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Church Militant Feed for The Download

English, Religion, 1 season, 194 episodes
The Download Podcast Feed
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Conquering Sin and Practicing Virtue: Pointers for Fellow Catholics

In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Christine Niles and Trey Brock discuss practical tips to help Catholics change their habits and grow closer to God. They particularly focus on ways to grow in moral virtue, breaking the bonds of habitual sin.
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Perpetual Adoration Has Arrived in New York City

In this episode of The Download, reporter Dr. William Mahoney talks with hosts Simon Rafe, Bradley Eli and Christine Niles about a eucharistic adoration chapel in Manhattan. The hosts discuss the origins of perpetual adoration and the importance of worshiping Our Eucharistic Lord in a spirit of reverence.
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Jen Psaki Argues Americans Aren't Pro-Life

In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Trey Brock and Bradley Eli react to recent comments on abortion policy by Jen Psaki, former White House press secretary. They discuss the many disappointments for pro-lifers in recent months. They also discuss potential signs for hope and paths to long-term victory over the Culture of Death.
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These Feasts Show Us How to Suffer Well

Today is the feast of the Triumph of the Holy Cross, while tomorrow is the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. In today's episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Alex Karzon and Bradley Eli discuss the history and spirituality of these two liturgical feasts. Seven Sorrows Chaplet
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Exploring the Life and Legacy of St. Robert Bellarmine

Saint Robert Bellarmine was a Jesuit cardinal who wrote extensively about theology and spirituality. He is considered a key figure in the Counter-Reformation, as he argued at length against Protestant errors and defended Catholic beliefs related to such crucial topics as the priesthood and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Christine Niles and Trey Brock discuss the life and times of Bellarmine, including his connection to Galileo Galilei.
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Here's What the Pope Said at Bill Clinton's Event

Pope Francis spoke Sept. 18 at the Clinton Global Initiative's 2023 meeting. He discussed the Vatican's children's hospital, as well as climate change, war and migration. He also briefly emphasized "personal conversion" as an important first step before fixing the world's problems. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Trey Brock and Alex Karzon react to the pontiff's comments.
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Fr. Martin's New Book & Matthew's Gospel

In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Christine Niles and Trey Brock take a look at the pro-LGBT messaging in Fr. James Martin's latest book, Come Forth: The Promise of Jesus's Greatest Miracle. They also discuss the saint of the day, St. Matthew the Evangelist.
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Catholics Protest When Fr. Martin Comes to Town

In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Trey Brock and Bradley Eli discuss the pro-gay messaging coming from Jesuit celebrity priest Fr. James Martin. They also talk with National Resistance Coordinator Alex Karzon about how members of Church Militant Resistance prayed and protested outside a parish that recently hosted a talk by Fr. Martin.
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Padre Pio Relics on Display in San Francisco

Relics are an important part of Catholic devotional life. In this episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Bradley Eli take a look at relics. Reporter Dr. William Mahoney joins them to discuss relics of St. Pio that are being displayed as part of a festival at a shrine in San Francisco. Rafe also highlights a local shrine displaying relics in Michigan.
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The Love of God: More Important Than Anything Else

In this episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Bradley Eli talk about the virtue of charity, showing how it involves primarily loving God above all things and also loving one's neighbor as oneself.
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The Old Testament Is Fulfilled in the New

In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli and Trey Brock are joined by special guest Chris Plance to discuss approaches to reading the Bible.
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Marriage and Children: Two Keys to Happiness

In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Trey Brock and Bradley Eli talk about a recent analysis of data showing people who are married and have children are statistically more likely to call themselves "very happy."
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Hidden Names: Fallout From Maryland Abuse Report

Recently, the Maryland Attorney General's Office released an updated version of a report on child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. The new version of the report has fewer redactions, but several names remain hidden — including the names of five officials accused of covering up abuse. What's strange is that the names of those five officials — four monsignors and an auxiliary bishop — have already been exposed by local media. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Trey Brock and Alex Karzon take a look at the Maryland abuse report. They also discuss why bishops should deny Holy Communion to Joe Biden, as well as what members of the laity can do about the lack of reverence for Our Eucharistic Lord.
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God's Ultimate Warrior

On today's episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Kyle Kopy and Trey Brock discuss the strength and greatness of the warrior-angel and how devotion to the angels is essential. St. Michael Special Items
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Vandalism & Death: Ongoing Plight of Christians in Artsakh

In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Trey Brock and Bradley Eli discuss the plight of Armenian Christians living in a war-torn region known as Artsakh. Special guest Raymond Ibrahim provides the latest on the suffering of Christians in the region.
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Don't Lose Your Cool Amid Synodal Confusion

In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Christine Niles and Trey Brock discuss some of the controversies unfolding in the buildup to synodal proceedings in Rome.
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Pope's New Doc on Climate Change, Green Agenda

The pope released a new document today titled Laudate Deum. The apostolic exhortation reiterates Pope Francis' concerns about climate change. In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Trey Brock and Bradley Eli take a look at the document. They voice concerns about Church leaders' support for climate initiatives while also noting the pope's rightful rebuke of population control.
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Catholic College Students Favor the Democrats

Professor and Baptist pastor Ryan Burge recently analyzed data about sexuality and politics among college students, particularly in connection to students' religious affiliation. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Christine Niles and Trey Brock react to Burge's findings and discuss the tough situation for young Catholics on college campuses.
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Winning Every Battle With the Rosary, Our Lady's Gift

Tomorrow — Oct. 7 — is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. It commemorates a military victory in 1571 in which a Christian fleet drove back the Turks. Among the weapons the Christian soldiers and sailors had at their disposal was the spiritual weapon of the Most Holy Rosary. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Christine Niles and Alex Karzon discuss the origin of the feast and the power of the Rosary.
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This Congressman Wants the Pope to Be Bold Against China

Rep. Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., recently wrote a piece for the Washington Post calling for the pope to stand up against communist China. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Christine Niles and Trey Brock are joined by Dr. William Mahoney to discuss the plight of Catholics living under communist domination. They also talk about how Cdl. Joseph Zen recently voiced concerns about the Synod on Synodality.
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Why Do Leftists Cry Wolf When Schools Remove Dirty Books?

Last week — Oct. 1–7 — was Banned Books Week. Left-wing groups used the occasion to complain about parents pushing for the removal of inappropriate books from public schools' libraries. In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Bradley Eli and Dr. William Mahoney discuss the idea of blocking lewd content from getting into the hands of children.
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Survey: 60% of Catholics Call Themselves 'Religious and Spiritual'

A recent study found 60% of Catholics call themselves "religious and spiritual." This may seem strange, considering other studies have found only about 1 in 5 Catholics bother to go to Mass on Sundays. Why would a large number of Catholics call themselves "religious and spiritual" when so few of them even come close to practicing the Faith? In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Christine Niles and Alex Karzon dive into data about the beliefs and practices of Catholics in the United States — as well as some data from other countries.
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A Prayerful Response to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Today is the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima, Portugal. In this episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Bradley Eli discuss what Our Lady's messages at Fatima have to say about the conflict happening in the Holy Land.
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This Bishop Calls for Welcoming 'Sexual and Gender Minorities'

In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Christine Niles and Trey Brock discuss a recent document put out by Bp. Thomas Zinkula of the diocese of Davenport, Iowa. (Later this month, Bp. Zinkula will be installed as archbishop of Dubuque, Iowa.) The document offers five guidelines for welcoming "sexual and gender minorities." The hosts respond to the bishop's document and discuss the dangers of LGBT ideology.
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Seven Main Ways to Damage Your Soul

