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Bible in a year in Arabic - BIYA

Arabic, Arts, 1 season, 368 episodes, 6 days, 6 hours, 23 minutes
Welcome to The Bible in a Year in Arabic podcasts inspired by Fr Mike Schmitz Bible in a Year (full story on FB)! Permission is granted by Ascension to use the official Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) reading plan. You can download a free English copy of this reading plan by visiting The commentary & creative elements of the BIYA are not created, reviewed, or endorsed by Ascension (even the commentary used often that follows Father Mike's has NOT been reviewed by Ascension for accuracy). The Arabic Jesuit Catholic version from Holy Bible App is used.
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اليوم 347 : الشهادة للكافرين

نلخص محاكمة بولس أمام الملك أغريبا وجهوده لاستخدام قصة تحوله لتحويل أولئك الذين يسمعون قضيته. نسير أيضًا خلال النصف الأول من رسالة أفسس، مع التركيز على موضوع بولس الرئيسي وهو الوحدة في الروح. قراءات اليوم هي من أعمال الرسل 26، وأفسس 1-3، وأمثال 29: 18-21. Day 347: Witness to Unbelievers we outline Paul’s trial before King Agrippa and his efforts to use his conversion story to convert those hearing his case. we are also leaded through the first half of Ephesians, emphasizing Paul’s main theme of unity in the spirit. Today’s readings are from Acts 26, Ephesians 1-3, and Proverbs 29:18-21 [ ] I am reading using the Arabic Jesuit Catholic version from Holy Bible App which can be accessed on the app/website. You can also listen to the Bible in a Year podcast in English with Fr Mike Schmitz who did an amazing job. I am using lot of his comments in my reflection as well commentary from different trustworthy resources. The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised. ‎بارككم الله 🙏و رجاءً فلنصل من أجل بعضنا البعض. ‎يمكنكم دعوة من يريد الانضمام إلى ‎👇موقع قنات Telegram ‎ ‎ الكتاب المقدس في عام ٥ ‎يمكن لأي شخص أن يصغي لهذه التسجيلات عبر: podcasts platforms 👇 ‎‏Anchor ( ‎‏Apple Podcasts ( ‎‏Spotify ( Bible in a Year in English with Fr Mike Schmitz Post with pictures on social media: Ascension Disclaimer - “Permission granted by Ascension to use the official Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) reading plan. You can download a free English copy of this reading plan by visiting .The commentary (even the ones that follows Father Mike's) & creative elements of the BIYA are not created, reviewed, or endorsed by Ascension."
12/17/202327 minutes, 25 seconds
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اليوم ٣٤٦: ثمار الروح.

يتم تذكيرنا بسياق رسالة غلاطية ونكرر تحذير بولس بعدم العودة إلى طرق حياتنا السابقة بعد أن تحررنا من نير العبودية. ونناقش أيضًا أعمال الجسد التي تفصلنا عن المسيح وثمار الروح الناتجة عن الحياة التي نحياها في الله، مذكرين إيانا بأننا سنحصد ما نزرعه في وقته. قراءات اليوم هي أعمال 25، غلاطية 4-6، وأمثال 29: 15-17. Day 346: Fruits of the Spirit  we are reminded of the context of Galatians and reiterates Paul’s admonition not to revert to our previous ways of life now that we have been freed from the yoke of slavery. we also discusse the works of the flesh which separate us from Christ and the fruits of the spirit which result from a life lived in God, reminding us that we will reap what we sow in due season. Today’s readings are Acts 25, Galatians 4-6, and Proverbs 29:15-17. I am reading using the Arabic Jesuit Catholic version from Holy Bible App which can be accessed on the app/website. You can also listen to the Bible in a Year podcast in English with Fr Mike Schmitz who did an amazing job. I am using lot of his comments in my reflection as well commentary from different trustworthy resources. The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised. ‎بارككم الله 🙏و رجاءً فلنصل من أجل بعضنا البعض. ‎يمكنكم دعوة من يريد الانضمام إلى ‎👇موقع قنات Telegram ‎ ‎ الكتاب المقدس في عام ٥ ‎يمكن لأي شخص أن يصغي لهذه التسجيلات عبر: podcasts platforms 👇 ‎‏Anchor ( ‎‏Apple Podcasts ( ‎‏Spotify ( Bible in a Year in English with Fr Mike Schmitz Post with pictures on social media: Ascension Disclaimer - “Permission granted by Ascension to use the official Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) reading plan. You can download a free English copy of this reading plan by visiting .The commentary (even the ones that follows Father Mike's) & creative elements of the BIYA are not created, reviewed, or endorsed by Ascension."
12/17/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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اليوم ٣٤٥: واحد في المسيح

