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Biblical Restoration Ministries Profile

Biblical Restoration Ministries

English, Religion, 1 season, 189 episodes, 6 days, 6 hours, 28 minutes
Biblical Restoration Ministries, Inc. is a non-profit Biblical counseling ministry. Dr. Jim Logan has been counseling for over 30 years, and is well known for Spiritual Warfare conferences, Reclaiming Surrendered Ground Book, and other messages. His messages bring hope, encouragement, and laughter through his Biblical teachings.
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Real Disciple of Jesus - J. Oswald Sanders

What does it take to be a real disciple of Jesus? Many church attendees have not committed to following Jesus. Jesus told his follows they must deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Him. Are you willing to count the cost for Jesus?
12/4/202348 minutes, 13 seconds
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Teens Out of Control - Jim Logan

A look into the heart of teenager from Jim Logan's 40+ years of Biblical Counseling. Teens today desire one-on-one relationships more than ever in the past. One of the most destructive decisions a teen can make is to be rebellious against their God-given authorities. If they step over that line, then according to Samuel they have started doing witchcraft, and destruction will follow.
11/1/20231 hour, 49 minutes, 23 seconds
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Creating A Freedom Ministry - Neil Anderson

How can you start a freedom ministry in your church or as a couple? God is calling men and women to stand in the gap for those needing help. Dr. Neil Anderson created the “steps to freedom,” a way to walk people through getting free in Christ and living in freedom.
10/5/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 13 seconds
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Handling Criticism - Neil Anderson

Are you quick to defend yourself? Have you put your rights to death? All believers needs to know how to handle criticism in their own life. God honors us when we go through criticism by listening and following the leading of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus was criticized he did not open his mouth.
9/6/20231 hour, 1 minute, 44 seconds
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My House Called A House of Prayer - Jim Cymbala

Jesus said, "my house is a house of prayer." So why are most churches non-praying places? Jim Cymbala shares how his church the Brooklyn Tabernacle became a praying church in New York. He also shares his own journey of having a wayward child, and how God spoke to him through that experience.
8/2/202353 minutes, 15 seconds
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More Than Coping - Alaine Pakkala

Alaine Pakkala shares at a Spiritual Warfare conference that no matter what is in your past you can live your life as more than a survivor. Some people have some horrible abuse in their past, but the good news is Jesus wants to heal that in you and help you to live a fruitful life.
7/7/202349 minutes, 56 seconds
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A Secondhand Encounter With God - Jim Logan

Our culture today is comfortable with A secondhand encounter with God. When Moses was at the mountain and God invited the Israelites to go to the mountain, they wanted Moses to meet with God and tell them what He said. We can do that as well through our Pastors and other Christians. God wants to have a personal relationship with you directly.
6/5/20231 hour, 9 minutes
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God’s Love - Corrie Ten Boom

It’s sad that most people in the world doubt the love of God. How about you? Do you doubt the eternal and unconditional love of God? God showed his love for us by sending Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Corrie Ten Boom, survivor of world war 2 concentration camp, shares about God’s love.
5/4/202341 minutes, 19 seconds
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Renewing Your Mind with Music - Larry Coy

How can a believer be overcome lustful thoughts and feeling? The enemy uses our feelings to battle against us. God’s answer to this emotional temptations of lust, anger, depression, fear, worry, and others is to worship. Larry shares how when he saw this it changed his life.
4/3/20231 hour, 51 seconds
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Prophecy Update - Global Conflict by Brett Meador

Does it seem like there is gloom and doom everywhere you look today? It certainly seems so as we investigate some of the troubling events happening worldwide in our March 2023 Prophecy Update. However, even as we watch these things unfold, we can look to Jesus in hope as we heed His words in Luke 21:28 to look up and look to Him. For more Info, visit:
3/6/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 22 seconds
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Dad Conference 2: Blessing Your Family - Jim Logan

Dad's, are you giving your family a spiritual blessing that they will remember? Many children live for themselves, but we can raise our children to honoring their parents and God. Blessings are very important and needed in the family today.
2/2/202331 minutes, 23 seconds
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Reading The Bible Daily - Keith Malcomson

It is never to late to start or restart reading your Bible. Remember sin will keep you from the Bible or the Bible will keep you from sin. The enemy would love for believers to be “busy” so that they are not in the Truth.
1/12/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 56 seconds
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Dad Conference 1: Intro, Blessing Your Family - Jim Logan

Dr. Jim Logan share to a room full of dads about the importance of blessing their family. God has called them to be a dad, and wants them to take care of the family and to protect them from evil. Satan binds the strongman and then spoils the kids. Have you opened the door to attack?
11/16/202229 minutes, 50 seconds
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Finding God’s Will For My Life by Carter Conlon

God has a purpose and a plan for your life, but in our current culture it is very easy to be distracted by popularity and things that don’t matter. God wants to refocus us to not only desire his will, but to walk in it.
10/12/202235 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Strategy of the Holy Spirit - RT Kendall

In "The Strategy of The Holy Spirit", our guest speaker, Dr. R.T. Kendall, preaches on how the Holy Spirit chooses to work in the world through the story of the crippled man's healing.
9/12/202237 minutes, 16 seconds
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Commands of Christ - Be Perfect by Jim Logan

Most Christians struggle with this command of Christ because of the fact that none of us can be perfect. This being true, it is not our attempts to be perfect that the Lord is talking about in this command, but how Jesus perfects us through His death and resurrection.
8/9/202224 minutes, 20 seconds
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Are We Living In The Last Days? - Carter Conlon

Things in the world is falling apart, but are we living in the last days? We have food shortage, Cultural Insecurity, Moral Issues, sin is rampant, and Israel is all in the middle. Things are such a mess in our nation and around the world.
6/7/202248 minutes, 26 seconds
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Personal Revival Needed - Shane Idleman

Surrender is at the heart of personal revival. Are you surrendering to God? God is wanting to use us to encourage, challenge, and share our faith, but it’s our pride and selfishness that gets in the way.
5/5/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 18 seconds
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Caring For A Dying Spouse - Ted Hough

Ted Hough has been caring for his wife, Bev, for years. God has been showing him new insights in love that he had not seen before being in this role. He is sharing from his insights and the comfort he has received from God as his wife went to be with the Lord recently.
4/7/20221 hour, 2 minutes
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Discipleship Basics - Jack Griffin

Are you struggling in your Christian life? It is always good to review the basics. The navigator ministry works at discipling others to be more like Jesus. They do through Bible Reading, Prayer, Witnessing, and Follow up. Jesus told his followers to make disciples and to obey all of his commandments.
3/1/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 19 seconds
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Steps to Deeper Prayer - Jim Logan

What are some practical steps you can take to deepen your prayer life? Even the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. We can all use a boost in our personal prayer life with God.
12/6/202125 minutes, 28 seconds
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Principalities and Powers - Jim Logan

Our battle is not against flesh and blood... All christians are engaged in a Spiritual Battle. If you do not know how the enemy attacks, then you won't be living in victory. The enemy is well organized, but also a defeated enemy by the Cross of Jesus. It is time to stand in your victory and fight against the enemy.
11/3/202138 minutes, 54 seconds
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Surrendering Is Worship - Joseph Carroll

Mary at the feet of Jesus was offering her perfume in worship to Jesus. She was giving herself in service to the Lord. It is easy for her to question and doubt the Lord when faced with why didn't raise Lazarus, but in response she worshiped. Do you worship like Mary or judge like Judas? This message is powerful, we are all called to surrender and follow!
10/8/202144 minutes, 27 seconds
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Missionary Families Under Spiritual Attack - Jim Logan

