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Church and Family Life Podcast Profile

Church and Family Life Podcast

English, Religion, 1 season, 259 episodes, 4 days, 16 hours, 9 minutes
Church & Family Life is an equipping organization with a fourfold focus: to produce resources, furnish conferences, provide mentoring, and connect families to Christ-centered churches through our FIC network. The heart of our ministry has always been to build up God-centered churches and families and equip them to think biblically.
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The Woke War Zone-Women in Harms Way

It’s the world turned upside down! The July 13th assassination attempt of Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania showcased an image Americans had never seen before—a female Secret Service agent coming to the defense of a man. While woman warriors populate the Marvel universe, they don’t play this role in God’s world whenever Christian culture prevails. Sadly, we’ve lost our bearings, and women have been the losers! In the podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Michael Foster, explain the scriptural mandate—men lay down their lives to protect women and children, even as Christ gave His life for the church. The theme is echoed throughout God’s Word: Men, not women, joined Abraham to rescue Lot and his family from foreign invaders. Men marched around Jericho in Joshua’s time, and men fought with Gideon. And the list goes on. The creation order matters—women should be protected as nurturers, while men go out to war. 
9/16/202421 minutes, 17 seconds
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Keep the Gospel Central

The gospel of Jesus Christ is not an aside to our faith. It “is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes” (Rom. 1:16). Without its wonder-working power, there is no hope for family, church, or cultural reformation. We must therefore keep the Gospel at the center, for from it flows salvation and hope for the nations. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm discuss the Gospel as the centerpiece of Scripture—from God’s promise to crush the seed of the serpent in Genesis 3:15 to its ultimate fulfilment in Jesus Christ. Their charge: Don’t let anything unseat the gospel as the center of things, yet also beware of a gospel that doesn’t transform, for “faith without works is dead” (James 2:26). 
9/9/202425 minutes, 23 seconds
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Let Them Be Tested - The Call for Young Deacons, Part 3

Faithful church deacons provide a ministry of mercy that the state can never match—reaching those in need not just with physical and financial aid, but with spiritual help to the heart and soul. Their care for the sick, the disabled, along with widows and orphans, is Christianity in action. But what makes a young man qualified to fill this role? What attributes should he exemplify before assuming this key church office?  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Chad Roach, discuss how a deacon must fear God, rather than be a man-pleaser, and have a proven track record of persevering through trials and overcoming sin. It’s also vital that he not be greedy for money, since he’ll be handling the funds of the church. In addition, a deacon must have a wife who can come alongside and minister with him with sisterly care and discretion. 
9/2/202426 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Perils of a Large Family

While the world trumpets an anti-child bias, God proclaims large families to be a blessing, “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward” (Ps. 127:3). Yet a large family is a big responsibility. It requires a lot of discipline and resources. If you’re going to have a productive womb, you need to have a well-managed household.   In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Michael Foster, discuss the perils of a large family and how to overcome them. Their counsel: maintain clear boundaries between boys and girls as it relates to modesty. Also enforce proper boundaries between parents and children—even as you teach your older kids to help care for their younger siblings, they shouldn’t become a second dad or mom. Encourage your wife through the physical and mental strain that she bears as a mother. And, as a husband and dad, be forward-thinking about your time management, as well as future needs to scale up your cars, appliances, and home space. 
8/26/202424 minutes, 4 seconds
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God's Rules or Man's Whims? The Battle for True Worship

How does God desire to be worshipped? The right answer doesn’t come from the latest whiz-bang idea from today’s creative coolness technicians, but from God’s Word itself. Sadly, many in the church believe that anything that’s not forbidden in Scripture is fair game to use in the worship of God—from entertaining skits to musical light shows. But such notions reject the Bible’s teaching on how God wants us to worship Him.  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Tom Ascol, defend the regulative principle of worship which affirms that the only “acceptable way of worshiping the true God” (LBC 22:1) is that which He has commanded in Scripture (Deut. 12:32), and “that He may not be worshiped according to the imagination and devices of man” (LBC 22:1). While incidentals—such as whether we use chairs or pews, and what time we meet—are left to our discretion, the essentials of worship—such as the preaching of the Word, prayer, and the remembrance of the Lord’s Supper—must be followed as He’s prescribed. 
8/19/202424 minutes, 45 seconds
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New! God-Centered, Biblical Curriculum for Christian Families

The Proverbs declare that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge (Prov. 9:10; 1:7). Yet, for more than 50 years, America’s public schools have abandoned this truth, resulting in the death of Christian faith among the majority of our youth. But the problem doesn’t stop there. Even some creators of Christian curriculum have too freely elevated “classic” pagan literature to young students, failing to heed this sober warning: “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ” (Col. 2:8).  Kevin Swanson of Generations explains why it is so critical in this present age that we have a thoroughly Christian curriculum that makes God’s Word front and center in every subject. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm interview Kevin about his vision to teach students how to use the eyeglasses of Scripture to view history, science, literature, math, and every other academic discipline. The goal is to raise up a new generation who fears God, glorifies God, and walks with God all their days.  Links: Generations Homeschool Curriculum Epoch Apostate Keep the Faith God Made Me Taking the World for Jesus Taking Africa for Jesus My First History My First Letters and Sounds
8/12/202423 minutes, 18 seconds
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A Call for Young Deacons: Balancing Life and Service for Christ, Part 2

What’s a young man to do with his time and talents? Being self-focused is not the answer, for wise men build margin in their life so that can serve others in need. Young men who cultivate such character are often primed to serve as deacons, filling a vital role in the local church in meeting the practical needs of the body.   In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Chad Roach, call on young men to look beyond their personal interests and be willing to serve as deacons, as God leads. This includes a man, with a wife and kids, whose house is in order. Ministering to the church as a deacon, they explain, provides a great opportunity to not only meet the needs of others, but to teach and disciple your children in the process.   Also Check Out: A Call for Young Deacons, Part 1 
8/5/202427 minutes, 21 seconds
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Christian Nationalism - Good or Bad?

What is “Christian Nationalism,” and should believers support it or not? These questions have caused a firestorm in recent years, erupting in Twitter wars and bombs being lobbed on podcasts from competing camps. To add fuel to the fire, the mainstream media has advanced skewed definitions of what the term means, demonizing anyone who dares to suggest that Christians ought to advocate for biblical principles in the public square. So what are we to make of all this?  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Tom Ascol, tackle the controversy. On the one hand, they reject the notion that America has a specific place in God’s redemptive history on par with Old Covenant Israel, while also maintaining that the general equity of God’s judicial laws has relevant application in our nation’s law system—and that of every other country—today. While an Old Testament theocracy is not the goal, Christian cultural norms should be pursued as God grants us opportunity. 
7/29/202424 minutes, 50 seconds
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Answering Pragmatism in the Church – God’s Word is Enough!

Cultural trends are insufficient, but God’s Word’s is sufficient to build His church. No other foundation will do. Yet for the last century, “do-what-works” pragmatism has been a driving force in how many churches have pursued evangelism, worship, and church life. Rather than believing God’s Word is enough,  results-oriented ministry has dominated, leading to entertainment-centered youth programs, seeker-sensitive worship, among many other ills.  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Josh Buice, discuss how pragmatism has undermined faithful Gospel preaching, encouraged congregations to not practice church discipline, and decreased standards of church membership—all stemming from a diminished trust in God’s sufficient Word. Their call to the church is this: Instead of every man doing “what [is] right in his own eyes” (Judg. 17:6), we must believe that the Scripture is all we need for “the man of God [to] be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17).  
7/22/202431 minutes, 11 seconds
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A Call for Young Deacons - Part 1

To flourish, a church not only needs a strong elder team, but a strong deacon team as well. That’s the message of Acts 6 when the apostles chose seven deacons to minister to widows who had been neglected. This division of labor is vital to the health of the local church. Even as elders are to focus on preaching and shepherding, the deacons are to meet the practical needs of the saints.  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Chad Roach, discuss the high calling of deacons, and urge younger men to aspire to this church office, as the Lord leads. Drawing from his personal experience, Chad shares how serving as a deacon has been one of the most fulfilling roles he’s ever played. When done well, the labor of deacons becomes a force multiplier of the elders’ work, something Chad has seen in action. His conclusion affirms that of Scripture—for the good of Christ’s church, more godly men should seek this noble post. 
7/15/202427 minutes, 20 seconds
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Gender Wars – Rediscovering True Manhood and Womanhood

In today’s world, we’ve been flooded by a sea of lies on what manhood and womanhood really is. These weapons of mass confusion have led to tragic outcomes for boys, girls, marriage, as well as the local church. This distortion of gender roles has come about because we’ve rejected the plain teaching of Scripture—that “God created man in His own image,” and that He created every person either “male and female” (Gen. 1:27), with each having distinct roles they are called to fulfill.  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm outline four key pillars of manhood and womanhood: (1) Gender is not fluid, as God created men and women as distinctly different; (2) Men are to lead and women follow; (3) Women are not allowed to teach and exercise authority over men in the church; and (4) Women are not allowed to speak in the formal meeting of the church. Though the world finds these distinctives to be stifling, the full and glorious life of a godly woman is found when she embraces her complementary role, even as a godly man embraces his. 
7/8/202425 minutes
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Legalism vs. Liberty: Navigating God's Law with Grace

In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Joel Beeke, discuss how God’s law is not only a tool of conviction to bring us to Christ, but it is a positive rule of life for the believer. The Ten Commandments, they explain, gives a map for how to live the Christian life by earnestly loving God and loving our neighbor as ourselves. While freely acknowledging that we’re saved by grace alone, our desire should be that of David’s, “Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day” (Ps. 119:97).   No one can be justified by keeping the law. Yet, as Christians, we should strive to obey God’s law out of sheer gratitude to Him for saving us. Once freed from the bondage of sin, our desire should be to do his will, viewing His law as a reflection of His personal holiness. Sadly, many professing Christians have adopted the antinomian falsehood that since we’re saved by grace, we don’t need to keep the law anymore—a point which Scripture soundly condemns: “Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not!” (Rom. 6:1-2). 
7/1/202427 minutes, 27 seconds
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Closed on Sunday – Why there are Ten Commandments and not Nine

In modern times, the church has dismissed the importance of keeping the Sabbath, viewing it as an abrogated part of the Mosaic Law. Yet this flies in the face of the entire witness of Scripture. From Genesis to Revelation, we find an unbroken theme for man to set aside one day in seven to rest from his labors and worship God. This began following Creation Week with God Himself, who rested on the seventh day and sanctified the day for this purpose (Gen. 2:2-3), and it is reaffirmed in the Bible’s final book by the Apostle John who recognized the “Lord’s Day” as special (Rev. 1:10).  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Tim Stephens, walk through the Bible, identifying (11) eleven scriptural reasons to keep the Sabbath, which was moved from the last to the first day of the week to honor Christ’s resurrection. Among the reasons they give: not only was it established at Creation (Gen. 2:2-3), but it was honored by God’s people prior to the Ten Commandments (Ex. 16:22-23); championed by the prophets (Isa. 58); celebrated by Jesus (Mark 2:27); and affirmed by the Apostles (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2). Their charge to Christians—rather than focusing on negative prohibitions, make the Sabbath a day of delight by basking in the pleasures of the Lord. 
6/24/202426 minutes, 38 seconds
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Children in the Worship Service - Getting Our Hearts Right First

Preparing one’s children’s heart for weekly worship starts with the parents preparing their own. Dad and mom must set the tone, first, to please God, but second, because kids normally have an accurate radar that can detect if their parents are focused, or not, in worshipping Him. Going through the motions at church is a real danger we must guard against—preparing for worship must begin in the heart.    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guests Danny and Megan Craig, discuss this priority. With four children eight and under, the Craigs explain that the goal for their kids on Sundays is not simply to sit still in church, but to love God as they worship. To get in the right frame of mind, their practice is to devote time on Saturday night to tune their hearts as a family for the next day’s service. Other advice they give: communicate clear expectations to your children ahead of time and then lovingly hold them to those expectations during the worship service. 
6/17/202426 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ditch Children’s Church – Worship Together

The Bible’s witness is clear: When the people of God gather for corporate worship, their children are to be with them in the service. That’s the unmistakable record found throughout Scripture. Yet in the 20th century, many congregations abandoned this established biblical norm, starting Children’s Churches and other youth-centered ministries that separated families during weekly worship.    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Sam Waldron, discuss the resurgence of family-integrated worship that has come as Christians have set aside pragmatic and worldly practices for the simple truths of Scripture. This move to follow God’s prescriptions for worship and church life, rather than man’s inventions, has transformed churches and families for the better. While there’s still room for growth, those committed to the Word will find blessing as they obey God from the heart.    Additional Resources    A Weed in the Church: How a Culture of Age Segregation is Harming the Next Generation, Fragmenting the Family, and Dividing the Church    A Declaration of the Complementary Roles of Church and Family    The Family at Church: How Parents Are Tour Guides of Joy 
6/10/202427 minutes, 30 seconds
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To Young Men in Today’s Economy – Take Dominion with Hope!

As the cost of living skyrockets, what are young men desiring to establish themselves financially to do? Rather than shrink in fear, they should make the most of whatever tools God has put in their hands—in hopeful pursuit of the Dominion Mandate, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth” (Gen. 1:28).    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Isaac Botkin, discuss exciting opportunities that exist in practical fields such as hand-on trades and manufacturing. Drawing from his personal experience with T.Rex Arms, Isaac notes that Christians who know how to bring order out of disorder and create an increase from the assets they have will be in demand—whether they own their own company or work for others. His message: Don’t lose heart as a young man trying to make it. Trust God and take dominion with hope! 
6/3/202423 minutes, 2 seconds
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Practical Tips on Keeping Your Children in Church

Contrary to what some allege, Scripture’s clear witness is that children are to be present when God’s people gather for worship. Yet how do you train your kids to sit quietly at church as God’s Word is preached and to actively sing songs of praise during the service? What practical steps can you take during the week to prepare them for Sunday? And how do you manage the service itself as wise parents?    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guests Isaac and Heidi Botkin, tackle these questions head on. With four children, eight and under, the Botkins are still learning how to direct their young ones in worship, yet they offer practical counsel: Teach them obedience and self-government at home through regular family worship. Get your kids familiar with the songs your church sings by singing them together ahead of time. And, during the weekly service, work together as parents to manage your children’s oversight and discipline.    Read these two articles as a supplement to today’s podcast:    “Does Nehemiah 8:1-3 Teach Age Segregation?” by Scott Brown    “Nehemiah's Nursery” by Voddie Baucham   
5/27/202428 minutes, 27 seconds
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(8) Distinctives That Get Us in Trouble

Does the younger generation know why you do what you do? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm discuss (8) distinctives that have got Christians “in trouble” as they’ve embraced God’s Word rather than worldly trends: (1) the sufficiency of Scripture, not the sufficiency of culture; (2) the regulative principle as opposed to the normative principle of worship; (3) Sabbath-keeping vs. sabbath-breaking; (4) the continued applicability of God’s moral law, rather than antinomianism; (5) age-integrated, not age-segregated worship; (6) theologically-sound, rather than theologically unsound music; (7) biblical manhood and womanhood, instead of egalitarianism; (8) and a culture of modesty vs. immodesty in the church.  Here’s the backdrop. For the last several decades, a growing number of families and churches have gone back to the Bible and reshaped how they live and worship. Throwing off compromises that dominated the 20th century, they’ve sought to conform their practices to age-old biblical standards. But if the foundational reasons for these changes aren’t reinforced through careful discipleship, the next generation can easily fall prey to error again. To learn more about these (8) distinctives, check out the resources below or search our resource library here.   1. The Sufficiency of Scripture, not the Sufficiency of Culture  Do Not Learn the Way of the Gentiles  2. The Regulative Principle, as opposed to the Normative Principle of Worship  Only God Can Regulate Worship   3. Sabbath-keeping vs. Sabbath-breaking  Confronting the Thieves of Sabbath Delight  4. The Continued Applicability of God’s Moral Law, rather than Antinomianism The Harmony of Law and Gospel  5. Age-integrated, not Age-segregated Worship A Biblical Case for Age-Integrated Discipleship   A Declaration of the Complementary Roles of Church and Family   6. Theologically Sound rather than Theologically Unsound Music   Can I Use Any Form of Music to Worship God?  7. Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, instead of Egalitarianism  The Sufficiency of Scripture for Manhood and Womanhood   8. A Culture of Modesty vs. Immodesty in the Church Beyond Modesty: The Supremacy of Christ in Clothing 
5/20/202429 minutes, 20 seconds
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How We Dress - Clothing and Our Need for Christ

Why do we wear what we wear? The truth is, the clothes we put on communicate who we are and where our heart is. So here’s the question we must answer: Do we seek to flaunt ourselves, or do we portray humble modesty before God and our fellow man? Putting the matter simply—do we love God and our neighbor as ourselves in how we dress, or are we consumed with love of self instead? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Gavin Beers, explain how that our need for clothing points to our need for Christ. Fallen man seeks to cover the shame of his sin—as our first parents did in the Garden. Yet Adam and Eve’s paltry fig leaves were not enough. Only the perfect Lamb of God can truly cover our transgression with His robes of righteousness. Our physical clothing points to this spiritual reality and should inform how we dress as Christians today.
5/13/202429 minutes, 50 seconds
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7 Good Marriage Habits to Prepare Your Children for Matrimony

In preparing one’s children to be married, the most important inheritance parents can give them is not money, but the example of a faithful marriage, based on God’s Word, lived out before them. While didactic training is necessary, the age-old adage is true—there’s more “caught than taught.” In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm discuss seven good marriage habits that couples should embrace that not only honor God, but that will prepare their children for strong marriages, one day, as the Lord blesses.    First, learn how to talk. Second, get reconciled quick. Third, don’t always have to do things your own way. Fourth, think the best of one another. Fifth, accept shortcomings. Sixth, deal with disappointments in a healthy way. And, seventh, create a happy home life. To boil it all down— make sure your marriage is a happy marriage, rooted in Christ, that creates a happy home. 
5/6/202422 minutes, 19 seconds
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Hospitality Made Simple – Give of What You Have to Others

God commands His people to be “given to hospitality” (Rom. 12:13). This is one way we show Christian love, as we fellowship and break bread with one another. We must view our homes, then, not just as a place for personal retreat, but as a hub for evangelism, discipleship, and personal ministry. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by Gil Arterburn and his daughter Summer, discuss the joys of hospitality as well as common barriers that often hinder families from opening up their homes. Many fail to practice hospitality because they think their resources are not “good enough.” Yet you don’t need a big home or a fancy steak dinner to be hospitable. Giving of what you have, in a spirit of love, is all you need to encourage others in the Lord. 
4/29/202422 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Top 10 Duties of Church Members

Membership in a local church involves more than just signing a card and occasionally showing up for a Sunday service. God’s Word gives particular duties that church members are to uphold toward their church leadership, fellow members, as well to their own respective families. But just what are these responsibilities?  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Trent Moody, answer the question, outlining the top ten duties of church members.  One, work and pray for the unity of the spirit. Two, seek the salvation of the different groups of people you relate to—those in our families, communities, and workplaces. Three, submit to your church leaders as they are faithful to Christ. Four, contribute cheerfully and regularly to the church. Five, faithfully assemble with your local church. Six, maintain family and private devotions. Seven, watch over each other in brotherly love. Eight, don’t practice things which jeopardize your own faith or another’s faith. Nine, be slow to take offense. And, ten, submit to biblically-defined church discipline. 
4/22/202423 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Need for True Repentance - The Life Story of Robert Bosley