في أعمال الرسل 24، نلاحظ كيف أن فيلكس ظل غير متأثر بتعليم بولس على الرغم من اضطراره إليه في البداية، موضحًا لنا أنه ما لم نتصرف وفقًا لما نؤمن به، فلن يحدث تغيير. عندما نبدأ بقراءة رسالة القديس بولس إلى أهل غلاطية اليوم، نسلط الضوء على شرح بولس لدور الشريعة اليهودية في عصر الكنيسة، موضحين أنه من خلال المعمودية، نحن جميعًا واحد في المسيح وورثة وعود الآب بغض النظر عن ذلك. من خلفياتنا. Day 345: One in Christ In Acts 24, we note how Felix remained unmoved by Paul's teaching despite being compelled by it initially, showing us that unless we act on what we believe, there is no change. As we begin reading St.Paul's letter to the Galatians today, we highlight Paul's explanation of the role of Jewish law in the Age of the Church, clarifying that through baptism, we are all one in Christ and heirs to the promises of the Father regardless of our backgrounds. I am reading using the Arabic Jesuit Catholic version from Holy Bible App which can be accessed on the app/website. You can also listen to the Bible in a Year podcast in English with Fr Mike Schmitz who did an amazing job. I am using lot of his comments in my reflection as well commentary from different trustworthy resources. The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised. ‎بارككم الله 🙏و رجاءً فلنصل من أجل بعضنا البعض. ‎يمكنكم دعوة من يريد الانضمام إلى ‎👇موقع قنات Telegram ‎ ‎ الكتاب المقدس في عام ٥ ‎يمكن لأي شخص أن يصغي لهذه التسجيلات عبر: podcasts platforms 👇 ‎‏Anchor ( ‎‏Apple Podcasts ( ‎‏Spotify ( Bible in a Year in English with Fr Mike Schmitz Post with pictures on social media: Ascension Disclaimer - “Permission granted by Ascension to use the official Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) reading plan. You can download a free English copy of this reading plan by visiting .The commentary (even the ones that follows Father Mike's) & creative elements of the BIYA are not created, reviewed, or endorsed by Ascension."
12/17/202325 minutes, 53 seconds
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اليوم ٣٤٣: الله يستخدم ماضي بولس

في أعمال الرسل 22، لاقت شهادة بولس آذانًا رومانية معادية، وقد نجا بأعجوبة من الجلد بسبب جنسيته الرومانية. بالتأمل في هذا الحادث ، الأب. يذكرنا مايك أن الله يستخدم ماضي بولس لتعزيز خدمته، وأن الله يفعل نفس الشيء مع كل واحد منا اليوم. في تعليقنا على قراءات اليوم من رسالة كورنثوس الثانية، نسلط الضوء على أننا مدعوون لأن نكون معطاءين مبتهجين ومفكرين منضبطين. ونشير أيضًا إلى أنه، كما يذكرنا بولس، فإن أهم أوراق اعتماد للخدمة هي أن يكون الله مدعوًا ومجهزًا بنعمته. قراءات اليوم هي أعمال الرسل 22، وكورنثوس الثانية 9-11، وأمثال 5:29-7. Day 343: God Uses Paul's Past In Acts 22, Paul's testimony falls on hostile Roman ears, and he narrowly escapes scourging by way of his Roman citizenship. Reflecting on this incident, Fr. Mike reminds us that God uses Paul's past to further his ministry, and that God does the same with each of us, today. Commenting on today's readings from 2 Corinthians, we highlight that we are called to be cheerful givers and disciplined thinkers. we also point out that, as Paul reminds us, the most important ministry credential is to be called by God and equipped by his grace. Today's readings are Acts 22, 2 Corinthians 9-11, and Proverbs 29:5-7. I am reading using the Arabic Jesuit Catholic version from Holy Bible App which can be accessed on the app/website. You can also listen to the Bible in a Year podcast in English with Fr Mike Schmitz who did an amazing job. I am using lot of his comments in my reflection as well commentary from different trustworthy resources. The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised. ‎بارككم الله 🙏و رجاءً فلنصل من أجل بعضنا البعض. ‎يمكنكم دعوة من يريد الانضمام إلى ‎👇موقع قنات Telegram ‎ ‎ الكتاب المقدس في عام ٥ ‎يمكن لأي شخص أن يصغي لهذه التسجيلات عبر: podcasts platforms 👇 ‎‏Anchor ( ‎‏Apple Podcasts ( ‎‏Spotify ( Bible in a Year in English with Fr Mike Schmitz Post with pictures on social media: Ascension Disclaimer - “Permission granted by Ascension to use the official Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) reading plan. You can download a free English copy of this reading plan by visiting .The commentary (even the ones that follows Father Mike's) & creative elements of the BIYA are not created, reviewed, or endorsed by Ascension."
12/17/202328 minutes, 48 seconds
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12/13/202310 minutes, 8 seconds
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9/18/202322 minutes, 36 seconds
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اليوم المئتين والرابع عشرة: المجد الخفي لله Day 214: The Hidden Glory of God ‏

