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Chad and Erin

English, Parenting, 1 season, 9 episodes, 34 minutes
A collection of Podcasts from Chad + Erin, including our Weekly Devotional Podcast.
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Weekly Devotional Podcast - The phrase I remind myself of every day.

If I could choose a phrase to remind myself of every single day, it would be “I am a servant of all.” Everywhere I turn, I find people who are searching for popularity, success in a career, or happiness through financial gain. They’re trying to appeal to a bigger audience, or gain the most likes on their social media accounts. It seems that the focus is always about promoting “me.” Yet Scripture states the exact opposite: “But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant, and whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted” (Matt. 23:11-12). You see, Jesus is all about serving others. He is all about putting your own wants, desires, or needs last, while putting someone else’s before yourself. It’s a beautiful thing when you see someone who is focused on uplifting Jesus through a life of genuine servanthood. It might be a mother doing the mundane tasks everyday, while pouring herself into raising her children to be more like Jesus. It might be a father who sacrifices his all to provide for his family and daily bring them together in prayer and family Bible study. It might be the friend who takes the time to send encouragement through a hug, or by lifting you up in prayer — not for the praise of others, but just because they are reflecting Jesus. It might be the husband or wife who are dedicated to each other as they constantly look for ways to serve. As a little self check in my own life, I ask myself these questions: •  Am I easily discouraged when it seems no one notices the day-to-day things that I achieve? •  Are there tasks too mundane for me? •  Am I actively looking and pursuing ways to serve those closest to me — or those who could never repay?Jesus was the greatest example of this, and more than any other thing, this is what I want my husband and children to see in me, because we are never more like Jesus than when we are serving Him or others.Love, Erin#Podcast #SpeakLife #Reminder #Daily #Prayer #Encouragement #Serve #Christian #Jesus
4/19/20232 minutes, 41 seconds
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Weekly Devotional Podcast - I will never leave you.

About a month ago, we had some sickness pass through our little family. It’s the hardest when you see your little ones with a fever or cough and you know they feel miserable. Between wiping the runny noses, pushing the fluids, and making sure everyone is on track with their medicine, you just want to do more! Our little Everly was particularly pitiful. All she wanted was for me to stay next to her side as she lay on the couch. Every time I would get up to grab something she would cry “Please stay with me, Daddy!” It was totally heart wrenching! As I sat next to her rubbing her back that night, I thought of how, as Christians, God is our heavenly Father. No matter what we go through, He has promised to always be there. The writer of Hebrews shares this truth: “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.”I would do absolutely anything for my children, and to think how much more would our Heavenly Father do for us? No matter what situation, what pain, what valley or mountain top experience we are going through, you and I can take heart in this truth and claim His promise. In this new year we will all experience challenges. But we know that we are never alone. Psalm 23 is a very well known Psalm that tells in more detail of how God takes care of us and is a reminder that He is with us. Take the time to meditate on that passage this week.Be Encouraged.Chad#Podcast #Family #Psalms #Encouragement #Faithful  #Christian
4/10/20232 minutes, 54 seconds
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Weekly Devotional Podcast - Do you have close friends?

As I sit on the couch, watching my children play together on the floor, I’m thinking about the gift of friendship. Friendship is such a vital part of humanity, but so often people feel alone in this world. I ponder the question, How many friends do I really have? I’m talking about the kind of friends that I am vulnerable with. The kind of friends that ask me the hard questions. The kind of friend it talks about in Proverbs 27:17:“Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” The friend that not only encourages me, but the friend who challenges me in my relationship with the Lord and with others. It doesn’t matter how many social media followers or phone numbers you have in your phone. Think about it with me for a moment . . . who are the friends that you not only laugh and cry with, but who you can honestly pour your heart out to, and trust that they will pray for you and give you wise counsel? I’ll be honest, I don’t have very many friends of this caliber, but the ones that I do, I really treasure. You will become like the people you hang around and the people you admire. Choose your friends wisely. I want to be a friend to others. I want to care and love them the way Jesus loves me. Sometimes it is hard to know where to start a meaningful conversation with those around you, but I am going to share some questions I typically ask those who I spend time with, and I encourage you to do the same. I pray it will will bring your friendship to a new level, and challenge you in the same way it has me.1. How are you doing in your walk with the Lord?Are there certain resources that have been helpful?Do you feel stuck in your routine?Do you feel like you are growing spiritually or do you feel stuck in your routine?2. What specific way can I pray for you?Do you mind sharing the biggest thing on your heart right now that I can take to the Lord in prayer?Take the time to share your personal story and resources that have been valuable to you. Be open. Be honest. Be vulnerable. But more than anything else, really pray for their specific requests. The Bible says, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 1:16). There is power in prayer. If you can, write a little note and send it in the mail to let them know they are in your thoughts and prayers. You never know how you could touch someone for eternity.Be a true friend to someone today.#Podcast #Friends #Prayer #Encouragement #Christian
4/5/20234 minutes, 35 seconds
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Weekly Devotional Podcast - Genuine Leather and what it means to me

