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CityLife Church Australia

English, Religion, 1 season, 245 episodes, 5 days, 20 hours, 47 minutes
Inspiring messages from our Senior Minister Andrew Hill and our teaching team. At CityLife Church our mission is to raise up fervent followers of Jesus Christ who will reach out and impact communities, cities and nations for the kingdom of God.
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Why We Forgive

Before we were bought by Jesus' sacrifice, we were in a prison of sin. Because God forgave us, we now live in freedom. If we do not forgive one another, we continue to imprison ourselves in our old lives. Mike speaks about how and why we live out the calling of Christ to forgive one another as God forgave us.
9/14/202438 minutes, 31 seconds
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What is Holy Conflict?

Relational patterns of communication and conflict are often dictated by our personality, our parents and our past, but relationships that come from God grows from Holy Conflict. Racquel explores what this means and how we can have healthier and more godly relationships with one another.
9/7/202445 minutes, 8 seconds
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What Kind of Father is God?

As we celebrate and reflect on the role of fathers this weekend, Phil helps us to look at the impact our own earthly fathers have had on our lives. Even in what our dads may lack, we know and look to our one perfect Father in heaven, who desires a close relationship with us.
8/31/202439 minutes, 50 seconds
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Justice, Mercy and Humility

In many difficult situations in life, being both just and merciful may seem impossible. Jesus shows us through His most humble act on the cross that this is not only possible, but necessary if we are to walk with Him. Andrew guides us with examples and perspectives of how we can act both justly and mercifully in the brokenness of our world.
8/24/202436 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Power of God's Love

What should our primary goal be as Christians in a secular world? To win arguments or to prove our intelligence, or to show God's love? Godwin preaches on the purpose of evangelism, God's calling, and our role as reflectors of Christ's love.
8/17/202447 minutes, 15 seconds
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What Happens at the End?

What happens at the end of the world? And what does that mean for us? In the final week of our Revelation series Mike looks at the vision of the new heaven and new earth and what it means for the modern Church.
8/10/202439 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Beast and the Dragon

Continuing our series in Revelation, Paul Molyneux delves into chapter 12 and 13 about the woman, the child and the beast. Why should we pay attention to the Apostle John's vision of the beast? And what does it mean for us in the modern age?
8/3/202442 minutes, 56 seconds
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Believing for Greater Things

On this Inspire weekend, Andrew opens up Revelation 7 and its symbols to point us to the greater things God is doing. Even during worldly and personal trials, God is working through us and in us wherever we are for His Kingdom and for His people.
7/27/202450 minutes, 2 seconds
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Fighting Lonely Battles

Many of us face loneliness in our faith that we aren’t prepared for. In order to stay strong in life's lonely battles, we must have personal faith. Jeffrey Rachmat, Senior Pastor of Jakarta Praise Community Church, explores the importance of our personal walk with Christ when we face struggles alone.
7/20/202434 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Spiritual Pilgrimage

A pilgrimage is not only a physical journey to a destination, but it is also a spiritual journey towards God's kingdom and His presence. Psalm 84 speaks of the pilgrimage to the temple of God. Paul Molyneux invites us to see in this passage how God is working through the valleys and hard times on our way to come closer to Him.
7/13/202438 minutes, 6 seconds
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To the Kingdom

Sometimes God's calling doesn't make sense or it isn't how we expected. Jesus called His disciples on a journey to an unknown and foreign area; but even when the storms rose, He was the peace and calm in their midst. Danielle Strickland explores the last passage in Mark 4 and how we can orient our ways to follow Jesus and trust in His plan.
7/6/202440 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Victorious Christ

What is the book of Revelation? Mike gives us the context and summary of the who, what, how and why of Revelation and explores how even through spiritual trials, Christ remains victorious.
6/22/202434 minutes, 48 seconds
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Less is More

Although in our daily lives limitation can bring us down, God can use all things, even our weakness, to bring glory to the Kingdom. Ken Lee speaks on the story of Gideon and how God used less in the eyes of Israel to bring more prospering and glory to His people.
6/15/202442 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Grace of God

How do we live counter culturally? In Titus, Paul calls us to a life of grace in a culture where it was not valued. Paul Molyneux explores how and why we should show grace as God first showed grace to us.
6/8/202432 minutes, 52 seconds
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What is Tithe?

Does the church only care about money? What is the tithe and why was it required by God in the Old Testament and do we still need to do it today? These are some questions Mike talks about as he looks at 1 Timothy 5 and unpacks the concept of giving tithe and people working for the church.
6/1/202438 minutes, 7 seconds
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When Things Don't Go to Plan

Life doesn't always go as planned and for the Apostle Paul, this was no exception. How can we find God's purpose for us through life's ups and downs? Andrew looks at 2 Timothy 4 and how Paul's plans for a missionary journey failed, and how we can finish what we started for God's plans, not ours.
5/25/202438 minutes, 52 seconds
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Living in the Unknown

In life we go through so many changes in our jobs, family, and relationships. When we find ourselves in the unknown and facing uncertainty it can be difficult to see how God is working. Marg helps us to see that God is working in us to build our values, belief and trust in him so he can open up new opportunities in our life.
5/18/202437 minutes, 40 seconds
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Mothers & the Image of God

Mothers are incredible, they care for us, comfort us, show us unconditional love and sacrifice for us. They show characteristics of Christ that we are called to show in our lives. So how can we learn from our mothers and hold onto those godly qualities they show us?
5/11/202432 minutes, 38 seconds
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You Can't Grow Oak Trees from Mustard Seeds

Scott explores the nature and growth of the Kingdom of God on earth. A Brief Look at Matthew 13:31-32 and the Parable of the Mustard Weed.
5/4/202435 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Kingdom Life

The little things we do, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to impact others will eventually bring bigger transformation and change. The Kingdom of God starts from a humble and small beginning and will grow and take over the world.
4/27/202432 minutes, 12 seconds
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Little is Much in God's Kingdom

Paulos unpacks how the power of the Holy Spirit works extra ordinary things in ordinary people to bring the Kingdom down to earth.
4/20/202428 minutes, 6 seconds
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From Slaves to Sons

