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CONNECTED Adventist Profile


English, Religion, 1 season, 216 episodes, 6 days, 3 hours, 52 minutes
A super organic podcast, delving into the connection Adventists have with the Holy Spirt, what Adventists think of each other and what the outside world thinks of Adventist! Welcome and thanks for following the CONNECTED family!
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We are the Church [Hurt]

Church hurt is a things. But I think we need to use better vocabulary to label what we experienced and what we're trying to define.
9/8/202433 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Unrighteous Stoning of Carl Lenz and his Family

As church members how do we show up for our local Pastor when they "fall from grace"? The heartbreaking reality is that if the way we support "fallen" church members is any gauge- then pick up your stone of preference and hold back on the grace. The Lenz's family story was a two edged sword for me. The betrayal and forgiveness this family has experienced and embraced, is much deeper than Carl's infidelity. The scars they'll carry are from more than cheating- its also from rejection and abandonment from those they called family.
9/3/202449 minutes, 33 seconds
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Adele in Concert VS Taylor Swift in Concert- The Simple Gospel

I'm not a fan of either Adele or Taylor. So this isn't a bias opinion on who is better. It's all more about making the Gospel simple, attainable and relatable. Let's keep offering milk until God grows people's faith so they can digest the solids.
8/12/202421 minutes, 45 seconds
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Yes, I'm Going to Talk About it...The Paris Opening Ceremony

I'm talking about the Olympic Opening ceremony but not the way you think I will.
8/3/202429 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Panting, Thirsty Christian

The deer in Psalm 41:1 is out here panting and thirsty. What does that even mean and what practical lesson are we supposed to get from this deer?
7/27/202420 minutes, 1 second
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Lessons from a Distracted Worm

I saw a worm on my walk this morning. It kind of explains why I haven't uploaded in so long...
7/19/202432 minutes, 55 seconds
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Marriage + 1 (and I'm not talking about infidelity)

Who's the "+ 1" in your marriage? YOUR NEW BABY! The next statement will SHOCK YOU! There's some scary parallels between your baby and infidelity! New parents, or parents to be, please listen to this episode, it may save your marriage and your family.
3/1/202442 minutes, 31 seconds
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Dear First Time Parents, This One is just for YOU!

Grief and Loss isn't often associated with "parenting", unless its in relation to the death of a child. But just as much as there is to gain when becoming a first time parent, there is also lot of loss with the birth of a first child. But these conversations aren't always had among Christians. The dark clouds of parenting aren't always talked about and this leaves many new parents to weather the storms of change and the unknown on their own. I hope this episode gives you a sense of community in your suffering and in your loss. I hope that you realise that trying your best- is the best you can do.
1/19/202454 minutes, 47 seconds
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Matildas- a Blessing in Disguise

They lost. But there's way more to sport than winning. A mistake that's often made in team sport is putting a lot of pressure on one or a handful of players to get the win. Experts, commentators and fans can fall into the trap of highlighting key players in a team. But this FIFA World Cup Australia learned that we to cheer on our entire team when we lost our star Striker, Sam Kerr to injury. Through the Matildas' journey this WC, I was reminded of similar mistakes we make in our churches. @pennyprojectsrs
8/19/202335 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Great Physician not Condemner

Seeing a health professional when you're sick can be the most comforting thing you can do. While on our mission trip, I was often looking for our resident nurses and showing them my cuts and scratches,  just so a professional could tell me I was- ok! Have you gone to Jesus, knowing you need healing? He's the best "professional" to go see and He always prescribes a generous dose of mercy, grace and forgiveness. 
8/10/202321 minutes, 39 seconds
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You Choose- Scoop or River?

Some things, we don't get to choose. In Timor, I didn't get to choose how I showered. Where we stayed- a bucket and scoop IS classified a shower. But when I knew I could shower in a river- I knew I'd much rather abundance over convenience. What would you choose?
7/30/202324 minutes, 34 seconds
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Missions of Mercy and a Natural Disaster

"Thus would I go on missions of mercy, Following Christ from day unto day, Cheering the faint and raising the fallen, Pointing the lost to Jesus, the Way. Going afar (going afar) Upon the mountain (upon the mountain) Bringing the wanderer back again, back again, Into the fold (into the fold) Of my Redeemer (of my Redeemer) Jesus the Lamb for sinners slain, for sinners slain" Just being lazy....didn't have time of a proper episode summary :) but let me tell you all about my family's mission trip to Timor Leste!!
7/23/202349 minutes, 35 seconds
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Children of God

People often judge parents by the kids actions. I know, it shouldn't be like that but it's true in many cases. So what happens when people judge God by our choices? Sweet potatoes, it's a worry; or is it an honour?
5/20/202319 minutes, 10 seconds
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Friends Are Overrated (Still)

IDK I still think BFF are like burger advertisements- big claims on flavour and satisfaction, marketing is impressive (and borderline deceitful) when in reality- their messy, half the size they're supposed to be and dry. But hey, convince me otherwise... No, I know some of you went to the right place to order your "BFF meal" and have lived a happy life with that trusty BFF from Kindergarten. Good for you, but I still believe the lesson we ALL have to learn- the "friendship scourges" AND the "let's have our babies at the same time" crew- is that our trust should never be on our friends more than on God.
3/30/202332 minutes, 33 seconds
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Asbury Revival- A SDA's opinion

Did you hear about the Asbury Revival?!?!?! If you didn't make sure to listen to this episode.
3/1/202325 minutes, 27 seconds
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Seeking the Lost

Ok, I've been thinking about death some more. This one cut a little too deep. This episode feels very close to home, I'm convinced I might be heartbroken in Heaven.
2/16/202330 minutes, 38 seconds
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Suicide. Reach out.

We need to have more conversations about suicide.  Too many Christians are suffering in silence. 
2/6/202340 minutes, 11 seconds
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Go Sit with Mary

Does your friends lists look just like the Pharisee's or like Jesus'? Sabbath keepers: check. Vegetarian: check. Non-drug user: check. Use appropriate language: check. But what if we spent time with people who lived their lives completely different to the SDA norm? Could you call them your friend? Would you sit a have dinner with them? Jesus did.
1/24/202341 minutes, 15 seconds
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The "Liberal" God

Parenting as a Christian seems to have an additional layer of complexity- modelling the character of our Heavenly Father! Yikes that's an epic responsibility! With a 13 and 12 yr old, my parenting seems to be forever evolving and so is my perception of God.
1/12/202350 minutes, 45 seconds
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Til Death do Us Part

Everyone loves a wedding! But no one loves a DIVORCE! Well, not like a wedding at least- unless your marriage was real bad, then you might have a big divorce party. But what happens to marriages to go from all loved-up to "I never want a share a bed with you AGAIN"! To be honest, I wish I knew....I wish I knew.
12/20/202243 minutes, 25 seconds
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The World Cup of Heaven

The stadium is PACKED! Sold out game! Every seat is filled and the noise of the cheering crowd is a spectacle on its own. Everyone has come to see who will win. Who will progress to the next round. The crowd is completely invested in their team. The game is between the kingdoms of God and Satan- and your life- is match the crowd has come to watch. The crowd, is the heavenly host. Who will win?
12/15/202224 minutes, 46 seconds
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Happy 4th Birthday! Shout out to all the Little Toes and Pinkies of the church!

Can you believe it!! 4 years of the CONNECTED PODCAST- Thank you JESUS! Although I do feel this year was a bit of a write-off...but let's not talk about that now. Today I wanted to acknowledge and appreciate all those peeps who think they're only a little toe or a pinkie in the work of the church. I see you, I value you and I'm SO thankful for you!
11/5/202232 minutes, 4 seconds
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Life is not as simple as a single FAIL or PASS

Given that 90% of my life seems to be spent writing research assessments and reading hundreds of pages of academic journals and literature....the reality of failing or passing my assessments puts a lot of pressure on my day-to-day functioning. So to add a spiritual dimension to "failing and passing" can make life a mental and emotional pressure cooker! I miss you!!
9/8/202220 minutes, 51 seconds
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When the Path isn't Clear

Not every righteous decisions is easy to make. Following God's will isn't the 'flashiest' either. The path that God sets our for us may not be the one with the 'pretty lights'. Sometimes, the will of God, the narrow path, doesn't cater for our wants, but we can definitely trust, that it will cater for all our needs and most importantly- all our spiritual needs. Lets be honest- many times, the narrow road is not our preference!
8/8/202255 minutes, 21 seconds
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Go to church!

