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Awesome Marriage Podcast Profile

Awesome Marriage Podcast

English, Parenting, 1 season, 774 episodes, 3 days, 10 hours, 20 minutes
Awesome marriages don't happen on accident and far too many couples are just surviving their marriage when it was meant to thrive. This is the place where we give you practical tips on how to build an awesome marriage. Our passion is to help you strengthen your marriage. Dr. Kim Kimberling hosts the show. He is the President of Awesome Marriage he has been married for 45 years and has been a professional counselor for 35 years. He is the author of 7 Secrets to An Awesome Marriage and 14 Keys To Lasting Love. Dr. Kim is joined by his co-host Christina Dodson. Christina is the COO of Awesome Marriage. She has been married for 8 years. Her and her husband are church planters and love ministering to married couples. Tune in each week to hear practical ways on how to have an awesome marriage! This podcast is brought to you by the ministry of Awesome Marriage.
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How to Build a Biblical Perspective in Marriage | Ep. 643

Your mindset greatly impacts your day to day life. If you’re stuck in unhealthy or unhelpful thought patterns, both you and your marriage will suffer. But there are simple ways to unpack your thought patterns and replace the unhelpful with a biblical perspective. In today’s episode we’re looking at practical ways to adopt a gracious, life-giving perspective in marriage.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:  Common perspective mistakes in marriage and what causes them  Practical tips to resolve perspective issues and create a Biblical perspective What do secret sin and perspective have in common?   Ways to communicate more effectively and seek to understand your spouse's perspective  Tips to cultivate oneness and a spiritual foundation of unity *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Couples Conversation Guide:  Main takeaway: Is your perspective of your spouse realistic? For most issues, a generous perspective and good communication can get you through it together.    Questions to Discuss:  Do you have any unrealistic expectations of your spouse today? If you’re not sure, check them out together.  Are you and your spouse at odds over an issue? Take the time to learn what matters most to your spouse about their position on it.  Do you have thought habits that are leading to bitterness or resentment in your marriage?     QUOTES  "It's hard to step into your spouse's shoes or take the time to do that, to have empathy for them." - Dr. Kim Kimberling  "Resentment can be a huge thing and it's so dangerous because if we don't stop it, it continues to grow." - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “Perspective is your lens on the world. If your lens is covered with smudges and you’re not seeing clearly, that’s not the world’s fault. You’ve got to clean your lens.” - Lindsay Few   MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:   If you are ready to have a better perspective – and a better marriage, then the biblically-based 4 Week Reframing Challenge is for you!  Turn to God and ask him to renew your mind with our NEW resource, 11 Prayers To Stop Thinking Negatively About Your Spouse 15 Better Assumptions To Make About Your Spouse is a free printable to help you set your mind on what is true, right and good. Learn more here!  Join the Marriage Changer Movement! Because a world full of awesome marriages can change the world Marriage Multiplier is a quick and highly practical weekly email to help you invest in your marriage. CLICK HERE to learn more!
10/1/202445 minutes, 27 seconds
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Essential Steps to Affair Recovery with Rick Reynolds | Ep. 642

An affair doesn’t have to mean the end of a marriage. At Awesome Marriage, we have seen so many marriages restored! Yet the recovery process will take time and working together to see the Lord heal the union. If you’ve experienced this pain, you need a guide to help you along the way.  Rick Reynolds joins Dr. Kim today to share his story of marriage recovery, and how he’s used his own painful experience to help others through the process of rebuilding after infidelity.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:  How to avoid common behaviors that can set you up for an affair   How to rebuild a marriage after affair - better than before Why Christians need to be aware of their own vulnerability How to overcome the obstacles to recovering after infidelity  Common mistakes in the affair recovery process    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  Couples Conversation Guide:  Main takeaway: One of the best ways to protect your marriage from an affair is to realize you could be vulnerable to infidelity, and put boundaries in place. If your marriage has experienced infidelity, it can be restored much stronger than before.   Questions to Discuss:  What boundaries do you have in your life to prevent even baby steps toward an affair?  Are you a safe place for your spouse to be completely honest and open? What would help make your marriage a safer place for honesty?   QUOTES  “When we fall, what’s important is what we do afterwards.” - Rick Reynolds  “A lot of Christians don’t realize they’re vulnerable, so they don’t put constraints in place. Then they find themselves in a mess.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “What heals is empathy and emotional responsiveness.” - Rick Reynolds  “The wayward spouse needs to understand that disclosure is the way that trust is reestablished.” - Rick Reynolds MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:   Learn more or sign up for the Hope Rising Conference at If you feel defeated about your marriage, or are considering divorce, our 90 Days to Save Your Marriage plan is for you. Learn more here.
9/27/202449 minutes, 59 seconds
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Harness the Power of Having a Plan for Your Money with Dan and Kay Ockey | Ep. 641

When costs keep rising, and earnings often don’t match, money stress is bound to invade your marriage. Most couples face additional tension around how to handle finances well – as well as how to handle them together.    In today’s podcast, Dr. Kim talks with Dan and Kay Ockey about how to take control of your finances, even in times of financial uncertainty. Dan and Kay offer concrete and actionable advice on how to take the steps to get out of debt, make a realistic plan, and work together. Tune in for help to get your finances in order.    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  The action plan for how to start tracking finances  Productive ways to handle the realities of inflation and financial uncertainty  2 keys for financial success in a marriage Use this reframing shift and fight over finances less    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  "The magic bullet doesn't exist, but being real about your numbers and not spending more than you make is key." - Dan Ockey  “We’re finding that among a lot of people there’s an expectation you should have the life you want.” - Dan Ockey  “We may not have the money to do all the things we want right now, and that’s ok. You’re not a failure - you can work toward that.” - Dan Ockey  “Our money conversations were so painful. Then I realized that our unity was more important than my beliefs about money.”  - Dan Ockey    Couples Conversation Guide:    Main takeaway: Unity in your marriage finances requires a team mindset, learning about each other, and learning the skills to handle money well.     Questions to Discuss:  What financial beliefs are keeping you from unity in your marriage?  Are you working toward a common goal together today? If not, work together to set one.   MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:   Learn how to avoid the 4 common budgeting mistakes couples make when in the FREE Centsei Class. Learn more here.  The Gap and the Gain  Get the budget conversation started with 27 Money Questions Every Couple Needs to Ask Marriage Multiplier is a quick and highly practical weekly email to help you invest in your marriage. CLICK HERE to learn more!
9/24/202453 minutes, 31 seconds
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Amazon Surprises & Online Money Issues | Ep. 640

Show of hands: Are you an Amazon box hider? … or do you have your spouse break down the boxes for you?  All joking aside, online shopping can be an issue that hinders couples’ closeness. Money management in general can be a hot topic, but the wide range of ways we can spend money online with just the click of a button can create some additional obstacles, and we hear about it from couples all the time. Today we’re equipping you to resolve this issue.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  Red flags that you need to address online spending with your spouse.  The role of trust in marriage money habits  How to know when online shopping has become a problem  The negative cycle of emotional triggers     *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “When you look into what’s most important with money, you make a lot more progress more quickly.” - Lindsay Few  "When you quit being a team, that's when it becomes a problem." - Dr. Kim Kimberling "If shopping is getting in the way of closeness with your spouse, then something needs to change." - Dr. Kim Kimberling   Couple's Conversation Guide:  Main takeaway: Money secrets do not serve your marriage well, so do what it takes to build trust with your spouse around finances.  Questions to Discuss:  Are there any money habits your spouse does not know about you?  What areas bring out money tension for your marriage?  What is one step that would help you work through that and build unity today?    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:   Learn how to avoid the 4 common budgeting mistakes couples make when in the FREE Centsei Class. Learn more here.  Get the budget conversation started with 27 Money Questions Every Couple Needs to Ask Marriage Multiplier is a quick and highly practical weekly email to help you invest in your marriage. CLICK HERE to learn more!  
9/17/202434 minutes, 50 seconds
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Finding Hope Through Our Failures with Becky Kiser | Ep. 639

We don’t often talk about our failures, but maybe that needs to change. It’s easy to focus on others’ highlight reel, while we’re highly aware of our own personal shortcomings. But the shame of feeling like we don’t measure up keeps us from real relationships.   Today we’re going there with special guest, Becky Kiser, as we talk about the power of the gospel and how God uses us in spite of our shortcomings. Don’t miss this powerful conversation. We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:    Fight the cascade effect of feeling like a failure  The two most debated sections of Becky’s new book - and why! The 1st step to start loving your spouse well    How to move out of shame and into freedom   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “Even women who are successful; women who have accomplished a bunch, deal with failure.” - Becky Kiser  “The Gospel message is not, ‘Get your life together then God can do something with your life.’” - Becky Kiser  “I’ve found the most freedom from acknowledging I can’t.” - Becky Kiser   "Not all failures are actual failures. They’re just a part of life.” - Becky Kiser  "We spend so much time ‘dying to ourselves’ that we think there’s no value to ourselves.” - Becky Kiser    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:   Find Becky at and on Instagram @beckykiser Grab the new book, “But God Can” today!   Get the budget conversation started with 27 Money Questions Every Couple Needs to Ask Marriage Multiplier is a quick and highly practical weekly email to help you invest in your marriage. CLICK HERE to learn more!  
9/10/202454 minutes, 15 seconds
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Tips for Care-Giving Spouses with Kristin & Todd Evans | Ep. 638

After five years of marriage, Kristin and Todd Evans’ world was rocked when they learned they were about to become parents to a child with a disability. The stress, grief and the demands of learning to be caregivers to a child with disabilities transformed their once-joyful marriage and nearly broke it apart.       When spouses are also caregivers, the marriage will face challenges that others may not know anything about. Today Todd and Kristin share their powerful story of learning to navigate this reality and how they have kept their marriage strong through it all.      We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   The additional challenges parents face as caregivers Learning to cope with the ‘living loss’ of disability How to set and communicate priorities in an unending to do list Ways to deepening emotional connection & intimacy while always “on call” Handling grief and chronic sorrow together   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “For all parents, there’s a sacrificial piece to it. For special needs parents, it goes to a new level of what you have to sacrifice.” - Todd Evans   “1 in 3 caregivers experience depression and anxiety.” - Kristin Evans  “I couldn’t understand why I couldn't’ get over my grief, but Todd had moved on.” - Kristin Evans “There’s not a right or wrong way to grieve, it’s just different.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:   Order the Evans’ book, How to Build a Thriving Marriage as You Care for Children with Disabilities Follow @DisabilityParenting on Instagram for more great tips! Get the budget conversation started with 27 Money Questions Every Couple Needs to Ask Marriage Multiplier is a quick and highly practical weekly email to help you invest in your marriage. CLICK HERE to learn more!
9/6/202448 minutes, 42 seconds
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Simple Budgeting Tips that Work | Ep. 637

Reduce money stress in your marriage by making sure your money knows where to go!    Don’t avoid talking about money with your spouse: Establishing a budget you can both stick to will certainly pay off long term. Today Dr. Kim shares several simple tricks that help him and Nancy to stress less and be intentional with their finances.    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   The basic starting point for building a budget  The budget category Dr. Kim & Nancy would NEVER cut out   The power of breaking a scarcity mindset and becoming generous  Strategies to better money management  How to get started if you’ve never budgeted    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “We felt like it was always important to have a date.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling   “Make sure to build in your budget that you can go out somewhere each week and not have to worry about it.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling   “God is so generous, and that’s really what we want to emulate.” - Lindsay Few  “My lack of generosity was not the person I wanted to be.” - Lindsay Few   Continue to ask, “What are our financial goals? How do we budget to make them work?”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling   “If you need help, get it. If you’re going to fight about money for 50 years, that doesn’t sound fun at all. ”- Dr. Kim Kimberling   “When you tithe 10%, the 90% you have left goes a lot further than you thought the 100% would.” - Lindsay Few  “I don’t know anyone personally who would say they regret tithing.”  - Lindsay Few  MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:   Get the budget conversation started with 27 Money Questions Every Couple Needs to Ask Learn how to avoid the 4 common budgeting mistakes couples make when in the FREE Centsei Class. Learn more here. Marriage Multiplier is a quick and highly practical weekly email to help you invest in your marriage. CLICK HERE to learn more!
9/3/202446 minutes, 42 seconds
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Healthy Tech Habits For A Healthy Marriage with Arlene Pellicane | Ep. 636

Do your habits online support your marriage? Or damage it?    Fewer couples are getting married than ever. Tech is hitting marriages hard today. Yet research shows that marriage can provide a huge boost to personal happiness. Today’s guest Arlene Pellicane has written several books on how technology is impacting relationships, and today she shares tech habits that will help you and your marriage to thrive.       We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   The 1 habit that leads to a 99% marriage success rate  Simple to streamline your tech habits for more connection  Why today’s tech affects relationships differently than before  Research shows how marriage can impact happiness   Parenting tips to break unhealthy tech habits and get your child back     *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “If we seek God and His guidance, He’s always going to have an answer.” Dr. Kim Kimberling  “Is technology bringing you closer together? Or causing you to grow farther apart.”  - Arlene Pellicane  “We're missing all these little times to connect. That’s why you feel disconnected.”  - Arlene Pellicane  “You have to prepare to be unpopular, because as a parent, it’s your job to protect your child.”  - Arlene Pellicane    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  If you need help with family tech habits, DO NOT miss Arlene’s books on the topic.  National Marriage Week is each February 7-14th – and their great marriage building resources are available all year long! Learn more and support the mission on the WEB, FACEBOOK, X (TWITTER) or INSTAGRAM ! Learn more about what boundaries can do for your marriage in Dr. Kim’s free Building Healthy Boundaries Webinar. Learn more here!  What could 1 intentional weekend do for you and your spouse? Find out when you take on our Marriage Weekend Challenge! Click to learn more! Don’t let screens come between you: Use our free 17 Questions Every Couple Should Ask About Tech printable to get on the same page! Marriage Multiplier is a quick and highly practical weekly email to help you invest in your marriage. CLICK HERE to learn more!
8/30/202454 minutes, 54 seconds
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Tech Boundaries Your Marriage Needs | Ep. 635

8/27/202437 minutes, 18 seconds
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Help! My Marriage Feels Out of Control | Ep. 634

8/23/202435 minutes, 58 seconds
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Is it Too Late To Save My Marriage? | Ep. 633

8/20/202435 minutes, 4 seconds
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Is Everyone Else Happier Than Me? with Sarah Bragg | Ep. 632

We’ve all wondered at some point … is everyone else living a better life? It looks like they might be, and social media only seems to confirm it!  That’s why we’re delighted to bring you Dr. Kim’s conversation with today’s guest, Sarah Bragg, of the Surviving Sarah podcast. In today’s episode, we’ll hear Sarah’s take on feeling “stuck” in life, how to become happier, and steps to overcome the idea that someone else’s life is better than yours.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:   Why we face the questions that keep us up at night  Practical strategies for when you feel stuck in life How to deal with experiencing grief in midlife  Guardrails to protect yourself from the effects of comparison   Staving off the effects of unhappiness in your marriage    Our Couples Conversation Guide helps you apply each episode’s content. Click here to get each week’s guide! *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “We can look back and see where we’ve been. But when we look forward we don’t know what it’s going to look like.” - Sarah Bragg  “When we keep it inside, it grows. It feels bigger than it really is.”  - Sarah Bragg  “We all grieve in different ways, over different things.” Dr. Kim Kimberling   “It’s okay to just keep showing up and trying.” - Sarah Bragg  “In this age of social media, it’s nothing but compare and compete.”  - Sarah Bragg  “Connection is the root of happiness.” - Sarah Bragg  MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:   Order Sarah’s book, Is Everyone Happier Than Me?  Listen to the Surviving Sarah podcast and find more from Sarah on her website &  @SarahWBragg on Instagram! Don’t let screens come between you: Use our free 17 Questions Every Couple Should Ask About Tech printable to get on the same page!  Our Couples Conversation Guide helps you apply each episode’s content. Click here to get each week’s guide!
8/16/202442 minutes
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Why Get Married? The Health Benefits of Marriage | Ep. 631

Did you know that marriage can be good for you? Marriage is not always viewed as the gift from God that it actually is, but He has designed this relationship to provide some *amazing* benefits to both spouses.  Today Dr. Kim is sharing several of the ways a healthy marriage supports health and wellness for you, your spouse and your family. Tune in to learn more!  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   The benefits of a good marriage for mental and physical health Health effects on kids and families The damaging effects of loneliness - even in marriage  Steps you can take to combat loneliness  Hidden benefits of the process of working on things you need to work on  Our Couples Conversation Guide helps you apply each episode’s content. To get each week’s guide click here to subscribe! *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “There’s all kinds of incentives to work on your marriage, and this is one of them: If you have a healthy marriage, you have a healthier, longer life.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “We hear about so much depression; so much anxiety. Everybody’s under stress. Marriage can help your mental health.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “I was out of my comfort zone, and any time you do that is uncomfortable, but on the other side there might be something really helpful.” - Lindsay Few    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:   Don’t let screens come between you: Use our free 17 Questions Every Couple Should Ask About Tech printable to get on the same page!  Life’s unpredictable. Build a solid foundation for your marriage with 21 Prayers to Build an Awesome Marriage  Are you ready to join the mission? Our Marriage Changers exist because a world full of awesome marriages can change the world! Learn more HERE  Our Couples Conversation Guide helps you apply each episode’s content. To get each week’s guide click here to subscribe! We are here to help! Email [email protected] any time.  Our Healthy Self / Healthy Marriage Podcast Series goes deeper:  Why Does Physical Health Matter In Marriage? | Ep. 520 The Connection Between Emotional & Spiritual Health | Ep. 521 Mental Health & Your Marriage | Ep. 522 Answering Listener Questions | Ep. 523  
8/13/202439 minutes, 7 seconds
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Why Get Married? Biblical Purposes for Marriage | Ep. 630

Does marriage still matter in this day and age? We say a resounding yes!    Marriage was designed by God, and there are several purposes the Bible gives for why marriage matters. Today we’re digging into what Scripture says about the value of marriage. Tune in to learn God’s purposes for the marriage relationship, and why they matter in your marriage! We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:    Dr. Kim’s list of biblical purposes for marriage Several ideas for what it means to “be fruitful” in marriage  The power of a marriage model - and tips on how to find one  The ripple effect of an intentional marriage Ways your marriage can be a light in our dark world    Our Couples Conversation Guide helps you apply each episode’s content. To get each new guide, click here to subscribe!   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “No marriage is perfect. But if you’re a couple steps ahead, you’ve navigated some things that others haven’t.” - Lindsay Few   “My dream for the marriage changers is that they’re learning, growing and passing that on.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “Prayer has had such an impact on our marriage. When God answers prayer like He does, we want to tell everybody what He’s done!” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  The things God calls us to do bring glory to God. They bring us joy, life and peace, and they also bring light and encouragement to others.” - Lindsay Few  “Yes, it’s hard at times. Yes, there are things you have to work through. But the big picture result is worth it.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling   MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Don’t let screens come between you: Use our free 17 Questions Every Couple Should Ask About Tech printable to get on the same page!  Life’s unpredictable. Build a solid foundation for your marriage with 21 Prayers to Build an Awesome Marriage  We are here to help! Email [email protected] any time.  Are you ready to join the mission? Our Marriage Changers exist because a world full of awesome marriages can change the world! Learn more HERE  Our Couples Conversation Guide helps you apply each episode’s content. You’ll get each new guide when you click here to subscribe!  
8/6/202436 minutes
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Hope for Marriage in Today's Culture with Gabrielle McCullough | Ep. 629

Is it harder to live a faithful life today than in times past? Today’s world does provide some unique challenges that couples face, but there are also unique opportunities. Today’s conversation with Gabrielle McCullough sheds light on some of the ways today’s world can be deeply impacted by Jesus and the effects of our faith can have on marriage.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:   Unique challenges and unique opportunities for faith in Gen Z 3 questions for biblical accountability  A challenge to help you find your place in the local church The impact of following Jesus on every aspect of life  Why the local church is still relevant and needed today     *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  QUOTES  “Following Jesus impacts every area of your life.” - Gabrielle McCullough  “We follow Jesus because he has our hearts. There’s an obedience that is compelled that isn’t out of drudgery but out of true delight.” - Gabrielle McCullough  “They want something that’s authentic. That excites me about my generation.” - Gabrielle McCullough  There’s a beauty in asking, ‘how can I serve the church?’ instead of asking how others can serve me.” - Gabrielle McCullough  “As Christians, our responsibility is to love people the way Christ loves them; with love and with truth.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling   “If marriages can be healthy and strong, what a testament to the world of who Jesus is and the way he fights for his Bride.” - Gabrielle McCullough   MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Find Gabrielle on Instagram, TikTok, and on her website   The Christmas in July Sale is on at Awesome Marriage University and that means you get 30% ANY and ALL of our online marriage courses! BROWSE our course offerings to find which one your marriage needs and use the code JULY at checkout!  Our 5 Days to Deeper Emotional Intimacy digital resource provides practical steps to understand and share your emotions, and to work together to grow your emotional intimacy…and it’s our gift to you for your donation of any amount. 
7/30/202454 minutes, 28 seconds
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Help for the Insecure Spouse | Ep. 628

Has you or your spouse’s insecurity affected your marriage? We’re all insecure about something, and the way we see ourselves will end up spilling over into the way we relate to others. Nowhere is this more likely to happen than in marriage.  In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina share  ways to address your insecurity and your spouse’s insecurity, including a surprising way Dr. Kim has learned to turn his weaknesses to strengths. Tune in for wisdom and practical tips.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   How insecurity affects a marriage  Advice if your spouse’s insecurity is weighing you down  Advice if your OWN insecurity weighs you down  Practical steps to overcome insecurity  How to fight back against your insecurities   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “How you view yourself absolutely affects how you’re going to interact with others.” - Christina Dodson  “I think the role of the spouse is to build each other up. Your marriage should be your safest place, next to your relationship with God.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “Perfection is not what God expects from you, nor should anyone else be expecting it from you.” - Christina Dodson  “You begin to believe the things God says about you and who you are in Christ, and that changes your countenance. You will look like a different person.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “There’s less holding you back if you’re not weighed down by your insecurities. There’s more joy, more abundance, freedom to enjoy life together. ” - Christina Dodson  “One thing God does so well for us is he loves us right where we are. Our goal is to love our spouse right where they are.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling   “You can’t take it over. You can’t fix it for them. But you can come alongside and do what God wants you to do.” -  Dr. Kim Kimberling  “No one is thinking about you as much as you’re thinking about you. To me, that’s really freeing!” - Christina Dodson    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Our 5 Days to Deeper Emotional Intimacy digital resource provides practical steps to understand and share your emotions, and to work together to grow your emotional intimacy…and it’s our gift to you for your donation of any amount. The Christmas in July Sale is on at Awesome Marriage University and that means you get 30% OFF ANY and ALL of our online marriage courses! BROWSE our course offerings to find which one your marriage needs and use the code JULY at checkout!
7/23/202433 minutes, 5 seconds
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Deepen The Emotional Intimacy in Your Marriage | Ep. 627

Want better connection with your spouse? One thing we hear a lot from couples is that they don’t feel close to each other or that their relationship feels like it’s missing some depth. That’s why today we’re re-airing this episode from Dr. Kim and Christina that talks all about emotional intimacy and gives you ideas of practical ways to deepen the emotional intimacy in your marriage.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:   What is emotional intimacy, and why does it matter?  Warning signs you need to grow in this area  Emotional intimacy killers to avoid   Tips to start working on this - alone, and together    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “It is hard work knowing someone. You have to pay attention. It takes work to be intimate.” - Christina Dodson  “Laziness and business are going to block your intimacy, so we have to fight against those things.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “Give yourself opportunities to connect.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “It adds value to my marriage for me to have a relationship with my friends, just like it benefits our marriage that he has guy friends.” - Christina Dodson  “You could have had the best childhood in the world and you still have baggage because we’re human. That’s okay, and you can deal with that.” - Christina Dodson  “You can’t be emotionally intimate with your spouse if you aren’t aware of your own emotions.” - Christina Dodson  MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Our 5 Days to Deeper Emotional Intimacy digital resource provides practical steps to understand and share your emotions, and to work together to grow your emotional intimacy…and it’s our gift to you for your donation of any amount.  Your marriage can only be as healthy as the two of you are. The Bible says, “Let us examine our ways and test them and let us return to the Lord” (Lamentations 3:40). Our new Self Check-In Guide will help you do just that!  Print out this Feelings Chart and use it to help you talk about your emotions. Our Questions To Help Your Spouse Open Up resource is a simple way to help build the closeness between you and your spouseAccountability is a biblical and helpful tool for growing in holiness.  
7/16/202434 minutes, 42 seconds
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Gospel Truth for Your Marriage with Willie Robertson | Ep. 626

What is a “gospeler”?   It’s probably a lot simpler than you think! It is something that will certainly impact you and your marriage, but also has the potential to have a huge impact on others around you.  Today Willie Robertson shares  how one person sharing the Gospel impacted thousands, starting with his family, and he explains just how simple it can be to begin to care enough for others to share the Gospel with them.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:    Gospel genealogy & the ripple effect one conversation can have  The Biblical basis for this kind of conversation  Where to start if you don’t know where to start  Advice for parents to share their faith in parenting  Different ways to approach sharing your faith    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “When you’re active in sharing your faith, it takes care of a lot of other things for you as well.” - Willie Robertston “The great commission was for all of us.” - Willie Robertston “Make disciples, baptize people, teach people; you’re not going to do any of those 3 unless you open your mouth.” - Willie Robertston “It starts with caring about people.” - Willie Robertston “You start learning the Word, you’ll start standing out in the crowd.” - Willie Robertston   MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Order Willie’s new book, Gospeler today!  Find more from Willie at and  Our 5 Days to Deeper Emotional Intimacy digital resource provides practical steps to understand and share your emotions, and to work together to grow your emotional intimacy…and it’s our gift to you for your donation of any amount.   
7/12/202454 minutes, 19 seconds
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Worth Repeating | Intimacy VS Control - You Can't Have Both | Ep. 625

Are you ever a bit too helpful in your marriage? Do you find yourself frustrated with the way your spouse responds to you?  You may be trying to control your spouse by “helping” even if you don’t mean to!  Today Laura Doyle from the Empowered Wife Podcast joins Dr. Kim to teach us some ways to shift our marriage culture - without resorting to control tactics. Tune in to learn how!  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   Empowering ways to shift the culture of your marriage, even if your spouse isn’t on board “Cheat phrases” to help you shift from controlling tendencies to deeper intimacy    The unexpected lesson of sitting down with your spouse and getting nothing done!    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Find more of Laura’s content, including her free Empowered Wife Road Map on her website Check out Laura’s book, the Empowered Wife! Our 5 Days to Deeper Emotional Intimacy digital resource provides practical steps to understand and share your emotions, and to work together to grow your emotional intimacy…and it’s our gift to you for your donation of any amount. 
7/9/202447 minutes, 4 seconds
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Love Your Spouse...As You Love Yourself? with Bryan Crum | Ep. 623

Most of us deal with self doubt, regret, and feelings of not measuring up. But learning to love ourselves properly means learning to see ourselves as God does, and it allows us to love others more freely and graciously.    Today, Bryan Crum will help you step away from nagging self doubts and into a solid biblical perspective. Give your marriage the gift of seeing yourself and your spouse through God’s eyes.   We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   Unexpected lessons learned from people who are facing their mortality  Why is it hard to accept loving and valuing ourselves properly?  Rewriting negative messages we’ve learned  Ideas to break away from self-doubt  Why relationships are needed to help us learn to love ourselves    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “I’m on a mission to help people fall in love with God’s greatest creation; and that’s us.” - Bryan Crum  “We all want to know our time on this earth means something.” - Bryan Crum  “I’ve discovered 2 truths about living: 1. We’re priceless. 2. For some reason, we’ve forgotten that truth.” - Bryan Crum  “We interact with people every day but we don’t always treat them like they are valuable.” - Bryan Crum  “When we acknowledge the truth of what we’re worth, we’re acknowledging a truth heaven knows well.” - Bryan Crum  “The first step is to stop comparing ourselves to each other.” - Bryan Crum  “There's power in giving each other the benefit of the doubt.”   - Bryan Crum  “Giving each other grace is a small step that covers a lot of distance.” - Bryan Crum  “Marriage is promising each other that we’re all-in. We’ve got to make the conscious choice to say, ‘I’m still here.’”  - Bryan Crum  MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  If your marriage is doing okay but could use a jumpstart, then this 5 Week Marriage Refresher Challenge is for you!  Find more from Bryan HERE Order Bryan’s book, Neighbor, Love Yourself HERE    
6/21/202442 minutes, 41 seconds
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How Does the Bible Say to Handle Conflict? With Donna Jones | Ep. 624

Conflict is no one’s favorite, but it is an inevitable part of life. And today Donna Jones teaches us why it’s nothing to be afraid of by busting some of the most common misunderstandings that lead to conflict avoidance, and providing a biblical roadmap to handle conflict in a healthy way.  Tune in to learn more about approaching conflict in a healthy, biblical way.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   The biggest mistakes most couples make in conflict  The trick to de-escalate in the heat of the moment.  The inner characteristics that build better conflict habits  Help to break conflict patterns in your marriage  The healthy way to apologize well   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “When we handle conflict in a healthy way, the outcome is peace. Peace between us and who we have conflict with; peace in our own souls.” - Donna Jones  “When we are in conflict, it literally affects everything about us. We function, but on the inside, we’re torn to pieces.” - Donna Jones  “The reason so many of us think conflict is bad, is that we never learned to see how conflict can turn out good.”  - Donna Jones  “When we have conflict, we tend to think it means 1 of 3 things: There’s something wrong with you; there’s something wrong with me, or there’s something wrong with us. But conflict doesn’t mean that.” - Donna Jones  “No relationship can survive an atmosphere of disrespect over the long haul.”  - Donna Jones  “The most important thing is not an act, it’s an attitude: Humility.”  - Donna Jones  “If you want to know how strong a person really is, look for humility.” - Donna Jones  MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Order Donna’s book Healthy Conflict, Peaceful Life today!  Find Donna on her website, on Instagram @DonnaAJones or Facebook @donnajonesspeak/ For more help to break the conflict cycle, sign up for Dr. Kim’s “8 Guidelines for Fighting Fair Webinar” If your marriage is feeling a bit blah, the Marriage Refresher is the jumpstart you need to bring fresh life into your marriage!
6/19/202458 minutes, 5 seconds
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Gaslighting & Narcissism Q & A | Ep. 622

We have gotten a lot of questions about gaslighting and narcissism, and today Dr. Kim is answering. This topic is layered and one podcast episode cannot take the place of more in-depth interventions, but we can offer helpful and hopeful next steps. In today’s episode we’re covering how to know what constitutes abuse versus the sin nature we all struggle with. Listen for    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   Marriage counseling doesn’t work with abusers – So what does? Can a marriage recover after long-term gaslighting?  How to diagnose abuse using the power and control wheel Does the “gray rock” strategy work in marriage?   Reasons why emotional abuse is often dismissed    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “Narcissism is all about power and control. Neither of those have a place in marriage at all.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “I don't think God expects anyone to live in an abusive situation. In many ways, it’s as much a violation of vows as adultery is to not take seriously your vow to love and cherish your spouse.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “You deserve to be safe.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “If you look at the message of the BIble, you can’t defend any type of abuse, for any person, ever.”  - Lindsay Few  “The goal would be repentance and reconciliation.” - Lindsay Few   “The reason a lot of people minimize emotional abuse because they haven’t seen it.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “I’ve seen people who gaslight and don't really understand what they’ve been doing.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “Nobody’s uplifted or brought closer to Christ through manipulative behaviors.” - Lindsay Few    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  The Power and Control Wheel is helpful to understand what constitutes abuse  If your marriage is doing okay but could use a jumpstart, then this 5 Week Marriage Refresher Challenge is for you!  Past episodes on the topic:  Gaslighting in Marriage  Accidental Gaslighting  When is Enough Enough? With Dr. David E. Clarke  Recent series with Kathy’s Story  Escaping an Emotionally Abusive Marriage: Kathy’s Story | Ep. 608 Escaping an Emotionally Abusive Marriage Part 2: Seeking Church Support | Kathy’s Story Ep. 609 Escaping an Emotionally Abusive Marriage Part 3: Help to Get Out and Get Safe | Ep. 610
6/18/202450 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Find Purpose As a Dad with Kent Evans | Ep. 621

Is there a war on fathers? Our guest on today’s podcast thinks so. The impact of fathers on their kids is so valuable, yet it’s incredibly difficult to know how to engage purposefully in the process of parenting.    If you’ve had a hand in raising kids, you already know that parenting is not for the faint of heart! That’s why we are so thankful to share today’s episode and Kent Evans’ practical advice and encouragement for dads. Kent Evans is a wise and helpful mentor for dads who are searching for their purpose in parenting. Listen and learn Kent’s simple, practical tips for dads and moms alike.    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   What prevents dads from being confident to engage in fatherhood?  The reasons why your kids need an imperfect dad  Advice for the dad who feels like it’s too late to start to engage well   Steps to growing in your purpose as a dad  Advice for the wife who wants her husband to engage  An incredible tip for finding friends & community    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “Satan wants us to take us out of the fatherhood game by getting us to self-select and walk off the field.” - Kent Evans  “God wants to be known as a dad, therefore there’s a war on fathers.”  - Kent Evans  “My experience as a dad is that God can take care of the things I mess up.” - Dr. Kim  “Even if we could be perfect, it would not be beneficial. It would deprive them of the example of how to fall off the horse then get back on.” - Kent Evans  There are few things more motivating to a man than the praise of his wife, but it’s multiplied by an exponent when she does it in front of the children.” - Kent Evans  “I didn’t get it right. I didn’t do it perfectly, but God took my loaves and fishes and they landed as nourishment.”   MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Grab Kent’s great tools for dads at Listen to the Father on Purpose Podcast  With the Creative Questions Bundle you will NOT lack for great conversation topics! Get all the details here!  Sign up here to get the Couple’s Conversation Guide for each episode!
6/14/202459 minutes, 7 seconds
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Help to Get Out of A Marriage Rut | Ep. 620

Marriage doesn’t have to get boring … but for too many couples, it has. If you’re ready to break out of the routine and restore the joy in your marriage, this one's for you!    Listen for ways to have more interesting and connective conversations, new ideas of things to try, and how to avoid common mistakes that keep couples from enjoying their marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   Better questions to ask for better conversations 2 common mistakes that keep couples from having fun together  Several ideas for fun things to try  For Dr. Kim’s bullet point list of steps, sign up for the Conversation Guide   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “When we’re dating our future wife, we guys up our game.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “We loved our time with our kids, but we realized we also had to be intentional about our marriage.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “You have to give yourself time to do the fun stuff. The mundane will still be there when you’re done.” - Lindsay Few    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  With the Creative Questions Bundle you will NOT lack for great conversation topics! Get all the details here!  Check in on your marriage each week with our Weekly Check In Guide to keep your connection strong Sign up here to get the Couple’s Conversation Guide for each episode! Questions to Help Your Spouse Open Up Is there a marriage resource you need us to make? Tell us your idea!  Arlene Pellicane will be on the podcast later this summer. She has written some great books on tech in the family!  Cool, Calm and Connected: 5 Digital Habits for a More Balanced Life Growing Up Social: Raising Relational Kids in a Screen-Driven World Screen Kids: 5 Skills Every Child Needs in a Tech-Driven World  
6/11/202436 minutes, 28 seconds
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How to Reconnect a Disconnected Marriage | Ep. 619

Do you ever feel like you and your spouse are two ships passing in the night? Strangers living under the same roof? Business partners executing the plans you’ve made for your kids and household? Then you’re in a disconnected marriage. The marriage relationship should nurture both spouses. If you’ve lost the connection in your marriage, or just want to step up from where you are right now, tune in today to learn the practical steps for reconnecting.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   Why do couples disconnect?  The steps to reconnection A helpful source for fun marriage ideas and resources    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  QUOTES  “Little tweaks can make such a difference.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “Living separate lives is not going to get you a connected, fun marriage.” Christina Dodson  “We weren’t always there but we chose to stay in the marriage and work through things. It’s worth it.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “You can continue to grow, but you have to work at it.”   - Dr. Kim Kimberling    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Check in on your marriage each week with our Weekly Check In Guide to keep your connection strong Creative Questions Bundle Sign up here to get the Couple’s Conversation Guide for each episode! The Sex Talk course equips you to teach your kids about sex in a biblical, God-honoring way  
6/7/202436 minutes, 28 seconds
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6 Communication Tips for Tough Times | Ep. 618

If your marriage communication is a struggle, you are NOT alone. So many marriage issues come back to communication, and if your communication is awesome, your marriage will be too! But most of us will have some trouble with communicating well with our spouse, and it’s the biggest issue couples ask us for help with. That’s why today we’re equipping you with 6 tips to communicate well in the good times and in the bad.    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   How to talk so your spouse can listen  Use the “title page” trick to help your spouse listen to you  Dr. Kim’s 6 tips to communicate well How to find a good counselor if you need one  How to restart the openness & honesty in your marriage    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “I think what happens for guys is that when we’re dating our future wife, we up our game.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “It’s hard for me to put my thoughts and feelings into succinct words.I can easily ramble on… but that doesn’t make for good communication.” - Lindsay Few  “The bottom line is you want them to hear what you’re saying, so how do you best communicate in a way that they’re going to hear it?”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “If you’re going through a hard time, call it that. Work together to reclaim your time and energy.” - Lindsay Few  “We can’t give away every piece of our heart, mind, time and energy to things that drain the life out of us.” - Lindsay Few  MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Get the Couple’s Conversation Guide for each episode by signing up here!  The Sex Talk course equips you to teach your kids about sex in a biblical, God-honoring way Dr. Kim’s blogs on questions to ask your counselor: 4 Qualities Your Christian Counselor Needs 3 Things A Counselor Needs To Believe to Help Your Marriage   3 Mistakes Couples Make When They Try Counseling Our FREE Weekly Check In Guide helps with regular communication  Making Your Marriage a Refuge with Special Guest Gary Thomas Ep. 530 Achieving Awesome Communication in Marriage YouVersion Plan
6/4/202443 minutes, 9 seconds
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Why Things That Don't Matter, Matter Deeply With Charlie & Andi Ashworth | Ep. 617

It often feels like the world around us is too broken. Where would you even start if you wanted to try and fix it? On the podcast today, Charlie and Andi Ashworth answer this question, and thankfully their answer is much simpler and more doable than it might seem.  The Ashworths have spent decades sharing their creative gifts and encouraging others to do the same, and in today’s episode they artfully equip you to take small steps toward creativity, community, and reflecting the light of God’s love, right where you are.  Don’t miss this bonus episode!  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   How should Christians engage with culture?  A call for culture making - and how simple it is to actually do it  Why the small things matter - and how to use them for good in your life Hope for becoming the remedy to the loneliness epidemic How to balance the desire for creativity and the need to get things done   Battling the dis-integration of “mundane” versus doing things we like    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES “We make less and less meaning of everything now, because it’s happening so fast and we’re receiving so much information.” - Charlie Ashworth “There’s no small people; there’s no small things. Everything matters.”  - Charlie Ashworth “We don’t know the stories that will continue after we do.” - Andi Ashworth  “If all of life matters to God, then all of life matters to us.” - Andi Ashworth  “We want a formula … but it is a process.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling   “Based on your faith in Christ, what kind of culture are you making? Are you contributing good? Or are you contributing negativity?” - Charlie Ashworth   “It’s antithetical to the word of God and to creation itself to think that we as people of God are somehow standing outside of it. It actually creates an ‘us’ versus ‘them’ mentality that is so unhealthy.” - Charlie Ashworth   “Start with where you're at: You're actually getting up and making culture every day.” - Andi Ashworth “As an artist, maturity looks like a seamless integration of a diversity of creativity over time.” - Charlie Peacock  MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Charlie and Andi’s book, Why Everything That Doesn't Matter, Matters So Much: The Way of Love in a World of Hurt Find more from the Ashworths on their website:  Andy Crouch’s book Culture Making  Learn 7 reasons why your sex life may not be where you want it to be, and how to get it there! Sign up here for the 9 Ways to Improve Your Sex Life Webinar   
5/31/20241 hour, 4 minutes, 37 seconds
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How to Heal and Rebuild After Trust is Broken | Ep. 616

Your marriage needs trust in order to be healthy. Without it, your connection with your spouse will fade, and you’ll experience more conflict and tension, and less of the closeness and intimacy marriage is meant to have. Don’t stay stuck like this! Turn things around by closing the trust gaps between you and your spouse and make your marriage a safe refuge for both of you.    Episode highlights include:   Areas where you might not realize you lack trust   How to address it effectively with your spouse - without blaming  How to have grace in the rebuilding process Tips to building financial trust Practical tips to become more trustworthy with completing tasks    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  QUOTES  “Without trust in a marriage, the marriage just crumbles.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling   “We don’t realize how valuable trust is until it’s broken.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “Trust can be unique to the person and the situation.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “We have to own what’s driving our trust-breaking behavior.” - Lindsay Few “The budget isn’t a prison, it’s a plan. But sometimes it will be uncomfortable.” - Lindsay Few “The sooner you go to counseling, the sooner you’ll resolve your issues.” - Lindsay Few “If you get stuck, you don’t have to stay stuck.”  - Lindsay Few “Your spouse may make some mistakes, so look for Jesus in your spouse.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “I felt like he should trust me … but my action was not giving him anything to trust.” - Lindsay Few    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Sign up HERE to get the Couple’s Conversation Guide for each week’s new episode  We are bombarded with negative messages about marriage. FIGHT BACK with our Reframing Challenge If your marriage has been damaged by porn, the 5 Steps to Healing After Porn Betrayal webinar is a great first step to healing. Learn more or grab your spot here.   Warm Up Your Marriage (Past Episode)   
5/28/202445 minutes, 20 seconds
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Answering Listener Sex Questions | Ep. 615

Today we answer some of the most frequently asked questions we hear about sex. Dr. Kim and Christina covered this on an episode in 2021, and we’ve distilled their conversation into the most timeless and practical answers to common sex questions.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.   Episode highlights include:   How often is “normal”? Dealing with dead sex drive  Is oral sex ok in marriage? What about anal?  Is there such thing as too much sex when trying to conceive?  How to start talking to your kids about sex  What do do if your spouse withholds sex   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “Guys, you have to continue to be romantic.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “I wanted my kids to talk to me about sex before they went to a friend or read it on a bathroom wall or a magazine. You want that door to be open.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “You need to honor each other and respect each other’s body to honor God in marriage.” - Christina Dodson “Guys, if you please your wife first, does it really matter when you orgasm? There's this unspoken pressure.” - Christina Dodson  “There’s always an answer. I’ve never had a couple we couldn’t figure out an answer for.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Stay at the comfort level of the one who is least comfortable. If you do that, you’re going to be ok.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Sign up HERE to get the Couple’s Conversation Guide for each week’s new episode  Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier is a quick weekly email with actionable insights to grow your marriage. Sign up HERE!  Resources we recommend for starting the sex conversation with your spouse Celebration of Sex Lovemaking Survey Resources we recommend for talking to your kids about sex:  Don’t Mom Alone Podcast Ep 328  Full Set - God's Design for Sex Series: Revised and Updated Edition by Stan Jones, Brenna Jones  We’re delighted to partner with The Sex Talk, an excellent online course to help you navigate this topic well   
5/24/202438 minutes, 18 seconds
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Types of Trust Every Marriage Needs | Ep. 614

Trust in marriage is not one-size-fits all. There are many areas where your marriage needs trust in order to thrive, and some might matter to your spouse more than they do to you, and vice versa. So today we’re talking about how to navigate any trust gaps you may have with your spouse, how to start the conversation about it, and rebuild what’s been broken so you both feel more connected and secure in your marriage.   We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   Several types of trust marriages need, and why they matter The side effects of missing trust  Simple steps to catch a trust slip-up so that trust is not broken Specific trust-killers you need to avoid  How to build trust - and keep it   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “It helps to build trust if you accept me as I am, not as you wish I would be.” - Lindsay Few  “I may not even be aware if I did something that affected the trust, and I want to know.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “If it’s important to her and it keeps coming up, I want her to tell me about it.” Dr. Kim Kimberling  “I’d be so offended when he didn’t trust me, but when I think about the reality, I wasn’t trustworthy.” - Lindsay Few  “Trust is between two people. It’s not just your perception of yourself.” - Lindsay Few  “It’s not like we quit making mistakes, it’s just that we handle them differently now.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling  MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  What would happen if you took the next 4 weeks to reframe your spouse and your marriage with a biblical approach? Cultivate a better perspective – and a better marriage, with our Reframing Challenge Sign up HERE to get the Couple’s Conversation Guide for each week’s new episode  Does your sex life need a reboot? Improve your sex life with our Locking Lips Kissing Game!  If your marriage has been damaged by porn, the Marriage Undefiled Online Course provides a path to rebuild trust and repair your marriage.   Click HERE to get the Couple’s Conversation Guide for each week’s new episode!  The free printable Weekly Check Up is a simple way to keep short accounts and keep building trust.
5/21/202435 minutes, 57 seconds
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Lust vs Desire: What's the Difference? | Ep. 613

Does lust have a place in marriage? What sets it apart from sexual desire? Today we’re working through the reasons this question matters for your marriage, and how to have a marriage that glorifies God in every aspect, including how you steward your sexual desires.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:    Defining the difference between lust and desire, biblically  The godly purposes for sexual desire in marriage Specific reasons why misused sexual desire is destructive  How to maintain purity in marriage  Why porn affects your marriage even if your spouse doesn’t know you use it   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  QUOTES  “Lust is more about what you see, what you’re attracted to and what it can do for you.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “In the Bible, it’s not like they lived in a Puritanical culture at that time. No, it was probably every bit as bad…we just access things in a different way now.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “If we look at Scripture, lust was never mentioned in a positive light.” - Lindsay Few  “We won’t ever clear that bar, but he’s taken care of it through his life, death and resurrection, so there is grace and forgiveness.” - Lindsay Few  “The best sex is within the context of a Christian marriage.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “If it’s reduced to that ‘just get it over with’ kind of situation, whoa. Red flag. The goal is not just to satisfy the urge, the goal is mutual enjoyment, pleasure, connection and building of the marriage.” - Lindsay Few “Vulnerability is uncomfortable, but it can lead you to prevent something a lot more painful.” - Lindsay Few    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:   If your marriage has been damaged by porn, our free  5 Steps to Healing After Porn Betrayal webinar with Dr. Kim is a great first step toward healing Our Marriage Undefiled Online Course with Matt Cline takes a deeper look at ways to heal and restore your marriage  Sign up HERE to get the Couple’s Conversation Guide for each week’s new episode  Getting Your Sex Life Off To A Great Start by Cliff & Joyce Penner The Gift of Sex by Cliff & Joyce Penner The Best Way to Affair Proof Your Marriage (Past Episode)  Does your sex life need a reboot? Improve your sex life with our Locking Lips Kissing Game!   
5/14/202447 minutes, 12 seconds
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How to Handle Mismatched Sex Drives in Marriage | Ep. 612

Most couples are not going to be completely aligned with sex drive. There are a lot of factors that  can cause this, but there are also a lot of solutions! Today we want to equip you to have a productive approach to making your sex life the best it can be in marriage.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   Why is it so hard to have a productive conversation about sex?  Should the lower-drive spouse “just do it” for the spouse’s sake? Why or why not?  Why respecting your wife’s drive level helps her feel sexy  Ways to respect your spouse’s drive    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  What would happen if you took the next 4 weeks to reframe your spouse and your marriage with a biblical approach? Learn how to have a better perspective – and a better marriage, with our Reframing Challenge Does your sex life need a reboot? Improve your sex life with our Locking Lips Kissing Game!  If your marriage has been damaged by porn, the Marriage Undefiled Online Course provides a path to rebuild trust and repair your marriage.   Click HERE to get the Couple’s Conversation Guide for each week’s new episode!   
5/7/202444 minutes, 17 seconds
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Breaking Generational Cycles For a Healthy Marriage with Kristen Hallinan | Ep. 611

Do you hope to break generational patterns of pain? Are childhood hurts haunting your marriage? Today’s guest Kristen Hallinan is a writer and speaker, and today she helps you see how to identify and break generational patterns to find hope, healing and redemption. We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:    How your past trauma can affects your current reactions  What makes it so hard to break cycles  Red flags of unhealthy family dynamics  How to work with God to find his redemption  Steps to making a redemption plan for your marriage    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  QUOTES “It can be easy to say, ‘Why didn’t I know better?’ You didn’t know better because that’s all you knew.” - Kristen Hallinan  “The more I’ve gotten to know who God is, the more I understand who I am.”- Kristen Hallinan  “I used to believe if I just tried hard enough, I could grow up and create this perfect family.” - Kristen Hallinan  MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Sign up HERE to get the Couple’s Conversation Guide for each week’s new episode  Learn more about how to make your marriage conflict healthy by joining Dr. Kim for the 8 Guidelines for Fighting Fair Webinar  Dr. Kim recommends the book, The Body Keeps the Score  Grab Kristen’s book, Legacy Changer for more great info on the topic Follow Kristen on Instagram and check out her website
4/30/202439 minutes, 39 seconds
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Escaping an Emotionally Abusive Marriage Part 3: Help to Get Out and Get Safe | Ep. 610

Today we are sharing the final episode with Kathy McAtee Young and her story of finding safety after decades in an abusive marriage. In this episode Kathy shares some of the barriers that prevent spouses in abusive marriages from seeking safety and help, ways to begin moving out of the abusive relationship, and the ways healing begins afterward.    Don’t miss the conclusion to Kathy’s story. We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   Reasons that abused spouse don’t trust their own judgment Steps to get out of an abusive marriage Is it ever appropriate to intervene if you believe someone is being abused?  What the process of healing looks like after you get safe   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  QUOTES “One of the hallmarks of an unsafe relationship is confusion.” - Kathy McAtee Young   “God sees you. He cares. And he is faithful.” - Kathy McAtee Young  “We don’t want your pity. Compassion, yes. There is a difference.” - Kathy McAtee Young “Healing is a lifestyle, not a finish line.” - Kathy McAtee Young  “When you can name it, then you can process it.”  - Kathy McAtee Young MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline : 800-799-7233 Visit Kathy’s website to learn about the helpful resources and services she offers  Kathy can also be reached for coaching on Instagram  This previous episode explains a Biblical perspective on abuse Lies That Keep You With Your Abuser with Dr. David E Clarke | Ep. 541 
4/25/202448 minutes, 28 seconds
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Escaping an Emotionally Abusive Marriage Part 2: Seeking Church Support | Kathy’s Story Ep. 609

Today in Part 2 of Kathy’s story, Kathy shares the ways she sought support from the church when she realized her marriage was in trouble, the responses she received, and the effects that had on her marriage. In this episode Kathy shares why it’s not possible for the abused spouse to end the abuse, and the difference between biblical versus unbiblical advice about abuse.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:    Interventions the church put in place, and why they were not successful  The wake up moment that turned things around for Kathy  What is an appropriate response to spousal abuse?  The red flags that advice or counsel about abuse is unbiblical    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Red flags that advice or counsel about abuse is unbiblical  They won’t call out that abuse is abuse They will not call the abuse sin The safety of the abused spouse is not top priority  There is no call for repentance  They advise you to stay, regardless  Blaming the abused for the abuse QUOTES “There is one person responsible for abuse: It is the abuser.” - Kathy McAtee Young  “The Bible definitely commands forgiveness. It does not command reconciliation.”  - Kathy McAtee Young    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline : 800-799-7233 Visit Kathy’s website to learn about the helpful resources and services she offers  Kathy can also be reached for coaching on Instagram  This previous episode explains a Biblical perspective on abuse Lies That Keep You With Your Abuser with Dr. David E Clarke | Ep. 541 
4/24/202447 minutes, 8 seconds
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Escaping an Emotionally Abusive Marriage: Kathy’s Story | Ep. 608

When does an unhealthy marriage become an abusive marriage? Where can you go when you need to get out? In today’s episode we hear part 1 of Kathy’s real marriage story. Kathy shares how she came to believe that divorce was the most God-honoring option in her situation, and how she found safety after 30+ years in an emotionally abusive marriage.  We are so grateful to Kathy for generously sharing her story. We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   Dispelling myths about who falls into abuse  Why marriage counseling does not work in abusive marriages How Kathy learned her marriage was abusive Why she stayed as long as she did, and why she later divorced     *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  This previous episode defines a clear Biblical perspective on abuse: Lies That Keep You With Your Abuser with Dr. David E Clarke | Ep. 541    QUOTES “I want to debunk the myth that abused women are poorly educated, lower income, women who can easily be taken advantage of. That’s just not accurate.”  - Kathy McAtee Young  “Within the first year, I knew we had trouble…” - Kathy McAtee Young   “Marriage counseling does not work if there’s abuse involved. I know that now.” - Kathy McAtee Young  “Most people who are narcissists are really good at it.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “You have this idea that, ‘If she could fix all these things, then I wouldn’t be this way.’ That’s the blame shifting.” - Kathy McAtee Young  “The heart of abuse is power and control. Everything else is tactics.” - Kathy McAtee Young 
4/23/202439 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ground Rules to Help You Fight Fair & Make Up Well | Ep. 606

Do you fight fair, or do you wish there was a referee to call a stop to the foul play when you argue with your spouse? Ground rules are an important step toward having healthy marriage conflict, so today Dr. Kim will spell out how to make sure you’re fighting fair in your marriage. We want to empower you to fight fair, and resolve issues in a kind and loving way.  If you need help to fight fair and truly resolve issues without making things worse, you will love today’s conversation.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   The DOs and DON’Ts of fighting fair  The side effects of unhealthy conflict  A healthy way to “let it all out”  Can honesty go too far?  How do you know?  Tips to the reconnection process - how to make up well    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  QUOTES “We both learned we needed to reconnect and apologize, but sometimes we werent’ ready to take that step at the same time. We had to learn that somebody needs to take the step. It doesn’t really matter who started the fight or who was wrong.”  “Taking responsibility is huge. Owning your part in it, even if you think you only did 10%, you still did 10%.” “What are you sorry for? Be very specific in what you did and why you're taking responsibility.” “I say it a lot: One of the best gifts you can give your marriage is to learn how to resolve conflict.”  Forgiveness and apologies need to have no strings attached. It’s just that I choose to do this.  We’re not just trying to clear a slate so our spouse stops bugging us. Have you repented before the Lord? That’s where this starts.  We are accountable to Him before being accountable to our spouse. Did I just treat my spouse in the way He would have me treat them? If not, I need to take that up with Him    QUESTIONS FOR YOU When you really think about it, how did it affect your spouse when you had this conflict?  Repentance. Learning from the mistakes made and committing to work on them together.    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Learn more about how to make your marriage conflict healthy by joining Dr. Kim for the 8 Guidelines for Fighting Fair Webinar  Our Conflict Resolution Cheat Sheet is your quick guide to get marriage conflict on the right track.  If you’re ready to learn how to do conflict well, the Conflict Resolution Guide helps you diagnose the problem areas in your marriage, then learn the steps to resolve them.  TODAY is the last day for our 7 Most Popular Resource Bundle! Don’t miss the chance to get 7 of our most-loved resources for 1 donation of ANY amount in support of the ministry of Awesome Marriage! Get all the details here!    
4/16/202435 minutes, 33 seconds
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How to De Escalate Marriage Conflict & Resolve Issues | Ep. 605

Sick of the same old fights over and over with your spouse? Learn to de-escalate marriage fights and resolve issues in a healthy and helpful way. Conflict in marriage is inevitable, but the way you handle it is what matters most. Learning to deal with it well will benefit your marriage in so many ways! Tune in today to learn how.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:   Common conflict pitfalls to avoid The problem with “winning” marriage fights  Tips to help you break the fighting cycle What to do if one spouse is not ready to reconnect  DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Are you stuck in a conflict cycle? If so, work together to identify what’s triggering it.  Choose 1 tip from Dr. Kim’s list below that you will both agree to use this week.  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  QUOTES “When we try our best to avoid conflict, we’re not really equipping ourselves with the skills to handle it well.” - Lindsay Few  “Awareness gives you some insight that can really be useful.” Dr. Kim Kimberling  MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Learn more about how to make your marriage conflict healthy by joining Dr. Kim for the 8 Guidelines for Fighting Fair Webinar  Our Conflict Resolution Cheat Sheet is your quick guide to get marriage conflict on the right track.  If you’re ready to learn how to do conflict well, the Conflict Resolution Guide helps you diagnose the problem areas in your marriage, then learn the steps to resolve them.  It’s here! Our 7 Most Popular Resource Bundle is LIVE! That means you can get 7 of our most-loved marriage building resources by making 1 donation of ANY amount to support the ministry of Awesome Marriage! The bundle is available for a limited time only. Get all the details here!    
4/9/202448 minutes, 44 seconds
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Learn to Turn Conflict Into Connection with Dana Che Williams | Ep. 604

Learn how conflict can create a deeper connection between you and your spouse. Today’s special guest, marriage coach Dana Che is very open about the struggles her marriage faced. In today’s episode she shares her marriage story, what got them through, and how you can use the conflict you face in marriage to draw you toward deeper connection.    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   What we can learn from our conflict triggers How to deal with different conflict styles in marriage  Steps to break generational cycles in your marriage  The power of speaking life to our spouse and our marriage  How being emotionally unavailable tends to show up in husbands and in wives & what to do about it     *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  QUOTES “As a wife, I knew I couldn’t change my husband … but that didn’’ keep me from trying.” Dana Che  “When you actually engage in conflict, you can start to learn more about your spouse, what’s important to them.” -Dana Che   “You’ve got to feed the right things if you want to change the wrong things.” - Dana Che  “Just like you learned that bad behavior, you can unlearn it and learn something new.” Dana Che  “True repentance is visible.” Dana Che  “What we believe, we will begin to speak. What we speak, we will begin to behave.” Dana Che QUESTIONS FOR YOU What does your most recent marriage conflict reveal about what’s most valuable to you?     MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Find more from Dana at, where you can take her “Connection Check” quiz  Listen to the “Real Relationship Talk” podcast  Joining Marriage Changers now means you score a huge haul of marriage-building goods when our annual *7 Most-Popular Resource Bundle* goes live on April 2nd!   
3/22/202457 minutes, 57 seconds
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Should Christians Go To Counseling? With Jason VanRuler | Ep. 603

Why do Christians need counseling? Isn’t the Gospel enough to transform us? We hear these questions fairly often. Today Dr. Kim and special guest Jason VanRuler dive deeper into these questions and the conversation about the role of therapy and counseling in a life devoted to following Jesus. Don’t miss this helpful conversation! We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:   How often do clients have no idea that they haven’t gotten past their past?  Unexpected ways your past might be showing up & affecting your marriage today Updating the negative messages we believe about ourselves  The effect of vulnerability on our marriage connection  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES “Where there's a disconnect in relationships, it’s often a disconnect from the system we witnessed growing up and what we’re trying to make happen today.” - Jason VanRuler  “When we get comfortable, the old ways seep out to the surface.”  - Jason VanRuler  “Every time a client says a negative message about themselves, I ask, is that the message you think God gave you?”  - Jason VanRuler  “One of my great joys is working with people to eliminate distractions so they can focus on the truth and live the life God has called them to.”- Jason VanRuler  “If we want to feel connected and we’re not feeling connected, a lot of times that emotional intimacy and depth is the missing link.”  - Jason VanRuler  “When we get vulnerable and honest, it attracts intimacy from our partner and we have a different relationship.”  - Jason VanRuler  “The marriage we want is often on the other side of vulnerability. We just don’t often know how to get there.”- Jason VanRuler   QUESTIONS FOR YOU  Do you recognize any ways you haven’t gotten past your past?    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Get Jason’s book, Get Past Your Past  His site: If you’re ready to heal your marriage from p*rn, join us for the “5 Steps to Healing After P*rn Betrayal” LIVE webinar. Joining Marriage Changers now means you score a huge haul of marriage-building goods when our annual *7 Most-Popular Resource Bundle* goes live on April 2nd!  
3/19/202443 minutes, 59 seconds
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How to Become the Husband You Want to Be with Jim Ramos | Ep. 602

Are you a man living in the stress bubble? It’s when the years of marriage, career building and raising kids all happen at once. You’re figuring everything out, trying to be there for it all, and it. Is. Stressful. If you’re there, you want to hear from a godly dad who has been there.  We’re so happy to share this conversation with Jim Ramos. Jim’s wisdom and experience will equip and encourage you to be the husband and dad you want to be. Don’t miss this episode. We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   Jim defines the 4 phases of fatherhood  Advice for the dad who never had a role model to guide him Common mistakes dads make in the “stress bubble” years  Types of provision that the family needs from a husband / father 3 easy things Jim did that he recommends for all couples   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  QUOTES “Whether we tell our kids that we’ve made mistakes or not, they’re still noticing. Especially during those teen years.” - Jim Ramos "Our families require much more than physical provision. The damage most men do has nothing to do with physical provision; it has to do with heart care and soul care.” Jim Ramos “You don’t have to be flashy. You don't have to be Superman. You just have to show up.”   - Jim Ramos  “As men we have to realize our wife is the most important person on the planet, and it’s our job to make one person feel special.”  - Jim Ramos  “You will not be remembered for what you did 9-5, you will be remembered for what you did 5-9.”  - Jim Ramos    QUESTIONS FOR YOU Jim shared 5 traits that set a “man” apart from a “male”: Protect integrity Fight apathy  Pursue God passionately Lead courageously Finish strong each day  Which one of these is God calling you to grow in today?    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Find Jim online @ On instagram @themeninthearena Get the book Strong Men Dangerous Times Listen to the Men in The Arena Podcast 
3/15/202459 minutes, 40 seconds
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4 More Biblical Prayers to Pray Together to Grow Your Marriage | Ep. 601

Dr. Kim has said that prayer is the #1 most impactful thing you can do for your marriage. Today he explains why that is, and how to make it a habit in your marriage. Today we want to make praying with your spouse more approachable by sharing 4 biblical prayers to pray with your spouse that will grow your marriage.  The Bible lists a lot of reasons for marriage, and praying in line with God’s purpose and intention for marriage is very powerful.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   Why prayer is an essential act of spiritual protection against the enemy  Why it’s so hard to get started, and how to overcome  Healthy perspective shifts praying will provide in your marriage  How to handle some of the uncomfortable realities of answered prayers  The power of prayer to help you take personal responsibility   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES “Praying together puts God where he wants to be in our marriage: Right in the center of it. - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “The enemy does not want Christian marriages to work.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “When you pray together you find that it unites you.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “There’s a ripple effect: It’s not just about the couple, it’s about the family; it’s about the community.” - Lindsay Few  “I am more of who God created me to be after being married to Nancy all these years than I would have been without her.” -  Dr. Kim Kimberling  “God put us together. He’s got some fun stuff for us to do. Let’s look out and let’s get this stuff going!” - Lindsay Few Blame is a very human response…but we all have a way we can influence the world. We do have control over how we’re responding to God’s call on us.” - Lindsay Few   QUESTIONS FOR YOU 4 Prayers to Pray together:  Protection from the enemy of our souls That your marriage will sharpen you Pray that your marriage be fruitful That your marriage will be a light    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Our 21 Prayers for Building An Awesome Marriage makes it simple to make prayer a regular part of your marriage Find more prayers to grow your marriage in the 7 Prayers YouVersion Bible reading plan 
3/12/202432 minutes, 43 seconds
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4 Biblical Prayers to Grow You & Your Marriage | Ep. 600

When we pray, it can be tempting to make our prayers a wishlist. But praying in line with God’s word changes things, and today we’re talking about why that matters and how to pray biblically for your marriage. Today Dr. Kim shares 4 prayers that line up with Scripture that you can be praying daily to grow you, and your marriage!  Don’t miss this powerful episode. We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:   Why it matters to pray biblically What makes a prayer biblical The risk involved in praying these things, and the reward they provide How these prayers have impacted Dr. Kim and Nancy’s marriage  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  QUOTES We’ve probably all heard some things taught, or caught, that were not biblical. We’ve heard ideas like, 'If God loves you, He’ll make you happy,' or 'If you marry the right person, marriage will be easy,' that do not line up with Scripture.”- Lindsay Few  “Trusting him may be the hardest first step for some of us, because we’re not sure what he’ll do.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “Sometimes the prayer we want answered is just the thing that’s easiest for us.” - Lindsay Few  “He’s always good, even though we don’t see it at times.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “Each of us can be thankful that God knows not only what’s best for us, but for the whole world. We don’t have to be burdened with that. He’s got that.” - Lindsay Few  “If you’re lining up with what God states in his word that He wants to have happen, that’s going to be really powerful.” - Lindsay Few  “We can’t hide anything from God.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “Sexual desire is created for a reason. It’s not a secret from God.” - Lindsay Few    4 Prayers to Grow You and Your Marriage:  Pray that God will help you love like Christ loved.  Ask God to search you, know your heart, and reveal any offensive way. Pray that your desire will be for your spouse only.  Ask God to help you see your spouse as He does.    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Make prayer a regular part of your marriage with our 21 Prayers for Building An Awesome Marriage  If your marriage is struggling to recover after infidelity, please check out our Affair Recovery Course. For less than the cost of 2 counseling sessions, this course helps you learn and take the needed steps to healing.  If porn has damaged your marriage, please take advantage of these resources we’ve created just for you:  The Marriage Undefiled Course Dr. Kim’s podcast episode with Matt Cline  Find more prayers to grow your marriage in the 7 Prayers YouVersion Bible reading  plan   
3/5/202434 minutes, 11 seconds
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What Does It Mean to Find Intimacy with God? With Faith Eury Cho | Ep. 599

What does it look like to live in intimacy with God each day? We are delighted to have Faith Eury Cho with us today, sharing about what friendship with God means, even in the “wilderness” times in our lives.  Faith is the CEO and founder of the Honor Summit, a gospel preacher, and author of the new book, Experiencing Friendship with God: How the Wilderness Draws Us to His Presence. Faith does a great job de-mystifying this lofty topic, so you don’t want to miss this conversation.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   What does “friendship with God” actually mean?  Practical ways to “practice God’s presence,” even if it seems out of reach  How friendship with God impacts marriage How to grow spiritually with your spouse Ways to take these concepts into parenting / grandparenting  How to navigate the wilderness seasons of our faith    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES “Sometimes without even knowing, we believe so that God can give us a better life.” - Faith Eury Cho “Friendship with God is just intimacy on a day to day level.” Faith Eury Cho “We need to really redefine what experience actually means. Because if we go into any relationship, any - our spouse, our kids, our friends - having a set agenda of what experiencing that relationship should look like to us, it can be very unhealthy really quick.” -  Faith Eury Cho “Start simple. Start with something that is a natural offshoot to your regular rhythms of life.”  - Faith Eury Cho “I remember moments I would tell God, ‘I don’t have a prayer to pray, I don’t have a song to sing, but I’m here.’”  - Faith Eury Cho “God cares about every little thing, and we want to give him the opportunity to show us that.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “Some of us are friends with fear, not the presence of God, and I think we’ve got to break up with our fear!” - Faith Eury Cho QUESTIONS FOR YOU What is one way you and your spouse like to worship God together?  Have you seen God move during a ‘wilderness’ season?    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Find Faith on Instagram or at her website, Grab Faith’s book, Experiencing Friendship with God: How the Wilderness Draws Us to His Presence. Our 2 Week Couples Scripture Challenge is a practical tool to help you get in the Word with your spouse each day. Find out more here!   Our House Prayer Cards are one of our best-loved resources, making it simple to use mundane moments for godly purpose in your home. Learn more HERE! If you’d like to get each of our monthly marriage resources delivered directly to your inbox, while also supporting the non-profit ministry of Awesome Marriage, it’s time to become a Marriage Changer! Get all the details here.
2/27/202448 minutes, 22 seconds
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How to Make Romance Realistic in Your Marriage | Ep. 598

How’s the romance in your marriage? How does it compare to when you were dating? (… and does that matter?) Romance can fall by the wayside in marriage because it seems like an “extra” that you’ll get around to when you have extra time or money, or if you feel inspired to make a grand gesture.  But today Dr. Kim shares several reasons NOT to let that be the case in your marriage. Listen to learn why you need to bring the romance back and HOW to realistically make that happen.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:   Dr. Kim shares specific ways romance benefits a marriage  What does romance look like for men vs. for women?  What to do if you’re just not feeling it  Whose job is it to make sure the romance is good?   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES “Most people would say at some point it was there. So how do you get it back?” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “We kind of quit doing romantic things because we’re not feeling it. Sometimes we have to go ahead and do them, so that we feel it again.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Marriage is a lot better when you’ve got romance in it.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “I think we’d like it to come naturally, like it does in the movies  “It’s ok to have the conversation. We have to get past the mindset of, ‘If you really loved me, you’d know.’” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Romance is a great way to show your spouse, I see you, I appreciate you, and I care about what you care about.” Lindsay Few    QUESTIONS FOR YOU  Have you talked about romance with your spouse?  Ask them: What is sexy to you? What is romantic to you?  Don’t judge their answers!  Answers may change over time, so check in every now and then.    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  - The ❤️‍🔥Sexy Bundle❤️‍helps bring the romance riiight on home! Get all the details about this limited time Bundle HERE!
2/20/202432 minutes, 31 seconds
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Why Your Everyday Work Matters for Eternity with Jordan Raynor | Ep. 597

Whether you love it or hate it, you spend the majority of your waking hours doing it. And as today’s guest tells us, it’s mentioned over 800 times in the Bible: We’re talking about work.   That’s why we’re so pleased to have Jordan Raynor join us on the podcast today to talk about how your work matters to God - today, every day of your life, and for eternity. This conversation will leave you inspired and encouraged to engage well with the word God is calling you to do, every single day.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:   3 ways your everyday work matters for eternity  Why Jordan advocates for making an “Anti-Bucket List” The Biblical truths of Heaven & Eternity that NO ONE is talking about  The “abridged Gospel” that most of us believe & the implications we miss if we do  The practical ways these deep biblical truths will impact your marriage    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES “When we understand what God’s word has to say about work, it frees us up to be exceptional both at work and at home.” - Jordan Raynor  “While God’s word is clear that our labor in the Lord is not in vain, it also makes clear that GOd doesn’t need you or me - His purposes will not be thwarted. He does not need us, he wants us.” - Jordan Raynor   “I can be at peace walking away from my work at the end of the day … because I know that if the things on my to - do list are on God’s to - do list, he’s going to complete them with or without me. That’s terrifically freeing.” - Jordan Raynor   “Scripture mentions work more than 800 times. There’s no need to doubt whether or not God cares about your work.” - Jordan Raynor  “When you understand that 100% of your time at home and at work matters to God, you become fully alive. And this world is desperate to see people that are fully alive.”  Jordan  “I went to Christian school for 13 years. And I remember frequently sitting in chapel, and quietly dreading the thought of heaven. “We are called to keep watch for Christ’s return, not by sitting on our hands and waiting for heaven to drop from the sky, but by working with our hands and joining him in cultivating heaven on earth today.” - Jordan Raynor    QUESTIONS FOR YOU How does the Biblical idea of stewarding your time change your daily work life?    
2/16/202444 minutes, 45 seconds
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Tips to Master Work - Life Balance in Your Marriage In The Home | Ep. 596

Work - life balance is not limited to the workplace: It’s also the work of running a home, and it’s a challenge for most couples to share this load well. Today Dr. Kim is sharing some of his best tips for finding balance in the home.  The struggle to find work - life balance does not end when you get home in the evening. Taking care of a home and family is a huge portion of our workload that you can’t ignore. But you can find ways to handle it well – TOGETHER! We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.   Episode highlights include:   Tips for spouses who work outside the home  Tips for those who work from home  Tips for stay-at-home parents  Signs you & your spouse need to work toward better balance  The need for boundaries to help with balance; how to work on them together What to do if you get stuck, or if you’ve tried to address things and it’s not working   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES Resolving conflict doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It takes work, but when you talk and listen well, you’ll find that most things, you can resolve. - Dr. Kim Kimberling  At the end of your life,  you’re not going to look back and say, “I wish I’d looked at my phone a few more times.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling   If you get stuck, it’s ok to get help.  - Dr. Kim Kimberling The things that matter work themselves out in the very small details of life. - Lindsay Few Maybe you think everyone else is doing it all, so you’re trying to do it all. I don’t think that’s realistic or healthy. - Lindsay Few  It’s easy to fall in those traps and not really know that you’ve even fallen into them. - Dr. Kim Kimberling  We have to make sure we’re saying what we mean and what we need instead of just hoping our spouse catches the hint. - Lindsay few    QUESTIONS FOR YOU Is the workload in your home balanced?   Do you have a mentor couple in your life?  Are your boundaries with tech (screentime, phones) working well?  Talk with your spouse and rate how you’re doing with work / life balance together, on a scale of 1-10?    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Get all the details about our limited time Sexy Bundle HERE  Team You & Me  For more help with setting healthy boundaries, listen to our Boundaries Series: Boundaries For Your Marriage: What They Are and Why They Are Important | Ep. 544 Boundaries Within Your Marriage | Ep. 546 Boundaries Outside Your Marriage | Ep. 547 How to Set Marriage Boundaries | Ep. 548 Boundaries & Marriage: What NOT to Do | Ep. 550 Real Stories of Healthy Marriage Boundaries | Ep. 551 Boundaries Q & A | Ep. 552 Boundaries Course  
2/13/202441 minutes, 58 seconds
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Mastering Work - Life Balance in the Workplace | Ep. 595

Practically speaking, balance is hard to find, and even harder to maintain. While work-life balance is a very common issue, it IS possible to alleviate unnecessary stress and find better balance.    In today’s episode Dr Kim will share practical tips to help you find that balance. Dr. Kim shares some of the common pain points that he sees couples facing, and some of the best ways he’s seen to deal with those.    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   Tips to help you handle the stress between spouses so that your marriage tension doesn’t add onto the stress of work-life balance  Some early signs of burnout you cannot afford to ignore  The importance of making peace with imperfection Helpful perspective tips for both career and extracurricular commitments  Practical tips for work-from-home balance    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES “I was saying no to my family a lot because I was saying yes to all these other things.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Figure out who you are, who you’re working for, what do you really want, and what do you need to get there. Sometimes we get on that treadmill and we just keep going.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “I think it is changing, but there’s still a culture that glorifies overwork, burnout and hustle. It can be hard to step out of that because it feels important to be in it.”  - Lindsay Few  “We have a God that is bigger than my mistakes and imperfections. If I really think the world depends on me being perfect, then I’ve got a problem.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “You don’t just get balanced and stay balanced forever. It’s a constant work in progress.” - Lindsay Few “We look around and everyone’s dealing with this, so we just think this is normal. If something has resonated with you, it’s okay to acknowledge that you want things to go better.” - Lindsay Few   QUESTIONS FOR YOU 4 reflection questions to help you move forward: What worked, what do I want to do more of, what didn’t work, what do I want to do less of?   God wants you to thrive. Trust that when you seek these answers, He will answer.     MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  We mentioned this podcast episode with Gary Thomas  Get all the details about our limited time Sexy Bundle HERE  Learn more about what makes expectations healthy in “Unpack Your Expectations, Unfrustrate Your Life” and try a week of Online Women’s Bible Study, FREE!   
2/6/202439 minutes, 55 seconds
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How to Cultivate a Family Culture You Love to Live In with Don & Suzanne Manning | | Ep. 594

Does your home echo with the sounds of sibling squabbles? Do you wish for more connection with your kids? If so, today’s episode is for you! Don & Suzanne Manning, the founders of Crazy Cool Family, are passionate about equipping Christian families with strategies to cultivate a family culture they ALL enjoy living with!  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   Effective ways to protect kids from screen & tech temptations Where to invest your time and energy for the best parenting outcomes - and where NOT to  The goal of disciplining our kids and how to work toward it    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES “Don’t look at the outside and all the fearful things - don't waste your time and energy there: You’re going after your kids’ heart.” - Suzanne Manning “Kids are wired to want us on their team. They want our input. ”  - Suzanne Manning  “Control is based in fear, and connection is based in love.” - Don Manning  “Most people try to control, because we don’t know what to do. But it doesn’t work.” Dr Kim Kimberling   “We never tell parents they need to work harder. They need to work differently. Becoming an encourager and being a listener are two ways to do that.” - Don Manning   “Our children are going to go where the encouragement is.” - Suzanne Manning  “Because of technology and culture, connection today is more important than it’s ever been.” - Don Manning  “The goal of discipline is self-control. When situations come up, they are opportunities to build self control in my kids. Opportunities to build them up for the next stage of life.” - Don Manning  QUESTIONS FOR YOU  Do you lean more toward connection, or control?   MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Find more resources and info from Don & Suzanne at   Listen to the Crazy Cool Family Podcast    Reduce unnecessary arguments, decrease stress in your home, develop better understanding of your spouse, AND strengthen your bond as a couple with THIS: Our 30-Day Communication Challenge!    Need more communication help? Sign up here to save your spot for Dr. Kim’s FREE webinar,  “7 Common Communication Mistakes Couples Make”   Questions about gaslighting, narcissism and blame? Submit them anonymously HERE or DM us on Instagram. Dr. Kim will answer them in an upcoming episode   
1/30/202459 minutes, 40 seconds
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How Having a Healthier Body Image Makes Your Marriage Healthier with Brittany Braswell | Ep. 591

Are you uncertain with your  food choices or unhappy with your body? Is it possible to truly be at peace with food and your body? If you’re not comfortable with your body, this will spill over into your marriage. Gaining a biblical perspective with this will help you heal your relationship with your body and food choices, and in turn, your marriage.    Today we are delighted to have Brittany Braswell joining us to tackle these personal and often painful topics, and share hope, help, and Biblical perspective on these topics. Brittany is a Registered Dietician, Christian speaker and host of the Joy-Filled Eater Podcast, and a wealth of wisdom and encouragement on navigating these challenging topics.     We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:   What does Scripture actually say about body image?  How our view of our body impacts our marriage Brittany’s 1st priority for her clients’ nutrition – this might surprise you! Tips to handle food choices if you and your spouse are not on the same page   Ways to support your spouse if they are struggling in this area Ways to ask for your spouse’s support if you’re struggling in this area     *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES “So much of it is our perception: If I see my body negatively, then I’m assuming my spouse does too.” - Brittany Braswell  “So much of the conversation around body image is very me-centric, not Christ centric.”  - Brittany Braswell  “The Lord blessed us with this variety of flavors and gave us taste buds to be able to enjoy them!” -  Brittany Braswell  “It’s ok to ask for help. You don’t have to meet a certain criteria to deserve some support.”  -  Brittany Braswell  “We can eat in a way that helps our bodies to thrive so that our bodies don’t become the thing that holds us back from fulfilling the calling and purpose God has placed on our lives.” -  Brittany Braswell   QUESTIONS FOR YOU If it’s hard for you to believe it when your spouse says they are attracted to you, dig a little deeper: Why is it hard to believe?     MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  For more wisdom on these topics, listen to Brittany’s podcast, The Joy Filled Eater Here’s the episode on gluttony she mentioned in today’s conversation with Dr. Kim  Find Free Resources as well as coaching, courses & community on Brittanys’ website  Facebook Support Group: Food Freedom and Body Image Support for Christian Women  Follow her on Instagram 
1/26/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Top 3 Communication Mistakes Couples Make & How to Avoid Them | Ep. 592

If you want to avoid communication breakdowns in your marriage, today’s episode is for you! Today, Dr. Kim is going to share 3 very common mistakes he sees as he counsels couples, so that you can avoid them! Whether you need a total overhaul or just a few friendly reminders, today’s episode has practical, actionable advice that will help you improve the communication in your marriage.  Are you making the same mistakes most couples make with communication? Dr. Kim has pretty much seen it all, and today he is going to help you avoid those mistakes, and build better communication instead.    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:    3 of the most common mistakes Dr. Kim sees over and over with couples he counsels: Blame, discounting, and distraction.  The impact each of these mistakes has on a spouse and marriage The practical steps to avoid each of these communication pitfalls    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES When you resolve conflict, both of you have to take responsibility for your part in it. I’ve never seen an issue where 1 person was 100% responsible. - Dr. Kim  I think it’s easy for us to rationalize, fool ourselves, and take the time to think it through.  - Dr. Kim  I’ve done it, I’ve seen it in other wives: It’s easy for us in parenting to discount our husband’s opinion. - Lindsay  Listen in a way that you can let them know you heard what they said. - Dr. Kim  As a parent with kids in the home, it’s great to have the reminder that they are benefitting from us putting boundaries that let us have an adult relationship with our spouse. As important as they are to us, we should value showing them that solid foundation and modeling marriage for them.  - Lindsay  I identify with all three of these, I’ve done them all. I’ts not something you just get right then coast, you have to stay on top of it. - Dr. Kim   QUESTIONS FOR YOU Do you use “I” statements to communicate what you need with your spouse?  For example: Instead of, “You always ignore me when I’m talking,” say, “I feel hurt when you scroll on your phone when I’m talking. I want to know that you care about what I have to say.”    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Need more communication help? Sign up here to save your spot for Dr. Kim’s FREE webinar,  “7 Common Communication Mistakes Couples Make” Questions about gaslighting, narcissism and blame? Submit them anonymously HERE or DM us on Instagram. Dr. Kim will answer them in an upcoming episode  Want to reduce unnecessary arguments, decrease stress in your home, develop better understanding of your spouse, OR just strengthen your bond as a couple? Our 30-Day Communication Challenge is for you!  With Dr. Kim’s One Thing email, you’ll get one practical tip each weekday to build your marriage. The Marriage Multiplier is a quick weekly email that gives you practical ways to be intentional to grow your marriage. Sign up HERE! 
1/23/202434 minutes, 5 seconds
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Andy and Sara's Marriage Recovery Story | Ep. 591

While their life appeared to be successful, fun and amazing, Andy and Sara’s marriage was at a breaking point. Their life was at a high point, but their relationship had reached a low. In today’s episode they share how their marriage recovered. Can a marriage survive the damage of gaslighting and blame? Today’s episode is proof it can. Dr. Kim got to witness a complete transformation in Andy and Sara’s marriage. Their story is full of grace and hope, and we are so thankful to them for sharing it with us today. We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:   How did things look good from the outside for as long as they did? How Sara used waiting to grow closer to God  The turning point that allowed Andy to start to change The specific process that changed Andy from the inside out  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES “We lived this big, giant, amazing life. The problem was, I was getting wrapped more and more into my success, thinking I was this great gift to humanity.” - Andy   “I felt like he didn’t know me. He didn’t know my heart.” - Sara “I was searching for the world to fill that void in my chest that only God can fill.” - Andy   “You need to meditate and delight in the word of God to change the trajectory of your life.” Pastor Mike (via Andy)  “The Lord didn’t care about all my success. He wanted me broken at the foot of the cross.” - Andy    QUESTIONS FOR YOU How have you seen God show up in the midst of difficult times?  What are the little things your spouse does that make you feel loved?    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Questions about gaslighting and blame? Submit them anonymously HERE or over on Instagram for Dr. Kim to answer in an upcoming episode  Want to reduce unnecessary arguments, decrease stress in your home, develop better understanding of your spouse, OR just strengthen your bond as a couple? Our 30-Day Communication Challenge is for you!   
1/16/20241 hour, 6 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to Handle Faith Disagreement in Marriage | Ep. 590