Robert grew up as an only child in the small town of Beckley, West Virginia. Though his father never had much money, he had a tremendous work ethic and taught Robert the value of hard work. This said, his dad had no interest in the things of God, while his mom possessed a simple faith in Christ and took her son to a local country church. Entering his teens, Robert professed faith and was baptized at age 14. Yet, deep down, he had no change of heart.  Joining the Air Force at 18, Robert served four years as an intelligence analyst. During this stint, he and a good friend began discussing various religions, and Robert shared what he knew of the Bible with him. In God’s providence, his friend became a true believer, and God used his friend’s testimony to later bring Robert to true faith, as he was confronted with what sin is and his need for real repentance. Impassioned to share the gospel, Robert met his wife through street preaching. Married to Andrea since 2012, he is currently pursuing a MA in Theological Studies at Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary.
4/15/202423 minutes, 54 seconds
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How to Have Tough Conversations

When it comes to having tough conversations with a spouse, friend, fellow believer, or co-worker, some are willing to sail right into the storm and throw everything on the table. Others, by contrast, are terrified in approaching any discussion that’s remotely uncomfortable. Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, God’s Word gives clear principles to guide our hearts and words as we prepare for difficult talks.    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason, joined by guest Taylor Tsantles, discuss these principles. The first is to love sincerely from the heart. We should strive to have this relationship equity with others, even before challenges arise. This will help smooth the way when tough conversations are necessary, because they know we care about them as a person. The second is to avoid harmful communication patterns such as using harsh words or tones, refusing to listen, and trying to force outcomes. We should instead be filled with the Spirit and be on a mission to bless—even when sharing hard truths.  
4/8/202427 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Resurgence of Psalm-Singing

In the last half of the 20th century, the singing of the Psalms hardly existed in the evangelical church. But Psalm-singing has made a resurgence. Why is this? It’s happened as increasingly more Christians and local churches have embraced the sufficiency of Scripture, recognizing that God has given His people an inspired hymnal of 150 psalms.  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Scott Aniol, discuss this encouraging trend. There’s great value, they explain, in learning and singing the entire book of Psalms. As with expository preaching, this practice forces us to sing about themes we may not need in the moment, but we do need for shoring up our souls for the entire Christian life. Learning the full breadth of the Psalms will form our hearts to repentance, trust, thanks, and praise—giving us the posture that’s needed for every experience we face as Christians. 
4/1/202423 minutes
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The Resurgence of Psalm-Singing

In the last half of the 20th century, the singing of the Psalms hardly existed in the evangelical church. But Psalm-singing has made a resurgence. Why is this? It’s happened as increasingly more Christians and local churches have embraced the sufficiency of Scripture, recognizing that God has given His people an inspired hymnal of 150 psalms.    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Scott Aniol, discuss this encouraging trend. There’s great value, they explain, in learning and singing the entire book of Psalms. As with expository preaching, this practice forces us to sing about themes we may not need in the moment, but we do need for shoring up our souls for the entire Christian life. Learning the full breadth of the Psalms will form our hearts to repentance, trust, thanks, and praise—giving us the posture that’s needed for every experience we face as Christians. 
4/1/202423 minutes, 1 second
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How We Dress Matters - The Doctrine of Clothing Considered

As Christians, we’re not free to dress as we please. Because we’ve been “bought at a price” we’re to “glorify God in [our bodies]” (1 Cor. 6:20). We learn this lesson from our first parents. Adam and Eve dressed their own way by covering their loins with fig leaves. Yet God viewed their effort as inadequate and designed more substantial clothing, using skins from a dead animal. The doctrine of clothing thus points to the substitutionary atonement of Christ:  He removes our filthy garments and replaces them with robes of righteousness.  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Jeff Pollard, break down the doctrine of clothing, explaining that it’s about far more than modesty.  If Christ has purchased us with His blood, how we dress matters. To paraphrase Abraham Kuyper, “There is not one square inch [of our clothing] over which Christ . . . does not cry, ‘Mine!’” Ultimately, our clothing isn’t about us and what we like. It’s about giving ourselves to the Lord to bring glory to Him in how dress. 
3/25/202428 minutes, 17 seconds
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How We Dress Matters - The Doctrine of Clothing Considered

As Christians, we’re not free to dress as we please. Because we’ve been “bought at a price” we’re to “glorify God in [our bodies]” (1 Cor. 6:20). We learn this lesson from our first parents. Adam and Eve dressed their own way by covering their loins with fig leaves. Yet God viewed their effort as inadequate and designed more substantial clothing, using skins from a dead animal. The doctrine of clothing thus points to the substitutionary atonement of Christ:  He removes our filthy garments and replaces them with robes of righteousness.    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Jeff Pollard, break down the doctrine of clothing, explaining that it’s about far more than modesty.  If Christ has purchased us with His blood, how we dress matters. To paraphrase Abraham Kuyper, “There is not one square inch [of our clothing] over which Christ . . . does not cry, ‘Mine!’” Ultimately, our clothing isn’t about us and what we like. It’s about giving ourselves to the Lord to bring glory to Him in how dress. 
3/25/202428 minutes, 18 seconds
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Obey or Disobey Civil Government? – A Deeper Look at Romans 13

As COVID-19 swept the globe in 2020, civil authorities around the world issued lockdowns and social distancing edicts which, in effect, forbade churches to gather for corporate worship. Many pastors and church leaders caved to the pressure, opting for exclusively online services, while others scrambled to formulate a biblical response that upheld God’s command to Christians to assemble as a body for worship. Once such pastor was Timothy Decker, who grappled with this key question: Does Romans 13 command Christians an unqualified obedience toward the civil magistrate?   Decker’s study led his church to a deeper understanding of this pivotal text, as they opened their doors during COVID. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm interview Decker about his new book, A Revolutionary Reading of Romans 13, in which Decker shares what he learned. Decker’s contention is that biblical submission to earthly authorities—which is commanded by God—is always qualified. Even as a wife or child is not bound to obey an unlawful command by a husband or father, neither is the church bound to an unlawful edict by the state. Romans 13 teaches lawful subjection to the civil magistrate, Decker maintains, while at the same time affirming a Christian’s duty to resist tyranny when the state violates God’s prescriptive Word. 
3/18/202426 minutes, 11 seconds
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Creating a Culture of Music in the Home & Church

God ordained music not merely to convey particular moods, but to form our affections after His Word. As Christians, we’re to teach and admonish “one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord” (Col. 3:16). This is a non-optional mandate. But how does a dad, with no musical background, cultivate music in his home? How can the local church foster robust singing in the congregation?  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Scott Aniol, discuss how to create a culture of music in the home and church. For dads who lack experience, they encourage investing in a good set of hymnals and using the SingYourPart app and relevant online videos to bolster the process. For churches, they explain that the human voice, not musical accompaniment, should be the prominent feature in corporate worship. Be it at home or church, the voice of God’s people should joyfully sing forth His praises. 
3/11/202425 minutes, 33 seconds
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Creating a Culture of Music in the Home & Church

God ordained music not merely to convey particular moods, but to form our affections after His Word. As Christians, we’re to teach and admonish “one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord” (Col. 3:16). This is a non-optional mandate. But how does a dad, with no musical background, cultivate music in his home? How can the local church foster robust singing in the congregation?    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Scott Aniol, discuss how to create a culture of music in the home and church. For dads who lack experience, they encourage investing in a good set of hymnals and using the SingYourPart app and relevant online videos to bolster the process. For churches, they explain that the human voice, not musical accompaniment, should be the prominent feature in corporate worship. Be it at home or church, the voice of God’s people should joyfully sing forth His praises. 
3/11/202425 minutes, 34 seconds
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Biblical Eldership – Alex Strauch’s Landmark Book

For 35 years, Alexander Strauch’s book, Biblical Eldership: An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Church Leadership, has been the premier book explaining the biblical teaching on church eldership, which is shared pastoral leadership by a council of scripturally-qualified elders. Theologically sound and eminently practical, Alex’s book helped ignite a worldwide awakening to this long-neglected and misunderstood subject.  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm welcome Alex to discuss his completely revised edition of his classic work. The new version, titled Biblical Eldership: Restoring the Eldership to Its Rightful Place in the Local Church, features a word-for-word exposition of all the key biblical texts on eldership—as the original—yet offers a new chapter, “Making Pastoral Eldership Work,” as well as a more developed discussion on the full parity—yet functional diversity—of elders within a local church.  
3/4/202425 minutes, 58 seconds
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Biblical Eldership – Alex Strauch’s Landmark Book

For 35 years, Alexander Strauch’s book, Biblical Eldership: An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Church Leadership, has been the premier book explaining the biblical teaching on church eldership, which is shared pastoral leadership by a council of scripturally-qualified elders. Theologically sound and eminently practical, Alex’s book helped ignite a worldwide awakening to this long-neglected and misunderstood subject.    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm welcome Alex to discuss his completely revised edition of his classic work. The new version, titled Biblical Eldership: Restoring the Eldership to Its Rightful Place in the Local Church, features a word-for-word exposition of all the key biblical texts on eldership—as the original—yet offers a new chapter, “Making Pastoral Eldership Work,” as well as a more developed discussion on the full parity—yet functional diversity—of elders within a local church.  
3/4/202425 minutes, 59 seconds
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Answering the MacArthur Center’s Objections to Family Integration

In a recent MacArthur Center for Expository Preaching podcast titled “John MacArthur Is My Youth Pastor,” Austin Duncan raised objections to the family-integrated church movement. Duncan, who serves as College Pastor for Grace Community Church as well as Director of the MacArthur Center, cited a “friendly argument” with Voddie Baucham on the matter while lodging numerous criticisms of the family-integrated model.   But is Duncan’s critique correct? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm address his objections, point by point. They express high regard for the teaching ministry of John MacArthur and agree with some of Duncan’s concerns, while also refuting numerous mischaracterizations. Resting their case on the sufficiency of Scripture, they maintain that the structure of the church and family should reflect the structure that’s revealed in the Bible alone. 
2/26/20241 hour, 8 minutes, 34 seconds
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Answering the MacArthur Center’s Objections to Family Integration

In a recent MacArthur Center for Expository Preaching podcast titled “John MacArthur Is My Youth Pastor,” Austin Duncan raised objections to the family-integrated church movement. Duncan, who serves as College Pastor for Grace Community Church as well as Director of the MacArthur Center, cited a “friendly argument” with Voddie Baucham on the matter while lodging numerous criticisms of the family-integrated model.   But is Duncan’s critique correct? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm address his objections, point by point. They express high regard for the teaching ministry of John MacArthur and agree with some of Duncan’s concerns while also refuting numerous mischaracterizations. Resting their case on the sufficiency of Scripture, they maintain that the structure of the church and family should reflect the structure revealed in the Bible alone.    Podcast Related Links: Is The Church A Family of Families? By Scott Brown Some Answers For Critics by Scott Brown The Forgotten Mission Field Of The Family by Voddie Baucham Other Resources by Voddie Baucham
2/26/20241 hour, 8 minutes, 35 seconds
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How Should a Young Man Prepare for Marriage?

How should a young man prepare for marriage? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm address this question with special guest Hayden Ford who was married a year ago. Hayden credits his parents’ commitment to teach God’s Word daily and to model a godly husband-wife relationship in the home as giving him a great foundation in preparing him for marriage—but young men need more than this to be ready.  Key lessons from Hayden: Be disciplined students of the Scriptures yourselves, learning God’s attributes and knowing what His Word says about the important issues of life. Purpose to have a consistent income and ample savings. Honor the authorities God has placed in your life, humbly getting their opinion on your readiness for matrimony. And stop seeking marriage as your driving aim, but strive to be more like Christ each day. 
2/19/202419 minutes, 19 seconds
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How Should a Young Man Prepare for Marriage?

How should a young man prepare for marriage? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm address this question with special guest Hayden Ford who was married a year ago. Hayden credits his parents’ commitment to teach God’s Word daily and to model a godly husband-wife relationship in the home as giving him a great foundation in preparing him for marriage—but young men need more than this to be ready.    Key lessons from Hayden: Be disciplined students of the Scriptures yourselves, learning God’s attributes and knowing what His Word says about the important issues of life. Purpose to have a consistent income and ample savings. Honor the authorities God has placed in your life, humbly getting their opinion on your readiness for matrimony. And stop seeking marriage as your driving aim, but strive to be more like Christ each day. 
2/19/202419 minutes, 20 seconds
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Come to Christ! - Life Story of Steven Lawson (Part 2)

A football star in high school, Steve sought his identity in sports. Yet all this changed at age 17 when he heard the Gospel preached at a Young Life Camp in the Rockies. Giving his life to Christ, he was soon foisted into leadership to fellow students at Texas Tech. There on a football scholarship, he became active in his school’s chapter of Fellowship of Christian Athletes—then the largest in the country—and was soon asked to preach and teach. Though he dreaded standing before crowds at first, he soon grew passionate about proclaiming the hope of Christ to others.  Sharing his debt to other great preachers in his lifetime, including John MacArthur and James Montgomery Boice, Steve draws attention to two great preachers from the past—Charles Spurgeon and George Whitefield—whose favorite word was, “Come!” His point: while we must rest our evangelistic efforts solely on the sovereignty of God, we must also preach to the lost with urgency. Steve currently serves as the president of OnePassion Ministries, which is dedicated to training men to faithfully exposit the Scriptures, verse-by-verse, with a passion for God and His glory. 
2/12/202429 minutes, 12 seconds
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Life Story of Steven Lawson (Part 1)

Steve grew up in an academic home, with a father who was a distinguished Ph.D. scientist and professor. Yet Steve wanted no part of it. He not only didn’t like to study, but he sought his identity in sports—playing football, basketball, baseball, and running track. Steve’s prowess as an athlete landed him a football scholarship to Texas Tech. Before leaving for college, however, Steve converted to Christ, and sports was no longer his idol.  Once at Texas Tech, Steve took an active role in his school’s chapter of Fellowship of Christian Athletes—then the largest in the country—speaking 2-3 times a week at various events and churches. After college, Steve briefly worked for First National Bank in Memphis. But when he heard the preaching of Adrian Rogers, his heart was stirred for the ministry, and he quit his bank job and pursued a Master of Theology at Dallas Theological Seminary, learning under the late S. Lewis Johnson. Steve has since pastored churches in Arkansas, Alabama, and Texas. He currently serves as the president of OnePassion Ministries, which is dedicated to training men to faithfully exposit the Scriptures, verse-by-verse, with a passion for God and His glory. 
2/5/202439 minutes, 20 seconds
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Common Objections to Family-Integrated Worship

The clear biblical pattern of worship and discipleship for the people of God is age-integrated, not age-segregated. Yet objections persist: How can family integrated worship be practiced with boys or girls without parents? How can single mothers and widows be adequately shepherded, following this approach? And what about the fact that there’s no explicit biblical command that prohibits age-segregated discipleship? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Carlton McLeod, address these and other common objections to the Bible’s pattern of family-integrated worship. Their admonition: Trust God’s Word and follow it. Don’t assume that the best thing you can do for a 13-year-old fatherless boy is to put him next to other 13-year-olds. Connect him with spiritual fathers, mothers, grandfathers, and grandmothers in the context of a church community that’s generational. Return to the Scriptures by bringing the generations together. 
1/29/202425 minutes, 22 seconds
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Wives Speak Up on Having Children in Church

The Scripture’s witness is clear—we’re to joyfully bring our children into the public worship of God. Yet this blessed opportunity is not without challenge, especially for the young who are prone to distraction. So how should parents prepare their little ones for the meeting of the church? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by their wives Deborah and Janet, share practical tips on how to go about this. Drawing from personal experience, they counsel dads to take the lead in training their kids to be attentive through family devotions in the home, and for moms to have clothes and other necessities laid out ahead of time to smooth the way for Sunday worship. Other advice they give: Don’t let your children resort to “playtime” when you take them out for correction or other needs, but seek to grow their affections for the blessings of the worship service.  
1/22/202427 minutes, 47 seconds
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Wives Speak Up on Having Children in Church

The Scripture’s witness is clear—we’re to joyfully bring our children into the public worship of God. Yet this blessed opportunity is not without challenge, especially for the young who are prone to distraction. So how should parents prepare their little ones for the meeting of the church?  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by their wives Deborah and Janet, share practical tips on how to go about this. Drawing from personal experience, they counsel dads to take the lead in training their kids to be attentive through family devotions in the home, and for moms to have clothes and other necessities laid out ahead of time to smooth the way for Sunday worship. Other advice they give: Don’t let your children resort to “playtime” when you take them out for correction or other needs, but seek to grow their affections for the blessings of the worship service.  
1/22/202427 minutes, 48 seconds
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AI: How We Are Using it for Good

Since ChatGPT launched last year, AI has dominated headlines, with its great benefits and real abuses being hotly debated worldwide. Without question, AI is poised to transform how governments, companies, ministries, and individuals manage information and engage in problem-solving. But how should Christians respond to this emerging technology? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by Church and Family Life Technical Lead Colton Neifert, explain how technology, at its core, is a means to do things more efficiently, which Christians should welcome, when used rightly, as a means for godly dominion. Though AI can be harnessed for evil, Colton explains the exciting new ways that Church & Family Life has employed AI to offer thousands of new online resources to build up Christians, as well as new innovative tools that churches on the FIC Network can use to encourage their congregations. 
1/15/202420 minutes, 27 seconds
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AI: How We Are Using it for Good

Since ChatGPT launched last year, AI has dominated headlines, with its great benefits and real abuses being hotly debated worldwide. Without question, AI is poised to transform how governments, companies, ministries, and individuals manage information and engage in problem-solving. But how should Christians respond to this emerging technology?  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by Church and Family Life Technical Lead Colton Neifert, explain how technology, at its core, is a means to do things more efficiently, which Christians should welcome, when used rightly, as a means for godly dominion. Though AI can be harnessed for evil, Colton explains the exciting new ways that Church & Family Life has employed AI to offer thousands of new online resources to build up Christians, as well as new innovative tools that churches on the FIC Network can use to encourage their congregations. 
1/15/202420 minutes, 28 seconds
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How to Teach Your Children to Sing

Singing is one of the glorious gifts of the church. It draws you into the beauty of the kingdom and the power and truth of God. If this is true, what are you as parents doing to teach your children to sing and prepare them for corporate worship? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm offer five key scriptural insights highlighted in the book, The Family at Church: Teach your children to sing (1) to teach others God’s Word and (2) to admonish one another; and teach them to sing (3) to God personally, (4) to the unconverted, and (5) to their own souls. Rather than view singing as an option, parents should guide their children to joyfully obey God’s command: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord” (Col. 3:16). 
1/8/202414 minutes, 28 seconds
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How to Teach Your Children to Sing

Singing is one of the glorious gifts of the church. It draws you into the beauty of the kingdom and the power and truth of God. If this is true, what are you as parents doing to teach your children to sing and prepare them for corporate worship?  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm offer five key scriptural insights highlighted in the book, The Family at Church: Teach your children to sing (1) to teach others God’s Word and (2) to admonish one another; and teach them to sing (3) to God personally, (4) to the unconverted, and (5) to their own souls. Rather than view singing as an option, parents should guide their children to joyfully obey God’s command: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord” (Col. 3:16). 
1/8/202414 minutes, 29 seconds
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Why Most New Year’s Resolutions Fail

Should Christians make “New Year’s Resolutions?” The answer is “yes,” as believers are under a Divine order to “excel still more” (1 Thess. 4:1, NASB)—to “be fruitful in every good work” (Col. 1:10) and to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 3:18).  But why do most fall short of their yearly resolutions? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Mat Dewing, attack the problem head on. They explain the need to make resolutions that matter and are “SMART”—specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-specific. And if you have a bad day or week? Persevere, “knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing” (James 2:3-4). 
1/1/202428 minutes, 32 seconds
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Why Most New Year’s Resolutions Fail

Should Christians make “New Year’s Resolutions?” The answer is “yes,” as believers are under a Divine order to “excel still more” (1 Thess. 4:1, NASB)—to “be fruitful in every good work” (Col. 1:10) and to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 3:18).   But why do most fall short of their yearly resolutions? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Mat Dewing, attack the problem head on. They explain the need to make resolutions that matter and are “SMART”—specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-specific. And if you have a bad day or week? Persevere, “knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing” (James 2:3-4). 
1/1/202428 minutes, 33 seconds
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Put First Things First - Read the Bible in 2024!

