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Bought + Beloved with Kirby Kelly

English, Religion, 1 season, 271 episodes, 6 days, 1 hour, 12 minutes
Welcome to the Bought + Beloved podcast with Kirby Minnick. I find so much joy in teaching the Word of God and pouring truth into the world - that is what this podcast is all about! This is more than short social media content - I am writing content like crazy to share with you all about faith and life. I will be answering questions and teaching on topics that matter most to our generation. And please take a second to subscribe and review this channel to help me share this podcast with more people.
Episode Artwork

When Doing It All Is Undoing You w/ Alyssa Bethke

So many of us are trying to do it all, be it all, and take the whole world on our shoulders, only to crumble and fall when it gets too much to bear. In that downward spiral, we then believe lies and only "try harder" to "be more"... does this sound familiar and like your story? Alyssa Bethke joins me today to unpack the lies we believe and the pressure we often put on ourselves.ORDER MY BOOK HERE:
9/18/202438 minutes, 56 seconds
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You Are Not Behind in Life w/ Meghan Asbury

It is so easy to look around at others and compare where God has us to where God has them. If you feel like you are "behind in life" or failing in any way, I hope this episode with my friend Meghan Asbury encourages you that you are exactly where God has you for a purpose!ORDER MY BOOK HERE:
9/11/202435 minutes, 8 seconds
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Navigating Conflict in Godly Friendships with Tega Faafa

Let's talk about Godly Friendships today! Teega Faafa Taylor joins me to discuss how we as believers can navigate conflict in friendships and grow closer to Christ in our friendships. I am so excited for her to be on B+B today and for the upcoming release of her newest book, which you can order here: MY BOOK HERE:
9/4/202443 minutes, 24 seconds
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Bounce Back From Backsliding

If you are a Christian who has ever struggled with backsliding, going back to your old sinful ways, and making excuses to return to bad habits from your former life before Jesus, then I want to provide you with a pathway to get back on track with your relationship with God and freedom journey!ORDER MY BOOK HERE:
8/28/202443 minutes, 5 seconds
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I Hate Myself, I Hate My Sin

To the Christian who is struggling with self-loathing, who is more aware of sin the closer we to draw to God, and who has a Holy discontent with the brokenness of of world and the church/other believers, this episode is for YOU. We need to realize the grace of awareness and the gift of the Holy Spirit as we walk in sanctification and surrender!ORDER MY BOOK HERE: LINK: tbd
8/21/202418 minutes, 48 seconds
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Spiritual Warfare, Firm Faith, and Leading With Integrity

It's time that we as Christian leaders learn what it means to fight the good fight, hold fast to the faith, and live lives of good conscience like Paul charges Timothy in 1 Timothy! This message has been on my heart, and as much as it may be convicting to hear, I pray it gives you confidence and direction as an ambassador of the Gospel!ORDER MY BOOK HERE: LINK: tbd
8/14/202428 minutes, 29 seconds
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How To Overcome People-Pleasing

If you have been struggling with fear of man, anxious because you are doing everything you can to be liked by others and feel burdened by this need to perform and be regarded by everyone, then you might be a people pleaser... I am too! And today I want to share what God has spoken over me in this area, and the steps we can take to be free and overcome this!ORDER MY BOOK HERE:
8/7/202438 minutes, 56 seconds
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Broken Relationships, Triggered Trauma, and Wholehearted Love with Stefanie Rouse

I have had my fair share of broken relationships, overcoming trauma and lies, and learning how to wholeheartedly love someone with the same love Christ has shown me. But it took me YEARS to live it out and learn it! I am so glad my friend and guest, Stephanie Rouse, wrote a book that sets us up for success in our Christian dating and relationships, and we will be discussing that in today's episode!ORDER MY BOOK HERE: STEPHANIE'S BOOK HERE: HOPE STORY:
7/31/202435 minutes, 16 seconds
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God Is Closing That Door For A Reason

What do we do when we get to the end of a season and are met with a closed door? What do we do when we are right in the middle of a decision or journey and God interrupts our plans? What do we do when we were promised a specific position or calling from God, but the door is declaring "not yet"? We can have hope, peace, and assurance in God's will even with closed doors! Let's talk about it!ORDER MY BOOK HERE: HOPE STORY:
7/24/202436 minutes, 41 seconds
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Share Your Hope Story with Ron + Doug Hutchcraft

It's time to share your testimony with the world! Our world is broken and desperately in need of the hope and healing power of Jesus. For those of us in Christ, we can share our own Hope Story and point others to the Way, Truth, and Life! But HOW do we do this practically? My friends Ron and Doug Hutchcraft join me in today's episode to discuss just that!ORDER MY BOOK HERE: HOPE STORY:
7/17/202439 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Beauty of Boundaries

Boundaries have a beautiful and biblical purpose in every area of our lives! God has given us specific parameters to live within... but why? I want to talk about that today and show you why God's will and way are the best for our lives!ORDER MY BOOK HERE:
7/10/202425 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Armor Of God + Spiritual Warfare

How do we ready ourselves for the attacks of the enemy and the spiritual battle we are in? By putting on the full armor of God of course! In today's episode, I want to expose some of the tactics of our enemy, and the purpose behind the armor of God in our daily walk with Christ!ORDER MY BOOK HERE: HOPE STORY:
7/3/202431 minutes, 40 seconds
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When The Season You're In Sucks w/ Ruth Chou Simons

What do you do when your present is giving you pain? When the waiting doesn't seem worth it? When your now is not yet what you had hoped, dreamed, and prayed for? Ruth Cho Simons, a dear friend and role model of mine, discusses this difficult season with me today, providing truth, joy, and purpose to what might feel purposeless!GET RUTH'S BOOK HERE: MY BOOK HERE:
6/26/202434 minutes, 44 seconds
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These Lies Are Keeping You From Being Free...

There are 3 lies that I think are keeping us from running fully free in victory over sin, negative thoughts, and shame. I want to expose those today and remind you of TRUTH so you can bravely and boldly move forward into freedom!ORDER MY BOOK HERE:
6/19/202423 minutes, 37 seconds
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Let's Read My Book TOGETHER!

Well... it's finally time... BOOK LAUNCH DATE HAS ARRIVED! In honor of my book being live and officially available, I wanted to give you all a little sneak peek of what is to come by reading chapter 1 to you all! ENJOY and grab your copy today :)ORDER MY BOOK HERE:
6/12/202421 minutes
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Combat Negative Thoughts with God's Truth with Dwell Differently

How do we stop the anxious spirals, the depressive and negative thoughts, and discern lies from truth? By knowing God's Word! But we must take a step beyond that and be prepared at any moment through the discipline of MEMORIZING God's Word. Vera Schmitz from Dwell Differently joins me to discuss her battles and her victories on this!GRAB VERA'S BOOK HERE:
6/5/202439 minutes, 15 seconds
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You Can Be Free: ADDICTION with Irene Rollins

It's time that we have an open and honest talk about the realities of addiction as Christians. Whether it is us personally who are struggling to abandon and get the help we need to let go of our struggles, or someone close to us, I want us to have a shame-free and hope-centered talk about how anyone can be free! My friend, Irene Rollins, is living proof of it, and so am I!PRE-ORDER MY BOOK HERE:
5/29/202445 minutes, 24 seconds
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You Can Be Free: LUST with Jeanine Amapola Ward

Let's address the elephant in the room... there are a lot of us out there who are struggling with lust and who feel as though we will never overcome the desires we have and the habitual cycles we keep falling into. Jeanine, a good friend of mine, and I want to open up about our failures and victories in Christ, and encourage you all that you too can be free in the area of lust vs purity!PRE-ORDER MY BOOK HERE:
5/22/202438 minutes, 1 second
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You Can Be Free: PERFECTIONISM with Emma Mae McDaniel

What if I told you that you are not perfect... but where we fall short, Jesus, in His perfection, makes up for it all! I know I am not the only one who has been plagued with performance-based anxiety and wondered if "I am enough" for God. I want to debunk this way of thinking today with my friend Emma and see you all walk in a new lane of freedom!PRE-ORDER MY BOOK HERE:
5/15/202435 minutes, 21 seconds
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You Can Be Free: HOPELESSNESS with Ryan Miller

I know I am not the only Christian out there who has felt hopeless because of the sin they've been stuck in. Hopeless that I would ever get free. Hopeless that God would ever give me another chance. Hopeless that I might have lost my salvation because I didn't follow through with my word to Him. Let me, and my friend Ryan Miller, assure you of the HOPE and TRUTH of God's redeeming and confident love today!PRE-ORDER MY BOOK HERE:
5/8/202443 minutes, 28 seconds
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For some of us in our faith journey, we are deeply drawn to Godly disciplines like worship, prayer, fasting, reading our Bible, and getting into Christian community. For others of us, we struggle in our desire and drive to stay consistent and dive deep with the Lord. My friend Cia and I love this topic and want to share with you the heart behind Godly disciplines, and why it is more than just a "performance"... it's about JESUS!PRE-ORDER MY BOOK HERE:
5/1/202434 minutes, 47 seconds
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You Can Be Free: REBELLION AND REGRET with Tara Sun

There are parts of my past that I am not proud of... that try to define my life and cause me to feel hopeless in ever being free and becoming a new person. My friend Tara Sun relates to this too! BUT, because of Jesus, we have been able to forgive our past selves, move on from self-hatred, and live in the newness of Christ. Now it's your turn!PRE-ORDER MY BOOK HERE:
4/24/202440 minutes, 14 seconds
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You Can Be Free: IDENTITY with Robbi Jan

My friend, Robbi Jan, is joining me on the pod today to talk about how we can experience freedom from the places, people, and things we once placed our identity. Life with Jesus and found in Jesus is so much sweeter, and we can't wait to encourage you as we continue the You Can Be Free series!PRE-ORDER MY BOOK HERE:
4/18/202435 minutes, 51 seconds
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You Can Be Free: SHAME with Joshua Broome

We are doing a new series all about FREEDOM!! And to kick it off, my dear friend Joshua Broome, a p*rn star turned preacher, is joining me to discuss how we no longer have to suffer in the shame of past mistakes that feel permanent, and how each of us can live fully free by the grace of God and the love of the Father!PRE-ORDER MY BOOK HERE:
4/17/202440 minutes, 57 seconds
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Fight Back Against Insecurity + Low Self Esteem Jeanine Amapola Ward

The true way to live happy and healthy lives is to live lives aligned with Jesus! In her newest book, Happy and Healthy, my friend Jeanine discusses different strategies and areas of life where we can be anchored in Christ and thrive in our day-to-day lives. These areas include friendships and relationships, insecurity and confidence, faith and waiting seasons, and so much more!GRAB JEANINE'S BOOK HERE: MY BOOK HERE:
4/3/202443 minutes, 11 seconds
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Hating The Waiting - God’s Purpose For That Season with Ashley Hetherington

Are you in a waiting season? Are you questioning God's timing or wrestling with whether the plans He has for you are good... or even exist at all! My friend Ashley Hetherington, author to The Joy of the In-Between, discusses with me her heart on this specific topic and how God is faithful in every single season of life!GET ASHLEY'S DEVO HERE:
3/27/202437 minutes, 34 seconds
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Is God Tolerant?

