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Chapter Meetings (Western Cape)

English, Technology, 1 season, 39 episodes, 1 day, 16 hours, 14 minutes
This channel contains highlights from Western Cape Chapter Meetings. Various notable guest speakers are invited to talk about different aspects of the engineering of systems, the development of technical systems, the management of human systems and the complexity and challenges that accompanies it.
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INCOSE SA Western Cape Branch Event: How to write a paper for INCOSE International Symposium (IS) in 2020

A vision to host INCOSE international events in South Africa was met with some scepticism at the 2009 INCOSE International Symposium in Singapore (IS2009). Undeterred, the vision was pursued with determination, resulting in the INCOSE SA Chapter hosting the first ever EMEA Systems Engineering Conference on the African continent in Somerset West in 2014 EMEASEC2014). The huge success of the conference, and continued promotion at international INCOSE events resulted in INCOSE Board approval, in April 2018, to host IS2020 in Cape Town. Having landed the coveted flagship event, the South Africa Chapter is now faced with the challenge to support the INCOSE Events Committee to ensure that IS2020 goes down in INCOSE annals as a most memorable and successful event. The participation of our South African members is important, hence we present a short tutorial to kick-start preparations for IS 2020 paper submissions. The following will be covered in the tutorial: • What is the role of a paper in a profession? • What is the difference between a presentation, a conference paper, and a journal paper? • The double-blind paper review process determines the quality of a paper. • System engineering is a social science and demands social science research. • Who should write a paper? What’s in it for the author?
4/2/20191 hour, 22 minutes, 14 seconds
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Evolving MBSE to Enable the Digital Future

For over ten years, the systems engineering community has focused on transforming from document-centric to model-based techniques. But the challenge is not to transform systems engineering. The challenge is to transform the holistic engineering lifecycle. How must we evolve model-based systems engineering to enable the digital future? For 25 years, David Long has focused on helping organisations increase their systems engineering proficiency while simultaneously working to advance the state of the art across the community. David is the founder and president of Vitech Corporation, where he developed CORE™, a leading systems engineering software environment. He co-authored A Primer for Model-Based Systems Engineering, and is a frequent presenter at industry events around the world. A committed member of the systems community and ESEP, David is the immediate past president INCOSE.
10/12/20181 hour, 1 minute, 59 seconds
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Using the requirements Tree -Ad Sparrius

The Specification Tree is a well-known artefact for system engineering; but for many purposes its resolution is not nearly fine-grained enough. The Requirement Tree has the resolution of individual requirements and individual characteristics, and proves to be a very useful artefact as will be discussed. Ad Sparius holds a BSc BEng (Electronic Engineering), University of Stellenbosch, Master of Science in Electronic Engineering (MSEE), University of California, Berkeley and Master of Business Leadership (MBL) (cum laude), University of South Africa. He was awarded the Council medal for the best student. Professor Extraordinarius at the Graduate School for Business Leadership, UNISA. Ad teaches project management courses for UNISA’s Graduate School for Business Leadership and post-graduate courses at the Graduate School for Technology Management of the University of Pretoria. He is the research study leader for numerous master degree students at both the University of South Africa (Master of Business Leadership) as well as the University of Pretoria (Master of Engineering Management and Master of Project Management). Joined the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. He became Assistant Director responsible for the planning and execution of all electronics activities, including radar, computer systems and electro-optics. He was appointed Associate Professor in Electronic Engineering at the University of Pretoria where he developed and taught post-graduate courses in engineering management, logistics management and system engineering. He also developed and taught post-graduate courses in the theory and practice of search radars and tracking radars.
9/19/201858 minutes, 17 seconds
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Priscilla Mensah and Sepo Hachigonta - Showcasing South Africa’s investments in Systems Analysis

