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CHRISTIAN LIFE COACH COLLECTIVE- Clarity on Coach Calling, Get Trained and Certified, Build Foundations, Business Support Cover
CHRISTIAN LIFE COACH COLLECTIVE- Clarity on Coach Calling, Get Trained and Certified, Build Foundations, Business Support Profile

CHRISTIAN LIFE COACH COLLECTIVE- Clarity on Coach Calling, Get Trained and Certified, Build Foundations, Business Support

English, Religion, 1 season, 275 episodes, 4 days, 9 hours, 14 minutes
DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE AND FOLLOW ? Are you ready to become a great life coach with a firm foundation? Are you looking for the building blocks of a coaching business and more joy in your life? Are you asking God for your purpose and calling in this season and He is saying, ”You’re a coach!”? Even if your area of coaching is more specific, these foundations and strategies will help you get amazing results for any niche of coaching! All things are possible my friend! And being a coach is a beautiful expression of serving God and others! This is the podcast for you if you’re looking to become a coach or if you’re already coaching but want more clarity, strategy, and growth. I’m laying out ALL.THE.THINGS you need to know if you’re ready to jump into your coach calling and answering your questions- ”What kind of coach am I? How do I start? Will people really want me to help them? How do I grow personally in this journey?” ”Who will walk with me while I am walking with everyone else?” I will! My coach calling is to support you in tangible ways and together we will discover your journey to revealing God in the way He uniquely designed you to! There’s a seat at this table for you and your mind is about to explode with all of the goodness coming your way! You are becoming a hero in your own story and will be an amazing guide to the ones who are in front of you. Facebook Community —> Get trained —> FB —> IG —>
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273-How to Create a High Value Coaching Package

COACHING BUSINESS- Want to know how to create a coaching package? I'm so here for you if you need to know the essential components of creating a high-value coaching package that delivers transformational results for your clients! Whether you're a new coach or looking to refine your current offers, I'm talking about how to craft a coaching package that stands out, provides immense value, and attracts the right clients. We’ll explore different types of packages, how to implement bonuses and resources, and actionable steps to enhance the overall client experience. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Check this out on the Life Coach Blog so you can copy, paste, and contextualize! Key Takeaways: Personalization is Key to High-Value Packages High-value coaching packages provide clients with personalized attention, tailored resources, and ongoing support. Whether through one-on-one coaching, accountability tools, or exclusive content, your clients should feel their needs are directly addressed and their goals prioritized. Incorporate Bonuses and Resources Enhance your packages with bonuses that add real value—think digital toolkits, exclusive content, or personalized welcome packages. Providing ongoing support post-package can further set you apart by ensuring clients feel supported, even after the coaching engagement ends. Tailor Your Coaching Package to Client Needs Structure your packages based on the results clients want to achieve and how long it typically takes to reach those goals. From weekly sessions to VIP days, ensure the frequency, duration, and format of your coaching is designed for their success. Listener Challenge: Take some time this week to brainstorm two different high-value coaching packages you could offer your clients. Focus on personalization, support, and resources. Once you have them mapped out, consider testing both to see which one resonates more with your audience. Ready for the next step? Share your package ideas on social media and tag me—I’d love to see what you create! IG @coachlauramalone Grab your FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @coachlauramalone on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
9/19/202430 minutes, 21 seconds
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272-Stepping Into the Righteousness of Christ

CONNECTING WITH GOD- I’m coming to you from a peaceful Sunday morning, resting in the Lord and reflecting on a powerful message from the Jesus Calling app (September 15th reading). Today, I want to talk about what it means to truly rest- not just physically, but to find rest for your soul. We’ll explore how we can let go of striving and lean into the truth that God’s love is unconditional and His righteousness is already ours through Christ. It’s a message of hope, peace, and freedom from condemnation, one I believe is timely for all of us. Listener Challenge: Here’s a challenge for you this week, friends: Take a moment every day to sit in stillness and simply rest in God’s presence. No agenda, no striving—just be. As you do, reflect on these truths: You are already righteous in Christ—there is nothing you can do to earn God’s love. It’s yours. Let go of striving—release the need to perform or prove yourself, and instead, walk in confidence, knowing who you are in Him. Listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit—pay attention to the difference between condemnation and conviction. When God speaks to you, He calls you toward growth with love, not shame. Finally, I invite you to meditate on this scripture: “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” — John 15:13. Reflect on how Jesus laid down His life for you, His friend, and how that changes everything. BECOME A STORYMAKER- 1:1 COACHING ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” — Matthew 11:28 “When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth.” — John 16:13 “For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.” — 1 Timothy 2:5 “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things.” — John 14:26 Grab your FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @coachlauramalone on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
9/15/202414 minutes, 56 seconds
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271-Create a Space that Supports Your Success and Productivity

SUCCESS AND PRODUCTIVITY- Let's explore how to set yourself up for success when working from home by understanding how you work best. From morning routines to workspace setups and how to end your workday on a high note, I'm asking you a series of reflective questions to help you identify your optimal work-style and work-space. Whether you’re balancing housework and job work, or just trying to find more structure in your day, this is some actionable advice for creating a productive environment that leaves your head feeling satisfied when it hits the pillow! Key Takeaways: Start Your Day with Intention Get to Work Efficiently Set Up Your Workspace for Success Take Breaks That Energize You End Your Workday on a High Note Flexibile Mindset Listener Challenge: Take action to create your ideal work-style and work-space. Head over HERE to the CLCC blog to visually work through these questions for the best results. Reflect and Identify: Go through the list of questions provided in the episode and identify what works best for you in each category. Create Your Plan: Use your answers to design a flexible work plan that fits your natural rhythm. If you chose multiple options in any category, decide the best order to implement them. Experiment and Adjust: Try out your new plan for a week. Pay attention to what works well and what doesn’t. Be prepared to adjust as needed—remember, flexibility is key! Reframe Your Mindset: If you catch yourself falling into limiting beliefs about what is possible for your workday, challenge those thoughts. Replace them with new, positive affirmations that align with your goals.   BECOME A STORYMAKER- 1:1 COACHING ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Christian Life Coach Blog   Grab your FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @coachlauramalone on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
9/12/202425 minutes, 24 seconds
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270-When It Feels Like Everything is Going Wrong, Be Victorious!

THOUGHT LIFE- You know those frustrating days when it seems like nothing is going your way? From a corrupted document to a stubborn car trunk that refuses to open, we've all been there. Met with obstacle after obstacle, it's easy to feel defeated. However, these moments offer us valuable opportunities to practice patience and resilience. In today's episode, we delve into the importance of shifting your mindset from despair to hope and learning how to handle life's little hiccups with grace. Instead of succumbing to frustration, discover how to tap into the Confidence CACHE—a tool designed to build resilience and clarity. Key Takeaways: Interpreting Challenges with Hope: Learn how to view life's challenges through a lens of hope and expectancy, rather than despair. Redefining Confidence: Understand that confidence isn't about guaranteed success but about the willingness to face challenges head-on. Practical Tools for Resilience: Equip yourself with practical strategies to transform frustrating days into victories. Join me as we explore how to shift your perspective, build resilience, and come out victorious on the other side of life's little hiccups. Listener Challenge: This week, try to identify one frustrating situation and apply the principles discussed in today’s episode. Notice how shifting your mindset can change the outcome.   BECOME A STORYMAKER- 1:1 COACHING ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: First 5 app from Proverbs 31 Ministries Live in Grace, Walk in Love by Bob Goff Unshakeable: 365 Devotions for Finding Unwavering Strength in God’s Word by Christine Caine The Well-Watered Woman: Rooted in Truth, Growing in Grace, Flourishing in Faith by Gretchen Saffles   Grab your FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @coachlauramalone on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
9/5/202422 minutes, 43 seconds
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269-Creating Your Own Motivational Thoughts

THOUGHT LIFE- Let's dive into an essential aspect of personal growth: creating your own motivational thoughts. While positive thinking and famous quotes have their roles, true motivation comes from thoughts that resonate deeply with you and push you into action. I talk about how you can discover and develop your own motivational thoughts and experiment with different strategies to see what really drives you forward. The goal is to know what you want, and think thoughts that will influence emotions that inspire you to take action that gets those results! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: First 5 app from Proverbs 31 Ministries Live in Grace, Walk in Love by Bob Goff Unshakeable: 365 Devotions for Finding Unwavering Strength in God’s Word by Christine Caine The Well-Watered Woman: Rooted in Truth, Growing in Grace, Flourishing in Faith by Gretchen Saffles   Grab your FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @coachlauramalone on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
8/29/202425 minutes, 15 seconds
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268-Connection, Support, and Like-heartedness with Coach Eve

SPIRITUAL GROWTH- This is part 3 of my conversation with Coach Eve about the 2024 She Speaks conference, becoming a writer, and the joy of being with other people who are headed in the same direction as you. When you find yourself in the voices of people who share your passion or your calling, there's a strong connection and a desire for mutual support. Proverbs 31 ministries does this so well by offering the She Speaks conference every summer for women who love Jesus and want to share the story that burns in their heart. Make sure you check it out! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Coach Eve King   Defender by Rita Springer   Proverbs 31 Ministries   She Speaks   Grab your FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @coachlauramalone on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
8/22/202419 minutes, 46 seconds
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267-Taking Sabbaths and New Elevators with Coach Eve

SPIRITUAL GROWTH- Coach Eve and I continue our 3 part conversation today and talk about the tension of self-acceptance and pursuing growth, and having goals and deadlines but knowing we are fully worthy right now the way we are. We talk about how meditation is anything you dwell on and you and use it to maintain your peace in the storm, especially when you partner it with the rest of the Sabbath in a way that speaks to you personally.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Coach Eve King   Thirteen Lives   She Speaks   Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Exodus 20:8 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Gen 2:2 Then the LORD said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. Exodus 16:4   Grab your FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @coachlauramalone on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
8/19/202423 minutes, 39 seconds
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266-Inviting God to Be My CEO (and some great news!)

SPIRITUAL GROWTH- I have so much to share with you about what God is saying! Walking with Jesus as you do life is the most fruitful thing you could ever do! I heard from the Lord and have adjusted my plans to line up with His and peace that surpasses understanding is flowing again! Listen to hear what's happening and what it means for you as well. There's some good news in this episode if you want to coach yourself and others to bring the Kingdom of heaven to earth! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: The Greenhouse Course   Called to Coach Course   Women's Coaching Circle Waitlist   Get 1:1 Coaching   Grab your FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @coachlauramalone on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
8/16/202428 minutes, 5 seconds
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265-Navigating Night Seasons with Coach Eve King

SPIRITUAL GROWTH- Coach Eve King met up with me at the Proverbs 31 Ministry's 2024 She Speaks Conference this summer and we connected to talk about some of the things God spoke to us there. We dive into spiritual 'night seasons', finding God in the darkness, the power of pain and spiritual growth, and the importance of embracing your 'right now'. This is part 1 of a episodes where we explore purpose, trust, rest, and much more! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Coach Eve King   Dr. Alicia Britt Chole- Night is Normal    Maybe It's Ok by We Are Messengers   Grab your FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @coachlauramalone on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
8/15/202430 minutes, 13 seconds
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264- 7 Spheres of Influence You Can Impact with Your Story

INFLUENCE- Your story, life experience, and wisdom are greatly needed! We are exploring the concept of spheres of influence—how our actions and words impact those around us in various settings, from family to art & media, education, economy, science & tech, government, and religion. Let's talk about how you can harness your unique experiences and wisdom to positively influence these spheres. When you understand the importance of aligning with your calling and partnering with God to bring Heaven to earth, you'll see how each sphere of influence needs what you can offer.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: The book of Esther   "The world doesn't have a darkness problem, it has a lack of light problem" -Leif Hetland   Grab your FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @coachlauramalone on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
8/8/202430 minutes, 47 seconds
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263-Can Homeschooling and Coaching Go Hand in Hand?

Meet Coach Crystal: she's doing #allthethings. As a homeschooler she found that her love for teaching and encouraging made coaching a natural step for her. I share a little bit about my journey as a homeschooler who started dreaming as well. My heart behind this episode is that you see what's possible for you even in the midst of busy/chaotic seasons. You can start dreaming now! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Increase is coming, so enlarge your tent and add extensions to your dwelling. Hold nothing back! Make the tent ropes longer and the pegs stronger. You will increase and spread out in every direction. Your sons and daughters will conquer nations and revitalize desolate cities. Isaiah 54:2-5 TPT   Grab your FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @coachlauramalone on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
8/1/202419 minutes, 43 seconds
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262-How to Keep Growing When Your Fear of Tech Keeps You Guessing

Do you feel paralyzed by the tech and online world of starting, running, and growing an online business? It makes sense if you do, because it’s super common and really normal if you’re just showing up and trying to learn. But I want to give you encouragement to get going and take action so that you are productive instead of stuck. A growth mindset and willingness to show up and ask questions are all you need! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Fiverr Zapier   Grab your FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @coachlauramalone on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
7/25/202421 minutes, 59 seconds
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261-A Divine Mystery Prayer

This is a personal, powerful prayer inspired by Ephesians 3:14-21, transformed into a first-person perspective. It emphasizes the depth of God's love and the importance of faith, and I invite you to pray along, absorb the words, and marinate in the mystery of God.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Eph 3:14-21   Grab your FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
7/22/20246 minutes, 51 seconds
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260-It's All About Showing Up and Trying

We are re-defining confidence as the willingness to show up and try despite risks and uncertainties. It's important to keep your eyes on who you serve and show up for instead of navel gazing, and when you believe you don't have confidence to speak up and say you're a coach, you'll end up in self-sabotaging cycles. People are waiting for you to help them change their lives and realize their dreams! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arise against me, yet I will be confident. Psalm 27:3 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9 But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. Jeremiah 17:7   Grab your FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
7/18/202415 minutes, 55 seconds
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259-Should Your Coaching Practice Be a For-Profit or NonProfit?

Let's talk about everything you need to consider when deciding between setting up a nonprofit or for-profit business for coaching, especially in the context of ministry. Ministry is about fulfilling a calling to serve, regardless of the legal structure. I'm sharing the legal and operational differences between nonprofits and for-profits, in addition to the mindsets, based off my personal experience running a nonprofit ministry for 18 years.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: The LORD says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." Psalm 32:8 NLT   Grab your FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
7/15/202421 minutes, 4 seconds
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BONUS- Want 40% Off All My Courses? Hot Summer Deals!

YAY! Now is the time! 40% all courses until July 19th, 2024... If you've been wanting to get trained as a coach, dial in your niche, and/or start an online coaching business, there's never been a better time!  THE GREENHOUSE COURSE- Become a Life Coach NICHE CLARITY COURSE- Figure Out Who You're Called to Coach CALLED TO COACH- Start Your Online Coaching Biz     Grab your FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
7/12/202412 minutes, 50 seconds
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258-Figure Out HOW and WHAT You Instinctively Do to Leverage Your Strengths

IDENTITY- If you know what way is most natural for you and how you instinctively do things, you'll do more with less effort. You will put yourself in position to do what is second nature to you and you'll have more energy for everything else. I'm sharing an amazing assessment that measures something most people don't take about: how and what you DO. Most assessments measure how you think and feel, and even dive into your personality. But this one pinpoints the DOING part of you and will validate and encourage you!   ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Take the Kolbe A Index HERE   Grab your FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
7/11/202424 minutes, 12 seconds
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257-IDENTITY- Knowing What Makes You Feel Loved

IDENTITY- When you have the language to express to others how you feel loved and what they can do to help you feel their love, it can dramatically impact your relationships. And your ability to how them love in the way they most feel it will help you intentionally strengthen your connections. The 5 Love Languages is a collection of books and assessments meant to help you develop your marriage, friendships, family, and workplace relationships. I'm breaking the assessment down and showing how it can serve you best and change the way you interpret situations where you don't feel loved. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Take the free 5 Love Languages assessment HERE   Grab your FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
7/6/202431 minutes, 34 seconds
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256-Develop These Essential Leadership Skills No Matter Where You Lead

Leadership requires courage. There's no two ways about it. And these four courage building skills are things that a lot of people overlook. But I'm sharing a new assessment you may never have heard of that will impact how you look at leadership and help you identify where you have strengths and where you still need to grow. Whether you lead at home, work, church, school, or online, I really believe these four essential skills will create a solid leadership foundation. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Do you want to grow in vulnerability, values, trust, and rising up? Take the free assessment here:   Grab your FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
6/27/202421 minutes, 55 seconds
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255-Want to Learn What Fuels You? Introducing a New Personal Growth Assessment

Want to learn about personal growth assessments you can use for yourself and for your clients? In today's episode I'm talking about an amazing new one called the Nexus Profile. One of my Sterling & Stone Coaches, Patty Myers, uses it in her coaching and teaches about it as well. The main point of the Nexus Profile is to help you identify your unique blend of motivators through an assessment of the four Nexus types: Stabilizer, Solutionary, Influencer, and Driver. This knowledge helps you understand more about how God designed you and how to use that info to succeed in all you do. I'll share with you my scores, what I've learned about myself, and talk a little about how it shows up in my marriage! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Interested in this incredible tool? Take the free assessment here: You can also purchase a deeper dive of the assessment and get more info about your original design and identity! Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
6/20/202413 minutes, 11 seconds
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254- 3 Prayers to Bless and Honor Your Parents- Even When You Don't Feel Like It

I wanted to give you a guided prayer during this season of Mother's Day and Father's Day because sometimes it's hard to know how to pray for our parents, especially if things are difficult in your relationship. So this episode has three prayers you can pray along with as you celebrate your parents (or try to survive 🥰). 1. Prayer for parents you want to bless 2. Prayer for parents who need the blessing of knowing the Father  3. Prayer for parents you struggle to bless Contextualize each prayer to make it more meaningful for you, and feel free to pray along with me or use this as inspiration for your own words.   ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Honor your father and mother so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth. Eph 6:2-3 The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26 Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
6/15/202415 minutes, 28 seconds
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253-Dealing with Mom and Dad Hurt

Relationships with the most important people in our lives are affected by our expectations, interpretations, and history. During the Mother’s Day and Father’s Day season, we face a time of celebrating the very people who’ve had a lot of power over what we think and feel. This can make special holidays really difficult and create a lot of stress.  Creating a new paradigm involves intentionality and self-awareness. By choosing to interpret your parents' actions through a cleaner, more compassionate lens, you can cultivate a more positive emotional response. This shift not only improves your interactions with your parents but also influences how you feel after these interactions, leading to a more joyful and fulfilling legacy. Ultimately, it's about reclaiming the power over your thoughts and beliefs, allowing you to live a life that is true to your values and aspirations, rather than being dictated by past experiences or others’ behaviors.   ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: 1 Cor. 13, chapter on love- your filter either reveals love, or it doesn't Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. Exodus 20:12 Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
6/13/202440 minutes, 49 seconds
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252-Is Your Hope in Formulated Certainty or in Learning from Real-life Experiences?

Formulas, plans, and frameworks are super valuable, but they simply can't replace taking imperfect ACTION and learning from real-life EXPERIENCE. I can tell you 'how to' all day long but you won't really know the fullness of 'HOW' until you insert 'YOURSELF' into the formula. Thinking without doing limits your creativity, innovation, resilience, and ultimately your success. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: If you REEEEAAALLY need a formula, here it is: Learn what is available  Put what you learn into action ASAP! Be willing to try, fail, learn Be willing to try, fail, learn Be willing to try, fail, learn Succeed Rinse and repeat   Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
6/6/202420 minutes, 37 seconds
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251-The 3 Greatest Key Points on Your Coaching Timeline

There are three pivotal moments on your coaching journey that truly matter: 1. **Becoming a Coach** 2. **Starting a Business** 3. **Making Offers** I’m also going to address common misconceptions holding you back, like waiting for everything to be perfect or needing others’ validation. The emphasis is on being intentional, taking action, and simplifying your approach to accelerate your coaching journey.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Recognize and act on the decision to become a coach, a business owner, and someone who makes coaching offers.  Don’t wait for external validation or for everything to fall into place perfectly—confidence grows through action.  Practice and embrace imperfection and learn from the process to cultivate excellence over time.  Use clear strategies to remind yourself of your goals and stay intentional in your actions.  Remember, your journey starts with intentionality and the willingness to take the first step.   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
5/30/202418 minutes, 27 seconds
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250-Permission to Be in Process When Life is Hard

In this episode: HUMAN PROCESS Circumstances can really get hard for anyone, and even if you look like things are great on the outside, the process is really on the inside. Life is both great and terrible, so what should you do when you find that you're not healing fast enough, grieving the right way, or escaping victimhood like you're supposed to? Well, the answer is simple: Grace.   ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Rom 8:28 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Matt 28:20 Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Heb 13:20-21   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
5/23/202423 minutes, 56 seconds
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249-Scripted Sessions or Unscripted- Which is Better?

In this episode: IMPERFECT ACTION It's a valid feeling to want certainty and expertise before diving into something new. But in coaching it's simply not required. You are invited as a coach to hold space for the client and move in the direction they want to go, so having a complete and perfected plan ahead of time doesn't empower great coaching, it hinders it. I'm going to explain more in this episode and give you some guidance that will undergird your confidence and your experimentation as you grow into a great coach.   Come get trained to start changing lives! Get $400 off The Greenhouse Life Coaching Course until May 21st with code IAMREADY. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Matt 4:18-22; Acts 4:13   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
5/16/202415 minutes, 35 seconds
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248-Wanting To Do the Work You Do

In this episode: TRUE GOALS When you love what you do it doesn't feel like you're wasting time or losing out. You love the joy of serving others and you keep your eyes on the rewards and results of their success. This helps you stay focused when it's grunt work time or when learning new things is frustrating. But you want this! Every piece of it supports the work you do to serve others and create the most amazing job in the world for yourself! The Greenhouse Course is open! Make sure you join and get trained to start changing lives! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: And don’t allow yourselves to be weary in planting good seeds, for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest you’ve planted is coming! Gal 6:9   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
5/9/202415 minutes, 51 seconds
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247- 13 Thoughts to Cultivate Belief in the Coach You're Becoming

In this episode: PARADIGM SHIFTING I know! It's hard to think like a successful coach when you don't feel like one! BUT... if you shift your thinking you'll cultivate emotions that make you feel like taking action, and that action is what will lead to having the client load you desire. So let's shift that paradigm and pour truth into your soul by faith! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: The Greenhouse Course Waitlist- information coming SOON!   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
5/2/202417 minutes, 49 seconds
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246-Finding and Following Your Pivot Points

THERE'S A THREAD IN YOUR STORYLINE I'm pivoting in some areas and I know you have or will as well, so I wanted to help you know how to look for the thread that connects all of your pivot points over the years. Especially as you start and build as a coach, I believe you can look back and see how things have led you to this point and influence what you'll do going forward. After listening you'll be able to create your own storyline and mark certain points along it that correlate to who you're becoming.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Episode #72 (oops!- not #30) Are You Struggling to Find Your Calling? Follow These Signs Book a Life Coaching Session (personal) or a Coaching Clarity Session (biz) The Greenhouse Course Waitlist- Become a life coach! Called to Coach- Start Your Online Biz ($200 off "GONOW" until Mother's Day May 12th)  
4/27/202434 minutes, 49 seconds
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245-How Prayer, Consistency, and Imperfect Action Launched Her Coaching Business!

