionship with real people. We were born for community, love, help, encouragement, and the blessing and intimacy that comes from close friendship with others.
10/12/202134 minutes, 44 seconds
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Some Things Are As Good As You Hope They'll Be - Episode 599

To dream wildly and find that some dreams really do come true is to taste the goodness that began us and the grace that aids us and the kindness that draws us on toward the healing of all things.
10/11/202126 minutes, 31 seconds
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We Work with a Cooperative Spirit: Our 24 Family Ways #15 - Episode 598

Giving your child a self-image of perceiving that God wants to use them in their world, will shape their work and service the rest of their lives. Giving them practice to serve each other will build strong relationships between siblings when they grow up.
10/6/202132 minutes, 24 seconds
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Engage in the Possibilities of Life & Giveaway - Episode 597

So many times, we are stopped by fear of failure, or criticism, or just lack of a work ethic. But even as God is excellent, so we who are made to be like Him and to exhibit His light into a dark world, must determine to engage in the possibilities.
10/4/202124 minutes, 16 seconds
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We Take Initiative: Our 24 Family Ways #14 - Episode 596

Building our children into godly human beings is also so much messier and costlier than we ever expected, as well as taking longer than we anticipated. But the end result will be so worthwhile.
9/29/202133 minutes, 1 second
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Little Moments that Build an Eternal Legacy - Episode 595

What is accomplished in the little moments that require waiting or acting in patience is where the real legacy of relationships and passing on truth takes place.
9/27/202128 minutes, 3 seconds
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Lots of Fun with Sarah - Episode 594

Today, Sarah shares with me some of her “survival techniques” that have kept her going in the midst of an incredibly challenging, exhausting season. I hope you will be made to feel you aren’t alone as we share our struggles, and encouraged that you, too, can bring beauty into ordinary days.
9/22/202124 minutes, 18 seconds
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Support & Community, Just For You - Episode 593

Since I was a young woman, I have been captivated by the concept of mentoring through loving, close relationships. Where did I learn all about it? From pondering the life of Christ. His way of reaching the world was by developing personal relationships, serving, and teaching the truths that came straight from the heart of God.
9/21/202116 minutes, 19 seconds
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Authentic Faith, Not Perfection: Help I'm Drowning - Episode 592

As I look back on the years of my life, it was not perfection that was needed, but an authentic faith, a humility, a choice to trust when the feelings weren’t there.
9/20/202114 minutes, 3 seconds
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16 Million Downloads, Chocolate, & a Giveaway

Today, I shared on my podcast 6 Ways that I deal with the storms in my life with the scripture that keeps me fast. I hope it will be of great encouragement to you. I pray it gives you a grid to follow, to practice when you need anchors to keep you strong. And it’s in the back of my book: I call it my Storm Care Kit.
9/17/202132 minutes, 10 seconds
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Love God Greatly: Angela Perritt Giveaway - Episode 590

I am beyond blessed to have Angela Perritt as a beloved friend, who shared her story on my podcast today. We have been the kind of friends that see each other seldom, but I know when I am with her, I will leave wanting to be my best self, being motivated to take His light into the world.
9/16/202132 minutes, 51 seconds
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Beauty: A Profound Anchor in the Storms of Life - Episode 589

Storms have come out of the blue, invaded my life, caused destruction and devastation at times. Yet, one of the ways I learned to anchor myself was by establishing rhythms that kept me sane. I learned to take responsibility for my soul that it might continue to become more beautiful.
9/15/202130 minutes, 49 seconds
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Launch Day: Help, I'm Drowning - Episode 588

I’m so happy that this day has finally come — where I can move these words from my heart and into your hands. This book was born out of the thousands and thousands of women around the world who’ve expressed to me their own stories of dealing with life storms, and out of my personal journey as a young, idealistic woman and mother — I so often found myself in the same places as you are today.
9/14/202124 minutes, 25 seconds
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Perspective: Learning How to Anchor Well Through Years of Storms - Episode 587

Perspective is a wisdom that comes through experience. We see things differently because of the long view of life and what transpires over decades. Today, I was so blessed to have the opportunity to talk to Kate Battistelli, as a seasoned woman, who adds so much grace to her words and gives so much wisdom and hope.
9/13/202140 minutes, 26 seconds
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Loving Well, Especially When it is Difficult - Episode 586

The world can be hostile to adults who seek to live morally excellent lives, and who attempt to live lives for the glory of God. And so even now, loving, listening, encouraging, supporting, and giving my adult children a home where they will be circled in love and commitment of friendship is one of the pulls in their lives to uphold their ideals in a very challenging time.
9/9/202137 minutes, 17 seconds
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Drowning from Waves of Loneliness - Episode 585

The truth is that, even with our understanding that God walks through every moment with us, that we’re never truly alone because of his unending faithfulness in our lives, we still so often feel utterly alone, unseen, and hidden beneath the dangerous waves of loneliness.
9/8/202124 minutes, 20 seconds
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Keeping My Head Above Water - Episode 584

Jesus was a man of sorrow, acquainted with grief. When we experience tragedies and devastation, we can know He understands and sympathizes.
9/7/202149 minutes, 20 seconds
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Motherhood: Heroic Endings Amidst Difficulty - Episode 583

Eventually, with years of practice and determination, I learned the value of pushing through, taking just one more step when I thought it impossible. I am even shocked now to see that God was producing fruitfulness in my life beyond my imagination by helping me to keep going on His path. Endurance and perseverance by faith can lead to a treasure of blessings when the path is directed and companioned by God.
9/6/202130 minutes, 52 seconds
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We Are Diligent to Complete Our Tasks: Our 24 Family Ways #13 - Episode 582

When our children learn to be diligent in one area, it spills into all areas of life. We do it through gentle, daily, little by little, consistent training during their time in our home.
9/1/202132 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Clubhouse: The Doorway into Worlds of Imagination & Heroic Tales - Episode 581

I know you will absolutely treasure this Nathan and Joy's new book, The Clubhouse. It will provide hours of imagination and play for you. I hope you will get your own copy and enjoy it with your precious ones for many years to come.
8/31/202136 minutes, 6 seconds
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Anchors to Hold Us Fast in the Storms of Marriage - Episode 580

Join me on my podcast today where I share more about our story of marriage, some content from Help, I’m Drowning about our marriage, and the ways we were able to live through the storms that came blowing through the many twists and turns of our lives.
8/30/202142 minutes, 3 seconds
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We Take Care of What We Have: Our 24 Family Ways #12 - Episode 579

What you teach, model, and practice for your children is what they are most likely to value when they grow up. Give them small ways to be faithful in your home, so they can become strong in exercising bigger stewardship muscles when they are adults.
8/25/202132 minutes, 15 seconds
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Sometimes, We Are Our Own Storms - Episode 578

Sometimes we carry difficult marriages, past scars, the tension of hard relationships that will never end, financial burdens, guilt for our failures. But God longs for us to rid ourselves of these performative works expectations that we carry inside.
8/24/202124 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Storm of Loneliness & Isolation - Episode 577

Today on my podcast, I talk about the kind of friend that helped me make it through some of my darkest days. I hope you will share it, too, and be encouraged to be that kind of a friend for someone who needs your love today.
8/23/202127 minutes, 35 seconds
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We Are Generous With What We Have: Our 24 Family Ways #11 - Episode 576

When we capture the reality of God's nature being extravagantly generous on our behalf, this character quality born in our lives and trained into the lives of our children, reflects a wordless picture of a love that will reach hearts.
8/20/202124 minutes, 23 seconds
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The World Needs Brave Mamas, Now! - Episode 575

Our faithfulness ensures that our children may be trained in spiritual strength, moral excellence, and the influence of righteousness. I pray that every day, you will have a vision for understanding how very much each day of your faithful serving as a mom matters to God and to His wonderful plan to create us for this role.
8/19/202130 minutes, 29 seconds
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Waiting in the Meantime by Cultivating a Beautiful Life - Episode 574

Cultivating a life filled with beautiful rhythms, life-giving rituals, attitudes of gratefulness, is what shapes our hearts and minds in the midst of the storms. The agency we have to believe forward in God’s goodness and faithfulness will make every day meaningful, every day a gift, as we wait with hope.
8/16/202134 minutes, 50 seconds
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Help! Sally's Drowning! - Episode 573

As I have been praying about releasing Help, I’m Drowning into the World, I hoped that it would be a book where women would feel seen, understood, and validated. I'd love for you, my kindred spirits, to join me, be a part of a robust community, and help share my newest book with the world. So if you did not get in before, now is your chance!
8/12/202111 minutes, 50 seconds
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We Are Content: Our 24 Family Ways #10 - Episode 572

Choosing to be satisfied with what we have, laying our desires and dreams in God's hands, learning to love and bring light into the broken places we inhabit is the beginning of learning to be content.
8/11/202133 minutes, 56 seconds
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Perseverance: The Secret of Leaving a Lifegiving Legacy - Episode 571

When we add up a life of faithfulness in serving God, grace, wisdom, failure, forgiveness, compassion -- it is thousands of moments of choosing to persevere, one moment at a time. But it is only in making those small choices, when no one else can see, that we find ourselves progressing on the path of the righteous.
8/9/202129 minutes, 38 seconds
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We Are Thankful: Our 24 Family Ways #9 - Episode 570

Thankfulness requires us engaging in looking for ways we might worship God, and then verbalizing our gratefulness. This week, every day, notice things that God has provided, and thank Him for each way He has worked and blessed your life.
8/4/202133 minutes, 55 seconds
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Resting in the Compassion of God - Episode 569

Have you ever felt you needed to hide your feelings from the Lord? He is not surprised, nor does He condemn you. Jesus is our advocate, our God, ready to comfort us with sympathy and understanding.
8/3/202117 minutes, 43 seconds
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There Will Always Be Storms... - Episode 568

Do you wonder how you will ever get out from this place — the place of financial crisis, serious health problems, loss of job or relationship and are paralyzed to know what to do? There will always be life storms to overcome and survive — that is why I wrote Help, I'm Drowning.
8/2/202136 minutes, 25 seconds
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We Forgive One Another: Our 24 Family Ways #8 - Episode 567

If we want our children to be godly leaders in this world, they must see self-sacrificing, humble forgiveness in and through our words, our lives and our actions.
7/28/202131 minutes, 50 seconds
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Overcoming Darkness with Rituals of Hope - Episode 566

Little by little, we must strengthen our children's muscles of brining hope to their world by giving them the opportunity to be sources of hope and comfort and love to those in need.
7/26/202133 minutes, 55 seconds
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We Encourage One Another: Our 24 Family Ways #7 - Episode 565

Words have influence over who a human being becomes. That is why we must consider how to invest words of love, hope, truth, and encouragement, practice saying them regularly, and why we must teach children to ponder what words of life are and how to give them to others.  
7/21/202134 minutes, 34 seconds
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Resources for Your Life: Help, I'm Drowning - Episode 564

Through almost seven decades of life, I found myself tossed about in overwhelming life storms through many different seasons. In Help, I'm Drowning, I reflected on challenges that took me by surprise. Though there are no easy answers, I would like to help lead you to the One who is with us and will see us through.
7/20/202131 minutes, 4 seconds
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Walking Through Soul Darkness with Hope: Help, I'm Drowning - Episode 563

At 68, I can see that somehow, as I literally cried through these life storms, as I begged God for help and wisdom, He was there, even when I could not feel or see him. This week, I am gently sending Help, I'm Drowning out into the world. I pray you will be encouraged.
7/19/202133 minutes, 11 seconds
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We Serve One Another: Our 24 Family Ways #6 - Episode 562

If a child grows up serving, it will become natural to them. Making " I love you" cards, plates of cookies for neighbors, and serving meals at the homeless shelter helped our children to learn to give time and effort to ease someone else's life. We are called the serve one another, just as Jesus called his disciples to serve along beside him and in this practice.
7/14/202138 minutes, 36 seconds
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Clubhouse: Imagining Living an Inspiring Life (with Nathan & Joy Clarkson)

People are always asking us, “How did you do it? How did you inspire your children to be authors, movie makers, composers, college instructors, podcasters?” This was the way — imagination, nightly discussions over great meals, close, delightful relationships every day. This is how their hearts, minds, and lives were shaped into adults who could imagine influencing their worlds for good.
7/12/202128 minutes, 21 seconds
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We Love One Another: Our 24 Family Ways #5 - Episode 560

Training a child to choose to love by showing kindness, gentleness and respect will prepare them to go before kings or paupers and to become leaders in their generation. It starts with an attitude that says, "God has designed me to love people, to be humble like He was, to show respect and kindness."
7/7/202146 minutes, 11 seconds
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Joy: Actively Engaging in God's Goodness

Cultivating habits that sustain our lives and fill us with joy is one way we have learned to move forward every day, to find how to make life sustainable. Join Joy and me as we share some of our thoughts.
7/6/202134 minutes, 43 seconds
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We Listen to Correction: Our 24 Family Ways #4 - Episode 558

We have an incredible capacity to be strong, grow in intellectual excellence as we exercise the muscles of our minds, to leave a legacy of faith and integrity — but it requires that we also exercise our will, submit to God's discipline, and strain after His ways by following His heart.
6/30/202138 minutes, 37 seconds
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Help! I'm Drowning: Weathering the Storms of Life with Grace & Hope - Episode 557

In writing 'Help, I'm Drowning' I wanted to share some of the storms I faced and how walking with God led me to a life of flourishing and one in which He was building my life on the rock of eternal values. I hope you will be encouraged right where you are in your own storms and difficulties in life.
6/28/202120 minutes, 6 seconds
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Stay Fast to Your Ideals - Every Bit of Faithfulness Adds Up

Staying strong and faithful through all the years is what built my own precious one into the woman she has become. And though you can’t see it yet, your thousands of moments of faithfulness is shaping that child into what will become a strong, loving, faithful adult.
6/23/202120 minutes, 12 seconds
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We Honor & Obey Our Parents: Our 24 Family Ways #3 - Episode 556

Honor comes with humility—the ability to see others as more important than ourselves. To teach honor and obedience means we will have to occasionally cross our children’s wills. It’s not easy, but it’s necessary.
6/23/202141 minutes, 24 seconds
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Strength for Today, Hope for Tomorrow - Episode 554

Today, I’ll talk about what it looks like to find God’s strength, with Him lifting the load with me, no matter what I am carrying. I share some of my favorite verses about His strength. I pray that it will encourage you along your own path, and pray you will know God’s love in your journey.
6/21/202141 minutes, 19 seconds
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We Read the Bible Daily & Pray: Our 24 Family Ways #2 - Episode 553

The habit of coming to God every day, taking time specifically to seek Him, to listen to Him, to ponder His ways and engage in His truth is the most profound action that will shape your life.
6/16/202132 minutes, 18 seconds
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Joy & Sally: Cuteness & Fun - Episode 552

For a long time, I have wanted to do a weekly podcast that was just fun and informative, about what we are doing in the UK and tidbits of this and that. Today, that’s just what Joy and I talked about.
6/15/202144 minutes, 16 seconds
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Kindness: The Act of Choosing to be Benevolent to Another, For Christ's Sake - Episode 551

I am seeing how much kindness means to me — to be served so sweetly, without any malice or resentment, through the loving acts of my family. It is the kindness of God I have experienced, and now I am more than ever moved to learn to become more kind, considerate in active ways to others who need my attention.
6/14/202134 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Chosen with Dallas Jenkins - Episode 550

Millions of people all over the world have been brought closer to Christ through this transforming story so beautifully presented in full color through episodes that draw us into the intimacy of the stories Jesus lived. I hope you will watch The Chosen, directed by Dallas Jenkins, with your family.
6/9/202131 minutes
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This Beautiful Truth: A New Inspiring Book by Sarah Clarkson - Episode 549

In This Beautiful Truth, Sarah Clarkson shares her encounters with beauty in the midst of her decade-long struggle with mental illness, depression, and doubt. In a voice both vulnerable and reflective, she paints a compelling picture of the God who reaches out to us in a powerful way through the 'taste and see' goodness of what He has made and what continues to create amid our darkness.
6/7/202139 minutes, 28 seconds
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Loving God with Wholehearted Devotion: Our 24 Family Ways #1 - Episode 548

Preparing to become mature at loving God or preparing my children to become adults who knew how to love started with teaching them God’s most important commandment: to love Him with all their hearts, souls, and minds.
6/2/202154 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Greatest of These is Love - Episode 547

If we live breathing the depth of God’s love for ourselves, we come to understand that God’s love is essential to our understanding of Him, what drove Him to the cross, what He longs to share with us. Love is the essence of God’s character. Join me today as I elaborate on verses that speak about God’s steadfast love as a model for what we are to grow into.
5/31/202145 minutes, 7 seconds
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Our 24 Family Ways Intro: Foundations That Cannot Be Shaken - Episode 546

Many years ago, Clay and I dreamed up the idea of Our 24 Family Ways as we discussed our desire to disciple our children as we walked along the path of life together. As parents of young children, we wanted them to have strong foundations of godly character and an understanding of what it meant to please God so that they could develop integrity.
5/26/202132 minutes, 5 seconds
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Shaping A Beautiful, Meaningful Life - Episode 545

What if God designed home, motherhood, & family to be the foundational community upon which society was to emerge from — a place of truth, goodness, & wholeness? What if we were designed to be caretakers of such a task because of the sacredness God placed on women because of His great esteem for them?
5/24/202143 minutes, 35 seconds
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Advocate or Adversary? How to Train Your Children - Episode 544

I have realized over the years that the most important element to a Christian parent, in regards to discipline, is not the method, but the heart attitude towards God as a Father of us. When we become our children’s advocates, always for them, defending them, protecting them, we are helping them grow as we extend the mercy, kindness, and teachings of God.
5/19/202154 minutes, 45 seconds
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Does My Sacrifice & Work of Ideals Really Matter? - Episode 543

Your faithfulness matters. The moments of lifegiving relationships, truth discussed, virtue modeled, happens over thousands of days, many years, lots of laying down of life. You are writing your own story of faith and faithfulness. Join me today and be encouraged in your own life to live faithfully.
5/17/202128 minutes, 31 seconds
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I Just Love A Good Story! Perhaps Ours Will Someday Be Told

Your children long to see you as their heroes — those who inspire, live with courage, bring truth to bear in your generation. Each of us has a part. You will love the tales we talk about today and perhaps someone will be telling your faithful tale to others who need courage to live as women of valiance and light. Enjoy and be inspired.
5/12/202136 minutes, 9 seconds
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Following God's Parenting Philosophy: Learning From Jesus

It is not getting the rules right that will make our children want to serve God. It is laying down our life for them, serving them, listening to them, loving who God made them to be, that will secure in them a desire to love God with all of their hearts. By seeing our love, they will more easily understand and receive God's love, as it will already be familiar to their hearts.
5/10/202128 minutes, 4 seconds
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Accepting Your Own Reality In Marriage - Episode 540

The reality is that all marriages are filled with challenges. How a woman responds to her marriage will determine if it is a place where the light and beauty of God’s love will be shown. One of the glories of women is the opportunity to spread the gracious spirit of love and peace in her home. It is a beautiful grace of godly women to behold -- the fragrance of unconditional love and the art of spreading light, even in the dark places.
5/5/202127 minutes, 51 seconds
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Bringing Out the Song in Your Child's Heart (with Joel Clarkson)

When you first hold a baby in your arms, you can't even imagine the talents, personality, and strengths they will have as an adult. The miraculous and mysterious process of loving, training, cultivating skills, inspiring your children over many years results in a full-fledged adult that you could not have perceived in their earliest moments.
5/3/202132 minutes, 45 seconds
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Soul Weary, Heart Sick: How To Grow Strong, Healthy, & Joyful Again - Episode 538

Those who wait for the Lord, who patiently follow after Him, will indeed gain new strength, they will run and not become weary, they will walk and not faint. And their work and their reward will be sure.
4/28/202137 minutes, 54 seconds
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Walking the Path of Life with Your Teenagers

Parenting can feel like climbing a mountain with high peaks and low valleys in between, especially with the onset of hormones, emotions, and changes — of them and of us! On today's new podcast, my friends and I discuss lessons we’ve learned and how we have walked through and are currently walking through life with our teens.
4/25/202142 minutes, 8 seconds
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A Beautiful Life In The Midst Of Messes (with Jane Biel) - Episode 536

Sometimes the circumstances of life are like our home -- messes and joys, fears and blessings all in the same breath. But it is what we see and how we perceive what is happening that will determine our comfort or our despair. Today, join me and my friend, Jane Biel, as we have a conversation about beauty amidst messes.
4/21/202146 minutes, 14 seconds
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How To Raise Deep Thinkers - Episode 535

Often, people will ask me: How did you raise children who think and who are articulate? Who engage and add to the discussion of truth, beauty, and goodness in our culture? Today, Nathan and Joseph and I discuss how to raise deep thinkers. It was so inspiring to me to hear them discuss what shaped them to become deep thinkers. I hope you will be encouraged as I was.
4/19/202148 minutes, 5 seconds
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Calm My Anxious Heart (with Linda Dillow) - Episode 534

Life for all of us is filled with anxious moments, yet, it really is possible to gain perspective of life in a fallen world, to learn how get stronger at being courageous and better at walking with God.
4/14/202151 minutes, 23 seconds
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Growing Slow (with Jennifer Dukes Lee) - Episode 533

Growing takes time. Growing and waiting for the ripe moment requires hard work and patience. We are so used to instant gratification that we often quit on something before it has had proper time to grow -- but character building and training takes time.
4/13/202139 minutes, 33 seconds
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When Darkness Threatens - Episode 532

When darkness falls, especially on our emotions and thoughts, we can feel lost, moving toward depression or a cloudiness of soul.  Today, two of my friends and I share our own stories of depression, dark seasons, and walking through these times with faith.
4/7/202139 minutes, 50 seconds
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Lifegiving With Sally Clarkson - Episode 531

As I look at the landscape of our times, I see a need for hope, strong faith, foundations of good character and integrity. All of these needs have been a part of humanity for generations. Women who caught a vision of becoming civilizers, life-givers, shapers of souls, were the ones who instilled these attributes through their homes. It was the conversations at the meals, bedtime blessings, morning prayers, that created human beings who learned to thrive in real life.
4/5/202126 minutes, 57 seconds
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Fear Not! Living Beyond Anxiety - Episode 530

This time filled with anxiety and fear could, from God's eyes of history, be one of the finest hours for Christians to stay true, to be faithful until the end, to endure hardship, to rejoice in His reality, to live by faith, "assurance of things hoped for, convictions of things not seen."
3/31/202130 minutes, 6 seconds
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Light Overcomes Darkness, Beauty Overshadows Evil - Episode 529

Whatever we pursue and cultivate will determine what we are able to pass on to all who we encounter. As stewards of our souls, we must seek to cultivate a garden of beauty -- it must be a regular habit, a discipline, to expose ourselves to great minds, musicians, artists, & theologians so that our souls will indeed reflect a museum of His great character and nobility.
3/29/202131 minutes, 56 seconds
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Courage In Perilous Times - Episode 528

I challenge you to walk with courage and faith through this season, no matter how disastrous the voyage may appear to be. Your words of hope and faith will give you the strength and courage to keep going. You will leave a legacy of faith and faithfulness that will help generations to come.
3/24/202122 minutes, 57 seconds
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Life Vision: Seeing Beyond What Is In Front Of Our Eyes - Episode 527

The dreams inside us point to the destiny we were created to fulfill. We each want to know that our lives matter, that we are not invisible. When we see them only as a series of mundane days, become consumed by busyness, or dwell on hurts, we become prisoners to the circumstances of our lives. Ignoring the eternal purposes God has designed for us leads to emptiness.
3/22/202136 minutes, 27 seconds
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Mentoring with Love & Lifegiving Influence - Episode 526

To create a life where the hours and moments can be filled in satisfying interaction means that we must choose to fill the time our children could be engaged with machines or other entertainment with planned personal time that satisfies to the depths of their hearts, minds, and souls.
3/17/202141 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ode To Tired Mamas - Episode 525

"A Joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones." Take good medicine, and even in the midst of draining circumstances, plan on lighting a candle in the darkness, playing music through the pain, eating avocado toast, dancing in the midst of the mess, and smiling often as it is truly good for the heart! And above all, give yourself sweet grace!
3/15/202132 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Wonder-Filled Mentor Inspires A Desire To Learn - Episode 524

A drive for purpose and a desire to impact others for the kingdom of God does not come out of a vacuum. Vision of the heart is what empowers all of us, as God's children, to follow Him in faith and purpose in becoming fishermen in the world. It flows from inspiration, not from moralistic rules or laws to be kept.
3/10/202137 minutes, 2 seconds
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Humbly Resting in the Transcendence of God: Own Your Life, Chapter 6 - Episode 523

We know we are called to follow Christ, to take His message to the world, to raise our children to heed Jesus' call. But sometimes we fail to consider that following the Lord means leaving behind the familiar, exchanging a temporal view of life for an eternal goal.
3/8/202139 minutes, 34 seconds
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Sick Of Being Responsible? Feeling A Little Wonky? - Episode 522

