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Connect with Skip Heitzig Podcast

English, Religion, 1 season, 773 episodes, 6 days, 18 hours, 42 minutes
From topical studies to verse-by-verse exposition through the entire Bible, Connect with Skip Heitzig presents the Word of God in a format that is contemporary, relaxed, and relevant each day.
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What a Friend We Have in Jesus - Part A

We can get through almost anything in life with friends to share our sorrow and divide our grief. A Chinese word for friend is peng-yu and it has a much fuller meaning than in English. It means "one who brings completion and sums up beauty." The ancient Hebrews saw true friendship as an ideal to pursue and a blessing to enjoy. In these final moments with His followers, Jesus uses a most tender term for their relationship—they were friends! What does that friendship look like?
9/22/202424 minutes
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Acts 20:17-21:14 - Part A

Pastor Skip examines the dangers of losing focus on your priorities as a Christian.
9/20/202426 minutes
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Acts 19:23-20:16 - Part C

Pastor Skip looks at the opposition Paul faced in Ephesus—and what we can learn from his experience.
9/19/202426 minutes
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Acts 19:23-20:16 - Part B

Pastor Skip explores Paul’s big strategic vision for taking the gospel all the way to Rome.
9/18/202426 minutes
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Acts 19:23-20:16 - Part A

Pastor Skip examines how training others to know and share God’s Word can have an amazing impact on the spread of the gospel.
9/17/202426 minutes
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Acts 18:23-19:22 - Part C

Pastor Skip shows you how God uses different people to perform different functions in spreading the gospel and growing His kingdom.
9/16/202426 minutes
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Live Lessons from Grape-Growers - Part 2 - Part B

As we grow older, we mature. In our spiritual lives we should become spiritually mature. The Bible calls it being fruitful. Spiritual fruit is the indication that we're truly connected to Christ. But there are others, as we'll see today. Last week we examined how the relationship with Christ is described (Connected to Christ, Cared for by the Father, and Consistent Over Time). Today let's consider how this relationship is demonstrated. When we're rightly connected to God we'll be:
9/15/202424 minutes
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Acts 18:23-19:22 - Part B

Pastor Skip shows you the amazing kingdom impact you can have when you disciple someone.
9/13/202426 minutes
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Acts 18:23-19:22 - Part A

Pastor Skip shows you why in Christ, you are no longer under the law but living free in God’s grace.
9/12/202426 minutes
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Acts 18:11-28 - Part B

Pastor Skip helps you see how Jesus was with Paul on his missionary journeys—and how He is with you, too.
9/11/202426 minutes
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Acts 18:11-28 - Part A

Pastor Skip examines the power of having a helper, someone to go with you in ministry.
9/10/202426 minutes
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Acts 18:1-11 - Part C

Pastor Skip shows you the role secular work played in Paul’s ministry of sharing the gospel.
9/9/202426 minutes
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Live Lessons from Grape-Growers - Part 2 - Part A

As we grow older, we mature. In our spiritual lives we should become spiritually mature. The Bible calls it being fruitful. Spiritual fruit is the indication that we're truly connected to Christ. But there are others, as we'll see today. Last week we examined how the relationship with Christ is described (Connected to Christ, Cared for by the Father, and Consistent Over Time). Today let's consider how this relationship is demonstrated. When we're rightly connected to God we'll be:
9/8/202424 minutes
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Acts 18:1-11 - Part B

Pastor Skip explores why sharing the gospel isn’t a one-size-fits-all endeavor.
9/6/202426 minutes
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Acts 18:1-11 - Part A

Pastor Skip shows you how Paul’s example of speaking truth into the culture can guide you today.
9/5/202426 minutes
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Acts 16:25-17:34 - Part C

Pastor Skip shows you how to reason from Scripture with your children to reveal God’s truth to them.
9/4/202426 minutes
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Acts 16:25-17:34 - Part B

Pastor Skip examines how God hears your prayers but doesn’t always give you what you want.
9/3/202426 minutes
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Acts 16:25-17:34 - Part A

Pastor Skip shows you that when you commit your ways to God, you are always secure.
9/2/202426 minutes
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Live Lessons from Grape-Growers - Part 1 - Part B

My parents grew grapes on their little plot of land in Southern California. There weren't many, but enough for me to know that getting fruit at harvest depended on three things: the solid connection of branch to vine, the vigilant care of the workers, and the consistency of those things over time. Jesus, walking with the disciples toward the Garden of Gethsemane, gives life lessons to His men using the familiar example of growing grapes. With that analogy in mind, let's consider the three ways our relationship to God is described by Jesus.
9/1/202424 minutes
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Acts 15:36-16:30 - Part C

Pastor Skip encourages you to view the situations in your life as opportunities to share the gospel.
8/30/202426 minutes
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Acts 15:36-16:30 - Part B

Pastor Skip shows you how God directs not only the steps—but also the stops—of those who follow Him.
8/29/202426 minutes
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Acts 15:36-16:30 - Part A

Pastor Skip shows you how God can work even through disagreements among believers to make His name known and share the good news of Jesus with more people.
8/28/202426 minutes
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Acts 15 - Part C

Pastor Skip concludes his teaching from Acts 15 and shows you why a virgin birth was absolutely necessary to bring the Messiah into the world.
8/27/202426 minutes
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Acts 15 - Part B

Pastor Skip shows you why trying to follow the law is simply not possible and why Jesus offers a better way.
8/26/202426 minutes
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Live Lessons from Grape-Growers - Part 1 - Part A

My parents grew grapes on their little plot of land in Southern California. There weren't many, but enough for me to know that getting fruit at harvest depended on three things: the solid connection of branch to vine, the vigilant care of the workers, and the consistency of those things over time. Jesus, walking with the disciples toward the Garden of Gethsemane, gives life lessons to His men using the familiar example of growing grapes. With that analogy in mind, let's consider the three ways our relationship to God is described by Jesus.
8/25/202424 minutes
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Acts 15 - Part A

Pastor Skip looks at disagreements among spiritual people and why it’s important to speak the truth in love.
8/23/202426 minutes
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Acts 13:16-14:28 - Part C

Pastor Skip tells you how to respond to those who are not receptive to the gospel.
8/22/202426 minutes
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Acts 13:16-14:28 - Part B

Pastor Skip shows you how Jesus did away with legalism and empty rituals to offer justification by faith alone.
8/21/202426 minutes
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Acts 13:16-14:28 - Part A

Pastor Skip teaches from Acts 13 to show you how Israel’s history led straight to Jesus the Messiah.
8/20/202426 minutes
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Acts 13:1-41 - Part C

Pastor Skip examines how the apostle Paul preached the gospel.
8/19/202426 minutes
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Peace Where You Least Expect It - Part B

On countless American gravestones this epitaph could be written: Hurried, Worried, Buried. What a sad way to live! Fear, anxiety, and distress have literally become part of our national culture. Odd, isn't it? Though we have such abundance in this country, most don't experience abundant life—especially as Jesus described it. Sure, everyone has his or her share of trouble and anxieties, but let's consider one of the greatest gifts Jesus gives to followers—the gift of peace!
8/18/202424 minutes
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Acts 13:1-41 - Part B

Pastor Skip shows you that it’s vital to stand up against anything that hinders the gospel.
8/16/202426 minutes
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Acts 13:1-41 - Part A

Pastor Skip reminds us that church isn’t a building, it is us—the redeemed.
8/15/202426 minutes
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Acts 12 - Part C

Pastor Skip shares the encouraging truth that God meets you and helps you even in your unbelief when you call out to Him.
8/14/202426 minutes
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Acts 12 - Part B

Pastor Skip looks at Peter’s amazing peace in the midst of terrible circumstances.
8/13/202426 minutes
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Acts 12 - Part A

Pastor Skip shares a message examining the perils of a heart that’s hard toward God.
8/12/202426 minutes
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Peace Where You Least Expect It - Part A

On countless American gravestones this epitaph could be written: Hurried, Worried, Buried. What a sad way to live! Fear, anxiety, and distress have literally become part of our national culture. Odd, isn't it? Though we have such abundance in this country, most don't experience abundant life—especially as Jesus described it. Sure, everyone has his or her share of trouble and anxieties, but let's consider one of the greatest gifts Jesus gives to followers—the gift of peace!
8/11/202424 minutes
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Acts 11 - Part C

Pastor Skip examines how Barnabas’s gift of encouragement changed the course of history.
8/9/202426 minutes
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Acts 11 - Part B

Pastor Skip looks at how Jesus brought salvation not just for the Jews, but also for the Gentiles.
8/8/202426 minutes
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Acts 11 - Part A

Pastor Skip shows you how Israel failed to live out God’s plan for them.
8/7/202426 minutes
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Acts 10 - Part C

Pastor Skip examines what Scripture teaches about worshiping anyone other than Jesus.
8/6/202426 minutes
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Acts 10 - Part B

Pastor Skip continues teaching from Acts 10 and shows you how God makes the truth known to those who seek Him.
8/5/202426 minutes
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Promises, Promises! - Part B

Someone once mused, "Promises may get friends, but it's performance that keeps them." No wonder God has so many friends! He makes promises and keeps them. On this final night that Jesus spent with His friends, as both sorrow and confusion assailed them, Jesus made several promises that would sustain them in the days, months, and years ahead. What about you? Will you dare to trust the promises of God? It's the only way to see if they really work.
8/4/202424 minutes
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Acts 10 - Part A

Pastor Skip looks at the amazing ways God works to bring people to Himself.
8/2/202426 minutes
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Acts 9:20-43 - Part B

Pastor Skip shares why it’s so important to have encouragers in your church.
8/1/202426 minutes
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Acts 9:20-43 - Part A

Pastor Skip examines the unique ways God prepares people for service to Him.
7/31/202426 minutes
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Acts 9:1-23 - Part C

Pastor Skip concludes his teaching on Saul’s conversion and examines how God uses unlikely people to make the gospel message heard.
7/30/202426 minutes
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Acts 9:1-23 - Part B

Pastor Skip takes a look at Saul’s shocking conversion experience.
7/29/202426 minutes
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Promises, Promises! - Part A

Someone once mused, "Promises may get friends, but it's performance that keeps them." No wonder God has so many friends! He makes promises and keeps them. On this final night that Jesus spent with His friends, as both sorrow and confusion assailed them, Jesus made several promises that would sustain them in the days, months, and years ahead. What about you? Will you dare to trust the promises of God? It's the only way to see if they really work.
7/28/202424 minutes
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Acts 9:1-23 - Part A

Pastor Skip takes a look at Saul of Tarsus and what motivated him to persecute the church.
7/26/202426 minutes
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Acts 8 - Part C

Pastor Skip shares a message showing you the difference between religion and the gospel.
7/25/202426 minutes
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Acts 8 - Part B

Pastor Skip shares a message about being faithful.
7/24/202426 minutes
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Acts 8 - Part A

Pastor Skip begins a message looking at the persecution that scattered the early church and forced them into the world to preach the gospel.
7/23/202426 minutes
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Acts 7 - Part C

Pastor Skip shows you how Jesus challenged deeply held Jewish traditional views.
7/22/202426 minutes
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Four Part Harmony - Part B

Some of the best moments on American Idol aren't the solo performances, but when all the singers join together and blend their voices in harmony. There's nothing sweeter than well-trained voices blended together in first, thirds, and fifths. Spiritual harmony is much the same—when believers blend with the triune Godhead there is an alignment that results in a deep sense of fulfillment. And what is the note we are to sing in this spiritual song? It is the note of loving obedience!
7/21/202424 minutes
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Acts 7 - Part B

Pastor Skip continues to look at Stephen’s speech to the Sanhedrin.
7/19/202426 minutes
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Acts 7 - Part A

Pastor Skip shows you what a life devoted and fully surrendered to God looks like—and what it leads to.
7/18/202426 minutes
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The Holy Spirit: With, In and, Upon

We learn that the Holy Spirit plays different roles in the lives of believers and unbelievers. In the message "The Holy Spirit: With, In, and Upon" from Expound: Holy Spirit, Skip shares why the Holy Spirit's nickname is the hound of heaven.
7/17/202426 minutes
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Acts 6 - Part B

Skip shares a message about the dangers of sowing discontent, especially within the church.
7/16/202426 minutes
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Acts 6 - Part A

Pastor Skip shows you how Satan uses division in the church to try to thwart God’s plans. 
7/15/202426 minutes
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Four Part Harmony - Part A

Some of the best moments on American Idol aren't the solo performances, but when all the singers join together and blend their voices in harmony. There's nothing sweeter than well-trained voices blended together in first, thirds, and fifths. Spiritual harmony is much the same—when believers blend with the triune Godhead there is an alignment that results in a deep sense of fulfillment. And what is the note we are to sing in this spiritual song? It is the note of loving obedience!
7/14/202424 minutes
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Acts 4:23-5:42 - Part C

Pastor Skip looks at a sobering example of how God dealt with dishonesty in the early church.
7/12/202426 minutes
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Acts 4:23-5:42 - Part B

Pastor Skip reminds us that division and animosity in the church are a result of human brokenness and not God’s plans and purposes.
7/11/202426 minutes
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Acts 4:23-5:42 - Part A

Pastor Skip continues his teaching on the power of prayer for the Christian.
7/10/202426 minutes
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Acts 4:1-24 - Part C

Pastor Skip takes a look at how the early Christians responded—and prayed—in the face of persecution.
7/9/202426 minutes
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Acts 4:1-24 - Part B

Pastor Skip shows you how deep unbelief can go—even in the face of miracles.
7/8/202426 minutes
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Privileges of God’s Employees - Part B

Most companies have benefits for employees: things like overtime pay, health insurance, and sick pay. In 2 Corinthians 6:1, Paul calls us "workers together with Him" (NLT renders it "God's partners"). We have been called to a high and lofty task—to be His representatives here on earth. You might say we're part of the "family business." So what has God called us to do? And how has He provided for us in terms of resources? In short, what are the benefits of being God's employees?
7/7/202424 minutes
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Acts 4:1-24 - Part A

Pastor Skip looks at the boldness of Peter and John when they preached in the temple.
7/5/202426 minutes
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Acts 2:32-3:26 - Part C

Pastor Skip concludes his teaching from Acts 2 and shows you how Jesus is the final word from God.
7/4/202426 minutes
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Acts 2:32-3:26 - Part B

Pastor Skip continues teaching from Acts 2 and examines what makes a miracle a miracle.
7/3/202426 minutes
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Acts 2:32-3:26 - Part A

Pastor Skip examines Peter’s bold preaching of the gospel on Pentecost.
7/2/202426 minutes
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Acts 2:1-31 - Part C

Pastor Skip shows you why we have been living in the last days for more than two thousand years.
7/1/202426 minutes
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Privileges of God’s Employees - Part A

Most companies have benefits for employees: things like overtime pay, health insurance, and sick pay. In 2 Corinthians 6:1, Paul calls us "workers together with Him" (NLT renders it "God's partners"). We have been called to a high and lofty task—to be His representatives here on earth. You might say we're part of the "family business." So what has God called us to do? And how has He provided for us in terms of resources? In short, what are the benefits of being God's employees?
6/30/202424 minutes
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Acts 2:1-31 - Part B

Pastor Skip takes a look at the amazing miraculous events on Pentecost.
6/28/202426 minutes
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Acts 2:1-31 - Part A

Pastor Skip shares what an apostle was and the special function they served.
6/27/202426 minutes
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Acts 1 - Part C

Pastor Skip reveals how the Holy Spirit played an active role in the inspiration and writing of Scripture.
6/26/202426 minutes
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Acts 1 - Part B

Pastor Skip shows you how Christ empowers believers to fulfill their mission as we await His return.
6/25/202426 minutes
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Acts 1 - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his series Expound: Acts and looks at the amazing gift Jesus left His disciples to help them in their mission.
6/24/202426 minutes
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How Can I Know Jesus? - Part B

What a thought—that a mere human can know God! The agnostic asserts this is impossible. The atheist insists that the very idea is an arrogant and purely metaphysical pursuit. But one of the reasons Jesus came was to reveal God's character and nature clearly and perfectly! Let's consider two roadblocks to knowing God and four resources that help us know Him better.
6/23/202424 minutes
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Let’s Change 2024! - Part B

Pastor Nate Heitzig wraps up our teaching series and shows you how you can be a part of building a Kingdom City.
6/21/202426 minutes
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Let’s Change 2024! - Part A

Skip’s son, Nate Heitzig, shares a message about the kind of disciples we need in the church today.
6/20/202426 minutes
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When His Kingdom Finally Comes - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message “When His Kingdom Finally Comes” and shows you how Christ’s death gives you access and acceptance into God’s kingdom.
6/19/202426 minutes
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When His Kingdom Finally Comes - Part A

Pastor Skip looks ahead to the day when the physical kingdom of our Lord finally comes.
6/18/202426 minutes
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Doing Kingdom Business…or NOT! - Part B

Pastor Skip encourages you to be a faithful believer that bears fruit for the kingdom.
6/17/202426 minutes
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How Can I Know Jesus? - Part A

What a thought—that a mere human can know God! The agnostic asserts this is impossible. The atheist insists that the very idea is an arrogant and purely metaphysical pursuit. But one of the reasons Jesus came was to reveal God's character and nature clearly and perfectly! Let's consider two roadblocks to knowing God and four resources that help us know Him better.
6/16/202424 minutes
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Doing Kingdom Business…or NOT! - Part A

Pastor Skip shares a message all about what you are meant to be doing as you await the return of Jesus.
6/14/202426 minutes
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Kingdom Compassion - Part B

Pastor Skip shows you how Jesus takes what is small and simple and uses it to do something great and amazing.
6/13/202426 minutes
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Kingdom Compassion - Part A

Pastor Skip shows you how Jesus modeled compassion perfectly for us.
6/12/202426 minutes
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The Kingdom Dilemma: God and Government - Part B

Pastor Skip challenges you to consider if you’ve submitted what is God’s to Him.
6/11/202426 minutes
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The Kingdom Dilemma: God and Government - Part A

Pastor Skip shares a message about your duties to God and the government.
6/10/202426 minutes
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A Theology for Messy Lives - Part B

Life can be pretty messy sometimes: plans fail, people leave, money diminishes, and taxes rise. There are plenty of reasons to be troubled these days but there are better reasons not to be! Life was about to get real messy for those disciples around that Jerusalem dinner table. At times like that, there are some basic instructions we need to fall back on so our hearts inside us won't be swallowed up by the mess around us.
6/9/202424 minutes
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Kingdom Living Over the Long Haul - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message “Kingdom Living Over the Long Haul” and shows you how God can use your faithfulness to influence countless others.
6/7/202426 minutes
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Kingdom Living Over the Long Haul - Part A

Pastor Skip begins a message about one young man’s resolve to stay faithful to God.
6/6/202426 minutes
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A Kingdom-Minded Woman - Part B

Pastor Skip shows you how God is always working out His plan, even when we can’t see it.
6/5/202426 minutes
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A Kingdom-Minded Woman - Part A

Pastor Skip explains why discovering your purpose in life is so significant.
6/4/202426 minutes
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A Kingdom Citizen Who Changed the World - Part B

Pastor Skip shows you what happens when you live your life trusting in God’s provision—and His timeline.
6/3/202426 minutes
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A Theology for Messy Lives - Part A

Life can be pretty messy sometimes: plans fail, people leave, money diminishes, and taxes rise. There are plenty of reasons to be troubled these days but there are better reasons not to be! Life was about to get real messy for those disciples around that Jerusalem dinner table. At times like that, there are some basic instructions we need to fall back on so our hearts inside us won't be swallowed up by the mess around us.
6/2/202424 minutes
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A Kingdom Citizen Who Changed the World - Part A

Skip begins a message about how God is building your character.
5/31/202426 minutes
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Kingdom Refugees - Part B

Skip concludes his message and reminds you that God knows you, loves you, and truly thinks about you.
5/30/202426 minutes
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Kingdom Refugees - Part A

Pastor Skip begins a message from the book of Jeremiah about how to live as a kingdom person in a world that’s forgotten about God.
5/29/202426 minutes
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Be a Kingdom Influencer - Part B

Pastor Skip shares a powerful message encouraging you not to be afraid to stand out from the crowd.
5/28/202426 minutes
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Be a Kingdom Influencer - Part A

Pastor Skip begins a message about what it means for Christians to be salt and light in the world.
5/27/202426 minutes
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F.A.Q. - Part B

An old Persian Proverb reads, "It's harder to ask a sensible question than to supply a sensible answer." Many times our questions to God are reactive—based on a sort of knee-jerk reaction to painful circumstances. Peter asked Jesus two questions of this sort. But whenever we ask God questions we must hang around to get the supplied answers. The questions Peter asked are similar to ones we frequently ask. Let's consider and apply Jesus' outstanding answer.
5/26/202424 minutes
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How to Live Until His Kingdom Comes - Part B

Pastor Skip shares how the Holy Spirit empowered the apostles—and how He empowers you.
5/24/202426 minutes
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How to Live Until His Kingdom Comes - Part A

Pastor Skip shares a message encouraging you to be a responsible citizen of the world—and of heaven.
5/23/202426 minutes
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Thy Kingdom Come - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his teaching “Thy Kingdom Come” and shows you what the fruit of the gospel is.
5/22/202426 minutes
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Thy Kingdom Come - Part A

Pastor Skip shares a message about the coming kingdom of our Lord Jesus.
5/21/202426 minutes
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How to Build a Kingdom City - Part B

Nate Heitzig concludes his message “How to Build a Kingdom City” and encourages you to keep living for Christ.
5/20/202426 minutes
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F.A.Q. - Part A

An old Persian Proverb reads, "It's harder to ask a sensible question than to supply a sensible answer." Many times our questions to God are reactive—based on a sort of knee-jerk reaction to painful circumstances. Peter asked Jesus two questions of this sort. But whenever we ask God questions we must hang around to get the supplied answers. The questions Peter asked are similar to ones we frequently ask. Let's consider and apply Jesus' outstanding answer.
5/19/202424 minutes
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How to Build a Kingdom City - Part A

We begin a new series called Kingdom City. Skip’s son, Nate Heitzig, shares a message about defending your city against Satan.
5/17/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 12-13 - Part C

Pastor Skip shares a message encouraging you to examine the condition of your faith in Jesus.
5/16/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 12-13 - Part B

