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Divine Revelations

English, Religion, 1 season, 97 episodes, 3 days, 10 hours, 37 minutes
There are many accounts of people encountering Jesus Christ in person. We research these, in order to find what the Lord is saying today.
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Killing the Christian Infidel

Raised in Sudan, in the most radical sects of Islam, he was raised to hate christians and especially the Jews. But God transformed his life from hate to love. You wont believe the ending!
8/24/20239 minutes, 59 seconds
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Casting Out demons

Techniques, tools, strategies and mistakes you need to know to operate in the Ministery of Deliverance.
2/24/202335 minutes, 35 seconds
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Science Uprising

A Scientific Documentary that argues against forcing all evidence through a Materialistic Viewpoint.
10/19/20221 hour, 8 minutes
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Fighting on the 7 Mountains

What battles are waging on the 7 Mountains? How are we doing in the Cultural War? If we are to impact our nation for Jesus Christ, then we would have to affect the seven spheres of influence of our Culture. These seven mountains are business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, the family and religion.
9/15/202237 minutes
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Understanding the Temple of God

The Temple was a model of how man could interact with God. Each station had a different important function. Now, in Christ, everything in that model has been upgraded. So it can be very beneficial of us to understand how that model worked.
8/6/20228 minutes, 30 seconds
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Freemason Rituals + luciferian practices

How practices of the New Age Movement correlate to the Freemason and Luciferian rituals.
5/29/202217 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Last Reformation

A reformation that will go deeper than any reformation before: away from wrong church traditions, and creating an understanding that church is who we as believers are, not where we go to on Sunday. We believe that with this reformation, we will go back to what we read in the Acts: A simple disciple-life led by the Holy Spirit, where the kingdom of God comes near in homes, on the streets, in shops – yes, all places where people are.
1 hour, 40 minutes
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Prayers that ROUT demons

A Complete prayer, backed by numerous scriptures verses, that removes every possible demonic entryway into your life. A Complete prayer, backed by numerous scriptures verses, that removes every possible demonic entryway into your life, family, community, and country. Pray in agreement with this video by leaving your comment. While video is playing, keep saying.... 'AMEN, I receive this. ' - Please take and upload this video to your channel. Files: MP4 / PDF / MP3 / DOC / etc at
2 hours, 17 minutes
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Best Gospel Presentation

In all my years of ministry, this is the best presentation of the Gospel message.
5 minutes, 30 seconds
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Using AI Artificial Intelligence for the Gospel

Documenting several techniques of using AI Artificial Intelligence to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ
1/13/202319 minutes
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Ask HIM!

Best Preaching by John Hagee
11/25/20223 minutes, 53 seconds
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Spiritual Warfare 2

Several advanced techniques and strategies for overcoming in Spiritual Warfare.
11/1/202257 minutes
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Never Commit Suicide

A powerful Near Death Experience of a Suicide Attempt.
8/16/20226 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Revival Hymn Video

Challenging the Church to be all that God called us to be. It combines many of the best sermons from Christian Preachers. [A 40 Minute FULL version is also available.]
7/13/202210 minutes
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FAKE Mountain

Comparing the Mountain of the Lord to the Mountain of satan, so you understand what satan is building in our society.
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Search for Mt Sinai

The Bible Explorer Series - Mountain of Fire. Explorers Bob Cornuke and Larry Williams take an incredible expedition into the blistering heat of the deserts of Saudi Arabia to investigate what many scholars believe to be one of the greatest discoveries in History.
12/1/202147 minutes
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God's Generals

A study of the Top Christian Leaders of the past.
8/20/20215 hours, 9 minutes, 27 seconds
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A Brief Introduction to Jesus Christ

An awesome praise of Jesus Christ, His Names, His Deeds and His Glory
4/26/202122 minutes, 22 seconds
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What did Jesus do during the 3 Days of the Grave?

