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Daily Spiritual Startups: Meditations to Begin Every Morning Cover
Daily Spiritual Startups: Meditations to Begin Every Morning Profile

Daily Spiritual Startups: Meditations to Begin Every Morning

English, Religion, 4 seasons, 382 episodes, 1 day, 8 hours, 40 minutes
Daily Spiritual Startups features regular, short devotional thoughts to help believers start their day off right. To subscribe to Daily Spiritual Startup's Premium Content, including audiobook chapters and sermons by Kerry Williams, go to:
Episode Artwork

Pursuing Peace

Christians must be a people of peace, not of conflict.
9/12/20244 minutes, 7 seconds
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Spiritual Shape

If it is important to keep in shape physically, how important is spiritual shape?
8/28/20246 minutes, 42 seconds
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God Takes on Our Problems

Who is it that bears your burdens?
8/26/20244 minutes, 31 seconds
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Temptation's Source

Where does temptation come from?
8/7/20245 minutes, 32 seconds
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Wellspring of Life

Where does our true life really come from?
8/6/20244 minutes, 9 seconds
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Receiving Goodness

What can make us "good?"
8/5/20244 minutes, 5 seconds
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Defeating Temptation

How do we find victory over temptation?
8/2/20245 minutes, 57 seconds
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Joy in the Lord

Where do we find our Joy?
8/1/20243 minutes, 52 seconds
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Do We Engage?

Do we retreat or engage in our faith?
7/31/20246 minutes, 40 seconds
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God's Mercy

How incredible is the mercy of our God?
5/24/20244 minutes, 46 seconds
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How important are our memories?
4/19/20246 minutes, 2 seconds
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God Will Make It All Right

God promises justice and peach for His children.
4/18/20245 minutes
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Born Again

Do we ever consider the significance of being born again?
4/4/20245 minutes, 17 seconds
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He's Got Us

We should take comfort in the arms of the Lord.
4/2/20244 minutes, 13 seconds
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Work of the Holy Spirit

What is the primary work of the Holy Spirit?
3/28/20245 minutes, 48 seconds
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Wise Counsel

Do you have a thirst for knowledge?
3/8/20245 minutes, 14 seconds
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He Knows the Real Me

What if there was someone who knew your every thought and fear? There is!
3/7/20244 minutes, 15 seconds
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Living Your Passion

What is God's purpose for you? How can you tell?
3/5/20245 minutes, 12 seconds
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God is Clear

There is no guesswork with God. He is clear about what He desires.
3/1/20244 minutes, 34 seconds
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Grief is an unavoidable part of living in this world.
2/29/20244 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Beautiful Addiction

What are our obsessions? Do we focus on the things of God?
2/28/20244 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Awesome Works of God

No person will ever be as important or significant as the Creator of all things.
2/27/20244 minutes, 32 seconds
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Communication With God

What is prayer if not communication with God?
2/12/20245 minutes, 28 seconds
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Tested Faith

Real faith is faith that has been tested!
2/1/20244 minutes, 59 seconds
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Every Person Needs Friends

How should we proceed in order to make friends at church?
1/24/20245 minutes, 39 seconds
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Passion for the Gospel

Do we feel passionate about the Gospel as Paul did?
1/23/20246 minutes, 14 seconds
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Relationship of Faith and Works

Does relationship with God require works or simply faith?
1/19/20245 minutes, 20 seconds
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Thank You Father

What a gift from God a father can be!
1/17/20244 minutes, 45 seconds
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Joy Abundant

What kind of joy doe God provide to His children?
1/16/20244 minutes, 40 seconds
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Panting Deer

What does the Bible mean by, "As the deer pants for the water?"
1/15/20245 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Value of a Good Wife

How valuable is a good wife?
1/12/20244 minutes, 28 seconds
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Learning to Live Life

What is the best way to learn "life lessons?"
1/11/20245 minutes, 10 seconds
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How Important is Kindness?
1/10/20244 minutes, 32 seconds
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Cherishing Family

Do we realize and appreciate the precious gift of family?
1/8/20244 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ready for His Return

Jesus IS coming back. Are you ready?
1/5/20244 minutes, 57 seconds
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Why Deacons?

