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Doable Discipleship

English, Religion, 1 season, 398 episodes, 4 days, 4 hours, 20 minutes
Deepen your friendship with God through informative conversation and personal spiritual disciplines. Brought to you by Saddleback Church.
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E394 The Power In Gentleness

Today’s conversation is about gentleness. Two weeks ago we started a series on Christian Character with an episode on humility. Today we are going to couple that with a look at gentleness. In Matthew 11:29, Jesus says, “Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” There’s a link here between being humble and being gentle, but they are indeed two distinct characteristics and worth talking about separately. Now, many people may consider gentleness in the same light as soft or weak, but my guest today will put this idea on its head and show the strength that is to be found in gentleness. That guest is Buddy Owens – a teaching pastor at Saddleback Church and a fan favorite on this podcast. In this conversation, Buddy and host Jason Wieland talk about what biblical gentleness really looks like, how biblical gentleness compares to what the world says about it, the winsomeness of gentleness, how we need to be extra intentional in an election season, and much more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 380 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship EpisodesHow to Live with Humility - the Bible: Genesis - With Hope in the Midst of Struggle - Differently About Shame - About the Fruit of the Spirit -
9/17/202440 minutes, 30 seconds
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Navigating the Bible: Leviticus

“The Lord also said to Moses, ‘Give the following instruction to the entire community of Israel. You must be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.'” - Leviticus 19:1-2 Genesis begins the story of humanity and the God who wanted a family to love and to love him. Exodus offers the first look at the lengths God will go to care for his people on a grand scale. Leviticus, the third book of the Bible, shows us the lengths God will go to care for his people on a personal scale. Leviticus is, ultimately, about relationship – it is a holy God telling the people of Israel how they can be in relationship with him despite the brokenness of sin. It’s an extraordinary book in teaching about who God is and who we are. Now, Leviticus has a reputation of being a rather difficult or tedious book – one that many people skip. But as we navigate through Leviticus, today's guest will make you want to dive into Leviticus head first and see it in a new, exciting way.  To help us navigate Leviticus, host Jason Wieland is joined by Dr. Jay Sklar, Vice President of Academics and Professor of Old Testament at Covenant Theological Seminary, and author of not one but two commentaries on Leviticus. In this conversation, Jay gives an incredible explanation about why we shouldn’t skip Leviticus but instead see it through new lenses that will make you see the book in a whole new way. Navigating the Bible is a special podcast series, part of the Doable Discipleship Podcast. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 380 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Related to This Episode:TOTC Commentary on Leviticus by Jay Sklar - Commentary on Leviticus by Jay Sklar - Dr. Sklar:OT - Doable Discipleship Episodes: Navigating the Bible: Exodus - the Bible: Genesis - the Bible: The Pentateuch -
9/10/202446 minutes, 48 seconds
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How to Live with Humility with Jamin Goggin

“Before destruction a man’s heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor.” - Proverbs 18:12. Humility is, without question, an integral part of what is means to be a Christian – a follower of Jesus, as we humbly acknowledge that there is a better way than what I could come up with on my own devices. When we get down into it, humility is an integral part of what it means to be saved – the acknowledgement that I cannot save myself from my sin and the humility to realize that I need a savior. But we have an interesting relationship with humility because the line between genuine and disingenuous humility is so, so thin. Jane Austen said, “Nothing is more deceitful than the appearance of humility. It is often only carelessness of opinion, and sometimes an indirect boast.” So what makes biblical humility different and how should humility look in our daily life? What are the marks of a genuinely humble person? For this conversation host Jason Wieland is joined by Jamin Goggin, co-author of the books Beloved Dust and The Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb. In this conversation, Jamin and Jason talk about what biblical humility is, the stark contrast between humility and pride, how we can be more intentional in our humility especially in this season, humility in leadership, and much more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 380 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( for this episode: The Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb - Dust - Doable Discipleship EpisodesNavigating the Bible: Genesis - With Hope in the Midst of Struggle - Differently About Shame - About the Fruit of the Spirit -
9/3/20241 hour, 12 minutes, 44 seconds
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Navigating the Bible: Exodus

“Moses protested, ‘If I go to the people of Israel and tell them, ‘The God of your ancestors has sent me to you,’ they will ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what should I tell them?’ God replied to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM. Say this to the people of Israel: I AM has sent me to you.’ God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: Yahweh, the God of your ancestors-the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob-has sent me to you.” - Exodus 3:13-15Genesis introduced us to the world and to ourselves. Exodus, the second book of the Old Testament of the Bible, does more to introduce us to God – to he who was, and is, and is to come. To a God so eternal that he identifies himself as I AM, but also a God so personal that he also chooses to identify himself in relation to people – the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Exodus is a book of movement, propelling the true story of God and his people forward in such a way that sets forth not just the rest of the Biblical narrative, but human history up to where we are today. It is in Exodus that we see the baby in the basket, the burning bush, the ten plagues, the first Passover, the parting of the Red Sea, the 10 commandments, and so much more. To introduce us to the book of Exodus, host Jason Wieland is joined by Dr. Carmen Joy Imes. Dr. Imes is an Associate Professor of Old Testament at Talbot School of Theology, author of the books Being God’s Image and Bearing God’s Name, and is currently working on a commentary of Exodus. Navigating the Bible is a special podcast series, part of the Doable Discipleship Podcast. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 380 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Related to This Episode:Being God's Image - God's Name - Dr. Imes:Torah Tuesday - Classroom for Bible Project - Class for Biblical Training - Doable Discipleship Episodes: Navigating the Bible: Genesis - the Bible: The Pentateuch - Does it Mean to be Made in God's Image - Dreams by Keys of Moon | promoted by Commons CC BY 4.0
8/27/202448 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Find True Rest

Do you feel you get enough rest in the course of your day or your week? Most people would probably say no – who couldn’t use more rest? What if I were to tell you that you could be at rest right now. Even in the midst of whatever you’re doing at this very moment, you can enjoy rest – the way God intended it. Because true rest is different than what we generally think it means. In fact, we can go all the way back to the story of creation to learn about how God sees rest and how it can completely change the way we view and experience genuine rest. In today's episode, host Jason Wieland is joined by Rachel Booth Smith, author of the new book Rest Assured. In this conversation Rachel and Jason talk about how what the Bible teaches about rest is different than our typical understanding, the role of intention, the uniqueness of the creation story found in Genesis, the difference between forced and relaxed faith, and much more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 380 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( for this episode: Rest Assured by Rachel Booth Smith - Doable Discipleship EpisodesNavigating the Bible: Genesis - With Hope in the Midst of Struggle - Differently About Shame - About the Fruit of the Spirit -
8/20/202447 minutes, 47 seconds
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Navigating the Bible: Genesis

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” With that single sentence, thus unfolds the Bible, the word of God, and the beginning of history. Genesis, the first of 66 books of the Bible, takes the reader on an incredible journey from the creation of the universe to the creation of man to the fall of man to an ark that survives a global flood to a childless man who God promised would have descendants outnumbering the stars to a man who wrestles with God to a young man who goes from being a slave and prisoner to the second in power of all of Egypt. But Genesis isn’t just a series of historic accounts, it is an introduction to who God is, to the Gospel message, and to his never-ending love for us . . . for you. There are themes in Genesis that resonate throughout all of Scripture and truths in this book that can impact your life today.For this episode, host Jason Wieland is joined by Dr. Andrew Steinmann, a recently retired professor from Concordia University Chicago and author of many books including a commentary on Genesis. In this conversation, Jason and Dr. Steinmann talk about the authorship of Genesis, the narrative flow of Genesis, what Genesis teaches us about God and about humanity, and much more. Navigating the Bible is a special podcast series, part of the Doable Discipleship Podcast. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 380 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Related to This Episode:Genesis: Tyndale Old Testament Commentary - Doable Discipleship Episodes: Navigating the Bible: The Pentateuch - Does It Look Like to Live Theologically- Dreams by Keys of Moon | promoted by Commons CC BY 4.0
8/13/202449 minutes, 22 seconds
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When God Says No

Have you ever prayed hard for something - maybe for someone to be healed or for a job or for a healed relationship - and you didn't get the answer you were hoping for? Have you felt like God said "no" to your prayer? It can be very difficult for us when our prayers aren't answered the way we hope they would be. But what does this say about God and what does it say about us? How should we approach things when God says no? For this episode, host Jason Wieland is joined by Saddleback Church Teaching Pastor Buddy Owens to talk about when God says no. Jason and Buddy talk about what we should know about prayer and how it affects what we expect as a response from God, the reality of not understanding all of God's ways, the role of faith and much more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 380 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( released September 12, 2022Related Doable Discipleship Episodes: Walking Through Sickness in Faith - of Prayer - Power of Intercessory Prayer -
8/6/202449 minutes, 43 seconds
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Thinking Differently About Shame with Dr. Curt Thompson

Shame is, without a doubt, one of the most difficult, devastating, negatively impactful, and yet human experiences. We all have felt and will feel shame in our lives – it’s a part of the human story going all the way back to Adam and Eve – and perhaps some of you are in an incredibly difficult spiral of shame right now. But what does shame tell us? We can’t deny the reality of shame, so what does it tell us about who we are, how we think and relate and process, and most importantly about who God is. In this episode host Jason Wieland is joined by Dr. Curt Thompson, author of many books including The Soul of Shame and host of the Being Known podcast. In this conversation, Jason and Curt talk about what shame really is, the difference between guilt and shame, the isolating and distancing effects of shame, the hope of grace, living in humility, the beauty of the Gospel as response to shame, and much more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 380 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( for this episode: The Soul of Shame by Dr. Curt Thompson - books by Dr. Curt Thompson - Doable Discipleship EpisodesLiving With Hope in the Midst of Struggle - Spiritual Warfare and Your Role In It - God's Love Teaches About How We Should Love Others - About the Fruit of the Spirit -
7/30/202457 minutes, 1 second
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How to Approach Life's Hardest Questions with Lee Strobel - Rewind

Everyone wrestles with some of the biggest questions in life: If God is good, why do people suffer? Why does God seem so hidden? What does it matter if God exists? These questions are asked by Christians and non-Christians alike and it’s important to seek answers to these questions. Seeking answers to life's biggest questions is a part of being human. In today's episode, host Jason Wieland is joined by Lee Strobel, author of over 40 books and curricula including The Case For Christ and his latest book, Is God Real?. In this conversation, Jason and Lee discuss what questions people are really asking, how to respond to these questions, the current state of the discussion around these big topics, and more.Episode originally released October 31, 2023 Atheist-turned-Christian Lee Strobel, the former award-winning legal editor of The Chicago Tribune, is a New York Times best-selling author of more than forty books and curricula that have sold fourteen million copies in total. He currently serves as Founding Director of the Lee Strobel Center for Evangelism and Applied Apologetics at Colorado Christian University.Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland, Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 380 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Related to This Episode:Is God Real? - IsGodRealBook.comleestrobel.comSee Lee's message at Saddleback Church at Saddleback.comRelated Doable Discipleship EpisodesWhat it Looks Like to Live Theologically - Creation Sings - We Miss if we Only READ the Bible - the Bible: The Gospels -
7/23/202445 minutes
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What Does it Look Like to Live Theologically with Timothy Gaines

This episode is about theology.  Theology can be a big, intimidating topic for some people. Maybe you think theology doesn’t really apply to you, that it's a topic for other people to think about and you’ll just hear about it from your pastor or priest. Well what if we were to tell you that theology is truly, genuinely not scary but instead something so intimately associated with you and who you are that you can think about and exercise theology in your own life. So the question for today is how can I walk the theological life? In this episode host Jason Wieland is joined by Dr. Timothy Gaines, associate professor of religion at Trevecca Nazarene University and author of the new book, Walking the Theological Life. In this conversation, Tim and Jason talk about what theology is and why it’s not as scary as it sounds, the difference between living theologically and living secularly, what we can learn about walking theologically through the lives of people in the Bible, and much more.Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland, Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 380 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Related to This Episode:Walking the Theological Life - Doable Discipleship EpisodesLiving Out of Overflow - Creation Sings - We Miss if we Only READ the Bible - the Bible: The Gospels -
7/16/202453 minutes, 27 seconds
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Our Need for Belonging with Sarah Westfall

In all of the conversation around identity, relationships, loneliness, doubt, there is a key word. That word is belonging. Belonging is packed with so much meaning because it can impact or influence us personally and relationally. It is a fundamental human need to be known, to feel belonging, but that is true of what you think about yourself as much as it is what you think of your place with others. We’ve talked about identity on this podcast, and we’ve talked about relationships. Today, we’re going to focus on bridging these two topics through reimaging who we are and how we relate. In today's episode, host Jason Wieland is joined by Sarah Westfall, host of the Human Together podcast and author of the new book "The Way of Belonging." In this conversation, Sarah and Jason talk about the fundamental questions we wrestle with about identity, belonging and relationships, the struggles that try to keep us from feeling rooted in our belonging, how the journey to know God is also a journey to know ourselves, and what it means to reimagine who we are and how we relate. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 380 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Related to This Episode:The Way of Belonging - Doable Discipleship EpisodesLiving Out of Overflow - God’s Love For You Teaches About How We Should Love Others - the Beautiful Mess of Relationships -
7/9/202451 minutes, 5 seconds
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Living Out of Overflow

What does it mean to live out of overflow? For so many people, life can feel like it's just coasting by or maybe it's a struggle to get through the day. Maybe you are feeling like you're on empty. What God offers, however, is a life of overflowing. What does that mean? What does that look like? In this episode, host Jason Wieland is joined by Saddleback Church Engagement Pastor Meaghan Grider to dive into the question of living out of overflow. Jason and Meaghan talk about inviting overflow, how to navigate dry seasons, what abiding looks like as a means to overflow, how overflow should effect your daily life, and much more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 380 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Doable Discipleship EpisodesWhat God's Love Teaches About How We Should Love Others - About the Fruit of the Spirit -
7/2/202450 minutes, 24 seconds
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What It Looks Like to Give God All My Worship

What does it look like to give God all of your worship? Saddleback Worship has released a new song called All My Worship and today's episode looks at what it means to worship God. This episode begins with a special recording of the new song All My Worship then host Jason Wieland is joined by Sara Peyton King, Saddleback Worship Leader and co-writer of All My Worship, to talk about what it looks like to give God all your worship. Jason and Sara discuss worship as prayer, surrendering ourselves in worship, and what we hope God thinks when we worship and sing to Him. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 380 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit from this episode: All My Worship - Doable Discipleship EpisodesAll Creation Sings - Do We Sing to God? -
6/25/202447 minutes, 5 seconds
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Living With Hope in the Midst of Struggle with Dr Alan Noble

Last year we released an episode of Doable Discipleship called The Burden & Gift of Living. Host Jason Wieland had read a book called On Getting Out of Bed by Alan Noble, and even though we were not able to interview him at the time, Jason needed to talk about this book. No book resonated with and spoke to Jason as deeply as On Getting out of Bed so Jason did his first solo episode of the podcast talking about the book. Well, the topic seemed to strike a chord as in the 6 months since its release, that episode has become one of the most engaged in the history of Doable Discipleship, and the numbers just continue to go up. On Getting Out of Bed is a look at the struggles of everyday living and the reality of mental affliction, to the point that some people constantly wrestle with the question of why to even get out of bed. The book is a beautiful essay on the reality of brokenness, the goodness of God, and the hope of healing. Well, today is a day Jason has eagerly awaited. In today's episode, Jason is joined by Dr. Alan Noble, author of On Getting Out of Bed. In this conversation, Alan and Jason talk about why the topic of life’s burden speaks to so many people today, how generations approach mental affliction differently, whether or not to openly discuss your own mental afflictions, hope of healing, the role of those who care for those who struggle with mental afflictions, and so so much more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 380 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit from this episode: On Getting Out of Bed by Alan Noble - Doable Discipleship EpisodesThe Burden & Gift of Living - a Non-Anxious Life -
6/18/202450 minutes, 38 seconds
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Navigating the Different Stages of Fatherhood

This Father's Day week, Doable Discipleship is having a some dad talk. In this episode, host Jason Wieland is joined by Celebrate Recovery Pastor Johnny Baker to talk dad life. Jason's kids are 6 and younger, Johnny's kids are in high school and college. The different stages of fatherhood are a real thing and can be difficult to navigate. In this conversation, Jason and Johnny talk about lessons from different stages of fatherhood, parenting differences between boys and girls, parenting from a place of recovery, Star Wars, and much more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 370 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel. Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Related Doable Discipleship Episodes:How to Grow a Connected Family - for Discipling Your Kids - to Have Freedom From Your Hurts, Hang-Ups and Habits -
6/11/202448 minutes, 14 seconds
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Understanding Spiritual Warfare and Your Role in It - Rewind

In this Rewind episode of Doable Discipleship, originally released in February 2023, Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar talk with Pastor Buddy Owens about Spiritual Warfare. Buddy talks through what spiritual warfare means, what the Bible says about it, and how we are called to participate in it. He discusses our identity in Christ, the importance of what it means to have Christ’s authority, and how these truths mean we do not have to live in fear even while in a spiritual battle. Buddy looks at the power of prayer as a strategy for spiritual warfare and provides some resource suggestions for people who want to learn more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 379 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel. Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Episodes:What Does it Mean to Be Made in the Image of God - the Dual Reality of Being a Sinner and a Saint - of Prayer - Power of Intercessory Prayer - From This Episode: The Purpose and Power of Prayer with Buddy Owens: tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
6/4/202450 minutes, 22 seconds
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Why We Must Pray for the Next Generation - Rewind

Your church likely has kids and student ministries where kids can go to learn about God. Adults often say we’re grateful for those pastors and then continue on focusing on our own church experience. There is something missing in the way that we think about the next generation. There’s not just an opportunity, but a necessity, to be intentional toward and praying for the next generation. Kids and students are not just the future church, they are the church of now and they will face challenges and trials as they continue to grow in their faith, but they also will see wonderful opportunities and powerful experiences. How can we be entering into prayer on their behalf? How can we be lifting up the next generation? In today's Rewind episode, originally released June 13, 2023, host Jason Wieland talks with Kendall Hibiske about why we must pray for the next generation. This is a powerful conversation about how we should view the next generation, our role in prayer, and where the two meet. The conversation looks at the power of intergenerational prayer, what we can be learning from the younger generation, how our prayer lives can and do change, and some ways we can specifically be praying for the next generation. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 370 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel. Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit from this Episode: 1,000 Names by Phil Wickham ( Related Doable Discipleship Episodes:Doable Discipleship – Types of Prayer ( Doable Discipleship – The Power of Intercessory Prayer ( To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
5/28/202443 minutes, 54 seconds
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How to Help Your Friendships Endure with Bryan Loritts

There’s a little book in the New Testament that doesn’t get as much love as it should. The book is Philemon – it’s a letter from Paul to a man named Philemon whose slave, Onesimus had runaway but was led to Christ by Paul. It’s a beautiful picture of reconciliation – and helpful for us as we think about how to better reconcile relationships. We know that relationships come with all sorts of difficulties, but there are also biblical ways to maintain healthy relationships and reconcile them when they break or run into difficulty. For today's episode, host Jason Wieland is joined by Bryan Loritts, teaching pastor at Summit Church in North Carolina and author of the new book, Enduring Friendship: Sticking Together in an Age of Unfriending. In this episode, Bryan and Jason talk about why it’s hard to maintain friendships, God’s message through the book of Philemon, and how to live out a healthy relationship through Truth, Repentence, and Grace. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 370 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Related Doable Discipleship Episodes:What God's Love for You Teaches us About How We Should Love Others- I Should Relate to the Global Family of God - the Beautiful Mess of Relationships -
5/21/202440 minutes, 16 seconds
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What to Know About Pentecost

This Doable Discipleship Rewind (originally released May 30, 2022) looks at the history, meaning, and importance of Pentecost. Every year, 40 days after Easter Sunday, the church celebrates Pentecost. Why? Why should we care? In this episode, Saddleback Pastors Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar talk about what the Bible says about Pentecost and how we can still celebrate it today. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 370 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Resources for this episode: Foundations: The Holy Spirit Part 1 - The Holy Spirit Part 2 - Doable Discipleship Episodes:All Creation Sings - Does the History of the Bible Affect How We Read It Today - Spiritual Practices Can Change Your Life -
5/14/202423 minutes, 17 seconds
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An Encouragement for Moms

There are so many wonderful things about being a mom - but there are difficult things too. Many moms, especially moms of younger kids, sift through many insecurities and anxieties every single day. Today's episode of Doable Discipleship is designed to offer encouragement to all of the moms out there who face insecurities in their motherhood. In this episode you will hear some moms share insecurities that they struggle with, and then you will hear responses from mentor moms who have walked through those struggles themselves and can offer helpful perspective and encouragement. Think of today's episode like you get to sit in on a mentoring session for moms. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 370 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Mentor Moms in this episode: Stacie Wood, Jeni Baker, Julie Chung, Meaghan Grider, Andrea Minor, and Linda Tokar. Resources From This Episode: Prayers for an unsaved child: 1. John 6:44 – Pray that God draws them to Jesus2. Jeremiah 29:13 – Pray they seek God with their whole heart3. 2 Corinthians 4:4 – Pray that God would open their eyes from blindness4. Romans 10:17 – Pray they would hear and believe the Word of God5. Acts 1:8 – Pray that God sends others like me to boldly share the Gospel with them6. John 16:8 – Pray that the Holy Spirit convicts them of sin7. Acts 3:19 – Pray they turn from their sin8. Romans 10:9 – Pray they accept Jesus as Savior and Lord9. 2 Corinthians 5:15 – Pray they choose to live for Christ and not themselvesPrayers for a Saved Child:1.Colossians 1:9-10 - That God would give them wisdom and understanding.2. Colossians 1:11-12 - That God would strengthen them with His power and give them the patience and endurance they need and that they would be filled with joy.3. Isaiah 41:10 - That they would remember that God is always with them and will protect and defend them.4. Philippians 1:6 - That they would be patient with themselves when they make a mistake, remembering that God will be working on them the rest of their lives… and they can trust Him to finish what He started. 5. Proverbs 3:5-6 - That they would learn to trust the Lord and his direction in their lives.6. Ephesians 5:15-18 - That they would live lives surrendered to the Holy Spirit.7. Philippians 2:2-5 - That they would learn to love, live, serve and sacrifice like Jesus did.  8. Galatians 5:22-23 - That God would grow the fruit of the spirit in their lives.  Related Doable Discipleship Episodes:Embracing the Beautiful Mess of Relationships - a Non-Anxious Life - Burden & Gift of Living -
5/7/202449 minutes, 52 seconds
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What God's Love For You Teaches About How We Should Love Others

Do you ever have issues loving somebody else? There are be many reasons why relationships can be difficult – you’re probably already thinking of them . . . and maybe even thinking about the specific people you’re having a difficult time with. There are many ways to talk about relationship advice, but today we are going to focus on a different approach – one that we haven’t talked about before. In this episode we will talk about the metaphor that we see in the Bible as the church being the bride of Christ – and how this image impacts our relationships. In today's episode of Doable Discipleship, host Jason Wieland is joined by Vermon Pierre, pastor of Roosevelt Community Church in Phoenix Arizona and author of the new book, Dearly Beloved: How God’s Love for His Church Deepens Our Love For Each Other. In this conversation, Jason and Vermon talk about how cultural tendencies are making it easier for people to live separately from one another, what the biblical metaphor for marriage means, some ways that we can live a beloved life, and more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 370 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Resources From This Episode: Dearly Beloved - Doable Discipleship Episodes:Embracing the Beautiful Mess of Relationships - Should I Relate to the Global Family of God -
4/30/202439 minutes, 57 seconds
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Learning How to Grieve, Breathe, and Receive with Steve Carter

Think of a time in your life . . . maybe that time is right now . . . when you were grieving something. Maybe it was the loss of a loved one. Maybe it was the death of a dream, a betrayal . . . maybe it was even something as simple as a change in a routine. What did you do with that grief? For so many people, maybe even for you, the answer to that question is . . . nothing. And if you're honest, maybe it’s still affecting you today. That’s the reality for so, so many people – we haven’t been taught how to grieve. Grief is unavoidable so we should spend time to learn how to process it in a healthy way. In this episode of Doable Discipleship, host Jason Wieland is joined by Steve Carter. Steve is the best-selling author of The Thing Beneath the Thing and his latest book, Grieve, Breathe, Receive. In this conversation, Jason talks with Steve about his personal history having to learn how to grieve, how to process through a Grieve, Breathe, Receive framework (and what it has to do with Holy Week), how to grieve relationally, and so much more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 350 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Resources From This Episode: Grieve, Breathe, Receive - Thing Beneath the Thing - Doable Discipleship Episodes:Living a Non-Anxious Life - Burden and Gift of Living - to Do When Life Seems Beyond Your Control - to Endure Hardship -
4/23/202446 minutes, 31 seconds
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How Should I Relate to the Global Family of God with Dr. Ed Stetzer

