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Doing It At Home - The Home Birth Podcast Cover
Doing It At Home - The Home Birth Podcast Profile

Doing It At Home - The Home Birth Podcast

English, Personal/Lifestyle/Family, 1 season, 501 episodes, 4 days, 6 hours, 45 minutes
Doing It At Home is a weekly podcast about home birth and our decision to go from a traditional hospital birth with an OBGYN to a natural birth at home with midwives. This is a raw and honest show that explores homebirth from every angle. We talk about the fears and judgements thrown at you when you choose home birth. We share resources that we found tremendously helpful for understanding our birthing options. We confess the magic and craziness in preparing for pregnancy, home birth, motherhood and fatherhood. We talk about having sex while pregnant and maintaining your connection and intimacy as a couple. We reveal how to stay centered and not lose yourself through pregnancy, and tons more! This show is all about adding an empowered conversation to the topic of home birth and natural birth, while keeping it real, grounded and fun. So strap in and join us as we’re doing it at home!
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An Intimate And Unforgettable Message From My Husband During My Home Birth Active Labor

In this episode, I invite you into a precious and intimate moment. You see, during the early parts of birthing time (labor), we placed a recorder in the room - to capture the experience and be able to listen back to it later on. While I was moving through my birthing waves (contractions) in the bathtub, Matthew tended to me by bringing me water and snacks along with affirming me and contacting our midwife with updates. I would later find out that during one of the times Matthew left the room, he took the recorder with him. And he would then record one of the most amazing pieces of audio I’ve ever listened to. A few days later, he shared the recording with me. And now I’m sharing it with all of you, along with my response to it. Why am I choosing to let you in on this? Because I think it’s important to hear about the magic of this experience. Because by sharing this, it creates the opportunity for its impact to be magnified by anyone who might hear it and be influenced. I want women and their partners to feel empowered and inspired to create their own magical and intimate moments - in birth and beyond. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order The FamilyAlbum app: Share your family’s precious moments with your loved ones + get 11 free photo prints delivered each month CLICK HERE. More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/2/202415 minutes, 55 seconds
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Seriously?!? Dealing With Unsolicited Pregnancy Advice And Commentary From Strangers

I had always heard pregnancy can be a vulnerable time. You’re dealing with a lot of changes - physically and emotionally. Not to mention, the more pregnant you become, the more obvious your circumstance is to anyone who lays eyes on you. And for some reason, actually lots of reasons - there’s something about a big, beautiful belly that attracts a lot of attention. There comes a time when you can’t walk through the grocery store without being approached with a question or comment on your pregnancy. It’s kinda like a weird form of celebrity. And while some of it is sweet and affirming, others make for an uncomfortable encounter. Like the unsolicited advice and opinions. I actually had a woman in a restaurant apologize to me when I told her I was having a girl. Oh, and then there are those who take it a step further and feel compelled to touch your belly. Yep, that happened. So how do you respond to these people who test your patience and tempt you to kick them in the shins? For me, it involved a lot of deep, intentional breathing. Listen to more of our story on traversing the challenges of unsolicited comments and advice on pregnancy and birth from the strangers of the world. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order The FamilyAlbum app: Share your family’s precious moments with your loved ones + get 11 free photo prints delivered each month CLICK HERE. More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/26/202423 minutes, 38 seconds
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Our First Home Birth Story: Star Wars, Kiddie Pools, and Hypnobabies

This is it, folks! The episode you’ve all been waiting for….our birth story! Matthew and I sit down (in bed, as always) with our first guest - less than a week old baby Maya. She lies quietly (for the most part, you might hear some coos and little grunts in the background at times) on Matthew’s chest while we recount the story of our home birth, while it’s still fresh in our minds. We take you from the beginning of the birthing waves (contractions) when they started late Saturday night, all the way to delivery. It just so happens that the night it all started was a special date night, and one that we’re sure to remember forever. I purchased tickets to the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra performing music by the famous composer John Williams earlier in the year as a Father’s Day present for Matthew. Its date being a precarious one (close to our due date), we weren’t sure if we’d end up going. Turns out that Maya must’ve known, and was waiting for us to have this special time together before her arrival. It would be a couple of hours and attempts to sleep the discomfort off that I would realize I was in active labor. I spent this time in our bathtub, listening to Hypnobabies while Matthew sat with me, made me a PB&J and kept me hydrated. Over the next few hours our birth team, which included a midwife and 2 apprentices, as well as 5 close family members, arrived and assumed their roles of supporting myself and Matthew. I labored for the majority of the time in the giant kiddie blow up pool and eventually delivered on what the midwives refer to as the “birthing stool.” I won’t give all the fun details away. You’ll hear all of that in the episode. But let’s just say it was intense, intimate, spiritual and magical. The whole event was 12 hours total, exactly the amount of time I envisioned when I mentally planned the birth experience. There were a lot of tears, a fair amount of blood, some laughs and so much love. So join us from our bedroom - where we made our baby, birthed her and are now hanging out with her and talking about the whole darn thing. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order The FamilyAlbum app: Share your family’s precious moments with your loved ones + get 11 free photo prints delivered each month CLICK HERE. More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/19/20241 hour, 16 minutes, 49 seconds
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The In Between Stage: The [Agonizing] Final Days Of Pregnancy

“We are not a culture that waits for anything, nor are we believers in normal birth; waiting for a baby can feel like insanity.” This is a powerful quote from an article that had a profound impact on Matthew and me. The article is about the “in between” stage of the last days of pregnancy before moving into birth, a period that the author of the article calls zwischen (pulling from the German word for “between” - fitting huh?). You can find the article here: In this episode, Matthew and I talk about our own experience with the “between,” being that we are technically past our “due date.” We share how this is a beautiful time to practice patience, surrender, and enjoy the moments that we have together before moving into the roles of parents for the first time. We also acknowledge, however, that it can seem excruciating - like you’re walking around waiting for a timer to go off that you really have no control or knowledge of its plans. We share some examples of things and situations that have helped us stay patient and present, as well as things that have driven us a little nutty. All in preparation for our magical home birth and days to follow it. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order The FamilyAlbum app: Share your family’s precious moments with your loved ones + get 11 free photo prints delivered each month CLICK HERE. More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/12/202437 minutes, 41 seconds
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The 10 Best Things We Did For Our Home Birth Prenatal Care

Today we’re talking about our top 10 list for prepping for our home birth. We found that these were the things that helped us throughout pregnancy - from the mental prepping to physical activity to some natural products and even spiritual and energetic exercises. We’ve been very keen on having the most powerful and peaceful home birth experience possible. And we know for that to happen, it requires some conscious and proactive action on our part. So here’s a quick recap of the 10 (in no particular order of importance) for you: Working with midwives. Not just working with {amazing} midwives - but having hour-long prenatal appointments with them every time we met (which was a huge contrast from the hour-plus we would spend at the OBGYN - to physically meet with the doctor for an average of about 8 minutes). Chiropractic care. This came recommended by the midwives and boy am I glad I did it. It started as a habit of prenatal care for me, but ended up into a family affair and was something Matthew and I did together each week. Yoga. Tons of pregnant women sign the praises of prenatal yoga. It’s mind, body, spirit alignment. And an awesome space to practice your breathing! Exercise. Beyond yoga, I “worked out” about twice a week, supplementing jogging (which I did up until 36 weeks pregnant), walking and other stuff to stay active. Pool. This is something I did not do enough. But swimming in a pool was such a glorious thing. I highly recommend it. Natural products. Here are some links to a few we mention in this episode: Slippery Elm - Mama Angel Baby Organics - Witch Hazel Pads - Nutrition. My biggest realization here was that I’m not actually eating for 2. Instead I kept to what I knew worked for me. Meditation. Specifically Hypnobabies childbirth hypnosis classes. I did the self guided route and have loved it. A supportive community. It truly takes a village to raise a child - and that process starts in pregnancy. Matthew and I have been so blessed with amazing, loving people to help us prepare for this epic journey of birth and parenthood. Working on yourself! I took as best advantage as I could have this time to think about the person and mother I want to be - who I want to model for baby Maya and how that’s going to play a part in every other aspect of my life as well. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order The FamilyAlbum app: Share your family’s precious moments with your loved ones + get 11 free photo prints delivered each month CLICK HERE. More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/4/202437 minutes, 20 seconds
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Sex While Pregnant: The Ins, The Outs, The Reach Arounds

Let’s talk about sex, BABY! Not just the kind that makes the babies, but the kind you continue doing while the bun is in the oven. There’s plenty of topics around pregnancy that receive just the surface level of attention paid to them in the blogs, books, and classes. Sex was the big thing for me that I experienced ambiguity around. Everything I saw depicted one of two extremes - you either want it all the time or the thought it makes you more nauseated than morning sickness. My main takeaway was “no more missionary” and just do whatever works for you. I won’t knock the advice of doing what is most comfortable for you - it’s great even. I was just hungry for more -- like what was stuff that popped up for other women and couples in the bedroom? What were the fears that could be broken down during this time, new paradigms that could be formed and stronger, more intimate bonds that could be forged in the scene of sexual intimacy while pregnant? Naturally, Matthew and I decided to sit down and talk about it. So not only do you get to hear about my perspective on our sexual relationship traveling through pregnancy, but you get the male’s point-of-view as well. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order The FamilyAlbum app: Share your family’s precious moments with your loved ones + get 11 free photo prints delivered each month CLICK HERE. More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/28/202439 minutes, 7 seconds
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Reactions To Home Birth From Family, Friends and Strangers

When you’re expecting, it’s very common to hear the question, “Where are you delivering?” If not that specifically, people generally ask about your doctor or your doctor visits. Whether it’s close friends and family or total strangers, most will insert some sort of advice or personal experience to whatever birth plan it is you’ve chosen. It can be even more interesting when you share that your birth plan involves a home birth. Queue awkward silences, uncomfortable jokes and even sometimes downright judgement. That’s what we’re talking about in this episode: what we’re calling the “pushbacks.” They are the often well-intentioned but poorly executed gestures and words to share varying degrees of care and concern for yours and your baby’s well-being. But it’s great because it gives you a chance to exercise patience and understanding. It might even help you confirm why you’re considering or chose home birth. Matthew and I have grown to love the pushbacks, and we share some examples of ones we received. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order The FamilyAlbum app: Share your family’s precious moments with your loved ones + get 11 free photo prints delivered each month CLICK HERE. More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/21/202434 minutes, 42 seconds
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Watching Home Birth Videos

Remember the horrible films you’d watch in sex ed classes featuring a scary, screaming, bloody mess of a woman giving birth in total agony (probably because she had sex before marriage and was birthing the baby out of wedlock - I went to Catholic school so I’m convinced those videos were purely to warn off pre-marital sex rather than educate on the miracle of childbirth)? Well until becoming pregnant myself, these were the only visual references I had for a birthing experience. Throughout the pregnancy, I’ve made it a point to watch more empowering examples of birth play out. Our awesome midwives have a full library of home birth videos from women and families they’ve worked with, and they lend them out to current patients to check out for themselves. I dove right in, like an athlete studying film of other amazing athletes in the game. I watched for different home birth setups, styles of laboring, support from birthing partners and family members, and all the other elements I could use to envision my own home birth experience. Watching all of the videos brought up new ideas and contexts like what I previously thought birth had to look like and how it could be with intentional planning. More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/15/202422 minutes, 21 seconds
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A Father’s Perspective: Wrestling With the Fears, Thoughts and Beliefs of an Out-Of-Hospital Birth

Many pregnancy and birth resource focus on the mother or the baby, for reasons that are quite obvious. But there’s typically another partner involved who is feeling all sorts of things, but isn’t always asked or encouraged to share and express the roller coaster of thoughts, fears, hopes, beliefs that they’re experiencing. I wanted to change that in today’s episode, and so I interviewed my husband Matthew on his experience of going through pregnancy with me, how he initially felt about a home birth, and how he managed his fears and emotions of finally settling on an out-of-hospital birth. It’s an amazingly open and honest conversation about all of the things that came up for him through this journey. Matthew, as always, is honest and transparent, and that brings an amazingly refreshing perspective to the conversation of pregnancy and home birth. This episode was inspired by an article I read in Pathways To Family Wellness magazine. The article is titled “A Father’s Perspective: The Journey From Hospital To Home”. I highly recommend you check out Pathways magazine for a holistic and conscious resource on pregnancy, birth, parenthood and families. It’s amazing! More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/7/202433 minutes, 4 seconds
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Our Back and Forth Journey to Deciding on a Home Birth

When we began our pregnancy adventure, home birth was pretty far from our mind. We kicked things off the traditional way: going to see an OBGYN at a great hospital that would usher our baby into the world the way that 98% of families in the US do it. But three months later we parted ways with our OBGYN, partnered up with a midwife group working out of their home, and began our home birth journey. The two of us flip flopped on who was more fearful and enthusiastic about the idea. Neither of us had seen a home birth, we didn’t know much about them, and (until we started asking around) we didn’t know anyone who had even done one. But our decision to have baby Maya in our home ended up being the absolute best decision we could have ever made for our family (and I can say that with full resoluteness, because 5 days ago we welcomed Maya into the world! But we’ll get into that in a future episode). In this episode you’ll hear our full story on how we went from traditional hospital birth with an OBGYN, to a shiny new birthing center with all the bells and whistles, to having our daughter in our very own bedroom. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/30/202435 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Loving Yet Raw Dialogue On Home Birth

“We’re doing it at home!” That’s the response my husband and I gave when people asked us about our birth plans. 3 months into our pregnancy we decided to ditch the traditional hospital birth with an OBGYN, for a birth that aligned more with the experience we wanted to create for ourselves and our little one. Home birth suited us well, and we dove in. But not without fears, judgements, conversations, decisions, research, planning, and everything else you can imagine. This podcast is about our home birth journey. The purpose of this show is simple: To provide empowering conversation around home birth. What we’re setting out to do with the podcast is to create the space for a conscious, loving, raw dialogue around home birth, by sharing our own personal experience and through storytelling, conversations and interviews that give women and families an empowering resource so that they can make the birthing decision that is the best for them. Listen to the episode to learn more about our story, why we started the show, what you can expect from the show, and how you can be a part of the show (and our journey) as well! Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/23/202418 minutes, 24 seconds
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494: Reflecting on Eight Years Of Doing It At Home: A Farewell to Our Podcast Journey

Here we are, folks. This is the final new episode that we’ll be putting out for Doing It At Home. It’s been a magical 8 years. We sat down to share some of our thoughts, memories and takeaways with you all. Thank you for supporting this space, whether you’ve listened to every single episode or this is your first time tuning in, we’re grateful that you’ve been along for the journey. Much Love, Sarah and Matthew Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/19/202445 minutes, 39 seconds
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493: From Hospital to Birth Center to Home Birth with Martina Cifiello (DIAH Classic)

What influences your birth choices? It’s helpful to look at this, to see what matters to you when it comes to birth, and how you can create a birth environment and culture around you that supports you best. Today we’re chatting with Martina Cifiello about her birth journey. From a hospital birth with her first child to a birth center with her second to a home birth with her third, Martina walks us through the factors that inspired the changes and evolutions of her births along the way.  Martina shares how supportive and helpful her husband Simone has been over the years as well, taking a team approach to everything. And fun fact: Martina used the same midwife for her home birth that we had for our home birth, Debbie Schneider of Dawning Life Midwifery. So cool to have that connection! Things we talk about in this episode: hospital birth, birth center, water birth, Bradley Method, pelvic floor health, birth during COVID, family-centered birth Links From The Episode: Martina’s Bradley Method teacher page: Martina’s PT page: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/11/202450 minutes, 45 seconds
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492: Finding Your Midwives and Releasing Fear with Marissa Olivera (DIAH Classic)

Marissa is a mom of 2 from Utica, NY, with both a hospital and home birth story.  Marissa experienced intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) with her first pregnancy. That, along with some early signs of labor made for a hospital birth that included a lot of intervention and fear. The way she sees it, baby Maxwell just wasn’t ready yet.  She planned for a home birth again with baby number two, Miles. With positive reinforcement from resources like Ina May Gaskin and Birth Without Fear, Marissa went into her second birth tuned in to her intuition and gut feeling (and we’re not just talking about the contractions!). Marissa’s candor and detail with her birth stories compels you to listen and engage. She’s a great example of how to plan the birth you’re intending to create - like finding midwives even when you’re far away from a big city with more options. We even get a little cameo from surprise guest Maxwell! Links From The Episode: Marissa’s blogpost on her home birth - Birth Without Fear - Ina May Gaskin - Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/7/202447 minutes, 27 seconds
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491: 53-Hour Labor, Hospital Transfer and a Badass Mama with Bekah Kitchens and Jesse Carroll (DIAH Classic)

When asked a question by a care provider, do you have to respond right away? Most of us don’t know or realize that we have choice. And especially when it’s not an emergency, we can take time to process and decide what we want to do and even refuse what doesn’t work for us.  This is a powerful message from our guests in today’s episode, who experienced this firsthand during the birth of their son while in the hospital after transferring from their home birth plan. And it’s a special treat because we got to speak with both mom and dad, Bekah and Jesse Carroll.  Bekah’s journey to home birth actually started when she was back in high school and did a speech on birth interventions. That, plus her mom is a doula. And Jesse comes from a family where his 3 siblings were born at home. So it made sense to them to plan for a home birth for their son Benji.  After 36 hours of labor and being only 5 cm dilated, the team made the decision to transfer. This was a smooth transition thanks to a bridge program, a way to make home birth transfers easier for families and care providers, with her hospital.  So listen in to hear the beautiful story, and why Jesse thinks his wife is such a badass! Links From The Episode: Bekah’s Resources: The Womb Room in Milwaukee - Aurora Sinai Medical Center - Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/25/202448 minutes, 48 seconds
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490: Birth as a Rite of Passage: Messages for Birthers and Birth Workers with Blyss Young, LM, CPM (DIAH Classic)

Where will you hear about home birth story details, the difference between modern and traditional midwifery, what to do when you are inspired to enter birth work and the connection of birth with sexuality and spirituality? This episode of the podcast, that's where! Today we’re joined by Blyss Young, LM CPM. Blyss is a home birth midwife, teacher, circle facilitator, energy healer, reiki practitioner, mother, yoga teacher, entrepreneur, breathwork facilitator, placenta encapsulator and natural living consultant. Through her guidance and love centered approach she has supported thousands of families to birth in the ways they feel the most empowered. She is a firm believer in intuition, the sacred and rituals. At the heart of all of her work is a deeply rooted belief in the brilliant design of the universe and our integral part in all of it.  You’ve also probably heard Blyss alongside Dr. Stu Fischbein on their podcast “Birthing Instincts.” We get into so many powerful topics in this episode. Blyss shares her history into birth work, details of her own births, elements of midwifery and advice for current and future birth workers, plus connecting with your sexuality in the birth journey.  Links From The Episode: Blyss’s Website: Byss’s Instagram: Birthing Instincts Podcast: The Innate Journey: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/19/20241 hour, 6 minutes, 11 seconds
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489: The 40-Hour Home Birth That Almost Wasn't with Josephine Breen (DIAH Classic)

How can you utilize the power and intention of prayer for your birth? Regardless of your faith, setting intentions for your birth experience can be a big part of preparation for the experience. Today’s guest, Josephine Breen, weaves her faith into her birth story of her daughter Myriam. Josephine was born at home, and always remembers her mother being positive and open around the topic of birth. Then at 12 years old, Josephine got to witness the birth of her sister.  Josephine walks us through her pregnancy and birth, including a lot of the curve balls thrown in along the way.  Things we talk about in this episode: military family, being born at home yourself and then choosing home birth to have your children, education for your birth partner, preeclampsia, membrane sweeps, power of prayer, long labor without a lot of sleep, cervical lip, fetal ejection reflex, having community to support you, letting go when labor gets hard Links From The Episode: Josephine’s Instagram: Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler: Fertile Ground by Laura S. Jansson: Ina May's Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin: Secrets of the Baby Whisperer by Tracy Hogg: Evidence Based Birth: Aviva Romm:  Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/12/202452 minutes, 24 seconds
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488: Trust, Surrender and the Magic of Home Birth with Melissa Thormahlen (DIAH Classic)

Melissa Thormahlen knows how to give me “all the feels.” I knew her story would impact many when her first email to me about her birth story had me tearing up. She experienced most of her birthing experience at home with her first baby Emeline, before transferring to a hospital and having a beautiful birth.  For Tyler, baby number 2, she knew she wanted to go for a home birth again because she trusted her body and her amazing birth team.  In Tyler’s birth story, Melissa explains the trust and surrender to the process. She also took time to be close and intimate with her husband, Paul in the time before active labor. When baby Tyler was born in the bathtub after a strong surge that took everyone by surprise she exclaimed, “I DID IT!” We even get to hear from baby Tyler as he chimes in a couple of times. We love when the babies make little appearances, they’re the reason we’ve come together to chat after all! Links From The Episode: Ina May Gaskin - Business Of Being Born - Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/31/202445 minutes, 39 seconds
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487: Having a Victorious HBAC with Christina Winsnes (DIAH Classic)

“Is my body able to give birth?” This is one of the questions that Christina Winsnes asked herself as she prepared for the home birth of her second child, after an unplanned cesarean birth with her first child Emma. With the support of her husband Yeti and the rest of her team, Christina took time during her second pregnancy to deal with fears and concerns. Also to come to a place of peace and acceptance that a non-vaginal birth was not a failure. She walks us through this process and then the birth of her son Daniel, and how it differed from her time in the hospital.  This is a beautiful story for any mama who is planning an HBAC or is working on building the trust with your body.  Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/23/202448 minutes, 46 seconds
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486: From Hospital to Birth Center to Home to Possible Free/Unassisted Birth with Emilee Petrill (DIAH Classic)

How does the experience of one birth influence the plans for births that follow? Today we chat with Emilee Petrill, and we pack a lot into a sub-hour conversation. Emilee has experienced a hospital birth with her first son Corbyn, a birthing center for her son Penn and finally a home birth for her son Moxy. She walks us through the processes and decisions around each of those experiences.  Then we get into the details of her home birth, and why she’s thinking about a free/unassisted birth for a future baby.  Bonus topics in this conversation include Emilee’s experience with consuming her placenta and why she’s a big advocate for it, the 10,000+ oz of breast milk she has donated and how the Doing It At Home podcast and community has impacted her body image and sex life! Links From The Episode: Business of Being Born: Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth: Hypnobabies: Hypnobirthing: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/15/202454 minutes, 31 seconds
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485: A Christmas Day Home Birth Full of Statistics and Spiritual Connection with Ashton Parker (DIAH Classic)

Can you approach birth from both a statistics and research-driven mind as well as with an intention to connect more deeply spiritually? YES! And our birth story today is an example of that. Ashton Parker shares her home birth journey with us. First with a good hospital birth for her first child, which included 5 hours of pushing. Then considered another hospital birth for her second child, but after some research and statistics, landed on home birth.  Ashton also shares how listening to DIAH was such great birth prep (which overwhelms us with joy!). She and her husband Sean felt prepared and supported, with an experienced birth team backing them.  Ashton’s home birth took place on Christmas Day, which made it feel like a big party.  This is a great episode for those who like to do a lot of research and learn a lot about the birthing process and statistics. And at the same time, for those who see birth as an opportunity to draw closer to God (whatever that practice looks like for you).  Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/9/20241 hour, 13 minutes, 47 seconds
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484: Talking Home Birth and Placenta Encapsulation With Jenny DiPietro (DIAH Classic)

We’re entering a new phase of the podcast!  In addition to our episodes that feature Matthew and me discussing some topic related to home birth, we’re publishing our conversations with moms and families who have experienced home birth along with professionals and thought leaders on the subject.  First to kick off this endeavor is our chat with Jenny DiPietro. Jenny is a mom of 4, who has experienced both home and hospital birth. In our talk, we cover things like: The details of her births What went into her decision-making process to choose home birth Her work as a Placenta Encapsulation Specialist The importance of education in the pregnancy and birthing journey We’re very excited to bring other stories and perspectives of home birth to you. Enjoy! Links From The Episode: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/2/202433 minutes, 22 seconds
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483: Having a Healthy Relationship with Food in Preconception, Pregnancy and Postpartum with Laura Jean (DIAH Classic)

Would you say that you eat with awareness? In today’s episode, we’re chatting with registered dietician and creator of Eat With Awareness, Laura Jean. Laura works with women and assists them in becoming the experts in their personal relationships with food. This covers the preconception, pregnancy and postpartum experiences. We talk with Laura about how to approach your nutrition with a holistic and loving mindset. This looks like learning what your body is saying and then figuring out how to honor that. Also letting go of rules, negativity and pressure that comes with the experience of having a baby and being a mother. Links From The Episode: Laura’s website - Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/24/202446 minutes, 59 seconds
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482: A Home Water Birth Story and Normalizing Postpartum Anxiety with Carolyn G. (DIAH Classic)

How does your first pregnancy and birth experience impact your second? In today’s interview, we’re chatting with Carolyn about her pregnancy and birth story of her son Solomon, while pregnant with her second child.  We go over her decision to have a home birth as well as the intense first trimester sickness she experienced. Also the denial around labor starting, which we’ve heard quite a few times from mamas on the show. Carolyn shares that while the birth went very well, it was still different from what she imagined in her mind. Following her birth, she experienced postpartum anxiety that involved separation anxiety and trouble sleeping. Addressing the anxiety and getting help around it has supported and encouraged her in preparation for her next child, due this fall.  Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/17/20241 hour, 17 minutes, 21 seconds
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481: Two Confident and Fearless Home Births and the Importance of Doing Your Homework with Emily Stanwyck (DIAH Classic)

When it comes to birth, what does it mean to “do your homework?” This is a big theme of our conversation with Emily Stanwyck, birth doula, Birthfit trainer and home birth mom of 2. According to Emily, “you can have 2 perfect home births when you do your homework!” We talk about what this means for her not only as a doula but as a mother. Plus details of both of her home births, addressing the fear of the unknown and talking about the really uncomfortable things that can come up around birth and having a “why” around your birth. Things we talk about in this episode: birth partner asking questions and feeling confident in their role, doing your homework in prep for home birth, connection of birth and death, letting go during labor, feeling confident in your body and birth, fetal ejection reflex, having a postpartum plan. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/10/20241 hour, 17 seconds
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480: Birth Center Transfer and Planning A Home Birth with Lindsay Bonnar (DIAH Classic)

Today's episode is an interview and home birth story of Lindsay Bonnar. Lindsay is another beautiful face of home birth, sharing her plans for home birth with her daughter that eventually shifted into a transfer to a birthing center. Now pregnant with baby number two, Lindsay is planning another home birth, a decision that we are totally inspired by and know others will be as well.  For Lindsay, birth was the most spiritual experience of her life. And she talks about trusting herself and her body in such a way - it’s an amazing example to women everywhere to empower themselves to choose in alignment with what’s best for them.  Another aspect of Lindsay’s story that really resonated with me and Matthew was the role of her husband Kevin and how awesomely he showed up for the birth experience. Dads and birth partners, take notes from this one! Links From The Episode: Lindsay’s blog post on her birth story - Birthfit - Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/3/202444 minutes, 15 seconds
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479: When Your Water Breaks 3 Days Before Labor Starts with Jenna Lehr (DIAH Classic)

For those mamas who experienced their waters breaking - how long did it take for labor to begin after that? Well in the case of today’s guest, Jenna Lehr, her water broke on a Tuesday, and her baby was born that Saturday! What we love about this detail is the opportunity it provides to normalize all the unique aspects of every woman’s body, baby and birth itself. Sometimes waters break and it takes a while (or days) for active labor to begin). Sometimes the waters break in the middle of labor. Sometimes during delivery. Sometimes they break multiple times. And sometimes they don’t break! In this birth story we get to hear how Jenna and her husband Jason planned for their home birth. It evolved from knowing nothing about birth to watching “The Business of Being Born” and seeking more information to having preconception appointments to talk about what birth could be and look like. We also talk about dealing with the doubt that can creep in - the pressure, stress and emotion that pops up and tests your conviction. And how her husband Jason was super involved and supportive in the whole process.  Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/27/202438 minutes, 19 seconds
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478: Natural, Holistic, Spiritual Approach to Birth, Plus Dealing with IUGR with Amy Zhou (DIAH Classic)

How do you prepare for birth beyond the physical factors? Today’s guest is Amy Zhou, a certified Health Coach and Medicine Woman who specializes in teaching women (and men) how to heal their body, mind and spirit naturally at home. She’s also a new mama to her son Nathaniel, who is three and a half weeks old at the time we recorded this episode. We cover a lot of great things with Amy. For starters, she gave birth in the exact days the situation of COVID-19 dramatically shifted and accelerated in the United States, and specifically in her area of Los Angeles, California. According to Amy, it was like the world was a certain way when they entered the hospital, and then completely different when they emerged. So we chat about initial postpartum during an interesting time in the world and how she’s processing that. We also hear about Amy and her husband Ed’s preparation process for the birth experience. Their internal spiritual work was vital. Particularly when some challenges popped up, like an IUGR diagnosis (intrauterine growth restriction). This meant there were concerns about baby Nathaniel’s small size and how that could impact possibly inducing Amy before her due date. And bonus - Amy shares some of her gifts and expertise with listeners and leaves some tips for pregnant mothers both from her own experience as well as her extensive training and coaching.  Links From The Episode: Amy’s website: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/21/20241 hour, 3 minutes, 26 seconds
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477: How to Plan Birth Support During COVID-19 with Heather Delaney (DIAH Classic)

Have circumstances impacted your pregnancy and/or birth? Today we’re chatting with Heather Delaney, childbirth educator, certified labor and postpartum doula and CEO of Maryland State Doulas.  Heather walks us through how she and her team of doulas and birth professionals shifted during the 2020 Pandemic to serve their clients with virtual support. When policies (like partners and/or doulas not allowed in birthing rooms of hospitals and centers) and communications have been challenging, they’ve found alternative ways to educate and empower, regardless of the birthing location. We talk about what some of the biggest changes/challenges have shown up in the birth world, what families can do in the midst of everything as well as how to minimize the fear around birth that already exists and can be magnified when blended with the conversations around COVID-19.  Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/13/20241 hour, 33 seconds
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476: The Super Fast Bradley Method Water Birth with Kimberly Huck (DIAH Classic)

In today’s episode we’re talking with Kimberly Huck, mama to Henry and wife to Dan. And we have a special connection with Kimberly. We live near each other and...we used the same midwives! So the same women who helped deliver baby Maya, delivered baby Henry just a few months earlier. Kimberly and I connected after she posted a cool home birth related article on Facebook that happened to make its way into my awareness (article link in the show notes). Kimberly is a chiropractor, and she and her husband Dan own a fitness studio in Marietta, Georgia called American Row House. They met while attending Life University, while Kimberly studied chiropractic and Dan studied sports health science.  The Huck household is very into health and fitness, healthy habits and lifestyle and living as natural and toxin-free as possible. Kimberly grew up in a natural home, being unvaccinated herself. She became interested in home birth after working for a chiropractor in her early 20s who had a home birth in their family. So for she and Dan, home birth is just a part of the world they live in. In their environment it’s “normal.” Kimberly’s story highlights the concept of honoring the body’s natural process and timing. Also - birth is not an exact science. Enjoy her journey and story! Links From The Episode: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/6/202458 minutes, 24 seconds
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475: 23 Years After Home Birth with Mimi Adeogba (DIAH Classic)

Why home birth? That’s typically a question we ask every guest in some form or another. For today’s guest, the response circled around family and culture. Because when you were born at home and your father helped deliver you and all your siblings, as was custom in his home in Nigeria, it will probably influence you to explore home birth for yourself when the time comes.  Our latest DIAH mama is actually a close friend (a first for the show!). Mimi Adeogba, yoga instructor and yoga teacher trainer and all around amazing human being, joins us to retell the home birth story of her son Adeyemi from 23 years ago. And it’s amazing how decades can pass, and yet the memory of a birth can stick so strongly. The way Mimi tells the story, you would think it was yesterday. Beyond getting to have a powerful conversation with someone whom we love dearly, we greatly appreciate the perspective that Mimi brings to the DIAH community. Mimi was a 21-year-old PhD student at Baylor University when she found out she was pregnant. Her baby’s father chose not to be a part of the picture. So in the midst of fearing being alone, Mimi gained strength in the team she gathered around her to support her - namely her mother and a trusted licensed nurse-midwife. Her storytelling and heart behind it are compelling and endearing. Trust us, this is an episode you do not want to miss. Thank you, Mimi. We love you! Links From The Episode: Mimi’s website - Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/28/202446 minutes, 38 seconds
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474: A Secret Home Birth and Postpartum PTSD from Hospital Trauma with Stephanie Aberlich (DIAH Classic)

Have you experienced postpartum PTSD? Today we’re talking with Stephanie Aberlich, not only about her home birth of her son Arlo (which she and her husband Dustin planned for and kept a secret from friends and family), but also the traumatic ER visit and hospital stay for baby Arlo just 24 hours after he was born and was experiencing fast breathing. Doctors later diagnosed him with polycythemia and kept him in the PICU and then the NICU for a total of 5 nights and 4 days. Stephanie talks about their experience, including all the procedures that Arlo underwent as well as the treatment and care from the hospital staff (particularly around their decision to home birth) and how she’s processed since the event.  Stephanie is beautifully open about the whole thing and shares with a reliability and vulnerability that we know will touch other families who have experienced something similar, as well as inform others who have not. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/20/20241 hour, 35 minutes, 54 seconds
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473: Trusting Baby and Staying Empowered During a Postpartum Hospital Transfer with Lauren Leduc (DIAH Classic)

What does it mean to become a student of birth? For Lauren Leduc, that was the role she took on when she planned for her home birth. “I took on pregnancy and birth like it was my major in college!” Who else can relate to that? Lauren shares her birth story of her daughter Gemma. Unsure at first if she wanted to have children, things shifted for Lauren after she turned 35. Eventually she and her husband Arthur made plans to grow the family.  Lauren walks us through some of the challenges that popped up along the way during the pregnancy, the magical birth experience and then the unplanned transfer to the hospital after birth because of complications with the placenta.  One of the big takeaways from this episode is to use your resources and go with your intuition. Things we talk about in this episode: subchorionic haematoma, progesterone, velamentous cord insertion, postpartum hospital transfer, fetal ejection reflex, D&C Links From The Episode: Lauren’s website: Lauren’s yoga studio: Lauren’s Instagram: Sacred Song Home Birth: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/14/20241 hour, 10 minutes, 51 seconds
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472: A Home Birth Story and A Birth Center Story with Maria Mengel (DIAH Classic)

Here we have another magical home birth story for you. Maria reached out to us after listening to the show and felt inspired to share her experience of home birth.  We love stories like these - full of candor, vulnerability and humor. Maria has the experience and perspective of giving birth in a birthing center as well as at home, so we were really excited to sit down and pick her brain about it all. We learn about the birthing center experience and why Maria was certain on the drive home with her new daughter that she’d never do it like that again. We also hear about the process of home birth, and what can happen when your waters break and you don’t go into labor that day...or even the next day! Birth was such a transformational experience for Maria that it ignited a passion that would shift her career. She became a doula and now owns a business dedicated to birth work which includes placenta encapsulation and childbirth education. Links From The Episode: Maria’s website - Hypnobabies - Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/7/202446 minutes, 6 seconds
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471: Mum of 16 Plus Creating Your Home Birth Plan (DIAH Classic)

How should you approach your home birth plan? In today’s episode Sarah reads listener emails and talks about creating a home birth plan. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/30/202426 minutes, 24 seconds
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470: First Time Mother and Labor and Delivery Nurse on the Safety of Home Birth with Corrie Oyinloye (DIAH Classic)

Why would a labor and delivery nurse choose home birth? There are quite a few reasons, at least for today’s guest Corrie Oyinloye. Corrie has been a labor and delivery nurse for 10 years. And two years ago, she chose home birth for the birth of her daughter, Rachel.  While working in the hospital, Corrie saw how midwives’ rights were being taken away. She also did her own research and found home birth to be safer for mothers, and just as safe for babies. That in combination with her feelings around delivering in a hospital, given all she knew and had seen in the hospital setting. The fact is that many hospital birth workers suffer from PTSD from the trauma they’ve witnessed. Some of this hospital-induced anxiety moved Corrie towards exploring home birth for herself. Corrie’s story also includes creating the space for her husband Gabe to feel confident in the decision, a move to a different state, prodromal labor, a cervical lip, occipito posterior position of baby and a double nuchal cord. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/23/20241 hour, 1 minute, 24 seconds
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469: Hyperemesis Gravidarum, Membrane Sweeps and En Caul Birth with Melanie Meador (DIAH Classic)

How do we move through the discomforts of pregnancy and birth? This comes up in today’s interview with Melanie Meador. Melanie shares her journey with both of her home birth experiences.  Melanie had hyperemesis gravidarum with both pregnancies (extreme and persistent nausea during pregnancy, often with frequent vomiting).  With her first birth experience, she was feeling a little rushed going into the process, because her midwifery practice was going to close 3 days after her due date. Plus she was working full-time. The birth lasted 34 hours with her waters broken. This is a stark contrast from her second birth, 6 hours and baby was born en caul (waters still intact).  Melanie is the only person in her group of friends to have had a home birth. And with her mother and almost all of her aunts having cesarean births, this was something unique. Melanie says, “My mom was so excited to be at the birth of my son that she told anyone that would listen for the first 2 years!” This birth story includes: hyperemesis gravidarum, doula, acupuncture, TENs machine, membrane stripping, en caul, cervical lip, and red raspberry leaf tea. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/16/20241 hour, 10 minutes, 46 seconds
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468: The Science of Natural and Undisturbed Birth with Dr. Sarah Buckley (DIAH Classic)