Jim Logan leads this panel of missionaries, pastors, and bible seminary professors on the topic of missionary families under Spiritual Attack. The enemy wants to destroy your mission and will try to use your children to do it. Nightmares and night terrors are a clean example of the enemies work.
9/8/20211 hour, 24 minutes, 18 seconds
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Satan Is Defeated For Believers - Jim Logan

In Spiritual Warfare we are told to stand firm. How can believers stand if the enemy is alive and well? We can stand because Jesus defeated Satan at the cross. In that we stand in faith and trusting God to fight in and through us.
8/12/202123 minutes, 26 seconds
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Having Right Priorities - Larry Coy

Is your relationships suffering because of your priorities? Most of our priorities are not aligned to what God says they should be. We are living our lives for work, play, but avoiding our families, and they are suffering. This video is a call to return!
7/6/202156 minutes, 58 seconds
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Come All Ye Weary - Carter Conlon

Are you weary and warn out? Come to Jesus and He will restore your soul. It’s amazing how prayer can revive your soul and spirit.
6/13/202143 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Cave of Depression - Chris Hodges

Depression is showing us that there is something radically wrong in our life. The enemy would love to use depression to keep me down from experiencing all that God wants in my life, but not everything is the enemy. Website:
5/4/202141 minutes, 34 seconds
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Approaching God - Henry Blackaby

Dr. Blackaby shares how we can get closer to God through prayer and unhurried quiet times. Most pastors are burning out, but henry shares about sustaining God's work, where to find God working, and how to stay pure.
4/19/202131 minutes, 40 seconds
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A Link In The Chain - Jack Griffin

This is the true story of Mr. Jenner, an Australian Missionary, who would ask men and women if they had thought about eternity. "Excuse me, have you thought about heaven or hell. Just encourage that you would think about that." He used his life a link in the chain of their spiritual life with God. Are you willing to be a link? Just don't be the missing link!
3/19/202132 minutes, 20 seconds
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Standing In Victory - Jim Logan

One of the greatest weapons of the enemy is that you don't know who you are in Christ. If I don't know my inheritance and authority then how can resist the enemy? This is a study of Ephesians 1 and looking into knowing who are you in Christ.
3/5/202153 minutes, 39 seconds
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Spiritual Warfare Intro - Jim Logan

Do you understand the Spiritual Warfare battle that you surrounds you? The enemy would love for Christians to go through life and never battle, but God wants you to be equipped and understand how enemy tactics. The enemy uses lies and deception in order to steal, kill and destroy. God has shown us how to overcome the enemy in Scripture. Are you standing against the enemy or being defeated?
1/29/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Spirit of Fear - Jim Logan

Join Dr. Jim Logan sharing about a Spirit of fear that is working in the world today. The enemy wants to cause fear in your life, but God gives peace. With all going on in the world are you more at peace or fear?
1/14/202145 minutes, 25 seconds
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Passionate About God - Chris Hodges

Beginning 21 days of prayer and fasting ( with a message on being passionate about God in your life. To most people our relationship with God can suffer due to busyness, stress, and covid-19. What a time to start or renew your deep fellowship with God.
1/5/202139 minutes
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My Favorite Christmas - Jim Logan

Join Dr. Jim Logan live as he shares his best Christmas from his childhood. As we get closer to Christmas what a better opportunity to get closer to God. Covid-19 has cost many people their jobs and even loved ones in their life. What an opportunity to prayer and help others.
12/18/202028 minutes, 9 seconds
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Preparing To Face Your Giants - Carter Conlon

We are faced with serious giants today that are telling us to give up and stop fighting, but God is telling us not to loose heart and keep on fighting. In the Biblical story of David and Goliath, David stands against his giant with just a stone and is empowered by God to defeat his enemy. Are you standing with your stone?
12/4/202042 minutes, 44 seconds
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If The Foundations Are Destroyed - Shane Idleman

If the churches are not teaching the truth, then we are getting a false truth. "If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Psalm 11:3. We are seeing a destruction of our Christian foundations in America.
11/6/202049 minutes, 16 seconds
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Francis Chan’s Final Message to America

Are you willing to die for the gospel? It's time to pick up your cross and follow the mission that God has for your life. Francis Chan joins us to share amazing experiences of making disciples of people who have never heard of Jesus, encounters with supernatural healing, his passion for sharing the gospel, and so much more. From a man whose life is "riddled with mistakes and failure", we can learn to have courage to be willing to die for His name. A Message For America could very well be Francis' last sermon ever preached in America, so don't miss it!
10/9/202032 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Incredible Kindness of Jesus - Carter Conlon

Jesus showed his kindness to everyone on earth. Jesus was sensitive to those caught in sin, but showed compassion to religious proud leaders. He even invited all the children to come to Him. The kindness of God is not dependent on what we do, but on who He is. Think about the kindness God has done in your life.
9/9/202039 minutes, 12 seconds
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Are You In An Impossible Situation - Carter Conlon

Pastor Carter Conlon shares an encouragement that God works in our impossible situations. Covid-19 has affected millions of people and hopefully more people will call out to God for help. God not only is faithful, but He also surprises us with the way He answers prayer.
8/11/202047 minutes, 20 seconds
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Jacob: Wrestling for a Blessing - Lowell Entz

Psalms 46 shares about how God is our refuge and strength during hard times. Jacob spent most of life in hard times. Jacob a man with many flaws one day encounters God without flaws. He wrestles with God until he is blessed. Are you willing to wrestle until your blessed?
7/6/202044 minutes, 56 seconds
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I’ve Got A Question For You - Ravi Zacharias

What is the one of the most fundamental questions in life that we must all answer if we are going to make coherent sense out of our lives at all. God’s unique image is on you in a general sense, and his unique gifting is in you in a particular sense. All rights belong to
6/3/202041 minutes, 39 seconds
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Francis Chan - Be Still, A Covid-19 Message

During this Covid-19 outbreak fear and worry are very present, but God is calling you to be still and see Him work.
4/20/202013 minutes, 9 seconds
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Anchors In The Storm - Chris Hodges

During this Covid-19 outbreak where are your anchors? The storms in our lives reveal where we put our trust. Are you trusting in money or health? God is asking you to trust Him during this storm. website:
4/9/202030 minutes, 34 seconds
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Diamonds in the Darkness - Jim Logan

What do you do when you are in the Dark Night of the Soul? How do you find encouragement for your heaviness? Dr. Logan shares from his recent dark night experience about getting diamonds in the darkness. You can find gold in the light, but to get a diamond you can only find it in darkness.
3/9/202031 minutes, 15 seconds
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Essential Quiet Time - Chuck Strittmatter

Are you struggling in your time alone with God? Are you finding it hard to read the Word? You are not alone. Chuck Strittmatter, a Navigator missionary, shares about the importance of meeting with God daily in what is known as a "quiet time." He shares why, how and why we don't have time with God.
2/5/202045 minutes, 20 seconds
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God Encounter 2020 - Chris Hodges

This will be the best year of your life, if it is the best year of life Spiritually. It is time to go all in with God. Time to be set free from addictions, emotions, and lifestyles. All rights belong to
1/10/202037 minutes, 15 seconds
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I Want To See - Carter Conlon

The man replied "Lord I want to see." Do you want to see? You might have eyes but can't see Godly truth. It is God who opens our eyes so that we can see the Spiritual world.
12/6/201930 minutes
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Give Thanks - Jim Logan