One of the best teachings I've ever heard. Most Christians know what Jesus did on the Cross, but very few know what Jesus did while He was dead for 3 days. Now here is the full story of just how everything played out. You'll be excited, you'll be encouraged, you won't want to miss this amazing revelation. 3 Days to Victory!
3/30/202121 minutes
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Fractal Praise

Showing GOD's word along side a beautiful corresponding Fractal
1/26/20215 minutes, 46 seconds
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Modern Child Sacrifice

Child Sacrifice: Ancient and Modern
11/14/202022 minutes, 32 seconds
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The FATHER's Love Letter

He is the Father you have been looking for all your life.
11/2/20204 minutes, 55 seconds
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40 Spiritual Lessons

After 20 years in the ministry, here are some of the best spiritual lessons I've learned. Each one could be made into a sermon, and some are hard, controversial principles.
10/18/202023 minutes, 53 seconds
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You're in a Fight

Don't let the enemy take your stuff.
9/26/20202 minutes, 45 seconds
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Corruption of the Freemason Bible

How the freemason bible and riturals are satanic in origin
8/28/202011 minutes
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Muslim's Comming to Jesus

Here the account of how these Muslims met Jesus Christ. The Story of Fariborz, Hanene, Hanife, Hassan, Hormoz and Kadia. A Muslim Journey to Hope presents the stories of people who have had a life-changing experience. Each story is true, and each story is different. Yet they are as different as the lives of each person: Women and men. Young and old. Rich and poor. From many countries in the world. Each story tells how each of these people has found hope.
8/3/20201 hour, 14 minutes
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I saw HIS Glory

When John Green was shown the Glory of Jesus
7/22/202017 minutes, 45 seconds
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Spiritual Food

5 Amazing Stories of GOD
6/27/202028 minutes, 28 seconds
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Risking everything for a Bible

How one may overcame tremendous odds to get a bible.
6/15/20206 minutes
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Who will take the Son?

An inspirational and motivational short video about a father and his lost son.
5/27/20204 minutes, 2 seconds
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Breaking Soul Ties

What we need to know about Soul Ties. How they came, and how can they be removed.
3/1/202012 minutes
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I Met the Messiah

We at ONE FOR ISRAEL understand that there are many ways to bless Israel, but we are convinced that the best way to bless Israel is with Yeshua the Messiah
10/5/20195 minutes, 18 seconds
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Spiritual Warfare and Blessing

Powerful Prayer and Intercession by Dr. Cindy Trimm. This prayer covers every type of attack the enemy comes against you with.
6/3/201940 minutes
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Trail of Blood

Xianzhi, Sarah Liu was beaten and imprisoned for six years in China. Sarah's Trail of Blood is a powerful dramatization of what happened to this courageous woman of God because of her faith in Jesus Christ. You'll be inspired by her story.
4/2/20197 minutes
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War on Children

A radical sex-education Agenda that seeks to change society by changing sexual and gender norms and teaching youth to advocate for their sexual rights. It promotes acceptance of diverse sexual identities and orientations and has an almost obsessive focus on sexual pleasure, instructing children and youth at the earliest ages on how to obtain sexual pleasure in a variety of ways.
3/10/201934 minutes
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The Final Frontier

This Book Could Change Your Afterlife. Where do we go when we die? And is there really such a place as hell? Here are more than 20 stories from people who are convinced of the afterlife—because they’ve been there. These ‘near death experiences’ followed anything from heart attacks to car crashes and every person who tells their amazing tale is convinced that they have seen what is beyond the final frontier of death. Some tell of wonderful experiences of heaven and the happiness they felt there. Others recall spin-chilling moments when they realized they were in a place they are convinced was hell…
2/8/201959 minutes, 50 seconds
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Muslim Lady gives Jesus 1 Week to Prove Himself

She promisses her mom that she will end herself if Jesus doesn't show Himself. Guess what happens?
1/21/20197 minutes, 8 seconds
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Set Free from all the ABUSE

How Carol Kornacki was set free of all the Abuse and Addictions.
12/12/201812 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Courtroom and the Table

When people with different viewpoints come together, they come to either the Courtroom or the Table. Here about these two places.
11/26/20185 minutes
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Most Famous Jewish Rabbi

Here the story of an amazing Jewish Rabbi. What he taught, and accomplished.
8/21/201810 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Case for Faith

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
7/20/20181 hour, 17 minutes
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Noah's Ark Found! w/ Evidence + Pictures

Has Noah's Ark been found? Is the Ancient Story true? Did Ron Wyatt correctly discover and document the remains of Noah's Ark? Hear the evidence, look at the pictures and listen to the eyewitness testimonies. Sit back and enjoy these amazing Documentaries, and decide for yourself.
4/16/20184 hours, 25 minutes, 9 seconds
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Operating in the Spiritual Realm

Christians overcoming in the Spiritual Realm.
2/25/20183 hours, 5 minutes
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Does God Exist?