Life as a woman, mom, and wife can sometimes be stressful, overwhelming, exhausting, boring and demanding on many levels. Sometimes moms feel guilty admitting the variety of feelings they have. Feelings are natural -- they neither define who we are or take away from our righteousness. They are just a reaction to the situation we are in.
3/3/202135 minutes, 44 seconds
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We Were Made For Love: Why You Are Irresistible - Episode 521

The longer I am a parent and grandparent, the more I understand how God feels about us. We are irresistible to Him. We are His own, he made us to be like Him. He champions us and celebrates us. He gave everything, even His own life, to redeem, heal, bring us back to the infinite fullness of life as He created it.
3/1/202141 minutes, 36 seconds
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Celebrate: Dance to the Music of Life - Episode 520

Celebrating is a part of God's nature. The birds chirp to God, the sunrise and sunset sing of His glory, the stars declare His beauty. There is a life and hope and energy in this celebrating. It brings all earthly struggles into perspective, a baby bringing life that would conquer all ills, calm all storms, heal all wounds.
2/24/202120 minutes, 40 seconds
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A Wise Woman Rests - Episode 519

Resting in Him, choosing peace and putting off responsibilities is sometimes such grand medicine for my soul, that after choosing to rest and to invest in fun and love and ease of life, my strength is renewed and all issues are able to be faced with grace. I know busyness is coming, but I will face it with courage later if I rest today.
2/22/202126 minutes, 31 seconds
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Mentoring With Integrity: Awaking Wonder, Chapter 3 - Episode 518

Today, I talk about making your life whole in mind, body, character and actions so that those who listen to you have a virtuous, good, right model to follow. Jesus said, “The student when fully trained will be like his teacher.” Those who follow us, and our children who look to us as teacher, call us to become our best selves out of the accountability they hold us to as we model truth in front of them.
2/17/202143 minutes
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Living With The End In Mind: Own Your Life, Chapter 4 - Episode 517

Join me on my podcast today as I speak about why we choose to live with our hearts on fire, with our weary souls seeking one more day to worship, to sing, to be alive with His truths. We live with the end in mind, that our stories will be told throughout eternity, that He will wipe away every tear, He cares that we care for the children, friends, husbands He has entrusted into our hands.
2/15/202139 minutes, 19 seconds
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Free From Guilt: Living Into God's Unchanging Love - Episode 516

This is the fallen world, and we will never be able to control ourselves, our circumstances, our children, or the world the live in. Living in the grace and knowledge that God forgives, knows our limitations, is not surprised or disappointed, but wanting to give us hope is crucial. Of course you have fallen short -- you are a mom and you are human.
2/10/202141 minutes, 43 seconds
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Pandemic Fatigue: Joyness the Brave Saves the Day - Episode 515

Weariness and just plain sick of the constant day in day out work day inside the walls of our home had drained me. And so Joy, in honor of her name, announced, “Tomorrow night, we shall have a Girl’s Spa and Play night. I'll set the menu, the activities, and the entertainment.” And so she did. Listen in to hear how we had a fun night in.
2/8/202136 minutes, 27 seconds
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Accepting Your God-Designed, Unique, & Distinct Story: Awaking Wonder Chapter 2 - Episode 514

We live in a world that values conformity. We want to use our force to make people, and our children, fit into the box. Be good. Be tame. Be moral. Come up with the right answer. Don't bring attention to yourself. And yet, after many years, I learned that who I was was exactly who God formed me to be, and suited my own story well. Live in the freedom of your own design today and cultivate your own life story as you live into your own unique part of His greater Story.
2/3/202134 minutes, 34 seconds
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Controlling the Chaos: Own Your Life, Chapter 2 - Episode 513

As women, mothers, and wives, it is absolutely crucial that we learn to breathe, relax, and focus and center ourselves on what should be prioritized. Today, I explore the idea of managing the elements that add to the chaos of our lives, and the ways forward to finding peace and centeredness.
2/1/202145 minutes, 14 seconds
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Awaking Wonder: Igniting A Passion & Love For Life, Chapter 1 - Episode 512

The vision of the heart, the cultivation of wonder, is what empowers all of us, as God's children, to follow Him in faith and purpose. Now is a time to awaken to the wonders around you and to celebrate them with all in your wake.
1/27/202137 minutes, 41 seconds
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Owning Your Life Right Where You Are: Chapter 1 - Episode 511

One day at a time, God has helped me to take one step forward, to put my issues into His hands, to live forward by faith into what He was doing, what I was becoming. And now, as I look back, I am beyond amazed at what He has accomplished on our behalf through His generous faithfulness. How important it was, I can see now, that I learned to own my life right where I was, to dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.
1/25/202143 minutes, 52 seconds
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Most of Life is Waiting: Dance in the Meantime - Episode 510

What you choose to believe and cherish, practice and submit to, work at and believe in happens when no one else is looking. These are the glorious days your children will remember—the joy of the meantime, the moments cherished, the memories made at bedtime, table time, birthdays, times of illness. So, who knows what tomorrow or the next day will bring. But what will you do in the meantime?
1/20/202117 minutes, 34 seconds
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Keep Calm & Carry On: Own Your Life - Episode 509

Many stresses and demands face us as women every day. Needs arise and require our immediate attention, someone needs our love, our time, our help. And yet, I do have to say, I love women. They seem particularly equipped by God to be great lovers, devoted friends, makers of beauty, civilizers of chaos, spiritually grounded and intellectually brilliant. Keep calm and carry on, my friends.
1/18/202139 minutes, 52 seconds
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Awaking Wonder: The Shaping of a Whole Life Vision - Episode 508

When we seek to disciple our children, it is cultivating in them a vision for their importance to Christ's work, a hope that they are needed to fulfill a kingdom cause--with their unique personality and skills, and then giving them practice in serving others as they grow up in our homes, which are the center of ministry. It is about them watching us serve and being caught up in the beauty of our loving, giving to, serving and inspiring others from the integrity and compassion of our own hearts and lives, that their hearts will be captured.
1/13/202131 minutes, 19 seconds
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Sensing God: Getting Faith Out Of Your Head & Into Your Life - Episode 507

Sensing God is a discovery of Jesus in all of the sensory points embedded into each of us. It shows how the holiest acts in our daily lives are often the simplest: reveling in the beauty of nature; listening to our favorite music; eating a nourishing meal with family. These are potentially heartbeats of a living faith, and when we learn to recognize and respond to God’s goodness in them, it draws us into redemptive participation with Him, the source of all beauty.
1/12/202149 minutes, 39 seconds
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Honor: Granting Worth, High Esteem, Deep Respect In All Actions of Life - Episode 506

God tells children to "honor their mother and father" and in this command is a practice of showing respect, giving worth, humbling oneself -- in short, practicing seeing the value in another person. When people are valued, valuing God and worshiping Him is already a pattern in the heart.
1/11/202147 minutes, 46 seconds
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Living With Deep Intention, Bold Faith - Episode 505

What does it mean to live with bold faith? To please Christ, to follow His word and admonitions, to grow every day, to love Him from my heart, to humble myself and confess my need for him and to ask His forgiveness when I fail, to seek to walk in His spirit by faith every day, to live by Truth of scripture, with godly character, with wisdom applied to my life.
1/6/202144 minutes, 12 seconds
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Starting The New Year With Words of Hope - Episode 504

As we enter a new year, how important it is that we garner hope for our futures, meaningfulness for our daily life and vision for what matters. As I enter a new season of podcasting, I had in mind to journey together through the days of a new year with intentionality and hope.
1/4/202139 minutes, 12 seconds
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Sometimes I Get Lost, But I Always Eventually Find My Way Back - Episode 503

Today, I am providing a podcast that I hope will help and encourage you right where you are. Tomorrow, I will have a blog that speaks directly to the importance of decluttering our souls—taking away the doubts, the guilt, the fears, the stress and making a plan of how to stay close to our precious, loving Father, whatever befalls us during this new year, 2021.
12/31/202045 minutes, 44 seconds
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I Need Friendship, Inspiration and Community. Do you? - Episode 502

As I look back through the years, I realize that what I needed as a young mama and wife is what I still need—friends and community. In this very strange time of unusual isolation and separation from our normal commitments, activities and communities, we have all felt hollow in our hearts. A longing for someone to understand, someone to celebrate life with.
12/21/202054 minutes, 25 seconds
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It's All About Your Heart - Episode 501

God is looking for our heart-love for Him, not our perfection. In the midst of invisibility and times when no one sees or knows what is going on in our lives, the stresses from challenging children, the loneliness of a struggling marriage, the cleaning up of one more mess amidst the crumbs of our life. Yet, God wants to companion us through these places and show us His love.
12/16/202033 minutes, 43 seconds
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A Merry Little Christmas, With Joy! - Episode 500

Most of us are entering into the Christmas season and trying to figure out how to take care of the needs of our loved ones, keep feeding the masses, maintain our responsibilities and stay sane. Yet, there is a part of me, through the years, that has learned to “give in to the Christmas Season.” I don’t mean the commercialism or being too busy and over committed. But learning to enjoy the gifts given, however simple, the simple celebrations of home, the lights and the mystery of imagination that can be so much a part of the joy of life.
12/14/202033 minutes, 8 seconds
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Join us in a fun Event! Sensing God in Advent with Joel Clarkson - Episode #499

Sensing God is a discovery of Jesus in all of the sensory points embedded into each of us. It shows how the holiest acts in our daily lives are often the simplest: reveling in the beauty of nature; listening to our favorite music; eating a nourishing meal with family. These are potentially heartbeats of a living faith, and when we learn to recognize and respond to God's goodness in them, it draws us into redemptive participation with Him, the source of all beauty.
12/7/202045 minutes, 50 seconds
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Cultivating A Good Attitude During Advent - Episode #498

Long after each year's gifts have been forgotten, if we give to our loved ones a joyful, loving heart, we will have given them a gift that will be with them their whole lives. They will come to us again and again for the "Life" they need to feel, hear and be comforted by during every season.
12/2/202040 minutes, 50 seconds
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A Clarkson Christmas Movie - Episode #497

“Miracle on Highway 34” is a beautiful modern retelling of the nativity set in a small town diner and the characters that find themselves there on Christmas Eve during a snow storm. After such a chaotic and tumultuous year, Nathan is releasing a movie that offers a little bit of hope, love, warmth, and joy. Nathan wrote, produced, directed, and is acting opposite his wife Keelia in the film. He is hoping it will be a blessing to you and your family this year, something that perhaps you can make a memory around.
11/30/202028 minutes, 12 seconds
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Shaping Generations With Celebration & Fun - Episode #496

Our brains and souls long for color, beauty, the crafting of words and ideas, the discipline of conquering a classical piece of music on piano or a contemporary song on guitar. Our palate are made for deliciousness, our longings are for traditions, celebrations with our people in our place done in our way.
11/25/202032 minutes, 38 seconds
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Cultivating Resilience: Moving into our Days Strong - Episode #495

Though many of us cannot be with our families for Thanksgiving, and we are inside our homes with no where to go for reprieve, and we wish the tumult of the election would go away and that Covid would end, we pick up ourselves, we bring beauty to choose, light to darkness and we breath in the peace that He is with us.
11/23/202040 minutes, 14 seconds
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A Personal Retreat For Our Wonderful Friends: Advent with Sarah Clarkson - Episode #494

My dearest friend and daughter has such a perfectly timed surprise for all of us. I can’t wait to share about it today with all of you. Sarah has joined me to tall you all about what is ahead that I know will encourage your heart. Here is a message from her.
11/18/202034 minutes, 41 seconds
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A Story of a Rose: Bringing Light to a Dark Time - Episode #493

Our idealism does make us vulnerable. May God give us grace to not be destroyed in the flow of darkness right now but help us to be light givers.
11/16/202025 minutes, 8 seconds
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Modeling Christ to Our Children During Times of Conflict: Leah Boden - Episode #492

Today, I had the privilege of having a chat with my sweet friend, Leah Boden. Not too long ago she was at my house sharing a “cuppa.” So in honor of that time, you see my photo. But today, we had to be quarantined. I loved this podcast and I know you will be encouraged as I was.
11/11/202048 minutes, 32 seconds
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Be Gentle With Thyself Today - Episode #491

God whispered, “Be gentle to yourself today. Don’t make this day the one where you get everything done, figure life out, take care of everyone else in the world. Just be still, just rest, just breathe in peace.” Truly, it was the message that came to my heart.
11/9/202028 minutes, 28 seconds
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Grace For The Day: Election 2020 - Episode #490

There is this auspicious week where the voting takes place and at this moment, I have no idea what will happen. Yet, when I come into God’s presence, when I am still and “know that He is God,” somehow He takes me beyond the illusion the this world and what we “think” is happening is of utmost importance, when from His point of view, there are always bigger issues at stake. I want to live in awareness of Him and His eternal and providentially directed ways and not be defined by the human attempts all around me to super impose meaning and value of life where in reality God’s purposes are greater and more important.
11/4/202022 minutes, 6 seconds
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My Bubble Buddy: Fun With Jaqui: Oxford Chats - Episode #489

Today, we share all sorts of fun with you. How to initiate and respond in friendship, all about taking time in nature and so much more. I hope many of you will ponder reaching out to someone, or maybe you will hit the ball back to someone who has initiated to you. Or maybe you can serve a ball yourself. :)
11/2/202042 minutes, 37 seconds
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Living Through Anxiety with Grace & Hope - Episode #488

I was so thankful to be able to have a conversation with my online friend, Pierce Taylor Hibbs, about anxiety. In this episode, today I talk about some of these issues with him, author of Struck Down but Not Destroyed: Living Faithfully with Anxiety, about ways to move through these issues. We share stories of God's faithfulness and presence, our own growth in compassion, and our responses to God in times of great anxiety and suffering.
10/28/202041 minutes, 4 seconds
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Searching for Certainty: Finding God in the Disruptions of Life - Episode #487

I invite you to join us in our podcast today and it is my prayer that our message will give you encouragement but also a pause to think about how to live well into this moment that you have.
10/26/202047 minutes, 19 seconds
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Gifts of Intentional Conversation, Humility, & More! - Episode #486

If you want to equip your children to stand strong for truth, for Christ and for family values that includes a high picture of morality, marriage, sex, the foundations of scripture, world view, then you must gently engage over the years, little by little, day by day.  It is best for children to hear about controversial subjects from their parents than on the internet.
10/21/202030 minutes, 6 seconds
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Embracing Gentleness In The Midst Of Challenges

Gentleness grows stronger with practice. It comes with humility. It grows as wisdom and takes root in the heart that values the ones she loves. May God grant us to become gentle in our love, that others may see Him through us.
10/19/202038 minutes, 2 seconds
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He Is Waiting For Us In The Hidden Places

God longs for the most personal, intimate relationship with us. While He created us with this in mind, sometimes in the midst of a particularly challenging time, we allow ourselves to drift away from Him. And yet, it is in drawing closer to Him than ever before, in committing ourselves to daily time alone with Him, that we are able to claim our roles as His child. When we let Him meet us where we are, peace will follow.
10/14/202021 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Key To True Friendship And Finding Joy

There have been crucial dark moments in my life when I would have floundered or fallen apart if I had not had friends to carry me, to comfort me, to guide me when I couldn’t see where I was going. We were created with a yearning for connection, community, and a sense of belonging, a people to call home. Much of our joy is sustained through relationships with people who have chosen to love us, to help us, to be committed.
10/12/202040 minutes, 38 seconds
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A Lifegiving Table Is Possible From Anywhere

The secret to cultivating a lifegiving home is not a perfectly balanced life, luxurious home, or a fancy table of food. Instead, it is an open mind, inspired heart, and a deep longing to create stability, no matter the circumstances.
10/7/202023 minutes, 53 seconds
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May Your Words Inspire Life And Beauty

The starting point of your influence is the state of your own heart, mind and soul. If there is purity, wisdom, strength, faith, love and righteousness there, then when you pour out your life, those around you will be blessed indeed.
10/5/202034 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Right Way Will Not Always Be The Popular Way

In all of our ideals, righteousness is progressive. In other words, we make mistakes, we fail, sometimes we do foolish things because they are so accepted in culture. Sometimes, wickedness jumps after us like Potifer's wife chasing Joseph. And our children learned the concept of fleeing--just drop what will burn you and flee--run immediately away from the temptation.
9/30/202040 minutes, 36 seconds
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Mamas Have The Power To Raise Good Men

These days, it seems we’re constantly faced with another example of an influential man using his power for evil, living without morals or care for others, or maybe even one who chooses to look the other way when confronted with another man’s bad behavior. Now more than ever, we need good men in this world, men who live a life dedicated to goodness, heroism, protecting those in need, and love.
9/28/202039 minutes, 7 seconds
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Cultivating Deep Friendships Through Teatime Discipleship

We all long for kindred spirits — those with whom we could spend hours dreaming, laughing, and sharing our heart’s troubles. But many people I know struggle to find those kindred spirits. Living our busy lives, we hope that lifelong friendships will fall into our lap, or come knocking at our front door. But over many years of struggling with loneliness myself, I’ve found that the best way to cultivate a true, deep-rooted friendship is to commit to seeking them out, intentionally going out of our way to invite a new friend over for a cup of tea and a deep discussion.
9/23/202028 minutes, 15 seconds
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24 Family Ways: Loving God By Loving Others

At this time in history, where very little is considered sacred or holy, we must seek diligently to create not just knowledge of what the word holy means, but to place tangible practices in our lives where we and our children come to learn that some things are sacred and set apart and deserve our reverence and worship.
9/21/202054 minutes, 12 seconds
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Trusting God When Your World is Falling Apart With Ruth Schwenk - Episode #476

Anyone who is seasoned in their faith has become used to trials, difficulties and hard times. Yet, it is how they responded to their stress and challenges that makes them worthy to follow.
9/16/202044 minutes, 59 seconds
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Faithful: The Secrets of a Blessed Life - Episode #475

9/14/202022 minutes, 33 seconds
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Awaking Wonder: Resist Conforming to Worldly Patterns, Follow the Jesus Way & With Jamie Martin - Episode #474

9/8/202039 minutes, 24 seconds
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Refresh, Restore, Relax: Life is a Marathon - Episode #473

We are all human beings—fragile—and limited. We need to take time to refresh, relax and restore. From time to time, when my four were much younger, and I had pushed them to their limits during the day without a nap, too much activity, beyond their bedtime, too much sugar, and sometimes with lots of over-stimulation, bedtime would be impossible.
9/7/202036 minutes, 50 seconds
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Awaking Wonder: Giving the Gift of Faith & Cookies - Episode #472

Today, on my podcast, I will read a portion of Awaking Wonder, that gets to the heart of this message. This world is hostile to the gospel love and message of Jesus, in general. But each person you see was made to know God. As we get to know Him, our hearts will change. He will fill us with His love, His generosity, a willingness to lay down our lives, our pride and to humbly reach out to others.
9/3/202028 minutes, 6 seconds
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Awaking Wonder: Beauty Ignites A Desire to Learn - Episode #471

Awaking Wonder, for us, was often simply opening our eyes to the beauty around us, then diving into whatever that beauty caused us to wonder about!
9/1/202019 minutes, 20 seconds
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Finding a Way Forward: Misfits in Storms of Life - Episode #470

Feeling like a misfit is also something I have dealt with for many years. I am an idealist and passionate about living life purposefully in a world that is violent, relentless, filled with conflict and argumentative. This drains me to my toenails. And yet, from feeling this way before, I know that I am in good company—Job despaired of his life while being one of the godliest men on earth, same with Elijah, Jeremiah and more.
8/31/202034 minutes, 22 seconds
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Home Sweet Home, The Place That Holds and Embraces Me

8/27/202020 minutes, 30 seconds
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Secret to Awaking Wonder to Learning - Episode #468

As we evaluate how to love our children and students well, we must ask ourselves, ‘Do they believe and feel I have their best interests in mind, or do they think I have my own agenda for them?’ ‘Do they understand that even though they struggle, I am here to help them succeed?’ ‘Is their heart open to my instruction, or is there a wedge of resistance that I need to figure out and address?’”
8/26/202015 minutes, 28 seconds
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Awaking Wonder: The Secret of Loving Children Well - Episode #467

As we evaluate how to love our children and students well, we must ask ourselves, ‘Do they believe and feel I have their best interests in mind, or do they think I have my own agenda for them?’ ‘Do they understand that even though they struggle, I am here to help them succeed?’ ‘Is their heart open to my instruction, or is there a wedge of resistance that I need to figure out and address?’”
8/25/202025 minutes, 51 seconds
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Special: A wonder-filled Conference! Register Today with Anne Mille - Episode #466

Anne Miller has been hosting home education conferences in Virginia for tens of thousands for many years. She has hosted speakers from every background and given her life to mentor and encourage families. I will, of course, be speaking from our family’s philosophy of home education and discipleship, (Whole Hearted Learning Model). But you will be hearing from many inspirers from different philosophies. I have discovered that when I engage with experienced educators, I always learn something and stretch my own capacity and skill levels. I can’t wait to listen!
8/24/202021 minutes, 4 seconds
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Friends, Friends, Friends! A conversation With Jennifer Pepito - Episode #465

A favorite memory of mine, was being with my sweet friends from the Wild and Free Community both in the States and in the UK—Stratford on Avon. What a beautiful group of women. One of the highlights was to meet wonderful Jennifer Pepito. We were kindred spirits immediately. I know you will enjoy our podcast together today.
8/20/202041 minutes, 47 seconds
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Awaking Wonder Launch Day: Opening Your Child's Heart to the Beauty of Learning - Episode #464

Today, I would like to share a part of the story of my first chapter with you so that you can enter into our wonder-filled story of an unforgettable evening as we cuddled together in the Colorado Mountains. (And you can listen to me tell it on the podcast today.)
8/18/202025 minutes, 34 seconds
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Take Courage, Dear Heart & Awaking Wonder At Home Conference - Episode #463

Today, as you face these circumstances, may you find purpose and live into your capacity to keep going to keep spreading light, to be patient, to invest your love in young hearts. He trusted us with these times, that in His strength, we would be able to endure with grace and live in the realty of His light.
8/17/202028 minutes, 16 seconds
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Awaking Wonder Together At Home: Registration Begins Thursday, August 13 - Episode #462

In a series of twelve short video visits in different rooms of her home, I will share how she awakened wonder as a mother. Awaking Wonder at Home Together videos will let you walk with Sally, along with Clay and their grown children—Sarah, Joel, Nathan, and Joy—as she recalls the blessings and beauty of awaking wonder at home in the Clarkson family.
8/13/202026 minutes, 5 seconds
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Awaking Wonder: Grace & Peace from Sarah Mackenzie - Episode #461

Grace and Peace, Grace and Peace…….a song from Fernando Ortega wafted through my home on many occasions. How we need to be around people who offer us a breath, a kiss on our cheek, an angel friend who brings grace to us in spite of our challenges, imperfections or just thoughts that must be shared with a kindred spirit. Such is sweet Sarah Mackenzie. We had so much fun talking that we are doing 2 podcasts, one on hers and one on mine—and an instagram live.
8/12/202035 minutes, 30 seconds
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Awaking Wonder: Never Ending Discipleship, Part 2 Character & Faith - Episode #460

Part two of our discussion on shaping character and inspiring faith, we share about the struggles of having different “out of the box” children and how the life of Christ shows us the path of reaching their hearts. There is no formula, but a path of life formed brick by brick. My friends and I share book resources and practical ways that we incorporated scripture discussion, and built in habits and rhythms of being in the Word as a family.
8/11/202026 minutes, 35 seconds
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Awaking Wonder: Shaping Character, Inspiring Faith Part 1 - Episode #459

One of the gifts we have as parents is the laying of foundations of faith in the lives of our children. I am back with my friends talking on the podcast today about building a life of faith with your children. Awaking their hearts to wonder, truth, beauty, and goodness is a call for all parents no matter what educational path you take. We share practical ways of how we shared scripture in our homes, walked through difficult seasons, and incorporated faith into all areas of our lives and home. We hope you are encouraged to see beyond education as merely test scores and accumulation of facts, to the intentional passing on of wisdom and following Christ.
8/10/202027 minutes, 15 seconds
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Awaking Wonder: Science for Older Students - Episode #458

Today, I am back with my friends talking about science with older children today. (Refer to the previous science podcast for younger reads for children. It is so much fun. I learned so much by guiding my children through these subjects—my own personal favorite being physics.
8/6/202034 minutes, 44 seconds
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Emily Ley: Grace, Not Perfection, What Girls Need to Be Strong & Healthy - Episode #457

A couple of weeks ago, Emily and I recorded a podcast together that expresses both of our hearts—our passion to see young women, teen girls, flourish. With so many voices coming at them on the internet, and constant pictures of impossible standards for any of us to meet, it is common for girls to feel inadequate and insecure just being themselves. How to we cultivate an atmosphere and a plan to reach their hearts with unconditional love, with grace and words to speak forward into who they will become?
8/5/202040 minutes, 47 seconds
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Awaking Wonder: Sarah Shares Her Wonderful Thoughts - Episode #456