Your faith is a foundation for every aspect of life. So when you’re not on the same page with your spouse spiritually, it can make marriage more complicated. Dr. Kim has helped couples deal with this situation time and time again, and in today’s episode he shares valuable insight into how you can deal with spiritual disunity in your marriage.  Episode highlights include:   Practical ways to pursue unity when you’re not unified on faith The common mistakes Dr. Kim sees spouses make in this situation  The major shift your marriage needs to start thriving How to change your focus in order to enjoy your marriage   We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES “God loves them, and knows them so much better than you do, and He knows what works and doesn’t work for that person.” Dr. Kim Kimberling “Just accepting your spouse and not trying to change them is essential. You can’t really have a thriving marriage until you make that shift.” - Lindsay Few  “Growth hurts, but I’m glad I’m not the same as I was.” - Lindsay Few  “My life is so much different and better because I married Nancy, even though some of it was so hard for both of us.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling    QUESTIONS FOR YOU Have you let go of trying to change your spouse, and let God take over that job?  Pray and ask God: How can I love my spouse well today?    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  When your marriage is struggling, everything feels more overwhelming. We created  21 Prayers for Struggling Marriage to help make praying for your marriage less challenging. God is the one who can change your hearts and your marriage for the better, so inviting him to do those things is the best thing you can do for your marriage. Do you want to reduce unnecessary arguments, decrease stress in your home, develop better understanding & connection with your spouse, or strengthen your bond as a couple? If you do, then our 30-Day Communication Challenge is for you!   
1/9/202446 minutes, 5 seconds
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How To NOT Fight With Your Spouse About Money with Julie Baumgardner | Ep. 589

No one loves talking finances, but we do think you’ll love today’s conversation with Julie Baumgardner! Julie shares how to get curious about what money means to your spouse, how two spouses’ separate financial backgrounds and “money stories” can stop being a source of tension, and start becoming a shared value.  Listen to this episode if you’re ready to get on the same page with your spouse about finances this season - without fighting about them!    Episode highlights include:    Questions to start a productive conversation about finances with your spouse How to uncover the hidden money lessons you learned growing up, then to get on the same page with your spouse.  What recent research says about the connection of money and marital happiness  How to learn more about your spouse’s perspective about money  Ways to work together toward shared values around money in your marriage *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES: “You have different perspectives about money. You don’t necessarily talk about what it means to you, how you think about it, therefore you argue about it.” - Julie Baumgardner   “You can have conversations about money without having to be methodical about every single penny.” - Julie Baumgardner  “If you can’t figure out how to live within your means with a little, it will be very complicated to figure out how to live within your means with a lot.” - Julie Baumgardner  “It isn’t ‘You’re right, I’m wrong,’ you’re being curious. And in being curious, you’re learning.” - Julie Baumgardner  “If you can tell that money is creating stress, what is it about money that’s stressful?” - Julie Baumgardner  “Keep your eyes wide open for where God is calling you to join Him in his work. Be aware, and where you see a need, be a Kingdom builder. ” - Julie Baumgardner    QUESTIONS FOR YOU: What matters most to the two of you when it comes to money? It’s never too late to define your core values around money in your marriage.  What is it about money that’s stressful?  If it’s “what ifs," then name the what-ifs and talk through them.    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  We found Julie’s article on this topic SO helpful: Do finances in childhood impact your marriage? Research says yes Winshape Marriage online and on Instagram Find the Money Habitudes game online  🎉 Giveaway time! We are giving away a bundle of our TOP 3 RESOURCES of 2023: 44 Tips to Better Sex in Marriage, 21 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge, and 21 Day Wife Appreciation Challenge! To enter just leave an honest review of the podcast wherever you listen, screenshot it, send in to [email protected]. Giveaway ends 12/15 10am CST. Dr. Kim’s newest book, Love, Intimacy and Sex in the Second Half is now available as an eBook! Grab your copy here! We want to help you make 2024 your best married year yet with 12 Marriage Resolutions for the New Year! Click though for all the details of this uplifting resource! 
12/12/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 25 seconds
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Parenting Without Fear of the Teen Years with Kirsten Hatton | Ep. 588

Is it possible to parent without fear of the teen years? We say yes! So does today’s guest, Kristen Hatton. We are delighted to have Kristen on the podcast today to share how to prepare for some of the aspects of parenting teens that many parents find daunting.    Episode highlights include:   Kristen shares ways to know if your fears are becoming idols in parenting  Proactive VS reactive parenting: Which one are you?  The difference between overparenting and underparenting and how they affect your kids How to know    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “Frequently parents are living in “reactive” mode, and often it’s because we’re just so busy.”  - Kristen Hatton  “If I always say yes to my kids going in different directions with their friends, or being on a travel team, and we’re always just so busy, then all the sudden, church goes by the wayside. Family time goes by the wayside." - Kristen Hatton   “Often, what children experience from their parents is how they view God. So I want them to know my unconditional love and acceptance, so that they see that that’s how God is too.” - Kristen Hatton  QUESTIONS:  To evaluate if something you love has become an idol: Are you holding it with an open palm, or a clenched fist? Can you be OK without it?  Evaluate your emotions to help you see your idols. Ask: Why am I so angry? Why am I so irritable? Is something controlling me? What occupies my time, habits, thoughts, money, and conversations? Talk with your spouse to decide:  What do we want most for our family? How are we doing to get there? What do we want to impart to our kids?  What will we allow? What won’t we allow?  MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Learn more from Kristen:  Follow her @RedemptiveParenting on Instagram Find all of her books and resources at  Get Biblical wisdom for parenting teens in her book Parenting Ahead  Our FREE 16 Ways To Navigate the Teenage Years as a Team will help you keep your marriage strong during this season. GIVEAWAY TIME! We are giving away a bundle of our TOP 3 RESOURCES of 2023: 44 Tips to Better Sex in Marriage, 21 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge, and 21 Day Wife Appreciation Challenge! To enter just leave an honest review of the podcast wherever you listen, screenshot it, send in to [email protected]. Giveaway ends 12/15 10am CST.  Dr. Kim’s newest book, Love, Intimacy and Sex in the Second Half is now available as an eBook! Grab your copy here!   
12/8/202350 minutes, 21 seconds
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5 Ways To Prioritize Your Marriage During The Holiday Season | Ep. 587

Holiday season is upon us, and with it all things festive! I’m guessing your schedule didn’t have much extra space to begin with, so now there’s a risk of becoming truly overbooked. How can your marriage be a priority, even with so much going on?  Today Dr. Kim is sharing several of his best tips for prioritizing your marriage, even in this busy season.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:  Ways to share the load of holiday tasks & preparation better  How prioritizing your marriage this season can decrease your stress  Dr. Kim’s 5 ways to prioritize your marriage this season  How to implement this if you aren’t on the same page right now Tips to de-stress your holiday gatherings and enjoy them more    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES:  “It doesn’t have to be a whole evening, it doesn’t even have to be a whole hour. It can be just 15 minutes, but you protect that time.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling   “I think quality time is one of the most important things we do in a marriage, and it also seems to be one of the easiest to bump.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “Make sure you're on the same page together, then enjoy it together.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “There’s so much unnecessary tension you can eliminate if you can start to use team language and work together.” - Lindsay Few     QUESTIONS  What is one favorite Christmas tradition you and your spouse have, just for the two of you?    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  GIVEAWAY TIME! We are giving away a bundle of our Top 3 Resources of 2023: Our 44 Tips to Better Sex in Marriage, 21 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge, and 21 Day Wife Appreciation Challenge! To enter just leave an honest review of the podcast wherever you listen, screenshot it, send in to [email protected]. Giveaway ends 12/15 10am EST.  Dr. Kim’s newest book, Love, Intimacy and Sex in the Second Half is now available as an eBook! Grab your copy here!  Related episode: “What is team Language? Ep. 501”  
12/5/202341 minutes, 21 seconds
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Mind Your Marriage: How To Create Margin In Marriage | Ep. 585

You can reduce the stress and conflict in your marriage simply by creating margin. Today’s episode unpacks several practical ways to create margin in your marriage. Scripture demonstrates how essential a healthy mindset is, so all month we’re getting practical about how to cultivate a healthy mindset and a healthy marriage. Tune into today’s episode to learn how to create margin in your marriage.   We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage!    Episode highlights include:  The practice Dr. Kim recommends to help you build margin into your marriage and the free resource we offer to make this simple to do Mindset shifts to help you find margin Practical ways to prioritize your marriage    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES “It’s not just carving out more time for each other, it’s how you use that time.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “We talk about your home and marriage being a refuge. You want to create that.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling “It’s worth the effort to get intentional about this and get on the same page, so you can tackle it as a team.” Lindsay Few  “Learning to really listen makes a big difference. There’s so much value to feeling heard, and knowing that your spouse cares to really listen.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “One thing that really helped us is when we realized we were not each other’s enemy.”   - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Be ok with being counter cultural if that’s what’s best for your family and your marriage.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling QUESTIONS:  How can you and your spouse work together to create more margin in your marriage?  How can you work together to create a culture of grace in your marriage?  What do you really want for your marriage? What do you need to say no to in this season to make that happen?    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Contentment doesn’t come easily, but is more than worth the effort. Take the steps to grow your contentment with our 15-Day Contentment Challenge! It’s yours for a donation of ANY amount to the ministry of Awesome Marriage this Giving Tuesday!  Dr. Kim highly recommends a Weekly Check In for every couple  – so to make this simple for you, we have created a Weekly Marriage Check In Guide. You can snag this resource for free when you sign up for the One Thing to Grow Your Marriage email series! We really enjoyed the book “Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” mentioned in today’s episode
11/28/202338 minutes, 1 second
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Become a Better Gift-Giver This Christmas with Patrick Kucharson | Ep. 585

Cut the stress out of gift giving this Christmas. If shopping for your spouse (and anyone else on your list) feels daunting, this episode is for you. In this episode Patrick Kucharson, the Better Gift Coach, shares how to give gifts that will resonate with their recipients, strategies to become a better gift-giver, and great gift tips for any budget (including free!). Tune in to learn more!    Episode highlights include:  Simple strategies to know what they really want  Why you need to make brainstorming gift ideas a team sport - and who to recruit to your team The categories of not-so-good gifts you do not want to fall into this Christmas!  Patrick’s Golden Rule of Gift-Giving   Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES “How much thought you put into a gift doesn’t necessarily translate into the value the gift recipient will assign to it.” - Patrick Kucharson  “Give gifts that you know they want to receive, over gifts that you want to give.” - Patrick Kucharson  “It’s showing that you appreciate them. You’re listening.”  - Patrick Kucharson  “A shortcut for gift-giving: Look around, take note of the negatives, and try to give gifts that will remove them.” - Patrick Kucharson  QUESTIONS:  What’s your favorite gift you’ve given your spouse, and what made it great?  Who can you recruit to your “gift brainstorming team” this season?    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Patrick’s Better Gift Coach free weekly email is every bit as entertaining and insightful Patrick was on today’s podcast! Sign up HERE!  You can also find him on Instagram In the midst of all the gift talk, take time to look for something only God can give: Contentment. Grad our 15-Day Contentment Challenge with your donation of ANY amount and pursue true contentment.
11/24/202344 minutes
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Mind Your Marriage: Harness The Power of Gratitude | Ep. 584

Gratitude is a powerful mindset – it affects our mind, our marriage, even our physical health!  Scripture is clear that our mindset is very important, so this month we’re digging into how to cultivate a healthy mindset and a healthy marriage. Today we’re talking about the power of gratitude. What makes this trait so important, and how can we cultivate it? Tune in for all the details!  Episode highlights include:  Dr. Kim and Lindsay share how gratitude helped them each deal with depression The way gratitude helps your marriage and your outlook on life Why growing in gratitude actually ends up leading to – more gratitude! Practical ways to cultivate gratitude in every day  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES “I think we’re wired to give thanks and be grateful to God.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “When we acknowledge on a regular basis what we’re thankful for, we tend to be happier and less depressed.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “It’s looking at what’s actually happening in my life. What is God doing? What is here today? It brings you back into the present.”-  Lindsay Few  “I think the more we acknowledge who He is in our lives and worship him for that, that goes a long way to changing our gratitude.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “I don't think God put us together to grumble for 50 years. I think He put us together to grow, to learn, and to be grateful.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling   “I think it helps us to serve our spouse and serve our God better when our frame of mind is healthier. And I think gratitude makes it healthier.” -  Dr. Kim Kimberling   QUESTIONS So many things in the world are out of our control, but God IS in control. What is 1 reason you are thankful that He is in control today?  When you think something good about your spouse, say it! What do you appreciate about your spouse?  What is 1 thing you can do to be more present with your spouse today?   MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Contentment doesn’t come easily, but is more than worth the effort! Grab our 15-Day Contentment Challenge with a donation of ANY amount to the ministry of Awesome Marriage this Giving Tuesday! LEARN MORE HERE! The 27 Scripture Prayer Cards resource is a beautiful way to remember scripture and to bring the power of prayer into your marriage each day! It’s the perfect time to sign up for Dr. Kim’s daily One Thing to Grow Your Marriage email series, since this week’s emails give you simple ways to practice gratitude with your spouse
11/21/202338 minutes, 41 seconds
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Mind Your Marriage: Learn to Break Free From Blame | Ep. 583

Has blame crept into your marriage? If so, your marriage is certainly suffering its effects. But it does not have to stay that way! Today Dr. Kim helps you discover how to identify and remove this damaging habit from your marriage.   Scripture is clear that our mindset matters, and that we have the ability to change our minds! So this month we’re digging into how to cultivate a healthy mindset and a healthy marriage. Dig in today to start dismantling the blame. Episode highlights include:  How to identify - and break - subtle blame patterns  Why expecting each spouse to give their 50% share to the marriage just doesn’t add up  Dr. Kim and Lindsay get real about how blame has impacted their marriages  How to remove blame from our efforts to show our spouse love How to address the issue healthily instead   Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Dr. Kim mentioned this article from Harvard Health in the episode Contentment doesn’t come easily, but it’s SO worth the work! Get our 15-Day Contentment Challenge with a donation of ANY amount to the ministry of Awesome Marriage this Giving Tuesday! Learn more here!  15 Daily Prayers Bundle  More mindset resources:  Dr. Kim’s Mind Craft Plan Switch On Your Brain by Dr. Leaf (includes the “21-Day Brain Detox”)   
11/14/202337 minutes, 24 seconds
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Dealing Well With Deployment with Jen McDonald | Ep. 582

Calling all military spouses AND frequent travelers: Do not miss this bonus episode! Today we’re thrilled to have Jen McDonald of Milspouse Matters join us on the podcast. Jen is full of wisdom and warmth as well as practical tips and advice on how to weather a marriage separated by distance and the unique challenges of military life. Tune in and be encouraged by her story!     Episode highlights include:  The parts of military life that Jen was NOT prepared for  The realities of deployment and reintegration  Practical things that helped her marriage stay connected during deployment    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Enter the Giveaway over on Instagram!  Find Jen on Facebook, Instagram and on Twitter (X)  Get Jen’s Amazon bestselling book: You Are Not Alone: Encouragement for the Heart of a Military Spouse And her new book Milspouse Matters: Sharing Strength Through Our Stories She also has several Military Spouse Resources on her site (including the The 5-Day Deployment Devotional and deployment resources for families and kids). Jen has graciously offered our listeners 10% off when you use the code marriage10 at checkout! (Discount available through 12/31/23.)  Resources for kids / families:  The Comfort Crew for Military Kids Military Child Education Coalition Military Kids Connect   Military OneSource (info and support for families) Military and Family Life Counseling Program (free!)
11/10/202346 minutes, 16 seconds
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Mind Your Marriage: "Reframing" Explained & How to Know If You Need It | Ep. 581

What does  it mean to “reframe?” And how can you know if you need to do it? Reframing is a term Dr. Kim has used in past episodes, and today we learn exactly what it means and the practical steps to do it.  Scripture is clear that our mindset is very important, so this month we’re digging into how to cultivate a healthy mindset and a healthy marriage. Tune into today’s episode for the details!  Episode highlights include:  The Biblical basis and Scripture to support the concept of reframing Practical steps of the reframing process What to do if your spouse frames you negatively   Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Dr. Kim’s Mind Craft Plan (I accidentally referred to it as Mind Your Marriage in the episode) is a great place to start!  Caroline Leaf’s book, Switch On Your Brain includes the “21-Day Brain Detox” Dr. Kim mentioned in the episode  The Weekly Marriage Check In is a great way to stay connected with your spouse, and you get this printable resource FREE when you sign up for the One Thing email! Get all the details here.  Being self-aware is a gift to your marriage, yourself and everyone around you! Our Self Check In Guide is a tool to take you through the process of growing self-aware.  Dr. Kim mentioned our Marriage Changers Membership, where he and Nancy share exclusive video content each month. Marriage Changers also get automatic access to each new monthly resource we create. Learn more here.  Scripture references:  Romans 12:2 Proverbs 4:23   1 Corinthians 2:16   Romans 8:6  
11/7/202340 minutes, 59 seconds
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Crack the Code to Better Connection In Your Marriage with Dr. Glen & Phyllis Hill | Ep. 580

You know that moment when things go quickly from okay to “What just happened?” in your marriage? Suddenly there’s tension and you’re totally disconnected. Today, we are so happy to have Dr. Glenn and Phyllis Hill join us on the podcast. They do a great job explaining what goes wrong in that moment, and how to prevent it from happening again. Tune in to learn more!  Episode highlights include:  The shift that completely changed how they approached conflict  The 1 question to stop asking in fights and the better 1 to ask instead  The Hills unpack what it means that identity is the #1 human need, and how that plays out in marriage A practical tool to easily learn how to emotions well together    How disconnection can affect family life and strategies to handle it    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!   MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Find more from Dr. Glenn and Phyllis at their website: and make sure to use the code AWESOME20 for 20% off any of their classes!  Learn more about using this process to connect in their book: The Connection Codes or on The Connection Codes Podcast! Download your free copy of the Hill’s Core Emotion Wheel! You are invited to Dr. Kim’s free webinar, 8 Guidelines for Fighting Fair in Your Marriage. Get all the details HERE    
10/31/202359 minutes, 59 seconds
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God's Design For Sex: Why Does A Gospel View Matter? with Joshua Ryan Butler | Ep. 579

We’re so used to seeing sex allll around us - skin sells, after all! But today, Joshua Ryan Butler shows us how we are still likely to miss so much of what sex is designed to show us. Sex is everywhere – except being talked about by the married couples who are (hopefully!) having it, and the churches and families who desperately need a robust theology of God’s purpose for sex and sexuality.   Today’s episode takes a look at why sex is so much more than right / wrong or rules, and why that truth is incredibly freeing. Tune in to learn more.    Episode highlights include:  Why does it matter what we believe about God’s purpose for sex?  How to unpack the tension between what culture says vs church says about sex  Why a better relationship with God leads to better sex in your marriage (and a better marriage in general!)  Specifically why our male / female differences are so valuable  The shift from rule-keeping to image-bearing and what it means for our lives    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!   MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Find more from Joshua on his website at If you enjoyed today’s episode, you will love Joshua’s new book, Beautiful Union!  You can break the conflict cycle in your marriage! Dr. Kim is hosting a FREE webinar on Friday 10/27. Get all the details HERE  Ready to gain REAL freedom and healing from porn in your marriage? Learn more about how you can do that with our new course, Marriage Undefiled: How To Overcome Porn and Heal Your Marriage HERE
10/24/202357 minutes, 52 seconds
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Awesome Marriage Podcast Trailer

This is the place for honest conversations and practical advice on how to have an awesome marriage. In this brief trailer, Dr. Kim Kimberling and co-host Lindsay Few share what you can expect to hear on the Awesome Marriage podcast each week.  If you enjoy the podcast, make sure to sign up for our Podcast Email. When you sign up, you will get each new episode, along with bonus content, delivered straight to your inbox each Tuesday. PLUS we will send you our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free as a thank you for signing up!  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  * You can find all of Awesome Marriage's helpful resources on our website. 
10/17/20232 minutes, 21 seconds
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God's Design for Sex: What is a Gospel View Of Sexuality? With Dr. Juli Slattery | Ep. 578

What is a gospel perspective of sexuality? It’s hard to answer, since too often, sex is not talked about in the church. Yet it’s literally everywhere in the world around us. Most couples struggle with their sex life at some point and parents are deeply concerned about helping their kids navigate the topic in a God-honoring way in the midst of all of culture’s chaos. That is why we are honored to have Dr. Juli Slattery on the podcast today, sharing her vast knowledge and wisdom on the subject. You don’t want to miss what she has to say.    Episode highlights include:  Why a biblical worldview of sexuality is actually very freeing How disruptions to your sex life can become a springboard to greater intimacy  4 specific aspects of God’s love that should define healthy sex in marriage  The process to engage so you can equip your kids to navigate sexuality biblically Encouragement for couples who are struggling in this area  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  For more great info from Juli:  Her newest book: God, Sex, and Your Marriage  Her podcast:  Java with Juli  Her website: Books by the authors mentioned in the episode:  Celebration of Sex, by Douglas Rosenau,   The Married Guy’s Guide to Great Sex and Enjoy! The Gift of Sexual Pleasure for Women, both by Cliff and Joyce Penner  Refresh your marriage this fall with the 4th Annual Online Marriage Retreat. The retreat is live NOW! This year’s theme is Refresh: Break Through the Barriers to an Awesome Marriage. It’s packed with teaching sessions from our amazing speakers to bring you practical ways to break through the barriers that keep your marriage from being awesome. Click HERE for all the details!  Set your marriage up for better satisfaction in the bedroom when you get your head in the game with the Think Sex Challenge!   
10/17/202354 minutes, 5 seconds
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What Husbands Wish Their Wife Knew About Sex | Ep. 577

This week it’s the husbands’ turn to weigh in. Today we hear what men said they wish their wives knew about sex. Would your husband agree? Dr. Kim strongly encourages couples to talk about their sex life, not argue about it, but… most couples don’t! So listening to today’s episode together is an easy way to start the conversation.    Sex in your marriage matters because God created it to draw spouses together, but all too often pain and tension lead to exactly the opposite. Tune in today to learn the next steps in your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  Some common Christian sex myths that might be hindering your sex life... ... And what the Bible says about them Some really effective ways to talk about sex with your spouse ... ... And some others you definitely want to avoid    >>> This is where to sign up for our Podcast Email. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox, so you never miss an episode. If you are just signing up today and want to receive the conversation starters from today’s episode, email me for a copy!  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Set your marriage up for better satisfaction in the bedroom with the Think Sex Challenge The 4th Annual Online Marriage Retreat launches THIS WEEK! This year’s theme is Refresh: Break Through the Barriers to an Awesome Marriage and this retreat is packed with helpful sessions from amazing speakers. Click HERE for all the details!  Ready to gain REAL freedom and healing from porn in your marriage? Learn more about how you can do that with our new course, Marriage Undefiled: How To Overcome Porn and Heal Your Marriage.  Has sex has fallen down the list of priorities? In Love, Intimacy and Sex in the Second Half Dr. Kim and Nancy tell how they have handled the challenges to their sex life later in marriage.  We highly recommend the book Celebration of Sex to educate yourself and your spouse on exactly what works for the two of you!
10/10/202340 minutes, 11 seconds
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What Wives Wish Their Husband Knew About Sex | Ep. 576

The wives have spoken! Today we share what women said they wish their husbands knew about sex. Would your wife agree? Dr. Kim wants couples to talk about their sex life, not argue about it! So an easy way to start is by listening to today’s episode together and talking about it.   Sex in your marriage matters because God created it to draw spouses together, but all too often pain and tension lead to exactly the opposite. Tune in today to get the conversation started!   Episode highlights include:  Tips to help balance the mental load spouses are carrying  Women don’t get tired of their husband’s compliments – with this 1 exception! Practical reasons why it can be helpful to schedule sex  Addressing assumptions spouses make that will deter them from great sex     >>> This is where to sign up for our Podcast Email. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox, so you never miss an episode! *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Set your marriage up for better satisfaction in the bedroom with the Think Sex Challenge Ready to gain REAL freedom and healing from porn in your marriage? Learn more about how you can do that with our new course, Marriage Undefiled: How To Overcome Porn and Heal Your Marriage.  Has sex has fallen down the list of priorities? In Love, Intimacy and Sex in the Second Half Dr. Kim and Nancy tell how they have handled the challenges to their sex life later in marriage. We highly recommend the book Celebration of Sex to educate yourself and your spouse on exactly what works for the two of you! The 4th Annual Online Marriage Retreat launches NEXT WEEK! This year’s theme is Refresh: Break Through the Barriers to an Awesome Marriage and this retreat is packed with helpful sessions from amazing speakers. Click HERE for all the details! 
10/3/202341 minutes, 33 seconds
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How Embracing Brokenness Brings the Life God Has For Us With Toni Collier | Ep. 574

We are delighted to have Toni Collier on the podcast today. Toni has spoken and written plenty about the way that embracing brokenness, though counterintuitive, is the key to experiencing a full life in Christ. She talked to Dr. Kim about how –and why– to effectively embrace your brokenness personally, what that means, and what it can do for your marriage and family. Don’t miss this grace-filled episode!   We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  The faith “secret” that transformed Toni’s perspective on brokenness The deeply personal origin of Toni’s new book, and why a children’s book is so important   The biggest mistake she made early in marriage, and how she recovered    Subscribe to our Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Be sure to check out Toni’s children’s book Broken Crayons Still Color! It is beautifully designed to help kids deal with big feelings and gain the tools to handle them well.  And don’t miss Toni’s book, Brave Enough to Be Broken: How to Embrace Your Pain and Discover Hope and Healing, which is full of Biblical wisdom and practical tools to help you heal right where you are today!  Grow closer to God while you grow closer to your spouse with the 2-Week Couple’s Scripture Challenge! Click through for more info.  The mind is a powerful sex organ, and the 25-Day Think Sex Challenge is designed to help you harness that power to experience more fun, intimate and fulfilling sex in your marriage.   
9/26/202350 minutes, 17 seconds
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How to Have a Thriving Marriage When You're in Ministry | Ep. 574

Ministry couples face both unique joys and unique challenges. If you’ve been around Awesome Marriage for a while, you’ve probably heard Dr. Kim say to put God first and your spouse second. But when your job is ministry, it can be really hard to balance your vocational ministry with your primary ministry - your marriage. Today we’re talking about how to keep your marriage thriving when you are in ministry.   We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  The surprising data on how ministry affects marriage and family  Our personal experiences of what makes ministry hard on marriage What to do if you work in a ministry culture that does not prioritize marriage or family 4 specific ways to protect and build your marriage    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!   MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Don't let your ministry take out your marriage! The Sustaining Your Marriage In Ministry online course was designed to help you through the challenges you face. Learn more HERE. Our friends at Emotionally Healthy Discipleship offer resources that equip leaders to lead from their inner life with Christ.   Anything you want to hear about that we missed today? Shoot me an email and let us know! 
9/19/202357 minutes, 11 seconds
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"Are We There Yet?" With Jeff & Tami Allen | Ep. 573

You may know Jeff Allen from one of his many comedy specials on DryBar Comedy, Netflix, Amazon, YouTube, network TV and more. If you do, you know he can make you laugh about even the hard parts of life and marriage.   In today’s episode we get to go behind the scenes of some of the hardest seasons Jeff and his wife, Tami, experienced in their marriage, and how God brought hope, healing and redemption. Don’t miss this encouraging episode!    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  The *surprisingly* effective way Jeff’s comedian friend helped him find Jesus  What changed in Jeff and Tami’s  marriage when Jesus entered the picture  Jeff’s journey to sobriety and learning new coping mechanisms    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Get the rest of Jeff and Tami’s story in Jeff’s Book “Are We There Yet?: My Journey from a Messed Up to Meaningful Life.” Jeff’s comedy is a part of this year’s Online Marriage Retreat! Registration is open NOW so click over to learn more!  If it’s been a while since you felt sexy or were excited about your sex life, our 25-Day Think Sex Challenge will help you get back in the mood! Learn more HERE!  
9/15/202353 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Mental Battle For Your Marriage | Ep. 572

Your mindset has a powerful impact on everything in your life - including your marriage. Is yours helping or hurting your marriage? Today Dr. Kim shares some sneaky ways your thoughts might be harming your marriage, without you even realizing it, as well as practical advice for how to overcome them.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:  How to identify and correct unhealthy thought patterns  Why even our fleeting thoughts matter One thing that prevents many of us from being honest with God and with ourselves, and how to overcome it     Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Work on healing your mindset with the “Cut the Criticism and Cultivate Companionship” Bible Reading plan on YouVersion   If you’re a One Thing Subscriber, you know all about Dr. Kim’s Daily Declarations already! If not, sign up HERE and receive a practical daily step each Monday-Friday to help you be intentional about building your marriage. If it’s been a while since you felt sexy or were excited about your sex life, our 25-Day Think Sex Challenge will help you get back in the mood! Learn more HERE! When you sign up for Dr. Kim’s weekly Dispatch email, you receive a copy of his Daily Declarations FREE as a sign up bonus!   
9/12/202336 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Spiritual Battle For Your Marriage | Ep. 571

One reason marriage can be difficult is because it faces real spiritual opposition. 1 Peter 5:8 says the enemy is like “a roaring lion looking for someone to devour,” who would love to destroy us and our marriages. But Christian couples can be confident that God is on our side, He is for us and He has the victory.  So how can we be on guard and ready to fight for our marriage, spiritually? Tune in today to learn how.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  Reasons why marriage is a target of spiritual attacks  Ways spiritual attacks can show up in marriage Steps to fight back and fight for your marriage in those times   Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Dr. Kim shared his heart behind our Marriage Changers membership in today’s episode. Get more info on the membership HERE.   We are happy to have 50+ AM YouVersion plans. Here are the two we mentioned in this episode:  Learning to Apologize Well In Marriage  Praying Over your home  If you haven’t already, check out our perennial fave House Prayer Cards. They’re Like Dr. Kim’s scripture on the walls thing, but without needing to repaint!  Our 2-Week Couples Scripture Challenge helps you fight for your marriage by building the habit of getting into God’s Word together. 
9/5/202341 minutes, 6 seconds
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Life-Giving Rhythms in Parenting: Wives' Edition with Nellie Harden | Ep. 569

How should the rhythms of our child’s season of life inform our parenting? How can your family rhythms and routines cultivate the kind of family atmosphere you are longing for in your household and set your child up for success? Today our special guest Nellie Harden helps you see where you are in this season of your child’s growing up years and how to parent well in this time.     We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  The perspective shift to more peaceful parenting  Why to number the days of your child’s childhood  How our own perfectionism affects our kids and our parenting  The parenting shift we need in the second half of childhood  A practical way to reduce sibling strife     Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Find Nellie’s book, learn more about the 6570 Family Project and more on her website   Here’s the article Nellie wrote for Focus on The Family that we loved: “Family on the Rocks!” Taking a few minutes a week to check up on your marriage is simple and effective with the Weekly Marriage Check Up Guide Our 27 Scripture Prayer Cards are both beautiful AND powerful!   
8/29/20231 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
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Life-Giving Rhythms: Husbands' Edition with Justin Whitmel Earley | Ep. 568

This time of year, so many families are thinking about how to make this new school year go even better than the last. You may be wondering how you can possibly build in helpful, healthy rhythms when you’re Already. So. Busy. If so, you do not want to miss this episode.  Today our guest Justin Earley shares how to build intentionality and meaning into your existing family habits.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  What our messy attempts at forming good habits can communicate to our kids (you might be surprised!)  The perspective shift that lets you take advantage of your family’s existing habits for good  What does it actually mean to be a spiritual leader?  Practical advice for wives who want their husband to lead spiritually    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Hear more on these topics in Justin’s books:  The Common Rule: Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction Habits of the Household: Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms Made for People: Why We Drift into Loneliness and How to Fight for a Life of Friendship Find resources, writing an more from Justin at The Weekly Marriage Check Up Guide makes it simple to check in with your spouse each week.  
8/22/202349 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to Reset Your Thoughts and Habits with Debra Fileta | Ep. 568

Ever wondered why you can’t break a habit you hate or form a new one you want to start? Today’s bonus episode is for you! Debra Fileta always brings wisdom and practical tools to help us connect spiritual practices with mental health and relationship health, and we’re delighted to have Debra back on the podcast with us today. We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  Why issues seem to surface at unexpected times and what you can do about it The equation that leads to lasting change - and why most people get it wrong  How to effectively begin to break bad habits    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Debra has also been on these past episodes:  Choosing Marriage: Interview with Debra Fileta | Ep. 207 Love In Every Season: Interview with Debra Fileta | Ep. 411 Are You Really OK? With Special Guest Debra Fileta | Ep. 471 Oneness Vs. Codependency - What's the Difference? With Special Guest Debra Fileta | Ep. 511 We think you’ll love Debra’s new book, RESET: Powerful Habits to Own Your Thoughts, Understand Your Feelings, and Change Your Life Are you getting the Marriage Multiplier? It’s a quick weekly email from Dr. Kim that gives you ways to intentionally invest in your marriage. Sign up HERE.   
8/18/202338 minutes, 58 seconds
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Life-Giving Personal and Family Rhythms | Ep. 567

As we enter the fall season, it’s a great time to look at the routines in your life. This month we’re talking all about life-giving routines and rhythms. Sometimes in marriage, we can get into bad habits of conflict or miscommunication, BUT we can also use our habits and routines to build up our spouse and grow our marriage. Today we’re sharing some of our personal routines and family rhythms that help keep our marriages strong. We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   Dr. Kim’s personal routine and why it’s so important to him  The small things that don’t even feel like “things” – and why they matter so much  Practical ways to build the kind of culture you want to have in your marriage    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!   RESOURCES:  If you’re not getting Dr. Kim’s One Thing daily email, sign up HERE!  The Weekly Marriage Check Up Guide makes it simple to check in with your spouse each week.   Get a better dinner experience when you bring good questions to the table with 52 Questions for Your Family Table
8/15/202344 minutes, 4 seconds
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Learning to Work as a Team | Ep. 566

We talk to a lot of couples who don't know what makes them a great team. And if you don’t know what makes you a great team, how can you operate as one? All too often, opposites attract and it takes intentionality to tap into all that God has for you in the gift of your marriage. So today we’re talking about leaning into what makes you a uniquely gifted team in your marriage, and resolving the tension that comes from the ways we differ from our spouse.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:  What are the common issues that keep couples from being a strong team?  Dr. Kim gives great ideas of creative solutions to issues  How to combat the competition that sometimes creeps into marriage We share ways we’ve personally done this in our marriages    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Get the team conversation started with Team You & Me: A Guide to Approaching Your Marriage as a Team, a resource designed to help you be more intentional to tap into all God has for you in the gift of your marriage. Dr. Kim and Nancy’s book, Love, Intimacy and Sex in Second Half is out now! Grab your copy HERE!  Related episodes you might like:  What is Team Language? | Ep. 501 Make the Most of Your Differences with Special Guests Jay & Breona Washington | Ep. 476 Wives Edition: How to Ask For Help
8/8/202342 minutes, 43 seconds
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Worth Repeating: Hope For the Unhappy Marriage With Special Guest Toni Niewhof

Has marriage been harder than you thought it would be? We often say there’s hope for every marriage, no matter where you are today - and there truly is. But you may be wondering how exactly to hold on and fight for your marriage if you’re in a really hard season. Today, we are sharing Dr. Kim’s conversation with special guest Toni Nieuwhof.  Toni is an author, speaker and family law mediator, and she brings such hope and wisdom in today’s episode. Tune in for hope and help to make the future of your marriage better than today.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:  The mental shift helped Toni and her husband keep fighting when their marriage was on the brink Practical steps they took to start healing  Common issues Toni sees couples divorce over  How to change your mental narrative about your marriage    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Get more of Toni’s wisdom on this topic in her book, “Before You Split”  On her website at  And on the Smart Family Podcast  Are you willing to do what it takes to reset and renew your marriage? Fight for your marriage with the  Marriage 911 online course. Missed the other episodes of our summer Worth Repeating Series? So far we’ve aired:  Worth Repeating | Be Your Authentic Self in a Superficial World With Special Guest Sam Acho Worth Repeating | Breathe: Don’t Be Prickly Worth Repeating: Cultivating Curiosity & Courage with Special Guest Bob Goff
8/1/202348 minutes, 37 seconds
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Worth Repeating: Cultivating Curiosity & Courage with Special Guest Bob Goff

How can curiosity help you have an awesome marriage? How can you grow yourself and your marriage, even in the busyness and life’s changing seasons? As we share some of our favorite past episodes this summer, we are so happy to re-air Dr. Kim’s interview with Bob Goff. Bob and Dr. Kim talked about how to dream big, be courageous and grow closer with your spouse. Don’t miss their encouraging conversation today - it’s certainly worth repeating!    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  The role curiosity plays  in keeping you - and your marriage - interesting  Learning to align your dreams as a couple  What to do if you don’t have any big dreams to chase   Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES 27 Scripture Prayer Cards combine the power of prayer and the power of God’s Word, designed beautifully to help you invite God’s to work in your marriage Find Bob @ Check out Maria’s new book, Love Lives Here Dr. Kim especially liked Bob’s book Everybody Always Missed the other episodes of our summer Worth Repeating Series? So far we’ve aired:  Worth Repeating | Be Your Authentic Self in a Superficial World With Special Guest Sam Acho Worth Repeating | Breathe: Don’t Be Prickly
7/25/202338 minutes, 43 seconds
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Worth Repeating | Breathe: Don’t Be Prickly

One common theme we hear from our couples at Awesome Marriage is that life and marriage have been difficult the past few years. The unexpected and unpredictable realities have taken a toll on many of us, and the anxiety and angst have made us quite “prickly.”  In today’s episode, Dr. Kim and Christina talk about that prickliness and help you evaluate if you’ve been a little prickly and if so, how to work through it.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:  Defining exactly what we mean by “prickly”  Dr. Kim shares some healthy ways to deal with the pain Red flags that can help show us our prickliness  What do I do if this is me? What if it’s my spouse?    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Dr. Kim and Nancy’s book, Love, Intimacy and Sex in Second Half is out now! Click HERE to grab your copy!  27 Scripture Prayer Cards combine the power of prayer and the power of God’s Word, designed beautifully to help you invite God’s to work in your marriage  
7/18/202329 minutes, 54 seconds
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Worth Repeating | Be Your Authentic Self in a Superficial World With Special Guest Sam Acho

We’re on our annual summer break from the podcast, and during the break we love to re-air favorite past episodes. Today we’re sharing Dr. Kim’s conversation with former NFL linebacker Sam Acho, a speaker, podcaster, and humanitarian. They had an honest and encouraging conversation about what holds us back from being authentic and how to break through fears and be more real.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  The breakthrough that first helped Sam to stop hiding & pretending he was ok  Why the closest relationships can also be the places we feel the most insecure Why the small steps we take to be real are actually big! Steps to take when you feel you’re not living in authenticity    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Dr. Kim and Nancy’s book, Love, Intimacy and Sex in Second Half is out TODAY!! Click HERE to grab your copy!  27 Scripture Prayer Cards combine the power of prayer and the power of God’s Word, designed beautifully to help you invite God’s to work in your marriage  Sam & Dr. Kim talked today about his book, Let the World See You, and he also has a new book, Change Starts With You: Following Your Fire to Heal a Broken World Find Sam on Twitter and Instagram @thesamacho  
7/11/202348 minutes, 15 seconds
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5 Ways to Make It To Your 50th Anniversary | Ep. 565

Marriage is more of a marathon than a sprint, and to go the distance, it definitely helps to learn from someone who has gone before. Who better to learn from than Dr. Kim? He and Nancy are more than 50 years into marriage, and continue to have so much fun together. It’s not always easy, but it’s definitely worth it! Today Dr. Kim shares his top 5 ways to build a marriage you love that will stand the test of time.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  Practically speaking, how do you put “God first, spouse second”?  Is the goal to just stay together - or to keep making the marriage better and better?  The power of looking forward to something together  Tips to reclaiming fun in your marriage    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!   RESOURCES  ***CORRECTION*** The release date for Love, Intimacy, and Sex in the Second Half is July 11th – just 1 week from today! Click HERE to pre-order now and so you can advantage of the $5 pre order discount with the code SECONDHALFPODCAST When it comes to having fun and not taking things too seriously, Dr. Kim and Nancy have receipts! You can find their shenanigans on TikTok and Instagram  Want to have more fun with your marriage? Our 14 Days of Marriage Fun resource helps you break up the routine and enjoy more fun and laughter together!   
7/4/202325 minutes, 27 seconds
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Recovering After Porn In Marriage: A Husband's Story with Matt Cline | Ep. 564

Recovery after porn is possible. Your mind can heal and you can break the addiction. Today’s guest, Matt Cline, is the founder and director of Restored Ministries, which leads men and women out of sexual brokenness and into a life of freedom and impact. Matt has seen countless lives radically changed around the world.Today he talks about his healing process, how God restored his beliefs about sex  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  The God-given purpose of our sex drive - and why that matters How do you define the actual difference between “sex” and “making love”?  Lies porn teaches us about sex and how to replace them with truth  Specific ways the mind changes after porn recovery  The process of turning temptation into an opportunity for worship    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Find all of Matt’s resources at Restored Ministries is on Instagram @restoredsexuality, Facebook @ Restored Ministries, and the Pure Victory Podcast.  You don’t have to settle for a struggling marriage. The 90 Days to Save Your Marriage plan starts right where your marriage is today and helps get it on the road to healing. Click HERE to preorder Dr. Kim’s new book, Love, Intimacy and Sex in the Second Half. Use the code SECONDHALFPODCAST for $5 off at checkout!   
6/29/202357 minutes, 34 seconds
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Recovering After Porn In Marriage: A Wife's Story with Dannah Gresh | Ep. 563

Can your marriage be happy, even after…? Our guest today said that, “About 70% of men in the church are struggling cyclically or addictively with pornography, and about 30% of women. It’s time to stop giving the enemy the power of our silence.” We completely agree! While this story is not easy to tell, letting light into our darkest places is how we will experience the healing God wants for us. We are so thankful that Dannah shared her story with us this week. We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:   The antidote to “I don’t even know what to do” about this  Does a porn addiction always escalate? And why?  Some of the science behind why this addiction is so hard to kick  The impact of betrayal trauma on a spouse    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   RESOURCES  Order Dannah’s book, Happily Even After, for more of her story and insights    Protect your kids from porn with the help of    Click HERE to preorder Dr. Kim’s new book, Love, Intimacy and Sex in the Second Half. Use the code SECONDHALFPODCAST for $5 off at checkout! You don’t have to settle for a struggling marriage. The 90 Days to Save Your Marriage plan starts right where your marriage is today and helps get it on the road to healing.
6/27/202349 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Rebuild Intimacy With Your Spouse After Porn | Ep. 562

If porn use has damaged your marriage, you may struggle to feel close and to re-engage in sexual intimacy. You know that healing is possible, but how do you get there? Today Dr. Kim shares ways that couples can overcome the hurt caused by porn and re-establish the intimacy that will make the marriage thrive again. Time and again, we have seen couples restored, and their marriage even better than before. Tune in today and learn how this can be true for your marriage too.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.   Episode highlights include:  Overcoming intrusive thoughts and insecurities  How porn and comparison are similar  Why the marriage can be better than before after healing from this    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  RESOURCES Do you love the Bible app as much as we do? Do not miss Dr. Kim’s Verse of the Day on YouVersion Friday!  Click HERE to preorder Dr. Kim’s new book, Love, Intimacy and Sex in the Second Half. Use the code SECONDHALFPODCAST for $5 off at checkout!  Has the Awesome Marriage podcast helped your marriage? If so, will you take a moment to leave us a rating and review? They take just a moment to leave, but they do make an difference in getting the show in front of more people.  In Spotify, click the “star” icon right under the show’s heading On Apple Podcasts, scroll down to the “Ratings & Reviews” section of the show page Don’t settle for a struggling marriage. The 90 Days to Save Your Marriage plan is affordable, practical, and starts right where your marriage is today to get it on the road to healing.   
6/20/202343 minutes, 8 seconds
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How to Regain Trust With Your Spouse After Porn | Ep. 561

Porn use is a pain point for all too many marriages. Today we talk about how to begin healing and rebuilding trust if porn has damaged your marriage. We have seen countless marriages restored from this issue, and we believe God can do the same for you and your marriage. Tune in to learn how you can begin to trust again.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  The key to knowing if your spouse has changed and is trustworthy What if they haven’t changed?  Why confession is vital to healing and freedom  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES If you are ready to be free from porn, our friends at Restored Ministries offer several options to help both. Please do not hesitate to reach out.  If your marriage has been affected by infidelity, our online Affair Recovery Course can help. This course is helpful whether you’re just starting the recovery process, or are already in process. Use code: “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” for %10 off. Has the Awesome Marriage podcast helped your marriage? If so, will you take a moment to leave us a rating and review? They take just a moment to leave, but they do make an difference in getting the show in front of more people.  In Spotify, click the “star” icon right under the show’s heading On Apple Podcasts, scroll down to the “Ratings & Reviews” section of the show page Click HERE to preorder Dr. Kim’s new book, Love, Intimacy and Sex in the Second Half. Use the code SECONDHALFPODCAST for $5 off at checkout!   
6/13/202338 minutes, 51 seconds
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How Does Porn Affect a Marriage? | Ep. 560

We know this topic is a painful one for all too many marriages, and we also know that God can bring full healing if your marriage has been damaged by porn. Today Dr. Kim shares how he’s seen porn impact marriages over the years, why it’s always a problem if it’s part of a marriage, and how to start breaking free.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:  Why porn use is never a one-person issue  Why keeping porn use secret makes it harder to stop using  Addressing common cultural myths about porn such as, “everyone does it” and “it doesn’t hurt anyone” Steps to breaking free if you are using    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES If you are ready to be free from porn, our friends at Restored Ministries offer several options to help both. Please do not hesitate to reach out.  If your marriage has been affected by infidelity, our online Affair Recovery Course can help. This course is helpful whether you’re just starting the recovery process, or are already in process. Use code: “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” for %10 off.
6/6/202339 minutes, 14 seconds
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Summer Season Trailer: Here's What's Happening on the Podcast This Summer

Great things are happening on the Awesome Marriage Podcast this summer! In this quick update Dr. Kim and I pop in to talk about what you can expect and what you'll be hearing over the next few weeks. Plus an exciting announcement from Dr. Kim! We pray these episodes are helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Click HERE to preorder Dr. Kim’s new book, Love, Intimacy and Sex in the Second Half. Use the code SECONDHALFPODCAST for $5 off at checkout!  Click HERE to sign up for our weekly Podcast Email and get an email each Tuesday with that week’s new episode, plus additional bonus content.  If you need anything from us, don’t hesitate to reach out at [email protected]  
6/2/20235 minutes, 59 seconds
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When God Meets Us Where We Are with Eric & Erikah Rivera | Ep. 559

When Eric and Erikah Rivera met and started dating as high school sweethearts, they sensed God’s call on their lives. But they did not know how it would all unfold. Today they are church planters in their hometown of Chicago, and they graciously share their story of how God has met them in the midst of unexpected fear and pain, and the ways He has worked in each circumstance. Don’t miss this encouraging conversation with the Riveras.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:  How sharing their fears and grief with each other led to increased faith Unexpected ways God can use our trials when we invite Him to  Should the disciple be known as “Doubting Thomas” or “Ride-or-Die Thomas”?   When God doesn’t answer our prayers the way we hope    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Application Questions:    What fears are underlying in your heart and mind today? What prevents you from speaking them?  Where do you need to see Jesus show up in your life today? In your marriage?  How do you need support in those things in your marriage today?  How can you better support your spouse in the things they are dealing with today?  RESOURCES   You can find Eric and Erikah on Instagram Hear more on the Brook Church website and YouTube Channel  44 Tips to Better Sex in Marriage: Sexual Intimacy Cheat Sheet  
5/31/202346 minutes, 15 seconds
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When God Meets Us Where We Are with Eric & Erikah Rivera

When Eric and Erikah Rivera met and started dating as high school sweethearts, they sensed God’s call on their lives. But they did not know how it would all unfold. Today they are church planters in their hometown of Chicago, and they graciously share their story of how God has met them in the midst of unexpected fear and pain, and the ways He has worked in each circumstance. Don’t miss this encouraging conversation with the Riveras.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:  How sharing their fears and grief with each other led to increased faith Unexpected ways God can use our trials when we invite Him to  Should the disciple be known as “Doubting Thomas” or “Ride-or-Die Thomas”?   When God doesn’t answer our prayers the way we hope    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!   RESOURCES You can find Eric and Erikah on Instagram Hear more on the Brook Church website and YouTube Channel  44 Tips to Better Sex in Marriage: Sexual Intimacy Cheat Sheet Whether you’re early in marriage or past the halfway point, we want you to thrive the whole way through. “Love, Intimacy and Sex in the Second Half” is Dr. Kim’s newest book. It releases in August, and it’s available HERE for preorder today!   
5/30/202346 minutes, 56 seconds
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Unpack the Baggage In Your Marriage: How To Let It Go | Ep. 558

This week we conclude our powerful Unpacking the Baggage series with some details on the process of unpacking marriage baggage, and dealing with what’s underneath. I’m so thankful for Dr. Kim’s biblical wisdom on this topic, as well as the excellent guests we heard from this month. If you missed the previous episodes of this series, make sure to go back and listen for some powerful wisdom on how to heal your heart and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  Some of the physical signals that can help us prevent overreactions  Slowing down the process to identify relationship triggers  How to begin healing from relationship triggers and figure out what’s underneath What to do if you don’t know what’s underneath     We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES 44 Tips to Better Sex in Marriage: Sexual Intimacy Cheat Sheet The L.O.V.E. Your Way Through Marriage Course, by Chris and Jamie Bailey, is a journey of connecting and learning all the necessary steps to start having healthy conflict. Use promo code AWESOMEMARRIAGE for 10% off!  
5/23/202338 minutes, 55 seconds
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What does it mean to hold space for our spouse? | Unpack the Baggage In Your Marriage With Dr. Kelly Flanagan

When we carry parts of our past with us, it still affects us into today. If we aren’t talking about how the past is for each spouse pushing its way into the present, then we’re probably not getting to the depth of the truth of what’s really going on. Dr. Kelly Flanagan is a repeat guest on the podcast, and today he shares some transformative steps to dealing with what’s under the surface, and helping your spouse to do the same. Don’t miss this helpful episode!    Episode highlights include:  Do we really need to bring up old stuff from the past? Why does it matter now?  Is your heart open to your spouse, or closed?  What are steps to helping a spouse deal with their baggage?  What does it mean to “hold space” for your spouse? Plus why and how to do that   We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Find more of Dr. Kelly’s resources, including the Loveable Mini Course, at his website: Get Dr. Kelly’s newest book,  The Unhiding of Elijah Campbell  Here's the L.O.V.E. Your Way Through Conflict Course, by Chris and Jamie Bailey. As a gift to our podcast listeners, you can use the promo code LOVELAUNCH to get 20% off from May 9th through May 19th!     
5/9/20231 hour, 57 seconds
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Healing Your Heart and Your Marriage | Unpack the Baggage In Your Marriage with John and Stasi Eldredge | Ep. 557

How can disappointment or unmet expectations in marriage lead us to God’s healing? Our marriage will only be as healthy as the two people in it, and God wants to restore and heal our hearts. We’re delighted to have John and Stasi Eldredge on the podcast today. The Eldredges share so much wisdom and their personal experiences with God’s healing power in their lives and their marriage.    Episode highlights include:  How to navigate expectations for your marriage and the hurt they can bring  How to take pressure off your spouse and your marriage he two great conversions in the Christian life What they would have missed if they had called it quits    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    RESOURCES Dr. Kim highly recommends Pause App, by the Eldredges Check out their site, - it is full of SO many great resources for you!  The L.O.V.E. Your Way Through Marriage Course, by Chris and Jamie Bailey, is a journey of connecting and learning all the necessary steps to start having healthy conflict. Use promo code: LOVELAUNCH for 20% off through May 19th!
5/9/202346 minutes, 47 seconds
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Unpack the Baggage In Your Marriage: What Are You Carrying? | Ep. 555

When we carry parts of our past with us, they still affect us today. You may know there is something going on, but not know what it is. You may sense your spouse has something they are carrying or you might be affected by unresolved conflict in your shared past. Today Dr. Kim shares how these things shape our marriage relationships and what we can do about them. Episode highlights include:   Ever been picked last at recess? Yeah, us too. But do things like that matter in our marriages?  Why aren’t we dealing with this stuff already?  What happens if we don’t deal with our past hurt Is it okay to talk about our spouse’s baggage if they don’t bring it up?  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES 44 Tips to Better Sex in Marriage: Sexual Intimacy Cheat Sheet This is the FB Live video with Chris and Jamie Bailey that we referred to dealing with Emotional Rationalization  As promised! Here are some Scriptures that speak to the things we addressed today:   Colossians 2:6-10  Ephesians 4:20-24  John 16:33 James 1:2-5  
5/2/202339 minutes, 7 seconds
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Series Trailer: Unpack the Baggage In Your Marriage

Here's what's coming up in the next several weeks on the Awesome Marriage Podcast! I'll share which guests will be appearing on the podcast and a snippet of what they'll talk about. This series is full of warmth and wisdom, so make sure to tune into each episode!  
4/28/20231 minute, 54 seconds
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The 3 Words With The Potential To Change Your Life With Pastor Mark Battterson

How can just three words help strengthen your emotional, spiritual and mental health? Not only that, but Pastor Mark Batterson says they can shift the tide and change everything. Please, Sorry, Thanks is the name of Pastor Mark Batterson’s new book, and he is here today with Dr. Kim, sharing why it’s worth devoting an entire book to three of the first words many of us were taught growing up! Don’t miss this powerful episode.    Episode highlights include:  Practices to better position ourselves to hear God’s voice over the world’s noise  The psychology of please, the science of sorry, and the theology of thanks The antidote to bitterness, and the lasting impacts of unconfessed bitterness    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    RESOURCES For some guidance to try Mark’s idea of asking great questions, try our 52 Questions For Your Family Table. These are designed to help you ask great questions and engage in interesting conversation!  If you enjoyed this episode, you will love Mark’s new book Please, Sorry, Thanks!  
4/25/202349 minutes, 37 seconds
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How To Love The Adult Child Who Breaks Your Heart with Dr. David Clarke

So many parents know the pain of a broken relationship with their adult child. This isn’t how you thought it would go, and you’re not sure how to love your child when they continue to break your heart. Today Dr. David E Clarke returns to the podcast to give some biblical steps that parents can take, individually or as a couple, with their prodigal child.    Episode highlights include:  10 scenarios that can cause relational disconnect with your adult child Steps to repairing your relationship when you’ve fallen short  Resolving parental guilt - and what happens if you fail to do so Forgiving the adult child that has broken your heart  What role do other family members play?    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  RESOURCES More on this topic can be found in Dr. Clarke's book: Adult Children Who Break Your Heart
4/21/202336 minutes, 51 seconds
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Boundaries Q & A | Ep. 552

Today we tackle listener questions about how to practically apply boundaries in specific marriage situations. Dr. Kim gives some great starting points to help you deal with situations that you may be facing where a boundary would help, but you just don’t know what that boundary should be, or how to set it.    Episode highlights include:  Decision-making boundaries with in-laws  Dealing with a controlling parent How to address an unmet promise without nagging Finding creative solutions to address marriage pain points   We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Our new Boundaries Workbook Guide helps you decide where and how to start applying this content to your marriage.
4/18/202335 minutes, 6 seconds
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Real Stories of Healthy Marriage Boundaries | Ep. 551

Today on the podcast, we’re sharing real stories of marriage boundaries that couples used to help their marriage grow healthier. Dr. Kim and I each share some of our own experiences, and we will hear from 4 members of the Awesome Marriage team about boundaries that helped their marriage.       Episode highlights include:  The money mindset that set Dr. Kim and Nancy up for success together A simple way to transition from your work-from-home to family time   Lindsay and Christina share practical boundaries for couples in ministry  Dr. Kim and Lindsay have opposite takes on one thing their spouses do We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Our new Boundaries Guide helps you decide where and how to start applying this content to your marriage. The 7 Most Popular Resource Bundle launches today! It’s available for 2 weeks only, so don’t miss the chance to get 7 of our most-loved resources for just one donation.
4/11/202349 minutes, 9 seconds
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Boundaries & Marriage: What NOT to Do | Ep. 550

Today we’re going to get into what healthy boundaries do and do NOT look like. We will troubleshoot the confusion and frustration that boundaries can bring when they’re not working like they should, and tell you what to do about it.    Episode highlights include:  We unpack some reasons you might avoid setting boundaries Red flags that you are doing boundaries wrong How to clarify the importance of the issues you discuss When you have assumed your spouse knows your boundaries   We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES The 7 Most Popular Resource Bundle launches today! It’s available for 2 weeks only, so don’t miss the chance to get 7 of our most-loved resources for just one donation. Our new Boundaries Guide helps you decide where and how to start applying this content to your marriage.  For more information on boundaries, Henry Cloud and John Townsend’s book, Boundaries is an immensely helpful time-tested staple.     
4/4/202345 minutes, 45 seconds
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How To Disagree Without Defensiveness With Mike Donehey | Ep. 549

Do you ever get a little defensive when your spouse disagrees with you? Marriage disagreements get real because we can’t just ignore what we don’t agree on like we can with an acquaintance. Today Mike Donehey joins Dr. Kim on the podcast and shares gospel-centered wisdom that shows us a better way to disagree. Episode highlights include:  How Christians should handle defensiveness  A great way to diffuse an argument as soon as it begins  What can happen when we take the time to really hear the other person’s argument  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!   RESOURCES Save the date! Our 7 Most Popular Resources Bundle goes live in 1 WEEK on April 4th!  Read Mike’s book, Grace in the Gray: A More Loving Way to Disagree Find Mike at Listen to Mike’s podcast, Chasing the Beauty 
3/28/202348 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Set Marriage Boundaries | Ep. 548

Today we get into the details of how to carry out healthy boundary setting. We continue the series on healthy boundaries by talking about logistics of how to set and carry out the boundaries our marriages need. We’ll talk about how to do this conversation well, and what NOT to do when you talk about them. Tune in to hear how to set these well to help you and your marriages to be their healthiest.  What do you want to hear more about before we close this series? Let me know!  Episode highlights include:  Dr. Kim gives several examples of how to make boundaries enforceable Practical dos and don'ts of a boundaries conversation What to do if your spouse doesn’t agree to your boundaries or respect them  Ways for in-laws to deal with boundaries involving their married kids  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    * Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES A helpful companion episode: What is Team Language? | Ep. 501 Our Boundaries Guide walks through the topics we’ve covered through this series and helps you decide where and how to start applying this content to your marriage.  We talk to a lot of couples who don't know what makes them a great team, so we created Team You & Me: A Guide to Approaching Your Marriage as a Team, to help you be more intentional to tap into all God has for you in the gift of your marriage. Our Conflict Solving Survey & Workbook provides more help to work on healthy and effective conflict resolution together. We have launched the Achieving Awesome Sex in Marriage Course, with sessions covering God’s purpose for sex, making your spouse comfortable in the bedroom, a Q&A with Dr. Kim and Nancy and more! Get more info enroll HERE and use code SEXLAUNCH through March for 20% off!     
3/21/202349 minutes, 22 seconds
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Boundaries Outside Your Marriage | Ep. 547

Several types of boundaries can help your marriage be healthy, and today we’re talking about boundaries outside of marriage. That means with family, friends, and the opposite sex. We could probably devote an entire episode to each of these categories! We definitely can’t cover every possibility, but we can get the conversation started.    Episode highlights include:  Boundaries with your in laws & adult married children Guidance on setting boundaries with your kids at any age Basic boundaries for co-parenting with an ex  Dr. Kim’s recommendations for affair prevention boundaries    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Get 25 of Dr Kim’s best conflict resolution tips in our Conflict Resolution Cheat Sheet!  Our new Boundaries Guide helps you decide where and how to start applying this content to your marriage.   Our friends Dan & Kay at Centsei can help you set a budget and stick with good financial boundaries. We talk to a lot of couples who don't know what makes them a great team, so we created Team You & Me: A Guide to Approaching Your Marriage as a Team, to help you be more intentional to tap into all God has for you in the gift of your marriage.  
3/14/202350 minutes, 58 seconds
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Boundaries Within Your Marriage | Ep. 546

There are several types of boundaries that you need to have within your marriage. Chances are you already have some. But there may be pain points in your marriage that healthy boundaries can help. Today we cover a lot of ground as we get into the details of some boundaries that may be needed within your marriage to help you, your spouse and your marriage be your healthiest.  Episode highlights include:  Ways to approach a conversation about free time and hobbies without a fight The most common areas where most couples might need boundaries Signs that you need a boundary in a given area How NOT to do your budget together  Plus - Do you have a hobby to answer my question at the end of the episode? I’m so curious - there’s bound to be one!  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Get 25 of Dr Kim’s best conflict resolution tips in our Conflict Resolution Cheat Sheet!  Our new Boundaries Guide helps you decide where and how to start applying this content to your marriage.  Our friends Dan & Kay at Centsei can help you set a budget and stick with good financial boundaries. We talk to a lot of couples who don't know what makes them a great team, so we created Team You & Me: A Guide to Approaching Your Marriage as a Team, to help you be more intentional to tap into all God has for you in the gift of your marriage.  
3/7/202352 minutes, 38 seconds
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5 Rhythms of a Healthy Marriage with Chris & Jenni Graebe | Ep. 545

What are the rhythms of your marriage? Whether you know what they are or not, you have rhythms, and they are shaping who you will become as a couple. Today on the podcast Chris and Jenni Graebe join Dr. Kim to talk about five rhythms for a healthy marriage, and how you can work together to get in the groove.  Episode highlights include:  What are the 5 rhythms?  How to talk about issues in your marriage without starting a fight  Why speaking life is such an important rhythm, and why it affects more than your marriage.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Grab Chris and Jenni’s book, The Rhythm of Us to get all the details of today’s conversation, how to put them into your marriage, and more!  Check out Chris & Jenni’s Rhythm of Us Podcast  Use the Marriage Quiz to discover the #1 rhythm missing in your marriage at
2/28/202356 minutes, 18 seconds
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Boundaries For Your Marriage: What They Are And Why They Are Important

Today we’re kicking off a series about boundaries in marriage. What they are, what they are not, and why they are essential in a healthy marriage. We get a lot of questions on the topic, and in this series we will share the types of boundaries that can help a marriage, and how to implement them. This series will be full of practical applications and we’d love to answer your questions.  Episode highlights include:  What can boundaries do for your marriage?  What can they NOT do?  Dr. Kim’s take on an age old example of physical affection at unwelcome times  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Our Conflict Resolution Cheat Sheet contains 25 of Dr. Kim’s best tips to help you fight fair and resolve conflict well  For more help troubleshooting the conflict in your marriage, our Conflict Solving Survey and Workbook helps evaluate where you are now, see where you want to grow, and learn how to get from here to there.  In today’s episode we mentioned this: How to Set Boundaries in One-Sided Marriage | Ep. 505. In it we give more biblical context for boundaries. Our 4-day YouVersion plan on Boundaries in Marriage can help you put healthy boundaries into practice.  
2/21/202338 minutes, 7 seconds
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Boundaries for Your Marriage Series Trailer

We’re dropping in today to share a brief overview of our upcoming “Boundaries For Your Marriage” series. We get a lot of questions on the topic, and in this series we will share types of boundaries that can help a marriage, and how to implement them.  The series will cover: What boundaries are and why they matter for your marriage, boundaries within marriage, boundaries outside of marriage, how to set boundaries, what NOT to do, plus an episode devoted to answering your questions. Please subscribe to our Podcast Email if you have not already, as we provide application questions to help make each episode applicable to you, as well as other bonus content.  We pray this series will be helpful to you and your marriage!   *Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here! 
2/16/20232 minutes, 1 second
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How Make to Love a Verb In Your Marriage | Ep. 543

It is Valentine’s Day! And today we’re talking about how to put love in action in your marriage. It’s safe to assume you love your spouse - even if they drive you crazy sometimes! But how well do you put your love into action in a way that speaks to them? Showing love to your spouse is not just a once a year thing, so today we’re talking about practical ways to do this in your everyday life. We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.   Episode highlights include:  What does your spouse want you to do with their love language?  What if the spouse doesn’t respond well? Is there a name for the “love language” of seeing your spouse engage with the kids?  Plus an anonymous listener question about why a spouse never says “I love you”  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!   RESOURCES Our Love Cans can help you learn to put love in action in your marriage! Find out what fills your spouse’s love tank so that you can intentionally make deposits of that lovin’ feeling!  5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman  Make this Valentine’s weekend fun and engaging with a lasting impact with the Online Marriage Retreat!
2/14/202338 minutes, 38 seconds
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Overcoming Physical Obstacles to A Great Sex Life | Ep. 542

Whether it’s illness, aging, or another physical issue, there are some physical obstacles that can prevent couples from enjoying a great sex life together. Today we address several common physical barriers to a great sex life in your marriage, and provide practical ways to address them and enjoy God’s gift of sex in your marriage!    Episode highlights include:  Steps to resolving any physical barriers that impede sex  How to deal with physical disabilities or permanent changes  Help with your mindset as it relates to physical changes  Does sex have to mean intercourse?   We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Make this Valentine’s weekend special with a lasting impact with the Online Marriage Retreat! Levi & Jennie Lusko podcast episode  Celebration of Sex  by Douglas Rosenau The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability by Miriam Kaufman  Quick and Easy Guide to Sex and Disability by A. Andrews  
2/7/202339 minutes, 2 seconds
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Lies That Keep You With Your Abuser with Dr. David E Clarke | Ep. 541

Abuse of any kind is entirely inconsistent with God’s plan for marriage, as described in Scripture. Today Dr. David E. Clarke returns to the podcast to debunk reasons that godly women give for staying with their abusive spouse. Dr. Clarke has counseled so many spouses who have been taught that God wants them to remain with an abuser, so today he explains a clear, biblical basis for separation from an ungodly, unrepentant, narcissistic, or dangerous spouse. Listen to learn about confronting the lies that keep you with an abuser.    Episode highlights include:    Many wives will stay for the kids’ sake. Is that good for the kids? How to know if the spouse is truly committed to change Advice for a spouse who stays because they do not have a job or income of their own Differences between addressing normal marital issues and dealing with abuse We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “4-Week Connection Challenge" for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Get Dr. Clarke’s book, 20 Lies That Keep You With Your Abuser  Find all of Dr. Clarke’s books and his many helpful resources at We believe a world full of awesome marriages will change the world! Our Marriage Changers get instant access to each monthly resource we create, and much more. Click to learn more about membership! Scripture references from today’s episode:  1 Corinthians 7:15,  Matthew 18:15-17,  Romans 16:17-18  1 Corinthians 5:9-13  1 Samuel 25 If you are unsafe in your marriage, please contact or  800.799.SAFE
1/31/202341 minutes, 25 seconds
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Does Being a Christian Mean Staying Married, No Matter What? | Ep. 540

Today Dr. Kim answers the question, “Do Christians have to stay married, no matter what?” We have heard from several listeners who are in difficult, painful and even abusive marriages. Some said their spouse takes advantage of knowing they will continue to stay as a rationale for continuing harmful patterns. This topic is complicated and nuanced, but there are some clear biblical principles about marriage that can help to navigate a response to these painful situations. Listen to learn more.  Episode highlights include:  Does Scripture support staying with a spouse no matter what  Dr. Kim shares why and how he recommends separation Advice to a spouse whose abuser has been enabled by a church or pastor  What a loving marriage looks like, just so no one has to wonder!  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES We mentioned some Scriptures in the episode that reveal God’s heart for the marriage relationship and his standard of love. This is only a very short partial list.  Ephesians 5   1 Peter 3 1 Corinthians 13  Colossians 3:12-19  Even in a difficult marriage, there is no place for violence or any kind of abuse. If you are unsafe in your marriage, please contact or  800.799.SAFE Dr. David E Clarke returns to the podcast next week for help dealing with an abuser. For help more helpful content on the topic, please see Dr. Clarke’s books: Enough is Enough 20 Lies That Keep You WIth Your Abuser 
1/24/202330 minutes, 22 seconds
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Adam & Kristi's Affair Recovery Story | Ep. 539

We are so happy to be back with a new episode of the podcast in the new year! Today we get to hear the story of a real couple whose marriage was restored after infidelity. Adam and Kristi share the complete story of their marriage, and how God worked through their hardest situation to bring redemption. LIsten in to hear them tell    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES If your marriage has been affected by infidelity, our online Affair Recovery Course can help. This course is helpful whether you’re just starting the recovery process, or are already in process. Use code: “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” for $5 off.  Book: Unashamed By Christine Caine Related episodes:  Amber and Arly’s Restoration Story The Best Way to Affair Proof Your Marriage | Ep. 516
1/17/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 3 seconds
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Growing Together Through Grief with Kerry and Chris Shook | Ep. 538

Statistically, odds are not good for a couple processing grief together. Today Kerry and Chris Shook join Dr. Kim on the podcast. In this powerfully encouraging episode, they share how they handled a painful season of grief losing their grandson, Jude, who lived just one day on earth, and how they were shaped, along with their family, through the loss. Kerry and Chris are pastors and co-authors of The Gift of One Day: How to Find Hope When Life Gets Hard. Episode highlights include:  Does grief change us, and what does that look like?  Seeing God at work when he doesn’t seem to answer our biggest prayers How to handle grief when you grieve differently than your spouse does   How thinking about “one day” shapes the grief process   We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  Resources:  Kerry and Chris’s book The Gift of One Day: How to Find Hope When Life Gets Hard tells the whole story This month’s 62 Questions About Sex resource helps you be more intentional and thoughtful about quality and satisfaction in your sex life. Plus it comes with 10 Sexy Bucketlist Challenges, just for fun!  Enjoying our monthly resources? Consider becoming a Marriage Changer! Our Marriage Changers get instant access to each new resource we create, plus exclusive bonus content each month! Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email.  Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok!
12/20/202249 minutes, 36 seconds
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Our Favorite Ways to Celebrate Christmas | Ep. 537

The Christmas season is like no other! Today we’re sharing some ways we love to celebrate, our favorite traditions, past mistakes and mishaps, and how we have handled some of the challenges of the season. Plus we get to hear from two very special guests – each of our spouses join us for the first time on the podcast!   Episode highlights include:  Knowing when it’s time to let go of certain traditions Dr. Kim’s tips to reduce Christmas busyness  PLUS Christmas favorites, challenges and memories with Brian Few & Nancy Kimberling!  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  Resources:  Our “A Very Married Christmas: Couple’s Advent Calendar” is designed to help you slow down and connect through the Christmas season, and is available for a donation of any amount toward our Giving Tuesday campaign!  This month’s 62 Questions About Sex resource helps you be more intentional and thoughtful about quality and satisfaction in your sex life.  Loving our monthly resources? Marriage Changers get instant access to every months’ new resource – and so much more! Learn more here.  Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email.  Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok!  
12/13/202245 minutes, 18 seconds
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Answering Tough Listener Questions | Ep. 536

Today we’re tackling some of the really tough questions that listeners have submitted. We love answering listener questions, and Dr. Kim often answers one at the end of our episodes. This episode is a little different, since these are all questions that warrant more than a quick answer. While there are some hard realities, we also believe that there is hope for every marriage. Wherever your marriage is today, we believe God has hope and redemption for you!    Episode highlights include:  Tips to talk to a spouse who “never has time” for hard conversations Feeling controlled when a spouse wants to know your whereabouts at all times Severe workload imbalance in the home and with finances Spouse’s video game addiction Trusting husband in spite of being surrounded by immodesty  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to get each new episode plus the show notes and extras. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages challenge for free! You’ll also get noteworthy quotes, application questions, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  Resources:  This month’s 62 Questions About Sex resource helps you be more intentional and thoughtful about quality and satisfaction in your sex life. And it comes with 10 Sexy Bucketlist challenges - just for fun!  Browse all our podcast episodes on Communication for more helpful info on this topic! Dr. Kim’s One Thing email is delivered each weekday with one practical  thing to do that day to grow your marriage. Subscribers also have access to bonus content  Loving our monthly resources? Marriage Changers get instant access to every month’s new resource, plus exclusive videos from Dr. Kim and Nancy, and more! Learn more here.  Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email.  Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok!  
12/6/202243 minutes, 4 seconds
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4 Steps to Break the Fight Cycle with Anne Nelson | Ep. 535

Research shows that 69% of marital conflict is never resolved. We either sweep it under the rug, avoid the pain points, or get stuck in a cycle of conflict that may cause pain but not find resolution. Today Dr. Kim talks with special guest Anne Nelson, about the 4-stage process to break the fight cycle and heal your marriage from conflict. Anne is a Christian counselor who helps couples and individuals to find the fully thriving life God has for them.  Episode highlights include:  Why we get stuck in the conflict cycle and how to get out Some reasons that counseling might not “work” and what to do if that happens to you How to start recognizing and healing unaddressed issues affecting your marriage  Specific questions can we use to challenge our assumptions in marriage  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  Resources:  Connect with Anne and see her marriage resources on and on Instagram @Fully Thriving. Today is Giving Tuesday, “the most generous day of the year!” When you donate, you will receive our “A Very Married Christmas: Couple’s Advent Calendar, along with our Advent Scripture Cards, as a thank-you gift! Find out more!  Loving our monthly resources? Marriage Changers get instant access to every months’ new resource – and so much more! Learn more here.  Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email.  Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok!
11/29/202250 minutes, 48 seconds
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Become the Spouse You're Made to Be With Levi & Jennie Lusko | Ep. 534

Today Dr. Kim welcomes return guests Levi and Jennie Lusko to the podcast. In this episode, they talk about their new book, The Marriage Devotional, and answer why they wrote a marriage devotional, how that process affected their marriage, the power of scripture in marriage gift God gave us, and much more! Don’t miss this deeply encouraging episode!    Episode highlights include:  Why there is power to going to church in person as a couple   What might be going on when you don’t get anything out of a sermon or Bible reading Levi and Jennie share how they’ve personally worked to grow as spouses   Some of the unseen purposes of sex in marriage    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  Resources:  We love Levi and Jennie’s new book, The Marriage Devotional. It would also make a great Christmas gift!) Hear more from Levi and Jennie at Fresh Life Church and on their podcast, Hey It’s the Luskos.  This Giving Tuesday, we are giving A Very Married Christmas: Couple’s Advent Calendar - which also comes with the cutest printable Advent Scripture Cards -  as a thank-you gift for your donation! As a non-profit, Giving Tuesday is an important day for us at Awesome Marriage! Find out more here! Loving our monthly resources? Marriage Changers get instant access to every months’ new resource – and so much more! Learn more here.  Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email.  Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok!  
11/22/202249 minutes, 8 seconds
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Avoid These 3 Premarital Mistakes: #3 Unrealistic Expectations | Ep. 533

What are some of the major mistakes we hope couples avoid during dating and engagement? Today we’re talking all about unrealistic expectations. How can we tell when our expectations are unrealistic, and what can we do to keep them from becoming an issue in our relationships?  This one trips up about every couple at some point, so even if you’re married, this episode will be helpful to recognize, and deal with our expectations in a healthy and helpful way. Tune in for all the details on how not to let this major mistake wreck your relationship. We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage! Episode highlights include:  We share several of the common unrealistic expectations we’ve seen as well as several we’ve had in our own marriages How to tell if your expectations are realistic or not  We give a simple process to work through these together  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  Resources:  Dr. Kim’s Preparing For An Awesome Marriage Online Course brings all the information he teaches in his premarital course directly to you! Use code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” FOR 10% off!  We also have a FREE “95 Questions To Ask Before You Get Married”  resource to help you prepare well for marriage. Loving our monthly resources? Marriage Changers get instant access to every months’ new resource – and so much more! Learn more here.  Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email.  Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok!  
11/15/202234 minutes, 21 seconds
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Avoid These 3 Premarital Mistakes: #2 Focusing on the Wrong Things | Ep. 532

What are some of the major mistakes we hope couples avoid during dating and engagement? Today we’re talking about what it means to focus on the wrong things. What are they, and why are we saying they’re wrong? In Dr. Kim’s counseling experience, he’s seen some things that are just not helpful for engaged couples, so today he’s telling us some of the things he sees engaged couples focusing on that aren’t helpful to their future marriage. Spoiler alert: No matter where you are today, there is hope!  Episode highlights include:  What are the “wrong things” he sees couples focus on  What’s wrong with focusing on them   Some of the ways purity in dating impacts married sex  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Resources:  Dr. Kim’s Preparing For An Awesome Marriage Online Course brings all the information he teaches in his premarital course directly to you! Use code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” FOR 10% off!  We also have a FREE “95 Questions To Ask Before You Get Married”  resource to help you prepare well for marriage. Our House Prayer Cards are a beloved resource we are featuring again this month. These cards give ways to invite God into every room of your house. Learn more here!  The Weekly Check In Guide is a simple way to be intentional about checking in on your marriage each week. Grab the resource and get intentional today!  Loving our monthly resources? Marriage Changers get instant access to every months’ new resource – and so much more! Learn more here.  Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email.  Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok!
11/8/202243 minutes, 58 seconds
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Avoid These 3 Premarital Mistakes: #1 Ignoring Red Flags | Ep. 531

  What are some of the major mistakes we hope couples avoid during dating and engagement? Today we’re looking at a big one: Ignoring red flags. Thankfully, Dr. Kim has counseled so many engaged couples over the years, and has created our Preparing For Marriage online course. So today he sheds light on several common red flags and how to deal with them. Spoiler alert: No matter where you are today, there is hope!    Episode highlights include:  Do red flags mean you have to call off the engagement? Dr. Kim shares several common red flags he sees in counseling  How to address the red flags - before AND after marriage We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Resources:  Dr. Kim’s Preparing For An Awesome Marriage Online Course brings all the information he teaches in his premarital course directly to you! Use code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” FOR 10% off!  We also have a FREE “95 Questions To Ask Before You Get Married”  resource to help you prepare well for marriage. Our new Conflict Solving Survey is designed to help you approach the conflict conversation in a gentle way that doesn’t end in conflict! We think this will help you approach conflict well.  The Weekly Check In Guide is a simple way to be intentional about checking in on your marriage each week. Grab the resource and get intentional today!  Loving our monthly resources? Marriage Changers get instant access to every months’ new resource – and so much more! Learn more here.  Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email.  Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok!  
11/1/202238 minutes, 22 seconds
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Making Your Marriage a Refuge with Special Guest Gary Thomas Ep. 530

  “The storms will hit. It’s not a threat, it’s just a reality,” as Gary Thomas shares with us today. When they do, we want our marriages to be a refuge where we take comfort. In this episode, Gary Thomas tells us how to make sure your marriage is a safe haven for you and your spouse, rather than a source of pain and conflict. His latest book tells real-life stories of marriages that overcame hardship to become a fortress. We believe this is what God wants for each marriage and what he wants for you! Don’t miss this encouraging episode!    Episode highlights include:  The one thing all of the “fortress” couples have in common  Getting on the same page when one spouse is checked out  How to overcome past wounds to heal our marriage    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here! Resources:    Our new Conflict Solving Survey is designed to help you approach the conflict conversation in a gentle way that doesn’t end in conflict! We think this will help you approach conflict well.  The Weekly Check In Guide is a simple way to be intentional about checking in on your marriage each week. Grab the resource and get intentional today!  Loving our monthly resources? Marriage Changers get instant access to every months’ new resource – and so much more! Learn more here.  Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email.  Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok!
10/25/202256 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Worst Marriage Advice We've Heard | Ep. 529

Have you gotten bad marriage advice? We sure have! We’ve heard so many things that just aren’t helpful for marriage, but we didn’t always realize it! Trying to follow a harmful piece of marriage will damage your marriage over time. So today we call out bad marriage advice, give ways to prevent yourself from falling prey to it, and help you determine what's good advice, and what's worth tossing out.  Episode highlights include:  How to tell whether it’s good advice or not  The downside of getting marriage advice online  Plus Dr. Kim answers an listener question about a spouse who refuses to go to church    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  Resources:  Our new Conflict Solving Survey is designed to help you approach the conflict conversation in a gentle way that doesn’t end in conflict! We think this will help you approach conflict well.  Growing in self-awareness is a gift to yourself, your spouse, and your marriage. That’s why we created The Self Check In Guide. Learn more about this helpful resource!   If your marriage is really struggling, our Marriage 911 Course was designed as the emergency help you need to get back on track. Check it out today! Loving our monthly resources? Marriage Changers get instant access to every months’ new resource – and so much more! Learn more here.  Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok! Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!  Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email.
10/18/202242 minutes, 24 seconds
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Worth Repeating: 3 Ways to Do Intimacy His Way

Men and women tend to view intimacy differently, so it takes intentionality to understand one another well. We want to help the wives out this week by looking at 3 ways to do intimacy his way. How can you build these into marriage? Today’s episode will help you bring intimacy from idea into action. Tune in to learn more!  Episode highlights include:  One fun way to keep the “spark” alive The destructive side effect of disrespect  Fun and simple things you can do to get more - and better - connection  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Resources:  Our new Conflict Solving Survey is designed to help you approach the conflict conversation in a gentle way that doesn’t end in conflict! We think this will help you approach conflict well.  Check out our Love Making Survey. This resource was designed to help make talking about sex simple - and to bring satisfying results!  Loving our monthly resources? Marriage Changers get instant access to every months’ new resource – and so much more! Learn more here.  Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok! Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!  Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email.
10/11/202228 minutes, 17 seconds
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Worth Repeating: 3 Ways to Do Intimacy Her Way

Men and women typically view intimacy differently, and it takes intentionality to understand one another well. We want to help the husbands out this week by looking at 3 ways to do intimacy her way. This episode is worth repeating since it answers one of the toughest parts of marriage. How can you build these into marriage? Today’s episode will help you bring intimacy from idea into action. Tune in to learn more!  Episode highlights include:  One of the most common complaints we hear from women on this topic  Why nonsexual touching is essential for a healthy sex life   What emotional intimacy is and how to get it    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!   Resources:  Our new Conflict Solving Survey is designed to help you approach the conflict conversation in a gentle way that doesn’t end in conflict! We think this will help you approach conflict well.  Check out our Love Making Survey. This resource was designed to help make talking about sex simple - and to bring satisfying results!  Loving our monthly resources? Marriage Changers get instant access to every months’ new resource – and so much more! Learn more here.  Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok! Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email. 
10/4/202231 minutes, 21 seconds
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Practical Tips for Blended Families with Special Guests Scott and Vanessa Martindale | Ep. 528

Are you part of a blended family? Having a blended family brings unique challenges and that’s why we’re so thankful for our friends Scott and Vanessa Martindale sharing their wisdom on the topic today! Scott and Vanessa founded Blended Kingdom Families, where they offer practical strategies and Biblical encouragement for blended families. Don’t miss this helpful episode!    Episode highlights include:  Dealing with high-conflict ex-spouse relationships    Some practical tools for clear communication  Plus, the one big thing you don’t want to do, but can make a huge difference!    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Resources:  Check out Scott and Vanessa’s book, Blended Kingdom Families. It’s out now, and it is SO good!  Find more from Blended Kingdom Families, including all of their resources at Fixing our mind on what is good, right and true is good for us and great for our marriage! Our 19 Prayers and Affirmations for Your Marriage  resource will help you do just that!  Our Family Prayer Challenge is designed to help you practically build a family culture around Christ, in the midst of your everyday life!  With the Marriage Changers Membership, you get instant access to every months’ new resource – and so much more! Learn more here.  Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok! Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Dr. Kim’s free weekly Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email. 
9/27/202241 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