Pastor Skip shares a powerful lesson on fighting your spiritual enemy, the Devil.
5/15/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 12-13 - Part A

Pastor Skip shares a message about an astonishing vision the apostle Paul had of heaven.
5/14/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 11 - Part C

Pastor Skip shares a message of warning about false teachers in the church.
5/13/202426 minutes
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A Brand New Way of Life! - Part B

To follow Jesus is to have a brand new way of life. When these twelve men sitting around the dinner table started hanging around Jesus, they had no idea just how new and different their lives would become. At this final meal on that last night, they were still learning just how new their lives should be. (Jesus can still teach old dogs new tricks!) As present-day followers of Christ, let’s consider three aspects of life that become new once we become His disciples.
5/12/202424 minutes
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2 Corinthians 11 - Part B

Pastor Skip shares a message on the important role that people with the gift of discernment play in the church.
5/10/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 11 - Part A

Pastor Skip examines the danger of following blindly and shows you the importance of discernment.
5/9/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 10 - Part C

Pastor Skip shares a message reminding you that there’s only one evaluation of your life that matters.
5/8/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 10 - Part B

Pastor Skip warns you about Satan’s scheme to get you into a losing position.
5/7/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 10 - Part A

Pastor Skip examines the role and qualities of a good leader.
5/6/202426 minutes
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A Brand New Way of Life! - Part A

To follow Jesus is to have a brand new way of life. When these twelve men sitting around the dinner table started hanging around Jesus, they had no idea just how new and different their lives would become. At this final meal on that last night, they were still learning just how new their lives should be. (Jesus can still teach old dogs new tricks!) As present-day followers of Christ, let’s consider three aspects of life that become new once we become His disciples.
5/5/202424 minutes
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2 Corinthians 8-9 - Part C

Pastor Skip shares why God wants you to give with great cheerfulness.
5/3/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 8-9 - Part B

Skip shares a powerful teaching about how your finances reveal the condition of your heart.
5/2/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 8-9 - Part A

Pastor Skip shares a powerful message about the blessing it is to give to those who are in need.
5/1/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 7 - Part C

Pastor Skip examines why mourning in repentance before God is a thing of beauty.
4/30/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 7 - Part B

Pastor Skip shares a message all about being an encourager.
4/29/202426 minutes
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Betrayed! - Part B

Relationships can withstand an enormous amount of pressure, but betrayal is sure to end most. The old English word means to hand over or to deliver. Think of it: while Jesus was about to deliver the world from sin and its destruction, Judas was about to deliver the Savior over to His enemies. If you've ever felt betrayed by someone, this study will have special application to you.
4/28/202424 minutes
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2 Corinthians 7 - Part A

Pastor skip shares a powerful teaching about holiness. You don’t want to miss it.
4/26/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 6:1-7:1 - Part C

Pastor Skip explains why preaching the good news will always lead to persecution of some form.
4/25/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 6:1-7:1 - Part B

Pastor Skip shows you a sobering promise about what happens when you live a godly life.
4/24/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 6:1-7:1 - Part A

Pastor Skip shares a teaching about how you can depend on and cooperate with the Holy Spirit in ministry.
4/23/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 5 - Part C

Pastor Skip shares a teaching that encourages you to live passionately for Jesus, like Paul did—changing how you view those around you.
4/22/202426 minutes
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Betrayed! - Part A

Relationships can withstand an enormous amount of pressure, but betrayal is sure to end most. The old English word means to hand over or to deliver. Think of it: while Jesus was about to deliver the world from sin and its destruction, Judas was about to deliver the Savior over to His enemies. If you've ever felt betrayed by someone, this study will have special application to you.
4/21/202424 minutes
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2 Corinthians 5 - Part B

Pastor Skip shares encouraging truth that whatever peace you’ve experienced in your Christian life pales in comparison to what’s to come.
4/19/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 5 - Part A

Pastor Skip begins a message showing you that what God has for you is infinitely better than what the world offers.
4/18/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 4 - Part C

Pastor Skip examines the apostle Paul’s view of the trials and suffering he faced.
4/17/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 4 - Part B

Pastor Skip shares a teaching about what humans did with God’s creation—and how He will make it all right one day.
4/16/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 4 - Part A

Pastor Skip shares a powerful teaching about the cost of living faithfully to God.
4/15/202426 minutes
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Basin Theology 101 - Part B

At the final Passover meal that Jesus shared with His closest friends, He gave new meaning to the bread and wine, using them to point to His upcoming sacrificial death on the cross. Today we share Communion as a church family and reflect on that meal, as well as the lessons Jesus was teaching His first followers. After dinner Jesus took a basin of water and began to wash the feet of his students and taught them life principles about stooping, cleansing and serving.
4/14/202424 minutes
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2 Corinthians 2:12-3:18 - Part C

Pastor Skip shares the major difference between the Old Testament and the New Covenant.
4/12/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 2:12-3:18 - Part B

Pastor Skip reveals the contrast between the old covenant of the law and the new covenant Christ has given us.
4/11/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 2:12-3:18 - Part A

Pastor Skip looks at the two possible responses a person can have to the good news of Jesus.
4/10/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 1:12-2:17 - Part C

Pastor Skip examines the importance—and benefits—of forgiving others.
4/9/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 1:12-2:17 - Part B

Pastor Skip shares an insightful teaching about the importance of being flexible when it comes to following God’s calling.
4/8/202426 minutes
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Basin Theology 101 - Part A

At the final Passover meal that Jesus shared with His closest friends, He gave new meaning to the bread and wine, using them to point to His upcoming sacrificial death on the cross. Today we share Communion as a church family and reflect on that meal, as well as the lessons Jesus was teaching His first followers. After dinner Jesus took a basin of water and began to wash the feet of his students and taught them life principles about stooping, cleansing and serving.
4/7/202424 minutes
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2 Corinthians 1:12-2:17 - Part A

Pastor Skip reminds you that trials are unavoidable, but you can trust God to see you through them.
4/5/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 1:1-11 - Part C

Pastor Skip shares encouragement about the consolation and help Jesus promises to give you to help you face any trial.
4/4/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 1:1-11 - Part B

Pastor Skip shares how you can trust God to comfort you in your difficult moments and give purpose to your pain.
4/3/202426 minutes
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2 Corinthians 1:1-11 - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his Expound: 2 Corinthians series and examines Paul’s sincere affection for the church in Corinth.
4/2/202426 minutes
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The Lion Is the Lamb - Part B

Pastor Skip wraps up his series Bloodline with the conclusion of the message “The Lion Is the Lamb” and shows you that when Jesus the Lamb of God returns, it will be to rule as a lion.
4/1/202426 minutes
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A Night Unforgettable - Part B

Some days are frozen in time because of the magnitude of an event. You will always remember September 11, 2001 and where you were when the towers fell. The night America bombed Baghdad or the night John Lennon was murdered may be permanent memories captured in your mind. This was the final night Jesus spent with His own disciples and it would be unforgettable. Let’s discover how what seem like ordinary moments can be extraordinary appointments.
3/31/202424 minutes
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The Lion Is the Lamb - Part A

Pastor Skip encourages you by sharing how God can restore you and make you complete.
3/29/202426 minutes
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Cross Culture - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message “Cross Culture” and shares how you are the joy that enabled Jesus to face suffering and death on the cross.
3/28/202426 minutes
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Cross Culture - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his message “Cross Culture” and examines Psalm 22 to show you the significance of two things Christ said on the cross.
3/27/202426 minutes
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God’s Astonishing Servant - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message “God’s Astonishing Servant” and shares how the Messiah makes a way for the sinner to be saved from judgment and hell.
3/26/202426 minutes
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God’s Astonishing Servant - Part A

Pastor Skip begins a message that looks at God’s great servant, the Messiah.
3/25/202426 minutes
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From House of Shame to Hall of Fame - Part B

Pastor Skip shares encouraging truths about what happens when you include God in your hard times.
3/22/202426 minutes
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From House of Shame to Hall of Fame - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his message “From House of Shame to Hall of Fame” and tells the amazing story of transformation in one woman’s life.
3/21/202426 minutes
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Getting Passed Over - Part B

Pastor Skip answers the question “How do you get into heaven?” as he concludes his message “Getting Passed Over.”
3/20/202426 minutes
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Getting Passed Over - Part A

Pastor Skip begins a teaching titled “Getting Passed Over” and shows you how in Christ, you are passed over and spared from death and hell.
3/19/202426 minutes
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On a Hill Far Away! - Part B

Pastor Skip wraps up his message “On a Hill Far Away!” and encourages you to turn to God in worship even in the toughest trials.
3/18/202426 minutes
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Believe It or Not! - Part B

Most of you reading this are believers. Some are not. Both are dangerous positions to take but for different reasons—vastly different reasons! This paragraph in John's Gospel is the summary of all that has been written, from chapters 1 through 13. It reviews the two different responses people have to Jesus and then gives us Jesus' own synopsis on faith and unbelief. Today you will be able to understand the real differences and consequences of faith and unbelief.
3/17/202424 minutes
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On a Hill Far Away! - Part A

Pastor Skip begins a message to help you discern the source and purpose of hardships.
3/15/202426 minutes
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The Cure for the Curse - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message “The Cure for the Curse” and explains what it is that Jesus really offers you.
3/14/202426 minutes
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The Cure for the Curse - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his series Bloodline: Tracing God’s Rescue Mission from Eden to Eternity with a message about the greatest need for all humanity.
3/13/202426 minutes
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Heaven’s Capital City - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message “Heaven’s Capital City” and shows you why just saying that heaven will last forever doesn’t do eternity justice.
3/12/202426 minutes
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Heaven’s Capital City - Part A

Pastor Skip begins a message about the greatest city that will ever exist, and it’s being built by God Himself.
3/11/202426 minutes
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Believe It or Not! - Part A

Most of you reading this are believers. Some are not. Both are dangerous positions to take but for different reasons—vastly different reasons! This paragraph in John's Gospel is the summary of all that has been written, from chapters 1 through 13. It reviews the two different responses people have to Jesus and then gives us Jesus' own synopsis on faith and unbelief. Today you will be able to understand the real differences and consequences of faith and unbelief.
3/10/202424 minutes
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Shocking Truths About Heaven - Part B

Pastor Skip wraps up his message “Shocking Truths about Heaven” and shows you why every day in eternity will be filled with goodness and joy.
3/8/202426 minutes
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Shocking Truths About Heaven - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his message “Shocking Truths about Heaven” and shows you what God’s Word says about the place Jesus is preparing for believers.
3/7/202426 minutes
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The Last Judgment - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message “The Last Judgment” and explains the eternal implications of being born again.
3/6/202426 minutes
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The Last Judgment - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his message “The Last Judgment” and shows you what it will be like for the unbeliever on judgment day.
3/5/202426 minutes
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What Happens When You Die? - Part B

Nate Heitzig concludes his message “What Happens When You Die?” and shows how you must choose Jesus if you want eternity in heaven.
3/4/202426 minutes
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Cross-Culture - Part B

The term cross-culture emerges from the social sciences and typically refers to interaction of one culture or language with another. But that's not how I'm using it today. I'm thinking of it in the biblical sense, the salvation sense. Jesus' whole life was immersed in the culture of the cross and He referred to His impending death on the cross as "His hour." Let's consider today the culture of the cross of Christ: what it meant to Jesus personally and the world ultimately.
3/3/202424 minutes
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What Happens When You Die? - Part A

Pastor Nate Heitzig begins his message “What Happens When You Die?” and helps you imagine what heaven is really going to be like when you get there.
3/1/202426 minutes
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The Perfect Government - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message “The Perfect Government” and shows you that the future for Christians is even better than you can imagine.
2/29/202426 minutes
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The Perfect Government - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his message “The Perfect Government” and reveals that what awaits you in eternity may be very different than you think.
2/28/202426 minutes
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A Thousand Years of Peace - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message “A Thousand Years of Peace” about the time we’re all waiting and praying for—God’s kingdom come.
2/27/202426 minutes
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A Thousand Years of Peace - Part A

Pastor Skip examines the period of 1000 years when the church will reign with Christ and Satan will be bound.
2/26/202426 minutes
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Cross-Culture - Part A

The term cross-culture emerges from the social sciences and typically refers to interaction of one culture or language with another. But that's not how I'm using it today. I'm thinking of it in the biblical sense, the salvation sense. Jesus' whole life was immersed in the culture of the cross and He referred to His impending death on the cross as "His hour." Let's consider today the culture of the cross of Christ: what it meant to Jesus personally and the world ultimately.
2/25/202424 minutes
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The Second Coming: Part 2 - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message “The Second Coming: Part 2” and explains that Jesus will come back twice.
2/23/202426 minutes
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The Second Coming: Part 2 - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his message “The Second Coming: Part 2” to show you that the Bible is all about Jesus and His coming to Earth in two very different ways.
2/22/202426 minutes
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The Second Coming: Part 1 - Part B

Pastor Skip shares how the great deceiver, Satan, will get what’s coming to him in the end.
2/21/202426 minutes
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The Second Coming: Part 1 - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his message “The Second Coming: Part 1” and shows you how Jesus will come back in glory after the tribulation.
2/20/202426 minutes
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The Battle of Armageddon - Part B

Pastor Skip examines how, out of the time of great distress, one will arise who will seem to be the solution—the Antichrist.
2/19/202426 minutes
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Living the Right Life - Part B

If this sermon was a book and I wanted to sell lots of copies, the title would cause it to fail. Now if it were entitled "Living the High Life" or "Living the Successful Life," then I may have a winner. But many have lived with both success and riches who didn't live right! So what is the right life? Or to frame it with a better question: What kind of life is most pleasing to God? Through a series of paradoxes, John gives us the answer—it wasn't the answer most people are looking for!
2/18/202424 minutes
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The Battle of Armageddon - Part A

Pastor Skip begins a message looking into the battle that will end all battles – Armageddon.
2/16/202426 minutes
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Six Six Six - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message “Six, Six, Six” and looks at why the Antichrist will be able to lead so many astray.
2/15/202426 minutes
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Six Six Six - Part A

Pastor Skip shares a message about the very real figure known as the Antichrist, whose number is 666.
2/14/202426 minutes
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The Antichrist Revealed - Part B

Pastor Skip wraps up his message “The Antichrist Revealed” and examines how the Antichrist will have great power and command worship—for a short time.
2/13/202426 minutes
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The Antichrist Revealed - Part A

Pastor Skip shares a message all about the sinister figure who will come in the end times.
2/12/202426 minutes
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Living the Right Life - Part A

If this sermon was a book and I wanted to sell lots of copies, the title would cause it to fail. Now if it were entitled "Living the High Life" or "Living the Successful Life," then I may have a winner. But many have lived with both success and riches who didn't live right! So what is the right life? Or to frame it with a better question: What kind of life is most pleasing to God? Through a series of paradoxes, John gives us the answer—it wasn't the answer most people are looking for!
2/11/202424 minutes
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How Bad Can It Get? - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message “How Bad Can It Get?” and examines the beast that is coming and his sidekick, an evil false prophet.
2/9/202426 minutes
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How Bad Can It Get? - Part A

Pastor Skip shares a message about the worst days that are in store for the earth.
2/8/202426 minutes
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The Flow of the Future - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message “The Flow of the Future” and tells you about the song that you and the whole church will sing one day.
2/7/202426 minutes
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The Flow of the Future - Part A

Pastor Skip begins a message to encourage you not to worry about the future.
2/6/202426 minutes
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The Rapture: What & When - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message about the rapture of the church with some fresh encouragement about the marvelous day that’s coming for you.
2/5/202426 minutes
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A Day, a Donkey, a Deliverer, and a Decision - Part B

2000 years ago, on the final Sunday of Jesus’ earthly life before His crucifixion, He did the most unusual thing—He sat on a donkey and was carried into the city of Jerusalem in parade fashion. This formal presentation of Him as Deliverer was both profound and predicted. What’s the significance of such an act as this? What overarching principles emerge for us today? We’ll dig in and discover them, but today you’ve got to write them down yourself.
2/4/202424 minutes
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The Rapture: What & When - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his message “The Rapture: What & When” and examines the time of great distress known as the tribulation.  
2/2/202426 minutes
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The Rapture of the Church - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message “The Rapture of the Church” and encourages you with the truth that Jesus is preparing a place just for you in eternity.
2/1/202426 minutes
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The Rapture of the Church - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his message “The Rapture of the Church” and encourages you to hold fast to God’s promise to one day bring you home to Himself.
1/31/202426 minutes
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Defeat of the Russian Alliance - Part B

Skip concludes his message “Defeat of the Russian Alliance” and shows you how God is going to intervene to defeat those who threaten Israel, His nation.
1/30/202426 minutes
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Defeat of the Russian Alliance - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his message “Defeat of the Russian Alliance” and shows you why it’s never a good idea to pick a fight with God.
1/29/202426 minutes
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A Day, a Donkey, a Deliverer, and a Decision - Part A

2000 years ago, on the final Sunday of Jesus’ earthly life before His crucifixion, He did the most unusual thing—He sat on a donkey and was carried into the city of Jerusalem in parade fashion. This formal presentation of Him as Deliverer was both profound and predicted. What’s the significance of such an act as this? What overarching principles emerge for us today? We’ll dig in and discover them, but today you’ve got to write them down yourself.
1/28/202424 minutes
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The Coming Invasion of Russia - Part B

Pastor Skip shares why the precise location of Israel on the globe is no mere accident—it’s central to the entire planet.
1/26/202426 minutes
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The Coming Invasion of Russia - Part A

Pastor Skip encourages you with the truth that you can know and understand Bible prophecy.
1/25/202426 minutes
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Why Israel Must Survive - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message “Why Israel Must Survive” and shows you why you are living in Bible times as we speak.
1/24/202426 minutes
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Why Israel Must Survive - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his message “Why Israel Must Survive” and shows you why God is the true and uncontested owner of the land of Israel.
1/23/202426 minutes
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The Role of Israel in Prophecy - Part B

Skip concludes his message “The Role of Israel in Prophecy” and shows you what God says He will do through Israel, and why you can trust Him to do what He says.
1/22/202426 minutes
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A Meal to Reveal the Heart - Part B

If you were to step into the home of Simon at Bethany (Mark 14:3) on that night, you would've seen Jesus and His disciples along with Lazarus and His two sisters reclining at a low table for a meal in honor of Christ. But if you were to step into the hearts of those people, you would discover they were all very different from each other. Those inside the house and outside represent the gamut of feelings about Jesus—from adoring love to intense hatred. What a complicated meal!
1/21/202424 minutes
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The Role of Israel in Prophecy - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his message “The Role of Israel in Prophecy” and shares why God’s plan and purpose for Israel is alive and well today.
1/19/202426 minutes
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Daniel’s 70th Week - Part B

Pastor Skip looks at the great liar— the Antichrist—who promises peace but brings only destruction. He’ll show you why this counterfeit savior is no match for Jesus our Lord.
1/18/202426 minutes
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Daniel’s 70th Week - Part A

Pastor Skip shares what will happen at the end of the seventieth week prophesied in the book of Daniel, and what it means for you as a Christian.
1/17/202426 minutes
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How God Tells Time – Daniels’s 70 Weeks - Part B

Pastor Skip examines what the book of Daniel says about the second coming of Christ, and why you must be watchful and ready.
1/16/202426 minutes
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How God Tells Time – Daniels’s 70 Weeks - Part A

Pastor Skip shares an insightful message that shows you how God uses prophecy to bring clarity about the future.
1/15/202426 minutes
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A Meal to Reveal the Heart - Part A

If you were to step into the home of Simon at Bethany (Mark 14:3) on that night, you would've seen Jesus and His disciples along with Lazarus and His two sisters reclining at a low table for a meal in honor of Christ. But if you were to step into the hearts of those people, you would discover they were all very different from each other. Those inside the house and outside represent the gamut of feelings about Jesus—from adoring love to intense hatred. What a complicated meal!
1/14/202424 minutes
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Rapture Ready - Part B

Pastor Skip’s son Nate Heitzig concludes his message “Rapture Ready” and asks if you are prepared for that glorious moment when Jesus comes for His own.
1/12/202426 minutes
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Rapture Ready - Part A

Skip’s son Nate Heitzig shares an encouraging message about a day when you’ll not only see the Lord, but all your loved ones who trusted in Christ.
1/11/202426 minutes
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The Millennium: The Great Theological Divide - Part B

Pastor Skip wraps up his message “The Millennium: The Great Theological Divide” and shows you that the only hope for Earth is the One who made it all to begin with.
1/10/202426 minutes
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The Millennium: The Great Theological Divide - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his message about the end-times millennium and demonstrates what’s most important for you to know about it.
1/9/202426 minutes
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The Problem of Christ’s Return - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message “The Problem of Christ’s Return” and shows you why Jesus’s second coming isn’t good news for everyone.
1/8/202426 minutes
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What To Do With Jesus? - Part B

Any lawyer can tell you that whenever the star witness is a resurrected corpse, you have a pretty good case! But Lazarus being alive from the dead doesn’t seem to persuade everyone. And so the big issue becomes what shall we do with Jesus? The decisions made here set the clock in motion for an impending hate crime—the crucifixion of Christ. But from heaven’s vantage point, this is all part of God’s plan for redemption. Let’s see the responses and how we can make a difference.
1/7/202424 minutes
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The Problem of Christ’s Return - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his message “The Problem of Christ’s Return” to examine what the Bible teaches about the second coming of Christ.
1/5/202426 minutes
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The End is Near? - Part B

Pastor Skip gives you the master key to unlock the mysteries of Old Testament prophecy.
1/4/202426 minutes
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The End is Near? - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his message “The End is Near?” to help you better understand what it means to you that we’re in the last days.
1/3/202426 minutes
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Prophecy Update: What Will the Future Hold - Part B

Pastor Skip examines the signs God has given to show us what He’s going to do in the future.
1/2/202426 minutes
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Prophecy Update: What Will the Future Hold - Part A

Pastor Skip beings his message “Prophecy Update: What Will the Future Hold?” and shows you just how important the second coming of Jesus is. 
1/1/202426 minutes
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What To Do With Jesus? - Part A

Any lawyer can tell you that whenever the star witness is a resurrected corpse, you have a pretty good case! But Lazarus being alive from the dead doesn’t seem to persuade everyone. And so the big issue becomes what shall we do with Jesus? The decisions made here set the clock in motion for an impending hate crime—the crucifixion of Christ. But from heaven’s vantage point, this is all part of God’s plan for redemption. Let’s see the responses and how we can make a difference.
12/31/202324 minutes
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A Light Shines