Have you ever heard someone say "only God can judge me" and claim that they can do whatever they want because God loves them? What doe the Bible say about what God tolerates and doesn't? And how do we as Christians respond to this, especially as the world labels us as "intolerant"? Let's dive in and discuss a hot topic of Christianity!PRE-ORDER THE BOOK HERE:
3/20/202429 minutes, 47 seconds
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Writing My Book: The Waiting, The Promise, and Every Obstacle I Faced

God will call us and anoint us to do mighty things and great works for His glory... but nobody wants to talk about the process, the promise, the waiting, and the obstacles we might face. Here is how my book came to be, who I pray it helps, and my heart behind sharing my struggle with habitual sin and finding freedom in Jesus!PRE-ORDER THE BOOK HERE:
3/13/202429 minutes, 32 seconds
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AFTER KEEPING THIS SECRET FOR 2 YEARS... I can finally tell you all the big news... I WROTE A BOOK! My newest book, You Can Be Free: Overcoming Temptation and Habitual sin by the Power and Promises of the Gospel, is available NOW for pre-order and officially releases June 11th! Get your copy today over on my website and sign up for all of the fun freebies and webinar I am doing leading up to the release date:
3/6/20248 minutes, 10 seconds
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Being God's Daughter + Trusting Him as a Father with Laney Rene

We need to know our identity and who it is that God says we are - it influences and impacts just about everything we do! In my dear friend Laney Rene's newest book, Daughter, she discusses how this is the most important name to know and live out confidently! If you need encouragement about your worth in Christ, your calling, and how to trust God as our Father, this episode is for YOU.GET LANEY'S BOOK HERE:
2/28/202444 minutes
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How To Share Jesus With Your Friends with Caden Fabrizio

It can be intimidating to preach the Gospel and share your faith in Jesus with friends, co-workers, family, and especially strangers. We can get plagued with insecurity of what others might think of us, and even feel as if we don't have the right words to share about Christ. Luckily, my friend Caden Fabrizio and I share practical ways you can be bold and talk about Jesus!
2/21/202431 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Lies We Believe: I'm Unredeemable

As we wrap up our series, The Lies We Believe, I want to speak to the person, specifically the Christian, who feels like they have fallen too far from God's grace, forgiveness, and mercy. To the Christian who thinks they've messed up so bad, sinned so big, and fallen so far that God wants nothing to do with them... friend, that couldn't be further from the Truth! Let's talk about it.
2/14/202428 minutes
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The Lies We Believe: I'm Not Enough

Have you ever thought to yourself "Am I Enough?" OR wrestled with not being (fill-in-the-blank) enough? I know I have... I want to break free from this with you and help us to know our worth in Christ, the One who is most worthy!
2/7/202438 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Lies We Believe: I'm A Disappointment

We are on week two of our The Lies We Believe series, and today we are discussing how many of us believe the lie that we are a disappointment. Whether you feel like you've disappointed God, failed others, or let yourself down, I promise that this episode will give you newfound confidence and identity in Christ!
1/31/202430 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Lies We Believe: I'm Unlovable

I know I am not the only one who has struggled with believing lies form Satan, especially the lie that I am unlovable and that nobody wants me. In this new 4 part series, The Lies We Believe, we will exam 4 common lies we see plaguing the church and our identity in Christ!
1/24/202429 minutes, 45 seconds
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Belonging and Being vs Striving and Doing with Jana Highholder

My dear friend, Jana Highholder, and I break down what it is really like to be a young leader in the church. How do we find community and truly belong for who we are and not just equate worth with our giftings? Where does our identity lie? Are we what we do, or is our identity outside of that? All of this and more in today's episode!
1/17/202437 minutes, 51 seconds
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Hope and Healing For Depression and Anxiety with Paul Daugherty

The baggage we bring into relationships often harms us and others... but what if we could analyze it, heal through it, and see God redeem it to bring about healthy relationships, healthy mental loads, and healthy spirituality? It is possible, friends, and Paul Daughtery joins me to discuss this in today's episode!Get Paul's Book HERE: show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
1/10/202443 minutes, 50 seconds
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Running The Race with Renewed Strength

HAPPY NEW YEAR, B+B FAMILY!! I am praying that as we enter a new year, we not only experience the joy of a new season but truly feel renewed by God to keep running the race with endurance. If you need motivation, need strength, need encouragement, and need some truth, then you picked the right episode!Get my FREE 14 day devotional HERE: show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
1/3/202425 minutes, 32 seconds
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When God Seems Silent

Do you feel as though God has forgotten about you, abandoned you, or that you may have been tossed to the side? This episode is for the one who is questioning that they have lost their salvation, that God hates them, and that God no longer wants anything to do with them... I assure you, this is not the case! BE ENCOURAGED!This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/27/202321 minutes, 46 seconds
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Raising a Family with Godly Values with Brandon Pouge

God honors parents and families who invest in their children... but how does one cultivate a family whose foundation and legacy continue to be rooted and grounded on Jesus. TruLabs co-founder, Brandon Pouge, shares with me the joys and hard work of raising and leading a family that loves and serves Jesus!Save 15% off of TruLabs with this link: show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/20/202324 minutes, 46 seconds
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Honoring God In Your Singlness

I know that being in a waiting season or a season of singleness can feel like a waste of time, like God is withholding form you, and can cause you to question your worth and purpose. Do not be dismayed, and do not fall for distractions, friends! I want to explore the beauty of singleness with you all today and how we can not only honor God but make the most of this God-ordained time!This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/13/202329 minutes, 30 seconds
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Freedom From Dysfunctional Childhoods + Traumatic Baggage with Ike Miller

How do we process and grow from our rough childhoods, traumatic pasts, and broken relationships? Better yet, how do we learn from those to cultivate healthier relationships as adults? This week, I have the pleasure of discussing this with Author and Pastor, Ike Miller. I pray this gives you hope and healing!Buy Ike's Book Here: show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
12/6/202339 minutes, 16 seconds
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Sleepy Christians… It’s Time to WAKE or BREAK

Time and time again, Scripture warns us Christians to NOT fall asleep and to be creatures of the night... we are called to be children of THE LIGHT! We must wake up before the enemy finds our vulnerabilities and breaks us!This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/29/202320 minutes, 8 seconds
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How To Grow In Your Prayer Life with Andrew Carter

Prayer is not just another thing to check off of our "Christian Checklist"... it is a privilege, a conversation with God! Andrew Carter, a good friend of mine and new author, discusses with me the beauties of a prayer-filled life and the key to a healthy and thriving relationship with Jesus!Get Andrew's book here: show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/22/202336 minutes, 38 seconds
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Setting Boundaries as a Codependent Christian with Courtney J. Burg

Why is it so hard for us to establish healthy boundaries as Christians? Perhaps we are just loyal to a fault... or maybe because of our past, our trauma, and our wounds, codependency is our normal way of functioning. Friend, it's time to heal and grow out of that so your relationships can heal and grow! Author Courtney J. Burg joins me as we discuss this and her new book, Loyal To A Fault!Buy Courtney's Book Here: show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/15/202333 minutes, 2 seconds
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Pastors, Leaders, and Christian Influencers... it's Not About YOU

God put a very convicting and real message on my heart today... leaders, where are you directing the crowd's, follower's, and congregation's worship? To YOURSELF... or to GOD where it rightly belongs? Let's talk about it.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/8/202325 minutes, 7 seconds
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We Have Authority Over The Enemy with Julia Poe Petersen

Spiritual warfare... let's go there!!! Too many of us have been trampled by the enemy, fearful of his power, and convinced that there is no way we can experience freedom in our lives. WHAT A LIE! My friend, Julia Poe Petersen, and I want to see you live out your calling with Kingdom Authority. You have victory in Jesus!Get Julia's Cardgame, DISCERNMENT, here:,as%20many%20phrases%20as%20possible.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
11/1/202326 minutes, 53 seconds
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How To Take Your Thoughts Captive with Joe Navarro aka @joechristianguy

My good friend, Joe Navaro aka @joechristianguy, and I discuss what it looks like to "take your thoughts captive" and have a renewed mind as a Christian! We pray this encourages you and helps you to find freedom with thoughts of anxiety, depression, harm, lust, anger, bitterness, or anything else plaguing your mind!Get Joe's Cardgame, DISCERNMENT, here:,as%20many%20phrases%20as%20possible.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
10/25/202331 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to Survive the Storms of Life

If you are in a stormy season where you feel hopeless, helpless, and borderline defeated... this podcast episode is FOR YOU! We will all endure suffering, hardships, and storms, but how do we make it out with hope, peace, and confidence? Join me as we look at the life of Paul in Acts 27 in today's episode!Are you going through a specific storm and need more advice? Email me at [email protected] and maybe I will answer your questions and respond with biblical advice in next week's episode!This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
10/18/202332 minutes, 40 seconds
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God Never Gives Up On You with Max Lucado

Have you ever felt unworthy of God's love? Maybe you've sinned and feel like this time, God is going to abandon you once and for all... can I tell you something, friend? THAT IS A LIE! The love, grace, forgiveness, and redemption of God was true for Jacob, and is true for every single one of us today! Join me as Max Lucado and I discuss this topic as well as his new book.This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
10/11/202324 minutes, 21 seconds
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Bought + Beloved is Back!

I'M BACK, FRIENDS!!! After a few months of healing, grieving, and being poured into by The Lord, I feel so excited and full, ready to pour out all that God has poured in! Let's recap these past few months and unravel what's to come :)What should I talk about in the next episode? Email me at [email protected] what topic to cover next!This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
10/4/202310 minutes, 23 seconds
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I'm Taking a Break... My Mom Died

This has been one of the hardest weeks of my life... my mom died... I have been grieving, processing, and trying to sort out life and faith in this time. God has been faithful and has sustained me in all of this, but with that being said, I have to take a quick hiatus to sort out all of my mom's funeral plans and information throughout June. I will return on the first of July, and I can't wait for a fresh return. See you in 4 weeks!This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at
5/31/202320 minutes, 58 seconds
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You Are More Than the Lies and Labels with Hosanna Wong

What is the lie that you believe about yourself? Is it that you are not enough? That something is wrong with you? That you are unworthy, unloveable, or unredeemable? Whatever it is you are believing, if it is contrary to who God says you are and what His Word says about you, DISMISS THAT LIE AND THAT LABEL! Hosanna Wong joins me today and discusses with me the new name that God has given her, and how each of us can break free from the lies and get grounded din the Truth of our identity in Christ!
5/24/202342 minutes, 55 seconds
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Obeying vs Delaying God's Purpose For Your Life with Rebecca George

Knowing who you are and what you have been called and purposed to do, you have a choice: Will I be obedient to the call God has on my life, or will I delay and disobey? My friend Rebecca George and I discuss what it looks like to say yes to God's plans for your life, and pursue it with grace, gumption, and a go-getter attitude!
5/17/202330 minutes, 39 seconds
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Did I Miss God’s Calling For My Life? with Justin Khoe

Do you fear that you've missed out on your calling or the opportunity that God placed in front of you? Have you messed up so much that you feel disqualified or unworthy to ever do anything great for God? Fear not! God's grace and sovereignty are enough to pull you out of that fearful pit and set you back in pursuing His plans and purposes for you! Be encouraged as my good friend Justin Khoe and I tackle this topic today.
5/10/202332 minutes, 30 seconds
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Hearing God's Voice Through Prayer with Addison Bevere

Are you struggling in your prayer life? Do you know how to talk to God and hear His voice? My friend Addison Bevere and I dive into what it looks like to hear God's voice, develop the desire and space for prayers, and how it is more than a lifeline but a lifestyle! Check out his new book, Words With God today:
5/3/202332 minutes, 55 seconds
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Is The Old Testament Still Relevant with Chaz Smith

Do Christians really need to study and know the Old Testament? Does it even apply to us? How is it still relevant to us if we are no longer under the Old Covenant but a New Covenant through Jesus Christ? My friend Chaz Smith, Creator of the What Had Happened Was animated anime Bible series, joins me to discuss this topic today! Support the Kickstarter for WHHW here:
4/26/202335 minutes, 15 seconds
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Release Resentment, Embrace Forgiveness

If you are struggling with unforgiveness, resentment, or bitterness, I hope this episode helps you heal and release those who have hurt or wronged you in any way. God desires for you to live in freedom and fullness, which means letting go of the things and people who have had too much territory in interrupting your peace and God's plans! Be encouraged!
4/19/202329 minutes, 11 seconds
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God Won't Grow What You Don't Sew!

