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Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis

English, Religion, 15 seasons, 198 episodes, 2 days, 8 hours, 22 minutes
God's word has changed my life and my passion is that people would understand and obey it. The truth of Scripture has the ability to "renew our minds," "give us joy," and "transform us into the image of Christ." In this series I will be walking sequentially through the Gospel of John with the goal of highlighting the context, themes and applications from the text. In doing so, the hope is that we would "believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God" and love Him more. Follow along each weekday!
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Practical, Bold, and Biblical Strategies for Fighting Sexual Temptation - Jonny Ardavanis + Emeal Zwayne

People always ask us for good resources on sexual purity - we would like to commend to you Emeal Zwayne’s new book!Fight Like a Man: A Bold, Biblical Battle Plan for Personal Purity – Practical Strategies to Defeat Sexual Temptations and Restore Your Life“Win the war for purity. In a world that seeks to destroy sexual purity, the battle for holiness has never been fiercer nor the stakes higher. Sexual immorality has devastated too many men, damaged too many families, and marred the gospel’s testimony too many times. Now is the time to prepare yourself to fight.In Fight Like a Man, Emeal “E.Z.” Zwayne presents biblical truth for combatting the enemies of purity that seek to hold you captive in sin. Not content to just reveal your adversaries’ tactics, E.Z. also provides an arsenal of simple yet revolutionary strategies to equip you to conquer lust through the power of gospel-centered grace and the knowledge of God’s mind-blowing character. No matter your past, you can embrace the freedom available in Christ and the fullness of a life that honors God with every thought, word, and deed.There is hope on the battlefield of purity. Fight like the man God created you to be and join the ranks of those who have fought this battle and emerged as true spiritual victors.”To purchase Emeal’s new bookWatch VideosVisit the Website Pre-order Consider the LiliesFollow on Instagram
9/17/202437 minutes, 50 seconds
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Three Primary Catalysts For Anxiety - Jonny Ardavanis

In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis breaks down the three primary catalysts for anxiety according to the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 6. In Matthew 6:25, Jesus says, "Do not be anxious..." but only after articulating that our treasures (6:19-20), our eyes (6:22-23), and our masters (6:24) often contribute to our anxieties. "When we treasure the gift more than the Giver Himself, our hearts inevitably grow anxious." - Jonny Ardavanis.You can pre-order Jonny’s book wherever books are sold! Releases October 8, 2024!Watch VideosVisit the Website Pre-order Consider the LiliesFollow on Instagram
9/10/202420 minutes, 28 seconds
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How Does God’s Character Comfort My Anxious Heart? Jonny Ardavanis and Alistair Begg

Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis: Big Questions, Biblical Answers, is a series that seeks to provide biblical answers to some of the most prominent and fundamental questions regarding God, the Gospel, and the BibleIn this episode, Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Alistair Begg and together they discuss how the character of God provides stability, serenity, and peace to the child of God. In Jonny’s forthcoming book, “Consider the Lilies: Finding Perfect Peace In The Character Of God” (Zondervan) he expounds on this theme and in this episode, Pastor Begg articulates some profound truths that ought to encourage you if you are anxious and comfort you if you are despairing.You can pre-order Jonny’s book wherever books are sold! Releases October 8, 2024!Watch VideosVisit the Website Pre-order Consider the LiliesFollow on Instagram
9/3/202410 minutes, 34 seconds
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Am I Sinning When I'm Anxious? - Jonny Ardavanis

Is all anxiety sin? When does godly concern or care become sinful and ungodly anxiety? How can our legitimate stresses and pressures get elevated to a degree in which we no longer trust God and in turn, become sinfully worried? In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis answers these crucial questions and explains the difference between care, concern, and anxiety.You can pre-order Jonny’s book wherever books are sold! Releases October 8, 2024!Watch VideosVisit the Website Pre-order Consider the LiliesFollow on Instagram
8/27/202416 minutes, 50 seconds
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Physical Recipes For Anxiety - Does My Body Affect My Mind? with Jonny Ardavanis