What’s your reading plan for 2024? The Bible should come first, above all other books, for God’s Word makes wise the simple. It rejoices the heart. It converts the soul. It’s a true and unchanging witness that is sufficient for all of our needs. As such, it should take precedent in our personal study, as well as in what we read aloud to our families. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by Church and Family Life Technical Lead Colton Neifert, discuss Journey Through the Bible. This daily Bible reading plan began as a book, but is now available as an app you can take with you anywhere. Great for personal study and family worship, it includes a daily Scripture reading, so you can read the Bible in a year. But there’s much more! For each book of the Bible: (1) read the outline and overview; (2) listen to the summary audio message; (3) sing a hymn on the theme; (4) ask important study questions; (5) memorize key verses; and (6) learn top 5 facts to remember. As you start 2024, read God’s Word and saturate your family with it! Learn more and download The Journey Through the Bible app here. 
12/25/202311 minutes, 50 seconds
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Put First Things First - Read the Bible in 2024!

What’s your reading plan for 2024? The Bible should come first, above all other books, for God’s Word makes wise the simple. It rejoices the heart. It converts the soul. It’s a true and unchanging witness that is sufficient for all of our needs. As such, it should take precedent in our personal study, as well as in what we read aloud to our families.  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by Church and Family Life Technical Lead Colton Neifert, discuss Journey Through the Bible. This daily Bible reading plan began as a book, but is now available as an app you can take with you anywhere. Great for personal study and family worship, it includes a daily Scripture reading, so you can read the Bible in a year. But there’s much more! For each book of the Bible: (1) read the outline and overview; (2) listen to the summary audio message; (3) sing a hymn on the theme; (4) ask important study questions; (5) memorize key verses; and (6) learn top 5 facts to remember. As you start 2024, read God’s Word and saturate your family with it!  Learn more and download The Journey Through the Bible app here. 
12/25/202311 minutes, 51 seconds
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What Are You Doing With Your Time?

Time is a precious gift of God. But what are Christians doing with this valuable asset? Are they using their time to promote their own self-interests or wisely investing it for the glory of Christ?  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm are joined by data analyst Drew Davis, who shares his research on how people use their time. The trends are disturbing. The average American, for example, spends 2 ½ hours a day consuming television and radio—not to mention their time on their phone and tablets. And young people entering adulthood are playing more than working at an increasingly higher rate. Rather than squander time, their charge to believers is this: “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Eph. 5:15-16).
12/18/202318 minutes, 22 seconds
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What Are You Doing With Your Time?

Time is a precious gift of God. But what are Christians doing with this valuable asset? Are they using their time to promote their own self-interests or wisely investing it for the glory of Christ?   In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm are joined by data analyst Drew Davis, who shares his research on how people use their time. The trends are disturbing. The average American, for example, spends 2 ½ hours a day consuming television and radio—not to mention their time on their phone and tablets. And young people entering adulthood are playing more than working at an increasingly higher rate. Rather than squander time, their charge to believers is this: “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Eph. 5:15-16).
12/18/202318 minutes, 23 seconds
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Get Wisdom, Thoughts for Young People

Young people struggle with the same dangerous pitfalls in every generation. They’re typically full of zeal but lack wisdom and consistency. They view the advice of their elders as backwards and prefer the opinions of their peers. Though technology and cultures change, these same errors ensnare the young, over and over again. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm call out the key traps so common to youth and urge them to follow the path of true wisdom. Their counsel is to the point: Understand the devastation of sin and don’t dally with it. Kill envy between brothers and sisters. Be careful who your friends are. Don’t hand influence to worldly peers or pop stars. Listen to the counsel of wiser older people, instead. Drawing insights from such authors as Matthew Henry and Charles Spurgeon (as collected in the book, The Theology of the Family), Scott and Jason seek to fortify the young by pointing them to the sure path found in God’s Word. 
12/11/202324 minutes, 2 seconds
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Get Wisdom, Thoughts for Young People

Young people struggle with the same dangerous pitfalls in every generation. They’re typically full of zeal but lack wisdom and consistency. They view the advice of their elders as backwards and prefer the opinions of their peers. Though technology and cultures change, these same errors ensnare the young, over and over again.  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm call out the key traps so common to youth and urge them to follow the path of true wisdom. Their counsel is to the point: Understand the devastation of sin and don’t dally with it. Kill envy between brothers and sisters. Be careful who your friends are. Don’t hand influence to worldly peers or pop stars. Listen to the counsel of wiser older people, instead. Drawing insights from such authors as Matthew Henry and Charles Spurgeon (as collected in the book, The Theology of the Family), Scott and Jason seek to fortify the young by pointing them to the sure path found in God’s Word. 
12/11/202324 minutes, 3 seconds
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Evaluating Your Child’s Profession of Faith

How do you discern whether a child is a Christian based on his profession of faith to you or to a pastor during a baptism interview? Are they coming forward for baptism to please their parents and to follow what they’ve seen others do—or is their genuine contrition for sin and true belief?  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Trent Moody, tackle these thorny questions. They maintain that being born again is more than mental assent to certain Gospel truths; it comes to a heart who knows the weight of sin, a heart that beats with fervent faith that the Savior has washed him clean from his corruption. And it comes with a cost: The child’s allegiance must be to Christ first, even above their own family. Their deepest affection must be to the things of God and His Word. 
12/4/202324 minutes, 23 seconds
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Evaluating Your Child’s Profession of Faith

How do you discern whether a child is a Christian based on his profession of faith to you or to a pastor during a baptism interview? Are they coming forward for baptism to please their parents and to follow what they’ve seen others do—or is their genuine contrition for sin and true belief?   In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Trent Moody, tackle these thorny questions. They maintain that being born again is more than mental assent to certain Gospel truths; it comes to a heart who knows the weight of sin, a heart that beats with fervent faith that the Savior has washed him clean from his corruption. And it comes with a cost: The child’s allegiance must be to Christ first, even above their own family. Their deepest affection must be to the things of God and His Word. 
12/4/202324 minutes, 24 seconds
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Resolved – The False Battle between Law & Gospel

In every generation, the relationship between the law and the gospel is fiercely debated, as if the two are at odds with one another. We’re under grace now, not law, some claim, while others pridefully parade their law-keeping, believing it merits their salvation. Neither position is correct. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm cut through the confusion and show how law and gospel work together for our good. The law, they explain, is a reflection of who God is in all His moral perfections, so to argue that it’s now abrogated is an affront to His eternal character. Because no man can perfectly keep the law, it therefore drives sinners to the Gospel, as Christ bore the curse of the law as the only perfect lawkeeper, making the way for salvation. Once redeemed, the Christian should strive to grow more in God’s likeness each day and joyfully exclaim, “Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day” (Ps. 119:97). 
11/27/202320 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Harmony of Law and Gospel

In every generation, the relationship between the law and the gospel is fiercely debated, as if the two are at odds with one another. We’re under grace now, not law, some claim, while others pridefully parade their law-keeping, believing it merits their salvation. Neither position is correct.  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm cut through the confusion and show how law and gospel work together for our good. The law, they explain, is a reflection of who God is in all His moral perfections, so to argue that it’s now abrogated is an affront to His eternal character. Because no man can perfectly keep the law, it therefore drives sinners to the Gospel, as Christ bore the curse of the law as the only perfect lawkeeper, making the way for salvation. Once redeemed, the Christian should strive to grow more in God’s likeness each day and joyfully exclaim, “Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day” (Ps. 119:97). 
11/27/202320 minutes, 6 seconds
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Inspiring Thanksgiving Celebrations- Make Thanksgiving Great Again!

Thanksgiving, as a yearly celebration, has all but been canceled in today’s culture, with stores transitioning directly from Halloween to Christmas. It’s as if the story of our Pilgrim forefathers doesn’t matter. And where it is acknowledged, it is dubbed a “day of mourning” by Leftists who loathe the Christian heritage of the small band of believers who settled Plymouth in 1620.   In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guests Steve Hopkins and Gill Arterburn, urge listeners to make Thanksgiving great again. They suggest that families engage in special readings, with excerpts from the Pilgrims and Psalms, sing period songs, and play fun, but meaningful games that give gratitude to God and commemorate the rich legacy of the Pilgrims. Learn from their inspiring Thanksgiving celebrations as you plan your day together with your family.   Click here to read Scott Brown’s “Fifteen Tips for Celebrating Thanksgiving Day.”   Click here to read Steve Hopkins’ “History of the Pilgrims.”  
11/20/202332 minutes, 2 seconds
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Inspiring Thanksgiving Celebrations- Make Thanksgiving Great Again!

Thanksgiving, as a yearly celebration, has all but been canceled in today’s culture, with stores transitioning directly from Halloween to Christmas. It’s as if the story of our Pilgrim forefathers doesn’t matter. And where it is acknowledged, it is dubbed a “day of mourning” by Leftists who loathe the Christian heritage of the small band of believers who settled Plymouth in 1620.     In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guests Steve Hopkins and Gill Arterburn, urge listeners to make Thanksgiving great again. They suggest that families engage in special readings, with excerpts from the Pilgrims and Psalms, sing period songs, and play fun, but meaningful games that give gratitude to God and commemorate the rich legacy of the Pilgrims. Learn from their inspiring Thanksgiving celebrations as you plan your day together with your family.     Click here to read Scott Brown’s “Fifteen Tips for Celebrating Thanksgiving Day.”     Click here to read Steve Hopkins’ “History of the Pilgrims.”   
11/20/202332 minutes, 3 seconds
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Girls Coming Out – It’s Time for Women to Shine!

There’s never been a better time for women to shine. With feminism’s dark shadow looming large, Christian girls have the opportunity to show what joy-filled femininity looks like in practice. Rather than fall prey to the bondage of “woman’s liberation,” they should embrace the Bible’s beautiful picture of womanhood, which brings fulfillment and lasting hope. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, encourage ladies to “come out” from the world by swimming against the cultural tide and living out godly womanhood. This means being an active dominion-taker, domestic entrepreneur, submissive and respectful wife, keeper at home, faithful member of a local church, bearer of children, and teacher of the next generation. Instead of being drug down by worldly music and fashion trends, women should claim the moral high ground, shining a bright light for Christ in their homes and communities.  
11/13/202317 minutes, 17 seconds
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Girls Coming Out – It’s Time for Women to Shine!

There’s never been a better time for women to shine. With feminism’s dark shadow looming large, Christian girls have the opportunity to show what joy-filled femininity looks like in practice. Rather than fall prey to the bondage of “woman’s liberation,” they should embrace the Bible’s beautiful picture of womanhood, which brings fulfillment and lasting hope. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, encourage ladies to “come out” from the world by swimming against the cultural tide and living out godly womanhood. This means being an active dominion-taker, domestic entrepreneur, submissive and respectful wife, keeper at home, faithful member of a local church, bearer of children, and teacher of the next generation. Instead of being drug down by worldly music and fashion trends, women should claim the moral high ground, shining a bright light for Christ in their homes and communities.  
11/13/202317 minutes, 17 seconds
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Girls Coming Out – It’s Time for Women to Shine!

There’s never been a better time for women to shine. With feminism’s dark shadow looming large, Christian girls have the opportunity to show what joy-filled femininity looks like in practice. Rather than fall prey to the bondage of “woman’s liberation,” they should embrace the Bible’s beautiful picture of womanhood, which brings fulfillment and lasting hope.  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, encourage ladies to “come out” from the world by swimming against the cultural tide and living out godly womanhood. This means being an active dominion-taker, domestic entrepreneur, submissive and respectful wife, keeper at home, faithful member of a local church, bearer of children, and teacher of the next generation. Instead of being drug down by worldly music and fashion trends, women should claim the moral high ground, shining a bright light for Christ in their homes and communities.  
11/13/202317 minutes, 18 seconds
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Pierre Viret on Christian Nationalism

With the 2024 election season in full swing, where are we to turn for answers as the presidential candidates exchange barbs and make competing claims? French Reformer Pierre Viret gives the right answer: “the law of God alone is the true standard by which all good and just government must be ruled and conformed.” Simply put: man’s law brings chaos, when it comes to the civil realm, while God’s law brings order and beauty. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm unpack the wisdom of Viret, who had to learn to live with flexibility under multiple different governments during his public ministry. Writing in the 16th century, he gave valuable insights that were recently compiled into the book, When to Disobey: Case Studies in Tyranny, Insurrection, & Obedience to God. Viret’s contention is this: Whether believers face suffering or enjoy blessing, they always have a way forward because they can obey God as they engage the civil sphere. Be they under a king, aristocracy, or representative government, Christians should pull whatever levers they can to advance God’s law and leave the results to Him. Click here to purchase Viret’s insightful book. 
11/6/202322 minutes, 16 seconds
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Pierre Viret on Christian Nationalism

With the 2024 election season in full swing, where are we to turn for answers as the presidential candidates exchange barbs and make competing claims? French Reformer Pierre Viret gives the right answer: “the law of God alone is the true standard by which all good and just government must be ruled and conformed.” Simply put: man’s law brings chaos, when it comes to the civil realm, while God’s law brings order and beauty.  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm unpack the wisdom of Viret, who had to learn to live with flexibility under multiple different governments during his public ministry. Writing in the 16th century, he gave valuable insights that were recently compiled into the book, When to Disobey: Case Studies in Tyranny, Insurrection, & Obedience to God. Viret’s contention is this: Whether believers face suffering or enjoy blessing, they always have a way forward because they can obey God as they engage the civil sphere. Be they under a king, aristocracy, or representative government, Christians should pull whatever levers they can to advance God’s law and leave the results to Him.  Click here to purchase Viret’s insightful book. 
11/6/202322 minutes, 17 seconds
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New Zealand Church Lessons from the COVID Crisis

At the height of the COVID crisis, state governments around the world forbade churches from gathering on the Lord’s Day and restricted pastors and loved ones from visiting the sick in the hospital. The lockdown policies were particularly severe in New Zealand, which compelled a number of committed pastors and Christians there to push back and form the group, Free to Be Church. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm interview New Zealand pastors Chris Vance and André Bay, discussing lessons learned during this trying time. The first and foremost lesson is that Christ, not the state, is the exclusive head of the church, and His mandate for local churches to gather must be followed. Churches must worship and fellowship as God directs, not invent pragmatic online alternatives. And, finally, true love for our neighbor comes through obedience to Christ, not by seeking the favor of our community or civil leaders.
10/30/202326 minutes, 53 seconds
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New Zealand Church Lessons from the COVID Crisis

At the height of the COVID crisis, state governments around the world forbade churches from gathering on the Lord’s Day and restricted pastors and loved ones from visiting the sick in the hospital. The lockdown policies were particularly severe in New Zealand, which compelled a number of committed pastors and Christians there to push back and form the group, Free to Be Church.  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm interview New Zealand pastors Kris Baines and André Bay, discussing lessons learned during this trying time. The first and foremost lesson is that Christ, not the state, is the exclusive head of the church, and His mandate for local churches to gather must be followed. Churches must worship and fellowship as God directs, not invent pragmatic online alternatives. And, finally, true love for our neighbor comes through obedience to Christ, not by seeking the favor of our community or civil leaders.
10/30/202326 minutes, 54 seconds
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God’s Work Alone: The Life Story of Conrad Mbewe

Conrad Mbewe was born into a tight-knit family in the African country of Zambia. Yet he entered a dark period at age nine, when his mother—the sunshine of his life—passed away. In response to her death, his father turned to the bottle, even as Conrad and his two siblings were taken in by other relatives.   In this Church and Family Life podcast, Conrad gives his life story, sharing how his elder sister’s faith in Christ floored him. As their father sold off treasured family belongings to buy liquor, his sister radiated joy—singing “Amazing Grace” while she prepared a meal that was next to nothing. But Conrad still thought his “good deeds” were enough. This changed when a friend declared to him that salvation is solely God’s work. Driven to his knees, Conrad repented and gave his life to Christ. After a short stint as a mining engineer, he accepted a call at age 25 to pastor Kabwata Baptist Church, located in the Zambian capital of Lusaka. Serving there since 1987, Conrad has helped to start roughly 40 other Reformed churches in countries across Africa. 
10/23/202329 minutes, 1 second
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God’s Work Alone: The Life Story of Conrad Mbewe

Conrad Mbewe was born into a tight-knit family in the African country of Zambia. Yet he entered a dark period at age nine, when his mother—the sunshine of his life—passed away. In response to her death, his father turned to the bottle, even as Conrad and his two siblings were taken in by other relatives.    In this Church and Family Life podcast, Conrad gives his life story, sharing how his elder sister’s faith in Christ floored him. As their father sold off treasured family belongings to buy liquor, his sister radiated joy—singing “Amazing Grace” while she prepared a meal that was next to nothing. But Conrad still thought his “good deeds” were enough. This changed when a friend declared to him that salvation is solely God’s work. Driven to his knees, Conrad repented and gave his life to Christ. After a short stint as a mining engineer, he accepted a call at age 25 to pastor Kabwata Baptist Church, located in the Zambian capital of Lusaka. Serving there since 1987, Conrad has helped to start roughly 40 other Reformed churches in countries across Africa. 
10/23/202329 minutes, 2 seconds
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From Athlete to Missionary: The Life Story of Paul Carrington

Growing up, Paul Carrington never heard the Gospel. A native of downtown Toronto, he took to sports and met his future wife Melinda at a nightclub when he was eighteen. In God’s sovereignty, Melinda was soon converted to Christ—a change which made Paul mad. While playing hip-hop music in his bedroom one night, he began to read the Bible in the hopes of dismantling Melinda’s faith. Yet, in a miraculous work, the same Spirit that had saved his girlfriend gripped Paul’s soul as he read the Scriptures, and he surrendered his life to Jesus. Becoming radicalized for Christ, Paul married Melinda. And while they lost old friends due to their witness, their zeal for God led them to share their faith around the world in remote huts in the Kenya bush, in shacks in the slums of the Dominican Republic, and in Muslim strongholds of Western Turkey. Paul and his wife currently live in North Carolina with their six children and remain active in missionary work through the translation and distribution of Christian resources into Turkish, Farsi, Russian, and Arabic. 
10/16/202320 minutes, 48 seconds
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From Athlete to Missionary: The Life Story of Paul Carrington