Before we put our trust in Christ, we were slaves. Now we are sons and daughters like the firstborn male son who became the heir in a Greco-Roman family.
4/13/202438 minutes, 11 seconds
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When Friendships Fail

Is there anything we can do when friends become enemies? What do we do when relationships are tense and threatening to boil over? Clem looks at King David's friendships and how we can learn from them.
4/6/202438 minutes, 45 seconds
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From Resurrection to Restoration

The Resurrection of Jesus strengthens our faith and is the basis for all Restoration!
3/30/202437 minutes, 7 seconds
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Let Joy Come! Andrew Chisholm explains how God’s joy can be revealed in our lives as we pray “your Kingdom come.”
3/23/202436 minutes, 2 seconds
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Praba shares a powerful message about physical and emotional healing.
3/16/202429 minutes, 59 seconds
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Take Ground for the Kingdom

To take ground for the kingdom in culture, we must first allow God to take back the ground within us.
3/9/202446 minutes, 15 seconds
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Relating to God as Father

Michael shows that how we view God determines how we see our relationship with Him and how we pray.
3/2/202429 minutes, 20 seconds
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Your Kingdom Come

As we enter a season of prayer and fasting, Andrew Chisholm shows how Jesus’ pattern of praying for the kingdom can help us build a more effective prayer life.
2/24/202444 minutes, 11 seconds
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Build Him an Altar

The message is centred around the narrative where Elijah builds an altar to the Lord and the fire of God comes and consumes the Altar. The focus is on calling the church to build an altar to the Lord so His Fire can fall on our lives.
2/17/202436 minutes, 18 seconds
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Sharing our Story Invites People into Kingdom Life

Mike Grechko shares the power of our testimonies and how it helps people enter the Kingdom to become part of God's story.
2/10/202436 minutes, 26 seconds
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Tell Your Story

Andrew Chisholm presents the first message in our Kingdom Life Vision Series for 2024.
2/3/202445 minutes, 57 seconds
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Mission and Maturity

Guest speaker Gary Morgan speaks on the mission of God for us to get up, grow up, and move forward from greater words to greater works.
1/27/202445 minutes, 44 seconds
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Jesus is Near

As we step into a new year, it's important to remember basic truths about Jesus and how he calls us to live our lives with courage and faith.
1/20/202439 minutes, 40 seconds
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Healing: Faith, Mystery and the Power of the Holy Spirit

While divine healing and spiritual gifts are complex and may not always align with our expectations, we are encouraged to actively seek and trust in God's plan.
1/13/202446 minutes, 53 seconds
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Growing in the Greatest Command

There are many hopes and plans we may have, but there’s one thing that’s most important above all else. How can we be practical and intentional about growing in our love for God this year?
1/6/202438 minutes, 45 seconds
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Receive, Believe & Declare

The words we speak has the power of life or death; God wants His children to speak the word of God over their life.
12/30/202322 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Perfect Gift at Christmas

Andrew Chisholm explores different answers to the question what is the perfect gift at Christmas?
12/24/202320 minutes, 31 seconds
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Wisdom for Procrastinators

Andrew continues the series in Proverbs as he looks at the problem of slothfulness and procrastination.
12/23/202339 minutes, 42 seconds
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Margins for Miracles

Shelley shares an encouraging message about creating space for generosity in a face-paced world.
12/9/202339 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Will of God

Godwin shares a powerful message on how we can search for the will of God in His Word and see how God is wanting to work in our own lives.
12/2/202343 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Spiritual Discipline of Wise Decision Making

Do our choices, selections, preferences and decisions reflect a disciple of Christ or just a shrewd secular mind? Our decision-making process should be a spiritual discipline.
11/25/202343 minutes, 54 seconds
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Wisdom for Leaders

From the book of Proverbs and the life of King Solomon, Andrew Chisholm explores how servant leaders can find wisdom from God.
11/18/202336 minutes, 37 seconds
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Wisdom for Work

From the book of Proverbs and the life of King Solomon, Andrew Chisholm explores how we can find wisdom for our work.
11/11/202343 minutes, 53 seconds
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Welcoming the Way of Wisdom

The extent to which we welcome the discipline of our loving Father is the extent to which we will receive our inheritance of Wisdom as children.
11/4/202339 minutes, 44 seconds
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Sam brings an encouragement around being ready to be interrupted for bringing God's Kingdom.
10/28/202331 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Unfinished Task

Paulos shares an encouraging message about the work being completed by God's people to impact the nations. This is an unfinished task and we are all called to join God as He continues to spread His Good News.
10/21/202337 minutes, 27 seconds
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Standing Firm with Peace and Prayer

The armour of God gives us tools to stand firm, walk in the gospel of peace and prayerfully respond in each situation.
10/14/202334 minutes, 19 seconds
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Wherever. Whatever.

Godwin speaks about the purpose God placed you wherever you are and he's going to use whatever that is in your hand.
10/7/202349 minutes, 9 seconds
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The 3 Commandments of Christ

Michael Magyar looks at the resurrection of Lazarus, which gives valuable insight into the ingredients required for the miracle of new life.
9/30/202329 minutes
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God the Holy Spirit

Nicholas Tsakis shares an inspiring message on the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and how we can recognise His presence.
9/23/202337 minutes, 32 seconds
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What Do You Believe About Him?

