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Curate Church

English, Religion, 1 season, 153 episodes, 3 days, 8 hours, 6 minutes
Messages from Curate Church in Mount Maunganui. Lead Pastors Joel & Katie Milgate. Stay up to date at
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Spring at Curate - Spring Clean Your Life • Sarah Khiroya

In this message Sarah continues on her message from last week, and talk about how spring is a time for a big 'Spring Clean'. Sarah talks about how this might look in the places we live, as well as how this applies to our lives. Listen in to find out WHY we should spring clean, and hear some spiritual spring cleaning tips. If you would like to reach out or know more about Jesus, please visit or email [email protected]. We'd love to connect and help you in your journey of faith.
9/15/202439 minutes, 47 seconds
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Spring at Curate - Streams In the Wasteland • Sarah Khiroya

In this message Sarah shares from three scriptures from the Bible that talk about 'streams in the wasteland' - Isaiah 43, Ezekiel 47 & John 7. Linking these passages together to share about the hope we have in Jesus, Sarah then shared from the story of Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead. If you would like to reach out or know more about Jesus, please visit or email [email protected]. We'd love to connect and help you in your journey of faith.
9/8/202432 minutes, 27 seconds
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Father's Day 2024 • It Takes a Village • Nick Khiroya

In this message Nick shares about being part of a community, sharing from Mark 2 in the Bible, the story of the paralysed man being lowered from the roof to see Jesus. There are 5 types of people in this story. Which one do you identify with?If you would like to reach out or know more about Jesus, please visit or email [email protected]. We'd love to connect and help you in your journey of faith.
9/1/202433 minutes, 21 seconds
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Khesed - The Faithful Love of God • Faithful Then, Faithful Now, Faithful to Come • Tony Crawford

In this message Tony shares on God's faithfulness, encouraging us to remember what God has done, to see what God is doing, and to speak out the good things God is going to do.If you would like to reach out or know more about Jesus, please visit or email [email protected]. We'd love to connect and help you in your journey of faith.
8/25/202431 minutes, 53 seconds
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Khesed - The Faithful Love of God • Forgiveness • John Arts

In this message John shares on the topic of forgiveness, explaining through many Bible scriptures how important it is to forgive others.If you would like to reach out or know more about Jesus, please visit or email [email protected]. We'd love to connect and help you in your journey of faith.
8/18/202437 minutes, 6 seconds
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Khesed - The Faithful Love of God • Naomi & Ruth • Nigel Dixon

In this message Nigel shares from the book of Ruth (one of his favourite books of the Bible), about what we can learn from Naomi, who found herself in Moab with no family.If you would like to reach out or know more about Jesus, please visit or email [email protected]. We'd love to connect and help you in your journey of faith.
8/11/202422 minutes, 1 second
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Khesed - The Faithful Love of God • Learning from the Sparrows • Don Barry

In this message Don shares from a series on learning from the birds, about what were can learn from the sparrow, knowing how much God loves each of them, and how God loves us. If you would like to reach out or know more about Jesus, please visit or email [email protected]. We'd love to connect and help you in your journey of faith.
8/4/202427 minutes, 38 seconds
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Return to Our First Love • Sherry Boyd

In this message Sherry shares a beautiful word, encouraging us to listen to the words of Revelation 2:4, to return to our first love - Jesus. If you would like to reach out or know more about Jesus, please visit or email [email protected]. We'd love to connect and help you in your journey of faith.
7/21/202433 minutes, 17 seconds
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The God of Comfort • Psalm 23 • Rev. Dr. Nathan McClellan

In this message Nathan shares from Psalm 23, about how God is the God of comfort, no matter what season of life we are in. If you would like to reach out or know more about Jesus, please visit or email [email protected]. We'd love to connect and help you in your journey of faith.
7/14/202428 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Age of Tension • Stephen Wood

In this message Stephen shares about 'The Age of Tension', the time between Jesus being on earth as a man, and Jesus returning again. We get to think about how we should live in this time.
7/7/202425 minutes, 19 seconds
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Hearing The Voice of God - PT2 • Stefan Greenway

In this message Stefan shares part 2 of a message about 'Hearing the Voice of God'.
6/30/202438 minutes, 53 seconds
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Joel & Katie's Farewell Gathering • Joel A'Bell

This message is a part of the farewell gathering for Joel and Katie Milgate, our outgoing Senior Pastors. Joel A'Bell (one of the team who provides Spiritual Oversight for Curate) shares about being changed and changing still. He talked about how we continually need to be changed, as we continually move closer to Jesus. If you would like to reach out or know more about Jesus, please visit or email [email protected]. We'd love to connect and help you in your journey of faith.
6/23/202418 minutes, 59 seconds
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Keep Growing • Breath • Joel Milgate

In this message Joel shares from 2 Peter 1:1-15, some of the final words of Peter where he encourages all believers everywhere. In this final message as the senior pastor of Curate Church, Joel reminds us to continue to grow in our Christian faith, continuing to spur each other on, making every effort to respond to God's grace. If you would like to reach out or know more about Jesus, please visit or email [email protected]. We'd love to connect and help you in your journey of faith.
6/9/202437 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Baptism of the Holy Spirit • Breath • Joel Milgate

In this message Joel shares from about what the baptism of the Holy Spirit is, looking at the instances in the New Testament where believers encountered the Holy Spirit, and discusses what this means for us as believers today. If you would like to reach out or know more about Jesus, please visit or email [email protected]. We'd love to connect and help you in your journey of faith.
5/26/202435 minutes, 1 second
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What's the Point of the Holy Spirit? • Breath • Joel Milgate

In this Pentecost Sunday message Joel shares from Acts 2:1-47 where the Holy Spirit descends on the disciples in the upper room. We look at four aspects of how the Holy Spirit works in our lives - He empowers, purifies, reveals and unifies.If you would like to reach out or know more about Jesus, please visit or email [email protected]. We'd love to connect and help you in your journey of faith.
5/19/202435 minutes, 47 seconds
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Chase the Serpent Out of Your Garden • Mother's Day 2024 • Katie Milgate

In this message Katie shares from Genesis 1:26-28 where God placed Adam and Eve into a garden, with both a blessing and a commission. Katie compared Eve's choice to listen to the serpent with the times in our lives when we do the same, making choices that are not how God would have us live. Katie shares about what it means to live a fruitful life, multiplying the goodness of God in our lives.If you would like to reach out or know more about Jesus, please visit or email [email protected]. We'd love to connect and help you in your journey of faith.
5/12/202433 minutes, 4 seconds
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Hearing the Voice of God • Stefan Greenway