Growing up, Paul Carrington never heard the Gospel. A native of downtown Toronto, he took to sports and met his future wife Melinda at a nightclub when he was eighteen. In God’s sovereignty, Melinda was soon converted to Christ—a change which made Paul mad. While playing hip-hop music in his bedroom one night, he began to read the Bible in the hopes of dismantling Melinda’s faith. Yet, in a miraculous work, the same Spirit that had saved his girlfriend gripped Paul’s soul as he read the Scriptures, and he surrendered his life to Jesus.  Becoming radicalized for Christ, Paul married Melinda. And while they lost old friends due to their witness, their zeal for God led them to share their faith around the world in remote huts in the Kenya bush, in shacks in the slums of the Dominican Republic, and in Muslim strongholds of Western Turkey. Paul and his wife currently live in North Carolina with their six children and remain active in missionary work through the translation and distribution of Christian resources into Turkish, Farsi, Russian, and Arabic. 
10/16/202320 minutes, 49 seconds
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Why the Birth Decline? Christians Should Embrace Fruitfulness

Historically, Christian nations have welcomed the fruit of the womb as a great blessing of God. Yet over the last six decades, there’s been a stark shift away from fruitfulness, as selfishness has displaced a love for many children. In the U.S. alone, the total fertility birthrate per woman has dropped from 3.58 in 1960 to a low point of 1.77 in 1979. And 2022’s total was a meager bump up from there to 1.78.  So what’s at the heart of this fertility decline? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by data analyst Drew Davis, break down the global numbers, explaining how women leaving the home for the workforce, the rise of contraceptives and abortion, and a general valuing of more “worldly things” over eternal souls have led to this unbiblical shift. Despite these bad trends, Christians should joyfully return to the Scripture’s call to “be fruitful and multiply” (Gen. 1:28). They should embrace the great Gospel impact they can have by raising more sons and daughters to fear the Lord—children who “shall not be ashamed, but [who] shall speak with the enemies in the gate” (Ps. 127:5). 
10/9/202330 minutes, 9 seconds
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Why the Birth Decline? Christians Should Embrace Fruitfulness

Historically, Christian nations have welcomed the fruit of the womb as a great blessing of God. Yet over the last six decades, there’s been a stark shift away from fruitfulness, as selfishness has displaced a love for many children. In the U.S. alone, the total fertility birthrate per woman has dropped from 3.58 in 1960 to a low point of 1.77 in 1979. And 2022’s total was a meager bump up from there to 1.78.   So what’s at the heart of this fertility decline? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by data analyst Drew Davis, break down the global numbers, explaining how women leaving the home for the workforce, the rise of contraceptives and abortion, and a general valuing of more “worldly things” over eternal souls have led to this unbiblical shift. Despite these bad trends, Christians should joyfully return to the Scripture’s call to “be fruitful and multiply” (Gen. 1:28). They should embrace the great Gospel impact they can have by raising more sons and daughters to fear the Lord—children who “shall not be ashamed, but [who] shall speak with the enemies in the gate” (Ps. 127:5). 
10/9/202330 minutes, 10 seconds
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From Boy-Fisherman to Fisher of Souls: The Life Story of Alexander Strauch

Alexander Strauch began his early boyhood in bustling Newark, New Jersey, surrounded by concrete in a tight-knit community of German-speaking immigrants. At age ten, his family moved to the country—a dramatic change from cramped city-life to sprawling forests, filled with beautiful streams and woods. Alex loved his new environment and began to hunt reptiles and fish almost every day.  In this podcast, Alex shares his life story, describing how God used his love for fishing to bring him to Christ. When he was invited by a friend to fish at a Christian camp in New York State, little did he know that his friend was fishing for his soul. Alex was saved there at age eleven and, by age thirteen, he was compelled to serve Christ in ministry. After attending Bible college, Alex landed at Littleton Bible Chapel in the midst of the Jesus Revolution. It was there he met his future wife, Marilyn, as they ministered to youth together. Alex served as an elder of this church for more than forty years and now devotes his time to helping other churches better conform to the Bible’s teaching on leadership roles and loving one another. His books Biblical Eldership, The New Testament Deacon, and Agape Leadership have been a great help to churches around the world. 
10/2/202323 minutes, 46 seconds
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From Boy-Fisherman to Fisher of Souls: The Life Story of Alexander Strauch

Alexander Strauch began his early boyhood in bustling Newark, New Jersey, surrounded by concrete in a tight-knit community of German-speaking immigrants. At age ten, his family moved to the country—a dramatic change from cramped city-life to sprawling forests, filled with beautiful streams and woods. Alex loved his new environment and began to hunt reptiles and fish almost every day.   In this podcast, Alex shares his life story, describing how God used his love for fishing to bring him to Christ. When he was invited by a friend to fish at a Christian camp in New York State, little did he know that his friend was fishing for his soul. Alex was saved there at age eleven and, by age thirteen, he was compelled to serve Christ in ministry. After attending Bible college, Alex landed at Littleton Bible Chapel in the midst of the Jesus Revolution. It was there he met his future wife, Marilyn, as they ministered to youth together. Alex served as an elder of this church for more than forty years and now devotes his time to helping other churches better conform to the Bible’s teaching on leadership roles and loving one another. His books Biblical Eldership, The New Testament Deacon, and Agape Leadership have been a great help to churches around the world. 
10/2/202323 minutes, 47 seconds
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Valuing Public Prayer: Nine Rules for Corporate Prayer Meetings

On October 3-4, churches around the world will be gathering for a Global Day of Prayer for Revival. In preparation for this event, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Jeffery Johnson, are encouraging Christians to highly value public prayer and to actively participate in it in their local church. And, in this podcast, they discuss nine practical rules for corporate prayer meetings. First, pray from the heart. Suppress self-consciousness and pray fervently and sincerely. Second, prepare to pray. Make a short list or mental outline ahead of time of your praises and petitions. Third, pray short, not long-winded prayers. Fourth, pray to God; don’t preach sermons to men. Fifth, pray Scripture. Sixth, pray with confidence in our Savior’s work and sovereignty, knowing that He lives to make intercession for us. Seventh, pray engagingly. Pray loud enough for others to hear. And, as others are praying, don’t daydream, but join in affirming their appeals, either through silent prayer or out loud with “Amens.” Eighth, pray the promises of God. And, ninth, pray in faith, knowing God delights in giving good gifts to His children. To learn more about the Global Day of Prayer for Revival and to join the effort, visit 
9/25/202337 minutes, 18 seconds
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Valuing Public Prayer: Nine Rules for Corporate Prayer Meetings

On October 3-4, churches around the world will be gathering for a Global Day of Prayer for Revival. In preparation for this event, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Jeffery Johnson, are encouraging Christians to highly value public prayer and to actively participate in it in their local church. And, in this podcast, they discuss nine practical rules for corporate prayer meetings.  First, pray from the heart. Suppress self-consciousness and pray fervently and sincerely. Second, prepare to pray. Make a short list or mental outline ahead of time of your praises and petitions. Third, pray short, not long-winded prayers. Fourth, pray to God; don’t preach sermons to men. Fifth, pray Scripture. Sixth, pray with confidence in our Savior’s work and sovereignty, knowing that He lives to make intercession for us. Seventh, pray engagingly. Pray loud enough for others to hear. And, as others are praying, don’t daydream, but join in affirming their appeals, either through silent prayer or out loud with “Amens.” Eighth, pray the promises of God. And, ninth, pray in faith, knowing God delights in giving good gifts to His children.  To learn more about the Global Day of Prayer for Revival and to join the effort, visit 
9/25/202337 minutes, 19 seconds
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Answering Our Greatest Need: A Global Day of Prayer for Revival

In these dark days, the greatest need the world has is for revival. Yet without the work of the Holy Spirit, all our efforts to bring it about will be in vain. True revival only occurs when the Sprit moves mightily on a people as the Gospel is proclaimed. In this podcast Scott Brown and Jason Dohm interview pastor Jeffery Johnson, whose heart was gripped by this reality while ministering in Kenya several months ago. Compelled to action, Johnson contacted fellow pastors about the need for the church to actively pray for revival across the world. These discussions led to the establishment of October 3-4 of this year as a Global Day of Prayer for Revival. Such men as Paul Washer, Joel Beeke, and Tom Ascol have joined with Johnson in calling on local churches worldwide to devote this time to humble contrition and earnest fasting and prayer—appealing to God that His Spirit might move in an extraordinary way and revive souls across the nations.To learn more about this day of prayer and join the effort, visit
9/18/202328 minutes, 53 seconds
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Prayer for Revival

9/18/202330 minutes, 16 seconds
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Answering Our Greatest Need: A Global Day of Prayer for Revival

In these dark days, the greatest need the world has is for revival. Yet without the work of the Holy Spirit, all our efforts to bring it about will be in vain. True revival only occurs when the Sprit moves mightily on a people as the Gospel is proclaimed. In this podcast Scott Brown and Jason Dohm interview pastor Jeffrey Johnson, whose heart was gripped by this reality while ministering in Kenya several months ago. Compelled to action, Johnson contacted fellow pastors about the need for the church to actively pray for revival across the world. These discussions led to the establishment of October 3-4 of this year as a Global Day of Prayer for Revival. Such men as Paul Washer, Joel Beeke, and Tom Ascol have joined with Johnson in calling on local churches worldwide to devote this time to humble contrition and earnest fasting and prayer—appealing to God that His Spirit might move in an extraordinary way and revive souls across the nations.To learn more about this day of prayer and join the effort, visit
9/18/202328 minutes, 53 seconds
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Prayer for Revival

9/18/202330 minutes, 17 seconds
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Answering Our Greatest Need: A Global Day of Prayer for Revival

In these dark days, the greatest need the world has is for revival. Yet without the work of the Holy Spirit, all our efforts to bring it about will be in vain. True revival only occurs when the Sprit moves mightily on a people as the Gospel is proclaimed.  In this podcast Scott Brown and Jason Dohm interview pastor Jeffrey Johnson, whose heart was gripped by this reality while ministering in Kenya several months ago. Compelled to action, Johnson contacted fellow pastors about the need for the church to actively pray for revival across the world. These discussions led to the establishment of October 3-4 of this year as a Global Day of Prayer for Revival. Such men as Paul Washer, Joel Beeke, and Tom Ascol have joined with Johnson in calling on local churches worldwide to devote this time to humble contrition and earnest fasting and prayer—appealing to God that His Spirit might move in an extraordinary way and revive souls across the nations. To learn more about this day of prayer and join the effort, visit
9/18/202328 minutes, 54 seconds
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How to End Abortion and Legalize Life: A 4-Part Strategy

Though the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, the bloody genocide of abortion continues. Each day in America, more than 3,000 children are still being killed in the womb. Despite rhetoric to the contrary, abortion remains legal in all fifty states. Yes, many abortion mills have closed, but this has done little to stop the murder of the unborn. Under the reign of Roe, doctors typically perpetrated abortions, but now the mother, in increasingly more cases, has become the active killer, taking the life of her child through mail-order pills.     In view of this travesty, how can Christians who love life engage this battle? In this podcast Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Bradley Pierce, president of the Foundation to Abolish Abortion, outline a blueprint for engagement. In addition to heartfelt outreach to mothers, they outline a 4-part strategy for the civil sphere: Become an educated voter, a genuine encourager of civil office-holders, a grassroots mobilizer, and a principled pro-life candidate. While not everyone can be involved on all four levels, every Christian should seek to stand on principle for every life—born or unborn—as they have opportunity.
9/11/202323 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to End Abortion and Legalize Life: A 4-Part Strategy

Though the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, the bloody genocide of abortion continues. Each day in America, more than 3,000 children are still being killed in the womb. Despite rhetoric to the contrary, abortion remains legal in all fifty states. Yes, many abortion mills have closed, but this has done little to stop the murder of the unborn. Under the reign of Roe, doctors typically perpetrated abortions, but now the mother, in increasingly more cases, has become the active killer, taking the life of her child through mail-order pills.     In view of this travesty, how can Christians who love life engage this battle? In this podcast Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Bradley Pierce, president of the Foundation to Abolish Abortion, outline a blueprint for engagement. In addition to heartfelt outreach to mothers, they outline a 4-part strategy for the civil sphere: Become an educated voter, a genuine encourager of civil office-holders, a grassroots mobilizer, and a principled pro-life candidate. While not everyone can be involved on all four levels, every Christian should seek to stand on principle for every life—born or unborn—as they have opportunity.
9/11/202323 minutes, 59 seconds
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How to Evaluate and Govern Emotions: A Biblical Approach

Every man, woman, and child are created with emotions. It’s part of our very being as image-bearers of God. Yet not every swing of our emotions is good. Anxiety, for example, is a rejection of the promises of God. It is a lack of trust in His never-failing care for His people. Yearning for an emotional high, devoid of God’s Word, is another trap that is sinful.     So how should we evaluate and govern our emotions biblically? In this podcast Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Brian Borgman, answer this question, outlining Christ’s show of emotions as a model for us. Even as we must shun empty emotionalism, we should strive for the joining together of head and heart, doctrine and devotion, light and heat. Our goal should be to conform our will and emotions to the image of Christ, so we can exclaim with the Psalmist, “I have set the LORD always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope” (Ps. 16:8-9).
9/4/202336 minutes, 55 seconds
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How to Evaluate and Govern Emotions: A Biblical Approach

Every man, woman, and child are created with emotions. It’s part of our very being as image-bearers of God. Yet not every swing of our emotions is good. Anxiety, for example, is a rejection of the promises of God. It is a lack of trust in His never-failing care for His people. Yearning for an emotional high, devoid of God’s Word, is another trap that is sinful.     So how should we evaluate and govern our emotions biblically? In this podcast Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Brian Borgman, answer this question, outlining Christ’s show of emotions as a model for us. Even as we must shun empty emotionalism, we should strive for the joining together of head and heart, doctrine and devotion, light and heat. Our goal should be to conform our will and emotions to the image of Christ, so we can exclaim with the Psalmist, “I have set the LORD always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope” (Ps. 16:8-9).
9/4/202336 minutes, 56 seconds
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More Children or Not? What God’s Word Says about Fruitfulness

You have how many children!?! In today’s world, eyebrows raise, and questions of wisdom and sanity follow, whenever a couple desires more than two or three kids. How can you afford more? Where will you find the time to properly teach each child? What kind of quality of life will you enjoy if you keep having babies?In this podcast Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Bradley Pierce, look to the Bible to address the question of family size. The overall emphasis in Scripture is clear, as God directs couples to “be fruitful and multiply” (Gen. 1:28; 9:1), calling the fruit of the womb a “reward” (Ps. 127:3). Rather than prizing maximum comfort in the near term, couples should take the longer view by cherishing as many eternal souls God chooses to give so that they might raise a “godly offspring” (Mal. 2:15). Watch the Message from Bradley Pierce at the FORGE Conference.
8/28/202330 minutes, 16 seconds
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More Children or Not? What God’s Word Says about Fruitfulness

You have how many children!?! In today’s world, eyebrows raise, and questions of wisdom and sanity follow, whenever a couple desires more than two or three kids. How can you afford more? Where will you find the time to properly teach each child? What kind of quality of life will you enjoy if you keep having babies? In this podcast Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Bradley Pierce, look to the Bible to address the question of family size. The overall emphasis in Scripture is clear, as God directs couples to “be fruitful and multiply” (Gen. 1:28; 9:1), calling the fruit of the womb a “reward” (Ps. 127:3). Rather than prizing maximum comfort in the near term, couples should take the longer view by cherishing as many eternal souls God chooses to give so that they might raise a “godly offspring” (Mal. 2:15).  Watch the Message from Bradley Pierce at the FORGE Conference.
8/28/202330 minutes, 17 seconds
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Finding Joy in the Christian Life—In Good and Bad Times

Christian joy is not subject to how good or bad our situation is. God gives joy to His people in hard times as well as in seasons of ease and plenty. Jesus modeled this on His way to the cross, declaring the joy He had in obeying His Father as He abided in His love (John 15:9-11).In this podcast Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest John Snyder, discuss finding joy in the Christian life, looking to Jesus as the ultimate example. During His earthly ministry, Christ was the happiest of men, being “anointed . . . with the oil of gladness more than [His] companions” (Heb. 1:9). Jesus lived in the awareness of his Father’s love for Him which brought Christ unceasing joy. As believers enveloped in this same love, we should reject despondency in our souls and be a joyful people, no matter our circumstances, for “Happy are the people whose God is the LORD!” (Ps. 144:15).
8/21/202326 minutes, 48 seconds
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Finding Joy in the Christian Life—In Good and Bad Times

Christian joy is not subject to how good or bad our situation is. God gives joy to His people in hard times as well as in seasons of ease and plenty. Jesus modeled this on His way to the cross, declaring the joy He had in obeying His Father as He abided in His love (John 15:9-11). In this podcast Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest John Snyder, discuss finding joy in the Christian life, looking to Jesus as the ultimate example. During His earthly ministry, Christ was the happiest of men, being “anointed . . . with the oil of gladness more than [His] companions” (Heb. 1:9). Jesus lived in the awareness of his Father’s love for Him which brought Christ unceasing joy. As believers enveloped in this same love, we should reject despondency in our souls and be a joyful people, no matter our circumstances, for “Happy are the people whose God is the LORD!” (Ps. 144:15).
8/21/202326 minutes, 49 seconds
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Read, Pray, Sing: Making Christ the Center of Your Marriage

Marriage is a sacred one-flesh union which should be dearly cherished by both husband and wife. Yet many couples fall into the trap of making their spouse the center of their marriage, rather than God. This can only lead to disillusionment, as our mate will, in time, fall short and disappoint us—especially whenever God is not exalted as the primary focus of the marital bond.In this podcast Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Steve Hopkins, address this pitfall and explain how to make Christ preeminent in marriage. Their outline is simple: Strive to become like Christ through daily personal Bible reading and prayer, corporate daily Bible reading and prayer with one’s whole family, and daily prayer alone together as husband and wife. Rather than looking to your spouse as the source of fulfillment, exalt God’s Word, sing songs together, and earnestly seek the face of Christ.
8/14/202315 minutes, 59 seconds
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Read, Pray, Sing: Making Christ the Center of Your Marriage

Marriage is a sacred one-flesh union which should be dearly cherished by both husband and wife. Yet many couples fall into the trap of making their spouse the center of their marriage, rather than God. This can only lead to disillusionment, as our mate will, in time, fall short and disappoint us—especially whenever God is not exalted as the primary focus of the marital bond. In this podcast Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Steve Hopkins, address this pitfall and explain how to make Christ preeminent in marriage. Their outline is simple: Strive to become like Christ through daily personal Bible reading and prayer, corporate daily Bible reading and prayer with one’s whole family, and daily prayer alone together as husband and wife. Rather than looking to your spouse as the source of fulfillment, exalt God’s Word, sing songs together, and earnestly seek the face of Christ.
8/14/202316 minutes
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A Speedbump: Sounding a Warning on Alcohol Abuse

Over the last twenty years, alcohol and drug use have risen, with marijuana being legalized in 23 states, and popular breweries and pubs popping up in downtowns across America. LSD use has doubled over this period, and CBD gummies are now available at corner shops everywhere. In the midst of this uptick, a number of popular Reformed pastors and commentators are openly drinking alcohol on their podcasts, extolling the virtues of their favorite whiskey or beer. What is the Christian to make of all of this—particularly where alcohol is concerned? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Tom Ford, break down the issues biblically, explaining the lawful use of alcohol, while issuing a sober warning about the life-destroying dangers of drunkenness. Rather than seeking solace in an altered state of mind, Christians must follow the Scriptures: “Be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18).  
8/7/202332 minutes, 30 seconds
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A Speedbump: Sounding a Warning on Alcohol Abuse

Over the last twenty years, alcohol and drug use have risen, with marijuana being legalized in 23 states, and popular breweries and pubs popping up in downtowns across America. LSD use has doubled over this period, and CBD gummies are now available at corner shops everywhere. In the midst of this uptick, a number of popular Reformed pastors and commentators are openly drinking alcohol on their podcasts, extolling the virtues of their favorite whiskey or beer.  What is the Christian to make of all of this—particularly where alcohol is concerned? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Tom Ford, break down the issues biblically, explaining the lawful use of alcohol, while issuing a sober warning about the life-destroying dangers of drunkenness. Rather than seeking solace in an altered state of mind, Christians must follow the Scriptures: “Be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18).  
8/7/202332 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Confessional Family? The Importance of a Church Confession in Child Raising

What does a reformed confession such as the 1689 Baptist Confession and the Westminster Confession of faith have to do with your family. Can your children defend the doctrine of the trinity, God’s decrees and divine providence, the nature of the fall of man, and the way of salvation in Christ? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Trent Moody, discuss how a sound confession of faith is vital for families and churches. All three men hold to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith, which stands as one of the richest and most helpful statements of faith ever written. Exalting Scripture as the ultimate standard, the 1689 Confession contains a treasure trove of orthodox doctrine, with scriptural proofs for further study. The confession’s original “letter to the reader” calls on fathers to teach the core truths of Scripture to their households, even as church elders should do the same to the household of faith. 
7/31/202317 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Confessional Family? The Importance of a Church Confession in Child Raising

What does a reformed confession such as the 1689 Baptist Confession and the Westminster Confession of faith have to do with your family. Can your children defend the doctrine of the trinity, God’s decrees and divine providence, the nature of the fall of man, and the way of salvation in Christ?  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Trent Moody, discuss how a sound confession of faith is vital for families and churches. All three men hold to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith, which stands as one of the richest and most helpful statements of faith ever written. Exalting Scripture as the ultimate standard, the 1689 Confession contains a treasure trove of orthodox doctrine, with scriptural proofs for further study. The confession’s original “letter to the reader” calls on fathers to teach the core truths of Scripture to their households, even as church elders should do the same to the household of faith. 
7/31/202317 minutes, 53 seconds
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Should Young Children Who Profess Christ be Baptized?