5 Tips for Reviving A Lifeless Marriage Ep. 527

What did you hope for and dream of when you got married? Is your marriage all you dreamed it would be? For so many, it is not. It’s easy to think it might be easier for other couples, but a good marriage takes time, energy, and hard work. There’s hope for your marriage no matter where you are today, because as Dr. Kim shares with us, God hasn’t given up on any marriage!    Episode highlights include:  Dr. Kim’s pro tip on why he gives couples “homework”   Why many of us might stay distracted on purpose  How one spouse make a change to the marriage on their own Dr. Kim answers an anonymous question about how to deal with sexual temptation   We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Resources:  Setting our mind on what is good, right and true is good for us and great for our marriage! Our 19 Prayers and Affirmations for Your Marriage  resource will help you do just that!  Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram and Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok! Ready to level up your marriage? With the Marriage Changers membership yet you get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like Tshirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here! Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Dr. Kim’s free weekly Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email.   
9/20/202242 minutes, 27 seconds
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Are You Getting Bitter, Or Getting Better? | Ep. 526

So much of life is not what happens to us, but how we respond to it. Life is hard and it never seems to go exactly according to our plans. My grandad said that we all have the choice to either get bitter, or get better. And he lived out what it looks like to get better, even in the face of all of life’s troubles. Today Dr. Kim shares what ongoing bitterness looks like over time, and how we can avoid becoming grouchy, grumpy, and mean!  Episode highlights include:  How to know if you’re becoming more bitter  Practical steps to help you “get better” instead Tips for dealing with the difficult people in your life  This week’s anonymous listener question leads to a memorable story from one of Dr. Kim and Nancy’s recent dates    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    P.S. I misquoted his age in the episode - my grandad lived to 94½ before he went to heaven last year!    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Resources:  Trusting God Through Grief with Special Guest Stacy Henagan | Ep. 462 A Faithful Life and Legacy - with Special Guest Ernstena Parker Wood | Ep. 496 You could win a $250 Amazon gift card when you submit a screenshot of your rating and review of the Awesome Marriage Podcast! Use this link to enter!  Setting our mind on what is good, right and true is good for us and great for our marriage! Our 19 Prayers and Affirmations for Your Marriage  resource will help you do just that!  Get a quick daily dose of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email! As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok! Ready to level up your marriage? With the Marriage Changers membership yet you get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like Tshirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here! Dr. Kim’s free weekly Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email.     
9/13/202252 minutes, 2 seconds
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Things to Consider if You're Thinking About Having Kids | Ep. 525

What are the pros and cons of having kids? Can you know if you’re really ready? Today Dr. Kim and I discuss how to know and how we each went through that process with our spouse. We share some practical ways to get on the same page with your spouse, as well as some of our favorite parts of being parents. Listen in to learn more!   Episode highlights include:  How we navigated the transitions from being childless couples to having kids Surprises that couples often face when they become parents  Tips to getting on the same page about this  This week’s anonymous question: Is it okay to use birth control?    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Resources:  The Weekly Marriage Check Up Guide   You could win a $250 Amazon gift card when you submit a screenshot of your rating and review of the Awesome Marriage Podcast! Use this link to enter!  Do you feel like you and your spouse aren’t as unified as you’d like? It’s time to get on the same page! This Unity Building Journal is designed to help you look at key areas of your marriage and work to get unified.  Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok! Ready to level up your marriage? With the Marriage Changers membership yet you get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like Tshirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here! Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Dr. Kim’s free weekly Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email.   
9/6/202248 minutes, 54 seconds
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Finding the Courage to Lead with Special Guest Matt Hammitt | Ep. 524

Matt Hammitt had a successful music career as frontman of the Grammy and Dove-award-winning band Sanctus Real, but he knew God was calling him away from his career and toward something else. The wake up call happened when he started realizing he was not the man he intended to be. Today Matt opens up about the process of following God’s lead in leading his family well. Tune in for his encouraging story!     Episode highlights include:  Is it time to ‘burn the ships’ and change course? When both spouses grieve differently Working through the self-deceptions that keep us stuck    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Resources:  Grab Matt’s book Lead Me: Finding Courage to Fight for Your Marriage, Children, and Faith The documentary Bowen’s Heart is available where movies are streamed   Find more about Matt and the Hammitts at You could win a $250 Amazon gift card when you submit a screenshot of your rating and review of the Awesome Marriage Podcast! Use this link to enter!  Do you feel like you and your spouse aren’t as unified as you’d like? It’s time to get on the same page! This Unity Building Journal is designed to help you look at key areas of your marriage and work to get unified.  Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok! Ready to level up your marriage? With the Marriage Changers membership yet you get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like Tshirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here! Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Dr. Kim’s free weekly Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email. 
8/30/202240 minutes, 2 seconds
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Healthy Self / Healthy Marriage: Answering Listener Questions | Ep. 523

Today we’re answering listener-submitted questions about our Healthy Self / Healthy Marriage series. We have talked about physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, and they all overlap, so we have questions from every area. There are some really tough ones, so we’re going to do our best to give clear and helpful answers today, as Dr. Kim shares great biblical counsel for the questions sent in from our listeners.    Episode highlights include:  Do marriage problems resolve over time? Why some people avoid counseling, even if they know they would benefit from it  Does being a Christian mean you have to stay married, no matter how bad it gets?    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here! 
8/23/202237 minutes, 56 seconds
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Healthy Self / Healthy Marriage: Mental Health & Your Marriage | Ep. 522

Mental health impacts every aspect of our life, so it will certainly impact our marriage. I am so thankful for Dr. Kim’s deep experience with this topic! In this episode we covered everything from how to know when to work on things ourselves, when to seek help, and effective but practical ways to boost mental health in everyday life. Tune in to learn more.    Episode highlights include:  How to know when you need professional help Practical everyday tips to boosting your mental health  How to help a spouse that is struggling with their mental health, while staying healthy yourself Plus this week’s anonymous question about a long-winded spouse We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. Make sure you subscribe to Podcast Email so you never miss an episode. When you sign up, we’ll send you our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free as a sign up bonus, plus you get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox each week!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Do you feel like you and your spouse aren’t as unified as you’d like? It’s time to get on the same page! Our Unity Building Journal is designed to help you look at key areas of your marriage and work to get unified. We have created a Self-Check In Guide that is a helpful place to start uncovering what’s going on with you and to grow more self-aware.  Here’s that episode where Carey Nieuwhof and Dave Adamson talk about getting healthy sleep!    Follow this link to leave us a rating & review on iTunes on the Apple Podcasts Page. We *so* appreciate your support of the podcast!  Ready to level up your marriage? With a Marriage Changers membership yet you get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like Tshirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here! Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok! Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email.    
8/16/202247 minutes, 3 seconds
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Healthy Self / Healthy Marriage: The Connection Between Emotional & Spiritual Health | Ep. 521

The healthiest marriages are between two healthy people. This week we’re unpacking why it’s so hard to be spiritually healthy without emotional health. The two are linked because a lack of knowing ourselves will seriously hinder our ability to connect with God and others. It’s a lot simpler, more accessible, and less touchy-feely than it may sound.  Episode highlights include:  The connection between emotional and spiritual health  The unintended relational effects of unprocessed emotions Tips to grow in emotionally and spiritually health Plus this week’s anonymous listener question about an apathetic spouse    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Do you have “healthy self” questions for us? Send them in and we’ll answer in a Healthy Self / Healthy Marriage Q & A episode!  Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Podcast  Our Awesome Marriage YouVersion Plans help you read and apply Scripture The Bible Project is an awesome resource to help you understand the Bible  Do you feel like you and your spouse aren’t as unified as you’d like? It’s time to get on the same page! This Unity Building Journal is designed to help you look at key areas of your marriage and work to get unified. Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok! Find the link to leave us a rating & review on iTunes on the Apple Podcasts Page. We *so* appreciate your support of the podcast!  Ready to level up your marriage? With the Marriage Changers membership yet you get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like Tshirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here! Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Dr. Kim’s free weekly Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email.  
8/9/202251 minutes, 10 seconds
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Healthy Self / Healthy Marriage: Why Does Physical Health Matter for Marriage? | Ep. 520

Today Dr. Kim and I are talking about how physical health impacts a marriage. It turns out we’re both passionate about pursuing good stewardship with physical health! Dr. Kim shares some of the struggles he and Nancy have had to deal with and how they worked through them, and I share how going from a mentality of body shame to one of gratitude shifted how I approach physical health.  Episode highlights include:  Why we need a proper theology about our bodies  How physical health impacts our marriage How to start overcoming body shame  Plus This week’s anonymous listener question is about getting on the same page with your spouse about parenting    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES In Breaking Free From Body Shame Jess Connolly gives sound and effective theology about the body Are you and your spouse as unified as you’d like? It’s time to get on the same page! This Unity Building Journal is designed to help you look at key areas of your marriage and work to get unified. Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker Any questions? Send them in and we’ll answer in a Healthy Self / Healthy Marriage Q & A episode!  Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok! Find the link to leave us a rating & review on iTunes on the Apple Podcasts Page. We *so* appreciate your support of the podcast!  Ready to level up your marriage? With the Marriage Changers membership yet you get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like Tshirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here! Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Dr. Kim’s free weekly Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email.  
8/2/202244 minutes, 40 seconds
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Break Away From Criticism & Grow in Appreciation | With Special Guests the Manns | Ep. 519

Is your marriage full of joy, or does it lack some of the qualities you hoped for? It takes more than just love to make a marriage thrive, and today John David Mann and Ana Gabriel Mann, co-authors of The Go Giver Marriage, share why that is. In The Go Giver Marriage, the Manns share five secrets to lasting love that will help you build a marriage in which both spouses truly thrive.  Episode highlights include:  An effective strategy to break cycles of bickering or criticism Why just one spouse’s efforts are enough to affect a marriage Some unexpected benefits of being a “go giver” in marriage    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Learn more about The Go Giver Marriage and order the book HERE!  Dr. Kim says that one of the keys to an awesome marriage is being a student of your spouse. Take that advice seriously and study your husband with the Husband Study Challenge! Find the link to leave us a rating & review on iTunes on the Apple Podcasts Page. We *so* appreciate your support of the podcast!  Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok! Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email.   Ready to level up your marriage? With the Marriage Changers membership yet you get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like Tshirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here! Check out Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier email! The Marriage Multiplier brings you 4 pieces of marriage wisdom in a quick, easy to read email.   
7/26/202252 minutes, 1 second
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How To Deal With Being "Unequally Yoked" | Ep. 518

We get a lot of questions about how to deal with not being “equally yoked” in marriage, so today Dr. Kim shares tips, encouragement plus some do’s and don'ts if you are in this difficult situation. And listen in for a fun new anonymous listener question segment where Dr. Kim drops the mic with his marriage advice for newlyweds!  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Grab the full episode transcript HERE. Dr. Kim says that one of the keys to an awesome marriage is being a student of your spouse. Take that advice seriously and study your husband with the Husband Study Challenge! Find the link to leave us a rating & review on iTunes on the Apple Podcasts Page. We *so* appreciate your support of the podcast!  Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok! Dr. Kim highly recommends a quick weekly check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do!  Ready to level up your marriage? With the Marriage Changers membership yet you get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like Tshirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here! Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok! Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier email brings you 4 pieces of practical marriage wisdom in one quick, easy-to-read free weekly email.     
7/19/202236 minutes, 5 seconds
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In Law Issues | Ep. 517

When we get married, we are also marrying into our spouse’s family. In laws can be a blessing, but that’s not always the case. Today we share real life examples of in-law issues and how couples dealt with them, and give you practical steps to deal with the issues that you might be facing. We know in-law issues run the gamut and so this advice is not one-size-fits-all. So if we missed something you want to hear covered,    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Did we miss an important in law issue you want to hear addressed? Email me and let us know!  Dr. Kim says that one of the keys to an awesome marriage is being a student of your spouse. Take that advice seriously and study your husband with the Husband Study Challenge! Find the link to leave us a rating & review on iTunes on the Apple Podcasts Page. We *so* appreciate your support of the podcast!  Will you take 15 minutes each week to check up on your marriage? Dr. Kim highly recommends a quick weekly check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do!  Ready to level up your marriage? With the Marriage Changers membership yet you get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like Tshirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here!  Check out Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier email! The Marriage Multiplier brings you 4 pieces of marriage wisdom in a quick, easy to read email. 
7/12/202245 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Best Way to Affair Proof Your Marriage | Ep. 516

We all want to keep our marriage safe from the damaging effects of an affair. There are many tips to doing this, but the one truly essential underlying principle is simpler and more effective than you might think. In today’s episode, Dr. Kim shares the top way to prevent an affair, based on his 40 years of experience counseling couples.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES If your marriage has been affected by an affair, our online Affair Recovery Course can help. Use code: “AwesomeMarriage” for $5 off.  Podcast episodes mentioned today:  Oneness Vs. Codependency - What's the Difference? With Debra Fileta | Ep. 511 Amber and Arly’s Restoration Story Dr. Kim’s recent Dispatch, “What If” Follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook and find Dr. Kim on TikTok! Find the link to leave us a rating & review on iTunes on the Apple Podcasts Page. We *so* appreciate your support of the podcast!  Will you take 15 minutes each week to check up on your marriage? Dr. Kim highly recommends a quick weekly check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do!  Ready to level up your marriage? With the Marriage Changers membership yet you get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like Tshirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here! Check out Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier email! The Marriage Multiplier brings you 4 pieces of marriage wisdom in a quick, easy to read email.   
7/5/202239 minutes, 54 seconds
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Grow the Attraction in Your Marriage with Special Guest Kimberly Beam Holmes | Ep. 515

Can you grow your attraction to your spouse, or is it destined to grow stale over time? Today’s special guest Kimberley Beam Holmes explains that attraction is a process. Following this process will increase your attraction in marriage, but stopping it will lead to a stagnant and stale attraction. Learn how to follow the attraction process that you can follow at any time in marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Find resources and more of Kimberley’s work at Get the Summer Bucketlist Date Design today and start your summer off right, with your spouse by your side! Check out Marriage Helper’s Free “How To Get Your Spouse Back” Mini Course  When you were first dating I bet you studied your wife intensely. You wanted to know everything about her. All that studying connected you two. It can connect you again with the 18-Day Wife Study Challenge!  Dr. Kim recommends a weekly marriage check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do! You will get this resource for free when you sign up for Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email! When you sign up for Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email you will get an email from every weekday with one practical thing to do for your marriage that day! Bonus: We will send you our “Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse” for free when you subscribe. Do you know about the Marriage Changers membership? As a Marriage Changer you get each of our new monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like t-shirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here!  
6/28/202238 minutes, 41 seconds
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Have You Ever Felt "Used" in Married Sex? | Ep. 514

Is it ever okay to feel used in married sex? If you’re struggling with feeling this way, don’t settle for staying stuck there. We will speak to several different contexts in today’s episode. Wherever your marriage is today, we pray you find encouragement, know that you are not alone, and know that God wants you to find health and enjoyment in the sexual relationship in your marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES   Abusive behavior is never ok. If you’re being abused, please get out and get help. If you suspect any emotional or physical abuse is going on in your marriage, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at or 1-800-799-SAFE (1-800-799-7233)   Registration is now open for FaithFULL Online Men’s Retreat! Don’t miss this chance to learn from like minded men who are seeking to build a life of integrity. We have 10% off for you when you use the code DRKIM10 at checkout!  When you were first dating I bet you studied your wife intensely. You wanted to know everything about her. All that studying connected you two. It can connect you again with the 18-Day Wife Study Challenge!  Dr. Kim recommends a weekly marriage check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do! You will get this resource for free when you sign up for Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email! When you sign up for Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email you will get an email from every weekday with one practical thing to do for your marriage that day! Bonus: We will send you our “Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse” for free when you subscribe. Do you know about the Marriage Changers membership? As a Marriage Changer you get each of our new monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like t-shirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here!  
6/21/202248 minutes, 26 seconds
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Worth Repeating: Hard Conversations - You Have to Have Them

What are the hard conversations in your marriage? Do you avoid them, argue over them, or (*fingers crossed*) do they go really well?! We’re on the last week of our Awesome Marriage Podcast 4-week summer break, and during these weeks off, we will re-share some of our favorite past episodes. We’re re-sharing this one to help you have better conversations when it’s time to address tough topics. Listen in to learn some great ways to help them go well.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Registration is now open for FaithFULL Online Men’s Retreat! Don’t miss this chance to learn from like minded men who are seeking to build a life of integrity. We have 10% off for you when you use the code DRKIM10 at checkout!  When you were first dating I bet you studied your wife intensely. You wanted to know everything about her. All that studying connected you two. It can connect you again with the 18-Day Wife Study Challenge!  Dr. Kim recommends a weekly marriage check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do! You will get this resource for free when you sign up for Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email! When you sign up for Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email you will get an email from every weekday with one practical thing to do for your marriage that day! Bonus: We will send you our “Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse” for free when you subscribe. Do you know about the Marriage Changers membership? As a Marriage Changer you get each of our new monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like t-shirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here!
6/14/202228 minutes, 44 seconds
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Worth Repeating: The Right / Wrong Way to Apologize

Apologies are necessary. We are all human and sinful, so we should all be apologizing regularly. But there are definitely right and wrong ways to do this, and most of us can certainly grow in doing apologies well. We’re on our Awesome Marriage Podcast summer break, and during these weeks off, we are re-sharing some of our favorite past episodes. These are episodes that you might have missed the first time, or that just deserve a re-listen! Today we’re re-airing this episode where Dr. Kim and Christina explain why good apologies matter, and help us learn to do this well.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here! RESOURCES The 2022 Virtual Sex Seminar is designed to help you deal with a number of common barriers to great married sex. We’ve partnered up with the Dating Divas and 21 other sex and marriage experts to give you the 2022 Virtual Sex Seminar. Learn from SAFE, HEALTHY Sex Experts in the privacy of your own home.  Registration is now open for FaithFULL Online Men’s Retreat! Don’t miss this chance to learn from like minded men who are seeking to build a life of integrity. We have 10% off for you when you use the code DRKIM10 at checkout!  Dr. Kim recommends a weekly marriage check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do! You will get this resource for free when you sign up for Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email! When you sign up for Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email you will get an email from every weekday with one practical thing to do for your marriage that day! Bonus: We will send you our “Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse” for free when you subscribe. Do you know about the Marriage Changers membership? As a Marriage Changer you get each of our new monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like t-shirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here!
6/7/202225 minutes, 8 seconds
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Worth Repeating: Sex - Embracing the Differences

Today’s podcast is a great follow up to last week’s Worth Repeating episode, “Making Your Spouse Comfortable in The Bedroom.” Dr. Kim and Christina go over some typical differences in how men and women approach sex in marriage. But we know that every single couple is unique, with a unique situation. But the focus is on finding ways to work through these differences, and to make them work for you and your marriage. Tune in to learn to better embrace the differences God has designed between you and your spouse.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Our Lovemaking Survey is a nonthreatening way to evaluate your sex together. The goal is to be honest and to work together towards better sex in your marriage, no matter how these answers unfold.  The 2022 Virtual Sex Seminar is designed to help you deal with a number of common barriers to great married sex. We’ve partnered up with the Dating Divas and 21 other sex and marriage experts to give you the 2022 Virtual Sex Seminar. Learn from SAFE, HEALTHY Sex Experts in the privacy of your own home.  Registration is now open for FaithFULL Online Men’s Retreat! Don’t miss this chance to learn from like minded men who are seeking to build a life of integrity. Discounted early bird pricing is available through May 31, PLUS we have an additional 10% off for you when you use the code DRKIM10 at checkout!  The books mentioned in today’s episode:  A Celebration of Sex by Dr. Douglas Rosenau  The Gift of Sex by Clifford and Joyce Penner  Dr. Kim’s eBook Awesome Sex In Marriage   Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier email brings you thoughtful and impactful marriage challenges and helps all in one short email each Wednesday. Sign up here!  Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email provides a step to growing your marriage, sent directly to your inbox each weekday. Plus we will send you our “Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse” for free when you subscribe! Our Marriage Changers get each of our new monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like t-shirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here! Use the Spice It Up Sex Challenge challenge as a fun way to connect with your spouse! The goal is to complete all 18 challenges in 30 days!  
5/31/202246 minutes, 32 seconds
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Worth Repeating: Making Your Spouse Comfortable In the Bedroom

So many of us don’t feel totally comfortable when it comes to sex. But being completely comfortable in the bedroom with your spouse is a gift that keeps on giving! So this week, we’re re-airing this episode that originally aired in 2019 to help you face any barriers to enjoying this gift. We’re on our Awesome Marriage Podcast break, and during these weeks off, we re-share some of our favorite past episodes. These are episodes that you might have missed the first time, or that just deserve a re-listen! Tune in today to check in on whether you’re letting any of these barriers rob the joy and freedom you could be experiencing in the bedroom.     Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  RESOURCES Dr. Kim’s eBook Awesome Sex In Marriage The 2022 Virtual Sex Seminar is designed to help you deal with a number of common barriers to great married sex. We’ve partnered up with the Dating Divas and 21 other sex and marriage experts to give you the 2022 Virtual Sex Seminar. Learn from SAFE, HEALTHY Sex Experts in the privacy of your own home.  Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier email brings you thoughtful and impactful marriage challenges and helps all in one short email each Wednesday. Sign up here!  Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email provides a step to growing your marriage, sent directly to your inbox each weekday. Plus we will send you our “Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse” for free when you subscribe! Our Marriage Changers get each of our new monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like t-shirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here! Use the Spice It Up Sex Challenge challenge as a fun way to connect with your spouse! The goal is to complete all 18 challenges in 30 days!   Our Lovemaking Survey is a nonthreatening way to evaluate your sex together. The goal is to be honest and to work together towards better sex in your marriage, no matter how these answers unfold. 
5/24/202233 minutes, 52 seconds
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Worth Repeating: The Enneagram and Your Marriage

We know “opposites attract,” but once those opposites are married, they also can tend to drive each other crazy! We’re on our Awesome Marriage Podcast 4-week summer break, and during these weeks off, we will re-share some of our favorite past episodes. These are episodes that you might have missed the first time, or that just deserve a re-listen! In this week’s Worth Repeating, we’re sharing the Enneagram and Your Marriage, with special guests Jeff and Beth McCord of Your Enneagram Coach. They explain what the enneagram is, why it’s worth talking about and how it can help, even in conflict. They unpack how this tool can facilitate growth, compassion and understanding, point us to the Gospel, and move couples from frustration to thriving together.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  Read the episode transcript here.  RESOURCES Dr. Kim has an episode with Beth about how to thrive in marriage with each of the 9 types! You can find all 9 episodes here!  Find everything you need at including the course for YOUR marriage’s Enneagram combination! Beth & Jeff have a “Becoming Us” course for each type combination!  Buy “Becoming Us” today!  Registration is now open for FaithFULL Online Men’s Retreat! Don’t miss this chance to learn from like minded men who are seeking to build a life of integrity. Discounted early bird pricing is available through May 31, PLUS we have an additional 10% off for you when you use the code DRKIM10 at checkout!  Honoring Intimates is a safe place to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.  You can get some one-on-one coaching with Your Enneagram Coach here.  Not sure what your Enneagram Type is? You can take the free assessment here! Also be sure to take the FREE MARRIAGE ASSESSMENT here.  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day here!
5/17/202254 minutes, 11 seconds
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When is Enough Enough? With Dr. David E Clarke | Ep. 513

Is it abuse or is it bad behavior? Today Dr. David E Clarke joins Dr. Kim to tackle this tough topic with tough love. Dr. David E. Clarke is a Christian psychologist, speaker, and author who guides people toward healthy lives, marriages, and families through his Bible-based teaching and therapy. In today’s episode he explains the difference between abuse and bad behavior, touches on narcissism and gaslighting, and shares an effective, biblical approach for any spouse who is dealing with this situation.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  RESOURCES Abusive behavior is never ok. If you’re being abused, please get out and get help. If you suspect any emotional or physical abuse is going on in your marriage, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at or 1-800-799-SAFE (1-800-799-7233) Dr. Clarke’s Book, Enough is Enough, gives more details on how to make the plan work.  More info and resources are available on Dr. Clarke’s Website If your marriage is safe, but is really struggling right now, our Marriage 911 Course was made for couples just like you
5/10/202236 minutes, 17 seconds
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5 Money Tips To Try | Ep. 512

Money tends to be a dreaded issue, but we had a lot of fun talking about it. In this episode we share some helpful keys to handling your finances well. This week we’re talking about Dr. Kim’s top 5 money tips.   We also cover how Dr. Kim handles impulse spending, what to do if you don’t want to tithe to your church, and the first step toward seeing money with less stress.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    Read the full episode transcript here. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES For help getting on track financially, check out the Free Centsai Financial Online Class from our friends Dan and Kay Ockey. Dr. Kim recommends a weekly marriage check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do! You will get this resource for free when you sign up for Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email! When you sign up for Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email you will get an email from every weekday with one practical thing to do for your marriage that day! Bonus: We will send you our “Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse” for free when you subscribe. Do you know about the Marriage Changers membership? As a Marriage Changer you get each of our new monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like t-shirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here!
5/3/202239 minutes, 40 seconds
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Oneness Vs. Codependency - What's the Difference? With Special Guest Debra Fileta | Ep. 511

Today one of our favorite guests returns to share some wisdom on having a healthy marriage. Debra Fileta is a wise and biblical marriage counselor. Today she joins Dr. Kim to talk about how couples can stop hitting the same “tender spots” over and over and break cycles of repetitive tension. Tune in as Debra gives steps that allow either spouse to help the marriage improve.    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage!  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Debra’s book, Are You Really OK? walks you through tending to the areas of health we talked about in today’s episode.  Our 31 Reasons Why I Love You love notes resource helps you share the loving thoughts you have about your spouse in a fun and easy way.  We can too easily let our married sex grow mundane or stale. That’s why we created the Spice it Up Sex Challenge. This resource gives you 18 fun and spicy challenges to work toward together to help bring back the fun and passion! Dr. Kim’s book, 7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage gives you 7 of his time-tested insights to make your marriage all you want it to be. 
4/26/202250 minutes, 9 seconds
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5 Money Mistakes Couples Make | Ep. 510

Studies say that most couples fight over money. Is that true for you? If so, avoiding these 5 money mistakes will help you to get on the same page, reduce financial stress and tension, and make the most of your money. Are you making any of the five mistakes? If so, there is hope! Listen today to learn five money mistakes couples make and how to get past them.    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage!  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  RESOURCES For more help getting on track financially, check out the Free Centsai Financial Online Class  Our recent podcast episode “What is team language” can help you communicate well to correct any money mistakes you’ve made!   For low budget and free date night ideas, browse our Date Designs  Make sure you’re following us on Instagram so you never miss the fun tips, reels, date ideas and other things we post!  Dr. Kim’s book, 7 Secrets to An Awesome Marriage takes you deeper on some of the best ways to make your marriage better  Dr. Kim recommends a weekly marriage check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do! You will get this resource for free when you sign up for Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email! When you sign up for Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email you will get an email from every weekday with one practical thing to do for your marriage that day! Bonus: We will send you our “Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse” for free when you subscribe. Do you know about the Marriage Changers membership? As a Marriage Changer you get each of our new monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like t-shirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here!  
4/19/202236 minutes, 27 seconds
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5 Tips for Healthy Parenting Perspective | Ep. 509

Do you need a mentor to help you have healthy perspective as a parent? Well today you’ve got one!    Through Dr. Kim’s 40 years as a Christian counselor, he’s helped so many families work through these things, plus he and Nancy have valuable wisdom from their experience as parents and grandparents.    In this episode, Dr. Kim and I gives tips for healthy parenting perspective and I share some helpful things I’ve learned through 17 years of parenting.   We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  RESOURCES   It’s finally here! Your chance to get 7 awesome resources for one donation! Don’t miss it because this bundle deal is only available for two weeks out of the year! Our 100 Questions To Get You On the Same Page workbook is designed to help spouses work through some of the tough issues of parenting in a fun and effective way.  Dr. Kim highly recommends a weekly marriage check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do! You will get this resource for free when you sign up for Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email! Sign up for Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email to get an email from Dr. Kim every weekday with one practical thing you can do for your marriage that day! We'll also send you our “Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse” for free when you subscribe. Do you know about the Marriage Changers membership? As a Marriage Changer you get each of our new monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like t-shirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here!
4/12/202231 minutes, 33 seconds
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9 Common Parenting Pitfalls to Avoid | Ep. 508

It’s not easy to be a parent, but you can find more peace and joy in parenting if you avoid these nine common pitfalls. In today’s episode Dr. Kim and I unpack some of the mistakes we have made or seen that keep parents from enjoying their kids.    Tune in to learn about these pitfalls so you can avoid them. We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES   It’s finally here! Your chance to get 7 awesome resources for one donation! Don’t miss it because this bundle deal is only available for two weeks out of the year! Our 100 Questions To Get You On the Same Page workbook is designed to help spouses work through some of the tough issues of parenting in a fun and effective way.  Dr. Kim highly recommends a weekly marriage check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do! You will get this resource for free when you sign up for Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email! Sign up for Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email to get an email from Dr. Kim every weekday with one practical thing you can do for your marriage that day! We'll also send you our “Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse” for free when you subscribe. Do you know about the Marriage Changers membership? As a Marriage Changer you get each of our new monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like t-shirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here!
4/5/202230 minutes, 57 seconds
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Have Intimacy or Have Control: You Can't Have Both with Special Guest Laura Doyle | Ep. 507

Are you ever too helpful in your marriage? Do you find yourself frustrated with the way your spouse responds to you? You may be trying to control your spouse by “helping” even if you don’t mean to!    Today Laura Doyle from the Empowered Wife Podcast joins Dr. Kim to teach us some empowering ways to shift the culture of our marriage, even if our spouse isn’t on board.  Tune in to learn some of the “cheat phrases” Laura teaches that can help you shift from controlling tendencies to deeper intimacy.      We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    PS - Please let me know if you end up with an experience like the story Laura tells about getting the kitchen clean!   Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here! 
3/29/202247 minutes, 37 seconds
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One-Sided Marriage Q & A | Ep. 506

Today we wrap up our series one one-sided marriage by answering some of your questions. We know marriage isn’t easy, and there are no one-size fits all answers. But some key themes have stood out through this series, and there are practical action steps you can take to help your marriage, even if your spouse never gets on board. Tune in today as we address them.     We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  RESOURCES   Even in a difficult marriage, there is no place for violence or any kind of abuse. If you are unsafe in your marriage, please contact or  800.799.SAFE Dr. David Clarke’s book Enough is Enough will help you find solid, biblical next steps if you think you may be in an abusive situation.  The Self Check In Guide (I referred to this as the “Self Awareness Challenge”) is designed to help you clarify what’s going on with you, which is a really helpful step in communicating well with your spouse.  “How to Ask for Help” special Wives’ Edition podcast episode with Christina and Lindsay  Dr. Kim highly recommends a weekly marriage check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do! You will get this resource for free when you sign up for Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email!
3/22/202251 minutes, 59 seconds
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How to Set Boundaries in One-Sided Marriage | Ep. 505

Are boundaries in marriage selfish? Are they even a biblical concept? A lot of us have questions about what this looks like in marriage.   Thank goodness for Dr. Kim’s wisdom and counseling experience to help us unpack this issue!  It’s not something many of us have seen done well, or been taught to do, but setting appropriate boundaries can help you and your marriage grow healthier. Tune in to find out how and why this works.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Do you need help resolving conflict in healthier ways? We’ve got you covered! Our  Conflict Resolution Cheat Sheet has 25 of Dr. Kim’s time-tested tips to handle conflict well.  Dr. Kim highly recommends a weekly marriage check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do! You will get this resource for free when you sign up for Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email! Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email is a quick email from Dr. Kim each weekday with one practical thing to help grow your marriage! The One Thing was created to help spouses who want to do something to help their marriage but weren’t  sure where to start. You’ll also get our “Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse” resource for free when you subscribe! Ready to level up your marriage? With the Marriage Changers membership you get each of our new monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like Tshirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here!  
3/15/202232 minutes
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5 Things You Can Control When Your Marriage Feels Out of Control | Ep. 504

Whether single, dating, married, and no matter where your marriage is today, these 5 things will help you be at your best. Don’t miss the wisdom Dr. Kim is bringing today!    Last week we talked about what a “one-sided marriage” can look like. It’s not a fun situation, but there are some important and impactful things you can do if that’s where you are. This week, Dr. Kim shares with us five things you can control, even when your marriage feels totally out of control.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!
3/8/202239 minutes, 33 seconds
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Are You In a One-Sided Marriage? | Ep. 503

We get lots of questions from people who want to know what to do if their spouse won’t go to counseling, won’t work on the marriage or has given up. Some marriages lean heavily toward the preferences of the more vocal or assertive spouse. If your marriage feels one-sided, you are certainly not alone! Today Dr. Kim and I share the one-sided times we have experienced in our own marriages, and equip you with practical things to do if you find yourself in this situation.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  Be on the lookout later this month, because we have something brand new coming to help you engage and enjoy date night!   Do you need help resolving conflict in healthier ways? We’ve got you covered! Our  Conflict Resolution Cheat Sheet gives you 25 of Dr. Kim’s time-tested tips for handling conflict well.  Dr. Kim highly recommends a weekly marriage check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do! Get this resource for free when you sign up for Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email! Sign up for Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email to get an email from Dr. Kim every weekday with one practical thing you can do for your marriage that day! We'll also send you our “Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse” for free when you subscribe. Ready to level up your marriage? With the Marriage Changers membership yet you get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like Tshirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here!
3/1/202241 minutes, 6 seconds
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A Forever Marriage Mindset with Special Guests Joseph & Marissa Msefya from ForeverMarriages | Ep. 502

If you’re a millennial, somewhere near that generational neighborhood, or just curious about the impacts of our culture on marriage, don’t miss this one! Joseph and Marissa Msefya from ForeverMarriages join Dr. Kim today to dig into some of the cultural pressures couples are facing, and to share ways to grow through them and pursue a healthy, lasting marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  RESOURCES   Find Joseph and Marissa at Sign up for Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email to get an email from Dr. Kim every weekday with one practical thing you can do for your marriage that day! We'll also send you our “Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse” for free when you subscribe. Your marriage can only be as healthy as the two of you. The Self Check In Guide is designed to help you grow in self-awareness and emotional health.    We’ve done the work for you and created the Tied To You Date Design to make your next date night fun, easy and memorable.  Dr. Kim highly recommends a weekly marriage check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do! Get this resource for free when you sign up for Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email! If your marriage is really hard right now, please take advantage of our free resources designed specifically to help struggling marriages. 
2/22/202237 minutes, 49 seconds
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What is Team Language? | Ep. 501

“Team language” is a great counselor term that I’ve heard Dr. Kim use a lot, and I wanted to learn more about what that looks like – and doesn’t look like – in marriage. Join us today as we unpack practical ways to shift to a team mindset and use team language.      We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    P.S. Did the “good guy” idea Dr. Kim mentions later in the episode step on your toes like it did mine?! Let me know if that’s something you want to hear more about!  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES   Sign up for Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email to get an email from Dr. Kim every weekday with one practical thing you can do for your marriage that day! We'll also send you our “Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse” for free when you subscribe. Your marriage can only be as healthy as the two of you. The Self Check In Guide is designed to help you grow in self-awareness and emotional health.  We’ve done the work for you and created the Tied To You Date Design to make your next date night fun, easy and memorable.  Dr. Kim highly recommends a weekly marriage check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do! Get this resource for free when you sign up for Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email! If your marriage is really hard right now, please take advantage of our free resources designed specifically to help struggling marriages. 
2/15/202238 minutes, 22 seconds
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Behind the Scenes of the AM Podcast with Special Guests Nils & Christina | Ep. 500!

Today we celebrate 500 episodes of the Awesome Marriage Podcast by going behind the scenes with Dr. Kim, Nils and Christina!   We’re thankful that God has used this podcast to bring hope and encouragement to marriages, and we are so grateful to you for engaging, sharing your time with us as you listen, and being intentional to grow your marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES   If your marriage is really hard right now, please take advantage of our free resources designed specifically to help struggling marriages.    Our 5 Days 5 Ways Love Language Challenge and 5 Days 5 Ways Love Language YouVersion Plan are designed to help you learn how to love your spouse well    We’ve done the work for you and created the Tied To You Date Design to make your next date night fun, easy and memorable.    Any topics you want to hear more about on the podcast? I’m all ears! Email me at [email protected]   Dr. Kim highly recommends a weekly marriage check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do! Get this resource for free when you sign up for Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email!
2/8/202241 minutes, 13 seconds
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Warm Up Your Marriage | Ep. 499

Is your marriage feeling cozy this winter? Or have things iced over? No matter where you are right now, it’s never too soon – or too late – to warm things up and fan the flames in your marriage. Today Dr. Kim and I are looking at what it looks like when couples are cold and distant, why that matters, and simple ways you can warm things up between you and your spouse.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here! 
2/1/202232 minutes, 41 seconds
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Setting an Intention for Your Marriage | Ep. 498

Do you have goals or ideas you’d love to see happen this year? There are a lot of ways to embrace creating a vision, like New Year’s resolutions, setting an intention, or creating a vision board. The Bible also speaks to this in Proverbs. It’s not enough to hope your marriage goes in the direction you want it to - be intentional with where you want to go this year. Join Dr. Kim and I as we talk about how to effectively set an intention for your marriage this year.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Taking a tech break can be healthy and helpful, and our 7-Day Couples Tech Detox resource helps make the process painless!  Can you believe we’re hitting 500 episodes next month!? Check out the details of our 500th episode Review Contest here!   Our Annual Marriage Check Up Guide is designed to help you reflect on this past year and have in depth conversations about your marriage. Will you take 15 minutes each week to check up on your marriage? Dr. Kim highly recommends a quick weekly check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do! This resource is also available for FREE when you sign up for the weekly Marriage Multiplier email! Have you heard about our Marriage Changer Membership? Marriage Changers get all of our monthly resources delivered automatically, plus several other benefits, including T-shirts and exclusive videos from Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here! Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!    
1/25/202235 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Annual Marriage Check Up | Ep. 497

I love something Christina said on a recent episode: “When your marriage is reflected in your budget, your calendar, your thoughts, and your prayers then it is a top priority.” As we get the new year started, it’s a great time to take stock of your marriage. What’s going well, and what’s just not working? So today I’m talking to Dr. Kim about what it means to check up on your marriage annually, how he and Nancy do this, and how to get started if, like me, this is pretty new to you and your spouse!    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our “5 Days 5 Ways” Love Languages resource for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Will you take 15 minutes each week to check up on your marriage? Dr. Kim highly recommends a quick weekly check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do!  Ready to level up your marriage? With the Marriage Changers membership yet you get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like Tshirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here! Can you believe we’re hitting 500 episodes next month!? Check out the details of our 500th episode Review Contest here!   Dr. Kim’s book 7 Secrets To An Awesome Marriage  Our Annual Marriage Check Up Guide is designed to help you reflect on this past year and have in depth conversations about your marriage. Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Check out Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier email! The Marriage Multiplier brings you 4 pieces of marriage wisdom in a quick, easy to read email. 
1/18/202229 minutes, 11 seconds
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A Faithful Life and Legacy - with Special Guest Ernstena Parker Wood | Ep. 496

Today’s podcast is a real gift. It’s not every day we get to hear from a guest who is in their tenth decade of life, and has had not one, but two awesome marriages! Today Dr. Kim interviews Ernstena “Ernie” Parker Wood, who shares some stories of following God faithfully through life in ministry, marriage and widowhood, with wisdom and warmth. Don’t miss this one!    RESOURCES Accountability is a biblical and helpful tool for growing in holiness. Our “78 Accountability Questions: A Simple Guide For Accountability Partners” resource is a simple guide to get you started and to share some vision for what an accountability partner can look like. Check out Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier email! The Marriage Multiplier brings you 4 pieces of marriage wisdom in a quick, easy to read email.  The Self Check In Guide is a great way to grow in self-awareness.  Our Questions To Help Your Spouse Open Up resource is a simple way to help build the closeness between you and your spouse  Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Ready to level up your marriage? With the Marriage Changers membership yet you get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like Tshirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here!  
12/21/202135 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ways To Deepen Your Spiritual Intimacy | Ep. 495

Spiritual Intimacy isn’t something you hear very often but it’s a real thing that you can have in your marriage! Although it sounds deep and intangible, it can be very simple and anyone can grow in this. Today Dr. Kim and Christina talk about what spiritual intimacy is, and give practical ways to deepen the spiritual intimacy in your marriage.   We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    RESOURCES Our House Prayer Cards are a simple way to make prayer a normal part of your life by praying over your home. So many couples have told us that these made a difference in their home!  Accountability is a biblical and helpful tool to help us grow in holiness. Our “78 Accountability Questions: A Simple Guide For Accountability Partners” resource is a simple guide to get you started and to share vision for what an accountability partner can look like. Check out Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier email! The Marriage Multiplier brings you 4 pieces of marriage wisdom in a quick, easy to read email.  We have dozens of YouVersion Bible reading plans to take the guesswork out of reading the Bible together.  Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Ready to level up your marriage? With the Marriage Changers membership yet you get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like Tshirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here!
12/14/202128 minutes, 1 second
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Ways To Deepen Your Emotional Intimacy | Ep. 494

One thing we’ve been hearing a lot from couples is that they don’t feel close to each other or that their relationship feels like it’s missing some depth. Today we’re taking some time to talk about emotional intimacy and give you ideas of practical ways to deepen the emotional intimacy in your marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  RESOURCES   Accountability is a biblical and helpful tool for growing in holiness. Our “78 Accountability Questions: A Simple Guide For Accountability Partners” resource is a simple guide to get you started and to share some vision for what an accountability partner can look like. Check out Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier email! The Marriage Multiplier brings you 4 pieces of marriage wisdom in a quick, easy to read email.  The Self Check In Guide is a great way to grow in self-awareness.  Our Questions To Help Your Spouse Open Up resource is a simple way to help build the closeness between you and your spouse  Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Ready to level up your marriage? With the Marriage Changers membership yet you get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like Tshirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here!  
12/7/202136 minutes, 5 seconds
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FAQ Questions About Sex | Ep. 493

Sex is an important part of an awesome marriage… and it’s also one of the top issues couples say is a problem in their marriage. We get lots of questions about sex and today we’re answering as many of them as we can, and no question is off limits! Tune in to hear Dr. Kim and Christina answer these sex FAQs.     We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    RESOURCES It’s Giving Tuesday, the most generous time of year! This year, we’re giving our 4-Week Connection Challenge as a thank you gift to all who donate! Even after Giving Tuesday, you can still give! We are so thankful for your generosity.  Our Love Making Survey is a helpful and non-threatening way to get the sex conversation started.  Full Set - God's Design for Sex Series, 4 Books: Revised and Updated Edition By: Stan Jones, Brenna Jones  A Celebration of Sex: A Guide to Enjoying God's Gift of Sexual Intimacy Don’t Mom Alone Podcast Ep 328 goes into more detail on talking to your kids about sex. Check out Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier email! The Marriage Multiplier brings you 4 pieces of marriage wisdom in a quick, easy to read email.  Creative Questions to Ask Your Spouse 2.0 will get good conversations started and keep them flowing between you and your spouse.  Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Ready to level up your marriage? With the Marriage Changers membership yet you get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like Tshirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here!  
11/30/202137 minutes, 59 seconds
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Purity in Marriage | Ep. 492

Purity is something a lot of people talk about while single and dating, then not so much in marriage. BUt the truth is, sexual temptation does not disappear just because you are married. Married people still need to submit to God and honor him with sexual purity in marriage. Tune in this week to learn what that looks like, and how to move toward purity in your marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    RESOURCES It’s almost time! Giving Tuesday is next week and it’s the most generous time of year! When you give you will also receive with our 4-Week Connection Challenge! As a non-profit, we could not fulfill our mission without you. We are so thankful for your generosity!  Covenant Eyes is a great resource to help keep you accountable online.  Check out Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier email! The Marriage Multiplier brings you 4 pieces of marriage wisdom in a quick, easy to read email.  Creative Questions to Ask Your Spouse 2.0 will get good conversations started and keep them flowing between you and your spouse.  Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Ready to level up your marriage? With the Marriage Changers membership yet you get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits, like Tshirts and exclusive videos with Dr. Kim and Nancy! Learn more here!  
11/23/202132 minutes, 46 seconds
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Build Your Family on the Gospel with Special Guests Deepak & Sara Reju | Ep. 491

The Christmas season will be here soon, and it’s a great time to refocus on our faith as we celebrate Jesus’ birth. But exactly how can we do that in the midst of normal life plus holiday busyness?! There are lots of reasons why it’s easy to miss making our faith a part of daily life with our spouse and kids. So today, our special guests Deepak and Sara Reju give simple, practical ways to do just that, right in the midst of real life.   We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    RESOURCES: Sarah’s new board book, Jesus Saves, would make a great gift for the youngest in your life!  Deepak has several books out, and you can find him on Twitter (@DeepakReju). Giving Tuesday is coming up soon; the most generous time of year! When you give you will also receive this Giving Tuesday, with our 4-Week Connection Challenge! As a non-profit, we could not fulfill our mission without you. We are so thankful for your generosity!  Our Creative Questions to Ask Your Spouse 2.0 will get good conversations started and keep them flowing between you and your spouse.  Have you seen Dr. Kim’s awesome new Marriage Multiplier email? The Marriage Multiplier brings you 4 pieces of marriage wisdom in a quick, easy to read email.  Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Have you looked into our Marriage Changers membership yet? Marriage Changers get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits! Learn more here!  
11/16/202138 minutes, 40 seconds
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Accidental Gaslighting | Ep. 490

Could you be an accidental gaslighter? We’re all vulnerable to bad patterns in marriage so it’s wise to pay attention to them. Last episode we defined gaslighting and talked about what to do if this has become part of your marriage. Today we are talking about accidental gaslighting. Tune in to take a solid look at some signs you might be accidentally harming your spouse’s mental or emotional health, and what to do about it.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    RESOURCES If any form of emotional or physical abuse is present in your marriage, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at or 1-800-799-SAFE (1-800-799-7233).  No matter where your marriage is today, there is hope. There is still hope for you to have an awesome marriage. Our 90 Days To Save Your Marriage plan is designed to start right where your marriage is today and get it on the road to healing. Our Creative Questions to Ask Your Spouse 2.0 will get good conversations started and keep them flowing between you and your spouse.  Have you seen Dr. Kim’s awesome new Marriage Multiplier email? The Marriage Multiplier contains 4 pieces of marriage wisdom for you in a quick, easy to implement email format.  Our Self Check In Guide is a really helpful resource for becoming healthier so that your marriage can be at its healthiest.  Christina mentioned our Accountability Questions guide -- which actually will be available next month. In the meantime, of our resources are always available on our website!  Do you know about our Marriage Changers membership? Marriage Changers get each of the new monthly resources we produce, plus some other sweet benefits! Learn more here! Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!    
11/9/202127 minutes, 40 seconds
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Gaslighting in Marriage: Warning Signs & Next Steps | Ep. 489

What is gaslighting? Is there still hope for a marriage where this has taken place? The term “gaslighting” has been on the rise in recent years, but what does it really mean? Dr. Kim and Christina unpack what it is, the warning signs, and what to do if you or someone you know has dealt with this. Tune in to learn more about what it is and what to do if this happens to you.   We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  RESOURCES If you suspect any emotional or physical abuse is going on in your marriage, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at or 1-800-799-SAFE (1-800-799-7233).  Our Creative Questions to Ask Your Spouse 2.0 will get good conversations started and keep them flowing between you and your spouse.  No matter where your marriage is today, there is hope. There is still hope for you to have an awesome marriage. This 90-day plan is designed to start right where your marriage is today and get it on the road to healing. Have you seen Dr. Kim’s awesome new Marriage Multiplier email? The Marriage Multiplier contains 4 pieces of marriage wisdom for you in a quick, easy to implement email format.  Do you know about our Marriage Changers membership? Marriage Changers get each of the new monthly resources we produce, plus some other sweet benefits! Learn more here! Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!    
11/2/202146 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Power of a Renewed Mind with Special Guest Margaret Feinberg | Ep. 488

Can you change your life simply by changing your mindset? Dr. Kim and today’s special guest Margaret Feinberg believe you can! Margaret is an author, Bible teacher and host of the popular podcast, The Joycast. In her newest book, More Power to You, Margaret says that we can break free from negative thought-spirals in just 90 seconds each day. Tune in to learn practical ways to start breaking negative thought patterns and building positive ones today!    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Grab a copy of Margaret’s newest book, More Power to You and start leaning into the power of daily declarations. Check out The Joycast! Have you looked into our Marriage Changers membership yet? Marriage Changers get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits! Learn more here! Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Dr. Kim shared his Daily Declarations with us earlier this year. Here’s a link to a free printable version that you can use to declare powerful biblical truth over your life each day!  When your marriage isn’t healthy, it drains your energy. That’s why we’re thrilled to bring you another Online Marriage Retreat this year! The theme is “Building a Life-Giving Marriage.” Registration is open now! We have additional 10% off discount with code “awesomemarriage10” -  Find out more here!  
10/26/202149 minutes, 47 seconds
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Perseverance To Keep An Awesome Marriage | Ep. 487

Dr. Kim often says there is no coasting in an awesome marriage. Marriage isn’t something that you do once then just sit back and ignore. It is always moving. The question is, are you moving it forward, or slipping backward? Today Dr. Kim and Christina discuss why and how perseverance matters in marriage. Join us for practical tips and encouragement to keep making your marriage awesome!    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES   Could your marriage use some flirty fun? These 42 Sexy Notes will be just the thing that helps ignite some more passion in your marriage. Learn more here!  Dr. Kim mentioned it in today’s episode - his Daily One Thing email is an awesome way to do something to grow your marriage each day!  When your marriage isn’t healthy, it drains your energy. That’s why we’re thrilled to bring you another Online Marriage Retreat this year! The theme is “Building a Life-Giving Marriage.” Registration is open now! We have an additional 10% off discount with code “awesomemarriage10” -  Find out more here! Have you checked out our Marriage Changers membership yet? Marriage Changers get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits! Learn more here!
10/19/202134 minutes, 36 seconds
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Worth Repeating: The Fight to Flourish

In this episode Jennie Lusko joins Dr. Kim to talk about her story of coping with the loss of her daughter and how to walk through tragedy with your marriage still intact. Jennie bravely shares her story of loss and struggle in her book, The Fight To Flourish. One thing we love about this book is that Jennie reminds us we don’t have to have it all together for God to work. Grief and struggles are real but the gospel truth is that we can find hope even in the dark. This story of God’s faithfulness and hope are well worth repeating.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!      RESOURCES   Buy Jennie’s book, The Fight to Flourish: Engaging in the Struggle to Cultivate the Life You Were Born to Live now! Follow Jennie on Instagram here! Could your marriage use some flirty fun? These 42 Sexy Notes will be just the thing that helps ignite some more passion in your marriage. Learn more here!  Get a bite-sized daily dose of marriage wisdom daily with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Here’s the thing: When your marriage isn’t healthy, it drains your energy. That’s why we’re thrilled to bring you another Online Marriage Retreat this year! The theme is “Building a Life-Giving Marriage.” Registration is open now! We have an additional 10% off discount with code “awesomemarriage10” -  Find out more here! Have you checked out our Marriage Changers membership yet? Marriage Changers get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits! Learn more here!
10/12/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 2 seconds
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Worth Repeating: 4 Rules For Expectations

Unmet and unclear expectations can do major damage in your marriage. Expectations and misunderstanding them is a main source of most conflict in most marriages. Today, Dr. Kim and Christina share some helpful tips from our friends at Emotionally Healthy Leader to help you better understand healthy expectations and implement them in your marriage. This is a very common pitfall in marriage, and this can’t-miss episode is certainly worth repeating.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  RESOURCES   Could your marriage use some flirty fun? These 42 Sexy Notes will be just the thing that helps ignite some more passion in your marriage. Learn more here!  Get a bite-sized daily dose of marriage wisdom daily with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Here’s the thing: When your marriage isn’t healthy, it drains your energy. That’s why we’re thrilled to bring you another Online Marriage Retreat this year! The theme is “Building a Life-Giving Marriage.” Registration is open now! We have an additional 10% off discount with code “awesomemarriage10” -  Find out more here! Have you checked out our Marriage Changers membership yet? Marriage Changers get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits! Learn more here!
10/5/202132 minutes, 58 seconds
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Wives' Edition: Speaking Life | Ep. 486

If you’re anything like us, you’ve heard your fair share of venting and husband-bashing. And it’s all too easy to join in and commiserate! So what does “speaking life” mean for marriage, and why should we be doing it? Today Lindsay joins Christina on the podcast for another “Wives Edition” episode to talk about speaking life into marriages around us.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    RESOURCES     Want to spice up the flirting in your marriage? We’re offering our podcast listeners an exclusive chance to score our “42 Sexy Notes” resource for free now, before they go live to the public next month! All you have to do is leave us a written review of the podcast, screenshot and send it to [email protected] with “Free Notes” in the subject line. Your marriage can only be as healthy as the two of you are. The Bible says, “Let us examine our ways and test them and let us return to the Lord” (Lamentations 3:40). Our new Self Check-In Guide will help you do just that!    Get a bite-sized daily dose of marriage wisdom daily with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Here’s the thing: When your marriage isn’t healthy, it drains your energy. That’s why we’re thrilled to bring you another Online Marriage Retreat this year! The theme is “Building a Life-Giving Marriage.” Registration is open now! We have additional 10% off discount with code “awesomemarriage10” -  Find out more here! Have you checked out our Marriage Changers membership yet? Marriage Changers get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits! Learn more here!
9/30/202128 minutes, 52 seconds
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Taking Back Your Family with Special Guest Jefferson Bethke | Ep. 485

Is your family suffering from burnout and busyness? Do you suspect that there might be a better way to run your home than what you’ve been doing? Today Jefferson Bethke joins Dr. Kim on the podcast to talk about a biblical vision for families. In some ways, it runs counter to what we’re used to, but today Jefferson presents a biblical case for why the “nuclear family” ideal is failing us, and gives simple, practical steps for change.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  RESOURCES     For more details, stories and next steps, grab a copy of Jefferson’s new book, Take Back Your Family!    You can also find Jefferson, Alyssa and lots of helpful resources at,, and on Instagram @jeffersonbethke   Your marriage can only be as healthy as the two of you are. The Bible says, “Let us examine our ways and test them and let us return to the Lord” (Lamentations 3:40). Our new Self Check-In Guide will help you do just that!    We are thrilled to announce we’re putting on another Online Marriage Retreat this year! The theme is “Building a Life-Giving Marriage.” Registration is open now! And we are offering an additional 10% off when you use code “awesomemarriage10”! Find out more here.   Want to kick up the flirting in your marriage? We’re offering our podcast listeners a special chance to grab our “42 Sexy Notes” resource for free now, before they go live to the public next month! All you have to do is leave us a written review of the podcast, screenshot and send it to [email protected] with “Free Notes” as the subject. Now go get reviewing so you can get to flirting!  Get a bite-sized daily dose of marriage wisdom daily with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!     Have you checked out our Marriage Changers membership yet? Marriage Changers get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits! Learn more here!  
9/28/202139 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Insecure Spouse | Ep. 484

Has you or your spouse’s insecurity affected your marriage? We’re all insecure about something, and the way we see ourselves will end up spilling over into the way we relate to others. Nowhere is this more likely to happen than in marriage. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina share practical ways to address your insecurity and your spouse’s insecurity, including a surprising way Dr. Kim has learned to turn his weaknesses to strengths. Tune in for wisdom and practical tips.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    RESOURCES   Did you leave a review of the podcast? Screenshot and email it to  info@awesomemarriage with the subject “Free Notes,” and we’ll email you back with your early-access copy of our fun “42 Sexy Notes” resource for free! We are thrilled to announce we’re putting on another Online Marriage Retreat this year! The theme is “Building a Life-Giving Marriage.” Discounted Early Bird registration starts Sept 21st. But we are also offering an additional 10% off when you use code “awesomemarriage10”! Find out more here.   Your marriage can only be as healthy as the two of you are. The Bible says, “Let us examine our ways and test them and let us return to the Lord” (Lamentations 3:40). Our new Self Check-In Guide will help you do just that!    Get a bite-sized daily dose of marriage wisdom daily with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Did you leave a review of the podcast? Screenshot and email it to  info@awesomemarriage with the subject “Free Notes,” and we’ll email you back with your early-access copy of our fun “42 Sexy Notes” resource for free! We are thrilled to announce we’re putting on another Online Marriage Retreat this year! The theme is “Building a Life-Giving Marriage.” Discounted Early Bird registration starts Sept 21st. But we are also offering an additional 10% off when you use code “awesomemarriage10”! Find out more here. Have you checked out our Marriage Changers membership yet? Marriage Changers get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits! Learn more here!
9/21/202135 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Disconnected Marriage | Ep. 483

Is your marriage what you dreamed it would be? None of us will ever have a perfect marriage - it’s just not humanly possible! But there are ways to shrink the gap between your marriage hopes and your marriage reality, and it is worth the work! Today Dr. Kim and Christina give you practical ways to do just that. Tune in to learn real, simple, time-tested  ways to grow the connection in your marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  When you subscribe to Podcast Email you get each new episode delivered straight to your inbox. As a Podcast Subscriber, you will get exclusive bonuses like noteworthy quotes, discussion questions, resources, and more!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Did you leave a review of the podcast? Screenshot and email it to  info@awesomemarriage with the subject “Free Notes,” and we’ll email you back with your early-access copy of our fun “42 Sexy Notes” resource for free! We are thrilled to announce we’re putting on another Online Marriage Retreat this year! The theme is “Building an Life-Giving Marriage.” Discounted Early Bird registration starts Sept 21st, plus, use code “awesomemarriage10” for an additional 10% off! Find out more here. Follows us on Instagram: @kimkimberling / @awesome_marriage and follow Dr. Kim on TikTok @kimkimberling We highly recommend a weekly marriage check in. Use our Weekly Marriage Check in Guide to make it super easy to get started!    Your marriage can only be as healthy as the two of you are. Your part in that is to seek growth. The Bible says, “Let us examine our ways and test them and let us return to the Lord” (Lamentations 3:40). The Self Check-In Guide will help you do just that!    Get a bite-sized daily dose of marriage wisdom daily with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Have you checked out the Marriage Changers membership yet? Learn more here!
9/14/202134 minutes, 11 seconds
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Managing Margin | Ep. 482

  Does your marriage have margin? What do we mean by “margin” in marriage? Dr. Kim has some great insight into what this means and why it matters for your life and your marriage. Listen today to learn practical ways to build and manage margin in your life, and how doing this will help grow your marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.   
9/7/202138 minutes, 38 seconds
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Cultivating Curiosity & Courage with Special Guest Bob Goff | Ep. 481

How does curiosity help you have an awesome marriage? How can you keep growing even in the busyness and changing seasons of life? We are so happy to have Bob Goff on the podcast today. Bob and Dr. Kim talk about how to dream big, be courageous and grow together in marriage, share the answers to those questions and more. Listen to their fun and encouraging conversation today!    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    RESOURCES   Have you checked out the Awesome Marriage Pop Up Shop? Six t-shirts and our favorite hoodie are available for a short time only. The shop in just a few days, so click on over today and pick up your faves! Have you taken the Family Prayer Challenge? We have an awesome FREEBIE that will help you out with it!  Our new Family Prayer Challenge gives you an easy, pre-planned way to keep your faith in front of you as a family. You can complete this simple challenge in just five minutes each day. You can make this happen! And it’s yours for a donation of any amount. Join us this month and take the challenge! Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email gives you a daily reminder to do 1 thing to grow your marriage! Sign up today for free!  Marriage Changers get each month’s new digital resource as well as some other sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!
8/31/202139 minutes, 56 seconds
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Feeling Alone in My Marriage | Ep. 480

Loneliness in marriage is a uniquely difficult pain, but that’s where you are today, you’re not alone. At Awesome Marriage, people often tell us they feel alone in their marriage. Yet there is hope: We also see marriages restored and transformed time and again! If you’re in a lonely, disconnected marriage today, we pray you will take heart and not give up. Tune in for Dr. Kim and Christina’s advice on what to do if you feel alone in your marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    RESOURCES   Have you checked out the Awesome Marriage Pop Up Shop? Six t-shirts and our favorite hoodie are available for a short time only. Click over and pick up your faves while the shop is up!  Our new Family Prayer Challenge gives you an easy, pre-planned way to keep your faith in front of you as a family. You can complete this simple challenge in just five minutes each day. You can make this happen! And it’s yours for a donation of any amount. Join us this month and take the challenge! Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email gives you a daily reminder to do 1 thing to grow your marriage! Sign up today for free!  Marriage Changers get each month’s new digital resource as well as some other sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!
8/24/202126 minutes, 29 seconds
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Making Counseling Effective In Your Marriage | Ep. 479

Are you considering marriage counseling? Have you booked your first appointment and plan to go soon? Or have you tried counseling, but it just didn’t work like you hoped it would? Whatever situation you are in, today’s episode has some tips to help you make the most of it.   Just showing up to the appointment won’t change your marriage. Today Dr. Kim and Christina share some tips that are not common knowledge about how to make counseling work for you and your marriage. Tune in and find out!    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  When you subscribe to Podcast Email you get each new episode delivered straight to your inbox. As a Podcast Subscriber, you will get exclusive bonuses like noteworthy quotes, discussion questions, resources, and more!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  RESOURCES   It’s true - we have all-new swag for you! The Awesome Marriage Pop Up Shop goes live later this week, but before the sale goes live we want to give one of you and your spouse the item of your choice! Find all the details over on Instagram!  Our new Family Prayer Challenge gives you an easy, pre-planned way to keep your faith in front of you as a family. You can complete this simple challenge in just five minutes each day. You can make this happen! And it’s yours for a donation of any amount. Join us this month and take the challenge! Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email gives you a daily reminder to do 1 thing to grow your marriage! Sign up today for free!  Marriage Changers get each month’s new digital resource as well as some other sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!  
8/17/202129 minutes, 49 seconds
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When Do You Need Marriage Counseling | Ep. 478

Have you ever wondered if you need marriage counseling? Does going to counseling mean you have a bad marriage? Have Dr. Kim and Nancy gone to counseling themselves? With 40+ years of experience as a Marriage Counselor, Dr. Kim has seen couples come to counseling for just about every reason and he has a lot of great insight into this topic! Tune in today to hear Dr. Kim and Christina answer the question of when you need marriage counseling.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  When you subscribe to Podcast Email you get each new episode delivered straight to your inbox. As a Podcast Subscriber, you will get exclusive bonuses like noteworthy quotes, discussion questions, resources, and more!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  RESOURCES Our new Family Prayer Challenge gives you an easy, pre-planned way to keep your faith in front of you as a family. You can complete this simple challenge in just five minutes each day. You can make this happen! And it’s yours for a donation of any amount. Join us this month and take the challenge! Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email gives you a daily reminder to do 1 thing to grow your marriage! Sign up today for free!  Marriage Changers get each month’s new digital resource as well as some other sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Commit Proverbs 18:15 to memory this week. Ask God to remind you of this truth! 
8/10/202123 minutes, 27 seconds
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Achieving Awesome Communication: Your Questions Answered | Ep. 477

You asked, we’re answering! Today Dr. Kim and Christina wrap up our podcast series on communication by answering your questions. Communication in marriage is a detailed and nuanced topic; there are no “one size fits all” answers, but there are some basic principles that can really help you and your marriage to grow toward better communication. Listen today for practical tips and answers to help you communicate better with your spouse.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Will you take 15 minutes each week to check up on your marriage? Dr. Kim highly recommends a quick weekly check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do!  Our new Family Prayer Challenge gives you an easy, pre-planned way to keep your faith in front of you as a family. Join us this month and take the challenge! Subscribe to Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email and get free daily reminders to do 1 thing to grow your marriage!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! If you’re ready for a deeper dive into building the communication in your marriage, our  30-Day Communication Challenge is a great way to do that! Check it out today!  If you need anything at all, you can reach us at [email protected]. We love chatting with you!   
8/3/202137 minutes, 18 seconds
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Make the Most of Your Differences with Special Guests Jay & Breona Washington | Ep. 476

  We’ve heard that opposites attract. But what happens when opposites commit to a life together and the friction begins? All too often in marriage, we try to change our spouse rather than accepting the unique ways God made them. Today Dr. Kim interviews Jay and Breona Washington. Jay is an Introvert Coach, and together they unpack some ways to make the most of differences in your marriage.     We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Check out all of Jay and Bre’s resources and info at! The Five Love Languages is a time-tested tool that helps couples love each other better.  It’s LIVE! We’re excited to partner with Dating Divas again to offer you their Marriage Bundle for just $20!! That's right, we're giving you $15 off your marriage bundle! Simply go to the Dating Divas Marriage Bundle from now until August 2nd and get your Marriage Bundle!    Check out the Awesome Marriage Youtube channel!   Leave us a rating and review - We’d love to hear your thoughts!  Are you satisfied with the sex life in your marriage? The Love Making Survey is designed to help you have a safe, genuine conversation about your sex life with your spouse. Subscribe to Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email and get a reminder to do 1 thing to grow.   Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!
7/27/202145 minutes, 32 seconds
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Achieving Awesome Communication: Dealing with Communication Ruts | Ep. 475

Did you know there’s a strategic reason for the way bars are designed? Today Dr. Kim and Christina talk about what happens when communication grows stale or stops altogether. What leads to us getting stuck in a rut with communication? How can we avoid that? How can we get back out? Today we share insights into all of those issues, plus your mind might be blown like Christina’s was when Dr. Kim explains the bar thing!    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  RESOURCES It’s LIVE! We’re excited to partner with Dating Divas again to offer you their Marriage Bundle for just $20!! That's right, we're giving you $15 off your marriage bundle! Simply go to the Dating Divas Marriage Bundle from now until August 2nd and get your Marriage Bundle!  Our Questions To Help Your Spouse Open Up resource is designed to help your marriage become a safer place to open up, and help you and your spouse build a better connection.  Subscribe to Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email and get a reminder to do 1 thing to grow.   Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! The Summer Bucket List Date Design makes it super easy to plan a great date night to up the connection in your marriage, without spending the big bucks! 
7/20/202128 minutes, 55 seconds
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Wives Edition: How to Ask For Help

Why is it so hard to ask for help? Today we have a special “wives’ only” episode with Christina and our Podcast Producer Lindsay Few. We all need help sometimes! But so often we are terrible about asking for it! Today Christina and Lindsay are talking about why wives might need to ask for help sometimes, why we might hesitate to ask, and some practical ways to ask.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.      RESOURCES   Share the podcast on social media and tag us!  We’re excited to partner with Dating Divas again to offer you their Marriage Bundle for just $20!! That's right, we're giving you $15 off your marriage bundle! Click through to the Dating Divas Marriage Bundle from July 19th- August 2nd to get your Marriage Bundle! The link goes live July 19th! Did you take the tip we shared at the end of the episode? We’d love to hear your results! Share with us at [email protected] or message us on Insta!  Marriages thrive on intentionality. Subscribe to Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email and get a reminder to do 1 thing to grow your marriage each day.  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!
7/15/202133 minutes, 53 seconds
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Achieving Awesome Communication: Communication Breakdowns | Ep. 473

We have to address the inevitable: Communication breakdowns. They’re going to happen at some point. We’re only human! But we can certainly decrease how often they happen and how we recover from them as a couple! Tune in today as we continue addressing practical ways to improve the communication in your marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Awesome Marriage is excited to partner with Dating Divas again to offer you their Marriage Bundle for just $20!! That's right, we're giving you $15 off your marriage bundle! Simply go to Dating Divas Marriage Bundle from July 19th- August 2nd and get your Marriage Bundle! The link goes live July 19th!   Check out the Awesome Marriage Youtube channel!   Leave us a rating and review - We’d love to hear your thoughts!  Our Questions To Help Your Spouse Open Up resource is designed to help your marriage become a safer place to open up, and help you and your spouse build a better connection.  One great way to keep good communication rolling is by using our Weekly Marriage Check In Guide  Marriages thrive on intentionality. Subscribe to Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email and get a reminder to do 1 thing to grow your marriage each day.   Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits (including that it’s one of the rare ways to get to see more of Nancy! Learn more here! 
7/13/202135 minutes, 53 seconds
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Achieving Awesome Communication: Dealing With Feelings | Ep. 472

Have you taken it personally when your spouse came home in a foul mood? Have you ever been in a foul mood yourself, but not communicated about it well to your spouse, leaving them to wonder why you were so grumpy? Communication can really fall apart around our attempts to deal with our spouse’s feelings and our own. Today we talk about some of the common breakdowns (it’s not just you!) and ways to handle this more effectively.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Reading Dr. Kim’s Daily Declarations aloud each day is a great way to grow in believing what God says is true about you! Get a free printable copy here!  Our Questions To Help Your Spouse Open Up resource is designed to help your marriage become a safer place to open up, and help you and your spouse build a better connection.  He’s done it again! If you’re curious, here is the Bible reference for Dr. Kim’s favorite verse! The Achieving Awesome Communication YouVersion plan walks you some helpful ways to improve the communication in your marriage.  Subscribe to Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email and get a reminder to do 1 thing to grow.   Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! We recommend these books to help in growing a healthier mindset: Get Out Of Your Head by Jennie Allen  Winning the War in Your Mind by Craig Groeschel  Are you satisfied with the sex life in your marriage? The Love Making Survey is designed to help you have a safe, genuine conversation about your sex life with your spouse.
7/6/202133 minutes, 23 seconds
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Are You Really OK? With Special Guest Debra Fileta | Ep. 471

“How are you doing?” We’re all so used to the quick, one-word answers to that question, but today, we’re going deeper. Debra Fileta is a much-loved repeat guest on the Awesome Marriage Podcast, and she has written a powerful new book, Are You Really OK?: Getting Real About Who You Are, How You’re Doing, and Why It Matters. We’re so happy to have her on today to get real about learning whether we are really doing ok, how to know if we are or not, and why it matters!    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES   One great step toward healing and growth is Debra’s book, Are You Really OK? Email [email protected] to get the “Pastor’s Guide To Navigating Mental Health” for free Follow Debra at @truelovedates on Instagram  Visit True Love Dates for resources, great info and Debra’s awesome podcast series on mental health  Want to make the most of summer fun in your marriage? Our new Summer Bucket List Date Design makes it super easy to plan a great date night!  Our Questions To Help Your Spouse Open Up resource is designed to help grow the openness, communication and connection in your marriage Subscribe to Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email and get a reminder to do 1 simple thing to grow your marriage each day.  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!  
6/29/202159 minutes, 32 seconds
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Achieving Awesome Communication: Touch Points and the Small Stuff | Ep. 470

Have you heard the term “undivorced?” What does it mean to just “exist” together in a marriage? Well, we’re here to say marriage can be a lot more fun and exciting when you put in the effort to connect with your spouse and build that relationship! One easy way to do that is with touchpoints. No matter how busy you are, you can build these into your day and be on your way toward an awesome marriage! Listen today to find out more.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here! 
6/22/202137 minutes, 15 seconds
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Achieving Awesome Communication: Nonverbal Communication Ep. 469

A recent survey we did showed that communication is the #1 issue couples want help with. So we’re going to unpack some practical ways to improve the communication in your marriage, with a 6-episode series on “Achieving Awesome Communication.” Nonverbal communication is over 70% of how we communicate, so we want to be sure we do well with it! Listen today and find out how you can improve the nonverbal communication in your marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES   Are you tired of the same old dinner date? Our new Summer Bucket List Date Design has simple and fun ways to make the most of date night!  Dr. Kim and Christina mentioned the 30-Day Communication Challenge to help get the communication in your marriage on a healthy track. This is an awesome way to check in, prevent conflict and know your spouse better!  Dr. Kim highly suggests a weekly check in with your spouse as a way to prevent conflict. Our Weekly Marriage Check in Guide makes this super easy to do and it’s yours for a donation of any amount.  Subscribe to Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email and get a reminder to do 1 thing each day to help your marriage grow.   Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!  
6/15/202126 minutes, 37 seconds
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Worth Repeating: The Vital Connection Between Intimacy and Money

Money is one of the top marriage issues, and learning to manage it well as a couple is a vital part of marriage. As a finance blogger and a family law attorney, Brain and Cherie Lowe have basically seen it all when it comes to marriages and money! They also share their awesome story of slaying the “debt dragon” that they faced together. Today we are re-airing their episode on the podcast because it is definitely worth repeating.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Visit Cherie at for helpful resources, freebies, and much more!  Grab both of the Lowe’s books here!   We’ve got a little gift for our loyal listeners! Simply leave a rating and review of the podcast, and we will give you our Couple's Unity Building Journal. Just leave a rating and review, screenshot it and send it to info@awesomemarriage with "Unity Building" as the subject title and we will email you this great resource. Are you tired of the same old dinner date? Our new Summer Bucket List Date Design has simple and fun ways to make the most of date night!  Dr. Kim’s “Mammon and God: Money and Spirituality” YouVersion plan can help you align your view of money with scripture.  Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.  Subscribe to Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email and get a reminder to do 1 thing to grow.   Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!  
6/8/202143 minutes, 42 seconds
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Worth Repeating: 5 Ways to Affair Proof Your Marriage Part 2

In all his years in the counseling office, Dr. Kim says that he’s never seen anyone that one set out to have an affair. It was a process of one baby step after another that led them there. But you can avoid those baby steps altogether! Tune in today to learn 5 ways to affair proof your marriage. We’re releasing part 1 & 2 today because they’re definitely worth repeating.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES   Are you tired of the same old dinner date? Our new Summer Bucket List Date Design has simple and fun ways to make the most of date night!  We’ve got a little gift to give to our loyal listeners! Simply leave a rating and review of the podcast, and we will give you our Couple's Unity Building Journal. Just leave a rating and review, screenshot it and send it to info@awesomemarriage with "Unity Building" as the subject title and we will email you this great resource. Choose one of our free YouVersion Bible Reading Plans to help get into the scripture.  Has your marriage has been affected by infidelity? We believe deeply that you can heal from it, and even build a better marriage than you ever had before! We want to help you heal which is why we’ve created the Online Affair Recovery Course to help you on your healing journey. As our friend, you can use the code AWESOMEMARRIAGE for 10% off this course. Use mundane moments for Godly purpose with House Prayer Cards! One way to get, and stay, on the same page in your marriage is a regular check in. Our Weekly Check Up Guide makes it super easy for you!  Subscribe to Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email and get a reminder to do 1 thing to grow.   Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!
6/1/202143 minutes, 52 seconds
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Worth Repeating: 5 Ways to Affair Proof Your Marriage Part 1

In all his years in the counseling office, Dr. Kim says that he’s never seen anyone who set out to have an affair. It was a process of one baby step after another that led them there. But you can avoid those baby steps altogether! Tune in today to learn 5 ways to affair proof your marriage. We’re releasing part 1 & 2 today because they’re definitely worth repeating.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES   Are you tired of the same old dinner date? Our new Summer Bucket List Date Design has simple and fun ways to make the most of date night!  We’ve got a little gift to give to our loyal listeners! Simply leave a rating and review of the podcast, and we will give you our Couple's Unity Building Journal. Just leave a rating and review, screenshot it and send it to info@awesomemarriage with "Unity Building" as the subject title and we will email you this great resource. Choose one of our free YouVersion Bible Reading Plans to help get into the scripture.  Has your marriage has been affected by infidelity? We believe deeply that you can heal from it, and even build a better marriage than you ever had before! We want to help you heal which is why we’ve created the Online Affair Recovery Course to help you on your healing journey. As our friend, you can use the code AWESOMEMARRIAGE for 10% off this course. Use mundane moments for Godly purpose with House Prayer Cards! One way to get, and stay, on the same page in your marriage is a regular check in. Our Weekly Check Up Guide makes it super easy for you!  Subscribe to Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email and get a reminder to do 1 thing to grow.   Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!  
6/1/202149 minutes, 15 seconds
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Worth Repeating: Checking In So You Don’t Check Out - How To Prevent Conflict

Conflict is inevitable, but a lot of it could actually be avoided. In this episode, Dr. Kim and Christina unpack simple ways to be more connected with your spouse, ways to prevent unnecessary conflict, and how to know if you’re “checked out.” This one originally aired a while back, but we’re sharing this episode again because so many marriages could be less tense and more enjoyable simply by preventing some of the conflict! If you’re like me, you can always use reminders of easy ways to make your marriage better - so it’s definitely worth repeating!    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    RESOURCES   We want to give a little something away as a gift to our loyal listeners! If you leave a rating and review of the podcast we will give you our Couple's Unity Building Journal. Simply leave a rating and review then screenshot it and send it to info@awesomemarriage with "Unity Building" as the subject title and we will email you this great resource. This month’s 30-Day Communication Challenge will help get the communication in your marriage on a healthy track. This is an awesome way to check in, prevent conflict and know your spouse better!  Dr. Kim highly suggests a weekly check in with your spouse as a way to prevent conflict. Our Weekly Marriage Check in Guide makes this super easy to do and it’s yours for a donation of any amount.  Subscribe to Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email and get a reminder to do 1 thing each day to help your marriage grow.   Getting on the same page can help you avoid conflict in parenting. If you need some help, 100 Questions to Get You on The Same Page Parenting Workbook is designed to help you do just that! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!    
5/25/202131 minutes, 9 seconds
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Worth Repeating: Amber & Arly’s Restoration Story

Today, we’re sharing Amber and Arly’s marriage story again. This encouraging story of redemption and healing is a powerful reminder that there is still hope for marriage that has been hurt by infidelity. We are so grateful to Amber and Arly for sharing their story, and we wanted to share this one again because it’s definitely worth repeating.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES   We want to give a little something away as a gift to our loyal listeners! If you leave a rating and review of the podcast we will give you our Couple's Unity Building Journal. Simply leave a rating and review then screenshot it and send it to info@awesomemarriage with "Unity Building" as the subject title and we will email you this great resource. Has your marriage has been affected by infidelity? We believe deeply that you can heal from it, and even build a better marriage than you ever had before! We want to help you heal which is why we’ve created the Online Affair Recovery Course to help you on your healing journey. As our friend, you can use the code AWESOMEMARRIAGE for 10% off this course. If there’s anything else we can do for you today, don’t hesitate to reach out. Message us on Instagram or email [email protected]. Subscribe to Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email and get a reminder to do 1 thing to grow your marriage every weekday.   Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!
5/18/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 25 seconds
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Hope For the Unhappy Marriage With Special Guest Toni Niewhof | Ep. 468

  Are you happily married? Or is marriage harder than you thought it would be? Today Dr. Kim talks with special guest Toni Nieuwhof. Toni is an author, speaker and family law mediator, and she brings some incredible wisdom nuggets in today’s episode. If your marriage is hard or unhappy right now, there is hope! Tune in today for hope and help to make the future of your marriage better than  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    RESOURCES   Buy Toni’s book, Before You Split: Find What You Really Want for the Future of Your Marriage Check out Toni’s website for great resources and helpful free marriage tools! Follow Toni on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter This month’s 30-Day Communication Challenge will help get the communication in your marriage on a healthy track!  Toni and Dr. Kim mention counseling as a great way to get some positive movement in your marriage. Is it time for you to go?  Subscribe to Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email and get reminders to do 1 thing to grow your marriage each day.   Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!  
5/11/202150 minutes, 3 seconds
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Seeing Your Spouse's Value | Ep. 467

Do you need to say “thank you” to your spouse over and over again? Or tell them you love them, even though they already know it? It can be so easy to take our spouse for granted. So today we are talking about seeing and acknowledging your spouse’s value. We are going to talk about some areas people want to be appreciated in, and why noticing and verbalizing these things is a BIG part of having an awesome marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES   Learning to communicate effectively as a couple will reduce unnecessary arguments and strengthen your bond as a couple. The 30 DAY COMMUNICATION CHALLENGE will help you and your spouse growing in communication intimacy with one another. Dr. Kim mentions Atomic Habits, a book he and Dylan both really appreciated.  Our brand new 30-Day Communication Challenge is a great follow up to today’s conversation! Check it out for some great ways to grow the communication in your marriage.  Our 21 day Husband Encouragement Challenge and Wife Appreciation Challenge will help you jump start the appreciation habit!  We know there are more than 31 reasons why you love your spouse. But how often do you get to tell them? The 31 Things I Love About You resource will encourage you to share those ways with your awesome spouse. Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!  Subscribe to Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email and get a reminder to do 1 thing to grow.   Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!  
5/4/202134 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ministry & Your Marriage with Special Guest Jess Connolly | Ep. 466

Today Jess Connolly joins us to share some of the joys and challenges of ministry. Jess Conolly is an author and a speaker, she runs Go and Tell Gals, and helps lead Bright City Church in South Carolina, along with her husband, Nick. Jess and Nick are on mission to leave the world more in awe of God than they found it. Listen in as Jess shares some great wisdom, encouragement, and very practical ways to work together in your marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES   Follow Jess on Insta! Jess’s book, You Are The Girl For The Job, will help you live on mission in your actual everyday life. And Glory Girl will do the same for the tween girls in your life.   Breaking Free From Body Shame comes out soon - preorder now!   If you’re not already subscribed to Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email, sign up today and get a daily reminder with 1 simple thing to grow your marriage.  Our House Prayer Cards are one of our most-loved resources. They are a super simple way to make prayer an everyday part of your marriage.   Do you dream of more delightful dinner times? Whether you have a family of 2 or 20, use our “52 Questions for Your Family Table” printable to cultivate quality time!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits like Awesome Marriage T-Shirts and exclusive video interviews with Dr. Kim and Nancy. Learn more here!
4/27/202142 minutes, 6 seconds
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3 Ways To Do Intimacy HIS Way | Ep. 465

Today we are talking about 3 ways to do intimacy HIS way. As men and women, we don’t always view this the same way! Wives, we want to help you out with some practical ways to build intimacy the way your husband needs and wants it. Listen in and you may be really surprised at some of the ways listed in today’s episode!    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES   Several of our resources might really help get you and your spouse more intimately connected! Check them out below. Creative Questions to Ask Your Spouse 2.0 Love Making Survey Questions to Help Your Spouse Open Up Spice It Up Sex Challenge        Dr. Kim recommends the book, A Celebration of Sex, by Douglas E. Rosenau  If you missed last week’s episode on “Intimacy HER Way,” make sure to give it a listen!  Subscribe to Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email and get a reminder to do 1 thing to grow your marriage daily.  Our House Prayer Cards are one of our most-loved resources. They are a super simple way to make prayer an everyday part of your marriage.   Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!  
4/20/202127 minutes, 28 seconds
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3 Ways To Do Intimacy HER Way | Ep. 464

Today we are talking about 3 Ways To Do Intimacy HER Way. We don’t always view this the same way as men and women! Husbands, we want to help you out with some practical ways to build intimacy in your marriage the way your wife needs and wants it.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. 
4/13/202131 minutes, 55 seconds
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Simple Ways To Be A Nicer Spouse | Ep. 463

One of the main things that produces conflict is a lack of sensitivity or kindness. Dr. Kim shares how he has seen a lack of kindness among couples in the counseling room. No matter where your marriage is today ALL of our marriages would be better if we were a little nicer to each other. Join us today as we talk simple ways to just be nice to your spouse.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES   Our 7 Most Popular Resource Bundle is available for two weeks only! This bundle contains our Husband Encouragement & Wife Appreciation Challenges - two great places to start becoming a nicer spouse! Subscribe to Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email and be reminded to do one thing each day to grow your marriage.  Learn how to make some loving deposits in your spouse’s love tank with our Love Cans resource.  Download a free PDF of Dr. Kim’s Daily Declarations to help you stay grounded in God’s truth each day!   Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!
4/6/202130 minutes, 35 seconds
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Trusting God Through Grief with Special Guest Stacy Henagan | Ep. 462