Pastor Skip begins his message A light Shines about the light that shines into darkness and death to bring life.
12/29/202326 minutes
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Wise Men’s Delight - Part B

We’ll hear the conclusion of Skip’s message Wise Men’s Delight, and learn more about these strange men who came seeking Jesus.
12/28/202326 minutes
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Wise Men’s Delight - Part A

Pastor Skip shares a message about the men from afar who came to worship the King.
12/27/202326 minutes
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A Shepherd’s Surprise - Part B

Pastor Skip reminds us that plenty of folks today hear about Jesus, but never come to Him.
12/26/202326 minutes
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A Shepherd’s Surprise - Part A

Pastor Skip shares a message about the surprise announcement that came to certain poor shepherds on the outskirts of Bethlehem.
12/25/202326 minutes
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The Strangest Funeral Ever - Part B

According to one source, there are approximately 2 million funerals in America per year, which means that about 5,479 funerals take place every single day! Most of those funerals are pretty typical: a formal service followed by an interment. But the funeral service we're looking at was really different--and not just because of a resurrection. Here Jesus does three things that are pretty normal for most people at a funeral, but strikingly odd for Jesus.
12/24/202324 minutes
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A Couple’s First Christmas - Part B

Pastor Skip reveals how the world tries to cast out the light of Christmas in his message A Couple’s First Christmas.
12/22/202326 minutes
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A Couple’s First Christmas - Part A

Pastor Skip launches into his series Into the Night, beginning with a message about one couple’s special first Christmas. 
12/21/202326 minutes
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His Kingdom Foretold - Part B

Pastor Skip shows you what Jesus, your wonderful counselor and mighty God offers you.
12/20/202326 minutes
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His Kingdom Foretold - Part A

Pastor Skip shares a message about Christ’s humanity, and a look at the kingdom Jesus came to establish.
12/19/202326 minutes
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His Death Foretold - Part B

Pastor Skip shows you how Jesus brought enduring fruit to a fruitless nation.
12/18/202326 minutes
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The Strangest Funeral Ever - Part A

According to one source, there are approximately 2 million funerals in America per year, which means that about 5,479 funerals take place every single day! Most of those funerals are pretty typical: a formal service followed by an interment. But the funeral service we're looking at was really different--and not just because of a resurrection. Here Jesus does three things that are pretty normal for most people at a funeral, but strikingly odd for Jesus.
12/17/202324 minutes
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His Death Foretold - Part A

Pastor Skip shares how Jesus’ death accomplished precisely what God said it would when he spoke through the prophet Isaiah centuries before.
12/15/202326 minutes
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His Life Foretold - Part B

Pastor Skip encourages you with powerful truth about what Jesus will, and will not, when you trust in Him.
12/14/202326 minutes
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His Life Foretold - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his message His Life Foretold and examines the redemptive purpose of Jesus’ earthly life.
12/13/202326 minutes
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A Birth Foretold - Part B

Pastor Skip examines the uniquely miraculous way in which the son of God was conceived.
12/12/202326 minutes
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A Birth Foretold - Part A

Skip begins the series Jesus: Hope Foretold and shares a powerful message about why the virgin birth is such a critical element in the hope we have in Christ.
12/11/202326 minutes
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A Tale of Two Sisters - Part B

In 1859 Charles Dickens wrote his famous work, A Tale of Two Cities, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. The story before us is set in Bethany near Jerusalem and highlights the personal relationship that two sisters had with Jesus Christ. Their broken hearts provide an excellent platform to consider how Christ deals with people in grief and loss. Let's actively probe not only their responses but ours to the incredible promise Jesus makes.
12/10/202324 minutes
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Ruth 3-4 - Part C

Pastor Skip concludes his teaching on the book of Ruth and shows you how it paints a wonderful picture of what Christ did for us.
12/8/202326 minutes
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Ruth 3-4 - Part B

Pastor Skip continues his teaching from the book of Ruth and encourages you to be kind, courteous, and grateful.
12/7/202326 minutes
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Ruth 3-4 - Part A

Pastor Skip examines Ruth 3-4 and explains what a miracle is, and why they are so special.
12/6/202326 minutes
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Ruth 1-2 - Part C

Skip concludes his message on Ruth 1-2 and shows you what the book of Ruth teaches us about God our Provider.
12/5/202326 minutes
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Ruth 1-2 - Part B

Pastor Skip examines the faithfulness of Ruth even in the face of uncertainty and peril.
12/4/202326 minutes
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A Tale of Two Sisters - Part A

In 1859 Charles Dickens wrote his famous work, A Tale of Two Cities, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. The story before us is set in Bethany near Jerusalem and highlights the personal relationship that two sisters had with Jesus Christ. Their broken hearts provide an excellent platform to consider how Christ deals with people in grief and loss. Let's actively probe not only their responses but ours to the incredible promise Jesus makes.
12/3/202324 minutes
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Ruth 1-2 - Part A

Pastor Skip begins a series on the book of Ruth and shows you how the story of Ruth points directly to Jesus.
12/1/202326 minutes
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Peace on Earth – At Last! - Part B

Pastor Skip brings you the conclusion of his powerful message Peace on Earth—at Last!
11/30/202326 minutes
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Peace on Earth – At Last! - Part A

Pastor Skip shares why Jesus’ divinity is essential for there to be peace on earth.
11/29/202326 minutes
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The Peace-Stealers - Part B

Pastor Skip wraps up his message “The Peace-Stealers” and shows you why loving your neighbor is vital.
11/28/202326 minutes
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The Peace-Stealers - Part A

Pastor Skip shares a message about the things and people that act as thieves of our peace.
11/27/202326 minutes
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The Great Physician’s Patient Dies - Part B

When a doctor loses a patient on the operating table, there is a deep sense of remorse and sadness in the surgical theater. Doctors are trained to save lives but sometimes even the best trained physicians are unable to control complications that lead to death. But here we discover that Christ, the Great Physician, not only knows that His patient is sick--He allows him to die! Here are three principles about Divine Medicine that we can all learn.
11/26/202324 minutes
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Israel & The Palestinians: Facts & Myths

Pastor Skip uncovers who is right: Israel or Palestine? He separates fact from fiction to get a clear understanding of the conflict in the Middle East.
11/24/202326 minutes
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The Rise of Antisemitism – Why Do People Hate the Jews? - Part B

Pastor Skip examines an important issue: Why do people hate the Jews?
11/23/202326 minutes
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The Rise of Antisemitism – Why Do People Hate the Jews? - Part A

Pastor Skip takes a timely look at the roots and rise of antisemitism.
11/22/202326 minutes
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Israel & Gaza: An Update from Skip Heitzig - Part B

Pastor Skip continues his message “Israel & Gaza” with a look at current events in light of Bible prophecy.
11/21/202326 minutes
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Israel & Gaza: An Update from Skip Heitzig - Part A

Pastor Skip offers an important update on the Hamas attacks on Israel.
11/20/202326 minutes
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The Great Physician’s Patient Dies - Part A

When a doctor loses a patient on the operating table, there is a deep sense of remorse and sadness in the surgical theater. Doctors are trained to save lives but sometimes even the best trained physicians are unable to control complications that lead to death. But here we discover that Christ, the Great Physician, not only knows that His patient is sick--He allows him to die! Here are three principles about Divine Medicine that we can all learn.
11/19/202324 minutes
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When Peace Gets Personal - Part A

Pastor Skip looks at what real peace means and examines what happens when peace touches you on a personal level.
11/17/202326 minutes
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Making What Everybody Wants - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message “Making What Everybody Wants” and shows you the marks of a peacemaker and why they are called blessed.
11/16/202326 minutes
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Making What Everybody Wants - Part A

Skip reveals the surprising character who will one day be seen as the ultimate peacemaker.
11/15/202326 minutes
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All You Need is Love - Part B

Nate Heitzig concludes his message “All You Need is Love” and shows you how loving one another—as Christ commands— is the real secret to changing the world.
11/14/202326 minutes
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All You Need is Love - Part A

Skip’s son Nate Heitzig brings a powerful message about our Lord’s command to love one another.
11/13/202326 minutes
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To Believe or Not To Believe... - Part B

"In all unbelief there are two things: a good opinion of one's self and a bad opinion about God."— Horatius Bonar. It's true, isn't it? Humanism is man-centered and rejects God's existence or His relevance. But Jesus appealed to two things: the plain evidence of His supernatural works and the testimony of those who witnessed them. Jesus here asserts His deity, and the reaction is predictable—some believed while others did not believe. Which camp do you fall into?
11/12/202324 minutes
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The Gift of Peace - Part B

Pastor Skip shows you how Jesus is the greatest example ever of someone living with peace.
11/10/202326 minutes
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The Gift of Peace - Part A

Skip begins a new series called Give Peace a Chance and reveals how peace of mind and heart is a gift from Jesus to you.
11/9/202326 minutes
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Victory in the Ring - Part B

Pastor Skip wraps up his series Fight for the House with the conclusion of his message “Victory in the Ring.”
11/8/202326 minutes
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Victory in the Ring - Part A

Skip begins his message “Victory in the Ring” and shows you how victory over sin isn’t just about your future salvation – it’s a victory you can experience here and now.  
11/7/202326 minutes
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How to Stand When Others Fall - Part B

Pastor Skip shares the conclusion of his message “How to Stand When Others Fall” and reminds you of the power and purpose of prayer in your life.
11/6/202326 minutes
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To Believe or Not To Believe... - Part A

"In all unbelief there are two things: a good opinion of one's self and a bad opinion about God."— Horatius Bonar. It's true, isn't it? Humanism is man-centered and rejects God's existence or His relevance. But Jesus appealed to two things: the plain evidence of His supernatural works and the testimony of those who witnessed them. Jesus here asserts His deity, and the reaction is predictable—some believed while others did not believe. Which camp do you fall into?
11/5/202324 minutes
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How to Stand When Others Fall - Part A

Skip brings you fresh encouragement for your walk in his message “How to Stand When Others Fall.”
11/3/202326 minutes
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The Acts of the Apostates - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message “The Acts of the Apostates” and examines why someone would keep going to church despite having abandoned the faith.
11/2/202326 minutes
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The Acts of the Apostates - Part A

Pastor Skip begins his message “Acts of the Apostates” and begins to show you how you can spot a deceiver.
11/1/202326 minutes
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Gloom and Doom! - Part B

Pastor Skip shows you why paying attention to truth and knowing God’s Word is vitally important if you’re to hold fast to it.
10/31/202326 minutes
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Gloom and Doom! - Part A

Pastor Skip examines how God shows his love to us by revealing truth to us.
10/30/202326 minutes
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What’s So Great About the Good Shepherd? - Part B

"What's so great about being a Christian?" some people ask. The answer lies in the kind of care, provision, and protection we get from Jesus Christ, our Shepherd. Have you ever stopped to make a list of the benefits that are yours as a follower of Christ? Consider this short list of advantages that you, as a child of God, have. When was the last time you thanked Him for being your Shepherd? This would be a great week to do that!
10/29/202324 minutes
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Vision Week - Part E

10/27/202326 minutes
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Vision Week - Part D

10/26/202326 minutes
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Vision Week - Part C

10/25/202326 minutes
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Vision Week - Part B

10/24/202326 minutes
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Vision Week - Part A

10/23/202326 minutes
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What’s So Great About the Good Shepherd? - Part A

"What's so great about being a Christian?" some people ask. The answer lies in the kind of care, provision, and protection we get from Jesus Christ, our Shepherd. Have you ever stopped to make a list of the benefits that are yours as a follower of Christ? Consider this short list of advantages that you, as a child of God, have. When was the last time you thanked Him for being your Shepherd? This would be a great week to do that!
10/22/202324 minutes
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The Fight: Ancient and Modern - Part B

Pastor Skip cautions against religion Cain’s way, that’s all about works, and pride, and earning God’s favor.
10/20/202326 minutes
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The Fight: Ancient and Modern - Part A

Pastor Skip shares his message, The Fight: Ancient and Modern, and continues to look at the troubling problem of apostasy.
10/19/202326 minutes
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A Call to Battle - Part B

Truth is a powerful force, and as Skip shares, it is the most powerful weapon God has given you.
10/18/202326 minutes
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A Call to Battle - Part A

Pastor Skip begins a new series titled Fight for the House and shares his message A Call to Battle, looking at those who abandon the truth.
10/17/202326 minutes
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Taking Down a Nation - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his Crash & Burn series and shows you what God is looking for in a worshipper.
10/16/202326 minutes
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The Good Shepherd (and a Bunch of Happy Sheep!) - Part B

This is one of the most beloved passages to be found anywhere in Scripture. But it's not a stand-alone passage: The healing of the blind man in chapter 9 was more than a miracle. It was part of the process of Jesus forming His flock. The leadership had cast the healed man out of the synagogue. Jesus found him, accepted him, saved him, and placed him in His own fold.
10/15/202324 minutes
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Taking Down a Nation - Part A

Pastor Skip examines the life and folly of King Jeroboam, who tragically followed his own heart, not God’s. 
10/13/202326 minutes
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The Four Seasons of Failure - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message The Four Seasons of Failure and shows you how David found forgiveness despite his failings, and how you can too.
10/12/202326 minutes
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The Four Seasons of Failure - Part A

Even the greatest among us aren’t immune to falling. Listen closely as Pastor Skip looks into the fall of Israel’s greatest king, King David himself.
10/11/202326 minutes
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Playing the Fool - Part B

Skip concludes his message about King Saul and shares more about the consequences and fruit of a prideful heart.
10/10/202326 minutes
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Playing the Fool - Part A

Pride comes before the fall, so the Proverb goes. And in this teaching, Pastor Skip examines the destructive effects of pride in Saul’s life and kingdom.
10/9/202326 minutes
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The Good Shepherd (and a Bunch of Happy Sheep!) - Part A

This is one of the most beloved passages to be found anywhere in Scripture. But it's not a stand-alone passage: The healing of the blind man in chapter 9 was more than a miracle. It was part of the process of Jesus forming His flock. The leadership had cast the healed man out of the synagogue. Jesus found him, accepted him, saved him, and placed him in His own fold.
10/8/202324 minutes
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A Superhero Loses His Cape - Part B

Pastor Skip wraps up his message, A Superhero Loses His Cape, and shows you how true friends can keep you in check when you’re headed for trouble.
10/6/202326 minutes
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A Superhero Loses His Cape - Part A

Pastor Skip shares about a real-life superhero who lost his powers, and how God imposed His sovereign will to deliver His people.
10/5/202326 minutes
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Here Comes Trouble - Part B

Your trouble doesn’t have to define or destroy you. Listen in as Pastor Skip shows you how God can work in your greatest defeats to give you victory.
10/4/202326 minutes
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Here Comes Trouble - Part A

Pastor Skip examines an event in the book of Joshua that highlights the consequences one man’s actions can have on a whole group.
10/3/202326 minutes
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Lot’s Lingering Legacy - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message Lot’s Lingering Legacy and challenges you turn from the mud and muck that have you stuck and turn to the grace of Jesus.
10/2/202326 minutes
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Got Any Blind Spots? - Part B

When you drive, you encounter "blind spots"—it could be part of your own car or it could be a tree that hides traffic on the other side. Those blind spots hinder both progress and ultimately, safety. When Jesus healed a blind man in Jerusalem, the same man was also healed of his spiritual blindness. But others who thought their spiritual perception was keen were as blind as a bat! As we consider this story, can you think of any blind spots in your spiritual journey?
10/1/202324 minutes
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Lot’s Lingering Legacy - Part A

Skip looks at Lot’s life to give you a warning about becoming spiritually complacent. It’s a powerful word you don’t want to miss.
9/29/202326 minutes
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A Murder after Church - Part B

Skip shows you why God was not pleased with Cain’s offering and challenges you to bring not just what’s left, but your very best to God.
9/28/202326 minutes
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A Murder after Church - Part A

Skip shares the story of Cain and Able and looks at the reality that the first murder was committed by someone who claimed to worship God.
9/27/202326 minutes
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Falling Hard; Recovering Strong - Part B

Listen as Skip reminds us that God simply will not let sin go without consequence, and examines what happened to Adam and Eve as a consequence of their disobedience.
9/26/202326 minutes
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Falling Hard; Recovering Strong - Part A

Skip begins a message called “Falling Hard, Recovering Strong” and looks at the real, historical event that was Adam and Eve’s fall in the Garden.
9/25/202326 minutes
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Got Any Blind Spots? - Part A

When you drive, you encounter "blind spots"—it could be part of your own car or it could be a tree that hides traffic on the other side. Those blind spots hinder both progress and ultimately, safety. When Jesus healed a blind man in Jerusalem, the same man was also healed of his spiritual blindness. But others who thought their spiritual perception was keen were as blind as a bat! As we consider this story, can you think of any blind spots in your spiritual journey?
9/24/202324 minutes
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The Cosmic Crash; The Eternal Burn - Part B

Skip shows you that sin didn’t start in the heart of man, but in the mind of Lucifer.
9/22/202326 minutes
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The Cosmic Crash; The Eternal Burn - Part A

We kick off a new series called Crash and Burn with a message from Skip that looks at who the devil was before he fell, and who he is now.
9/21/202326 minutes
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Confronting the Prince of Darkness - Part B

Skip wraps up his message Confronting the Prince of Darkness, warning you against immediate gratification and challenging you to wait on God’s timing.
9/20/202326 minutes
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Confronting the Prince of Darkness - Part A

Skip reminds you that the devil is very real, and shows you how Jesus Himself confronted Satan. 
9/19/202326 minutes
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Facing Darkness with Grace - Part B

Skip shares how the power of Jesus is more than enough to get you through dark times with grace and strength.
9/18/202326 minutes
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The Truth About Your Neighbors - Part B

Those of us who are Christians live in a sea of unbelievers who work with us, live next to us, shop where we shop, and send their kids to the same schools. Some have a mild case of unbelief disguised by religious practices. Others are more demonstrable in their agnosticism or atheism. Let's watch a local Jerusalem neighborhood struggle against faith in spite of clear evidence.
9/17/202324 minutes
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Facing Darkness with Grace - Part A

Skip begins a message encouraging you to see the blessings in the darkness and to face dark times with grace.
9/15/202326 minutes
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When Society Grows Dark - Part B

You’ll be encouraged by Skip to remain bold in the face of persecution, just like Daniel was.
9/14/202326 minutes
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When Society Grows Dark - Part A

Skip begins a message about how God is still at work for our good and His glory in the midst of a darkening society.
9/13/202326 minutes
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The Darkness of a Broken Family - Part B

Listen as Skip gives you biblical guidance from the life of David on how to deal with a broken family.
9/12/202326 minutes
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The Darkness of a Broken Family - Part A

Skip begins a message about broken families, examining King David and how he dealt with brokenness in his own family. 
9/11/202326 minutes
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The Truth About Your Neighbors - Part A

Those of us who are Christians live in a sea of unbelievers who work with us, live next to us, shop where we shop, and send their kids to the same schools. Some have a mild case of unbelief disguised by religious practices. Others are more demonstrable in their agnosticism or atheism. Let's watch a local Jerusalem neighborhood struggle against faith in spite of clear evidence.
9/10/202324 minutes
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Choosing to "Go Dark" - Part B

Skip shows you that God’s plan for you, even when it includes pain, is far better than anything this world offers.
9/8/202326 minutes
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Choosing to "Go Dark" - Part A

Skip begins a new message called Choosing to “Go Dark” and examines the life of Moses and his choice to enter the dark room.
9/7/202326 minutes
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Welcome to the Darkroom - Part B

Skip shares a message about how God uses your times of darkness for a greater purpose… to impact this world for the Kingdom.
9/6/202326 minutes
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Welcome to the Darkroom - Part A

Skip begins a new series titled Darkroom and shows you that how you suffer is far more important than why you suffer.
9/5/202326 minutes
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An Empty Tomb; A Full Life - Part B

Skip concludes his series Against All Odds showing you what Christ’s death and resurrection means for your life now and in the future.
9/4/202326 minutes
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Life Hurts! Where’s God? - Part B

"Why is there so much pain in the world?" is the most frequently asked question ever! We hate it when we, or those we love, are in pain. Today we see Jesus confront a hurting world. As we do, consider these words by Elizabeth Elliot (whose husband was murdered): "If God is in charge and loves us, then whatever is given is subject to His control and is meant ultimately for our joy."
9/3/202324 minutes
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An Empty Tomb; A Full Life - Part A

Skip begins his message Empty Tomb, Full Life and examines the apostle Peter’s sermon on Pentecost to show you what Jesus’ resurrection means to you.
9/1/202326 minutes
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The Servant - Part B

Listen as Skip wraps up his message “The Servant” and shows you that as a servant, Jesus came to take the place of all mankind, including you.
8/31/202326 minutes
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The Servant - Part A

Does your life have one singular focus? Well today, Skip shares a powerful message about that reveals the whole reason Jesus came to earth.
8/30/202326 minutes
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Cross Examination - Part B

You were not an afterthought in the redemptive work of Jesus. And today, Skip concludes his message “Cross Examination” and shows you that you were always part of God’s plan.
8/29/202326 minutes
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Cross Examination - Part A

Listen as Skip begins a message looking at the profound meaning of the final words Jesus spoke at Calvary.
8/28/202326 minutes
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Life Hurts! Where’s God? - Part A

"Why is there so much pain in the world?" is the most frequently asked question ever! We hate it when we, or those we love, are in pain. Today we see Jesus confront a hurting world. As we do, consider these words by Elizabeth Elliot (whose husband was murdered): "If God is in charge and loves us, then whatever is given is subject to His control and is meant ultimately for our joy."
8/27/202324 minutes
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The Long-Expected Traitor - Part B

Jesus wasn’t caught by surprise when Judas betrayed him. And today, Skip shares the conclusion of his message “The Long-Expected Traitor” and shows that Jesus knew all along what would happen--but chose Judas anyway.
8/25/202326 minutes
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The Long-Expected Traitor - Part A

What place have you given to Jesus in your life? Today, Skip challenges you to put Jesus where he belongs, right in the center of your life.
8/24/202326 minutes
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The Visitation - Part B

What kind of worshiper are you? Today, Skip examines Scripture to show you that God is really looking for authentic worship.
8/23/202326 minutes
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The Visitation - Part A

