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Buddha’s Teachings Profile

Buddha’s Teachings

English, Religion, 1 season, 113 episodes, 4 days, 4 hours, 34 minutes
All sentient beings are searching for peace and happiness in their lives but we seem to run into issues and sufferings all the time. Buddha taught us how to navigate through life by showing us what life is. Welcome to Dhamma talks.
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EP. 111 The Four Great Events

When the Buddha was still a young prince he encountered four events when he and his servant ventured out of the palace. These four events shaped his way of thinking and changed the course of history. --- Support this podcast:
6/21/202442 minutes, 13 seconds
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EP. 110 The Process of Cleansing Our Mind

Why do we want to cleanse our own mind? What is wrong with it? There must be reasons why we do anything. Let’s find out. --- Support this podcast:
5/11/202438 minutes, 34 seconds
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EP 109 Shame of Wrong

Shame of wrong is a quality of wholesome mind. So what are the wrong mind and how do we stay away from it? --- Support this podcast:
3/26/202433 minutes, 27 seconds
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How much you suffer, how often you have problems in your life mostly depends on how much you cling to the idea of your self “I”. --- Support this podcast:
3/9/202431 minutes, 48 seconds
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EP. 107 The Four Stages of Sufferings

Sufferings cannot arise without proper conditions/ingredients, the faculties or the sources. What are those required ingredients? --- Support this podcast:
2/17/202440 minutes, 44 seconds
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EP. 106 Become a shade

(Also now on YouTube through channel Sothy Tim) Become a shade means to offer refuge to the fellow travelers from the hot sun. How do you become a shade? First, you have to be cool within yourself. Find out how in this episode. --- Support this podcast:
1/26/202456 minutes, 48 seconds
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EP. 105 New Year New You

How is your year as we are approaching the end of another year? Has your practice brought you more lightness and peace? Have you made progress in your study about yourself, the inner you? Share you thoughts and ideas or questions as we wrap up 2023. --- Support this podcast:
12/30/202357 minutes, 41 seconds
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EP. 104 Commit to liberation

In order for one to commit himself/herself to liberation from the cycle of Dukkha/sufferings, one must understand or know what Dukkha/suffering is. The study of Dhamma is a must and is the only way. --- Support this podcast:
12/4/202359 minutes, 41 seconds
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EP. 103. Keep on practicing

The mind is not not easy to tame but as long as we can see the benefits of a tamed mind we must keep on practicing because we know it is the only way out of the cycle of suffering. --- Support this podcast:
11/21/202357 minutes, 36 seconds
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EP. 102 Our mind - a water simile

Our original mind is like a bucket of pure clear water. What we put in it is what we are mistakenly identified ourself with. --- Support this podcast:
11/4/202359 minutes, 59 seconds
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EP. 101 What are we looking for?

What are we looking for in order to have a happy life in a relationship? What are the conditions? --- Support this podcast:
10/29/202359 minutes, 33 seconds
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EP. 100 Who do you love? Who do you hate?

We love people we hate people. A loved one becomes the ex-one. The ex becomes someone’s else love. So what is this “person” we love or hate? --- Support this podcast:
10/16/202359 minutes, 33 seconds
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EP. 99 Our Mind streams

The ultimate streaming is our mind. Blinded by the speed of the mind, we develop the self “I” as a doer. The ignorant doer goes to do selfish things for itself. --- Support this podcast:
10/9/202359 minutes, 51 seconds
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EP. 98 We are the trigger

By looking within, we need to realize that we are also the trigger to the world. --- Support this podcast:
9/29/202359 minutes, 44 seconds
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EP. 97 You cannot make your mind angry or happy

Your mind has its own way of functioning, it is its nature. Find out what it is. --- Support this podcast:
9/4/202359 minutes, 40 seconds
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EP. 96 I have sinned …

Our mind is the source of our sins. Unwholesome mind leads to sinful speech and action.
8/13/202359 minutes, 52 seconds
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EP. 95 Solution to life’s problems

It’s just the matter of time when we run into problems in life, it’s inevitable. How one handles the situation determine the quality of one’s life. If you are stressed, sad, upset, anxious, nervous, scared, angry, irritated, you have not figured out the solution to your problems. Right solution gives you happiness, peace of mind. Would you like to find out?
7/30/202356 minutes, 47 seconds
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EP. 94 The Four Characteristics of a person.

