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English, Religion, 2 seasons, 178 episodes, 6 days, 14 hours, 26 minutes
Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.
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The Fellowship of the Light

In a church, we can have many surface-level things in common: demographics, interests, politics, etc. But, when we are called into "fellowship," we have to yield to its true definition: fellowship in the light, with him and with others. The relationships we have with the people around us reflect the relationship we have with God. When we hit blocks in our hearts with God or with others, it only exposes our need for more of his love and to receive more of him.Bible Verses:1 John 1:1-10Galatians 5:1Psalm 36:5-9Acts 13:2-3Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
9/12/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 27 seconds
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A New Era

For the past year, we've been trained, as a church, to recognize the Spirit and to prioritize his presence amongst us - but what happens after we've oriented our lives to him? As we take our place in him and understand our righteousness as a position and disposition, God can take his place amongst his people. Then from his throne, he sends us to bring the life of his Spirit that our families, businesses, and city desperately need.Bible Verses:James 5:13-16Revelation 22:1-3Romans 3:21-26Psalm 91:1-8John 15:5-8Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
9/5/202451 minutes, 19 seconds
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Altars In the City

What if the cry of our city is not for more money or programs, but for God's presence to touch every area and issue it's facing? His presence can only move forth in the city when his presence becomes central and his people take their place. It is his vision and design that there would be abundant joy, peace and prosperity across our city, with his throne room as the source of all life.What works in the heart, works in the home, and what works in the home, works in the city. What works in the city will touch the nations.Bible Verses:Zechariah 8:1-6, 20-23Psalm 63:1Psalm 72:8Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
8/29/202455 minutes, 24 seconds
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Altars: In the Home

In our faith, we often focus on personal holiness. But have you ever considered interpersonal holiness? As a church, we are called to be a dwelling place for God's presence - together. Our oneness with one another matters. If we allow offence to take root into our hearts, we create space where the enemy can sit at the table. Jesus became the antidote and made our oneness possible by laying down his life and forgiving those who sin against him. Because of this, the enemy has no hold on him and in Jesus, the enemy has no hold on us.Bible Verses:John 14:15-31John 8:31-322 Corinthians 10:4-5Matthew 5:21-24Ephesians 4:25-32Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
8/22/20241 hour, 9 minutes, 14 seconds
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Altars: In the Heart (Part 2)

Just as Jesus picked up his cross, he leads us to the altar to surrender our whole lives into God's hands. How do we follow him in this seemingly impossible task? The source of Jesus' radical obedience was the Father's love for him and we have been given invited to this relationship. When we reach the end of ourselves, the only way forward is complete dependence on his love. By remaining in this place, we can receive the fullness of joy and peace that he freely gives us.Bible Verses:1 John 4:13-18John 15:9-11Romans 8:35,38-39Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
8/15/20241 hour, 9 minutes, 37 seconds
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Altars: In the Home

Through Jesus' parables, we are led to "count the cost" of what it takes to follow him in our lives. This will look different for each of us, but how do we count a cost that seems to be continuously increasing? When we submit the entirety of our lives to him, he meets us beyond the bounds of our expectations and imaginations. There, an altar is built and with our lives laid down, he is able to do exceedingly more than we can ask or imagine.Bible Verses:Genesis 22:121 Chronicles 21:21-261 Chronicles 22:1Luke 23:46Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
8/8/202451 minutes, 44 seconds
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As Christians, we can desire to follow Jesus, but are we willing to give him everything? God can only make something of our lives with the parts we’re willing to give him. Jesus leads by example in laying down his entire life on the altar of the cross and said, “not my will, but your’s be done.” In doing so, we can trust that, on the other side of death, we will also find new life just as Jesus did when he rose from the grave.Bible Verses:1 Peter 2:4-10Matthew 16:24-25Philippians 3:18-21Revelation 2:4-5Romans 5:8Luke 22:42Psalm 118:27Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
8/1/202459 minutes, 43 seconds
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A People of His Presence: They Will See His Face

We are people made for the glory of God. But asking to see more of God's glory, as Moses did, is a dangerous prayer to pray. Experiencing greater measures of God's presence will cause us to reject anything the world has to offer for the sake of knowing Christ. Although we will not see the fullness of his glory until we are face to face with Jesus, we are invited to receive more of him. To see his face is to finish the race, but to seek his face is to run the race.Bible Verses:Exodus 33:11-23Revelation 22:1-52 Corinthians 3:12-18Philippians 3:7-9, 12-14Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
7/25/20241 hour, 1 minute, 47 seconds
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A People of His Presence: The Manifestation of the Spirit

We may be naturally gifted at something or have great ideas to serve the people around us, but what is God's purpose for our lives? As a part of the body, we all play a role in the health, growth and function of the church. Rather than looking to the world to find out what our gifts are, we're invited to discover and steward the gifts that the Father has given us through his Spirit. As each of us play our unique part, we will see the river of the Spirit flow through the church as he intends.Bible Verses:1 Corinthians 12:1-26Ezekiel 47: 6-9Revelation 22:1-5Exodus 33:15-17John 15:26Acts 1:8Joshua 3:3-5Acts 2:1-2Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
7/18/20241 hour, 51 seconds
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My New Witnesses: Pockets of Paradise

There are moments in life where we find ourselves asking, "What's the point?" in angst and frustration. Rather than staying in this place, scripture leads us to a simple answer: his presence. We are the dwelling place of God and are living in the vision of the kingdom of heaven on this earth. Let us become a people that create pockets of paradise in the spaces we occupy.Bible Verses:Exodus 33:12-18Psalm 27:41 Chronicles 13:3Ephesians 2:19-22Psalm 16:11Psalm 27:7-8Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
7/11/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 27 seconds
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My New Witnesses: Power

In the early church, it was evident that the Holy Spirit was active and moving through Jesus' disciples with miracles, signs and wonders wherever they went. Why aren't we seeing this type of life today? God desires to pour out his power on his people, but we have to understand the process of purity and purpose and the ways we look for life in the world instead of him. When we recognize who God truly is and who we are in him, he gives us power to be his witnesses that testify to who he is.Bible Verses:Acts 1:8Acts 2:1-14Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
7/4/20241 hour, 6 minutes, 1 second
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My New Witnesses: Purpose