This is a message from Stefan Greenway about hearing the voice of God. Stefan has been involved at Curate Church for 18 years and shares some of his story calling Curate Church 'home' during this time, as well as sharing some ideas on how God talks to us, and why it seems like God doesn't talk to us at times. If you would like to reach out or know more about Jesus, please visit or email [email protected]. We'd love to connect and help you in your journey of faith.
5/5/202433 minutes, 46 seconds
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Encounters with the Resurrected Christ • PT.3 - Falling Isn't Failing • Joel Milgate

The third message in a series looking at encounters people had with Jesus after he has been resurrected, Joel shares about Peter and some other disciples meeting Jesus on the beach, from John 21:1-19.Joel teaches four things about the power of the gospel from this passage of scripture - it brings people together, it brings a 'forwardness' in our lives, it has a way of doing surgery on our lives, and it is what qualifies us in God's eyes.If you would like to reach out or know more about Jesus, please visit or email [email protected]. We'd love to connect and help you in your journey of faith.
4/21/202434 minutes, 38 seconds
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Encounters with the Resurrected Christ • PT.2 - Resisting Arrest • Tim Cleary

The second message in a series looking at encounters people had with Jesus after he has been resurrected, Tim shares about Thomas and his need to see Jesus for himself before he would believe, from John 20:19-29. In this passage the disciples were locked away, resisting arrest and in fear, which is not a great place for the church to be! Thomas resists believing that Jesus is alive again, until he can see with his own eyes. Tim shares how we sometimes experience this as well and what our posture towards Jesus should be.
4/14/202429 minutes, 2 seconds
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Encounters with the Risen Christ • PT.1 - The Road to Emmaus • John Arts

The first message in a series looking at encounters people had with Jesus after he has been resurrected, John shares about the encounter on the road to Emmaus, found in Luke 24:13-35. John shares some possible scriptures that Jesus might have shared to talk about the messiah from the Old Testament, from Genesis, Psalms and Isaiah, as well some referencing New Testament scriptures that use these scriptures to talk about Jesus as well.
4/7/202443 minutes, 22 seconds
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Easter Sunday • The Power of Jesus • Joel Milgate

This Resurrection Sunday Joel shares from Ephesians 1:15-13 on the power of Jesus - which is good news for us today and for every day into eternity. Our celebration this Sunday is mixed with sadness as we have two of our Curate congregants go to be with Jesus this week. God's hope is for now and for the life to come.
3/31/202424 minutes, 13 seconds
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Palm Sunday • I Know a Secret • Joel Milgate

Joel shares from Luke 19:28-40, the triumphal entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem, which we remember on Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter. Reflecting on this passage, Joel shares about what we can learn from how Jesus entered Jerusalem, and how the people responded, throwing their garments down and worshipping God. What does this mean for us today? Find out in this inspiring message!
3/24/202434 minutes
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Famous Last Words • PT.5 - John 17 • The Prayer of Jesus • Joel Milgate

Joel shares the fifth message of a series “Famous Last Words” during this season of Lent (the lead up to Easter) - a journey through John 13 - John 17 as Jesus prepares and shares with his disciples his thoughts and words before the suffering (and triumph) of Easter. Reflecting on John 17 Joel shares about how great it is that we get to eavesdrop in on Jesus’ personal prayer with Father God. Joel touches on the major themes in John 17, including unity within the church.
3/17/202446 minutes, 55 seconds
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Famous Last Words • PT.4 - John 16 • The Paraclete • Joel Milgate

Joel shares the fourth message of a series “Famous Last Words” during this season of Lent (the lead up to Easter) - a journey through John 13 - John 17 as Jesus prepares and shares with his disciples his thoughts and words before the suffering (and triumph) of Easter. Reflecting on John 16 Joel shares about the Paraclete, our advocate, the Holy Spirit. Joel also shares some news about a young man we are praying for. Link to the give-a-little page to help fund medical intervention will be added here when it is available.
3/10/202435 minutes, 24 seconds
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Famous Last Words • PT.3 - John 15 • Final Words • Joel Milgate

Joel shares the thirdd message of a series “Famous Last Words” during this season of Lent (the lead up to Easter) - a journey through John 13 - John 17 as Jesus prepares and shares with his disciples his thoughts and words before the suffering (and triumph) of Easter. Reflecting on John 15 Joel asks the question "What are you rolling in?", using the family dog, Pablo, as an illustration. We all roll in something. What is it you are rolling in? Joel shares from John 15 what Jesus suggests we should be rolling in.
3/3/202439 minutes, 23 seconds
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Famous Last Words • PT.2 - John 14 • Final Words • John Arts

John shares the second message of a series “Famous Last Words” during this season of Lent (the lead up to Easter) - a journey through John 13 - John 17 as Jesus prepares and shares with his disciples his thoughts and words before the suffering (and triumph) of Easter. Reflecting on John 14 John Arts shares a little about the Upper Room discourse, focussing on the words of Jesus - "Do not let your hearts be troubled." John looks at some of the reasons the disciples were troubled, and some of the reasons Jesus shared with them to not be troubled.
2/25/202445 minutes, 32 seconds
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Famous Last Words • PT.1 - John 13 • Jesus Doesn't Just Love Us, He Likes Us • Joel Milgate

Joel shares the first message of a series “Famous Last Words” during this season of Lent (the lead up to Easter) - a journey through John 13 - John 17 as Jesus prepares and shares with his disciples his thoughts and words before the suffering (and triumph) of Easter. Reflecting on John 13 Joel reminds us that Jesus doesn't just love us, he likes us.
2/18/202443 minutes, 32 seconds
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I Have Decided • PT.4 - A Visible Disciple • Katie Milgate

Katie shares the fourth message of our first series for 2024, “I Have Decided” - a look at what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. This message is titled "A Visible Disciple in an Invisible Kingdom", and is about the importance of remembering that our identity needs to be as part of a living Kingdom of God.
2/11/202429 minutes, 6 seconds
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Thoughts on the Treaty of Waitangi

Joel shares some thoughts on the Treaty of Waitangi and how we can journey in our current Aotearoa New Zealand context as followers of Jesus. What does it mean to be the people of God in the midst of the current discussions and debates around the Treaty?
2/5/20247 minutes, 31 seconds
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I Have Decided • PT. 3 - Make a Plan • Joel Milgate

Joel shares the third message of our first series for 2024, “I Have Decided” - a look at what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. This message is titled "Make a Plan", and is about the importance of making a plan for our walk with Jesus.
2/4/202422 minutes, 1 second
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I Have Decided • PT.2 - Letting Go • Joel Milgate

