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Christ Church London Podcast Profile

Christ Church London Podcast

English, Religion, 45 seasons, 474 episodes, 4 days, 2 hours
Download the latest talks from across our five different services at Christ Church London. We love this city and are working for its cultural, social and spiritual renewal.
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An Undivided Life: Undivided Body and Mind - Catherine Ishola

In this talk, Catherine looks at Romans 12:1-2 and the call for God’s people to be living, breathing sacrifices – surrendering our lives in service to God as a daily act of worship. 
1/22/202436 minutes, 28 seconds
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An Undivided Life: Undivided Heart - Adnan Khan

In this talk, Adnan looks at Joshua 24 and the call of God's people to remember his faithfulness, and to entrust their whole hearts to him.
1/15/202442 minutes, 20 seconds
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An Undivided Life: Undivided Attention - Joel Wade

Joel begins our new sermon series by looking at Psalm 27, and unpacking how a life of devotion to Jesus is shaped by the daily habits and rhythms we give our attention to.
1/8/202441 minutes, 33 seconds
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Living a Better Story: Simplicity in a Time of Excess - Joel Wade

For our Advent series, Joel Wade looks at the practice of simplicity and how it can shape our daily habits as followers of Jesus in a world of excess.
12/19/202343 minutes, 30 seconds
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Living a Better Story: Humility in a World of Status - Shaninga Marasha

For our Advent series, Shaninga Marasha looks at how humility encourages a lifestyle of generosity and service modeled after the selfless love of Jesus.
12/19/202332 minutes, 37 seconds
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Living a Better Story: Generosity in a Time of Indulgence - Adnan Khan

For our Advent series, Adnan Khan looks at what it means for followers of Jesus to practise generosity in a time of indulgence.
12/11/202337 minutes, 36 seconds
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Standalone: Developing Emotional Resilliance - David Stroud

In this standalone talk, David Stroud reflects on how we can develop emotional resilience, especially in times when we deal with loss and our emotional health feels fragile.
12/5/202331 minutes, 17 seconds
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Living a Better Story: Simplicity in a Time of Excess - Natalie Powell

For our Advent series, Natalie Powell teaches on our call to simplicity in a time of excess.
12/5/202332 minutes, 19 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: The Call for Repentance & Fruitfulness - Catherine Ishola

When tragedies strike, it feels natural to respond in fear, confusion, and judgement. It also presents challenging questions around God’s involvement (or lack thereof). Where was he in all of this? In this talk, Catherine looks at Jesus’ response to tragic news of death and highlights Jesus' call for repentance and fruitfulness.  
11/13/202331 minutes, 41 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Parable of the Rich Fool - Raph Arthur

In this talk, Raph looks at Jesus’ parable of the Rich Fool and its warning about trusting in riches for an ultimate sense of security in life, and how greed can rob us of a true sense of God’s abundant purpose.
11/13/202342 minutes, 4 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: The Faithful Steward - Adnan Khan

In this talk, Adnan looks at Jesus’ call to faithfully steward our present life in light of his future return, and his warning about living as if he isn’t coming back.
11/6/202338 minutes, 31 seconds
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Standalone talks: Why Character Matters - David Stroud

In this standalone talk, David Stroud explores why developing character in the church really matters for the world.
10/29/202331 minutes, 29 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Ask, Seek, Knock - Lars Due-Christensen

In this talk, Lars looks at how Jesus reassures his disciples of God’s good character, and how his love encourages us to persist and persevere in prayer.
10/22/202330 minutes, 45 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: The Lamp of the Body - Andy Tilsley

This teaching gives us a picture of the importance of always walking in the light of Jesus’ words, and not keeping it hidden from our own view or from the view of others. Secluding ourselves from ‘the light’ will only result in us not being able to discern and see clearly the stumbling blocks of temptations and sin. But the ‘eye’ doesn’t just have to do with what we see, but how we see things. 
10/22/202335 minutes, 41 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: The Sign of Jonah - Sam Lomas

Throughout the Gospel of Luke, tension has been building between Jesus and the religious leaders. In this passage, we see a dramatic climax of this tension as Jesus responds to their request for a ‘sign from heaven’. In this talk, Sam looks at why Jesus responds the way he does, and the meaning behind the only sign the leaders would get – the ‘sign of Jonah’.
10/15/202324 minutes, 25 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Ask, Seek, Knock - Kenny Crawford

In this talk, Kenny looks at how Jesus reassures his disciples of God’s good character, and how his love encourages us to persist and persevere in prayer.
10/15/202345 minutes, 17 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: The Lord’s Prayer - Natalie Powell

In this talk Natalie explores the power of the Lord’s prayer in our daily lives, and how Jesus both models a life of prayer and offers us a practical lesson in how to pray ourselves.
10/8/202328 minutes, 49 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: The Sign of Jonah - Joel Wade

Throughout the Gospel of Luke, tension has been building between Jesus and the religious leaders. In this passage, we see a dramatic climax of this tension as Jesus responds to their request for a ‘sign from heaven’. In this talk, Joel looks at why Jesus responds the way he does, and the meaning behind the only sign the leaders would get – the ‘sign of Jonah’.
10/8/202330 minutes, 17 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Ask, Seek, Knock - Barry Clist

In this talk, Barry looks at how Jesus reassures his disciples of God’s good character, and how his love encourages us to persist and persevere in prayer.
10/8/202329 minutes, 23 seconds
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Stand Alone: Church on Mission - Adnan Khan

Is it possible for our faith to thrive in a world that can be indifferent at best or hostile at worst? What does such a faith look like in our city? And what kind of church does it take to sustain it? Adnan explores how the ancient Thessalonian church gives us a model of holiness and hope in a hostile world, not by withdrawing from the world, but by being a faithful presence within it.
10/1/202342 minutes, 9 seconds
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Stand Alone: What's your mountain? - David Stroud

How can we live life full of God’s promises while often waiting, even longing, for his promises to be fulfilled? In this standalone talk, David looks at the life of Caleb the Kenizzite (Josh 14:10-14), and explores the nature of God’s promises for individual people.
10/1/202334 minutes, 11 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: The Spirit and Mission - Lars Due-Christensen

What does it look like to live on mission for God? In this talk, Lars explores our call to mission through the story of the seventy-two disciples carrying out Jesus’ work in different towns and villages.
10/1/202340 minutes, 55 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: The Lord’s Prayer - Catherine Ishola

In this talk Catherine explores the power of the Lord’s prayer in our daily lives, and how Jesus both models a life of prayer and offers us a practical lesson in how to pray ourselves.
10/1/202323 minutes, 9 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: The Good Samaritan (A Lesson of Love) - Taiwo Otaiku

What does Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan teach us about love and compassion? In this talk, Taiwo explores how the parable reflects God’s heart for us and our neighbours.
9/24/202321 minutes, 9 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Jesus and Mission - Andy Tilsley

Jesus sends the disciples out in pairs to tell other people about His kingdom. What does this teach us about mission today and sharing our faith with others? Andy Tilsley unpacks Luke 10:1-9
9/24/202331 minutes, 49 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: The Spirit and Mission - Joel Wade

What does it look like to live on mission for God? In this talk, Joel explores our call to mission through the story of the seventy-two disciples carrying out Jesus’ work in different towns and villages.
9/17/202343 minutes, 31 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: A Tale of Two Daughters - Natalie Powell

This story from Luke follows two separate dramas that become intertwined in a way that couldn’t be foreseen. The characters and events intrude on each other and result in us seeing how Jesus is a Saviour we can trust in both our desperation and even death.
9/10/202331 minutes, 5 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: The Good Samaritan (A Lesson of Love) - James Copeland

What does Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan teach us about love and compassion? In this talk, James explores how the parable reflects God’s heart for us and our neighbours.
9/10/202345 minutes, 19 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Who Do You Say I Am? - Simon Mackenzie

At the time of Jesus, the popular opinion of the Messiah was one who’d bring revolution by overthrowing the conquering forces of Israel. While opinions were spreading as to who he might be, here Jesus begins to reveal the true nature of what God’s Messiah was prophesied to do. In this talk, Simon explores Jesus’ desire for our opinions to be shaped by a personal relationship with him rather than popular opinions of our time.
9/10/202329 minutes, 15 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: The centurion’s faith

Have you ever seen faith that has amazed or surprised you? Maybe someone in a health crisis, season of uncertainty, suffering, or job insecurity? Here we have an instance of faith that amazes Jesus. No where else do we see this in the Gospel! A Roman centurion would usually be a symbol of oppression and conquest, but here we read of one admired by the Jewish community.
9/3/202332 minutes, 11 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Who do you say I am?

9/3/202322 minutes, 53 seconds
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Summer Retreat Session 3: Joshua Luke Smith

What captivated and convinced the earliest followers of Jesus to surrender everything they had to follow Him? Is it possible for us to be filled with that same conviction today? In this talk, Joshua Luke Smith reflects on some of the ingredients of what this deep conviction looks like, and how it leads us to surrender and devote everything we are and have to Jesus.
8/27/202343 minutes, 11 seconds
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Summer Retreat Session 2: David Stroud

How can a small group of fervent and faithful disciples see a society transformed by God’s Kingdom – especially in a nation where churches are in decline? In this talk, David Stroud explores the story of the prophet Daniel during Babylonian exile, and imagines how Daniel’s example of faithfulness can also help us seek God’s Kingdom in our time and place.
8/26/202343 minutes, 41 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: The transfiguration

Jesus begins revealing his divine identity to a greater degree through his Transfiguration. In this talk, Adnan explores what the disciples both saw and heard through this spectacular event, and how it shaped their understanding of who Jesus was and what he came to do.
8/20/202340 minutes, 29 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Jesus calms a storm!

Jesus reveals his authority and power over creation and natural law.
8/13/202320 minutes, 35 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Jesus meets Legion

This story has significance in showing us something big about Jesus and his authority over the spiritual realm. 
8/13/202337 minutes, 9 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Who do you say I am?

At the time of Jesus, the popular opinion of the Messiah was one who’d bring revolution by overthrowing the conquering forces of Israel. While opinions were spreading as to who he might be, here Jesus begins to reveal the true nature of what God’s Messiah was prophesied to do. In this talk, Nicole explores Jesus’ desire for our opinions to be shaped by a personal relationship with him rather than popular opinions of our time.
8/13/202330 minutes, 37 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Feeding of the Multitudes - Nathan Mladin

One of Jesus’ best known miracles teaches us an important lesson about the kingdom of God – that even the smallest thing we give to Jesus, when given in faith, He can use to multiply His kingdom work.
8/7/202334 minutes, 47 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Jesus heals Jairus' daughter

Here is a tale of two daughters that shows Jesus is a Saviour you can trust both in desperation and in death. His severity brings comfort, his delays lead to joy.
8/6/202324 minutes, 49 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Jesus calms the storm

Jesus reveals his authority and power over creation and natural law.
8/6/202338 minutes, 31 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: A Lamp Under a Jar - Shaninga Marasha

Discipleship means not hiding the work God has done in our lives, but using the new light we have to guide others to Jesus. In this talk, Shaninga looks at Jesus' parable of the lamp under the jar, and considers how we can boldly shine God's light to others.
7/31/202325 minutes, 42 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: The Faith of the Centurion - Andy Tilsley

In Luke chapter 7, Jesus heals a centurion's servant because of the faith of his master. In this talk, Andy looks at how we, as disciples of Jesus, can have faith for physical healing and hope to see breakthrough in this area.
7/24/202338 minutes, 17 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Jesus Meets Legion - Natalie Powell

In Luke chapter 8 Jesus delivers a man from a legion of demons, restoring him to wholeness and freedom. In this talk, Natalie looks at what this story teaches us about Jesus' authority over evil, and His willingness to heal and restore us.
7/17/202332 minutes, 29 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Blessings and Woes - Lou Richards

In Luke chapter 6, Jesus teaches that following Him doesn’t mean we won't suffer. But we can view suffering from a place of blessing rather than curse – knowing that we have a Saviour who not only endured the worst suffering, but promises us a new life, new hope, and new future with Him.
6/27/202321 minutes, 13 seconds
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22 June Stockwell - Lars Due-Christensen

6/18/202340 minutes, 29 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Is Christianity Oppressive to Women? - Andy Tilsley

Jesus radically affirmed women in a culture where they were often treated as less valuable than men. In this talk from our Gospel of Luke series, Andy looks at why Jesus' teachings about women are so liberating.
6/14/202334 minutes, 2 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Lord of the Sabbath - Shaninga Marasha

The Sabbath was always intended to allow people to rest in God’s freedom and favour, but instead the Pharisees turned it into a way of burdening and prohibiting people from truly experiencing God’s fullness of life. In this talk, Shaninga considers how we can enter into God's Sabbath rest as a way of delighting ourselves in Him.
5/31/202326 minutes, 44 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: New Wineskins - Catherine Ishola

In Luke chapter 5, Jesus uses parables to teach His followers not cling to old ways of thinking and living, but embrace the new life of God's kingdom. In this talk, Catherine looks at how we can let go of old ways to receive God's transformative power in our daily lives. 
5/12/202332 minutes, 20 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Jesus, the Leper, and the Paralytic Man - Joel Wade

In both these cases of healing, we see something marvellous about Jesus: He brings God’s freedom, favour, and forgiveness into a broken and desperate world. Are we trusting in this authority for our own forgiveness? Are we trusting in His power to bring healing and hope? How does Jesus' compassion, power, and forgiveness shape our lives as disciples?
5/3/202334 minutes, 17 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Calling the First Disciples - Adnan Khan

Jesus calls His disciples in an unexpected way in Luke chapter 5. His followers weren’t clever philosophers. They were ordinary tradespeople. But it was who they chose to follow that made all the difference! In the same way, Jesus calls us to be His disciples right where we are. In this talk Adnan looks at how we can follow Jesus whatever our place in life, whatever our location, whatever our circumstances. 
4/25/202333 minutes, 48 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Jesus in His Hometown - Natan Mladin

In this talk Natan continues our series in the Gospel of Luke. We pick up the story with Jesus preaching in his hometown. Of the more than 2000 prophecies in the Old Testament that point to the Messiah of Israel, Jesus chooses a portion of a prophecy from Isaiah that describes His calling and mission.
4/21/202338 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Power of the Resurrection - David Stroud

In this talk from our Easter Sunday service, David spoke about the power of Jesus' resurrection, and how it can daily transform our lives.
4/19/202327 minutes, 14 seconds
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Joyful Generosity: The Community of Generosity - Helen Marasha

Generosity is an invitation to share in what God is already doing and His heart for those in need – both spiritually and materially. In this talk, Helen explores our opportunity as a church community to use what we have to love God and our neighbour, which the Bible promises will result in many ‘thanksgivings to God’.
4/4/202333 minutes, 5 seconds
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Joyful Generosity: The Gift of Generosity - Andy Tilsley