What we believe about Christ impacts our lives significantly. It shapes how we pray, how we interact with one another, and the decisions we make. Ken Lee shares a powerful message challenging us to test our own beliefs about Jesus Christ.
9/16/202335 minutes, 56 seconds
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God the Son

Racquel speaks on the ascension and exaltation of Christ from the apostles creed. Jesus, the Son of God, in humility restricted his divine privileges, power, and position for the sake of others, leading to his exaltation.
9/8/202340 minutes, 33 seconds
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God the Father

As we continue in Apostle's Creed series we look at God The Father and His desire for relationship with His children.
9/2/202333 minutes, 5 seconds
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Foundations: The Apostle's Creed

Andrew Chisholm reflects on the importance of having a strong foundation for our faith in every season.
8/26/202334 minutes, 56 seconds
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The God Shaking

First the shaking, then the outpouring. Vicki gives a prophetic message as she inspires us not to be afraid of life's challenges, but to see them in the context of God's transformative plan.
8/19/202346 minutes, 19 seconds
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People and Partners

Brisita Rojas Ryan explores Acts 9 and how God redeems places and people in partnership with His disciples.
8/12/202337 minutes, 56 seconds
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To Be Like Christ

God wants us to be like Him. And how He shapes the likeness of Christ in us, is where "two or three gather" in His name.
8/4/202340 minutes, 14 seconds
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Leader's Life

Shelley reflects on what true Christian leadership looks like in our lives and in the life of our Church.
7/29/202339 minutes, 42 seconds
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For our mid-year vision weekend, Andrew Chisholm shares on the spiritual gift of guidance, navigation or wayfinding (1 Cor 12:29).
7/22/202337 minutes, 36 seconds
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Mark shares a compelling and powerful message on the importance of our lives in God's generational legacy. We must make our mission in life to serve Christ and serve others so as to pass down His great Kingdom.
7/15/202345 minutes, 41 seconds
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Zaccheus - The Long and the Short of it

Through the story of Zaccheus Jesus shows us the long and the short of loving others. Marg will unpack these processes with us today.
7/8/202330 minutes, 41 seconds
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Shed the Shell

Its Shedding season! It's time to shed the old shell and step into the new story God has for you.
7/1/202339 minutes, 18 seconds
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Engaged in Church Life

Praba speaks on the importance of becoming part of a community of Christ followers and being actively engaged in church life.
6/24/202329 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Trouble with Tents

It's time to get out of the tent! God knows the name & number of the stars - he hasn't forgotten yours. The LIMITLESS sky is our portion.
6/17/202334 minutes, 51 seconds
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On Track

Jesus teaches how to build our lives by acting on his teaching. He is our rock and our foundation; all other ground is sinking sand. A message from Paul Molyneux.
6/10/202335 minutes, 44 seconds
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Dunamis: The Power of Pentecost

With the original DUNAMIS power your life will be transformed. You will never be the same again!
5/27/202336 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Joy of Joining God at Work

Paulos unpacks what it means to join God at work and the glorious joy it brings to God & how it replenishes our soul.
5/19/202339 minutes, 36 seconds
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A Reason to Sing

Just like Mary, in our time and culture, we are God-bearers. We get to birth the disrupting, reckless love of God into a world that so desperately needs a Saviour.
5/13/202332 minutes, 23 seconds
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Let's Get Messy

Every Christian should break off any limitation or fear of having a messy life in order to reach people for Jesus. A message from Shelley Ligtermoet.
5/6/202342 minutes, 2 seconds
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Living Generously

Living Generously is an attitude we can have towards life. In this message, Paul helps us to see how generosity affects our heart.
4/29/202345 minutes, 11 seconds
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Come Holy Spirit

This message is all about what the Holy Spirit does in our lives and it will encourage us to enter into a deeper experience of His presence and power. A message from guest speaker Layla Nahavandi.
4/22/202342 minutes, 20 seconds
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Amour of God

When we feel like we are surrounded by the enemy, the Bible encourages us to put on the full armour of God and stand firm, together.
4/15/202341 minutes, 52 seconds
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You are Not Alone

Do you sometimes feel alone and hopeless? This Easter Weekend, Andrew Chisholm shares how we can find renewed hope when we discover Jesus is alive and walking with us.
4/8/202335 minutes, 43 seconds
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Good Friday

Paul shares the Gospel message this Good Friday and encourages us to lay it all on Jesus as we acknowledge Him as King.
4/6/202326 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Resolute and Triumphant Entry of Jesus

In this powerful and relevant message, Liz highlights how Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, knowing fully well the suffering that awaits him on the cross, strengthens our own walk with Christ.
4/1/202341 minutes, 7 seconds
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Power of Persistent Prayer

Through the parable of the "The Persistent Widow" Jesus shows us the importance of persistence prayer. Gurmit Gill shares some gems from this parable to inspire us to never give up hope even when we face disappointments or delayed prayer answers.
3/25/202341 minutes, 25 seconds
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Pattern of Prayer

In Luke 11, the Lord's Prayer, Jesus did not just set an example of prayer he gave the disciples a pattern or template of prayer they can follow and adapt.
3/18/202332 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Priority of Prayer

Why is prayer such a priority? Because there's a miracle that happens in prayer, that can only happen in prayer; which we see from Jesus' example. An inspiring message from Clem Fung.
3/11/202337 minutes
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The Place of Prayer

Shelley speaks a powerful message for this Lent season on Luke's Gospel.
3/4/202336 minutes, 50 seconds
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Walking with Jesus

As we approach a season of prayer, Andrew explores how we can walk with Jesus in every season.
2/25/202335 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Right Path

God promises to lead us on the right path as we continue to commit ourselves to taking another step to follow Him.
2/18/202342 minutes, 5 seconds
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Step Up and Build

Andrew Chisholm encourages us to step up and build God’s church together in 2023.
2/11/202341 minutes, 17 seconds
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What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do

When facing an impossible situation, Elisha encourages us seek God's help first and to set an atmosphere of Worship, Work and Faith.
2/4/202332 minutes, 48 seconds
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Movement of Martyrs

Racquel gives us an interactive and uplifting message on the Living Sacrifices of the martyrs poured out for God and his mission.
1/28/202330 minutes, 42 seconds
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Stepping into the New Normal

Stepping into Fresh Passion, Fresh Purpose and Fresh Power. An inspiring message from James Thompson.
1/21/202336 minutes, 4 seconds
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Freedom in Christ

Christians have 'freedom in Christ'. In 1 Corinthians the Apostle Paul gives the church guiding principles on how are we are to steward that freedom well.
1/14/202338 minutes, 55 seconds
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Build Wise in 2023

