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Daily Meditations & Life Recipes to Be Present, Be Positive, Be You

English, Religion, 2024 seasons, 113 episodes, 23 hours, 6 minutes
Practical, heart-centered methods and meditations that nourish your spirit + soul so you can be present, be positive, and be you. Be in flow with life, love, health, wealth! Find wholeness within and create harmony in your life through these daily insights and meditations. Listen and turn within to love and light that is your essence so you may be IN FLOW with life and show up as your HIGHER SELF you were created to be. Thanks for tuning in. Please consider subscribing, sharing with a friend, and giving so I can keep this content coming. Support this podcast:
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112. Guided Meditation to Allow, Open, and Be in Truth

Guided Meditation to Allow, Open, and Energize. Listen in and feel supported and at ease tune into the natural rhythm of love, of presence. The power of meditation is being aware of being aware. As we mindfully notice our thoughts, we become present. This allows our body and mind to calm. Just by becoming aware of what we are thinking, what we are feeling in the moment. It is from this awareness, we can return to the love, light, within. This simple awareness practice helps us return to heart, to love. This is how we show up as our higher self, with love. That higher energy that helps us be our best. As you practice the presence, you can bring it into your day, so you return to love, to peace when challenges arise, you can be at ease. Thanks for listening. Please consider sharing this episode, subscribing to the feed, or supporting the show.  “Because this was given in love it is blessed to the giver, blessed to the receiver, blessed to the cause.” --- Support this podcast:
11/16/202311 minutes, 29 seconds
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Life Recipe 6: Gratitude Practice For Real this Time

Life Recipes are practical methods to help you live with greater intention, be in truth, and love this one and precious life. We all need little reminders, techniques, and methods to be better. It's natural for us as humans to do what is easy instead of what is right and good. But that is no way to live... if we want to feel better when we rest our heads at night, we have to do the work. One step at a time. Listen in to this life recipe to start a gratitude practice and stick to it. We all know it leads to more meaningful living to stay in appreciation and gratitude, but we don't always do it. Sometimes it feels easier to stay in the story of victim, of why me, of woe is me. Listen in to choose differently, to stay on the path of appreciating instead of finding fault, judging, or wallowing. It's a choice we can all make and this life recipe helps us stay on the side of appreciation for more moments of our day - as we do our heart opens and feel deeper joy, love, and meaning - and attract more good into our lives. Give it a try! Thanks for listening. Please consider sharing this episode, subscribing to the feed, or supporting the show.  “Because this was given in love it is blessed to the giver, blessed to the receiver, blessed to the cause.” --- Support this podcast:
11/16/202310 minutes, 26 seconds
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111. Allow yourself to Rest and Be at Ease

As we lay our heads down at night, we have to answer the question, how was my day, am I happy with who I am? Imagine ending the day feeling like you did what was yours to do, you were your best, and treated others as best you could. It's just us and we get to reflect and find peace within. Allow this meditation to guide you into reflecting on the good parts of your day so you can be at ease, rest, and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Thanks for listing. Please consider sharing this, subscribing, or giving. “Because this was given in love it is blessed to the giver, blessed to the receiver, blessed to the cause.” --- Support this podcast:
11/16/202313 minutes, 59 seconds
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110. Part 3 Biblical Truths for everyday Living - Justice

Justice means loving our neighbor as we love ourselves and is rooted in the character and nature of God. We don't always think of justice in this way. It often takes a political or social justice stance, which is all good. But when we look at the core of the word, it means being in integrity. Life recipes look at different ancient texts to uncover truth and find practical methods to apply day to day to live with more meaning, love, and joy - all the good stuff! Thanks for tuning in! --- Support this podcast:
11/15/202316 minutes, 11 seconds
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109. Acceptance

Accepting others fully is a gift. --- Support this podcast:
10/11/202317 minutes, 48 seconds
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108. Faith

Faith in what is unseen. --- Support this podcast:
10/8/202315 minutes, 46 seconds
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95. Ground Yourself and Focus on Love and Wholeness Within

Within you is all you need to treat others and yourself with love, kindness, and peace. This is a guided meditation to let go of something you are holding on to that is creating strife, disaccord, heaviness in your life. That is no way to be. If you are holding on to all that, you are missing out on the love and possibility that you are made for. Allow this guided meditation to help you Breathe in Love. Release out old thoughts. Where are you holding old energy? Notice where you feel rigidness, bound, lack of flow and movement. Maybe a darkness or heaviness. Let it go. Release. Knowing that you holding on to that is hurting nobody but yourself. Allow this Guided Meditation and affirmations to ground and and help you focus on the love and wholeness that you are and release all that doesn't serve you. YOu are made to be free. Follow your heart. Tune in. Listen and Trust. Let ​​Rumi — 'Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.' Allow these affirmations to be your own voice.  I am one with overflowing warmth, peace, love and ease.  I am not defined by my past pain and hurts - I release them now.  I forgive those who have hurt me - only hurt people hurt. I choose love this moment - love, peace, understanding begins with me now.  I am worthy of this life that is filled with abundance and love - it’s here now. I use my breath moment by moment to focus my attention on the good that is and to trust and create more good - the choice is mine. --- Support this podcast:
5/31/202313 minutes, 22 seconds
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92. Seven Chakras Guided Meditation to Balance and Harmonize

Meditation to heal and restore the seven main chakras. Since each chakra is associated with a particular aspect of our life, focusing on each place within the body is a wonderful healing practice. During the meditation, the focused awareness brought upon each of the seven chakras, helps opening and balance them. This meditation helps you feel centered and harmonize the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of your life.   Chakra is a sanskirt word meaning "Wheel of Light." Allow this meditation to center you and bring out your light and love. Enjoy and please subscribe and share.    --- Support this podcast:
5/15/202315 minutes, 17 seconds
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91. Relaxing Body Scan Meditation to Feel At Ease