As Christians, we have brothers and sisters not just in your church, or your country, but all around the world. Oftentimes it's hard for us to grasp that we are connected in the body of Christ with people from other countries. In this second episode on the Family of God, we're going to look at how we should relate as brothers and sisters in Christ to people we don't even know. It may be easy for us to appreciate how to relate to the person we see at church every week . . . but what about the fellow believer you disagree with on cable news? Or the person living out their faith in a whole other continent? In this episode host Jason Wieland is joined by Dr. Ed Stetzer, Dean of Talbot School of Theology, Editor-in-Chief of Outreach Magazine, and host of Ed Stetzer Live on Moody Radio. Jason and Ed talk about Ed's book Christians in the Age of Outrage, how we should think about and relate to people we have never met, how the truth of the family of God should impact leadership and Missions, and much more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 350 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Resources From This Episode: Christians in the Age of Outrage - Doable Discipleship Episodes:Embracing the Beautiful Mess of Relationships - Ingredients for Deeper Relationships - from Key Relationships in the Bible -
4/16/202446 minutes, 15 seconds
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Embracing the Beautiful Mess of Relationships

It's not controversial to acknowledge that relationships can be hard - even really hard. Now, relationships can also be amazing, life-giving, and beautiful . . . but they can also be hard. In this episode we’re going to start a two-week look at a truly important topic: the family of God. If we did a better job of appreciating and living out the reality of the family of God in all areas of life, we would see a marked difference in the way we approach life. We’re going to start the conversation today by looking at how the idea of the family of God should impact our immediate relationships. In this episode host Jason Wieland is joined by Jason Williams, Executive Pastor of Ministries at Saddleback Church. The two Jasons talk about what the theology of the family of God means, the hallmarks of the family of God, common obstacles that make these can make those hallmarks difficult to exhibit, how to handle conflict, and so much more.Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 350 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Resources From This Episode: Rediscovering the Lost Art of Friendship - Doable Discipleship Episodes:Rediscovering the Lost Art of Friendship - Ingredients for Deeper Relationships - from Key Relationships in the Bible -
4/9/202441 minutes, 13 seconds
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Living a Non-Anxious Life

Do you consider yourself a master of anxiety? You find yourself feeling anxious easily, always concerned about the next thing or something seemingly out of your control? Maybe you wouldn’t say you’re a master of anxiety . . . maybe you’re just a duke of anxiety, or an apprentice. I don’t think there’s any denying that we all feel anxious at times. And for many people . . . the global statistics suggest an ever-increasing number of people . . . anxiety is a part of daily life. In this episode of Doable Discipleship, host Jason Wieland is joined by Alan Fadling, President and Founder of Unhurried Living and author of the new book, “A Non-Anxious Life: Experiencing the Peace of God's Presence.”Today’s episode focuses on what the Bible says about anxiety, common issues that bring anxiety into our lives, and practices that we can do to move from being masters of anxiety to masters of peace. If you are struggling with anxiety right now, this episode is for you. If you have ever struggled with anxiety, this episode is for you. If you have never struggled with anxiety in your life this episode is still for you because we can all benefit from learning how we can practice peace no matter what we are facing in life.Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 350 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Related Doable Discipleship Episodes:The Burden & Gift of Living - Spiritual Practices Can Change Your Life - To Do When Life is Beyond Your Control with Lauren McAfee - to Live Through the Rhythms of Jesus with Hosanna Wong -
4/2/202446 minutes, 7 seconds
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All Creation Sings

In this episode, Doable Discipleship host Jason Wieland shares a devotional rooted in Jesus' Triumphal Entry in Luke 19. This devotional moves from Psalms to Luke to Genesis to John in an examination of what the Bible says about creation praising God. This Easter, you are invited to join in the song of praise from all of creation to Jesus - the King of Kings. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 350 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit So Will I (100 Billion X) - Doable Discipleship Episodes:The Burden & Gift of Living - Do We Sing to God - About the Fruit of the Spirit -
3/26/202417 minutes, 52 seconds
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What We Miss if We Only READ the Bible with Dr. Brent Sandy

Reading the Bible is important, this probably isn't new information. HOWEVER, we often miss that hearing God's Word spoken and speaking it yourself is also incredibly important. Today's episode of Doable Discipleship is all about the benefits of hearing and speaking Scripture. For this conversation, host Jason Wieland is joined by Dr. Brent Sandy, author of the new book Hear Ye The Word of the Lord. Jason and Brent talk about the history of oral communication, why oral tradition is important to consider, the relational and emotional benefits of reading Scripture aloud with others, how to improve our listening and speaking skills, and much more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 350 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Hear Ye the Word of the Lord by Dr. Brent Sandy - Doable Discipleship Episodes:How Spiritual Practices can Change Your Life - Tips for Reading Your Bible - Does the History of the Bible Affect How We Read It Today -
3/19/202448 minutes, 57 seconds
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How Remembering Can Be A Spiritual Practice with Casey Tygrett

There’s a phrase from the back of a book that is worth noting. It says, “How we hold and carry our memories – good and bad – is a part of what forms us spiritually.” Memory is universal, we all have memories that form us, shape us and influence us and often in ways that we don’t even notice. But what happens when we turn our attention and intention at our memories? What happens when we turn remembering into a spiritual practice? In today's episode Doable Discipleship host and Saddleback Church pastor Jason Wieland is joined by Casey Tygrett, theologian in residence at Parkview Christian Church in Illinois, spiritual director at SoulCare, host of the Restlessness Is a Gift podcast, and author of The Practice of Remembering – the book where the quote from earlier is from. Casey and Jason talk about how focusing on memory has impacted his ministry, how we see the call to remember so often in Scripture, what a practice of remembering can look like, specifically when thinking about past hurt or grief, and much more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 350 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Related Doable Discipleship Episodes:How Spiritual Practices can Change Your Life -
3/12/202443 minutes, 47 seconds
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Navigating the Bible: Revelation

Join Saddleback Church's Doable Discipleship podcast in a series on Navigating the Bible. Have you ever wondered how to read the Bible? What do you need to know about different sections of the Bible that would help you read it better? This series seeks to give you a primer on the different major sections of the Bible. Each week, host Jason Wieland is joined by a different Bible expert to talk through the major details, authors, cultural context, and other important information on the major sections of the Bible. This episode focuses on Revelation. Jason is joined by Pastor Tom Holladay, former teaching pastor at Saddleback Church. The conversation looks at how we are to read Revelation, the nature of apocalyptic literature, and much more.Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 350 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Resources by Tom HolladayFoundations: The Second Coming (Part 1) - The Second Coming (Part 2) - Devotions - Revelation Related Doable Discipleship Episodes: Navigating the Bible: Wisdom Literature - the Bible: The Prophets - the Bible: The Historical Books - the Bible: The Pentateuch - the Bible: The Epistles - Navigating the Bible: The Gospels - 4 Tips for Reading Your Bible - How Does the History of the Bible Affect How We Read It Today - Why Are There So Many Bible Translations? -
3/5/202443 minutes, 52 seconds
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Navigating the Bible: Wisdom Literature

Join Saddleback Church's Doable Discipleship podcast in a series on Navigating the Bible. Have you ever wondered how to read the Bible? What do you need to know about different sections of the Bible that would help you read it better? This series seeks to give you a primer on the different major sections of the Bible. Each week, host Jason Wieland is joined by a different Bible expert to talk through the major details, authors, cultural context, and other important information on the major sections of the Bible. This episode focus in on the Wisdom Literature. Jason is joined by Dr. Dan Estes, distinguished professor of Old Testament at Cedarville University. The conversation looks at what biblical wisdom is, parallels between the wisdom literature and the rest of the Bible, Solomon, Job, and much more.Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 350 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Resources by Dr. Dan EstesThe Message of Wisdom - Related Doable Discipleship Episodes: Navigating the Bible: The Prophets - the Bible: The Historical Books - the Bible: The Pentateuch - the Bible: The Epistles - Navigating the Bible: The Gospels - 4 Tips for Reading Your Bible - How Does the History of the Bible Affect How We Read It Today - Why Are There So Many Bible Translations? -
2/27/202441 minutes, 36 seconds
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Navigating the Bible: The Prophets

Join Saddleback Church's Doable Discipleship podcast in a series on Navigating the Bible. Have you ever wondered how to read the Bible? What do you need to know about different sections of the Bible that would help you read it better? This series seeks to give you a primer on the different major sections of the Bible. Each week, host Jason Wieland is joined by a different Bible expert to talk through the major details, authors, cultural context, and other important information on the major sections of the Bible. This episode focus in on the Prophets. Jason is joined by Dr. John Walton, professor of Old Testament Emeritus at Wheaton College and author of the new book, The Lost World of the Prophets. The conversation looks at the themes found in the Prophets, the role of prophets in biblical times, parallels between the prophets and other parts of the Bible, and much more.Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 350 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Resources by Dr. John WaltonThe Lost World of the Prophets - Related Doable Discipleship Episodes: Navigating the Bible: The Historical Books - the Bible: The Pentateuch - the Bible: The Epistles - Navigating the Bible: The Gospels - 4 Tips for Reading Your Bible - How Does the History of the Bible Affect How We Read It Today - Why Are There So Many Bible Translations? -
2/20/202445 minutes, 51 seconds
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Navigating the Bible: The Historical Books

Join Saddleback Church's Doable Discipleship podcast in a series on Navigating the Bible. Have you ever wondered how to read the Bible? What do you need to know about different sections of the Bible that would help you read it better? This series seeks to give you a primer on the different major sections of the Bible. Each week, host Jason Wieland is joined by a different Bible expert to talk through the major details, authors, cultural context, and other important information on the major sections of the Bible. This episode focus in on the Historical Books. Jason is joined by Dr. Gary Schnittjer, distinguished professor of Old Testament for the School of Divinity at Cairn University. The conversation looks at the themes found in the Historical Books, the cultural context, what you should know about David, parallels with the New Testament, and much more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 350 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Resources by Dr. Gary SchnittjerOld Testament Narrative Books: The Israel Story - Testament Use of Old Testament - Related Doable Discipleship Episodes: Navigating the Bible: The Pentateuch - the Bible: The Epistles - Navigating the Bible: The Gospels - 4 Tips for Reading Your Bible - How Does the History of the Bible Affect How We Read It Today - Why Are There So Many Bible Translations? -
2/13/202453 minutes, 22 seconds
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Navigating the Bible: The Pentateuch

Join Saddleback Church's Doable Discipleship podcast in a series on Navigating the Bible. Have you ever wondered how to read the Bible? What do you need to know about different sections of the Bible that would help you read it better? This series seeks to give you a primer on the different major sections of the Bible. Each week, host Jason Wieland is joined by a different Bible expert to talk through the major details, authors, cultural context, and other important information on the major sections of the Bible. This episode focus in on the Pentateuch. Jason is joined by Dr. Charlie Trimm, associate professor and chair of Old Testament at Biola University. The conversation looks at the themes found in the Pentateuch, when they were written, the cultural context, what you should know about Moses, and much more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 350 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Related Doable Discipleship Episodes:Navigating the Bible: The Epistles - the Bible: The Gospels - Tips for Reading Your Bible - Does the History of the Bible Affect How We Read It Today - Are There So Many Bible Translations? -
2/6/202444 minutes, 18 seconds
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Navigating the Bible: The Epistles

Join Saddleback Church's Doable Discipleship podcast in a series on Navigating the Bible. Have you ever wondered how to read the Bible? What do you need to know about different sections of the Bible that would help you read it better? This series seeks to give you a primer on the different major sections of the Bible. Each week, host Jason Wieland is joined by a different Bible expert to talk through the major details, authors, cultural context, and other important information on the major sections of the Bible. This episode focus in on the Epistles. Jason is joined by Dr. Kenneth Berding, professor of New Testament at Biola University. The conversation looks at the authors of the Epistles, when they were written, the different themes and approaches to these letters, the cultural context, what you should know about Paul, and much more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit for this Episode:Bible Revival by Dr. Kenneth Berding - Related Doable Discipleship Episodes:Navigating the Bible: The Gospels - Tips for Reading Your Bible - Does the History of the Bible Affect How We Read It Today - Are There So Many Bible Translations? -
1/30/202449 minutes, 21 seconds
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Navigating The Bible: The Gospels

Join Saddleback Church's Doable Discipleship podcast in a series on Navigating the Bible. Have you ever wondered how to read the Bible? What do you need to know about different sections of the Bible that would help you read it better? This series seeks to give you a primer on the different major sections of the Bible. Each week, host Jason Wieland is joined by a different Bible expert to talk through the major details, authors, cultural context, and other important information on the major sections of the Bible. This episode focus in on the Gospels. Jason is joined by Dr. Jeannine Hanger, assistant professor of New Testament at Biola University. The conversation looks at the authors of the Gospels, when they were written, the different themes and approaches to each Gospel, the cultural context, how to read parables, and more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Related Doable Discipleship Episodes:4 Tips for Reading Your Bible - Does the History of the Bible Affect How We Read It Today - Are There So Many Bible Translations? -
1/23/202448 minutes, 21 seconds
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4 Tips for Reading Your Bible

Whether you have been reading the Bible your whole life or are picking up the Bible for the first time, this episode is for you. The Bible can be confusing or intimidating, but it is also life-giving - God's Word for all people. In this episode, host Jason Wieland is joined by Saddleback Formation Pastor Brandon Bathauer to talk about 4 tips for reading your Bible. These tips will help to enrich your time with the Bible, make it less intimidating, and aid you in your new season of Bible-reading. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Discipleship Bible Playlist - Worksheet: Your Bible -
1/16/202439 minutes, 56 seconds
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How Does the History of the Bible Affect How We Read It Today? with Dr. Susan Lim

What does it look like to love the Bible? The Bible – 66 books filled with chapters and verses, stories and histories, written by a number of different authors over a period around 1,500 years – this book is the foundation of the Christian faith. The Bible is read in churches around the world every weekend, is read daily by millions of believers, and can even be found in many a hotel drawer. But what does loving the Bible – God’s Word – look like and how does the history of the Bible affect how we look at it and love it today? In today's episode, host Jason Wieland is joined by Dr. Susan Lim. Susan is a historian and writer and has a new book out titled Light of the Word: How Knowing the History of the Bible Illuminates Our Faith. In this conversation, Jason and Susan talk about what it means to love God’s Word, how knowing the historical nature of the Bible can impact how you read it today, what the most compelling challenge to Scripture is and how we respond to it, and what it truly looks like to read the Bible in faith.
1/9/202450 minutes, 51 seconds
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A Christmas Prayer

It's almost Christmas Day 2023 and for this final episode of the year host Jason Wieland offers a short Christmas prayer for the Doable Discipleship listeners. Doable Discipleship will be off for two weeks and will return with new episodes on January 9. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit
12/19/20237 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Burden and Gift of Living

In today's episode host Jason Wieland, Content Development Pastor at Saddleback Church, talks about his favorite book of 2023. It's called On Getting Out of Bed: The Burden & Gift of Living by Alan Noble. This short, 104-page book is rich in its look at anxiety, depression, and other hardships of life. It doesn't sugarcoat the realities of suffering. For anybody who may not struggle with these issues themselves, Dr. Noble paints an important picture of what life is truly like for those in this daily fight. However, this book is truly one of hope as it reminds us of the reality of our good creation, the presence of our good Creator and the truth that your life is a testimony of that goodness - whether you are having a good day or not. Join Jason as he dives into this impactful, important book. This episode highlights some quotes from the book as Jason discusses why he finds this book so necessary and what makes it his book of the year. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit
12/12/202339 minutes, 55 seconds
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How Spiritual Practices Can Change Your Life

When an athlete trains and practices in his or her sport, they are achieving multiple goals at the same time. They get stronger by lifting weights. They get more agile and increase endurance by running and doing sprints. They develop muscle memory by practicing their sport and certain moves over and over and over again. All of this is in pursuit of being ready for the competition – ready for game day. As Christians, we have our own exercises – we call them spiritual practices. We grow stronger in our faith through reading Scripture. We grow more agile and increase endurance through fasting and silence and solitude. We develop muscle memory through gratitude. Today’s episode is all about spiritual practices. Host Jason Wieland is joined today by Reward Sibanda, a teaching pastor at Saddleback Church. Reward and Jason go in-depth on what spiritual practices are, what they do to and for you, and why it’s important to make spiritual practices a part of your life. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit
12/5/202345 minutes, 7 seconds
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How Inner Work Transforms Your Outer World with Jeff Haanen

There’s been an interesting trend happening in Christian culture. It seems that Christians today are more open to and looking for a practice of rhythms and self-reflection than ever before. Society as a whole has become more accepting of self-reflection and inner-work, but we’ve especially seen this become a common theme in the church. I’m talking about rhythms of spiritual practices like the Prayer of Examen and a renewed focus on your interior life. In this episode, we’re going to explore how this movement is being seen in the in our working life as well. Saddleback Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland talks with Jeff Haanen, founder of the Denver Institute of Faith and Work and author of the new book Working From the Inside Out. Jeff and Jason talk about how he is seeing this desire for rhythm and inner-work playing out in the workplace, why it’s important to seek deep spiritual growth, how people change, and much more. Working From the Inside Out by Jeff Haanen releases on December 12. Pre-Order now here. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit
11/28/202343 minutes, 27 seconds
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How Should Christians Approach A.I.? with David Brenner

One of the most talked about topics in society today is artificial intelligence. AI has been in a sprint season recently as we hear about advancements in language models like ChaptGPT and image generators like Dall-E. Many people have ideas of what AI could be from movies like The Terminator, Blade Runner – even the new Mission Impossible movie, but what is really happening in the AI space? And how should Christians think about the future of Artificial Intelligence? In today's episode, Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland talks with David Brenner. David was a lawyer for 35 years before serving as the Board Chair of AI and Faith, an organization centered around equipping and encouraging people of faith to bring time-tested, faith-based values and wisdom to the ethical AI conversation. David and Jason talk about what is currently happening in the field of AI, how we should think about morality and ethics related to AI, and where he sees AI going in the near future and what you can do about it. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit
11/21/202348 minutes, 56 seconds
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What to do When Life is Beyond Your Control with Lauren McAfee

Have you ever felt that life is supposed to work a certain way? You feel that if you get your boxes checked then you should be able to walk through life "normally." What we quickly learn, though, is that life is often beyond our control. In this episode of Doable Discipleship, Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland is joined by Lauren McAfee, author of the new book Beyond Our Control. In this conversation, Lauren and Jason talk about the realities of grief and suffering, unmet expectations, embracing God as Comforter, how couples grieve together, and much more. Lauren McAfee is the founder and visionary of Stand for Life and also serves as the ministry director at Hobby Lobby. Lauren is the author of Only One Life, Not What You Think, Legacy Study, and Created in the Image of God. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Ethics and Policy. Lauren previously worked for her father, Steve Green, while he founded Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC, serving as curator, artifact collection manager, and director of community engagement. Lauren and Michael are happily married with two fierce and feminine girls, Zion and Zara.Beyond Our Control is available now wherever books are sold. Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit
11/14/202346 minutes, 24 seconds
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Why Do We Sing to God? with Josh Miller

What is it about singing that lends itself so well to worship? There are many ways to worship God, but singing is definitely the most commonly thought of aspect of worship. In today's episode, Saddleback Worship Pastor Josh Miller joins Saddleback Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland to talk about worship and the power of song. The conversation looks at what worship is, why singing is such a powerful form of worship, what we can learn from songs of worship, the process of songwriting, and much more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit LinksSaddlebackWorship.comLead With Worship Podcast
11/7/202344 minutes, 25 seconds
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How to Approach Life's Hardest Questions with Lee Strobel

Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland is joined by best-selling author and renowned Christian Apologist Lee Strobel to talk about the state of apologetics and Lee’s new book, Is God Real? Everyone wrestles with some of the biggest questions in life: If God is good, why do people suffer? Why does God seem so hidden? What does it matter if God exists? These questions are asked by Christians and non-Christians alike and it’s important to seek answers to these questions. Lee Strobel, author of over 40 books and curricula including The Case For Christ, and Jason discuss what questions people are really asking, how to respond to these questions, and the state of apologetics in 2023.  Atheist-turned-Christian Lee Strobel, the former award-winning legal editor of The Chicago Tribune, is a New York Times best-selling author of more than forty books and curricula that have sold fourteen million copies in total. He currently serves as Founding Director of the Lee Strobel Center for Evangelism and Applied Apologetics at Colorado Christian University. Links: Lee Strobel’s Website                Is God Real?: Exploring the Ultimate Question of Life – Available 10/31
10/31/202345 minutes, 52 seconds
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Thinking About the Fruit of the Spirit (Rewind)

Are the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, etc.) just good personal quality or character traits that we would aspire to exemplify or something we can attain on our own efforts? Or are they more? Are they traits that are a result, a byproduct of living a Spirit-filled life, or put another way… walking by the Spirit? How am I living my life? Acts of the flesh or fruit of the Spirit? Join Saddleback Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland and Spiritual Growth Pastor Linda Tokar for this time of introspection and study. (Episode originally aired October 4, 2022).
10/24/202328 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Read and Appreciate the Psalm with Dr. Ian Vaillancourt

The book of Psalms is perhaps one of the most read from and turned to places in the Bible – and for a good reason. It is a wonderful well of the human experience, capturing reality and giving voice to the emotional ebb and flow that comes with being alive while all the while pointing so beautifully back to God. In today’s episode, Saddleback Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland talks with Dr. Ian Vaillancourt about his new book, Treasuring the Psalms. The conversation touches on what makes the Psalms so powerful, seeing Jesus in the Psalms, and how you can live out the psalms in your own life. Dr. Ian Vaillancourt is associate professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Heritage Theological Seminary. He is the author of Treasuring the Psalms and The Dawning of Redemption. Links: Treasuring the Psalms The Dawning of RedemptionCommentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament by G.K. Beale and D.A. Carson
10/17/202350 minutes, 58 seconds
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E347 - What Are We Getting Wrong In How We Approach the Bible?

Description: How do you view the Bible? Is it a book of rules? Is it a storybook, or history book? Do you feel guilty when you think about the Bible? We all approach the Bible with some type of thought or opinion. In today’s episode, host Jason Wieland asks Saddleback Church Teaching Pastor Buddy Owens “What are we getting wrong in how we approach the Bible?” The conversation talks about what it means to read the Bible with open ears, reading for depth instead of distance, how to avoid guilt over your Bible, and even explores some Bible passages people tend to misunderstand. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Deeper Devotions virtual workshop information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
10/11/202340 minutes, 42 seconds
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E46 - Why Are There So Many Bible Translations?