Baptism is to be one of the first acts of obedience for a believer when they repent and come to Christ in faith (Acts 2:38; 8:35-38). But how should parents and elders respond to the testimony of young children who profess Christ? Is there a certain “age of maturity” kids should reach before being baptized?  In this podcast Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Jeffrey Johnson, tackle this thorny topic. Arguing against a minimum age, they emphasize that, prior to baptism, children should demonstrate a cognitive maturity and clear articulation of the gospel they profess, accompanied by tangible fruit of a real heart change. Acknowledging that children are impressionable, they counsel for careful evaluation of each child’s profession, while also encouraging baptism when the signs of conversion are clear. This is somewhat of a counterpoint of the podcast with Sam Waldron on the same subject.
7/24/202331 minutes, 27 seconds
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Should Young Children Who Profess Christ be Baptized?

Baptism is to be one of the first acts of obedience for a believer when they repent and come to Christ in faith (Acts 2:38; 8:35-38). But how should parents and elders respond to the testimony of young children who profess Christ? Is there a certain “age of maturity” kids should reach before being baptized?   In this podcast Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Jeffrey Johnson, tackle this thorny topic. Arguing against a minimum age, they emphasize that, prior to baptism, children should demonstrate a cognitive maturity and clear articulation of the gospel they profess, accompanied by tangible fruit of a real heart change. Acknowledging that children are impressionable, they counsel for careful evaluation of each child’s profession, while also encouraging baptism when the signs of conversion are clear. This is somewhat of a counterpoint of the podcast with Sam Waldron on the same subject.
7/24/202331 minutes, 28 seconds
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Abortion and Life — The Need for a Gospel-Heart Change

The greatest need for mothers with an unwanted pregnancy in not a temporal mind change, but a fundamental heart change that heeds the hope of the Gospel. Choosing life for moms should start with choosing eternal life, through the power of the Holy Spirit, and then choosing to keep the precious child in their womb.      In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Brian Ottinger and Anthony Mathenia, discuss the work of Love Life, a pro-life outreach ministry that exists to unite and mobilize the church and create a culture of love and life that will result in the end to the abortion and orphan crisis. Love Life hosts regular prayer walks outside abortion clinics across the US, and their House of Refuge Network directs moms to find a church in their area that will not only encourage them to choose life for their baby, but be discipled into the family of God. Check out Love Life Ministries or watch their Legal Life series by Bradley Pierce.
7/17/202322 minutes, 23 seconds
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Abortion and Life — The Need for a Gospel-Heart Change

The greatest need for mothers with an unwanted pregnancy in not a temporal mind change, but a fundamental heart change that heeds the hope of the Gospel. Choosing life for moms should start with choosing eternal life, through the power of the Holy Spirit, and then choosing to keep the precious child in their womb.      In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Brian Ottinger and Anthony Mathenia, discuss the work of Love Life, a pro-life outreach ministry that exists to unite and mobilize the church and create a culture of love and life that will result in the end to the abortion and orphan crisis. Love Life hosts regular prayer walks outside abortion clinics across the US, and their House of Refuge Network directs moms to find a church in their area that will not only encourage them to choose life for their baby, but be discipled into the family of God.  Check out Love Life Ministries or watch their Legalize Life series by Bradley Pierce.
7/17/202322 minutes, 24 seconds
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For Busy Moms & Dads — Tips for Interpreting the Bible

Should interpreting the Bible be left to the “experts”? While certain high-minded scholars have argued this, the Scriptures plainly direct fathers and mothers to train their children up in the ways of God—and this can only happen by them carefully reading His word and explaining it.   In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by guest Chris Law, encourage parents to actively read and discuss the Scriptures with their children, and they offer some helpful interpretive keys to use. The first is context: who is the author of a particular book addressing, where is he located, and what is he speaking about? Other principles: clear texts interpret unclear texts; specific texts interpret general texts; and literal texts interpret figurative texts. They also urge parents to not miss the big picture, but to make it their chief aim to show their children how great and wonderful God is whenever they open His word.   Check out our book "Journey through the Bible" 
7/10/202328 minutes, 41 seconds
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For Busy Moms & Dads — Tips for Interpreting the Bible

Should interpreting the Bible be left to the “experts”? While certain high-minded scholars have argued this, the Scriptures plainly direct fathers and mothers to train their children up in the ways of God—and this can only happen by them carefully reading His word and explaining it.    In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by guest Chris Law, encourage parents to actively read and discuss the Scriptures with their children, and they offer some helpful interpretive keys to use. The first is context: who is the author of a particular book addressing, where is he located, and what is he speaking about? Other principles: clear texts interpret unclear texts; specific texts interpret general texts; and literal texts interpret figurative texts. They also urge parents to not miss the big picture, but to make it their chief aim to show their children how great and wonderful God is whenever they open His word.    Check out our book "Journey through the Bible" 
7/10/202328 minutes, 42 seconds
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A Family Shepherd Passes Away: A Tribute to David Fry

If you knew the span of your life would be thirty years shorter than you expected, what would you change? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Isaac Botkin, discuss the inspiring legacy of David Fry, who recently passed away at age 54. When diagnosed with pancreatic cancer two years ago, David didn’t meaningfully change much of how he was living his life. That’s because he had already been living like he was dying, making the most of his time by carefully shepherding his family and investing in his local church.  David’s memorial service was a stunning and beautiful witness to his earnest faithfulness, as his six sons and two daughters all proclaimed scripture after scripture their father taught them They testified to his active and loving involvement in each of their lives. David gave up financial gain to have more time to teach and walk with his children in God’s word and point them to Christ—an encouraging and convicting example for all dads to take to heart as they lead their families. 
7/3/202327 minutes, 16 seconds
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A Family Shepherd Passes Away: A Tribute to David Fry

If you knew the span of your life would be thirty years shorter than you expected, what would you change? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Isaac Botkin, discuss the inspiring legacy of David Fry, who recently passed away at age 54. When diagnosed with pancreatic cancer two years ago, David didn’t meaningfully change much of how he was living his life. That’s because he had already been living like he was dying, making the most of his time by carefully shepherding his family and investing in his local church.   David’s memorial service was a stunning and beautiful witness to his earnest faithfulness, as his six sons and two daughters all proclaimed scripture after scripture their father taught them They testified to his active and loving involvement in each of their lives. David gave up financial gain to have more time to teach and walk with his children in God’s word and point them to Christ—an encouraging and convicting example for all dads to take to heart as they lead their families. 
7/3/202327 minutes, 17 seconds
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LGBT Pride Month — Nothing to Be Proud Of

LGBT Pride Month, held each June, is nothing to be proud of. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm discuss how deviant sexual behavior has gone from being abhorred to being widely celebrated in a mere fifty years. Not only have the anti-sodomy laws in most states been repealed, but leading corporations are embracing the LGBT agenda in their internal policies and publicly promoting it during Prime Month.  Looking to God’s word, they explain that the shameful celebration of this deviancy is condemned by God and a clear sign of His judgment. Yet there’s hope for those caught in this wicked lifestyle who repent of their sins—just as there was in Paul’s time: “And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Cor. 6:11). View Tom Ascol Interview on Homosexuality with NBC2 News Here. on 
6/26/202320 minutes, 51 seconds
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LGBT Pride Month — Nothing to Be Proud Of

LGBT Pride Month, held each June, is nothing to be proud of. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm discuss how deviant sexual behavior has gone from being abhorred to being widely celebrated in a mere fifty years. Not only have the anti-sodomy laws in most states been repealed, but leading corporations are embracing the LGBT agenda in their internal policies and publicly promoting it during Pride Month.   Looking to God’s word, they explain that the shameful celebration of this deviancy is condemned by God and a clear sign of His judgment. Yet there’s hope for those caught in this wicked lifestyle who repent of their sins—just as there was in Paul’s time: “And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Cor. 6:11).  View Tom Ascol Interview on Homosexuality with NBC2 News Here. on 
6/26/202320 minutes, 52 seconds
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Why We Work: Seeking Joyful Purpose in Every Labor

Full-time service to Christ is not simply being a pastor or missionary. Whether you’re a baker or car mechanic, a delivery man or investment banker, a dairy farmer or a mom tending her children at home—all the work you do should be done heartily unto the Lord.  In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Scott Aniol, explain that the doctrine of work encompasses every lawful vocation and is based in God himself.  God worked in bringing about creation, and we as His image-bearers are called to work also. Significantly, the calling to work came in a perfect Garden that Adam and Eve were to tend. Though labor is now more difficult due to sin’s curse, it is inherent to the created order. Whatever work Christians put their hands to do should thus be pursued with joyful purpose, excellence, and integrity—and for God’s ultimate glory. 
6/19/202326 minutes, 29 seconds
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Why We Work: Seeking Joyful Purpose in Every Labor

Full-time service to Christ is not simply being a pastor or missionary. Whether you’re a baker or car mechanic, a delivery man or investment banker, a dairy farmer or a mom tending her children at home—all the work you do should be done heartily unto the Lord.   In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, joined by special guest Scott Aniol, explain that the doctrine of work encompasses every lawful vocation and is based in God himself.  God worked in bringing about creation, and we as His image-bearers are called to work also. Significantly, the calling to work came in a perfect Garden that Adam and Eve were to tend. Though labor is now more difficult due to sin’s curse, it is inherent to the created order. Whatever work Christians put their hands to do should thus be pursued with joyful purpose, excellence, and integrity—and for God’s ultimate glory. 
6/19/202326 minutes, 30 seconds
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Why Family Worship? Two Young Dads Share their Journey (Part 2)

Cameron and Chandler Wood grew up in the hey-day of Christian youth culture where the driving thought was, “Let the church raise your kids in the ways of the Lord.” Watching many of their friends fall away, these two brothers—now married with children—are crying out for a better way, where fathers take the lead in discipling their children through family worship. In this 2-part podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm interact with clips from the brothers’ past discussion, recorded when they were in their 20s with 3 kids each.  In Part 2, the Wood brothers explain how that dads must show patience in carrying out the biblical mandate to train their children, especially when they’re young. Through personal trial and error, Cameron and Chandler relate how they simplified their family worship time, noting that a father’s heart for his child should not be focused on the world’s notion of success, but on their eternal soul. They also emphasize that dads must strive to faithfully live out the message before their children and not be hypocrites. Time is fleeting, they stress, so seize this precious season with your kids! 
6/12/202326 minutes, 4 seconds
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Why Family Worship? Two Young Dads Share their Journey (Part 2)

Cameron and Chandler Wood grew up in the hey-day of Christian youth culture where the driving thought was, “Let the church raise your kids in the ways of the Lord.” Watching many of their friends fall away, these two brothers—now married with children—are crying out for a better way, where fathers take the lead in discipling their children through family worship. In this 2-part podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm interact with clips from the brothers’ past discussion, recorded when they were in their 20s with 3 kids each.   In Part 2, the Wood brothers explain how that dads must show patience in carrying out the biblical mandate to train their children, especially when they’re young. Through personal trial and error, Cameron and Chandler relate how they simplified their family worship time, noting that a father’s heart for his child should not be focused on the world’s notion of success, but on their eternal soul. They also emphasize that dads must strive to faithfully live out the message before their children and not be hypocrites. Time is fleeting, they stress, so seize this precious season with your kids! 
6/12/202326 minutes, 5 seconds
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Why Family Worship? Two Young Dads Share their Journey (Part 1)

Cameron and Chandler Wood grew up in the hey-day of Christian youth culture where the driving thought was, “Let the church raise your kids in the ways of the Lord.” Watching many of their friends fall away, these two brothers—now married with children—are crying out for a better way, where fathers take the lead in discipling their children through family worship. In this 2-part podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm interact with clips from the brothers’ past discussion, recorded when they were in their 20s with 3 kids each.  In Part 1, the Wood brothers explain that fathers have a mandate from Scripture to train their children, but it should be pursued with a deep-seated joy and fervor for God. Though it is Christ alone who brings salvation, dads should seek to instill a hunger for Him in their children—and not reduce their training to game-like “Bible drills.” The aim should not be to teach them to be good “moralists,” but to genuinely know God and be profoundly changed by who He is. Time is fleeting, they stress, so seize this precious season with your kids! 
6/5/202322 minutes, 50 seconds
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Why Family Worship? Two Young Dads Share their Journey (Part 1)

Cameron and Chandler Wood grew up in the hey-day of Christian youth culture where the driving thought was, “Let the church raise your kids in the ways of the Lord.” Watching many of their friends fall away, these two brothers—now married with children—are crying out for a better way, where fathers take the lead in discipling their children through family worship. In this 2-part podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm interact with clips from the brothers’ past discussion, recorded when they were in their 20s with 3 kids each.   In Part 1, the Wood brothers explain that fathers have a mandate from Scripture to train their children, but it should be pursued with a deep-seated joy and fervor for God. Though it is Christ alone who brings salvation, dads should seek to instill a hunger for Him in their children—and not reduce their training to game-like “Bible drills.” The aim should not be to teach them to be good “moralists,” but to genuinely know God and be profoundly changed by who He is. Time is fleeting, they stress, so seize this precious season with your kids! 
6/5/202322 minutes, 51 seconds
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Memorial Day Lessons: Preparing Boys for Battle

Psalm 44:1 declares: “We have heard with our ears, O God, Our fathers have told us, The deeds You did in their days, In days of old.”   From his earliest days, Scott Brown remembers his dad Bill—a P-51 Mustang pilot during the Battle for Iwo Jima—fulfilling the words of this Psalm. The elder Brown not only gave Scott a WWII K-Bar when he was a young boy, but he regaled his son with stories of God’s faithfulness during this epic conflict in the Pacific. And the senior Brown, known to his grandchildren as “Gan,” did the same with David, Scott’s son, when he was growing up.In this Memorial Day podcast, Scott and David share their memories of joining Mr. Brown on a special trip to Iwo Jima for the sixtieth anniversary of the battle. The two learned many lessons from the late patriarch of their family, sixteen of which are highlighted in the book Preparing Boys for Battle—lessons on such character qualities as purity, friendship, discipline, work, and taking on mighty challenges for the Lord. And these lessons—all gleaned from the grueling 36-day battle for Iwo—are as needed now for the boys of this generation as they were for the soldiers of WWII.For great stories for Memorial Day, get an audible or hard copy of our book, Preparing Boys for Battle, and Moment of Courage, which contains dozens of lessons on manhood derived from the Battle for Iwo Jima.TODAY ONLY, we are offering these books for 40% off.
5/29/202317 minutes, 59 seconds
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Memorial Day Lessons: Preparing Boys for Battle

Psalm 44:1 declares: “We have heard with our ears, O God, Our fathers have told us, The deeds You did in their days, In days of old.”   From his earliest days, Scott Brown remembers his dad Bill—a P-51 Mustang pilot during the Battle for Iwo Jima—fulfilling the words of this Psalm. The elder Brown not only gave Scott a WWII K-Bar when he was a young boy, but he regaled his son with stories of God’s faithfulness during this epic conflict in the Pacific. And the senior Brown, known to his grandchildren as “Gan,” did the same with David, Scott’s son, when he was growing up. In this Memorial Day podcast, Scott and David share their memories of joining Mr. Brown on a special trip to Iwo Jima for the sixtieth anniversary of the battle. The two learned many lessons from the late patriarch of their family, sixteen of which are highlighted in the book Preparing Boys for Battle—lessons on such character qualities as purity, friendship, discipline, work, and taking on mighty challenges for the Lord. And these lessons—all gleaned from the grueling 36-day battle for Iwo—are as needed now for the boys of this generation as they were for the soldiers of WWII. For great stories for Memorial Day, get an audible or hard copy of our book, Preparing Boys for Battle, and Moment of Courage, which contains dozens of lessons on manhood derived from the Battle for Iwo Jima. TODAY ONLY, we are offering these books for 40% off.
5/29/202318 minutes
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From Campground Caller to Gospel Minister: The Life Story of Trent Moody

As a boy, Trent Moody delighted in ringing a cast-iron bell from the back of a pick-up truck, calling folks to Sunday morning worship. This was a highlight of his week, being raised at a campground his grandfather built in North Carolina’s mountains, where Trent’s dad and the rest of the family worked, welcoming guests from far and wide. Yet true faith in God did not come till later. In this podcast, Trent shares his life story, relating how he came under deep conviction, after a night partying with other teenagers, and gave his life to Christ. In time God gave Trent an even greater love for His word than the third-generation campground which had defined so much of his upbringing. As he meditated on Christ’s call to Peter to “feed my lambs” (John 21:15), Trent committed his life to pastoral ministry. This calling, alongside his marriage to his dear wife Angela and the discipling of their ten children, remains his focus to this day.
5/22/202326 minutes, 39 seconds
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From Campground Caller to Gospel Minister: The Life Story of Trent Moody

As a boy, Trent Moody delighted in ringing a cast-iron bell from the back of a pick-up truck, calling folks to Sunday morning worship. This was a highlight of his week, being raised at a campground his grandfather built in North Carolina’s mountains, where Trent’s dad and the rest of the family worked, welcoming guests from far and wide. Yet true faith in God did not come till later. In this podcast, Trent shares his life story, relating how he came under deep conviction, after a night partying with other teenagers, and gave his life to Christ. In time God gave Trent an even greater love for His word than the third-generation campground which had defined so much of his upbringing. As he meditated on Christ’s call to Peter to “feed my lambs” (John 21:15), Trent committed his life to pastoral ministry. This calling, alongside his marriage to his dear wife Angela and the discipling of their ten children, remains his focus to this day.
5/22/202326 minutes, 40 seconds
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How Should I Live as a Single Person?

