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Breathe: The Stress Less Podcast Cover
Breathe: The Stress Less Podcast Profile

Breathe: The Stress Less Podcast

English, Religion, 1 season, 158 episodes, 2 days, 8 hours, 20 minutes
Breathe: The Stress Less Podcast is dedicated to refreshing your soul with rest and sparking joy, so you can feel God’s love and peace. We'll walk you through scientific, scripture-backed methods of restoring calm, in order to help you stress less, take better care of yourself, and create new rhythms to rest in daily life.
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Feeling Exhausted? How to Fight Fatigue with God's Comfort #136

Are you feeling exhausted, emotionally drained, or overwhelmed by life’s demands? What are the simple, comforting steps you can take to calm your spirit and renew your strength?In this episode, Bonnie explores how to find God's comfort and restore your energy when fatigue sets in. Drawing on personal stories, scripture, and practical soul care tips, she helps you shift from burnout to balance.Learn to embrace God's peace, take meaningful actions that restore your mind and body, and experience His comforting presence through simple daily practices.Tune into this episode to discover how to:Release the stress and pressures that weigh you down.Restore your energy by focusing on God's promises.Find practical ways to nurture your body, mind, and soul.Key Takeaways:- Devotional Study: Isaiah 40:30-31 Breathing deeply and meditating calms your body and refreshes your spirit.- Scripture Reflection: Restore energy focusing on God's comfort to replenish you- The Science: Pushing thru releases stress hormones. Slowing down releases seratonin- Soul Care Tip: How eating yogurt can help reduce inflammation, ease fatigue Breath Prayer: (inhale) those who hope in the Lord (exhale) will renew their strength Scriptures: "Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall. But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:30-312 Corinthians 1:4: "God comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us."Matthew 5:4: "Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted."Soul Care Tip: Discover the scientific benefits of eating yogurt & slowing downLINKS & RESOURCES-  Subscribe to FREE Breathe Newsletter for Fall Quarter Soul Care!  Take my FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your wellness assessment!-  Get Bonnie's Bestselling book "Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less"  Join Soul Care School (STARTING SOON!):  Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
9/16/202417 minutes, 16 seconds
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How to Cast Your Cares on God When You Worry #135

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the weight of responsibilities or caught in a cycle of anxiety?In this episode, Bonnie explores how we can release our worries into God's loving hands and discover peace through simple, soul-nurturing practices.Learn to let go of anxiety, find rest in God's presence, and restore calm to your emotions and body. Discover how to cast your cares on Him—because He cares for you!Tune into this episode to receive a loving word from God, engage in a powerful breath prayer, and discover a soul care tip to help you manage stress naturally. Key Takeaways:- Devotional Study: 1 Peter 5:7 The importance of acknowledging your stress and worries before God.- Scripture Reflection: A personal story about how God shows up even when we feel stressed. - The Science: Like poppies that bloom in sunlight due to temperature changes, our hearts relax and release anxiety when we rest in God’s care- Soul Care Tip: Learn why a walk in nature with God lowers cortisol stress hormone Breath Prayer:  (inhale) Cast all your anxieties on him (exhale) because he cares for you Scriptures: "Cast all your anxieties on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 Soul Care Tip: Discover the scientific benefits of a 10 min walk to lower anxiety & boost your moodLINKS & RESOURCES-  Take my FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your wellness assessment!-  Subscribe to FREE Breathe Newsletter for devotions & wellness  Get Bonnie's Bestseller book "Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less"  Join Soul Care School:  Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
9/9/202415 minutes, 55 seconds
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Why Singing Amazing Grace Helps You Rest, Lower Stress, and Rejuvenate #134

Do you find it challenging to truly rest, even when you know you need it?In this episode, Bonnie explores the deep connection between rest and spiritual renewal, especially during times of physical and emotional exhaustion. As we celebrate Labor Day, Bonnie invites you to reflect on how you are resting and offers a simple yet powerful soul care tip rooted in Scripture. Learn how singing the beloved hymn “Amazing Grace” can not only soothe your soul but also improve your heart health, according to surprising scientific research.Tune into this episode to discover how to release your burdens, find delight in God’s presence, and take practical steps towards a more peaceful and rested life.Key Takeaways:- Devotional Study: Matt 11:28 Discover the significance of true rest in God’s presence.- Scripture: Wellness Word Study: Delight" Reflect on the power of delighting in the Lord to soften your heart and lift your spirits. Ps 37:4 - The Science: Significance of rest and letting go of responsibilities during the recovery process- Soul Care Tip: Learn how singing "Amazing Grace" benefits your heart and emotional well-being.Join Bonnie Gray on this journey to lower stress and restore your soul with God’s love and peace.Breath Prayer:  (inhale) Come to me all who are weary and burdened/ (exhale) fI will give you rest.Scriptures: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matt 11:28 "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Ps 37:4 Soul Care Tip: Discover the scientific benefits of singing to lower anxiety & boost your moodLINKS & RESOURCES-  Take my FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your wellness assessment!-  Subscribe to FREE Breathe Newsletter for devotions & wellness  Get Bonnie's Bestseller book "Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less"  Join Soul Care School:  Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
9/2/202417 minutes, 37 seconds
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6 Ways to Boost Your Emotional Wellness with God's Care Instead of Pushing Yourself to Exhaustion #133

Are you feeling overwhelmed by life’s demands and in need of a moment of peace? In this episode, Bonnie explores the story of Elijah and how God’s tender care for him in his darkest hour offers a powerful lesson for us today. Learn to recognize when it's time to step back, nourish your soul, and allow God to renew your strength through rest. Tune into this episode to discover how to reclaim rest in the midst of stress, renew your spirit, and embrace God’s loving care in your daily life. Key Takeaways:- Listen to a devotional study: the story of Elijah from the Bible (1 Kings 19) and how God provided for him during a time of despair and exhaustion.- Learn about the importance of rest and receiving care, rather than pushing through challenges alone.- The science behind kindness and touch, and how they can boost the immune system and lower stress hormones.- The importance of recognizing when you need rest and permission to unplug.- How God meets us in our exhaustion and offers tangible care.- Practical soul care tips, including the soothing benefits of drinking tea and breathing exercises.- The role of kindness, both given and received, in boosting emotional and physical well-being. Breath Prayer:  (inhale) Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him / (exhale) for he shields him all day longScripture: "Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long. And the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders.” Deut.3:12Soul Care Tip: Discover the scientific benefits of brewing a cup of peppermint and chamomile tea to calm emotions and reduce anxiety. LINKS & RESOURCES -  Recommended Teas: Harney’s Organic Peppermint Tea:  & Organic Chamomile Lavender -  Take my FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your wellness assessment! -  Subscribe to FREE Breathe Newsletter for devotions & wellness tips: -  Get Bonnie's Bestseller book "Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less": -  Join Soul Care School: -  Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
8/26/202418 minutes, 34 seconds
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How to Find Peace under Pressure & Overcome Stress with God's Love #132

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the pressures of life? In this episode, Bonnie explores how to find peace in the midst of stress by connecting with God's loving words of affirmation. Learn to release anxiety and embrace calm through practical soul care tips, including a powerful breath prayer and the soothing effects of aromatherapy.Tune into this episode to discover how God’s presence can transform your pressures into peace, and how natural scents can help you restore calm to your mind and body.Key Takeaways:- Understand how Jesus offers peace in the midst of trouble - Practice deep breathing to restore calm with scripture- Learn how to use breath prayers to lower stress and invite God's peace into your day.- Reflect on how God guides you to take the next step in challenging times- The science behind aromatherapy and its benefits for emotional well-being.- Practical soul care tips to incorporate calming scents into your daily routine.Breath Prayer: (inhale) God leads me in triumph / (exhale)  Revealing the fragrance of Christ Scriptures: "But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ and through us reveals the fragrance of the knowledge of him in every place." 2 Cor. 2:14 Soul Care Tip: Discover the effective benefits of natural scents like eucalyptus and lavender to help reduce stress and anxiety, LINKS & RESOURCES- Eucalyptus Shower Steamers to Lower Stress: Subscribe to my FREE Breathe Newsletter for devotions & tips:  Take my FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your wellness assessment!-  Get Bonnie's Bestseller book "Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less":  Ask Bonnie Questions at  Join Soul Care School:  Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
8/23/202417 minutes, 21 seconds
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How to Calm Anxiety in Times of Uncertainty & Feel God's Peace in Your Heart #131

What do you do when anxiety strikes during uncertain times? In this episode, Bonnie explores practical ways to calm your mind and heart when faced with the unknown. Learn to anchor your soul in God’s promises and discover simple, effective strategies to reduce stress and embrace peace.Listen and deepen your connection with God and equip yourself with tools to navigate uncertainty with confidence and calm.Renew God's peace in daily life using a powerful breath, prayer, and Scripture. Learn a practical soul care tip and simple actions you can take to restore calm to your emotions and body.Subscribe to the Breathe Newsletter to meditate on God's peace, scripture, and soul care: Key Takeaways:- Breath Prayer: Discover how breath prayers can ground you in God’s presence during anxious moments.- The importance of taking small steps and trusting in God's presence during times of uncertainty.- Learn why anxiety is triggered by uncertainty.- Stop negative worst-case thinking by taking practical steps and trusting in God's presence. Breath Prayer: (inhale) You go before me and follow me. / (exhale) You place your hand of blessing on my head. Scripture: "You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head." - Psalm 139:5Soul Care Tip: Discover the surprising impact of hydration on your stress levels and overall wellnessLINKS & RESOURCES-  Subscribe to FREE weekly Breathe Newsletter: -  Take a FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your wellness assessment! -  Get Bonnie's Bestseller book "Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less": Ask Bonnie Questions at  Join Soul Care School:  Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
8/12/202417 minutes, 50 seconds
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Why Ordinary Things Bring You Happiness and Striving Brings You Stress #130

Have you ever wondered if the time you spend nurturing your soul is truly worth it? In this episode, Soul Care Guide Bonnie explores the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic goals and how they impact our happiness and fulfillment.Learn to identify and invest in the activities that bring you joy, peace, and comfort—those small beginnings that God values deeply.Tune into this episode to discover how nurturing your intrinsic - instead striving towards extrinsic goals - can lead to greater fulfillment and how Jesus views our seemingly small efforts as significant.Key Takeaways:- Understand the difference between Extrinsic and Intrinsic goals.- Learn why Intrinsic goals lead to greater happiness and fulfillment.- Discover how Jesus values our small beginnings.- Practice a powerful breath prayer to nurture your soul.Breath Prayer:  (inhale) Do not despise these small beginnings / (exhale)  the Lord rejoices to see the work beginScriptures: "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin." Zech 4:10LINKS & RESOURCES-  Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your wellness assessment!-  Ask Bonnie Questions at Get Bonnie's Bestseller book "Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less": Join Soul Care School: Join the Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
8/5/202419 minutes, 21 seconds
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Overcoming Overwhelm: How to Make Positive Changes & Move Forward with God's Grace #129

What helps you make positive changes in your life, and what holds you back? Do you often feel overwhelmed to make desired changes until you have everything figured out? In this episode, Bonnie explores how we can apply the power of God's grace and let go of perfection.  Learn how grace enables us to embrace change even in our weaknesses. Learn to move forward with confidence, knowing that God's strength is perfected in our imperfections. Learn how God's grace is sufficient for us, and His power is made perfect in our weakness, knowing that God is with us and will support us every step of the way.Tune into this episode to discover practical soul care tips based on science and scripture to apply grace in your life, hear a touching personal story, and receive a loving word of affirmation to soothe your soul.Key Takeaways: 1. Making changes with imperfection is a powerful path of living out God's grace in weakness2. Look Back to See God's Faithfulness: Take time to reflect on your past experiences to build trust in God's support, giving you the courage to face new challenges with faith.3. Reset Your Circadian Rhythm: If you're struggling with sleep, try resetting your circadian rhythm by getting sunlight in the morning. This can help you feel less groggy during the day and sleep better at night.4. Make Single Small Steps with imperfections over time is more effective than waiting for "ideal" self to perform.5. Focus on One Priority: When making changes, focus on one priority at a time instead of juggling multiple expectations to lower overwhelm and make steady progress towards wellness.Breath Prayer:  (inhale) God's grace is sufficient for me. / (exhale) Your power is made perfect in weaknessScriptures: "God's grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Cor 12:9LINKS & RESOURCES- Question about Wellness? Ask Bonnie at Get Bonnie's Bestseller book "Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less": Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your wellness assessment!- Join Soul Care School: Join the Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
7/29/202425 minutes, 9 seconds
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Responding to Trump Attempted Assassination Chaos: 2 Antidotes to Find Peace, Not Fear #128

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the constant turmoil, in the barrage of volatile news and uncertainty? In this episode, Bonnie explores how to respond to stressful events and bring calm to your emotions and body. Learn to harness the power of quietness, connect with God, and find peace amidst chaos. Tune into this episode to discover practical soul care tips and spiritual encouragement to help you lower your stress and restore your inner tranquility.Key Takeaways:The importance of leading a quiet life amidst chaosPractical tips to create pockets of quietness in your dayHow to start your day with peace instead of noiseThe healing power of nature and musicEncouraging Bible verses and breath prayers to soothe your soulBreath Prayer:  (inhale) He will quiet you with his love. / (exhale) He will rejoice over you with singing. Scriptures: "The Lord your God is among you. He is mighty to save He will rejoice over you with gladness. He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing, So breathe in He will quiet you with his love." Zeph. 3:17LINKS & RESOURCES- Question about Wellness? Ask Bonnie at Get Bonnie's Bestseller book "Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less": Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your wellness assessment!- Join Soul Care School: Join the Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
7/22/202420 minutes, 2 seconds
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Overcoming Discouragement to New Beginnings: Rebuilding Your Life #127

LINKS & RESOURCES- Have a Question about Wellness? Ask Bonnie at Get Bonnie's Bestseller book Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less: Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your wellness assessment!- Soul Care School: Join the Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
7/15/202428 minutes, 16 seconds
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Toxic Positivity vs. Hopeful Faith: Finding Balance in Your Emotions" #126

In this episode, Bonnie explores the fine line between toxic positivity and hopeful faith.  Learn to recognize and avoid the pitfalls of dismissing genuine emotions, and discover how to cultivate a faith that embraces honesty and comfort.  Tune into this episode to understand the difference between toxic positivity and hopeful faith, and learn how to foster a more balanced, faith-driven approach to your emotional well-being.Key Takeaways:- Understand the concept of toxic positivity and its impact on mental health.- Learn how hopeful faith differs from toxic positivity and how it can lead to true emotional healing.- Discover practical soul care tips, such as the power of music, warm baths, and aromatherapy, to bring comfort and reduce anxiety.- Reflect on past victories and how recalling these moments can build confidence and reduce stress.- Learn the importance of God's comfort and how it can be a source of strength and peace in challenging times. Breath Prayer:  (inhale/exhale) For the love of Christ compels us 2 Cor 5:14Scriptures: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Rom 15:13 LINKS & RESOURCES- Have a Question about Wellness? Ask Bonnie at Get Bonnie's Bestseller book Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less: Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your wellness assessment!- Soul Care School: Join the Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
7/8/202422 minutes, 33 seconds
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Faith and Politics: Finding Peace Through Prayer #125

Feeling overwhelmed by the stress of the political season?  In this episode, Bonnie explores practical ways to find peace and lower anxiety through the power of prayer. Learn to breathe in God’s loving word of affirmation and breathe out your stress with biblically-based soul-care techniques. Tune into this episode to discover how you can experience God’s peace and joy amidst real-life challenges and political turmoil.Key Takeaways:- Breath Prayers: Techniques to use breath prayers for immediate stress relief.- Scriptural Guidance: Key scriptures to help manage anxiety and stress.- Practical Tips: How journaling and walking can aid in lowering stress levels. Breath Prayer: Learn two powerful Breath Prayers to find peace in this political season.Scriptures: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:6-7: "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 2 Peter 5:7LINKS & RESOURCES- Have a Question about Wellness? Ask Bonnie at Get Bonnie's Bestseller book Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less: Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your wellness assessment!- Soul Care School: Join the Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
7/1/202418 minutes, 8 seconds
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Overcoming Perfectionism: Embrace God's Perfect Love with The Love Dare #124

Do you struggle with perfectionism? How does it manifest in your life, and what helps you feel less critical of yourself? In this episode, Bonnie Gray explores the roots of perfectionism and provides a loving, practical tip to help quiet that critical inner voice.Learn to understand the negative impact of perfectionism on your emotional and physical well-being and discover how God's unconditional love can help you embrace your imperfections.Tune into this episode to gain valuable insights and practical tools for turning down the volume on perfectionism and embracing a more nurturing, love-filled approach to self-care.Key Takeaways:- How Perfectionism keeps us from enjoying life and increases our stress.- Learn the Love Dare to overcome the fear of making mistakes.- Lower stress and cortisol with Anticipatory Joy - Practice this week's Breath Prayer to calm emotions and body.Breath Prayer: (Inhale) We rely on the love God has for us. (Exhale) Perfect love casts out fear.Scripture: "We rely on the love God has for us. God is love. There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear." 1Jn 4:16, 18 LINKS & RESOURCES- Get Bonnie's Bestseller hit Breathe: 21 Days to Stress Less: Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment!- Take Bonnie's Soul Care courses: Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
6/24/202420 minutes, 1 second
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How to Find Peace in Uncertainty & Thrive While Waiting #123

Do you struggle with the uncertainty of waiting for something important?In this episode, Bonnie explores the emotional and spiritual challenges we face during periods of waiting, especially when the timeline is unknown. Learn to shift your focus and find peace through practical soul care tips and inspiring stories from Bonnie’s own life and the Bible.Tune into this episode to discover how to transform waiting into a time of growth and joy, benefiting your emotional and spiritual well-being.Key Takeaways:- Understand the importance of soul care during waiting periods.- Learn practical tips to reduce stress and anxiety.- Discover the power of walking and nature in soul care.- Gain insights from biblical stories and personal experiences.- Embrace a simple, yet profound, breath prayer to center your thoughts.Breath Prayer: (Inhale) I trust in your unfailing love. (Exhale) For you have been good to me.Scripture: "But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the LORD's praise, for he has been good to me." Psalm 13:5-6LINKS & RESOURCES- Summer Reads: Grab Bonnie's best-selling books: Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment!- Check out Bonnie's Soul Care courses: Get Bonnie’s bestseller hit "Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm" Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
6/17/202420 minutes, 12 seconds
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Unlocking Joy: The Single Key You Need & 3 Life-Changing Reasons Why #202

LINKS & RESOURCES- Summer Reads: Grab Bonnie's best-selling books: Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment!- Check out Bonnie's Soul Care courses: - Get Bonnie’s bestseller hit "Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm" Join the FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
6/10/202420 minutes, 58 seconds
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Finding Peace in Your True Identity: Letting Go of Critical Voices #201

Ever wondered how your name shapes your identity and how God renames you with love? In this episode, Bonnie explores the profound significance of names and the labels we carry, whether given by others or ourselves. Learn to uncover your true identity as God's beloved and delight, shedding the stress of false labels.Tune into this episode to embrace the peace and joy of knowing your God-given identity, and discover practical ways to activate your rest response, calm your mind, and live in alignment with God's love.Key Takeaways:- Understanding the impact of names and labels on your stress and identity.- Discovering God's renaming process and embracing your identity as His beloved.- Practical breath prayers and worship music tips to alleviate stress and enhance peace.- Reconnect with your true self, find peace in God's delight, and breathe out stress Breath Prayer: (Inhale) No longer will you be called forsaken // (Exhale) You are called my delight Scripture: "But you will be called "My Delight is in her." Is 62:4LINKS & RESOURCES- Summer Reads: Grab Bonnie's best-selling books: Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment!- Check out Bonnie's Soul Care courses: - Get Bonnie’s bestseller hit "Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm" Join the FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
6/3/202420 minutes, 31 seconds
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Escape Burnout: 3 Keys to Refill Your Emotional Tank on Vacation #200

Feeling overwhelmed with summer plans? Not even sure where to start? In this episode, Bonnie explores 3 simple tips to break free from stress and truly enjoy your summer break. Learn to overcome decision fatigue, embrace simplicity, and create memorable experiences that refresh your mind, body, and soul.Tune into this episode to discover practical soul care tips based on science and scripture, ensuring your vacation is both restful and rejuvenating. Whether you need a peaceful retreat or an adventurous escape, Bonnie’s insights will help you make the most of your time off.Key Takeaways:- Overcoming Decision Fatigue: Understand how too many options can paralyze us and learn strategies to simplify your choices for a more enjoyable summer- Embrace Novelty: Discover the power of trying new things to create lasting memories and boost your joy.-  Do Less, Enjoy More: Focus on one main activity each day to enhance your experience and lower stress.- Create Meaningful Memories: Learn how to savor moments using your five senses, ensuring your vacation memories bring peace and joy long after you’ve returned home.- Spiritual Refreshment: Find out how spending quiet time with God can rejuvenate your spirit and bring deeper relaxation.Tune into this episode to gain valuable insights and practical tips that will transform your summer vacation into a time of true rest and renewal.LINKS & RESOURCES- Summer read: Grab one of Bonnie's bestselling books: Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment!- Check out Bonnie's Soul Care courses: Get Bonnie’s bestseller hit "Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm" Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
5/27/202419 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Gift of Rest: Why Leisure Isn't a Waste of Time #119

LINKS & RESOURCES- Sign up for NEW "Breath Rest with Jesus" course Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing - Get Bonnie’s bestseller hit "Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm" Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
5/20/202417 minutes, 10 seconds
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Healing Toxic Ties: Breaking Free from Relationship Guilt #118

LINKS & RESOURCES- Sign up for NEW "Breath Rest with Jesus" course Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing - Get Bonnie’s bestseller hit "Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm" Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
5/13/202420 minutes, 16 seconds
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4 Ways to Heal from Toxic Mother Relationships: A Mother's Day Special

Mother's Day is around the corner. How are you feeling? In this heartfelt episode, Bonnie explores the complexities of navigating Mother's Day when you have a difficult or toxic relationship with your mom. Drawing from her own experiences and faith journey, Bonnie offers invaluable insights and practical tips for finding healing and peace, even amidst challenging family dynamics.Learn to Navigate Mother's Day with grace and peace. Explore four powerful ways to find healing from toxic mother relationships:Tune into this episode to celebrate Mother's Day with peace and joy, regardless of your circumstances.Key Takeaways:- Gain practical tips for navigating Mother's Day with difficult family dynamics- Release Shame: You are not responsible for fixing your mother's faults. - Embrace Grief: Allow yourself to grieve the loss of the ideal mother-daughter relationship. - Redefine motherhood: Create new memories towards healing and healthier relationships.Join Bonnie as she guides you toward healing and restoration this Mother's Day season. Remember, you are loved, cherished, and worthy of all the joy this world has to offer. LINKS & RESOURCES- Sign up for NEW "Breath Rest with Jesus" course Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing - Get Bonnie’s bestseller hit "Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm" Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
5/6/202419 minutes, 46 seconds
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3 Surefire Ways to Nurture Peace of Mind & Quiet Stressful Thoughts #116