Joel shares the second message of our first series for 2024, “I Have Decided” - a look at what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.Joel speaks about ‘Letting Go’ from Matthew 16:13-27 in the Bible, where Jesus talks to his disciples about what it means to follow Him. This passage has four main movements, and Joel spends some time looking at each of them with this encouraging word.
1/28/202435 minutes, 45 seconds
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I Have Decided • PT.1 • Joel Milgate

Joel shares the first message of our first series for 2024, “I Have Decided” - a look at what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.Joel speaks from Matthew 11 in the Bible, where Jesus invites people to walk with Him, abiding, relating and working.
1/21/202435 minutes, 22 seconds
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Light the Way - Advent 2023 • Hope • Joel Milgate

This week Joel shares an Advent message of hope and also shares some hopes and vision for 2024 - including some practical things that are going to happen at Curate to help us with this focus. Enjoy this encouraging message as we move into the last week of Advent, as we prepare to celebrate the coming of Jesus at Christmas time. You can find our Advent devotional at
12/17/202342 minutes, 22 seconds
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Light the Way • Joy PT.2 • Katie Milgate

Oswald Chambers once said that "A life of intimacy with God is characterised by joy." This week Katie shares Part Two of a message on joy, sharing about the 'friends of joy' - Peace, Letting Go and Faith. Enjoy this encouraging message as we move into the first week of Advent, as we prepare to celebrate the coming of Jesus at Christmas time. You can find our Advent devotional at
12/3/202326 minutes, 1 second
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The Power of the Ascension of Jesus • John Arts

John Arts shares from his theological background about the importance and the power of the ascension of Jesus - where Jesus was raised from the dead after his crucifixion. John takes us through six points of what the ascension of Jesus means for us today as his followers.
11/26/202335 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Oil of Gladness • Joy PT.1 • Katie Milgate

Katie Milgate shares Part One of a message on joy - the oil of gladness, talking from her experiences of a journey into joy. Katie encourages us to decide where the source of our joy comes from, and suggests that it should be coming from our saviour Jesus.
11/19/202332 minutes, 48 seconds
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Are You Being Tested? • Joel Milgate

In John 16:33 Jesus said “In this world you will have trouble.” Joel Milgate shares about how we all go through times of testing, explores the different sorts of testing we will encounter, and gives some thoughts on how we should respond during these times.
11/5/202333 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Prayer for Power • Ephesians 3:14-21 • Nathan McClellan

The Rev. Dr. Nathan McClellan shares with us from the passage of scripture found in Ephesians 3:14-21. He explains how each section of these verses is like a link in a chain which link together one after another. Nathan also explains the background to why Paul wrote these verses (he starts with “For this reason . . .”) and references a well loved children’s picture book for good measure.
10/29/202336 minutes, 5 seconds
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Philippians PT.8 • You Can Do Anything! • Joel Milgate

Joel shares the eighth message from our Philippians Series, speaking on Philippians 4:10-20. This passage includes the verse that starts “I can do all things . . .”. Joel shares the great ‘secret’ Paul had learnt to be able to say this, with some key ideas of how we can apply it to our lives.Phillipians was written by the Apostle Paul to the church in Philippi. Paul writes from prison, most likely in Rome and his writing reveals the strong bond between Paul and this church. It's a letter of encouragement and is filled with theological richness that still speaks to the life of faith following Jesus today. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through the reflection guide that accompanies this series together. You can find out more about groups at
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Philippians PT.7 • The Pathway to Peace • Joel Milgate

Joel shares the seventh message from our Philippians Series, speaking on Philippians 4:4-9. This scripture tells us to “not worry about anything”. Joel shares about how this could look, and what we should do instead.Phillipians was written by the Apostle Paul to the church in Philippi. Paul writes from prison, most likely in Rome and his writing reveals the strong bond between Paul and this church. It's a letter of encouragement and is filled with theological richness that still speaks to the life of faith following Jesus today. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through the reflection guide that accompanies this series together. You can find out more about groups at
10/8/202331 minutes, 31 seconds
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Philippians PT.6 • Press On, Keep Going! • Joel Milgate

Joel shares the sixth message from our Philippians Series, speaking on Philippians 3:10-16. We are encouraged from the scripture to ‘press on’, using the analogy of a cross-country running race. Phillipians was written by the Apostle Paul to the church in Philippi. Paul writes from prison, most likely in Rome and his writing reveals the strong bond between Paul and this church. It's a letter of encouragement and is filled with theological richness that still speaks to the life of faith following Jesus today. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through the reflection guide that accompanies this series together. You can find out more about groups at
10/1/202331 minutes, 56 seconds
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Philippians PT.5 • Confidence in Christ • Joel Milgate

Joel shares the fifth message from our Philippians Series, speaking on Philippians 3:1-11. There are three ‘W’ words in this passage that we focus on - - Whatever- Watch Out- Worth LessPhillipians was written by the Apostle Paul to the church in Philippi. Paul writes from prison, most likely in Rome and his writing reveals the strong bond between Paul and this church. It's a letter of encouragement and is filled with theological richness that still speaks to the life of faith following Jesus today. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through the reflection guide that accompanies this series together. You can find out more about groups at
9/24/202327 minutes, 54 seconds
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Philippians PT.4 • Playing Our Part • Katie Milgate

Katie introduces our annual Vision Offering and then shares the fourth message from our Philippians Series, speaking on Philippians 2:12-18 & Philippians 2:19-30. Katie talks about ‘not grumbling’ and the importance of all of us to ‘play our part’ in the church.Phillipians was written by the Apostle Paul to the church in Philippi. Paul writes from prison, most likely in Rome and his writing reveals the strong bond between Paul and this church. It's a letter of encouragement and is filled with theological richness that still speaks to the life of faith following Jesus today. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through the reflection guide that accompanies this series together. You can find out more about groups at
9/17/202339 minutes, 1 second
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Philippians PT.3 • Living Like Christ • Joel Milgate

Joel introduces our annual Vision Offering and then shares the third message from our Philippians Series, with Joel speaking on Philippians 2:1-11. Joel talks about what it is to 'live in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ' (Phi 1:27). Phillipians was written by the Apostle Paul to the church in Philippi. Paul writes from prison, most likely in Rome and his writing reveals the strong bond between Paul and this church. It's a letter of encouragement and is filled with theological richness that still speaks to the life of faith following Jesus today. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through the reflection guide that accompanies this series together. You can find out more about groups at
9/10/202347 minutes, 17 seconds
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Philippians PT.2 • To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain • Joel Milgate