What if instead of wishing we had the platform, notoriety, and attention that comes with a calling, we understood the weight of the responsibility? In this week's episode, I dive into how God wants us to steward our calling and our season by growing deep roots and deeper in our faith!
4/12/202322 minutes, 49 seconds
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God's Extravagant Love with Carole Engle Avriett

God's love for you, His character, and the deep truths of Scripture are extravagant! Carole Engle Avriett joins me in today's episode as we talk about God's loving nature toward us and how a well-rounded view of Scripture will help us to see that and believe that.
4/5/202330 minutes, 44 seconds
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Discovering Galatians Ep. 10 || 4:8-11

The only person that could ever bring us true satisfaction, direction, purpose, and joy is God! So many of us are compromising the fullness of our faith by chasing idols and other false gods. Let's heed the warnings of Paul as we dive into Galatians 4:8-11 today!
3/29/202324 minutes, 52 seconds
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Discovering Galatians Ep. 9 || 4:1-7

In this week's episode of the Bought + Beloved Podcast, we are exploring what it means to be a son and daughter of God, adopted into His family through justification by faith. Whether you have struggled with fatherlessness or feeling unworthy before God, this episode is sure to encourage you as we explore Galatians 4:1-7 together!
3/22/202324 minutes, 10 seconds
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Meet with God in the Secret Place with Cade Thompson

It's easy to get overwhelmed and distracted by the day-to-day obligations we all have, but what can end up suffering is your time and intimacy with the Lord. My good friend and musical artist, Cade Thompson, and I discuss what it looks like to dwell in the presence of the Lord, prioritize the Secret Space, and allow God to develop you right now for wherever and whatever He has planned for you!
3/15/202329 minutes, 2 seconds
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Sex, Shame, and Exposing the Adult Film Industry with Joshua Broome

Jesus died for the saint and the sinner, the pastor and the ex-pornstar. Nobody is too far gone! Whether you struggle with sexual addiction, shame, not feeling worthy, or believe you are unlovable because of your past, my friend Joshua Broome's testimony is sure to encourage you that you are not too far gone from God's grace!
3/8/202352 minutes, 48 seconds
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Discovering Galatians Ep. 8 || 3:23-29

Paul mentions how there is neither Jew nor Gentile, slave nor free, male nor female in Christ Jesus. What does this mean? Let's explore what Galatians 3:23-29 says about being unified by our faith in Christ and how God made us unique as individuals, called according to His purposes!
3/1/202327 minutes, 23 seconds
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Rediscovering Faith and Returning to Jesus

It's never too late to return back to your faith in God! Jesus is waiting for you and He is faithful to forgive, redeem, and restore you. Whether you grew up in the faith and wandered away, or simply want to know how to have a relationship with God, He is there for you, waiting and ready to love you!
2/22/202322 minutes, 56 seconds
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Deny Your Flesh and Live For Christ

Are you living a life that is pleasing to God? What does it even look like to be a Christian? How do I live my life as a disciple? What does the Bible say about being a Christian and what my attitudes, actions, and thoughts should look like daily? As someone who has been a Christian for over 10+ years and loves to see what the Bible says about all things, let's dive into the Word together to find out what that looks like!
2/15/202325 minutes, 25 seconds
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Let Go and Trust God's Control with Tara Sun

It's time to start living life with open hands instead of closed fists. What do I mean by that? It's time to let go and start trusting God's will, plans, and purposes for your life rather than trying to hold onto control. My good friend, Tara Sun, shares what it looks like to surrender control and submit to God and how we can all experience a more fulfilling life in doing so!
2/8/202329 minutes, 41 seconds
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Finding Freedom From False Faith with Jinger Vuolo Duggar

Jinger Vuolo Duggar joins me in this week's episode as she opens up and shares her faith journey of deconstructing from the harmful teachings of Bill Gothard and finding true identity in the Scripturally sound Jesus. In overcoming fear of man, misinterpretation of the Bible, and more, Jinger shares all in her new book, Becoming Freed Indeed. You can grab it today where books are sold!
2/1/202335 minutes, 56 seconds
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Discovering Galatians Ep. 7 || 3:15-22

As Christians, do we still observe the Old Testament Law? Is it applicable to us or is it irrelevant? Today we will look at the Promise God gave Abraham and how we share that same promise and faith in Jesus! Let's dive into our Bible Study over the book of Galatians in Galatians 3:15-22.
1/25/202327 minutes, 13 seconds
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Heresies, Pharisees, and Church Chads with Josh Benson

What is a Church Chad? How do you discern Heresy and a Christian in error? What does a modern-day Pharisee look like in today's culture? My good friend Josh Benson, also known as @joshtherapper on TikTok, joins me in today's discussion on all of this and more!
1/18/202333 minutes, 59 seconds
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How to Find True Joy with Joe Navarro

Is Christianity just a bunch of rules? Does it lead to a boring life? Is following Jesus even worth it? My good friend and social media creator Joe Navarro, aka @joechristianguy, and I discuss the joy of the Lord, idolatry and the pursuit of happiness in our culture, and what true obedience and commitment to Christ looks like! IT'S AWESOME.
1/11/202326 minutes, 9 seconds
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Discovering Galatians Ep. 6 || 3:1-14

What is The Law in the Bible? Do Christians need to observe the Law today? This was a huge question in the Galatian churches in the New Testament! Today as we continue our Bible Study in Galatians, we will be reading through 3:1-14 and learning more about the gift of the Holy Spirit and the assurance of our faith versus our performance!
1/4/202327 minutes, 34 seconds
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To The Apathetic, Stagnant, Disconnected Christian with Kathryn Maack

Whether you feel disconnected from God and want to be on fire for Him again, want to give God 100% in your day-to-day, or simply want to deepen your relationship in different areas, this episode is FOR YOU! My guest, Kathryn Maack, joins me as we discuss all of these things and more!
12/28/202238 minutes, 22 seconds
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3 Questions You NEED To Ask Before Marriage with Nick & Chelsea Hurst

How do you know if they are "the One"? What are important things to know going into a marriage? Are you and your partner ready for marriage? My besties, Nick & Chelsea Hurst, are joining me today to share their marriage advice and wisdom on all of these things and more today!
12/21/202237 minutes, 43 seconds
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How To Heal Through Grief with Anne Wilson

How does one heal and process grief and death? If God is loving, sovereign, and good, why does He allow death and sin in the world? My friend Anne Wilson joins me to discuss the loss of her brother and how God healed her mourning and heartache and brought hope into a hopeless situation. Be encouraged!
12/14/202230 minutes, 14 seconds
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Discovering Galatians Ep. 5 || 2:11-21

Today we are diving into the New Testament and studying Galatians 2:11-21! In our Bible study today we will talk more about how to handle social and peer pressure, what it looks like to treat people fairly, and the Gospel's inclusion of all people! Be encouraged!
12/7/202236 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Key To Positive Thinking with Zach Windahl

How do you see the good when life looks bad? How do we have gratitude when we don't feel like rejoicing? What is the key to positive thinking in bad circumstances? Want to know how to stay positive when life gets tough? My friend Zach Windahl, author of See The Good and Christian content creator, joins me in talking about how God used his doubts, dismay, and disruptions to bring about good in his life and his perspective.
11/30/202229 minutes, 48 seconds
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How To Have An Eternal Perspective with Jacob Petersen

My good friend Jacob Peterson is joining me for the Bought + Beloved Podcast today! As we talk about having an eternal perspective as Christians in today's culture, we hope to encourage everyone out there to remember your purpose, identity, and reason behind everything you do for The Lord!
11/23/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
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Preaching From A Platform

As we take a quick break from our Galatians series, I want to bring a timely Word to encourage anyone who feels called to influence for Christ! With whatever platform, level of leadership, or position of authority He has given you, I believe He will equip you to be a blessing!
11/16/202229 minutes, 26 seconds
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Discovering Galatians Ep. 4 || 2:1-10

We have finally made our way to Galatians 2! As we continue in our bible study series of the letter to the Galatians, we will be reading 2:1-10 and seeing more about the early church perspective on the Gentiles having the faith made available to them.
11/9/202231 minutes, 20 seconds
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Discovering Galatians Ep. 3 || 1:11-24

We are diving into Galatians 1:11-24 in today's episode as we continue our Galatians series! We will dive into the details behind Paul's past, discuss redemption, and how this can encourage us today too!
11/2/202230 minutes, 59 seconds
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Discovering Galatians Ep. 2 || 1:1-10

Today we will be diving into Galatians 1:1-10 as we continue on in our study on Galatians! We will see why Paul wrote this letter, the concerns he has for his congregants, and the importance of his apostleship. Enjoy!
10/26/202230 minutes, 51 seconds
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Discovering Galatians Ep. 1 || Intro

Not only are we embarking on a brand new series over the book of Galatians, but I also have some exciting news... BOUGHT + BELOVED IS NOW ON YOUTUBE! If you want to tune into the video aspect of the podcast, visit KIRBYISABOSS on youtube to see episodes drop a day early from this moment forward.
10/19/202223 minutes, 41 seconds
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Called To Be: Bold

Concluding the Called To Be Series, we will be discussing what it means to be bold in our calling for Christ! I hope this whole series has encouraged you, and that you have been reminded of who you are in Him, and are empowered to share that with others as well.
10/12/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
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Called To Be: Holy

As we continue on in our Called To Be Series this week, let's talk about holiness and what it means to be blameless before the Lord, and how to live a life of purity, holiness, and obedience unto Him!
9/28/202236 minutes, 15 seconds
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Called To Be: Royal