In today’s episode we speak with Dr. Sarah Buckley on the science of natural and undisturbed birth. Dr. Sarah Buckley is the author of the best selling book Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering, the author the report Hormonal Physiology of Childbearing (January 2015), and all around natural childbirth expert.  We are honored and grateful to have Dr. Sarah Buckley join us on the Doing It At Home Podcast for many reasons. To start, her book "Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor's Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting Choices" was a huge influence on us during our pregnancy. Sarah (our Sarah...Sarah Bivens that is) started reading Dr. Buckley's book while we were still planning for a birth with an OBGYN in a hospital. We learned about Dr. Buckley from her appearances in a DVD series called "Happy Healthy Child" (another resource we highly recommend and link to in the show notes.) Dr. Buckley's extensive research and evidence based information on pregnancy and birth, along with her own accounts of her 4 home births left quite the impression on us. It got the wheels turning and prompted us to think about the elements we wanted in our birth. Overtime we found that the best way to experience all of that would be at home. So we're very grateful to Dr. Buckley and the work that she does, because it's like she's been a part of our journey. Dr. Buckley integrates what would seem like differing philosophies at first glance: in the mindset of a medical background, training, practice and care, and natural, holistic, unassisted, physiological birth. Dr. Buckley talks about physiological birth as the type of birth that's in alignment with how the body is designed to work. And low tech models of care support this process. Home birth is an ideal situation to allow for this. We also talk about the core requirements for birth and what a woman needs to feel private, safe and unobserved. And if you didn't know or fully understand the hormonal cocktail that a woman experienced in natural birth, you will by the end of this episode. Want to know what ecstatic birth is? Listen to this episode. One of the key takeaways here is the potential to reclaim power in the experience of birth. That with a healing birth, we can heal the earth! Links From The Episode: Sarah Buckley on Facebook Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor's Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting Choices by Sarah Buckley Hormonal Physiology Of Childbearing (report) Pain In Labor (ebook) Ecstatic Birth (ebook) Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/9/202448 minutes, 23 seconds
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467: Journeying From Cancer to Home Birth with Eva Whipple (DIAH Classic)

How could lessons from surviving cancer empower you in your birth? For Eva Whipple, going through cancer at age 19 shifted up her perspective on things. It taught her about priorities and her ability to push through. She recognizes that it also taught her to be present. And this carried into both of her births, both on the same day two years apart. For her first birth of her daughter Lois, Eva was in a birthing center (birthing at home was illegal). Then for surprise pregnancy number two, she decided on a home birth for son Sonny. We chat about the road to home birth and the comparison of her two births, nursing a toddler while pregnant and how her practice of yoga has been a part of her life as a mother. Links From The Episode: First Descents - Ina May Gaskin’s “Spiritual Midwifery” - Eva’s Instagram - Eva’s yoga studio - Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/7/202443 minutes, 42 seconds
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466: Couples Birth: Strengthening Your Connection with Your Partner and Including Them in the Experience with Lynn Griesemer (DIAH Classic)

Ever heard any of these approaches to birth: couples birth, daddy delivery, husband and wife birth? Well today our guest Lynn Griesemer, who is a mother of 6, marriage coach, podcaster and author (among many other things) joins us for a conversation about including your partner in the birth experience. Giving them an active role and making birth a family-led experience.  We chat about some of Lynn’s own experience with 4 hospital births, followed by 2 unassisted births (or free births), as well as her insight into creating a safe and trusting environment for birth that can influence and empower later parenting experiences and decisions. This is a great resource for those families who want their husband or partner to be very involved in the birth experience.  Links From The Episode:  Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/29/202352 minutes, 47 seconds
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465: Q&A with Midwives About the Midwifery Model of Care, Informed Consent and Family-Centered Birth with Sarah McClure and Charli Zarosinski (DIAH Classic)

What does a midwife do?  Might seem like an obvious answer if you’ve been in the birthing world for a while. But if you’re unfamiliar with different models of care or exploring home birth for the first time, it’s a very legitimate question with answers that could be very significant in your birthing journey. Today we’re joined by Sarah McClure and Charli Zarosinski, midwives of Hearth and Home Midwifery and hosts of The Homebirth Midwife Podcast.  We unpacked a lot of really great topics in this conversation including: The different routes to take to become a midwife  Explaining the midwifery model of care to someone new to the concept What’s an average day in the life of a midwife like? What support do midwives and birth workers need? How can clients be best informed and create the best relationship possible with their midwife? How to determine if your area is home birth-friendly Links From The Episode: Hearth and Home website: Instagram: Hearth and Home Childbirth Education: The Homebirth Midwife Podcast: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/22/202350 minutes, 26 seconds
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464: Peaceful Birth, Healthy Baby or “Birth is not pain, birth is power!” with Megan Kibling (DIAH Classic)

Meet Megan, mom to 6-year-old Aurelia and 19-month-old Leonardo Iztali from Denver, Colorado. We connected with Megan via another DIAH mom, Marissa (whom we interviewed a few weeks before). Megan had sent a banner to Marissa to decorate her home in preparation for home birth. The same banner has made its way to other mamas since then, and Megan plans to continue to send it to friends as they want it. Besides supporting other women in their home birth journeys, Megan has an amazing story of her own. After having a great experience with her first birth in a birthing center, she felt inspired to move into home birth for the next time around. She says she felt empowered and knew a home birth was the next step.  In between Aurelia and Leonardo, Megan experienced a miscarriage at 10 weeks. Megan shares openly on the fear and guilt that crept in during that time, and how she embarked on a journey of forgiveness, back to grace, comfort and love.  By the time she was pregnant with Leonardo, Megan felt in full trust of her body, her baby and herself. She listened to the flow and went the whole pregnancy and birth almost completely unassisted. She did yoga, meditated, read, watched home births, created affirmations and playlists -- all to create the sacred space for her birth. Megan is a total inspiration. This episode has a lot of great quotes and mantras to pull from. My favorite? “PURE MAGIC!” Links From The Episode: Sacred Living Movement - Indie Birth - Peaceful Birth Project - Ina May Gaskin - Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/13/202353 minutes, 31 seconds
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463: Two Mamas Welcome Their Baby with Caitlin and Sho Thompson (DIAH Classic)

Were you surprised when your labor started? For mama Caitlin Thompson, she shares that even though she felt somewhat ready, there was still a part of her that didn’t expect it. Today’s home birth story is a followup to our interview with Caitlin back in episode 126 when we spoke to her about the emotional journey to conception for her and her wife Sho (definitely listen to that episode if you haven’t yet - it’s amazing). Now today we have Sho joining us (and even a little cameo from baby Florence!) to talk birthing day. From the moment they realized labor was starting to Caitlin taking a work call during contractions (Say what?! Go mama!) to baby Flo’s arrival. Plus their dogs hung out and provided emotional support. And they had a sweet friend offer to photograph the birth. Basically, it’s a magical story that you need to listen to right now. The whole crew agrees that home birth was “the most amazing thing we’ve ever done!” Links From The Episode: Part 1 of Caitlin and Sho’s story - Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/6/202354 minutes, 33 seconds
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462: Two Different Home Births in Two Different Countries with Lindsay Wolff (DIAH Classic)

Any mamas out there who have birthed in multiple countries? Today’s guest, Lindsay Wolff shares her two home birth experiences with us. Her first with her daughter Isla was in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and her second daughter Marin was in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.  Both times Lindsay and her husband Jeremy had to navigate entirely new birthing communities, laws and care systems.  Some of the highlights of our conversation include her water breaking 5 days before labor starting in her first birth, along with 7.5 hours of pushing! And now 3 years as a doula, Lindsay has attended over 200 births and works to support women like herself.  Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/23/202353 minutes, 21 seconds
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461: Birth Worker Burnout and the Balance of Holding Space for Birth with Martha Lerner, Doula and Photographer (DIAH Classic)

How do we prevent birth worker burnout? This is one of the great topics we dive into this week with Martha Lerner, birth doula and photographer.  Martha shares her wisdom with us around the following topics: some of Martha’s memorable moments from home births she’s attended in the birth worker role tips for those who want to get into birth work best practices for staying in birthwork long term how to balance/manage all the space holding as a birth worker and what the birth community collectively can do to support the birth workers out there Links From The Episode: Martha’s Instagram: Martha’s Website: Doula’s Care Collective: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/14/202345 minutes, 37 seconds
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460: Why Non-Moms are Important in the Home Birth Conversation with Katy Drew (DIAH Classic)

We have a fun and little different kind of episode for you today. Katy emailed us after her great friend and fellow DIAH mama Katie McCormick (from episode 73) shared the podcast with her. Katy thanked us for what we’re up to with the show. As a “non-mom” (though she plans to be in the future), she’s always been fascinated by pregnancy and birth. She’s been exploring the option of home birth for herself when that time comes.  So we figured...let’s get on the phone, hit record and see what happens!  We believe that what Katy’s doing is an awesome example. If women who are not yet mothers are interested in exploring their future options, educating themselves, having conversations with other women at different stages of motherhood, then that means we have a lot more women empowered, confident and supported in their decisions. We are all for that! This doesn’t mean all women need to be doing this. It’s whatever works for you. We would just like to see more positive energy around conversations of pregnancy and birth, regardless of what phase of it someone is in.  So Katy shares with us some of her thoughts on why home birth would be a good fit for her. For one, she likes to take the most natural route possible with things. She’s also a more private person, and looks at birth as a very sacred time.  We also talk about how resources like the Doing It At Home podcast have helped, supported and informed on home birth related topics.  So if you are not pregnant yet, but considering home birth as an option, this is a perfect episode for you! Links From The Episode: Ann Margolis episode - Ann Margolis website - Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/8/202336 minutes, 16 seconds
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459: Home Birth for Baby #3 with the Help of an Enema During Transition with Alyssa Reeves (DIAH Classic)

Would you consider using an enema during the labor process? In today’s birth story, we’re chatting with Alyssa Reeves, wife to Kirk and mama to twin boys Sam and Niko and daughter Zooey. And while there’s a lot more and totally magical elements to Alyssa’s story, she’s the first mama on the show to share her experience of using an enema during her transition phase of labor. We’re so grateful for her open and informative sharing on how helpful it was for her in preparation for pushing. So now other mamas listening to the show can learn from Alyssa’s experience and have another possibility for themselves if they have similar challenges during birth. As a long-time listener of the show, Alyssa was excited to pay it forward and be a part of the conversation that helped her in her own journey. We talk about her process of choosing home birth and the comparison between that and some of the traumatic elements of her first birth with her twins. Also the support of her birth team and a lot of the resources she used in preparation and during birth itself. Links From The Episode: Orgasmic Birth - Business of Being Born - Rebozo technique - Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/1/202349 minutes, 1 second
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458: A Home Birth Transfer to the Hospital is Not a Failure with Allison Rich (DIAH Classic)

Has anyone ever felt like a failure because their birth didn’t go exactly the way they planned? We think this happens far too often. That’s why we’re happy we have conversations like the one we have today on the podcast. Allison Rich joins us to share her birth story.  After a false diagnosis of PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) medically mismanaged miscarriage, Allison and her husband Rafe wanted a different experience the next time they got pregnant.  Allison actually met with a group of midwives after her miscarriage (before becoming pregnant again) to talk about her experience, process and discuss what it could look like in the future for her.  Finally when she was pregnant again, she felt both excited and terrified at the same time. We go into her birth planning process and then the “incredible blur” of the birth. Allison talks about extending grace to yourself and realizing how hard we can be on ourselves when it comes to our births. This is a must listen for anyone nervous about hospital transfer or who experienced one and could use some extra support and affirmation. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/31/202354 minutes, 49 seconds
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457: How Orgasmic Birth Is Connecting Women To Their Power With Debra Pascali-Bonaro (DIAH Classic)

Warning: this is an amazing episode. Full of conversation around pleasurable, joyful, ecstatic birth. It may cause you to feel empowered and excited around birth. There, we gave you a heads up! But seriously, we are so honored to have Debra Pascali-Bonaro join us on the show. She’s another one of the powerhouses of the birthing community that we’ve been anxious to meet and chat with. She is the creator and director of the documentary, “Orgasmic Birth: The Best-Kept Secret.” She’s also the co-writer of “Orgasmic Birth: Your Guide to a Safe, Satisfying and Pleasurable Birth.” Oh and also a Lamaze International childbirth educator,  birth and postpartum doula trainer with DONA International. And the Founder & President of the revolutionary online childbirth class Pain to Power, which prepares expectant mothers, fathers, and partners to be positively prepared for birth and focuses on the intimate and sacred nature of birth. Debra’s passion comes from her over 30 years of working with women, men, midwives, doulas and physicians in over 40 countries bringing comfort, love and pleasure to birth and life! In our interview, we talk about her path to being obsessed with birth, learning from her own birth story. We also chat about the concept for the documentary and where it came from. We explore themes from the documentary and the impact it’s had on the conversation of birth. Plus we talk about other cool projects that Debra has her hand in, and a surprise for any of those interested in checking out her online childbirth class “Pain to Power.” Thank you to Debra for her knowledge, passion and tireless effort to serve and inspire! Links From The Episode: Orgasmic Birth: The Best-Kept Secret - Orgasmic Birth: Your Guide to a Safe, Satisfying and Pleasurable Birth - Pain To Power Childbirth Class: Happy Healthy Child: Eat Pray Doula: Sign up for 3 Free Videos on finding your power and pleasure in birth: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/18/202349 minutes, 18 seconds
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456: Overcoming Diagnoses of “Incompetent” Cervix and IUGR with Sarah Schade (DIAH Classic)

How do you plan for a positive hospital birth experience, when you were originally intending to have a home birth? This is such a great topic to cover. For many who start out with a home birth plan, sometimes that changes for various reasons. Sarah Schade shares her story with us. From a diagnosis of an “incompetent” cervix (definitely not a term we’re fond of around here) to another diagnosis of IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction), Sarah and her husband Jeremiah went through a lot of ups and downs.  She shares all the thoughts and emotions that came up, and ultimately the arrival of her daughter Clementine.  Things we talk about in this episode: incompetent cervix, cervical cerclage, IUGR, D&C procedure for placenta removal, home birth plan, hospital birth From Sarah: “It was really difficult being labeled as “incompetent”, or “high risk”, especially because being healthy and active is something really important to me, and I never thought I would have any problems with my pregnancy, being so young and healthy. We shifted from working only with our midwife, to the medical treatment model, which neither of us envisioned for our pregnancy… My pregnancy was filled with joy, sadness, fear, and anger. Our baby is healthy, and we are so in love with our little fighter, and her strength. But we have learned so much about the health care system, how women are treated, and why women need to be given more options in treatment. We had a lot of positive aspects to her birth, but were also threatened with an episiotomy, forceps, and vacuum. Our midwife and the hospital nursing staff was amazing, but the doctor on call severely violated some of my wishes without consent.  I want to share my birth story, because it’s not enough to believe that “doctors know best” when in actuality birth experiences matter to the mental and physical health of women and their babies.” Links From The Episode: Sarah’s Schade’s website: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/11/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 3 seconds
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455: Unsupportive Midwife with Traumatic Experience Leading to a Hospital Transfer and Peaceful Birth with Lillie Cooke (DIAH Classic)

Is one way to birth “better” than another? Sometimes there are misconceptions and unhealthy conversations floating about in the birth community around natural vs. medicated birth or hospital vs. home. That one is better than the other or there’s a sense of superiority or higher moral code to choose one over the other. And competition comes in as a factor, like there is something to prove or defy. This topic is relevant for the conversation we have today with Lillie Cooke, sharing her birth story with us. Lillie and her husband Josh planned for a home birth with their first child, son Judah. Along the way towards planning for the birth, Lillie noticed little things that indicated she wasn’t really connecting deeply with her midwife. There was also a big fear of going to the hospital, seeking to avoid that at all costs. This fear stemmed from, as Lillie put it “hearing terrible hospital stories and only fairy tale home birth stories from the homebirth community.” Labor began at 40 weeks and 6 days. After laboring for 4 days, things started to feel chaotic and the midwife’s hands-off approach wasn’t very helpful for what Lillie needed. Lillie made the choice to transfer because of pain and exhaustion. What helped make the transfer a less fearful event was the great experience she had with the staff there. They were respectful and she felt empowered, calm and peaceful.  Some words from Lillie: “I ended up having so much better care and such a peaceful birth. The OB was more of a midwife than my own midwife! We ended up with a peaceful vaginal delivery. She also didn’t check on me until 3 weeks after my birth. After I just felt abandoned and not welcome in the home birth community. I felt the one in our area was not very inclusive to all births and made it feel like you didn’t have a good enough or “superior” birth if it wasn’t at home. My experience woke me up from the tunnel vision I had before from being in that community and showed me that none of that was true. That’s why I love this podcast because it is the only homebirth podcast that is inclusive with ALL births and shows the pros AND cons of homebirth. I want to share my story to other first time mamas so they have a better perspective and know there is no superior way or place to birth despite what people promote. And there are good stories and traumatic stories at home just like at the hospital. But no one lets people come on and talk about that with home births and that’s a shame. Everyone’s experience is so powerful. Birth is so powerful. I've learned a lot from my first birth and would just love to share my story and my thoughts surrounding it.”  And - Lillie is currently pregnant with her second child. What birth plan are they creating? Listen in to find out! Topics we cover in this episode: Business of Being Born, Ina May Gaskin, relationship with your midwife, choosing a care provider that’s best for you, Miles Circuit, hospital transfer, epidural Links From The Episode: The Miles Circuit: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/26/202349 minutes, 35 seconds
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454: Rainbow Home Birth Baby After 2 Miscarriages and a Stillbirth with Mellisa Reeves of Motherbirth (DIAH Classic)

What would you do if you really trusted yourself? This is a beautiful question that comes up in today’s episode, and I think everyone can take something from it and carry it into their lives. Mellisa Reeves of Motherbirth is sharing part of her journey with us. From some of the traumatic elements of her first hospital birth with her first son Aiden, a stillbirth in hospital at 41 weeks pregnant with her second son Rowan and two subsequent miscarriages, she brings us to the healing process and experience of her home birth with her daughter, Etney.  And along the way, Mellisa leaned into her passions and opportunities to help other women with loss. She started a podcast and online community called Motherbirth with her friend Laura, and has been coaching and providing resources for women and families. Links From The Episode: Mellisa’s website - Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/22/202345 minutes, 36 seconds
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453: Leaning Into Birth and Postpartum Challenges with Joy Kiesch, Part 2 (DIAH Classic)

In this episode, we continue our conversation with Joy Kiesch, our DIAH mama who had her first baby Dakota at home. We dive into some of the things that pop up in the early postpartum stage. Things like dealing with family and visitors, informing people about the birth and how you deal with the outside energy and comments. What happens when the whole “I just had a baby!” thing starts to sink in. You’re 72 hours in and just lose it. Crying. Don’t know what to do. Joy is real, raw and totally awesome to share what she experienced.  Anyone interested in consuming your placenta in some way after birth? How about a smoothie?! And of course we chat about how this new phase can impact your relationship with your partner, and how you can work on staying connected.  Thank you so much to Joy for being brave and bold and for sharing your story with us and the DIAH community! Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/12/202320 minutes, 51 seconds
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452: Leaning Into Birth and Postpartum Challenges with Joy Kiesch, Part 1 (DIAH Classic)

In today’s episode we speak with Joy Kiesch, wife to Yamil and mama to Dakota. Our conversation flowed so organically, that we decided to make it a two-parter! More on that in a second. The way Joy describes the home birth of her son Dakota goes something like this, “born peacefully at home, surrounded by love.”  Joy considers herself a great candidate for home birth given her health and overall mindset. There were also other factors that influenced their decision - like for one, home birth is actually the more affordable option in many instances (not that we’re saying you should bargain hunt when it comes to your birth plan, however it is fascinating that this is an area where sometimes cheaper is better!). Joy also felt like a number when it came to the OBGYN offices. She was looking for a more intimate connection, which she found in her midwife. She has family members who practice homeopathy, and even her mom and aunt had home births of their own! Top it off with an incredibly supportive partner in Yamil, and we’re going home birth, folks! We really explore what it looks like to move through the discomforts that can arise in pregnancy and birth. sometimes surrender isn’t enough. Maybe it requires a further step of embracing it all. Listen in to learn more, and be sure to check out part 2 where we talk about some of the postpartum challenges Joy experienced. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/8/202342 minutes, 9 seconds
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451: Healing Through Trauma After a 48-Hour Labor and Unplanned Cesarean with Katie Suder (DIAH Classic)

What do you do when it’s difficult to come to terms with how your birth unfolded? In today’s episode, Katie Suder shares her journey with us. From her unexpected and joyful pregnancy to currently 9 months postpartum and still processing a lot of her birth experience.  While waiting the few weeks before she could see an OBGYN for her first appointment, Katie had time to reflect and research her options. This led her and her fiance Andrew to a home birth midwife.  Fast forward to birth, baby Andrew Michael was 13 days past the guess date. After laboring for 30 hours at home, Katie and her team transferred to the hospital. Katie and the supportive staff did everything possible to facilitate a vaginal birth. The cesarean, though necessary, was traumatic. Katie is beautifully honest about how she’s felt over the months and we know her story will touch the community and have a ripple effect of healing. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/30/20231 hour, 7 seconds
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450: Empowering Hospital Births with a Home Birth Mindset with Cami Harper (DIAH Classic)

What do you do when you want a home birth, but life circumstances make it a bit challenging to create? Cami Harper is sharing her story with us and how she embraced her situation to make it beautiful, even though it wasn’t exactly what she wanted. Cami herself was born with the help of midwives, so she knew she eventually wanted a holistic and natural approach to birth.  She shares her process of both of her pregnancies with her sons James and Howie, along with the support of her husband Dustin. With moving in the middle of one of them, financial elements, challenges finding doctors and/or midwives and insurance changes, they decided on hospital births. With a powerful mindset, resources and support, Cami was able to create an empowering experience.  Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/28/202331 minutes, 32 seconds
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449: Giving Birth in Another Country Without Fear, Intervention or Complication with Amy Brown (DIAH Classic)

What’s it like giving birth outside of your native country? It’d be understandable to have fears and/or reservations around birthing in a different country. But what if it could be normal, uncomplicated, supported and without fear? Our guest today is Amy Brown. Amy traveled from Chicago, Illinois to Peru in 2011 to work as a teacher, and hasn’t left since. After meeting her now husband Marco, she has since set up life in Lima. And she has given birth to her two children: daughter, Leah and son, Christopher in a birthing center in the city.  Amy walks us through her journey of desiring natural births without intervention, to selecting the birthing center (run by a German doctor now living in Peru), working with a doula from England (yes, quite the international birth!) and preparing for the birth experience with Marco. We talk about some of the birthing options and trends in her area, where cesarean rates are particularly high.  Then we get to hear details from both of her births, which took place in the Casa Pakarii birth center: This story includes: international birth experience, husband being active participant in birth process, different birth options in Lima, Peru, placenta ceremony (el pago a la tierra), water birth Links From The Episode: Amy’s Blog: Casa Pakarii Birth Center: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/16/202355 minutes, 3 seconds
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448: Witchcraft, surprise babies, and moving during pregnancy with Meggie and Steve Andrews (DIAH Classic)

In today’s episode we’ve got the whole family on the line - Meggie and Steve Andrews join us, along with their baby William, or Liam as they refer to him. Meggie reached out to us during her pregnancy, thanking us for what we’re doing on the show and sharing how helpful it had been for her as she planned for the home birth of her first child with her husband Steve (we’ve copied her original email below). And interesting fact - they weren’t planning on having children. But, surprise! So they worked through some of the mental and emotional adjustments that come with this huge unexpected life change. Meggie happened to have a friend who birthed at home, so after speaking with her and watching Business of Being Born, they explored the midwifery model of care. And then one of the biggest things throughout the pregnancy - they decided to move from Virginia to Michigan. So that meant finding different midwives, who could collaborate with each other and support Meggie and Steve as much as possible in making the transition and keeping up with the best prenatal care and birth planning as possible. Another interesting fact - they had their home birth in the same house that Meggie grew up in! So listen in as we talk about some of the interesting questions and comments you get when you have a home birth like, “Is that witchcraft or something?” and advice for those home birth dads and birth partners. Added bonus of Liam’s presence in the interview. We love having newborn coos in the background!  Links From The Episode: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/12/202350 minutes, 24 seconds
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447: “I did it!” - Building Confidence in Our Births with Naomi Jardine (DIAH Classic)

Do you feel confident in your ability to birth? Today’s birth story features Naomi Jardine, sharing her journey to home birth. Naomi felt a loss of control with her first birth of her daughter Jasmine, followed by some traumatic stitches to repair her tearing. She was left feeling disappointed, not at peace. For her second birth, she wanted to do something different. So she prepared more this time - she read, listened to podcasts (like DIAH!) and joined local groups to connect with other mothers. It gave her the opportunity to get clear on what she wanted and what she didn’t want.  For her home birth of her daughter Summer, it was a peaceful, powerful, transformative experience with the confidence and satisfying feeling of “I did it!” Links From The Episode: Naomi’s blog: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/2/202344 minutes, 7 seconds
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446: Choosing Home Birth from an Academic Perspective and the Power of Women with Isis Rose (DIAH Classic)

Are you the type to research and look for evidence and information to support your decisions when it comes to your birth? In today’s episode, we’re chatting with Isis Rose, a PhD student, doula and mama to baby Xena. Isis shares her journey to home birth, which first entered her awareness during a doula training. She’s a PhD student studying birth and reproductive justice. Her husband Chris, a fellow academic, is a visiting professor at UIUC. So it makes sense that Isis took a very analytical approach to planning her birth. She searched for truth and wanted to make sure she was as informed as possible when it came to her options. We hear about her transition into home birth planning, finding midwives and working through the legality and costs associated with direct-entry midwifery being illegal in her state of Illinois. An African-American woman and survivor of emotional abuse, it was important for Isis to have the support she needed and to do things her way - like by keeping their plans to home birth private from friends and family. And there’s a twist in the immediate postpartum hours that gave Isis the opportunity to feel in control and release any unnecessary fear. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/29/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 26 seconds
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445: How the Letdown of a Hospital Transfer Can Shift to Magic and Gratitude with Cadyn S. (DIAH Classic)

How do we cope with the parts of our birth that didn’t go the way we envisioned? In today’s episode we chat with Cadyn about her birth experience. She and her husband planned a home birth, because (in her words) of “how special we consider our home and surrounding space to be, and that this was where it seemed that magical portal of birth was meant to open.” After a long labor, Cadyn transferred to the hospital. It was frustrating and heart-breaking. But after a period of time, she was able to get hydrated and rest. The staff gave time and space and honored her choices. She felt supported. Her husband was even able to assist in “catching” the baby. Cadyn describes the birthing as “the best moment I’ve ever experienced.” More from Cadyn: “My hospital experience was thankfully quite positive, and one student member of our midwife team remained with my husband/best-birth-partner-ever and me through the birth. I know now that nobody, especially myself, is to be blamed— only thanked— for the way our daughter came into this world. There are of course reasons to be nervous about giving birth, but nothing to FEAR. I went through many phases of accepting my personal birth story, and listening to birth story podcasts like yours has sincerely helped me to process everything. I hear stories that share common ground with my own, and I hear stories that remind me that EVERY birth is unique. I hope I can share something with a listener who might need to hear it.” This birth story includes mention of: RhoGAM shot, Tay-Sachs disease, hospital transfer, epidural, pitocin. Links From The Episode: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/20/20231 hour, 29 minutes, 31 seconds
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444: When You Find Out You’re Pregnant and Don’t Know What to Do Next with Brittney Seitz (DIAH Classic)

What did you do the moment you found out you were pregnant? What was going through your mind? How were you feeling? We talk about that in today’s episode with our guest Brittney. Brittney actually reached out to us within the first few hours of discovering she was pregnant, and it opened up a beautiful dialogue. We felt inspired to bring that conversation into this space and share it with the DIAH community. We talk about Brittney’s plans to have a home birth, how she’s preparing and how her partner Spencer is getting involved.  This is a great episode for anyone who just found out they are pregnant or are in the early stages of pregnancy with a mix of emotions and swirls of excitement and questions.  Things we discuss: finding out you’re pregnant, planning for a home birth, partner involvement and home birth resources Links From The Episode: Dr. Stu Fischbein - Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/12/202347 minutes, 56 seconds
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443: Home Birth for Second Baby After a Hospital Transfer with First Baby with Thea Robnett (DIAH Classic)

What happens when the news and experience of your pregnancy isn’t all sunshine and rainbows? We’ve talked about this once or twice on the show and we know it’s more common than culture and society would have us convinced of - that sometimes there is confusion, reticence, frustration and even guilt around getting pregnant.  For returning guest and DIAH mama Thea Robnett, she’s open and honest about the mix of emotions she dealt with when she got pregnant right after her first daughter, Harley, turned 1. She and her husband Alex had debated on whether or not to have another one, and actually decided to pause any plans for future children. So she worked through the mental challenges and coped with the changes.  This process gave her time to get deep into her emotions and create a powerful birth experience for her second daughter, Laurel. She listened to her body and her needs, used lots of tools to prepare her for a home birth she wanted. In her first episode on the podcast, she shared the story of Laurel’s birth, which was planned for home but shifted to the hospital after a long labor and exhaustion. We chat about the birth itself as well as the differences in the postpartum experience the second time around. The biggest thing she stresses is to focus on YOU and your healing and to honor the time. Links From The Episode: Thea’s first episode - Natural Birth and Baby Care - Sarah’s lifestyle coaching - Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/4/20231 hour, 36 seconds
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442: 6 Children, 4 Home Births, Circumcision and the Inner Work with Amelia Page (DIAH Classic)

Why home birth? This is a question we ask most guests on the podcast. Today we dive into that with Amelia Page, mama of 6. We chat about her first two births and the influence that moved her towards home birth for her remaining 4 children.  We touch on the topic of circumcision (respecting all choices), as well as the inner work that supports in the pregnancy, birth and motherhood experience. Pregnancy was a challenging experience for Amelia, so for any mamas who can relate - this is a great one to feel understood. You are not alone! Plus we get highlights from all 4 home births and hear about both similarities and differences amongst them.  Links From The Episode: Amelia’s YouTube: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/4/202356 minutes, 52 seconds
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441: Lessons in Surrender, Gratitude and Strength During Home Birth and Postpartum with Katie McCormick Part 2 (DIAH Classic)

We welcome back Katie McCormick to the show today! She joined us back in episode 73 where we talked about her and her husband Ryan planning a home birth in their cottage in West Cork, Ireland after leaving life in Portland, Oregon. Since talking with Katie McCormick, we spoke with another Katy - Katy Drew, a friend of Katie McCormick’s and a “non-mom” who inspired episode 76. And get this - while we were speaking to Katy - Katie was in labor! So lots of cool connections and happenings since we first connected with the expat mama to be. Now she’s mama to baby River - born 13 days past his guess date! This was of course part of their story - learning to be patient, surrender and understand that babies have their own timelines and ideas of when they’d like to make their appearance.  We learn about some of the natural induction options that Katie went over with her midwife: nipple stimulation, essential oils, castor oil in orange juice...anyone else try out some of these methods? Mainly the focus was on letting go. When labor finally did begin, Katie was ready. She was grateful. And she had no fear.  Ryan actually gets to join us in the interview as well! And Ryan’s take on the whole experience? He says, “It was outrageous! So amazing!” He says it was one of the most extraordinary events of living. Katie also opens up a little bit on postpartum life and how she’s integrating this new role, finding support in community and finding gratitude in the little moments. Thank you to Katie, Ryan and River for being a part of the DIAH family :) Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/19/202346 minutes, 55 seconds
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440: An Expat Planning a Home Birth in Ireland with Katie McCormick (DIAH Classic)

What is it like planning a home birth as an expat in a new country? Well, Katie McCormick has some stories to share about that!  Katie and her husband Ryan decided to leave their life in Portland, Oregon - quit their jobs and travel across Europe. They decided to settle in Ireland, eloped and got pregnant shortly after.  Katie knew immediately that she wanted to have a home birth. But being an expat in a new country, she had no idea where to begin as far as planning and resources. In this Classic Doing It At Home episode, we speak with Katie in the last few weeks of her pregnancy and get to hear how she’s feeling as the time in her pregnancy winds down and they prepare for baby’s arrival. She also shares the experience of what it's like to have all of their family back in the States as they plan for home birth in their new home and country. Tune in and get ready for another inspiring pre-home birth story! Links From The Episode: Dublin Doulas: Hypnobirth course: Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/7/202332 minutes, 27 seconds
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439: When You Livestream Your Home Birth on YouTube with Lindsey Drury (DIAH Classic)

In this episode we chat with Lindsey Drury: photographer, activist and mama extraordinaire who is very involved in her community in Chattanooga, TN (check the links in our show notes for more details). When I was connected with Lindsey through a mutual friend, I was so excited to talk to her. Mainly because Lindsey livestreamed her third and most recent home birth of her son Staxon on YouTube. I mean...what?!?! How incredibly awesome.  Lindsey shares with us her journey into birth work and her passion for all things that empower and educate. We also get into her own process of choosing home birth for herself and for her family.  And then of course, we hear all about the decision to livestream her home birth, responses and reactions to it and where she’s going from here with her desire to create a new narrative around birth and how we view it.  Links From The Episode: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/1/202346 minutes, 4 seconds
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438: How to Create Something Different After an Unpleasant Birth Experience with Angela Johnson

Today’s episode takes its root in episode 36: So What Happens After Your Home Birth? - where we chatted about an article from by the lovely Angela Johnson, who now joins us for this episode number 65! The article, titled 7 Things That Happen After You Give Birth At Home breaks down some of the “what to expect” as you might guess, after a home birth! Angela is speaking from experience, having birthed her second child, son Aden, at home in New York City.  Angela really dove into her craft of writing while pregnant with her first child, daughter Hannah, and she was on 5 months of bed rest! Due to being labeled with an “incompetent cervix,” Angela had an unpleasant first birthing experience. So she determined that she would have something different the next time around. She and her husband Dean planned for home birth and had a much different journey. For one, she was induced with her first birth at 36 weeks. Second time around, she went until 42 weeks! And they opted for more natural induction like using caster oil and orange juice.  Angela describes the process as climbing up a mountain, something we can definitely relate to. The story of Aden’s birth, along with Angela’s perspective and way of sharing, is really a treat. We love getting to know moms like her. So be sure to go check out all of her articles on after you listen to the episode! Links From The Episode: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/24/202339 minutes, 51 seconds
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437: Mother's Day Special Edition: We Interview Our Own Moms! (DIAH Classic)

In today's super special episode of the Doing It At Home podcast, we are interviewing our own moms about our birth stories! In this show we interview tons of moms and families on their home birth stories, and so we thought we'd switch things up a bit for Mother's Day and hear about how each of us came into the world from the women who ushered us earth side. Derry Bivens is mother to Matthew, and Kathryn Russell is mother to Sarah. Both moms have beautiful birth stories filled with courage, strength, determination and joy.  Enjoy this super special Mother's Day episode of the Doing It At Home Podcast! Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/21/20231 hour, 20 minutes, 7 seconds
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436: High-Risk Pregnancy, Traditional Midwives and Trusting Your Body with Erin Zekis (DIAH Classic)

How do you learn to trust your body after some difficult experiences and a high-risk label? In today’s episode, we’re talking with Erin Zekis about her journey to home birth.  From premature labor with her first pregnancy and a hospital transfer, to exploring different methods of care for her second pregnancy, Erin and her husband Kevin were very intentional about what they wanted to experience for the birth of both their sons, Tobin and Aldrin.  Erin walks us through her process of coping with elements of her first birth, fears around premature labor and waters breaking early, to working with a traditional midwife for her second birth. AND, Erin has kinda been on the show before! Back in episode 163, we read an email that she sent to show and she shared that she has an oxytocin tattoo! How cool is that?! Links From The Episode: DIAH Store - Episode 163 - Community Roots Midwife Collective - Indie Birth podcast - Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/13/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 19 seconds
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435: Informed Choice, Empowered Pregnancy and Birth, Plus Breech and VBAC with Dr. Elliot Berlin

In today’s episode we speak with Dr. Elliot Berlin, an award-winning prenatal chiropractor, childbirth educator, labor support bodyworker, and co-founder of Berlin Wellness Group in Los Angeles, California. Things we talk about in this episode: Informed choice Empowered pregnancy and birth Breech births VBAC Links From The Episode: Dr. Berlin’s website: Informed PregnancyⓇ Podcast: Informed Pregnancy Plus: Chrissy Teigen clip chatting about Dr. Berlin: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/7/202344 minutes, 32 seconds
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434: A Healing Motherhood and Home Birth Journey - Listener Submitted Story from Teresa Sciarretta

Why home birth for Teresa? After an empowering birth center experience with my first child, I absolutely knew home birth was my path for my second child. I felt confident in my body and my choice. My home is also a sacred place for me and part of my healing journey, so the idea of having such a life changing and memorable experience in our sanctuary brought me great joy. I couldn't imagine being anywhere else. Some backstory from Teresa: I had my son on November 13th, 2022, almost 9 years after the birth of my daughter. A dream come true in so many ways after many years of thinking I would never have another child. I am so grateful to have two powerful birth stories, one in a birth center and one at home, despite wildly different circumstances such as my personal life, different countries, a textbook first labor that was 23 hours and then an unexpected 3 hour labor 12 days before my guess date. Some themes that arise are switching providers at 30 weeks even though the care we were receiving before was "fine", the midwife not making it to the birth in time due to precipitous labor, and giving birth in a dark closet (channeling my inner mammal and my childhood cat, haha.) In retrospect, my biggest takeaways are trust, surrender, and standing in my power. My partner painted a beautiful labyrinth before our birth day to serve as a visual reminder of these truths of birth and life: you know you will enter, you know there will be an exit, but the path in between will be winding and unknown, full of potential challenges, but also full of growth and wonder.  Resources that were helpful for Teresa:  1. Hair comb - this was my number one coping tool  2. Spinning Babies, particularly their Daily Essentials video was super helpful during my pregnancy  3. Craniosacral therapy  4. For domestic violence resources, the national hotline is 1.800.799.SAFE I also highly recommend following One Mom's Battle  5. For trauma recovery resources, including anyone who's had a traumatic birth, EMDR therapy can be helpful and any tools or professionals that help you regulate your nervous system and feel safe  Links From The Episode: Teresa’s website: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/27/202333 minutes, 16 seconds
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433: Sharing Our Postpartum Experience Plus an Important Announcement