LINKS & RESOURCES- Sign up for the NEW "Breath Rest with Jesus" course at - Read "How to Be Less Busy & More Happy" by Arthur Brooks, The Atlantic: - Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing  - Get Bonnie’s bestseller hit "Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm" - Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! - Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
4/29/202418 minutes, 45 seconds
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How to Be Less Busy, Less Mentally Fatigued & More Peaceful #115

Ever wondered how to find peace in the midst of life's chaos? Soul Care Mentor Bonnie Gray explores the science behind relaxation and the spiritual significance of finding solace in God's presence.Learn to cultivate a peaceful lifestyle and the importance of accessing your brain's Default Mode Network for true relaxation, and explore creative ways to meditate on God's word, fostering a deeper connection with Him.Tune into this episode to embrace practical strategies to improve wellness by incorporating rest into your daily life.Key Takeaways:- Rest isn't just about inactivity; it's about finding peace and joy in God's presence.- Quietness plays a vital role in mental and emotional rejuvenation.- Cultivate a daily practice of rest and meditation to experience God's peace amidst life's busyness.LINKS & RESOURCES- Sign up for the NEW "Breath Rest with Jesus" course at - Read "How to Be Less Busy & More Happy" by Arthur Brooks, The Atlantic: - Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing  - Get Bonnie’s bestseller hit "Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm" - Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! - Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
4/22/202420 minutes, 48 seconds
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I Stress, Therefore I Am: 4 Ways To Pursue Rest & Lower Stress #114

Are you caught in the whirlwind of stress, constantly battling against the tide of anxiety and worry? Join Bonnie Gray on a journey to find solace and rejuvenation in the midst of life's chaos.In this episode, we delve into the heart of rest and restoration. Have you ever wondered how to truly experience rest amidst life's demands? Well, wonder no more. Bonnie explores the transformative power of rest, diving deep into the intersection of scripture, science, and soul care. Learn to unlock the secrets of rest as Bonnie guides you through practical tips and spiritual insights.Tune into this episode to learn 4 Ways to gain freedom from stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. Reclaim your joy, rediscover your purpose, and refresh your soul as we journey together toward a life of rest and renewal.Key Takeaways:- Discover how even a 10-min brief moment of pause can shift your body's stress response and restore calm - Cultivate soul care creativity: Engage in creative activities to relax your nervous system, lower rumination, and boost your mood.- Embark on adventures of learning: Explore new experiences as pathways to breaking unhealthy habits and finding joy in God's goodness.- Find strength in community: Share your journey with others, nurture resilience, and find mutual encouragement in the company of fellow travelers.- Renew your spirit through soul care: Connect with Jesus in moments of quiet reflection, allowing His presence to satisfy and replenish your weary soul.Breath Prayer: (Inhale) For I will satisfy the weary soul //  (Exhale) And every languishing soul I will replenish Scripture Promise: "For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.” (Jer 31:25 ESV)LINKS & RESOURCES- Sign up for NEW "Breath Rest with Jesus: Create Rhythms of Rest" course at Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing - Get Bonnie’s bestseller hit "Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm" Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
4/15/202422 minutes, 40 seconds
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Discover God's Rest, Wellness, & Wonder By Doing This 1 Simple Surprising Thing on Your Walk #113

LINKS & RESOURCES Listen to all 6 Guided Prayer Meditations to heal the soul : Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing Get Bonnie’s ECPA bestseller Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
4/1/202423 minutes, 3 seconds
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Journey with Jesus: A Holy Week Meditation to Heal Your Soul

Ever wondered how to heal your soul in the midst of life's chaos? Today we have a special healing show for Holy Week. Soul Care Mentor Bonnie Gray guides you on a prayer meditation to walk with Jesus to the cross to new life on Easter. In this episode, Bonnie explores the ancient Christian practice of Lectio Divina, a profound form of prayer meditation. Learn to engage deeply with scripture as Bonnie gently guides you through the four sacred movements to heal your soul: reading, reflecting, responding, and resting in the loving presence of God.Tune into this episode to experience:The power of intimate prayer meditation to draw you closer to God's love.Healing from stress and anxiety through the timeless practice of Lectio Divina.A soul-nourishing audio meditation to refresh your spirit with Jesus.Key Takeaways:- How use this spiritual practice of prayer to bring peace and healing to your soul.- Learn how to create sacred space for prayer meditation in your daily life.- Experience the unconditional love of God as you journey this Holy Week and beyondListen & feel God's healing love more deeply as His beloved child. Breathe deep. Embrace grace.  Scripture Promise: "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." - Psalm 34:18LINKS & RESOURCES Listen to all 6 Guided Prayer Meditations to heal the soul : Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing Get Bonnie’s ECPA bestseller Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
3/25/202417 minutes, 8 seconds
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Feel Guilty For Taking Time for Yourself? 6 Signs of Codependency & How to Break Free #111

Ever felt like you're constantly pouring out, yet your own cup remains empty? In this episode, Bonnie Gray delves deep into the labyrinth of codependency, exploring how it stifles our joy and peace. Through personal anecdotes and poignant scripture, Bonnie invites us to reassess our relational dynamics, daring us to seek friendships that nourish rather than deplete.Learn to identify signs of codependency, embrace boundaries, and embark on a journey towards genuine connection. Tune into this episode to reclaim your emotional autonomy and foster friendships that bloom like never before.Key Takeaways:- Recognize the 6 signs of codependency- Understand the power of boundaries in fostering healthy relationships.- Embrace the concept of the "cord of three strands" friendships: mentors, companions, and mentees.- Find courage in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, knowing that true companionship uplifts and strengthens.Breath Prayer:  (Inhale) God comforts us in all our troubles //  (Exhale) so that we can comfort others, exhale. Scripture Promise: "God comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort others." 2 Cor 1:4. LINKS & RESOURCES How to Spot the Signs of Codependency: Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing Register for Bonnie's Lent Wellness Study at: Get Bonnie’s ECPA bestseller Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
3/18/202420 minutes, 33 seconds
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Glow from Within: The Science of Beauty and Emotional Wellness #110

Have you ever wondered how taking care of your skin connects to nurturing your soul?In this episode, Bonnie explores the profound link between skincare, inner beauty, and emotional wellness. Drawing from her personal journey and expertise in soul care, Bonnie shares insights on how simple practices like skincare routines and experiencing beauty in art and nature can deeply impact your emotional well-being.Learn to prioritize self-nurturing habits that not only rejuvenate your skin but also nourish your inner spirit. Discover the transformative power of mindfulness, the restorative effects of appreciating beauty, and the profound sense of wonder found in God's creation.Tune into this episode to unlock the secrets of radiant soul care and embrace your true beauty from within.Key Takeaways:- Prioritize self-nurturing practices like skincare routines to foster emotional wellness.- Experience the restorative power of mindfulness and appreciation for beauty in art and nature.- Embrace your inner beauty as a reflection of God's creation and nurture your soul with love and care.Breath Prayer:  (Inhale) Whatever is lovely //  (Exhale) Think on these things Scripture Promise: "Whatever is lovely... think on these things... Put them into practice and the peace of God will be with you." Phil 4:8,0LINKS & RESOURCES-  Visit Bonnie's Soul Care Store here: filled with products to boost your mood and reduce stress and anxiety levels  - Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing - Register for Bonnie's Lent Wellness Study at:   - Get Bonnie’s ECPA bestseller Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm - Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
3/11/202420 minutes, 35 seconds
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Feeling Heart-Sick? How Nurturing Your God-Breathed Dreams Nurtures Your Wellness & Joy #109

Have you ever stopped to ponder the dreams you've tucked away? Those sparks of inspiration that stir your heart? In this episode, Bonnie delves into the significance of those dreams and how nurturing your creative whispers plays an important part in wellness with Jesus.  Learn to recognize, nurture, and prioritize your God-breathed dreams, because you'll cultivate a deeper sense of rest and joy in your life. We explore the beauty of seasonal change, both in nature and within ourselves. From the dormant winter to the blossoming of spring, we'll discover how to awaken our dormant dreams and bring them to life. Learn to embrace your God-given ideas, regardless of their size or stage of development. Through practical soul care tips and reflective exercises, we'll uncover the power of nurturing our passions and pursuing the desires planted deep within our hearts.Tune into this episode to learn:- Your dreams matter: Honor the God-given ideas for holistic soul care.- You are worthy: the truth that your ideas are valuable to God and worthy of pursuit.- Trust in God's timing: Just as seasons change, stay faithful and patient in nurturing your dreams- Confidence in God's provision: Your adequacy comes from God alone. Lean on Him as you step out in pursuit of your dreams.Key Takeaways:- Cultivate confidence in God's ability to bring beauty and growth to your aspirations.- Explore the significance of nurturing God-given dreams for holistic soul care.- Embrace the truth that your ideas are valuable and worthy of pursuit.- Discover practical steps to tend to and prioritize your creative inspirationsBreath Prayer:  (Inhale) Not that we are adequate in ourselves. //  (Exhale) but our adequacy is from God. Scripture Promise: "Such confidence before God is ours through Christ. Not that we are adequate in ourselves, but our adequacy is from God." 2 Corinthians 3:5LINKS & RESOURCES - Register for Bonnie's Lent Wellness Study at:   Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing Get Bonnie’s ECPA bestseller Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
3/4/202423 minutes, 10 seconds
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Gripped By Anxiety? Return to Joy & Release Tension with the Power of a Song #108

LINKS & RESOURCES- Register for Bonnie's Lent Wellness Study at: Healthline Article on the Conversation & Mental Health:  Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing- Get Bonnie’s ECPA bestseller Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm-  Join the FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Join Bonnie this week as she guides you through practical strategies and spiritual insights to cultivate love, joy, and resilience in your relationships.  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
2/26/202420 minutes, 25 seconds
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7 Types of Conversation to Rekindle Love in Relationships & Boost Emotional Wellness

Have you ever wondered how to keep the spark alive in your relationships, especially when it comes to romance? In this episode, Bonnie explores the art of nurturing romance and strengthening bonds in relationships, drawing insights from personal experiences and biblical wisdom. Learn to cultivate new experiences, foster meaningful conversations, and prioritize positivity to reignite love and friendship in your life. Gain insights from biblical teachings on love, friendship, and the power of shared experiences.Tune into this episode to discover practical tips for nurturing romance and intimacy in relationships. Explore the significance of experiencing new things together to stimulate joy and connection. Understand the importance of positive communication and its impact on mental health and well-being.Key Takeaways:- Novelty activates the brain's reward system, releasing dopamine and enhancing positive emotions.- Engaging in new experiences together strengthens resilience to stress and boosts happiness.- Prioritize positive conversations and experiences to nurture intimacy and deepen connections.- 7 simple but key conversations can significantly improve relationship dynamics.Breath Prayer: (Inhale) I have loved you with an everlasting love//  (Exhale) I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.Scripture Promise: "I have loved you with an everlasting love. I have drawn you with unfailing kindness." Jer 31:3LINKS & RESOURCES- Register for Bonnie's Lent Wellness Study at: Healthline Article on the Conversation & Mental Health:  Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing- Get Bonnie’s ECPA bestseller Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm-  Join the FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Join Bonnie this week as she guides you through practical strategies and spiritual insights to cultivate love, joy, and resilience in your relationships.  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
2/19/202422 minutes, 40 seconds
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Relieve Stress & Feel Blessed Using This Joy Multiplier in Your Relationships #109

When was the last time you felt the warmth of a true heart connection? In this episode, Bonnie Gray delves into the essence of social wellness and its profound impact on our lives. As loneliness emerges as a pressing concern in today's world, Bonnie invites us to explore the depths of our hearts in connecting with others. Learn the fascinating meaning of "blessed" in the Bible and its connection to relationships. Embrace the joy of shared experiences and the power of reciprocal relationships in nourishing your soul. Drawing from personal anecdotes, Bonnie sheds light on the beauty of sharing joy with others and the blessings it brings.Tune into this episode to discover how moments of connection not only multiply joy but also enhance resilience and overall well-being.Key Takeaways:- Joy Multiplication: Sharing joy with others multiplies your own joy and enhances overall well-being.- Soul Care: Resilience Building: Storytelling and connection contribute to building resilience, aiding in bouncing back from challenges.- Science: Learn the Health Benefits: Time spent with friends reduces stress, boosts happiness, and strengthens the immune system. Breath Prayer: (Inhale) You go before me and you follow me // (Exhale) You place your hand of blessing on my head Scripture Promise: "You go before me and you follow me. You place your hand ofblessing on my head." Psalm 139:5LINKS & RESOURCES-  Register for Bonnie's Lent Wellness Study at: - Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing- Get Bonnie’s ECPA bestseller Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm- Join the FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
2/12/202419 minutes, 47 seconds
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Why Childlike Joy Isn't Childish But Good For Your Wellness & Your Faith #108

Is joy childish? In this episode, Bonnie explores this intriguing question. Listen to discover the profound connection between childlike joy and faith as Bonnie shares insights on rekindling the playful spark within you.  Learn to embrace activities that bring personal joy, understand the science behind play, and dive into the spiritual significance of having childlike faith.  Tune into this episode to experience the joy that comes from being God's beloved child and discover a refreshing breath prayer to carry with you. Key Takeaways: Recognize the link between childlike joy and faith in Jesus. Science: Embrace the idea that play is a powerful tool for building resilience. Soul Care: Understand the importance of welcoming the child within you as a sacred time with Jesus. Discover the spiritual significance of joy and play in your relationship with God. Breath Prayer:  (Inhale) When my anxious thoughts multiply //  (Exhale) Your comforts delight my soul Scripture Promise: "When my anxious thoughts multiply, your comforts delight my soul." Ps 94:19Join Bonnie on this transformative journey as she encourages you to choose joy and connect with Jesus in the small, delightful moments. If you enjoy the podcast, don't forget to rate and review it in your favorite podcast app. For more uplifting and faith-filled content, visit us at LINKS & RESOURCES Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing Get Bonnie’s ECPA bestseller Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Learn about Soul Care School:  “Breathe Joy with Jesus: Create Happy Wellness Rythyms” Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
2/5/202420 minutes, 17 seconds
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Making Changes Stick as the New Me in the New Year with Jesus #107

   LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Soul Care School:  “Breathe Joy with Jesus: Create Happy Wellness Rythyms” Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing Get Bonnie’s ECPA bestseller Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
1/29/202419 minutes, 32 seconds
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Numb to Joy? Unfreeze Your Heart and Find Your Flow of Joy with God's Promises

Welcome to "Breathe," the podcast that invites you to exhale, relax, and discover the power of God's promises. In this episode, Bonnie explores the question, "What makes you freeze and what makes you flow?" as she delves into the Freeze Stress Response and how to break free from stress using God's word and practical soul care tips. Learn to unfreeze your heart and move towards joy by discovering activities that bring you peace and tapping into the nurturing presence of God. Tune into this episode to embark on a journey of self-discovery, renewal, and finding joy in the midst of life's challenges. Key Takeaways:- Understand the freeze response and how stress affects your body.- Embrace the concept of "finding your flow" by engaging in activities you enjoy with your hands.- Discover the power of saying "yes" to God's promises for life, peace, and joy.- Partner with God in creating something new in the areas of your life where you feel uncertain or stressed.- Take a soul care tip: Do something with your hands this week that brings you joy, and experience the calming effects of entering the state of flow. Breath Prayer: Inhale: All promises of God // Exhale: Are yes in Christ Scripture: “All the promises of God are ‘Yes’ in Christ.” 2 Cor.1:20 BSB Join Bonnie on this inspiring journey of rest, renewal, and saying "yes" to the joy God wants to bring into your life. LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Soul Care School:  “Breathe Joy with Jesus: Create Happy Wellness Rythyms” Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing Get Bonnie’s ECPA bestseller Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
1/22/202419 minutes, 1 second
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Do This to Rewire Your Brain For Joy & Break Old Habits #105

Do you find it difficult to break old habits? You're not alone! Listen to this podcast to learn a proven way to rewire your brain for joy that is scripture-based and backed by science. Soul Care mentor Bonnie Gray invites you to explore the path of breaking free from stress and embracing a life filled with peace and joy, as we commemorate Martin Luther King Day. In this episode, Bonnie explores: Learning to break the habits that hinder your peace and joy. Discover how God's design for your nervous system and soul provides a path to relief and breaking old patterns.Learn to uncover the secrets to renewing your mind and rewriting old stories with God. Dive into the encouragement of breaking unhealthy habits and finding words of wisdom in God's promise.Tune into this episode to experience a breath prayer from Jeremiah 29:13, promising guidance into the new year. Learn how to activate your body's natural response to rest and cultivate joy-filled rhythms with Jesus.Key Takeaways: - Learn to tackle stress: Neuroplasticity to re-wire your brain - The Science: Discover the power of journaling and positive reinforcement - The Power of New Adventures: Break unhealthy habits by embarking on adventures to learn something new - The Soul Care; Positive encouragement and grace lead to transformation - Journaling for Joy: Explore the power of journaling to release stress and boost mood. - Reflect on what drained and energized you the past year Breath Prayer: Inhale: You will seek me and find me // Exhale: When you search for me with all your heart Scripture: "You will seek me and find me, exhale when you search for me with all your heart." LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Soul Care School:  “Breathe Joy with Jesus: Create Happy Wellness Rhythms”  Get Bonnie’s ECPA bestseller Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
1/15/202423 minutes, 20 seconds
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Renewing Your Mind: How to Reduce Stress Using Scripture-Based Mindfulness #104

Have you wondered how mindfulness aligns with your faith? In this episode, Bonnie delves into the transformative power of scripture-based mindfulness. Discover how biblical mindfulness isn't just about reducing stress; it's about finding peace and joy in God's presence amidst life's chaos.Learn to center yourself in God's promises, starting small and embracing the shelter of His word. Explore the practice of breath prayers and the impact of meditative prayer on personalizing scripture. By nurturing positive thoughts and treasuring God's words, experience the restorative power of biblical mindfulness.Tune in to discover soul care practices, including a practical tip: embracing a fruit break for improved well-being and restful sleep. Remember, this new year, you're worthy of joy because you're beloved in God's eyes.Key Takeaways: Biblical mindfulness: Finding peace in God's presence amid chaos. Spiritual Practice: Power of breath prayers and meditative prayer for personalizing scripture. Science: Nurturing positive thoughts for improved mental and physical health. Soul Care: Embracing self-care practices like fruit breaks for well-being and joy. Inspiring Story: How our childhood & grown-up experiences of joy draw us close to God Breath Prayer:   Inhale: You are my refuge and my shield.  // Exhale: I have put my hope in your word. Scripture:  You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word," Psalm 119:114   LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Soul Care School: “Breathe Joy with Jesus: Create Happy Healthy Habits”  Get a copy of Bonnie’s ECPA bestseller Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
1/8/202424 minutes, 56 seconds
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Want More Joy in Life? Create New Rhythms & Happy Healthy Habits with God's Promises in the New Year #103

Ready for a fresh start, but wonder if it’s worth the effort to make changes? Ever wondered how to turn a new year into a canvas for fresh possibilities, instead of ending up with regrets? In this episode, Bonnie helps you get a fresh start with a new series “Fresh Faith, Breathe Joy.” Learn key tips to creating a life of joy by creating happy healthy habits to lower stress and focus on your wellness with Jesus in the new year. We’ll delve into the power of God's promises to revitalize our lives, taking small steps toward joy-filled rhythms. Learn to: Discover how to overcome regret, nurture your soul, and develop easy, light habits that spark joy. Explore the science-backed approach to habit formation that makes transformation accessible. Tune into this episode to: Revitalize your life by planting new seeds and embracing God's promises. Learn how patience, small steps, and scripture-based breath prayers can transform your journey toward joy. Key Takeaways: God’s Promise of Restoration: "I will restore to you the years that the swarming locusts have eaten." Joel 2:24-25 The Science: Start small, think easy: Develop new rhythms that nurture your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The Prayer Practice: Pray the promises: Use breath prayers to personalize scripture and infuse your life with divine promises. An Inspiring Story: How an unexpected gift from a father’s passing, revealed a faith lesson on how true change takes time— and how nurturing new habits, and joy will follow. Breath Prayer:  Inhale: I'm doing something new. Exhale: I'm making a way in the wilderness.  Scripture:  "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Is. 43:19 LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Soul Care School: “Breathe Joy with Jesus: Create Happy Healthy Habits”  Get a copy of Bonnie’s ECPA bestseller Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which area of wellness you’re missing Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
1/1/202427 minutes, 57 seconds
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Turn a New Page & Let God’s Love Light the Way with My Christmas Guided Meditation #102

What words or labels shape your story? Learn how to let God's love shape how you feel about yourself and let go of guilt and shame as we step into a Christmas. Join Bonnie in discovering how to prepare to make changes in the new year that last, as you celebrate Christmas this week. Learn to breathe in God's love & hear His loving voice in a new way on today's show. Bonnie shares encouragement and key tips to renew your heart this Christmas no matter how diminished you may feel, with both science and scripture. Pause in your day to breathe in God's love using a guided meditation in Josepha's journey in Matthew. You'll be guided through a contemplative practice, 'Lectio Divina,' to find that word or phrase God is whispering to reignite God's love in your heart. Key Takeaways: Breathe in Scripture: Be reminded of who God created you to be, and not what others have negatively imprinted into your life. Breathe out Stress with Soul Care: Learn how to powerfully strengthen what God is saying to you afresh at the end of the year, preparing for the new year ahead.  The Science: Learn about the competitive memory theory describes how each person has access to both positive and negative experiences. Learn how pathways in our brain -negative and positive feelings can grow weaker or stronger depending upon which we activate more.     Breath Prayer: Inhale: "God is With Me" / Exhale: "I am God's delight." Scripture: "No longer will you be called forsaken... you will be called My Delight" Is. 62:4-5 Join Bonnie as we unlock the secrets to nurturing God's love within, letting go of guilt and shame.   LINKS & RESOURCES Join Soul Care School - Jan 2024 registration opens soon!  Rescue a child from sex trafficking: Go here for the IJM Holiday Gift Guide Help guest Sandra Sharp at CRU reach 1,000 women in Eastern Europe. Fund a Soaring Guidebook at Grab ECPA bestseller hit Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Shop Bonnie's Holiday Favorite Things Soul Care List  2023 at Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
12/25/202325 minutes, 17 seconds
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Find Your Lost Spark of Joy This Christmas with My Guided Advent Meditation #101