Sarah and I conversed today about beauty, books, the shaping of hearts, minds and souls. I know you will love this podcast between mother and daughter, best friends. Sarah is the author of the book: Read For the Heart which provides hundreds and hundreds of favorite children’s books and authors. Currently it is out of print but has been a favorite resource of many.
8/4/202050 minutes, 1 second
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Seasoned Mamas Share: Life is Full of Messes and Challenges - Episode #455

Today, you will hear the hard seasons some of my inner circle leaders have born over the years. Sometimes I think just knowing others are moving through the same feelings and struggles helps. I just love these women so much. They are a treasure to me—I hope this podcast encourages you greatly.
8/3/202046 minutes, 19 seconds
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Awaking Wonder: The Adventure of Exploring Science Through Books - Episode #454

Today I know you will enjoy the podcast I recorded with my friends as we discussed how to include science in a literary way of learning. So many wonderful resources. We even recorded 2 sessions. Enjoy, take notes and remember, with interesting books to guide curiosity and wonder, there is no need to buy age graded text books. You will be covering more ideals and concepts than you ever knew and it will all be intersting for you and your children. Enjoy!
7/30/202031 minutes, 32 seconds
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Joy's Favorite Fiction: How they Shaped Her Life - Episode #453

Last week, I interviewed Joy about what she remembers as her favorite fiction titles and why she loved these particular heroines. But as she was speaking, I realized that Joy had, to a large degree, embodied the protagonists she was describing. Stories shape the imagination of what our children will become. And I had chosen each book because of the great vocabulary and wonderful character and attributes and choices each wonderful heroine had made.
7/28/202047 minutes, 7 seconds
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Awaking Wonder: Take Care of Your Weary Self & Listen to a Story - Episode #452

Educating Others, whether adults, children, women in a Bible study, a book club, whatever the venue, teaching others will change and transform you. When we take on the responsibility of giving others wisdom, truth, knowledge, it forces us to become responsible for our own development, our own academic muscle, our ability to think.
7/27/202034 minutes, 37 seconds
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Awaking Wonder: Creating A Home Filled with Resources - Episode #451

In today’s podcast we discuss some specific ways to make these areas of exploration a reality. Where do I create these spaces? How? Will it cost me too much money? We spend time discussing how to make new, interesting, and engaging activities while mostly using what you have on hand already. What can you utilize in a new way? What art supplies can you pull out to be more accessible? Are your children ready to learn a new game? Learning and growing doesn’t have to be while seated at a desk, it can happen all along the way.
7/23/202036 minutes, 22 seconds
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Awaking Wonder Through Music: A Conversation With Joel - Episode #450

All of us are given a personality, a unique story to live. As parents we have the opportunity to look at the inside of our children, find the themes that make up their particular beauty, and weave that into harmony in their life. At the heart of Awaking Wonder is the idea that we are called to become the maestro of our children’s lives, who conducts the symphony of their lives. I knew I wanted to have that role in each of my children’s journey; but I simply never imagined that one of my children would become an actual maestro.
7/22/202042 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Book That Changed My LIfe Forever with Joy Clarkson (A Wrinkle In Time) - Episode #449

Today, I hope you will imagine what kinds of books will do that a for your own precious ones, while remembering that books can have that power in your own lives, too. Joy and I spoke today about the significant ways one of the chapters inspired us in our own lives. Of course, I had to share this book with all of my children so that they, too, could be carried away to the worlds that first captured my own imagination.
7/21/202033 minutes, 26 seconds
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Awaking Wonder: A Chat In My Library - Episode #448

There are many ways to live and a variety of means to educate. I do not think ours is the only good way, but I do believe that God led us to some central issues in understanding the ways to shape home life, and to enflesh a life of faith in and through the moments in our home so that it became a living faith in my own children’s lives.
7/20/202040 minutes, 4 seconds
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Adventuring Together With Greta Eskridge - Episode #447

Living in Oxford suited me because there was a new delight every day, a story to imagine, and I purposed to enjoy every minute, every day, every new friend—even the Ice cream truck! Part of the fun comes from a heart ready to enjoy life—a commitment that brings great pleasure.
7/16/202035 minutes, 44 seconds
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I'm Drowning: Feeling Small, Insignificant, Invisible - Episode #446

Awaking Wonder is an opening our hearts and the hearts of our children to His presence, His gentle love, His patience, His reality amidst the storms of life. Awaken wonder, live into His light and love today.
7/15/202019 minutes, 12 seconds
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Awaking Wonder: Where Do I Begin? - Episode #445

7/14/202044 minutes, 32 seconds
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Awaking Wonder: Where Do I Begin? - Episode #445

Join me today as I speak with my inner circle friends who hold a philosophy defined in my new book, Awaking Wonder, as they share their beginnings—how to develop a philosophy of Education and where to start.
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Queen Elizabeth & I Wish you a Wonder-filled Week - Episode #444

The more I take care to keep rhythms, to celebrate beauty, to keep meeting with loved ones, I will probably be more likely to hold fast to my faith during hard times. Intensionally filling my cup, regularly at the same rate at which my energy and emotions are depleted helps me to be able to keep giving to others.
7/13/202027 minutes, 8 seconds
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There's Not Just One Right Way, One Best Personality or One Right Decision - Episode #443

The more we can accept ourselves, our personality, our story, our strengths and weakness, our flaws and our passions, the more contentment we will nurture in our lives. And when we are content, we are able to accept and affirm others for their uniqueness and for their individual responses to life. The more we like who God made us, the more secure our children will be.
7/10/202029 minutes, 41 seconds
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Let Me Help You Homeschool & Join My Launch Team (Awaking Wonder) - Episode #442

I pray that Awaking Wonder will encourage you and help direct you to understand what really matters in the overall shaping and development of children. I pray our story will lead you to the deeply fulfilling life I have had as a mother, teacher, writer, leader. What a gift I have received that I didn’t know would be so deeply satisfying—and to feel a part of kingdom work in a world that needs hope.
7/8/202021 minutes, 53 seconds
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Staying Alive With Hope for the Long Haul & A Wonder Shaped Life - Episode #441

Wonder is the engine that drives curiosity and shapes a robust intellect. Wonder is the vehicle that nurtures spiritual formation by engaging in the miraculous, the sacred, the intricacy of our world around us. We ponder the personality, inspiration, breadth of the One who crafted all of the sublime natural art we behold. We respond in awe and worship. 
7/7/202024 minutes, 11 seconds
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Best Books for Boys with Nathan Clarkson - Episode #440

7/6/202021 minutes, 41 seconds
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Happy 4th of July and Deliciousness! - Episode #439

We live in a little town, near the Rocky Mountains for a backdrop. It is always breathtakingly beautiful when we get to hike. Monument, the town in our county, has always hosted the most amazing parade of veterans, kids on decorated bikes and trikes and every assortment of groups, clubs, and floats imaginable.
7/3/20208 minutes, 36 seconds
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POC Children's Literature: Beginning Conversations - Episode #438

I asked Ginger to share with us on my podcast some of her favorite books that are about people of color. We have in common some of our mutually loved books. I know you will enjoy listening today. It is really two friends letting you into our conversation.
7/2/202044 minutes, 55 seconds
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We All Need Some Sparkle in Our Day & Earrings Giveaway - Episode #437

Somewhere while running hard over the past years, I decided that I loved to add “sparkle” to my every day life. I embraced color, dimension, taste, adventure as a part of who God made me to be. Since I live off and on in Oxford and have a walking life, I decided to cut my very straight hair short because I was always walking in the rain and it was the only way to keep my hair manageable. And then I adopted a habit of always wearing fun earrings as a little bit of a “girly” touch that gave me much pleasure.
7/1/202019 minutes, 26 seconds
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Death by 1000 Cuts: 10 Million Downloads - Episode #436

His will today is for you to find His joy and blessing and to enjoy life. He is doing an invisible work that is beyond what you could accomplish yourself. He is faithful. He will reward every decision of faith that you make in the darkness when no one else sees, He sees. It is your integrity, your spiritual service of worship, to believe even in the invisible, weary moments of your life. He is with you and has a heart for all children--even you.  He is the one who cast the flowers upon the field for his child to enjoy.. He is the one who is willing make all things in your life beautiful in His time.
6/30/202030 minutes, 42 seconds
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Celebrating 10 Million Downloads on At Home With Sally & Giveaway - Episode #435

Today on my podcast, I share some of the foundational values shared in these books. Leave a comment below, on Facebook or Instagram and you will be entered to win one of four books. (2 of each will be given away.)
6/29/202017 minutes
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Beauty & Legacy Can Cover Over the Ugly - Episode #434

When we seek to redeem the normal, daily, mundane by imagining how we might bring grace, hospitality, love, light, beauty, we can actually help cover the darkness and impact of despair with beauty that creates and cultivates new life.
6/25/202024 minutes, 21 seconds
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Nurturing Faith Through Feasting, One Meal at a Time - Episode #433

We have been meeting this way for thousands and thousands of meals, delighting in one another. Hearing the love of Christ defended this evening between each bite, talking of God’s manifest love in the midst of a dark world, peaking into the souls of each one as they shared their heartfelt convictions made a very tiring and exhausting day worthwhile.
6/23/202020 minutes, 18 seconds
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Behind Darkness & Fear, Light is Rising - Episode #432

Even when we are tempted to fear, we can cry out to our God and He will answer and calm the storms of our lives. Yet, we must rest in the fact that He is sovereign over all powers and is working beyond what we can see during this time.
6/22/202025 minutes, 12 seconds
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Don't Make Balanced Life an Idol - Episode #431

I think I would have been so much more content and joyful if I had just known at the beginning that life for me would not be balanced--but could always be meaningful--if I would just accept the limitations of each day, each season, each child, my marriage and my finances--none totally balanced or perfect--but all a blessing.
6/18/202014 minutes, 58 seconds
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A Wrinkle in Time with Joy Clarkson - Episode #430

I read it when I was 10 years old, (you hear the story in my podcast) and it has left and impact for life. Consequently, I read it and discussed it with my children and it became one of their favorites. Enjoy!
6/17/202037 minutes, 50 seconds
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What is Your Theology? - Episode #429

What you believe about who God is, then, becomes the platform for your behavior, your values, the grid through which you see life. When you ponder God and cultivate a personal theology, it will influence what you pass on as a legacy to your children as your life messages of integrity.
6/16/202031 minutes, 16 seconds
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Nathan Clarkson- Best Books for Boys - Episode #428

Nathan is my out of the box, adventurer, story-formed son who fell in love with hero tales. We have long talks about how much he was inspired by the books that captured his imagination and gave him scope to imagine himself as a hero in his own story. We had so much fun today talking about some of his favorite books and why they still live in his mind today.
6/15/202029 minutes, 16 seconds
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Read, Read, Read & Then Talk Talk Talk - Episode #427

I was not a perfect mom and rarely in one year accomplished all my educational goals with my children. But almost every day, we had devotions and read-alouds--sometimes at night, sometimes in the morning, sometimes at tea times, but I kept baskets of books everywhere--in every room, in the bathrooms, in their bedrooms. And each year on birthdays and Christmas and other holidays, they all received books as gifts and I helped each of them build their own libraries.
6/11/202040 minutes, 51 seconds
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Unprepared But Growing with Jane - Episode #426

Motherhood came upon me by surprise when I was almost 32 years old. Then I had 3 children in less than 5 years and was hopelessly out of control of my time—and I didn’t know that was to be expected. I kept looking for books that would make it all easier, manageable, give me order and predictability in my life. But finally, God said, “What if the problem with your frustration is you? Children have had needs through all generations but when. mamas lived into the season of life with littles, they found more joy and peace.”
6/9/202049 minutes, 42 seconds
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Home: The Place of Grace and Welcome - Episode #425

I wish I could invite all of you, my friends, into my home, for a warm meal, a friendship conversation where I could listen to what is on your heart, a place to restore your soul— and to spoil you just a little. Hospitality, the tender care, attention, love and attending to the needs of others is a way we use our place to give others welcome. After such a wearying 3 months, many are in need of our invitation. You are probably in need of it yourself. Our homes can give life where hearts can find comfort, welcome, belonging if we use our them to invite those who need care Into a place we have prepared as a haven for them.
6/9/202041 minutes, 25 seconds
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Who Is My Neighbor? - Episode #424

Today, as I was reading and praying for our world, my friends and all that is going on, I was reminded of a profound question that an educated, earnest lawyer asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor.”
6/8/202038 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Lord is Enthroned As King Forever - Episode #423

Forty-six years ago, I went into full time Christian ministry--can. you believe it? And. through these years, I have experienced so many times of trials in history and personally, as well as deep joys. But as I learned to walk one step at a time, learn to trust God one day at a time, learned to put aside bitterness and cynicism, I could eventually always see the grace, love and goodness of God, and learned to stretch towards HIs light and love. You might enjoy my podcast as I share more about this.
6/5/202028 minutes, 21 seconds
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Peace of God Be Yours - Episode #422

6/3/202014 minutes, 34 seconds
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Hope to Build & Restore a Godly Nation - Episode #421

Whether as a mother training the character of children, filling their minds with excellent writers, artists, thinkers, or as a woman being a steward of every aspect of her life, one can only become excellent by stretching, determining to obey His still small voice and then using every resource to pursue bringing His light and imprint upon this world.
6/2/202030 minutes, 51 seconds
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George Floyd: Doing Justice, Loving Kindness, Showing Mercy - Episode #420

Justice has been a study of mine. through the days. Jesus is a God of just love—equitable generosity and care for all people, all created in His image. Most of all, though, as. Christ followers, we are to exhibit Him in every relationship. He humbled himself to give us everything. We owe all people His love and grace and friendship. And so choosing to pass on racism as a legacy of our lives is not acceptable. if we have given our lives to serve Jesus. Yet we do see hate, small mindedness, violence everywhere.
6/1/202021 minutes, 33 seconds
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From Toddlers To Teens: Seeking Independence. With Holly Packiam & Sally - Episode #419

Teen years are the making of the child into an adult and the humbling of the parent who realizes they never were in control of their children! But it also makes for forming great adult friendships that will give back to you the rest of their lives. Take heart and a deep breath and expect to see God's grace and provision in new ways--and above all, don't let it get you down. It is a normal process for all of history--the reason Solomon wrote Proverbs to teens,  and the means through which many adults become more humble and compassionate for others.
5/28/202047 minutes, 14 seconds
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Shadows of Our Lifelong Influence in our Children's Hearts With Clay & Sally - Episode #418

I hope you will enjoy the second podcast with Clay and me sharing our thoughts about what we have learned about parenting to reach the hearts of our own four, who love us and love the Lord—all by His grace. We are always putting in something in their lives—we invest thorough the seasons:
5/27/202027 minutes, 46 seconds
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Lifegiving Parenting: A Faith & Heart Approach - Episode #417

Many of you who have read our books know that Clay and I are very relationship-based in our approach to children. As we looked to Christ for His model in how He reached the hearts of his disciples, so we wanted to develop a close and deep with ours. Yet, I think because every parent wants to do everything right, they often become susceptible to whatever parenting book they get their hands on first, seeking to find a formula for disciplining children.
5/26/202031 minutes, 40 seconds
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When Darkness & Doubt Threaten: We Need One Another - Episode #416

Often, my children were doubting God, they were doubting because it didn't seem like He was answering prayer, or because other Christians had hurt or disappointed our family or acted without integrity or one of their friends had fallen from faith or adopted an immoral lifestyle. There are many reasons in a world full of temptation, but I think staying close, communicating love, affirming and understanding their questions and speaking forward into their lives is helpful. And of course, pray, pray, pray!
5/25/202035 minutes, 58 seconds
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Hold Fast to Love, Laughter & Beauty! This is Your Grace - Episode #415

There is darkness in our world, discouragement, confusion. Yes, this is a really crazy time and we are not living as healthy as God intended us to—without regular contact with community, family, friends, church, restaurants, trying to meet all of our own needs alone without the normal interaction of those who used to be our support system. But there is still beauty, people we can love and be loved by, things to laugh at, and places where we still see goodness and God’s lifegiving creativity in our daily lives.
5/21/202020 minutes, 49 seconds
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The False Myth of a Perfect Life - Episode #414

Do you ever feel like just when you are going to have a good day, someone spills something, argues, gets a fever when you were looking forward to going outside? Part of the challenge of life is learning to celebrate the joyful times and learning to live in grace through the times when life is just hard to tame.
5/20/202020 minutes, 34 seconds
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Comfort Food and English Movies Come to the Rescue - Episode #413

How are you? Most of “my people” are getting restless and cranky and drained to their toes. In now world is this normal life. The seclusion from church, friends, family and normal activity is truly unhealthy at the heart of it. We were made for relationship, work, fun, faith inspiration and ways to have a break once in a while—whatever that means to you.
5/19/202037 minutes, 44 seconds
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Vision: Finding the Righteous Path - Episode #412

A mother, living well in her God-ordained role, is of great beauty and inestimable value to the future history of any generation. Her impact is irreplaceable and necessary to the spiritual formation of children who will be the future adults of the next generation. Fun, comfort, humor, graciousness, spiritual passion, compassion for the lost, hospitality, chores, meals, training, life-giving words, hours and hours of listening and playing and praying and reading—all are parts of the mosaic which go into the process of soul development.
5/18/202033 minutes
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Could They Have Known? & I Love Podcasting - Episode #411

We know we are called to follow Christ, to take His message to the world, to raise our children to heed Jesus' call. But sometimes I think we fail to consider that following the Lord might mean leaving behind the ordinary and the familiar. It means exchanging a temporal view of life for an eternal goal. And this may mean leaving behind things we really care about--involvements and pursuits that seem important and worthwhile but may not be God's best for us.
5/14/202031 minutes, 53 seconds
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Living Whole, Living Healthy With Nicole Field - Episode #410

A year ago, my wonderful friend, Nicole, NPT, created a program called "30 Days of Whole Living". I know that stress is slowing me down in my own ideals and practices. I thought it would be encouraging to all of us to talk about a healthy lifestyle today. Nicole has a plan, "7 Days of Whole Living", that helps women make a plan that fits into their lives for healthy rhythms and practices.. Today, we talked about her plan for whole living and what we both do to try to keep ourselves as healthy and strong as possible as a rhythm of life, all the time, every day. The purpose of her own program is to help women and moms, especially, learn different practices of self-care or what both of us call, “Whole. Living”
5/13/202044 minutes, 9 seconds
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Chasing Wisdom: Looking All Around For the Fingerprints of God With Daniel Grothe - Episode #409

Drawing upon Scripture and upon his own experience learning from his friend and mentor Eugene Peterson, Grothe shows how our lives can be secured by the resource that will keep us from collapsing under the onslaught of the difficulties of life. Wisdom is available to us. It takes work to pursue it. Chasing Wisdom reveals how. We had a grand time in our interview and I was so very encouraged. I know you will be so inspired by his message.  
5/12/202048 minutes, 42 seconds
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Coping With A Sense of Loss: Compassion. for This Time With Holly Pakiam - Episode #408

Today, I talked with my dear friend, Holly Packiam. Holly serves as the Pastor of Parenting Ministries at New Life Downtown, and brings her experience as a mother and her training as a counselor to the subject of loss. She shared how this season of being in isolation reminds her of when her kids were 7 and under and it felt impossible to go anywhere, get anything done, or see anyone outside of her family.
5/11/202043 minutes, 57 seconds
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Creating a Lifegiving Home, Preparing a Lifegiving Table - Episode #407

I hope you will enjoy the podcast today. Greatness is shaped in the hidden moments of life, the repeated rhythms over and over again that shape a life of memories and values in the hearts and minds of our children.
5/7/202029 minutes, 35 seconds
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Finding Peace in the Midst of Stressful Times; Podcast with Kristen and Misty - Episode #406

I hope you’ll enjoy our podcast today, as we discuss ways to find peace in the midst of stressful times!
5/6/202037 minutes, 11 seconds
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Mothers Are Simply the Best - Episode #405

Mothers are the keepers of lives entrusted by God in every generation. This week, I celebrate Mother’s day with some personal thoughts and some book giveaways that I hope will further inspire you.
5/5/202025 minutes, 48 seconds
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How Moms Shape Their Boys into Good Men - Episode #404

Mama’s are my heroes who God uses to shape the destinies of little boys who become men. When a boy thinks his mama is for him, his mama sees a hero in his heart, prays for him, enjoys him, the messages last for life. Nathan, my son, is releasing a new book today that I think will help recapture the imagination of men all over the world to live into their capacity to become Good Men. But I think that mamas can be such an important part to working forward in creating this desire in the heart of her men.
5/4/202031 minutes, 59 seconds
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What Do You Do When You Need a Break? A WWK Team Chat Podcast! - Episode #403

I thought it would be fun to talk a bit about something light— what we like to do, when we need to blow off steam! And so our team gathered over Zoom this weekend to share some ideas. Our podcast is about what we’d do to have fun for ourselves, but here are some ideas for what to do when your kids need to have fun, too!
4/30/202047 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Value of Work, Listening to Truth and Stuff! - Episode #402

As I look to the needs of children of today, I am convinced they need the same things from their mothers that I needed—and received—from mine. They need not only the gentle touch of a mother's hands, but her focus and her attention on a daily basis. They need a champion and a cheerleader, someone who has the time and energy to give encouragement along life's way and comfort in dark times. They need a directive voice to show them how to live.
4/29/202046 minutes, 48 seconds
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Very Important: Take a Little Time for You - Episode #401

Whatever your personality, be sure you allow yourself the time to be refreshed in a way that is right for you. There is no single, one-size-fits--all formula for how and where that happens, but you need enough time with yourself to determine how and where it will happen for you. But when you take care of your personal needs and make time to invest in your own well-being through this marathon of life, you will live a more sustainable life.
4/28/202021 minutes, 56 seconds
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When Storms Come, Walk in The Steps Of One Who Has Gone Before - Episode #400

When your children walk with you, are they walking with a wise person?  Can they look at your seasoned responses, your insightful understanding of people, your fortitude in difficult times as they walk the moments of your daily life? Children watch us, listen to us when we are talking to others, hear us behind closed doors as we talk to our husband, see us in public. Our lives are the walk that our children will imitate.
4/27/202026 minutes, 31 seconds
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Parenting By Grace from Toddlers to Teens With Misty - Episode #399

I hope you’ll enjoy today’s podcast as Misty Krasawski joins me to discuss parenting our children from toddlerhood through the teenage years!
4/24/202039 minutes, 18 seconds
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Cultivating a Heart to Serve - Episode #398

Contemplating the hearts of my own children and seeking to teach them about the grace of God, I realize my love and service to them must come before any of my great words, my teaching and training. My time, my attention, my "soft-tickling"--even when I am tired or have other "important" things n my mind--is what builds our relationship and prepares them to listen to what I have to say. Only then, once the wells of their need are filled with the grace of being loved, will my words to them about God's grace finally make sense."
4/23/202021 minutes, 48 seconds
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S.D.Smith and the Green Ember Series - Episode #397

God ordained this friendship and we mark the time we met every year when we all attend Hutch Moot, hosted by Andrew Peterson, and finish our time together at the end of the weekend, eating too much, talking as fast as we can and enjoying the sweet fellowship of families that love one another without expectation or reserve. Sam and I talked about so many things in the podcast today and I hope it encourages you as it did me.
4/22/202048 minutes, 10 seconds
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How Are You Coping? & Some Silliness With Joy & Me- Episode #396

Today, Joy and I had fun talking and just comparing notes. We shared our restless thoughts, our comforts, our complaints and the funny things happening in our lives. I promised to try to keep podcasts going during this time and we had lots of fun recording this one for you.
4/21/202032 minutes, 16 seconds
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Capturing Kid's Hearts for God - Episode #395

Today, Nathan and I talk about what it looks like to be a good man and how to shape your boys’ hearts so that they will grow in their self-image to wanting to be a good man in their generation—a good man who is willing to be a part of bringing God’s goodness and light and morality back into a culture that longs to be led and taught.
4/20/202039 minutes, 16 seconds
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Choosing to be Steadfast, Strong, Faithful--Worth Pondering - Episode #394

This is a time for us to act in light of our hope, that He is preparing for us a place where all of life will be redeemed. A time to show others—our families, children, friends, that our hope is sure—not false. It is a time we can write the days of our sequestering as ones of growth, strength, love, beauty because He is “God with us,” and He is a rock, immovable, our refuge.
4/16/202014 minutes, 11 seconds
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A Heart For Manners: Training to Value Others - Episode #393

Over the years of our lives, our family hosted hundreds, if not thousands of people. Yet, to make sure each one felt welcomed and cared for meant that we had to prepare our children’s hearts, (and our own), to know what to expect, how to treat each who came through the door. It’s one thing to want to tell people about Christ. Yet, it is quite another to know how to reach out, start a conversation, put people at ease. Manners are the vehicles through which we act out honoring others, to grant them the respect they deserve as a fellow human being. Manners give the confidence to know how to act towards someone.
4/15/202028 minutes, 49 seconds
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Destroying Dragons: No More Living By Guilt - Episode #392