We are on week 2 of our Called To Be series and talking about what it means to be royalty. In the Kingdom of Christ, we are identified as God's adopted sons and daughters, and a part of His royal priesthood. Today we revisit what that means exactly!
9/21/202228 minutes, 47 seconds
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Called To Be: Loved

We are kicking off a new series here on Bought + Beloved known as the Called To Be series! In week 1 we will explore, through some old episodes of mine, what it means to be loved by God and our identity in Him through that. Enjoy!
9/14/202231 minutes, 37 seconds
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Belonging to the Family of God

As believers, we were made for relationship with God and others! We will dive into what it looks like to become a part of that family and cultivate a space for believers and nonbelievers to be welcomed into the Kingdom!
9/9/202230 minutes, 46 seconds
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Saying Yes To God's Plans with Julia Poe

It's hard to say yes to God's will for our life sometimes, but the fruit of obedience is always worth it! Julia Poe, host of the Walking Worthy Podcast, joins me in discussing this today and how God's plans for her life were better than all of her dreams!
8/31/202234 minutes, 9 seconds
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Reframe Your Shame and Overcome Addiction with Irene Rollins

As many of you know, I lost my father to addiction. This is a message near and dear to my heart as well as Irene Rollins who overcame her own addiction to alcohol. She was able to reframe her shame and overcome her addiction, and we will be touching on all of that and more in today's episode! Her book, Reframe Your Shame, is out now on all platforms.
8/24/202237 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Ukrainian Church and Revival in Crisis with Andy Ziesmer and Pierce Westfall

What is the church doing to aid the people of Ukraine? In A Jesus Mission's newest documentary, Into Ukraine, we get to see what is happening on the front-lines with providing help and the hope of the Gospel! Andy Ziesmer and Pierce Westfall join me today from A Jesus Mission to talk about this with me.
8/17/202234 minutes, 43 seconds
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What Do Christian Men REALLY Think with Richard Kelly

What do Christian men really think about dating, community, and relevant issues in the church and culture? Who better to have on than my husband, Richard Kelly! Let us know if you'd like for us to do this again.
8/10/202235 minutes, 23 seconds
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There’s Meaning in the Mundane

Just because it feels like there’s not a lot going on in life right now, doesn’t mean that God isn’t moving or wants to do something great within you! There is meaning in the mundane and purpose in the places He has us today.
8/3/202227 minutes, 50 seconds
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Coping with Anxiety and Depression with Dan Seaborn and Dr. Emilie DeYoung

Whether you are struggling with mental health, or are a parent who wants to counsel and coach their kid through anxiety and depression, this episode is for YOU! Today Dan Seaborn and Dr. Emilie DeYoung join me, authors of Winning At Home, in guiding this conversation to equip and encourage you all in holistic and Christ-centered healing!
7/27/202233 minutes, 31 seconds
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Progressive Christianity and Deconstruction... Let's Talk About It

Is progressive Christianity biblically sound? What do they believe? Is deconstructing our faith bad? Lisa Anderson of Boundless joins me in tackling one of the most relevant topics surrounding the Christian faith in today's episode!
7/20/202248 minutes
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When the Healing Miracle Doesn't Happen

Why won't God heal me? He is miraculous, able, and all-powerful, correct? Why is He withholding from me? As someone with chronic migraines and has pleaded with God for 6 years on this, I thought I would provide some encouragement and truth to this topic. Enjoy!
7/13/202229 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Pruning Process and Cutting Sin Out

It’s time to grab our spiritual sheers and get to pruning! There are areas in our life that are taking away from our relationship with God and living a life set apart unto God. Sin is draining life from us, and today that stops! In this episode we will explore what that process of pruning and cutting things out looks like from a biblical perspective.
7/6/202222 minutes, 12 seconds
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AYQ: Why Are There Other Religions, Evangelism Tactics, and Losing Friends Because of the Faith

Today I am Answering Your Questions (AYQ) that you emailed me at [email protected] and I am excited to share some Biblical insight! Today we will be debunking why God has allowed for there to be other religions despite Christianity being Truth, how to evangelize to people, and what to do when your friends abandon you for being a Christian.
6/29/202228 minutes, 51 seconds
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For The Christian Who Sinned Sexually

Sex before marriage… let’s talk about it. Let’s address the shame, the guilt, the feelings of unworthiness and distant from God. Let’s examine the hope of the Gospel and the truth today that God FULLY loves you, FULLY redeems you, and FULLY understands what you’re going through. I hope this gives you hope, healing, and joy because God forgives and washes your sins away!
6/22/202230 minutes, 58 seconds
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Discovering God’s Purpose For Your Life

We have all asked the existential questions of, “Why am I here? What is my purpose? God, what are you calling me to do?” In today’s episode, we dig deep into our identity in Christ, the gifts and passions He has given you, and how to find purpose in every season!
6/15/202222 minutes, 38 seconds
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Beating Burnout and Receiving Rest with Isaac David

Hustle culture is exhausting and can lead to some serious burnout. How do we as Christians recover from burnout and experience proper rest without falling into laziness or becoming workaholics all over again? You'll love today's podcast with Isaac David if that's you today!
6/8/202238 minutes, 20 seconds
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God Given Dreams and Faithfully Pursuing Them with Gloria Umanah

Has God placed in your heart a dream, vision, or calling that seems intimidating or impossible to fulfill by your own power? Well it's a good thing that we get to rely on a big God who is able to do all things! Founder of The Hope Booth, Gloria Umanah joins me in sharing her testimony of the dream God gave her and how her obedience and His faithfulness is bringing that dream to life. Be sure to check out @thehopebooth for updates and links to their documentary coming out!
6/1/202232 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to Discern FalseTeachers pt. 3

In part 3 of discerning false teachers, I conclude what 2 Peter and Jude have to say about identifying those who claim to be teachers of the word, but are actually people of the world. Be sure to listen to part 1 and part 2 beforehand. I hope you enjoyed this series over the past few weeks!
5/25/202229 minutes, 51 seconds
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Cultivating Confidence and Combating Insecurity with Amanda Pittman

Insecurity has gotten the best of us, leading us to believe we are not enough in multiple areas of our lives. However, God created us to thrive in freedom with confidence! My friend Amanda Pittman chimes in with me as we discuss today's topic leading up to the Confident Women Weekend event on May 27-28!
5/18/202235 minutes, 12 seconds
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How to Discern False Teachers pt. 2

In part 2 of our three part series on discerning false teachers we will examine how false teachers live in error, lead others into error, and the false claims of Christ they share. Be sure to subscribe to be notified for when part 3 drops next week!
5/11/202227 minutes, 13 seconds
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How To Discern False Teachers pt. 1

There are many counterfeit Christian messages out there that are leading people away from Jesus… by people who claim to be Christians! In this series, we will look at the characteristics of a False Teacher as 2 Peter and Jude explain in the hopes we can be better teachers of the word and discerners of those who are in Christian leadership positions.
5/4/202224 minutes, 25 seconds
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Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

We have heard the verse and phrase that perfect love casts out fear, but do you know the true context of this verse? If you fear condemnation, not truly being saved, and the shame of your sins today, know that God’s perfect love casts out that fear! Let’s listen and dive in to this more with today’s episode.
4/27/202224 minutes, 1 second
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Who Is The Holy Spirit: The Gifts of The Spirit

In Part 2 of our talk on who the Holy Spirit is we will be diving into the gifts of the Spirit! I hope this encourages you and helps you to see how God has gifted and equipped you to live out for Him faithfully!
4/20/202228 minutes, 30 seconds
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Who Is The Holy Spirit: The Fruit Of The Spirit

in this two part series on the Holy Spirit, we will kick off part 1 by talking about who He is and what the Fruit of the Spirit is! Next week we will dive into the gifts of the Holy Spirit, so be sure to subscribe to be notified when that goes live!
4/13/202225 minutes, 12 seconds
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Becoming the Leader God Called You to Be with Michelle Robinson

Today I have the honor and privilege of having one of my mentors, Michelle Robinson, on the Podcast with me! Her heart and passion for seeing leaders rise up in obedience and surrender to God is so inspiring, and I can't wait for you to be equipped and encouraged in where God has called you and established you! Be sure to also sign up for our event at taking place on April 21st through 23rd!
4/6/202237 minutes, 33 seconds
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What Name Are You Responding To?

the enemy calls us a lot of names… unworthy, unloved, forgotten, purposeless. But God, the Creator of all things including us, says otherwise! This week, we are breaking off those lies and old names we’ve been answering too, and taking on God’s Truth in who He says we are!
3/30/202220 minutes, 31 seconds
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Talk the Talk: Taming the Tongue

The tongue, as we know from James 3, is an untamable, fiery instrument that can really set ablaze in our lives and relationships! So how do we master I’ve four speech? Our gossiping? Our lying? Our angry outbursts? There is hope in maturing in self control over our speech, so let’s talk about it!
3/23/202225 minutes, 23 seconds
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Remembering and Trusting God's Hand in Hardships with Alexandra Hoover

Going through seasons of trials, turmoil, pain, and processing trauma can be a hefty burden to bear. Luckily, we don't have to go about it alone! If you are wrestling with doubt about God's goodness or needing encouragement about His heart for you, I think you will love today's episode with my guest Alexandra Hoover, Author of Eyes Up!
3/16/202236 minutes, 7 seconds
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Let’s Give Satan a Black Eye

I just turned 25, and this year I am striking blows at the enemy! He can no longer taunt me with lies, shame, insecurity, and self-condemnation. Let’s run in freedom and fullness of joy together, shall we? Let’s give the enemy a black eye and discipline the flesh!
3/9/202225 minutes, 19 seconds
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Walking In Freedom From Sin and Temptation with Hannah Williamson

We are all growing through or going through sanctification from sin. Nobody is an exception to the attacks of the enemy with temptation. But how do we find freedom from our sin and shame? My friend Hannah Williamson and I share our experiences and Biblical Truth about who our God is, His grace and love for us, and how we can call out the lies and tactics of the enemy!
3/2/202244 minutes, 17 seconds
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Depart From Me, For I Never Knew You

Matthew 7:21-23 has one of the scariest verses imaginable… God telling us to depart from Him. But who does this apply to? I hope today’s episode not only gives context to these verses but comforts you in God’s love for you and your relationship with Him!
2/23/202228 minutes, 57 seconds
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AYQ: Do We Follow the OT Laws, Telling Unsaved Friends About Jesus, and Worrying About the Future

Today I am Answering Your Questions that you emailed me at [email protected] and talking about all sorts of things from the Old Testament Law to witnessing to friends to having hope about God’s plans for us! Feel free to email me your questions and maybe you’ll be featured on our next segment of AYQ!
2/16/202232 minutes, 44 seconds
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How to Run the Race Boldly Despite the Shame, Persecution, and Humiliation

Description: Are you having a hard time living boldly and faithfully for Jesus? Whether it’s because of the sin in your life, the fear of man, or the shame you feel because our culture rejects Christianity, Hebrews 12:1-3 has some great encouragement that we’ll get into today!
2/9/202226 minutes, 39 seconds
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Christianity and the Cultural Tsunami with Jim Denison

As Christians in our culture today, there are various obstacles we are facing. Labeled as intolerant, irrelevant, oppressive and dangerous, how do we as Christians redeem that label we have been given and redeem the culture as well? I talk about that today with Jim Denison, author of The Coming Tsunami.
2/2/202234 minutes, 36 seconds
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Self Love vs. Self Sacrifice with Brooklyn Beckerson

It seems as though every time we log onto instagram or tiktok or even walk down the target isles, "LOVE YOURSELF" is everything and everywhere. That is true... but at what point does it become egocentric and we lose sight of denying oneself for the sake of the Gospel? My friend Brooklyn Beckerson from the Habit and Love podcast and I dive into that in this week's episode!
1/26/202241 minutes, 9 seconds
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What Are Spiritual Disciplines?