Don't get upset, there's a reason I'm telling you to go to church...well honesty, I had to tell myself to go to church last sabbath. Church felt like a lifeline to me this last week. In the last two weeks life became so disorderly, that I needed my constant. I needed my unmoving weekly point of stability and grounding... I needed church!
7/17/202241 minutes, 51 seconds
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Lets talk about BBLs... yes, BBLs! It's important, your identity, beauty and worth shouldn't be based on the size of your butt!
6/22/202230 minutes, 45 seconds
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Jesus + Therapy (better audio version)

Better quality audio than the first Jesus + Therapy episode.... slightly different stuff though...cause I can't remember exactly what I said in the first episode...but don't stress- because y'all know God showed up and got me to say what needed to be said AND that's what matters! "I know, there's a ton of you who don't "believe" in therapy. Don't worry I get you, but I also think there's tremendous benefits to therapy. I even think it can help us to spread the Gospel more effectively... for real! As Jackie Hill-Perry's merch would say- Jesus + Therapy!"
6/17/202255 minutes, 47 seconds
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Jesus + Therapy

I know, there's a ton of you who don't "believe" in therapy. Don't worry I get you, but I also think there's tremendous benefits to therapy. I even think it can help us to spread the Gospel more effectively... for real! As Jackie Hill-Perry's merch would say- Jesus + Therapy!
6/14/202240 minutes, 58 seconds
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Will Smith and King David

I know ya'll heard enough about "The Slap"... so I'm not going there. But I am going to chat about stuff that's related and discuss what would happen if David had done the same thing? Would you still read the Psalms?
5/17/202244 minutes, 22 seconds
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My Heroes- Week of Spiritual Emphasis

5/10/202235 minutes, 38 seconds
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My Lifeline- Empty Pews to a Million Views with Justin Khoe

Fam! This is a mighty long episode for a mighty good reason! So pumped I don't have nothing to write... I kind of talked about it for an hour lol
4/26/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 57 seconds
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Based on a True Story Christianity

"Fake it till you make it" they say. But what if you lived your life emphasising the authentic, genuine experiences of your true story? There is so much richness and power in hearing the truth of someone's journey.  Interestingly enough, I find that the confidence we carry with our story, is what makes it powerful, not the events, severity or details.  How your life experiences have impacted and transformed  you, can instantly be heard when spoken with authenticity.
4/8/202224 minutes, 7 seconds
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Knowledge Gives You a Voice

In groups discussions, I'm usually the one that contributes to the discussion or remains silent. The only times I remain silent are when; I'm tired, it's not worth investing my energy into the discussion or when I don't know anything about what they're talking about. I was recently with a group of people, who all cooperating were super knowledgable about something i wasn't. I found myself seeking to learn from them. My mind was so stimulated discussing a topic I had never talked about in my 38 years of life. I compared my experience to conversations I've had countless times. When I knew 'stuff', I was more willing to share my thoughts. And with some topics and in some discussions, I was given the metaphoric 'mic' to speak with authority to the group. I'm currently in a stage of my life where I'm learning so much. I'm often more silent than vocal. But life experience, my faith and my academic achievements are creating more and more opportunities to "hold the mic"
4/1/202235 minutes, 30 seconds
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Natural Disasters

The unfortunate truth is that disaster is inevitable, it's not a matter of "if", but "when"? I know, it kind of sucks, hey. But I actually spoke with two people who think the impact of a flood, was actually a relief for them in one specific area of their life. It would appear that for some people, all the challenges of living through a natural disaster actually helped them in some areas of their life.
3/21/202241 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Apple Store Culture

Culture is so important. Culture isn't always positive, it simply is whatever has been reinforced and embraced by a group of people. The reality is that culture can be just as strong in negative elements, as another organisation can strive to make sure their culture is a positive one. Additionally, the desired culture of a group, isn't necessarily the reality of the group. Culture is created from much more than just- intent. So what is the SDA culture? There's one area of our culture that seems to be a pattern- and its not a good pattern.
3/2/202226 minutes, 40 seconds
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Having a black-eye for two weeks taught me a lot about shame. Not any old shame, but the shame we choose to place on ourselves, with no need for help from anyone placing extra shame on us! We’ve all messed up, made mistakes, and as the Bible says, ‘we’ve all sinned’. But not all wrong choices carry the same negative consequences. Choosing the wrong flavoured drink doesn’t normally carry shame with it. Most often, the heaviness of shame we carry, is equivalent to the heaviness of sin we committed. Is it possible to carry a ‘light load’ if the sin was is so large?
2/15/202249 minutes, 5 seconds
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Not Like Your Father

Whether we like to admit it or not, we all seem to look like or act like our parents, or other adults who have had an impact in our upbringing. Sometimes our mannerisms, our character and our appearance can be unintentionally a reflection of what was modelled to us during influential stages of our life. Often, not only do we take on the good from these influential people, but somehow, the bad seems to creep into our personality too. But should it be that way?
2/6/202223 minutes, 50 seconds
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Don't Wait for "Goodbye"

Relocating to a new town, school or workplace after years in an area can make leaving an emotional experience. Packing up and leave the familiar can be unsettling and exciting. Saying your final goodbyes to people you've grown with can also be sad and a relief; depending on how much you got along with the people. What I did learn from leaving our home town of 13 years, was that goodbyes should be said much more often than just when we leave.
2/4/202240 minutes, 9 seconds
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Packing up Bitterness

Pack only the essentials. When we move, so many of us tend to pack things up that we know we don't need or use. Why? There's a degree of regret, loss and even attachment that we have with purchasing and having so many 'things', so we pack them and move them to the next location, simply because we may not want to do the 'hard work' of culling and admitting our defeat or loss. But storing hurt without converting it to wisdom, can make us change and let the Devil win!
1/23/202232 minutes, 18 seconds
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Like Little Children

Adults are often telling kids to 'grow up'. But growing up can be overrated. Adulting isn't always glamours. Most importantly- Jesus told us to not grow up. There's something about children that Jesus highlighted in the way children relate to salvation and faith. Child-like faith; trusts, is humble, is loving and is forgiving. Those who will be the greatest- will be like children!
1/4/202228 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Superpower of Psychology

Psychology is so POWERFUL. The ability to understand the way the human mind functions can be the most useful skill we can have to help bring people to a place of healing from their past. I degree of psychological knowledge can also help you to protect yourself from harmful people. But with any superpower, we can use it for good and for evil! Watch out for those 'psychological' people!
12/28/202155 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Fragrance of Sacrifice and Refinement

I've been a vegetarian for almost 15 years but I still think the aroma of beef cooking in a fry pan or BBQ is pleasurable. When we read about our sacrifices and refinement being a 'pleasing fragrance on to the Lord' it may not sit that well with our soul. For the participants of refinement, the Refiner's fire isn't typically identify as 'sweet' or 'pleasant'- its usually super painful and uncomfortable and we just want it to end already! But the sweet fragrance doesn't come from short, comfortable refinement, it comes from long exposure to the Refiner's heat!
12/19/202133 minutes, 37 seconds
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Everyone has been given a label. Most probably, everyone has been stereotyped or profiled, and I can guarantee, that everyone had had assumptions made about them. Most of us tend to base our opinion on experience. So what experiences are you creating from Adventism when you engage with people in your community? What labels are been placed on our denomination through your testimony? Can it be said of you that you're circumcised?
12/14/202140 minutes, 54 seconds
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I Do vs I Don't

Baptism is supposed to be the most precious celebrations in the Christian life. But it is for everyone? And have we as a denomination go it all wrong? Like marriage, commitment is intended to be more than I one day event. It's a commitment to show up and build hope on what 'will be'.
12/8/202145 minutes, 48 seconds
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The End is Near

The end is so so near! Before you know it I'll be near the QLD/ NSW boarder and be leaving 12 years of ministry and friends behind me. So what thoughts have these final days prompted? Regrets, mistakes and highlights. But it has also made me aware that we must live everyday for our Divine purpose. When the end arrives- there's no wishing for more time or opportunity for second chances. The end, is truely- the end for many aspects of our life and our mission and there's no turning back.
12/3/202126 minutes, 30 seconds
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A Mandate to Divide

In Australia, Adventism is getting split down the middle. The church has two camps, those choosing to follow through with national vaccine mandates and those choosing to be the minority and not be vaccinated. The impact that this decision has had on our church is more divisive than women's ordination; and I thought nothing could seperate us more than that! So what can we do to repair the split on the very fabric of unity? Can the vaccinated and unvaccinated ever be sewn back together to be one body? And also, who's responsible for the division?
11/21/202141 minutes, 45 seconds
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Coveting Experiences

Pathfinders can teach children lots of valuable and life changing skills; how to tie knots, how to build a rafts, how to nurture your faith AND HOW TO COOK DAMPER BREAD ON A BRANCH! At our club's last pathfinder camp, my 'camp bread making' life was revolutionised! But I also learnt that memorable experiences can't be exchanged without making an investment. A dedication of time, energy and resources is the only way we can share and recreate the elements that have created an impact in our lives with others. Are you willing to invest in recreating that which you have, so others can share in your experience? And are you willing to invest all that is needed to gain the experience you desire for your Christian faith?
11/14/202136 minutes, 31 seconds
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Coach Jesus

Joining a basketball team a month ago has taught me how important it is to have a COACH! Specially when you have no idea what you're doing! Often, coaches can see what most players can't and a good coach, can change the entire direction of a game from losing to winning or from losing to- learning.
11/7/202129 minutes, 12 seconds
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Three years of podcasting has taught me more about myself than podcasting. Three years of CONNECTEDNESS is bound to reveal a lot about anyone. In these last 3 years, I've invited you all to journeyed through some of the most vulnerable stages of my life, But with that vulnerability, you've also witnessed God strengthen me- beyond measure.
10/31/202137 minutes, 3 seconds
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Just Cut it Off Already

We've all read or heard that illustrative Bible verse, 'if your arm causes you to offend cut it off, or if your eye causes you to sin pull it out'. It sounds kind of severe and an pretty graphic illustration but experience, heartache and regrets, have taught me that this verse is filled with wisdom. The reality is that some things, some habits and some people just need to be cut off! This week, after a cutting accident in the kitchen, I became a much stronger believer in this verse, or at least hindsight reminded me that what this verse outlines a crucial for true healing. Just cut it off fam!
10/29/202154 minutes, 10 seconds
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Train to Grow

Sometimes we seek comfort over grow. But comfort can limit our potential. Staying within the constraints of predictability can make life stagnant and hold us back from making dreams are reality. Within Christianity, comfort doesn't just limit just our dreams, it can potentially limits God's dreams for us too. Train to grow, train with the people that make you the most UNCOMFORTABLE!
10/17/202132 minutes, 18 seconds
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Save Yourself

Stop saving people! Wait up, I'll explain. Often, the natural response of many people is to save others before ourselves, and although that is honourable, I have seen too many people, marriages, families and churches crash and burn (symbolically) because they neglected to invest time in saving themselves first. Taking time to invest in our walk with God can strengthen us to do an even greater job at what we're already doing with God. If we put our oxygen mask on first, we'll be able to help MORE people put their mask on too.
10/11/202128 minutes, 13 seconds
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Is Google ever Wrong?