In God, we are chosen by him, no matter who we are, to be a witness and play a role in his redemption of this world. However, we often ask "How do we find our purpose?" Contrary to the world, God's design is that our purpose flows from our identity. It is only until we surrender our will and desires to him, that we can truly receive and walk in God's purpose for our lives.Bible Verses:Acts 1:8Luke 8:14-192 Corinthians 1:21-222 Timothy 2:20-21Romans 12:1Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
6/26/202458 minutes, 15 seconds
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My New Witnesses: Purity

In church culture, purity has been confined to sexual purity. However, a greater definition of purity is to be authentically oneself. As followers of Christ, it means walking in our true identities as sons and daughters of God. As we live our lives, our identity will be tested, but Jesus invites us to look at his life and follow his example. In doing so, we become witnesses to God’s nature as his children and creation.Bible Verses:Acts 1:8Ephesians 1:3-14Joshua 5:2-3Joshua 5:9Romans 8:14-17Luke 10:19-21Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
6/20/20241 hour, 9 minutes, 5 seconds
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My New Witnesses: The River

As people, we prefer what is convenient, comfortable, and what can be controlled. But God’s Spirit will not be conformed to our limits, but rather the boundaries of his own nature. He is transforming us as his witness according to his nature so that life, healing, and abundance can flow like rivers of living water to touch the world.Bible Verses:Acts 1:8Ezekiel 47:1-12John 7:37-39Ephesians 3:20-21Jeremiah 2:13John 15:4-8Revelation 22:1-4Matthew 16:9-10Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
6/13/20241 hour, 23 minutes, 27 seconds
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Empowered to Witness

While Jesus was on earth, he performed miracle after miracle through signs and wonders and revealed the mysteries of God. Yet, his ministry on earth was only the beginning of all he intended to accomplish in his plan for redemption. Now he has given his Holy Spirit to empower and rest upon us, the church, to be his witnesses. He is still at work and accomplishing his plan in the world today through us.This message was preached by Andy Hawthorne from The Message Trust on June 2, 2024.Bible Verses:Acts 1:1-2, 8Acts 2Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
6/6/202450 minutes, 59 seconds
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My Witnesses

Looking back on the past seven years in our church, it is evident that God has done great things amongst us. Throughout the journey, he has led us through seasons of exile and slavery into the freedom of sonship. We are fully convinced of God's nature and who he is. We see that the Spirit is creating a new witness in the church and we will testify of who Jesus is.  Bible Verses:Joshua 3:3-5Acts 1:6-8Isaiah 43:10-13Isaiah 43:16-19Isaiah 61:1-9Psalm 126Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
5/30/20241 hour, 3 minutes, 5 seconds
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If You Know, You Know: How To Get A New Mind

In the face of our fears, we are given the choice to either trust in who we know God to be or submit to an experience lesser than what he intends for us. Choosing him isn’t always easy and our decisions produce tangible outcomes in our lives. But when we do choose him, our minds are reshaped to help us walk in the fullness of God’s promise for our lives.Bible Verses:Ephesians 1:15-17, 3-14Numbers 13:28-33Numbers 14:1-9, 24Psalm 121Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
5/23/20241 hour, 4 minutes, 40 seconds
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If You Know, You Know: Inheritance of Truth

The way we perceive the world is the world we will create around us, and as human beings, our perceptions are naturally shaped by our life experiences. Although we are each entitled to our own experience, God invites us to see things from his point of view. As we allow our perception to be informed by his truth, we get to know him better and as a result, pass on an inheritance of truth to those around us.Bible Verses:Romans 8:14-173 John 1:2-4Ephesians 1:17-19Genesis 45:4-8Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
5/16/20241 hour, 13 minutes, 13 seconds
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If You Know You Know (Part 2)

How can we worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth? Worship isn’t just about singing songs together on a Sunday. Jesus’ invitation to worship the Father is to submit our minds to the truth of God by his Spirit whenever and wherever we find ourselves. In the face of circumstances, strongholds and the trials of life, we can worship him in realtime by allowing our minds to be governed by the reality of who he is.Bible Verses:Ephesians 1:15-23Romans 8:6-9James 1:22 Corinthians 10:3-5John 4:19-26Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
5/9/20241 hour, 3 minutes, 33 seconds
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If You Know You Know

How do we live like we know Jesus? James says, "Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds...". This is only possible when we truly know Jesus, not just in concept but through first hand experience. The more we come to know him, the more he informs how we walk and think through every area of our lives. Until we consider every trial pure joy, there is still room for us to know Jesus better.Bible Verses:Ephesians 1:15-21James 1:2John 5:39-40Romans 8:282 Corinthians 10:4-5Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
5/1/20241 hour, 4 minutes, 48 seconds
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A Vision of the Bride: Walking in the Light

True fellowship with one another and with God comes when we "walk in the light". One of the ways we live in the light is through confessing the sin that is keeping us in the dark. Though daunting, it is through confession that we receive forgiveness and freedom through Christ’s blood. In Christ, sin isn't the issue anymore - it's what we do with it that becomes the issue. Will we choose to live in the light or remain in darkness? Bible Verses:1 John 1:5-2:2Hebrews 4:12-16Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
4/17/202456 minutes, 49 seconds
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A Vision of the Bride: The Standard and the Source

In John 13, Jesus gives his disciples a new command: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” As the groom to his church, Jesus shows us his standard by going to the cross for us. As his bride, we are to follow his example, but if we depend on our own strength, it is impossible. We must abide in his love, knowing that he is our source and live in light of all he has done for us.Bible Verses:John 14:1-4, 21John 15:9-17John 13:34Ephesians 5:25-32Colossians 3:1-17Jeremiah 2:1, 13Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
4/11/20241 hour, 3 minutes, 25 seconds
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A Vision of the Bride

Throughout Scripture, Jesus is referred to as the groom and his Church as his bride. But in today's culture, our vision of marriage is slowly eroding and it can be difficult to understand the weight of what Jesus' covenant to his Church means. We've lost sight of how we, the Church, are to prepare ourselves as the bride ready for him. God is revitalizing a vision of the bride who is solely devoted to Jesus, our groom.Bible Verses:John 3:27-30John 14:2-3Revelation 19:6-9Philippians 1:3-11Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
3/28/20241 hour, 14 minutes, 25 seconds
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A People of Faith: Walking in Maturity