Join Dr. Jim Logan as he shares the importance of giving thanks. Human nature is often found in grumbling and complaining so its no wonder why we are commanded to "give thanks in all circumstances..."
11/27/201930 minutes, 16 seconds
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In Everything Give Thanks - Paul Washer

By human nature we grumble and complain, but God has given believers His Spirit. We are told in 1 Thessalonians 5:19 “in all things give thanks for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Uploaded with permission from Heart Cry Ministries.
11/2/201940 minutes, 35 seconds
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Halloween Is Evil - Mark Bubeck

Mark Bubeck wrote the book, “Protecting Your Family From Spiritual Attack.” Is halloween dangerous? Kids dressing up and going door-to-door asking for candy. Halloween’s history is dark and even today is one the celebrations of the occultists.
10/29/20197 minutes, 59 seconds
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Forgiveness - Neil Anderson

As you look at relationships, the core of that is forgiveness. We are will be hurt at one point in time by the people we love. We must learn how to forgive. Jesus lived a life of forgiveness, and we are to be his follower.
10/15/201958 minutes, 46 seconds
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Godly Marriage and Family - Paul Washer

Do you have a desire to be Godly parents? Do you have the heart of your child? Paul shares the importances of being a Godly dad to your children and mother. You are training them for the future. They are learning from someone, and usually it is their friends or school.
10/8/201954 minutes, 6 seconds
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Choose Joy - Overcoming Depression - Chris Hodges

The Bible is filled with people who struggled with depression. If that you is you today, then be encouraged you have good company. Pastor Chris shares how important prayer is to choosing joy even when you don't feel doing it. All rights belong to Highlands.
9/4/201938 minutes, 45 seconds
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A Sign of the End Times - Francis Chan

The Bible says that in the last days people will be lovers of self. Is that happening today? Our society has become normal to have selfies and facebook. This is even creeping into the church and loving themselves more than God.
8/15/201941 minutes, 11 seconds
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Rebuilding Your Prayer Wall - Carter Conlon

Do you have a prayer wall? Is prayer missing in your life? Even the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. Prayer is such a part of our lives, but often we are doing it.
8/1/201941 minutes, 46 seconds
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Abide In Christ - Francis Chan

Are you abiding in Jesus? Often many believers are struggling, because they are not abiding in the vine. Francis shares the importance of abiding in Christ not only for your spiritual growth but for your ministry, family, and church.
7/11/201959 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Charge To Men - Paul Washer

What is the purpose of marriage? Is your marriage glorifying God? Paul Washer uses Biblical truth in sharing to live a life that glorifies God in my marriage. Marriage is designed by God and established in order that I can die to myself by loving sacrificially my wife. Most people want to be "happy" instead of eternally "holy." This message will not only encourage, but challenge you. Please share abundantly!
6/21/20191 hour, 8 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Role of a Wife - Irma Warr

Irma began speaking on the husband-wife relationship with her husband, Gene Warr. This ministry with wives focuses on discipleship and instruction for being the kind of wife and mother that Scripture commands. God has used both of them to write “The Godly Man and Godly Woman books.”
6/3/20191 hour, 9 minutes, 2 seconds
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Live Webinar - The Lord’s Prayer by Jim Logan

The disciples asked Jesus "Lord, teach us to pray..." Join Dr. Jim Logan as he teaches on introduction to prayer.
5/20/201928 minutes, 48 seconds
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Why I Believe Jesus - Ravi Zacharias

Have you ever thought about how Jesus described himself? Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life..." John 14:6. Jesus explains the condition of the our evil human nature. We are all sinners and need a Savior.
5/4/201937 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Problem Is Pride - Jim Logan

If a missionary is sharing the gospel, but their attitude is not right with God then more often the people will reject the message. How does having a right attitude affect my witness in my family, community and church?
4/2/201938 minutes, 20 seconds
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Satisfied with Secondhand Experience with God - Jim Logan

God wants a personal, individual relationship with each of His children, but most of us are content with a secondhand encounter. Most Christians only hear from God from the Pastor on Sunday. God wants us to get our Word from Him directly!
3/19/20191 hour, 6 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ministering To Children - Mark Bubeck and Jim Logan

The enemy wants to destroy the family and children. God wants our families to be strong and fruitful in all areas. It is important to protect our children and family from enemy attacks.
3/12/20191 hour, 11 minutes, 39 seconds
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God’s Listening, I’m Not Moses - Francis Chan

God is wanting to hear from you! We are often busy or afraid to get close to the God of the Universe. The Israelites where the same as us. Moses, was directed by God to enter His presence, but the people had to stay behind. Now, you have direct access to God by Jesus.
2/20/201934 minutes, 50 seconds
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Does Your Marriage Glorify God - Paul Washer

God has blessed marriage as a holy communion. Is your marriage more of a battle or a blessing? Are you making your spouse more like Christ? Do you know your marriage roles? Husbands you are to be the leader, and wife you are to submit to your husband in Christ. That is only a part of having a marriage that is full of love and joy.
2/13/201941 minutes, 10 seconds
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Husband As Protector and Raising Godly Family - Paul Washer

God has given men the role of Protector in the family. They are divinely placed in a position of the family to protect and guard. How are you doing? Is your family falling apart? Following this message Paul Washer answers a Q&A session on how to purify your wife and raise Godly Children.
2/1/201951 minutes, 19 seconds
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Breaking Free of Pornography - Shane Idleman

Pornography is an issue not only in our nation, but in our churches and families. You might know someone addicted or know a marriage or family destroyed by porn. How can you be free? How can you end the addiction and live daily in purity.
1/12/201951 minutes, 54 seconds
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Prayer Makes A Leader - Francis Chan

In the series of making a leader, Francis Chan is asked to speak on the topic of Prayer. Prayer is such a special part of a real leader. How can you be a Spiritual leader without praying? How can you lead your family or ministry without getting on your face before God? Prayer is supernatural. Prayer brings us to heart of God. Uploaded with permission.
12/5/201844 minutes, 12 seconds
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Setting Our Churches Free - Neil Anderson

Churches are often filled with people struggling on the inside. One pastor said that churches should be Holy Spirit hospitals. Are you helping other brothers and sisters in christ become free indeed? Are you helping them be free from their sins, free from their shame and guilt, free to live victorious in Christ?
11/21/201849 minutes, 59 seconds
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Maturing In The Lord 2018 - Francis Chan

Do you desire to be a Godly man or woman? Do you lack maturity in your spiritual life? This message is for you. God is wanting to make his children to be followers of Him and devoted to His love and calling for life.
11/10/201829 minutes, 18 seconds
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We Need Revival - John Avant

Pastor John Avant was faced with a time of desperation in his church. He began to meet with other Pastors and cry out to God. Little did John know but revival was coming. God poured out such a revival that people wouldn’t leave for 7 hours. They were repenting of their sins, and they were changing. We need this today in America and around the world. Will you answer the call to pray?
10/19/201858 minutes, 43 seconds
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Calling Upon God - Jim Cymbala

We can talk to the God of the universe. Let that sink in. The God who created everything and holds all things together wants to talk to you! Why do we struggle so much with praying? Why are prayer meetings often the smallest in our churches? Prayer is calling upon God.
10/1/201846 minutes, 28 seconds
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How To Hear From God - Shane Idleman

Do you have burdens? Do you have emptiness or struggles? You need to hear from your creator! We need to “Be still and know that I am God.” It is in hearing from God that our life will change and be renewed. Uploaded with permissions.
9/21/201843 minutes, 55 seconds
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Walking With God - Paul Washer