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the vast amount of Bibles to choose from, whether at a bookstore or on a Bible app? Why are there so many translations? Is one better than the others? Which one is right for me? These questions can be difficult to navigate, so today host Jason Wieland is joined by Tom Holladay, former Saddleback Church Teaching Pastor, to talk about all things related to Bible translations. The conversation talks about the pertinent questions to ask when choosing a Bible, how translations are made, the difference between translations, and where the King James Version fits into all of this. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Bible Gateway Translation Series - - The Bible information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
10/4/202343 minutes, 48 seconds
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E345 - Rediscovering the Lost Art of Friendship

Description: Saddleback Church is proud to release a new limited-series podcast called Rediscovering the Lost Art of Friendship. This podcast series is being produced alongside a sermon series and small group study, though the podcast series can be enjoyed on its own. This series seeks to respond to the epidemic of loneliness sweeping across the nation by looking at five biblically-based ways to build friendships that last. Hosted by Doable Discipleship host Jason Wieland, this series features conversations with an incredible lineup of ministry leaders: Saddleback Teaching Pastor Stacie Wood, Saddleback Men’s Pastor Anthony Miller, Transformation Church Lead Pastor Derwin Gray, Clinical Psychologist and Professor Todd Hall, and Celebrate Recovery Pastor Meaghan Grider. The entire 5-episode series is now available, just search from Rediscovering the Lost Art of Friendship on your favorite podcast app or click on the link in the show notes. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Podcast Series- Series - information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
9/27/202350 minutes, 23 seconds
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E344 - Rap, Faith, and the Power of Story with Brannon Shortt

Description: Saddleback Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland is joined by Bayside Church Teaching Pastor/Rapper Brannon Shortt. Storytelling is one of the oldest and most-used forms of communication in human history. We use stories to teach lessons to little kids (think Aesop’s fables or fairy tales) and we continue to learn from stories as adults (think of the great works of literature, film, music). Another place we often hear stories is during church. We don’t just hear or read the stories from the Bible, but preachers often incorporate stories into their sermons as a way to highlight a point or provide context for what they are teaching. Today’s guest, Brannon Shortt, is a preacher, rapper, and candlemaker. Brannon was a pastor at Saddleback Church before moving to Northern California where he now serves as a Teaching Pastor at Bayside Church and recently released a new album titled The Attic under his musical artist name, BShortt. In this conversation, Brannon and Jason talk about the power of story and how we can share our faith in many different ways. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Bshortt on Spotify: information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
9/20/202345 minutes, 47 seconds
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E343: What Does It Mean to Be Made In God’s Image? with Dr. Carmen Joy Imes

Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland is joined by Dr. Carmen Joy Imes to discuss her new book, Being God’s Image: Why Creation Still Matters. What does it mean to be human? This question is something that everybody wrestles with at different points of life. In this conversation, Jason and Dr. Imes discuss what being God’s image means; the connection between creation and vocation; what Genesis, the Wisdom literature, and the New Testament say about this; the power of beloved community, and what we can do to live out a life made in God’s image. Dr. Carmen Joy Imes (PhD, Wheaton) is associate professor of Old Testament at Biola University. She is the author of Bearing God’s Name: Why Sinai Still Matters, Bearing YHWH’S Name at Sinai, and the editor of Praying the Psalms with Augustine and Friends. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Being God’s Image: Why Creation Still MattersBearing God’s Name: Why Sinai Still MattersJust Discipleship: Biblical Justice in an Unjust World by Michael J. RhodesBeing God’s Image – E-course information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
9/13/202347 minutes, 24 seconds
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E342 - How Christians Should Think About World Religions with Dr. Douglas Groothuis

Description: Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland is joined by Dr. Douglas Groothuis to talk about his new book, World Religions in Seven Sentences. The conversation discusses why Christians should learn about other world religions, and then looks a three religions or thoughts discussed in the book, Atheism, Judaism, and Islam. The episode also discusses the rise of “Apathy-ism” and the growing movement of people who don’t want to give any time or energy into thinking about spiritual matters at all.Dr. Douglas Groothuis is professor of philosophy at Denver Seminary. He is the author of numerous books, including Christian Apologetics, Philosophy in Seven Sentences, and others. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: World Religions in Seven SentencesChristian ApologeticsReasonable Faith PodcastThe Case for Christ information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
9/6/202341 minutes, 20 seconds
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E341 - The 2023 Books of the Bible Draft

Description: Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland is joined by Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastors Brandon Bathauer and Linda Tokar for a Books of the Bible Draft. It’s the time of year when many people do their fantasy football drafts. Here on Doable Discipleship, we draft too – just in a different way. In 2022 we did a People of the Bible Draft and this year we set our sights on the Books of the Bible. The premise: Which 5 books of the Bible would you want if you were stranded on a deserted island. The twist: this year we introduce categories. Each person has to draft 1 book from each of the following categories: Old Testament (non-prophet), Major Prophet, Minor Prophet, Gospel, and New Testament (non-Gospel). Once a book is selected, it cannot be chosen by another person. This is a really fun episode that takes a good look at some of your favorite books of the Bible. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Doable Discipleship – The People of the Bible DraftKnow Your Bible by Paul Kent information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
8/30/202347 minutes, 36 seconds
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E340 - How Christianity Saved Civilization. . . 
And Must Do So Again with Dr. Jim Papandrea

Description: Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland is joined by Dr. Jim Papandrea, author of the book How Christianity Saved Civilization . . . And Must Do So Again. The conversation discusses different ways in which Christianity revolutionized the ancient world and how we should consider Christianity’s role in the modern world.Dr. Jim Papandrea is Professor of Church History and Historical Theology. He is on the faculty of the Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary and a senior fellow at the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: How Christianity Saved Civilization . . . And Must Do So AgainReading the Church FathersDoable Discipleship – Why the Story of the Church Matters information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
8/23/202343 minutes, 4 seconds
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E339: The Intersection of Philosophy, Great Books, and Faith with Dr. John Mark Reynolds

Description:Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland is joined by Dr. John Mark Reynolds to discuss the connection between ancient philosophy, reading the great books, and Christianity. They discusses why Christians should care about philosophy, what we mean when we say “The Western Canon” of literature, the power of work that lasts, and how people can get started learning more about these topics.Dr. Reynolds is the President of the Saint Constantine School, a Senior Fellow in the humanities at The Kings College and a Fellow of the Center for Science and Culture at The Discovery Institute. He is the former provost of Houston Baptist University. He is the founder and director of the Torrey Honors Institute, the Socratic, great books-centered honors program at Biola University. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: When Athens Met Jerusalem: An Introduction to Classical and Christian ThoughtThe Great Books Reader information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
8/16/202357 minutes, 25 seconds
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E338 Jesus Revolution with Writer/Director Jon Erwin

Description: Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland is joined by Jesus Revolution writer/director Jon Erwin to talk about the hit film. They discuss how Jon decides what stories he wants to tell through film, how he thinks about crafting experiences, what the success of Jesus Revolution tells us about culture and faith-based films, the opportunity we have to tell stories and to share biblical truth in a mass-market environment, and the conversation ends with a fun rapid-fire segment about the cast of Jesus Revolution. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Church At the Movie Series information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
8/9/202354 minutes, 22 seconds
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E337 - How Has God Shaped You?

Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland is joined by Saddleback Lake Forest Ministry Pastor Jacob Wilson to talk about what it means to be shaped by God. They discuss SHAPE as an acrostic, look more at the theology of shape and the difference between calling and shape, and have a broader conversation around what it means to do work in the kingdom of God. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: SHAPE by Erik ReesDiscover Your Purposeat a Saddleback Campus Near You information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
8/2/202344 minutes, 51 seconds
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E336 - What Are We Getting Wrong About Work?

Description: Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland is joined by Saddleback Mission Pastor Julie Chung to answer the question, What Are We Getting Wrong About Work? Julie earned her doctoral degree from Fuller Seminary in the field of faith, work, economics, and vocation. This episode looks at work as seen in Genesis and work as seen through redemption culture. They talk about the difference between current societal values and God’s economy, the role of identity, and some tips for living a more integrated faith and work life. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Every Good Endeavor by Tim KellerDoable Discipleship Podcast - What Does the Bible Say About Work?Found Podcast - Three Stories of WorkWeekend to Workplace Podcast information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
7/26/202341 minutes, 40 seconds
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E335 - Understanding the Link Between Theology and Film with Dr. Kutter Callaway

Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor is joined by Dr. Kutter Callaway to discuss theology and film. Movies have a powerful and interesting way of capturing our attention, our emotions, and our thought life. What does this say about us? And how does this relate to our relationship with God? This conversation looks to answer these questions along with talking about common religious themes and motifs in movies, the need to be discerning against heresy in film, and the power of emotion and what it says about being made in the image of God.Kutter Callaway is the William K. Brehm Chair of Worship, Theology, and the Arts, as well as associate dean of the Center for Advanced Theological Studies, and associate professor of theology and culture. He is actively engaged in writing and speaking on the interaction between theology and culture—particularly film, television, and online media—in both academic and popular forums. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Scoring TranscendenceThe Aesthetics of AtheismThe Kutter Callaway Podcast information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
7/19/202348 minutes, 57 seconds
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E334 What Does the Bible Say About Work?

Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland is joined by Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastor Linda Tokar to talk about what the Bible says about work. They discuss 7 key points that the Bible makes about work, including that God works and God assigns us work. The conversation spends time on how it doesn’t matter what your line of work is, there is no hierarchy of work. God is able to work in you and through you no matter what your work is. The episode ends with some doable next steps. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Found - The Three Stories of WorkWeekend to Workplace Podcast information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
7/12/202341 minutes, 57 seconds
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E333 - How To Live Through The Rhythms of Jesus with Hosanna Wong

Saddleback Church Content Development Pastor Jason Wieland is joined by author, teacher, and spoken word artist Hosanna Wong for a conversation around identity in Christ and how to adopt the rhythms of Jesus. One of the most fundamental questions of life is Who Am I? and, in Christian circles, we are often rushed to answer that our identity is in Christ. But how do we really find out what this means and, even when we do feel connected to Jesus, how do we keep that connection? This conversation addresses these questions and dives deep into looking at four rhythms or spiritual disciplines that you can begin adopting in your own life. Hosanna Wong is an international speaker, best-selling author and spoken word artist helping everyday people know Jesus for real. Widely known for her spoken word piece, "I Have A New Name," Hosanna shares in churches, conferences, prisons, and other events around the world, reaching across various denominations, backgrounds and cultures.Born and raised in an urban ministry on the streets of San Francisco, Hosanna later packed her life into suitcases and traveled to churches and other ministries throughout the United States to share about Jesus through spoken word poetry. During those years without a permanent home, she began speaking and creating resources to serve the local and global Church.Hosanna currently travels and speaks year-round, and serves on teaching teams at churches throughout the United States. She and her husband, Guy serve together in various ministries equipping people with tools to share the gospel of Jesus in today's world.Hosanna is the best-selling author of How (Not) to Save the World. Her new book, You Are More Than You've Been Told releases August 2023. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: You Are More Than You’ve Been ToldHow (Not) to Save The WorldI Have a New NameHosannaWong.comSaddleback Church Engage 21-Day GuideDoable Discipleship – Types of PrayerSaddleback Church Life of PrayerDoable Discipleship – Resting in the Generosity of God information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
7/5/202352 minutes, 1 second
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E322 - Introducing: Weekend To Workspace

Description: The Saddleback Family of Podcasts is excited to launch a new podcast, Weekend to Workplace. In this episode of Doable Discipleship, host Jason Wieland will talk briefly with the host of Weekend to Workplace, Mark Grunden. Then, we will share with you the audio from the first episode of Weekend to Workplace, an interview between Mark and Experian and Intel Executive Stuart Mathews. Make sure to subscribe to Weekend to Workplace on your favorite podcast platform. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Weekend to Workplace information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
6/28/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 38 seconds
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E331 - How to Have Freedom from Your Hurts, Hang-ups, and Habits

6/20/202355 minutes, 12 seconds
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E330 - Why We Must Pray for the Next Generation

Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastor Jason Wieland is joined by Kendall Hibiske to talk about praying for the next generation. Your church likely has kids and student ministries where kids can go to learn about God. Adults often say we’re grateful for those pastors and then continue on focusing on our own church experience. There is something missing in the way that we think about the next generation. There’s not just an opportunity, but a necessity, to be intentional toward and praying for the next generation. Kids and students are not just the future church, they are the church of now and they will face challenges and trials as they continue to grow in their faith, but they also will see wonderful opportunities and powerful experiences. How can we be entering into prayer on their behalf? How can we be lifting up the next generation? This is a powerful conversation about how we should view the next generation, our role in prayer, and where the two meet. The conversation looks at the power of intergenerational prayer, what we can be learning from the younger generation, how our prayer lives can and do change, and some ways we can specifically be praying for the next generation. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Links: 1,000 Names by Phil Wickham Doable Discipleship – Types of Prayer Doable Discipleship – The Power of Intercessory Prayer Doable Discipleship – How to Practice Lectio Divina Praying for the Next Generation at Saddleback – email Kera Arnold at [email protected]:// information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
6/14/202343 minutes, 53 seconds
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E329 - A Deeper Understanding of Patience

Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastor Jason Wieland is joined by Celebrate Recovery Pastor Meaghan Grider to talk about patience. Talking about patience may sound trivial, or may even be something you want to actively avoid, but honestly it’s an extremely important topic with many rich layers to it. We may think of patience as waiting in line, or putting on a nice face rather than lashing out in anger or frustration. But there is a depth and nuance to talking about patience that is so often untapped and underdeveloped. Patience can and should be a marker of our attachment to God and can be a diagnostic tool to help you figure what areas of your life you may be struggling in right now. Meaghan and Jason talk about Meaghan’s own battles with patience, the struggles of patience as it relates to anxiety and depression, the beautiful opportunity we have to trust God when we ask for help with patience, and much more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Doable Discipleship – Thinking About the Fruit of the SpiritDoable Discipleship - BoundariesOn Getting Out Of Bed by Alan NobleCelebrate Recovery information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
6/7/202342 minutes, 49 seconds
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E328 - How To Endure Hardship

Description:Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastor Jason Wieland is joined by Phillip Congelliere to talk about how to keep going when faced with hardship. Phillip is a former Saddleback pastor and now runs Love Multiplies, a non-profit centered on helping people in the world of infertility and adoption. Phillip and his wife Alex have a popular YouTube channel, Phil and Alex, where they have chronicled their own journey with infertility and adoption. This Doable Discipleship conversation talks about ways to prepare yourself now for hardships that may come later, lessons learned through difficult seasons, the importance of relationships, tips for a healthy marriage amidst trials, and offers hope to anybody in the middle of their own hardship right now. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Discipleship: The Ingredients for Deeper RelationshipsDoable Discipleship: Who Are You – A Look At IdentityDoable Discipleship: Gaining Perspective Through TrialsDoable Discipleship: When God Says No – A Conversation About Prayer information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
5/30/202358 minutes, 23 seconds
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E327 Why Its Not Only Okay but Important to Have Fun

Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastor Jason Wieland and Saddleback Lake Forest Campus Pastor Katie Edwards talk about the importance of having fun and joy in life. This episode part of an ongoing series on emotional health. When we talk about emotional health, we usually talk about anger, or sadness, or any of the hard, negative feelings. Bu it’s also important to look at the positive emotions – in particular, fun. There can be confusion too about how we should navigate church and our relationship with God, with fun. Am I supposed to have constant posture of reverence and piety, or is there a way to be reverent and fun at the same time? Jason and Katie talk about these questions, along with looking at what it means to have child-like faith, how fun can lead to deeper relationships, and the benefits of having fun within the family of God. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: The Well – Delight: Discipleship – A Biblical Look at Emotions Discipleship – How to Recognize and Respond to Your Emotions information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
5/24/202342 minutes, 27 seconds
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E326 - When You Find Yourself At The Wall

Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastors Jason Wieland and Rob Jacobs talk about The Wall, an experience that all Christians face at some point or multiple points. Sometimes called “the dark night of the soul”, the wall is a season of spiritual dryness where one feels that God is distant. Rob and Jason talk about the wall’s place in the JESUS stages, what it looks like being at the wall, and the emotional toll that the wall can take. The conversation, though, continues to talk about the wall as an invitation to step into a new season of deep, vulnerable growth with Jesus. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Doable Discipleship – How to Recognize and Respond to Your Emotions: Discipleship – What is Your Current JESUS stage? - information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
5/16/202341 minutes, 33 seconds
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E325 - A Biblical Look At Emotions

Description:Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastors Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar take a look at two prominent people in the Bible, Jesus and David, and how they exhibited emotions. Their emotions ran the full range from the highest of highs, to the lowest of lows, and everything in-between. These pictures help us to accept that emotions are not a bad thing. In fact, they are given by God. We are not called to be stoic, or to only by happy. We were created to experience emotions of all shapes and kinds and Jesus and David are great examples of this truth. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Doable Discipleship – How to Recognize and Respond to Your Emotions: information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
5/10/202348 minutes, 34 seconds
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E324 - Three Questions for Persevering in Your Dream with Andy Wood

Saddleback Lead Pastor Andy Wood joins Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastor Jason Wieland for a continuing conversation from the May 6/7 weekend message titled From “Obstacles to Opportunities”, part of the Created to Dream series. In this conversation, Pastor Andy continues looking at the book of Nehemiah and offers three questions that you can ask yourself to help you persevere in your dream: What wall am I building? Why am I building it? And Who am I building it for? This episode will offer you some practical examples and advice on how to continue focusing on building the dream that God gave you. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: to Dream by Rick WarrenBetter Priorities message by Andy Wood information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
5/6/202340 minutes, 12 seconds
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E323 - Unpacking the Dual Reality of Being a Sinner and a Saint

Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastors Jason Wieland and Brandon Bathauer talk about a common question for Christians: what does it mean that I am simultaneously a sinner and a saint? The conversation starts by looking at what the Bible says about us as sinner, then what the Bible talks about us as saints. It addresses the confusion of what it means to hold these two in tension and talks about the difficult emotional toll that this can have on people. Many people find themselves stuck in cycles of shame, guilt, or doubt when wrestling with their sin vs. their supposed saved nature. Jason and Brandon talk about the powerful reality of sanctification, what it means to live in a new identity, and provide some tools and resources for anybody who is struggling to understand and live out this reality of being both a sinner and a saint. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Doable Discipleship – How to Recognize and Respond to Your Emotions Discipleship - Why Confession is So Important For Your Spiritual Growth Discipleship – Who Are You: A Look at Identity is Our Story: Introduction - is Our Story: Genesis Chapter 1 - is Our Story: Genesis Chapter 2 - is Our Story: Genesis Chapter 3 -                This is Our Story: Genesis Chapter 4 -                The Well Podcast -                Found Podcast -                Foundations: Sanctification Part 1 -                Foundations: Sanctification Part 2 - information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
5/3/202345 minutes, 11 seconds
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E322 - How To Recognize And Respond to Your Emotions

4/26/202343 minutes, 41 seconds
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E321 - Lessons From Key Relationships in the Bible

Description: Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastors Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar look at some relationships from the Bible and what we can learn, both positively and negatively. For relationship goals they talk about Ruth and Naomi, Job and his friends, the paralytic and his four friends, Noah and his sons, the parable of the prodigal son, and Paul and Timothy. The conversation then looks some relationship warnings, including Samson and Delilah, King Rehoboam, Bar-Jesus, Pharoah’s Cupbearer, and Judas. This conversation caps a series on relational health, with episode topics including boundaries, influence, neighboring, and how your relationship with God affects your relationship with others. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
4/19/202341 minutes, 29 seconds
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E320 - How We Influence And Are Influenced

Description: Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastors Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar talk about the reality that every interaction you have with others is an exercise in influence. Other people influence you, and you influence other people. This episode looks at what the Bible says about influence and our call to be intentional about the types of influence we allow in our lives and the power we have in how we influence others. Learn how to pre-plan your boundaries, do a self-check on what you are allowing in your life, and how influence is cyclical – what influences us impacts how we influence others. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Cultivating Friendships by Pastor Buddy Owens information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
4/12/202332 minutes
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E319 - Boundaries

Description: Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastors Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar talk with Celebrate Recovery Pastor Meaghan Grider about Boundaries. This conversation follows up the last episode’s interview with Dr. Henry Cloud. This conversation defines boundaries, talks about why it’s okay for Christians to set relational boundaries and how Jesus set boundaries. It continues by looking at different areas of your life where boundaries might be helpful, the importance of seeking wise counsel, and the beauty that can emerge in relationships where boundaries are established. The episode ends by offering some tips for how to set boundaries in relationships and what to do when somebody violates those boundaries. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John TownsendTrust by Henry CloudThe Best You by Dr. Allison CookThe Christian Codependency Recovery Workbook by Stephanie Tucker information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
4/5/202348 minutes, 2 seconds
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E318 - Building Your Trust Muscle with Dr. Henry Cloud

Dr. Henry Cloud joins Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastor Jason Wieland for a conversation on Dr. Cloud’s new book, Trust: When to Give It, When to Withhold It, How to Earn It, and How to Fix It When It Gets Broken. Dr. Cloud talks about how we are wired to trust and why people have a hard time thinking intentionally about trust. The conversation then focuses on Dr. Cloud’s five essentials of trust and how they works in the way we trust others, in our own trustworthiness, and our relationship with God. Jason and Dr. Cloud then finish talking about ways you can build your trust muscle. Dr. Henry Cloud is an acclaimed leadership expert, clinical psychologist and New York Times bestselling author. His 45 books, including the iconic Boundaries, have sold nearly 20 million copies worldwide. He has an extensive executive coaching background and experience as a leadership consultant, devoting the majority of his time working with CEOs, leadership teams, and executives to improve performance, leadership skills and culture. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Trust by Dr. Henry CloudBoundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
3/28/202346 minutes, 33 seconds
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E317 - What Is Revival? with Stacie Wood

Saddleback Teaching Pastor Stacie Wood joins Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastor Jason Wieland for a conversation on Revival. Many people have heard the word “revival” used in church settings but may not be sure what is meant by it. Stacie and Jason talk about what we mean when we say revival, the recent revival in Asbury, Kentucky, and traits and characteristics of revival. They look at the example of the revival in the Hebrides, talk about the work of the Holy Spirit and the connection between revival and John 15 and John 10, and then answer fundamental questions such as: Why do we want to seek revival?, Are there things we can do to help set the stage for revival? and How would we know we are in a revival? Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Revival in the Hebrides by Duncan CampbellRevival Fire by Wesley Duewel information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
3/22/202351 minutes, 2 seconds
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E316 Sword Practice with Stacie Wood

Saddleback Teaching Pastor Stacie Wood joins Spiritual Growth Pastors Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar for a conversation on how to engage in a deeper practice of Bible study. Stacie recently preached a message at Saddleback called “The Sword and the Spirit” which talked about the importance of being devoted to the Bible and dependent on the Holy Spirit. In this message, she noted that she wanted to share additional information on how we can pursue deeper Bible study, but didn’t have time in her message so this episode of Doable Discipleship fills that need. Stacie talks about her background with Bible study, why people may have a hard time diving into Scripture, and how the Holy Spirit works with us as we read. The conversation then talks about good resources available for people who are new to Bible study, as well as resources for people who are looking for more advanced Bible study. Look at the show notes for links to Stacie’s sermon and all resources talked about during the episode. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Stacie Wood's weekend message: Guide: Guide: Study Crash Course (Currently only available for Saddleback Small Groups. Available soon worldwide on Amazon).The Bible Experience: Warren’s Bible Study Methods40 Days in the WordThe Divine Mentor by Wayne CordieroThe Bible Project information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
3/14/202344 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 315 - Won't You Be A Neighbor?

