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Cornerstone Church Johannesburg

English, Religion, 1 season, 321 episodes, 6 days, 23 hours, 25 minutes
Loving God. Loving Johannesburg.
Episode Artwork

Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 8 September | Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory, forever

Finishing off our Pray Like This Series, Marcus shares on how everything we do needs to be for God and His Kingdom.
9/10/202426 minutes, 18 seconds
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Key Women | 31 August | Earnestly I Seek You

9/2/202416 minutes, 58 seconds
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Key Women | 14 August | Alison Nicholas

9/2/20241 hour, 6 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 1 September | Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

This Sunday Francois shares how God doesn't tempt us, but He tests us. God tests and grows our character through the things that we go through in life.
9/2/202436 minutes, 49 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 26 August | Apostolic Input

This week we had apostolic input from Michael Nicholas. He shared on communion and the importance of what Jesus blood has done for us.
8/28/20241 hour, 14 minutes, 1 second
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Key Women | 28 August | Linda Lemon

Linda shares some of her testimony with us, speaking about some of the challenges that she has faced in the past and how hanging onto the truths of the word of God, and the leading and guiding of His Holy Spirit helped her through these challenges.
8/28/202449 minutes, 47 seconds
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Key Women | 14 August | Alison Nicholas

Alison shares on the importance of spending time in God's presence.
8/26/20241 hour, 6 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 18 August | Equipping with Keir Tayler

This Sunday, Keir Taylor was with us, equipping us for evangelism, teaching us the importance of walking with the Holy Spirit, and helping us understand the truths of the Word of God.
8/19/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 45 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 11 August | Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven

This Sunday, Marcus spoke about the importance of forgiving one another. God forgives us our sins and holds nothing against us, and we should do the same with each other—offering forgiveness without conditions.
8/12/202419 minutes, 53 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 4 August | Give us this day our daily bread

8/5/202421 minutes, 30 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 28 July | Your Kingdom Come

Greg shares an important message about the significance of both praying for God's kingdom to come and actively representing the kingdom.
7/29/202436 minutes, 34 seconds
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Key Women | 24 July | Fight the Good fight | The Belt of Truth

Lusanda shared an encouraging message on our need to know the truth and put on the belt of truth in our daily lives.
7/24/202439 minutes, 24 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 21 July | Our Father in heaven hallowed be Your name

We continue our series on "The Lords Prayer" by opening up the meaning of the first line of this prayer: "Our Father in heaven hallowed be Your name."
7/22/202421 minutes, 14 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 14 July | Introduction to The Lord's Prayer

This week Greg takes us through an introduction to The Lord's Prayer. In this preach, we learn about the importance of the sermon on the mount and the teachings that Jesus gave, all leading up to a pinnacle moment which is the teaching on prayer, where we as God's people get to connect with Him personally.
7/15/202435 minutes, 28 seconds
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Key Women | 10 July | Fight The Good Fight (Andreia)

Andreia shares with us the realities of the enemy that we face on a daily basis, but even more importantly she shares with us the power that we have access to through the finished work of Jesus, and His Holy Spirit.
7/11/202436 minutes, 4 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 7 July | Who am I looking to? - Is your greatest need your greatest desire?

This Sunday we had Aaron and Andreia share some encouraging and challenging messages. Aaron shares on how we constantly need to look to Jesus, and from that place, look for the lost. Andreia shares with us on how important it is to surround yourself with Godly community and to walk in step with the Holy Spirit.
7/8/202430 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sunday Morning | 23 June | Living Out and Sharing the Gospel

This past Sunday, Clint shared with us on sharing and living out the gospel.
7/2/202458 minutes, 36 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 30 June | Golden Calves | Guided by the Spirit

This past Sunday, we had two different preachers share with us. In first message (Golden Calves), Erin shared about how we can often create idols out of the things in our lives that may seem good, but ultimately lead us away from placing our faith in God. In the second preach (Guided by the Holy Spirit), Shawn shared on being guided by the Holy Spirit and making sure that we walk in step with His guidance.
7/2/202446 minutes, 46 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 16 June | Priesthood of all believers

We get to hear a really encouraging message on our identity and who God has called us to be as a priesthood of all believers, set apart for God Himself. We now have the opportunity to enter into God's presence because of the work that Jesus did on the cross.
6/18/202445 minutes, 24 seconds
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Key Women | 12 June | Come and Fish

Cindy and Misha team up to speak on following Jesus and allowing him to make us fishers of men. This encouraging message challenges us to look at the communities we live in, as well as the nations around the world, that need to hear the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
6/12/202451 minutes, 25 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 09 June | Fincancial Commitment

Throughout the Bible, God asks of us to be goos stewards of everything we have, and even the things that we can do, like our gifts. Greg reminds us of the commitment that we have to the local church, and part of that commitment is financial. Are we trusting God in every area of our lives, including our finances?
6/10/202444 minutes, 22 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 2 June | One Sunday

We got together this past Sunday as all 10 sites of Cornerstone Church from across the city of Johannesburg, to celebrate Jesus! This One Sunday happened after our Kaleidoscope women's conference that took place over Friday and Saturday. Adele shares with us some of the stories of courageous women in the Bible and their stories, reminding us that we all have a story that is being written, but are we willing to hand the pen over to Jesus?
6/3/202435 minutes, 41 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 26 May | Marriage

We are reminded that marriage is God ordained and that it is not a man made idea, it is something that needs to be respected, cherished and worked on. Marriage is God's design and is a foreshadowing (mirroring) of what Jesus' relationship is with His church, the bride.
5/27/202432 minutes, 14 seconds
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Key Women | 22 May | Come and inherit the kingdom

Disclaimer: The audio has some issues, however here is Andreia's preach. This week we are reminded that God has given us His son, and through him, we have an inheritance. we are not only on the earth for an inheritance now, but there is a future inheritance that we get to glory in.
5/22/202424 minutes, 8 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 19 May | Zeal and Passion

When we are reminded of the grace that we have received, and that gives us a passion for the gospel. Our hearts should always be to do the will of God, and this will is to focus on the lost, not on our own "Holy Huddle." In order to do this, we need to have a passion for Jesus and His kingdom, and that can only come from a relationship with Him.
5/20/202415 minutes, 37 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 12 May | Mother's Day

This past Sunday we as Cornerstone Church Johannesburg wanted to honour our mothers and thank them for all they do. Mothers thank you for everything that you do and the foundations that you set in our lives even before we leave our home. Jesus is the firmest foundation, and the things we learn about Him from you is of utmost importance. The prayers that you pray over us and the examples you set mean the world to us and set us up for a future that is all about Jesus.
5/13/202426 minutes, 48 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 5 May | Faithfulness, Commitment & Reliability

Greg opens up scripture to challenge us on the truth that God is always faithful to us, He is committed to us, and He is reliable, but how are our actions and hearts towards Him? Are they of a similar nature or are we putting our Faith, Reliance and Commitment in other things?
5/6/202441 minutes, 24 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 28 April | Reliance on and relationship with the Holy Spirit

God doesn’t only call us to get saved, but also to live in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, through relationship with him, so that we can live for God's purpose over our lives. The Holy Spirit is a person, who we need to walk with and keep in step with everyday.
4/29/202436 minutes, 39 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 21 April | One Sunday

This One Sunday, we joined together with all of our sites, to celebrate what Jesus is doing in and around our city. Tyrone Daniel who leads the NCMI Team was with us and reminded us that everything we do needs to be for Jesus and with Jesus. We also ordained some new elders, from across our sites.
4/22/20241 hour, 45 minutes, 16 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 14 April | Firm Foundations Pt 8

This week, we have come off of a time of Prayer & Fasting. Marcus addresses some of the important things that were prayed for. He also preaches about the importance of breaking bread and why we break bread.
4/15/202422 minutes, 34 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 7 April | Church & State / Fasting

Marcus reminds us that we have both a civil and a kingdom responsibility. However governmental change won't change our country or our world, only Jesus can change the hearts of man. We need to pray for our nation and our world. People need to know Jesus!
4/8/202422 minutes, 9 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 17 March | Firm Foundations Pt 5

Glenn shares with us the importance of the Apostolic heart and being ambassadors for Christ and that we have a mandate: "The Great Commission."
4/2/202442 minutes, 2 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 31 March | Resurrection Sunday

He is Risen! His tomb is empty! We celebrate Jesus' Resurrection and are reminded about the work that Jesus has completed for us, so that we can be in relationship with the Father.
4/2/202440 minutes, 58 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Friday Morning | 29 March | Good Friday

It definitely was a "Good Friday"! We hear from Wayne as he takes us through the story that will have you on the edge of your seats about what happened the few days before Jesus' Crucifixion.
4/2/202442 minutes, 54 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 24 March | Firm Foundations Pt 7

This week David shares his heart on "Extreme Generosity" and how we are called to be generous in every area of our lives, not only with our money, but with our time and resources as well.
3/25/202442 minutes, 56 seconds
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Key Women | You're Invited Series | Secluded Place

This week we hear that we are invited by Jesus to a secluded place. Jesus thinks of us and knows our needs, even before we know what we need.
3/18/202454 minutes, 4 seconds
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Key Women | You're Invited Series | Come and Rest