Christians, particularly Catholics, often talk about the seven deadly sins, also called the seven capital sins — lust, gluttony, greed (or avarice), sloth (or acedia), wrath (or anger), envy and pride. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Christine Niles and Kyle Kopy take a look at these seven kinds of sin. They also discuss how these sins are contrary to certain virtues and the remedies for those who might struggle with these sins.
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Pope Francis' New Document Celebrates St. Thérèse of Lisieux

On Sunday, Pope Francis released an apostolic exhortation about St. Thérèse of Lisieux, a Carmelite nun and Doctor of the Church. Catholics around the world love St. Thérèse, cherish her spiritual writings and invoke her intercession. She's known for an approach to spirituality referred to as the little way. In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Alex Karzon and Bradley Eli take a look at the life and writings of St. Thérèse.
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Christians Are Suffering in the Holy Land

Warfare continues between Israeli forces and Hamas. Reporting on conflicts in the Middle East often focuses on tensions between Jews and Muslims. Christian communities in the region are often overlooked and forgotten by the media. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Christine Niles and Alex Karzon discuss the experiences of Christians in the Middle East, particularly in the Holy Land.
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Notre Dame's President Is Stepping Down

Father John Jenkins, a priest in the Congregation of Holy Cross, is president of the University of Notre Dame. The university recently announced he is resigning. In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Kyle Kopy and Bradley Eli discuss how his leadership has impacted the university's Catholic identity. They also discuss how the university began drifting away from its Catholicity decades before Fr. Jenkins took the helm.
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Economic Hardships Are Still With Us: Bad for Families

In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Alex Karzon and Bradley Eli discuss economic difficulties and how they're impacting ordinary people around the country.
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Cross-Dressing Christian Musician Faces Massive Backlash

An artist on the contemporary Christian music scene, Derek Webb, faced pushback from Christian music fans after posting on social media a photo of himself wearing a dress. He also posted a photo of himself posing with a drag queen. That drag queen, Flamy Grant, has likewise put out music considered contemporary Christian. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Trey Brock and Christine Niles discuss Christianity, the music industry, Gregorian chant and Catholic liturgy.
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Here's What You Should Know About St. Anthony Mary Claret

Today, Oct. 24, is the Feast of St. Anthony Mary Claret. In the old calendar, his feast was yesterday, Oct. 23. He did extensive mission work in Spain, the Canary Islands and even Cuba. In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Trey Brock and Bradley Eli take a look at the life and legacy of the day's honored saint.
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New Lawsuit Accuses Tech Giant of Manipulating Children

A bipartisan coalition of attorneys general recently filed a federal lawsuit accusing Meta — the company behind Facebook and Instagram — of taking advantage of children. The suit alleges algorithms and other features on the platforms were designed to get teenagers addicted. It also claims the tech giant illegally gathered data about minors. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Trey Brock and Christine Niles discuss the lawsuit, as well as social media censorship, pornography addiction and online safety.
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Get the Updated Version of This Wonderful Church History Book

In this episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Bradley Eli discuss the importance of studying Catholic history. They also talk about the new edition of Triumph: the Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church. Years ago, Michael Voris did a series of video lectures based on the previous edition of the book. Those videos are available on the site for Premium subscribers. Furthermore, DVDs of the talks can be purchased from our store. Show note: one of the hosts mistakenly says the Battle of Lepanto occurred in 1517. He meant to say 1571.
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Young Author Feels Marginalized by Scholastic's Recent Move

Amanda Gorman, 25, is a poet and author. She's also Catholic. She famously was the inaugural poet at Joe Biden's Inauguration Day in 2021. On Oct. 19, she posted a video on social media saying she's upset by a recent decision made by Scholastic — a publishing company that often holds book fairs in American schools. In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Alex Karzon and Bradley Eli discuss the controversy about Scholastic giving schools and educators a way to opt out of featuring children's books involving topics like race and sexuality. The company announced the policy in a statement dated Oct. 13. Then, in a reversal dated Oct. 25, Scholastic appeared to say it will look for a different approach to be implemented in January.
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Online Censorship: Challenging the Status Quo

In this episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Bradley Eli and Christine Niles discuss freedom of speech and censorship. They also talk about how Church Militant's app is a way to get Catholic news and analysis straight from the source.
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Catholic Halloween: the Horror Genre & the Four Last Things

Is it acceptable for Catholics to take an interest in Halloween and horror stories? Halloween is a day that contemporary culture associates with ghosts, the paranormal and all things horror, but it has Christian roots as the vigil of All Saints' Day. Horror stories, meanwhile, have a long history going back to ancient times. Can spooky stories be used to teach moral lessons? In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Trey Brock and Alex Karzon discuss horror stories, exorcism, the Four Last Things and the dangers of the occult. Click here to buy: The Four Last Things.
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A Few Ways for Catholics to Pray for Souls in Purgatory

Today, Nov. 2, is All Souls' Day. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Kyle Kopy and Christine Niles discuss the importance of praying for the holy souls in Purgatory. They also talk about the importance of being mindful of your own death.
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All Saints' Day: Looking at Less Prominent Holy Ones

In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Kyle Kopy and Alex Karzon discuss sainthood. They take a look at the canonization process and some lesser-known souls whose cause for canonization is being considered by Church officials — including Servant of God Fr. John Hardon.
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Big-Name Comedian Says He's Now Catholic

Comedian and actor Rob Schneider recently noted he's a recent convert to Catholicism. In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Rodney Pelletier and Alex Karzon discuss the entertainment industry and Catholicism.
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Parish to Close After Pastor Removed

The Baltimore archdiocese announced Saturday that Masses and sacraments at St. Benedict Church will be discontinued on Nov. 15. This comes after Benedictine Fr. Paschal Morlino — who was the church's pastor for years — settled with a man who accused him of abuse. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Alex Karzon and Christine Niles discuss church closures and abuse scandals — as well as how Catholics can respond to these difficulties. They also talk about the Eucharist and church architecture.
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Unpacking the Abortion Vote in Ohio

On Tuesday, Ohio voters approved a ballot measure to enshrine so-called reproductive rights in the state Constitution. In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Trey Brock and Bradley Eli talk about the vote and its consequences. They are joined by special guest Kate Makra, executive director of Cleveland Right to Life.
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These Could Be Early Indicators for the 2024 Election

In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Joe Enders and Christine Niles look at some recent polls that suggest Donald Trump would stand a pretty good chance against Joe Biden if the two go head to head in 2024. They also consider the implications of some state elections that occurred on Tuesday.
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Some Experts Reject Climate Alarmism

On Tuesday, Church Militant and the Deposit of Faith Coalition hosted a press conference challenging the mainstream narrative about climate change. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and Trey Brock discuss what the three speakers had to say at Tuesday's event. They also talk about some of the early coverage of the event in secular media.
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Retrospective on the Bud Light Controversy

According to a recent report, Anheuser-Busch's head of U.S. marketing is leaving at the end of this year. This comes after many Americans decided to boycott Bud Light, one of the beer giant's products, over a controversy involving "transgender" influencer Dylan Mulvaney. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Trey Brock and Alex Karzon discuss the pros and cons of boycotts.
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Ohio Lawmaker's Proposal Now That Marijuana Is Legal