Why did the Lord choose to provide His Church with these special servants?
1/4/20244 minutes, 47 seconds
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Wher Did Satan Come From?

What is the origin of Satan? Why is he so vile?
1/3/20246 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Responsibility of Parenting

Parenting truly is "the hardest job you'll ever love."
1/2/20245 minutes, 4 seconds
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Marriage is God's Idea

Marriage is undervalued today. It is essential that we always remember that marriage is God's plan for humanity.
1/1/20244 minutes, 44 seconds
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Trusting the Word of God

Is the Bible trustworthy?
12/29/20234 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Joy of Mercy

Mercy is so easy to receive and so hard to extend!
12/28/20234 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Value of Real Friends

Can there be anything in this world more valuable than REAL friends?
12/27/20234 minutes, 34 seconds
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Strong in the Face of Opposition

We all face opposition from the enemy. Hoe can we have the strength to overcome?
12/26/20234 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Difficulty of Submission

Submission may be the most difficult, and most valuable, commandment God has given us.
12/25/20234 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Real Enemy

What is the greatest enemy we face as Christians?
12/22/20235 minutes, 30 seconds
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We Are New

Christianity is all about the "New."
12/18/20234 minutes, 41 seconds
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In This Mess Together

Life is a mess, but we are not alone.
12/15/20234 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Choice For Prosperity

God promises prosperity, but there is a catch!
12/14/20234 minutes, 3 seconds
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Confidence Not Complacency

Are you confident in your salvation?
12/13/20236 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Value of Togetherness

We really can't overemphasize the importance of fellowship.
12/12/20233 minutes, 46 seconds
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Prayers of Passion

Do our prayers exhibit the passion we should have when addressing a blessed Father?
12/11/20234 minutes, 37 seconds
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Embracing Who We Are

To what do we default when life gets hard?
12/8/20235 minutes, 5 seconds
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Having What it Takes

Do the burdens of life cause you to doubt yourself?
12/7/20234 minutes, 46 seconds
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Giving to God in Song

Our voices provide us a wonderful means whereby to express our love to God.
11/23/20235 minutes, 8 seconds
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A Request From Wisdom

What should we ask of God? Wisdom gives us the answer.
11/22/20234 minutes, 46 seconds
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Praying for Kids

We need to invite God into our kids' lives and development.
11/21/20234 minutes, 29 seconds
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Neighbors to All

We should ask the question asked of Jesus: "Who is my neighbor?"
11/20/20235 minutes, 4 seconds
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Giving Anxiety to God

What should we do with our stress and worry? Give it to God!
11/17/20234 minutes, 44 seconds
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Life's Meaning

What is the "meaning of Life?"
11/16/20236 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Measure of Success

What does it mean to be a REAL success?
11/15/20236 minutes, 30 seconds
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After God's Heart

We should yearn to live like David... people "after God's own heart!"
11/14/20234 minutes, 33 seconds
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Put Aside Fear

We may not ever fully conquer fear, but we can manage it.
11/13/20234 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Spirit's Gift

The Holy Spirit is our greatest gift... the presence of God every day!
11/10/20235 minutes, 9 seconds
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The God Who Can

Sometimes success is found in admitting what we cannot do, and turning to the One who can!
11/9/20234 minutes, 34 seconds
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Jesus is Enough

The things of the world will never be enough.
11/8/20235 minutes, 7 seconds
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God is Good

In the pain and confusion of this world, we can forget how good our God is.
11/7/20234 minutes, 32 seconds
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Loss For Words

What do we say to comfort others when no words seem adequate?
11/3/20234 minutes, 49 seconds
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What is Our Fragrance?

Are we living as the aroma of Christ?
7/6/20234 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Holy Spirit

Who is the Holy Spirit?
7/3/20234 minutes, 12 seconds
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A Great Reunion

What will it be like when we finally see Jesus face-to-face?
8/31/20225 minutes, 9 seconds