How has postpartum been? Are you going to have more babies? We’re answering these questions, plus breaking down many of the elements of our early days of postpartum. Links From The Episode: Our second home birth story: Follow up to our birth story: Silverette: Cal Newport: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order YourDay Balance Game app: More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/21/202357 minutes, 32 seconds
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432: Infertility, First Pregnancy, Successful Home Birth and Postpartum Hemorrhage - Listener Submitted Story from Paige Conant

What helped you when you were preparing for home birth? For Paige, “Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth” and Doing It At Home podcast were two of the biggest resources in her journey. In Paige’s submitted audio story, she walks us through her preconception journey as well as the planning for home birth and the birth of her son, Cole. Themes and topics from Paige’s story: Unexplained infertility and struggling to conceive IUI process Exploring a birthing center option Finding a midwife Support from husband Different positions during birth Postpartum hemorrhage Healing and recovery Addressing questions and comments around home birth Links From The Episode: Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/12/202357 minutes, 8 seconds
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431: Birth and Postpartum Support are the Best Baby Shower Gifts with Kaitlin McGreyes of Be Her Village

What sort of stuff do I need to prepare for a baby? Great question. And what if it’s not about the “stuff?” What if we focus less on the “stuff” and look more at the support and resources that mothers and parents need after they have a baby? Enter Be Her Village, an online cash gift registry where parents can select services and support for friends and family to contribute to. You can customize your registry to include things like your midwifery care, a doula (birth and/or postpartum), lactation consultant, physical therapy, massage therapy, chiropractic care, nutritionist, etc.  Kaitlin talks about her journey that inspired the idea for Be Her Village, plus how it works for parents to use it (ps - it’s ALWAYS free for parents to use), as well as how birthworkers can use it to list their services and be a part of the $12 billion industry for baby gifts (spoiler: majority of them are not necessary!).  For parents: go to and start your registry (and let them know DIAH sent you when you sign up!) For birthworkers: go to to list your services (which is free!), and you can use the code ATHOME for 20% off any course or certification you’d like to sign up for Links From The Episode: Be Her Village: Be Her Village Instagram: Episode 370 with Kaitlin: More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/5/202338 minutes, 43 seconds
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430: Things We Forgot About Our Birth Story Plus Answering Your Follow Up Questions

But what about the bag of waters?! We answer this and other questions that we received as follow ups to our second home birth story for baby Naomi. There were also some things from the birth story that we forgot to mention and wanted to expand upon further. This includes but is not limited to: crying during labor, the cord snap, birthing the placenta and the moment when we discovered that baby was a girl. Links From The Episode: Naomi’s Birth Story: Erica and Anthony on the podcast part 1: Erica and Anthony on the podcast part 2: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH for 10% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/29/202348 minutes, 20 seconds
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429: When Home Birth Is Just A Normal Thing with Celia Donaldson (DIAH Classic)

When did you first learn about home birth? For today’s mama, Celia Donaldson, she herself was born at home. So for her growing up, it was just “normal.” So there didn’t have to be this explanation and deep dive into what it was or why people might choose it. It’s this normalcy that carries through how Celia shares her story, from research she did while pregnant, the conversations with her partner Ali and assembling a birth team that would support her in what she wanted to create (while also receiving prenatal care at a hospital).  With about a month of “practice labor” prior to birth, Celia was ready to meet her baby, her son Nadir. We hear the birth story as well as some of Celia’s favorite resources, as a birth and postpartum doula and childbirth educator herself. Check the links for more on her and the resources she shared. Links From The Episode: Celia’s website: Evidence Based Birth: Birthful podcast: The Birth Hour podcast: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Send us your birth story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/22/202355 minutes
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428: A Passion and Love for Birth - Listener Submitted Story from Lauren Carney

Enjoy another listener story submission! This one is from Lauren Carney about the birth of her son Jasper. Things mentioned in this story: Advocating for yourself Looking into a birth center Care providers that make you feel safe and care about you properly Falling in love with midwifery Switching plans at 24 weeks from OB to midwifery Baby flipping positions Humming through contractions Water easing sensations Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order More From Doing It At Home: Share your story with us: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/8/202325 minutes, 23 seconds
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427: 25 Ways to Know Labor is Starting (DIAH Classic)

How do you know when labor is starting? This is a question we put out there into the community, and received some really great answers and examples. So we’re sharing them with you! Plus our experience of what it was like when we realized it was “game time” -- what it felt like, what was going on, and what we did once it was clearly active labor. There’s a wide range of possibilities and experiences when it comes to discovering you’re in labor. Our goal in sharing this conversation with you is to help you should you find yourself experiencing anything similar to these situations. And for those who have already been through the birthing experience, something to reflect back on and connect with. We also share some bonus tips on what you can do when you do discover you’re in labor, to avoid any unnecessary stressors and create a smooth and peaceful environment. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH23 to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/1/202344 minutes, 56 seconds
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426: Our Second Home Birth Story: Rotisserie Chicken, Chatting with God and Cord Snap

FINALLY! Our second home birth story. At 12 weeks postpartum, we are sharing the details of the birth of our second daughter, Naomi.  Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH23 to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/22/20231 hour, 28 minutes, 47 seconds
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425: A Sweet and Simple Home Birth - Listener Submitted Story from Holly Leever

Why home birth? For today’s DIAH Mama Holly Leever, her answer was: “I knew I would be more comfortable at home and would avoid a lot of unnecessary interventions.” This episode is part of a new format and style we will be featuring on the podcast every so often - a non-interview audio submission from listeners sharing their birth stories with us. We’re excited to have this as another way to bring you more birth stories, for when we’re at capacity with our interview schedule. And it’s great for those who would prefer to share in this way.  Some of the topics mentioned in Holly’s story: Practicing FAM Finding out she was pregnant Struggling with eating disorder before becoming pregnant Helpful resources during pregnancy A sweet and simple birth Links From The Episode: Holly’s Website: Love Your Labor: Ina May’s Spiritual Midwifery: Steamy Chick: Womb Wisdom Podcast episode with Sarah: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH23 to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan More From Doing It At Home: Share your birth story with us: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/15/202325 minutes, 5 seconds
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424: 2 Home Birth Stories with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack of “Fertility Friday” and “The Fifth Vital Sign” (DIAH Classic)

Who knew they were going to have a home birth before ever becoming pregnant? This was the case for Lisa Hendrickson-Jack, today’s guest and creator of the “Fertility Friday” podcast and author of the book “The Fifth Vital Sign.” Lisa is a holistic reproductive health practitioner specializing in fertility awareness method. She’s helped thousands in their reproductive journeys. And today, we get to hear both of her birth stories! We learn what got Lisa interested in home birth back in her 20s, plus the different details of her births and what helped her during the experiences. Things we talk about in this episode: Productive labor Fetal ejection reflex Goals and strategies around birth planning Midwife support Links: Lisa’s website:  Lisa’s book “The Fifth Vital Sign”: Lisa’s Instagram: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/7/202358 minutes, 2 seconds
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423: 2 Beautiful and Simple Home Births and Awakening as a Mother with Steph Greunke

Can birth just be wonderful and beautiful and simple and uncomplicated? Absolutely! Every story is unique and every story matters. We love how we are able to present the variations here on the podcast. Today we get to hear Steph Greunke’s birth stories: 2 home births. Things we talk about in this episode: Links From The Episode: Steph’s website: Steph’s program: Steph’s Instagram: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/1/202352 minutes
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422: VBAC, HBAC and When Your Birth Turns You Into a Birth Worker with Stephanie King

How often is intervention necessary? From what we’ve found and learned in the hundreds of stories on this podcast, more interventions seem to be unnecessary rather than necessary. In Stephanie King’s stories, she talks about the cesarean for her first birth being unnecessary. From there, she walks us through her journey to a VBAC in a birth center and then a home birth for her next 2 births.  Stephanie is a childbirth educator, doula, creator of the My Essential Birth Course and host of the Pregnancy and Birth Made Easy podcast. Stephanie is also an example of the many women we’ve spoken to who are inspired and called to birth work after their own birth experiences.  Things we talk about in this episode: Hospital birth Cesarean birth VBAC in birth center Prodromal labor Birth as a spiritual event En caul birth Links From The Episode: Stephanie’s website: Stephanie’s Instagram: Three Daily Exercise: My Essential Birth Course: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/25/202347 minutes, 48 seconds
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421: Preparing for What You Can’t Plan: 55 Hours of Labor with Dr. Brittany Zis

Is it possible for a birth experience to empower you and leave you feeling a little defeated at the same time? That was what Dr. Brittany Zis thought about her home birth, at first. For one thing, it was 55 hours long, and a couple of unplanned factors popped up - like her cervix being completely closed after almost a day of contractions, pushing challenges and baby changing position at the last minute.  But with the support of her birth team: her midwives, her husband Andrew and her family, Brittany sees how badass she is and how humbling the experience was, welcoming her son Russell into the world.  As a physical therapist specializing in women’s health and pediatrics, she had a goal of approaching her home birth decision with both a natural mindset as well as evidence-based information (the best of both worlds). We think this is something that many in the DIAH can connect with, and we’re so excited to share Brittany’s story with you! Links From the Episode: Brittany’s website: Brittany’s Instagram: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/18/202349 minutes, 50 seconds
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420: 3 Planned Home Births with 1 Baby Born at Home with Britt Anderson

Would you try again for a home birth if it didn’t happen the first time? Today’s guest, Britt Anderson, walks us through 3 very different birth experiences. From a hospital transfer for cesarean, to another hospital transfer with VBAC to a home birth. Britt also shares how her history as a nurse, doula and her expertise in women’s health and wellness fuels her passion for preconception care.  Things we talk about in this episode: Hospital transfer from home Cesarean birth VBAC Links From The Episode: Britt’s website: Britt’s Instagram: Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth: The Business of Being Born:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan   More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/10/202348 minutes
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419: Feeling Like a First-Time Mom in a Third Birth with Kathryn Langlois

Do you feel like you have control when it comes to your pregnancy and birth? In today’s birth story, we chat with Kathryn Langlois, mama of 3 from Alberta, Canada, about the details of her 3 pregnancies and births.  2 hospital births and 1 birth center birth. Her third birth felt “uncontrolled” – unlike her previous births. So because of that, in a way, she felt like a first-time mom in that birth experience. Plus we talk about different considerations she and her husband Paul took in choosing between birth center or a home birth. Things we talk about in this episode: Hospital birth Birth center birth Induction Blood pressure Care provider selection and midwifery option in Canada Birth during COVID times and a polar vortex Links From The Episode: Business of Being Born:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan   More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/3/202354 minutes, 32 seconds
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418: The Most Common Reason for Home Birth Transfers to the Hospital and The Importance of Preparing Your Mindset with Anne Margolis (DIAH Classic)

Why do a small percentage of planned home births transfer to the hospital?  There are a number of reasons. In today’s conversation with our friend Anne Margolis, certified nurse midwife and a powerhouse in the birth world. She has personally helped usher in over 1000 babies into the world. We’ve had her on the show a few times now and it’s always magical to speak with her, because she ends up blowing our minds in some way when it comes to birth. We also discuss the importance of preparation for your home birth, particularly when it comes to preparing your mindset. The typical Western culture and approach to birth is very counterproductive to the experience of laboring and birthing a baby. So we talk about how we can minimize the “googling” and the overanalyzing that keeps us stuck in our heads, out of our bodies and in a fearful place. We also highly recommend that you follow Anne and check out all of her amazing resources for birthing people and parents.  Things we talk about in this episode: home birth to hospital transfer, birth preparation, mindset work, Western culture’s approach to birth, first-time birthers and parents Links From the Episode: Anne’s website: Anne’s free mini-course: Anne’s Love Your Birth course: Anne’s courses (use the code DIAHOME for 10% off!):   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan   More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/28/202243 minutes, 51 seconds
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417: Trusting Birth, Questioning the System and Supporting Parents and Birth Workers with Dr. Nathan Riley (DIAH Classic)

How do you truly honor birth? Dr. Nathan Riley joins us for the second time on the podcast. First time was back in 2019, and a lot of life has changed for him. For one thing, he’s welcomed both of his daughters into the world. And today we talk about the home birth of the youngest (about 5 weeks old at the time of this interview). Nathan shares his perspective of the experience, as a father, partner and physician. Nathan also talks about the space he holds for birth and how he has evolved from an OBGYN practicing in the hospital to a more lifestyle medicine approach where he supports both parents and birth workers. The nuggets in this episode are too many to count and drop at such a rapid rate. You might need to hit pause and rewind a few times, that’s how powerful it is! Things we talk about in this episode:  hospital model of care hospital birth home birth story fast labor and delivery trusting and bearing witness to birth awesome resources around holistic birth Nathan’s journey as a doctor questioning the medical system Links From the Episode: Nathan’s website: Nathan’s Instagram: First interview with Dr. Riley -   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan   More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/20/202252 minutes, 6 seconds
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416: Gestational Diabetes, Preeclampsia and Advocating for the Birth You Want with Kseniya Gadh

What would you do to get the birth you want? Change plans at 33 weeks, talk to different providers, get your partner on board? These are all themes of today’s story with Kseniya Gadh. Her first birth was a bad experience in the hospital. For her second birth, she switched to a home birth plan around 33 weeks, even with circumstances like gestational diabetes and previous preeclampsia. Kseniya is an example of pushing for the birth you want, despite odds being against you. Things we talk about in this episode: Gestational Diabetes Preeclampsia Switching care providers Craniosacral therapy Challenges with the birth pool Links From The Episode: Happy Belly Pregnancy program: Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering by Dr. Sarah Buckley: Business of Being Born:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan   More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/13/202258 minutes, 36 seconds
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415: Home Birth After TTC Struggles and Preterm Labor with Sophia Pavia

How do you feel in a hospital environment? Many choose home birth because of a bad experience (whether birth-related or not) or general dislike with the hospital. In today’s story with Sophia Pavia, an unpleasant experience in the hospital during her first pregnancy added to her reasoning for having a home birth. But that wasn’t the only reason. She herself was born at home and her sister had home births before Sophia started having children. For her, it was the best choice.  Sophia is a fertility dietitian and at the time of this recording she is pregnant with her second, just weeks away from birth! We talk about details from her first birth along with intentions and plans for her upcoming home birth.  Things we talk about in this episode: TTC journey Spinning Babies Using the birth tub Placenta delivery Postpartum insomnia and anxiety Affirmations and intentions for birth Links From The Episode: Sophia’s website: Sophia’s Instagram: Food Freedom Fertility Podcast: Birthing From Within:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan   More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/7/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 46 seconds
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414: Choosing Home Birth as an Evidence-Based Minded Person Plus Letting Go, Accepting Pain and Being Patient with Shira Page (DIAH Classic)

Can you over prepare intellectually for birth? This is a topic that comes up in our interview with Shira Page, NP and CLC. According to Shira, when it came to her first birth: “I had been planning to deliver at home my entire life because my mom gave birth to my brother at home. We did Bradley, I read all the books, watched all the documentaries, and listened to DIAH non-stop. My labor at home was over 40 hours of nonstop stabbing back pain and non-progressive labor. We went to the hospital to get morphine and sleep and returned home to continue to try to labor. After another day at home doing all the things, we transferred to get an epidural. The hospital experience was okay but still had a lot of moments where I felt decisions were taken from me. I felt that I overprepared intellectually and didn't focus on letting go, accepting pain, and being patient.”  We talk about the details of her first birth, then details of her second, including some of her postpartum and breastfeeding journey. Things we talk about in this episode:  La Leche League Business of Being Born co-care model Bradley Method hospital transfer mental preparation prodromal labor postpartum trauma and anxiety placenta removal Links From the Episode: Shira’s Instagram: Shira’s website:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan   More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/29/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 46 seconds
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413: The Hybrid of Medical and Midwifery: Talking Breech and Twin Home Births with Dr. Stu Fischbein (DIAH Classic)

How do we make birth better? Today we’re chatting with one of the country’s top leaders addressing this question, and not just addressing it, but matching his conviction with his actions. They say don’t meet your heroes...but I don’t think they included “birth heroes” in there. Because you should definitely meet those people! Dr. Stu Fischbein joins us at Doing It At Home for a powerful conversation on his history in the birth world, shifting from hospital care to now working with midwives to support families in home births, specifically with the variations of normal of breech and twin births.  Dr. Stu has nearly 30 years in the game and is full of passion. Chatting with him was invigorating and certainly added fuel to our flame for the work we do here and our desire to keep flooding the birth world with empowering and educational conversations. After we talked about his years of experience and perspective on breech and twin home births, he answered some of our community members’ questions. This is a must listen for every birth nerd out there! Things we talk about in this episode:  normalizing breech and twin home births relative risks and actual risks in birth midwifery model of care why doctors fear birth the medicalized birth system   Links From the Episode: Dr. Stu’s website: Dr. Stu’s Instagram: Birthing Instincts podcast:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan   More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch: Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/22/20221 hour, 37 minutes, 14 seconds
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412: A Healing Precipitous Water Birth After Postpartum Hemorrhage Trauma at First Birth with Karine Halle

How can you take your power back after it feels like a previous birth experience took it away? Today’s story with Karine Halle features details of trauma from a hospital birth for her first child and how she was determined to have a home birth for her second.  In between her first and second birth, she felt called into doula work and became passionate about supporting families in the birth experience.  For her second pregnancy and birth, she did everything she could to put the odds on her side to have her dream birth. *Please note that this conversation contains mention of suicidal thoughts Things we talk about in this episode: Postpartum rage GBS positive Gestational Diabetes testing Body work for birth: chiropractic care, massage, yoga, exercise Links From The Episode: The Birth Hour: Birthful: Evidence Based Birth Podcast: Babies are Not Pizzas: Ina May: Hypnobirthing: The First Forty Days: Birthing from Within: The Fourth Trimester: Business of Being Born:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan   More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/17/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 59 seconds
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411: Releasing Fear, Guilt and Shame Around Sexuality in Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum with Rosie Rees, Creator of Splash Blanket

Have you had feelings of fear, guilt and or shame around sex? If you have, you are most certainly not alone. In fact, you’re likely in the majority. We just don’t always talk about it because of the perceived taboo aspect of it.  We love tying in the conversation of intimacy and sensuality with birth - we’ve had a number of guests on the show who reference it and we’ve shared it in some of our own experiences.  Today we’re chatting with Rosie Rees, creator of Splash Blanket and Yoni Pleasure Palace.  Some of the things we talk about: Rosie’s background and what brought her into the world of sexual wellness Blockages that prevent us from experiencing deep pleasure, particularly during the times of pregnancy, birth and postpartum What is the slow self pleasure revolution? Yoni eggs How Splash Blanket is a support tool for entire fertility process And you can enjoy 15% off your purchase with either Splash Blanket ( or Yoni Pleasure Palace ( with the code DIAH15.  Links From The Episode: Splash Blanket:  Yoni Pleasure Palace: Splash Blanket Instagram: Yoni Pleasure Palace Instagram: Rosie’s Instagram:   More From Doing It At Home: The Home Birth Hub: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/14/202242 minutes, 32 seconds
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410: Last Update Before Birth: Third Trimester and Preparing for Baby Bivens 2

Welcome to our final pregnancy update episode! We’re at 37 weeks when we record this. It’s our last time recording before the baby arrives. Stay tuned for the birth story to drop in the beginning of 2023! We talk about: Our family babymoon Tests and test results like blood work, Gestational Diabetes and GBS Our midwife appointments Bodywork in pregnancy Halloween costume during pregnancy Baby showers Having kiddo(s) present at birth Links from the Episode: Episode 400: Updates From Second Trimester: Body Changes and Birth Intentions: Episode 390: Baby Bivens 2 - Weeks 11-14 of the Pregnancy: Episode 386: Weeks 7-10 of the Pregnancy: Episode 381: Weeks 0-6 of the Pregnancy: Episode with Dr. Matt Angove: Blood Vitality - use the code BloodVitality15 for 15% off your purchase: Needed Hydration Support: Ancestral Supplements Liver Capsules: Chloroxygen drops: Magnesium Glycinate: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan   More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/9/202242 minutes, 58 seconds
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409: A Doula Learns About Fetal Ejection Reflex The Hard Way with Kaitlin McGreyes, founder of Be Her Village (DIAH Classic)

Today we’re chatting with Kaitlin McGreyes about the birth of her 3rd child, which was her first home birth. After a cesarean and then a hospital VBAC for her first two births, she decided to have a different experience for her third. Kaitlin was a doula for 2 years before her home birth. And interesting fact: in the beginning of her doula work, she was against home birth. We talk about the shifts in her thoughts about home birth and the reasons for having one for herself.  Plus really awesome conversations around the landscape of the birth world in general, and what she and her company Be Her Village are doing to help parents and families in getting the real support they need (like funding for their care provider, postpartum practitioners, mental health resources, etc.) as opposed to a bunch of extra toys and gear that they might not necessarily need.  From Kaitlin: “I had been a doula for 2 years. I had a cesarean for my first, vbac in hospital with my second (unmedicated) and I opted for a home birth for my third baby. I was expecting the birth to be EXACTLY like my vbac labor. and it was in terms of timing and how it started. Both started at 6am while I was in bed with small Braxton hicks that had a pinch at the peak. That's where the similarities ended. My 21 hour vbac was gentle and peaceful and spiritual. My home birth was moving faster than I expected. My midwife only made it because she was smart enough to come without me asking. And in under 6 hours I went from maybe being in labor to roaring my baby out in a half filled birth pool. I experienced FER and instead of pushing her out I was holding her back so I didn't tear. Unlike what you see on YouTube our home birth involved both of us screaming lol. It was fast and furious, much like my daughter.” Things we talk about in this episode: Cesarean birth Hospital VBAC Reasons for having a home birth Doula work influencing your own birthing choices Preparing for birth while you are pregnant Be Her Village registry Links From The Episode: Be Her Village Website: Be Her Village Instagram:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan   More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/2/20221 hour, 15 minutes, 56 seconds
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408: Positive Example of Collaborative Care and Preparation for Home Birth with Ryan Woodbury

Is it possible to have good collaborative care with a team of different practitioners when planning for home birth? Absolutely! Do you hear about it all the time? Unfortunately, not. But today’s story with guest Ryan Woodbury is a great example of what it can look like to plan for and have a home birth that is supported by multiple care providers and a team approach. Ryan shares her preconception journey with us, along with her husband Dave’s perspective on home birth when they were pregnant along with tools and resources she used to have an easy, comfortable pregnancy and have the home birth she wanted. Things we talk about in this episode: Preconception planning Choosing your provider team Acupuncture and chiropractic for prenatal care Utilizing collaborate care Links From The Episode: Our first interview with Ryan on DIAH: DIAH episode with Ryan’s co-founder Julie Sawaya: Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth: ​​   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH15 for 15% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan   More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/25/202250 minutes, 34 seconds
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407: Birth From a Disability Perspective Both in Hospital and at Home with Lo Nigrosh

How do we take disabilities into consideration when it comes to birth? Lo Nigrosh of The Milk Making Minutes podcast joins us to share details of her 2 birth experiences. Her first was in the hospital and her second was at home.  Her decision to home birth was largely influenced by the policies and care she encountered in the hospital.  When asked, “Why home birth?” Lo responded with: “I needed to be treated as an individual with individual needs. I had a hospital birth with my first child and was deeply impacted by blanket policy that made me MORE disabled than I already am.” Things we talk about in this episode: Gestational diabetes Bradley Method Hemorrhaging Collaborative care amongst providers Links From The Episode: Lo’s website: The Milk Making Minutes podcast: Lo’s Instagram: Bradley Method:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH15 for 15% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/19/202258 minutes, 9 seconds
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406: When Your Birth Doesn’t Go The Way You Planned with Brittni Mitchell

What happens when birth doesn’t turn out the way you planned? Today’s story is an example of what it can look like to move through a hospital transfer situation, when it’s the last thing you desired or intended for. Brittni Mitchell shares her birth story of her son Cole. She and her husband Elliot planned for a home birth preconception. They utilized resources like DIAH podcast and “Business of Being Born” documentary to prepare. And guess what - they live close to us and even used the same midwife that we did! Brittni talks about moving through the emotions that came with not getting the birth she originally wanted. From Brittni: “A big take away I had was that it’s ok to grieve the birth I wanted so bad but was impossible.” Things we talk about in this episode: Vegan pregnancy and supporting optimal vitamin and nutrient levels TENS unit Back labor Hospital transfer Epidural and pitocin Attempted vacuum removal Placenta encapsulation Links From The Episode: Hypnobirthing:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH15 for 15% off your order Esembly: - use code DIH20 to get 20% off your order Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order or DIAH100 for $100 off a Complete Plan   More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/12/202246 minutes, 21 seconds
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405: A Peaceful HBAC During Chaos and a Powerlifter Mama with Kara Lambert (DIAH Classic)

How many of us feel a sense of failure after a birth experience? We’re clear that it’s far too many. In fact, one is too many. We’re grateful for stories like this who can help with the healing and rescripting. Our guest, Kara Lambert, shares her birth journey. After her cesarean birth with her son Theo, as she puts it, “I felt like I failed.” Great resources like ICAN helped Kara in her process of planning for a future VBAC. She and her husband Russ started with an OBGYN with their second pregnancy. But then a pandemic hit. Well, “what if we home birth?” they thought.  They connected with a badass midwife, and utilized parallel care (seeing both a doctor and their midwife). Kara describes her home birth as mostly “lazy.” The significance in highlighting that centers around the normalcy of the experience, and how it was able to be peaceful despite lots of opportunities to have not been that way. And then we get to hear how baby Chiara entered the world. This birth story includes: acupuncture and moxibustion, midwives’ brew, the peanut ball (not a snack, despite what Matthew thought!) and a storm Links From The Episode: Kara’s Instagram: The VBAC Link Podcast: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH15 for 15% off your order Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order   More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/5/202250 minutes, 52 seconds
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404: Manifesting My Ideal Home Birth with Adriana and Tim Keefe

How often do you think about how your birth will unfold? Today’s guests, Adriana and Tim Keefe, share the details of their two home birth stories.  After a hospital birth for her first child, she decided on home birth for babies 2 and 3.  Adriana and Tim both talk about the preparation process for their home births as well as helpful resources and the sequence of events in both births.  From Adriana regarding her first home birth: “I envisioned how my labor and delivery would go…and it went exactly how I envisioned it” Things we talk about in this episode: Choosing home birth after hospital birth Dad’s perspective on choosing home birth How partner can be involved in the birth Visualization and manifestation for your birth experience Comfort techniques during labor Links From The Episode: Adriana’s website: Adriana’s Instagram: Why Not Home: The Business Of Being Born: Rebozo technique:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH15 for 15% off your order Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order   More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/27/202248 minutes, 6 seconds
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403: A Beautiful Home Birth After an 8-Year TTC Journey with Soni

Do you believe that you are built to birth? From today’s guest Soni: “I was absolutely amazed that I actually did it, I’m one of those people everyone always thinks is just not tough.” Soni shares her home birth story with us. Things we talk about in this episode: 8-year TTC journey  Fertility challenges Marathon sex An empathic partner Switching from OBGYN hospital care to midwife home care Fears and visions around birth Words of wisdom Links From The Episode: Bridget Teyler YouTube:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH15 for 15% off your order   More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/21/202245 minutes, 44 seconds
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402: Unexpected, Unassisted Home Birth of Baby Number 6 with Lauren Smith

How do you use your instincts during birth? Today’s story features a combination of birth intentions, intuition and instinct.  Lauren Smith shares her birthing journey with us. From 2 hospital births to 2 birth center births to 2 home births. Things we talk about in this episode: Some challenges in pregnancy including connecting with baby Surrendering to God Considering unassisted birth Long prodromal labor Using Spinning Babies and Miles Circuit to help with baby’s position  Having siblings present at birth Links From The Episode: Lauren’s Instagram: Spinning Babies: The Miles Circuit: Birth Uprising: The Autonomy Mommy:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Splash Blanket: - use code DIAH15 for 15% off your order   More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/14/202254 minutes, 2 seconds
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401: Star Wars, Kiddie Pools, and Hypnobabies: Our Home Birth Story (DIAH Classic)

Have you wondered about the first birth story we ever shared on this podcast? Well, it’s our story! And today we’re bringing you the classic episode “Star Wars, Kiddie Pools, and Hypnobabies: Our Home Birth Story”. In this episode, Matthew and I sit down (well actually, lay down) with our first guest - less than a week old baby Maya. She lies quietly (for the most part, you might hear some coos and little grunts in the background at times) on Matthew’s chest while we recount the story of our home birth, while it’s still fresh in our minds. There were a lot of tears, a fair amount of blood, some laughs and so much love. So join us from our bedroom - where we made our baby, birthed her and are now hanging out with her and talking about the whole darn thing. Links From The Episode: Hypnobabies: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order: Expectful - use the code DIAH25OFF for 25% off an annual membership:   More From Doing It At Home: The Home Birth Hub: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/7/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 52 seconds
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400: Updates From Second Trimester: Body Changes and Birth Intentions

How is the second trimester going? Glad you asked!  In this episode we’re giving updates on our second trimester, just as we’re about to enter the third. We talk about: Body changes Magical moments and milestones Matthew’s perspective on the dad side of things Intentions and visions for birth Yogurt sex…yep What’s next Links From The Episode: Previous pregnancy update episodes: Weeks 11-14 of pregnancy: Weeks 7-10 of pregnancy: Weeks 0-6 of pregnancy:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order: Expectful - use the code DIAH25OFF for 25% off an annual membership:   More From Doing It At Home: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/31/202251 minutes, 20 seconds
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399: 3 Precipitous Home Births with Brandi Jack

Do you have faith in your body to give birth? Today’s episode dives into this topic. Brandi Jack joins us and shares details of her 4 birth stories, each powerful and unique. From her first birth in a hospital to 3 home births, Brandi gives us an authentic and heart-centered storytelling. Also note that we talk about the experiences of multiple miscarriages and an unhealthy marriage dynamic in Brandi’s previous relationship that impacted parts of the pregnancy and birth experiences. From Brandi: “I thought I was doing everything right before my first baby. I had the recommended OB, I did the hospital birth classes, I read the WTE book and I thought I knew everything I needed to know. But just like the first pancake in a batch, my first labor and delivery didn't turn out at all how I hoped. An unnecessary induction, no real understanding of what to expect and an episiotomy I didn't consent to quickly led to an experience that was nothing like I had imagined.” Links From The Episode: Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order: Expectful - use the code DIAH25OFF for 25% off an annual membership: More From Doing It At Home: The Home Birth Hub: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/24/202259 minutes, 39 seconds
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398: Choosing Sovereign, Unassisted Birth and Radical Birth Work in Ireland with Katie McCormick

Is birth something to be managed? No. Birth is intelligent divine design come to life.  Today’s episode encompasses this idea. We welcome back Katie McCormick to the podcast for the 3rd time, talking about her 3rd home birth - an unassisted home birth. Katie walks us through her wild pregnancy and the intentions she set for her birthing space. Plus how her husband Ryan was involved and how she had her other 2 children present at the birth. Things we talk about in this episode: Unassisted/free birth Wild pregnancy Connecting with your partner Having children present at your birth Birth affirmations Postpartum lessons Links From The Episode: Katie’s first DIAH story: Katie’s second DIAH story: Katie’s website: 20% off Katie’s course “Elevate Your Homebirth” with code DIAHBLOOM:  Katie’s instagram: Devi Prayer Katie mentioned:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order: Expectful - use the code DIAH25OFF for 25% off an annual membership:   More From Doing It At Home: The Home Birth Hub: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website and sign up for our newsletter: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/17/202257 minutes, 35 seconds
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397: “What counts as a home birth?” with Marissa Miller (DIAH Classic)

“Does that count as a home birth?” That is the question Marissa found herself asking after her planned home birth shifted to a non-emergency hospital transfer towards the end of her labor.  Marissa walks us through her process of choosing home birth, which happened before conceiving, navigating feedback and opinions from friends and family and then setting intentions for the birth space and including her husband Stephen in the experience.  Some highlights: Finding a midwifery group with hospital privileges if this is important to you Big emphasis on partner support Birth is not dramatic  Importance of consent-based practice Hospital policies after birth You can do things that are hard It’s okay to question the norm  Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order: Expectful - use the code DIAH25OFF for 25% off an annual membership:   More From Doing It At Home: The Home Birth Hub: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/10/202253 minutes, 38 seconds
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396: Behind the Scenes of DIAH with Birthing Outside the Box’s Jani and Dr. V

Ever wanted to know more about the history of Doing It At Home or some of the behind-the-scenes life of running the show?  In this bonus episode, we’re sharing the interview we did on the Birthing Outside the Box podcast with Jani and Dr. V. Last week we shared an episode (no. 394) where we interviewed them. So this week we thought it’d be fun to share the conversation where the roles were reversed and we got to be the interviewees. What’s cool about it is we take off our “host hats” and we just have a powerful, candid conversation about our journey into DIAH, plus details of our 2-year “open to conceive” journey and how we found out we were pregnant, as well as thoughts on things we all observe in the birth world. Check out our interview with Jani and Dr. V as well as their podcast and birth education with Birthing Outside the Box! Links From The Episode: DIAH episode interviewing Dr. V and Jani: Birthing Outside the Box podcast:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed -- use the code DIAH to get 20% off your order:  C & The Moon -- use the code DIAH15 for 15% off a bottle of Malibu Made Glow Oil: Expectful -- use the code DIAH25OFF for 25% off an annual membership:   More From Doing It At Home: The Home Birth Hub: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/5/20221 hour, 37 minutes, 57 seconds
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395: When You Secretly Want an Unassisted Birth (Freebirth) with Lindsay Robinson

What does it look like to follow your instinct when it comes to birth? Today we’re chatting with Lindsay Robinson about the details of her second and third home births. Lindsay joined us back in 2018 to share her first home birth story. Now we’re talking about her desire to have a freebirth for her second, but she really loved her midwives and was still open to having them there for the birth. Spoiler alert: the midwife arrived after the birth! And then details from her third birth, where her midwife was present.  There are a lot of great details and themes throughout this conversation. To name just a few: Insomnia and depression during pregnancy Birth pool setup (aka shenanigans) Fetal ejection reflex Postpartum bleeding Ultrasound visits Prodromal labor Laboring on the toilet Meconium in waters when they break Nuchal cord Links: Episode 162 with Lindsay: Lindsay’s Facebook: Lindsay’s Instagram: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order: Expectful - use the code DIAH25OFF for 25% off an annual membership:   More From Doing It At Home: The Home Birth Hub: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/3/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 42 seconds
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394: Taking Responsibility for Birth with Jani Barnes and Dr. Vivian Federowicz

What are some of the main contributors to stress and anxiety around pregnancy and birth? What are the main contributors to having peace and joy around your pregnancy and birth experience?  Today we address both of these angles to birth with our friends Jani and Dr. V from Birthing Outside the Box. Jani and Dr. V are a dynamic duo of a doula and a chiropractor who are passionate about empowering and educating parents around pregnancy and birth. Along with hosting the Birthing Outside the Box podcast, they lead an in-person birthing course for their community in Raleigh, North Carolina. This is a very robust conversation all about birth. From unrealistic and sensationalized depictions of birth and the programming and language we receive around birth, to the attempts to control it. Plus what it looks like to birth in the system. We also cover what you can do to set yourself up for success like finding community and utilizing resources. Links From The Episode: Birthing Outside the Box: Birthing Outside the Box Instagram: Birthing Outside the Box Facebook: Jani’s birth stories on DIAH: ICPA: Babies Are Not Pizzas: Business of Birth Control: Birthing on Your Own Terms: Unassisted Childbirth: The Performance Sex Like Birth on Youtube: Evidence Based Birth: Birthful podcast: Birthing instincts podcast:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Expectful - use the code DIAH25OFF for 25% off an annual membership: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order:   More From Doing It At Home: The Home Birth Hub: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/27/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 2 seconds
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393: What Birth Can Teach Us and Entering Laborland with Emily Freimuthv

Today we’re chatting with Emily Freimuth about her 3 births and how they are connected with each other.  Emily was always fascinated by birth. After her first in a hospital, she was inspired to have a home birth for her second and third.  We talk about some of the big differences amongst the 3 births. Plus Emily is a doula/birth keeper and placenta encapsulation specialist, so that ties into her experience and story as well Other topics we get into: Considering unassisted home birth Physical challenges during pregnancy  Labor denial Support (or lack thereof) of family members around your birth From Emily: “I have had 3 births. My first at the local hospital with the midwife team, I had a super awesome water birth that got me hooked on birth! I then had both my boys at home with the same midwife team! I definitely learned things about myself through each birth! I’m also the “crazy” lady that loves labor and I wish I could do it all the time haha” Links From The Episode: Emily’s Instagram:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order: Expectful - use the code DIAH25OFF for 25% off an annual membership:   More From Doing It At Home: The Home Birth Hub: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/20/202257 minutes, 8 seconds
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392: Being Very Intentional with Planning Your Home Birth with Erica James-Strayhorn and Anthony Strayhorn (DIAH Classic)

How do you create the pregnancy and birth experience you desire? First thing - let’s acknowledge that YOU ARE a powerful creator who is capable of doing this. Looking at your “whys,” reflecting on what matters to you and getting intentional about the process makes a huge impact as well. Our guests today are Erica James-Strayhorn and Anthony Strayhorn. We’ve known Erica and Anthony for over 7 years now and in that time they’ve become family. Well folks...they’re pregnant! And they’re planning a home birth. Needless to say we’re beyond thrilled for them. It was a no-brainer to have them on the show.   So they came over and the four of us chatted in our office/recording studio to talk about their journey. From moving through a miscarriage earlier in the year to advocating how Erica would like to be communicated with regarding her care (asking to not be referred to ask “geriatric” or “high-risk” because she’s 36) to finding the midwife that resonated with them to envisioning birthing time, we cover a lot of ground in a short period of time.  So enjoy part 1, because we will most certainly be having a followup conversation after baby arrives in December! Links From The Episode: Erica’s website: Erica’s Instagram: Anthony’s website: Anthony’s Instagram: Part 2:   Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order: Expectful - use the code DIAH25OFF for 25% off an annual membership:   More From Doing It At Home: The Home Birth Hub: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/12/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 33 seconds
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391: Talking About Stress and Anxiety in Pregnancy and Postpartum with Nathalie Walton, CEO/Co-Founder of Expectful