Several Speakers cover the Topic of the Existence of God.
1/8/20181 hour, 10 minutes
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Sister Charlotte

This amazing story reveals the Horror and evils inside the confines of the walls of most convents. The truth is harsh and graphic, but the exposure is so vitally needed to the unsuspecting world!
12/1/20171 hour, 34 minutes
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Declaring God's Will

We start our Church service with this prayer, declaring God's Will over each-other.
11/27/20174 minutes
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Techniques in Spiritual Warfare

11 Techniques and Strategies for sucessful Spiritual Warfare
10/25/201732 minutes, 46 seconds
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Islamization of the West

What is Sharia Law and is it compatible with America. Speakers include Brigitte Gabriel from
8/9/20171 hour, 5 minutes
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Daughter of satanist high priest comes to Christ

Nancy Dunn was raised in what looked like the typical American family. 'I was raised in California,' Nancy tells The 700 Club. 'My father worked in the aerospace industry. My mother worked for a doctor. On the outside just looked normal, but nobody knew what was going on behind closed doors. 'My father was actually a satanic high priest, so he did all kinds of evil things. He sexually assaulted me, took me to satanic rituals. My father actually used me as a baby breeder, which means I was impregnated so the satanists would have a baby to sacrifice to the devil in their satanic rituals. As soon as I was able to have a baby, I was pregnant.'
7/10/20178 minutes, 26 seconds
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Gary Wood's Amazing Testimony

When tragedy struck! On December 23, 1966, Gary, who was only eighteen years old and his little sister, Sue, were involved in a major accident in their hometown of Farmington, New Mexico. While singing Christmas songs, they were heading home as the car knifed through the darkness. Suddenly Sue, spotted the left end of an illegally parked tow truck protruding out into their lane of traffic. Her scream pierced the night only a moment before the car crashed headlong into the truck's protruding tail. In what would prove to be a turning point in Gary's life, the trauma of the injuries claimed Gary's life. As he laid clinically dead, Gary's little sister cried out frantically and invoked the name above all names, "JESUS!" Gary was left with a crushed larynx and vocal cords. These injuries, among a host of others, required numerous plastic surgeries. Medical science currently is unable to perform a larynx transplant. X-rays document that Dr. Gary has no vocal cords, yet Dr. Gary Wood talks and sings; he is a walking miracle as he speaks and ministers in song! What transpired during this twenty minute time frame ? Gary met Jesus face to face as he spent time in heaven. Gary was then commissioned by Jesus to return to earth, where he was to proclaim the Gospel in such a way as to make Jesus real in the lives of people. Jesus told Gary that wherever he told his story, people would be saved, delivered, and healed. In the numerous years, Dr. Gary has been in full time ministry, he has seen God heal numerous illnesses and diseases, including leukemia, cancer, blindness, arthritis, and deafness. Too numerous to count are the powerful testimonies of God's delivering power by His Holy Spirit in every church that Brother Gary Wood has ministered. As God's Word is taught, God is faithful to perform His miracles with signs and wonders.
5/22/201716 minutes
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Total Healing Prayer

Declaring God's Word and God's will over you Health.
3/16/201730 minutes
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Stories of Heaven

Watch an amazing video of people who have witnessed Heaven.
1/7/201750 minutes
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The Priestly Bride, Heaven Awaits the Bride 2, [REDONE]

This shows Jesus in glorious ways that I have never considered, realms that I didnt know existed, tactics of our enemy and unspeakable marvels of our God. Find how to discover the secret of the hidden stairway into the heart of God! And how to pursue Christ as His bride.
12/10/20163 hours, 44 minutes
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The Body of Christ and End-Time Ministry.