Today Dr. Kim interviews special guest Stacy Henagan. Stacy’s book, Breathe Again, walks through her process of trusting in God’s goodness after He didn’t answer her prayers for healing of her terminally-ill daughter. How can we trust God in this midst of grief? How can we see past the pain? Dr. Kim and Stacy unpack those questions and more on today’s episode. We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES   Buy Stacy’s book, Breathe Again, here.   Check out the Breathe Again Devotional Plan on YouVersion  Find more resources at Do you long for a deeper connection, better conversation, and more intimacy with your spouse? Want to build a deeper connection in your marriage? Our “Questions to Help Your Spouse Open Up” resource can help! Have questions or a marriage story to share? Email us at  [email protected] or message us on Instagram. We love hearing from you!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!
3/30/202142 minutes, 25 seconds
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Moving & Marriage | Ep. 461

How can couples reduce stress during a move? So many couples are dealing with a move for one reason or another. Moving comes with a lot of stress, so today we’re going to be talking about best marriage practices for moving. If you’re not moving right now, bookmark this one to come back to later. And check out the application questions available to our podcast subscribers as they can apply in any season!    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!      RESOURCES   A few members of the Awesome Marriage team shared tips in today’s podcast. Who are our team members? Find out here!   Invite God into your new home with our House Prayer Cards! Do you long for a deeper connection, better conversation, and more intimacy with your spouse? Want to build a deeper connection in your marriage? Our “Questions to Help Your Spouse Open Up” resource can help! Want more tips for dealing with seasons of transition together? Check out these podcast episodes:   SEASONS OF TRANSITION DEALING WITH SEASONS OF WAITING LOVE IN EVERY SEASON: INTERVIEW WITH DEBRA FILETA | EP. 411 Have questions or a marriage story to share? Email us at  [email protected] or message us on Instagram!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here! 
3/23/202134 minutes, 17 seconds
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How To Tell When Your Marriage Issues Are Solved | Ep. 460

This week on the podcast we’re focusing on markers of a solved conflict: how to tell when your marriage issue is solved. A lot of times we may give up on the problem solving too soon and stop short of real resolution, but unless we resolve the issue, it will keep coming up over and over again. So how do we break that cycle? Tune in today to find out.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES   Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.  Do you long for a deeper connection, better conversation, and more intimacy with your spouse? Want to build a deeper connection in your marriage? Our “Questions to Help Your Spouse Open Up” resource can help! Dr. Kim mentions the Weekly Marriage Check Up Guide, a simple tool to help keep you and your spouse on the same page.  We have Awesome Marriage YouVersion Bible Reading plans for a wide range of topics and situations. Have you read any of our Awesome Marriage plans?  Use our Couples Unity Building Journal to proactively build oneness in your marriage.  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!   
3/16/202126 minutes, 20 seconds
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Defining Your Real Marriage Problem | Ep. 459

Marriage issues live in our minds, hearts, bedrooms and thought lives. We may be too close to the problem to know what the real issue is. Over his years as a counselor, Dr. Kim says it’s really common that couples can feel the tension, but they can’t seem to figure out what’s really causing it. Tune in today as Dr. Kim and Christina help you learn to find the causes underneath the symptomatic problems, so that you can truly heal and grow.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!      RESOURCES   Read Christina’s blog, What’s Your Problem, Actually? Subscribe to the Awesome Marriage blog, and get a new post from the AM team each Wednesday  Other podcasts where we’ve talked about trust in marriage: WHEN YOU DON’T FEEL SAFE SHARING WITH YOUR SPOUSE | EP. 281 HOW TO BE KNOWN | EP. 270 WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU CAN’T TRUST YOUR SPOUSE? | EP. 264 Your spouse’s love tank can’t stay full unless you make sure to fill it up! Find out what helps give them that lovin’ feeling with our “Love Cans” resource!  Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!
3/9/202131 minutes, 32 seconds
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When Your Teenager Starts To Date | Ep. 458

In today’s podcast episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about what to do when your teens start to date. This may feel like a daunting milestone, but they are here to help give you peace of mind plus practical help to prepare well and handle it with grace. Whatever stage of parenting you are in, or if you are a friend or relative of teens, Dr. Kim and Christina have some great ideas and advice to help you prepare, support and encourage the teens you love as they start to think about dating.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Resources:  The God’s Design for Sex Series books are a great teaching tool  This isn’t the first time we’ve talked about kids’ dating! Check out other episodes on the topic:  Parents’ Responsibility in Dating: Interview with Debra Fileta | Ep. 6 Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality- Interview with Jim Burns | Ep. 22 Ask Dr. Kim: We have a son and worry about him growing up in this sex-crazed culture…  Your spouse’s love tank can’t stay full unless you make sure to fill it up! Find out what helps give them that lovin’ feeling with our “Love Cans” resource! Haven’t thought much about your next phase of parenting? Get our “100 Questios to Get You On the Same Page” workbook and get your head in the game & on the same team with your spouse.  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!   
3/2/202141 minutes, 36 seconds
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Be Your Authentic Self in a Superficial World - Interview with Sam Acho | Ep. 457

What does it mean to live authentically? Today Dr. Kim interviews NFL linebacker, speaker, podcaster, and humanitarian Sam Acho to help answer that question! Sam has a new book out, called Let The World See You.  This book is a blueprint for learning how to be yourself and living a life of genuine authenticity. Listen today to learn more!    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES   Buy Sam’s book, Let the World See You, here!  Find Sam Acho on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Your spouse’s love tank can’t stay full unless you make sure to fill it up! Find out what helps give them that lovin’ feeling with our “Love Cans” resource!  Find the YouVersion plan Dr. Kim mentioned, “Even If He Doesn’t,” here.  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here! 
2/23/202150 minutes, 35 seconds
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How to Handle "Me Time" | Ep. 456

“Me time” can be a major pain point in marriages, especially those with young children. Have you wondered why “me time” is such an issue? Is it okay to ask your spouse for it? And what is a healthy amount of “me time”? Today we want to talk about “me time” and give you some practical tips to navigate this in a way that builds up your marriage. Listen as Dr. Kim and Christina answer these questions and more, and give you helpful steps to handle the “me time” issue.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  RESOURCES If this episode helped you realize that you & your spouse would benefit from talking about how you spend your time, use our Weekly Marriage Check Up Guide to make the conversation more productive!  Your spouse’s love tank can’t stay full unless you make sure to fill it up! Find out what helps give them that lovin’ feeling with our “Love Cans” resource!  Are you getting Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day email or text? If not, this is a great starting point to help you make a positive impact on your marriage each day. Sign up here!  Intimacy requires hard work and a guide. Dr. Kim Kimberling is that guide and his book, 7 Secrets to An Awesome Marriage, will show you how communication and intimacy in marriage can be yours.  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!
2/16/202145 minutes, 15 seconds
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Creating Healthy Spiritual Disciplines | Ep. 455

  Last year changed a lot of our spiritual disciplines when it came to going to church and our daily habits. But it’s important that we find a way to have healthy spiritual disciplines no matter our scenario. So, what is a spiritual discipline? What happens to our marriage when we neglect our spiritual disciplines? Today Dr. Kim and Christina will answer these and other helpful questions with grace and wisdom.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Your spouse’s love tank can’t stay full unless you make sure to fill it up! Find out what helps give them that lovin’ feeling with our “Love Cans” resource!  YouVersion Bible Reading plans are a great use of screen time! Have you read any of our Awesome Marriage plans?  Have a question for us, or a marriage story to share? Email us at [email protected], or send us a direct message on Instagram, Facebook Twitter OR TikTok! We respond to every one of our messages and we love hearing from you!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Are you getting Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day email or text? If not, this is a great starting point to help you make a positive impact on your marriage each day. Sign up here! 
2/9/202130 minutes, 53 seconds
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Creating Healthy Habits with Technology | Ep. 454

Last year was a strange one, and it shook a lot of us out of our usual rhythms and habits. Many of you have told us you spent a lot more time online last year, and are still figuring out how to take back control of your tech habits. How do we know if our habits with technology are UNhealthy? Today Dr. Kim and Christina identify some red flags around tech overuse and talk about ways to break those unhealthy habits and create healthy ones.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!      RESOURCES Your spouse’s love tank can’t stay full unless you make sure to fill it up! Find out what helps give them that lovin’ feeling with our “Love Cans” resource!  YouVersion Bible Reading plans are a great use of screen time! Have you read any of our Awesome Marriage plans?  Have a question for us, or a marriage story to share? Email us at [email protected], or send us a direct message on Instagram or Facebook. We respond to every one of our messages and we love hearing from you!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Are you getting Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day email or text? If not, this is a great starting point to help you make a positive impact on your marriage each day. Sign up here!   
2/2/202147 minutes, 11 seconds
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Moving Past Superficial Connection | Ep. 453

Today Dr. Kim and Christina talk about the connection we have with our spouse. What does a deeper connection look like? Is it possible to have that in the midst of a busy life? Is it too late to move past superficial connection if that’s what we’re used to? Join us as they discuss practical ways to assess and improve the connection in your marriage.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  Do you dream of a more delightful dinner table? Whether you have a family of 2 or 20, use our “52 Questions for Your Family Table” printable to help cultivate quality time together!  Keep an eye out for our “Love Cans” resource, which comes out in February. This resource is designed to help you love and understand your spouse better. Browse the “Resource” tab at for a variety of tools we’ve created to help you and your spouse connect, including Date Designs, which make it super easy to plan a meaningful date night with your spouse! Have a question for us, or a marriage story to share? Email us at [email protected], or send us a direct message on Instagram or Facebook. We respond to every one of our messages and we love hearing from you!  Our Online Marriage Retreat is a wonderful way to make time to grow together with your spouse, on your own time frame. Use the code AWESOMEMARRIAGE when you sign up for 10% off!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!   
1/26/202127 minutes, 20 seconds
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Breathe: Don’t Be Prickly | Ep. 452

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina discuss what it means to be prickly in marriage. Last year was tough on most of us, and one side effect is that many of us are carrying the pain of grief, loss, and disappointment. When we don’t handle our hurt in healthy ways, we often hurt others without even realizing it. How can we best handle our feelings and become healthy, instead of prickly? Tune in today to find out.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES   Dr. Kim enjoys using the Day One app for daily journalling. Find it online here.  Are you getting Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day email or text? If not, this is a great starting point to help you make a positive impact on your marriage each day. Sign up here!  Do you dream of a more delightful dinner table? Whether you have a family of 2 or 20, use our “52 Questions for Your Family Table” printable to help cultivate quality time together!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!
1/19/202132 minutes, 24 seconds
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3 Essential Ways to Connect with Your Kids and Create Positive Lasting Memories: Interview with Larry Hagner | Ep. 451

Today Dr. Kim talks to Larry Hagner of the Good Dad Project about how to really connect well with your kids. Larry developed the project out of his desire to better himself and become a better dad to his kids. The Good Dad Project empowers men to become the happiest, healthiest, and best version of themselves, and provides community with other men on the journey.     We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Resources:    Check out The Good Dad Project for podcasts, resources, community and more.   Buy Larry’s book, The Dad’s Edge: 9 Simple Ways to Have: Unlimited Patience, Improved Relationships, and Positive Lasting Memories. Whether this year was rocky or rose-tinted, use our Annual Marriage Check Up Guide to reflect on the year and prepare well for the next. It’s yours with a donation of any amount to the ministry of Awesome Marriage!  The Online Marriage Retreat is still available. Be intentional to grow your marriage by taking time to retreat and learn together. As a bonus for our listeners, we are offering 10% off with the code AWESOMEMARRIAGE10! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!
12/15/202047 minutes, 4 seconds
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Recapping Marriage This Year | Ep. 450

Today Dr. Kim and Christina summarize their thoughts on marriage in 2020 and what we have learned. It has certainly been a weird year for all of us and extremely challenging for many of us.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Resources:    Whether this year was rocky or rose-tinted, use our Annual Marriage Check Up Guide to reflect on the year and prepare well for the next. It’s yours with a donation of any amount to the ministry of Awesome Marriage!  The Online Marriage Retreat is still available. Be intentional to grow your marriage by taking time to retreat and learn together. As a bonus for our listeners, we are offering 10% off with the code AWESOMEMARRIAGE10! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!  
12/8/202031 minutes, 7 seconds
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Parenting Tips That Have Made My Life & My Marriage Easier | Ep. 449

Today we are talking all about parenting tips. Parenting can be a major marriage tension or a major distraction for a lot of marriages. Today Dr. Kim and Christina take some time to share tips that have made our life easier and our marriages better for each stage of parenting.   We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage!  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  Resources:    Use our 100 Questions To Get You On The Same Page: A Parenting Workbook to make sure you are on the same parenting page as your spouse.   Parenting with Love and Logic, by Foster Cline and Jim Fay  The Learning About Sex book series for different ages and stages.  Don’t Mom Alone Podcast  Some of Andy Stanley’s sermon series are available as podcasts  Connected Families provides biblically-based mentoring to help families. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!  
12/1/202043 minutes, 25 seconds
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Our Biggest Marriage Mistakes | Ep. 448

Today Dr. Kim and Christina share some of their biggest marriage mistakes. By sharing their own failures and what they learned from them, they hope to encourage you that you are never alone in your marriage mistakes, and that you might avoid making the same mistakes they did!   RESOURCES   Our “Spice It Up Sex Challenge” resource is a 10-page PDF, with 18 spicy, sexy challenges to amp up the love, connection, and fun in your marriage bed! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! We’ve got 2 sexy games to help reignite the spark in your marriage.  The Ultimate Intimacy App has resources of sex positions, sex tips, and customizable sex games. The best part is this app is safe for your marriage because it's clean, and non-graphic with no nudity. All content is respectful and in the context of healthy marriage.  Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here! *Some links are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Every dollar made goes directly to the ministry of Awesome Marriage to help couples build awesome marriages. We only promote products we truly recommend.  
11/24/202034 minutes, 57 seconds
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Growing In Communication: Interview with “Big” Rich and DeAnna | Ep. 447

Today Dr. Kim interviews “Big” Rich and DeAnna Millentree. Rich and Deanna have a passion and a beating heart for marriage, and believe that to have the kind of marriage you want, you must grow. Growing In Marriage started and grew out of their love married couples and a desire to see marriages grow and thrive.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Big Rich and Deanna are the authors of Face To Face - Conversation Starters For Couples. Make sure you are following us on Instagram at @awesome_marriage and enter this giveaway for a chance to win a FREE copy of Face To Face! OR Buy Face To Face - Conversation Starters For Couples now! Learn more great marriage insights at Check out The Growing In Marriage Podcast Follow Growing In Marriage on Instagram and Facebook for more great insights!  *Some links are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Every dollar made goes directly to the ministry of Awesome Marriage to help couples build awesome marriages. We only promote products we truly recommend.  
11/23/202041 minutes, 7 seconds
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3 Things Your Husband Wants From You | Ep. 446

Ladies, what does your husband want from you? And why? This week we hear from the guys! What did they say was most important to them when we asked? Today Dr. Kim and Christina talk all about what a husband wants from his wife.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES We want to help you cheer your husband on with this “21 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge.” This “100 Questions To Get You On The Same Page” Resource is a life saver if parenting stress is hindering your marriage! Our “Spice It Up Sex Challenge” resource is a 10-page PDF, with 18 spicy, sexy challenges to amp up the love, connection, and fun in your marriage bed! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here! *Some links are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Every dollar made goes directly to the ministry of Awesome Marriage to help couples build awesome marriages. We only promote products we truly recommend.
11/17/202028 minutes, 36 seconds
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3 Things Your Wife Wants From You | Ep. 445

Men, do you know what your wife wants from you? Any idea why? We polled our listeners, and the ladies have spoken! Today Dr. Kim and Christina talk all about 3 things your wife wants from you. They each give a “top 3” list, then share what our listeners had to say when we asked wives the most important things they want from their husband.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  RESOURCES Using our Weekly Marriage Check Up Guide, just 20 minutes a week can lead to a better marriage!  Check out some of our YouVersion plans for men:  Fighting to Be a Man of God  I Am A Warrior Part 1 & Part 2 3 Questions for Husbands  Want to show her how much you appreciate her? We can help you show your appreciation for your wife with the “21-Day Wife Appreciation Challenge.” Our new “Spice It Up Sex Challenge” resource is a 10-page PDF, with 18 spicy, sexy challenges. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!  
11/10/202036 minutes, 19 seconds
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What Do I Do When I'm Not Attracted To My Spouse | Ep. 444

Is it okay to not be attracted to your spouse? Why would someone stop being attracted to their spouse? Today Dr. Kim and Christina talk all about what to do when you’re not attracted to your spouse. We have received these questions quite a bit and want to take some time to address them. Dr. Kim and Christina tackle these questions and give you practical advice for what to do if you are facing a lack of attraction in your marriage. We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES We’ve got 2 sexy games to help reignite the spark   Our new “Spice It Up Sex Challenge” resource is a 10-page PDF, with 18 spicy, sexy challenges. The Ultimate Intimacy App was created by Christian Couples designed to help married couples take their relationship and intimacy to a whole new level. You can grab the free version but we recommend you upgrade to the subscription for more positions, tips, and games for only $15.99. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here! *Some links are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Every dollar made goes directly to the ministry of Awesome Marriage to help couples build awesome marriages. We only promote products we truly recommend.  
11/3/202026 minutes, 26 seconds
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Making Your Relationship Matter Now And For Generations To Come: Interview with Dr. Crawford Loritts | Ep. 443

Today Dr. Kim interviews Dr. Crawford Loritts. Dr. Loritts is a pastor, author of Your Marriage Today ... and Tomorrow, and host of the radio show Living a Legacy. Dr. Loritts has been married for nearly 50 years. In this episode, he shares so much great wisdom about making your marriage do more than just last, but truly making it matter.    SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.  RESOURCES   Dr. Loritt’s book Your Marriage Today … and Tomorrow  Check out Dr. Loritts’ radio program, Living a Legacy.  Have an awesomely artistic date night in with our Color Me Wild Date Design! It’s not too late to register for the Online Marriage Retreat! Register here for awesome content from over 20 speakers to refresh your marriage.  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!
10/29/202048 minutes, 31 seconds
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Love Even When You Don't Feel Like It | Ep. 442

Today we are talking all about loving our spouse even when we don’t FEEL it. Is it okay if we don’t “feel the love” for our spouse? Does it even matter, as long as we are still committed to each other? Today Dr. Kim and Christina will address “that lovin’ feeling” in marriage. They talk about whether they have ever lost those feelings in their own marriages, what to do if that happens to you, and practical ways to help bring the love back into your marriage today.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.      Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  RESOURCES 15 Daily Prayers to Pray for Your Husband 15 Daily Prayers to Pray for Your Wife  It’s not too late to register for the Online Marriage Retreat! Register here for awesome content from over 20 speakers to refresh your marriage.  Have an awesomely artistic date night in with our Color Me Wild Date Design! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!
10/27/202029 minutes, 15 seconds
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Knowing Her Intimately - Understanding HER Sexual Wiring: Interview Laura M. Brotherson | Ep. 441

Have you ever had “duty sex?” Could your sex life could be better than it is today? Today Dr. Kim interviews Laura Brotherson about female sexuality, a mysterious subject misunderstood by men and women alike. Laura sheds light on it, giving information and practical advice to help you better understand and enjoy sex in your marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.      Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Get Laura’s book Knowing Her Intimately: 12 Keys for Creating a Sextraordinary Marriage here to start learning today!  Find more of Laura’s helpful content at Find resources and ways to begin working through what you learned in today’s interview on Laura’s counseling site, Awesome marriages don’t happen by accident. The #OnlineMarriageRetreat is for all married couples, from newlyweds to those beyond 50 years together! Click here to register today! And as a bonus for our listeners, we are offering 10% off with the code AWESOMEMARRIAGE10! Have an awesomely artistic date night in with our Color Me Wild Date Design! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!   
10/22/202044 minutes, 28 seconds
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Dealing With Exes | Ep. 440

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about dealing with exes. What should you do when you have to see your ex-spouse? Today they give some best practices and tips!    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.      Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES Check out Ron Deal’s Blended Family Resources here. Awesome marriages don’t happen by accident. The #OnlineMarriageRetreat is for all married couples, from newlyweds to those beyond 50 years together! Click here to register today! And as a bonus for our listeners, we are offering 10% off with the code AWESOMEMARRIAGE10! Have an awesomely artistic date night in with our Color Me Wild Date Design! The Ultimate Intimacy App was created by Christian Couples designed to help married couples take their relationship and intimacy to a whole new level. You can grab the free version but we recommend you upgrade to the subscription for more positions, tips, and games for only $15.99. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!   
10/20/202037 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Building Trust | Ep. 439

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about building trust. Trust isn’t something that just happens over time - you have to proactively and intentionally build it.    Whether you have broken trust in your marriage and need to work to repair it or you just want to maintain trust you have, we think this conversation will help you learn how to sow seeds of trust in your marriage!    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Check out our Podcast Episode on Confession here! Start communicating better with Awesome Marriage’s Weekly Marriage Check Up Guide here. The SYMBIS Assessment is one of Dr. Kim’s favorite tools to help work through family of origin and to prepare for marriage.  Awesome marriages don’t happen by accident. The #OnlineMarriageRetreat is for all married couples, from newlyweds to those beyond 50 years together! Click here to register today! And as a bonus for our listeners, we are offering 10% off with the code AWESOMEMARRIAGE10! You can go on your Journey to Restoration with our Online Affair Recovery Course here. Use the code AWESOMEMARRIAGE for $5 off.  Have an awesomely artistic date night in with our Color Me Wild Date Design. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!   
10/13/202031 minutes, 12 seconds
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Finding Your Safe Space Friends | Ep. 438

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about how to find your safe space friends where you can really share what’s going on in your marriage - the good, the bad, and the ugly. They discuss how to cultivate those kinds of friendships and why they are so important.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Awesome marriages don’t happen by accident. The #OnlineMarriageRetreat is for all married couples, from newlyweds to those beyond 50 years together! Click here to register today! And as a bonus for our listeners, we are offering 10% off with the code AWESOMEMARRIAGE10! Have an awesomely artistic date night in with our Color Me Wild Date Design! The Ultimate Intimacy App Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here! 
10/6/202039 minutes, 22 seconds
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Confiding In Friendships of the Opposite Sex | Ep. 437

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about opposite sex friendships. What they should look like. What they should NOT look like. As well as how to deal if you feel like your spouse isn’t maintaining healthy boundaries in this area.  We all have opposite sex friends. That’s not a bad thing! But when is it okay to confide in those friendships? When is it NOT okay? What can we say? What can we NOT say?  They discuss all that and more in today’s episode.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Men - check out dadAWESOME and LiveHeroic We all need more love and more encouragement. Don’t neglect to tell your spouse all the ways you love them! Spice up your marriage with this month’s new resource the 31 Reasons Why I Love You Printable, with 8 Bonus Sexy Coupons this is a fun and easy way to show your spouse how much you care! This resource is an 8-page PDF, with 31 “I love you because” printables to write your special note to your spouse. It also includes, 8 Sexy Coupons to keep the fire burning in your marriage.   Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here! 
9/29/202032 minutes, 30 seconds
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Thinking Right So You Can Live Right: Interview with Levi Lusko | Ep. 436

In this episode Dr. Kim has Levi Lusko with him to talk about how to take your life back! Levi is a best selling author and Pastor. Levi leads Fresh Life Church in Montana. He and his lovely wife, Jennie, who was on our podcast a couple months ago, have five children: Alivia, Daisy, Clover, Lennox, and Lenya, who is in heaven.    Levi talks about his new devotional Take Back Your Life: A 40 Day Interactive Guide to Thinking Right So You Can Live Right. It’s the internal battles that so many of us are facing and yet unaware of. Identifying these battles so that we can fight them head on with the power of Christ is the key to becoming the difference-maker that God created us to be. Levi shares some powerful truths in this episode about what our thinking has to do with our living.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.      Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Buy Take Back Your Life: A 40 Day Interactive Guide to Thinking Right So You Can Live Right now! Check out some free resources created by Levi here. Snag the 5 Date Night Ideas and learn how to have the Sex Talk with your kids.  Follow Levi on Instagram and Twitter for more great insights!  We all need more love and more encouragement. Don’t neglect to tell your spouse all the ways you love them! Spice up your marriage with this month’s new resource the 31 Reasons Why I Love You Printable, with 8 Bonus Sexy Coupons this is a fun and easy way to show your spouse how much you care! This resource is an 8-page PDF, with 31 “I love you because” printables to write your special note to your spouse. It also includes, 8 Sexy Coupons to keep the fire burning in your marriage.   Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here! *Some links are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Every dollar made goes directly to the ministry of Awesome Marriage to help couples build awesome marriages. We only promote products we truly recommend.  
9/24/202052 minutes
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Alcohol and Marriage | Ep. 435

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about alcohol and marriage. We’ve received several specific questions about alcohol related things and wanted to take some time to answer your questions.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES We all need more love and more encouragement. Don’t neglect to tell your spouse all the ways you love them! Spice up your marriage with this month’s new resource the 31 Reasons Why I Love You Printable, with 8 Bonus Sexy Coupons this is a fun and easy way to show your spouse how much you care! This resource is an 8-page PDF, with 31 “I love you because” printables to write your special note to your spouse. It also includes, 8 Sexy Coupons to keep the fire burning in your marriage.   Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here! 
9/22/202023 minutes, 16 seconds
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4 Rules For Expectations | Ep. 434

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about 4 Rules For Expectations. Unmet and unclear expectations can do major damage in your marriage.   Expectations and misunderstanding them is a main source of most conflict in most marriages. We are excited to share some tips from our friends at Emotionally Healthy Leader that we think will help you better understand healthy expectations and implement in your marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.      Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Check out our Weekly Marriage Check up Guide.  We all need more love and more encouragement. Don’t neglect to tell your spouse all the ways you love them! Spice up your marriage with this month’s new resource the 31 Reasons Why I Love You Printable, with 8 Bonus Sexy Coupons this is a fun and easy way to show your spouse how much you care! This resource is an 8-page PDF, with 31 “I love you because” printables to write your special note to your spouse. It also includes, 8 Sexy Coupons to keep the fire burning in your marriage.   Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!   
9/15/202031 minutes, 19 seconds
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Speaking Truth: When To Speak Up & When To Keep Quiet | Ep. 433

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about this concept the Bible teaches about “speaking the truth in love.”    Out of love and grace for each other sometimes we don’t want to say the hard things even if they are true. But to love is to tell the truth. We especially do want to tell the truth to our spouse.    In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina got into detail about what it means to speak the truth to your spouse and how to do it. They also talk about how to not take this too far by sharing about when it’s best to not speak up because there is certainly a time and place for that as well.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.      Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES We all need more love and more encouragement. Don’t neglect to tell your spouse all the ways you love them! Spice up your marriage with this month’s new resource the 31 Reasons Why I Love You Printable, with 8 Bonus Sexy Coupons this is a fun and easy way to show your spouse how much you care! This resource is an 8-page PDF, with 31 “I love you because” printables to write your special note to your spouse. It also includes, 8 Sexy Coupons to keep the fire burning in your marriage.   Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!   
9/8/202031 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Annual Check In Counseling Appointment: Why Every Couple Should Do It | Ep. 432

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about The Annual Check In Counseling Appointment. So many couples wait til their marriage is in trouble before they call a counselor. But there are several reasons why having a counselor lined up that you meet with at least once a year is really beneficial.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to The Ultimate Intimacy App for sponsoring this podcast episode! This app was created by Christian Couples designed to help married couples take their relationship and intimacy to a whole new level. The app has resources of sex positions, sex tips, as well as a customizable sex games. The best part is this app is safe for your marriage because it's clean, non-graphic. No nudity. All content is respectful and in the context of healthy marriage. You can grab the free version but we recommend you upgrade to the subscription for more positions, tips, and games for only $15.99.   RESOURCES We all need more love and more encouragement. Don’t neglect to tell your spouse all the ways you love them! Spice up your marriage with this month’s new resource the 31 Reasons Why I Love You Printable, with 8 Bonus Sexy Coupons this is a fun and easy way to show your spouse how much you care! This resource is an 8-page PDF, with 31 “I love you because” printables to write your special note to your spouse. It also includes, 8 Sexy Coupons to keep the fire burning in your marriage.   Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!   
9/1/202025 minutes, 28 seconds
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Confessions of a Happily Married Man: Interview with Joshua Rogers | Ep. 431

In this episode Dr. Kim has Joshua Rogers with him to talk about his new book Confessions of a Happily Married Man.    Joshua is a writer and in his book he shares open and honestly about his first 10 years of marriage. The book is anchored by stories that other couples will relate to and can easily learn from. The stories are cringe-worthy, humorous, inspiring, heart-breaking, and full of wisdom.   Joshua shares some great marriage insights in this episode.   We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to MyCounselor.Online for sponsoring this podcast episode! MyCounselor.Online provides Christian Faith-Based therapy and counseling resources by licensed professionals, available online and in-person. Their counselors can meet with you from your phone, computer, tablet. Receive counseling from top rated therapists for marriage counseling, sex therapy, anxiety, depression, and more. As our friends you get 50% off the set up fee when you mention that you heard about them on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. When signing up you’ll be asked how you heard about MyCounselor.Online - just simply type in the Awesome Marriage Podcast and you’ll get 50% off your set up fee.    RESOURCES Buy Confessions of a Happily Married Man now! Find more great articles by Joshua here.  Follow Joshua on Twitter and Facebook.  Have better conversation with your spouse with our new resource Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse 2.0.  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!    *Some links are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Every dollar made goes directly to the ministry of Awesome Marriage to help couples build awesome marriages. We only promote products we truly recommend.
8/27/202042 minutes, 12 seconds
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Giving Yourself Grace | Ep. 430

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about giving yourself grace. Accepting the gift of grace God has granted us and living in that grace.   If you struggle with self condemnation and beating yourself up we pray this episode encourages and inspires you.    A grace filled marriage is an awesome marriage and this goes in every direction. Holding onto things and beating yourself up will affect your marriage because an unhealthy you makes for an unhealthy marriage. But a healthy you makes for a healthy marriage. So let’s ask God to help us walk in health when it comes to grace today.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to MyCounselor.Online for sponsoring this podcast episode! MyCounselor.Online provides Christian Faith-Based therapy and counseling resources by licensed professionals, available online and in-person. Their counselors can meet with you from your phone, computer, tablet. Receive counseling from top rated therapists for marriage counseling, sex therapy, anxiety, depression, and more. As our friends you get 50% off the set up fee when you mention that you heard about them on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. When signing up you’ll be asked how you heard about MyCounselor.Online - just simply type in the Awesome Marriage Podcast and you’ll get 50% off your set up fee.  RESOURCES Have better conversation with your spouse with our new resource Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse 2.0.  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here! 
8/25/202030 minutes, 39 seconds
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Confession In Marriage | Ep. 429

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk all about confession in marriage. What confession is, why it’s important, what it should look like in marriage, and how to do it.  Confession isn’t something that we hear a lot about which is odd because it’s a pretty essential Christian practice. It’s tied to repentance and the gospel and living a reformed life.  Whether you have never thought about confession in your life, or you have weird thoughts about it being tied to Catholicism, or you do try to confess on a regular basis - we think you’ll find what Dr. Kim has to say in this episode helpful.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.      Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to MyCounselor.Online for sponsoring this podcast episode! MyCounselor.Online provides Christian Faith-Based therapy and counseling resources by licensed professionals, available online and in-person. Their counselors can meet with you from your phone, computer, tablet. Receive counseling from top rated therapists for marriage counseling, sex therapy, anxiety, depression, and more. As our friends you get 50% off the set up fee when you mention that you heard about them on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. When signing up you’ll be asked how you heard about MyCounselor.Online - just simply type in the Awesome Marriage Podcast and you’ll get 50% off your set up fee.    RESOURCES   If an affair has rocked your marriage, you can go on your Journey to Restoration with our Online Affair Recovery Course here. Use the code AWESOMEMARRIAGE for $5 off.  Have better conversation with your spouse with our new resource Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse 2.0.  Check out the Weekly Marriage Check Up Guide Christina mentioned.  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here! 
8/18/202035 minutes, 52 seconds
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So Your Wife Wants You To Lead Spiritually | Ep. 428

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina continue their conversation about one of our most asked-for topics. They are talking about what to do when your wife wants you to lead spiritually. Last week they talked about it from the other side of things - what to do when you are a wife who wants your husband to lead.   This week they are talking about it from the husband’s perspective. They share all about what to do when your wife wants this from you.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.   Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to MyCounselor.Online for sponsoring this podcast episode! MyCounselor.Online provides Christian Faith-Based therapy and counseling resources by licensed professionals, available online and in-person. Their counselors can meet with you from your phone, computer, tablet. Receive counseling from top rated therapists for marriage counseling, sex therapy, anxiety, depression, and more. As our friends you get 50% off the set up fee when you mention that you heard about them on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. When signing up you’ll be asked how you heard about MyCounselor.Online - just simply type in the Awesome Marriage Podcast and you’ll get 50% off your set up fee.  RESOURCES Have better conversation with your spouse with our new resource Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse 2.0.  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here! 
8/11/202032 minutes, 34 seconds
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So You Want Your Husband To Lead Spiritually | Ep. 427

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about what to do when you want your husband to lead spiritually.   At least once a week we get a comment or question about this, which tells me many of you are struggling with this. Well today we want to provide some helpful insight into what to do when you are in this position. We want to clarify what is and isn’t your responsibility in this as the wife. We also want to share some helpful things to do to encourage your husband and share some UNhelpful things to avoid doing.    Before you go ahead and forward this episode to your husband - DON’T! Next week Dr. Kim & Christina are going to be talking directly to the men about this topic. This episode is for you ladies. Fellas can tune in, but this is not the episode to forward to your husband.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to MyCounselor.Online for sponsoring this podcast episode! MyCounselor.Online provides Christian Faith-Based therapy and counseling resources by licensed professionals, available online and in-person. Their counselors can meet with you from your phone, computer, tablet. Receive counseling from top rated therapists for marriage counseling, sex therapy, anxiety, depression, and more. As our friends you get 50% off the set up fee when you mention that you heard about them on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. When signing up you’ll be asked how you heard about MyCounselor.Online - just simply type in the Awesome Marriage Podcast and you’ll get 50% off your set up fee.    RESOURCES Check out the 15 Daily Prayers To Pray For Your Husband resource Christina mentioned.  Have better conversation with your spouse with our new resource Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse 2.0.  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here! 
8/4/202032 minutes, 58 seconds
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Unity In Communication: Interview with Felice Mathieu | Ep. 426

In this episode Dr. Kim has Felice Mathieu with him. Felice is a communication in marriage coach, spoken word poet, and author of A Christian Marriage Guide: Preventing Arguments and Promoting Unity in the Christian Marriage.   Dr. Kim and Felice talk all about unity in communication. They chat about what unity is, how to foster it in your marriage, and identify enemies of unity and how to avoid them.    Felice shares some practical advice and biblical truth that will help you and your spouse experience more unity and less fighting in your marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.      Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Buy A Christian Marriage Guide: Preventing Arguments and Promoting Unity in the Christian Marriage now! Check out more great insights from Felice at  Follow Felice on Instagram and Facebook for more great marriage advice!  Maintaining a healthy marriage as parents will not happen by accident, but it IS possible, and it is worth the effort! Make sure you are on the same page as your spouse with our new tool 100 Questions To Get You On The Same Page: A Parenting Workbook. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!    *Some links are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Every dollar made goes directly to the ministry of Awesome Marriage to help couples build awesome marriages. We only promote products we truly recommend.
7/16/202045 minutes, 2 seconds
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Covering Each Other's Vulnerabilities | Ep. 425

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about covering our spouse’s vulnerabilities. Too often, we are aware of our spouse’s weakness and instead of shielding them or filling in their gaps we just want to fix them.    Dr. Kim shares why it’s so important to focus on covering each other’s vulnerabilities.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.      Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to The Ultimate Intimacy App for sponsoring this podcast episode! This app was created by Christian Couples designed to help married couples take their relationship and intimacy to a whole new level. The app has resources of sex positions, sex tips, as well as a customizable sex games. The best part is this app is safe for your marriage because it's clean, non-graphic. No nudity. All content is respectful and in the context of healthy marriage. You can grab the free version but we recommend you upgrade to the subscription for more positions, tips, and games for only $15.99.   RESOURCES Maintaining a healthy marriage as parents will not happen by accident, but it IS possible, and it is worth the effort! Make sure you are on the same page as your spouse with our new tool 100 Questions To Get You On The Same Page: A Parenting Workbook. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here! 
7/14/202029 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

8 Things My Spouse Has Taught Me | Ep. 424

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina both share 8 things their spouse has taught them over the years. They discuss how marriage is a sanctifying thing and something that grows us.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Maintaining a healthy marriage as parents will not happen by accident, but it IS possible, and it is worth the effort! Make sure you are on the same page as your spouse with our new tool 100 Questions To Get You On The Same Page: A Parenting Workbook. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here! 
7/7/202052 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Fight to Flourish: Interview with Jennie Lusko | Ep. 423

In this episode Jennie Lusko joins Dr. Kim to talk about her story of coping with the loss of her daughter and how to walk through tragedy with your marriage still intact. Jennie and her husband, Levi, lead Fresh Life Church in Montana. They have five children: Alivia, Daisy, Clover, Lennox, and Lenya, who is in heaven.    5 days after Christmas in 2012 their daughter Lenya died of an asthma attack.    Jennie is bravely sharing her story of loss and struggle with the world in her book that just released The Fight To Flourish. One of the things that we love about this book is that Jennie points out that you don’t have to have it all together for God to work. He just wants you. Grief and struggles are real but the gospel truth is that we can find hope even in the dark and that in the midst of pain, God transforms us.    Jennie shares some powerful truths about walking through struggles and gives us hope and practical examples of how God uses our pain for his glory and our good.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS     Thank you to Harvest House Publishers for sponsoring this episode promoting Love In Every Season. Grab your copy of Love In Every Season today!      RESOURCES Buy The Fight to Flourish: Engaging in the Struggle to Cultivate the Life You Were Born to Live now! Follow Jennie on Instagram here.  Grab the 30 Fill In The Blank Love Note Prompts resource to add some daily sweetness to your marriage!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!   
6/30/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Cold Shoulder In Marriage | Ep. 422

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about the cold shoulder in marriage. A lot of us withdraw when things get tense or when we can’t seem to solve the conflict. For many of us, it’s normal to shut down and shut our spouse out. But shutting down isn’t going to help us build an awesome marriage. We have to learn new, better ways to communicate in our marriages.  In this episode Dr. Kim shares some practical steps you can take if the cold shoulder is happening in your marriage. We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  SPONSORS Thank you to Harvest House Publishers for sponsoring this episode promoting Love In Every Season. Grab your copy of Love In Every Season today!  RESOURCES Check out our Weekly Marriage Check Up Guide for free here!  Grab the 30 Fill In The Blank Love Note Prompts resource to add some daily sweetness to your marriage!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here! 
6/25/202024 minutes, 30 seconds
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Financial Abuse - It's A Real Thing | Ep. 421

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about financial abuse in marriage.  They explain what financial abuse is, what it isn’t, and answer some of your most asked questions about the topic. They give real life practical examples of financial abuse and practical steps for couples if they believe this is happening in their marriage.  Dr. Kim shares some really valuable insight about money and marriage in this conversation that is valuable to EVERY couple - whether financial abuse has been present in your marriage or not.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to Harvest House Publishers for sponsoring this episode promoting Love In Every Season. Grab your copy of Love In Every Season today!    RESOURCES Check out our Unity Building Journal to get on the same page financially! Grab the 30 Fill In The Blank Love Note Prompts resource to add some daily sweetness to your marriage!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!   
6/23/202042 minutes, 48 seconds
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DadAWESOME: Interview with Jeff Zaugg | Ep. 420

Happy Father’s Day everyone! In this special edition Father’s Day bonus episode Dr. Kim has special guest Jeff Zaugg from dadAWESOME podcast with him.    Jeff runs the dadAWESOME podcast. His mission is to help fathers live fully alive as they lead their children to God’s awesomeness! Jeff is married to his wife Michelle and has 3 beautiful daughters ages 6, 3, 1.   Dr. Kim and Jeff chat all about fatherhood and how to be an awesome Dad. So many of you loyal listeners are fathers. This is a great conversation and Jeff gives you some incredible things to think about as Dads.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS     Thank you to Harvest House Publishers for sponsoring this episode promoting Love In Every Season. Grab your copy of Love In Every Season today!      RESOURCES Check out the dadAWESOME podcast today where ever you listen to podcasts. Read more about dadAWESOME’s mission here.  If you are a Dad sign up to get the free dadAWESOME Daily Text today! Be intentional about your fathering by getting daily tips.  Grab the 30 Fill In The Blank Love Note Prompts resource to add some daily sweetness to your marriage!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!   
6/21/202044 minutes, 55 seconds
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Our Church Stories & More Part 2 | Ep. 419

This is Part 2 of Our Church Stories & More episode. If you missed last week’s episode, be sure to check that out as it’s a great prelude into today’s show.    In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina answer more of your church questions. They talk about how to be a healthy church member, how to find a small group, what to do if your spouse won’t attend church - and more!    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to Harvest House Publishers for sponsoring this episode promoting Love In Every Season. Grab your copy of Love In Every Season today!    RESOURCES Grab the 30 Fill In The Blank Love Note Prompts resource to add some daily sweetness to your marriage!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!   
6/16/202050 minutes, 37 seconds
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Our Church Stories & More Part 1 | Ep. 418

In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about their church stories and church in regards to marriages. If you have been listening to the podcast for any length of time you know that one of our top recommendations is to be plugged into a local church.    We have had several questions about church lately so we wanted to take some time to answer them here. We had so many of you submit questions that this will be a 2 part show.    In this episode they talk about their stories and experiences with church, why church is important, the pains of church and how to navigate that and more!    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to Harvest House Publishers for sponsoring this episode promoting Love In Every Season. Grab your copy of Love In Every Season today!    RESOURCES Grab the 30 Fill In The Blank Love Note Prompts resource to add some daily sweetness to your marriage!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!   
6/9/202038 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Right & Wrong Ways To Apologize To Your Spouse | Ep. 417

In this episode Dr. Kim and Chrstina talk about the right and wrong ways to apologize to your spouse. Apologies are necessary. Since we’re human and fallen, we should be apologizing regularly.    Dr. Kim shares some great practical advice on what to do and not to do when it comes to apologizing in marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.      Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to Harvest House Publishers for sponsoring this episode promoting Love In Every Season. Grab your copy of Love In Every Season today!    RESOURCES Grab the 30 Fill In The Blank Love Note Prompts resource to add some daily sweetness to your marriage!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!   
6/2/202027 minutes, 55 seconds
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Risen Motherhood: Interview with Laura Wifler and Emily Jensen | Ep. 416

In this episode Dr. Kim speaks with special guests Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler from Risen Motherhood.  Emily and Laura are the cofounders of the Risen Motherhood ministry and cohosts of the chart-topping podcast. They are also in the trenches of motherhood themselves and share their lives and learnings with their audience. Emily and Laura are not only ministry leaders together  but they are also sister-in-laws! Emily has 5 kids under the age of 7 and Laura has 3 kids 6 and under. They both live in central Iowa with their families. We love this ministry because this ministry is giving gospel hope to Moms every day. Christina has been listening to their podcast for years and has found so much truth and hope in it to help her in her role as a Mom.  Dr. Kim chats with Emily and Laura about how the gospel speaks to mothering and the roles of a parent.  So many of you loyal listeners are Moms. This is a great conversation and Emily and Lauren give you Biblical framework to help you mother in light of the gospel.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order!  RESOURCES Buy Risen Motherhood here now!  Check out their podcast today!  Find Equipping Resources for mothering here.  Show your beautiful bride your love for her, by simply taking the time to lift her up in prayer with the 15 Daily Prayers To Pray For Your Wife resource. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here! 
5/28/202055 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Don't Be Stingy: Share Your Marriage Conflict With Friends | Ep. 415

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about sharing your marriage conflict with your friends. I know - it seems weird! Is marriage conflict really something we want to share?  They share about when it’s appropriate to share your marriage issues, with who, and why. Too often we are too stingy with the truth of our conflict and our marriages, friendships, and friends marriages are missing out because of it!   Dr. Kim shares some great practical advice on how sharing our issues can benefit our whole community and gives great vision for gospel-centered community.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS     Thank you to Harvest House Publishers for sponsoring this episode promoting Love In Every Season. Grab your copy of Love In Every Season today!      RESOURCES Show your beautiful bride your love for her, by simply taking the time to lift her up in prayer with the 15 Daily Prayers To Pray For Your Wife resource. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here! 
5/26/202027 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

You Have To Have Them: Hard Conversations | Ep. 414

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about how to have hard conversations with our spouse. We all have to have them. There are things that aren’t fun to talk about and issues need to be addressed. But how do we have hard conversations well for the betterment of our marriage? Dr. Kim shares some great practical advice on some go-to tips for hard conversation and somethings we should all avoid when it comes to how to have these conversations.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order!  RESOURCES Enneagram Podcast Series Becoming Us book by Beth McCord Show your beautiful bride your love for her, by simply taking the time to lift her up in prayer with the 15 Daily Prayers To Pray For Your Wife resource. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!   
5/19/202028 minutes
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Recovering From An Open Marriage | Ep. 413

In this episode Dr. Kim and Chrstina talk about how to recover from an open marriage.    Dr. Kim shares about what an open marriage is, what God says, and how to recover from this kind of sexual baggage.    We encourage you to not skip this episode even if that’s not your story. We are facing a culture where open marriages may very well become more common and sexual boundaries are being disregarded. Tune it so you can learn and better understand how to help people who may face this.    And here is what we know is true: we all have experienced some kind of betrayal sexually in our marriage because every one sins sexually whether it’s lust, a look or thought that lasted too long, porn, or flirting, on an outright affair or open marriage. So we can all gain some wisdom from this conversation.    *We do want to mention as a disclaimer we do talk about some hard things in this episode. It is not an episode you want to listen to around children. Also, we do briefly mention sexual abuse so we want to give that trigger warning for anyone who has experienced that.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.      Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to Harvest House Publishers for sponsoring this episode promoting Love In Every Season. Grab your copy of Love In Every Season today!    RESOURCES Awesome Sex: God’s Design ebook by Dr. Kim  You can go on your Journey to Restoration with our Online Affair Recovery Course here. Use the code AWESOMEMARRIAGE for $5 off.  Love Making Survey by Christina Dodson Celebration of Sex book by Dr. Douglas Rosenau Show your beautiful bride your love for her, by simply taking the time to lift her up in prayer with the 15 Daily Prayers To Pray For Your Wife resource. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here! 
5/12/202038 minutes, 31 seconds
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Top 10 Marriage Mistakes: Mistake #1 | Ep. 412

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina wrap up our Top 10 Marriage Mistakes Series by talking about the #1 Marriage Mistake Dr. Kim sees in marriages which is a lack of respect.    Do you feel slighted or torn down by your spouse? Do you feel like your dignity is often bruised by how your spouse treats you? Well, we pray this episode can lead you to have some real, honest conversations with your spouse and that it will be the first step towards change for your marriage.    Maybe you are thinking - this isn’t an issue for you. Don’t tune out! A lack of respect is a big issue in many marriages and the most destructive part of this is that most people aren’t aware they are being disrespectful.    Most people aren’t conscious of the fact that they are disrespecting their spouse. There are lots of subtle ways we often treat others with a lack of respect. So tune it to hear how you can grow in this area.    Dr. Kim shares practical advice on how to better respect your spouse.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.      Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    SPONSORS   Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order!    RESOURCES Show your beautiful bride your love for her, by simply taking the time to lift her up in prayer with the 15 Daily Prayers To Pray For Your Wife resource. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email or text here!   
5/5/202029 minutes, 5 seconds
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Love In Every Season: Interview with Debra Fileta | Ep. 411

In this episode Dr. Kim has long time friend of the podcast, Debra Fileta, back on the show talking about Love In Every Season.    Debra Fileta is a Licensed Professional Counselor, national speaker, relationship expert, and author of Choosing Marriage and True Love Dates. She's also the host of the hotline style Love + Relationships Podcast. Her popular relationship advice blog,, reaches millions of people with the message of healthy relationships.    Dr. Kim and Debra discuss her latest book: Love in Every Season: Understanding the Four Stages of Every Healthy Relationship. Just as nature cycles through seasons, relationships rotate through stages that can either make or break your love life. Each season plays an important role in taking a relationship to the next level, and depending on how you navigate each season, your relationship will either flourish and grow or slowly die.    So many of you loyal listeners are in a season of transition right now or adjusting to your new season. This is a great conversation and Debra gives us some interesting things to think about and practical advice on how to love well in each season.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Just as nature cycles through seasons so do relationships.” - Debra Fileta “Relationships are like plants; if you give too little your relationships will die, but if you give too much your relationships will also die.” - Debra Fileta “A lot of people mistake selflessness for passivity.” - Debra Fileta “Conflict is the invitation to deeper connection.” - Debra Fileta “Compatibility is about our ability to come together in the ways we are different.” - Debra Fileta “Persevering through the hard times in marriage is part of God’s plan for us and He walks with us through it.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Seasons weren’t meant to be stayed in. They are meant to be passed through.” - Debra Fileta “Whether or not we feel love we can plant the seeds of love in our marriage which will eventually bear fruit.” - Debra Fileta “If I’m only responsible for me and I can’t change my spouse, what can I allow God to do in my heart?” - Debra Fileta “When we start getting healthy on our own it automatically moves our relationship in a healthy direction.” - Debra Fileta “If you feel stuck in a winter season of your marriage, I invited you to make an appointment with a licensed counselor who can help walk with you through that season and help you find the unhealthy roots that need to be snipped so new growth can happen in your life.” - Debra Fileta “Sometimes we get so used to the familiar that we don’t realize the familiar isn’t healthy.” - Debra Fileta “What you see in dating you will see in marriage.” - Debra Fileta “Healthy singles makes healthy dating which makes healthy marriages.” - Debra Fileta “You need to have people that love you and that love Jesus who are able to speak into your dating relationship and point out things they see in it that might not be healthy.” - Debra Fileta “There’s no shame in struggling in marriage, it’s just about how we allow God to use the struggle for His glory and for our health.” - Debra Fileta “How we love God really impacts how we love each other.” - Debra Fileta SPONSORS   Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order!    RESOURCES Buy Love In Every Season here now!  Check out Debra’s older episodes: Parent’s Responsibility In Dating Foundations of Healthy Dating & The Church’s Role Choosing Marriage  Check out more great insights by Debra on her podcast.  Take time to pray daily for your husband and call upon the One who can create real change in his life with our brand new resource 15 Daily Prayers To Pray For Your Husband. This tool makes it easy to pray big prayers daily for your husband! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
4/30/202057 minutes, 35 seconds
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Top 10 Marriage Mistakes: Mistake #2 | Ep. 410

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about the #2 Marriage Mistake Dr. Kim sees in marriages, which is not listening to your spouse.    Hearing is not the same thing as listening.    So what does it look like to listen to your spouse well? How can we become better listeners? Dr. Kim shares practical advice on how to avoid this marriage mistake. We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “With all the distractions that are out there today, you really have to focus and be intentional about communicating with your spouse.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “It feels very lonely when our spouse is not listening to us.” - Christina Dodson “I don’t think you can have an awesome marriage without having awesome listening skills.” - Christina Dodson “I don’t think you can multitask and really be listening to someone.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Your spouse should always have a direct line of communication to get to you.” - Christina Dodson “Your spouse feels loved and cared for when they know they are heard in your marriage.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “We can learn how to listen from God, God is the best listener.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling   SPONSORS   Thank you to Harvest House Publishers for sponsoring this episode promoting Love In Every Season. Grab your copy of Love In Every Season today!    RESOURCES Take time to pray daily for your husband and call upon the One who can create real change in his life with our brand new resource 15 Daily Prayers To Pray For Your Husband. This tool makes it easy to pray big prayers daily for your husband! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!   
4/28/202033 minutes, 24 seconds
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Quarantined With Your Kids: Leading Your Family Through COVID19

As if parenting wasn’t already hard enough, it just got that much harder with the coronavirus.    In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina share practical advice on how to parent through this journey and most importantly how to parent TOGETHER with your spouse through this journey.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Base what you tell your children about the coronavirus on their age and be mindful of any fears or anxieties they have.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “The most important thing you can do is to love God and to love your kids, cling to love when you don’t know what else to do.” - Christina Dodson   RESOURCES Use our Coronavirus House Prayer Cards as a free tool to help you pray intentionally during this time.  Grab all 3 of our Date Designs for free as our gift to you during this crisis we are in. Take time to pray daily for your husband and call upon the One who can create real change in his life with our brand new resource 15 Daily Prayers To Pray For Your Husband. This tool makes it easy to pray big prayers daily for your husband! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
4/24/202042 minutes, 33 seconds
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Quarantined With Your Spouse: Supporting Each Other Through COVID19

We have been getting a lot of emails and messages from you all saying you are struggling with your marriage during this coronavirus time. So we wanted to take some time to address this topic head on.    So if you are feeling stir crazy, anxious, or driving each other crazy we hope this conversation provides some hope and helpful tips on how to get through this time by working together and not turning against each other.    In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about how to support each other through COVID-19.     We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Now is the time to have extra empathy for your spouse.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “In this time of disruption and uncertainty, you might find yourself falling into bad conflict habits in your marriage.” - Christina Dodson “We need to extend grace to our spouse as they are probably experiencing more stress than usual.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Use this time as an opportunity to grow your marriage; communicate well, pray together, do a Bible reading plan together.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Take advantage of the opportunity to support your spouse through this hard time.” - Christina Dodson “It’s ok to not be ok.” - Christina Dodson “We’ve got to have a safe space in our spouse where we can share our honest thoughts and feelings about COVID-19.” - Christina Dodson “Try to find ways to just laugh together, there is nothing better than being able to laugh together.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Try to eat right, sleep well, and exercise regularly.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Grief is anytime that life goes differently than you thought it would. It’s ok to grieve during COVID-19.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Don’t feel like you have to fix your spouse's problems, just be there to listen to them. That is an important part of working through grief.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “If you need some space, make sure you communicate that kindly to your spouse and take some time to be alone.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “We don’t have a lot of clear answers right now but we can trust that God does.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “If your spouse has lost their job, make sure you check in on them emotionally but don’t smother them.” - Christina Dodson RESOURCES Snag our Coronavirus House Prayer Cards for free here! Grab all 3 of our Date Designs for free as our gift to you during this crisis we are in. Take time to pray daily for your husband and call upon the One who can create real change in his life with our brand new resource 15 Daily Prayers To Pray For Your Husband. This tool makes it easy to pray big prayers daily for your husband! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!   
4/23/202048 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Top 10 Marriage Mistakes: Mistake #3 | Ep. 409

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about the #3 marriage mistake Dr. Kim sees in marriages, which is little or no physical intimacy.   Can you think of the last time you touched your spouse? How often do the two of you physically touch? How much of that touching means something and provokes intimacy?   Do you feel more like roommates than lovers? Than this episode should prove useful to your marriage! If you aren’t facing this issue now, it may come in the future. So we pray you glean some wisdom and encouragement from this episode.  Dr. Kim gives some practical tips and insight into this issue that so many of us face in our marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Physical intimacy is not always sexual.” - Christina Dodson “God designed sex to not only help us procreate but also for enjoyment.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “You have to define what a ‘normal’ amount of times to have sex looks like for you in your marriage. I would encourage that you be intimate at least once a week.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Tender touch has to be non sexual sometimes for us ladies to feel loved.” - Christina Dodson “Having non sexual touching in your marriage actually makes your sex life better.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “There is a spiritual aspect to sex that we have as Christians. Don’t feel weird about connecting God to sex, He’s the one who invented it; he’s not a prude!” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “When you’re single the Devil tries to keep you in the bed, when you’re married the Devil tries to keep you out of the bed.” - Christina Dodson “Having a good sex life in marriage is one way to affair-proof your marriage.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Your spouse does not define you, God does.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Most of the time it’s the husband’s initiating sex so I encourage wives to initiate sex every now and then, it will mean a lot to your husband.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling   SPONSORS   Thank you to Harvest House Publishers for sponsoring this episode promoting Love In Every Season. Grab your copy of Love In Every Season today!    RESOURCES Take time to pray daily for your husband and call upon the One who can create real change in his life with our brand new resource 15 Daily Prayers To Pray For Your Husband. This tool makes it easy to pray big prayers daily for your husband! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
4/21/202042 minutes, 30 seconds
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Top 10 Marriage Mistakes: Mistake #4 | Ep. 408

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about the #4 marriage mistake Dr. Kim sees in marriages, which is always having to be right.   You’ve heard Dr. Kim say it before - when you win a fight with your spouse - you lose! Because your marriage loses. And if your marriage loses; where’s the win in that?   Winning battles while losing the war is a marriage mistake far too many of us get trapped in when it comes to our marriages. Dr. Kim gives some great insight and direction into this issue.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Someone might want the momentary feeling of knowing they ‘won’ a fight in their marriage but long haul, no one is winning when one spouse has ‘won.’” - Christina Dodson “Nobody wants to be around someone who thinks they’re right all the time.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “When your spouse feels like they always have to be right it makes you feel inadequate and voiceless.” - Christina Dodson “You should never feel like you are voiceless in your marriage.” - Christina Dodson “If you have a hard time apologizing, then it’s likely you have a hard time being wrong.” - Christina Dodson “We need to be able to admit when we are wrong and to be able to tell our spouse when we are sorry.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “If you are not vulnerable with anyone else in the world, work on being vulnerable with your spouse.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “We aren’t called to be right, we are called to be humble.” - Christina Dodson   SPONSORS   Thank you to Harvest House Publishers for sponsoring this episode promoting Love In Every Season. Grab your copy of Love In Every Season today!    RESOURCES Check out our Love Making Survey here to improve your physical intimacy! Take time to pray daily for your husband and call upon the One who can create real change in his life with our brand new resource 15 Daily Prayers To Pray For Your Husband. This tool makes it easy to pray big prayers daily for your husband! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
4/14/202029 minutes, 17 seconds
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What To Do In Financial Crisis Like COVID-19

In this episode Dan & Mikayla Ockey join Dr. Kim to talk about how to handle this financial crisis we are in. Dan & Mikayla (Kay) are founders of Centsei online personal finance courses for couples. They are passionate about helping couples make wise decisions with their money, work together as a team as married couples, and work towards financial freedom.    Today share some practical tips on how to navigate these weird financial times many of us are in due to the Coronavirus. Dan & Kay share some encouraging and helpful info in this episode.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage. Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “It’s more essential to have an emergency fund that covers your family's expenses for six months than ever before.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Now is the time to get your personal finances in order and to have those financial conversations you’ve been meaning to have with your spouse.” - Dan Ockey “Make sure you are on the same page financially before starting a budget with your spouse. If you are not it will be a point of contention.” - Kay Ockey “When we have a shared vision of our financial goals as a couple we are more willing to make sacrifices or have understanding on why certain things need to be included in the budget.” - Dan Ockey “A budget without a goal is just an empty plan.” - Dan Ockey “When you agree on your financial goals as a couple, then your budget is the tool to help get you there.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Don’t give up on your budget. Persevere until it becomes a habit.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Budgeting doesn’t have to be difficult anymore.” - Dan Ockey “Stick to your budget plan, don’t make rash decisions based on fluctuating financial markets.” - Dan Ockey “If you weren’t prepared and intentional to take advantage of opportunities before this crisis, you’re not prepared to take advantage of them now.” - Dan Ockey “If you have a financial roadmap then you don’t have to be afraid because you know where you are going and you know how you will get there.” - Dan Ockey “Avoid the get-rich-quick schemes that are going to start popping up.” - Dan Ockey RESOURCES Sign up for Dan & Kay's free weekly email here.  Check out The Centsei Financial Courses now! For more great financial insights follow Dan & Kay on Instagram.
4/9/202040 minutes, 47 seconds
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Top 10 Marriage Mistakes: Mistake #5 | Ep. 407

In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about the #5 marriage mistake Dr. Kim sees in marriages, which is not walking the talk.   In marriage it’s so important to do what you say you’re going to do and to keep your promises to your spouse. In this episode Dr. Kim shares how to deal with a spouse that you can’t trust to do what they say as well as gives practical advice on how to grow in keeping our promises.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “A lot of the biggest issues I see in marriages today develop from a lack of trust or trust having been broken.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “We are more in sync with each other and with God when we completely trust our spouse.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “You can’t have an awesome marriage without trust.” - Christina Dodson   SPONSORS   Thank you to Harvest House Publishers for sponsoring this episode promoting Love In Every Season. Grab your copy of Love In Every Season today!    RESOURCES Take time to pray daily for your husband and call upon the One who can create real change in his life with our brand new resource 15 Daily Prayers To Pray For Your Husband. This tool makes it easy to pray big prayers daily for your husband! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!   
4/7/202027 minutes, 23 seconds
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Top 10 Marriage Mistakes: Mistake #6 | Ep. 406

In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about the #6 marriage mistake Dr. Kim sees in marriages; which is hurtful teasing. If it hurts your spouse, why are you doing it?    They discuss the difference between playful teasing and hurtful teasing. They share how to deal with hurtful teasing in your marriage and Dr. Kim gives some practical tips to avoid hurts in our marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “You don’t get to be the judge of whether or not something is hurtful to your spouse, they do.” - Christina Dodson “The right kind of playful teasing can connect you to your spouse.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “If you know your spouse is insecure about something you should not tease them about it.” - Christina Dodson “We can’t change our spouse, that is God’s job.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Hurtful teasing can be something that gradually erodes a relationship.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “When you are making fun of your spouse all the time, they realize that they can’t be themselves around you.” - Christina Dodson SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order!    Thank you to Harvest House Publishers for sponsoring this episode promoting Love In Every Season. Grab your copy of Love In Every Season today!      RESOURCES Brighten your marriage with our new resource 30 Gems of Wisdom For Your Marriage. This digital resource is an 18 page PDF that gives you 30 nuggets of God’s wisdom regarding your marriage. Get it today here!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
3/31/202029 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Not So Cozy Newlywed Year: Leanna & Zach’s Story | Ep. 405

In this episode Dr. Kim has two friends of his share their story. Zach and Leanna join Dr. Kim to share about their first year of marriage. Leanna works at Life.Church as a Social Media Specialist and is also a very talented freelance graphic designer. Leanna has recently become our main graphic designer at Awesome Marriage and it’s been such a blessing to have her talents on the team. She designs all of our monthly digital resources.    Zach is a Marketing Coordinator.    This couple had a unique first year of marriage with a lot of lows. They share their story and how God has used the hard things to edify them and strengthen their marriage.     We pray their story encourages you!    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “It’s normal to freak out in a terrible situation, but I let my fear rob me of a lot of joy.” - Leanna Romoser “I knew when we were walking through those hard times that God has more in store for us, He does not want us to be miserable.” - Leanna Romoser “I know that God is on the side of marriages and I had to make a decision to surrender my marriage to Him and allow God to use our pain for His purpose.” - Leanna Romoser “We started to receive true healing when we stopped turning away from each other and started turning towards each other. “ - Leanna Romoser “The walls of anger and resentment that I had built up were hindering me from being the person that I wanted to be.” - Zach Romoser “It wasn’t until I learned how to truly forgive that I was able to grow spiritually and as a husband.” - Zach Romoser “You can’t speak defeat and expect victory.” - Zach Romoser “If you’re struggling in your marriage, share that with at least one person who you trust.” - Leanna Romoser “After going through all that we went through it feels like our marriage has a passion and a purpose.” - Leanna Romoser   SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order!  RESOURCES Brighten your marriage with our new resource 30 Gems of Wisdom For Your Marriage. This digital resource is an 18 page PDF that gives you 30 nuggets of God’s wisdom regarding your marriage. Get it today here!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
3/26/202055 minutes, 38 seconds
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Top 10 Marriage Mistakes: Mistake #7 | Ep. 404

In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about the # 7 Marriage Mistake Dr. Kim sees in marriages. Which is dishonesty. You may not think you are one to be dishonest and lie, but chances are you are less honest than you think you are. Dishonesty is never good for your marriage. In this episode Dr. Kim shares red flags to pay attention to and practical ways to grow in truthfulness and openness in your marriage.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Sometimes we lie in what we say and sometimes we lie in what we don’t say.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “The more you get comfortable lying to your spouse about small things the easier it will get to lie to your spouse about big things.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Lies build distance whereas truth builds closeness.” - Christina Dodson SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order!  RESOURCES Check out the Weekly Marriage Check Up Guide Christina mentions in this episode. Use it to work on your marriage each week! Brighten your marriage with our new resource 30 Gems of Wisdom For Your Marriage. This digital resource is an 18 page PDF that gives you 30 nuggets of God’s wisdom regarding your marriage. Get it today here!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
3/24/202031 minutes, 51 seconds
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Top 10 Marriage Mistakes: Mistake #8 | Ep. 403

Right now we are in our Top 10 Marriage Mistakes series. Over the years Dr. Kim has seen some central mistakes couples make that hurt their marriage. In this series we are breaking down the top ten marriage mistakes he sees.  In this episode we share Marriage Mistake #8 which is nasty habits: anything that just plain annoys you that your spouse does.   Can you think 1 (or 10!) things that annoys you about your spouse or that your spouse does that bugs you? I bet you can! Well Dr. Kim & Christina talk all about that in this episode and most importantly, they share how to healthily DEAL with those annoying habits.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.   Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Small things, with the wrong perspective, can take up big space in our hearts.” - Christina Dodson “Work together on the things you can change about each other.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “If you’re annoyed by your spouse’s habit, ask God to make it clear whether it’s worth saying something to your spouse about it or if it’s something you can look past to see the good in your spouse.” - Christina Dodson “Do not try to manipulate your spouse out of their annoying habit, that’s not going to solve the problem.” - Christina Dodson “Be careful to confront your spouse’s problem and not confront your spouse.” - Christina Dodson   SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order!  RESOURCES Brighten your marriage with our new resource 30 Gems of Wisdom For Your Marriage. This digital resource is an 18 page PDF that gives you 30 nuggets of God’s wisdom regarding your marriage. Get it today here!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!   
3/17/202032 minutes, 51 seconds
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Top 10 Marriage Mistakes: Mistake #9 | Ep. 402

Dr. Kim has been married for 50 years and has been a Marriage Counselor for over 40 years. Over the years he has seen some central mistakes couples make that hurt their marriage. In this series we will be breaking down the top ten marriage mistakes he sees.  In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina discuss Marriage Mistake #9: Being Selfish or Greedy.  We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.   Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “It’s really hard to live with someone who wants things to go their way all the time.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Every couple at some point is prone to greed and selfishness because we’re sinners.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Selfishness is the root of a lot of other sins that cause issues in marriages.” - Christina Dodson “You will not have a good marriage if it is a self-centered marriage.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “If you want your marriage to be what you dreamed it would be when you said ‘I do,’ you can’t let greediness or selfishness take over.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “The more selfish you are, the less you realize it.” - Christina Dodson “Don’t fight selfishness with selfishness.” - Christina Dodson “Ask your spouse, ‘How are you perceiving me?’ and be prepared to listen and receive what your spouse says.” - Christina Dodson “There’s value in having a time each week to ask your spouse how they feel like you are treating them, and if there is anything you can be working on as a husband or wife to make your marriage better.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “The long term gain from being selfless is worth far more than any short term gains from being selfish.” - Christina Dodson “Commit to praying for your spouse everyday for 30 days as a way to learn to be selfless in your marriage.” - Christina Dodson SPONSORS   Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order!    RESOURCES Brighten your marriage with our new resource 30 Gems of Wisdom For Your Marriage. This digital resource is an 18 page PDF that gives you 30 nuggets of God’s wisdom regarding your marriage. Get it today here!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
3/10/202024 minutes, 42 seconds
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Top 10 Marriage Mistakes: Mistake #10 | Ep. 401

Today we are kicking off a new series on the podcast: Top 10 Marriage Mistakes. As most of you know, Dr. Kim has been married for 50 years and has been a Marriage Counselor for over 40 years. Over the years he has seen some central mistakes couples make that hurt their marriage. We will be breaking down the top ten.  Today is Marriage Mistake #10. Which is Temper Tantrums: Not Fighting Fair. Not fighting fair plays out in a lot of different ways. You may think you fight fair, but after listening to this it might give you some insight you didn’t have before about healthy conflict resolution.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.   Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “I saw a quote on Facebook that said ‘Placing blame in marriage is like saying your side of the ship is sinking;’ we’re supposed to be one in marriage and placing blame on your spouse is not you operating as one.” - Christina Dodson “You can be prone to fighting unfairly in your marriage if you saw your parents do that; we forget that our parent’s marriages are our first textbooks on marriage.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Anytime a situation becomes ‘win/lose’ in your marriage, your marriage is losing.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “When you’re fighting unfairly it puts your marriage on pause; you can’t move forward to connect and grow closer to each other like you should be.” - Christina Dodson “If you can only think of negative things about your spouse that should be a huge red flag.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “What we are saying about our spouse in our heads matters so much.” - Christina Dodson “If you’re unable to get out of the habit of fighting unfairly, going to see a counselor who can give you goals and accountability is hugely beneficial.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Getting a divorce is a lot more expensive than seeing a marriage counselor.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Decide with your spouse what is unhealthy about how you fight and make boundaries that you both will agree to keep.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Standard boundaries that a couple should have in fighting is no yelling, cussing, or insults.” - Christina Dodson “If something is important to your spouse, make it important to you.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “If you don’t forgive someone it hurts you more than them.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling   SPONSORS   Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order!    RESOURCES Brighten your marriage with our new resource 30 Gems of Wisdom For Your Marriage. This digital resource is an 18 page PDF that gives you 30 nuggets of God’s wisdom regarding your marriage. Get it today here!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!   
3/3/202037 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ask Us Anything | Ep. 400

Today on the podcast we are celebrating! Because it’s episode number 400 and honestly we can’t believe it!   Everyone on the podcast team is so honored that you loyal listeners tune in each week. This podcast isn’t just work to us - it’s a true joy. We love hearing the stories from you about how these conversations start real and honest conversations between you and your spouse.    That’s always been the hope of this podcast, that it wouldn’t end here but that this would just be a conversation starter in your marriage and that it would spark conversation and invoke action that would make your marriage awesome.    We love journeying along with each of you! THANK YOU for listening!    In this episode we are doing an “ask us anything” episode. We polled your questions and we are answering them here! Silly, serious, personal, or about marriage - we are answering it here!    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “To me, our podcast is not sparkly, it’s just two people who are processing about their marriage and sharing what they’ve learned.” - Christina Dodson “That is Dr. Kim’s favorite verse, he loves to talk about being naked and unashamed.” - Christina Dodson “I’ve never had a counseling client who was serious about it and went into counseling with an open mind regret going to counseling.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “You will want your inlaws around your kids more if your relationship with your inlaws is good.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “If you set a boundary, make sure you are willing to follow through with the consequences.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling   SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.  RESOURCES: In this episode we talk about mother in law issues. Here are a few other podcasts you may find helpful if that’s an issue for you: What Do I Owe My In-Laws Ep 331 Dealing With A Monster In Law Ep 332 Ask Dr. Kim: Should my spouse handle all drama with their parents and extended family? Ep 101 My loyalty should be with my family of origin because they raised me Ep 77 Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!   
2/27/202043 minutes, 11 seconds
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Help! My Spouse Is So Critical | Ep. 399

Do you feel beaten down by your spouse? Does it feel like nothing you do is ever right or good enough for your spouse? Well you certainly aren’t alone. It can really wear on a marriage when one spouse is overly critical. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina share about what to do when your spouse is critical.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “If it’s not normal for your spouse to be very critical of you, ask yourself what might be going on to make them act that way. “ - Christina Dodson “Use Stop, Look, Listen when communicating with your critical spouse.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “If you’re delivering criticism to your spouse, make sure you do it in a loving, grace-filled way that they will hear the heart behind what you’re saying.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Give your spouse time to process any criticism that you’ve given them.” - Christina Dodson “If my spouse has something critical that’s of value to say to me, I want her to be able to say it.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Before giving your spouse criticism, ask yourself three questions: ‘Should it be said? Should it be said by me? Should it be said now?” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “When giving your spouse feedback, don’t speak negatively. Speak to the potential that you see in them.” - Christina Dodson   SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
2/25/202027 minutes, 22 seconds
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Handling Your Spouse's Success | Ep. 398

It’s not all that uncommon to experience jealousy when our spouse succeeds OR to not celebrate them well in other ways. Dr. Kim & Christina dive into this topic and give practical advice for how to best handle your spouse’s success for the edifying of your marriage.    We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Because you are a team as a married couple, your spouse’s success is your success.” - Christina Dodson “Ask God to help you celebrate your spouse’s successes.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Your spouse’s success does not equal your failure.” - Christina Dodson “Sometimes we really do appreciate our spouse we just forget to tell them that.” - Christina Dodson “We’re still a team in our marriage, even if we have different jobs and careers and wins. What happens in our relationship plays a big part in how successful we are.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “As a spouse, your words matter so much more to your spouse than anyone else’s.” - Christina Dodson “Never stop building up your spouse.” - Christina Dodson   SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
2/18/202028 minutes, 14 seconds
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Reconciliation After Divorce | Ep. 397

God loves reconciliation! Praise be to God, there are a number of couples who experience life change after divorce happens and are able to reunite and reconcile their marriage again.   But starting a marriage again after the pain of divorce, naturally comes with a set of unique challenges. In this episode Dr. Kim shares some practical tips for walking through this.   If you are married and thinking about divorce, we urge you to check out our resource 10 Things To Do Before You Get A Divorce.    If you are walking through reconciliation with your spouse, we are praying that God would show up in mighty ways for you as you reunite together.    Even if this isn't your story, there is still some wisdom to glean from this episode.   Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “You don’t get married just to get a divorce.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Even if you don’t reconcile after a divorce you have to forgive each other or you’ll carry that burden for a long time,” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “You can’t drag unforgiveness into your next marriage and expect it to be healthy, you just can’t.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “If you choose to reconcile after divorce and put God first, He will make that happen if you let Him.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “The healthiest marriages are when both people are healthy.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “We are all sinners and all have things we need to work on.” - Christina Dodson “It takes two to have an awesome marriage.” - Christina Dodson “Usually if you’re divorced there has been trust broken at some level.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “You have to talk about your expectations with your former spouse to make sure you are on the same page.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Seeing a counselor when you’re reconciling after divorce can provide invaluable accountability for you and your former spouse.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Make a game plan for re-engaging with other family members as a reconciled couple; it’s going to be an adjustment for everyone around you.” - Christina Dodson “Give reconciliation time. There is no shortcut to see if a person has changed” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “If you were in an abusive marriage and are seeking to reconcile but your spouse hasn’t gotten help for their abusive behavior, their intentions may be good but they are going to fall back into abusive behaviors.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling   SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES 10 Things To Do Before You Get A Divorce Tiffany & Micah’s podcast Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!   
2/11/202034 minutes, 16 seconds
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Big Romantic Gestures | Ep. 396

Last episode we shared about the little things that make a marriage awesome. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about big romantic gestures, because they certainly have their place in marriage! Big romantic gestures can be great for a marriage when they are coupled with the little consistent things.    This episode will give you some great ideas for valentines day around the corner and great tips for big anniversaries!  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “A big romantic gesture can have the effect of supercharging your marriage.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Big romantic gestures are really good for celebrations in your marriage.” - Christina Dodson “Big romantic gestures are NOT good for fixing major issues in your marriage; they will NOT do that.” - Christina Dodson “Stay within your budget and be creative when planning big romantic gestures.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Don’t compare your big romantic gestures with anyone else; everyone’s marriage, budget and spouse is different.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Commit to doing one big, romantic gesture a year.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling   SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!   
2/4/202028 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Little Things | Ep. 395

We love romance and it’s easy to think that when your marriage is struggling or needs a boost - some big romantic gestures will fix it. But what makes a marriage awesome is not the big things, more often than not it’s the little things. The daily practices, the rhythms and routines we create as habits, the small things done over a consistent period of time that really make the difference in marriage.    In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about just that - the little things that make a marriage awesome.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Letting our spouse know we’re thinking about them when they don’t think we’re thinking about them makes a difference.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “The surprise connection points and planned consistent connection are the little things that really matter.” - Christina Dodson  “An important little thing is making time to do whatever your spouse loves.” - Christina Dodson “Love doesn’t have to be a dramatic gesture to be love. It has to be intentional and small daily practices.” - Christina Dodson “The little things you do in your marriage are like the foundation of a house; you can’t see it but if it begins to break the whole house is in trouble.” - Christina Dodson   SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Want to talk about sex?! Take our Love Making Survey to open up the way for you and your spouse to work towards better sex and intimacy in marriage! This month’s resource is our Love Making Survey and it is designed to help you have a safe, genuine conversation about your sex life with your spouse. This survey is a nonthreatening way to evaluate your sex together. The questions are designed to get you thinking about all aspects of your love making and to shed light on ways your sex could be more satisfying. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!   
1/30/202028 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Amber & Arly’s Restoration Story | Ep. 394

In this episode Dr. Kim has 2 longtime friends of his here to share their story. This couple experienced the devastation of an affair with what looked like no hope for reconciliation - but God. God did something great and redeemed their story.    We can’t wait for you to be encouraged and challenged by this couple’s story. Tune in to hear more!    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “No one sets out to destroy their marriage.” - Arly “The affair was my solution to a deeper problem: my low self esteem and wrestling with who I was.” - Arly “I knew he was struggling with something, I just couldn’t get him to open up about what he was struggling with.” - Amber “When I found out about his affairs I felt like I was married to a complete stranger, like a didn’t know what reality was.” - Amber “I wanted to demonstrate to my kids that it’s ok to to put up boundaries with people you love who aren’t safe.” - Amber “I always said, ‘If Arly had an affair I would kick his butt to the curb and move on’ but when you actually find yourself in that situation and you have three kids and this history, it’s not an easy decision to make. I never judge anyone who is reacting from an affair.” - Amber “Setting those boundaries can be extremely scary but God will give you the strength and will remind you that you will be ok.” - Dr. Kim “The boundaries that Amber set helped me as the unfaithful spouse to wake up and realize how important my family was to me.” - Arly “We would not be together today had he not experienced healing and transformation on his own.” - Amber “It takes time to restore trust after an affair.” - Dr. Kim “Learning to trust him after the affairs was a process.” - Amber “He doesn’t put me in the position anymore of wondering where he is. He lets me know where he is and what is going on so I am not triggered and don’t have to wonder.” - Amber “An unfaithful spouse at some point has to believe that their betrayed spouse can handle the truth.” - Arly “It’s so powerful in our marriage when we realize that God made us different from each other for a reason.” - Dr. Kim “We didn’t want to keep things a secret from our kids. They knew the truth at a level that was appropriate for their age.” - Amber “I think the worst thing we could have done to our kids was to act like nothing was happening; they could feel the tension. Kids are incredibly resilient and this was an opportunity to show them how to suffer well.” - Amber “He had to rebuild his relationship with not only me but our kids as well.” - Amber “Setting boundaries is the only way to pull someone who is being unfaithful out of their fantasy world.” - Arly “The God who was healing my heart after this betrayal looked different than the God who I grew up with.” - Amber “Our marriage did not come back together until after we both took care of ourselves individually.” - Amber “Her healing process looked totally different from mine.” - Arly “There is something very powerful in marriage intensive weekends and times away because you can focus on something specific on your marriage together.” - Dr. Kim “We have learned to just enjoy each other’s presence and to live in the moment.” - Arly “Being intimate after an affair has taken place is awkward and complicated. You have to be patient and you have to stay at the comfort level of the spouse who was betrayed.” - Amber “There can be great healing and transformation in this process but you have to go through the dark parts to get to the light.” - Arly “I want couples to know just how good life can be on the other side.” - Amber   SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Affair Recovery (, Arly attended Basecamp, a retreat affiliated with True North Ministries in Oklahoma:, Amber attended a retreat run by Changed Women’s Ministries, also in Oklahoma:, together they attended a couple’s retreat run by Affair Recovery called Hope Rising: Want to talk about sex?! Take our Love Making Survey to open up the way for you and your spouse to work towards better sex and intimacy in marriage! This month’s resource is our Love Making Survey and it is designed to help you have a safe, genuine conversation about your sex life with your spouse. This survey is a nonthreatening way to evaluate your sex together. The questions are designed to get you thinking about all aspects of your love making and to shed light on ways your sex could be more satisfying. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!   
1/28/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

How To Have A Thriving Relationship with a 9 | Ep. 393

We are continuing our Enneagram Series with Beth McCord talking about How to Have A Thriving Relationship with an Enneagram 9. For the next several weeks Beth will be breaking down some real, practical tips for being married to each Enneagram number.    If you are married to a 9 this is YOUR episode. But even if you aren’t married to a 9, we know you will find this episode helpful in learning more about your 9 friends. Part of loving people is knowing people. So use this series as a tool to know your people better, understand them deeper, and love them better.    Beth McCord founded ‘Your Enneagram Coach’ and has been an Enneagram speaker, coach and teacher for over 17 years. She is seriously the best of the best so we are so blessed to have her share her time and expertise with us.    Having been trained by the best Enneagram experts and pouring hundreds of hours into advanced certifications, Beth is leading the industry in simplifying the deep truths of the Enneagram from a Biblical perspective. Beth does one-on-one coaching, in-person events and workshops and online courses. She also offers training and support for those interested in becoming an Enneagram coach. So make sure you give her a follow on Instagram @yourennegramcoach and check out her website for more great info.    We pray you enjoy learning more about 9s in this episode!  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Type 9s are the peacemakers: easy going, non-judgemental, they love harmony with others.” - Beth McCord “Type 9s are all able to see the viewpoints from all other personality types.” - Beth McCord “Type 9s avoid conflict and tension at all cost.” - Beth McCord “Type 9s core fear is being in any kind of conflict, tension or discord.” - Beth McCord “Type 9s desire to have inner stability and peace of mind.” - Beth McCord “Unhealthy Type 9s merge their needs, desires and wants with those around. They lose themselves just to go with the flow.” - Beth McCord “Type 9s just want everyone to be happy.” - Beth McCord “Because Type 9s can understand things from different perspectives they make excellent mediators.” - Beth McCord “Type 9s long to hear, ‘Your presence matters.’” - Beth McCord “Type 9s are excellent listeners.” - Beth McCord “Type 9s can struggle with knowing how to talk about their needs and wants in a direct way.” - Beth McCord “Type 9s have a hard time saying no because they’re afraid of displeasing people.” - Beth McCord “If you’re married to a Type 9, it’s important to let your spouse know that it’s ok to say no.” - Dr. Kim “It’s very painful for a Type 9 to be overlooked.” - Beth McCord “It’s important for a Type 9 to know how to set healthy boundaries with others so that they’re not taken advantage of.” - Beth McCord “Approach conflict with a Type 9 with gentleness, responsiveness, and patience. It may take them some time to figure out how they really feel about something.” - Beth McCord “Let your Type 9 know the good things that you see in them because they can’t see it in themselves.” - Beth McCord “Treating a Type 9 like they treat you will go a long way.” - Dr. Kim “Ask a Type 9 why they did what they did can help you understand them and can help them verbalize their motivations.” - Beth McCord “Type 9s are extremely stubborn, when they don’t want to do something, it ain’t happening.” - Beth McCord “Type 9s are extremely big hearted and they have a place in their heart for everyone.” - Beth McCord “Type 9s want everyone to be accepted and loved for who they are.” - Beth McCord   SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Find everything you need at! Including the course for YOUR marriage’s Enneagram combination. Beth & Jeff have a ‘Becoming Us Course’ for each couple type combination. That is 45 courses customized for each couple type combination. They go deeper into the “dance” (relational dynamics) and give you practical resources and insights to help transform your marriage.  Buy ‘Becoming Us’ today!  Not sure what your Enneagram Type is? You can take the free assessment here! Also be sure to take the FREE MARRIAGE ASSESSMENT here.  Learn more about each type with this FREE SUMMARY!  Check out more great insights by Beth on her blog.  Discover your Enneagram number with the Discovering You course. Already know your Enneagram Type? Then it’s time to take a deeper dive with the Explore You course.  You can get some one-on-one coaching with Your Enneagram Coach here.  Want to talk about sex?! Take our Love Making Survey to open up the way for you and your spouse to work towards better sex and intimacy in marriage! This month’s resource is our Love Making Survey and it is designed to help you have a safe, genuine conversation about your sex life with your spouse. This survey is a nonthreatening way to evaluate your sex together. The questions are designed to get you thinking about all aspects of your love making and to shed light on ways your sex could be more satisfying. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!   
1/23/202041 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