“How should I live as a single person?” That’s the question Scott Brown and Jason Dohm discuss in this podcast, as they draw biblical wisdom on the subject from a new booklet by Dr. Joel Beeke and Paul Smalley. Among the truths they mine: The Lord reigns over marriage and singleness, so trust His timing and purpose. Singleness offers opportunities for undivided devotion, so make the most of this time. Flee the vices of worldly singleness. Avoid unrealistic expectations about your resources. Pray for grace to endure the afflictions of singleness. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to pursue marriage. And live in hope—not of marriage first and foremost—but for the glory of God.
5/15/202315 minutes, 45 seconds
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How Should I Live as a Single Person?

“How should I live as a single person?” That’s the question Scott Brown and Jason Dohm discuss in this podcast, as they draw biblical wisdom on the subject from a new booklet by Dr. Joel Beeke and Paul Smalley. Among the truths they mine: The Lord reigns over marriage and singleness, so trust His timing and purpose. Singleness offers opportunities for undivided devotion, so make the most of this time. Flee the vices of worldly singleness. Avoid unrealistic expectations about your resources. Pray for grace to endure the afflictions of singleness. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to pursue marriage. And live in hope—not of marriage first and foremost—but for the glory of God.
5/15/202315 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Shy Kid from Watumpka: The Life Story of Brandon Scroggins

Brandon Scroggins grew up in Alabama as a shy kid in small-town Watumpka. Plagued by the fear of man, he was deathly afraid of speaking or the spotlight. Then God powerfully saved him at age 15 and later shook him when he heard Paul Washer’s now-famous 2002 gospel message in person at a youth rally in Montgomery, after which Brandon gave his life to the ministry. In this podcast, Brandon shares his life story, relating how the power of God’s word has transformed his outlook and changed his approach to church and family. This shift, as he forsook seeker-sensitive and youth-driven outreach to follow the Bible, led to adversity within his church. Yet Brandon has seen God’s kindness through it all, as Christ has refined His bride and brought those hungry for His word together into sweeter communion.
5/8/202323 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Shy Kid from Wetumpka: The Life Story of Brandon Scroggins

Brandon Scroggins grew up in Alabama as a shy kid in small-town Watumpka. Plagued by the fear of man, he was deathly afraid of speaking or the spotlight. Then God powerfully saved him at age 15 and later shook him when he heard Paul Washer’s now-famous 2002 gospel message in person at a youth rally in Montgomery, after which Brandon gave his life to the ministry. In this podcast, Brandon shares his life story, relating how the power of God’s word has transformed his outlook and changed his approach to church and family. This shift, as he forsook seeker-sensitive and youth-driven outreach to follow the Bible, led to adversity within his church. Yet Brandon has seen God’s kindness through it all, as Christ has refined His bride and brought those hungry for His word together into sweeter communion.
5/8/202323 minutes, 48 seconds
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‘The Family at Church’ Intro – How to Transform Your Local Church Experience

As civilization is crumbling all around us, your family doesn’t have to collapse. God has ordained the local church as a central means to build you up with joy. That’s Scott Brown and Jason Dohm’s message in this podcast as they offer an introduction to the book, The Family at Church: 20 Days to Transform Your Local Church Experience. The book’s aim is to give practical steps on how parents can guide their children to get the most out of local church life: through the preaching of God’s Word, singing, ordinances, fellowship, and celebration of His weekly Sabbath rest.
5/1/202314 minutes, 10 seconds
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‘The Family at Church’ Intro – How to Transform Your Local Church Experience

As civilization is crumbling all around us, your family doesn’t have to collapse. God has ordained the local church as a central means to build you up with joy. That’s Scott Brown and Jason Dohm’s message in this podcast as they offer an introduction to the book, The Family at Church: 20 Days to Transform Your Local Church Experience. The book’s aim is to give practical steps on how parents can guide their children to get the most out of local church life: through the preaching of God’s Word, singing, ordinances, fellowship, and celebration of His weekly Sabbath rest.
5/1/202314 minutes, 11 seconds
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For Young Ladies: Focus on the Most Valuable Things

How should young ladies channel their energies as they enter adulthood? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm answer the question, discussing five high value things they should focus on: the value of time, rest, preparation, productivity in general, and a woman’s productivity.  By making the most of their time, seeking refreshment in God’s weekly day of rest, increasing their capabilities and capacity to accomplish more through careful development, embracing the Dominion Mandate and Great Commission, and recognizing that home life is a key engine for kingdom advancement, young women can find peace and be used by God for His glory.
4/24/202324 minutes, 38 seconds
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For Young Ladies: Focus on the Most Valuable Things

How should young ladies channel their energies as they enter adulthood? In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm answer the question, discussing five high value things they should focus on: the value of time, rest, preparation, productivity in general, and a woman’s productivity.  By making the most of their time, seeking refreshment in God’s weekly day of rest, increasing their capabilities and capacity to accomplish more through careful development, embracing the Dominion Mandate and Great Commission, and recognizing that home life is a key engine for kingdom advancement, young women can find peace and be used by God for His glory.
4/24/202324 minutes, 39 seconds
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A Fresh Look: A Declaration of the Complementary Roles of Church and Family

The people of God must trust His word to define every area of their lives—to affirm the sufficiency of Scripture for all of faith and practice. It was in pursuit of this aim that a Declaration of the Complementary Roles of Church and Family was first published—to correct errors of families who have dismissed the local church and to correct the errors of local churches that have ignored the biblical model for discipling families. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm take a fresh look at the declaration, affirming the vital need for building up both institutions, affirming their complementary roles.
4/17/202324 minutes, 25 seconds
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A Fresh Look: A Declaration of the Complementary Roles of Church and Family

The people of God must trust His word to define every area of their lives—to affirm the sufficiency of Scripture for all of faith and practice. It was in pursuit of this aim that a Declaration of the Complementary Roles of Church and Family was first published—to correct errors of families who have dismissed the local church and to correct the errors of local churches that have ignored the biblical model for discipling families. In this podcast, Scott Brown and Jason Dohm take a fresh look at the declaration, affirming the vital need for building up both institutions, affirming their complementary roles.  
4/17/202324 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Pastor’s Testimony on Family Integrated Worship - Fruit Takes Time

The fruit of faithfulness can’t be enjoyed overnight. It takes time to mature, through patient care and God’s blessing. That’s the message of pastor Kris Baines in this podcast as he shares his personal testimony of ministry in New Zealand.     Kris currently serves as one of the pastors/elders of Community Bible Church in Wellsford, NZ, and previously planted and served at Redemption Church Christchurch. Over several years, God worked in Kris’s heart to embrace His full sovereignty and the sufficiency of Scripture and to uphold God’s call for families to worship together in the local church, rather than be age-segregated. Yet there were real growing pains in making this shift. With self-deprecating humor, Kris tells how his own children (along with those of other families) struggled to be orderly and attentive at first, but of the joyful fruit that has come in their children’s lives through loving perseverance. An encouraging message to “not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Gal. 6:9)!
4/10/202320 minutes, 9 seconds
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Should Children Stay Home till They’re Married?

When a child hits 18, it’s time for them to leave home and make their own way—to sink or swim. That’s the default view in our day, but is it biblical?      Join Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, along with special guest Steve Walker, as they take a fresh look at the question of a son or daughter leaving their parents’ home before marriage. In considering this matter, a trap we must avoid is the world’s narrative of self-glory and selfish independence. We must instead consider foundational principles of manhood and womanhood, as well as family and work life. We must ask: Would such a move promote greater holiness and spiritual growth—or less? And where a daughter is concerned, how would she be under meaningful protection, with this move? In all this, right hearts and motives must govern: Fathers should “not provoke [their] children to wrath,” (Eph. 6:4), even as their grown children should “honor [their] father and mother” (Eph. 6:2).
4/3/202330 minutes, 5 seconds
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Rebellious Children: Should They Be Put Out of the Home?

How should parents respond to a defiant child who spurns their discipline? When should the child stay in the home? And at what point of stubborn rebellion should they be deemed “incorrigible” and be put out—for their own good and the sanctity of the family?      These are vexing questions for any parent to grapple with, and there are no easy answers. Yet God Himself gave us a pattern to draw from. Join Scott Brown and Jason Dohm, along with special guest Phil Kayser, as they explain God’s fatherly example: He’s slow to anger and patient in disciplining wayward children, giving them many opportunities to repent. But, in extreme cases, where there’s unyielding defiance after repeated correction, He casts them out—with the goal that His discipline, in time, will pierce their hearts and restore them to right fellowship. Voicing a rejection of pop psychology, Scott, Jason, and Phil urge parents to seek the help of godly church leaders, along with other faithful counselors, to navigate these tough waters and call rebellious children to repentance.
3/27/202327 minutes, 18 seconds
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From Blackjack Dealer to Reformed Pastor: The Life Story of Toby Logsdon

He grew up in Sin City. Raised in Vegas in the 1970s, Toby Logsdon spiked his hair and drenched himself in angry punk music. But this attempt to cope with childhood troubles brought him no lasting peace. At age 14, he attempted suicide. Now, looking back, Toby sees how God used this dark season as an angst-filled non-conformist to make him more bold as a Christian today. His later stints as a stockbroker and then casino dice man also yielded lasting lessons—that riches are futile, and men must press through in their work, even when it’s hard. Learn how God brought Toby from his post as a blackjack dealer on the Vegas strip to become a Reformed Baptist Pastor in the Seattle metro.
3/21/202332 minutes, 54 seconds
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The 1689 London Baptist Confession — A New Commentary

In his 1st-century epistle, Jude called on believers “to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). Sound doctrine was under attack in his day, and so it is in ours. What the Bible actually means has, in many corners, been distorted and lost. To combat falsehood and shore up God’s people in the truth, Church and Family Life advocates that churches embrace the 1689 London Baptist Confession, or one of the other historic Reformed confessions.  And so it’s with delight that we welcome Rob Ventura to the podcast to discuss a new commentary he’s published on the 1689 Confession. Join us for this discussion and discover how this defense of sound doctrine is a deep mine, filled with the everlasting treasuries of redemption. Note that in the confession’s original “Letter to the Reader,” they trace much of the “decay of religion” to a father’s neglect of family worship and instruction and appeal for doctrinal purity to “begin at home.”  Learn how it’s a wonderful tool for churches and families—a summary of fundamental doctrines for the whole family and church to master, to keep from departing from the true faith.  Click here to purchase this New Exposition of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689. Click here to get a paperback copy of the 1689 Confession. 
3/13/202324 minutes, 59 seconds
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Work With Your Children for the Spread of the Gospel – Interview with Christopher Prieto

Christopher Prieto believes his business has a primary purpose - the spiritual profit in communicating the Gospel. His company, Prime Barbecue, is renowned for serving the region's best Barbecue. That's the place we go for special occasions. It's delicious! Church and Family Life had a staff meeting at Prime BarBQ recently, and I looked up, and an 8-year-old girl was standing at the table asking us if everything was ok and we had everything we needed, and if she could get us anything. I said, "do you work here?" "Yes!" I asked, "does your daddy own this place?" "Yes!" Then a few minutes later, an older girl around 12 came up and said the same thing. I asked, "do you work here?" "Yes!" Then I asked, "Does your daddy own this place?" Yes! Then I met their daddy, Christopher Prieto. We had a wonderful conversation about how fathers teach their children, hands-on, every day, "when you sit in the house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up." His story so inspired me and so we scheduled an interview. Here it is.
3/6/202323 minutes, 41 seconds
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How to Have a Midlife Crisis

Eric Bechler had a midlife crisis that led him to quit his job in Silicon Valley to start a small business he could operate with his children. Church and Family Life have been longtime advocates of parents walking with their children "when they sit in the house and walk by the way." This is the Hebrew model of discipleship. The Greek model focuses on philosophies, facts, and figures, while the Hebrew model focuses on walking with sons and daughters. Eric Bechler joins us to discuss how he worked through some of these issues with his family. Eric is an elder at Burnet Bible Church in Burnet, Texas. He and his wife have seven children. Eric worked for GE Nuclear for several years in San Jose, California, doing safety analyses for nuclear power plants. Then he worked for Applied Materials, a semiconductor manufacturer doing technical support for scanning electron microscopes and laser optical systems for semiconductor fabrication. He left the glitter of Silicon Valley to live differently. He started a landscaping business so he could be closer to his family.
2/27/202330 minutes, 2 seconds
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Conscience & Christian Liberty -  Part 2

What does the conscience do, and how should we respond to our conscience? What does the conscience have to do with Romans 14? Jeff Pollard explains that the conscience judges works, accuses, and excuses. It does not do but speaks about what has been done. Someone called the conscience "God's deputy, God's spy, a sergeant to arrest the sinner." So how should we regard it in ourselves and others?
2/20/202327 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Almighty Conscience, Part 1

Join us with Jeff Pollard to discuss how to understand the power and the constraints on the conscience. We discuss fundamental principles to handle our conscience and the different conscience controversies. Do you trample the consciences of others? Is your conscience your God?
2/13/202325 minutes, 8 seconds
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Young People: Top 7 Financial Practices for You

This podcast is dedicated to young people just getting started financially. Getting on top of wise stewardship of resources is critical for young people. The earlier they apply Biblical wisdom, the sooner they will experience some level of financial freedom.
2/6/202334 minutes, 30 seconds
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Young Men, This is For You

Young Men, this is for you. We focused this podcast on success in the workplace. We are here to give you our top three things young men need to understand about work. We address those who work for companies and those who start companies.
1/30/202325 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Life Story of Rob Ventura

Here is a man who grew up in a totally secular environment and was ushered into the world of Hip Hop as a promoter. But all that changed when his Karate instructor became a Christian and quit because of his newfound beliefs.
1/23/202326 minutes, 3 seconds
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At What Age  Should We Baptize Children?

What is an appropriate age for a child to be baptized according to the bible? (2 Tim 3:16). Since we believe the scripture is sufficient for all matters of life and godliness, this is the first question we should ask as we approach this matter. Join us with Sam Waldron as we discuss the various views, our experiences over the years, a survey of what the scriptures explicitly teach, and what we learn from Baptist history.
1/16/202335 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Salvation of A Boy

Paul Thompson, a pastor at Eastside Baptist Church, experienced the power of the Gospel through the family God gave him. Here is a story of the salvation of a boy in a godly Christian family. A boy whose favorite and the most influential preacher in his life was his father. A boy whose faith was stirred by his father’s conversations during car rides, "when they sat in the house and walked by the way."
1/9/202321 minutes, 47 seconds
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Why Most New Years Resolutions Fail

'Tis the season for New Years' Resolutions! Should you make them? Is it Biblical to make them? If you do, what makes you fail, and what makes for failure? On this podcast, you will learn how to make SMART resolutions.
1/3/202328 minutes, 42 seconds
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How to Read the Bible Next Year (Podcast ReRun)

Join us as we show you how to read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation next year, using the "Journey Through the Bible" method of Church and Family Life. Visit for more information.
12/26/202216 minutes, 17 seconds
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Scott Brown’s Life Story – How a Dad’s Decision Changed Everything

Here is the life story of Scott Brown. Born in Alaska, Scott Brown grew up in Southern California in a stable and loving home. But, during a time of revival in his teen years, his father’s wise decision to take the family out of a liberal church to a Bible-preaching church changed everything.
12/19/202223 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Lines Fell in Pleasant Places - The Life Story of Paul White

Paul White grew up never doubting the reality of God and the efficacy of the sacrifice for his sins. He cannot remember ever having a different view, nor did he experience a time of rebellion. He has no dramatic conversion story except the dramatic mercies of God to cause the lines to fall in pleasant places.
12/12/202230 minutes, 12 seconds
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A Church Vote Repenting for Pragmatism

Paul Thompson was pastoring a traditional Southern Baptist Church in Idaho when he realized that his church was in the grip of pragmatism. He read “A Weed in the Church” and started blogging about it. Paul concluded that he needed to repent of comprehensive age segregation. So he led his whole church to repent for their innovations and then to turn to the principle of the sufficiency of scripture. They became a family-integrated church.
12/5/202227 minutes, 6 seconds
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Pragmatism to Age Integration

Carlton McLeod engaged in a careful process to transform a mainstream pragmatic church into a family-integrated church. He became frustrated with the loss of the younger generation. He did the most dangerous thing you can do – he went to the Bible. Here is the process his church engaged in.
11/28/202227 minutes, 7 seconds
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How to Celebrate Thanksgiving

Let us give thanks for Thanksgiving! In this podcast, we talk about different ways you can celebrate this Thanksgiving. We live in a nation where the authorities formally call on us to give thanks to God. And they want us to take the day off – and get paid for it.You can find my Fifteen Tips for Celebrating Thanksgiving here:
11/21/202217 minutes, 44 seconds
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I Ended Up in a Group of Radical Christians

Jason Dohm grew up in a beautiful home, and then in his teen years, he ended up in a group of radical Christians. Here, Jason Dohm tells the story of his life and what led to his conversion at an early age. The Lord surrounded Jason with people who genuinely loved Him and were very serious about discipleship. A verse that gripped his soul in those days was, ‘Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.” Jonah 2:8
11/14/202221 minutes, 52 seconds
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What Does it Mean to be a “Keeper at Home”?