A few weeks ago, I randomly started thinking about “genuine leather.” I know it sounds a little weird, but I guess I have always appreciated genuine leather. The feel, the smell. (Oh . . . The smell!) I love boots, work gloves, and a genuine leather belt beats a faux/synthetic who-knows-what belt any day of the year. I thought about why those words, “genuine leather,” were engraved somewhere on most genuine leather products. There are many types of manufactured and created leathers that look or feel very similar, but they are not. They look good, but cost less to make and therefore are used as an alternative to the real deal. Without some good research, you may just pick up a wallet that you thought was genuine leather, only to find out later it was merely synthetic. You may be wondering now if this random thought process of mine goes anywhere valuable! The truth is, I was thinking about writing this email as I looked over my Bible and ran my fingers across its cover thinking how nice the leather cover was (I do get distracted easily sometimes). I also thought that this email was going to be in December, when we celebrate the greatest gift ever known to mankind. A gift of genuine love. A real gift that had no hidden motives or strings attached, a free gift to all who would just accept it. I love Merriam-Webster’s definition of genuine: “actual, real, or true: not false or fake.” I know that there will be many gifts given this Christmas season, but there is only one gift that won’t leave you feeling empty. It’s a real and true gift. Here’s the genuine gift: For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) It’s a good reminder for me and I hope that every time you see the words genuine leather, you will think about God’s great gift of genuine love to us all!Be Encouraged.Chad#Podcast #Leather #Gift #Salvation #SpeakLife #Love #Christian #Life
3/27/20233 minutes, 16 seconds
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Weekly Devotional Podcast - Are you battling with anxiety?

I’ll be honest, the past year has brought so much anxiety in my heart – something I’ve never really dealt with before, but with everything that is happening in the world around us, it seems almost impossible not to be filled with worry and fear. I have found myself constantly asking “what if this happens?”, and “what about my children and their future?” and the list of questions could go on, but I’m going to take a minute to share a few things that have brought such a peace to my heart in the midst of a world that seems to be spinning out of control. 1. I have to DWELL on the word of GodColossians 3:15-16 says, “And let the peace of God RULE in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Let the word of Christ (scripture) DWELL in you richly in all wisdom…”I ask myself how can I let peace have the preeminence in my heart? It is by DWELLING on God’s word throughout the day. His word brings comfort, joy, and hope, regardless of our circumstances. In order to be filling our minds with scripture though, I have to limit the outside voices and distractions (Social media, news, TV, or the internet.) I make a choice every single day to either fill my mind and heart with learning more about Jesus and strengthening my walk with Him, or I can choose to fill my mind with everything else that is pulling for my attention. 2. I need a heart of gratitude Instead of listing all the negative things that are happening around me, I have to start focusing on all the blessings God has given me, and  start looking for ways to encourage others who are hurting. I have to realize that God has me here, at this specific time in history for a purpose. I want to seize every opportunity I can to somehow point those around me to Jesus. 3. Things that have helped bring a peaceful atmosphere of our home:Playing soft, Christian music throughout the day and night Playing scripture while folding laundry or doing the dishes (apps: + Dwell)Light a candle or turn on the diffuser Spend more time in nature Memorize verses and meditate on the truths in ScriptureI have to remind myself often that Jesus never said we wouldn’t walk through valleys or go through difficult times, but He did promise we would not walk through them alone. He is with me. He is with you… that alone brings so much comfort to my heart. Sending love and prayers, Erin #Podcast #Anxiety #Encouragement #NeverAlone #SpeakLife #Family #Christian #Life
3/20/20235 minutes, 37 seconds
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Weekly Devotional Podcast - What will you change?