In our modern day, churches can be known for many things: worship, preaching, production, hospitality, etc. As a church, we want to be known for our faith. God has shown us his faithfulness and he is calling us to stand firm in who he has already revealed himself to be. Our only appropriate response is to give him glory, thanks and honour.Bible Verses:Hebrews 11:13-16, 17-19Hebrews 5:11-14, 6:1-2Genesis 22:1-19Matthew 10:37-39Philippians 4:6-7Psalm 34:4Mark 8:34-35Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
3/21/202459 minutes, 24 seconds
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A People of Faith: Walking in Maturity

When God shows us his faithfulness, we are accountable to let these experiences develop our trust and faith in him. However, our vision can often become clouded through the throws of fear, control and disappointment. Amidst difficult circumstances, let's stand firm and step into a place of maturity in him as we face the disruptions of life.Bible Verses:Hebrews 11:13-16, 17-19Hebrews 5:11-14, 6:1-2Genesis 22:1-19Matthew 10:37-39Philippians 4:6-7Psalm 34:4Mark 8:34-35Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
3/14/20241 hour, 8 minutes, 31 seconds
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A People of Faith: I Don’t Know How, But I Do Know Who

As we follow God, it can be tempting to strategize or figure out 'how' God will fulfill the promises he has given us. However, in reality, this is a burden we put on ourselves that leads to striving and weariness. Rather, he calls us to be a people that will trust him and rest secure in 'who' he has revealed himself to be — especially when we don't understand how he will come through.Bible Verses:Matthew 6:33-34Proverbs 3:5-6Jeremiah 29:11-13Exodus 14:1-4, 10-13, 29-311 Corinthinas 13:11Hebrews 5:11-14Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
3/7/20241 hour, 11 minutes, 21 seconds
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A People of Faith: Ministers of Reconciliation

God has a heart for the lost in our city, and as his followers, we are called to be faithful witnesses to the work he has done in us. But in the face of apathy, rejection and fear, it can be tempting to be timid in our proclamation of the Gospel. It is only when we receive God's heart for his people that we can speak with boldness and confidence.Bible Verses:2 Corinthians 5:14-21Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
2/29/202456 minutes, 14 seconds
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A People of Faith: Story

In our self-focused culture, it is tempting to indulge and overcomplicate the lies, thoughts and feelings inside of us. However, Jesus urges us to approach his Kingdom like little children — with faith and simplicity. As we remember and tell our stories of God's faithfulness, we are able to tether ourselves to the truth, stand in the spiritual authority God has given us and advance forward in the face of our circumstances.Bible Verses:Joshua 4:21-24Psalm 40:1-3, 9-10Matthew 16:13-20Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
2/8/202452 minutes, 22 seconds
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A People of Faith: The Tests of Faith

Throughout our life, we will face trials. Being a follower of Christ comes with a life of blessing, but he does not shield us from all the hardships of life. In faith, we can trust that God always has a purpose for them and the way we walk through these challenges will not only transform us, but also those around us.Bible Verses:Genesis 26:1-6; 12-221 Peter 4:12-13John 7:37-38Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
2/1/202456 minutes, 41 seconds
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A People of Faith: Legacy

Although Abraham was given the promise to become a father of many nations, he never saw this completely fulfilled in his lifetime. Through his family, he started a legacy of faith by building altars to the Lord wherever he went, which was a pattern passed down to both Isaac and Jacob. In contrast, it may be difficult for us today to think of the generations to come when it seems like we have enough problems of our own. However, in the same way as Abraham, we may be receiving promises from God that will be fulfilled in the next generation - and it may be that in God's invitation to look beyond ourselves, we can receive the breakthrough we need today.Bible Verses:Hebrews 11:8-12Genesis 12:7-8Genesis 26:24-25Genesis 33:18-20Galatians 3:7Psalm 145:4Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
1/24/20241 hour, 4 minutes, 13 seconds
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A People of Faith: Dream Again

In Scripture, God reveals himself as a dreamer and planner who knows the plans he has for us. But if we search our hearts, we may come to find ourselves closed off from the dreams we once had, because of disappointment or fear. In these spaces, God calls us out of hiding and to live as a people of faith - trusting that he is good and actively participating with him in these dreams.Bible Verses:Proverbs 29:18 (TPT)Genesis 15:1-6Jeremiah 29:11Psalm 139:16-181 Kings 19:1-91 Corinthians 2:9-16Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
1/17/202448 minutes, 8 seconds
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A People of Faith

If we hadn't encountered Christ, it would be fair to base our understanding off of what we see and hear according to our world. But as a people of faith, our reasoning should be informed by who Christ is and what he's done. When we choose to trust that he will deliver on the promises he has spoken, we are empowered to receive the fulfilment of the promises in our hearts, before we receive it in our hands.Bible Verses:Mark 8:14-21Hebrews 11:1Hebrew 11:8-121 Corinthians 10:1-5Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
1/10/20241 hour, 1 minute, 2 seconds
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Freedom's Reward

As ones who have been saved and set free by Jesus, we ought to ask the question: what will we do with our freedom? Many of our problems occur when we are aimless in our pursuits and seek satisfaction in lesser rewards. But in the freedom we are given, Jesus invites us to use our freedom to choose him as our greatest reward - the only one who satisfies our soul. Bible Verses:Philippians 3:7-14Psalm 63:1-51 Corinthians 9:24-27Hebrews 12:1-3Genesis 15:1Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
1/3/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 50 seconds
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Let There Be Light

Most of us wouldn’t admit that we actively choose to live in darkness, but if we survey our lives, there may be areas where we tolerate it. In reality, darkness is simply the absence of light. Rather than being overwhelmed or indifferent in these spaces, we can choose to see the emptiness as an invitation to expose our entire lives to Jesus’ light. Bible Verses:Isaiah 9:2-7John 1:1-5, 9-14Ephesians 5:13-14Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
12/27/202340 minutes, 25 seconds
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For Freedom's Sake: Firm in Freedom