Description: In this episode of Doable Discipleship, Linda Tokar and Brandon Bathauer from the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team talk about a unique relationship that we all find ourselves in: neighboring. We all have neighbors, and yet often we don’t think intentionally about how to approach the relationships with our neighbors. This episode looks at what the Bible says about neighboring, why it’s important to be intentional about these relationships, and some tips for how we can approach the art of neighboring. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: The Art of Neighboring: Building Genuine Relationships Right Outside Your Door information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
3/8/202339 minutes, 32 seconds
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E314: How Your Relationship with God Affects Your Relationships with Others

Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastor Jason Wieland talks with Dr. Todd Hall, professor of Psychology at the Rosemead School of Psychology at Biola University and author of The Connected Life: The Art and Science of Relational Spirituality. The conversation seeks to respond to the question “How does my relationship with God affect my relationships with others?”. They discuss attachment theory, the link between social disconnection and spiritual disconnection, symptoms of spiritual disconnection, the difference between pseudo-connection and healthy connection, ways to improve our attachment to God, helpful spiritual practices, and tips for deepening your relationships. Dr. Todd W. Hall (PhD, Rosemead School of Psychology) is professor of psychology at Rosemead School of Psychology at Biola University, where he teaches courses on the integration of psychology and theology, psychodynamic psychotherapy, and positive psychology. He is also a faculty affiliate at the Harvard Human flourishing Program at Harvard University and a founding partner at Flourishing Metrics. He is an award-winning researcher, focusing on relational approaches to spirituality, virtue, and leadership, and is the developer of several widely used spiritual assessments and the co-developer of the Flourish Assessment. He is also the author of Relational Spirituality and coauthor of Psychology in the Spirit. To learn more about Dr. Hall’s books on Christian spirituality, visit; for information about his spiritual assessments, visit; and to learn more about his leadership development and consulting work, visit Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: (use offer code DOABLE for 30% off through March 14!) information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
3/1/202344 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 313 - The Ingredients for Deeper Relationships

Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastors Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar talk about key ingredients needed to help deepen relationships. Have you found that the relationships in your life are shallower than you want them to be? If someone were to ask you how many deep relationships you have, would you struggle to be able to answer them honestly? Everybody likely has some relationships that they want to grow deeper. This conversation looks at how adding time, authenticity, vulnerability, accountability, grace, and servant-heartedness to the recipe of your friendships will see them grow into something delicious. Looking at scripture and with real-life examples, this episode will help you take the next steps in your relational health. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Episode 310: Why Confession is So Important For Your Spiritual Growth 225: How To Reengage Relationally, Part 1 226: How To Reengage Relationally, Part 2 227: How To Reengage Relationally, Part 3 information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
2/22/202336 minutes, 11 seconds
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E312 - Understanding Spiritual Warfare and Your Role In It

Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar from the Saddleback Spiritual Growth team are joined by Buddy Owens for a conversation on spiritual warfare. Buddy talks through what spiritual warfare means, what the Bible says about it, and how we are called to participate in it. He discusses our identity in Christ, the importance of what it means to have Christ’s authority, and how these truths mean we do not have to live in fear even while in a spiritual battle. Buddy looks at the power of prayer as a strategy for spiritual warfare and provides some resource suggestions for people who want to learn more. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Purpose and Power of Prayer with Buddy Owens information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
2/14/202347 minutes, 57 seconds
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E311 - Better Decisions With Andy Wood

Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar from the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team are joined by Saddleback’s Lead Pastor Andy Wood to talk about Better Decisions. Saddleback recently finished a sermon series called Better (Better Vision, Better Habits, Better Mindset, Better Priorities, Better Relationship with God) and Pastor Andy had another message he wanted to add to that series: Better Decisions. This episode looks at the role our values and principles play in our decision-making, the power of pre-decisions, and what the Bible says about making decisions. Pastor Andy addresses some barriers to making good decisions and then shares some first steps to start making better decisions. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Book: The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
2/7/202347 minutes, 4 seconds
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E310 Why Confession is So Important For Your Spiritual Growth

Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar from the Saddleback Spiritual Growth team are joined by Saddleback Celebrate Recovery’s Meaghan Grider to talk about everyone’s favorite topic: confession. Many people are raised to believe in the rigid responsibility of confession, or approach the idea with a lot of fear and trepidation. Meaghan breaks down why confession is one of the most powerful spiritual practices and one that can lead to a life of joy and fullness. The conversation looks at what the Bible says about confession, how confession is a relational exercise between us and God and us and others, and the importance of finding the right people to have a confession relationship with. The episode ends with an explanation of Celebrate Recovery and the importance of remembering your true identity. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
1/31/202340 minutes, 23 seconds
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E309 - The Power of Intercessory Prayer with Ed Salas

Join Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastor Jason Wieland as he talks with Ed Salas, Spiritual Formation Pastor at Newsong Church in Southern California. Ed and Jason talk about his prayer journey and how prayer became an integral part of his life. They talk about common struggles that people have with prayer and the opportunity of God inviting us into something grander. Then they focus specifically on intercessory prayer, what it is, how Christians are called to engage with it, and next steps for people looking to be more intentional in it. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Episode 289: When God Says No; A Conversation About Prayer: Resource:The Praying Church: Discovering What the Heart Longs for Through PrayerPrayer Ministry:
1/26/202335 minutes, 37 seconds
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E308 - Types of Prayer

Join Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar from the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team as they talk about different types of prayer. Most people think about prayer in certain ways: asking for help and giving thanks at mealtimes. But there are so many more ways we can pray. This conversation looks at these other prayer types and how they can help you grow your relationship with God. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
1/24/202337 minutes, 52 seconds
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E307 - Spiritual Gifts

This week, both Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar from the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team talk about spiritual gifts. Often confused or misunderstood, spiritual gifts are a fascinating topic to dive into. Join us in this conversation that seeks to answer some common questions, provide insight into what spiritual gifts are, and how we are to think about them. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
1/18/202337 minutes, 57 seconds
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E306 - What Is Your Current JESUS Stage?

Join Linda Tokar and Rob Jacobs from the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team as they unpack a new way of thinking about spiritual development: the JESUS Stages. Listen as they describe what these stages are, where the idea comes from, and what it  means to identify yourself within these stages.  Each of the JESUS stages looks at  key personal, spiritual elements like your Spiritual Age, who you need when you’re in that stage, what identity questions you are likely wrestling with, what attachments  look like to you, and much more. Linda and Rob also discuss the idea of The Wall,  an area within the JESUS Stages where one faces and works through unresolved emotional pain. Doable Discipleship is a Saddleback Church podcast produced and hosted by the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team. It premiered in 2017 and now offers more than 300 episodes. Episodes release every Tuesday on your favorite podcast app and on the Saddleback Church YouTube Channel ( Doable Discipleship is a proud part of the Saddleback Family of Podcasts. To learn more about the Saddleback Family of Podcasts, visit Links: Journey of the Soul by Bill and Kristi Gaultiere of the Heart by R. Thomas Ashbrook Episode 206: Journey of the Soul: Episode 207: Journey of the Soul Part 2: information: in joining or hosting a group? Visit for additional tools for a better response.To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
1/11/202353 minutes, 14 seconds
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E305 - Who Are You - A Look At Identity

Hosts Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar from the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team look at the different elements of life that we often let define us. There are many things that make up our identity, but what is most important is what God says about it. Jason and Linda talk through some of the most important and impactful identities that God gives us and how we can adopt those in our lives. For complete show notes, click HERE
1/3/202340 minutes, 59 seconds
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E304 - Appreciating the Past - Anticipating the Future

Hosts Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar from Saddleback Church’s Spiritual Growth Team help us wrap up 2022 by teaching an exercise to think back about your year with gratitude, learning and appreciation. Jason and Linda share their own gratitude and learning, and pray over the listeners. Please join us in this special, year-end episode. For complete show notes, click HERE
12/27/202225 minutes, 58 seconds
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E303 - Christmas Special - Part 2 - Arrival of the Newborn King

On this week's episode, delve deep into the Christmas story as we go through the biblical account of the birth of Jesus. Buddy Owens does a dramatic reading of the Gospel accounts of the first Christmas. For complete show notes, click HERE
12/20/202223 minutes, 31 seconds
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E302 - Christmas Special Part 1 - A Mighty Savior Foretold

On this week's episode rewind, delve deep into the Christmas story as we go through the biblical account of the birth of Jesus. Buddy Owens does a dramatic reading of the Gospel accounts of the first Christmas. For complete show notes, click HERE
12/13/202221 minutes, 11 seconds
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E301 - Divine

This week’s episode of Doable Discipleship takes a closer look at the word “divine” and its role in the Christmas story. We dive into the popular Christmas song, O Holy Night and are treated to a special performance of the song by former Saddleback Worship pastor Socrates Perez. For complete show notes, click HERE
12/6/202229 minutes, 34 seconds
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E300 - Why Unity Is Important

Join Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar from the Saddleback Spiritual Growth team as they talk about what the Bible says about church unity. They discuss what unity looks like, why it can be difficult for us, and things we can do to seek unity over division. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/29/202231 minutes, 19 seconds
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E299 - Love Your Enemies

Join Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar from the Saddleback Spiritual Growth team as they talk about what it means to love your enemy. They discuss the different ways we may inadvertently think of people as enemies, the concept of “othering,” and some doable actions to treat others with love. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/22/202229 minutes, 26 seconds
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E298 Tips For Discipling Your Kids

Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastor Jason Wieland talks with Saddleback’s Chris Reed on discipleship and parenting. Chris is the pastor of Saddleback Parents, a ministry dedicated to help parents of kids in all ages and stages. Jason and Chris talk about the unique role that parents have in their kid’s discipleship journey and some important lessons and tips on how to be more intentional about helping your kids grow. Make sure to check out all of the Saddleback Parents resources available at For complete show notes, click HERE
11/15/202246 minutes, 49 seconds
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E297 How to Grow a Connected Family

Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastor Jason Wieland talks with Jim and Lynne Jackson, founders of Connected Families. In this conversation, Jim and Lynne talk about what it means to be connected with your child, the role of discipleship in discipline, how we can move head knowledge into practice, tips for growing into the parent you want to be, and the importance of grace. Make sure to learn more about Connected Families and explore their e-courses and resources at For complete show notes, click HERE
11/8/202253 minutes, 44 seconds
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E296 - Seven Important Parenting Reminders

In this week’s episode of Doable Discipleship, Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar from the Saddleback Spiritual Growth Team talk about 7 important reminders for parents of kids at any age or stage. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/1/202245 minutes, 12 seconds
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E295 - Hold That Thought - Sorting Through the Voices in Our Heads

In today’s episode, Saddleback Spiritual Growth Pastor Jason Wieland talks with author Gem Fadling about her latest book, Hold That Thought: Sorting Through the Voices in Our Heads. They discuss why it can be difficult to filter our thoughts, the power of hope and identity in thought formation, and practical ways to look to God’s voice. Gem is a founding partner of Unhurried Living, certified life coach and trained spiritual director. She is the host of the I Can Do That! podcast and coauthor with Alan Fadling of What Does Your Soul Love? Eight Questions That Reveal God’s Work in You. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/25/202246 minutes, 32 seconds
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E294 Forgiveness and Reconciliation - How the Story of Rwanda Can Impact Your Life

In today’s episode, Jason and Eric Munyamana have a thoughtful, in-depth discussion about the Rwandan genocide of the 90’s. Having experienced this horrible time personally, Eric shares, among other things, what he has learned about forgiveness and reconciliation. We pray this episode gives you hope and the power of healing in light of what only God can do. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/18/202248 minutes, 51 seconds
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E293 - A Conversation with Stacie Wood

Pull up a listening ear and learn about Stacie Wood. Learn about her early days as a new follower of Jesus and the influence her parents and others had on her life and faith. How could her life be used to make a difference? How did she come to know the significance of eternity, the assurance of salvation? How did she move beyond her young growing faith to a mature faith that leads her to invest in others? Join us in this up close and personal conversation with Stacie Wood. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/11/202248 minutes, 10 seconds
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E292 Thinking About the Fruit of the Spirit

Are the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, etc.) just good personal quality or character traits that we would aspire to exemplify or something we can attain on our own efforts? Or are they more? Are they traits that are a result, a byproduct of living a Spirit-filled life, or put another way… walking by the Spirit? How am I living my life? Acts of the flesh or fruit of the Spirit? Join us for this time of introspection and study. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/4/202226 minutes, 12 seconds
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E291 - The Power of Gratitude

Today’s guest, Kevin Monroe, began to discover the true power of gratitude and embrace gratitude as a lifestyle after a bout of depression in 2018. As a gratitude consultant, Kevin shares his thoughts on gratitude and a gratitude exercise in this episode on The Power of Gratitude with Jason and Linda. For complete show notes, click HERE
9/27/202246 minutes, 47 seconds
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E290 - Leading Into the Future with Andy Wood

Since Andy Wood’s call to be lead pastor of Saddleback Church, he has been on a discipleship journey. Are you sensing God moving in you, rearranging your life, starting a new chapter? Have you put your faith and trust in God to guide your process? Grief, mourning and humility are parts of this journey. Listen and learn from a vulnerable, honest discussion with lead pastor, Andy Wood, on he and Stacie’s discipleship journey and possibly how to navigate into the future God has for you. For complete show notes, click HERE
9/20/202253 minutes, 9 seconds
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E289 - When-God-Says-No_A-Conversation-About-Prayer

Prayer is such an integral part of our Christian walk. It’s a sacred time of supplication, conversation, intersession and communion with God, our father, healer and creator. Pastor Buddy Owens joins Jason in this intimate and heart-felt discussion about prayer in light of all that is going on and might be going on in your life. Join us as Buddy and Jason relate many of truths, even misconceptions about prayer. Episode 289 ends with Buddy praying over and encouraging you and all who might be listening. For complete show notes, click HERE
9/13/202250 minutes, 57 seconds
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E288 - How To Think About the Names of God

What’s in a Name? Did you know that the Bible uses more than 200 names for God? Each name can teach you about various aspects of who God is and about the relationship he wants to have with you. By studying God’s names and using them when you pray, you are demonstrating that you want to know him better. It also shows that you recognize his ability to help you in every area of your life. God wants you to praise him for who he is! Join hosts Jason and Linda as they have this inspired conversation with Celebrate Recovery’s Meaghan Grider, about the names of God. For complete show notes, click HERE
9/6/202240 minutes, 5 seconds
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E287 - Seeing Is Believing with Dr Richard Vance Goodwin

Today’s special episode of Doable Discipleship Jason interviews Dr. Richard Vance Goodwin about his book, Seeing Is Believing. In this Study in Theology and the Arts (STA) volume, theologian Richard Goodwin considers how the images that constitute film might be a conduit of God's revelation. By considering works by Carl Theodor Dreyer, Stanley Kubrick, Paul Thomas Anderson, Robert Bresson, Martin Scorsese, Terrence Malick, and more, Goodwin argues that by inviting emotional responses, film images can be a medium of divine revelation. For complete show notes, click HERE
8/30/202249 minutes, 58 seconds
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E286 - Seeing God Work In Unexpected Ways

This week, you’ll have the pleasure of hearing host Jason Wieland’s story through Linda’s thoughtful questions. We’ll dig into some of his spiritual background including a brief detour (a good one) in his early years. Jason’s journey asks “how can God make beauty from ashes?” Ultimately, Jason lands at Saddleback Church as part of the 201 or Spiritual Maturity team and helps others grow in their walk and relationship with Jesus through his caring leadership and of course, the Doable Discipleship podcast and more. Today’s episode shows why Jason is so foundational to Doable’s success. For complete show notes, click HERE
8/23/202249 minutes, 51 seconds
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E285 - Gaining Perspective Through Trials

You know her as the co-host of Doable Discipleship, but do you really know Linda Tokar? You’ll enjoy listening to her story, her faith journey and how she has been shaped and molded by God, through loss and tough times, to be who she is, and to serve the way that she does today. In this episode you’ll find out why we love her and why she is such an integral part of Doable Discipleship. For complete show notes, click HERE
8/16/202241 minutes, 16 seconds
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E284 - The People of the Bible Draft

This fun conversation about people of the Bible can bring a greater understanding and relatability of Bible stories, God’s truth for you, how God’s story plays out in his children. Are there examples from people of the Bible that are your favorite? Who in the Bible would you invite to a dinner party? What questions would ask Esther, Paul, John the Baptist, Elijah, Ruth and more? Is your faith strengthened by their stories? For complete show notes, click HERE
8/9/202244 minutes, 31 seconds
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E283 - Summer Book Club - Abide In Christ

Rob Jacobs and Jason Wieland discuss the book, Abide In Christ by Andrew Murray. In John 15:9, God says: “Remain in My Love.” Many Christians go to church each week burdened by guilt and shame, believing they are unworthy of God’s full love. In Abide in Christ, Andrew Murray reminds every Christian that God promises His constant presence with them. Listen in as Jason and Rob take a deeper dive. For complete show notes, click HERE
8/2/202234 minutes, 54 seconds
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E282: Discipleship Lessons with Tom Holladay

After 31 plus years of faithful ministry at Saddleback Church, retiring pastor Tom Holladay joins hosts Linda Tokar and Jason Wieland. The discussion revolves around the importance of the sovereignty of God and his hand on Tom’s life. What was Tom’s life before becoming a follower of Jesus? What has it meant to be called to share God’s word with other people through his life and career? Please join us as we have this intimate, revealing and encouraging discussion with Tom Holladay. For complete show notes, click HERE
7/26/202252 minutes, 29 seconds
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E281 - Summer Book Club - The Practice of the Presence of God

How do you practice the ‘presence of God?’ Brother Lawrence’s classic book, The Practice of the Presence of God, is the subject of this Summer Book Club podcast with host Jason Wieland and guest, Heather Cava. This classic book, over 300 years old, was written as a witness to the profound peace and joy evident in Brother Lawrence’s life. Can one experience God even in the little things, while washing dishes, cleaning, cooking, in ordinary life, at all times? An enlightening conversation ensues… enjoy this podcast. For complete show notes, click HERE.
7/19/202227 minutes, 6 seconds
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E279 - Summer Book Club - The Weight of Glory

C. S. Lewis’ classic book, The Weight of Glory, is the subject of this weeks Summer Book Club podcast with Jason and former host, now returning guest, Doug Jones. This classic contains nine sermons delivered by Lewis during World War Two. The nine addresses offer guidance, inspiration, and a compassionate apologetic for the Christian faith during a time of great doubt. You’ll enjoy this discussion that focuses mainly on the first of these sermons or messages called The Weight of Glory. For complete show notes, click HERE
7/12/202240 minutes, 13 seconds
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E279 - Summer Book Club - Celebration of Discipline

If you like books, you’re going to like this summer book ‘club’ series where Jason and Linda are joined by colleague Brandon Bathauer to review what they would call a Christian ‘classic.’ Written some 40 years ago, the book called Celebration of Discipline by Richard J. Foster, is a contemplative look at the spiritual disciplines. How can we slow down to hear what God might be doing in you and through you and hearing God’s voice? Learn more about the book, its impact on Brandon and possibly a whole other world of following Jesus that you could tap in to. For complete show notes, click HERE
7/5/202223 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 278 - Lead With Worship

Worship is one of the five purposes of the church. Today, John Cassetto, worship pastor, and Taylor Williams, worship leader, join Jason Wieland in this episode called Lead With Worship. If we were first created to receive God’s love and to respond to God’s love… what does that mean, how does that look in the life of a believer and in the life of the church? Is it just about the weekend gathering or is there more? Listen and find out. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/28/202240 minutes, 32 seconds
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E277 - Why The Story of The Church Matters

Are you a history buff? Do you like connecting the past with the present? Brandon Bathauer joins this discussion with Linda and Jason and share, in their animated style, how context and story help make the church more real, people of the Bible more real and even help your faith become more real and meaningful. How could the study of the history of the church change your relationship with Jesus? Learn this and so much more in Episode 277: Why The Story Of The Church Matters. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/21/202244 minutes, 19 seconds
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E274 - How To Practice Lectio Divina

In this episode, Rob Jacobs and new team member Andrew Obnial from the spiritual growth team, join hosts Jason and Linda to discuss the spiritual practice of Lectio Divina. They look briefly at its history, and how this practice of thoughtful, prayerful reading and meditation on God’s word could help you and I in our communion and experience with God while increasing our knowledge of God’s word. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/14/202234 minutes, 4 seconds
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E276 - Processing Transition with Kay Warren

Life transitions can be tough, challenging and life changing. With the announcement of new leadership for Saddleback Church and Echo Church, Kay Warren gives insights to those changes and the transitions that will take place and what life lessons we can learn and how we can grow in our own spiritual maturity and so much more. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/7/202250 minutes, 4 seconds
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E275 - Habits For Spiritual Growth with Andy Wood - rewind

In this special rewind, we are privileged to re-listen to pastor Andy Wood from Echo Church, soon to be new senior pastor of Saddleback Church. He joins Jason Wieland in this episode from March, earlier this year, and speaks on Habits for Spiritual Growth and recaps his weekend message from the same week. Andy describes what spiritual practices he’s found to be life changing. They discuss devotion, prayer, journaling and other practices and resources that will help your spiritual growth and your connection with God. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/5/202242 minutes, 49 seconds
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E273 - What To Know About Pentecost

Today’s episode is a follow up to the recent podcast on Ash Wednesday and Lent, dates from the church calendar. Today, Jason and Linda talk about Pentecost, the history of Pentecost and what it means to you and me and the Church. For complete show notes, click HERE
5/31/202222 minutes, 36 seconds
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E272 - Walking Through Sickness in Faith with Jonathan Tjarks

In this heart-felt episode, Jason interviews NBA writer Jonathan Tjarks about his recent diagnosis and battle with a rare form of cancer, his faith, his family and the journey his is on. Finding out and knowing what it is you believe about yourself, about God and about the world can take us by surprise and is candidly discussed in the episode. For complete show notes, click HERE
5/17/202256 minutes, 32 seconds
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E271 - The Do's and Don'ts of Communicating in Relationships

Today, Jay and Linda are joined by two of our favorite guests and marriage coaches, George and Tondra Gregory. They help put a ‘bow’ around this recent series of relationship discussions and discuss some of the do’s and don’ts of communicating in relationships. How to get to know, appreciate, value and communicate with our spouses better. How does active listening play a part and of course, they explain all these things in a very practical, understandable way. Enjoy this episode. For complete show notes, click HERE
5/10/202232 minutes, 20 seconds
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E270 - How We Love

Are you tired of falling into frustrating relational patterns in your marriage? Hosts Jason Weiland and Linda Tokar interview Jennifer Norheim while discussing the book, How We Love by Milan and Kay Yerkovich. Why the ways you and your spouse relate to each other go back to before you even met. They talk about attachment theory, and explore how your childhood created an “intimacy imprint” that affects your marriage today. For complete show notes, click HERE
5/3/202233 minutes, 55 seconds
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E269 - The 5 Love Languages with Dr Gary Chapman

In today's special episode of Doable Discipleship, Jason and Linda have a fascinating discussion with author Gary Chapman of the The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts. They discuss the premise of these five love languages: different people with different personalities give and receive love in different ways. By learning to recognize these preferences in yourself and in your loved ones, you can learn to identify the root of your conflicts, connect more profoundly, and truly begin to grow closer. Enjoy this wonderful discussion. For complete show notes, click HERE
4/26/202229 minutes, 44 seconds
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E268 Found - A New Saddleback Church Podcast

Today, Jason and Linda introduce a fresh podcast: Found. Have you ever heard someone say… the truth will set you free? We all have… and it does… but not in the way you might think.  What truth are we talking about?  And what is it setting you free from?  In this episode of Found, your hosts, Linda Tokar and Brandon Bathauer, explore the nature of truth and how it has been interpreted and applied in mainstream culture, by some in the church (churchianity), and then, finally, how Jesus talked about truth. For complete show notes, click HERE
4/19/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 22 seconds
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E267 Easter Special - Part-3-Rewind

This is part three of a special three-part dramatic reading of the Easter story. NOTE: This dramatic reading was recorded previously so there may be mention of activities or church services that do NOT exist this year (2022). Please enjoy this episode and be sure to watch and listen to the many digital programs available to you. For complete show notes, click HERE
4/12/202232 minutes, 4 seconds
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E266 Easter Special - Part-2-Rewind

This is part two of a special three-part dramatic reading of the Easter story. For complete show notes, click HERE
4/5/202230 minutes, 59 seconds
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E265 Grace, Confession and A Book Called You with Matt Brown

Author and founding pastor and our weekend guest speaker Matt Brown of Sandals Church, joins Jason Wieland in this episode of Doable Discipleship. Speaking with clarity and honesty, they talk about past mistakes, current challenges and how God and his amazing grace helps us learn and grow through weakness. Can God use us in our human weakness? The answer to this and much, much more. Stay tuned… For complete show notes, click HERE
4/4/202235 minutes, 51 seconds
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E264 Easter Special - Part-1-Rewind

This is part one of a special three-part dramatic reading of the Easter story. In this episode, you’ll be immersed in Jesus’ last supper with his disciples as well as his moments of anguished prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/29/202225 minutes, 8 seconds
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E263 The Thing Beneath The Thing with Steve Carter

Author and pastor Steve Carter joins Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar to talk about The Thing Beneath The Thing… Steves new book. When the unexpected happens, as it does in all of us, how do you respond to the change that you didn’t see coming? How do you see God in the midst of the hard times? Steve explains how you can’t achieve your way out of something, and that you have to grieve your way through it. These thoughts and more are a part of this fascinating conversation. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/22/202243 minutes, 55 seconds
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E262 Habits For Spiritual Growth with Andy Wood

Pastor Andy Wood from Echo Church joins Jason Wieland in this episode on Habits for Spiritual Growth and even recap this weekend’s message. Jason starts the conversation asking Andy what spiritual practice that he’s found particularly life changing. They discuss devotionals, prayer, journaling and other practices and resources that will help your spiritual growth as well as your connection with God. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/19/202241 minutes, 32 seconds
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E261 The Call to Generosity

Both Linda Tokar and Jason Wieland are our hosts today as they journey into our Call to Generosity. The world may describe generosity as the quality of being generous, kind and openhanded. But as Christians, God takes the heart, our motives and other qualities into consideration. Join Linda and Jason in Episode 261 of Doable Discipleship as they dissect the Call to Generosity. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/15/202230 minutes, 12 seconds
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E260 The Future of Leadership with Clay Scroggins

The ways we impact others hasn’t changed nor will change as much as our perception of leaders could change. We ask the question: Is the future demanding a different kind of leader? What are the characteristics of leaders today? And what are those qualities of leaders that are going to be in demand tomorrow? Join guest Clay Scroggins and host Jason Wieland as we discuss the future of leadership. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/12/202246 minutes, 27 seconds
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E259 The Call To Stewardship

Today’s episode dives deep into our call to Stewardship and what the Biblical definition of stewardship looks like. To utilize and manage all resources God has provided for His glory and the betterment of His creation. This means God has entrusted us with certain things, and that we take care of those things that He has entrusted us with. Learn how this expands into every area of our lives, including all of life’s purposes. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/8/202232 minutes, 6 seconds
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E258 When God Changes Your Plans and Loving Unconditionally with Ryan Nunez

Today’s special release of Doable Discipleship coincides with Pastor Ryan Nuñez speaking at weekend services at Saddleback Church. Ryan, a pastor of his own church, shares his thoughts with Jason on God’s calling, change, his patience with us, and his unconditional love. How does this play out in our life? All this and more. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/5/202235 minutes, 8 seconds
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E257 What Can We Learn From Ash Wednesday and Lent.