What's keeping you from joy? How are you putting your heart to the side. Join Bonnie in discovering the elements that nurture joy God intends for you, especially during the holiday stresses. You are worthy of joy, and it's never too late to choose it. Learn to Cultivate Joy on today's show. Bonnie shares encouragememt and key tips to renew your spark of joy no matter how diminished you may feel, with both science and scripture. Pause in your day to breathe in joy using a guided meditation in the Shepherd's journey Luke 2:8-20. You'll be guided through the contemplative practice, 'Lectio Divina,' to find that word or phrase God is whispering to reignite your hope of joy. Tune in to this episode to: - Open your heart and draw closer to God to find lost joy amid holiday stress- Cultivate practices aligning with science and scripture for soul care- Embrace a childlike faith that invites joy into your life- Create space for joy amidst responsibilities and chaosKey Takeaways: Breathe in Scripture: Deepen trust in God's timing & promises to find joy in each season of lifeBreathe out Stress with Soul Care: Learn practical soul-care tips to nurture your inner sparkThe Science: Learn the Power of Sharing Positive Experiences to Multiply Joy Special Guest: Be inspired by the testimony of Keisha Hosmer, who shares her journey of discovering hope and joy despite challenges. Breath Prayer: Inhale: "I am" / Exhale: "Favored by God" Scripture: "I am favored by God." " Luke 2:14 Join Bonnie as we unlock the secrets to nurturing joy within, even amidst the busiest times. LINKS & RESOURCES Visit today's special guest Kacia Hosmer at & on Join Soul Care School - Jan 2024 registration opens soon!  Rescue a child from sex trafficking: Go here for the IJM Holiday Gift Guide Help guest Sandra Sharp at CRU reach 1,000 women in Eastern Europe. Fund a Soaring Guidebook at Grab ECPA bestseller hit Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Shop Bonnie's Holiday Favorite Things Soul Care List  2023 at Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
12/18/202329 minutes, 8 seconds
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Let Go of Stressful Expectations this Christmas & Renew Hope with My Guided Advent Reflection #100

Are you seeking hope in the midst of life's challenges? Join Bonnie Gray to explore the powerful principle of "going a different way" to let go of stressful expectations to renew your hope during Advent. Learn how you can navigate conflict with difficult people or circumstances.  In this episode, Bonnie guides you in Lectio Divina scripture meditation to breathe in hope this Christmas - reflecting on the magi and your story, finding parallels between their journey and challenges you face in life. Discover Jesus amidst struggles and find light in the darkness. Learn to navigate life's redirections, much like the Magi's altered path, and embrace changes this Christmas to reignite hope.Practice the soul care & gain scientific benefits of inner and outer quietness, cultivating intimacy with God and restoring hope. Reimagine Christmas by prioritizing wellness and peace, infusing new rhythms into the festive season.  Special Guest: Jennifer Chung-Vanzini - The podcast also highlights the issue of human trafficking sharing a powerful story with International Justice Mission (IJM) of a survivor named Ruby, who was rescued and now shines God's light. Tune into this episode to enjoy a healing pause with Jesus and encouragement amidst chaos, nurturing your soul with peace and rest. Key Takeaways: Hope Amidst Challenges: Rediscover hope as the presence of Jesus in life's struggles. The Power of "Going a Different Way": Make positive changes and embrace new paths, even in the face of obstacles. The Science: Quietness Benefits: Lower stress & feel intimacy with God practicing inner and outer quietness. Wellness-Centric Christmas: Prioritize wellness and peace during the festive season.  Encouragement and Rest: Embrace hope amidst life's chaos, finding peace and restoration for your soul.  Breath Prayer: Inhale: Return home / Exhale: By another way Scripture:"The magi left for their own country by another way " Matthew 2:12 LINKS & RESOURCES Rescue a child from sex trafficking: God here for the IJM Holiday Gift Guide Listen to "Finding Ruby" 6 part series Podcast Fight for My Life Learn more about International Justice Mission: Help Sandra Sharp at CRU reach 1,000 women in Eastern Europe. Go here to fund a Soaring Guidebook at Grab ECPA bestseller Breathe audiobook only $5.95 (new audible users) Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Shop Bonnie's Holiday Favorite Things Soul Care List  2023 at Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Join Soul Care School - Jan 2024 registration opens soon!  Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
12/11/202329 minutes, 22 seconds
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Heart Torn? Move from Exhaustion to Healing Peace This Christmas with My Guided Advent Meditation

Is your heart feeling torn by expectations and your body feeling exhausted this Christmas – so you can no longer ignore your need for peace - in your emotions and your body? You’re not alone.  In today’s episode, you’ll learn how you can experience more of God’s peace in your heart, your story, and your overwhelmed body - by letting go of old coping mechanisms that are hurting you – and replacing them with soul care practices that will help heal you. Bonnie brings on her dear friend, Sandra Sharp, from once war-torn Croatia, Eastern Europe, to share their journey of healing and discovering peace amid life's tumultuous trials. This episode features a Guided Advent Meditation: Enjoy a guided Lectio Divina Scripture meditation for the first week of Advent, centering on peace. Explore Mary's Story and learn to discern God's whispers of peace within your own narrative. Join Bonnie and Sandra for a soul-enriching reflection, drawing parallels to their journeys and guiding listeners to find solace in divine promises, discovering peace in God's unwavering faithfulness. Key Takeaways: Embrace Healing Your Story: Find peace through meaningful friendships during life's challenges. Identify and Release Coping Mechanisms: Reflect and let go of strategies hindering genuine peace and well-being. Breathe in God’s Promises: Steady your heart in uncertainty, finding solace in God’s faithfulness. Practice Journaling for Healing: Engage in therapeutic journaling for emotional release and lowered anxiety levels. Create Spaces for Rest and Reflection: Cultivate intentional moments for inner peace with God Take Part in Breath Prayers: Incorporate centering breath prayers to restore calm. Tune in to this inspiring, faith-infused conversation on "Breathe: The Stress Less Podcast," refilling your soul with the touch of the Holy Spirit’s peace.  Experience Spiritual Rejuvenation with a Breath Prayer:Inhale: "Let it be to me"Exhale: "According to your word" Scripture: "Let it be to me according to your word." Luke 1:38 LINKS & RESOURCES Help Sandra Sharp at CRU reach 1,000 women in Eastern Europe. Go here to fund a Soaring Guidebook at Shop Bonnie's Holiday Favorite Things Soul Care List  2023 at Join Faith Filled Women's Conference with Bonnie: Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Grab ECPA bestseller Breathe audiobook only $5.95 (new audible users) Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Join Soul Care School - Jan 2024 registration opens soon!  Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
12/4/202328 minutes, 15 seconds
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Finding Peace Amidst Chaos: 5 Keys to Navigate Holiday Stress with Faith & Wellness #98

Struggling to Find Peace Amidst Holiday Chaos? Ever felt the holiday overwhelm creeping in, disrupting your joy and peace? Uncover five transformative keys to flourish amidst the holiday rush with faith and wellness. Join Soul Care Coach, Bonnie Gray, as she unravels the secrets to navigating seasonal stress on the latest episode of Breathe: The Stress-Less Podcast. Discover 5 Soul-Nurturing Strategies for tranquility this Christmas. In this episode, Bonnie delves deep into the unique challenges that arise during the festive but stressful season. Explore practical strategies rooted in faith and wellness, empowering you to rediscover peace and the essence of Christmas. What You'll Gain: Uncover 5 effective ways to identify and gracefully handle common holiday stressors. Reconnect with the childlike wonder within you, bringing back the joy of the season. Practical soul care and stress relief based on science + scripture. Engaging your senses for spiritual rejuvenation leads to a tranquil holiday experience. Meaning soul care gifts ideas to nurture wellness with Jesus  Experience Spiritual Rejuvenation with a Breath Prayer:Inhale: "Draw near to God"Exhale: "He will draw near to you" Scripture: "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you." James 4:8 Join Bonnie Gray on a Journey to a Stress-Free Holiday Season! Step into a world of wellness, resilience, and peace this holiday. Don't miss out on this episode packed with soul care expertise to help you reclaim joy amidst the holiday hustle. Tune in now to Breathe: The Stress-Less Podcast. LINKS & RESOURCES Shop Bonnie's Holiday Favorite Things Soul Care List  2023 at Join Faith Filled Women's Conference with Bonnie: Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Grab ECPA bestseller Breathe audiobook only $5.95 (new audible users) Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Join Soul Care School - Jan 2024 registration opens soon!  Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
11/27/202331 minutes, 54 seconds
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5 Ways to Redefine Gratitude When Your Heart is Hurting #97

Have you ever felt judged or encouraged “to be thankful” when you share about a hard time you’re facing? Is it possible to even be thankful when your heart is hurting? In this episode, Bonnie dismantles the myth that in order to be thankful, you can’t struggle with suffering during hard seasons in life.  In this episode, soul care mentor Bonnie shares 5 ways to redefine gratitude so you can draw comfort with God and find encouragement when your heart is hurting. Rather than ignoring your heart, you will learn to give thanks in a way that is emotionally healthy, honest, and uplifting to your spirit. Be strengthened as Bonnie shares insights to free you to acknowledge difficult feelings and express gratitude at the same time.  Tune in to this episode to discover 5 ways to redefine gratitude that will help you release your stress and heal your hurting heart during the holidays. What You’ll Learn:* Why It's okay to feel sad or broken during the holidays because of God’s care.* Gratitude doesn't mean we have to be happy all the time.* God is with us in our suffering and He loves us unconditionally.* 5 Ways we can redefine gratitude to draw close to God our sadness and our suffering.* The Science: How avoiding our anxiety increases it but embracing our feelings allows us to heal.* Breath Prayer: Engage in a breath prayer to comfort you with God’s promises Join us in embracing God's love, enhancing confidence, and prioritizing soul care in your daily life. Breath Prayer: Inhale: You have made me  // Exhale: You will carry me Scripture: “Even to your old age and gray hairs, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you.” Isaiah 46:4LINKS & RESOURCES Shop Bonnie's Holiday Favorite Things Soul Care List  2023 at Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Grab ECPA bestseller Breathe audiobook only $5.95 (offer for new audible users) Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take FREE Soul Care Quiz at – your personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Join Soul Care School - Jan 2024 registration opens soon!  Follow Bonnie at & Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
11/20/202326 minutes, 23 seconds
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The One Key: How to Unlock God's Love for Unshakable Confidence #96

Have you ever wondered, How can I truly experience God's love and boost my confidence in myself? If a friend asked you these questions, how would you respond?"In this episode, Bonnie shares insights from her experience in guiding women across the globe in all walks of life to dive into a powerful question. Discover how to move beyond merely knowing God's truth to deeply feeling His love and your worthiness. Tune in to this episode to explore the transformative journey of experiencing God's love and cultivating unshakable confidence through soul care.Key Takeaways:- Experience over Head Knowledge:  Move from intellectual knowledge to heart experience at a peresonal level for lasting confidence in God's love.  Action is key to building confidence and self-love in Christ. - The Power of Shared Experiences: The episode explores the impact of sharing experiences with God. Bonnie recounts a heartwarming story , highlighting the significance of how shared moments with God and others can make His love tangible and boost your sense of worthiness.- The Science: Practicing recalling good memories and enjoying a cup of tea can help release stress and experience pockets of rest.- Breath Prayer. Engage in a breath prayer for biblical mindfulness and connect with the Lord.Join us in embracing God's love, enhancing confidence, and prioritizing soul care in your daily life. Breath Prayer: Inhale: Return to rest oh my soul  // Exhale: The Lord has been good to you. Scripture: "Return to rest, oh my soul, for the Lord has been good to you." Psalm 116:7 LINKS & RESOURCES Join Soul Care School - exciting January 2024 registration opens soon! Get Bonnie’s ECPA bestseller audiobook only $5.95 (offer for new audible users) Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Get soul care products at Bonnie's Soul Care Store: Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Want to connect with Bonnie More? Follow her at, Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
11/6/202323 minutes, 8 seconds
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Is a Stress-Free Life Realistic? The One Godly Ambition to Rest That Will Change Your Life #95

What does it mean to rest? How can we find rest in our busy lives? And why is rest so important for our overall well-being? In modern day life, what are 4 elements of rest that are must have? Bonnie Gray, soul care coach & bestselling author shares her insights on the importance of rest and how we can incorporate it into our lives. This episode will inspire you to make rest a priority in your life. Because when we rest, we're not just taking care of ourselves. We're also taking care of our relationships, our work, and our world. Learn: - a godly ambition: What rest is & why it's important - The different types of rest we need - 4 elements of rest: creativity, adventure, community soul care - The science: Take time out to rest from work. Enjoy a creative activity using your hands. - The science of quiet: benefits of a quietness break. Enjoy doing something free of distraction Breath Prayer: Inhale: make it your ambition // Exhale: to lead a quiet life Scripture: "Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life.” - 1 Thess 4:11 LINKS & RESOURCES Check out Bonnie's Soul Care Favorite Finds at: Join Bonnie’s Soul Care School: Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Get Bonnie’s new book #1 Amazon bestseller to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Want to connect with Bonnie More? Follow her at, Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
10/30/202325 minutes, 53 seconds
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Why Nurturing Your Way Out of Stress Works & Why Trying to Think Your Way Out of Stress Makes Everything Worse #94

In this week's Breathe podcast, where we're talking about how to nurture your way out of stress. We often think that the best way to deal with stress is to try to solve our problems. But what if we could actually nurture ourselves out of stress? In this episode, we'll explore the myths we believe about our emotions and how they can actually lead us to hear God's invitation. We'll also talk about the importance of staying hydrated and journaling as soul care practices that can help us process our emotions and find peace. Learn: - Nurturing your way out of stress is more important than trying to solve your way out of stress. - Our emotions are gold because they lead us to hear God's invitation. - God cares about how you feel and invites you to nurture your way out of anxiety. - When you feel weary and languishing, God will replenish what's been poured out. - Staying hydrated is a soul care practice that nourishes your body and tells your nervous system everything's going well. - Journaling can help you process your emotions and move them from a place in your brain called the amygdala to a part of your brain that will be much calmer. Breath Prayer: Inhale: You satisfy my weary soul // Exhale: Every languishing soul, You will replenish. Scripture: "For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish." Jeremiah 31:25 LINKS & RESOURCES Check out Bonnie's Soul Care Favorite Finds at: Join Bonnie’s Soul Care School: Join FREE Breathe Newsletter! Get Bonnie’s new book #1 Amazon bestseller to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Want to connect with Bonnie More? Follow her at, Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
10/23/202321 minutes, 43 seconds
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Here's One Surprising Antidote to Burnout & 2 Ways That Make It Worse #93

When your burn out, what are your natural coping mechanisms? Do they work? Why or why not? In this episode, Bonnie Gray, discusses the importance of how to avoid and treat burnout, sharing the reasons why we are overwhelmed without realizing the signs. Learn the surprising research that shows the two coping mechanisms we usually adopt make burnout worse while one powerful strategy has been proven to re-energize, motivate, lift depressive mood, and relieve anxiety. Bonnie shares how to draw near to God in your moments of burnout, so you can feel better and start recovering your well-being. Learn: The Science: Learning Something New: Learning new skills or information engages the brain in a way that reduces stress and anxiety. The Scripture: How to Draw Near to God in practical ways to heal from burnout The Practice: Learn what activities help avoid burnout, the importance of supportive community, sharing stories and encouragement. Why Physically Spending Time outside is even more important during burnout. The Breath Prayer for Burnout + using visualization technique to invite a sense of peace. Enjoy this calming pause to breathe God’s promise for you today to release stress and restore calm. Learn the scripture and science of wellbeing to renew your spirit.   Scripture Promise: "Draw near to God. Inhale, exhale, and he will draw near to you." James 4:8 Soul Care Tips: Power of Learning Something New, Imaginative prayer practice, Power of Physically Being with Others When You're Burnout LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE Newsletter for devotionals & Soul Care Bible Studies Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
10/16/202323 minutes
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The Power of Words: 3 Ways to Find Calm & Heal Your Heart When Hurtful Words Harm - #92

In this episode, Bonnie talks about how the words we use can powerfully shape our lives, both positively and negatively.  Learn how research shows that negative or pain-related words can actually increase pain levels and trigger stress hormones like cortisol. On the flip side, positive, encouraging words release feel-good hormones like serotonin. Bonnie encourages us to surround ourselves with affirming people who can speak life into challenging situations. She also guides us through a breathing exercise of meditating on the Breath Prayer "You will keep me in perfect peace" from Isaiah 26:3. Listen to this episode. Soul care coach Bonnie's gentle wisdom provides simple yet profound tools to find calm through God's peace and joy.  Enjoy this calming pause to breathe God’s promise for you today to release stress and restore calm. Learn the scripture and science of well-being to renew your spirit. Learn how: Hearing verbal encouragement improves our performance and motivation Telling our stories and building community combats isolation Actions reveal our trust and confidence in God's love Scripture Promise: "You will keep me in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you." Isaiah 26:3. Soul Care Tips: Power of verbal encouragement, telling your story, the importance of speaking to friends, taking action LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE Newsletter for devotionals & Soul Care Bible Studies Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
10/9/202319 minutes, 24 seconds
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How to Breathe in God's Peace & Breathe Out Overwhelm #91

When you feel overwhelmed, what helps you relax and get unstuck? When you feel overwhelmed with your thoughts - how do you turn off your overthinking? Learn how to stop the overwhelm, slow down your thoughts, and calm your emotions. Listen to this episode to learn practical soul-care tips to handle the ups and downs in your day.  Bonnie guides you to learn simple soul care strategies based on scripture and science to spark peace and joy in your emotions and body.Enjoy this calming pause to breathe God’s promise for you today to release stress and restore calm. Learn the scripture and science of wellbeing to renew your spirit.  Learn: The two types of regret and why one helps you grow and the other makes you depressed. Why sharing your stories stops overwhelm and movse your brain and spirit to calm. The science: how to break the brain’s path of least resistance to practice calm This week’s Breath Prayer to help you calm the overwhelm. Scripture Promise: “You are my strength and my shield. I put my hope in your word.” Ps 119:114 Soul Care Tip: Breath Prayer, sharing your stories, talking to someone and not texting, taking a walk LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE Newsletter for devotionals & Soul Care Bible Studies Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
10/2/202319 minutes, 49 seconds
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Stressed by Change? How to Run & Not Grow Weary #90

LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE Newsletter for devotionals & Soul Care Bible Studies Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
9/25/202318 minutes, 50 seconds
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How to Say Yes to God’s Best with Confidence When You’re Weary and Doubt Yourself” #89

What gives you confidence when you’re facing a challenge or you’re starting something new? Ever keep procrastinating on what you once felt inspired to do? Listen to this episode to learn how can you be more confident as you step into what God’s called you to do or to grow in an area of your life. Learn what gives us inner confidence and helps us grow in confidence! Bonnie explores the reasons why we procrastinate or doubt ourselves and shares a soul-care tip to grow in true inner confidence with God. Bonnie guides you to practice this week’s Breath Prayer and Soul Care tip based on God’s promise to release stress. Bonnies shares scripture and the science of well-being to release stress. Enjoy learning how to cast your cares to God and renew your spirit. Learn: What builds true confidence with God to move forward even in doubt A proven, effective way to move forward in God’s power, instead of constantly doubting whether your efforts are “good enough”. How to say Yes to God’s best to flow through you rather than getting stressed striving to do your best for God. How to stop procrastinating and move out of overanalyzing mode. Scripture Promise: “Our adequacy is from God who has made us adequate.” 2 Corinthians 3:4-6 Soul Care Tip: Breath Prayer, mental health benefits of self-affirmations & God affirmations LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE Newsletter for devotionals & Soul Care Bible Studies Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
9/18/202320 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to Quiet Your Worries & Relax When You’re Anxious #88

Do you find it hard to relax when you feel anxious? Is your body & your emotions telling you “I’m stressed!” even though you tell yourself “I’m fine!”? Listen to this episode to learn how to break the cycle of worries to move you out of stress mode.  Bonnie shows you how to relax in the midst of challenges as a godly pursuit with wellness benefits!  Learn this week’s Breath Prayer & soul care tips based on scripture and science to restore calm to your emotions & body. Use this meditation & practical way to refresh your soul with God’s peace! Learn:  Why taking action to relax is a key indication of our faith in our relationship with God . 2 effective ways to relax to release tension in your mind & body when you feel anxious. To explore what brings you peace and joy. Bonnie guides you to practice a Breath Prayer (Lectio Divina) to release stress in your body and emotions.  Bonnie guides you to restore calm to your body & emotions using scripture and science to release stress. Enjoy learning how to cast your cares to God and renew your spirit. Scripture Breath Prayer: Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.” Soul Care Tip: Breath Prayer, mental health  benefits of trees, nature sounds, and quietness LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE Newsletter for devotionals & Soul Care Bible Studies Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at– your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
9/11/202318 minutes, 9 seconds
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New Beginnings and the Grace That Never Runs Out #87

When you want to turn a new page, begin new habits, or make changes, do you fear not having what it takes? Do you hold back in fear of wasting time or resources if it doesn’t work out? Learn how to overcome the resistance to make changes with God in this episode. Listen to this episode to learn to overcome the push of daily life to invest in what God is calling you to begin anew. Bonnie guides you to practice a Breath Prayer (Lectio Divina) to release stress in your body and emotions. Bonnie shares scripture and the science of well-being to release stress. Enjoy learning how to cast your cares to God and renew your spirit. Bonnie encourages us with reminders of how God provides what we need in the moment we need. Don’t rely on a plan, but on God’s grace - step out to see God providing one step at a time. Learn: How the science of neuroplasty helps us break bad habits & negative thinking and start new pathways for our brains towards positivity. 3 mental health benefits that neurologists have found happen to our brain when we learn something new. Why God designed us to thrive when we learn a new skill: improves cognitive functioning, and boosts our mood and happiness. How using our faith nurtures a sense of confidence in God’s direction in life. God will provide what we need in the moment we need. Scripture Breath Prayer: Isaiah 43:19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Soul Care Tip: Breath Prayer, Neuroscience health benefits of learning a new skill LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE Newsletter for devotionals & Soul Care Bible Studies Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
9/4/202319 minutes, 44 seconds
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Feeling Down? 4 Types of Rest You Need That Aren't Selfish to Encourage You: God Loves You #86