I love the different seasons in nature. The cold, icy grip of winter, the fresh start of spring, the heat and longer days of summer, and the falling leaves of autumn. All these are according to God’s plan for our good and the cycle of life that He set in place. I have come to realize that there are and will continue to be seasons of life that each of us experience personally. Whether it be raising kids, various employment opportunities, friendships, or surroundings, seasons have one thing in common . . . they are marked by change. God desires change in all His children.In 2 Peter 3:18, Peter challenges the believers, “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.”The word “knowledge” does not simply mean to know about Jesus, but it implies having a deep, intimate relationship with Him. This takes action on our part to get to know Him better through His Word. Jesus stated in John 15:8, “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.”Fruit never occurs on apple trees without there being change. I remember growing up back on the farm in Indiana, Dad had the idea of planting an orchard. It was a pretty awesome learning experience picking out the different varieties, planning the layout, and researching how to plant them. So much went into those trees to ensure they not only survived, but thrived. I remember the hot summers filling up the huge water tank and pulling it through the orchard watering every tree. I think we only had 30-40, but it sure felt like a whole lot more! These fruit trees are most productive when they are dormant through the winter months and then pruned and fertilized to then burst into bud and bloom in the spring to be pollinated and begin growing fruit that matures into the fall harvest. Jesus painted this picture in a practical, easy to understand analogy for anyone to grasp. Yet somehow, I find this practical truth a challenge to apply. It’s easy for me to get set in my ways (I am finding that out the older I grow =). Change means that I have to be vulnerable and ask myself what areas of my life need pruning and what things need to grow in order for fruit to abound. I believe a Christian is most fruitful when they allow God’s grace to motivate them, and then take steps and make changes in their life to do His perfect will. It’s not always easy, but it’s best, and ultimately God is glorified. So as you watch the last leaves fall from the trees, or you notice the nights getting longer and the temperatures getting cooler, remember God’s plan for change is not just in nature, but in you.Be Encouraged. Chad#Podcast #Change #BearingFruit #SpeakLife #Family #Christian #Life
3/13/20233 minutes, 51 seconds
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Weekly Devotional Podcast - Are you overwhelmed?

I’m not sure if you’re like me, but I am a perfectionist, which means I constantly have to battle the pull to be the “perfect” Christian, wife, mother, and friend. After having two kids, I felt overwhelmed by trying to make every meal from scratch, attempt to have every closet organized, and find time to talk to every friend. (Not to mention, getting ready every. Single. Day) It was at that moment that God started speaking to my heart through His word.“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things ABOVE, not on things on the earth . . . and let the PEACE of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful . . .”COLOSSIANS 3:1–2 (emphasis added)I identified my priorities in lifeMy relationship with Jesus is the most important thing to me. I will always give it 100%, because this changes my attitude and my spirit throughout each day. He is my life-giver. Quality time with my husband is so vital in a marriage. I choose to make time each day to connect, show love, and share our hearts. He is my encourager in everything I do. Quality time with our children. I want to spend time learning more about them, showing them affection, and teaching them more about Jesus.I listed out the different ways I can keep these three areas my priorities, and this is where I give 100% every single day.In this season of my life, I have found I have to balance everything else that is pulling for my time and energy, and I realize every season might look different for each person. But for me, this is what balance looks like right now . . .I absolutely love to cook, and I just have to remind myself that it’s ok to add a can of green beans as a side, and a premixed salad. (Ya know, or even that box of Kraft Mac-n-cheese)! I’m not always going to be able to make a gourmet dinner, and I’m ok with that. I’m gonna confess also that if you open the closet doors, you might gasp, because it is a little bit of a disarray, but the kids always have clean clothes and I don’t get in a tizzy when it’s not organized and labeled. If you’ve ever actually met us in person, you could vouch for the fact that our kids aren’t dressed in “style” or magazine worthy — by any stretch of the word. I usually let them choose their own outfits, because they find so much joy in that, and I know they are gonna play so hard outdoors, that everything is likely to have a coat of mud on it by nightfall. I don’t stress over their appearance, because I realize it really isn’t that important. My kids have also talked, walked, and potty trained at different ages, (I admit I am still attempting to potty train my 3-1/2 year old). I realize they are all different, with completely different personalities, and I don’t get worked up if they don’t meet a certain standard at a certain time.I want to do my very best. I want to cook dinners each night. I want my house to be tidy . . . but there is a balance to everything I am doing right now. I have to CHOOSE to emphasize my priorities, and just do my best in every other area. From my own experience, I have found freedom, joy, and contentment in balance.If you’re anything like me, I encourage you to list your priorities and then find your balance in other areas.Lots of love,Erin#Podcast #Overwhelmed #SpeakLife #Family #Christian #Balance
3/6/20234 minutes, 57 seconds
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Weekly Devotional Podcast - Do you have a life motto?