Have you ever heard the term spiritual disciplines? If not, you’re in for a treat today! There and many methods and ways that we can connect with the heart and voice of God again. Let’s talk about it!
1/19/202236 minutes, 20 seconds
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7 Ways to Walk New in Christ This Year

Let us be imitators of Christ this year!! Let us be lights to the world, vessels to the broken, and strengthened in our personal relationship with God this year by walking in these 7 ways noted in Ephesians 5:1-21!
1/12/202232 minutes, 38 seconds
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LIFE’S BIG QUESTIONS: What’s Next? Living Life and Leading for

As we wrap up our three part episode series on life's big questions, we will listen to an old episode in which I explain what it means and what it looks like to lead like Christ by living a life like Christ! Be encouraged friends!
1/5/202241 minutes, 7 seconds
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LIFE’S BIG QUESTIONS: What Do I Do? Major Life Decisions

In our second episode of this series on life's big questions, we will listen to an episode that spoke on making major life decisions. As the new year commences, I hope this old episode gives you peace moving forward into the new year!
12/29/202135 minutes, 24 seconds
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LIFE’S BIG QUESTIONS: Who Am I? Identity and Purpose

As we revisit an old message from a previous podcast, we will answer three big questions in this three part series on life's big questions. I hope this episode in this series helps you to better understand your identity and purpose in Christ as you confidently step forward into this new year and new season!
12/22/202126 minutes, 26 seconds
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AYQ: When God Doesn't Remove Your Suffering, Knowing Your Purpose, and Inviting People to Church

In this week’s episode, I Answer Your Questions that were sent into my Instagram about suffering chronic illness, knowing your purpose in Christ, and practical ways of inviting people to church. I hope this encourages each of you to cling onto the hope of Jesus, walk out your calling, and make disciples as you be a light in other people’s lives!
12/15/202139 minutes, 56 seconds
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Fearing Judgement Even While Saved

do you fear losing your salvation? Do you feel as though you have sinned so greatly that God will revoke your salvation and judge you? Let’s look at 1 John 4 and the confidence we can have in His love and Christ’s work on the cross!
12/8/202140 minutes, 10 seconds
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When the Wicked Prosper, the Godly Wait pt. 2

Let’s continue lasts weeks episode on Psalm 37 where we took a look at wickedness vs godliness, and how God is moving and handling everything in our live! I hope these episodes give you hope and faith in the goodness of God!
12/1/202138 minutes, 27 seconds
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When the Wicked Prosper, the Godly Wait pt. 1

when reading Psalm 37, the Godly are given hope, guidance, perspective, and insight as to why the wicked prosper in this world we live in. No doubt there is wickedness flourishing everywhere nowadays just as it did in the Old Testament, but let’s read about the wisdom of knowing God’s love for justice and our place as His children.
11/24/202134 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Importance of Bible Literacy in a "My Truth" Culture with Craig Brown

Today I have my friend Craig Brown joining me as we discuss the importance of bible literacy and knowing the contents and context of Scripture. If you are wanting to dive deeper into God's Word and know why it is important we know more about our faith, this episode is for you!
11/17/202146 minutes, 50 seconds
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AYQ: Confidence vs Pride, Doubting God’s Goodness, and The Old Testament’s Relevancy

I get questions sent in all the time to [email protected] with real time struggles and questions you want wisdom and biblical advice on. Today we answer 4 of those questions in one episode! ENJOY!
11/10/202139 minutes, 48 seconds
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Let’s Be Real: Vulnerability and Freedom

Especially when we are stuck in sin, shame, and struggles, vulnerability appears to be uncomfortable and undoable. Maybe in being real, you’re afraid of rejection and deeper isolation. But in exposing these things into the light, before God, and amongst community, vulnerability leads to freedom! Let’s talk about it today in this weeks episode, shall we?
11/3/202131 minutes, 26 seconds
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When You Go To War

It’s so easy to cower in fear when spiritual warfare comes against us from every side. Attacks and enemies are nothing new to believers, and we even see this as true for the Israelites! Let’s look to Deuteronomy this week and see the encouragement Moses gave the people of God for when their enemies would attack!
10/27/202127 minutes, 3 seconds
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Sanctified, Set Apart, and Sacrificed

God calls us to be holy just as He is holy. This is not only true for the Israelities in Leviticus, but for us today as believers in Christ. Romans 12:1 calls us to live a life holy and acceptable to God as a living sacrifice. Let's dive into that today as we look at holiness, sacrifice, and walking with Jesus today through the lens of the Old and New Testament.
10/20/202137 minutes, 50 seconds
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What God Taught Us Out First Year Of Marriage Pt. 2

As we continue in part 2 of our discussion on marriage and what God taught us this year, we talk about the biggest thing God taught us, pride and boundaries, fighting and living together, and more!
10/13/202142 minutes, 17 seconds
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What God Taught Us Our First Year Of Marriage Pt. 1

As Richard and I come up on our one year wedding anniversary, we wanted to answer your questions and share all of the wonderful things God has brought us through! Tune in next week for part 2 as we talk more on how God has moved in our lives through marriage!
10/6/202134 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Practical Powerful Discipline of Prayer

How did Jesus pray? How should we pray? Maybe prayer is an area where you aren't sure how to really press into God, or just a resource you use for when you need help in a moment of distress. Today I want us to talk about and see the practicalities of the power of prayer as we look to Jesus and His model in the Father's Prayer!
9/29/202131 minutes, 57 seconds
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Hell and a Loving God... How is it Fair?

If God is loving, how is it fair that He would send people to Hell, especially people who do not have access to the Bible? In today's episode, we break this down and talk about some hard truths. Get ready!
9/22/202132 minutes, 45 seconds
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Fearing Seasons of Change

Change is unavoidable. That is a hard pill we have to swallow in this life, and for some of us, that breeds fear, anxiety, and resentment towards God. What if I told you though that God is able to do more good in change than where we might be at? I hope this episode helps you in embracing change and embracing God in the process!
9/15/202126 minutes, 1 second
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Modest is Hottest and Women Should be Silent...Right? Pt.2

In part 2 of our conversation of 1 Timothy 2:9-12, we dive into silence and submissiveness. What did Paul mean by this in his letter to Timothy? What was the culture, context, and contents as to why this was said to the women in Ephesus? I hope this episode brings healing and understanding to all of you who have a call to ministry as women!
9/8/202124 minutes, 43 seconds
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Modest is Hottest and Women Should be Silent...Right? Pt.1

It's time to talk about 1 Timothy 2:9-12 friends. Biblical modesty and women being silent in the church. For many of us, this verse has been weaponized, shamed at us, and justified specific thoughts and behaviors that are harmful, not helpful. I hope that in this two part episode, healing can happen and the right biblical view of modesty and this passage can change your life!
9/1/202131 minutes, 38 seconds
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Evangelizing Boldly and Practical Steps with Andy Byrd

How do I practically live on mission? How do I know where I am called to serve and evangelize? What does it look like to preach with boldness and power? Get ready for all of those answers and more in today's episode with Andy Byrd!
8/25/202133 minutes, 32 seconds
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Celebrating from the Sideline

It's hard to celebrate a person's victory when that was an opportunity you prayed for for yourself. I totally get that sitting on the sidelines can seem like you've been forgotten, overlooked, or that God just doesn't plan on using you. In today's episode, we talk about what it looks like to work through comparison and adopted the character of championing instead!
8/18/202127 minutes, 6 seconds
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Be the Change God Wants to See

There are so many issues, problems, and areas in need of solution in our world and communities. It's easy to look to the ones in our own life as well and pray that God would move on our behalf. But what if God wanted to use you to be the agent of change, the answer to the problem, the solution to the lack you see? Let's talk about that in today's episode!
8/11/202123 minutes, 23 seconds
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Endurance and Steadfastness in Suffering

Christianity is no cop out for suffering. Christianity is not a "get out of Hell" free card, nor should our ideas of the end times enforce a "get out of suffering" card either. Let us look to scripture to see what it means to endure, to be steadfast, and to have an unwavering faith in the face of suffering and persecution.
8/4/202124 minutes, 20 seconds
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We Are a Royal Priesthood

In Scripture, followers of Christ are referred to as a royal priesthood? What does that mean? Does that have any significance to our relation to God and to others? YES! Let's take a look at God's Word today and see how it is we are all called to fulfill this role!
7/28/202128 minutes, 23 seconds
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Freedom Series: Depression and Suicide with Jacob Coyne Pt.2

Last week, my friend Jacob Coyne and I opened up the conversation on freedom from depression and suicidal thoughts and tendencies. In part 2, we will dive into the truths of scripture, as well as practical ways we can begin to heal and find freedom in this area of our lives!
7/21/202127 minutes, 13 seconds
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Freedom Series: Depression and Suicide with Jacob Coyne Pt.1

Depression and Suicide in our generation has grown at an exppnensial rate over the years, and it is about time that the church says something about this issue. Jesus' heart is for hope and healing in this area of our lives, and that is what my guest Jacob Coyne, founder of Stay Here, and I discuss in today's episode. Get ready for Part 2 next week!
7/14/202123 minutes, 44 seconds
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Freedom Series: People Pleasing

As we wrap up the Freedom Series, we will be taking a look at a previous episode where we got raw and real about the struggle of pleasing people. As believers, how do we serve God and not submit to the standards of this world and compare who God made us to be with another person? Sit back, relax, and enjoy as we tackle that issue!
7/7/202130 minutes, 33 seconds
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Freedom Series: Temptation

Temptation is something we face daily as a Christian. Whether you have been struggling with the same temptation and have given up hope, or are confident and ready to walk in victory, I hope today's episode gives you hope and excitement in walking in freedom.
6/30/202137 minutes, 2 seconds
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Freedom Series: Comparison

We are on week 3 of our Freedom Series and today we will be looking at how to walk in freedom from comparison. How do we embrace who God made us to be and how do we view others in light of that? Let's listen as we revisit an older episode on this!
6/23/202130 minutes, 9 seconds
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Freedom Series: Shame

Shame is a hefty burden to carry, but we were never meant to carry it! As we revisit a previous episode in today's freedom series, my hope is that you are encouraged by the truth of God's grace in your life regarding sin, shame, and past mistakes.
6/16/202131 minutes, 34 seconds
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Freedom Series: Anxiety

In revisiting some of my older episodes in this freedom series, we will talk about what it looks like to practically and biblically find freedom from anxiety in today's episode!
6/9/202132 minutes, 4 seconds
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8 Things that will Grow You in Christ

Looking to Peter's encouragement to believers in 2 Peter 1:1-15 today, we will see 8 specific things we need to diligently implement in our lives in order to grow in our relationship with God, produce good fruits, and avoid falling away.
6/2/202136 minutes, 56 seconds
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God Can Use You!