In the Bible, giving is described as an act of grace and a privilege. In this talk, Andy considers the gift that a life of generosity can be to all of us.
3/28/202337 minutes, 50 seconds
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Joyful Generosity: The Heart of Generosity - Joel Wade

In His teachings, Jesus painted a stark contrast between those who trust in money for security, and those who trust God to provide all they need. In this talk, Joel helps us look at generosity as a powerful way to free our hearts from the grip of money. Giving is one way to redirect our hearts to the promises of God’s kingdom, especially when we feel tempted to worry about not having enough.
3/21/202338 minutes, 20 seconds
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Joyful Generosity: The God of Generosity - Natalie Powell

God is the most generous being in existence. God the Father gave us the thing most precious to Him – His one and only Son, the One who is more valuable than heaven and earth put together. In the first talk of our Joyful Generosity series, Natalie looks at how we can model the same character of generosity that God has shown us.
3/13/202336 minutes, 51 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Temptations in the Wilderness - Joel Wade

In this talk from our series on the Gospel of Luke, Joel looks at the temptation of Jesus from Luke chapter 4.
3/7/202330 minutes, 39 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: The Baptism of Jesus - Andy Tilsley

John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus, and preached a message of repentance and holiness. In this talk, Andy looks at what we can learn from the baptism of Jesus in Luke chapter 3.
3/1/202337 minutes, 22 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Voice in the Wilderness - Natalie Powell

John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus, and preached a message of repentance and holiness. In this talk, Natalie looks at what we can learn from the life and message of John the Baptist in Luke chapter 3.
2/21/202336 minutes, 21 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: His Father's House - Adnan Khan

In this talk from our series in the Gospel of Luke, Adnan looks at the story of Jesus in the temple from Luke chapter 2.
2/14/202333 minutes, 58 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Upside Down Kingdom - Lou Richards

In Luke chapter 2 we see the secret working of God’s providence. God uses ordinary people and ordinary means to bring about His extraordinary purposes in the world. In this talk, Lou considers how we can respond to God with an open heart of obedience and faith, and be expectant for Him to use us in our every day lives.
2/9/202330 minutes, 28 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Mary: Ordinary Woman, Extraordinary Faith - Lars Due Christensen

Mary was an ordinary, unknown girl from an obscure part of Nazareth. Yet God chose her to bear His son, Jesus! In this talk, Lars considers what we can learn from Mary's response to this astonishing calling. We too can choose to respond to God in joyful obedience and extraordinary faith, even  in the smallest moments of our every day lives.
2/1/202333 minutes, 21 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: Zechariah: Echoes of the Past - Joel Wade

The story of Zechariah and Elizabeth shows us that God often does His most amazing work in the context of impossibility. In this talk, Joel looks at how we can trust God even when our circumstances seem impossible, and how we can find hope in God when the things we long for feel far away.
1/17/202341 minutes, 25 seconds
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Gospel of Luke: How to Read the Gospels - Adnan Khan

In the first talk of our series on the Gospel of Luke, Adnan looks at who Luke was and why he was writing. Understanding how to read the gospels is vital for our relationship with Jesus. Through studying the historical accounts of Jesus's life on earth, we can be drawn to the beauty, power, and truth of who Jesus really is, and our lives can be transformed.
1/12/202339 minutes, 32 seconds
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Advent: Joy - Shaninga Marasha

In the Bible, we see that true joy comes from salvation. And salvation is God stepping into and changing our reality, breathing life into the things we thought dead. Through Jesus, God is showing us the best way to be human, to live a life filled with joy. In Advent, we watch as joy comes to earth and we wait for the fullness of it to come again. 
12/5/202228 minutes, 47 seconds
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Guest Speakers Makoto Fujimura and Haejin Shim

This past Sunday David Stroud interviewed leading abstract artist and popular speaker Makoto Fujimura and his wife Haejin Shim.  Makoto is also a well-known expert in Kintsugi, the Japanese art of restoring broken pottery in such a way that the repaired piece is more beautiful and more valuable than the original. He also shares a real passion for Christian involvement in cultural renewal, as we do as a church, and he has written a number of great books on the subject. David spoke to Makoto and Haejin about “what to do when things break?”, and they talked about Kintsugi in relation to their own experiences at 9/11, during Covid, in their own spiritual lives and in their marriage. 
11/15/202243 minutes, 58 seconds
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Life to the Full: Formed by the Word - Natalie Powell

The Bible is God’s living word, and has the power to renew and transform our minds. In this talk, Natalie looks at how we can practice habits that help us to be shaped and formed by the word of God, rather than the world.
11/7/202242 minutes, 29 seconds
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Life to the Full: Formed by the Rhythms and Habits of Jesus - Lou Richards

When Jesus lived on earth, His life was full but not ‘busy’. He was able to sustain His ministry and continue to follow the Father, in part because of the rhythms and habits in His life. He modelled something incredibly precious for us. In this talk, Lou looks at the power of habits in forming us to be more like Jesus.
11/2/202232 minutes, 7 seconds
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Life to the Full: The Gift of Humility - Helen Marasha

Stewarding the gift of humility is one of the ways we can grow as followers of Jesus. It's also a counter-cultural way to live! In this talk, Helen considers how we can walk in humility before God, and as a result, grow in confidence, authority and love. 
10/18/202228 minutes, 35 seconds
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Life to the Full: We are Led - Angie Catlett

As disciples of Jesus, we are led by His presence in our lives. We’re not leading our relationship with Him – we’re following, for He is the good shepherd of our souls. In this talk Angie looks at what it means to trust in God’s leadership and follow Him daily.
10/10/202240 minutes, 15 seconds
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Life to the Full: We are Created - Joel Wade

Learning to be loved by God is trusting that He created us, and that He knows us better and loves us more than anyone. In this talk Joel considers that just as God created us, He is also continuing to create: redeeming and restoring our lives. Love, as a creative force, is always at work in our lives, if we let Him. 
9/28/202230 minutes, 57 seconds
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Life to the Full: Zacchaeus - Andy Tilsley

In our new teaching series we are delving into what it means to be followers of Jesus - in other words, the daily journey of being loved by Him, learning from Him and living like Him. In this first talk, Andy kicks us off with the story of Jesus meeting Zacchaeus, and inviting him to be His follower.
9/21/202230 minutes, 11 seconds
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Esther: God Behind the Scenes: Scene 2 - Natalie Powell

In Esther chapters 3 and 4, Mordecai sets an example of how to remain faithful to God even in a faithless society. In this talk, Natalie looks at how we can do the same, and follow God faithfully in our cultural moment.
8/15/202246 minutes, 1 second
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Esther: God Behind The Scenes: Scene 1 - Andy Tilsley

Esther is the only book in the Bible where God is not mentioned. And yet it's clear that He is there, working behind the scenes in the lives of Esther and the Jewish people. In the first talk of our new series, Andy looks at how we can find God in a culture that denies His existence, by paying close attention to Him.
8/1/202235 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Inward Journey: The Fight of our Lives - Lars Due-Christensen

How do we move from lies to truth? When Jesus was led into the wilderness, He overcame the lies of the devil through fasting and the promises of scripture. In this talk, Lars looks at the lies we are tempted to believe in our own lives, and how we too can overcome them with God's truth.
7/25/202237 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Inward Journey: Burning Hearts of Hope - Helen Marasha

How can we journey from despair to hope?The disciples on the road to Emmaus were filled with despair, which is evident in their phrase, "We had hoped." In this talk, Helen looks at how Jesus walks with us through our despair, our disappointment and our questions, inviting us to see Him for who He truly is, and to be filled with His hope.
7/18/202230 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Inward Journey: You Can't Prove Your Worth - Catherine Ishola

How can we move from self-sufficiency to belonging? In this talk, Catherine looks at the story of the prodigal son, and the parallels it can have with our own lives. In a culture that champions self-sufficiency, it can be tempting to try and prove our worth to God. But our Heavenly Father has made us to find our belonging and our worth in His unconditional love.
7/11/202234 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Inward Journey: I Don't Condemn You - Natalie Powell

How can we move from condemnation to forgiveness?In Luke chapter 7, we read of Jesus' encounter with a woman caught in adultery. While the Pharisees shamed her, Jesus' response to her sin was revolutionary - he offered her forgiveness. In this talk Natalie invites us to appreciate the true gift and wonder of forgiveness, and the promise that "there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus".
7/6/202236 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Inward Journey: Don't Go Back - Andy Tilsley

How can we move from cynicism to faith?In Mark chapter 8, Jesus warns the disciples against the yeast of the Pharisees - in other words, spiritual blindness. In this talk, we look at how the mindset of cynicism can prevent us from seeing through the eyes of faith, and make us blind to what God is doing. Andy shares ways that we can move towards faith that opens our eyes to see God's kingdom and power all around us, and not return to our old ways of thinking.
6/30/202235 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Inward Journey: The Price for our Attention - Jo Wells

How can we move from distraction to devotion?In the first talk of our series, Jo looks at the power of distraction in our lives, and how it can lead to worry, inertia, or things that aren't meant for us. We look at the encounter between Jesus and Martha in Luke chapter 10, and how He reminds her of what is important, and realigns her heart with His. We also look at practical habits we can implement that will help us move away from distraction and towards devotion to Jesus.
6/21/202235 minutes, 38 seconds
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Jesus the King: The Spirit of the Risen King - Hannah Elwyn

In Acts chapter 2, the Holy Spirit is poured out on followers of Jesus for the first time. In the final talk of our series, Hannah looks at what we can learn from the day of Pentecost, and how the Holy Spirit empowers us for transformation and mission in our lives today.
6/13/202235 minutes, 57 seconds
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Jesus the King: Return of the Risen King - Adnan Khan

In the penultimate talk of our series, we look at Jesus' promise to return and restore all things in Revelation 21. Adnan looks at the difference that Jesus' return in the future makes to how we live in the present.
6/7/202240 minutes, 41 seconds
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Jesus the King: Ascension of the King - Adam Purcell

When Jesus ascended into heaven, He left His disciples with the promise of His presence, and the promise of power. In this talk, Adam considers what the ascension of Jesus means for us today - that rather than going far away, Jesus has come close.
5/30/202228 minutes, 15 seconds
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Joyful Generosity - Lars Due-Christensen

The Bible teaches that God loves a cheerful giver. In this talk from our Gift Day, Lars talks about the principles of joyful generosity - trust, obedience, sowing, and reaping.
5/25/202233 minutes, 23 seconds
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Give Your Heart to God - David Stroud

This Sunday, David helped us prepare for our Gift Day by looking at the story of Elijah and the widow at Zarephath found in 1 Kings. We're encouraged to learn from the widow's example - to give out of faith rather than fear, to trust God with our future, and to give our whole hearts to Him.
5/16/202232 minutes, 28 seconds
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Jesus the King: Believing the Risen King - Lars Due-Christensen

Thomas struggled to believe when the other disciples told him about Jesus’ resurrection. But Jesus revealed Himself to Thomas, and invited him to come close. This encounter shows us a picture of how Jesus meets with us in our own times of questioning. In this talk, Lars looks at how we can stay close to Jesus and trust Him even amidst our doubts. 
5/9/202238 minutes, 7 seconds
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Jesus the King: Encountering the Risen King - Jo Wells

On the road to Damascus, Saul had a powerful encounter with Jesus that completely changed the course of His life. In this talk, Jo looks at how we can continuously encounter Jesus in the normal, everyday moments of our lives - and as a result, continue to become more like Him.
5/3/202241 minutes, 53 seconds
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Jesus the King: Sent by the Risen King - Andy Tilsley

The resurrection of Jesus changes everything. After He rose from the dead, Jesus breathed on His disciples, filling them with His Holy Spirit and sending them out to share the gospel. In this talk, Andy looks at how Jesus frees us from fear and empowers us to make disciples.
4/27/202240 minutes, 32 seconds
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Jesus the King: The Risen King - Natalie Powell

Jesus revealed Himself as the risen king to Mary, who was the first person to witness His resurrection. As we read about this encounter, how can our eyes be opened once again to the glory of our risen king?
4/19/202219 minutes, 21 seconds
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Jesus the King: The Prayer of the King - Philippa Long

In the garden of Gethsemane, we get a unique glimpse into Jesus’ relationship with the Father as He cries out to God in prayer. Even amidst betrayal and suffering, Jesus drew close to God and ultimately trusted in His plan. In this talk, we look at how prayer is an act of trust and surrender to God.
4/11/202236 minutes, 49 seconds
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Living with Difficulty and Delay - David Stroud

How do follow God well in times of difficulty, or when it feels like the things we long for are delayed? In this talk, David looks at the life of Joseph, who responded to challenges by seeking God for three things: discernment, wisdom, and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. 
4/5/202237 minutes, 18 seconds
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Jesus the King: The Feast of the King - Nicole Lewis

The Passover meal that Jesus ate with His disciples was full of symbolism. It reminded the Israelites of how God had saved them from Egypt, and it pointed forwards to Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, and to the day when He would be reunited with His people in eternity. In this talk, Nicole looks at what it means to be invited to feast at the table with Jesus.
3/30/202228 minutes, 8 seconds
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Jesus the King: The Temple of the King - Shaninga Marasha

In the temple, Jesus overturned the tables of the traders and declared it a house of prayer for all nations. Today, we are all temples of the Holy Spirit, called to worship Jesus with our whole lives. In this talk from our new series, Shaninga considers how we can live lives of prayer that honour God.
3/15/202229 minutes, 47 seconds
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Living Hope: We are Strong - Jo Wells

Peter reminds us that as followers of Jesus, our battle is not against our neighbours or earthly authorities, but against spiritual forces. In this talk, Jo encourages us to hold on to God through suffering because in our weakness, He gives us the strength to stand.
3/8/202234 minutes, 49 seconds
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Living Hope: We are Empowered - Simon Gibbes

Our culture idolises comfort and safety. But as followers of Jesus, the Bible tells us that we will experience suffering. In this talk, Simon considers our living hope that suffering is not the end. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we can walk through suffering and our identity won't be shaken, but strengthened.
2/22/202236 minutes, 54 seconds
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Living Hope: We are Ready - Raph Arthur

In our culture today, there can often be an absence of hope. But the Bible calls us to be people of hope - to understand the times, serve others and stay faithful in doing good. In this talk, Raph considers what it means to be ready to answer for the hope we have in Jesus.
2/14/202237 minutes, 3 seconds
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Living Hope: We are Free - Andy Tilsley

What is the freedom we have as God’s children? In this talk, Andy looks at how knowing God's love for us helps us to walk in true freedom, and that living free brings glory to God.
2/14/202233 minutes, 22 seconds
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Living Hope: We are Called - Simon Gibbes