An amazing revelation of how the Body of Christ matures and ministers in the comming age.
11/14/201624 minutes, 20 seconds
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365 Names of God

Sample- God of Wounders, Recording by John Paul Jackson
9/7/20164 minutes
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Kingdom Age, How to Operate

Hear several mysteries of Heaven, and how we are to operate in the Kingdom Age.
6/2/20162 hours, 36 minutes, 47 seconds
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Atomic Prayer + Prophetic Intercession

The Power of Payer: A powerful prayer that declars God's will in your life, and breaks satans weapons against believers.
4/2/201657 minutes
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Delivered from the Powers of darkness

Emmanuel's true story is of his entrance into deep witchcraft and his deliverance from it.
1/26/20161 hour, 47 minutes
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Transformations 1

An inspiring documentary about spiritual revival; giving you a vision of new possibilities for your own community, when you humbly invite God’s presence.
12/16/20158 minutes, 30 seconds
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A Vision of the LOST

I saw a dark and stormy ocean. In that ocean I thought I saw myriads of poor human beings plunging and floating, shouting and shrieking, cursing and struggling and drowning; and as they cursed and screamed they rose and shrieked again, and then some sank to rise no more.
10/14/20155 minutes, 30 seconds
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EE-TAOW, It's True!

For centuries, the Mouk people had a hard way of life. Their ways were dark and difficult to understand. No one knew how the Mouk tribe would respond to the Gospel, until some missionaries took it upon themselves to share the Good News with them. EE-TAOW is a powerful and dramatic documentary on the power of the Gospel, even among the Mouk people. You will be deeply moved beyond words.
10/2/201520 minutes
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#3 Several Amazing Christian Testimonies

Hear the awesome accounts of 16 different people, who were eyewitnesses of the supernatural, Life after Death, Jesus, Angels, Heaven and Hell.
7/10/20151 hour, 40 minutes
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A Divine Revelation of Heaven

Jesus took Mary K. Baxter, and showed her the beauty and magisty of Heaven. MP3
7/8/20151 hour, 5 minutes
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Arc of the Covenant Found!

It is our belief that Ron Wyatt DID discover the Arc of the Covenant, just as he testified. And that God used him to reveal many of the Biblical archaeological finds.
6/29/201553 minutes
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Many Christian Testimonies #2

A Compilation of 12 Amazing Testimonies of changed lives, and how God can use even anybody for His Glory. These stories will encourage your faith, and give you hope that God can change anybody.
6/13/20151 hour, 10 minutes
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23 Minutes in Hell

Bill Wiese saw the searing flames of hell, felt total isolation, and experienced the putrid and rotting stench, deafening screams of agony, terrorizing demons, and finally, the strong hand of God lifting him out of the pit.
6/1/201557 minutes, 46 seconds
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Several Christian Stories #1

A Compilation of 10 Amazing Stories/Videos from different Christians of the work of Jesus Christ. Powerful testimonies of what Jesus can do, even to the worst of people.
5/20/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 29 seconds
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Hell is Real, I've been there.

This testimony is of a 15 year old girl who was raised in a Christian home. She later backslid in her walk, found herself overdosing on drugs, dying, and being sent to Hell. Fortunately, she was given a second chance and mission to go back and warn the lost, backslidden, and lukewarm with an urgent message.
4/28/201533 minutes
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The Heavens Opened

Anna Rountree was caught up in a tremendous vision of Heaven. While there, she was taught by angels and met Jesus himself. Anna Rountree provides readers with a stunning vision of what Heaven is like and shows a sobering picture of satan's kingdom, in the mid-heaven.
4/19/20151 hour, 1 minute, 18 seconds
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Muslim Journey of Hope

A Muslim Journey to Hope presents the stories of people who have had a life-changing experience. Each story is true, and each story is different. Yet they are as different as the lives of each person: Women and men. Young and old. Rich and poor. From many countries in the world. Each story tells how each of these people has found hope. Here is the story of: Elham, Elnathan, Emrah, Faisal and Farhad.
4/8/20151 hour, 7 minutes
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To Hell and Back, Dr. Rawlings