This is the second message from our Philippians Series, with Joel sharing on Philippians 1:12-26. Joel speaks from the verse "For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better. But if I live, I can do more fruitful work for Christ." Phillipians was written by the Apostle Paul to the church in Philippi. Paul writes from prison, most likely in Rome and his writing reveals the strong bond between Paul and this church. It's a letter of encouragement and is filled with theological richness that still speaks to the life of faith following Jesus today. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through the reflection guide that accompanies this series together. You can find out more about groups at
8/27/202339 minutes, 2 seconds
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How We Can Know that Jesus Actually Rose From the Dead • Sean McDowell

This week we welcomed Dr Sean McDowell to share with us. Sean has a passion for equipping the church to make the case for the Christian faith. He is an Associate Professor in the Christian Apologetics program at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. Sean shares a message about how we can prove that Jesus died, was buried and rose again. He also shares some implications of this truth.
8/14/202338 minutes, 30 seconds
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Reaching the Next Generation • Sean McDowell

8/13/202337 minutes, 40 seconds
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Philippians PT.1 • Overflowing Love • Joel Milgate

8/6/202344 minutes, 29 seconds
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Life Together PT.4 • Joel A'Bell • Righteousness

In this fourth message of our series on 'Life Together', Joel A'Bell shares about righteousness, and how God's righteousness and our righteousness (through Jesus) impacts on those around us. We are God's people, a community, a whanau, practicing hospitality, spending time together. We do life . . . together. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through this with others. You can find out more about groups at
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Life Together PT.3 • Katie Milgate • Joyous Service

In this third message of our series on 'Life Together', Katie shares about one thing we can do that has a huge effect on the communities we belong to.
7/23/202336 minutes, 15 seconds
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Life Together PT.2 • Joel Milgate • The Table

In this second message of our new series on 'Life Together', Joel shares about a metaphor for church - sitting around the family table sharing a meal.
7/16/202335 minutes, 15 seconds
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Life Together PT. 1 • Tim Cleary • A Community of Contrast & Covenant

In this first message of our new series on 'Life Together', Tim shares about how we are designed to be a community of contrast and a community of covenant. We are God's people, a community, a whanau, practicing hospitality, spending time together. We do life . . . together. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through this with others. You can find out more about groups at
7/9/202327 minutes, 52 seconds
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Worship - Breath PT. 5 • Joel Milgate

Joel shares on how we should approach God with our worship, using the pattern the priests of God's temple, as set out in the book of Leviticus in the Bible.
7/2/202346 minutes, 13 seconds
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Welcome Holy Spirit - Breath PT. 3 • John Arts

John shares on who the Holy Spirit is, encouraging us to invite a fresh in filling of the Holy Spirit. This is a shorter message as we take time to worship, pray and allow space for ministry.
6/11/202322 minutes, 33 seconds
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Come Holy Spirit - Breath PT. 1 • Katie Milgate

Katie shares on Pentecost Sunday, reminding us that we all need a fresh in filling of the Holy Spirit. This is a shorter message as we take time to worship, pray and allow space for ministry.
5/28/202312 minutes, 30 seconds
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A Vision for Your Relationships - Relationships God's Way PT. 4 • Joel & Katie Milgate

In this fourth and final message in this series, Joel and Katie answer some questions people have asked and talk about having a vision for all of your relationships. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through this with others. You can find out more about groups at
5/21/202329 minutes, 59 seconds
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Becoming a Healthy Person - Relationships God's Way PT. 3 • Joel & Katie Milgate

The second message in this series, looking at the key to every healthy relationship, using the context of marriage to explore this. In this message, Joel and Katie unpack the meaning of Ephesians 5:21-6:9 which can be a tricky passage of scripture to understand. This message is relevant to you, whether you are single or in a relationship. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through this with others. You can find out more about groups at
5/14/202335 minutes, 40 seconds
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Healthy Relationships - Relationships God's Way PT. 2 • Joel & Katie Milgate

The second message in this series, looking at the key to every healthy relationship, using the context of marriage to explore this. In this message, Joel and Katie unpack the meaning of Ephesians 5:21-6:9 which can be a tricky passage of scripture to understand. This message is relevant to you, whether you are single or in a relationship. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through this with others. You can find out more about groups at
5/7/202340 minutes, 7 seconds
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Singleness - Relationships God's Way PT. 1 • Joel & Katie Milgate

The first message in this series on relationships, talking about being single. In this message, Joel and Katie cover four aspects of singleness. This message is relevant to you, whether you are single or in a relationship. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through this with others. You can find out more about groups at
4/30/202346 minutes, 25 seconds
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Spiritual Warfare - How to Pray PT. 8 • Katie Milgate

The eighth and final message in an 8 week series on Prayer, following the content from The Prayer Course. In this message, Katie talks about what it means to engage in spiritual warfare. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through this with others.
4/23/202336 minutes, 40 seconds
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Listening - How to Pray PT. 7 • Rebekah Thomas

The seventh message in an 8 week series on Prayer, following the content from The Prayer Course. In this message, Rebekah talks about what it means to live a life of listening to God. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through this with others.
4/16/202335 minutes, 10 seconds
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Easter Sunday - The Resurrection • Joel Milgate

In this Easter Sunday message, Joel shares from Corinthians 15 in the Bible about what it means that Jesus was resurrected, and how this impacts us in our present lives and in our future.
4/11/202330 minutes, 20 seconds
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Good Friday - The Cross • Joel Milgate

In this Good Friday message, Joel shares different ways that 'The Cross' can be viewed, in the context of Jesus' overall mission. When Jesus said on the cross "it is finished", we need to ask ourselves - What is finished?
4/11/202335 minutes, 37 seconds
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Palm Sunday - The King Revealed • Hayden Reid

Hayden Reid shares how we can often view Jesus in one of two ways - as a friend and as the King of Kings. We need a fresh revelation that Jesus is both of these things as we continue to grow and understand who Jesus is and what He has done for us.
4/3/202325 minutes, 23 seconds
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Contemplative Prayer - How to Pray PT 6 • John Arts

The sixth message in an 8 week series on Prayer, following the content from The Prayer Course. In this message, John talks about how we can commune with God through contemplative prayer. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through this with others.
3/26/202325 minutes, 16 seconds
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Unanswered Prayer - How to Pray PT 5 • Joel Milgate

The fifth message in an 8 week series on Prayer, following the content from The Prayer Course. In this message, Joel talks about the posture we should take when we have unanswered prayers. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through this with others.
3/19/202341 minutes, 5 seconds
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Intercession - How to Pray PT 4 • Sherry Boyd

The fourth message in an 8 week series on Prayer, following the content from The Prayer Course. In this message, Sherry shares how Jesus taught us in the Lord's Prayer how to pray for others. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through this with others.
3/12/202332 minutes, 47 seconds
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Petition - How to Pray PT 3 • Katie Milgate