“Always Be Kind”This little phrase has been our family motto ever since we started raising kids. Whenever a little spat comes up between the kids or that “crisis” moment that always pops up in different relationships, we try to remind ourselves of this theme and apply it to every situation. I was reminded of this important truth as I was driving from looking at a job in eager pursuit of home.I stopped at a Taco Bell to grab some lunch, only to notice that my oil pressure gauge dropped. My truck is not a new one for sure, but it gets me from point A to point B, while burning a little extra oil in the process. I quickly popped the hood and grabbed my “oil reserve can” and as carefully as possible, poured about 2 quarts into the engine. Inevitably some oil spilled onto the hot engine causing it to smoke a bit. It was at this moment, a young man, who I will call Joe (probably 16 or 17 years of age) pulled up next to me.  Joe voiced his concern after seeing my smoking engine and asked if everything was ok and if he could help at all. He said he didn’t know much about vehicles, but knew a couple things that might help. I told him that it was ok and that it was just some oil that had spilled over causing the smoke, but thanked him for asking. Joe headed inside to drop off his delivery and I finished up closing the hood and cleaning off my hands. Joe came back out with a wad of paper napkins and told me to pop the hood real quick. He wanted to help and check the fluid levels. To be honest, I was rather surprised that he was that caring of a total stranger. It’s easy to ask someone if they need help, but to actually persist and meet a need is remarkable. After Joe checked the fluids and we confirmed that everything looked good, I thanked him and Joe hopped in his truck and left.  As I drove home my thoughts turned to Joe and his simple act of kindness and his persistence in helping me. I was challenged. All too often I am either too busy or honestly, don’t care enough to slow down my “crazy” schedule and reach out to always be kind to those I meet on a daily basis. Being kind can be so simple. It can be demonstrated in meeting a need that someone has, giving a simple word of encouragement to a person, or even helping a family member with a job or chore.  Living out our little family motto will come out of obedience to Jesus’ command to love your neighbor as you love yourself (see Mark 12:31). I want to grow in kindness and love towards others and recognize the opportunities around me to live out these truths.  In this Fall season, let’s be on the lookout for ways we can all demonstrate God’s love through simple acts of kindness.Be Encouraged. Chad#Podcast #Kindness #SpeakLife #Faith #Christian #Words #love
2/27/20233 minutes, 42 seconds
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Weekly Devotional Podcast - Serving with Gladness

As a mom to five little ones, I have those days when everything seems to go smoothly, and hearts stay happy throughout the day, and yes, those little hugs and kisses seem almost endless. But I also have the days where I am just trying to get ahead and make a dent in the workload, and it is like everybody “woke up on the wrong side of the bed” . . . today was one of those days. As I sat on the ground folding laundry — a mountain that towered over my head — I heard a tiny voice yelling to the top of their lungs, “Come, wipe me off!” immediately followed by two little ones letting me know they had made a “giant mess in the living room.” It was a domino effect that morning, and I felt as if I would start one thing and leave only to resolve another, not ever completing anything I had started. It was a little frustrating, and as I was beginning to feel overwhelmed, my little Brooklyn tapped me on the hand and asked if she could listen to one of her favorite songs. Of course, I agreed and resumed my “mountain” work. As I listened to the words of the music, it stirred something in my heart — a feeling of gratitude to God for what He has done for me and praise to Him for Who He is. The phrase, “serve the Lord with gladness,” came to my mind, so I took a moment to look up the passage: “Serve the Lord with GLADNESS: come before His presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name” (Psalm 100:2-4, emphasis added).I guess it is easy for me to associate “serving the Lord” with ministry, such as playing and singing for church, visiting the elderly in nursing homes, or comforting a hurting soul. But the truth is, I can serve the Lord with joy even when I am washing those dirty dishes at home, mopping that sticky floor, or cleaning up that “giant mess”! When serving my family, I can do it “unto the Lord.” It’s kind of neat how the following phrase says, “Come before His presence with singing,” because when I feel joy in my heart, for me at least, singing always follows. This perspective magically turns the overwhelming tasks into kingdom work. It changes the frustration to joy because I am doing this for One who gave His all for me, which is one of life’s greatest privileges. It is a blessing to serve my family in the mundane or difficult jobs — even on those tough days — because it is an absolute joy to serve the Lord. It is one of life’s highest callings.Be encouraged.Erin#Podcast #Serving #Gladness #Faith #Christian #Parenting
2/21/20233 minutes, 18 seconds