YOUR WILL AND WAY GOD! Laschel, a Sterling and Stone Certified Life and Marriage Coach, prays over her business and clients: “Your will God, and Your way.” Perfectly said! If you want to see what it’s like on the other side of starting, Laschel is going to tell you exactly how she went from working full-time at church to coaching multiple women who wanted her guidance through the coaching business she started by taking imperfect action. She says that if she’d waited to take action and pursue her calling as a coach, she’d feel bored, discouraged, unsettled, unsure of the future, unsatisfied, and discontent. But because she stepped out in faith, she doesn’t feel any of that! Laschel’s building a beautiful business that serves women who want to thrive in their marriages and families, and she can’t wait to share her journey into coaching with you. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: WORK WITH LASCHEL @ RESTORED HOPE COACHING READ LASCHEL'S BLOG   Be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger. James 1:19   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  FREE WORKSHOP: Becoming a Life Coach- Get answers to your questions WANT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? LET'S COACH! Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
4/18/202446 minutes, 39 seconds
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244-A Call to Rise Above the Struggle

In this episode: CALLED TO RISE I'm sure you get it- the trials and the hard things can make you want to quit; make you want to crawl back in bed. But giving up/canceling/quitting/divorcing yourself from the circumstance, only creates a different struggle. The loss and pain of what you left behind because it got hard. So let's talk about acceptance, forgiveness, and joy in the suffering. We've been through lots of hard stuff before and look at us. We are gonna make it. So we can do this hard thing too.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: The Greenhouse Life Coach Training Called to Rise Women's Coaching Club   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  FREE WORKSHOP: Becoming a Life Coach- Get answers to your questions WANT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? LET'S COACH! Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Become a Life Coach Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
4/11/202434 minutes, 57 seconds
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243-The Power of Taking Massive Action

In this episode: CELEBRATING 2 YEARS OF THE PODCAST! Thank you for being a listener and thank you to all that have become clients, students, and friends! All because of this little corner in the world where I get to share with you through podcasting. It's been an honor, and it's proof of what taking massive action can do, both personally and professionally. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: FREE WORKSHOP: Becoming a Life Coach- Get answers to your questions   WANT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? LET'S COACH! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
4/4/202413 minutes, 1 second
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242-The Truth About the Proverbs 31 Woman

WANT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? LET'S COACH! In this episode: PROVERBS 31 WOMAN Have you ever felt like you weren't able to 'be' everything the P31 woman is presented to be? Have you ever wished you could see an example of who you could be as a woman instead of feeling condemnation that you aren't enough all of the time? I'm untangling what the 31st proverb is all about and how you can find hope in these words instead of shame. You can love exactly who you are at the same time you desire to grow into the woman you want to be. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Proverbs 31   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
3/30/202415 minutes, 21 seconds
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241-Becoming a Woman of True Power

WANT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? LET'S COACH! In this episode: TRUE POWER In honor of Women's History Month, I want to talk about how we as women can redefine power as something that's internal, spreadable, healing, and true. Power TO vs Power OVER. Don't you want some of that? Doesn't it sound like freedom? Let go of the control and grasping to find release and joy in the true power that everyone can wield if they want to. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Proverbs 31   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
3/28/202429 minutes, 26 seconds
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240-Break Free from Poisonous Beliefs

WANT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? LET'S COACH! In this episode: FREEDOM and TRUTH VULNERABILITY WARNING!  Do you feel like there's something deep in you that keeps holding you back, keeps you stuck, causes you to hurt and hurt others? This episode is all about the poison that flows through our soul and how to get rid of it. You are worthy of freedom and living a powerful life.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: It only takes a little leaven to leaven the whole lump. Gal 5:9 Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41 Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
3/21/202431 minutes, 34 seconds
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239- 3 Keys to Balancing Over-Learning with Action-Taking

WANT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? LET'S COACH! In this episode: TAKING ACTION Do you find yourself doing sooo many things to be a coach but not doing the final thing that makes you a coach (aka- making offers to get clients)? Obviously learning and researching and so on are beneficial, but when do they begin to sabotage you? Let's talk about overconsumption today and look at the three ways you can direct yourself to become more productive, get clients, and make money doing what you love! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach in the Greenhouse Course All the Light We Cannot See is on Netflix    Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
3/14/202413 minutes, 3 seconds
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238-Sales Strategies for Christian Coaches with Justin Janowski

WANT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? LET'S COACH! In this episode: SELLING AS A COACH This is part 2 of my conversation with Justin Janowski from Faith2Influence and he's sharing his amazing 10-step sales process and explains how to overcome your money stories and develop confidence in selling. This episode is packed with practical advice for coaches looking to scale their income and impact. If you struggle to know what to say to someone on a discovery call with confidence that selling is okay to do and possible to do, then you want to dive in and grab this treasure!  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Find Justin Janowski here: Sales Strategies for Christian Coaches podcast Facebook  LinkedIn  Instagram The 4-Day 100k Christian Coach Challenge Free 10 Step Sales Process   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
3/7/202420 minutes, 16 seconds
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237-Faith to Influence: A Journey of Sales & Faith with Justin Janowski

WANT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? LET'S COACH! In this episode: SELLING COACHING ANYONE, including YOU, can sell their coaching offer cleanly without being slimy or manipulative. And there is an amazing coach who loves sharing how to bring the Kingdom and create great impact through clean selling specifically with Jesus by your side. In this episode (and the next!), we are talking about selling your offers with Justin Janowski of Faith2Influence, chatting about how to build a successful coaching business with faith at the center. Justin shares his experience of how selling kitchen knives set a foundation for building his coaching business, the joys of juggling entrepreneurship with family life, all with a dose of the wisdom he's gained along the way. Whether you're a struggling or introverted entrepreneur or someone looking to expand your sales knowledge, Justin's insights will challenge you. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Find Justin Janowski here: Sales Strategies for Christian Coaches podcast Facebook  LinkedIn  Instagram The 4-Day 100k Christian Coach Challenge Free 10 Step Sales Process Things we referred to in the episode: For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 1 Tim 6:10 The Parable of Talents, Matthew 25:14-30   Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod Settlers of Catan board game Terraforming Mars board game Pass the Pigs game (Some of these may be affiliate links bringing in spare change but not costing you extra:) Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
3/4/202437 minutes, 19 seconds
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236-Falling in Hope

WANT TO WORK WITH ME? LET'S COACH! In this episode: HOPE You know everyone wants to fall in love right? But it's really not something that can consistently happen again and again throughout life. What is sustainable, consistent, and enjoyable, is falling in hope. Today I'm going to tell you why! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. Hebrews 6:19  May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
2/28/202417 minutes, 11 seconds
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235-Do You Wish Your Life Story Could Make a Difference?

In this episode: YOUR STORY MATTERS Do you wish your life story could make a difference? Do you ever wonder what could be possible but you think you don't have enough skill, intelligence, schooling or experience to make an impact on the world? I'm telling you straight up that your story matters and you can help people with exactly what's in your pocket right now. No more shaming, doubting, self-loathing... just promise and possibility! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: ...for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. 1 Tim. 6:7 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1     WANT COACHING? CLICK HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
2/22/202420 minutes, 24 seconds
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234-Do You Need Higher or Lower External Accountability?

In this episode: ACCOUNTABILITY Do you feel like some areas of your life need a deadline while others need compassion and grace? Do all or nothing thoughts like 'everything must be structured and boundaried!' or 'I need complete freedom without boundaries!' confuse you? I am sharing how to dial in the level of accountability you need in each area of life so that you get things done, give yourself grace, and know how to rest without quitting. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Very Important Garlic Sauce Recipe for a Good Life: 1 cup peeled garlic 1 teaspoon kosher salt juice of one lemon 2.5 to 3 cups light flavored olive oil DIRECTIONS: Puree your garlic cloves with the salt in a food processor. Scrape the sides and then turn back on Add 1/2 cup of olive oil (drizzle VERY slowly) Add a teaspoon of lemon juice.   Run machine until it thickens. Alternate between more oil, more lemon juice, and more machine running til it thickens. I stop at 2.5 cups of olive oil and taste, then add more oil and lemon juice as needed. It should be live a fluffy mayonnaise when it's done. The goal is to emulsify it, and you can use an emulsion blender if you have one. If you add too much or too quickly you can 'break' it, and have to start all over again.  Enjoy! (You didn't know life coaching podcasts had recipes, did you? :)   WANT COACHING? CLICK HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
2/19/202419 minutes, 32 seconds
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233-God's Full Circle Promises

In this episode: PROMISES AND PRAYER Are there things you're struggling with today that make you feel afraid, ashamed, abandoned, or angry? I understand it, and I want to give you hope. Regardless of what you feel, the truth is out there and you can make room for it to be revealed in your life. Let's pray together and receive God's promises! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: The rainbow that I have put in the sky will be my sign to you and to every living creature on earth. It will remind you that I will keep this promise forever. When I send clouds over the earth, and a rainbow appears in the sky, I will remember my promise to you and to all other living creatures. Never again will I let floodwaters destroy all life. When I see the rainbow in the sky, I will always remember the promise that I have made to every living creature. The rainbow will be the sign of that solemn promise. Gen. 9:12-17     WANT COACHING? CLICK HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
2/17/202414 minutes, 54 seconds
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232-Do You Want to Be Coached? A Special Offer is Here!

In this episode: WORK WITH ME! If you've listened for a bit, you know I have only been doing 1:1 sessions with clients who are coaches and who are invested in any of my courses. But as I've been praying about what God is leading me into during the first half of this year, I've really felt drawn to opening up some 1:1 client work outside of coaches again. I love coaching anyone and everyone, but I do really love the specific work of coaching women into their greatest lives possible. So today, I'm making you an offer:) ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: WANT COACHING? CLICK HERE!   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
2/15/202427 minutes, 55 seconds
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231-How to Stay Focused on Your Client When You Feel Distracted

In this episode: FOCUS Distractions and emotions are REAL things that can throw you off your game! Today I'm sharing about something that happens with tech often enough that I have learned to move through it and now teach about it because it's such a common problem that can distract your coaching and push you off balance. AND, I give you a tip on how to deal with it.   ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: "Done is better than perfect!"   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
2/8/202419 minutes, 23 seconds
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230-Taxes and Life Coaches

In this episode: TAXES and BUSINESS Does tax time feel super scary to you? Are you new at running your own business? The good news is that with a little clarity and preparation it doesn't have to be so stinking' hard. I'm giving you an overview of what it looks like and what you can write off as a work-from-home coach!   ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Check out the IRS website for more info on self-employment   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
2/1/202427 minutes, 30 seconds
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229-Are You Trying to Be Everything to Everyone, Everywhere?

In this episode: GETTING CLEAR AND BOUNDARIED IN BIZ If you're feeling spread too thin, exhausted by chasing all the things you think you need to have done asap, overloading yourself on knowledge to be prepared for anything, or just playing small because you don't think you can help everyone, this is for you. Let's talk about small steps with big boundaries, so you can go to bed feeling like you accomplished great things!   ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Rest, don't quit. Become a steakhouse, not a Cheesecake Factory. Create something people know for sure they want, and will pay for it! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
1/25/202413 minutes, 52 seconds
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228-Surrendering Your Calling to God

In this episode: TRUE GOAL SETTING  Have you given back to God what He has graciously given you? What if it were to multiply because you did? What if it weren't so heavy if you didn't have to carry it alone? Give back to God what He calls you to and see how He blesses you with a peace beyond understanding. Your callings in life, relationally and professionally, are gifts and when two people care for the gift it expands. Pray with me today in surrender to the Lord.   ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.” Phil 2:5-8 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Grab my FREE list of Coaching Business Resources and a Business Plan Template! Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!  
1/22/202417 minutes, 39 seconds
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227- 15 Goals to Set as a Coach- They're Not What You Think!

In this episode: TRUE GOAL SETTING  If you've wondered how you're supposed to figure out business goals when you simply just want to coach people, I'm helping you find what to set your sights on. You don't have to have a number goal or money goal in the beginning, but you do need to define where you want to go and become intentional about it.    Get your notebook out and sharpen your pencil, because you've got things to go after!!!   ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  ~Some resources may have affiliate links so I might make some spare change but you don’t pay more:) Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
1/18/202432 minutes, 54 seconds
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226-A Resolution to Practice God’s Presence

In this episode: FAITH and MINDSET Learning how to practice God's presence in your life will change things for you and help you to sustainably create goals and plans that are the fruit of your time with Him. If you want favor and success, listening to Jesus and partnering with Him instead of exercising your will power and failing time and again is the key! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Episode #222- The PEARL Practice My Utmost for His Highest Devotional by Oswald Chambers And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Gal 5:24 Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. John 12:24 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 cor 5:17 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Gal 2:20 The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Matt 26:41 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  ~Some resources may have affiliate links so I might make some spare change but you don’t pay more:) Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
1/11/202416 minutes, 16 seconds
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225-Develop a Marketplace Ministry Mindset

In this episode: RESOURCES and MINDSET I know all about the inner struggle that says, 'It doesn't feel right to get paid doing what I love doing and am called to do'. You are worthy and deserve to be rewarded for the value you create and how you serve the world around you. Let's blow the ceiling off that limiting belief! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matt 6:33 They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. John 17:16 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective!  Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Figure Out Who to Coach Start Your Online Coaching Business Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show!
1/4/202415 minutes, 50 seconds
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224-Characteristics of Successful People

In this episode: RESOURCES and MINDSET Do you want to experience success in the next season of your life in any area? I'm sharing what I believe successful people have, know and do. Just remember to seek first the Kingdom and righteousness of God and all these things will be added to you! Matt 6:33 ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Humility by Andrew Murray Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
1/1/202427 minutes, 39 seconds
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223-Creating Focus for a New Season

In this episode: RESOURCES and MINDSET The last episode of the year! I'm excited to share new things to come with you and encourage you to find your own focus for the next season by listening to the Lord and taking action through obedient faith. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: The Esther Society Facebook Group- connect with other like-hearted women who are pursuing God and His calling on their lives Niche Clarity Course- discover your core message and turn it into a coaching practice Called to Coach Course- start your online coaching business with this simple and streamlined system (Get $100 off with coupon code NYE100 until midnight 12/31) The Greenhouse Christian Life Coach Training & Certification Course- become a Sterling and Stone Life Coach (Get $100 off with coupon code NYE100 until midnight 12/31) CLCC Facebook Group- connect with like-directed Christian coaches   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
12/28/202323 minutes, 14 seconds
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222-The PEARL Practice- Intentional Paradigm Shifting

In this episode: SELF COACHING and MINDSET Learn how to manage your thought-life so you can get the results you truly want and partner with God's story for your life! Grab The PEARL Practice Download (for personal use only) ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: 86- The Truth About Loneliness During the Season of Big Days 88-Dealing with Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidal Thoughts in the Season of Big Days 89-Holding Onto Hope in the Season of Big Days 91-How to Think New Thoughts in This Season of Big Days 92-Our Handbook of Expectations and the Journal of Expectancy 94-How to BE a Blessing Instead of Waiting for One 95-The 5 Big Emotions, Why They are There, and How to Handle Them 96- 7 Ways to Deal with the Post-Big Day Letdown 221-Permission to Rest   Don't forget: Get into the CLCC FB group and share your email so you don't miss any offers or news that's coming to an inbox near you! LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
12/23/202331 minutes, 13 seconds
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221-Permission to Rest

In this episode: SELF COACHING and MINDSET Merry Christmas! I'm reminding you in this episode to take care of yourself and to remember how Jesus was born so you could find rest in Him! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Headspace App Don't forget: Get into the CLCC FB group and share your email so you don't miss any offers or news that's coming to an inbox near you! LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
12/23/202320 minutes, 18 seconds
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220-Live Business Coaching- Plan Your Goals and Results for Next Year

In this episode: FOUNDATIONS and BUSINESS Ask these invaluable questions to help plan for the next year of business and create the right foundation for your future and success! This is a follow up episode to #219 with Coach Sanalee and will help you think through your own processes and growth. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Want a free discovery call with Coach Sanalee? GRAB IT HERE! Don't forget: Get into the CLCC FB group and share your email so you don't miss any offers or news that's coming to an inbox near you! LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
12/21/202345 minutes, 10 seconds
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219-Live Business Coaching- Assessing Biz Last Year to Plan Forward

In this episode: FOUNDATIONS and BUSINESS Want to know the questions you need to ask yourself as you look back at the year behind you and evaluate what worked and what didn't? This live coaching session with Coach Sanalee will bless you and help ask the right things that set a foundation for your business plan next year. (Check out episode #220 next to hear us talk about her plans next year!)  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Want a free discovery call with Coach Sanalee? GRAB IT HERE! Don't forget: Get into the CLCC FB group and share your email so you don't miss any offers or news that's coming to an inbox near you! LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
12/14/202341 minutes, 29 seconds
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218-The BEST Gift List for a Coach!

In this episode: RESOURCES Everything I use or want myself!  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: SUBSCRIPTIONS: Headspace, Dwell My favorite BOOKS: Essentialism Atomic Habits The 5 AM Club Christian Life Coaching Handbook and Calling Journey by Tony Stoltzfus The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Living Your Strengths: Discover Your God-Given Talents and Inspire Your Community Strengthsfinder Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being The Enneagram for Beginners: A Christian Guide to Understanding Your Type for a God-Centered Life Rich Dad, Poor Dad PLANNERS: The High Performance Planner- from Brendon Burchard Planner Pro- good for positive outlook and building in time for gratitude and reflection as you plan Go Girl Planner- good for vertical time slots and time blocking for the power lady in your life Hatch Idea Notebook TECH AND STUFF Blue Yeti Microphone Gimbal Stabilizer for Videos on Phone AirPods Pro Women’s Laptop Bag Men’s Laptop Bag Shower Notepad Waterproof Mini Speaker Bluelight Glasses Folding Bluetooth Keyboard for Phone White Noise Machine for Privacy NICE THINGS TO GET TheraCane Massager Ostrich Pillow Global Entry Coach perfume Clubman Pinaud AfterShave Royall Muske Essential oils from Eden’s Garden- women-led, family-owned and faith-based company that sells high quality but affordable oils Notebooks, whiteboards, post-it notes, organizers Art- that shows their personality. If you don’t know their aesthetic style don’t buy them anything, give them a gift card to Etsy or something.  Massage Gift Certificate! ~Some of these things have affiliate links so I might make some spare change but you don’t pay more.  LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
12/7/202336 minutes, 46 seconds
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217-How to Wrap Up the Year for a Successful New Season

In this episode: SELF COACHING and MINDSET There's one month left and it's a great time to wrap things up, get things over with, and assess the messy middle places. Use this list and the PEARL practice to manage your mind and feelings so you take action and set yourself up for success in 2024! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Episode #6- The PEARL practice Episode #60- Using the PEARL practice to survive and thrive in parenting Today is the last day for the Black Friday deal on the Called to Coach Course! LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
11/30/202325 minutes, 40 seconds
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216-Poison and Power Thougths

In this episode: BUSINESS and MINDSET Do you know what you're thinking? Are you believing things by default or with intention? And do your thoughts empower you or spread poison? Today we are talking about your paradigm and how you can invite truth to pervade your soul. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7 When a defiling evil spirit is expelled from someone, it drifts along through the desert looking for an oasis, some unsuspecting soul it can bedevil. When it doesn’t find anyone, it says, ‘I’ll go back to my old haunt.’ On return it finds the person spotlessly clean, but vacant. It then runs out and rounds up seven other spirits more evil than itself and they all move in, whooping it up. That person ends up far worse off than if he’d never gotten cleaned up in the first place. “That’s what this generation is like: You may think you have cleaned out the junk from your lives and gotten ready for God, but you weren’t hospitable to my kingdom message, and now all the devils are moving back in. Matt 12:43-45 Get into the CLCC FB group and share your email so you don't miss my Black Friday Deal that's coming to an inbox near you! Want more Called to Coach info? Head over HERE. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
11/27/202325 minutes, 12 seconds
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215-How Do I Start My Coaching Business?

In this episode: BUSINESS and MINDSET Are you wondering how you can start a business doing what you're called to do as a coach? Tomorrow, the new course 'Called to Coach' becomes available and I'm sharing with you all that you need to know about. Whether you are new to entrepreneurship or you've started a business but feel stuck, this course will change the trajectory of your life and business. Future you will be so thankful fr the action you've taken today! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Get into the CLCC FB group and share your email so you don't miss my Black Friday Deal that's coming to an inbox near you! Want more Called to Coach info? Head over HERE. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
11/20/202338 minutes, 20 seconds
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214-Intentional Gratitude

In this episode: SELF COACHING and MINDSET Gratitude can shift the atmosphere, help you be healthier, build your relationships, and reduce your stress. But it's your choice to be grateful and manage yourself well, not anyone else's. You decide how gratitude blesses your life or the lack of it defers joy. I want you to be empowered to make wise decisions that make an impact in your life and the world around you. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Get into the CLCC FB group and share your email so you don't miss my Black Friday Deal that's coming to an inbox near you! I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Phil 4:11-13 Give thanks for all things, in all circumstances.. Ephesians 5:20; 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Be thankful even in suffering... Romans 5:3-5; James 1:1-4 Do everything in the name of Jesus out of a spirit of gratefulness... Colossians 3:17 LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE RIGHT HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
11/18/202323 minutes, 8 seconds
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213-Turn Your Experience Into a Coaching Business

In this episode: BUSINESS and NICHES Learn how to take any circumstance or experience in your life and assess it so you can coach others through it. You can literally take anything you go through in life and create content, offers, and even niches and businesses around it if you learn how to see it and develop it into valuable, consumable guidance for others. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Get into the CLCC FB group and share your email so you don't miss my Black Friday Deal that's coming to an inbox near you! CANVA Pro- use Magic Write as your AI to help create emails! And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. Habakkuk 2:2,3   LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE RIGHT HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
11/16/202335 minutes, 55 seconds
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212-The Guide to Sharing Your Black Friday Coaching Offers

In this episode: BUSINESS and OFFERS Are you confused about where to start with sharing your black Friday deal? I'm helping you know how to craft your emails, share with your list, offer clarity and help your audience find you in the middle of the chaos that is the Black Friday season. Get ready to gain clients and transform lives! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Get into the CLCC FB group and share your email so you don't miss my Black Friday Deal that's coming to an inbox near you! CANVA Pro- use Magic Write as your AI to help create emails! And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. Habakkuk 2:2,3   LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE RIGHT HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
11/14/202320 minutes, 38 seconds
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211-8 Ways to Offer Black Friday Deals as a Coach

In this episode: BUSINESS and OFFERS Did you know that Black Friday deals are for coaches too? I know it seems like only businesses like Target and Best Buy have the window of opportunity open to them, but you can share good deals with your people too so that everyone wins! I'm giving you 8 simple ways to offer something different during this crazy season so that you and your clients can both be successful in life and business.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Get into the CLCC FB group and share your email so you don't miss my Black Friday Deal that's coming to an inbox near you! CANVA PRINTIFY LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE RIGHT HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
11/13/202316 minutes, 58 seconds
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210-Live Coaching: Tagline Development and Niching Down

In this episode: BUSINESS and NICHES Niche resistance is pretty normal, because as helping-hearted people we want to serve everyone and oftentimes can't wrap our heads around narrowing down and what 'feels' like leaving people out. But God will send the right people either way, so let Holy Spirit do His work and you and I will do what we can to share the right info that will help people find us. He draws the right clients to us for both their benefit and for ours. Coach Eve and I also work on her tagline for her podcast art so when people are scrolling they stop on hers if they are Christian women who need a mindset shift. Listen in and contextualize for yourself! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE RIGHT HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
11/11/202314 minutes, 47 seconds
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209-Live Coaching: Gaining Confidence to Show Up as a Coach

In this episode: BUSINESS and NICHES Today, coach Eve and I are talking about how she wants to show up in sessions with clients. It’s a mental shift and requires self leadership to ask the questions and struggle through these things Eve is bringing up. It takes courage to face them and commitment to overcome them. But she’s doing it and I’m so proud of her. All of my clients are taking massive action by showing up and they’re all in process, becoming great coaches and bravely starting businesses. Eve is just one of the many coaches who is changing her life so she can help others change theirs for the better.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE RIGHT HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
11/9/202315 minutes, 1 second
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208-Live Coaching: Graphics, Podcast Art and Branding

In this episode: BUSINESS and NICHES If you are learning about creating graphics, podcast/YouTube show art, or branding, listen in as I talk with Eve about her own creations as she learns to wear one of the many hats we wear as solopreneurs! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Canva Font pairing Color palette generator LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE RIGHT HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
11/6/202315 minutes, 6 seconds
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207-Live Coaching: Believing in Your Coaching Abilities

In this episode: BUSINESS and NICHES I got sooo many great responses about the first part of my conversation with Eve, a lovely coach-in-training inside The Greenhouse Course, so I’ve taken the rest of our session and turned it into even more episodes for you to enjoy.  Eve is in the messy middle of figuring all of this business stuff out. She asks amazing questions and is really moving through the process with intention and commitment. These two things make all the difference!  She is super vulnerable and says things like "I’m not confident that what I will do in a session will be helpful" and "how can I ask people to pay for someone who doesn’t know exactly what they’re doing?"  But in the end, she says she feels more ready!  Listen in to how I lead her to believe in herself and figure out what steps to take... If you are struggling to move forward, I highly encourage you to at least start with the Niche Clarity Course and get insight into what you carry, what you know, and how you could serve the world and God through coaching.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Indeed, none of those who wait for You will be ashamed… Psalm 25:3 LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE RIGHT HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
11/2/202321 minutes, 50 seconds
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206-Live Coaching on How to Start Getting Clients

In this episode: BUSINESS and MINDSET If you are starting out as a coachpreneur and needing to figure out how to tell people what you do and how you serve so you can start getting paying clients, this episode is a real time conversation you'll want to hear! One of my coaches in training and I had a long session where she shares what's in her heart for coaching and I help her navigate the journey into letting the world know. Listen and contextualize all of it to your own journey and be blessed! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE RIGHT HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
10/26/202340 minutes, 19 seconds
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205-What Does It Mean to Walk in Faith?