We are invited to come and Rest in God's presence and allow Him to refuel and replenish us.
3/12/202437 minutes, 24 seconds
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Key Women | You're Invited Series | Come and Drink

Come and Drink. Let God nourish you and let The Holy Spirit quench your thirst. Only God can fulfil our desires.
3/12/202423 minutes
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Key Women | You're Invited Series | Come and See

Come and see that the Lord is Good. This is an invite for you to experience His goodness first hand.
3/12/202446 minutes, 11 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 25 February | Firm Foundations Pt 3

This week Marcus shares with us the importance of Shepherding, Discipleship and getting involved in local church.
3/11/202426 minutes, 44 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 03 February | Firm Foundations Pt 4

This week Marcus shared with us the importance of the Word of God and the impact that it has on our lives as it teaches us and changes our hearts, not only so that we may have the good news, but also that we may share The Good News with others.
3/11/202424 minutes, 29 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 10 March | Firm Foundations Pt 5 | Relationships and Partnership

This week, we look at the importance of fellowship with one another, and the relationship that God wants us to have with one another, where we love, honour and respect each other. Greg reminds us that this is only possible if we follow the great commandment first in Matthew 22 | Love the Lord your God.
3/11/202433 minutes, 55 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 03 February | Firm Foundations Pt 4

This week Marcus shared with us the importance of the Word of God and the impact that it has on our lives as it teaches us and changes our hearts, not only so that we may have the good news, but also that we may share The Good News with others.
3/4/202424 minutes, 29 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 18 Feb | Firm Foundations Pt 2

We commence with part 2 of our Firm Foundations series, as Greg takes us through some practical points on Prayer & Hearing God.
2/19/202444 minutes, 16 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Saturday Morning | 11 February | Firm Foundations

On Sunday, Greg spoke to us about the foundations that we need to build on in order to to yield fruit in every season of our lives | Love, Intimacy and Worship. • Stay Connected Website: Sign Up to our Mailing List: Instagram: / cornerstonejhb Facebook:  / cornerstonejhb • Cornerstone Kids / cornerstonekidsjhb
2/13/202433 minutes, 32 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 04 February | Apostolic Input

On Sunday Matt Jones from Cornerstone Church Abu Dhabi challenged us on making Jesus Lord of our lives and submitting to Him entirely.• Stay Connected Website: Up to our Mailing List: / cornerstonejhb Facebook:  / cornerstonejhb • Cornerstone Kids / cornerstonekidsjhb
2/6/202423 minutes, 24 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Friday Evening | 26 January | Vision 2024

This Friday we kicked off our Vision weekend with a message from Marcus, looking at the way forward for the year ahead. There were prophetic words that were shared on both Friday evening and Saturday morning, these prophetic words will be available on our website. • Stay Connected Website: Sign Up to our Mailing List: Instagram: / cornerstonejhb Facebook:  / cornerstonejhb • Cornerstone Kids / cornerstonekidsjhb
2/3/202435 minutes, 41 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Saturday Morning | 27 January | Vision 2024

Saturday followed up the message that was shared on Friday, encouraging us to not only reach the nations, but to also have a heart for the city around us. • Stay Connected Website: Sign Up to our Mailing List: Instagram: / cornerstonejhb Facebook:  / cornerstonejhb • Cornerstone Kids / cornerstonekidsjhb
1/30/202414 minutes, 52 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 21 January | Fellowship with God

This Sunday Greg spoke on what it means to Fellowship with God, by looking at the story of The Prodigal Son. • Stay Connected Website: Sign Up to our Mailing List: Instagram: Facebook: • Cornerstone Kids
1/30/202437 minutes, 50 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 29 January | One Sunday

Marcus encourages us on what our vision as a local church in the city is going to be for 2024. You can catch a recap of Vision weekend on our website. • Stay Connected Website: Sign Up to our Mailing List: Instagram: / cornerstonejhb Facebook:  / cornerstonejhb • Cornerstone Kids / cornerstonekidsjhb
1/30/202431 minutes, 28 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 21 January | Fellowship with God

This Sunday Greg spoke on what it means to Fellowship with God, by looking at the story of The Prodigal Son. • Stay Connected Website: Sign Up to our Mailing List: Instagram: Facebook: • Cornerstone Kids
1/22/202437 minutes, 50 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 14 January | Watch your mouth & Where is your hope?

This Sunday GG spoke about the importance of our speech and conduct and Matt challenged us on consistently putting our Hope in Jesus.
1/18/202429 minutes, 38 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 7 January | Jesus saves: Jesus our Healer

This Sunday we conclude our 4 parts series with Hennie and Zelda take us through the fourth and final part of the Jesus Saves series, where we look at Jesus our Healer.
1/11/202450 minutes, 40 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 31 December | Jesus saves: Jesus our Hope

This Sunday we continue with the Jesus Saves series where Kyle speaks about Jesus our Hope.
1/11/202434 minutes, 5 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Monday Morning | 25 December | God's Great Announcement

On Christmas Day Greg spoke about God's great announcement.
1/10/202434 minutes, 52 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 24 December | Jesus Saves: Jesus Our Sanctifier

This Sunday David takes us through the second part of our series- Jesus saves: Jesus our sanctifier.
1/10/202430 minutes, 57 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 17 December | Jesus saves: Jesus our Saviour.

Join us as we start our new series: Jesus Saves. This Sunday Marcus spoke about Jesus our Saviour.
12/20/202321 minutes, 41 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 10 December | Acts: Paul on Malta and in Rome

We continue with the Acts series. This week Marcus takes us through ⁠Acts 28:1-31⁠ where Paul is on Malta and in Rome
12/11/202322 minutes, 12 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 12 November | Acts: Paul sails for Rome and is shipwrecked

We continue with the Acts series. This week Greg takes us through Acts 27:1-44 where Paul sails for Rome and is shipwrecked.
11/16/202332 minutes, 52 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 5 November | Acts: Paul before Agrippa

We continue with the Acts series. This week Greg takes us through Acts 25:13-26:32 with Paul before Agrippa.
11/16/202333 minutes
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 29 October | Acts: Paul before Felix and Festus

We continue with the Acts series. This week Greg takes us through Acts 23:23-25:12 with Paul before Felix and Festus.
11/16/202335 minutes, 23 seconds
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Men's Conference 2023 | Saturday | Session 2 | Jannie Du Plessis - Testimony

Jannie Du Plessis, former rugby player, encourages us through his testimony.
11/1/202348 minutes, 53 seconds
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Men's Conference 2023 | Saturday | Session 1 | Jannie du Plessis- Q&A

Former South African rugby union player Jannie Du Plessis engages in a Q&A session, responding to our questions.
11/1/202358 minutes, 18 seconds
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Men's Conference 2023 | Friday | Session 1 | Welcome Witbooi - Testimony

Former South African rugby union player Jannie Du Plessis engages in a Q&A session, responding to our questions.
11/1/20231 hour, 29 minutes, 35 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 15 October | Acts: Paul is Arrested

The Acts series continues this week as Marcus takes us through Acts 21:27 - 22:21 where Paul is arrested.
10/25/202332 minutes, 23 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 22 October | Acts: Paul defends himself

The Acts series continues this week as Rodney takes us through Acts 22:22 - 23:22 where Paul defends himself.
10/25/202335 minutes, 12 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 8 October | One Sunday: Apostolic Identity

This One Sunday Marcus preached about our apostolic identity.
10/12/202328 minutes, 22 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 1 October | Acts: Paul goes to Jerusalem

This week Greg takes us through part 28 of the Acts series, where Paul goes to Jerusalem.
10/12/202343 minutes, 34 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 24 September | Acts: Biblical Leadership Principles

This week Glenn takes us through part 28 of the Acts series, where Paul addresses the Ephesian Elders. In this, Glenn preaches on what biblical leadership looks like.
10/12/202340 minutes, 28 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 17 September | Freedom of Giving

This week Marcus spoke about finances and the freedom of giving.
10/12/202331 minutes, 42 seconds
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Sunday Morning | 10 September | Acts: Eldership Expectations

This week we continued through the book of Acts and our mini-series on Leadership in the local church. Greg spoke on expectations you can have of the elders and what the elders can expect of you.
9/13/202339 minutes, 31 seconds
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Sunday Morning | 3 September | Radical Faith In a Hostile Culture

This week we were joined by our good friend Steve Wimble, Lead Elder at CityHill Church in Hillcrest, KZN. We were blessed with a word on Radical faith in a hostile culture.
9/13/202338 minutes, 26 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 27 August | The Power of an Indestructible Life

This week we had Alan and Meg Jones who lead Firebrand Church in Seattle with us.  Alan preached about The Power of an indestructible life.
8/31/202338 minutes, 44 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 20 August | Acts: Eldership

This week we start looking at leadership in the local church based on Acts 20:17- 38 where Paul addresses the Ephesian elders in Miletus. Greg takes us through part 1 on Eldership.
8/22/202339 minutes, 43 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 13 August | Acts: Paul in Macedonia, Greece and Troas

We continue with the Acts series. This week Marcus takes us through Acts 20:1- 16 with Paul in Macedonia, Greece and Troas.
8/14/202325 minutes, 12 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 6 August | Acts: Characteristics of a Base Church, continued

This week we concluded our base church mini-series in Acts, where Marcus continued on the characteristics of a base church.
8/14/202331 minutes, 5 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 30 July | Acts: Characteristics of a Base Churches

This week, in our base church mini-series, Jonno preaches on the characteristics of a base church.
8/1/202334 minutes, 8 seconds
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Key Women: Sonja Long – 26 July 2023

Sonja shares with us at Key Women. Key women take place every 2nd week at our Bedfordview site.
8/1/202329 minutes, 19 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 23 July | Acts: An Introduction to Base Churches

After a brief departure into our Worship mini-series, we return to the Acts. This week, Greg takes us through an introduction to base churches.
8/1/202326 minutes, 56 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 16 July | Worship

In part 3 of our 3 part Worship series, Francois teaches on worship using illustrations.
7/18/202340 minutes, 3 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 9 July | How Do We Worship?