Meditation is your time to recharge, recenter and rejuvenate. Allow this relaxing, guided body scan meditation with time for stillness to bring forth inner peace and a sense of calm in your body. As we we calm our body and mind, we tune into heart and to our power of love, light, understanding, kindness. It's within yet we lose sight of it in the day to day grind and busyness. Meditation brings you back and to experience that greater peace and well-being to show up in your life as your higher self, as you were created to be, bringing your gifts and whole self into the world and your relationships and work. Consider sharing, liking, or subscribing so I can keep the content coming. With gratitude! --- Support this podcast:
5/1/202314 minutes, 57 seconds
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88. Heart-Centred Body Scan Meditation

The next few moments are to nourish your body, mind, and soul. Allow this guided meditation to bring your awareness and attention to your heart space. As you do, you calm your body. Quiet your racing mind. Reconnect to heart. Where you find greater peace and connection. The more you listen, the more you will find greater peace and harmony in your body, mind, and spirit. Please consider sharing and subscribing. --- Support this podcast:
3/19/20237 minutes, 14 seconds
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82. Short meditation to overcome feelings of overwhelm or doubt

Listen in to overcome any feelings of doubt or overwhelm that you are feeling. Allow these words to be your inner voice and give you what you need to show up as your higher self and do what is yours to do. --- Support this podcast:
10/31/202210 minutes, 46 seconds
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77. Drift into Sleep soundly and calmly with this meditation

Take a moment to get nice and comfortable in your bed. Lay down. Gently close your eyes, and take in a nice, deep breath. Feel the cool air enter your nose and flow all the way down to your belly. Exhale slowly.  This meditation will help you have a sound and peaceful night sleep. First a body scan mediation will calm your body, next you will reflect on your day, and get hopeful for the day ahead. The meditation closes with gentle focused attention on all of your energy spots within your body.  Leaving you feel loved, whole, and calm for your perfect night of sleep. Another version of sleep meditation is available as well - Episode 76. That one can also be great for children who are having trouble falling asleep. Thanks for listening. Please consider sharing with a friend or supporting so we can keep this content coming.  --- Support this podcast:
1/28/202218 minutes, 45 seconds
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76. Guided Visualization for Peaceful Sleep - Great for Children!

Sometimes it's hard for our bodies to relax into sleep. Worries from the day. Frustrations of a racing mind makes it hard to relax calmly and peacefully. In this guided meditation for sleep, you'll allow yourself to get comfortable, close your eyes, and imagine that you’re actually inside a story that will leave you feeling good inside.  As you are guided into feeling the love inside you, you will calm your mind, rest your body, and ease into a perfect atmosphere of calm and serenity. Children will especially love being guided into sleep in this way. Allow the soothing sounds of my voice and soft music to drift you and your family into a peaceful sleep. This is the first of two meditations for sleep. Try Life Recipe 77 for another guided sleep meditation more geared toward adults. And see which one you like better. Thanks for listening! Please consider sharing with a friend, subscribing, and supporting me to keep it coming. Visit for more. To your well-being! --- Support this podcast:
1/27/202225 minutes, 7 seconds
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75. Embracing this season of life and positively anticipating your next

Noticing patterns helps you move through life with more acceptance.  You are able to see that for every winter there is a spring to follow. Every night is followed by morning sunrise. Sunrise marks beginning of a new day and reminds us we too can start fresh at any time. How? Just pause, focus on your breath, allow whatever is coming up to be, refocus on your breath or any thing that is good right now. Gratefulness and fear can’t be felt at the same time. Gratefulness and anger can’t be felt at the same time. Morning always comes after night. Problems you are facing now will pass. How you choose to be as you are going through what what you are going though is up to you! Everything changes, ends and makes way for something new. Listen to this episode for a tool to help you embrace hard things and to positively move forward with greater intention. Thanks for listening. Please consider sharing with a friend. --- Support this podcast:
1/21/202211 minutes, 18 seconds
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73. Guided Mindfulness Meditation to Tap into Love when you Feel like you're Not Enough

When you feel like you aren’t doing anything right. Or you're not doing enough or that everyone else seems to do it better. You are loved. Just as you are. We wear many masks each day to step into the various roles of our life. Beneath it all is you. Complete, whole you that is Love. The more you can take time in the stillness helps you tune out the noise and hear the whispers within that guide you to feeling better, to make the right choices, and feel your essence that is good and love that allows you to see it in others too. Zig Ziglar says, “Success isn’t measured by what you do compared to others. It’s measured by what you do with the ability God gave you.” When you feel lost. You feel like you don’t know where to turn or what to do next. Get quiet. Be still. Tap into the love that is within you. As you do, you’ll hear that whisper. From here you can quiet the noise that tells you that you aren’t good enough. That you aren’t doing it right. That you are a failure. We all have those voices within us. You are not alone. It’s up to you to quiet them. Quiet yourself. As you do, you create space for truth, for love. This is what you are. This is how you tap into the love within you and the voice for your next right step. The one that is in alignment to heart. To love. To your truth. It only comes from within. Allow this meditation to quiet you, to calm your worries, and to tap into the power within you that is greater than any negative voice inside you telling you otherwise. It’s love, God, Spirit, the Universe. Something so much bigger than our human minds can understand or grasp. We have to allow that mystery to be and just tap into it. It’s there to guide, to love, and to move each of us along on the path toward loving more, being greater, and connecting within and with those around us to make the most of our time here. That’s all. To show up in love. To do the best you can do. To be a presence that helps others be better. To see in others what they can’t see in themselves. That power of love is within you and taking time in the stillness helps you to tap into it. Listen to this audio to do just that. For More, check out, like, share, and subscribe. --- Support this podcast:
12/15/202110 minutes, 29 seconds
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71: Today or Never - Two ways to Not Procrastinate on whats Most Important to You