Today, Skip shares a message about Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. He was hailed by the people as King, though they did not understand what kind of king he was.
8/22/202326 minutes
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Believing the Miracle-Making Messiah - Part B

If you’ve ever had doubts about your Christian faith, you’re in good company. And today, Skip gives insight from the life of John the Baptist on where you need to take your doubts when they come.
8/21/202326 minutes
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Who IS This Guy? - Part B

Jesus had friends and He had enemies. But besides those, He also had some "frenemies" (enemies who pretended to be friends). To this crowd who at first pretended to believe (v. 31) Jesus is both confrontational and controversial. This paragraph highlights three possible identities of Jesus: two of them were his enemies' accusations and one was Jesus' own claim.
8/20/202324 minutes
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Believing the Miracle-Making Messiah - Part A

What do you do with your faith? Today, Skip shares an encouraging message about what believers do with their faith in various stages of their journey.
8/18/202326 minutes
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Learning to Tell Time - Part B

Our sense of time--and timing--is often skewed, especially when we’re wanting something in our life to change. But as Skip shares in today’s message, we should not look to our own clock, but God’s, because his timing is never off.
8/17/202326 minutes
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Learning to Tell Time - Part A

God’s timing is never off. And today, Skip shares a message about what Jesus accomplished when he came to the world, at just the right time in history.
8/16/202326 minutes
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Why Did Jesus Come? - Part B

Have you ever thought carefully about what it is that’s in your hands when you hold the Bible? Today, Skip shares a powerful message about the miracle that’s in your hands when you open God’s Word.
8/15/202326 minutes
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Why Did Jesus Come? - Part A

Do you know why Jesus came to earth? Well today, Skip shares a powerful message revealing four reasons why Jesus came.
8/14/202326 minutes
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Who IS This Guy? - Part A

Jesus had friends and He had enemies. But besides those, He also had some "frenemies" (enemies who pretended to be friends). To this crowd who at first pretended to believe (v. 31) Jesus is both confrontational and controversial. This paragraph highlights three possible identities of Jesus: two of them were his enemies' accusations and one was Jesus' own claim.
8/13/202324 minutes
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Messiah on the Run - Part B

The birth of Jesus was cause for great joy for the world. But as Skip shares today, it also brought about a time of great weeping and mourning as a prophecy was fulfilled.
8/11/202326 minutes
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Messiah on the Run - Part A

Skip kicks off his message “Messiah on the Run” and looks at the royal visitors from a strange land who came to honor baby Jesus.
8/10/202326 minutes
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The World’s Most Unusual Birth - Part B

Listen as Skip examines why Jesus, born from the world’s most impossible pregnancy, is the perfect solution to the world’s seemingly impossible problems.
8/9/202326 minutes
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The World’s Most Unusual Birth - Part A

There is nothing more unlikely than a virgin birth. And today, Skip shares his teaching about the single most unusual birth in history.
8/8/202326 minutes
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Oh Little Town of Bethlehem - Part B

Today, Skip shares an encouraging message about the kind of ruler Jesus will be when he returns as king of the world.
8/7/202326 minutes
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The Devil's DNA - Part B

Your body has 100 trillion cells. Inside each one is a nucleus and in each nucleus are DNA molecules. DNA is like an instruction manual for life with densely coded information telling each cell what to do. A simple paternity test would prove that my father was really my father. Here Jesus gives His audience a spiritual paternity test that reveals their spiritual father to be the devil himself. No matter what your physical ancestry, you can always tell one's spiritual heritage.
8/6/202324 minutes
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Oh Little Town of Bethlehem - Part A

God is never caught off guard, and His plans never fail. And today, Skip shares an encouraging message about God’s sovereign power in our world.
8/4/202326 minutes
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Against All Odds - Part B

From a mathematical perspective, the likelihood that any one person would fulfill even a few Old Testament prophecies was almost zero. But as Skip shares today, Jesus’ life defied all the odds.
8/3/202326 minutes
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Against All Odds - Part A

Pastor Skip begins a new series titled Against All Odds. Our God is the God of the unlikely and the impossible, and today’s message will show you how many events in the Bible defy all the odds.
8/2/202326 minutes
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Abraham: Fact-Checking Your Future - Part B

Skip concludes his series Fact Check and shows you how God kept his promise to Abraham and Sarah, giving them a child when it seemed impossible.
8/1/202326 minutes
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Abraham: Fact-Checking Your Future - Part A

Pastor Skip is looking today at the life of Abraham to show you that salvation has always been obtained in the same way – by faith alone.
7/31/202326 minutes
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The Devil’s DNA - Part A

Your body has 100 trillion cells. Inside each one is a nucleus and in each nucleus are DNA molecules. DNA is like an instruction manual for life with densely coded information telling each cell what to do. A simple paternity test would prove that my father was really my father. Here Jesus gives His audience a spiritual paternity test that reveals their spiritual father to be the devil himself. No matter what your physical ancestry, you can always tell one's spiritual heritage.
7/30/202324 minutes
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Fact-Checking Your Lifestyle - Part B

Pastor Skip concludes his message Fact Checking Your Lifestyle and shows you how God can work through even one solitary person to make a big difference in the world.
7/28/202326 minutes
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Fact-Checking Your Lifestyle - Part A

Noah lived in a time when everyone around him did as they pleased, and yet he was found to be righteous before God. Pastor Skip’s message today will examine Noah’s life to show you how you can fact check your lifestyle.
7/27/202326 minutes
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Enoch: Fact-Checking Your Walk - Part B

When you live to please God, everything else will fall into place. Listen as Pastor Skip challenges you to examine your spiritual walk to understand what kind of legacy you are leaving behind.
7/26/202326 minutes
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Enoch: Fact-Checking Your Walk - Part A

What does it look like to walk by faith, and what’s the fruit of that kind of life? Tune in as Pastor Skip examines the life of Enoch to give insights into what a walk of real faith means.
7/25/202326 minutes
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Fact-Checking Your Worship - Part B

His message Fact Check Your Worship examines what real faith looks like.
7/24/202326 minutes
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The Best Way & Worst Way to Live - Part B

Everyone has an opinion on what "The Good Life" is. For some, it's financial independence. For others, it’s autonomy from government control. For still others, it’s the ability to do whatever you want whenever you feel like it. Jesus offers a different kind of freedom and a better brand of life. Here Jesus tells us what the best way to live really is: It’s the freedom to be a genuine disciple. And He tells us what the worst way to live really is: It’s the slavery of a sinful lifestyle. Today consider how free you really are and what areas of life you may still be in bondage to.
7/23/202324 minutes
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Fact-Checking Your Worship - Part A

How often do you think about your worship? Today Skip is challenging you to put your worship to the test and fact check it to see if it lines up with God’s heart.
7/21/202326 minutes
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Fact-Check Your Faith - Part B

The world won’t always – or even often – give you kudos for living out your Christian faith. But as Skip shows you today, that’s not what really matters anyway.
7/20/202326 minutes
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Fact-Check Your Faith - Part A

Everyone has faith in something. Listen as Skip begins his message Fact Check Your Faith and examines the book of Hebrews to show you the essence of the Christian faith.
7/19/202326 minutes
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Flight ZMA01 - Part C

Skip wraps up his series The Bible from 30,000 Feet and examines the last book of the Old Testament, the book of Malachi to show you how it’s the bridge between the Old and the New Testaments.
7/18/202326 minutes
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Flight ZMA01 - Part B

If you ever worry that you don’t have what it takes to accomplish God’s purposes with you… you’re right. But as Skip shares today, God will always provide what you need to do His will.
7/17/202326 minutes
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The Best Way & Worst Way to Live - Part A

Everyone has an opinion on what "The Good Life" is. For some, it's financial independence. For others, it’s autonomy from government control. For still others, it’s the ability to do whatever you want whenever you feel like it. Jesus offers a different kind of freedom and a better brand of life. Here Jesus tells us what the best way to live really is: It’s the freedom to be a genuine disciple. And He tells us what the worst way to live really is: It’s the slavery of a sinful lifestyle. Today consider how free you really are and what areas of life you may still be in bondage to.
7/16/202324 minutes
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Flight ZMA01 - Part A

The prophecies of Zechariah were wide-ranging, poetic, and yet very frank. Listen as Pastor Skip explores the writings of Zechariah and what they mean to us today.
7/14/202326 minutes
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Flight ZHA01 - Part C

What happens when we get our priorities out of whack? Listen as  Skip concludes his teaching from Zephaniah and Haggai and challenges you to keep the right focus in life.
7/13/202326 minutes
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Flight ZHA01 - Part B

Pastor Skip brings you more biblical truth as he wraps up his teaching from Zephaniah and begins to look at the prophetic writing of Haggai.
7/12/202326 minutes
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Flight ZHA01 - Part A

Zephaniah is an often-overlooked prophet, but the message he brought is one that’s ultimately filled with encouragement. And today Skip shares his teaching about the splendor of God that shines through times of judgement.
7/11/202326 minutes
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Flight MNH01 - Part C

He his teaching from Micah, Nahum and Habbakuk, beginning with a message about Nineveh’s failure to remain repentant and obedient, and the judgement from God this brought upon them.
7/10/202326 minutes
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The Worst Way & Best Way to Die - Part B

One person put it this way, "Death is the big flaw. Sometimes we can postpone it, lessen its physical pains, deny its existence—but we can't escape it!" Since that is universally true, why don't people take death seriously enough to plan for it? While we are alive in this world, everyone should be thinking more about the next. But what's the best (and worst) way to die?
7/9/202324 minutes
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Flight MNH01 - Part B

Pastor Skip shares an insightful teaching about what the prophet Micah had to say concerning the Messiah.
7/7/202326 minutes
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Flight MNH01 - Part A

It can be easy to get discouraged and lose hope in the midst of trials. But as Skip shares today, God’s plans never fail, and he always has a plan.
7/6/202326 minutes
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Flight JON01 - Part C

When others experience God’s grace and mercy are you joyful, or jealous? Today Skip concludes the teaching from the book of Jonah and shows you how God’s prophet responded when God relented from judgment on his enemies.
7/5/202326 minutes
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Flight JON01 - Part B

Your disobedience has ramifications, not just for you, but for others as well. And today Skip shows you how Jonah’s failure to obey God affected the lives of those around him.
7/4/202326 minutes
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Flight JON01 - Part A

Pastor Skip is teaching from the book of Jonah, a minor prophet with an important mission from God… one that he should have embraced, but did not.
7/3/202326 minutes
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The Worst Way & Best Way to Die - Part A

One person put it this way, "Death is the big flaw. Sometimes we can postpone it, lessen its physical pains, deny its existence—but we can't escape it!" Since that is universally true, why don't people take death seriously enough to plan for it? While we are alive in this world, everyone should be thinking more about the next. But what's the best (and worst) way to die?
7/2/202324 minutes
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Flight JAO01 - Part C

What were the visions God gave to prophets? Today Pastor Skip concludes his teaching from Joel, Amos, and Obadiah, with more biblical truth about the visions God gave His prophets, and what they mean for us today.
6/30/202326 minutes
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Flight JAO01 - Part B

World peace is often high on people’s list of hopes and dreams for humanity. But as Pastor Skip shares in his message today, that day will only come when Jesus returns in glory.
6/29/202326 minutes
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Flight JAO01 - Part A

Every farmer knows the danger of infestation. But infestations don’t just come in physical form. Today Pastor Skip examines the prophet Joel’s words about the infestations that plagued God’s people in Israel.
6/28/202326 minutes
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Flight HOS01 - Part C

Listen closely today as Pastor Skip shares a valuable yet simple spiritual truth from the book of Hosea about reaping what you sow.
6/27/202326 minutes
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Flight HOS01 - Part B

As believers we have a very special relationship with Jesus. Continuing in the book of Hosea, Pastor Skip examines this special relationship we have with our Savior as His betrothed, and what that means for us today.
6/26/202326 minutes
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Blinded by the Light - Part B

When the sun shines right in your eyes, your immediate inclination is to squint, turn away, or put sunglasses on. Light can be blinding! Though light penetrates our world, providing illumination and energy for our very existence, big doses of it can be difficult to handle. That's true spiritually as well. Jesus, by His teaching and work, illuminated this world darkened by sin. Some rejoiced in that light, able to see where they were going. But others, who'd been so accustomed to spiritual darkness, could only wince when Jesus was around.
6/25/202324 minutes
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Flight HOS01 - Part A

Skip moves into his series The Bible from 30,000 Feet beginning with a message from the Old Testament book of Hosea that’s all about the love that God showed His people through prophecy.
6/23/202326 minutes
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Are You Building a House or a Home? - Part B

Rest is not a necessary evil or a break from what’s really important. It’s a gift from God to us. And as Pastor Skip shares today in his message “Are You Building a House or a Home?” God desires for you to rest in Him and not worry.
6/22/202326 minutes
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Are You Building a House or a Home? - Part A

What is your focus in life? Is it your career, your wealth or accomplishments? Or is it something deeper? Listen as Pastor Skip begins a message about building something that will make a difference both now, and in eternity.
6/21/202326 minutes
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The Unequal Yoke - Part B

The biblical teachings on submission can be challenging for some people. But as Pastor Skip shares, the apostle Peter’s words to husbands were radical for the time. At the core, Peter encouraged men to love their wives as Christ loves us.
6/20/202326 minutes
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The Unequal Yoke - Part A

Listen as Pastor Skip begins his message “The Unequal Yoke” about the unique challenges—and opportunities—of a marriage between a believing spouse and an unbeliever.
6/19/202326 minutes
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Blinded by the Light - Part A

When the sun shines right in your eyes, your immediate inclination is to squint, turn away, or put sunglasses on. Light can be blinding! Though light penetrates our world, providing illumination and energy for our very existence, big doses of it can be difficult to handle. That's true spiritually as well. Jesus, by His teaching and work, illuminated this world darkened by sin. Some rejoiced in that light, able to see where they were going. But others, who'd been so accustomed to spiritual darkness, could only wince when Jesus was around.
6/18/202324 minutes
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In-Laws or Outlaws? - Part B

As many people know, in-law relationships can be complex and challenging. But as Pastor Skip shares today in his message “In-Laws or Outlaws?” God’s design is for in-laws to support and encourage, not create division.
6/16/202326 minutes
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In-Laws or Outlaws? - Part A

When you marry, you don’t just gain a spouse, you get a new family—for better or for worse. Today Pastor Skip tackles the difficult topic of in-law relationships.
6/15/202326 minutes
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The Most Important Job in the World - Part B

Some parents feel ill-equipped or uneasy about disciplining their children. But as Pastor Skip reveals in his message today, discipline is indispensable for raising fruitful children.
6/14/202326 minutes
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The Most Important Job in the World - Part A

What’s the toughest job in the world? Well as Skip shares today, the toughest job in the world—and the most important—is raising children. But God’s Word is here to help.
6/13/202326 minutes
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In Sickness and In Health - Part B

Being a caregiver for a sick family member is no small challenge. And today Pastor Skip offers some practical wisdom for spouses who’ve been called to care for a sick family member.
6/12/202326 minutes
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Scribbling on the Ground - Part B

Can you imagine what a surviving copy of Jesus' autograph would be worth today? Or what about a letter to His disciples? The fact is, there is no existing document or copy of anything Jesus ever wrote. We only have this story of Him scribbling something in transient dust on the Temple stones. Though John doesn't tell what Jesus wrote that day, his account does reveal a lot about Jesus Himself and how He interacted with three different kinds of folks.
6/11/202324 minutes
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In Sickness and In Health - Part A

It’s easy to focus just on the good parts of marriage vows—health, wealth, and happiness. But as Pastor Skip shares today, God calls you to be there for your spouse in the bad times, too—in sickness as well as in health.
6/9/202326 minutes
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Short Fuse for the Long Haul! - Part B

The devil will jump at any opportunity to destroy the good things God has created—including your marriage. Today Pastor Skip cautions you against letting the enemy drive a wedge of division between you and your spouse.
6/8/202326 minutes
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Short Fuse for the Long Haul! - Part A

Conflict is part of every marriage. And today Pastor Skip shares his message “Short Fuse for the Long Haul” about how you must approach conflict.
6/7/202326 minutes
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Weeds of Unfaithfulness in the Garden of Love - Part B

Adultery isn’t just a matter of the flesh. The root of the issue lies in our hearts. Today Pastor Skip shows you that the solution for your wandering heart involves building and burning the right bridges.
6/6/202326 minutes
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Weeds of Unfaithfulness in the Garden of Love - Part A

Adultery is a destructive force in marriage—no matter the form it takes. And today Pastor Skip brings a powerful message about the consuming fire of lust and how you can defend against it in your marriage.
6/5/202326 minutes
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Scribbling on the Ground - Part A

Can you imagine what a surviving copy of Jesus' autograph would be worth today? Or what about a letter to His disciples? The fact is, there is no existing document or copy of anything Jesus ever wrote. We only have this story of Him scribbling something in transient dust on the Temple stones. Though John doesn't tell what Jesus wrote that day, his account does reveal a lot about Jesus Himself and how He interacted with three different kinds of folks.
6/4/202324 minutes
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How to Have a Love Affair with Your Spouse - Part 2 - Part B

When experienced in its proper context, sexual pleasure is a beautiful gift from God. Today Pastor Skip shares how you can pursue God-honoring and God-given physical enjoyment in your marriage.
6/2/202326 minutes
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How to Have a Love Affair with Your Spouse - Part 2 - Part A

God wants you to delight in your spouse in all seasons. And today Pastor Skip examines four keys to having a marriage that’s balanced and blessed.
6/1/202326 minutes
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How to Have a Love Affair with Your Spouse - Part B

If you want a fulfilling marriage you need to recognize there's a third person in it—God. In the message "How to Have a Love Affair with Your Spouse," Skip shares how God is part of your marriage covenant.
5/31/202326 minutes
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How to Have a Love Affair with Your Spouse - Part A

Sex is a wonderful gift from God, but it must be kept within His bounds. And in the message "How to Have a Love Affair with Your Spouse," Skip shares about the delights of sexual intimacy in marriage—and the disastrous effects when we go outside God's boundaries.
5/30/202326 minutes
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Needed: Real Men! - Part B

Our past can weigh us down, or it can move us to share how God has rescued us. And as Skip explains in the message "Needed: Real Men!" real men share their testimony of what God has done to redeem them despite past mistakes.
5/29/202326 minutes
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Standing by a Waterfall (Dying of Thirst) - Part B

All the diverse and assorted experiences offered by this world can never satisfy the deepest longing of the human soul. What we really want isn't what we really need. The rest of John chapter 7 illustrates this truth. In the midst of a crowd of people clamoring for deep spiritual satisfaction stands the only One who can provide it. He offers them the drink that really satisfies and all but a few refuse it, preferring rather to die of thirst. How painfully ironic!
5/28/202324 minutes
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Needed: Real Men! - Part A

Our world desperately needs real men—but people don't even know what a real man is these days. And in his message "Needed: Real Men!" Skip looks at the example of Joshua to show you what real men look like.
5/26/202326 minutes
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Homemaker or Homebreaker? - Part B

What does an ideal wife look like? It's not about physical appearances; it's about her heart and her character. And as Skip explains in his message "Homemaker or Homebreaker?" the book of Proverbs has the answer to that question.
5/25/202326 minutes
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Homemaker or Homebreaker? - Part A

What is the job of homemaking really about? In the message "Homemaker or Homebreaker?" Skip examines what the Scriptures say about a woman's role as homemaker.
5/24/202326 minutes
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The Storm-Proof Shelter of a Husband’s Love - Part B

Marriage is about more than making you and your spouse happy. In his message "The Storm-Proof Shelter of a Husband's Love," Skip shares how the sacrificial love of a Christian husband is a powerful picture for the world of the love God has for us.
5/23/202326 minutes
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The Storm-Proof Shelter of a Husband’s Love - Part A

A husband's role of leader is about more than just authority—it's a high calling to love. And in his message "The Storm-Proof Shelter of a Husband's Love," Skip examines how husbands are to love their wives.
5/22/202326 minutes
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Standing by a Waterfall (Dying of Thirst) - Part A

All the diverse and assorted experiences offered by this world can never satisfy the deepest longing of the human soul. What we really want isn't what we really need. The rest of John chapter 7 illustrates this truth. In the midst of a crowd of people clamoring for deep spiritual satisfaction stands the only One who can provide it. He offers them the drink that really satisfies and all but a few refuse it, preferring rather to die of thirst. How painfully ironic!
5/21/202324 minutes
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The Hardest Word in a Marriage - Part B

Scripture teaches that the husband is head of the household—but are there exceptions? As Skip shares in his message "The Hardest Word in a Marriage," there are limits to the authority of a husband, because there is One who is head over all.
5/19/202326 minutes
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The Hardest Word in a Marriage - Part A

Submission is hard for us—we like to be in control. But as Skip shares in his message "The Hardest Word in a Marriage," the kind of submission the Scriptures call you to in marriage is mutual and for your best.
5/18/202326 minutes
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Friends with Benefits - Part B

What guiding principles should we use to inform our dating behavior? In the message "Friends with Benefits," Skip's son, Nate, shows you what—and whom—you must pursue in your relationships.
5/17/202326 minutes
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Friends with Benefits - Part A

The dating world can be challenging to navigate, especially for Christians seeking to live according to biblical standards. In the message "Friends with Benefits," Skip's son, Nate, explores dating relationships from a biblical perspective.
5/16/202326 minutes
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Gender Wars - Part B

Since the fall, man and woman have been engaged in a gender war, a direct consequence of sin. But as Skip shares in his message "Gender Wars," we don't have to be stuck in that war, because Jesus offers redemption, even in marriage.
5/15/202326 minutes
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Follow Jesus But Don’t Be Religious - Part B

Jesus clashed with religious leaders more than any other group of people. He went against their spiritual grain and challenged their legalistic ideas. Christ made it clear that He hadn’t come to establish a new religion but rather to show the way to God His Father. He didn’t give people another “system of beliefs and practices”; instead He said that He Himself was the way, truth, and life. In this public confrontation, we learn how to follow Christ in truth and not be religious.
5/14/202324 minutes
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Gender Wars - Part A

The battle of the sexes is nothing new. And as Skip begins his message "Gender Wars," he explains the struggle between men and women that started when sin entered the world.
5/12/202326 minutes
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Trouble in Paradise - Part B