The Bible describes the church as one nation, one priesthood, and one people who bear the true image of God. This is our collective identity as followers of Jesus: a body of many different parts. In this talk, Simon considers that our own personal identity is only fully understood and experienced in community with the body of Christ.
1/24/202234 minutes, 4 seconds
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Living Hope: We are Loved - Jo Wells

Our identity as followers of Jesus begins and ends with being loved by God. In this talk based in the book of 1 Peter, Jo looks at the greatest gift of love we could ever receive - the gift of our salvation.
1/17/202232 minutes, 9 seconds
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Living Hope: We are Holy - Joel Wade

In our new series, we are rediscovering our identity and purpose as followers of Jesus, based in the book of 1 Peter. In this first talk, Joel considers what it means to be holy, just as God is holy. 
1/12/202232 minutes, 59 seconds
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A People Waiting: Joseph's Trust - Adnan Khan

Joseph intended to divorce Mary quietly, but God revealed a better plan; a plan that would have a profound effect on the history of the world. In this talk from our Advent series, Adnan looks at what we can learn from Joseph's trust in God, and how we can surrender to God's plans for our lives, which are far better than our own.
12/7/202141 minutes, 23 seconds
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A People Waiting: Anna's Faithfulness - Jo Wells

Anna had lived a long life waiting for the Messiah to come, worshipping and praying every day in the temple. In this talk, Jo looks at what we can learn from Anna's faithfulness to God in prayer, worship and community.
11/30/202137 minutes, 10 seconds
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A People Waiting: Mary's Yes - Lars Due-Christensen

God sent the angel Gabriel to Mary to announce the birth of Jesus and the fulfilment of His promises. In the first talk of our Advent series, Lars looks at what we can learn from Mary’s response of surrender, and how we can say ‘yes’ to God in every area our lives. 
11/23/202135 minutes, 28 seconds
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I Am: The Way, the Truth and the Life - Helen Marasha

As Jesus prepared his disciples for his departure, he told them he was going ahead to prepare a place for them. In the penultimate talk of the series, Helen considers Jesus’ claim to be the way, the truth and the life.
11/15/202124 minutes, 16 seconds
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I Am: The True Vine - Jo Wells

What is true fruitfulness, and how can we achieve it? In his final I Am saying, Jesus describes himself as the vine, and invites us to experience true fruitfulness through abiding in him. 
11/8/202131 minutes, 16 seconds
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Local Sunday: Mile End Dedications - Joel Wade

In this talk from our Baby Dedication Sunday in Mile End, Joel talks about the values of community and being a spiritual family who love one another as God loves us.
11/3/202136 minutes, 42 seconds
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Local Sunday: Finding Serenity in the Battles of Life - Lars Due-Christensen

In Psalm 27, King David describes experiencing peace and confidence even in the midst of very real battles. In this talk from our Stockwell service, Lars explores how we too can know the peace of God throughout the battles and circumstances of life.
10/26/202142 minutes, 27 seconds
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I Am: The Resurrection and the Life - Andy Tilsley

Jesus wept. At the grave of a dear friend, we see the compassion of Jesus and His anger at the injustice of death. But we also see a glimmer of hope, as Jesus claimed to be the resurrection and the life - the one who has the power to overcome death itself.
10/18/202132 minutes, 3 seconds
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I Am: The Good Shepherd - Angie Catlett

Israel’s leaders had had a bad track record. The prophets described them as shepherds who didn’t care for the sheep, but used them as means to their own ends. But Jesus was different. In this talk, we look at his claim to be the Good Shepherd, who loves his sheep enough that he would even give his life for them. 
10/11/202140 minutes, 6 seconds
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Local Sunday: Stockwell Dedications - Tim Frisby

In this talk from our Stockwell Baby Dedication service, Tim shared about the stories that shape us, and how we can be shaped by best story of all - God's love and salvation.
10/6/202132 minutes, 59 seconds
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Local Sunday: Central London - David Stroud

How does God work in challenging times? In this talk from our Central service, David looks at the calling of Gideon from Judges chapter 6, and considers what we can learn about trusting that God is with us amidst difficult circumstances.
10/6/202140 minutes
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I Am: The Gate - Joel Wade

Jesus said that whereas the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, he came to give us life to the full. In the fourth talk of our series, Joel Wade looks at Jesus’ claim to be the gate, and considers how he protects us, and welcomes us to enter into God’s presence. 
9/27/202130 minutes, 17 seconds
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I Am: The Light of the World - Lars Due-Christensen

At one of Israel’s greatest feasts, Jesus stood up and declared that everything they were celebrating - light, freedom and deliverance - all pointed to him. In this sermon, Lars looks at Jesus’ claim to be the light of the world, come to illuminate us and lead us to life. 
9/20/202121 minutes, 18 seconds
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I Am: The Bread of Life - Jo Wells

Jesus miraculously fed 5,000 people, and whilst the crowds were marvelling, he used that miracle to make his first I Am saying. In the first talk of this series, Jo Wells considers Jesus’ claim to be the bread of life, the one who meets our deepest hunger. 
9/13/202134 minutes, 45 seconds
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Colossians: Seasoned with Salt - Raph Arthur

Paul’s parting words to the Colossians encourage them to be prayerful, watchful and thankful, using our time and our words wisely. In the final talk of our series, Raph considers how we should seek to live, helping others to find faith in Jesus.
9/7/202125 minutes, 15 seconds
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Church Summer Retreat: Our Story - David Stroud

In this talk from our Church Summer Retreat, David Stroud shares the four foundations that define our community as Christ Church London: commitment to God, a longing for His glory, shared vision and values, and loving relationships.
9/2/202134 minutes, 50 seconds
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Church Summer Retreat: The Love of God - Andy Tilsley

Romans chapter 5 paints a beautiful picture of God's loving pursuit of His children. In this talk from our Church Summer Retreat, Andy takes us through this passage and draws out what it means to truly know God's love, and to boast in the hope of the glory of God.
9/2/202134 minutes, 13 seconds
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Church Summer Retreat: Repentance - Hannah Elwyn

The word repentance can often have negative connotations. But in this talk from our Church Summer Retreat, Hannah looks at Psalm 51, which shows us that repenting can actually be a beautiful act of bringing our whole selves to God - our sin, our pain, our suffering - and finding He meets us with love, forgiveness and acceptance.
9/2/202137 minutes, 25 seconds
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Church Summer Retreat: Heavenly Wisdom - Joel Wade

As part of our Church Summer Retreat, Joel Wade shared this message from James chapter 3, looking at what it means to live our lives with the wisdom of heaven.
8/31/202123 minutes, 24 seconds
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Colossians: The New Humanity - Nicole Lewis

The good news of Jesus changes everything. Paul says we have died with Christ, been raised with him, our lives are now hidden with him, and we will appear with him in glory. In this talk, Nicole unpacks the significance of the gospel and considers what it looks like to live now as the people we will become: a new humanity.
8/24/202122 minutes, 26 seconds
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Colossians: Alive in Christ - Sarah Cobbold

In chapter 2, Paul addresses some of the things that were tempting the Colossians away from Christ, and shows how Jesus’ death and resurrection have overcome them. In this talk Sarah reflects on Paul’s teaching, and helps us consider what forms of self-made religion may tempt us similarly today.
8/16/202131 minutes, 25 seconds
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Colossians: The Hope of Glory - Ed Chan Stroud

The amazing mystery of the gospel is that Christ now dwells within us, and he works within us to bring us to maturity. In this talk, Ed looks at how Paul describes his own life and ministry, and considers the implications for our own lives.
8/9/202128 minutes, 58 seconds
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Colossians: King of Creation - Catherine Ishola

Paul’s letter to the Colossians begins with an epic poem, celebrating the supremacy of Christ - the creator and redeemer of all things. In the first talk of our new series, Catherine unpacks this poem and helps us to marvel at the wonder of who Jesus is and what he has done. 
8/2/202130 minutes, 10 seconds
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Living Sacrifice: Live at Peace - Joel Wade

How should we respond when we are wronged, or when confronted with opposition? Paul instructs his readers not to repay evil with evil but to live at peace as much as we can. In the final talk of this series, Joel unpacks this instruction and considers how we are to be peacemakers.
7/27/202123 minutes, 11 seconds
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Living Sacrifice: Leave Room for God - Liam Thatcher

When we are wronged, we can easily feel tempted to retaliate, defend ourselves and seek revenge. But Paul says there is a better way. In the final talk of our series, Liam considers how and why we should resist vengeance, and what it means to trust in the justice of God. 
7/19/202128 minutes, 35 seconds
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Living Sacrifice: Rejoice Together, Mourn Together - David Stroud

All of us go through different seasons; seasons of joy and celebration, and seasons of hardship and sorrow. But none of us should go through them alone. In this talk, David looks at Paul’s instructions for us to walk through each season together, rejoicing and mourning with one another.
7/12/202123 minutes, 19 seconds
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Living Sacrifice: Practice Hospitality - Tim Frisby

It’s one thing to say we love others; it’s another thing to demonstrate it through concrete actions. One of the key ways we can love and serve one another is through living generously. In this talk, Tim considers how we can build a community in which people’s needs are met, we enjoy being together, and we are known for our hospitality. 
7/5/202125 minutes, 2 seconds
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Living Sacrifice: Fire and Fuel - Liam Thatcher

Following Jesus was never meant to be dull. But often challenging seasons can rob us of our spiritual vibrancy. In this talk, Liam considers how we can cultivate a vibrant spiritual life rejoicing in hope, being patient in trials, and constant in prayer.
6/29/202125 minutes, 44 seconds
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Living Sacrifice: Love and Honour - Jo Wells

We all like the idea of love. But much of what we consider to be love is little more than sentimentalism. If the church is to thrive, we need to cultivate genuine love for one another; love that celebrates the good, and protects against that which is evil. In the third talk of our series Jo looks at Paul’s instructions to love and honour one another.
6/21/202121 minutes, 27 seconds
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Living Sacrifice: One Body, Many Gifts - David Stroud

All of us have different gifts. It can be tempting to value certain gifts and skills more than others, but every gift is needed if the church is to flourish. In this talk, David looks at Paul’s picture of the church as a body, and considers the importance of humility and service.
6/14/202126 minutes, 25 seconds
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Living Sacrifice: True Worship - Andy Tilsley

It’s a well-known idea that we become what we behold. The things to which we give our time, attention and worship have the power to shape our thinking and our lives. In the first talk of our new series, Andy looks at Romans 12:1-2 and considers what it means for us to have our minds renewed and transformed by God. 
6/8/202127 minutes, 34 seconds
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Servants, not Superstars - Adnan Khan

Jesus taught His disciples that the Son of Man had come to serve, and not be served. What does it mean for us as followers of Jesus to live in the same way? In this talk, Adnan looks at how we can live as servants, not superstars.
6/2/202127 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Spirit Filled Life: The Hand of God - Liam Thatcher

In Acts 4, the church prayed for God to give them courage and stretch out His hand in signs and wonders. In the final talk of our series, Liam unpacks their prayer and considers what it means for us, as we seek to live lives filled with the Spirit of God.
5/24/202129 minutes, 56 seconds
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Vision Sunday 2021 - David Stroud

After Jesus had ascended to heaven, the disciples were filled with longing for God's Kingdom to come. In this talk from our Vision Sunday, David Stroud considers how we too are filled with longing as we come out of lockdown, and how we can be encouraged by this account from the book of Acts.
5/19/202129 minutes
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The Grace of Giving - David Stroud

In preparation for our annual Gift Day, which we will be taking on 16th and 23rd May, David speaks about the grace of giving, looking at the example of the church in Macedonia in 2 Corinthians 8.
5/10/202126 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Spirit Filled Life: Hope in our Waiting - Hannah Elwyn

The Bible ends with the promise of New Creation. A world in which there is no more pain. But right now, we still live in a broken world. In the final week of our series, Hannah considers how the Holy Spirit empowers us to live in hope, as we await Jesus’ return.
5/4/202122 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Spirit Filled Life: The Spirit and the Flesh - Lars Due Christensen

One of the ways that the Holy Spirit helps us is by strengthening us to resist the temptations of sin and to walk in freedom. In this talk, Lars considers what it looks like to draw near to grace, and receive help from the Spirit in our time of need.
4/27/202118 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Spirit Filled Life: Peace and Strength - David Stroud

In the book of Acts, the early church experiences persecution, but they also know peace, strength and encouragement from the Holy Spirit. In this talk, David Stroud considers how we can receive peace and strength from the Holy Spirit as we come out of lockdown.
4/19/202126 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Spirit Filled Life: Gifts and Guidance - Jo Wells

The Apostle Paul wrote that the Holy Spirit gives supernatural gifts to all who are eager for them. In this talk, Jo Wells considers how we should eagerly desire the gifts of the Spirit, and particularly how we can learn to hear from God today.
4/12/202122 minutes, 23 seconds
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Stockwell service: Resurrection Life - Tim Frisby

The resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday reveals that there is life after death. But because of Jesus there is also resurrection life before death too! This talk was recorded live at our Stockwell Service on Easter Sunday.
4/7/202133 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Spirit Filled Life: Resurrection from the Dead - Joel Wade

After the brutal events of Good Friday, it looked like all hope was lost. Jesus lay in a grave. But then came Easter Sunday, when the Holy Spirit filled his body, raised him from the dead, and brought about the hope of new life.
4/6/202121 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Spirit Filled Life: Empowered for Mission - Liam Thatcher

The resurrected Jesus stood before his disciples and breathed upon them. In this talk, Liam considers the importance of this strange act, and looks at how the Holy Spirit fills us with peace, and empowers us for mission. 
3/30/202129 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Spirit Filled Life: Unity in Diversity - Andy Tilsley

From the earliest days, the church was incredibly diverse, with men and women from different ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds calling one another brother and sister. In this talk, Andy considers how the Holy Spirit breaks down divisions and unites us in family.
3/22/202129 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Spirit Filled Life: Adoption into Family - Tim Frisby

The Apostle Paul wrote that the Holy Spirit gives us a new identity as God’s children, and the promise of inheritance. In this talk, Tim Frisby considers what it means to be adopted by the Holy Spirit into the family of God.
3/16/202124 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Spirit Filled Life: Born of the Spirit - Raph Arthur

In the dead of night, Nicodemus came to Jesus with some questions. What he got were some answers that blew his mind. In this talk, Raph considers Jesus’ teaching about what it means to be born again, and how the Holy Spirit helps us enter into this new life.
3/8/202123 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Spirit Filled Life: Not by Might or Power - Liam Thatcher