In this episode: FAITH and MINDSET Do you wonder how faith is even possible and what it means to take action in faith in your personal and professional life? I'm breaking it down for you today and also sharing my own experiences that have led me to where I'm at in life. Be inspired and desperate for Jesus and have faith that He is Who He says is and will do what He's said He will do! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life. - Prov. 4:23 TPT Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matt 6:21 I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith. Rom 12:3 1 Cor 12:9 spiritual gifts Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Heb 11:1 Waterdeep YWAM- Youth With a Mission Shekinah Glory LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE RIGHT HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
10/19/202328 minutes, 52 seconds
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204- 9 Verses to Hold Onto When Life is Scary

In this episode: FAITH and MINDSET Life is full of things that cause fear. Lean into the Word and run into Jesus. This episode is full of scripture and encouragement to help you rise up and overcome the fear that wants to consume, divide, and destroy. Remember that you are victorious in the Name of Jesus! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: “I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.” Psalm 34:4–5 “When I am afraid, I put my trust in You. In God, whose word I praise—in God I trust. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” Psalm 56:3–4 “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.” Psalm 46:1–3 "For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” Isaiah 41:13 " 'So do not fear; I will provide for you and your little ones.' Thus he (Joseph) comforted them and spoke kindly to them.” Genesis 50:21  "You shall not fear them, for it is the LORD your God who fights for you." Deuteronomy 3:22 "Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arise against me, yet I will be confident.” Psalm 27:3 "But now thus says the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: 'Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.' “ Isaiah 43:1 "You came near when I called on you; you said, ‘Do not fear!’ “ Lamentations 3:57 LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE RIGHT HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
10/13/202320 minutes, 10 seconds
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203- 5 Things Keeping You from Putting Yourself Out There

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING & MINDSET There are five major things working against you being out there in the world doing what you're made to do. If you want to show up, sing loud, and share your song with the world, you need to shift your paradigm and lead yourself well, putting these five things behind you. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE RIGHT HERE! Be clearheaded. Keep alert. Your accuser, the devil, is on the prowl like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
10/5/202318 minutes, 16 seconds
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202-The Dos and Don’ts of Emotions as a Christian

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING & FAITH Has anyone ever told you it's okay to just feel what you feel and then teach you how to handle it those emotions and move through them with compassion? That is exactly my goal today, to show you where the line between religion and Jesus lies in the human process and the love of a good Father. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE RIGHT HERE! Matthew 8:23-27; Matthew 14:22-33; Matthew 8:5-9 And he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases. Luke 9:1 And raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:6  Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. Luke 10:19  Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7  This is why it says: “When he ascended on high, he took many captives and gave gifts to his people.” (What does “he ascended” mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions? He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe.) Eph 4:8-9 Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the living one. I was dead, and see, I am alive forever and ever; and I have the keys of Death and of Hades. Rev 1:17-18  Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
9/28/202332 minutes, 18 seconds
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201-Opinion vs Judgment

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING & FAITH Do you have a hard time being compassionate with yourself and others? Do criticism and condemnation rob your hope and energy? Today I want to sow truth into you, and help you identify the difference between having an opinion and being judgmental. Dive in, because the Word is heavy in this one! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE RIGHT HERE! Matt 7:1 says Do not judge and criticize and condemn others, so that you may not be judged and criticized and condemned yourselves. Luke 6:37-38 says, Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you. Galatians 6:1 tell us that if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Romans 2:1-3 says, Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things. Ecclesiastes 12:14 says, For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil. God judges in his righteousness so that we can know his ways better. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor? That’s James 4:12. Romans 2:4 says, Or do you have no regard for the wealth of His kindness and tolerance and patience [in withholding His wrath]? Are you [actually] unaware or ignorant [of the fact] that God’s kindness leads you to repentance [that is, to change your inner self, your old way of thinking—seek His purpose for your life]? John 3:16 tells us that “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
9/21/202318 minutes, 22 seconds
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200-Wowzers! 200 Episodes and Some Exciting News

In today’s episode: BUSINESS & FOUNDATIONS Are you looking to get really clear about a coaching niche, start an online business simply,  and learn how to grow it into a full time gig? I'm about to make the way for you in all of it with the exciting news I'm sharing in this episode. Listen in and share the joy with me at the epic 200 episode mark! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE RIGHT HERE!   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
9/18/202317 minutes, 39 seconds
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199-One Tree Focus: The Most Important Nutrient in Growing Your Coaching Business

In today’s episode: BUSINESS & FOUNDATIONS Do you wish you had clarity about what really, truly needs your focus right now in your business? Do you feel all over the place and confused? We are recapping the Gardening Series Episodes today with what to give your 'One Tree Focus' to in your online coaching business. Gosh, I really hope this series has blessed you and given you hope about your calling as a coach. I've put my whole heart into it, believing that God wants me to help you get set up and start going. Enjoy! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE RIGHT HERE! (available now, open 9/19/23) Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown Action/ Vision/ Time/ Tools Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
9/14/202320 minutes, 54 seconds
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198-Multiplying Your Coaching Business Fruit: Adding Trees to the Garden

In today’s episode: BUSINESS & FOUNDATIONS I wish someone had told me what I DIDN'T need to do early on in my coaching business. So this episode is me telling you what can wait. You don't need to waste your time doing things that aren't necessary until later when you have your foundation strong, simplified, and streamlined. Let's get you going in the right direction! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: LEARN MORE ABOUT THE NICHE CLARITY COURSE RIGHT HERE! (available now, open 9/19/23) “The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.” Lamentations 3:25-26 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
9/11/202320 minutes, 13 seconds
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197-Adding MiracleGro to the Soil: Enter Into His Rest

In today’s episode: BUSINESS & FOUNDATIONS There's always a ton of work to do when you're a business owner, especially if you have a home, a family, and especially if you have another job. But there is one key growth element you can add that will amplify your fruitfulness and be the greatest blessing in your spiritual life. This is turn helps you be more productive when you do work! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: GET IN THE KNOW ABOUT THE ONLINE COACHING BIZ COURSE! When he established the heavens, I was there, …when he marked out the foundations of the earth, then I was beside him, like a master worker, and I was daily his delight, rejoicing before him always, rejoicing in his inhabited world and delighting in the human race. Prov. 8:27-31 And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation. Gen 2:2-3 Want to learn more about your purpose, calling, and core message? Grab the Digging for Gold Workbook Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
9/7/202319 minutes, 22 seconds
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196-Tasting and Testing the Fruit: Setting Goals and Evaluating Growth

In today’s episode: BUSINESS & FOUNDATIONS Do you wish you had a way to lay things out in a clear way for your business and see what's working? I'm teaching you a concept today that will help you look forward, lay it out, and take action with confidence. Then, with this in place you have the ability to evaluate it all using the questions I share with you. Onward to success, my friend! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: SIGN UP FOR THE FREE CALLED TO COACH WEBINAR- 9/6 @ 1pm EDT The Dove Hour download  Episode #124- Need Better Time Management? THIS TOOL Will Get You Greater Results through Focused, Spirit-led Direction Want to learn more about your purpose, calling, and core message? Grab the Digging for Gold Workbook Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
9/5/202317 minutes, 37 seconds
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195-The Art of Pruning: Promoting Growth of the Right Things

In today’s episode: BUSINESS & FOUNDATIONS Do you love getting amazing results? Do you love doing hard and painful things to get them? I didn't think so:) But in reality, pruning what hinders your business or even cutting off good things that are holding other things back, is necessary and fruitful. Today we are talking about these opportunities you have to grow the prize winning rose by tackling the subject of pruning the other pretty roses on the business bush. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: SIGN UP FOR THE FREE CALLED TO COACH WEBINAR- 9/6 @ 1pm EDT Necessary Endings by Dr. Henry Cloud   Want to learn more about your purpose, calling, and core message? Grab the Digging for Gold Workbook Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
8/31/202324 minutes, 45 seconds
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194-Matured Fruit: All the Things You Need to Do LATER

In today’s episode: BUSINESS & FOUNDATIONS The mature fruit actions are things like website building, virtual assistants, funnels, etc. and I want to make sure you know when to focus on things like this and when NOT to. You deserve a roadmap to help you get where you're going faster without the drama, and this will save you time, money, energy, and heart. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: SIGN UP FOR THE FREE CALLED TO COACH WEBINAR- 9/6 @ 1pm EDT Flodesk Email Service Provider - get 50% off for a year Canva Design Episode #10- What’s the Difference Between Training and Certification as a Life Coach? Episode #55- The 4 Models of Coaching, Where to Start, and How to Scale Want to learn more about your purpose, calling, and core message? Grab the Digging for Gold Workbook Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
8/28/202330 minutes, 17 seconds
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193-Cultivating Your Coaching Practice: Getting First-Fruit Results

In today’s episode: BUSINESS & FOUNDATIONS The first fruits of your coaching actually begin to grow as soon as you start practicing. Whether you do it for free, for cheap or for full price, getting in front of clients is the most important part of the whole growth process and first fruitfulness. This episode shares what you need to focus on and offers you some tangible tips about going after the coaching sessions you need to have in order to bear good fruit and walk in your coach calling! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: SIGN UP FOR THE FREE CALLED TO COACH WEBINAR- 9/6 @ 1pm EDT Listen to episode #78-5 Great Coaching Models ~ and a Fun New One! Get the free downloads under the 'FILES' tab inside the Christian Life Coach Collective Facebook group Want to learn more about your purpose, calling, and core message? Grab the Digging for Gold Workbook Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
8/24/202319 minutes, 57 seconds
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192-Systems and Processes: The Branches of Your Online Coaching Business

In today’s episode: BUSINESS & FOUNDATIONS Have you been wondering when things like intake forms and emails and client onboarding and the actual coaching sessions happen? Today is the day when we discover all the branches of your 'SOCOCA' tree and you're going to have SO MUCH CLARITY after listening to this episode! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: SIGN UP FOR THE FREE CALLED TO COACH WEBINAR- 9/6 @ 1pm EDT Want to learn more about your purpose, calling, and core message? Grab the Digging for Gold Workbook You will decree a thing and it will be established for you; so light will shine upon thy ways. Job 22:28 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
8/21/202331 minutes, 57 seconds
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191-Developing the Foundations: The Why, Where, How and Who of Your Coaching Business

In today’s episode: BUSINESS & FOUNDATIONS We are still in the 'Gardening Series' and today I'm teaching you how to start developing the trunk of the tree. This 'tree map' of growth will get you started on why you're doing this, where you're going with this business, how you'll go about it, and who the people are you'll be serving.  You deserve a map to know what's going to be in front of you one day and why the stage you're in right now needs nurturing and attention! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: SIGN UP FOR THE FREE CALLED TO COACH WEBINAR- 9/6 @ 1pm EDT Want to learn more about your purpose, calling, and core message? Grab the Digging for Gold Workbook Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
8/17/202321 minutes, 37 seconds
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190-Digging for Gold: How Your Stories and Skills Reveal Your Niche (Live Coaching)

In today’s episode: BUSINESS & FOUNDATIONS If you’re trying to figure out who to coach and what coaching focus you want to create in your practice, you need to begin with what you already carry inside and who you have become through your experiences and original design. Today we are talking with Joni, an emerging life coach from the Christian Life Coach Collective fb community who used the Digging for Gold Workbook to help discover her core message and translate it into her coaching solution and niche. Joni and I also explore the challenges of starting a new thing and overcoming fear and hesitation when God is calling us to start something new. Discover how you can find polish your own gold with God as your guide so you can use this root system to grow a strong foundation.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: SIGN UP FOR THE FREE CALLED TO COACH WEBINAR- 9/6 @ 1pm EDT Want to learn more about your purpose, calling, and core message? Grab the Digging for Gold Workbook Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
8/14/202349 minutes, 18 seconds
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189-Laying the Groundwork: 6 Essentials for a Strong Root System in Coaching

In today’s episode: BUSINESS & FOUNDATIONS Ever want to just get to your calling to coach but felt stuck on how to begin? This episode of the Greenhouse series is your ultimate guide to building a strong root system for a successful coaching career. We are talking about getting yourself educated in the coaching industry, doing introspective research and inviting others to let you develop your coaching skills. Becoming a coachpreneur demands being coachable, taking action, and remaining faithful. As someone who's walked this path, I’m giving you details of where to start and what to do. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: SIGN UP FOR THE FREE CALLED TO COACH WEBINAR- 9/6 @ 1pm EDT Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life. Prov 13:12 Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4   Want to learn more about your purpose, calling, and core message? Grab the Digging for Gold Workbook Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life. Prov 13:12 Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. Tim 6:10 1 get educated; 2 figure out what your life skills, stories, and successes can offer (remember to grab the digging for gold workbook); 3 go hard after clarity, intention, mindfulness and focus; 4 share your dream with everyone; 5 be faithful and start practicing coaching; and last but not least, 6 pray about it and continually surrender it to the Lord.  Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
8/10/202322 minutes, 47 seconds
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188-Foundation to Multiplication: The Eight Stages of Building a Coaching Business

In today’s episode: BUSINESS & FOUNDATIONS If you feel hesitant about starting your own coaching business, I get it- because I've been there. The world of entrepreneurship can be daunting, but I'm sharing the 8 stages of growth to guide you through the process. From understanding the difference between tangible and intangible results to realizing the importance of patience, I'm talking about the fundamental stages of creating a legacy with your business.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: SIGN UP FOR THE FREE CALLED TO COACH WEBINAR- 9/6 @ 1pm EDT For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. Tim 6:10   Want to learn more about your purpose, calling, and core message? Grab the Digging for Gold Workbook For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. Tim 6:10 Stage 1: Planting the seed that creates a strong root system Stage 2: Growing the trunk and branches Stage 3: Producing the flowers and fruit Stage 4: Maturing for sustainability Stage 5: Pruning for greater growth Stage 6: Evaluating your growth Stage 7: Resting and restoring Stage 8: Multiplying growth  Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
8/7/202323 minutes, 10 seconds
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187-Building a Strong Coaching Practice From Roots to Fruits

In today’s episode: BUSINESS & FOUNDATIONS We are talking about the concept of greenhouse growth and its significance in the journey of becoming a Christian life coach. A greenhouse provides the perfect conditions for growth and development, so it's important to plant the seed of your calling in an ecosystem where it can be nurtured and supported. Seeds are meant to transform into something greater, just like our calling as coaches. Let's get started on your journey of deep roots, growth, and fruitfulness! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: SIGN UP FOR THE FREE CALLED TO COACH WEBINAR- 9/6 @ 1pm EDT They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit. Jer 17:8 Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. John 12:24-26 They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor. Isaiah 61:3 …the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. Rev 22:3 The God of our fathers raised Jesus, whom you killed by hanging him on a tree. Acts 5:30   Want to learn more about your purpose, calling, and core message? Grab the Digging for Gold workbook right HERE Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
8/3/202311 minutes, 52 seconds
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186-Burning the Candle at Both Ends? Discover the Power of Rest and Divine Time Management

In today’s episode: FAITH & MINDSET Ready to transform your life and redefine your relationship with rest? I want to empower you to trust in God with your schedule and make Him the CEO of your calendar. After an enlightening moment at the Proverbs 31 Ministries She Speaks conference, I want to share with you what God spoke to me about the significance of keeping the Sabbath holy and setting boundaries with work by trusting Him. Discover how inviting God into your time management can help you accomplish everything in six days, so you can experience peace and rest on your personal Sabbath. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy: you are to labor six days and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. You must not do any work—you, your son or daughter, your male or female servant, your livestock, or the resident alien who is within your city gates. For the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and everything in them in six days; then he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and declared it holy. Exodus 20:8-11 For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh, so that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. Romans 8:3   Jesus said, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished”. Matt 5:17,18 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matt 11:28-30   Want to learn more about your purpose and calling? Grab the Digging for Gold workbook right HERE Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
7/31/202320 minutes, 50 seconds
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185-Balancing Coach-Mode and Care-Mode in Your Relationships

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING & MINDSET Being a life coach doesn't just impact your professional life; it permeates your personal life as well, including your close relationships. Today we delve into the complex dynamics of being a life coach and managing how you care for your relationships, including friends, family, and significant others.  We discuss the balance between being a coach and a loved one, how to avoid the "coach mode" in personal conversations, and the importance of setting boundaries. We also address a common misconception about life coaches. This is a deep dive into the nuanced world of maintaining healthy relationships while growing as a life coach. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: 154-Coaching Friends and Family with Success Want to learn more about your purpose and calling? Grab the Digging for Gold workbook right HERE Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
7/27/202320 minutes, 42 seconds
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184-Embrace Your Pioneering Spirit and Grow a Deep Root System for Your Dreams

In today’s episode: DREAMS & CALLINGS Ever been caught in the whirlwind of a calling deep inside you can't quite articulate? That's exactly how I felt when I sensed a pull towards empowering women 25 years ago, even though I had no idea how to manifest that vision. As we unpack the mystery of our callings in today’s episode, we explore finding contentment and being faithful, even as we eagerly anticipate what the future might hold. In the face of our aspirations, it's easy to feel like we're standing still. But what if we could cultivate our faith and spirit, creating a powerful spiritual root system, while we wait? We'll chat about how these roots, built in the quiet times of waiting, can serve as a legacy to those who come after us. It's all about embracing patience and trusting in divine timing as we lay the foundation for our future.  Our conversation then takes an adventurous turn, inviting you to join us in embracing the pioneering spirit within. Confront the lies of inadequacy that can sneak in, while emphasizing the importance of a firm foundation. But we won't leave you without tools for nurturing your dreams - mind mapping, whiteboards, and trusty journaling might be just what you need. So, are you ready to join me on this journey? ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Pioneer by Rick Pino Field of Dreams the movie And the LORD God commanded him, “You may eat freely from every tree of the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; for in the day that you eat of it, you will surely die.” Gen 2:16,17 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.” Matt 7:24-27   Want to learn more about your purpose and calling? Grab the Digging for Gold workbook right HERE Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
7/24/202333 minutes, 58 seconds
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183-How to Amplify Results and Grow Confidence by Creating a Coaching Focus

In today’s episode: BUSINESS & NICHE Let's redefine your understanding of coaching niches. Today, we'll strip away common misconceptions and help you view niche focus not as a limiting constraint, but as an exciting opportunity to cater to a specific group with specialized solutions. Seize this great chance to discover how narrowing down your niche, much like a heart surgeon specializes, can amplify your results and offers. Learn about the critical role clarity about your calling plays in identifying your ideal clients. The benefits of focusing your offers and aligning with clients who want what you carry are immeasurable. I'm also helping you know how to part ways with people who don't need what you offer, and overcome the fear of rejection. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Essentialism by Greg McKeown Exodus 16:3 “If only the LORD had killed us back in Egypt,” they moaned. “There we sat around pots filled with meat and ate all the bread we wanted. But now you have brought us into this wilderness to starve us all to death.” Thomas Leonard said, "If you want to have a full coaching practice, your best strategy is to go out and coach 100 people as quickly as you can.”   Want to learn more about your purpose and calling? Grab the Digging for Gold workbook right HERE Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
7/20/202328 minutes, 24 seconds
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182-A Prayer to Bless the Lord and Lead Your Soul (listen to #181 first!)

In today’s episode: FAITH & MINDSET Let's pray the scriptures from episode #181 and get into the flow with God for the week ahead.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Grab the free download of these scriptures under the files tab in the Christian Life Coach Collective Facebook group. Music by Want to learn more about your purpose and calling? Grab the Digging for Gold workbook right HERE Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
7/17/20238 minutes, 28 seconds
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181-Digging Into Scripture for the Week Ahead

In today’s episode: FAITH & MINDSET I'm sharing scriptures to help you lead yourself well through your day and week! You need to remind your soul Who is in charge, Who you can trust, Who loves you and Who is the Waymaker in the middle of the crazy.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Grab the free download of these scriptures under the files tab in the Christian Life Coach Collective Facebook group. Want to learn more about your purpose and calling? Grab the Digging for Gold workbook right HERE Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
7/17/202328 minutes, 44 seconds
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180-What To Do When You Have a Terrible Day!

In today’s episode: FAITH & MINDSET Dang it was a bad day! So I am literally walking you through the process the Lord took me through to get to the other side so I could find His peace and hear His voice. It's raw and real episode with tears and laughter! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 Put your heart and soul into every activity you do, as though you are doing it for the Lord himself and not merely for others. For we know that we will receive a reward, an inheritance from the Lord, as we serve the Lord Yahweh, the Anointed One! Col 3:23-24 Want to learn more about your purpose and calling? Grab the Digging for Gold workbook right HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
7/13/202326 minutes, 34 seconds
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179-Wanting to Give Up or Quit Because Life is Hard? Here’s a New Way Forward.