The talk will showcase a collection of peer-reviewed articles by promising young scientists and their academic mentors. The research is contextualized by South Africa’s multi-year investment framework in research and capacity development for systems analysis through the NRF and the Department of Science and Technology (DST). This seminal publication serves as a valuable resource for policy makers, researchers and postgraduate students; providing tools and an analytical foundation for the management and governance of natural resources, disasters, and climate change for the technological and ecological transitions to sustainability. The book, edited by Priscilla Mensah (NRF), David Katerere (TUT), Sepo Hachigonta (NRF) and Andreas Roodt (UFS): • Serves as a valuable resource for policy makers and also postgraduate students conducting research using systems analysis thinking. • Provides an analytical foundation for the management and governance of natural resources, disasters, and climate change • Includes scientific and strategic analysis to better understand the dynamics of future energy transitions, their main driving forces, enabling factors, barriers, as well as their consequences • Improve our understanding of ecosystems and their management in today’s changing world • Provides support for policy makers in developing rational, realistic and science-based regional, national and global strategies for the production of fuel and food. Dr. Priscilla Mensah is Director in the Human and Infrastructure Capacity Development Directorate of the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa. Dr Sepo Hachigonta is Director of Strategic Partnerships at the NRF of South Africa.
8/28/20181 hour, 11 seconds
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Dr Tobias Bischof-Niemz – Energy modelling in the South African Power and Energy

The current draft version of South Africa's Integrated Resource Plan (IRP 2016 Draft) plans for a renewable energy share in domestic electricity production of 18% by 2030, 26% by 2040 and keeps that share constant at 26% until 2050. The plan limits the amount of renewables that can be built in any given year and therefore arrives at these relatively modest renewables shares until 2050. The CSIR conducted a study that lifts the renewables new-build constraints and re-optimises the power mix until 2050 from a pure least-cost perspective. The preliminary results of this unconstrained model outcome will be presented. The least cost scenario exhibits a large amount of solar PV and wind in the power system by 2050. With a much larger share of these two variable renewables (VRE) in the power system, the immediate next question is how to bring in the concept of sector coupling (electricity, transport and heat) in order to reduce total energy system cost even further (through the portfolio effect) and in order to de-carbonise and de-risk the transport sector (through reduced liquid fuel consumption and imports). The principal outline of such a fully integrated energy sector based on electricity as the new primary energy source will be outlined. About our speaker: Dr Tobias Bischof-Niemz is the Centre Manager: Energy at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in Pretoria, where he leads the establishment of an integrated energy research centre and a growing team of scientists and engineers. Before joining the CSIR, he was with South Africa's electric utility Eskom in the Energy Planning Unit, where he was part of the team that developed the long-term power-capacity expansion plan (Integrated Resource Plan - IRP) for South Africa. Dr. Bischof-Niemz is member of the Ministerial Advisory Council on Energy (MACE) that advises Minister Joemat-Pettersson on long-term, strategic energy topics. Presentation Slides — PDF (8.5 MB)
8/16/20171 hour, 47 minutes, 29 seconds
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Hanno Retief – Comparing sequential vs. incremental software development models

What is Agile really? Is waterfall really bad, and if so why? How does one makes sense of all the buzz words thrown about in today’s software development environment. Hanno Retief will present a comprehensive comparison of the most commonly used models, characteristics, their benefits and when to apply which. Over the past decade, Hanno has held multiple positions in software development, both in technical and managerial positions. Having spent 5 years leading software development teams, he has become a passionate advocate for applying the right software model to the right problem and developing organisational process to cope with business demand. With a background in economics, he has always leant towards a systems thinking approach to problem solving. Presentation Slides — PDF (1.8 MB)
4/25/20171 hour, 5 minutes, 58 seconds
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Alwyn Smit - Getting the Most out of "Work" Breakdown Structure

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) can be a powerful aid in effectively managing projects, but it is also easily misunderstood and misapplied. Issues to be considered include: why WBS must not be just a breakdown of work, essential principles in adopting WBS as a management tool, failsafe rules for constructing effective WBS, relationships to other structures useful in project/engineering management, e.g. Systems Breakdown Structure (SBS), Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS), Organisational Breakdown Structure (OBS), Specification Breakdown Structure (Specification Tree), application of WBS to costing, scheduling, definition, risk analysis, measurement, reporting, organisational design, and control. Alwyn Smit is a Principal Consultant with Project Performance International (PPI). He has a B.Eng. (Electr) degree from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, and is registered with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) as a professional engineer. He has spent the bulk of his career working in the South African defence industry as systems engineer and project manager on technology intensive projects, most recently as principal systems engineer with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR). Alwyn is a founding member of the South African Chapter of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE SA) and an INCOSE Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP). He has served on the INCOSE SA management team in numerous roles including President. He is currently a co-opted member of the INCOSE SA Chapter Management Committee, a member of the Western Cape branch as well as an appointed INCOSE Ambassador. Alwyn is also a member of the System Dynamics Society and the International Institute of Business Analysis. Alwyn was a member of the South African Bureau of Standards Working Group SC-71C on Systems and Software Life Cycle Processes. He has also represented South Africa on the ISO/IEC JTC1 SC7 Working Group 7 (WG7) on Systems and Software Life Cycle Processes, developing the international systems engineering standard ISO/IEC 15288. Alwyn teaches postgraduate modules in Systems Engineering at the University of the Witwatersrand (WITS), Johannesburg. Since joining the PPI team, Alwyn has delivered public and on-site systems engineering related training in Australia, Europe, South America, South Africa and the USA. Presentation Slides — PDF (1.0 MB)
2/23/201749 minutes, 13 seconds
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Dr Willem Barnard- Organizational Development in the Information Age