There's no escaping the fact that we're living in a sin-infested world. And that's going to affect your marriage. In the message "Trouble in Paradise," Skip shares how you can tether your marriage to the truth of God's Word and have the joy in marriage God wants for you.
5/11/202326 minutes
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Trouble in Paradise - Part A

What do you do when trouble creeps into your marriage? In the message "Trouble in Paradise," Skip shares about how trouble came into the very first marriage and its destructive effect on Adam and Eve's relationship.
5/10/202326 minutes
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The First Wedding - Part B

Marriage is treated by many as a temporary thing, easy to dissolve and walk away from. But as Skip explains in the message "The First Wedding," God's design is for marriage to form a permanent bond between man and woman.
5/9/202326 minutes
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The First Wedding - Part A

God is the perfect designer and architect. And in the message "The First Wedding," Skip shows you the blueprint God laid out, in the beginning, for marriage.
5/8/202326 minutes
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Follow Jesus But Don’t Be Religious - Part A

Jesus clashed with religious leaders more than any other group of people. He went against their spiritual grain and challenged their legalistic ideas. Christ made it clear that He hadn’t come to establish a new religion but rather to show the way to God His Father. He didn’t give people another “system of beliefs and practices”; instead He said that He Himself was the way, truth, and life. In this public confrontation, we learn how to follow Christ in truth and not be religious.
5/7/202324 minutes
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No Man Is an Island - Part B

In the message "No Man Is an Island," Skip shares powerful truth about the purpose of marriage and how it's possible for your marriage to work the way God intended—painting a picture of the relationship He desires with us.
5/5/202326 minutes
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No Man Is an Island - Part A

Marriage isn't a man-made institution. And in the message "No Man Is an Island," Skip opens Scripture to examine what God said about the institution of marriage when He created it in the garden of Eden.
5/4/202326 minutes
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What Every Church Should Do - Part B

There are some things every church should be focused on. And in the message "What Every Church Should Do," Skip shares how churches can impact how Christians live when they do what they are meant to.
5/3/202326 minutes
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What Every Church Should Do - Part A

God never intended for the Christian walk to be a solo effort. And in the message "What Every Church Should Do," Skip shares about why being part of a local church is vital for the Christian.
5/2/202326 minutes
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With a Little Help from My Friends - Part B

Real friends can be hard to come by. And in the message "With a Little Help from My Friends," Skip shares some important marks of a true friend, revealing how the right friendships can lift you up and give you strength in life's journey.
5/1/202326 minutes
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Seeing Jesus Through the Fog - Part B

There was always a fog surrounding Jesus! It was a fog of uncertainty, of unbelief, and of conflicting opinion. He was misunderstood about both His mission and His message. His friends, His family, and His foes were often bewildered about who He was and what He was doing. That remains true even today. But in this passage our view becomes clearer. Jesus had clearly defined objectives that He reveals here and they are extremely practical for us today.
4/30/202324 minutes
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With a Little Help from My Friends - Part A

Our culture touts the value of independence, but none of us can succeed in life all by ourselves. In the message "With a Little Help from My Friends," Skip encourages you to seek out friendships to support you in your Christian walk.
4/28/202326 minutes
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Marks of Healthy Relationships - Part B

Having friends is great. But having the right kinds of friends is more than that—it's essential. In the message "Marks of Healthy Relationships," Skip shares about the kinds of friends every Christian should seek to have.
4/27/202326 minutes
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Marks of Healthy Relationships - Part A

God has designed us to thrive most when we are in community and relationship with others. In the message "Marks of Healthy Relationships," Skip shows you the signs that your relationships are built to last.
4/26/202326 minutes
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How the Gospel Transforms the Workplace - Part B

When you work with the perspective of one who works for God, everything changes; even menial tasks become meaningful. In the message "How the Gospel Transforms the Workplace," Skip tears down the myth of the sacred and secular life dichotomy.
4/25/202326 minutes
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How the Gospel Transforms the Workplace - Part A

The transformed life of a Christian isn't limited to our church and family—it touches every area of life. And as Skip shares in the message "How the Gospel Transforms the Workplace," we're called to live for Christ at our jobs too.
4/24/202326 minutes
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Seeing Jesus Through the Fog - Part A

There was always a fog surrounding Jesus! It was a fog of uncertainty, of unbelief, and of conflicting opinion. He was misunderstood about both His mission and His message. His friends, His family, and His foes were often bewildered about who He was and what He was doing. That remains true even today. But in this passage our view becomes clearer. Jesus had clearly defined objectives that He reveals here and they are extremely practical for us today.
4/23/202324 minutes
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The Four-Legged Stool of a Godly Home - Part B

Respect for elders has fallen far from what it used to be in our culture. But as Skip shares in the message "The Four-Legged Stool of a Godly Home," God has called believing children to respect and honor their parents as part of their Christian walk.
4/21/202326 minutes
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The Four-Legged Stool of a Godly Home - Part A

The transformation a believer experiences when they accept Christ touches every aspect of their life. And in the message "The Four-Legged Stool of a Godly Home," Skip shares how Jesus transforms our roles and attitudes within the family.
4/20/202326 minutes
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Guardrails to Knowing God’s Will - Part B

When we love God with all our heart, we can do what we want—because we only want what He wants. And in the message "Guardrails to Knowing God's Will," Skip shares how to know if you're acting with God's heart—or in your own interests.
4/19/202326 minutes
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Guardrails to Knowing God’s Will - Part A

Some believers are so desperate for direction about the future that they resort to odd and superstitious methods to figure out God's will. But in the message "Guardrails to Knowing God's Will," Skip shares how Scripture helps you discern God's will.
4/18/202326 minutes
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A New Set of Clothes for a New Way of Life - Part B

Every good outfit needs that special piece that holds everything together. In the message "A New Set of Clothes for a New Way of Life," Skip shares how love holds the garments of grace together for Christians.
4/17/202326 minutes
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Plain Truths About the Bread of Life - Part B

Mark Twain once remarked that "A lie can travel halfway around the world while truth is still lacing up its boots!" This section of John's Gospel has generated much confusion and misunderstanding. Even Jesus' original audience had trouble understanding His meaning, and when they did, they found the truth was difficult to bear. These "hard truths," however, are "the words of eternal life" (v. 68). Let's look at these four realities today.
4/16/202324 minutes
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A New Set of Clothes for a New Way of Life - Part A

From the beginning of time, clothes have played a big part in the lives of humans. And as Skip shares in the message "A New Set of Clothes for a New Way of Life," as a believer you have a new wardrobe specially made for your life in Christ.
4/14/202326 minutes
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Living on Earth While Aiming at Heaven - Part B

The key to fighting off the flesh isn't to focus only on battling our fleshly desires. And as Skip shares in his message "Living on Earth While Aiming at Heaven," the way to win the battle is to be engaged in the things of God.
4/13/202326 minutes
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Living on Earth While Aiming at Heaven - Part A

Like a garden, a healthy Christian life requires the removal of certain weeds that threaten the vibrancy and fruitfulness of the believer. In the message "Living on Earth While Aiming at Heaven," Skip shares about the firm steps you can take to live fruitfully on earth.
4/12/202326 minutes
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Aiming at Heaven While Living on Earth - Part B

Living with your mind on heaven is about having a perspective that's higher and greater than any earthly thinking. And as Skip shares in his message "Aiming at Heaven While Living on Earth," there's no better way to live than getting direction from Jesus.
4/11/202326 minutes
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Aiming at Heaven While Living on Earth - Part A

Heaven is where we, as Christians, are headed. And our eventual home gives many of us great hope for the future. In the message "Aiming at Heaven While Living on Earth," Skip shares why heaven is more than just an eventual destination.
4/10/202326 minutes
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Plain Truths About the Bread of Life - Part A

Mark Twain once remarked that "A lie can travel halfway around the world while truth is still lacing up its boots!" This section of John's Gospel has generated much confusion and misunderstanding. Even Jesus' original audience had trouble understanding His meaning, and when they did, they found the truth was difficult to bear. These "hard truths," however, are "the words of eternal life" (v. 68). Let's look at these four realities today.
4/9/202324 minutes
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On the Road to Emmaus

Though we may claim we are searching for God, the truth is the opposite. In the message "On the Road to Emmaus," Skip shares about how God is searching for us and how His tireless pursuit is what sets Christianity apart from all other religions.
4/7/202326 minutes
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On the Road to the Cross

Beginning his message "On the Road to the Cross," Skip looks at some of the people Jesus encountered on that road to Calvary, including how they responded to the Messiah.
4/6/202326 minutes
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On the Road to Jerusalem - Part B

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, crowds of people cheered Him on—complete with praises and shouts of Hosanna. But as Skip shares in his message "On the Road to Jerusalem," not everyone in the crowd was truly a disciple. You and I must also decide if we're just one of the crowd or a real follower.
4/5/202326 minutes
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On the Road to Jerusalem - Part A

As Jesus walked to Jerusalem, He knew what awaited Him—and that it would change the world forever. In the message "On the Road to Jerusalem," Skip gives you insight on that fateful journey our Lord took for our sake.
4/4/202326 minutes
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When Religion Gets Wacky - Part B

There's a big difference between religion and the gospel. And as Skip shares in his message "When Religion Gets Wacky," when you give your life to Christ, God puts a brand-new heart—and all new desires—inside you.
4/3/202326 minutes
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Wonder Bread! - Part B

The Hostess Company has for years advertised that its Wonder bread "helps build strong bodies 12 ways" and that just two slices has the calcium of eight ounces of milk and the fiber of 100% whole wheat. Wow! The crowd that Jesus was speaking to would have loved that! But our Lord presents something to them far greater than what they were wanting. He knew what they needed.
4/2/202324 minutes
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When Religion Gets Wacky - Part A

At its core, religion is mankind's attempt to reach God. But the Bible paints a picture of a God reaching down to mankind. And in the message "When Religion Gets Wacky," Skip shares about what happens when your religion strays from biblical truth.
3/31/202326 minutes
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Jesus Paid it All! - Part B

Human relationships, no matter how good and healthy, are bound to fail you at some point. But as Skip shares in his message "Jesus Paid It All!" there's one relationship that will never fail you and will give you complete fulfillment.
3/30/202326 minutes
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Jesus Paid it All! - Part A

As Christians we have a single reference point—the cross—that reminds us of what Christ did for us. In the message "Jesus Paid It All!" Skip shares about how at the cross, Jesus made you complete in three separate areas.
3/29/202326 minutes
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What Keeps an Apostle Up at Night? - Part B

As Skip concludes his message "What Keeps an Apostle Up at Night?" he reminds you why you don't need anything more than Jesus—with Him, and in Him, you are complete.
3/28/202326 minutes
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What Keeps an Apostle Up at Night? - Part A

We all have things that disrupt our sleep from time to time—worries, concerns, or problems that need to be addressed. In the message "What Keeps an Apostle Up at Night?" Skip examines what troubled Paul so much concerning the Colossian church, and what his response teaches you today.
3/27/202326 minutes
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Wonder Bread! - Part A

The Hostess Company has for years advertised that its Wonder bread "helps build strong bodies 12 ways" and that just two slices has the calcium of eight ounces of milk and the fiber of 100% whole wheat. Wow! The crowd that Jesus was speaking to would have loved that! But our Lord presents something to them far greater than what they were wanting. He knew what they needed.
3/26/202324 minutes
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Serving Christ in an Unchristian World - Part B

Serving the Lord is hard work. And as Skip shares in his message "Serving Christ in an Unchristian World," your labor as a believer requires a strength that can only come from God.
3/24/202326 minutes
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Serving Christ in an Unchristian World - Part A

Sometimes we get the wrong idea that only preachers and missionaries are called to serve in ministry. But as Skip shares in his message "Serving Christ in an Unchristian World," all believers are to be in ministry, and that includes you.
3/23/202326 minutes
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Reconciled! - Part B

Because of our sins against God, payment had to be made to satisfy His justice. And as Skip continues his message "Reconciled!" he examines the amazing truth about what Christ willingly endured on your behalf to pay your debt.
3/22/202326 minutes
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Reconciled! - Part A

As humans we tend to enjoy stories about retaliation, people getting what they deserve. But that's not God's heart. And as Skip begins his message "Reconciled!" he shares how God reconciles you to Himself in Christ, giving you more than you deserve.
3/21/202326 minutes
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Why Jesus Is Supreme - Part B

What place does Jesus have in your life? In the message "Why Jesus Is Supreme," Skip shares about why it's vital you understand—and live out—the truth that Jesus is deserving of first place in every aspect of your life.
3/20/202326 minutes
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The Right Thing, The Wrong Way - Part B

Our text reads that crowds of people came "seeking Jesus." That sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? And yet Jesus challenges them as to their motive because they were seeking Him (the right thing) in order to satisfy themselves only (the wrong motive). Let’s consider three monumental truths about how people interact with spiritual things in general and Jesus Christ in particular. Let’s also reconsider the starting point for anyone who wants anything to do with Christ.
3/19/202324 minutes
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Why Jesus Is Supreme - Part A

For centuries, people have tried to make Jesus into something other than who He is—God in the flesh. But in the message "Why Jesus Is Supreme," Skip shares how Jesus is above all, without equal—and why that makes all the difference for you.
3/17/202326 minutes
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How to Pray for Believers - Part B

As Christians we are to pray for other Christians. And as Skip concludes his message "How to Pray for Believers," he looks at specific ways you can lift up your brothers and sisters in Christ in prayer.
3/16/202326 minutes
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How to Pray for Believers - Part A

Prayer is a powerful way to align our hearts with what God is doing in the world. In the message "How to Pray for Believers" Skip shares what the apostle Paul taught about praying for Christians you know.
3/15/202326 minutes
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What Makes Christians So Great? - Part B

How did Christianity grow from a few followers of a crucified Jew in a tiny corner of the Middle East to a global force for good? In the message "What Makes Christians So Great?" Skip explores what enabled a tiny movement two millennia ago to spread like wildfire, and how it can still spread through you today.
3/14/202326 minutes
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What Makes Christians So Great? - Part A

There's no question—the world is better off because of Christians. But why is that? In the message "What Makes Christians So Great?" Skip shares how you can be a force for good in the world.
3/13/202326 minutes
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The Right Thing, The Wrong Way - Part A

Our text reads that crowds of people came "seeking Jesus." That sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? And yet Jesus challenges them as to their motive because they were seeking Him (the right thing) in order to satisfy themselves only (the wrong motive). Let’s consider three monumental truths about how people interact with spiritual things in general and Jesus Christ in particular. Let’s also reconsider the starting point for anyone who wants anything to do with Christ.
3/12/202324 minutes
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Always Only Jesus - Part B

As Christians, we are citizens of both heaven and earth. And as Skip explains in his message "Always Only Jesus," your spiritual address in heaven should always be part of your thinking as you live here on earth.
3/10/202326 minutes
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Always Only Jesus - Part A

The apostle Paul declared in Colossians that Jesus holds everything together from the majestic to the microscopic and everything in between. Skip begins this series with an introduction to the church in Colosse and the issues they faced, and why they matter to you today.
3/9/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Be Balanced! - Part B

Daniel is a great example in Scripture of a life committed to God, and one that had great influence in the lives of others. In the message "I Dare You: Be Balanced!" Skip shares more insight from Daniel's life on how you can live a balanced life.
3/8/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Be Balanced! - Part A

Balance in life seems elusive to many of us these days. It's rare to find someone who feels they've got it worked out. But as Skip shares in his message "I Dare You: Be Balanced," the life of Daniel teaches you four important aspects of a balanced life.
3/7/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Respond! - Part B

The greatest human experience is to have a relationship with God. In his message "I Dare You: Respond!" Skip challenges you to ask yourself if you have personally responded to Jesus.
3/6/202326 minutes
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What Storm Goers Need to Know - Part B

Have you ever been on the ocean in a raging storm? If so, you know that a well-trained crew follows an immediate protocol until the storm is over. Their knowledge and experience about violent weather are invaluable for those who want to survive. Using the story of Jesus walking on the waves to His disciples, let’s discover a few things about the stormy trials of life.
3/5/202324 minutes
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I Dare You: Respond! - Part A

Every relationship involves some form of response from one person to the other. Your relationship with God is no different. And as Skip shares in his message "I Dare You: Respond!" Daniel 12 offers insight into what your response to God should be.
3/3/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Hope! - Part B

As Christians, we can live with hope—for deliverance, resurrection, and heavenly rewards. And as Skip shares in his message "I Dare You: Hope!" when you live faithfully and point others to the hope of Jesus, you can look forward to an amazing prize in heaven.
3/2/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Hope! - Part A

Skip continues his series I Dare You about the life of Daniel and shares a powerful word about how God revealed things to Daniel that offered great hope to him, just as they do for you today. Join Skip as he shares his message "I Dare You: Hope!"
3/1/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Rest! - Part B

Our world is filled with conflict—it seems never-ending. But Jesus promised to return one day and end all conflict. And in the message "I Dare You: Rest!" Skip shares how this promise gives us as Christians the ultimate hope and reason to rest.
2/28/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Rest! - Part A

The prophecies about the Antichrist spell out a time of intense suffering and conflict. And yet, as Skip shares in his message "I Dare You: Rest!" there are four attributes of this coming leader that give us reason to rest, knowing God will be victorious.
2/27/202326 minutes
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What Storm Goers Need to Know - Part A

Have you ever been on the ocean in a raging storm? If so, you know that a well-trained crew follows an immediate protocol until the storm is over. Their knowledge and experience about violent weather are invaluable for those who want to survive. Using the story of Jesus walking on the waves to His disciples, let’s discover a few things about the stormy trials of life.
2/26/202324 minutes
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I Dare You: Remember! - Part B

Taken at face value, some of the prophecies in the Bible don't really sound like good news. But as Skip shares in his message "I Dare You: Remember!" knowing God keeps His promises is cause for great hope and joy for the Christian.
2/24/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Remember! - Part A

For God, telling the future is no different than telling the past. And in the message "I Dare You: Remember!" Skip dives into Daniel 11 to show you how what God told Daniel came to pass just as He said it would.
2/23/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Fight! - Part B

Whether you realize it or not, you're engaged in a spiritual battle. So how can you stand strong? In the message "I Dare You: Fight!" Skip shares practical advice on how you can stand confidently against your already-defeated foe.
2/22/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Fight! - Part A

Most of us prefer to keep the peace and avoid conflict. But there's one fight where keeping the peace just isn't an option for you. Discover what that fight is, and why you can't sit it out, in Skip's message "I Dare You: Fight!"
2/21/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Understand! - Part B

Prophecy isn't intended to fill your head with interesting facts about history and the future. It's meant to encourage, equip, and motivate you. In the message "I Dare You: Understand!" Skip challenges you to respond to the prophecy of the Messiah found in Daniel 9.
2/20/202326 minutes
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Lessons from a Picnic - Part B

This story ranks in the "top ten" of the most famous miracles of Jesus Christ. In fact this is the most famous of all His miracles as it alone is recorded by all four gospel accounts. But this is far more than a Sunday school tale. This extraordinary picnic was not just a free meal for five thousand folks; it provided lessons for both ancient and modern disciples. Here are four profound truths that emerge from this lakeside lunch.
2/19/202324 minutes
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I Dare You: Understand! - Part A

God chose to reveal something to Daniel that would change the entire world. It was so important that God's angel made sure Daniel understood it. In his message "I Dare You: Understand!" Skip helps you understand Daniel's world-changing prophecy about the Messiah.
2/17/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Pray! Part 2 - Part B

Prayer is powerful, and God's Word teaches us how to pray effective prayers. Listen as Skip shares his message "I Dare You: Pray! Part 2" and challenges you to pray complete prayers—and to do it often.
2/16/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Pray! Part 2 - Part A

Prayer is controversial, but that's nothing new. In the message "I Dare You: Pray! Part 2," Skip examines why prayer is so controversial, why the Enemy opposes it so fiercely, and what that signals about Satan's understanding of its power.
2/15/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Pray! Part 1 - Part B

How much of the Lord do you want? If you want to get the most out of your relationship with God, prayer must be a priority in your life. In the message "I Dare You: Pray! Part 1," Skip shares about the important place prayer has in your life.
2/14/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Pray! Part 1 - Part A

We all pray. But how well do we understand prayer and its place in our life? Skip looks at Daniel's life to show you some powerful truths about prayer in his message "I Dare You: Pray! Part 1."
2/13/202326 minutes
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Lessons from a Picnic - Part A

This story ranks in the "top ten" of the most famous miracles of Jesus Christ. In fact this is the most famous of all His miracles as it alone is recorded by all four gospel accounts. But this is far more than a Sunday school tale. This extraordinary picnic was not just a free meal for five thousand folks; it provided lessons for both ancient and modern disciples. Here are four profound truths that emerge from this lakeside lunch.
2/12/202324 minutes
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I Dare You: Be Shocked! - Part B

As Christians we can be confident in our future with Christ when we die. But what should we do here on earth for those who don't know Him? In the message "I Dare You: Be Shocked!" Skip examines this question and challenges you to get busy winning souls for Jesus.
2/10/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Be Shocked! - Part A

We aren't easily shocked these days—with news coming at us constantly from all angles. But as Skip shares in his message "I Dare You: Be Shocked," God gave Daniel a vision that shook him to his core, one that holds great meaning even for us today.
2/9/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Be Great! - Part B

It's counterintuitive in the world's mind, but humility is the path to greatness according to God's standard. In the message "I Dare You: Be Great!" Skip shares how you can find the path to true greatness when you become a servant to others.
2/8/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Be Great! - Part A

How can someone be great in God's estimation? How can our lives make a real difference, and how can you make sure that you're doing something worth remembering? Discover the answers as Skip shares his message "I Dare You: Be Great!"
2/7/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Look Ahead! - Part B

Are you living in light of eternity? In the message "I Dare You: Look Ahead!" Skip challenges you to focus on your eternal home.
2/6/202326 minutes
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Why Should You Believe? - Part B

The theme of John's gospel is "believe." The whole reason he wrote this book is so that people who read it will believe in Jesus (see John 20:31). But why should they believe? And even more applicable, why should we believe? After all, the events of the New Testament are over 2,000 years removed from us today. Jesus' confrontation with the religious leaders in John 5 tells us why we should believe. Like a skilled lawyer, Jesus calls upon four witnesses to testify to His claims and these four give the reasons for our believing in Jesus Christ.
2/5/202324 minutes
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I Dare You: Look Ahead! - Part A