In today’s episode: FAITH & MINDSET I know life gets hard, I know you get tired and weary. I'm sharing a dream with you that speaks to good fruit and great results for these trying times. I pray you are blessed and filled with hope for you future! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: No Longer Slaves by Jonathan David Heller Our constant desire for you is that you might be overwhelmed with the knowledge of God's dream for your lives. We pray that the pattern of his wisdom and thoughts will fall into place for you in all spiritual understanding. Col 1:9 I wait for the lord, I expectantly wait, and in his word do I hope. Psalm 130:5 For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus. Eph 2:6 Knowledge of God's desire to meet your needs + your own expectancy = resolve of any situation!  Want to learn more about your purpose and calling? Grab the Digging for Gold workbook right HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
7/10/202327 minutes, 34 seconds
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178-An Urgent Message and Calling for Such a Time as This

In today’s episode: FAITH There is a terrible epidemic in the world today. It's modern-day slavery and we call it human trafficking. Please listen in and ask God how you can partner with His heart's cry for those who have been taken and held captive. The voices of Esthers are called to rise up and declare His goodness, freedom, and hope! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Read and share my email regarding this HERE Angel Studios and The Sound of Freedom movie (in theaters as of 7/5/23 and available through Angel Studios website afterwards) Break Every Chain by Will Reagan, with Tasha Cobbs Benji and Lauren Nolot and Exodus Cry Erica Greve and Unlikely Heroes Rebecca Bender and Rebecca Bender Initiative “And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn for her, since no one buys their cargo anymore, cargo of gold, silver, jewels, pearls, fine linen, purple cloth, silk, scarlet cloth, all kinds of scented wood, all kinds of articles of ivory, all kinds of articles of costly wood, bronze, iron and marble, cinnamon, spice, incense, myrrh, frankincense, wine, oil, fine flour, wheat, cattle and sheep, horses and chariots, and slaves, that is, human souls. The fruit for which your soul longed has gone from you, and all your delicacies and your splendors are lost to you, never to be found again!” The merchants of these wares, who gained wealth from her, will stand far off, in fear of her torment, weeping and mourning aloud, ”Alas, alas, for the great city that was clothed in fine linen, in purple and scarlet, adorned with gold, with jewels, and with pearls! For in a single hour all this wealth has been laid waste.”  Rev. 18:11-17a (italics mine)    The only reason no one buys their cargo anymore is because of the destruction of the wicked capital city, which in chapter 18 is referred to as an economic hub of commerce, power, and sexual immorality. And it very clearly shows that humans are being sold just as regularly as things like cinnamon, iron, and cows. Can you imagine your son or daughter or grandchildren being taken and sold like they are worth nothing more than what's in your spice cabinet?   Want to learn more about your purpose and calling? Grab the Digging for Gold workbook right HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
7/7/202323 minutes, 9 seconds
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177-A Powerful Reminder to Help Create Your Legacy

In today’s episode: MINDSET It's time to remember the promises over your life and the freedom you walk in. You've crossed the Jordan River, but do you remember what God did? This reminder and challenge will help you realign so that your soul blesses the Lord and generations will know what He has done for you. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Cor 3:17 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matt 11:30 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. Romans 10:17 Stones of remembrance- Joshua 4 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36   Want to learn more about your purpose and calling? Grab the Digging for Gold workbook right HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
7/3/202315 minutes, 38 seconds
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176-What If I’m Wrong?

In today’s episode: MINDSET Do you realize what actually happens for you when you're wrong? Do you recognize what your brain does and what you believe about yourself? Today we are talking about accepting the we can be wrong about something (and so can others) and it's not the end of the world! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Even though I walk     through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil,     for you are with me; your rod (of correction) and your staff (of direction),     they comfort me. Psalm 23:4, parenthesis mine Correction and direction are loving!   Want to learn more about your purpose and calling? Grab the Digging for Gold workbook right HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
6/29/202320 minutes, 55 seconds
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175-LIVE COACHING! Develop Your Coaching Business Tagline- A Coaching Session with the Amazing Laschel Fox

In today’s episode: BUSINESS & NICHE Wish you could listen in to some real time business coaching? This episode is a recorded live coaching session with Coach Laschel Fox from Restored Hope Coaching. She needed coaching on creating her tagline so that her content and business can be found online and her ideal client recognizes herself in what Laschel offers. Listen in to contextualize these tips and pointers to your own tagline and biz name. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Are you a woman who desires to go from surviving to thriving in your marriage? Reach out to Laschel here: [email protected] Resources mentioned: Writing assistant: Grammarly Recommended Email service providers: Hubspot (has a limited blog option), Flodesk (what I use to build my email list and make offers through a landing page- no website needed!) Blogger Newsletter Platform: Substack Want to learn more about your purpose and calling? Grab the Digging for Gold workbook right HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
6/26/202344 minutes, 49 seconds
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174-What is Identity and Purpose Coaching?

In today’s episode: IDENTITY & PURPOSE & FAITH Your Unique Identity and Ultimate Purpose, Part 7 Do you wonder what you’d get out of a coaching relationship with someone who helps you understand your identity and purpose? Would you like to be an identity and purpose coach? I’m sharing some results and benefits from this niche of coaching that you could expect and reach for if this topic interests you. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Rom 12:2  Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. Rom 8:17  Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Eph 6:14-17 Want to learn more about your purpose and calling? Grab the Digging for Gold workbook right HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
6/22/20239 minutes, 20 seconds
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173- 4 Huge Questions to Ask When Searching for Identity and Purpose

In today’s episode: IDENTITY & PURPOSE & FAITH Your Unique Identity and Ultimate Purpose, Part 6 Are you looking for identity and purpose? These are the foundational four questions I'd ask you to reflect on and answer if I was your coach and you were digging for clues. Take some time and really answer these for yourself. Or, if you're a coach, maybe implement some of these questions into your own identity and purpose coaching work! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Recognize and accept: WHO you've been/ are/ are becoming; WHAT authentic you believes/ thinks/ feels/ does; your decision about WHEN you will start living on purpose; WHERE you are in your process. Want to learn more about your purpose and calling? Grab the Digging for Gold workbook right HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
6/19/202316 minutes, 52 seconds
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172- 3 Tools that Give Language to Your Unique Identity and Ultimate Purpose

In today’s episode: IDENTITY & PURPOSE & FAITH Your Unique Identity and Ultimate Purpose, Part 5 Coach Patty and I are sharing about our favorite tools that help you become more aware of your unique identity and discover your ultimate purposes in life. Time to dig in and dig deep! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Grab the Digging for Gold workbook right HERE! The Nexus Profile Free Enneagram Assessment Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
6/15/202341 minutes, 40 seconds
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171-Digging Deeper to Find Your Purpose in Life

In today’s episode: IDENTITY & PURPOSE & FAITH Your Unique Identity and Ultimate Purpose, Part 4 Have you ever wondered about why you're here and what you're supposed to do with your life? Have you ever gotten confused between what's in the Bible about what you're called to do and what's in your heart that you want to do? We are talking about the difference between your primary purpose in the world as a son/daughter of God and your secondary and seasonal purposes that reveal God through your life and calling.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Grab the Digging for Gold workbook right HERE! Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. Mark 12:30 Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, and he will show him even greater works than these, so that you will be amazed. John 5:19,20 Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
6/12/202320 minutes, 39 seconds
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170-Your Personality Is Not Your Identity

In today’s episode: IDENTITY & PURPOSE & FAITH Your Unique Identity and Ultimate Purpose, Part 3 Digging into your true identity as a son/daughter of the Father of Heaven is THE most important part of your faith walk and will bear the greatest fruit ever! Find out in today's episode what it means to be His child and how your personality is NOT your true identity. Be blessed! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: 3 Big Questions that Change Every Teenager by Kara Powell They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor. Isaiah 61:3 They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house, And You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures. Psalm 36:8 The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” Rom 8:15 “I want you to be,” God says. I put you here because I wanted you here. ~ St Augustine For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them… Rom 12:4-6 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. Rom 1:20 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:14 Wake up, and strengthen the things that remain, which were about to die... Rev. 3:2 Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Eph 5:10 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Want clarity about your calling, niche, or ideal client? Grab your QUICK CLARITY session today. Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
6/8/202335 minutes, 39 seconds
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169-Foundations of Finding Your Unique Identity and Ultimate Purpose, Part 2

In today’s episode: IDENTITY & PURPOSE & FAITH If you struggle to know the difference between your identity in Christ as a believer and your personal, unique identity as the man or woman God created in His likeness, this is a must-listen episode with Coach Patty!!!  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Relentless Generational Blessings by Arthur Burk Blessing Your Spirit: With the Blessings of Your Father and the Names of God by Arthur Burk and Sylvia Gunter Gen 1:26 Let us make man in our image after our likeness. Psalm 103:1 Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.  Eph 1:5 God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure. 2 Cor 6:18 I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the LORD Almighty. John 1:12 But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
6/5/202335 minutes, 47 seconds
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168-Foundations of Finding Your Unique Identity and Ultimate Purpose, Part 1

In today’s episode: IDENTITY & PURPOSE & FAITH Want to know more about who you were uniquely made to be? Are you looking to find purpose in life, both in God and in front of you?  Today we are starting a new series with Sterling and Stone Coach Patty Myers about YOUR true identity and YOUR amazing purpose in life. In this episode we dig into the foundations of identity and purpose as they are rooted in your spirit, soul, and body. Whether you are a coach or not, this series will help you discover the truth about yourself and what your Father says about you. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body. 1 Thess 5:23 But God's mercy is so abundant, and his love for us is so great, that while we were spiritually dead in our disobedience he brought us to life with Christ. It is by God's grace that you have been saved. Eph 2:4,5 There must be awareness of God within us, value and honor for His spirit, and an invitation for His spirit to lead us. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
6/1/202323 minutes, 51 seconds
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167-Real Time Tips for Devoted Work at Home Moms

In today’s episode: Here is some practical advice for moms who work from home. It's the ultimate balancing act~ but you can learn how to manage your time effectively, maintain focus, be productive, hold your boundaries and still love your kids! These tips are designed to help WAHMs (work-at-home moms) succeed in business while still being present for their families. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: The Dove Hour Download Episode 124- The Time Management Process You Need "One tree focus" is from the book Essentialism by Greg McKeown Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
5/29/202335 minutes, 58 seconds
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166- 4 Simple Hacks You Need to Combat Distraction

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING & PRODUCTIVITY Working from home is so difficult when you're pulled in different directions all day and feel like you can't just get the right stuff done! Maximize your focus and productivity by eliminating distractions. Check out these hacks for creating a distraction-free work environment. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Episode 124- The Time Management Process You Need The Dove Hour Download Headspace Meditation App Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
5/25/20238 minutes, 51 seconds
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165-How to Find God in the Middle of Your Fire

In today’s episode: FAITH & MINDSET You know that fires happen in life, but do you wonder sometimes why God doesn't just keep them from happening? I want to encourage you with a story from the Bible that He is with you always and you can find Him. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Daniel 3 Jason Upton song, You're Not Alone Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
5/22/202310 minutes, 27 seconds
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164- 5 Ways to Recover from Burnout

In today’s episode: MINDSET & SELF COACHING Burnout is so real! And today I'm giving you five ways you can deal with it, as well as an understanding about what it is and how to close the stress response cycle to be healthier and happier. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity. Eph 4:26, 27  Episode #64-Is Your ’Carer’ Broken? You May Have Empathy or Compassion Fatigue   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
5/18/202330 minutes, 25 seconds
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163-Gaining Victory Over Creative Fatigue

In today’s episode: MINDSET & CREATIVITY As content creators we can crash against a wall we didn't see on our path. We are talking about what it's like inside the vortex of creative fatigue and also ways to climb out of it. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: The Dove Hour Time Management Process Episode #124 The Turquoise Table by Kristin Schell  Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
5/15/202326 minutes, 43 seconds
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162-Overcome Your Fear of Failure

In today’s episode: MINDSET & ENTREPRENEURSHIP We are talking about the reality of fear and the pain of feeling failure. It's a major challenge when you're trying to go after your calling! So let's get some tactical ways and some spiritual truth that supports imperfection action taking and grows good fruit! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Have a question you'd like answered on the podcast? Head over to Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth. Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” Matt 19:21-24 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
5/11/202321 minutes, 39 seconds
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161-Top 10 Reasons You Are Afraid of Starting Your Coaching Business

In today’s episode: MINDSET & COACHING BUSINESS It's okay that you feel fear when the idea of doing this big thing called entrepreneurship. But let's talk about what those fears are so you can have language for them and take them to the Lord. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: FEAR is just a shadow, it's a lie. That's all it can ever be. But you are made of light, and light dispels the shadows and darkness. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
5/8/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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160-Are You Afraid of Rejection When You Think About Telling the World You Coach?

In today’s episode: MINDSET & COACHING BIZ Putting your coaching offer out there in the world is a scary thought! But you can do this, and I'm going to walk you into it so you can grow in confidence in your calling as a coach. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Want to connect your calling to your coaching through content creation? Apply for the Called to Coach Creative Mastermind that begins in May! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
5/4/202315 minutes, 14 seconds
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159-A Cure for Perfectionism

In today’s episode: SELF-COACHING & MINDSET I'm sharing a process with you that will help you escape the chains and break through the ceilings of perfectionism. There's a way for you to be free from the paradigm that perfect is a state of being and start living with power in your pocket! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Want to connect your calling to your coaching through content creation? Apply for the Called to Coach Creative Mastermind that begins in May! The cure for perfectionism: 1. Start 2. Refine 3. Polish 4. Finish 5. Evaluate Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
5/1/202316 minutes
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158-How is Procrastination Robbing You?

Want to connect your calling to your coaching through content creation? Apply for the Called to Coach Creative Mastermind that begins in May! In today’s episode: SELF COACHING & MINDSET Let's define procrastination and get some tools to help save our energy and get results! You may be surprised to discover what procrastination really is and I'm excited to reveal it to you today. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: The Dove Hour download- Listen to episodes #37 and #124 to learn how to apply this time management tool "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 29:11 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
4/27/202332 minutes, 19 seconds
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157-Is Perfectionism Holding You Back from Your Calling?

Want to connect your calling to your coaching through content creation? Apply for the Called to Coach Creative Mastermind that begins in May! In today’s episode: SELF COACHING & FAITH You know it grabs you and holds on tight but it's feels sooo hard to get away from... perfectionism. It attacks all of us. Let's talk about the truth today - how the chains of perfectionism are hindering God's love in your life and suppressing your calling. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Now this [expression], “Yet once more,” indicates the removal and final transformation of all those things which can be shaken—that is, of that which has been created—so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. Heb 12:27 AMP Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
4/24/202324 minutes, 45 seconds
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156-How to Explain ”What is a Life Coach”

Want to get started building content that will attract clients? Apply for the Called to Coach Creative Mastermind that begins in May! In today’s episode: FOUNDATIONS & MINDSET If you tell somebody you're a life coach and they look at you cross-eyed, you need this episode! So listen in for some details about the industry and keys to memorize and repeat so you can be confident when you share about your calling with the naysayers and side-eyers:) ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Script: ‘I’m proud to be a life coach, and that means that I’m available to help guide anyone to recognize their value and abilities to reach their goals and potential. I am passionate about it because I simply believe that everyone deserves a coach in their corner in the game of everyday life.’ Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
4/22/202320 minutes, 6 seconds
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155-The Med I Would Put in Your IV to Infuse Your Message

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING & ENTREPRENEURSHIP It's really easy to believe that what you have gone through, what you know, and what you create isn't as valuable to others or even to yourself. I'm sharing with you about the value and meaning of your message and how it's the one thing you need to become convinced about so that you take passion action to get it done! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: So will My word be which goes out of My mouth; It will not return to Me void (useless, without result), Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11 Genesis 18 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
4/20/202318 minutes, 50 seconds
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154-Coaching Friends and Family with Success

Want to connect your calling to your coaching through content creation? Apply for the Called to Coach Creative Mastermind that begins in May! In today’s episode: FOUNDATIONS & CLIENT WORK It happens to all of us at some point, especially if you're just starting out, when a friend or family member becomes a client. Today I'm sharing some boundaries and expectations you can set up as well as how to put your mindset about this delicate work into the right space.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: There's Always Enough by Heidi Baker When Jesus had finished these parables, he moved on from there. Coming to his hometown, he began teaching the people in their synagogue, and they were amazed. “Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers?” they asked. “Isn’t this the carpenter's (stonemason's) son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? Aren’t all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in his own home.” And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith. Matt 13:53-58, italics mine Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
4/17/202324 minutes, 48 seconds
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153-Praying with Expectancy for God’s Blessing

Get $100 off the Called to Coach Creative MasterMind when you apply by Sunday, April 16th at midnight! Just click HERE to apply and let me know in your application that you heard this episode and want to celebrate with me and get $100 off! Get $100 off of the Greenhouse life coach training and certification course with coupon code- CELEBRATE150 until midnight on Sunday, April 16th! In today’s episode: FAITH & FOUNDATIONS I'm looking back at something called The Prayer of Jabez today. How can it apply to you and what you are building? How can you partner with God, pursue His highest and best for your life, and grow in your prayer as you turn your expectations into expectancy?  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: The Prayer of Jabez by Bruce Wilkerson Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying, ‘Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain!’ And God granted what he asked. 1 Chron 4:10 Just make sure you ask empowered by confident faith without doubting that you will receive. James 1:6 TPT Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:4-7 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
4/15/202315 minutes, 57 seconds
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152-Get Into the Strategy Room to Build With the General

Get $100 off the Called to Coach Creative MasterMind when you apply by Sunday, April 16th at midnight! Just click HERE to apply and let me know in your application that you heard this episode and want to celebrate with me and get $100 off! Get $100 off of the Greenhouse life coach training and certification course with coupon code- CELEBRATE150 until midnight on Sunday, April 16th! In today’s episode: BUSINESS & FAITH Do you see a bunch of social media ads and emails in your inbox telling you how to build your family, your household, your business, your ministry? Mostly people are just trying to help, but sometimes all those directions and offers can get in the way of what you really need to be doing in this moment to build with God. Let's talk about getting into Heaven's strategy room and finding out what the General says is your next, right step. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: He raised us up with Christ the exalted One, and we ascended with him into the glorious perfection and authority of the heavenly realm, for we are now co-seated as one with Christ! Ephesians 2:6 For, “Who can know the LORD’s thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?” But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ. 1 Cor 2:16 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
4/13/202321 minutes, 13 seconds
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151-Rebellion and What To Do With It

Get $100 off the Called to Coach Creative MasterMind when you apply by Sunday, April 16th at midnight! Just click HERE to apply and let me know in your application that you heard this episode and want to celebrate with me and get $100 off! Get $100 off of the Greenhouse life coach training and certification course with coupon code- CELEBRATE150 until midnight on Sunday, April 16th! In today’s episode: SELF COACHING & PERSONALITIES Have you ever felt like you wanted to do something or were willing to do it until someone came along and told you that you MUST do it? Ugh. Where'd the desire go? Down the rebel road. It walked away because it felt like expectation suffocated it. We are talking about how to get by when you have a bit of rebel streak in your blood. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. Romans 7:15-17 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
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150-Want to Know What I Wish I’d Known as a New Coach?

In today’s episode: BUSINESS & ENTREPRENEURSHIP I'm sharing 10 of the most important things I wish I'd known several years ago when starting out as a coach and beginning my business. I want to save you the grief and the wasted time so you can start impacting the world and doing what you're called to do as a coach! PLUS, WE ARE CELEBRATING ONE YEAR AND 150 EPISODES OF THE PODCAST SO THERE ARE SOME TREATS FOR YOU :-) ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Get $100 off the Called to Coach Creative MasterMind if you apply by Sunday, April 16th at midnight! Just click HERE to apply and let me know in your application that you heard this episode and want to celebrate with me and get $100 off! Get $100 off of the Greenhouse life coach training and certification course with coupon code- CELEBRATE150 until midnight on Sunday, April 16th! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
4/10/202330 minutes, 41 seconds
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149-What To Do When a Client Says ’I Don’t Know’

In today’s episode: CLIENT WORK & TOOLS It happens, and sometimes as a coach it can be frustrating, but clients sometimes believe they just don't know the answer to your question. We are talking today about what to do with that, how to respond, and how important it is to be a space holder as a coach. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Jump into the CLCC FB group to grab a free download of what to do with I Don't Know under the files tab! Want to get started building content that will attract clients? Apply for the Called to Coach Creative Mastermind that begins in May! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
4/7/202315 minutes
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148-Are You Not Motivated Enough?

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING Do you feel like you're not motivated ENOUGH to get things done? I used to think I wasn't motivated enough until I found this truth and starting getting real with myself. I want you to know how to figure out if what's holding you back is your inability to conjure up enough motivation to do what you're called to or if you really just need to direct your motivation towards a specific target. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. John 14:12 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
4/3/202318 minutes, 38 seconds
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147-Has Your Purpose in Life Become an Idol?

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING I love finding purpose, and you know I teach on it and coach people into it, but I've found that it's very easy to allow purpose in life to become an idol. Today we're talking about how it happens and what to do about it. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: This means that all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain. Heb 12:27 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
3/31/20238 minutes, 43 seconds
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146-Bending Truth to Justify or Explain Emotions

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING Do you ever find yourself manipulating the "Capital T" Truth to conform to what you believe, think or feel? It's a pretty normal human practice, but it doesn't bear good fruit in the long run. Let's talk about what you can do to shift your emotions and beliefs into alignment with truth instead.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Self Leadership with the PEARL Practice Episode #6 Parenting with the PEARL Practice Episode #60 Paradigm informs your Emotions, which in inform your Actions, then creating the Results you get that culminate in the Legacy story you live in. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
3/30/20239 minutes, 36 seconds
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145-What Do You Do with the New Song Seasons that Offend You?

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING Do you ever feel offended by new seasons, suddenlies, changes you didn't invite, etc.? I'm talking about this today and how our spirit is not the offended party, but our soul is. How do you deal with it? Listen in. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense. Proverbs 19:11 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
3/29/202315 minutes, 34 seconds
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144-Giving Grace to Past Versions of You

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING  Do you ever look back at who you've been and feel disdain or disappointment? Let's talk about changing your perspective so that current you can put in a ceiling that becomes a solid foundation for future you. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: For we are God's masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Eph. 2:10 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
3/28/20237 minutes, 42 seconds
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143-Called to Coach? You Want to Be in this MasterMind!

In today’s episode: BIZ & FAITH & TRAINING The doors to the Called to Coach Creative MasterMind are finally open! If you want to create a coaching business with Jesus as your CEO and a village of believers on the journey with you, then this mastermind is for you! Take a listen to today's episode for all the details! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
3/27/202318 minutes, 29 seconds
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142-Are You in a Confidence Slump? How to Dig Yourself Out

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING & FAITH Is confidence evading you these days? Right now it seems like a lot of people are in a slump of some kind, and I'm hearing people talk about a lack of confidence. So I'm sharing about the two kinds of confidence you need and an equation that will lead you into them.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: 2 Cor 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
3/25/202320 minutes, 59 seconds
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141- 9 Intentions that Matter Most in Building Your Coaching Practice

'Becoming a Life Coach' Series In today’s episode: BUSINESS & FOUNDATIONS What do you need to expect to need as you build? These 9 areas of intention are skills that you need to develop and expect to grow in so that you can become a great coach and build a blessed coaching practice and business. I believe that if someone had told me to get intentional about these 9 things I would've been further along and more confident sooner than later. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Check out the CALLED TO COACH Creative Mastermind If you have a question you'd like answered on the podcast, make sure to ask it HERE at the bottom of this page! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
3/23/202320 minutes, 9 seconds
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140-How Do I Find My Calling as a Coach?