How does meditation improve pregnancy outcomes? Today’s episode is a powerful conversation with Nathalie Walton, CEO/Co-Founder of Expectful. Expectful is a meditation and mental health app for before, during and after pregnancy. We’ve been friends with the folks over at Expectful for a few years now, and we’re very excited to team up for this episode to bring important topics to light. Nathalie shares some of her personal journey of her pregnancy in 2019 and the stress that came with being high risk for preterm labor. After finding Expectful and using it herself, Nathalie found that her tests stabilized and her practices of mindfulness, breathwork and fitness supported her in making it to full term.  We also discuss the science behind meditation and its benefits during pregnancy and postpartum, and how Expectful has created multiple avenues for incorporating mindfulness, meditation, community and support within their platform. From courses in Hypnobirthing to addressing mom guilt, fitness events and classes and lactation support. Plus an extensive library of meditations that can walk you through every day of your pregnancy journey. There are also meditations focusing on preconception, postpartum and loss.  You can download the Expectful app for a free week trial. And - we have a special offer for DIAH listeners. When you use the code DIAH25OFF on Expectful’s website (, you’ll get 25% off your annual membership.  Links From The Episode: Expectful - use the code DIAH25OFF for 25% off an annual membership: Expectful in the app store: Expectful Instagram: Article from The Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health: Article from The American Journal of Perinatology: More From Doing It At Home: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/7/202242 minutes, 24 seconds
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390: Baby Bivens 2 - Weeks 11-14 of the Pregnancy

Welcome back to another Baby Bivens 2, aka BB2 aka Baby Jo, update episode! This week we’re covering weeks 11-14 of the pregnancy. Some highlights:  Lab work Training for birth Differences in preparing the second time around Getting into 2nd trimester Emotions and feelings! The end of the nausea Lots of great links to check out in the show notes for this episode! Links: The Home Birth Hub: Submit Your Story: Episode 381: Weeks 0-6 of the Pregnancy: Episode 386: Weeks 7-10 of the Pregnancy: Episode 16 with our midwife Debbie:   Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Avocado Green Mattress: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order: Carson Meyer: Birthfit Prenatal Training: Revolution Chiropractic: Sarai’s Instagram: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/6/20221 hour, 28 minutes, 58 seconds
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389: When the Midwife Doesn’t Make it to the Birth with Summer Lowery

What happens when your baby arrives before your midwife does? For our story today, according to DIAH mama Summer, she says that her midwife had a feeling she might not make it to the house before baby was born. Summer first joined us on the show back in 2019 to share the story of her first birth (link is below!). Now she’s here to talk about giving birth to her second child at 41 years old. Things we talk about in this episode: Ultrasounds Chiropractic care in pregnancy Miscarriage  Bradley Method Hypnobirthing Empowering your birth partner Doula care Links From The Episode: Episode 242 with Summer: Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed -- use code DIAH to get 20% off your order:   C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil -- use code DIAH15 to get 15% off your order: Serenity Kids Baby Food -- use code DIAH for 15% off your order: More From Doing It At Home: The Home Birth Hub: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/28/202256 minutes, 1 second
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388: The Precipitous En Caul 10 lb Baby with Jessica Cotter

If your first birth didn’t go the way you wanted, what would you do to change things the second time around? In today’s episode we’re chatting with Jessica Cotter about the details of her second birth, her first home birth. After her first birth with her daughter Grace, Jessica felt disappointed by the circumstances and felt that it could have been prevented. She felt defeated, and like her birth was not how she pictured it going. Fast forward to her second birth, Jessica sees the process as healing. Things we talk about in this episode: labor denial, hospital birth, epidural, surrender, en caul, 3-hour labor, 10 lb baby Links: Our DIAH Home Birth Workbook is available for download in the Home Birth Hub! The Home Birth Hub: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Needed, use code DIAH to get 20% off your order:   C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order: Serenity Kids Baby Food, use code DIAH for 15% off your order: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/21/202255 minutes
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387: Doula for 6 Years Before Having a Full Moon Home Birth with Ellen Barnard (DIAH Classic)

“Why doesn’t everybody do this?” That’s the question that David, Ellen’s husband, asked after the home birth of their daughter Willow.  Ellen walks us through her journey to home birth -- from her doula work for 6 years before her birth and what inspired it, to changing care from a birthing center to home birth, to getting her husband on board with the decision. Ellen also shares some of the postpartum challenges, highlighting that sometimes when you have all the knowledge and take in a lot of information, it may not always serve you.  This story includes: doula work, full moon home birth, women’s health and fertility coaching, changing care providers, water birth, postpartum challenges, Raynaud’s disease, feeding tube Links: Ellen’s Instagram: Your Harmony Hive: Salt and Cedar Midwifery: The Home Birth Hub: Submit Your Birth Story:  Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil: - use code DIAH15 to get 15% off your order Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/15/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 30 seconds
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386: Baby Bivens #2 - Weeks 7-10 of the Pregnancy

In this episode, highlighting more of our pregnancy journey as we prepare for our second home birth, we’re covering weeks 7-10. Just some of the main topics you can look forward to in this discussion: Ebbs and flows with nausea and fatigue Sore boobs Shifts in exercise and running Looking into a birth photographer Wardrobe changes And special announcement for this week: The Home Birth Hub is now open! This monthly online membership is for parents or soon-to-be parents planning for home birth, wanting more inspiring stories and information and an intimate community to feel confident and prepared for their birth experience. Learn more and join the hub here: We want your questions and suggestions for things to cover over the next few months as we chronicle this journey! So please send to hello [at] diahpodcast [dot] com or go to our website and fill out the contact form here - Links: The Home Birth Hub: Submit Your Story: Episode 381: Weeks 0-6 of the Pregnancy: Real Food for Pregnancy by Lily Nichols: Sarah's interview with Debra Pascali-Bonaro from Orgasmic Birth: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order: Birthfit Prenatal Training: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/7/202255 minutes, 54 seconds
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385: 1 Unplanned Home Birth and 1 Planned Home Birth with Tori Smith

How can having a home birth change your life? We’ve heard lots of cool examples of folks having big life changes as a result of having a home birth. Sometimes it opens the doors to other new things or experiences, creates projects or businesses or even influences career choices like going into birth work. Our guest today, Tori Smith, can relate to this. Her experiences inspired her to write a book! From Tori: “I had two home births. The first was UNPLANNED (he came so quick, but the midwife came to my house in time for the birth), the second was a planned home water birth. I've written a book, Ready to Unpop, about all of the "unpopular" practices in pregnancy, birth and babies. I was called to write the book because I'm always getting reactions that I'm "brave" or "weird" or "crazy" for doing things like home birth, placenta encapsulation, cosleeping, breastfeeding past a year, etc. I want to normalize these things and show people that these are options for everyone (not just hippies!).” Links: Tori’s website and book “Ready to Unpop”: Check out Needed for before, during and after pregnancy and use the code DIAH for 20% off your order: C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: DIAH YouTube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/1/202252 minutes, 11 seconds
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384: Birth Worker Burnout and the Balance of Holding Space for Birth with Martha Lerner, Doula and Photographer

How do we prevent birth worker burnout? This is one of the great topics we dive into this week with Martha Lerner, birth doula and photographer.  Martha shares her wisdom with us around the following topics: some of Martha’s memorable moments from home births she’s attended in the birth worker role tips for those who want to get into birth work best practices for staying in birthwork long term how to balance/manage all the space holding as a birth worker and what the birth community collectively can do to support the birth workers out there Links: Martha’s Instagram: Martha’s Website: Doula’s Care Collective: Check out Needed for before, during and after pregnancy and use the code DIAH for 20% off your order: C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/24/202247 minutes, 3 seconds
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383: Navigating Challenges of Switching to a Home Birth at 25 Weeks with Porshe Turner (DIAH Classic)

Where do you feel most safe to give birth? Ultimately, that’s one of, if not the most important question to consider when it comes to your birth plan.  When it came down to it, home was the answer for today’s guest, Porshe Turner.  This was Porshe’s third pregnancy. Influenced by COVID-19 and circumstances related to it, Porshe and her husband Jeremy switched to a home birth plan at 25 weeks pregnant. They kept their plans quiet, like many others we’ve spoken to on the podcast (some prefer to keep home birth plans to themselves as a personal preference whether that is to avoid unwanted feedback from others or just desiring a more private experience).  Her previous births were in the hospital: a cesarean breech and a VBAC. One of her concerns going into this third birth was what it would be like to go into labor on her own without any medical intervention.  One interesting element of Porshe’s birth experience is that she went to the hospital during labor when her blood pressure rose, and was eventually able to leave the hospital and return home to have her birth.  From Porshe: This pregnancy was the only one we planned and we just so happened to plan it at the precipice of a pandemic, which has turned out to be a blessing but also brought about a lot of difficult challenges to navigate. It did push us to evaluate where I felt safest to birth and that aligned best with home. Things we talk about in this episode: cesarean birth, breech birth, VBAC, birth blessing, TENS unit, hospital transfer, other resources that helped prepare Links: January Harshe Birth Without Fear: The Birth Hour: Birth Kweens: Badassmotherbirther: Wine About Birth: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/18/202248 minutes, 4 seconds
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382: How to Optimize Iron and Ferritin Levels for a Healthy Pregnancy with Dr. Matt Angove of Dr. Wholeness

What is iron, what’s its role in pregnancy and why is it important to understand? This episode is a comprehensive conversation about iron and pregnancy. Our guest Dr. Matt Angove, naturopathic physician and creator of Dr. Wholeness, shares a ton of knowledge with us on the topic of iron and specifically ferritin levels. Here are some of the questions we address: What is iron and what role does it serve in the body? What makes iron important during pregnancy? Do needs change for preconception and/or postpartum as well? What’s ferritin and how does it factor in with this conversation? How to check for these levels? How to optimize the levels? Why does most iron cause side effects like stomach pain, constipation or nausea? Can you take too much? Why can that be a problem? How to take iron for maximum absorption and effectiveness? Iron in a prenatal vs. iron supplement?  We also chat with Dr. Matt about home birth, as he and his wife Ama had 5 of their children at home (with twins included in that count!). This episode is sponsored by Dr. Wholeness – an online community that provides tips, tools, and resources to help people create a winning health routine by accumulating health – one habit at a time. You can learn more about Dr. Wholeness on the website and find the product Blood Vitality at (use the code BloodVitality15 for 15% off your purchase).  Links: Dr. Wholeness Website: Blood Vitality - use the code BloodVitality15 for 15% off your purchase: Optimize Iron Website: Dr. Wholeness Instagram: More links and resources: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/13/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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381: Baby Bivens #2 - Weeks 0-6 of the Pregnancy

As we shared last week and in case you missed it: WE’RE PREGNANT! Going forward, the first Tuesday of each month will feature a conversation between us, highlighting the recent events of the pregnancy and birth preparation.  Here are the main things we cover in this discussion, focusing on weeks 0-6: Brief recap of the past 2 years of being open to conceive (ttc) The details of how we found out we were pregnant Telling some of our family and friends Securing our midwife We want your questions and suggestions for things to cover over the next few months as we chronicle this journey! So please send to hello[at]diahpodcast[dot]com or go to our website and fill out the contact form here - Links: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: Donate to DIAH: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Birthfit Prenatal Training: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/10/202253 minutes, 32 seconds
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380: Important Announcement - Some Big Changes are Coming Up for DIAH

PLEASE listen to this important announcement regarding some future changes for DIAH.  Stay tuned for next week’s episode that goes into further details. We love you all and thank you for your continued support of the podcast and community :) Links: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: Donate to DIAH: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/3/202212 minutes, 5 seconds
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379: Openly Sharing Miscarriage at Home Story for Healing and Finding Meaning with Susan Stange

How does sharing about some of our deepest pains help to process, heal and find meaning within our experiences?  Our guest Susan Stange examples that today by talking about her recent miscarriage experience.  After 4 hospital births, for this pregnancy, Susan was set on a home birth.  Around 11 weeks, the pregnancy ended. A month later, Susan went through a labor and birth experience in her home. She walks us through her process - the ups and downs, what’s been helping in the healing journey and how she’s been connecting with others.  From Susan:  "I recently experienced a miscarriage. I have been rather open about my experience and have been surprised by how many people who have reached out to tell me what my willingness to share my story has meant to them. That my story has helped them process theirs. Their healing fuels my healing and gives my sadness meaning, rather than it being unnecessary suffering. I thought I would reach out. Part of my story is that I was going to have a home birth, and my home birth midwife was an important part of my experience. My birth didn’t come to fruition and end with a beautiful healthy baby, but I would choose a home birth again in a heartbeat." Links: Susan’s website: Susan’s website: Susan’s Instagram: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/27/202259 minutes, 35 seconds
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378: Q&A with Midwives About the Midwifery Model of Care, Informed Consent and Family-Centered Birth with Sarah McClure and Charli Zarosinski

What does a midwife do?  Might seem like an obvious answer if you’ve been in the birthing world for a while. But if you’re unfamiliar with different models of care or exploring home birth for the first time, it’s a very legitimate question with answers that could be very significant in your birthing journey. Today we’re joined by Sarah McClure and Charli Zarosinski, midwives of Hearth and Home Midwifery and hosts of The Homebirth Midwife Podcast.  We unpacked a lot of really great topics in this conversation including: The different routes to take to become a midwife  Explaining the midwifery model of care to someone new to the concept What’s an average day in the life of a midwife like? What support do midwives and birth workers need? How can clients be best informed and create the best relationship possible with their midwife? How to determine if your area is home birth-friendly Links: Hearth and Home website: Instagram: Hearth and Home Childbirth Education: The Homebirth Midwife Podcast: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/19/202251 minutes, 54 seconds
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377: 2 Home Birth Stories with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack of “Fertility Friday” and “The Fifth Vital Sign”

Who knew they were going to have a home birth before ever becoming pregnant? This was the case for Lisa Hendrickson-Jack, today’s guest and creator of the “Fertility Friday” podcast and author of the book “The Fifth Vital Sign.” Lisa is a holistic reproductive health practitioner specializing in fertility awareness method. She’s helped thousands in their reproductive journeys. And today, we get to hear both of her birth stories! We learn what got Lisa interested in home birth back in her 20s, plus the different details of her births and what helped her during the experiences. Things we talk about in this episode: Productive labor Fetal ejection reflex Goals and strategies around birth planning Midwife support Links: Lisa’s website:  Lisa’s book “The Fifth Vital Sign”: Lisa’s Instagram: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/13/202257 minutes, 44 seconds
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376: 45 Hour Hospital Birth and 4.5 Hour Precipitous Home Birth with Jazmin and Ben Marshall (DIAH Classic)

Enjoy this DIAH Classic today, featuring a brand new bonus segment at the beginning of the episode - a short interview with listener Malina and her mother Char.  What inspired your journey to birth empowerment? For today’s guests, Jazmin and Ben, their journey began in 2017 in Seattle following an ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage. It prompted them to do research and plan for future pregnancies in a different way. According to Jazmin, “It was my first experience realizing I had to advocate for myself with medical professionals, especially considering I'm a black woman, as many brushed off my concerns and pain as "normal."” Fast forward to Atlanta in 2018 when they welcomed their first daughter, Elyana. It was a 45-hour vaginal birth in a hospital. Jazmin says, “That experience inspired me to dive much deeper and do additional prep for my second birth (chiropractic care, Spinning Babies, pelvic floor PT, a hypnobirthing class, and the DIAH podcast, to name a few).” Then in 2020, Jazmin and Ben had a home birth with their second daughter Sareya. “ I experienced the fetal ejection reflex, had a retained placenta, and absolutely no tearing. Both of my births were empowering in completely different ways,” Jazmin says.  Jazmin switched care providers with both births, something we go into further in the interview. Also, COVID-19 influenced some of the plans and decisions with their second birth. And we mentioned Atlanta, so Jazmin and Ben live close by! We’re very much looking forward to hanging out in person in future DIAH events and gatherings. This birth story includes mention of: ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, changing providers, hospital birth, home birth, epidural  Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/6/20221 hour, 33 minutes, 27 seconds
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375: Pregnancy Loss at 21 Weeks and the Grief Process with Katy Drew

Today we welcome back previous guest Katy Drew, who originally joined us in 2017 to talk about future planning for home birth and why “non-moms” are important in birth conversations. When Katy and her husband Nick became pregnant in September 2021, they planned for a home birth with the assistance of a group of midwives they found in the area where they live in Puerto Rico. They also worked with an OBGYN to support their care. At 21 weeks, there was no heartbeat. Katy walks us through the process: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual that ensued as they prepared for an induced hospital birth experience. This conversation is deeply moving and powerful. We honor Katy, Nick and their son Angelito Grace. We’re so grateful to be able to share their story and celebrate Angelito’s soul journey.   Links: Our first interview with Katy in 2017: First interview with Katie McCormick: Second Interview with Katie McCormick: Zoe Adelle Books: Zoe Adelle Instagram: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/29/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 11 seconds
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374: Birth as a Rite of Passage: Messages for Birthers and Birth Workers with Blyss Young, LM, CPM

Where will you hear about home birth story details, the difference between modern and traditional midwifery, what to do when you are inspired to enter birth work and the connection of birth with sexuality and spirituality? This episode of the podcast! We’re joined by Blyss Young, LM CPM. Blyss is a home birth midwife, teacher, circle facilitator, energy healer, reiki practitioner, mother, yoga teacher, entrepreneur, breathwork facilitator, placenta encapsulator and natural living consultant. Through her guidance and love centered approach she has supported thousands of families to birth in the ways they feel the most empowered. She is a firm believer in intuition, the sacred and rituals. At the heart of all of her work is a deeply rooted belief in the brilliant design of the universe and our integral part in all of it.  You’ve also probably heard Blyss alongside Dr. Stu Fischbein on their podcast “Birthing Instincts.” We get into so many powerful topics in this episode. Blyss shares her history into birth work, details of her own births, elements of midwifery and advice for current and future birth workers, plus connecting with your sexuality in the birth journey.  Links: Blyss’s Website: Byss’s Instagram: Birthing Instincts Podcast: The Innate Journey: Traditional Midwifery Project: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/22/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 37 seconds
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373: IUGR Misdiagnosis That Almost Disrupted Home Birth Plans with Rosa Clemens

What if a questionable diagnosis was threatening your plans to have a home birth? In today’s home birth stories, Rosa Clemens shares about the birth of both of her children. Her first pregnancy included a misdiagnosis of IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction) which presented some interesting hurdles regarding planning for home birth and the doctor’s initial recommendations to induce. We also get to hear about her second home birth and how helpful her midwives were to achieve her desired outcome. Also the use of oxygen during the birth. Things we talk about in this episode: Helpful resources for planning for home birth PCOS IUGR misdiagnosis Pregnancy loss Utilizing oxygen during home birth Links: Rosa’s YouTube: Rosa’s Instagram: What The Health documentary: Evidence Based Birth: Business of Being Born: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/16/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 32 seconds
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372: Postpartum Hemorrhage and a Safe, Successful Hospital Transfer with Janette Silberman (DIAH CLASSIC)

What if...? Probably the biggest question that comes up around the choice to have a home birth. Whether you ask it to yourself, your birth team, or you have other people ask you - it comes up. As today’s guest Janette puts it - “Things did not go to plan, birth never does.” We talk about Janette’s decision to have a home birth - both she and her husband work in a hospital (her as a childbirth educator and doula and her husband as an RN), and so after feeling hesitant to give birth there, she leaned in and took the time to see what felt best. They continued with joint care between their midwives and hospital visits, but planned for a home birth. We hear baby Liv’s birth story, plus the details of Janette’s postpartum transfer to address her blood loss, which had been managed effectively by her midwives and while she was no longer bleeding, a transfusion was the best course of action to support Janette in recovering and feeling better.  In Janette’s words: “When you say you are having a home birth people often respond with "what if there is an emergency?" My postpartum hemorrhage was definitely emergent and my midwife handled it like a bad ass! Most people don't understand the skill set of home birth midwives and the supplies that they carry for such emergencies. My husband and I always felt safe.” Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/8/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 42 seconds
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371: Holy Castor Oil! From a Marathon Hospital Birth to a Sprint Home Birth with Nicole Ashkar

How does it feel to go from a marathon of a birth for your first, to a sprint race for your second?! In today’s home birth story, Nicole shares about why she switched to a home birth plan for her second birth, after having a hospital birth for her first. We also talk about choosing a midwife that works best for you, even if that means driving 1 hour to see them! Plus - castor oil. It comes up often in conversations around birth and moving labor along. Nicole shares her experience with it, plus how her birth changed her as a person. From Nicole: “I did everything and I mean everything I could to ensure a homebirth. But when labor stalled in the 20th hour I considered all my options and that included a castor oil induction. I’d love to share my experience and the good, bad and ugly (also hilarious) side effects. I’d also love to talk about my first birth comparisons and the differences I’ve found with a long slow birth vs the fast birth!” Links: Mavs Top Buns: Mavs Top Buns Instagram: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/1/202248 minutes, 25 seconds
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370: A Doula Learns About Fetal Ejection Reflex The Hard Way with Kaitlin McGreyes, founder of Be Her Village

Today we’re chatting with Kaitlin McGreyes about the birth of her 3rd child, which was her first home birth. After a cesarean and then a hospital VBAC for her first two births, she decided to have a different experience for her third. Kaitlin was a doula for 2 years before her home birth. And interesting fact: in the beginning of her doula work, she was against home birth. We talk about the shifts in her thoughts about home birth and the reasons for having one for herself.  Plus really awesome conversations around the landscape of the birth world in general, and what she and her company Be Her Village are doing to help parents and families in getting the real support they need (like funding for their care provider, postpartum practitioners, mental health resources, etc.) as opposed to a bunch of extra toys and gear that they might not necessarily need.  From Kaitlin: “I had been a doula for 2 years. I had a cesarean for my first, vbac in hospital with my second (unmedicated) and I opted for a home birth for my third baby. I was expecting the birth to be EXACTLY like my vbac labor. and it was in terms of timing and how it started. Both started at 6am while I was in bed with small Braxton hicks that had a pinch at the peak. That's where the similarities ended. My 21 hour vbac was gentle and peaceful and spiritual. My home birth was moving faster than I expected. My midwife only made it because she was smart enough to come without me asking. And in under 6 hours I went from maybe being in labor to roaring my baby out in a half filled birth pool. I experienced FER and instead of pushing her out I was holding her back so I didn't tear. Unlike what you see on YouTube our home birth involved both of us screaming lol. It was fast and furious, much like my daughter.” Things we talk about in this episode: Cesarean birth Hospital VBAC Reasons for having a home birth Doula work influencing your own birthing choices Preparing for birth while you are pregnant Be Her Village registry Links: Be Her Village Website: Be Her Village Instagram: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/22/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 33 seconds
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369: A Peaceful Birth Followed by PPD and PTSD with Jamie Lazzeri

Today’s home birth story features Jamie Lazzeri, an Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, DONA Trained Birth Doula and Holistic Pregnancy Coach.  Jamie talks about her obsession with birth before becoming a mother, her doula work and how that all influenced the kind of birth she wanted to have for her and her baby.  She also shares a number of great resources that helped her in her journey - including the importance of learning from and sharing birth stories and the benefits of prenatal yoga.  Jamie’s birth was peaceful and empowering overall. Coming out of the birth, she realized a number of triggers that brought on PPD and activated hidden PTSD, related to past sexual trauma. She realizes that her birth opened up the space to look at the traumas and begin to heal. This is an incredibly courageous and important conversation to have, as many experience this but do not talk about it.  From Jamie: “I wish I had heard someone talk about this so I could have gotten the help I needed before going through that for so long and I imagine if I'm able to be on your podcast, there will be birthing people that could benefit from this information and not feel alone.”  Things we talk about in this episode: Importance of birth stories Why home birth Prenatal yoga Resources for birth and postpartum planning PPD and PTSD EMDR therapy Links: Resources that Jamie listed: Hypnobirthing Evidence Based Birth  Spinning Babies  The Birthful Podcast The Informed Pregnancy Podcast Birth Kweens Podcast "The Birth Partner" by Penny Simkin "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth" by Ina May Gaskin "When Survivors Give Birth" by Penny Simkin and Phyllis Klaus "The Mama Natural Week-By-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth" by Genevieve Howland "Birthing From Within" by Pan England and Rob Horowitz "Breastfeeding Made Simple" by Nancy Mohrbacher and Kathleen Kendall-Tackett "The First Forty Days - The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother" by Heng Ou, Amely Greeven and Marisa Belger "This Isn't What I Expected - Overcoming Postpartum Depression" by Karen Kleiman and Valerie Davis Raskin Jamie’s Instagram Doing It At Home book on Amazon DIAH website DIAH Instagram DIAH YouTube DIAH Resources DIAH Merch Give Back to DIAH Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/15/202259 minutes, 28 seconds
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368: First-time Mom and Doula at 22 with a Positive Home Birth Story with Katherine Ward (DIAH CLASSIC)

What is intuitive birthing? It can look different for each of us. But the general philosophy of allowing for the process to be what it is for you in your own unique way is a beautiful concept that comes up in our interview today. Katherine Ward shares her home birth story of her daughter Remi with us. Katherine started her doula training at 18-years-old. Through this experience she determined that when the time came for her to give birth, she wanted something different from what she witnessed in the hospital. By the time she met her husband Connor, she knew she wanted a home birth. This sparks a great dialogue in the interview about how “yet-to-be” mothers can approach conversations with their partners about birthing plans in a loving, open and empowered way.  Katherine also shares about some of the challenges in pregnancy in staying connected as a couple and preparing for the birth experience, as well as some unexpected postpartum challenges. And of course, we’ve got all the details of birthing time! Links: Katherine’s Business Instagram: @genesisbirthmassage Katherine’s Business Facebook: Katherine’s Email: [email protected] Lacy from Central Iowa Midwife - Birthing from within - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/8/20221 hour, 1 minute, 7 seconds
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367: Planned HBAC Turned Emergency Hospital Transfer and C-Section with Andrea Sidun

“Home birth is not all about just the “birth” part.” - a well stated concept from today’s guest Andrea Sidun. Andrea talks to us about her 3rd birth - her first planned home birth, and the sequence of events throughout the experience that led to a hospital transfer. She also walks us through some of the details of her first two births and how they influenced her choice to plan for an HBAC.  Listening to DIAH helped her in her preparation. When she listened to other HBAC stories she thought, “if they can do it, I can do it!” She also shares how she is processing the hospital transfer element of her birth and the emotions that can come with that. Here are some of her words: “Since he is our last baby, it was pretty devastating to me that things did not go as planned. I was more than just disappointed, and still have some grief and trauma thinking of the sequence of events. I have a lot to be grateful for too though. The “home” part of my home birth experience was hands down the best out of my three children. The care and attention the midwives provided, along with the comfort of being home, made it my easiest labor by far. I am also so thankful our midwife was so experienced, and knew when to make the call that we needed to transfer. It really validated our trust in her, and her decisiveness may have possibly saved our baby’s life. If I had to do it over again, I would hands down still choose to plan a home birth. I wish so much that I could have delivered at home, but I have comfort knowing that my c-section was likely unavoidable and not caused by any medical interventions. I think my story is important because it goes to show that a home birth is not all about just the “birth” part, and that everything you go through during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum is important too. It also highlights the importance of choosing a provider you know has your family’s best interests in mind, and who won’t take any unnecessary risks for the sake of their own pride. My home birth team took such good care of us during pregnancy and labor, and even though they weren't there for the birth, they came and visited us at home postpartum. We could just tell they really cared for us, and put their whole hearts into the entire home birth experience.” Things we talk about in this episode: Impact of not preparing or planning for your birth VBAC in a hospital Listening to birth stories for inspiration Hiring a doula Talking to your partner about home birth (especially if they’re not fully on board) An interesting call to 911 for hospital transfer Post c-section complications Links: The VBAC Link Podcast: The Positive Birth Company: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/2/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 14 seconds
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366: “What counts as a home birth?” with Marissa Miller

“Does that count as a home birth?” That is the question Marissa found herself asking after her planned home birth shifted to a non-emergent hospital transfer towards the end of her labor.  Marissa walks us through her process of choosing home birth, which happened before conceiving, navigating feedback and opinions from friends and family and then setting intentions for the birth space and including her husband Stephen in the experience.  Some highlights: Finding a midwifery group with hospital privileges if this is important to you Big emphasis on partner support Birth is not dramatic  Importance of consent-based practice Hospital policies after birth You can do things that are hard It’s okay to question the norm  Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/25/202252 minutes, 33 seconds
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365: Trusting Birth, Questioning the System and Supporting Parents and Birth Workers with Dr. Nathan Riley

How do you truly honor birth? Dr. Nathan Riley joins us for the second time on the podcast. First time was back in 2019, and a lot of life has changed for him. For one thing, he’s welcomed both of his daughters into the world. And today we talk about the home birth of the youngest (about 5 weeks old at the time of this interview). Nathan shares his perspective of the experience, as a father, partner and physician. Nathan also talks about the space he holds for birth and how he has evolved from an OBGYN practicing in the hospital to a more lifestyle medicine approach where he supports both parents and birth workers. The nuggets in this episode are too many to count and drop at such a rapid rate. You might need to hit pause and rewind a few times, that’s how powerful it is! Things we talk about in this episode: hospital model of care, hospital birth, home birth story, fast labor and delivery, trusting and bearing witness to birth, awesome resources around holistic birth, Nathan’s journey as a doctor, questioning the medical system Links: Nathan’s website: DIAH Episode 243 with Dr. Riley - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/18/202255 minutes, 45 seconds
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364: Primal, Ancestral and Awe-inspiring Birth with Charly and Dan Swanberg (DIAH Classic)

How do you trust in the process of your birth experience? In today’s birth story, we’re chatting with Charly and Dan Swanberg about the births of both of their daughters: Luna and Kaiya. Charly’s mother had 3 home births herself, so the experience was already familiar and normalized for Charly. Both chiropractic students, Charly and Dan have cultivated a strong understanding and trust in the human body and its abilities. We get to hear about both pregnancies, which went for about 42 weeks. As well as the surprise of getting pregnant 4 months after their first birth. It’s great to hear both perspectives from the whole journey and about the lessons that each learned. Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/11/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 44 seconds
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363: Training for the Marathon of Birth with Brooke Cates, Founder and CEO of The Bloom Method (DIAH Classic)

Can you train for the experience of birth? We’ve often heard birth compared to a marathon. Most people have a lot of intense and focused training when it comes to their marathons. So how can a woman prepare for the marathon of birth?  In today’s birth story we’re chatting with Brooke Cates, the founder and CEO of The Bloom Method, a pre and postnatal fitness method and training for the modern mama.  Brooke shares her home birth story of her son Leven and how she applied all of her knowledge and breath work to the experience. She talks about the strength and the ability to soften and surrender as important parts of birth. Plus she shares part of her postpartum journey and what it’s been like running TBM as a new mama, as well as talks about the viral video of some TBM breathing techniques.  This is an empowering conversation for mamas interested in stepping into motherhood with more awareness of your body after giving birth.  Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/7/20221 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
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362: HOME BIRTH STORY - Plan for the Success of Your Birth and Lean Into Your Vision with Angela Potts-Mang’andah (DIAH Classic)

What are you focusing on the most when it comes to your birth? As you prepare for your home birth, there are obviously many factors and considerations. Are you truly allowing yourself to envision the success of the experience, whatever that looks like for you? Today’s guest, Angela Potts-Mang’andah, walks us through her home birth journey from first starting with hospital care, then shifting care providers two more times (with some twists and turns in there as well in terms of how financial costs would be covered and where the birth would actually take place). Also dealing with the label of “geratric pregnancy” while pregnant expecting your first child at 38.  We also discuss healing the expectation of how your partner shows up in the birth process and how to lean into your vision of your ideal birth. Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/29/202158 minutes, 42 seconds
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361: HOME BIRTH STORY - Using Trust and Intuition to Have a Raw, Real and Beautiful Unassisted Birth Experience with Adina Rivers (DIAH Classic)

What do you do when your care providers drop you and tell you to change your birth plan, at 35 weeks? This is the exact circumstance that Adina Rivers found herself in during her second pregnancy.  Originally planning for a home birth with a midwife, Adina was now facing not only her midwife releasing her from her care, but no other midwife in her area in Bali would take her. Virtually everyone was telling her that she had to have a hospital birth.  “F*** that,” was her basic response. She told her partner Oliver, “we’re going to do it at home.” Adina walks us through her journey into birth, going back 10 years ago to the birth of her son, to how she makes her choices from her intuition and feeling. Adina’s story is one that emphasizes the opportunity we have to TRUST our bodies and birth. And how sometimes challenges and unforeseen circumstances are exactly the catalysts we need to get out of the way and let divine plans unfold.  Things we talk about in this episode: birth center birth in Berlin, Germany, free/unassisted birth in Bali, being dropped by care providers, trusting in your body, how birth and nature are connected, trusting intuition  Links: Adina’s Website: Adina’s Instagram: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/21/202159 minutes, 2 seconds
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360: HOME BIRTH STORY - Normalizing Going Past Due Date: Natural Induction at 41 Weeks with Jessica Prigmore (DIAH Classic)

What happens if you go past your due date? That depends on a number of factors. One thing that we’ve found helpful when it comes to due date or “guess date,” as we’ve seen it referred to (and tend to prefer), is that this is an area of variation of normal. That a very small percentage of babies are born on the projected due date, and that it’s not an exact certainty.  Today’s guest Jessica shares her journey of her second pregnancy and birth and what influenced her to shift from a hospital plan like she had with her first birth.  In this episode we talk about: going past “due date,” induction methods, resuscitation after birth, pitocin after birth, occult cord, large birth team, hiring a doula, hospital birth, dual care From Jessica: I chose home birth for my second baby at 18 weeks pregnant when COVID hit and additional support personnel were no longer allowed to join laboring mothers in the hospital setting. My husband started off very reluctant and anxious about it, but after doing research together got on board and was supportive. Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/14/20211 hour, 23 minutes
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359. Top 3 Things on Learning About Motherhood and Training to Be a Mom with Jessica Lorion

How do you train for motherhood? This is the question that Jessica Lorion found herself asking. And from her own personal inquiry, that question sprouted a podcast and community dedicated to preparing for motherhood.  We’re huge fans of this idea. Having a number of “non-moms” or “soon-to-be” or in Jessica’s community, “mama in training,” we understand and recognize the value in taking time to reflect on the experience and journey of parenthood -- before the physical experience. Jessica shares the top 3 things she has learned in her own journey and how all moms from preconception to postpartum can take something from these lessons and apply them to their own lives. Things we talk about in this episode: training to be a mom, advocacy in parenthood, preparation and planning, letting go of expectations, importance of community, importance of studying motherhood Links: Jessica’s Website: Jessica’s IG: Jessica’s Facebook Community: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/7/202141 minutes, 15 seconds
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358: HOME BIRTH STORY - Second Home Birth Abroad: Intentional, Faith-based and Precipitous with Amy Jo and JJ Mann

How can you be very intentional and faith-driven in your birthing plans? This is a big theme of our conversation with Amy Jo and JJ Mann, veterans of the Doing It At Home podcast. In our second interview with the couple, they share the details of their second home birth experience.  From Amy Jo: “We were living in Germany and "past due" (41+ weeks) with our second baby. The German law is pretty strict with going past your due date and so we were back on the same train as we were with our first daughter with trying all of the natural methods to help get labor started! After a night of Indian food, face masks, Rummikub, clary sage and a small amount of castor oil (we may have went overboard with trying all the things in one evening). I woke up at 6am to go use the restroom and hoped that labor would begin sometime that day. Little did I know our baby girl (we didn't know the gender at the time) would be coming to join us in less than an hour and a half and I wasn't even sure up until she was crowning that I was actually in labor! I woke up my husband once I saw bloody show (which is the only reason I let myself believe that we would be hopefully having a baby that day) and thirty minutes later our daughter was born!!! It was the supernatural labor and delivery we had been praying for. We texted our midwife at 7:14am to maybe come over and our baby came into the world at 7:27am, so of course she did not get there in time for the delivery. It was calm and peaceful and just my husband, me and my mother there while our 2-year-old slept soundly in her room.” Things we talk about in this episode: having a list of intentions for your home birth, language and culture barriers with birthing abroad, the power of prayer, how birth can be fun Links: Part 1 episode with Amy Jo and JJ: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: Our website: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/30/202155 minutes, 57 seconds
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357: HOME BIRTH STORY - Peaceful Home Water Birth After Traumatic First Birth Center Birth with Briahnna Roy and Jeremy Scott (Rebroadcast)

Today’s birth story features Briahnna Roy and Jeremy Scott, a couple sharing their journey to home birth.  For their first baby, Briahnna and Roy chose to deliver in a birth center. The experience wasn’t everything they wanted, and when it came time to decide on the location for baby number two, they opted for home birth.  From Briahnna: “The second birth was incredible. It was the most unreal, beautiful experience. Everything was so calm. I was very quiet and so in control. I was surprised by myself. I can honestly say that it was not painful. It was everything I ever wanted.” Links: Briahnna and Roy’s Youtube Channel “ReadyScottsGo”: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/23/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 57 seconds
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356: Top Tips for Creating Comfort and Pain Management in Labor with Sara Lyon