The third message in an 8 week series on Prayer, following the content from The Prayer Course. In this message, Katie shares how Jesus taught us to ask for what we need. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through this with others.
3/5/202323 minutes, 23 seconds
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Why Pray? - How to Pray PT 2 • Joel Milgate

The second message in an 8 week series on Prayer, following the content from The Prayer Course. To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through this with others. In this message, Joel starts to share the first parts of the acronym P.R.A.Y, Pause and Rejoice.
2/27/202331 minutes, 2 seconds
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Why Pray? - How to Pray PT 1 • Katie Milgate

To really connect with this content we recommend that you join a Small Group and work through this with others. In this message, Katie shares three simple steps to starting a vibrant prayer journey - keep it simple, keep it real and keep it up.
2/20/202325 minutes, 26 seconds
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I Long to Belong - Vision Sunday 2023 • Joel & Katie Milgate

"Community for Everyone" - a place for everyone to belong. Joel uses the Bible passage from ‭‭the book of Acts ‬ ‭2‬:‭42‬-‭47‬ (which shows a picture of the early church in community), to talk about what we as a church need to be doing to create whakawhanaungatanga - the process of building family. Listen to find out the key things we will be focussing on this year as a church to create deeper and wider 'Community for Everyone'.
2/13/202347 minutes, 2 seconds
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Practices for a Pure Heart - FLOW PT 3 • Steve Fruish

This week Steve Fruish shares about how we sometimes live with secrets and the destructive nature of being impure. The good news is that God is amazing. He has the power to bring incredible transformation in our lives.
1/31/202334 minutes, 55 seconds
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Practices for a Pure Heart - FLOW PT 2 • Renee Hanna

This week Renee Hanna shares about how we can live when we encounter suffering. How does Jesus want us to respond? What does it look like to live with a pure heart when times are hard?
1/23/202336 minutes, 56 seconds
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Practices for a Pure Heart - FLOW PT 1 • Hayden Reid

In Flow - Practices for a Pure Heart, we are talking around the Bible verse in Proverbs 4:23 that says "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." (NIV) This week Hayden Reid shares about keeping out hearts open towards others. He asks the questions - do you need to forgive God, do you need to forgive yourself, and do you need to forgive others?
1/16/202333 minutes, 29 seconds
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Advent Week 3 - Hope is Here • Joel A'Bell

Joel A'Bell from Convoy of Hope shares with us about what it means for us to 'cling to Jesus' - a full expression of life in Jesus every day of the week. He shares four aspects of living 'by faith' which we all need to have and continue to develop.
12/12/202237 minutes, 20 seconds
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Advent Week 2 - Hope is Here • Katie Milgate

Advent is a time of expectant waiting on the promises God has given to us. This can be really hard if the circumstances you find yourself in are difficult. How do we continue to walk with hope? As we head towards Christmas, Katie Milgate shares her about journeying in a 'valley season' and shares some thoughts on hope in the valley.
12/4/202231 minutes, 11 seconds
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Advent Week 1 - Hope is Here • Joel Milgate

Advent is a time of expectant waiting. As we head towards Christmas, we have the usual pressures of everything that this season brings. In this message Joel Milgate challenges us to approach this time of Advent differently to how we would normally. During Advent we remember that Jesus is drawing near to us, that we would draw near to Him.
11/28/202230 minutes, 23 seconds
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Called to Work - Called PT.9 • Joel Milgate

We are all called to work. In this message Joel Milgate shares on a healthy perspective of work, starting with the understanding that God is a worker, and as His image bearers, we are also called to be workers.
11/7/202234 minutes, 56 seconds
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Called to Minister - Called PT.8 • Joel Milgate

We are all called to 'minister' within our church community. In this message Joel Milgate shares on the importance and the benefits of ministering to one another in church, 'kicking up dust' and serving.
10/31/202235 minutes, 21 seconds
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Called to Family - Called PT.7 • Katie Milgate

We are called by God to be close to our families, whatever they may look like. Our physical or biological families sit at the top of our priorities when it comes to loving, providing and living in harmony. In this message Katie shares on the importance of knowing and living out our calling to our families.
9/26/202228 minutes, 17 seconds
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Called Together - Called PT.6 • Joel Milgate

We are called to be a church together, gathered for a purpose, being shaped and formed by Jesus in a community. In this message Joel Milgate shares on the importance and the benefits of gathering as a church community.
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Called to Assignment - Called PT.5 • Joel Milgate

We are all called to different assignments - things God gives you to do, that are right in front of you, right now. So what are these assignments? In this message Joel Milgate shares about the Vision Offering 2022, and about four different things God assigns for us to do.
9/11/202246 minutes, 1 second
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Called Out of the World - Called PT. 4 • 3x7 Speakers

As followers of Jesus we are called to be in the world but not of it. In this special Fathers Day message, three of our Dads share for seven minutes each what it means to be ‘Called out of the World’.
9/5/202223 minutes, 1 second
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Confirm the Call - Called PT.3 • Hayden Reid

God calls each of us. However, we need to respond to God’s calling in our lives. In this message Hayden Reid shares how we can confirm the call, speaking from 2 Peter 1, with eight things to put into practice.
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Called To God - Called PT.2 • Joel Milgate

What is the most important part of our multi-dimensional calling? In this message Joel Milgate shares about how we are called to be in relationship with God. Everything about our calling starts with knowing God and becoming like Him.
8/22/202233 minutes, 18 seconds
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Called By God - Called PT.1 • Joel Milgate

To be called someone needs to first call us. So who calls us? In this message, Joel Milgate talks to us about having a point of reference in our life that we can trust. Are we willing to trust that God knows us better than we know ourselves? He has given us all gifts and talents to play our part in the plan he has for our lives.
8/15/202236 minutes, 12 seconds
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I Am Called - Called Intro • Joel Milgate

Does your life feel compartmentalized? In this message, Joel Milgate introduces our new series 'Called'. If you feel purposeless, dread Monday, or don't experience God in every area of life, this series is for you. It's time to know why you are called and who calls you.
8/8/202237 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Good Father - Who is God? PT.3 | Renee Hanna

Did you have a good relationship with your Father? In this message, Renee Hanna continues the 'Who is God?' series with a message on God the Father. Sometimes our experience with our earthly Father shapes our perspective of God the Father. Regardless of our experience whether good or bad, God is a good and perfect Father.
8/3/202242 minutes, 27 seconds
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Trust in Him - Who is God? PT.2 | Sharon Greenway

Have you ever been through trials or doubts? In this message, Sharon Greenway talks to us about how we can posture ourselves to walk through the hard times and how God's character can show in those times.
8/2/202233 minutes, 36 seconds
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In The Grey - Who is God? PT.1 | Joel Milgate