An Ohio lawmaker recently introduced a measure that would channel some of the tax revenue from marijuana sales into training for law enforcement. Meanwhile, back in September, a different lawmaker introduced a bill to create tax incentives for donations to pro-life pregnancy resource centers. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Trey Brock and Alex Karzon discuss short-term and long-term strategies for Catholics, conservatives and pro-lifers to fight the culture war on the two fronts of abortion and cannabis.
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Every Mass Is a Time for Thanksgiving

Later this week is Thanksgiving Day for Americans. In this episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Bradley Eli and Trey Brock discuss the Catholic connections to Thanksgiving Day. They also talk about the theology of gratitude. Download the Thanksgiving Truth Sheet
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The Vatican Is Calling Out the German Bishops

A few days ago, a letter came to light that was written last month by Cdl. Pietro Parolin, the Vatican's secretary of state. That letter, addressed to a representative of the German bishops' conference, warned that the Church in Germany must not split from the universal Church on matters of faith and morals — in particular, on the issues of homosexuality and the all-male priesthood. In this episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Bradley Eli and Alex Karzon discuss papal authority.
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The End of the World and the Liturgical Year

Advent is just around the corner. This upcoming Sunday will be the first Sunday of Advent. In this episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy and Bradley Eli discuss an assortment of topics — including the readings at Mass this past Sunday, Advent as a preparatory period for Christmas, fasting, penance, death and the end of the world. Prayer books for Advent and Christmas can be found here. To purchase Manual for Conquering Deadly Sin, click here.
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The Crisis in Masculinity: Causes and Solutions for Catholics

In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Trey Brock and Alex Karzon discuss Catholic masculinity. The discussion is prompted in part by two recent articles — one published in The American Conservative and another published by RealClearReligion.
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Franciscans Celebrating an Important Anniversary

Yesterday, Nov. 29, was the 800th anniversary of a papal bull approving the Franciscan Rule. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and Kyle Kopy discuss Franciscan spirituality and the life of St. Francis of Assisi. Click here to buy an Advent and Christmas devotional book. One of the options features wisdom from St. Francis of Assisi.
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Divorce and Its Consequences Are Often Disastrous

We're in the midst of the holiday season. It's a time of joy and cheer, but it can also be a time of stress — particularly for those whose parents are divorced. In this episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Rodney Pelletier and Bradley Eli sit down for a discussion with Leila Miller, author of the book Primal Loss: The Now-Adult Children of Divorce Speak.
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Leaked FBI Memo on Catholics Won't Go Away

This week, FBI Director Christopher Wray appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Some of the GOP senators challenged him over an internal memo, leaked earlier this year, discussing so-called radical traditionalist Catholics. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and Kyle Kopy discuss the fallout from the memo.
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Political Fight in Spain Over Public Rosaries

Video shared online appears to show leftists in Madrid wearing costumes to mock the Blessed Mother, the priesthood and religious life. This is happening as a response to public prayer rallies by faithful Catholics. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Kyle Kopy and Rodney Pelletier discuss Spain's Catholic history and the ongoing situation involving public prayer.
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Celebrating Our Lady's Immaculate Conception

Today, Dec. 8, is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. It is a holy day of obligation. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and Kyle Kopy talk about the four Marian dogmas, Mariology and devotion to the Blessed Mother.
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Italian Bishop Cancels Godparents & Confirmation Sponsors

Bishop Mario Vaccari, head of a small diocese in Tuscany, has temporarily suspended the practice of picking godparents for baptism and a sponsor for confirmation. He expressed concern that the roles were being used for secular purposes, far removed from their profound spiritual meaning. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and David Nussman discuss what it means to be a godparent at a child's baptism or a sponsor at a child's confirmation.
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Climate Activists Vandalize Christmas Trees

Today, environmental activists in Germany vandalized Christmas trees on display in seven cities. It's the latest stunt by climate activists meant to highlight their fears that fossil fuels could lead to irreparable harm to the environment in just the next few years. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and David Nussman discuss climate change, Christmas trees, leftist activism and more.
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Gaudete Sunday Shows the Joy of Christmas Is Near

This Sunday is the third Sunday in Advent — also called Gaudete Sunday. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and Kyle Kopy discuss how Catholics can make these last few days of Advent a spiritually fruitful time of preparation for Christmas.
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Boy in Tennessee Assaulted for Becoming Christian

Recently in Nashville, a juvenile was physically assaulted by members of his own family for becoming a Christian. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and Kyle Kopy discuss violence against Christians and how Catholics can respond to various kinds of persecution. 
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Cardinal Convicted of Financial Crimes

In Vatican City over the weekend, a panel of judges convicted Cdl. Angelo Becciu of financial crimes. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and Kyle Kopy discuss financial problems at the Vatican.
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The Ember Days Begin Tomorrow: a Time for Fasting

Tomorrow (Wednesday, Dec. 20) is one of the Ember Days. The Ember Days are days traditionally set aside for prayer and fasting — on a Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. There's one set of Ember Days for each of the four seasons in the northern hemisphere. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and David Nussman discuss this Catholic tradition and the importance of fasting.
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Does a Stable Family Life Encourage Teens to be Chaste?

New data from the Centers for Disease Control seems to suggest that teenagers are less likely to fornicate if they live in a home where both parents are present. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and Kyle Kopy discuss family life and chastity.
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Today's Saints in the Old and New Calendars

In the old calendar, today (Dec. 21) is the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, often called "doubting Thomas." In the new calendar, it's the feast of St. Peter Canisius, a Doctor of the Church. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and Kyle Kopy discuss the two saints.
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Unpacking the Three Masses of Christmas Day

The liturgical books for Christmas give us three different Masses — one for Mass offered at or around midnight, one for Mass offered around the time of sunrise and one for Mass offered during the day. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and Kyle Kopy unpack the theological significance of the gospel readings from the three Masses.
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Catholic Christmas Lasts at Least 12 Days

In the secular world, the Christmas season begins some time in November and ends some time in late December. But for Catholics, the Christmas season begins on the evening of Dec. 24 and lasts until at least the Epiphany (Jan. 6). In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and Kyle Kopy discuss the various feasts of Christmastide.
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The Feast of St. John the Evangelist

Today, Dec. 27, is the Feast of St. John the Evangelist. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and Kyle Kopy discuss the life and writings of this apostle and evangelist.
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The Holy Innocents: Patron Saints of the Pro-Life Movement?