What are some of the first signs that let you know that you’re feeling discouraged? When you find it hard to pray or God feels far away, learn what simple actions you can take, so you can feel better and hear God’s loving voice. Rest isn’t the absence of activity, but allowing God to touch four different areas in your life to restore your soul and refill your energy. Listen to this episode to learn the 4 different types of rest that you need, that aren’t selfish to encourage you, instead of staying demoralized and burned out. Bonnie guides a new Breath Prayer technique using contemplative prayer practice (Lectio Divina) to release stress in your body and emotions.   Bonnie teaches this week’s Breath Prayer to restore God’s peace, based on Scripture and the science of well-being to release stress. Enjoy the contemplative prayer practice to cast your cares to God and renew your spirit.   Learn: How God invites you to stop and rest to sustain you for the journey. The health benefits of soul searching to assess what you are doing and why Four types of rest and why it matters to God: 1 - physical rest - burnout 2 - emotional rest – honesty, healing 3 - spiritual rest - encouragement from God, decision-making guidance 4 - social rest – relationship, friendship, loneliness Scripture Breath Prayer: Isaiah 43:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Soul Care Tip: Breath Prayer, 4 types of rest LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE Newsletter for devotionals & Soul Care Bible Studies Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
8/28/202325 minutes, 10 seconds
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3 Keys to Overcome Second-Hand Stress: The Lord Is My Shepherd #85

We’ve all heard about the negative impacts of second-hand smoke, but did you know there are negative impacts of second-hand stress and second hand-anxiety? For the strong ones and encouragers who help others, we experience a dip in our mental health and well-being because we’re pouring out so much. Listen to this episode to replenish your emotional reserves as you serve others in positions of responsibility – in ministry, friendship or family – as you support others facing challenges in health, school, relationships, finances, and life. God sees you. God knows your needs. God did not create you solely for the purpose of helping others. Practice a simple Breath Prayer meditation to release stress. Bonnie shares a soul care tip based on scripture & science to lower your stress and avoid burnout. Learn: 3 questions to ask yourself & 3 soul care actions to treat second-hand stress How much time are you spending in nature? Stop cortisol and refill on God’s peace. Do you have time where you are breathing in God’s word? Mindfulness and meditation are scientifically proven to calm the emotional brain. Learn how to create pockets of quietness to meditate. Do you have boundaries? Learn to say no, so you can help others for the long haul instead of burning out. Scripture Breath Prayer: Psalm 23:1 “The Lord is my Shepherd. I lack nothing.” Soul Care Tip: Breath Prayer, Lowering cortisol using the benefits of guided imagery in prayer, nature, using memories, mindfulness, meditation boundaries Bonnie teaches this week’s Breath Prayer to restore calm, based on Scripture and the science of well-being to release stress. LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE Newsletter for devotionals & Soul Care Bible Studies Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
8/21/202320 minutes, 4 seconds
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This 1 Thing Can Lower Your Child’s Stress & Avoid School Burnout (Including Yours) #84

Studies show parents’ mental health suffers when their kid’s anxieties and depression increase and mental health suffers. Learn to combat one of the biggest stresses the CDC named that students suffer from — a sense of feeling alone in their stress. Learn one of the most powerful benefits to lower stress for children & prevent school burnout to meet social & academic challenges: emotional health benefits of spending time together & the family meal. Practice a simple Breath Prayer meditation to release stress. Bonnie shares a soul care tip based on scripture & science to lower your stress and avoid burnout. Learn: Signal your body to rest & Combat your body’s stress response Emotional health benefits of spending quality time together Practical Ideas to add touchpoints to connect with your kids Mental Health benefits of family meals   Scripture:  “Let my soul be at rest again for the Lord has been good to me.” - Psalm 116:7 Soul Care Tip: Breath Prayer, Benefits of Listening, Being Present & Family Meals Bonnie teaches this week’s Breath Prayer to restore calm, based on Scripture and the science of well-being to release stress. LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE Newsletter for devotionals & Soul Care Bible Studies Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
8/14/202318 minutes, 53 seconds
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How to Calm the Chaos & Have Your Most Fulfilling Fall Ever with God #83

How do you make Fall your most fulling time, instead of letting busyness and chaos overwhelm you, as we return to work demands and school?  In today’s episode, learn to add one powerful but neglected ingredient to your schedule to lower negative emotions like fear, sadness, and anxiety – and boost motivation, energy, and calm, based on science and scripture! Do you feel leisure time is laziness? Learn how the brain reacts when you engage in leisure activities that focus on learning something new. Practice this week’s simple breath prayer to calm inner chaos and restore your motivation.  Bonnie shares how God uses leisure time to help you walk closer to Him and feel His peace. Bonnie guides you to calm your inner chaos with this week’s scripture meditation and use a practical soul care tip to calm your emotions and body! Scripture: Psalm 119:10 “With my whole heart, I seek you. Let me not wander from your commands.” Soul Care Tip: Breath Prayer, Benefits of Leisure time and recreational activities that involve learning Bonnie teaches this week’s Breath Prayer to restore calm, based on Scripture and the science of well-being to release stress. LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE Newsletter for devotionals & Soul Care Bible Studies Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
8/7/202315 minutes, 5 seconds
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Don’t Let Pain of the Past Stop You Today: Use Biblical Mindfulness to Release Fear & Anxiety #82

What ideas have you put to the side because you feel afraid? Listen to this episode to release your past fears & anxieties to do what God is calling you to do today. Ignoring fears doesn’t make them go away, but adds stress on our bodies, minds and hearts.  Avoiding what you want to do triggers nervous systems to express anxiety or depression. In today’s episode, learn to step forward with God to do the hard thing you want to do, even as you are afraid.   Bonnie guides you in a time of scripture meditation to encourage your heart. Bonnie teaches this week’s Breath Prayer to restore calm, based on Scripture and science of well-being to release stress. Learn: - To rewrite trauma of the past by taking action to do something new with God - Make new decisions you have been avoiding, to do new things with God - Breathe in peace using 3 simple soul care tips to lower stress and anxiety. Scripture: Psalm 145:18 “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” Soul Care Tip: Breath Prayer, Stress Relieving Benefits of Biblical Mindfulness LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE Newsletter to get devotionals & be first to hear of new Soul Care Bible Studies Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
7/31/202320 minutes, 8 seconds
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How to Get Unstuck When Challenges Push You Down PLUS Thoughts on Tony Bennett #81

Maybe recently, you have felt your foot slipping and you have felt pushed back. When life is giving you challenges, stress or trials – how do you get unstuck? Bonnie shows you how to get unstuck and lift your spirit with God’s more of peace and less stress. In this episode, Bonnie helps you relax and meditate on a short passage in Psalms to calm your body and emotions when you feel surrounded by challenges.  Learn a powerful soul care tip – inspired by scripture and science. Bonnie will teach this week’s Breath Prayer to renew your strength, using Scripture and the science of well-being, to release stress. Learn: - how to enjoy meditation and a breath prayer to feel God’s goodness and nearness, so you can weather your challenges with less stress. - how to move to get unstuck with God rather than being consumed with worries - how to relax as God surrounds you with songs of deliverance. Scripture: Psalm 118:14 “I was pushed so hard I was falling, but the LORD helped me. The LORD is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation.” Soul Care Tip: Breath Prayers, Power of Song, Journaling Your Thoughts LINKS & RESOURCES Tony Bennett & Marc Anthony Duet on YouTube “For Once in My Life” Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
7/24/202320 minutes, 12 seconds
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Hope and Healing for Families Struggling with Mental Health | Introducing: Christian Parent, Crazy World

Parent and podcaster Catherine Segars and her special guest, Peyton Garland, dive deep into the topics of OCD, anxiety, and depression to offer unique insights, education, and encouragement to weary parents. NOTE: This is an episode preview from Christian Parent, Crazy World, another podcast on the LifeAudio Podcast Network. Bonnie will be back with Breathe: The Stress Less Podcast at her regularly scheduled time.   SUBSCRIBE TO CHRISTIAN PARENT, CRAZY WORLD: Apple Podcasts:  Spotify:    DISCOVER MORE EPISODES OF CHRISTIAN PARENT, CRAZY WORLD: How To Teach the Next Generation To Pray: /  5 Things Every Parent Needs to Know About Gen Z: /  What Can We Learn from a Survivor of Teen Suicide? (with Emma Benoit): /  How to Discover Your Purpose in Life: /    ARTICLES REFERENCED: “To the Mama with a Mental Health Disorder” by Peyton Garland “A Few Not So Stereotypical Thoughts on OCD” by Peyton Garland “What I Wish People Knew about Mental Illness” by Catherine Segars “What I Wish People with Mental Illness Knew” by Catherine SegarsSee for privacy information.
7/20/202359 minutes, 39 seconds
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Why It’s Time For You to Take A Break & Stop Worrying About Others #80

If you’re overcommitting yourself, it may be time for you to just take a break.  If you tend to focus on meeting others' needs, while neglecting your own well-being, listen to this week’s episode to learn a simple and practical soul care tip to revitalize your soul this summer. Something that is good doesn’t mean you need to continue doing it indefinitely. It doesn’t mean you don’t take a break. In order to make space for what gives you joy to focus on what is lovely to invigorate yourself, you need to make space and get unstuck from responsibilities. But how? Bonnie will teach you how to confidently take a break strengthed by God’s Word in scripture and back up by the science of wellbeing, the way God created your nervous system to release stress. Learn: - how to take advantage of summer to improve your wellness instead of letting time slip away worrying - words to say when you want to de-commit from responsibility with grace -two powerful ways to become stress resilient - a simple breath prayer to strengthen you with God’s goodness Scripture: Psalm 13:6 “You have been good to me, Lord.” Soul Care Tip: Breath Prayers, Power of Taking a Break, Power of Story, Stress Resilience from Sharing LINKS & RESOURCES Register here Faith Filled Women’s Conference in Maryland, where Bonnie Gray is leading a Soul Care Retreat: Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
7/17/202321 minutes, 12 seconds
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Hijacked by Stress? Why a Summer Bucket List Lowers Anxiety, Draws You Closer to God & Why You Should Make One #79

When you’re overrun by busyness or stressing out over a worry that can’t turn off, what do you do? Learn how creating a simple Summer Bucket List can help you lower anxiety and why it can bring you closer to God. Bonnie shares how a powerful trifecta of happy hormones gets released into your nervous system when you create space for laughter and do what makes you smile. God’s promise in scripture supports the importance of laughter. Learn a practical soul care tip to lower anxiety right away to activate your body’s natural rest using a simple breath prayer. Learn: how summer can be a time to refill the needs you’ve put off the past year. one simple way to release a powerful trifecta of happy hormones to relieve pain, anxiety, and keep you energized a simple breath prayer to heal your heart, so you can push out the stress your body has absorbed Scripture to Mediate On: Jeremiah 31:3 “I have loved you with an everlasting love.” Soul Care Tip: Breath Prayers, Healing Power of Laughter toward stress recovery LINKS & RESOURCES Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook Release in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
7/10/202324 minutes, 11 seconds
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Lost in Worry? Make Decisions with Freedom & God’s Peace in Your Heart #78

As you go through your day, you can get stuck in your head and get lost in your worries. Today’s episode will encourage and remind you that whatever struggles you’re wrestling with, God wants to empower you to make those decisions with freedom - and to have a moment of peace because God is with you. Your Soul Care expert and guide Bonnie Gray shares a soul care tip based on science and scripture to help snap you out of worry, lift your mood, energize you, and remind you of God’s care. Learn God’s promise in Scripture.  Rest and breathe in God’s peace and His love. Learn How To: - Re-focus on where Jesus is leading you rather than getting lost in worries - Learn a simple way to lower stress & boost your mood within minutes - Be inspired by God’s Word and how He designed your nervous system - Calm your heart to make decisions today, as you trust God for tomorrow Scriptures: 2 Cor 2:14 - “But thanks be to God, who always leads us triumphantly as captives in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.” Galatians 5:1 - “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Soul Care Tip: Learn how our God-designed nervous system alerts us with fast heartbeats, triggering stress, anxiety, and feelings of depression, but also provides natural God-given scents and aromatherapy to also signal calm to our nervous system. LINKS & RESOURCES Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook Release in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
7/3/202315 minutes, 39 seconds
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3 Tips to Reset Anxiety, Stop Worrying & Feel God's Peace

When you’re in a bad mood, how do you change your mood from feel irritable to calm and happy? Learn the 3 important principles to stop anxiety and overcome resistance to doing things that are good for your emotions and body. Bonnie shares God’s promise in scripture to encourage and empower you. Learn a practical soul care tip to stop anxiety right away to activate your body’s natural rest using a simple breath prayer. Learn: the common, unexpected signs of anxiety that you may be ignoring why you feel resistance to doing things good for your soul & how to overcome it a simple breath prayer to stop anxiety in its tracks how to boost your mood with a simple action, even if you’re not in the mood to reset anxiety when you start to worry and calm your heart with God’s peace Scripture: 1 Peter 5:7 – “Cast our cares on God, because He cares for you.” Soul Care Tip: Science of the Breath Prayer, Wellness benefits of trees, taking a walk,  time in nature, and creating memories to break anxiety and reset calm LINKS & RESOURCES Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook Release in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! Want to connect with Bonnie More? Follow her at FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
6/26/202319 minutes, 33 seconds
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How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone to Do New Things with God #76

How do you find peace making hard decisions to move out of your comfort zone, in order to follow a new direction God has for you?  How can you know God is in it?   It’s hard making the decision to try new things when it means you would need to stop doing something that you’ve invested time and energy in, to try something new?   What is the new adventure God is inviting you to begin?  Learn how you can leave old things behind, so you do new things with God as Bonnie shares God’s promise to encourage and empower you.   You will learn a practical soul care tip to lower stress and anxiety based on scripture and science, to help you make changes and try something new.   Learn:   -  to see God in new direction and changes in your life - why it’s important to your mental health and your faith to try new things with God   - get out of your comfort zone to discover new gifts God has placed in you - step over common fears & stop old ways to have new experiences by faith- to stop investing time and energy on things done out of routine or obligation   Scripture: Exodus 33:1 – “The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Soul Care Tip: The wellness benefits of novelty and doing new things out of routine LINKS & RESOURCES Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook Release in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
6/19/202317 minutes, 25 seconds
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What's Your Soul's Super Power? Renew Your Strength When Your Heart Feels Weary #75

How can we renew our energy when we feel weary, when we have so much to deal with in a day? Just getting up every day can feel tiring! What are the things we can do to help boost our energy levels? What does God have to say about how he can renew our strength? Just like our phones need to get recharged, and need to plug our phones, learn the simple things to help boost your energy levels and what does God have to say about how He can renew your strength! Learn a soul care practice to anchor your soul when you feel stressed.  Receive God’s loving promise in scripture to help you feel encouraged. Bonnie teaches a soul care tip, a simple action to lower anxiety based on science & scripture. Bonnie continues her summer road trip series, by asking a fun question to help friends/family know each other better on the topic of strength: “If you could have a superpower, which superhero would you choose to be? And why?” Scripture: Isaiah 40:31 – “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Soul Care Tip: Create a Safe Space with God using scripture to restore calm LINKS & RESOURCES Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook Release in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! Want to connect with Bonnie More? Follow her at FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
6/12/202316 minutes, 19 seconds
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A Simple Way to Enjoy a Summer Road Trip with God: Finding God's Love Notes #74

LINKS & RESOURCES Download 3 FREE Gifts when you order Breathe: 12 breath prayers, 5-day guided devotional + 5 guided audio scripture meditations. Click here to sign up! Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook Release in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
6/5/202314 minutes, 58 seconds
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Switch Your Mind from Despair & Disappointment to Life and Peace #73

Renewing yourself by focusing your mind on God's goodness is a powerful way to bring joy and peace into our lives. We often forget the power of the small things in life, like a simple cherry-dipped cone from Dairy Queen, that can bring a smile to our faces. During Mental Health Awareness Month and AAPI Heritage Month, we can take the time to remember the small things that bring us peace and joy. God's goodness is all around us, but it's up to us to take the time to recognize it and to take action on it. We can take the time to slow down and appreciate God's gifts, like the beauty of nature, the love of family, and the peace of a quiet moment. We can also take action to renew our spirit and emotions with God's promise from His Word and a practical soul care tip. We can also take the time to read books that bring us peace and joy. Bonnie's book Sweet Like Jasmine, Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, is a memoir about her journey to find her father. It explores 20 different areas of our true worth as God's beloved daughter. Reading books like this can help us to find peace and joy in our lives. LINKS & RESOURCES Download 3 FREE Gifts when you order Breathe: 12 breath prayers, 5-day guided devotional + 5 guided audio scripture meditations. Click here to sign up! Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook Release in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
5/29/202320 minutes, 19 seconds
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God Quiets You with His Love: Surprising Quietness Benefits for the Body, Mind & Spirit #72

LINKS & RESOURCES Download 3 FREE Gifts when you order Breathe: 12 breath prayers, 5-day guided devotional + 5 guided audio scripture meditations. Click here to sign up! Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook Release in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
5/22/202313 minutes, 59 seconds
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What to Pray in the Morning for a Worry-Free Day | Introducing: Teach Us to Pray

Do you wake up anxious first thing in the morning? Your mind is racing with thoughts of what you need to get done today and what you failed to do yesterday. If this is a pattern for you, we challenge you to break the morning cycle of worry with prayer!   In this episode preview from Teach Us to Pray, host Christina Patterson shares what to pray in the morning for a worry-free day.   Discover More Episodes of Teach Us to Pray with Christina Patterson: 3 Signs God Is Trying to Get Your Attention: /  How to Turn Your Worries into Prayers: /  How to Pray When You Sense God Moving You In a New Direction: /  Why Prayer Is So Hard: /   Follow the Show: Apple Podcasts: Spotify: for privacy information.
5/18/202315 minutes, 27 seconds
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3 Ways to Combat Self-Doubt: Is it God's Voice, Your Voice, or Someone Else's Expectations? #71

What is something God has been touching your heart to let go of, but you doubt if it’s God asking you to change, someone else, or yourself?  What is something God wants to add new in your life? One of the biggest challenges to mental health is indecision and feeling stuck:  Which voice is God’s or is someone else’s expectations? Expectations are hard to manage because God may be prompting you to make changes, yet it can become confusing: is it really God calling me to let go of certain roles or responsibilities, or is it just my idea, or is it someone else’s expectations that I’m afraid to disappoint. Soul Care coach Bonnie will help give you confidence and clarity to make decisions using three passages in Scripture to discern whose voice may be causing you confusion. Learn scientific tips based on scripture to ease anxiety in decision-making. Learn to: Ask questions to ask yourself to discern and grow in confidence Apply a 3-point litmus test using 3 passages of scripture to know if expectations are from God’s voice or someone else. Identify if your fear or confusion is from a voice from the past Discern if your doubt is from fear of others’ judgments, letting God down, or self-doubt. Let go and choose rest without giving in to pressure from people you admire or want approval from. Scripture: The Good Shepherd (John 10), Fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), Qualities of Jesus' Voice (Matthew 11:29) Scripture: “Come to me those who are weary…  and find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-Soul Care Tip: Nature Sounds lower anxiety LINKS & RESOURCES Download 3 FREE Gifts when you order Breathe: 12 breath prayers, 5-day guided devotional + 5 guided audio scripture meditations. Click here to sign up! Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook Release in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
5/15/202318 minutes, 30 seconds
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What's the Difference Between Rest and Being Lazy? PLUS How Positive Memories Strengthen Our Trust in God #70

LINKS & RESOURCES Download FREE Gifts when you order Breathe during the month of May: a 5-day guided devotional to refresh weary hearts + 5 guided audio prayer quiet times, PLUS printable Breath Prayer cards inspired by Scripture.Click here to sign up! Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook Release in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Book Signing Event: Meet Bonnie Gray at Books Inc in Palo Alto, California on May 7th Sunday @2:00pm. Join Bonnie & 40+ speakers at the Christian Parenting Event online. Get $20 off using this link & the code: FRIENDSANDFAMILY23 Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most to flourish with God’s peace and joy in your life. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
5/8/202322 minutes, 33 seconds
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How to Say No to Fear & Yes to God PLUS What's the Difference Between Secular & Biblical Meditation?