From the early days of the church, the practice of Ash Wednesday and Lent have been practiced to one degree or another. In our discussion, hosts Jason and Linda discuss when it started, how it came about, what does it mean, am I commended to participate, some Christians practice this and other don’t. Why is this? These questions and many more are discussed in thoughtful detail as this timely message proceeds Ash Wednesday, Lent and ultimately the Easter season. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/1/202228 minutes, 23 seconds
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E256 A Conversation with Ed Stetzer

Our wonderful guest in this week’s episode of Doable Discipleship is none other than author and regular Saddleback speaker, Dr. Ed Stetzer. Hosts Jason and Linda talk to Ed about what is the current state of the church. They cover current data, trends and statistics, and the roll of believers, church attendees. How can the church step up? Where is the church heading and so much more in this pandemic, post-pandemic church? Find hope, be encouraged as you listen to Ed Stetzer and our hosts. For complete show notes, click HERE
2/22/202240 minutes, 42 seconds
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E255 The Five Purposes of Marriage - Legacy

This is the fifth and final episode in our five part series we call: The Five Purposes of Marriage: Legacy. Hosts Jason Weiland and Linda Tokar join marriage coaches, George and Tondra Gregory. They help define what legacy is as it relates to marriage and how legacy can be an act of evangelism? Marriage is more than being about ‘us’…it’s a way God passes on His legacy. How does my marriage, my legacy or story say something about who God is to others? For complete show notes, click HERE
2/15/202237 minutes, 41 seconds
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E254 The Five Purposes of Marriage - Partnership

In the five part series we call: The Five Purposes of Marriage: this fourth episode is entitled ‘Partnership.’ Host Linda Tokar is accompanied once again by marriage coaches, George and Tondra Gregory. Partnership, is an act of ministry. What does that mean? Can you have partnership without love in action? It’s two people with different backgrounds and experiences and acknowledging the differences, negotiating the differences and so, so much more. They talk about the differences between covenants and contracts. For complete show notes, click HERE
2/8/202235 minutes, 13 seconds
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E253 - The Five Purposes of Marriage - Spiritual Intimacy

Thanks for joining us today. This is the next episode of a five part series on The Five Purposes of Marriage: Spiritual Intimacy. Host Linda Tokar is joined once again by friends and marriage coaches, George and Tondra Gregory. George and Tondra say ‘spiritual intimacy is an act of discipleship.’ Spiritual intimacy is our personal commitment to Christ… to be made more in his image and to see our marriage supported by our personal relationship to Christ. Learn the foundational truths and reasoning behind their teachings on spiritual intimacy in this very special episode of Doable Discipleship. For complete show notes, click HERE
2/1/202232 minutes
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E252 The Five Purposes of Marriage - Relational Intimacy - TIO

We are happy to introduce the second episode of this five part series on The Five Purposes of Marriage: Relational Intimacy. Hosts Jason Weiland and Linda Tokar are joined once again by friends George and Tondra Gregory. Relational intimacy or fellowship in marriage is only achieved when we have oneness in solidarity. How can we develop and grow this important aspect of our marriage and relationship toolkit? Stay tuned and find out. For complete show notes, click HERE
1/11/202240 minutes, 26 seconds
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E251 The Five Purposes of Marriage - Honor

The first in a five part series on The Five Purposes of Marriage: Today, Jason Weiland and Linda Tokar are joined by friends George and Tondra Gregory. Today’s topic is Honor as it relates to marriage. How can we help and grow our marriages by honoring one another, by giving the other high priority and value? For complete show notes, click HERE
1/4/202239 minutes, 37 seconds
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E250 Christmas Special Part 2 - Arrival of the Newborn King

Enjoy this part two of the Christmas story as Buddy Owens does a dramatic reading of the Gospel accounts. As the title implies, Buddy gives the account of the arrival of Jesus, the newborn king. Enjoy this rewind of Part 2 of Episode 250/133 Christmas Special - Arrival of the Newborn King. For complete show notes, click HERE
12/21/202121 minutes, 53 seconds
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E249 - Christmas Special Part 1 - A Mighty Savior Foretold

Delve deep into the Christmas story as we go through the biblical account of the birth of Jesus. Buddy Owens does a dramatic reading of the Gospel accounts of the ?first Christmas. Enjoy this rewind of Part 1 of the Christmas Special - A Mighty ?Savior Foretold. For complete show notes, click HERE
12/14/202120 minutes, 57 seconds
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E248 Wonder

Isn’t Christmas a good time to wonder? Today’s Episode 248 - Wonder, hosts Jason Weiland and Linda Tokar interview Jason Williams, the Lake Forest campus pastor on the idea of Wonder. How are we called to embrace wonder, or sometimes expressed… awe and wonder? In today’s conversation, we delve into God and his love for us, how we experience we, and particularly how it relates to the Christmas season. For complete show notes, click HERE
12/7/202139 minutes, 30 seconds
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E247 - Finishing the Task

In today’s Episode 247 - Finishing the Task, hosts Jason Weiland, Linda Tokar interview Lisa Pak, the Global Strategist for Finishing the Task or FTT. How is the church engaging you and I to get a Bible, a believer and a body of Christ (church), the Gospel, the Good News, to the last unengaged, unreached people groups of the world? Listen in on this conversation and find out what exciting times are ahead and what the Lord is doing through FTT and believers like you. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/30/202139 minutes, 45 seconds
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E246 The Importance of Thankfulness

First of all, we’re so thankful for you, our listener and partner. So, what are you thankful for? As we pause to reflect on God’s faithfulness, do we get hung up on what isn’t right in our lives? Or, do we wear a lens of gratitude and thankfulness? Do we give in to the gratitude destroyers or are we purposeful to understand our interdependence on God and others? As you listen to this episode of Doable Discipleship, we pray you will learn how to appreciate the good around you, to recognize all God has done in your life. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/23/202132 minutes, 27 seconds
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E245 Alive & Well - Worship Team Interview

In a time of global uncertainty, Saddleback’s worship team was tasked to create an album. They accomplished this by being available, available to what the Holy Spirit wanted to say and do in and through them. The resulting album “Alive & Well,” touches on three themes: 1. Light in the midst of darkness. 2. Finding our home in Christ, not a physical building and 3. The idea that God is alive and well, that we are alive in Christ especially in a season of intensified loss. Enjoy this interview with guests Josh Miller, Michael Kopulos, Timree Abajian, and Socrates Perez. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/18/202149 minutes, 40 seconds
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E244-125 Resting In The Generosity Of God

Why does God take Sabbath so seriously? What is the big deal anyway? How is keeping the Sabbath an expression of worship? Doug, Jason, and our special guest Ken Baugh discuss these questions and much more on this all encompassing discussion on the Sabbath. What does it have to do with trusting God, faith, having a scarcity mindset or help us focus on our relationship with God? Listen and find out on this episode of Doable Discipleship. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/16/202150 minutes, 35 seconds
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E243-124 Judge Without Judging - rewind

How many times have you heard this verse quoted in your life? “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged…” In this episode we speak with Pastor Buddy Owens on using good judgement. Listen along as we clear up some misconceptions and learn love’s part in confronting others and being a real friend. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/9/202140 minutes, 14 seconds
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E242 The Call to Whole Person Care

Today’s Episode 242 – The Call to Whole Person Care with Linda Tokar and special co-host Brandon Bathauer. This episode discusses how the Bible and life of Jesus call us to whole person care and how we can see fruitfulness out of our embodiment. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/3/202139 minutes, 41 seconds
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E241 How Should Christians Think About Suffering

Today’s Episode 241 – How Should Christians Think About Suffering with hosts Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar features an interview with Rob Rice, chaplain at Hoag Hospital. Rob has spent much of his life walking with people in their suffering. This episode talks about the reality of suffering, the hope of Heaven, and how Christians should think about and engage with suffering. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/26/202156 minutes, 37 seconds
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E240 Engaging Your Body In Worship

Today’s Episode 240 – Engaging Your Body In Worship with hosts Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar talks about how we are called to surrender ourselves wholly (including our bodies) to God in worship. This episode looks at ways we can engage our bodies in acts of worship and how we can practice certain physical disciplines as worship. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/21/202133 minutes, 50 seconds
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E239 Problems with Embodiment

For complete show notes, click HERE
10/13/202133 minutes, 4 seconds
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E238 Embodied - Living as Whole People in a Fractured World

Today’s Episode 238 - Embodied: Living as Whole People in a Fractured World with hosts Jason Weiland, Linda Tokar and author Gregg Allison talk about embodiment and what it means from a biblical sense. Is there a spiritual problem that is a part of my physical problem? The theology of embodiment and why is it important. our biblical understanding of having a physical body and what it means to live in this physical world. Curious? Listen to this episode and this series to learn more. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/5/202135 minutes, 32 seconds
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E236 Developing Discernment and Character

Today’s Episode 236 - Developing Discernment and Trustworthy Character with hosts Jason Weiland and Linda Tokar brings an avalanche of truth from God’s word, the Bible, to set the tone for our discussion. Why are we called to be discerning? Where do we put our trust and energy? And more importantly, What or WHOM is the foundation of our trust? What or whom is trustworthy? This and more in today’s podcast. For complete show notes, click HERE
9/21/202141 minutes, 57 seconds
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E235 - Trustworthy Sayings From the Bible - with Jason Williams

What is going on in the world right now? Why is trust such a hot button issue? Today’s Trustworthy Sayings From The Bible with guest Jason Williams and hosted by Jason Weiland and Linda Tokar delves into what or whom to trust or believe when we are inundated with so much information about faith, life, current issues and more. Some of the conversation revolves around trustworthiness and what trusting means in light of a biblical world view. Stay tuned for some great encouragement on the subject of trust. For complete show notes, click HERE
9/14/202150 minutes, 50 seconds
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E234 What It Means To Trust the Bible with Tom Holladay

This is the second episode of a three-part series on Trust. In this case, What It Means To Trust the Bible with Tom Holladay. Jason and Linda, along with Pastor Tom, discuss the foundational importance of trusting the Bible. Why is it important to trust the Bible as our source for spiritual and eternal truth? We’ve trusted it for thousands of years. Is scripture inspired by God? What does it mean to be God-breathed? These are the inspired words of God to the prophets… timeless, and made certain. For complete show notes, click HERE
9/8/202151 minutes, 1 second
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E233 How To Navigate Trust

This is the first of a three-part series on Trust. Jason and Linda discuss some trust concepts and why trust is important. Why it’s difficult to trust others, news, facts and why we should vet those sources, whether people or information, to determine what is trust-worthy. Why do we want to trust and need to trust? These ideas and more as we unpack a perspective on trust. For complete show notes, click HERE
8/31/202147 minutes, 22 seconds
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E232 Beloved Dust - Part 4 - A Life Of Holiness with Jamin Goggin

In this last installment from the ‘Beloved Dust’ series with Jamin Goggin, co-author with Kyle Stroble, Linda Tokar and Jason Weiland share the value of being called to a personal encounter with God and to participate in His goodness, His light and His love. Do we underestimate the importance of a walk of holiness or a call to holiness? How do we become Godly people, focused on sanctification or holiness? Is it ‘good enough’ to just be ‘virtuous?’ These ideas and more are discussed, hoping you are blessed by this episode of Doable Discipleship. For complete show notes, click HERE
8/24/202145 minutes, 38 seconds
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E231 Beloved Dust - Part 3 - A Conversation On Prayer

In this third installment from the ‘Beloved Dust’ series, Jason Weiland and Linda Tokar, take a deep dive into prayer, influenced by the book: ‘Beloved Dust: Drawing Close to God by Discovering the Truth About Yourself.’ How do we truly receive wisdom, strength, power and courage from prayer? Prayer isn’t about being worthy or right or ready but about being honest, open and real and developing stronger, regular communication with God. You are sure to grow from this awesome episode. For complete show notes, click HERE
8/17/20211 hour, 7 seconds
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E230 - Beloved Dust - A Conversation On Rest

Jason Weiland and Linda Tokar start part two of this four part series with intern and guest Lindsey Sun. They discuss the topic of Rest, inspired by the book: ‘Beloved Dust: Drawing Close to God by Discovering the Truth About Yourself.’ Finding our identity in resting in God, dwelling with God is very different from the world’s idea of rest, zoning out or escapism. How do we dwell in him, attach to the vine? This and so much more as this discussion takes a deep dive into the Biblical view of rest. For complete show notes, click HERE
8/10/202149 minutes, 26 seconds
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E229 Beloved Dust with Kyle Strobel - Part One

Jason Weiland and Linda Tokar start part one of a four part series with Kyle Strobel, co-author of the book: ‘Beloved Dust: Drawing Close to God by Discovering the Truth About Yourself.’ Believers sometimes struggle with the tension between being created from dust, a vapor, fragile, of the earth, yet, at the same time we are eternal, his children, precious and beloved. These are all true yet our ‘lowness’ doesn’t make us less significant in the eyes of God. He loves us, his finest creation. For complete show notes, click HERE
8/4/202144 minutes, 47 seconds
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E228 Discover Your Emotional Financial Type

Financial advisor Chris Goulard, Pastor of Strategic Advancement, joins our hosts Jason Weiland and Linda Tokar this week on the topic of our financial health. In particular, we’ll learn about our financial emotional type. Financial issues can be a sign of heart issues and Chris will guide us through five types of financial stewardship ranging from the secure steward to the careless spender and all the types that will help you understand God’s principles for financial health and freedom. For complete show notes, click HERE
7/27/202156 minutes, 40 seconds
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E227 - How To Reengage Relationally - Part 3

Hosts Jason Weiland and Linda Tokar discuss core principles on reengaging healthy relationships with guest Todd Olthoff, Pastor of Pastoral Care. They speak about identity and how the right brain and left brain relate to one another as we engage with others, our relationships and the culture at large. How do we build relationships based on love and respect while at the same time maintain our beliefs? This discussion is headed your way in a very informative episode of Doable Discipleship. For complete show notes, click HERE
7/20/202141 minutes, 8 seconds
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E226 - How To Reengage Relationships - Part 2

The recent pandemic brought us a whole new set of challenges to our relationships on many levels. As we adjust to a new ‘normal,’ how do we begin those discussions, after so much isolation, so much drama, tension and grieving what has been lost? Hosts Jason Weiland and Linda Tokar discuss core principles on reengaging healthy relationships with guest Aaron Crumbey, campus pastor of Saddleback, Los Angeles. For complete show notes, click HERE
7/13/202153 minutes, 22 seconds
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E225 How To Reengage Relationally - Part 1

The recent pandemic brought us a whole new set of challenges to our relationships on many levels. As we adjust to a new ‘normal,’ how to we begin those discussions, after so much isolation, so much drama, tension and grieving what has been lost? Hosts Jason Weiland and Linda Tokar discuss core principles on reengaging healthy relationships and discussions after an immense season of trials and struggles. For complete show notes, click HERE
7/6/202145 minutes, 48 seconds
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E226-116 Digitally Distracted (rewind) - Part 2

Have you ever wondered how your digital devices are affecting your communion with God, your relationships? …and what can I do about it? Explore these questions and more in part 2 of this 2-part series on how to not become a digitally distracted disciple. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/29/202130 minutes, 42 seconds
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E223-115 (rewind) Digitally Distracted Disciples - Part 1

Have you ever wondered how your digital devices are affecting your communion with God, your relationships? …and what can I do about it? Explore these questions and more in this 2-part series on how to not become a digitally distracted disciple. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/22/202138 minutes, 21 seconds
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E222-114 What Your Heart Loves Most - Part 2

Have you ever wondered what your heart loves most? What does that even mean? With lot’s of great do-ables, this lesson will help you understand your heart, what motivates us and what motivates God on matters of the heart. Enjoy part two of a two part series. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/15/202121 minutes, 36 seconds
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E221-113 What Your Heart Loves Most - Part 1

Have you ever wondered what your heart loves most? What does that even mean? With lot’s of great doables, this lesson will help you understand your heart, what motivates us and what motivates God on matters of the heart. Enjoy part one of a two part series. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/8/202134 minutes, 10 seconds
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E220 - Listening To Gods Direction

A bitter sweet episode, and seriously, the last episode of the current, listening series. Bitter sweet because we say good bye to Brandon Robinson, our co-host during the last year plus. Jason helps draw out Brandon’s journey as he shares about his time as co-host, but more importantly, how he listened to himself. How he listened to his heart’s desire, lined this up with God’s will for his next life chapter and finally, following the path that God has called him to. We can all learn something from this episode on how to listen to God’s call on our life. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/1/202149 minutes, 17 seconds
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E219 Listening To Peoples Pain

One last episode on the topic of listening. This time, Episode 219: Listening To People’s Pain, brings special guest Kay Warren into the studio to take a deep look at listening to other’s pain. Of the many ideas discussed, Kay reminds us of how important it was to listen this last year to those hurt by racial, political and cultural strife augmented by the pandemic. There are principles of listening that can be applied to all facets of life. Brandon Robinson and Jason Weiland host this special time of learning…and listening. For complete show notes, click HERE
5/25/202151 minutes, 33 seconds
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E218 Listening Generationally

This is our last installment on the theme of listening. Episode 218: Generational Listening will help us understand some of the differences, but more importantly, many of the things that are surprisingly similar between the generations, helping shrink the “generation gap.” More importantly, we learn our generation label is not our identity. Brandon Robinson and Jason Weiland are joined by guests Katie Edwards and Emma Aungst from student ministries at Saddleback. For complete show notes, click HERE
5/19/202142 minutes, 20 seconds
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E217 Listening For Relational Growth

This is the next installation on our topic of listening, Listening for Relational Growth. Here, hosts Brandon Robinson and Jason Weiland invited special guests Mazvita Lewton and Joy Hurlow from Kay Warren’s office, to speak to us about their working relationship and how listening, and empathizing, patience and so much more, have played a part in the success of their growing friendship. We hope you’ll learn how listening for depth, caring and using your ears will help you grow more deeply as well. For complete show notes, click HERE
5/11/202146 minutes, 57 seconds
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E216 Growing In Empathy Through Listening

In this second installation on our topic of listening, or Growing in Empathy Through Listening, Brandon Robinson and special guest Shawn Hyde, talk about the importance of listening to understand others’ point of view, to build relationships, and to grow spiritually as we create peace and unity amongst ourselves and others. We pray that this episode will help you in your journey of meaningful, spiritual growth. For complete show notes, click HERE
5/4/202142 minutes, 16 seconds
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E215 Listening for Growth

We’re back and we are starting a new season. Our first topic as we start this new season of Doable Discipleship is related to listening, but more specifically, listening for growth. Jason Weiland and Brandon Robinson talk about the importance of listening in relationships, listening for understanding, growth and caring, what is the difference between listening and hearing and much more… We pray for you and for a new season of spiritual growth as we start our new season of Doable Discipleship. For complete show notes, click HERE
4/27/202146 minutes, 17 seconds
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E214 Doug Jones and the Journey Inward

Our friend and original co-host Doug Jones joins us in this week’s episode. He shares with Jason and Brandon, his story of his emotional rollercoaster, of faith and fear and responding to inner struggles. Our guest Doug and hosts talk about God as our light in those dark tunnels, those tense, spiritual journeys that we have and our transformation into the likeness of God. Praying you grow, get closer to God in this special episode. For complete show notes, click HERE
4/7/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 54 seconds
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E213 Easter Special Part 3 - Burial, Resurrection and Ascension

This is part three of a special three-part dramatic reading of the Easter story. NOTE: This dramatic reading was recorded last year so there may be mention of activities or church services that do NOT exist this year (2021). Please enjoy this episode and be sure to watch and listen to the many digital programming that is available to you. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/30/202133 minutes, 54 seconds
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E212 Easter Special Part 2, Betrayal, Trials, and Crucifixion

This is part two of a special three-part dramatic reading of the Easter story. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/23/202132 minutes, 23 seconds
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E211 Where Prayer Becomes Real - Kyle Strobel

This week, our hosts Brandon Robinson and Rob Jacobs enlist help from friend of the show and author, Kyle Strobel, sharing his new book: Where Prayer Becomes Real. If we're honest, most of us feel bored, distracted, or discouraged in prayer. We look for resources to give us the "right" words or teach us the "right" technique and are disappointed when they don't seem to help. Prayer is a place for us to be honest, present, and known--a place for us to offer ourselves and receive God. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/18/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 21 seconds
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E210 Easter Special Part 1 - From the Upper Room to Gethsemane

This is part one of a special three-part dramatic reading of the Easter story. In this episode, you’ll be immersed in Jesus’ last supper with his disciples as well as his moments of anguished prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/16/202125 minutes, 2 seconds
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E209 This Is Our Story - Genesis Chapter 4

Today’s episode concludes this series of small group lessons called: “This Is Our Story” on the Bible book of Genesis. Today, Brandon Bathauer and Brandon Robinson cover Genesis Chapter 4 and review the Cain and Able story and the fallout of rebellion. Will we let sin rule over us or will we rule over sin. The choice has eternal consequences. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/9/202132 minutes
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E208 Journey Of The Soul w Bill and Kristi Gaultiere - Part 2

Our returning guests, Bill and Kristi Gaultiere, continue with the interview about their new book: Journey of the Soul. The healthy Christian life is one of continuing spiritual, emotional, and relational growth. But so many of us feel stuck or stagnated at one stage of the journey. Brandon Robinson and Rob Jacobs guide our discussion with candid sharing and in-depth questions to help you along your spiritual growth journey. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/2/202133 minutes, 24 seconds
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E207 This Is Our Story - Genesis Chapter 3

Brandon Bathauer and Brandon Robinson continue in this series of small group lessons called: “This Is Our Story” on the Bible book of Genesis. Today, they cover Genesis Chapter 3 and address what Brandon calls “a lightning rod of hope.” So, let’s find out what he’s talking about and continue learning in Genesis Chapter 3. For complete show notes, click HERE
2/25/202132 minutes, 34 seconds
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E206 Journey of the Soul - w Bill and Kristi Gaultiere

In today’s part one of two, our returning guests Bill and Kristi Gaultiere are interviewed about their new book: Journey of the Soul. The healthy Christian life is one of continuing spiritual, emotional, and relational growth. But so many of us feel stuck or stagnated at one stage of the journey. Brandon Robinson and Rob Jacobs guide our discussion with candid sharing and in-depth questions that may help you along your personal growth journey. For complete show notes, click HERE
2/23/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 20 seconds
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E205 This Is Our Story - Genesis Ch 2

Brandon Bathauer and Brandon Robinson continue in this series of small group lessons called: “This Is Our Story” on the Bible book of Genesis. Today, they continue in Genesis Chapter 2 and address creation, ask who is God, who are we, and what about the world we live in? Let’s go back to the Garden of Eden and explore Genesis Chapter 2. For complete show notes, click HERE
2/18/202129 minutes, 46 seconds
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E204 Guest Interview with Author of Unhindered Abundance - Ken Baugh - Part 2

Don’t miss today’s episode, part two, and the balance of our discussion with author Ken Baugh on his new book: Unhindered Abundance: Restoring Our Souls in a Fragmented World. Have you ever felt stuck in your Christian life? Have you wondered if the abundant life Jesus promised is really available for you right here and right now? Ken takes a balanced approach to what keeps us stuck in our spiritual growth. How hitting ‘the wall’ can be the catalyst for growth. How do relationships play a roll in our growth and so much more in this information-rich episode. For complete show notes, click HERE
2/16/202149 minutes, 12 seconds
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E203 Guest Interview with Author of Unhindered Abundance - Ken Baugh - Part 1

This week we host an interview with author Ken Baugh on his new book: Unhindered Abundance: Restoring Our Souls in a Fragmented World. Have you ever felt stuck in your Christian life? Have you wondered if the abundant life Jesus promised is really available for you right here and right now? Ken takes a balanced approach to what keeps us stuck in our spiritual growth. How hitting ‘the wall’ can be the catalyst for growth. How relationships play a roll in our growth and so much more in this information-rich episode. For complete show notes, click HERE
2/10/202151 minutes, 34 seconds
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E202 This Is Our Story - Genesis - Ch1

The Small Groups team Brandon Bathauer and Brandon Robinson recently recorded on video, a series of small group lessons called: “This Is Our Story” on the Bible book of Genesis. In this episode of Doable Discipleship, they discuss Genesis Chapter 1 and address questions like: What does this tell us about God, ourselves, and about the world we live in? We hope you enjoy the second episode in this awesome new series. For complete show notes, click HERE
2/9/202132 minutes, 39 seconds
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This Is Our Story: Genesis - Introduction

The Small Groups team Brandon Bathauer and Brandon Robinson recently recorded on video, a series of small group lessons called: “This Is Our Story” on the Bible book of Genesis. In this episode of Doable Discipleship, they introduce this series talking about the bigger themes of Genesis and review the first few chapters. What does this tell us about God, ourselves, and about the world we live in? We hope you enjoy the first episode in this awesome new series. For complete show notes, click HERE
2/2/202121 minutes, 48 seconds
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E200 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

In this brief conversation, Brandon and Jason take a little time to review some of their more meaningful episodes. They talk about how this year gave way to the work of God in powerful, unexpected ways. They end this episode with a prayer for us, wrapping up 2020 and seeking God’s blessings and purposes for the new year around the corner. For complete show notes, click HERE
12/29/202023 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Hope of Advent - Love - Week 4

12/20/202030 minutes, 1 second
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The Hope of Advent - Joy - Week 3

12/13/202030 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Hope of Advent - Peace - Week 2

12/6/202030 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Hope of Advent - Week 1

The Hope of Advent - Week 1. This is a special Advent series of Doable Discipleship hosted by Brandon Robinson and Jason Weiland and joined by Linda Tokar and Brandon Bathauer. Here, our speakers discuss what is Advent, the period of time leading up to Christmas which means ‘coming’ in Latin… the coming of Jesus into the world. Our speakers talk about how to prepare our hearts, having hope this Christmas season and more. To watch the video of this Advent episode, click HERE
12/4/202029 minutes, 10 seconds
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E199 Politics and the Church, Where Do We Go From Here

Wrapping up this series on Politics and the Church, Brandon and Jason dig more into what we as followers of Christ can do to be peacemakers. What are some ways we can practice Biblical conflict resolution, pray for each other, or pray for those other people who vote differently than me. God is over all, he reigns on high and is the business of renewing. But Christ must first be formed in us so that true change can take place. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/24/202038 minutes, 58 seconds
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E198 Politics and the Church, Recognizing Our Emotions

Navigating our emotions, especially in times of political and social unrest, stressful pandemic times and personal conflict is a highly needed skill today. Hosts Brandon Robinson and Jason Weiland, along with guest Todd Olthoff tackle the ins and outs of recognizing our emotions, how to bring emotional intelligence and awareness to our conversations and relationships. How can we begin healing, and nurture healthy understanding and communication as a child of God? This and much more in this week’s Episode 198. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/17/202040 minutes, 1 second
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E197 Politics and the Church, Faithfulness In A Politicized World

When we politicize our faith, when we see our brothers and sisters as less than because of their chosen political party, we can be divided in mind and thought. Are you praying for those that don’t vote like you? Are you loving your neighbor, praying for those that might lean a different way? Do you care for those that oppose the issues that you care about? Remember, you are all loved by God. You are all made in the image of God. Jason and Brandon do an amazing job of breaking down the priorities we need to have, the godly perspective and counter-cultural influence we can be in this highly politicized season. Enjoy Faithfulness In A Politicized World in Episode 197. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/10/202044 minutes, 27 seconds
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E196 Politics and the Church, How Do We Process Fear.