An encouragement from Jesus for us to be 'Wise Builders' in 2023 by being both 'hearers' and 'doers' the Word of God.
1/7/202334 minutes, 38 seconds
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Strength and Endurance

Flagging? Losing faith? Can't be bothered, or just plain weary? The letter of Hebrews gives us three keys for strength and endurance to be renewed.
12/31/202235 minutes, 14 seconds
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It Isn't Christmas Without

On the weekend before Christmas, Paul shares some reflective and encouraging words on the purpose of Jesus' coming.
12/17/202218 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Kingdom is Among Us

In this message, engaging with Luke 17:20-21, U-Wen discusses what it means to be people of God’s present kingdom which dwells among every one of us.
12/10/202236 minutes, 34 seconds
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Faith Runs Deep

Karl Faase explores how faith runs deep in our nation and unpacks stories of faith from our past, present and future.
12/3/202237 minutes, 57 seconds
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Upward Relationships

Pentecost was the reversal of the Tower of Babel; where God once scattered, he now gathers. Where there was once confusion there is now clarity. Sometimes it is only with hindsight that we can comprehend the sovereignty of God. Bible: Acts 2:1-11; Genesis 11:1-9.
11/19/202245 minutes, 15 seconds
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You Have a Gift!

Spiritual Gifts are our God-given abilities that we could not do in our own strength. An inspiring message from Paul Molyneux.
11/12/202239 minutes, 3 seconds
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How Do We Interpret These Times?

We are living in complex times of change and challenge. Where is God in our midst? Tim Costello preaches a powerful message about God and His purposes with Jeremiah 29:4-7 and Mark 12: 28-31.
11/5/202235 minutes, 58 seconds
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Our Purpose in Unity

Clem Fung encourages us with this message of unity as the chosen ones of God to love others and to love Christ as He loved us.
10/29/202243 minutes, 50 seconds
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Knitted Together to Impact Nations

Paulos highlights how God has knitted His church together in the form of fishing net so that we can bring nations into His Kingdom.
10/22/202238 minutes, 33 seconds
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Life Together

Andrew Chisholm shares on the value of unity and diversity in our life together as a church.
10/15/202243 minutes, 26 seconds
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God invites us to deepen our relationship with Him each day through prayer, which is both a conversation and encounter
10/8/202235 minutes, 11 seconds
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The God Who Sees Me

The story of Hagar in Genesis 16 helps us take a closer look at what it means that God sees us. Is this a passive glance or something more? If you are in a season of feeling unseen or unsure of God’s care and presence in your life be assured that El Roi, the God who sees, is ever present and active in your life today. A personal message from Helen Molyneux.
10/1/202231 minutes, 37 seconds
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We can all Refocus ourselves back on track in our pursuit of God. A practical message from Chris Yong.
9/24/202235 minutes, 58 seconds
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Unfinished Business

Tim Healy shares a powerful message in which he explores what unfinished business may look like in our lives.
9/17/202238 minutes, 24 seconds
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Unfulfilled Dreams & Broken Promises

There are no unfulfilled dreams or broken promises in God, just unexpected timelines and unplanned delays. A powerful message from Jason Smith.
9/10/202245 minutes, 37 seconds
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Father's Love

As we celebrate Dads this weekend, Paul Molyneux shares a message about our Loving Father.
9/3/202227 minutes, 6 seconds
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Strengthened by the Holy Spirit

Moving to the next level not only requires a fresh empowering of the Holy Spirit but also an increase in our faith, leadership and intercessory capacity. Gurmit Gill gives us principles we can apply to our lives.
8/27/202245 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Fruit of the Spirit

Andrew Chisholm reflects on the spiritual process of character formation.
8/20/202238 minutes, 7 seconds
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Hearing Supersedes Seeing

Ted Fabiyanic explores how faith comes by hearing not by seeing. You are not disadvantaged in the realm of faith because you can hear!
8/13/202248 minutes, 33 seconds
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Jim McMillan shares a powerful message on our calling to be confident in the Spirit and His overflow in our lives.
8/12/202246 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Breath of the Holy Spirit

Godwin Shim teaches from Ezekiel 37 on what God is saying to us as a church and the Spirit Life he wants us to be part of.
8/6/202253 minutes, 34 seconds
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Who or What is God's Holy Spirit?

U-Wen opens up our Spirit Life series by exploring what it means to live life with God's Holy Spirit.
7/30/202237 minutes, 51 seconds
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Living in the Vision

Andrew Chisholm reflects on the importance of not just looking at but living in our Fully Alive vision.
7/23/202235 minutes, 16 seconds
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Inspire: Filled with the Spirit

To conclude Inspire, David Hall shares a powerful message of hope and healing.
7/16/202233 minutes, 20 seconds
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Being Reconciled

Justice Weekend gives us the opportunity to consider God's heart for justice issues particularly how we can take a step towards reconciliation. A timely message from Paul Molyneux.
7/9/202232 minutes, 36 seconds
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Influencers: Ruth and Naomi

The story of Ruth and Naomi gives us an example of how we can support each other through challenges to see God do miracles. An encouraging message from Paul Molyneux.
7/2/202232 minutes, 24 seconds
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Fathers in Faith

What does it take to embrace the Paul and Timothy model of being a Father in Faith? Conversely, what does it take to embrace Elijah and Elisha model? A powerful message from Michael Magyar and Jason Smith.
6/25/202247 minutes, 5 seconds
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Influencers: Be a Co-Labourer

As part of our Influencers series, Andrew Chisholm shares about the profound influence Jesus had on the life of Peter.
6/18/202244 minutes, 25 seconds
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Be an Example, Have an Example

Do you ever wish a mentor could come alongside and help you to grow? Moses and Joshua in the Bible show us how it's done. An inspiring message from Clem Fung.
6/11/202230 minutes, 38 seconds
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Every City Overflowing with Kingdom Life

Marg Perry shares how we can seek the peace and prosperity of our city.
6/4/202238 minutes, 24 seconds
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Godwin Shim shares a powerful and personal message on God's heart for the generations and how our legacy and priority shape the next generation.
5/28/202252 minutes, 26 seconds
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His Kingdom in the City