Do you feel as though God might never use you in a significant way? Do you fear that He will never give you an extraordinary calling? Let's look to the lives of mighty men and women of God before us and the Scriptures to see how God can use ANYONE, including YOU, for His good and glory!
5/26/202126 minutes, 47 seconds
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Dispelling the Modern Myths of Singleness and Dating with Jonathan Pokluda

There are quite a few myths, lies, and misconceptions about singleness and dating in the modern world. Let's dive into the Biblical worldview and truths about each of these stages alongside my good friend and author of Outdated, Jonathan Pokluda.
5/19/202143 minutes, 17 seconds
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Like Lambs to the Slaughter

Like lambs to the slaughter, we are called to take up our cross and follow Jesus faithfully in every trial and tribulation. Let us not only die for the sake of Jesus, but live for the glory of God!
5/12/202124 minutes, 42 seconds
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True Biblical Womanhood- Part 2 with Tara Sun

If you haven't listened to Part 1 of Tara Sun's and I's conversation on Biblical Womanhood, queue it up! In this episode, we continue to dive into scripture that affirms our identity, character, and calling as God's daughters.
5/5/202141 minutes, 2 seconds
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True Biblical Womanhood- Part 1 with Tara Sun

In today's modern culture where biblical womanhood is criticized and deemed as weak and unappealing, how do we see the truth and beauty in it? How do we embrace it? How do we live it out? Enjoy Part 1 of Tara Sun's and I's discussion on this topic!
4/28/202134 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Antichrists in 1 John

After researching the topic of the Antichrist in 1 John for my Masters class in Biblical Hermeneutics, I figured I'd share what I researched and learned about the popular issue of false teaching and antichrist-spirits I read about! Enjoy this exegetical and hermeneutics based episode!
4/21/202130 minutes, 49 seconds
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You are Not Alone in the Struggle with Grace Valentine

In seasons of fear, anxiety, insecurity, and doubt, it's easy to look at our situations and feel as though we are alone and no one understands. Grace Valentine, author of 'Is it Just Me?', and I talk about the process of healing through baggage and the truth of community, vulnerability, and being authentic with where we are at!
4/14/202135 minutes, 29 seconds
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Self Condemnation and Your True Identity with Meredith Foster

Sometimes we do the enemy's work for him by simply holding onto self condemnation for past sins and struggles, however, CHRIST HAS FREED US! Let us hold firm to the truth and move forward in our God-given identity this week alongside my guest, Meredith Foster, as she shares her similar story.
4/7/202134 minutes, 54 seconds
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Faithfully Following God's Call and Commission with Jordan Whitmer

What do we do when we want to make a difference for Christ, but we don't know where to start? Let's look into what the great commission says, the commandments of Jesus, and the simple faithful steps we can take today with my guest Jordan Whitmer.
3/31/202136 minutes, 34 seconds
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Sanctification and the Imperfect Christian

As believers, we aren't called to remain in sin. But what do we do when we continue to find ourselves in sin despite wanting to be more like Jesus? Let's talk about what sanctification means in today's episode, and see how that will encourage you in your walk wherever you are at!
3/24/202126 minutes, 8 seconds
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Standing Firm for Christ with Bethany Beal

My guest, Bethany Beal, and I are talking about what it looks like to stand firm for Christ! We cannot be swayed by culture, worldly ways, unordained opportunities, or the fear of man when we are called to be bold, count the cost, and endure for the sake of the cross.
3/17/202140 minutes, 21 seconds
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Shame, Purity, and God's Design for Sex with Kristen Clark

That's right everyone, today we are diving into the taboo topic of sex. But why is it such a taboo topic for the church? God created sex, He gave us a sex drive, and when we obey His commands in that are of our life, it is amazing! But due to distortion and sin, shame can often put down our pursuit of purity. My guest, Kristen Clark, and I discuss all of this and more in today's episode!
3/10/202148 minutes, 33 seconds
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Dive Deeper into the Word with AussieDave

Reading scripture can be difficult sometimes. Where do we begin? What is Exegesis? How does my pastor know all of this history and context, and I don't? Join me and my friend AussieDave as we equip you to dive deeper into the Word in today's episode!
3/3/202148 minutes, 42 seconds
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God's Correction and Calling Out

It seems as though correction, discipline, and calling out could be the furthest thing from God's loving character, right? WRONG. The love of God is evident in correction, and we talk about that here in today's episode!
2/24/202138 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Early Life of Jesus

What was Jesus like as a kid? A teenager? A young adult? It seems as though that bit of His life is nowhere to be found in scripture or history, right? Let's dive into the historical, cultural, and biblical context of this in today's episode!
2/17/202132 minutes, 2 seconds
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Healing through Church Hurt with Natalia Casiano

How do we heal through the hurt we've experienced by those who were called to love us and walk alongside us? My friend, Natalia Casiano, shares her testimony of walking through struggles and hurt within the church, and how God healed her through forgiveness and truth.
2/10/202146 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Importance of Mentorship with Kelsey Chapman

Three major roles when it comes to our growth and community as believers are those we pour into, those who keep us accountable, and those pouring into us; our mentors. My friend Kelsey Chapman and I discuss the importance of Biblical mentorship in today's episode and how to seek one and become one!
2/3/202138 minutes, 24 seconds
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Healing through Rejection and Heartbreak with Kait Warman

Heartbreak and rejection is not a fun season to walk through, but that doesn't mean God can't heal our hurt and turn our pain into purpose! Kait Warman and I dive into our own seasons of heartbreak and how God taught us some valuable truths amidst it all!
1/27/202138 minutes, 40 seconds
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Jesus on Submission to Authority

I am not one to speak on or voice my political opinion, but the Lord laid it on my heart to share His truth on how he calls us to live and submit to those He allows to govern. I hope this podcast brings hope, healing, and unity for the church, as we begin to live in honor despite our opinions and worldviews.
1/20/202136 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Anchor, the Wall and the Gate

As we enter into this new year, my hope is that we step up in boldness as believers in staying rooted, running, and remaining in the faith. Join me in today's episode as we analyze three different passages of scripture that encourage us in hope, perseverance, and boldness for 2021.
1/13/202133 minutes, 12 seconds
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Fighting Forward with Hannah Brencher

My amazing guest, Hannah Brencher, and I dive deep into how we have fought forward through some of the most difficult times in our life. Whether it was depression, a low view of self, anxiety, worthlessness, God continued to show up and be our strength! We hope you are encouraged by our conversation!
1/6/202136 minutes, 3 seconds
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Faith, Worth, and Salvation

Can we work to earn salvation? Is being a good person enough to get us into heaven? Let's see what scripture says about the truth of grace through faith and our salvation!
12/30/202030 minutes, 54 seconds
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Receive Him with Joy and Humility

Zacchaeus is such an example of what it looks like to receive Jesus with joy and humility. As we look at this common theme throughout tLULE 18 and 19, let's examine in our own hearts this holiday season what it looks like to receive the gift of Christ with humility and joy!
12/23/202033 minutes, 46 seconds
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Waiting on the Lord

I know that I want to see God move right now, see every prayer answered right now, and to be in that new season right now. But God often calls us to wait patiently on Him. Let's talk more about that in today's episode!
12/16/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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Worthy of it All

Where does our worth comes from? And how can we know an trust that God deserves our worship, praise, obedience, and trust? Tune into this week's episode to be challenged and filled with the wonder and truth about our God!
12/9/202030 minutes, 40 seconds
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Persevere, Don't Preserve

We are called to live for Christ, not just die to ourselves, and that comes with the cost of boldness, confidence, and canceling our comforts. In today's podcast, we will all take a look at what Luke 17:33 has to say about this!
12/2/202032 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Path to the Promised Land

When we look at the life of Joshua and his delivery of Israel to the promised land, we see a distinct pattern of faith, courage, obedience, and reverence for God. Let us learn to do the same as we enter into God's promises of peace in His presence!
11/18/202049 minutes, 19 seconds
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Influence With Boldness with Kaci Nicole

As we influence our communities and platforms for the Gospel, we need to be bold, listen to our conviction, and understand the truths of scripture. Sit back and relax as my friend Kaci Nicole and I talk about our experience and what scripture says about this topic!
11/4/202034 minutes, 49 seconds
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Dwelling in the House of the Lord with Maddie Rey

My good friend Maddie Rey is joining me for today's episode where we dive into what it means to dwell in the house of God! Maybe you've grown up walking with God your whole life and you feel like your testimony has no significance, or maybe you've felt the flame you once had for Jesus grow dim. Today's podcast touches on all of that and more, so be encouraged and enjoy!
10/28/202041 minutes, 23 seconds
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Our Engagement Story

You all asked, so here it is! Richard and I's engagement story! We hope you love each and every detail of this and enjoy it as much as we do. Thank you for all the love, support, and prayers in this season!
10/23/202029 minutes, 58 seconds
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I'm Getting Married- meet my Fiancé

If you haven't been keeping up with my instagram posts, then surprise! I got engaged! In this episode, my fiancé, Richard Kelly, and I share our story about how we met. Part 2 is soon to come with our engagement story. GOD IS GOOD!
10/21/202034 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Serve and Lead like Christ

Whether it is leading a business as CEO, a women's small group, a school club, or being a role model in your family, we are called to love and lead like Christ! Today we explore what biblical servant leadership looks like and how to effectively walk in that.
10/7/202026 minutes, 47 seconds
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Combating Complacency with Desire with Emma Mae Jenkins

I know I've been in a season before where I felt complacent in my walk with Jesus, where the desire to dive deeper just seemed to not be there. MY friend Emma Mae Jenkins joins me on today's podcast as we talk about what to do when we are in those seasons, and how to draw near to God through genuine desire and discipline!
9/30/202037 minutes, 14 seconds
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Crafting your Passion and Purpose with Hannah Gronowski

My good friend Hannah Gronowski, author of Generation Distinct, is joining the conversation with me today as we dive into purpose, passion, and potential! If you're curious about your calling and what steps to take in that, sit back and enjoy today's episode!
9/23/202034 minutes, 28 seconds
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Loving People Radically like Jesus with Adam Weber

Today I have my dear friend Adam Weber, author of Love Has a Name, joining me on the podcast. We explore what it means to radically love the difficult people in our lives and how to take steps in reflecting Christ.
9/16/202040 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Churches of Revelation- Part 7

As we conclude our exegetical study of the Churches of Revelation, we take a look at what Jesus had to say to the Church of Laodicea. Let's look at our lukewarmness and lives lives on fire for Jesus, with zeal and repentance!
9/9/202024 minutes, 58 seconds
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Christianity and Cancel Culture

As Christians, what should our response be to cancel culture? As someone who has been on the internet for a while and has faced attacks of the enemy in insults and hardships, let's talk about what scripture says in regards to being bold for our faith and canceling cancel culture!
9/2/202031 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Churches of Revelation- Part 6