We all want to start anew and spring is in the air. But, how do we let go of our fear and say yes to the new things God has for us? Learn how to let go of roles and responsibilities instead of holding yourself back because of fear. Plus, with secular meditation so popular in our culture as stress relief tool, what is the difference between secular and biblical meditation? Soul Care coach Bonnie answers this question and will guide you in a special episode to guide you in biblical meditation so you can say yes to God and say no to fear. Learn scientific tips based on scripture to help ease anxiety. Learn to: Set your heart free from fear of uncertain and anxiety using God’s Word What is the difference between secular and biblical meditation for stress relief How to slow down to savor God’s peace and presence Enjoy a guided audio quiet time using the Lectio Divina – “divine reading” method Scripture: “I run in the path of your commands for you have set my heart free.” Psalm 119:32 Soul Care Tip: This week, Bonnie talks to us about meditation for stress relief LINKS & RESOURCES Download FREE Gifts when you order Breathe during the month of May: a 5-day guided devotional to refresh weary hearts + 5 guided audio prayer quiet times, PLUS printable Breath Prayer cards inspired by Scripture.Click here to sign up! Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook Release in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Book Signing Event: Meet Bonnie Gray at Books Inc in Palo Alto, California on May 7th Sunday @2:00pm. Join Bonnie & 40+ speakers at the Christian Parenting Event online. Get $20 off using this link & the code: FRIENDSANDFAMILY23 Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most to flourish with God’s peace and joy in your life. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
5/2/202319 minutes, 56 seconds
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Is It Burnout Or Is God Stretching You? 4 Signs to Know the Difference PLUS 4 Mental Health Benefits of Stories #68

How do we know we’ve entered a season of burnout and really need to make some changes – or maybe the Lord is saying it’s time to grow and God’s stretching you in order to grow? Bonnie shares 4 signs to know the difference between pushing through or it’s time to make changes that may be disruptive, but necessary. Learn how the pick-yourself-up-by-the-boostraps mindset may not be how God is calling you to walk with him in your current season of faith. Soul Care coach Bonnie will share answers to these questions. Learn scientific tips based on scripture to help ease anxiety. Learn to: Understand the difference between burnout and a season of being stretched in order to grow Identify signs in 4 areas of wellness that signal burnout: emotional, physical, spiritual and social 4 Mental Health Benefits Listening to Stories How being too strong doesn’t mean you’re more spiritual & hurts you Breath Prayer: Inhale: When I feel afraid. Exhale: I will trust in you. Scripture: When I feel afraid, I will trust in YouSoul Care Tip: Listening to stories, Taking a Walk, and Relaxing Benefits of Activating Your Auditory Senses LINKS & RESOURCES Listen to “4 Practical Ways to Avoid Burnout” with Bonnie on the Proverbs 31 Ministry Podcast Get Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook Release in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Book Signing Event: Meet Bonnie Gray at Books Inc in Palo Alto, California on May 7th Sunday @2:00pm. Join Bonnie & 40+ speakers at the Christian Parenting Event online. Get $20 off using this link & the code: FRIENDSANDFAMILY23 Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most to flourish with God’s peace and joy in your life. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
4/24/202320 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Antidote to Stress & Fatigue + The Surprising Causes – Plus Raising Stress-Resilient Kids

Ever feel fatigued but not sure why? Most of us don’t run marathons, yet we find ourselves sluggish after a day of sitting at our desks. Guess what causes more fatigue: food deprivation or social isolation? As people of faith, how can we respond to fatigue and feel renewed with vitality the way God designed for our emotions and bodies? As parents of faith, how do we raise children to be stress-resilient, so they aren’t fatigued and practice healthy mental health habits? Soul Care coach Bonnie Gray will share answers to these questions. Learn scientific tips based on scripture to help ease anxiety. Learn to: The one key ingredient that will help you to raise your kids to be stress-resilient and protect their mental health well-being The surprising reason why your body gets fatigued and how to renew your energy levels (and it doesn’t involve the gym) Create this one rhythm to recover from stress from the work week & kid’s schoolwork Right brain and left brain anxiety and how God created your body to respond to stress & to recover Breath Prayer: Inhale: When I pass through the waters. Exhale: You will be with me. Scripture: When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” Is. 43:2Soul Care Tip: Family Adventures, The joy of anticipation, novelty, and power of new experiences LINKS & RESOURCES Join me & 40+ speakers at the Christian Parenting Event online. Get $20 off using this link & the code: FRIENDSANDFAMILY23 Get a copy of Bonnie’s new book #1 New Audiobook Release on Amazon in Meditation to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Book Signing Event: Meet Bonnie Gray at Books Inc in Palo Alto, California on May 7th Sunday @2:00pm. Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most to flourish with God’s peace and joy in your life. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
4/17/202326 minutes, 42 seconds
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Coping with Anxiety from Traumatic Events (like the Nashville Shooting) #66

When the news is so discouraging and traumatic events trigger anxiety, how do we cope? As you scroll through news stories, you are absorbing stress and triggering anxiety. As people of faith, how can we release the stress and still live in this world? We don’t live in a bubble - where we are Pollyanna and “everything is fine” - yet we don’t want to run around like the “The sky is falling." Soul Care coach Bonnie answers, “Where is that balance? Where is that godly response & perspective?” This episode will help you to learn scientific tips based on scripture to help ease anxiety. Learn to: Why reading the news triggers the body’s stress response How to practice the power of listening & being present even when you feel fear 3 Ways to respond to discouraging news based on scripture & science to create a shield to guard against anxiety: sharing kindness, helping someone, and smile How to lower the stress hormone cortisol and release calming hormone serotonin to stop the panic How do we respond to discouraging news? Breath Prayer: Inhale: When I pass through the waters. Exhale: You will be with me. The Power of Gaze Scripture: “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed (2 Cor.4:7-9).Soul Care Tip: 5 practices: Show Kindness, Help Someone, Smile, The Gaze, In-Person Get-togethers LINKS & RESOURCES Grab Bonnie’s new book to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Sign up for the FREE Breathe Wellness Bible Study at Book Signing Event: Meet Bonnie Gray at Books Inc in Palo Alto, California on May 7th Sunday @2:00pm. Take the Soul Care Quiz at – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most to flourish with God’s peace and joy in your life. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
4/10/202329 minutes, 4 seconds
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3 Ways to Break Free from Stress, Worry & Anxiety

Feel weary, but don’t know how to stop worrying? Want to find your joy, but feel exhausted overthinking? Learn how to respond to stress and stop anxiety using three. Soul care coach Bonnie shares 3 key ways to lower stress hormone cortisol and release calming hormone serotonin to restore God’s peace and calm. This episode will help you to learn scientific tips based on scripture to help ease anxiety and sleep better. Learn to: Replace the lie that triggers anxiety with the truth to set you free Breath Prayers: How to activate your body’s Rest Response & restore peace to your emotions Left Brain & Right Brain Science: How to turn off anxiety the way God designed your nervous system to work Heal burnout using a powerful soul care technique in any situation to stop anxiety right away Scripture: “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Soul Care Tip: UCLA Brain imaging study to show how naming stressors lower anxiety, power of journaling, pursed lip breathing technique. LINKS & RESOURCES Grab Bonnie’s new book to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Sign up for the FREE Breathe Wellness Bible Study at Book Signing Event: Meet Bonnie Gray at Books Inc in Palo Alto, California on May 7th Sunday @2:00pm. Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most to flourish with God’s peace and joy in your life.\ Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
4/3/202321 minutes, 47 seconds
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3 Surprising Ways to Stop Overthinking, Improve Your Mood During the Day, & Get the Sleep Your Body Needs #64

At night, do you ever try to fall asleep but find you can’t turn off the overthinking even though you’re exhausted? Or during the day, you're trying to move forward, but you feel drained of energy, weighed down by your worry? Learn how to help signal your body to respond to stress and stop overthinking and sleep better, by activating a counter-balancing relaxation response designed by God. Soul care coach Bonnie shares 3 key ways inspired by one of Jesus’ approaches in Scripture, backed by scientific tips to help ease anxiety and sleep better. This episode will help you calm your mind and body to better tackle what you need to take care of during the day and rest better at night. Learn: - The power of touch eases feelings of depression - How your daytime activities determine how much melatonin your body releases to help you sleep at night - How to stop the brain’s stress response of overthinking and ease body pain. - 7 foods to eat that help your body relax This Week's Memory Verse: “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Soul Care Tip: Why spending face-to-face time improves sleep and rest, why walking 10 minutes lowers anxiety more than 45 minutes at the gym, plus: how your body creates melatonin. LINKS & RESOURCES Take the Soul Care Quiz at com – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most to flourish with God’s peace and joy in your life. Grab Bonnie’s new book to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Join the FREE Breathe Wellness Book Club to tackle for areas of well-being: emotional, physical, spiritual, and social wellness at Get 4 LIVE Sessions + Community Support! Get Bonnie’s FREE New Breathe Devotional on the YouVersion Bible App Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
3/27/202325 minutes, 20 seconds
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Break the Grip of Anxiety & Worry: What You Can Do to Stop the Stress Cycle #63

What type of mindset makes us vulnerable to chronic stress, anxiety & depression? When you are stressed, what automatic coping mechanisms have you adopted that don’t help, but diminish your wellness?  What holds you back from getting the rest that you need when you’re stressed?   Soul care coach Bonnie shares how to ditch mindsets that keep you stuck in anxiety, worry, and stress and what you can do to stop the stress, when you need it most. This episode will help you let go of unhealthy thinking patterns and replace them with a healthy biblical mindset to create a new rhythm to stop the stress cycle. Learn: - 4 Key Reasons People Stay Stuck in Stress - Which mindsets make us vulnerable to chronic stress, anxiety & depression - the 3 Step Breathe Rhythm to release stress and restore God’s peace and joy - Two simple soul care techniques to lower stress by 25% right away Scripture” “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Soul Care Tip: The science behind why hiding negative emotions stresses the body, therapeutic benefit of tea and flowers. LINKS & RESOURCES Take the Soul Care Quiz at – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most to flourish with God’s peace and joy in your life. Grab Bonnie’s new book to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Join the FREE Breathe Wellness Book Club to tackle for areas of wellbeing: emotional, physical, spiritual, and social wellness at Get 4 LIVE Sessions + Community Support! Get Bonnie’s FREE New Breathe Devotional on the YouVersion Bible App Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here!   FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
3/20/202319 minutes, 44 seconds
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Having Anxiety or Depression Doesn’t Mean Your Faith is Flawed: 3 Lies that Trigger Anxiety & 3 Truths to Set You Free #62

Do you ever feel so worried, you can’t seem to turn off those worrisome thoughts? Have ever felt misjudged or shamed for not “trusting God” when you tried to confide in your anxieties, worries, or depression? Feeling emotionally broken is not a sign that your faith is weak. In fact, seeking healing for your heart may be the most powerful act of faith God is calling you to today. To encourage you, Soul Care coach, author, and speaker Bonnie Gray will help you replace the three biggest lies that trigger anxiety with three powerful truths to set you free, when she discovered as she researched Scripture during her healing journey. Learn: - Top 3 common lies that trigger anxiety & 3 truths to set you free - 4 areas of wellness you be missing most to flourish with God’s peace -  How to activate your body’s Rest Response and restore peace to your emotions - Two powerful soul care techniques to stop anxiety right away in any situation -  Breath Prayers to restore calm overwhelm to your body day or night Breath Prayer Promise: (Inhale) I cast my cares on you (Exhale) Because you care for me. Scripture” “Cast all your cares on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).Soul Care Tip: The science of anxiety relief using breath prayers, a 10-minute walk, and looking at flowers. LINKS & RESOURCES Take the Soul Care Quiz at– your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most to flourish with God’s peace and joy in your life. Grab Bonnie’s new book to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Join the FREE Breathe Wellness Book Club to tackle four areas of well-being: emotional, physical, spiritual, and social wellness at Get 4 LIVE Sessions + Community Support! Get Bonnie’s FREE New Breathe Devotional on the YouVersion Bible App Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
3/13/202317 minutes, 15 seconds
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Is Self-Care or Soul-Care Selfish or Unspiritual? Why Nurturing Your Wellness Is Practicing Faith With Jesus - #61

Do you ever feel guilty or selfish at the idea of spending time, money, or attention on something that would bring you peace, joy, or help you take better care of yourself?  Isn’t self-care selfish and soul care too focused on me-me-me? Is this concept even biblical? Bonnie shares how self-care first originated as soul care from Jesus himself, as He invites us to prioritize rest.  Learn how to nurture your wellness as a faith practice with Jesus.  Meditate on God’s loving promise to help you practice peace. Refresh your mind with biblical truth and calming peace as Bonnie shows you how. Bonnie continues her series “Moving from Anxiety to Rest”.  Learn: - Learn why avoiding soul care and self care increases anxiety - How to move faith from head knowledge to heart experience - To calm anxious thoughts at night so you can rest   Breath Prayer Promise: (Inhale) Stay with me Jesus (Exhale) You understand. Scripture: “You will no longer be called ‘Forsaken’ . . .But you will be named my Delight . . .For the Lord delights in you.” isaiah 62:4–5Soul Care Tip: The science behind stopping negative rumination at night LINKS & RESOURCES Get Bonnie’s FREE New Breathe Devotional on the YouVersion Bible App Join the FREE Breathe Wellness Bible Study to tackle areas of well-being: emotional, physical, spiritual, and social wellness at Get 4 LIVE Sessions + Community Support! Grab Bonnie’s new book to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com Learn which areas of wellness you’re missing the most. Take this FREE Personal Wellness Assessment to get a stress-less analysis to find out how to recover God’s peace and joy in your life. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
3/6/202318 minutes, 1 second
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How to Stop Numbing Your Emotions & Stop Negative Self-Talk with Jesus - #60

How do you change the negative way you feel about yourself? How do you get rid of negative emotions that interrupt your day, causing you to feel numb and lose your joy? Bonnie shares how to turn to God’s loving words of affirmation instead & find your peace.  Learn how to quiet negative self-talk and use it as a single to nurture your emotions with God. Meditate on God’s loving promise to help you practice peace in today’s episode. Refresh your mind with biblical truth and calming peace as Bonnie shows you how. Bonnie continues her series “Moving from Anxiety to Rest.”  Learn: - Learn 4 different ways we respond to stress - How to change automatic responses to respond with confidence - Stop feelings of guilt or shame to pursue - Turn off negative self-talk & replies to lies with truth. Breath Prayer Promise: (Inhale) Stay with me Jesus (Exhale) You understand. Scripture: "For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish” (Jer. 31:25 ESV)Soul Care Tip: The science of Anxiety Avoidance, Naming Worries Reduces Anxiety, and Pursed Lip Breathing LINKS & RESOURCES Get Bonnie’s FREE New Breathe Devotional on the YouVersion Bible App Join the FREE Breathe Wellness Bible Study to tackle four areas of well-being: emotional, physical, spiritual, and social wellness at Get 4 LIVE Sessions + Community Support! Grab Bonnie’s new book to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at Learn which areas of wellness you’re missing the most. Take this FREE Personal Wellness Assessment to get a stress less analysis to find out how to recover God’s peace and joy in your life. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
2/27/202322 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Calm Anxiety in Life’s Storms: Practice Peace with Jesus - #59

How do we experience the peace in our bodies and emotions that we know we have in Jesus? We do we calm the storms in our critical thoughts when life plans fall apart? Bonnie shows you how to break the anxiety bond your mind creates in moments of stress and calm your mind with God’s peace. Bonnie focuses on your spiritual wellness in her series “Moving from Anxiety to Rest.” Meditate on God’s loving promise to help you practice peace in today’s episode. Refresh your mind with biblical truth and calming peace as Bonnie shows you how. Learn: - To break the anxiety bond your mind creates in moments of stress - How to quiet mind from critical thoughts and respond to Jesus’s voice instead - Why your body experiences anxiety when you don’t understand why - How to calm your fears and emotional overwhelm with Jesus - To use a simple prayer practice to stop anxious thoughts right away - To Improve spiritual wellness by learning how to hear Jesus in the storms of life Breath Prayer Promise: (Inhale) I Will Not Be Afraid (Exhale) For You Are With Me Scripture: ‘Take heart; it is I.Do not be afraid.’ Mark 6:50 Soul Care Tip: Bonnie shares how to replace negative neural pathway with God’s truth and affirmation. Using imaginative prayer to invite Jesus into your storm. LINKS & RESOURCES Register FREE for Bonnie’s FREE Breathe Wellness Bible Study to tackle four areas of well-being: emotional, physical, spiritual, and social wellness at Get 4 LIVE Sessions + Community Support! Grab Bonnie’s new book to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at Learn which areas of wellness you’re missing the most. Take this FREE Personal Wellness Assessment to get a stress-less analysis to find out how to recover God’s peace and joy in your life. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
2/20/202319 minutes, 43 seconds
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Feeling Physically Exhausted? God Will Hold You Up & Carry You to Peace #58

Is your body telling you that you’re stressed out? Maybe your hair is falling out, you’re getting rash, fibromyalgia worsening, tension headaches, or pure exhaustion? Our body is the last line of defense when it comes to stress. We’re so good at pushing through, we go into survival mode. But, God cares about you! He reaches down to rescue us from the sea of stress when we’re overwhelmed. Bonnie focuses on your physical wellness in her series “Moving from Anxiety to Rest”.  Get refreshed by meditating on God’s loving promise to carry you in today’s episode. Refresh your mind with biblical truth and encourage your soul with calming peace as Bonnie shows you how. Learn: - Why your body breaks down with stress when you ignore it - How God values your physical wellbeing - 2 Actions Jesus Takes to Help Us Feel Better - Improve physical wellness using Scripture Promise - Restore calm using imaginative prayer & your “peaceful” place Breath Prayer Promise: (Inhale) In Peace, You Help Me Lie Down in Safety (Exhale) You Carry Me Scripture: “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety” (Psalm 4:8) He reached down from on high and took hold of me.” Psalm 18:16 Soul Care Tip: Using nature-guided imagery lowers stress when we use it in prayer  LINKS & RESOURCES Join Bonnie’s FREE Breathe Wellness Bible Study to break free from stress, worry, and anxiety at Get 4 LIVE Sessions + Community Support with Bonnie Gray. Grab Bonnie’s new book to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing the most. Take this FREE Personal Wellness Assessment to get a stress-less analysis to find out how to recover God’s peace and joy in your life. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site:  See for privacy information.
2/13/202317 minutes, 56 seconds
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Feeling Anxious? Cast Your Cares on God Because He Cares For You - #57

Do you ever feel so worried, you can’t seem to turn off those worrisome thoughts? Have ever wondered why God hasn’t freed you from your worrisome thoughts, even though you’ve prayed worries would go away? Perhaps you’ve felt God has been silent, and wonder if God will get tired of your weariness. You want to learn how to feel closer to God’s love for you. Bonnie continues her series “Move from Anxiety to Rest” to help you cast your worries to God and really let them go.  Be renewed by meditating on God’s loving promise to take care of you in today’s episode. Pause to refresh your mind with biblical truth and encourage your soul with calming peace as Bonnie shows you how. Learn: - Why ignoring our worries generates more stress - Why releasing stress helps us better hear God’s answers when we pray - How stress numbs to the beauty around us - Be encouraged that God never grows tired of our worries - How to release your worries to God using Breath Prayer “Cast Your Cares” Breath Prayer Promise: (Inhale) I Cast Your Cares on You (Exhale) because You care for me. Scripture: “Cast all your anxiety [cares] on him because he cares for you.” 1 peter 5:7 Soul Care Tip: Listing Worries Eases Anxiety, Expressive Writing Changes Brain Waves  LINKS & RESOURCES Join Bonnie’s FREE Breathe Wellness Bible Study to break free from stress, worry, and anxiety at Get 4 LIVE Sessions + Community Support with Bonnie Gray. Grab Bonnie’s new book to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing the most. Take this FREE Personal Wellness Assessment to get a stress-less analysis to find out how to recover God’s peace and joy in your life. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
2/8/202316 minutes, 11 seconds
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Do You Feel Guilty Taking Time For Yourself? How to Create Healthy Habits that Stick #56

How do you create wellness habits that really stick? You might be saying to yourself, “I just don’t want to waste time, money, resources, or attention on the idea that I had - that would bring me joy or peace”. Perhaps you’ve had an idea that you’ve tried to forget as the weeks of January have gone by?  That you don’t fear you don’t have what it takes? Or doubt that God will give you what you need to do what you feel inspired to do? Rather than getting stuck, how can we do new things that inspire us? Studies have shown by the end of January, a lot of people feel discouraged because they weren’t able to put into practice all the hopes that had for the new year. Bonnie shares how you can create new healthy habits and move forward in your endeavors, using scientific tips proven to work and Scripture to move you from anxiety to rest.  Learn: - The 3 Keys to developing habits successfully - Why “Learn” is a powerful action in soul care and in faith.- The key to helping your brain re-wires itself to develop new habits you want - Why fear of wasting time on yourself creates anxiety - Stop anxiety in your body & emotions using the Breath Prayer “You go before me” Breath Prayer Promise: (Inhale)You go before me (Exhale) and you follow meYou go before me and you follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. (Psalm 139:5) Scripture” Therefore, let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need. Hebrews 4:16Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Studies show the conditions and elements that support successful habit formation.  LINKS & RESOURCES Stop anxious thoughts with God’s Word with soul care wellness! Join Bonnie’s FREE Breathe Wellness Bible Study to break free from stress, worry, and anxiety at Get 4 LIVE Sessions + Community Support with Bonnie Gray. Pre-order Bonnie’s new book to break free from stress, worry, anxiety, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at Learn which areas of wellness you’re missing the most. Take this FREE Personal Wellness Assessment to get a stress-less analysis to find out how to recover God’s peace and joy in your life. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! Want to connect with Bonnie More? Follow her at FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
1/30/202319 minutes, 25 seconds
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Are You Too Responsible? Combat Burnout with God’s Promises - #55

Do you often pay attention to the needs of others but neglect your own? Do say “yes” to most things you’re asked to do but feel guilty saying no? If something goes wrong in the lives of others around you, do you feel the burden of picking up the pieces and shouldering the burdens? If you answered yes to most of these questions, you are most prone to being too responsible, making you prone to burnout. Burnout is one of the top issues for those who are often encouragers, leaders, and careers. It’s not surprising that studies show that women suffer from burnout more than men.  Bonnie shares encouragement to help you combat burnout, so you can recover and be free to do the beautiful things God inspires you to do. Learn: - 3 Symptoms of Burnout to learn your level of burnout - How being “overly responsible” leads to burnout - What you can do to relieve and combat burnout - How to disengage from worries and re-wire your brain to stop stress response - Practice The Power of a Breath Prayer to - How to stop overthinking and restore peace using Scripture - Why Prayer and Meditation is More Powerful than Secular Meditation and Mantras Scripture "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matt 11:28-30. So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:10Care Tip & Scientific Research: The Power of Breath Prayer practice, Power of Learning Re-Wires the Brain to Respond with Calm, Research shows how naming what bothers you reduces stress, avoidance creates more stress. LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE Breathe Wellness Bible Study to break free from stress, worry, and anxiety at Stop anxious thoughts with God’s Word & learn new wellness habits with soul care! Get 4 LIVE Sessions + Community Support with Bonnie Gray. Pre-order Bonnie’s new book to break free from stress, worry, anxiety, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at com Learn which areas of wellness you’re missing the most. Take this FREE Personal Wellness Assessment to get a stress-less analysis to find out how to recover God’s peace and joy in your life. Want Scientific Articles mentioned in Today’s Show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! Want to connect with Bonnie More? Follow her at FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
1/23/202324 minutes, 31 seconds
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Experiencing the Holy Spirit | Introducing: Faith Over Fear with Special Guest Max Lucado

If you love listening to "Breathe: The Stress Less Podcast," we want to introduce you to another LifeAudio podcast we think you'll enjoy: "Faith Over Fear." If you like it and want to listen to more episodes, just search "Faith Over Fear" in your favorite podcast app, or click on any of the links below! Scripture assures us that God does not want us to live enslaved to fear, weighed down by stress, and overpowered by personal weakness. Christ promised us joy, peace, and inexpressible freedom. He also promised to give us the power to experience each of those supernatural gifts. In this special episode of Faith Over Fear, prolific speaker Max Lucado shares a time when, attempting to carry his ministry in his own strength, the burden became nearly crippling and how he found fresh hope and strength through the Holy Spirit. To hear more episodes of Faith Over Fear, please check out the links below!Apple Podcasts: Spotify: LifeAudio: Bonnie will be back Monday with a brand new episode of Breathe: The Stress Less Podcast. Thanks for listening.See for privacy information.
1/12/202326 minutes, 36 seconds
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How to Dial Down New Year’s Anxiety & Renew God’s Peace & Your Wellness Instead - #54