In part 2 of our 3 part Worship series, Jonno teaches on how we worship; drawing from Romans, Exodus and Samuel.
7/18/202330 minutes, 45 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 2 July | Why Do We Worship?

This week we start a 3 week series on worship. Today Wayne is expounding Romans 12:1-2 and preaching on why we worship.
7/10/202344 minutes, 34 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 25 June | Acts: Apollos in Ephesus [S3P21]

We continue with the Acts series. This week Kyle takes us through Acts 18:24 - 28 with Apollos in Ephesus.
7/10/202323 minutes, 9 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 18 June | Acts: Paul Returns to Antioch [S3P20]

This week Greg takes us through pt 20 of the Acts series where Paul returns to Antioch.
7/10/202333 minutes, 45 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 11 June | Acts: Paul in Corinth [S3P19]

The Acts series continues. This week Marcus preaches on Paul in Corinth
7/10/202328 minutes, 33 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 4 June | One Sunday: Kaleidoscope

Our Kaleidoscope Ladies conference weekend concludes with One Sunday. Marcus and Adele preach on what it means to be rooted in Christ.
7/10/202327 minutes
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Cornerstone Church Kaleidoscope Women's Conference 2023 | Saturday | Session 4 | Vanessa Goosen - Growing Deep Roots

Vanessa Goosen encourages us around Growing Strong Roots.
7/4/202344 minutes, 36 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Kaleidoscope Women's Conference 2023 | Saturday | Session 3 | Vanessa & Felicia Goosen - Testimony

Vanessa & Felicia encourages us through their testimonies.
7/4/202341 minutes, 54 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Kaleidoscope Women's Conference 2023 | Saturday | Session 2 | Vanessa Goosen - Spiritual Roots

Vanessa Goosen encourages us around Spiritual Roots.
7/4/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 4 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Kaleidoscope Women's Conference 2023 | Friday | Session 1 | Justine Wimble - Rooted

Justine encourages us about the importance of having deep roots in Christ. In the same way the roots are crucial to the life and the steadiness of a tree, which is the same way we are to be rooted in Christ.
7/4/202341 minutes, 29 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 28 May | Acts: Paul in Athens

In part 18 of the Acts series, Marcus teaches on Acts 17:16-34, where Paul is in Athens.
6/1/202327 minutes, 15 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 21 May | Acts: Paul & Silas in Berea

The Acts series continues with part 17. Marcus teaches on Acts 17:10-15, where Paul and Silas are in Berea. Marcus also encourages us to read our Bible.
6/1/202325 minutes, 34 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 14 May | Acts: Paul & Silas in Thesselonica

The Acts series continues with part 16, where Greg preaches on Paul and Silas in Thessalonica.
6/1/202337 minutes, 57 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 7 May | Acts: Paul, Silas and the Philippian Jailer

After a two week break, we returned to our Acts series this past Sunday. In part 15, Marcus shared on Paul, Silashe and the Philippian jailer - Acts 16:16 - 40.
5/8/202326 minutes, 4 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 23 April | Apostolic Input: Lance de Ruig

The past Sunday we were joined by Lance and Tanya de Ruig who lead Liberte Eglise in Montpellier, France. Lance' preach is titled: Faith as strangers and exiles on earth.
5/8/202350 minutes, 36 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 23 April | One Sunday: 40th Birthday Celebration

This One Sunday we celebrated 40 Years of Cornerstone Church. From 1983 to 2023 our God has and continues to be faithful. Thank you Jesus! This morning we were joined by Tyrone Daniel, who leads the NCMI team. His preach is titled: What to contend for.
4/24/202339 minutes, 14 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 16 April | Acts: The Conversion of Lydia [S3P14]

After a short break, we return to the Acts series. This week Marcus preaches on the conversion of Lydia.
4/17/202323 minutes, 44 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Resurrection Sunday | 9 April | The meaning of Christ's resurrection

On Resurrection Sunday, Greg preaches on the meaning of Christ's resurrection. He askes, "why do you seek the living amongst the dead?" - Luke 24:5
4/17/202346 minutes, 11 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Good Friday | 7 April | A Love Story

This Good Friday, we had the privilege of hearing from Clint, who preached on God's love for us and our salvation through Christ's sacrifice on the cross.
4/17/202349 minutes, 15 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 2 April | Christ's sacrifice and our mission + The Position of Faith

This Sunday we heard from Aaron and Lusani. Aaron preached on Christ's sacrifice and our mission. Lusani tackles the question of the position of faith.
4/17/202343 minutes, 56 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 26 March | Acts: The Macedonian Call [S3P13]

In Part 13 of the Acts series, Greg preaches on God's providence and the importance of being led by the Spirit by looking at Paul and Timothy and the call of the Macedonian.
4/17/202336 minutes, 21 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 19 March | Acts: Paul and Barnabas separate [S3P12]

Marcus continues to teach on Acts. In part 12 of the series, Paul and Barnabas separate after a sharp disagreement.
4/17/202320 minutes, 48 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 12 March | Apostolic Input: Matt Jones | God With Us

This week we are joined by Matt Jones, who leads Cornerstone Church in Abu Dhabi and is on the NCMI team. Matt shares on the meaning of Immanuel: God with us.
4/17/202336 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sunday Morning | 5 March | Acts: The council's letter to Gentile believers [S3P11]

We continue with the Acts series. This week, Greg preaches on the Council's letter to Gentile believers.
3/20/202342 minutes, 33 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 26 February | Acts: The Jerusalem Council [S3P10]

After a brief intermission, we return to our Acts series, where Greg teaches on the Jerusalem Council.
3/20/202341 minutes, 40 seconds
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Sunday Morning | 19 February | Financial Freedom

Marcus delivers a short message on Cornerstone's finances before Greg preaches on financial freedom in Christ through obedience, generosity and integrity.
3/20/202333 minutes, 28 seconds
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Sunday Morning | 12 February | Philemon: The Power of Relationships

Marcus takes us through the third and final part of the Philemon series, where we look at the Power of Relationships.
2/14/202328 minutes, 42 seconds
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Sunday Morning | 5 February | Philemon: The Power of Love

We continue through the book of Philemon as Greg shares on the incredible power of love.
2/8/202340 minutes, 38 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 29 January | Philemon: The Power of the Gospel

This week we begin a new series. Greg shares on the transforming power of the Gospel as he takes us through the Philemon 1:1-25.
1/31/202333 minutes, 1 second
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 22 January | Vision Weekend - One Sunday

Vision Weekend 2023 culminates in our One Sunday all-sites celebration. Marcus takes us through Matthew 16 where Jesus said, 'I will build My church'.
1/30/202327 minutes, 54 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 8 January | Jesus Has Come pt 4 - Jesus Will Come Again

Our Advent series continues as Jonno shares the promise of God's justice and salvation comes to us in the living hope of Jesus' second coming.
1/30/202336 minutes, 58 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 1 January | Jesus Has Come pt 3 - What has Jesus Come To Do?