'Becoming a Life Coach' Series In today’s episode: CALLINGS & FOUNDATIONS Many coaches, both new and those who've been going for a bit, find it difficult to figure out what their specific calling as a coach is. They want to know how to figure it out and want it to magically appear. I'm sharing the "simple in reality but hard mentally but doable with Jesus" way you find out. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: John 10:27 “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” Jump on the waitlist for the upcoming Called to Coach Creative Mastermind! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
3/20/202324 minutes, 23 seconds
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139-Signs that You Might Be Called to Be a Life Coach

'Becoming a Life Coach' Series In today’s episode: CALLINGS & FOUNDATIONS Are you wondering if you're called to coaching? I'm sharing 14 signs you can look for in your life and heart to find your way. (I say that if you're even interested in this episode- you're probably called!😉) ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: If you have a question you'd like answered on the podcast, make sure to ask it HERE at the bottom of the page! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
3/16/202314 minutes, 24 seconds
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138- 4 Things to Consider When Connecting Faith to Your Coaching

'Becoming a Life Coach' Series In today’s episode: BUSINESS & FOUNDATIONS Let's talk about how faith fits into your calling as a coach and the four things you need to consider as you find your way. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: If you have a question you'd like answered in this series, make sure to ask it HERE at the bottom of the page! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
3/13/202317 minutes, 38 seconds
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137-Do I Need to Finish a Certification Before I Start Coaching?

'Becoming a Life Coach' Series In today’s episode: BUSINESS & FOUNDATIONS What really makes you qualified to coach? I'm explaining what a certification should do for you, when to seek it out, and what you should get out of it, along with what is really more important than your certification paper and seal.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: If you have a question you'd like answered in this series, make sure to ask it HERE at the bottom of the page! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
3/9/202328 minutes, 44 seconds
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136-Should I Be Hustling or Flowing as a Coachpreneur?

'Becoming a Life Coach' Series In today’s episode: BUSINESS & FOUNDATIONS Have you seen the Facebook ads encouraging you to hustle and hurry? Or have you heard people talk about being soul aligned and flowing gently in your business? This episode is about both: the difference between them, the reasons you need to value both, and how to determine which is right for you personally as a coachpreneur. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: If you have a question you'd like answered in this series, make sure to ask it HERE at the bottom of the page! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
3/7/202317 minutes, 28 seconds
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135-What’s the Difference Between a Coach and a Coachpreneur?

'Becoming a Life Coach' Series In today’s episode: FOUNDATIONS & BUSINESS The word entrepreneur strikes fear into the hearts of many! But I'm explaining the difference of being a coach and being a coach who starts their own business in today's episode. Spoiler alert: both are great options! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Get on the Life Coach MasterMind waitlist now! If you have a question you'd like answered in this series, make sure to ask it HERE at the bottom of the page! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
3/2/202312 minutes, 8 seconds
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134-What Does a Life Coach Do? Starting the ’Becoming a Life Coach’ Series!

In today’s episode: FOUNDATIONS & BUSINESS We are starting a new series called 'Becoming a Life Coach' where I answer all of your questions about the dream and calling of coaching. Today I address what a life coach does and a little of what they don't do. If you are feeling called to coaching, you definitely want to listen in to this series! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Get on the Life Coach MasterMind waitlist now! If you have a question you'd like answered, make sure to ask it HERE at the bottom of the page! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
2/27/202320 minutes, 48 seconds
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133-Enneagram, Thought-life, and Bringing the Kingdom of Heaven with Guest Coach Tony LaMouria, Part 2

In today’s episode: ENNEAGRAM & RESOURCES In part 2 of our conversation with Coach Tony LaMouria we chat about using the Enneagram in coaching, understanding how the PEARL practice can benefit your work and life, and the joy of being Kingdom Bringers especially through life coaching. This was a fun convo so I hope you are blessed! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Image Born Life  and Image Born Life Podcast Tony LaMouria's Books: The Living Image: God Purposed You to Bear His Image and Know His Will: Lamouria, A. M. 12:2 Starting Now by Anthony LaMouria   Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. 2 Cor 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.   2 Tim 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power,[love, and sound judgment (or self-control).   Matt 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
2/23/202325 minutes, 25 seconds
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132-Coaching with Trauma Awareness and Stewarding Your Gifts with Guest Coach Tony LaMouria, Part 1

In today’s episode: RESOURCES & FOUNDATIONS  We have a great conversation with Coach Tony LaMouria today about understanding the landscape of trauma in your coaching, awareness of the lines between counseling and coaching, and finding purpose in your gifting while stewarding it well. Listen in because it's chock full of wisdom! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Image Born Life and Image Born Life Podcast Tony LaMouria's Books: The Living Image: God Purposed You to Bear His Image and Know His Will: Lamouria, A. M. 12:2 Starting Now by Anthony LaMouria   Books and scriptures referenced in episode: The Body Keep the Score Trauma Stewardship- An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others The Parallel Process- Growing Alongside Your Adolescent or Young Child in Treatment Odysseus in America- Combat Trauma and the Trials of Homecoming Achilles in Vietnam- Combat Trauma and the Undoing of Character 1 Peter 4:10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. Prov 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. Matt 20:1-16 The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard 2 Cor 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
2/20/202332 minutes, 1 second
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131-How to Resist the Lies of the Enemy About Your Calling

In today’s episode: MINDSET & FAITH IN JESUS Do you doubt your calling, question if you're qualified, and want to quit trying when thoughts fly at you about the dreams in your heart? The enemy wants to resist you as you step into your destiny. So partner with God, call on Jesus, and persevere my friend! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Rom 5:8 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13 A song of ascents. I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? Psalm 121:1 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jer 29:11 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
2/16/202319 minutes, 23 seconds
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130-Want to Become a Life Coach? Grab this ’Valentaco Day’ $100 OFF Special!

In today’s episode: TRAINING & RESOURCES I'm offering a three day special if you're ready to jump into your calling as a coach! Grab the link below for $100 off! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Check out the course info HERE! Use Coupon Code- VALENTACO  or click this link to jump straight in: $100 off The Greenhouse Christian Life Coach Training & Certification This offer is only good until midnight Thursday Feb 16th!     Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
2/14/202311 minutes, 46 seconds
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129-Here’s How to Re’mind’ Yourself that You Can Do Hard Things!

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING & MINDSET Want to know how to strengthen yourself and remember you are capable, strong, and blessed? Today I'm teaching you one of my favorite tools for self-coaching and managing my own mindset as well as in coaching clients. It's simple, it's memorable, and it's powerful.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.  Phil 4:13 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
2/13/202314 minutes, 34 seconds
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128-Feel Like You’re Still Confused About Your Coaching? Develop Your Decision-Making Muscles

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING & MINDSET If you're wondering why it doesn't feel like you know what to do after all the researching and learning and options and shiny new things to chase, then maybe you're struggling to just make a decision. Unmade decisions rob you of energy and clarity, and you need to know how to move forward so you can get the results you really want! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Listen to episode 6 about the PEARL Practice HERE Grab your FREE download of the Dove Hour Time Management Process HERE For, “Who can know the LORD’s thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?” But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ. 1 Cor 2:16 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
2/9/202328 minutes, 8 seconds
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127-Wondering Why You’re Tired, Cranky, or Foggy? Decision Fatigue May Be Your Answer

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING & COACHING BIZ If you ever just feel like you want to put the closed sign on your forehead so life would just stop asking for things, then decision fatigue may be something that's exhausting your brain. Listen in for a few tips about how to spot it and deal with it. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Matt 11:28-30 Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Assess the decisions. Set priorities. Reduce your options. Pick a path.  Trust your Dad. Walk on.  Hand out grace tickets. Sleep soundly. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
2/6/202316 minutes, 32 seconds
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126-The Coaching Choir- The Blessing

In today’s episode: COACHING CHOIR & SELF COACHING This is such an incredible song to dwell on! I highly encourage you to listen to this song often, sing it over yourself, and declare the truth about God in your life and over your calling! In addition, what do you need to be raising your voice about? What truth about God do you need to be sharing? How do you need to be brave and bold? ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: The Blessing by Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained and certified as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL IF YOU LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
2/2/202315 minutes, 17 seconds
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125-Not Getting the Results You Want? 10 Action Steps to Build with Intention

In today’s episode: COACHING BIZ & MINDSET There's always an area or two you really want to see better results in if you think about it. But it's not always easy to figure out how to start on the path to greater fruit. Today I'm sharing with you about intentional beliefs and thinking so you can impact your actions with more alignment and fulfillment.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Set your mind and keep focused habitually on the things above [the heavenly things], not on things that are on the earth [which have only temporal value]. Col 3:2 AMP Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Phil 4:8 10 Action steps Name the area of life or business that you want to focus on Decide that you will commit to working on this area.  What is your motive behind this intention? What is the goal this intention will lead to?  Consider what type of clarity you need to get about this area. Do you need to do some research? Talk to someone? Pray about it? What do you currently believe and think about this area?  How have you been allowing general intent, specific intent, and constructive intent to lead you?  What results do you want in this area? How will you give attention to your intention? Declare your intention Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU TO LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
1/30/202329 minutes, 45 seconds
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124-Need Better Time Management? THIS TOOL Will Get You Greater Results Through Focused, Spirit-Led Direction

In today’s episode: COACHING BIZ & TOOLS Does this sound familiar? "I can't find the time," or "There's just not enough time in my days". I'm revisiting my time management process that I've revamped to include the most important hour of my week. And you need this tool so you can feel a sense of accomplishment, rest, and joy at the end of your week and leave behind the confusion, anxiety, and overwhelm of not knowing what's in front of you. Plus, you are literally inviting Holy Spirit into the process! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: The Dove Hour download Psalm 63:1 says O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for You, my flesh faints for You Listen to Episode #37 to learn how to apply this time management tool Check out Notion Project Mgmt HERE Check out Acuity Scheduler HERE Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU TO LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
1/25/202337 minutes, 6 seconds
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123-The ONE Thing To Keep You Focused On the Right Path in Your Coaching Business

In today’s episode: COACHING BIZ & FOUNDATIONS Keep your focus and not getting distracted is sooo hard isn't it? When you find that there are more sparkly things to chase, your soul wants to run after them. But if you have this one key I'm sharing with you today, you will stay steadfast and focused when you hear the Lord say, "This is the way, walk in it". ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: You must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do. James 1:6-8 I know that You can do all things; no purpose of Yours can be thwarted. Job 42:2 Find Your Why by Simon Sinek Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU TO LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
1/23/202316 minutes, 45 seconds
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122-Struggling to Know What To Do Next? Get Focused on Your Coaching with This Flow

In today’s episode: COACHING BIZ & ENTREPRENEURSHIP Focus can be difficult to find when there is so much to get done and you don't know how to choose what's most important. I'm sharing about the three areas you need to give attention and concentration to: your business, your practice, and your clients. Then I'm helping you dive into the areas more deeply with intention. Grab your pencils! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Prov 4:25 Essentialism by Greg McKeown Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU TO LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!
1/22/202324 minutes, 1 second
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121-How to Become a Successful Coaching Business Owner

In today’s episode: ENTREPRENEURSHIP & COACHING BIZ If you're looking for how to build your foundation as a coaching biz owner, look no further. I'm sharing five INVALUABLE principles and focuses to set your mind, heart, and eyes upon in order to guarantee your success and sustainability in your calling. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matt 6:33 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. – Colossians 3:23-24  For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? – Mark 8:36  It is the Lord’s blessing that makes a person rich, and hard work adds nothing to it Prov 10:22 But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today. Deuteronomy 8:18   Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. – Psalm 127:1 God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself. Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin. 1 Cor 1:30 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such 'wisdom' does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness. James 3:13-18 Proverbs chapters 8 and 9 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting your coaching practice and business! Join the Coaching FB Community —> HERE Get trained as a Christian Life Coach —> HERE Schedule your FREE Possibility Call —> HERE Work with me —> HERE Connect with Sterling & Stone Mentoring on FB —> HERE Find me @lauramalonessm on IG —> HERE I’D BE SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU TO LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE!  
1/21/202324 minutes, 20 seconds
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120-Entrepreneurship 101- The Foundation of Building a Coaching Business

In today’s episode: ENTREPRENEURSHIP & COACHING BIZ Do you ask yourself if you should start a business or work for someone else? Do you wonder if you have what it takes to become an entrepreneur and wonder if it's for you? In this episode I'm defining entrepreneurship for you and letting you in on what you need to be willing to do as the creator and builder of your own business. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: "All entrepreneurs are business owners, but not all business owners are entrepreneurs." Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/20/202318 minutes, 36 seconds
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119-Are You Afraid to Make a Committed Decision About Your Coaching Business? Here’s Some Momma Bear Encouragement

In today’s episode: COACHING BIZ & ENTREPRENEURSHIP I'm taking on the doubts that are floating through your mind and challenging them with some 'hard like gold' truths. If you are afraid, trying to keep your safety and comfort in tact, but not accomplishing what you're called to as a coach, then you will want to listen to this episode! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Book a FREE Possibility Session or a Coaching Clarity Session HERE Colossians 3:9-10 "Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices, and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him" Romans 6:6 "knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin" 'Oceans' by Hillsong   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/19/202331 minutes, 8 seconds
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118-Why Is Christian Life Coaching So Important Today?

In today’s episode: FOUNDATIONS & COACHING BIZ Are you a life coach who feels a bit restless, uneasy, or daunted by your calling? Are you needing some hope and encouragement that what you carry is needed in today's world? I'm here to tell you that your gifting and calling will make a way for you, and that there is a way to get unstuck.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Book a Coaching Clarity Session HERE with me to help determine your calling, niche, next steps, and/or client work.  Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/18/202316 minutes, 44 seconds
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117- 5 Important Prayers to Pray Over Your Coach Calling and Business (with Printout!)

In today’s episode: CALLING & FAITH / SCRIPTURES It's about time for a prayer episode don't you think?! These five prayers are SUPER powerful to be praying and declaring over your calling, your practice, your business, and your life. Try implementing them in your daily and weekly routines to see God meet you right where you are and bless the work of your hands! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: 5 Important Prayers to Pray Over Your Coach Calling and Business Printout Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/17/202315 minutes, 5 seconds
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116-Tips for Building Strong Friendships and Significant Other Relationships- Part 2

In today’s episode: FRESH STARTS & SELF COACHING Do you have some relationships that are lacking in joy, kindness, and empathy? Do you feel less than fulfilled in some of your friendships or disconnected with your significant other? In this two-part teaching, I'm giving you ways to pay more attention to how you can make the difference. You can take responsibility for your part in these relationships, friendships, and partnerships by doing what is yours to do. Practice giving and you will get back more than you expected.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Mirroring- Episode #7 Expectation Handbook- Episode #42 Expectation Handbook- Episode #92 Books to consider reading: Good boundaries and good byes Boundaries  Necessary endings Love languages and Apology Languages The Go-Giver, The Go-Giver Influencer, The Go-Giver Leader, and The Go-Giver Marriage Relational Intelligence; The Five Essential Skills You Need to Build Life-Changing Relationships   Disclaimer: I have not read all of these suggested books fully, and I make no promises that any or all of them are written from a faith-based view. I am not a doctor or licensed medical caregiver and I am not giving medical counsel or diagnosis in anything written or spoken. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/16/202324 minutes, 39 seconds
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115-Tips for Building Strong Friendships and Significant Other Relationships- Part 1

In today’s episode: FRESH STARTS & SELF COACHING Do you have some relationships that are lacking in joy, kindness, and empathy? Do you feel less than fulfilled in some of your friendships or disconnected with your significant other? In this two-part teaching, I'm giving you ways to pay more attention to how you can make the difference. You can take responsibility for your part in these relationships, friendships, and partnerships by doing what is yours to do. Practice giving and you will get back more than you expected.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Mirroring- Episode #7 Expectation Handbook- Episode #42 Expectation Handbook- Episode #92 Books to consider reading: Good boundaries and good byes Boundaries  Necessary endings Love languages and Apology Languages The Go-Giver, The Go-Giver Influencer, The Go-Giver Leader, and The Go-Giver Marriage Relational Intelligence; The Five Essential Skills You Need to Build Life-Changing Relationships   Disclaimer: I have not read all of these suggested books fully, and I make no promises that any or all of them are written from a faith-based view. I am not a doctor or licensed medical caregiver and I am not giving medical counsel or diagnosis in anything written or spoken. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/15/202322 minutes, 12 seconds
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114-Pursuing God and Spiritual Growth in Your New Season

In today’s episode: FRESH STARTS & SELF COACHING How I love spiritual growth! It's one of my favorite topics. Today we are digging into ways you can expand the boundaries of your spiritual life by pursuing new things, regaining lost things, and developing specific things. Listen in to find some new ideas and get a refresher on how your spiritual life deserves attention. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Gal 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Dwell App Discover Your Spiritual Gifts Music mentioned: Johnnyswim, Maverick City Worship, Upper Room, Housefires, Jenn Johnson, Bryan and Katie Torwalt, United Pursuit Band, Harvest, Josh Garrels, David Brymer, Lauren Daigle, Jonathon David and Melissa Helser, Cory Asbury, Kelanie Goeckler, Lindy Cofer, Kimberly and Alberto Rivera Practicing the Presence of God The Power of Communion: Accessing Miracles Through the Body and Blood of Jesus   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/14/202331 minutes, 44 seconds
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113- 22 Ways to Develop Your Emotional Health and Wellness

In today’s episode: FRESH STARTS & SELF COACHING & RESOURCES Your emotional health is super important to tend to because what you believe, think, and do are all connected to it. In addition, your emotions are tied to your brain health, nervous system, and physical health as well. This episode exposes a number of different things to give attention to, remove, and add in so you can level up your emotional life and live abundantly! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: James 4:7 So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Disclaimer: I have not read all of these suggested books fully, and I make no promises that any or all of them are written from a faith based view. I am not a doctor or licensed medical caregiver and I am not giving medical counsel or diagnosis in anything written or spoken. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality and others (leadership, discipleship, and relationships) by Peter Scazzero Eat & Flourish: How Food Supports Emotional Well-Being  The Empowered Empath: A Simple Guide on Setting Boundaries, Controlling Your Emotions, and Making Life Easier  Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table Study Guide  Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?  Untangling Emotions: "God's Gift of Emotions" The Body Keeps the Score  Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/13/202332 minutes, 30 seconds
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112-Leveling Up Professionally, No Matter What Kind of Job You Have

In today’s episode: FRESH STARTS & SELF COACHING & RESOURCES If you want to go higher and dig deeper to become a better employee, entrepreneur, boss, coworker, or even stay at home mom, I'm giving you real-time ways you can grow and add value to your profession. Your profession deserves your time, consideration, and investment! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Disclaimer: I have not read all of these suggested books fully, and I make no promises that any or all of them are written from a faith based view. I am not a doctor or licensed medical caregiver and I am not giving medical counsel or diagnosis in anything written or spoken. Anything by John Maxwell, Donald Miller, and Brene Brown Logic for Christians: Critical Thinking for the People of God  The 5 Apology Languages: The Secret to Healthy Relationships Redeeming Your Time: 7 Biblical Principles for Being Purposeful, Present, and Wildly Productive The Coach Model for Christian Leaders: Powerful Leadership Skills for Solving Problems, Reaching Goals, and Developing Others Jesus, CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership  4 Essential Keys to Effective Communication in Love, Life, Work--Anywhere! The First-Time Manager  The Bait of Satan  Humility Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/12/202318 minutes, 41 seconds
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111- 16 Easy Hacks to Level Up Mentally

In today’s episode: FRESH STARTS & SELF COACHING Do you sometimes feel like it's all just too much for your brain too handle? Life is super overwhelming and our lack of awareness and lack of good examples in our lives keep us locked up.These may be simple, maybe even seemingly too simple, but I think you deserve a refresher course in how to easily help your mental health status become more sustainable and thriving.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind.” Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” Psalm 18:32 “It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect” Philippians 4:6-7 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Psalm 34:17 “The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.”     Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/11/202312 minutes, 23 seconds
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110-Ready to Start Feeling Great? Level Up Physically with These Starting Points

In today’s episode: FRESH STARTS & SELF COACHING I'm giving you things to start thinking about in order to live your best life physically. No matter what you've been doing with your fitness, health, and body up to this point, you can get started, get healthy, and modify wherever needed to grab hold of the wholehearted life you're called to! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: I am not a doctor or nutritionist, and this is not medical advice, only possibilities for you to consider and research. Please consult your doctor before implementing any practices, or starting any medications, vitamins, or supplements. Intermittent Fasting is an eating pattern of time frames in which you fast and eat that may benefit brain and heart health as well as weight loss. L-Tyrosine is may benefit your focus, memory, motivation and stress management 5-HTP may benefit your sleep and boost your mood A combo of L-lysine and L-arginine may be good for decreasing anxiety Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/10/202317 minutes, 21 seconds
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109-Tackling Imposter Syndrome by Recognizing and Resisting It

In today’s episode: FRESH STARTS & SELF COACHING Does imposter syndrome attack you in the night or during the worst times when you're leading, teaching, or doing what you thought you were made to do? Learn how to recognize it and do what's necessary to cast it aside and move on in power, love and self control without fear of judgment. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: 2 Tim 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. Psalms 89:14 Righteousness and justice are the foundation of thy throne Romans 8:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/9/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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108-How to Overcome the Doubt that Attacks You

In today’s episode: FRESH STARTS & SELF COACHING Do you find doubt creeping into your thoughts about your identity, calling, giftings, and hope? Doubt is an enemy of belief but it IS possible to win the battle!  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: James 1:6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.  Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/8/20239 minutes, 59 seconds
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107- 12 Ways to Begin Investing in Yourself

In today’s episode: FRESH STARTS & SELF COACHING Do you often put yourself last? Do your needs take a backseat because everything and everyone else are more important? It's so important to change this mindset and create better balance. You CAN invest in yourself by starting small and without sabotaging other responsibilities. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 25:14-30 The Parable of the Talents   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/7/202316 minutes, 6 seconds
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106-Want to Know the ONE Thing You Can Add to Your Life that Will Up Your Game?