‎ ‎نتأمل كيف أن نبؤآت أشعيا في الفصول ٤٩ - ٥٠ تشير إلى واقع الوعد الفوري لله بالفداء لإسرائيل، وكذلك إلى واقع بعيد يتعلق بيسوع المسيح. في قراءتنا لحزقيال، نتعلم أيضًا كيف غادر مجد الله من الهيكل، وكيف يكون وجود الله مخفيًا عنا أحيانًا. قراءات اليوم هي أشعياء 49-50، حزقيال 10-11، وأمثال 12:17-20. We reflect on how Isaiah's prophecies in chapters 49-50 point to the immediate reality of God's promise of redemption for Israel, as well as to the distant reality of Jesus Christ as the Messiah. In our reading of Ezekiel, we also learn how the glory of God departed from the temple, and how God's presence is often hidden from us as well. Today's readings are Isaiah 49-50, Ezekiel 10-11, and Proverbs 12:17-20. I am reading using the Arabic Jesuit Catholic version from Holy Bible App which can be accessed on the app/website. You can also listen to the Bible in a Year podcast in English with Fr Mike Schmitz who did an amazing job. I am using lot of his comments in my reflection as well commentary from different trustworthy resources. The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised. ‎بارككم الله 🙏و رجاءً فلنصل من أجل بعضنا البعض. ‎يمكنكم دعوة من يريد الانضمام إلى ‎👇موقع قنات Telegram ‎ ‎ الكتاب المقدس في عام ٤ : ‎يمكن لأي شخص أن يصغي لهذه التسجيلات عبر: podcasts platforms 👇 ‎‏Anchor ( ‎‏Apple Podcasts ( ‎‏Spotify ( Bible in a Year in English with Fr Mike Schmitz Post with pictures on social media: Ascension Disclaimer - “Permission granted by Ascension to use the official Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) reading plan. You can download a free English copy of this reading plan by visiting .The commentary (even the ones that follows Father Mike's) & creative elements of the BIYA are not created, reviewed, or endorsed by Ascension."
8/3/202323 minutes, 11 seconds
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‎اليوم ٥٦: أزواج غيّورون(الكتاب المقدس في عام) Day 56: Jealous Husbands

‎نحن نفهم كيف يرفع الله كرامة المرأة من خلال توفير قوانين جديدة حول الأزواج الذين يتهمون زوجاتهم .نقرأ اليوم من عدد ٥ وتثنية ٥ ومزمور ٩٠ We understand how God elevates the dignity of women by providing new laws around husbands accusing their wives of unfaithfulness. Today we read from Numbers 5, Deuteronomy 5, and Psalm 90. I am using the same reading plan inspired by The Great Adventure Bible Timeline, a ground-breaking approach to understanding salvation history developed by renowned Catholic Bible scholar Jeff Cavins. I am reading using the Arabic Jesuit Catholic version from Holy Bible App which can be accessed on the app/website. You can also listen to the Bible in a Year podcast in English with Fr Mike Schmitz who did an amazing job. I am using lot of his comments in my reflection as well commentary from different resources among them a Bible in Arabic التفسير التطبيقي للكتاب المقدس and Bible in one year website The Bible contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children - parental discretion is advised. Ascension Disclaimer - “Permission granted by Ascension to use the official Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) reading plan. You can download a free English copy of this reading plan by visiting .The commentary (even the ones that follows Father Mike's) & creative elements of the BIYA are not created, reviewed, or endorsed by Ascension." ‎ إن كنتم تعرفون أشخاصاً يودّون الإصغاء إلى الكتاب المقدس في عام باللغة الانكليزية يمكنكم تفقُّد الرابط الاكتروني 👇 Bible in a Year with Fr Mike Schmitz ‎كما يمكن لأي شخص أن يصغي لهذه التسجيلات عبر Anchor ( Apple Podcasts ( Spotify ( ‎بارككم الله 🙏و رجاءً فلنصل من أجل بعضنا البعض. ‎يمكنكم دعوة من يريد الانضمام إلى: ‎👇موقع قنات Telegram ‎ ‎👇مجموعة: Whatsapp ‎يمكن لأي شخص أن يصغي لهذه التسجيلات عبر: podcasts platforms 👇 ‎‏Anchor ( Bible in a Year in English with Fr Mike Schmitz You can download a free English copy of the reading plan by visiting
2/25/202318 minutes, 41 seconds
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Bible in a year in Arabic - BIYA (Trailer)

1/1/202355 seconds