How To Have A Thriving Relationship with a 8 | Ep. 392

We are continuing our Enneagram Series with Beth McCord talking about How to Have A Thriving Relationship with an Enneagram 8. For the next several weeks Beth will be breaking down some real, practical tips for being married to each Enneagram number.    If you are married to a 8 this is YOUR episode. But even if you aren’t married to a 8, we know you will find this episode helpful in learning more about your 8 friends. Part of loving people is knowing people. So use this series as a tool to know your people better, understand them deeper, and love them better.    Beth McCord founded ‘Your Enneagram Coach’ and has been an Enneagram speaker, coach and teacher for over 17 years. She is seriously the best of the best so we are so blessed to have her share her time and expertise with us.    Having been trained by the best Enneagram experts and pouring hundreds of hours into advanced certifications, Beth is leading the industry in simplifying the deep truths of the Enneagram from a Biblical perspective. Beth does one-on-one coaching, in-person events and workshops and online courses. She also offers training and support for those interested in becoming an Enneagram coach. So make sure you give her a follow on Instagram @yourennegramcoach and check out her website for more great info.    We pray you enjoy learning more about 8s in this episode!  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Type 8s are very decisive and have great leadership skills.” - Beth McCord “Type 8s move things forward and are powerful change agents in the world.” - Beth McCord “Type 8s are very intense, direct, and blunt.” - Beth McCord “A Type 8s core fear is to be weak, powerless, harmed, controlled, vulnerable, and left at the mercy of injustice.” - Beth McCord “A Type 8s core desire is to protect themselves and those in their inner circle.” - Beth McCord “A Type 8s inner circle of people is usually very small.” - Beth McCord “Type 8s can be described as a giant snowplow; their directness and intensity can be intimidating to those in the way of where they are trying to go.” - Beth McCord “Type 8s are extremely big-hearted and tender but they don’t always show it with a tough and blunt exterior.” - Beth McCord “Type 8s long to hear ‘You will not be betrayed.’” - Beth McCord “Type 8s are the most authentic on the enneagram; what you see is what you get.” - Beth McCord “Type 8s want their intensity to be met with intensity; they do not fear conflict.” - Beth McCord “Type 8s are confident under pressure, they can say what needs to be said when it needs to be said.” - Beth McCord “When Type 8s are not doing well they can be demanding, insensitive and quick to anger.” - Beth McCord “Type 8s do not like avoiding problems, they want to tackle them head on.” - Beth McCord “Type 8s do not like it when someone is not straightforward or trustworthy.” - Beth McCord “Honesty and straightforwardness are so important when you’re interacting with a Type 8.” - Beth McCord “Type 8s want to know that you have their back and your own back in an argument.” - Beth McCord “If you’re the spouse of a Type 8, it’s important that you never betray or blindside them, so you need to be very careful in who you approach in getting help for your relationship.” - Beth McCord “Type 8s want to know that you’re able to be vulnerable and open with them.” - Beth McCord “When your Type 8 opens up to you emotionally, recognize that that is a big deal.” - Beth McCord “Type 8s defensive mechanism is denial.” - Beth McCord “Type 8s have no problem putting themselves in harm's way to protect those that are at the mercy of injustice.” - Beth McCord “Type 8s tend to know how people are gifted and they know how to put them in positions where they will succeed.” - Beth McCord   SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Find everything you need at! Including the course for YOUR marriage’s Enneagram combination. Beth & Jeff have a ‘Becoming Us Course’ for each couple type combination. That is 45 courses customized for each couple type combination. They go deeper into the “dance” (relational dynamics) and give you practical resources and insights to help transform your marriage.  Buy ‘Becoming Us’ today!  Not sure what your Enneagram Type is? You can take the free assessment here! Also be sure to take the FREE MARRIAGE ASSESSMENT here.  Learn more about each type with this FREE SUMMARY!  Check out more great insights by Beth on her blog.  Discover your Enneagram number with the Discovering You course. Already know your Enneagram Type? Then it’s time to take a deeper dive with the Explore You course.  You can get some one-on-one coaching with Your Enneagram Coach here.  Want to talk about sex?! Take our Love Making Survey to open up the way for you and your spouse to work towards better sex and intimacy in marriage! This month’s resource is our Love Making Survey and it is designed to help you have a safe, genuine conversation about your sex life with your spouse. This survey is a nonthreatening way to evaluate your sex together. The questions are designed to get you thinking about all aspects of your love making and to shed light on ways your sex could be more satisfying. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
1/21/202038 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

How To Have A Thriving Relationship with a 7 | Ep. 391

We are continuing our Enneagram Series with Beth McCord talking about How to Have A Thriving Relationship with an Enneagram 7. For the next several weeks Beth will be breaking down some real, practical tips for being married to each Enneagram number.    If you are married to a 7 this is YOUR episode. But even if you aren’t married to a 7, we know you will find this episode helpful in learning more about your 7 friends. Part of loving people is knowing people. So use this series as a tool to know your people better, understand them deeper, and love them better.    Beth McCord founded ‘Your Enneagram Coach’ and has been an Enneagram speaker, coach and teacher for over 17 years. She is seriously the best of the best so we are so blessed to have her share her time and expertise with us.    Having been trained by the best Enneagram experts and pouring hundreds of hours into advanced certifications, Beth is leading the industry in simplifying the deep truths of the Enneagram from a Biblical perspective. Beth does one-on-one coaching, in-person events and workshops and online courses. She also offers training and support for those interested in becoming an Enneagram coach. So make sure you give her a follow on Instagram @yourennegramcoach and check out her website for more great info.    We pray you enjoy learning more about 7s in this episode!    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “The core fear of a Type 7 is being deprived, trapped in emotional pain, bored, or missing out on something fun.” - Beth McCord “The core weakness for a Type 7 is gluttony: the feeling that they have a great emptiness inside and they have an insatiable desire to fill themselves up with experiences and stimulation in hopes of feeling completely satisfied and content.” - Beth McCord “Type 7s long to hear, ‘You will be taken care of.’” - Beth McCord “Type 7s love rich and deep relationships.” - Beth McCord “It can bother a Type 7 when they feel like people don’t take them seriously.” - Beth McCord “When Type 7s are doing well they speak in a fun, lively, upbeat and optimistic way.” - Beth McCord “Type 7s loathe mundane and boring tasks.” - Beth McCord “It is difficult for the Type 7s to focus exclusively on serious things.” - Beth McCord “Type 7s defense mechanism is reframing; to take whatever is negative and turn it into a positive.” - Beth McCord “Because people are so used to the Type 7 being positive and upbeat all the time, it might be hard for the Type 7 to let people know that they are wanting to be serious about something.” - Beth McCord “Type 7s have the gift of seeing the positive in a negative situation.” - Beth McCord “Type 7s bring a new and fresh outlook to any given situation.” - Beth McCord “Type 7s are very resilient people, it’s hard to keep a Type 7 down.” - Beth McCord “One thing that I saw before I knew about the enneagram was how so many successful couples embraced each other’s differences and appreciated learning more about their spouse.” - Dr. Kim “Type 7s love to enjoy and share stimulating conversation, laughter, fun, and spontaneous activities whenever possible.” - Beth McCord “Realize that Type 7s dislike the mundane and boring so ask them, ‘how can we make this fun?’” - Beth McCord “Try to approach conflict with a Type 7 with positivity, ideas, and affirmations.” - Beth McCord “Try to resolve conflict with a Type 7 in an interesting way: take a walk, eat at a fun restaurant, etc.” - Beth McCord “Type 7s have an optimistic creativity.” - Beth McCord “Type 7s can bring joy and positivity to heavy and dark situations that we all need.” - Beth McCord   SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Find everything you need at! Including the course for YOUR marriage’s Enneagram combination. Beth & Jeff have a ‘Becoming Us Course’ for each couple type combination. That is 45 courses customized for each couple type combination. They go deeper into the “dance” (relational dynamics) and give you practical resources and insights to help transform your marriage.  Buy ‘Becoming Us’ today!  Not sure what your Enneagram Type is? You can take the free assessment here! Also be sure to take the FREE MARRIAGE ASSESSMENT here.  Learn more about each type with this FREE SUMMARY!  Check out more great insights by Beth on her blog.  Discover your Enneagram number with the Discovering You course. Already know your Enneagram Type? Then it’s time to take a deeper dive with the Explore You course.  You can get some one-on-one coaching with Your Enneagram Coach here.  Want to talk about sex?! Take our Love Making Survey to open up the way for you and your spouse to work towards better sex and intimacy in marriage! This month’s resource is our Love Making Survey and it is designed to help you have a safe, genuine conversation about your sex life with your spouse. This survey is a nonthreatening way to evaluate your sex together. The questions are designed to get you thinking about all aspects of your love making and to shed light on ways your sex could be more satisfying. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!   
1/16/202041 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

How To Have A Thriving Relationship with a 6 | Ep. 390

We are continuing our Enneagram Series with Beth McCord talking about How to Have A Thriving Relationship with an Enneagram 6. For the next several weeks Beth will be breaking down some real, practical tips for being married to each Enneagram number.    If you are married to a 6 this is YOUR episode. But even if you aren’t married to a 6, we know you will find this episode helpful in learning more about your 6 friends. Part of loving people is knowing people. So use this series as a tool to know your people better, understand them deeper, and love them better.    Beth McCord founded ‘Your Enneagram Coach’ and has been an Enneagram speaker, coach and teacher for over 17 years. She is seriously the best of the best so we are so blessed to have her share her time and expertise with us.    Having been trained by the best Enneagram experts and pouring hundreds of hours into advanced certifications, Beth is leading the industry in simplifying the deep truths of the Enneagram from a Biblical perspective. Beth does one-on-one coaching, in-person events and workshops and online courses. She also offers training and support for those interested in becoming an Enneagram coach. So make sure you give her a follow on Instagram @yourennegramcoach and check out her website for more great info.    We pray you enjoy learning more about 6s in this episode!  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Type 6s are reliable, hardworking, dutiful, and very steady people to be around.” - Beth McCord “Type 6s can foresee problems that might be coming and they’re fiercely loyal to those that they love.” - Beth McCord “Type 6s do really well with groups; they want the best for everyone.” - Beth McCord “The core fear of a Type 6 is fear itself, being without support or security.” - Beth McCord “Type 6s core weakness is anxiety.” - Beth McCord “Type 6s are constantly scanning the horizon of life trying to predict and prevent negative outcomes, especially worst case scenarios.” - Beth McCord “Type 6s can stay in a constant state of apprehension and worry.” - Beth McCord “Type 6s don’t have an inner critic, they have an inner committee that is constantly telling them all the outcomes to a situation.” - Beth McCord “The core longing of a Type 6 is to hear ‘You are safe and secure.’” - Beth McCord “There’s a wide range of different types of Type 6s, it’s a complex personality type.” - Beth McCord “Type 6s have so much good discernment, they just don’t trust it.” - Beth McCord “A healthy Type 6 has an amazing sense of humor, is witty, and engages in great conversations.” - Beth McCord “When a Type 6 is struggling they can be over-reactive, anxious, skeptical, and suspicious.” - Beth McCord “Have patience and kindness when communicating with a Type 6 and strive for clarity.” - Beth McCord “Know when you’re communicating with a Type 6 the more ambiguous and unclear you are the more they fear that something bad is happening.” - Beth McCord “Type 6s are always thinking; their mind does not stop.” - Beth McCord “Type 6s need time to process and seek advice before making a decision so it can be difficult to put a Type 6 under pressure.” - Beth McCord “If a Type 6 sees someone not being genuine or honest, that can really set them off.” - Beth McCord “Type 6s can smell someone who is fake from a mile away.” - Beth McCord “Being lied to or the possibility of being abandoned will set a Type 6 off.” - Beth McCord “Type 6s are immediately going to think of the worst case scenario.” - Beth McCord “If you’re in a relationship with a Type 6, try to realize that they could spin out at any moment at any time from anything, so the more clarity you can bring to a situation, the better.” - Beth McCord “Knowing your personality type and knowing how you best can bring clarity to a conflict situation with a Type 6 is super helpful.” - Beth McCord “Listen to your Type 6; don’t judge them for their anxiety and fears.” - Beth McCord “Type 6s want to know that their spouse is a safe place for them to share their inner fears and anxieties without being judged.” - Beth McCord “Type 6s are the glue of society; they are loyal, committed, and keep us together.” - Beth McCord   SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Find everything you need at! Including the course for YOUR marriage’s Enneagram combination. Beth & Jeff have a ‘Becoming Us Course’ for each couple type combination. That is 45 courses customized for each couple type combination. They go deeper into the “dance” (relational dynamics) and give you practical resources and insights to help transform your marriage.  Buy ‘Becoming Us’ today!  Not sure what your Enneagram Type is? You can take the free assessment here! Also be sure to take the FREE MARRIAGE ASSESSMENT here.  Learn more about each type with this FREE SUMMARY!  Check out more great insights by Beth on her blog.  Discover your Enneagram number with the Discovering You course. Already know your Enneagram Type? Then it’s time to take a deeper dive with the Explore You course.  You can get some one-on-one coaching with Your Enneagram Coach here.  Want to talk about sex?! Take our Love Making Survey to open up the way for you and your spouse to work towards better sex and intimacy in marriage! This month’s resource is our Love Making Survey and it is designed to help you have a safe, genuine conversation about your sex life with your spouse. This survey is a nonthreatening way to evaluate your sex together. The questions are designed to get you thinking about all aspects of your love making and to shed light on ways your sex could be more satisfying. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
1/14/202053 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

How To Have A Thriving Relationship with a 5 | Ep. 389

We are continuing our Enneagram Series with Beth McCord talking about How to Have A Thriving Relationship with an Enneagram 5. For the next several weeks Beth will be breaking down some real, practical tips for being married to each Enneagram number.    If you are married to a 5 this is YOUR episode. But even if you aren’t married to a 5, we know you will find this episode helpful in learning more about your 5 friends. Part of loving people is knowing people. So use this series as a tool to know your people better, understand them deeper, and love them better.    Beth McCord founded ‘Your Enneagram Coach’ and has been an Enneagram speaker, coach and teacher for over 17 years. She is seriously the best of the best so we are so blessed to have her share her time and expertise with us.    Having been trained by the best Enneagram experts and pouring hundreds of hours into advanced certifications, Beth is leading the industry in simplifying the deep truths of the Enneagram from a Biblical perspective. Beth does one-on-one coaching, in-person events and workshops and online courses. She also offers training and support for those interested in becoming an Enneagram coach. So make sure you give her a follow on Instagram @yourennegramcoach and check out her website for more great info.    We pray you enjoy learning more about 5s in this episode!  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “The enneagram is a helpful tool but it’s just a tool. The Gospel is what drives the transformational process in our lives.” - Beth McCord “Type 5s see the world as an overwhelming and intrusive place.” - Beth McCord “A Type 5s core fear is of being annihilated, invaded, and being thought of as incapable or ignorant.” - Beth McCord “Type 5s desire to have knowledge, insights, to be capable, and to be confident.” - Beth McCord “Type 5s core weakness is avarice; holding onto their mental resources and avoiding draining themselves from too much contact with others.” - Beth McCord “Type 5s wake up with about 25% of interactive energy (energy needed to interact with people) for the whole day; they need to ration out this energy throughout the day.” - Beth McCord “Type 5s usually don’t enjoy surprises and intrusions.” - Beth McCord “You can come alongside a Type 5 as a spouse by helping them plan out how they use the interactive energy they have.” - Beth McCord “It’s so important for us to view life through the lens of our spouse so we can have compassion, grace, and empathy towards them.” - Beth McCord “A lot of people misunderstand Type 5s because they think they’re being cold and detached but they’re probably acting that way because they’re feeling overwhelmed.” - Beth McCord “When a Type 5 is doing well they’re going to be very respectful, non-intrusive, very curious and observant; Type 5s are the best observers on the Enneagram.” - Beth McCord “When a Type 5 is not doing well they communicate very briefly, and come off as cold and arrogant.” - Beth McCord “Type 5s like to know a lot about specialized areas.” - Beth McCord “Type 5s want straight forward conversation. They’re not usually looking for long, drawn out, emotional dialogue.” -  Beth McCord “The longer you talk with a Type 5 the more you’re draining their interactive energy resources; it’s helpful to find out how much energy your Type 5 has and spread out conversations so you’re not draining all of their energy in one long conversation.” - Beth McCord “Give your Type 5 a warning if you want to talk about something so they have time to process.” - Beth McCord “If a Type 5 doesn’t feel like they have enough knowledge about something, they’re probably going to be silent as they process and think internally.” - Beth McCord “Type 5s like to go deep in a conversation, they do not enjoy small talk.” - Beth McCord “Type 5s are one of the most misunderstood on the enneagram because they are more secretive and private than the other types.” - Beth McCord “Type 5s are very sensitive and emotional people, they just don’t always bring it to the forefront and show that to outwardly.” - Beth McCord “It can be helpful to go on a walk with a Type 5 because they tend to process and think better when doing a physical activity.” - Beth McCord “God gave us marriages as one of the main ways that we can grow in this life.” - Dr. Kim “There is no perfect enneagram type combination in a marriage; all are beautiful.” - Beth McCord “It can be helpful to plan with your Type 5 what time each day they will have to be on their own and uninterrupted to recharge.” - Beth McCord “Type 5s can compartmentalize their lives and only share certain parts of their lives with certain people.” - Beth McCord “Type 5s love to mentally take things apart and innovatively put them back together in a new way.” - Beth McCord “Type 5s can stay focused on one subject for a long amount of time.” - Beth McCord   SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Find everything you need at! Including the course for YOUR marriage’s Enneagram combination. Beth & Jeff have a ‘Becoming Us Course’ for each couple type combination. That is 45 courses customized for each couple type combination. They go deeper into the “dance” (relational dynamics) and give you practical resources and insights to help transform your marriage.  Buy ‘Becoming Us’ today!  Not sure what your Enneagram Type is? You can take the free assessment here! Also be sure to take the FREE MARRIAGE ASSESSMENT here.  Learn more about each type with this FREE SUMMARY!  Check out more great insights by Beth on her blog.  Discover your Enneagram number with the Discovering You course. Already know your Enneagram Type? Then it’s time to take a deeper dive with the Explore You course.  You can get some one-on-one coaching with Your Enneagram Coach here.  Want to talk about sex?! Take our Love Making Survey to open up the way for you and your spouse to work towards better sex and intimacy in marriage! This month’s resource is our Love Making Survey and it is designed to help you have a safe, genuine conversation about your sex life with your spouse. This survey is a nonthreatening way to evaluate your sex together. The questions are designed to get you thinking about all aspects of your love making and to shed light on ways your sex could be more satisfying. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!   
1/9/202057 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

How To Have A Thriving Relationship with a 4 | Ep. 388

We are continuing our Enneagram Series with Beth McCord talking about How to Have A Thriving Relationship with an Enneagram 4. For the next several weeks Beth will be breaking down some real, practical tips for being married to each Enneagram number.    If you are married to a 4 this is YOUR episode. But even if you aren’t married to a 4, we know you will find this episode helpful in learning more about your 4 friends. Part of loving people is knowing people. So use this series as a tool to know your people better, understand them deeper, and love them better.    Beth McCord founded ‘Your Enneagram Coach’ and has been an Enneagram speaker, coach and teacher for over 17 years. She is seriously the best of the best so we are so blessed to have her share her time and expertise with us.    Having been trained by the best Enneagram experts and pouring hundreds of hours into advanced certifications, Beth is leading the industry in simplifying the deep truths of the Enneagram from a Biblical perspective. Beth does one-on-one coaching, in-person events and workshops and online courses. She also offers training and support for those interested in becoming an Enneagram coach. So make sure you give her a follow on Instagram @yourennegramcoach and check out her website for more great info.    We pray you enjoy learning more about 4s in this episode!    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “The core fear for a Type 4 is fear of being inadequate, ordinary, or insignificant.” - Beth McCord “Type 4s desire to be unique, special, and to present that uniqueness to the world.” - Beth McCord “Type 4s feel like there is something tragically missing or flawed about them and others can’t love them unless they’re whole and complete.” - Beth v “Type 4s struggle with envy.” - Beth McCord “The core longing of a Type 4 is to hear ‘you are loved and seen for the special and unique person that you are.’” - Beth McCord “Type 4s often feel misunderstood and like there’s something wrong with them.” - Beth McCord “Type 4s are very empathetic and great listeners, especially to those who are suffering.” - Beth McCord “Type 4s experience all of the emotions and it’s important to them that they know what they are feeling.” - Beth McCord “If a Type 4 is struggling, their emotions can overwhelm them like a tsunami. This can lead them to be moody and explosive or cold and detached.” - Beth McCord “The melancholy of Type 4s is often called the sweet sadness of the soul.” - Beth McCord “Never ask a Type 4 to act like something they’re not.” - Beth McCord “A lot of Type 4s stay off of social media because it is hard for them to not envy what others have.” - Beth McCord “It is very hard for a Type 4s contributions and view points to not be valued.” - Beth McCord “When in conflict with a Type 4, do not ask them why they are being so emotional.” - Beth McCord “Type 4s want to express themselves, they don’t want you to fix the problem unless they ask for that specifically.” - Beth McCord “Let your Type 4 express their emotions and process them in a safe environment.” - Beth McCord “Don’t tell your Type 4 that they’re too sensitive or that they’re overreacting.” - Beth McCord “The message that Type 4s got as a child or were hardwired with is that they are either too much or not enough.” - Beth McCord “Whatever a Type 4 thinks another person is feeling they will interpret as actually being true.” - Beth McCord “Type 4s can be reactive and withdrawing in conflict.” - Beth McCord “Ask your Type 4 to help you understand what they are thinking and feeling.” - Beth McCord “We all need to ask clarifying questions of those we love, we can’t assume we know what they’re thinking and feeling.” - Beth McCord “You might not understand exactly what your Type 4 is feeling but you do understand fear and sorrow and that can help you empathize with them.” - Beth McCord “Type 4s are self aware, introspective and creative.” - Beth McCord “Type 4s find beauty in the fact that God created everyone differently.” - Beth McCord   SPONSORS   Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.    RESOURCES Find everything you need at! Including the course for YOUR marriage’s Enneagram combination. Beth & Jeff have a ‘Becoming Us Course’ for each couple type combination. That is 45 courses customized for each couple type combination. They go deeper into the “dance” (relational dynamics) and give you practical resources and insights to help transform your marriage.  Buy ‘Becoming Us’ today!  Not sure what your Enneagram Type is? You can take the free assessment here! Also be sure to take the FREE MARRIAGE ASSESSMENT here.  Learn more about each type with this FREE SUMMARY!  Check out more great insights by Beth on her blog.  Discover your Enneagram number with the Discovering You course. Already know your Enneagram Type? Then it’s time to take a deeper dive with the Explore You course.  You can get some one-on-one coaching with Your Enneagram Coach here.  Want to talk about sex?! Take our Love Making Survey to open up the way for you and your spouse to work towards better sex and intimacy in marriage! This month’s resource is our Love Making Survey and it is designed to help you have a safe, genuine conversation about your sex life with your spouse. This survey is a nonthreatening way to evaluate your sex together. The questions are designed to get you thinking about all aspects of your love making and to shed light on ways your sex could be more satisfying. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
1/7/202041 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

How To Have A Thriving Relationship with a 3 | Ep. 387

We are continuing our Enneagram Series with Beth McCord talking about How to Have A Thriving Relationship with an Enneagram 3. For the next several weeks Beth will be breaking down some real, practical tips for being married to each Enneagram number.  If you are married to a 3 this is YOUR episode. But even if you aren’t married to a 3, we know you will find this episode helpful in learning more about your 3 friends. Part of loving people is knowing people. So use this series as a tool to know your people better, understand them deeper, and love them better.  Beth McCord founded ‘Your Enneagram Coach’ and has been an Enneagram speaker, coach and teacher for over 17 years. She is seriously the best of the best so we are so blessed to have her share her time and expertise with us.  Having been trained by the best Enneagram experts and pouring hundreds of hours into advanced certifications, Beth is leading the industry in simplifying the deep truths of the Enneagram from a Biblical perspective. Beth does one-on-one coaching, in-person events and workshops and online courses. She also offers training and support for those interested in becoming an Enneagram coach. So make sure you give her a follow on Instagram @yourennegramcoach and check out her website for more great info.  We pray you enjoy learning more about 3s in this episode!  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “The core fear of Type 3’s is that they’ll be exposed as incompetent, ineffecient, or worthless.” - Beth McCord “Type 3’s desire to have high status, respect, to be valuable.” - Beth McCord “Type 3’s deceive themselves into believing that they’re only the image that they present to others.” - Beth McCord “Type 3’s love having checklists and things to accomplish.” - Beth McCord “Type 3’s feel like they have to do in order to get.” - Beth McCord “The core longing for a Type 3 is to hear ‘you are loved and valued for simply being you.” - Beth McCord “Whenever you hear ‘I have to’ replace it with ‘I get to.’” - Beth McCord “When a Type 3 is doing well they’re calm, good communicators, and efficient. When doing well they’re irritated, self-promoting, and impatient” - Beth McCord “Type 3’s can detach from emotions in order to get things done.” - Beth McCord “Communicate with Type 3’s that you understand their fear and that you aren’t trying to harm their image.” - Beth McCord “You don’t want to interrupt a Type 3 when they’re focused or working.” - Beth McCord “Type 3’s need a lot of encouragement, affirmation is huge for Type 3’s.” - Beth McCord “When you’re communicating with Type 3’s keep things positive and have a plan for going forward.” - Beth McCord “It’s unrealistic to expect a Type 3 to expose their own emotions.” - Beth McCord “Type 3’s have pushed aside their feelings and identity in order to become whatever others want them to become.” - Beth McCord “Type 3’s want to come at conflict with a problem solving approach.” - Beth McCord “Type 3’s need to learn how to be a human being, not a human doing.” - Beth McCord “When Type 3’s are no longer focused on their own image and are instead focused on the image of their family, group or community, they can do amazing things for the Kingdom of God.” - Beth McCord “Healthy Type 3’s can achieve and accomplish so much.” - Beth McCord “Type 3’s bring inspiring insight and vision.” - Beth McCord “Type 3’s know how to come alongside people and meet needs.” - Beth McCord SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order!  RESOURCES Find everything you need at! Including the course for YOUR marriage’s Enneagram combination. Beth & Jeff have a ‘Becoming Us Course’ for each couple type combination. That is 45 courses customized for each couple type combination. They go deeper into the “dance” (relational dynamics) and give you practical resources and insights to help transform your marriage.  Buy ‘Becoming Us’ today!  Not sure what your Enneagram Type is? You can take the free assessment here! Also be sure to take the FREE MARRIAGE ASSESSMENT here.  Learn more about each type with this FREE SUMMARY!  Check out more great insights by Beth on her blog.  Discover your Enneagram number with the Discovering You course. Already know your Enneagram Type? Then it’s time to take a deeper dive with the Explore You course.  You can get some one-on-one coaching with Your Enneagram Coach here.  Do you or your spouse struggle with confidence? You aren’t alone if so! Snag our new resource Confidence Busters & Boosters to help cultivate confidence in each other and build up your marriage.  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
12/19/201941 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

How To Have A Thriving Relationship with a 2 | Ep. 386

We are continuing our Enneagram Series with Beth McCord talking about How to Have A Thriving Relationship with an Enneagram 2. For the next several weeks Beth will be breaking down some real, practical tips for being married to each Enneagram number.  If you are married to a 2 this is YOUR episode. But even if you aren’t married to a 2, we know you will find this episode helpful in learning more about your 2 friends. Part of loving people is knowing people. So use this series as a tool to know your people better, understand them deeper, and love them better.  Beth McCord founded ‘Your Enneagram Coach’ and has been an Enneagram speaker, coach and teacher for over 17 years. She is seriously the best of the best so we are so blessed to have her share her time and expertise with us.  Having been trained by the best Enneagram experts and pouring hundreds of hours into advanced certifications, Beth is leading the industry in simplifying the deep truths of the Enneagram from a Biblical perspective. Beth does one-on-one coaching, in-person events and workshops and online courses. She also offers training and support for those interested in becoming an Enneagram coach. So make sure you give her a follow on Instagram @yourennegramcoach and check out her website for more great info.  We pray you enjoy learning more about 2s in this episode!  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “What Type 2’s are longing to hear is that they are wanted and loved.” - Beth McCord “Healthy Type 2’s are filled with the knowledge that they are loved by God and don’t need to seek the affirmation or approval of others to feel fulfilled.” - Beth McCord “Type 2’s come into any situation with the fear of being rejected.” - Beth McCord “Type 2’s need to know that it’s ok for them to take care of themselves, because that will allow them to better serve others.” - Beth McCord “Use the sandwich method when delivering feedback to a Type 2: lots of affirmation and encouragement (the bun), then deliver the feedback in a kind way (the meat), then ending with affirmation and encouragement (the bun).” - Beth McCord “There are helpful ways to communicate with each enneagram type and when we embrace and accept that things will go so much smoother in our relationships.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “The way that you want to receive love might be different from how your spouse wants to receive love.” - Beth McCord “Be specific when thanking and showing appreciation to a Type 2.” - Beth McCord “Recognize that rejection is a huge fear of Type 2’s.” - Beth McCord “Type 2’s are extremely gifted at knowing how to help people.” - Beth McCord “In any conflict with a Type 2, it’s important to let them know that you know they meant well.” - Beth McCord “Type 2’s want to be heard and to talk about their own feelings without being given advice.” - Beth McCord “To resolve conflict with a Type 2, it is important to be warm, affectionate, and relationally connected to them. If you don’t feel like you’re able to have that approach then it’s helpful to let a Type 2 know that you need time to get there.” - Beth McCord “If you need to give your Type 2 feedback, never do that in front of other people.” - Beth McCord “If there’s one thing to know about a Type 2, it’s that they fear rejection more than anything else.” - Beth McCord “God has given Type 2’s a super power to know what people’s needs are, but if their help is not wanted this can cause problems.” - Beth McCord “The biggest struggle in being married to a Type 2 is the intrusiveness of a Type 2.” - Beth McCord SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order!  RESOURCES Find everything you need at! Including the course for YOUR marriage’s Enneagram combination. Beth & Jeff have a ‘Becoming Us Course’ for each couple type combination. That is 45 courses customized for each couple type combination. They go deeper into the “dance” (relational dynamics) and give you practical resources and insights to help transform your marriage.  Buy ‘Becoming Us’ today!  Not sure what your Enneagram Type is? You can take the free assessment here! Also be sure to take the FREE MARRIAGE ASSESSMENT here.  Learn more about each type with this FREE SUMMARY!  Check out more great insights by Beth on her blog.  Discover your Enneagram number with the Discovering You course. Already know your Enneagram Type? Then it’s time to take a deeper dive with the Explore You course.  You can get some one-on-one coaching with Your Enneagram Coach here.  Do you or your spouse struggle with confidence? You aren’t alone if so! Snag our new resource Confidence Busters & Boosters to help cultivate confidence in each other and build up your marriage.  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
12/17/201952 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

How To Have A Thriving Relationship with a 1 | Ep. 385

In this episode we have Beth McCord joining Dr. Kim to talk about How to Have A Thriving Relationship with an Enneagram 1. For the next several weeks Beth will be breaking down some real, practical tips for being married to each Enneagram number.    If you are married to a 1 this is YOUR episode. But even if you aren’t married to a 1, we know you will find this episode helpful in learning more about your 1 friends. Part of loving people is knowing people. So use this series as a tool to know your people better, understand them deeper, and love them better.    Beth McCord founded ‘Your Enneagram Coach’ and has been an Enneagram speaker, coach and teacher for over 17 years. She is seriously the best of the best so we are so blessed to have her share her time and expertise with us.    Having been trained by the best Enneagram experts and pouring hundreds of hours into advanced certifications, Beth is leading the industry in simplifying the deep truths of the Enneagram from a Biblical perspective. Beth does one-on-one coaching, in-person events and workshops and online courses. She also offers training and support for those interested in becoming an Enneagram coach. So make sure you give her a follow on Instagram @yourennegramcoach and check out her website for more great info.    We pray you enjoy learning more about 1s in this episode!  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES  “We try to make Type 1’s understand that their inner critic is not the Holy Spirit.” - Beth McCord “Type 1’s long to hear, ‘You are good.’ Christ satisfies this longing.” - Beth McCord “When Christ comes into a Type 1’s life there can be a peace that this person has never experienced before.” - Dr. Kim Kimbelring  “For Type 1’s it’s all about ethics, morals, procedures, and things being done the ‘right’ way.” - Beth McCord “Understand that the Type 1 has a harsh, condemning inner critic that is constantly berating them.” - Beth McCord “1’s value problem solving over emotions, so it’s better to wait to approach a Type 1 until your emotions are at a more balanced place.” - Beth McCord “It’s important to give your Type 1 time and space to process.” - Beth McCord “Type 1’s have a hard time being spontaneous because it feels irresponsible to them.” - Beth McCord -”It can be helpful to ask your Type 1 to rank how loudly their inner critic is berating them on a scale of 1-10 so you know how to approach them.” -Beth McCord “Hard as it might be to believe, most of the time Type 1’s are offering criticism and correction from a genuinely helpful place.” - Beth McCord “If you’re married to a Type 1 you have to accept who they are, not discount their inner critic, but learn how to come alongside them and encourage them toward Christ.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “It’s not that the inner critic is inherently bad, it’s just that when we allow the inner critic to go offcourse and let it misalign with the truth of the Gospel, that is not going to be helpful to the Type 1 or anyone else they are around.” - Beth McCord “Encourage a Type 1 when you see them succeeding and doing well in what they are doing.” - Beth McCord “The list of things that need to be corrected, improved, and fixed never ends for a Type 1.” - Beth McCord “The core weakness of a Type 1, resentment, is actually underlying sorrow.” - Beth McCord “Type 1’s are striving for perfection when Christ is already perfect for them.” - Beth McCord “A healthy Type 1 has to learn to set boundaries for their inner critic.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Type 1’s have a gut instinct and wisdom of knowing what is morally right.” - Beth McCord “Type 1’s are amazingly detail-oriented.” - Beth McCord “Type 1’s see the world as it is and they want to improve it.” - Beth McCord “It’s like Type 1’s can remember what earth was like before the fall and they want to do everything they can to bring us back to that perfect place.” - Beth McCord   SPONSORS   Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order!    RESOURCES Find everything you need at! Including the course for YOUR marriage’s Enneagram combination. Beth & Jeff have a ‘Becoming Us Course’ for each couple type combination. That is 45 courses customized for each couple type combination. They go deeper into the “dance” (relational dynamics) and give you practical resources and insights to help transform your marriage.  Buy ‘Becoming Us’ today!  Not sure what your Enneagram Type is? You can take the free assessment here! Also be sure to take the FREE MARRIAGE ASSESSMENT here.  Learn more about each type with this FREE SUMMARY!  Check out more great insights by Beth on her blog.  Discover your Enneagram number with the Discovering You course. Already know your Enneagram Type? Then it’s time to take a deeper dive with the Explore You course.  You can get some one-on-one coaching with Your Enneagram Coach here.  Do you or your spouse struggle with confidence? You aren’t alone if so! Snag our new resource Confidence Busters & Boosters to help cultivate confidence in each other and build up your marriage.  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
12/12/201938 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Enneagram & Your Marriage | Ep. 384

This episode is a real treat because we have Beth & Jeff McCord joining Dr. Kim. Beth founded Your Enneagram Coach and is an Enneagram speaker, coach and teacher. Beth & Jeff live outside of Nashville and have been married for 24 years. Combining the gospel and the Enneagram has been instrumental in Beth and Jeff's marriage and parenting. The Enneagram is simply a map for self-discovery and personal growth based on 9 basic personality types. When we come to know what’s at the root of our thoughts, feelings and actions, we can stop placing unhealthy and unrealistic expectations on our spouses to “fill us up.” Our marriages can be transformed when our eyes are open to the unique ways our spouse was created, allowing us to better love, serve, communicate and resolve conflict. The Enneagram is simply a tool to self discovery and others discovery. And like Dr. Kim is always saying, we need to be “a student of our spouse.” The Enneagram is one way to do just that.  In this episode Dr. Kim, Beth & Jeff share about how they have used the Enneagram to help create a thriving, gospel-centered marriage.  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “When a heart is at rest from the truth of the Gospel, all kinds of fruits come from that.” - Jeff McCord “The Enneagram is like a rumble strip on the highway; you can use it to wake yourself up and not fall into the common pitfalls that you have before.” - Beth McCord “The Enneagram gives you a way to navigate and understand marriage in a way that you might not have been able to before.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “The Enneagram accelerates growth and transformation when you use it correctly.” - Beth McCord “We can be assured that God cares about our marriages, maybe even more than we do.” -Jeff McCord “The Enneagram is a tool that gives us vocabulary and an organized way to understand our spouse’s personality.” - Jeff McCord “The Enneagram allows us to speak to each other in one another’s personality dialect.” - Beth McCord “Using the Enneagram is a great way to become a student of (or study) your spouse.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “Two people that are the same Enneagram number can look and act radically different depending on their levels of health.” - Beth McCord “The Enneagram gives you an opportunity as a married couple to embrace your differences.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “The Enneagram shows us that we all see the world differently.” - Beth McCord SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order!  RESOURCES Find everything you need at! Including the course for YOUR marriage’s Enneagram combination. Beth & Jeff have a ‘Becoming Us Course’ for each couple type combination. That is 45 courses customized for each couple type combination. They go deeper into the “dance” (relational dynamics) and give you practical resources and insights to help transform your marriage.  Buy ‘Becoming Us’ today!  Not sure what your Enneagram Type is? You can take the free assessment here! Also be sure to take the FREE MARRIAGE ASSESSMENT here.  Learn more about each type with this FREE SUMMARY!  Check out more great insights by Beth on her blog.  Discover your Enneagram number with the Discovering You course. Already know your Enneagram Type? Then it’s time to take a deeper dive with the Explore You course.  You can get some one-on-one coaching with Your Enneagram Coach here.  Do you or your spouse struggle with confidence? You aren’t alone if so! Snag our new resource Confidence Busters & Boosters to help cultivate confidence in each other and build up your marriage.  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!
12/10/201955 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Top 8 Marriage Issues in 2019: #1 | Ep. 383

In this series we have been dissecting the Top 8 Marriage Issues in 2019. These 8 issues are the top 8 issues that Dr. Kim has seen this year with marriages.   In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about the #1 biggest issue in marriages this year which is: infidelity.    An affair always rocks a marriage. Some couples are able to ride that rocky storm and see God’s grace and redemption in amazing ways. Other couples choose to end a marriage after an affair, and that’s okay too! But in this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about why affairs happen and answering the question- can we affair proof a marriage? NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “The worst thing we can do is to think that we’re not vulnerable to having an affair or being unfaithful in our marriage.” - Dr. Kim Kimbelring “A lot of couples don’t realize how valuable trust is in their marriage until it’s broken.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “If at all possible, try not to be alone with someone of the opposite sex who isn’t your spouse.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “Don’t stay friends with old boyfriends and girlfriends on social media.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order!  RESOURCES Do you or your spouse struggle with confidence? You aren’t alone if so! Snag our new resource Confidence Busters & Boosters to help cultivate confidence in each other and build up your marriage.  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
12/5/201923 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Top 8 Marriage Issues in 2019: #2 | Ep. 382

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about the 2nd biggest issue in marriages this year which is: sexual differences, specifically how to deal with libido differences or loss.  We are happy to be a safe place where you can learn about sex, find yourself relating with other couples in the stories we share, and most importantly - work hard to have great sex in marriage and enjoy this gift God has given us.  In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina share about how to deal with sexual differences in marriage. NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “When you’re not married Satan tries to keep you in the bed, when you are married Satan tries to keep you out of the bed.” - Christina Dodson “Don’t start conversations with your spouse about differences in desire and libido when you are frustrated.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Because of our culture we all drag sexual baggage into marriage.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “One of the coolest things about sex in marriage is how it continues to evolve and grow as you learn more about each other.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “You have to be intentional about discussing problems in your sex life, you can’t ignore these issues when they come up.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “There’s so much more to sex than just the physical act.” - Christina Dodson “Your spouse needs to know that they are more important that your sexual relationship.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Sex is an important part of a marriage but it’s not THE most important part of a marriage.” Dr. Kim Kimberling  “Sex alone isn’t enough to hold a marriage together.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order!  RESOURCES You can snag Dr. Kim’s ebook on the different types of bonding here: Bonded Together: Understanding God’s Plan For Marriage In A World That Doesn’t.  Do you or your spouse struggle with confidence? You aren’t alone if so! Snag our new resource Confidence Busters & Boosters to help cultivate confidence in each other and build up your marriage.  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
12/3/201938 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Top 8 Marriage Issues in 2019: #3 | Ep. 381

We are doing a series on the Top 8 Marriage Issues in 2019. These 8 issues are the top 8 issues that Dr. Kim has seen this year with marriages. We will be breaking them down starting with #8 and working our way towards the #1 marriage issue.  In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about the 3rd biggest issue in marriages this year which is: values and beliefs. Our value system and belief system is foundational to all our other opinions and actions in life. So when a couple isn’t on the same page, it can naturally cause many issues.  In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina share about values and beliefs in marriage and how to cope when you and your spouse aren’t on the same page.  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “If your spouse doesn’t agree with you on something it can be helpful to rate how important something is to you on a 1 to 10 scale to help your spouse understand how important (less important) something is to you.” - Christina “Find the hot button topics in your marriage and agree on how to talk about them or agree to disagree with each other if that’s healthier for your marriage.” - Christina “There are some things in marriage it is absolutely ok to compromise on; one thing you should not do is allow compromise with your spouse to cause you or them to sin.” - Christina “If you aren’t married yet, be prayerful before going into marriage with someone who’s values and beliefs are much different than your own.” - Dr. Kim “Pray and ask God for wisdom on how to handle conflict in your marriage in a way that honors Him and honors the vows you made to your spouse, and let Him lead you through it.” - Dr. Kim “God will sometimes give you more than you can handle so that you turn to Him for help.” - Dr. Kim SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.  RESOURCES Plan to spend some quality time with your sweetie by grabbing our FALLing For You Date Design here! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
11/28/201927 minutes, 41 seconds
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Top 8 Marriage Issues in 2019: #4 | Ep. 380

We are doing a series on the Top 8 Marriage Issues in 2019. These 8 issues are the top 8 issues that Dr. Kim has seen this year with marriages. We will be breaking them down starting with #8 and working our way towards the #1 marriage issue.  In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about the 4th biggest issue in marriages this year which is: life stages We all go through different life stages. One thing is for sure, life does not stay the same. But will we adjust as life goes on? Or will we not adjust?  Our marriage needs to grow and adjust in every new life stage.  In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina share about how to adjust to life stages and keep your marriage strong over the test of time and life’s changes.  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “The things you do to connect and have a good marriage will change throughout your marriage.” - Dr. Kim “There’s value to being and living in the present.” - Christina “What does it look like to be fruitful where you are right now in life?” - Christina “As long as you’re on this earth God has a plan and a purpose for you and for your marriage.” - Dr. Kim “If you talk about it with your spouse then you can plan for it.” - Christina “If your marriage isn’t growing in each stage of life, that should be a red flag that you need to do something different.” - Dr. Kim “Don’t let your stage of life define you, you are more than where you are currently at in life.” - Christina “If your spouse is struggling with adjusting to a new phase of life, come alongside them and let them grieve the loss of the previous season if they need to.” - Dr. Kim “Find a mentor couple who is ahead of you in life to learn from.” - Christina “You’ll need to learn to say no to different things in different life stages.” - Dr. Kim   SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.  RESOURCES Plan to spend some quality time with your sweetie by grabbing our FALLing For You Date Design here! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
11/26/201931 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Top 8 Marriage Issues in 2019: #5 | Ep. 379

We are doing a series on the Top 8 Marriage Issues in 2019. These 8 issues are the top 8 issues that Dr. Kim has seen this year with marriages. We will be breaking them down starting with #8 and working our way towards the #1 marriage issue.  In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about the 5th biggest issue in marriages this year which is: traumatic situations.  Because we live in a broken and fallen world, so many couples end up facing traumatic situations. Death of a child, abuse, suicide of someone close to you, assault, a life-changing diagnosis, war, natural disaster, the list goes on. Often times when faced with traumatic situations, naturally, couples struggle to cope and many end up losing their marriage over it. But does a life changing event have to mean the end of your marriage?  Dr. Kim has walked alongside countless couples through life-changing events. A traumatic situation does not have to mean the end of your marriage.  In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina share about how to cope with life-altering and traumatic situations in a way that builds up your marriage instead of tearing it down.  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “A traumatic situation is anytime life goes differently than we thought it would.” - Dr. Kim “Your grief might look different from your spouse’s grief and that’s ok.” - Dr. Kim “Nobody can’t define what grief looks like for you.” - Dr. Kim “Allow your spouse to express whatever emotions they feel when they’re grieving.” - Dr. Kim “Put God in the middle of your grief.” - Dr. Kim “Be present with your spouse when they’re grieving, don’t put pressure on yourself to say the right thing, your presence alone will help them.” - Dr. Kim “Be honest when you’re communicating with your spouse about your grief.” - Christina “Blaming is not going to heal anything.” - Dr. Kim “After a life-altering event you have to find a new normal.” - Christina   SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.  RESOURCES You can check out Lysa Terkeust’s book It’s Not Supposed To Be This Way here.  You can check out Craig Groschel’s book Hope In The Dark here.  Check out the devotional Dr. Kim mentioned here: Grieving the Loss of Someone You Love: Daily Meditations to Help You Through the Grieving Process  Plan to spend some quality time with your sweetie by grabbing our FALLing For You Date Design here! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
11/21/201931 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Top 8 Marriage Issues in 2019: #6 | Ep. 378

We are doing a series on the Top 8 Marriage Issues in 2019. These 8 issues are the top 8 issues that Dr. Kim has seen this year with marriages. We will be breaking them down starting with #8 and working our way towards the #1 marriage issue.  In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about the 6th biggest issue in marriages this year which is: stress.  So many of us deal with stress on a regular basis. Being stressed out makes it hard to be a good spouse. It’s hard to be intentional in your marriage or really even focus on your marriage at all when you are consumed with stress. It’s bad for our health and our mental space. Stress piles negative emotions on to our marriage and steals joy.  In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about what stress does to marriages and how to deal with stress in a healthy way as well as some tips to help you eliminate any unnecessary stress in your life. NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “People died of diarrhea back then.” - Dr. Kim “Deciding what you can and can’t do something about can help you be realistic about what you’re stressed about.” - Christina “If there is nothing that you can do about something, the best (but not always easiest) thing to do is pray about it and leave it in God’s hands.” - Dr. Kim “Our emotions are good indicators but they’re not good truth tellers.” - Christina “Ask your spouse to come alongside you and help you deal with your stress.” - Dr. Kim “Take the time to empathize with your spouse when they’re stressed.” - Dr. Kim “To the moms: the best thing you can do for your kids is to take care of yourself.” - Christina “Don’t buy into the lie that stress is just the way you are; there’s an answer to stress.” - Dr. Kim “God gave you a spouse to walk through life with, don’t push your spouse away in times of stress, embrace them.” - Dr. Kim   SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.  RESOURCES Plan to spend some quality time with your sweetie by grabbing our FALLing For You Date Design here! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!   
11/19/201937 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Top 8 Marriage Issues in 2019: #7 | Ep. 377

For the next few weeks on the podcast we are doing a series on the Top 8 Marriage Issues in 2019. These 8 issues are the top 8 issues that Dr. Kim has seen this year with marriages. We will be breaking them down starting with #8 and working our way towards the #1 marriage issue.  In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about the 7th biggest issue in marriages this year which is: boredom.  With time, some spouse’s become bored with their relationship. Boredom in marriage is a dangerous thing to dwell on and can easily slip into even bigger issues.  It also doesn’t help that our culture is telling us that monogamy and marriage is boring. But marriage does NOT have to be boring. There are real, practical things you can do to keep boredom at bay and protect your marriage from boredom.  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Connection = Zero Boredom in marriage.” - Dr. Kim “You don’t have to be screaming and yelling and throwing things at each other for you to go to marriage counseling.” - Christina “Boredom can happen if we’re not intentional about giving to our marriage as much as we’re taking from it.” - Dr. Kim “Be intentional about having fun with each other, even when life gets busy; remember there’s something that got you to the altar in the first place.” - Dr. Kim “Find creative questions to ask each other.” - Christina “There are going to be times you get bored in your marriage, it’s about recognizing when that’s happening and committing to reconnecting so you don’t stay bored and disconnected.” - Dr. Kim SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.  RESOURCES Plan to spend some quality time with your sweetie by grabbing our FALLing For You Date Design here! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!   
11/14/201930 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Top 8 Marriage Issues in 2019: #8 | Ep. 376

For the next few weeks on the podcast we are doing a series on the Top 8 Marriage Issues in 2019. These 8 issues are the top 8 issues that Dr. Kim has seen this year with marriages in the counseling room. We will be breaking them down starting with number 8 and working our way towards the number 1 marriage issue in 2019.  Today we are kicking off the series with talking about the 8th biggest issue in marriages this year which is: jealousy.  Jealousy puts a real strain on your marriage. When you have jealous feelings it affects you, your spouse, and your marriage. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about this issue and how to deal with it in a healthy way.  You may think jealousy isn’t a struggle for you, but there are some subtle ways this often plays out that doesn’t always get noticed and addressed.  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “A lot of times jealousy can be tied to insecurity or discontentment.” - Christina “Paul in the Bible is a great example of being content with whatever he had and whatever situation he was in.” - Dr. Kim “You can get so consumed with jealousy that you neglect your marriage.” - Dr. Kim “Jealousy affects your ability to be present in your marriage.” - Christina “If you are willing to be honest with yourself and why you’re jealous, these jealous feelings can be an opportunity for God to grow and teach you.” - Christina “You have to run your race, you can’t run someone else’s race.” - Christina “If your spouse is struggling with jealousy, it gives you an opportunity to come alongside them and help them work through those feelings.” - Dr. Kim   SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.  RESOURCES Plan to spend some quality time with your sweetie by grabbing our FALLing For You Date Design here! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!   
11/12/201931 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Helping Your Spouse With Boundaries | Ep. 375

Can we implement boundaries with our spouse? Is it loving? Is it Christ-centered?  Boundaries in marriage may seem counterintuitive to some, but we believe it should be normal and natural in a marriage.  In this episode, Dr. Kim and Christina share about boundaries with your spouse: why you need them, examples of what they might be, and how to implement them. If you have never thought about boundaries with your spouse, we hope this conversation is helpful to you and that it provides you with some great talking points that you and your spouse can explore as you work to have a healthier, happier, holier marriage.  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “You can help your spouse see that they might need to set a boundary with someone by asking them questions.” - Dr. Kim “You can encourage your spouse to learn about boundaries but also be willing to walk with them through what that will look like.” - Christina “Always offer your thoughts on your spouse’s situation as a suggestion, not as a solution to their problem.” - Dr. Kim “You might need to set a boundary with someone if you’re taking on their consequences.” - Christina “If you’ve never set boundaries before start setting them in safe places first.” - Christina “Remember that if someone doesn’t respond to the boundaries that you set in a healthy way, you can only control yourself, you can’t control how they will react.” - Dr. Kim “It sounds silly but role playing setting boundaries with your spouse can be really helpful for them to prepare for those hard conversations.” - Christina “Let your spouse know that you are not going to stop loving them if they set a healthy boundary with you.” - Christina   SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.  RESOURCES As we approach the holidays, it’s so important to make time for your spouse. Plan to spend some quality time with your sweetie by grabbing our FALLing For You Date Design here! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
11/7/201927 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Boundaries With Your Spouse | Ep. 374

Can we implement boundaries with our spouse? Is it loving? Is it Christ-centered?    Boundaries in marriage may seem counterintuitive to some, but we believe it should be normal and natural in a marriage.    In this episode, Dr. Kim and Christina share about boundaries with your spouse: why you need them, examples of what they might be, and how to implement them. If you have never thought about boundaries with your spouse, we hope this conversation is helpful to you and that it provides you with some great talking points that you and your spouse can explore as you work to have a healthier, happier, holier marriage.    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Boundaries with your spouse can actually draw you closer together.” - Dr. Kim “Having boundaries in your marriage isn’t meant to be a punishment, it’s meant to be freeing for you and your spouse.” - Christina “You can’t have true intimacy without boundaries.” - Christina “I tell singles that I counsel, you have to show the person you’re dating the real you at some point during the dating process.” - Dr. Kim “It’s unloving and unwise to not set boundaries where they need to be.” - Christina “To rescue people from the natural consequences of their behavior is to render them powerless.” - Dr. Henry Cloud & John Townsend (from Boundaries book) “It’s so important to talk about boundaries in your sexual relationship.” - Dr. Kim “Boundaries helps you understand your marriage relationship better.” - Dr. Kim “Your spouse’s comfortability should matter to you more than what you want for yourself.” - Christina “Boundaries are about controlling the only person that you can control: yourself.” - Christina “Don’t set boundaries to manipulate or control your spouse.”  - Dr. Kim “If you’re in an unhealthy relationship, be prepared for setting boundaries to cause a lot of conflict.” - Dr. Kim “A boundary without consequences isn’t a boundary at all.” - Christina   SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order.  RESOURCES As we approach the holidays, it’s so important to make time for your spouse. Plan to spend some quality time with your sweetie by grabbing our FALLing For You Date Design here! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here! 
11/5/201942 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Boundaries With Your Time | Ep. 373

Everyone has the same amount of time - 24 hours in a day. But so many of us struggle to manage this time well. Some of us say yes to way too many things and then that leaves us burnt out and miserable. Others of us don’t use our time wisely enough and don’t steward their time well to get done what they need to get done.  In the fast paced, hustle glorified, culture that we live in where everyone has access to you all the time it can be really hard to set limits on our time. But if we don’t plan well, our time will just pass us by. But if we do plan well and set up healthy boundaries, we can have healthier relationships, a better marriage, and get off the "hustle til you’re burnt out" game that way too many of us are playing.  In this episode, Dr. Kim and Christina share about the importance of setting up time boundaries and how to implement them.  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “You have to be an example for your kids of what it looks like to prioritize your spouse.” - Dr. Kim “You have to manage your time to plan for the future.” - Christina “Make sure your schedule reflects your priorities.” - Dr. Kim “Make a habit of doing the things that are important to you.” - Dr. Kim “When we feel like we’re constantly busy we often don’t take the time to do things that are going to have long-term benefits on our marriage.” - Dr. Kim “There’s no shortcut to having time with your spouse; you have to make quality time with them happen.” - Dr. Kim “We had to learn to say no, even to good things, if they would get in the way of us spending quality time together and investing in our marriage.” - Dr. Kim “Decide as a couple where you want you want to prioritize your time and then build the rest of the things you do in life around that.” - Dr. Kim “It’s a red flag that you’re not doing a good job of prioritizing your marriage if you haven’t talked to your wife in so long that you forgot what her name is.” - Dr. Kim “Take the time to address red flags in your marriage as soon as you see them; it will save you so much time in the long run.” - Dr. Kim SPONSORS Thank you to Plant Package for sponsoring this podcast episode! With Plant Package, the prep work of gardening is done for you. Plant Package is delivered straight to your door with easy instructions on how to plant your fun new plant that even someone with a black thumb could execute! Plant Package selects durable seasonal plants, an appropriate and stylish container, sends just the right amount of soil and plant food, and includes instructions for assembly and plant care. The Plants can thrive indoors or outdoors – the choice is yours! Use the code “awesome” to receive a FREE Starter Kit with your order. Starter kits include gardening gloves, a gardening shovel, and farm hand’s soap. Simply select “ADD STARTER KIT” and enter the code AWESOME on the payment checkout page.  RESOURCES Need help building unity in your marriage? Snag our brand new resource Diary of An Awesome Marriage: The Couple’s Unity Building Journal today! This resource is a 23 page PDF, with 9 sections on common areas that marriages. Each section has questions for you to reflect on, pray about, answer, and then discuss with your spouse. Get closer by getting more unified on the things that matter! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now.   
10/31/201931 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Boundaries With The Opposite Sex | Ep. 372

What does it look like to honor our marriage, protect our marriage, and still have honoring relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ?  So many couples want to know what is okay and not okay when it comes to friendships with the opposite sex.  In this episode, Dr. Kim and Christina share about safe boundaries, why they are important, and how to implement them practically.  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Establishing boundaries with the opposite sex is one of the ways we accomplish the goal of having an awesome marriage.” - Dr. Kim “Having boundaries in place with the opposite sex protects you and your marriage.” - Dr. Kim “Never say you can’t be tempted; we are all sinners and can be tempted.” - Dr. Kim “Boundaries aren’t a lack of freedom; they’re ensuring the safety of your marriage.” - Christina “You’re not going to have a good marriage if you’re only thinking about yourself.” - Christina “A good thing to ask yourself is, ‘Am I ok with my spouse seeing this text or email that I’m sending to someone of the opposite sex?’” - Dr. Kim “It’s much easier to ignite a flame that’s already been lit than to start a new fire; don’t keep in touch with your ex boyfriends and girlfriends.” - Christina SPONSORS Thank you to Plant Package for sponsoring this podcast episode! With Plant Package, the prep work of gardening is done for you. Plant Package is delivered straight to your door with easy instructions on how to plant your fun new plant that even someone with a black thumb could execute! Plant Package selects durable seasonal plants, an appropriate and stylish container, sends just the right amount of soil and plant food, and includes instructions for assembly and plant care. The Plants can thrive indoors or outdoors – the choice is yours! Use the code “awesome” to receive a FREE Starter Kit with your order. Starter kits include gardening gloves, a gardening shovel, and farm hand’s soap. Simply select “ADD STARTER KIT” and enter the code AWESOME on the payment checkout page.  RESOURCES Need help building unity in your marriage? Snag our brand new resource Diary of An Awesome Marriage: The Couple’s Unity Building Journal today! This resource is a 23 page PDF, with 9 sections on common areas that marriages. Each section has questions for you to reflect on, pray about, answer, and then discuss with your spouse. Get closer by getting more unified on the things that matter! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now. 
10/29/201945 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Coming Alongside Your Spouse | 371

Well we love it when you guys send it topics you want us to cover! One listener recently suggested we cover what it means to “come alongside your spouse.” It’s something Dr. Kim says a lot, what does it practically mean? How would Dr. Kim define this method that he so often encourages us to do?  In this episode, Dr. Kim goes deep into describing it and defining it for us.  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Coming alongside your spouse is the visual representation of walking in unity together and supporting one another as a married couple.” - Christina “Coming alongside your spouse is the manifestation of being on the same team as your spouse.” - Dr. Kim “Something is wrong if you’re in a marriage and you feel like you’re all alone.” - Dr. Kim “How you come alongside your spouse might look different from how your spouse comes alongside you; we all receive love and support in different ways.” - Dr. Kim “Ask yourself: is what you’re doing right now going to help you have an awesome marriage?” - Christina “If it’s important to your spouse make it important for you.” - Dr. Kim “The worst loneliness is when you’re in your house with your spouse and you feel lonely. You’re not coming alongside each other in your marriage, you’re just coexisting” - Dr. Kim “It’s so important to have empathy in a marriage.” - Dr. Kim “We may not always understand why our spouse feels the way they do but we can accept that they are feeling that way and come alongside them.” - Dr. Kim “How you handle your differences in marriage will either draw you together or tear you apart.” - Dr. Kim SPONSORS Thank you to Plant Package for sponsoring this podcast episode! With Plant Package, the prep work of gardening is done for you. Plant Package is delivered straight to your door with easy instructions on how to plant your fun new plant that even someone with a black thumb could execute! Plant Package selects durable seasonal plants, an appropriate and stylish container, sends just the right amount of soil and plant food, and includes instructions for assembly and plant care. The Plants can thrive indoors or outdoors – the choice is yours! Use the code “awesome” to receive a FREE Starter Kit with your order. Starter kits include gardening gloves, a gardening shovel, and farm hand’s soap. Simply select “ADD STARTER KIT” and enter the code AWESOME on the payment checkout page.  RESOURCES Need help building unity in your marriage? Snag our brand new resource Diary of An Awesome Marriage: The Couple’s Unity Building Journal today! This resource is a 23 page PDF, with 9 sections on common areas that marriages. Each section has questions for you to reflect on, pray about, answer, and then discuss with your spouse. Get closer by getting more unified on the things that matter! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now.   
10/24/201939 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

In Due Time | Ep. 370

In this episode Caroline Harries joins Dr. Kim to talk about waiting and how God is good even in the waiting. They talk about infertility, support groups, and how infertility and waiting can affect your marriage.  Caroline is an author of a 60-day devotional ‘In Due Time’ as well as the founder of ‘Moms in the Making’ faith based infertility support groups. She shares her story and talks open and honestly about her waiting and their marriage in the waiting.  Chances are you are waiting on something. Maybe it’s a baby, maybe it’s a house, a job, a fresh start, or restored relationship. Whatever it is you’re waiting on - this conversation is going to encourage you.  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “1 in 8 women experience infertility; it’s not as rare as you think.” - Caroline Harries “We have to make God the focus of our lives, no matter what season of life we’re in.” - Caroline Harries “In every trial you face you choose to run to or away from God.” - Caroline Harries “It’s important to not make having a baby an idol or put that in the place of pursuing a relationship with God.” - Caroline Harries  SPONSORS Thank you to Plant Package for sponsoring this podcast episode! With Plant Package, the prep work of gardening is done for you. Plant Package is delivered straight to your door with easy instructions on how to plant your fun new plant that even someone with a black thumb could execute! Plant Package selects durable seasonal plants, an appropriate and stylish container, sends just the right amount of soil and plant food, and includes instructions for assembly and plant care. The Plants can thrive indoors or outdoors – the choice is yours! Use the code “awesome” to receive a FREE Starter Kit with your order. Starter kits include gardening gloves, a gardening shovel, and farm hand’s soap. Simply select “ADD STARTER KIT” and enter the code AWESOME on the payment checkout page.  RESOURCES Buy Caroline’s Devotional ‘In Due Time’ here. Join a Moms In The Making Infertility Support Group today.  Need help building unity in your marriage? Snag our brand new resource Diary of An Awesome Marriage: The Couple’s Unity Building Journal today! This resource is a 23 page PDF, with 9 sections on common areas that marriages. Each section has questions for you to reflect on, pray about, answer, and then discuss with your spouse. Get closer by getting more unified on the things that matter! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now. 
10/22/201938 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Grief & The Holidays | Ep. 369

The holidays can highlight grief and loss in our life. It’s a time that is centered around nostalgia, memories, and family. So it’s no surprise that the holidays can bring up a lot of grief for people who have experienced loss.  In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about grief and how to support each other as a married couple as one or both of you grieve.  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “During the holidays, set aside time to think about the person you’ve lost. ” - Dr. Kim “Don’t smother your feelings, take time to grieve your lost loved one.” - Dr. Kim “Don’t feel like you have to say the perfect thing to your grieving spouse. Just be there for them.” - Dr. Kim “The way you deal with grief is by going through it.” - Dr. Kim “You can cling to the promises of God found in the Bible when you’re grieving.” - Christina “Jesus shows us that it’s ok to grieve.” - Dr. Kim “God can handle your questions and anger.” - Christina “Everyone experiences grief differently.” - Dr. Kim “Give your spouse lots of grace as they grieve.” - Dr. Kim “You can’t fix the situation for your spouse but you can walk with them through it.” - Dr. Kim SPONSORS Thank you to Plant Package for sponsoring this podcast episode! With Plant Package, the prep work of gardening is done for you. Plant Package is delivered straight to your door with easy instructions on how to plant your fun new plant that even someone with a black thumb could execute! Plant Package selects durable seasonal plants, an appropriate and stylish container, sends just the right amount of soil and plant food, and includes instructions for assembly and plant care. The Plants can thrive indoors or outdoors – the choice is yours! Use the code “awesome” to receive a FREE Starter Kit with your order. Starter kits include gardening gloves, a gardening shovel, and farm hand’s soap. Simply select “ADD STARTER KIT” and enter the code AWESOME on the payment checkout page.  RESOURCES Need help building unity in your marriage? Snag our brand new resource Diary of An Awesome Marriage: The Couple’s Unity Building Journal today! This resource is a 23 page PDF, with 9 sections on common areas that marriages. Each section has questions for you to reflect on, pray about, answer, and then discuss with your spouse. Get closer by getting more unified on the things that matter! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now. 
10/17/201930 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Preparing Well For The Holidays | Ep. 368

The holidays are coming and that excites some of you but stresses others out. The holidays season, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas can put a lot of extras on our calendars and in our budgets. It can be a time where couples fight a lot or expectations aren’t met. All of us want to have good holidays with our spouse and family, but often we don’t prepare well so that we can execute that well.  In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about holiday marital stress and how to prepare for the holidays with your spouse.  Tune in to learn how to prepare well for the holidays! NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “You have to increase your knowledge and awareness of each other in your marriage.” - Christina “Don’t wait until the week before a holiday to let family know if you’re changing your usual holiday plans.” - Dr. Kim “Have your holiday plans set by October to avoid stress later on.” - Dr. Kim “Have conversations with your spouse about how to make the holidays less stressful.” - Dr. Kim “Make sure there’s alone time for just you and your spouse in the holiday plans.” - Dr. Kim “Decide what your priorities are for your family for the holidays.” - Dr. Kim “Boundaries aren’t punitive, they’re for saving relationships.” - Dr. Kim SPONSORS Thank you to Plant Package for sponsoring this podcast episode! With Plant Package, the prep work of gardening is done for you. Plant Package is delivered straight to your door with easy instructions on how to plant your fun new plant that even someone with a black thumb could execute! Plant Package selects durable seasonal plants, an appropriate and stylish container, sends just the right amount of soil and plant food, and includes instructions for assembly and plant care. The Plants can thrive indoors or outdoors – the choice is yours! Use the code “awesome” to receive a FREE Starter Kit with your order. Starter kits include gardening gloves, a gardening shovel, and farm hand’s soap. Simply select “ADD STARTER KIT” and enter the code AWESOME on the payment checkout page.  RESOURCES Need help building unity in your marriage? Snag our brand new resource Diary of An Awesome Marriage: The Couple’s Unity Building Journal today! This resource is a 23 page PDF, with 9 sections on common areas that marriages. Each section has questions for you to reflect on, pray about, answer, and then discuss with your spouse. Get closer by getting more unified on the things that matter! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now. 
10/15/201938 minutes
Episode Artwork

Preparing To Be A Husband | Ep. 367

What does it mean to be a husband and how can Christian men prepare well to become godly husbands? There are a lot of messages out there today about men and what it looks like to a husband, but what does God say about being a husband? How can modern men prepare to be Godly leaders in their home?  In this episode Colby Taylor joins Dr. Kim to talk about that. Colby is a Pastor at Life.Church and good friend of mine. Together Colby and his wife, who you heard from on Tuesday, lead the Engaged Events we put on to help couples prepare for a marriage that’s even more beautiful than the wedding. The next Engaged Event in OK is THIS month so be sure to grab tickets on our website before they sell out.  Tune in to learn how to prepare to be a husband!    NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “There’s a lot more sacrificing in being a husband than I ever anticipated.” - Colby Taylor “As long as you’re married you’re always learning things about each other.” - Dr. Kim “You can’t give yourself to your wife if you don’t give yourself to Jesus first.” - Colby Taylor “Seek out someone you see as a Godly man and ask them to mentor you.” - Dr. Kim “Don’t be afraid to be honest and vulnerable about your feelings.” - Colby Taylor SPONSORS Thank you to Plant Package for sponsoring this podcast episode! With Plant Package, the prep work of gardening is done for you. Plant Package is delivered straight to your door with easy instructions on how to plant your fun new plant that even someone with a black thumb could execute! Plant Package selects durable seasonal plants, an appropriate and stylish container, sends just the right amount of soil and plant food, and includes instructions for assembly and plant care. The Plants can thrive indoors or outdoors – the choice is yours! Use the code “awesome” to receive a FREE Starter Kit with your order. Starter kits include gardening gloves, a gardening shovel, and farm hand’s soap. Simply select “ADD STARTER KIT” and enter the code AWESOME on the payment checkout page.  RESOURCES You can snag our FREE Weekly Engaged Check Up Guide to help you practically keep the peace and keep your relationship good during your wedding planning.  Register and attend the Engaged Event in Oklahoma.  Need help building unity in your marriage? Snag our brand new resource Diary of An Awesome Marriage: The Couple’s Unity Building Journal today! This resource is a 23 page PDF, with 9 sections on common areas that marriages. Each section has questions for you to reflect on, pray about, answer, and then discuss with your spouse. Get closer by getting more unified on the things that matter! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now.   
10/10/201935 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Preparing To Be A Wife | Ep. 366

What does it mean to be a wife? How can we prepare well to be good wives? In a world where the world “wife” is displayed so differently depending on where we are turning to, it can be really confusing. Christian women who are planning to get married have desires to be a godly wife. But most of us don’t know how to prepare for that.  In this episode Amanda Taylor joins Dr. Kim to talk about preparing to be a wife. Tune in to learn how to prepare to be a wife!  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “When you prioritize your spouse over your children, you are modeling a healthy marriage for your kids.” - Dr. Kim “You have to depend on Jesus in order for your marriage to work.” - Amanda Taylor “Selfishness can wreak havoc on a marriage.” - Amanda Taylor “I think selfishness is the biggest problem we struggle with in life.” - Dr. Kim “Ask women whose marriages you admire for advice and wisdom.” - Amanda Taylor “The couples that I see that are doing well in their marriage are always working on their marriage.” - Dr. Kim “You can avoid a lot of potential trouble when you’re married if you lay a strong foundation when you’re engaged.” - Amanda Taylor “Putting your husband’s needs above your own can be so hard but it’s worth it.” - Amanda Taylor “Really think through your marriage vows and what they mean before you say them on your wedding day.” - Amanda Taylor SPONSORS Thank you to Plant Package for sponsoring this podcast episode! With Plant Package, the prep work of gardening is done for you. Plant Package is delivered straight to your door with easy instructions on how to plant your fun new plant that even someone with a black thumb could execute! Plant Package selects durable seasonal plants, an appropriate and stylish container, sends just the right amount of soil and plant food, and includes instructions for assembly and plant care. The Plants can thrive indoors or outdoors – the choice is yours! Use the code “awesome” to receive a FREE Starter Kit with your order. Starter kits include gardening gloves, a gardening shovel, and farm hand’s soap. Simply select “ADD STARTER KIT” and enter the code AWESOME on the payment checkout page.  RESOURCES You can snag our FREE Weekly Engaged Check Up Guide to help you practically keep the peace and keep your relationship good during your wedding planning.  Register and attend the Engaged Event in Oklahoma.  Need help building unity in your marriage? Snag our brand new resource Diary of An Awesome Marriage: The Couple’s Unity Building Journal today! This resource is a 23 page PDF, with 9 sections on common areas that marriages. Each section has questions for you to reflect on, pray about, answer, and then discuss with your spouse. Get closer by getting more unified on the things that matter! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now.   
10/8/201930 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Keeping the Peace During Wedding Planning Part 2 | Ep. 365

“Peace” and “wedding planning” may seem like 2 things that don’t go together. But we want to help you keep the peace during your wedding planning process. This is part 2 of a conversation with Dr. Kim & Amanda Taylor talking about all things wedding planning and how to do this well with your relationship intact and healthy ready to start your new marriage.  Amanda is the owner of Embellished Weddings here in Oklahoma City where she plans and coordinates weddings. Because Amanda has planned so many weddings, she has an up close look at couples during this time. I can’t for you to hear what she shares in this episode!  Tune in to learn how to keep the peace during wedding planning.  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Communicate and talk through expectations with your family about their level of involvement in your wedding.” - Amanda Taylor “A lot of problems related to family that come up in the wedding planning phase were already there before the couple was engaged.” - Dr. Kim “Know your future spouse and what level of input they want to have in the wedding planning process.” - Dr. Kim “Embrace who your future spouse is, their quirks, sense of humor, and personality, during the wedding planning process.” - Amanda Taylor “Set your wedding budget based on what is important to you as a couple and stick to it!” - Amanda Taylor “The amount of money spent on the wedding does not define what the wedding is going to be.” - Dr. Kim “Don’t go into debt for your wedding.” - Dr. Kim SPONSORS Thank you to Plant Package for sponsoring this podcast episode! With Plant Package, the prep work of gardening is done for you. Plant Package is delivered straight to your door with easy instructions on how to plant your fun new plant that even someone with a black thumb could execute! Plant Package selects durable seasonal plants, an appropriate and stylish container, sends just the right amount of soil and plant food, and includes instructions for assembly and plant care. The Plants can thrive indoors or outdoors – the choice is yours! Use the code “awesome” to receive a FREE Starter Kit with your order. Starter kits include gardening gloves, a gardening shovel, and farm hand’s soap. Simply select “ADD STARTER KIT” and enter the code AWESOME on the payment checkout page.  RESOURCES You can snag our FREE Weekly Engaged Check Up Guide to help you practically keep the peace and keep your relationship good during your wedding planning.  Register and attend the Engaged Event in Oklahoma.  Need help building unity in your marriage? Snag our brand new resource Diary of An Awesome Marriage: The Couple’s Unity Building Journal today! This resource is a 23 page PDF, with 9 sections on common areas that marriages. Each section has questions for you to reflect on, pray about, answer, and then discuss with your spouse. Get closer by getting more unified on the things that matter! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now. 
10/3/201936 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

Keeping the Peace During Wedding Planning Part 1 | Ep. 364

Weddings are a big deal and wedding planning can be extremely stressful. Tensions are high and family is involved and it seems like there are so many emotions and expectations that are swirling around. It’s enough to make you go crazy! And maybe some of us do just that - go a little crazy. Well we want to avoid the crazy as much as we can and learn to keep the peace during wedding planning.  In this episode Amanda Taylor joins Dr. Kim to talk about keeping the peace during wedding planning. Amanda is a return guest on the podcast. Amanda and Colby have been married for 12 years and have 6 beautiful children. Amanda is the owner of Embellished Weddings here in Oklahoma City where she plans and coordinates weddings. Because Amanda has planned so many weddings, she has an up close look at couples during this time.  Tune in to learn how to keep the peace during wedding planning.  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “The point of the wedding is the marriage.” -Amanda Taylor “I tell every couple right before their wedding to soak in these moments and remember that you’re marrying the person of your dreams.” - Amanda Taylor “Enjoy being engaged - don’t talk about your wedding every time you’re together.” - Amanda Taylor “It is possible to enjoy planning your wedding, it doesn’t have to be a stressful experience.” - Amanda Taylor “Don’t get so caught up in the wedding planning that you forget about who you’re engaged to.” - Amanda Taylor “There is a big difference between cold feet and a red flag.” - Dr. Kim SPONSORS Thank you to Plant Package for sponsoring this podcast episode! With Plant Package, the prep work of gardening is done for you. Plant Package is delivered straight to your door with easy instructions on how to plant your fun new plant that even someone with a black thumb could execute! Plant Package selects durable seasonal plants, an appropriate and stylish container, sends just the right amount of soil and plant food, and includes instructions for assembly and plant care. The Plants can thrive indoors or outdoors – the choice is yours! Use the code “awesome” to receive a FREE Starter Kit with your order. Starter kits include gardening gloves, a gardening shovel, and farm hand’s soap. Simply select “ADD STARTER KIT” and enter the code AWESOME on the payment checkout page.  RESOURCES You can snag our FREE Weekly Engaged Check Up Guide to help you practically keep the peace and keep your relationship good during your wedding planning.  Register and attend the Engaged Event in Oklahoma.  Need help building unity in your marriage? Snag our brand new resource Diary of An Awesome Marriage: The Couple’s Unity Building Journal today! This resource is a 23 page PDF, with 9 sections on common areas that marriages. Each section has questions for you to reflect on, pray about, answer, and then discuss with your spouse. Get closer by getting more unified on the things that matter! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now. 
10/1/201934 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Secrets Husbands Don't Tell Their Wives | Ep. 363

In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina share a dozen secrets husbands don’t tell their wives. We polled you guys on Instagram to get your real and honest answers and today we are sharing those secrets (anonymously). Some of these secrets might surprise you and I bet you’ll relate to some if not all of them! Our hope is that shedding light on these secrets will deepen your connection and that you and your spouse will have some real, honest conversations about this episode that will lead to more a more transparent friendship between you two.   Tune in to find out what husbands aren’t telling their wives!  RESOURCES This month’s resource at Awesome Marriage is ‘Every Moment Scripture For Your Marriage.’ This resource is a great way to speak God’s truth into your marriage, even in the midst of difficulties. Every Moment Scripture For Your Marriage’  is a 13 page PDF, with 12 bible verse cards & 12 marriage encouragement cards to help you prepare and face the storms that come your way in your marriage. Grab your resource here! Thank you for making the ministry possible!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Your sex life should be an ongoing process.” - Dr. Kim “Wives can work to be a safe place for your husband to talk about their insecurities with.” - Christina “Us guys are so much more sensitive than we want to let on.” - Dr. Kim “Don’t friend your exes on social media.” - Christina “Come clean sooner vs. later. One more day of lying is only going to make things worse.” - Christina  
9/26/201936 minutes, 21 seconds
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Secrets Wives Don't Tell Their Husbands | Ep. 362

Whether it’s an out right secret we don’t tell our husbands intentionally or it’s something we’d really like our husbands to know but we aren’t brave enough to say it or maybe we don’t know quite how to say it - many wives keep things from their husbands.  In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina share a dozen secrets wives don’t tell their husbands. We polled you guys on Instagram to get your real and honest answers and today we are sharing those secrets (anonymously). Some of these secrets might surprise you and many of these secrets may feel like we are reading your diary - we aren’t! You just aren’t alone in your secrets! Tune in to find out what wives aren’t telling their husbands!  RESOURCES Husbands - Snag the 21 Day Wife Appreciation Challenge here! This month’s resource at Awesome Marriage is ‘Every Moment Scripture For Your Marriage.’ This resource is a great way to speak God’s truth into your marriage, even in the midst of difficulties. Every Moment Scripture For Your Marriage’  is a 13 page PDF, with 12 bible verse cards & 12 marriage encouragement cards to help you prepare and face the storms that come your way in your marriage. Grab your resource here! Thank you for making the ministry possible!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.  NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “You may have to do some work on your marriage to get to where you’re totally transparent with each other.” - Dr. Kim “It’s our role as a husband to come alongside our wives.” - Dr. Kim “To the moms: it’s ok to tell your husband when you need a break from the kids.” - Christina “Husbands have a huge role in helping their wives know they are beautiful.” - Dr. Kim “As a couple, commit to transparency and honesty with each other.” - Dr. Kim
9/24/201951 minutes, 56 seconds
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When Worries Stress Your Marriage | Ep. 361

Worry is something that can put a real strain on your marriage. It’s hard when you are struggling with worry - it can rob your enjoyment at your job, in your marriage, your family life, and your day to day happiness. It’s also hard to support a spouse who is constantly worried. It can make you feel like it’s your fault and that your spouse isn’t happy with you and your marriage because worry is present.  In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about what to do when worry is stressing your marriage. They discuss practical tips on how to support your worried spouse as well as what to do if you are the one who struggles with worry in your marriage.  RESOURCES This month’s resource at Awesome Marriage is ‘Every Moment Scripture For Your Marriage.’ This resource is a great way to speak God’s truth into your marriage, even in the midst of difficulties. Every Moment Scripture For Your Marriage’  is a 13 page PDF, with 12 bible verse cards & 12 marriage encouragement cards to help you prepare and face the storms that come your way in your marriage. Grab your resource here! Thank you for making the ministry possible!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. 
9/19/201941 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Gracefully Growing Old Together | Ep. 360

Growing old together is the goal! If you want an awesome marriage, you want one that lasts the long haul! But growing old together comes with some unique challenges.  In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about those challenges and share practical tips on how to navigate them.  RESOURCES This month’s resource at Awesome Marriage is ‘Every Moment Scripture For Your Marriage.’ This resource is a great way to speak God’s truth into your marriage, even in the midst of difficulties. Every Moment Scripture For Your Marriage’  is a 13 page PDF, with 12 bible verse cards & 12 marriage encouragement cards to help you prepare and face the storms that come your way in your marriage. Grab your resource here! Thank you for making the ministry possible!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.   
9/17/201931 minutes, 3 seconds
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Celebrating Gender Differences In Your Marriage | Ep. 359

Men and women are different - by design. Many husbands struggle to understand their wives as women and many wives struggle to understand their husbands as men.  In this episode we take a practical look at some ways we can do a better job of understanding, balancing, and ultimately celebrating gender differences in marriage.  RESOURCES Check out Dr. Kim’s YouVersion Bible Reading Plans for men here and here! This month’s resource at Awesome Marriage is ‘Every Moment Scripture For Your Marriage.’ This resource is a great way to speak God’s truth into your marriage, even in the midst of difficulties. Every Moment Scripture For Your Marriage’  is a 13 page PDF, with 12 bible verse cards & 12 marriage encouragement cards to help you prepare and face the storms that come your way in your marriage. Grab your resource here! Thank you for making the ministry possible!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.   
9/12/201936 minutes, 21 seconds
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Cultivating A Kingdom Marriage | Ep. 358

God tells us to set our minds on things above, to pray with His Kingdom in mind, and to live as though our world isn’t our forever home - because it isn’t. But it can be so easy to get sucked into the world we are in now and what’s right in front of us.  In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about how to cultivate a kingdom marriage.  RESOURCES This month’s resource at Awesome Marriage is ‘Every Moment Scripture For Your Marriage.’ This resource is a great way to speak God’s truth into your marriage, even in the midst of difficulties. Every Moment Scripture For Your Marriage’  is a 13 page PDF, with 12 bible verse cards & 12 marriage encouragement cards to help you prepare and face the storms that come your way in your marriage. Grab your resource here! Thank you for making the ministry possible!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up to get Dr. Kim’s One Thing To Grow Your Marriage Each Day via email, text, or podcast here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.
9/10/201925 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Finding & Creating Joy In Your Marriage | Ep. 357

Marriage is hard and not always full of high peak moments that are fun. Marriage can and does feel laborious - maybe even full of drudgery. Maybe that’s you today. Maybe you feel like marriage is just burdensome.  Or maybe today your marriage doesn’t feel particularly hard, but it just feel mundane. Maybe you are lacking enjoyment in your marriage. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about how to find and create joy in your marriage.  RESOURCES Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now. 
9/5/201938 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Is The First Year Of Marriage The Hardest? | Ep. 356