Dr. Maurice Rawlings, MD, a heart surgeon, has written a number of books on the death experience and clearly shows from his own practice and from the experiences of his patients, that not everyone goes to the light when they die, where there is total love. Many of his patients, after being resuscitated on the operating table, spoke about hell.
3/29/20151 hour, 30 minutes
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Glimpse of Eternity, Ian McCormack

Ian was night diving off the island of Mauritius when he was stung multiple times by Box Jellyfish, which are among the most venomous creatures in the world. His testimony relates how he clung to life while getting to hospital, was declared clinically dead soon afterwards, and how during this time he had an encounter with Jesus, which radically changed the direction of his life.
3/11/20151 hour, 10 minutes
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Escape from Hell, Ex satan worshiper John Ramirez

John Ramirez was ranked the third highest devil worshiper in New York. He received his orders directly from Satan himself. But what was strong enough to rescue John? Who had enough light to shine into his darkness? There is only one answer.
2/10/201537 minutes
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Heaven is for Real, Burpo

Coltons Story, Heaven Is for Real is the true story of a four-year old son of a small town Nebraska pastor who experienced heaven during emergency surgery. He talks about looking down to see the doctor operating and his dad praying in the waiting room. The family didnt know what to believe but soon the evidence was very clear.
1/20/201555 minutes
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Divine Revelation of Hell

Mary Baxter was chosen by God to let the world know of the REALITY of Hell. For 30 consecutive nights Jesus took Mary on a tour of the horrors of Hell, and talked with many people there. Jesus showed her what happens to souls when they die and what happens to unbelievers and Servants of God who dont obey their calling.
1/7/20152 hours, 10 minutes
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Muslim Dreams, Story of Ali

Ali, this Turkish man in bondage to alcohol saw Jesus in a dream and his life was changed forever. Desperate, he moved to Saudi Arabia — a place where alcohol is forbidden. However, upon his arrival, he found liquor there. He then made the pilgrimage to Mecca, hoping to be freed of his addiction and to be led in the way of a true Muslim. To his surprise, he met Jesus Christ instead.
12/10/201440 minutes
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How satan stops our Prayers

An incredible testimony of a former witch, who specialized at attacking Churches, destorying pastors, and hindering Christian prayers.
11/12/201432 minutes
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Passion of the Chirst.

The movie that all people must see; how their loving savior suffered and died for mankind. Don't hide your eyes from the real cost of our sin, and the loving passion of Christ.
10/13/20145 minutes
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The Final Quest

This amazing revelation comes from a vision given to the author Rick Joyner. All Christians should read this. So many lessons, pitfalls and mistakes are shown by this revelations that even the most mature Christians can greatly learn from it.
9/19/20145 hours
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Understanding the 10 Commandments

A study of each of the 10 Commandments, and how we can apply them to our lives. by Dennis Prager
8/6/201456 minutes, 30 seconds
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Exorcism and Deliverance

Doing what Jesus Did. Learn how to identify, deal with and cast out evil spirits.
8/6/20141 hour
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A Celestial Odyssey

A Short and fantastic vision of the Glory of Heaven. One late evening while deep in worship, in a vision I saw an enormous angel ten times larger that the most physical and muscular man I had ever seen on this earth. He had golden curly hair, with eyes like liquid blue lightning. His face was like that of a shining white hot furnace and in his mouth were tongues of fire form which came forth beautiful celestial languages of the heavens. And suddenly, his right hand extended upward toward the northern sky while his lift hand clasped the end of a brilliant, bright, glowing amber sword.
7/27/201420 minutes
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Baptized by Blazing Fire, Book 1