In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis breaks down some of the themes from his forthcoming book, "Consider The Lilies: Finding Perfect Peace In The Character of God" (Zondervan) and examines some of the physical factors that contribute to our anxiety and despair. Martyn Lloyd-Jones once said in his book "Spiritual Depression" that we are "embodied beings" and "we cannot separate the physical from the spiritual because we are body, soul, and mind." It would be an extreme statement to say that the root cause of all anxiety is "always physical," but it would also be incorrect and unbiblical to not identify the reality that different factors such as loneliness, temperament, exhaustion, grief, trauma, and physical infirmity make us vulnerable and susceptible to anxiety. These different factors never excuse an ungodly worry or lack of joy, but Lloyd-Jones explained that one of the first thing the anxious and despairing is to "know themselves" and to realize that our minds are not separated from our bodies.In this episode, Jonny examines some Biblical characters, who although commended for their faithfulness, were vulnerable to anxiety because of various physical factors in their life. You can pre-order Jonny’s book wherever books are sold! Releases October 8, 2024!Watch VideosVisit the Website Pre-order Consider the LiliesFollow on Instagram
8/20/202420 minutes, 21 seconds
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Consider the Lilies Pt. 1

In this new Dial In Ministries episode and series, Jonny Ardavanis and Hank Bowen discuss the reality that we live in an era that is often defined as “the age of anxiety.” So often our lives are a chronicle of pain, trouble, fear, and uncertainty - in that light, how does God respond to those like us in His word?In this episode, Jonny details his main burden to write his forthcoming book, “Consider The Lilies: Finding Perfect Peace In The Character of God” (Zondervan) and begins to explain the main ways God responds to the anxious in the Bible.If you are anxious, fearful, and despairing, this series is for you. Similarly, if you minister to those afflicted by anxiety and badgered by melancholy, our prayer is that this series would equip you to minister to those assigned to your care. You can pre-order Jonny’s book wherever books are sold! Releases October 8, 2024!Watch VideosVisit the Website Pre-order Consider the LiliesFollow on Instagram
8/13/202418 minutes, 54 seconds
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What You Need To Know About Biblical Friendship with Brianna Harris

Jonny Ardavanis is the Pastor of Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, Tennessee and hosts the podcast Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis. He is passionate about the Gospel and God’s Word and desires to see people understand and obey it. Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis: Big Questions, Biblical Answers, is a series that seeks to provide biblical answers to some of the most prominent and fundamental questions regarding God, the Gospel, and the Bible.In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Brianna Harris, the Dean of Women at the Masters University, to discuss the reality of biblical friendships. Brie shares her insights on the importance of friendship, common pitfalls, and best practices from a biblical perspective. Together they explore how friendships can sometimes become idols, the danger of self-centered relationships, and the need for intentionality in pointing each other towards Christ. Bri also touches on the balance between fun and godliness, the misconception of having to be friends with everyone, and the value of deep, meaningful connections. Dial in as Jonny and Bri dive into these vital aspects of Christian community and learn how to navigate friendships with wisdom and grace.Topics Covered:- The importance of friendship in community- Common pitfalls in friendships, such as idolizing friends and self-centeredness- The need for intentional, Christ-centered relationships- Practical ways to encourage and support friends in their faith- Balancing fun and godliness in friendships- The distinction between acquaintances and true friends- The value of having a few deep, meaningful friendships over many superficial onesWatch VideosVisit the Website Pre-order Consider the LiliesFollow on Instagram
8/6/202410 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Path To Moral Compromise With Harry Walls and Jonny Ardavanis

Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Pastor Harry Walls, Vice President of Student Life & Campus Pastor at The Master's University, and discusses the path to moral compromise.Watch VideosVisit the Website Pre-order Consider the LiliesFollow on Instagram
7/30/202426 minutes, 37 seconds
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How Do I Know my Calling? Jonny Ardavanis

In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis discusses how we can discern God’s will, direction, or calling for our life.Many people today ask: “What should I look for in a spouse? What career field should I pursue? Should I go into ministry or business?” At times, believers may be paralyzed by the abundance of opportunities before them and in turn, never end up making a decision at all. In this episode, Jonny articulates that when we are already walking in holiness, God’s Spirit primarily directs us through our desires, our gifting, the input of others in our life, and even the needs we see around us.The Lord is our Shepherd, He doesn’t lead us down paths of obscurity, He leads us in such a way that we can honor Him, be used by Him, and enjoy the life He has given to us under the sun.To pre-order Jonny’s forthcoming book entitled, “Consider the Lilies: Finding Perfect Peace In The Character of God” visit Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.Watch VideosVisit the Website Pre-order Consider the LiliesFollow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
7/23/202439 minutes, 6 seconds
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How Can I Know God's Will For My Life? Jonny Ardavanis

Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.One of the most common questions asked today is: “How can I know God’s will?” Although we often desire to know God’s specific will for their life as it pertains to calling, marriage, dating, and so forth, many may fail to recognize that God’s will for our life is not something to be found, it’s something that needs to be obeyed. Only when we are walking in obedience to God’s revealed will can we expect to have any clarity on His specific guidance for our lifeIn this episode, Jonny Ardavanis breaks down the fundamental guideposts for discovering God’s will for your life.Watch VideosVisit the Website Pre-order Consider the LiliesFollow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
7/16/202432 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Hallmarks of Biblical Confession with Jonny Ardavanis

In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis examines David's 51st Psalm and highlights the hallmarks of Biblical confession.Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.Watch VideosVisit the Website Consider the LiliesFollow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
7/9/202426 minutes, 6 seconds
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Renewing the Mind with Jonny Ardavanis

In this episode, Hank Bowen and Jonny Ardavanis sit down in the new Dial In Ministries studio and discuss the topic of renewing the mind.Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
7/2/202424 minutes, 46 seconds
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Fighting Sin with Jonny Ardavanis

Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis sits down in the new Dial In Ministries studio and discusses fighting sin with Hank Bowen.Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
6/25/202424 minutes, 25 seconds
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Harry Walls - Biblical Leadership

Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Pastor Harry Walls, Vice President of Student Life & Campus Pastor at The Master's University, and discusses Biblical Leadership. Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
6/18/202421 minutes, 46 seconds
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Greg Gifford - Biblical Masculinity

Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Dr. Greg Gifford, Professor of Biblical Counseling and Theology at The Master’s University, and discusses Biblical Masculinity. Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
6/11/202425 minutes, 13 seconds
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Brad Klassen - The Importance of Biblical Hermeneutics

Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Dr. Brad Klassen, who serves as Professor of Bible Exposition and Director of ThM Studies at The Master’s Seminary and discuss the importance of Biblical Hermeneutics.Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
5/28/202422 minutes, 25 seconds
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Knowing the Spirit Pt. 05 -Spiritual Warfare, Demon Possession, and Satanic Attacks

Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis: Big Questions, Biblical Answers, is a series that seeks to provide biblical answers to some of the most prominent and fundamental questions regarding God, the Gospel, and the BibleIn this episode, Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Costi Hinn, the President of For the Gospel Ministries and the author of "Knowing the Spirit: Who He Is, What He Does, And How He Can Transform Your Life" and discusses various elements of spiritual warfare, demon possession, and more. For more on this topic, make sure to purchase Costi's recent book which covers each of the topics Jonny and Costi have discussed. Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
5/21/202457 minutes, 18 seconds
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Knowing the Spirit Pt. 4 - Cessationism, Apostolic Gifts, & the Ongoing Role of the Holy Spirit

Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis: Big Questions, Biblical Answers, is a series that seeks to provide biblical answers to some of the most prominent and fundamental questions regarding God, the Gospel, and the BibleIn this episode, Jonny Ardavanis and Costi Hinn discuss the often debated topic of the ongoing role and function of the Holy Spirit. What do cessationists believe? Is the Holy Spirit retired? What do continuationists believe?Does the Holy Spirit still speak?Are the gifts of the Spirit still active today?Costi Hinn is the author of Knowing the Spirit: Who He Is, What He Does, and How He Can Transform Your Life.
5/14/202445 minutes, 40 seconds
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Costi Hinn - Knowing the Spirit - Pt. 03 - Walking By The Spirit

Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis: Big Questions, Biblical Answers, is a series that seeks to provide biblical answers to some of the most prominent and fundamental questions regarding God, the Gospel, and the BibleIn this episode Costi Hinn from For the Gospel and Shepherd's House church discusses Knowing the Spirit - Pt. 03 - Walking By The SpiritWatch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
5/7/202424 minutes, 52 seconds
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Costi Hinn - Knowing the Spirit - Pt. 02 - What He Does

Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis: Big Questions, Biblical Answers, is a series that seeks to provide biblical answers to some of the most prominent and fundamental questions regarding God, the Gospel, and the BibleIn this episode Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Costi Hinn and discuss the function and role of The Holy Spirit. Previously, Jonny and Costi examined the identity of the Holy Spirit - that being that the Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force, but a personal God who is knowable and worthy of our worship. In this episode, Jonny and Costi break down how the Holy Spirit works in every believer’s life. Share this episode with others who need to know the marvelous truth regarding the work and function of the third person of the trinity!In this episode Costi Hinn from For the Gospel and Shepherd's House church discusses Knowing the Spirit - Pt. 02 - What He DoesWatch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
4/30/202431 minutes, 14 seconds
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Costi Hinn - Knowing the Spirit - Pt. 01 - Who He Is

Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis: Big Questions, Biblical Answers, is a series that seeks to provide biblical answers to some of the most prominent and fundamental questions regarding God, the Gospel, and the BibleIn this episode Costi Hinn from For the Gospel and Shepherd's House church discusses Knowing the Spirit - Pt. 01 - Who He Is.Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
4/24/202441 minutes, 36 seconds
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Should Christians Cuss?

In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis answers the question: Should Christians cuss? He also responds to four common objections:1. Isn’t language cultural?2. Didn’t Paul say the “S” word in Philippians 3?3. Didn’t Jesus use harsh and extreme words to the pharisees? Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
4/16/202427 minutes, 32 seconds
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Paul Washer- Living In Light Of Eternity

Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis: Big Questions, Biblical Answers, is a series that seeks to provide biblical answers to some of the most prominent and fundamental questions regarding God, the Gospel, and the BibleIn this episode, Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Paul Washer, the founder of the HeartCry Missionary Society, and asks him, "How can we as believers live in light of eternity?"Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
4/2/202422 minutes, 3 seconds
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Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

In this episode we will consider the question: “Why did Jesus have to die?” In asking this crucial question we inevitably reflect on the holiday known as “Good Friday.” On the surface, it should be very odd that we commemorate the torture and slaughter of Jesus Christ and call that day “good.” So what makes “Good Friday,” good? To answer that question we must ask the question initially poised. Only then, after considering the necessity of Christ’s death, can we reflect on Christ’s crucifixion, the greatest evil ever committed against any man, and call that day “good.”Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
3/26/202421 minutes, 56 seconds
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Joel Beeke - A Godly Work Ethic

Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis: Big Questions, Biblical Answers, is a series that seeks to provide biblical answers to some of the most prominent and fundamental questions regarding God, the Gospel, and the Bible.In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Pastor and Professor Joel Beeke to discuss A Godly Work Ethic.Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
3/19/202411 minutes, 1 second
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Leaving Your First Love

In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis wraps up his series on the church and looks to Revelation 2, where he examines the church of Ephesus. On the surface this church is commended and affirmed for their diligence, discernment, and perseverance, and yet our Lord Jesus Christ will tell them that the most important element of a church is missing: a fervent love for Jesus Christ.Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
3/12/202432 minutes, 17 seconds
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Love One Another Pt. 2

In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis breaks down eight expressions of Christian love: Those being 1. Humble-hearted service; 2. Kindness; 3. Tenderheartedness; 4. Encouragement; 5. Patience; 6. Comforting 7. Truth-telling 8. SacrificialWatch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
3/5/202417 minutes, 51 seconds
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Love One Another Pt. 1

In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis continues his study on the nature, purpose and function of the church.Here, Jonny focuses in particular on fundamental commandment and privilege that every Christian has within the body of Christ - and that is to “love one another.”Jesus says, “by this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
2/27/202422 minutes, 47 seconds
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Your Part In The Church PT. II

In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis continues his study on the nature and mission of the local church. Particularly in this episode, Jonny continues in his study of every believer’s responsibility to the church. In this episode, Jonny focuses on the importance of understanding our identity as a member of the family of God and then discusses the various spiritual gifts that Paul mentions in Romans 12.In this episode, and in the last, Jonny details five responsibilities to the church. 1. Lay down your life (Rom. 12:1) 2. Humble your heart (Rom. 12:3) 3. Understand your identity (Rom. 12:4-5) 4. Do your part (Rom. 12:6-8) 5. Know the goal (Eph. 4:11-13)Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
2/20/202423 minutes, 21 seconds
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Your Part In The Church Pt. 1

If you’re a Christian, you don’t simply “go to“ church, you are the church - you are a vital member of the bride of Christ. And in this episode, Jonny Ardavanis continues his series on the church by articulating the part you play in the church. It all starts with: 1. Laying down your life, and 2. Humbling your heart. Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
2/13/202422 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Function And Motivation of Elders