Do you want to deepen your relationship with God? There are four pillars for walking with God. If you apply these pillars in your life you will have joy. How can you apply the Word of God to personal life? Uploaded with permissions.
9/5/20181 hour, 12 minutes, 14 seconds
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Revival Won’t Come Until We Pray - Leonard Ravenhill

Our nations, cities and homes need the revival of God. We have turned so far away, and calling "evil good and good evil." Our churches need to get serious about prayer. Prayer is the ministry of God that brings about revival. Does your church believe in the power of God through it's prayer ministry? Uploaded with permission.
8/16/201858 minutes, 2 seconds
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Having A Joyful Prayer Life - Jim Logan

Do you have a secret place where you meeting individually with God? A place that where you can be solitude and silent? How do I start a secret place meeting with God? Dr. Jim Logan shares the steps in order to start and continue your own secret place with God. He has read over 1,500 books on prayer and led many prayer meetings in upper Michigan.
8/1/201838 minutes, 37 seconds
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Strengthening Your Source of Power - Jim Logan

Are you living a defeated life as a christian? Do you feel discouraged and without a sense of direction? This message is for you. Dr. Logan shares the importance of going to God for our source of power. He shares that often christians are not listening to God and not having direction or strength in their daily walk.
7/6/201855 minutes, 35 seconds
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Praying In The Closet - David Wilkerson

Are you obeying the words of Jesus? Jesus said, "When you pray... go into your closet and pray to your Father in secret, and your Father who sees what you do in secret will reward you." This message is encouraging just like the movie "War Room." Are you doing this?
6/20/201848 minutes, 40 seconds
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A Call To Holiness - Nancy Leigh DeMoss

What does it mean to be holy? Why should we be holy? What difference does holiness make in our everyday lives? And what difference could a holy church make in an unholy world?The holiness of God is one of the most magnificent, breathtaking themes in all of Scripture. And the holiness of God's people is one of the greatest needs in the church and in our world today.
6/6/20181 hour, 47 seconds
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Leaving A Legacy - Richard Logan

During graduation times, many thoughts run through our minds in regard to our future. Have you thought about leaving a legacy? What does it look like to leave a legacy to your children? You might be pursuing earthly things, but will they last for eternity?
5/15/201826 minutes, 37 seconds
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Are You Living A Spirit Filled Life - Francis Chan

Many Christians say "I am Spirit filled," but yet their life does not match what the Bible says a Spirit filled person looks like. A Spirit filled person has a Song in their heart, thinking more about God then their own needs.
5/2/201836 minutes, 26 seconds
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This is Good and Pleases God - Russell Kelfer

What pleases God? It pleases Him when we obey what He commands. One thing He has told us to do is to pray. How do we pray? What do we pray for? Find out why prayer is good and pleases God very much.
4/17/201828 minutes, 43 seconds
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Are You Really A Child of God? - John Piper

Do you ever doubt that you are a child of God? Are you starting to question your salvation experience? This message is for you. The Word shares the truth about salvation. It would be worse to assume you are saved, and then for Jesus to say "I never knew you." The time to make things right is now!
4/2/201849 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Secret Place - Russell Kelfer

How are we to pray? We must begin by looking at Jesus’ unusual commands in Matthew, chapter six. Jesus makes it clear that unless you are doing these certain things in such a way that men do not even know about it, you are in effect not pleasing God at all. Uploaded with permission from
3/19/201837 minutes, 54 seconds
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How Do You See God, The Father - Ron Jarrett

We all have false beliefs in our lives. These false beliefs affect our daily life, and more importantly affect our life with God. When asked how are you doing? Our answer is usually about “how busy we are”, but rarely answer with “why.” The why is just as important as the how. God wants to heal the why so He can restore the how. Contact:
3/1/201843 minutes, 36 seconds
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Praying in the Spirit 2018 - Francis Chan

What does praying in the Spirit look like? Francis is asked to speak on this passage. You will be shocked how easy praying in the Spirit can be. You might have been doing it for years and never knew. Uploaded with permissions.
2/16/20181 hour, 4 minutes, 5 seconds
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Faith in Psalm 23 - Joseph Carrol

Do you live a life of faith? A lot of times we know the Biblical answers, but our lives can be dry. That is because we are not living out and exercising faith. Walk through Psalm 23 and see how King David expresses his Faith.
2/2/201844 minutes, 51 seconds
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Five Hindrances To Spiritual Growth - Jim Logan

Your family background can be a hindrance to growing Spiritual with God. Often our earthly dad is how we view our Spiritual father. Jim Logan shares how his childhood was so depressive he even tried to commit suicide. God supernaturally rescued him, and then used him around the world to preach.
1/18/201840 minutes, 7 seconds
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Are You Ready For The End 2018 by Francis Chan

It isn't hard to believe that we are getting closer to the return of Jesus. "This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven." (acts 1:11) Are you ready? Jesus could return any time. Francis Chan shares about the end times and the importance of being in the Word. He reads through Revelation 4, 5 so that we know what heaven is really like. Uploaded with permission.
1/8/201859 minutes, 25 seconds
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Requirements For Answered Prayer - Jim Logan

What are the two requirements for having our prayers answered? Most often we pray and pray, but are not sure that God is listening or even hearing our prayers. Is the length of prayers that gets his attention? Is it tears that cause my prayers to be answered? We all need this type of assurance that God hears and answers my prayers.
12/2/201718 minutes, 2 seconds
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Desperate Prevailing Prayer - Mark Bubeck

There are times in your spiritual walk where the enemy attacks and attacks. You can almost feel overwhelmed and defeated. Those a special times when God is calling your to desperate prevailing prayer. He is calling you to stand your ground, to pick up your faith and enter an extended battle against the enemy. Often times before tremendous victory comes a intense battle against the enemy or our flesh.
11/16/20171 hour, 12 minutes, 2 seconds
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Psalm 91 - Mark Bubeck

Hidden in the book of psalms is chapter 91. A hidden jewel of Spiritual Warfare. Something David knew and understood remarkably well. He shares the protection of the Lord and standing with God through out the battle. Verse 1 is very specific in who this chapter applies too.
11/12/201738 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Danger of Halloween - Mark Bubeck

As a Baptist Pastor Mark Bubeck faced the reality of spiritual conflict. Dr. Bubeck is the author of several Moody Press books such as THE ADVERSARY, OVERCOMING THE ADVERSARY and PROTECTING YOUR FAMILY FROM SPIRITUAL ATTACK. Radio Broadcast with John Nieder.
10/30/20177 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Holy Spirit Saved Me - Roma Testimony

Roma lives in NY and was in charge of a store on main street. He was into drugs and living a wild life, until one day some gangsters pulled up and wanted his assistance in creating a hit squad. Roma's life was in slow motion, and he remembered the love these girls show by giving him a track and saying "God Love You." What he did next changed his life forever.
10/3/201712 minutes, 33 seconds
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As Solomon Grew Old - Russell Kelfer

Solomon didn't set out to defy God, but in the midst of his prosperity, his values changed. IN the midst of his success, his confidence shifted, and he took liberties with the Word of God. How did Solomon's wrong choices, his gradual drifting away from the basics, cause evil to strike his kingdom?
9/22/201733 minutes, 46 seconds
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Gods Love - Corrie Ten Boom

It is sad that most people in the world doubt the love of God. How about you? Do sometimes doubt the eternal and unconditional love of God? Corrie Ten Boom, survivor of concentration camp, shares about the Love of God.
9/9/201741 minutes, 18 seconds
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Mr Eternity - True Story of Arthur Stace