From Angkuttarak Nikaya number 42, the Buddha talked about the Four Characteristics of a person, worthy and unworthy.
7/16/202359 minutes, 1 second
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EP. 93 Formula for happy life journey

Life is a journey as people say. With the right formula life can be a lot less stressful and more joyful.
6/25/202359 minutes, 43 seconds
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EP. 92 Paying respect vs taking refuge

What is the difference between paying respect and taking refuge in the Triple Gems? There are misconceptions in what taking refuge means.
6/11/202355 minutes, 40 seconds
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EP. 91. The little thing is a big thing

All fires starts with a little spark. All big problems start with little problems. Put out the spark is a lot easier than put out the big fire. Learn to catch the spark.
5/27/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 14 seconds
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EP. 90. Conquer yourself

A man who conquer a thousand battles is not still as powerful as the man(or woman) who can conquer himself/herself. This phrase is explained here in this episode.
5/7/202359 minutes, 33 seconds
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EP. 89 The Discovery

The Buddha discovered the Truth. From the Truth He taught the Dhamma. What is the Truth He discovered?
4/23/202359 minutes, 45 seconds
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EP. 88. Know the creator

All feelings and emotions happen inside us. Who or what creates these feelings? We normally think that our feelings arise due to the different factors outside our body, due to what we see or hear. Does that mean those things and people are the creator of our feelings?
4/10/202359 minutes, 50 seconds
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EP. 87. Breaking old habit

Is old habit difficult to break? It depends on your mind set. Is your emotions difficult to change? It depends on your will. But if you know for sure that the change will make a better you or get you into a better life situation, would you do it?
3/19/202359 minutes, 57 seconds
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EP. Clear your mind

When your mind is full of stuff you feel heavy, especially stuff of negative feelings and emotions. Learn to clear this mind, learn to clean that mind and you will feel much better.
3/13/202359 minutes, 39 seconds
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EP. 85 Mind Faculties

This episode goes a little deeper into the fifty two mind faculties, the ingredients, the formula, some samples of how mind arises.
3/6/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 21 seconds
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EP. 84 Evil arises from unwholesome minds.

Evil/bad deeds arise from unwholesome minds, unwholesome thoughts, unwholesome actions. How do you handle these unwholesome feelings?
2/20/202359 minutes, 50 seconds
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EP. 83 Your are not happy because . . .

You have issues in you life, in your work, in your families, in your relationship, your mind is heavy, full of negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions. You feel heavy like having dark clouds on your head, heavy weights on your shoulders. This is telling you that you don’t understand your own mind and you are letting your mind control you.
1/13/202358 minutes, 51 seconds
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EP. How to deal with difficult people?

We all have to deal with difficult people, difficult situation all the time. How do we manage this problem?
12/21/202259 minutes, 39 seconds
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EP. 81 Let’s put down the ego.

You are only one thought away from happiness if you put down your ego.
12/18/202259 minutes, 29 seconds
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EP. 80. Praying in Buddhism

Many people pray at the temples, at the altars, to the Buddha’s statue. Is that what the Buddha taught?
11/10/202257 minutes, 29 seconds
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EP. 79. How to cope with grief

Grief is a part of life we all encounter from time to time. It is important to understand how this pain arises.
11/3/202254 minutes
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EP. 78. Guarding your fort

The King(your mind) wants to have peace in his kingdom but the king is always disturbed. Where are the guards?
10/31/202258 minutes, 44 seconds
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EP. 77 Awareness / Sati

Being aware of oneself’s mental activities (having Sati) is the crucial first part of learning about ourselves. Let’s talk about how to become aware of our own thoughts and emotions.
10/21/202256 minutes, 37 seconds
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EP. 76 Let’s practice the right way

You have studied the Dhamma, you have studied the Sutra, yet you still have issues in life. Where has the learning gone?
9/29/202259 minutes, 22 seconds
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EP. 75 Mind objects

Mind objects are products of our mind. These objects are the emotions, the feelings we experience and mistakenly identify ourselves with.
9/20/202257 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP. 74 I am not happy or my mind is not happy.