We want to see every city overflowing with Kingdom Life by loving our neighbours. A practical and moving message from Kim Hammond.
5/21/202236 minutes, 53 seconds
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Releasing the Kingdom Life

Paulos Djini unpacks ways in which we release the Kingdom Life to change our world.
5/13/202236 minutes
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Learning to Flourish Again

This Mother's Day, Lisa McInnes-Smith shares a message which encourages us to focus on the high value behaviours that make life fruitful and effective.
5/7/202243 minutes, 15 seconds
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In this powerful message, Sam Grimshaw explores our calling to bring the Kingdom of God through rebuilding community.
4/30/202233 minutes, 17 seconds
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Longing for Belonging

One of our deepest felt needs as human beings is to know that there is a place in the world where we fit, and that our contribution matters. Paul Molyneux speaks to this from Philippians.
4/23/202226 minutes, 47 seconds
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To Wrestle with Doubt

God wants to journey with you as you wrestle with doubt. Drawing from the life of Thomas, Paul Molyneux shares a powerful message this Easter Sunday.
4/16/202221 minutes, 14 seconds
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Path to Life

Racquel Bisinella-Duns leads us along Jesus' path to life on this Good Friday.
4/14/202237 minutes, 9 seconds
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Fully Committed

For Palm Sunday, Andrew Chisholm reflects on the commitment Jesus made to offer his life as a sacrifice for our sin.
4/9/202231 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Road to Emmaus

Vicky Simpson shares a powerful message in which she compares the journey of our church to the events recorded in Luke 24.
4/2/202249 minutes, 16 seconds
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Into the Deep

Jesus calls his disciples to trust in Him and like Simon, to go 'into the deep' with Him. A powerful message from Paul Molyneux.
3/26/202225 minutes, 53 seconds
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Our Mind Matters

From the Scriptures, Andrew Chisholm shows how our practices of prayer can help renew our mind and take authority over our thought life.
3/19/202231 minutes, 13 seconds
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Part of Living Victoriously means that all children of God can approach Him with boldness for healing and trust that His will be done, even when it looks different to what we expected. A personal and powerful message from Brisita Rojas-Ryan.
3/12/202238 minutes, 18 seconds
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Lessons From a Battle

Jehoshaphat faced an impossible battle. Drawing from 2 Chronicles 20, Paul Molyneux encourages us that our battle belongs to the Lord.
3/5/202234 minutes, 37 seconds
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Understanding Our Spiritual Authority

When we have a revelation of the delegated authority of Christ that we possess, our whole life changes! As we embark into a season of prayer and fasting, Liz Thong unpacks how to operate in Spiritual Authority in order to live victoriously and be fully alive to God's purposes.
2/26/202241 minutes, 8 seconds
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Spirit Life: Presence

Paul Molyneux continues to share about our Fully Alive Vision and the focus this year: Spirit Life.
2/19/202233 minutes, 19 seconds
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Spirit Life: Power

Shelley Ligtermoet continues to share about our Fully Alive Vision and the focus this year: Spirit Life!
2/12/202241 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Next Chapter

Andrew Chisholm reflects on CityLife Church’s story and introduces our vision for the next chapter called 'Fully Alive'.
2/5/202236 minutes, 29 seconds
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New in 22

In order to be refreshed, we need to embrace the new things God has in store for us. A personal and powerful message from Brisita Rojas-Ryan.
1/29/202238 minutes, 11 seconds
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Stop, Look and Listen

Gary Morgan shares keys which allow us to cross over into 2022 and experience all that God is inviting us into.
1/22/202230 minutes, 1 second
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Good News if You're Tired

Isaiah 40 is Good News for anyone who is weary. Isaiah reminds us who God is, what he does for his people and to keep our eyes on Jesus. An encouraging message from Paul Molyneux.
1/15/202229 minutes, 3 seconds
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Hope at the End of Your Rope

We can all get to a point of feeling depleted. From the life of an Old Testament hero, Clem Fung shares how the Lord restores; and does the same for us today.
1/8/202242 minutes, 19 seconds
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Refreshed Through Renewal

U-Wen shares a powerful message on being refreshed in the Spirit through both water and spirit baptism.
1/1/202235 minutes, 21 seconds
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Making Room to Flourish

Greg Baust shares from Genesis 26 how God can cause us to flourish in difficult seasons if we will make room for him to move.
12/25/202129 minutes, 56 seconds
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What Can We Give to Jesus?

Andrew Chisholm reflects on how we can respond to God's priceless gift at Christmas.
12/24/202118 minutes, 56 seconds
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Wisdom from Above

Drawing on the teaching and example of James the Apostle, Andrew Chisholm shares principles for making wise choices in anxious times.
12/11/202139 minutes, 16 seconds
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Revival is Coming

Shelley Ligtermoet shares an inspiring message with a call to action: Are we ready for revival when it comes?
12/10/202129 minutes, 38 seconds
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Hero Maker: 'Bless It'

Kim Hammond shares a powerful message to complete the Hero Maker series. He explores commissioning others and thinking through a Kingdom of God lens.
12/4/202128 minutes, 14 seconds
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Hero Maker: ‘Share It’

Every good thing God deposits in us is meant to be multiplied in others. Jesus shows us an apprenticeship model we can still follow today. An impactful message from Clem Fung.
11/27/202139 minutes, 43 seconds
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Hero Maker: ‘See It’

Starting with Jesus, Andrew Chisholm shows how hero-makers have changed the world by seeing and bringing out potential in others.
11/20/202130 minutes, 38 seconds
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Alive to Create

At our Inspire Conference, Andrew Chisholm explores how creativity grows out of a heart fully alive to God.
11/18/202133 minutes, 4 seconds
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Creativity on Mission

At our Inspire Conference, Mike Frost explores the power of creativity and a missional mindset for the kingdom of God.
11/17/202131 minutes, 21 seconds
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Hero Maker: ‘Think It’

In kicking off our new series, Daljit Gill shares three principles on how you can be a hero who then makes heroes of others.
11/13/202142 minutes, 33 seconds
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Restorative Justice