Our holiday series continues on New Years Day as David preaches about what Jesus has come to do.
1/30/202327 minutes, 4 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 25 December | Jesus Has Come pt 2 - Jesus, the Gift From God

Our holiday series continues on Christmas Day as Greg preaches about our greatest gift from God: Jesus!
1/30/202335 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sunday Morning | 25 December | Jesus Has Come pt 2 - Jesus, the Gift From God

Our holiday series continues on Christmas Day as Greg preaches about our greatest gift from God: Jesus!
1/30/202335 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sunday Morning | 18 December | Jesus Has Come pt 1 - The Promise of a Saviour

Join us as we start our holiday series: Jesus Has Come. This Sunday Josh shows us how the stories and the promises of the Old Testament point forward and are fulfilled in Jesus.
1/30/202322 minutes, 42 seconds
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Sunday Morning | 11 December | 9:00am | Acts: Paul and Barnabas return to Syrian Antioch [S3P9]

In our last message on Acts for the year, Greg emphasis the value of local church, why churches need to exist, the role of the church and the the value of being part of the church. Acts 14:19-28.
1/18/202338 minutes, 55 seconds
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3:21 / 16:21 Sunday Morning | 4 December | 9:00am | Acts: Paul and Barnabas at Lystra [S3P8]

Marcus takes us through Acts 14 as we see more miracles performed and further persecution faced by Paul and Barnabas in Lystra.
1/18/202316 minutes, 21 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 27 November | 9:00am | Acts: The Response at Pisidian Antioch and Iconic [S3P7]

Marcus continues through Acts 13 as we see two differing responses - both salvation and opposition - to Paul and Barnabas' ministry in Pisidian Antioch and Iconium.
12/1/202225 minutes, 6 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 20 November | 9:00am | Acts: Barnabas and Paul at Pisidian Antioch [S3P6]

Greg shares from Acts 13 on Paul's sermon, and explains how God fulfilled his promise of a saviour by raising up the nation of Israel from slavery in Egypt, to their inheritance of the land of Canaan, to the rule of King David and finally the coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ.
12/1/202242 minutes, 16 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 13 November | 9:00am | Acts: Barnabas and Paul on Cyprus [S3P5]

This week Greg shares on how the spirit empowers us in our witness by looking at Paul and Barnabas on Cyprus, Acts 12:25-13:4.
11/21/202235 minutes, 21 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 6 November | 9:00am | Apostolic Input: Grant Crawford

This week we are joined by our dear friend Grant Crawford, who leads One Life Church. Grant shares a powerful word with us, taking us through the book of Revelation and explains how we are living in a modern Babylon.
11/8/202254 minutes, 18 seconds
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 30 October | 9:00am | Acts: Paul and Barnabas sent out [S3P4]

Acts Series continues as Marcus shares briefly on Paul and Barnabas being sent out by the Holy Spirit.
11/8/202216 minutes, 41 seconds
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Acts: Season 3 – The Word Increased and Multiplied

On Sunday, Marcus shared with us how the Word of God needs to increase and multiply in us and we will see how it multiplies through us. – 23 October 2022
10/25/202238 minutes, 38 seconds
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Eddie Bakker – Being Serious About God and The Kingdom

Eddie Bakker and His wife Thea, Lead a church in Nordhorn Germany. Eddie joined us this Sunday and spoke on being serious about God and His Kingdom. – 9 October 2022
10/20/202236 minutes, 59 seconds
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Apostolic Input – Tyrone Daniel

This past Sunday we were joined by Tyrone Daniel who leads the NCMI team. – 16 October 2022
10/20/202250 minutes, 35 seconds
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One Sunday: Craig Herbert - Faith

Craig and Taryn were on Eldership here at Cornerstone and left for the US 2 years ago. Now they are based in Wichita, Kansas with the vision to pioneer in New York.  Craig shares with us a prophetic picture and that we will require faith to step into what God has next for us. – 02 October 2022
10/4/202228 minutes, 31 seconds
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Taking Jesus at His Word - Mark Meeske

Mark and his wife Colette lead The Village Church in Hamilton, New Zealand. Mark shares on the importance and impact of taking Jesus as His Word. – 25 September 2022
10/4/202229 minutes, 21 seconds
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Acts Season 3: Persecution and Answered Prayer

This Sunday, Marcus shared on the death of James vs Peter's escape from prison with the help of an angel of the Lord shortly after - Acts 12:1-23 – 18 September 2022
9/22/202224 minutes, 44 seconds
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Acts: Season 3: A Church Is Planted In Antioch

We continue our series through acts and this season we are going beyond! We see how the church has gone beyond Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and now into all the earth! – 11 September 2022
9/13/202232 minutes, 34 seconds
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Kaleidoscope 2022: Session 6 - One Sunday - Marcus and Adele Herbert - The Bride Of Christ

Our Kaleidoscope conference concluded as we had a One Sunday, gathering together with all our sites to talk about how we as the entire church, men and women, are called to be the Bride of Christ and how we are called to action! – 04 September 2022
9/8/202223 minutes, 19 seconds
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Kaleidoscope 2022: Session 5 - Linda Robinson - The Bridegroom Returns

We hosted our annual Kaleidoscope conference and had an awesome time! On Saturday, Lindah spoke to us about being ready for the return of our bridegroom, Jesus. Lindah and her husband, Drummond, are directors at Family Restoration Ministries. – 03 Sepetember 2022
9/8/202237 minutes, 43 seconds
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Kaleidoscope 2022: Session 4 - Phindi Mathebula - A Bride In Waiting

We hosted our annual Kaleidoscope conference and had an awesome time! On Saturday, Phindi spoke to us about how to be a bride in waiting as we await the return of our bridegroom, Jesus. Phini and her husband, Chris, are the leaders at Hope Restoration Ministries. - 03 Sepetember 2022
9/8/202248 minutes, 29 seconds
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Kaleidoscope 2022: Session 3 - Linda Robinson - The Bride of Christ

We hosted our annual Kaleidoscope conference and had an awesome time! On Saturday, Lindah spoke to us about how we get to be the bride of Christ. Lindah and her husband, Drummond, are directors at Family Restoration Ministries. She refers to this video clip, which shows a beautiful visual of a bride in the dessert. At the end of her session she encouraged the ladies to keep dancing and everyone danced to Elevation Worships' Dancing. - 03 Sepetember 2022
9/8/202252 minutes, 30 seconds
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Kaleidoscope 2022: Session 2 - Adele Hebert - A Pure and Radiant Bride

We hosted our annual Kaleidoscope conference and had an awesome time! On Friday, Adele spoke to us about how we are called to be a pure and radiant Bride! - 02 Sepetember 2022
9/8/202221 minutes, 58 seconds
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Kaleidoscope 2022: Session 1 - Julia Taylor - Your'e Invited!

We hosted our annual Kaleidoscope conference and had an awesome time! On Friday, Julia Taylor talks to us about how we are all invited to the wedding feast but are we ready? - 02 Sepetember 2022
9/8/202227 minutes, 51 seconds
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Key Women: Sonja Long

Sonja shares with us at Key Women – 25 August 2022
9/5/202244 minutes, 8 seconds
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Acts: Season 2 – Peter Reports Back to The Church

Greg shares with us how Peter received criticism for his works as God used him with the Gentiles and how God uses this testimony to challenge us. – 21 August 2022
8/22/202236 minutes, 20 seconds
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Key Women: Zelda Cronje

Zelda shares with us at Key Women on the Blessedness of surrendering everything to God as our key women continue with their series of Pursuing God. – 10 August 2022
8/22/202252 minutes, 25 seconds
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Acts: Season 2 – The Gentiles Hear and Respond to the Gospel

In part 8 of the Acts series, Greg preaches on how the gentiles responded to the Gospel, from Acts 10:34-48– 14 August 2022
8/16/202226 minutes, 49 seconds
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Key Women: Lynor van Rooyen

Lynore shares with us at Key Women – 08 June 2022
8/10/202229 minutes, 41 seconds
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Acts – Season 2: Peter and Cornelius

This week we look at a moment in Acts where Peter has his eyes opened to the opportunity of preaching the gospel to Gentiles. The passage we go through is in Acts 10 – 07 August 2022
8/10/202229 minutes, 39 seconds
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Acts – Season 2: Peters Ministry in Judea

This week we look at Peter as he journeys in Judea and ministers in Joppa and Lydda – 31 July 2022
8/1/202229 minutes, 49 seconds
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Acts – Season 2: Saul Returns To Jerusalem

This week we look at how Saul returns to Jerusalem to join the brethren. – 24 July 2022
8/1/202235 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Pursuit of Christ - JJ Van Heerden

JJ encourages us on pursuing Jesus and how that transforms us. – 17 July 2022
7/20/202225 minutes, 22 seconds
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Alive In Christ & Responding to The Call

This week we had two of our Youth Leaders Bring such stirring and encouraging preaches as we took a break from our Acts series. Both Aaron and Jayde shared from Colossians 3. – 10 July 2022
7/12/202230 minutes, 1 second
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Acts – Season 2: Sauls Ministry In Damascus

Josh preaches as we continue to look at the book of Acts. We look at how Saul's ministry started immediately after conversion – 03 July 2022
7/7/202238 minutes, 4 seconds
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Acts – Season 2: The Conversion Of Saul

Jonno shares with us as we continue our series through the book of Acts. This week we look at how Saul become Paul, from persecuting the church to being a tool in God's hands to build His church. – 26 June 2022
7/7/202229 minutes, 18 seconds
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Acts – Season 2: Philip and The Ethiopian Eunuch

Greg shares with us as we look at Philip's journey and what happens when he encounters an Ethiopian Eunuch – 19 June 2022
6/21/202242 minutes, 58 seconds
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Hennie Keyter - Answering the Call

Hennie Keyter shares with us on being sensitive to God and answering His call – 12 June 2022
6/15/202240 minutes, 53 seconds
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Acts – Season 2: Phillip Proclaims Christ In Samaria

Marcus kicks off Season 2 of Acts as we look at Phillip proclaiming Christ in Samaria. – 05 June 2022
6/7/202239 minutes, 58 seconds
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Responding In Prayer: Greg Matarelli – Part 4

Greg preached as we wrapped up our series on Responding in Prayer. We look at the necessity of praying for revival and inviting The Holy Spirit into our lives. – 29 May 2022
5/31/202242 minutes, 43 seconds
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Key Women: Sonja Long