The prophet Zechariah saw a strange vision of olive trees and lampstands, and heard a promise of a new temple. In this talk, Liam unpacks Zechariah’s vision and looks at what it means to build not by might or power, but by God’s Spirit.
3/1/202131 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Spirit Filled Life: Freedom and Healing - David Stroud

The prophet Isaiah wrote about God’s anointed servant, who would bring freedom and healing, showing compassion to the bruised and broken. In this talk, David looks at how Isaiah 42 and considers how the Spirit empowers us to act with the same compassion Jesus showed.
2/22/202127 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Spirit Filled Life: Refreshing for Weary Souls - Andy Tilsley

The Holy Spirit is often depicted in Scripture as water that refreshes our souls. In this talk, Andy considers the importance of worship, and looks at how God can refresh us when we feel dry and weary.
2/15/202128 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Spirit Filled Life: A Promise for all - Lars Due-Christensen

In the Old Testament, relatively few people experienced the Holy Spirit personally. But restricting His presence to a select few was never God’s plan. In this talk, Lars unpacks the promise that the Holy Spirit is available to all who ask.
2/9/202126 minutes, 41 seconds
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Living by Faith - Guest Speaker Tope Koleoso

Pastor Tope Koleoso leads Jubilee Church London, and in this talk he shares what it means to live by faith in these current times, looking at the book of Joshua.
2/2/202127 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Spirit Filled Life: Creativity - Joel Wade

As God’s people journeyed in the wilderness, the Holy Spirit filled Bezalel with creativity and skill, and empowered him to build the tabernacle. In this talk, Joel considers how the Spirit continues to give us creative gifts to use today.
1/25/202126 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Spirit Filled Life: Wisdom in Crisis - Jo Wells

The first person in Scripture who is said to have God’s Spirit dwelling in him, is a prisoner in Egypt. In this talk, Jo Wells looks at how the Holy Spirit empowered Joseph with the wisdom and skill he needed to rescue a nation in its time of need.
1/18/202124 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Spirit Filled Life: Order from Chaos - Liam Thatcher

The Bible begins with the Spirit of God hovering over the chaotic waters and bringing forth order and life. In the first talk of our new series, Liam considers how the Holy Spirit empowers us to continue his work today.
1/12/202126 minutes, 27 seconds
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New Year Message: The Vine and the Branches - David Stroud

In this talk from Church at home on 3rd January, David looks at John chapter 15, in which Jesus describes Himself as the vine, and us as His branches, being pruned to help us grow.
1/5/202123 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Rising Sun - Lars Due-Christensen

In this talk from Church at home on 27th December, Lars looks at the Song of Zechariah found in Luke chapter 1, which prophecies about the significance of Jesus coming into the world.
1/5/202121 minutes, 43 seconds
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Stockwell local Sunday: Comfort - Hatty El-Khazen

In this talk from our Stockwell service, Hatty reflects on the message of God's comfort, promised to us in the book of the prophet Isaiah.
12/20/202023 minutes, 45 seconds
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Psalm 110 - Andy Tilsley

In this talk from our Church at home service, Andy looks at Psalm 110, and considers how it foretells of the coming of Jesus as a priest and king.
12/14/202020 minutes, 43 seconds
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Kingdom Come: Hope - Jo Wells

Jesus’ message of the Kingdom was good news for a hurting world. God has not given up on His creation but is coming to put things right. It was, and is, a message of hope. In the final week of our series, Jo considers how Jesus continues to provide hope for us today.
12/7/202026 minutes, 15 seconds
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Kingdom Come: Family - Liam Thatcher

The relationships in God’s Kingdom are not primarily those of power and hierarchy, but family. Jesus calls us his brothers and sisters, and he welcomes us into relationship with our heavenly father. In this talk, Liam explores what it means to be part of God’s family.
12/1/202029 minutes, 21 seconds
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Kingdom Come: Comfort - Tim Frisby

The prophets longed for a king who would bring comfort and peace to their hurting nation. In this talk, Tim considers how Jesus meets that longing, and commissions us to be comforters and peacemakers.
11/24/202023 minutes, 19 seconds
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Exposing Grace - Rachel Gardner

In this talk, Guest Speaker Rachel Gardner teaches on the beauty of God's grace, as described by Paul in his letter to the Ephesians. She shares about the ways in which we can be hungry for God, and show the love of Jesus to our city. 
11/15/202023 minutes, 54 seconds
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Kingdom Come: Power - Andy Tilsley

Jesus instructed his disciples to continue his mission of proclaiming the Kingdom. But he didn’t only give them a mission, he also gave them the very same power that empowered him. In this talk, Andy Tilsley considers how Jesus continues to empower us by his Holy Spirit.
11/8/202026 minutes, 15 seconds
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Kingdom Come: Light - David Stroud

Jesus told his followers they were to be like light, shining into the darkness of this world, and offering hope and illumination. In this talk, David considers how we can be a blessing to our city in this challenging season.
11/1/202025 minutes, 18 seconds
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Kingdom Come: Prayer - Yetty Ishola

Whilst many imagine God as distant and disconnected from us, Jesus revealed something quite different. In this talk from our Sutton service, Yetty explores how Jesus revealed God to be a communicator who loves to be known by us, and delights to hear from us in prayer.
10/28/202024 minutes, 15 seconds
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Kingdom Come: Prayer - Nicole Lewis

Whilst many imagine God as distant and disconnected from us, Jesus revealed something quite different. In this talk from our Central & Covent Garden service, Nicole explores how Jesus revealed God to be a communicator who loves to be known by us, and delights to hear from us in prayer.
10/28/202023 minutes, 52 seconds
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Kingdom Come: Prayer - Adnan Khan

Whilst many imagine God as distant and disconnected from us, Jesus revealed something quite different. In this talk, Adnan explores how Jesus revealed God to be a communicator who loves to be known by us, and delights to hear from us in prayer.
10/25/202032 minutes, 10 seconds
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Vision Sunday: Sutton - Andy Tilsley

Sunday 18th October was Vision Sunday, where each of our services looked at how our vision plays out across London. Check out the talks from our other services on our podcast.
10/18/202027 minutes, 41 seconds
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Vision Sunday: Bethnal Green - Joel Wade

Sunday 18th October was Vision Sunday, where each of our services looked at how our vision plays out across London. Check out the talks from our other services on our podcast.
10/18/202023 minutes, 8 seconds
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Vision Sunday: Central & Covent Garden - David Stroud

Sunday 18th October was Vision Sunday, where each of our services looked at how our vision plays out across London. Check out the talks from our other services on our podcast.
10/18/202025 minutes, 8 seconds
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Kingdom Come: Healing - Liam Thatcher

Jesus regularly healed the sick as a sign of the Kingdom of God, and a foretaste of his plan to heal the world. In this talk, Liam looks at how we are also called and equipped to pray for the sick today.
10/11/202030 minutes, 44 seconds
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Kingdom Come: Compassion - David Stroud

Jesus was not only known for his remarkable teaching, but also his deep love for people. Love that motivated him to care for them, heal them, and ultimately die for them. In this talk, David looks at how Jesus’ Kingdom is built on compassion.
10/4/202024 minutes, 47 seconds
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Kingdom Come: Rest - Lars Due Christensen

Many people imagine God to be like a harsh taskmaster, who puts heavy burdens on his subjects. But Jesus said the opposite. In this talk, Lars looks at Jesus’ invitation to the weary and burdened, and his promise of rest. 
9/27/202029 minutes, 53 seconds
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Kingdom Come: Freedom - Jo Wells

One of the hallmarks of the Kingdom of God is freedom. In the third talk of our series, Jo Wells considers how Jesus proclaimed a message of freedom to the Samaritan woman in John 4.
9/20/202024 minutes, 15 seconds
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Kingdom Come: Love - Andy Tilsley

Jesus taught that the greatest commandment was to love God with every part of who we are: heart, soul, strength and mind. In this talk, Andy explores how love is essential to inheriting the life of the Kingdom.
9/13/202022 minutes, 17 seconds
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Kingdom Come: Calling - Liam Thatcher

Simon was frustrated after a fruitless night of fishing, when an encounter with Jesus changed his life forever. In the first talk of our new series, Liam considers how Jesus commissions and empowers us to be ‘fishers of people.’
9/6/202027 minutes, 11 seconds
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Living by Faith: Jesus - Tim Frisby

Living by faith doesn't always look triumphant and glorious. In the final talk of our series, Tim considers how Jesus established his Kingdom through suffering, and he encourages us to cultivate a prophetic imagination, so we can rebuild our city on the values of Jesus' Kingdom.
8/30/202025 minutes, 39 seconds
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Living by Faith: Moses Part 2 - Raph Arthur

The life of faith took Moses from the Pharaoh’s palace into the wilderness; shunning luxury, and embracing suffering for Christ. In this talk, Raph considers how we can stir up faith in one another and overcome fear with courage.
8/23/202021 minutes, 50 seconds
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Living by Faith: Joshua and Rahab - Hannah Elwyn

Faith had brought God’s people out of Egypt, but they still needed faith if they were to enter the Promised Land. In this talk, Hannah considers how Joshua and Rahab are both great examples of living by faith.
8/16/202022 minutes, 21 seconds
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Living by Faith: Moses - Liam Thatcher

The life of faith took Moses from the Pharaoh’s palace into the wilderness; shunning luxury, and embracing suffering for Christ. In this talk, Liam considers how faith enables us to follow God, into and through times of difficulty.
8/10/202026 minutes, 9 seconds
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Living by Faith: Isaac, Jacob and Joseph - Andy Tilsley

Faith leaves a legacy. In this talk, Andy Tilsley considers the lives of Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. None of them saw the fulfilment of their promises within their lifetime, but each left a blessing for the next generation to follow in their footsteps.
8/2/202021 minutes, 28 seconds
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Living by Faith: Abraham - David Stroud

Abraham received promises from God that seemed incredible. Without knowing how they would be fulfilled, he left his home, trusting God. In this talk, David considers how faith enables us to follow God, even when stepping into the unknown.
7/26/202021 minutes, 9 seconds
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Living by Faith: Noah

Before there was a cloud in the sky, Noah took God at His word, and began building an ark. In this talk, Jo Wells draws lessons from Noah’s example of entrepreneurial faith.
7/19/202022 minutes, 35 seconds
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Living by Faith: Enoch

In the first talk of our series on Living by Faith, Liam Thatcher looks at the strange story of Enoch, andconsiders what it means for us to ‘walk with God’ on a day to day basis.
7/13/202024 minutes, 40 seconds
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Good Fruit: The Gentleness of Jesus

In the gospels Jesus displayed a life of gentleness - of being gentle with those around him, and with both the weak, and the strong. In the final talk of our Good Fruit series, David Stroud teaches on this fruit and how we can be gentle towards others in this time.
7/5/202016 minutes, 26 seconds
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Good Fruit: The Self-Control of Jesus

In the penultimate talk of our Good Fruit series, Andy looks at the temptations we may be facing during lockdown, and how we can overcome them through watching and praying, just as Jesus taught his disciples.
6/28/202021 minutes, 16 seconds
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Five Reasons to Fight Racism - Krish Kandiah

Guest Speaker Krish Kandiah from Home for Good shares five reasons why Christians should fight racism, and shares God's design for unity and diversity which is displayed throughout the Bible.
6/21/202016 minutes, 3 seconds
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Good Fruit: The Kindness of Jesus

Kindness is one of the fruits of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5, and is also one of the words Paul uses to describe love. In this talk, Joel looks Jesus' example of loving-kindness in the gospels and how we as His followers can live the same way.
6/14/202019 minutes, 51 seconds
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Fasting in Moments of Crisis

In the Bible there are many examples of God's people fasting in response to a crisis. In this talk, Liam looks at the Biblical principle of fasting, and the different ways we can fast as a response: to grieve, to repent for sin, to show solidarity with the oppressed, and to pray for protection and victory.
6/7/202016 minutes, 55 seconds
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Pentecost Sunday: Guest Speaker Ele Mumford

On Pentecost Sunday, Guest Speaker Ele Mumford spoke to us about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Acts chapter 2, and how we can be filled with God's Holy Spirit and power today, to help us share the Gospel.
5/31/202026 minutes, 7 seconds
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Good Fruit: The Patience of Jesus

In this talk, Lars looks at the fruit of Patience that Paul describes in Galatians, and considers how patience is perfectly demonstrated in the life of Jesus, as trust, hope, and perseverence.
5/24/202018 minutes, 39 seconds
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Good Fruit: The Goodness and Faithfulness of Jesus

In Psalm 23, God is described as the good shepherd who walks with us, provides for us, and protects us, in both good times and in hard times. In this talk, Liam looks at the fruit of goodness and faithfulness displayed in Jesus' life, and how this can bring us peace whatever we are facing.
5/17/202020 minutes, 24 seconds
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Good Fruit: The Love of Jesus

What does the love of Jesus really look like? In this talk, Tim shares from John's gospel, and considers John's teaching that the only way we can truly know the 'agape' love of God, and love others in return, is to experience Jesus' sacrificial love demonstrated for us on the cross. 
5/10/202017 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Groaning of Life

In this talk from Church at home, our guest speaker and friend of CCL Pete Greig shares on the topic of prayer, from Romans chapter 8. 
5/3/202025 minutes, 20 seconds
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Good Fruit: The Peace of Jesus

Jesus was a man who demonstrated an unshakeable peace, even amongst life's storms of pain, betrayal and even death. In this talk, David looks at the story of Jesus calming the storm, and how Jesus came not only to bring us His peace, but to show us His example of how to live a life full of peace.
4/26/202021 minutes, 16 seconds
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Good Fruit: The Joy of Jesus

Hebrews 12 says, ‘for the joy set before him, Jesus endured the cross.’ In the first talk of our new series, Jo Wells considers how joy sustained Jesus even through His most painful moments, and how we can also cultivate joy.
4/19/202019 minutes, 11 seconds
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Church at home: Life Beyond The Storm

In this talk from our Easter Sunday service, Andy looks at the John 21 account of the disciples encountering the Risen Jesus, and considers what Jesus' resurrection means for us today.
4/12/202017 minutes, 24 seconds
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Church at home: How Should we Live at a Time Like This?