When you think about the new year, how do you deal with all the uncertainties and overwhelm? With so much focus in our culture on new year’s resolutions, one side effect is that it can get stressful reminding us of all the areas we feel pressured to need to improve. It’s tempting to get into a busy mode. Or feel the frenzy of anxiety so we’re not left behind and dial up the stress on what we “should” be doing or feeling not good enough. Learn: - What is the One Thing you can do to dial down stress and move in the direction of peace and joy God wants to give you - What is the powerful Anti-Resolution Practice to start new with God’s life-giving words - How to Nurture your emotional and physical wellness to a quiet stress and anxiety - How to Hear God’s loving voice to focus on what is good and beautiful What to Do Scripture: See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19 Soul Care Tips: The Power of Journaling, Processing Events and Starting New LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE Breathe Online Bible Study to break free from anxiety, stress, and worry at Prioritize studying God’s Word & learn new wellness habits with soul care in the new year! Get 4 LIVE Sessions + Community Support with Bonnie Gray. Pre-order Bonnie’s new book to break free from stress, worry, anxiety, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at Learn what type of care you need to lower stress and flourish in your life with God’s peace and joy. Take this FREE Personal Wellness Assessment to receive a stress less analysis to find out what kind of care you’re missing! Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter – Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show? Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! Pick up Bonnie’s bestselling hit, Sweet Like Jasmine, named 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist here. FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
1/9/202316 minutes, 28 seconds
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3 Key Steps to Rebuilding Life After Heartbreak and Loss

How do you deal with loss and heartbreak, yet also rebuild your life? Bonnie explores 3 key actions to free your heart from painful emotions and lower anxiety, so you can make those changes ahead for the new year. Bonnie interviews a 20-something single woman she met at Starbucks to explore the journey of loss, grief, and rebuilding life, even in the midst of painful emotions of loss. Learn: Handling Feelings of Inadequacy and staying stuck How to Balance Grief and mourning loss with moving forward How to lift up your emotions, when you find yourself in low places How to release sadness and also remember God’s goodness Scripture: “By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with  me—a prayer to the God of my life.” Psalm 42:8 Soul Care Tips: The Power of Worship and Songs, LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE Breathe Online Bible Study to break free from anxiety, stress, and worry at Prioritize studying God’s Word & learn new wellness habits with soul care in the new year! Get 4 LIVE Sessions + Community Support with Bonnie Gray. Pre-order Bonnie’s new book to break free from stress, worry, anxiety, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at Learn what type of care you need to lower stress and flourish in your life with God’s peace and joy. Take this FREE Personal Wellness Assessment to receive a stress-less analysis to find out what kind of care you’re missing! Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter – Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show? Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! Pick up Bonnie’s bestselling hit, Sweet Like Jasmine, named 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist here. Want to connect with Bonnie More? Follow her at FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
12/19/202220 minutes, 54 seconds
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6 Ways to Feel More Joy & Why It’s Never Too Late to Choose Joy

Do you ever feel like joy is a nice-to-have, but not a necessity? Why is constantly worrying one of the top 6 joy crushers?  Ever feel your attempts at joy fall short, compared to others? Learn powerful soul care tips to feel more joy during the holidays. Bonnie interviews 3 women who are mix of extrovert and introvert moms to identify the top 6 joy crushers and how to replace stress with 6 joy refreshers. Learn how embracing your love language can help you choose joy and help lower your stress. Learn: Why constantly worrying about others can steal your joy How comparison is a joy crusher & how to defeat it Why taking time for yourself will help you bring more joy to others What to do when your family isn’t perfect at Christmas How joy looks different for the introvert and extrovert Why it’s never too late to choose joy Scripture: These things I have spoken to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” - John 15:11 Soul Care Tips: The Power of Anticipatory Joy, Making Plans for the Weekend, The Science Behind R&R LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE Breathe Online Bible Study to break free from anxiety, stress, and worry at Prioritize studying God’s Word & learn new wellness habits with soul care in the new year! Get 4 LIVE Sessions + Community Support with Bonnie Gray. Pre-order Bonnie’s new book to break free from stress, worry, anxiety, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at Learn what type of care you need to lower stress and flourish in your life with God’s peace and joy. Take this FREE Personal Wellness Assessment to receive a stress less analysis to find out what kind of care you’re missing! Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter – Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show? Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! Pick up Bonnie’s bestselling hit, Sweet Like Jasmine, named 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist here. Want to connect with Bonnie More? Follow her at FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
12/12/202219 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Say No to a Stressful Christmas and Burnout and Say Yes to God's Peace - Ep. 51

Why is busyness true for you during the holidays? Do you tend to focus on doing what everyone else wants to do for the holidays, but forget to consider it’s causing you burnout, busyness, and stress? Learn why it isn’t selfish to prioritize the things that bring you peace, joy, and beauty at Christmas, but soul care to draw closer to God’s love. Learn the 4 important questions to ask yourself, to make changes in your schedule and your story, so you can heal and find peace at Christmas with Jesus. Bonnie explores the topic of people pleasing, saying no to others to say yes to God, with her special guest Jessica, who is a mom with four kids to consider practical steps to change Christmas burnout to Christmas peace. Learn: How healing the inner child in you is an important part of experiencing God’s peace Why asking yourself what you want isn’t selfish but soul nurturing with God How is God prompting you to prioritize what brings you peace this Christmas? Why it’s important to work on your well-being, learning that God cares about your experience of the holidays. Scripture: “For nothing will be impossible with God.” - Luke 1:37 Soul Care Tips: The Power of Creating Experiences and Novelty to Lower Anxiety and Boost Your Mood LINKS & RESOURCES Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE 4-Week Breathe Online Bible Study to break free from anxiety, stress, and worry at Prioritize studying God’s Word & learn new wellness habits with soul care in the new year! Get 4 LIVE Sessions + Community Support with Bonnie Gray. Pre-order Bonnie’s new book to break free from stress, worry, anxiety, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Take the Soul Care Quiz at  Learn what type of care you need to lower stress and flourish in your life with God’s peace and joy. Take this FREE Personal Wellness Assessment to receive a stress less analysis to find out what kind of care you’re missing! Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter – Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show? Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! Pick up Bonnie’s bestselling hit, Sweet Like Jasmine, named 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist here. Want to connect with Bonnie More? Follow her at FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
12/5/202223 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

7 Ways to Renew Your Hope Again When Life Wears You Down (with author Kathi Lipp) - Ep #50

With so much stress layering on top of each other, it’s easy to feel hopeless when you’re worn down by life and no relief is in sight. If you’re walking through the valley of hard times, it’s even more important to renew your hope.  Bonnie explores 7 powerful ways to renew your hope and share powerful soul care tips to lower stress with her friend and powerhouse motivator, Kathi Lipp (author of Clutter Free and 20 books).Learn How to : - Strip down expectations and spend time on what really matters to you- Stop busyness from dictating your schedule & cutting corners on your peace- Embrace rest and learn the power of “lingering”- Experience the power of “stretch-bearers” Scripture: “This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast... where Jesus has entered.” Hebrews 6:19–20 Soul Care Tips: The Power of Slowing Down, Practicing Sabbath, Finding Your People + many more! LINKS & RESOURCES: Pre-order a copy of Bonnie’s new book, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE Breathe Holiday Wellness Retreat and Bible Study by clicking here Get exclusive access to a 4-Week Wellness Retreat to tackle holiday stressors and prioritize your wellness with God’s word in the new year. LIVE + Community Support with Bonnie Gray. Take the Soul Care Quiz at com Learn what type of care you need to lower stress and flourish in your life with God’s peace and joy. Take this FREE Personal Wellness Assessment to receive a stress-less analysis to find out what kind of care you’re missing! Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter – Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show? Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! Pick up Bonnie’s bestselling hit, Sweet Like Jasmine, named 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist here. Want to connect with Bonnie More? Follow her at FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
11/28/202218 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Stop Anxiety Right Away When Worry Spins Out of Control (with Nurse Mark) - Ep #49

How do you calm your frazzled emotions, when your worries spin out of control, panic sets in as your heart rate spikes, and anxious thoughts overwhelm your mind and your body? Bonnie invites us to join her special guest Nurse Mark to learn about three powerful ways to stop anxiety right away, calm panic attacks, and halt the overwhelming spiral of worries hijacking your thoughts. Learn how the "grounding" technique works to restore calm in the moment, stop anxiety in its tracks, and bring you close to God's presence and peace.  Bonnie and Nurse Mark explore how to identify your stressors, how past trauma can overwhelm you in the present, and how to practice responding in new ways to incorporate your faith and improve your health to lower stress. Scripture: "For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.” Jeremiah 31:25 Soul Care Tips: Grounding, Breathwork, Power of Memories, Photos, Creating a Safe Space Within Your Soul  LINKS & RESOURCES: Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE Breathe Holiday Wellness Retreat and Bible Study by clicking here Get exclusive access to a 4-Week Advent Soul Care wellness journey to tackle holiday stressors & practice wellness, so you can enjoy the Christmas season with God’s love, hope, peace and joy.  LIVE + Community Support with Bonnie Gray. Take the Soul Care Quiz at  Learn what type of care you need to lower stress and flourish in your life with God’s peace and joy. Take this FREE Personal Wellness Assessment to receive a stress less analysis and discover which of the four types of care you’re missing! Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter – Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show? Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! Pick up Bonnie’s bestselling hit, Sweet Like Jasmine, named 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist here. Grab a copy of Bonnie’s Soul Care Book: Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul. Want to connect with Bonnie More? Follow her at FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
11/21/202218 minutes, 1 second
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Letting Go of Guilt, Busyness, Expectations & Anxiety as an Introvert - Ep. #48

Change is difficult. As we grow and learn about our bodies and our emotional limits, we have to make changes that are healthier for us, which can bring on feelings of guilt and changing expectations from others and ourselves. Learn about the two types of anxiety that stem from the Left Brain and Right Brain science of anxiety. Bonnie explores the One Thing Principle and two soul-care tips to lower anxiety using the right brain science. Bonus: Breathe listener Amy shares about the stress of being a people pleaser and introvert during holidays and her tips on how to lower stress. Learn the necessity: To mourn giving up what used to be before we could embrace the new things. To make changes: Just because things can’t be the same doesn’t mean they are bad. To deal with guilty feelings when you’re overwhelmed with social interaction. Healthy boundaries, so when you are together, you can focus on the why and enjoy the time together vs. the “when” of when you get together. Scripture: Your love, oh Lord, reaches to the heavens. Your faithfulness stretches to the skies.” - Psalm 36:5 Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research:  The One Thing Principe, The Left Brain and Right Brain Science of Lowering Anxiety, Music Therapy, and Power of Memories LINKS & RESOURCES: Take the Soul Care Quiz at Learn what type of care you need to lower stress and flourish in your life with God’s peace and joy. Take this FREE Personal Wellness Assessment to receive a stress less analysis and discover which of the four types of care you’re missing! Sign up for Bonnie’s FREE Online Breathe Holiday Wellness Retreat by clicking here. Enjoy an exclusive 4-Week Advent Soul Care wellness journey to help you tackle holiday stressors & practice wellness, so you can enjoy the Christmas season with God’s love, hope, peace and joy.  LIVE sessions + Community Support with Bonnie Gray. up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter – Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show? Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! Pick up Bonnie’s bestselling hit, Sweet Like Jasmine, named 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist here. Grab a copy of Bonnie’s Soul Care Book: Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul. Want to connect with Bonnie More? Follow her onInstagram:   FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
11/14/202229 minutes, 24 seconds
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Overcome Family Tensions & Lower Negative Holiday Stress (with Becky Keife) - Ep 47

What stresses you most about the upcoming holidays? Do find yourself feeling discouraged, dreading family gatherings that fraught with stress, when it seems everyone is having picture perfect holidays? You’re not alone. Today, we're tackling different ways of dealing with family tensions and fractured relationships. Join Bonnie in a powerful, heartfelt conversation about how to overcome family holiday stress with author Becky Keife – a child of divorce and a woman who struggles with anxiety as they explore the question we all ask: Why does it have to be this way? They discuss: - How our holiday stories, no matter how fraught or difficult they are, are not going to define us as God’s beloved daughters. - How we can use our broken stories to shine God’s light in our lives – and draw closer to God and each other through the very struggles we would rather run from. And that’s the miracle of grace. Today's Scripture: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research:  The Power of Quiet & Mental Health Benefits of Silence LINKS & RESOURCES: Pick up a copy of Bonnie’s compilation book with Becky Keife + 26 authors: Come Sit with Me: How to Delight in Differences, Love through Disagreements, and Live with Discomfort: Pick up Bonnie’s bestselling hit, Sweet Like Jasmine, named 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist here: Sign up for the FREE Breathe Newsletter – Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show? Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here! Grab a copy of Bonnie’s Soul Care Book: Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul.See for privacy information.
11/7/202223 minutes, 45 seconds
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How to Find Courage When Things Go From Bad to Worse - Ep. 46

LINKS & RESOURCES: Register for the FREE Break Free from Stress, Worry, and Anxiety Summit (click here) with Bonnie Gray PLUS Over 20+ experts. Sign up for the FREE Flourish Writers Conference (click here) with Bonnie Gray PLUS 30 experts and learn how to write, publish, and market your God-Story. Take this FREE Soul Care Quiz, your personal wellness assessment create by Bonnie, to find out what type of care you need most to lower stress and anxiety and flourish in your life with God's peace and joy!  Grab a copy of Bonnie’s bestselling hits, Sweet Like Jasmine, named 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist here and Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul. Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show? Want to connect with Bonnie More? FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: for privacy information.
10/31/202221 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Combat Worry & What-If, Worse Case Thinking - Ep. 45

Your wellness is a priority to Jesus. He longs to care for you.  LINKS & RESOURCES: Register for the FREE Break Free from Stress, Worry, and Anxiety Summit (click here) with Bonnie Gray PLUS Over 20+ experts. Sign up for the FREE Flourish Writers Conference (click here) with Bonnie Gray PLUS 30 experts and learn how to write, publish, and market your God-Story. Take this FREE Soul Care Quiz, your personal wellness assessment create by Bonnie, to find out what type of care you need most to lower stress and anxiety and flourish in your life with God's peace and joy!  Grab a copy of Bonnie’s bestselling hits, Sweet Like Jasmine, named 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist here and Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul. Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show? Want to connect with Bonnie More? FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: for privacy information.
10/24/202220 minutes, 5 seconds
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3 Lies That Trigger Anxiety & 3 Truths to Set You Free - Ep. 44

Are you struggling with fear, battling worry, or tired of pretending you're fine? Have you ever felt guilty for feeling anxiety, that "just pray about it" doesn't seem to be working? Learn the 3 lies that trigger anxiety & 3 truths to set you free. Bonnie shares practical tips to help you begin breaking free from worry, stress, and anxiety. Listen to today’s powerful episode to tackle anxiety and boost your wellness and faith! Scripture: “You are my hiding place… You surround me with songs of deliverance.” Psalm 32:7 Soul Care Tip:  The Power of Naming Negative Emotions, Benefits of Walking and Friendship  LINKS & RESOURCES:•Register for the FREE Break Free from Stress, Worry, and Anxiety Summit with Bonnie Gray PLUS Over 20+ experts: •Sign up for the FREE Flourish Writers Conference with Bonnie Gray PLUS 30 experts and learn how to write, publish, and market your God-Story: •Take this FREE Soul Care Quiz, your personal wellness assessment create by Bonnie, to find out what type of care you need most to lower stress and anxiety and flourish in your life with God's peace and joy! •Grab a copy of Bonnie’s bestselling hits, Sweet Like Jasmine, named 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist:  •Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul. •Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show? FOLLOW BONNIE:Instagram: site: for privacy information.
10/17/202223 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Overcome Life's Storms & Stresses with God's Quiet Love - Ep. 43

What are you facing in this season of life? Stressful storms, or slow dripping rains of stress? In this episode, Bonnie shares how God's quiet love will meet us in the stresses of life.• Pick up a copy of Bonnie’s bestselling hit, Sweet Like Jasmine, named 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist!• Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show?• Get Bonnie’s FREE Stress Less Devotional!• Grab a copy of Bonnie’s Book: Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul: BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
10/10/202221 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Overcome Burnout & Why You Need Tender Loving Care - Ep. 42

Quiet Quitting and Burnout are trending in workplaces all over. If you're experiencing physical or spiritual burnout, this episode is for you.RESOURCES AND LINKS:• Pick up a copy of Bonnie’s bestselling hit, Sweet Like Jasmine, named 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist!• Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show?• Get Bonnie’s FREE Stress Less Devotional!• Grab a copy of Bonnie’s Book: Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul.• Want to connect with Bonnie More? BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
10/3/202219 minutes, 34 seconds
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What Keeps You Up at Night? Letting Go of Guilt & the Fear of Saying No - Ep. 41

Do you ever end up awake at night, struggling to say no out of guilt or fear of rejection or disapproval? Bonnie shares how to let go of guilt and quiet fears so you can sleep better, instead of staying up ruminating over negative thoughts. You will learn how to recover a positive mood when you encounter stressors with this week's soul-care tip!Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: How Sounds in Nature Boost Your MoodRESOURCES AND LINKS:• Pick up a copy of Bonnie’s bestselling hit, Sweet Like Jasmine, named 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist!• Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show?• Get Bonnie’s FREE Stress Less Devotional!• Grab a copy of Bonnie’s Book: Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul.• Want to connect with Bonnie More? BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
9/26/202219 minutes, 41 seconds
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God Uses Our Leftovers: How to Move Forward When Life Doesn't Settle Down - Ep. 40

Do you ever feel hold yourself back from moving forward because of life's shortcomings and your own self doubts? I share how God helps us see the beauty in the brokenness & start new. I'll also share how to lift feelings of depression, anxiety, with this week's soul care tip!Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: The Mental Health Benefits of RiceRESOURCES AND LINKS:• Pick up a copy of Bonnie’s bestselling hit, Sweet Like Jasmine, named 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist!• Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show?• Get Bonnie’s FREE Stress Less Devotional!• Grab a copy of Bonnie’s Book: Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul.• Want to connect with Bonnie More? BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
9/19/202220 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Finding Hope in the Rubble of Life: Rebuilding Life from Ground Zero - Ep. 39

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with the rubble of life’s challenges, even though you feel God is encouraging you to rebuild something new into your life? Bonnie reflects on the Survivor Tree discovered after 9/11 and talks about how to find hope amid losses. You’ll learn how to assess where God is encouraging you to rebuild your life from ground zero. You’ll learn how to move your brain out of anxiety mode into a more calming, re-energizing mode, by allowing creating space for God to encourage you and encourage others to see God using you to lift others too! Scripture: Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:11Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: The Power of Encouragement & Mental Health Benefits of StorytellingLINKS & RESOURCES:• Watch the FREE HBO 9/11 Documentary: “What Happened on 9/11?”• Pick up a copy of Bonnie’s bestselling hit, Sweet Like Jasmine named 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist!• Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show?• Get Bonnie’s FREE Stress Less Devotional!• Grab a copy of Bonnie’s Book: Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul.• Want to connect with Bonnie More? BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
9/12/202220 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Find Peace When You’re Stressed & Gratitude In Heartache - Ep. 38

How do you find peace if you’re feeling stressed? Does giving thanks mean we ignore our problems and our worries? Bonnie talks about gratitude that doesn’t come from emotional amnesia, but a deeper gratitude that takes place when you open your heart to feel God’s peace and comfort. Most of us have heard that gratitude is good for mental health, but how can we feel gratitude if we’re also feeling anxious and facing difficult trials that bring us heartache? You will learn that God’s invitation to gratitude involves letting God love you in practical ways to improve your emotional health. Listen to this fascinating episode that avoids cliches & empowers you to feel the goodness of God even through heartache.Scripture: Give thanks in every circumstance, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.1 Thess 5:18Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: The Stress Lowering Benefits of Reading a Book, The Healthy Pain-Relieving Power of Hugs, The Science behind Gratefulness, and the Power for Naming 3 Good ThingsLINKS & RESOURCES:• Pick up a copy of Bonnie’s bestselling hit, Sweet Like Jasmine named 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist!• Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show?• Get Bonnie’s FREE Stress Less Devotional!• Grab a copy of Bonnie’s Book: Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul.• Want to connect with Bonnie More? BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
9/5/202219 minutes, 35 seconds
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Break the Habit of People Pleasing, Calm Anxiety & Lower Stress - Ep. 37

Do find yourself often minimize your own needs and desires, by saying yes to doing things out of fear of rejection, disappointing or upsetting others? In this week's episode, Bonnie talks about the People Pleaser’s Dilemma and how you can break the habit of people pleasing. Today, you’ll learn the importance of being in touch with prioritizing what is meaningful and purposeful for you, so you can calm anxiety and lower your stress. When you realize that God wants you to invest your energy in what gives you peace and joy, you will feel re-energized and live each day with more purpose, the way God created you to flourish.Scripture: In God alone my soul finds rest; my salvation comes from Him. Psalm 62:1Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: The Power of Single-Tasking to lower stress, increase productivity and boost your mood and happinessLINKS & RESOURCES:• Pick up a copy of Bonnie’s bestselling hit, Sweet Like Jasmine named 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist!• Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show?• Get Bonnie’s FREE Stress Less Devotional!• Grab a copy of Bonnie’s Book: Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul.• Want to connect with Bonnie More? BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
8/29/202219 minutes, 57 seconds
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How to Stay Encouraged When You’re Interrupted by Discouragement and Delays - Ep. 36

Do you ever give up on yourself or your projects and new ideas when you feel interrupted by stress? Bonnie talks about how you can get re-energized so you don’t get sidetracked by stress or disrupted by emails, social media or discouragement. You’ll learn how something as simple as doing your second best could be your most powerful act of faith. Be empowered with a promise from God that will keep you going to take prioritize what’s meaningful to you and turn your discouragement into encouragement.Scripture: “He who has began a good work in you will carry it into completion.” - Philippians 1:6Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: What kind of interruption is good for mental health and what kind of interruption is draining your mental health. Power of a Warm Meal, and Benefits of Sharing Comfort. LINKS & RESOURCES:• Join Bonnie’s Summer Book Club for Sweet Like Jasmine, 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist + Free Writer’s Publishing Seminar at• Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show?• Get Bonnie’s FREE Stress Less Devotional!• Grab a copy of Bonnie’s Book: Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul.• Want to connect with Bonnie More? BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
8/22/202220 minutes, 32 seconds
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Quiet the Noise of Negative Self-Talk & Boost Mental Health – Ep. 35