The development of an organization is a complex process: as a continuously changing organism, it is confined to a structure created in a continuously changing environment. This talk aims to give a broad and philosophical overview of the essential aspects of such an organism: the environment (legalities, paradigms and algorithms); the people in the organisation, planning for the future making use of opportunities and threats in uncertainty; and the structural aspects ensuring a proper fit for the organisation. Dr Willem Barnard obtained a DSc at the University of Pretoria in 1977. From 1969 – 1991 he had several positions in engineering, research and management in high technology sectors. In 1992 he became the managing director for Dorbyl. In 1994 he was appointed the Chief Executive Officer for KWV and held that position until 2007. Since then he is the Executive Chair for Vastech. Dr Barnard served on numerous boards and played a major role in establishing the importance of systems engineering and other technological capabilities for South Africa.
11/24/201647 minutes, 55 seconds
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Giorgio Brajnik - Agile usage-centred software development

Despite technological advances seen in the past decades, several best practices for developing usable user interfaces are still too seldom being applied. Yet, the user interface of a software system is often its most complex and volatile component, where most of the problems in the end converge. While agile approaches aim at delivering often high quality batches of the system, they also run the risk of overseeing problems with the design of the user interface. To many people, the user interface is just a thin layer of coat covering the underlying system. But this is not true in the majority of cases: users will rebel against such user interfaces, leading to low productivity, low acceptance, too many errors, refusal to learn to use new features, boycott of the system, etc. In this talk we will see how agile approaches that strive to make the software development process controllable can be coupled to usage-centred development practices so that usable software can be delivered in time and with the expected quality. Giorgio Brajnik is Associate Professor at the University of Udine, Italy, where he teaches usage-centred development of web sites and object oriented programming. Recently he cofounded Interaction Design Solutions, a spinoff company specialized in software quality and automated testing methods; it helps software companies to produce better software. Giorgio is part of the International SKA development team and is visiting South Africa for the annual SKA Engineering Meeting. Presentation slides — PDF (3.4 MB) · Presenter photo — JPG (29.9 KB)
10/13/20161 hour, 18 minutes, 48 seconds
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David Long - Beyond MBSE: Looking towards the Next Evolution in Systems

For almost ten years, the systems engineering community has been focused on the transformation from document-centric to model-based techniques. While most systems engineering organizations have completed pilot efforts, established appropriate communities of practice, and are plotting their path forward, this transformation is far from complete. In terms of the Roger’s innovation adoption lifecycle, we are beyond the early adopters, in the early majority, and moving towards the tipping point where model-based systems engineering becomes the expected framework and approach for systems engineering. Systems engineering remains a young discipline – one that must continue to learn and evolve, one where transitions should be viewed as waypoints along a journey rather than destinations themselves. While work remains to ensure the transformation to model-based techniques is both efficient and effective, it is time for the systems engineering community to begin looking beyond MBSE. When model-based is simply the way organizations practice systems engineering, what is the next evolution required to address next generation problems and deliver the organizational value required? How must the systems engineering practice evolve? What can we begin doing today – even in the continued implementation and adoption of MBSE – to prepare ourselves and our organizations to make that transition? Looking at the journey to date and the opportunities in the future, how can we characterize the next leg of the journey and plot a path forward for ourselves, our organizations, and the greater systems engineering practice? For over twenty years, David Long has focused on helping organizations increase their systems engineering proficiency while simultaneously working to advance the state of the art across the community. David is the founder and president of Vitech Corporation where he developed CORE®, a leading systems engineering software environment. He co-authored the book A Primer for Model-Based Systems Engineering and is a frequent presenter at industry events around the world. A committed member of the systems community, David is the immediate past president of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), a 10,000 member professional organization focused on sharing, promoting, and advancing the best of systems engineering. Presentation Slides — PDF (6.3 MB)
9/5/20161 hour, 7 minutes, 39 seconds
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Dr. Dietmar Winzker - "Systems Engineering, Innovation and Leadership"