In this talk from our Church at home service, David talks to us about how we can find peace with God in this challenging time, and how we can live in such a way that we humble ourselves before God, so that He may lift us up in due course. 
4/5/202016 minutes, 11 seconds
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Church at home: Building Your Life on the Rock

In this talk from our online Church at home service, Liam Thatcher looks at Jesus' parable about the wise and foolish builders in the book of Matthew, and offers some tips on how we can ensure we're building our lives on the rock of Jesus in this current time.
3/29/202020 minutes, 48 seconds
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Church at Home: Jesus Never Changes

As the church, how do we respond in this time of global uncertainty? In this talk from our first ever online Church at home service, Andy Tilsley leads us to reflect on the scripture in Hebrews 13, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever," and shares how we can stay close to God in a changing world.
3/22/202022 minutes, 46 seconds
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Growing in Generosity

In this talk from our 2020 Gift Day, David looks at what Psalm 1 has to teach us about living a life of generosity, and how our city and nation can be blessed as a result. 
3/8/202035 minutes, 53 seconds
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Obedience is better than Sacrifice

In this talk from our Sutton service, Andy reflects on the Biblical practice of giving, and how we can give out of love for God, rather than duty, and obedience to Him rather than sacrifice.
3/1/202041 minutes
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Consuming Fire: Seek the Kingdom

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus told his disciples to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. In the final talk of our Consuming Fire series, Liam unpacks this phrase and considers the themes of holiness and mission.
2/23/202035 minutes, 37 seconds
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Consuming Fire: The Way of Obedience

In his letter to the Philippians, Paul describes Jesus' perfect obedience and surrender to his heavenly Father, and encourages us to live in the same way. In this talk, Lars considers how we can live in obedience and love towards God and one another.
2/16/202035 minutes, 8 seconds
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Consuming Fire: Holy Vision

The writer of Proverbs tells us that 'Where there is no vision, the people perish.' In this talk, Tim Frisby looks at what it takes to live with a holy vision for our lives, in a way that brings glory to God.
2/9/202035 minutes, 29 seconds
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Consuming Fire: The Cycle of Gratitude

We live in an age that is often characterised by entitlement, and we rarely take time to stop and count our blessings. In this talk, Liam considers what the story of the ten lepers in Luke 17 has to teach us about the practice of gratitude.
2/2/202037 minutes, 27 seconds
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Consuming Fire: Persevering in an Age of Cynicism

We live in a cynical age, and sometimes it can feel like a real battle to keep going with the things God has called us to. In this talk, Andy looks at Zechariah 4, and considers what we can learn from the story of Zerubbabel about persevering in an age of cynicism. 
1/26/202040 minutes, 47 seconds
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Consuming Fire: Longing for the Spirit

The people of God were never meant to stay still. In this sermon, David looks at the story of Stephen in Acts 6 and 7, and considers how we are meant to live as Temples of God, filled with His Spirit, and constantly on the move.
1/19/202035 minutes, 26 seconds
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Consuming Fire: Burning Hearts

Two men were walking away from Jerusalem, having lost their friend, and with him their hope. In this sermon, Jo looks at the story of the Emmaus Road, and considers how Jesus causes our hearts to burn, as he opens his word to us.  
1/12/202034 minutes, 19 seconds
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Consuming Fire: Good Soil

Jesus tells a story about a farmer who sowed seed on different soils. In the first talk of 2020, Liam unpacks this parable, encouraging us to reflect on the state of our hearts, and surrender to the one who can make us truly fruitful.
1/5/202037 minutes, 29 seconds
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Advent: Waiting in Hope

What does the season of Advent have to teach us about waiting in hope? In this talk, Hannah Elwyn looks at the hope we have in Jesus, who is the Light in the darkness. 
12/8/201936 minutes, 42 seconds
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Faithful Presence: Longing For Renewal

What does it look like to live for cultural, social and spiritual renewal, celebrating what God has done in the past, and longing for Him to renew His deeds in our day? David Stroud concludes our series by looking at the prayer of Habakkuk 3. 
12/1/201934 minutes, 19 seconds
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Faithful Presence: Temples of the Spirit

Paul tells the Corinthians that our bodies are actually Temples of God’s Spirit. In the penultimate talk of our series, Joel considers how we should honour God with our bodies. 
11/24/201936 minutes, 57 seconds
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Faithful Presence: A Clash of Kingdoms

Everywhere he went, Jesus healed those who were sick, to demonstrate that the Kingdom of God was breaking in. In this talk, Liam considers how Jesus empowers us to heal the sick today.
11/17/201939 minutes, 57 seconds
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Faithful Presence: A Community of Love

Jesus told his disciples that their love for one another would be a powerful witness to the world. In this talk, Tim Frisby considers how the church should live as a community rooted in love. 
11/10/201929 minutes, 58 seconds
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Love London Sunday: Here to Stay

This year Christ Church London celebrates its 15th anniversary, and in this talk David looks back at God's faithfulness, and inspires us to dream and pray for what is to come.
11/3/201928 minutes, 49 seconds
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Faithful Presence: Workers for the Harvest

Jesus sent out 72 of his followers, telling them that the harvest is plentiful. In this talk, Lars considers Jesus’ instructions in Luke chapter 10 about how we should live as workers for the harvest.
10/27/201935 minutes, 48 seconds
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Faithful Presence: Sent with a Message

Paul writes that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. But how will they hear about Him, unless we share the good news? Andy Tilsley considers what it means to live as those sent with a message. 
10/20/201941 minutes, 21 seconds
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Local Sunday: Central

In this talk, David shares the vision for the church to be 'built together', just as we see in the book of Nehemiah.
10/13/201939 minutes, 11 seconds
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Local Sunday: Stockwell

In this talk, Tim Frisby talks us through 9 different ways to be a witness to the good news of Jesus.
10/13/201935 minutes, 50 seconds
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Local Sunday: Sutton

In this talk, Andy Tilsley shares the vision for our Sutton service.
10/13/201939 minutes, 54 seconds
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Faithful Presence: A Kingdom of Priests

Peter writes to followers who are scattered across the ancient world, and he exhorts them to live as a Kingdom of Priests. In this talk Hannah considers what that dual role means for us today. 
10/6/201932 minutes, 47 seconds
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Local Sunday: Bethnal Green

In this talk, Joel Wade shares the vision for our Bethnal Green services.
10/6/201934 minutes, 28 seconds
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Faithful Presence: Courageous Under Pressure

How should we conduct ourselves in the face of threats? In this talk, Liam Thatcher looks at the story of Daniel in the lion’s den, and considers how God can fill us with courage in our moments of pressure. 
9/29/201937 minutes, 24 seconds
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Faithful Presence: Faithful Under Fire

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are faced with a dangerous threat, and a temptation to abandon their God. In this talk from Daniel chapter 3, Jo Wells considers how we can remain faithful to God, and trust His protection when things get difficult. 
9/22/201932 minutes, 31 seconds
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Faithful Presence: Positioned for Influence

Daniel and his friends get taken into the courts of the King. In this talk, David Stroud considers how believers should conduct ourselves, so that God can position us to be a positive influence on the fate of a nation.  
9/15/201935 minutes, 59 seconds
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Faithful Presence: A Creative Minority

What does it look like to live as a Creative Minority? And what should our posture be as we seek to follow Jesus in a post-Christian age? In the first talk of our new series, Andy Tilsley looks at the story of Daniel. 
9/8/201939 minutes, 58 seconds
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Philippians: Philippians 4

In the final talk of our series, Nicole looks at Philippians 4, in which Paul speaks about the secret of contentment, and the strength that Christ provides that enables us to achieve all things.
9/1/201928 minutes, 54 seconds
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Philippians: Philippians 3

Paul had a lot of reasons to boast, but he considers them all nothing, compared to knowing Jesus. In this talk, Charity looks at Philippians 3, and considers how we are to keep pressing on towards our heavenly calling.
8/25/201936 minutes, 17 seconds
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Philippians: Philippians 2

To a city obsessed with status and power, Philippians 2 is a beautiful, counter-cultural hymn, that challenges us to live with humility like that of Jesus himself.  
8/18/201942 minutes
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Philippians: Philippians 1

From a prison cell, the Apostle Paul sends a letter to the church at Philippi, encouraging them to keep strong in their faith. In the first talk of our series, Angie Catlett looks at Philippians chapter 1.
8/13/201942 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sermon on the Mount: Salt and Light

How should the church seek to be a positive influence in the world? In the final talk of our series, Joel Wade considers Jesus’ teaching about us being the Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World. 
8/4/201937 minutes, 28 seconds
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Sermon on the Mount: The Wise and Foolish Builders

All of us face challenging and pressured seasons. In this talk, Jo Wells looks at Jesus’ teaching about the wise and foolish builders, and considers how to build a life that can weather the storms. 
7/28/201931 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sermon on the Mount: The Wide and Narrow Gates

Jesus warns that the gate to life is small and easy to miss. In this talk, Liam Thatcher considers what Jesus’ teaching about the wide and narrow gates can teach us about enjoying the flourishing life.
7/21/201937 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sermon on the Mount: The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer has been a helpful model that disciples have prayed for 2,000 years. In this talk, Lars considers what this prayer can teach us about God, and life in the Kingdom.
7/14/201945 minutes, 16 seconds
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Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes

Jesus’ sermon begins with a picture of what the ‘blessed’ life looks like, and it’s not what you’d expect. In this sermon, Andy Tilsley looks at the Beatitudes, and considers what they teach us about the value-system of the Kingdom.
7/7/201938 minutes, 16 seconds
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Prince of Peace: United in Ministry

Jesus sent out his followers to preach the gospel to all creation. It’s a mission so large that all of us need to be on board! So in the final talk of our series, David considers how the gospel unites both men and women in ministry.
6/30/201935 minutes, 17 seconds
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Prince of Peace: Building Bridges

Our world is so polarised, and we are often tempted or encouraged to vilify those who are on the opposing side. In this talk, Elizabeth Oldfield considers how we can love those who are different to us and have healthy conversations.
6/23/201941 minutes, 30 seconds
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Prince of Peace: Peace in your Community

In the gospels, Jesus teaches us to love our neighbour. But who is our neighbour, and how can we love them? In this talk, Tim Frisby considers how Jesus came to Earth not only to bring peace between us and God, but also to empower us to bring peace to our communities.
6/16/201937 minutes, 43 seconds
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Prince of Peace: Courage for Mission

The disciples were given an enormous task; being sent out to the ends of the Earth with the good news of Jesus. In this talk, Andy Tilsley looks at the story of Pentecost and considers how the Holy Spirit and the love of God give us boldness for mission.
6/9/201941 minutes, 13 seconds
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Prince of Peace: Peace with Creation

The Bible teaches that we were designed to be in harmony with this world. In this talk, Liam Thatcher considers our responsibility towards Creation, and how we can care for it better.
6/2/201939 minutes, 12 seconds
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Prince of Peace: Making Peace with Others

In this talk, Jacqui Frisby shares from Colossians chapter 3 on how we can make peace with others through putting off our old ways and putting on the qualities that Paul describes. Please note that due to a technical problem the first few minutes of this talk are missing.
5/26/201925 minutes, 24 seconds
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Prince of Peace: Making Peace with Ourselves

For many of us, our biggest conflict is an internal one. In this talk, Lars Due-Christensen looks at how we can learn to live at peace with ourselves.
5/19/201937 minutes, 43 seconds
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Prince of Peace: Seek the Peace of the City

At Love London Sunday, David shared from the book of Jeremiah on why and how we are called to seek the peace and prosperity of our city.
5/12/201926 minutes, 22 seconds
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Prince of Peace: Habits of Peace

If we want to be people of peace, then what we think about is important, but the habits and behaviours that shape us matter too. In this talk, Tim looks at Paul’s message in Philippians 4 and considers how we can form and re-form habits that help us connect with God and live in His peace.
5/5/201935 minutes, 43 seconds
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Prince of Peace: Do Not Be Anxious

Anxiety is becoming an increasing presence in today’s culture. In this talk, David looks at Paul’s message in Philippians 4 and considers that what we choose to think about can either take from us, or fill us with, God’s peace.
4/28/201943 minutes, 37 seconds
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Prince of Peace: Peace through the Cross

Easter is the central event of the Christian calendar, when we celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection. In this talk, Hannah Elwyn considers how the cross reconciles us to God, and his resurrection gives us hope beyond the grave.
4/21/201932 minutes, 14 seconds
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Prince of Peace: Peace in Work and Rest

In a culture driven by achievement and success, it can be easy to let busyness steal our peace. In this talk, Joel Wade looks at the Biblical practice of the Sabbath, and considers how we can find peace in God by living from a place of rest.
4/14/201934 minutes, 14 seconds
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Prince of Peace: Renewing Your Mind

So much of our fear is fuelled by the voices we listen to. In this talk, Liam Thatcher considers how we can learn to resist lies, and have our mind renewed by God.
4/7/201935 minutes, 28 seconds
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Prince of Peace: Hope for the Future

There are many reasons to be fearful about the future, with uncertainty at personal, national and international levels. In this talk, Andy Tilsley looks at how faith in the unchanging God can fill us with peace.  
3/31/201940 minutes, 41 seconds
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Prince of Peace: Peace in the Storm

In the first talk of our new series, Jo Wells looks at the story of Jesus and the disciples in the storm, and considers how trusting God enables us to experience peace in tumultuous times.  
3/24/201934 minutes, 29 seconds
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Generosity: The Joy of Generosity

God designed us to experience joy in generosity, so that when we give away what we have, we get a foretaste of the eternal life and joy He has planned for us. In this talk, Liam reflects on 1 Timothy and looks at how giving allows us to experience “the life that is truly life”.
3/17/201935 minutes, 48 seconds
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Generosity: The Kingdom of Generosity

In Matthew chapter 13, Jesus compares the kingdom of God to treasure hidden in a field, or a pearl so valuable a man sold everything he had to buy it. In this talk, Andy considers how we can dethrone the power of mammon in our lives, and instead enthrone Jesus as Lord of our hearts.
3/17/201941 minutes, 20 seconds
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Generosity: The Choice of Generosity

In this talk from our Bethnal Green service, Joel looks at Jesus’ teaching on money from Matthew chapter 6, and reflects on how being a generous community can be radical in a wealth-loving world.
3/10/201936 minutes, 32 seconds
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Generosity: Building a Culture of Generosity

How can we build a culture of generosity? In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul describes the Macedonian church as an example of a generous and sacrificial community. In this talk, Tim considers how God provides through the community around us when we share with one another.
3/10/201937 minutes, 18 seconds
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Generosity: The Call to Generosity

In this talk, David considers how a lifestyle of generosity is not only good for our hearts and for our faith, but also allows us to partner with God in accomplishing His purposes.
3/3/201933 minutes, 42 seconds
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Awaken: Perseverance

In the last talk of the series, Liam looks at the examples of Anna and Simeon in Luke chapter 2, and how they embody what it looks like to persevere in prayer even through personal pain.
2/24/201934 minutes, 24 seconds
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Awaken: Mission

For centuries God had called His people to be a beacon of hope to the world. But instead, they had often kept their light hidden. In the final talk of our series, Andy considers Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5 about how the church should shine as a light in a dark world.
2/17/201938 minutes, 35 seconds
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Awaken: Renewal