In Mary Poppins returns, she says "today or never."  The phrase, today or never, is something you can use in your life to not procrastinate and do the thing that is truly important to you.  There are always distractions outside of you and even inside in your own head - worries, fears, doubts, comparisons - that prevent you from being your best and doing what is yours to do. Here are two ways to live out that today or never mindset and to not Procrastinate and Do the thing that is most important to you 1. Nightly Reflection + Intention from your Heart Take a couple moments each night before you go to bed to think about what you did that made you feel good during your day.  Did you do what you said you would do?  What really brought you joy?  What got into the way of doing what felt good in your heart?  How did you show up and feel inside you and how did you make those around you feel? Next, and take a moment to write and intention for what you truly desire to do tomorrow. How do you want to show up? What is something that is important to you, that will bring you joy and fulfillment that you desire to do tomorrow? How will you connect? What do you need to do to be your best?  Write down one thing you can do tomorrow to bring that greater joy, connection and alignment to your heart in a journal or in your phone.  Setting this intention, and writing it down, helps you to remember it actually do it instead of putting it off until tomorrow or the next day and then never. It's easier to do what you've always done but that doesn't bring the joy and fulfillment you need to feel good and show up as your best. 2. Reset and Back Into Alignment with your Heart Everyday you are pulled in many different directions. This is life. You have work and family and friends and so much more.  It's too easy to get off track from what your heart wants by trying to meet the needs for others. The problem with that is if you are missing the things that are most important, you heart's true desires, by being busy with things that aren't that important to you. Then you won't find fulfillment in anything.  At any moment, you can reset.  You can reset and get into alignment with the intention of your heart. It's helpful to have done a bit of reflection (like in step 1) to know what that truly is for you. Only you will know.  Take a pause whenever you feel overwhelm or unease. Today or never. Reset and recenter with your heart.  What is your intention for how you want to be showing up for your work and your family? What is the best choice for your health and and welbeing right now. Be the person you want to connect with.  It starts with you. Pause and take a step in that direction to where you desire to be. You can do this at any moment.  Remember you can't control everything that happens day to day, you can control how you respond and show up.  So take a pause at any time. Reset yourself and recenter into how you want to be, how you want to show up. You can always breathe and be here now and be the best you can be - which is in alignment with your inner voice.  This is the voice of truth that is always there, sometimes just a whisper, guiding you along to connect, choose love, and show up as your higher self. As Oprah said, "Take responsibility for the energy you bring into this space." To be a connected, loving energy wherever you go follow these two simple practices.  Today or Never. If not now then when? --- Support this podcast:
12/10/20215 minutes, 59 seconds
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Meditations + Life Recipes | Wholeness Within | Harmony in Heart + Home (Trailer)

--- Support this podcast:
10/8/202155 seconds
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69. A Morning Ritual to ground and center you

69. Morning Ritual of Intention and Grounding Good morning. Everyday and each new moment is a fresh start. This morning you begin your ritual to start the day in an intentional, grounded way. Whether you are lying in bed still or sitting up. Take a moment now to be still. As you take a few moments to focus on your breath. You get into this moment. In this moment there is nowhere to be but here. This moment is spacious. This moment you are connecting to your essence. As you breath in deeply you connect to that part of you… That is centered That is love That is peace That is still That is truth That is your essence Your mind races at times. You approach the thoughts that come though with openness with curiosity. Allowing them to move through. These thoughts are not you. You feel emotions based on the thoughts you think and what you see around you. You approach these emotions. Allowing them to be. You feel and they move through. They pass by.  You return to your breath. You return to the stillness at any time during your day. You return to your breath again to center. Thank yourself for beginning your day with this stillness, this ritual that allows you to focus so you can really be present for all the experiences that come your way today.  With presence you move through the challenges of today with greater ease. Problems only exist in the moment. With presence you have clarity for how to solve your problem. Your mind may trick you into trying to solve tomorrow’s problem today. Or believe that you deserve to still feel shame or punishment for the problem you faced yesterday. This time in the stillness reminds us that all you have is this moment. In this moment, right now you are at peace. You will do what is yours to do when it is yours to do it.  Today you act with kindness, with respect, with honesty, with love. This makes you beautiful as you move forward, connect and act in the loving way. Your light shines and is felt for all that you touch today. Today you are present for the most beautiful things in life - the moments. The moments where you feel, connect, smile, laugh, and even as you feel hard things. This is life. Feeling all these things. Please Listen and Share. And consider Subscribing and Donating. Thank you kindly. --- Support this podcast:
10/1/202115 minutes, 31 seconds
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62. Forgiveness Meditation - Being in flow with seasons of life

Staying in flow in life means taking time for stillness, forgiving, and creating what you desire. Listen to this meditation and life recipe for how to move along with the seasons of life, trusting and having faith in what it is bringing forth for you. And allow this life recipe to give you the practice to be still, to forgive what was, embrace and create what's new so you can connect better within, to others, and your work and world. When you look around in nature, you see seasons of life coming, going, transitioning and blossoming. Nothing stays the same for long. Seasons come and go naturally as do life cycles. Our life as humans is no different, yet sometimes we try so hard to hold on to what was. Grasping, not letting go, so much so that we are living in cloudiness. Just like the nature all around us that changes season by season, so do we. As we transition from one season to the next, our relationships, circumstances, experiences, and mindset must evolve too Accepting this natural flow is how we stay connected and in a loving state. Frustration and challenge is as natural as excitement and celebration. Some seasons bring much more challenge. This means there is a lot of growth, of transition into a better version of yourself. You are meant to glide along, knowing that your circumstances are always temporary. Holding on to what was - good or bad - does not serve you or anyone you are connected with. Life Recipe: Staying in flow with the seasons 1. Be Still 2. Forgive 3. Create Anew Listen in to hear how to do this and experience more joy and openness in your day.  If you enjoyed listening, please consider sharing, subscribing, or supporting. Thank you kindly. --- Support this podcast:
8/27/202113 minutes, 49 seconds
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57: Nourishing meditation to allow you to flourish today