Do you realize how much fear is used as an influence in our election-day decision making? Politicians can mis-guide our hope and exploit fear like crazy. But what are we to do as Christians, as ambassadors for Christ? What place does fear have in our own lives and in our walk as Christ followers. This useful podcast will help you keep a right perspective on the influence of fear, and the priorities we should have as we head to the polls. Seek God’s face, live our lives with perspective, humility, prayer and repentance. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/3/202039 minutes, 16 seconds
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E195 Politics and the Church, How We Relate to Politics and the Kingdom

So here’s a hot topic for you… Politics and the Church - “How we relate to politics and the Kingdom.” Jason and Brandon tackle the ever popular topic of the day, and that is, politics. Especially as believers, how do we relate to each other, handle the differences and do this ‘in love,’ as foreigners, as citizens of another kingdom… as members of the transcendent kingdom of God? Listen in and find out in today’s timely episode. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/27/202042 minutes, 6 seconds
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E194 Is This Okay To Ask - Is Jesus The Only Way

Brandon and Jason have special guest Brandon Bathauer back to help with the question and discussion, ‘Is Jesus the Only Way?’ This is Part 6 in the ‘Is This Okay To Ask’ series and some great points are taught about who Jesus is. Why is Jesus the only way, the truth and the life. Also, how are we saved as well as why we are saved are discussed. We hope you will enjoy and learn many new truths from this fresh, special Doable Discipleship. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/22/202042 minutes, 39 seconds
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E193 Is This Okay To Ask - God and Science

With special guest, Pastor Santosh Swamidass from our Yorba Linda campus, Doug and Brandon talk about what it means to consider God and Science in the same discussion. Is science against God or is God against science? Does science align with the Bible’s teaching about creation and the universe and more importantly, how can I be more successful sharing my faith in light of science and the Bible? This and so much more in this special episode. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/20/202053 minutes, 28 seconds
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E192 Is This Okay To Ask - Why Do Christians Believe In Such An Ancient Book

Have you asked this question? Or have you heard someone else ask this? Why do Christians believe in an old book? Is it relevant today? Does it speak with authority? Why do I need to adhere to its teachings? These ideas and so much more are discussed in this brief overview of what the Bible is, its history, why we believe it and why it’s critical to our eternal way of life. Be blessed as you listen in… For complete show notes, click HERE
10/13/202037 minutes, 56 seconds
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E189 First Aid For Families - High School Ministry

We are fortunate to have High School Ministry leaders Jason Pogue and Emma Aungst join Jason Weiland in this special First Aid For Families podcast. With high school being such a critical phase in the lives of our children, topics of screen time, relationships, the ever-changing cultural landscape, grace and patience for our high schoolers are among the many topics discussed. Listen and learn in this informative and inspiring podcast about raising our beloved high schoolers well. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/6/202051 minutes, 2 seconds
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E188 First Aid For Families - College Ministry

Special guests Colton Harker and Mike Brook discuss the Saddleback Church’s college ministry with host Brandon Robinson. College students today are asking: “Who did God create me to be like?” “What am I here for?” and “What am I going to do with my life?” What are ways to parent your college aged children who are in that unique position of being part child and part adult. These topics and more are discussed in this First Aid For Families special episode. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/6/202034 minutes, 55 seconds
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E190 First Aid For Families - Saddleback Kids

Staying connected and finding normal are challenges for parents of students today. In this episode of Doable Discipleship, Jason Weiland and head of Saddleback Kids, Shawn Hyde discuss the online church, staying connected and consistency with our kids today. The importance of touch points, being present and intentional were examined as well as giving yourself grace as a parent. The days are long and the years are short… find that daily rhythm with your kids and play, be present and enjoy the moment. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/6/202047 minutes, 27 seconds
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E191 First Aid For Families - Junior High Ministry

Katie Edwards described the junior high years with her kids as one of the best times with her student. She is joined by Brandon Robinson and Matt Heer to talk about having a sense of humor and enjoying this time of rapid development of your junior high student. Also talked about were emotional development, the mind’s transition from abstract to concrete and moments to be present with your student… car rides, dinner time, moments before bed and others. Great wisdom is shared in this special episode. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/6/202044 minutes, 16 seconds
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E187 Is This Okay to Ask? Is God a Republican or a Democrat.

You’ve heard this question before and I’m sure it may have cropped up even lately… Is God a Republican or a Democrat? To what kingdom do we belong and find our loyalty or identity in? How should we approach politics and political discussions? These thoughts are just part of a timely discussion on this episode of Doable Discipleship. For complete show notes, click HERE
9/29/202049 minutes, 19 seconds
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E186 Is This Okay to Ask? Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People.

At it again, Jason Weiland, Brandon Bathauer and Brandon Robinson talk about “Is This Okay To Ask?—Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?” Your hosts discuss the sovereignty and power of God as well as his character. Is suffering part of the plan? What can we learn during tough times? Personal will vs. God’s will, trials, character and lamenting. All this and so much more in another great episode of Doable Discipleship. For complete show notes, click HERE
9/22/202049 minutes, 2 seconds
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This week, Jason Weiland, Brandon Bathauer and Brandon Robinson discuss “Is This Okay To Ask?—Asking Hard Questions.” We learn that Jesus not only taught that asking questions is okay, more than anything, Jesus encouraged us to ask questions, to be learners, yearn for truth, ask for knowledge, to be seekers. Listen to this week’s conversation and find out more about thirsting for life, to ask, to seek and to knock. For complete show notes, click HERE
9/15/202043 minutes, 4 seconds
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E184 Theology Q&A w Pastor Tom Holladay-Holy_Spirit

This fourth episode in Foundations or Theology Q & A with Pastor Tom Holladay focuses on the Holy Spirit recorded via Zoom from our Foundations class online. Questions regarding who the Holy Spirit is, gifts of the Spirit and fruit of the Spirit and how this shows in your life. We hope you find answers to these questions and more about the Holy Spirit as you listen to this week’s Episode 184. For complete show notes, click HERE
9/8/202059 minutes, 49 seconds
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E183 Theology Q&A w Pastor Tom Holladay-Jesus

This third episode in Foundations or Theology Q & A with Pastor Tom Holladay focuses on Jesus. Previously recorded via Zoom from our Foundations class online, questions regarding who Jesus is, what does the son of God mean, the Angel of the Lord are explained. So many wonderful insights to Jesus, His mission, His ministry are discussed. We hope you might find an answer or two as you listen to Episode 183. For complete show notes, click HERE
9/1/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 36 seconds
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Today’s second episode in a series of Foundations questions and answers deals with God. This was previously recorded on Zoom from our Foundations class online. The conversation took place with several students as well as our teachers and host, Tom Holladay, Linda Tokar, and Brandon Robinson. Listen to this inspiring session that may even answer a question that you have about God. For complete show notes, click HERE
8/25/20201 hour, 11 minutes, 32 seconds
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E181 Foundations - Bible

This is a first in a series of Foundations questions and answers about the Bible recorded live on Zoom from our Foundations class online. The conversation took place with several students as well as our teachers and host, Tom Holladay, Linda Tokar, and Brandon Robinson. This is an important topic in that our very faith rests on the foundation of the truth of God’s word, the Bible. For complete show notes, click HERE
8/18/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 48 seconds
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E180 (E8) Carolyn Baker Talks About the Life of Prayer, Part 2

In this part two of a special REWIND episode, Carolyn Baker along with Jason Weiland and Doug Jones continue to bring us back to one of the first episodes of Doable Discipleship with this in-depth and inspiring look at a life of prayer. How can I integrate worship in my prayer life? The link between spiritual maturity and prayer. Many more insights in this special part 2. For complete show notes, click HERE
8/11/202043 minutes, 3 seconds
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E179 Saddleback Women's Special - Jesus Makes You Enough

This is a Saddleback Women’s Special: Jesus Makes You Enough. Guests Linda Tokar and Sandra Maddox join host Jason to discuss some of the challenges of being a mother in this Covid season and about finding grace and sufficiency in Jesus. What are things you can do right now to feel productive, like you’re enough, that you’re growing, loved and growing closer to God. Don’t feel alone. Be encouraged. There is so much to consider. For complete show notes, click HERE
8/7/202046 minutes, 16 seconds
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E178 (E8) Carolyn Baker Talks About the Life of Prayer, Part 1

In this special REWIND episode, Jason Weiland and Doug Jones bring us back to one of the first episodes of Doable Discipleship with an in-depth and inspiring look at a life of prayer. What does a prayer warrior look like? And how does journaling fit into a life given to regular prayer. So rich in insights, it had to be divided into two parts. For complete show notes, click HERE
8/4/202046 minutes, 16 seconds
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E177 Race and the Gospel Recap

A great recap episode of the Race and the Gospel series. Jason and Brandon thoughtfully review the teachings and insights of the last several weeks where the topic of reconciliation, race, examine, educate and express and simply having a conversation with a willingness to hear, were discussed. So many great things are reviewed in this recap on Race and the Gospel. For complete show notes, click HERE
7/30/202039 minutes, 50 seconds
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E176 Race and the Gospel-Examine, Educate, Express

Jason and Brandon continue the important conversation on race and reconciliation in this poignant interview with Pastor Anthony Miller. With great insights on empathy, building bridges and doing reconciliation and more as a follower of Christ. For complete show notes, click HERE
7/28/202046 minutes, 9 seconds
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E175 What God is Teaching Us Through Time

7/21/202028 minutes, 35 seconds
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E174 Doable Discipleship Special - A Time to Learn - A Conversation with Derwin L. Gray

You don’t want to miss this week’s Doable Discipleship Special with guest and author Derwin L. Gray. Hosts Brandon Robinson and Jason Wieland talk about reconciliation, finding our identity in Christ and what that means historically and how this might apply to the body of Christ today. What is color blind vs. color blessed and so much more. For complete show notes, click HERE
7/16/202041 minutes, 8 seconds
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E173 God Meets Us In Our Waiting - A Conversation with Sarah Cruz

Saddleback staff member Sarah Cruz talks with Brandon Robinson and Jason Wieland about learning from life during waiting seasons, wrestling with God, seeking identity, growing and becoming more like Christ. Enjoy Episode 173, God Meets Us In Our Waiting, A Conversation with Sarah Cruz. For complete show notes, click HERE
7/14/202040 minutes, 56 seconds
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E172 Doable Discipleship Special - It's Time to Learn - A Conversation with Sarah Cruz

In this week’s Doable Discipleship Special edition, hosts Brandon Robinson and Jason Wieland talk about story, about race, reconciliation, being multi-cultural, bi-racial, identity, bridge building, faith and a Biblical perspective with Saddleback staff ?member Sarah Cruz. For complete show notes, click HERE
7/9/202039 minutes, 50 seconds
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E171 Time and the Spiritual Practices with Craig Davis

In this episode, Rob Jacobs, Brandon Robinson and special guest Craig Davis talk about the spiritual practice of eliminating hurry, slowing down, and sabbath. They discuss the signs of just living too fast and what you and I can do to find silence, leverage time and enter into the life of Jesus. All this and more are yours to learn in Episode 171: Time and the Spiritual Practices with Craig Davis. For complete show notes, click HERE
7/7/202053 minutes, 44 seconds
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E170 Doable Discipleship Special - Its Time to Listen - A Conversation With Mazvita Lewton

Hosts Brandon Robinson and Jason Wieland join Saddleback staff member Mazvita Lewton to talk about her story, about race, being multi-cultural, identity, parenting and more in this special episode of Doable Discipleship. For complete show notes, click HERE
7/2/202053 minutes, 23 seconds
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E169 God and Time. A Conversation with Tom Holladay.

Did you know God is greater than time? He’s in every moment and more. What does this mean for you and for me? Pastor Tom Holladay gives great insight as he and Brandon Robinson discuss God and time with this episode of Doable Discipleship. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/30/202037 minutes, 11 seconds
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E168 Doable Discipleship Special - A Conversation with Super Bowl Champion Eugene Robinson

Hosts Brandon Robinson and Jason Wieland join NFL Champion, Eugene Robinson ?to talk about race, mentorship and parenting in this special episode of ?Doable Discipleship. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/25/202050 minutes, 28 seconds
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E167 God Redeems Time, A Conversation with Meaghan Grider

Brandon Robinson interviews Saddleback Church’s, Director of Celebrate Recovery, Meaghan Grider about what it looks like when God redeems the time or season in your life that you may feel has been wasted in E167: God Redeems Time, A Conversation with Meaghan Grider. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/23/202042 minutes, 30 seconds
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E166 Doable Discipleship Special-It's Time to Learn

In Episode 166: Doable Discipleship Special - It’s Time to Learn, Brandon Robinson and Jason Wieland interview Saddleback Church, Los Angeles pastor Aaron Crumbey about pastoring and discipling a multi-ethnic church in a major metropolitan city. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/19/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 26 seconds
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E165 Unhurried Leadership with Alan Fadling

You don’t necessarily have to be a leader to learn from this episode of Doable Discipleship entitled: Unhurried Leadership with Alan Fadling. Anyone with a position of influence… leaders, mentors, teachers, parents and more, can learn how to be present in their relationships, to be patient, to abide, to plant and nurture fruit that lasts. Alan Fadling shares gold from his book, An Unhurried Leader, very generously. Drink deep from this amazing episode about simplifying life, slowing down and living in the moment. Opportunities and encounters that only Kairos time provides. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/16/202038 minutes, 24 seconds
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E164 Doable Discipleship Special-It’s Time to Listen

In Episode 164 Doable Discipleship Special - It’s Time to Listen, Brandon Robinson is joined by his wife Laura and Pastor of Spiritual Growth, Rob Jacobs. They candidly discuss that ‘guess who’s coming to dinner’ moment when Brandon and Laura began dating. Both growing up in the south, and each with very different backgrounds and cultures, they bring a special perspective to the topic of race and racism, living in emotional proximity, repentance, godly grief and understanding. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/11/202047 minutes, 43 seconds
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E163 Time - Part 2 - Chronos Time

Chronos Time is a Greek word meaning minutes and seconds while Kairos means an appointed time, a due season or opportune moment. God wants us to make good use of both of these types of time. In this episode, we explore five ways, based on God’s five purposes of our life, to use our ‘chronos’ time with stewardship in mind. Enjoy Episode 163 or Time, Part 2, Chronos Time. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/9/202044 minutes, 17 seconds
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E162 Doable Discipleship Special-It's Time to Speak Up

Proverbs 31:8 says “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, ensure justice for those that are dying.” Once again, time to speak up. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/4/202010 minutes, 7 seconds
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E161 Time - Part 1 - Kairos Time

The Greeks spoke of two kinds of time, Kairos and Chronos. In this episode, E161 Time, Part 1 - Kairos Time, Jason and Brandon introduce the difference between a Chronos outlook and a Kairos View of life. In Chronos we think of time as a measurement of moments. But in Kairos time, we think of Kingdom time, seasons of growth, life transitions and more. Enjoy Episode 161, Time, Part 1, Kairos Time. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/2/202025 minutes, 33 seconds
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E160-E78 The Simple Life

Are you running on empty? The rat race has only one fate for you- unfulfilled and spent. How do you live the Simple Life? A life of rest, walking with God. For complete show notes, click HERE
5/26/202037 minutes, 41 seconds
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E159-E63 Let's Hang Out with God

Spending time in the Bible is among the most important growth steps and practices that a Christian can take. In this episode, Doug and Jason will lead you through a quiet time in God’s Word. Join us for this episode and get started on your journey into the Bible and this vital habit of growth! For complete show notes, click HERE
5/19/202028 minutes, 29 seconds
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E158 Lessons From the Storm

In this session, you’ll discover what both Brandon Robinson and Jason Weiland have been learning through the storm of Coronavirus. Being anchored, appreciation, gratitude and community among other spiritual practices and habits that have been helpful in surviving mentally, spiritually and physically during this unprecedented time. For complete show notes, click HERE
5/12/202037 minutes, 25 seconds
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E157 Introducing - The WELL

Jason introduces a new podcast from the Spiritual Maturity team, The Well. The Well is a Bible-based, self-guided, on-demand time of reflection. In the case of today’s episode, we journey through one of the most famous poems in history, the poem of the shepherd, Psalm 23:1-2. Reflect on the Shepherd that MAKES you lie down, who brings you to green pastures. How is God making you lie down, and why? What work does He do in green pastures. Enjoy time with your great shepherd. For complete show notes, click HERE
5/5/202020 minutes, 50 seconds
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E156 Spiritual Antidotes - Lament

Have you ever experienced the need to address God during a time of real need, spiritual exile with gut wrenching honesty? Was there a time you really needed God to act on your behalf and remedy the problem? Theological reflection, or meditating on who God is and what He has done, is at the heart of Lament. Learn about this and more with E156 Spiritual Antidotes: Lament For complete show notes, click HERE
4/28/202026 minutes, 55 seconds
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E155 Spiritual Antidotes with Kay Warren

This episode, E155: Spiritual Antidotes with Kay Warren will not only help you lean in to better ways of dealing with the stress that is so present today, but will also help dealing with the stress and anxiety that comes through poor thinking habits, negative thought practices. Kay presents great ways to cope with examples from her own life and others.’ During the viral slowdown, more than ever, is a great time to learn how to be present, relate with our friends and loved ones and to really prioritize what is important. There is so much good information to share. Enjoy E155 Spiritual Antidotes with Kay Warren. For complete show notes, click HERE
4/21/202048 minutes, 25 seconds
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E154 Spiritual Antidotes - Community

This episode, E154: Spiritual Antidotes: Community is, perhaps now more than ever, something we are all a part of. What can we do during this current Coronavirus crisis? During this time of isolation, loneliness and ‘social’ distancing from family, friends, our church brothers and sisters and even your community at large. Consider several ideas on how to reach out, help others and love on those around us who might be hurting more than you think. Enjoy E154 Spiritual Antidotes: Community. For complete show notes, click HERE
4/14/202030 minutes, 54 seconds
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E153 Easter Special - Part 3

This is part three of a special three-part dramatic reading of the Easter story. NOTE: This dramatic reading was recorded last year so there may be mention of activities or church services that do NOT exist this year (2020). Please enjoy this episode and be sure to watch and listen to the variety of online programming available to you. For complete show notes, click HERE
4/9/202031 minutes, 17 seconds
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E152 Spiritual Antidotes - Take Every Thought Captive

The third episode in our series about spiritual antidotes is directed toward taking every thought captive. What does that mean? What do you do with your feelings, grief, fear and emotions? Can you control or channel your thoughts into a more productive outcome? Yes you can. Learn these things and more in E150 Spiritual Antidotes: Taking Every Thought Captive. For complete show notes, click HERE
4/7/202028 minutes, 14 seconds
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E151 Easter Special - Part 2

This is part two of a special three-part dramatic reading of the Easter story. For complete show notes, click HERE
4/2/202030 minutes, 5 seconds
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E150 Spiritual Antidotes - Gratitude

The second episode in our series about spiritual antidotes is about GRATITUDE. At a time of global uncertainty, gratitude is probably not even on your radar. But when circumstances are out of control, gratitude can help keep things in perspective, give you hope and bring peace. Learn these things and more about GRATITUDE in E150 Spiritual Antidotes: Gratitude. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/31/202022 minutes, 9 seconds
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E149 Easter Special - Part 1

This is part one of a special three-part dramatic reading of the Easter story. In this episode, you’ll be immersed in Jesus’ last supper with his disciples as well as his moments of anguished prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/26/202024 minutes, 16 seconds
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E148 Spiritual Antidotes - Hope

We’re starting another series and this time it’s about spiritual antidotes, in particular, HOPE. During this coronavirus crisis there are a lot of reasons to be fearful, isolated and confused. Now, more than ever, we could really use hope and to really trust that God is in control. Learn about HOPE, and more in E148 Spiritual Antidotes: Hope. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/24/202024 minutes, 4 seconds
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E147 Walking Without Fear Through the Valley of Virus

A special message of information and encouragement from Pastor Rick Warren. God is in control and bigger than anything we can face. Rick helps calm our anxiousness and worries at this time and gives counsel on what you and I can do to help others and help ourselves to be faithful not fearful. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/17/202054 minutes, 1 second
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DD Rewind - Audience Q & A With Tom Holladay, Part 1 (E48)

We’ve been collecting questions and now it’s time to dig in! Pastor Tom Holladay joins us for this special 2-part conversation. Join us as we cover a diverse set of questions from the Doable Discipleship audience as well from a live audience at a recent Saddleback Spiritual Maturity event. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/10/202034 minutes
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DD Rewind - Bible Study Crash Course - Methods & Tools (E68)

Having tools to help you understand and appreciate the Bible can be a valued part of any Bible student’s tool chest. Understanding different translations and why they are translated that way, concordances, dictionaries, commentaries and a plethora of online tools will help you become the Bible scholar you want to be and are discussed in this helpful episode. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/3/202026 minutes, 54 seconds
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DD Rewind - Bible Study Crash Course - Authors (E67)

Understanding Bible authors is one of the most important steps in the study of the scriptures. In this episode, we discuss how the historical and cultural situation of the author influences the reading of the Bible text. For complete show notes, click HERE
2/25/202033 minutes, 39 seconds
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DD Rewind - Bible Study Crash Course - Genre (E66)