Sonja shares with us at Key Women about using God's word as our foundation. – 25 May 2022
5/30/202248 minutes, 28 seconds
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Key Women: Sindi Mazibeli

Sindi shares with us at Key Women on Running Our Race Faithfully. – 21 May 2022
5/30/202214 minutes, 59 seconds
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Key Women: Andreia Gadelkarim

Andreia shares with us at Key Women on how we cannot be impacted by such great grace and not do anything about it. We have a mission and privilege of sharing this good news– 12 May 2022
5/30/202224 minutes, 22 seconds
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Marcus Herbert – Responding in Prayer: Part 3

Marcus shares with us about the oil, wine, and bread and the interpretation of the scripture and how it applies to us today. – 15 May 2022
5/16/202222 minutes, 32 seconds
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Responding In Prayer: Greg Matarelli – Part 2

Greg continues our series as we look at responding to life's circumstances in Prayer. – 08 May 2022
5/10/202229 minutes, 1 second
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Responding In Prayer – Greg Matarelli: Part 1

Greg shares with us on the importance of prayer as we begin our new preaching series on Responding In Prayer. We invite you to join in on the prayer time – 01 May 2022
5/4/202243 minutes, 32 seconds
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Tyrone Daniels – Apostolic Input – Our Perspective of Christ

Tyrone Daniels who leads NCMI shared with us at our One Sunday meeting as all our sites gathered together. Tyrone Preached on how important it is to keep our perspective on Jesus and have the right perspective of Him. – 24 April 2022
4/26/20228 seconds
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Christ Alone: Part 3 – The Resurrection

Marcus Preaches on the realities of the resurrection on Easter Sunday – 17 April 2022
4/18/202223 minutes, 28 seconds
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Christ Alone: Part 2 – The Crucifixion

Marcus preaches on the realities of the crucifixion this Good Friday. – 15 April 2022
4/18/202219 minutes, 51 seconds
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Christ Alone: Part 1 – Christ Prophesied

Greg Matarelli reveals how Christ has been prophesied all throughout the old testament till now. – 10 April 2022
4/18/202237 minutes, 4 seconds
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Marcus Herbert: Jacob Series – What Can We Learn From The Life Of Jacob

Marcus closes off our Jacob series as we look at what we can learn from the life of Jacob. Click to download the Tenses of Salvation Survey that Marcus refers to in the message: Tenses_of_Salvation_NT_Survey– 4 April 2022
4/6/202233 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ryan Strydom: Jacob Series – Jacob Wrestles With God

Ryan preaches on the occasion where Jacob wrestled with God and what that means for us today. – 27 March 2022
3/27/202226 minutes, 19 seconds
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Greg Matarelli: Jacob Series – Glorification

Greg shares with us on the final tense of salvation – 13 March 2022
3/15/202237 minutes, 59 seconds
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Key Women: Zelda Cronje

Zelda shares with us at Key Women. – 09 March 2022
3/15/202225 minutes, 23 seconds
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Key Women: Sue Van Niekerk with Nicole Matarelli

Sue shares with us at Key Women – 23 February 2022
3/15/202233 minutes, 57 seconds
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Key Women: Shannon Strydom

Shannon shares with us at Key Women – 09 February 2022
3/15/202240 minutes, 1 second
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Greg Matarelli: Jacob Series – Sanctification

Greg Matarelli continues our series as we look at the Present Tense of Salvation, Sanctification. – 06 March 2022
3/8/202236 minutes, 30 seconds
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Eddie Bakker - Lessons From The Life of Joseph

Eddie and his wife Thea lead Christengemeinde Nordhorn in Nordhorn, Germany and are part of the NCMI Apostolic Team. Today Eddie opened the scriptures and helped us to learn some lessons from the life of Joesph. – 27 February 2022
3/8/202234 minutes, 24 seconds
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Marcus Herbert: Jacob Series – Justification

Marcus shares with us as we continue our series on the life of Jacob – 20 February 2022
3/8/202227 minutes, 40 seconds
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Eddie Bakker - Lessons From The Life of Joseph

Eddie and his wife Thea lead Christengemeinde Nordhorn in Nordhorn, Germany and are part of the NCMI Apostolic Team. Today Eddie opened the scriptures and helped us to learn some lessons from Joesph. – 27 February 2022
2/27/202234 minutes, 24 seconds
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Marcus Herbert: Jacob Series – Justification

Marcus shares with us as we continue our series on the life of Jacob – 20 February 2022
2/20/202227 minutes, 40 seconds
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Marcus Herbert – Jacob Series: God's Grace Revealed Through Jacob

Marcus shows us how God's grace is revealed through Jacob's mission of the ladder to heaven. – 13 February 2022
2/14/202234 minutes, 55 seconds
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Greg Matarelli – Jacob Series: The Character of Jacob

We started our Jacob series on One Sunday and this week Greg continued our series as we looked at the character of Jacob and God's persistent transforming grace. – 06 February 2022
2/9/202228 minutes, 42 seconds
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Key Women: Julia Taylor

Julia shares with us at Key Women, which take place every second Wednesday Morning at our Bedfordview Site. – 26 January 2022
2/9/202240 minutes, 3 seconds
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What To Do While Waiting – Richard Preston

Richard Preston leads StoreHouse Church in Port Elizabeth, and is part of the NCMI Trans-local Ministry Team and along with his wife is a couple that we as a church allow to speak in to us, shares with us on what to do while we waiting for the return of Jesus. – 30 January 2022
1/30/202237 minutes, 58 seconds
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One Sunday: Seeing Heaven Opened

Marcus shares with us our Vision as a church for the year, Seeing Heaven Opened! We look at the life of Jacob and how he didn't earn favour but God's grace gave him favour. – 23 January 2022
1/25/202229 minutes, 22 seconds
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Marcus Herbert: Sin Crouches at The Door

Marcus shares with us on the dangers of Sin and striving to live a life that is pleasing to God in response to the goodness of God. – 16 January 2022
1/16/202239 minutes, 30 seconds
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Behold Your King: Living For The Kingdom

Greg wraps up the Behold Your King series as he shares with us on what Living for Gods Kingdom means. – 09 January 2022
1/9/202237 minutes, 30 seconds
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Behold Your King: Belonging

David shares with us how we belong in the Kingdom of God and what the implications of that are. – 02 January 2022
1/7/202231 minutes, 57 seconds
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Behold Your King: The Kingdom

Josh shares with us on The Kingdom as we continue with our series Behold Your King. – 26 December 2021
1/7/202222 minutes, 20 seconds
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Behold Your King: Christmas Day Service

Greg shares with us the gifts Jesus brings and how we get to celebrate Christmas with these in mind. – 25 December 2021
1/7/202235 minutes, 11 seconds
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Behold Your King: The King

Hennie shares with us who Jesus is. If there is a Kingdom then there should be a King, and that's who Jesus is. He is The King of Kings. – 19 December 2021
12/21/202116 minutes, 36 seconds
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Acts – Season 1: Stephen Martyred and The Jerusalem Church Scattered

Jonno wraps up season 1 of our Acts series as we look at the Jerusalem church scattered and the gospel moving beyond Jerusalem. – 12 December 2021
12/21/202133 minutes, 18 seconds
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Key Women: Rosie Benge 24 November

Rosie shares with us at Key Women. – 24 November 2021
12/8/202119 minutes, 7 seconds
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Key Women: Shannon Strydom 10 November

Shannon Shares with us at Key Women – 10 November 2021
12/8/202122 minutes, 33 seconds
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Acts – Season 1: Stephen The First Martyr

Greg shares with us on Stephen as we wrap up Season 1 of our Acts Series – 05 December 2021
12/8/202133 minutes, 48 seconds
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Acts – Season 1 – Stephen, An Extraordinary Leader

Hennie shares with us on the beauty of being a christian and the sacrifice required as we look at the life of Stephen. – 28 November 2021
11/28/202126 minutes, 47 seconds
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Acts - Season1 - Seven Chose to Serve

Greg Matarelli shares with us on the heart for Gods church and the part we get to play in that. – 21 November 2021
11/21/202138 minutes, 32 seconds
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Key Women: Sue Van Niekerk

Sue sharing with us on Prayer at Key Women – 13 October 2021
11/17/202126 minutes, 56 seconds
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Apostolic Christianity

Ryan speaks about "Apostolic Christianity" and how we, as a church, practice the apostolic and how we partner with the NCMI team.
11/16/202142 minutes, 15 seconds
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One Sunday: Marcus Herbert - A Call to Intimacy

Marcus shares with us as we celebrate One Sunday, where all our sites come together and we have a joint celebration service at our Bedfordview Site. Marcus encourages us to get back to intimacy with Jesus. – 07 November 2021
11/7/202129 minutes, 22 seconds
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Mark Wimble – Salt & Light

Mark Wimble, who is on the NCMI Team,  who leads the One Life Durban Site shares with us on being Salt and Light to the dark and decaying world around us.
10/31/202131 minutes, 16 seconds
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Adele Herbert – Wall of Fire