Scripture tells us that in King Herod's attempt to kill Jesus, he had all babies in and around Bethlehem murdered. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and Kyle Kopy discuss these victims of infanticide, known as the Holy Innocents. They should be invoked as patron saints of the pro-life movement.
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Multiple Feast Days to Start the New Year

January 1 is the Feast of Mary, Mother of God. It is a holy day of obligation — though some bishops' conferences might rescind the obligation when it falls on a Monday. It's also the day when Catholics remember Our Lord's circumcision. Baby Jesus would have been circumcised about a week after His birth. Meanwhile, the Holy Name of Jesus is celebrated at Mass either on Jan. 2 or Jan 3 — depending on whether it's the Traditional Latin Mass or the Novus Ordo. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and Kyle Kopy discuss Our Lord's circumcision, Mariology, martyrdom and various other topics.
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Three News Stories for the New Year

Video feeds of the New Year's celebration at Times Square showed a pair of gay men kissing at the stroke of midnight. Also on New Year's Eve, prominent actor Shia LaBeouf received the sacrament of confirmation. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and Kyle Kopy discuss a few news items of interest for the first Saturday in 2024.
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Three News Stories for the New Year

Video feeds of the New Year's celebration at Times Square showed a pair of gay men kissing at the stroke of midnight. Also on New Year's Eve, prominent actor Shia LaBeouf received the sacrament of confirmation. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and Kyle Kopy discuss a few news items of interest for the first Saturday in 2024.
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Six Kids Are Now Orphans Following a Fatal Car Wreck

In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and David Nussman discuss a series of news stories touching on family matters and threats to family life. One of those stories is the tragic death of a Catholic married couple, leaving behind six children under the age of 10.
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Slew of Clerical Abuse Allegations in the News

In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Kyle Kopy and David Nussman discuss recent news stories involving allegations of sexual abuse. They also talk about recent Vatican documents intended to deter corruption, as well as the death of Catholic reporter George Neumayr and the upcoming feast of St. Francis de Sales.
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Decoding the Gender Debate: Leftist Myths & Confusion

In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and Kyle Kopy discuss abortion and so-called transgenderism. They also talk about Septuagesima and Candlemas.
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Christian Man Charged With Hate Crime for Defacing Satanic Display

In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier and Kyle Kopy discuss how the charge against Michael Cassidy was recently upgraded to a felony. They also discuss the feast of St. Blaise, as well as controversial comments from a prominent archbishop about priestly celibacy.
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What's the Deal With John Podesta?

Archbishop John Wester of Santa Fe, New Mexico, recently commended John Podesta, Joe Biden's new climate envoy. In this episode of The Download, hosts Rodney Pelletier, Kyle Kopy and David Nussman discuss this development, as well as a story out of Spain involving a controversial poster advertising Holy Week rituals. They also talk about the meaning of Lent, since Ash Wednesday is just around the corner.
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Here's Why the Rosary Is a Powerful Weapon

Catholics around the world are devoted to reciting the prayers of the Most Holy Rosary. In this episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Trey Brock and Bradley Eli discuss how the Rosary is a great way to pray and a powerful spiritual weapon. They also offer responses to common Protestant objections to the devotion.
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Happy Birthday to Mary, Ark of the New Covenant

September 8 is the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady. It's the day when the Church recalls Mary's birthday, fittingly situated nine months after the Feast of her Immaculate Conception (Dec. 8). In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Trey Brock and Alex Karzon consider Our Lady's unique role in salvation history.
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Notorious Jesuit Speaking at Yet Another Catholic Parish

In a recent article, Church Militant's National Resistance Coordinator Alex Karzon encouraged readers to contact the Church of St. Pius X in Scarsdale, New York to voice concern about Fr. Martin's pro-LGBT messaging. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Kyle Kopy and Trey Brock talk with Alex about the problems with Fr. Martin and the course of action for ordinary Catholics to push back.
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The Pope Name-Dropped This Controversial Priest

In recent in-flight remarks, Pope Francis spoke briefly about Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881–1955), a Jesuit priest and author. Trained as a paleontologist, de Chardin blended spiritual matters with the idea of evolution, often describing creation as evolving toward unity with God. Church officials repeatedly spoke out against his ideas and writings. Many believe he was a racist, owing to a slew of comments he made in his writings over the course of his life. In this episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Trey Brock and Bradley Eli discuss the troublesome writings and legacy of Fr. de Chardin.
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NYC Cardinal: We Could Use Fewer Seminaries

Cardinal Timothy Dolan recently argued in favor of having fewer Catholic seminaries in the United States. His reasoning was, in brief, that consolidating resources would improve the quality of seminary formation. In today's episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Christine Niles and Trey Brock talk with reporter Dr. William Mahoney about Cdl. Dolan's perspective. They also explain the general problems with priestly formation today — including homosexual predation at seminaries — and spitball potential solutions.
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McCarrick: Not Mentally Fit to Stand Trial?

In today's episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Christine Niles and Trey Brock discuss the news that laicized ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick has been deemed incompetent to stand trial on criminal charges in Massachusetts.
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Trump's Mug Shot Goes Viral: Symbol of Resilience or Persecution?

Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary. The internet has been abuzz for several days now since the release of the mug shot of President Donald Trump. The former president's booking photo was taken at the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta, Georgia, as he and 18 others stand accused of conspiring to undermine the 2020 election in Georgia. In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Trey Brock and Joseph Enders analyze the fallout from the now-famous photo.
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The Ripple Effect: Deposit of Faith Coalition's Fight for Transparency

Church Militant and other Catholic groups formed the Deposit of Faith Coalition earlier this summer to highlight the anti-American agenda of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The coalition wants the bishops' conference to be stripped of its taxpayer funding and tax-exempt status. Loss of that status would lead to greater financial transparency. In this episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Bradley Eli give a roundup of the media coverage before, during and after the coalition's press conference in the nation's capital. ‘Defund the Bishops’ press conference USCCB prayer rally  Video Interviews Bannon War Room interview Real America’s Voice, The War Room The American Journal interview InfoWars Weekly Briefing With John Hines interview One America News Network Truth Express Radio interview Truth Express Radio (BBS Radio) The Voice of Reason with Andy Hooser interview The Hooser Media Network Liberty RoundTable interview Liberty RoundTable Caravan to Midnight interview Caravan to Midnight Tom Wallace interview Fortress of Faith Bill Martinez interview Bill Martinez Show full interview Bill Martinez Show Articles The Epoch Times – Conservative Christian Coalition The Epoch Times – In-Depth Bishops Article  The Epoch Times PJ Media – Communist or Christian? PJ Media Religion News Service – Right Wing Attack Religion News Service Media Research Center – Bishops Aid Human Smugglers Media Research Center – USCCB and Guns Media Research Center – Bishops and Marxism Media Research Center The Stream – The Bishops and Immigration The Stream
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Dying for the Gospel

On today's episode of The Download, Brad Eli, Christine Niles and Trey Brock talk about the martyrdom of the Apostles and how Our Lord expects all of us to take up our crosses and follow Him.
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Warning: Danger Ahead!

On today's episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Kyle Kopy and Trey Brock talk about what can and what can't happen with the Vatican's upcoming Synod on Synodality.
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Hubbard Meets His Maker

On today's episode of The Download, Brad Eli, Christine Niles and Trey Brock discuss the death and legacy of retired Albany prelate Bp. Howard Hubbard.
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Down Syndrome Genocide

On today's episode of The Download, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Bradley Eli discuss how unborn children with Down syndrome are being slaughtered.
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Excommunicated Nuns?

On this episode of The Download Brad Eli, Christine Niles and Kyle Kopy delve into the rift between Mother Teresa Agnes Gerlach, prioress of the Monastery of the Most Holy Trinity in Arlington, Texas, and Bp. Michael Olson.
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St. John Eudes: Bad Priests Are a Punishment for Sin?