In Mark chapter 2, Jesus addresses the religious leaders of his day, and poses a strange riddle about wine and wineskins. In this talk, Lars explores Jesus’ saying and considers how the church needs to be made new, if we are to contain the fresh things God wants to do in us and through us.
2/10/201930 minutes, 32 seconds
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Awaken: Hunger

Right throughout the Bible, God’s people have undergone periods of fasting, where they have abstained from food and devoted themselves to prayer. In this talk, Liam considers the significance of this often-neglected practice, and how we can learn to enjoy and be strengthened by it today.  
2/3/201934 minutes, 37 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Local Sunday: Central London

In this talk David shares from Ezekiel 37 and reflects on the vision of dry bones coming to life, which encourages us to surrender everything to God and have faith for Him to move in miraculous ways.
1/27/201930 minutes, 47 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Local Sunday: Sutton

In this talk from our Sutton service, Andy shares from 1 Corinthians 1 on how God uses us to fulfil His plans through our faith and obedience, even in our weakness.
1/27/201939 minutes, 12 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Local Sunday: Bethnal Green

In this talk Joel shares the vision of our Bethnal Green service, and asks the question: what do we want to be known for?
1/27/201934 minutes, 26 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Local Sunday: Stockwell

In this talk Tim shares the vision of our Stockwell service, looking back at South London’s rich spiritual heritage and raising faith for what God will do in our day.
1/27/201930 minutes, 56 seconds
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Awaken: Thirst

Ezekiel 47 depicts a beautiful scene, in which streams of living water pour out of the Temple, bringing life wherever they go. In this talk, David looks at the promise of the Holy Spirit, and how a Spirit-empowered church should be a source of life and hope.
1/20/201931 minutes, 33 seconds
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Awaken: Devotion

Every great move of God has been built on the foundation of prayer. In this talk, Jo considers how renewal in the world around us begins with renewal in our hearts through prayer.
1/13/201927 minutes, 25 seconds
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Awaken: Faith

In a sun-scorched desert, Isaac finds himself unearthing ancient wells and remembering promises God made to his forefathers. In the first talk of the series, Liam considers how Genesis 26 invites us to return to God in faith and ask Him to do new and mighty things in our generation.
1/6/201936 minutes, 30 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Central Christmas service

Christmas brings us together. In this talk from our Central London Christmas service, David considers that the story of Jesus’ birth teaches us how to live together despite our differences.
12/16/201815 minutes, 37 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: One Small Step for God

Many of us are familiar with the general themes of the Christmas story, but a little hazy on the details. But the meaning is found in the details. In this talk from our Bethnal Green Carol Service, Liam reflects on Luke 2 and how the birth of Jesus changes everything.
12/9/201827 minutes, 7 seconds
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Proverbs: Rule and Reign

The best rulers are those who walk in the way of wisdom, leading with integrity and humility. In this talk David looks at how we can use our influence well, for the good of others.
12/9/201837 minutes, 44 seconds
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Proverbs: Guard Your Heart

We are emotional beings, designed to express a full range of feelings. In this talk, Jo considers how we can guard our hearts, and learn to express our emotions in a healthy manner.
12/2/201834 minutes, 14 seconds
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Proverbs: Parent Positively

Raising children is a joy, and a challenge! In this talk from our Baby Dedication Services, Andy considers some Biblical wisdom for positive parenting.
11/25/201838 minutes, 39 seconds
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Guest Speakers: Justin Welby

Justin Welby is the Archbishop of Canterbury and the leader of the Church of England. We were honoured to have him at Love London Sunday, as he shared from the book of Revelation on how the church can avoid being deceived and instead be a source of hope in our culture.
11/18/201836 minutes, 49 seconds
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Proverbs: Master Your Appetites

We were created with desires and appetites for food, drink and pleasure, but often it’s easier to be mastered by our appetites than to master them. In this talk, Liam looks at how we can enjoy life whilst controlling our desires.
11/11/201833 minutes, 55 seconds
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Proverbs: Seek Justice

“The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.” In this talk, Tim looks at what this proverb teaches us about the different causes of poverty, and what we can do in response.
11/4/201834 minutes, 22 seconds
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Proverbs: Be Generous

Generosity is the sign of a healthy heart, and when we use our money to refresh others, we get refreshed in return. In this talk, David looks at the importance of generosity and some principles for healthy giving.
10/28/201834 minutes, 10 seconds
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Proverbs: Love Wisdom, not Wealth

Proverbs has a lot to say about money, both its blessing and its dangers. In this talk, Liam considers three principles for how we should pursue wisdom, discipline and faith in relation to our finances.
10/21/201839 minutes, 40 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Local Sunday: Bethnal Green

‘Lord, teach us to pray.’ In this talk, Joel Wade looks at the importance of prayer: how we can strengthen our prayer muscle, the struggles we may face in prayer, and how we can overcome them.
10/14/201832 minutes, 33 seconds
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Proverbs: Speak Life

Our words are powerful. They have the potential to build up or tear down. In this talk Hannah Elwyn thinks about the importance of guarding our mouths, and speaking truth that refreshes and brings life.
10/14/201835 minutes, 10 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Local Sunday: Sutton

In this talk, Andy reflects on spiritual transformation, and the different ways we can nourish ourselves for spiritual growth.
10/7/201838 minutes, 35 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Local Sunday: Central London

David encourages us to surrender everything to Jesus, be transformed by Him, and as a result, commit to building community in the heart of the capital.
10/7/201841 minutes, 29 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Local Sunday: Stockwell

Continuing on from his talk on the power of words, Tim Frisby speaks from Luke chapter 8 on the power and importance of our words when we speak to one another about God.
10/7/201846 minutes, 10 seconds
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Proverbs: Love Wisely

All of us long for fulfilling relationships that last. In this talk, Andy looks at how we can develop healthy relationships, protect good boundaries, and avoid temptation.
9/30/201842 minutes, 43 seconds
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Proverbs: Walk with the Wise

The people we surround ourselves with have the power to influence us, for good and for bad. In this talk, Jo considers how we can choose friends wisely, and be a community who spur one another on to love and good deeds.
9/23/201830 minutes, 19 seconds
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Proverbs: Listen and Learn

Wisdom cries out to anyone who will listen. But not all hear her voice. In this talk, David considers the importance of being humble and teachable, if we are to walk in the way of Wisdom.
9/16/201841 minutes, 57 seconds
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Proverbs: Work Well

In this talk, Lars continues our series on Proverbs, looking at the importance of and foundation for working well.
9/9/201839 minutes, 52 seconds
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Proverbs: The Beginning of Wisdom

In this talk, Liam kicks of our sermon series on Proverbs by looking at the importance of wisdom, knowledge and understanding throughout creation, and how building our lives on Jesus lays the foundation that can weather the storms of life.
9/2/201840 minutes, 56 seconds
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Jonah: God’s Heart

God saves Nineveh, and rather than being joyful about it, Jonah is bitter! In the final talk of our series Joel compares Jonah’s heart with God’s heart, and challenges us about our attitudes.
8/26/201829 minutes, 15 seconds
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Jonah: God’s Message

As Jonah emerges from the belly of the fish, God re-commissions him and sends him again to Nineveh. In this talk, Liam looks at God’s message to the city, and the message God gives us today.
8/19/201834 minutes, 42 seconds
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Jonah: God’s Mercy

As Jonah sinks to the bottom of the ocean, God shows him unexpected mercy, in the form of a giant fish. In this talk, Jacqui looks at Jonah’s song of praise, and considers what it can teach us about the character of God.
8/12/201836 minutes, 14 seconds
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Jonah: God’s Voice

God called Jonah to take a surprising message to a hostile nation, and the prophet responds by running in the opposite direction! In the first talk of our new series, Jo looks at Jonah chapter 1 and considers the challenge of being called as God’s voice to the city.
8/5/201833 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ruth: The Legacy of Chesed

In the final talk of our series, Joel looks at Ruth’s legacy, and challenges us to dream about the difference our lives could make, as we commit to faith and love.
7/29/201829 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ruth: An Epidemic of Chesed

In this talk Liam looks at Ruth’s daring proposal to Boaz, and shows that God intends to change the world through men and women who bear His image and are committed to Chesed love.
7/22/201840 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ruth: The Spirit of Chesed

Ruth goes to glean wheat from a nearby field, which just happens to belong to her relative Boaz, a man committed to the spirit of the law. In this talk Jo Wells considers how God sees our needs and acts on our behalf.
7/15/201836 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ruth: The Power of Chesed

In the first week of our new series, Tim Frisby looks at the story of Naomi and Ruth and considers the power of ‘chesed’ – a quality of love that is willing to take on the pain of others.
7/8/201835 minutes, 59 seconds
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Visions of God: The Lion and the Lamb

In Revelation 5, John turns to see who is sitting on the throne. But where he expects to see a lion, instead he sees a slaughtered lamb. In this talk, Liam considers what it means to know Jesus as the lion and the lamb.
7/1/201833 minutes, 3 seconds
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Visions of God: The Light and the Lampstands

The book of Revelation begins with a picture of Jesus walking among seven lamp stands. In this talk, Liam looks at how Jesus loves to speak to his church, so that he can speak through his church.
6/24/201839 minutes, 8 seconds
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Visions of God: The Beloved Son

Jesus stands atop a mountain, and suddenly he is transformed, so that his disciples see him as he truly is. In this talk, Tim considers the story of the transfiguration, and what it teaches us about Jesus’ glory.
6/17/201834 minutes, 21 seconds
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Visions of God: The Holy King

Isaiah describes a dramatic encounter with God’s glory, in which he is convicted of his inadequacy. In this talk, David looks at how God’s holiness should inspire us to worship.
6/10/201847 minutes
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Visions of God: The Glory on the Throne

Ezekiel describes a mysterious vision of God’s glory. It’s so mysterious that he can barely put it into words. In this talk, Liam looks at a humbling paradox of God; He is unknowable, and yet knowable.
6/3/201840 minutes, 59 seconds
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Visions of God: The Pillar of Fire and Cloud

God has heard the cries of His people suffering in Egypt, and come to set them free. And He does so in the form of a pillar of fire and cloud. In this talk, we consider how God leads, protects and fights for His people.
5/27/201836 minutes, 45 seconds
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Visions of God: The Pillar of Fire and Cloud

God has heard the cries of His people suffering in Egypt, and come to set them free. And He does so in the form of a pillar of fire and cloud. In this talk, we consider how God leads, protects and fights for His people.
5/27/201825 minutes, 36 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Love London Sunday

At our Love London Sunday baptism service, David speaks on Pentecost and the importance of listening to the Holy Spirit.
5/20/201826 minutes, 50 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Local Sunday: Bethnal Green

In this talk, Joel looks at the importance of cultivating a good heart when it comes to living purposefully, and the steps we need to take to make that happen.
5/13/201831 minutes, 26 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Local Sunday: Covent Garden

In our fast paced world, we can often get frustrated when God’s ways seem slower than we might like. In this talk, Jonny looks at Paul’s shipwreck in Acts 27 and considers how we can trust God in the process.
5/13/201843 minutes, 54 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Local Sunday: Central London

In this talk to the Central London service, David uses John 15 to outline the importance of building community in the city.
5/13/201835 minutes, 5 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Local Sunday: Stockwell Dedications

Continuing the conversation about the type of church community we want to become, Tim reminded us of the power our words have and encouraged us to use them to build one another up and “call into being things that are not” (Romans 4:17).
5/13/201827 minutes, 40 seconds
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Visions of God: The Burning Bush: Hannah Elwyn

Moses sees a bush that is engulfed in flame, yet doesn’t seem to be burnt up. As he approaches, he finds himself meeting a holy God. Hannah unpacks how God calls and commissions us for his purposes.
5/6/201841 minutes, 48 seconds
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Visions of God: The Burning Bush: Al Marsh

Moses sees a bush that is engulfed in flame, yet doesn’t seem to be burnt up. As he approaches, he finds himself meeting a holy God. Al looks at who God is and how He cares for us.
5/6/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Visions of God: Consuming Fire

When Solomon dedicated the Temple, it was suddenly filled with God’s fire and glory. In this talk, Jo Wells looks at the importance of God’s presence in the midst of His worshippers.
4/29/201828 minutes, 41 seconds
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Visions of God: The Son of Man and the Ancient of Days

We begin our new series, ‘Visions of God’, by looking at the most common title Jesus used to describe himself, ‘The Son of Man.’ This talk from Daniel 7, encourages us to look deeper at who God really is, in a world full of competing distractions.
4/23/201838 minutes, 8 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Easter Sunday

Why is this world full of pain, disappointment and death? And what is God’s plan to overcome it? In this talk from Easter Sunday, Tim considers why we’re often tempted to ‘look for the living among the dead’ and how the resurrection calls us to be part of a movement that brings life and hope to our world.
4/1/201835 minutes, 11 seconds
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Equipped: The Armour of God: The Sword of the Spirit - Ephesians 6:17

The sword is the only truly offensive part of the armour; the piece we use to fight. In this talk Lars considers how the word of God is a powerful weapon for the Christian life.
3/25/201839 minutes, 48 seconds
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Guest Speakers: Rachel Gardner

Listen to the talk Rachel Gardner (Relationship Lead at Youthscape, President of the Girl’s Brigade England and Wales, founder of the Romance Academy) gave at our four services on the relationship between Christ, culture, and us.
3/18/201841 minutes, 8 seconds
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Equipped: The Armour of God: The Shoes of Peace - Ephesians 6:15

Paul tells us to have our feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In this talk, we consider how the gospel gives us peace, and equips us to spread peace wherever we go.
3/11/201834 minutes, 5 seconds
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Equipped: The Armour of God: The Shoes of Peace - Ephesians 6:15

Paul tells us to have our feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In this talk, we consider how the gospel gives us peace, and equips us to spread peace wherever we go.
3/11/201829 minutes, 31 seconds
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Equipped: The Armour of God: The Shoes of Peace - Ephesians 6:15

Paul tells us to have our feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In this talk, we consider how the gospel gives us peace, and equips us to spread peace wherever we go.
3/11/201829 minutes, 40 seconds
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Equipped: The Armour of God: The Shield of Faith - Ephesians 6:16

Paul tells his readers to protect themselves with the shield of faith. In this talk, David considers where we might experience attacks in our lives, and how we can defend ourselves when they come.
3/4/201842 minutes, 10 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Stockwell Dedications

Listen to Andy Tilsley give a talk at our Stockwell dedication service
3/4/201831 minutes, 37 seconds
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Equipped: The Armour of God: The Belt and the Helmet