Often portrayed as separate items, requiring separate disciplines, Systems Engineering, Innovation and Leadership should really be viewed as a “merging” of interrelated parts, making something greater than the sum of these three together. This talk will relate experiences and findings by dr , working across diverse countries and industries and show how a more holistic view of these parts can enhance the value of business and engineering. Born and raised in Germany until 15 years of age, Dietmar has a professional background in Aeronautical Engineering, specifically missile/rocket propulsion and gun-projectile aerodynamics as well as in the area of technology and senior management. He graduated as an Aeronautical Engineer from Stellenbosch in 1977 and completed his Masters degree (1986) and first PhD (Eng) from the University of Pretoria (1988). He obtained a second doctorate in 2005 (Dr.-Ing) from the University of Johannesburg in Engineering and Technology Management. For 15 years he worked in the SA Defense Industry on complex, multi-disciplinary Systems as Technical Specialist, Systems Engineer and Senior Manager. He decided to leave “Big Corporate” at end of 1989 and switched to being an entrepreneur. Since then, Dietmar has been working mainly in Europe (from Finland to Cyprus and from Turkey to the UK and many places in-between), as well as the USA. He has worked in various prestigious organisations, mainly as in-house Workshop Facilitator for companies and organisations to assist with Business Transformation, Business Leadership, Business Strategy Development in a variety of non-defense related industries. Since 1999, Dietmar has authored and co-authored more than 25 peer reviewed research papers and presented these at numerous international conferences. He frequently acts as external examiner for Master and PhD Dissertations and from time to time as Study Leader for PhDs with international students. Based on his wide experience, Dietmar acts as Business Coach at Middle and senior Management Level mainly in the English-speaking world. Presentation Slides — PDF (1.7 MB)
5/26/20161 hour, 35 minutes, 19 seconds
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Chantell Ilbury – "Welcome to the Age of The Fox…thinking the future"

INCOSE Western Cape Year End Function: Chantell Ilbury is an independent scenario strategist, facilitator, speaker and top-selling business author. She specialises in guiding organisations through strategic conversations, especially in times of uncertainty. Chantell holds a BSc in Chemistry, a post-graduate Higher Diploma in Education, an Executive MBA from the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business, and has studied Strategic Negotiation through Harvard Business School in Boston. It was at UCT where she first met Anglo America’s Clem Sunter and shared her ideas on scenario planning that lead to the writing of their best-selling books The Mind of a Fox, Games Foxes Play and Socrates and the Fox. The three books were later published together as The Fox Trilogy in 2011. Chantell is also a guest lecturer on strategy and scenario planning at a number of top business schools, and is an accomplished speaker on scenarios and effective strategy in times of uncertainty. As a scenario strategist she works across a diverse array of sectors including energy, resources, mining, agriculture, transportation, industrial and manufacturing activities, and with teams as far afield as the UK, the US, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Ukraine, Australia, Jamaica, Kuwait, Singapore, India, Réunion Island, as well as throughout Southern and Central Africa. PRESENTATION SLIDES — PDF (1.5 MB)
11/26/20151 hour, 7 minutes, 21 seconds
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Robert Halligan - "An Overview of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015"

ISO/IEC 15288 – "Systems and Software Engineering - System Life Cycle Processes" has had a chequered history. Does the release on 15 May 2015 of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015 mark the commencement of a new era? Robert believes so. The importance of the release of this new version of the standard cannot be overstated, forming, as it does, the foundation of the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook (SEH) Version 4, and therefore, of INCOSE ASEP/CSEP/ESEP certification. Robert will identify the changes from 15288:2008 to 15288:2015, and will discuss their significance. He will also share his thoughts on residual issues with the new version.
10/8/20151 hour, 7 minutes, 24 seconds
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Prof. Alan Brent – The Western Cape Green Economy Model (WeCaGEM)