The Bible clearly instructs wives to be “keepers at home,” “so that the word of God might not be blasphemed” (Titus 2:5). It is clearly stated that there is something that happens when a woman is not a keeper at home which causes the Word of God to be blasphemed. The role of a wife is to be focused on taking dominion with her husband and children. The modern feeling is that a wife can be a CEO, teacher, or lawyer as long as she does not neglect her home. She can do it all. She does not need a singular focus on home life, but this is not how the Bible teaches wives to operate.
11/7/202225 minutes, 39 seconds
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Problems from the Biblical Counseling Movement

The Bible is sufficient for counseling. We are thankful for the Biblical Counseling Movement, which emerged in the late 1960s. It was one of the blessed moves of God where the church turned away from the language and principles of secular psychology to the use of the Word of God to understand human problems. In this podcast, we give thanks for the movement and the good that has come from it. We also examine some of the problems that have emerged.
10/31/202225 minutes, 35 seconds
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A Good Boy – Saved

Here is the Life Story of Scott Aniol. It is a story of an honorable son growing up in an orderly home and a good church. However, when he was fourteen, he realized that he was lost. The Lord changed his heart. His behavior did not change dramatically, but his heart was transformed.
10/24/202222 minutes, 14 seconds
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Let’s Sing the Psalms

There is a resurgence of singing the Psalms today. But why is Psalm singing so rare in today’s church? Should we be singing imprecatory Psalms? How should churches and families best use the Psalms in their singing? Join us with Scott Aniol to answer these questions and discuss his new book on singing the Psalms, “Musing on God’s Music: Forming Hearts of Praise with the Psalms.” Look for it in 2023. Aniol writes, “C. H. Spurgeon was not wrong when he bemoaned, “It is to be feared that the Psalms are by no means so prized as in earlier ages of the church.”   Here is the link to the recommended resource:
10/17/202225 minutes, 23 seconds
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Joel Beeke - The “greatest sinner on the face of the earth”

Join us as we hear how a fourteen-year-old boy raised in a godly home was saved. Joel Beeke says he felt like “the greatest sinner on the face of the earth.” One day, a minister came over to visit and the whole family gathered around. The minister was talking to Joel’s grandfather and said, “for you too, there is a way of escape through Jesus Christ.” Joel told us he heard those words as though they were directed to him and, “that was the moment of my salvation. These words penetrated my soul. And I received it by faith, and the burden rolled off just like Christian in Pilgrims Progress.”
10/10/202228 minutes, 17 seconds
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Life Story of Malamulo Chindongo

Here is a story of the kindness of God to reach down to save a bitter young man in Africa. Mala grew up in a farming family on an island in Lake Malawi. He tells the story of how the Lord saved him during his college years, recognizing the emptiness of his pursuits. He was attacked, stabbed, almost died, and became bitter in the hospital. But that was only the beginning of the blessing.
10/3/202224 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Tragedy of Autonomy in the Book of Judges

What happens when people abandon moral absolutes? John Snyder joins us to discuss his book and Bible study resource on the book of Judges. Judges is a case study of what happens when “Every man did what was right in his own eyes.” The results of radical autonomy are a clear warning to all of us. As Oprah Winfrey said, “Speaking your truth is the most powerful tool” Yes, it is powerful: evil people follow their hearts, and there is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death” (Jer 13:10, Prov 28:26 & Prov 14:12) and, woe to those who are wise in their own eyes (Isa 5:21).
9/26/202228 minutes, 37 seconds
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Is God the Author of Sin? - Part 2

This podcast is part 2 of our discussion of the Sovereignty of God with Jeffrey Johnson. If God is sovereign, then is he also the author of sin? Jeff writes, “This, my friends, is one of the most difficult questions in theology. If God is willing but unable to prevent evil, He is not omnipotent. If God is able but unwilling to prevent evil, He is not good. If He is willing and able to prevent evil, why is there evil?” These questions are the focus of our discussion. Find information here.
9/20/202225 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Sovereignty of God - Part 1

This podcast is part 1 of a discussion on the Sovereignty of God with Jeffrey Johnson. Embracing the doctrine of the sovereignty of God is the most life-giving thing you can do. It helps you understand everything happening in your life and the world around you. Jeffrey Johnson joins us to discuss this critical matter. He has written a book on the Sovereignty of God. We highly recommend that you read it. Find information here.
9/12/202224 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to Bend the Youthful Sapling

This podcast is part two of a two-part series on encouraging parents with Joel Beeke. One of the most challenging matters of parenting is discipline. What does the Bible say about discipline? What value is it? What Biblical principles can be applied to this question?
9/5/202224 minutes, 34 seconds
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How to Be Close to Your Children

This podcast is part one of a two-part series as an encouragement to parents. The Bible gives parents instructions on how to bring up their children in such a way that draws them together. With Ephesians 6:1-4 as a backdrop, our discussion with Joel Beeke reveals the wisdom of God for doing just that with our children.
8/29/202222 minutes, 2 seconds
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Deaf to the Contemporary Prophets

Church and Family Life exists to proclaim the sufficiency of Scripture. So, for our one-hundredth podcast. This podcast discusses the heartbeat of our ministry – the sufficiency of Scripture. The world's cultures are insufficient to teach the people of God how to be saved and live. The sufficiency of Scripture is always the heart of the problem in our families and churches. Using Joshua 23:6-8 as a springboard, we recognize the continental divide between the church and the world and the need to cleave to God and His Word. The greatest danger to the church is syncretism-following the contemporary prophets. The most excellent help, however, is the Word of God alone.
8/22/202224 minutes, 33 seconds
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Reviving the Weekly Prayer Meeting at Church

God has always gathered His people together to pray. So why has the weekly prayer meeting gone out of favor? What are the blessings of weekly prayer meetings? What is the Biblical basis for gathering the church specifically for prayer midweek? What scriptural guidelines are there for prayer meetings? What are the common problems in prayer meetings? What about children in prayer meetings? Why do families with little kids often not attend regularly? What should we think about this?
8/15/202224 minutes
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Seven Things You Need to Know About Your Pastor

What do you need to know about your pastor? Do you understand what is pressing upon him? It has been recently reported that 51% of pastors are considering leaving the ministry in 2022, up from 29% in the previous year. Depression, church conflict, losing members, criticism, and low pay are the culprits. What can church members do about this? Carlton McLeod’s Burnings in the Soul Message:
8/8/202222 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Abortion Resistance Movement - Going Forward

The Supreme Court recently declared abortion on demand unconstitutional. What does that mean? Now what? Join us with Bradley Pierce, a Texas attorney, and long-time friend, to consider how Christians should think about laws limiting abortion? Also, his organization, Foundation to Abolish Abortion, is holding a conference for church leaders in Houston on August 19
8/1/202228 minutes, 38 seconds
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Women’s Ministry in the Church

What does Biblical ministry to women look like in the church? The modern church has accumulated various unbiblical offices such as student pastor, children’s pastor, youth pastor, worship pastor, senior pastor, sports pastor, pastor of counseling, and women’s pastor. In the same way, we have also created unbiblical ministries in the church. One of those is what we call women’s ministries. These commonly focus on the emotional life of the women in the church. A new office in the church is created: women’s ministry leader. What should we think of these ministries? What does the Bible say? More Resources on Women’s Ministry from Jeff Pollard: Scripture is Sufficient for Women’s Ministry Part 1 Teachers of Good Things - Scripture is Sufficient for Women’s Ministry Part 2 Keepers at Home -
7/25/202224 minutes, 19 seconds
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What Kind of Pastors do we Need?

God has designed the church to be led by qualified pastors/elders. What are the qualifications? What kind of man does God desire to fill the office of elder? As it turns out, he is the kind of man every woman would want as a husband. Jeff Johnson’s Leaders Lunch Message on Pastors:
7/18/202231 minutes, 45 seconds
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Gossip in the Church

How do you avoid a culture of gossip and slander in the local church? The Lord has designed a wonderful culture to be maintained in His church. Through many commands for governing our tongues, God keeps His church, “loving life and seeing good days.” (1 Peter 3:10). This session explains a church covenant that addresses this critical matter for happy church life.
7/11/202227 minutes, 54 seconds
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I was a Legalistic Hypocrite

Brian Borgman describes himself as a legalistic Roman Catholic hypocrite acolyte in his youth. Then, his mother became a Bible-reading Christian, and everything changed. Hear how God used broken people and institutions to bring a boy to faith. Brian is now pastor of Grace Community Church in Minden, Nevada.
7/5/202225 minutes, 39 seconds
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Worship, Counseling, Preaching, and the Sufficiency of Scripture

This is an overview examination of the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture through three lenses: Worship, Counseling, and Preaching.
6/27/202221 minutes, 56 seconds
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Roman Catholic Inventions, Social Justice, Apologetics, Theology, and the Sufficiency of Scripture

How has the Catholic Church eroded the church's foundation by slowly moving away from the sufficiency of Scripture? How has the social justice movement, modern apologetics, and modern theological systems done the same?
6/20/202227 minutes, 12 seconds
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8th Generation Preacher Boy Gets Saved

How does a young man who grew up in the church and loved his parents end up depressed and suicidal? Here is the testimony of Jeffrey Johnson, an eighth-generation Baptist pastor from Arkansas, who was lost and found. It is a story of a young man in deep depression whom the Lord rescued from his darkness. He is now pastor of Grace Bible Church in Conway, Arkansas.
6/13/202233 minutes, 1 second
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Prepare Your Kids to Get Up in the Morning

We are here to encourage you to prepare Kids for Morning and evening. There is a Christian way to go to bed at night and get up in the morning. This is the sufficiency of Scripture for the morning and the evening. The Lord gives careful guidance on how to start the day and end it. The Bible speaks of these two bookends of the day in terms of "morning and evening."
6/6/202215 minutes, 45 seconds
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Let Your Wish Dream for the Church Die

In his book "Life Together," Dietrich Bonhoeffer points out that we must in the church keep our eyes on what Christ has called us to do in the church. He tells us that we usually come to the church with our wish dreams about the church. We come to the church looking for what we want, not what Christ wants. This is usually the source of our disappointment with our churches.
5/30/202216 minutes, 21 seconds
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How to have a Christian Wedding

We believe that Scripture presents workable patterns applicable to having a Christian wedding. However, we don't think that Scripture provides a single formula for governing the process of having a wedding. This does not mean that the Bible is silent on the matter. What does the Bible say about weddings, and what can we learn from them as we plan weddings?
5/23/202227 minutes, 52 seconds
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How do I Know if I’m Saved?

Today, our subject is the assurance of salvation, with Jeffrey Johnson from Conway, Arkansas. Every pastor and most believers have had to answer earnest questions from themselves or others struggling with doubt about their salvation. We will be discussing some of the points made in Chapter 18 of the Second London Baptist Confession of 1689 on assurance.
5/16/202231 minutes, 16 seconds
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Give to Your Local Church

A few years ago, a major researcher reported that 94% of those who claim to be Christians do not tithe. Of course, this means that only 6% of Christians tithe. What do Christians actually give? These researchers indicated that the congregation tithes or donates only 2%-3% of their income to the church. How should we think about giving to local churches?
5/9/202225 minutes, 19 seconds
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How to Help your Children Listen to Preaching

Children need help to hear sermons, they need coaching and assistance to train them to listen, and this is your job as a parent. I hope your children spend hundreds of hours in church listening to sermons. Do everything you can to make it a rich experience. Help them hear the Word of God through preaching and singing, and the fellowship. Jesus says, "Take heed how you hear" (Luke 8:18).
5/2/202221 minutes, 57 seconds
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Patterns for Family Life

Their experiences shape the spiritual welfare of any new generation at home. We are grateful to see how the grace of God overcomes many terrible experiences. God is very kind. However, it matters what kinds of homes we grow up in. Children tend to do what they see, replicating communication patters and lifestyle patterns of their parents. Sometimes these are burdensome to the children. Our discussion today focuses on setting good habits before your children.
4/25/202217 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Heart of a Good Marriage

Marriage books will give you dozens of practical techniques. But is that the way the Bible teaches us? What are the most important matters? What are the fundamental indispensable things that make for a good marriage?
4/18/202222 minutes, 5 seconds
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Readiness Tests for Marriage

This podcast is for the son or daughter wondering if they are ready for marriage and parents considering this for their children. Here are twelve questions you should ask yourself about marriage to test readiness.
4/11/202220 minutes, 5 seconds
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Are You Taking Good Care of Your Body?

Does it matter if your body is fit? Many years ago, I heard someone say that everyone would be on it if exercise were a drug. Further, what is the role of exercise and fitness in a pastor's life? Last year, I met with some young men reading Al Martins' book on pastoral theology, "The Man of God." Vol 1, where he has two chapters on the subject of the pastor's emotional and physical well-being. How necessary is physical fitness for a pastor or anyone else?   He tells us why it is essential for pastors to maintain a healthy body in these chapters.
4/4/202226 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Sufficiency of Scripture at Home

What does it look like to pattern your family life after the patterns of scripture? Long ago most Christians ignored the word of God for their home life. We learned the ways of the gentiles and our families were out of order - and many did not even know that their family life was a contradiction to the Word of God.
3/28/202216 minutes, 17 seconds
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Love for the Church

Do you love the Church like Christ loves the church? Do you have the mind of Christ for His Church? Do you feel as He does? Do you treat the church as Christ is treating her?
3/21/202214 minutes, 26 seconds
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How do you Handle Conflict in Your Marriage?

God is kind to show us in His Word how to handle everything - including the conflict in our marriages. God’s ways are pleasant ways… as we will show you.
3/14/202217 minutes, 2 seconds
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Is the Church the Center of Your Life?

The pattern of the people in the early church was that they “steadfastly devoted themselves to the apostle's doctrine, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayers. Is this your pattern? We want everyone to see the beauty and functionality of the church, and for those who are not, they would see what they are missing.
3/7/202217 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Restore the Person Caught in Pornography

Two things: How should church leaders respond when a person is caught in pornography? And what about family shepherds - fathers, mothers, and single parents? How should they respond? What principles should be followed when someone has been caught in pornography? How should they be treated? What kinds of disciplines are most appropriate? What should be expected of that person?
2/28/202223 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Greatest Defense against Pornography

What is the greatest defense against pornography? How can a person protect himself from the vulnerability? What do we need to be strong?
2/21/202224 minutes, 6 seconds
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Killing the Dragon

How do you escape pornography or any sexual addiction? The Bible tells us that there are multiple ways of escape. What are they? How do you put them in place?
2/14/202225 minutes, 23 seconds
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Facing Reality

How serious is it when I look at pornography? When do we consider impurity? What does the Bible say? Not only is pornography a false teacher that will make you a failure at love and teach you to be a taker, not a giver, but there are also even more staggering consequences. This is a warning.
2/7/202225 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Secret of a Happy Home

Everyone wants a happy home. But what does God say about it? In Psalm 128, we find practical wisdom for having happy families. God desires families.
1/31/202216 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Holy Spirit in Your Life

What does the person and work of the Holy Spirit look like in the life of the believer, in the family, and the church? In this podcast, we discuss the filling of the Holy Spirit in church and family life.
1/24/202227 minutes, 44 seconds
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Do You Know God?

What does it look like to know God? We invite you to our conference on Knowing God, where we will examine living illustrations for what it looks like in the lives of men and women of the Bible. Our speakers focus on various personalities in the Bible and how God's incommunicable and communicable attributes impacted them. "…but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits." (Daniel 11:32)Learn more about the Knowing God conference here:
1/17/20227 minutes, 10 seconds
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Shepherding Through Harsh Lockdown

In this podcast, we interview two pastors in New Zealand who are preaching and praying and shepherding their flocks through the long nights of the New Zealand lockdowns, which are some of the harshest in the world.
1/10/202229 minutes, 56 seconds
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Hug your Honey

My dad was famous for telling lots of other men and me, "Hug Your Honey." What did he mean? Why did he say it? And, why you should do the same as a husband or a wife.
1/3/202217 minutes, 36 seconds
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How to Read the Bible Next Year

Join us as we show you how to read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation next year, using the "Journey Through the Bible" method of Church and Family Life. Visit for more information.
12/27/202115 minutes, 52 seconds
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Don't Mess with the Children

How important are children? How should we demonstrate their importance? Join us as we discuss Jesus' view of children and the implications for the 21st century.
12/20/202123 minutes, 8 seconds
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How Home Life is a Little Piece of Heaven

Is your family life a little piece of heaven? What is the aroma of your home? Well, sometimes, it is not exactly heavenly. But how can you inflect your family heavenward? In this podcast, we talk about the sacred design for a family. Of course, the devil is continually working to spoil it. But it does not have to be spoiled.
12/13/202115 minutes, 26 seconds
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Orderliness in the Home

Is your family life orderly or disorderly? Do you have a frenetic and variable schedule? Is your life characterized by the disorder of irregular sleeping habits and mealtimes? Are you able to keep a rhythm to life? Is your house messy? How important is it to have an orderly home, an orderly life, an orderly schedule? Scott and Jason work through various passages of scripture that speak to the matter of orderliness in your home life.
12/6/202125 minutes, 38 seconds
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Campus Ministry

Co-hosts Jason and Scott have witnessed firsthand the wonderful college campus ministries that Antioch Baptist Church and pastor Malamulo Chindongo have in Blantyre, Malawi. For over a decade, Mala has conducted purposeful, consistent student ministries, and we have much to learn from him. In this conversation, Mala tells us how they do it, giving us a look under the hood of this ministry.
11/29/202124 minutes, 23 seconds
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Lessons Learned

In February of 2021, pastor James Coates was arrested and jailed for conducting worship services in his church in Alberta, Canada. In this podcast, he explains what he learned from the experience.
11/22/202124 minutes, 24 seconds
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Pro-Life if Not Enough

Bradley Pierce and Phil George have focused significant energy on the effort to abolish abortion in Texas. In this podcast, they explain why they think abolition must be preferred above incremental measures.
11/15/202132 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Desert Island Challenge - The Key to a True Reformation

When a pastor’s convictions change and grow, what happens in the church he serves? This is part of Carlton McLeod’s story, and the remarkable trajectory of reformation in his church in Chesapeake, VA. In this podcast, Carlton tells the story of his own changing understandings of the church and how he continues to lead his church through progressive sanctification by the Word of God.
11/8/202125 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Mark of the Beast

What is the mark of the beast? The truth is that no one knows exactly what this will look like, or if it is even a physical mark (remember, Revelation largely uses figurative language).  In today’s discussion, we start off talking through what people have believed was the mark of the beast. Then we define that mark as the mark of the world. We are identified by what we believe and do, where we allow our affections to run. If the mark of the beast is the mark of the world, then how it appears in our lives is going to be running with, pleasing, and falling into the ways of the world.  For the final word, we turn to a sermon preached a few years ago by Richard Owen Roberts: Twelve Marks of Spiritual Death, from Ephesians 2:1-3.
11/1/202126 minutes, 58 seconds
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Covid by the Numbers- A Data Analysis look at the COVID Stats

Drew Davis, a data analyst for a large pharmaceutical company, joins the podcast to discuss Covid by the numbers. When his company demanded that he get a Covid vaccine, he engaged in an aggressive pattern of research to understand the numbers as published by mainstream information outlets like the CDC and others from the mainstream medical community. In the process, he uncovered fascinating perspectives which he shares with us today. You can access the PowerPoint slides shown during the podcast here.Access the COVID19 Response Analysis Dashboard here.Why Build This Dashboard? - This dashboard aims to highlight key data that is being underreported by our media and our leaders related to our COVID-19 response. This dashboard was not designed to help you make health decisions or make light of the impact that COVID-19 has had on many people. This dashboard does not highlight the many risks of COVID-19 as there are many sources for that information. Instead, this dashboard will shed light on the inconvenient truths our country is overlooking relating to the negative impacts of masking, shutdowns, and possibly the COVID-19 vaccines.
10/25/202133 minutes, 36 seconds
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A Christian’s Duty Under Ungodly Rulers

In this final chapter of When to Disobey Viret urges Christians to be patient under tyrannical regimes. Viret cites several examples we can look to in Scripture in Jeremiah, Esther, and Mordecai. Viret also uses Jeremiah 29 to demonstrate that Christians ought not to respond to tyranny in sullenness, pride, and rebellion, but rather in productivity and fruit-bearing. When difficult times come, it is the easy thing to sit in a corner and complain, to allow conversations with friends to be dominated by objections and fretfulness, to take up your pen (or phone) and rail against the oppressors. Viret urges all of us to rise up, take dominion, and be a blessing.
10/18/202125 minutes, 19 seconds
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Why God Sends Tyrants to His People

When persecution comes, Viret wants us to examine ourselves. In chapter 14 of When to Disobey, He urges us to examine how we have loved one another (or not loved one another) and how we may have sinned against one another. The reality is that God sends trouble to those who have departed from His ways. When we are being treated poorly, we ought to think about how we have treated our neighbors and our brethren before pointing fingers at the world.
10/11/202121 minutes, 5 seconds
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True Obedience to Magistrates: Examples from Scripture - When to Disobey Discussion Series Chapter 13

In our discussion of Chapter 13 of When to Disobey, we encounter four heroes of the faith who are worth emulating. The Bible is full of heroes who would not obey government mandates – perhaps surprisingly, Scripture does not just tolerate these figures, it praises them. First, we encounter the Hebrew midwives in Exodus 1. Second, we see the Egyptian taskmasters who were also Israelites who obeyed God by not abusing their workers. Our third example is Rahab in Joshua 2 and 6.  Our last stop is I Samuel, examining Jonathan before his father, King Saul.
10/4/202125 minutes, 58 seconds
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Guarding Kids Against Worldly Ideologies

Join us as we discuss the matter of guarding kids against worldly ideologies and lifestyles. In today’s episode, we cover a range of subjects that parents need to pay attention to in the growing of the affections of their children, what they expose them to, how they expose them to different cultural influences, and the end goal of it all.
9/27/202123 minutes, 49 seconds
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In Praise of Plodders

Missionary William Carey called himself a “plodder”. In the twentieth century, Warren Weirsbe wrote a book called In Praise of Plodders. We are here to talk about the virtue in plodding through life (in other words, replacing a desire for heroism by doing what you are supposed to do as part of a rhythm of life, without  “freneticism”). The core question: Are you frenetically productive or calmly productive? Join me, Jason Dohm, and Kris Bains as we discuss this important matter.
9/20/202123 minutes, 40 seconds
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Can you Lie to Save People’s Lives?