In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe and David Gordon discuss the life of St. John Eudes, laity's role in the Church and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
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This Archbishop Wants Married Priests in Indigenous Communities

Archbishop Mark Coleridge of Brisbane, Australia, recently came out in support of allowing married men from Aboriginal communities to become Catholic priests in the Roman rite — making an exception to the long-standing traditional discipline of priestly celibacy. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe and Trey Brock discuss how Abp. Coleridge's comments could be seen as condescending toward people of indigenous descent. They also make some theological and practical arguments in defense of priestly celibacy.
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Is It a Miracle? Catholic Church Emerges Unscathed Amid Maui Fires

In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Trey Brock and Bradley Eli talk about how a Catholic church seemingly has been miraculously spared from the fires raging on the Hawaiian island of Maui. They also discuss the life of St. Damien of Molokai.
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Celebrity Speaks Fondly of Surrogacy

Actress Riley Keough, the granddaughter of Elvis Presley, spoke glowingly of the surrogacy process in a recent interview with Vanity Fair. In this episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy and Rodney Pelletier speak about the slew of moral problems with surrogacy, sperm donation and in vitro fertilization.
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St. Maximilian Kolbe and Devotion to the Virgin Mary

Today, Aug. 14, is the Feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe. It is also the eve of the Assumption — a feast celebrating how the Blessed Virgin Mary was taken up, body and soul, into Heaven. In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Kyle Kopy and Trey Brock discuss incredible stories from the life of St. Maximilian Kolbe, as well as some key takeaways from his writings on the Immaculate Conception. They also talk about tomorrow's Feast of the Assumption.
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Falsely Accused Priest Returns to Parish

Father Eduard Perrone is pastor at Assumption Grotto in Detroit. After a false allegation of sexual abuse, he was removed from active ministry. On Sunday, Aug. 6, 2023, Fr. Perrone said a public Mass at Assumption Grotto — his first time offering Sunday Mass there in four years. In this episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Kyle Kopy discuss the backstory of what happened to Fr. Perrone.
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New Details Emerge About the FBI Catholic Memo

In this episode of The Download, hosts Christine Niles, Kyle Kopy and Trey Brock are joined by reporter Dr. William Mahoney to unpack newly revealed details about the notorious FBI memo about Catholics that was leaked earlier this year.
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Why You Should Study Old Books and Dead Languages

Classical education is a trendy topic nowadays as classical schools are cropping up around the country. Catholic schools, charter schools, homeschooling programs and more are each offering their own version of this old-fashioned approach to the liberal arts. What is a classical education? Why are Catholics interested in this approach to learning? In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Rodney Pelletier and David Gordon lay out the basics of classical learning. They also discuss the importance of studying great books and the usefulness of Latin.
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Ohio Pro-Lifers Face a Setback

Yesterday, Ohio voters rejected Issue 1 — a measure that would have made it harder to pass constitutional amendments. Many pro-lifers were hoping Issue 1 would pass, as it would make it harder for pro-abortion activists to enshrine abortion as a protected right in the state constitution in November. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Rodney Pelletier, Trey Brock and Joseph Enders unpack the causes of Americans' support for abortion.
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Strength and Honor Recap

On today's episode of The Download, panelists Bradley Eli, Kyle Kopy, Rodney Pelletier and Trey Brock discuss the takeaways from Church Militant's Strength and Honor conference. They elaborate on the necessity of spiritual warfare and staying on the Barque of Peter no matter what happens.
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Challenging Fake Masculinity: Embracing Authentic Catholic Manhood

This weekend is Church Militant's annual Strength and Honor Men's Retreat & Conference. In anticipation of the weekend's event, hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Kyle Kopy expound Catholic masculinity and fidelity to the Church. They distinguish between authentic Christian manhood and the phony masculinity often seen on social media.
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St. Alphonsus Liguori's Advice on the Spiritual Life

Saint Alphonsus Liguori is known for his nine-volume Moral Theology and a number of other writings. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Trey Brock explain the life and works of this great Doctor of the Church.
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Our Lady of Akita: Message of Hope?

Fifty years ago, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to a Catholic nun in Japan. On many occasions after that, a statue connected to the series of apparitions was seen shedding blood from its hands and tears from its eyes. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Kyle Kopy, Christine Niles and Rodney Pelletier discuss the three messages of Our Lady of Akita.
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Two Big Problems With World Youth Day

World Youth Day 2023 is happening now in Lisbon, Portugal. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Trey Brock and David Gordon discuss various thoughts and concerns about this massive Catholic event.
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Where Things Went Wrong With the Jesuits

The feast day of St. Ignatius of Loyola is just a few days away. In this episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Bradley Eli, Christine Niles and Rodney Pelletier discuss the order he founded — the Society of Jesus. They highlight members of the order in times past who demonstrated heroic virtue, serving as role models for us today. They also bemoan how the order veered off course in the 20th century.
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Important Vote Coming Soon in Ohio

Abortion activists in the Buckeye State have now officially placed on the November ballot a constitutional amendment that would afford citizens a so-called right to abortion. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Trey Brock and Joseph Enders talk about the fight for the helpless unborn. They also discuss some of the major disagreements between pro-life groups, including the issue of incrementalism.
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Why So Many Catholics Crave Reverent Liturgy

In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Rodney Pelletier discuss ad orientem worship. They look at what Catholics can do to foster greater love and reverence toward Our Blessed Lord, Who is truly and fully present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Note: On one or two occasions, the hosts arguably speak imprecisely about what constitutes valid matter for the Holy Eucharist. Read more about valid matter for the Eucharist here.
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How Should Catholic Parents Educate Their Kids?

The Catechism of the Catholic Church, in section 2223, teaches that parents are the primary educators of their children. But what are the options for Catholic parents? Is a decent public school district even an option anymore? These questions and more are subjects of discussion — and, at times, spirited debate — among hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Trey Brock and David Gordon.
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The Impact of Church Militant's 'Defund the Bishops' Presser

At a press conference Thursday, Church Militant and other Catholic groups in the Deposit of Faith Coalition highlighted the fact that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops rakes in many, many millions in taxpayer dollars every year while advancing an anti-American agenda. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Trey Brock recap the press conference and prayer rally.
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Protest Calls for Defunding the Bishops

In this special edition of The Download, hosts Brad Eli and Simon Rafe discuss a prayerful protest and press conference, both happening in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, July 20. They are joined by Senior Executive Producer Stephen Wynne, who'll explain how Church Militant and other organizations are banding together as the Deposit of Faith Coalition. You'll get an inside look at the forging of this momentous partnership that's going public in D.C. Click here to learn more.
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Special Celebrations in Honor of St. Thomas Aquinas

Today is the 700th anniversary of the canonization of St. Thomas Aquinas. In today's episode of The Download, Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Kyle Kopy talk about a special indulgence you can obtain when visiting a Dominican church or chapel. They also explain the connection between theology, right reason and Western culture.
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One of Pope Francis' Most Controversial Appointments

As has been widely reported by now, the pope recently named Abp. Víctor Manuel Fernández to be the next head of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith — the Vatican's theological watchdog. The Argentine archbishop's appointment has sparked plenty of controversy, owing to his track record as relates to both theological concerns and sex abuse. In today's edition of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and David Gordon discuss the problems with Abp. Fernández and the implications of his appointment. They also give advice to fellow Catholics on how to deal with the crisis in the Church.
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Spiritual Reading Is Important for Catholics

In this episode of The Download, hosts Brad Eli, Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy and Alex Karzon talk about spiritual reading. They discuss what kinds of books Catholics can incorporate into their prayer lives.
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Pro-Abortion Student Charged for Vandalism in Ohio

In today's episode of The Download, Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Kyle Kopy discuss the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. A college student in Bowling Green, Ohio, was recently charged for vandalizing a pro-life facility. Interestingly enough, the charges were under the FACE Act — which, ironically, was meant to help the abortion industry.
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Movie Highlights Crisis of Children Being Trafficked

In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Kyle Kopy discuss the film Sound of Freedom. They also analyze the problem of human trafficking around the world, as well as corporate media's bizarre reaction to the film's release.
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The LGBT Agenda and Freedom of Expression