In this week's episode, we explore what Jesus has to address to the Church of Philadelphia in Revelation 3. There is much to learn from their steadfastness, reliance, and opportunity for obedience, and especially in times like this, we can glean so much from their example!
8/26/202028 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Churches of Revelation- Part 5

Kirby breaks down what Jesus has to say to the church od Sardis in this continuation of her Churches of Revelation series. With exploring Jesus' correction and commands for this church, we are all called to remember His word, keep it, and repent!
8/19/202031 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Churches of Revelation- Part 4

We are halfway done with the series on the churches of revelation, and in this week's episode, we take a look at the Church in Thyatira. There is nothing new under the sun, and in their struggles and strengths, we too can learn how to preserve and overcome the schemes of the devil still present today.
8/12/202027 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Churches of Revelation- Part 3

In Part 3 of Kirby's deep dive into the churches mentioned in Revelation, we explore Jesus' correction towards the church of Pergamum; exhortation in boldness, but correction in false teachings and immorality. Let us glean from this truth today as well!
8/5/202030 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Churches of Revelation- Part 2

In this episode, Kirby discusses what Jesus had to say to the church of Smyrna in Revelation 2. In the middle of their pain, poverty, and persecution, Jesus provided hope amidst their suffering. Let us also endure in faith and hope no matter the circumstance!
7/29/202036 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Churches of Revelation- Part 1

I am doing a series on the different churches mentioned in the book of revelation that Jesus speaks directly too at the very beginning of the revelation. In this episode, we dive into what Jesus has to exhort and correct about the church of Ephesus in their labor, love, and doctrinal purity!
7/22/202033 minutes, 4 seconds
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Praying Through Major Life Decisions

When it comes to major life decisions, we all need to bring it humbly before the Lord and trust His guidance. In this week’s episode, Kirby dives into the importance of an active prayer life, and how the peace of God meets us in that sacred space. Let’s not sleep on prayer, and embrace that intentional encounter!
7/15/202032 minutes, 42 seconds
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Fighting and Overcoming Mental Health with Lauren McRoberts

My friend Lauren McRoberts and I dive into the stigma of mental health, and how we both went about overcoming that area of our life through counseling and by putting our hope in God. We dive into spiritual warfare, the effects of. media, and hope for being set free from anxiety and depression!
7/8/202047 minutes, 32 seconds
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God's a Father of Grace with John Mark Pantana

In today's episode, I interview John Mark Pantana, a Christian singer-songwriter! We dive into his testimony and how God truly is a Father of grace. We also hit on topics of condemnation and shame, and how Christ's finished work has freed us from both!
7/1/202035 minutes, 54 seconds
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Racism is Evil

In today's episode, we discuss the evils of racism and prejudice and how we can overcome bias and disunity.
6/24/202033 minutes, 36 seconds
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Knowing Your Purpose and Calling with Jeanine Amapola

In today's episode, we talk with Jeanine Amapola, an influencer and podcaster like myself. We answer the big question of what is my purpose and calling?
6/17/202035 minutes, 24 seconds
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He Uses Our Mess to Bless with Rashawn Copeland

In today's podcast, I interview Rashawn Copeland, author of "Start Where You Are." We dive into many topics such as being redeemed by Christ's love, walking in that newness, and having boldness and conviction in sharing your testimony!
6/10/202032 minutes, 50 seconds
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Having Humility and a Servant Heart with Gabrielle Odom

I have Gabrielle Odom joining me today, a young speaker and preacher friend of mine who is a part of Pulse Movement with Nick Hall. She and I talk about what it looks like to walk in humility as we serve God, and how to overcome pride through God's word!
5/27/202035 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Romans 12 Christian: Part 3

In this three-part bonus series, Kirby breaks down what it looks like to live out Romans 12 and how it leads to a transformed life in Christ. We dive into who we are, where we belong, and what we must do in regards to our call to community and in using our spiritual gifts.
5/21/202018 minutes, 19 seconds
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Tips and Methods for Studying Scripture

We go through different questions to ask during our bible study time in order to make the most of it!
5/20/202028 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Romans 12 Christian: Part 2

In this three-part bonus series, Kirby breaks down what it looks like to live out Romans 12 and how it leads to a transformed life in Christ. Enjoy as she explains verses 3-8. We dive into who we are, where we belong, and what we must do in regards to our call to community and in using our spiritual gifts
5/15/202016 minutes, 54 seconds
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Spiritual Depth in a Superficial Age with Ben Courson

I did an over the phone interview with Ben Courson of Hope Generation yesterday, and we talked about what it means to pursue Christ authentically and live life authentically in a day and age where superficiality and surface level is our norm.
5/13/202037 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Romans 12 Christian: Part 1

In this three-part bonus series, Kirby breaks down what it looks like to live out Romans 12 and how it leads to a transformed life in Christ. Enjoy as she explains verses 1 and 2, and how that is the foundation of an authentic relationship with Christ.
5/8/202012 minutes, 30 seconds
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Owning Your Faith with Emma Mae Jenkins

Young women are under more pressure than ever before: pressure to be pretty, to be successful, to have a perfect selfie game. Is it possible for them to be their true selves? Or must they fit into the same mold as the rest of their peers? Into this world of ever-growing pressure bursts Emma Mae Jenkins with a message of hope and unabashed joy.Checkout her new book, All-Caps YOU: can find Emma Mae Jenkins at: or
5/6/202031 minutes, 43 seconds
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A Loving God and Hell

In this week's episode, I answer the question of why a good and loving God allows people to go to Hell, and how salvation is a free gift we choose to receive!
4/29/202022 minutes, 36 seconds
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Spiritual Fruits and Deep Roots with Chaz Smith

This week's guest is Chaz Smith. He is a famous YouTuber, Instagram, TikToker and former Vine star. He is known for his comedic content and entertaining media, but also has a heart for Jesus and we talked about what it means to abide in God, be rooted in truth, have our hearts be transformed in our closeness to God, and produce good fruit!
4/22/202039 minutes, 11 seconds
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Putting Sinful Desires to Death

This week's podcast talks all about putting on the new self and putting our old worldly ways to death!
4/15/202026 minutes, 58 seconds
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Passover, Sacrifice, and The Lamb of God

We dive into what Passover is all about, how that ties into symbolism with Christ as the Lamb of God, and the sacrifice He made for us on the cross! Excited for this Easter themed Podcast!
4/8/202029 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Enemy's Use of Isolation

It's about how in times where the enemy tries to separate us with isolation, we can turn it around to be a time to reach out to God in intimacy and our community as well.
4/1/202025 minutes, 38 seconds
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How to Share the Gospel With Others

Today's episode is titled How to Share the Gospel With Others.Make sure you send in your questions to [email protected]
3/25/202038 minutes, 19 seconds
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Fearing God and Loving His Word

Today's episode is called Fearing God and Loving His Word.And make sure you send me questions to answer on the podcast here: [email protected].
3/13/202028 minutes, 36 seconds
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Remembering God's Character in the Pain

It's all about remembering the character of God, primarily his love, in our pain, and how praising Him aligns us to a place of victory and peace!
3/6/202045 minutes, 38 seconds
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Breaking Chains in People-Pleasing

It's all about what it truly means to live in freedom from people's approval and living in the freedom of God's love and the truth about our identity.
2/28/202027 minutes, 42 seconds
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Be Still and Know I Am God

Today's episode is titled Be Still and Know I Am God.Send me your questions at [email protected]. And thanks for leaving a review to let me know what you thought of today's episode.
2/21/202039 minutes, 56 seconds
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Security in God's Love

Today's episode is titled, Security in God's Love. Thanks for tuning in and subscribing!
2/14/202031 minutes, 27 seconds
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Submitting Your Influence to God

What does it look like to truly inspire and impact your environment for God? Kirby dives into her story of Godly submission, dependency, and the steps it took for her to answer the call, count the cost, and receive the crown in this race. Let's submit our influence to God!
2/7/202029 minutes, 54 seconds
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Shame and Vulnerability

Today's episode is titled Shame and Vulnerability. For more involvement in this podcast, send us your questions to [email protected].
2/2/202029 minutes, 45 seconds
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Making Jesus the Lord of Your Life

Today's episode is titled, Making Jesus the Lord of Your Life. Send us your questions at [email protected] and leave us a review.
1/24/202030 minutes, 34 seconds
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Overcoming Addiction and Worldly Validation with Montell Fish

We talked about our journeys in being christian creatives, overcoming our need to please, and also about the freedom and redemption that comes with sexual sin (specifically pornography)!
1/17/202045 minutes, 17 seconds
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Obedience Leads to Eden

Today's episode is titled Obedience Leads to Eden. We want you involved with the podcast! Send us your questions at [email protected]. And leave us a review to let us know what you thought of this content.
1/10/202025 minutes, 18 seconds
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Surrender and Start Fresh

This week's episode is all about submitting to God in this New Year and walking in His promises! And make sure you send me your questions at [email protected].
1/3/202026 minutes, 22 seconds
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He Wants Our Humble Offering

Today's episode is titled He Wants Our Humble Offering. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!Send me your questions at: [email protected] thanks for leaving a review to let me know what you thought of today's episode.
12/27/201926 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Heart of Generosity

This week's episode is all about having a heart of generous giving, knowing God is our provider of all things!And make sure you send in your questions at [email protected].
12/20/201924 minutes, 34 seconds
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Friendships with Non-Believers

Thanks for joining us today for the episode: Friendships with Non-BelieversYou can submit questions for me to answer here: [email protected] thanks for subscribing and leaving a review. It truly does help us reach more people when you share this podcast.
12/13/201933 minutes, 26 seconds
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Go and Sin No More!

Today is all about what it means to confess and repent, what the differences between the two are, and how we can live in repentance and victory! Let's Go!And send me your questions to answer at [email protected].
12/6/201929 minutes, 40 seconds
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Trust and Obey God’s Plan with Nick & Chelsea Hurst

Today is all about what it means to trust in God in seasons of life where you may not know what is ahead exactly, and how obedience always leads to blessings, provision, and our joy and God’s glory.
11/29/201935 minutes, 18 seconds
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Serving, Submitting, and Resting in God with Derek Minor

This week's podcast is with my friend Derek Minor, a famous Christian rapper, and we talked about what it looks like to be in industries that thrive off of man's approval and how we choose to serve, submit, and rest in God!
11/22/201935 minutes, 27 seconds
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Sex, Singleness, and Marriage with Cody Hollister

Today we have our very first guest!! Cody Hollister is on the podcast today and we are talking about Sex, Singleness, and Marriage. Let's go!Send me your biblically based questions at [email protected]
11/15/201941 minutes, 26 seconds
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Faith and Reason: Trusting Christianity

Today's episode is titled: Faith and Reason: Trusting ChristianitySend me a question here: [email protected] a review and hit that subscribe button
11/8/201931 minutes, 48 seconds
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My Testimony - Depression, Suicide, and Worthlessness

Today's episode is special: it's titled, My Testimony - Depression, Suicide, and Worthlessness. Please let me know what you think of the episode by leaving a review or reaching out to me via email at [email protected].
11/1/201950 minutes, 18 seconds
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Disrupting the False Peace

Welcome to bought+beloved with Kirby Minnick. Today's podcast episode is called Disrupting the False Peace. This is based on my first digital devotional that is now available on my website: And send me some questions that I can answer right here on this podcast: [email protected] for subscribing and leaving a review.
10/25/201921 minutes, 10 seconds
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Comparison is the Thief of Joy!