We can all move forward from where we are--with great hope, because of Him. So, I give you a part of my heart and how I have kept from staying in the mire of guilt and disappointment with myself over the years.
4/14/202032 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Long Term Value of Learning to Wait Patiently - Episode #391

When a child learns to wait on his mama and on circumstances, he is practicing learning to wait on God--and that is just the person God uses--the one who looks to God and waits expectantly on Him.
4/13/202037 minutes, 17 seconds
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He Takes Up His Cross, and Calls Us to do the Same - Episode #390

We no longer live for ourselves, but for the glory of Jesus, who bought us with a price, that we might live for Him every moment, every day. I am "the mama," the one who helps right the wrongs, listens to hearts, prays, laughs, gives all of myself, even on a "stormy day" or "stormy season," because it is part of my learned role--to care for those in my charge as Jesus did--even in the midst of the unexpected storms of life like the one we all find ourselves in currently. This Good Friday, I pray you will know His grace, His love, His help as you join Him by laying your life down. Have a beautiful holy weekend, and a Happy Easter!
4/10/202012 minutes, 1 second
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I'm So Sorry For Your Disappointment - Episode #389

And then it dawned on me as. I was thinking about this. I would love to share in your disappointments. Tell me (in a comment, on Facebook, on Instagram messages) about what disappointment you have had this month. What was cancelled, how are your children disappointed, how have you born the loneliness.
4/8/20206 minutes, 19 seconds
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Love Is Expressed in the Tangible Ways We Serve & Sarah Clarkson - Episode #388

All of the little and big ways you are giving of yourself during this time are gifts of worship of loving God, by being His hands, His words, His time, His love to those around you. Sarah wrote a poem about love given in her own life to her sweet ones, as a sacrifice of her love to them. I know it will touch you as it did me. And of course, we recorded a podcast together I hope you will enjoy.
4/7/202036 minutes, 20 seconds
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Harvesting Character by Planting Seeds of Integrity - Episode #387

Integrity comes from years of practicing living with godly character. Integrity is a lifelong fruit of determining to live faithfully. Christ is the model for what it looks like to have perfect integrity. But integrity brings the reward of living well into your life and watching God faithfully produce eternal fruit through the pages of your story.
4/6/202038 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Unstoppable Hope & Power of Returning Spring - Episode #386

Just when all appears dead and there are no signs of life in the world, daffodils pop up, as if out of nowhere, to proclaim there just may be surprise and life ahead.
4/3/202019 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Lifegiving Home: Inspiration - Episode #385

There is no one right way to live life in a home. No one size of routine or rules or order fits all. Homes with young children will be quite different from a single-adult home. Elderly adults will order their lives by different life rituals than will single adults, young marrieds, or university students. But the more carefully we plan our days, the better our homes will provide us with freedom and enjoyment as well as purpose and accomplishment.
4/2/202022 minutes, 55 seconds
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Redeeming Life in the Midst of Chaos: Cultivating Hope - Episode #384

Today, Lanier and I talked about the process of living by faith in times of chaos. Moving to a place of restoring is a walk of perseverance and we have both learned this through many seasons of our lives. Chaos often invades our lives when least expect it. The Covid Virus has turned all of our worlds upside down. Yet, having lived through many a heart-breaking disappointment or even just a cancellation to my plans, a loss of control of our lives, I know that waiting on God in faith will show me, in time, that He had never left me, that He was always walking with me through every trial, every season. His faithfulness never fails.
4/1/202053 minutes, 46 seconds
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Giving the Gift of Faithful, Flourishing Friendship - Episode #383

In this episode, Sally and Kristen discuss how to impart a love of community and friendship to our children. They encourage moms to model how to serve in friendship themselves, as the first model their families will see, and explain what it looks like to serve in friendship through trust, loyalty, empathy and encouragement. They share how to become an invitation to others in everyday life, and how to teach your children to be a friend through: -Trusting the Holy Spirit -Training them how to share and live generously -Teaching them HOW to create community Ultimately, Sally and Kristen encourage and equip moms to cultivate their own hearts for service and love, while becoming a living example of how to put others first. Then, they are joined by special guest and friend, Elizabeth Foss who shares her own testimony of trusting God even when we feel weary. Reflecting on her cancer journey and the community knit in her own family mothering nine children, Elizabeth reminds us all that there is nothing that we face that Christ has not also endured. She's also sharing about a special new project that we are excited to share with you called Take Up and Read 
3/31/202037 minutes, 35 seconds
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Raising a Good Man With Nathan Clarkson - Episode #382

Nathan has always been larger than life and had on his heart the desire to be a hero. We saw Nathan‘s spirit early on and even while struggling with learning disabilities and an out-of-the-box personality we encouraged Nathan into the story God had for him to tell. We wanted to instill in each of our children the the values of a loving and good God and the belief that they had a work on the world We believed forward into their lives. Which is why I am so excited that Nathan is releasing his first solo book called Good Man, it’s a collection of Nathan‘s stories, thoughts, and insights from his journey of discovering who it was God created him to be.
3/30/202032 minutes, 44 seconds
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Giving Children A Life of Faith - Episode #381

One of the most profoundly important gifts we can give to our children is a life of faith, a life of believing God in the small moments of life, the large challenges, a life given to believing in His reality. Without faith, we cannot please God. No works, performance, giving will cover over a lack of faith and faith living.
3/25/202044 minutes, 18 seconds
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Harbingers of Happiness: The Ways of LIfegiving Practices - Episode #380

Joy is one of my favorite people in the world. Today, we took time to record many of the rhythms, food, practices that we have both been practicing in our home to make it through these challenging days. I hope you will love it as much as Joy and I enjoyed being together across the miles in a FaceTime recording. You can find all things Joy and you would be so entertained and inspired to connect with her on Instagram @joynessthebrave Happy Tuesday! We are thinking about you all and praying for you!
3/24/202038 minutes, 49 seconds
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10 Gifts-What Your Child Needs To Know Before Leaving Home - Episode #379

In the busyness of our activity-oriented world, it is tempting for us to measure the value of lives by accomplishment or position. Yet, in this time of the covid virus, we are all re-evaluating our priorities. As I look back on the years with my precious children, I found myself seeking to understand how important it was to lay heart foundations, an imagination for living for God, an understanding of truth before I worried about the academic accomplishment of my children.
3/23/202045 minutes, 57 seconds
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Feet In The Present, Eyes Toward Eternity - Episode #378

Perspective is something I have had to learn about the last many years of my life. In the workaday world, busyness can take over and often I have the illusion that I can control my life. The Corona Virus has taken all of us by surprise and has shaken up our expectations of life. Finances are at stake for many of us, illness, disappointment, confusion. But, I have learned that my God is stable, secure, and loving and He is always in control—even when we do not understand or feel secure.
3/20/202018 minutes, 19 seconds
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A Million Ways to Bring Life, Fun, Beauty While You Stay Home - Episode #377

On my podcast today, my friends and I came up with countless ideas of the ways we have created and nurtured life-giving memories with our own. I hope our ideas will inspire you.
3/18/202044 minutes, 53 seconds
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Good Food, Good Friends, Good Times to Change the World - Episode #376

We wanted to share with all of you what we filled our hearts and minds this weekend and to give some history and encouragement about how such deep friendships are developed over time. Actually, we talked about lots of important things on the podcast and I hope you will find life and encouragement from our time together that might be a light in the midst of a crazy week.
3/16/202036 minutes, 46 seconds
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Do Not Fear, for I Am With You - Episode #375

Fear, weariness, concern, cynicism, frustration seems to define the mood and emotions of many today. We hear of war and violence, corona virus, financial crisis, devastating storms and tornadoes, moral collapse amongst youth, a loss of faith for many young adults, and we are tempted to tremble in our boots, or to be filled with despair. Yet, scripture speaks to us over and over again about God’s desire to protect us, to be present with us, to respond to our prayers, to crush the wicked. Over 80 times in scripture we read, “Fear Not!” and the verse above is one of my favorite “fear not” verses that I learned when I was a very young believer.
3/13/202047 minutes, 19 seconds
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We Are the Picture of Holiness to Our Children - Episode #374

Young children are watching, imitating, learning from us every moment of their early life. The attitude we have when we change diapers, the way we talk to our friends, neighbors, husbands, becomes their models for how to speak to others, whether or not we value other human beings.
3/11/202013 minutes, 54 seconds
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Loving God By Embracing Biblical Motherhood - Episode #373

Motherhood was designed by God to be a role of honor, sacred, to help keep His purposes alive in the world. We must remember that to be a mother who serves God is not simply a choice but a mandate.
3/9/202031 minutes, 3 seconds
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Bored, Restless and In Need of Escape - Episode #372

There are times that we all just have to take a break! On our sober club nights, we always do something that we want to do that is just for us--sometimes we even ask friends to join us--go to dinner, a movie, a walk in the mountains, take a drive to see the city lights--music blaring, windows down--just cruising and trying to relax. We do something different--go away from the stress, from the kids. We do not talk about any of the problems or money or stress or ministry. We just relax, have fun, get away and lighten up.
3/4/202016 minutes, 8 seconds
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Living Godly in A Messy World: Time for Reflection - Episode #371

Psalm 4:3 But know that the Lord has set apart the godly man for Himself; The Lord hears when I call to Him.
3/2/202027 minutes, 44 seconds
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Cultivating A Rich Inner Life Through Reading with Sarah Clarkson - Episode #370

“A woman who reads is a woman who knows she must act: in courage, in creativity, in kindness, and often in defiance of the darkness around her. She understands that life itself is a story and that she has the power to shape her corner of the drama.”  ― Sarah Clarkson, Book Girl: A Journey Through the Treasures and Transforming Power of a Reading Life
2/26/202039 minutes, 19 seconds
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Planning For & Creating A Beautiful Life with Shelly Miller - Episode #369

Never under-estimate the power of kindness to help someone make it through. A vase of flowers, an email, a cup of tea or coffee, a candle, a short visit, a cleaned house, all of these can shift the mood and place of emotional havoc to one of “I think I can make it.” I hope you enjoy our chat today and prepare a place and a time of kindness for yourself or someone you love. You can find my wonderful friend and her books at:
2/24/202047 minutes, 37 seconds
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Five Ways to Be Well & Strong for the Long Run With Kristen Emme - Episode #368

Kristen was on her way for a weekend trip with her husband, but we raced to Joy’s apartment and quickly recorded some thoughts we had all been sharing. Her desire to help women live a healthy life-style, to live strong is contagious. She is in the process of putting together all sorts of inspiration that I know will encourage you, so be sure to follow her at for more to come.
2/19/202040 minutes, 29 seconds
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Why Education Matters & Adventures in Scotland - Episode #367

God has created human beings to have a great capacity to use their brains to understand, learn, study, comprehend, create, invent, debate. And so one of the stewardships we have as moms is to take responsibility for our children's minds. God will hold all of us accountable for how we were faithful to shape and train their minds for his glory. It is one of the equal ways we are commanded to worship God. It is a glory to God when we seek to fill and expand our brains to be superior in thinking skills
2/17/202052 minutes, 25 seconds
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Flourishing in the Meantime, Part 2 - Episode #366

The secret to becoming content and to cultivating happiness in your story is learning to make a plan to flourish right where you are, as a habit. Today, I speak about practicing holy attitudes that will serve you well as you grow and mature and live well in this long journey of life. I pray it inspired you.
2/12/202021 minutes, 26 seconds
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Flourishing in the Meantime, Part 1 - Episode #365

Seems we all have lots of meantime when we are waiting for something to happen when we will be happier or freer or more fulfilled. I have learned that waiting for any other circumstance or person to fulfill all the felt needs of your life is a wrongly directed expectation. It is a process to learn, but only as we learn how to flourish in all those meantimes when we are waiting, (for a spouse, for enough money, for children or for children to be out of diapers or out of teenage hormones, or a new house or whatever), it is possible to flourish. Today, I am speaking about how to flourish while you are waiting. I have learned it over many years and was not always patient, but it has served me well.
2/10/202033 minutes, 33 seconds
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Bulding a Great Legacy, One Day at a Time: Part 2 - Episode #364

Today, as you contemplate Him, and His work, may you decide to keep fervent and patient and strong in His call to use you in your life time to bring His kingdom work to bear on a world that is desperate for His touch and redemption.
2/5/202018 minutes, 50 seconds
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Bulding a Great Legacy, One Day at a Time: Part 1 - Episode #363

Your faithfulness matters. Your choice to trust God is ringing out cheers in the heavenliness because it is so rare. Join me today and be encouraged in your own life to live faithfully.
2/3/202029 minutes, 44 seconds
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We All Need Grace Every Day - Episode #362

Understanding the importance of the gift of grace has really helped me respond to the daily dilemmas and frustrations of life in a household of four children. As we go through our days, for instance, I try to be mindful that, to God, relationships are always a top priority. I try to think of ways I can model for my children the redemptive grace and love of Jesus--and also influence them to extend grace to others through their actions and their attitudes.
1/29/202025 minutes
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Living By Formula or Faith? - Episode #361

We have great freedom in Christ. Don't give it up for a yoke of slavery to any thing, any one, or any set of rules! Being a great mom is not about rules or formula--it is more like a dance--moving to the rhythms of life, listening and paying attention to the mood of the music in your children's lives and choreographing wisdom as the words to the song.
1/27/202032 minutes, 2 seconds
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When Darkness Comes, Cultivate Light - Episode #360

I choose gladness and will live fully in this season and  grow little by little--knowing God is holding my hand and leading me, as new roles are opening even in this stage of my life—being a mother-in-law and grandmother! Will you join me?
1/22/202041 minutes, 4 seconds
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What Makes a Mom Feel Desperate? - Episode #359

It may be hard to believe, but loneliness has been a constant companion for me for many years. It causes me to ache inside, sometimes, bringing tears to my eyes and a longing for community.  I yearn for like-minded kindred spirits-- who also "like" me!
1/20/202043 minutes, 8 seconds
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Nurturing God-sized Dreams - Episode #358

All of us were made by God to do a work in this world that would bring Him great glory and that would point to His light and beauty. We were created in His image, in His spiritual likeness, but with our own personality, skills, messages and drives. Each of us has the opportunity to live out a great story--one in which His power, His love, His light can touch everything we do. But only if we are dreamers--dreamers for His glory.
1/15/202028 minutes, 21 seconds
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Moving from Desperate to Hopeful: A Journey - Episode #357

The difference between desperate and hope is that one life lacks meaning and is just filled with endless, meaningless work. The other life has the same amount of work, but is filled with the anticipation of working hand in hand with God for an eternal result that will truly shape and protect generations. This work fills a heart with the fire to live the impossible.
1/13/202037 minutes, 41 seconds
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It's A New Year to Own Your Life - Episode #356

I have found over the years that many people seem to know "God's will" for me and are free with advice. But I want to hear Him, follow Him and please Him. I am feeling the rumblings in my heart to pull back further from culture and expectations of others to have more time intentionally to invest on those areas that are on His heart, and to make sure I have time with real live people to be personal and focused in my love. But before I make any decisions, I must go to Him to hear His voice.
1/8/202032 minutes, 53 seconds
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DeCluttering Your Soul: A New Year's Tradition - Episode #355

If we do not keep our heart free from those things that would bring darkness, discouragement, criticism, fear, despair, we will not be able to accomplish all of the other tasks we have planned for our year. He must be at the center of our peaceful and trusting heart. But even as in marriage or parenting or friendship, as issues must be communicated and discussed, so our heart issues must come to the light and be talked about with Him, so that we can declutter our souls.
1/6/202033 minutes, 3 seconds
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A People to Belong To & Pillars of Strength, Joy and Sally - Episode #354

Home fires, traditions shared, meals eaten in fellowship together over the messages of life, values upheld, histories made and the stories of them told and celebrated are the roots that go deep into the heart of a child to keep them tethered to the truth of the Gospel and the foundations of faith.
1/3/202036 minutes, 1 second
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Wishing You Peace This New Year! - Episode #353

Storms will assault our lives. We feel the storms of culture, of politics, of battles in our homes with sinful, immature people, (including us), in church, in almost all of the aspects of life. Yet, Jesus was the storm calmer. This year as I go into my new year, I am pondering how to allow Him to calm my storms, to give me perspective on how to see the circumstances of my life.
12/30/201945 minutes, 31 seconds
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Traditions That Knit Hearts Together, Oxford fun & Joy Clarkson - Episode #352

Your home is a laboratory of the life of Christ, where He can be seen through the incarnation of himself through our music, our love, our feasts, our faith, our peace and the comfort we receive from belonging to Him. Hidden impressions of faith are laid strategically over years of celebrating Christmas together on the foundations of our children's hearts that will speak to them of His hope in their lives long after they have left home. This year, practice those that build the beauty, mystery and hope that baby Jesus came to give. 
12/23/201939 minutes, 22 seconds
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Mamas: The Conductors of Love, & Close Friendships for Life - Episode #351

Michelle Myers of joined me today for a great podcast about mentorship of our children and beauty in our family amidst real life. I know you will enjoy it. Michelle started a community for working women to find encouragement in their day to day lives.
12/18/201931 minutes, 37 seconds
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G is for Giving: The Mark of Christ On Our Lives- Episode #350

In my home, we did our best, but our best was certainly not perfection. We just had committed hearts toward our kids and the desire to shape their souls to respond passionately to their Creator. He came with grace and truth to bring life and wholeness into our hearts. We strive to follow His example in the lives of our children. We are not guided by culture, or what other moms feel is the "right way", but we are led by God. We walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and rest in His grace.
12/16/201932 minutes, 56 seconds
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Tend Your Heart and Celebrate You - Episode #349

Clothe your heart with a decision to take joy every day—notice God’s fingerprints, see the colors and beauty, and breathe the moments of every day into your memory with as much grace as your heart will allow. This is the day the Lord has made---practice rejoicing and you will find yourself more content. And lastly, give yourself generously to someone who needs a lift, a word of encouragement, a call, hope—give one bit of yourself to someone outside of your family, and your heart will be lifted when you exercise compassion on someone less fortunate than you.
12/11/201943 minutes, 7 seconds
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Dispelling Darkness: Becoming Light Keepers in Our Homes - Episode #348

I look back to my childhood years as the time I learned all about making my home a place of life and food and fun--to my mom who taught us to work, to greet, to serve little trays of food around the house and to learn to love serving the life of Jesus, to enjoy celebrating the breadth of life well in the walls of our home. This Christmas, I pray you’ll find ways to spread Christmas cheer first to your own home—and then maybe invite someone in to enjoy it with you!
12/9/201950 minutes, 14 seconds
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Mentoring: To Be a Model For Your Children - Episode #347

Because I wanted to be of encouragement to women who are choosing faithful work day after day, my team dreamed with me about having a membership site where women could fill up spiritually, emotionally, be inspired, feel supported. Life With Sally is a site you might be interested to join so that you can also find something just for you to fill your cup so to speak and to keep inspired along the way. Each month, you will receive an email that connects you to our site. There are already many recordings of Bible studies, (like the one we are sharing with you today on my podcast), studies of books for children, art and composter studies, recipes and cooking demonstrations, and much more. If you are interested in joining or looking into it, please go HERE to have a look. I hope you will join our community soon. And I hope you will enjoy this podcast which is a sample of what you would hear on my site each month. Happy Weekend.
12/6/201934 minutes, 49 seconds
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A Gentle Mama Turns Away Wrath - Episode #346

There is no absolute solution or formula to calming every angry quarrel. Yet, wisdom from Proverbs has often saved the moment for my family. A hormonal teen, an exhausted toddler, an exasperated school-aged child, or a husband who is angry—all of these long to be treated with focused attention, an understanding heart, and a loving response.
12/4/201938 minutes, 2 seconds
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Hope for a Dark World, with Malcolm Guite: Keeping Advent

Today on my podcast, I am introducing you to my friend, Malcolm Guite, a scholar in Cambridge, a Poet and very winsome and informative teacher. You will love hearing about why and how we celebrate Christ throughout the church year.
12/2/201936 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Lord is In Heaven, Ruling Over All! Blessed Thanksgiving - Episode #345

May we all bring a smile to God's face today, because of the appreciation in our hearts and on our lips and in our deeds for His faithfulness, righteousness, generosity and love. I pray you have the happiest of Thanksgivings!
11/27/20198 minutes, 41 seconds
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Celebrating to Bring Light, Beauty, Healing, Encouragement and Comfort - Episode #344

There is so very much to be thankful for as we prepare to embark on another Thanksgiving holiday. I hope that you have a blessed Thanksgiving day with your family, and that all of your senses are delighted.
11/25/201930 minutes, 28 seconds
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Best of Sally: Life is Harder Than We Expected, Part 2

God has used the humbling circumstances of having a family and being married to bring me to my knees. He has used these very circumstances to humble me, and to thus develop more compassion for others who also struggle. Join Misty and I here, as we discuss the ways life has been difficult, and what we’ve learned along the way.
11/20/201931 minutes, 22 seconds
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Best of Sally: Life is Harder Than We Expected, Part 1

Our children are watching our responses as we walk through difficulties. They want to know if we really believe the things we teach them. They need to see us lean into Jesus in those times.
11/18/201923 minutes, 7 seconds
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Best of Sally: Becoming A Friend Worth Having

Having moved 17 times, 6 times internationally, I have learned that friendships really don’t usually just happen. Most of the community I now have, have happened as a result of me calling people, having gatherings in my home, making memories with women who inspire me. It is like planting a garden. When I till the soil and plant the seed of love, encouragement, thoughtfulness and reaching out, the seeds of friendship just naturally grow.
11/13/201926 minutes, 19 seconds
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A Season to Simplify - Episode #340

I had the privilege of talking with Emily last week to discuss why we all need to constantly take a step back, to plan what really matters, to invest in the real—in real love, real conversations, real food, real rest, real faith. I hope you will be greatly inspired by our conversation, but even more, I hope her book will be of great help to you as you seek to live sustainably, peacefully, joyfully.
11/12/201935 minutes, 44 seconds
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Best of Sally: Bringing Order and Cultivating Home Life

To make sure my home, for my family and friends, is indeed the last homely house and that all that has been excellent and worthwhile over the ages is celebrated in its walls-- because everyone needs a place to belong and a home where welcome is always fresh with all who cross the doorway.
11/11/201936 minutes, 39 seconds
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Best of Sally: Training Our Children in Character

I hope you will enjoy today’s podcast, another in the Best of Sally series, all about training our children to be virtuous. A number of women have asked me to speak about the area of training children, so hope it will be of encouragement to you. Of course, same principles apply to us grown up children. Enjoy!
11/6/201927 minutes, 23 seconds
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Best of Sally: Feasting and Living in Grace

We hope you’ll enjoy this podcast about the importance and joy of feasting, and how it complements a home focused on living in grace!
11/4/201934 minutes
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Best of Sally: Loving and Fearing God is Most Important

Serving a holy God, living for his glory is our goal. If this is not built into the warp and woof of your life, then when it comes to adulthood and worshipping and reverencing God, there will be no pattern, no practiced understanding of what it means to love and obey our Lord with wholehearted devotion.
10/30/201956 minutes, 57 seconds
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Best of Sally: Raising Boys to Be Good Men

Today, Nathan and I talk about what it looks like to be a good man and how to shape your boys’ hearts so that they will grow in their self-image to wanting to be a good man in their generation—a good man who is willing to be a part of bringing God’s goodness and light and morality back into a culture that longs to be led and taught.
10/28/201942 minutes, 40 seconds
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Different Child: A Marathon, Not a Sprint

Nathan and Sally wrote a book called Different: The Story of an Out of the Box Kid and the Mom Who Loved Him. In this episode, they discuss the long term pathway of walking through all the stages of life with a child who will always deal with his or her issues and how to live this life with grace, patience and sustainability.  You will find encouragement and sympathy for your own life and inspiration about how to live this puzzle of life with contentment and Peace. 
10/23/201927 minutes, 27 seconds
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5 Best Ways to Love Your Boys (And Girls)!- Episode #333

If I could point to one thing that truly had an impact in my children, it was giving them a foundation of unconditional love. Generous, overwhelming, words of affirmation, an expectation of forgiveness, acts of service, and many more gestures of love is what opened our children's hearts to listen to our messages about God. 
10/21/201924 minutes, 41 seconds
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God's Unconditional Love: His Remarkable Power That Holds Us - Episode #331

Why do I focus on God's love and grace so much? Because Love is the source of all life. It is Him reincarnated through us. Love fuels faith and hope and inspires to overcome. And so I speak of love--the acting out of love which brings light to darkness, satisfaction to a starving heart, comfort to a lonely soul, sympathy to hurt feelings. Love never fails. May our love muscles grow stronger and stronger until we see Him, Love incarnate, face to face.
10/16/201932 minutes, 38 seconds
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God Loves Diversity - Episode #330

I hope you will enjoy our podcast today and the importance of having a heart, and seeing inside of all of those God brings into your life. And I pray you and your children will have the privilege of reaching out to share the love of Christ with them.
10/14/201930 minutes, 37 seconds
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Creating a Culture of Unconditional Love - Episode #329