Recent reports are discussing how a string of staffers were fired from a newsroom in Michigan amid a row over coverage of gay pride events. In today's episode of The Download, Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy, Christine Niles and David Gordon discuss concerns about threats to freedom of speech, as well as the ins and outs of corporate backing for LGBT pride celebrations. The videos mentioned during the discussion are linked below. Forward Boldly — Selling Kids at the Border Mic'd Up — How Corporate Elites Are Controlling the World
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The Threat of Banks Canceling Political Opponents

In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Kyle Kopy talk about a number of news stories out of the United Kingdom about people being canceled by their banks. They compare these stories to the social credit system in communist China and ponder whether a similar system is slowly creeping its way into Western nations.
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Canadian Court Says Locking Down Churches Was OK

In Canada, the Manitoba Court of Appeal recently announced a decision against a group of Protestant communities that were challenging the province's lockdown policies that began in March 2020. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy and Rodney Pelletier reflect on the way Catholic bishops cut the faithful off from the sacraments during the COVID shutdowns. They also take time to discuss a handful of recent news items out of Canada.
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Bishop Misses Mark on America's Problems

In today's episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Kyle Kopy react to a recent tweet by Cdl. Wilton Gregory. They also talk about the problems facing the United States and propose Catholic solutions.
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Are Christians Winning in the Supreme Court?

In today's episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy, Christine Niles and David Gordon take a look at decisions the U.S. Supreme Court released in recent days. They are particularly interested in two cases with ramifications for Catholics. One case involves religious liberty in the workplace for a Christian postal worker, while the other involves a Christian web designer who was afraid of being compelled to make wedding sites for gay couples.
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Why the Church in Germany Is Seeing a Demographic Implosion

In this episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy, Nick Wylie and Joseph Enders take a look at new statistics out of Germany about the huge number of people abandoning the Church.
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Why Knoxville's Bishop Announced His Resignation

Bishop Richard Stika of Knoxville, Tennessee, recently announced he's resigning. In today's episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy, Nick Wylie and Trey Brock discuss how the mishandling of a sex abuse case likely played a role in Stika's decision to resign. They also discuss, at length, the broader issue of laymen putting excessive trust in individual bishops and priests who occasionally make commendable public comments.
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Old Gnostics, New Tricks

On today's episode of The Download, Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy, Nick Wiley and Dr. William Mahoney discuss St. Irenaeus, one of the early Fathers of the Church. They also discuss how the heresy he fought against is still with us today but in different forms.
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Beautiful Music Matters

In this episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Bradley Eli, Nick Wylie and William Mahoney discuss the massive loss Catholics have endured when Gregorian chant was tossed out of Mass and replaced with banal Protestant music. 
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Abortion and Spiritual Warfare

In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Dr. William Mahoney, Simon Rafe and Nick Wylie discuss the first anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade with a special emphasis on what needs to be done to eradicate abortion laws forever.
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Five Years After Summer of Shame, Church's Crisis Continues

In this episode of The Download, hosts Michael Voris, Dr. William Mahoney, Christine Niles and Nick Wylie talk about the knock-on effects of Theodore McCarrick's tenure, other Catholic clerical sex abuse scandals and the infiltration of the priesthood by homosexuals. This episode wraps up a weeklong special analyzing the 2018 Summer of Shame.
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Counting the Cost of Sex Abuse Scandals

In this episode of The Download, hosts Michael Voris, Dr. William Mahoney, Christine Niles and Bradley Eli lay out the numbers related to the effects of Catholic clerical sex abuse scandals — particularly in the wake of 2018's Summer of Shame. They discuss the financial cost as well as the far more important matter of the loss of souls.
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Did Theodore McCarrick Have a Soviet Connection?

In this episode of The Download, hosts Michael Voris, Dr. William Mahoney, Bradley Eli and Nick Wylie explore how sex abuse scandals might be connected to theories about Marxist infiltration of the Church. This episode is part of a weeklong special revisiting the effects of the 2018 Summer of Shame.
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How Did Theodore McCarrick Get Away With It for So Long?

The summer of 2018 was the infamous 'Summer of Shame' for U.S. Catholics — a time replete with revelations about sexually abusive clerics and cover-up prelates. This episode of The Download kicks off a whole week dedicated to reviewing the 2018 sex abuse scandals, five years later. The hosts for today's show are Bradley Eli, Dr. William Mahoney, Christine Niles and David Gordon.
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Church Officials Whitewashed the McCarrick Problem

This episode of The Download revisits the fallout from the 2018 Summer of Shame. Hosts Bradley Eli, Dr. William Mahoney, Christine Niles and Nick Wylie examine how members of the hierarchy reacted to the news breaking about ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick's sexual predation. Of particular focus is how the Vatican shot down moves by the U.S. bishops to address the issue. Instead, Church officials conducted a synod on sexual abuse in Rome in early 2019.
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Catholics Pray in Reparation for Dissident Priests

Today marks the close of the 2023 assembly of the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests — AUSCP for short. The organization has routinely given a platform to people who reject Church teaching and natural law. In today's episode of The Download, reporter Nick Wylie showcases a group of Catholics praying outside the AUSCP's meeting in reparation for the priests' dissent. Hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Rodney Pelletier talk about how the AUSCP reflects broader problems in the Church.
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Catholic Farmer Faces LGBT Cancel Culture

A small business owner in Louisiana lost several of his biggest clients after he made an Instagram post promoting the holy Rosary and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The post also argued against treating June as Pride Month, calling it instead the month of the Sacred Heart. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and David Gordon commend that farmer for standing strong in the Faith. The hosts discuss how the lack of religion in secular life creates a vacuum that needs to be filled, as well as the prayer rally in Los Angeles happening on Friday. The flag company Simon references during the show can be found here.
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Bishop Panned for Controversy Over Newman Center

In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Kyle Kopy are joined by reporter Dr. William Mahoney to discuss the media's treatment of Bp. Earl Fernandes of Columbus, Ohio. Local media reports, as well as a handful of op-eds, have cast him as a conservative and questioned his handling of a Newman Center. The controversy happened about a year ago, but critics continue blasting the prelate, falsely accusing him of lying about his treatment of the Paulist Fathers. Bishop Fernandes has said he wants the Newman Center more focused on campus ministry and evangelization. The hosts go on to discuss broader issues in the Church involving weak bishops, a broken system of priestly formation and a lack of accountability.
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Archdiocese Distances Itself From Dodgers Protest

In this episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy, Christine Niles and Nick Wylie talk about problems in the archdiocese of Los Angeles in light of the ongoing controversy involving the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence — a drag group that mocks Almighty God and the One True Faith but is receiving an award at Dodger Stadium. National Resistance Coordinator Alex Karzon joins them to explain how the archdiocese is trying to distance itself from a prayerful protest connected to a slew of Catholic organizations that includes Church Militant.
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Catholic Priest Pleads Guilty to Horrendous Crimes

On Thursday, June 8, 2023, Fr. James Jackson pled guilty to receiving and disseminating child sexual abuse materials. This was about a year and a half after his initial arrest. Jackson is a member of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, known for offering the Traditional Latin Mass. In today's episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy, Christine Niles and Nick Wylie discuss the fallout of the Jackson case among traditionalist Catholics.
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Pro-Gay Group Claims LGBT Being Persecuted

In this episode of The Download, producer Joseph Enders talks to hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Nick Wylie about the Human Rights Campaign declaring a state of emergency. The hosts also discuss persecution against Catholics and pro-life organizations.
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Catholics Worship Christ in the Eucharist

Today, the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, is traditionally celebrated as the Feast of Corpus Christi, also known as the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Our Lord. In today's episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Nick Wylie and David Gordon discuss the origins of the feast, as well as the centrality of the Eucharist in the life of the Church.
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Synod on Synodality: What's the Point?