So many people will warn you to “stick out” that first year of marriage because it’s going to be rough. But is that true? Is the first year of marriage the hardest?  In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about the first year of marriage and what they learned in their first year of their own marriages.  RESOURCES You can snag our Weekly Marriage Check Up Guide for free here!  Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.   
9/3/201941 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

I Saw You Looking At Them | Ep. 355

Do you struggle with jealousy in marriage? In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about the super awkward and hurtful “I saw you looking at them” issue in marriage. They share about how the enemy tries to steal your joy by telling you lies and how God can help you restore your joy. As well as give some practical advice for if this is a real actual issue in your marriage.  SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order through the month of August only.  RESOURCES Spice things up in the bedroom with Awesome Marriage’s  ‘Sexy Games - Sexy Spin the Bottle and Steamy Match Game’! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.
8/29/201933 minutes
Episode Artwork

How To Be A Great Husband Even When You're Really Busy | Ep. 354

In this episode Dr. Kim has his good friend Pastor Colby Taylor with him. Colby has been on the show before with his wife Amanda, and he was on a few weeks ago for our Mancasts (which you should go listen to if you haven’t already!).  In this episode they discuss how to be a great husband even when you’re really busy. This is a tension we hear all the time in the counseling room. “I want to be a good husband, but I’m stretched so thin, we’re so busy. How can I make time for this?”  Colby is the Host Team Pastor at Life.Church and has a ton of responsibilities there, he also leads the Engaged Event efforts alongside his wife Amanda, he supports her in her career at Embellished Weddings, and he has 6 children. And yet he is an incredible father and husband.  SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order through the month of August only.  RESOURCES Spice things up in the bedroom with Awesome Marriage’s  ‘Sexy Games - Sexy Spin the Bottle and Steamy Match Game’! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.   
8/27/201922 minutes, 21 seconds
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Fighting In Front Of The Kids: The Balance | Ep. 353

No one wants to be the couple that’s always fighting in front of the kids. We’ve all heard stories of grown children not wanting to get married because all their parents ever did was fight. But I’m sure you’ve also heard stories of people whose parents “never” fought and how that set them up from some really unrealistic expectations in their own marriage.  So what’s the balance? That’s what Dr. Kim & Christina discuss in today’s episode!     SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order through the month of August only.  RESOURCES Spice things up in the bedroom with Awesome Marriage’s  ‘Sexy Games - Sexy Spin the Bottle and Steamy Match Game’! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. 
8/22/201934 minutes, 40 seconds
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Fighting Styles | Ep. 352

In Dr. Kim’s counseling practice he sees 4 main fighting styles amongst married couples. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina discuss those 4 fighting styles and how to say “no” to fighting and say “yes” to healthy conflict resolution.  SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order through the month of August only.  RESOURCES Spice things up in the bedroom with Awesome Marriage’s  ‘Sexy Games - Sexy Spin the Bottle and Steamy Match Game’! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.   
8/20/201939 minutes, 12 seconds
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MANCAST Game Changer: Priority - Keeping God #1 And Her #2 | Ep. 351

Today is our LAST mancast of the week. Today Dr. Kim has, yet another, godly man sharing with you today.  Colby Taylor is back on the podcast for this mancast. Colby Taylor is the Host Team Pastor at Life.Church, husband to our good friend and owner of Embellished Weddings - Amanda, and father to 6 amazing kids.  In this episode Dr. Kim & Colby talk all about priorities.    SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order through the month of August only.  RESOURCES Check out everydayvows on Instagram today for more great insights on marriage! If you know anyone who is engaged - send them over to get signed up for the Oct 2019 Engaged Event asap!  You can follow Colby on Instagram, and Facebook. Spice things up in the bedroom with Awesome Marriage’s  ‘Sexy Games - Sexy Spin the Bottle and Steamy Match Game’! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now. 
8/16/201931 minutes, 31 seconds
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MANCAST Game Changer: Communication - Finally Getting This Right | Ep. 350

This week on the podcast we are doing a MAN WEEK and having a “mancast” episode every day this week. In each episode Dr. Kim will be chatting with a different godly man. These shows are going to be a really awesome. So men - listen up! And ladies - don’t tune out because you need to hear these too. In this episode Justin Khoe joins Dr. Kim. Justin is “THAT Christian Vlogger” on YouTube. He is a great guy starting all kinds of wonderful conversations about faith and walking with God over on his YouTube Channel. In this episode Dr. Kim & Justin talk all about communication and how to “get it right.”  SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order through the month of August only.  RESOURCES Check out Justin’s YouTube Channel today!  You can follow Justin on Instagram, and Facebook, and Twitter.  Spice things up in the bedroom with Awesome Marriage’s  ‘Sexy Games - Sexy Spin the Bottle and Steamy Match Game’! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now. 
8/15/201942 minutes, 26 seconds
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MANCAST Game Changer: Leading - What That Really Means | Ep. 349

This week on the podcast we are doing a MAN WEEK and having a “mancast” episode every day this week. In each episode Dr. Kim will be chatting with a different godly man. These shows will be helpful for men and women alike though so everyone tune in!  In today’s mancast, Dylan Dodson joins Dr. Kim. Dylan is husband to Christina (our co-host!) who you are all super familiar with. He is also the Lead Pastor of New City Church in Raleigh NC.  In this episode Dylan & Christina talk all about leading and what it really means.  SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order through the month of August only.  RESOURCES Read and learn more from Dylan on his blog.  You can check out the Dylan Dodson Leadership Podcast today for more great insights by Dylan.  You can follow Dylan on Instagram, and Facebook, and Twitter.  If you are interested in church planting or learning more about church planting Dylan runs Practical Church Planting. Check it out today!  Spice things up in the bedroom with Awesome Marriage’s  ‘Sexy Games - Sexy Spin the Bottle and Steamy Match Game’! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now.   
8/14/201948 minutes, 37 seconds
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MANCAST Game Changer: Sex - More Than The Act | Ep. 348

This week on the podcast we are doing a MAN WEEK and having a “mancast” episode every day this week. In each episode Dr. Kim will be chatting with a different godly man. In today’s episode Christian Zamora joins Dr. Kim as they talk all about sex. Christian was on the podcast with Dr. Kim last month talking about how to be a godly husband.  SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order through the month of August only.  RESOURCES Spice things up in the bedroom with Awesome Marriage’s  ‘Sexy Games - Sexy Spin the Bottle and Steamy Match Game’! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now. 
8/13/201959 minutes, 26 seconds
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MANCAST Game Changer: Pursuit - Being Romeo To Your Juliet | Ep. 347

This week on the podcast we are doing a MAN WEEK and having a “mancast” episode every day this week. In each episode Dr. Kim will be chatting with a different godly man. These shows are going to be a really awesome. So men - listen up! And ladies - don’t tune out because you need to hear these too. For our very first mancast, Dr. Kim is honored to have Jim Burns with him. Jim is an author and speaker and he runs the HomeWord podcast. Dr. Kim & Jim talk about pursuit in marriage and what it looks like for godly men to pursue our wives.  SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order through the month of August only.  RESOURCES Read and learn more from Jim at HomeWord!  You can follow Jim on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.  Spice things up in the bedroom with Awesome Marriage’s  ‘Sexy Games - Sexy Spin the Bottle and Steamy Match Game’! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now. 
8/12/201943 minutes, 7 seconds
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Assertiveness In Marriage: How Far Is Too Far? | Ep. 346

Is it good to be assertive in marriage? Is it bad? How far is too far?  In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk all about assertiveness and it’s place in marriage.   SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order through the month of August only.  RESOURCES Spice things up in the bedroom with Awesome Marriage’s  ‘Sexy Games - Sexy Spin the Bottle and Steamy Match Game’! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now. 
8/8/201922 minutes, 47 seconds
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Marriage Counseling Deets: What It Looks Like | Ep. 345

We are seeing more and more couples open to counseling which is amazing! But what many couples who haven’t taken the plunge yet - what they want to know is: what will counseling look like?  In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina give you the counseling deets!    SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order through the month of August only.  RESOURCES Bring the heat to your bedroom this summer with Awesome Marriage’s  ‘Sexy Games - Sexy Spin the Bottle and Steamy Match Game’! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. 
8/6/201943 minutes, 7 seconds
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Bad Job, Good Spouse | Ep. 344

If you or your spouse has a crummy job or a job that leaves you not feeling like your best self, today’s episode is for you!  In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about the stressors bad jobs cause on marriages and how to navigate this with your marriage intact if this is your story.  SPONSORS Thank you to Honoring Intimates for sponsoring this podcast episode! Honoring Intimates is a safe place for believers to learn about marital sex and shop for the highest quality lubricant, lotions, and lingerie items at reasonable prices. There are no inappropriate images on the site and the company uses mannequins to display their lingerie. Use the code “AWESOMEMARRIAGE” to receive 20% off your entire order through the month of August only.  RESOURCES Encourage your husband with the 21 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge Encourage your wife with the 21 Day Wife Appreciation Challenge.  Turn it up this summer, with your spouse, while playing Awesome Marriage’s  ‘Sexy Games - Sexy Spin the Bottle and Steamy Match Game’! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here!  Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now.   
8/1/201936 minutes, 15 seconds
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When Work Steals Your Marriage | Ep. 343

Do you feel like your spouse is married to their work and not to you? You aren’t alone! In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about what to do when work steals your marriage! SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! RESOURCES Snag the Weekly Marriage Check Up Guide PDF for free here. Check out Awesome Marriage’s ‘Date Design - Welcome To Paradise’ Resource for a romantic summer date night in! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.
7/30/201930 minutes, 41 seconds
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Loving Your Spouse In Parenting | Ep. 342

Sometimes we get so caught up in the tasks and responsibilities of parenting that we neglect our marriage and our spouse. But what many of us don’t realize is, we can invest in our marriage through parenting, by loving our spouse as they parent. We can look at this like an opportunity instead of viewing parenting as something that takes away from our marriage. Children are blessings and God didn’t design them to distract you from your marriage, the family unit is God’s good design and we can all grow in love as we do family life together. One key to that is loving and appreciating the role our spouse plays a mother or father. In today’s episode Dr. Kim & Christina discuss how to love your spouse in their parenting role. Tune in to learn more! SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! RESOURCES Check out Awesome Marriage’s ‘Date Design - Welcome To Paradise’ Resource for a romantic summer date night in! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.  
7/25/201930 minutes, 58 seconds
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Parenting On The Same Team | Ep. 341

Parenting is hard work and can cause extra stress on your marriage. Many of couple’s conflicts surround or involve the children in one way or another. Parenting on the same team helps eliminate some of that stress and is just overall a better and more effective way of parenting. But what does it look like to parent on the same team? How can we practically do this well? That’s what Dr. Kim & Christina discuss in today’s episode. RESOURCES Check out Awesome Marriage’s ‘Date Design - Welcome To Paradise’ Resource for a romantic summer date night in! Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.
7/23/201943 minutes, 20 seconds
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5 Ways to Affair Proof Your Marriage Part 2 | Ep. 340

Today’s episode is a continuation of our last episode. Dr. Kim and Christina share practical tips on how to protect your marriage from an affair. Tune in to hear the final 3 ways to affair proof your marriage! SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! RESOURCES Check out Awesome Marriage’s ‘Date Design - Welcome To Paradise’ Resource for a romantic summer date night in! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!  
7/18/201941 minutes, 15 seconds
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5 Ways to Affair Proof Your Marriage Part 1 | Ep. 339

  This week on the podcast we are going to be talking about ways to affair proof your marriage. It’s scary how quickly you can fall into an affair. If you are doing anything to protect your marriage from an affair, you’re leaving yourself way to open to destruction. It’s important to be on guard in this area - our marriage is worth it! Tune in to hear how to affair proof your marriage! SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! RESOURCES Snag the Weekly Marriage Check Up Guide PDF for free here. Donate to receive our House Prayer Cards. Check out Awesome Marriage’s ‘Date Design - Welcome To Paradise’ Resource for a romantic summer date night in! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!  
7/16/201947 minutes, 19 seconds
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Motherhood Requires Grit and Grace | Ep. 338

Today on the podcast special guests Suzanne Gosselin & Gretta Kennedy join Dr. Kim. Suzanne & Gretta are the authors of Grit & Grace: Devotions for Warrior Moms. In this episode they about their devotional and share some encouragement for all the Moms out there. We are excited to have these women share today because we know so many of you listeners are Moms, or want to be a Mom one day, or are married to Mom. So fellas - don’t tune out! Trust us. Be a student of your wife if she’s a Mom by tuning into this podcast today and learning more about what she may be struggling with. Tune in to hear more about the grit and grace of motherhood! SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! RESOURCES Order Grit & Grace today HERE! Check out Awesome Marriage’s ‘Date Design - Welcome To Paradise’ Resource for a romantic summer date night in! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!  
7/11/201947 minutes, 12 seconds
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How To Be A Godly Husband: Living It Out In Everyday Life | Ep. 337

Today on the podcast Christian Zamora joins Dr. Kim.   Christian is helping men find support and encouragement through weekly YouVersion Plans. Here at Awesome Marriage we are a big fan of YouVersion and a big fan of anyone who is trying to encourage men to be Godly leaders. We have been following Christian over on Instagram at liveheroic and you should too! We love what he is doing.   In this episode Christian and Dr. Kim talk about what it means to be a godly husband and what it looks like to practically lead our families well.   Tune in to hear real, practical advice on how to lead well in your home! SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! RESOURCES Check out what Christian is doing over on Instagram today! Follow him at @liveheroic Check out Awesome Marriage’s ‘Date Design - Welcome To Paradise’ Resource for a romantic summer date night in! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!  
7/9/201944 minutes, 19 seconds
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Working It Out: Keys to Resolving Conflict | Ep. 336

Conflict is the hard and messy part of marriage. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about how to work it out. How to resolve conflict the healthy way. Tune in to learn more! SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! RESOURCES Snag the Weekly Marriage Check Up Guide PDF for free here. Check out 5 Keys To Resolving Conflict here. Check out Awesome Marriage’s ‘Date Design - Welcome To Paradise’ Resource for a romantic summer date night in! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!
7/4/201935 minutes, 26 seconds
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Checking In So You Don’t Check Out: How To Prevent Conflict in Marriage | Ep. 335

In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about how to prevent conflict in marriage before it even starts. Conflict is inevitable so we aren’t saying you can have a conflict free marriage, but there are ways to have less conflict in marriage. Tune in to learn more! SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! RESOURCES Snag the Weekly Marriage Check Up Guide PDF for free here. Check out 5 Keys To Resolving Conflict here. Check out Awesome Marriage’s ‘Date Design - Welcome To Paradise’ Resource for a romantic summer date night in! Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!  
7/2/201928 minutes, 9 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Letting Go of the Past & Creating a New Life: Second Marriage

Here at Awesome Marriage, our hope is that every first marriage would work out and thrive and we believe this is God’s design. But we know divorce happens and we have seen couples who commit to Christ have God-honoring, thriving second marriages. The ministry of Awesome Marriage is for all couples who want to have an awesome marriage by submitting themselves to God and this certainly includes couples who are in a second marriage. We are here for the marriage you are in now to help you make it thrive and honor God. Many times, second marriages can be complicated and come with baggage. But there are practical things you can do to help your second marriage thrive. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk specifically about: letting go of the past and creating your new life together. Tune in to learn more! RESOURCES Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here! This month our marriage resource is our House Prayer Cards we released last year. Use mundane moments for Godly purpose in your marriage with these House Prayer Cards. Learn more here!
6/29/201927 minutes, 41 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Ask Dr. Kim- My husband isn’t open to counseling, but I think we need it. What do I do?

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: My husband isn’t open to counseling, but I think we need it. What do I do? Tune in to find out! RESOURCES Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here! This month our marriage resource is our House Prayer Cards we released last year. Use mundane moments for Godly purpose in your marriage with these House Prayer Cards. Learn more here!  
6/22/201915 minutes
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Best of Podcast: Autism & Determined Parenting - Interview with Karla Akin

In this episode on the podcast we welcome special guest Karla Akin. Karla is an author and speaker. Karla is the mother of five, including twin sons with autism. She has a bachelor’s in special education from Western Governors University and a doctorate in Christian education from Kingsway Theological Seminary. She has nearly four decades of teaching experience in homeschooling, private school and public education. Karla joins Dr. Kim to talk about her most recent book A Pair of Miracles: A Story of Autism, Faith, and Determined Parenting and her story of triumphs and mistakes as she walked alongside her autistic sons. This book is a powerful tool for any parent of a child with autism.   Tune in to learn more about autism and determined parenting! RESOURCES You can find more from Karla on her website here.   Purchase Karla’s book here. Follow Karla on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. This month our marriage resource is our House Prayer Cards we released last year. Use mundane moments for Godly purpose in your marriage with these House Prayer Cards. Learn more here!  
6/15/201955 minutes, 26 seconds
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Oneness and Spiritual Intimacy In Sex | Ep. 334

We can’t neglect the spiritual side of sex in marriage.   “Oneness” is a foreign concept to many and one that’s difficult to explain. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina share about what they have learned about oneness and give a picture of God’s good purpose for it in marriage. RESOURCES Improving Sexual Intimacy - 3 Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan by Dr. Kim Awesome Sex: God’s Design by Dr. Kim ebook or paperback. A Celebration of Sex: A Guide to Enjoying God's Gift of Sexual Intimacy Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! This month our marriage resource is our House Prayer Cards we released last year. Use mundane moments for Godly purpose in your marriage with these House Prayer Cards. Learn more here!
6/13/201924 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sex: Embracing The Differences | Ep. 333

Men and women are different, by design. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk all about how men and women are different sexually and how we can embrace those differences to have great sex in marriage. RESOURCES Improving Sexual Intimacy - 3 Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan by Dr. Kim Awesome Sex: God’s Design by Dr. Kim ebook or paperback. A Celebration of Sex: A Guide to Enjoying God's Gift of Sexual Intimacy Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! This month our marriage resource is our House Prayer Cards we released last year. Use mundane moments for Godly purpose in your marriage with these House Prayer Cards. Learn more here!
6/11/201944 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Best of Podcast: How to Support a Friend Going Through Divorce

Do you have a friend that is going through a divorce? Unfortunately, when looking at the statistics - we all do! We want to provide some gospel-centered wisdom for how to deal with divorce. Divorce is hard. And as a Christian, it’s hard to know how to approach divorce when our friends go through it. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina share practical advice and real stories about how to support a friend going through divorce. Tune in to learn more about how to support a friend going through divorce. RESOURCES Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here! This month our marriage resource is our House Prayer Cards we released last year. Use mundane moments for Godly purpose in your marriage with these House Prayer Cards. Learn more here!
6/8/201927 minutes, 8 seconds
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Dealing With A Monster Mother In Law | Ep. 332

We’ve all heard the awful mother in law stories and we’ve all hoped that wouldn’t be our story with our mother-in-law. But the reality is, most women struggle in one way or another with their mother-in-law and many men do as well. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk all about all things mother-in-law and how, as much as it depends on us, we can promote a healthy relationship with our mother-in-laws. RESOURCES Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet - what are you waiting for? Order here now. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! This month our marriage resource is our House Prayer Cards we released last year. Use mundane moments for Godly purpose in your marriage with these House Prayer Cards. Learn more here!
6/6/201929 minutes, 29 seconds
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What Do I Owe My In Laws? | Ep. 331

The in-law relationship is often a strained one. What is required of us, according to God, of us as daughter-in-laws and son-in-laws? In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk all about what do we owe our in laws and how this relationship, as much as it depends on us, can be healthy. RESOURCES Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a earlier this year. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet - what are you waiting for? Order here now. Become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here!   Check out the Awesome Marriage App today! Search “Awesome Marriage” in your App store.   This month our marriage resource is our House Prayer Cards we released last year. Use mundane moments for Godly purpose in your marriage with these House Prayer Cards. Learn more here!  
6/4/201941 minutes, 33 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Helping Your Kids Through Your Divorce

We want to provide some gospel-centered wisdom for how to deal with it if it comes your way and you can’t avoid it. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk specifically about: helping your kids through your divorce. They share practical advice and real stories about divorce to help parents help their kids cope with their divorce. Tune in to learn more about helping your kids through your divorce. RESOURCES Sign up for the One Thing Email Here or the One Thing Text Service Here! This month our marriage resource is our House Prayer Cards we released last year. Use mundane moments for Godly purpose in your marriage with these House Prayer Cards. Learn more here!  
6/1/201929 minutes, 53 seconds
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Separation Doesn’t Have To Mean The End Of A Marriage | Ep. 330

When you hear separation you think divorce. But it doesn’t have to be this way! You can fight for your marriage during separation. Today on the podcast author Linda Rooks joins Dr. Kim. Linda has walked the road of separation and came out on the other side not only married but thriving. Her and husband have been married for over 40 years and together they lead a crisis marriage class in Central Florida. In this episode Dr. Kim & Linda talk all about her story and give practical tips to those who are walking through the heartache of separation. They share what it looks like to do separation right and to fight for your marriage regardless of the situation. RESOURCES Order Linda’s book Fighting For Your Marriage While Separated: A Practical Guide For The Brokenhearted today! Check out the 1 Thing Podcast With Dr. Kim Kimberling here or search for it anywhere you listen to podcasts! Check out the Awesome Marriage App today by searching “Awesome Marriage” in your app store!
5/28/201943 minutes, 7 seconds
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Best of Podcast: How to Have a Great Family Trip

Sometimes family trips can be more stressful than fun and that’s always a huge bummer when that happens. But what can we do to decrease the stress and increase the fun? In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina discuss practical ways to have a great family trip filled with quality time and memories that will last a lifetime. Tune in to learn more about how to have a great family trip!    
5/25/201921 minutes, 46 seconds
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Addressing Marriage Red Flags In Your Friends | Ep. 329

Speaking the truth in love to our friends can be so difficult. I’m sure most of us cringe just thinking about it. But as Christ-followers we really are called to deep community and speaking the truth in love. We have to push past the surface and get to the raw stuff which also means we get to the messy sin stuff too. We have to be willing to help each other out where we can, which means addressing hard stuff when we see it. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk all about that, about the tough part of friendship with other couples: addressing marriage red flags in your friends. RESOURCES Check out the 1 Thing Podcast With Dr. Kim Kimberling here or search for it anywhere you listen to podcasts! Check out the Awesome Marriage App today by searching “Awesome Marriage” in your app store! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a few months ago. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. Check out the Awesome Marriage App today! Search “Awesome Marriage” in your App store.
5/23/201928 minutes, 55 seconds
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Helping a Friend In Marriage Crisis | Ep. 328

When your marriage is hurting, your whole life is hurting. It affects every area of your life. It can be hard to know how to support and help a friend through a marriage crisis. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina some tips on how to be a good friend to your friend who needs it most, your friend in marriage crisis. RESOURCES Check out the 1 Thing Podcast With Dr. Kim Kimberling here or search for it anywhere you listen to podcasts! Hope Restored Marriage Intensive Check out the Awesome Marriage App today by searching “Awesome Marriage” in your app store! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a few months ago. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. Check out the Awesome Marriage App today! Search “Awesome Marriage” in your App store.  
5/21/201931 minutes, 34 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Protecting Your Marriage From An Emotional Affair

Is your marriage at risk to an emotional affair online? Because technology and the internet are so infused in our daily lives, we have to put smart boundaries in place to guard our marriages from the temptations it poses. One of the biggest temptations being: starting up an emotional affair. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina discuss protecting your marriage from emotional affairs online. Tune in to learn more about how to protect your marriage from this!  
5/18/201933 minutes, 19 seconds
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Goodnights & Not Going To Bed Angry | Ep. 327

Just like the beginning of your day, and the first time seeing each other after work is important because it sets the stage. Your interactions before bed are also very important. We’ve all done it - gone to bed angry. And it’s not a lot of fun! But is it necessary sometimes? In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina share some goodnight tips and also answer the question: is it okay to go to bed angry? RESOURCES Don’t Go To Bed Angry by Deb DeArmond 5 Steps to Resolving Conflict PDF Check out the Awesome Marriage App today by searching “Awesome Marriage” in your app store! If you aren’t signed up for our One Thing email do so today! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a few months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. Check out the Awesome Marriage App today! Search “Awesome Marriage” in your App store.  
5/16/201922 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Transition From Work To Home | Ep. 326

So many couples struggle with that first 30 minutes or hour after coming home from work. Miscommunication happens, expectations aren’t met, one or both are stressed and wanting different things. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina have a few tips to help the transition from work life to home life each day go smoother for everyone involved.   RESOURCES Check out the Awesome Marriage App today by searching “Awesome Marriage” in your app store! If you aren’t signed up for our One Thing email do so today! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a few months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.
5/14/201930 minutes, 10 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Family Speaking Negatively About Your Spouse

Having a family member that speaks poorly of your spouse can be very dangerous and put a strain on your marriage. It can be difficult to know how to deal with this family issue. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina discuss this issue and how to deal with it. Tune in to learn more!  
5/11/201931 minutes, 47 seconds
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Surviving a Financial Crisis | Ep. 325

Many couples find themselves in major debt or hit a road block due to job loss or other financial burden that puts them in crisis mode. Many marriages struggle to survive a financial crisis. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about what to do if you find yourself there and ways to keep your marriage strong so that you grow through it and battle it together. RESOURCES Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a few months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. Check out the Awesome Marriage App today! Search “Awesome Marriage” in your App store.  
5/9/201922 minutes, 27 seconds
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A Word On Giving | Ep. 324

Do you give as a couple? Have you ever argued in marriage about how much to give or whether or not to give to something? As Christ Followers and church goers a lot of us have questions about giving. Giving and the concept of giving money to the church can put strain on a marriage if you aren’t on the same page. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about giving as a couple. What it can look like. Why we should do it. And what to do if you’re not on the same page.   SPONSORS Thank you to PrepDish for sponsoring this podcast episode! Prep Dish is a healthy meal planning service. When you sign up, you’ll receive an email every week with a done-for-you grocery list and instructions for prepping your meals ahead of time. You’ll do your chopping and mixing ahead, and then come dinner time you just put it all together - without the guesswork. You’ll save time and have delicious meals. PrepDish is offering our listeners (THAT’S YOU!) a FREE 2-week trial to try it out. Two weeks of meal planning done for you for FREE. Check out for this amazing deal! RESOURCES You can donate to Awesome Marriage here. You can also plan to give $10 a month and become a Marriage Changer and receive some sweet exclusive benefits. Learn more here! Check out the Awesome Marriage App today! Search “Awesome Marriage” in your App store. Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a few months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.  
5/7/201934 minutes, 4 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Leaving and Cleaving Defined

What exactly does it mean to leave and cleave in a marriage? Why does God call us to do this? In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina discuss what it means to leave and cleave and the importance of it in order to have a healthy, thriving marriage that God intended. Tune in to learn more about how to leave and cleave!  
5/4/201938 minutes, 45 seconds
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Mended: One Couple’s Journey From Betrayal To Imperfect Beauty | Ep. 323

In this episode Rick & Tiffany Bulman join Dr. Kim to share their story and talk about their new book Mended. Mended is a test-turned-testimony of what it is to be broken beyond repair by the ultimate betrayal and rebuilt again by God’s mighty, merciful hand. In this book you are not left with just a sad tale of a pastor’s family crisis that ended well, but with practical ways any couple could grow together and remain emotionally connected. We know so many couples have had to walk through an affair, whether emotional or physical, and those who haven’t need tools to protect their marriage from it, so we pray Rick & Tiffany’s story helps bring healing for you.   SPONSORS Check out Marriage Talk Ministries Radio today for more insights on marriage!   RESOURCES You can order Rick & Tiffany’s book here. Check out the Awesome Marriage App today! Search “Awesome Marriage” in your App store. Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a few months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.
5/2/201953 minutes, 13 seconds
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Solo on a Tandem Bicycle - Hope When Your Spouse Is Depressed | Ep. 322

Is depression affecting your marriage? In this episode Craig Cato joins Dr. Kim to talk about hope when your spouse is depressed. Craig is a counselor and as well as author of Solo on a Tandem Bicycle - Hope When Your Spouse Is Depressed. This book is a survival guide for when depression enters a marriage and family, and it’s coming from someone who has walked down that road. Tune in to learn more about what to do when depression invades your marriage. RESOURCES You can order Craig’s book here. Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a few months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! We are loving our Groove Rings and we know you will too!  
4/30/201940 minutes, 5 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Protecting Your Marriage From the Woes of Comparison Online

We’ve all dealt with comparison online and the angst that it can bring. But is social media and other online comparison affecting your marriage? Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss protecting your marriage from the woes of comparison online. Tune in to learn more about how to protect your marriage from this and the trouble it can bring!    
4/27/201931 minutes, 41 seconds
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Can We Use Sex Toys? | Ep. 321

So many couples want to know: can we use sex toys? Is it sinful? Is it harmful? In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk all things sex toys. Tune in to hear more! RESOURCES Awesome Sex: God’s Design Mini Ebook Awesome Sex: God’s Design Mini Book Paperback Become a Marriage Changer today! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a few months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! We are loving our Groove Rings and we know you will too!
4/25/201928 minutes, 24 seconds
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Making Your Spouse Comfortable in the Bedroom | Ep. 320

So many of us don’t feel totally comfortable with sex and intimacy and all that it entails to get there like taking our clothes off and being vulnerable during foreplay, sex, and an orgasm. But getting totally comfortable in the bedroom with your spouse is a great goal to have! It is a gift that keeps on giving! In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk all about how to have great sex in marriage by making your spouse feel comfortable in the bedroom. RESOURCES Awesome Sex: God’s Design Mini Ebook Awesome Sex: God’s Design Mini Book Paperback Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a few months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! We are loving our Groove Rings and we know you will too!
4/23/201933 minutes, 4 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Ask Dr. Kim: How can we keep the romance alive during the season of having little kids in the house?

In this episode, we are re-airing an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How can we keep the romance alive during the season of having little kids in the house? We are featuring it again to provide practical help for couples in this season of life.   Tune in to learn more!  
4/20/201920 minutes, 7 seconds
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Man Colds and Hand Bells: Our Spouse Turned Patient | Ep. 319

Man colds, are they real? How can you handle a man cold in your home? How should caring for your sick spouse look? So many couples argue when they are sick and have unmet expectations when it comes to how their spouse should care for them. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about what it looks like when our spouse is sick and what we can do to handle minor sickness well in our homes. RESOURCES Become a Marriage Changer today! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a few months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! We are loving our Groove Rings and we know you will too!  
4/18/201932 minutes, 30 seconds
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Helping Carry Your Spouse’s Load | Ep. 318

Are you helping carrying your spouse’s load? Are you sure you know the load your spouse is carrying? In marriage you want to be there for each other and help each other, that’s what life partners are for. But for many of us, we don’t know exactly how to do that. We aren’t helping carry our spouse’s load largely because we don’t know how. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about ways you can better be there for your spouse and help carry the load they are carrying. RESOURCES Weekly Marriage Check Up Guide Become a Marriage Changer today! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a few months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! We are loving our Groove Rings and we know you will too!
4/16/201925 minutes, 53 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Winning the Worry Battle - Interview with Barb Roose

Today’s podcast features special guest Barb Roose. Barb is an author and speaker who is passionate about connecting women to one another and to God. Barb joins Dr. Kim as they talk about Barb’s most recent book Winning the Worry Battle: Life Lessons from the Book of Joshua is helping people win the battle over their worries. If you have ever been stressed out about something you can’t control- than this episode is for you! We are featuring this episode again as Barb gives real tools to dealing with worry, which are so helpful for so many of us. Tune in to this Best of Podcast episode to learn more about winning the worry battle!
4/13/201927 minutes, 36 seconds
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4 Things That Are Working In Modern Marriages Part 2 | Ep. 317

There are lots of good things to be said about modern marriages! This week Dr. Kim and Christina share about the 4 main things that they see in modern marriages that are really working! Tune in to hear the last 2 awesome things that we are seeing in modern marriages! RESOURCES 10 Things To Do Before You Get A Divorce PrepDish - Click here for a FREE 2 week trial! You don’t have anything to lose! InstaCart - Use the promo code: “CDODSON1BA16A1D5” for $10 off your first order (code is a limited supply - first come first serve. If the code isn’t working it’s because the limit has been used.) Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a few months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.  
4/11/201930 minutes, 21 seconds
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4 Things That Are Working In Modern Marriages Part 1 | Ep. 316

Last week on the podcast Dr. Kim & Christina talked about 4 things that are scaring them about modern marriages. They talked about how to avoid these trends that could hurt your marriages. But there are lots of good things to be said about modern marriages! So this week Dr. Kim and Christina share about the 4 main things that they see in modern marriages that are really working! Tune in to hear the first 2 awesome things that we are seeing in modern marriages! RESOURCES A Celebration of Sex: A Guide to Enjoying God's Gift of Sexual Intimacy Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a few months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. SPONSORS Thank you to PrepDish for sponsoring this podcast episode! Prep Dish is a healthy meal planning service. When you sign up, you’ll receive an email every week with a done-for-you grocery list and instructions for prepping your meals ahead of time. You’ll do your chopping and mixing ahead, and then come dinner time you just put it all together - without the guesswork. You’ll save time and have delicious meals. PrepDish is offering our listeners (THAT’S YOU!) a FREE 2-week trial to try it out. Two weeks of meal planning done for you for FREE. Check out for this amazing deal!  
4/9/201930 minutes, 59 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Going Through Divorce Gracefully

This is a best-of-podcast replay we are airing again to help couples going through divorce. Here at Awesome Marriage we want every marriage to work and believe God can restore any marriage. But the ugly truth is, divorce happens. God hates divorce, he doesn’t hate divorced people. Although we don’t support divorce, we want to provide some gospel-centered wisdom for how to deal with it if it comes your way and you can’t avoid it. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk specifically about going through divorce gracefully. Tune in to this Best of Podcast to learn more about how to handle divorce with grace in mind!  
4/6/201919 minutes, 8 seconds
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4 Things That Scare Me About Modern Marriages Part 2 | Ep. 315

This episode is a continuation of 4 Thing That Scare Me About Modern Marriages Part 1. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about the final 2 scary trends they see in modern marriages. Their goal is not to make fun of couples who are doing these things, but rather to point out some potential flaws in these trends and provide a different way to look at them. They aim to give you tools to have an awesome marriage! Tune in to learn more! RESOURCES Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a few months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. SPONSORS Check out the Tales of Moxie Podcast today!
4/4/201938 minutes, 48 seconds
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4 Things That Scare Me About Modern Marriages Part 1 | Ep. 314

Modern marriages are much different than marriages were 50 years ago. Our daily lives our different, roles are different, hobbies are different, and the way we think about marriage and life is much different than it was 50 years ago. This week on the podcast Dr. Kim & Christina are sharing 4 main things that are scaring them about modern marriages and what we can do to avoid these trends that could hurt our marriages. In this episode they talk about the first 2 scary trends they see in modern marriages. Their goal is not to make fun of couples who are doing these things, but rather to point out some potential flaws in these trends and provide a different way to look at them. They aim to give you tools to have an awesome marriage! Tune in to learn more! RESOURCES In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talked specifically about engagement, you can help prepare for an awesome marriage by taking Dr. Kim’s online premarital course. Check it out here! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out a few months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now. SPONSORS Check out the Tales of Moxie Podcast today!
4/2/201930 minutes, 40 seconds
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Best of Podcast: How to Affirm Your Husband

Wives - are your words building your husband up? Do you know what your husband needs to hear? This podcast aired last year, and we are highlighting it again because of the great response we saw from it the first time. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina give practical tips and talk about the different ways men need to be affirmed by their wives. Tune in to learn more!
3/30/201915 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: Waiting to have sex before marriage scares me. What do I do? | Ep. 313

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Waiting to have sex before marriage scares me. What do I do? Tune in to find out! RESOURCES Become a Marriage Changer today to support Awesome Marriage and receive exclusive benefits! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out 2 months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.  
3/28/201918 minutes, 50 seconds
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Sharing The Gospel With Your Neighbors, Together | Ep. 312

Does the thought of sharing the gospel scare you? Do you feel ill equipped or does the concept altogether just seem foreign to you? In today’s podcast episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about how to share the gospel with your neighbors, together as a married couple. You’ll be surprised how easy this can be and how much your faith will grow and your marriage will flourish when you take the time to be intentional about sharing the gospel. Tune in to learn more! SPONSORS Thank you to PrepDish for sponsoring this podcast episode! Prep Dish is a healthy meal planning service. When you sign up, you’ll receive an email every week with a done-for-you grocery list and instructions for prepping your meals ahead of time. You’ll do your chopping and mixing ahead, and then come dinner time you just put it all together - without the guesswork. You’ll save time and have delicious meals. PrepDish is offering our listeners (THAT’S YOU!) a FREE 2-week trial to try it out. Two weeks of meal planning done for you for FREE. Check out for this amazing deal! RESOURCES Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out 2 months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.
3/26/201930 minutes, 48 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Ask Dr. Kim- My husband isn’t open to counseling, but I think we need it. What do I do?

Is this your story? We hope this podcast is helpful to you! This podcast aired last year, and we are highlighting it again because we know so many couples find themselves in this situation. In this episode Dr. Kim talks about what to do when you spouse isn’t open to counseling. Tune in to learn more!  
3/23/201915 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How do I get my spouse to see that we have to make financial decisions together? | Ep. 311

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How do I get my spouse to see that we have to make financial decisions together? Tune in to find out! RESOURCES Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out 2 months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.  
3/21/201918 minutes, 21 seconds
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Our Comfortability With Lies Will Wreck Our Marriage | Ep. 310

Most of us are way too comfortable with lying and way too comfortable lying to our spouse. In today’s podcast episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about the small lies. How small deceptions and our comfortability with small lies is affecting our marriage. Tune in to hear more about how the lies we tell are a bigger deal than we think! RESOURCES Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out 2 months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now.
3/19/201927 minutes, 40 seconds
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Best of Podcast: 3 Truths Every Divorced Christian Needs to Know - Truth 1

Are you divorced and struggling? We hope this podcast is encouraging to you! We want to shed some gospel truth for those that find themselves divorced. This podcast aired last year, and we are highlighting it again. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina discuss 1 truth every divorced Christian needs to know: His Blood is Enough. Tune in to learn more! We pray it is encouraging and helpful to you!
3/16/201919 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How do I tell my wife her jokes hurt me? | Ep. 309

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How do I tell my wife her jokes hurt me? Tune in to find out! RESOURCES Become a Marriage Changer today to support Awesome Marriage and receive exclusive benefits! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out 2 months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet- what are you waiting for? Order here now.  
3/14/201915 minutes, 23 seconds
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Toddlers are Tyrants | Ep. 308

We hear consistently that couples are struggling with how to survive the toddler years. Parenting is hard and can be hard on a marriage. Parenting toddlers can feel downright impossible and can be REALLY hard on a marriage. Because toddlers are learning life, and boundaries, and they haven’t learned how to deal with their emotions in a healthy way yet, they can honestly be kind of like tiny tyrants. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina speak specifically to those of you in that stage and give you some tips on how to keep your marriage healthy even with a tyrant in your home. They give you tools to tame that tyrant into a sane and emotionally healthy kid. Most importantly, they give you tips for getting your marriage awesome even in this hard season. RESOURCES Parenting with Love & Logic by Foster Cline & Jim Fay Feelings Chart Order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love!
3/12/201951 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Best of Podcast: How to Affirm Your Wife

Husbands- are your words building your wife up? Do you know what your wife needs to hear? This podcast aired last year, and we are highlighting it again to encourage husbands to better affirm their wives. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina discuss practical tips and talk about the different ways women need to be affirmed by their husbands. Tune in to learn more!  
3/9/201917 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How do we find a local church we can agree on? | Ep. 307

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How do we find a local church we can agree on? Tune in to find out! RESOURCES Become a Marriage Changer today to support Awesome Marriage and receive exclusive benefits! Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out 2 months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now.  
3/7/201921 minutes, 35 seconds
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Don’t Lose Yourself In Parenting | Ep. 306

One of the things we hear sometimes from spouses, particularly husbands, is that they feel like they lost their spouse when they had children. It’s common for many spouses to feel second rate to their kids, but also feel like their spouse isn’t even their spouse any more. Too often we drop too much of ourselves for our children. We know this is going to be a controversial episode but we want to go here because we get so many emails about this issue. We want to share our thoughts and what Dr. Kim learned over the years that he found to be successful in being a great parent but also not losing all of who you are. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina discuss how to not lose yourself in parenting. RESOURCES Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, came out 2 months ago and the response we’ve received from it has been incredible. If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, what are you waiting for? Order here now.
3/5/201927 minutes, 56 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Ask Dr. Kim- What should we do to prepare for marriage?

During wedding planning, are you thinking about preparing for your marriage? This podcast aired last year, and we are highlighting it again. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina discuss practical ways to prepare well for marriage. Tune in to learn more!  
3/2/201920 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How can I manage my anger better? | Ep. 305

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How can I manage my anger better? Tune in to find out! RESOURCES Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love! SPONSORS Thank you to PrepDish for sponsoring this podcast episode! Prep Dish is a healthy meal planning service. When you sign up, you’ll receive an email every week with a done-for-you grocery list and instructions for prepping your meals ahead of time. You’ll do your chopping and mixing ahead, and then come dinner time you just put it all together - without the guesswork. You’ll save time and have delicious meals. PrepDish is offering our listeners (THAT’S YOU!) a FREE 2-week trial to try it out. Two weeks of meal planning done for you for FREE. Check out for this amazing deal!  
2/28/201919 minutes, 3 seconds
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Dealing with a Lazy Spouse | Ep. 304

When your spouse is being lazy it affects a lot of things. It adds to frustration in your home, it can make you less attracted to them, and it makes your life load harder to carry. Worst of all it can build a ton of resentment. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina discuss this issue and how to work towards healthier balance in your marriage. RESOURCES Order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love! SPONSORS Thank you to PrepDish for sponsoring this podcast episode! Prep Dish is a healthy meal planning service. When you sign up, you’ll receive an email every week with a done-for-you grocery list and instructions for prepping your meals ahead of time. You’ll do your chopping and mixing ahead, and then come dinner time you just put it all together - without the guesswork. You’ll save time and have delicious meals. PrepDish is offering our listeners (THAT’S YOU!) a FREE 2-week trial to try it out. Two weeks of meal planning done for you for FREE. Check out for this amazing deal!
2/26/201934 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Best of Podcast: How to Have a Great Date

Is dating your spouse a priority? If so, are the dates the quality that they need to be? This podcast from Awesome Marriage is all about quality time in marriage and different ways to find quality time. We’re re-airing this podcast so you can benefit from the practical ways Dr. Kim and Christina discuss to make dating in marriage a priority and how to have a great date. Tune in to learn more!    
2/23/201929 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How do you guard your heart when you are dating? | Ep. 303

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How do you guard your heart when you are dating? Tune in to find out! RESOURCES Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love! Learn more about becoming a Marriage Changer here!  
2/21/201916 minutes, 36 seconds
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Passive Aggression in Marriage | Ep. 302

Many of us try to communicate but have trouble finding the words, so we get passive aggressive. The problem with that, though, is it doesn’t communicate what you need it to. It doesn’t solve any problems and usually creates more. How do you know if you are being passive aggressive? How do you work towards better communication? How do you deal with a spouse that’s passive aggressive? Dr. Kim and Christina discuss all that and more in today’s episode. RESOURCES Order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love! Learn more about becoming a Marriage Changer here! SPONSORS Thank you to PrepDish for sponsoring this podcast episode! Prep Dish is a healthy meal planning service. When you sign up, you’ll receive an email every week with a done-for-you grocery list and instructions for prepping your meals ahead of time. You’ll do your chopping and mixing ahead, and then come dinner time you just put it all together - without the guesswork. You’ll save time and have delicious meals. PrepDish is offering our listeners (THAT’S YOU!) a FREE 2-week trial to try it out. Two weeks of meal planning done for you for FREE. Check out for this amazing deal!  
2/19/201924 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Best of Podcast: Minimizing Screen Time

Is your smartphone ruining your marriage? Screens are everywhere and too many of us are spending too much time on them. One huge way you can increase quality time in your marriage is by minimizing screen time. This podcast aired last year, and we are highlighting it again today as Dr. Kim and Christina discuss practical ways to reduce screen time, set boundaries, and make sure your spouse is a priority over your devices. Tune in to learn more!   RESOURCES CNN Article About Nomophobia with Quiz Circle Apple Watch
2/16/201939 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Wedding Is Planned, But Have You Prepared Your Heart? Interview with Gary Thomas | Ep. 301

Today on the podcast we welcome back Gary Thomas. Gary Thomas is a bestselling author and international speaker. We’ve had Gary on the podcast in the past talking about how to cherish your spouse. In this episode Dr. Kim & Gary about one of our favorite topics, engagement. In Gary’s new book, Preparing Your Heart For Marriage, he coaches engaged couples on how to grow closer to the Lord in the days leading up to the wedding as a means of preparing them for all the days after the wedding. Tune in to learn more about how to prepare your heart for marriage! RESOURCES Order Gary’s book, Preparing Your Heart For Marriage. Order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love! SPONSORS Thank you to PrepDish for sponsoring this podcast episode! Prep Dish is a healthy meal planning service. When you sign up, you’ll receive an email every week with a done-for-you grocery list and instructions for prepping your meals ahead of time. You’ll do your chopping and mixing ahead, and then come dinner time you just put it all together - without the guesswork. You’ll save time and have delicious meals. PrepDish is offering our listeners (THAT’S YOU!) a FREE 2-week trial to try it out. Two weeks of meal planning done for you for FREE. Check out for this amazing deal!
2/14/201939 minutes, 1 second
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Crazy Or Just Different? How Personalities Affect Your Marriage | Ep. 300

Have you ever looked at your spouse and thought - “this person is crazy!” Well you aren’t alone! We are all so different and come with different backgrounds and different personalities. It’s easy to think others are just like us and when they do something you wouldn’t - to think they're nuts. In this podcast episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk all about that and how these personality differences affect our marriage and how to navigate them. RESOURCES You can take a free version of the Enneagram Test here. For a more detailed version you can take the paid version here. Sleeping At Last Enneagram Songs Marriage Insights Test Personality Plus Test Order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love! SPONSORS Thank you to PrepDish for sponsoring this podcast episode! Prep Dish is a healthy meal planning service. When you sign up, you’ll receive an email every week with a done-for-you grocery list and instructions for prepping your meals ahead of time. You’ll do your chopping and mixing ahead, and then come dinner time you just put it all together - without the guesswork. You’ll save time and have delicious meals. PrepDish is offering our listeners (THAT’S YOU!) a FREE 2-week trial to try it out. Two weeks of meal planning done for you for FREE. Check out for this amazing deal!  
2/12/201936 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Best of Podcast: Ask Dr. Kim - What do you do when your spouse leaves you?

This is a replay of an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: What do you do when your spouse leaves you? Tune in to this “Best of Podcast” find out!   RESOURCES When He Leaves: Help and Hope for Hurting Wives by Kari West Hope for the Separated by Gary Chapman
2/9/201918 minutes, 1 second
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Ask Dr. Kim: What can we do to spice up a dull sex life? | Ep. 299

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: What can we do to spice up a dull sex life? Tune in to find out! RESOURCES Order a Romantic Date Box here! A Celebration of Sex Guide Book Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love!
2/7/201915 minutes, 5 seconds
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Dealing with a Nagging Wife | Ep. 298

Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina are talking about the “nagging wife.” They discuss why this phrase shouldn’t be used but still speak to the the tension many couples face of complaining and communicating what we want our spouse to do. Tune in to learn more! RESOURCES Order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love!
2/5/201925 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Best of Podcast: Maximizing Your Dinner Time

Quality time for couples and families is one of the best things to help us stay connected and yet it can be one of the hardest things to accomplish in our busy, fast paced culture we live in. This podcast released last year, and we’re airing it again today, since this is a real, practical way to help make your marriage awesome! Tune in as Dr. Kim and Christina discuss practical ways to maximize your dinner time for quality time.
2/2/201928 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How do you know if a dating relationship is moving too quickly? | Ep. 297

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How do you know if a dating relationship is moving too quickly? Tune in to find out! RESOURCES Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love!
1/31/201913 minutes, 42 seconds
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HELP, My Spouse Loves Their Smartphone More Than Me | Ep. 296

Does your spouse pay more attention to their phone than they do you? Well you aren’t alone! The amount of comments, emails, and chats on our website that we get surrounding this issue is astounding. We are hearing every day that spouses are peeved with their spouse’s smartphone habits. So many wives and husbands are feeling second rate to their spouse’s phone.   Today Dr. Kim & Christina discuss this issue and give some grace-filled advice on how to handle this situation that we know so many of us are in. Tune in to learn more! RESOURCES Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love! SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! We are loving our Groove Rings and we know you will too!
1/29/201922 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Best of Podcast: Choosing Marriage - Interview with Debra Fileta

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because it’s such an important topic that we don’t stop to think about enough. In this episode Dr. Kim has special guest Debra Fileta with him. Debra is a licensed professional counselor who specializes in dating, marriage, and relationship issues. In this episode Dr. Kim & Debra talk about Debra’s book, Choosing Marriage. Choosing Marriage is about the beautiful exchange that occurs when spouses learn what it means to choose “we” before “me.” Her book is super practical and sure to help many couples! It walks through 8 significant choices involved in taking marriage from hard to great. Tune in to learn more!   RESOURCES Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love!  
1/26/201940 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: Is it loving to break up with my boyfriend due to their past baggage? | Ep. 295

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Is it loving to break up with my boyfriend due to their past baggage? Tune in to find out! RESOURCES Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love!  
1/24/201912 minutes, 51 seconds
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Going from Singleness to Married: The Challenges | Ep. 294

It’s no surprise that being single is vastly different from being married. But how difficult it is to adjust to that change can come as a surprise to many. There are a multitude of things that need to shift when we go from singlehood to being married. Today Dr. Kim & Christina discuss those shifts, the challenges with them, and how to adjust well. Tune in to learn more! RESOURCES Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love! SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! The first 50 people to purchase their ring can actually get 20% off your order with the code “AM20” so order your Groove Ring TODAY! We are loving our Groove Rings and we know you will too!
1/22/201926 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Best of Podcast: Protecting Your Marriage By Watching What You Post

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because it’s such an important topic that we don’t stop to think about enough. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about how to be mindful about what we post online, where so many are getting this wrong, and practical tools for boundaries in this area. Tune in to learn more! RESOURCES Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love!
1/19/201926 minutes, 59 seconds
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Loving Teenagers with the Gospel: Interview with Drew & Natalie Hill | Ep. 293

Today on the Podcast we have Drew & Natalie Hill. Drew Hill is a pastor and author in Greensboro, NC. He is also on staff with the national Young Life office and provides resources for thousands of youth leaders around the world through his blog at Drew has met with hundreds of parents who have been trying to figure out how to connect with their teenagers and communicate the gospel to them in a way their kids would understand. He has often wished he had one go-to resource that he could hand them. So he decided to create one! And that’s just what he did in his new book, Alongside: Loving Teenagers with the Gospel. Today Dr. Kim chats with Drew & Natalie about Drew’s new book and how to come alongside teenagers well and face the issues that are at hand today. Tune in to hear about how to parent teenagers well in the culture we live in today! RESOURCES You can order Drew’s book here. Culture Translator Covenant Eyes Blog Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love!  
1/17/201944 minutes, 32 seconds
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Dealing with Husband Bashers & Wife Haters | Ep. 292

Words can speak life or death. The words we allow to surround ourselves absolutely affects us. We all have been around people who constantly tear down the opposite sex or husbands or wives specifically. But what do we do with these people? In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about husband bashers and wife haters and how to deal with these types of people. Tune in to learn more! RESOURCES Order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love!
1/15/201923 minutes, 41 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Real-Life Romance - Interview with Rhonda Stoppe

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because it was so inspiring to so many the first time it aired. In this episode Dr. Kim has special guest Rhonda Stoppe with him. Rhonda is an author and speaker dedicated to helping women live life with no regrets. She has more than 30 years of experience as a marriage mentor, pastor’s wife, author and speaker. In this episode Dr. Kim & Rhonda talk about her book, Real-Life Romance. Real-Life Romance is a book made up of 25 stories of couples who have found extraordinary love. Rhonda shows how in each case God was at work in the hearts of His people. Tune in to be inspired by these love stories! RESOURCES Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love!  
1/12/201951 minutes, 17 seconds
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Buried Dreams: Interview with Lindsey R. Dennis | Ep. 291

Today on the podcast we have special guest Lindsey R. Dennis. Lindsey has worked with Cru International for more than 15 years. She has served in international locations, as well as universities in the States, and takes great joy in getting to invest her life in students from a variety of cultures and backgrounds. Lindsey also writes and speaks on what God has done to bring hope and healing in her life through the life and death of her first two daughters. Within a few weeks of learning the news of her first daughters’ diagnosis, she began to blog about her unfolding story of hope and loss. Dennis loves to share with others what it looks like to know God in the midst of suffering and how to trust Him with the pen of their stories. Today Dr. Kim chats with Lindsey about her new book Buried Dreams | From Devastating Loss to Unimaginable Hope and how she and her husband stood together in the midst of their sorrow. Tune in to hear about walking through loss and tragedy as a married couple. RESOURCES You can order Lindsey’s book here >> Buried Dreams | From Devastating Loss to Unimaginable Hope   Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love!   SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! The first 50 people to purchase their ring can actually get 20% off your order with the code “AM20” so order your Groove Ring TODAY! We are loving our Groove Rings and we know you will too!
1/10/201936 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Role Models: What Did You See? | Ep. 290

This week on the podcast we are talking about 5 of the 14 keys to lasting love. We are CELEBRATING because Dr. Kim’s latest book 14 Keys to Lasting Love comes out TODAY! In today’s episode Dr. Kim and Christina dive into 1 of the keys to lasting love: role models and how to navigate marriage mentors and family origin. Tune in to learn more! RESOURCES TODAY IS THE DAY! 14 Keys to Lasting Love is out TODAY! If you order your copy of Dr. Kim’s book today you will get two awesome things! 1) entered in the give away to win a FREE Romantic Date Box AND 2) you’ll automatically get House Prayer Cards by Awesome Marriage for FREE. Simply order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love then enter your info here to get your automatic download of your free House Prayer Cards. SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! The first 50 people to purchase their ring can actually get 20% off your order with the code “AM20” so order your Groove Ring TODAY! We are loving our Groove Rings and we know you will too!  
1/8/201931 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

That Other Thing In Your Life: The Internet | Ep. 289

This week on the podcast we are talking about 5 of the 14 keys to lasting love. We are CELEBRATING because Dr. Kim’s latest book 14 Keys to Lasting Love comes out TOMORROW! On January 8th! In today’s episode Dr. Kim and Christina dive into 1 of the keys to lasting love: dealing with the internet with wisdom. Tune in to learn how to make sure this thing in your life goes right! RESOURCES Don’t wait until January 8th to reserve your copy of Dr. Kim’s latest book. Pre Order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love TODAY and you will get 1) entered in the give away to win a FREE Romantic Date Box AND 2) you’ll automatically get House Prayer Cards by Awesome Marriage for FREE. Simply order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love then enter your info here to get your automatic download of your free House Prayer Cards. SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! The first 50 people to purchase their ring can actually get 20% off your order with the code “AM20” so order your Groove Ring TODAY! We are loving our Groove Rings and we know you will too!
1/7/201926 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Best of Podcast: Protecting Your Marriage From Porn

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because porn is all too prevalent today and we all need to be so careful to project our marriages from it. Culture traps can plague marriages and families. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina discuss practical ways you can protect your marriage from porn. They share real life stories and give you tools you can implement today. Tune in to learn more! RESOURCES Don’t wait until January 8th to reserve your copy of Dr. Kim’s latest book. Pre Order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love TODAY and you will get 1) entered in the give away to win a FREE Romantic Date Box AND 2) you’ll automatically get House Prayer Cards by Awesome Marriage for FREE. Simply order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love then enter your info here to get your automatic download of your free House Prayer Cards.
1/5/201937 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mammon and God: Money & Spirituality | Ep. 288

This week on the podcast we are talking about 5 of the 14 keys to lasting love. We are CELEBRATING because Dr. Kim’s latest book 14 Keys to Lasting Love comes out NEXT WEEK! On January 8th! In today’s episode Dr. Kim and Christina dive into 1 of the keys to lasting love: handling money well. Tune in to learn how to cultivate healthy money habits!   RESOURCES Don’t wait until January 8th to reserve your copy of Dr. Kim’s latest book. Pre Order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love TODAY and you will get 1) entered in the give away to win a FREE Romantic Date Box AND 2) you’ll automatically get House Prayer Cards by Awesome Marriage for FREE. Simply order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love then enter your info here to get your automatic download of your free House Prayer Cards.
1/4/201926 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Friends or Foes: Conflict Behavior | Ep. 287

This week on the podcast we are talking about 5 of the 14 keys to lasting love. We are CELEBRATING because Dr. Kim’s latest book 14 Keys to Lasting Love comes out NEXT WEEK! On January 8th! In today’s episode Dr. Kim and Christina dive into 1 of the keys to lasting love: healthy conflict behavior. Tune in to learn how to manage conflict in marriage! RESOURCES Don’t wait until January 8th to reserve your copy of Dr. Kim’s latest book. Pre Order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love TODAY and you will get 1) entered in the give away to win a FREE Romantic Date Box AND 2) you’ll automatically get House Prayer Cards by Awesome Marriage for FREE. Simply order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love then enter your info here to get your automatic download of your free House Prayer Cards.
1/3/201917 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Staying on Track: Commonality & More | Ep. 286

This week on the podcast we are talking about 5 of the 14 keys to lasting love. We are CELEBRATING because Dr. Kim’s latest book 14 Keys to Lasting Love comes out NEXT WEEK on January 8th! In today’s episode Dr. Kim and Christina dive into one of the keys to lasting love: how to stay on track as a couple. Tune in to learn how to create commonality in your marriage! RESOURCES Don’t wait until January 8th to reserve your copy of Dr. Kim’s latest book. Pre order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love TODAY and you will get 1) Entered in the giveaway to win a FREE Romantic Date Box AND 2) You’ll automatically get House Prayer Cards by Awesome Marriage for FREE. Simply order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love then enter your info here to get your automatic download of your free House Prayer Cards.
1/2/201927 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Not Speaking Negatively About Your Spouse | Ep. 285

The words of our spouse can lift us up or tear us down. What we say speaks life or death. When we talk negatively about our spouse, we give in to more negative thinking about our spouse. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about this destructive habit and how to avoid it. Tune in to learn more!
1/1/201924 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Best of Podcast: Pleasure Over Purpose

Culture traps can plague marriages and families. In this episode Christina & Dr. Kim discuss the culture trap of: pleasure over purpose. Our culture values pleasure and seeking pleasure over purpose and a purposeful life. In this episode they share how culture pushes this and how it can hurt your marriage if you fall into this trap. Tune in to learn more! RESOURCES Order a Date Box Today! Every married couple wants to be best friends, we all want to connect well with our spouse. But connecting isn’t always easy and conversation doesn’t always flow. We want to help guide you when it comes to better connecting with your spouse by giving you Dinner Cards by Awesome Marriage. Learn more here. 14 Keys To Lasting Love Pre Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, TODAY and you will get automatically get House Prayer Cards by Awesome Marriage for FREE. Simply order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love then enter your info here to get your automatic download of your free House Prayer Cards.
12/29/201829 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Ask Dr. Kim: Is there such thing as a soul mate? | Ep. 284

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Is there such thing as a soul mate? Tune in to find out! RESOURCES Get the 30 Day Experiment for Singles here. Get the Prep for An Awesome Marriage Course here. SPONSORS Thank you to our partnership with Kind Snacks. Try 20 Snacks for $20 when you subscribe to the Snack Pack through the KIND Snack Club. Click here to get your 20 snacks for $20! Signing up for the Kind Snack Club means you get free shipping and great bars delivered on the time frame you set. Give KIND A TRY TODAY. 14 Keys To Lasting Love Pre Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, TODAY and you will get automatically get House Prayer Cards by Awesome Marriage for FREE. Simply order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love then enter your info here to get your automatic download of your free House Prayer Cards.
12/27/201822 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

One Thing Podcast Episode Christmas Edition: We can model the life Christ died for us to have

Marriage is hard and life is busy. Which is why we need real, practical reminders of ways to build an awesome marriage. In these short One Thing Podcast episodes Dr. Kim Kimberling shares one practical thing you can do today to invest in your marriage. Please enjoy today’s One Thing Podcast episode! Merry Christmas from Awesome Marriage! 
12/25/20181 minute, 48 seconds
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Pointing Your Spouse To The Ultimate Refuge | Ep. 283

Our ultimate refuge can satisfy us in ways nothing and no one else can. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about how to point your spouse to the ultimate refuge and how that will create freedom in your home and drive your intimacy further! Tune in to learn more about the ultimate refuge! RESOURCES Order a Date Box Today! Every married couple wants to be best friends, we all want to connect well with our spouse. But connecting isn’t always easy and conversation doesn’t always flow. We want to help guide you when it comes to better connecting with your spouse by giving you Dinner Cards by Awesome Marriage. Learn more here. SPONSORS Thank you to PrepDish for sponsoring this podcast episode! Prep Dish is a healthy meal planning service. When you sign up, you’ll receive an email every week with a done-for-you grocery list and instructions for prepping your meals ahead of time. You’ll do your chopping and mixing ahead, and then come dinner time you just put it all together - without the guesswork. You’ll save time and have delicious meals. PrepDish is offering our listeners (THAT’S YOU!) a FREE 2-week trial to try it out. Two weeks of meal planning done for you for FREE. Check out for this amazing deal! 14 Keys To Lasting Love Pre Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, TODAY and you will get automatically get House Prayer Cards by Awesome Marriage for FREE. Simply order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love then enter your info here to get your automatic download of your free House Prayer Cards.  
12/24/201826 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Best of Podcast: Constant Complaining

This issue plays itself out in the counseling room so often amongst couples. There are subtle things that can eat away at your marriage. In this episode Nils, Christina, and Dr. Kim discuss the subtle marriage killer of: constant complaining. We are all tempted to complain in marriage but there is a point where it becomes a real issue that can be very harmful. They share real life stories and practical tips for how to guard your marriage from this marriage killer. Tune in to learn more! RESOURCES Order a Date Box Today! Every married couple wants to be best friends, we all want to connect well with our spouse. But connecting isn’t always easy and conversation doesn’t always flow. We want to help guide you when it comes to better connecting with your spouse by giving you Dinner Cards by Awesome Marriage. Learn more here. 14 Keys To Lasting Love Pre Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, TODAY and you will get automatically get House Prayer Cards by Awesome Marriage for FREE. Simply order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love then enter your info here to get your automatic download of your free House Prayer Cards.  
12/22/201826 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

Ask Dr. Kim: How do we decide where to start trying to work on things? | Ep. 282

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How do we decide where to start trying to work on things? Tune in to find out! RESOURCES Get 10 Things To Do Before You Get A Divorce here for free. Order a Date Box Today! Every married couple wants to be best friends, we all want to connect well with our spouse. But connecting isn’t always easy and conversation doesn’t always flow. We want to help guide you when it comes to better connecting with your spouse by giving you Dinner Cards by Awesome Marriage. Learn more here. SPONSORS Thank you to our partnership with Kind Snacks. Try 20 Snacks for $20 when you subscribe to the Snack Pack through the KIND Snack Club. Click here to get your 20 snacks for $20! Signing up for the Kind Snack Club means you get free shipping and great bars delivered on the time frame you set. Give KIND A TRY TODAY. 14 Keys To Lasting Love Pre Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, TODAY and you will get automatically get House Prayer Cards by Awesome Marriage for FREE. Simply order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love then enter your info here to get your automatic download of your free House Prayer Cards.
12/20/201815 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

When You Don’t Feel Safe Sharing With Your Spouse | Ep. 281

Do you almost share something with your spouse but then stop yourself? Do you find yourself expecting a poor response from your spouse on a regular basis? Sharing with our spouse is a key part of connection and intimacy. When we can’t share with our spouse, it makes connecting really difficult. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about what to do when you don’t feel safe sharing with your spouse. Tune in to learn more about how to cultivate safe sharing in your marriage!   RESOURCES Order a Date Box Today! Every married couple wants to be best friends, we all want to connect well with our spouse. But connecting isn’t always easy and conversation doesn’t always flow. We want to help guide you when it comes to better connecting with your spouse by giving you Dinner Cards by Awesome Marriage. Learn more here. SPONSORS Thank you to PrepDish for sponsoring this podcast episode! Prep Dish is a healthy meal planning service. When you sign up, you’ll receive an email every week with a done-for-you grocery list and instructions for prepping your meals ahead of time. You’ll do your chopping and mixing ahead, and then come dinner time you just put it all together - without the guesswork. You’ll save time and have delicious meals. PrepDish is offering our listeners (THAT’S YOU!) a FREE 2-week trial to try it out. Two weeks of meal planning done for you for FREE. Check out for this amazing deal! 14 Keys To Lasting Love Pre Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, TODAY and you will get automatically get House Prayer Cards by Awesome Marriage for FREE. Simply order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love then enter your info here to get your automatic download of your free House Prayer Cards.  
12/18/201820 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Best of Podcast: 3 Ways to Protect Your Marriage Online: Way 1

Are you protecting your marriage online? Online issues can cause so much damage on our marriages if they go unchecked. In this episode Christina and Dr. Kim share one real, practical way to protect your marriage online. They talk about how to “get spiritual.” This is a great tool in protecting your marriage online. Tune in to learn more! RESOURCES Order a Date Box today! Every married couple wants to be best friends, we all want to connect well with our spouse. But connecting isn’t always easy and conversation doesn’t always flow. We want to help guide you when it comes to better connecting with your spouse by giving you Dinner Cards by Awesome Marriage. Learn more here. 14 Keys To Lasting Love Pre Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, TODAY and you will get automatically get House Prayer Cards by Awesome Marriage for FREE. Simply order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love then enter your info here to get your automatic download of your free House Prayer Cards.  
12/15/201819 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Ask Dr. Kim: How do I love my spouse through depression when it’s been going on for years? | Ep. 280

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How do I love my spouse through depression when it’s been going on for years? Tune in to find out!   RESOURCES Order a Date Box today! Every married couple wants to be best friends, we all want to connect well with our spouse. But connecting isn’t always easy and conversation doesn’t always flow. We want to help guide you when it comes to better connecting with your spouse by giving you Dinner Cards by Awesome Marriage. Learn more here. SPONSORS Thank you to PrepDish for sponsoring this podcast episode! Prep Dish is a healthy meal planning service. When you sign up, you’ll receive an email every week with a done-for-you grocery list and instructions for prepping your meals ahead of time. You’ll do your chopping and mixing ahead, and then come dinner time you just put it all together - without the guesswork. You’ll save time and have delicious meals. PrepDish is offering our listeners (THAT’S YOU!) a FREE 2-week trial to try it out. Two weeks of meal planning done for you for FREE. Check out for this amazing deal! 14 Keys To Lasting Love Pre Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, TODAY and you will get automatically get House Prayer Cards by Awesome Marriage for FREE. Simply order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love then enter your info here to get your automatic download of your free House Prayer Cards.
12/13/201820 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Avoiding Sin Shock | Ep. 279

It’s important in a marriage for you both to feel safe and okay being vulnerable. Having sin shock is a threat to that safety and feeling confident being vulnerable. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina define “sin shock” and talk about how to avoid sin shock in your marriage. Tune in to learn more about how to avoid sin shock! RESOURCES Order a Date Box today! Every married couple wants to be best friends, we all want to connect well with our spouse. But connecting isn’t always easy and conversation doesn’t always flow. We want to help guide you when it comes to better connecting with your spouse by giving you Dinner Cards by Awesome Marriage. Learn more here. SPONSORS Thank you to PrepDish for sponsoring this podcast episode! Prep Dish is a healthy meal planning service. When you sign up, you’ll receive an email every week with a done-for-you grocery list and instructions for prepping your meals ahead of time. You’ll do your chopping and mixing ahead, and then come dinner time you just put it all together - without the guesswork. You’ll save time and have delicious meals. PrepDish is offering our listeners (THAT’S YOU!) a FREE 2-week trial to try it out. Two weeks of meal planning done for you for FREE. Check out for this amazing deal!   14 Keys To Lasting Love Pre Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, TODAY and you will get automatically get House Prayer Cards by Awesome Marriage for FREE. Simply order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love then enter your info here to get your automatic download of your free House Prayer Cards.
12/11/201822 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Best of Podcast: Busyness

In this episode Nils, Christina, and Dr. Kim discuss the subtle marriage killer of: busyness. In our fast paced culture busyness affects us all but what would it look like if we made sure life’s demands didn’t take away from our marriage? In this episode they share real life stories and practical tips for how to guard your marriage from this marriage killer. Tune in to learn more about how to fight this culture trap!  
12/10/201830 minutes, 28 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Discounting Your Spouse’s Feelings and Opinions

Are you discounting the person you love the most? In this episode Christina and Dr. Kim discuss the subtle marriage killer of: discounting your spouse’s feelings and opinions. The real trouble with this issue is most of us do not even realize that we are doing it! In this episode they help define this for you. They talk about what it can look like and how to avoid it in your marriage. Tune in to learn more about how to validate your spouse’s feelings and opinions! RESOURCES Order a Date Box today! Every married couple wants to be best friends, we all want to connect well with our spouse. But connecting isn’t always easy and conversation doesn’t always flow. We want to help guide you when it comes to better connecting with your spouse by giving you Dinner Cards by Awesome Marriage. Learn more here. 14 Keys To Lasting Love Pre Order Dr. Kim’s new book, 14 Keys to Lasting Love, TODAY and you will get automatically get House Prayer Cards by Awesome Marriage for FREE. Simply order your copy of 14 Keys to Lasting Love then enter your info here to get your automatic download of your free House Prayer Cards.  
12/8/201829 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Marriage Mentor: Interview with Rhonda Stoppe | Ep. 278

Today on the Podcast we welcome back Rhonda Stoppe. We have had Rhonda on the podcast several times now, and it’s a treat to have her back! Rhonda Stoppe is an author and speaker dedicated to helping women live life with no regrets. She has more than 30 years of experience as a marriage mentor, pastor’s wife, author and speaker. Rhonda’s new book, The Marriage Mentor: Becoming the Couple You Long to Be, was released just a few months ago. Steve and Rhonda Stoppe have been married for over 30 years and have a marriage that has been tested by many life trials. This new book compiles their success secrets into an easy-to-read, fun, and interactive book. Tune in to hear about becoming the couple you long to be!   RESOURCES Order a Date Box Today! Every married couple wants to be best friends, we all want to connect well with our spouse. But connecting isn’t always easy and conversation doesn’t always flow. We want to help guide you when it comes to better connecting with your spouse by giving you Dinner Cards by Awesome Marriage. Learn more here. You can order Rhonda’s latest book The Marriage Mentor: Becoming the Couple You Long to Be. Check out Steve & Rhonda’s FREE VIDEO SERIES to go along with each chapter of The Marriage Mentor You can also order her other books “IF MY HUSBAND WOULD CHANGE I’D BE HAPPY-And Other Myths Wives Believe as well as her book Real Life Romance. SPONSORS Thank you to PrepDish for sponsoring this podcast episode! Prep Dish is a healthy meal planning service. When you sign up, you’ll receive an email every week with a done-for-you grocery list and instructions for prepping your meals ahead of time. You’ll do your chopping and mixing ahead, and then come dinner time you just put it all together - without the guesswork. You’ll save time and have delicious meals. PrepDish is offering our listeners (THAT’S YOU!) a FREE 2-week trial to try it out. Two weeks of meal planning done for you for FREE. Check out for this amazing deal!  
12/6/201854 minutes, 46 seconds
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Creating a Refuge For Your Spouse | Ep. 277

It is not fun to come home to a place you aren’t welcomed. It is not fun to feel more stressed and less safe when our spouse is around. Instead of repelling our spouse, we want to invite them in lovingly. We want to be a safe place, a shelter, a refuge for our spouse. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk specifically about what it means to create a refuge for your spouse. They give practical tips on how to do this well.   Tune in to learn more about how to create a refuge for your spouse! RESOURCES Order a Date Box Today! Every married couple wants to be best friends, we all want to connect well with our spouse. But connecting isn’t always easy and conversation doesn’t always flow. We want to help guide you when it comes to better connecting with your spouse by giving you Dinner Cards by Awesome Marriage. Learn more here. SPONSORS Thank you to our partnership with Kind Snacks. Try 20 Snacks for $20 when you subscribe to the Snack Pack through the KIND Snack Club. Click here to get your 20 snacks for $20! Signing up for the Kind Snack Club means you get free shipping and great bars delivered on the time frame you set. Give KIND A TRY TODAY. LEAVE A REVIEW ON iTUNES Not sure how to leave an iTunes review? Check out these super simple and super short tutorial videos that we’ve made here.  
12/4/201820 minutes, 19 seconds
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Healing When Sexual Addiction Invades Your Marriage: Interview with Meg Wilson | Ep. 276

Today on the Podcast we welcome Meg Wilson with us today. Meg is the founder and CEO of Hope After Betrayal Ministries. Her mission is to help women find hope and healing from the pain of their partner’s sexual betrayal. She has a passion to increase awareness in the church of how to minister to the brokenhearted. Meg and her husband were able to walk through his sexual addiction and come out on the other side stronger. In her newly updated book - Hope After Betrayal: Healing When Sexual Addiction Invades Your Marriage, Meg shows others how they can follow the path to healing and out of darkness. Her book provides counsel, compassionate insight, and wise direction to those who find themselves faced with sexual addiction in their marriage. Tune in to hear about healing when sexual addiction invades your marriage! RESOURCES You can find more from Meg on her website here.   Grab her book Hope After Betrayal: Healing When Sexual Addiction Invades Your Marriage here. SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! The first 50 people to purchase their ring can actually get 20% off your order with the code “AM20” so order your Groove Ring TODAY! We are loving our Groove Rings and we know you will too!
11/30/201836 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Ask Dr. Kim: Do I have to say “yes” to sex even when I’m mad at my spouse? | Ep. 275

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Do I have to say “yes” to sex even when I’m mad at my spouse? Tune in to find out! SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! The first 50 people to purchase their ring can actually get 20% off your order with the code “AM20” so order your Groove Ring TODAY! We are loving our Groove Rings and we know you will too!
11/29/201817 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Continued Education: Learning As You Change | Ep. 274

One of the biggest obstacles to being truly known is the fact that we change. We all change over time. Which is why it’s so important that when it comes to our spouse, we all enlist in continued education. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk specifically about how learn as you change. They share how to cope with change in your spouse when you don’t like it, different ways to view change, and how to change in a way that allows your marriage to flourish instead of drift a part. Tune in to learn more about how to be a student of your spouse!   LINKS FROM THE SHOW Learn more about becoming a Marriage Changer here!   NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Are you aware of the changes in your spouse, do you guys communicate and talk about it?” -Dr. Kim Kimberling “Having a daily time to communicate will help you keep up with your spouse.” -Dr. Kim Kimberling   SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! The first 50 people to purchase their ring can actually get 20% off your order with the code “AM20” so order your Groove Ring TODAY! We are loving our Groove Rings and we know you will too!
11/27/201824 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Best of Podcast: Sex Is The Ultimate

Culture influences all of us, but as Christians we shouldn’t believe everything our culture tells us. We are replaying this episode, which aired earlier this year, to help couples see the truth about sex amidst the lies culture can promote. In this podcast  Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina discuss the biggest culture trap: the belief that sex is the ultimate. They share how culture pushes this and how believing this lie can hurt your marriage. Tune in to learn more about how to fight this culture trap!  
11/24/201834 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How do we make good christian friendships that can benefit our marriage? | Ep. 273

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How do we make good christian friendships that can benefit our marriage? Tune in to find out! SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! The first 50 people to purchase their ring can actually get 20% off your order with the code “AM20” so order your Groove Ring TODAY! We are loving our Groove Rings and we know you will too!  
11/23/201822 minutes, 29 seconds
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One Thing Podcast Episode Thanksgiving Edition: Marriage is one of the greatest things God created

Marriage is hard and life is busy. Which is why we need real, practical reminders of ways to build an awesome marriage. In these short One Thing Podcast episodes Dr. Kim Kimberling shares one practical thing you can do today to invest in your marriage. Please enjoy today’s One Thing Podcast episode. Happy Thanksgiving from Awesome Marriage!
11/22/20181 minute, 25 seconds
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A Thankless Marriage: The Story You Don’t Want To Tell | Ep. 272

The word “thanks” is in the Bible over 100 times. There is something spiritual and connecting about gratitude. No one wants to be in a thankless marriage. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk specifically about how to avoid the thankless marriage and different insights on how to implement gratitude in your marriage. Tune in to learn more about how to have a thankful marriage! LINKS FROM THE SHOW Check out Nancy’s Taco Soup Recipe HERE! NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Why is it important to say thank you in your marriage? It shows you care. It shows that you appreciate things. It is almost a respect thing too.” -Dr. Kim Kimberling “You have to change your perspective on gratitude. I can’t be grateful because I want my spouse to acknowledge it or do the same thing back, but because God wants me to do this as a spouse.” -Dr. Kim Kimberling “You are being obedient to God. I am doing the things God would want me to do as a spouse. That way you don’t resent it. Because if you keep doing things and don’t get anything back and it is all out of you, you are going to keep resenting it.” -Dr. Kim Kimberling SPONSORS Thank you to Groove Life for sponsoring this podcast episode! Groove Life has the Groove ring that is the world's first breathable active ring that is not only super comfortable but functional. Born from need, GROOVE raises the bar on traditional silicone, activewear rings with its flexible material, patent-pending, inner breathable design, and beautiful colors. You can use the code “awesomemarriage” for 15% off your order! The first 50 people to purchase their ring can actually get 20% off your order with the code “AM20” so order your Groove Ring TODAY! We are loving our Groove Rings and we know you will too!
11/20/201826 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Best of Podcast: 3 Ways to Honor Your Spouse: Way 2

This podcast ran earlier this year, and we are highlighting it again to help couples honor one another in marriage. If you want to have a healthy, happy marriage it is important to honor your spouse. But what does it mean to do that? How can we practically honor each other? In this podcast, Dr. Kim and Christina discuss one way to honor your spouse: don’t correct them. Tune in to learn why it’s important not to correct your spouse and how it can make a huge impact on your marriage if you learn to honor your spouse in this way!  
11/17/201814 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: I feel like my spouse doesn’t care to know me. What do I do? | Ep. 271

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: I feel like my spouse doesn’t care to know me. What do I do? Tune in to find out!  
11/15/201810 minutes, 47 seconds
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How to Be Known | Ep. 270

We all want to be known and loved. But there are some very real obstacles to being truly known. In order to reach true intimacy in marriage, we have to work though these obstacles and do the hard work of transparency and acceptance. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk specifically about how to be known. Tune in to learn more about how to be a student of your spouse! RESOURCES The Enneagram is a personality test that can help you know yourself and your spouse. Check it out today!   NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “As long as we got walls up it is obstacle that is going to be in the way, and is going to limit what we can have in a relationship.” -Dr. Kim Kimberling SPONSORS Thank you to Barb Roose for sponsoring this podcast episode! For those who struggle with worry and anxiety, each day can feel as if they are fighting a losing battle. Barb Roose understands what it means to battle with worry. She has written the book Winning the Worry Battle: Life Lessons from the Book of Joshua and a companion Bible study to share the wisdom she’s garnered over the years to help other women gain victory over their anxieties. Winning the Worry Battle, offers encouragement and practical worry-fighting tools for handling those situations that cause us to struggle with worry, anxiety, fear, or even complete meltdown. If anxiety is a struggle for you, I encourage you to order her book TODAY!  
11/13/201820 minutes, 10 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Career Over Family

Culture influences all of us, but as Christians we often need to fight some aspects of culture to live life God’s way. God’s Kingdom is upside down when it comes to the world. In this re release of a podcast from earlier this year, Dr. Kim and Christina discuss one common culture trap: that your career is more important than your family. They share how culture pushes this and how it can affect marriages. We are highlighting this podcast again to help equip you to live well and wisely in our culture. Tune in to learn more!  
11/10/201829 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How can I be a better spiritual leader for my family? | Ep. 269

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How can I be a better spiritual leader for my family? Tune in to find out!
11/8/201819 minutes, 54 seconds
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Why It’s Important to Be Known | Ep. 268

Do you know your spouse? Do they know you? Dr. Kim shares a lot about the concept of being a student of your spouse. This month we are going to be focusing on what that means and how we can do that well in marriage. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk specifically about why it’s important to be known. Tune in to learn more about how to be a student of your spouse! NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “ I want to be known. I want someone to know everything about me. I want someone that I can totally be transparent with. I want to them to know that and for me to know they are not going to walk out the door.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “God made us to have relationships to start with.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “If our spouse does not really know us, I think this can cause a lot of conflict, a lot of misunderstanding, and mistrust.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling SPONSORS Thank you to Sacred Holidays for sponsoring this podcast episode! Do you feel like the holidays are filled with chaos? In the book, Sacred Holiday: Less Chaos, More Jesus, Becky Kiser will walk you step-by-step how to make your holidays sacred--holy and set apart. You will find all the fun, joy and whimsy in them again, while also building some truly meaningful traditions. This book is more than a book, it's a resource to guide you throughout the entire year! Go get your copy of Sacred Holidays on Amazon or wherever books are sold. Follow @sacredholidays on Instagram for more great insights on how to embrace the holidays.  
11/6/201819 minutes, 46 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Ask Dr. Kim: We have a son and worry about him growing up in this sex crazed culture. What can I do to protect him?