Crafting a culture of love requires that I as a mom become the conductor of a loving and generous heart that leads all of my children to understand gracious, generous, sacrificial, validating, forgiving love. To create such a culture requires planning, intention, mature responses, words of life and affirmation, patience, and just lots and lots of unconditional love.
10/11/201923 minutes, 26 seconds
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New Children's Book: Only You Can Be You & Nathan & Me - Episode #328

In our first picture book, bestselling author Sally Clarkson and her son Nathan encourage children on the journey to discovering their strengths. Mother and son duo draw on themes from their first book, Different, the emotive story of Nathan's experiences growing up with mental illness and learning disabilities and Sally's journey to loving him unconditionally. With the powerful truth that what makes you different makes you great, Only You Can Be You will help children embrace their differences and celebrate the differences in others.
10/9/201929 minutes, 15 seconds
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What Downton Abbey & Motherhood Have in Common - Episode #327

Today, Misty and I are talking about our reactions to watching Downton, and the parallels we saw between the movie and motherhood. We hope you’ll listen in, and also that you’ll be sure to get your own copy of Mom Heart Moments, which launches out into the world TOMORROW
10/7/201938 minutes, 52 seconds
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Don't Stress Out: It Will Kill You, Find a Smile in Your Heart - Episode #326

Though there are many letters to answer, piles to organize, rooms to clean, groceries to shop for, people to call back, ad infinitum, I will lay them all in the file folders of heaven for God to keep. I have learned that they will all still be here tomorrow, and that God wants me to leave my burdens alone--as He is the father, I the toddler and He will indeed work in all of my circumstances without my help. But if I take responsibility to take care of my own heart and soul, I will last much longer, much better, and even have peace and quietness if I take time to rest.
10/4/201922 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Long Distance Journey of Motherhood - Episode #325

Motherhood keeps going and going! It is a long distance run and often we feel isolated and alone. Today, I am talking with my dear friends Margaret and Holly about the ways we have been challenged by the long-range reality of motherhood. I pray you will know that your long distance run matters every step of the way. We hope you’ll enjoy and be encouraged by our conversation!
10/2/201929 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Secret Place of Power: Mom Heart Moments 5 - Episode #324

Do you ever, like me, neglect to answer God’s call? Do you ever leave Him waiting? Sometimes we do so because we just don’t know what to say. Maybe we are feeling dry and exhausted, and we don’t even know what to read in His word.
9/30/201921 minutes, 56 seconds
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Give Your Children the Gift of Loving Who They Are - Episode #323

Giving your child the gift of acceptance for who they were designed to be is one of the most valuable foundations you can provide. If we want our children to be able to embrace their own spiritual convictions and to be able to go against a secular culture, they must first learn to feel comfortable and confident in who they are, as they are.
9/25/201921 minutes, 56 seconds
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Cultivating Beauty to Nurture Hope, Mom Heart Moments 3 - Episode #321

Our deep longings become a platform for our hope in God. We sense there is something more that we were made for. If we can imagine fulfillment, deep, unconditional love, and long for the ‘more” that wrestles inside of us, we can assume it was because God made us for more.
9/23/201924 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Legacy of Quiet Times From Mom Heart Moments - Episode #320

As I began yet another time of study, I was vitally aware of the legacy of these morning times. I had invested literally thousands of hours at the feet of my greatest professor and teacher, Jesus. His words had made the difference between a wasted life and one focused strategically on the issues of eternity. This time was where I received His strength, wisdom, and direction for all the moments of my life—as a woman, wife, mom, daughter, and believer—here Christ had met me daily, shown me His path and His ways, and assured me of His constant companionship.
9/18/201922 minutes, 6 seconds
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Have You Accepted Your Invitation? Mom Heart Moments - Episode #319

Yesterday, the Lord prepared a party for me. I almost didn't go, because I had planned busy-ness and duties for the hours of my day. But, something deep inside spoke to me of His invitation, and so I put everything else aside and drove to the party where He was graciously waiting for me. I am so glad I showed up, as He had prepared so very much for me to enjoy.
9/16/201925 minutes, 15 seconds
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Stories, Music and Shaping the Imagination of Your Child With Joel Clarkson - Episode #318

Join Joel and me as we talk about these things, about how music and story melded together to shape his imagination. Learn how you might be able to have Joel’s artistic music and photos and readings be a blessing to you and your family. And, of course, get your own copy of my new children’s book!
9/11/201934 minutes, 7 seconds
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Dancing to Heavenly Music - Episode #317

In a fallen world, where sin, death, and darkness have marred and hidden so many truths that God originally created us to know, we must look for the original patterns and follow diligently after them. I believe the reason so many are captivated by epic stories is because we were made to be a part of great adventure, divine beauty, and magnificent love.
9/9/201941 minutes, 27 seconds
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Gospel Moments for Everyday Motherhood - Episode #316

Motherhood is hard. In a world of five-step lists and silver-bullet solutions to become perfect parents, mothers are burdened with mixed messages about who they are and what choices they should make. If you feel pulled between high-fives and hard words, with culture’s solutions only raising more questions, you’re not alone. But there is hope!!!! Today, I talked with Emily and Laura from Risen Motherhood about the ups and downs of motherhood and how to bring the love and grace of God into each moment.
9/5/201943 minutes, 20 seconds
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Become What You Behold, with Ruth Chou Simons - Episode #315

I so enjoy having friends who inspire me and who have messages that fill my heart. Ruth Chou Simons is such a friend. Her art, her words and her friendship always help to fill some of the dry places of my spiritual heart. We recently recorded a podcast together of some of the issues we have both experienced in this long journey of life as a woman, a spouse, a working writer and a mother. I hope you will be encouraged by our time together. I also am excited to share her new book with you because it is so beautiful and so encouraging.
9/4/201945 minutes, 13 seconds
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Exchanging Duty & Drudgery with Delight - Episode #314

No matter how hard we try, how many achievements we make, or how many ideals we keep, we will never be able to do enough to earn God's love. Such attempts lead us down a dead-end road paved with feelings of life-depleting guilt and condemnation. Only the grace and love that God gives freely through his merciful nature can provide us with that which we long for: peace and joy.
9/2/201941 minutes, 46 seconds
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Surviving Dark Nights of the Soul - Episode #313

When these tests come upon us, it is our one moment when we can look at our circumstances, feel our feelings of despair, and then choose to say, "I don't understand, but I believe and I will wait, and I will rest, as an act of my will, because you are the Lord of Hosts and you are my Father."
8/28/201934 minutes, 29 seconds
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Be Wild and Free - Episode #312

Five years ago, my friend Ainsley Arment started a community of mothers who want to give their children a quality education, but also a childhood full of wonder, freedom, and curiosity. This community, called Wild + Free, began on Instagram but has spread into real-life gatherings all over the world. I’ve spoken at several of her conferences, and she’s just written a book called The Call of the Wild + Free: Reclaiming Wonder in Your Child’s Education.
8/26/201940 minutes, 26 seconds
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Real Marriage 2: The Need for Hedges as Well as Light in Our Relationships - Episode #311

To build anything great and strong requires time. But a hedge of strength, protecting, guarding the beauty inside is a safe-guard from destroying the sacred trust. Marriage is one of the most profound ways God designed for us so that we could slowly learn and develop in our own lives, the very character of Christ, learning to serve, love, and give ourselves as He did for us. We hope you’ll enjoy this podcast today, as Kristen and Misty are again joining me to talk about marriage!
8/21/201930 minutes, 43 seconds
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Finding Hope Beyond This Present Darkness - Episode #310

I hope you will give yourself time to really ponder the podcast today and to breathe in the beauty of this story. We only have this life, today, to choose to celebrate the reality of God in the presence of others and we never know when this opportunity will be over. Let me know your thoughts after you listen.
8/19/201939 minutes, 25 seconds
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Real Marriage 1: The Ease of Making Vows vs. The Difficulty of Keeping Them - Episode #309

Marriage is meant to be a picture of the love Christ has for the church; His commitment and persevering faithfulness to us. He said He would never leave us or forsake us. He laid down his life for us.  Jesus treasures marriage because it is the holy place where His love for the world is modeled by how we practice giving to one another and staying the course of our commitment. What might you do to strengthen your own marriage, today?
8/14/201945 minutes, 39 seconds
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Joy Grows When Burdens Are Shared - Episode #308

I have had several podcasts lately about friendship. I almost didn’t play this one today because I wanted to be sure you had not heard too much about friendship from me lately. Yet, in this podcast, I realized that there have been crucial dark moments in my life when I would have floundered or fallen apart if I had not had friends to carry me, to comfort me, to guide me when I couldn’t see where I was going. So I hope that you will listen to this podcast today and be encouraged once again about how vitally it is to understand that much of our joy is sustained through relationships with people who have chosen to love us, to help us, to be committed.
8/12/201940 minutes, 38 seconds
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When Life Gets Tough, Put On Lipstick - Episode #307

Sometimes, we need to just stop life from invading every moment of our day and sapping all our energy, and take the time to make a new plan. Rest, rest, rest. We all need to regularly rest to keep ourselves alive. But we need more than rest: sometimes: we need something fun.
8/7/201928 minutes, 7 seconds
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Blessed, Broken and Given With Glenn Packiam - Episode #306

My friend, Glen Packiam, has written a book that will refresh your understanding about how Christ comes to you to satisfy your life, to validate your story and to show you how to become His life and light to those He brings your way.
8/5/201929 minutes, 19 seconds
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Deep Heart Satisfaction of Friendship With Women - Episode #305

Friendship is an imperative part of a healthy life! We hope you’ll enjoy our podcast today as we discuss women’s friendships. Today, ponder the podcast and pray about the truths we address for your own life. Reach out to at least one woman this week. And we do pray that each of you will find a sweet friend with whom to walk through the pathways of life.
7/31/201936 minutes, 49 seconds
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Learning to Expect Miracles (DWMHF #6) - Episode #304

We can make a commitment to take every situation, every feeling, every fear to God as it happens. We don't have to remain in a state of emotional separation from the Lord every time we get out of step. We simply have to practice walking each step with him and allow his presence to bring us the joy that comes from resting in the arms of our capable dance partner through each measure of life's song.
7/29/201941 minutes, 7 seconds
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Cultivating Friendship with Children - Episode #303

If we as parents can learn to embrace our relationship with God, we will be empowered to create for our children and anyone else who crosses our doorsteps a true culture of love—a home environment where the life of God is breathed through all moments and love becomes the fuel for living with hope, purpose, and expectation.
7/24/201951 minutes, 27 seconds
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Dancing to God's Melody of Joy - Episode #302

Join me today in my podcast where I share the story of my being in Communist Poland as a young, single women wondering if I was even capable or adequate to being a missionary. God has taught me so much about cultivating joy every day since then, but it is a long journey of maturing a little at a time to learn to dance in His joy every day.
7/22/201946 minutes
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Restoration and Maintenance - Episode #301

We are all triune beings; body, soul, and spirit. All of those areas need maintenance and attention. This means we need sleep, and healthy food. We need to watch our caffeine intake and avoid spending too much time on the couch. We need fresh air and sunshine.
7/17/201939 minutes, 6 seconds
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Angels Dance in Heaven When We Persevere - Episode #300

It is in being faithful to our own set of tests that we become mature and fitted for the ministry he has called each of us to accomplish. If we aspire to be a general, so to speak, spiritually, then we must first pass the training and tests of life as a private!
7/15/201938 minutes, 27 seconds
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How to Flourish in Everyday Life - Episode #299

Own Your Circumstances, Own your design, Own your puzzle and make it an interesting, god-glorifying place to live or at least slowly move into that direction. Don't be a victim to your life's duties, find ways to make it personally fulfilling.
7/10/201959 minutes, 54 seconds
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Nothing Separates Us From the Love of God - Episode #298

“God’s desire is for us to experience true joy and deep fulfillment. It must start, however, with the journey into the recesses of our heart. It is only as we release our hold on the things that we think we need to be truly happy, when we open our hands freely, that we experience true joy.”
7/8/201938 minutes, 11 seconds
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Words are Powerful to Bring Life or Death! Sally's Membership Bible Study #2 - Episode #297

Misty and I are back this week with another sneak peek into our membership site, Life with Sally! Every month, I record a new Bible study just for members. My desire is to leave a legacy of encouragement, trust and wisdom to those who long for it as I do. Consequently, I do a Bible study every month for my membership to encourage them from my own walk in scripture. We’ve been looking into the book of Proverbs recently, and today we are sharing the second half of a particular study on the power of words.
7/3/201927 minutes, 12 seconds
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Building A Palace Takes Time: C.S.Lewis & Michael Ward - Episode #296

C.S. Lewis is one of my heroes. I love his writing and thinking. Yet, I appreciate him even more because of his very difficult life. He wrote great psychology of many characters not just because of his imagination, but because of the experiences of His life which taught him to forge through the dark times to strain into the light.
7/1/201946 minutes, 6 seconds
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Clarkson Thoughts About Life in the UK & Joel's Music - Episode #295

Today, Sarah, Joel, Joy and Joel and I share some of what we who are all a part of each others’ story, about what we love and what we have learned here in this God ordained place. I hope you enjoy. And a bonus is that Joel just finished composing a brand new album that is quite wonderful. I hope you will consider purchasing this and enjoying it for yourself and with your family. (Thanks for your support of his music—it is how He is funding his way through His PHD.
6/26/201937 minutes, 35 seconds
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Holy Joy! Cultivating a Dancing Heart - Episode #294

God created us to see the invisible fingertips of Him in our lives, the glory of His creation, the reality of His love manifested in countless ways and the generous and abounding love expressed throughout the story of His people.
6/24/201947 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Power of Words (Life with Sally Sneak Peek!) - Episode #293

Today we have a treat for you; a sneak peek of some of our exclusive Life with Sally membership content! Summer is upon us, and so we’re shaking up our usual schedule a bit to let you into our various Girls’ Clubs—the membership, our leadership team, etc. Misty and I are talking about our summer plans today, and I hope you’ll listen to the podcast to learn more about what we have up our sleeves, and of course to contemplate this message about the power of words.
6/19/201938 minutes, 36 seconds
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Longing to Find A Way Forward in Darkness - Episode #292

God does not intend us to be filled with anger and frustration and disappointment. Sometimes when we want to blame God, we refuse to see that we have not walked His ways, or followed His paths, and so our lives and our souls are filled up with the world of man, which will always carry with it confusion and grief. How can we learn to instead dance with our Heavenly Father?
6/17/201932 minutes, 50 seconds
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When Life Does Not Turn Out as You Thought It Would - Episode #291

I have invited a friend, Sheridan Voysey, to join me in my podcast today whose story goes along with all that we are discussing in my book. What to do, feel, where to go when life is turned upside down from what you expected. We met several years ago here in Oxford and his heart and story encouraged me very much.
6/12/201940 minutes, 53 seconds
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Making Choices That Shape your Life for the Good - Episode #290

Join us today to hear about decisions we are making for our hearts, souls, minds and strength to be sure we are living intentionally, well, to invest time in the things that will provide us the most meaningful and flourishing best life forward. Love love being with my Joy. And I will never forget the wonderful time we shared in Vienna. Such a great decision.
6/10/201945 minutes, 14 seconds
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Marriage After God With Jennifer and Aaron Smith - Episode #289

In this Podcast episode, Aaron and Jen share about the uniqueness of the body of Christ and how we all have a purpose and a ministry to fulfill. They also share the importance of friendship in marriage, as well as how having a marriage after God impacts parenting. You are not going to want to miss this one! 
6/7/201933 minutes, 31 seconds
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Lifegiving on the Go: Cultivating Influence (Lifegiving Table #14) - Episode #288

Looking for opportunities to deepen friendships, to counsel women, to have fun and invite someone in so that I do not feel alone has provided me with countless sweet and memorable moments from setting my table in my hotel rooms.
6/5/201923 minutes, 53 seconds
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Creating Kindred Spirits: A Celebration Tea - Episode #286

Each tea was different in attendance and unified in spirit. As we sipped and munched together, we created fellowship during a season that for many people is filled with loneliness.
5/29/201928 minutes, 19 seconds
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Stepping Into His Story: A Shepherd's Meal (Lifegiving Table #12) - Episode #284

Hearts were opened by the simple beauty of bread, cheese, and warm herbed soup as we spoke of the shepherds who had found and worshiped Jesus on that first Christmas so long ago. And my own heart was warmed by the gathering of friends from such different cultures who shared our table and celebrated the love that whispered His reality through the moments of the evening.
5/22/201931 minutes
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The Gift of Us: A Family Day Celebration (Lifegiving Table # 11) - Episode #282

We still have Family Day every year even though our children are now grown and living away from home, and we still begin the day by listing our “memorial stones” together. This practice reminds us not only of God’s faithfulness to us individually and as a family but also of the fact that we are inextricably tied to one another, bound in loyalty.
5/15/201932 minutes, 44 seconds
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Wishing You Joy, Sweet Mama! - Episode #280

Nathan, Joy and I put together a little podcast just because we want to wish all of you well this Sunday when women with mother’s hearts will be celebrated.
5/10/201918 minutes, 25 seconds
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Finding Quiet & Peace as an Introverted Mom - Episode #279

Today, in my podcast, I talk with my friend, Jamie Martin, about her new book called: Introverted Mom: Your Guide to More Calm, Less Guilt, and Quiet Joy  I wish I had this book when I was a young mom because I think it would have given me permission to seek some quiet, soul filling time without guilt. It took me years to learn this truth. So many moms I know have said, “You know, I used to think I was an extrovert but now I think I might be an introvert.”
5/8/201937 minutes, 21 seconds
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Teatime Discipleship: Lifegiving Table #10 - Episode #277

Over time, my teatime habit became a foundational discipling tool for me. Taking time in the middle of a busy day to focus on a real live person and share our hearts over tea or coffee became a way of connecting with other women, with neighbors, and especially with my children—and even with my swirling, hurried self.
5/1/201928 minutes, 15 seconds
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LG Table 8: Feasting and Living Out of Grace - Episode #275

Cultivating a lifegiving table is all about helping those who gather around it to know the love of God and to understand His truths, laying foundations of faith that will serve them years after they go out into the world. Intentionally crafting words and messages to share along with the food we serve and the conversations we enjoy is a part of my role as hostess and as mama. Table talks are where lightbulbs come on, where ideas are fully embraced as they are discussed, where love is received as it is generously poured out.
4/24/201930 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode #273: Celebrating 5 Million Downloads At Home With Sally

Today on my podcast, I will be sharing a bit about the foundations of life that I love to talk about here on my podcast and that I will be talking about in the months to come. These foundations will hold up your life through all seasons. And of course, I always want to help encourage those of you who have children, as well, in your role as a mama who is raising a godly generation right in her own home.
4/17/201943 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode #271: Feasting & Living Out of Grace: Lifegiving Table #8

I’ve come to believe in the profound importance of snack meals—meals that are easy, nourishing, and restful. They can absolutely save your sanity during those crazy times. But here’s another benefit: When you bring beauty and rest into the occasional chaos of your life, you are teaching your children how to prepare for the storms of life and live well through them.
4/10/201933 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode #269: Fun, Faith, and Feasting: Lifegiving Table #7

Sometimes I think that grace is best experienced through greasy pizza and gentle curiosity. To me, this strategy was not only a home philosophy, but a disciple- ship principle put in action—perhaps the most important one of all: Discipleship happens at every moment along the way—morning, night, and every time in between.
4/3/201924 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode #267: Sarah, Joy and I Fall Apart: We Needed a Girls' Club

Join us girls today as we share our own thoughts about challenging life, falling apart and how we are moving towards sustainability, and read passages that come from our heart to yours.
3/27/201942 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode #265: Francesca Battistelli, Her New Album, "Own It!"

Francesca has won one Grammy and had four career nominations, two K-LOVE Fan Awards, six Dove Awards (including being named the Gospel Music Association’s Artist of the Year) and seven No. 1 singles! I hope you will enjoy our chat together. I love her heart and her desire that we all find our roots in Jesus to hold us through all seasons of our lives. Be inspired.
3/20/201939 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode #263: LG Table: Sunday Morning Feasts

Why is it so important to us? Why did I go to the extra trouble of yet another special meal on yet another morning—especially when church offered doughnuts? Because we are building pathways in our hearts and brains that connect us to thousands of hours spent over years in this way, reminding all of us what we believe and cherish together, what we hold dear, what keeps us faithful through one more table and one more pancake shared over many times of consuming pancakes and French Toast.
3/13/201922 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode #261: The Urgency of Rest and Restoration

Sometimes, when we have piles of responsibility on our plate, we start to place a lot of energy, worry and fear into the issues of our lives and fret. The last thing that seems productive when life is busy is to rest. Yet, rest may very well be the most strategic thing to do if we have a busy, full and demanding life.
3/8/201931 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode #260: Nurturing God-Sized Dreams in Your Children & Nathan's New Movie

Nathan and I have recorded a podcast for you that we hope will encourage and inspire you to breathe in the peace of God while you exercise the hope and faith that He is at work spinning great hearts and lives while you are living and building values and messages in your every day life. This week, Nathan’s new movie, The Unlikely Good Samaritan, comes out in a debut in a theatre in Colorado Springs and you can pick up your own copy on Amazon or in your local Walmarts. Hope it inspires you—and look for Clay and me as we play a tiny cameo appearance. So fun.
3/4/201933 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode #258: Hidden Places, Oxford & Pizza

Throughout life, it is in resting in His presence and strength and power and goodness that will put our hearts at rest. It is only when we patiently face the storms confiding, "This is too big for me to handle, but I am asking you to handle it for me," and then learn to wait--and sometimes wait and wait and wait!--that we will see His purpose, ways and yes, salvation from our storms. I wish I had learned at a much earlier age not to struggle so and worry and fret--it did me no good, and now I see how very faithful God was--He just didn't always do it my way!
2/25/201934 minutes, 1 second
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Episode #257: Elizabeth Foss (Girls' Club Podcast Series)

I’ve been a fan and friends of Elizabeth Foss for many years. She is a faithful, kind mama to nine, a true lover of Jesus, and an encourager to many, for many years now through her blog and writings. I know you’ll be encouraged by our conversation! You’ll definitely want to follow her, so find Elizabeth here: Twitter and Instagram: elizabethfoss Elizabeth is also so kind as to offer our readers a copy of her new study on friendship, plus a beautiful mug! Comment below to enter to win.
2/22/201936 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode #256: Bailey Hurley (Girls' Club Podcast Series)

Today we’re joined by Bailey Hurley as we continue our discussions about Girls’ Club! You can find Bailey at her website: Bailey Hurley She also has wonderful friendship journal prompts that are free for download from her website! These journal prompts redirect you back to Scripture to help you define friendship for your current season. Here’s the direct link:
2/21/201930 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode #255: MacKenzie Koppa (Girls' Club Podcast Series)

So grateful that Mackenzie Koppa was able to join me for today’s podcast! She says … “I'm MacKenzie Koppa and around the interwebs I'm known as Bold Turquoise- or the gal who attempts to cultivate loveliness in her life and tries to encourage other women to as well (I'm an ENFP, I can't help it!). I'm a single mom of four sweet kids, voiceover artist, podcaster and speaker. I love Jesus, my kids and chocolate- in that order.” We hope you enjoy our podcast! Find Mackenzie here at Mackenzie Koppa She also podcasts at Cultivating the Lovely! And here’s the podcast that Sally specifically asks about toward the end of the episode~ Instagram- @mackenziekoppa
2/20/201937 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode #254: Gina Smith (Girls' Club Podcast Series)

I am so very thrilled to be sharing this podcast with Gina Smith today! Gina is a wonderful mama and friend to many, and her husband is the author of the Green Ember series. You can find his information here … Audio book! Newest book! Sam on Instagram!
2/19/201933 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode #253: It's a Great One with Sarah, Sally, and Joy

Whew! Sweet Friends, We love you so much. I am probably on a plane from Dallas to England as you read this. We have all been so very inspired by meeting so many at Dallas, Raleigh and Wild and Free. We are already getting letters from so many of you who say this book is inspiring you to embracing your capacity as a woman, to seeing the need to cultivate excellent accountability and community and we are thrilled. Thanks for sharing this book with so many. We have a few more wonderful recordings with our friends but wanted to give you a look into some of what we have been talking about together. I hope you enjoy our chat today.
2/18/201945 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode #252: Emily Thomas (Girls' Club Podcast Series)

So glad to be with Emily Thomas today! Emily’s first job was teaching juvenile inmates in the prison system.  That job didn’t kill her so she thought she’d try parenthood.  Before kids she was a teacher, nurse, and world traveler. Now she mostly travels around her house picking up toys. Motherhood proved much harder than Emily anticipated so, in an effort to not run away from home, she started a podcast.   On her weekly show, Emily interviews other women who are struggling WELL in some area in hopes of figuring out how to be less of a mess herself.  She uses humor and honesty to share the encouragement from God’s word and her personal misadventures in an effort to build up worn-down ladies everywhere.   Find Emily here at her website: and on instagram: I hope you’ll enjoy our talk today!
2/14/201932 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode #251: Renee Swope (Girls' Club Podcast Series)