Bishop John Stowe of Lexington, Kentucky, recently wrote a piece trumpeting synodality and the alleged successes of Pope Francis' papacy. In this episode of The Download, hosts Bradley Eli, Kyle Kopy, Christine Niles and Nick Wylie are joined by reporter Dr. William Mahoney to discuss Bp. Stowe's strange theology. The hosts also discuss numerous concerns about the synodal process.
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Is Big Tech Shifting Toward Greater Freedom of Speech?

In today's episode of The Download, Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy, Christine Niles and Nick Wylie discuss the issue of freedom of speech on social media. They are joined by reporter Dr. William Mahoney to look at a recent decision by YouTube.
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Join a Prayerful Protest Against the Dodgers

The Los Angeles Dodgers faces pushback from faithful Catholics over plans to honor a troupe of drag performers that blasphemously mocks God, the Crucifixion, Catholicism and nuns. Hosts Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy, Bradley Eli and David Gordon are joined by National Resistance Coordinator Alex Karzon to discuss how a coalition of Catholic groups is planning to protest on June 16.
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Honoring Our Lord and His Sacred Heart

In today's episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Bradley Eli and Kyle Kopy are joined by guest host Rodney Pelletier to discuss devotion to the Sacred Heart, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, the origins of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart and the nine first Fridays.
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Catholics Must Not Attend Invalid Weddings

In today's episode of The Download, special guest Leila Miller comes on the show to talk about invalid wedding ceremonies, as well as broader issues related to marriage and the family. The hosts for today's show are Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy, Christine Niles and Nick Wylie. Life-Giving Wounds. Restored.
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Nun's Body in Missouri: Miraculously Preserved?

In this episode of The Download, Simon Rafe, Bradley Eli, Christine Niles and Nick Wylie discuss relics and incorruptible saints. They are joined by Dr. William Mahoney to discuss how a deceased nun's body in Missouri appears to have been supernaturally protected against corruption.
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Catholic Heroes

Today on The Download, Michael Voris, Christine Niles and Simon Rafe are joined by guest host Kyle Kopy to discuss America's brave military chaplains and how they are a shining example to us all. At the beginning of the show, Church Militant's Dr. William Mahoney talks about Fr. Vincent Capodanno, the "grunt padre."
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President Ron DeSantis?

On today's episode of The Download, host Simon Rafe, along with Christine Niles, Kyle Kopy and guest host Nick Wylie, discuss the disastrous announcement of DeSantis' presidential run and deliberate as to whether he actually has a chance. Church Militant producer Joe Enders will also weigh in on the topic.
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Massive Clerical Sex Abuse Report in lllinois

On today's episode of The Download, Bradley Eli, Kyle Kopy and Simon Rafe are joined by Nick Wiley. They discuss how clerical sex abuse is alive and well in the Church despite some bishops claiming it's a thing of the past. Church Militant's Dr. William Mahoney explains the shocking and horrific Illinois sex abuse report that came out on Tuesday.
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Carmelite Nuns Sue TX Bishop

In this episode of The Download, reporter Nick Wylie speaks with hosts Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and David Gordon about a community of nuns filing suit against Bp. Michael Olson of Fort Worth, Texas. The hosts go on to discuss religious life and the vocations crisis.
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Swiss Bishops Platforming Blasphemy

In today's episode of The Download, Michael Voris, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Bradley Eli talk about problems with the Church in Europe, particularly Germany. They are joined by reporter Dr. William Mahoney to discuss outrage at the Swiss bishops.
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Priest Hopes the Church Will Bless Gay 'Marriage'

A priest who is openly gay himself is now declaring he longs for the day when gay couples can receive the sacrament of matrimony. This is impossible, as marriage is between a man and a woman. Hosts Michael Voris, Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy and Nick Wylie are joined by reporter Dr. William Mahoney. They discuss the latest comments from Fr. Massingale and how they fit into broader problems in the Church today.
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Chicago's Cdl. Cupich Promotes Gun Control

In this episode of The Download, Michael Voris, Simon Rafe, Nick Wylie and David Gordon discuss the Catholic perspective on gun control and firearm ownership. They are joined by reporter Dr. William Mahoney to discuss Cdl. Blase Cupich's support for a ban on so-called assault weapons.
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Actually, the Planet is Doing Fine

Many environmentalists are continuing to warn that fossil fuels are causing irreversible damage. Shockingly, many of them also believe human beings are a plague on the ecosystem. In this episode of The Download, Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy, Christine Niles and David Gordon talk about the evils of environmentalist fearmongering. Reporter Nick Wylie joins them with a story about South Africa's government sticking with coal for the immediate future.
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The COVID Tyranny Never Went Away

In this episode of The Download, Michael Voris, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Brad Eli look back at all the craziness that has unfolded since the COVID-19 lockdowns started in early 2020. They are joined by reporter Nick Wylie to discuss a recent news item involving vaccine mandates.
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Baby Born With DNA From Three Parents?

In this episode of The Download, Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy, Christine Niles, Nick Wylie and Dr. William Mahoney discuss a case of in vitro fertilization being taken to a new extreme. They also discuss broader concerns about science and culture gone completely off the rails in the wake of the sexual revolution.
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Catholic Schools Are Jumping on the Woke Bandwagon

Buy the Eucharist & Scripture set   In this episode of The Download, hosts Michael Voris, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Nick Wylie talk with reporter Dr. William Mahoney about a Catholic university coddling people who identify as transgender. The hosts go on to explore other instances of Catholic institutions going woke, as well as the causes and remedies of the crisis in Catholic education.
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Catholics Should Be Ready for Persecution

In today's episode of The Download, Brad Eli, Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy and Nick Wylie talk about ways for Catholics to be strong in the face of adversity. They are joined by special guest James Maughan to discuss how a major bank is accused of discriminating against clients based on religious and political beliefs.
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The Bud Light Fiasco Continues

In this episode of The Download, hosts Michael Voris, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and David Gordon are joined by reporter Nick Wylie to talk about the problems Bud Light has seen after Dylan Mulvaney's now-infamous Instagram video. The hosts also talk about broader topics related to boycotts, cancel culture and fighting the culture wars.
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Fulton Sheen Should Be a Canonized Saint

Venerable Abp. Fulton J. Sheen was born on May 8, 1895. In this episode of The Download, hosts Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy and Christine Niles are joined by guest host David Gordon and reporter Dr. William Mahoney to discuss Abp. Sheen's life and legacy.
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Catholics Must Share the Faith in Public

It is the duty of lay Catholics to bring the truth into the public arena. In today's episode of The Download, Michael Voris, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Brad Eli talk about that obligation to evangelize. Reporter Nick Wylie joins them to discuss a victorious jockey thanking Christ for the win.
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Mary Is Queen of the Kingdom of Heaven

In this episode of The Download, Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy, Christine Niles and David Gordon talk about Mariology and devotion to Our Lady. Dr. William Mahoney joins them to discuss a Rosary rally happening Saturday.
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Illegal Immigration Makes Money for the Bishops

In this episode of The Download, Brad Eli, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and David Gordon discuss the slew of problems related to illegal immigration. They are joined by senior producer Joe Enders, who explains House Republicans' plan to get ahead of the end of Title 42 — a pandemic-related measure that makes it easier to stop immigrants from entering the United States. When that policy ends, many expect the migration crisis to worsen.
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You Will Die One Day

In this episode of The Download, Brad Eli, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Kyle Kopy take a look at how we as Catholics can handle the issue of our own mortality. They are joined by reporter Nick Wylie. The sick-call crucifix is available here.
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The Supreme Court Leak: What's Happening Now?