We're starting to Google EVERYTHING. Symptoms, people, factchecking, science and everything else that we need to get answers about! But that scares me! What if Google gets it wrong? We seem to be blindly making Google the Canon- for life and faith. So what's the alternative? I know what's worked for me, and I'm very confident it will be helpful to you. But to be honest, I'm still googling a lot of things, because I don't know a lot about a lot of things, I just don't Google things relating to my faith.
10/4/202137 minutes, 23 seconds
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Beholding Glory

The second coming can be super abstract to some, and even a little fictional to others. As Christians, we live our lives holding on to this day, when everything will come together and finally, we'll go to heaven and live in a perfect world. All our hopes will be fulfilled. And all our struggles will disappear and it will 'all be worth it'. But one thing that was made very clear to me this morning, was that the presence of God's glory at the second coming will be revealed to us in a way that we've never experienced before. It will bring an overwhelming feeling of excitement, joy and to some of us, the second coming will give us a much needed sense of peace and relief knowing that all suffering is finished and that God- remained true to His promises. This point about God's glory and the overwhelming sense awe at seeing our Saviour, was revealed to me after I watched Aus Table Talk's latest video, yep I know- random, but you have to listen to the episode for it to all make sense, i hope!
9/26/202133 minutes, 17 seconds
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Shedding the Old

Spiders shed their exoskeleton in oder to grow! I know, some fo you didn't know that, neither did I until last night. An encounter with a spider last night gave me some solemn thoughts about growth. Its hard work, its painful (I didn't ask the spider but it looked like it was in pain lol), its draining and it makes us extremely vulnerable to predators. Personal growth is the same. It's not an easy stage of existence, but it's crucial nonetheless
9/20/202129 minutes, 26 seconds
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Tarantulas, Eating Disorders and Body Image

Our physical appearance can impact much of what we believe about ourselves. The hard thing is though, that what others think about us can become what we believe about ourselves. Society, media and our peer groups can determine whether we value and accept our appearance or whether we criticise our appearance and live life trying to change how we look. Some of us carry the scars of childhood teasing, bullying and discontentment all the way into adulthood, without finding any more acceptance for who we are outwardly than when we were a child.
9/13/202156 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Fairytale of Christianity

Everyone knows what a fairytale ending is like, the main characters run away and get married, the evil villain dies or goes to prison for the rest of their life, the sick person gets better and those who were lost are found and reunited with their loved ones. Why does humanity long for happy endings? And more importantly, is that the only reason that Christianity is so popular? Do Christians base their life on a fictional story that has no truth in it but simply makes them 'feel good' about life?
9/5/202138 minutes, 6 seconds
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Vegetarianism is NOT the Health Message

STOP telling people to be vegetarian! Ok, I prayed for gentleness and tactfulness with this episode lol The health message is so much more than eliminating meat from the diet. Yet, it seems that's all most non-SDA people associate with Adventism- second to the sabbath. What if people thought 'Oh, Adventist, they're so fit!' or 'Adventists, have such a great work-life balance' or even better 'Adventists reflect God's goodness and seem to have mastered wholistic health'. We could be known for so much more than just vegetarianism and keeping the sabbath.
8/29/202132 minutes, 31 seconds
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Overtaking God's Will

There's two kind of the drivers, the ones that overtake a slow vehicles on the highway and those that patiently follow the slow drivers. Within Christianity we also see a distinction between those who 'make' God's will happen and those who patiently wait for God's will to come to fruition. Now, I'm not saying we should all sit at home on the couch waiting for things to 'happen' in our lives, but rather inviting us all to rest in God through the delays and the obstacles in our lives, while remaining faithful to what God placed on our hearts to do.
8/22/202132 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Race of Sanctification

Competition is one of those aspects of life I don't like. I don't like seeing people lose and let's be honest, I don't think anyone likes or enjoys being the 'loser'. But competition can sometimes bring out the best in some people. Competition can give other competitors a much clearer awareness of the 'winner's' capabilities and as a result, competition can push people to their potential in a way that may have never happened if they were racing alone.
8/15/202136 minutes, 20 seconds
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Stop Being Thankful for Things

Gratitude is one of those habits we try and instil in our children at an early age. But as adults, life and unfilled expectations seems to make gratitude a habit that is harder to cultivate and maintain in our daily life. But I want to challenge the mainstream philosophy of "being thankful", by asking you to not just be thankful for things, situations and outcomes but rather, be thankful in spite of things, situations and outcomes. I believe that basing our daily gratitude on God and His goodness, will set a strong foundation for us to also be grateful for all the other things we count as worthy gratitude because in the absence of these things- God is still God.
8/8/202133 minutes, 49 seconds
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To Leave or Not to Leave?

Walking away isn't easy, whether it's walking away from a friendship, a family member, a relationship or your local church. Depending on our personal opinion, walking away can be seen a 'weakness' or avoidance. But making a choice to 'walk away' can often comes with high risks and great loss. Other people regard 'Sticking around' as a'weak' response to avoid offending or creating disruption. So, what are you going to do, leave or stay?
8/1/202142 minutes, 38 seconds
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You're an Influencer!

The term 'Influencer' seems to be thrown around a lot. But you know why? Because we're ALL influencers! Maybe not a YouTube, 500k subscriber, kind of influencer but don't under estimate how much your life is impacting people's lives.
7/26/202137 minutes, 3 seconds
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I Joined the Gym

For someone who doesn't like to pay much for anything... joining the gym was a BIG decision but to be honest, I had to make it. There was no way I'd reach my goals without having some accountability behind me. My own will power wasn't going to be enough to get me where I was, and where I wanted to be. A healthy Church, can do the same thing for us!
7/18/202136 minutes, 54 seconds
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Race you to Burnout

We all either know someone who 'burnt out' or, maybe we were the one who 'burnt out'. But burnout often gets a lot of bad publicity, but burnout doesn't mean you failed- you were just running a different race to the rest of the pack.
7/11/202129 minutes, 40 seconds
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Wet Dreams

I know, who does a podcast on this?!?!?! Me! But I'm going to talk about all kinds of dreams, not just the wet ones. What are some of the ways we can navigate our feelings and convictions with any type of dream that leaves us feeling 'some kind of way'?
7/4/202136 minutes, 28 seconds
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Winner's Mindset

When I watch people loose I feel sorry for them. I've never liked the competitive nature of sports because to be honest, I've lost WAY more than I've ever won. But as Christians, we should never have a "loser's mindset". Loosing- is not supposed to be part of our faith experience.
6/28/202129 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Influence that your Story Holds

The experiences we have with people can stick with us for a lifetime. Someone I knew used to tell me about their daily experiences with a person they worked with. Over time, I began to respect a person I'd never met, just from the stories this person told me about their work colleague. Never under estimate the power of your experience in the context of the Gospel, to draw people to a person (or God) they've never met before!
6/21/202128 minutes, 54 seconds
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From Darkness to Light Bearer ft Shannon Fenger

Oh how those adolescent years can either build us to see our glimpses of our potential or shake us up and even MESS us up! Many people experienced some of the most difficult stages of identity formation during their high school years. For some us, we're still carrying the wounds we received long into our adulthood. Shannon shares with us how God used a simply interaction to transform his darkness into the place where he could become a Light bearer!
6/13/202145 minutes, 22 seconds
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Interpreting Facts Through Filters

Our past, our opinions and our ignorance can cause us to distort facts and Biblical truth to suit our preference or to back-up our communities of preference. It's time for all of us to take all the Bible goodness we've discovered (or had shared with us) back home and let God transform our preferences so that our opinion, on all Biblical concepts, are based on God's leading; not crowd thinking or church culture.
6/8/202130 minutes, 12 seconds
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Time to Let Go (second attempt)

Having to move will often reveal to you just how much stuff you have that you don't need and that you don't actually want to take to your next location. It seems as though we accumulate excess things without even trying. Emotion excess can accumulate just as unintentionally as physical things. But it's best that we "downsize" and "declutter" our soul- sooner rather than later. Life is too short to live it, transporting boxes of negative memories, trauma and pain.
5/31/202146 minutes, 25 seconds
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I'm Leaving

My 4 week break was an answer to more than just one prayer- it was an answer to LIFE CHANGING prayers!!! I'm leaving!!! See ya, QLD and HEEEEELLO NNSW!!
5/24/202148 minutes, 7 seconds
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There's Hope

Droughts and dry spells drain the life out of most things. Animals lack food, the trees loose their foliage and the grass becomes brown and it looses all its softness, but what happens when a Christian is going through a spiritual drought? We're told there's hope no matter how lifeless our spiritual life is and to "not give up", but how long do we have to wait before we finally get a 'spiritual downpour'? And is it too late for some?
4/18/202134 minutes, 52 seconds
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Preach the TRUTH- all of it!