Renee Swope : Word-lover, heart-encourager and grace-needer. Wife of 25 years, mom of three (ranging from 10-23), former radio co-host and executive director of Proverbs 31 Ministries and best-selling author of A Confident Heart and A Confident Heart Devotional And … she’s joining us for our podcast, today! I so enjoyed our conversation and I know you will, too! You can find Renee here: 
2/13/201933 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode #250: Erin Loechner (Girls' Club Podcast Series)

So glad to be hosting Erin Loechner today on the podcast! Author of Chasing Slow and founder of Design for Mankind, Erin Loechner has been blogging and speaking for more than a decade. Her heartfelt writing and design work has been showcased in The New York Times, Lucky, Parenting, Dwell, Marie Claire, Elle Decor, Huffington Post, and a two-season web special, garnering over one million fans worldwide. She has spoken for and appeared in renowned international events for clients such as Walt Disney World, IKEA, Martha Stewart and Home Depot. Now nestled in a Midwestern town, Erin, her husband, and two kids strive for less in most areas except three: joy, grace, and goat cheese.   Find Erin here: Design for Mankind Her book, Chasing Slow, can be found at Amazon!
2/12/201932 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode #249: Lara Casey (Girls' Club Podcast Series)

What fun it was to speak with Lara Casey! She has a wonderful team of women she works with in business as well as her lovely family, and she’s a fantastic encourager— have you seen her beautiful life planners, the PowerSheets? She’s blessing so many people and I’m so glad she’s joining me today! Not only is she wonderful to talk to, she’s also offering one of our readers a Write the Word Journal—and one for a friend! To enter, please go to this poster on my Instagram feed and tag a friend!
2/11/201936 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode #248: Sarah MacKenzie (Girls' Club Podcast Series)

Sarah Mackenzie is familiar to many of you as the spunky, delightful leader of Read-Aloud Revival. I so enjoy Sarah’s heart for her family as well as reading, and we had such a delightful time talking today! Sarah is an author herself, and lives in the Inland Northwest with her husband Andrew, where they homeschool their six kids (including identical twin boys). And she’s been so kind as to offer one of our readers a copy of her book, The Read-Aloud Family—plus a second copy for a friend! Be sure to go to my Instagram page to tag a friend in a comment and enter. Sarah also has a wonderful podcast: Read-Aloud Revival. And you can find her on Instagram, too!
2/8/201935 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode #247: Ruth Simons (Girls' Club Podcast Series)

Many of you are probably familiar with the beautiful work of today’s guest, Ruth Chou Simons. Her gorgeous watercolors remind us all that God loves us, and has surrounded us with a beautiful world. She claims she is "an unlikely mom to six young boys” and wife to Troy, with whom she leads GraceLaced's small but mighty team. When not painting, writing, and casting vision for, Ruth is usually busy eating chips and salsa, sorting laundry, cooking for large crowds, not finishing her sentences, and discovering off-beaten paths in the wild with her guys. She is a devotee of pho, a recovering perfectionist, a converted four-wheeling enthusiast, and a grateful beholder of redeeming Grace.” I hope you’ll enjoy our podcast today—I know we enjoyed creating it for you! Dear Ruth is offering a wonderful gift for one of our readers, today! Go to my Instagram page and leave a comment on the poster pictured below, to tag a friend in order to enter!
2/7/201935 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode #246: Emily Ley and Kristin Winchester (Girls' Club Podcast Series)

I so loved talking with both Emily Ley and her dear friend, Kristin Winchester, today! They have supported one another through very difficult, lonely times and the vulnerability with which they shared their story touched me. Both are mamas of twins and they came to deep friendship because one of them took initiative and the other responded. Their story is what our lives should hold—initiation, kindness, acceptance, support, and the willingness to be there for one another through many seasons. Kristin and Emily got to the heart of what life is like for most of us as we try to live well the challenging stories we all live within. Kristin is mom to toddling twins. Emily is mama to three lovely little ones, and runs her company, Simplified, in all her spare time. Ha! She knows the power of friendship and teamwork, and we know you’ll be blessed as you listen. You can find Emily on Instagram, too! And she has a surprise for you: She’s giving away one copy of the 2019 Simplified Planner plus a copy of each of her books, A Simplified Life and Grace, Not Perfection ! We hope you’ll be encouraged by our conversation.
2/6/201942 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode #245: Alyssa Bethke (Girls' Club Podcast Series)

It’s always a joy to share with my friend, Alyssa Bethke! Alyssa has an infectious smile, and we know her enthusiasm for life will be an encouragement to you, today. This is how she sums up the work she and her husband do on the interwebs … “We are Jeff & Alyssa Bethke. We have two kids, Kinsley and Kannon, and a dog named Aslan. We live in Maui, and we like to create things on the internet. In fact, that's probably how or why you're here! We consider it an immense privilege that people care to listen or read what we have to say. If we could sum up our mission on the internet it'd be to encourage men, women and families through online experiences and creative resources that are practical, fun and help each person on their journey of following Jesus.” Find Alyssa on Instagram at AlyssaJoyBethke Podcast: the Real Life Podcast They also have these books available: Spoken For, Love that Lasts, 31 Ways to Creatively Love Him, and Finding Freedom
2/5/201939 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode #244: Jen Smith (Girls' Club Podcast Series)

Sweet Jen Smith and I became friends a few years ago. How fun it has been fo me to watch her share her vision and passion as a young wife and then as a mother and now as a woman, filled with family, convictions, and so much to share from a passion she overflows with from a love of Jesus. We had so much fun catching up on my podcast again. I love her sparkle and her convictions. You will enjoy this podcast so much today. Today we talked with Jen Smith, from Unveiled Wife!
2/4/201935 minutes, 58 seconds
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Episode #243: Elsie Iudicello (Girls' Club Podcast Series)

Doesn’t this sound like such a fun life?! Elsie Iudicello lives in sunny South Florida with her husband and four young boys on a noisy farm brimming with an assortment of animals and tropical fruit trees. She is an author and speaker with a passion for Jesus and a great love for homeschooling, stories, tea, adventuring with her children, theology and avocados. We had so much fun talking about friendship for my podcast today—hope you will love listening in! Elsie writes for Wild and Free magazine and blogs at You can follow Elsie on instagram @Farmhouse_Schoolhouse for more updates on the upcoming release of her first book. 
2/1/201933 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode #242: Haley Stewart (Girls' Club Podcast Series)

What a delightful group of women we are talking with this month! I hope you’ll enjoy this recording with Haley Stewart. Haley is mama to four and wife to a beekeeper, author, blogger, podcaster … a prolific person, in general! She’s also written a book titled, The Grace of Enough: Pursuing Less and Living More in a Throwaway Culture. You can find Haley at all these places … Blog: Podcast: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook:
1/31/201933 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode #241: Kate Merrick (Girls' Club Podcast Series)

I so hope you’ll enjoy this conversation we had with Kate Merrick! Friendship is so very important to us, and Kate knows much about the importance of having girlfriends in times of joy and sorrow. Kate is wife to Britt Merrick and mom to Isaiah Harley, Daisy Love, and Pheodora Sunshine. They have a church in California and she’s authored two books: And Still She Laughs and Here, Now (due April 2, 2019!) You can find Kate here on Facebook: Kate Merrick, Author. Enjoy the podcast—and be sure to order your own copy of Girls’ Club!
1/30/201946 minutes, 32 seconds
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Episode #240: Sister Theresa (Girls' Club Podcast Series)

I had a wonderful conversation about friendship recently with Sister Theresa that I’m so excited to share with you. It’s such a grace to talk about this very important topic with wise women, and we hope you enjoy listening in to our podcast! Sr. Theresa Aletheia Noble, FSP is a former atheist who, thanks to the grace of God, has returned to the faith she was raised in and now tries to help others bring their loved ones back to the faith. A few years after returning to the Church, she heard God calling her, so she left her job in Silicon Valley to join the Daughters of St. Paul. She is the founder of the Memento Mori project and author of The Prodigal You Love: Inviting Loved Ones Back to the Church. She now lives in Boston where she serves at the Pauline Publishing House in the Editorial Department. You can also find her here: Her website: twitter: Instagram:
1/29/201932 minutes, 32 seconds
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Episode #239: Tools For Cultivating Deep Friendship

Then there are the friends in your life who also give and take. Friends who minister to you, and who you also minister to. I love these kinds of friendships! But they are few and far between. So when you find one of those friendships, do not take it for granted! They are God’s gift to you. I have three friends like this. I know that I can call on them no matter what and they will be there for me because they love me and care about me. If I need ministering to, they know this and will do whatever they can for me. And I will do the same for them. These relationships are so beautiful and need much cultivating.
1/28/201931 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode #238: Greta Eskridge (Girls' Club Podcast Series)

What fun we’re having as we prepare to launch the new book, Girls’ Club! Today I had the joy of recording a discussion with Greta Eskridge, a delightful mom who loves to encourage others. I hope you’ll love our conversation. You can find more from Greta here: Website and blog : Instagram: @maandpamodern
1/25/201938 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode #237: Kristen Kill; Cultivating Friendship with Teens (Girls' Club Podcast Series)

What a joy to have Kristen Kill joining me once again, as I continue this series all about the Clarkson ladies’ newest book, Girls’ Club! Kristen is a long-time friend to our family, and we’ve shared many a cup of tea and deep conversations all over the country. She’s settling into a new spot in the Pacific Northwest with her darling family after spending many years in New York City, and can be found on Instagram and Facebook as Kristen Kill. You can also find her book all about finding rest in the midst of a busy life here: Finding Selah.
1/23/201945 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode #236: How to Be a Friend Worth Having

Everyone wishes for a true friend. Seldom do we consider that we must first be one.
1/21/201927 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode #235: Win a Trip to Oxford with us Girls

Our publisher Tyndale Momentum has generously provided the opportunity for one of you to win this amazing gift so that you can have a holiday in Oxford, and enjoy high tea with us at a lovely and celebrated old hotel in the historical center of town. We will have our own girls club time together, and will have a heart-to-heart conversation with you to encourage you. We will also provide insider’s input on how best to enjoy Oxford, and all the best places to visit. Enjoy the dreaming spires and ancient streets of this beautiful university town, and walk the same paths as people like C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien.
1/16/201930 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode #234: Why Stay Faithful?

God gives us choices to obey Him, to tender our hearts to His ways. Our service of worship is, because we love Him, to seek to obey Him day after day. Our faithfulness will be a testimony of our love and faith in Him through out eternity.
1/14/201928 minutes, 58 seconds
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Episode #233: Waiting For Life to Bloom

Sometimes the seeds that He requires us to sow, do not obviously promise anything--yet, we are asked to believe in the potential--the latent miracles inside of these small life-seeds.
1/9/201925 minutes, 52 seconds
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Episode #232: Why We Wrote Girls' Club Book

This book is our story as well as a gathering of convictions that each of us holds about the importance of cultivating female friendships that not only provide emotional affirmation and acceptance but also inspire, educate, train, and stretch us to live into our God-given potential.
1/7/201923 minutes
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Episode #231: Good Boys & Girls need Good stories to become Great Men & Women

Today in my podcast, I sat down with Nathan Clarkson and talked about why good stories were so important to him as a boy and how they helped him find a vision for growing into a good man. 
1/2/201913 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode #230: Decluttering Your Soul, 2018

All of us have limitations. If we spend all of the energy, love and serving that we are capable of giving, we must refuel or there will be consequences. Just as a car cannot fun without gasoline, so we cannot get very far on fumes.
12/31/201827 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode #229: Artists, writers, Musicians, Message makers: The Clarksons

One of the most consistent messages we spoke to our children’s heart was, “God has created you with a place in His kingdom story. He gave you a personality, skills, desires so that you can use the uniqueness of who you are to serve Him and bring His light to bear through you.”
12/28/201819 minutes, 58 seconds
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Episode #228: A Sweet Surprise for A Busy Mama at Christmas Time

Hope you enjoy the podcast—as we wanted our friends to know our adventures and challenges this week with Lily. Joel Clarkson helped me find a song we hope you will enjoy. Have the most wonderful Christmas with your loved ones.
12/24/201823 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode #227: Light that Dispels All Darkness: Message from Sally

Today, on my podcast, I am sharing a recording with all of you that I made especially for my membership. Many people have asked me, “What kind of podcasts and recordings do you have in your membership? This is a Bible study that I do each month. I hope you enjoy it—and I pray you will live into the light who came to light your darkness.
12/19/201833 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode #226: Create Rest & Breathe in Peace Through Advent

I am podcasting today with my sweet friend, Shelly Miller, who also lives in the UK, in London. She loves to encourage women to take time to rest. You can find her at
12/17/201848 minutes, 15 seconds
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Episode #225: A Gift that Inspires: The Clarkson Books

Messages of truth, hope, love, faith so that we can know and serve God more is at the heartbeat of all that we do at Whole Heart. Clay and I always want to We love sharing the messages God has put on our hearts with you!
12/14/201844 minutes, 15 seconds
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Episode #224: My Home's Lifegiving Christmas Tradition With Leah Boden

Creating traditions over the year with your family will cultivate a family culture unique to your own heritage. Each of us has agency to decide what is a priority to our own family with consideration of our unique values, personalities and preferences. Yet, when a celebration is practiced year after year, together, pathways of security are roughed out in hearts and minds to remember these practices as moments that speak of love, home and intimacy shared to build life-long community.
12/12/201831 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode #223: The World Was Broken So Jesus Has Come

There are times in life when we all long for the world to be a place of rest, only beauty, good news and hope. Have you ever wished that just for a small, brief time, life could be happy, without burden, without guilt, without struggle? Just happy and easy and free to enjoy? I have. As a dreamer, romantic, idealist, I sometimes wish life could be as lovely as I can imagine it to be in my heart.
12/10/201835 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode #222: Dear Friend, Chill & Breathe in Peace + Sarah & Joy

Take time to regroup today--Go eat some chocolate, and don't feel guilty as you are eating it (that would certainly be a waste of good chocolate!) Listen to some beautiful music, watch a heart-warming movie, take a nap, eat off of paper plates to save cleanup! The rest of December is still coming and you will be the better for it. I'll be praying for you!
12/5/201848 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode #220: A Personal Teatime: Giving the Gift of Yourself

I hope you will enjoy my podcast today as I share about tea time discipleship with you and I know you will love the chapter. It could change your relationships as it has mine—such a treasure, such a simple secret. Enjoy!
11/28/201835 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode #218: Creating Peace Through the Holidays

As you prepare to cultivate a people, a place and a community within your family and at table, remember, it is the daily celebrating of life together, that will prepare for you a heritage and deep friendships that will satisfy the deepest places of your soul the rest of your life. It is a gift to inherit and one of the greatest works of your life.
11/21/201831 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode #216: Fostering Great Conversation At the Table (LGT 5)

True discipleship must reflect the fact that God values our voice, thought, and will. Dinnertime discussions reflect and enact this value, making a place where everyone can be heard, be exposed to truth, and have the space to develop convictions in the context of community. Through dinnertime discussions, convictions can be formed, confidence can be gained, conversation can be practiced, and consideration can be taught.
11/14/201828 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode #214: C.S. Lewis and My Thoughts about Shaping Table Culture

I am so excited to share this Mini-Podcast with you.  We sat down quickly together and recorded this conversation after a quick breakfast the morning I left for Nashville.  I know you will enjoy hearing his lovely accent and his insight about stories, an inspirational poem and thoughts from C.S. Lewis about table time.  
11/7/201850 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode #212: Creating Beauty as a Backdrop for Changing Life

10/31/201828 minutes, 1 second
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Episode #210: Faith by Feasting: Giving Life to Your Table & Sarahstrone (LG Table #2)

The story of the Clarkson family has been written at tables. Not with pen and paper, but with words and people, food and fellowship, talk and time. Whatever kind of table it might be—breakfast, lunch, dinner; picnic or deck; plain or fancy; small, tall, wood, metal, or rock; bare or cloth-covered; even the ground—it becomes our family table when we sit down together to eat and drink and be and belong. The delightful fruits of God’s creation we share together fill and fuel us as God’s life- breathed and image-bearing creatures, and our shared story grows from the table’s Spirit-infused life coming alive in us.
10/24/201842 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode #208: Discipleship Through Eating: Mentoring Through Thousands of Meals

What does it mean to be transformed, changed, and reshaped as an antidote to being conformed to the world? In this episode, Sally ponders these ideas as she discusses chapters four and five of the Life-giving Table and teaches us about how family culture has the distinct and grace-giving power to both change and protect us. She inspires listeners to instill a sense of "this is who we are" and "this is what we believe" into the hearts of her children as they gather at the table, and gives tools to not only create a vision to define our own family culture, but to practically cultivate a legacy.
10/17/201834 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode #206: A Little Something from Sally

The more you cultivate happiness for yourself, the more happy you will be--and the happier your children will be! Practice being thankful every day--take time to look at the antics, and into the eyes  of your children and thank God for them.
10/12/201821 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode #204: Ellie Holcomb, Delighting in Son & an Unforgettable Book

One of the pleasures of hosting a podcast and be engaged in ministry is the sweetness of getting to rub shoulders with women who deeply love the Lord and are kindred spirits. Ellie Holcomb is such a woman. Her deep love for God, His word, a joyful reverence for life and a deep love for children combined to give us such a wonderful time to visit recently.
10/3/201820 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode #202: Autumn Quietly Reminds Us That Life is Quickly Passing By

Take time to notice the miraculous, to hear the music, to dance to the joy that today might bring and to rest in the endless love of one who is preparing a feast for us in the not too distant future.
9/26/201828 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode #200: Raising Boys to Be Good Men & Different with Nathan Clarkson

Today, Nathan and I talk about what it looks like to be a good man and how to shape your boys’ hearts so that they will grow in their self-image to wanting to be a good man in their generation—a good man who is willing to be a part of bringing God’s goodness and light and morality back into a culture that longs to be led and taught.
9/19/201839 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode #198: This is Not the Life I Expected - Part 2

God cares so much for you and all of the burdens you carry and wants you to know He has compassion and sympathy for you. Just know that your perseverance in faith and being faithful pleases His heart and He understands how you feel. Do not feel guilty about feeling bad for difficult things--that is a proper response. But choosing to take joy and seek to light candles in the darkness so to speak will help you make it through. And the hope that every day of your faithfulness matters will keep you going forward. 
9/14/201830 minutes, 1 second
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Episode #197: This is Not the Life I Expected, Life is so Hard

When our hearts are surrounded with fear and discouragement in the storms of life, let us look to the face of Jesus, our king, our savior and our Lord. He is with us. He will not abandon us. He will carry us through. Today is the best time, to believe, to hold fast, to worship by faith and to rest in His strength.
9/12/201822 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode #196: Tolkien & Building Your Homely House

This is what I have had in my heart to shape--a home that breathes life and truth and love into all who would enter-- To make sure my home, for my family and friends, is indeed the last homely house and that all that has been excellent and worthwhile over the ages is celebrated in its walls-- because everyone needs a place to belong and a home where welcome is always fresh with all who cross the doorway.
9/5/201825 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode #195: How Tolkien Saved Sarah's Faith

This week my Sarah launches her solo book, Book Girl. I know many of you will love this book. We made a really fun and funny podcast for you last week--we have so much fun talking together about all aspects of life, past stories and memories and of course books. Be sure to get your copy to be lifted up in spirit at the beginning of this new school year. Fall is a great time to read. 
9/3/201828 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode #194: Book Girl: Shaping Your Life's Story, Imagination & Choices with Sarah

Sarah's book, Book Girl, is filled with wonderful, personal stories. I am even one fo the people she writes about. I know you will be inspired by this book.
8/29/201827 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode #193: Becoming a Book Girl: Podcast with Sarah & Sally

I know you will love the podcast today, and even more, I know you will be challenged and blessed to your toes as you read this book. I pray you are inspired today as you listen to our time together to renew your commitment to take care of your own soul by taking intentional time to invest in it. 
8/27/201831 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode #192: Joy & Mama: Soul Care & Stories to Share

Resting in Him, choosing peace and putting off responsibilities and recreating is sometimes such grand medicine for my soul, that after choosing to rest and to invest in fun and love and ease of life, my strength is renewed and all issues are able to be faced with grace. I know busyness is coming, but I will face it with courage later if I rest today.
8/22/201828 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode #191: Cultivating a Heart to Serve Others

Your loving touch, patient service, and sacrifice of time today is not in vain. It is a sacrifice of worship to the One who laid down His own life in moments of time, that we could imagine what God was really like by viewing the incarnate, servant King--the Providing Father.
8/20/201830 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode #190: Training Children to Virtuous Character

Each of us must choose His ways, submit to His will, so that we can truly become stronger in understanding that His love for us requires that He will train us for growth. God does not want us to just be shallow and happy--getting our own way at every juncture. He wants us to learn the depth of His wisdom and to learn the way of contentment and peace.
8/15/201825 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode #189: Passing on The Gift of a Living Faith

As women, faith exhibited in and through our lives is what will make the reality of God seem real as we live our lives in front of others. Think of how faith was worked out through out the Bible. 
8/13/201831 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode #188: Giving Our Children the Gift of Being Inspired

Over many years of mothering, I've learned that reminding my children of the things they do well and encouraging them to bless someone else can do more to turn a negative attitude, a really bad day, or a hopeless cause completely around than the longest, most eloquent lecture I could have mustered.
8/8/201829 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode #187: Giving Our Children the Gift of Grace

We will always be pressed by our relationships. My prayer is that they press us all closer to the heart of God, Who loves to extend His grace to us, and teaches us through His example to do the same.
8/6/201832 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode #186: Jesus, Our model of The Ministry of Motherhood

As mothers, I believe, we are called to take this lesson of grace to heart. Like Jesus, we are to draw our own children to a life apart from the rest of the crowd. Each of us is designed by God to whisper his words to the hearts of our children so they will feel the call of God in their own lives to become fishers of men.
8/1/201836 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode #185: Sometimes I Hide, Sometimes I Feel Like Giving Up

I hope you will in some degree enjoy our conversation today about the seasons of challenge in our own lives and know that you are not alone. God does see you and He indeed loves you.
7/30/201839 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode #184: Faithful & Persevering Mother - MOM 12

"And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock.” Matthew 7:25
7/25/201836 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode #183: Modeling Ministry From the Heart

God will hold us all accountable for the wonderful opportunities we have to minister to others, the freedom we have to choose how to give his love and light to others. The level of materialism in America, combined with the avail- ability of Scripture and the freedom to invest our lives for him, provides us with a heavy weight of stewardship for our own spiritual heritage.
7/23/201833 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode #182: Cultivating Creativity & Celebrating Creation

This week, plan to include creativity in your own routines. Paint, cook, garden, build, compose, act out a scene, gather wildflowers, or do something that satisfies our own soul need to be involved in making your own work of art with your loved ones.
7/18/201836 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode #181: Bringing Order & Cultivating Home Life

A moment to pause, to take in some lovely music, to ask the Lord for new strength, allows me to rise from my chair with the intention of subduing my home with joy rather than frustration. After all, dishes mean there was food to eat. Laundry piles mean we all had clothes to wear. Tracks on the floor mean we have many friends who came to celebrate life with us.
7/16/201834 minutes, 20 seconds
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Episode #180: Becoming a Gardener of Souls​

Such great potential lays dormant in our souls, but such a vast harvest is available if we engage in the wisdom and with submission and obedience  the First Gardener. There is such capacity for life--in Him and in His ways. Live into the potential of your call to civilize and cultivate. When women become intentional about eternal issues, the whole world will be influenced by her grace and life.
7/11/201836 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode #179: Loving Mom, Strong Friend - MOM 7

Who in your life needs some encouragement toward love and good deeds—maybe in private?
7/9/201840 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 178: Education: A Powerful Tool for Influencing the World - MOM 6

Throughout history, when women attend to the education of their own minds and souls, and that of their children, a country flourishes for having foundations of intelligence, wisdom and truth in every arena.
7/2/201836 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode #177: The Discipling Mother - MOM 5

It is not enough to know the truth; we must learn to walk in truth. As we lead our children with the principles of God's wisdom found throughout Scripture, we are helping them to establish pathways of righteousness in their hearts.
6/27/201832 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode #176: The Servant Leader: How a Mama Reaches Hearts

Choosing to be a servant-mother means willingly giving up myself, my expectations, and my time to the task of mothering—and choosing to believe that doing so is the best use of my time at that moment. It means that, by faith, have already made a decision to make myself available in the routine tasks and myriad interruptions of daily life because I believe it is God's will for me to serve my family through them. Making this choice ahead of time means I will expect problems and needs to arise and be ready to deal with them in peace instead of impatience and resentment.
6/25/201838 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode #175: Wholehearted Mothering in a Half-hearted Society, Part 2

If we want to experience the blessing of God and have a sense of wholeness to our lives: we must seek to understand his original design as clearly as possible. We will then have a map by which to travel toward God's destination. But we need to do more than understand. We also need to commit to living as mothers with undivided hearts—dedicating ourselves fully to the task of building a home and nurturing our children.
6/19/201842 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode #174: Motherhood: Beautiful by Design

Join me today as we reflect on God's design and purpose for family, and reflect on how even research and science undergird, with vast research, the importance of a mother's role, with the family as foundation. 
6/18/201834 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode #173: What Value Does God Place on Children?