In this message, Joel Milgate kicks off the 'Who is God?' series with a message from Psalm 23. as a society we are in a grey zone. Wars overseas, global disruption and a general sense of unrest. It's time for renewal, I tame for God to have his way in our lives.
8/2/202237 minutes, 23 seconds
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Lead out of Weakness & Vulnerability - Emotionally Healthy Discipleship PT.7 | Katie Milgate

Would you cover up your struggles around people so you don't confuse them or look weak in front of them? In the final part of EHD, Katie Milgate talks to us about leading out of weakness and vulnerability. When we look into the Bible we see many leaders in the Bible exemplified the idea of being vulnerable in their leadership.
6/27/202236 minutes, 42 seconds
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Break The Power of The Past - Emotionally Healthy Discipleship PT.6 | Joel Milgate

We all have a past; sometimes, we let it determine our future. In this message, Joel Milgate takes us through the second to last mark of EHD. Our past is so powerful and It can have a hold on our future. To break the power it has over us, is not spiritual and it's not practical, it's both.
6/20/202241 minutes, 36 seconds
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Make Love the Measure of Spiritual Maturity - Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Pt.5 | Stephen Wood

How can you love people in every interaction? In this message, Stephen Wood takes on the great topic of love, but focusses on the small steps we can take as disciples to act out of love in our every day relationships. “…As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” - John 13:34-35
6/13/202231 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Treasures Buried in Grief and Loss - Emotionally Healthy Discipleship PT.4 | Joel Milgate

Do you try to forget about the pain of grief and loss, hoping that it won't hurt so much if you ignore it? In this message, Joel Milgate talks about the treasures we can find from embracing the journey of grief and loss.
6/7/202244 minutes, 24 seconds
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Embrace God's Gift of Limits - Emotionally Healthy Discipleship PT.3 | Katie Milgate

Do you know your limits? Do you listen to them? In this message, Katie Milgate talks to us about embracing God's gift of limits. We either willingly embrace limits or willfully defy them. Which one will you be?
5/30/202235 minutes, 27 seconds
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Follow The Crucified Jesus - Emotionally Healthy Discipleship PT.2 | Steve Fruish

Are you trying to be popular, great, or successful? Are you trying to avoid failure and suffering? In this Message, Steve Fruish continues emotionally healthy discipleship with a message on following the crucified Jesus and not the westernised Jesus. It might just look like rejecting popularity, greatness, success or the fear of failure.
5/23/202236 minutes, 48 seconds
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Be Before You Do - Emotionally Healthy Discipleship PT.1 | Joel Milgate

Are you Martha or Mary? In this message, Joel Milgate kicks off the Emotionally Healthy Discipleship series with the first message, Be Before You Do. Often we get caught up doing for God, thinking it's the greatest gift to him, but our presence is the greatest gift we can give Him.
5/16/202243 minutes, 43 seconds
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Facing Your Shadow - Easter Tide | Hayden Reid

Do you have someone you can confess to? In this message, Hayden Reid talks to us about bringing what is in the shadows into the light. When we confess our sins to God and one another we allow God to come and clean us in the process.
5/2/202229 minutes, 24 seconds
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A New Kind of Alive - Easter Tide PT.1 | Renee Hanna

Do you feel worthy to receive the love Jesus displayed on the cross? In this message, Renee Hanna walks us through scripture that shows us people that were in similar positions, but still, Jesus removed the shame and confirmed, that they are loved.
4/28/202231 minutes, 14 seconds
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He is Risen - Easter Sunday | Joel Milgate

He is Risen Indeed! In this Message, we join Joel Milgate at Soper Reserve as he talks about the resurrection. His resurrection speaks to our need to also be resurrected now and our hope to be resurrected in the future.
4/28/202219 minutes, 38 seconds
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Death is Defeated - Good Friday | Joel Milgate

Liberation isn’t just a decision moment, but a kingdom you are invited into. In This Message, Joel Milgate speaks to us about the meaning of Christus victor. The cosmic battle is won, right when evil thought it crushed the son, the perfect son, crushed evil, and disarmed the Evil powers. Jesus gave his life as a ransom for us, but not in the sense he was buying off God or Satan, ransom means “price of release” and he paid the price.
4/28/202234 minutes, 29 seconds
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Here Comes the King - Palm Sunday | Katie Milgate

As Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem on a colt, the people laid something down at his feet. In this message, Katie Milgate challenges us, what will we be laying down at the foot of the king this Palm Sunday?
4/11/202221 minutes
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Authenticity - Vision Month PT.6 | Joel Milgate

Authentic, grounded, genuine - these are good words! We love the idea, we know it when we see it and our NZ culture has a high meter for it. In this message, Joel Migate finishes the Vision Month series with our final value, Authenticity. We look at the context of Romans 12 for some keys to becoming an authentic people.
4/4/202237 minutes, 2 seconds
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Togetherness - Whanaungatanga - Vision Month PT.5 | Joel Milgate

Do you see the church as a restaurant or a family meal? In this message, Joel Milgate teaches on our 4th value, Togetherness - Whanaungatanga. The church isn't supposed to be a place you go to be served as a restaurant, it's more like a potluck lunch, everyone brings something to the table and everyone is fed from the table.
3/28/202240 minutes, 45 seconds
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Spiritual Practices - Vision Month PT.4 | Joel Milgate

How does God change us to be more like Jesus? In this message, Joel Milgate talks to us about Spiritual Practices and the need to continually train in them so we can see what God has for our life now and for the future.
3/21/202241 minutes, 37 seconds
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Gospel & Mission - Vision Month PT.3 | Joel Milgate

What does Gospel even mean? In this message, Joel Milgate talks to us about our second value, Gospel and Mission. It's important we understand what the Gospel is and how we can apply it to our lives as a mission.
3/14/202234 minutes, 46 seconds
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Love - Aroha - Vision Month PT.2 | Joel Milgate

They will know us by our Love. In this message, Joel Milgate continues Vision Month with the first value, Love - Aroha. If we are going to practice love, we first need to know love and reclaim our original purpose as image-bearers.
3/7/202238 minutes, 6 seconds
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A New Vision - Vision Month PT.1 | Joel Milgate

"Where there is no vision, the people perish" Proverbs 29:18. In this message, Joel Milgate shares the journey we have been on as a church over the last 10 years. He talks about our new vision statement and why it is important in shaping our future.
2/28/202237 minutes, 49 seconds
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Firm Foundation - God, Curate & A New Year PT.4 | Renee Hanna