Prof. Alan Brent – "Using System Dynamics to investigate transition and investment scenarios: The Western Cape Green Economy Model (WeCaGEM)" Transitioning to a green economy presents opportunities and challenges for not only national governments, but also provincial and local governments. Within the South African context, a green economy transition is recognised as one of the key pathways towards achieving an environmentally sustainable, resource efficient, low-carbon economy, and a just society. For the Western Cape Province of South Africa, several sectors have been identified as capable of playing a key role in the government’s effort to transition towards a green economy and becoming one of the leading green economic hubs of Africa. To achieve this transition, however, requires trans-disciplinary, integrated approaches to manage and plan the identified sectors. Using system dynamics, a Western Cape Green Economy Model (WeCaGEM) was developed to investigate the complexity involved in response to a green economy transition in the Western Cape Province. The model specifically focusses on green economy investment efforts in water, agriculture, transport infrastructure, renewable energies, energy production, carbon mitigation, and public services. The preliminary baseline results aim to validate simulated results with historical data. Future development of the model will involve validation with experts, establishing plausible or planned scenarios with experts, and analysing green economy investment scenarios. Presentation Slides — PDF (12.2 MB) · Accompanying Paper — PDF (452.0 KB)
8/20/201545 minutes, 15 seconds
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"Industrial Symbiosis and the Circular Economy." - Sally-Anne Käsner

Industrial Symbiosis is the collaboration between organisations to achieve resource efficiency, with particular focus on material and energy exchange. IS has evolved over the years in terms of scale and types of exchanges; however the motivation for the implementation of an IS approach by companies is the (typically mutual) benefits derived through participating in an exchange. These include financial benefits to the companies, benefits to the economy, environmental benefits and social benefits. In practice, despite the obvious benefits, the fundamental drivers for the implementation of IS by companies appear to be financial and resource constraints or legal pressures. The need to increase the efficiency of resource use can be closely linked to another important concept, namely the Circular Economy. The Circular Economy refers to an industrial economy that is restorative by intention; aims to rely on renewable energy; minimises, tracks, and ideally eliminates the use of toxic chemicals; and eradicates waste through careful design. The presentation will outline Industrial Symbiosis and the Circular Economy as approaches to move to a more cyclical economy from the present linear economy, using examples of how these could be achieved. Presentation Slides (PDF) — PDF (1.7 MB)
7/2/20151 hour, 6 seconds
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We are what we will – a systems perspective on decisions, relationships...

"We are what we will – a systems perspective on decisions, relationships and practical implications for systems engineers" - Presented by Gericke Potgieter. Gericke Potgieter has an MA in Socio-Informatics from the University of Stellenbosch, specialising in the field of Judgment and Decision Making. His educational background gives him broad insight into the interaction between data, information, knowledge and the psychology of decisions. With a colourful career spanning nearly 20 years he has experience within the fields of communication systems, IT systems, training, software development, strategy consulting and most recently software automation.He is the managing director of Artifex Knowledge Engineering, a company that specialises in reducing risk through the development, automation and quality control of spreadsheet systems. Presentation Slides — PDF (5.7 MB)
4/23/20151 hour, 11 minutes, 56 seconds
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Why Systems Engineering … ?

Why Systems Engineering …? Presented by Gerhard Swart. Gerhard is a multi-disciplinary Systems Engineer and Technology Strategist, consulting from his company Alphadot (Pty) Ltd. Alphadot helps customers achieve the profitable commercialisation of products based on high-impact local technologies, particularly in the fields of Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles. He hopes that this will contribute to employment creation through a revival of the South African manufacturing industry. Gerhard has previously taken a technical leadership role in several high-profile development projects such as the weapons system for the Rooivalk Attack Helicopter and the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT). He has also worked abroad as an Integration Team Leader for the Hong Kong International Airport. More recently he was a co-founder and the Chief Technical Officer of Optimal Energy, the developer of South Africa’s first Electric Vehicle, the Joule. In this process he has become a recognised authority in technology innovation, product development and various technologies. Presentation Slides — PDF (2.0 MB)
2/19/20151 hour, 7 minutes, 8 seconds
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South Africa's Energy Outlook