When can a Christian lie? Can he lie to protect people as Rahab did? We are here to discuss this issue in the book When to Disobey, Case Studies in Tyranny, Insurrection, and Obedience to God, written by Pierre Viret. Today we are discussing Chapter 12: Truth, Tyrants, and our Responsibility Before God. This is a fascinating chapter about lying for a good cause, including Viret’s commentary on the ninth commandment, thou shalt not bear false witness.
9/13/202128 minutes, 33 seconds
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Your Family as A Mighty Force in the World

What is the significance of family life? How is family life diminished in the modern world? What is the true impact of a family on the world? Join Scott Brown, Jason Dohm, and Jared Longshore as we explain the power of a family – your family – in the world.
9/6/202124 minutes, 49 seconds
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Kris Baines Testimony

Hear Kris Baines, Church and Family Life Regional Facilitator for Australia and New Zealand, tell the story of his conversion as a young person involved in the music industry. It is a story of God’s patience and kindness, rescuing him from the clutches of the enemy of his soul. Follow him from the UK to the US, to the UK, to the US, and to New Zealand to the present.
8/30/202124 minutes, 15 seconds
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When Pastors Get Arrested

For the first time, pastors in North America wonder how things will develop in view of the arrest and incarceration of Canadian pastors. How should we view it when we are jailed on false charges (or true charges)? How should we conduct ourselves? What should we expect? Join us as we speak with Paul Thompson from Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls, Idaho, who was arrested and jailed for 17 days under false accusations.
8/23/202128 minutes, 14 seconds
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Husbands Lead Your Wives

We are here today to encourage husbands to lead their families. We know that the most common complaint wives make about their husbands is that they are not leading in the home. We also know that God gave husbands a hard job. They must lead their wives and children in very particular, highly defined ways. So, we hope this podcast will be an encouragement to them as they face the challenge.
8/16/202126 minutes, 40 seconds
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How Should We Worship God?

On this podcast, Paul White joins us to discuss Chapter 22 in the Baptist Confession of 1689, "Of Religious Worship and the Sabbath Day." There are eight paragraphs in the chapter that explain the worship of God. Consider as a companion getting the booklet, "Counterfeit worship, Three Essays on the inventions of man in the Worship of God." In this booklet, we find the reformers' doctrine, which was embraced by the Puritans who penned the 1689 confession. In that book, we read John Knox, "All worshipping, honouring or service invented by the brain of man in the religion of God, without His own express commandment, is idolatry. The Mass is invented by the brain of man, without any commandment of God; therefore is idolatry."
8/9/202130 minutes, 6 seconds
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Using the Civil Magistrate for Good

In Chapter 11 of “When to Disobey,” Pierre Viret shows how a Christian appeals to the magistrate, how he seeks protection while at the same time serving God. He frames the discussion in this way; “If you are in a country in which someone does you an injury, you can have recourse to the magistrate of the place if the matter is worthy of it and if it requires it, and if you can do this by honest means without dishonoring God and without violating the love you owe to your neighbor.”
8/2/202123 minutes, 27 seconds
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How the Meek will Vanquish Wolves

Join us with Brian Borgman to discuss chapter 10 in “When to Disobey,” under the chapter title, “How the Sheep will Vanquish Wolves.” Viret tells us things that are contrary to human wisdom. He unveils a lie we often embrace when dealing with corrupt civil governments.
7/26/202122 minutes, 56 seconds
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Should We Overthrow The Government?

Join us with Phil Kayser to discuss chapter 9 of Pierre Viret, “When to Disobey.” Titled, “Jurisdictions and callings are ordained by God. Viret addresses the various callings of individuals, pastors, and magistrates. What should individuals do? In this chapter, Viret corrects some of the wrong thinking that he is encountering.
7/19/202128 minutes, 12 seconds
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When Magistrates Misbehave

How should the church respond when magistrates misbehave? Gavin Beers joins us to discuss Chapter 6 of, “When to Disobey,” Viret makes his case that we ought to understand the office of the magistrate, acknowledge the problems they bring, and how to navigate. Viret is defining and defending the role of civil magistrates. He makes an appeal for godly responses to the civil magistrate. I appreciate how Viret explains the problems that Christians will have with magistrates. Viret explains in careful detail what kinds of sins the people of God will have to endure at their hands.
7/12/202125 minutes, 43 seconds
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Honoring Authority Over Us

In our continuing discussion of, the book, "When to Disobey,” we are joined by Toby Logston a pastor of one of the churches in our network in Lynwood Washington. We are discussing chapter 5, “Honoring Authority Over Us.” Viret makes a very strong case for honoring authorities. He bases this on the fifth commandment, telling us that the application is much broader than simply father and mother. We live in a time when very few people were brought up to honor their fathers and mothers, and therefore they don’t honor anyone.
7/5/202125 minutes, 25 seconds
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When Obedience to the State is a Cloak for Compromise "When to Disobey"  Chapter 8

How can you tell if your obedience to the government is really a cloak for disobedience to God? Our discussion centers around Pierre Viret's analysis of the questions we ought to ask and the conclusions we ought to consider. Our discussion focuses on Chapter 8 of "When to Disobey."
6/28/202126 minutes, 33 seconds
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Kevin Swanson's Life Story

Kevin Swanson, pastor at Reformation Church in Elizabeth, Colorado, and founder of Generations, shares the Lord's work in his life since he was a child.
6/21/202121 minutes, 34 seconds
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Christians the Best Subjects, "When to Disobey" Chapter 2

What does it mean that Christians are the best citizens? Our discussion centers around Pierre Viret's explanation of why Christians are and must be the best subjects under civil governments.
6/14/202125 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Centrality of Local Church Life

In this podcast, we discuss the importance of local church life for families.
6/7/202121 minutes, 1 second
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Tom Ascol's Life Story

Tom Ascol, the pastor at Grace Baptist in Cape Coral, Florida, and President of Founders Ministries tells the story of his life and the power of the Gospel to rescue him.
5/31/202125 minutes, 16 seconds
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When the Government Shuts Down your Church: Honor and Disobedience Discussion of "When to Disobey" Chapter 7

What should do when the government shuts off access to their churches? What should they do if their properties are confiscated? Our discussion centers around Pierre Viret's advice to pastors who have found themselves in this predicament.
5/24/202127 minutes, 19 seconds
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Confronting Prosperity Gospel Preachers

Steve Hopkins, the pastor of Burnet Bible Church, has had a long history of confronting prosperity gospel personalities. In this podcast, we identify some of the problems with the prosperity gospel in the context of Steves's personal encounters.
5/17/202131 minutes, 19 seconds
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Warning about Insurrection and Rebellion, "When to Disobey" Chapters 3-4

What are the principles and commands of God that guide our thoughts about insurrection against tyrannical governments? Our discussion surrounds Pierre Viret's counsel to churches tempted to rise up in the face of harsh tyrants.
5/10/202142 minutes, 7 seconds
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Power of the Gospel in a Broken Family

Hear Josh Buice tell his life story. It is a story of a broken family and the power of the Gospel that changes everything.
5/3/202131 minutes, 9 seconds
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What kind of Government is the Most Biblical?

In this podcast, Jason Dohm, Gavin Beers, and I discuss the first chapter of Pierre Viret’s “When to Disobey, Case Studies in Tyranny, Insurrection, and Obedience to God. In this chapter, Viret explains three forms of government, analyzing the positives and negatives of each and establishes a principle upon which all governments should be judged. We will ship the book to you for a donation of any amount. Click here to get your book. Also, don’t forget to get the study guide for this book. Click here.Get "When to Disobey" for a donation of any amount here.Get the companion Study Guide for just $4.95 here.
4/26/202126 minutes, 57 seconds
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What Will You Do About Your Sin?

Hear the story of the conversion of an argumentative Zoroastrianism. Pooyan Mershahi grew up as a faithful law-abiding, proud argumentative Zoroastrianism. What was it that humbled him and brought Him to follow Jesus Christ?
4/19/202126 minutes, 56 seconds
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Love is Not All You Need

Sam Waldron joins us to discuss one of the critical maladies afflicting the church today. It is a matter that is addressed in the Baptist Confession of 1689 regarding the nature of the universal church verses and the local church. A misunderstanding of these two doctrines has important implications.
4/12/202126 minutes, 24 seconds
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Giving Thanks for Government Intrusion

Jason Dohm and Pooyan Mershahi discuss the blessings of the past year. They explain, giving thanks to the Lord for difficulties that caused many blessings to fall on the churches.
4/4/202129 minutes, 6 seconds
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The State of the Church

The integrity of church practices has been challenged as a result of the Covid 19 lockdowns and restrictions. We have Kyle Reeder, with us, pastor of Solid Rock Baptist Church in Benton, Ky to discuss the health of the church. How does a church remain faithful in times like these? What is the state of the church as a result?
3/29/202127 minutes, 38 seconds
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Help Kids Deal with Scary News Stories

Kevin Swanson is a man about the news… he reports the news daily. The news has been pretty disturbing over the past year so. How should parents talk about the news to their children? How can parents make the most of whats happening in the world to prepare them for living in the world. What mistakes can they make?
3/22/202128 minutes, 25 seconds
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Buddy, You Just Been Born Again

Paul Washer tells the story of his life and the time of his conversion. This is a story of many mercies of God converging upon a soul until finally, everything changed - in an instant. You never know how or when the Lord will capture a sinner. But when it happened to Paul, it was unexpected, he knew it and so did everyone else.
3/15/202129 minutes, 15 seconds
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Dealing with COVID Divisions

Christians are bound to disagree about debatable matters. What matters, however, is not That they disagree, but HOW they treat one another in working through their disagreements. In this podcast, Jason and Scott dialog with Malamuolo Chindongo, in Blantyre Malawi to discuss this global problem. Col 3:12-18 is a helpful sanity check.
3/8/202130 minutes, 31 seconds
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Works Without Faith is Dead - The Testimony of Anthony Mathenia

This is a story of a childhood profession, works of righteousness, and the merciful intrusions of the grace of God. Anthony describes his life as a boy who never missed church, was faithful in scripture memory, and a state champion bible drill winner. He had works but no faith. Then God cornered him through preaching. Everything changed.
3/1/202127 minutes, 20 seconds
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Singing with My Mom in Church

This is a story of a boy against all odds. Carlton tells the story of his life and how the Lord used simple things along the way to open his heart to the Lord. It is remarkable to see the simple influence of a mother and her simple faith and the simple things that happen in churches.
2/22/202125 minutes, 29 seconds
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A Persecuted Church

This broadcast is dedicated to spreading the Gospel in Hostile Regions. Our guest, Paul Carrington, is a missionary in a land hostile to Christianity. How should we think of ministry in places like this? What is the history of the persecution of the church where Paul is ministering?
2/15/202130 minutes, 26 seconds
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What’s Up With Family Integrated Churches

Over the past 20 years, there has been a significant movement against the church's radical age segregation. Churches worldwide have changed how they function with children's church, youth groups, and children welcomed in the main Sunday morning services. In this broadcast, we are discussing the ins and outs of the challenge of age-integrated churches.
2/8/202130 minutes, 48 seconds
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A Skinhead Gave Me a Bible

The story of Clarence Simmon’s life makes it clear that Jesus came to seek and save the lost. Clarence shares how one mercy after another kept coming to a boy and then finally a man in jail. Oddly, during his first moments in jail, a skinhead gave him a Bible. But this was just one event that connected many events along the way of his life where it was plain that the Lord was pursuing him. Then, he became a free man in prison. Clarence is now the father of eight children, a pastor at Mount Zion Baptist Church, and works at Chapel Library, distributing Christian literature all over the world.
2/1/202130 minutes, 51 seconds
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What to Tell Your Kids about Homeschooling

Homeschooling has finally become a normal fixture of American life. But does the younger generation understand how and why it happened? Do they understand the Biblical basis for such a thing? Join Jason Dohm and me as we talk about this important issue. What Biblical truth do we need to communicate to the younger generation about homeschooling?
1/24/202113 minutes, 4 seconds
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A History of Grace

The life story of Steve and Sandra Hopkins is a story of grace. Hear the contours of God’s grace through the years in the Hopkins family. Grace is powerful enough to lift the most broken. God is kind to those who have been entrapped and He rescues them.
1/18/202133 minutes, 13 seconds
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Rules for Radicals

Right before our eyes, the atheistic revolutionaries are making significant headway. How are they doing it? What are their techniques? Our guest, Curtis Bowers has spent the last few decades studying the answers to these questions. On this broadcast Curtis Bowers, producer of, “Agenda: Grinding America Down and AGENDA 2: Masters of Deceit will explain what techniques the left is implementing in order to deconstruct society and remake it after their image.
1/11/202126 minutes, 46 seconds
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This Story is Not Over

John Snyder tells his life story. He grew up as a rebellious self-centered teenager… whose shame finally drove him to his knees. His story brings a message of hope for parents of children who are not walking with the Lord, identifying the good things his parents did as he was going through his seasons of rebellion.
1/4/202124 minutes, 52 seconds
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What Should Prayer in the Family and the Church Look Like?

Prayer and prayer meetings in the local church. We will discuss the pivotal role of corporate prayer meetings in the local church. We will also discuss the importance of children being exposed to corporate prayer meetings and what their participation should look like.
12/28/202033 minutes, 55 seconds
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Abortion Resistance Movement

Bradley Pierce and Phil George have been part of the abortion resistance movement in their state of Texas. They have been educating and litigating for the sake of breaking the cycle of murder. On this broadcast, they will give us a view of the state of the battle as well as guide us on how to engage this battle in our own states.
12/21/202034 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Family at Church

On this broadcast, we discuss the books we have written on the family at church. We will encourage families to understand the importance of the local church, and how each of our books can assist families to engage local church life to the fullest.
12/14/202026 minutes, 1 second
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Marxist Uprising

Curtis Bowers has spent the past two decades warning Americans about the rising Marxist revolution. On this broadcast, Curtis will give us an update and help us understand what we ought to teach our children. Like never before, Marxist revolutionaries have taken to the streets. They took over Hollywood and the classrooms many years ago. Now their ideas are now mainstreamed, livestreamed on mainstreet. Many in the younger generation have absorbed their philosophies. How do we resist this movement? How do we raise a generation which can uphold biblical truth?
12/7/202028 minutes, 38 seconds
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How Your Family Can Love the Church

How A Confessional understanding of the Church - In this interview, we will examine portions of the 1689 London Baptist Confession to glean wisdom for family life in the local church.
11/30/202028 minutes, 38 seconds
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What Your Children Need to Know about the Social Justice Movement

Join us as we talk to Josh Buice about what parents need to teach their children regarding the growing woke culture that is upon us. Over the past decade secular philosophies of "social justice” have infiltrated our churches. How did this happen? Where did it come from? What does it look like in churches? What kind of terminology should we look out for? Who is promoting it? What critical matters should parents teach their children about this kind of thinking?
11/23/202027 minutes, 23 seconds
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Families that Prioritize the Local Church

In this interview, we discuss the impact of the local church on family life. Drawing from decades of watching families, Scott, Jason, and Kevin have specific advice for families regarding their local church involvement.
11/16/202031 minutes, 43 seconds
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Preparing Children to Face the Climate Revolutionaries

This session will focus on bringing up children in the training and admonition of the Lord in terms of the Christian view of nature and man. We will examine what Christian parents need to teach their children in order to prepare them to face a world of climate revolutionaries. What issues should parents focus on? What scripture do they need to teach? What terminology should parents expose their children to and how it relates to biblical language on the issues. What scientific facts are important to the discussion.
11/9/202042 minutes, 21 seconds
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Dr. Steven Lawson on Preaching to Children and Children Listening

Because of the pivotal nature of preaching in the church and the impact on the rising generation we have two back to back broadcasts on the role of preaching to families in the local church setting. Last week we interviewed Paul Washer. In this session, Dr. Steven Lawson instructs both parents and children on how to best get the most out of preaching.
11/2/202035 minutes, 43 seconds
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Paul Washer on Preaching to Children and and Children Listening

Because of the pivotal nature of preaching in the church and the impact on the rising generation we have two back to back broadcasts on the role of preaching to families in the local church setting. In this session, Paul Washer instructs both parents and children on how to best get the most out of preaching. In the next episode of the Church and Family Life Podcast, we will be talking to Dr. Steven Lawson about the same subject. 
10/26/202036 minutes, 8 seconds
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Medical Tyranny Pt 2 - Dangerous Usurpations

Our discussion with Attorney, Don Hart and Medical Doctor, Dr. Tom Kendall, will examine various particular jurisdictional usurpations in family health care. What are the danger zones upon us now in our culture? What can we do about particular threats regarding vaccine mandates, government control over childbirth, and education?
10/19/202045 minutes, 18 seconds
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Medical Tyranny Pt 1 - Violating Jurisdictional Boundaries

Our discussion with Attorney, Don Hart and Medical Doctor, Dr. Tom Kendall will focus on the jurisdictional matters of family life in medical decisions. Over the past few decades, we have seen increasing involvement in the government in health care. How should Christians think and respond to these trends? How should they think about jurisdictional overreach? What are Biblical jurisdictional boundaries? How are they violated?
10/12/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 16 seconds