An Australian soldier, gained fame as a reformed alcoholic who converted to Christianity and spread his message by writing the word "Eternity" in copperplate writing with chalk on footpaths in and around Sydney, from Martin Place to Parramatta for about 35 years, from 1932 to 1967.
8/1/201727 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Essence of Prayer - Russell Kelfer

To pray or not to pray. That is no longer the question. Looking into the life of the sleepy saints in the garden and by seeing the life of Jesus. Pray is the vehicle through which the Christian enters into the heart of God and thus finds the will of God and His Power.
7/18/201740 minutes, 26 seconds
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Communicating Faith To Your Children - Jim Logan

Dr. Jim Logan gives key insights on how to lead your family in faith. How can you show your faith so that your children will see it?
7/5/201746 minutes, 27 seconds
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Forever, Amen - Russell Kelfer

Are we living for the here and now; or are we living for eternity? As we seek to answer that question, we will see how our perspective will change, our pursuits will change and our concept of praise will change.
6/16/201727 minutes, 17 seconds
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Forgiving God - R.T. Kendall

God doesn't do anything wrong or sin in any way, but some times He allows painful things in our lives. It is very easy to hold a grudge with the one who is in control of the universe. It is very easy to be angry at Him. The problem is that if we live with this lie and deception then we will not get close to our loving God. This is an important message for all. Uploaded with permission.
6/1/20171 hour, 10 minutes, 1 second
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Forgiving Yourself Totally - R.T. Kendall

Have you blown it? Do you live with daily guilt and shame? As humans we are not by no means perfect. We deal with sin on a regular basis. While God always forgives us when we ask Him, we on the other hand try to punish ourselves. Did you know that God wants you to forgive yourself? He wants you to be free and free indeed! Uploaded with permission.
5/17/201754 minutes, 58 seconds
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Total Forgiveness - R.T. Kendall

Have you forgiven totally? What does it look like when we forgive completely? The best picture of this is God, himself in the person of The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus said, "Father forgive them..." while on the Cross, and the Father "blesses His Children..." and the Holy Spirit "Lives inside us..." That is beyond just "forgiving."
4/28/201738 minutes, 16 seconds
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Hell’s Best Kept Secret - Ray Comfort

Often times our version of preaching to the lost is to accept Jesus because you don’t want to go to hell, but without telling them the full story is only half of the Gospel. We are sinners. We will have to answer before God for our sins. Accepting Jesus is not a get out of the fire “free card.”
4/5/201746 minutes, 21 seconds
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A Hair Stylist for Vogue on Drugs is Set Free

Danny, went to Paris in order to learn how to do hair and makeup. His hair and make made it to Vogue Magazine cover. He was making $3,000 per day and traveling around the world. This is where drugs became an issue. He could get any and all the drugs he wanted. A Christian Model who entered his life and started to get the church to pray for him. His life got worse and worse. He was living on the streets, sick and hearing voices. There a miracle takes place that will change his life forever.
4/5/20178 minutes, 39 seconds
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Hearing From God In 2017 - Francis Chan

Are you listening to God? Is the God of the Universe speaking into your life and your situations? Often we replace God with speakers, books, friends, tv, movies, or radio shows. We can easily be avoiding when we are to cherish with Love. "Allow Yourself To Be Loved By God"
4/5/201750 minutes, 31 seconds
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Destroying Strongholds - Jim Logan

Does something have a hold upon an area of your life that you have been trying to stop? Jim Logan shares that the Bible call's those "strongholds," and all of us have these strongholds within our lives, but reveals how God gives us the power to conquer them.
3/3/201745 minutes, 3 seconds
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A Different Kind of Healing - Joni Eareckson Tada

For a long time, Joni Eareckson Tada asked the Lord to set her free from her confinement to a wheelchair. Instead of answering that prayer, He gave her a different kind of freedom. Joni will explain why your unanswered prayers may be the backdrop for a deeper healing and a new understanding of freedom in Christ in this message given at the True Woman '14 Conference in Indianapolis on October 9, 2014. All rights belong to True Woman.
3/2/201743 minutes, 38 seconds
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Lies Men and Women Believe 2 - Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Nancy Leigh DeMoss shares through her years of ministry to women where the enemy primarily attacks them. The enemy not only uses the lies on women, but also on men. Nancy makes the scriptures come alive and urges personal obedience to its truth. She communicates a love for the Word and for the Lord Jesus that is infectious. This is part 2 of 2.
3/2/201743 minutes, 16 seconds
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Lies Men and Women Believe 1 - Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Nancy Leigh DeMoss shares through her years of ministry to women where the enemy primarily attacks them. The enemy not only uses the lies on women, but also on men. Nancy makes the scriptures come alive and urges personal obedience to its truth. She communicates a love for the Word and for the Lord Jesus that is infectious. This is part 1 of 2.
3/2/201746 minutes, 48 seconds
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End Time Sins Are In The Church - Francis Chan

A time is coming to the church where "people will be lovers of self." Do you feel like this time has already come? The Bible says that in the end days we will become more and more evil, but how easy is that sin able to "creep" into the church. Be careful! It is already here, and more is coming!
2/10/201755 minutes, 22 seconds
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Being Bold In Sharing Christ - Francis Chan

God wants believers to be more bold and courage in our personal life. Many people around us are separated from God and often "believers" want their lives just to be comfortable. We are called by God to be Bold for His Kingdom. How are you going to make 2017 the most spiritual time of your life?
2/10/201731 minutes, 34 seconds
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Finishing The Task 2016 - Francis Chan

The conclusion of the 2016 We can finish the task, but don't allow your relationship with God be a "task." It is to be a joy. It is a joy knowing that the God of the Universe listens to your prayers, loves you, and is watching you 24/7.
1/20/201747 minutes, 59 seconds
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First of All, Pray - Russell Kelfer

Often life is so busy that we don't have "time" to pray. There is never a greater need in our world for prayer than today. We all have a busy life, but the spiritual greatness seems to be reserved to the faithful few believers who make prayer a priority.
1/20/201728 minutes, 39 seconds
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How To Teach Prayer To Your Children - Jim Logan

Our sons and daughters can be protected from severe and unnecessary problems. That's because prayer isn't just for adults. When the disciples came, like children, to ask the Lord how to pray, he answered with a model prayer. That model prayer has survived the test of time.
11/2/201625 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Danger of Addiction (clip) - Shane Idleman

Addiction is everywhere. Drugs, alcohol, sex, tv, movies, food are all calling out to us wanting to control and use us. Addiction destroys us and our families. God was serious when he said, "Have no other gods before me."
11/1/20166 minutes, 17 seconds
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Prayer As A Way Of Walking In Love - Francis Chan

"How can God love me this much?" - Francis ChanThis message is a personal story of how prayer is so special to believers. It is our personal connection to God. We are able to praise, bless, and make requests to our loving Father.
10/3/20161 hour, 5 minutes, 22 seconds
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Neil Anderson Interview on Twilight, Occult, and Spiritual Warfare

Jon Oleksiuk sat with Neil T Anderson who is arguably the most read author on the issue of Spiritual Warfare. This video is the unedited raw interview shot for a new documentary film called "Battling Darkness: Hollywood & the Rise of Exorcism"
10/3/201645 minutes, 45 seconds
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Popular Lies Christians Believe - Francis Chan

Are you believing a lie that is affecting your life and your family? Most Christians have several lies that are becoming strongholds in their life. They not only believe it, but live as if it is true.
10/3/201657 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Riches In Jesus Christ - Corrie Ten Boom