In This Message, Renee Hanna talks to us about how we can continue to have a firm foundation in Christ when things around us are not looking as well as we would like.
2/21/202227 minutes, 50 seconds
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Therefore, I Am - God, Curate & A New Year | Hayden Reid

Do you feel like you will never measure up? Never quite good enough? In this message, Hayden Reid talks to us about why we should be rethinking our "However's" and turning them into "Therefore".
2/14/202224 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Year Of... - God, Curate And A New Year | Joel Milgate

There will be challenges, there will be disruptions, there will be sickness for some, But they don’t have to be what the year is crowned by. In this message, Joel talks to us about what he feels the 7 things this year will be crowned by.
2/9/202234 minutes, 4 seconds
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Joel and Julia A'Bell - God, Curate and A New Year PT.2

Everywhere you go you have opportunities to love others. In this Message, The A'Bells talk to Curate about walking in your gifting, spreading the love of Jesus and loving people the way Jesus loves us.
1/24/202231 minutes, 40 seconds
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Tom & Suzie Brock - God, Curate & A New Year

We are not an organization, we are an organism. Tom & Suzie Brock, a couple that has been journeying with and speaking into Curate's journey for many years, come to kick off the new year with a prophetic message for us all.
1/17/202225 minutes, 13 seconds
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Praise God for His Call - Hope is Here PT.4 | Katie Milgate

In the final message of the year, Katie Milgate talks to us about us being in Christ, Christ being in us and the new things he is birthing in us this year and this season. Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy!
12/19/202126 minutes, 46 seconds
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Bringer of Light - Hope is Here PT.3 | Joel Milgate

Jesus is the bringer of light, but sometimes to walk in the way of light is to walk in the way of love. In this Message, Joel Milgate talks to us about what it looks like to walk in love with community. How to engage the spiritual practice of making wise and Godly decisions and walking in love through all this, following and listening to many counselors, not just feeling or the holy spirit alone.
12/13/202137 minutes, 1 second
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You are Our Hope - Hope is Here PT.2 | Katie Milgate

Have you lost Hope? In this message, Kate Milgate reminds us not to lose hope in each other and in Jesus. Even though this time might feel hard, it's not time to turn on each other, it's time to turn against the real enemy and turn towards our hope, broken all those years ago into the mess of this world.
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Praise Him For Breaking Through - Hope is Here PT.1 | Joel Milgate

In this Message, Joel Milgate talks about God breaking through in our story. When we are waiting in the midst of brokenness for God to break through. We remind ourselves he has broken through, is breaking through and will breakthrough.
11/29/202135 minutes, 9 seconds
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Why Practice PT.2 - Practicing the Way of Jesus PT.8 | Joel Milgate

Joel Milgate concludes the "Practicing the Way of Jesus" series with a continuation of why practice. He talks about how relying on God is to trust God and his strength and not ourselves. If we are to be transformed more like Jesus. We need to continue picking up and practicing spiritual practices.
11/22/202130 minutes, 47 seconds
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Why Practice? - Practicing the Way of Jesus PT.7 | Joel Milgate

Why practice the way of Jesus? In this message, Joel Milgate talks about why we would even practice the same things Jesus practiced. Join Joel as he talks about God's big story here, what Jesus was like as a Rabbi and what it means to be saved.
11/15/202134 minutes, 40 seconds
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Prayer - Practicing the Way of Jesus PT.6 | Katie Milgate

Is your life centered around prayer? In this message, Katie Milgate talks about the beauty of prayer. Jesus lived a life of prayer, his way was a way of prayer. Through Jesus, we now have a way to talk to God, so let's pray prayers that are full of blessing, passionate and life-giving.
11/8/202133 minutes, 29 seconds
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Silence & Solitude - Practicing the Way of Jesus PT.5 | Hayden Reid

Is life non-stop? Hard to stop? In this message, Hayden Reid talks about practicing silence and solitude. In a world that never stops, it's important we take time to connect, sit, stop and listen to our creator and what He has to say to us.
11/2/202129 minutes, 25 seconds
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Bring Back the Sabbath - Practicing the Way of Jesus PT.4 | Tony Crawford

Do you take time to rest? To be with Jesus? is it a whole day? In this message, Tony Crawford shares a challenging message about practicing the sabbath. If we want to be more like Jesus, we need to slow down, disconnect and rest.
10/25/202130 minutes, 55 seconds
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A Life of Forgiveness - Practicing the Way of Jesus PT.3 | Renee Hanna

Do you struggle to forgive? In this message, Renee Hanna talks to us about the life of Jesus and the ways he forgave. If we are to live in the ways of Jesus, forgiveness has to live at the centre of everything.
10/18/202132 minutes, 21 seconds
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Gather Together - Practicing the Way of Jesus PT.2 | Steve Fruish

Your relationship with Jesus was never meant to be done alone. In this message, Steve Fruish talks about the importance of gathering together. In a community of faith, we see our best self thrive, be encouraged and grow.
10/10/202126 minutes, 13 seconds
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Showing Up - Practicing the Way of Jesus PT.1 | Katie Milgate

In this Message, Katie Milgate starts the "Practicing the Way of Jesus" series with a message about showing up, and it's in the showing up that things start to happen. The gap between who I want to be in Jesus and who I am begins to get smaller.
10/4/202124 minutes, 25 seconds
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The God On a Mission - Making Room for One More PT.3 | Joel Milgate

Have you partnered with the mission of the Church? In this message, Joel Milgate talks to us about what it looks like to live a life on mission and how powerful it would be if we partnered with the mission of the Church.
9/28/202137 minutes, 16 seconds
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Embrace - Making Room for One More PT.2 | Joel Milgate

Are you waiting on something spectacular to create change in your life? In this message, Joel Milgate talks about what the last 10 years of leading Curate have been like. God can do the spectacular in the mundane if we are willing to embrace where we are and where God is wanting us to go.
9/19/202130 minutes, 1 second
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Why Worship? - Making Room for One More PT.1 | Katie Milgate

Why do we worship? Is it a weird thing or is it a joy? In this message, Katie Milgate starts the 'Making Room for One More' series by talking to us about worship. Worship is meant to unite us in spirit, thankfulness and praise to God; Not divide us in preference, style and thought.
9/12/202127 minutes, 33 seconds
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In Your Honour - Fathers Day | Joel Milgate

Do you struggle to honour your parents? Or maybe it's someone in leadership? In this message, Joel Milgate teaches us about honour, what the bible says about it and the need for it in our homes, church and society.
9/5/202135 minutes, 12 seconds
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Money, Stewardship & Principles - Financial Freedom PT.4 | Joel Milgate