Today you will nourish yourself. See how starting your day in a nourishing way will lead you to flourish and live more openly, lovingly. And with greater presence. Allow yourself to breathe easily and naturally. As you breath moves through your body, feel that flow. “Everyday think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive. I have precious human life. I am not going to waste it.” - Dalia Lama With each breath feel light, love, and confidence flow through. Notice how easy it is and how good it feels.With each breath you are more aware, more connected to your essence that is love. At any time today, you may reconnect to this love. Life Recipe: Nourish Yourself to be more present: Take time in the stillness Observe what is coming up and allow yourself to see it from a different lens Show up in alignment with your intentions, with your truth that is loving. Be present for this is when you connect with love and be your best highest self. When something comes up. Ask yourself: What is my highest good? How can i respond with love? What is the highest good for others? Today is a new day. You are energized, heart-centered and ready for today. You are love, you are light. You have energy and everything you need to be your best, to show up as your highest self. Love yourself, love others. Feel gratefulness for the flow of life that moves through you. --- Support this podcast:
4/1/202115 minutes, 8 seconds
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56: Quick pick-me-up for when you need to reconnect to your heartcenter

Allow this guided meditation be a quick pick-me-up for you. You may find yourself being triggered, lost, or off track throughout your day. Sometimes all you need is to take a few moment in the stillness to reconnect to your breath and your higher self. Knowing this is where you find your flow, where you connect within, connect to heartcenter. Only when you are connected to your own self, are you able to connect with others, get into a flow in your work, and return to love. This is how you want to show up. Allow this meditation to guide you back to that place where you can show up as your best. Thanks for tuning in. Please consider sharing this episode with a friend, subscribing to the feed, or even supporting me so I can keep this content coming! --- Support this podcast:
3/24/20215 minutes, 53 seconds
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53: Practice to worry less and enjoy more in just a few minutes a day

Did you know that stress is actually fear? Fear of failing or not being good enough. Of course stress is good one one level, as it gives you the motivation to work hard to keep at it to make it better. But too much is too much. If you are consistently striving, craving and not enjoying. Then it's too much. It may be time to look at what are you striving for? Is it for fear of failing that you are striving so much? Or you trying to create something externally that can actually only be found when looking internally? This is a simple practice to begin thinking about your true desires and to be intentional. The practice of 3x3x3 allows you to look at what you are stressed or worried about in a productive way. As you bring awareness, you may be able to let it move through you so you can refocus on what you can control, your response to the stressful things coming up. In just a few minutes a day, this phis practice allows you to think about: What you are happy and grateful for. This is important because what you focus on grows. As you train yourself to focus on what is going right, instead of wrong, you slowly retrain yourself and begin feeling more appreciative and happy. What you are stressed or worried about. Getting it out of your head and into the universe helps you formulate a solution or at least a step forward to feel more at ease and calm. Your intentions, what you are aiming for. This is important because having something on the horizon that you are moving toward helps you move through the challenges of the day with greater ease. Knowing what you want helps you to say yes to what is important and prioritize it into your day. Follow this practice to have greater wellbeing and to stress less and appreciate more and make today more meaningful! Listen, share with a friend, subscribe, and consider supporting me so I can keep this content coming.  --- Support this podcast:
3/18/20213 minutes, 40 seconds
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51. Walking Meditation to practice what you are experiencing in the moment

A great way to practice meditation and mindfulness is walking. You can use your senses to tune in to what you are experiencing in the moment as you notice what you see all around you. It allows you to become centered, to be present, and to connect your mind, body, and soul. When was the last time you just walked and really became aware of what you were experiencing around you? So often you are distracted with talking on the phone or thinking of your to-do list or replaying an incident that already happened that you are ruminating over. Try focusing your attention on your walk itself, how your body feels as it touches the ground, what you see around you, how your body is feeling. You just want to bring your attention to all of these sensations without judgement, just allowing and noticing and returning to your breath and the movement of your body. It's a practice that will help you center yourself and be aware when you are not in the moment even later in the day. The practice increases your awareness, attention, and ability to be present. If you have trouble sitting and meditation it is a great way to practice meditation - in movement. Listen to this guided meditation as you do your walking meditation. --- Support this podcast:
3/12/202113 minutes, 44 seconds
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50: Simple Body Scan Meditation to ground yourself and connect to your heart center

Listen in to this simple body scan meditation to ground yourself and connect to heart center. You will be guided to focus your attention on different areas of your body, breathing in and creating space. After listening, you will feel calm, connected, and more enlivened. Better able to connect to the flow of life and in your natural rhythm. Enjoy the practice. --- Support this podcast:
3/9/202114 minutes, 8 seconds
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48. Morning meditation to start your day in an energized, grounded, loving way

Everyday is a fresh start. The sun sets. The sun rises. And so do you. Today you rise. Today you are starting your day in a calming, energized way. Whatever your day has in store for you. Whether there is challenge, opportunity, excitement, or more of what was yesterday. Even in the mundane you can find joy. It’s in the moments where you choos love and from this you create peace, joy, and that fulfillment and meaing you desire. It’s up to you to make today you’re best. You choose how your show up. You can show up as your higher self. Today you choose to show up as love. You choose to be energized. Knowing that at any moment when you lose your step. Challenges arise. Things do not go as you expected. This is life. This is your opportunity to pause. Breathe. And Re-center. Trusting, affirming that life is happening for you. You have everything you need to meet the challenges of today. You are whole. You are strong. When hard things happen, as they do because this is life. You remember to ask question, to be curious about what is coming up, just be open. Instead of reactive. You choose to ask what is this here to teach me? How can I still choose to respond with love. Take a big deep energizing breath. This is your connection to life. Your breath. This life force is within you, every other person, and all around you. You are one with it all. Experiences during your day may leave you feeling depleted, frustrated, like you are not in a flow. Lie you are not wanted or loved. Today you start fresh. Today you remember that life is happening for you, not to you. Take a deep breath knowing that you have life, so you have purpose. Life Recipe: Reflect on what energizes you an what saps your energy. Set an intention to do one thing today that energizes you and to think of a way you show up differently for that thing you have to do that saps your energy. How would the experience shift if you show up differently? Listen in for this calming, energizing morning meditation and relflection that will start your day off right. --- Support this podcast:
3/6/202113 minutes, 12 seconds
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49: When your mind quiets your soul speaks - Meditation and Message around Connecting to your soul self