This is replay of an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast that first aired earlier this year. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. We are re playing this episode since this issue is relevant to every parent. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: We have a son and worry about him growing up in this sex-crazed culture. What can I do to protect him? Tune in to find out!  
11/3/201816 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: Is masturbation okay in marriage? | Ep. 267

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Is masturbation okay in marriage? Tune in to find out!
11/1/201830 minutes, 5 seconds
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Restoring Trust | Ep. 266

Has trust been broken in your marriage? In big ways? In small ways? If both spouses are willing to commit to restoring trust and to submit to God, trust can be restored. We have seen God do it again and again in marriages within our Awesome Marriage Community. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina share some hope, helpful tips, and encouragement for you today if you are in a place where trust needs to be restored in your marriage. Tune in to learn more about restoring trust in marriage!   NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “The first step you have to do is take personal responsibility.” - Dr. Kim “Restoring trust takes time. The person who broke the trust has to be consistent to rebuild trust. The other side of it, the person whose trust has been broken has to be willing to take a risk again.” - Dr. Kim “The person who broke the trust you need to ask your spouse, ‘what do you need from me to build trust?’” - Dr. Kim   SPONSORS Thank you to First15 for sponsoring this podcast episode! I love First15 and all that my friends Craig & Rachel Denison are doing to help people experience God in a fresh way every day. Every day, I receive a devotional from First15 that helps me connect with God and keep Him the center of my life. Each email includes devotional content, scripture, a guided prayer time, suggested extended Bible Reading for going deeper, and my very favorite part- a worship experience. I love starting my day with a wonderful song that allows me to connect with God and worship Him. Don’t wait- sign up for First15’s daily email TODAY. Sign up here! It’s completely free!   Get Dr. Kim’s latest resource 5 Steps to Resolving Conflict with ANY donation to Awesome Marriage this month. You will also get his ebook Fighting Until Your Marriage Wins. In this short ebook, Dr. Kim gives couples a better understanding of which unseen issues may be driving their fights, as well as tools to work together on a resolution, and essential rules for how to fight fair.
10/30/201824 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Best of Podcast - Reasons Your Sex Life Isn’t Awesome: You Aren’t Putting Enough Effort in Outside the Bedroom

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because sex is an important part of marriage and this is an issue I see plaguing a lot of couples' sex lives. What happens outside the bedroom is just as important as what happens inside the bedroom when it comes to intimacy. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina share practical advice and tips on how to make sure you are connecting with your spouse other than just sexually and how to invest in your marriage in a way that benefits your sexual relationship. Tune in to learn more!
10/27/201828 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How do we deal with the fact that we aren’t on the same page about public displays of affection? | Ep. 265

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How do we deal with the fact that we aren’t on the same page about public displays of affection? Tune in to find out!
10/25/201817 minutes, 56 seconds
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What Do You Do When You Can’t Trust Your Spouse | Ep. 264

Trust is a key component in a thriving marriage, so how do you thrive when it’s not there? In this episode Dr. Kim encourages those of you in this situation and gives you some wisdom on steps you can take. Tune in to learn what to do when you can’t trust your spouse!   NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “I always tell people to look at your spouse’s heart. See where the relationship with God is. I think when trust is broken, initially you are not going to trust that person, but you can trust God within that person. You can see that the person is being transformed.” - Dr. Kim “The job for the spouse who has been offended though is to give them a chance. If you never take that risk again to trust them again at some point, you won’t ever have the marriage you want.” - Dr. Kim “Begin to pray for your spouse to believe the truth about what you say and do. Continue to share how important it is to you. But know that until that trust is rebuilt your marriage is going to be limited.” - Dr. Kim   SPONSORS Thank you to Amanda Taylor from Embellished Weddings for sponsoring this podcast episode! Embellished Weddings is one of Oklahoma's premier wedding planners. With several different packages to choose from, Embellished Weddings can take care of all the wedding planning details to save you time, money and stress. Wedding planning should be fun and enjoyable, so relax and enjoy the day by hiring Embellished Weddings. Amanda not only desires for you to have an awesome wedding, but also an awesome marriage. Amanda is graciously offering 10% off all of her wedding planning packages to any of our engaged listeners. Just email her with the code "awesomemarriage" and she will apply that discount to your package.   Get Dr. Kim’s latest resource 5 Steps to Resolving Conflict with ANY donation to Awesome Marriage this month. You will also get his ebook Fighting Until Your Marriage Wins. In this short ebook, Dr. Kim gives couples a better understanding of which unseen issues may be driving their fights, as well as tools to work together on a resolution, and essential rules for how to fight fair.  
10/23/201829 minutes, 49 seconds
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Best of Podcast - 3 Ways to Practice True Monogamy: Way 1

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because it is such an important concept to understand in order to have a thriving, God-honoring marriage. We want to help you understand what true monogamy is and give you ways to practically practice this in your marriage. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina share about 1 way to live this out: watching what you allow yourself to see. Tune in to learn more!
10/20/201816 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: Is swinging okay in marriage? | Ep. 263

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Is swinging okay in marriage? Tune in to find out! RESOURCES Reasons Your Sex Life Isn’t Awesome: You Aren’t Practicing True Monogamy 3 Ways to Practice True Monogamy: Way 1 3 Ways to Practice True Monogamy: Way 2 3 Ways to Practice True Monogamy: Way 3   Get Dr. Kim’s latest resource 5 Steps to Resolving Conflict with ANY donation to Awesome Marriage this month. You will also get his ebook Fighting Until Your Marriage Wins. In this short ebook, Dr. Kim gives couples a better understanding of which unseen issues may be driving their fights, as well as tools to work together on a resolution, and essential rules for how to fight fair.  
10/18/201814 minutes, 9 seconds
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My Spouse Doesn’t Trust Me But I’m Being Honest | Ep. 262

Does your spouse trust you? In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina talk about when your spouse doesn’t trust you even when you are truly being honest. It’s hard and disappointing when your spouse doesn’t trust you even when you know you are being honest and trustworthy. There are a lot of reasons people have trust issues, but there are real solutions that can help if this is your story.   Tune in to learn how to cope with this issue in marriage!   RESOURCES Cindy Beall’s Book Rebuilding a Marriage Better Than New Cindy Beall Podcast Episodes Healing Your Marriage When Trust is Broken Rebuilding A Marriage Better Than New   NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “When you see their heart and that they are really trying to do their best really love Jesus and pursuing him. Then I think it is a lot easier and there is a security to say OK I will trust.” -Dr. Kim “You can tell somebody, ‘trust me trust me trust me’, but if they have not worked through the issues that are causing them not to trust you, and you know in your heart that you are being trustworthy-then I think you are going to need a third party in there. So Christian Counseling is the next big step in there.” -Dr. Kim “We don’t value trust until it’s broken” -Dr. Kim “You just can’t keep having a marriage when there is not trust. Because you are going to live separate lives and not going to be connected where you should be connected. There will always be a missing piece there if you are not trusting in a certain area.” -Dr. Kim   SPONSORS Thank you to Doug Hacking with Relationship Resonance for sponsoring this podcast episode! The Relationship Resonance system gives you 5 powerful relationship enhancers that will help to bring out the best in you and your spouse. If that resonates with you then visit today to learn more. Also check out their Instagram page @doughacking for some fun quick tips on how to unleash the power of relationship driven success! You’ll be glad you did!   LEAVE A REVIEW ON iTUNES Not sure how to leave an iTunes review? Check out these super simple and super short tutorial videos that we’ve made here.
10/16/201823 minutes, 47 seconds
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Best of Podcast - Ask Dr. Kim: I am a Christian woman ...and I feel like I lead our marriage.

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because so many women find themselves in this place. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina share about what to do if your husband is not leading your family. We hope this episode encourages and inspires you. Tune in to learn more!
10/13/201811 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How can I help my wife who is struggling with Postpartum Depression? | Ep. 261

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How can I help my wife who is struggling with Postpartum Depression? Tune in to find out! NOTEWORTHY QUOTES “Don’t make her deal with it herself come along a side of her. When she has your support and you are walking with her it helps a lot.” “Don’t try to put your wife in a box and say she will be OK. Accept the fact that there is something going on with your wife that is really serious, and there is answers.”  “As a husband, don’t say anything that will make her feel odd or worse about herself than she already does.” RESOURCES Finding Hope in the Midst of Postpartum Depression Living Beyond Postpartum Depression If you or someone you know may be in crisis or thinking of suicide, get help immediately. Call your doctor. Call 911 for emergency services or go to the nearest emergency room. Call the toll-free 24-hour hotline of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or 1-800-799-4889.      Get Dr. Kim’s latest resource 5 Steps to Resolving Conflict with ANY donation to Awesome Marriage this month. You will also get his ebook Fighting Until Your Marriage Wins. In this short ebook, Dr. Kim gives couples a better understanding of which unseen issues may be driving their fights, as well as tools to work together on a resolution, and essential rules for how to fight fair.
10/11/201830 minutes, 24 seconds
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Emotional Infidelity: The Warning Signs | Ep. 260

When it comes to an emotional affair, do you know the warning signs? This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about emotional infidelity and trust issues. Today Dr. Kim & Christina talk specifically about emotional infidelity and the warning signs of it. Emotional affairs are everywhere and they are, unfortunately, very easy to slip into. So we have to be careful to guard our marriage from any kind of affair, including one that never gets physical. The reality is, we are ALL at risk of having an emotional affair and we should all be putting up safeguards to protect our marriage from the damage of an emotional affair. RESOURCES List of Warning Signs You Might Be Having An Emotional Affair: If you daydream about someone of the opposite sex If you compare someone of the opposite sex to your spouse often If you have ever thought of someone of the opposite sex sexually and if you begin to think of them in this way regularly If you are saving topics of conversation for somebody other than your spouse because, in your mind, they understand you better If you are sharing intimate details about your marriage with someone of the opposite sex If you look forward to seeing the other person more than your spouse You’re doing things or saying things with this other person that you wouldn’t want your spouse to see You’re keeping things from your spouse You dress to impress this other person You look for opportunities to get away from your spouse and spend time with this other person You delete messages from this other person so your spouse won’t see Not being content and accepting of your spouse You take selfies of yourself and send it this other person You post pictures of yourself online because you know this other person will see them and like them SPONSORS Thank you to SYMBIS for sponsoring this podcast episode! SYMBIS stands for Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts, the title of my good friends Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott’s book, and is used by more than a million couples. And the SYMBIS Assessment is like nothing you’ve seen before. Dr. Kim uses it with every premarital couple that he counsels. So if you are a pastor, counselor, coach, or even marriage mentors, you won’t want to miss out on this incredible tool. Go to to learn more. You’ll be glad you did!   NOTEWORTHY QUOTES FROM THE EPISODE: “If you are going outside your marriage to get something that God designed for you to have inside marriage then that’s an emotional affair and it is a sin.” - Dr. Kim “When I am struggling with something I lean into God. He knows me better than anyone else.” - Dr. Kim “When you do things God’s way it works, when you do it the world’s way it doesn’t.” - Dr. Kim “If you have any of these warning signs with someone the opposite sex then you might have to unfriend them in every single way to protect your marriage from an emotional and/or physical affair.” - Dr. Kim
10/9/201828 minutes, 53 seconds
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A Husband’s Journey To Healing & A Wife’s Unfailing Devotion: Interview with Russ & Tori Taff Part 3

In this episode we welcome Russ & Tori Taff with us today. The movie “I Still Believe” is coming out in theaters on Oct 30th and it’s a documentary following Russ’s musical journey and his behind-the-scenes battle with alcoholism. We are excited to have the Taff’s with us today, because addiction, shame, and secret things are all big issues plaguing many marriages today. We’re excited to share Russ & Tori’s story with you today because they came out of it on the other side. Tune in to hear one couple's story of healing!   I Still Believe is a one day event! OCTOBER 30th at 7PM in theaters nationwide. Order your tickets here now!
10/7/201825 minutes, 11 seconds
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A Husband’s Journey To Healing & A Wife’s Unfailing Devotion: Interview with Russ & Tori Taff Part 2

In this episode we welcome Russ & Tori Taff with us today. The movie “I Still Believe” is coming out in theaters on Oct 30th and it’s a documentary following Russ’s musical journey and his behind-the-scenes battle with alcoholism. We are excited to have the Taff’s with us today, because addiction, shame, and secret things are all big issues plaguing many marriages today. We’re excited to share Russ & Tori’s story with you today because they came out of it on the other side. Tune in to hear one couple's story of healing!   I Still Believe is a one day event! OCTOBER 30th at 7PM in theaters nationwide. Order your tickets here now!
10/7/201830 minutes, 38 seconds
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A Husband’s Journey To Healing & A Wife’s Unfailing Devotion: Interview with Russ & Tori Taff Part 1

In this episode we welcome Russ & Tori Taff with us today. The movie “I Still Believe” is coming out in theaters on Oct 30th and it’s a documentary following Russ’s musical journey and his behind-the-scenes battle with alcoholism. We are excited to have the Taff’s with us today, because addiction, shame, and secret things are all big issues plaguing many marriages today. We’re excited to share Russ & Tori’s story with you today because they came out of it on the other side. Tune in to hear one couple's story of healing!    I Still Believe is a one day event! OCTOBER 30th at 7PM in theaters nationwide. Order your tickets here now! 
10/7/201826 minutes, 1 second
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Best of Podcast: Reasons Your Sex Life Isn’t Awesome- Mental or Health Issues

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because so many couples struggle with sex in their marriage and this particular sex issue comes up more often than you’d think. In this episode Dr. Kim & Christina share about mental and health issues that can affect sex. They share practical advice on what to do if you experience one of these issues in your marriage. Tune in to learn more!  
10/6/201820 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: My spouse is too hard on themselves, how can I help them? | Ep. 259

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: My spouse is too hard on themselves, how can I help them? Tune in to find out!
10/4/201813 minutes, 39 seconds
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What It Means To Be Trustworthy In a Marriage | Ep. 258

Do you have total trust in your marriage? Trust is a key component in an awesome marriage. It’s hard to gain and so easy to lose. If you want your marriage to thrive you need to say “no” to emotional infidelity and you need to be willing to do the hard work to promote trust in your marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim & Christina talk specifically about what it means to be trustworthy in marriage. Tune in to learn more about trust in marriage! SPONSORS Thank you to Bedre for sponsoring this podcast episode! Bedre is Dr. Kim & Nancy’s “go to” shop for chocolate and, one of their favorite places to buy gifts for friends and family. Hop on over to and get 15% off on your next purchase with coupon code LOVE18. If you love chocolate we highly recommend you check out their Meltaway Chocolate of the Month program! Coupon restrictions: *Valid only at *One-time use. *Not valid with other offers. Get Dr. Kim’s latest resource 5 Steps to Resolving Conflict with ANY donation to Awesome Marriage this month. You will also get his ebook Fighting Until Your Marriage Wins. In this short ebook, Dr. Kim gives couples a better understanding of which unseen issues may be driving their fights, as well as tools to work together on a resolution, and essential rules for how to fight fair.
10/2/201832 minutes, 34 seconds
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Best of Podcast - Ask Dr. Kim: Do married couples have to sleep in the same bed?

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment that originally aired last year on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.We are highlighting this podcast again to share Dr. Kim’s answers to common marriage questions. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Do married couples have to sleep in the same bed? Tune in to find out!
9/29/20186 minutes, 59 seconds
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Christian Women & Seductive Selfies - Interview with Kristen & Bethany from GirlDefined Ministries | Ep. 257

Today on the podcast we welcome back Kristen Clark & Bethany Baird. Kritsen & Bethany are sisters and co founders of GirlDefined Ministries. They are are vloggers, bloggers, and speakers. Kristen & Bethany join Christina to talk about seductive selfies, what they are, and how to check our hearts before what we post online. This is a great conversation that will challenge many. Our hope and prayer is that this episode will give you practical tools to discern what you post online to honor God, yourself, and your marriage.   Tune in to hear about the issue of seductive selfies! RESOURCES You can find more from Bethany & Kristen on their website here.   Be sure to subscribe to the YouTube Channel here. Grab their books Love Defined and Girl Defined here. Follow GirlDefined on Instagram and Facebook. Their ebook Project Modesty can be found here.
9/27/201843 minutes, 9 seconds
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Modesty in Marriage for Christian Wives - Interview with Kristen & Bethany from GirlDefined Ministries | Ep. 256

Do you have to be modest if you’re married? We hear about modesty as singles but then the conversation isn’t often carried on into marriage. In this episode we address the importance of modesty in marriage.   Today on the Podcast we welcome Kristen Clark & Bethany Baird. Kristen & Bethany are sisters and co-founders of GirlDefined Ministries. They are are vloggers, bloggers, and speakers. Their goal is to help modern girls understand and live out God’s timeless truth for womanhood. In a day and age when girls and women receive so many conflicting messages about their value, purpose, and identity, they desperately need to know that the only one who can define them is the One who created them. Kristen & Bethany join Dr. Kim to talk about modesty in marriage. This is a great conversation that will challenge many. Our hope and prayer is that this episode will stir you on towards honor. Tune in to learn more modesty in marriage! RESOURCES You can find more from Bethany & Kristen on their website here.   Be sure to subscribe to the YouTube Channel here. Grab their books Love Defined and Girl Defined here. Follow GirlDefined on Instagram and Facebook. Their ebook Project Modesty can be found here.
9/26/201846 minutes, 19 seconds
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Marriage Musts When You Have Teenage Children | Ep. 255

Have teens at home? In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina address the challenges of raising teens and some tips for how to survive this season with your marriage intact. Tune in to learn marriage musts when you have teenagers at home! Get Dr. Kim’s latest ebook Creating A Dream Marriage Part 4 - Fighting Until Your Marriage Wins with ANY donation to Awesome Marriage this month. In this short mini-book, Dr. Kim gives couples a better understanding of which unseen issues may be driving their fights, as well as tools to work together on a resolution, and essential rules for how to fight fair.
9/25/201832 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Vital Connection Between Intimacy and Money - Interview with Brian & Cherie Lowe | Ep. 254

Do you struggle with finances in your marriage? Do you struggle with intimacy? Money and sex are two of the most common tension points in marriage. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Today on the podcast we welcome Cherie & Brian Lowe. Cherie is a finance blogger at Queen of Free, and Brian is a family law attorney. Together they have seen it all when it comes to marital money struggles. Tune in to hear straight talk and power principles for getting your finances back on track so you can get back to your romance! RESOURCES Grab their book Your Money, Your Marriage here. You can find more great insights from Cherie on her website here.   Follow Cherie on Twitter and Facebook.  
9/24/201838 minutes, 48 seconds
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Best of Podcast: 3 Ways to Stop Fighting Your Spouse- Way 1

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again to give you one practical and important way to help you stop fighting your spouse. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 1st way: watching your tone.   Tune in to learn more about how to watch your tone in your marriage!  
9/22/201823 minutes, 7 seconds
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Marriage Musts When You Have Kids in Middle School | Ep. 253

Are you in the throes of raising middle schoolers? Than this episode is for you! In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina address the challenges of raising middle schoolers and some tips for how to survive this season with your marriage intact. Tune in to learn marriage musts when you have kids in middle school! RESOURCES Calm Parenting with Kirk Martin Focus on the Family
9/18/201831 minutes, 22 seconds
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Best of Podcast: 3 Tips To Communicating Well - Tip 1

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again since communication is such an important key to having an awesome marriage. This “3 Tips” series discusses 3 tips to communicating well in marriage. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 1st way today: make it safe for your spouse to talk to you.   Tune in to learn more about how to make it safe for your spouse to talk to you!  
9/15/201819 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: What do you do when you want space and time away from your spouse? | Ep. 252

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: What do you do when you want space and time away from your spouse? Tune in to find out!     Get Dr. Kim’s latest ebook Creating A Dream Marriage Part 4 - Fighting Until Your Marriage Wins with ANY donation to Awesome Marriage this month. In this short mini-book, Dr. Kim gives couples a better understanding of which unseen issues may be driving their fights, as well as tools to work together on a resolution, and essential rules for how to fight fair.  
9/13/201814 minutes, 46 seconds
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Marriage Musts When You Have Kids in Elementary School | Ep. 251

Raising children is not for the faint of heart. Parenting elementary aged children comes with its own unique set of challenges: busy schedules, discipline, dealing with your children’s friends and their influence, teaching them responsibility, ungrateful hearts and comparison, not to mention all the struggles with technology! In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina address the challenges of raising elementary kids and some tips for how to survive this season with your marriage intact. Tune in to learn marriage musts when you have kids in elementary school!   When you fight do you win or does your marriage? Get Dr. Kim’s latest ebook Creating A Dream Marriage Part 4 - Fighting Until Your Marriage Wins with ANY donation to Awesome Marriage this month. In this short mini-book, Dr. Kim gives couples a better understanding of which unseen issues may be driving their fights, as well as tools to work together on a resolution, and essential rules for how to fight fair.
9/11/201835 minutes, 11 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Building a Happy Marriage- Interview with Kelly Flanagan

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again. Kelly Flanagan is a clinical psychologist, author and speaker. Kelly writes about personal transformation, marriage, parenting, community, mindfulness and gratitude, grace, the power of story, and the discovery of purpose. Kelly joins Dr. Kim to talk about how to build a happy marriage. They share about the importance of not wasting time “working on your marriage” when you can be “building” it. Tune in below to learn more about what that means and how it can impact your marriage for the better!
9/8/201839 minutes, 5 seconds
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3 Ways to Keep Your Marriage Good with Kids- Way 3 | Ep. 250

Feel like you never have a minute alone because your kids are always by your side?! In this series we will be sharing 3 ways to keep your marriage good with kids at home. We have been going over 1 way each day. Today’s tip is: introduce independent play. Tune in to learn more!   
9/7/201823 minutes, 21 seconds
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3 Ways to Keep Your Marriage Good with Kids- Way 2 | Podcast 249

Are you a parent? Struggling to juggle your marriage amidst it all? Then this podcast episode is for you! In this 3 part series Dr. Kim and Christina share ways to keep your marriage good with kids at home. Today is way #2: Don’t coast. Tune in to learn more!   Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 3rd way to keep your marriage good with kids at home!  
9/6/201819 minutes, 7 seconds
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3 Ways to Keep Your Marriage Good with Kids- Way 1| Podcast 248

This is a mini series on ways to keep you marriage good with kids. Being parent is a huge responsibility, but if we want to have an awesome marriage we can’t put our parenting role above our role as a spouse. This week we wanted give some tips for how to stay intentional in your marriage amidst the task of parenting. In this series we will be sharing 3 ways to keep your marriage good with kids. We will be going over 1 way each day. Today’s way is: Have a daily update. Tune in to learn more!    Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 2nd way to keep your marriage good with kids at home!
9/5/201819 minutes, 26 seconds
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Marriage Musts When You Have Babies and Toddlers | Podcast 247

Are your littles draining your marriage? Each season of life comes with it’s own unique challenges. And many times as life’s demands change, our marriage goes to the wayside. We want to help you be intentional with your marriage and learn good, practical tips for keeping your marriage strong and thriving in EVERY season of life. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk about marriage musts when you have babies and toddlers. Tune in to learn more about how to keep your marriage awesome even in the years with littles! RESOURCES Need a date night to jumpstart your romance? Check out our Date Boxes!   Is conflict draining your marriage? Get Dr. Kim’s latest ebook Creating A Dream Marriage Part 4 - Fighting Until Your Marriage Wins with ANY donation to Awesome Marriage this month. In this short mini-book, Dr. Kim gives couples a better understanding of which unseen issues may be driving their fights, as well as tools to work together on a resolution, and essential rules for how to fight fair.  
9/4/201837 minutes, 52 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Confessions From A Married Midlife Couple

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because so much of our audience is in this life stage. Each life stage comes with its unique set of distractions and challenges. In this podcast we hear the story of Kristin and Eric Larson, a married couple in midlife,  and what they are learning in this stage. Tune in to learn hear this couple’s story and how to do marriage well with young children in the home!
9/1/201834 minutes, 50 seconds
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3 Tips to Thriving As A Stepparent- Tip 3 | Ep. 246

This is a mini series on 3 tips to thriving as a stepparent. Being a stepparent comes with some unique challenges that can often put a strain on your marriage. So this week we wanted to address that and give all stepparents some advice on how to stepparent well and get their marriage good. In this series we will be sharing 3 tips to thriving as a stepparent. We will be going over 1 tip each day. Today’s tip is: realize it takes time. Tune in to learn more!   
8/31/201816 minutes, 23 seconds
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3 Tips to Thriving As A Stepparent -Tip 2 | Ep. 245

Are you a stepparent or about to be one? Then this podcast episode is for you! In this 3 part series Dr. Kim and Christina share tips to thriving as a stepparent. Today is tip #2: practice sacrificial love. Tune in to learn more!   Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 3rd tip to thriving as a stepparent!  
8/30/201816 minutes, 44 seconds
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3 Tips to Thriving As A Stepparent- Tip 1 | Ep. 244

This is a mini series on 3 tips to thriving as a stepparent. Being a stepparent comes with some unique challenges that can often put a strain on your marriage. So this week we wanted to address that and give all stepparents some advice on how to stepparent well and get their marriage good. In this series we will be sharing 3 tips to thriving as a stepparent. We will be going over 1 tip each day. Today’s tip is: the marriage must come first. Tune in to learn more!    Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 2nd tip to thriving as a stepparent!
8/29/201818 minutes, 55 seconds
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Becoming a StepParent: Second Marriage | Ep. 243

The ministry of Awesome Marriage is for all couples who want to have an awesome marriage by submitting themselves to God and this certainly includes couples who are in a second marriage. We are here for the marriage you are in now to help you make it thrive and honor God. Many times, second marriages can be complicated and come with baggage. But there are practical things you can do to help your second marriage thrive. Today we are going to talk specifically about: becoming a stepparent. Becoming a stepparent is a whole new role and it absolutely affects your marriage. Dr. Kim shares practical advice and real stories about how to jump into this new role well. Tune in to learn more.
8/28/201833 minutes, 52 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Confessions From A Married Couple with Young Children

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because so much of our audience is in this life stage. Each life stage comes with it’s unique set of distractions and challenges. In this podcast David & Tracey Underwood join Dr. Kim as they share their story of being married with young children and what they are learning in this stage. Tune in to learn hear this couple’s story and how to do marriage well with young children in the home!
8/25/201846 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: My wife spends too much time on her phone and it’s hurting our marriage. What do I do? | Ep. 242

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: My wife spends too much time on her phone and it’s hurting our marriage. What do I do? Tune in to find out!
8/23/201816 minutes, 17 seconds
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Make Time For Your Spouse: Second Marriage | Ep. 241

The ministry of Awesome Marriage is for all couples who want to have an awesome marriage by submitting themselves to God and this certainly includes couples who are in a second marriage. We are here for the marriage you are in now to help you make it thrive and honor God. Many times, second marriages can be complicated and come with baggage. But there are practical things you can do to help your second marriage thrive. Today we are going to talk specifically about: the importance of making time for you spouse. Tune in to learn more.
8/21/201816 minutes, 37 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Confessions From Newlyweds

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because it’s so important to start your marriage off right in the newlywed years. In this podcast Micah & Tiffany Miller join Dr. Kim as they share their story as a unique kind of newlyweds and what they are learning in this stage. Tune in to learn hear this couple’s very unique story!  
8/18/201845 minutes, 25 seconds
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Men, What You Need to Hear: Women’s Biggest Complaints | Ep. 240

This week at Awesome Marriage we doing a Man Week! Dr. Kim & Nils are talking all things men and getting real about marriage as men and how to be the men God calls you to be. But these episodes are not just for men! Wives- these are great episodes for you to listen to in order to better understand, love, and serve your husbands. It is no secret that sometimes our wives don’t have the nicest things to say about us men. In this episode Dr. Kim & Nils talk women’s biggest complaints and what men should learn from them. Tune in to learn more!  
8/17/201819 minutes, 25 seconds
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Fatherhood: What Makes a Great Father| Ep. 239

This week at Awesome Marriage we doing a Man Week! Dr. Kim & Nils are talking all things men and getting real about marriage as men and how to be the men God calls you to be. But these episodes are not just for men! Wives- these are great episodes for you to listen to in order to better understand, love, and serve your husbands. In this episode Dr. Kim & Nils talk about fatherhood and what makes a great father. They give practical advice and share real life stories about what it means to be a Godly father. Tune in to learn more about godly fatherhood!
8/16/201827 minutes, 55 seconds
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Husbands Tell the Truth About Sex in Marriage | Ep. 238

This week at Awesome Marriage we doing a Man Week! Dr. Kim & Nils are talking all things men and getting real about marriage as men and how to be the men God calls you to be. But these episodes are not just for men! Wives- these are great episodes for you to listen to in order to better understand, love, and serve your husbands. In this episode Dr. Kim & Nils are getting real and talking about the truth about sex in marriage. Tune in to learn more!
8/15/201817 minutes, 50 seconds
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Lust: Guys Get Real | Ep. 237

This week at Awesome Marriage we doing a Man Week! Dr. Kim & Nils are talking all things men and getting real about marriage as men and how to be the men God calls you to be. But these episodes are not just for men! Wives- these are great episodes for you to listen to in order to better understand, love, and serve your husbands. In this episode Dr. Kim & Nils dive into the very difficult topic of lust. Why is lust such a temptation for men? What are practical things you do to fight against lust? What can Christian women do to help men fight against lust? Answers to this and more in this episode!
8/14/201817 minutes, 15 seconds
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Leadership in the Home | Ep. 236

This week at Awesome Marriage we doing a Man Week! Dr. Kim & Nils are talking all things men and getting real about marriage as men and how to be the men God calls you to be. But these episodes are not just for men! Wives- these are great episodes for you to listen to in order to better understand, love, and serve your husbands. In this episode Dr. Kim & Nils dive into the topic of leadership in the home. What it means, how to do it well, and where culture has it wrong. Tune in to learn more about leadership in the home!
8/13/201816 minutes, 40 seconds
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Best of Podcast: How To Keep This Distraction From Messing Up Your Marriage: Selfishness

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because it’s something we all struggle with. In this podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the distraction of selfishness and how to make sure it doesn’t cause trouble for your marriage. They share common issues of selfishness and give practical examples of what to do to make sure selfishness doesn’t eat away at your marriage. Tune in to learn more about how to make sure selfishness doesn’t mess up your marriage!
8/11/201826 minutes, 31 seconds
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Don’t Be Blindsided: Second Marriage | Ep. 235

The ministry of Awesome Marriage is for all couples who want to have an awesome marriage by submitting themselves to God and this certainly includes couples who are in a second marriage. We are here for the marriage you are in now to help you make it thrive and honor God. Many times, second marriages can be complicated and come with baggage. But there are practical things you can do to help your second marriage thrive. Today we are going to talk specifically about: how it’s important to not be blindsided. When you’re in a second marriage, you have to let go of the ideal and realize there are going to be some unique challenges since this is your second marriage. Don’t be blindsided by thinking this marriage won’t have it’s challenges. Tune in to learn more. RESOURCES Check out Ron Deal and his Family Life Blended resources here. Blended Families: Second Marriage Interview with Ron Deal Blended Families: The StepFamily Interview with Ron Deal Blended Families Video Series
8/9/201821 minutes, 12 seconds
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Letting Go of the Past & Creating a New Life: Second Marriage | Ep. 234

Here at Awesome Marriage, our hope is that every first marriage would work out and thrive and believe this is God’s design. But we know divorce happens and we have seen couples who commit to Christ have God-honoring, thriving second marriages. The ministry of Awesome Marriage is for all couples who want to have an awesome marriage by submitting themselves to God and this certainly includes couples who are in a second marriage. We are here for the marriage you are in now to help you make it thrive and honor God. Many times, second marriages can be complicated and come with baggage. But there are practical things you can do to help your second marriage thrive. Today we are going to talk specifically about: letting go of the past and creating your new life together. Tune in to learn more.
8/7/201826 minutes, 59 seconds
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Best of Podcast: How To Keep This Distraction From Messing Up Your Marriage- Families of Origin

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because it’s an issue so many couples face and yet so many couples don’t recognize in their marriage. In this podcast Dr. Kim & Christina discuss the distraction of families of origin and how to make sure it doesn’t cause trouble for your marriage. How we were raised and our life experiences make up much of who we are and how we think, it’s important to understand that and to set healthy boundaries so that unrealistic expectations don’t creep into our marriage. Tune in to learn more about how to make sure your family of origin doesn’t mess up your marriage!
8/4/201829 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: My husband isn’t open to counseling, but I think we need it. What do I do? | Ep. 233

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: My husband isn’t open to counseling, but I think we need it. What do I do? Tune in to find out!
8/2/201814 minutes, 36 seconds
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Autism & Determined Parenting: Interview with Karla Akin | Ep. 232

Today on the podcast we welcome special guest Karla Akin. Karla is an author and speaker. Karla is the mother of five, including twin sons with autism. She has a bachelor’s in special education from Western Governors University and a doctorate in Christian education from Kingsway Theological Seminary. She has nearly four decades of teaching experience in homeschooling, private school and public education. Karla joins Dr. Kim to talk about her most recent book A Pair of Miracles: A Story of Autism, Faith, and Determined Parenting and her story of triumphs and mistakes as she walked alongside her autistic sons. This book is a powerful tool for any parent of a child with autism. Tune in to learn more about autism and determined parenting! RESOURCES You can find more from Karla on her website here.   Purchase Karla’s book here. Follow Karla on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
8/1/201854 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Support a Friend Going Through Divorce | Ep. 231

Do you have a friend that is going through a divorce? Unfortunately, when looking at the statistics- we all do! We want to provide some gospel-centered wisdom for how to deal with divorce. Divorce is hard. And as a Christian, it’s hard to know how to approach divorce when our friends go through it. Dr. Kim and Christina share practical advice and real stories about how to support a friend going through divorce. Tune in to learn more about how to support a friend going through divorce.
7/31/201825 minutes, 33 seconds
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Best of Podcast: The Darkest of Valleys - The Taylors’ Story

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the great response we received the first time. In this podcast Dr. Kim has special guests Colby & Amanda Taylor with him. The Taylors are good friends of Dr. Kim’s. Amanda and Colby have been married for 11 years and have 5 beautiful children. Amanda is the owner of Embellished Weddings here in Oklahoma City where she plans and coordinates weddings. But Amanda, like us, is more passionate about the health of a marriage than the wedding day. Her heart is for couples to plan for a marriage that’s even better than the wedding. Colby is a Pastor at Life.Church and together they love to serve. In this episode the Taylor’s discuss the darkest time in their lives and how they got through it together with God’s help. Tune in to learn more about how to survive the darkest of valleys as a married couple!  
7/28/20189 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: Can Christians Date Online? | Ep. 230

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Can Christians Date Online? Tune in to find out!
7/26/201816 minutes, 40 seconds
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My Marriage is Over; Now What? | Ep. 229

So your marriage is over. What’s next? How do you cope? We want to provide some gospel-centered wisdom for how to deal with your marriage ending. Dr. Kim and Christina share practical advice and real stories about divorce to help people cope with what’s next. Tune in to learn more about what to do when your marriage has ended.
7/24/201823 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: Should I dump my girlfriend if my parents don’t like her? | Ep. 228

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Should I dump my girlfriend if my parents don’t like her? Tune in to find out!
7/19/201819 minutes, 19 seconds
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Helping Your Kids Through Your Divorce | Ep. 227

We want to provide some gospel-centered wisdom for how to deal with it if it comes your way and you can’t avoid it. Today we are going to talk specifically about: helping your kids through your divorce. Dr. Kim and Christina share practical advice and real stories about divorce to help parents help their kids cope with their divorce. Tune in to learn more about helping your kids through your divorce.
7/17/201828 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How can we keep the romance alive during the season of having little kids in the house? | Ep. 226

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How can we keep the romance alive during the season of having little kids in the house? Tune in to find out!  
7/12/201819 minutes, 24 seconds
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Winning the Worry Battle - Interview with Barb Roose | Ep. 225

Today on the podcast we welcome special guest Barb Roose. Barb is an author and speaker who is passionate about connecting women to one another and to God. Barb joins Dr. Kim as they talk about Barb’s most recent book ‘Winning the Worry Battle: Life Lessons from the Book of Joshua’ is helping people win the battle over their worries. If you have ever been stressed out about something you can’t control- than this episode is for you! Barb gives real tools to dealing with worry beyond “just pray about it.” Tune in to learn more about winning the worry battle! RESOURCES You can find more from Barb on her website here.   Purchase Barb’s book here. Follow Barb on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.  
7/11/201826 minutes, 49 seconds
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Communicating Your Divorce to Loved Ones | Ep. 224

Here at Awesome Marriage we want every marriage to work and believe God can restore any marriage. But the ugly truth is, divorce happens. God hates divorce, he doesn’t hate divorced people. Although we don’t support divorce, we want to provide some gospel-centered wisdom for how to deal with it if it comes your way and you can’t avoid it. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk specifically about communicating your divorce to loved ones. Tune in to learn more about how to communicate your divorce to loved ones.  
7/10/201827 minutes, 27 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Relationship Resonance Part 1- Interview with Doug Hacking

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the great response we received the first time. In this podcast Dr. Kim has special guests Doug & Mary Ann Hacking with him. Doug Hacking is a former pharmaceutical sales representative and works as a pharmacist, adjunct faculty, and relational consultant. Doug & Mary Ann join Dr. Kim in this episode to talk about Doug’s new book “Relationship Resonance” and the first two components of his Relationship Resonance system. Tune in to learn more about Relationship Resonance!
7/7/201836 minutes, 17 seconds
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3 Truths Every Divorced Christian Needs to Know- Truth 3 | Ep. 223

This is a mini series on 3 truths every divorced Christian needs to hear. Here at Awesome Marriage we are FOR marriage and we desire every marriage to work and be thriving and God-honoring. But we live in a broken world and we recognize that divorce happens. So we want to shed some gospel truth for those that find themselves divorced. In this series we will be sharing 3 truths we believe every divorced Christian needs to know. We will be going over 1 truth each day. Today’s truth is: God is the Redeemer Tune in to learn more!
7/6/201812 minutes, 15 seconds
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3 Truths Every Divorced Christian Needs to Know- Truth 2 | Ep. 222

Are you divorced? Know a friend going through divorce? Then this podcast episode is for you! In this 3 part series Dr. Kim and Christina shares truths every divorced Christian needs to know. Today is truth #2: God calls for forgiveness and kindness. Tune in to learn more!   Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 3rd and final truth every divorced Christian needs to know!
7/5/201818 minutes, 31 seconds
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3 Truths Every Divorced Christian Needs to Know- Truth 1 | Ep. 221

This is a mini series on 3 truths every divorced Christian needs to hear. Here at Awesome Marriage we are FOR marriage and we desire every marriage to work and be thriving and God-honoring. But we live in a broken world and we recognize that divorce happens. So we want to shed some gospel truth for those that find themselves divorced. In this series we will be sharing 3 truths we believe every divorced Christian needs to know. We will be going over 1 truth each day. Today’s truth is: His Blood is Enough Tune in to learn more!    Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 2nd truth every divorced Christian needs to know!
7/4/201818 minutes, 57 seconds
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Going Through Divorce Gracefully | Ep. 220

Here at Awesome Marriage we want every marriage to work and believe God can restore any marriage. But the ugly truth is, divorce happens. God hates divorce, he doesn’t hate divorced people. Although we don’t support divorce, we want to provide some gospel-centered wisdom for how to deal with it if it comes your way and you can’t avoid it. In this episode Dr. Kim and Christina talk specifically about going through divorce gracefully. Tune in to learn more about how to handle divorce with grace in mind!    
7/3/201818 minutes, 38 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Sharing Responsibility in Decision Making

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because making decisions wisely together as a couple is something so many couples struggle to do peacefully. In this podcast Christina and Dr. Kim talk about sharing responsibility when it comes to making decisions in marriage Tune in to learn more about how to share in decision making!
6/30/201834 minutes, 18 seconds
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How to Affirm Your Husband | Ep. 219

Wives- are your words building your husband up? Do you know what your husband needs to hear? This episode is part of a mini series on affirmation in marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss how to affirm your husband. They give practical tips and talk about the different ways men need to be affirmed by their wives. Tune in to learn more about how to affirm your husband!  
6/28/201815 minutes, 22 seconds
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How to Affirm Your Wife | Ep. 218

Husbands- are your words building your wife up? Do you know what your wife needs to hear? This episode is part of a mini series on affirmation in marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss how to affirm your wife. They give practical tips and talk about the different ways women need to be affirmed by their husbands. Tune in to learn more about how to affirm your wife!  
6/27/201816 minutes, 43 seconds
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How to Have a Great Date | Ep. 217

Are you making dating your spouse a priority? If so, are the dates the quality that they need to be? This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about quality time in marriage and different ways to find quality time. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss practical ways to make dating in marriage a priority and how to have a great date. Tune in to learn more!  
6/26/201829 minutes, 28 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Seasons of Transitions

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the great response we received from it the first time it aired. In this podcast Christina and Dr. Kim talk about seasons of transition. They share real life examples and personal stories of what seasons of transitions look like and how to navigate them together in a healthy way. Tune in to learn more about how to deal with seasons of transitions!  
6/23/201830 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: What do you do when your spouse leaves you? | Ep. 216

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: What do you do when your spouse leaves you? Tune in to find out! RESOURCES Hope for the Separated by Gary Chapman When He Leaves: Help and Hope for Hurting Wives by Kari West
6/21/201817 minutes, 22 seconds
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Minimizing Screen Time | Ep. 215

Is your smartphone ruining your marriage? Screens are everywhere and too many of us are spending too much time on them. One huge way you can increase your quality time in your marriage is by minimizing screen time. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss practical ways to reduce screen time, set boundaries, and make sure your spouse is a priority over your devices. Tune in to learn more!   RESOURCES CNN Article About Nomophobia with Quiz Circle Apple Watch  
6/19/201838 minutes, 43 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Surviving the Valleys- Interview with Colby & Amanda Taylor

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the great response we received from it the first time it aired. In this podcast special guests Colby & Amanda Taylor join Dr. Kim. The Taylors are good friends of Dr. Kim’s. Amanda is the owner of Embellished Weddings in Oklahoma City where she plans and coordinates weddings. But Amanda, like us, is more passionate about the health of a marriage than the wedding day. Colby is a Pastor at Life.Church and together they love to serve. In this podcast episode Dr. Kim & The Taylors talk about how to survive the valleys of life in marriage. Tune in to learn more about how to survive the valleys as a married couple!
6/16/201841 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: What should we do to prepare for marriage? | Ep. 214

  This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: What should we do to prepare for marriage? Tune in to find out!   RESOURCES The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller Financial Peace University Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas 7 Secrets to An Awesome Marriage Awesome Marriage Online Prep for Marriage Course Capture Her Heart: Becoming the Godly Husband Your Wife Desires by Lysa TerKeurst 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman Getting Your Sex Life Off to a Great Start: A Guide for Engaged and Newlywed Couples by Clifford Penner
6/14/201820 minutes, 16 seconds
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How to Have a Great Family Trip | Ep. 213

It’s difficult to prioritize quality time with your spouse and family in the busy, fast paced culture we live in. This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about quality time in marriage and different ways to find quality time. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss practical ways to have a great family trip filled with quality time and memories that will last a lifetime. Tune in to learn more about how to have a great family trip!  
6/12/201820 minutes, 17 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Making Major Life Decisions

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because learning to make decisions wisely and peacefully together is a crucial part of having an awesome marriage. In this podcast Christina and Dr. Kim talk about making major life decisions in marriage. They share about the most common major life decisions and wise ways of going about making these major life decisions in unity with your spouse. Tune in to learn more about how to make wise major life decisions in marriage!
6/9/201837 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How should we as family choose what activities to be involved in and what not to? | Ep. 212

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How should we as family choose what activities to be involved in and what not to? Tune in to find out!
6/7/201816 minutes, 41 seconds
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Maximizing Your Dinner Time | Ep. 211

Quality time for couples and families is one of the best things to help us stay connected and yet it can be one of the hardest things to accomplish in our busy, fast paced culture we live in. This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about quality time in marriage and different ways to find quality time. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss practical ways to maximize your dinner time for quality time. Tune in to learn more!   RESOURCES Hello Fresh
6/5/201828 minutes, 49 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Your Best Us- Marriage is Easier Than You Think Interview with Ted Lowe

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the great response we received from it the first time it aired. In this podcast special guest Ted Lowe joins Dr. Kim. Ted Lowe is a speaker, blogger, and the director of MarriedPeople, the marriage division at The reThink Group (also known as Orange), a non-profit organization devoted to influencing those who influence the next generation. In this podcast episode Dr. Kim & Ted talk about Ted’s book “Your Best Us: Marriage is Easier Than You Think.” This book shows couples how to create a better marriage by understanding simple truths. Tune in to learn more about how to be your best “us!”
6/2/201837 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How do I know if my spouse and I need to see a Marriage Counselor? | Ep. 210

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How do I know if my spouse and I need to see a Marriage Counselor? Tune in to find out!  
5/31/201811 minutes, 32 seconds
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Family Abuse | Ep. 209

Abuse in families is something that happens too often. As Christians, it’s hard to know how to navigate abuse with grace and yet respect for yourself and protection for yourself and your family. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina tackle this difficult topic and provide some encouragement for those dealing with the trauma of abuse. Tune in to learn more!  
5/29/201827 minutes, 41 seconds
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Best of Podcast - How To Keep This Distraction From Messing Up Your Marriage: Technology

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because it’s probably the biggest distraction in most marriages today. In our culture today screens and technology are everywhere and although that provides for many blessings, it can also be a very real and very addictive distraction. In this podcast Nils, Christina, and Dr. Kim share real life examples and give ideas on healthy boundaries that can help protect your marriage from this distraction. Tune in to learn more about how to keep technology from messing up your marriage!
5/26/201837 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How do I find a good counselor who can truly fix my marriage? | Ep. 208

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How do I find a good counselor who can truly fix my marriage? Tune in to find out!
5/24/201814 minutes, 45 seconds
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Family Speaking Negatively About Your Spouse | Ep. 207

Having a family member that speaks poorly of your spouse can be very dangerous and put a strain on your marriage. It can be difficult to know how to deal with this family issue.  Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss this issue and how to deal with it. Tune in to learn more!  
5/22/201830 minutes, 57 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Healing After Bad Decisions

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because it’s an issue that we all face at some point in our marriage: having to heal after bad decision making. In this podcast Dr. Kim & Christina share real life examples and personal stories of what it looks like to heal well after bad decisions and how to rebuild trust in your marriage after bad decisions have been made. Tune in to learn more about healing after bad decisions!
5/19/201838 minutes, 1 second
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Ask Dr. Kim: Is addiction grounds for separation? | Ep. 206

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Is addiction grounds for separation? Tune in to find out!
5/17/201814 minutes, 30 seconds
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Choosing Marriage - Interview with Debra Fileta | Ep. 205

Today on the podcast we welcome back special guest Debra Fileta. Debra is a licensed professional counselor who specializes in dating, marriage, and relationship issues. Debra joins Dr. Kim as they talk about Debra’s new book, Choosing Marriage. In her book, Choosing Marriage, Debra talks about the beautiful exchange that occurs when spouses learn what it means to choose “we” before “me.” Her book is super practical and sure to help many couples! It walks through 8 significant choices involved in taking marriage from hard to great. Tune in to learn more about these 8 choices that could impact your marriage in great ways!  
5/16/201840 minutes, 47 seconds
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Family Drama | Ep. 204

Family drama. We’ve all been through it and it can be so draining! Family drama can also take a huge toll on your marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss family drama, why it exists, and how to deal with it in healthy ways that keep your marriage intact. Tune in to learn more about how to deal with family drama!  
5/15/201841 minutes, 43 seconds
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Best of Podcast - That Christian Vlogger: Interview with Justin Khoe

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the great response we received from it the first time it aired. In this podcast special guest Justin Khoe joins me. Justin Khoe runs the YouTube channel "That Christian Vlogger" where he posts weekly videos talking about things that come up in daily life for Christians. In this podcast episode Justin joins Dr. Kim as they talk about what it looks like to be a vlogger and how it impacts his marriage. Tune in to learn more!
5/12/201841 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: What can we do to get our teens to be obedient and respectful? | Ep. 203

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: What can we do to get our teens to be obedient and respectful? Tune in to find out!  
5/10/201820 minutes, 31 seconds
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Family Invading Your Personal Life | Ep. 202

Does your family ever intrude on your personal life? This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking all about family issues. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the issue of family invading your personal life and how to deal with it. Tune in to learn more!    
5/8/201835 minutes, 1 second
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Best of Podcast: How To Keep This Distraction From Messing Up Your Marriage Work

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because the majority of couples struggle with this issue and learning how to keep this distraction from messing up your marriage just may be the key to saving it. In this podcast Dr. Kim & Christina talk about the distraction of work and how to make sure work doesn’t cause trouble for your marriage. They share practical tips and ways to overcome common problems when it comes to work life balance. Tune in to learn more about how to keep the distraction of work from messing up your marriage!
5/5/201833 minutes, 10 seconds
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3 Ways to Leave & Cleave- Way 3 | Ep. 201

Do you know what it means practically to leave your family and cleave to your spouse? In this 3 part series Dr. Kim shares practical ways to leave and cleave. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 3rd and final way today: depend on your spouse spiritually. Tune in to learn more!
5/4/201821 minutes, 47 seconds
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3 Ways to Leave & Cleave- Way 2 | Ep. 200

Are your family ties causing marital conflict?  In this 3 part series Dr. Kim shares practical ways to leave and cleave. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 2nd way today: establish boundaries. Tune in to learn more about how to leave and cleave!   Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 3rd way to leave and cleave!
5/3/201825 minutes, 38 seconds
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3 Ways to Leave & Cleave- Way 1| Ep. 199

Do you know what it means practically to leave your family and cleave to your spouse? Are your family ties causing marital conflict? So many couples don’t know what it looks like practically to fulfill this call of leaving and cleaving that God sets for us. In this 3 part series Dr. Kim shares ways to practically leave and cleave. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 1st way today: physical distance. Tune in to learn more about how to leave and cleave!    Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 2nd way to leave and cleave!
5/2/201819 minutes, 35 seconds
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Leaving and Cleaving Defined | Ep. 198

What exactly does it mean to leave and cleave in a marriage? Why does God call us to do this? This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking all about family issues. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss what it means to leave and cleave and the importance of it in order to have a healthy, thriving marriage that God intended.   Tune in to learn more about how to leave and cleave!
5/1/201837 minutes, 18 seconds
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Best of Podcast: A Fierce Love- Interview with Shauna Shanks

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because it covers a topic that pains a lot of marriages; the difficult subject of infidelity and pornography. In this podcast special guest Shauna Shanks joins Dr. Kim. Shauna Shanks is a wife, mother, entrepreneur and writer. In this podcast episode they talk about her book “A Fierce Love” and how a terrible tragedy in her marriage pushed her near to God and changed her life forever. Tune in to learn more about how to have a fierce love!      
4/28/201837 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How can we stop fighting about money? | Ep. 197

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How can we stop fighting about money? Tune in to find out!
4/26/201818 minutes, 21 seconds
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Avoiding The Greener Grass Syndrome - Interview with Nancy C. Anderson | Ep. 198

Today on the podcast we have special guest Nancy C. Anderson. Nancy is an award-winning writer. She and her husband Ron have been married for 40 years. Nancy joins Dr. Kim as they talk about her new book, Avoiding The Greener Grass Syndrome. Avoiding the Greener Grass Syndrome focuses on how to grow an affair-proof marriage by establishing and maintaining 6 protective hedges around it. Affair-proofing marriages is something we are very passionate about here at Awesome Marriage so we are thrilled to have Nancy on the podcast with us today talking about this important topic!
4/25/201836 minutes, 56 seconds
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Protecting Your Marriage From An Emotional Affair | Ep. 195

Is your marriage at risk to an emotional affair online? This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about guarding your marriage online. Because technology and the internet are so infused in our daily lives, we have to put smart boundaries in place to guard our marriages from the temptations it poses. One of the biggest temptations being: starting up an emotional affair. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss protecting your marriage from emotional affairs online. Tune in to learn more about how to protect your marriage from this!  
4/24/201832 minutes, 25 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Loveable - Interview with Kelly Flanagan

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the great response we received from it. In this podcast special guest Kelly Flanagan joins Dr. Kim. Kelly is a clinical psychologist, author, and speaker. In this podcast episode they talk about Kelly’s book Loveable which is all about embracing what is truest about you, so that you can embrace your life. Tune in to learn how you can embrace what is truest about you and how it can impact your marriage for the better!
4/21/201835 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How am I supposed to know if I found the right person to marry? | Ep. 194

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How am I supposed to know if I found the right person to marry? Tune in to find out!
4/19/201820 minutes, 30 seconds
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Protecting Your Marriage From the Woes of Comparison Online | Ep. 193

We’ve all dealt with comparison online and the angst that it can bring. But is social media and other online comparison affecting your marriage? Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss protecting your marriage from the woes of comparison online. Tune in to learn more about how to protect your marriage from this and the trouble it can bring!  
4/17/201831 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: Why should I, as a woman, initiate sex with husband? | Ep. 192

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Why should I, as a woman, initiate sex with husband? Tune in to find out!
4/12/201812 minutes, 25 seconds
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Real-Life Romance - Interview with Rhonda Stoppe | Ep. 191

Today on the podcast we welcome back special guest Rhonda Stoppe. Rhonda is an author and speaker dedicated to helping women live life with no regrets. She has more than 30 years of experience as a marriage mentor, pastor’s wife, author and speaker. Today Rhonda joins Dr. Kim to talk about her new book, Real-Life Romance. Real-Life Romance is a book made up of 25 stories of couples who have found extraordinary love. Rhonda shows how in each case God was at work in the hearts of His people. Tune in to be inspired by these love stories!
4/11/201850 minutes, 27 seconds
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Protecting Your Marriage By Watching What You Post | Ep. 190

Is what you post online hurting your marriage? This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about guarding your marriage online. Because technology and the internet are so infused in our daily lives, we have to put smart boundaries in place to guard our marriages from the temptations it poses. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss protecting your marriage by being cautious about what you post online. Tune in to learn more about appropriate posting in your marriage!    
4/10/201827 minutes, 15 seconds
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3 Ways to Protect Your Marriage Online- Way 3 | Ep. 189

If we aren’t intentional about protecting our marriage from online sins, we leave ourselves way too vulnerable to serious issues. In this 3 part series Dr. Kim shares ways protect your marriage online. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 3rd and final way today: get serious about boundaries. Are you being serious about online boundaries? Tune in to learn more!
4/6/201817 minutes, 54 seconds
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3 Ways to Protect Your Marriage Online- Way 2 | Ep. 188

Is your marriage at risk online? In this 3 part series Dr. Kim shares ways to protect your marriage online. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 2nd way today: get physical. Tune in to learn why it’s important that you get physical in order to provide protection in your marriage!   Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 3rd way to protect your marriage online!
4/5/201818 minutes, 19 seconds
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3 Ways to Protect Your Marriage Online- Way 1| Ep. 187

Is your marriage at risk to online sins and damage? Are you doing everything you need to in order to protect your marriage online? If we aren’t intentional about protecting our marriage online, we open ourselves up to some real and potentially marriage breaking issues. In this 3 part series Dr. Kim shares ways to protect your marriage online. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 1st way today: get spiritual. Tune in to learn more about how to protect your marriage online!    Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 2nd way to protect your marriage online!
4/4/201818 minutes, 52 seconds
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Protecting Your Marriage From Porn | Ep. 186

Are you actively protecting your marriage from porn? This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about guarding your marriage online. The internet and technology is a wonderful thing, but for all it’s wonder and usefulness it also has a dark side. Because technology and the internet are so infused in our daily lives, we have to put smart boundaries in place to guard our marriages from the temptations it poses. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss protecting your marriage from porn and why it’s something everyone needs to be serious about in their marriage. Tune in to learn more about protecting your marriage from porn!  
4/3/201837 minutes, 46 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Stop Fighting Against Your Spouse & Start Fighting for Your Marriage

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the great response we received the first time it aired. In this podcast Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina talk about how to turn your fighting in marriage around. They share real and practical ways to stop fighting your spouse and start fighting for your marriage. Tune in to learn how to stop fighting with your spouse!  
3/31/201830 minutes
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Ask Dr. Kim: Why do women play games instead of telling us what they want? | Ep. 185

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Why do women play games instead of telling us what they want? Tune in to find out!
3/29/201813 minutes, 9 seconds
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Subtle Marriage Killers: Discounting Your Spouse’s Feelings & Opinions | Ep. 184

There are subtle things that can eat away at a marriage. Are you prepared to guard against these things? Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the subtle marriage killer of: discounting your spouse’s feelings and opinions. The real trouble with this issue is most of us do not even realize that we are doing it! In this episode Dr. Kim helps define what this is and what it can look like and how to avoid it in your marriage. Tune in to learn more about this subtle marriage killer and how to avoid it!
3/27/201830 minutes, 3 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Be All In, Even When They Aren’t

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the great response we received the first time it aired. In this podcast Dr. Kim and Nils talk about how to be all in your marriage even if your spouse isn’t. Things can seem hopeless when your spouse has seemingly checked out of your marriage but no marriage is beyond God’s repair and putting your best foot forward is your best shot to save your marriage. Tune in to learn more about how to be all in for your marriage!
3/24/201827 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: What does and does not constitute as abuse in marriage? | Ep. 183

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: What does and does not constitute as abuse in marriage? Tune in to find out!
3/22/201818 minutes, 38 seconds
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Subtle Marriage Killers: Not Considering Your Spouse | Ep. 182

None of us intend to not consider or think of our spouse, but it certainly happens. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the subtle marriage killer of: not considering your spouse. They share practical examples and real life stories. What all does this marriage killer entail and how can you guard your marriage from it? Tune in to find out!   
3/20/201825 minutes, 7 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Hope and Freedom After Betrayal- Interview with Lynn & David Cherry

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because it’s a topic that pains a lot of marriages. This message can bring a lot of help and healing to couples who need it. In this podcast special guests Lynn & David Cherry join Dr. Kim. Lynn is an author and speaker. Lynn and David have been married 25 years and have walked through some incredibly difficult trials in marriage and came out the other side a happy couple. In this podcast they talk about Lynn & David’s journey and Lynn’s book Keep Walking, 40 Days to Hope and Freedom after Betrayal. Tune in to learn more about how to find hope and freedom after betrayal!
3/17/201848 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: My spouse says they don’t feel loved by me. How can I make them see I love them? | Ep. 181

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: My spouse says they don’t feel loved by me. How can I make them see I love them? Tune in to find out!
3/15/201812 minutes, 48 seconds
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Subtle Marriage Killers: Constant Complaining | Ep. 180

There are subtle things that can eat away at your marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina discuss the subtle marriage killer of: constant complaining. We are all tempted to complain in marriage but there is a point where it becomes a real issue that can be very harmful. In this episode Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina share real life stories and practical tips for how to guard your marriage from this marriage killer. Is complaining an issue in your marriage? Tune in to find out!   
3/13/201826 minutes, 16 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Meet with Your Heavenly Father- Interview with Craig & Rachel Denison

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the great response we received the first time it aired. In this podcast special guests Craig & Rachel Denison join Dr. Kim. Craig and Rachel Denison are a husband and wife team. Together they created First15, a fifteen minute devotional that leads you into a fresh encounter with God's presence every day through worship, a devotional thought and guided prayer. In this podcast they talk about their journey and First15 Org and how making time to meet with God every day will transform your life and your marriage. Tune in to learn more about the importance of spending time with God and what that can look like practically!  
3/10/201842 minutes, 3 seconds
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3 Ways to Make Time for Your Spouse- Way 3 | Ep. 179

If we aren’t intentional about spending time together, it won’t happen. In this 3 part series Dr. Kim shares ways to make time for your spouse despite the busyness of life. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 3rd and final way today: cultivate a common interest. Are you cultivating a common interest with your spouse? Do you know how to do that well? Tune in to learn more!
3/9/201819 minutes, 43 seconds
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3 Ways to Make Time for Your Spouse- Way 2 | Ep. 178

Are you making time for your spouse? In this 3 part series Dr. Kim shares ways to make time for your spouse despite the busyness of life. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 2nd way today: pray together routinely. Tune in to learn why it’s important that you do this with your spouse and how it will benefit your marriage!   Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 3rd way to make time for your spouse!
3/8/201819 minutes, 16 seconds
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3 Ways to Make Time for Your Spouse- Way 1 | Ep. 177

Is your spouse a top priority for you? Most of us would say so, but having an awesome marriage takes intentionality. If we aren’t intentional about spending time together, it won’t happen. In this 3 part series Dr. Kim shares ways to make time for your spouse despite the busyness of life. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 1st way today: have a regular date night. Tune in to learn more about how to practically implement this into your schedule!    Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 2nd way to make time for your spouse!
3/7/201821 minutes, 35 seconds
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Subtle Marriage Killers: Busyness | Ep. 176

This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about subtle marriage killers. All couples have good intentions of having a happy and healthy marriage but so many of us get off track and there are subtle things that can eat away at your marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina discuss the subtle marriage killer of: busyness. In our fast paced culture busyness affects us all but what would it look like if we made sure life’s demands didn’t take away from our marriage? In this episode Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina share real life stories and practical tips for how to guard your marriage from this marriage killer. How can you guard against busyness in marriage? Tune in to find out!   
3/6/201830 minutes, 35 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Prayer & Patience

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the great response we received the first time it aired. This has been one of our most listened to podcasts of all time and it has an important message that could save a lot of marriages. In this podcast Dr. Kim and Christina talk about how prayer and patience can help heal a marriage that’s in trouble. Dr. Kim and Christina share personal examples and real life stories of how these two things have the potential to make all the difference for your marriage. Tune in to learn more about prayer and patience in marriage!
3/3/201823 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: Is it okay for grown men to play video games? | Ep. 175

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Is it okay for grown men to play video games? Tune in to find out!  
3/1/201814 minutes, 24 seconds
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Culture Traps: Not Accepting Those Who Think Differently Than We Do | Ep. 174

Culture traps can plague marriages and families. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss one trap all want to say we don’t fall into but that far too many of us do and that is: that we shouldn’t accept those who think differently than we do. Tune in to learn more about how to fight this culture trap!  
2/27/201827 minutes, 19 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Withholding Forgiveness- Interview with Craig & Rachel Denison

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the great response we received the first time it aired. In this podcast special guests Craig & Rachel Denison join Dr. Kim. Craig and Rachel Denison are a husband and wife team. Together they created First15, a fifteen minute devotional that leads you into a fresh encounter with God's presence every day through worship, a devotional thought and guided prayer. In this podcast they talk about one habit that often leads to divorce: withholding forgiveness. They break down the importance of forgiveness and how to make sure you have a grace-filled marriage full of healing and renewal. Tune in to learn more about forgiveness and how to forgive practically in marriage!
2/24/201840 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: As Christians what is okay and not okay to do when it comes to sex in marriage? | Ep. 173

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: As Christians what is okay and not okay to do when it comes to sex in marriage? Tune in to find out!
2/22/201815 minutes, 38 seconds
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Culture Traps: Pleasure Over Purpose | Ep. 172

Culture traps can plague marriages and families. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the culture trap of: pleasure over purpose. Our culture values pleasure and seeking pleasure over purpose and purposeful decisions and a purposeful life. In this podcast they share how culture pushes this and how it can hurt your marriage if you fall into this trap. Tune in to learn more about how to fight this culture trap!    
2/20/201829 minutes, 42 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Separate Things

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the great impact it had the first time it aired. In this podcast Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina discuss one habit that leads to divorce. The habit of: separate things. Whether it’s separate bank accounts, beds, or lives there is no place for certain “separates” in a marriage. Tune in to learn more about this habit and how to avoid “separate things” in your marriage and embrace unity!
2/17/201831 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How involved should we be in our children’s dating process and choices? | Ep. 171

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How involved should we be in our children’s dating process and choices? Tune in to find out!
2/15/201819 minutes, 10 seconds
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Culture Traps: Sex Is The Ultimate | Ep. 170

Culture influences all of us, but as Christians we shouldn’t believe everything our culture tells us. Culture traps can plague marriages and families. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina discuss the biggest culture trap: the belief that sex is the ultimate. They share how culture pushes this and how it can hurt your marriage if you believe this lie. Tune in to learn more about how to fight this culture trap!  
2/13/201834 minutes, 27 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Habits of Healthy Couples HABIT 1 Showing Affection - Interview with Lynn & David Cherry

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because it’s timely with Valentine’s Day approaching next week. In this podcast special guests Lynn & David Cherry join Dr. Kim. Lynn is an author and speaker and writes devotions at Shoreline Church in Austin TX. She writes about motherhood, marriage, and moving forward after betrayal. In this podcast they talk about showing affection in marriage. They share biblical insights and practical advice on how to show affection in marriage and how to keep your marriage healthy. Tune in to learn more about how to show affection well in your marriage!
2/10/201833 minutes, 18 seconds
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3 Ways to Honor Your Spouse- Way 3 | Ep. 169

If you want to have a healthy, happy marriage it is important to honor our spouse. But what does it mean to do that? How can we practically honor each other? This week Dr. Kim shares 3 ways to honor your spouse. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 3rd and final way today: honor God first. Tune in to learn why honor God first will help you to honor your spouse well!  
2/9/201810 minutes, 20 seconds
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3 Ways to Honor Your Spouse- Way 2 | Ep. 168

If you want to have a healthy, happy marriage it is important to honor our spouse. But what does it mean to do that? How can we practically honor each other? This week Dr. Kim shares 3 ways to honor your spouse. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 2nd way today: don’t correct them. Tune in to learn why it’s important not to correct your spouse and how it can make a huge impact on your marriage if you learn to honor your spouse in this way!   Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 3rd way to honor your spouse!  
2/8/201813 minutes, 51 seconds
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3 Ways to Honor Your Spouse- Way 1 | Ep. 167

If you want to have a healthy, happy marriage it is important to honor our spouse. But what does it mean to do that? How can we practically honor each other? This week Dr. Kim shares 3 ways to honor your spouse. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 1st way today: treat them like a cherished friend. Tune in to learn more about what it means to treat your spouse like a cherished friend!    Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 2nd way to honor your spouse!
2/7/201814 minutes, 55 seconds
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Culture Traps: Career Over Family | Ep. 166

This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about culture traps that can affect your marriage. Culture influences all of us, but as Christians we often need to fight some aspects of culture to live life God’s way. God’s Kingdom is upside down when it comes to the world. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss one common culture trap: that your career is more important than your family. They share how culture pushes this and how it can affect marriages. Tune in to learn more about how to fight this culture trap!  
2/6/201829 minutes, 10 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Sex & Secrets

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the great response we received the first time it aired. In this podcast Nils, Christina, and Dr. Kim discuss two big habits that lead to divorce. They talk about sex and secrets. Sex issues and secrecy are often intertwined and these issues can destroy a marriage. Tune in to learn how to avoid these issues and bad habits in your own marriage!
2/3/201825 minutes, 55 seconds
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Reasons Your Sex Life Isn’t Awesome: You Aren’t Putting Enough Effort in Outside the Bedroom | Ep. 165

Many couples struggle with sex in their marriage. Sex is a gift from God and His plan for you and your marriage is for your sexual relationship with your spouse to thrive! Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina share about one reason your sex life might be lacking: if you aren’t putting enough effort in outside the bedroom. What happens outside the bedroom is just as important as what happens inside the bedroom when it comes to intimacy. In this podcast Dr. Kim & Christina share practical advice and tips on how to make sure you are connecting with your spouse other than just sexually and how to invest in your marriage in a way that benefits your sexual relationship. Tune in to learn more about how to to make sure your sex life is awesome!  
1/30/201828 minutes, 56 seconds
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Best of Podcast: If I marry the right person, we’ll always be in love- Interview Rhonda Stoppe

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because this lie is a big reason many couples get divorced. In this podcast the podcast special guest Rhonda Stoppe joins Dr. Kim. Rhonda Stoppe is an author and speaker dedicated to helping women live life with no regrets. In this podcast Rhonda joins Dr. Kim as they talk about the myth that: If I marry the right person, we’ll always be in love. They share what love really is and how you can have an awesome marriage through the changes of life. Tune in below to learn more about this myth and how to keep it from corrupting your marriage!
1/27/201841 minutes, 20 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: We have a son and worry about him growing up in this sex crazed culture. What can I do to protect him? | Ep. 164

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: We have a son and worry about him growing up in this sex crazed culture. What can I do to protect him? Tune in to find out!
1/25/201815 minutes, 29 seconds
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Reasons Your Sex Life Isn’t Awesome: Lack of Communication | Ep. 163

Many couples struggle with sex in their marriage. Sex is a gift from God and His plan for you and your marriage is for your sexual relationship with your spouse to thrive! Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina share about one reason your sex life might be lacking: lack of communication. This issue is one of the biggest sources of sex issues in marriage. In this podcast Dr. Kim & Christina share practical advice and tips on how better communicate about sex in marriage. Tune in to learn more about how to to make sure your sex life is awesome!
1/23/201828 minutes, 35 seconds
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Best of Podcast: If my spouse would change, I’d be happy- Interview Rhonda Stoppe

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because way too many couples fall into the trap of believing this myth. In this podcast the podcast special guest Rhonda Stoppe joins Dr. Kim. Rhonda Stoppe is an author and speaker dedicated to helping women live life with no regrets. Rhonda joins Dr. Kim as they talk about Rhonda’s latest book: If My Spouse Would Change, I’d Be Happy. Tune in below to learn more this marriage myth and how to keep it from corrupting your marriage!  
1/20/201840 minutes, 40 seconds
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3 Ways to Practice True Monogamy- Way 3 | Ep. 162

Earlier this week on the podcast we shared one big reason your sex life might not be awesome: if you aren’t practicing true monogamy. To dive further into this important topic we are going to give you ways to practically practice true monogamy in your marriage. We will be discussing 3 ways to practice true monogamy. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 3rd and final way today: build up your spouse physically and sexually and no one else. Tune in to learn more about how to practice true monogamy to better your sex life!  
1/19/201817 minutes, 22 seconds
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3 Ways to Practice True Monogamy- Way 2 | Ep. 161

Earlier this week on the podcast we shared one big reason your sex life might not be awesome: if you aren’t practicing true monogamy. To dive further into this important topic we are going to give you ways to practically practice true monogamy in your marriage. We will be discussing 3 ways to practice true monogamy. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 2nd way today: take your thoughts captive for Christ. Tune in to learn more about how to practice true monogamy to better your sex life!   Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 3rd way to practice true monogamy!
1/18/201812 minutes, 11 seconds
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3 Ways to Practice True Monogamy- Way 1 | Ep. 160

Earlier this week on the podcast we shared one big reason your sex life might not be awesome: if you aren’t practicing true monogamy. To dive further into this important topic we are going to give you ways to practically practice true monogamy in your marriage. We will be discussing 3 ways to practice true monogamy. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 1st way today: watch what you allow yourself to see. Tune in to learn more about how to practice true monogamy to better your sex life!   Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 2nd way to practice true monogamy!
1/17/201816 minutes, 14 seconds
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Reasons Your Sex Life Isn’t Awesome: You Aren’t Practicing True Monogamy | Ep. 159

Many couples struggle with sex in their marriage. Sex is a gift from God and His plan for you and your marriage is for your sexual relationship with your spouse to thrive! Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina share about one reason your sex life might be lacking: if you aren’t practicing true monogamy. True monogamy isn’t just not having an affair; it’s so much more than that. Dr. Kim & Christina define true monogamy and explain why if you aren’t practicing this you’re missing out on God’s greater plan for sex in your marriage. They give practical advice and tips on how to practice true monogamy. Tune in to learn more about how to to make sure your sex life is awesome!
1/16/201826 minutes, 14 seconds
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Best of Podcast: The Wife’s Role

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because in a culture that rejects roles it’s so important that we understand biblical roles and why God created us the way He did. In this podcast Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina discuss the wife’s role. They share what the wife’s role is, why it’s nothing to be ashamed of, and how to be obedient to God’s purposes for wife’s. Tune in below to learn more about the wife’s role in marriage!
1/13/201829 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: I am a Christian woman in a Christian marriage but I feel like I lead our marriage and family even though I want my husband to. What do I do? | Ep. 158

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: "I am a Christian woman in a Christian marriage but I feel like I lead our marriage and family even though I want my husband to. What do I do?" Tune in to find out!
1/11/201810 minutes, 37 seconds
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Reasons Your Sex Life Isn’t Awesome: Past Abuse | Ep. 157

Many couples struggle with sex in their marriage. Sex is a gift from God and His plan for you and your marriage is for your sexual relationship with your spouse to thrive! Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina share about one reason your sex life might be lacking: they discuss past abuse and how that can affect the sexual relationship. They share practical advice on what to do to find healing if you or your spouse has experienced this and how to get to a place where you enjoy sex the way God intended. Tune in to learn more about how to to make sure your sex life is awesome!
1/9/201835 minutes, 11 seconds
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Best of Podcast: The Husband’s Role

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because in a culture that rejects roles it’s so important that we understand biblical roles and why God created us the way He did. In this podcast Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina discuss the husband’s role. They share what the husband’s role is, what it isn’t, and how to be obedient to God’s purposes for husbands. Tune in below to learn more about the husband’s role in marriage!  
1/6/201845 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: I have a feeling that my husband is having an affair. What do I do? | Ep. 156

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: I have a feeling that my husband is having an affair. What do I do? Tune in to find out!
1/4/201814 minutes, 18 seconds
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Reasons Your Sex Life Isn’t Awesome: Mental or Health Issues | Ep. 155

Many couples struggle with sex in their marriage. Sex is a gift from God and His plan for you and your marriage is for your sexual relationship with your spouse to thrive! Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina share about one reason your sex life might be lacking: they discuss mental and health issues that can affect sex. They share practical advice on what to do if you experience one of these issues in your marriage. Tune in to learn more about how to to make sure your sex life is awesome!
1/2/201820 minutes, 57 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Cherishing Your Spouse: Interview with Gary Thomas

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because of the incredible feedback we received. In this podcast we have special guest Gary Thomas on the Podcast. Gary Thomas is a bestselling author and international speaker whose ministry brings people closer to Christ and closer to others. Gary joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about Gary’s new book Cherish and how this one word could change everything for your marriage. Tune in below to learn more about cherishing your spouse!   RESOURCES Be sure to check out Gary’s blog for more great insights from him. You can connect with Gary on Facebook and Twitter. You can purchase Cherish here.
12/30/201756 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: My spouse and I can’t agree on anything. How do we fix this? | Ep. 154

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: My spouse and I can’t agree on anything. How do we fix this?   Tune in to find out!
12/28/201713 minutes, 56 seconds
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Dealing with Seasons of Waiting | Ep. 153

This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about growing through the seasons of life in marriage.   Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina share about seasons of waiting. We all walk through seasons of waiting and it’s important to learn how to deal with waiting in a healthy way.   Tune in to learn more about how to best go through seasons of waiting!
12/26/201724 minutes, 39 seconds
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Best of Podcast: When You Feel Like You’ve Outgrown Each Other: Interview with Chris Beall

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because of the incredible feedback we received. In this podcast we have special guest Pastor Chris Beall with Dr. Kim. Chris Beall is the Oklahoma City Campus Pastor at Chris also oversees half of the OKC metro campuses. Chris is married to Cindy Beall. Chris joins Dr. Kim as they talk about the struggle of when couples feel like they have outgrown each other. They discuss barriers to closeness in marriage and how to stick together even when things are tough. Tune in below to learn more about what to do when you feel like you’ve outgrown each other!   RESOURCES You can connect with Pastor Chris on Facebook and on Twitter.
12/23/201728 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: We struggle with jealousy in our marriage. How can we overcome it? | Ep. 152

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: We struggle with jealousy in our marriage. How can we overcome it? Tune in to find out!
12/21/20179 minutes, 48 seconds
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Your Best Us: Marriage is Easier Than You Think - Interview with Ted Lowe | Ep. 151

Today on the podcast we welcome special guest Ted Lowe. Ted Lowe is a speaker, blogger, and the director of MarriedPeople, the marriage division at The reThink Group (also known as Orange), a non-profit organization devoted to influencing those who influence the next generation. Ted has been married to his wife Nancie for 22 years and they have 3 children. Ted joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about Ted’s new book “Your Best Us: Marriage is Easier Than You Think.” Ted’s book shows couples how to create a better marriage by understanding simple truths. Tune in below to learn more about how to become your best “us!”   RESOURCES You can purchase Ted’s book here. You can also read more great insights from Ted about marriage on his blog here!
12/20/201737 minutes, 25 seconds
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Seasons of Transitions | Ep. 150

This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about growing through the seasons of life in marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina talk about seasons of transition. They share real life examples and personal stories of what seasons of transitions look like and how to navigate them together in a healthy way. Tune in to learn more about how to best go through seasons of transition!
12/19/201731 minutes, 6 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Dealing with Miscarriage & Other Loss: Interview with Tommy Brown

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because so many couples are affected by this tragedy. In this podcast we have special guest Tommy Brown with Dr. Kim. Tommy Brown is a pastor, writer, speaker and financial development strategist. Tommy joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about a topic is one that pains a lot of couples: miscarriage and other reproductive loss. Tune in below to learn more dealing with miscarriage and other loss in marriage.   RESOURCES You can download Tommy’s spiritual memoir, ‘God Remains,’ of his wrestling with their miscarriage here for free. For more great insights from Tommy you can check out his website. You can connect with Tommy on Facebook and on Twitter.
12/16/201734 minutes, 1 second
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Year End Goal Setting: How to Track Goals Together | Ep. 149

This week on the podcast we are doing a mini series on goal setting. Each day we will be focusing on a topic surrounding setting goals as a married couple. Today’s topic is: how to track goals together. Tune in to learn more how you can track goals for better success with your spouse!
12/15/201712 minutes, 15 seconds
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Year End Goal Setting: How to Set Goals as a Married Couple | Ep. 148

This week on the podcast we are doing a mini series on goal setting. Each day we will be focusing on a topic surrounding setting goals as a married couple. Today’s topic is: how to set goals as a married couple. Tune in to learn more how you can set goals with your spouse!
12/14/201715 minutes, 35 seconds
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Year End Goal Setting: The Importance of Setting Goals | Ep. 147

This week on the podcast we are doing a mini series on goal setting. Each day we will be focusing on a topic surrounding setting goals as a married couple. Today’s topic is: the importance of setting goals.   Tune in to learn more about why this is a crucial and beneficial thing to do in your marriage.
12/13/201711 minutes, 29 seconds
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Making the Most of the Highs - Interview with Colby & Amanda Taylor | Ep. 146

Today on the podcast we welcome back special guests Colby & Amanda Taylor. The Taylors are good friends of Dr. Kim’s. Amanda and Colby have been married for 11 years and have 5 beautiful children. Amanda is the owner of Embellished Weddings here in Oklahoma City where she plans and coordinates weddings. But Amanda, like us, is more passionate about the health of a marriage than the wedding day. Her heart is for couples to plan for a marriage that’s even better than the wedding. Colby is a Pastor at Life.Church and together they love to serve. The Taylor’s join Dr. Kim as they discuss the highs in life and how to best enjoy the highs in life as a married couple. Tune in below to learn more about making the most of the highs in life!     RESOURCES You can find out more about Embellished Weddings here.
12/12/201734 minutes, 1 second
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Best of Podcast: Wives Talk - Awesome Sex in Marriage: Interview with J. Parker

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because of the amazing response we received the first time it aired. Our prayer is that this helps many couples out there who are struggling in this area.   In this podcast we have special guest J. Parker with Christina Dodson for a special edition “Wives Talk” podcast. J. Parker is a Christian intimacy author and speaker. Her mission is to reclaim sexuality for marriages as God intended. She has been blogging about marriage and sexual intimacy since 2010 and has written 3 books on marriage intimacy. J. has been married for 22 years and holds a master’s degree in counseling. J. joins Christina today as they talk specifically about common issues women face when it comes to sex. They discuss common questions women have when it comes to sex and tackle many of the tough issues when it comes to sex. Tune in below to learn more about what God wants for Christian married women when it comes to sex!   *The podcast is all about sex and Christina and J. talk specifics. This is an R rated podcast for adults only.   RESOURCES Be sure to read more great insights about sex on J.’s blog. You can follow J. online at Hot, Holy, and Humorous. You can also connect with her on Facebook and Twitter. You can purchase Holy, Holy, and Humorous here.
12/9/201739 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How can I support my wife when she is emotional? | Ep. 145

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How can I support my wife when she is emotional? Tune in to find out!
12/7/201714 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Darkest of Valleys: The Taylor's Story | Ep. 144

Today on the podcast we welcome back special guests Colby & Amanda Taylor. The Taylors are good friends of Dr. Kim’s. Amanda and Colby have been married for 11 years and have 5 beautiful children. Amanda is the owner of Embellished Weddings here in Oklahoma City where she plans and coordinates weddings. But Amanda, like us, is more passionate about the health of a marriage than the wedding day. Her heart is for couples to plan for a marriage that’s even better than the wedding. Colby is a Pastor at Life.Church and together they love to serve. The Taylor’s join Dr. Kim as they discuss the darkest time in their lives and how they got through it together with God’s help. Tune in below to learn more about their story and how they survived their darkest hour!     RESOURCES You can find out more about Embellished Weddings here.
12/6/20179 minutes, 5 seconds
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Surviving the Valleys - Interview with Colby & Amanda Taylor | Ep. 143

Today on the podcast we welcome special guests Colby & Amanda Taylor. The Taylors are good friends of Dr. Kim’s. Amanda and Colby have been married for 11 years and have 5 beautiful children. Amanda is the owner of Embellished Weddings here in Oklahoma City where she plans and coordinates weddings. But Amanda, like us, is more passionate about the health of a marriage than the wedding day. Her heart is for couples to plan for a marriage that’s even better than the wedding. Colby is a Pastor at Life.Church and together they love to serve. The Taylor’s join Dr. Kim as they discuss how to survive the valleys of life in marriage. Tune in below to learn more about surviving the valleys!     RESOURCES You can find out more about Embellished Weddings here.
12/5/201740 minutes, 46 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Debts Toll on Marriage: Interview with Chris Brown

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because of how many marriages are negatively impacted by debt. In this podcast we have special guest Chris Brown with Dr. Kim. Chris Brown is a radio talk show host, pastor and dynamic speaker who speaks on stewardship and intentional living nationwide as a Ramsey Personality. Available on radio stations across the country, Chris Brown’s True Stewardship provides biblical solutions and sound advice for questions on life and money. Chris joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about debt and what it does to marriages, and how to get out of debt and stay out of it. They share biblical advice on what God teaches about debt as well as real life stories and practical advice. Tune in below to learn more about debt’s toll on marriages!   RESOURCES You can follow Chris online at Stewardship. Be sure to follow Chris on Twitter for more great insights on money.
12/2/201737 minutes, 58 seconds
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That Christian Vlogger - Interview with Justin Khoe | Ep. 142

Today on the podcast we welcome special guest Justin Khoe. Justin Khoe runs the youtube channel "That Christian Vlogger" where he posts weekly videos talking about things that come up in daily life for Christians. His goal is to create a space on youtube where you can find inspiration in the form of daily vlogs and experience "faith in first person." Justin joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about what it looks like to be a vlogger and how it impacts his marriage. Tune in below to learn more Justin and his life as a vlogger!   RESOURCES Check out Justin’s YouTube Channel here! You can also follow Justin on Facebook.
11/30/201741 minutes, 31 seconds
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Healing After Bad Decisions | Ep. 141

This month on the podcast we are talking about decision making in marriage. Learning to make decisions wisely and peacefully together is a crucial part of having an awesome marriage.   Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina talk about a particularly hard topic that we all face in marriage in one way or another: healing after bad decisions. They share real life examples and personal stories of what it looks like to heal well after bad decisions and how to rebuild trust in your marriage after bad decisions have been made.   Tune in to learn more about healing after bad decisions!
11/28/201738 minutes, 18 seconds
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Relationship Resonance Part 2 - Interview with Doug & Mary Ann Hacking | Ep. 140

Today on the podcast we welcome special guests Doug & Mary Ann Hacking. Doug Hacking is a former pharmaceutical sales representative and works as a pharmacist, adjunct faculty, and relational consultant. He has over fifteen years of professional teaching experience and has devoted over twenty years to researching, practicing, and creating his Relationship Resonance system. Doug’s new book Relationship Resonance is a relationship model designed to help you improve your relationships. Relationship Resonance works for any type of relationship: personal, professional and spiritual. It has allowed me to become a better friend, relative, spouse, father, boss, employee and disciple. Doug’s mission is to make the world a better place, one relationship at a time. Doug & Mary Ann join Dr. Kim today as they talk about Doug’s new book “Relationship Resonance” and the last three components of his Relationship Resonance system. Tune in below to learn more about relationship resonance!     RESOURCES You can read more great insights from Doug on his blog. Purchase ‘Relationship Resonance’ here. You can also follow Doug on Facebook.
11/23/201739 minutes, 26 seconds
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Relationship Resonance Part 1 - Interview with Doug & Mary Ann Hacking | Ep. 139

Today on the podcast we welcome special guests Doug & Mary Ann Hacking. Doug Hacking is a former pharmaceutical sales representative and works as a pharmacist, adjunct faculty, and relational consultant. He has over fifteen years of professional teaching experience and has devoted over twenty years to researching, practicing, and creating his Relationship Resonance system. Doug’s new book Relationship Resonance is a relationship model designed to help you improve your relationships. Relationship Resonance works for any type of relationship: personal, professional and spiritual. It has allowed me to become a better friend, relative, spouse, father, boss, employee and disciple. Doug’s mission is to make the world a better place, one relationship at a time. Doug & Mary Ann join Dr. Kim today as they talk about Doug’s new book “Relationship Resonance” and the first two components of his Relationship Resonance system. Tune in below to learn more about relationship resonance!     RESOURCES You can read more great insights from Doug on his blog. Purchase ‘Relationship Resonance’ here. You can also follow Doug on Facebook.
11/22/201735 minutes, 42 seconds
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Focusing On The Common Goal | Ep. 138