I will be discussing: Postpartum depression, voices in culture, to work or not to work, and many more issues. My desire is to get to the heart of God, to see how He imagined our role as He created us with such beauty, finesse, intelligence--just what a community of people would need to flourish. I hope you enjoy this series. Most of all, though, as we begin, we must consider that as believers, we have committed to serving God with our hearts, souls, minds, treasures, times. So as we see the eternal value He place on babies and children, we must also regard children with the same high regard as He would direct us to do.   
6/13/201835 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode #172: How to be Joyful When Life Overwhelms

Ask yourself: -Is there a high expectation for a situation or relationship in your life that has been robbing you of joy? How can you better find the tension between the ideals and realities of that circumstance?-How can you allow the Holy Spirit to enter into the imperfect circumstances of your life, allowing you to find supernatural joy?-In what ways can you find gratitude, seek beauty, and find joy in the celebration of life today?
6/10/201839 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode #171: You Could Be a Hero, too!

All of  us love to hear great stories, and your children long to see you as their hero. How might the way you want to be remembered affect the way you live this day?
6/7/201838 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode #170: What Women Want And Need

Join me today on my podcast as my leaders share with me their own struggles and difficulties as moms as well as their own vision for what women need. 
6/3/201843 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode #169: Gathering Heroes, Restoring and learning to Celebrate Life

Do your children have any specific heroes they identify with? Do you? If not, consider going on a hero-hunt—maybe together!
5/31/201837 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode #168: Cultivating Character & Shaping Imagination

God's goodness is the source and foundation of your child's developing character. As they learn to value that goodness, their character will begin to be shaped by it; when they receive Christ and His Spirit, they will continue to walk in it. 
5/27/201831 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode #167: How to Love Your Boys

Our children, especially boys, come to us in all sorts of shapes, sizes, issues, personalities and skill sets. I must confess that I struggled with all of my children in different ways at different times. But at some point, I finally had to realize that I needed to make peace with my precious children and the puzzle I was given to figure out with my own different ones, as all were quite unique. 
5/22/201835 minutes, 52 seconds
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Episode #166: Heartbeats 5 & 6: Lifegiving Parent Podcast with Clay and Sally

As parents, we are in effect giving God's life to our children by helping them flesh out the words of the old hymn: "Trust and obey, for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to truth and obey." Strengthening your child's faith and shaping your child's will is the path for them to finding their life in Christ, just as every marriage begins with belief and willingness.
5/21/201830 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode #165: Joel & Joy, Thoughts About England

We are an artistic bunch: books, music, movies, scripts, cd's. Not a scientist in the crowd. Many of you who have followed J&J have written to ask me about the music we have shared on fb and other places so I thought I would go ahead and put the info here. Enjoy!
5/18/201823 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode #164: Guarding Your Children's Heart & Being Transformed

5/13/201828 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode #163: Lifegiving Parent Podcast Series - Jennifer Fulwiler

Find Jennifer at her blog, here: Jennifer Fulwiler and on Instagram here: Jennifer Fulwiler
5/10/201818 minutes, 52 seconds
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Episode #162: Lifegiving Parent Podcast Series - Randall Goodgame

Find Randall and his wonderful products on Instagram at Slugs and Bugs and his website here: Slugs and Bugs
5/9/201817 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode #161: Lifegiving Parent Podcast Series - Ruth Chou Simons

You can find Ruth at her lovely blog, Gracelaced, or on Instagram as Ruth Chou Simons.
5/8/201830 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode #160: Numbering Your Child's Days & Nurturing Their Hearts, LGP 1&2: Love & Wisdom

5/6/201830 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode #159: Lifegiving Parent Podcast Series - Erin Loechner

It’s safe to say that most of us would agree with the popular aphorism “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” That unforgettable phrase first entered the collective American mind in 1972 as the slogan for UNCF ads, helping that worthy organization raise billions of dollars in scholarships for African American college students. It has since become part of the American vernacular, expressing a truth that resonates for all thinking people: Every mind is valuable and worthy of investment and development. It also suggests that the mind is a renewable resource, or, as Leonardo da Vinci quipped (though not in English), “Learning never exhausts the mind.” In other words, the more we invest in the mind, the more it will give back.
5/4/201818 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode #158: Lifegiving Parent Podcast Series - Sam Smith

No matter how hard we try to help our children stay on the straight and narrow way, how diligently we try to guard their eye and ear gates, how much we try to model and train them to practice the Golden Rule, they are constantly tempted to be pulled away from God’s ideals. Truly faith-driven parents will never completely give up on their biblical standards, and yet the longer we are on the parenting journey, the more we may let go of our tight grip on what we believe Scripture teaches about parenting. But that doesn’t change the realness of the ideals.
5/3/201823 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode #157: Lifegiving Parent Podcast Series - Emily Ley

5/2/201822 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode #156: Launch Day Special Podcast from Friends in the UK & Joel and Joy

Because it is launch day and Clay and I are in Oxford, England, we will not be in the right time zone to do our normal facebook launch party. So we recorded a special launch day podcast for you from Scotland. 
5/1/201832 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode #155: Lifegiving Parent Podcast Series - Sarah Mackenzie

Nurturing my children was not always a planned part of my normal day, but sometimes the spontaneous times of training and instruction were the best times.
4/30/201813 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode #154: Lifegiving Parent Podcast Series - Lara Casey

Website: Shop: Instagram: @LaraCasey Set kid-sized goals. Training your children how to set goals, even at a young age, is giving them early practice at one aspect of what it means to be a disciple of Christ.
4/29/201821 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode #153: Lifegiving Parent Podcast Series - Kristen Kill

Kristen Kill is a woman transformed by the delight of God. She is passionate about encouraging women who feel stretched thin with the truth that, even in the tension, God is singing over them with love. After spending the last seven years in the hustle of New York City, Kristen and her husband, Josh, are learning to go slow as they raise their five kids in the Pacific Northwest. Her days are filled with homeschooling, walking her slightly anxious hound dog, and putting off the cleaning for one more day. Find Kristen writing at and follow her on Instagram @kristenkill.
4/26/201819 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode #152: Lifegiving Parent Podcast Series - Holly & Glenn Packiam

If you would like to see what Holly is up to, follow her at or find her on Instagram @storyformedhome. To keep up with Glenn's latest musings, follow him on Twitter at @gpackiam. You can also find links to his resources on 
4/26/201819 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode #151: Lifegiving Parent Podcast Series - Scott Turansky

Lifegiving parenting is not about changing the culture we live in but about being a counterculture to it. It’s not about creating a comfortable Christian subculture insulated from the surrounding world; rather, it’s about being the kind of lifegiving home culture that will stand as a testimony of God’s biblical design for family to a lost world whose sandy foundations are washing away.
4/25/201818 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode #150: Lifegiving Parent Podcast Series: Welcome Susie Davis

We have had such a great time interviewing different parents asking them to share some of their best ideas and advice about being a parent who raises their children for Christ. Today is our first such podcast. We hope you will enjoy this series and glean from the many ideas shared in the next two weeks. You will love Susie Davis. She is a seasoned mom, an author and loves to encourage those in her ministry. You will be refreshed by our time shared on this podcast, Thanks, Susie.
4/24/201820 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode #149: Now More Than Ever: Motherhood Matters Revisited

4/23/201838 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode #148: Obedience is a Pathway of Love & Wisdom

I think that the goal is to teach our children to obey quickly, but search as I may, I cannot find that as a standard in scripture. And so I may find relief in the grace I have found in scripture.
4/19/201821 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode #147: Marriage: Building a Lifelong Legacy, OYL 14

Join me in my podcast today where I discuss the way to contentment in marriage, how to build this legacy for a lifetime and why God considers your worship of Him as a reflection of how well you choose to love and live in harmony with your spouse.
4/15/201838 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode #146: Learning To Wait With Grace

Discipleship and mentoring took place daily at our table, because of our intentional commitment to inform their values, to reach their hearts with truth and messages from the heart of God.
4/12/201837 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode #145: Cultivating a Lifegiving Home, Own Your Life 14

The lifegiving home must start with a heart that says, "I will be the hostess of life here within these walls to serve all who come here so that they may taste and see that the Lord is good by being here with me."
4/8/201843 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode #144: Clay & Sally Speak About Lifegiving Parenting

Our newest book, The Lifegiving Parent, is all about the ways we walk along the path of life with our children, encouraging them to find life in God. Available now for preorder!
4/6/201814 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode #143: Owning Your Choice to Love Well, OYL 13

If we understand the importance of building this foundation of loving our precious children and teaching them to love others, we will give them the power they need to build strong relationships, stay strong in marriage, learn to work in ministry and a profession well--in short, we will give them the ability to have a fuller, more fulfilling life.
4/2/201836 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode #142: Why Christ is our True Comfort & Everlasting Hope

I find myself so anxious to share with you, my precious friends, the joy I find in the message of Christ this year, while deep in the mire of challenges and difficulties. Though I am not able to read or look at my computer or screens because of my eye injury, I have done my best to leave you a podcast message and this blog post that I hope will be of come encouragement to you. Know that you are all in my prayers.
3/29/201834 minutes, 20 seconds
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Episode #141: Craziness & Life in London

3/25/201833 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode #140: London, Hospitals and Friends

3/22/201825 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode #139: Harvesting A Godly Character to Reap A Life of Integrity

Integrity comes from years of practicing living with godly character. Integrity is a lifelong fruit of determining to live faithfully. Christ is the model for what it looks like to have perfect integrity. But integrity brings the reward of living well into your life and watching God faithfully produce eternal fruit through the pages of your story.
3/18/201830 minutes, 15 seconds
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Episode #138: The Men in my Life, an Injured Eye & New Books

I thought I would catch some of you up on my eye (the fall I had) and a little bit from Joel and Clay for a fun podcast today.
3/15/201821 minutes, 20 seconds
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Episode #137: Choosing to Overcome: Moving Beyond Hurt

If we want to pass on faith to our children, a real, vibrant, strong faith, then in our trials, we must exhibit to them faith that practices walking with God, persevering, holding fast to convictions, even when they don't seem to matter. Faith must believe that He is--that He is with us, that He is good, that He is in control, that He will reward us in His time and in His way.
3/11/201847 minutes, 32 seconds
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Episode #136: Joy and Me in the UK, A Baby is Born

3/9/201830 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode #135: Tending Your Heart and Investing in Your Soul , Own Your Life Chapter 10

When we fill our hearts with excellence and virtue, we find ourselves with a wealth of God’s goodness to offer others from the treasures we have collected. Just as Joy carefully filled her box, so we must learn to intentionally pursue activities  that will fill the treasure chest of our hearts with good things. We should look for ways to fill our hearts, minds, and spirits with goodness, truth, and beauty—the things that inspire us, cause us to worship God, and bring light to others. Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting. that will fill the treasure chest of our hearts with good things. We should look for ways to fill our hearts, minds, and spirits with goodness, truth, and beauty—the things that inspire us, cause us to worship God, and bring light to others.
3/5/201836 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode #134: Letting the Holy Spirit Blow through our Days, Own Your Life 7 & 8

When the Holy Spirit directs our course, the natural consequence is a life outside of normal striving or fleshly effort. We are able to live beyond our own capacity.
2/26/201841 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode #133: Resting in the Transcendence of God, Own Your Life Chapters 5 & 6

We know we are called to follow Christ, to take His message to the world, to raise our children to heed Jesus' call. But sometimes I think we fail to consider that following the Lord might mean leaving behind the ordinary and the familiar. It means exchanging a temporal view of life for an eternal goal. And this may mean leaving behind things we really care about--involvements and pursuits that seem important and worthwhile but may not be God's best for us.
2/19/201828 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode #132: Taking Risks, Own Your Life & Becoming the Mom You Were Created To Be

2/12/20181 hour, 1 minute, 46 seconds
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Episode #131: Gentleness & Love Wins the Day

Gentleness grows stronger with practice. It comes with humility. It grows as wisdom and takes root in the heart that values the ones she loves. May God grant us to become gentle in our love, that others may see Him through us. Today, I am speaking with my friend, Amber Lia. She and her friend, Wendy Speak, have written a wonderful book called Triggers: Exchanging Parents' Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses. You will love this podcast and love this book. 
2/7/201827 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode #130: Cultivating Vision: Setting Our Hearts on Fire, Own Your Life Chapter 4

When you capture the fire of your own significance in the kingdom of God, when you know that as a mother, you have the ability to shape generations to become powerful leaders for the cause of Christ, then that vision will fuel the energy of your life to serve Him every day, whispering the secrets of the kingdom of God. Your fire will be passed on to those who will carry on the torch of faith.
2/5/201838 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode #129: Living Without Condemnation, Own Your Life Chapter 3

The starting point for all of us, first of all, is to learn the habit of living in the reality of God's view of us, His very generous and gracious love for us at every moment and to avoid thoughts of condemnation, mess and all. 
1/29/201843 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode #128: Musings with Joy and Joel & Fun Times

A joyful heart says, where can I leave a spirit of Christ's fragrance today--where can I dance the dance of life in the midst of darkness? And then practicing the dance steps as He gives them every day.
1/24/201825 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode #127: Seeing Purpose & Beauty in Ordinary Days, Own Your Life 1 & 2

In the podcast today, you will hear my own story of how out of control I was of my life when my children were little and we had moved to a very remote country place to start our ministry. You will learn about the circumstances in which I had to yield my impossible life into God's hands and by faith believe that this awful place was exactly the place he wanted me to be, the place I was to cultivate life in my own desert.
1/22/201840 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode #126: Now is a Good Time to Own Your Life

The next 10 weeks, I will be leading all of us through a podcast series based on my book, Own Your Life and the Bible study guide and planner. It is my hope that this series will remind all of us about the ways God desires each of us to find our place in His story, meaning through our every day and the way to live life in such a way that we can follow along His path of love, purpose and fruitfulness that will last for eternity.  I will be discussing the vision of life as well as the details of life that happen every day. Join me and I hope it will be of great encouragement.
1/15/201837 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode #125: Discovering That Beauty Changes our Lives and the Whole World!

We're all chasing rest and beauty and delightful interludes, aren't we? But why? What do we crave at the root of that desire? Today, Sally and Kristen dive into the third and final podcast in the series that accompanies Kristen's new book, Finding Selah: the Simple Practice of Peace When you Need it Most. They share about the longing for beauty that we all have deep in our souls and discuss the only way it can ever be satisfied. They talk about real ways that we can practically grow in peace in our real lives, and the reason they are so passionate about sharing delight and visible joy with their children. Do you want to change the world? It begins with discovering beauty that changes your whole heart! WHAT WE TALK ABOUT: -How to take action and allow a practice of peace to sink deep into our lives. -God's heart for us to receive the gifts He gives us with joy. -The fact that rest is often active and often requires that we yield or surrender.  -Activities that are restful to each one of us and how you might implement them in your own life. -The transformative effect of rest in our lives- and the way it equips us to pour out our hearts to others.  -How we cultivate spaces that knit beauty and peace into the lives of our children, and all those we influence. -Finding the root of all beauty in Jesus, and learning to trust Him and be satisfied in our relationship with Him as a pattern that shapes the rest of our lives. -Why its so important to talk to give our children a home, a table, and an education that all speak life- that all give them a vision and a picture of heaven- that guide them to the heart of God. -God's provision of his people when they had great fear and anxiety. -The gifts of our "miracle babies" and the way God softened each of our hearts through the joy of motherhood.
1/8/201838 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode #124: Interludes of Beauty Change our Perspective

WHAT WE TALK ABOUT: -How embarking on new experiences requires new muscle to develop in us. -What C.S. Lewis spoke of when he called earth "The Shadowlands" -How to develop a vision and imagination for God that will sustain us throughout our lives. -How do we develop a kingdom vision that will sustain us and our children in this place? -What we believe about God and his story for our lives and his vision and story for the world and the part we play will be our foundation for the way we live each day. -Stories of how each of us have shared the delight, enjoyment and mission of God with our children will shape their view of our family and of God.  -Trials we have faced and how they have helped to define our character and how we have seen the way they have prepared us for even greater things. -How we have learned to have interludes of beauty and delight with God in the midst of all our difficult circumstances. -A story of art that captured Kristen's heart and shifted her understanding of what God saw and was doing in her life. -The way God’s song and beauty and art awaken our hearts to Him. - How we can encourage others through the sharing beauty and the truth of God's word.  -The history of the Psalms and music in the church.   LINKS - Composer Studies at Cultivating Life With Sally - Monet’s Regatta at Sainte Adresse
1/1/201829 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode #123: Finding Real Rest After Christmas

12/26/201731 minutes, 1 second
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Episode #122: Grace For Those Who Are Waiting

Waiting on something has taken up most of my life. Waiting for answered prayers that occupied my heart and hoping that God was paying attention. In this podcast we will talk about the difficulty and sometimes pain we have when we are waiting for answers from God. We will also talk about the value in learning to wait as well as the ways God blesses beyond the waiting time we are in.  God is in control--we must humble ourselves to let Him be God and king over our lives to wait well. Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God until He is gracious to us. Psalm 123:2 Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10 Faith is believing when we cannot see--choosing to believe when we absolutely do not know what is happening or what will happen--we choose to believe in God.  Wait for the Lord, be strong and let your heart take courage. Yes, wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:14 Be still before the LORD, rest  and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Psalm 37:7 Waiting brings deep wisdom and perspective and stretches our character muscles Waiting develops humility and compassion and extends your ability to minister to others Yet those who wait for the Lord Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary. Isaiah 40:31
12/21/201737 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode #121: Of All Women, I Am Most Blessed

As we ponder the countless thousands who have engaged in our ministry through the years, through conferences, through the publishing and launching of 20 books and Bible study guides, the development of an online ministry, our blogs, podcasts, small group and international ministries, the Bible studies and conferences that are taking place all over the world, we are humbled by what God has done. 
12/18/201733 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode #120: Some Happy Thoughts (Christmas Mirth, Part 2)

12/14/201736 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode #119: Christmas Mirth, Part 1

In today's podcast, you will hear about: *My time with a dear friend, Terri Moon, and reminiscing about our lives with our children who have grown up together.  *Favorite music and why we study composers and their character qualities in our membership, "Cultivating Life with Sally. And how music is healing *Favorite recipes and traditions we both celebrate (She is an amazing cook!) *How worry has never ever changed any of our circumstances *How both of us restore and refresh and celebrate Christmas to bring Joy *Why joy is a healer and why a joyful heart is good medicine. We think that Christmas is a great time to share books as gifts because they also bring healing and inspiration to those we love. So, we are giving away 3 books to our readers for Christmas.
12/11/201730 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode #118: Planning for Endurance & Enjoyment this December

Take time to regroup today--Go eat some chocolate, and don't feel guilty as you are eating it (that would certainly be a waste of good chocolate!) Listen to some beautiful music, watch a heart-warming movie, take a nap, eat off of paper plates to save cleanup! The rest of December is still coming and you will be the better for it. I'll be praying for you!
12/6/201745 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode #117: Becoming a "Yes" Person in Life

12/4/201736 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode #116: The Beauty of Building a Godly Legacy Takes a LIfetime

The Value of Learning to Wait--practicing patience takes time and courage but it produces the deepest most heart gratifying fulfillment.  1. I talk a legacy of beauty and how it passes to the future generations. What we practice grows deep into the lives of the next generation. 2. Looking at the biblical subject of waiting and how it is a process that builds the things we invest in into the story we leave.  3. Learning to stand back and get the long view of life, and working with the end in mind and believing by faith that you are building something that will matter.  4. Cultivating a Community of Great Souls--Life with Sally membership is a way to have discipleship and spiritual mentoring online as well as leadership training.
11/27/201726 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode #115: Adventures in Scotland, Stories of Old, Happy Thanksgiving!!

Traveling to Scotland after being in Oxford with Sarah and Thomas all week has been such a refreshing week. Learning the stories of those who have lived brave lives in these places has been inspiring.    Join Joel and Joy with me today as we tell of the history of St. Andrews, talk about the great food in the cafes here, and share the fun of our time together here.   Be sure to look for Joy's blog, and weekly podcast, Speaking with Joy.    Enjoy the Wexford Carol as Joel arranged it and find the music at Amazon (Midwinter Carols by Joel Clarkson) and other places where music is sold.
11/20/201728 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode #114: Why Tea Time Discipleship Matters

Discipleship is always an issue of relationship. It is not about curriculum, church attendance, rules, indoctrination, but always about reaching the heart.
11/13/201729 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode #113: Raising Up Great Thinkers in Your Home

The ways you learn to respect the learning process of your children, to admire their ability to think, to engage them in great ideas and thoughts will give them a chance to digest great convictions that will shape their faith for a lifetime.
11/8/201730 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode #112: The Possibilities of Simple Feasting

The table is central to the everyday moments of our lives, even when we are busy, or find ourselves stretched in the midst of seasons that require much from us. Feasting goes on! It is also the anchor to much of our milestones and family celebrations. In this episode, Sally and Kristen discuss Chapters 7 and 8 of the Life Giving Table and offer their own tips for how to create for simple feasts when life is overwhelming or we are short on time. They also share how each of their families create traditions with food and fellowship to mark life's special moments.  What we Talk about: -Living Well in the midst of daily choas and real life -How we can train ourselves to see God's gentle hand of provision in our lives -How to live sustainably in pressured seasons -How to bear weariness that comes from what God is calling you to do -The ways we each add beauty to our homes to encourage our hearts (and those of our families) -How to stop waiting for the ideal and learn to enjoy the moment. -Our favorite staples, recipes and tricks for feasting simply or when we have little time. -Our family traditions and celebration rituals -Birthdays in the life of the Clarkson Family -How to create a blessing celebration in your own family -The way God blesses us through words of affirmation, and how we can do the same with those at our table -The power and necessity of creating a home of belonging links: "It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness." -Author unknown Mark 6:31 "Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn’t even have time to eat."   Table-Discipleship Principle: A wise discipler must make space for rest and beauty in the midst of life. "If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world." -J. R. R. Tolkien Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord make His face shine on you; And be gracious to you;The Lord lift up His countenance on you, And give you peace."  Table-Discipleship Principle: Love and affirmation given generously provide the foundation for opening a heart to influence
11/6/201747 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode #111: Secrets of Living Well for a Lifetime

11/1/201732 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode #110: Practicing Every Day Discipleship

10/30/201757 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode #109: Your Vision, Philosophy and Thoughts Determine the Course of Your Life

This little podcast is just me sharing some thoughts that have been passing through my brain. Hope you are encouraged. 
10/27/201730 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode #108: Fighting the World's Culture by Creating Your Own

What does it mean to be transformed, changed, and reshaped as an antidote to being conformed to the world? In this episode, Sally ponders these ideas as she discusses chapters four and five of the Life-giving Table and teaches us about how family culture has the distinct and grace-giving power to both change and protect us. She inspires listeners to instill a sense of "this is who we are" and "this is what we believe" into the hearts of her children as they gather at the table, and gives tools to not only create a vision to define our own family culture, but to practically cultivate a legacy. I hope that you are encouraged by today's podcast. Let us know what you think below.  WHAT WE TALK ABOUT: Discipleship Principle: Practicing the Rhythms of life regularly with your loved ones creates a secure feeling of belonging- of being welcomed and able to share convictions and faith in a community where one belongs. -That your family culture needs to be a stronger pull than the culture of the world--you have to define it in such a way that your children will love it, flourish in it, grow in it and feel they belong -That a unique family culture does not happen by chance and that you must fight to keep it going - Why creating a family culture is particularly important in our too busy, fast paced and demanding worldly culture -How to cultivate daily rhythms that keep us anchored in the storms of life -Creating a cultural battle plan -How a Kingdom culture means we are stewards of God's messages -How to create a culture of honor, where our children recognize the significance and worth of human beings created in God's image -How to create a culture of hospitality, where it becomes a pattern to serve others -Defining a family culture for YOUR family and determining what characteristics you want it to reflect -How to cultivate a culture of conversation  -Navigating squabbles at the table and teaching our children how to consider one another wisely. "THAT'S SOMETHING I'VE NOTICED ABOUT FOOD; WHENEVER THERE'S A CRISES IF WE CAN GET PEOPLE TO EATING NORMALLY THINGS GET BETTER." -MADELEINE L'ENGLE Acts 2:42 NASB"They were continually devoting themselves to the apostle's teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer."   Luke 24:14-15- "They were talking with each other about all these things which had taken place. While they were talking and discussing, Jesus Himself approached and began traveling with them."    Table-Discipleship Principle: SHAPING THE MIND AND HEART THROUGH REPEATED DISCUSSIONS ABOUT TRUTH, BEAUTY, AND RIGHTEOUSNESS AND ENGAGING IN THESE IDEAS REGULARLY SHAPES CONVICTIONS THAT LAST A LIFETIME.  "The most influential of all education factors is the conversation in a child's home." William Temple
10/23/201745 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 107B: Different Child: A Marathon, not a Sprint