Have you ever met one those Christians that are always warning people to follow 'the truth' and to not be 'deceived'? One of those kind of SDAs came to my church this week. And although I fully agree with much of their concerns and their 'truth', i often hear only one perspective of Biblical truth from these kind of Christians. 'Doom and gloom' preaching must always be presented with the redemptive truth of the Gospel, the hope-filled truth of the Gospel and the comforting truth of the Gospel. We are called to live in SPIRIT and TRUTH- not just "truth".
4/11/202135 minutes, 16 seconds
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Dirty Laundry

We all have 'dirty laundry'. Some of us have multiple baskets of 'dirty laundry'. However, many of us keep those experiences hidden away even though; we've been washed in the blood of the lamb. But if we reflect on the Bible narrative- we'll find ourself pushing through the complicated and messy past of some of the most respected Bible personalities. And then, you have Enoch and Job. Their Biblical accounts seem spotless and without any stain of sin. Some of us may have a clean record but one thing the Bible teaches us, is that most of us have past just like the majority of the people we read about from Genesis to Revelation.
4/4/202146 minutes, 7 seconds
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Stop Reading Your Bible

Calm down y'all! It's not what you think. Well, it kind of is but not really. The Bible was never intended to be read. It was meant to be studied and for its advice to guide us everyday. We're called to continually and inexhaustibly meditate and reflect on God's word- not just read it so we can check it off our morning routine list.
3/28/202130 minutes, 3 seconds
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Forbidden things aren't always 'scary' looking. We don't need to be a genius to know that most people won't fall for things that look 'messed up'. The Devil is cunning and a great salesman- he has a way of making the forbidden appear enjoyable and 'pleasing to the eye'. But the Bible gives us a better way. Trust in God's counsels will always be the most powerful source of wisdom to fight against the Devil's deceptions. 'Forbidden by God' should always translate into safety and peace for us.
3/21/202151 minutes, 47 seconds
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Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and THAT interview

17 million people watched the interview. 17 million people have an option about the interview. On this episode I share just one of those 17 million opinions about the interview and the aftermath of what Harry and Meghan shared.
3/14/202147 minutes, 26 seconds
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There's a whole bunch of scared Christians in our churches. And I'm not surprised! Some churches seem to preach about 'doom and gloom' WAY more than they preach about God's glory THROUGH the 'doom and gloom'. End time events will always create fear, it's a scary chapter of Earth's history, but we must be very careful to not base the entire Christian journey and the Christian experience around one chapter, while ignoring the theme of the Christian story- the Good News of a Perfect Father saving His children. The Christian narrative should always point us back to a God who has conquered all- even 'doom and gloom'!
3/7/202149 minutes, 52 seconds
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Battle of the Wills

It seems like we're always fighting against someone or something. And if it's not something or someone, at times, we may find ourselves even fighting against God! The power of human free-will is the only thing that limit the power of the Omnipotent God of the universe. Free-will, allows Created beings to completely disregard the Creator's intent, and gives power for the Created beings to go completely against the Creator's design and recommendations. So, how do you hang your clothes?
2/28/202133 minutes, 1 second
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Strong like Xena, weak like Moses

Within the church and outside the church, we all have people we admire. You know, those people who seem to have the very things we dream we had; whether it's the grades, the popularity, career, looks or the Spiritual gifts, we all know someone who has something that leaves us 'wishing' we were like them. But every 'always happy' person has areas of discontentment in their life, the confident person daily battles against their insecurities and the person who appears to have it all, also has areas in their life that feel totally empty. The outwardly strong, can also be the ones who internally are the weakest.
2/21/202130 minutes, 4 seconds
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I'm friends with Youtubers!

Emotional connection is crucial and necessary to the human existence. We were created to love and be loved. To know and be known. Yet, emotional human connection can also be the single source of all our heartache and our trauma. So what if you could find a risk-free way to have emotional connection without the danger? Let me introduce you to the friends that will *never hurt me- YouTubers! *never because because they kinda can't from behind a screen
2/14/202142 minutes, 5 seconds
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Most people wear masks- some just won't admit it! On this episode i discuss 2 masks I believe some people wear, one hides their reality and the other masks hides their character. Let's take the masks off fam- life is sweeter when we work through the character flaws we try and hid and when we find light in the darkness of our hidden pain.
2/7/202146 minutes, 20 seconds
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10 Days of LIES!

The Seventh-day Adventist Conference's '10 Days of Prayer' initiative highlighted some EPIC RED FLAGS about revival! In a group discussion I was challenged to ask myself "what does REAL revival look like?". In my opinion, I think many of us have fallen for many lies and misconceptions when we talk about revival, and even conversion.
1/31/202138 minutes, 25 seconds
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A Five Star Christian

Online reviews can save us from spending money on a bad experience. Online, we give a lot of weight to people's opinion and we can even make their experience 'authoritative truth'. But what if their preferences are different to us? What if they have a bias attached to their experience? Not every online review reflects a legitimate rating.
1/24/202135 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Dogs are Barking!

Its early in the morning and both my dogs are barking, I have two choices- go see what they're barking at or yell at them to stop. When the Holy Spirit is making a noise you also have to options- address the conviction or drown out the Holy Spirit. One option will save you from the 'snake', the other- will let the 'snake' get closer!
1/19/202132 minutes, 57 seconds
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Angels like Vegemite

They do! Well, my daughter would probably tell you they do. Do you believe in angels? Have you ever had an experience with an angel? My daughters believe they've had 2 interactions with angels in the last few months. What's stopping you from becoming an 'angel' to someone?
1/17/202124 minutes, 30 seconds
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WWJD (not Jesus)

There are situations in life that call us to respond in a way that's not the norm for us. Sometimes, God is calling us to speak up in certain situations where things (and people) need to be challenged. Staying silent (or 'in bed') won't stop the noise of the loud, dominating and inconsiderate crowds in our life. Get out of bed peeps and go tell them to turn their nonsense OFF! All with God's promoting of course!
1/10/202128 minutes, 30 seconds
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"2021, where are you already?!?!"

Let's say that 2020- is what it is. For some, our year was painted with fear, pain, uncertainty, stress, loss and heartache and somehow, others have experienced a year of regeneration and renew. How can that be? The seasons of life don't have a date or a year. The seasons of life unexpectedly come to reality and when they do, we have to ride it.
12/27/202043 minutes, 16 seconds
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It's beginning to look a lot like Christ-Mass

We all know that the 25th of December is a significant date WORLDWIDE! What do we do with a date that Biblically isn't Jesus' birth date but is globally recognised as his birthday? Well, let me share with you what this holiday season has looked like for me throughout my walk with Jesus and my journey to making the 25th of December a significant date of my year.
12/20/202040 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Humbling nature of Humility ft. Danielle Wakelin

Humility can be a hard Christian pill to swallow. Even harder is the balance between humility and service, and boundaries and self-respect. But regardless of how challenging the concept of humility is in the Christian life, Jesus called us all of His followers to humility and He said the humble will inherit the re-created earth!
12/14/202033 minutes, 10 seconds
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Leaving the church for the "Highway"

Sorry fam, MacFan decided to join the discussion and it was way louder than I thought it would be"Sitting on the fence" can be safer than crossing over to the wrong side. Leaving church and leaving God can become a decision that makes us live everyday, hoping we could go back. I hope you can prayerfully trust that 'the paddock' is better than the highway, until you actually believe that it is. And if you see someone wandering, say a prayer for them, they may be roaming because they're trying to find a hole in the fence so they can get back in the paddock.
12/6/202032 minutes, 37 seconds
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Algorithms are of the Devil*

"Algorithms have a life of their own! The internet usage patterns that algorithms identify can become our worst enemy or our greatest supporter. The Devil has his own way of identifying the behaviours we choose to 'watch' or to just scroll past- its called choice! The Devil's algorithm observes our daily choices and strategically sets us up to face the temptation based on things we've chosen to 'consume'. Through our choices, we reveal our weaknesses. But fear not my CONNECTED fam, algorithm patterns are modified by making different choices to the choices that created the current algorithm. Change the choice, change the algorithm!"
12/1/202037 minutes, 37 seconds
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State of Origin- Stubborn Christianity

OUR unique faith is made up of a collection of choices. Many of us have grown 'into' our faith journey. God showed us light (Jesus and/or Truth) and we chose to accept or reject that light. God gave us conviction, we chose to accept or reject that conviction. Choice is the the controlling power behind our faith.  However, sometimes, God calls us to evaluate some of our choices. External factors and our personal spiritual growth can at times, invite for a reassessment of some of our convictions and protected traditions. What seemed clear as day 15 years ago, may be something that today, God wants to give us a greater clarity on.   
11/22/202044 minutes, 34 seconds
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They Don't Need your Prayers

Moses needed someone to pray for him, but no one did. Elijah needed someone to pray for him, but no one did. We often think that certain people within our church don't 'need' our prayers. We do. Every person that is breathing, needs some one to pray for them!! Check out the lyrics of these 2 hymns: For You I Am Praying &  I Need the Prayers ( 284 & 505 SDA Hymnal)
11/15/202033 minutes, 53 seconds
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Falling Out of Love