Welcome back to Bought + Beloved. Today's podcast is all about comparison. This topic is SUPER popular and today's question came from one of our listeners!And send me your questions to [email protected] for leaving a review on today's episode!
10/18/201925 minutes, 31 seconds
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Conquering Indecision With Godly Wisdom

This is Kirby Minnick! And you are listening to the Bought+Beloved podcast. Today is all about Making Big Decisions.Send us your questions: [email protected] make sure you hit subscribe and leave a review to let me know what you thought of the show.
10/11/201929 minutes, 22 seconds
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Relationships: Pursuit (part 3)

Do you find it easy to replace God with people in your life? Today we are doing part 3 of our relationships series... Pursuit. And make sure you subscribe and leave a review.Send us in questions: [email protected]
10/4/201932 minutes, 21 seconds
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Relationships: Position (part 2)

This is part 2 on in the "Relationships" series: Position. Make sure you take a moment to go back and listen to part 1 if you haven't already!Send me in your questions: [email protected]
9/27/201927 minutes, 6 seconds
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Relationships: Purpose (part 1)

Today is a first... we are talking RELATIONSHIPS! This is part 1 of this series so stick around and let me know what you think!Thanks for subscribing and leaving a review! You can also send in questions for me to answer to this address: [email protected]
9/20/201930 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Woman At The Well

So glad you are joining us! It's been a super busy week for me but I'm really excited about today's podcast. Today is all about the women at the well: the Samaritan women. I want us to dive deep into the application of this story. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the word from John 4.Send us a question to answer on the podcast: [email protected] leave us a review to let us know what you thought!
9/13/201938 minutes, 24 seconds
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What is the Unforgivable Sin

Thanks for tuning into Bought+Beloved! Today we are talking about what is the unforgivable sin. Thanks for leaving a reviewing and letting us know what you think of today's podcast.Get started with 8 free meals – that’s $80 off your first month of HelloFresh. Go to and enter boughtandbeloved80
9/6/201926 minutes, 11 seconds
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God's Guidance

Hello Ladies and Gents! Welcome to the Bought + Beloved podcast.Today we are chatting about a hot topic: trusting in the Lord and His plans for us.Send me your questions: [email protected]. And thanks for leaving a review to let me know what think about this podcast.
8/30/201924 minutes, 32 seconds
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Falling out of Sin

If you'd like to send me questions to be answered on the podcast you can email me here: [email protected] for subscribing and leaving a review to let us know what you thought of today's episode!
8/23/201928 minutes, 2 seconds
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Signs and Wonders in Spirit and Truth

Today I want to talk about all the little nuggets of gold I've been picking up from the Scripture and my recent mission trip with Jesus Revolution. Send me questions: [email protected]
8/16/201939 minutes, 20 seconds
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Bold Faith

Let's get a good word from God's Word! Today is all about boldness. I want to share something that the Lord has been giving me recently - how do we share our faith? How can we be bold for Him?Send me in your questions: [email protected]
8/9/201928 minutes, 14 seconds
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God's Voice

How do you know you are hearing God? Can we ever truly identify God's Voice speaking to us? Let's talk about it!Send us your questions: [email protected] subscribe to this podcast and leave a review!
8/2/201938 minutes, 24 seconds
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Giving Your Feelings and Emotions To The Lord

This week's podcast was inspired by a listener question: "How can a person stop over-thinking and avoid basing your faith on feelings?" Wow! Let's jump right in.Send me your questions: [email protected] for listening to the Bought+Beloved podcast with Kirby Minnick! If you'd like to help us out please subscribe and leave a review.
7/26/201927 minutes, 56 seconds
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Walk the Walk

Welcome to the Bought + Beloved podcast with Kirby Minnick.We are touching base on a special topic suggested to one of our listeners: "What should a Christian life look like? How do I walk the walk?" You can submit a question to us by emailing: [email protected]. And thanks for subscribing and reviewing - it really does help us reach more people!
7/19/201926 minutes, 34 seconds
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Heartbroken for Culture

Culture. As I scroll through my social media feeds I'm heartbroken at what I see. The worst thing is that culture is rejecting a God who can provide them true freedom. Let's talk about what we are seeing and how we can help today on Bought and Beloved.For 25$ off your first Care/of order, go to and enter boughtandbeloved
7/12/201931 minutes, 31 seconds
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Faith And Works

On today's episode of Bought+Beloved with Kirby Minnick we are talking about Faith And Works. Tune in and get ready for a great show.And thanks for subscribing and leaving a review - it helps us reach more people with the show!
7/5/201919 minutes, 54 seconds
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4 Traits of a Godly Woman

Sit back. Relax. And receive a Word from the Scripture. I receive so many questions about relationships and what it means to be a man/woman of the Lord. Don't fall into the temptation of settling in your relationships! Listen in today to 4 characteristics that are extremely important for a woman to have before dating her.Email me questions at [email protected] a big thanks for subscribing and leaving a review - it truly does help us reach more people!
6/28/201924 minutes, 17 seconds
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4 Traits of a Godly Man

Sit back. Relax. And receive a Word from the Scripture. I receive so many questions about relationships and what it means to be a man/woman of the Lord. Don't fall into the temptation of settling in your relationships! Listen in today to 4 characteristics that are extremely important for a man to have before dating him.Email me questions at [email protected] a big thanks for subscribing and leaving a review - it truly does help us reach more people!
6/21/201930 minutes, 56 seconds
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How's Your Heart

This is a really popular "christianese term" that is way overused but we are going to dive into it today! So when someone says this what they actually want to know is how you are doing but has this lost its meaning? Let's meditate on it today!Send us your questions! [email protected] thanks for subscribing and leaving a review - it helps us reach even more people!
6/14/201938 minutes, 44 seconds
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Living On Mission

Welcome to another episode of the bought+beloved podcast with Kirby Minnick. Today is all about living life on mission... not just about a mission trip but about implementing Jesus' commission into our daily life.Make sure you submit your questions for me to answer... email them to [email protected] thanks for subscribing and leaving a review! It really helps us reach more people with this content.
6/11/201928 minutes, 55 seconds
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Dating Nonbelievers

Welcome to another episode of the Bought+Beloved podcast with Kirby Minnick. Today is about relationships! Today's question comes from AJ from South Carolina. He asks, "Is it okay to date a non-Christian (as a Christian)?" Let's unpack this together!Make sure you email me your questions at [email protected]! And thanks for subscribing and leaving a review!
5/31/201927 minutes, 18 seconds
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Finding Peace In Our Lives

Today's episode is all about Peace. Peace that only comes from God the Father through his Spirit. We received 2 emails with questions on this topic so we are excited to jump into it today!Make sure you subscribe to this podcast so you get the notification when we post. You can also send us in questions by emailing [email protected].
5/24/201927 minutes, 10 seconds
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Our Past Isn't Our Future

Our true identity has always been in Christ. Who we are in Him is who we were always created to be. Let's walk in that truth. Let's leave behind the regret and judgement and move towards God's grace together, friends.And thanks for tuning in today! Make sure you leave a review and hit that subscribe button!
5/17/201923 minutes, 20 seconds
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Have You Forgotten His Faithfulness?

Today's episode of the bought+beloved podcast is titled, Have you forgotten His faithfulness? I'm very excited to talk about the faithfulness of God. This episode is inspired by one of your questions! Email me at [email protected] with your questions!And thank you for showing this podcast so much love! Can you do me a favor? Would you share this podcast with one of your friends today? Send them a link and tell them to give it a listen!
5/10/201927 minutes, 19 seconds
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Mercy Over Judgement

You're listening to bought+beloved with Kirby Minnick. On today's episode we are going to talk about mercy. I've been going through the book of Acts for a long time but recently I felt like God telling me to read the book of Hosea. And WOW! The big theme today is Mercy Over Judgement and I hope it blesses you.And as always, thanks for listening, subscribing, and leaving a review!
5/3/201929 minutes, 44 seconds
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Overcoming Temptation

This is the bought+beloved podcast with Kirby Minnick. On today's podcast it is all about this one word: Temptation. We are going to dive DEEP into this and find a true moment of grace together. How do we overcome some temptation? And thanks for subscribing and leaving a review!
4/26/201947 minutes, 15 seconds
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Freedom from Anxiety

Are you riding the #strugglebus this week? I hope this podcast is refreshing to you today! We are going to be talking about the hot topic of anxiety. This is something that is a plague on our society and it is something that I have suffered with myself often.Send me questions: [email protected] thanks for subscribing and leaving a review!
4/19/201928 minutes, 4 seconds
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Why Do We Suffer?

Welcome to the bought+beloved podcast with Kirby Minnick. There are so many thousands of you who listen to each episode when we launch - we just want to say THANK YOU! So, today is all about... suffering. This topic came from a question that was submitted from a listener - if you'd like to do that you can submit a question to [email protected]'s show is brought to you by FabFitFun. Check them out at!
4/12/201927 minutes, 16 seconds
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Fight From The Faith

Welcome to another episode to the Bought + Beloved podcast. Today is all about the concept of fear and how faith can combat it. We are pumped for today's show and praying that it encourages you and helps you face your fears with faith today.And thanks for tuning in, subscribing, and leaving a review!
3/28/201933 minutes, 49 seconds
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What does it look like to forgive another person? It's so important and, as I've talked to a lot of people, we are realizing how many questions there are about what real forgiveness looks like. So today is all about helpful tips on how to truly forgive. And thanks to everyone who is sending questions in! You can submit questions to us too by sending them here: [email protected].
3/14/201930 minutes, 19 seconds
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Godly Friendships

Welcome back to the Bought + Beloved podcast with Kirby Minnick.Today is all about the topic of Godly friendships. So prayer is SO important. Don't forget to stay in prayer about who your close friends should be - God will hear those prayers and provide.So tune in today to hear Kirby answer some questions and talk about friendships and more!
3/1/201941 minutes
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Lies, and Doubts, and Guilt- OH MY!

Welcome to bought + beloved with Kirby Minnick. After a crazy launch week we are pumped to put out our first official episode of the podcast. Today is all about lies, doubts, and guilt. Tune in to hear from Kirby and make sure you subscribe and leave a review.Send us some questions: [email protected]
2/12/201923 minutes, 15 seconds
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Welcome to the Bought + Beloved podcast with Kirby Minnick. I find so much joy in teaching the Word of God and pouring truth into the world - that is what this podcast is all about! This is more than short social media content - I am writing content like crazy to share with you all about faith and life. I will be answering questions and teaching on topics that matter most to our generation.And please take a second to subscribe and review this channel to help me share this podcast with more people.
2/4/201924 minutes, 29 seconds