Do you take time to be still? To connect within? We forget that taking this time for our soul and spirit is just as important as taking time with movement for our bodies.  Remind yourself as Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience." Your soul self is your essence. It is where you find meaning, love, joy, peace. Taking time to quiet your mind, allows space for you to hear your soul speak. To connect to spirit. As you connect within, you connect more with those around you. Allow this message and meditation to ground you in stillness and connect to your heart center. To the rhythm of your breath where you find peace, joy, and love. Light, love, joy, peace, and power to you. Thanks for tuning in. Please subscribe, share with a friend, and consider donating so I can keep this content coming.  Kindly, Lindsay --- Support this podcast:
3/5/202113 minutes, 12 seconds
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47: Mindfulness Practice to move through hard things. Just Be. Be open. Be Kind. Be Intentional

Just be. It's easier said than done. It's away to practice being aware and intentional with your thoughts. A way to be mindful or present.  Mindfulness like anything else is a practice. It's about about skillfully managing your attention and awareness.  It’s a skill you have to practice like any other skill. The more you do it the easier it becomes. But your work is to keep at it. One mindful practice is called Just Be. When something hard is coming up and you are suffering: Just Be The following technique is called Just Be. When you re suffering, remind yourself to Just Be. Don’t hide it, don’t stuff it down, don’t blame yourself or another. Just be and see how you move through that discomfort and suffering with greater calm and return to love. Life recipe for Practicing Just Be Just Be. You can say yourself just be. This helps you be with whatever you are feeling, thinking, or experiencing. Bring awareness to it and just let it be. Create space for recognition of what you are feeling and acceptance of it. Letting it be what it is.   Be open. Openness allows you to let it just be without trying to change it. You can be curious and observant to shat you are feeling and experiencing without trying to change it. As you bring awareness in an open way, you are able to move beyond. You are able to accept with equanimity, allowing things thoughts experiences to be without push or pull. Be Kind. Be compassionate and kind to yourself an others, knowing you did the best you could. Sometimes its your own judgement of yourself that you hold on to long after the act has been forgotten. YOu can move beyond this feeling of shame or guilt with compassion. Loving yourself through it. Extend kindness to yourself as you would a friend. Be Intentional. This is how you return to your higher self knowing there is natural flow and life is happening for you not to you. There is a lesson in what is coming up, teaching you something, helping to grow you. Now it is your choice to respond with intention. To be responsible for your energy, for your attitude. It your choice to return to love. Choose love. Listen in for more on how to practice Just be and practice mindfulness and meditation to feel greater calm acceptance and love. To be more present! Enjoy a meditation at the end to ground and center you in starting this new practice. --- Support this podcast:
3/4/202113 minutes, 34 seconds
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45: Your mindset matters and how to make a shift if yours isn't serving you

Your mindset, the set of beliefs you hold and way you think, has power. It determines your attitude, outlook, and eventually outcome. You can observe the beliefs you hold by taking some time in stillness. This time connecting within helps you to create some space between what happens and how you are responding. You can examine what beliefs are serving you and which are not. Awareness is the first step. Then you can pivot and begin to create new beliefs that are more in alignment to how you want to be, show up and respond. Listen now to hear how you can shift your mindset in a practical, easy to follow way. Close out with a calming meditation that allows you to connect within and set an intention. --- Support this podcast:
3/3/202116 minutes, 31 seconds
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46: Embracing imperfection. You are worthy as you are

You are perfectly imperfect. Being vulnerable is doing what you know what is right even when it is hard. This life recipes shares some inspiration on showing up, being vulnerable and embracing your perfectly imperfect self. --- Support this podcast:
3/3/202111 minutes, 50 seconds
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39: Short, calming guided meditation

Allow this simple guided meditation to ground you. To recenter you. To help you return to the peace within you. Whenever you need a lift or even before you go to sleep or in the morning as you wake up. Meditate to this to begin your practice or compliment one you already have. --- Support this podcast:
4/26/20204 minutes, 31 seconds
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31: Morning Meditation - Start Your Day in a Positive, Calming Way

Listen to this guided meditation to center yourself and start your day in a positive, calming way. The positive affirmations will help you feel inner peace, be more present, and connect to the love within you and all around you today. The affirmations will help you remember that at any time throughout the day you can pause, breathe, and start fresh. Each new moment is an opportunity to start fresh. Today is a good day. Listen and start your day in a positive way. Take this time for you and feel a positive shift in your self, your relationships, your home and work, --- Support this podcast:
4/2/202014 minutes, 56 seconds
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31: A few steps toward being Your Unique You

Marianne Williamson said in her book A Return To Love “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?” Within each of us is love. Our essence is love, goodness, curiosity, courage. It’s showing up as our unique living self allows us to feel the joy that is all around us and manifest what we desire in our life. Check out these four steps for tuning into your essence, that part of you that is like no one else. There is a gift inside you that our world needs. As you tune in and be your true, authentic self, you feel that life-giving energy. Listen and begin appreciating more and showing up as your highest self, and see how that inspires those around you to show up differently too- with more love, peace, understanding, joy- all the good stuff. --- Support this podcast:
6/21/201913 minutes, 46 seconds
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Power of Gratitude to help you uncover a solution to a challenge you are facing