We all have an inner critic. It’s part of being human to hear negative self-talk pop up as self-preservation from past hurts or fears, but it’s toxic when it drains our energy and damages our confidence. In this episode, Bonnie talks about how you can turn down the volume of negative self-talk and re-wire your brain and heart to break free to hear God’s loving words of affirmation and combat stress by bringing more wellness into your day. You’ll learn to step over the inner critic and break free to start new projects or simply take better care of yourself. Be empowered with a promise from God to throw off labels you’ve been given so you can break free from worry and do what brings you purpose.Scripture: “You shall no longer be called forsaken, but you will be named my Delight, for the Lord delights in you.” Isaiah 62:4-5Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: The Power of God-Affirmations and The Benefit of Simple Steps to Spark ChangeLINKS & RESOURCES:• Join Bonnie’s Summer Book Club for Sweet Like Jasmine, 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist + Free Writer’s Publishing Seminar at• Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show?• Get Bonnie’s FREE Stress Less Devotional!• Grab a copy of Bonnie’s Book: Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul:• Want to connect with Bonnie More? BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
8/15/202221 minutes, 5 seconds
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How to Stop Overthinking and Start Enjoying Your Life - Ep. 34

While everyone overthinks about people, problems, and decisions once in a while, some of us are plagued with a constant stream of worries, second-guessing ourselves, and what-ifs all the time. Bonnie talks about how to replace images of worries and worst-case scenarios with God’s images of goodness for you.You’ll learn how to stop the flood of worries and refocus your mind and emotions by applying the mental health benefits of learning, to redirect your brain to positive pathways to where God’s leading you to choose joy. Be empowered with a promise from God to remind you there is no expiration date to God’s work of masterpiece in you.Scripture: “Yet you Lord are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.” Isaiah 64:8Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: The Mental Health Benefits of Learning a New SkillLINKS & RESOURCES:• Join Bonnie’s Summer Book Club for Sweet Like Jasmine, 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist + Free Writer’s Publishing Seminar at• Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show?• Get Bonnie’s FREE Stress Less Devotional!• Grab a copy of Bonnie’s Book: Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul.• Want to connect with Bonnie More? BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
8/8/202222 minutes, 21 seconds
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How to Overcome Regret and Move Forward with Joy - Ep. 33

Do you carry the burden of regrets, but want to move forward with joy and be free of negative emotions like discouragement or sorrow? Bonnie talks about two kinds of regret – the action path and the inaction path, so you can learn how to move past them. You’ll learn a practical way to let go of carrying fear, so you can make room for what gives you joy. Be empowered with a promise from God that frees you from fear and be more daring in your choices to do new things and pursue your ideas.Scripture: “You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head.” Psalm 139:5Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Neuroplasticity and The Power of Small ChangesLINKS & RESOURCES:• Join Bonnie’s Summer Book Club for Sweet Like Jasmine, 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist + Free Writer’s Publishing Seminar at• Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show?• Get Bonnie’s FREE Stress Less Devotional!• Grab a copy of Bonnie’s Book: Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul.• Want to connect with Bonnie More? BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
8/1/202222 minutes
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How to Break Free When You’re Stuck in a Rut - Ep. 32

Do you feel like you’re just going through the motions, feeling stuck in a rut? It’s normal when you’re under stress to lack motivation. But, we don’t have to stay stuck! We can do things that help break the negative cycles and feel more inspired to do what brings us joy. In this episode, Bonnie talks about one important factor of wellness that will help you feel encouraged, and focus on the ideas God has planted in your heart to choose joy. You’ll learn a powerful principle to help you draw closer to Jesus to boost motivation and experience joy in practical ways and not just as head knowledge. Scripture: - “More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” Philippians 3:8 - "Rejoice in the Lord always.” Phil 3:1Soul Care Tip: The power of change in scenery to boost your wellbeing and mood, the power of novelty to release happy hormonesLINKS & RESOURCES:• Subscribe to Bonnie’s YouTube Channel!• Join Bonnie’s Summer Book Club for Sweet Like Jasmine, 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist + Free Writer’s Publishing Seminar at• Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show?• Get Bonnie’s FREE Stress Less Devotional!• Grab a copy of Bonnie’s Book: Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul: BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
7/18/202222 minutes, 49 seconds
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How to Choose Joy If You’re Stressed Out - Ep. 31

We all want to feel joy, but how can you choose joy, if you’re too stressed to know how? Why is choosing joy so difficult and how can we overcome the resistance to choosing joy? Bonnie shares her soul care tips on choosing joy, even when you’re not in the mood. She also shares how to encourage others to join you to choose joy in a positive way, that doesn’t guilt others or pressure them. You’ll learn practical ways to stop ruminating thoughts from keeping you from choosing joy with Jesus!Scripture: “I have told you these things so that My joy may be in you and your joy may be complete” - John 15:11Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: The “Environment” criteria for Joy Index Project, Color Therapy of Yellow, Power of Engaging 5 Senses. LINKS & RESOURCES:- Join Bonnie’s Summer Book Club for Sweet Like Jasmine, 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist + Free Writer’s Publishing Seminar at Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show? Get Bonnie’s FREE Stress Less Devotional! Grab a copy of Bonnie’s Book: Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul: BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
7/11/202221 minutes, 17 seconds
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How to Cope and Stay Calm When Your Plans Fall Through - Ep. 30

What do you do when things don’t turn out the way you hoped they would – even when you tried so hard to plan things right? Bonnie shares her soul care tips on turning that disappointing moment and the stress into an opportunity to stop and exhale disappointment and expectations – and inhale calm and God’s peace. You’ll learn practical ways to get through a hard week when plans fail to line up, so you can get unstuck and move forward.Scripture: ”Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” Isaiah 46:4Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Lower you anxiety and stress by making new plans so you can experience anticipatory joy. LINKS & RESOURCES:Join Bonnie’s Summer Book Club for Sweet Like Jasmine, 2022 Christian Book Award Finalist + Free Writer’s Publishing Seminar at Scientific Articles for Today’s Show? Bonnie’s FREE Stress Less Devotional! a copy of Bonnie’s Book: Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul: BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
6/20/202219 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Release Relational Stress: Thoughts on the Depp/Heard Trial - Ep. 29

Do you struggle with relational stress? Bonnie shares her soul-care thoughts on the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial. When you find it hard to shake hurtful words that overtake your heart, learn to release the stress of hurtful words to God. Don’t put your heart to the side. Exhale that stress to Jesus. Bonnie shows you how to restore peace and calm with God’s promises. Your emotional wellness is important to God.Scripture: “You are my shelter and my shield; I put my hope in your word.” Psalm 119:114 Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Simply Looking at Trees Reduces Stress Levels LINKS & RESOURCES:• Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show?• Get Bonnie’s FREE Stress Less Devotional!• Grab a copy of Bonnie’s Book: Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul. BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
6/6/202220 minutes, 17 seconds
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Brain Fog Is No Joke: Reduce Mental Fatigue & Stop Stress Scrolling - Ep. 28

Bonnie is back with new episodes starting today!When your brain is exhausted, it becomes harder to think, reason, and focus. Stress negatively affects our well-being and when we carry stress over time and are inundated with the deluge of information, we can experience mental fatigue. Learn how to lower the effects of chronic stress and brain fog, which is also listed as a symptom of covid, and how to break strolling addiction.Scripture: “My presence will go with you and I will give you rest.” - Exodus 33:14Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Power of Microbreaks, Staying Hydrated and Stopping Mindless Stress ScrollingLINKS & RESOURCES:• Want Scientific Articles for Today’s Show?• Get Bonnie’s FREE Stress Less Devotional!• Grab a copy of Bonnie’s Book: Whispers of Rest: 40 Days of God’s Love to Revitalize Your Soul.: BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
5/31/202218 minutes, 50 seconds
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Introducing: Get Your Brave On

Bonnie is taking a break for just a little while longer, but while she is gone, we wanted to take the opportunity to introduce you to a new show in the LifeAudio network: Get Your Brave On, hosted by Amanda Carroll.Amanda adopted the phrase "Get Your Brave On" ten years ago when she became a single mother of 3. Her podcast is dedicated to helping you live strong and courageously no matter what life throws at you.In today’s episode, Amanda talks with Hillsong Worship’s Brooke Ligertwood (littertwood) about taking drastic action to get un-stuck in life.Subscribe to Get Your Brave On:LifeAudio: in the possibility of victory! With special guest Brooke Ligertwood (Hillsong Worship) Do you feel like your life has been on pause? Are you stagnant, but deep inside you want to burst out into a new life? This podcast will help you learn how to take drastic action and get UN-STUCK, so you can propel yourself forward out of any plot twist in life.Follow Amanda: Brooke: for privacy information.
5/16/202228 minutes, 14 seconds
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How to Be Gentle with Yourself (Re-Air)

We are all exhausted after a year of distance working via Zoom and screens without delineation between personal time and work time, parenting and working from home. Bonnie inspires us to break out of cookie-cutter expectations and quiet the critical voices that make us feel less than enough. She also explores fresh ideas to re-energize your motivation. Scripture: “Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you.” - 1 Peter 5:7Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Make something with your hands. Benefits of lowering anxiety.LINKS & RESOURCES:For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, an Amazon #1 New Release in Christian Biographies. Sign up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at up for Bonnie’s Soul Care Newsletter for more soul care tips here: BONNIE:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
5/9/202222 minutes, 50 seconds
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Introducing: Teach Us to Pray

While Bonnie is taking a break, we are sharing a few other shows in our network. Today, we're sharing Teach Us to Pray with Christina Patterson. You can find all of our episodes of Teach Us to Pray right here: Thessalonians‬ ‭5:17‬ ‭instructs believers to pray without ceasing, but have you ever wondered if this type of continual prayer was possible and if so, how to do it? In today’s episode, Christina explains what it means to pray without ceasing and three important ways you can start this life-changing type of prayer today. Resources Mentioned in This Podcast:Download Christina's Free 5 Day Prayer Guide to help you put into practice the powerful habit of prayer: with Christina Paterson: https://www.belovedwomen.orgStudy the Bible with Christina and Beloved Women at in the Podcast are from ESV, NLT, NIV.See for privacy information.
4/25/202219 minutes
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Introducing: Christian Parent, Crazy World

Christian Parent, Crazy World helps you raise godly kids in an ungodly world. Each episode addresses a critical question for parents of Christian children. You can find all of our episodes at:*****LifeWay Research survey: Two-thirds of teens say they stopped going to church for at least a year between 18-22.Mama Bear Apologetics, by Hillary Morgan Ferrer, “Most studies indicate between 45%-48% of youth leave the church after their freshman year in college.You Lost Me by David Kinnaman found that after age 15, almost 60% of young Christians disconnect from their church.Assemblies of God Study found possibly over two-thirds of young people will step away from the Christian faith while attending a non-Christian university. Between 50% and 66.7% of AoG teens who attend a non-Christian university will have left the faith ?four years after entering college.Southern Baptist Convention Data: SBC indicates 70-88% of their youth leave after their freshman year in college. 70% of teens involved in church youth groups stop attending church within two years of their high school graduation.WHY ARE THEY LEAVING?“Young adults are dropping out of church in large numbers, survey finds. This is why.” By Holly Meyer, USA Today“The Tops Reasons Young People Drop Out of Church,” by Griffen Paul Jackson, Christianity TodayWhy Christian Kids Leave the Faith by Tom BissetWHAT EXACTLY DO TODAY’S TEENS BELIEVE THAT MAKE IT SO EASY FOR THEM TO LEAVE THE FAITH?“Most studies indicate between 45%-48% of youth leave the church after their freshman year in college and never return (Mama Bear Apologetics, p. 29)***Follow Catherine: for privacy information.
4/18/202222 minutes, 46 seconds
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S2 E27: Move Out of Survival Mode and Let God Make Things New in You

This week leading into Easter, Bonnie guides you to move into newness. Learn how your mind and emotions falls into old patterns and how to create new paths and grow. Create new pathways and rewrite your story with improved emotional wellness and health. Bonnie shows us how you can step over doubt to rest into God’s timing to set your heart free to pursue the new changes God puts on your heart.Learn about the power of “anticipatory joy” and understand the challenges to newness and how rest helps you take action to step out to create space for new ways to nurture your mental health, instead of busy. Week #6 of the Stress Less Lent Series.***Lent Focus: Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane facing his anguish. “Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him… They said to one another, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he was speaking to us on the road?’” - Luke 24:29-32 Scripture: “Behold, I am making all things new… in you.” Revelations 21:5Soul Care Tip: Make weekend plans that bring you peace and fun. Research shows that simply making plans revitalizes you with what psychologists call anticipatory joy. ***Links + Resources from This Episode:Download the FREE Stress Less Lent Devotional with the Breathe Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness: up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at Bonnie on:Instagram: site: https://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
4/11/202220 minutes, 30 seconds
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S2 E26: Heal Emotional Exhaustion by Taking Better Care of Yourself

(This is Week #5 of Soul Care Lent Retreat!) Bonnie guides you to use your faith to take better care of yourself when you walk through the valley of emotional exhaustion. Feel uplifted and changed discouragement to encouragement. Learn the importance of refilling your inner resources of God when your heart, body hits the empty light of your emotional tank reserves.Bonnie explores ways to make space for more beauty into your everyday life to experience God’s peace and comfort as you go through hard times. Learn the seven benefits of the power of classical music to help your body and emotions heal.Lent Focus: Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane facing his anguish. “My soul is deeply grieved. Jesus fell on His face and prayed, saying, ‘My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me’” (Mark 14:33, Matthew 26:39). Scripture: “We are more than conquerors through him who loved us. I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love.” Romans 8:37-39 Soul Care Tip: Listening to beautiful classical music heals our souls too. Innumerable studies show the incredible mental and physical benefits of listening to classical music Links + Resources from This Episode:Download the FREE Stress Less Lent Devotional with the Breathe Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness: up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at Bonnie on:Instagram: site: https://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
4/4/202219 minutes, 48 seconds
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S2 E25: When You Don’t Know What to Do: Facing Uncertainty with Confidence

(This is Week #4 of Soul Care Lent Retreat!)Bonnie explores the stress of feeling stuck, facing uncertainty and you don’t know what to do and shows us how to restore calm during times we feel overwhelmed and return to a place of confidence when we face uncertainty. Learn how the power of focusing on God’s goodness frees your heart to take just the next step. Learn the Power of taking One Next Step to help you move forward.Lent Focus: Jesus is in the Praetorium, handed over to Barabbas. “Then he released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.” Matthew 27:26 Scripture: “See, I am doing something new. Now it springs forth. Will you not be aware of it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19 Soul Care Tip: Enjoy aromatherapy of your favorite scent; Science shows that aromas powerfully affect our emotional well-being: lavender, orange, and peppermint helps signal to calm anxiety.Links + Resources from This Episode:Download the FREE Stress Less Lent Devotional with the Breathe Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness: up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at Bonnie on:Instagram: site: https://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
3/28/202219 minutes, 34 seconds
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S2 E24: How to Combat Critical Voices and Heal from Shame

Bonnie explores how to fight inner critical voices when you feel burdened or feel stuck. Fight against loneliness that comes from self-reliance. Bonnie shares how critical thoughts hold a stronger grip with “avoidance anxiety,” but stress releases when we share the stress. Release the shame of emotional wounds we carry by turning those needs over to God and allowing others to help us carry our burdens. Learn three powerful practices to help you feel closer to God in prayer, help you feel closer to others, and return your body respond to calm and peace in week #3 of the Stress Less Lent Series.Lent Focus: Jesus steps on the Via Dolorosa. Someone helped Jesus carry the cross. “Simon Cyrene, coming in from the country, and placed on him the cross to carry behind Jesus.” luke 23:26 Scripture: Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs.”Ps. 84:5–6 Soul Care Tip: Light a candle for prayer, write a note, and have coffee with a friend. Research shows how these practices help your body and emotions heal with peace. Links + Resources from This Episode:Download the FREE Stress Less Lent Devotional with the Breathe Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness: up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at Bonnie on:Instagram: site: https://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
3/21/202220 minutes, 7 seconds
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S2 E23: What to Do When Life is Hard and Replenish Your Strength

Bonnie explores what we can do when life feels hard and guides us to feel encouraged when we feel alone, face rejection or closed doors and it seems God is silent. Learn the power of “inviting rather than hiding” as Bonnie shares how Jesus himself used this practice when He faced his most anguished and troubled moments. Boost your resilience to stress when invite God and others into your situation when you face uncertainty and prayers feel unanswered. Week #2 of the Stress Less Lent Series.Learn two powerful practices to move your body out of the fight or flight stress response and learn why it works: Naming what is troubling you and Taking a Nap. Lent Focus: Jesus in the Garden of Gethsamane. “Then Jesus said, ‘My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here . . . with me.’ “ Matt. 26:38Scripture: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are mine.” Is.43:1Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Name your troubles and hard struggles. Take a 30 minute nap. Research shows these practices are restorative, lowers cortisol, stress, and improves sleep.Download the FREE Stress Less Lent Devotional with the Breathe Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness: up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at Bonnie on:Instagram: site: https://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
3/14/202222 minutes, 51 seconds
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S2 E22: Don’t Live with a Broken Heart: Receive God’s Healing

Bonnie explores a scene in Jesus’s final hours - a scene when he washed the disciples’ feet and encourages us to be vulnerable with our need for healing. Learn the power of being present (rather than avoidance) with what breaks our heart with God, so we can receive the healing for our invisible wounds to be made whole. Week #1 of the Stress Less Lent Series. Lent Focus: Jesus washing the disciples’ feet. “Jesus loved them to the end.” John 13:1Scripture: The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 34:18; 147:3Soul Care Tip: Color, sketch, or doodle for 10 minutes. Coloring elicits a relaxation and a meditation-like response by helping you focus on the moment, practice mindfulness, and temporarily push aside worries. Links + Resources from This Episode:Download the FREE Stress Less Lent Devotional with the Breathe Newsletter: links to research, soul care tips & devos, sign up for the BREATHE Newsletter here.For more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness: up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at Bonnie on:Instagram: site: https://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
3/7/202220 minutes
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Bonus Episode! Responding to Trauma & Nurturing Your Soul This Ash Wednesday

Today we are kicking off the Stress Less 6-week Lent Soul Care Retreat to help you take better care of you and walk closer with Jesus to Easter together!Did you know that Lent means “spring” and you can use Lent as “springtime for your soul” to nurture your soul back to life? We all experience trauma of some sort when we’re under intense pressure. Bonnie shows you how to practice soul care and rest using this powerful 6-week Soul Care Retreat to celebrate Lent.Learn how you can use the rich spiritual season of Lent to practice good mental health and experience more of God’s peace and joy in your body and emotions. Learn 3 simple, powerful ways to nurture your soul that will improve your mental health and draw closer to God.Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness and that’s where he prayed. The place of rest in the wilderness is also a place of trail and testing. See how even in moments of trail and testing and difficulties there is refreshment. Jesus is with us in the wilderness.Water the soil of your heart with grace.Scripture: “Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray.” Luke 5:16 “The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness.” Jeremiah 31:2Soul Care Tips: Take time to garden, place plants in your home, or simply journal 10 minutes. Research that shows these actions lower stress, depression, and anxiety.Links + Resources From This Episode:Download the FREE Stress Less Lent Devotional with the Breathe Newsletter: links to research, soul care tips & devos, sign up for the BREATHE Newsletter here.For more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness: up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at Bonnie on:Instagram: site: https://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
3/2/202219 minutes, 48 seconds
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S2 E20: Renew Your First Love with God When Faith Feels Stale

Bonnie guides you to refill your soul with agape love – God’s unconditional love for you. When stress overwhelms our emotions and body, we feel alone and discouraged.Bonnie discusses how restoring an emotionally deeper, loving relationship with God will help relieve stress and anxiety. Learn a meditation practice to improve your spiritual health, to feel God's loving presence and feel His nearness. Bonnie will share a simple practice that will help de-stress and bring God's comfort and love to your heart.Scripture: “You walked away from your first love… recover your dear early love.” Rev. 2:4-5Soul Care Tip: Buy yourself flowers this week. Buy Flowers for Yourself. Place them where you can enjoy them. May the flowers remind you how valuable you are to Jesus. Scientific Research: Behavioral research at Rutgers University found that simply looking at flowers improves emotional health. The presence of flowers triggered happy emotions. Links & Resources from this Episode:For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness: up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at Bonnie on:Instagram: site: https://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
2/28/202219 minutes, 48 seconds
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S2 E19: How to Help Kids Stress Less and Reduce Anxiety

Bonnie explores storge love – familial love or instinctual affection -- in the Bible. Children are experiencing anxiety at an all-time high during the pandemic. A tender loving affection between parent and child will help relieve stress and anxiety. Learn 4 different ideas to provide the loving touch your children’s mental health will benefit from, to weather everyday stress & challenges Bonnie will share simple powerful practices to nurture affection with our children. Scripture: “Be devoted to one another in love – with genuine affection.” - Romans 12:10Soul Care Tip: The Power of Play, Give 3 Hugs a Day and Words of AffirmationScientific Research: Neurophysiology research shows benefits of play include: improved mood and well-being, reducing anxiety, depression, stimulating creativity, and enhancing relationships.Links & Resources from this Episode:How We Love by Kay Yerkovich and Milan Yerkovich: links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness: up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at Bonnie on:Instagram: site: https://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
2/22/202224 minutes, 9 seconds
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S2 E18: Rekindle Your Romantic Love Relationships

Bonnie explores eros love – romantic and sensual love in the Bible. What practices help you nurture romantic love to build affection in a loving marriage and while dating -- to protect it against stress? Bonnie discusses what are the practices of healthy marriages to weather conflicts and helps you invest in the “emotional bank account” of your spouse.Learn three simple, powerful ways to help lower the stress in love relationships and rekindle affection to create an atmosphere of emotional and physical intimacy.Scripture: "I am my beloved and my beloved belongs to me.” Song of Solomon 6:3Soul Care Tip: Write a love letter to your beloved, give a hug for 20 seconds, hold hands, schedule a date trying something new experience together.Scientific Research: Brain science shows that romantic love can be rekindled. Research shows how writing love letters, giving hugs, and creating new experiences (novelty) nurtures mental health wellness in both the giver and receiver, while sending the “falling in love” hormone dopamine into your bodies.Links & Resources from this Episode:7 Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman, PhD: For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, an Amazon #1 New Release in Christian Biographies.Sign up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at up for Bonnie’s Soul Care Newsletter for more soul care tips here: Bonnie on:Instagram: site: https://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
2/14/202224 minutes, 16 seconds
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S2 E17: Love and Friendship - Nurturing Friendships to Stress Less