Adele shares with us on how God will be our wall of fire and protection as she looks at Zachariah 2:5. Prior to that Nolene sings a song to encourage us. You can find the original song Here – 24 October 2021
10/25/202133 minutes, 57 seconds
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Kaleidoscope Women's Conference 2021: Adele Herbert

We hosted our annual Kaleidoscope Women's conference on the 22nd and 23rd of October 2021. Here are the messages from the conference.
10/24/202143 minutes, 50 seconds
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Kaleidoscope Women's Conference 2021: Vanessa Garrat

We hosted our annual Kaleidoscope Women's conference on the 22nd and 23rd of October 2021. Here are the messages from the conference.
10/24/202131 minutes, 12 seconds
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Kaleidoscope Women's Conference 2021: Renee Van Der Walt

We hosted our annual Kaleidoscope Women's conference on the 22nd and 23rd of October 2021. Here are the messages from the conference.
10/24/202132 minutes, 18 seconds
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Kaleidoscope Women's Conference 2021: Ang Keyter

We hosted our annual Kaleidoscope Women's conference on the 22nd and 23rd of October. Here are the messages from the conference
10/24/202159 minutes, 59 seconds
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Marcus Herbert: Kingdom Finance – Conclusion

We hear testimonies on Gods provision as people respond in obedience & Marcus shares with us on how we live in financial freedom as we wrap up our Kingdom Finance series – 17 October
10/17/202152 minutes, 25 seconds
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Marcus Herbert: Kingdom Finance - Isaac

We wrap up our Kingdom Finance series by look at the example of Isaac. – 10 October
10/10/202130 minutes, 30 seconds
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NCMI Gauteng Equip 2021 Messages - Grant Crawford

We had the awesome privilege of hosting a time of gathering and equipping as we joined in with partnering churches across South Africa to hear from God and be equipped. The following messages are ones that were recorded live at our venue. Friday PM - Grant Crawford encouraged us around the foundational truth that GOD RAISES THE DEAD
10/5/202143 minutes, 8 seconds
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NCMI Gauteng Equip 2021 Messages - Grant Crawford

We had the awesome privilege of hosting a time of gathering and equipping as we joined in with partnering churches across South Africa to hear from God and be equipped. The following messages are ones that were recorded live at our venue. Friday AM Session 2 - Grant Crawford shared with us on getting "the box of offense" off quickly.
10/5/202139 minutes, 24 seconds
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NCMI Gauteng Equip 2021 Messages - Tyrone Daniels

We had the awesome privilege of hosting a time of gathering and equipping as we joined in with partnering churches across South Africa to hear from God and be equipped. The following messages are ones that were recorded live at our venue. Friday AM Session 1 - Tyrone Daniels shared with us the continued mission of Keeping Jesus the focus.
10/5/202150 minutes, 53 seconds
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NCMI Gauteng Equip 2021 Messages - Tony Siverwright

We had the awesome privilege of hosting a time of gathering and equipping as we joined in with partnering churches across South Africa to hear from God and be equipped. The following messages are ones that were recorded live at our venue. Thursday PM - Tony Siverwright shared with us strategies on reaching the lost.
10/5/202143 minutes, 27 seconds
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Marcus Herbert: Kingdom Finance - Barnabas

This week Marcus looks at Kingdom Finance as we look at the example of Barnabas – 03 October
10/3/202138 minutes, 14 seconds
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Marcus Herbert: Kingdom Finance - David

In the 2nd part of our Kingdom Finance series, we look at the example of David as we look at how we can be generous – 26 September 2021
9/26/202142 minutes, 16 seconds
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Marcus Herbert – Kingdom Finance: Abraham

Marcus encourages us around our finances as we look at the example of Abraham. – 19 September
9/19/202137 minutes
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Key Women: Andreia Gadelkarim - 8 September

Andreia shares with us at Key Women on the 8 September 2021
9/16/202122 minutes, 34 seconds
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Key Women: Leigh Ducroq

Leigh shares with us at Key Women on 25 August 2021.
9/16/202130 minutes, 35 seconds
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Love One Another - Erin & Ivan

Erin and Ivan share with us as we look at how we respond to God's love towards us and how that leads us to love others – 11 September 2021
9/12/202130 minutes, 22 seconds
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Made For Love - Kyle Klassen – 5 September 2021

Kyle shares with us on how we are made for love and how Gods desires to love us and how he has displayed his love for us in Jesus. – 5 September 2021
9/5/202122 minutes, 7 seconds
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Acts – Season 1 – The Apostles Arrested and Freed

Greg Shares with us on the amazing opportunity to share the gospel irrespective of the consequences or the circumstances. – 29 August 2021
8/29/202124 minutes, 7 seconds
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Acts – Season 1 – Many Signs And Wonders Done

David encourages us on how the Gospel keeps moving forward and signs and wonders are done. – 22 August 2021
8/22/202127 minutes, 16 seconds
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Acts – Season 1 – Ananias and Sapphira

Greg shares with us on the Danger in Hypocrisy and the Consequences of Sin as we learn from two characters in the Bible – 15 August 2021
8/15/202136 minutes, 3 seconds
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Acts – Season 1 – Biblical Community

Tatenda, who leads our Maboneng site, shares with us on the beauty and importance of biblical community and how God has called us to be apart of and contribute to Biblical Community – 08 August 2021
8/8/202133 minutes, 14 seconds
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Acts - Season 1 - Believers Pray For Boldness

Marcus shares with us on Praying for boldness in our commission from God. – 1 August 2021
8/1/202123 minutes, 40 seconds
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Acts - Season 1 - Peter & John Face The Jewish Council

Greg shares with us on the cost that comes with preaching the gospel and operating in the power of The Holy Spirit. There might be persecution but the fruit that will come from it is eternal. – 25 July 2021
7/25/202133 minutes
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Marcus Herbert - Made to Fish, Commissioned To Go

We take a break from our Acts series and Marcus addresses the current situation in our country and what our response should be. – 18 July 2021
7/18/202131 minutes, 11 seconds
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Acts - Season1 - Peters Sermon At The Portico

Marcus shares with us as we look at the Peters Sermon in Acts 3.
7/11/202118 minutes, 26 seconds
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Encouragement From Marcus In These Difficult Times

Marcus encourages us from Acts 3:2 and talks about the challenges we're facing - and God in the challenges.
7/6/20215 minutes, 19 seconds
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Acts - Season 1 - Lame Beggar Healed

Marcus shares with us on how we have something to give to the world around us as we respond to the call of Jesus. – 04 July 2021
7/4/202128 minutes, 5 seconds
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Acts - Season 1 - Devoted to Prayer and Biblical Community

Greg Matarelli Shares with us on living devoted to our relationship with God and how that leads to a biblical lifestyle and community – 27 June 2021
6/27/202127 minutes, 50 seconds
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Marco Broccardo - Fathers Day

Marco, who leads Hope Rock Church in Austin Texas, Shares with us on the pursuit of God for us and the heart of The Father. – 20 June 2021
6/21/202127 minutes, 4 seconds
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Acts - Season 1 - Responding To The Conviction of the Holy Spirit

Greg shares with us on our response to the conviction of The Holy Spirit – 13 June 2021
6/13/202133 minutes, 23 seconds
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Acts - Season 1 - Peter's Sermon

Marcus Herbert shares with us on the lessons we can take out of Peter's sermon – 6 June 2021
6/8/202129 minutes, 13 seconds
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Elders Update - Direct from the new West venue!

Exciting times as we take occupation of our new venue for Cornerstone West! Check it out! Here's also how you can get involved.   Marcus also encourages us to keep praying for people who are finding it very difficult through this season with Covid, and also talks about our prayer and fasting time coming up.
6/2/20214 minutes, 45 seconds
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Acts 2 - Season 1 - Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit

Marcus encourages us around what took place when the Holy Spirit was poured out in Acts 2, and why we need the Holy Spirit. – 30 May 2021
5/30/202119 minutes, 48 seconds
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Elders Update - Trust and Trustworthiness

Barry Farr speaks about trust and trustworthiness, and also talks about the possible change in how we meet (and how we can pray) depending on what the president announces tonight. He also updates us on how we can pray for Craig and Taryn.
5/26/202111 minutes, 38 seconds
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Key Women: Zelda Cronje - God use Me

Zelda shares with us on cultivating a desire to have relationship with God and to be used by Him – 22 May 2021
5/26/202144 minutes, 55 seconds
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Acts - Season 1 - Greg Matarelli - Devoted To Prayer In One Accord

Greg shares with us about being devoted to prayer and being with one another in one mind and with one accord. – 23 May 2021
5/23/202133 minutes, 55 seconds
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Elders Update - Nelspruit, Northern KZN, Kenya

David, Greg and Matt update us on the three trips we sent people on last week - to Nelspruit, to Northern KZN, and to Kenya.
5/18/20216 minutes, 49 seconds
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Craig Herbert - Farewell Message - Keep Going Beyond

Craig shares with us his farewell preach as he prepares to relocate to the United States of America – 16 May 2021
5/16/202126 minutes, 37 seconds
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Key Women - Andreia Gadelkarim

Andreia encourages around the life of Hannah – 12 May 2021
5/12/202117 minutes, 55 seconds
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Elders Update- KZN Trip

Ryan shares an update with us from the KZN Trip. – 11 May 2021
5/12/20211 minute, 24 seconds
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Acts – Season 1 – Marcus Herbert – The Ascension

Marcus encourages around the Ascension of Jesus and why we need the Holy Spirit to be witnesses. – 9 May 2021
5/9/202123 minutes, 54 seconds
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Elders Update - Our Series on Acts & Herberts are Off to USA!