In today’s episode: FRESH STARTS & RESOURCES Are you looking to be uber successful at anything in your life? This is seriously a game changer for everyone. Add this one thing to your life and you will grow exponentially and get results faster than everyone around you NOT doing this. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/6/202316 minutes, 13 seconds
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105-Looking for Books in this New Season? My Recs for Transformation and Inspiration

In today’s episode: FRESH STARTS & RESOURCES I'm giving you the first installation of great books to start off your new season or your season of transition! Reading is an amazing way to open your mind up, get curious, find wisdom, learn from others' experiences, and be influenced by people you'd love to surround yourself with. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: She Reads Truth Bible Life Without Limits- Nick Voijicic Love Does- Bob Goff There is Always Enough- Heidi Baker Boundaries & Necessary Endings- Dr Henry Cloud Rich Dad, Poor Dad- Robert Kiyosaki The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry- John Mark Comer Hero On a Mission- Donald Miller Get Out of Your Head- Jennie Allen 5am Club- Robin Sharma Fiction- Francine Rivers, Brock and Bodie Thoene, and Rachel Hauck   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/5/202320 minutes, 39 seconds
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104-Develop a Habit of 1% More

In today’s episode: FRESH STARTS & SELF COACHING How do you get ahead? How do you reach the horizon sooner and more easily? You give your focus to gradual improvement. Pay attention and set intention on the right things and you'll find yourself further ahead in this race you're running without chasing hustle culture. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Atomic Habits by James Clear Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/4/202311 minutes, 35 seconds
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103-Removing Hindrances to Hope

In today’s episode: FRESH STARTS & SELF COACHING Let's go after all the things trying to steal your hope. I'm sharing some of the common thieves of hope and giving you some homework to remove them, but also an invitation to add ingredients to your life to bring hope. Hope and faith are intricately connected and you deserve to live in hope on a daily basis.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Heb 6:19 This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/3/202317 minutes, 3 seconds
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102- 5 Keys to Accessing Your Vision

In today’s episode: FRESH STARTS & SELF COACHING Are you wondering what the keys are to grabbing ahold of your vision and helping it to come to pass? I'm giving you 5 keys to getting in the boat and setting sail to your new horizon! I am sharing part two of the vision episodes, so listen to episode 101 first and let this one be your follow up.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Habakkuk 2:2 'And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.' Join the CLCC FB group to grab the free resources under the file tab! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/3/202310 minutes, 53 seconds
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101-Are You Ready for a Fresh Start? Visionating 101

In today’s episode: FRESH STARTS & SELF COACHING Want to turn into a new season? Want to start fresh in your life personally and/or professionally? Want vision for the mundane things in your daily routines, building your family or business, and developing your coaching? In this episode I'm sharing a path to developing your vision and asking the right questions to get you headed in the direction of your best horizon.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Habakkuk 2:2 'And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.' Join the CLCC FB group to grab the free resources under the file tab! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
1/1/202318 minutes, 23 seconds
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100-The Coaching Choir- God Be

In today’s episode: THE COACHING CHOIR & SELF COACHING I've got some great questions for you to consider as you move into a new season. Plus it's the 100th episode of the CLCC podcast! Sooo good! And I appreciate you as a listener more than you can imagine. Thanks for making this worth it✨ ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: God Be by Chris Renzema Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
12/31/202217 minutes, 37 seconds
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99-What I Would Tell My Younger Self

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING & FAITH It's my birthday! So I'm sharing with you the things that come to mind in this stage of life that I'd like to have known 25 years ago. Not things that change the outcome, not things that remove failure or hardship, but things that would have helped me navigate them better and lead myself well. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
12/29/202224 minutes, 38 seconds
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98-Hope and Declarations for the Next Season

In today’s episode: FAITH IN JESUS & SCRIPTURES Let's declare God's word and truth over our lives for the next season. Even for this one! I'm sharing scriptures and praying over you that all of God's promises for your life come to pass! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Psalm 46:1 ; Isaiah 41:10; Isaiah 26:3; Psalm 68:6; Proverbs 3:5-6; Deuteronomy 33:26; Hebrews 4:15-16; 1 Chronicles 4:10; Psalm 40:17; Psalm 72:12; Psalm 63:7 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
12/28/202211 minutes, 57 seconds
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97-The Coaching Choir- Do You Hear What I Hear?

In today’s episode: THE COACHING CHOIR & SELF COACHING What does it mean to see, hear, and know what God is doing? And what does it mean to share about it through our everyday lives? Today we are extracting nuggets from the song 'Do You Hear What I Hear' and integrating our beliefs with our actions.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: 1 Sam 3:10 The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” James 1:19 My dear brothers and sisters, understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger... Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out! PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
12/24/202220 minutes, 3 seconds
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96- 7 Ways to Deal with the Post-Big Day Letdown

In today’s episode: SEASON OF BIG DAYS & SELF COACHING You know it and I know it, the hours and days after Christmas morning can at best be disappointing and at worst be devastating! I'm sharing ways to cope and help yourself overcome what will eventually pass but is super real in the moment. You've got this my listening friend:)  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: 1 Make a plan for hours, days, and weeks afterwards.  2 Look forward to books, movies, rest, relationship, fun 3 Decide that the last week of the year is dedicated to your selfceare 4 Get back into a routine or rhythm that works for you 5 Choose to take the joy with you and not let it end with the unwrapping 6 Decide what you’ll focus on, and what you didn’t get to do or have isn’t it 7 Remember that this is normal but it will also pass Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
12/23/202214 minutes, 50 seconds
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95-The 5 Big Emotions, Why They are There, and How to Handle Them

In today’s episode: SEASON OF BIG DAYS & SELF COACHING Our big emotions spike this time of year during the season of big days. So let's talk about anger, fear, disgust, shame, and sadness, and figure out why they are even part of our lives! I'm also sharing more insights about them along with healthy ideas about how to cope.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: NAME IT- Join the CLCC Facebook group and head to the files tab to grab the feelings wheel and learn to identify what emotion you're experiencing.  RATE IT- rate your emotion on a scale of 1-10: 1- a passive feeling; 3- thinking about it more; 5- your body is beginning to experience it physically; 7/8- you’re becoming more consumed with it and taking action from it; 10- you're unable to help yourself get out of it and likely not in self-control. ALLOW IT- let yourself experience the emotion and process it through and out of your body, without staying in too long or negatively cultivating needless suffering. Gen 2:25 "The man and the woman were naked and unashamed." 2 Cor 7:10 "For the kind of sorrow God wants us to experience leads us away from sin and results in salvation. There's no regret for that kind of sorrow. But worldly sorrow, which lacks repentance, results in spiritual death." Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
12/22/202236 minutes, 11 seconds
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94-How to BE a Blessing Instead of Waiting for One

In today’s episode: SEASON OF BIG DAYS & SELF COACHING Do you ever wonder how you could experience more blessing during the holiday season? In an effort to inspire you, I'm sharing a few of the ways I celebrate, the traditions we have, and the ways that I try to make the season a blessing right where I'm at. This isn't one more thing to add to your list of to do's. It's not more hustle and pressure. It's meant to invite you into being a blessing in the simple ways to the ones right in front of you, in ways that are authentic to you. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Psalm 68:6 God sets the lonely in families... James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out! PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
12/19/202223 minutes, 1 second
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93-The Coaching Choir- Best Part

In today’s episode: THE COACHING CHOIR & SELF COACHING Today we are digging into the beauty and revelation of the new song Best Part by Maverick City Music on their album A Very Maverick Christmas. I hope this blesses you and helps you know how to coach your own soul.✨ ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Check it out here! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
12/17/202222 minutes, 10 seconds
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92-Our Handbook of Expectations and the Journal of Expectancy

In today’s episode: SEASON OF BIG DAYS AND SELF COACHING We each have a handbook of expectations full of chapters about each person in our lives. This handbook gets SUPER heavy around the holidays and I want to help you have a new perspective to get you through this season of big days with greater joy and less heartache. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Jeremiah 29:11 'For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' What to put in your Journal of Expectancy: ~Promises God has given you, both from the Bible and personal experiences.  ~Gratitude and thankfulness for everything. Combine this with communion. ~Stories of God showing up for you. ~Stories of how others have shown up for you. ~Hopes, dreams, and desires in your heart that you’d love to see come to pass. ~Anything that shifts your heart into a place of expectancy that God is for you, that Jeremiah 29:11 is true, and that your handbook doesn’t have to rule or ruin your life. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
12/15/202245 minutes, 27 seconds
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91-How to Think New Thoughts in This Season of Big Days

In today’s episode: SEASON OF BIG DAYS AND SELF COACHING New thoughts and ideas are what can shift your hard days into amazing ones. It's a practice of self leadership, mindfully managing your thought life, and choosing what emotions you want to experience. And yes, it means you take responsibility for what you can do and how you can take action to shift things, but it's so worth it to become the StoryMaker of your own life. My goal in this episode is to remind you that you can have a new type of holiday season regardless of circumstances by shifting what you believe and choose to dwell on. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: God is for you and if you believe you don't have enough or you aren't enough, go read Romans 8 a few times and let God reveal Himself to you as a good Father! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
12/12/202228 minutes, 43 seconds
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90-The Coaching Choir- The Light of the World

In today’s episode: THE COACHING CHOIR & SELF COACHING We are extracting nuggets of wisdom and truth from amazing songs that we can apply in our own lives. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: 'The Light of the World' by Lauren Daigle Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out!   PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
12/10/202216 minutes, 40 seconds
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89-Holding Onto Hope in the Season of Big Days

In today’s episode: SEASON OF BIG DAYS & SELF COACHING Hope is a currency of heaven and you are a hope bringer! Holidays can be difficult times even though they we feel the pressure to make hope front and center. But when hope hasn't been normal or is hard to find, you need the reminder and the equipping to make it your anchor. That is exactly what this episode is! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Psalm 20:4 'May he grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans.' Psalm 42:5 “Oh my soul, why are you cast down and disturbed within me? Hope in God for I shall yet praise him for the salvation that comes from His presence.” Complete Jewish Bible Joshua 4:4-7 'When all the nation had finished passing over the Jordan, the Lord said to Joshua, “Take twelve men from the people, from each tribe a man, and command them, saying, ‘Take twelve stones from here out of the midst of the Jordan, from the very place where the priests’ feet stood firmly, and bring them over with you and lay them down in the place where you lodge tonight.’ ” Then Joshua called the twelve men from the people of Israel, whom he had appointed, a man from each tribe. And Joshua said to them, “Pass on before the ark of the Lord your God into the midst of the Jordan, and take up each of you a stone upon his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the people of Israel, that this may be a sign among you. When your children ask in time to come, ‘What do those stones mean to you?’ then you shall tell them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord. When it passed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. So these stones shall be to the people of Israel a memorial forever.”'   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
12/8/202221 minutes, 56 seconds
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88-Dealing with Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidal Thoughts in the Season of Big Days

In today’s episode: BIG DAYS SERIES & SELF COACHING Take it from someone who knows depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts herself: this is a hard time of year for so many of us but there is hope. I'm giving you some natural and practical things you can do to actively decide and take action in this battle of mental health during the holiday season. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Suicide and Crisis Lifeline in US: 988 1- Identify what triggers thoughts of depression, anxiety, and/or suicide. 2- Discover what your personal coping strategies are, as in what kinds of actions can you take to help yourself. 3- Identify the safe people you can reach out to and ways you can put yourself into social and personal settings that will bring you life. 4- Identify where you could turn for help and what the trigger point is that means you need to do so. 5- How can you create an atmosphere around yourself that is helpful to your soul and heart during this season of big days?  Psalm 91:4 He will cover you with His pinions, And under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark. Deut 32:11 Like an eagle that stirs up its nest, That hovers over its young, He spread His wings and caught them, He carried them on His pinions. Psalm 17:8 Keep me as the apple of your eye; Hide me in the shadow of Your wings Psalm 36:7 How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings. Psalm 61:4 Let me dwell in Your tent forever; Let me take refuge in the shelter of Your wings. Selah. Psalm 63:7 For You have been my help, And in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>    
12/5/202237 minutes, 41 seconds
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87-The Coaching Choir- It Is Well with My Soul

In today’s episode: THE COACHING CHOIR In my new Saturday series, I'm sharing coaching and soul-life concepts and truths found in different songs. Today we dive into the devastating and beautiful story behind the hymn, 'It Is Well with My Soul'. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: 'It Is Well with My Soul', written by Horatio G. Spafford and composed by Philip Paul Bliss Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
12/3/20228 minutes, 18 seconds
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86-The Truth About Loneliness During the Season of Big Days

In today’s episode: BIG DAYS SERIES & SELF COACHING I'm encouraging those of you who struggle with loneliness and isolation during the holidays to turn the eyes of your heart to Jesus and let Holy Spirit be your comforter. Adjust what you're focusing on and allow yourself to become home for others as well. Emmanuel, God with us, is always with you and you can learn to experience Him continuously! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Psalm 9:9,10 The Lord is a refuge for the persecuted, a refuge in times of trouble.Those who know your name trust in you because you have not abandoned those who seek you, Lord. Psalm 68:6 God provides homes for those who are deserted. Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand. John 14:16-18 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor[a] to be with you forever. He is the Spirit of truth. The world is unable to receive him because it doesn’t see him or know him. But you do know him, because he remains with you and will be in you. “I will not leave you as orphans; I am coming to you. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>    
12/1/202223 minutes, 37 seconds
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85-Are You Exhausted by the Results You Are Getting in Your Inner Life? Me Too! Let’s Change It!

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING AND MINDSET It's raw and real today, because I'm talking about a root belief system I've dealt with for years and I'm so TIRED of! Don't you want to get free from the lies and lack? Aren't you ready to take back the power you've given away? Let's do it together starting today! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: REMEMBER TO GRAB YOUR DEALS BEFORE SUNDAY 11/27 AT MIDNIGHT EST! Schedule your first of six sessions to get started on the StoryMaker's Journey HERE for $300 off. Purchase The Greenhouse Course and start your training to become a certified life coach with Sterling and Stone HEREand use coupon code BFF to get $100 off PLUS six months of the Coach's Conservatory Membership! If you purchase both, you get the bonus of the Arboretum Business Course! (an $800 value) Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>    
11/25/202234 minutes, 57 seconds
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84-Black Friday Fun Deals for You!

In today’s episode: RESOURCES & TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION  I am sharing this holiday weekend's deals with you! And something went a liiiittle janky with the outro music on this episode, but it doesn't do away with the goodness and I don't want to pull the episode. It's a lesson in imperfect action and acceptance of imperfection! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: OFFERS GOOD FROM 11/24/22 TO 11/27/22 MIDNIGHT ONLY. Schedule your first of six sessions to get started on the StoryMaker's Journey HERE for $300 off. Purchase The Greenhouse Course and start your training to become a certified life coach with Sterling and Stone HERE and use coupon code BFF to get $100 off PLUS six months of the Coach's Conservatory Membership! If you purchase both, you get the bonus of the Arboretum Business Course! (an $800 value) Email [email protected] Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
11/24/202220 minutes
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83-Do You Struggle to Be Confident? 5 Key Ingredients to a New Operating System

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING AND MINDSET Confidence is such a hard thing to grasp when you don't know where it comes from and how to go find it. In this episode I'm sharing five of the necessary aspects of your life that you will need to pursue to gain the confidence you are looking for. Go after these with intentional growth-mindedness and you will look back one day soon and say, "Wow! Look at what I did and look how far I've come with so much confidence!" ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Job 42:2 “I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” Psalm 27:14 “Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” Romans 12:12 “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”  Luke 1:37 “For nothing will be impossible with God.”  Phil 1:6 “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
11/21/202224 minutes, 28 seconds
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82-The Meaning Behind the Name of Sterling and Stone Mentoring

In today’s episode: COACHING BIZ AND CALLING I love sharing the importance of my business name with others, and today I'm giving you the details. Learn how the name came to be, and the why behind it all that drives and motivates me. Plus, I pray that you find your own inspiration about what you name your business, your offers, and all that you create. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Proverbs 25:11 ‘The right word spoken at the right time is like apples of gold in settings of sterling silver.’ Matt 13:55 'Is not this the carpenter's (Greek- tekton; builder, architect) son? Is not his mother called Mary?’ Matt 16:18 ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’ Isaiah 28:16 ‘Therefore thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I am the one who has laid as a foundation in Zion, a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation: “Whoever believes will not be in haste.”’ Luke 19:40 ‘He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.”’ Acts 4:11 ‘This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone.’ 1 cor 10:4 ‘And all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock was Christ.’ 1 Peter 2:5 ‘You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.’ Acts 4:11 ‘This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone.’ Malachi 4:5,6 'Look, I am sending you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord arrives. 6 His preaching will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers. Otherwise I will come and strike the land with a curse.' Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
11/17/202221 minutes, 38 seconds
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81-How Does a Life Coach Help Anyone with Anything?

In today’s episode: FOUNDATIONS AND RESOURCES A lot of new coaches ask the question: 'How am I supposed to help someone in areas I know nothing about?' Today I am giving you the answer, along with the 10 Golden Goals of Life Coaching that serve every coach well in every niche and with every client. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Join the Facebook Group to get a printable download of the Life Coach's 10 Golden Goals here --> Go to files and print it out! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
11/14/202229 minutes, 17 seconds
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80-Mindset Coaching- How Do You Move a Mountain?

In today’s episode: MINDSET AND SELF-COACHING I'm showing up real and raw here today, with my own battles to fight. Yep, the sound quality may not be great, but the message is! How do deal with the mountains in front of you? Do you realize that moving the mountain into the sea isn't God's way of telling you to reorganize all of the continents? We are talking about the mountains in your mind and how to shift your paradigm today! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Mark 11:23 "I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart." Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
11/12/202227 minutes, 48 seconds
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79-The Power of Being Needed and Chosen

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING AND MINDSET It is really amazing to get enough clarity about your calling and what you carry that you verbalize it to the world and let them know that YOU are an option. But with the opportunity to be chosen comes the opportunity to be rejected. So many of us don't take action and put ourselves out there to protect our 'self'. Listen to what I'm telling you my friend, YOU are valuable, called, and equipped to release what God has put in you and I am calling you up and out today. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: PEARL Practice Episode #6 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
11/10/202228 minutes, 5 seconds
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78-5 Great Coaching Models ~ and a Fun New One!

In today’s episode: COACHING TOOLS AND RESOURCES Want great results with your clients or in your personal life? I'm teaching you 5 coaching models and introducing you to my personal fave, one you can't google to find! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Grab your free Coach's Mistake Evasion Manual to find out what NOT to do when starting out! Join here to grab the download of all 6 of these coaching models in the FILE tab of our FB group! —> Colossians 1:15-17 "The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
11/7/202233 minutes, 58 seconds
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77-What is Christian Self Improvement?

In today’s episode: FOUNDATIONS AND FAITH There's a lot of different ways you can look at self improvement, so I'm laying out how a Christian does soul work and what are the motivators. Who do we look to as our self help guru? You know His name. It's above all other names and He happens to be the King:) ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Psalm 42:5 “Why are you downcast, O my soul?” Psalm 23:3  “He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” Psalm 57:7,8 “My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music. Awake, my soul!” Luke 9:23 Jesus said, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
11/3/202227 minutes, 56 seconds
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76-Using the Circle Tool of Circumstance and Influence for Your Life and With Clients

In today’s episode: TOOLS AND SELF COACHING  I'm teaching you a tool called The Circle Tool of Circumstance and Influence to help you lead yourself well and use it with your clients or even your kids! Determining what is within your control and influence will help set your mind free so you focus on what you can do to really take action and affect change. This is a great tool to pair with the PEARL practice from episode #6. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Draw a circle on a paper and put another circle inside of it.  Label the outer circle circumstance and the inner circle influence.  Write down what you cannot control and influence in the outer circle and what you can control and influence in the inner circle (first and foremost your paradigm of beliefs and thoughts, your emotions and actions, and the results you're getting).  Make a list of things you can do to take action and truly influence the areas of concern you have within the circle of influence. Decide to stop dwelling on, worrying about, and focusing on the areas within the outer circle of circumstance.  That's it! A quick win! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
10/31/202225 minutes, 49 seconds
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75- Learn How to Make Inspiration Work FOR You as a Life Coach, Not Against You

In today’s episode: SELF-COACHING AND MINDSET Do you find yourself all over the place because you are full of great ideas? Are you tired of not getting done what needs to get done because your mind is full of shiny, new things? This episode is about how being inspired is amazing but when it's used unwisely inspiration can hinder you instead of help you. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: FREE Time Management download! Episode #37 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
10/27/202225 minutes, 48 seconds
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74-What is Your Life Message? Let’s Figure It Out!

In today’s episode: DREAMS/CALLINGS AND FAITH What is the message of your life that you have to share with the world? At the end of your story, what will the readers and the hearers know? How are you sharing it to encourage, inspire, and bring the Kingdom to others? Today we are talking about it all and I hope you hear this story and know that all things are possible! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Bob Goff-  Check out ALL of his books and his wife's too! And follow him on IG for lots of inspiration. Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” -Luke 1:38  Judges 4 and 5- the story of Deborah Esther- the whole book is amazing! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
10/24/202219 minutes, 58 seconds
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73-Are You Ready to Walk Into Your Calling? Let’s Do It!

In today’s episode: DREAMS/CALLINGS AND FAITH Here we go! If you have some clarity about your calling you will wonder what to do next. So here are my three steps to moving forward in this episode. You are made to do this friend! You are made to reveal God through your giftings and callings!  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Pray this prayer: ‘Jesus, I come to you with a willing and open heart, to seek your face and know your will. Lead me into Your calling on my life for this next season and show me how You uniquely designed me to reveal You to the world and to bring the Kingdom of heaven to earth. I bring my desires, my hopes, my longings, and my will to You and submit them all in prayer, with thankfulness that you hear me and will answer. I’m knocking on this door, asking for your guidance, and seeking your will, so I have great expectancy that you will respond. In your name I pray, amen.’ Questions to ask yourself: How does your calling fit into your current life season? Would it fit better into a future season? Some callings are seasonal, is this one of them? What can you do to take your first imperfect action to move forward? Who can you share this with who will be supportive? What does life look like if you step into this calling and are successful? What does life look like if you don’t take action and give it a shot? Are you ready and willing to take a risk and walk in faith? And remember! The Greenhouse is always open!  Get trained as a Christian Life Coach —> Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
10/20/202221 minutes, 33 seconds
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72-Are You Struggling to Find Your Calling? Follow These Signs

In today’s episode: DREAMS/CALLINGS AND MINDSET You may find it difficult to know what makes you feel happy and wholehearted and I want to help you figure it out! Taking the last episodes about the dreams in your heart, in this episode we flow into how those dreams and other aspects of your life culminate and manifest in your calling.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Calling- Something you believe you need/want to do that will change the outcome of your life and the lives of others Purpose- Something outwardly manifested that gives you a sense of meaning in your life Passion- Something you feel strongly about Scriptures shared: Proverbs 31:8-9; Isaiah 58:6-7; Isaiah 1:17; Micah 6:8; Matthew 6:33-34; Mark 16:15; 1 Corinthians 7:17; Ephesians 4:1-6; Hebrews 3:1; Hebrews 12:1-2;  Philippians 2:1-4; Philippians 3:12-14; 2 Timothy 1:10; 1 Peter 2:9-10/3:15-16/4:10-11; 1 Thessalonians 5:24; Matthew 10:8; 1 Corinthians 15 Simply pray this prayer- Prepare my heart Jesus, show me the way to go. You alone know the depths of all I’m created for and called to. I trust your guidance and love your will. Thank you for preparing the way for me to love you and others well.  Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
10/17/202232 minutes, 48 seconds
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71-How Do You Chase Your Dreams? A Framework for First Steps

In today’s episode: DREAMS/CALLINGS AND MINDSET You need to know what to do to actionably get going on your dreams. What is in your heart matters and is needed in this world! Here are the steps to moving forward and getting traction in this episode. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: 1- Choose a dream you want to give focus to 2- Ask yourself what it looks like a year from now to have pursued that dream and succeeded to some degree (what do your days look like, what do you have/know/do, who will you say you are, how do you feel) 3- Write out three tangible, actionable steps you can take ASAP 4- Ask yourself what life looks like if you don’t take action and if that future is okay with you Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
10/13/202222 minutes, 56 seconds
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70-How Do You Find the Dream in Your Heart? 6 Steps to Dig Out the Gold

In today’s episode: DREAMS/CALLINGS AND MINDSET In this series on dreams and callings, we are going after the gold within you. There are sparks in your soul that point to what you desire to do and that will lead you to your calling. Today we look at 6 steps towards discovery of the dreams in your heart! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12 Choose a wall, pick up your tool, envision, believe, walk out, and guard your gold! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
10/10/202220 minutes, 51 seconds
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69- Is It Okay to Have a Dream in Your Heart?