This month on the podcast we are talking about decision making in marriage. Learning to make decisions wisely and peacefully together is a crucial part of having an awesome marriage.   Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina talk about focusing on the common goal while making decisions in marriage. They define the common goal in any marriage and give advice on how to make sure that common goal stays at the forefront when making decisions together.   Tune in to learn more about focusing on the common goal in decision making!
11/21/201726 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: My friends are going through a divorce and even though I don’t support the divorce I want to support them, how do I that? | Ep. 137

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.   In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: My friends are going through a divorce and even though I don’t support the divorce I want to support them, how do I that?   Tune in to find out!
11/16/201712 minutes, 20 seconds
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Making Major Life Decisions | Ep. 136

This month on the podcast we are talking about decision making in marriage. Learning to make decisions wisely and peacefully together is a crucial part of having an awesome marriage.   Today on the podcast Christina and Dr. Kim talk about making major life decisions in marriage. They share about the most common major life decisions and wise ways of going about making these major life decisions in unity with your spouse.   Tune in to learn more about making major life decisions in marriage!
11/14/201737 minutes, 22 seconds
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6 Tips for Surviving the Holidays: Tip 6

The holidays can be a stressful time for a number of reasons and they can often be hard on our marriages. It’s important that we learn to deal with these stressors in a healthy way and find ways to enjoy celebrating the holidays with our spouse. This is a series on 6 Tips for Surviving the Holidays. In each episode we talk about 1 tip for surviving the holidays and coming out of them still happily married and connected. This episode's tip is: take time for romance. Tune in to learn more about what it looks like to take time for romance over the holidays and how that will help your marriage in this season!
11/14/201714 minutes
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6 Tips for Surviving the Holidays: Tip 5

The holidays can be a stressful time for a number of reasons and they can often be hard on our marriages. It’s important that we learn to deal with these stressors in a healthy way and find ways to enjoy celebrating the holidays with our spouse. This is a series on 6 Tips for Surviving the Holidays. In each episode we talk about 1 tip for surviving the holidays and coming out of them still happily married and connected. This episode's tip is: assume nothing. Tune in to learn more about what it means to “assume nothing” and how that will help your marriage in this season!
11/14/201716 minutes, 45 seconds
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6 Tips for Surviving the Holidays: Tip 4

The holidays can be a stressful time for a number of reasons and they can often be hard on our marriages. It’s important that we learn to deal with these stressors in a healthy way and find ways to enjoy celebrating the holidays with our spouse. This is a series on 6 Tips for Surviving the Holidays. In each episode we talk about 1 tip for surviving the holidays and coming out of them still happily married and connected. This episode's tip is: don’t overcommit. Tune in to learn more about what it looks like to not overcommit yourself and your family over the holidays and how that will help your marriage in this season!
11/14/201720 minutes, 20 seconds
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6 Tips for Surviving the Holidays: Tip 3

The holidays can be a stressful time for a number of reasons and they can often be hard on our marriages. It’s important that we learn to deal with these stressors in a healthy way and find ways to enjoy celebrating the holidays with our spouse. This is a series on 6 Tips for Surviving the Holidays. In each episode we talk about 1 tip for surviving the holidays and coming out of them still happily married and connected. This episode's tip is: spend wisely. Tune in to learn more about what it looks like to spend wisely for the holidays and how that will help your marriage in this season!
11/14/201719 minutes, 39 seconds
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6 Tips for Surviving the Holidays: Tip 2

The holidays can be a stressful time for a number of reasons and they can often be hard on our marriages. It’s important that we learn to deal with these stressors in a healthy way and find ways to enjoy celebrating the holidays with our spouse. This is a series on 6 Tips for Surviving the Holidays. In each episode we talk about 1 tip for surviving the holidays and coming out of them still happily married and connected. This episode's tip is: invest in memories, not materials. Tune in to learn more about what it looks like to invest in memories over materials and how that will help your marriage in this season!
11/14/201713 minutes, 15 seconds
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6 Tips for Surviving the Holidays: Tip 1

The holidays can be a stressful time for a number of reasons and they can often be hard on our marriages. It’s important that we learn to deal with these stressors in a healthy way and find ways to enjoy celebrating the holidays with our spouse. This is a series on 6 Tips for Surviving the Holidays. In each episode we talk about 1 tip for surviving the holidays and coming out of them still happily married and connected. This episode's tip is: keep Christ the center. Tune in to learn more about what it looks like to keep Christ at the center of your holiday and how that will help your marriage in this season!
11/14/201723 minutes, 13 seconds
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3 Tips To Communicating Well - Tip 3 | Ep. 135

  This week we are going to give you tips to better communicate with your spouse. We will be discussing 3 tips to communicating well in marriage. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 3rd and final tip today: realize your response is key.   Tune in to learn more about how realizing your response is key can benefit your communication with your spouse!
11/10/201714 minutes, 11 seconds
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3 Tips To Communicating Well - Tip 2 | Ep. 134

This week we are going to give you tips to better communicate with your spouse. We will be discussing 3 tips to communicating well in marriage. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 2nd tip today: focus more on listening and understanding than defending and make your point.   Tune in to learn why defending and asserting your point won’t benefit your marriage!   Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 3rd tip to communicating well!
11/9/201717 minutes, 59 seconds
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3 Tips To Communicating Well - Tip 1 | Ep. 133

This week we are going to give you tips to better communicate with your spouse. We will be discussing 3 tips to communicating well in marriage. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 1st way today: make it safe for your spouse to talk to you.     Tune in to learn more about how to make it safe for your spouse to talk to you!     Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 2nd tip to communicating well!
11/8/201719 minutes, 5 seconds
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Sharing Responsibility in Decision Making | Ep. 132

This month on the podcast we are talking about decision making in marriage. Learning to make decisions wisely and peacefully together is a crucial part of having an awesome marriage.   Today on the podcast Christina and Dr. Kim talk about sharing responsibility when it comes to making decisions in marriage. They share real life examples and practical ways to share in this responsibility well in marriage.   Tune in to learn more about how to share responsibility in decision making!
11/7/201734 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Price of Fame

Today on the podcast we have special guest Ted DiBiase joining Dr. Kim as they talk about the brand new film “The Price of Fame.” This new film will be shown in theaters nationwide for one day only, November 7th 2017!   Ted is a full-time evangelist and motivational speaker. Ted is married to his lovely wife Melanie of 31 years and they have three sons: Michael, Ted Jr. and Brett.   ‘The Price of Fame.’ It’s a story of hope, faith, and wrestling. Ted was professional wrestling legend ‘The Million Dollar Man.’ However, backstage, the greatest wrestling match Ted DiBiase was having was with himself. He was a devoted family man, a pillar of his community, and a man who had faith. On the other side was a man that was ‘living the life’. He defined ‘Sex, Drugs and Professional Wrestling. One night after being out on the town all of this debauchery came to a head as his wife, Melanie, discovered her husband was not the man he claimed to be.   Knowing the values his father instilled in him, the commitment he was breaking, the role model he was failing to be and the person he had become, Ted DiBiase fought for his redemption. The Price Of Fame is told through the eyes of Ted’s son, former WWE Superstar, Ted DiBiase Jr. He journeys through pro wrestling's past to find his father's story and to find his own faith all over again.   Tune in to learn more about Ted and this new film!   RESOURCES You can purchase tickets to go see The Price of Fame here. But act fast! This film is showing in theaters nationwide for one day only- November 7th!
11/6/201739 minutes, 15 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Healing Your Marriage When Trust Is Broken - Interview with Cindy Beall

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the impact it had the first time. We know this conversation can benefit so many couples out there struggling after trust has been broken.  In this podcast we have Cindy Beall speaking with Dr. Kim. Cindy joins Dr. Kim as they talk about Cindy’s book, Healing Your Marriage When Trust Is Broken. Cindy is a writer, speaker and mentor to women. She oversees the Equipping arm on the Leading & Loving It team that ministers to pastor’s wives and women in ministry. Cindy is married to her husband Chris, who serves as the Oklahoma City Campus Pastor at and also oversees half of the OKC metro campuses. Tune in below to learn more about how God healed Cindy’s marriage after the devastating news of an affair. RESOURCES You can purchase Cindy’s book, Healing Your Marriage When Trust Is Broken. You can hear more great insights from Cindy on her blog. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook. Cindy shared some great scripture with us including Psalm 27 and 2 Corinthians 1:3-4.
11/4/201727 minutes, 15 seconds
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How To Keep This Distraction From Messing Up Your Marriage: Selfishness | Ep. 131

This month on the podcast we are talking about distractions in marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina talk about the distraction of selfishness and how to make sure it doesn’t cause trouble for your marriage. They share common issues of selfishness and give practical examples of what to do to make sure selfishness doesn’t eat away at your marriage.   Tune in to learn more about how to make sure this distraction doesn’t take away from your marriage!
10/31/201726 minutes, 48 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Loving Your Spouse Well - Interview with Jamie Ivey

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the great response we received from it.  In this podcast we have Jamie Ivey on the podcast. Jamie is a Christian speaker, writer, emcee, and the Host of her own Podcast called The Happy Hour. Jamie joins Dr. Kim as they talk about loving your spouse well and keeping love and service alive in your marriage. They share practical advice and real life stories. Jamie and her husband Aaron have 4 children together. Jamie loves marriage and it is God’s greatest gift to her. Tune in below to learn more about loving your spouse well!   RESOURCES You can hear more great insights from Jamie on her podcast. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.  
10/28/201730 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: Is it possible to have a successful, God honoring second marriage? | Ep. 130

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.   In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Is it possible to have a successful, God honoring second marriage?   Tune in to find out!
10/26/201712 minutes, 46 seconds
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How To Keep This Distraction From Messing Up Your Marriage: Families of Origin | Ep. 129

This month on the podcast we are talking about distractions in marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina talk about the distraction of families of origin and how to make sure it doesn’t cause trouble for your marriage. How we were raised and our life experiences make up much of who we are and how we think, it’s important to understand that and to set healthy boundaries so that unrealistic expectations don’t creep into our marriage.   Tune in to learn more about how to make sure this distraction doesn’t take away from your marriage!
10/24/201729 minutes, 19 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Long Distance & Cross Cultural Relationships - Rachael & Felipe

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the increasing need for long distance relationship help.  In this podcast Felipe and Rachael, an international couple, joins Dr. Kim Kimberling as they talk about the struggles and triumphs of long distance dating as well as cross cultural dating. They share real stories and practical advice from their personal experience. This great couple gets very real with hopes that their story will help couples walking through what they went through. Tune in to learn how Felipe and Rachael made long distance and cross cultural work for them!
10/21/201728 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How can I support my spouse who is struggling with depression? | Ep. 128

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.   In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How can I support my spouse who is struggling with depression?   Tune in to find out!
10/19/201710 minutes
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Divorce Proofing Your Young Marriage - Interview with Laura Taggart | Ep. 127

Today on the podcast we welcome special guest Laura Taggart with us. Laura Taggart is a therapist, author, and speaker. Laura and her husband have been married for 40 years and they have 2 adult children. Laura is passionate about strengthening marriages and helping couples overcome obstacles to enjoying a thriving relationship. Laura joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about Laura’s new book “Making Love Last: Divorce Proofing Your Young Marriage.” Tune in below to learn more about divorce proofing your young marriage!     RESOURCES You can read more great insights from Laura on her website. Purchase ‘Making Love Last’ here.  You can also follow Laura on Facebook.
10/18/201743 minutes, 7 seconds
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How To Keep This Distraction From Messing Up Your Marriage: Technology | Ep. 126

This month on the podcast we are talking about distractions in marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina talk about the distraction of technology and how to make sure technology doesn’t cause trouble for your marriage. In our culture today screens and technology are everywhere and although that provides for many blessings, it can also be a very real and very addictive distraction. In this podcast they share real life examples and give ideas on healthy boundaries that can help protect your marriage from this distraction.   Tune in to learn more about how to make sure this distraction doesn’t take away from your marriage!
10/17/201737 minutes, 21 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Purity, Relationships, Love, and Marriage- Interview with Clayton King

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the importance of this topic.  In this podcast we welcome back speaker, author, and founder of Crossroads Missions and Clayton King Ministries, Clayton King. Clayton joins Dr. Kim as they talk purity, relationships, love, and marriage. Clayton is also a teaching Pastor at New Spring Church, speaker, and author of 12 books including True Love Project. Clayton is married to Sharie and they have two sons, Jacob and Joseph. He has preached to almost two million people in 25 countries and 45 states. Tune in below to learn more about purity and relationships! RESOURCES   You can purchase Clayton’s newest book, Stronger: How Hard Times Reveal God's Greatest Power. You can hear more great insights from Clayton on his blog. You can also follow him on Twitter!
10/14/201723 minutes, 35 seconds
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Confessions From A Married Midlife Couple | Ep. 125

This week we are doing a mini series of confessions from different couples in different life stages. Each life stage comes with it’s unique set of distractions and challenges. Today we have Kristin & Eric Larson joining Dr. Kim as they share their story of being in the midlife stage and what they are learning in this stage.   Tune in to learn more about the midlife stage!  
10/13/201734 minutes, 22 seconds
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Confessions From A Married Couple with Young Children | Ep. 124

This week we are doing a mini series of confessions from different couples in different life stages. Each life stage comes with it’s unique set of distractions and challenges. Today we have David & Tracey Underwood joining Dr. Kim as they share their story of being married with young children and what they are learning in this stage.   Tune in to learn more about the married with young children stage!     Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn from a couple in mid life.
10/12/201746 minutes, 27 seconds
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Confessions From Newlyweds | Ep. 123

This week we are doing a mini series of confessions from different couples in different life stages. Each life stage comes with it’s unique set of distractions and challenges. Today we have Micah & Tiffany Miller joining Dr. Kim as they share their story as a unique kind of newlyweds and what they are learning in this stage.   Tune in to learn more about the newlywed stage!     Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn from a couple with young kids.
10/11/201744 minutes, 58 seconds
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How To Keep This Distraction From Messing Up Your Marriage: Work | Ep. 122

This month on the podcast we are talking about distractions in marriage. Today on the podcast Christina & Dr. Kim talk about the distraction of work and how to make sure work doesn’t cause trouble for your marriage. They share practical tips and ways to overcome common problems when it comes to work life balance.   Tune in to learn more about how to make sure this distraction doesn’t take away from your marriage!
10/10/201732 minutes, 37 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Foundations of Healthy Dating & The Church’s Role - Interview with Debra Fileta

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the incredible insight Debra brought to the table.  In this podcast we have professional counselor, speaker, and author of True Love Dates, Debra Fileta joining Dr. Kim as they talk about the foundations for healthy dating and the church's role when it comes to dating. Debra is happily married to John and they have two beautiful children, Elijah and Ella. Debra is a licensed professional counselor who specializes in dating, marriage, and relationship issues. She is a writer and regular contributor of Relevant Magazine and as well as author of True Love Dates: Your Indispensable Guide to Finding the Love of Your Life. RESOURCES True Love Dates: Your Indispensable Guide to Finding the Love of Your Life is a practical book on dating and a great resource for dating couples or singles preparing to date. You can hear more great insights from Debra on her blog. You can also follow her on Twitter!
10/7/201719 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How can I date my wife if it’s too hard for us to get out of the house? | Ep. 121

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.   In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How can I date my wife if it’s too hard for us to get out of the house?   Tune in to find out!
10/5/201713 minutes, 4 seconds
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How To Keep This Distraction From Messing Up Your Marriage: Raising Kids | Ep. 120

This month on the podcast we are talking about distractions in marriage. Today on the podcast we have special guests Brian & Lindsay Few joining Dr. Kim as they talk about the distraction of raising kids. They share real life examples and practical ways to focus on your marriage despite the demands of raising kids. Brian Few is the Lead Pastor of Live Oak Church in Wilmington NC and Lindsay Few is our editor at Awesome Marriage, together they have 4 kids and have been married for over 14 years. Tune in to learn more about how to make sure this distraction doesn’t get the best of your marriage!
10/3/201746 minutes, 20 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Healthy People Make a Healthy Marriage - Interview with Les Parrott

This podcast aired last year and we wanted to highlight it again because of the tremendous impact it had the first time. In this podcast we have best selling author and clinical psychologist, Les Parrott joining Dr. Kim as they talk about what it takes to build a healthy marriage.   RESOURCES You can purchase Les & Leslie’s most recent book, Making Happy: The Art and Science of a Happy Marriage here. To see if Les and Leslie are speaking at event near you this year check out their event page here. For more info on Les and Leslie you can visit their website. You can also check out their video tips for other great insights about how to have a healthy marriage. Get inspiration for you marriage regularly by following Les on Twitter and Facebook!
9/30/201728 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: What do I do if my spouse isn’t meeting a basic need of mine? | Ep. 119

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.   In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: What do I do if my spouse isn’t meeting a basic need of mine?   Tune in to find out!
9/28/201710 minutes, 20 seconds
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Prayer and Patience | Ep. 118

This month on the podcast we are focusing on how to heal a trainwreck marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina talk about how prayer and patience can help heal a marriage in trouble. Dr. Kim and Christina share personal examples and real life stories of how these 2 things have the potential to make all the difference for your marriage.   Tune in to learn more about prayer and patience in marriage!
9/26/201722 minutes, 59 seconds
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A Fierce Love - Interview with Shauna Shanks | Ep. 117

Today on the podcast we welcome special guests Shauna Shanks with us. Shauna Shanks is a wife, mother, entrepreneur and writer.   Shauna joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about Shauna’s new book “A Fierce Love” and how a terrible tragedy in her marriage pushed her near to God and changed her life forever.   Tune in below to learn more a fierce love!   RESOURCES You can read more great insights from Shauna on her website. Purchase A Fierce Love here.  You can also follow Shauna on Facebook.
9/20/201736 minutes, 58 seconds
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Value the Things that They Value | Ep. 116

This month on the podcast we are focusing on how to heal a trainwreck marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Nils talk about how to value the things your spouse values and how doing so can help heal a marriage in trouble. Dr. Kim and Nils share personal examples and real life stories of what it looks like to value what your spouse values.   Tune in to learn more about how to value the things they value!
9/19/201723 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: What advice do you have for dating couples on how to remain pure? | Ep. 115

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.   In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: What advice do you have for dating couples on how to remain pure?   Tune in to find out!
9/14/201712 minutes, 15 seconds
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Be All In, Even When They Aren’t | Ep. 114

This month on the podcast we are focusing on how to heal a trainwreck marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Nils talk about how to be all in your marriage even if your spouse isn’t. Things can seem hopeless when your spouse has seemingly checked out of your marriage but no marriage is beyond God’s repair and putting your best foot forward is your best shot to save your marriage. Dr. Kim and Nils share personal examples and real life stories of what it looks like to be all in.   Tune in to learn more about how to be all in for your marriage!
9/12/201723 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Heart of Man: Interview with Jens Jacob

Today on the podcast we have special guest Jens Jacob joining Dr. Kim as they talk about the brand new film “The Heart of Man.” This new film will be shown in theaters nationwide for one day only, this Thursday, Sept 14th 2017!   The Heart of Man is a story inviting the sons and daughters of God to leave behind our broken, moralistic and religious way of thinking and relating to God and to others. Once we begin to know who God is (and as a result who we are), we have something to invite the world into. Freedom from performance. Freedom from managing our behavior so we appear acceptable to God. Freedom from our addictions, compulsive behaviors, secrecy and double lives. This film tears the veil of confusion over the church's current identity crisis and enables it to invite the rest of the world to the banquet God is throwing all of us.   Jens Jacob is a Director and Producer and produced The Heart of Man.   Tune in to learn more about being a producer and this new film!   RESOURCES   You can purchase tickets to go see The Heart of Man here. But act fast! This film is showing in theaters nationwide for one day only- September 14th!
9/11/201739 minutes, 11 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Building a Great Marriage: Interview with Carey Nieuwhof

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because of the incredible response we got from the first time it aired. In this podcast author Carey Nieuwhof joins Dr. Kim as they talk about building a great marriage and also the struggles many pastors have in their own marriages. Carey Nieuwhof is a husband, a dad to two sons and a daughter-in-law, and the founding and teaching pastor of Connexus Church north of Toronto Canada. Connexus is a North Point Strategic Partner   RESOURCES Leading Change Without Losing It is a practical book that will help you lead change in the face of opposition. Parenting Beyond Your Capacity is a book Reggie Joiner and Carey wrote to help parents and church leaders leave a legacy for the next generation. You can hear more great insights from Carey on his blog as well as his Leadership Podcast. You can also check more out about Carey and get access to some other great resources on his website.  
9/9/201723 minutes, 36 seconds
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3 Ways to Stop Fighting Your Spouse- Way 3 | Ep. 113

This week we are going to give you ways to stop fighting with your spouse. We will be discussing 3 ways you can focus on not fighting with your spouse. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 3rd and final way today: stop letting other people get in between your marriage.   Tune in to learn more about how doing this can prevent and stop many fights in your marriage!
9/8/201715 minutes, 9 seconds
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3 Ways to Stop Fighting Your Spouse- Way 2 | Ep. 112

This week we are going to give you ways to stop fighting with your spouse. We will be discussing 3 ways you can focus on not fighting with your spouse. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 2nd way today: remember your feelings can’t be trusted.   Tune in to learn why you can’t trust your feelings and how knowing this can help your marriage!   Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 3rd way to stop fighting with your spouse!
9/7/201717 minutes, 34 seconds
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3 Ways to Stop Fighting Your Spouse- Way 1 | Ep. 111

This week we are going to give you ways to stop fighting with your spouse. We will be discussing 3 ways you can focus on not fighting with your spouse. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 1st way today: watching your tone.     Tune in to learn more about to watch your tone in your marriage!     Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 2nd way to stop fighting with your spouse!
9/6/201722 minutes, 42 seconds
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Stop Fighting Against Your Spouse & Start Fighting for Your Marriage | Ep. 110

This month on the podcast we are focusing on how to heal a trainwreck marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina share 1 way to heal a trainwreck marriage: stop fighting against your spouse and start fighting for your marriage. They define what a trainwreck marriage is and then share real and practical ways to stop fighting your spouse and start fighting for your marriage.   Tune in to learn more about how to stop fighting with your spouse!
9/5/201729 minutes, 28 seconds
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Building a Happy Marriage - Interview with Kelly Flanagan | Ep. 110

Today on the podcast we welcome special guests Kelly Flanagan with us. Kelly Flanagan is a clinical psychologist and author and speaker. Kelly writes about personal transformation, marriage, parenting, community, mindfulness and gratitude, grace, the power of story, and the discovery of purpose. Kelly joins Dr. Kim today as they talk how to build a happy marriage. They share about the importance of not wasting time “working on your marriage” when you can be “building” it. Tune in below to learn more about what that means and how it can impact your marriage for the better!   RESOURCES You can read more great insights from Kelly on his website. Purchase Loveable here. You can also follow Kelly on Twitter and Facebook.
8/31/201738 minutes, 28 seconds
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Loveable - Interview with Kelly Flanagan | Ep. 109

Today on the podcast we welcome special guests Kelly Flanagan with us. Kelly Flanagan is a clinical psychologist and author and speaker. Kelly has been featured on Reader’s Digest, The Huffington Post, and Today. Kelly writes about personal transformation, marriage, parenting, community, mindfulness and gratitude, grace, the power of story, and the discovery of purpose. Kelly joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about Kelly’s latest book Loveable which is all about embracing what is truest about you, so that you can embrace your life. Tune in below to learn more about Loveable and how it could impact your marriage!   RESOURCES You can read more great insights from Kelly on his website. Purchase Loveable here. You can also follow Kelly on Twitter and Facebook.
8/30/201734 minutes, 46 seconds
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Habits of Healthy Couples // Habit 5- Showing Appreciation // | Ep. 108

Today on the podcast Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina share about the 5th habit of a healthy couple: showing appreciation. They share why showing appreciation is so essential to a healthy marriage and how to make sure you are doing this well in marriage. They share real life stories and practical advice. Tune in to learn more about showing appreciation and how to keep your marriage healthy!
8/29/201723 minutes, 39 seconds
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3 Ways to Change Yourself Instead of Your Spouse- Way 3 | Ep. 107

Earlier this week on the podcast Dr. Kim shared why trying to change our spouse doesn’t really work, isn’t a good plan, and was never meant to be our role. This week we are going to give you ways to focus on changing yourself instead of trying to change your spouse. We will be discussing 3 ways you can focus on your own transformation. Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina discuss the 3rd and final way today: checking your expectations. Tune in to learn more about how focusing on this is the better plan.
8/25/201715 minutes, 13 seconds
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3 Ways to Change Yourself Instead of Your Spouse- Way 2 | Ep. 106

Earlier this week on the podcast Dr. Kim shared why trying to change our spouse doesn’t really work, isn’t a good plan, and was never meant to be our role. This week we are going to give you ways to focus on changing yourself instead of trying to change your spouse. We will be discussing 3 ways you can focus on your own transformation. Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina discuss the 2nd way today: confession. Tune in to learn more about how focusing on this is the better plan. Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 3rd way to change yourself instead of your spouse!
8/24/201721 minutes, 33 seconds
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3 Ways to Change Yourself Instead of Your Spouse- Way 1 | Ep. 105

Earlier this week on the podcast Dr. Kim shared why trying to change our spouse doesn’t really work, isn’t a good plan, and was never meant to be our role. This week we are going to give you ways to focus on changing yourself instead of trying to change your spouse. We will be discussing 3 ways you can focus on your own transformation. Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina discuss the 1st way today: focusing on your own issues. Tune in to learn more about how focusing on this is the better plan. Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 2nd way to change yourself instead of your spouse!
8/23/201721 minutes, 33 seconds
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Habits of Healthy Couples // Habit 4- Avoid the Temptation to Try to Change Each Other // | Ep. 104

Today on the podcast Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina share about the 4th habit of a healthy couple: avoiding the temptation to try to change each other. They share why trying to change each other isn’t a good plan and what to do instead when you have issues in your marriage. They share real life stories and practical advice. Tune in to learn more about how to avoid this temptation and how to keep your marriage healthy!
8/22/201721 minutes, 26 seconds
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Best of Awesome Marriage Podcast: Submission- What it Really Means in Marriage - Interview with Deb DeArmond

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because it was such a great conversation about a topic that is too often misunderstood.  In this podcast we have special guest Deb DeArmond with Dr. Kim. Deb is an author, a speaker, and relationship coach—helping others improve their interactions at work and at home. Deb runs her ministry at Deb DeArmond/Family Matters. Deb joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about submission. They define it God’s way and show us why it doesn’t have to be such a dirty word. The give practical advice on what submission looks like in marriage and how to deal with it the right way. Tune in below to learn more about submission!   RESOURCES You can purchase Deb’s new book: ‘Don’t Go To Bed Angry’ here. Another great resource from Deb is her book ‘I Choose You Today’ which you can purchase here. You can read more great insights from Deb on her website. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.
8/19/201741 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How do I deal with my unequally yoked marriage? | Ep. 103

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How do I deal with my unequally yoked marriage? Tune in to find out!
8/17/201712 minutes, 11 seconds
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Habits of Healthy Couples // Habit 3- Laughter // | Ep. 102

Laughter bonds people and while you were dating laughter was most likely a big part of your dating relationship and something that made you fall in love. Unfortunately, too many of us stop laughing together at some point after marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina share about laughter and why it can keep your marriage healthy and how to get it back if it’s lacking in your marriage. Tune in to learn more about laughter in marriage and how to keep your marriage healthy!
8/15/201723 minutes, 15 seconds
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Best of Awesome Marriage Podcast: Cultivating Romance in the Bedroom - Interview with J. Parker

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because of the incredible feedback we got from it the first time and how impactful this conversation can be to all of our marriages.  In this podcast we have special guest J. Parker with Dr. Kim and Christina. J. Parker is a Christian intimacy author and speaker. Her mission is to reclaim sexuality for marriages as God intended. She has been blogging about marriage and sexual intimacy since 2010 and has written 3 books on marriage intimacy. J. has been married for 22 years and holds a master’s degree in counseling. J. joins Dr. Kim and Christina today as they talk about cultivating romance in the bedroom. They discuss barriers to healthy sex and how to overcome those barriers. They give practical advice on how to achieve healthy intimacy and enjoy God’s gift of sex with your spouse. Tune in below to learn more about romance in the bedroom!   RESOURCES Be sure to read more great insights about sex on J.’s blog. You can follow J. online at Hot, Holy, and Humorous. You can also connect with her on Facebook and Twitter. You can purchase Holy, Holy, and Humorous here.
8/12/201734 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: Should my spouse handle all drama with their parents and extended family? | Ep. 101

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Should my spouse handle all drama with their parents and extended family? Tune in to find out!
8/10/201715 minutes
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Habits of Healthy Couples // Habit 2: Quality Conversation // | Ep. 100

Quality conversation is a must in a marriage. A lot of couples get caught up in life and forget to make this a part of their daily routine but a healthy marriage is a connected marriage so quality conversation has to be a priority. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina share about this habit and how to make sure to do this well in marriage. They share real life stories about and practical advice. Tune in to learn more about quality conversation in marriage and how to keep your marriage healthy!
8/8/201724 minutes, 11 seconds
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Best of Awesome Marriage Podcast: God’s Plan for Money & Marriage - Interview with Chris Brown

This is a podcast that aired earlier this year that we wanted to highlight again because of the huge implications it has on marriage.  In this podcast we have special guest Chris Brown with Dr. Kim. Chris Brown is a radio talk show host, pastor and dynamic speaker who speaks on stewardship and intentional living nationwide as a Ramsey Personality. Available on radio stations across the country, Chris Brown’s True Stewardship provides biblical solutions and sound advice for questions on life and money. Chris joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about God’s plan for marriage and money. They share biblical advice on what God teaches us about money and how to steward it well in a way that brings glory to God and joy to your marriage. Tune in below to learn more about God’s plan for money in marriage!   RESOURCES You can follow Chris online at Stewardship. Be sure to follow Chris on Twitter for more great insights on money.
8/5/201736 minutes, 22 seconds
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Hope and Freedom After Betrayal - Interview with Lynn & David Cherry | Ep. 99

Today on the podcast we welcome back special guests Lynn & David Cherry with us. Lynn is an author and speaker and writes devotions at Shoreline Church in Austin TX. She also contributes to Created Woman and Affair Recovery. Lynn has a passion for sharing hope and freedom. She writes about motherhood, marriage, and moving forward after betrayal. Lynn & David join Dr. Kim today as they share their story of how their marriage was healed after betrayal. They share their story with true transparency and give practical advice on how to walk into hope and freedom and healing after betrayal in marriage. Tune in below to learn more about recovering from betrayal!   RESOURCES You can read more about Lynn and the incredible ministry she does by checking out her website. Be sure to check out her blogs on marriage and her latest book, Keep Walking 40 Days to Hope and Freedom After Betrayal. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.
8/2/201747 minutes, 29 seconds
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Habits of Healthy Couples // Habit 1: Showing Affection // - Interview with Lynn & David Cherry | Ep. 98

Today on the podcast we welcome special guests Lynn & David Cherry with us. Lynn is an author and speaker and writes devotions at Shoreline Church in Austin TX. She also contributes to Created Woman and Affair Recovery. Lynn has a passion for sharing hope and freedom. She writes about motherhood, marriage, and moving forward after betrayal. Lynn & David join Dr. Kim today as they talk about showing affection in marriage. They share biblical insights and practical advice on how to show affection in marriage and how to keep your marriage healthy. Tune in below to learn more about showing affection in marriage!   RESOURCES You can read more about Lynn and the incredible ministry she does by checking out her website. Be sure to check out her blogs on marriage and her latest book, Keep Walking 40 Days to Hope and Freedom After Betrayal. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.
8/1/201732 minutes, 40 seconds
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Best of Awesome Marriage Podcast: The Deep Need for Good Fathers - Interview with Rick Johnson

This podcast aired last year but we wanted to highlight it again because it was such a great conversation that can help a lot of people. Please enjoy this instant classic awesome marriage podcast!  Rick is a best selling author, speaker, and founder of Better Dads. Rick inspires people with life-changing insights for men and women on parenting, marriage, and personal growth. Rick joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about the need for good fathers and how the huge amount of absent fathers is affecting our society today. They give practical advice on how to be a great Dad and how God calls men to lead their families. Tune in below to learn more about the deep need for good fathers!
7/29/201730 minutes, 56 seconds
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Marriage on the Road - Interview with Martha & Neil Fisher | Ep. 97

Martha Fisher is our newest Awesome Marriage staff. She joined our team to help facilitate and support Facebook Groups. Martha lives and breaths community and is a social media expert. She brings wisdom and fun to our team! Her and her husband Neil travel the country in their RV. Today on the podcast they share their story of how they work and live on the road. Tune in to learn more about this sweet couple and their journey of marriage on the road!
7/27/201735 minutes, 29 seconds
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How to Love Your Unbelieving Spouse - Interview with Jim Burns | Ep. 96

Today on the podcast we welcome back special guest Jim Burns with us. Jim is an author, speaker, and President of HomeWord. HomeWord is an organization that seeks to educate, equip, and encourage parents and churches to build God-honoring families. Jim joins Dr. Kim today as they dive deeper into the issue of unequally yoked marriages. They share biblical insights and practical advice on how a Christian can best love and support their non-believing spouse. Tune in below to learn more about how to live in an unequally yoked marriage!   RESOURCES  You can read more about Jim and the incredible ministry he leads by checking out HomeWord. Be sure to check out his daily broadcast for more great insights on family and marriage. You can also follow him on Twitter and Facebook.
7/25/201734 minutes, 46 seconds
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Best of Awesome Marriage Podcast: Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality - Interview with Jim Burns

This is a podcast that aired last year that we wanted to highlight again because it is such an important topic and insightful conversation. Please enjoy this Instant Classic Awesome Marriage Podcast!  Jim is an author, speaker, and President of HomeWord. HomeWord is an organization that seeks to educate, equip, and encourage parents and churches to build God-honoring families. Jim is a leading expert in teaching healthy sexuality to children. Jim joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about how to teach your children healthy sexuality. They give practical advice on how to equip your children to have a healthy view about sex that honors God’s plan for sex. They share ways to approach the sex talk with your children at each age. Tune in below to learn more about teaching your children healthy sexuality!
7/22/201738 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: What do I do when someone is trying to make me keep information from my spouse? | Ep. 95

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: What do I do when someone is trying to make me keep information from my spouse?  Tune in to find out!
7/20/201710 minutes, 13 seconds
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What Do You Do When Your Spouse Doesn’t Love Jesus - Interview with Jim Burns | Ep. 94

Today on the podcast we have special guest Jim Burns with us. Jim is an author, speaker, and President of HomeWord. HomeWord is an organization that seeks to educate, equip, and encourage parents and churches to build God-honoring families. Jim joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about what to do when you are in an unequally yoked marriage. They share biblical insights and practical advice on how deal with this very difficult circumstance. Tune in below to learn more what to do when your spouse doesn’t love Jesus!   RESOURCES You can read more about Jim and the incredible ministry he leads by checking out HomeWord. Be sure to check out his daily broadcast for more great insights on family and marriage. You can also follow him on Twitter and Facebook.
7/18/201730 minutes, 6 seconds
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Best of Podcast: Don’t Let Anger Fester - Interview with Deb and Ron DeArmond

This is an instant classic awesome marriage podcast that aired last year, we wanted to highlight it again because it's such an important topic. Deb is an author, a speaker, and relationship coach—helping others improve their interactions at work and at home. Deb runs her ministry at Deb DeArmond/Family Matters. Ron has co authored several books with Deb. The DeArmond’s are marriage experts and high school sweethearts. Deb & Ron join Dr. Kim as they talk about how to not let anger fester. Anger when left to fester can destroy a marriage, Deb & Ron share advice on how to deal with anger in marriage in a healthy way. They share stories from their own marriages and practical advice on how to move past anger in marriage. Tune in below to learn more about how not let anger corrupt your marriage! RESOURCES You can purchase Deb’s new book: Don’t Go To Bed Angry here. Another great resource from Deb is her book I Choose You Today which you can purchase here. You can read more great insights from Deb on her website. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook. To learn more about the best ways to move past anger and resolve conflict in your marriage, check out Dr. Kim’s Conflict Resolution Course.
7/15/201734 minutes, 45 seconds
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3 Things Your Spouse Can’t Be For You- Thing 3 | Ep. 93

A lot of times in marriage we place unrealistic expectations on our spouse. This week we are going to be talking about that issue. We will be discussing 3 things your spouse can’t be for you. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 1st thing today: your savior.   Tune in to learn more about why your spouse can’t be this for you.
7/14/201710 minutes, 48 seconds
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3 Things Your Spouse Can’t Be For You- Thing 2 | Ep. 92

A lot of times in marriage we place unrealistic expectations on our spouse. This week we are going to be talking about that issue. We will be discussing 3 things your spouse can’t be for you. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 1st thing today: a person you get to mold into what you want.   Tune in to learn more about why your spouse can’t be this for you.   Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 3rd thing your spouse can’t be for you!
7/13/201712 minutes, 24 seconds
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3 Things Your Spouse Can’t Be For You- Thing 1 | Ep. 91

A lot of times in marriage we place unrealistic expectations on our spouse. This week we are going to be talking about that issue. We will be discussing 3 things your spouse can’t be for you. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 1st thing today: your ultimate happiness. Tune in to learn more about why your spouse can’t be this for you. Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 2nd thing your spouse can’t be for you!
7/12/201714 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Don’ts of Preparing for Marriage | Ep. 90

Preparing for marriage is a big step that you don’t want to miss. A lot of couples get caught up in preparing the wedding that they forget to prepare for an awesome marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina share the “don’ts” of preparing for marriage. They share real life stories about what they wish they hadn’t done and practical advice on what to avoid as you prepare for marriage. Tune in to learn more about how to prepare well for marriage!
7/11/201722 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: Should I have lunch with someone of the opposite sex that isn’t my spouse? | Ep. 89

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.   In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Should I have lunch with someone of the opposite sex that isn’t my spouse?   Tune in to find out!
7/6/201716 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Dos of Preparing for Marriage | Ep. 88

Preparing for marriage is one of the most important things you will ever do. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina share the “do’s” of preparing for marriage. They share practical advice on what to do as you prepare for the big day and the even bigger days after the big day.   Tune in to learn more about how to prepare well for marriage!
7/4/201726 minutes, 41 seconds
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Meet with Your Heavenly Father: Interview with Craig & Rachel Denison | Ep. 87

Today on the podcast we welcome back special guests Craig & Rachel Denison. Craig and Rachel Denison are a husband and wife team. Together they created First15, a fifteen minute devotional that leads you into a fresh encounter with God's presence every day through worship, a devotional thought and guided prayer. Craig & Rachel join Dr. Kim today as they talk about their devotional and the importance of taking time to spend with God each day. They share practical advice on what it can look like to spend time with God and how to hear from God. Tune in below to learn more!   RESOURCES You can read more great insights from the Denison's on their blog. You can also follow them on Twitter and Facebook. You can download the First15 app for free by searching First15 in the Apple App store or GooglePlay.
6/29/201741 minutes, 30 seconds
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Withholding Forgiveness: Interview with Craig & Rachel Denison | Ep. 86

Today on the podcast we have special guests Craig & Rachel Denison. Craig and Rachel Denison are a husband and wife team. Together they created First15, a fifteen minute devotional that leads you into a fresh encounter with God's presence every day through worship, a devotional thought and guided prayer. Craig & Rachel join Dr. Kim today as they talk about one habit that often leads to divorce: withholding forgiveness. They break down the importance of forgiveness and how to make sure you have a grace-filled marriage full of healing and renewal. Tune in below to learn more!   RESOURCES You can read more great insights from the Denison's on their blog. You can also follow them on Twitter and Facebook. You can download the First15 app for free by searching First15 in the Apple App store or GooglePlay.
6/27/201740 minutes, 6 seconds
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3 Decisions You Should Always Consult with Your Spouse about- Decision 3 | Ep. 85

This week we will be discussing 3 decisions you should always consult your spouse about. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 3rd decision today: trips and plans. Tune in to learn more about the importance of including your spouse in these decisions and how to make them together in unity!
6/23/201713 minutes, 53 seconds
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3 Decisions You Should Always Consult with Your Spouse about- Decision 2 | Ep. 84

This week we will be discussing 3 decisions you should always consult your spouse about. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 2nd decision today: major money decisions. Tune in to learn more about the importance of including your spouse in these decisions and how to make them together in unity. Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 3rd decision to always consult your spouse about!
6/22/201717 minutes, 6 seconds
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3 Decisions You Should Always Consult with Your Spouse about- Decision 1 | Ep. 83

This week we will be discussing 3 decisions you should always consult your spouse about. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 1st decision today: job decisions. Tune in to learn more about the importance of including your spouse in these decisions and how to make them together in unity. Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 2nd decision to always consult your spouse about!
6/21/201717 minutes, 58 seconds
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Separate Things | Ep. 82

This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about habits that lead to divorce. Each week we will be covering one habit that can often lead to divorce and how to avoid it in your own marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina discuss the habit of: separate things. Whether it’s separate bank accounts, beds, or lives there is no place for certain “separates” in a marriage. Tune in to learn more about this habit and how to avoid “separate things” in your marriage and embrace unity!
6/20/201730 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: Is it okay to remove a family member from your life if they are interfering in your marriage? | Ep. 81

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Is it okay to remove a family member from your life if they are interfering in your marriage? Tune in to find out!
6/15/201710 minutes, 13 seconds
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Sexs & Secrets | Ep. 80

This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about habits that lead to divorce. Each week we will be covering one habit that can often lead to divorce and how to avoid it in your own marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim, Nils, and Christina discuss the habit: sexs and secrets. Sex issues and secrecy are often intertwined and these issues can destroy a marriage. Tune in to learn more about this habit and how to avoid it in your own marriage!
6/13/201725 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: Should married couples wait and be married for awhile before having kids? | Ep. 79

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Should married couples wait and be married for awhile before having kids? Tune in to find out!
6/8/20178 minutes, 38 seconds
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Not Keeping First Things First | Ep. 78

This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about habits that lead to divorce. Each week we will be covering one habit that can often lead to divorce and how to avoid it in your own marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the habit: not keeping first things first. Tune in to learn more about this habit and how to avoid it in your own marriage!
6/6/201727 minutes
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My loyalty should be with my family of origin because they raised me | Ep. 77

This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about myths people believe about marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the myth: my loyalty should be with my family of origin because they raised me. Tune in to learn more about this myth and how to make sure you aren’t believing it in your own marriage!
5/30/201720 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: Is it okay to take a break in a Christian marriage? | Ep. 76

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Is it okay to take a break in a Christian marriage? Tune in to find out!
5/25/201725 minutes, 8 seconds
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I should not have to tell my spouse what’s wrong, they should know me | Ep. 75

This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about myths people believe about marriage. Today on the podcast Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the myth: I should not have to tell my spouse what’s wrong, they should know me. Tune in to learn more about this myth and how to make sure you aren’t believing it in your own marriage!
5/23/201727 minutes, 8 seconds
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4 Places Never to Get Marriage Advice From: Place 4 | Ep. 74

This week we will be discussing 4 places to never get marriage advice from. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 4th and final place today: people who don’t share your values.   Tune in to learn more about the dangers in getting advice here and what to watch out for.
5/19/201710 minutes, 6 seconds
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4 Places Never to Get Marriage Advice From: Place 3 | Ep. 73

This week we will be discussing 4 places to never get marriage advice from. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 3rd place today: people who aren’t fond of marriage.   Tune in to learn more about the dangers in getting advice here and what to watch out for. Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 4th and final place never to get marriage advice from!
5/18/201712 minutes, 24 seconds
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4 Places Never to Get Marriage Advice From: Place 2 | Ep. 72

This week we will be discussing 4 places to never get marriage advice from. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 2nd place today: pop culture.   Tune in to learn more about the dangers in getting advice here and what to watch out for. Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 3rd place never to get marriage advice from!
5/17/201713 minutes, 40 seconds
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I still have a right to privacy | Ep. 71

This month at Awesome Marriage we are talking about myths people believe about marriage. Today on the podcast Nils, Christina, and Dr. Kim discuss the myth: I still have a right to privacy.   They share where this myth comes from and why it’s bad to believe it. They give practical advice and share real life examples. Tune in to learn more about this myth and how to make sure you aren’t believing it in your own marriage!
5/16/201729 minutes, 17 seconds
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4 Places Never to Get Marriage Advice From: Place 1 | Ep. 70

This week we will be discussing 4 places to never get marriage advice from. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 1st place today: someone’s whose marriage you don’t respect.   Tune in to learn more about the dangers in getting advice here and what to watch out for. Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 2nd place never to get marriage advice from!
5/15/201716 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: Should you go to bed at the same time as your spouse? | Ep. 69

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Should you go to bed at the same time as your spouse? Tune in to find out!
5/11/20178 minutes, 16 seconds
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If I Marry The Right Person We Will Always Be In Love - Interview Rhonda Stoppe | Ep. 68

Today on the podcast we welcome back special guest Rhonda Stoppe. Rhonda Stoppe is an author and speaker dedicated to helping women live life with no regrets. She has over 20 years experience as a mom, mentor, and pastor’s wife. Rhonda joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about the marriage myth: if I marry the right person we will always be in love. They break down why this is a myth and shed light on the truth about love and the ways to work at love. Tune in below to learn more!   RESOURCES You can purchase Rhonda’s book: ‘If My Spouse Would Change, I’d Be Happy & Other Myths Wives Believe’ here. You can read more great insights from Rhonda on her website. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.
5/9/201740 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: Do married couples have to sleep in the same bed? | Ep. 67

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them.   In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Do married couples have to sleep in the same bed? Tune in to find out!
5/4/20176 minutes, 52 seconds
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If my spouse would change, I’d be happy - Interview Rhonda Stoppe | Ep. 66

Today on the podcast special guest Rhonda Stoppe joins Dr. Kim. Rhonda Stoppe is an author and speaker dedicated to helping women live life with no regrets. She has over 20 years experience as a mom, mentor, and pastor’s wife. Rhonda joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about Rhonda’s latest book: If My Spouse Would Change, I’d Be Happy. Tune in below to learn more about this myth and how to stop it from corrupting your marriage!   RESOURCES You can purchase Rhonda’s book: ‘If My Spouse Would Change, I’d Be Happy & Other Myths Wives Believe’ here. You can read more great insights from Rhonda on her website. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook. Here are the other authors Rhonda mentioned in the podcast: Greg and Julie Gorman Cindi McMenamin
5/2/201740 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: My spouse brought home a dog without asking me. What do I do? | Ep. 65

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: My spouse brought home a dog without asking me. What do I do? Tune in to find out!
4/27/201711 minutes, 33 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: My spouse wants me home more but I have to work hard to pay the bills. What should I do? | Ep. 64

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: My spouse wants me home more but I have to work hard to pay the bills. What should I do? Tune in to find out!
4/26/201711 minutes, 56 seconds
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How to Navigate Untraditional Roles God’s Way - Interview with Mike & Debbie Osment | Ep. 63

Today on the podcast we have special guests Mike & Debbie Osment with Dr. Kim. Mike & Debbie are friends of Dr. Kim’s. Mike & Debbie have a unique story to share when it comes to roles in marriage. Mike & Debbie join Dr. Kim today as they talk about how to navigate nontraditional roles God’s Way. Tune in below to learn more about this couple’s journey as they lived out their roles in marriage and family!
4/25/201743 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: I’m not okay with some of my spouse’s health habits. What should I do? | Ep. 62

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: I’m not okay with some of my spouse’s health habits. What should I do? Tune in to find out!
4/20/201710 minutes, 18 seconds
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Submission: What It Really Means In Marriage - Interview with Deb Dearmond | Ep. 61

Today on the podcast we welcome back special guest Deb DeArmond with Dr. Kim. Deb is an author, a speaker, and relationship coach—helping others improve their interactions at work and at home. Deb runs her ministry at Deb DeArmond/Family Matters. Deb joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about submission. They define it God’s way and show us why it doesn’t have to be such a dirty word. The give practical advice on what submission looks like in marriage and how to deal with it the right way. Tune in below to learn more about submission!   RESOURCES You can purchase Deb’s new book: ‘Don’t Go To Bed Angry’ here. Another great resource from Deb is her book ‘I Choose You Today’ which you can purchase here. You can read more great insights from Deb on her website. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.
4/18/201741 minutes, 29 seconds
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3 Qualities of a Godly Wife: Quality 3 | Ep. 60

This week we will be discussing 3 qualities of a Godly wife. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 3rd quality today: she is even tempered. Tune in to learn more about being even tempered, how to find peace when we are struggling, and why God calls us to be even tempered.
4/14/201713 minutes, 23 seconds
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3 Qualities of a Godly Wife: Quality 2 | Ep. 59

This week we will be discussing 3 qualities of a Godly wife. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 2nd quality today: she is respectful. Tune in to learn more about what respect looks like, why men crave respect so much, and why respect is a vital part of being a Godly wife. Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 3rd quality of a Godly wife!
4/13/201712 minutes, 50 seconds
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3 Qualities of a Godly Wife: Quality 1 | Ep. 58

This week we will be discussing 3 qualities of a Godly wife. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 1st quality today: she is encouraging. Tune in to learn more about what it looks like to be encouraging and why it’s a crucial part of being a Godly wife. Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 2nd quality of a Godly wife!
4/12/201710 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Wife’s Role | Ep. 57

In a culture that rejects roles it’s important that we understand biblical roles and why God created us the way He did. Today on the podcast Nils, Christina, and Dr. Kim discuss the wife’s role. They share what the wife’s role is, why it’s nothing to be ashamed of, and how to be obedient to God’s purposes for wife’s. Tune in to learn more about the wife’s role!
4/11/201729 minutes, 7 seconds
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3 Qualities of a Godly Husband: Quality 3 | Ep. 56

This week we will be discussing 3 qualities of a Godly husband. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 3rd quality today: he loves. Tune in to learn more about what it means to love well and why it’s a vital part of being a Godly husband.
4/7/201711 minutes, 39 seconds
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3 Qualities of a Godly Husband: Quality 2 | Ep. 55

This week we will be discussing 3 qualities of a Godly husband. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 2nd quality today: he rejects passivity. Tune in to learn more about what it means to reject passivity and why it’s a crucial part of being a Godly husband. Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 3rd quality of a Godly husband!
4/6/201713 minutes, 51 seconds
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3 Qualities of a Godly Husband: Quality 1 | Ep. 54

This week we will be discussing 3 qualities of a Godly husband. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 1st quality today: he leads. Tune in to learn more about what husband leadership is and practical tips on how to lead well in marriage and family. Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 2nd quality of a Godly husband!  
4/5/201712 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Husband’s Role | Ep. 53

In a culture that rejects roles it’s important that we understand biblical roles and why God created us the way He did. Today on the podcast Nils, Christina, and Dr. Kim discuss the husband’s role. They share what the husband’s role is, what it isn’t, and how to be obedient to God’s purposes for husbands. Tune in to learn more about the husband’s role!
4/4/201745 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: If I am forgiven for my past sexual sin why do I need to tell my boyfriend about it? | Ep. 52

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: If I am forgiven for my past sexual sin why do I need to tell my boyfriend about it? Tune in to find out!
3/30/20178 minutes, 3 seconds
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When Codependency Is Corrupting Your Marriage - Interview with Chris Beall | Ep. 51

Today on the podcast we welcome back special guest Pastor Chris Beall with Dr. Kim. Chris Beall is the Oklahoma City Campus Pastor at Chris also oversees half of the OKC metro campuses. Chris is married to Cindy Beall. Chris joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about codependency and how it can affect a marriage. They define codependency, discuss different types of codependency, and give warnings of things to watch out for to protect your marriage from it. The give practical advice on what to do if codependency is affecting your marriage. Tune in below to learn more about codependency in marriage!   RESOURCES You can connect with Pastor Chris on Facebook and on Twitter.
3/28/201725 minutes, 18 seconds
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Cherishing Your Spouse - Interview with Gary Thomas | Ep. 50

Today on the podcast we have special guest Gary Thomas on the Podcast. Gary Thomas is a bestselling author and international speaker whose ministry brings people closer to Christ and closer to others. Gary joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about Gary’s new book Cherish and how this one word could change everything for your marriage. Tune in below to learn more about cherishing your spouse!   RESOURCES Be sure to check out Gary’s blog for more great insights from him. You can connect with Gary on Facebook and Twitter. You can purchase Cherish here.
3/23/201755 minutes, 48 seconds
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When You Feel Like You’ve Outgrown Each Other - Interview with Chris Beall | Ep. 49

Today on the podcast we welcome special guest Pastor Chris Beall with Dr. Kim. Chris Beall is the Oklahoma City Campus Pastor at Chris also oversees half of the OKC metro campuses. Chris is married to Cindy Beall. Chris joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about the struggle of when couples feel like they have outgrown each other. They discuss barriers to closeness in marriage and how to stick together even when things are tough. Tune in below to learn more about what to do when you feel like you’ve outgrown each other!   RESOURCES You can connect with Pastor Chris on Facebook and on Twitter.
3/21/201728 minutes, 18 seconds
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Dealing with Miscarriage & Other Loss - Interview with Tommy Brown | Ep. 48

Today on the podcast we welcome back special guest Tommy Brown with Dr. Kim. Tommy Brown is a pastor, writer, speaker and financial development strategist. Tommy joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about a topic is one that pains a lot of couples: miscarriage and other reproductive loss. Tune in below to learn more dealing with miscarriage and other loss in marriage.   RESOURCES You can download Tommy’s spiritual memoir, ‘God Remains,’ of his wrestling with their miscarriage here for free. For more great insights from Tommy you can check out his website. You can connect with Tommy on Facebook and on Twitter.
3/16/201733 minutes, 42 seconds
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Financial Tension in Marriage - Interview with Tommy Brown | Ep. 47

Today on the podcast we welcome special guest Tommy Brown with Dr. Kim. Tommy Brown is a pastor, writer, speaker and financial development strategist. Tommy joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about Tommy’s new book “The 7 Money Types” and how by understanding how God wired you and your spouse to view money can help you resolve financial tension in your marriage. Tune in below to learn more about how understanding how God wired you can help you better deal with financial tension in marriage. RESOURCES For more great insights from Tommy you can check out his website. You can connect with Tommy on Facebook and on Twitter. Purchase 7 Money Types here. 
3/14/201731 minutes, 28 seconds
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3 Ways to Save a Struggling Marriage: Way 3 | Ep. 46

This week we will be discussing 3 ways to save a struggling marriage. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 3rd way today: prioritize quality time together. Tune in to learn more about why this can save your struggling marriage and how to turn things around for the better even if you currently don’t enjoy time together. There is still hope!
3/10/201716 minutes, 15 seconds
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3 Ways to Save a Struggling Marriage: Way 2 | Ep. 45

This week we will be discussing 3 ways to save a struggling marriage. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 2nd way today: commit to being totally honest with each other. Tune in to learn more about why this can save your struggling marriage and how to get back on track when it comes to honesty and transparency. Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 3rd way to save a struggling marriage!  
3/9/201716 minutes, 8 seconds
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3 Ways to Save a Struggling Marriage: Way 1 | Ep. 44

This week we will be discussing 3 ways to save a struggling marriage. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 1st way today: surround yourself with Christ centered community. Tune in to learn more about what Christ centered community is, where to find it, and how it can save your marriage if it’s struggling. Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 2nd way to save a struggling marriage!
3/8/201721 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How often should we be intimate? | Ep. 43

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How often should we be intimate? Tune in to find out!
3/2/20176 minutes, 40 seconds
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Spiritual Warfare in Marriage | Ep. 42

Spiritual warfare is a real thing. The last thing satan wants is for you to have an awesome marriage. Today on the podcast Nils Smith, Christina Dodson, and Dr. Kim talk about spiritual warfare in marriage, what it is, what it isn’t, and how to combat it. Tune in to learn more about spiritual warfare in marriage!  
3/1/201731 minutes, 8 seconds
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Wives Talk: Awesome Sex in Marriage - Interview with J. Parker | Ep. 41

Today on the podcast we welcome back special guest J. Parker with Christina Dodson for a special edition “Wives Talk” podcast. J. Parker is a Christian intimacy author and speaker. Her mission is to reclaim sexuality for marriages as God intended. She has been blogging about marriage and sexual intimacy since 2010 and has written 3 books on marriage intimacy. J. has been married for 22 years and holds a master’s degree in counseling. J.joins Christina today as they talk specifically about common issues women face when it comes to sex. They discuss common questions women have when it comes to sex and tackle many of the tough issues when it comes to sex. Tune in below to learn more about what God wants for Christian married women when it comes to sex!   *The podcast is all about sex and Christina and J. talk specifics. This is an R rated podcast for adults only.   RESOURCES   Be sure to read more great insights about sex on J.’s blog. You can follow J. online at Hot, Holy, and Humorous. You can also connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.   You can purchase Holy, Holy, and Humorous here.
2/28/201739 minutes, 20 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim-:I hate my husband’s friends. What do I do? | Ep. 40

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: I hate my husband’s friends. What do I do? Tune in to find out!
2/23/20179 minutes, 32 seconds
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Cultivating Romance in the Bedroom - Interview with J. Parker | Ep. 39

Today on the podcast we welcome special guest J. Parker with Dr. Kim and Christina. J. Parker is a Christian intimacy author and speaker. Her mission is to reclaim sexuality for marriages as God intended. She has been blogging about marriage and sexual intimacy since 2010 and has written 3 books on marriage intimacy. J. has been married for 22 years and holds a master’s degree in counseling. J. joins Dr. Kim and Christina today as they talk about cultivating romance in the bedroom. They discuss barriers to healthy sex and how to overcome those barriers. They give practical advice on how to achieve healthy intimacy and enjoy God’s gift of sex with your spouse. Tune in below to learn more about romance in the bedroom!   RESOURCES Be sure to read more great insights about sex on J.’s blog. You can follow J. online at Hot, Holy, and Humorous. You can also connect with her on Facebook and Twitter. You can purchase Holy, Holy, and Humorous here.
2/21/201734 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: My spouse and I can’t agree on what kind of education to give our kids. What should we do? | Ep. 38

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: My spouse and I can’t agree on what kind of education to give our kids. What should we do? Tune in to find out!
2/16/201711 minutes
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Keys to Successful Romance in Marriage | Ep. 37

Today on the podcast Nils, Christina, and Dr. Kim talk about why romance often dies after “I do.” They discuss how to avoid the death of romance in your marriage and how to revive it if it’s already dead. They give practical keys to romance and share real life stories. Tune in to learn more about successful romance in marriage!   RESOURCES You can purchase Keys to Lasting Love by Dr. Kim for more insights on love and romance. Love is the reason most of us took the step into marriage, but we know that for a marriage to thrive, love has to be more than a feeling. In the book, you will look at some of the characteristics of love and then the words of love from 1 Corinthians 12.
2/14/201723 minutes, 8 seconds
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Defining Romance | Ep. 36

Today on the podcast Nils, Christina, and Dr. Kim talk about romance and what exactly romance means in a marriage. They discuss the different types of romance, what romance means to men and to women, and how to increase romance in your marriage. Tune in to learn more about romance!   RESOURCES You can purchase Keys to Lasting Love by Dr. Kim for more insights on love and romance. Love is the reason most of us took the step into marriage, but we know that for a marriage to thrive, love has to be more than a feeling. In the book, you will look at some of the characteristics of love and then the words of love from 1 Corinthians 12.
2/7/201722 minutes, 50 seconds
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Understanding Your Spouse’s Money Mindset | Ep. 35

Money is the one of the number one reasons for divorce. Learning how to deal with money well with your spouse is crucial. Today on the podcast Nils Smith, Christina Dodson, and Dr. Kim talk about understanding your spouse’s money mindset. They share real life experiences and practical advice on how to understand your spouse when it comes to money and how to make wise choices together. Tune in to learn more about understanding your spouse’s money mindset!   RESOURCES Taking Financial Peace University is a great first step to getting your money on track. Check out Dave Ramsey’s resources at Dave Ramsey’s website.
1/31/201728 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim- Should I get married if I’ve never lived in the same city as my fiance? | Ep. 34

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: Should I get married if I’ve never lived in the same city as my fiance? Tune in to find out!
1/26/20178 minutes, 15 seconds
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From Mine to Ours | Ep. 33

One of the biggest struggles in marriages when it comes from money is letting go of the “my money” mentality. Today on the podcast Nils Smith, Christina Dodson, and Dr. Kim talk about how to go from “mine” to “ours” and why it’s crucial to take that leap in order to have an awesome marriage. They share real life experiences and practical advice on how to help your marriage thrive in unity when it comes to money. Tune in to learn more about how to go from “mine” to “ours”!   RESOURCES Taking Financial Peace University is a great first step to getting your money on track. Check out Dave Ramsey’s resources at Dave Ramsey’s website.
1/24/201730 minutes, 30 seconds
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3 Money Tips That Saved My Marriage #3 - Goal Setting | Ep. 32

This week we will be diving into 3 money tips that can save your marriage. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 3rd and final tip today: goal setting. Tune in to learn more about the importance of money goal setting with your spouse and how to do it well!     RESOURCES Taking Financial Peace University is a great first step to getting your money on track. Check out Dave Ramsey’s resources at Dave Ramsey’s website.
1/20/201711 minutes, 50 seconds
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3 Money Tips That Saved My Marriage #2 - Emergency Fund | Ep. 31

This week we will be diving into 3 money tips that can save your marriage. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss the 2nd tip today: having an emergency fund. Tune in to learn more about what an emergency fund is, how to save for it, and how it works. Be sure to tune in tomorrow as well to learn the 3rd and final tip that can save your marriage!   RESOURCES Taking Financial Peace University is a great first step to getting your money on track. Check out Dave Ramsey’s resources at Dave Ramsey’s website.
1/19/201712 minutes, 56 seconds
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3 Money Tips That Saved My Marriage #1 - Tracking What We Spend | Ep. 30

In this episode we will be diving into 3 money tips that can save your marriage. Dr. Kim and Christina discuss tracking what you spend, creating an emergency fund, and goal setting. Tune in to learn more about using these three helpful steps to prevent fights, provide unity, and gain clarity!   RESOURCES Taking Financial Peace University is a great first step to getting your money on track. Check out Dave Ramsey’s resources at Dave Ramsey’s website.
1/18/201748 minutes, 1 second
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The B Word- How to Keep Money from Messing Up Your Marriage | Ep. 29

Budgets intimidate a lot of people but a budget done well actually gives you more freedom and more unity in a marriage. Today on the podcast Nils Smith, Christina Dodson, and Dr. Kim talk about budgeting and why it’s so important to a marriage. They share real life how-tos when it comes to budgeting and ways to make it work in a marriage. Tune in to learn more about how to keep money from messing up your marriage!   RESOURCES Some of the budget tools we discussed today: Google Sheets You Need a Budget Pocket Guard Mevelops Every Dollar Quicken Taking Financial Peace University is a great first step to getting your money on track. Check out Dave Ramsey’s resources at Dave Ramsey’s website.
1/17/201733 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim- How long do you wait on a guy to propose? | Ep. 28

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. People submit their questions about love, relationships, and marriage to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How long do you wait on a guy to propose?   Tune in to find out!
1/12/20179 minutes, 4 seconds
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Debt’s Toll on Marriage: Interview with Chris Brown | Ep. 27

Today on the podcast we welcome back special guest Chris Brown with Dr. Kim. Chris Brown is a radio talk show host, pastor and dynamic speaker who speaks on stewardship and intentional living nationwide as a Ramsey Personality. Available on radio stations across the country, Chris Brown’s True Stewardship provides biblical solutions and sound advice for questions on life and money. Chris joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about debt and what it does to marriages, and how to get out of debt and stay out of it. They share biblical advice on what God teaches about debt as well as real life stories and practical advice. Tune in below to learn more about debt’s toll on marriages!   RESOURCES You can follow Chris online at Stewardship. Be sure to follow Chris on Twitter for more great insights on money.
1/10/201737 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ask Dr. Kim: How long should engagement be? | Ep. 26

This is an Ask Dr. Kim segment on the Awesome Marriage Podcast, where people submit their questions to Dr. Kim and he answers them. In this episode Dr. Kim answers the question: How long should engagement be? Tune in to find out!
1/5/20179 minutes, 41 seconds
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God’s Plan for Marriage and Money- Interview with Chris Brown | Ep. 25

Today on the podcast we have special guest Chris Brown with Dr. Kim. Chris Brown is a radio talk show host, pastor and dynamic speaker who speaks on stewardship and intentional living nationwide as a Ramsey Personality. Available on radio stations across the country, Chris Brown’s True Stewardship provides biblical solutions and sound advice for questions on life and money. Chris joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about God’s plan for marriage and money. They share biblical advice on what God teaches us about money and how to steward it well in a way that brings glory to God and joy to your marriage. Tune in below to learn more about God’s plan for money in marriage!     RESOURCES You can follow Chris online at Stewardship. Be sure to follow Chris on Twitter for more great insights on money.
1/3/201736 minutes, 18 seconds
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Spouse First, Children Second- Interview with Rick Johnson | Ep. 24

Today on the podcast we welcome back special guest Rick Johnson with Dr. Kim. Rick is a best selling author, speaker, and founder of Better Dads. Rick inspires people with life-changing insights for men and women on parenting, marriage, and personal growth. Rick joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about how spouse should come first and children should come second. They share real life examples and give practical advice on how to put your spouse first and why it’s vital to your marriage that you do that. Tune in below to learn more about spouse first, children second!     RESOURCES You can purchase Rick’s book, 10 Things Great Dads Do here. Another great resource is his book, Romancing Your Better Half: Keeping Intimacy Alive in Your Marriage. You can read more about Rick and the incredible ministry he leads by checking out BetterDads. Be sure to check out his blog for more great insights on family and marriage. You can also follow him on Twitter and Facebook.
12/20/201627 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Deep Need For Good Fathers- Interview with Rick Johnson | Ep. 23

Today on the podcast we have special guest Rick Johnson with Dr. Kim. Rick is a best selling author, speaker, and founder of Better Dads. Rick inspires people with life-changing insights for men and women on parenting, marriage, and personal growth. Rick joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about the need for good fathers and how the huge amount of absent fathers is affecting our society today. They give practical advice on how to be a great Dad and how God calls men to lead their families. Tune in below to learn more about the deep need for good fathers!     RESOURCES You can purchase Rick’s book, 10 Things Great Dads Do here. Another great resource is his book, Overcoming Toxic Parenting. You can read more about Rick and the incredible ministry he leads by checking out BetterDads. Be sure to check out his blog for more great insights on family and marriage. You can also follow him on Twitter and Facebook.
12/13/201632 minutes, 17 seconds
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Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality- Interview with Jim Burns | Ep. 22

We welcome back special guest Jim Burns on the podcast this week. Jim is an author, speaker, and President of HomeWord. HomeWord is an organization that seeks to educate, equip, and encourage parents and churches to build God-honoring families. Jim is a leading expert in teaching healthy sexuality to children. Jim joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about how to teach your children healthy sexuality. They give practical advice on how to equip your children to have a healthy view about sex that honors God’s plan for sex. They share ways to approach the sex talk with your children at each age. Tune in below to learn more about teaching your children healthy sexuality!   RESOURCES You can purchase Jim’s e-study, Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality here. Another great resource from is Jim’s book, How God Made Babies which you can purchase here. You can read more about Jim and the incredible ministry he leads by checking out HomeWord. Be sure to check out his daily broadcast for more great insights on family and marriage. You can also follow him on Twitter and Facebook.
11/8/201638 minutes, 40 seconds
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Sex: A Gift from God- Interview with Jim Burns | Ep. 21

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome special guest Jim Burns. Jim is an author, speaker, and President of HomeWord. HomeWord is an organization that seeks to educate, equip, and encourage parents and churches to build God-honoring families. Jim has written several books on and is a leading expert in healthy sexuality and intimacy. Jim joins Dr. Kim today as they talk about sex and it’s role in marriage as a gift from God. They share biblical insights and practical advice on how to enjoy this very special gift from God. Tune in below to learn more about sex as a gift from God!   RESOURCES You can purchase Jim’s book, The Purity Code here. Another great resource from is Jim’s book, Creating An Intimate Marriage which you can purchase here. You can read more about Jim and the incredible ministry he leads by checking out HomeWord. Be sure to check out his daily broadcast for more great insights on family and marriage. You can also follow him on Twitter and Facebook.
11/1/201638 minutes, 35 seconds
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Don’t Let Anger Fester - Interview with Deb & Ron Dearmond | Ep. 20

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome back Deb & Ron DeArmond on the podcast. Deb is an author, a speaker, and relationship coach—helping others improve their interactions at work and at home. Deb runs her ministry at Deb DeArmond/Family Matters. Ron has co authored several books with Deb. The DeArmond’s are marriage experts and high school sweethearts. Deb & Ron join Dr. Kim as they talk about how to not let anger fester. Anger when left to fester can destroy a marriage, Deb & Ron share advice on how to deal with anger in marriage in a healthy way. They share stories from their own marriages and practical advice on how to move past anger in marriage. Tune in below to learn more about how not let anger corrupt your marriage!   RESOURCES You can purchase Deb’s new book: Don’t Go To Bed Angry here. Another great resource from Deb is her book I Choose You Today which you can purchase here. You can read more great insights from Deb on her website. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.
10/11/201635 minutes, 38 seconds
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Rebuilding a Marriage Better Than New - Interview with Cindy Beall | Ep. 19

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome back writer, speaker and mentor to women, Cindy Beall. Cindy joins Dr. Kim as they talk about Cindy’s latest book, Rebuilding a Marriage Better Than New. Cindy oversees the Equipping arm on the Leading & Loving It team that ministers to pastor’s wives and women in ministry. Cindy is married to her husband Chris, who serves as the Oklahoma City Campus Pastor at and also oversees half of the OKC metro campuses. Tune in below to learn more about what Cindy and Chris did to heal their marriage better than new.   RESOURCES You can purchase Cindy’s book, Rebuilding a Marriage Better Than New. You can hear more great insights from Cindy on her blog. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.
8/30/201639 minutes, 33 seconds
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Healing Your Marriage When Trust Is Broken - Interview with Cindy Beall | Ep. 18

This week on theAwesome MarriagePodcast we welcomewriter, speaker and mentor towomen, Cindy Beall. Cindyjoins Dr. Kim as they talk about Cindy’s book, Healing YourMarriage When Trust Is Broken. Cindy oversees the Equipping armon the Leading & Loving It team that ministers to pastor’swives and women in ministry. Cindy is married to her husband Chris,who serves as the Oklahoma City Campus Pastor at andalso oversees half of the OKC metro campuses. Tune in below to learn moreabout how God healed Cindy’s marriage after the devastating news ofan affair.   RESOURCES You can purchase Cindy’s book, Healing Your Marriage When Trust Is Broken. You can hear more great insights from Cindy on her blog. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook. Cindy shared some great scripture with us including Psalm 27 and 2 Corinthians 1:3-4.
8/23/201637 minutes, 10 seconds
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Deciding to Forgive After An Affair- Her Story of Forgiveness | Ep. 17

Today on the podcast we welcome back Kyle & Kelly. They join Dr. Kim Kimberling as they talk about their story, what happened, and how she chose to forgive after the affair. They share their honest and raw emotions, pains, and challenges. Tune in to learn more about deciding to forgive after an affair!   RESOURCES You can purchase Dr. Kim's book, 7 Secrets to An Awesome Marriage here and great to pair with it is the 7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage Discussion Guide here.
8/4/201634 minutes, 41 seconds
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God’s Healing After An Affair- His Story of Walking Back to God | Ep. 16

Today on the podcast we have the privilege of hearing one married couple’s story of how God healed them after an affair. They join Dr. Kim Kimberling as they talk about their story, what happened, and how the husband chose to walk back to God after having the affair. They share their honest and raw emotions, pains, and challenges. Tune in to learn more about God’s healing after an affair!
8/2/201631 minutes, 57 seconds
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Loving Your Spouse Well - Interview with Jamie Ivey | Ep. 15

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome back Jamie Ivey on the podcast. Jamie is a Christian speaker, writer, emcee, and the Host of her own Podcast called The Happy Hour. Jamie joins Dr. Kim as they talk about loving your spouse well and keeping love and service alive in your marriage. They share practical advice and real life stories. Jamie and her husband Aaron have 4 children together. Jamie loves marriage and it is God’s greatest gift to her. Tune in below to learn more about loving your spouse well! RESOURCES You can hear more great insights from Jamie on her podcast. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.   You can learn more about romance and keeping love alive in your marriage with the course Romance. You can purchase the course here.
7/28/201643 minutes, 15 seconds
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Adoption & Marriage - Interview with Jamie Ivey | Ep. 14

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome Jamie Ivey on the podcast. Jamie is a Christian speaker, writer, emcee, and the Host of her own Podcast called The Happy Hour. Jamie joins Dr. Kim as they talk about adoption and how it affects marriage. She shares real life examples of her own adoption stories and how her and her husband Aaron kept their marriage strong during the trials that come with adoption. Jamie is a huge advocate for adoption, both domestic and international. She and her husband Aaron have 4 children together. Jamie loves marriage and it is God’s greatest gift to her. Tune in below to learn more about adoption and marriage. RESOURCES You can hear more great insights from Jamie on her podcast. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.  
7/26/201639 minutes, 11 seconds
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Intentional Love, Making Love Last - Interview with Deb & Ron DeArmond | Ep. 13

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we have Deb & Ron DeArmond on the podcast. Deb is an author, a speaker, and relationship coach—helping others improve their interactions at work and at home. Deb runs her ministry at Deb DeArmond/Family Matters. Ron has co authored several books with Deb. The DeArmond’s are marriage experts and high school sweethearts. Deb & Ron join Dr. Kim as they talk how to make love last. They share stories from their own marriages and practical advice on how to choose your spouse every day. Tune in below to learn more about how to make love last.   RESOURCES You can purchase Deb’s new book: Don’t Go To Bed Angry here. Another great resource from Deb is her book I Choose You Today which you can purchase here. You can read more great insights from Deb on her website. You can also follow her on Twitter and Facebook.
7/19/201650 minutes, 26 seconds
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Blended Families Interview with Ron Deal Part 2 - The Stepfamily | Ep. 12

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome back Director of FamilyLife Blended, Ron Deal. Ron joins Dr. Kim as they about stepfamilies and how stepfamilies done well can be incredibly redemptive. Ron is a family and marriage author, speaker, and therapist. He is the leading expert and advocate for blending families well and ministering to blended families. Ron is married to his wife Nan and a is a proud father. Tune in below to learn more about stepfamilies and how to navigate the unique challenges that come with blending families when it comes to both marriage and parenting.   RESOURCES   You can purchase Ron’s latest book, The Smart Stepfamily Marriage: Keys to Success in the Blended Family. For other great info check out You can also follow Ron on Twitter! Ron shared about the Blended Families summit coming up in Colorado Springs, you can register here.
6/28/201639 minutes, 54 seconds
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Blended Families Interview with Ron Deal Part 1 - Second Marriage | Ep. 11

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we have Director of FamilyLife Blended, Ron Deal. Ron joins Dr. Kim as they about second marriage and the uniqueness of blended families. Ron is a family and marriage author, speaker, and therapist. He is the leading expert and advocate for blending families well and ministering to blended families. Ron is married to his wife Nan and a is a proud father. Tune in below to learn more about second marriage!   RESOURCES You can purchase Ron’s latest book, The Smart Stepfamily Marriage: Keys to Success in the Blended Family. For other great info check out You can also follow Ron on Twitter! Ron shared about the Blended Families summit coming up in Colorado Springs, you can register here.
6/21/201637 minutes, 11 seconds
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Entering Into Marriage as an International Couple - Rachael & Felipe | Ep. 10

We welcome back Felipe and Rachael, an international couple, this week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast. They join Dr. Kim Kimberling as they talk about entering into marriage as an international couple. They talk about their first 7 months of marriage and the unique challenges and joys that being international brought into their marriage. Tune in to learn more about international marriage from Felipe and Rachael!   RESOURCES You can purchase Dr. Kim's book, 7 Secrets to An Awesome Marriage here and great to pair with it is the 7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage Discussion Guide here.
6/7/201621 minutes, 24 seconds
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Long Distance & Cross Cultural Relationships - Rachael & Felipe | Ep. 9

Felipe and Rachael, an international couple, joins Dr. Kim Kimberling as they talk about the struggles and triumphs of long distance dating as well as cross cultural dating. They share real stories and practical advice from their personal experience. This great couple gets very real with hopes that their story will help couples walking through what they went through. Tune in to learn how Felipe and Rachael made long distance and cross cultural work for them!   RESOURCES You can purchase Dr. Kim's book, 7 Secrets to An Awesome Marriage here and great to pair with it is the 7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage Discussion Guide here.
5/31/201628 minutes, 25 seconds
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Purity, Relationships, Love, and Marriage- Interview with Clayton King | Ep. 8

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome back speaker, author, and founder of Crossroads Missions and Clayton King Ministries, Clayton King. Clayton joins Dr. Kim as they talk purity, relationships, love, and marriage. Clayton is also a teaching Pastor at NewSpring Church, speaker, and author of 12 books including True Love Project. Clayton is married to Sharie and they have two sons, Jacob and Joseph. He has preached to almost two million people in 25 countries and 45 states. Tune in below to learn more about purity and relationships! RESOURCES You can purchase Clayton’s newest book, Stronger: How Hard Times Reveal God's Greatest Power. You can hear more great insights from Clayton on his blog. You can also follow him on Twitter!
5/10/201635 minutes, 18 seconds
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Marriage Challenges in Ministry- Interview with Clayton King | Ep. 7

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we have speaker, author, and founder of Crossroads Missions and Clayton King Ministries, Clayton King. Clayton joins Dr. Kim as they talk about marriage challenges in ministry. Clayton is also a teaching Pastor at NewSpring Church, speaker, and author of 12 books including True Love Project. Clayton is married to Sharie and they have two sons, Jacob and Joseph. He has preached to almost two million people in 25 countries and 45 states. Tune in to learn more about marriage and ministry!   RESOURCES You can purchase Clayton’s newest book, Stronger: How Hard Times Reveal God's Greatest Power. You can hear more great insights from Clayton on his blog. You can also follow him on Twitter!
5/5/201636 minutes, 6 seconds
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Parents’ Responsibility in Dating: Interview with Debra Fileta | Ep. 6

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome back professional counselor, speaker, and author of True Love Dates, Debra Fileta joining Dr. Kim as they talk about the parent’s role when it comes to dating. Debra is happily married to John and they have two beautiful children, Elijah and Ella. Debra is a licensed professional counselor who specializes in dating, marriage, and relationship issues. She is a writer and regular contributor of Relevant Magazine and as well as author of True Love Dates: Your Indispensable Guide to Finding the Love of Your Life. RESOURCES I Am Verses for Parents True Love Dates: Your Indispensable Guide to Finding the Love of Your Life is a practical book on dating and a great resource for dating couples or singles preparing to date. Two other great resources by Debra: 21 Days to Jump Start Your Love Life 21 Days to Pray for Your Love Life You can hear more great insights from Debra on her blog. You can also follow her on Twitter!
4/5/201630 minutes, 28 seconds
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Foundations of Healthy Dating & The Church’s Role: Interview with Debra Fileta | Ep. 5

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we have professional counselor, speaker, and author of True Love Dates, Debra Fileta joining Dr. Kim as they talk about the foundations for healthy dating and the church's role when it comes to dating. Debra is happily married to John and they have two beautiful children, Elijah and Ella. Debra is a licensed professional counselor who specializes in dating, marriage, and relationship issues. She is a writer and regular contributor of Relevant Magazine and as well as author of True Love Dates: Your Indispensable Guide to Finding the Love of Your Life. RESOURCES True Love Dates: Your Indispensable Guide to Finding the Love of Your Life is a practical book on dating and a great resource for dating couples or singles preparing to date. Two other great resources by Debra: 21 Days to Jump Start Your Love Life 21 Days to Pray for Your Love Life You can hear more great insights from Debra on her blog. You can also follow her on Twitter!      
3/29/201631 minutes, 49 seconds
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SYMBIS - Interview with Les Parrott | Ep. 4

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome back best selling author and clinical psychologist, Les Parrott. Les joins Dr. Kim as they talk about SYMBIS, a great assessment tool for premarital counseling as well as a tool that can help you deepen your relationship with your spouse and take practical steps toward a healthier marriage.   RESOURCES To learn more about the Dr. Kim SYMBIS Bundle: Assessment and Online Group for $75 click here. This bundle includes the SYMBIS assessment and a 3 hour live webinar with Dr. Kim going over SYMBIS and doing a Q&A. If you are engaged or dating we encourage you to take advantage of this offer! You can purchase Les & Leslie’s most recent book, Making Happy: The Art and Science of a Happy Marriage here. To see if Les and Leslie are speaking at event near you this year check out their event page here. For more info on Les and Leslie you can visit their website. You can also check out their video tips for other great insights about how to have a healthy marriage. Get inspiration for you marriage regularly by following Les on Twitter and Facebook!
3/8/201626 minutes, 15 seconds
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Healthy People Make a Healthy Marriage - Interview with Les Parrott | Ep. 3

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we have best selling author and clinical psychologist, Les Parrott joining Dr. Kim as they talk about what it takes to build a healthy marriage.   RESOURCES You can purchase Les & Leslie’s most recent book, Making Happy: The Art and Science of a Happy Marriage here. To see if Les and Leslie are speaking at event near you this year check out their event page here. For more info on Les and Leslie you can visit their website. You can also check out their video tips for other great insights about how to have a healthy marriage. Get inspiration for you marriage regularly by following Les on Twitter and Facebook!
3/1/201641 minutes, 3 seconds
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Parenting in Today’s Culture - Interview with Carey Nieuwhof | Ep. 2

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast we welcome back pastor and author Carey Nieuwhof. Carey and Dr. Kim talk about the challenges of parenting in today's culture. Carey Nieuwhof is a husband, a dad to two sons and a daughter-in-law, and the founding and teaching pastor of Connexus Church north of Toronto Canada. Connexus is a North Point Strategic Partner RESOURCES Leading Change Without Losing It is a practical book that will help you lead change in the face of opposition. Parenting Beyond Your Capacity is a book Reggie Joiner and Carey wrote to help parents and church leaders leave a legacy for the next generation. You can hear more great insights from Carey on his blog as well as his Leadership Podcast. You can also check more out about Carey and get access to some other great resources on his website.  
2/9/201628 minutes, 41 seconds
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Building A Great Marriage - Interview with Carey Nieuwhof| Ep. 1

This week on the Awesome Marriage Podcast pastor and author Carey Nieuwhof joins Dr. Kim as they talk about building a great marriage and also the struggles many pastors have in their own marriages. Carey Nieuwhof is a husband, a dad to two sons and a daughter-in-law, and the founding and teaching pastor of Connexus Church north of Toronto Canada. Connexus is a North Point Strategic Partner   RESOURCES Leading Change Without Losing It is a practical book that will help you lead change in the face of opposition. Parenting Beyond Your Capacity is a book Reggie Joiner and Carey wrote to help parents and church leaders leave a legacy for the next generation. You can hear more great insights from Carey on his blog as well as his Leadership Podcast. You can also check more out about Carey and get access to some other great resources on his website.  
2/2/201628 minutes, 2 seconds