In our walk with Jesus, we can experience incredible moments of deliverance and freedom. Yet, when the old thoughts and feelings we thought we were free from come back, we can start to doubt if our experience of freedom was real or not. In this space, we have a responsibility to stand firm in the truth and reject the lies that try to persuade us otherwise. As Jesus' disciples, we ought to be aware of the ways that we are being influenced by the father of lies, rather than the Father of Light. Jesus says that he is the Light of the world and that when we follow him, we will never walk in darkness.Bible Verses:Galatians 5:1-12John 8:12John 1:1-5Ephesians 6:10-17Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
12/20/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 35 seconds
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For Freedom's Sake: The Purpose of Power

There is a value system that permeates all of humanity and the air we breathe: those with power use it to their own advantage, putting their own interests above others. But, when Jesus walked the earth, he confronted the powers of the air and showed us a different way. Though he knew all of the power and influence he had, he washed his disciples feet. As his disciples today, Jesus is still washing us of the cares of this world through his nature and calls us to follow his example of what true power really is.Bible Verses:John 13:1-17Philippians 2:5-8Isaiah 14:12-14Philippians 2:9-11Mark 10:41-45Philippians 2:1-4Philippians 2:12-14Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
12/13/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 46 seconds
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For Freedom's Sake: I Will Not Bow

In our cultural climate, most of us don't bow to physical gods or idols, but we do bow to ideas, thoughts and ideologies that are apart from the truth. At the root of each deception is the Father of Lies, who leads us away from the freedom we have in Jesus. But God is a deliverer and his truth sets us free from the lies that bind us. When we bow to him alone and agree with his truth, we will walk in the fullness of freedom that he has for us. Bible Verses:Galatians 5:1John 14:22-312 Corinthians 10:2-5John 8:31-472 Chronicles 7:14Numbers 33:50-56Daniel 3:4-6, 12-30Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
12/7/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 18 seconds
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For Freedom's Sake: Sexual Liberty

God has a design for our sexuality, but do we recognize these boundaries as for our good or rules that need to be followed? When we compare the restrictions that God has for us to what the world offers, we can often hold a suspicion that God is holding out on us. However, when we make the connection that the One who freed us is also the One who gives us these boundaries, we can see and start to trust that God desires us to be truly free and fully satisfied in the way that he designed us to be.  Bible Verses:1 Corinthians 6:12-20Galatians 5:1Exodus 3:12Ephesians 2:1-7Galatians 5:24-25Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
11/30/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 32 seconds
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For Freedom's Sake: The Meeting Place

Ezekiel describes a river that flowed from the temple and gave abounding life to everything it touched. In Christ, we are being built into a temple, a meeting place of heaven and earth in which his Spirit flows to bless the world. He calls each of us to this temple, but it can only be built from the willingness of our hearts in order for this temple to be an expression of freedom.Bible Verses:Galatians 5:1Ezekiel 47: 1-12 MSGMatthew 6:19-21Exodus 25:1-7Exodus 3:21-22Exodus 35:4-91 Peter 2:4-5Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
11/23/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 54 seconds
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For Freedom's Sake: Meeting God In His Faithfulness

In the Old Testament, the Israelites were commanded to tithe - to give a tenth of their increase to the temple. How does this principle apply to us today? As God shows us his faithfulness, he gives us the opportunity to meet him with our faithfulness, practically through our finances. Ultimately, God wants our hearts and he uses tithing as a proving ground.Bible Verses:Galatians 5:1Malachi 3:6-12Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
11/16/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 18 seconds
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For Freedom's Sake: Found Faithful

Our God is a perfect Father. He is a faithful provider, knowing what we need and when we need it. He knows how to give us the best, but he also knows how to get the best out of us. There are times when he does not come through in the same way that he did in the past, but instead he asks us to faithfully steward what he has already given us. As we are brought into maturity, we are able to experience the blessings he has as a result.  Bible Verses:Galatians 5:1 Joshua 5:9-12 Deuteronomy 1:31 Ephesians 4:20-24James 1:17Matthew 25:14-30Deuteronomy 28:1-6Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
11/9/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 20 seconds
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For Freedom's Sake: The God Who Sees

Living in the freedom that God provides requires us to trust who he reveals himself to be and to seek him first. He reveals himself as a good Father who will provide and see to all of our needs. Do we handle our finances in a way that is connected to the nature of God? Our feelings towards money is a litmus test of our trust in who he is.This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on October 29, 2023.Bible Verses:Galatians 5:1Matthew 6:19-34Matthew 7:24-29Genesis 22:1-18Romans 8:32Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
11/1/20231 hour, 22 minutes, 34 seconds
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For Freedom’s Sake

“If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” — John 8:36We may understand this theologically, but are we walking in the fullness of the freedom that’s available for us in practical areas of our lives? It can be tempting to go back to our old and comfortable patterns of living, but God gives us a choice to follow him and live truly free.This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on October 22, 2023.Bible Verses:Galatians 5:1John 8:31-36Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
10/25/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 12 seconds
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I Need a Shepherd

In the psalms, David says “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” On one hand, it can be difficult to admit our helplessness and need for Jesus. On the other, it can seem like a hopeful reality that is too good to be true. The areas in our lives of desperate need or self-dependence reveal to us that we actually don’t trust Jesus as our shepherd. But, if he promises that he will provide everything we need, Jesus invites us into the challenge of trusting him through every season and situation.This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on October 15, 2023.Bible Verses:Matthew 9:35-38Psalm 23Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
10/18/202354 minutes, 48 seconds
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His Love Never Fails

The gospel is simple: by grace, Jesus saved us and showed us his love by dying on the cross for us. But somewhere along the way, we can get lost doing things for Jesus to show how much we love him. This will inevitably fail and cause us to doubt God's love because, in doing this, we add our own work and virtue. We have to make the decision to keep the gospel of grace at the centre of our lives - that he first loved us and his love never fails.This message was preached by Paul Williams on October 8, 2023.Bible Verses:2 Corinthians 5:9-21 MSGEphesians 2:8-10 NIVCreating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
10/12/202359 minutes, 54 seconds
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In our individualistic culture, we can be deceived into believing that we can follow Jesus alone. But Jesus’ desire is for his disciples to be one, just as he and the Father are one. In opposition, the enemy schemes to divide us, but the Spirit gives us the grace to forgive, so that we can do life together. This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on October 1, 2023.Bible Verses:John 5:19-20John 5:30John 3:29-3 Acts 4:13John 14:10-14Matthew 7:21-23John 20:21-23Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
10/4/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 14 seconds
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To Do As He Is Doing