Craig encourages us around our series on Acts and let's us know that he and Taryn and the family are finally able to get to the U.S. for their church plant journey. They will be leaving soon!
5/4/20215 minutes, 39 seconds
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Acts - Season 1 - Marcus Herbert - Wait on The Holy Spirit

Marcus shares with us around Acts 1:1-5, as we look at waiting on the Holy Spirit – 2 May 2021
5/3/202111 minutes, 31 seconds
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Elders Update - A Bible Reading Plan

In this short 2 minute update, Josh talks about Alan and Meg from Seattle, and invites us to join in reading A Journey Through Luke & Acts on the YouVersion Bible App:
4/26/20211 minute, 59 seconds
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Alan Jones - Apostolic Input - The Pearl Of Great Price

Alan Jones, who planted out of Cornerstone 12 years ago, shares with us on falling in love with Jesus and making him the desire of our hearts above the calling or purpose – 25 April 2021
4/25/202149 minutes, 27 seconds
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Elders Update - God's Heart for Our Youth and Our Life Groups

David encourages us by sharing what's happening with the Youth, and also talks a little about his first-hand encounters with persecution and the importance of getting together in Life Groups.
4/20/20218 minutes, 20 seconds
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Mens Weekend: Marcus Herbert

Men from the Bedfordview site met and listened to teaching from Tony Siverwrighte and Marcus Hebert.
4/20/202125 minutes, 7 seconds
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Mens Weekend: Tony Siverwrighte

Men from the Bedfordview site met and listened to teaching from Tony Siverwrighte and Marcus Hebert.
4/20/202136 minutes, 7 seconds
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Acts - Introduction to Acts - Marcus Herbert

Marcus shares with us on the new preaching series: ACTS We will be working through the book of Acts together as a church. Marcus encourages us around what God is saying as we look at Acts – 18 April 2021
4/18/202122 minutes, 23 seconds
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Key Women: Zelda Cronje with Lusanda Dlamini

Zelda shares with us on lessons from the life of Priscilla as we continue our Key Women series on Women of The Bible and we get an encouraging word from Lusanda Dlamini
4/14/202141 minutes, 16 seconds
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Elders Update - Psalm 84 and What's Happening in Our City

Guy updates us on Uptown and encourages us with Psalm 84.
4/13/20216 minutes, 59 seconds
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Kingdom Finance: Greg Matarelli

Greg shares with us on being financially free and applying Gods word and godly principles to our finances – 11 April 2021
4/11/202140 minutes, 43 seconds
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Elders Update - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

Greg Matarelli gives as an update on what's happening at Bedfordview and encourages us to turn our eyes upon Jesus.
4/6/20216 minutes, 54 seconds
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JESUS: The Risen King (Resurrection Sunday 2021)

He is Risen! Join us as we celebrate Jesus' victory over death!
4/4/202132 minutes
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JESUS: The Suffering Servant pt 2 (Good Friday 2021)

Marcus expounds on Jesus as the Suffering Servant, as part of our JESUS series and Easter weekend 2021.
4/4/202131 minutes, 27 seconds
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Elders Update - Update on Cornerstone West and Looking Forward to Easter Weekend!

Werner updates us on Cornerstone West and encourages us to pray for a venue. He also speaks about the Easter weekend coming up and the significance of our JESUS preaching series.
3/30/20214 minutes, 47 seconds
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Jesus: Suffering Servant - Part 1

This Sunday, at our Bedfordview site, we broke bread and had baptisms. Marcus shared with us around why we do this and we acknowledge Jesus and His suffering so that we can be saved. – 28 March 2021
3/28/202115 minutes, 18 seconds
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Jesus: The Word of God

Marcus shares with us as we look at Jesus as The Word of God This is the first of our 3 part JESUS series. – 21 March 2021
3/25/202123 minutes, 33 seconds
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Key Women: Sonja Long

Sonja shares with us on Hagar and how God is the one who sees.
3/25/202129 minutes, 48 seconds
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Elders Update – Partaking in the Gospel

Devon van Laren updates us on what’s happening at Yeoville and encourages us from Isaiah 25, speaking about how we partake in the gospel together as a church across Johannesburg.
3/23/202110 minutes, 6 seconds
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Elders Update - Klopperpark and New York

Bill gives us an update on how things are going at our Klopperpark site, while Craig updates us on their New York church plant.
3/16/20218 minutes, 48 seconds
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Craig Herbert - Pursing God

Craig shares with us on the opportunity and outcome of pursuing God – 14 March 2021
3/14/202128 minutes, 52 seconds
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Key Women - Nicole Matarelli

Nicole continues in our Woman of the Bible series and shares with us on Eve. – 10 March 2021
3/10/202116 minutes, 54 seconds
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Elders Update - Take a Step Out to Gather

Nick talks about how great it is to gather, updates us on the Benoni site, and congratulates Cornerstone Kids for an awesome Big Weekend at Bedfordview.
3/9/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Becoming Disciples: Jonno Warmington

Jonathan shares with us on the final part of our discipleship series and talks about mobilising our faith. – 7 March 2021
3/7/202135 minutes, 14 seconds
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Elders Update - Acting on Our Faith / Joe and Cathy Church Plant into Killarney!

Tatenda shares with us an encouraging word from Daniel 3, while Joe and Cathy give us an update on their upcoming church plant into Killarney!
3/2/202111 minutes, 20 seconds
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Becoming Disciples: Greg Matarelli – Part 3

Greg shares with us on following the pattern os sound doctrine and being students of Gods word.  – 28 February 2021
2/28/202126 minutes, 55 seconds
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Key Woman: Erin Mildenhall

Erin shares with us on Deborah as we continue our Woman of The Bible series. – 24 February 2021
2/24/20219 minutes, 48 seconds
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Elders Update - A Call to Prayer

Francois van der Merwe looks at the Lord's prayer and notes how Jesus taught us to pray in community.
2/23/20217 minutes, 14 seconds
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Marcus Herbert - Forgiveness and Repentance

Marcus shares with us what he felt prophetically for our community and talks about forgiveness and repentance – 21 February 2021
2/21/202122 minutes, 19 seconds
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Elders Update - Dealing with Anger and Fear in this time

Rodney du Croq talks about how the gospel powerfully dispels anger, fear and uncertainty.
2/16/20219 minutes, 7 seconds
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Becoming Disciples: Marcus Herbert – Part 2

Marcus shares with us on the importance of being integrated and functioning in a community. – 14 February 2021
2/14/202128 minutes, 18 seconds
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Key Women - Sue Van Niekerk

Bedfordview Key Women will be going through a Bible study on Woman from The Bible. Today, Sue taught about Mary The Mother of Jesus – 10 February 2021
2/10/202143 minutes, 52 seconds
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Elders Update - We Need to Pray

Marcus encourages us to stay fervent in prayer and get connected.
2/9/20218 minutes, 12 seconds
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Being A Disciple – Marcus Herbert – Part One

Marcus shares with on what our focus should be as we look at being disciples and making disciples. – 07 February 2021
2/7/202131 minutes, 36 seconds
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Elders Update - We Can't Take our Relationships for Granted

Marcus encourages us on being relationally connected - to disciple, to partner, to work, to dream together.
2/2/20215 minutes, 52 seconds
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Vision Sunday 2021 – Marcus Herbert

Marcus shares with us on what God is leading us into as a church and encourages us around Genesis 15. – 31 January 2021
1/31/202123 minutes, 46 seconds
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Grant Crawford- How to Approach 2021 – 24 January 2021

Grant Crawford, who leads One Life Church in Pietermaritzburg, shares with us on how we can approach this year in light of Gods Kingdom and our lives.
1/24/202129 minutes, 12 seconds
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Worth It (Part 2)

Join us online during level 3 lockdown. Marcus shares the second part of our series on treasures worth pursuing.
1/17/202122 minutes, 47 seconds
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Worth It (Part 1)

Join us online during level 3 lockdown as we launch our new series "Worth it: Treasures Worth Pursuing".
1/10/202127 minutes, 59 seconds
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Gifts from Jesus Part 3: The Holy Spirit

Greg Mattarelli encourages us and reminds what a gift the person and work of the Holy Spirit is.
1/3/202129 minutes, 29 seconds
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Gifts from Jesus: Part 1- Gift of Forgiveness - Josh Benge

Josh Benge leads us through the Gifts of Jesus, specifically focusing on Forgiveness
12/20/202033 minutes
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The Gospel is Isaiah - Part 3 - Greg Matterelli

Greg leads us through and helps us understand the Gospel in Isaiah 65
12/13/202038 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Gospel in Isaiah 55

Marcus unpacks the Gospel in Isaiah 55 as the second part of our Gospel in Isaiah Series
12/6/202024 minutes, 49 seconds
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Elders Update - Giving Thanks is a Catalyst