One year ago today, Politico published a leaked draft opinion from the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health. That document suggested the high court would soon be overturning Roe v. Wade. In this episode of The Download, Brad Eli, Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy and Nick Wylie talk about the controversy of the leak and its broader implications.
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St. Joseph's Intercession and Spiritual Warfare

May 1 is the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker. In today's episode of The Download, Simon Rafe, Bradley Eli, Christine Niles and Kyle Kopy talk about the many titles of St. Joseph. They are joined by reporter Nick Wylie to discuss Catholics' prayerful response to a satanic gathering in Boston over the weekend.
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Is There a Catholic Form of Prepping?

Many believe we live in uncertain times. Some are stockpiling food and supplies for a disaster. Is that crazy? Is there a uniquely Catholic way to prepare for disasters? In this episode of The Download, Bradley Eli, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Kyle Kopy are joined by special guest James Maughan to discuss financial security, emergency preparedness and spiritual strength.
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Shake-Up at Vatican's Synod of Bishops

When the Synod of Bishops convenes in Rome in October, potentially dozens of laymen and laywomen will be able to participate — and even vote. In this episode of The Download, Simon Rafe, Brad Eli, Kyle Kopy, David Gordon and Dr. William Mahoney talk about the new announcement from the Vatican. The hosts also discuss the role of the laity in contrast to the role of the clergy.
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Bishops Aren't Punishing 'Catholic' Democrats

The U.S. bishops are working on a massive, national eucharistic revival campaign they hope will revive faith in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Yet many bishops are allowing — in violation of Catholic morals and canon law — pro-abortion "Catholic" politicians to receive Communion. In this episode of The Download, Simon Rafe, Brad Eli, Christine Niles and Nick Wylie discuss what a real eucharistic revival would look like. Reporter William Mahoney talks with the hosts about Kamala Harris' recent pro-abortion rally.
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Is Going to College Worth It?

Education in the United States today is often a channel for passing on perversion and propaganda rather than passing on knowledge and wisdom. This is particularly true of colleges and universities, which are dominated by far-left radicals. In this episode of The Download, Michael Voris, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Kyle Kopy discuss how Catholics can respond to all of this and ensure their children receive a good education. Reporter Nick Wylie joins them to discuss a controversy in Scotland over a Catholic textbook that affirms Catholic teaching.
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Phony Conservatives Defending Sin

Abortion, pornography and same-sex relations are grave violations of the natural law. Catholics know these behaviors are harmful to society. Despite that, many so-called conservative pundits and politicians are soft on these moral issues. They prefer to talk about tax cuts and trade deals rather than fight the culture war. This episode features Michael Voris, Bradley Eli, Christine Niles, Nick Wylie and William Mahoney.
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Franciscan Touts 'Spiritual' Earth Day

Fr. Daniel Horan, OFM, recently wrote about the supposed spiritual side of Earth Day. In this episode of The Download, Brad Eli, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Kyle Kopy talk with William Mahoney about this phony attempt at spiritualizing environmentalism. The hosts also discuss authentically Catholic advice for fostering a robust prayer life in the home.
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100th Birthday of a Catholic Media Giant

This episode of The Download pays tribute to the late Mother Angelica. Michael Voris, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Dave Gordon are joined by Kyle Kopy to discuss Mother Angelica's life story and the important work of sharing the Catholic faith through modern media.
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Hating Babies, Hating the Future

This episode of The Download tackles population control, plummeting birth rates and more. Hosts are Michael Voris, Simon Rafe, Brad Eli and Kyle Kopy. Reporter Dr. William Mahoney joins them with an update on laicized ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
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Catholics, Don't Leave the Church

In this day and age, it seems the Barque of St. Peter is in troubled waters. There are many scandalous stories relating to Pope Francis, the Vatican and bishops all over the world. But leaving the Barque by jumping overboard only makes things worse. That's the issue being tackled in this episode of The Download. Hosts Simon Rafe, Kyle Kopy and Christine Niles — alongside guest host Brad Eli — are joined by Dr. William Mahoney, who reports on Church scandals in communist China.
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The Internet: Good or Evil

In this episode of The Download, Michael Voris, Simon Rafe, Christine Niles and Brad Eli look at how the internet can be used for evangelization. They also talk about some of the moral and spiritual dangers of using modern technology. They are joined by Reporter Dr. William Mahoney to discuss the restriction of eucharistic revival events in Cdl. Blase Cupich's archdiocese.
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Rejoice in Suffering

Hosts Simon Rafe, Nick Wylie and Christine Niles are joined by Kyle Kopy to discuss how to partake in the joys of Easter amid suffering and hardship. They are also joined by Dr. William Mahoney to discuss Florida's new pro-life law.
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Dueling Rulings

On Good Friday, federal judges issued conflicting rulings on abortion drug mifepristone. In today's Download, Michael Voris, Brad Eli, Christine Niles and Nick Wylie discuss how this folds into the broader pro-life battlefield. They are joined by Dr. William Mahoney, who reports on a law in Idaho against trafficking underage girls for abortions.
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Problems in the Priesthood

In this episode of The Download, hosts Michael Voris, Simon Rafe and Christine Niles talk with David Gordon and Joseph Enders about Fr. James Martin, as well as broader issues involving priests and the priesthood.
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Financial Collapse

In 2023's inaugural episode of the rebooted Download, Church Militant takes a look at economic concerns, including fears about central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and the future of the U.S. dollar. Hosts Michael Voris, Simon Rafe and Christine Niles are joined by Brad Eli and Nick Wylie.
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God’s Wisdom

The Holy Spirit teaches us how to pray.
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Erasing Tradition

Marxists inside and outside the Church attack tradition.
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Just Getting Started

The Year of St. Joseph ends, but his era begins. Consecration to St. Joseph
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Don't Do It! (Yet)

Observe Advent to celebrate Christmas properly.
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The myth, traditions and legends of St. Nicholas.
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Preparing for Christmas

How to get your family ready.
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Gratitude to God

Woke Thanksgiving vs. thankfulness for God's goodness.
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December 1, 2021

Church Militant Catholic Info Hour.
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Iron Grip on Death

The leftist addiction to sin.
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Failure to Educate

Public and Catholic schools are not doing their jobs.
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Ember Days

Appreciating God’s many gifts to us.
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The Immaculata

Our Lady fights and wins God’s battles.
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Hail to the King

The reign of God in Heaven and on earth.
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Presenting Mary

Our Lady is the greatest gift.
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God’s Judgment

The mercy and compassion of divine correction.
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November 18, 2021

Church Militant Evening News.
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Black Widow Blackout

Media’s silence on the Ghislaine Maxwell case.
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Ambrose opposing the Arians

Father of the Church standing up to evil emperors.
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The Meeting About Meetings

Vatican's Synod on Synodality sowing confusion?
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November 17, 2021

Church Militant Evening News.