What can you do to ease pain (or sensation) during labor and birth? Today’s interview with Sara Lyon, birthing expert, doula, founder of Glow Birth & Body, author of “The Birth Deck” and “You’ve Got This: Your Guide to Getting Comfortable with Labor” and mother of 2 (both home births), breaks down techniques for creating comfort during the labor and birth experience.  We also talk about how partners can get involved and help.  Sara shares the 4 categories of support: general, movement, massage and mind. Plus we discuss the experience of “crisis of confidence.” And how key birth affirmations can be. Things we talk about in this episode: massage therapy, effects of adrenaline on the body, types of support and techniques for pain management, fear during birth, affirmations, mindfulness techniques, how birth is like a marathon Links: Sara’s website: Sara’s Instagram: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/16/202154 minutes, 39 seconds
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355: HOME BIRTH STORY - Choosing Home Birth as an Evidence-Based Minded Person Plus Letting Go, Accepting Pain and Being Patient with Shira Page

Can you over prepare intellectually for birth? This is a topic that comes up in our interview with Shira Page, NP and CLC. According to Shira, when it came to her first birth: “I had been planning to deliver at home my entire life because my mom gave birth to my brother at home. We did Bradley, I read all the books, watched all the documentaries, and listened to DIAH non-stop. My labor at home was over 40 hours of nonstop stabbing back pain and non-progressive labor. We went to the hospital to get morphine and sleep and returned home to continue to try to labor. After another day at home doing all the things, we transferred to get an epidural. The hospital experience was okay but still had a lot of moments where I felt decisions were taken from me. I felt that I over-prepared intellectually and didn't focus on letting go, accepting pain, and being patient.”  We talk about the details of her first birth, then details of her second, including some of her postpartum and breastfeeding journey. Things we talk about in this episode: La Leche League, Business of Being Born, co-care model, Bradley Method, hospital transfer, mental preparation, prodromal labor, postpartum trauma and anxiety and placenta removal Links: Shira’s Instagram: Shira’s website: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/9/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 30 seconds
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354: Optimal Nutrition for Preconception, Pregnancy and Postpartum with Needed co-founder Ryan Woodbury

How do you know if your prenatal vitamin measures up? When should you start taking a prenatal vitamin? When should you stop? Can a man take a prenatal vitamin? These are all such great questions when it comes to optimizing your health and nutritional needs during preconception, pregnancy and postpartum.  In today’s sponsored episode, we’re speaking with Ryan Woodbury, co-founder of Needed, a nutrition company working to optimally nourish families before, during and after pregnancy. Things we talk about in this episode: the quality of majority of prenatal vitamins out on the market and how they measure up when it comes to providing necessary nutrients, the standards for prenatal vitamins, Needed’s prenatal options and what they offer, other essential nutrients like omega-3, protein, and microbiome support, perinatal nutrition for men, sperm health - just to name a few topics! Links: Visit Needed and use the code DIAH to get 20% off your order: Needed Instagram: Episode with Julie Sawaya of Needed: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/5/202147 minutes, 31 seconds
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353: HOME BIRTH STORY - The Healing and Life-Changing Power of Birth with Abby Marks

Why choose home birth? This is a question we almost always ask in our interviews. Everyone has their own unique story and reasoning.  In our conversation with Abby Marks, she shares the journey of what felt like “giving power away” and not questioning any of the process in preparation for her first birth. Then changing plans and looking at things differently when it came to her second birth. We also talk about how her work as a doula, childbirth educator and midwife assistant has influenced her own experiences. And she’s pregnant with her third baby at the time of this interview, planning for her upcoming birth! Things we talk about in this episode: hospital birth, switching to home birth, when your husband was born at home and your mother-in-law is a midwife, fears around safety of home birth, education and building confidence for birth, the experience of pain in birth, the labor denial Links: Abby’s Instagram: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/2/202152 minutes, 57 seconds
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352: Practicing Midwifery to Honor the Mystery of Pregnancy and the Magic of Birth with Dr. Nathan Riley, OBGYN (REBROADCAST)

How can care providers and patients work together to create greater understanding and better outcomes for mothers and babies? This is a question we found ourselves asking throughout our conversation with Dr. Nathan Riley, OBGYN. We’ve been in contact with Dr. Nathan for a bit and it was an incredible honor to have him on the show. This is the first kind of conversation like this on the show. It’s a deep and powerful discussion around the current culture around birth and where the opportunities lie to have “whole person care.” As a physician and a male, Dr. Nathan brings a perspective and approach that you’re not used to seeing or hearing about. For example, he shares how midwifery has influenced his practice and how he interacts with patients. Plus the experience of physicians in their years of schooling and training - how the burnout, expectations and highly monetized business world of medicine affects them and how they treat patients.  Dr. Nathan also shares some tips for those birthing in the hospital or transferring from home to hospital in how you can move forward powerfully in the situation to communicate and advocate for yourself. And get this - Dr. Nathan and his wife Stephanie are expecting their first baby! So we talk about their birthing plans and how his knowledge and experience play a part in the process. Links: Dr. Nathan Riley Instagram: Dr. Nathan Riley website:  Doing It At Home book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/26/202156 minutes, 23 seconds
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351: HOME BIRTH STORY - Two Confident and Fearless Home Births and the Importance of Doing Your Homework with Emily Stanwyck

When it comes to birth, what does it mean to “do your homework?” This is a big theme of our conversation with Emily Stanwyck, birth doula, Birthfit trainer and home birth mom of 2. According to Emily, “you can have 2 perfect home births when you do your homework!” We talk about what this means for her not only as a doula but as a mother. Plus details of both of her home births, addressing the fear of the unknown and talking about the really uncomfortable things that can come up around birth and having a “why” around your birth. Things we talk about in this episode: birth partner asking questions and feeling confident in their role, doing your homework in prep for home birth, connection of birth and death, letting go during labor, feeling confident in your body and birth, fetal ejection reflex, having a postpartum plan Links: Emily’s Instagram: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/19/20211 hour, 1 minute, 43 seconds
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350: HOME BIRTH STORY: The 40-Hour Home Birth That Almost Wasn't with Josephine Breen

How can you utilize the power and intention of prayer for your birth? Regardless of your faith, setting intentions for your birth experience can be a big part of preparation for the experience. Today’s guest, Josephine Breen, weaves her faith into her birth story of her daughter Myriam. Josephine was born at home, and always remembers her mother being positive and open around the topic of birth. Then at 12 years old, Josephine got to witness the birth of her sister.  Josephine walks us through her pregnancy and birth, including a lot of the curve balls thrown in along the way.  Things we talk about in this episode: military family, being born at home yourself and then choosing home birth to have your children, education for your birth partner, preeclampsia, membrane sweeps, power of prayer, long labor without a lot of sleep, cervical lip, fetal ejection reflex, having community to support you, letting go when labor gets hard Links: Josephine’s Instagram: Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler: Fertile Ground by Laura S. Jansson: Ina May's Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin: Secrets of the Baby Whisperer by Tracy Hogg: Evidence Based Birth: Aviva Romm:  Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/12/202153 minutes, 55 seconds
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349: Welcome to Fatherhood: The Modern Man's Guide to Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Fatherhood with David Arrell

How can fathers be prepared and support mothers during the pregnancy and birth experiences? This is the crux of David Arrell’s work as he helps partners to be helpful, supportive, involved and all the other great adjectives that benefit both parents. So this episode is absolutely one to have your partner listen to - either on their own or listen together as a couple. We break down how fathers can be prepared for what lies ahead and some tips for creating a team approach. Remember the manta: attentive, calm and competent! Things we talk about in this episode: support for dads and partners for pregnancy and birth, different roles for a birth partner, how to educate birth partners Links: David’s website: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/6/202154 minutes, 41 seconds
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348: Dr. Sarah Buckley on The Science Of Natural and Undisturbed Birth (Rebroadcast)

In today’s episode we speak with Dr. Sarah Buckley on the science of natural and undisturbed birth. Dr. Buckley is the author of the best selling book Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering, the author the report Hormonal Physiology of Childbearing, and all around natural childbirth expert. We are honored and grateful to have Dr. Sarah Buckley join us on the Doing It At Home Podcast for many reasons. To start, her book "Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor's Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting Choices" was a huge influence on us during our pregnancy. Sarah (our Sarah...Sarah Bivens that is) started reading Dr. Buckley's book while we were still planning for a birth with an OBGYN in a hospital. We learned about Dr. Buckley from her appearances in a DVD series called "Happy Healthy Child" (another resource we highly recommend and link to in the show notes.) Dr. Buckley's extensive research and evidence based information on pregnancy and birth, along with her own accounts of her 4 home births left quite the impression on us. It got the wheels turning and prompted us to think about the elements we wanted in our birth. Overtime we found that the best way to experience all of that would be at home. So we're very grateful to Dr. Buckley and the work that she does, because it's like she's been a part of our journey. Dr. Buckley integrates what would seem like differing philosophies at first glance: in the mindset of a medical background, training, practice and care, and natural, holistic, unassisted, physiological birth. Dr. Buckley talks about physiological birth as the type of birth that's in alignment with how the body is designed to work. And low tech models of care support this process. Home birth is an ideal situation to allow for this. We also talk about the core requirements for birth and what a woman needs to feel private, safe and unobserved. And if you didn't know or fully understand the hormonal cocktail that a woman experienced in natural birth, you will by the end of this episode. Want to know what ecstatic birth is? Listen to this episode. One of the key takeaways here is the potential to reclaim power in the experience of birth. That with a healing birth, we can heal the earth! Links from this episode: Sarah Buckley on Facebook Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor's Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting Choices by Sarah Buckley Hormonal Physiology Of Childbearing (report) Pain In Labor (ebook) Ecstatic Birth (ebook) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/29/202150 minutes, 19 seconds
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347: HOME BIRTH STORY: 8-Hour Labor with Shoulder Dystocia and Fetal Distress Resulting in a Successful Birth with Miranda Cottrell

How do we deal with “expectations vs. reality” when it comes to birth? This is a great theme and pattern that shows up in today’s interview, and one that many of us can relate to. You think something will go one way OR you don’t think something will pop up and then what happens….you can guess! Miranda Cottrell, chiropractor and home birth mama shares her story. She always knew she wanted a home birth, planned and prepared accordingly.  One of the nuggets of wisdom from this conversation is that no amount of preparation can really, well...PREPARE you for the experiential aspect of going through birth. So there’s a balance between the education and studying and then the preparation of your mind and emotions.  Things we talk about in this episode: Braxton-Hicks, The Bradley Method, preparing your birth partner, birth tub ambivalence, denial of transition, shoulder dystocia, Hypnobabies Links: Miranda’s Instagram: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/21/202150 minutes, 58 seconds
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346: The Most Common Reason for Home Birth Transfers to the Hospital and The Importance of Preparing Your Mindset with Anne Margolis

Why do a small percentage of planned home births transfer to the hospital?  There are a number of reasons. Today’s conversation is with our friend Anne Margolis, a certified nurse midwife and a powerhouse in the birth world. She has personally helped usher in over 1000 babies into the world. We’ve had her on the show a few times now and it’s always magical to speak with her, because she ends up blowing our minds in some way when it comes to birth. We also discuss the importance of preparation for your home birth, particularly when it comes to preparing your mindset. The typical Western culture and approach to birth is very counterproductive to the experience of laboring and birthing a baby. So we talk about how we can minimize the “googling” and the overanalyzing that keeps us stuck in our heads, out of our bodies and in a fearful place. We also highly recommend that you follow Anne and check out all of her amazing resources for birthing people and parents.  Things we talk about in this episode: home birth to hospital transfer, birth preparation, mindset work, Western culture’s approach to birth, first-time birthers and parents Links: Anne’s website: Anne’s free mini-course: Anne’s Love Your Birth course: Anne’s courses (use the code DIAHOME for 10% off!): Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/14/202147 minutes, 21 seconds
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345: HOME BIRTH STORY - 36-Hour Thanksgiving Baby and the Importance of Trusting Your Birth Team with Heather Davis and Chris Rusinko

How do you build trust for the birth experience? This entire episode encapsulates and embodies this question. Heather and Chris join us to share their birth journey of their daughter Eliana. Heather was born at home, so having a home birth herself was something she always wanted. We walk through the process of Chris preparing and supporting the experience. Also how they assembled their team and how important it was for them to have a team they could trust and count on. Then the details of the birth itself, with an unexpected postpartum transfer that went much smoother than anticipated.  Things we talk about in this episode: Business of Being Born, birth plan, birth team pain management or comfort measures, intimacy in labor and birth, Spinning Babies, meconium in waters, postpartum transfer Resources that were helpful for Heather and Chris: Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth “Pushed” by Jennifer Block “Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering” by Sarah Buckley Baby’s experience of birth and tools for healing by Karen Strange - midwife, neonatal resuscitation expert  Spinning Babies  Why Not Home Documentary Business of Being Born Links: Doing It At Home book available on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/7/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 20 seconds
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344: HOME BIRTH STORY - 3 Birth Stories: Releasing Shame, Hiring a Birth Coach and Orgasmic Birth with Dorit Palvanov (Rebroadcast)

Did you hold onto any shame from your birth or postpartum experience? In today’s episode, our guest Dorit Palvanov is setting an example on how to let that go. She shares details of her 3 birth stories: from hospital to home to back to hospital. Dorit walks us through the processes and the ups and downs throughout her journey to motherhood. From interventions and a dissociated feeling with her first to primal sensations with her second and finally orgasmic energy around her third. Dorit brings her high energy and candor to her stories, and we know that so many mothers and families will benefit from hearing them. Click the links below to learn more about Dorit, listen to her podcast and connect with her. Links: Dorit’s website: Dorit’s masterclass: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/31/202159 minutes, 19 seconds
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343: The Hybrid of Medical and Midwifery: Talking Breech and Twin Home Births with Dr. Stu Fischbein

How do we make birth better? Today we’re chatting with one of the country’s top leaders addressing this question, and not just addressing it, but matching his conviction with his actions. They say don’t meet your heroes...but I don’t think they included “birth heroes” in there. Because you should definitely meet those people! Dr. Stu Fischbein joins us at Doing It At Home for a powerful conversation on his history in the birth world, shifting from hospital care to now working with midwives to support families in home births, specifically with the variations of normal of breech and twin births.  Dr. Stu has nearly 30 years in the game and is full of passion. Chatting with him was invigorating and certainly added fuel to our flame for the work we do here and our desire to keep flooding the birth world with empowering and educational conversations. After we talked about his years of experience and perspective on breech and twin home births, he answered some of our community members’ questions. This is a must listen for every birth nerd out there! Things we talk about in this episode: normalizing breech and twin home births, relative risks and actual risks in birth, midwifery model of care, why doctors fear birth, the medicalized birth system Links: Dr. Stu’s website: Dr. Stu’s Instagram: Birthing Instincts podcast: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/24/20211 hour, 36 minutes, 49 seconds
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342: How to Mentally Prepare for When Things Don’t Go as Planned in Your Birth with Jenny and Wendy from Pure Motherhood

In this episode, Matthew and Sarah chat with sisters Jenny and Wendy, creators of Pure Motherhood, a company that provides education, products, support and empowerment for moms and moms-to-be. We talk about how to mentally pivot when things don’t go the way you might have planned for in your birth. Some of the biggest “what if’s” and concerns around potential plan changes for home birth center around: Change of care provider Elements of the labor and/or birth being different than how you envisioned Transfer to the hospital either before or after birth Jenny is a childbirth educator and has experience with an unplanned cesarean birth and a planned HBAC (home birth after cesarean) that resulted in a hospital transfer for a cesarean birth. Wendy’s background is in creating holistic products to help mothers during pregnancy and postpartum. She had a planned home birth that resulted in a hospital transfer for a cesarean birth. Both women can certainly speak to what it’s like to pivot when things don’t go the way you planned. And they’re creating a platform for others to be educated, informed and prepared in their own individual journeys. Links: Pure Motherhood Co website: Pure Motherhood Co Instagram: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch: ttps:// Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/17/202154 minutes, 48 seconds
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341: HOME BIRTH STORY - Precipitous Labor with Gestational Diabetes, Advanced Maternal Age and Cord Snap with Crystal Boymistruk

Can you still have a home birth with gestational diabetes? This question comes up often in the community. Today’s birth story is an example of an answer in the affirmative. Crystal Boymistruk joins us to share her birth story of her second child, daughter Mila. After a hospital birth with her son Niko, Crystal wanted something different for her next birth. Her husband Rob was on board, and they moved forward. Crystal had a gestational diabetes diagnosis in her first pregnancy, so she wasn’t shocked when it came up again. She talks about her experience with it and how she managed it and addressed the fears and concerns that can come up with the diagnosis and potentials of risking out of a home birth. Also with being 37, Crystal received the “advanced maternal age” label as well. Despite all these factors, Crystal intended for a total physiological birth without interventions. Listen in and check out the video version of our interview on our YouTube channel. Things we talk about in this episode: gestational diabetes, advanced maternal age, cord snap, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s Disease, fetal ejection reflex, home birth postpartum experience Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/10/202152 minutes, 49 seconds
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340: HOME BIRTH STORY - Home Birth at the Height of Lockdown in New York with Lauren Rodych-Eberle

How do you deal with the “what if” questions that can come up around any type of birth? Today’s guest Lauren shares how she and her husband Jordan navigated the “what if’s.” For one thing, it wasn’t certain that Jordan would be in town for their birth. It was also unclear if Lauren’s sister-in-law/doula would be able to attend.  And to make matters more interesting, the country went into lockdown while Lauren was in days of prodromal labor.  This story follows Lauren’s initial inspiration for home birth, to the pregnancy and planning and how the birth unfolded in the face of unusual circumstances. Things we talk about in this episode: pregnancy loss, Business of Being Born, doula care, birth during COVID times, meditation and Hypnobirthing Links: Lauren’s blog post of her birth story: Lauren’s Instagram: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/3/202148 minutes, 1 second
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339: HOME BIRTH STORY - Courageously Processing Grief and Trauma: Breech, Transfer and Cesarean with Caitlin Thompson

How can you advocate for yourself in the midst of chaos? How can you be an active participant in your birth when you feel like all of your control is being taken away? In today’s episode, we’re talking to Caitlin Thompson about her 2nd birth, a planned home birth with a last minute hospital transfer.  This is the third time we’ve had Caitlin on the podcast (links to our first two episodes are below: one covering her conception journey with her wife Shona as they went through multiple insemination attempts and how they were planning for their first birth and the second to share the details of the birth of their daughter Florence).  For the story of the birth of her second daughter Juniper, Caitlin walks us through the conception journey (taking about 8 insemination attempts) as well as the events that led to a hospital transfer when her midwife discovered that her baby was in a breech position.  We also discuss how Caitlin is processing the events of her birth and how she is healing through grief and trauma.   Things we talk about in this episode: LGBTQ family, insemination, trying to conceive, sperm donation, 2nd birth, home birth transfer to hospital, consent in the hospital, cesarean, processing and healing birth trauma Links: First episode with Caitlin: Second episode with Caitlin and her wife Shona Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch: ttps:// Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/27/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 58 seconds
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338: Tools to Prepare You for Birth and Conversations for Love and Empowerment with Brooke Cates

What narratives are you telling yourself and buying into when it comes to pregnancy, birth and postpartum? We go through some of these in our conversation with Brooke Cates, CEO/founder of The Bloom Method, a pre and postnatal fitness method. Particularly the disempowering ones, and how we shift them into empowering ones. Phrases like: Pregnancy is miserable Birth is scary Postpartum is depressing We discuss how we can approach a transformative event like birth and add tools to our toolboxes to feel as prepared as possible. As well as how to explore our options and choose the ones that resonate most with us, even in the midst of a challenging past year in terms of the birth climate.  Things we talk about in this episode: The Bloom Method, the transformation of birth, connecting to your body, movement and fitness, preparing for home birth, knowing your options Links: First interview with Brooke on DIAH: The Bloom Method: The Bloom Method Instagram: The Bloom Method Facebook: The Bloom Method YouTube: Brooke’s website: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/20/202158 minutes, 12 seconds
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337: HOME BIRTH STORY - Switching to Home Birth, Breaking Up with the OB and Dealing with Pushbacks and Judgments with Sarah Bivens (Part 1)

How do you move through and relate to a lot of the challenges that can come up when you make the switch to have a home birth? Today we have a unique episode. Our guest is Sarah Bivens! Usually acting as co-host, the roles got shifted up a bit when Matthew and Sarah decided to sit down and have Matthew interview Sarah on her pregnancy and birth experience. In this part 1, we walk through the decision to have a home birth (and how it wasn’t very plain and simple), changing care providers, addressing challenges with friends and family around the stigmas associated with home birth and some of the preparation and envisioning for the home birth experience as first time parents. Part 2 will feature the full birth story, in a different way than we have shared it before on the podcast, since in this instance Sarah is the “guest” and Matthew is the main host. Things we talk about in this episode: first time parents, switching from a hospital birth to a home birth, breaking up with an OBGYN, finding midwives, choosing birth team members, birth prep, addressing fears and judgments around home birth Links: Happy Healthy Child: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch: ttps:// Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/13/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 20 seconds
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336: HOME BIRTH STORY - Using Trust and Intuition to Have a Raw, Real and Beautiful Unassisted Birth Experience with Adina Rivers

What do you do when your care providers drop you and tell you to change your birth plan, at 35 weeks? This is the exact circumstance that Adina Rivers found herself in during her second pregnancy. Originally planning for a home birth with a midwife, Adina was now facing not only her midwife releasing her from her care, but no other midwife in her area in Bali would take her. Virtually everyone was telling her that she had to have a hospital birth.  “F*** that,” was her basic response. She told her partner Oliver, “we’re going to do it at home.” Adina walks us through her journey into birth, going back 10 years ago to the birth of her son, to how she makes her choices from her intuition and feeling. Adina’s story is one that emphasizes the opportunity we have to TRUST our bodies and birth. And how sometimes challenges and unforeseen circumstances are exactly the catalysts we need to get out of the way and let divine plans unfold.  Things we talk about in this episode: birth center birth in Berlin, Germany, free/unassisted birth in Bali, being dropped by care providers, trusting in your body, how birth and nature are connected, trusting intuition  Links: Adina's YouTube: Adina’s Website: Adina’s Instagram: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch: ttps:// Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/6/202157 minutes, 17 seconds
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335: HOME BIRTH STORY - Second Generation En Caul Home Birth with Nuchal Cord and Hand with Morgan Oberstein

What happens when you were born at home, and then you grow up to realize that it’s actually not considered “normal” for most people? For Morgan Oberstein, home birth was a very normalized thing within her family. Not only was she born at home, but she and other home birth children amongst the extended family would often be at attendance for other home births within the group. In this interview, Morgan shares her own home birth journey with her daughter Brooklyn. A perinatal chiropractor, Morgan had the experience of supporting many women through their own motherhood transitions. Even with her expertise and background, Morgan still wanted to have the experience and process of being a birthing person on her own -- so that meant taking classes and educating herself as well as honoring her own unique fears and challenges. One of the largest being a limiting belief around first-time mothers choosing home birth.  Morgan tells us how she moved through going past “due date,” plus her vision for her birth and how it ultimately unfolded Things we talk about in this episode: chiropractors, use of water in birth, cervical checks, birth team support, pushing, en caul, nuchal cord, nuchal hand and pets at your birth Links: Morgan’s website: Morgan’s chiropractic practice website: Mogran’s Instagram: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/29/202154 minutes, 44 seconds
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334: HOME BIRTH STORY - From an Unplanned Cesarean to a Planned, Unassisted HBAC with Sarah Leahy

Can birth be redemptive? We often hear on the show how different birth experiences bring the opportunity to heal and take back your power.  This is an element of our conversation with Sarah Leahy. Sarah shares the varying aspects of her two birth experiences. Her first, an unplanned cesarean with multiple interventions, left her feeling like her body was broken and it had failed. Following her birth, Sarah experienced PTSD, anxiety, guilt and depression. She knew she wanted to have another baby and wanted to create a different result the next time around. So after initially planning to birth at home with a midwife, Sarah and her husband Adrian eventually opted to “do it at home” by themselves. The second birth experience was, as Sarah puts it, “a complete 180 from the first birth.” And the best description of her HBAC that we can surmise - “NORMAL.” Yes, a completely normal event, and yet incredibly powerful. Following her second birth, Sarah’s new belief around herself and her body was that it was not her that failed the first time - it was the system she subscribed to. Her confidence returned, and she has since grown more active in the birthing community by creating outlets for others to share their stories in both her Facebook page, Autonomous Birth Project and her Instagram @birthuprising. Links: Sarah’s Facebook page for Autonomous Birth Project: Sarah’s Instagram: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch: ttps:// Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/22/202149 minutes, 17 seconds
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333: HOME BIRTH STORY - Birth Vision, Informed Consent and Body Autonomy with Rose Schieck

How do you even describe the floodgate that opens the moment you meet your baby? This is a question that comes up in today’s conversation, when Rose Schieck shares details from both of her birth experiences. Plus the fact that she was born at home herself, and had witnessed her sister’s births in both center and home settings. Her first birth was in a hospital, however it felt like a home birth, with the energy and intention that Rose brought to the space, she was determined to have it match her vision.  When it came time for her second birth, she and her husband Hugo planned for a home birth.  Not only do we get birth stories in this chat but we also talk to Rose about mindfulness and how her work as a wellness coach and yogi has intersected with her birth experiences. Things we talk about in this episode: informed consent, body autonomy, birth vision, yoni steaming, yoga for birth method, sounds during labor Links: Rose’s website: Rose’s Facebook: Rose’s business Instagram: Rose’s personal Instagram: Yoni Steaming: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: Donate to DIAH: DIAH Merch: DIAH Resources: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/15/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 13 seconds
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332: HOME BIRTH STORY - Having a Peaceful Home Birth in 2020 with Michaela Sarver

How could you possibly have a peaceful home birth during a turbulent time in your life?  Ask Michaela Sarver, because she did! In January of 2020, Michaela took custody of her sister’s 3 children, then found out she was pregnant with her second child on the day that schools closed because of COVID-19. So, there was a lot going on for her and her husband Kris. Michaela walks us through details of both of her home births, from the differences between them and the lessons learned.  Things we talk about in this episode: “Pregnant in America,” “Business of Being Born,” nonstress test, membrane sweep, going past due date, birth pool, birth during the time of COVID Links: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: Donate to DIAH: DIAH Merch: ttps:// DIAH Resources: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/8/202150 minutes, 55 seconds
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331: HOME BIRTH STORY - From Hospital to Birth Center to Home Birth with Martina Cifiello

What influences your birth choices? It’s helpful to look at this, to see what matters to you when it comes to birth, and how you can create a birth environment and culture around you that supports you best. Today we’re chatting with Martina Cifiello about her birth journey. From a hospital birth with her first child to a birth center with her second to a home birth with her third, Martina walks us through the factors that inspired the changes and evolutions of her births along the way.  Martina shares how supportive and helpful her husband Simone has been over the years as well, taking a team approach to everything. And fun fact: Martina used the same midwife for her home birth that we had for our home birth, Debbie Schneider of Dawning Life Midwifery. So cool to have that connection! Things we talk about in this episode: hospital birth, birth center, water birth, Bradley Method, pelvic floor health, birth during COVID, family-centered birth Links: Martina’s Bradley Method teacher page: Martina’s PT page: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: Donate to DIAH: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/1/202154 minutes, 16 seconds
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330: Our Conception Journey Part 3 (Creating Space)

How’s our conception journey going? We answer that question in today’s episode. It’s been about 13 months since we actively began “trying” to get pregnant. There have been ups and downs. We first opened up on this topic on the podcast back in September 2020 with part 1, then followed up with a part 2 in February 2021. Now here we are in May 2021 with some new experiences and insights. From how we feel about medical interventions to changes in our bodies. Plus how you can learn from a breakdown, while in the middle of it.  Then we share how we’ll be moving forward and how our intimacy has been impacted by everything. If you haven’t listened to part 1 and 2, we definitely recommend doing so (links below! Links: Our Conception Journey Part 1: Our Conception Journey Part 2: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: Donate to DIAH: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Conversations With God: The Abundance Book: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/25/20211 hour, 11 minutes, 27 seconds
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329: Trusting Baby and Staying Empowered During a Postpartum Hospital Transfer with Lauren Leduc

What does it mean to become a student of birth? For Lauren Leduc, that was the role she took on when she planned for her home birth. “I took on pregnancy and birth like it was my major in college!” Who else can relate to that? Lauren shares her birth story of her daughter Gemma. Unsure at first if she wanted to have children, things shifted for Lauren after she turned 35. Eventually she and her husband Arthur made plans to grow the family.  Lauren walks us through some of the challenges that popped up along the way during the pregnancy, the magical birth experience and then the unplanned transfer to the hospital after birth because of complications with the placenta.  One of the big takeaways from this episode is to use your resources and go with your intuition. Things we talk about in this episode: subchorionic haematoma, progesterone, velamentous cord insertion, postpartum hospital transfer, fetal ejection reflex, D&C Links: Lauren’s website: Lauren’s yoga studio: Lauren’s Instagram: Sacred Song Home Birth: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: Donate to DIAH: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/18/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 26 seconds
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328: HOME BIRTH STORY - Being Very Intentional with Planning and Having Your Home Birth: Part 2 with Erica James-Strayhorn and Anthony Strayhorn

Who are you going to be when birthing time comes? Today is a fun episode. Not only is it a part 2, but a highly requested one. AND we get to talk to some of our favorite people. Anthony and Erica joined us back in August 2020 to talk about their pregnancy and plans for their upcoming home birth. We’ve known them since 2013 and they’re pretty much family.  So we’re honored to pick the conversation back up from where we left off, and hear the full birth story of baby Ava. If you haven’t heard part 1 (episode no. 287), we highly recommend you do so -- the link for that will be in the show notes of this episode. Things we talk about in this episode: maternity photoshoot, moving through pain aka sensations, a high tear of the waters breaking, cervical lip, the Matrona, birth partner support Links: Part 1 of Anthony and Erica’s story: Erica’s website: Erica’s Instagram: Anthony’s website: Anthony’s Instagram: Anthony’s Facebook page: The Matrona: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: Donate to DIAH: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/11/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 11 seconds
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327: HOME BIRTH STORY - Overcoming Diagnoses of “Incompetent” Cervix and IUGR with Sarah Schade

How do you plan for a positive hospital birth experience, when you were originally intending to have a home birth? This is such a great topic to cover. For many who start out with a home birth plan, sometimes that changes for various reasons. Sarah Schade shares her story with us. From a diagnosis of an “incompetent” cervix (definitely not a term we’re fond of around here) to another diagnosis of IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction), Sarah and her husband Jeremiah went through a lot of ups and downs.  She shares all the thoughts and emotions that came up, and ultimately the arrival of her daughter Clementine.  Things we talk about in this episode: incompetent cervix, cervical cerclage, IUGR, D&C procedure for placenta removal, home birth plan, hospital birth From Sarah: “It was really difficult being labeled as “incompetent”, or “high risk”, especially because being healthy and active is something really important to me, and I never thought I would have any problems with my pregnancy, being so young and healthy. We shifted from working only with our midwife, to the medical treatment model, which neither of us envisioned for our pregnancy… My pregnancy was filled with joy, sadness, fear, and anger. Our baby is healthy, and we are so in love with our little fighter, and her strength. But we have learned so much about the health care system, how women are treated, and why women need to be given more options in treatment. We had a lot of positive aspects to her birth, but were also threatened with an episiotomy, forceps, and vacuum. Our midwife and the hospital nursing staff was amazing, but the doctor on call severely violated some of my wishes without consent.  I want to share my birth story, because it’s not enough to believe that “doctors know best” when in actuality birth experiences matter to the mental and physical health of women and their babies.” Links: Sarah’s Schade’s website: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: Donate to DIAH: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/4/20211 hour, 21 minutes, 29 seconds
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326: HOME BIRTH STORY - Navigating Challenges of Switching to a Home Birth at 25 Weeks with Porshe Turner

Where do you feel most safe to give birth? Ultimately, that’s one of, if not the most important question to consider when it comes to your birth plan.  When it came down to it, home was the answer for today’s guest, Porshe Turner.  This was Porshe’s third pregnancy. Influenced by COVID-19 and circumstances related to it, Porshe and her husband Jeremy switched to a home birth plan at 25 weeks pregnant. They kept their plans quiet, like many others we’ve spoken to on the podcast (some prefer to keep home birth plans to themselves as a personal preference whether that is to avoid unwanted feedback from others or just desiring a more private experience).  Her previous births were in the hospital: a cesarean breech and a VBAC. One of her concerns going into this third birth was what it would be like to go into labor on her own without any medical intervention.  One interesting element of Porshe’s birth experience is that she went to the hospital during labor when her blood pressure rose, and was eventually able to leave the hospital and return home to have her birth.  From Porshe: "This pregnancy was the only one we planned and we just so happened to plan it at the precipice of a pandemic, which has turned out to be a blessing but also brought about a lot of difficult challenges to navigate. It did push us to evaluate where I felt safest to birth and that aligned best with home." Things we talk about in this episode: cesarean birth, breech birth, VBAC, birth blessing, TENS unit, hospital transfer, other resources that helped prepare Links: January Harshe Birth Without Fear: The Birth Hour: Birth Kweens: Badassmotherbirther: Wine About Birth: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: Donate to DIAH: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/27/202146 minutes, 13 seconds
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325: HOME BIRTH STORY - Normalizing Going Past Due Date: Natural Induction at 41 Weeks with Jessica Prigmore

What happens if you go past your due date? That depends on a number of factors. One thing that we’ve found helpful when it comes to due date or “guess date,” as we’ve seen it referred to (and tend to prefer), is that this is an area of variation of normal. That a very small percentage of babies are born on the projected due date, and that it’s not an exact certainty.  Today’s guest Jessica shares her journey of her second pregnancy and birth and what influenced her to shift from a hospital plan like she had with her first birth.  In this episode we talk about: going past “due date,” induction methods, resuscitation after birth, pitocin after birth, occult cord, large birth team, hiring a doula, hospital birth, dual car From Jessica: "I chose home birth for my second baby at 18 weeks pregnant when COVID hit and additional support personnel were no longer allowed to join laboring mothers in the hospital setting. My husband started off very reluctant and anxious about it, but after doing research together got on board and was supportive." Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/20/20211 hour, 20 minutes, 59 seconds
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324: HOME BIRTH STORY - An HBAC with Switching Care at 36 Weeks Pregnant with Sarah Schlichter

When can you change care providers/plans? Answer: any time you want. This comes up frequently on the podcast. As long as it’s an important and relevant part of the pregnancy and birth experience (which it will always be), we will keep addressing this theme. Because for one thing: many do not know or realize that they are actually allowed to change care providers, whenever and for whatever reason. And there are others who might be aware of this, but are hesitant or afraid to.  Today’s guest, Sarah Schlichter shares her journey of shifting from a planned hospital birth with midwives to a home birth with midwives, at 36 weeks pregnant.  Sarah had a cesarean birth with her first child Camryn. She fell into what she referred to as “the traditional way of thinking”...aka you go to the hospital and have a baby. Her first birth left her with some feelings of trauma and disappointment. When it came to her second pregnancy, taking a course in the Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth was a turning point. Finally around 36 weeks, Sarah’s husband Ed asked, “why don’t we just have the baby at home?” In this episode we talk about: hospital cesarean birth, switching care, HBAC, dual care, faith vs. fear, GBS positive, and a bunch of helpful resources (links in description below!) From Sarah: Hannah’s birth is a day I will forever remember, and was perhaps the coolest thing I’ve ever done just because of the circumstances of her birth. I never thought I’d do a homebirth, but I wanted a supportive atmosphere for my TOLAC/VBAC and everything worked out like it was supposed to. At 36 weeks pregnant, I switched care providers. Yes – very late in the game! Ed and I had taken a Bradley Birth Class virtually and resonated with so many of the principles and beliefs of the Bradley Method. We truly wanted this birth to be as “natural” as possible. And while it is completely possible to have a natural birth in a hospital setting, I knew it would raise the stakes and make things more difficult for me Based on my prior C Section. Links: Sarah’s Instagram: Sarah’s website: Give Birth a Chance:,informed%20about%20the%20birthing%20process. Business of Being Born: ICAN: Spinning Babies: Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth: Bradley Method: Riverside Midwifery: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: Donate to DIAH: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/13/20211 hour, 24 seconds
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323: HOME BIRTH STORY - Doula for 6 Years Before Having a Full Moon Home Birth with Ellen Barnard

“Why doesn’t everybody do this?” That’s the question that David, Ellen’s husband, asked after the home birth of their daughter Willow.  Ellen walks us through her journey to home birth -- from her doula work for 6 years before her birth and what inspired it, to changing care from a birthing center to home birth, to getting her husband on board with the decision. Ellen also shares some of the postpartum challenges, highlighting that sometimes when you have all the knowledge and take in a lot of information, it may not always serve you.  This story includes: doula work, full moon home birth, women’s health and fertility coaching, changing care providers, water birth, postpartum challenges, Raynaud’s disease, feeding tube Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Donate to DIAH: Ellen’s Instagram: Your Harmony Hive: Salt and Cedar Midwifery: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/6/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 37 seconds
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322: HOME BIRTH STORY - Catching My Fifth Baby at Home with Delayna Wilkins

What does it mean to birth “your way?” What are the steps you take, conversations and experiences you have to build an understanding of what birthing on your terms looks and feels like for you?  Of course it’s different for all of us. Today our guest Delayna Wilkins shares her journey that brought her to her fifth birth (her second home birth).  Amongst the experiences of her previous births (2 medicated hospital, 1 unmedicated hospital and 1 home), Delayna took her doula work and other resources into creating the birth setup that she desired for welcoming her fifth baby. From Delayna: “Each of my births had been better than the last and I was determined to keep the streak going! My first two were born in hospitals with epidurals, my third was unmedicated in hospital, and my fourth was born at home. With my fifth, I prepared myself to birth unassisted at home, but ended up utilizing a super hands-off midwife instead. I wanted to be left alone and hardly touched in labor and birth; I wanted the midwife there only to help if necessary (I had some previous hemorrhaging problems), and I wanted to catch my own baby. I wanted to do it all myself! On August 27, 2020, I did just that. I labored about 6 hours, sat in my bathtub, and barely pushed at all to birth her.” This story includes: medicated hospital birth, unmedicated hospital birth, home birth, doula work, relationship with your midwife, “The Business of Being Born,” medical interventions, water birth, children present at birth. Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/30/202152 minutes, 33 seconds
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321: How Nutrition and Real Food Prepare You for Pregnancy and Birth with Lily Nichols (Rebroadcast)