Trying to operate outside of our relationship with the Father will lead to frustration and burnout. In fact, Jesus calls this evil. If we continue to walk outside of his will, we perpetuate the very systems he wants to save us from. But, when we choose to receive his forgiveness and live from a place of union with the Father, we will find life and freedom in doing things as he is doing. This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on September 24, 2023.Bible Verses:John 5:19-20John 5:30John 3:29-36Acts 4:13John 14:10-14Matthew 7:21-23John 20:21-23Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
9/27/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 55 seconds
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To Become Like Him

Each and every one of us are destined to become like Jesus and this has become possible for us through his sacrifice for us. Yet, we still need to choose to receive his forgiveness for us. Many things try to pull us away from our seat at his table, but when we choose the one thing that matters — it cannot be taken away from us.This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on September 17, 2023.Bible Verses:Romans 8:28-30Luke 10:38-42Romans 8:31-39Luke 7:36-50Ephesians 2:1-10Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
9/20/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 21 seconds
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To Be With Him

In the story of Mary and Martha, as told in Luke 10, Jesus honoured Mary for choosing to sit at his feet, while Martha was distracted with her preparations. Their choices reflected their inner world and motivations. Today, we have the Holy Spirit sent by Jesus, who is with us wherever we find ourselves. We can choose to either be distracted by things that take us away from him or be aware of his presence amid our stress and responsibilities.This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on September 10, 2023.Bible Verses:Luke 10:38-42John 16:7Philippians 4:4-9 NIVCreating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
9/13/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 20 seconds
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To Him

Our lives are self-oriented when our priorities are focused on ourselves or people. But, Jesus calls us unto him. When we choose to heed is call to follow him to the cross, denying ourselves, and prioritizing him above all else, he promises us that we will find life. All of scripture, heaven and earth revolve around the same thing - to him. This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on September 3, 2023.Bible Verses:Revelation 1:5b-6Matthew 16:21-26Mark 14:3-9John 15:8Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
9/6/20231 hour, 1 minute, 22 seconds
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Who’s your King?

Before we encountered Jesus, we were slaves to our emotions and desires. But in Jesus, we have been given the freedom to choose who sits on the throne of our hearts. When our feelings pull us away from what is pleasing to God, we get to demonstrate our love to him through our minds by choosing what honours him. This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on August 27, 2023.Bible Verses:Revelation 1:5b-6Matthew 22:36-40Romans 5:8Ephesians 2:4-5Romans 12:1-2Hebrews 4:14-16Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
8/30/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Fountain of Life

What do you do when you face frustration in the life Jesus invites you into? Often, we take what we need from Jesus, but neglect our connection with him along the way. In this space, Jesus calls us to be present with him through prayer. He is the fountain of life. This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on August 20, 2023.Bible Verses:Revelation 1:5b-6Mark 3:13-15Mark 9:29Exodus 24:12Jeremiah 2:13Luke 10:17-20Jeremiah 2:1-3Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
8/23/202355 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Promise of his Presence

Responding to God’s purpose for our lives can sometimes feel like an enormous weight on our shoulders. As the pressure mounds, it may feel more intuitive to pull away. But instead, these moments are to be embraced, presenting the unique opportunity to experience the necessity of his presence in greater ways. By way of his design, even under immense pressure we can experience deeper communion with him and rest for our souls.  This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on August 13, 2023.Bible Verses:Revelations 1:5b-6Exodus 33:12-16Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
8/16/20231 hour, 2 minutes
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Designed for God

We’re all looking for what it means to be human. God’s design for us is this: to be his priests and to love him. Yet, he does not force this upon us but gives us the freedom and will to choose. We do not have to worship him but in doing so we find out what it is to be fully alive.This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on August 6, 2023.Bible Verses:Revelation 1:5b-6Exodus 19:3-6John 1:14Exodus 33:12-16Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
8/10/20231 hour, 17 seconds
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The Spirit In You

We all come with our individual problems, but the gospel proposes that it is the solution of any issue that we are facing. If this is objectively true, then it begs the question: Are we truly experiencing this in our lives? Rather than managing our problems on the surface, we need to return to the fundamental truth - we’ve been given everything we need and he lives in us.This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on July 30, 2023.Bible Verses:2 Timothy 1:1-14Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
8/2/20231 hour, 1 minute, 33 seconds
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Sent to the Lost

What do you do after you’ve caught a vision of Jesus? In our culture, it had become increasingly easy to get lost in our own desires and problems - even after we’ve seen Jesus. But rather than keeping the good news to ourselves, he calls us to look beyond ourselves and sends us out to find those who need an encounter with him.This message was preached by Travis Holownia on July 16, 2023.Bible Verses:Mark 8:22-262 Corinthians 2:18Matthew 5:8Ephesians 3:16-18John 20:21Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
7/20/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Blessing of Offense

Are you shocked by the offensive nature of the cross? The blessing found in Jesus’ love includes his invitation to eat his flesh and drink his blood. We must allow ourselves to be startled by this reality, shake off our complacency and step into a greater freedom in receiving his life.This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on July 9, 2023.Bible Verses:Luke 22:14-19John 6:52-58Hebrews 10:11-14Zechariah 3:1-5Matthew 7:13-14Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
7/12/20231 hour, 50 seconds
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There’s Good News

The gospel of a Jesus changes everything! When we hear it often, it’s easy to become familiar with the language of the good news, and numb to the reality of Jesus. In time our faith erodes and we don’t live with the same passion we did at first. However if we allow it to wake us up, it will invigorate us to live according to his vision – for his kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on July 2, 2023.Bible Verses:Ephesians 1:17-23Matthew 13:58Matthew 6:9-13Mark 4:14-21Isaiah 6:2-4Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
7/6/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Vision of the Father

Ryan teaches on the difference between our calling and purpose. The Father’s vision for us is to be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God, while our purpose flows from that place. When we aim to do the Father’s will, we will always be walking in our purpose – filled with rest, satisfaction and fulfillment.This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on June 25, 2023.Bible Verses:Ephesians 3:14-19Colossians 1:19-20Matthew 11:28-30Matthew 6:25-34Philippians 4:10-13Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
6/28/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 8 seconds
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In Focus