Bonnie kicks off her Love Series with philia love - sisterly/brother love. Learn three simple, powerful ways to nurture friendships that will improve your mental health, and your friends’ health too.Bonnie also discusses: how do we keep pursuing friendships if we get hurt? Why does showing love to others help our mental health and what does Jesus have to say about loving others, if friendships don't last and we feel rejected?Soul Care Tip - Send a card or gift to a friend this week!Links & Resources from this Episode:For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, an Amazon #1 New Release in Christian Biographies.Sign up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at up for Bonnie’s Soul Care Newsletter for more soul care tips here: Bonnie on:Instagram: site: https://www.thebonniegray.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/Ponomariova_MariaSee for privacy information.
2/7/202221 minutes, 21 seconds
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S2 E16: Renewing Your Mind: Reducing Stress Using Scripture-Based Mindfulness

Learn the power of positive thoughts and how scripture uniquely empowers you to truly practice mindfulness and meditation to reduce stress. God’s presence and His peace will become soaked into your soul, as learn to use the simple meditative prayer practice of using your imagination.Scripture Referenced in This Episode:“Do not despise small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” - Zechariah 4:10 “You are my shelter and my shield. I put my hope in your word.” - Psalm 119:114Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: The Power of Positive ThoughtsBenefits of Eating FruitLinks + Resources from This Episode:For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, an Amazon #1 New Release in Christian Biographies. Sign up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at up for Bonnie’s Soul Care Newsletter for more soul care tips here: Bonnie on:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/Polar_lightsSee for privacy information.
1/31/202221 minutes, 9 seconds
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S2 E15: Creating New Rhythms & Healthy Habits with God’s Promises

In this episode, Bonnie discusses how habits are most effectively formed. See how God’s promises keep us motivated, rather than focusing on regrets, obstacles and failures from the past. Rather than distracting yourself, use the power of God’s promises.Scripture: "I will restore to you the years that the swarming locusts has eaten.” Joel 2:24-25Soul Care Tip: Research shows nurturing a comfortable environment for yourself (no threats or guilt), and choosing easy, simple steps facilitate habit formation. What is one small thing you can do for yourself today?Bonnie walks you through the practice of praying God’s promises to keep yourself truly motivated. For links to this study & devotional, sign up for the BREATHE Newsletter here: Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, an Amazon #1 New Release in Christian Biographies: up for free Stories of Faith Journal at SweetLikeJasmine.comFollow Bonnie on:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/Mkyyta_DolmatovSee for privacy information.
1/24/202221 minutes, 26 seconds
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S2 E14: Combating Burn Out & The Power of God’s Promises

Many of us live with general anxiety, but if we get curious about what is stressing us out and can specifically name it, then we can make changes to relieve that stress.Scripture: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matt 11:28-30Care Tip & Scientific Research: Power of Finding your One Word, Research shows how naming what bothers you reduces stress, avoidance creates more stress, and how your body reduces stress with exercise.Links + Resources From This Episode:Research shows how naming what bothers you reduces stress, avoidance creates more stress, and how your body reduces stress with exercise.For links to this study & devotional, sign up for the BREATHE Newsletter here: Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, an Amazon #1 New Release in Christian Biographies: up for free Stories of Faith Journal at SweetLikeJasmine.comFollow Bonnie on:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/ilyalirenSee for privacy information.
1/17/202222 minutes, 54 seconds
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S2 E13: Choosing Hope and Finding Your New Normal

Stress increases when we feel forced to accept changes we wouldn’t choose for ourselves. This episode explores the message of choosing hope in the midst of finding your new normal and being empowered by radically doing something different that works for you. Inspired by the wise men and Joseph in the Christmas story, you’ll be empowered to talk your way to less stress as you step into the new year.Scripture: “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem.”Isaiah 40:1Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Benefits of a 10-minute walk and a study on looking at trees to lower stress and anxiety.Links & Resources from this Episode:For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, an Amazon #1 New Release in Christian Biographies.Sign up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at up for Bonnie’s Soul Care Newsletter for more soul care tips here: Bonnie on:Instagram: site: https://www.thebonniegray.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/Grau_ArtSee for privacy information.
12/22/202121 minutes, 34 seconds
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S2 E12: Choosing Joy Isn’t Selfish: You Are Worthy of Joy

Many people feel guilty or selfish when they want to change traditions or plans for how to celebrate Christmas. Busyness is one of the biggest obstacles to experiencing a meaningful time with God and with family, in a way that would be less stressful. This episode arms you with you 6 different ways of celebrating Christmas that is scientifically proven to lower stress and boost happiness levels. Use these ideas to brainstorm and be reminded of how you best experience joy during the holidays. These ideas are inspired by the shepherds in the Christmas story.Scripture: "Put away all fear, for I am bringing you good news of great joy.“ - Luke 2:10Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: The healing practice of music therapy, lighting candles, enjoying hot coca, stargazing, engaging your five senses, and reading books.Links & Resources from this Episode:For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, an Amazon #1 New Release in Christian Biographies.Sign up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at up for Bonnie’s Soul Care Newsletter for more soul care tips here: Bonnie on:Instagram: site: https://www.thebonniegray.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/Grau_ArtSee for privacy information.
12/21/202122 minutes, 4 seconds
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S2 E11: Receiving God’s Peace During the Holiday Stress

Are you overwhelmed and stressed right now? Many of us are; it’s common during the holiday season. In this special Christmas episode, Bonnie looks at the story of Mary and how she received the peace of God, and the soul care practice of breath prayers.Links & Resources from this Episode:For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, an Amazon #1 New Release in Christian Biographies.Sign up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at up for Bonnie’s Soul Care Newsletter for more soul care tips here: Bonnie on:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/Grau_ArtSee for privacy information.
12/20/202121 minutes, 44 seconds
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S2 Ep 10: God Makes Beauty Out of Brokenness

So much of the stress and dilemmas in life happen when we feel alone when we encounter hard times. The pandemic has brought us the opportunity to look back into the past year and see what we’ve learned about ourselves.In this episode, Bonnie inspires us to stress less by sharing ways to grow into who God created you to be and allowing God to make changes in your life.Scripture: “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you. Isaiah 46:10Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Benefits of Prioritizing Play & Revitalizing JoyLinks & Resources from this Episode:For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, an Amazon #1 New Release in Christian Biographies.Sign up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at up for Bonnie’s Soul Care Newsletter for more soul care tips here: Bonnie on:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/biscotto87See for privacy information.
12/1/202124 minutes, 27 seconds
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S2 E9: Your Story Is Worth Sharing

One in four women experiences emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. As we emerge out of the pandemic, Bonnie inspires us to shine our lights. We can lose ourselves in our Instagram picture-perfect feed, feeling less than. Bonnie explores how God invites us to vulnerability and lowering our stress levels by connecting to each other rather than isolating ourselves, through Jesus’ favorite way of engaging with us: telling stories. Today’s Scripture: “You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” - 2 Corinthians 3:3Soul Care Tip: Bonnie talks to us about the benefits of writing a letter to your younger self.Soul Care Research: Researchers have found that creating good experiences makes people happier and give people a greater sense of vitality - “feeling alive.” Links & Resources from this Episode:For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, an Amazon #1 New Release in Christian Biographies.Sign up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at up for Bonnie’s Soul Care Newsletter for more soul care tips here: Bonnie on:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/BRO VectorSee for privacy information.
11/23/202125 minutes, 42 seconds
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S2 E8: Quieting Imposter Syndrome & Toxic People

Have you struggled with being self-critical? Or felt attacked by critical people? In this episode, Bonnie helps us begin our journey to quiet the critical voices - the self-criticism and the harmful critiques of toxic people.Scripture: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear.” 1 Jn 4:16-18Soul Care Tip: Create new experiences. Benefits to boost your mood. Scientific Research: Neurophysiology research shows that play improves mood and well-being, reducing anxiety, depression, stimulating creativity, and enhancing relationships. Links + Resources From This Episode:The 8 Types of Play Personalities: links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, an Amazon #1 New Release in Christian Biographies.Sign up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at up for Bonnie’s Soul Care Newsletter for more soul care tips here: Bonnie on:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/Ponomariova_MariaSee for privacy information.
11/16/202126 minutes, 37 seconds
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S2 E7: Breaking Myths and Stigma: Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and Faith

Surviving through a worldwide pandemic has impacted all of us. Everyone experiences anxiety in varying degrees. Some more than others. Bonnie debunks common myths and stigma of suffering from anxiety and encourages us to see the beauty of faith at work in healing & renewal.Scripture: “The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” Zeph. 3:17Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Benefits of AromatherapyLinks + Resources from This Episode:For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, an Amazon #1 New Release in Christian Biographies. Sign up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at up for Bonnie’s Soul Care Newsletter for more soul care tips here: Bonnie on:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/Ponomariova_MariaSee for privacy information.
11/9/202123 minutes, 11 seconds
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S2 E6: When You Need God’s Guidance and Don’t Know What to Do

The pandemic has thrown a monkey wrench into all our plans. All of us are stuck facing situations where there are no easy answers. Bonnie explores topics of uncertainty in parenting, career, singleness, and ministry – and offers soul calming encouragement on seeking God’s guidance on the next steps. Scripture: “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it” Isaiah 30:21 Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Bonnie shares the benefits of Cooking Therapy. Studies show benefits of the Slow Food movement include losing weight, good digestion, and less stress. Eating slowly practices mindfulness and less worry.Links + Resources From This Episode:For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, an Amazon #1 New Release in Christian Biographies. Sign up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at up for Bonnie’s Soul Care Newsletter for more soul care tips here: Bonnie on:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/Nuthawut_SomsukSee for privacy information.
11/2/202122 minutes, 24 seconds
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S2 E5: Getting Honest about Depression and Other Mental Health Issues

Bonnie shares the importance of emotional honesty about our struggles with depression, anxiety, numbness, and panic attacks. Though there might be people in our lives who make us feel ashamed of our struggles, God does not. He only meets us with his compassion and his promises for mercy and rest. The pandemic has left a lot of us with feelings of depression as we struggle feeling overwhelmed in our personal lives, parenting, our families, marriages, and the political division that fill the news.If you are struggling with depression or anxiety, this episode is for you.Scripture: “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.” Is. 66:13 Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Benefits of Decluttering (UCLA research shows stress hormones spiked with the presence of clutter.)Links + Resources in This Episode:For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, an Amazon #1 New Release in Christian Biographies. Sign up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at up for Bonnie’s Soul Care Newsletter for more soul care tips here: Bonnie on:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/BitontawanSee for privacy information.
10/26/202130 minutes, 47 seconds
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S2 E4: Be Gentle with Yourself – What Helps You Relax and Enjoy Life?

After a year of distance working via Zoom and screens, without delineation between personal time and work time, parenting and working from home, we are all exhausted. Bonnie inspires us to break out of cookie-cutter expectations and quiet the critical voices that make us feel less than enough, and also explore ideas to re-energize your motivation. Scripture: “Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you.” - 1 Peter 5:7Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Make something with your hands. Benefits of lowering anxiety.Links + Resources in This Episode:For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, an Amazon #1 New Release in Christian Biographies. Sign up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at up for Bonnie’s Soul Care Newsletter for more soul care tips here: Bonnie on:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/BitontawanSee for privacy information.
10/19/202123 minutes, 17 seconds
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S2 E3: Stop Hiding in Loneliness: Reconnecting with Other and Yourself

As the pandemic ebbs and flows, and society opens and closes again and again, there is a lot of anxiety about what life will look like. How do we reconnect with others and with ourselves? Bonnie encourages us to explore the different ways we can grow into our true selves instead of hiding behind performing and people pleasing. Scripture: “The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have drawn you with loving devotion.” Jer. 31:3Soul Care Tip: Bonnie explores the benefits of looking at old photographsLinks + Resources in This Episode:For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, an Amazon #1 New Release in Christian Biographies. Sign up for a free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at up for Bonnie’s Soul Care Newsletter for more soul care tips here: Bonnie on:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/kevinhilillustrationSee for privacy information.
10/12/202128 minutes, 17 seconds
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S2 E2: How to Get Better Sleep

The pandemic has really wreaked havoc on our sleep. We all know it’s important to get enough sleep. But what if sleep is a struggle? In this episode, Bonnie shares encouragement to help get you through seasons when sleep is eluding you and shares ideas to quiet the worry and anxieties that keep you up. Scripture: "Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders." Deut. 33:12Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Benefits of reading a real book and how it helps you sleep better. The Mayo Clinic also found that reading a book for twenty minutes as a bedtime ritual helps signal your body to sleep. Links + Resources in This Episode:For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, an Amazon #1 New Release in Christian Biographies. Sign up for free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at up for Bonnie’s Soul Care Newsletter for more soul care tips here: Bonnie on:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/katflareSee for privacy information.
10/5/202125 minutes, 19 seconds
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S2 E1: Tackling the Stress of Uncertainty & The Gift of Listening

The list of uncertainty that has grown during the pandemic is overwhelming. In this episode, Bonnie shares how the pandemic has forced us to recognize that stress takes a real toll on our physical and emotional wellbeing. We can turn into positive motivation to embrace our true worth as God’s child, and take better care of ourselves – and in turn, be filled up to take better care of others we love. Scripture: “You are my beloved. In you, I take delight.” - Mark 1:11 Care Tip & Scientific Research: The healing practice of a listening and the benefits of drinking tea.Scientists have found that drinking a single cup of tea reduces anxiety levels by up to 25 percent in participants after they’ve experienced a stressful moment. Links + Resources In This Episode:For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter: more encouragement, order Bonnie’s book Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness, an Amazon #1 New Release in Christian Biographies. Sign up for free Audiobook or Stories of Faith Guided Journal at up for Bonnie’s Soul Care Newsletter for more soul care tips here: Bonnie on:Instagram: site: http://www.thebonniegray.comEpisode Image Credit: Getty/Juli JuliaSee for privacy information.
9/28/202123 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode 10: Choose Peace in the Storm

So much stress in life happens like stormy weather: suddenly and unexpectedly. What are the actions we can take to experience God’s peace in the storms of life? Bonnie shows how to lower stress and experience God’s presence to carry you through hard times.*This episode was recorded before the coronavirus pandemic. We’re grateful that these words of encouragement and advice are applicable more than ever. Let Jesus take you through this storm, and know his peace will carry you through. Stay well, friends.Scripture: “Take heart. It is I. Do not be afraid.” Mark 6:50Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Listen to worship songs as meditation and learn about the calming & energizing benefits.Links + Resources in This Episode:The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence:'s Soul Care Package:'s book, Whispers of Rest: up for Bonnie's Weekly Wellness Beloved Newsletter: Bonnie on:Instagram: Her site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
4/8/202018 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode 9: Lower Your Stress by Getting Out in Nature

Bonnie explores how God invites us to vulnerability and lower stress levels through Jesus’ favorite way to recharge: being out in nature, letting others in, and asking for help.*This episode was recorded before the coronavirus pandemic. We’re grateful that these words of encouragement and advice are applicable more than ever. Get outside, marvel in creation, and trust that the God who cares for the birds in the air and the flowers in the field is caring for you. Stay well, friends.Scripture: For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. Psalm 139:13Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Research shows that spending time with people in real life instead of social media makes people happier and renews vitality. Take a digital break. Choose a real experience.Links + Resources in This Episode:Bonnie's Soul Care Package:'s book, Whispers of Rest: up for Bonnie's Weekly Wellness Beloved Newsletter: Bonnie on:Instagram: Her site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
4/1/202020 minutes
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Episode 8: Let Go of Perfectionism to Unlock Joy

Joy is found (and stress is lessened) when we unlock our creativity and pursue something new. But perfectionism can rob us of joy when we’re not willing to take a risk.Is there something new God is inspiring you to do, but perfectionism is holding you back? Bonnie exposes the 5 lies of perfectionism and empowers you with 5 truths to move forward.Scripture: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear.” - 1 John 4:18Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Create new experiences and discover the benefits of new experiences to boost your mood. Links + Resources in This Episode:Bonnie's Soul Care Package:'s book, Whispers of Rest: up for Bonnie's Weekly Wellness Beloved Newsletter: Bonnie on:Instagram: Her site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
3/25/202020 minutes, 30 seconds
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Special Coronavirus Episode: How to Stress Less When Everyone around You Is Panicking

In just a few weeks, our world has changed dramatically. COVID-19 has shut down huge cities and even major countries. Many of you might be listening to this at home, unsure of when you’ll be going back to work or school. It is a frightening time, but God does not want us to live in fear, even in such a fearful time. In this special episode, Bonnie shares how we can defuse panic and stress in our lives as we live with the reality of coronavirus. Links + Resources in This Episode:Bonnie's Soul Care Package:'s book, Whispers of Rest: up for Bonnie's Weekly Wellness Beloved Newsletter: Bonnie on:Instagram: Her site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
3/17/202026 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 7: Making Decisions without Stressing Out

Making decisions is often a source of stress in our lives. We can overanalyze our choices to the point of analysis paralysis. And yet, the decision to add more joy in our lives (like we talked about in the previous episode) is having new experiences and adventures with God. But how do we get to the point where we can say a confident yes to those things? That’s what we’ll unpack in today’s episode.Scripture: “I run in the path of your commands for you have set my heart free.” - Psalm 119:32Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Create new experiences. Learn the benefits of taking a break. Links + Resources in This Episode:Bonnie's Soul Care Package:'s book, Whispers of Rest: up for Bonnie's Weekly Wellness Beloved Newsletter: Bonnie on:Instagram: Her site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
3/11/202018 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 6: Figure Out What Brings You Joy and Pursue It

Maybe you've felt hesitant to commit time, money or resources to something that brings you joy, because you’re afraid that if it’s not something you can market or can help others with, that it’s a waste of time. It’s not true. Joy may feel selfish, but it isn’t. It’s your heart’s response to God as a beloved child. He wants us to feel joy. What gives you joy? Do you know? In this episode, Bonnie asks some great questions to help you figure out what gives you joy, and gives you permission to put resources toward pursuing it. Scripture: “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” - John 15:11Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Take a step toward figuring out what gives you joy and find one way to pursue it this week. Links + Resources from This Episode:• Get Bonnie’s Soul Care Package: You're Worth Loving ebook + 6 teaching videos•Brigham Young study shows sharing joy improves your energy and wellbeing. For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter here. ( • Here and Now by Henri Nouwen• Grab a copy of Bonnie’s book Whispers of Rest for more encouragementFind Bonnie on:Instagram: Her site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
3/4/202019 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 5: Why Sharing Our Stories Relieves Our Stress

Bonnie shares the importance of emotional honesty and how sharing our feelings helps us process what has happened to us, instead of holding it all in, trying to carry the burden alone. Scripture: “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.” Isaiah 66:13 Soul Care Tip: Have coffee with a soul friend and open up about what is stressing you out.Links + Resources from This Episode:Richard Swenson: The Overload Syndrome - study shows simply naming negative emotions calms the mind and body. For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter at Grab a copy of Bonnie’s book Whispers of Rest for more encouragement: Bonnie on:Instagram: Her site: http://www.thebonniegray.comSee for privacy information.
2/26/202019 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 4: Rest: The Antidote for Stress

“Even if I had time to rest, I wouldn’t know what to do.” Sounds familiar? You’re not alone. Bonnie shares how to take better care of yourself with specific types of TLC. Which kind do you need most? Physical rest (unplugging/doing less), emotional rest (reconnecting with friends), or spiritual rest/encouragement (time with God)?Scripture: “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Try making something with your hands. Learn the benefits of lowering anxiety with repetitive motion.Links + Resources from This Episode:The original Hebrew meaning of “Be still (raphah) and know (yada) that I am God" means to loosen your grip, relax to personally experience God.Studies show the repetitive motion of creating with our hands returns calm to the nervous system. For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter here.Grab a copy of Bonnie’s book Whispers of Rest for more encouragement: Bonnie on Instagram, Facebook and for privacy information.
2/19/202019 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 3: Release Guilt and Receive Grace

Bonnie encourages us to let grace in, instead of allowing guilt to hold your heart back.Next time those critical voices start whispering, imagine Jesus loving you today and take steps to let grace nurture your heart and lift your day.Scripture: “But as for me, the nearness of God is my good.” Psalm 73:28Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: I’ll share the benefits of journaling and encourage you to try journaling for 10 minutes a day. Links + Resources from This Episode:Research shows journaling for just 10 minutes increases happiness. For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter.Grab a copy of Bonnie’s book Whispers of Rest for more encouragement.Find Bonnie on Instagram, Facebook and for privacy information.
2/12/202018 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 2: Lift the Burden of Busy from Your Days

We can only pour out if we fill our tank. We need space to let God touch us and refill us, so we can feel His peace. Having space for you to be you is important to God and to your wellbeing.Scripture: “Come to me all who are weary and burdened…I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 Soul Care Tip & Scientific Research: Take a 10-minute walk. Learn the benefits of a walk in nature.Links + Resources From This Episode:Scientists discover the best way to boost your mood is a 10-minute walk in nature. For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter.Grab a copy of Bonnie’s book Whispers of Rest for more encouragement.Find Bonnie on Instagram, Facebook and Image Credit: Getty/mspointSee for privacy information.
2/11/202018 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 1: The Toll Stress and Busyness Take on You

Bonnie shares how + why your body reacts to stress, and how you can use moments of stress to let God love you and do something loving/nurturing for yourself, instead being hard on yourself.Scripture: “Come away with me by yourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” Matthew 6:31Care Tip & Scientific Research: Pray a Breath Prayer. Learn the benefits of deep breathing. Links + Resources from This Episode:• Rutgers and Harvard University studies show flowers improve emotional health. For links to this study and more, sign up for Bonnie’s Newsletter here.•How to Pray Breath Prayers•Grab a copy of Bonnie’s book Whispers of Rest for more encouragement •Find Bonnie on Instagram, Facebook and thebonniegray.comImage Credit: Getty/Mykyta DolmatovSee for privacy information.
2/10/202019 minutes, 1 second
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Breathe: The Stress Less Podcast with Bonnie Gray: Official Trailer

Breathe: The Stress Less Podcast is dedicated to refreshing your soul with rest and sparking joy, so you can feel God’s love and peace. We'll walk you through scientific, scripture-backed methods of restoring calm, in order to help you stress less, take better care of yourself, and create new rhythms to rest in daily life.  Host Bonnie Gray is the author of Finding Spiritual Whitespace and Whispers of Rest. An inspirational speaker and retreat leader, she has touched thousands of lives through storytelling, visual arts, nature, prayer and meditation. Bonnie’s writing is featured at Relevant Magazine, (in)courage, and Christianity Today. She lives in California with her husband and their two sons.See for privacy information.
2/2/202030 seconds