What and how should you eat during pregnancy? This is a big question that comes up often, and there are lots of thoughts around it. So where is a place where you can get all the info you need, in a clear, empowering and informative way? Enter Lily Nichols, our guest today. Lily is a real food dietitian, specialist in prenatal nutrition and gestational diabetes, and best-selling author of two books: Real Food for Pregnancy and Real Food for Gestational Diabetes.  In this interview we discuss:Benefits of real food for pregnancy (both for baby’s optimal development and also to minimize pregnancy complications and ease postpartum recovery for mama)Nutritional management of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, nausea, heartburn & moreMindfulness, stress management, exercise, avoidance of toxinsFoods to emphasizeFoods that can be helpful during labor (if you are able to eat and drink during the experience) Links: Lily’s website - Lily’s Instagram - Lily’s Facebook - Join our Home Birth Support Group on Facebook - Shop our DIAH merch - Join us on Instagram - Visit our website - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/23/202152 minutes, 3 seconds
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320: Sex After Having Kids: How We Keep Our Sex Life Hot As New Parents (Rebroadcast)

Today we’re excited to bring you another SEX-PISODE, this time pulling the covers back on what our sex life has been like after having a baby. This episode joins our growing series of sex-pisodes.  There are three main areas we’re going to focus on: How we schedule sex into our busy lives Why keeping the flame burning is important to us The ebbs and flows our sex lives have taken as we progressed from a married couple, to being pregnant, to having a brand new baby, to now being parents for a period of time We’re getting raw and honest in this episode, and it’s our hope that hearing us talk about these topics will give you permission to explore these things on your own. We want to create and hold a space of open and honest communication, first and foremost with yourself, but also with the person/people you choose to share a bed with. Sexual energy is life energy, and it’s time to create a more empowered conversation around sex. Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/16/20211 hour, 19 minutes, 21 seconds
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319: When You Find Out You’re Pregnant and Don’t Know What to Do Next with Brittney Seitz

What did you do the moment you found out you were pregnant? What was going through your mind? How were you feeling? We talk about that in today’s episode with our guest Brittney. Brittney actually reached out to us within the first few hours of discovering she was pregnant, and it opened up a beautiful dialogue. We felt inspired to bring that conversation into this space and share it with the DIAH community. We talk about Brittney’s plans to have a home birth, how she’s preparing and how her partner Spencer is getting involved.  This is a great episode for anyone who just found out they are pregnant or are in the early stages of pregnancy with a mix of emotions and swirls of excitement and questions.  Things we discuss: finding out you’re pregnant, planning for a home birth, partner involvement and home birth resources Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Dr. Stu Fischbein: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/9/202151 minutes, 7 seconds
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318: BIRTH STORY - Giving Birth in Another Country Without Fear, Intervention or Complication with Amy Brown

What’s it like giving birth outside of your native country? It’d be understandable to have fears and/or reservations around birthing in a different country. But what if it could be normal, uncomplicated, supported and without fear? Our guest today is Amy Brown. Amy traveled from Chicago, Illinois to Peru in 2011 to work as a teacher, and hasn’t left since. After meeting her now husband Marco, she has since set up life in Lima. And she has given birth to her two children: daughter, Leah and son, Christopher in a birthing center in the city.  Amy walks us through her journey of desiring natural births without intervention, to selecting the birthing center (run by a German doctor now living in Peru), working with a doula from England (yes, quite the international birth!) and preparing for the birth experience with Marco. We talk about some of the birthing options and trends in her area, where cesarean rates are particularly high.  Then we get to hear details from both of her births, which took place in the Casa Pakarii birth center: This story includes: international birth experience, husband being active participant in birth process, different birth options in Lima, Peru, placenta ceremony (el pago a la tierra), water birth Links: Amy’s Blog: Casa Pakarii Birth Center: Our website: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Donate to DIAH: Mama Natural: Leave us a review: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/2/202156 minutes, 15 seconds
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317: Talking Pregnant Fitness, Doula Work, Chiropractic and Home Birth Prep with BIRTHFIT Founder and CEO Lindsey K. Mathews

How are you connecting with your body during your pregnancy and birth prep? Today we’re joined by Lindsey K. Mathews, Founder and CEO of BIRTHFIT, prenatal and postpartum programs for mind and body, as well as seminars and education for users of the program and coaches for the organization.  Lindsey walks us through the inspiration and history of BIRTHFIT as well as sharing her own personal journey into birth work and feeding her passion for serving and celebrating women with alternative therapies. The list of roles that Lindsey has includes (and isn’t even limited to): Founder and CEO of BIRTHFIT, chiropractor, birth doula, strength and conditioning coach, yoga instructor, NLP practitioner, childbirth educator and author. So you can imagine, we had lots to talk about! From working in Hollywood and the sports industry, Lindsey eventually found herself diving into research, education and course work around recovering and healing in prenatal and postpartum as efficiently as possible as a way to serve her clients. Now for Lindsey, “birth work is my sport.” We talk about the building blocks of BIRTHFIT (fitness, nutrition, chiropractic and mindset) and how they can serve pregnant women prepare for the birth experience and the opportunity to develop a deep trust in the body.  Topics we cover in this episode: prenatal and postpartum fitness, chiropractic, doula work, healing and recovery, drug-free birth Links: Get 50% off the BIRTHFIT Education with the code DIAH50off: BIRTHFIT website: BIRTHFIT Instagram: Lindsey’s Instagram: Our website: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/23/20211 hour, 11 minutes, 42 seconds
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316: BIRTH STORY - Unsupportive Midwife with Traumatic Experience Leading to a Hospital Transfer and Peaceful Birth with Lillie Cooke

Is one way to birth “better” than another? Sometimes there are misconceptions and unhealthy conversations floating about in the birth community around natural vs. medicated birth or hospital vs. home. That one is better than the other or there’s a sense of superiority or higher moral code to choose one over the other. And competition comes in as a factor, like there is something to prove or defy. This topic is relevant for the conversation we have today with Lillie Cooke, sharing her birth story with us. Lillie and her husband Josh planned for a home birth with their first child, son Judah. Along the way towards planning for the birth, Lillie noticed little things that indicated she wasn’t really connecting deeply with her midwife. There was also a big fear of going to the hospital, seeking to avoid that at all costs. This fear stemmed from, as Lillie put it “hearing terrible hospital stories and only fairy tale home birth stories from the homebirth community.” Labor began at 40 weeks and 6 days. After laboring for 4 days, things started to feel chaotic and the midwife’s hands-off approach wasn’t very helpful for what Lillie needed. Lillie made the choice to transfer because of pain and exhaustion. What helped make the transfer a less fearful event was the great experience she had with the staff there. They were respectful and she felt empowered, calm and peaceful.  Some words from Lillie: “I ended up having so much better care and such a peaceful birth. The OB was more of a midwife than my own midwife! We ended up with a peaceful vaginal delivery. She also didn’t check on me until 3 weeks after my birth. After I just felt abandoned and not welcome in the home birth community. I felt the one in our area was not very inclusive to all births and made it feel like you didn’t have a good enough or “superior” birth if it wasn’t at home. My experience woke me up from the tunnel vision I had before from being in that community and showed me that none of that was true. That’s why I love this podcast because it is the only home birth podcast that is inclusive with ALL births and shows the pros AND cons of homebirth. I want to share my story to other first time mamas so they have a better perspective and know there is no superior way or place to birth despite what people promote. And there are good stories and traumatic stories at home just like at the hospital. But no one lets people come on and talk about that with home births and that’s a shame. Everyone’s experience is so powerful. Birth is so powerful. I've learned a lot from my first birth and would just love to share my story and my thoughts surrounding it.”  And - Lillie is currently pregnant with her second child. What birth plan are they creating? Listen in to find out! Topics we cover in this episode: Business of Being Born, Ina May Gaskin, relationship with your midwife, choosing a care provider that’s best for you, Miles Circuit, hospital transfer, epidural Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Donate to DIAH: Miles Circuit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/16/202153 minutes, 10 seconds
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315: Our Conception Journey Part 2 (Plus How We Handle Breakdowns)

“How are you doing mentally and physically through your open-to-conceive journey?”  This is a really great question we received recently when we did one of those fun Instagram story “what questions do you have for us?” things. And we thought it was appropriate timing to bring this onto the podcast and have a followup to our first conversation that we put out in September 2020, talking about our conception journey and planning for a second baby. Check out that episode (293) if you haven’t already. In this episode we’re still bringing the vulnerability and transparency, along with some things we’ve learned and grown from since September and even earlier back to when we originally embarked on this process.  We describe our highs and our lows and all that comes up for us as a couple and individually. How we’re feeling as we near a 1 year mark of “open to conceive,” and what interventions we’d consider. Then we address some fresh and even real-time unpacking of some things we don’t fully agree on, and how we move through that in order to stay intimately connected in our partnership. It’s certainly a juicy one! Feel free to contact us at hello[at]diahpodcast[dot]com with any followup questions or feedback! Links: Episode 293: A Vulnerable and Transparent Conversation Around Conception: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/9/20211 hour, 44 minutes, 57 seconds
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314: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Bumpy Road to a Calm and Meditative Home Birth with Brenda Amaya

How do our births influence our life journeys? That’s such a big question. It can be, as is likely, multi-faceted. For some, one area where birth impacts is the profession or calling they lean into. For our guest today Brenda Amaya, her births lead her to her doula and birth photography work, and now as she works with other birth workers and in her plans to train as a traditional midwife. Brenda shares some of her history with us. From her first birth in a hospital, which was traumatic, to her second birth being at home. It was her second birth that pushed her into doula work. Then we get to hear details from her third birth, also at home. Along with her birth stories, we learn about Brenda’s work with mother blessing -- ceremonies for mothers as they prepare for their birth experiences. Plus her work in the Latinx community to provide services and resources for families who are interested in learning more about their birthing options. Things we cover in this episode: birth trauma, doula work, importance of community, mother blessings, birth photography work, birth in the Latinx community Links: Brenda’s Website: Brenda’s Instagram: Brenda’s Facebook: Our website: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/2/202147 minutes, 51 seconds
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313: HOME BIRTH STORY - Peaceful Home Water Birth After Traumatic Birth Center Birth with Briahnna Roy and Jerry Scott

Today’s birth story features Briahnna Roy and Jerry Scott, a couple sharing their journey to home birth.  For their first baby, Briahnna and Jerry chose to deliver in a birth center. The experience wasn’t everything they wanted, and when it came time to decide on the location for baby number two, they opted for home birth.  From Briahnna: “The second birth was incredible. It was the most unreal, beautiful experience. Everything was so calm. I was very quiet and so in control. I was surprised by myself. I can honestly say that it was not painful. It was everything I ever wanted.” Links: Briahnna and Jerry's Youtube Channel “ReadyScottsGo”: The Curtis Method of Childbirth Education: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/26/20211 hour, 14 minutes, 41 seconds
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312: HOME BIRTH STORY - Hyperemesis Gravidarum, Membrane Sweeps and En Caul Birth with Melanie Meador

How do we move through the discomforts of pregnancy and birth? This comes up in today’s interview with Melanie Meador. Melanie shares her journey with both of her home birth experiences.  Melanie had hyperemesis gravidarum with both pregnancies (extreme and persistent nausea during pregnancy, often with frequent vomiting).  With her first birth experience, she was feeling a little rushed going into the process, because her midwifery practice was going to close 3 days after her due date. Plus she was working full-time. The birth lasted 34 hours with her waters broken. This is a stark contrast from her second birth, 6 hours and baby was born en caul (waters still intact).  Melanie is the only person in her group of friends to have had a home birth. And with her mother and almost all of her aunts having cesarean births, this was something unique. Melanie says, “My mom was so excited to be at the birth of my son that she told anyone that would listen for the first 2 years!” This birth story includes: hyperemesis gravidarum, doula, acupuncture, TENs machine, membrane stripping, en caul, cervical lip, and red raspberry leaf tea. Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/19/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 14 seconds
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311: 25 Ways to Know Labor is Starting

How do you know when labor is starting? This is a question we put out there into the community, and received some really great answers and examples. So we’re sharing them with you! Plus our experience of what it was like when we realized it was “game time” -- what it felt like, what was going on, and what we did once it was clearly active labor. There’s a wide range of possibilities and experiences when it comes to discovering you’re in labor. Our goal in sharing this conversation with you is to help you should you find yourself experiencing anything similar to these situations. And for those who have already been through the birthing experience, something to reflect back on and connect with. We also share some bonus tips on what you can do when you do discover you’re in labor, to avoid any unnecessary stressors and create a smooth and peaceful environment. Oh, and just for fun -- please message us or engage on social media and weigh in on the epic saga of “the mixed greens” in the Bivens household!  Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/12/202146 minutes, 27 seconds
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310: HOME BIRTH STORY - 45 Hour Hospital Birth and 4.5 Hour Precipitous Home Birth with Jazmin and Ben Marshall

What inspired your journey to birth empowerment? For today’s guests, Jazmin and Ben, their journey began in 2017 in Seattle following an ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage. It prompted them to do research and plan for future pregnancies in a different way. According to Jazmin, “It was my first experience realizing I had to advocate for myself with medical professionals, especially considering I'm a black woman, as many brushed off my concerns and pain as "normal."” Fast forward to Atlanta in 2018 when they welcomed their first daughter, Elyana. It was a 45-hour vaginal birth in a hospital. Jazmin says, “That experience inspired me to dive much deeper and do additional prep for my second birth (chiropractic care, Spinning Babies, pelvic floor PT, a hypnobirthing class, and the DIAH podcast, to name a few).” Then in 2020, Jazmin and Ben had a home birth with their second daughter Sareya. “ I experienced the fetal ejection reflex, had a retained placenta, and absolutely no tearing. Both of my births were empowering in completely different ways,” Jazmin says.  Jazmin switched care providers with both births, something we go into further in the interview. Also, COVID-19 influenced some of the plans and decisions with their second birth. And we mentioned Atlanta, so Jazmin and Ben live close by! We’re very much looking forward to hanging out in person in future DIAH events and gatherings. This birth story includes mention of: ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, changing providers, hospital birth, home birth, epidural Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/5/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 45 seconds
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309: Home Birth and Pregnancy Affirmations for Moms and Dads (Rebroadcast)

In this episode we're giving you some powerful affirmations to help you prepare for your pregnancy and home birth. We have 2 affirmations for moms and 2 for dads. We’ve talked a lot about affirmations on the show at different points in time - a little bit in our story and then in the stories of other moms, so we thought we’d create some of our own for you beautiful listeners! I thought it would be fun to have some for both pregnancy and the birthing process. And not just for mamas - for the dads too! This episode is a little shorter, but all the more sweeter. We both share our affirmations and a little bit on why we chose them and how they can contribute to a powerful and peaceful mindset and experience of your home birth. We hope these affirmations serve you well or even inspire you to come up with your own! Here are the affirmations for you to copy and use or share with others:   For Pregnancy Sarah: I am fully connected to my body and my baby’s needs Matthew: I anticipate our upcoming birth with joy and peace in my heart. It will unfold exactly as it should.   For Birth Sarah: I am powerful, peaceful and fully supported as I give birth. Matthew: I am strong. I am capable. I am intuitive. I am compassionate. I am patient. I am a parent. Show notes: The blog post Matthew drew inspiration for his affirmations from: Birth Affirmations for Expectant Dads and Partners   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/30/202029 minutes, 56 seconds
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308: How to Plan Birth Support During COVID-19 with Heather Delaney

Have the circumstances around COVID-19 impacted your pregnancy and/or birth? Today we’re chatting with Heather Delaney, childbirth educator, certified labor and postpartum doula and CEO of Maryland State Doulas.  Heather walks us through how she and her team of doulas and birth professionals have shifted over the past year to serve their clients with virtual support. When policies (like partners and/or doulas not allowed in birthing rooms of hospitals and centers) and communications have been challenging, they’ve found alternative ways to educate and empower, regardless of the birthing location. We talk about what some of the biggest changes/challenges have shown up in the birth world, what families can do in the midst of everything as well as how to minimize the fear around birth that already exists and can be magnified when blended with the conversations around COVID-19. Links: Heather's website: Our website: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/23/20201 hour, 1 minute, 44 seconds
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307: BIRTH STORY - How the Letdown of a Hospital Transfer Can Shift to Magic and Gratitude with Cadyn S.

How do we cope with the parts of our birth that didn’t go the way we envisioned? In today’s episode we chat with Cadyn about her birth experience. She and her husband planned a home birth, because (in her words) of “how special we consider our home and surrounding space to be, and that this was where it seemed that magical portal of birth was meant to open.” After a long labor, Cadyn transferred to the hospital. It was frustrating and heart-breaking. But after a period of time, she was able to get hydrated and rest. The staff gave time and space and honored her choices. She felt supported. Her husband was even able to assist in “catching” the baby. Cadyn describes the birthing as “the best moment I’ve ever experienced.” More from Cadyn: “My hospital experience was thankfully quite positive, and one student member of our midwife team remained with my husband/best-birth-partner-ever and me through the birth. I know now that nobody, especially myself, is to be blamed— only thanked— for the way our daughter came into this world. There are of course reasons to be nervous about giving birth, but nothing to FEAR. I went through many phases of accepting my personal birth story, and listening to birth story podcasts like yours has sincerely helped me to process everything. I hear stories that share common ground with my own, and I hear stories that remind me that EVERY birth is unique. I hope I can share something with a listener who might need to hear it. This birth story includes mention of: RhoGAM shot, Tay-Sachs disease, hospital transfer, epidural, pitocin Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/15/20201 hour, 33 minutes, 7 seconds
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306: The Best Home Birth Advice from the DIAH Community

What’s your best home birth advice? That is the question we put out to our community. We’re sharing some of those responses in this episode. From exploring your options to looking at fears. Plans, logistics, finances. We cover a lot of the spectrum. Plus we share some of our current best advice when it comes to home birth. Special thank you to our community members Beth, Rachel, Natasha, Cassandra and Monika for their feedback and contributions. Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/8/202033 minutes, 50 seconds
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305: BIRTH STORY - A Christmas Home Birth Hospital Transfer with Lisa Van Der Giessen

Can we remove the word “failure” from birth, please?  K, thanks! But really though. Today’s episode is a great reminder that there are no failures in birth. Our guest, Lisa Van Der Giessen shares her birth story of her daughter Mackenzie. Lisa was interested in a holistic approach to her pregnancy and birth. She went online and found a Facebook group of moms that helped her find her midwife. It was important for Lisa that whomever she chose was grounded in their experience and worked from an evidence-based place. For her pregnancy care, Lisa utilized chiropractic, acupuncture and Hypnobabies. Labor began after a hike. After about 18 hours, she felt emotionally and physically exhausted. Baby Mackenzie’s head was stuck in the pelvis.  Lisa and her team chose to transfer to the hospital. She received laughing gas and epidural to help. After a total of 27 hours of labor and 1 hour of pushing, baby Mackenzie made her arrival. Lisa says she would plan for a home birth again in the future, despite the transfer and parts of the birth not going how she had imagined. This birth story includes: Chiropractic care, acupuncture, Hypnobabies, laboring in water, intense contractions, hospital transfer, laughing gas, epidural, doula advice Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/1/202041 minutes, 35 seconds
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304: Hypnobirthing: Using The Power of The Mind To Influence Your Body with Kristy Rodriguez (Rebroadcast)

What is Hypnobirthing? We dive into this in today’s episode with our guest Kristy Rodriguez, prenatal yoga instructor and coach and the host of the Pure Nurture podcast.  We talk about some of the details of hypnobirthing and the myths and common questions that come up around it.  So if you’ve ever thought about using it, you’re going to want to listen! AND be sure you check out the Pure Nurture podcast to hear Kristy interview us! Links: Kristy’s website: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/24/202047 minutes, 53 seconds
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303: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Peaceful HBAC During Chaos and a Powerlifter Mama with Kara Lambert

How many of us feel a sense of failure after a birth experience? We’re clear that it’s far too many. In fact, one is too many. We’re grateful for stories like this who can help with the healing and rescripting. Our guest, Kara Lambert, shares her birth journey. After her cesarean birth with her son Theo, as she puts it, “I felt like I failed.” Great resources like ICAN helped Kara in her process of planning for a future VBAC. She and her husband Russ started with an OBGYN with their second pregnancy. But then a pandemic hit. Well, “what is we home birth?” they thought.  They connected with a badass midwife, and utilized parallel care (seeing both a doctor and their midwife). Kara describes her home birth as mostly “lazy.” The significance in highlighting that centers around the normalcy of the experience, and how it was able to be peaceful despite lots of opportunities to have not been that way. And then we get to hear how baby Chiara entered the world. This birth story includes: acupuncture and moxibustion, midwives’ brew, the peanut ball (not a snack, despite what Matthew thought!) and a storm Links: Kara’s Instagram: The VBAC Link Podcast: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/17/202056 minutes, 1 second
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302: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Home Birth During COVID-19 After a Traumatic Hospital Birth with Kristin Humbard

Do you think the time of COVID-19 has brought more conversation around home birth? It sure seems like it, with many families seeking to birth out of hospital. Whether that’s because of the hospital policies or just not desiring to be in the hospital environment for birth. In today’s birth story, Kristin Humbard shares her journey with us. After a hospital birth with her first baby which left her with some traumatic memories, it took her a few years to want to become pregnant again. When she did become pregnant again, she and her husband Ben planned for another hospital birth, but with a midwifery practice. Then COVID-19 hit, and Kristen didn’t want to birth in a hospital again. A friend of hers suggested she listen to the Doing It At Home podcast (ahhh we know them!), and eventually at 28 weeks, Kristin switched to a home birth plan. So while COVID was the impetus, Kristin gained support and confidence along the way. This birth includes (but is not limited to!): going into labor at 40 weeks and 6 days, being in her calm and focused zone and listening to her body to let it do its thing, as well as having siblings present for the post birth experience. Listen in to learn more! Links: Kristin’s Instagram: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/10/20201 hour, 7 minutes, 29 seconds
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301: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Christmas Day Home Birth Full of Statistics and Spiritual Connection with Ashton Parker

Can you approach birth from both a statistics and research-driven mind as well as with an intention to connect more deeply spiritually? YES! And our birth story today is an example of that. Ashton Parker shares her home birth journey with us. First with a good hospital birth for her first child, which included 5 hours of pushing. Then considered another hospital birth for her second child, but after some research and statistics, landed on home birth.  Ashton also shares how listening to DIAH was such great birth prep (which overwhelms us with joy!). She and her husband Sean felt prepared and supported, with an experienced birth team backing them.  Ashton’s home birth took place on Christmas Day, which made it feel like a big party.  This is a great episode for those who like to do a lot of research and learn a lot about the birthing process and statistics. And at the same time, for those who see birth as an opportunity to draw closer to God (whatever that practice looks like for you).  Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Book that Ashton references: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/3/20201 hour, 15 minutes, 19 seconds
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300: Celebrating Our 300th Episode With A LIVE Conversation On Home Birth Basics

What is home birth? Depending on who you are, that might be a simple or really complex question.  In today’s episode - a special one as it is our 300th episode (we are really excited about it!), and we recorded it live in our Facebook group - Doing It At Home Birth Group. So make sure you’re in there to catch future recordings like this. We give a little home birth 101 session here. Going over some basic questions and thoughts when it comes to choosing home birth.  Links: Episode 14: Is Home Birth Messy?: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/27/20201 hour, 8 seconds
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299: HOME BIRTH STORY - A 55-Minute Home Birth That Involves a Black Cat, Full Moon, and Midwife Who Missed the Birth with Maranda Bower

Do babies always show up on their due date (we prefer calling it a "guess date")? We know, in fact, that it’s actually less likely for a baby to arrive on their due date. However, it can happen! For today’s guest, Maranda Bower, a mama and postpartum bliss coach, her fourth baby, Sophie, arrived on her original due date. This is our second time chatting with Maranda. In our first conversation back in episode 181, she shared details of her first 3 home births and the very recent discovery that she was pregnant with her fourth. So now we get to hear that birth story. And with Halloween coming up, you’ll love this - Maranda’s birth involves a black cat and a full moon!  The total time from the moment of realizing labor was beginning to baby’s arrival was 55 minutes. The midwife didn’t even arrive on time. So we get to join in on the emotional roller coaster that it was. Plus, Maranda shares her expertise and tips for the postpartum period and the intense transformation that occurs. How its possible to release overwhelm. Links: Maranda’s website: Part 1 with Maranda: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Running With Dave: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/20/202056 minutes, 40 seconds
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298: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Peaceful Home Birth with Shoulder Dystocia with Amber and Austin Reed

How can shoulder dystocia be addressed in a home birth? This was a very relevant question for our guest Amber Reed as she prepared for her second birth. Given that her first daughter, born in the hospital, had shoulder dystocia, this was something that Amber considered and discussed with her midwife.  Her first birth in the hospital had traumatic elements to it, including her first daughter having a broken clavicle. This history, paired with a diagnosis of a platypelloid pelvis (this is where the pelvic inlet is narrow and shaped more like a kidney), led Amber and her husband Austin to research and prepare for a different experience that left Amber feeling more empowered. Amber experienced close to a month of prodromal labor. She shares how chiropractic care helped her, her mantra of “I can!” during the birth process, as well her tips and favorite resources.  Links: Spinning Babies: Roots and Wings Midwifery: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/13/202043 minutes, 56 seconds
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297: HOME BIRTH STORY - Mama (and Papa!) Natural Shares an Unassisted Home Birth with Genevieve and Michael Howland

What’s the recipe for a magical birth experience? It likely looks different for all of us. However, we might incorporate similar mindsets, approaches, preparation and resources. Today we have the pleasure of speaking with Genevieve and Michael Howland of Mama Natural, the #1 parenting brand online and a source of education and empowerment for natural pregnancy and birth. Genevieve and Michael share the home birth story of their daughter Faith. After 2 birthing center births with their first two children, they explored whether or not they’d be good candidates for home birth. There were a few factors that went into this consideration: their second birth was very fast (they barely made it to the birthing center in time for baby’s arrival!), Genevieve was healthy and low-risk and would have likely had more intervention with a hospital route given that she was 42-years-old at the time, plus the convenience and sacred space of being at home. We’ll save the rest of the birth details for you to listen to in the episode. And you can watch a video of the birth on the Mama Natural website (link is below!). Links: Mama Natural: Mama Natural Home Birth Video: Mama Natural Baby: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/7/202049 minutes, 42 seconds
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296: How to Know Whether You're in a Relationship or Partnership (Rebroadcast from Having It A.L.L Podcast)

Original description from Having It A.L.L.: How is the state of your relationship? How about your partnership? I never used to look at the two as separate. The "relationship" included everything -- the romance, the intimacy, the day-to-day life dynamics, the household management. But for me, as my primary relationship has matured and as new things like marriage and kids have entered the picture, I now see that there's a distinction between the relationship (influenced more by the heart) and the partnership (influenced more by the mind). In today's special episode I invite my amazing wife Sarah in on this conversation, and together we talk about the difference between relationship and partnership, how ours has evolved over the years, and how we navigate breakdowns in each area. Links: Having It A.L.L. Podcast: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/3/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 5 seconds
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295: HOME BIRTH STORY - Euphoric En Caul with a Side of Informed Chill with Luca S

Can birth be euphoric? Answer: yes. Absolutely yes. Welcome our guest Luca S to the podcast. Luca had some birth work experience as a doula before becoming pregnant herself. When she and her husband Neil were expecting their first child, Luca stayed open to the birth experience and what it might look like - meaning, she wasn’t 100% set on a home birth from the beginning.  Her story involves true love with her midwife pair, attending a birth while pregnant, having the support of her natural home birthing mama, gaining the support of her GP doctor parent-in-laws, a joyful birth that mostly involved slow dancing with her husband and jogging up and down an embankment, baby arriving intact in the caul, and the midwife arriving in the nick of time (20 mins before the baby!). Overall, she described the birth as pain free and often pleasurable. Listen in to hear more! Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/29/20201 hour, 24 minutes, 30 seconds
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294: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Kitchen Birth Plus What to Look for in a Doula with Samantha McClellan

What do you look for in a doula? How do you know what doula is right for you? Our guest Samantha McClellan is a birth doula and a mom. In addition to sharing some great tips and questions for families to ask when it comes to finding a doula and that gaps that a doula helps fill in terms of care, Samantha shares the details of her home birth story. After an uncomplicated hospital birth with her first child, Leah, the immediate postpartum time in the hospital is what inspired Samantha and her husband Marcus to go with the home birth for their second birth with their son Micah. Her second pregnancy was unexpected and with an IUD in place. The rest of the pregnancy and birth was uncomplicated and healthy. She also continued nursing her daughter Leah through her second pregnancy.  And while we might think a home birth will include twinkle lights, candles and soft music, sometimes it’s right in the middle of the kitchen, on an air mattress! Links: Samantha’s Website: Samantha’s Instagram: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/22/202053 minutes, 7 seconds
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293: A Vulnerable and Transparent Conversation on Conception

How long was your conception journey(s)?  Asking for a friend. But no, not really though. I’m asking for me. For us. We’re sharing in the spirit of vulnerability and transparency - we’ve been “open to conceive” for 6 months now. And it has had its ups and downs. Breakdowns and breakthroughs.  There we sat in our rockers one day, sipping coffee, talking about how we’ve been feeling and where we go from here when it occurred to both of us - “let’s get on the mics and just talk about it now while it’s raw.” So that’s exactly what we did. And we’re sharing this with you. Because it’s what we did 4.5 years ago when we were planning for our first (home) birth. We processed in real time over our fears, doubts and the range of emotions. It was healing - for us and those who resonated with it. It’s with similar intentions that we’re creating the space for this conversation now in our lives. Trusting in divine timing and surrendering what we can’t control.  Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/18/202051 minutes, 42 seconds
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292: BIRTH STORY - A Complete Breech at a Birth Center and Cord Burning with Vanessa Young

What does it mean when baby is breech? It depends. There are different kinds, and it can unfold in various ways. However, any breech position is a variation of normal. This is important to note for today’s episode. We’re chatting with Vanessa Young as she shares the birth story of her son Leo.  Vanessa aimed for a home birth for her 3rd, but went to a birth center in order to work with her friend and midwife who was on call at the center at the time Vanessa went into labor.  Vanessa walks us through the birth experience, including feeling the fetal ejection reflex for the first time (she did not experience it in her first two birth). And then there’s the big moment that they realized baby Leo was in a complete breech position.  Plus we talk about cord burning and the awesome opportunity it gave Vanessa’s family to bond together in the birth experience. Links: Vanessa’s website: Vanessa’s Instagram: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/15/202057 minutes, 41 seconds
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291: Our Home Birth Baby and the Podcast Turn 4!

Did we ever imagine ourselves hosting a home birth podcast for 4 years? Answer: no. We didn’t even know what home birth really was when we first got pregnant. And yet now here we find ourselves: almost 300 episodes in. The podcast and our daughter Maya are 4 years old! So join us while we celebrate and reflect on our birth experience, some of our favorite things about doing the show, and we thank you for being along for the ride! Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/11/202041 minutes, 33 seconds
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290: HOME BIRTH STORY - Switching from Hospital to Home Birth Because of COVID-19 with Julie Sawaya

What’s your priority when it comes to your birth plan? The answer to that will help guide you in circumstances when there are big changes going on. Like COVID-19 for example. We’ve heard a number of situations where families shifted their birth plan from a hospital to home in light of the hospital conditions and policies. Our guest today is Julie Sawaya, mother to her 7-week-old daughter Leni. She and her husband Joe were planning for a hospital birth, but COVID-19 gave them an opportunity to reevaluate their options and decide what mattered most. Julie desired Joe and her doula to be present. This wouldn’t be possible in the hospital.  So she did a lot of research, looked at the numbers, and made the choice that worked best for her and her family. Spoiler: her birth was “the most incredible experience and feeling of empowerment.” Julie is the co-founder of Needed, a nutrition company serving women when it comes to nourishing their bodies during preconception, pregnancy and postpartum. To hear another interview we did with her co-founder Ryan Woodbury, be sure to join our private Facebook group and learn more about nutrition before, during and after pregnancy.  Links: Visit Needed and use the code DIAH to get 15% off your order: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/8/20201 hour, 12 minutes, 33 seconds
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289: Sex After Baby and Creating Better Sex and Intimacy with Debra Pascali-Bonaro

Do you believe pleasure is your birthright? If you don’t - what if you did? And if you do - how can you magnify that? Today’s episode is a conversation with our friend Debra Pascali-Bonaro, creator of the famous documentary “Orgasmic Birth.”  This interview, which is really like a masterclass, walks us through Debra’s 9-step process of PLEASURES, ways to create better sex and intimacy.  We talk about sexual energy as life energy that fuels us and feeds our creativity. We also discuss our partners’ roles in all of this as well as how trauma can be addressed while working on cultivating deeper sexual intimacy within ourselves and our partners.  And click the link below to check out Debra’s class “Sex After Baby.” Links: Sign up for Debra’s “Sex After Baby” class: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/4/202047 minutes, 30 seconds
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288: Some of Our Biggest Breakthroughs in Sex and Intimacy

What is the difference between sex and intimacy? How does this play out in your relationship and how you feel about your own sex and intimacy both before and after kids? Back by popular demand: a sexpisode! We’ve talked about sex quite a few times on the podcast. But it’s been a while. So here we are.  And this conversation took a lot of turns that we didn’t expect, and we share a lot of our own personal experiences in healing our relationship to ourselves as individuals and then as a couple. Our desire is that someone listening can take something from our examples and use it to create magical and pleasurable experiences that they are so worthy of! Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/1/20201 hour, 14 minutes, 7 seconds
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287: HOME BIRTH STORY - Being Very Intentional with Planning Your Home Birth with Erica James-Strayhorn and Anthony Strayhorn

How do you create the pregnancy and birth experience you desire? First thing - let’s acknowledge that YOU ARE a powerful creator who is capable of doing this. Looking at your “whys,” reflecting on what matters to you and getting intentional about the process makes a huge impact as well. Our guests today are Erica James-Strayhorn and Anthony Strayhorn. We’ve known Erica and Anthony for over 7 years now and in that time they’ve become family. Well folks...they’re pregnant! And they’re planning a home birth. Needless to say we’re beyond thrilled for them. It was a no-brainer to have them on the show.   So they came over and the four of us chatted in our office/recording studio to talk about their journey. From moving through a miscarriage earlier in the year to advocating how Erica would like to be communicated with regarding her care (asking to not be referred to ask “geriatric” or “high-risk” because she’s 36) to finding the midwife that resonated with them to envisioning birthing time, we cover a lot of ground in a short period of time.  So enjoy part 1, because we will most certainly be having a followup conversation after baby arrives in December! Links: Erica’s website: Erica’s Instagram: Anthony’s website: Anthony’s Instagram: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/25/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 50 seconds
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286: HOME BIRTH STORY - A “Wild Pregnancy” and Two Unassisted Home Births with Jillian Anderson

Do you like to be left alone during birth? Or if you haven’t given birth yet, have you thought about whether or not you might want people around you, or prefer to be undisturbed? For our guest today Jillian Anderson, she was by herself for the majority of both of her birth experiences. Her partner Aaron was always close by in case he was needed. But Jillian knew what worked for her. That stems back to her decision to have a home birth over 6 years ago with her son Gabriel. It then carried into her pregnancy and birth prep for her daughter Serena. During her second pregnancy, Jillian was her own care provider and had a “wild pregnancy” (meaning without any outside assistance, we learned this term for the first time during this conversation - love how we’re always learning!).  Now as a mentor, writer, birth and fertility activist, Jillian’s birth experiences have greatly influenced the work she does with women. A few other topics we discuss: fetal ejection reflex, pleasurable birth, placenta delivery and lotus birth, family members calling child protective services upon learning about the unassisted home birth and postpartum doulas.  Links: Jillian’s website:  Jillian’s Instagram: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/18/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 56 seconds
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285: HOME BIRTH STORY - When Birth Has Raw, Real Challenges and is Still Crazy Beautiful with Ashley McGuirk

How can an experience like birth have such a mix of thoughts and emotions around it? It’s so complex and yet so simple. There’s such a vastness to it and the unique quality of each experience can make it difficult to summarize. This is why each story is so important and why we love sharing as many as we can with you. Today we’re speaking with Ashley McGuirk, and she tells us the birth story of her son Keegan. Ashley is a holistic health coach, personal trainer and yoga instructor. With her mother having 3 unmedicated hospital births, a natural birth plan resonated with her. After watching “The Business of Being Born,” aka “the gateway to natural and home birth” as she put it (haha!), she was clear she wanted a home birth. Ashley’s husband Ben was on board and a big support during the pregnancy and birth experience. In addition to the birth story, we talk about some of the things that Ashley brought into the pregnancy and birth based on her training and the work she does. Plus a conversation on “pregnant you and non-pregnant you,” fetal ejection reflex and a positive GBS result. Links: Ashley’s website: Ashley’s Instagram: Ashley’s Facebook: Ashley’s Pinterest: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/11/202058 minutes, 21 seconds
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284: HOME BIRTH STORY - First-time Mom and Doula at 22 with a Positive Home Birth Story with Katherine Ward

What is intuitive birthing? It can look different for each of us. But the general philosophy of allowing for the process to be what it is for you in your own unique way is a beautiful concept that comes up in our interview today. Katherine Ward shares her home birth story of her daughter Remi with us. Katherine started her doula training at 18-years-old. Through this experience she determined that when the time came for her to give birth, she wanted something different from what she witnessed in the hospital. By the time she met her husband Connor, she knew she wanted a home birth. This sparks a great dialogue in the interview about how “yet-to-be” mothers can approach conversations with their partners about birthing plans in a loving, open and empowered way.  Katherine also shares about some of the challenges in pregnancy in staying connected as a couple and preparing for the birth experience, as well as some unexpected postpartum challenges. And of course, we’ve got all the details of birthing time! Links: Katherine’s Business Instagram: @genesisbirthmassage Katherine’s Business Facebook: Katherine’s Email: [email protected] Lacy from Central Iowa Midwife - Birthing from within - Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/5/20201 hour, 8 seconds
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283: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Second Generation Birth with the Same Midwife with Sera Billings