Did you know that the Bible is actually a collection of writings which cover numerous literary genres? It’s true! In this episode, Doug, Jason, and Brandon Bathauer will give you an overview of the major genres in the Bible, how they are meant to be read, and how we can apply them to our lives today. For complete show notes, click HERE
2/18/20201 hour, 1 minute, 8 seconds
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DD Rewind - Bible Study Crash Course - Orientation (E65)

The Bible is an integral part of the Christian life and yet it is one of the most misunderstood documents on earth. Many people find the Bible confusing, mysterious, and intimidating. In this series, we’re going to cover numerous facts about the Bible as well as study principles to help you dig into God’s Word in a new and exciting way! Whether you are just beginning to study the Bible or a seasoned disciple, this series will teach you a few things you never knew. Its time to take your Bible study skills to the next level! For complete show notes, click HERE
2/11/202042 minutes, 16 seconds
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E141 What To Do In The Waiting

In this shorter-than-usual episode, Brandon and Jason tackle a listener’s question as well as explain some upcoming format changes for the next season of the Doable Discipleship podcasts. For complete show notes, click HERE
2/4/202023 minutes, 29 seconds
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E140 Vocational Health

We’ve discussed many aspects of our lives in this Fresh Starts series but what about our vocational health? Are you doing what you are passionate about? Have you asked yourself; ‘What do I love to do?’ ‘what am I really good at?’ Have others told you that you are good at a particular skill? Or have you asked yourself; ‘How can I serve God through my work?’ Do you know what your S.H.A.P.E. is? Learn about these things and more in E140 Vocational Health. For complete show notes, click HERE
1/28/202036 minutes, 31 seconds
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E139 Emotional Health

How do I ‘examine’ my life? How do I pay attention to my emotional health, and why? Emotions are like the operating systems on our phones, we see our world through the lens of our emotions. So, it’s important to understand our emotional health, to let go of the bad habits, anger, fear, sadness, etc. and develop new, emotional healthy habits that will help us walk more emotionally healthy lives. For complete show notes, click HERE
1/21/202041 minutes, 48 seconds
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E138 Financial and Relational Health

Do you ever struggle with financial or relational issues? Today, Jason and Brandon tackle some of the doables that could help you take more control of those aspects of your life. Between how to think about money to practical ways to be more effective with your finances, you will learn some principles that will help improve your financial life. On the relational side, reconciliation, engaging with others, as well as what type of friend are you and how deep are YOU willing to go, are discussed. Enjoy. For complete show notes, click HERE
1/14/202044 minutes, 38 seconds
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E137 Spiritual and Physical Health

In this episode, Jason and Brandon discuss ways to balance your spiritual and physical life through the spiritual practice of a quiet time, prayer, generosity and community in addition to ways grow through church ministries like the Daniel Plan, Class 201 and more. For complete show notes, click HERE
1/7/202031 minutes, 12 seconds
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E136 Fresh Starts

In this New Year’s episode of Doable Discipleship Jason Wieland and, our newest member of the Spiritual Maturity team, Brandon Robinson, talk about fresh starts. They talk about the ‘new year mentality,’ resolutions, goals and having a vision. Examples are also given of fresh starts in the Bible that will encourage you in the coming year.
12/31/201935 minutes, 18 seconds
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E135 Merry Christmas

As Christmas nears, the Doable Discipleship team introduces its newest member, asks for prayer requests and wishes everyone a very merry Christmas.
12/24/20195 minutes, 48 seconds
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E134 Christmas Special Part 2: Arrival of the Newborn King

Delve deep into the Christmas story as we go through part 2 of a biblical account of the birth of Jesus. Buddy Owens continues a dramatic reading of the Gospel accounts of the first Christmas.
12/17/201921 minutes, 9 seconds
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E133 Christmas Special Part 1: The Mighty Savior Foretold

Delve deep into the Christmas story as we go through the biblical account of the birth of Jesus. Buddy Owens does a dramatic reading of the Gospel accounts of the first Christmas. More resources: Find your purpose and community at: To tell a friend about Doable Discipleship or share it on your social media, use For more resources to help you grow, visit or email [email protected].
12/10/201922 minutes, 29 seconds
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E132 Doug's Farewell

As Doug Jones' career begins a new chapter at Saddleback Church, Jason and Doug talk about the Doable Discipleship podcast and the future of the show. We'll hear about Doug's time on the Spiritual Growth team and do a 'lightning round' of questions and discuss where he is headed as we then bid Doug a fond farewell. We all wish him our love and grace as he follows God's leading. Please join wishing Doug all the best and give him our love and prayers for the future.
12/3/201935 minutes, 52 seconds
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Breaking News, An Important Doable Discipleship Announcement

Breaking News, An Important Doable Discipleship Announcement
11/27/20197 minutes, 24 seconds
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E131 A Listener Question and Happy Thanksgiving

In this special episode respond to a rather poignant listener question. We also invited Brandon Robinson, our newest member of the Spiritual Maturity team, to talk about his story… his faith, his family and how he came to Saddleback and the latest twist in his career… becoming the newest member of the Doable Discipleship team. Please welcome Brandon and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! We’re so grateful for you. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/26/201922 minutes, 8 seconds
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E130 Holy Noticing

Mindfulness has become a “big deal in today’s culture.” In this show we talk about what mindfulness looks like in culture and how that compares with the Christian approach. Pastor and author Dr. Charles Stone talks about how important it is for us to access our emotional life. Why does the emotional side of spirituality often feel uncomfortable for people? Holy Noticing is, at its heart, a practice of self-awareness and God-awareness. This episode shows how holy noticing is not meant to replace other disciplines but to complement them. Please enjoy another great addition to the Doable Discipleship lineup. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/19/201938 minutes, 43 seconds
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E129 Tapping Into the Power of Self-Discipline

In this episode we are going to be taking advantage of the science behind self-discipline, a critical part of the Christian life. This practice is usually the difference between success and failure, achieving your goals, and finding the success God wants you to have in your life. Self-discipline once put in practice can be a real key in unlocking your potential and acting on behalf of your future well being. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/12/201958 minutes, 35 seconds
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E128 The Wired Soul

Despite all our digital contact, people are feeling more and more isolated and alone. The generations that are most at home with connective technologies are suffering the most. How can this be? Can technology impact your personal friendship with God? Our guest and author, Tricia McCary Rhodes, touches on these concepts and many more in this Doable Discipleship discussion and her latest book, The Wired Soul. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/5/201948 minutes, 40 seconds
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E127 What Does Your Soul Love

For those that live the hurried lifestyle, this episode of Doable Discipleship is for you. Our guests, Gem and Alan Fadling, are founders of Unhurried Living, Inc. and authors of the new book “What Does Your Soul Love.” In this discussion we talk about the difference between relief and healing and the fact that transformation takes time. The book focuses on eight questions and culminates with the question “What does your soul love?” For complete show notes, click HERE
10/29/201945 minutes, 37 seconds
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E126 Jesus' Easy Way To Do Hard Things

Today’s topic, based on Bill & Kristi Gaultiere’s book ‘Your Best Life in Jesus’ Easy Yoke’ we look at understanding Jesus’ easy yoke, being too busy, overworking, and denying the anxiety that’s underneath our stress. What’s the difference between trying to do better and not training to do better. We also learn what Sabbath is, and learning how to rest and trust God’s presence and power. What is Statio and being unhurried, prayerful, and loving during the day. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/22/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 15 seconds
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E125 Resting in the Generosity of God

Why does God take Sabbath so seriously? What is the big deal anyway? How is keeping the Sabbath an expression of worship? Doug, Jason, and our special guest Ken Baugh discuss these questions and much more on this all encompassing discussion on the Sabbath. What does it have to do with trusting God, faith, having a scarcity mindset or help us focus on our relationship with God? Listen and find out on this episode of Doable Discipleship. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/15/201951 minutes, 41 seconds
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E124 Judge Without Judging

How many times have you heard this verse quoted in your life? “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged…” In this episode speak with Pastor Buddy Owens on using good judgement. Listen along as we clear up some misconceptions and learn love’s part in confronting others and being a real friend. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/8/201940 minutes, 22 seconds
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E123 Great Books for Spiritual Growth

You can’t grow without learning! If you want to take your discipleship to the next level you NEED to develop your mind and one of the best way to do that is by reading BOOKS.. In this special episode we’ve got some great recommendations for you. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/1/201937 minutes, 29 seconds
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E122 Made for Mission

In this interview with Skip Lanfried, Mission Pastor for Lake Forest, we learn about what he loves about his job, how God sparked a passion for spreading the gospel and the connection between spiritual growth and evangelism. So much to cover in this episode including the upcoming Made for Mission Conference at Saddleback Church. For complete show notes, click HERE
9/24/201940 minutes, 35 seconds
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E121 Master Your Anger - Conquer Your Pride

Do you ever get angry? Me too! Let’s see if we can get this emotion under control. In this episode we talk about the place of pride, an attitude of the heart, and humility in this discussion. How do we humble ourselves? All this and more in a show that will help you have a closer walk with Jesus and those around you. For complete show notes, click HERE
9/17/201946 minutes, 12 seconds
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E120 Don't Lie and Don't Take Oaths

Jesus taught that we shouldn't swear oaths to each other. At the heart of this subject is truth, a central Bible theme. In this episode we discuss two things that keep us from living lives built on truth. We also learn how the truth helps us to live in the Kingdom, where truth is all there is. Stay tuned for much, much more in this episode. For complete show notes, click HERE
9/10/201943 minutes, 30 seconds
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E119 The Abiding Life

Have you ever wondered what it means to abide in Jesus? What is the abiding life and what does it mean for you and your discipleship? Doug Jones and Jason Weiland discuss this along with legalism vs. transformation, the first ‘yes’ and all the yeses that follow, and, the life God can begin in a moment but be cultivated over a lifetime. For complete show notes, click HERE
9/3/201939 minutes
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E118 Superheroes Can't Save You, Part 2

Throughout the history of the Church there have been bad ideas, misconceptions, and heretical presentations of Jesus. These heresies fails to present Jesus as the Bible reveals him. In this two-part episode of Doable Discipleship, including a live audience, author Todd Miles demonstrates how these ancient heresies are embodied in contemporary comic superheroes. For complete show notes, click HERE
8/27/201938 minutes, 33 seconds
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E117 Superheroes Can't Save You, Part 1

Throughout the history of the Church there have been bad ideas, misconceptions, and heretical presentations of Jesus. These heresies fail to present Jesus as the Bible reveals him. In this two-part episode of Doable Discipleship, author Todd Miles demonstrates how these ancient heresies are embodied in contemporary comic superheroes. For complete show notes, click HERE
8/20/201959 minutes, 59 seconds
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E116 Digitally Distracted Disciples, Part 2

Have you ever wondered how your digital devices are affecting your communion with God, your relationships? …and what can I do about it? Explore these questions and more in this 2-part series on how to not become a digitally distracted disciple. For complete show notes, click HERE
8/13/201931 minutes
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E115 Digitally Distracted Disciples, Part 1

Have you ever wondered how your digital devices are affecting your communion with God, your relationships? …and what can I do about it? Explore these questions and more in this 2-part series on how to not become a digitally distracted disciple. For complete show notes, click HERE
8/6/201940 minutes
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E114 What Your Heart Loves Most, Part 2

Have you ever wondered what your heart loves most? What does that even mean? With lot’s of great doables, this lesson will help you understand your heart, what motivates us and what motivates God on matters of the heart. Enjoy part two of a two part series. For complete show notes, click HERE
7/30/201922 minutes, 46 seconds
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E113 What Your Heart Loves Most, Part 1

Have you ever wondered what your heart loves most? What does that even mean? With lot’s of great doables, this lesson will help you understand your heart, what motivates us and what motivates God on matters of the heart. Enjoy part one of a two part series. For complete show notes, click HERE
7/23/201933 minutes, 45 seconds
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E112 Making Sense of Christian Cliches, Part 2

In this episode of Doable Discipleship we tackle Christian clichés. You’ve probably heard them. You might even say some of them from time to time. But are they true or are they a little misleading? Listen to this second part of our two part series to find out. For complete show notes, click HERE
7/16/201927 minutes, 5 seconds
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E111 Making Sense of Christian Clichés, Part 1

In this episode of Doable Discipleship we tackle Christian clichés. You’ve probably heard them. You might even say some of them from time to time. But are they true or are they a little misleading? Listen to this two part series to find out. For complete show notes, click HERE
7/9/201926 minutes, 8 seconds
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E110 Love Where You Live

While Saddleback Berlin Pastor Dave Schnitter is in Lake Forest, California for the Purpose Driven Conference, our hosts Jason and Doug take advantage of the opportunity to talk to Dave about the church in Europe, faith, the Christian walk and loving where you live. He ends this two part series With three great doables. For complete show notes, click HERE
7/2/201944 minutes, 1 second
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E109 The Story of Saddleback Berlin

While Saddleback Berlin Pastor Dave Schnitter is in Lake Forest, California for the Purpose Drive Conference, our hosts Jeremy and Doug take advantage of the opportunity to talk to Dave about the church in Europe, faith, the Christian walk and loving where you live. He ends this two part series With three great doables. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/25/201936 minutes, 37 seconds
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E108 Getting Unstuck - Part 2

This episode is part 2 of 2 where Jeremy Elder, video producer, editor and ordained pastor at Saddleback Church, shares his thoughts on getting unstuck from those habits in life that seem to get us down. Jeremy has an abiding love for the Word of God. He shares insights on following Jesus, ‘putting on Christ,’ ‘how much God loves you’ and ‘growing through trials’ are some of the points of wisdom shared in this two-part series. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/18/201933 minutes, 41 seconds
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E107 What Two Inexperienced Dads Have Learned

In this Father’s Day episode our hosts, Doug Jones and Jason Wieland, share their experiences as two young dads. This wisdom-rich episode will bring you hope, help and maybe a little laughter as you learn and grow from their wise insights. For complete show notes, click HERE
6/11/201940 minutes, 51 seconds
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E106 Getting Unstuck - Part 1

You’ve most likely seen his work, Jeremy Elder, video producer and editor at Saddleback Church, has recorded more video of Rick Warren and other leaders than you know. However, he has an abiding love for the Word of God and is an ordained pastor. Thoughts on following Jesus, insights on ‘putting on Christ,’ ‘how much God loves you’ and ‘how to grow through trials’ are just some of the points of wisdom shared in this two-part series For complete show notes, click HERE
6/4/201942 minutes, 23 seconds
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E105 Stop Thinking Small

Our guest this week, Carolyn Baker, shares with us what God has been teaching her about thinking bigger about faith. How do we place limits on what God can do and what the secret might be to begin thinking bigger about God, his Kingdom, and you. For complete show notes, click HERE
5/25/201952 minutes, 2 seconds
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E104 Calm Your Anxious Mind Part 2

This is part two in a series where we discuss the calming, anxiety-free and empowered life available by walking in the easy yoke rhythms of Jesus’ grace. Guests are Psychologist and author Bill Gaultiere along with pastor and author Ken Baugh. Hosted by Doug Jones and Rob Jacobs. For complete show notes, click HERE
5/21/201939 minutes, 7 seconds
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E103 Calm Your Anxious Mind Part 1

In this first of a two part episode we discuss the calming, anxiety-free and empowered life available by walking in the easy yoke rhythms of Jesus’ grace. Guests are Psychologist and author Bill Gaultiere along with pastor and author Ken Baugh. Hosted by Doug Jones and Rob Jacobs. For complete show notes, click HERE
5/14/201931 minutes, 28 seconds
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E102 The Marriage Game Plan

Marriage advocates George and Tondra Gregory discuss marriage and discipleship principles that have guided their relationship over the years. How do they keep Jesus at the center of their relationship, breakthroughs, and how they've overcome some of the pitfalls that couples fall into. George is a Chaplin for the Los Angeles Chargers, and Tondra is a mental health counselor. For complete show notes, click HERE
5/7/201938 minutes, 23 seconds
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E101 What a Transformed Life Looks Like

In this, the 101st episode of Doable Discipleship, Doug and Jason interview Julie Sathoff who talks about how recommitting her life to Christ, renewing her mind, becoming a new creation had a transformative impact on her marriage, her finances and her life. For complete show notes, click HERE
4/30/201948 minutes, 10 seconds
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E100 Celebrating 100 Episodes

The 100th episode of Doable Discipleship is celebrated by responding to listener stories and questions.? For complete show notes, click HERE
4/23/201933 minutes, 50 seconds
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E99 Easter Special Part 3: Burial, Resurrection, and Ascension

This is part three of a special three-part dramatic reading of the Easter story. For complete show notes, click HERE
4/16/201931 minutes, 28 seconds
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E98 Easter Special Part 2: Betrayal, Trials, and Crucifixion

This is part two of a special three-part dramatic reading of the Easter story. For complete show notes, click HERE
4/9/201930 minutes, 24 seconds
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BONUS: 100th Episode Announcement!

Be a part of our special 100th episode by emailing [email protected]! Write us a short message—no more than a paragraph—sharing a spiritual insight that you have gained recently. What has God taught you in last few days, weeks, or months that others could benefit from? Email us and we will share what you’ve learned on Episode 100! NOTE: Be sure to use the subject line “Doable Discipleship” when you email us. We look forward to hearing from you!
4/4/20194 minutes, 7 seconds
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E97: Easter Special Part 1: From the Upper Room to Gethsemane

This is part one of a special three-part dramatic reading of the Easter story. In this episode, you’ll be immersed in Jesus’ last supper with his disciples as well as his moments of anguished prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. For complete show notes, click HERE
4/2/201925 minutes, 28 seconds
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E96 No Excuses: Following Jesus No Matter Where You Are

There are no excuses. You can be a follower of Jesus no matter what context you find yourself in. In this episode, you will find encouragement, inspiration and hope. You can encounter God in what might appear to be the most unlikely of places, even the most desperate moments of life. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/26/201942 minutes, 8 seconds
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E95 Joy in Suffering

Have you ever thought about some of the distinctive ways you can invest in and influence a young disciples’ lives? If you are a parent of a high school student or know a high school student or you are one, then this episode will talk about some of the unique aspects of discipling that young person in your life. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/20/201924 minutes, 46 seconds
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E94 Training Young Disciples

Have you ever thought about some of the distinctive ways you can invest in and influence a young disciple’s life? If you are a parent of a high school student or know a high school student or you are one, then this episode will talk about some of the unique aspects of discipling that young person in your life. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/12/201942 minutes, 59 seconds
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E93 What Neuroscience Can Teach Us About Spiritual Formation

Today we’re continuing with a second conversation with Ken Baugh. Listen as Ken explains how brain science can help us understand our own emotional and spiritual health. For complete show notes, click HERE
3/5/201959 minutes, 33 seconds
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E92 The Emotional Life of the Disciple

In this Doable episode we talk about the importance of emotional health as it relates to your discipleship journey and your walk with Jesus. We discuss how these two realms relate and how you can improve not only your own emotional health but see God’s perspective on shame, your life, culture, pain experiences and more. For complete show notes, click HERE
2/26/201952 minutes, 17 seconds
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E91 The Least Will Be Greatest

Jesus turned many of his listeners’ beliefs on their heads by challenging their preconceived notions. One point that he made sure to drive home is that in the Kingdom of God, the last will be first and the first will be last; that many of those we think of as greatest, will actually be the least in the Kingdom and many who seem like the least now, will be the greatest then. For complete show notes, click HERE
2/19/201939 minutes, 14 seconds
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E90 The Kingdom of God is for Everyone

Who is invited to enter the Kingdom of God? Jesus’ teaching answers this question and we’ll be spending today’s episode discussing one parable that illustrates his point beautifully: The Parable of the Banquet. For complete show notes, click HERE
2/12/201926 minutes, 31 seconds
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E89 The Kingdom of Heaven Comes First

There are lots of things in life that can attract our attention. We devote our time, resources, and focus to all sorts of stuff—some good and some not so good. In this episode, we’re looking at a few parables from Jesus that illustrate another key theme from his teaching: The Kingdom of Heaven Comes First. For complete show notes, click HERE
2/5/201942 minutes, 3 seconds
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E88 The Lord Looks at the Heart

"... The LORD doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." —1 Samuel 16:7 Today we’re going to look at a couple of short parables that illustrate another major theme of Jesus’ teaching: that the Lord looks at the heart. For complete show notes, click HERE
1/29/201939 minutes, 3 seconds
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E87 The Lord Desires Obedience

In this episode you’ll learn about another key theme from the parables of Jesus: The Lord Desires Obedience. God is not looking for superficial devotion. He is looking for obedience that comes from the heart. Anyone who wants to be a disciple of Jesus must be willing to surrender every area of life to God. For complete show notes, click HERE
1/22/201928 minutes, 37 seconds
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E86 The Seriousness of God

God is our gentle and loving father but there are some things that God takes very seriously. In this episode, Jason and Doug discuss the parable of the unforgiving servant and discover a few of the things that God does not tolerate. For complete show notes, click HERE
1/15/201939 minutes, 24 seconds
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E85 The Lord is Merciful and Gracious

In this episode Doug and Jason discuss the first of seven key themes from the parables of Jesus: The Lord is Merciful and Gracious. Get ready to hear the Parable of the Lost Son (Prodigal Son) in a whole new light. For complete show notes, click HERE
1/8/201930 minutes, 17 seconds
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E84 The Power of the Parable

Parables were Jesus’ number one teaching tool. In this episode, Doug and Jason kick off a brand new series that will help you understand parables and apply them to your life! For complete show notes, click HERE
1/1/201932 minutes, 26 seconds
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E83 Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from the Saddleback Church Spiritual Maturity Team! Join us on Jan 1 for a brand new series on the parables of Jesus.
12/25/20182 minutes, 35 seconds
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E82 Christmas Special Part 2: Arrival of the Newborn King

On this week's episode, delve deep into the Christmas story as we go through the biblical account of the birth of Jesus. Buddy Owens does a dramatic reading of the Gospel accounts of the first Christmas. For complete show notes, click HERE
12/23/201820 minutes, 18 seconds
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E81 Christmas Special Part 1: The Mighty Savior Foretold

On this week's episode, delve deep into the Christmas story as we go through the biblical account of the birth of Jesus. Buddy Owens does a dramatic reading of the Gospel accounts of the first Christmas. For complete show notes, click HERE
12/11/201822 minutes, 20 seconds
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E80 How Well Do You Know the Christmas Story?