South Africa's Energy Outlook - Presented by Kobus Meiring. Kobus was born in Paarl, matriculated at Paarl Boys High and graduated at the University of Stellenbosch as a mechanical engineer. He started his career at Denel Aviation in 1988 and was appointed Rooivalk Programme Manager in 1997, a position he held until the first aircraft was delivered into service. Kobus then moved to Cape Town as Project Manager of the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT), which he managed from inception to handover in 2005. After that he co-founded Optimal Energy, where the Joule electric car was developed. A number of “customer ready” prototypes were built, tested and displayed at International shows. Kobus joined juwi at the beginning of 2014 as Operations Director, in which position he is responsible for all juwi South Africa’s projects (EPC and development) as well as O&M. He is married to Rouxnette since 1989 and they have four teenage children.
11/20/20141 hour, 5 minutes, 1 second
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Systems Engineering in Turbulent Times

Systems Engineering in Turbulent Times. Presented by David Long. For over twenty years, David Long has focused on enabling, applying, and advancing model-based systems engineering (MBSE) to help transform the state of the systems engineering practice. David is the founder and president of Vitech Corporation where he developed CORE®, a leading systems engineering software environment. He co-authored the book A Primer for Model-Based Systems Engineering and is a frequent presenter at industry events around the world. A committed member of the systems community, David is president of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), a 10 000 member professional organization focused on sharing, promoting, and advancing the best of systems engineering. David holds a bachelor's degree in Engineering Science and Mechanics, as well as a master's degree in Systems Engineering from Virginia Tech. Presentation Slides — PDF (3.7 MB)
10/23/201455 minutes, 7 seconds
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The integration of Design Thinking and System Thinking

The integration of Design Thinking and System Thinking. Presented by Richard Perez (Program Director World Design Capital 2014) INCOSE Introduction — PDF (1.4 MB) · Presentation Slides — PDF (4.2 MB)
8/14/20141 hour, 12 minutes, 34 seconds
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Francois Retief - INCOSE Certification and the Systems Engineering Handbook

INCOSE Certification and the Systems Engineering Handbook. Presented by Francois Retief. What is the value of INCOSE Certification? What are the various certification types and what are their requirements? What processes do I need to follow to become certified? What experience do I need and what can I expect in the exam? What is the Systems Engineering Handbook all about?
7/17/20141 hour, 9 seconds
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Feedback of the INCOSE International Workshop held in LA.

Suja Joseph-Malherbe gives feedback of the INCOSE International Workshop that was held in Los Angeles, California between 25 – 28 January 2014 Presentation Slides — PDF (3.9 MB)
7/17/201415 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ad Sparrius: Requirements Traceability

Requirements traceability and the issues that surround it will be discussed. What precisely is meant with traceability? What needs to trace to what? The life cycle of a requirement. Is there a difference between elicitation traceability and requirement traceability? Tree-up tracing versus tree-down tracing. What objective evidence proves traceability? Which kind of model should be used? Weak traceability versus strong traceability. Do system engineering tools help tracing? Presentation Slides — PDF (1.0 MB)
3/27/20141 hour, 9 minutes, 34 seconds
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Rudolph Louw: Wits TCSE

Wits TCSE: Systems Engineering training and education in context of a major South African Soc: Transnet and its LTPF and Market Demand Strategy (MDS). Presented by Rudolph Louw. Presentation Slides — PDF (4.0 MB)
2/27/20141 hour, 13 minutes, 19 seconds
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Prof Eugene Cloete: Achieving the Extraordinary with Ordinary people

Achieving the Extraordinary with Ordinary people - Presented by Prof Eugene Cloete, Vice-Rector, Stellenbosch University
11/20/201342 minutes, 9 seconds
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Robert Halligan: System Engineering

Why the leading technology-based enterprises of the world embrace Systems Engineering as a set of principles and methods. - Presented by Robert Halligan. (Note that only the last part of the audio presentation is available.) Presentation Slides — PDF (6.2 MB)
11/13/201331 minutes, 42 seconds
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David Mason: INCOSE Student Division

INCOSE Student Division - Presented by David Mason. Presentation Slides — PDF (5.4 MB)
10/14/201359 minutes, 19 seconds
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Daniël Malherbe: Systems Engineering Models as Intellectual Capital Lego Blocks

Beyond Solutions: Systems Engineering Models as Intellectual Capital Lego Blocks - Presented by Daniël Malherbe Presentation Slides — PDF (3.1 MB)
9/12/201338 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ad Sparrius: Shall we spiral?