What’s one of the biggest challenges of choosing a home birth? A common response to this is feeling like you have to explain and justify your choice to others, whether that be friends, family, loved ones or total strangers. This pops up in our interview with Sera Billings, mama to Addy. For Sera, home birth was always a completely normal thing. She herself was born at home. Her mother, in fact, had 6 home births. So home birth was an obvious choice for her when she became pregnant. And her husband Kade was on board and ready, because they had many conversations around birth before even becoming pregnant (we are big fans of this!).  And get this - the same midwife who attended Sera’s mother’s birth was there to attend her birth and help bring baby Addy earthside! Another great element of this conversation is the reminder to release expectations based on others’ experiences. This is your unique process - embrace it! Links: A Guide for Home Birth Partners: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/28/202052 minutes, 34 seconds
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282: HOME BIRTH STORY - The Magic of Eggplant Parm Plus Getting Baby Unstuck During Labor with Mekensie Gonzalez

“What’s going to happen if…?” This is a question many of us ask as we prepare for birth. And what if instead of ignoring whatever combination of thoughts and feelings that fill in that blank after the “if,” we get them out there and allow ourselves to process? In today’s interview with Mekensie Gonzalez, she shares her journey to home birth with her daughter Eden. From sitting on an airplane and on an off chance listening to a podcast about home birth with these two crazy people from Georgia (hint hint!), to going forward with plans to have her own home birth, Mekensie’s story is full of topics and themes that every home birthing family can learn from.  First there’s the involvement of her husband Alberto and allowing him to ask questions and be a part of the experience (to later become a big home birth advocate himself!). Then the legend of a local Italian spot featuring an eggplant parm that is rumored to send many women into labor around the time of “guess date.” And then the work of getting baby Eden unstuck during the labor through multiple positions and techniques.  One huge takeaway and affirmation: you are no less of a birthing person if things do not go the way you thought. It doesn’t take away from your power and strength. There is no wrong or right way to birth. Links: A Guide for Home Birth Partners: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/21/202052 minutes
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281: How to Get Your Partner on Board for a Home Birth

What if you want a home birth, but your partner doesn’t? This is a big challenge that we hear about often. The birthing person is desiring a home birth and the partner is not. It takes conscious time and communication to share thoughts and feelings, work to understand each other and find a solution that best serves the family.  And there could be many reasons for not being on the same page. Maybe your partner has never heard of home birth, has some ideas about it and/or has limited experience and conversation around birth.  So what can you do? In this episode we’re sharing 5 steps to take in the process of sharing your desires and creating the space for powerful, loving and authentic conversations around the birth plan. Plus we have a brand new, free resource for you and your partner - “A Guide for Home Birth Partners: Real-life Lessons and Advice from Other Partners’ Experiences.” Check out the link below to download! Links: A Guide for Home Birth Partners: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Private Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/15/202042 minutes, 39 seconds
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280: HOME BIRTH STORY - When the Road to Home Birth Includes Tough Conversations, Financial Questions and Family Pushback with Jocelyne and Eddie Zaldivar

How do you navigate a bunch of challenges that can throw off your birthing plans? Ideally the only bump in the birth journey is the belly kind, but sometimes the road to home birth presents different obstacles to overcome. Our guests Jocelyne and Eddie Zaldivar share their experience with us. It includes some of the top things we’ve heard from other home birth families when it comes to hiccups in the process. For one, tough conversations with their OB when they started out planning a hospital birth. Followed up by shifting to a birthing center, only to have it close unexpectedly as they entered their third trimester. And also, fear and resistance from family members around their birthing plans.  Their eventual home birth had such a profound impact on them that it inspired an evolution in their businesses. They now run and have a network for matching families with home birth professionals to serve them. Plus education and resources for empowering the home birth experience. You can see why we’d have a lot to talk about! Listen in to hear more. Links: website: Instagram: Facebook: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/8/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 34 seconds
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279: HOME BIRTH STORY - 2 Unassisted Home Births with Jani Barnes (Rebroadcast)

What do you do when you were born at home yourself, over 30 of your cousins have been born at home and you have over 40 chiropractors in your extended family? It’s a safe assumption that you’d have your babies at home too! For our guest Jani Barnes, having babies at home was all she knew. So having both of her children at home, unassisted, was a no brainer. Her husband Greg is a chiropractor, and was fully on board and supportive of the process. We talk to Jani about some of mental preparation she did for her births, and she impresses upon the need for positive information and conversation leading up to your birth (regardless of where or how you do it). Then we get to hear the birth stories of her babes Nora and Leo.  Links: Birthing Outside the Box: Birthing Outside the Box Facebook: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/2/202050 minutes, 49 seconds
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278: Episode Swap with Birth Story Podcast: Interview with Jennifer Farnham

Don’t you love the birth world? We’ve been able to connect with so many amazing people in this space. For today’s episode we’re sharing the #birthjunkie love and bringing you an episode from our friend Heidi and her podcast, Birth Story Podcast. We had Heidi on the DIAH podcast in episode 256 and we genuinely find her wonderful. So why not share some more of that with you?! Enjoy an episode that originally aired in November 2019 titled: Meet Jennifer Farnham Host of Willow Wisteria on YouTube on her home births and hospital births with her 6 children And here’s the original episode description from Heidi:  “18 Pregnancies. No you are not seeing spots. Jennifer Farnham, CEO of Art of Natural Wellness, host of the very popular YouTube channel Willow Wisteria, author of Dear One, Be Kind, and my personal Bengkung belly binding designer tells all. She takes us on a journey of being married to someone who was not her soul's perfect fit in a job that didn't feel right either. She birthed her first two babies in the hospital before she found herself. Through her pregnancy journeys she found her inner ROAR. She became a vegan, a doula, got divorced and found her soul's match, started her own businesses and went back to school for hypnotherapy focusing on pain management.  She is the essence of a true entrepreneur finding her passion and following the voice inside.  Along the way, she conceived 18 times but her body was unable to remain pregnant while nursing. Once she solved her low progesterone, she was able to conceive her 6th baby while still nursing number 5.” Links: The Birth Story Website: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/23/20201 hour, 7 minutes, 17 seconds
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277: Helping Dads to Feel Confident, Peaceful and Powerful About Birth

What role is the father-to-be (or parent-to-be) supposed to play in birth? How can that father/parent-to-be show up better in that role? In today's conversation, Matthew and Sarah dig in on this topic, focusing on the future fathers/parents who don't always get to be in the spotlight. This is a great episode to listen to if you're a father-to-be, OR if you know one then share this episode with them. Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: Parents on Demand Network: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/17/202037 minutes, 40 seconds
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276: HOME BIRTH STORY - From an Unplanned Cesarean to a Planned, Unassisted HBAC with Sarah Leahy

Can birth be redemptive? We often hear on the show how different birth experiences bring the opportunity to heal and take back your power.  This is an element of our conversation with Sarah Leahy. Sarah shares the varying aspects of her two birth experiences. Her first, an unplanned cesarean with multiple interventions, left her feeling like her body was broken and it had failed. Following her birth, Sarah experienced PTSD, anxiety, guilt and depression. She knew she wanted to have another baby and wanted to create a different result the next time around. So after initially planning to birth at home with a midwife, Sarah and her husband Adrian eventually opted to “do it at home” by themselves. The second birth experience was, as Sarah puts it, “a complete 180 from the first birth.” And the best description of her HBAC that we can surmise - “NORMAL.” Yes, a completely normal event, and yet incredibly powerful. Following her second birth, Sarah’s new belief around herself and her body was that it was not her that failed the first time - it was the system she subscribed to. Her confidence returned, and she has since grown more active in the birthing community by creating outlets for others to share their stories in both her Facebook page, Autonomous Birth Project and her Instagram @birthuprising. Links: Sarah’s Facebook page for Autonomous Birth Project: Sarah’s Instagram: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/9/202051 minutes, 4 seconds
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275: HOME BIRTH STORY - Birth As A Healing Process with Dr. Vanessa Gale and Dr. Dave Bell (LIVE in our home!)

How can we approach birth as a healing process? This is a great theme that comes up in today’s interview. We had our friends Dr. Vanessa Gale and Dr. Dave Bell come to our home to record their birth story in person! Their daughter Rosalie and our daughter Maya are friends and schoolmates. We’ve had the joy of getting to know them better and now we get to talk about babies and home birth! Vanessa and Dave are chiropractors, and they bring the principles and teachings to the topic of birth. For example, the body heals itself and is self-regulating. They share their journey from the surprise pregnancy to the planning and preparation for their home birth. And of course, the birth story itself, including some of the unexpected elements that often occur and how the situation might have been handled in a different environment. Vanessa and Dave are champions of utilizing understanding, support and love to empower the birth experience. You can tell we had a lot of fun interviewing them! Links: Beyond Chiropractic: Beyond Chiropractic Instagram: Beyond Chiropractic Facebook: Vanessa Instagram: Dave Instagram: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/2/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 15 seconds
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274: HOME BIRTH STORY - Plan for the Success of Your Birth and Lean Into Your Vision with Angela Potts-Mang’andah

What are you focusing on the most when it comes to your birth? As you prepare for your home birth, there are obviously many factors and considerations. Are you truly allowing yourself to envision the success of the experience, whatever that looks like for you? Today’s guest, Angela Potts-Mang’andah, walks us through her home birth journey from first starting with hospital care, then shifting care providers two more times (with some twists and turns in there as well in terms of how financial costs would be covered and where the birth would actually take place). Also dealing with the label of “geriatric pregnancy” while pregnant expecting your first child at 38.  We also discuss healing the expectation of how your partner shows up in the birth process and how to lean into your vision of your ideal birth. Links: New to Home Birth?: Our website: DIAH Shop: Parents on Demand Network: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: These Are My Hours documentary: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/26/202057 minutes, 15 seconds
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273: HOME BIRTH STORY - Getting Baby in the Proper Position Plus Dealing with Unexpected Events After Giving Birth with Nicola Poole

How active can labor and birth be? Sometimes you hear about mothers moving around a lot during their births. Other women prefer to stay still. Gotta love the variations of normal. For today’s guest, Nicola Poole, she shares the story of her 36-hour labor home birth with her daughter Gabrielle. During those 36 hours, Nicola did a lot of “body work” to help move baby into optimal position (her head was off-center). This included walking around, rebozo work and Spinning Babies techniques. On top of the birth story, we discuss the details of making the decision to have a home birth and what the process of selecting care and making plans looks like where Nicola lives in Victoria, Australia. Plus some breastfeeding challenges that resulted in a month’s stay in the hospital for baby Gabrielle.  Links: Nicola’s website: Nicola’s Instagram: Our website: DIAH Shop: Parents on Demand Network: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/19/202045 minutes, 28 seconds
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272: HOME BIRTH STORY - An Unplanned Unassisted Home Birth and Planning for the Fourth Trimester with Marlee Robinson

How do you prepare for a birth, after you’ve already experienced one? This can be an interesting headspace to be in. Because on one hand, you’ve given birth - so you might have ideas of what to expect. But on the other hand, you know things this time around that you didn’t know before and you might also understand that births can look drastically different from one to the next. This is one of the topics we explore in our interview with Marlee Robinson, mom of 2 boys - Bodhi and Breeze. After her birthing center birth experience with Bodhi, Marlee felt confident in planning a home birth for her second son, Breeze. We discuss the differences in planning for a second birth as well as taking more time to think about the fourth trimester. Then we get to hear the birth story of Breeze, which had a few surprises thrown in there (as it sometimes happens in birth!). Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: Parents on Demand Network: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/12/20201 hour, 9 seconds
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271: HOME BIRTH STORY - Being Hands-On with Your Home Birth Plus Tantric Breathing Techniques with Sofia Ashley of the Happy Vagina Project

What’s your favorite part of home birth? For our guest today, Sofia, she shares how much she enjoyed the hands-on aspect. With the idea for home birth originally coming from her husband Daniel (You don’t hear this all the time, which is why we love this detail. Daniel’s first child from a previous relationship was born at home, so he suggested it to Sofia when they became pregnant.) Sofia shares her full birth story plus she shares some techniques and practices that she used herself during birth as well as with her clients in her business as a sexuality coach, specializing in postpartum and a Tantra practitioner. You’ll definitely want to listen to the end of the interview multiple times over to practice the breathing exercises she walks us through! Links: Sofia’s webpage for DIAH listeners: Our website: DIAH Shop: Parents on Demand Network: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/6/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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270: HOME BIRTH STORY - Freebirth, Fetal Ejection Reflex and Feeling Pushy with Catherine Muskox

What if you and your partner don’t agree on home birth? This is a really great question and I’m sure it comes up for a lot of us, especially when home birth isn’t a first obvious option or even something you’ve never heard of.  It’s a conversation that comes up in today’s episode with Catherine Muskox. She shared both of her home birth stories with us and breaks down the different elements of each.  Catherine is someone who values her alone time while birthing, a trait we’ve heard of through our time of doing birth story interviews. It was this kind of awareness that had her considering freebirth. Plus she shares how she processed her husband not being completely on board with the decision and how to move through that.  There’s also elements of the “out of body experience” that you often hear birth is, the sensation of “feeling pushy” and the role of teamwork in a birth.  Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: Parents on Demand Network: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/28/202050 minutes, 52 seconds
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269: HOME BIRTH STORY - Natural, Holistic, Spiritual Approach to Birth, Plus Dealing with IUGR with Amy Zhou

How do you prepare for birth beyond the physical factors? Today’s guest is Amy Zhou, a certified Health Coach and Medicine Woman who specializes in teaching women (and men) how to heal their body, mind and spirit naturally at home. She’s also a new mama to her son Nathaniel, who is three and a half weeks old at the time we recorded this episode. We cover a lot of great things with Amy. For starters, she gave birth in the exact days the situation of COVID-19 dramatically shifted and accelerated in the United States, and specifically in her area of Los Angeles, California. According to Amy, it was like the world was a certain way when they entered the hospital, and then completely different when they emerged. So we chat about initial postpartum during an interesting time in the world and how she’s processing that. We also hear about Amy and her husband Ed’s preparation process for the birth experience. Their internal spiritual work was vital. Particularly when some challenges popped up, like an IUGR diagnosis (intrauterine growth restriction). This meant there were concerns about baby Nathaniel’s small size and how that could impact possibly inducing Amy before her due date. And bonus - Amy shares some of her gifts and expertise with listeners and leaves some tips for pregnant mothers both from her own experience as well as her extensive training and coaching. Links: Amy’s website: Sarah’s website: Matthew’s website: Our website: DIAH Shop: Parents on Demand Network: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/21/20201 hour, 5 minutes
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268: If You Are Switching from Hospital to Home Birth

Are you switching from a hospital birth to a home birth or find yourself new to the option of home birth and are exploring? In today’s episode we’re sharing a resource we put together for the DIAH community - particularly those who might be new to the space. We’ve gathered about 40 episodes together and created 2 separate playlists: one with birth stories including a switch from hospital to home at some point during the pregnancy along AND another of empowering conversations between Matthew and Sarah on the planning for home birth. Plus a listener email that highlights where many women and families are finding themselves currently as we navigate the COVID-19 circumstance. We want to remind everyone that we love, support and honor your choices and we’re here to serve through continuing to share stories and resources. And we have the deepest gratitude for your listening and being a part of this space. Links: The Switching or New to Home Birth Playlist: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/14/202022 minutes, 54 seconds
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267: HOME BIRTH STORY - Breech At Home At 37 Weeks With Nona Djavid

If baby is breech, does that automatically mean you can’t have a home birth? That depends on each situation and of course where you live and your care options. In today’s episode, we chat with Nona Djavid about both of her pregnancies and home birth experiences. Both involving breech position at different points in time. For her first, she found out at 37 weeks that her baby was breech, and that meant that her midwife was no longer allowed to assist her in delivering in her home in the state of California. So they found the only OB in the state who provides care for and attends home birth mothers and families. And then when it came time for her second, she planned for another home birth with the same doctor.  Another beautiful theme we cover in this episode is breaking the chain of any inherited fear, trauma or doubt from previous generations, and the great opportunity we have in our births to heal that and create a new experience for our children.  Links: Nona’s website: Our website: DIAH Shop: Sarah’s website: Matthew’s website: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/7/202053 minutes, 44 seconds
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266: HOME BIRTH STORY - Changing From Hospital Birth To Home Birth At 35 Weeks with Jessica and Seth Burdette (Rebroadcast)

In today’s episode we’re bringing you the home birth story of Jessica and Seth Burdette. Have you ever felt like you were limited with your birth options? Our couple today, Jessica and Seth Burdette, share their story about doing what was best for their family and creating the birth experience of their dreams. At 35 weeks Jessica and Seth decided to make the switch from a hospital birth with OB care, to a home birth with the Atlanta Birth Center. Most people don’t consider switching that late into the game (the vast majority don’t realize that’s even an option), and so we found it so empowering to hear how Jessica and Seth decided to do what felt right for them. They ended up working with the Atlanta Birth Center - an amazing group of holistically minded birth care providers in Atlanta, Ga. Sarah and I looked into the ABC when we were researching their birth options.  Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Eve’s written home birth story: Atlanta Birth Center: Hypnobirthing: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/1/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 33 seconds
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265: The Lessons Birth Teaches You About Handling Tough Situations (Plus Practical Tips For You)

What can birth teach us about handling tough situations? Simply stated: A LOT! Matthew and Sarah sit down to address some of the current energy that’s circulating throughout the world, and how we can draw upon the experience of birth to empower us and help us move through it. Lessons like surrender, awareness, mindfulness and choosing love over fear. Plus we give you real, actionable, practical takeaways that you can do today. Links: Balance and Motherhood podcast: Having It ALL podcast: Our website: DIAH Shop: Parents on Demand Network: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/24/202046 minutes, 53 seconds
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264: HOME BIRTH STORY - Switching to Home Birth at 30 Weeks, Plus 10 Minutes of Pushing with Sarah Radcliff

How late is too late to switch your birth plan or care model? The joke (but not really a joke) response we often see in the birth circuit is, “Once the baby has arrived.” In other words, it’s never too late to evaluate what you want in your birth experience, and to make the adjustments to bring that reality. Our guest today is Sarah Radcliff, mom of 4 (2 belly babies and 2 bonus). Sarah shares her second birth experience with us in which she decided on a home birth at 30 weeks pregnant. Her first birth was in the hospital, and there were a few elements of that birth that motivated her to create something different the next time around. With the support of her husband Keith, they moved forward with their midwife to plan their home birth. Sarah walks us through birthing time - quiet, private and peaceful. Plus 10 minutes of pushing to welcome baby Liam - but we’ll save the rest for you to hear in the episode! Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: Parents on Demand Network: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/17/202055 minutes, 8 seconds
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263: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Faith-Filled Home Birth Plus Belly Hugs with Amy Jo and JJ Mann

How does faith influence your pregnancy and birth? This could be linked to religious affiliation or not. Birth in and of itself includes elements of trust and surrender, the cycle of ebb and flow. It’s natural to associate it as a spiritual experience. Today’s guests open up their story and hearts to us as they share their journey to home birth. Amy Jo and JJ Mann, or Team Mann as they often refer to themselves, are joining us to talk about the birth of their daughter Brooklyn.  From some details switch-arounds with care models and location of their birth to how they grew stronger together as a couple, this is an inspiring conversation full of warmth and laughter. Plus some great takeaways for empowering birth jargon and tips to encourage partners and fathers. Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: Parents on Demand Network: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/11/202053 minutes, 43 seconds
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262: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Home Birth Postpartum Hospital Transfer, Energy Work and the What Ifs with Kimberly Huck

What happens when your birth turns out different than how you pictured it? Two-time DIAH mama Kimberly Huck can relate to this question for her second home birth. We’re so excited to have Kimberly back on the show (she joined us back in episode 53 sharing her fast labor and Bradley Method influenced water birth with her son Henry) to share the birth story of her daughter Josie. We talk to Kimberly about her process of preparing to go from one child to two and the different emotions that came along with that. She also shares some of the energy work that she utilized to help her connect with baby while she was pregnant and set herself up for a powerful birth experience. Then the birth itself - with interesting factors like her midwife being two plus hours away at another birth when Kimberly went into labor and the need for a postpartum transfer when it appeared that Kimberly was bleeding significantly.  Plus another thing that we think happens with lots of moms, but isn’t discussed - the “what if” conversation, applied retroactively. When maybe things did go well, but you find yourself going back to the event and thinking, “what would have happened if xyz….?” This is such a magical conversation - and especially for those who might have experienced a postpartum hospital transfer or for those who might be nervous about that possibility.  Links: First interview with Kimberly: Kimberly’s Facebook group: The Body Code: Our website: DIAH Shop: Parents on Demand Network: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/4/202053 minutes, 16 seconds
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261: Our Thoughts on the Frida Mom Ad About Real Postpartum!

Have you seen the commercial about real postpartum that’s been getting some attention lately? A recent commercial from company Frida, creators of FridaBaby and FridaMom with parenting product favorites like the snot-sucking NoseFrida, recently released a commercial highlighting their postpartum care products like an upside down peri bottle. The ad has sparked up attention. For one, not being accepted to run during the Oscars 2020 airing. But more importantly, in our opinion, for the conversation it brings up around the realness of the postpartum experience. So we sat down and shared our reactions to watching the ad and some of what we see coming out of it. And just to be clear, Frida is in no way affiliated with or sponsoring this episode. We’re grateful to them and their mission (“Preparing parents for the unfiltered realities of parenthood with simple-yet-genius solutions that get the job done.” as it reads on their website) and want to bring relevant content like this to our community.  Links: Frida’ postpartum ad: Frida’s website: Our website: DIAH Shop: Parents on Demand Network: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/25/202037 minutes, 46 seconds
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260: HOME BIRTH STORY - Preparing for What You Can’t Plan in 55 Hours of Labor with Dr. Brittany Zis

Is it possible for a birth experience to empower you and leave you feeling a little defeated at the same time? That was what Dr. Brittany Zis thought about her home birth, at first. For one thing, it was 55 hours long, and a couple of unplanned factors popped up - like her cervix being completely closed after almost a day of contractions, pushing challenges and baby changing position at the last minute.  But with the support of her birth team: her midwives, her husband Andrew and her family, Brittany sees how badass she is and how humbling the experience was, welcoming her son Russell into the world.  As a physical therapist specializing in women’s health and pediatrics, she had a goal of approaching her home birth decision with both a natural mindset as well as evidence-based information (the best of both worlds). We think this is something that many in the DIAH can connect with, and we’re so excited to share Brittany’s story with you! Links: Brittany’s website: Brittany’s Instagram: Our website: DIAH Shop: Parents on Demand Network: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/18/202049 minutes, 21 seconds
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259: Paternity Leave and Going Pain Med Free

Is your partner planning on taking time off when baby arrives, or did they in the past? And what about going pain med free for your birth -- do you ever get questions or responses like, “what are you trying to prove??” Today’s episode, both of us are addressing listener emails and touching on things like paternity/partner leave, particularly when the partner isn’t interested in taking it. So we break that down a bit and share some of our thoughts and experiences. Plus, a few more comments that might come up when you’re choosing home birth, and what you can do to navigate them.  Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: Parents on Demand Network: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/12/202039 minutes, 37 seconds
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258: HOME BIRTH STORY - 3 Birth Stories: Releasing Shame, Hiring a Birth Coach and Orgasmic Birth with Dorit Palvanov

Did you hold onto any shame from your birth or postpartum experience? In today’s episode, our guest Dorit Palvanov is setting an example on how to let that go. She shares details of her 3 birth stories: from hospital to home to back to hospital. Dorit walks us through the processes and the ups and downs throughout her journey to motherhood. From interventions and a dissociated feeling with her first to primal sensations with her second and finally orgasmic energy around her third. Dorit brings her high energy and candor to her stories, and we know that so many mothers and families will benefit from hearing them. Click the links below to learn more about Dorit, listen to her podcast and connect with her. Links: Dorit’s website: Dorit’s masterclass: Our website: DIAH Shop: Parents on Demand Network: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/4/20201 hour, 1 minute, 28 seconds
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257: Hypnobirthing: Using The Power of The Mind To Influence Your Body with Kristy Rodriguez

What is Hypnobirthing? We dive into this in today’s episode with our guest Kristy Rodriguez, prenatal yoga instructor and coach and the host of the Pure Nurture podcast.  We talk about some of the details of hypnobirthing and the myths and common questions that come up around it.  So if you’ve ever thought about using it, you’re going to want to listen! AND be sure you check out the Pure Nurture podcast to hear Kristy interview us! Links: Kristy’s website: Our website: DIAH Shop: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/29/202047 minutes, 43 seconds
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256: What Doulas Really Are And Why We Need Them with Heidi Snyderburn-Campbell

What’s a doula? This question comes up a lot around the birth world. And even for those who kinda have an idea, there still seems to be opportunity to understand more. Today’s guest is Heidi Snyderburn-Campbell, a doula of 15 years and the host of Birth Story Podcast. Heidi brings her experience to the table and shares with us some of her journey into becoming a doula. We also talk about the importance of doulas, particularly in the hospital setting, for advocacy and support. Heidi reads an excerpt from her upcoming book and trust us when we say, not only will you want to re-listen to it over and over again, you’re going to want to pick up her book when it comes out!  It was an honor to have Heidi in our space. AND - she interviewed us for Birth Story Podcast, so be sure to check it out! Links: Heidi’s Website: Heidi’s Instagram: Our website: DIAH Shop: Parents on Demand Network: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/21/202056 minutes, 42 seconds
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255: Helping Mamas Have Pain-Free, Pleasurable Sex with Dr. Lauren Crigler

How does sex change before and after baby? This is a great question to ask ourselves. And this is an important topic to normalize and create space for - from both the physical and emotional perspectives. Today’s guest is Dr. Lauren Crigler, a sex pain therapist who specializes in pelvic floor physical therapy. In other words, she helps women have pain-free, pleasurable sex. So we chat with Dr. Lauren about these changes, about how sex helps in holding the relationship with your partner (and family) together. Plus tips for how we can address some of the challenges and dysfunctions, while having a healthy conversation that impacts, guess who...our kids!  Links: Dr. Lauren’s website: Dr. Lauren’s Facebook: Dr. Lauren’s Instagram: Our website: DIAH Shop: Parents on Demand Network: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/15/202042 minutes, 28 seconds
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254: Helping Dads to Feel Confident, Peaceful and Powerful About Birth

What role is the father-to-be (or parent-to-be) supposed to play in birth? How can that father/parent-to-be show up better in that role? In today's conversation, Sarah and Matthew dig in on this topic, focusing on the future fathers/parents who don't always get to be in the spotlight. This is a great episode to listen to if you're a father-to-be, OR if you know one then share this episode with them. Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: Parents on Demand Network: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/7/202036 minutes, 27 seconds
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253: Highlights from 2019 and What to Expect from DIAH in 2020

What was a DIAH highlight for you this year? In today’s episode we’re recapping some of the takeaways from 2019, and sharing our intentions for 2020. Happy New Year! Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: Parents on Demand Network: Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: The Dope Doula Etsy Page: Dope Doula DIAH episode: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/1/202043 minutes, 41 seconds
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252: HOME BIRTH STORY - “Birthgasm” and Choosing Surrender over Fear with Kristen and Rodney

How is your mind space connected with the physical space and environment that you set for your birth? In today’s episode we have a powerful conversation with Kristen and Rodney about their birth journey. From the surprise of the pregnancy news to decision to have a home birth, we get both parents’ perspectives on the experience.  Kristen is a yoga instructor, and used much of her practice throughout her pregnancy and birth.  “My yoga practice afforded me this sweet opportunity to gain an understanding and cultivate an intimate relationship with my baby well before birth…" “Yoga had equipped me with the tools to choose my perspective. Yoga offered me the solace to stay present through uncomfortable times and floods of thoughts.” “Yoga in its essence is a practice of unity--with mind, body and spirit. On a logistic level, the breath techniques learned and practiced in yoga relax and slow the body which is virtuous during birth/contractions. I compare the space between each contraction as the space between each breath. It is a space of stillness, rejuvenation, symbolic of the end and beginning. Yoga strengthens the physical body to help with recovery and the 'bounce back'. Many poses open up the hips, the passageway. Prenatal yoga prepares women for a natural birth, by practicing presence and awareness. Yoga teaches us how to choose surrender over fear.” Plus we talk about the moment of birthgasm - when baby Aniya arrived! Links: Kristen’s Instagram Our website DIAH Shop Parents on Demand Network DIAH Instagram DIAH Facebook Page DIAH Facebook Group Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/24/20191 hour, 18 seconds
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251: Reactions To Home Birth From Family, Friends and Strangers (Rebroadcast)

When you’re expecting, it’s very common to hear the question, “Where are you delivering?” If not that specifically, people generally ask about your doctor or your doctor visits. Whether it’s close friends and family or total strangers, most will insert some sort of advice or personal experience to whatever birth plan it is you’ve chosen. It can be even more interesting when you share that your birth plan involves a home birth. Queue awkward silences, uncomfortable jokes and even sometimes downright judgement. That’s what we’re talking about in this episode: what we’re calling the “pushbacks.” They are the often well-intentioned but poorly executed gestures and words to share varying degrees of care and concern for yours and your baby’s well-being. But it’s great because it gives you a chance to exercise patience and understanding. It might even help you confirm why you’re considering or chose home birth. Matthew and I have grown to love the pushbacks, and we share some examples of ones we received. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/17/201943 minutes, 28 seconds
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250: Prenatal Yoga and Exercise and Honoring Motherhood with Deb Flashenberg

Can too much exercise during pregnancy become a detriment to your birth experience? We wouldn’t presume to give you a definitive answer to this question because frankly it’s not our place and we’re not the experts of your physical body, pregnancy, preferences or life experience. This is a question we explored with today’s guest Deb Flashenberg, founder and director of the Prenatal Yoga Center in New York. Deb has her own experience and story around exercising during pregnancy, as well as practicing yoga consistently.  We talk a little bit about Deb’s journey into the work she’s doing now, her own process of exploring birth options, fears around pregnancy and childbirth and honoring motherhood. Deb’s story and message is a powerful one. For her, it’s about “trusting yourself, and being okay when you’re not perfect.” Also to find your personal voice, own your autonomy and proclaim “this is my life!” And you can access Deb and all her wisdom on her own podcast “Yoga Birth Babies” and through the Prenatal Yoga Center’s podcast. LINKS Deb’s Podcast Prenatal Yoga Center Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Who's Afraid of the Pregnant Yogi. Use the PROMO code HOME BIRTH and receive the free video "Pregnancy Safe Abdominal Toning" “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/13/201940 minutes, 3 seconds
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249: HOME BIRTH STORY - An Unplanned Home Birth and the Power of Meditation with Katie Krimitsos

What happens when you’re planning a hospital or birth center birth, but labor starts and moves so quickly that you don’t have time to pack up, get in the car and leave?! Welp, an unplanned home birth, that’s what! And this is our first story of this on the podcast. Meet our guest, Katie Krimitsos, wife, mother of 2 and fellow podcaster, Sarah met Katie at the She Podcasts 2019 event in Atlanta earlier this year, and knew she had to be on DIAH. Katie shares the story of her daughter Savannah’s birth (this episode is actually publishing on her 1st birthday, yay!), which was a total of 20 minutes! Despite the unplanned circumstances, Katie felt calm and describes the whole experience as magical. We also get to hear from Katie about her podcast “Women’s Meditation Network,” and how she’s using meditation to reach millions of women all over the world.  Links: Women’s Meditation Network WMN Instagram “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/4/201942 minutes, 21 seconds
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248: HOME BIRTH STORY - Unmedicated Hospital, Twin Cesarean, and HBAC Birth Experiences with Childbirth Educator and Bradley Instructor Nicole Rundall-Royal (Plus Dad’s Perspective!)

How do you know you’re making the best choice when it comes to planning for your birth? This is one of the themes we unpack in today’s episode. We’re joined by Nicole and Al, parents to Eli, Karin, Eliza and Atreyu. We get to hear both mom and dad’s perspective on the birthing journey. From the first birth - unmedicated in the hospital, attended by midwives. The second - unplanned twin cesarean. And finally their home birth. Nicole shares her experience as a childbirth educator and Bradley Method instructor and how that influenced her decisions and how she participated in her care and planning. Al talks about his role as her partner and holding the space for her during birth. Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/28/20191 hour, 1 minute, 13 seconds
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247: HOME BIRTH STORY - Postpartum Hemorrhage and a Safe, Successful Hospital Transfer with Janette Silberman

What if...? Probably the biggest question that comes up around the choice to have a home birth. Whether you ask it to yourself, your birth team, or you have other people ask you - it comes up. As today’s guest Janette puts it - “Things did not go to plan, birth never does.” We talk about Janette’s decision to have a home birth - both she and her husband work in a hospital (her as a childbirth educator and doula and her husband as an RN), and so after feeling hesitant to give birth there, she leaned in and took the time to see what felt best. They continued with joint care between their midwives and hospital visits, but planned for a home birth. We hear baby Liv’s birth story, plus the details of Janette’s postpartum transfer to address her blood loss, which had been managed effectively by her midwives and while she was no longer bleeding, a transfusion was the best course of action to support Janette in recovering and feeling better.  In Janette’s words: “When you say you are having a home birth people often respond with "what if there is an emergency?" My postpartum hemorrhage was definitely emergent and my midwife handled it like a bad ass! Most people don't understand the skill set of home birth midwives and the supplies that they carry for such emergencies. My husband and I always felt safe.” Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/20/20191 hour, 14 minutes, 19 seconds
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246: HOME BIRTH STORY - Changing Your Birth Plan Late in Pregnancy, Hospital Transfer and Home Birth Story with Mandy Moss

When did you realize you wanted a home birth? For our guest Mandy Moss, she shares how she realized the hospital was not the place for her after doing a tour during her first pregnancy. So at 34 weeks, she changed plans. At 41 weeks and 6 days pregnant and after 48 hours of active labor and 5 hours of pushing, she transferred to the hospital where she was able to deliver her daughter vaginally. When she became pregnant for the second time, she and her husband Jake planned for a home birth again.  So you get to hear two different birth stories within this episode. Listen in to hear the rest. Thank you to Mandy for sharing with us! Links: Episode 18 with Maria Mengel Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/12/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 45 seconds
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245: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Home Birth Party, Plus Support For Moms and Families with Ann Kaplan

What if birth was like a party? For today’s guest, Ann Kaplan, her fourth birth (second home birth) was exactly that. Seriously. Evites and everything. #birthparty. Ann had about 30 people in the room when she gave birth to her fourth child - friends, family members, and all spectrum of ages. So we dig into that experience and hear Ann’s inspiration for it and how it all played out, and what she’d share with anyone else thinking of doing something like it. Plus we talk about Ann’s work as a birth doula, childbirth educator and parent coach. Ann’s gifting our listeners with free access to her online birth seminar, so make sure you check out the links in the show notes to watch! Links: Ann’s website: Free Birth Seminar: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/6/201943 minutes, 42 seconds
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244: HOME BIRTH STORY - Birthing Like a “Diva,” PPD and Breastfeeding Education with Brooke Brumley

How could a self-described “diva” ever have a home birth? This is a fun one, because there are a lot of misconceptions and stereotypes around home birth and those who chose it. For Brooke, she would have never thought about home birth as an option for herself. But after a traumatic birth experience with her first baby, followed by a challenge period of PPD (she doesn’t remember the first 6-9 weeks of postpartum) and breastfeeding. Brooke became very passionate about breastfeeding and helping other moms through pregnancy and postpartum so that they wouldn’t have to experience what she did.  With her second pregnancy, she knew she wanted things to be different. This was an opportunity to trust her body. Even through factors that could have impacted her qualifying for home birth, Brooke was steadfast and had her home birth. Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/29/201954 minutes, 56 seconds
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243: Practicing Midwifery to Honor the Mystery of Pregnancy and the Magic of Birth with Dr. Nathan Riley, OBGYN

How can care providers and patients work together to create greater understanding and better outcomes for mothers and babies? This is a question we found ourselves asking throughout our conversation with Dr. Nathan Riley, OBGYN. We’ve been in contact with Dr. Nathan for a bit and it was an incredible honor to have him on the show. This is the first kind of conversation like this on the show. It’s a deep and powerful discussion around the current culture around birth and where the opportunities lie to have “whole person care.” As a physician and a male, Dr. Nathan brings a perspective and approach that you’re not used to seeing or hearing about. For example, he shares how midwifery has influenced his practice and how he interacts with patients. Plus the experience of physicians in their years of schooling and training - how the burnout, expectations and highly monetized business world of medicine affects them and how they treat patients.  Dr. Nathan also shares some tips for those birthing in the hospital or transferring from home to hospital in how you can move forward powerfully in the situation to communicate and advocate for yourself. And get this - Dr. Nathan and his wife Stephanie are expecting their first baby! So we talk about their birthing plans and how his knowledge and experience play a part in the process. Links: Dr. Nathan’s website Our website DIAH Shop Parents on Demand Network Instagram Facebook Page Facebook Group Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/22/201954 minutes, 59 seconds
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242: HOME BIRTH STORY - “High Risk” at 38 and Switching to Home Birth Mid-Pregnancy with Summer Goebel