It's Christmas time! How well do you know the biblical account of the birth of Jesus? Test your knowledge on this week's episode! For complete show notes, click HERE
12/4/201821 minutes, 39 seconds
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E79 Parenting and Discipleship with Kurt Johnston

Kurt Johnston goes into the resources has to help your parenting. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/27/201853 minutes, 31 seconds
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E78 The Simple Life

Are you running on empty? The rat race has only one fate for you- unfulfilled and spent. How do you live the Simple Life? A life of rest, walking with God. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/20/201839 minutes, 28 seconds
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E77 Biblical Conflict Resolution Part 2

This is the second part in a two part series on Biblical Conflict Resolution. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/13/201838 minutes, 42 seconds
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E76 Biblical Conflict Resolution Part 1

The first part of a two part series on what the bible has to say on conflict resolution. For complete show notes, click HERE
11/6/201852 minutes, 21 seconds
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E75 Cinema as Devotion with Chris Tomlinson

Christians are called to be in the world, but not of it. With the prominence of media, specifically movies, in our culture- how do we navigate the waters and allow us to still hear God’s voice in cinema? This week, Chris Tomlinson talks about techniques to allow the contemplation of cinema, rather than just consuming it. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/30/201841 minutes, 40 seconds
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E74 Learning and Leading with Lisa Birle

Leaders never stop learning. The ultimate leader we can emulate is Jesus, and the Saddleback Church Internship Manager Lisa Birle applies this in how the program is run. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/23/201828 minutes, 21 seconds
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E73 Temree Abajian and the Practice of Worship

Worship is far deeper than just singing, it is a way of life. This week we talk with Temree Abajian as she talks about allowing worship to permeate your entire life. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/16/201834 minutes, 1 second
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E72 Matt Graybill and the Practice of Rest

The fast paced life is an unsustainable life. This week we interview Matt Graybill on his very authentic views of choosing rest over the race. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/9/201834 minutes, 1 second
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E71 The Practice of Silence and Solitude

In today’s world there is hardly ever a chance to just sit and contemplate. Solitude was often sought by Jesus on a regular basis. What do we have to do to let silence become a regular part of life. For complete show notes, click HERE
10/5/201841 minutes, 13 seconds
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E70 Buddy Owens and the Practice Fasting

Within the bible, fasting is an implied practice of the followers of God. Many of the people in the Bible considered it a regular part of life. We talk with Buddy Owens on practical steps to incorporating this practice into your spiritual life. For complete show notes, click HERE
9/25/201838 minutes, 7 seconds
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E69 Lessons from Saddleback's History with Mark Carver

How did Saddleback Church come to be? We discuss the journey of faith Rick and Kay Warren took in the vision and strategy behind Saddleback's success with Pastor Mark Carver. For complete show notes, click HERE.
9/18/201846 minutes, 31 seconds
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E68 Bible Study Crash Course: Methods and Tools

Why are there so many bible translations? Doug and Jason go over the difference between word-for-word and thought-for-thought translations and how you can utilize them in your daily bible study. For complete show notes, click HERE.
9/11/201826 minutes, 34 seconds
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E67 Bible Study Crash Course: Authors

Understanding Bible authors is one of the most important steps in the study of the scriptures. In this episode, we discuss how the historical and cultural situation of the author influences the reading of the Bible text. For complete show notes, click HERE.
9/4/201833 minutes, 22 seconds
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E66 Bible Study Crash Course: Genres

Did you know that the Bible is actually a collection of writings which cover numerous literary genres? Its true! In this episode, Doug, Jason, and Brandon Bathauer will give you an overview of the major genres in the Bible, how they are meant to be read, and how we can apply them to our lives today. For complete show notes, click HERE.
8/28/20181 hour, 55 seconds
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E65 Bible Study Crash Course: Orientation

The Bible is an integral part of the Christian life and yet it is one of the most misunderstood documents on earth. Many people find the Bible confusing, mysterious, and intimidating. In this series, we’re going to cover numerous facts about the Bible as well as study principles to help you dig into God’s Word in a new and exciting way! Whether you are just beginning to study the Bible or a seasoned disciple, this series will teach you a few things you never knew. Its time to take your Bible study skills to the next level! For complete show notes, click HERE.
8/21/201841 minutes, 55 seconds
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E64 Conversation with Kay Warren

In this very special episode, Kay Warren joins us for a great discussion on a variety of topics. Listen as she shares her passion for marginalized people, some of the wisdom she’s gained in her years of discipleship, and some great next steps for you. For complete show notes, click HERE.
8/14/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 7 seconds
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E63 Let's Hang Out with God

Spending time in the Bible is among the most important growth steps that a Christian can take. In this episode, Doug and Jason will lead you through a quiet time in God’s Word. Join us for this episode and get started on your journey into the Bible and this vital habits of growth! For complete show notes, click HERE.
8/7/201829 minutes, 19 seconds
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E62 Busting Bible Myths, Part 3

Let’s face it. Most people have lots of misconceptions about God, the Bible, and the Christian life. In this series, we’re correcting some common myths that often lead people astray. Do good humans become angels when they die? Is Satan God’s evil counterpart? Is Satan the ruler of hell? Find out in this episode! For complete show notes, click HERE.
7/31/201832 minutes, 26 seconds
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E61 Busting Bible Myths, Part 2

Let’s face it. Most people have lots of misconceptions about God, the Bible, and the Christian life. In this series, we’re correcting some common myths that often lead people astray. DJ Crawford is the pastor of Saddleback’s Irvine North campus. In this episode, he’ll be helping Jason and Doug tackle the second round of myths. For complete show notes, click HERE.
7/24/201836 minutes, 13 seconds
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E60 Busting Bible Myths, Part 1

Let’s face it. Most people have lots of misconceptions about God, the Bible, and the Christian life. In this series, we’re correcting some common myths that often lead people astray. Kevin Nguyen is Saddleback’s Pastor of Ministry. In this episode, he’ll be helping Jason and Doug tackle the first round of myths. For complete show notes, click HERE.
7/17/201837 minutes, 30 seconds
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E59 Johnny Baker and the Road to Freedom

Johnny Baker is the Pastor and National Director of Celebrate Recovery. In this episode, he joins Doug and Jason to discuss his brand new book called The Road to Freedom. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get help with your hurts, hang-ups, and habits. For complete show notes, click HERE.
7/10/201840 minutes
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E58 Treat Others as You Want Them to Treat You

In relationships, we play by many rules in a effort to get our personal needs met. Jesus taught that the ultimate key to great relationships is to treat others as we would like to be treated. This is the “Golden Rule”. For complete show notes, click HERE. Take our 60-second Doable Discipleship Survey here:
7/3/201836 minutes, 45 seconds
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E57 The Greatest are the Servants

In this world, people seek to become great by chasing wealth, power, and prestige. In the Kingdom of God, greatness is achieved through humility and service. In this episode you’ll learn how these attributes of Jesus can help your relationships today. Take our 60-second Doable Discipleship Survey here:
6/26/201832 minutes, 53 seconds
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E56 As You Judge, You Will Be Judged

What exactly did Jesus mean when he said “Do not judge”? In this episode we discuss the importance of mercy in every relationship. To learn more about Spiritual Maturity at Saddleback, email [email protected].
6/19/201822 minutes, 52 seconds
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E55 Communicate From the Heart

Join us for week 3 of a series inspired by Pastor Tom’s book The Relationship Principles of Jesus. In this episode, we’ll discuss how communication can make or break a relationship. For complete show notes, click HERE.
6/12/201836 minutes, 52 seconds
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E54 Love As Jesus Loves You

Join us for week 2 of a series inspired by Pastor Tom Holladay's book The Relationship Principles of Jesus. In this episode, we’ll give you 5 steps toward a more loving relationship. For complete show notes, click HERE.
6/5/201831 minutes, 17 seconds
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E53 The Most Important Thing

We’re kicking off a brand new series of episodes inspired by Pastor Tom Holladay’s book The Relationship Principles of Jesus. Today we’ll talk about why nothing is more important than relationships. For complete show notes, click HERE.
5/29/201828 minutes, 25 seconds
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E52 The Mission of Jesus

Doug, Jason, and Brandon Bathauer discuss Jesus’ life mission. We will learn from him and talk about how we can emulate his life. For complete show notes, click HERE.
5/22/201841 minutes, 47 seconds
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E51 The Message of Jesus

Doug, Jason, and Brandon Bathauer discuss Jesus’ central message; the main point behind all his teachings. It might not be what you think… For complete show notes, click HERE.
5/15/201840 minutes, 6 seconds
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E50 Not Your Sunday School Jesus

Many people carry a one-dimensional perception of Jesus, picturing him as a mild mannered and harmless teacher. But in reality, he lived a life of adventurous, bold, and even dangerous ministry. He was a challenger of the status quo, an advocate for the marginalized, and an unrivaled champion of truth. Join us for a 3-part series focused on uncovering the mission that Jesus came to accomplish and how his mission can become yours. For complete show notes, click HERE.
5/8/201825 minutes, 46 seconds
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E49 Audience Q + A with Tom Holladay, Part 2

We’ve been collecting questions and now it’s time to dig in! Pastor Tom Holladay joins us for this special 2-part conversation. Join us as we cover a diverse set of questions from the Doable Discipleship audience as well from a live audience at a recent Saddleback Spiritual Maturity event. For complete show notes, click HERE.
5/1/201831 minutes, 17 seconds
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E48 Audience Q + A with Tom Holladay, Part 1

We’ve been collecting questions and now it’s time to dig in! Pastor Tom Holladay joins us for this special 2-part conversation. Join us as we cover a diverse set of questions from the Doable Discipleship audience as well from a live audience at a recent Saddleback Spiritual Maturity event. For complete show notes, click HERE.
4/24/201833 minutes, 40 seconds
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E47 Ambassadors for Christ with Greg Koukl, Part 2

Apologist, author, speaker, and professor, Greg Koukl, joins us for this 2-part series about being an effective ambassador for Christ. For complete show notes, click HERE.
4/17/201841 minutes, 18 seconds
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E46 Ambassadors for Christ with Greg Koukl, Part 1

Apologist, author, speaker, and professor, Greg Koukl, joins us for this 2-part series about being an effective ambassador for Christ. For complete show notes, click HERE.
4/10/201830 minutes, 30 seconds
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E45 Don't Miss Next Week

We’re taking it easy this week as we recoup from Easter but don’t miss next week as we begin our 2-part interview with Greg Koukl. For complete show notes, click HERE.
4/3/20182 minutes, 28 seconds
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E44 BOOKS! Tools to Help You Grow

In this episode, Doug and Jason talk about the personality of God and his interpersonal attributes. For complete show notes, click HERE.
3/27/201815 minutes, 54 seconds
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E43 Attributes of God: Is God a PERSON?

In this episode, Doug and Jason talk about the personality of God and his interpersonal attributes. For complete show notes, click HERE.
3/20/201831 minutes, 21 seconds
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E42 Attributes of God: As Good As It Gets

When a person says that God is “good”, what exactly does it mean? In this episode explore some of the most crucial attributes of God that are connected to his “goodness”. There may be much more to it than you have ever realized. For complete show notes, click HERE.
3/13/201849 minutes, 53 seconds
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E41 How GREAT Is God?

In this episode, Doug and Jason begin a series on the attributes of God. Don’t miss the next 3 episodes as they talk about the GREATNESS of God, the GOODNESS of God, the PERSONALITY of God, and why it all matters to you. For complete show notes, click HERE.
3/6/201844 minutes, 15 seconds
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E40 Living Your Faith at Work

Julie Chung is Saddleback’s Director of Workplace Ministries. Today, she’ll be sharing her favorite person in the bible as well as some tips to help you follow Jesus in the workplace. For complete show notes, click HERE.
2/27/201833 minutes, 31 seconds
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E39 Trusting God When The Odds Are Against You

Special guest and pastor of Saddleback’s online campus, Jay Kranda, talks with Jason and Doug about his favorite person in the Bible; a man who knew how to stay faithful to God’s commands even though he was immersed in a culture filled idolatry. For complete show notes, click HERE.
2/20/201834 minutes, 42 seconds
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E37 The Rebounder with Tom Kang

In this episode Jason and Doug interview Tom Kang about his favorite Bible character! Listen to find out who it is! Hint: He was close to Jesus, was a fisherman, and knew how to bounce back after experiencing failure. Don’t miss it! For complete show notes, click HERE.
2/6/201834 minutes, 16 seconds
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E36 It Rhymes with Rabbit and It Will Reshape Your Life!

The habits that you are committed to control the direction of your life. In fact, the vast majority of everything you do is a matter of habit. In a sense, you ARE the habits you’ve built. In this episode, Rob Jacobs talks about the power of good habits and how just a few small changes can completely reshape your life. For complete show notes, click HERE.
1/30/201845 minutes, 42 seconds
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E35 Spiritual Growth: You Can't Do It Alone!

Human beings were made for relationships! Without the help of our fellow Christians, we cannot grow to Christ-like maturity. In this episode, Doug and Jason explore the topic of community and why every believer needs the support of a caring small group. For complete show notes, click HERE.
1/23/201823 minutes, 27 seconds
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E34 Materialism NO MORE

Breaking the grip of materialism is one fo the hardest steps in the discipleship journey. Many people send their entire lives as slaves to money, possessions, and status. In this episode, you’ll learn about giving and why it is God’s antidote to the materialistic way of life. For complete show notes, click HERE.
1/16/201832 minutes, 46 seconds
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E33 Shhh... Time to be Quiet

Quality time with God is a vital ingredient in the Christian life. Let’s talk about how to combine prayer and Bible reading to build a quiet time that will help you along the road toward maturity. For complete show notes, click HERE.
1/9/201841 minutes, 33 seconds
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E32 66 Books in One? What a Bargain!

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be covering 4 habits that can make 2018 your best year of spiritual growth. Is the Bible really all that important? Find out in this episode! For complete show notes, click HERE.
1/2/201851 minutes, 10 seconds
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E31 See You In the New Year!

Happy New Year! For complete show notes, click HERE.
12/26/20171 minute, 3 seconds
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E30 O Holy Night with Socrates Perez

Special guest Socrates Perez joins Jason and Doug for the final episode before Christmas. Listen as Socrates performs O Holy Night before jumping into our conversation on the rich themes of this 19th-century tune. For complete show notes, click HERE.
12/19/201729 minutes, 8 seconds
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E29 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Listen as Doug and Jason unpack the timeless Christmas classic "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing". This song is filled with powerful themes that celebrate Jesus and the reconciliation that he brings. For complete show notes, click HERE.
12/12/201729 minutes, 55 seconds
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E28 Joy to the World

This episode kicks off a new series of discussions on classic Christmas songs. We’ll be talking through the lyrics of these songs and reflecting on the theological themes while considering how they can help shape our attitude as we enter the Christmas season. Featuring a private acoustic recording with the Saddleback Worship Arts Team, this episode covers the unforgettable Christmas tune, Joy to the World! For complete show notes, click HERE.
12/5/201729 minutes, 26 seconds
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E27 The End of the World as You Know It

There’s no way around it. Every worldview has to tackle the final question: How will the world end? In this episode, Jason and Doug discuss this big topic. Though we may think little about it in our day-to-day lives, the answer to this question has massive importance. Even Jesus himself talked often about the end of the world. In fact, it was the thing he talked about most! Don’t miss this important installment of Doable Discipleship as we wrap up our worldview series. For complete show notes, click HERE.
11/28/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 54 seconds
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E26 How Jesus Fixes Everything

All major worldviews seek to explain how the world can be fixed. Most belief systems miss the real problem and only prescribe remedies for symptoms. The Christian story provides a cure for the illness. In this episode, Doug and Jason examine that cure: Jesus Christ. For complete show notes, click HERE.
11/21/201749 minutes, 46 seconds
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E25 The Day We Broke the World

We can’t get around it. The world simply isn’t as we believe it should be. There is something in us that realizes that there is something broken in the world that ought to be fixed. Today Jason and Doug talk about what went wrong. For complete show notes, click HERE.
11/14/201755 minutes, 27 seconds
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E24 It Started. But HOW?

This week, we’re talking about how the universe came to be. This is one of the central issues that any good worldview must handle. Origins are important because how we began has implications for how we should live. Questions like “Who am I?” and “What is my purpose?” all stem from the prior question “How did we (and everything else) come into existence?” Don’t miss this continuation of our worldview series. For complete show notes, click HERE.
11/7/201736 minutes, 50 seconds
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E23 Is Your Worldview Bogus? Ask These 4 Questions to Find Out

Last weekend, Pastor Rick made some important statements about worldview and how it affects us in important ways (including how we pray). In this episode, Doug, Rob, and Jason begin a new series of conversations about critical thinking. We must all take the time to consider a vitally important question: Does what I believe make sense? We all live our lives based on certain beliefs about reality. We hold certain things to be true and our decisions, both big and small, are governed by that understanding. This episode will give you some thinking tools that will help you test the strength of your worldview. For complete show notes, click HERE.
10/31/201738 minutes, 18 seconds
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E22 Discussion 3: The Purpose, Practice, and Power of Prayer

Buddy Owens delivered a message last weekend called The Purpose, Practice, and Power of Prayer. In this continuation of our 40 Days of Prayer conversation series, Rob, Jason, and Doug reflect on Buddy’s message and give personal insights and applications. For complete show notes, click HERE.
10/24/201736 minutes, 9 seconds
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E21 Discussion 2: Prayers That WORK

Last weekend, Pastor Tom Holladay gave a message that examined lessons from the apostle Paul about prayer. In this episode, Rob and Doug talk about their personal takeaways from that message. During 40 Days of Prayer, Doable Discipleship is partnering with the Message Action Plan. To sign up for the Message Action Plan, visit For complete show notes, click HERE.
10/17/201742 minutes, 27 seconds
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E20 Discussion 1: Who Do You Think You're Talking To?

Last weekend, Pastor Rick taught a message called Who Do You Think You’re Talking To? He explained that understanding God’s goodness is a critical first step in the life of prayer. In this episode, Doug, Jason, and Beth reflect on Pastor Rick’s message and share personal applications. For complete show notes, click HERE.
10/10/201738 minutes, 58 seconds
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E19 Transform Your Life In 40 Days

Saddleback has just kicked off an all new spiritual growth campaign called 40 Days of Prayer! This episode features an interview with Steve Gladen and Jason Williams that sets the stage for this important season. Find out how your life and your relationship with God can be transformed over the next 40 days! For complete show notes, click HERE. To learn more about Spiritual Maturity at Saddleback, visit You can also get in touch by emailing [email protected].
10/3/201738 minutes, 36 seconds
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E18 Six Hazards on the Road of Growth

Knowing what to do is important. Knowing what NOT to do can be just as vital. On the road of spiritual growth, there are many concrete steps that we must take. However, the road is also riddled with pitfalls and diversions that can inhibit or even derail our process of development. In this episode, Doug and Jason cover 6 of the biggest dangers on the road of discipleship. For complete show notes, click HERE. To learn more about Spiritual Maturity at Saddleback, visit You can also get in touch by emailing [email protected].
9/26/201742 minutes, 42 seconds
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E17 Seven Spiritual Growth Facts You NEED to Know

Spiritual growth is not an automatic process. The people who reach maturity are those who apply themselves to their own growth through discipline and make themselves available to God’s influence. In this episode, Doug and Jason discuss 7 simple truths that set the stage for spiritual progress. For complete show notes, click HERE. To learn more about Spiritual Maturity at Saddleback, visit You can also get in touch by emailing [email protected].
9/19/201735 minutes, 38 seconds
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E16 Dave Alford and the Leadership of Jesus

Don’t miss this one! Dave is the undisputed leadership guru at Saddleback. However his leadership style is not exactly “typical.” In this episode, you’ll learn about how the leadership style of Jesus differs from the common wisdom of our day. You may not think you’re a leader but according to Dave, you are! Each of us has an influence on the world. If we are true disciples of Jesus, we must be aware of this influence and leverage it for his Kingdom. For complete show notes, click HERE. To learn more about Spiritual Maturity at Saddleback, visit You can also get in touch by emailing [email protected].
9/12/201741 minutes, 40 seconds
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E15 Andrew Lossau Gives You a Mission

Andrew Lossau is the Missions Pastor for Saddleback Church Lake Forest. In this episode, we talk with Andrew about his personal journey of spiritual growth and we learn about one of the most important ways that we can love God with all our strength: sharing Jesus with the world around us. For complete show notes, click HERE.
9/5/201743 minutes, 1 second
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E14 Tommy Hilliker Explains Maturity Through Ministry

In this episode, Doug and Rob are joined by Tommy Hilliker. Tommy is the Pastor of Ministry at Saddleback Church. This is our first interview on the topic of STRENGTH. We cover questions like “Why must we serve in ministry?” and “How do we grow spiritually when we serve others?” For complete show notes, click HERE.
8/29/20171 hour, 19 minutes, 29 seconds
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E13 All Your Strength

Jason and Doug are kicking off the final chapter of the Heart, Soul, Mind, Strength saga! Today we begin a series of discussions about why and how we ought to love God with all our strength; applying our greatest effort to knowing and honoring Him will all that we are. To learn more about Spiritual Maturity at Saddleback, visit You can also get in touch by emailing [email protected].
8/22/201737 minutes, 52 seconds
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E12 Johnny Baker Teaches You Self Defense

Johnny Baker is the Pastor of Celebrate Recovery here in Lake Forest, California. In this episode, he shares his personal journey toward a renewed mind. How should we respond to our old hurts, habits, and hang-ups? How can we tackle unhealthy thoughts that seem to come out of nowhere? How can we guard our minds and gain mastery over our inner life? Listen and find out! To learn more about Celebrate Recovery, click HERE. For complete show notes, click HERE
8/15/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 56 seconds
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E11 Tom Holladay Tells You What You Need to Know

Today, Pastor Tom Holladay shares insights to help you love God with your intellectual life. He’ll explain some of his personal spiritual journey and help you take some concrete steps to renew and strengthen your mind. Listen and learn why studying theology is not just for theologians. Every believer is called to love God by building their lives on sound doctrine. To hear more great teaching from Tom Holladay, check out To learn more about Spiritual Maturity at Saddleback, visit You can also get in touch by emailing [email protected].
8/8/201754 minutes, 15 seconds
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E10 All Your Mind

The Christian faith is one which is built not only on personal experience, but upon rational conclusions about the world and the God who created it. Christianity is a logical and intellectual faith. God does not call us to turn off our minds and stop thinking. Rather, we are called to think with the mind of Christ. In this episode, we begin a series of talks which will explore the importance of knowledge and understanding in the Christian life. To learn more about Spiritual Maturity at Saddleback, visit You can also get in touch by emailing [email protected].
8/1/201744 minutes, 39 seconds
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E9 Jim Dobbs Talks About Creativity

Join us as we talk with Jim Dobbs about creativity and the soul. Jim is a Saddleback pastor and the champion of artistic expression. In this episode he describes the ways that creative expression can help ANYONE deepen his/her bond with God. Whether you consider yourself a “creative” person or not, this conversation is directed at you because YOU were made in the image of a creative God. To get involved in the arts at saddleback, visit To learn more about Spiritual Maturity at Saddleback, visit You can also get in touch by emailing [email protected].
7/25/201750 minutes, 17 seconds
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E8 Carolyn Baker Talks About the Life of Prayer

Carolyn Baker is a serious prayer warrior for the Saddleback family. For many years she has persistently cultivated a life of constant, rich prayer. In this episode, we listen as she shares some of the wisdom she’s learned along the way and helps make the all-important habit of prayer DOABLE for anyone. To learn more about Spiritual Maturity at Saddleback, visit You can also get in touch by emailing [email protected].
7/18/20171 hour, 22 minutes, 6 seconds
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E7 John Cassetto Talks About Worship

This is the first of three interviews about the SOUL. John Cassetto serves as Worship Pastor for Saddleback Church. In this episode, he explains how the spiritual practice of worship helps deepen the bond between us and God. Join us as we debunk some common worship myths and serve up some simple, doable steps that you can take to love God with all your soul. To find out more about Saddleback’s Worship Arts Ministry or to buy an album, go to To learn more about Spiritual Maturity at Saddleback, visit You can also get in touch by emailing [email protected].
7/11/201741 minutes, 37 seconds
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E6 All Your Soul

In this episode, Jason and Doug begin discussing the SOUL; a topic which can be both fascinating and a tad mysterious. What is it? What isn’t it? How do we love God with all of it? This conversation sets up another series of insightful interviews To learn more about Spiritual Maturity at Saddleback, visit You can also get in touch by emailing [email protected].
7/3/201745 minutes, 5 seconds
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E5 Buddy Owens Talks About Time

Join us for a revealing conversation about how the way you spend your time reveals what you love most. Buddy Owens is a Teaching Pastor at Saddleback and has helped believers strengthen their devotional life for many years. In this episode, he shares some of his personal journey and how he spends time with God. To learn more about Spiritual Maturity at Saddleback, visit You can also get in touch by emailing [email protected].
6/27/201740 minutes, 1 second
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E4 Steve Gladen Talks About Team

Steve Gladen is the Membership Pastor at Saddleback Church. He oversees small groups and it is his passion to see people connected in healthy communities of faith. In this episode, we talk about the shaping power of small groups and how the people who surround us can transform us spiritually. At 42:37, Steve references a video message from Pastor Rick. You can view that clip here: To learn more about Spiritual Maturity at Saddleback, visit You can also get in touch by emailing [email protected].
6/20/201744 minutes, 4 seconds
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E3 Chris Goulard Talks About Treasure

This week we have a special guest named Chris Goulard. Chris is the Pastor of Stewardship at Saddleback Church. He was a professional in the finance industry before becoming a pastor here at Saddleback. If you want to learn how to honor God with your resources, Chris is the man to talk to. Join us in this episode as we continue the conversation about how to love God with all your heart. For more information on Saddleback’s Financial Freedom Ministries, visit To learn more about Spiritual Maturity at Saddleback, visit You can also get in touch by emailing [email protected].
6/13/201737 minutes, 52 seconds
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E2 All Your Heart

Journey with us as we discuss Jesus’ command to love God with “all your heart”. What is the “heart”? How do we devote ourselves to God more in this area? We’ll break down the four Greek words used to describe “love” in the New Testament and consider how we might allow God to have his rightful place as King in our hearts. To learn more about Spiritual Maturity at Saddleback, visit You can also get in touch by emailing [email protected].
6/6/201737 minutes, 33 seconds
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E1 Doable Discipleship

Welcome to Doable Discipleship! This is a weekly Podcast/YouTube show designed to help you deepen your friendship with God through informative conversation and personal spiritual disciplines. DD is brought to you by the Spiritual Maturity Team at Saddleback Church and, with help from lots of great guest, we aim to help you gain a firm spiritual footing and help nudge you forward on your journey with God. Subscribe now so you don’t miss any of the great stuff to come! To learn more about Spiritual Maturity at Saddleback, visit You can also get in touch by emailing [email protected].
5/23/201725 minutes, 57 seconds