We can't stay 'in love'. Let me explain, 'in love' is made up of so many unbiblical expectations, therefore 'falling out of love' is often attached to a lot of unbiblical disappointments. Biblical love is WAY more than flowers and your clothes been ironed for you. The example of love that God gives us is the only example we should follow and the only standard by which we should measure love.
11/8/202053 minutes, 15 seconds
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My Lonely Birthday with Justin Bieber

Happy 2nd birthday my awesome CONNECTED fam!! On this episode I wanted to talk about how Justin's latest song 'Lonely' and my birthday, actually makes for a great CELEBRATION! In contrast to Justin's song, biblically, some of the loneliest people in the Bible, had the greatest degree of CONNECTION with God because they didn't have anything/ anyone else to depend on.
11/3/202038 minutes, 47 seconds
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Marriage, Divorce, Adultery and Remarriage

New 'things' are always fun and exciting when they're new. However, time and familiarity makes those once highly-stimulating things 'common'. Sometimes, our contentment is disrupted when a newer version of the same thing is released. What was once fulfilling, now evokes thoughts of discontentment because there's another option. Relationships are exactly the SAME! Adultery and the prospect of remarrying can make the marriage you have, seem 'common' and dissatisfying.
11/1/202040 minutes, 52 seconds
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In the Beginning there was Awareness

Genesis 1 had a different feeling about it when I read it the other day. A chapter that explains how the world was created and that proves God's power and the existence of the Godhead, showed me the importance of LIGHT and how the first step of creation- was give light to the darkness. Giving 'light' is also the first step that God takes when He's about to pour out His creative power in our lives.
10/25/202030 minutes, 59 seconds
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Bootleg Christianity

I had me a decent collection of fake designer products! But I came to realise that 'fakes' are almost offensive when you own the genuine. For an outside' who can't tell the difference between the bootleg product and the genuine- they all look the same, even though they're most definitely NOT the same. The same goes for Christianity. Not all professed Christians are the same. Some of us, risk turning people away from God because we're simply carrying the name but not carrying the experience.
10/19/202021 minutes, 21 seconds
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We need Heaven

If there was no heaven or hell, no reward for being a Christian or 'punishment' for choosing a life of sin, would you still choose righteousness? Ty Gibson asked this question at an ARISE class in 2015 and I reflected on my motives for choosing to be a Christian, and why I chose righteousness in the place of my following my own will. I realised that some of my motives for wanting to be in Heaven weren't as genuine as I had preached. Nevertheless, Heaven should still be a place Christians want to enjoy. In the face of death and suffering, we ALL NEED the comfort of Heaven. We all have a deep, psychological longing for this place where God claims there is no death, sickness and tears. Even if hypothetically there was no Heaven, we'd still need the hope that Heaven gives, in order to survive the endless suffering of this world.
10/15/202030 minutes, 32 seconds
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The High Distinction of Christianity

The standard of Christlikeness is the highest attainment possible for followers of Jesus. But with that standard, comes a lot of refining. The 'criteria' for attaining a Christian High Distinction can become overwhelming and even discouraging for any believers. So is a HD impossible? Or is there more to be considered when setting such a high standard within Christianity?
10/4/202038 minutes, 20 seconds
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Racing with the Joneses

We're all in a race. However, we're not supposed to be chasing after the Joneses, we're supposed to be racing to keep the faith and to win the prize of Christlikeness and eternal glory. When we start competing for a different prize, relationships, career, academic goals, wealth, assets and appearance, the descend on the slope of discontentment can become dangerous very quickly. The more you descend, the faster your discontentment grows and your dissatisfaction creates a dangerous outlook on life and on God's blessings.
9/28/202037 minutes, 34 seconds
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Just Fooling Around

Sin is complicated yet simple. I know that doesn't make sense but you'll know what I mean after you listen. What I do know- with all confidence, is that sin is DANGEROUS! Some sinful experiences are like bungee jumping. The first step is the hardest to take (because God is trying to hold us back from falling) but once you taken the step, there's no turning back- and the only way to go back, is to keep falling until the abrupt stop at the end of the fall. Please pause and rethink about the choice you're about to make. At the moment, the sin you're wanting to experiment with, may seem pleasant to consume and delightful to look at, but sin always kills. Don't let sin corrupt your world. Trust in God and play within the safety of His protection and holiness.
9/20/202045 minutes, 27 seconds
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I'm not Progressive

Well... I'm not, and I'm not conservative or liberal either. One thing I've observed that is present within Christianity is that there's plenty of- division. Division on what seems like an ENDLESS list of preferences, doctrines and even convictions. Is division God's ideal? And if it is, what camp do you belong to?
9/13/202054 minutes, 41 seconds
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Image Bearers

Fully understanding what it means to be made in the 'Image of God' can be complicated but not impossible. Through our faith journey, the picture we paint of God can look very different. However, who God IS will never and had never changed, only our projection of our experience of Him will. So can we see the image of God in humanity today? And what picture are you painting through your life?
9/6/202045 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Appeal of Damaged Stock

I'm that person who buys food with damaged packaging.  I purposely pay FULL price for cereal in crushed cartons and dented canned lentils. Why? Because God has given me a Divine calling to invest in people that are often labelled as 'too difficult', 'too intimidating' or 'too complicated'. But be warned, things can get messy when you don't take your own history into account as you  minister to people who also have their own complex story. 
8/31/202034 minutes, 17 seconds
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Fluid Christians

The study of Human Diversity reveals that personal identity is not 'individual' at all but rather, a reflection of numerous influences that shape identity into accepting and rejecting particular aspects of societal norms, values and beliefs. Our identity is strongly influenced by our family, our school and work peers, our culture and our nations. This is also applicable within the church context. Sometimes, our identity as Christians is influenced by our Christian circles and not always, influenced by Christ. Because of this human tendency, Christians should always be fluid. If we're not, we run the risk of the Potter not being able to mould us and shape us into what He desires for us to be. Whatever perception we have of what our 'Christian identity' should look like, we must always make room for God to change and even correct those perceptions.
8/23/202026 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Youth ft. Edgar Venegas

Youth work can be intimidating! Parents of teenagers will tell you why lol Edgar shares with us (no longer young people) what patterns he sees developing within secular youth and how those patterns can (and most likely- will) impact the Youth within our churches.
8/16/20201 hour, 19 minutes, 39 seconds
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Shame.Filled.Christians pt 2

What role does the church play in placing shame people on people's Christian walk? How can we stop it? Well, it starts with you and me :) 
8/14/202030 minutes, 12 seconds
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There's many reasons why people feel shame. And as a Christian, we're DEFINITELY not immune to experiencing shame and guilt for the decisions we make, specially in the relation to our faith. So let's talk about shame-filled Christians and how we can navigate the negativity that comes from not being 'holy'.
8/9/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 32 seconds
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Less Human and More Dog

Life has taught A LOT me about forgiveness, betrayal and distrust. Some lessons cut deep, like 'kill me now' kinda cuts, and other lessons, just called for a 'dusting-off of the knees', superficial grazes. But my dogs have taught me how to deal and process many of this injuries. And rehabilitated dogs, taught me lessons I didn't want to be taught!
8/3/202044 minutes, 41 seconds
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Walking Away ft. Morgan Vincent

'Spiritual junkies' are found in all denominations. Ministry becomes the source of their spiritual worth and their spiritual connection. But what happens to these Christians when their personal convictions can't be numbed with another preaching engagement? Morgan and I talk about how ministry became a stronger motivator for our faith and how it derailed us from investing time to be still, with the very Source of our faith.
7/27/20201 hour, 25 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Limits of Human Grace- John Crist

Church isn't for sinners. At least not 'public' sinners. Why? Because we go to church with an expectation that everyone has it all together and when a person is sinning or struggling with their sin, we often offer our own personal experience of 'grace' and 'forgiveness'. However, what we demonstrate to 'sinners', is often distorted and corrupted by our lack of really knowing God for ourselves.
7/19/202033 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Demons of Isolation

It's been proven ,that extended periods in Solitary Confinement leads people to madness. How is isolation impacting you and those around you? What demons have you seen and faced during this time? Sometimes, its during chapters like this, that we learn the most about ourself and those around us.
7/12/202031 minutes, 48 seconds
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Comment Deleted- Online Rejection

Last week, I was crushed when one of my all-time, Spiritual favourites deleted my comment on their Facebook post. I wasn't expecting it to cut SO deep, but rejection has a powerful way of messing with us, even when its just from a Public figure. How does this experience CONNECT to Christianity? Listen in!
7/7/202022 minutes, 28 seconds
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Suicidal Christians ft Dr. Danzie

Living with suicidal thoughts can be one of the darkest chapters a person can experience in their life. The reasons why a person can be in this darkness are so varied, that there definitely isn't a one-size fits all solution. But what can Biblical Christianity offer them? And what are some possible causes as to why some Christians still experience the darkness of suicidal thoughts when they already know the God of Christianity?
7/5/20201 hour, 16 minutes, 39 seconds
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Google's 50 Shades of Blue

The shade of colour that is picked for search listings can't be that important? Well, Google says "YES, it is!". How can we change the seemingly 'insignificant' aspects of our outreach, so that it can impact people's lives with greater results? Let's learn a little from Google's 50 shades of blue.
6/28/202039 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Dysfunction of SELF