One of the ways we can stand firm is by protecting the thoughts we allow to occupy our minds. In this talk, we consider what it means to wear the belt of the truth and the helmet of salvation.
2/27/201832 minutes, 49 seconds
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Equipped: The Armour of God: The Whole Armour

Life is a battle! There are plenty of challenges that can wear us down. But in the first talk of this new series, Liam shows how God promises to give us everything we need to stand firm.
2/18/201840 minutes, 23 seconds
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First Love: Worship and the Spirit

Jesus said that God was looking for people who would worship Him ‘in Spirit and truth.’ In the final talk of our series, Andy considers what it means to worship God in Spirit.
2/11/201838 minutes, 11 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Joel & Dee Wade to the East Service

ChristChurch London is one church, with one vision, meeting in four locations. In this standalone sermon, Joel and Dee Wade explore how that vision plays out in our East service.
2/11/201830 minutes, 36 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Jonny Blake to the West End service

ChristChurch London is one church, with one vision, meeting in four locations. In this standalone sermon, Jonny and Georgie Blake explore how that vision plays out in our West End service.
2/11/201846 minutes, 48 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Tim & Jacqui Frisby to the South Service

ChristChurch London is one church, with one vision, meeting in four locations. In this standalone sermon, Tim and Jacqui Frisby explore how that vision plays out in our South service.
2/11/201834 minutes, 59 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: David Stroud to the Central Service

ChristChurch London is one church, with one vision, meeting in four locations. In this standalone sermon, David Stroud explores how that vision plays out in our central service.
2/4/201843 minutes, 17 seconds
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First Love: Worship and the Mind

Scripture is full of encouragements to gaze upon God’s beauty. But what does this actually mean, and how do we do it? In this talk, Liam considers the role of our imagination in worship.
1/28/201839 minutes
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First Love: Worship and the Body

The Hebrew Scriptures contain many words for worship, which involve our voices, arms, hands, and knees. In this talk, David looks at Psalm 95 and considers how we are to use our body in worship.
1/21/201832 minutes, 16 seconds
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First Love: Worship and the Emotions

Many of us assume either that worship is all about emotion, or that emotions should have no place in worship. In this talk, Lars considers how the Psalmist engaged his emotions in worship, and how we can do the same.
1/21/201840 minutes, 28 seconds
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First Love: Worship and the Heart

The Bible teaches that we were made to worship, and we find fullness of life when we give ourselves to our Creator. In the first talk of our new series, Jo Wells looks at Psalm 84 and considers what it means to worship with all of our hearts.
1/8/201835 minutes, 29 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Christingle

In this talk from our South Nativity Service, Chris Oldfield reflects on the meaning of Christmas, and considers how the Christingle helps us to think about Jesus’ significance.
12/17/201712 minutes, 36 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Light Breaks In

It’s no coincidence that lights play a huge part in how we celebrate Christmas; the whole story is about light breaking into darkness. In this talk from our Carol Service, Liam considers the message and challenge of Christmas, and how it resonates with our deepest longings.
12/10/201724 minutes, 41 seconds
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Guest Speakers: Pete Greig

Pete Greig is one of the founders of 24-7 Prayer, and leads Emmaus Rd church in Guildford. He is also the Director of Prayer for HTB and Alpha International and the author of numerous books on prayer.
12/3/201746 minutes, 2 seconds
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Acts of the Spirit: The Spirit of Sacrifice

When the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit, they began living for something greater, even being willing to lay down their lives for others. In the final talk of this series, Andy Tilsley considers how the Holy Spirit causes us to live sacrificial lives.
11/26/201739 minutes, 37 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Andy Crouch

Listen to Andy Crouch speak during the afternoon session of this years Love London Sunday.
11/19/201737 minutes, 50 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Love London ’17

Love London Sunday is an opportunity for all of our services to gather together as a whole church family. Listen to David Stroud’s stand alone talk from that service.
11/19/201725 minutes, 55 seconds
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Acts of the Spirit: The Spirit of Unity

One of the hallmarks of the early church was its incredible diversity. Cultural, social, and ethnic barriers were torn down, as the Holy Spirit united people from hugely different backgrounds. In this talk, Liam considers how we can build a diverse and inclusive church.
11/13/201740 minutes, 18 seconds
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Acts of the Spirit: The Spirit of Unity

This talk was recorded at our South Dedication Service. The first place Jesus’ disciples were ever called ‘Christians’ was in Antioch – one of the biggest, most multi-cultural cities in the Roman Empire. In this talk, Tim explains why that was, and how the Spirit works to bring unity between very different types of people by forming them into one, new family.
11/12/201730 minutes, 4 seconds
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Acts of the Spirit: The Spirit of Mission

The early church swept across the ancient world, driven by a powerful mixture of faith, strategy, and the guidance of the Spirit. In this talk, David looks at how the Holy Spirit leads and empowers us to start new churches.
11/5/201734 minutes, 12 seconds
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Theology Matters: How to Read the Bible: Session 4: From Principle to Application

We’ve considered how to understand the meaning of a text to its original hearers, and how to determine the principles that help connect it to our world, but until we work out how to apply the text in our world, the journey is incomplete. This final session looks at how to move from principle to application. Download the handout.
11/3/201759 minutes, 17 seconds
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Theology Matters: How to Read the Bible: Session 3: Reading the Old Testament

For many people, the Old Testament is particularly confusing, since the gap between the original events and our context is so vast. In this session we look at an extra step in the interpretive journey, and explore some principles for to interpret Old Testament Narratives. (Please note, due to a technical failure, part of this recording is missing, but hopefully the handouts will fill in some of the gaps). Download the handout.
11/3/201718 minutes, 6 seconds
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Theology Matters: How to Read the Bible: Session 2: Crossing the Bridge

It’s one thing to know what Scripture meant to the original hearers, but how can we work out what it might mean to us? In this session we will consider how we can bridge the gaps of time, geography, language and culture, to discover the relevance of God’s word in our world. Download the handout.
11/3/20171 hour, 15 minutes, 13 seconds
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Theology Matters: How to Read the Bible: Session 1: Beginning the Interpretive Journey

Why is the Bible such a difficult book to read? And how should we approach some of the challenges that it poses? This first session looks at the journey we go on when interpreting Scripture, and the tools that can help us navigate from the original context to applying it in our world. Download the handout
11/3/20171 hour, 9 minutes, 30 seconds
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Acts of the Spirit: The Spirit of Faith

Listen to Andy Tilsley talk about the Spirit of Faith.
10/29/201739 minutes, 34 seconds
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Acts of the Spirit: The Spirit of Boldness

Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would fill the disciples with boldness. In this talk, Jo looks at the story of Philip, who unexpectedly found himself sharing the good news about Jesus through a divine encounter.
10/22/201737 minutes, 3 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Standalone Talk

ChristChurch London is committed to working for the cultural, social and spiritual renewal of our city. In this talk, David unpacks that vision, considering where we are going, and how we hope to get there.
10/15/201737 minutes, 39 seconds
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Acts of the Spirit: The Spirit of Devotion

One of the hallmarks of the early church was their incredible generosity. In this talk, Andy considers what we can learn from the church’s sacrificial attitude, and how we can also practice generosity today.
10/8/201742 minutes, 37 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Generosity and the Heart

This Autumn we are preparing to take a special offering, which will enable us to continue working for the cultural, social and spiritual renewal of our city. In this standalone talk, David Stroud looks at the theme of giving.
10/1/201741 minutes, 32 seconds
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Acts of the Spirit: The Spirit of Power

A small band of disciples gathered in Jerusalem, waiting as Jesus had told them to, for the promised Holy Spirit. And when Pentecost came, everything changed. In the first talk of our new series, Liam looks at what it means to be empowered by the Spirit.
9/26/201734 minutes, 56 seconds
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David: The Man After God’s Heart - 2 Sam 22-23

The end of 2 Samuel consists of flashbacks and reflections on the life and legacy of David. It is a mixed bag. In this final talk of the series, Lars considers David’s faithfulness, but also how his failings point to our need for a Saviour.
9/17/201733 minutes, 39 seconds
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David: The Rejected King - 2 Sam 13-19

David was promised a Son who would be a wonderful, anointed King. But his son Absalom was anything but. In this talk, we look at David’s experience of rejection, and our need for a Saviour.
9/10/201737 minutes, 37 seconds
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David: The Flawed King - 2 Sam 11-12

David’s encounter with Bathsheba demonstrates that he was far from being the perfect king! But God extends a surprising amount of grace to him, offering forgiveness, in a way that points to our need for a Saviour.
9/3/201740 minutes, 38 seconds
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David: The Gracious King - 2 Samuel 9

Saul’s Kingdom has come to an end. But instead of gloating and vanquishing his enemies, David extends mercy to Mephibosheth. In this talk, Adnan Khan looks at the theme of grace.
8/27/201738 minutes, 14 seconds
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David: The Gracious King - 2 Samuel 9

Saul’s Kingdom has come to an end. But instead of gloating and vanquishing his enemies, David extends mercy to Mephibosheth. In this talk, Hannah Elwyn looks at the theme of grace.
8/27/201732 minutes, 35 seconds
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David: The Anointed King - 2 Sam 7

Following the death of Saul, David is finally crowned as King. And when David pledges to build a house for God, God makes a surprising promise; that He will build a house for David! In this talk, Tim looks at the promise of a Messiah and an everlasting Kingdom.
8/20/201738 minutes, 44 seconds
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David: The Worshipper - 2 Sam 6

The Ark of the Covenant arrives in Jerusalem, and King David leads the people in singing and dancing. In this talk Rich Butt looks at David’s passion for worship, considering what it can teach us about our own worship of God.
8/13/201737 minutes, 4 seconds
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David: The Worshipper - 2 Sam 6

The Ark of the Covenant arrives in Jerusalem, and King David leads the people in singing and dancing. In this talk Elizabeth Oldfield looks at David’s passion for worship, considering what it can teach us about our own worship of God.
8/13/201735 minutes, 13 seconds
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David: The Fugitive

Following the death of Goliath, the people celebrate David and Saul gets jealous, threatening to kill him. In this talk, Andy looks at how David acted with integrity and faith, even when he was pursued as a fugitive.
8/6/201741 minutes, 14 seconds
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David: The Giant Killer - 1 Sam 17

David quickly faces an enormous challenge, in the form of the giant Goliath. In this talk, Lars looks at how we can face challenges in our lives, knowing that the battle belongs to the Lord.
7/30/201734 minutes, 38 seconds
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David: The Chosen One

The people of God have asked for a king, expecting someone who is strong, powerful and wealthy. But God seems to have different ideas. In the first talk of our new series, Liam looks at the choosing of David, and considers how God choose to use the unexpected for His purposes.
7/23/201737 minutes, 58 seconds
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Fully Alive: The New Creation

How can we be image bearers of God? In this talk, David Stroud looks at how faith, hope and love play a key part in what it means to live fully alive.
7/16/201740 minutes, 26 seconds
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Fully Alive: The Kingdom - Luke 4:14-22

As we turn to the New Testament, we read of Jesus, the true image bearer, who announces the arrival of God’s Kingdom. In this talk, Jo looks at how the message of the Kingdom results in freedom and renewal.
7/9/201751 minutes, 21 seconds
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Fully Alive: The Temple - Exodus 19:4-6

God’s people are no longer in a garden, but a wilderness. Yet God continues to reach out to them, and through them to the world. In this talk, Andy looks at God’s plan to create a Kingdom of Priests.
7/2/201740 minutes, 19 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: God’s Tattoo

If God had a tattoo, what would it be? In this talk, from our Baby Dedication service, Liam looks at Isaiah 49 and considers how God is a loving Father, who invites us to join His family.
6/25/201730 minutes, 25 seconds
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Fully Alive: The Garden

God created humanity, male and female, in His own image, and gave them the task to care for the garden and expand its borders. In this talk, David looks at how that calling shapes our vision to work for the cultural, social, and spiritual renewal of our world.
6/18/201738 minutes, 12 seconds
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Guest Speakers: God is Stranger

In this talk, our guest speaker Krish Kandiah looks at how God sees us, and consequently, how we should treat the last, the least and the lost.
6/11/201736 minutes, 9 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Thy Kingdom Come

Jesus taught us to pray ‘your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.’ In this standalone talk from Pentecost Sunday, Liam reflects on why this prayer remains important today, and how the Holy Spirit equips us to work for the spiritual renewal of our world.
6/4/201736 minutes, 7 seconds
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Encounters with Jesus: Mary Magdalene - John 20:1–18

Death is the enemy we all long to avoid. It brings with it such pain, loss, grief, and separation. But what if it isn’t the final word? In the final talk of this series, we look at Jesus’ encounter with Mary Magdalene and consider how Jesus is able to deal with the problem of death itself.
5/28/201731 minutes, 25 seconds
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Encounters with Jesus: Encounters With Jesus: Mary Magdalene - John 20:1–18

Death is the enemy we all long to avoid. It brings with it such pain, loss, grief, and separation. But what if it isn’t the final word? In the final talk of this series, we look at Jesus’ encounter with Mary Magdalene and consider how Jesus is able to deal with the problem of death itself.
5/28/201747 minutes, 35 seconds
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Encounters with Jesus: Mary Magdalene - John 20:1–18

Death is the enemy we all long to avoid. It brings with it such pain, loss, grief, and separation. But what if it isn’t the final word? In the final talk of this series, we look at Jesus’ encounter with Mary Magdalene and consider how Jesus is able to deal with the problem of death itself.
5/28/201731 minutes, 57 seconds
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Encounters with Jesus: Pontius Pilate - John 18:28-19:42

In a post-truth age, full of fake news and alternative facts, Pontius Pilate’s question seems strangely pertinent: “what is truth?” In this talk, Andy considers how Jesus fulfils our longing for coherence.
5/21/201743 minutes, 12 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Love London

This week David spoke about spiritual renewal on a special Sunday as our four services met together to celebrate our church and the city.
5/16/201724 minutes, 59 seconds
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Encounters with Jesus: Peter - John 13:1-17

As Jesus shares a final meal with his disciples, he surprises them by washing their feet. In this talk, Liam considers our need to be made clean, and shows how God subverts our expectations and lowers himself to raise us up.
5/7/201738 minutes, 18 seconds
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Encounters with Jesus: Mary and Judas

A feast is held in Jesus’ honour, and Mary marks the occasion with a costly act of worship. In this talk, we reflect on the different responses of Mary and Judas, and consider how Jesus offers us a cause worth living for and worth giving up everything for.
4/30/201734 minutes, 43 seconds
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Encounters with Jesus: Mary and Judas - John 12:1-11

A feast is held in Jesus’ honour, and Mary marks the occasion with a costly act of worship. In this talk, we reflect on the different responses of Mary and Judas, and consider how Jesus offers us a cause worth living for and worth giving up everything for.
4/30/201742 minutes, 40 seconds
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Encounters with Jesus: Mary - John 12:1-11