So it’s the question for you and your mind, which one is it?
8/27/202257 minutes, 48 seconds
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EP. 73 Dana / Offering

The Buddha encourages Dana or offering/giving. What is the best Dana one can give to oneself and people around them?
8/12/202259 minutes, 40 seconds
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EP. 72. The conceptual “I”

The conceptual “I” arises flawlessly with the rise of the five senses. Understanding this concept is the opening to the ultimate you.
8/1/202259 minutes, 54 seconds
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EP. 71 Bringing Dhamma to your life

Practicing anything must benefit you. The same goes with practicing the Dhamma. This episode shows you how to bring the Dhamma to your everyday activities so you can have a beautiful life.
7/9/202259 minutes, 47 seconds
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EP. 70 Your life is your karma

Kamma/karma is action. Your action makes your life, good, bad, sad, angry, stressed, depressed, … What you make is yours. Choose the right one.
6/13/202257 minutes, 41 seconds
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EP. 69 Mind arises and falls away

Our mind rises and falls away nonstop like waterfalls, it never stops. New mind arises and passes away consecutively, not a single old mind sticks around but because it happens so fast it seems like there is just one mind. You never touch a stream twice, be it water stream or mind stream.
5/9/202259 minutes, 45 seconds
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EP. 68 Storm of life

Just as a storm cannot prevail against a rocky Mountain, so Mara can never overpower the man who lives meditating on impurities.
5/1/202259 minutes, 46 seconds
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EP. 67 The Journey Within

A journey begins with the first step and the longest journey is the journey within which requires no step. You are already there.
4/12/202257 minutes, 58 seconds
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EP. 66 Senses functions

This episode explains about the functions of our six senses, how they work, interact, and generate the mind. Please feel free to leave comments.
3/27/202259 minutes, 54 seconds
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EP. 65 Life Episodes

We go through many episodes in our life. How we handle the different episodes we encounter dictates how we live our life.
3/13/202258 minutes, 28 seconds
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EP. 64 How does your mind begin.

Your mind only exists in the present moment, so are you.
3/6/20221 hour, 49 seconds
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EP. Samsara

What is Samsara? How did we get caught in it?
2/20/202259 minutes, 34 seconds
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EP. 62. Rambling today

Nothing specific today, a little bit here a little bit there. Comments if you like.
2/16/202258 minutes, 44 seconds
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EP. 61 Cultivate your mind

Cultivate your land cultivate your mind. It is an effort we all need to make.
1/30/202252 minutes, 58 seconds
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EP. 60. You have stories

We all have stories and those stories run inside our head. Watch the stories.
1/15/202256 minutes, 31 seconds
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EP. 59 The “I” is suffering

Who is suffering? Find out who or what is suffering.
1/3/202257 minutes, 4 seconds
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EP. 58. Seeds of Suffering

Where does our suffering come from? What or who creates it?
12/21/202156 minutes, 15 seconds
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EP. 57 Can’t let go of hate

Why you can’t let go of that dislike, hateful feeling about someone?
12/13/202157 minutes, 42 seconds
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EP. 56 Because you think it’s normal.

Because people only know that suffering is part of life they think that it is normal.
12/2/20211 hour, 43 seconds
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EP. 55 How to learn from suffering

Once you understand what suffering is you can learn to detach from it.
11/18/202158 minutes, 49 seconds
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EP. 54 Conventional vs Ultimate truth

This episode takes you deeper into the teaching to see what the ultimate truth is that the Buddha taught.
11/6/202157 minutes, 53 seconds
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EP. 53. Clinging

Clinging or holding on to things is the root cause of insecurity, anxiety, stress that can proliferate into many unwholesome thoughts.
11/2/202157 minutes, 20 seconds
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EP. 52 The secret is hidden in plain sight.

The secret of life is right in front of you.
10/17/20212 hours, 14 minutes, 16 seconds
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EP. 51. Acceptance

Acceptance is hard to do for most people when tragedies happen, when they are a victim of something in the past.
10/8/202158 minutes, 4 seconds
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EP. 50 Cultivate wisdom.

Wisdom (Pranha in Pali) is one component in the Eight Fold Noble Path. How do you cultivate this wisdom/pranha?
9/25/202156 minutes, 46 seconds
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EP. 49. Mindfulness?

Human mind, animal mind. What is mindfulness?
9/11/202155 minutes, 58 seconds
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EP. 48 Stressful young life.