In this episode, after looking at the call and qualifications of pastors/elders in his previous episode, Jonny Ardavanis now examines and expounds on the function and motivation of elders within the body of Christ. The health of the Christian is tied to the health of the church and there are no healthy churches apart from godly and qualified elders. Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
2/6/202419 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Calling And Qualifications of Elders

In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis looks at the calling, and the qualifications of the elders/pastors that Christ has entrusted with shepherding His church.In examining both 1 Peter 5 and 1 Timothy 3, Jonny highlights 16 explicit qualifications and two fundamental attitudes that define those who lead the church. Why is this important for a church member? Because if you’re a Christian you are called to submit to the elders of the church (Heb. 13:17). Therefore understanding their calling and qualifications are essential for every Christian.Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
1/31/202430 minutes, 2 seconds
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What Is The Church?

In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis begins a short-series on the nature, function, and mission of the church. Furthermore, in the weeks to come, Jonny will detail the believer’s responsibility within the church as they steward their spiritual gift for the building up of the Body of Christ. In this episode, Jonny turns to Matthew 16 and examines:1. The church’s confession2. The church’s builder3. The church’s invincibilityIf you enjoy this episode, please share with others to that they may be encouraged in their love and commitment to the church! Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
1/23/202426 minutes, 51 seconds
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Mark Spence - What is the Gospel and How Do I Share It?

In this episode Jonny Ardavanis sits down Mark Spence, the SVP of Living Waters Ministries and asks him to share the main hindrances and objections he receives while he shares the Gospel. As an evangelist, Mark faithfully preaches on the streets in an attempt to reach the lost. As believers we are called to share the gospel (1 Peter 3:15), we are commissioned as Christ’s ambassadors - but so often, we don’t know where to start or what to say. How do we faithfully articulate the gospel? Is there a method to employ when witnessing to someone? In this regard, Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Mark Spence, VP of Living Waters Ministries and asks him, “What is the Gospel and how do I share it?”Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
1/16/202412 minutes, 56 seconds
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Living A Life That Lasts

As a new year begins, maybe you consider the brevity of life and have a renewed desire to live a life that lasts. Our life is fleeting and fragile and yet, there is, within the heart of the believer a burden to invest and steward the time allotted to them by God.  C.T. Studd once said, “Only one life will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.“ As we begin a new year , Jonny Ardavanis is going to point us to the scripture and provide for us “Five Hallmarks Of A Life That Lasts.” If you desire to leave a legacy, you’re not going to want to miss what the Scripture says in this regard. Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
1/9/202421 minutes, 26 seconds
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Eight Promises from God's Word for 2024

In this episode Jonny Ardavanis looks at Eight promises God make to those who commit their life to His word. As we begin a new year, there can be no greater resolution and goal than to commit our lives to the Scripture.Furthermore, Jonny details the Bible reading plan that he uses and how you can access that at Dialinministries.orgWatch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
1/1/202430 minutes
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Why is the Virgin Birth so Important?

Each year we sing, “round yon virgin, mother and child,” but have you ever stopped to ask: What makes the virgin birth so important?In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis breaks down four critical realities regarding the virgin birth that ought to solidify your faith and bolster yoru worship this Christmas season.Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
12/21/202325 minutes, 46 seconds
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Five Hallmarks of the Christmas Spirit Pt. 2

Today, the spirit of Christmas (as we have come to know it)  is often disconnected from the Christ of Christmas. There is obviously nothing wrong with candy canes, christmas carols, gifts, decor, traditions, and hallmark movies (well maybe something wrong with those), but in the hullabaloo of it all, Christ is so often pushed to the peripheral corner of the day in which we celebrate His birth. In order to examine the “spirit of Christmas” we must turn to God’s word and in doing so, we must examine “Five Hallmarks of the Christmas Spirit” in Luke 1:46-55.In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis picks up where he left of in his previous episode and explains that the Christian is to be filled with:God’s Holy SpiritWorshipJoyHumilityGratitudeWatch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
12/14/202319 minutes, 9 seconds
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Mary's Hymn of Praise Pt. l

In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis examines Mary’s song of praise in the first chapter of Luke’s Gospel. In her song, Mary articulates the proper response that everyone should have to the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Although falsely praised and prayed to in the Roman Catholic tradition, Mary is however, a model of Spirit-filled worship to the One who was born to save His people from their sins. There isn’t a story in all of fiction that is better than the Savior who would come and be born of a teenage girl - the virgin Mary! “My soul magnifies the Lord (Luke 1:46).” - MaryWatch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
12/8/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Dr. James Dolezal - The Character of God

Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis: Big Questions, Biblical Answers, is a series that seeks to provide biblical answers to some of the most prominent and fundamental questions regarding God, the Gospel, and the BibleIn this episode, Jonny Ardavanis sits sits down with Dr. James Dolezal, author of “All That Is God” to discuss the character of God.Many people today view God as if He is composed of parts (10% justice, 20% sovereignty, 50% love and so forth) - Dr. Dolezal is going to explain to us why that is a faulty and dangerous way to view God.In coming to understand the character of God, we must come to terms with His simplicity, not that He is simple, but that He is not composed of parts.Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
11/30/202318 minutes, 4 seconds
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In Everything Give Thanks

In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis examines the biblical theme of gratitude. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “in everything give thanks for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” In this episode, Jonny will survey:The grounds of our thankfulness;The fruit of our thankfulness The hindrances to our thankfulnessWatch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
11/22/202328 minutes, 23 seconds
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Walking in Wisdom Part lll

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11/17/202325 minutes, 15 seconds
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Walking in Wisdom Part ll

In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis continues his study on the subject of Biblical Wisdom and looks to the book of James. In James 3, the Scripture delineates the wisdom of this world from the wisdom that is “from above.” In doing so, James reveals that the tangible fruit of true wisdom is “good deeds.” Wisdom is not so much what we know as it is the translation of applying what we know to how we live. Biblical wisdom manifests itself in a life that is: Pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable, merciful, fruitful, unwavering, and not hypocritical (James 3:17).Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
11/9/202322 minutes, 34 seconds
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Alistair Begg - The Role of the Holy Spirit

Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis: Big Questions, Biblical Answers, is a series that seeks to provide biblical answers to some of the most prominent and fundamental questions regarding God, the Gospel, and the BibleIn this episode, Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Alistair Begg, the founder of the Truth For Life and discuses the roles of the Holy Spirit.Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
10/26/202311 minutes, 35 seconds
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Walking in Wisdom Part I

So much of the Christian life boils down to making wise choices. But how do we live a life of wisdom? In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis walks through the Biblical starting point of wisdom. Namely, the fear of the Lord. Although the fear of the Lord is a pervasive topic throughout God’s Word, it is insufficiently addressed today and as a consequence, there is a deficiency of wisdom in the Church today.Do you want to be wise? You must grow in the fear of the Lord.  Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
10/12/202314 minutes, 9 seconds
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Mark Spence - Hindrances to Sharing the Gospel

In this episode Jonny Ardavanis sits down Mark Spence, the SVP of Living Waters Ministries and asks him to share the main hindrances and objections he receives while he shares the Gospel. As an evangelist, Mark faithfully preaches on the streets in an attempt to reach the lost. In doing so, he encounters much opposition to the truth and in this episode he will break down how he responds to common objections, obstacles and rebuttals people provide while he shares with them.Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
10/5/202312 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Consequences of Sin

In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis articulates three consequences of sin. In the life of a believer, we are no longer under sin’s reign, but we still face the consequences that occur as a result of our sin and still receive discipline from the Lord.Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
9/28/202315 minutes, 42 seconds
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Alistair Begg - Advice for Young People

Jonny Ardavanis is the Lead Pastor at Stonebridge Bible Church in Franklin, TN and the President of Dial In Ministries. He formerly served as the Dean of Campus Life at The Master’s University and as a Camp Director at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Jonny’s heart is to see people understand and love the Word of God and more so, to love the God of the Word. Jonny is married to Caity Jean and they have two precious daughters.Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis: Big Questions, Biblical Answers, is a series that seeks to provide biblical answers to some of the most prominent and fundamental questions regarding God, the Gospel, and the BibleIn this episode, Jonny Ardavanis sits down with Alistair Begg, the founder of the Truth For Life and discuses his advice for young people.Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
9/7/202310 minutes, 4 seconds
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Gratitude: The Essence of Christianity

In this episode on thankfulness. Jonny Ardavanis details how thankfulness is an antidote for anxiety, a prescription for purity and God’s will for your life.Watch VideosVisit the Website Follow on InstagramFollow on Twitter
11/24/202114 minutes, 15 seconds