A feast is held in Jesus’ honour, and Mary marks the occasion with a costly act of worship. In this talk, Hannah looks at the example of Mary and we consider how Jesus offers us a cause worth living for and worth giving up everything for.
4/30/201733 minutes, 29 seconds
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Encounters with Jesus: The Healing at Bethesda - John 5:1-15

Jesus meets a man who has been ill for many years, but the healing he offers is far deeper than purely physical. In this talk, Lars shows how Jesus is able to restore us from all our brokenness and offer us new life.
4/23/201732 minutes, 43 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday is the central event of the Christian calendar, where we remember Jesus’ resurrection and his victory over death. In this talk Dee Wade reflects on this momentous day and its relevance for our lives today.
4/16/201724 minutes, 7 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday is the central event of the Christian calendar, where we remember Jesus’ resurrection and his victory over death. In this talk Joel Nazar reflects on this momentous day and its relevance for our lives today.
4/16/201730 minutes, 56 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday is the central event of the Christian calendar, where we remember Jesus’ resurrection and his victory over death. In this talk Adam Purcell reflects on this momentous day and its relevance for our lives today.
4/16/201721 minutes, 40 seconds
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Encounters with Jesus: The Woman Caught in Adultery - John 8:1-11

The religious leaders try to trap Jesus, by presenting a ‘sinner’ for him to condemn. But Jesus’ response turns the tables back on them in a surprising way. In this talk, Liam looks at how Jesus exposes ‘bad religion’ and offers forgiveness and new life.
4/9/201740 minutes, 53 seconds
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Encounters with Jesus: The Samaritan Woman - John 4:1-42

All of us long for fulfilment, but too often the places we look for it fail to satisfy. In this talk, David looks at Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan Woman, and considers how Jesus meets our thirst for fulfilment.
4/2/201738 minutes, 51 seconds
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Encounters with Jesus: Nicodemus

A religious leader comes to Jesus in the dead of night, with a bunch of questions. But Jesus’ response is far deeper than he’d imagined. In this talk, Jo looks at the story of Nicodemus and shows how Jesus offers answers that satisfy both the head and the heart.
3/29/201735 minutes, 49 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Taking the Plunge

Why on earth would fully-grown and fully-dressed adults allow themselves to be pushed under water and then pulled out again? And why does the church think this is worth celebrating? In this standalone talk, Liam looks at the theme of baptism, and considers why we do it and what it achieves.
3/20/201738 minutes, 15 seconds
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Encounters with Jesus: Nathanael - John 1:43-51

All of us have big questions – about life, about meaning, about God. But how can we explore these questions in a healthy way, which leads to answers? In the first talk of our new series, Andy looks at Jesus’ conversation with Nathanael and considers how to be helpfully sceptical.
3/19/201740 minutes, 1 second
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Guest Speakers: Ele Mumford

John and Eleanor Mumford play a significant leadership role within the Vineyard family of churches, both in the UK and overseas. They have spoken at ChristChurch many times and have proved to be popular on each of their visits. Listen here to Ele Mumford share a message at our central service.
3/6/201735 minutes, 21 seconds
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Theology Matters: The Trinity: Session 4: The Trinity and the Christian Life

This final session considers what practical differences the Trinity makes to the Christian life, and how having an accurate view of the Trinity can enrich our prayer and our worship. Download the handouts.
3/1/201742 minutes, 52 seconds
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Theology Matters: The Trinity: Session 3: Creation and Salvation

What does the Trinity achieve? And what can we learn from looking at the activity of God in the world? This session considers the role of the Trinity in creation and salvation, and the difference it makes knowing we are made and saved by a Triune God. Download the handouts.
3/1/201742 minutes, 27 seconds
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Theology Matters: The Trinity: Session 2: How (not) to think about the Trinity

How is the Trinity revealed to us? What does the interaction between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the gospels tell us about God’s eternal nature? And what are some helpful (and unhelpful) ways in which we can begin to think and talk about the Trinity? Download the handouts.
3/1/20171 hour, 6 minutes, 37 seconds
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Theology Matters: The Trinity: Session 1: Introducing the Trinity

The Trinity is a mystery: a deeply complex idea at the heart of the Christian faith. So if it’s a mystery, why bother thinking about it at all? In this first session, we introduce the idea of the Trinity and begin to explore how God’s triune nature is revealed through Scripture. Download the handouts.
3/1/20171 hour, 1 minute, 58 seconds
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The Lord's Prayers: Empowered Prayer

Praying for the Holy Spirit was an important part of Jesus’ life and the life of the early Church. In the last talk in our series on prayer, David Stroud looks at how we can be empowered by the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.
2/26/201736 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Lord's Prayers: Prayer of Surrender

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus offered up a heartfelt and tear-soaked prayer. In this talk, Tim Frisby looks at Jesus’ prayer of surrender and considers how we can also surrender our lives to God in prayer.
2/19/201735 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Lord's Prayers: Prayer for Unity

A short while before his death Jesus prayed a prayer for all those who would come after him – us included. In this talk, Liam looks at Jesus’ prayer for unity and considers how it should shape our own prayers.
2/12/201742 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Lord's Prayers: The Lord’s Prayer

The disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, and in response Jesus gave them a model prayer. In this talk, David Stroud looks at the Lord’s Prayer and considers how it can shape our approach to prayer.
2/5/201734 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Lord's Prayers: Rhythms of Prayer

Jesus prayed all the time. Whether in the morning or evening, with others or alone, he seemed to prioritise prayer. In this talk, Lars will consider how we can learn from Jesus and build healthy rhythms of prayer into our lives.
1/29/201743 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Lord's Prayers: A Hunger for God

As well as praying, Jesus made a regular habit of fasting, and he taught his disciples to do the same. In this talk Andy Tilsley looks at what fasting is, what it achieves, and how it can enrich our prayer lives.
1/22/201740 minutes, 37 seconds
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Guest Speakers: Ric Thorpe

The Right Revd. Ric Thorpe is the Bishop of Islington. He is responsible for London’s Church growth strategy and is supporting the creation of 100 new worshipping communities within the Diocese of London by 2020. We were thrilled to have him with us as our guest speaker at all four services.
1/15/201733 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Lord's Prayers: Our Father

What we believe about God affects how we approach Him, and Jesus taught his disciples to begin prayer saying, “Our Father…” (Matthew 6:9). In the first talk of our series, Jo considers how knowing God as Father is the foundation for prayer.
1/10/201743 minutes, 59 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Longing for a King

Christmas has become a joyful time of giving and receiving, but is any of it ultimately satisfying? In this talk Joel examines some basic human longings, and proposes how they might tessellate with those of God’s and what this might mean for us.
12/18/201625 minutes, 16 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Jesus, Light of the World - John 1:9

The apostle John says that on the night Jesus was born, ‘the true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world’ (John 1:9). In this short talk from the South’s Nativity Service, Tim uses the true story of the media campaign that convinced hundreds of Columbian Guerillas to demobilise over Christmas to illustrate what it means for Jesus to be ‘the light of the world.’
12/18/201615 minutes, 36 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Carol Service ’16

Listen as Andy addresses the congregation at this years carol service. In the talk Andy looks back at some of the global highs and lows of 2016 before considering what the Christmas story can tell us about love, the potential in our relationships, and the wider world.
12/11/201631 minutes, 57 seconds
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Abraham: The Father of Faith: Faith for Provision - Genesis 22

Finally Abraham is given a son, and then God asks him to do the unthinkable – offer him up as a sacrifice. In this talk Tim looks at the sacrifice of Isaac in Genesis 22 and considers how we can trust God as our Provider.
12/6/201637 minutes, 19 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Faith for the City - Genesis 18:16-33

While God prepares to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham pleads for Him to show them mercy. In this talk, Liam considers the importance and prayer and thinks about how we can have faith for our city.
11/27/201643 minutes, 41 seconds
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Abraham: The Father of Faith: Faith for the Impossible - Genesis 18:1-15

When God told Sarah she would have a child, she laughed, discounting herself on the basis of her age and physical ability. But what seems impossible to us is possible to God. In this talk, Lars considers how we can have faith for the impossible.
11/20/201645 minutes, 16 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: The Pursuing God - Luke 15:1-7

Many people imagine God to be a distant being – an inapproachable perfectionist who judges from afar. But is that really the God of the Bible? In this talk from our Baby Dedication Services, Liam looks at Jesus’ stories of the lost sheep and considers how God loves and pursues us.
11/20/201626 minutes, 20 seconds
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Abraham: The Father of Faith: Faith for the Future - Genesis 17

God’s promises to Abraham are not just for his generation, but for many generations to come. In a world where church attendance seems to be in decline, how can we have faith for the future?
11/13/201640 minutes, 46 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Love London ’16

Abraham received a dream that would far outlive him – a dream that would be fulfilled across thousands of years, resulting in the blessing of the whole world. In this talk from our Love London Sunday, David considers where God might take ChristChurch London in the coming years, and how each of us can play our part now.
11/6/201626 minutes, 4 seconds
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Abraham: The Father of Faith: Faith and Patience

Eager to see the promises of God fulfilled, Abraham and Sarah take a shortcut, with disastrous consequences! In this talk Andy looks at the story of Hagar and Ishmael and considers how we can live patiently, with faith in God’s timing.
10/30/201640 minutes, 17 seconds
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Theology Matters: An Introduction to Hebrews: Session 4: The New Covenant (8:1–10:18)

Jesus has inaugurated a new covenant. But what does that mean for the old one? What was wrong with it, and how is the new covenant different? In this final session we look at how Jesus’ death achieves what the Old Testament sacrifices never could and we consider how Jesus gives us confidence to persevere in our faith. Handout: Session 4
10/29/201639 minutes, 9 seconds
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Theology Matters: An Introduction to Hebrews: Session 3: The Great High Priest (4:14–5:10; 7:1–28)

Hebrews describes Jesus as our Great High Priest. But is he qualified for the job? In this session we look at how Hebrews contrasts Jesus with Aaron, and we explore what it means for him to be a priest in the order of Melchizedek. Handout Notes: Session 3 – The Great High Priest
10/29/201653 minutes, 43 seconds
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Theology Matters: An Introduction to Hebrews: Session 2: Warnings and Encouragements (3:6b, 14; 6:4–20)

The book of Hebrews contains a number of warnings, using strong and challenging language. But it also contains many equally strong encouragements about the faithfulness of God. This session considers who the warning passages are directed to, and how we should understand them. Handout Notes: Session 2 — Warnings and encouragements
10/29/201658 minutes, 40 seconds
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Theology Matters: An Introduction to Hebrews: Session 1: Jesus is Better (1:1–4:13)

The author of Hebrews begins by establishing Jesus’ credentials. In the first four chapters he seeks to show how Jesus is God’s ultimate communication – better than the prophets, the angels, Moses and Joshua – before addressing the theme of ‘rest’ and considering how we might come to enjoy it. Handout Notes: Session 1 – Jesus is better
10/29/20161 hour, 2 minutes, 27 seconds
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Abraham: The Father of Faith: Faith for Central London

We love London and are working for its cultural, social and spiritual renewal. But in this talk Andy Tilsley looks at our specific vision for the Central service and the ways we hope to serve this part of the city.
10/23/201636 minutes, 17 seconds
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Abraham: The Father of Faith: Faith and Finance - Genesis 14:17-24

Following a great victory, Abraham meets a mysterious priest called Melchizedek and gives him a tenth of everything he has earned. In this talk, David considers what the Bible teaches us about faith and finance.
10/16/201639 minutes, 57 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Sowing Our Tears - Psalm 126

All of us go through painful times, where hope seems absent and tears are plentiful. In this standalone talk, Liam reflects on Psalm 126 and considers how we can sow our tears to reap a harvest of joy.
10/16/201635 minutes, 31 seconds
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Abraham: The Father of Faith: Faith to be a Blessing - Genesis 12:1-3

God didn’t promise simply to bless Abraham, but to bless the entire world through him and his offspring. In this talk, David unpacks our vision to be a blessing to London: contributing to the social, cultural and renewal of the city.
10/9/201643 minutes, 40 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Promotion God’s Way

What should we do when God gives us dreams for our lives? And how should we respond when the dreams seem slow to materialise? In this talk, David looks at lessons from the life of Joseph.
10/2/201637 minutes, 46 seconds
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Stand Alone Talks: Handling Grief

The Bible teaches us not only to rejoice with those who rejoice, but also to mourn with those who mourn (Romans 12:15). This week we unexpectedly lost a dear friend and longstanding member of ChristChurch London. So in this standalone talk, David reflects on how we can handle our grief in a healthy way.
10/2/201628 minutes, 8 seconds
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Abraham: The Father of Faith: Faith to Follow (Genesis 12:1-9)

At the age of 75 Abraham was called to leave his country, his people and his household and follow God into the unknown. Andy Tilsley opens this new series by looking at how we can live with faith to follow God, even when the destination and means are unknown.
9/25/201644 minutes, 24 seconds
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Summer of Love: Love Overcomes (1 John 5:1-12)

As John brings his letter to a close he shows how faith in Jesus gives us the motivation and the means to overcome the world’s divisions and love all of God’s children. Tim uses this as an opportunity to talk about celebrating our differences, overcoming prejudice and tribalism, and working for unity in diversity.
9/18/201635 minutes, 49 seconds
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Summer of Love: Love Made Visible - 1 John 4:7–21

John argues that ‘God is love’ and yet he also says that ‘nobody has seen God’. In a world so in need of love, where can we find it? And how can we see love if we cannot see God? In this talk, Liam considers how God makes His love visible, through the cross and through the church.
9/11/201638 minutes, 5 seconds
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Summer of Love: Love Does - 1 John 3:11-24

Love is not just a sentiment – a nice feeling that we possess towards others. Love results in action. Love does. In this talk Chris looks at how we should lay down our lives in love for one another.
9/4/201635 minutes, 32 seconds
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Summer of Love: Love Does - 1 John 3:11-24

Love is not just a sentiment – a nice feeling that we possess towards others. Love results in action. Love does. In this talk Vicki looks at how we should lay down our lives in love for one another.
9/4/201634 minutes
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Summer of Love: Love Does - 1 John 3:11-24

Love is not just a sentiment – a nice feeling that we possess towards others. Love results in action. Love does. In this talk Adam looks at how we should lay down our lives in love for one another.
9/4/201634 minutes, 52 seconds
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Summer of Love: Family Resemblance - 1 John 2:28-3:10

What difference does the love of God make to our lives? In this talk, Marc looks at the theme of adoption, and considers how God’s love transforms us to look more and more like Him.
8/28/201634 minutes, 40 seconds