Shall we spiral? - Presented by Ad Sparrius who has been awarded four degrees—B Sc, B Eng, MSEE, and MBL, and is professor extraordinarius at UNISA’s Graduate School for Business Leadership. Presentation Slides — PDF (574.0 KB)
6/18/201349 minutes, 17 seconds
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Lizette Retief: Large Scale Software System Development

Large Scale Software System Development - The role of 'creating systems engineering'. The talk will present the application of enterprise and enabling systems engineering principles during the development of the modernised SARS Customs and Border management system at Interfront SOC Ltd over the past 4 years. This centralised system, that is currently in its final transition testing to go live, will be responsible for processing all customs declarations (imports and exports, electronic and manual) for all South African borders (land, sea, air, rail).Presented by Lizette Retief. Presentation Slides — PDF (1.7 MB)
4/11/20131 hour, 14 minutes
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Prof John Powell: Hybrid System Methodology

Year-End Function. Hybrid System Methodology: How to involve humans, knowledge and the laws of physics in the same system. Presented by Prof John Powell, Director of Stellenbosch University Business School. Presentation Slides — PDF (1.6 MB)
11/8/201253 minutes, 5 seconds
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Coming in Under Par: What Golf can teach us about Systems Engineering by David Walden

David Walden’s lighthearted presentation seeks to do more than just entertain. Analogies between the proven approaches in both Golf and Systems Engineering will shine some light on the challenges Systems Engineers face in today’s dynamic environment. David Walden is recognised by INCOSE as an ESEP with a wealth of experience in Systems Engineering. He has also made numerous valuable contributions within INCOSE and is currently the INCOSE Certification Program Manager. Presentation Slides — PDF (801.3 KB)
8/23/201256 minutes, 3 seconds
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Dr Richard Lord : The Acquisition of KAT-7

KAT-7 is a prototype system of the MeerKAT project – a world class radio telescope being developed in the Karoo. The KAT-7 is nearing completion and is in the final stages of establishing its operational baseline. KAT-7 is a critical stepping stone in the MeerKAT project and many valuable lessons have been learnt on what it means to deploy a high tech facility on a remote greenfields site. The presentation traces the whole acquisition cycle – from concept definition to operational baseline, highlighting some of the key challenges and lessons learnt. Presentation Slides — PDF (2.6 MB)
8/16/201252 minutes, 3 seconds
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Philip Barret: System Engineering

User Experience: Bringing Imagination, Persuasion and Emotion to Systems Engineering. Presented by Philip Barrett. Presentation Slides — PDF (5.7 MB)
6/12/201252 minutes, 19 seconds
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Robert Halligan: The Business Case for Systems Engineering

Robert Halligan is known internationally for his role in the practice and improvement of the engineering of systems. He is a Past President of the Systems Engineering Society of Australia. He served as a member of the INCOSE Board of Directors in the role of Director (International). Robert is currently an INCOSE Ambassador. He consults and trains worldwide in systems engineering. Presentation Slides — PDF (5.1 MB)
11/17/20111 hour, 21 minutes, 18 seconds
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Dr Neville Comins: Why should we grow and harness the National System of Innovation?

Dr Neville Comins " Why should we grow and harness the National System of Innovation? ". Presentation Slides — PDF (2.2 MB)
11/10/20111 hour, 15 minutes, 41 seconds
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Sarah Sheard: Systems Engineering and Complexity

Systems Engineering and Complexity - Presented by Ms Sarah Sheard, internationally recognized expert on complex systems engineering, INCOSE Fellow and recipient of an INCOSE Founder's Award, CSEP and Principle at Third Millennium Systems LLC.
8/25/20111 hour, 20 minutes, 42 seconds
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Richard Perez: Systems Thinking: Fostering Innovation in New Product Development

Systems Thinking: Fostering Innovation in New Product Development. Presented by Richard Perez a partner and director at …XYZ Design. (Presentation slides available on under past events.) Presentation Slides — PDF (916.2 KB)
4/14/201144 minutes, 55 seconds
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Prof Paul Cilliers: The boundaries of complexity, the limits of systems.

The boundaries of complexity, the limits of systems. The renowned Prof. Paul Cilliers has a philosophical discussion around complex systems and the characteristics that defines and governs them. (Presentation slides available on under past events.) Presentation Slides — PDF (283.6 KB)
11/11/201058 minutes, 23 seconds