Gratitude is the gateway to all the good stuff that we desire more of in our life - joy, peace, abundance, love. We often think of being thankful for when we are experiencing the good. Yet, we can use this practice to help us when we are facing a big challenge. A roadblock. A problem that feels like it has no solution. Taking a moment to get into a solution mindset. We can never solve a problem when we are in the energy of the problem. Gratitude helps us manifest what we desire by shifting our energy. As we visualize how we would feel if we attained the wealth, health, work, connection—whatever roadblock we are facing. What it would feel like within us, how we would show up, what we would do, what would it be like if this was solved? Enjoy this visualization exercise to move through a challenge you are facing with gratitude and uncovering your solution from inside out. --- Support this podcast:
6/12/201910 minutes, 26 seconds
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Becoming more self-aware meditation

Awareness is the first step toward becoming more present, mindful, and connected. When we become aware of our thoughts and the meaning we are giving our thoughts that may be causing suffering, we can begin to make a shift. We have the power to create a new story for ourselves, one that is for us, instead of against us. As we bring awareness and openness in to that voice that is causing suffering, telling us ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘I'm not wanted’ or ‘I’m a failure’ we can practice noticing it with kindness instead of criticism. What we focus on grows. Meditation is a tool to become more aware. Sometimes we don't even recognize that we are in a negative, judgmental, or fearful state. And that when we are in that mindset we attract more of that into our life. We can have awareness and make a shift. We can choose to pause, breathe, and get back to present where we tune into our inner peace, truth, and love. We know this is our truth because we feel it. Allow this life recipe and meditation to help you become more still, more aware, and feel more presence and peace. --- Support this podcast:
6/7/201917 minutes, 45 seconds
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Calming Body Scan Meditation for inner peace and connection

Allow this guided body scan meditation to help you get into a calm. peaceful state. This is a wonderful guided practice that will be beneficial to those who are new or old to meditation. As you focus on your body from head to toe and connect within you feel greater peace, presence, and wholeness that can help you rest into sleep, find focus, or start your day in a grounded, centered way. --- Support this podcast:
6/2/201911 minutes, 44 seconds
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30: Connecting within to your soulful spiritual self

30: Connecting to your soul. Spiritual practice to connect. Beginning a practice of being still allows us to reconnect with the parts of us that bring us greater meaning fulfillment and love. Our soul is like no other and when we tap in and listen, we feel grace we feel a whisper that lights us up, ignites our work and service, and spreads out onto others. We’ve all felt it at times in our life but in the hurry of life to do more and achieve more, we may have lost sight of our inner soulful self. All of our achievements are greater and have deeper meaning when we’ve connected to this essence within. We have to take time in the stillness to listen and connect within. Caroline Myss wisely says “The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind”. We have to quiet our mind and connect to our body and feel our soul. Stillness gets us there. • sponsored by Carma project --- Support this podcast:
5/27/201910 minutes, 36 seconds
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26: Thinking different thoughts moment by moment- doing the work

26: The work: not believing the thoughts that make us suffer. Buddha says it’s not the hurt that causes our suffering, it’s the meaning we give our suffering. How often do we get caught up on a thought about something that happened. So much that it causes us to feel suffering. We can pause and take a moment to go back to what caused the feelings of negativity sadness or hurt. The act that spurred it is not usually what’s causing the suffering. It’s the meaning behind it. It’s the thoughts we have about it. The story we are telling ourselves. The work by Byron Katie helps us move through the sadness and see it in a different way. Not believing the thoughts we have that our hurting us. It’s a powerful exercise and one we can continually do and this brings greater awareness, compassion, and empathy. She says “he Work is meditation. It is a method of inquiry born directly out of Byron Katie’s experience. This practice allows you to access the wisdom that always exists within you.” --- Support this podcast:
5/25/201912 minutes, 13 seconds
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27: Leaning in and choosing courage over comfort

27: Choosing courage over comfort is not always easy but it is where joy, meaning, love is- all the good stuff. We want to be present, connected, and showing up as our highest self. Seeing the good in ourselves, our experiences and in our relationships. That means we have to be aware of the story we are telling ourselves. The thoughts we are thinking. When we bring awareness we can make a shift if what is showing up in our life and our relationships is not serving us. If we’re not stepping out, if we’re telling ourselves we can’t or won’t or aren’t worthy. It’s time to lean into something else- to courage to a new story of us capable, powerful, living, and connected- because we are. It’s within all of us. Today listen and remember to lean in, take the step, create a new story and be who your soul calls you to be. --- Support this podcast:
5/23/20199 minutes, 40 seconds
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28: Morning meditation with positive affirmations to feel the whole and have a wonderful day

Today is a wonderful day. Just as we fuel our bodies, we need to fuel our mind. We are whole and complete and can move forward wholeheartedly. Allow these positive words to guide you into your day. The words we use are powerful- having the power to change the way we show up and what shows up in our life. The way we think about and respond to what comes up is more important than what happens. We can’t control what happens, but positively affirming our good our essence as energetic whole and living beings helps us take steps toward living the life you truly want, while deeply appreciating the life you already have. Enjoy and have a wonderful day. --- Support this podcast:
5/16/20197 minutes, 31 seconds
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29: Gratitude. A meditation to find the good.