The future is the great unknown to everyone but God. He's already seen the end—and you can trust what He says is coming. Join Skip as he shares encouragement in the message "I Dare You: Look Ahead!"
2/3/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Decide! Part 2 - Part B

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today, and many Christians view Muslims as the enemy. But as Skip reminds you in his message "I Dare You: Decide! Part 2," Satan is the real Enemy and we're called to draw others—including Muslims—to Christ.
2/2/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Decide! Part 2 - Part A

In this era of fake news, deception is all around. But as we learn from the prophecies in Daniel, the Antichrist will take lying to a whole new level. Join Skip as he shares the message "I Dare You: Decide! Part 2."
2/1/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Decide! Part 1 - Part B

Some people doubt that Jesus will return. But as we look at the incredible prophecies found in the book of Daniel, we find that He is waiting to return, and one day, He will come back. Join Skip as he shares the message "I Dare You: Decide! Part 1."
1/31/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Decide! Part 1 - Part A

The world as we know it won't last forever; one day, time will be interrupted by the Antichrist and the return of the true Christ. Whose kingdom will you choose? Learn more about that future time in the message "I Dare You: Decide! Part 1."
1/30/202326 minutes
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Everyone Lives Forever - Part B

My mom used to wake me up early every morning with her sweet voice saying, "Rise and Shine!" It took a few times but I eventually got up out of bed. As Jesus declares that He will be in charge of the future judgment, He too will usher the call to everyone who has died to "Rise up!" But not everyone will rise up to shine; some will rise up to suffer. Let’s consider three inevitable and unalterable truths about the future for all of us: We will all die, we will all be judged, and we will all rise again to live forever... but where?
1/29/202324 minutes
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I Dare You: Defend! - Part B

Through prophecies like those found in the book of Daniel, God authenticates Himself and the validity of His Word. In the message "I Dare You: Defend!" Skip shares why those prophecies affirm the truth that God can handle your future.
1/27/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Defend! - Part A

Daniel is an amazing book of prophecy and history, yet it has many critics. Because they believe only in the natural, these critics have naturalistic explanations for this book. Skip examines these views in the message "I Dare You: Defend!"
1/26/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Be Steadfast! - Part B

Do you want to be influential for the kingdom of God, like Daniel? To be an immovable giant of the faith, you must truly know God. Skip explores how you can do that as he shares the message "I Dare You: Be Steadfast!"
1/25/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Be Steadfast! - Part A

Daniel faced the trial of a lifetime in the lions' den. But he was willing to sacrifice life and limb because his heart was steadfast toward his God. In the message "I Dare You: Be Steadfast!" Skip shares how you can take your faith to the next level.
1/24/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Be Faithful! - Part B

How faithful are you to the Lord's work? That will largely determine the rewards you receive in heaven. In the message "I Dare You: Be Faithful!" Skip shares about how you are rewarded in eternity according to your faithfulness.
1/23/202326 minutes
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Everyone Lives Forever - Part A

My mom used to wake me up early every morning with her sweet voice saying, "Rise and Shine!" It took a few times but I eventually got up out of bed. As Jesus declares that He will be in charge of the future judgment, He too will usher the call to everyone who has died to "Rise up!" But not everyone will rise up to shine; some will rise up to suffer. Let’s consider three inevitable and unalterable truths about the future for all of us: We will all die, we will all be judged, and we will all rise again to live forever... but where?
1/22/202324 minutes
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I Dare You: Be Faithful! - Part A

Daniel was consistently faithful, both publicly and privately. His attitude set him apart, and his reputation withstood scrutiny. In the message "I Dare You: Be Faithful!" Skip shows you how Daniel refused to compromise even when his life was on the line.
1/20/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Wake Up! - Part B

There will be a final meal, a last breath for everyone, and then eternity. Your life is being weighed in God's balances, and He's trying to get your attention. In the message "I Dare You: Wake Up!" Skip asks, "How will you respond to God?"
1/19/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Wake Up! - Part A

In Daniel 5, King Belshazzar was given a wake-up call when some handwriting on a wall told him judgment was coming. That night turned out to be his last. In the message "I Dare You: Wake Up!" Skip shares why we must heed divine warnings.
1/18/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Be Humble! - Part B

It's important for us to cultivate humility in our lives, living out our dependence on God through prayer and worship. In the message "I Dare You: Be Humble!" Skip shares how you can live humbly by placing others first through encouragement and service.
1/17/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Be Humble! - Part A

In Daniel 4, Nebuchadnezzar learns the greatest lesson of his long career—that God humbles those who walk in pride. But we can learn this same lesson in a much easier way. Join Skip as he begins the message "I Dare You: Be Humble!"
1/16/202326 minutes
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Like Father, Like Son - Part B

The most important question you could ever ask is not, "Who am I?" but rather, "Who is Christ?" That was the supreme question Jesus presented to His disciples when He said, "Who do you say that I am?" (Matthew 16:15). Jesus made the most astonishing claim ever when He confronted the Jewish leaders of Jerusalem here in John 5. What do these claims have to do with us today? Absolutely everything!
1/15/202324 minutes
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I Dare You: Submit! - Part B

As believers, our relationship to human authority should be to respect it, support it, pray for it, and submit to it unless it violates the law of God. Skip examines this relationship even more as he shares the message "I Dare You: Submit!"
1/13/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Submit! - Part A

In the book of Daniel, we read about a king who recognized God's authoritative rule in the human realm. In the message "I Dare You: Submit!" Skip explores how this story has implications for us to submit to God by submitting to human government.
1/12/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Stand Up! - Part B

Standing up for God is always better than bowing down to the world—but it's always harder. In the message "I Dare You: Stand Up!" Skip shares how all things work together for your good—not just the things that feel good.
1/11/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Stand Up! - Part A

Most people try to fit in and conform to the values of the world. But three of Daniel's friends decided it was better to stand up for God than bow down to the wishes of the crowd. Learn more about them as Skip shares the message "I Dare You: Stand Up!"
1/10/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Speak Out! - Part B

Just as Daniel dared to speak out to Nebuchadnezzar, we must dare to speak to those in our lives who need Jesus Christ. In the message "I Dare You: Speak Out!" Skip shares how you can leave your personal comfort zone to bring others closer to Jesus.
1/9/202326 minutes
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Like Father, Like Son - Part A

The most important question you could ever ask is not, "Who am I?" but rather, "Who is Christ?" That was the supreme question Jesus presented to His disciples when He said, "Who do you say that I am?" (Matthew 16:15). Jesus made the most astonishing claim ever when He confronted the Jewish leaders of Jerusalem here in John 5. What do these claims have to do with us today? Absolutely everything!
1/8/202324 minutes
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I Dare You: Speak Out! - Part A

We can feel intimidated when someone we're speaking to means us harm. That's why Daniel chapter 2 is so inspiring: Daniel spoke boldly, yet humbly, showing you how to speak God's truth to the world. Join Skip as he shares the message "I Dare You: Speak Out!"
1/6/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Step Up! - Part B

As Daniel and his friends faced the possibility of their own death, they displayed life-giving faith. How can you step up to life's difficulties and use them as spiritual opportunities? Find out when Skip shares the message "I Dare You: Step Up!"
1/5/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Step Up! - Part A

Any crisis you face is a test. How will you respond? What will your faith in God mean to you and others in that moment? In the message "I Dare You: Step Up!" Skip shares how the actions of Daniel and his friends give you an example to follow.
1/4/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Be Distinct! - Part B

Daniel made a commitment to be distinct from the world around him. In the message "I Dare You: Be Distinct!" Skip shares how Daniel's inward choice to be loyal to God helped him become the man he was.
1/3/202326 minutes
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I Dare You: Be Distinct! - Part A

Men and women of character rise to meet a challenge. One shining example is the prophet Daniel, a man of God who influenced his world and honored the Lord. Join Skip as he shares the message "I Dare You: Be Distinct!"
1/2/202326 minutes
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Healing Misery with Mercy - Part B

One of Jesus' most distinguishing characteristics in His earthly ministry was His mercy toward people who were hurting. This is not astonishing, for the prophet Micah announced that "God delights in mercy" (Micah 7:18). Jesus standing among the squalid misery of sickness and hopelessness while at a feast in Jerusalem is a perfect setting to show how Christians can show mercy to a world in misery. But be warned: not everyone will be sympathetic to your cause!
1/1/202324 minutes
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The Second Coming of Christ

Jesus said He was coming back, and an angel told His disciples He would come back. In the message "The Second Coming of Christ" from the series 20/20, Skip considers several aspects of Jesus' return.
12/30/202226 minutes
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The Rapture—Is It Real?

The word rapture is largely not found in Scripture, but the concept is. Learn about this future event as Skip shares the message "The Rapture—Is It Real?" from the series 20/20.
12/29/202226 minutes
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Satan: His Meaning, Minions, and Methods

Most people don't believe in the Devil. In the message "Satan: His Meaning, Minions, and Methods" from the series 20/20, Skip reveals several surprising facts you may not know about our Enemy.
12/28/202226 minutes
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The Truth about Hell

Hell is an eternal and biblical reality, but it's become relegated to modern myth. In the message "The Truth about Hell" from the series 20/20, Skip gives you the scriptural scoop on this eternal place.
12/27/202226 minutes
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What Most People Don’t Know about Heaven

What happens when a believer dies? In the message "What Most People Don't Know about Heaven" from the series 20/20, Skip reveals a few surprising things about your future home.
12/26/202226 minutes
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Healing Misery with Mercy - Part A

One of Jesus' most distinguishing characteristics in His earthly ministry was His mercy toward people who were hurting. This is not astonishing, for the prophet Micah announced that "God delights in mercy" (Micah 7:18). Jesus standing among the squalid misery of sickness and hopelessness while at a feast in Jerusalem is a perfect setting to show how Christians can show mercy to a world in misery. But be warned: not everyone will be sympathetic to your cause!
12/25/202224 minutes
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A Thrill of Hope - Christmas Eve 2021

So many Christmas songs have hope as the theme. Perhaps the most famous is the familiar hymn "O Holy Night." In the message "A Thrill of Hope," Skip shares what it means biblically to have hope.
12/23/202226 minutes
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Overcoming an Anxious Mind

Fear, stress, and anxiety ravage our world. In the message "Overcoming an Anxious Mind" from the series Technicolor Joy, Skip offers encouragement that will give your soul some rest.
12/22/202226 minutes
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A Joy Unexpected

Life doesn't have to be easy to be joyful. In the message "A Joy Unexpected" from the series Technicolor Joy, Skip reminds you about where true joy can be found.
12/21/202226 minutes
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Be Humble or You’ll Stumble

The pathway of humility is hard but ultimately beneficial. In the message "Be Humble or You'll Stumble" from the series Technicolor Joy, Skip shares how humility can lead you to God's exaltation.
12/20/202226 minutes
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Be Humble or You’ll Stumble

The pathway of humility is hard but ultimately beneficial. In the message "Be Humble or You'll Stumble" from the series Technicolor Joy, Skip shares how humility can lead you to God's exaltation.
12/20/202226 minutes
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How to Stand When They Want You to Fall

Skip shares top teachings that challenged and encouraged listeners like you this year. Most people we encounter don't share our values. In the message "How to Stand When They Want You to Fall" from the series Technicolor Joy, Skip shares how you can stand strong in your faith. 
12/19/202226 minutes
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Everyone Needs a Faith-Lift! - Part B

Like any muscle in our physical body, our faith too must be exercised in order for it to develop. Faith is developed in virtually every circumstance in life, but especially in hard times. Peter put it best, "These trials are only to test your faith, to show that it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold--and your faith is far more precious to God than mere gold" (1 Peter 1:7). Let's look at a real-life story of one who came to Jesus in his trial and had his faith lifted to a higher dimension.
12/18/202224 minutes
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How to Treat Good (but Imperfect) People

Skip shares top teachings that challenged and encouraged listeners like you this year. We all have our shortfalls and quirks. In the message "How to Treat Good (but Imperfect) People" from the series Technicolor Joy, Skip gives you some insight on dealing with imperfect people. 
12/16/202226 minutes
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Being Around People—While Still Being Sane!

Skip shares top teachings that challenged and encouraged listeners like you this year. Every family and organization has its relational challenges. In the message "Being Around People—While Still Being Sane!" from the series Technicolor Joy, Skip shares the basis of healthy relationships. 
12/15/202226 minutes
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The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Skip shares top teachings that challenged and encouraged listeners like you this year. The Spirit blesses believers with spiritual gifts, but many are ignorant about them. In the message "The Gifts of the Holy Spirit" from Expound: Holy Spirit, Skip shares why we have spiritual gifts. 
12/14/202226 minutes
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The Holy Spirit: With, In, and Upon

Skip shares top teachings that challenged and encouraged listeners like you this year. The Holy Spirit plays different roles for believers and unbelievers. In the message "The Holy Spirit: With, In, and Upon" from Expound: Holy Spirit, Skip shares why the Spirit's nickname is the hound of heaven. 
12/13/202226 minutes
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What Is the Holy Spirit?

Skip shares top teachings that challenged and encouraged listeners like you this year. Many believers have heard of the Holy Spirit but only vaguely know who He is. In the message "What Is the Holy Spirit?" from the series Expound: Holy Spirit, Skip examines the Spirit's attributes. 
12/12/202226 minutes
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Everyone Needs a Faith-Lift! - Part A

Like any muscle in our physical body, our faith too must be exercised in order for it to develop. Faith is developed in virtually every circumstance in life, but especially in hard times. Peter put it best, "These trials are only to test your faith, to show that it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold--and your faith is far more precious to God than mere gold" (1 Peter 1:7). Let's look at a real-life story of one who came to Jesus in his trial and had his faith lifted to a higher dimension.
12/11/202224 minutes
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Holy, Holy, Holy!

Skip shares top teachings that challenged and encouraged listeners like you this year. When hearing the word holiness, many think of a monastery. In the message "Holy, Holy, Holy!" from the series 20/20, Skip shares why this characteristic most uniquely describes God. 
12/9/202226 minutes
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Church: A Place for Growth

Skip shares top teachings that challenged and encouraged listeners like you this year. Spiritual growth is part of spiritual life. In the message "Church: A Place for Growth" from the series Church: A Place…, Skip shares how you can be spiritually fed so you can grow. 
12/8/202226 minutes
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Church: A Place for Change

Skip shares top teachings that challenged and encouraged listeners like you this year. Most people consider church a place for events, such as weddings and funerals. In the message "Church: A Place for Change" from the series Church: A Place…, Skip shares how the early church changed their city. 
12/7/202226 minutes
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Breaking Bad Habits

Skip begins sharing top teachings that challenged and encouraged listeners like you this year. Bad habits grow without effort and they're hard to get rid of. In the message "Breaking Bad Habits" from the series Now Streaming, Skip shares how you can cultivate good habits. 
12/6/202226 minutes
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A Sermon on Six Legs - Part B

Skip continues the series Hustle and Grind. King Solomon wrote to his son and warned him that though rest is good, too much of it can be bad. In the message "A Sermon on Six Legs," Skip shares why work and rest must be kept in careful balance. 
12/5/202226 minutes
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Spiritual Farming 101 - Part B

Farmers live for the harvest season--a time when their crops are taken in and profits are made. But crops don’t grow on their own. Seeds must be sown and plants must be garnered by a whole group of active farm workers. God is the head Farmer and we are His farmhands, all working together to produce a bumper-crop of people who believe that Jesus is the Savior--Are you in?
12/4/202224 minutes
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A Sermon on Six Legs - Part A

Skip continues the series Hustle and Grind. Most people think of ants as a nuisance to be eliminated, but King Solomon saw them as teachers to be emulated. In the message "A Sermon on Six Legs," Skip compares the industrious ant and the inactive sluggard. 
12/2/202226 minutes
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The Sabbath Rest - Part B

Skip continues our series Hustle and Grind. Rest is helpful for our physical health and emotional health. In the message "The Sabbath Rest," Skip considers not only God's command for us to rest, but also how we can implement rest into our lives. 
12/1/202226 minutes
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The Sabbath Rest - Part A

Though Christians are solidly under the new covenant, rooted in grace, we enjoy the principle of taking a Sabbath rest from our work. In the message "The Sabbath Rest," Skip shares how you can honor God through worshipful rest.
11/30/202226 minutes
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Learning to Relax - Part B

It's pretty amazing that we serve a God who put a command to rest on His top ten list of important things. In the message "Learning to Relax," Skip shares why rest is essential to your worship.
11/29/202226 minutes
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Learning to Relax - Part A

If ever there was a commandment tailor-made for the overcommitted and overworked, it's God's command to rest. In the message "Learning to Relax," Skip shares what it means to rest and why it is so good for you.
11/28/202226 minutes
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Spiritual Farming 101 - Part A

Farmers live for the harvest season--a time when their crops are taken in and profits are made. But crops don’t grow on their own. Seeds must be sown and plants must be garnered by a whole group of active farm workers. God is the head Farmer and we are His farmhands, all working together to produce a bumper-crop of people who believe that Jesus is the Savior--Are you in?
11/27/202224 minutes
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When Work Becomes an Idol - Part B

Work can become an idol, interrupting the priority of God in your life. In the message "When Work Becomes an Idol," Skip shares how you can cultivate healthy boundaries in your work life.
11/25/202226 minutes
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When Work Becomes an Idol - Part A

Scripture commends work that's well done, but something good can become bad if taken too far. In the message "When Work Becomes an Idol," Skip shares some warnings about work overtaking your life.
11/24/202226 minutes
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Get to Work! - Part B

For some believers, a wall exists between Sunday and Monday separating their spiritual life from their work life. In the message "Get to Work!" Nate shares how God can bless your work when you approach it with passion.
11/23/202226 minutes
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Get to Work! - Part A

For American adults, over 70 percent of time awake is spent in the workplace. That means the workplace is our greatest mission field. In the message "Get to Work!" Nate shares how you can work with purpose in your job.
11/22/202226 minutes
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Get a Job - Part B

The average person divides the day into three eight-hour segments: work, leisure, and sleep. In the message "Get a Job," Skip provides a theology of work and examines several directives God gave people at creation.
11/21/202226 minutes
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What God Really Wants - Part B

Worship conferences, worship seminars and worship experiences abound within the landscape of the American church, but in all these there's something that seems to be always lacking—worship is confined to the activity of singing songs. When the subject is brought up in this chapter, Jesus talks plainly and openly about true worship: what it is and what it isn't. Let's explore these few verses to discover what God is seeking after and how to be part of fulfilling that.
11/20/202224 minutes
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Get a Job - Part A

At creation, God demonstrated two disciplines: work and rest. He Himself worked and rested. In turn, He gave both disciplines to humankind. In the message "Get a Job," Skip examines the place of work and rest in our lives.
11/18/202226 minutes
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A Courage Revival - Part B

We wrap up the series Hunting Giants with a teaching called "A Courage Revival" from special guest Johnnie Moore. In this message, Johnnie shares how your courageous faith can shine on and impact the people around you.
11/17/202226 minutes
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A Courage Revival - Part A

We continue our series Hunting Giants with a teaching called "A Courage Revival" from special guest Johnnie Moore. In this message, Johnnie shares how you can live out your faith courageously by looking at the lives of faithful people in the Bible.
11/16/202226 minutes
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The Ultimate Giant Slayer - Part B

Throughout history, men and women have faced seemingly insurmountable giants. In the message "The Ultimate Giant Slayer," Skip gives you courage to endure the hardships of life by examining several aspects of Jesus' sacrifice.
11/15/202226 minutes
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The Ultimate Giant Slayer - Part A

Sadly, many ignore the news of the century: through Jesus, God entered the world as a man. He conquered death and rose again. In the message "The Ultimate Giant Slayer," Skip shares how Jesus is the greatest example of courage and faith.
11/14/202226 minutes
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What God Really Wants - Part A

Worship conferences, worship seminars and worship experiences abound within the landscape of the American church, but in all these there's something that seems to be always lacking—worship is confined to the activity of singing songs. When the subject is brought up in this chapter, Jesus talks plainly and openly about true worship: what it is and what it isn't. Let's explore these few verses to discover what God is seeking after and how to be part of fulfilling that.
11/13/202224 minutes
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The Giant of Religion - Part B

Many believers come from a religious background but now enjoy the freedom of a relationship with God through Jesus. In the message "The Giant of Religion," Skip shares how you can lovingly and effectively deal with religious people.
11/11/202226 minutes
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The Giant of Religion - Part A

The prophets, the apostles, the early church, and even Jesus Himself all had run-ins with religious leaders. In the message "The Giant of Religion," Skip shares how you can stand up to religious pressure while impacting it with the gospel.
11/10/202226 minutes
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The Giant of Overwhelming Odds - Part B

As believers, we are living in enemy territory, surrounded by a world hostile to our faith. In the message "The Giant of Overwhelming Odds," Skip shares how you can stand strong even in overwhelming circumstances.
11/9/202226 minutes
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The Giant of Overwhelming Odds - Part A

We who are Christians are surrounded. More people seem to be against us than those who are for us. In the message "The Giant of Overwhelming Odds," Skip shares how you can navigate life when the odds are stacked against you.
11/8/202226 minutes
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Skip Heitzig Interviews Cissie Graham Lynch, Vince Torres, and Lenya Heitzig - Part B

We continue the series Hunting Giants and hear a special interview with Skip and his wife, Lenya, plus Cissie Graham Lynch and Vince Torres. You'll discover how a foundation in God's truths can help you withstand the world's lies and the Enemy's attacks.
11/7/202226 minutes
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How to Lead People to Water - Part B

The world is thirsty and doesn't even know it, or won't admit it, or will look to be satisfied by everything else but Jesus Christ. So your job and mine is to lead them to water (living water, that is). Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman illustrates perhaps the best approach for personal evangelism to be found anywhere. Leading someone to the place of spiritual satisfaction is a process that rests upon two pillars—the pillar of attitude and the pillar of approach.
11/6/202224 minutes
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Skip Heitzig Interviews Cissie Graham Lynch, Vince Torres, and Lenya Heitzig - Part A

We continue the series Hunting Giants and hear a special interview with Skip and his wife, Lenya, plus Cissie Graham Lynch and Vince Torres. You'll be encouraged to remain steadfast in your faith despite any obstacles you may face from the world.
11/4/202226 minutes
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Addressing Deconstruction and Cancel Culture - Part B