In today’s episode: FAITH AND MINDSET You were made to dream with God and you were made to co-create with your Dad. Let's counter some of the lies and limiting beliefs that keep you locked up, keep you from pursuing your dreams, and keep you from walking in your calling. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: "A person may have many plans in their heart. But the LORD's purpose wins out in the end.” Proverbs 19:21 "In their hearts human beings plan their lives. But the LORD decides where their steps will take them.” Proverbs 16:9 "Find your delight in the LORD. Then he will give you everything your heart really wants.” Psalm 37:4 “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has imagined, what God has  prepared for those who love Him.” But God has revealed it to us by the Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who among men knows the thoughts of man except his own spirit within him? So too, no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. We have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. And this is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. The natural man does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God. For they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. The spiritual man judges all things, but he himself is not subject to anyone’s judgment. “For who has known the mind of the Lord, so as to instruct Him?”But we have the mind of Christ.’ 1 Corinthians 2:9-16 "Don’t live the way this world lives. Let your way of thinking be completely changed. Then you will be able to test what God wants for you. And you will agree that what he wants is right. His plan is good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:2 "So it is with your prayers. Ask and you’ll receive. Seek and you’ll discover. Knock on heaven’s door, and it will one day open for you. Every persistent person will receive what he asks for. Every persistent seeker will discover what he needs. And everyone who knocks persistently will one day find an open door. “Let me ask you this: Do you know of any father who would give his son a snake on a plate when he asked for a serving of fish? Of course not! Do you know of any father who would give his daughter a spider when she had asked for an egg? Of course not!" Luke 11:9-12 2 Samuel 7- The story of King David's dream of building God a house (and Isaiah 56:7) Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
10/6/202228 minutes, 37 seconds
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68-Do You Feel Like You’re Going After Your Dream All Alone? You Need This Dream-Builder’s Hack

In today’s episode: MINDSET AND SELF COACHING I know exactly what it feels like to have no one in your corner, no one passionate about what's in your heart, and desperate to get what's in your head out of it. If you are going it alone, building a business or a practice, holding a vision tightly, excited about an idea, and feel lonely in it, this is my most important solution for moving forward with hope! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Make a plan to meet once a week either live or online or call Commit to a timeframe for meeting and prioritize it on your calendar Be punctual and consistent Make decisions together about your time together Focus on what’s urgent or critical Trade off who shares or who gets the focus Or simply set a timer and you both get a focused 30 minutes each If you don’t have what your buddy needs, do you know someone? How can you help by resourcing or connecting them or even doing something they need done? Be there for them even when it’s inconvenient bc that’s what an ally does Plan rewards and celebrations together Whiteboard and brainstorm together Agree to confidentiality Agree to be called out if one of you starts going downhill, not holding up your end of the commitment, gets whiny or unteachable, or just wanting to give up Agree to pick up the phone when you need something and agree to answer when the other calls Agree to no competition Consider having a co-working session online or together as well. You don’t have to be going after the same thing.  You may have more than one; some going after specific pursuits and one just for life in general  Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
10/3/202221 minutes, 40 seconds
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67-What is Life Coaching in the Christian Space?

In today’s episode: FOUNDATIONS AND FAITH I know I already did an episode about what is a life coach, but I wanted to really hone in on what it means to be a Christian and be a life coach. So today we are chatting about the study of all God created, the difference between the spirit, soul, and body, and the hope that anchors us all in a man named Jesus. Come find out if you were made to be a coach, someone who uses coaching tools and strategies to be a light to the world around you! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: The Bible says to 'fear not' 365 times! Once for each day of the year:) Listen to the PEARL practice episode HERE Check out The Greenhouse Course HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
9/29/202221 minutes, 27 seconds
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66-Are You Asking ”Who Am I Lord”? Here’s What I’ve Heard About You

In today’s episode: FAITH AND MINDSET Have you been wondering who you are, what your purpose is, and what God says about you? Well, I've been asking God to tell me about you, my listeners, and I want to share with you what He's put in my heart. I'm especially speaking to the women out there who want to make a difference in the world around you! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Please let me know what you are interested in hearing more about on the podcast, what questions you'd like answered, and how I can offer you more support. DM me on IG @lauramalonessm, connect on Facebook @SterlingandStoneMentoring, throw me a question or comment at, or email me at [email protected]. You are strong, you have grit, you have a message and an important voice. You are a change agent and an atmosphere shifter. You are a modern day discipler! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
9/26/202218 minutes, 37 seconds
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65-Mindset Coaching- Being Unteachable

In today’s episode: MINDSET AND CLIENTS It happens! So let's talk about it. We can find ourselves being unteachable, and there are always going to be others who are unteachable in our lives. What the Word of God says and how to deal with it is in today's episode. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning. Prov 9:9 Poverty and disgrace come to him who ignores instruction, but whoever heeds correction or constructive criticism is honored. Prov 13:18 Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid. Prov 12:1 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
9/23/20228 minutes, 20 seconds
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64-Is Your ’Carer’ Broken? You May Have Empathy or Compassion Fatigue.

In today’s episode: MINDSET AND SELF COACHING This is a hard subject, because once you recognize empathy fatigue or compassion fatigue it may be hard to accept. But I'm sharing a bit of my story, how to recognize the symptoms, and how to mitigate and recover from them.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Compassion is the emotional response you have when you see someone’s struggle and you want to help out in some way. You identify with their situation and want to do something about it. You desire to be with them in the situation, but not necessarily their feelings. Empathy is feeling aware of what someone else is feeling, either because you’ve been in a situation yourself that allowed you to experience the same feelings, or because you actually project those feelings onto yourself. Either way, you desire to be with them in their feelings, but not necessarily involve yourself in their situation.  Fatigue occurs when your own life becomes negatively affected because you've been empathetic and/or compassionate sooo much for sooo long. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
9/22/202226 minutes, 16 seconds
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63-The ONE Thing You Need to Do Above All Else as a Coach

In today’s episode: BUSINESS AND FOUNDATIONS There is one thing to focus on as a coaching business owner. It's not money, organization, sessions, or social media. It's a five letter word that is a powerhouse and you need it at the front of your mind in ALL that you do. This is not a promise of something vague and ethereal, so listen in to find out the ONE clear thing.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Creative cycle: Create ~ Craft ~ Cultivate ~ Communicate ~ Caretake Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
9/18/202212 minutes, 31 seconds
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62-A Prayer to Pray Over Your Business

In today’s episode: FAITH AND BUSINESS I'm sharing a prayer you can pray over your business and a reminder to keep your biz before the Lord in prayer daily. It's a major part of who you are and deserves life-giving attention. Create reminders for yourself to take your business to the Lord and speak truth over it. I also want you to know that I'm praying for you as well, as my listener, as well as a brother or sister in the Lord. Bless you! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: “So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life- your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life- and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.” (Romans 12:1-2, The Message) Lord thank you for giving me a heart to serve the world the way you made me to. Thank you for your wisdom and understanding in my business. I ask for greater clarity when it feels that the lines between the world and your kingdom start to blur. Show me the way to go when I come to the crossroads which I will definitely find myself at again and again. Help my business vision to stay on you and your ways. Show me how you would run my business Jesus. Cast great vision and give me great clarity Lord. Lead me in the way you’d go that meets the people I serve right where they are. Show me what they need, how I can serve them and love them well, how I can innovate and innovate and bring new things to life that would bless them. Give me dreams that show me how to build and how to share, give me vision for what is possible in the kingdom of heaven. I ask that You would develop well formed maturity in both me and my business, as I place it all before you as an offering. Give me peace when things get hard. Help me to trust you when money is tight, when people aren’t buying, or a product or service doesn’t excel the way I hoped it would. Holy Spirit I pray for my hope in you to an anchor that keeps me in a kingdom mindset and draws my heart to the Lord. When things are tough, let me be the light that draws others safely to the shore leading them, rather than the one who runs out and conforms to the ways of the world without wisdom. And I pray Lord, as I build my business on the cornerstone of faith in Jesus, I pray for the protection and provision over my household. Wherever I’m taking ground and the enemy lying in wait, be our shield and our refuge. I pray for discernment and strategy, for your presence to go before me and my business, and for tangible hope to pour out on me, my family, my team, and those that I serve. Draw the right people to me and my business, and let them see you and your love when they see us. Change me from the inside out, keep me on your path, and bring out the best in my business for the glory of Jesus to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. In Jesus name, amen. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
9/15/20228 minutes, 45 seconds
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61-Want to Know the Basic Needs and Cost of Setting Up a Coaching Business?

In today’s episode: ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND BUSINESS We are covering the basic systems you need to get you started and the reality of the low cost of starting up an online business IF you know what to spend your money on! If you are overwhelmed with the idea of getting started then I'm here to help you get your head above water! You need hope that it's possible and this is the episode that lays it out for you! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Here are the basic systems I suggest getting set up: $1/mo Domain name (recommendation: GoDaddy) $6/mo Google Workspace (connect your domain name to your email address) $15/mo Scheduler (recommendation: Acuity, which is now called Squarespace Scheduling) $13/mo Canva (for graphics, social media posts, lead magnets, and waaaay more) $19/mo Email Service Provider (recommendation: Flodesk) $15/mo Zoom (for client sessions) FREE- Stripe account (for payment processing) FREE- Voxer (for communications) FREE- Wave (for bookkeeping, but I didn't mention this in the episode:) FREE- Airtable (for project management, also not mentioned, but I want you to have it!) All together that's $69/mo or less. And if you really want to put your money to work for you and start getting clients you know how to serve and get results for... it's only $997 or three payments of $350 for life coach training and certification plus setting up your online business in the 10 week mastermind! ~ The Greenhouse Course with BONUS Arboretum Business Course   Sharing is caring, so when you use some of these links, I may get an affiliate commission. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
9/12/202225 minutes, 14 seconds
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60-Real Parenting Challenges and Using the PEARL Practice to Survive and Thrive!

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING AND MINDSET I'm sharing straight from my soul today. It was a hard morning and I had to coach myself through what's been happening in my life. I wanted to take this opportunity to share how I walked myself out of crazy soul stuff and into alignment with the truth God has for me. Hopefully this helps you understand the PEARL practice better that I've shared in past episodes and I teach inside the Greenhouse Life Coach Training Course. And hopefully you find it to be a great mind management and self leadership tool that bears good fruit in your family. My prayer is that your children benefit from this and they learn how important their thought lives are too. Bless you! Listen to Episode #6- Self Leadership and an Introduction to the PEARL practice ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: 2 Cor 10:5 "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 1 Cor 2:16 "'Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?' But we have the mind of Christ." Rom 12:2 "Do not allow this world to mold you in its own image. Instead, be transformed from the inside out by renewing your mind. As a result, you will be able to discern what God wills and whatever God finds good, pleasing, and complete." Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
9/10/202236 minutes, 42 seconds
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59-Tips On How to Choose the Domain Name of Your Online Coaching Business

In today’s episode: BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP This is a great episode if you haven't chosen your website name yet or if you are unsure about the one you have. Listen in to find out where to grab your domain and how to choose a name that will last for years. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Flodesk Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
9/8/202216 minutes, 15 seconds
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58-Why You Don’t Need a Website to Start Coaching and What To Do Instead

In today’s episode: BUSINESS AND FOUNDATIONS SOOO many beginner coaches think that a website is a necessity before other important pieces of a coaching business. But I want to tell you why it's not helpful to focus on this in the beginning and what to do instead so you can really get to coaching. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: The links for everything I refer to in this episode: $1/mo Domain name (recommendation: GoDaddy) $6/mo Google Workspace (connect your domain name to your email address) $15/mo Scheduler (recommendation: Acuity, which is now called Squarespace Scheduling) $19/mo Email Service Provider (recommendation: Flodesk) $15/mo Zoom (for client sessions)   Sharing is caring, so when you use some of these links, I may get an affiliate commission. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
9/6/202216 minutes, 56 seconds
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57-Are You Ready to Be a Coach? Or Are You Still Waiting to Be Ready?

In today’s episode: MINDSET AND FOUNDATIONS You can DECIDE to be ready and I'm championing you from here! It's HARD to move into the unknown! Your brain resists it! But you can decide to direct your brain and decide to be ready internally even when your brain is telling you you're not. Let's talk about what you're waiting for and how to move past that limiting belief that 'READY' is actually a thing you'll ever be. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: True goals are things you're taking productive action towards and they feel risky and uncomfortable to your brain but bear the greatest fruit. False goals have you spinning in a whirlpool of passive action that keeps your brain safe and comfy so fruit is rarely on the branches. ~Simply decide to be ready. OR ~Wipe away the goals on your whiteboard and define what ready means to you. ~Make that definition your true goal. ~Start taking productive, imperfect action towards this new true goal. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
9/1/202220 minutes, 10 seconds
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56-A Financial Coach in the Greenhouse Connects Money, Mindset, Faith, and Legacy for Us

In today’s episode: BUSINESS AND MINDSET Today's guest is Torance Douse, and even though he's a certified Master Coach through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University, as well as a music teacher and worship pastor, he wanted to help people take their next steps in life so he's getting trained as a life coach as well. He's sharing about how money, mindset, and faith connect to the legacy you create for future generations, and not necessarily just wealth. Torance shares his wilderness experience that led him to understanding his money mindset and God's provision better, and then we jump into some live coaching around letting people know what you offer as a coach, the difference between shame and guilt, and he tells us his favorite parts of the Greenhouse Life Coach Training and Certification so far. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Find Torance and his financial freedom coaching here: FB: Douse House Web: Email: [email protected] Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
8/31/202238 minutes, 5 seconds
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55-The 4 Models of Coaching, Where to Start, and How to Scale

In today’s episode: BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Wondering what is right for you? One to one sessions or all the courses those fb ads are trying to talk you into? Let's chat about the four models you can choose from as you set up your coaching flow and figure out how to get started with the first one and scale up to the others over time. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Luke 10:42 "but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
8/29/202220 minutes, 5 seconds
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54-Do You Worry that Coaching Isn’t as Holy as Full-time Ministry?

In today’s episode: MINDSET AND FAITH I'm sharing from my own experience but also encouraging you today that right where you are, with the people who are right in front of you, is where you say yes to God's call. And THAT is what is holy. Some of us use the vessel of coaching to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth and reveal our Father. And it's glorious! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Col. 3:23 "Whatever you do work at with with your whole being, for the Lord and not for men…” 1 Peter 2:9 "You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a Holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." Matt 6:10 "Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matt 25- Parable of the Talents Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
8/25/202223 minutes, 42 seconds
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53-Want to Hear From a Greenhouse Coach in Training? Here She Is!

In today’s episode: ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND TRAINING Special Guest and Greenhouse Coach in Training Estella Kelley shares what it's like to be in The Greenhouse to become a Sterling and Stone Life Coach. She also gives us a peek into her calling as a coach to walk (actually, JUMP!) with Christian women into their calling with perseverance and bravery. Listen in as we discuss language and connection to her super client (someone with a need/problem/question) and how she shows up with her super powers (how she helps/solves/answers them). ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: LISTEN HERE- The Estela Kelley Show: Courageously Pursue His Calling So You Can Get Started, Encouragement To Grow Your Business, on Apple Podcasts Schedule a Session with Estela HERE  Schedule a FREE Breakthrough Call Estela HERE DON'T FORGET YOU GET $100 OFF THE NEXT GREENHOUSE COURSE IF YOU APPLY BY AUG 31ST!!! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
8/24/202225 minutes, 32 seconds
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52-Get Your Body Moving As an Online Entrepreneur

In today’s episode: MINDSET AND SELF COACHING Are you stuck in a rut of just doing mental work and emotional care? Does your body feel less than healthy? This episode is here to give you a simple template for starting to move at any level and get you out of your desk chair! Your core needs care so you can do the amazing work you are doing in the world, so remind yourself using this shift and easy framework. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: 3 sets of 10, 3 deep breaths in between each set Pushups/ crunches/ squats/ lunges/ etc. Focus on your core muscles, hold your abdominal muscles in tightly while you do all of the exercises. Pomodoro Technique- for example: 25 min mental work, 5 min break (consider doing body work during break time with deep breathing) Happy healthifying! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>  
8/22/202223 minutes, 51 seconds
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51-What About Tithing in Business?

In today’s episode: MINDSET AND FAITH Tithing is hugely tied to our money mindset and to be sure you get a chance to think about it, go to the Lord about it, and find your way through it, I want to share a bit more about what I feel is important to get free, walk with God, and experience greater fruit in your life and business. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Matt 23:23 "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former." Col 9:6,7 "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."  Matt 6:21 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Phil 4:8 "Continually keep your thoughts on what is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always." Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
8/18/202224 minutes, 7 seconds
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50- 3 Things to Focus On as a God-led Entrepreneur

In today’s episode: FOUNDATIONS AND MINDSET I really want to tell you about three things I think you need greater focus on as you set out to start a kingdom business. You're going to love this episode if you're looking for answers about how to follow God and start making money! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Proverbs 3:6, "Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
8/15/202235 minutes, 49 seconds
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49-Have You Ever Followed God’s Leading and Failed? What If...

In today’s episode: MINDSET AND FAITH Today I'm talking about following the confirmations, hope, peace, prophetic, and the promises, then falling flat on our face and wondering where it leaves us. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Some great reading here from Corrie Ten Boom: Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
8/13/202222 minutes, 12 seconds
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48-The Fruit of a Focused Life

In today’s episode: TOOLS AND MINDSET Let's talk about the things hindering focus in your life. Are you lacking boundaries, purpose, passion? Are you focused more on what you are against than what you're for? It's time to become aware of what is robbing and holding back your focus, because you deserve the investment into your life of commitment and productive action! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Determine your priorities, values and non-negotiables. Recognize the passive action in your like and flip the coin to find what productive action would look like. Make all of the decisions that are floating out there; eliminate the fatigue. Make the commitments you need to make to yourself, others, and the Lord. Declutter your mind and surroundings. Meditate, slow down, take more time throughout the day to pray. Get a time management process in place like my first things first plan in episode #37 or DOWNLOAD HERE. Prioritize alone time, time with God, and time with significant others.  Learn to come back to center when you've gone off the road. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
8/11/202229 minutes, 58 seconds
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47-Are You Focused on Distractions More Than Goals?

In today’s episode: TOOLS AND MINDSET Our world is crazy full of distractions and escapism. Determine your focus of attention, decide to take productive action, make a commitment to yourself. FOCUS! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Determine your focus of attention FIRST! What is it you're actually going to be doing and what are the results you expect to achieve? Determine the best time of day for you to focus on something. Create anticipation through a ritual and organization for your focus. Determine your distractions and minimize them. Your mind will follow your eyes. Determine what you need: Clean space. Drink. Headphones and music. Etc.   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
8/8/202233 minutes, 23 seconds
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46-Can Anything Good Come From This, God?

In today’s episode: MINDSET AND SCRIPTURE You know this feeling, "It's not supposed to be this way." But life is both great and terrible. And in hindsight we see what God is doing that is so difficult to imagine in the middle of the hard stuff. Let's talk about it in this episode. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: John 1:43-49 (italics mine) The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. He found Philip and said to him, “Come, follow me.” Philip was from Bethsaida, Andrew and Peter’s hometown. Philip went to look for Nathanael and told him, “We have found the very person Moses and the prophets wrote about! His name is Jesus, the son of Joseph from Nazareth.” “Nazareth!” exclaimed Nathanael. “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” “Come and see for yourself,” Philip replied. As they approached, Jesus said, “Now here is a genuine son of Israel—a man of complete integrity." “How do you know about me?” Nathanael asked. Jesus replied, “I could see you under the fig tree before Philip found you.” Then Nathanael exclaimed, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God—the King of Israel!” Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
8/6/202216 minutes, 36 seconds
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45-A Quick and Easy Tool to Get Started on Goals

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING AND COACHING TOOLS Choosing the goal you feel ready to tackle is the hardest part! But it's super easy to lay out the next steps by keeping it simple in small pieces. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Are you a 'choose to' or a 'must do' achiever and finisher? Trade last minute crisis 'must do' for 'choose to' do what's wise. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
8/4/202211 minutes, 14 seconds
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44-How Does Faith Fit Into My Coach Calling?

In today’s episode: COACHING FOUNDATIONS AND BUSINESS Do you wonder what you're supposed to say about your walk with God and you faith in Jesus when it comes to your business and coaching? I'm talking about this because it's so common for Christian's to wonder if they are being less than faithful if they don't outwardly share the gospel in all they do. But God has a plan for you and those you serve. And you have permission to be in process, to pray and seek guidance from Him, and to not be like me or any other coach out there. You do you! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Isaiah 54:2 “Enlarge your house; build an addition. Spread out your home, and spare no expense!" Want to become a Sterling and Stone Life Coach? The next training starts Sept 29th so apply today! If you apply by Aug 15th and are accepted you get $100 off the course and by Dec 1 you can be trained and certified with a strong business foundation started! Just head to: Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
8/1/202231 minutes, 12 seconds
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43-Questions to Ask Yourself if You Want to Be a Life Coach

In today’s episode: FOUNDATIONS AND MINDSET These are the 8 questions I wish someone had challenged me to answer years ago. I believe they will help you have greater insight about your coach calling and the desires of your heart, as well as how those things help you determine your path forward.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Passion ~ Personal growth ~ Vision ~ Why ~ Timing ~ Goals ~ Challenges ~ Calling Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
7/28/202214 minutes, 39 seconds
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42- The Expectation Handbook That is Hurting You

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING AND MINDSET Did you know you've written multitudes of handbooks in your life? One for every person, relationship, event, and situation! Learn how to lay it down and live with greater joy and fulfillment. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Episode #6 The PEARL Practice- learn how to lead yourself well and take your thoughts captive. Paradigm informs your Emotions, which in inform your Actions, then creating the Results you get that culminate in the Legacy story you live in. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
7/25/202229 minutes, 26 seconds
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41-Help! I Can’t Stop My Anger and Hurt!

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING AND MINDSET You know the days I'm talking about... everything feels wrong and bad... the world is against you... and you know deep inside it's oozing out of you and sliming other people. Know what it is? I'm gonna tell you! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Mark 11:25 "And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.” Col 3:13 "Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive." Prov 19:11 "Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense." Lev 19:18 "You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord."   Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
7/21/20227 minutes, 24 seconds
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40-Are You Ready to Stop Duct Taping Your Life, Biz, and Dreams Together?