Nathan and Sally wrote a book called Different: The Story of an Out of the Box Kid and the Mom Who Loved Him. In this episode, they discuss the long term pathway of walking through all the stages of life with a child who will always deal with his or her issues and how to live this life with grace, patience and sustainability.  You will find encouragement and sympathy for your own life and inspiration about how to live this puzzle of life with contentment and Peace. 
10/20/201727 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode #107: Discovering Vision for the Beauty of Your Table

Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art. Ralph Waldo Emerson   Jesus replied, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” John 6:35   Table-Discipleship Principle: Creating an environment of beauty, comfort, and acceptance cultivates hearts that are open to your messages.    Creating a life-giving table begins with a vision for cultivating beauty and a hosting place for others. In this episode, Sally and Kristen dive in to chapter 4 of the book, The Life Giving Table, to share stories and encouragement that will help you develop your own vision and sustain it through a commitment to your original ideals for years to come. What we talk about: -Sally’s special story of her first apartment as a newlywed -How we create beauty -The way our tables become a are a part of our history and family story -The table as a place to extend life and a hosting place to share Christ -The promise we have that Jesus wants us to never feel alone or wonder where He is -The personalities of our tables -Commitment to ideals as important to sustaining vision -The way we create family culture at our table -Ideas to involve very young children in bringing beauty to your table
10/16/201746 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode #106: Singer/Songwriter Andrew Peterson & A Great Story

Music is one of the defining cultures of the Clarkson family.  A handful of talented musicians have permeated all the seasons of our family history,  as we listened together, sang along in the car, filled our walls with the melodies that tied the strings of our hearts together. Our friend, Andrew Peterson, is one such singer songwriter and close to all of our hearts. I am so happy to have him as a guest on my podcast today.   The Petersons are kindred spirits and fellow "creatives" in so many areas. They love to feast, talk, read, sing, and create a rich life with a warm welcome to all who would join their community.  I am happy to introduce some of you to Andrew's story, his music and his books, though I am sure many of you have followed him for years as we have. I know this podcast will encourage you.  Clay is a long time supporter of all things Andrew and we have both loved attending Hutchmoot, a gathering of artists, musicians and creatives for many years. Every year we draw closer to the friends we have found in this community. 
10/13/201720 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode #105: Heartfelt Mentoring to Transform Your Table

 How can our table make Christ real to those who share life with us? How can it inspire them to serve him their whole lives? In this episode, Sally and Kristen begin a series on discipleship and invite you to discover how feasting invites you in to celebrate the delights, creativity, and personality of God. WHAT WE TALK ABOUT: -The example of the Life of Christ- feasting, caring for those he came in contact with, feeding them, preparing a place for them, touching them, and desiring intimate connection with them. -How feasting fills spiritual, physical and emotional needs. -The meaning of sanctuary and why is it important to create one for your family. -What qualities of the table aid in reaching the personal harvest fields of our lives. -Coming to the table is not just about the physical act of eating, but about sharing life as God designed and gave it to us.  -Approaching the table with an intentional purpose and expectation with shape how we cultivate it. -What we can do to protect and set boundaries for our tables. -Why the table is just like a beautiful piece of music: carefully arranged, thoughtfully directed, and passionately played. LINKS: "The Lord of hosts will prepare a lavish banquet for all peoples on this mountain; A banquet of aged wine, choice pieces with marrow, And refined, aged wine." Isaiah 25:6, NASB "When Jesus wanted to explain to his followers the meaning of his death, he didn't give them a theory, he gave them a meal"- N.T. Wright "If the home is a body, the table is the heart, the beating center, the sustainer of life and health." Shauna Niequist "For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things." Psalm 107:9 "For Jesus the home is not what defines the table; the table is what defines the home." Leonard Sweet, From Tablet to Table 
10/9/201741 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode #104: C.S. Lewis on Table, An Oxford Prof and Why Stories Matter

I am so excited to share this Mini-Podcast with you. Dr. Michael Ward and I sat down quickly together and recorded this conversation after a quick breakfast the morning I left for Nashville.  I know you will enjoy hearing his lovely accent and his insight about stories, an inspirational poem and C.S. Lewis about table time.  
10/5/201719 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode #103: Ellie Holcomb; Music Tables and Planting a Flag

A special treat for me today was the opportunity of having Ellie Holcomb as my guest on my podcast. We spoke of music, life stories, our table and planting a flag. You will love her story about how her new album came about and the story of her family holding fast together during some trials will touch your heart. 
10/3/201725 minutes, 12 seconds
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Episode #102: A Minipodcast with God-Centered-Mom, Heather McFaden

I am so excited to share this mini-podcast today with you. My sweet friend, Heather MacFadyen, has four little boys, and she knows the reality of trying to help them move toward maturity. She also knows what it feels like to fail and fall short of your own expectations when your own children act in an immature way.  Heather is the host of a wonderful podcast called The God Centered Mom. You can read more about her here and find her podcasts HERE  Hope you are encouraged by our time together.
9/28/201723 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode #101: Remember to Put On the Armor of God as you Begin a New Year

As Christians and mothers, we can feel overwhelmed with the daily battles. From piles of laundry, bad attitudes in our children, sibling arguing, hormonal teenagers, loneliness and isolation, all of the meals to be prepared, and wanting to do it all with excellence, we can often feel defeated before we even begin.  When we look to God’s Word and in particular Ephesians 6, we can better understand that we are truly in a battle by observing Paul’s inspiring metaphor.  In this episode, we, Sally and Kristen look at each piece of armor, and share how we can be prepared along with preparing and training our children, too.  We can grow from feeling defeated and on the defense, to becoming more than conquerors and prepared for battle through the mighty power of the Holy Spirit. WHAT WE TALK ABOUT: -What a soldier needs before he enters into battle -What it means to stand your ground -How we can know what is true -Why  Jesus says, “If you continue in my Word” is a condition of knowing the truth? -What it means to guard your heart on a daily basis -How God's word protects our heart -What it means to walk in peace -What it means to move forward instead of staying stagnant in our faith -Why having a shield of faith pre-supposes that we will have arrows thrust at us from the enemy that it is meant to protect us from -What we know about the emotional,spiritual and relational battles of life -The significance of only one piece of armor mentioned that is an offensive weapon and how we should use it LINKS: Ephesians 6:10-13 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil.2 For we[a] are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Charles Spurgeon quote: “To be a Christian is to be a warrior. The good soldier of Jesus Christ must not expect to find ease in this world: it is a battle-field.”  -John 8:31-32 So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Luke 6:45 The good man brings good things out of the good treasure of his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil treasure of his heart. For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. Ephesians 6:15 For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.  John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Ephesians 6:16 In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. 1 John 5:4-5 For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith.  Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?   Isaiah 12:2 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation. -Hebrews 4:12-13 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.  And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.
9/25/201757 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode #97: The Art of Loving Well at the Table with Sarah and Joy Clarkson

9/5/201732 minutes, 43 seconds
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Extra Podcast: Prelude to Composers Series with Sally and Terri

8/30/201719 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode #96: The Secrets of Bringing Your Table to Life

8/28/201733 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode #95: Remembering to Care for You with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

The first of a two part series, Sally and Kristen will encourage you to understand your identity in light of God's view of you, which is a stability that will serve your children through their whole lives.  WHAT WE TALK ABOUT: -How surprising circumstances in our own lives caused us to re-imagine our roles and personal convictions this summer. -How being faced with difficult tasks can become a blessing -The glory and beauty of womanhood and the gifts given to women as cultivators and civilizers -New research about what gives women a sense of contentment and fulfillment -How God has called us to be mothers because He intends for us to be a part of His kingdom work. Building souls, enriching minds, giving a sense of confident morality, inspiring a heart to believe in the story God has for them to tell is the way that healthy souls are shaped. -Why a sense of cohesive belonging is significant to your child. -Why you can’t become someone of eternal significance if you don’t know who you are and where you are going. 
8/21/201734 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode #94: A Heart for Reading and Music

Episode #94 A Heart for Reading {and Music} PODCAST:DOWNLOAD SUBSCRIBE: ITUNES In this episode, Sally is joined by her daughter Sarah and they discuss the deep roots and moral imagination and character that develops through books. They discuss the gifts cultivated by a reading life, and the capacity to pour those gifts back into the world as a result. Sally and Sarah will inspire your understanding  of the importance of books as central to the rhythms of home life and our interior souls and personhood. Then Sally is joined by her friend, Terri Moon who shares about the gift of music and how to help our children have a love of classical composers, and some of her favorite books to share with your children to introduce them to music.  WHAT WE TALK ABOUT: -How reading furnishes in us an ability and increased capacity to see the world through another person's eyes -The connection between faith and imagination - How reading expands what we view as possible -How reading provides a place for contemplation in our lives -How reading trains us in focused and deep attention -How reading helps to cultivate wonder in our lives and our ability to see the world as a gift -How the words we read and use teach us to pay attention to the world around us -How reading creates in us a true sense of self -How to give our children a love of classical music -Giving our children a sense of legacy by passing on what we love and appreciate   Find all the links to this episode at  
8/14/201752 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode #93: A Heart for Gratitude With Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

"In everything give thanks, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. -1 Thessalonians 5:18" Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude. -A.A. Milne, WINNIE-THE-POOH Do your children hold wonder about God? Do they have an imagination that allows them to enter into the mystery of all He has made and all He has done? A Grateful heart is a humble heart, one that does not demand, but receives and then looks for how to give again to others with joy- but it begins by understanding the wonder of being a child of the God of the Universe and experiencing all of the goodness of God's world as a gift. In this episode, Sally and Kristen discuss how to protect and preserve a sense of wonder in our children, how to cultivate daily habits of thanks, and what it looks like to embrace God's will for us to "rejoice always," regardless of circumstance. They share about what it has looked like in their own homes to raise children who are content, how to battle the demands and entitlements of modern culture facing children and parents alike, and how God has used unexpected times of difficulty to build gratefulness into the culture of their families.  What we talk about: -Cultivating a habit of wonder and gratefulness in the lives of our children -What is means practically to rejoice always and in everything give thanks -The importance of learning to see God's personal provision and work in our lives -How to battle discontent, boredom, envy and jealousy  -How to navigate a consumer culture of entitlement in our homes -How developing a heart of gratitude is becomes a source of courage for our children when they leave home -The importance of Feasting and special celebrations -Recognizing Grace in our own lives and serving others from the overflow of what God has given us. links: 1 Thessalonians 5:18- "In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." James 2: 15-16- "Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the father is not in him. for all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world." Galatians 5:22-23 1 John 1:7a- "Walk in the Light as He[God]Himself is in the Light." Compassion International
8/7/201747 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode #92: A Heart for Patience with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

I can do all things through Him [Christ] who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 "Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty … I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well." TEDDY ROOSEVELT What are you bearing today that feels impossible to you? Are there circumstances, difficulties or burdens that drain your heart and soul? Often times, when we are called upon to grow in character and endurance, when we need others to help encourage us most of all, is when we can feel the most isolated and utterly alone. In this podcast, Sally and Kristen want to encourage you and give you tools to overcome what you are facing today by giving FIVE practical ways to cultivate a heart of patience and peace in your own life and in the hearts of your children. They talk candidly about their own struggles, verses that have helped to bolster their hearts and have meant so much to their own families, and what it has meant to them to learn how to trust God's story for their lives.  Then, Kristen is joined by Mom Heart national team member, Gretchen Roberts who shares her heart for ministry and has an exciting announcement about a new membership site called Cultivating Life With Sally that is opening in September! So many of you have asked for more teaching, training and opportunities to learn from Sally for so long and our entire team is thrilled that there is now a place where you can do just that! Check out more information below and be sure to subscribe to to stay in the loop on updates about when membership opens. What we Talk about: -5 Things you can cultivate in your life to be able to endure faithfully -How to embrace faithfulness as a daily choice in your life -Learning to believe that God truly cares for you, that He will be faithful in His time, and believe that your faith has value. -How to gain an eternal perspective and allow our character to be formed in suffering. -When and why it is important to get help and counseling to encourage you. -Why it is important to rest and refresh in the midst of stress and ideas for how to find simple ways to delight in life and find strength to keep going. -Learning how to invest yourself in Truth, and take every thought captive when anxiety and fear creep in. LINKS: Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”  James 5: 7-8 “Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being A HEART FOR PATIENCE 162 patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains. You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near." Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Him [Christ] who strengthens me." Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline." Hebrews 10:35-36, 39 "Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised. … But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul." 1 Corinthians 10:13  "No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it."  Psalm 18:31-32  "For who is God, but the Lord? And who is a rock, except our God, the God who girds me with strength and makes my way blameless? He makes my feet like hinds’ feet, and sets me upon my high places."   Cultivating Life with Sally Membership Site
7/31/20171 hour, 7 minutes, 47 seconds
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Episode #91: 10 Gifts of Heart - A Heart for Hospitality with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it." Hebrews 13:2 "HOSPITALITY ISN'T ABOUT INVITING PEOPLE INTO OUR PERFECT HOMES, ITS ABOUT INVITING THEM INTO OUR IMPERFECT HEARTS."- EDIE WADSWORTH Do you want to open your home but find it to be so much work to get everything perfect before welcoming friends in? In this episode of At Home With Sally and Friends, Sally and Kristen talk about what lies at the very heart of hospitality: a willingness to make room for others, because that is God's heart for us. They share about precious memories that they have over the years of times when they prepared their homes for others to enjoy and why the love of God, and the love of a family are meant to be shared. Then Kristen is joined by Chystal Evans Hurst who shares how she teaches her children to practically make room for others and how we care for our own souls while pouring out to those who need us.  WHAT WE TALK ABOUT: The Heart of Hospitality Practical ways to welcome others in and show God's love What it means to welcome and show love to strangers How Christians must keep doors to the world around us open How to plan a feast for those you invite in How to teach your children to add beauty to your home How to train your children in the art of conversation and prepare them for guests The Keys to Understand Being a Great Host LINKS Hebrews 13:2 "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it." Romans 12:13 "Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality." Psalm 68:6 "God settles the solitary in a home; he leads out the prisoners to prosperity, but the rebellious dwell in a parched land." Matthew 25: 31-46 " “But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left. “Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’ Then the righteous will answer Him, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink?  And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You?  When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’  The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’  “Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels;  for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink;  I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.’  Then they themselves also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not [a]take care of You?’  Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’  These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” LINKS TO FIND CHRYSTAL EVANS HURST Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Blog:
7/24/201746 minutes, 58 seconds
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Episode #90: 10 Gifts of Heart - A Heart for Initiative with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

Episode #90 Do you ever feel that you are victim of circumstance? That there is nothing you can possibly do to flourish or cultivate a meaningful life because of all that has happened to you? In this episode Sally and Kristen discuss how its vital that we learn how to grow in initiative. They share about the importance of choosing to cultivate responsibility into all areas of our lives, and how we can impart a heart for initiative into the lives our children as well, so that they can lead, serve, work and live faithfully into their own callings as victors and over comers. Then, Sally shares a special story about her son, Nathan, and the unlikely way that God is currently using his initiative to bring forth Kingdom messages in Hollywood.  Read more at
7/17/201740 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode #89: 10 Gifts of Heart - A Heart for Work with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

Episode #89 This week Sally and Kristen discuss the idea of how we teach our children about the heart of work through companionship in working with us. They discuss the way that our faith and work are connected, how to give our children a kingdom vision for all they labor in, even the ordinary, and about how in a family, we can equip our children in this each day. Then, Kristen is joined by Ruth Simons, who shares about what its like to work from home with six boys, how she and her husband manage their work, their family, and celebrate each day's rewards together.   This week's Bible Memory Printable can be found here: WEEK SIX BIBLE MEMORY
7/10/201751 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode #88: 10 Gifts of Heart - A Heart for Service With Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

Episode # 88 For even the son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." Mark 10:45 "Make it a rule, and pray to God to help you to keep it, never, if possible, to lie down at night without being able to say: "I have made one human being at least a little wiser, or a little happier, or at least a little better this day."- Charles Kingsley Do your children know that they have special gifts and skills given to them by God in order that they might bear his light and love to others? In this episode, Sally and Kristen discuss the heart of service and share about how to develop eyes in our children that are trained to see the needs of others, and understand that it is a part of their calling to meet those needs. They share how you can begin teaching your children to serve others from a very young age, and about how even among siblings, the gift of service can be cultivated intentionally. Then, Sally and Kristen are joined by Holly Packiam of, and all three offer advice to help navigate challenges like consumerism and busyness faced by parents today that prevent them from developing this gift at home. They also dive into practical ways to help our children grow in how they serve at home, at church, their communities and the world. 
7/3/201747 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode #87: 10 Gifts of Heart - A Heart for Manners with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

"Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person. -Colossians 4:6 "LIFE IS SHORT, BUT THERE IS ALWAYS TIME ENOUGH FOR COURTESY." -RALPH WALDO EMERSON As moms, we work hard to impart the truth of God's love to our children, but are we teaching our children how to be ambassadors of Christ to others? At the heart, manners are about cultivating spiritual and social poise that put others at ease. They are the skill that allows our children to confidently relate to people. In this episode, Sally and Kristen discuss why manners are important to impart to our children, and also how they can help our kids to have a gracious presence wherever they find themselves in the future.  In this episode we will dive  into how Sally and Kristen each approached teaching manners to their children, their ideas for creative ideas to make this training fun, and most of all, how to open the hearts of your children to see that manners are not simply a matter of being well behaved, but are really about becoming stewards of God's love.  Then, join special guest, Sarah Mae as she joins the podcast to inspire us in our summer plans with kids, shares her advice to moms about how to prepare children for social situations when new manners and skills are necessary and gives us a sneak peek at the content for her forthcoming book, The Complicated Heart! 
6/26/201739 minutes, 1 second
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Episode #86: 10 Gifts of Heart- A Heart For Character with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

Episode #86 "He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much." -Luke 16:10 " I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man." -George Washington In this episode, Sally and Kristen get at the heart of godly character, and how it is cultivated, inspired and tended to in the lives of our children. They discuss how to really reach the hearts of our children when they fail (not in the heat of the moment!) and how to create opportunities in your home that invite confession and repentance. They also share some of their favorite literary examples that have helped them along the way. Their favorites are here for you to see below (if you are on itunes or receiving this via RSS feed in your email, click over to to see them all prettied up)  Then Kristen is joined by Misty Krasawski who shares how she walks side by side with her children each day, providing organic opportunities for training them and inspiring their imagination through story.  This week's Bible Memory pdf is available here: Week Three Bible Memory
6/19/201750 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode #85: 10 Gifts of Heart - A Heart for Friendship with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

Episode #85 A Heart for Friendship "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends." -John 15:13 "You are the first example of friendship to your children." - Sally Clarkson " True humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less." C.S. Lewis You were never meant, or expected, to do life alone. In this episode, Sally and Kristen discuss how to impart a love of community and friendship to our children. They encourage moms to model how to serve in friendship themselves, as the first model their families will see, and explain what it looks like to serve in friendship through trust, loyalty, empathy and encouragement. They share how to become an invitation to others in everyday life, and how to teach your children to be a friend through: -Trusting the Holy Spirit -Training them how to share and live generously -Teaching them HOW to create community Ultimately, Sally and Kristen encourage and equip moms to cultivate their own hearts for service and love, while becoming a living example of how to put others first. Then, they are joined by special guest and friend, Elizabeth Foss who shares her own testimony of trusting God even when we feel weary. Reflecting on her cancer journey and the community knit in her own family mothering nine children, Elizabeth reminds us all that there is nothing that we face that Christ has not also endured. She's also sharing about a special new project that we are excited to share with you called Take Up and Read   We pray today will be a gift to your hearts as you listen along with us!
6/12/201754 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode #84: 10 Gifts of Heart - A Heart for Faith with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

Episode #84 "A spiritual life isn't a list of rules to keep, it is living in the spirit of the living God." -sally Clarkson In this episode, Sally and Kristen encourage moms to introduce their children not just to the truths of God, but to His reality in their lives, by showing them the ways that God has entered into their family story personally. They share how the life you create in your home can communicate the reality of God everyday, and inspire a wonder and imagination for God's kingdom in their hearts.  Here's a printable to help your family memorize this week's Bible verse: Week One Bible Memory You can print our June calendar by clicking here to download! June Lifegiving Calendar Have you ever wondered how to begin the habit of a personal quiet time? Its wonderful to want to invest in the truths of God's word and to simply spend time with Him, but often , its difficult to begin because we think there are certain expectations involved and a list of tasks to complete. So, today, we also asked our friend Kat Lee to share with us. Kat is passionate about helping moms develop a morning routine that begins with Jesus. She's sharing her own story and ideas for devotions for herself and for her kids and we know you are going to love getting to know her today!
6/6/201742 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode #83: Hold Fast to Love, Light and Beauty with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

5/28/201734 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode #82: An Ode to Tired Mamas

5/22/201732 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode #81: Writing our Children's Story: Our Living Letters to the World

5/15/201725 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode #80 - Friends, Angels, and Foundations

5/8/201722 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode #79: I Will Take Time to be Present with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

5/1/201747 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode #78: When You Hit the Wall...Breathe! With Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

4/23/201738 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode #76: Shaping the Moral Imagination Through Story

4/7/201733 minutes, 20 seconds
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Episode #75: Controlling Life is a False Hope

4/3/201730 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode #74: What Makes a Great Story

3/27/201731 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode #73: Lighting a Fire Through Sparking Imagination

3/20/201724 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode #72: My Need To Belong, His Need to Belong

3/13/201741 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode #71: Walking Through Soul Darkness with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

3/6/201743 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode #70: Starving For Love with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

2/27/201736 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode #69: Finding Hope in the Broken Place of Life - "Renew My Heart" in Texas

2/19/201743 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode #68: Different Book Club: 4 Ways to Begin Growing in Perspective

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Episode #67: Girlfriends Need Girlfriends - "Renew My Heart" in California

2/5/201740 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode #66: Patience and Love Win the Day!

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Episode #65: Different Children Bring Difficult Days: Finding a Way Forward with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

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Episode #64: Encouragement for the Imperfect With Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

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Episode #63: Finding the Hero in the Heart of Your Child With Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

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Episode #62: How to Have a One Woman Retreat With Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

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Episode #61: Grace and Peace to Your Christmas Week Moments!

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Episode #60: Getting to the Heart of Christmas

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Episode #59: Life Giving Christmas Traditions with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

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Episode #58: PACE Yourself Through the Holidays and Life with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

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Episode #57: Longings Fulfilled Through Advent

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Episode #56: Now More Than Ever: Motherhood Matters

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Episode #55: Forging Friendships with our Children

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Episode #54: The Secrets of Friendship with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

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Episode #53: Look for the Signs

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Episode #52: Gathering on Purpose

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Episode #51: Renew Your Heart Conferences

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Episode #50: The Work of Walking in the Light

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Episode #49: The Heart Behind the Leader of the Lifegiving Home

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Episode #47: On Building the Last Homely House with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

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Episode #46: All They Need is Love with Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

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Episode #45: Harvesting Godly Character

8/7/201638 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode #44: The Power to Transform Relationships for Life With Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

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Episode #43: Exceptional Women Feed Others From the Richness of Their Own Souls With Sally Clarkson and Kristen Kill

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Episode #38: Engaging in Heart and Soul Training

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Episode #37: Casting A Vision For Your Life

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Episode #36: Listening to New Voices

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Episode #33: Intentionally Learning to Own Your Life

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Episode #27: Building A Long Term Perspective of Wisdom

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Episode #25: Own Your Home- Make it a Place Where the Life of God is Real

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Episode #24: Am I Ever Going to Fit In? Probably Not, But You're in Good Company

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Episode #23: Hope for When You Feel Like a Failure

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Episode #22: A Happy Home Starts With Your Heart

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Episode #19: Raising Grateful Kids in An Entitled World An Interview with Kristen Welch

1/28/201637 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Imaginal Home: Cultivating Artists Inside your Home

11/16/20151 hour, 4 minutes, 15 seconds
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At Home with Sally

Home is the place where the whispers of God?s love are heard regularly, the touch of His hands is given intentionally throughout the day, the words of His encouragement and affirmation pointed to lay the foundation of loving relationships where a woman conducts the beauty of this life within its walls. I hope you will find inspiration to cultivate such a life within the pages of this blog. I welcome you here!
9/24/201516 minutes, 4 seconds