We continue our series Hunting Giants with a message called "Addressing Deconstruction and Cancel Culture" from special guest Sean McDowell. In this message, Sean shares how cancel culture can be an opportunity for you to share the good news of Jesus.
11/3/202226 minutes
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Addressing Deconstruction and Cancel Culture - Part A

We continue the series Hunting Giants with a message called "Addressing Deconstruction and Cancel Culture" from special guest Sean McDowell. In this message, Sean gives you important insight on the widespread cancel culture we see in the world today.
11/2/202226 minutes
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The Giant of Self: How One Person Can Make a Difference - Part B

In the Bible, Esther faced a critical decision that put her life on the line. In the message "The Giant of Self: How One Person Can Make a Difference," Skip looks at the story of Esther and how she saved her people from death.
11/1/202226 minutes
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The Giant of Self: How One Person Can Make a Difference - Part A

It's possible that one person can make a huge impact. In the message "The Giant of Self: How One Person Can Make a Difference," Skip shares how Esther in the Bible changed the fate of an entire nation.
10/31/202226 minutes
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How to Lead People to Water - Part A

The world is thirsty and doesn't even know it, or won't admit it, or will look to be satisfied by everything else but Jesus Christ. So your job and mine is to lead them to water (living water, that is). Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman illustrates perhaps the best approach for personal evangelism to be found anywhere. Leading someone to the place of spiritual satisfaction is a process that rests upon two pillars—the pillar of attitude and the pillar of approach.
10/30/202224 minutes
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Vision Week - Radio Special - Part E

On this broadcast, Skip's wife, Lenya Heitzig, spends time in the studio talking about her journey leading Calvary Church with Skip, her calling to women's ministry, and stepping out in faith with her organization, Reload Love.
10/28/202226 minutes
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Vision Week - Radio Special - Part D

On this broadcast, Skip's son, Nate Heitzig, joins Chip Lusko for a conversation about growing up at Calvary Church, his own personal call to ministry, the recent challenges he's faced as a pastor, and his vision for future ministry.
10/27/202226 minutes
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Vision Week - Radio Special - Part C

On this broadcast, Skip talks about legacy and what he's doing to prepare for the future. You'll also discover his exciting future ministry plans and get a preview of upcoming special resources.
10/26/202226 minutes
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Vision Week - Radio Special - Part B

On this broadcast, Skip takes time to appreciate his present ministry opportunities and shares about new special resources for listeners. Skip also discusses the trends he's seeing in the church in America and around the world.
10/25/202226 minutes
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Vision Week - Radio Special - Part A

On this program, Skip sits down for an interview with Chip Lusko, taking a look back at the start of this radio ministry and the greatest lessons he has learned from his past forty years of ministry.
10/24/202226 minutes
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Refreshment! - Part B

You know the feeling of swallowing ice-cold water on a hot day or after a savory meal—it's refreshing! That cool, invigorating sip revitalizes you from the inside out and makes you say, "Ahh!" Well, that experience is not limited to the physical realm, but is even more satisfying in the spiritual realm when dealing with Living Water. Jesus came to give thirst-quenching spiritual life to every parched soul on the planet. When was the last time you drank deeply?
10/23/202224 minutes
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The Giant of Fear - Part B

One of the most paralyzing human emotions is fear. It robs us of reason and faith. In the message "The Giant of Fear," Skip shares how you can defeat your fears.
10/21/202226 minutes
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The Giant of Fear - Part A

Before David could proclaim in Psalm 34:4, "I sought the LORD, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears," he faced a fearsome giant. In the message "The Giant of Fear," Skip shares how you can begin to face your fears.
10/20/202226 minutes
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The Giant of Apathy - Part B

Apathy is being indifferent to something that should otherwise arouse, provoke, or motivate you. In the message "The Giant of Apathy," Skip shares about what happens when you start getting involved in God's work.
10/19/202226 minutes
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The Giant of Apathy - Part A

When people stop caring about anything, they cease to attempt change. In the message "The Giant of Apathy," Skip shares how Nehemiah refused to stay silent and inactive about his homeland even though he lived in high status.
10/18/202226 minutes
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The Giant of Silence - Part B

John the Baptist confronted a powerful political leader of his day, even when there were consequences. In the message "The Giant of Silence," Skip shares why Christians must enter the public square to dialogue about moral issues.
10/17/202226 minutes
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Refreshment! - Part A

You know the feeling of swallowing ice-cold water on a hot day or after a savory meal—it's refreshing! That cool, invigorating sip revitalizes you from the inside out and makes you say, "Ahh!" Well, that experience is not limited to the physical realm, but is even more satisfying in the spiritual realm when dealing with Living Water. Jesus came to give thirst-quenching spiritual life to every parched soul on the planet. When was the last time you drank deeply?
10/16/202224 minutes
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The Giant of Silence - Part A

The old saying goes, "Silence is golden"—but only sometimes. Other times, to be silent is to be complicit. In the message "The Giant of Silence," Skip shares how John the Baptist spoke out against evil and immorality.
10/14/202226 minutes
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The Giant of Conformity - Part B

The world around us is not sympathetic to the Christian cause. In fact, it would like nothing more than to make us conform to its standards. In the message "The Giant of Conformity," Skip shares how you can stand for your faith.
10/13/202226 minutes
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The Giant of Conformity - Part A

Daniel and his three friends were pressured to conform while in captivity, but they refused. In the message "The Giant of Conformity, Skip shares about the source of their strength to make such a courageous stand.
10/12/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 16 - Part C

Every person in the body of Christ is precious to God. In this message, Skip shares how you can cherish and uplift your brothers and sisters in Christ.
10/11/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 16 - Part B

The apostle Paul's sole focus in life was sharing the good news of Jesus. In this message, Skip draws on Paul's life to encourage you to keep pursuing Christ passionately.
10/10/202226 minutes
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The Nail Everything Hangs On - Part B

Imagine if everything you valued was in a sack, hanging on the wall from one nail. It surely must be a strong nail, or you're lost! If life could all be boiled down to one thing or one word or one most important principle, what would it be? What is the irreducible minimum for everything and everyone? John answers that here, saying that Jesus Christ is the nail that everything hangs on. He determined what has been and what will be. Thus our knowledge of Him and relationship to Him is paramount above everything else.
10/9/202224 minutes
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1 Corinthians 16 - Part A

Keeping our eyes on heaven and eternity can help us make a bigger impact on earth. In this message, Skip shares about the practical things the apostle Paul was concerned about—and how this affects your life today.
10/7/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 15:20-58 - Part C

Because of the fall and the resulting sin that dwells in each of us, our physical bodies aren't perfect and won't ever be. In this message, Skip talks about a future time when you're going to receive a new—and perfect—body.
10/6/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 15:20-58 - Part B

Jesus' resurrection hinted at an important event in our own futures. In this message, Skip gives you some major insight on what Christ's resurrection means for you.
10/5/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 15:20-58 - Part A

The resurrection of Jesus is arguably the most important moment in history. In this message, Skip shares why this event is so important for you to understand.
10/4/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 15:1-34 - Part C

Death isn't the end of the line for the believer. In this message, Skip shares about the ultimate hope you can find in Jesus' resurrection.
10/3/202226 minutes
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The Nail Everything Hangs On - Part A

Imagine if everything you valued was in a sack, hanging on the wall from one nail. It surely must be a strong nail, or you're lost! If life could all be boiled down to one thing or one word or one most important principle, what would it be? What is the irreducible minimum for everything and everyone? John answers that here, saying that Jesus Christ is the nail that everything hangs on. He determined what has been and what will be. Thus our knowledge of Him and relationship to Him is paramount above everything else.
10/2/202224 minutes
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1 Corinthians 15:1-34 - Part B

Many of the Christians in Corinth didn't grasp just how vital Christ's resurrection was. In this message, Skip shares why Jesus' resurrection means you can trust in all of God's promises.
9/30/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 15:1-34 - Part A

The apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians to bring much-needed clarity about Christ's resurrection. In this message, Skip shares what Jesus' resurrection means for your life today—and your eternal future.
9/29/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 14:1-35 - Part C

Some spiritual gifts seem more mysterious and confusing than others. In this message, Skip shares how God intended the gift of tongues to be used to build His church.
9/28/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 14:1-35 - Part B

Just like anything God gives us, our spiritual gifts can be misused, and we must allow Him to govern their use. In this message, Skip shares how you can discern whether the gifts of the Spirit are being properly used.
9/27/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 14:1-35 - Part A

We all have control issues to some degree, and it can be hard to totally trust the Lord. In this message, Skip shares how your life can be more abundant when you surrender to the Holy Spirit's control.
9/26/202226 minutes
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To Grow Up, You Must Grow Down! - Part B

"They that know God will be humble, and they that know themselves cannot be proud!" That's what British Puritan John Flavel once said. And that’s how John the Baptist once lived! John the Baptist and his followers provide some great applicational fodder for how Christians should get along and humble themselves before one another and God. For any Christian believer who wants to spiritually grow up and grow strong, he must first grow down.
9/25/202224 minutes
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1 Corinthians 12:11-13:13 - Part C

When God gifts us with unique talents and skills, we must remain humble so we can reach more people for Jesus. In this message, Skip shares how God's love can influence your spiritual gifts.
9/23/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 12:11-13:13 - Part B

God loves every one of His children equally. In this message, Skip shares how valuable you are to the Lord and how He includes you in His plans to reach a lost world with His love.
9/22/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 12:11-13:13 - Part A

Every believer is a functioning, essential part in the body of Christ. In this message, Skip shares how you can serve God effectively as part of the church.
9/21/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 12:10 - Part C

The spiritual gifts we don't fully understand often evoke uncertainty, confusion, and even fear for some. In this message, Skip brings some clarity to the spiritual gift of tongues.
9/20/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 12:10 - Part B

The spiritual gift of prophecy is confounding to many believers and has been misused over time. In this message, Skip shares several important characteristics about this complicated yet important gift.
9/19/202226 minutes
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To Grow Up, You Must Grow Down! - Part A

"They that know God will be humble, and they that know themselves cannot be proud!" That's what British Puritan John Flavel once said. And that’s how John the Baptist once lived! John the Baptist and his followers provide some great applicational fodder for how Christians should get along and humble themselves before one another and God. For any Christian believer who wants to spiritually grow up and grow strong, he must first grow down.
9/18/202224 minutes
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1 Corinthians 12:10 - Part A

God is still accomplishing a great work in us after we give our lives to Jesus; it doesn't end at salvation. In this message, Skip shares about the journey God wants to take you on when you surrender to Him.
9/16/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 12:9-10 - Part C

Many believers don't quite understand the Holy Spirit's purpose and role in their lives. In this message, Skip shares how the Spirit can work in you when you put your trust in Him.
9/15/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 12:9-10 - Part B

The Lord will always equip us for the work He calls us to. In this message, Skip sheds light on how God works through the gifts of faith and healing.
9/14/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 12:9-10 - Part A

The Holy Spirit has gifted believers with talents and skills to be a part of building God's kingdom. In this message, Skip shares how your spiritual gifts help build the church.
9/13/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 12:8 - Part C

God doesn't have to use us to build His kingdom, but He chooses to do so. In this message, Skip shares about the different spiritual gifts the Holy Spirit empowers believers with.
9/12/202226 minutes
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God’s Valentine - Part B

Today we take a look at the Bible's most famous verse and probe its depth while preparing to take the Lord's Supper together. Though most everyone knows this verse, John 3:16 is much more than just a slogan; it is a summary statement of God's love through Jesus Christ. This single verse of scripture gives us the salient truths of God's plan of salvation in abridged form. Let's consider God's great plan for us as we unpack it phrase by phrase.
9/11/202224 minutes
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1 Corinthians 12:8 - Part B

The Bible tells you that if you need wisdom, you just need to ask your heavenly Father. In this message, Skip shares how receiving God's wisdom makes all the difference in your life.
9/9/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 12:8 - Part A

The Holy Spirit plays a big part in how we live faithfully for Jesus. In this message, Skip shares valuable insight to help you discover your spiritual gifts.
9/8/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 12:1-8 - Part C

The Holy Spirit has an incredibly vital role in our lives, and we can't neglect our relationship with Him. In this message, Skip shares how the Spirit fits you with spiritual gifts to live effectively for Jesus.
9/7/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 12:1-8 - Part B

For many Christians, the Holy Spirit is a mystery: they don't fully understand His role in the Godhead and in their lives. In this message, Skip reveals how the Holy Spirit empowers you in your faith.
9/6/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 12:1-8 - Part A

It's sad but true that people have misused the gifts of the Spirit and turned people away from Jesus in the process. In this message, Skip gives you insight on how to know and use your spiritual gifts.
9/5/202226 minutes
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God’s Valentine - Part A

Today we take a look at the Bible's most famous verse and probe its depth while preparing to take the Lord's Supper together. Though most everyone knows this verse, John 3:16 is much more than just a slogan; it is a summary statement of God's love through Jesus Christ. This single verse of scripture gives us the salient truths of God's plan of salvation in abridged form. Let's consider God's great plan for us as we unpack it phrase by phrase.
9/4/202224 minutes
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1 Corinthians 11 - Part C

It's easy to be stuck in our past, especially if we have a lot of regret. In this message, Skip shares how God can redeem your past to guide you in your present.
9/2/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 11 - Part B

God loves everyone in His family exactly the same. And in this message, Skip shares how God works through every person in His church to accomplish His will.
9/1/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 11 - Part A

The issues addressed in Scripture might seem irrelevant for our lives today. But in this message, Skip shares about one such topic and why it's significant for your life now.
8/31/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 10:11-11:1 - Part C

What we say and do can influence others toward or away from Jesus. In this message, Skip shares how Christlike love helps you reach even more people for Jesus.
8/30/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 10:11-11:1 - Part B

As believers, we face temptation every day on many different fronts. In this message, Skip shares how God empowers you to prevail over your temptations.
8/29/202226 minutes
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Extreme Makeover: Soul Edition! - Part B

For years ABC has aired two different versions of a show called Extreme Makeover. One is a total body makeover designed to enhance the physical beauty of a selected individual. The other is a Home Edition that rebuilds or adds to a struggling family's residence. But only Jesus can give the soul a makeover; only Jesus can ready a person for eternity. Here Jesus answers Nicodemus' question of how a person can have the New Life that comes from the New Birth.
8/28/202224 minutes
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1 Corinthians 10:11-11:1 - Part A

Many people disregard the Bible and how it changes lives. In this message, Skip shares why God's Word is ever important for your life today.
8/26/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 10:1-13 - Part C

The trials and troubles of life can sometimes eclipse God's goodness and sovereignty. In this message, Skip shares how cultivating thankfulness in your life can bring you God's many blessings.
8/25/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 10:1-13 - Part B

Everything we see in the world can produce fear in us—but we have an alternative: we can trust God and His promises. In this message, Skip shares how you can focus even more on the Lord and His goodness.
8/24/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 10:1-13 - Part A

As Christians, we're under a spotlight—the world is watching how we live. In this message, Skip shares an important lesson from the nation of Israel about how you can best point those around you to Jesus.
8/23/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 9 - Part C

The Christian life is like a race, and the apostle Paul called on believers to keep running toward the finish line. In this message, Skip shares how you can finish your race well.
8/22/202226 minutes
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Extreme Makeover: Soul Edition! - Part A

For years ABC has aired two different versions of a show called Extreme Makeover. One is a total body makeover designed to enhance the physical beauty of a selected individual. The other is a Home Edition that rebuilds or adds to a struggling family's residence. But only Jesus can give the soul a makeover; only Jesus can ready a person for eternity. Here Jesus answers Nicodemus' question of how a person can have the New Life that comes from the New Birth.
8/21/202224 minutes
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1 Corinthians 9 - Part B

Did you know that you have influence to help fellow believers grow in their faith? In this message, Skip shares how you can do just that by balancing love and truth in your life and witness.
8/19/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 9 - Part A

The Bible says we have liberty in Christ, but we still find firm commandments from God in Scripture. In this message, Skip shares what it means to live in the freedom of Jesus.
8/18/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 7:25-8:13 - Part C

When we miss the full scope and purpose of the gospel, we can cause division in the body of Christ. In this message, Skip shares how you can help cultivate unity within the church.
8/17/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 7:25-8:13 - Part B

The apostle Paul addressed different relational problems in his letter to the Corinthian church. In this message, Skip shares how you can honor God no matter your relationship status.
8/16/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 7:25-8:13 - Part A

The early church faced a lot of problems, which is why the apostle Paul wrote to encourage them. In this message, Skip explores some of those issues—sharing how you can follow God's calling for your life today.
8/15/202226 minutes
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Nick at Nite! - Part B

The meeting of Jesus and Nicodemus at night is one of the most famous and compelling stories in Scripture. This man's inner curiosity and spiritual thirst drove him to want to know more. What he heard puzzled and astonished him, but he heard from Jesus' own lips the only way to be saved. Jesus' words here divide all of humanity into two groups: those who are born again and those who are not.
8/14/202224 minutes
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1 Corinthians 7:1-28 - Part C

There are some who try to make themselves better people when they give their lives to Jesus. But in this message, Skip shares how God works in you mightily when you're just yourself.
8/12/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 7:1-28 - Part B

Many times, we can look to the world for love. But in this message, Skip shares with you about God's purpose for love and relationships.
8/11/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 7:1-28 - Part A

There are many life experiences in which we wonder how we can best represent Christ. In this message, Skip shares how your life can make an eternal difference for those around you.
8/10/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 6 - Part C

As believers, we have a great opportunity to uplift fellow Christians. In this message, Skip shares how you can encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ even when they fall.
8/9/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 6 - Part B

There is no shortage of conflict in the body of Christ. In this message, Skip shares how you can help cultivate reconciliation with those around you in the church.
8/8/202226 minutes
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Nick at Nite! - Part A

The meeting of Jesus and Nicodemus at night is one of the most famous and compelling stories in Scripture. This man's inner curiosity and spiritual thirst drove him to want to know more. What he heard puzzled and astonished him, but he heard from Jesus' own lips the only way to be saved. Jesus' words here divide all of humanity into two groups: those who are born again and those who are not.
8/7/202224 minutes
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1 Corinthians 6 - Part A

Even though the church is not perfect, God still chooses to use believers to accomplish His purposes. In the message, Skip shares how God works powerfully through you.
8/5/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 5 - Part C

God calls His church to be a shining light in the world that points to Him. In this message, Skip shares how you can influence the people around you for Jesus.
8/4/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 5 - Part B

Our instinct is to blend in with the world, but God calls believers to stand out. In this message, Skip shares why you'll find more freedom and joy living according to God's commands.
8/3/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 5 - Part A

We can get too caught up in worldly matters that we lose sight of eternity. In this message, Skip shares why you must keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and on eternity.
8/2/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 2:14-4:21 - Part C

Our fallen nature means that even believers have pride issues. In this message, Skip shares how you can uplift others in the body of Christ and live faithfully to the Lord.
8/1/202226 minutes
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Uncommitted! - Part B

These three verses are some of the most unusual in the New Testament. They describe a scene in the life of Jesus that explains His popularity and fame. The response of people to the miracles of Jesus is understandable. What is not readily understandable is Jesus' response to the interested and excited crowd. Though they believed in Him, He was not too energized over their kind of faith. Understanding this will help us to understand Jesus and His mission.
7/31/202224 minutes
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1 Corinthians 2:14-4:21 - Part B

Since the body of Christ is full of imperfect people, there will be disagreements and conflict. In this message, Skip shares about the value in God's people working together for His kingdom.
7/29/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 2:14-4:21 - Part A

The early church wasn't perfect; it had its share of problems. In this message, Skip shares how the apostle Paul addressed those issues, helping you gain greater insight on your spiritual growth.
7/28/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 1:17-2:16 - Part C

Through the Bible, God reveals important truths about life, death, and eternity to us. In this message, Skip explores some of those truths, sharing how they enhance your life.
7/27/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 1:17-2:16 - Part B

God works in ways that sometimes we just don't understand—but it's all part of His good plan. In this message, Skip shares vital insight with you about God's wisdom.
7/26/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 1:17-2:16 - Part A

We are all imperfect people, and we often make mistakes and live with regret. In this message, Skip shares about the power of the gospel—and why it brings you great hope.
7/25/202226 minutes
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Uncommitted! - Part A

These three verses are some of the most unusual in the New Testament. They describe a scene in the life of Jesus that explains His popularity and fame. The response of people to the miracles of Jesus is understandable. What is not readily understandable is Jesus' response to the interested and excited crowd. Though they believed in Him, He was not too energized over their kind of faith. Understanding this will help us to understand Jesus and His mission.
7/24/202224 minutes
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1 Corinthians 1:1-20 - Part C

When you look at the state of the church today, you can easily see division. In this message, Skip shares important biblical insight that can help unite you with your brothers and sisters in Christ.
7/22/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 1:1-20 - Part B

We are all guilty of sinning, but God made a way for us to be forgiven and live in His righteousness. In this message, Skip shares how you can live in freedom from your sin.
7/21/202226 minutes
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1 Corinthians 1:1-20 - Part A

The apostle Paul devoted His life to the calling God gave him. In this message, Skip shares inspiration from Paul's life to encourage you to follow where God leads you.
7/20/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 14-16 - Part C

The apostle Paul wasn't a lone ranger; he had a team of people supporting and working with him. In this message, Skip shares what you can learn from Paul's life about how he valued people.
7/19/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 14-16 - Part B

When we give our lives to Jesus, we become part of a family unlike anything that the world has ever known. In this message, Skip shares about the new community you're part of as a believer.
7/18/202226 minutes
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Trouble in the Temple - Part B

A hymn by Charles Wesley begins, "Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, look upon a little child..." It’s a beautiful song with a beautiful thought. However, Jesus is anything but gentle and mild in John chapter two. Here in the temple at Jerusalem, He displays His righteous anger as He overturns tables and beats the religious businesspeople with whips! But Jesus was using this trouble in the temple to predict a greater sign—the triumph of His own physical temple—His bodily resurrection!
7/17/202224 minutes
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Expound: Romans 14-16 - Part A

Jesus changes our lives so completely that our attitudes and actions ought to be far different than life before we knew Him. In this message, Skip shares how you can live with a Christlike love that puts others before yourself.
7/15/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 13-14:13 - Part C