A powerful attribute of the Kingdom of God is restorative justice. Andrew Chisholm reflects on how that kind of justice can and should shape our lives.
11/6/202136 minutes, 16 seconds
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Remaining Close

How do we remain dedicated disciples of Jesus in the face of disappointment? Brisita Rojas-Ryan explores this question in an encouraging message.
10/30/202125 minutes, 33 seconds
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Kingdom Without Borders

Paulos reflects on the original plan of God & His Kingdom and unpacks the two marks of the Kingdom as they are demonstrated in the nations.
10/23/202127 minutes, 55 seconds
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Seven Marks of the Kingdom

Mike Frost shares an inspiring message on the seven marks of God's kingdom and how we are called to be missional as we follow Christ.
10/16/202131 minutes, 58 seconds
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Joy in The Kingdom

Tim Costello shares a powerful message on a mark of The Kingdom: unutterable joy that can only come from Christ.
10/9/202121 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Truth in Love

Sam Grimshaw shares what it looks like for us as followers of Jesus to speak the truth in love.
10/2/202125 minutes, 40 seconds
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Truth with Grace and Love

We live in a post-modern, post-Christian, post-truth world. Liz Thong explores how we can speak the truth with both grace and love to reflect our love for God and one another in our current context.
10/1/202135 minutes, 45 seconds
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Generosity and Contentment

Godwin Shim shares a powerful message on the power of generosity and how we can Love Like This.
9/25/202125 minutes
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Joyfully Content

Paul Molyneux shares an inspiring message on true contentment and how we can Love Like This.
9/24/202124 minutes, 48 seconds
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Beyond Prudishness to Holy Passion

Adultery is an assault on God's design and purpose for sex. In a pornified world good discipleship must include going beyond prudishness to restored holy passion. A powerful message from Allan Meyer.
9/18/202141 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Art of Conversations

Andrew Chisholm shares how we can show love the way Jesus taught in our conversations with each other.
9/11/202139 minutes, 51 seconds
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Honour Your Father and Mother

Kim Hammond unpacks God's design for healthy relationships with family in a personal message.
9/4/202117 minutes, 4 seconds
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Honouring for (Your) Life

Sometimes it can be hard to honour people who've hurt us; but honouring is for our benefit. Clem Fung shares why and how.
9/3/202135 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Law of Love

Andrew Chisholm opens our new series, Love Like This, with a powerful message on God's law of love.
8/28/202130 minutes, 44 seconds
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Builders, Repairers and Renovators

Sam Grimshaw explores how our Spirit inspired creativity helps us partner with God to bring our future hope to the present.
8/21/202130 minutes, 8 seconds
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How We Create

Shelley Ligtermoet shares an inspiring message on how we can use our God-given creativity in collaboration with others for His kingdom and glory.
8/14/202135 minutes, 11 seconds
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Art, Artists and Artisans

Andrew Chisholm shares about encountering God’s grace, presence and power through art in all its forms and the ministry of artists and artisans.
8/7/202138 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Overture

Genesis 1 shows us that creation is indeed good, that we are made as creators, and the way we can model our own creativity after God. From this, we can apply creativity in all areas of faith and life - particularly looking through the lenses of Encounter, Develop and Influence.
7/31/202143 minutes, 33 seconds
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Willing to Leap

From Psalm 132, Andrew Chisholm explores how we can draw wisdom and encouragement from the past so we are ready to leap into an unlimited future with confidence and creativity.
7/24/202130 minutes, 11 seconds
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Sent Into the Mess

So the Father sent the Son, so He sends us into the brokenness of this world to see and honour others. A powerful message from guest speaker, Mike Frost.
7/17/202130 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Other Side of the Story: David vs Goliath

Goliath never stood a chance against David, future King of Israel, because David fought differently. As such, when we are faced with giants in our lives we know that through the Holy Spirit our fight is also fought differently. A powerful message from Shelley Ligtermoet.
7/10/202137 minutes, 50 seconds
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Heart Matters

God instructs Samuel to anoint David because of his heart which is towards God. A practical and inspiring message from Paul Molyneux.
7/3/202132 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ready to Run and Willing to Wait

Based on a story from the life of David, Andrew Chisholm reflects on how to run out of rest in times of change and stress.
6/26/202133 minutes, 2 seconds
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Anointed but Not Appointed

Between the “anointed” and the “appointed”, there is an in between space where David needs to be consecrated. Godwin Shim brings some relevant and practical principles in overcoming battles in this in between space.
6/19/202140 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Life of David: Portrait of a King

U-Wen Low explores the life of David in 1 and 2 Samuel to draw out some key ideas.
6/13/202134 minutes, 33 seconds
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Fit, Focused and Finishing Strong

Tim Healy shares an encouraging message on running the race of faith well and with perseverance.
6/5/202124 minutes, 50 seconds
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Spiritual Fitness

How is your spiritual health? Andrew Chisholm takes us through a spiritual health check for effective living.
5/28/202130 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Purpose of the Church

When we understand God's purpose for the the believer, we get to understand God's design for them. A powerful message from Ian Green.
5/22/202128 minutes, 50 seconds
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Empowered by the Spirit to Impact Nations

Paulos explores the impact of partnership when Spirit-empowered people of God join hands!
5/15/202130 minutes, 48 seconds
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Women of Faith and Courage

We can be defined by our personal and cultural limitations or we can be empowered by the Spirit to fulfil our destiny. An inspiring message from Marg Perry and powerful stories from courageous women of faith.
5/8/202134 minutes, 26 seconds
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Empowered by the Spirit to Impact our City

God sends communities of disciples, empowered by his Spirit, to demonstrate and proclaim his Kingdom in our city.
5/1/202133 minutes, 3 seconds
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Empowered by the Spirit to Share our Stories

Sam Grimshaw shares on how the Spirit empowers us to Share our Stories.
4/24/202127 minutes, 41 seconds
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To Seek the Welfare of the City

When we pray and seek the welfare of our city we find our welfare too. A powerful and practical message from Kim Hammond.
4/17/202128 minutes, 38 seconds
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What Does it Cost?