Does everything really belong to God? In this message, Joel Milgate wraps up the Financial Freedom series talking about stewardship and principles. What we have has been entrusted to us and we will be accountable for it. Are you going to honour God with your money and what you do with it?
8/31/202135 minutes, 29 seconds
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Money, Justice & Eternity - Financial Freedom PT.3 | Joel Milgate

Abundance isn't God's blessing for me to live in luxury, abundance is for me to help others. In this Message, Joel Milgate continues the financial freedom series with an encouragement that we need to be people of justice with a focus on both the justice and eternal paradigms in order to move towards the financial freedom God has for us.
8/24/202135 minutes, 42 seconds
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Money and The Church - Financial Freedom PT.2 | Joel Milgate

Has hurt influenced the way we see the church? Do we have trust issues with the church? In this message, Joel Milgate continues the financial freedom series with a message about why we give to our local church.
8/16/202137 minutes, 19 seconds
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Money and Your Heart - Financial Freedom PT.1 | Joel Milgate

How do you see your finances? Are you holding it tightly? Are you hoping for an increase? In this message, Joel Milgate starts the Financial Freedom series by talking about our hearts and the lens we need to look at money through.
8/9/202130 minutes, 46 seconds
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Renee Hanna - Freedom Is Here

Do you feel God is close or far? In this message, Renee Hanna helps us see that God never leaves us. Instead, he is at work at all times, here with you working all things for your good. Can you see what He is doing?
8/1/202121 minutes, 16 seconds
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Katie Milgate - Wiser Than My Enemies

Are you wiser than the devil? In this Message, Katie Milgate explains the cunning ways in which the devil uses to try and trip us up. Thankfully, Jesus shows us how to respond to spiritual resistance armed with God's instruction.
7/26/202126 minutes, 25 seconds
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Joel Milgate - Healthy Relationships

What relationship in your life needs to be restored? In this message, Joel Milgate teaches us that living in the Kingdom of God is about more than just spiritual disciplines. In fact, people should know you are a citizen of heaven first through your relationships.
6/28/202132 minutes, 3 seconds
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Renee Hanna - In Us and Through Us

In this Message, Renee talks to us about living to a higher standard. In the Kingdom of God, it's not about following the Mosaic law, first, we need to let the transformation of our heart be an overflow of our actions, which is only made possible through Jesus.
6/21/202134 minutes, 53 seconds
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Hayden Reid - Go

Where have you been placed to make a difference? In this message, Hayden Reid talks about living a life on a mission. You have been placed where you are to go and bring The Kingdom of God with you.
6/14/202127 minutes, 37 seconds
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Katie Milgate - Jesus Worked

What would it look like to be the salt and light to your workplace? In this Message, Katie Milgate encourages us that God isn't calling you out of work, but instead, he is asking you to be an extension of God's Kingdom in your everyday life.
6/8/202126 minutes, 54 seconds
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Joel Milgate - How Do We Get In On The Kingdom

You can come as you are, but you can't come as you like. In this message Joel Milgate shares about repentance being the way we get into the Kingdom of God. When we repent we acknowledge we don't want to be self-reliant and we can't do this on our own.
5/31/202139 minutes, 32 seconds
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Joel Milgate - Who Has the Good Life?

Who is blessed? Am I blessed? In this message, Joel Milgate talks about the blessed life in the kingdom of heaven and answers the question, who has the good life?
5/24/202140 minutes, 11 seconds
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Joel Milgate - What is Good News?

The World is full of "Good News", but not necessarily the good news of Jesus. In this message, Joel Milgate gives his thoughts on all the "Good News" invading our thoughts and lives. Are you prepared to lay down all other "Good News" in this world in order to live the God-reliant life of a disciple?
5/17/202135 minutes, 17 seconds
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Joel Milgate - What is The Kingdom

What is the Kingdom? Is it already here or is it still something to come? Do I need to enter into it or am I already in it? Can I lock people out of it? Does it have anything to do with this world? The Answer?...Yes! In this Message, Joel Milgate begins the series ‘The Kingdom of God - The Realm of Freedom’ as we start to unpack this hugely important biblical concept.
5/3/202129 minutes, 23 seconds
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Joel Milgate - The Cross & The Kingdom

5/3/202134 minutes, 32 seconds
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Steve Fruish - Freedom From Distraction

How many hours do you spend looking at your phone each day? More than you thought? In this message Steve Fruish shares his journey with distraction, what he has noticed about our cultural behaviours towards our phones and what we are missing out on while we consumed.
4/27/202126 minutes, 21 seconds
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Katie Milgate - Free the Head

Are the voices in your head holding you back? Katie Milgate talks to us on how we can free our minds to become more like Jesus by knowing who we are in Christ, being aware of his presence daily, and never trying to please other people. Through this, we can practice living in freedom.
4/19/202123 minutes, 29 seconds
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Katie Milgate - Can You Hear the Sound of Freedom?

Do you feel there is something in your life holding you back? In this message, Katie Milgate shares her story of how she broke strongholds off her life to find freedom from shame and insecurity and encourages us that we too can find freedom from the strongholds in our lives.
4/14/202119 minutes, 35 seconds
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Joel Milgate - The Rolled Stone

Why was the stone rolled away? Maybe it was less about Jesus leaving the tomb and more about us stooping in to see. In this Easter Sunday message, Joel Milgate talks to us about a few ways we can respond once we discover the tomb has been left empty.
4/13/202129 minutes, 12 seconds
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Joel Milgate - Vision Sunday PT.2

What does freedom look like to you? In this message Joel Milgate speaks to us about how freedom is an inside-out transformation rather than an external situation shift. Have a listen and prepare to be challenged.
4/13/202129 minutes, 55 seconds
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Joel Milgate - Chapter 2

Have you been rushing through life? Struggling to keep up? In this message, Joel Milgate reflects on all the beauty season 1 has brought, talks to us about what season 2 will look like for Curate Church, and how the pace will look, sound, and feel different.
3/22/202132 minutes, 26 seconds
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Katie Milgate - The War Within

Do you sometimes make terrible choices that lead you to places you don't want to be? Fresh back from sabbatical, Katie Milgate talks to us about how our flesh and spirit or at war within us and what we can do to help the spirit win!
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Renee Hanna - Detours

Have you ever faced a significant detour in life? In this message, Renee Hanna encourages us that, even when things may not be headed in the direction we hoped for or thought they would be, we can have faith that God is using these circumstances to prepare us for something greater, reveal His glory, and build our faith!
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Hayden Reid - What We Plant Today We Harvest Tomorrow

Have you been planting seeds in your life that won't bring good outcomes? In this message, Hayden Reid talks to us about making good, Godly decisions so that in the future we can reap the reward.