Marcus encourages us in responding to God in prayer and faith, as a final elders update for 2020.
12/1/20206 minutes, 7 seconds
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Marcus Herbert: Gospel In Isaiah - Isaiah 43

Marcus shares with us as we look at the Gospel in the book of Isaiah.
11/29/202026 minutes, 12 seconds
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Elders Update - Thankful Prayer

Marcus challenges us to be thankful in prayer and provides examples of how we can do that.
11/24/20209 minutes, 18 seconds
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Sunday Morning - NCMI Equip Kingdom Leadership with Tyrone Daniel (Final Equip session)

We've had a fantastic weekend of Equip across our sites, joining with churches across Southern Africa. Join us this morning as we close off our Equip and hear from Tyrone Daniel from Denver, Colorado on the topic of "Kingdom Leadership". Tyrone, together with his wife Nicole, lead the NCMI team.
11/22/20201 hour, 22 minutes, 19 seconds
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Wednesday night prayer

Join us in prayer across Johannesburg!
11/18/202028 minutes, 35 seconds
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Elders Update - Thankfulness

Marcus encourages us to be thankful and updates us on Cornerstone Benoni and Cornerstone West.
11/17/202012 minutes, 33 seconds
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Marcus Herbert: He Loves Us

Join us for this recording of our live meeting at our Bedfordview site. Today Marcus shares from  1 John 4:7-21 about the propitiating love of God.
11/15/202026 minutes, 30 seconds
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Wednesday Night Prayer

Join us in prayer right across the city of Johannesburg!
11/11/202027 minutes, 37 seconds
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Elders Update - Trust God for Healing

Marcus reminds us about Christ's sovereignty and power and heart from Luke 5:17 and Luke 7:21-23. He also shares some exciting news on a church plant in Japan.
11/10/20207 minutes, 52 seconds
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Marcus Herbert: Because You Say So

Today Marcus shares from Luke 5 about the incredible fruit of obeying Jesus.
11/8/202024 minutes, 10 seconds
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Elders Update: A Call to Christ-Centrednes

This week Marcus encourages us about the Season we coming into, as we trust God to help us out of the effects of some of the negativity that we have perhaps been facing. He also touches on calling us back to a Christ centredness, and meaningful Prayer.
11/2/20204 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Gospel Of The Kingdom: The Barriers The Gospel Must Break

Marcus shares with us regarding barriers that The Gospel must overcome. – 01 November 2020
11/2/202029 minutes, 34 seconds
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Wednesday night prayer

Join us in prayer at 6:30pm right across the city of Johannesburg as we broadcast from our Cornerstone Church Bedfordview venue.
10/28/202031 minutes, 15 seconds
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Elders Update - Let's Make it About Others

In light of the cross of Jesus (which we spoke about on Sunday), Marcus encourages us to make it about others (Mark 10:45).
10/27/20208 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Gospel of the Kingdom: The Work of the Cross

Marcus looks at what the work of the cross of Jesus has accomplished.
10/25/202027 minutes, 28 seconds
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Wednesday night prayer

Join us in prayer at across the city of Johannesburg as we broadcast from our Cornerstone Church Bedfordview venue.
10/21/202031 minutes, 45 seconds
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Elders Update - Abiding in Jesus

Marcus encourages us around John 15 - abiding in the vine (Jesus) and meditating on what Jesus said: "Apart from Me, you can do nothing."   He also encourages us around praying for our government and our beautiful nation.
10/20/20207 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Gospel of the Kingdom: What is the Gospel of the Kingdom?

Join us for this recording of our live meeting at our Bedfordview site. Today we look at Acts 20:17-38 and ask: What is the Gospel of the Kingdom?
10/18/202022 minutes, 17 seconds
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Wednesday Prayer - 14 October 2020

Join us in prayer across the city of Johannesburg!
10/14/202027 minutes, 29 seconds
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Elders Update - The Kind of Heart We Need In a Time Like This

Marcus encourages us on how we make the gospel known through love.  He also encourages us around Nick and Charne Maritz's upcoming church plant in Durban! And he encourages us to meet in person at our sites across Johannesburg, and to pray for the elders for wisdom in this season.
10/13/20208 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Gospel of the Kingdom: Proclaim is the Announcement of a New Kingdom

Join us for this recording of our live meeting at our Bedfordview site. Today we look at understanding what it means to be part of the Kingdom of God.  Join us in person at any of our sites across Johannesburg. Meeting times and locations at
10/11/202026 minutes, 24 seconds
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Wednesday Prayer - 7 October 2020

Join us in prayer at 6:30pm right across the city of Johannesburg as we broadcast from our Cornerstone Church Bedfordview venue.
10/7/202034 minutes, 1 second
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Elders Update - What's Important

Marcus encourages us around what is important for a local church. We want to missional, we want to make a difference. What has God been saying to you personally in this time? Are you listening and responding? It’s a challenge!
10/6/20209 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Gospel of the Kingdom: Proclamation of the Gospel

Join us for this recording of our live meeting at our Bedfordview site. Today Marcus continues our Gospel of the Kingdom series exploring the Biblical meaning of gospel proclamation.
10/4/202027 minutes, 33 seconds
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Elders Update – Let’s Meet Together | Gather and Stir Up

Marcus encourages us through scripture on gathering and how gathering stirs us towards good works in the Kingdom of Jesus. All our sites are now open and we can gather again! Let's meet together! Please check out for details of your site's meeting times.
9/29/20207 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Gospel of the Kingdom – Paul’s Ministry: Paul Proclaims the gospel

We're excited as we meet again across Johannesburg! Here is our broadcast from this Sunday morning as Marcus continues our Gospel of the Kingdom series and talks about how Paul proclaims the gospel.
9/27/202034 minutes, 51 seconds
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Wednesday Prayer – 23 September 2020

Join us in prayer across Johannesburg!
9/23/202027 minutes, 31 seconds
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Elders Update – Running with Endurance and Lockdown Level 1

Craig Herbert encourages us to focus on Jesus and explains how we'll be meeting in lockdown level 1 at all our sites. Check out each site's meeting times at
9/22/20204 minutes, 24 seconds
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Tyrone Daniel – Unchanging Jesus

Tyrone Daniel shares with us an exhortation regarding who Jesus is and his unchanging nature
9/20/202038 minutes, 10 seconds
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Fight Club Saturday with Chris Mathebula

Siphiwe Christopher Mathebula shares with us on the role of the modern man at our men's Saturday event.
9/19/202056 minutes, 13 seconds
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Wednesday Prayer Meeting – 16 September 2020

Rodney and Leigh-anne lead us as we pray for our country and the gospel to be established in our region
9/16/202035 minutes, 34 seconds
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Elders Update – Cornerstone Finances Update

Marcus updates us on our finances as Cornerstone, encouraging us to go beyond where we have been before financially.
9/15/202011 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Gospel of The Kingdom: The Whole Purpose of Man

Marcus shares with us regarding God's purpose for us.
9/13/202025 minutes, 55 seconds
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Wednesday Prayer Meeting – 09 September 2020

Join us as we pray for how we can carry Jesus' name into our spheres of influence
9/9/202038 minutes, 23 seconds
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Gospel Of The Kingdom: His Call

Marcus shares with us around Gods call on our lives
9/6/202029 minutes, 59 seconds
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Wednesday Prayer Meeting – 02 September 2020

Join us as we worship and spend time praying to God, with Ryan Strydom
9/2/202031 minutes, 31 seconds
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Elders Update – We Will Rejoice

Marcus encourages us around Habbakuk 3:17 - 19.
9/1/20209 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Gospel of the Kingdom: Chosen Unto a Purpose

Marcus looks at the like of Paul as a springboard to show us how we are all called to a purpose in God.
8/30/202040 minutes, 12 seconds
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Elders Update – Life Groups beginning again

Marcus tells us about how Life Groups are beginning again in our 150th day of lockdown and how some of our live meetings are working. He also encourages us in our finances. Plus he announces a leaders meeting next Wednesday, 2 September online at 7:30pm.
8/25/20205 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Gospel of the Kingdom: The Power of Conversion

Marcus continues to look at the power of conversion and encourages us to see the miracle of our own.
8/23/202037 minutes, 53 seconds
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Elders Update – What a Weekend! It’s Time to Dream.

Marcus gives us feedback on our prayer and fasting weekend and how doing exploits for God starts with being at the feet of Jesus. He also speaks about Grant Crawford's preach this weekend on how we dream about the gospel and the Kingdom. God doesn't distinguish fire, He directs it! Marcus also updates us on how we are using our venues in light of level 2 lockdown.
8/19/20207 minutes, 47 seconds
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Imagination (Grant Crawford)

Grant Crawford (One Life Church PMB; NCMI team) encourages us around our imagination and how we think and dream about Christ's Kingdom and our call.
8/16/202033 minutes, 49 seconds
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Wednesday Prayer, 12 August 2020

Join us for prayer tonight across Joburg at 6:30pm as we pray for friends in Australia, God's grace as we proclaim His Word, and into our prayer and fasting time coming up this weekend.
8/12/202039 minutes, 35 seconds