How does stress start in our life? From teenagers to young adults, stress builds up. Know where stress come from.
9/6/202157 minutes, 26 seconds
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EP. 47 The Six Worlds

What are the six worlds that make your mind?
8/28/202155 minutes, 4 seconds
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EP. 46. Nirvana/Nibanna

The definition of the word Nirvana/Nibanna.
8/15/202155 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP. 45 The Treasure in You

What you are searching for is already inside of you.
7/25/202157 minutes, 46 seconds
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EP. 44 Dhamma and You

All Dhamma has the mind as the subject. (Buddha)
7/5/202157 minutes, 15 seconds
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EP. 43 Self Realization

Self realization is about realizing our own mind, how it works. The mind is what keeps us in Samsara, understanding it is liberation. Free…
6/24/202155 minutes, 31 seconds
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EP. 42. Aware of your own thoughts.

What is awareness? And what is the difference between awareness and mindfulness?
5/29/202155 minutes, 49 seconds
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EP. 41 Talk about opinions.

Opinion and criticisms, mental activities that lead to problems.
5/17/202150 minutes, 50 seconds
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EP. 40 Answer to why Buddha’s Teachings.

Buddha asked the monk’s: monks, if Brahmins or lay people ask why you study with the Tathagatta, what benefits do you get from the Teachings? What would you tell them?
5/2/202153 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP. 39. Peers pressure

Our new generation, from teenagers to young adults, is facing tremendous pressure from society and it creates a lot of stress and anxiety. How does one handle it?
4/30/202154 minutes, 5 seconds
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EP. 38 Raising a family

Needless to say, raising a family is a very challenging responsibility and every little guidance helps. This episode is my little two cents guidance.
4/19/202152 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP. 37 Money cannot eliminate suffering.

Money can help fix the necessity of life but money cannot buy true peace and happiness of life. The only way to cure the mental suffering is to understand what our mind is.
4/10/202152 minutes
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EP. 36 Compassion is the language of the heart

How do you cultivate compassion for yourself and others? How do you forgive someone?
3/27/202152 minutes, 33 seconds
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EP. 35 Applying Buddhism in every day life.

How can Buddhism benefit your life? This is the key, the bridge that takes you to the other side of your emotional (ego) mind.
3/8/202146 minutes, 47 seconds
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EP. 34 What worries you?

Fear and worry destroy our happiness. What is fear? Why are we worried?
3/1/202150 minutes, 37 seconds
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EP. 33 Why you are not happy?

What troubles you? Understand what that is and you can be happier.
2/7/202150 minutes, 10 seconds
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EP. 32 Non-Self

When there is self there is death to self. Non-self is deathless but don’t just take my words for it, investigate it for yourself.
1/25/202149 minutes, 4 seconds
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EP. 31 The emotional “I”

Understanding the “I” that creates your emotion. What is that “I”?
12/21/202045 minutes, 12 seconds
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EP. 30 Mind seeds/faculties

Our mind sprouts from different kinds of seed that generate different kinds of feelings. Understanding how those seeds grow are crucial to our peace of mind.
10/30/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 14 seconds
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EP. 29 Our two minds (Part 2) - Reload

Continuing from part 1, episode 28, this talk is about our emotional mind, our part of the mind that runs the world.
10/3/202047 minutes, 41 seconds
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EP. 28 Our two minds.

We all have two minds operating together seamlessly like one. I am breaking it down here for you so see how the two works together. This another way of looking at our mind.
9/21/202047 minutes, 19 seconds
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EP. 27. How to develop love and compassion for people who hate you.

People have harmed you, people have hurt you, how can you have love or compassion for them?
4/11/202043 minutes, 55 seconds
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EP. 26 Your mind is infected.

The infected mind is happy, mad, sad, upset, angry, . . . Disinfect your mind.
3/20/202038 minutes, 4 seconds
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EP. 25. I want to calm my mind.

I can’t have peace of mind, I have tried meditations but it only helps temporarily. How can I control my mind?
1/6/202049 minutes, 6 seconds
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EP. 24 Desires and attachments.