What does it cost to give away something we have freely received? Andrew Chisholm looks at the cost of following Jesus.
4/10/202137 minutes, 1 second
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Easter Sunday - Is it True and Does it Matter?

This Easter Sunday, Andrew Chisholm considers the truth of Jesus’ death and resurrection and why this ancient story is so important for us today.
4/3/202130 minutes, 47 seconds
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Easter Saturday - Is it True and Does it Matter?

This Easter Saturday, Andrew Chisholm considers the truth of Jesus’ death and resurrection and why this ancient story is so important for us today.
4/2/202129 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Messiah in the Passover

The Messiah in the Passover presentation by Lawrence Hirsch explores how the Word became flesh at Passover, and deepens our understanding of Jesus' life and ministry.
4/1/202137 minutes, 20 seconds
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Palm Sunday

A presentation showcasing the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem through the eyes of those who experienced it.
3/27/202133 minutes, 27 seconds
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New Creation

We are a new creation in Christ Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit to walk a new life worthy of our calling. A powerful message from Michael Magyar.
3/20/202137 minutes, 4 seconds
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Brisita Rojas-Ryan shares how the cycle of distraction can cause us to stray from God but that His power can bring restoration.
3/13/202138 minutes, 21 seconds
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Andrew Chisholm encourages us to turn our hearts towards God in prayer so we can find restoration and renewal in Him.
3/6/202134 minutes, 47 seconds
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Powerful Prayers for Supernatural Results

The key that we need to live out our Godly purpose is not just our own labor and intellect but the supernatural intervention and assistance of God in our lives. Discover how to pray powerful prayers to request, receive and experience this supernatural intervention of God! A powerful message from Liz Thong.
2/27/202138 minutes, 17 seconds
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Far More Than You Think

God is most often found outside of our comfort zones where we are most reluctant to go and yet that is the partnership He desires of us. Gurmit Gill inspires us to reach out for more of God and what He has for us in the coming season.
2/20/202139 minutes, 35 seconds
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New Creation

2021 is a year to create, or bring new things into being. In our second vision message for the year, Andrew Chisholm shares how God makes all things new.
2/13/202131 minutes, 38 seconds
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To Be Creative

2021 is the year to Create. In this message, Andrew Chisholm shares our vision for 2021 and how our creativity begins with God.
2/6/202127 minutes, 33 seconds
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Keep on Dancing

Andrew Chisholm speaks on discovering joy in times of change and uncertainty. Like a deer Lachlan Ryan, Andrew Chisholm and Julian Ham © 2019
1/30/202136 minutes, 42 seconds
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Joey is the senior pastor of Every Nation Singapore and serves in the International Apostolic Team of Every Nation Ministries. His passion is to influence people about Jesus and make disciples. He has an inspiring and practical message for us today. Concluding thoughts for daily life by Cindy and Derek.
1/23/202124 minutes, 6 seconds
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To Be His Hands and Feet

Rule of Life, re-assessing our schedules and what we fill our days with in order that it is shaped around Remaining Fruitful. A powerful message from Racquel Bisinella-Duns.
1/15/202129 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Journey to Wholeness in Christ

God desires for us to be whole in Christ, to be restored by and transformed in Him. To do this, Jesus tells us to ‘remain’ in Him (John 15) and the Spiritual Disciplines are the ‘open door’ invitations to this joyful journey. A powerful message from Megan Solomon.
1/9/202133 minutes, 42 seconds
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To Be in His Presence

Sam Grimshaw shares on how Jesus shows us the example of how to remain in His presence.
1/1/202128 minutes, 23 seconds
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True Identity

Who am I? What am I defined by when all is stripped away? This message by Liz Thong challenges us to give up all the false identities that we think frame us and embrace the true identity of being the Beloved of God.
12/25/202033 minutes, 48 seconds
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Who Made Room for Jesus

Andrew Chisholm explores the question "Who made room for Jesus?" in the ancient Christmas story.
12/24/202020 minutes, 11 seconds
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Peace Like a River

We can experience 'peace like a river' because we have the opportunity to be in relationship with the Prince of Peace. An encouraging message from Amanda Saenz.
12/18/202024 minutes, 10 seconds
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God Has Made Room for You

God has made room for you and wants to write His story on your heart. A powerful message from Sam Grimshaw.
12/12/202011 minutes, 24 seconds
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Young and Old Together

Andrew Chisholm and Julian Ham share on how we can value, honour and make room in our lives for people older than us.
12/5/202027 minutes, 54 seconds
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Singleness - The Blessed Life

Jesus brings radically good news to those who are single, and feel grieved, alone and abandoned. An inspiring message from Peter Yao.
11/28/202029 minutes, 42 seconds
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Single and Ready to Mingle

The Church can be a beautiful expression of God’s family – even for those who find themselves single. A powerful message from Brisita Rojas.
11/27/202025 minutes, 35 seconds
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Making Room for Honour

Andrew Chisholm reflects on the apostle Paul's radical upside teaching about honouring one another.
11/20/202034 minutes, 25 seconds
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Relationships Face to Face

From all eternity the God in who’s image we are created has done relationships face to face. Learning to “turn towards” is one of the great skills of relationships that last. A practical and powerful message from Allan and Helen Meyer.
11/14/202026 minutes, 46 seconds
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Let's Talk About Generation Z

Shelley Ligtermoet explores how the church can equip themselves to welcome and discipleship the next generation.
11/7/202029 minutes, 42 seconds
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Kingdom Justice in a Post Covid World

Rev. D'Souza explores richly why the biblical view of justice is so crucial to our witness in these times.
10/31/202024 minutes, 52 seconds
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Reimagining Missions

Paulos Djini points us to mission opportunities right in our neighbourhoods to the mission fields overseas & gives us key principles to join God at work.
10/24/202023 minutes, 30 seconds
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True Greatness

True greatness is true influence. It is wrapped up in your capacity to point out who Jesus is to the world. A powerful message from Simon Longden.
10/17/202025 minutes, 53 seconds
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Influence - Community Impact