This week, Ryan encourages us to step out in faith to remain in the vision of our lives – which is ultimately Jesus himself. Like when Jesus calls Peter out onto the water, his vision is that we would lock eyes with him and stay standing over the water, not to sink. The grace that calls us out is the same grace that sustains us on the water. This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on June 18, 2023.Bible Verses:Matthew 14:22-33Habakkuk 2:2-4Isaiah 26:3Colossians 3:1-10, 12-17Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
6/22/202354 minutes, 38 seconds
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For the Record (Part 2)

Continuing in Habakkuk 2:2, Ryan talks about the importance of writing down the promises and vision that God has shown us for our life. When we write them down, we are reminded that there is a reality greater than our current experience, especially in the moments when it's tempting to settle for less. We are then able to find clarity within ourselves and find accountability with one another, so that we can live by faith. This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on June 11, 2023.Bible Verses:Habakkuk 2:2-4Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
6/15/20231 hour, 56 seconds
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For the Record

How has God been faithful to you?Just as it’s instructed in Habakkuk 2:2, Ryan speaks to the faith that arises when we write down what God has done. We are called to remember well, not merely for history to stay in past, but for the record. God designed our memories, so that we would remember his faithfulness when we face our struggles in the present, in the future and for the generations to come.This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on June 4, 2023.Bible Verses:1 Samuel 17Deuteronomy 7:17-191 Samuel 17:34-38Psalm 40:1-4,9-10Habakkuk 2:2Habakkuk 2:4Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
6/7/202359 minutes, 8 seconds
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Into the New

Why is it that our instructions from Joshua 1:9 are to be strong, courageous and to not be discouraged? It may mean that whenever God takes us to new ground, we’ll need to face that of which will test our outermost limits. However, the revolution comes when you realize it isn’t you that needs to break those chains of fear but trusting in the one who has called you to those moments of surrender. This message was preached by Craig Millar on May 28, 2023.Bible Verses:Joshua 1:1-3Joshua 1:9-11Isaiah 43:19Joshua 3:3-4Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
5/31/202331 minutes, 37 seconds
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Partnering with the Holy Spirit

God has always partnered with humanity in the flourishing of his kingdom on the earth, and it’s no different today. This week, Tim Gonsalvez talks about how the Holy Spirit is still doing the same thing through the church, by empowering ordinary people like us with his gifts. When we recognize the spiritual gifts that he has given us, we can walk in the fulfillment of purpose and joy that God has designed for us – in serving those around us and pointing towards Jesus.This message was preached by Tim Gonzalves on May 21, 2023.Bible Verses:1 Corinthians 12:4-11Romans 12:4-8Genesis 1:26-28Philippians 2:5-82 Timothy 3:1-5Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
5/25/202357 minutes, 36 seconds
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Loving What God Loves

Do you know how God sees you? This week, Hans Vlasveld talks about loving and seeing ourselves the way God made us and agreeing with it. Jesus has come to restore the identity that the Father has given us. When we choose to receive this identity, we are able to experience more of his freedom and truly love our neighbour as ourselves.This message was preached by Hans Vlasveld on May 7, 2023.Bible Verses:Luke 10:25-37 James 1:27 James 1:13-25 Romans 7:15-20 Romans 8:1-4 Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
5/10/202350 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Promise in Prayer

This week, Ryan addressed the simplicity of prayer. At times, it can feel difficult to pray and the promises of God seem out of reach. In this tension, there is an opportunity to simplify our approach to prayer and deepen our engagement with him. At the heart of prayer is relational connection with God.This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on April 30, 2023.Bible Verses:2 Chronicles 7:14John 14:13-17Romans 12:2,Ephesians 6:18-20Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
5/3/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 44 seconds
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Revealed in Ruin

This week Ryan proposed the question of what it means to receive God's name, and highlighted the how essential it is to walk in our identity as sons and daughters. This identity is often revealed in the face of opposition, as scripture reveals how devastating compromise can be. Agreeing with God about who we are in him leads to standing firmly in victory.This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on April 23, 2023.Bible Verses:Nehemiah 6:1-112 Chronicles 7:19-222 Chronicles 7:13-14Luke 4:1-3John 17:10-12Psalm 23:5Ephesians 1:13-14Romans 8:14-17Romans 8:19-21Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
4/26/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Nature of Influence

This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on April 16, 2023.Bible Verses:Nehemiah 4:7-12Ephesians 2:1-5Ephesians 6:10-172 Corinthians 10:3-5Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
4/19/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Power of Blind Faith

This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on April 9, 2023.Bible Verses:John 201 John 1:1-3Acts 1:8Ephesians 1:18-21Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
4/13/202351 minutes, 30 seconds
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A Culture of Blessing

This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on April 2, 2023.Bible Verses:2 Chronicles 7:14Nehemiah 1:3-4Nehemiah 2:10Nehemiah 4:1-3Ephesians 4:17-32Ephesians 6:10-20Nehemiah 13:4-5Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
4/5/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 50 seconds
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Irresistible Holiness (Part 4)

This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on March 26, 2023.Bible Verses:Luke 7:11-17Proverbs 9:10Ephesians 2:1-10Psalm 100:4Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
3/29/202354 minutes, 51 seconds
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Irresistible Holiness (Part 3)

This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on March 19, 2023.Bible Verses:Hebrews 6:11-121 Peter 1:14-161 Peter 2:1-3Exodus 20:1-2Hebrews 6:13-20Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
3/22/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 21 seconds
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Irresistible Holiness (Part 2)

This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on March 12, 2023.Bible Verses:Acts 3:26Romans 12:1Psalm 139:23-24Philippians 1:6Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
3/15/202358 minutes, 2 seconds
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Irresistible Holiness (Part 1)

This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on March 5, 2023.Bible Verses:Acts 3:24-262 Samuel 6:3-7Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
3/8/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 21 seconds
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Just Keep Going

This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on February 5, 2023.Bible Verses:Luke 21:191 Corinthians 10:13James 1:2-4Romans 8:28John 15:4-5,9-11Lamentations 3:22-23Psalm 136:1-4Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
2/8/20231 hour, 32 seconds
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Designed for Rest