Desire leads to suffering. What about good desires? Desire to do good. Do you need to have desire to do good? How do desires and attachments work?
8/18/201950 minutes, 37 seconds
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EP. 23. Depression

Depression has many sources. Will try to cover some.
7/7/201943 minutes, 45 seconds
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EP. 22. Dealing with Anger

Anger anger goes away, do not come back any other days.
7/4/201947 minutes, 57 seconds
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EP. 21. Comparing and judging

Comparing and judging are the activities of the human mind. We must keep watch of this activity.
6/19/201933 minutes, 6 seconds
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EP. 20. Sufferings in relationship

Many have suffered broken relationships, have problems with immediate family members or spouse that is totally avoidable.
5/26/201945 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP. 19. Self Worth

How we value ourselves is very important for most of us. When not knowing, we value ourselves with the wrong conceptions and it causes sufferings.
5/19/201947 minutes, 22 seconds
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EP. 18. Total Surrender

Surrender to the truth, to life, and live it mindfully.
5/6/201944 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP. 17. Going Beyond

What does it mean “going beyond” or transcend the mind?
5/3/201940 minutes, 31 seconds
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EP. 16. Self Identification

The idea of self creates separation, me vs you, my country vs your country, my people vs your people, my belief vs your belief.
4/25/201931 minutes, 22 seconds
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EP. 15. Life up to this moment.

How are you all doing? How is life up to this moment? Any thing changes or wish it changes?
4/23/201947 minutes, 34 seconds
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EP. 14. I don’t have time for this yet.

I like the idea of the Teachings but I am too busy. I kind of know that all I have to do is be good. These are some of the comments people have. As long as you maintain this attitude, your life situations cannot get better because you will still always be under the control of your own ego mind.
4/6/201948 minutes, 26 seconds
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EP. 13. Uniqueness in Buddhism.

What is different in Buddhism from other religions? The teachings of selflessness , non-self is the key to eradicate ego. This key opens the door to the kingdom of heaven within.
3/23/201935 minutes, 49 seconds
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EP. 12. Memories and Ego mind.

Based on memories, our mind works unconsciously and go through the emotions of life. Thus, there is no peace of mind.
3/16/201955 minutes, 19 seconds
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EP. 11. Who am I?

Wrapping up the core teachings of the Buddha.
3/10/201942 minutes, 19 seconds
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EP. 10. The Eightfold Noble Path

The path to liberation. Peace and happiness at last.
3/8/201949 minutes, 52 seconds
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EP. 9. Dependent Origination - Patticcasamupatti.

Patticcasamupatti is Buddha’s discovery when he reached enlightenment. This is the uniqueness of Buddha’s Teachings.
3/4/201951 minutes, 23 seconds
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EP. 8. Consciousness and rebirth.

From our deepest level of consciousness to rebirth and the wheel of Samsara according to karmic energy.
2/26/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP. 7. The Third Noble Truth - the end of sufferings.

The Cessation of Sufferings (Nirvana). How does one reach the end of sufferings.
2/23/201955 minutes, 13 seconds
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EP. 6. (Continue) The Second Noble Truth.

We continue the talk regarding the root of sufferings and the root of the root of sufferings.
2/21/201953 minutes, 58 seconds
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Special Day - Meakha Bochear

Today, the full moon day of the third month in Buddhist calendar, Buddhists celebrate the anniversary of Buddha’s announcement of his Parinirvanna.
2/20/201919 minutes, 42 seconds
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EP. 6. The Second Noble Truth. Root of sufferings was.

Root of sufferings is the thinking mind. We are going to find out what the mind is.
2/17/201953 minutes, 16 seconds
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EP. 5. The First Noble Truth of the mind.

What are the sufferings of the mind. The different levels of the mind. The core teachings is in the Abhidhamma. The change in us.
2/15/201945 minutes, 32 seconds
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EP. 4. The Three Principles of Buddha’s Teachings.

The Three Principles of Buddha’s Teachings are Impermanence, Sufferings, and Non-Self (Anicca, Dukha, Anatta).
2/13/201923 minutes, 32 seconds
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EP. 3. The First Noble Truth of form/body.

The First Noble Truth/ Suffering is divided into two parts, body (form) and mind. This episode talks about the body.
2/11/201947 minutes, 58 seconds
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Overview of Buddha’s Teachings.

General description of what the Four Noble Truths is as well as the Eight Folds Noble Path. What is the truth?
2/9/201931 minutes, 40 seconds
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A short intro to Buddha’s Teachings.

A short description of what Buddha’s Teachings is.
2/9/20199 minutes, 13 seconds