Our role in our community is to notice what needs restoring and bring the restoration power of the gospel to that situation.
10/10/202030 minutes, 16 seconds
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Joining God at Work Together

Kim Hammond teaches from the book of Luke, on how we are sent corporately as a community, together to demonstrate and proclaim the good news of Jesus.
10/3/202025 minutes, 52 seconds
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Personal Impact on the Road to Emmaus

Godwin Shim gives some practical insights to this popular passage and keys to our everyday missional rhythm.
9/26/202030 minutes, 18 seconds
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Eyes for Eternity

Jason Smith explains through Scripture that as God opens our eyes to eternity, the truth will compel us to (1) think, (2) feel and (3) act differently on a daily basis.
9/18/202030 minutes, 44 seconds
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A message from Andrew Chisholm on building resilience in Christian community when we face challenges that impact our mental and emotional well-being.
9/11/202032 minutes, 6 seconds
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A Dangerous Moment in Fathering

The father/son relationship is critical in how life unfolds. It is a relationship of both danger and opportunity. Embrace the power of repair.
9/5/202024 minutes, 53 seconds
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When the River Bed Runs Dry

Greg Baust shares with us where to look to keep the river of God's Joy flowing in in our lives. As originally performed by Sons of Korah 2005. Used by permission
8/29/202031 minutes, 5 seconds
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Servant of a Merciful God

James Harrison considers from Psalm 123, the rhythms of a Servant, who is observant to the gestures and character of their master, and how they respond in a world of competing masters.
8/21/202025 minutes, 35 seconds
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Worship as a COVID Exile

Sam Grimshaw explores what worship looks like during the time of COVID.
8/16/202026 minutes, 44 seconds
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Psalm 122 - Worship

God's mandate for His people to worship Him has never changed. Megan Solomon explores Psalm 122 which is a beautiful example of this done well.
8/15/202024 minutes
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Where Does My Help Come From?

Brisita Rojas explores Psalm 121 and the almighty, intimate and eternal nature of God.
8/7/202026 minutes, 23 seconds
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Repentance - Psalm 120

As we pursue God’s best in life there are times we can become disoriented—from Psalm 120 Andrew Chisholm examines how to start re-orientating our journey through repentance.
7/31/202031 minutes, 40 seconds
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Give Me This Mountain

Andrew Chisholm shares stories from the book of Joshua and CityLife Church that demonstrate how the influence of God’s Kingdom continues to expand through courage and creativity.
7/24/202030 minutes, 58 seconds
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If you knew you couldn't fail, what would you do? Dave Ferguson shares an empowering message on the importance of courage to do God's work.
7/17/202023 minutes
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An Encouraging Presence

As part of the Inspire Conference, Andrew Chisholm shares from Joshua 1:1-18 to reflect on how God’s presence fills us with courage, and also give us the capacity to encourage others.
7/15/202035 minutes, 3 seconds
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Hero Makers

Dave Ferguson kicks off the Inspire Conference by inspiring us to be Hero Makers.
7/15/202022 minutes, 20 seconds
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Kingdom Generosity

Kingdom Generosity sets a high standard for giving as God is generous, mirroring His nature and character to those around us, and not just donating money and things out of our surplus. A powerful message from Jason Smith.
7/10/202033 minutes, 28 seconds
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God Opportunities

Frank Damazio speaks to us about how to not only see opportunities God has given to us, but to seize them wholeheartedly.
7/3/202044 minutes, 17 seconds
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A Missional Theology to Bless

Although God's Kingdom is unshakeable and His influence unstoppable; God desires to shift us, shake us, and stop us in this season to realign us to His mission.
6/26/202035 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Discomfort of the Kingdom

In reading Acts 10 together as a church, U-Wen explores how the unstoppable, unshakeable Kingdom of God causes discomfort but challenges us to action.
6/19/202021 minutes, 38 seconds
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Seeing Our Obstacles as Opportunities

Shelley Ligtermoet empowers us to see our obstacles as opportunities to reach out and impact people in every situation we may find ourselves in.
6/13/202028 minutes, 34 seconds
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Unshakeable Unstoppable - The Word of God

Andrew Chisholm reflects on the importance of sharing stories, and in particular the unstoppable story of Jesus and his unshakeable Kingdom.
6/6/202024 minutes, 13 seconds
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Empowered by the Spirit

In this message Gurmit Gill speaks on the importance of being continually filled with the Holy Spirit to overcome our limitations and expand God's influence.
5/30/202026 minutes, 7 seconds
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You Are My Witnesses

Paulos Djini reflects on the Great Commission of Jesus recorded in Acts 1:8 and unpacks three things that helped the early disciples in being effective witnesses for Jesus. 
5/23/202024 minutes, 28 seconds
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Waiting on God to Work with God

Andrew Chisholm begins our new series, 'Unshakeable, Unstoppable' by exploring the theme of waiting.
5/16/202025 minutes, 46 seconds
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Four Stages of a Miracle

Godwin Shim shares a personal and inspiring lockdown message for this season on how God desires our participation in the four stages of a miracle.
5/9/202022 minutes, 41 seconds
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The King and I

Brisita Rojas unpacks a chapter in King David's life to illustrate the amazing power of God's saving kindness.
5/2/202023 minutes, 37 seconds
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Portraits of Peace

This Community Impact Week James Harrison, joined by Sue Horwood and Sam Grimshaw, share powerful stories of impact during this time of great challenge and change.
4/25/202029 minutes, 29 seconds
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What Remains in Times of Change - Fellowship

Andrew Chisholm speaks on the power of relationships, especially in this season of great change.
4/18/202026 minutes, 14 seconds
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At the Table - Easter Sunday

Gurmit Gill speaks on the power of Jesus' resurrection and how that same power strengthens us today.
4/11/202025 minutes, 43 seconds
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At the Table - Good Friday

Andrew Chisholm (joined by Sam Grimshaw) explores the meaning of the Lord's Supper and the significance of Jesus' death on Good Friday.
4/9/202023 minutes, 51 seconds