Our earthly perception of 'Self' is often our biggest dysfunction. The God ordained desires that we have for our life and our relationships, can be sabotaged by our perusal of dysfunction habits and relationships, and ultimately by chasing after the desires of our dysfunctional self while racing past the Divine provisions that God has to offer for our EVERY.SINGLE need and desire we have.
6/21/202036 minutes, 54 seconds
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They Don't Need The Gospel, They Need Bread ft. Bo Kim

Well, they need both; Gospel and bread, but spiritual discernment is needed to really know if our interaction with a person is to bringing salvation to them or it may be for another Divine purpose, like helping restore their faith, in the God that offers them salvations. Fusion San Bernardino Ministries has been engaging in Divine interactions with people who are often outcasted from society. Their work has given them powerful stories about God providence and their team has witnessed how each interaction with the people they minister to, has helped to heal people's hearts, while leading them closer to God through the team's God-given companionship and love.
6/17/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 29 seconds
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Kezia and Catalina share their personal experience on how pornography and masturbation impacted their lives and their Christian journey, and share some aspects to be considered when creating a strong dependance on pornography and the instant gratification that comes from masturbation.
6/14/20201 hour, 46 minutes, 41 seconds
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Not only do Black lives matter, we also need to value Black lives. We need to respect Black lives. We need to protect Black lives. We need to change FOR Black lives.
6/7/202055 minutes, 33 seconds
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Attachment is a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another. The first experience of attachment occurs at birth, between a child and their mother. However, as humans, we create 'attachments' throughout our entire life. Some attachments are healthy and balanced, while others are dysfunctional and toxic. I discuss some ideas I have about why people remain in dysfunctional relationships and why we continually desire attachments until we take our last breath.
5/31/202036 minutes, 38 seconds
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'I Had to do Something' ft. Esther and Stephanie Ezpinoza

Join Esther and Stephanie as they share their journey from writing a scary supernatural fiction novel to launching a Christian girls magazine and finally, creating a children and teen Christian podcast. There are many stages to arriving at a destination but once you reach your final destination, you know you are where God wanted you to be all along. 
5/24/20201 hour, 1 minute, 21 seconds
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Do you Even Want to go to Canaan?

We all know someone who only ever calls when they need something. Communication and a relationship that is based on simply providing for 'needs', is very different to someone who calls us because they want to hear from us and spend time WITH us. So, why do you wan to go to heaven?
5/17/202026 minutes, 33 seconds
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Strength in Brokenness

Brokenness is often portrayed as weak. It can be a period of weakness, however, during the healing process our fracture can create tremendous strength. Admitting our weaknesses and humbly seeking God's help, can fortify us for the future.
5/10/202028 minutes, 48 seconds
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When THE Calling is No Longer YOUR Calling ft. Jasper Iturriaga

Full-time ministry, and specially the call to be a Pastor is a calling that comes with many challenges. So what happens when you realise 'the calling' wasn't for you? Or at least that's what our guest thought. From Pastor to missionary to starting a church plant, the 'calling' is always a calling, it just doesn't always look the same.
5/3/20201 hour, 13 minutes, 3 seconds
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Christianity is Like the Surf

I really don't like the beach but I'm starting to enjoy the SURF! How can I enjoy and delight in something I actually don't like? Christianity may be a 'place' we 'go to' which did anything for us at one stage of our life yet in another season of life, it becomes something we enjoy and delight in! Why are you drawing close to Christianity? If Christianity and God are not fulfilling the purpose you intended them to, it may not be the the 'church' that needs to change- maybe its your motives.
5/1/202022 minutes, 7 seconds
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Temptation comes in many forms. Triggers from the past can lead us to experience physical, social and mental temptation. Things we thought were in the past, or things we decided we no longer wanted in our life, sometimes reappear from no where, with the single purpose to discourage us and make us doubt our journey, our conviction and the transformational work that God has done in our hearts and our minds.
4/27/202035 minutes, 19 seconds
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Easter Is Not About Chocolate

Easter and chocolate seem to be a societal norm. Some people couldn't imagine celebrating Easter without a truck load of chocolate eggs and Easter bunnies, and the reality is that our Christian journey is often attached to many traditions and 'norms' without really understanding 'why'.
4/19/202039 minutes, 35 seconds
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Silent Alarm- The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit presents Himself in our life in many ways. He will constantly prompt our conscience to remind us of the dangers of our sins and our rebellion. Everyday it is our choice if we heed to His warnings of protection and buckle up, or if we want to ride life with no protection until we have a head-on collision with the destruction of our sins. With enough rejection of His protection, the alarm that seemed so audible at one stage of our life, will one day become a silent alarm.
4/12/202049 minutes, 41 seconds
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'Such Were Some of You' ft. Michael Carducci Jr Pt 2

4/1/202052 minutes, 26 seconds
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'Such Were Some of You' ft. Michael Carducci Jr

Michael has been on both sides of 'coming out'. He lived as a homosexual man for many years but events in his life led him to have a spiritual encounter with Jesus Christ. This experience changed many aspects of his life and led him to currently be on the other side of 'coming out'. Michael is now an international speaker for Coming Out Ministries and travels the world sharing his story and training churches on how to minster to people with same-sex attraction and LGTBQ+ community members who are desiring a relationship with Jesus and belonging within Christianity.
3/31/202039 minutes, 42 seconds
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We're Both SDA ft. Daniel Laredo and Jokatama Prasad Pt 2

This episode is the continuation of my interview with Daniel and Jo. Make sure to listen to part 1 of this interview.
3/30/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 43 seconds
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We're Both SDA ft. Daniel Laredo and Jokatama Prasad

Adventism, and even Christianity has diversity. On this episode I invited two guests to represent the not-so 'cookie cutter' population of the Seventh-day Adventist church or Christianity for that matter. Through this interview we distilled what it means to have faith when you belong to a marginalise group, and the heartbreaking reality that at times, Christians like my guests experience the reality that they're not totally accepted 'in the church' or out of the church.
3/29/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 35 seconds
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Even Less Normality: Self-Isolation, the Bible & Faith

What a difference ONE WEEK makes during a pandemic!! Yikes! An update on my last COVID-19 episode and well- haven't things changed!
3/25/202053 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ethnic Churches ft. Ray Moaga

The necessity of Ethnic churches within Christianity has at times been questioned. However, the importance of Ethnic churches is rarely question by immigrants. Our guest is an immigrant to Australia himself, and is currently pastoring 3 ethnic churches. We discuss what ethnic churches have symbolised to both of us as immigrants and what Pr. Ray hopes his ethnic churches will signify to his youth and future generations.
3/23/20201 hour, 20 minutes, 31 seconds
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I'm a Sunday keeper- when Sabbath looses its rest.

When our Sabbaths become flooded with 'service' to others, we can at times, forget that the essence of the Sabbath was not only for service and fellowship with other believers but it was also a day to rest and be still; embracing the weekly opportunity for quiet fellowship, with our Father.
3/19/202039 minutes, 36 seconds
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Normality Cancelled: COVID 19

The outbreak of COVID 19 has created situations that many of us have never experienced before. This pandemic has forced some of us in to be in 'lock down' in our own towns and as a result, it have made some of us to reflective on the unimaginable effects of this outbreak will have on our lives, our family, our country and our world. But through this process what impact is all of this having on your faith, on your peace and ultimately, on your trust in God?
3/15/202031 minutes, 41 seconds
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'Ready to Attack' Christianity

Many animals have a natural instinct to attack when they sense danger. Some animals, attack for the thrill of the chase. For some of us, Christianity can become instinctively defensive or 'impress' the need 'prowl' for conversations or interactions where we can attack people who hold differing opinions to us.
3/8/202033 minutes, 4 seconds
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Toxic Femininity- Pink & Sweet Perfume

Society, culture, traditions, the media and unbiblical ideologies often define our opinion or expectations of what femininity and masculinity should look like. In this episode I discuss what God revealed to me regarding my own unbiblical ideas regarding femininity, being a wife and mothering.
3/4/202050 minutes, 39 seconds
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No Silver or Gold but Radical Prayer ft. Christian Chung

Our faith is constantly growing and so is our prayer life. There is an aspect of prayer that has always challenged my faith; praying for physical healing. Christian will share with us how his prayer life has grown and developed, as well as sharing inspiring stories of how he has infused spiritual and physical healing into his personal outreach.
3/1/202055 minutes, 24 seconds
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Seasons: Justin Bieber

All humans change. Some for good and others for bad. Regardless of their choices and their changes, there is always one constant; God. Just as God is there for people regardless of what 'season' they're in, may we also be another constant for them during their change and even their during the denouncing of their faith.
2/23/202039 minutes, 11 seconds
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Rules are for the Rebels

Rules have their purpose and there's even a need for rules in society. Throughout my Christian journey, I have looked at the Bible and all its rules in very different lights. Today, I see the Bible as my greatest protector and safeguard, and its rules, are a safety net against falling to my secret rebellion, and the Bible helps to remind me of the danger of nurturing my character flaws. The Bible is hazard tape around the danger of my own heart.
2/16/202048 minutes, 51 seconds
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Black Mamba

Death can cause us to respond in many ways. For me, death causes me to become very reflective about the importance of the legacy that if left once a person passes away. I specifically reflect on the legacy I am currently building with the choices I am making in my relationships and if this legacy I'm creating will ultimately the legacy that God desires for me to leave behind. 
2/9/202039 minutes, 27 seconds
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Digital Detox ft. Martin van Rensburg