This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on January 29, 2023.Bible Verses:Matthew 11:28-30Hosea 10:12-13Genesis 3:17b-19Hebrews 4:1Hebrews 4:8-11Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
2/1/202329 minutes, 18 seconds
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Framed By His Faithfulness

This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on January 22, 2023.Bible Verses:Psalm 89:1-8Hebrews 11:8-12Hebrews 6:13-19Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
1/25/202339 minutes, 23 seconds
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As One

This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on January 15, 2023.Bible Verses:Revelation 3:14-21Luke 22:14-20Joshua 3:1-5Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
1/18/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Word Is Near You

This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on January 8, 2023.Bible Verses:Mark 8:14-21Deuteronomy 30:11-14Romans 10:5-10Psalm 118:15-17Psalm 40:1-3,9-10Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
1/11/202339 minutes, 59 seconds
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For All to See

This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on January 1, 2023.Bible Verses:Mark 8:14-21Joshua 3:1-5Exodus 40:36-38Deuteronomy 20:1-8Psalm 40:1-3, 9-10Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
1/4/20231 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
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Stepping into Jesus’ Purpose

This message was preached by Tim Gonsalves on December 4, 2022.Bible Verses:John 10:7-10Mark 1:14-15Philippians 3:21Revelation 21:1-5Luke 4:18-19Philippians 2:6-8Matthew 3:16-17Matthew 10:7-8John 14:12Ephesians 2:10Romans 12:1-2Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----The Altars ProjectYouTubeWebsiteGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest Prayer
12/7/20221 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
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The Stones Will Cry Out

This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on November 27, 2022.Bible Verses:Isaiah 43:19Joshua 3:5Hebrews 12:1-2Joshua 4:1-3, 6-7, 21-24Deuteronomy 11:2-7, 13-15Matthew 3:7-9Luke 19:37-401 Peter 2:4-101 Kings 18:18-21, 30-31, 36-39Revelation 7:9-10Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Service InformationConnect With UsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
11/30/202252 minutes, 14 seconds
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Following God Into What’s Next

This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on November 20, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Isaiah 43:19Joshua 3:5Matthew 3:13-17Luke 1:18-20Luke 1:57-66Luke 1:76-792 Corinthians 5:17-21Hebrews 12:1-3Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Service InformationConnect With UsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
11/23/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 53 seconds
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Stewarding Jesus' Life In You

This message was preached by James Bonney on November 13, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Luke 19:11-27Proverbs 26:4-5John 16:33Colossians 3:1-4Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Service InformationConnect With UsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
11/16/202235 minutes, 44 seconds
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Will You See What’s Next When It Comes?

This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on November 6, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Isaiah 43:19 ESVJohn 1:29-34 NIVLuke 7:29-30 NIVJohn 1:35-36 NIVJoshua 3:1-5 NIVJohn 1:28 NIVCreating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Service InformationConnect With UsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
11/6/20221 hour, 1 minute, 39 seconds
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When God Leads Us to Dry Places

This message was preached by Ryan Johnson on Oct 30, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Numbers 33:14Exodus 17:1-7Matthew 13:20-21John 17:31 Corinthians 10:4Matthew 11:6Isaiah 53:5Romans 5:8Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Service InformationConnect With UsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
10/30/202243 minutes, 53 seconds
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Choosing Freedom in Jesus

This message was preached by Brandon Clarke on Oct 23, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Galatians 5:13-26Galatians 3:10-13Galatians 5:1Galatians 6:1-2John 3:5-7Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Service InformationConnect With UsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
10/23/202249 minutes, 28 seconds
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Giving Attention to His Presence

This message was preached on Oct 9, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Luke 2:41-52Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Service InformationConnect With UsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
10/13/202251 minutes, 24 seconds
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Heart to Heart

This message was preached on Oct 2, 2022.Scripture passages for this message: Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Service InformationConnect With UsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
10/5/202258 minutes, 6 seconds
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Kings & Queens

This message was preached on Sept 25, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Psalm 8:38Colossians 1:13John 14:12Romans 5:172 Samuel 9:1-111 Samuel 18:3-4Ephesians 2:6Colossians 2:14-15Luke 11:24-27Proverbs 24:3-4Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Service InformationConnect With UsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
9/25/202245 minutes, 4 seconds
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Honouring the Vision of His Church

This message was preached on Sept 18, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Ephesians 2:11-22Ephesians 4:4-6Ephesians 4:11-131 Peter 2:5-9Matthew 16:13-20Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Service InformationConnect With UsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
9/22/202247 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Image of Success

This message was preached on Sept 11, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Matthew 16:24-27Matthew 11:28-30Psalm 23Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Service InformationConnect With UsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
9/14/202251 minutes, 27 seconds
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David's Vow

This message was preached on Aug 28, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Psalm 132Romans 12:1-2John 4:19-24Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
8/31/202251 minutes, 10 seconds
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Seeing the Man On the Waves

This message was preached on Aug 21, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Revelation 4:10Revelation 14:1-5John 15:14-15Matthew 14:22-33Exodus 3:13:-14Revelation 15:1-4Matthew 16:13-19Matthew 24:13Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
8/21/20221 hour, 1 minute, 8 seconds
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Knowing Him As He Is

This message was preached on Aug 14, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Exodus 3:13-14Matthew 16:13-17Matthew 17:1-8Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
8/14/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 10 seconds
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What You Do With Fear Will Change Your Life

This message was preached on Aug 7, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:2 Peter 1:3Psalm 107:1-9Ephesians 1:3-14Ephesians 1:15-21Numbers 13:28-33Numbers 14:1-9Numbers 14:24Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
8/7/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Evidence of Being with Jesus

This message was preached on July 31, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Acts 4:1-14Acts 3:1-10Philippians 3:4-11Galatians 3:24-29Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
7/31/202241 minutes, 26 seconds
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Designed for Holiness

This message was preached on July 24, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Hebrews 9:1-15 MSGHebrews 10:14 NIVHebrews 10:19-22 NIVCreating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
7/24/202257 minutes, 50 seconds
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Our Weapon of Warfare

This message was preached on July 17, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Philippians 3:7-14Exodus 13:17Judges 3:1-42 Corinthians 10:3-5Deuteronomy 6:4-9Deuteronomy 6:10-12Colossians 2:13-15Colossians 3:1-4, 5-17Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----YouTubeInstagramService InformationRequest PrayerJoin Our Mailing ListConnect With UsGiving
7/17/202259 minutes, 15 seconds
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Altars: Grit and Grace