A survivor of the Concentration Camps during WW2, Corrie Ten Boom, shares the importance of knowing the boundless resources we have in Jesus Christ. Most Christians don't know what are the riches we have in Jesus Christ.
10/3/201641 minutes, 5 seconds
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Healing - Pastor Chris Hodges

Many of us know what it's like to deal with an illness and most know what it's like to pray for someone who we hope can overcome a health concern. God still does miracles today! But what is the truth about healing? What does the Bible say about it? All rights belong to Chris Hodges and, we are just expanding the reach of this message.
9/1/201642 minutes, 46 seconds
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Government on His Shoulders - Joseph Carroll

“The government will rest on His shoulders...” Isa. 9:6. God is completely in control. No matter what fears you face, sickness, death, sadness, elections, sins, and doubts always remember that Jesus is on His throne. Step 1: is trusting Him. Give control over to the One who died for you.
9/1/201645 minutes, 4 seconds
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Faith and Psalm 23 - Joseph Carroll

How does the Psalm 23 related to everyday life? An Australian missionary to Japan shares the importance of experiencing God as the good Shepherd. Are you trusting the shepherd? Have you surrendered to him?
9/1/201644 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Armor of God 3 - Mark Bubeck

This is the third part of Ephesians 6 Series. Are you putting on the Armor of God daily? If not then you are vulnerable to the attacks against the enemy. The enemy is deceptive and spiritual. I need spiritual weapons to fight against him.
8/1/201630 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ten Shekels and a Shirt - Paris Reidhead

Paris Reidhead preaches what could be called one of the most influential sermons of the 20th century. The real point of this sermon is an indictment of individuals and organizations practising humanism behind a mask of Christianity! "This sermon should be preached on a regular basis in every church in America!"
7/27/201651 minutes, 15 seconds
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True Salvation and Surrender - Corrie Ten Boom

Corrie Ten Boom is famous for surviving a contraction camp in WW2. She is known for her books, "the hiding place movie," and her speaking on the love and salvation of Jesus. God wants your to surrender your life, mind, body, and maybe even singleness.Used by Permission of Proclamedia
7/6/201652 minutes, 12 seconds
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A Passion For Prayer - Jim Cymbala

Consectetuer arcu ipsum ornare pellentesque vehicula, in vehicula diam, ornare magna erat felis wisi a risus. Justo fermentum id. Malesuada eleifend, tortor molestie, a fusce a vel et. Mauris at suspendisse, neque aliquam faucibus adipiscing, vivamus in. Wisi mattis leo suscipit nec amet, nisl fermentum tempor ac a, augue in eleifend in venenatis, cras sit id in vestibulum felis in, sed ligula. In sodales suspendisse mauris quam etiam erat, quia tellus convallis eros rhoncus diam orci, porta lectus esse adipiscing posuere et, nisl arcu vitae laoreet.
7/6/20161 hour, 2 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Effective Use of the Armor of God - Fred Dickason

We are in a battle daily against the world system, the flesh, and the enemy. God has given us Spiritual protection in order to fight the battle, and are you putting on the Armor of God? You wouldn’t go to a real battle and leave your sword at home, so why think I only need the Armor of God on Sundays.
7/6/20161 hour, 7 minutes, 50 seconds
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Danger of Common Spiritistic Practices - Jim Logan

The Children of Israel where combining false gods and the One True God. Joshua gives them a strong warning. The world is filled with danger that come from false gods. Our culture is becoming more spiritistic in our movies, tv shows, and books.
6/1/201646 minutes, 35 seconds
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Am I Cursed? 2 of 2 - Derek Prince

The world lives in fear of being cursed? The Bible is filled with verses about blessing and cursing. This is the conclusion of the message called “Am I Cursed.” Derek shares how to break these personal or generational curses.
6/1/201659 minutes, 59 seconds
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Mother’s Day Message - Mark Bubeck

Mother’s do you know who you are in Christ? God has given Mothers a very special role in teaching, loving, and training their kids to know God. No wonder the enemy would love to attack you and especially attack your identity in Jesus Christ. Remember this Mother’s Day. You are a daughter of the King!
5/6/201623 minutes, 29 seconds
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Am I Cursed? 1 of 2 - Derek Prince

Are curses real? Yes! Are blessings real? Yes! The Bible is filled with verses and stories of people being blessed and cursed. Are you struggling in your spiritual life, business, or family life? You maybe under a curse. It is always a good idea to check. Uploaded with permission from DPM.
4/29/201659 minutes, 31 seconds
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Asbury Revival of 1970

What does a revival look like? While many youth were rebellious and fighting around the nation, the Holy Spirit moved in such a powerful way. The youth didn’t leave their chapel. When revival breaks out we stop everything and just want to be in the presence of God. This video shares the unbelievable gift of calling for revival.
4/28/201636 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Battle Is Heating Up 1 - Mark Bubeck

This is a six part series on the Ephesians chapter 6. Dr. Mark Bubeck shares the importance of spiritual warfare. He shares that it is the believer’s handbook on spiritual warfare. This is part 1 on the seeing the battle from God’s perspective. Are you fighting or loosing?
4/14/201630 minutes, 59 seconds
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Finishing Well: Returning to Joy - Dr. Jim Wilder

Joy is such a gift of God. It allows us to act ourselves even when under stress or pain. The problem is that often times we never return to joy. Our lives are filled with suffering, stress, and anxiety. Jesus gave us His peace and we have the Joy of the Holy Spirit.
3/31/201650 minutes, 40 seconds
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Discipline Series 3 - Mark Bubeck

Discipline is not a new topic, Biblically. The Bible is filled with examples of discipline. Even starting as far back as Adam and Eve. We see God’s discipline often in our lives, and how important it is that we discipline our own children.
3/31/20161 hour, 6 minutes, 8 seconds
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Discipline Series 2 - Mark Bubeck

Love and encouragement much be applied before correction. Relationships are messy, and children have a way of stretching us. God allows these things in our lives in order to challenge us, and to grow us as adults.
3/1/201646 minutes, 9 seconds
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Developing Joy Strength - Jim Wilder

Where do you go for Joy? Most christians turn to the things of the world! But Jesus wants us to turn to Him at the primary one for our joy in life. The lack of joy produces trauma in our lives and ongoing addictions. Returning to joy even though not a over night thing is the basis for recovery from addictions.
2/29/20161 hour, 42 minutes, 28 seconds
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Discipline Series 1 - Mark Bubeck

Are you struggling with the concept of disciplining your children? Do you have a child, who is just rebellious? Dr. Mark Bubeck shares on discipline through his own personal experience combined with how God disciplines his children.
1/14/201650 minutes, 22 seconds
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Spiritual Warfare Series 4 - Warren Wiersbe

A Christian is not sinless; A Christian is someone who does sin less. This is the conclusion is the warfare series. Our weapon and defense is the interceding Son of God.
1/14/201627 minutes, 54 seconds
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Prayer and the Deeper Life - Jim Logan

How would you rate your prayer life? It is pretty amazing that out of everything the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. How can you grow deeper with God? Dr. Logan shares to a group of students the importance of getting close to God.
1/3/201658 minutes, 18 seconds
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Spiritual Warfare Series 3 - Warren Wiersbe

Satan attacks the mind with lies. When Satan attacks your mind with lies, your weapon is the Word of God. The Believer has three enemies, the world, the flesh and the devil. Knowing how to combat all three enemies is so important for victory.
12/23/201527 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to Communicate Faith to your Children - Jim Logan