Cut if off, pluck it out, switch if OFF! In a culture where cell phones are with us from when we wake up to when we go to sleep, it can become a battle to disconnect and 'switch off' from the online space. So what do you do when you begin to sense a loss of control when it comes to social and digital media? Our guest has some ideas that can help you to 'break the habit'
2/2/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 54 seconds
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Listening is Redemptive ft. Kaleb Eisele & Justin Khoe

Actively and intentionally listening to people's personal story can be just as healing as sharing the Gospel. Investing time in people who don't think how we think, or who don't live as we live, allows for us to not only learn from their stories but more importantly, to understand their story. As we seek to understand people's hearts, just as God does, God can use us to reflect the compassion and empathy of His character to people who may have never experienced Christianity this way.
1/22/20201 hour, 23 minutes, 7 seconds
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Online Validation: downloads, subs, likes and followers

Many of us have counted the ‘likes’ a picture or post has received. Some of us have compared our ‘friends’ count to others. Our online presence comes with many benefits but at times, it can cause the birth of unexpected insecurities. In addition to that, when our online presence is attached to ministry, validation can cause us to question our Divine calling.
1/19/202055 minutes, 15 seconds
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The God of Fire and Brimstone

As states of Australia are ravaged by fire, some people are asking 'why hasn't God stopped the fires?' Others are turning to God as result of the overwhelming fear caused by the uncontrollable, apocalyptic conditions, and a small group, are 'preaching' that God sent the fires to punish the sins of Australia.
1/12/20201 hour, 11 minutes, 10 seconds
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Children Are the Inheritance of the Lord

Parenting can be an inheritance that comes with strings attached. At times those strings can feel like braided ROPE! But with that inheritance God gives parents a glimpse into the heart of God.
1/5/202058 minutes, 14 seconds
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If My Husband Died

Death can cause some people to re-evaluate many aspects of their life. When I was asked if Id remarry if my husband died, my answer was 'YES!!'. However in the two years since that question was asked to me, today, I have a very different response. Marriage isn't the fix to every dysfunction or insecurity, marriage isn't even the 'fairytale ending' to a life of singleness or loneliness.
12/29/20191 hour, 6 minutes, 14 seconds
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Casey Neistat & Peter McKinnon- Divorce in the Making

They always told me 'opposites attract'. Opposites do attract but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the 'attraction' will always be healthy or sustainable ‘til death do us part’
12/22/20191 hour, 54 seconds
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Fornicators & Horny Christians, Let's Talk

There's something about sex, physical intimacy and lust that can cause some of our convictions crash and BURN! What is it? And why have some of us fallen for its 'enticing advances' not once or twice, but many times over. In many cases, I believe its more than just 'the sex' or the need to satisfy a desire mentally or emotionally. In my life, the psychological reasoning behind my choice to sin was always attached to a lot more than just 'having sex'.
12/15/20191 hour, 22 minutes, 41 seconds
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Kangaroos are Wiser Than Most Christians

Kangaroos are the smartest of animals but one thing they are is WISE! Some of us could learn a very powerful lesson from Kangaroos that would make our Christian journey a lot less dangerous.
12/8/201945 minutes, 11 seconds
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Forgiveness According to Mimi

Forgiveness can look very different. In some cases forgiveness comes with new 'conditions' and new boundaries. However in the Bible we have an example of forgiveness that had NO conditions and 'no strings' attached. Can you forgive like this? But more importantly, is God asking you to forgive like this?
12/2/20191 hour, 1 minute, 2 seconds
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Camping is NOT my Final Home

The contrast of road tripping with the fam jam with road tripping on my own was MASSIVE. My family road trip taught a lot about Moses and the people of Israel. But more importantly, it revealed to me how comfortable we can become with the 'discomfort' of sin and how easy it is to remain comfortable by simply 'exisiting' and ignoring our mission and simultaniously not fulfilling the dreams for our life.
11/24/201944 minutes, 17 seconds
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When God became my Enemy

When life kicks you around or your life isn't going in the direction you thought God was guiding you to go, it can be easy to think that God is against you.
11/17/201948 minutes, 7 seconds
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When no one you know is around, will you still make Christian choices? At times, in our spiritual journey, accountability from Christian friends and church family is the only safety net to keep us from falling. Sometimes, our relationship and love for God and His desiring to follow His will, isn't strong enough to keep us from going back to 'old' habits.
11/10/201937 minutes
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You're Invited to My 1st Birthday

Guys its been a YEAR since my first podcast was uploaded! I'm over flowing with gratitude. Lets relook are the CONNECTED journey so far and who has contributed to the CONNECTED Adventist Podcasts existence and how much I've learnt about myself, digital ministry and podcasting during these 12 months. Thank you for allowing me to walk this path with your weekly support!
11/4/20191 hour, 14 seconds
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Fishing for Fish Sticks- Kanye West & Christianity

Biblically, genuine conversion doesn't equate to conversion to Adventism. Conversion can never be verified by how 'Adventist' someone is. Expecting new, baby converts to eat 'solids' doesn't prove the authenticity of their conversion, what it does do, is create a life threatening, choking hazard out of the Biblical truths of Adventism.
10/27/201943 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Fear of Proving That God Isn't Enough

We all have fears; spiders, heights, rejection, failing, the list goes on. But as Christian, one of the most haunting fears we may face, is proving that when all your dreams are shattered, and when those whom you depend on the most aren't around or they've failed you, what's next? Can you really turn to God and be at peace, content and emotionally satisfied with just you and God?
10/20/20191 hour, 1 minute, 6 seconds
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I Went Chasing Waterfalls

While on my road trip I couldn't work out what drew me to the beauty of hiking up a mountain to see the view from the peak and while my heart was equally drawn to the experience of descending down low to see the height of waterfalls. Little did I know what God would reveal to me in the contrast found in both!
10/13/201934 minutes, 17 seconds
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Church Closing Down Sale

Businesses close down for many reasons, so do churches. Lets learn some basic business management principles that can help make our local church thrive and meet all our external goals.
10/7/201939 minutes, 1 second
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Lady vs. the Tramp

Opposites attract. Within the local church and our denomination, 'opposites' need to be embraced and the individuality of our personality and gifts, are to empower us to bring something- only our individuality can bring to the table. Own your Divine given gifts, no matter how insignificant they may seem in your eyes.
9/30/201923 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Gospel of Reforms

'Trust & Obey'. Trust comes before obedience for a reason. So too, the Gospel MUST come before reforms.
9/22/201940 minutes, 3 seconds
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From Criminal to Minister ft. Loma Rome Ulia Pt.2

On this episode we look at the rest of Pr. Rome's journey to family, faith and ministry
9/16/201957 minutes, 5 seconds
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From Criminal to Minister ft. Loma Rome Ulia Pt. 1

At times, when people with no faith in God, begin to seek for God's presence in their life, they often find, that God was there all along.
9/8/20191 hour, 6 minutes, 42 seconds
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FOMO- Fear of Ministry & Outreach

Our fears of failure, inadequacy and rejection can cause us to miss out on the blessings that come with spiritual and personal growth through ministry and outreach.
9/2/201929 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Conservative Feminist

Feminism can be a 'dirty' word among some Christians. On this episode, I'll discuss an area within the church structure, that I strongly believe needs to be fought for; the employment of women for full-time ministry. Our church AND Christianity, needs to address the lack of opportunity for women who have a yearning to be employed in full-time ministry but have no desire to be a Pastor.
8/26/201936 minutes, 7 seconds
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Planting Connectivity ft. Camila Skaf

SEEDS Co Founder Camila Skaf, shares her journey of how her and her husband made the transition from a career in Financial investments to full-time ministry creating community connection, with their faith at the centre of all their projects.
8/18/20191 hour, 12 minutes, 55 seconds
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Me, Myself & I ft. Me

The title speaks for itself lol
8/12/20191 hour, 7 minutes, 50 seconds
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Laying Down the Cape of Perfection ft. Jelena

Jelena shares with the CONNECTED fam one of her most powerful outreach tools for sharing her faith with secular friends; being genuine
8/5/201942 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Grass Isn't Always Greener at the Other Church

The grass may look greener at the other church for two reasons; its fake or they watered it.
7/28/201958 minutes, 45 seconds
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Wilderness Pt. 5- The F Word

When I speak with broken people about the F word their responses are so varied. Not everyone wants to hear the f word in connection to their emotional trauma.
7/22/201944 minutes, 32 seconds
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Wilderness Pt. 4- Identity, Validation & Boundaries

"The inferno of our brokenness can leave us burnt beyond recognition". When people experience brokenness through betrayal, rejection or abandonment, they often loose their value and worth in who God made them and the gifts of character that God blessed them with. Through an emotionally traumatic experience, we can become so guarded, that we are no longer the same person.
7/14/201938 minutes, 31 seconds
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Stop! In the Name of Morality!