During 30 days of continual midnight prayer at a small Korean Church, the congregation experienced a unbelievable revival. With their hands raised up, and praying all night long, the congregation had their spiritual eyes opened as they experienced visions, healings, intense spiritual warfare, and transforming encounters with Jesus. With their spiritual eyes opened, they could actually see the demonic battles taking place during their prayer time. They were shown how devils and demons try to distract us, scare us, and deceive us while we are praying. Every demonic trick in the book was used against them to stop them from praying. They encountered and fought against numerous dragons, demon kings, false angels, false christs, demons seeking sympathy, vampires, evil spirits disguised as beautiful women, etc. They were shown demonic strategies used against Christians, and powerful new spiritual weapons useful in defeating the enemy.
7/27/20141 hour, 41 minutes
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2nd Chances, Theo Nez

Theo Nez grew up on the Navajo Nation near the 4 corners of the USA. He still lives in that area. In 1995 he bought Mary Baxter's book Divine Revelation Of Hell thinking he would live for another 30 years and had plenty of time to get right with God. He put it off but, six months later while doing Meth in his home he died of an over dose. The Lord Jesus himself took Theo by the hand and lead him to his pit in Hell. And then he was given another chance.
6/8/201423 minutes
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Hells Best Kept Secret

What is the principle that Spurgeon, Wesley, Whitefield, etc., used to reach the lost? Why has the Church neglected it? Don't let anything stop you from listening to this incredible teaching.
5/5/201451 minutes
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Heaven and Hell

After Rev. Yong Park died, he was shown how each person is rewarded in Heaven, and what mistakes can lead a Christian to Hell.
4/20/201443 minutes
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The Mystery of Paradise

A remarkable near death experience revealing both hell and heaven. He was formerly in witchcraft, and reveals many secrets of his former practice. He was also given a powerful warning to the Church and to America.
4/7/201442 minutes
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A wake up call to the Church, giving us a good understanding of satans weapons and tactics against Gods people, and how many Christian are NOT yet ready for Heaven.
3/24/20141 hour
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Revelations of Hell, 7 Columbian Youths

Jesus showed up in the middle of their prayer group, and gave them a tour of Hell, revealing what happens to the disobedient and wicked. This will help you develop a healthy fear of God, and to avoid the traps of satan.
3/10/20141 hour, 8 minutes, 21 seconds
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8 Hours in Heaven

Gods given warning to preachers who dont teach about holiness. Without holiness no one will see the Lord.
2/25/201436 minutes, 43 seconds
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Muslims comming to Jesus

Fantastic testimonies of how many Hard Core Muslims came to faith in Jesus Christ. Even with all the persecution and backlash against them.
2/12/20141 hour, 9 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Bible vs the Book of Mormon

A deep analysis putting the book of Mormon to test against the Bible, in this documentary both books are examined, geography, archaeology, history and geology are some of the points scrutinized under this documentary.
2/12/20141 hour, 6 minutes
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When Jesus showed me Hell

Hepzibahs Story of a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ. A message for all people of Gods great salvation,and the horrible alternative.
1/27/20146 minutes, 37 seconds
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Revelation of Heaven

Together as a group, these 7 Columbian youths were taken by Jesus Christ and shown Heaven and Hell. Hear their account of the Glories of Heaven, the unimaginable paradise prepared for obedient Christians.
1/19/201438 minutes, 55 seconds
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Akiane Kramarik Documentary

Akiane is a self-taught painter. She states that God spoke to her when she was four years old, encouraging her to draw and paint her visions. Her parents were atheists at the time (they later converted to Christianity because of Kramariks paintings and visions).
1/18/20143 minutes, 22 seconds
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Heaven is so Real

Do you believe heaven really exists? Choo Thomas tells a remarkable story of her encounters with Jesus Christ, where she visited heaven many times and saw hell twice. Her book, Heaven is so Real is more than just a book - it is Christs loving message to a generation that has largely forgotten, misunderstood or is indifferent about Him. This book will touch your heart and soul and will challenge you to live a life of obedience and purity like you have never done before.
1/17/201438 minutes, 29 seconds
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Christians that wound up in HELL

In 1982, Carmelo Brenes died, and found himself going to Hell. He was given a 2nd chance by Jesus Christ, and a powerful rebuke. Jesus allowed him so see parts of hell, and he witnessed many 'religious' people there who thought they were saved!
1/16/201428 minutes, 50 seconds