Dr. Jim Logan gives key insights on how to lead your family in faith. "Your children will pay for your lack of faith!" Dr. Logan gives personal testimony and shares out of years of experience - what is faith and what is this that we are to communicate to our children?
11/30/201547 minutes, 24 seconds
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Spiritual Warfare Series 2 - Warren Wiersbe

To live by faith is to obey God’s word and to trust God’s promises in spite of circumstances and feelings. The only weapon that will defeat Satan’s lives in your mind is God’s Word. Thus, it is important to study God’s Word, to learn it, and to know it.
11/30/201527 minutes, 40 seconds
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Spiritual Warfare Series 1 - Warren Wiersbe

Most believers are under attack and don’t even realize it. We will often fight the wrong battle. The problem is not our wife, husband, or kids, but the enemy who is working behind the scene to bring us down. This series will be a blessing to all.
11/8/201527 minutes, 40 seconds
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Authority of the Believer - Neil Anderson

Are you empowered to live daily for God? Do you know your authority that God has given you in Christ? If not, then your ground maybe sinking sand. Dr. Anderson shares the importance of every believer knowing their Authority and living in it.
10/11/201551 minutes, 20 seconds
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Francis Chan - The Impact of Sacrificial Love

Do you know God? This message is unique because it is outside at a worship service. God's love can touch the deepest parts of lives and in fact can change our lives. Jesus lead how to live a sacrificial life for the Love of sinners. Uploaded with permission!
10/11/201538 minutes, 56 seconds
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I’ll Never Go Back - Shaman Testimony

As a young man Chief Shoefoot was trained to be a Yanamamo Shaman or witch doctor. He invited multiple spirits into his "chest" to equip him to heal and lead his people. You feel the fear and sense the hoplessness that dominated him... until one day he discovered a Holy Spirit who changed his destiny. This video have been uploaded with permission from Don Shire and his ministry at donshire(dot)com.
9/12/201554 minutes, 48 seconds
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Contentment - Jim Logan

Are you living in fears and anxiety? Does your soul have rest? This message is for you. The apostle Paul shared how Godliness and contentment is great gain. Our world is filled to the brim of discontentment: Marriages, Children, Church, Work, Home. God calls us to be content and to thank Him in all circumstances (1 Thess. 5:18).
9/12/201558 minutes, 53 seconds
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Do Not Worry - Andrew Wilson

Most believers are filled with anxiety and fear. Are you one of these? Pastor Wilson from England shares the importance what Jesus said in the famous teaching known as “the sermon on the mount.” Worry is an attack against our wills, faith, or trust in God. Uploaded with permission.
8/9/201523 minutes, 46 seconds
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Eating From The Wrong Tree - Chris Hodges

Is your life falling apart? Are you struggling in your personal life? Are you battling with addictions or depression? Your eating from the wrong tree! God provided in the Garden of Eden two trees: the Knowledge of Good and Evil or the Tree of Life. Jesus, has become our Tree of Life. His blood forgave and reconciled us to God, but you must be abiding in the tree of Life for daily victory. All rights belong to Church of the Highlands.
6/29/201533 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Importance of God’s Word - Francis Chan

Is God's word important for your life? Are you living it out in your life? For most believers we read the word, but the word in not living in and through us. Francis shares the importance of having the word of God live through you and through your obedience.
5/19/201547 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Spiritual Battle in Ministry - Jim Logan

Is your ministry under attack from the enemy? Are you under attack? Most believers feel that something is wrong when they or their ministry is under so much attack, but the truth is the enemy is upset at all they are doing for God. Children ministries are often the most forgotten, but one of the most fruitful ministries. Learning how the enemy attacks all ministries is important for our victory over the enemy in this battle. Uploaded with permission.
4/21/201552 minutes
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Looking Forward to Heaven - Joni Eareckson Tada

When you have pain and suffering in your life you might be asking God why? or how much longer? Joni has been paralyzed most of her life and living with pain everyday. Are you looking forward to heaven? And being in the arms of Him who went through pain and suffering for you!
4/13/201542 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ancestral and Cultural Bondage - Timothy Warner

Do the sins of the fathers and the culture really affect believers? Are the sins of the cultural past affecting my walk with God? Dr. Timothy Warner answers this and many other important questions. Satan is wanting to distract you from a deep, intimate walk with God. There is often strongholds from our past that show up in our present.
3/30/201532 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Principle of Receiving - Jack Taylor

One of the major areas we struggle with is the area of rejection, and therefore we do not receive ourselves, others, or even our family. This principle applies most importantly to marriage! The importance of receiving what God has placed in our life: pain, suffering, spouse, children, work, neighbors, church. Receiving is for our good and God’s glory!
3/9/201554 minutes, 53 seconds
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Born to Reproduce - Dawson Trotman

Are you reproducing spiritually? Jesus commanded his disciples to share the truth of God’s word and disciple others. The founder to the Navigator ministry challenges all believers to live out your calling in life.
2/28/201548 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Holy Spirit Gives Power - Corrie Ten Boom

Corrie speaks on the need of the Holy Spirit Power in the Christian life. She speaks on how we can have God's boundless resources when we obey the happy commandment to be filled with the Spirit. The Spirit of God gives us the power to be witnesses for the great commission. Uploaded with permission from
2/9/201522 minutes, 11 seconds
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Strengthening the Source of your Power - Jim Logan

Are you living a defeated life as a christian? Do you feel discouraged and without a sense of direction? This message is for you. Dr. Logan shares the importance of going to God for our source of power. He shares that often christians are not listening to God and not having direction or strength in their daily walk. Uploaded with permission.
1/29/201555 minutes, 34 seconds
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Living A Life That Makes Sense - Francis Chan

Are you living a life that makes sense from a Biblical perspective? Most believers have bought into the wealth, prosperity side of life, which Jesus instead preached on suffering, pain in life. Is your life matching what Jesus preached?
1/3/201556 minutes, 46 seconds
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How To Become A Person of Prayer - Jim Logan

Are you a person of prayer or a person who prays? Is prayer a dynamic part of your daily life? Is connecting with God intimately through out the day as important to you as breathing? Dr. Logan shares from his over 1,500 books on prayer on the topic of becoming a person of prayer.
12/2/20141 hour, 2 minutes, 52 seconds
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Feeling Safe in A World Gone Mad - Jim Logan

How can a family today protect their family? The world is getting worse and spiritual warfare seems to becoming more intense. The answer in protecting my family is one of the most basic spiritual disciplines. It is something we all say, “I know I need to pray, but....” Dr. Logan shares about the importance of real prayer.
11/12/201454 minutes, 43 seconds
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Overcoming Depression - Neil Anderson

Most believers at one point in our lives will suffer from depression. What if depression is not a chemical or physical effect, but an attack from the enemy? Science is so quick to explain away our need for drugs to fix the problem, but gives no glimpse to the enemy working.
10/31/20141 hour, 13 minutes, 28 seconds
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Why Good People Do Bad Things - Erwin Lutzer

Jesus said, "my house is a house of prayer." So why are most churches non-praying places? Jim Cymbala shares how his church, the Brooklyn Tabernacle, became a praying church in New York. He also shares his own journey of having a wayward child, and how God spoke to him through that experience.
9/30/201446 minutes, 51 seconds
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My House Shall Be Called A House of Prayer - Jim Cymbala

Jesus said, "my house is a house of prayer." So why are most churches non-praying places? Jim Cymbala shares how his church, the Brooklyn Tabernacle, became a praying church in New York. He also shares his own journey of having a wayward child, and how God spoke to him through that experience.
9/30/201453 minutes, 11 seconds
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How to Hear the Voice of God - Derek Prince