Citizens arrest, tackling thieves in the shopping mall, calling out sin; have you been faced with a situation where you stood back and watch a crime happen right in front of you, only to later realise you could have done something? Well, Kyle and I did too.
7/7/201942 minutes, 57 seconds
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Wilderness Pt 3- It's My Fault

During painful and traumatic experiences in life, where there is betrayal and people letting us down, the hardest stage in forgiveness and restoration, is realising that in some situations, it took two to tango; everyone played their part in enabling the final outcome.
6/30/201946 minutes, 13 seconds
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Pentecostal Pastor's Secret Prayer ft. Bruce Niyibitanga

Bruce is a young guy who just oozes Divine anointing. Join us as we journey with Bruce from his worldly days, to his love for the Scriptures and finally, the prayer his Pentecostal Pastor prayed that ultimately created a the path for Bruce and his whole Pentecostal congregation becoming Seventh-Day Adventists. Follow and support Bruce's youtube channel "The Sounding Trumpet" and find the 'Garden Cure' magazine on "The Sounding Trumpet's" Facebook page.
6/24/201955 minutes, 4 seconds
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Wilderness Pt. 2 - Why Me?

Our personal wilderness will leave us with one question, 'why me?'. Most often, the answer to this painful question will be BLAME.
6/16/201932 minutes, 13 seconds
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GoYe in to the Mind of a Board Game Creator

'GoYe' board game creator, Kyle Morrison from the 'Adventist on Fire' podcast, shares with us what its taken to create this strategical, ADVENTIST board game and how to WIN! You'll also find out about the other creative projects he has coming up, to make our life that little bit sweeter. Go to to find out how secure your very own copy
6/10/201939 minutes, 59 seconds
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Wilderness Pt.1 - Reality

The truth hurts and reality isn't always the nicest picture. But there is one thing positive about seeing people for their true colours, it simultaneously shows you God's true colours too.
6/3/201926 minutes, 11 seconds
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Pt. 3 The Spirituality of the 'Heathens'

Stage 3 of my break brought about a powerful reminder that we are spiritual beings and Christianity provides the one thing all other religions can't; unconditional and unwavering love, a constant sense of Divine belonging and epic security in uncertain times.
5/27/201938 minutes, 38 seconds
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Pt.2: When Christianity Can't Withstand

I'll be sharing some critical lessons unbelievers taught me about overcoming trauma without Jesus.
5/20/201939 minutes, 1 second
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Pt.1: Becoming an Adventist Atheist

I knew my 3 week break was going to take me to some dark places. The process of emotionally and psychologically working through a traumatic experience can be mentally tormenting and can often make us feel like we're drowning in negative thoughts and insecurities.
5/13/201946 minutes, 50 seconds
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ADVENTISM: Mental Health Issues among Clergy & Church Leaders

The Bible is full of people called by God, to do great things who suffered with mental health issues.
4/14/20191 hour, 7 minutes, 42 seconds
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SPARK: Expensive Trust, Cheap Loyalty

Trust is a 'mountain' we may only climb once.
4/11/20195 minutes, 12 seconds
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ADVENTISM: The Greatest Disappointment about my Mother's Return

They say 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' but when disappointment is thrown in the mix it can make our heart wonder.
4/8/201934 minutes, 3 seconds
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Getting Caught out as A FAKE!

At some point in our Christian walk, events and people will be used to test us in order to determine if we're 'fake Christians' or Christians willing to trust in God no matter how much you don't want to.
4/1/201932 minutes, 34 seconds
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ADVENTISM: An Adventist Psychologist ft. Dr. Danzie

Dr. Danzie hosts the 'Adventist Reflections' podcast and came over to share his thoughts regarding Adventists considering a career in Psychology.
3/25/201937 minutes, 51 seconds
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ADVENTISM: Cruisin Wit Da Independent

When the main focus in your Christian walk is to teardown the Church, you risk making your outreach all about converting the converted.
3/18/201935 minutes, 31 seconds
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ADVENTISM: The Glory That Comes From Renovating

My house is a MESS! Renovation is not easy but its always worth it.
3/11/201924 minutes, 51 seconds
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ADVENTISM: Christian Gardening ft. José Cortés

Rapid fire & Church Planing Wisdom with Pr. Jose Cortes
3/4/201924 minutes, 40 seconds
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WORLD: NNSW Conference, Haystacks & Prayer Meeting ft. Charlie Grey

This episode we hear what a Non SDA experienced at her first e-v-e-r SDA event. Find out who stood out to her during the NNSW leadership conference of Seventh Day Adventist but most importantly, WHY!!
2/25/20191 hour, 12 minutes, 19 seconds
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ADVENTISM: Battle of the Brands- Nike vs ASICS

How does fashion vs comfort fit within our church structure.
2/18/201932 minutes, 31 seconds
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SPARK: Dangerous Drivers

Find out why some people speed past relationships, emotions and connection.
2/17/20194 minutes, 53 seconds
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ADVENTISM: Puppy Training for the CHURCH!

While taking my dog for a walk I learnt many lessons in church leadership
2/11/201933 minutes, 29 seconds
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C&C: Charlie and Cat Pt 1 Romans 8

2/8/201942 minutes, 57 seconds
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WORLD: The Church I Pray I Had Ft. Charlie Grey

Mt. Isa COC, you guys are an absolute inspiration! Lessons from a prayer-filled and outreach focused small city church.
2/4/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 45 seconds
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ADVENTISM: Pt2 Modesty- Let Me Explain...

Additional content to be listened to in conjunction with 'My Journey Back to Immodesty '
1/31/201921 minutes, 52 seconds
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ADVENTISM: Pt 1 My Journey Back to Immodesty

Hi, my name is Catalina and I'm a backsliding dress reformer. Or am I?
1/29/201956 minutes, 24 seconds
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ADVENTISM: Confessions of a Self-made Pharisee

Find out how my conversion turned into the 'faith of a pharisee'
1/21/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 11 seconds
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WORLD: Dress Code: NO PANTS!

There are many things that can leave a negative impact on Non SDAs visiting our church. Let us be mindful to not let pants or anything for that matter, push people away from the beauty of the SDA message in conjunction with John 3:17
1/15/201938 minutes, 7 seconds
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HOLY SPIRIT: App Store Foolishness

A glimpse in to how I become modern-day fool
1/8/201932 minutes, 21 seconds
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Just for fun, I thought I'd see what a 7 & 8 year old thought of our SDA Babel
1/3/201911 minutes, 27 seconds
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WORLD: What the Drug Lords Taught Me About Adventism

The Babel of the Adventist jargon can leave people more confused about our faith than they already were.
12/31/201834 minutes, 51 seconds
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ADVENTISM: Those Sweaty, Stinky Adventists

Beware of anything 'Made in New Zealand' with the exceptions of Podcasts of course. Have you burnt a disgusting impression of a sweaty Gospel or Adventism on people's minds? Here's how to avoid doing it again.
12/25/201828 minutes, 17 seconds
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ADVENTISM: That Document and Those Videos

Here it is! Trust me, it won't be as controversial as you all think, I intentionally made my Facebook promo posts this week more dramatic just to build excitement. But I do hope that it helps you to see things from another angle because I will always cheer for both teams!
12/18/201833 minutes, 18 seconds
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ADVENTISM: Transformer Christians

Transformers toys are 'Robots in Disguise'. Sometimes, Christians are also in 'disguise'.
12/12/201825 minutes, 32 seconds
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HOLY SPIRIT: Bouncing Axe

Giving step-by-step instructions on how to split wood, revealed to me the reality of ministering to those battling to overcome addictions.
12/6/201817 minutes, 34 seconds
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ADVENTISM: The Ministry of Childless-Parenting

It's easy to 'talk the talk' until you have to 'walk the walk'. Many traditional outreach methods are no longer 'walking', they're actually not even crawling.
12/4/201828 minutes, 48 seconds
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ADVENTISM: Ministry stalkers, we need you!

We stalk friends, we stalk randoms and even celebrities we'll never meet! Let's put all those stalking skills to eternal use. Be a stalker for JESUS- today!
11/28/201814 minutes, 32 seconds
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ADVENTISM: Ministry killed my marriage, well almost.

Check out some PICS on our FACEBOOK page 'CONNECTED'. This episode gets a little heavy as we look at the impact ministry can have on marriages and families. My Homie and I reflect on what was one of our ROUGHEST ministry moments together, as our husbands ran a three week evangelistic series with the other three Bible workers. DISCLAIMER: Our suggestions at the end of the interview were made specifically in relation to what would have helped us to cope with the extra load during the three week evangelistic series. However, if you dads would like to implement those suggestions every day...go for GOLD! lol
11/26/201831 minutes, 54 seconds
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HOLY SPIRIT: Are you in the fast lane?

Where is your fire for ministry? Are you being slowed down with life and ready to retire, or are you overtaking the 'elderly' no matter what baggage you have? Let me share with you the heartbreaking reality the Holy Spirit revealed to me on the way to the bathroom! DISCLAIMER: Do not despair, no unnecessary 'bathroom' details will be given lol
11/22/201814 minutes, 15 seconds
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HOLY SPIRIT: Discount on the Gospel- please

Let me share with you, a powerful ministry object lesson, the Holy Spirt gave me while purchasing some mangoes. Is your Gospel over priced?
11/20/201814 minutes, 47 seconds
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WORLD: From Scientology, to the Olympics, to Pathfinders

Join me, as I spend some time with one of our 'LIVE MORE health meeting' community members and see what she thinks of our monthly health meetings and the Adventist Church.
11/13/201837 minutes, 48 seconds
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ADVENTISM: Interrogating a Bible Worker

A super organic aka beginners podcast, in to the connection Adventists have with the Holy Spirt, their faith experience and the outside world. Welcome and thanks for following the CONNECTED family!
11/8/201817 minutes, 50 seconds