In today’s episode: COACH MINDSET AND FOUNDATIONS Why are you still piecing things together in ways that hinder and slow your growth personally and professionally? You need a mindset shift and a coach to propel you towards the horizon you envision. Even if you ARE a coach, you need a coach.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: 1 Kings 8:17 "Now it was in the heart of David my father to build a house for the name of the LORD, the God of Israel." Matt 6:8 "... your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!" 1 Peter 2:9 "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." Step 1- Know what you want Step 2- Make a committed decision Step 3- Go ask your Father Step 4- Take imperfect action baby steps Step 5- Trust God, yourself, your coach, and the process Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
7/18/202236 minutes, 47 seconds
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39-The Friends You Need to Get Rid Of and Replace ASAP

In today’s episode: COACHING MINDSET AND SELF COACHING You become like the friends you hang out with, so be aware of who you let in your life, especially these four friends! They will harm your path, imprison your soul, and hang you out to dry. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Instead, invite these friends in to hang out: Joy, Wisdom, Self control, and Grace. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
7/14/202218 minutes, 23 seconds
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38-Planning the Way vs Controlling the Way

In today’s episode: COACHING MINDSET AND SELF COACHING The last two episodes have been about a time management and planning process. But what's the truth about planning and how do we keep from letting it turn into control? ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Proverbs 19:21 "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand." Proverbs 16:3 "Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established." Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>  
7/11/202214 minutes
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37-THE Time Management Process that Will Gain You Time, Freedom, and Results

In today’s episode: TOOLS AND MINDSET In part two I lay out exactly how to follow the process I use to get my head clear, operate at a higher level, get greater results, and feel free from clutter and overwhelm in my coaching business. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Grab this free downloadable worksheet so you can walk through it with this episode to start taking control over time and becoming a powerful character who OWNS your calendar! This flows into the episode where I share about how the First Things First process turned into what I call The Dove Hour so check out episode 124. Get your freedom, time, and sanity back with the Dove Hour FREE DOWNLOAD! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
7/6/202245 minutes, 9 seconds
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36-Want to Feel Freedom and Satisfaction at the End of the Day? Why You Need a Time Management Process in Place

In today’s episode: TOOLS AND MINDSET If you feel like there's too much in your brain to ever get it out and get things done, you need this. If you are afraid you'll feel hopeless when you see it out dumped out and you won't know what to do, you need this. In this two part series you will hear about why time and project management is so necessary, what you need to believe about it, and how to implement it. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: ~Parkinson’s law: the work will expand to the amount of time you give it. ~Blaming your inefficiency or lack of time is just not taking responsibility for yourself. ~Determine what really needs to be done, don’t plan to do more than what you really can, decide what helps and what hinders, ~Gentle pressure is necessary so you compassionately learn to challenge yourself. ~The calendar is a place where you write down commitment to action. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
7/4/202236 minutes, 33 seconds
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35-What You Need to Know to Believe You Can Be a Life Coach

In today’s episode: COACHING MINDSET I answer some of the common questions and struggles my coaches have so I can help you believe in yourself, your calling, and your imperfect action taking.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Yes, you are ready, it's not too late, people need you, you don't have to have it all figured out, and you don't need to be anyone else's future version of a coach right now. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
6/30/202230 minutes, 35 seconds
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34-Still Unsure About Your Ideal Client? Determine Your What, Who, Why, and How.

In today’s episode: COACHING BUSINESS You need help deciding what you offer, who you offer it to, why it matters to you, and how you serve your ideal client. This episode gets you clear on the process of determining all of these! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Your ideal client is someone who wants what you are made to offer, needs it now, and is willing to make an investment in themselves. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
6/27/202234 minutes, 53 seconds
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33-You Need These 3 Keys in Your Pocket to Be a Great Coach

In today’s episode: COACHING MINDSET I'm letting you in on what I consider to be the top 3 things you need to pursue in your coach calling. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: #1 Believe in people #2 Become a lifelong learner #3 Be knowledgeable about the truth and power of the mind  Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
6/23/202220 minutes, 28 seconds
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32-Make Some Promises to Yourself and Your Business and Give Them Attention

In today’s episode: COACHING MINDSET What are the promises you've made to yourself and your business? If you haven't made any, why not? Promises give us something to focus on and hope for, and hope is to the mind what blood is to the body. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: What would you promise to be/do/have for yourself? What would you promise to be/do/have for others like clients or family? What has God promised you? How can you personally put these promises in front of you so that they receive attention and focus? Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
6/21/202212 minutes, 29 seconds
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31-Is It Hard to Not Do Free and Cheap? How to Put a Benevolence Plan in Place

In today’s episode: COACHING BUSINESS You are a helper and a guide! And while you love helping others, you need to learn how to have boundaries in place that ALSO help your business and get you paid. Learn how to put a benevolence plan in place so that your heart is happy and your bank account is too! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Decide who you want to serve for free or at a lower price (ie. military, single dads, kids under 18, whoever God points to, etc.) Decide how many people and how often you will make this offer (ie. no more than 2 at a time per quarter) Decide what discount you will give to people (10% off for friends and family, 20% off for single dads, etc.) I suggest not doing more than 25% for anyone, but down the road you can always run a flash sale on your offers or packages and such. Then you can reach out to let this people know they can get 40% at that time. Decide how you will respond to people who want free or cheap services or when you feel internal pressure to offer it. Write out a clear response in about 2-3 sentences you can refer to at that point. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
6/20/202223 minutes, 41 seconds
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30-Still Worried About Getting Started? Copy, Contextualize, and Start Coaching!

In today’s episode: If you are still struggling with what you're going to really do in a coaching session, I share about learning to copy and contextualize so that you can take imperfect action and get some practice. Your nature will take over and the tools and strategies will eventually become yours. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: COACHING MINDSET Action brings clarity, clarity brings confidence, and confidence is attractive to clients. But you don't get clarity and confidence without taking ACTION FIRST!!! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
6/16/202217 minutes, 36 seconds
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29-Is Buffering Keeping Your Coaching Business Small?

In today’s episode: COACHING MINDSET Maybe you feel like things are too hard or too scary to keep going so you dive into things that make you feel good and comfy and safe. Maybe you scroll instead of create, vacuum instead of pray, eat instead of overcoming. Whatever it is you use to buffer, it will keep you small in building your business. And life in the buffering beige zone will never be worth it!  Be encouraged friend! You can become aware of what you use to buffer and lean into God instead. Your awareness will help you make better choices and do the hard thing, trusting God to be with you in the midst of resistance and hard things. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: 2 Kings 4- Elisha and the widow with a jar of oil Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
6/13/202223 minutes, 13 seconds
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28-Are You Exhausted and Don’t Even Know It? I Was!

In today’s episode: SELF COACHING Literally, I was sick on vacation and realized that I had planned to work throughout my vacation! Instead of taking a break and enjoying my rest, I had planned on working while I was with my family on our only family vacation in years. Have you ever experienced this? Instead, I got sick and couldn't have a straight thought process so I couldn't work, couldn't publish an episode, couldn't prepare for clients or the training course. What did I need? A true brain sabbath. And being sick got me to take one involuntarily! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Exodus 20:8-11: "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy." Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
6/12/202225 minutes, 13 seconds
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27-Are You Avoiding Reality and Feeling Stuck? This is Why and What To Do About It.

In today’s episode: COACHING MINDSET & SELF COACHING Find out why you aren't able to get the results you want to see in your life. Discover what buffering is and how to overcome the avoidance of hard emotions in life.  ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Buffering- using external things, people, and experiences to change what you experience internally, causing you to deny and avoid reality. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
6/2/202232 minutes, 46 seconds
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26-How Do You Tell People You Are a Coach?

In today’s episode: COACHING BUSINESS What do you need to say and where do you say it to let people know you are a coach?! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Craft an "I help" statement: Who you are; Who you help; How you help. Choose Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest, a blog, a podcast, but start somewhere! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
5/30/202218 minutes, 52 seconds
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25-A Formula for Dealing with Disappointment

In today’s episode: COACH MINDSET & SELF COACHING If you are struggling with disappointment, here's a simple exercise to help shift your focus. Remember that what you focus on grows, and it also determines what you miss. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: The Disappointment Formula Exercise- * Write out your expectation fully and clearly.  * Write out what was or will be reality. * Write out how you could feel about the reality if you accepted it. * Write out what hope in God would look like if you had expectancy instead of expectation. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>    
5/26/202218 minutes, 38 seconds
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24-How to Start Developing Your Ideal Client, Offer, and Pricing

In today’s episode: COACHING BUSINESS We talk about what an ideal client is, what your offer could be, and the prices you could charge when you are starting out as a new coach. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: the Coach + the Client + the Offer = Ideal Result Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>    
5/23/202240 minutes, 22 seconds
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23-Want to Be God-led? How to Make His Voice the Only Voice Building Your Life and Business

In today’s episode: COACHING MINDSET If you want to build a God-led business, family, or life in general, you need to hear the voice of the Lord to direct you. Learn about the difference between your spirit and soul and how to turn to the voice of the Lord speaking to your spirit rather than letting your soul's voice lead you. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Heb 4:12, “For the word of God is living and operative and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit and of joints and marrow, and able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Matt 16:1-4; Prov 16:9; Num. 6:25 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
5/20/202237 minutes, 5 seconds
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22-How Does a Life Coaching Foundation Support Your Niche?

In today’s episode: COACHING FOUNDATIONS & NICHES I share how the generalities of life coaching are the umbrella to all niches and targeted coaching. You will hear how the foundations help your niche get greater results that are more sustainable for your clients! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: CLORSAGE: connect, listen, observe, reframe, solve, ask, guide, encourage. Matt 14:14- “So when Jesus landed he had a huge crowd waiting for him. Seeing so many people, his heart was deeply moved with compassion toward them, so he healed all the sick who were in the crowd.” Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
5/16/202226 minutes, 50 seconds
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21-Wondering Why You’re Not Starting That THING? You Need This Starting Scale!

In today’s episode: COACHING MINDSET & TOOLS Discover a super simple tool to get what's in your head out of the way of STARTING! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Loss vs Gain Regret vs Thankfulness Give yourself some time to really fill both sides of the scale with everything in your head and heart. Then make a decision about starting and get going my friend! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
5/12/20228 minutes, 6 seconds
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20-Why Do You Deserve a Life Coach’s Investment in You?

In today’s episode: COACHING MINDSET, SCRIPTURES, & SELF COACHING I share why you deserve to have someone invest in your purpose, intentions, and life season. God has made special people to be Him with 'skin on' ~ and some of them are called life coaches! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: 1 Cor. 12:12-27 Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
5/9/202221 minutes, 9 seconds
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19-How to Create a Coaching Business Vision Statement

In today’s episode: COACHING BUSINESS I teach you how to develop a vision statement for your coaching business. You can use this template for anything you have vision for! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Habakkuk 2:1-3 “I will stand at my guard post and station myself on the ramparts. I will watch to see what He will say to me, and how I should answer when corrected. Then the LORD answered me: ‘Write down this vision and clearly inscribe it on tablets, so that a herald may run with it. For the vision awaits an appointed time; it testifies of the end and does not lie. Though it lingers, wait for it, since it will surely come and will not delay.’” ~ Who will you help get transformation? ~ How many will you help get transformation? ~ How will you help them get it? ~ What is the transformation/result they will get? ~ How long will this take to help this many people? Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
5/5/202226 minutes, 58 seconds
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18-Feeling Lonely, Hopeless, and Stuck? This is Where Life Coaching Comes In.

In today’s episode: COACHING MINDSET & SELF COACHING I share some of my story and hindsight I now have, wishing I'd had a coach all of those years! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Write down: #1 What you love doing and why #2 What you want to become/obtain/accomplish #3 What your values are so you can stick to them on the journey Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
5/2/202230 minutes, 17 seconds
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17-Why Would You Want to Become a Life Coach? Amazing Answers for You HERE!

In today’s episode: FOUNDATIONS AND COACHING MINDSET Hear some of the most amazing aspects of being a life coach and learn how you can become one with Sterling and Stone! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: If: You love to be a hope bringer... You enjoy being in a helping profession... You want to impact your spheres of influence... Then this episode is right up your alley and you will love how satisfying it is to find a profession that is custom-made for you! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>    
4/27/202229 minutes, 44 seconds
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16-How to Find a Life Coach that Is Right for You

In today’s episode: FOUNDATIONS AND TOOLS We discuss how to find the right life coach for you personally with all of the questions you need to ask yourself and prospective coaches. If you are a coach you can benefit from this episode by knowing what your clients are thinking and asking. The Greenhouse Life Coach Training and Certification course is starting July 14th, 2022! Get on the wait list for more info and be the first to know when applications are being accepted! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: What to ask yourself ahead of time, what questions to ask a coach on a discovery call, and how to give the right information that will help them help you best. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>    
4/26/202231 minutes, 13 seconds
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15-Hating Mondays? Here’s a Self Coaching Hack to Shift Your Week!

In today’s episode: COACHING MINDSET AND BUSINESS AND TOOLS Learn how to make Mondays FUN so that you are more fulfilled and your workweek benefits from it! ***VIParts: Pick a day to write out Should do ~ Must do ~ Choose to do Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>    
4/25/202211 minutes, 12 seconds
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14-Need Some Encouragement to Pursue Your Coach Calling? Here’s a Word for You:)

In today’s episode: COACHING MINDSET AND ENCOURAGEMENT I share some encouraging scriptures about moving toward the calling on your life. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Zech 4:1 "Then the angel who had been talking with me returned and woke me, as though I had been asleep." Zech 4:6-10 "It is not by force/might nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. Nothing, not even a mighty mountain, will stand in Zerubbabel’s way; it will become a level plain before him! And when Zerubbabel sets the final stone of the Temple in place, the people will shout: ‘May God bless it! May God bless it!’" Then another message came to me from the Lord: “Zerubbabel is the one who laid the foundation of this Temple, and he will complete it. Then you will know that the Lord of Heaven’s Armies has sent me. Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.” Psalm 100:4 "Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise..." Isaiah 55:11 " is My word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." ~ "You're Gonna Miss This" by Trace Adkins ~ 1883 on Paramount with Tim McGraw and Faith Hill Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
4/23/202221 minutes, 22 seconds
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13-Do You Have Fears About Becoming a Life Coach? Here’s a Great Brain Hack for You!

In today’s episode: COACHING MINDSET AND TOOLS Find out how to help your brain to process fear and learn to move forward with courage. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Isaiah 41:10, "Do not fear and do not be dismayed for My righteous right hold will uphold you and strengthen you." Fear Factors- I fear I will: *lose *feel *experience *disappoint *not know *not have *not be Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
4/21/202235 minutes, 20 seconds
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12-Do You Want to Get Trained and Certified to Be a Coach? Introducing: The Greenhouse!

In today’s episode: FOUNDATIONS AND BUSINESS I want to introduce you to something FANTASTIC! It's a cohort program that will equip and release you with a strong root system as a coach in any niche. Only 10 weeks long but forever fruitful! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Check out the Greenhouse HERE! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
4/20/202218 minutes, 22 seconds
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11-What Does it Mean to Be Triggered and How Do I Help My Clients Through It?

In today’s episode: COACHING MINDSET AND TOOLS Talking about triggers today and how to work through them for yourself and with your coaching clients. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Trauma triggers/ Micro-trauma triggers/ Discomfort Triggers 1- identify and mitigate triggers 2- help client verbalize trigger in sentence form 3- help client formulate a boundary sentence 4- encourage client to pray, meditate, and journal their awareness of trigger 5- let client know in advance if you will be doing work associated with trigger in some way Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
4/19/202223 minutes, 46 seconds
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10-What’s the Difference Between Training and Certification as a Life Coach?

In today’s episode: FOUNDATIONS AND BUSINESS Learn the difference between training and certification and what you need to get started as a life coach. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: You are amazing and can be an incredible coach! That's the most important part today! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
4/16/202220 minutes, 54 seconds
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9-Discover the Best Book on Coaching. EVER!

In today’s episode: COACHING MINDSET AND RESOURCES Let's talk about the Word of God and the huge impact it has on your coach calling for both you and your clients! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: 2 Tim 3:16-17 “God has transmitted his very substance into every Scripture, for it is God-breathed. It will empower you by its instruction and correction, giving you the strength to take the right direction and lead you deeper into the path of godliness. Then you will be God’s servant, fully mature and perfectly prepared to fulfill any assignment God gives you.” Heb 13:21 “...may he work perfection into every part of you giving you all that you need to fulfill your destiny. And may he express through you all that is excellent and pleasing to him through your life-union with Jesus the Anointed One who is to receive all glory forever! Amen!” Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
4/14/202215 minutes, 55 seconds
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8-Struggling With the Idea of Selling Your Coaching Services? How to Stop Giving Everything Away for Free.

In today’s episode: COACHING MINDSET AND BUSINESS Discover how to handle the new venture of being a coach with tangible services to sell vs. being a good free-advice giving Christian. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Give away an appetizer, not a free bread basket full of advice that makes them too full to order a meal! It's not wrong to do. When you go out to eat you are happy to pay for what will make you full, satisfied, and happy, right? What ONE thing can you give as foundational wisdom to someone who you want to help? A question, a thought process, something to pursue, etc. Know it ahead of time to prepare yourself, create boundaries, and still serve others. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
4/12/202229 minutes, 38 seconds
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7-Want More Connection in Coaching Relationships? You Need This Key in Your Pocket!

In today’s episode: SESSION STRATEGY AND TOOLS We talk about mirroring and matching your clients to build connection and understanding. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Presence- mirror physical energy and mannerisms Speech- mirror volume, pitch, and speed Words- mirror language and grammar Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
4/11/202226 minutes, 27 seconds
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6-Self-Leadership as a Life Coach and How It Helps You Guide Your Clients Into Growth

In today’s episode: SELF-COACHING AND TOOLS Discover what self-leadership really is and gain a powerful new tool for your personal life as well as your coach calling and client results. ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: The PEARL practice Paradigm, your beliefs, thoughts, perceptions, imaginations Emotion, biochemical response (physical) and feelings (internal) Action, driven by the desire to pursue or avoid emotions/ feelings Results, all action and inaction cause results Legacy, the culmination of your ongoing results Matthew 23:26 "Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean." James 1:14,15 "but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death." James 1:22 "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
4/8/202217 minutes, 2 seconds
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5-Wondering What Specific Area of Coaching Fits You Best? Here’s a List of POSSIBILITIES!

In today’s episode: FOUNDATIONS AND NICHES Learn about all the different specific areas of coaching you could be great at! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Podcasts and Coaches I mention- Money Isn’t Scary with Meghan Dwyer; Free and Well with Devoney Kodad; Hot Mess Mom Health with Rebecca Santos; Finding Faith Above with Shelby Hohsfield; The Jar Podcast with Lydia Santos; The Estela Kelley Show with Estela Kelley; Simplicity for Solopreneurs with Kristi Veitenhemer; The Stefanie Gass Show; Motherhood Mindset with Stephanie Pletka; The Life Coach BFF Show with Heather Pettey; The Easy Aging Show with Michelle Zavala; Organized and Fabulous Mom with Jennifer McDaniels; Musically Minded Mama with JoAnne Johnson; Her Pursuit with Cason Schulze. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
4/7/202217 minutes, 31 seconds
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4-Want to Know How to Begin Coaching? Start Walking In Your Coach Calling Today.

In today’s episode: FOUNDATIONS AND TOOLS We discuss how you can step out and do the next, right thing to start coaching. You're going to love how simple this is! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: James 1:19 "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry..." Easy steps to starting: Invite, connect, listen, ask, true goals, map, pray, review. Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME ~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
4/6/202217 minutes, 43 seconds
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3-What Type of Life Coach Are You?

In today’s episode: FOUNDATIONS AND TOOLS We discuss the four types of coaches and how to determine your primary type in order to best serve your clients and get GREAT results! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: Pastoral: Strengths- Relational, listener, chaplain-like, supportive, caring, nurturing, compassionate, empathetic, encourager, nonjudgmental, present, good at processing, emotionally connected, helping mentality, safe, mirroring, they ‘get’ the client. Possibility: Strengths- Visionary, quick start, idea generator, sees all possible outcomes and consequences, big faith, calculated risk-taker, out of the box, multiple perspectives and sees things as connected, pioneering, creative. Strategic: Strengths- Forward moving, action-oriented, precise, clarity maker, visionary, pioneer, can be a quick start but with more follow-through, progress tracker, task-oriented, list-maker, tactical and practical, good accountability, quick. Mentor: Strengths- Direct, teacher, pulls from personal experience, storyteller, clarity about the process as they see it, giving of internal and external info, ability to share all they’ve experienced, processed, created, and achieved. Put this together with what you've uncovered about your coach calling from episodes 1&2! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
4/4/202233 minutes, 16 seconds
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2-What Is Your Life Coaching Superpower? Learn How to Find It.

In today’s episode: FOUNDATIONS AND COACHING MINDSET Dig into the goodness of what God has gifted you to do and walk in so that your life and your clients' lives can experience greater transformation and results! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: The right questions to ask to find your superpower- 1- Am I being realistic about who I am called to be and the gifts that God has given me? 2- Am I being prideful about my giftings which puffs me up, or am I operating in false humility which keeps me playing small? 3- What do I do effortlessly? 4- What am I willing to make sacrifices for? 5- What makes me want to learn more and grow in? 6- What am I confident about? 7- What am I more observant than others about? 8- What are the strengths of my perceived weaknesses? And don't forget to do the work from episode #1! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>
4/3/202231 minutes, 7 seconds
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1-What is a Life Coach and Are You Called to Be One?

In today’s episode: FOUNDATIONS AND COACHING MINDSET Discover the ins and outs of life coaching and how to start seeking God about a coach calling as part of your story! ***VIParts of this episode to refer to: The Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20, "Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” MATTHEW 7:7, "Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you." ASK: God, what is Your calling on my life in this season? SEEK: What are my gifts and strengths that could enable me to be a great life coach? Are some of them: strategy, clarity, possibility, compassion, connection, hope bringing, intuition, building, innovation, teaching, guiding, healing, listening, pastoring, etc.? KNOCK: Text this message to three trusted advisors in your life: "My coach has assigned homework for me to ask you: Do you think that I would be a good coach for someone wanting to reach a goal? Would you say I have, or could develop, the skills needed to be a helpful guide to someone who wants to accomplish, become, or obtain anything in their life?” Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. PLEASE LEAVE A WRITTEN REVIEW ON APPLE PODCASTS FOR ME~ THANKS IN ADVANCE! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>  
4/2/202225 minutes, 8 seconds
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Christian Life Coach Collective Trailer

Hello! I am so glad you're here... Whether you're a hope bringer who's considering becoming a coach, or if you're already coaching and you desire to strengthen your skills and learn from others, or maybe you are just listening in, you are invited to this table. We are gathering and connecting, equipping and releasing, and loving God together! Welcome to the Christian Life Coach Collective! 🔔 Make sure you subscribe & follow the show! This is THE place for you to learn about Spirit-led coaching, strategies, foundations, training, and personal development. And please leave a written review on Apple Podcasts to help others find all of the glory and goodness! Facebook Community —> Get trained —> Work with me —> FB —> IG —>    
4/1/20221 minute, 58 seconds