As believers, we can't decide how a fellow brother or sister in Christ should live. In this message, Skip shares how you can encourage others in their faith journeys while following God's will for your life.
7/14/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 13-14:13 - Part B

There comes a time when believers are called to obey God over government. Skip dives into that issue in this message as he shares how you can honor both God and the ruling authority He's placed over you.
7/13/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 13-14:13 - Part A

A lot of people have questions when it comes to how Christians should respond to government. In this message, Skip dives into this complex topic, sharing important biblical guidance with you.
7/12/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 12 - Part C

The life God calls us to often doesn't make sense—the truth is it's a higher way of living. In this message, Skip shares how God brings others closer to Him through the compassion you show.
7/11/202226 minutes
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Trouble in the Temple - Part A

A hymn by Charles Wesley begins, "Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, look upon a little child..." It’s a beautiful song with a beautiful thought. However, Jesus is anything but gentle and mild in John chapter two. Here in the temple at Jerusalem, He displays His righteous anger as He overturns tables and beats the religious businesspeople with whips! But Jesus was using this trouble in the temple to predict a greater sign—the triumph of His own physical temple—His bodily resurrection!
7/10/202224 minutes
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Expound: Romans 12 - Part B

God equips each believer uniquely, and so it's pointless to compare ourselves to others. In this message, Skip shares how God works in you through the spiritual gifts He gives you.
7/8/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 12 - Part A

We don't have to better ourselves before coming to Christ—He takes us as we are. In this message, Skip shares how God can use you mightily when you live in total surrender to Him.
7/7/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 11 - Part C

Sometimes we question how God works through our life situations, but it's because we have a limited view of His plan. In this message, Skip shares how the rocky history of Israel reveals God's incredible power and sovereignty.
7/6/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 11 - Part B

When God made salvation available to everyone in the world, His chosen people weren't left behind. In this message, Skip shares how you and the church are part of His larger plan to bring His people back to Himself.
7/5/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 11 - Part A

God's love for the children of Israel never waned even in their disobedience. He had a lasting plan for them. In this message, Skip dives into Israel's history and shares how you're a part of God's plan for them.
7/4/202226 minutes
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The Wedding Guest - Part B

How cool (and also potentially scary) would it be to have Jesus as a guest at your own wedding! The unnamed couple at the village wedding of Cana had that privilege. Jesus was the wedding guest who brought the best gift. His first miraculous sign was performed while celebrating that marriage. But far more than just attending a nuptial party, Jesus demonstrated who He was in relation to four entities: His mother, the moment, a miracle, and His men.
7/3/202224 minutes
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Expound: Romans 10-11:18 - Part C

With everything that happens in the world and in our own personal circumstances, we can easily forget how God has worked faithfully in our lives. In this message, Skip shares how God's righteousness guides the way you live.
7/1/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 10-11:18 - Part B

Some Christians get caught up debating how salvation works. Join Skip as he offers some clarity about this important yet sometimes confusing topic.
6/30/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 10-11:18 - Part A

The apostle Paul took the good news of Jesus to the world, but he still had a special place in his heart for his people. In this message, Skip shares about the gift of righteousness that Christ offers anyone who will receive it.
6/29/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 9-10:4 - Part C

Even though we continue to sin every day, God's love for us still overflows. In this message, Skip shares some encouraging insight about God's patient love for you.
6/28/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 9-10:4 - Part B

God is all-knowing: He knew past events would happen, and He knows what's to come. In this message, Skip shares about God's sovereignty in His plans for the nation of Israel—and for you.
6/27/202226 minutes
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The Wedding Guest - Part A

How cool (and also potentially scary) would it be to have Jesus as a guest at your own wedding! The unnamed couple at the village wedding of Cana had that privilege. Jesus was the wedding guest who brought the best gift. His first miraculous sign was performed while celebrating that marriage. But far more than just attending a nuptial party, Jesus demonstrated who He was in relation to four entities: His mother, the moment, a miracle, and His men.
6/26/202224 minutes
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Expound: Romans 9-10:4 - Part A

God didn't forsake His people even when they rejected His Son, Jesus. In this message, Skip shares about the special place Israel has in God's plans—and why that's so important for you to know.
6/24/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 8:28-9:6 - Part C

Even though Jesus was rejected as Messiah by His people, God didn't abandon them. In this message, Skip shares about the part that Israel still has in God's plan.
6/23/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 8:28-9:6 - Part B

When we choose to follow Jesus, the world becomes our enemy and it's easy to encounter opposition. Join Skip as he shares why you can still be confident in your faith even in a hostile world.
6/22/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 8:28-9:6 - Part A

Every day we hear bad news, and it's enough to make us weary and distressed. In this message, Skip shares about an incredible promise you can rest on forever.
6/21/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 8:1-27 - Part C

In the new life Jesus gives us, He also promises life with Him in eternity. In this message, Skip shares what your future looks like as a future resident of heaven.
6/20/202226 minutes
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Finding the God Who Found You - Part B

When the first disciples encountered Jesus, they chose to follow Him--only to discover that they had already been chosen by Him! Without getting drowned in that theological tide pool, let's consider and marvel at how both of these realities work together. The Bible teaches that God sovereignly elects people for salvation while at the same time teaches our responsibility to believe in Christ. Let’s see how both Philip and Nathanael encountered Jesus for the first time.
6/19/202224 minutes
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Expound: Romans 8:1-27 - Part B

Did you know that the Holy Spirit is a gift from God to us? The Spirit lives in us to guide us and encourage our spiritual growth. In this message, Skip expounds on the Holy Spirit's role in your life.
6/17/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 8:1-27 - Part A

The apostle Paul had painted a dismal picture of humanity in the first several chapters in his letter to the Romans. Join Skip as he looks at the amazing declaration Paul made in Romans 8.
6/16/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 6-7 - Part C

We won't be able to fully escape sin until we enter heaven one day. But that doesn't mean sin has victory over us. Learn more as Skip shares this message from the book of Romans.
6/15/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 6-7 - Part B

Even if we may not be conscious of it, something or someone is in control of our lives. In this message, Skip shares why Jesus is the best master above anything else in the world.
6/14/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 6-7 - Part A

As believers, we aren't slaves to sin anymore, but we can still struggle with it. In this message, Skip shares how you can live in victory over your sin.
6/13/202226 minutes
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Finding the God Who Found You - Part A

When the first disciples encountered Jesus, they chose to follow Him--only to discover that they had already been chosen by Him! Without getting drowned in that theological tide pool, let's consider and marvel at how both of these realities work together. The Bible teaches that God sovereignly elects people for salvation while at the same time teaches our responsibility to believe in Christ. Let’s see how both Philip and Nathanael encountered Jesus for the first time.
6/12/202224 minutes
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Expound: Romans 5-6:7 - Part C

Before Christ, we were spiritually dead in our sins. But because of His work on the cross, we have an entirely new life. In this message, Skip shares about the new beginning that you can have in Jesus.
6/10/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 5-6:7 - Part B

When we surrender our lives to Jesus, we undergo a major transformation. In this message, Skip shares how the gospel can transform your life.
6/9/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 5-6:7 - Part A

We can have an intimate relationship with God the Father because of what Jesus did on the cross. In this message, Skip shares more about what you can have and enjoy because of Christ.
6/8/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 3-4 - Part C

Our world is broken. Pain and heartache are widespread. But did you know that you can still face the future with hope? Find out how as Skip shares this message from the book of Romans.
6/7/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 3-4 - Part B

Because of our fallen nature, we have no standing before God. But Jesus made a way. In this message, Skip shares how Jesus is your biggest supporter before the God the Father.
6/6/202226 minutes
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Are You a Follower - Really? - Part B

You can't make it through much of the Bible without coming to the word Disciple. Just the four Gospels alone use this term 228 times. Basically a disciple is the follower of a teacher: one who observes, learns, and practices what the teacher shares. We now come to the first time John uses this term in his book. So today we assess ourselves by asking, "Are YOU a follower?" Let's look at five characteristics of the first disciples of Jesus and see if they’re reflected in our lives.
6/5/202224 minutes
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Expound: Romans 3-4 - Part A

The gospel was the apostle Paul's life mission, and nothing would stop him from sharing it with as many people as possible. In this message, Skip shares how Paul answered objections to the good news of Jesus.
6/3/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 1:24-2:29 - Part C

God doesn't let sin slide, but He is incredibly patient with us. In this message, Skip shares about how God's kindness in our failures and mistakes leads us right back to Him.
6/2/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 1:24-2:29 - Part B

Every day, we feel some amount of pressure to fit in with the world. In this message, Skip shares why it's so vital for you to live according to God's will instead of the world's wishes.
6/1/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 1:24-2:29 - Part A

The apostle Paul knew that he owed it to people to tell them the full news of salvation—the good as well as the bad. In this message, Skip shares how the gospel brings you closer to God and transforms your life.
5/31/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 1:1-23 - Part C

In order to give a full treatise of the gospel, Paul began his letter to Roman believers by first explaining some bad news. In this message, Skip shares how this bad and good news reveal God's incredible love for you.
5/30/202226 minutes
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The Greatest Man Meets the Greatest Lamb - Part B

Everyone is good at something, maybe even great at something. Maybe you're a great artist or a great mom or even a great leader. Jesus said that John the Baptizer was the greatest man who had ever lived (Matt. 11:11). But John knew Jesus to be the greatest One ever—past, present and future - the Sacrificial Lamb sent to remove sin. Today we discover from John the Baptist how to witness for Christ and we look at the identity and the activity of this most unusual man.
5/29/202224 minutes
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Expound: Romans 1:1-23 - Part B

The apostle Paul usually began his epistles with a prayer of thanks for his audience. In this message, Skip shares how we can cultivate an attitude of gratitude for the people in our lives.
5/27/202226 minutes
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Expound: Romans 1:1-23 - Part A

Skip begins a series called Expound: Romans. In this first message, Skip introduces you to the apostle Paul, a self-titled slave of Jesus Christ whose top priority in life was not to hoard the gospel but rather herald it to as many people as he could.
5/26/202226 minutes
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The Truth about Hell - Part B

People speak of hell usually without any thought of the somberness of the place. And of all the Christian doctrines in Scripture, hell is a tough one to handle. Well, that's the topic Skip dives into in the message "The Truth about Hell."
5/25/202226 minutes
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The Truth about Hell - Part A

Hell is an eternal and biblical reality, but it's one that has become relegated to the junk pile of modern myths. In the message "The Truth about Hell," Skip gives you the scriptural scoop on this eternal destination.
5/24/202226 minutes
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What Most People Don’t Know about Heaven - Part B

Most people's ideas about what heaven will be like are vastly different than what Scripture reveals. In the message "What Most People Don't Know about Heaven," Skip shares about a unique place that will be the headquarters of the new earth.
5/23/202226 minutes
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The Greatest Man Meets the Greatest Lamb - Part A

Everyone is good at something, maybe even great at something. Maybe you're a great artist or a great mom or even a great leader. Jesus said that John the Baptizer was the greatest man who had ever lived (Matt. 11:11). But John knew Jesus to be the greatest One ever—past, present and future - the Sacrificial Lamb sent to remove sin. Today we discover from John the Baptist how to witness for Christ and we look at the identity and the activity of this most unusual man.
5/22/202224 minutes
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What Most People Don’t Know About Heaven - Part A

What happens when a believer dies? What will heaven be like? Discover the answers to those questions as Skip shares some surprising facts about heaven in the message "What Most People Don't Know about Heaven."
5/20/202226 minutes
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The Second Coming of Christ - Part B

When Jesus was on earth, He said He would come back. In the message "The Second Coming of Christ," Skip explores Jesus' return to earth once history runs its sinister course, Satan stages his ill-fated retaliation, and God pours out His judgment.
5/19/202226 minutes
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The Second Coming of Christ - Part A

Jesus' second coming will be the culmination of redemptive history. In the message "The Second Coming of Christ," Skip considers several aspects of Jesus' return as found in Revelation 19 and throughout the Scriptures.
5/18/202226 minutes
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The Rapture – Is it Real? - Part B

Latin translations of the New Testament have the word rapture plainly rendered as rapturo, which simply means a catching away. In the message "The Rapture—Is It Real?" Skip examines this future event when Jesus will come to snatch away believers.
5/17/202226 minutes
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The Rapture – Is it Real? - Part A

The word rapture is not found in most English translations of Scripture, but the concept most certainly is. In the message "The Rapture—Is It Real?" Skip explores what this future event will be like.
5/16/202226 minutes
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One of a Kind! - Part B

It is a mistake to think of Jesus as "one among many" options in the pantheon of deities. He is unique, matchless, unrivaled, singular, and incomparable. From His birth to His Resurrection, there is no one who even comes close to the majestic Christ. Jesus was One-Of-A-Kind! Let’s consider four distinct ways that Jesus was unique and what these mean to us today.
5/15/202224 minutes
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Are We Living in the Last Days? - Part B

Every generation has its doomsday preachers predicting the end of everything, trying to fit current events into the predictive prophecy so prevalent in Scripture. In the message "Are We Living in the Last Days?" Skip talks about the future when one day the world will end.
5/13/202226 minutes
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Are We Living in the Last Days? - Part A

When it comes to the end times or, for that matter, any Bible prophecy, there is no shortage of speculation and sensationalism. In the message "Are We Living in the Last Days?" Skip considers several features of this future time period.
5/12/202226 minutes
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What Every True Church Should Be - Part 2 - Part B

Since it is Jesus who builds the church, and since it's Jesus who paid for the church, He gets to decide what it should be like. In the message "What Every True Church Should Be - Part 2," Skip shares about what exactly marks a true church.
5/11/202226 minutes
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What Every True Church Should Be - Part 2 - Part A

Jesus' prayer in John 17 is His most intimate recorded in Scripture. In it, he expressed His wishes for His new community of followers. In the message "What Every True Church Should Be - Part 2," Skip shares about what Jesus desired to see in His church.
5/10/202226 minutes
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What Every True Church Should Be - Part 1 - Part B

Not only is the church essential, but it is also purposeful and practical—it has a reason to exist. In the message "What Every True Church Should Be - Part 1," Skip shares about more characteristics of the church that Jesus had in mind.
5/9/202226 minutes
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One of a Kind!

It is a mistake to think of Jesus as "one among many" options in the pantheon of deities. He is unique, matchless, unrivaled, singular, and incomparable. From His birth to His Resurrection, there is no one who even comes close to the majestic Christ. Jesus was One-Of-A-Kind! Let’s consider four distinct ways that Jesus was unique and what these mean to us today.
5/8/202224 minutes
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What Every True Church Should Be - Part 1 - Part A

Since Jesus said He would build His church, He gets to decide what the distinctive marks of this new community should be. In the message "What Every True Church Should Be - Part 1," Skip shares about what Jesus said He wants most for His people.
5/6/202226 minutes
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The Essential Church - Part B

The church doesn't belong to any entity or anybody but Jesus. He died for it and built it up. In the message "The Essential Church," Skip shares how we can become the people of God that Scripture presents them to be.
5/5/202226 minutes
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The Essential Church - Part A

Many voices today decry the church, rejecting its message and doubting its relevance. And yet, according to its founder, Jesus, the church is essential. In the message "The Essential Church," Skip considers the nature and purpose of this community.
5/4/202226 minutes
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Satan: His Meaning, Minions, and Methods - Part B

The Bible is clear that Satan exists. And there is no more powerful foe we face as believers. In the message "Satan: His Meaning, Minions, and Methods," Skip shares about the Devil's tactics to help you thwart his attacks.
5/3/202226 minutes
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Satan: His Meaning, Minions, and Methods - Part A

Most people today don't believe in the Devil. He's merely a symbol of evil, or he's reduced to a mythical figure. In the message "Satan: His Meaning, Minions, and Methods," Skip reveals six surprising facts you may not know about our Enemy.
5/2/202226 minutes
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Step Into Son-Light - Part B

I love early mornings when sunlight first comes up over the eastern sky. But if you’ve ever had the experience of the sun suddenly shining into your eyes (like when you turn westward while the sun is going down), it's not so pleasant. Most people wince when light is shined in their eyes. Jesus is presented here as being "the light of men" and "shining in darkness". But the world cries out, "Turn off that light!" How can Jesus enlighten your life and how will you respond to Him?
5/1/202224 minutes
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The Angels of God - Part B

Some people think that angels serve God's church only, but they serve a greater role. In the message "The Angels of God," Skip shares how their ministry objective is principally concerned with the glory and majesty of God.
4/29/202226 minutes
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The Angels of God - Part A

Angels are largely relegated to the realms of mythology and childhood fantasy. Most people never think about them. But angels are very, very real. In the message "The Angels of God," Skip explores some noteworthy traits that angels have.
4/28/202226 minutes
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I’m a Christian—Now What? - Part B

Conversion is the gateway to transformation. Nothing stays the same. In the message "I'm a Christian—Now What?" Skip shares about a solid promise you can hold onto because of your new life in Jesus.
4/27/202226 minutes
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I’m a Christian—Now What? - Part A

When you repent from your past and invite Jesus into your heart, you begin a lifelong relationship with Him. In the message "I'm a Christian—Now What?" Skip shares about the experiences that happen in the life of everyone who believes.
4/26/202226 minutes
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Once Dead, Now Alive! - Part B

Do you remember when Jesus became real to you and you realized your need for Him to save you? In the message "Once Dead, Now Alive!" Skip explores how conversion changes your contentment.
4/25/202226 minutes
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Step Into Son-Light - Part A

I love early mornings when sunlight first comes up over the eastern sky. But if you’ve ever had the experience of the sun suddenly shining into your eyes (like when you turn westward while the sun is going down), it's not so pleasant. Most people wince when light is shined in their eyes. Jesus is presented here as being "the light of men" and "shining in darkness". But the world cries out, "Turn off that light!" How can Jesus enlighten your life and how will you respond to Him?
4/24/202224 minutes
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Once Dead, Now Alive! - Part A

Of all the doctrines that adorn the New Testament, salvation is the most personal and transformative. In the message "Once Dead, Now Alive!" Skip shares about the stages every saved person goes through in coming to Christ.
4/22/202226 minutes
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The Dark Side - Part B

Skip's son, Nate Heitzig, continues our series 20/20. One consequence of our rebellion against God is guilt, but in today's society, many people try to minimize both sin and guilt. In the message "The Dark Side," Nate shares about the remedy for our sin nature.
4/21/202226 minutes
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The Dark Side - Part A

Skip's son, Nate Heitzig, continues the series 20/20. God created humans in His own image. But even with His imprint in humanity, people have a dark side—a sin nature. In the message "The Dark Side," Nate looks at what the Bible has to say about our condition.
4/20/202226 minutes
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God’s Purpose for People - Part B

Someone once said that the two most significant days in one's life are the day we were born and the day we discover what we were born for. In the message "God's Purpose for People," Skip shares how interacting with God ties into your purpose.
4/19/202226 minutes
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God’s Purpose for People - Part A

What is our purpose inhabiting this planet? How can we fulfill the God-given destiny that He originally had in mind when He placed us here? Find out as Skip shares the message "God's Purpose for People."
4/18/202226 minutes
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The World’s Most Important Word - Part B

It may be difficult to say what the most important word is in any language, but not for the Apostle John. He begins his gospel with the identification of Jesus as, "The Word." Starting with the very beginning of beginnings, John shows us the fundamental truths about the Jesus that he writes about in the rest of this book. The language is simple and unmistakable and yet the truths presented are deep and extremely profound. Let's see how John presents Jesus and Who Jesus is according to one who was closest to Him.
4/17/202224 minutes
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Into the Garden - Part B

Skip shares a special Easter message. Our faith rests in the resurrection of Jesus alone. In the message "Into the Garden," Skip shares how this momentous event gives you abundant life now and unshakable hope for the future.
4/15/202226 minutes
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Into the Garden - Part A

Skip shares a special Easter message. Jesus came to the earth with a great purpose, and no matter what He faced, He didn't stray from it. In the message "Into the Garden," Skip shares how the suffering Jesus endured gives you hope.
4/14/202226 minutes
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Good Friday Message

Skip shares a special Good Friday message. Christianity is the ultimate cross-cultural experience: our culture is built on the cross of Jesus. In this message, Skip explores the ministry of John the Baptist and the prophecies of Isaiah concerning Jesus the Messiah.
4/13/202226 minutes
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Help Has Arrived! - Part B

The Holy Spirit is not only at work in the world around us; He's very busy working inside us. In the message "Help Has Arrived!" Skip examines the promise Jesus gave His disciples in the upper room about the coming Spirit.
4/12/202226 minutes
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Help Has Arrived! - Part A

To live for God in an ungodly world is challenging, sometimes daunting. But God never intended for us to go it alone. Learn about the Helper He has provided for you as Skip shares the message "Help Has Arrived!"
4/11/202226 minutes
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The World’s Most Important Word - Part A

It may be difficult to say what the most important word is in any language, but not for the Apostle John. He begins his gospel with the identification of Jesus as, "The Word." Starting with the very beginning of beginnings, John shows us the fundamental truths about the Jesus that he writes about in the rest of this book. The language is simple and unmistakable and yet the truths presented are deep and extremely profound. Let's see how John presents Jesus and Who Jesus is according to one who was closest to Him.
4/10/202224 minutes
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Who Is the Holy Spirit? - Part B

Skip's son, Nate Heitzig, continues our series 20/20. When we look to Scripture, the third person of the Godhead comes into clear focus. In the message "Who Is the Holy Spirit?" Nate shares how the Holy Spirit works both at scale in the world and individually in the hearts of believers.
4/8/202226 minutes
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Who Is the Holy Spirit? - Part A

Skip's son, Nate Heitzig, continues our series 20/20. There can be a lot of mystery and misinformation surrounding the Holy Spirit. Nate gives you some clarity as he shares the message "Who Is the Holy Spirit?"
4/7/202226 minutes
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The Holy Spirit in the World - Part B

The Holy Spirit awakens people to their great need for Christ. In the message "The Holy Spirit in the World," Skip shares how the Spirit works through and empowers all of God's people.
4/6/202226 minutes
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The Holy Spirit in the World - Part A

The Holy Spirit has a particular role when it comes to working in this world. In the message "The Holy Spirit in the World," Skip shares about the Spirit's role in the lives of unbelievers.
4/5/202226 minutes