A truth that has been passed down through scripture is the truth of hearing the voice of God. It started in the garden of eden and is a theme all through the Bible. Dr. Prince shares some basic practical truth of recognizing the voice of God. This message when applied will change your life since you will be listening and following God (John 10).
9/30/201456 minutes, 20 seconds
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Biblical Worldview Today - Tim Warner

Most Christians are living from a earthly worldview, but our cultural filter it does not allow for the Biblical worldview. Christians are told to live by faith and not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7).
9/5/20141 hour, 21 minutes, 6 seconds
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Desperate Prevailing Prayer - Mark Bubeck

There is no greater time in world history that believers should be on their knees in prayer to God than today. Our world is crashing down around us, we are left feeling discouraged, fearful, and overcome. God is calling all believers to prevailing prayer. Will you answer his call?
8/22/20141 hour, 12 minutes, 2 seconds
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How The Enemy Attacks Today - Tim Warner

The enemy is very intelligent. He knows how to attack believers and un-believers. He uses the world system and even the occult to get ground in a believer’s life. Tim Warner shares many stories of how the enemy attacks us with doubts, fear, depression. It is so important that believers know how to resist the enemy and take our thoughts captive.
8/20/201459 minutes, 16 seconds
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Conference Introduction Part 2 - Larry Coy

Often times new believers need to learn principles from the Bible. When a believer applies these Biblical principles and are not optional then when you apply them you would handling life like how Jesus would if He was in your situation.
7/24/201438 minutes, 33 seconds
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Getting Free and Staying Free 7 -Armor of God - Jim Logan

Rock music is one of Satan's primary weapons in keeping teenagers in bondage. How does it work? How can I get set free of it? Once I am free how do I use the Armor of God in my daily life, and what do these pieces mean?
6/27/20141 hour, 15 minutes, 35 seconds
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Getting Free and Staying Free 6 -Sexual Sin - Jim Logan

Satan is a master at temptations, and has been doing it for thousands of years. How can I resist Satan in my temptations through the weapons that God gives me. What if I am bound in the area of sexual sins? How do I get set free?
6/27/20141 hour, 14 minutes, 44 seconds
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Getting Free and Staying Free 5 -Worst Sin - Jim Logan

What is the greatest Sin of all? Jim Logan shares from the Bible the worst sin that we all commit before a Holy God. This is the FOUNDATION of every sin we commit. If I am committing this sin, then SATAN is definitely getting ground in my life.
6/27/201451 minutes, 23 seconds
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Getting Free and Staying Free 4 -Rebellion - Jim Logan

Nothing keeps Christians in more bondage in this world than bitterness and Rebellion. If Satan is able to gain ground in these areas, then he has a football field amount of ground in our spiritual life.
6/27/201453 minutes, 2 seconds
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Getting Free and Staying Free 3 -Unforgiveness - Jim Logan

Satan is a master of not just setting traps for Christians, but also to temptations that work in our lives to keep us in bondage and sin. Satan uses Un-forgiveness as a key weapon to attack believers in order to gain ground in their life.
6/27/20141 hour, 12 minutes, 23 seconds
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Getting Free and Staying Free 2 -Occult - Jim Logan

Each counselee that we see is required on the first day to make a commitment encounter. They must say they want to be on God's side and renounce the enemy involvement in their lives. Dr. Logan shares about the dangers of being involved in the occult.
6/27/201452 minutes, 56 seconds
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Getting Free and Staying Free 1 -Battle - Jim Logan

"...Satan desires to Steal, Kill, and Destroy..." John 10:10. What are the tactics that satan uses to accomplish this destructive work in the lives of believers? Dr. Logan shares the truth of a Biblical view of Spiritual Warfare.
6/27/20141 hour, 2 minutes, 30 seconds
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Conference Introduction - Larry Coy

Do you need help in applying Scripture to your life? Especially in the areas of lust, thoughts, finances, beguilement, anger, children, and family issues. This message is a introduction to the series of messages. It is in two parts.
6/3/201446 minutes, 36 seconds
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Generational Sins - Dr. Mark Bubeck

Does the Bible really talk about the topic of generational curses and sins? Am I under some of the consequences of generational strongholds? Dr. Bubeck gives a talk on the importance of seeing how our iniquities pass down to our future generations. It is very important to understand and pray against the sins being passed down.
4/30/20141 hour, 15 minutes, 50 seconds
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Handling Criticism - Neil Anderson

Are you quick at defending yourself? Have you put your rights to death? All believers need to understand how to handle criticism in their own life. God honors us when we go through criticism by listening and following the leading of the Holy Spirit, instead of defending self by puffing up the flesh.
3/21/20141 hour, 1 minute, 44 seconds
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A Charge to Married Men - Paul Washer

Are you serving God through your marriage? God has given you such an opportunity to lay down your life for this special daughter of His. Are you doing that? Are you loving her unconditionally,  and sacrificially. This charge is for men to become men who live to glorify God in their personal lives and in their marriage. Who through God’s grace will raise Godly kids to pass on a heritage to the next generation.
2/19/20141 hour, 16 minutes, 55 seconds
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Equipping The Church - Neil Anderson

Living the christian life will be filled with pain and suffering! Neil Anderson shares from his personal life some of the struggles that he has had to go through with Christ. Neil shares the importance of each believer knowing who they are in Christ as a foundation of their walk with God, because life is difficult storms.
1/24/20141 hour, 19 minutes, 14 seconds
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Spiritual Warfare 6 (steps to freedom) - Mark Bubeck

Living the christian life will be filled with pain and suffering! Neil Anderson shares from his personal life some of the struggles that he has had to go through with Christ. Neil shares the importance of each believer knowing who they are in Christ as a foundation of their walk with God, because life is difficult storms.
1/10/20141 hour, 33 seconds
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How to Be a Friend to a Hurting Person - Alaine Pakkala

Are you a hurting person? Do you know some friends who are deeply hurting? Alaine Pakkala, who has gone through some of the most tragic satanic ritual abuse (SRA) and physical abuse, shares how you can help others. Healing is always what Jesus does, but maybe Jesus is calling you to help someone heal.
12/15/20131 hour, 12 minutes, 52 seconds
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Spiritual Dating - Jim Logan

Do you know God’s plan of dating or courting on spiritual level instead of physical? Do you want the will of God for you in your relationships? Dr. Logan is sharing about how He counsels young couples in their relationships to be focused on the spiritual. He also shares the warnings of what happens when you disobey God’s rules.
11/27/201351 minutes, 50 seconds
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Suffering In God’s Sovereign Plan - Ron Susek

How does a Christian understand the topic of suffering? Suffering is one of the most important topics that every believer must understand! Job had a understanding of suffering from God’s perspective. Do you?
11/8/201349 minutes, 6 seconds
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God Uses Our Pains To Grow Us - Ted Hough

We all have pain and struggles in our lives. God knows that we all have things in our lives that we didn’t plan for or even want, but He is always faithful and has promised to use this to cause us to grow. We can grow in faith, love, and persevere. This message is an encouragement to all.
9/24/201336 minutes, 58 seconds
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Waiting on God - Ted Hough

Are you faced with hard trials? If so what is God wanting to teach you through them? Ted Hough shares to his sunday school class at Covenant Community Church in Yukon, Oklahoma the importance of waiting on God during our trials. This message is an encouragement to all.
8/20/201346 minutes, 28 seconds