Gratitude. We are learning how important the simple practice of gratitude is in improving our wellbeing. It’s like a lubricant for our brains. For beginning to see things from a new perspective. Our brains are made for survival. We have to train our brains for success and happiness. Gratitude is the most simple practice toward training our brains. We begin to see the challenges, the people, the experiences that are causing us struggle in a new way. We begin to ask the question, what am I meant to learn? What is this teaching me? These things are coming up in our lives to help us grow. Gratitude helps us get out of the fog of fear and ‘why me’ and back into seeing what’s going right. An any moment throughout our day, we can practice gratitude. What is lifting you up? What little thing is making you smile? It’s there. You have to focus on it and it grows. --- Support this podcast:
5/13/20196 minutes, 34 seconds
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26: Our character and the values that drive the choices we make each day

“Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking” - H. Jackson Brown Jr. It’s important to think about our core values. Our values are what drive the choices we make moment by moment which determines how we show up in our life, how we work, we we connect with those around us. Our character is felt and goes deeper than anything external. When we think about our values and begin to move forward in alignment to them we show up in a new way. We can feel good about ourself at the end of the day knowing we did the best we can. We make choices for ourself not meeting goals set by others. Instead, it’s a fulfillment of our own heart. Allow this life recipe to inspire you to think about your own values that make up your character and how you show up in the world. --- Support this podcast:
5/2/201911 minutes, 21 seconds
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25: Being the observer of our thoughts

What if we could allow our thoughts to be. Be the observer knowing our thoughts are not who we are at our soul level. Mindfulness allows us to bring awareness to our thoughts with equanimity- allowing them to come and go without push or pull. How often have the the thoughts in our head, the storyline, taken us away from the experiences in front of us the connection and joy that is ours. How often have we allowed the thought or story of not being worthy, lovable, wanted take us away from experiencing the joy and life and love that is within us and all around. Allow this life recipe to bring awareness to thoughts and know we can be the observer and know our essence, our soul is so much more than the thoughts that come and go. --- Support this podcast:
4/27/20196 minutes, 13 seconds
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24: Meditation for presence

We can use our breath at any time to tune into this moment, the present and feel the peace and calm that is within us. The more we practice meditation and body awareness and being still the more easily we can see when we’re not in this place. We recognize when we’re in a reactive agitated and stressed place and we have the tool we need to get back to presence. Allow this meditation to calm you, create stillness and calm, and become present. So you may show up with the love kindness and peace that you are at your core. --- Support this podcast:
4/23/20198 minutes, 42 seconds
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23: Experiencing wealth and prosperity from the inside out

Wealth actually means well-being. We’ve begun to narrow the definition to refer to bank accounts and material objects. Yet spiritual wealth is so much more. Material wealth alone does not give us the contentment, fulfillment and level of well-being we desire. Wealth is a spiritual well-being that is within each of us and in flow with creativity, life, love, source. Like wealth, prosperity is way of being and thinking that is transcendent. Eric Butterworth says “Prosperity comes from the Latin root which translates to: according to hope. Or to go forward hopefully. It’s not a condition in life as it is an attitude. Prosperity is a way of living and thinking and not just money or things.” We have been conditioned to think life is what happens around us and to us. Yet, life is lived from the inside out. It’s not what happens out there it’s what we do or think about what happens. Starting point of prosperity (or going forward hopefully) is accepting responsibility for our thoughts, keeping ourselves in the positive stream of thoughts, centered in abundance, sufficiency and well being. It’s within all of us, our essence. Listen to this to allow yourself to pause, breathe and reconnect to your prosperity thinking and being and experience all the good that comes. --- Support this podcast:
4/20/201910 minutes, 31 seconds
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21: Choosing to respond from a place of love and feeling happy

Too often we react to what’s going on around us and often it comes from a place of fear and anger and negativity. We can create some space between what’s happening, our experiences and how we choose to respond. Shawn Achor says “It’s not the reality that shapes us, it’s the lens through which we view realty that changes our experience of it and our ability to create a better world for other people. Happiness doesn’t stop us from change. It’s gives us the belief that change is possible.” It’s not about what happens, it’s the lens through which we respond. We can choose differently and it helps the connections we have with the people around us. And in the end isn’t that what is most important, how we are connecting. The connections we make through the interactions we have. We can choose to make those happy from a place of love that is within each of us. --- Support this podcast:
4/15/20197 minutes, 10 seconds
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20: Creating a new story for yourself that is for you

Too often we run a story in our head that is against us. Why is there something within us that is against us? Maybe from our experiences, the wounds we carry that lead us to believe we are not good enough, that we don’t matter, that we are not loved. This isn’t our truth. We can see the meaning in our story and create a new story knowing that all of our experiences made us into who we are, unlike every other and hear to serve in a way no other can. But we have to show up and see the light love and life within ourselves and then we see it all around us and in others. So use this meditation to bring awareness of the story you are telling yourself and to create a new one that is filled with the love peace and joy that you are. --- Support this podcast:
4/13/20197 minutes, 35 seconds
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19: Awareness meditation to find more presence and acceptance

Awareness is the first step toward feeling that great power of presence where we can flow in our lives. Awareness helps us become conscious of the story and the thought we are telling ourselves and we can change. --- Support this podcast:
4/13/20199 minutes, 19 seconds
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18: Indecision - Taking a step forward when it’s hard

When we’re in a place of not knowing the next step to take. It’s easy to stay where we are, where it’s safe and comfortable. But that’s no place to be. We can change the lens for how we experience this time of uncertainty. We can look at it with gratefulness, choosing to see abundance in the opportunities that lie ahead. It’s at this time we just need to take the first step. It all seems big and moving forward feels hard. We may be in a place of worry or fear. We can accept that and choose to feel gratefulness for choices. That we have choices. And it’s at this time we need to turn within. We’ve been given so much direction from the people around us, our families, the media, they try and tell us what is the next right step for us. What will bring us the joy and fulfillment we desire. But it only comes from within. That’s where the answers lie. We have to take time in the stillness in quiet, in stillness, walking, in nature. This is when we can hear the whisper that is guiding us along. We see the flow in our lives as we look back. We can feel it now too. We have to listen. Let this meditation guide you and inspire you to go within and fine peace in the indecision and courage take the first step forward to something that is right for you, that feels good in your heart. --- Support this podcast:
4/5/201912 minutes, 26 seconds
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17: Accepting where you are now to find the flow in life you desire