This message was preached on July 10, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Matthew 13:1-9Matthew 13:20-21Matthew 7:24-25James 1:2-4Proverbs 24:16Ephesians 2:8-9John 15:52 Corinthians 12:9-10Hebrews 12:152 Corinthians 4:7-9Hebrews 12:1-3Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
7/10/202258 minutes, 52 seconds
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Altars: The Prize

This message was preached on July 3, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Philippians 3:1-211 Corinthians 9:24-27Matthew 7:21-23Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
7/3/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 21 seconds
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Good Design: The Good Father (Part 2)

This message was preached on June 26, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:John 15:9-15Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
6/26/202258 minutes, 3 seconds
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Good Design: The Good Father (Part 1)

This message was preached on June 19, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Ephesians 5:1Romans 8:14-16Ephesians 5:18Creating moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
6/19/202238 minutes, 53 seconds
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Crazy Faith

This message was preached on June 12, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:John 11:1-4Hebrews 1:3Matthew 13:20-21Romans 4:18-21We exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
6/12/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 27 seconds
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Living Empowered by the Holy Spirit

This message was preached on June 5, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Acts 2:13 John 2:1Acts 1:4-5,8We exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
6/5/202249 minutes, 6 seconds
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Altars In the City

This message was preached on May 22, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Romans 8:18-21 (TPT)Matthew 5:13-15 (TPT)Matthew 5:16 (TPT)John 7:17 (TPT)James 4:6-10 (TPT)We exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
5/22/202236 minutes, 18 seconds
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Altars In the Home

This message was preached on May 15, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Genesis 12:7-8, 26:24-25, 33:20Deuteronomy 6Joshua 24:15Deuteronomy 30:11-20We exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
5/15/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 43 seconds
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Altars: Back to First Love

This message was preached on May 8, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Romans 12:1-21 Peter 2:4-6Psalm 118:27 NLTGenesis 22:9Revelation 2:4-5John 15:13Romans 5:8 NIVWe exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
5/8/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 44 seconds
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This message was preached on May 1, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:1 Kings 18:30-39Genesis 12:7-8Psalm 141:1-2Acts 2:1-41 Peter 2:4-5Hebrews 10:19-22Romans 12:1We exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
5/3/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 56 seconds
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Encountering Jesus at the Well

This message was preached on April 10, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:John 4:1-42 MSGWe exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
4/10/202249 minutes, 53 seconds
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Slaves to Sons (Part 2)

This message was preached on April 3, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Joshua 5:2-9Ephesians 1:13-14Romans 2:28-29Proverbs 4:23Peter 1:3Galatians 4:6-9Ephesians 4:20-241 John 4:13-18Proverbs 3:5-6Romans 8:14-17We exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
4/3/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Great Witness (Behold the Lamb)

This message was preached on March 27, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Revelation 11:3Acts 1:8John 5:30-40Hebrews 12:25-29Luke 7:29-30John 1:29,33,35-36Revelation 12:11We exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
3/27/202247 minutes, 58 seconds
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Living Born Again

This message was preached on March 20, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:John 3:1-12Titus 3:3-6Ephesians 2:4-8Philippians 1:6We exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
3/20/202243 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Song of the Lamb

This message was preached on March 13, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Revelation 14:1-5 NIVRevelation 15:1-4 NIVWe exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
3/13/202251 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Gospel According to Obed-Edom

This message was preached on March 6, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Acts 3:261 Chronicles 13:12-14Colossians 3:171 Corinthians 10:312 Samuel 6:12Ephesians 2:12-13We exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
3/6/202251 minutes, 26 seconds
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Life Together: Ekklesia

This message was preached on February 27, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Matthew 16:13-20Ephesians 4:4-16Romans 12:4-81 Corinthians 12:4-7, 11-14, 27-311 Corinthians 14:26Acts 2:42-47We exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
2/27/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 14 seconds
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Life Together: Doing As He Did

This message was preached on February 20, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:John 5:19-20Matthew 7:21-23John 5:16-19John 5:30John 3:29-36John 15:8We exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
2/20/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 40 seconds
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Life Together: Becoming Like Him

This message was preached on February 13, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Luke 10:38-42Romans 8:28-302 Corinthians 3:18Ephesians 2:1-102 Corinthians 5:21Predestined to bear the image of GodCalled to himself in relationshipJustified - Made righteousGlorified - shared in Jesus’ GloryWe exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
2/13/20221 hour, 1 minute, 40 seconds
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Life Together: Being With Him

This message was preached on February 6, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Luke 10:38-42Genesis 49:5-7Acts 13:22You are willing to give your attention to him when he calls.You will choose him when it costs you something – or everything.You’re willing to do what he asks when he asks.We exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
2/6/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 40 seconds
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Persistent Faith For More

This message was preached on January 30, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Luke 18:1-8John 14:1John 16:33We exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
1/30/202242 minutes, 16 seconds
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Permission to Walk On Water

This message was preached on January 23, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Galatians 5:24-6:4Isaiah 35:8We exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
1/23/202251 minutes, 1 second
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Unbound to Love

This message was preached on January 16, 2022Scripture passages for this message:Mark 8:14-21Ephesians 6:16John 10:27-28John 10:4-5Three snags to look out forNot seeing one another as Jesus does.  When we see others' sins, troubles or burdens, as not “my problem”  Valuing what others think of us at the expense of what He values and has given us to doWe exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
1/16/202247 minutes, 22 seconds
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In the Crowd & On the Boat

This message was preached on January 9, 2022Scripture passages for this message:Mark 8:14-21Ephesians 6:16John 10:27-28John 10:4-5We exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
1/9/202249 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Miracle and the Mindset 2022

This message was preached on January 2, 2022.Scripture passages for this message:Mark 8:14-21Psalm 84:5-7We exist to create moments with Jesus that become the movements of Jesus.-----Connect With UsOur Current GatheringsGivingJoin Our Mailing ListRequest PrayerYouTube
1/2/20221 hour, 1 minute, 24 seconds