Everything up until this point had meaning. It lead me to where I am today. Even the hard things are teaching us something - creating an opportunity to grow into who I am meant to be. Too often we get caught in a negative storyline of us not being good enough, worthy enough, not being happy. This isn’t true. We can affirm that there is a flow to our lives. Each one of us has a unique flow, that is why looking outside of ourselves will not bring that fulfillment we all desire. It only comes from within. We only manifest on the outside what we have inside. Listen to this life recipe to affirm acceptance for where you are now and connect to that part of you that is only found through presence. Where we are right now is perfect. When we are in this positive space, more good comes to us. Take a moment to listen and express thanks for where you are. For all the ups and downs that got you to where you are now. I accept where I am now. --- Support this podcast:
3/7/20196 minutes, 58 seconds
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16: Meditation is the training of our mind

We often think of meditation as sitting in quiet. However, It is simply training of the mind and something we can practice all thoughout our day to feel more wholeness and harmony. We have learned how important it is to cleanse our physical bodies. Everything from moving our body, to showering, to brushing teeth. We understand and grasp that. What isn’t is widely known and practiced is that its just as important to cleanse our mind, spiritually and emotionally. And meditation is one tool to help us do this. Meditation is not just relaxing and slowing down our thoughts. It prepares our mind to be more adaptive and less reactive. Listen to this to learn how you can incorporate meditation into your day and begin feeling more present and tuning into our essence that is joy love peace within all of us. --- Support this podcast:
3/6/20196 minutes, 54 seconds
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15: Meeting and accepting others where they are- affirming the light in you is all I see.

One of the greatest human needs we have is to know we are being seen, heard, and accepted as we are. When we encounter people, we may not like the way they are, how they are treating us. That may be someone on the street we don’t know or someone close to us, a loved one, even our child who may always press our buttons. It’s helpful to remember always people act on the outside the way they feel on the inside. When someone is acting very horribly, they are hurting inside. And feeling even worse when they do that horrible thing to another. We can choose to show up differently, we can choose love. And to affirm the light in you is all I see. It’s especially helpful with our children as parents. There is an acronym called HALT that I’ll talk through that helps us be with our children on their tough moments. Hungry? feed them. Angry? Give them some love. Lonely? Give them some attention and one-on-one time. Tired? Give them space to rest and experience quiet. We all have an inner child that wants to be seen, heard, and accepted. So this acronym helps in all our relations. Choosing love and choosing to see the light in another is the best thing we can do in helping another person move through a challenge. Today choose to meet and accept people where they are and affirm: the light in you is all I see. --- Support this podcast:
2/27/20197 minutes, 27 seconds
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14: Gratitude meditation and body scan to ground and center you in wholeness and peace

Allow this meditation and body scan practice to center and ground you. We know gratitude is the gateway to joy and peace. We are whole and perfect and complete right now. Through our breath and focused awareness on our different body parts, we express gratitude. This calms us and allows us to feel peace and thankfulness for what is going right and trusting that what appears to be going wrong is here to help us grow. As we affirm and trust that we are whole, perfect, and complete we begin to notice all there is to be grateful for. Thank you for this practice and affirming gratefulness. --- Support this podcast:
2/9/20197 minutes, 8 seconds
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13: Doing the work to create loving fulfilling relationships

13: Creating a loving relationship with your partner --- Support this podcast:
2/8/20199 minutes, 15 seconds
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12: Peace begins within. Meditation to return to inner peace when we are triggered

Peace begins within. We can use our breath wherever we are triggered or feeling resistance or frustration or any negativity. We return to this truth knowing nothing outside of us, even the everyday challenges and suffering and busyness of our responsibilities can take us away from the peace within us. With awareness, we can accept, breathe, and with kindness return to peace within. When things outside of us are tough, the greatest gift we can give is our own stillness and peace within. That calm energy radiates out. “We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves” says the Dalai Lama. It’s not easy but it’s the work we are here to do. The more we practice the more quickly we can have the awareness that we are in reacting mind and stuck in thoughts of past or future, ruminating instead of being here now. That is the human-ness of us. It’s natural and how we grow. It’s up to us to return to being, to presence, to peace. Let this meditation help you return to the stillness and peace within you. --- Support this podcast:
2/5/20197 minutes, 52 seconds
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08: Loving Kindness Meditation with music

Loving kindness meditation helps us to strengthen feelings of kindness and connection toward our inner self and others. Take a moment and breathe and listen to this meditation to ground yourself in this natural feeling of love that is always available to us. Love and peace is our essence. As we forgive ourselves and others, we may return to this feeling of acceptance and love. This practice is a wonderful meditation to ground and center. May you feel love. May you feel loving kindness. May you find true peace in your life. --- Support this podcast:
1/24/20198 minutes, 18 seconds
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03: We are whole, capable, and complete just as we are- this is our essence.

We may have lost site of ourselves as whole, capable and complete beings- that feeling of harmony and flow in our being. We have to keep doing the work to bring ourselves back to that level of harmony and wellbeing- the joy is in doing the work. Life recipes share simple practical methods, meditations and recipes for returning to your wholeness across all the important life areas. Health: the way we move our bodies and what we fill it with. Character: our values and what drives the choices we make each day. Intellectually: how we are growing and developing ourselves mentally. Emotionally: how aware we are and in tune with the way we feel inside. Spiritually: how connected we are with the universal world around us, our time in stillness, in reflection, in gratitude and prayer. Vocationally: the work we do, how are we using our greatest skills and talents to serve. Financially: the positive flow of money in and money out. Avocationally: what lights us up, how are we having fun. Finally and most importantly Relationally: how we are interacting and connecting with our own self and others, especially our romantic partner, our children, our extended family and friends as well as the everyday person we meet. All the interactions matter. We are wired to connect with others, and we connect better when all the other pieces are in flow. Environment: what is our space like? Does it spark joy? What systems can we put in place to simplify and create more calm. Join me each morning for a new life recipe in one of these areas. The more we practice and work on each area, the more harmony and flow we will feel. We can always return to our essence through our breath. A huge breath in and out reminds us that we are whole, capable and complete as we are. --- Support this podcast:
1/18/20196 minutes, 17 seconds