Does a certain age automatically make you high-risk when it comes to pregnancy and birth? The answer depends on who you ask. For Summer’s original OBGYN, the answer was yes. At 38 and having her first child, she was considered “high risk.” Even with a healthy lifestyle (a marathon runner) and no health conditions. Ultimately, Summer wasn’t very pleased with the care she was receiving, so she transferred to a midwife within the same network (still on path for a hospital birth). But she still felt like the care lacked - she and her husband David would have a ton of questions they’d want answered and appointments were too short to cover everything they wanted. So at 22 weeks, they shifted to home birth. Worth noting here that David had his fears to work through - so we talk about that. In her labor and birth, Summer used the birthing pool for most of the time. “It was like “aqua-dural,” she said.  The birth itself had a few surprises - listen in to find out! Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/15/201957 minutes, 9 seconds
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241: Perinatal Mental Health and the Importance of Trauma-Informed Birth Workers with Ashley Mariani

Why is it important for birth workers to be “trauma-informed?” In today’s episode, we have Ashley Mariani join us for a conversation on mental health and wellness in the birth world. Ashley is a clinical social worker and psychotherapist who specializes in perinatal mental health and couples. We talk about how birth workers can be informed to best serve their clients/patients in having an empowered and educated birth experience. Ashley shares her expertise, observations and own personal experience to stress the importance of inclusivity, accessibility and safe environment to create the best outcomes for everyone.  And for birthing parents and families, how they can “date” their care provider to make sure it’s the best fit and to have standards through which they’ll operate within the relationship. Plus, Ashley shares a little bit of her birth journey with her son Silas and what her plans are for future birth(s).  Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/8/201953 minutes, 49 seconds
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240: HOME BIRTH STORY - Fourth Baby Born at Home After Previous Birth and Postpartum Trauma with Sarah Bode

Is it ever too late to change your birth plan or mindset? What about over the years, after multiple pregnancies and births? One thing we’re big on here at DIAH is supporting your process of evolving and figuring out what works for you and your family - and that it can happen over the course of however many years and children. Enter our amazing guest in today’s episode, Sarah Bode. Sarah is a podcaster herself, host of the show “Raw As A Mother,” an author, coach, wife and mama to 4. After 3 natural hospital births, Sarah felt led towards home birth for her fourth. Her birthing journey remarkable for many reasons - like after suffering PCOS as well as holistically healing from thyroid cancer, she’s been able to birth 4 healthy children. Her third birth really influenced the choice for home birth, as it was the “most traumatizing” of her births and she felt like she had no sense of control of the experience. Sarah’s fourth birth was a paradigm shift - a reprogramming. Listen in to learn more about her story and her work. Links: Raw As A Mother podcast: Raw As A Mother episode with Sarah Bivens: Sarah Bode’s Instagram: Resources Sarah Bode shared: Hypnobirthing: Bradley Method: First 40 Days: Mamaste: Birth Light: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/1/201947 minutes, 31 seconds
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239: HOME BIRTH STORY - When Home Birth Is Just A Normal Thing with Celia Donaldson

When did you first learn about home birth? For today’s mama, Celia Donaldson, she herself was born at home. So for her growing up, it was just “normal.” So there didn’t have to be this explanation and deep dive into what it was or why people might choose it. It’s this normalcy that carries through how Celia shares her story, from research she did while pregnant, the conversations with her partner Ali and assembling a birth team that would support her in what she wanted to create (while also receiving prenatal care at a hospital). With about a month of “practice labor” prior to birth, Celia was ready to meet her baby, her son Nadir. We hear the birth story as well as some of Celia’s favorite resources, as a birth and postpartum doula and childbirth educator herself. Check the links for more on her and the resources she shared. Links: Celia’s website: Evidence Based Birth: Birthful podcast: The Birth Hour podcast: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/24/201953 minutes, 18 seconds
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238: HOME BIRTH STORY - 6 Children, 4 Home Births, Circumcision and the Inner Work with Amelia Page

Why home birth? This is a question we ask most guests on the podcast. Today we dive into that with Amelia Page, mama of 6. We chat about her first two births and the influence that moved her towards home birth for her remaining 4 children. We touch on the topic of circumcision (respecting all choices), as well as the inner work that supports in the pregnancy, birth and motherhood experience. Pregnancy was a challenging experience for Amelia, so for any mamas who can relate - this is a great one to feel understood. You are not alone! Plus we get highlights from all 4 home births and hear about both similarities and differences amongst them. Links: Amelia’s YouTube: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/17/20191 hour, 21 seconds
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237: HOME BIRTH STORY - Cleft Affected Home Birth Story with Rebecca James-Esposito

What happens when you’re planning for a home birth and those plans could change because of a birth difference? This is something that Becca and her husband Mark had to face when they were pregnant with their second son, Evan and planning for a home birth. Anatomy scans revealed that Evan had cleft lip and possibly cleft palate, potentially shifting not only birth plans, but Becca’s plans to breastfeed (there can be issues with forming suction in cleft-affected babies). This was a devastating experience for Becca, challenging her to stay connected through the remainder of her pregnancy. However, supportive doctors gave them to green light to proceed with a home birth. The birth itself was peaceful and “normal.” This was also after a traumatic experience with her first birth of her son Tucker, which led her wanting a “do over.” We really appreciate Becca and Mark bringing this conversation to the podcast, because we haven’t shared a cleft-affected story before. Some of the things that Becca emphasized and wanted to make sure we share with listeners who are also going through this - to make sure your midwife (care provider) is very confident with resuscitation (this can be one of the things to be mindful of at the birth of a cleft-affected baby). From Becca: I think it's important for other cleft-mamas to know that my midwife had a laryngo mask and was experienced with it; she also does monthly refreshers on neonatal resuscitation. I also had 3 different cleft bottles on hand, syringes, and donor milk so that I could figure out feeding him no matter what, if his palate had been cleft. I also had a pump ready to go. I think these are important things to have if you're giving birth to a cleft kiddo at home. We also had a plan to meet with our cleft team within a week after birth or earlier, if there were feeding issues (within 24 hours). Also, mostly importantly, my home birth was the healing experience my mind, soul, body, and family needed! After he was delivered earthside, I physically bounced right back! He was 9lbs, and I didn't tear! I physically felt soooooo much better than I did after Tucker. I didn't even really need the peribottle...I felt great! Everything about Evan's birth was exactly what I needed in the end. Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/10/20191 hour, 11 minutes, 36 seconds
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236: HOME BIRTH STORY - “I did it!” - Building Confidence in Our Births with Naomi Jardine

Do you feel confident in your ability to birth? Today’s birth story features Naomi Jardine, sharing her journey to home birth. Naomi felt a loss of control with her first birth of her daughter Jasmine, followed by some traumatic stitches to repair her tearing. She was left feeling disappointed, not at peace. For her second birth, she wanted to do something different. So she prepared more this time - she read, listened to podcasts (like DIAH!) and joined local groups to connect with other mothers. It gave her the opportunity to get clear on what she wanted and what she didn’t want. For her home birth of her daughter Summer, it was a peaceful, powerful, transformative experience with the confidence and satisfying feeling of “I did it!” Links: Naomi’s blog: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/4/201945 minutes, 37 seconds
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235: The Biggest Myths About Home Birth

What are the most common myths and misconceptions about home birth? This episode was inspired by a recent conversation we had when we were interviewed for the Revive show and helped debunk some of the things you read and hear to discredit or dissuade from home birth. And it was shocking to us that we hadn’t done an episode specifically dedicated to this topic, so here it is! Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Why Not Home: Episode with Jessicca Moore: Episode on “is home birth messy”: on home birth myths: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/27/201950 minutes, 41 seconds
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234: HOME BIRTH STORY - Talking Home Birth and Placental Encapsulation With Jenny DiPietro (Rebroadcast)

In this episode we're talking with mom of 4 Jenny DiPietro, who has had multiple home births, a home birth turned hospital transfer, a water birth at home, and who performs placenta encapsulation for families. We get into a lot in this one! Oh yeah, and we’re also entering a new phase of the podcast! In addition to our episodes that feature Matthew and me discussing some topic related to home birth, we’re publishing our conversations with moms and families who have experienced home birth along with professionals and thought leaders on the subject. Jenny is the first to kick off this endeavor. As I said, she's a mom of 4, who has experienced both home and hospital birth. In our talk, we cover things like:The details of her birthsWhat went into her decision-making process to choose home birthHer work as a Placenta Encapsulation SpecialistThe importance of education in the pregnancy and birthing journey We’re very excited to bring other stories and perspectives of home birth to you. Enjoy!  Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/20/201941 minutes, 9 seconds
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233: Healthy, Balanced Birth with Doula and Expectant Mama Olivia Friel

As a birth worker, how do you take your work and knowledge into your personal experience? That’s one of the topics we touch on in today’s interview with Olivia Friel, birth and postpartum doula and expectant mama. Olivia shares part of her journey with us and we also get into some great discussions around pregnancy, birth and going with the flow. AND Olivia is launching her podcast soon, so stay tuned! Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Olivia’s website - Olivia’s Instagram - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/13/201957 minutes, 26 seconds
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232: Traveling With Kids: Conventional and Unconventional Tips On Traveling With Young Ones

Have you ever done some serious traveling with your kids? Are you planning on it but are terrified at how it might go? Well fear not! In today’s episode Matthew and I are giving you some tips on traveling with your little ones. We just returned from a 2 week trip to Europe where we went all over the place, did a bunch of stuff, and managed it all with a smile on our faces. Yes, you can have a great time traveling with kids and today we’re going to help you do just that. Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/6/201948 minutes, 38 seconds
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231: Birth, Gender Fluidity and 4th Trimester Bodies Project with Ash Luna

How do we heal? One way is to share with others, create community and connection. In today’s episode, we chat with Ash Luna, photographer and founder of 4th Trimester Bodies Project. Ash shares part of their incredible story with us. From their interest and desire for home birth to their experience with loss, trauma and grief. Ash opens up their world and gives perspective of life with her family including her partner Flowers and their children Xavier (13), Nova (6) and Sol (8 months). We’ve followed Ash and part of their journey on social media for a while now, so we’re very grateful that they joined us for an honest and informative conversation. We learn about their experience of twin to twin transfer syndrome in their second pregnancy, which resulted in the passing of baby Aurora and the 24 week, 1 lb. birth of baby Nova. In their third birth, Ash had a magical home birth for baby Sol. We also talk about non-binary parenting and gender as a spectrum. Plus some of the story behind 4th Trimester Bodies Project and what an amazing community and following it has created. Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: 4th Trimester Bodies Project website: 4th Trimester Bodies Project Instagram: Ash’s Instagram: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/30/201954 minutes, 39 seconds
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230: Designing Your Birth and What You Desire with Holistic Doula Christy Robinson

Did you listen to (or are you currently listening)yourself when it comes to your desires around your birth? In today’s episode, we have the pleasure of speaking with Christy Robinson, holistic doula for birth as well as transition (death). Christy is not just a powerhouse of a woman and a pillar within her communities when it comes to service, education and creative work, but she’s a close friend of ours. In this interview we hear about Christy’s journey into doula work as well as some of her experiences and insights from her 10 plus years in the birth world. We also talk about advocacy, designing your birth and honoring your internal desires. And the topic of women of color and the birth world and how we can empower ourselves and our communities to give and receive better care and education. Links: Connect with Christy: [email protected] Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/24/201942 minutes, 28 seconds
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229: HOME BIRTH STORY - Primal, Ancestral and Awe-inspiring Birth with Charly and Dan Swanberg

How do you trust in the process of your birth experience? In today’s birth story, we’re chatting with Charly and Dan Swanberg about the births of both of their daughters: Luna and Kaiya. Charly’s mother had 3 home births herself, so the experience was already familiar and normalized for Charly. Both chiropractic students, Charly and Dan have cultivated a strong understanding and trust in the human body and its abilities. We get to hear about both pregnancies, which went for about 42 weeks. As well as the surprise of getting pregnant 4 months after their first birth. It’s great to hear both perspectives from the whole journey and about the lessons that each learned. Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/17/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 17 seconds
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228: How Nutrition and Real Food Prepare You for Pregnancy and Birth with Lily Nichols

What and how should you eat during pregnancy? This is a big question that comes up often, and there are lots of thoughts around it. So where is a place where you can get all the info you need, in a clear, empowering and informative way? Enter Lily Nichols, our guest today. Lily is a real food dietitian, specialist in prenatal nutrition and gestational diabetes, and best-selling author of two books: Real Food for Pregnancy and Real Food for Gestational Diabetes.  In this interview we discuss:Benefits of real food for pregnancy (both for baby’s optimal development and also to minimize pregnancy complications and ease postpartum recovery for mama)Nutritional management of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, nausea, heartburn & moreMindfulness, stress management, exercise, avoidance of toxinsFoods to emphasizeFoods that can be helpful during labor (if you are able to eat and drink during the experience) Links: Lily’s website - Lily’s Instagram - Lily’s Facebook - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/9/201950 minutes, 31 seconds
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227: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Home Water Birth Story and Normalizing Postpartum Anxiety with Carolyn G.

How does your first pregnancy and birth experience impact your second? In today’s interview, we’re chatting with Carolyn about her pregnancy and birth story of her son Solomon, while pregnant with her second child. We go over her decision to have a home birth as well as the intense first trimester sickness she experienced. Also the denial around labor starting, which we’ve heard quite a few times from mamas on the show. Carolyn shares that while the birth went very well, it was still different from what she imagined in her mind. Following her birth, she experienced postpartum anxiety that involved separation anxiety and trouble sleeping. Addressing the anxiety and getting help around it has supported and encouraged her in preparation for her next child, due this fall. Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/2/20191 hour, 21 minutes, 6 seconds
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226: HOME BIRTH STORY - Two Mama’s Story of Insemination, Breech with ECV and Home to Hospital with Amy and Mallory Caldwell (Rebroadcast)

How do you process when things don’t go the way you planned in your birth? We deconstruct this question with mamas Amy and Mallory Caldwell in today’s episode by taking it back to the beginning of their pregnancy journey. Both Amy and Mallory knew that they’d like to carry children at some point in their marriage and growing their family. So for their first, they made the decision for Mallory to go first as the gestational parent. They share the process of insemination, selecting a donor, and how they’re aiming to use the same sperm for their future children. They made the decision to have a home birth around 16 weeks. They found a queer midwife who works largely in the LGBTQ community and fell in love with her. We also discuss the legality of home birth in their state of Ohio and what that looks like with cooperation of midwives and hospitals. And hey - creative, business savvy people out there - there’s a huge opportunity for expanding the options in maternity clothing. For Mallory, it was quite frustrating to find clothing that she liked. Wearing primarily men’s clothing when she’s not pregnant, it was challenging and disappointing. It’s a simple and yet profound example of how there are variations of normal in how pregnancy looks and how gestational parents can be represented in the pregnancy and birth world of products and services. We then get the full breakdown of the birth story, which includes an ECV (external cephalic version) procedure to flip baby from the breech position, and multiple trips back and forth from the hospital back to home. That’s all I’ll say here, and let you listen to get the rest of the story. It’s such a powerful and inspiring conversation, and we’re so grateful to Amy, Mallory and baby Sebastian for joining us on the podcast! Show Notes: Le Pooch - Cryo Bio - Milk and Hannah - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/27/20191 hour, 8 minutes, 30 seconds
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225: The Emotional Journey of Multiple Inseminations and Planning a Home Birth for Two Mamas with Caitlin Thompson (Rebroadcast)

How do you stay in a space of trusting your body and the process when getting pregnant presents an emotional journey of challenges? This was Caitlin’s reality when she and her wife, Shona decided to start a family. First there were the conversations of who would be the gestational parent - which were relatively easy given that Caitlin wanted to be pregnant and Shona wanted to be a parent but didn’t necessary want to be pregnant. Then come the logistics of how they would conceive. As Caitlin puts it, “we couldn’t just hop in bed and make a baby!” So they explored the different routes of insemination. There are options of having a known or unknown donor. Then for the procedure itself you can have an IUI - intrauterine insemination, which is performed at a clinic and is a more “medical process” or an ICI - intracervical insemination, which you can do at home yourself and Caitlin refers to as the more DIY insemination. Caitlin walks us through their journey, from cycle monitoring to increase the likelihood of insemination success, the rounds of unsuccessful IUIs, a break in the middle of the process after such an emotional rollercoaster and obsession with the process. They eventually moved into the ICI route, where after a few more attempts and switching up donors (now using a close friend’s sperm), they finally got their successful insemination! And so now Caitlin and Shona are planning for a home birth! We’re so honored to share their story on the podcast in our first episode with an LGBTQ family! As Caitlin says in the interview, “families are something we build out of love.” We couldn’t agree more. Links: Part 2 of Caitlin and Sho's story: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/19/201948 minutes, 46 seconds
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224: HOME BIRTH STORY - Risking Out of Home Birth at 40 Weeks Pregnant with Laura Smoker

What if you had to change your birth plans on your due date? This happened for Laura Smoker, as she prepared for and planned a home birth, however had to shift plans when she risked out due to concerns around her blood pressure and possible preeclampsia. Laura and her husband Joshua wanted a home birth following 3 miscarriages and some of the hospital experiences associated with them. Laura is beautifully open about her journey with loss and how she processed being pregnant for the fourth time and finally being able to hear a heartbeat at 13 weeks. And we hear all about baby Elliot’s entrance into the world. Despite the changes to the birth plan, Laura acknowledges that she got to experience everything she wanted minus the specific location. In her words, “I know there are many people who desire a home birth that can't have it for some reason and I feel that sharing my positive hospital experience and what made it that way could be helpful to others.” Links: The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/11/201953 minutes, 29 seconds
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223: HOME BIRTH STORY - The Balance of Pregnancy and Birth with Katelyn Fusco of The Happy Homebirth Podcast

Don’t all moms ultimately want what’s best for their children? This is a question that Katelyn Fusco addressed in her work as a certified health coach for pregnant mothers. This question and the answers to it evolved and applied to the world of pregnancy and birth as well when Katelyn shifted to become a student midwife. As a cesarean baby herself, Katelyn and her husband Thomas decided for a home birth when they became pregnant with their first child. Katelyn is currently pregnant with her second and planning for another home birth. She has birthed another project over the past year, The Happy Homebirth Podcast - a community for stories and sharing that launched in January 2019. So we are in great company with a fellow podcaster and birth enthusiast! And Katelyn interviewed Sarah for The Happy Homebirth Podcast, which you can listen to via the link below! In our conversation on DIAH, we cover Katelyn’s background and history, the birth story of her daughter Janie, planning for baby number 2 and her future plans for her podcast and community. Links: The Happy Homebirth Podcast: Happy Homebirth Instagram: Sarah’s interview on The Happy Homebirth Podcast: Spinning Babies: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/4/201953 minutes, 28 seconds
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222: HOME BIRTH STORY - Healing Through Trauma After a 48-Hour Labor and Unplanned Cesarean with Katie Suder

What do you do when it’s difficult to come to terms with how your birth unfolded? In today’s episode, Katie Suder shares her journey with us. From her unexpected and joyful pregnancy to currently 9 months postpartum and still processing a lot of her birth experience. While waiting the few weeks before she could see an OBGYN for her first appointment, Katie had time to reflect and research on her options. This led her and her fiance Andrew to a home birth midwife. Fast forward to birth, baby Andrew Michael was 13 days past guess date. After laboring for 30 hours at home, Katie and her team transferred to the hospital. Katie and the supportive staff did everything possible to facilitate a vaginal birth. The cesarean, though necessary, was traumatic. Katie is beautifully honest about how she’s felt over the months and we know her story will touch the community and have a ripple effect of healing. Links:Our website: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/28/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 8 seconds
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221: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Secret Home Birth and Postpartum PTSD from Hospital Trauma with Stephanie Aberlich

Have you experienced postpartum PTSD? Today we’re talking with Stephanie Aberlich, not only about her home birth of her son Arlo (which she and her husband Dustin planned for and kept a secret from friends and family), but also the traumatic ER visit and hospital stay for baby Arlo just 24 hours after he was born and was experiencing fast breathing. Doctors later diagnosed him with polycythemia and kept him in the PICU and then the NICU for a total of 5 nights and 4 days. Stephanie talks about their experience, including all the procedures that Arlo underwent as well as the treatment and care from the hospital staff (particularly around their decision to home birth) and how she’s processed since the event.  Stephanie is beautifully open about the whole thing and shares with a reliability and vulnerability that we know will touch other families who have experienced something similar, as well as inform others who have not. Links: Stephanie’s website: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/21/20191 hour, 37 minutes, 55 seconds
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220: HOME BIRTH STORY - From Hospital to Birth Center to Home to Possible Free/Unassisted Birth with Emilee Petrill

How does the experience of one birth influence the plans for births that follow? Today we chat with Emilee Petrill, and we pack a lot into a sub-hour conversation. Emilee has experienced a hospital birth with her first son Corbyn, a birthing center for her son Penn and finally a home birth for her son Moxy. She walks us through the processes and decisions around each of those experiences. Then we get into the details of her home birth, and why she’s thinking about a free/unassisted birth for a future baby. Bonus topics in this conversation include Emilee’s experience with consuming her placenta and why she’s a big advocate for it, the 10,000+ oz of breast milk she has donated and how the Doing It At Home podcast and community has impacted her body image and sex life! Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/14/201955 minutes, 57 seconds
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219: HOME BIRTH STORY - Home Birth After 3 Cesareans (HBA3C) with Dedra Straka

What if you felt like no one believed in your body’s ability to birth your baby? What if a care provider told you that just by being pregnant you were making an unsafe choice? Today we talk to Dedra Straka, mama of 4. Dedra had a home birth for her fourth, after 3 cesarean births. She had always dreamed of a home birth, but due to multiple circumstances and methods of care after her first cesarean, she would try for a VBAC for the next two but felt cornered and pressured. Following her third birth, doctors noticed a thin left lower uterine segment (essentially the thinning of the uterine lining, which could potentially cause future complications). After waiting the recommended 2-3 years before becoming pregnant again, Dedra and her husband Joshua thought it would be another cesarean for their fourth birth. But unpleasant encounters with a doctor who claimed she was putting her child’s life in danger by even being pregnant, she no longer wanted to be in his care. Utilizing resources like the local ICAN community and finding a midwife who could support her process, Dedra eventually moved into a plan for a home birth. This is an inspiring story of coming full circle in the process of informed, empowered choice and healing when it comes to birth. Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Kelly McDermott from Sage Femme - ICAN - Dedra’s video - ICAN Facebook page - ICAN Capital District - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/8/201948 minutes, 53 seconds
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218: HOME BIRTH STORY - The 11 Pound Home Birth Baby with Natalie Bancroft and Laura Fifield (Rebroadcast)

In today’s episode we’re talking with Laura Fifield and Natalie Bancroft, two amazing women who are linked with a quite famous recent birth story. You see Natalie, a birth photographer and doula as well as a mama of 3, gave birth to her third baby earlier this year at home. And baby Simon weighed 11 lbs. 2 oz!!! And Laura, Natalie’s friend, birth photographer and mama of 2, was there to document the experience. Some of the amazing photos from the birth, namely one that features Natalie holding her newly birthed bundle of adorable squish with this elated, shocked, goddess-like expression of “wow!” has been featured far and wide. Publications like Today Show, Hello Giggles and even People have featured the image on their sites. We were so grateful and excited to speak with these awesome women. They share insights from the birth photography community, which is small in their city of Spokane, WA. We get to hear about some of the memorable births they’ve been able to document. Natalie talks about her journey to home birth, having her first in a hospital, and deciding that she wanted a different experience for future births. Her second was a beautiful home birth, and she knew she’d have another one for her third. It wasn’t long into the pregnancy that she realized baby number 3 was going to be larger than the others. Natalie’s belly was so much larger, in fact, that they went for an ultrasound towards the end of the pregnancy to find out if she was having twins! Turns out, she wasn’t. This baby was just that big. When birthing time came around, everyone was prepared and peaceful. And the whole experience was only about 4 hours! Both these women are total rockstars and inspiration for the birthing community. We’re honored to have them join the DIAH podcast and share a story that has reached so many. Enjoy! Links: Spokane River Midwifes - Childbirth without fear - Ina mays guide to childbirth - Today - Hello Giggles - People - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/1/201957 minutes, 53 seconds
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217: HOME BIRTH STORY - 5-Hour Home Birth Plus Mom and Dad are Both Birth Workers with Caitlin and Drew Hutcheon

How long was your birth? We tend to made assumptions about the birth experience based on how long it was. Especially if it was very fast. Some might think, “Oh, wow that’s awesome! You’re so lucky!” But it’s not always that simple. In today’s episode, we talk to both mom and dad! Caitlin and Drew Hutcheon join us to talk about their pregnancy and birth of their son Harbor. Both Caitlin and Drew are in the birth world! They served on the board of the Birth Network of Monterey while living there. And Caitlin is also an Evidence Based Birth instructor, Birth Chemistry educator, Doula and birth activist.  Their birth lasted a total of 5 hours. Despite things moving very quickly, there were some challenges and things to move through, like not being totally prepared for birth and communication around how fast things were actually progressing. This is great support in the conversation of processing parts of your birth that don’t exactly go to plan. Your feelings are valid and everyone has their own experience and way to cope. Links:Our website: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/23/201946 minutes, 51 seconds
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216: HOME BIRTH STORY - Infertility, Foster Care and a Miracle Baby with Lynnea Krall

What do you think it would be like to grow from a family of 2 to a family of 5 in just under a year? Well, you’ll hear a little bit about that today in our interview with Lynnea Krall. Lynnea is an RN turned doula who believes in the power of supporting women and families in birth. She and her husband Daniel struggled themselves when it came time to plan their family. After 2.5 years of infertility challenges, they were told that it would be medical impossible for them to have biological children. Already planning to foster at some point, they moved up that timeline when they brought two beautiful little girls into their lives, Winne and Lissa. A month and a half later, they found out they were pregnant! So listen in to hear the rest of this magical and wild ride - from the plan to have a home birth, to surprises during labor and now what life is like as a family of 5.  Links:Our website: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/16/201959 minutes, 35 seconds
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215: HOME BIRTH STORY - Ironman Athlete and First-Time Mama at 40 with Stephanie Dunne

Have you heard the term geriatric pregnancy? (Matthew hadn’t before this interview). Any pregnancy after the age of 35 is actually technically considered a geriatric pregnancy. But in our conversation today with Stephanie Dunne, we’re shifting that narrative and dropping age as a defining factor in pregnancy and birth. Stephanie shares her birth story of her son Sebastian with us and makes a very powerful point in her sharing: “We create our own reality.” This is a great episode for mamas of all ages and birthing philosophies to listen to. We talk about the factors that led to choosing home birth for Stephanie and her husband Jerry, why they waited after 16 years of marriage and Stephanie turning 40 to have a baby, and how they processed the whole experience. Stephanie trusted her body (being a very active person, a registered dietician and Ironman athlete), prepared her mind and utilized her team and the strong partner that she had in her husband. Links:Our website: Stephanie’s Website - Birthing From Within - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/9/201955 minutes, 55 seconds
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214: HOME BIRTH STORY - Training for the Marathon of Birth with Brooke Cates, Founder and CEO of The Bloom Method

Can you train for the experience of birth? We’ve often heard birth compared to a marathon. Most people have a lot of intense and focused training when it comes to their marathons. So how can a woman prepare for the marathon of birth? In today’s birth story we’re chatting with Brooke Cates, the founder and CEO of The Bloom Method, a pre and postnatal fitness method and training for the modern mama. Brooke shares her home birth story of her son Leven and how she applied all of her knowledge and breath work to the experience. She talks about the strength and the ability to soften and surrender as important parts of birth. Plus she shares part of her postpartum journey and what it’s been like running TBM as a new mama, as well as talks about the viral video of some TBM breathing techniques. This is an empowering conversation for mamas interested in stepping into motherhood with more awareness of your body after giving birth. Links:Our website: The Bloom Method: The Bloom Method Instagram: The Bloom Method video featured on Today Show: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/2/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 30 seconds
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213: HOME BIRTH STORY - Fearless First Time Mom at 38 with Tammy Williams (Rebroadcast)

If Tammy could, she would shout from every rooftop about how awesome her home birth experience was and how every woman can give birth without fear. Since finding every rooftop would take some time, having her on our “podcast rooftop” will suffice for now. Unsure of whether or not she’d be able to get pregnant, Tammy had a surprise first pregnancy at 38. In a circumstance where many women might find themselves fearful and worried about the risks, Tammy powered up and she and her partner David decided on home birth after a close friend who was also pregnant at the same time shared her intentions of having a home birth. Overwhelmed with emotion in an amazing way, Tammy sought out empowering information and resources with the support of her midwives that she selected from a nearby birthing center. Tammy is a powerful example of knowing her body and trusting the inner voice. To her, home birth is such an important opportunity to strengthen all aspect of your life from your relationship to your partner to how you raise your children. And through the course of her journey, she has actually inspired, influenced and encouraged other women and families in their home birth experiences as a resource and friend. “I truly believe that by sharing these stories we can educate women about the importance of birthing without fear and helping to change the stigma around home birth,” says Tammy. Links:Our website: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/26/20191 hour, 1 minute, 50 seconds
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212: HOME BIRTH STORY - When Loss Leads You to Birth Work with Sarah DiMarco

What inspires birth workers to do what they do? In today’s episode, we’re chatting with Sarah DiMarco, a birth and bereavement doula and a mama of a blended family of 7. She shares both her experience as a doula as well as her birth stories. Following her first birth, which was in a hospital, and then experiencing 2 miscarriages after that, Sarah was led to working in the birth world herself. Her work and studies influenced her decision to have a home birth for her next two children. We talk about Sarah’s healing experience with her first home birth and the connection that she felt with God during it. Also the fetal ejection reflex. From her second home birth, we talk about trusting your intuition and an empowering decision that involved a NICU transfer. Links: Still Birthday - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/19/201938 minutes, 39 seconds
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211: HOME BIRTH STORY - When You Plan For Home Birth Before Becoming Pregnant with Bailey Calvin

Did anyone create their birth plans before becoming pregnant? In today’s episode, we chat with Bailey Calvin about her birth story with her daughter Riley Jo. Bailey planned to have a home birth before becoming pregnant. She had just always envisioned a home birth for when she had babies. It did take a little while for her husband Taylor to get on board once they were pregnant. But after watching “Business of Being Born,” and listening to the “Doing It At Home” podcast, they were on the same page. Bailey and her team decided to transfer to the hospital during labor due to her high blood pressure. The hospital they chose had an awesome midwife program that her midwife highly recommend. The midwife that was on call at the hospital actually did her fellowship under Bailey’s midwife, and was familiar with the out of hospital birth which made the situation a more peaceful transition. Listen in to hear the rest of Bailey’s story. And as always, you can listen to the podcast through Parents on Demand, Apple Podcasts, Google Play or whatever podcast player you prefer! Links:Our website: Healing Passages Birth Center - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/12/201954 minutes, 32 seconds
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210: HOME BIRTH STORY - Proving Doctors Wrong with an Empowering HBAC with Ruth Sufrin

Did any naysayers try to convince you that you couldn’t have the birth you wanted? It can be very challenging to process and deal with the feedback we get from people around us, especially care providers. In today’s episode we’re chatting with Ruth Sufrin about her HBAC journey. After an unplanned c-birth with her son Zev, she grieved the natural birth she had desired, felt less than and like no one understood her. She found herself up against the argument that often comes up around reconciling birth trauma: “You’re healthy, baby is healthy...everything is fine.” But sometimes it’s not as simple as that. Ruth describes the journey for her second birth beginning the day after her first birth, after being told that she would not be able to have a vaginal birth in the future. She began educating herself, became a doula, joined support groups like ICAN. Ruth’s birth of her Sara was glorious, victorious and a tremendous experience with a beaming oxytocin high! She proved the doctors wrong, and ultimately proved to herself that the power was all inside of her. Links: Our website: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/6/201940 minutes, 59 seconds
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209: HOME BIRTH STORY - Two Different Home Births in Two Different Countries with Lindsay Wolff

Any mamas out there who have birthed in multiple countries? Today’s guest, Lindsay Wolff shares her two home birth experiences with us. Her first with her daughter Isla was in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and her second daughter Marin was in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.  Both times Lindsay and her husband Jeremy had to navigate entirely new birthing communities, laws and care systems.  Some of the highlights of our conversation include her water breaking 5 days before labor starting in her first birth, along with 7.5 hours of pushing! And now 3 years as a doula, Lindsay has attended over 200 births and works to support women like herself.  Links: Our website: Lindsay’s website - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/2/201955 minutes, 34 seconds
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208: HOME BIRTH STORY - When Your Own Births Inspire You to Become a Birth Worker with Cayla Adkins

Birth workers: what inspired you to start? Today’s birth story is packed full of awesome conversation. We chatted with Cayla Adkins about her 3 different birth stories: hospital with an epidural to a precipitous hospital birth to a home birth. Cayla walks us through the differences in these experiences as well as her evolution into choosing a home birth for her third.  We talk about the support from her husband Joshua, finding a midwife that aligned with her and even her own evolution into birth work, inspired by her connection with her midwife.  Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/25/20191 hour, 20 minutes, 31 seconds
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207: HOME BIRTH STORY - Dual Prenatal Care with an OB and a Midwife with Ruby Pontbriand

Would you consider having dual care providers for your prenatal and birth prep? In today’s episode we’re chatting with Ruby Pontbriand, who shares with us her birth history and decision to have dual care for her second pregnancy. She attended appointments with her OBGYN as well as visits with her midwife. All while planning to birth at home. This decision came after some trauma with her first birth in the hospital. This is a great episode for anyone who’s thinking about keeping a tie with an OBGYN and hospital, while planning a home birth. Ruby also shares the pressures and stressors of going past your “guess date,” and the main differences she experienced in home and hospital.  Plus how birth impacts your postpartum experience. Links: Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth: Business of Being Born: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/13/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 13 seconds
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206: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Home Birth Transfer to the Hospital is Not a Failure with Allison Rich

Has anyone ever felt like a failure because their birth didn’t go exactly the way they planned? We think this happens far too often. That’s why we’re happy we have conversations like the one we have today on the podcast. Allison Rich joins us to share her birth story. After a false diagnosis of PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) medically mismanaged miscarriage, Allison and her husband Rafe wanted a different experience the next time they got pregnant. Allison actually met with a group of midwives after her miscarriage (before becoming pregnant again) to talk about her experience, process and discuss what it could look like in the future for her. Finally when she was pregnant again, she felt both excited and terrified at the same time. We go into her birth planning process and then the “incredible blur” of the birth. Allison talks about extending grace to yourself and realizing how hard we can be on ourselves when it comes to our births. This is a must listen for anyone nervous about hospital transfer or who experienced one and could use some extra support and affirmation. Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/12/201958 minutes
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205: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Miracle Pregnancy and an Ecstatic Home Birth with Becca Coren

Can birth actually feel like you’re high and running through the jungle? Well, listen in because it can and it did for today’s guest, Becca Coren. Becca shares her journey to home birth - from a miracle pregnancy that brought with it physical and emotional challenges, a job change and move, tantric healing, and the result of an ecstatic home birth experience. Becca lives in Hawaii with her husband Sanoon and their son, Liev Ruh. She walks us through her process of healing her body, preparing for birth and now sharing her story to bring awareness to other women and let them know that they have choices can trust their primal femininity. Links: Becca’s website -  Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/30/201959 minutes, 7 seconds
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204: HOME BIRTH STORY - Making (Home) Birth and Motherhood Your Own Experience with Olivia Miller

How often do we carry fears from other people’s births into our own? In today’s story, you’ll hear about how you can make birth and motherhood your own unique journey. We’re chatting with our friend Olivia Miller about her 3 births (hospital, home and planned home birth moved to a hospital, in that order). Links: Mama Z - Natural Living Family - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/23/20191 hour, 1 minute, 9 seconds
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203: HOME BIRTH STORY - First Time Mother and Labor and Delivery Nurse on the Safety of Home Birth with Corrie Oyinloye

Why would a labor and delivery nurse choose home birth? There are quite a few reasons, at least for today’s guest Corrie Oyinloye. Corrie has been a labor and delivery nurse for 10 years. And two years ago, she chose home birth for the birth of her daughter, Rachel. Corrie’s story also includes creating the space for her husband Gabe to feel confident in the decision, a move to a different state, prodromal labor, a cervical lip, occipito posterior position of baby and a double nuchal cord.  Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/15/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 27 seconds
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202: Couples Birth: Strengthening Your Connection with Your Partner and Including Them in the Experience with Lynn Griesemer

Ever heard any of these approaches to birth: couples birth, daddy delivery, husband and wife birth? Well today our guest Lynn Griesemer, who is a mother of 6, marriage coach, podcaster and author (among many other things) joins us for a conversation about including your partner in the birth experience. Giving them an active role and making birth a family-led experience.  We chat about some of Lynn’s own experience with 4 hospital births, followed by 2 unassisted births (or free births), as well as her insight into creating a safe and trusting environment for birth that can influence and empower later parenting experiences and decisions. This is a great resource for those families who want their husband or partner to be very involved in the birth experience.  Links: Lynn’s website: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/13/201954 minutes, 13 seconds
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201: BIRTH STORY - How Birth Reminds Us of Our Resilience with Kimra Luna

What did birth teach you? In today’s episode, we have the pleasure of speaking with personal branding and online business strategist Kimra Luna. We’ve actually been fans of Kimra for a while and have used some of her products and methodology for enhancing our own businesses. She’s built an empire and essentially turned her life around from once living on welfare with two small children. And if that’s not amazing and inspiring enough, we’re talking babies and birth with her!  Matthew and Kimra connected via a Facebook thread on podcasting, and somehow the conversation turned to home birth! So naturally, we wanted Kimra to join us for a chat.  She shares a little bit from each of her 3 births, a mix of circumstances and lessons. When she first learned she was going to be a mother, Kimra immersed herself in resources like “Business of Being Born,” Ina May Gaskin, Hypnobabies and searched for midwives and doulas to work with.  We talk about how birth reminds us how resilient we are and how we can manifest a magical birth experience. Links: Kimra’s Instagram - Kimra’s YouTube - Kimra’s Instagram - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/9/201947 minutes, 54 seconds
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200: Highlights from 2018 and Exciting Things in 2019

Can you believe it’s been 200 episodes of the Doing It At Home podcast?! Today we’re celebrating 200 episodes with our first episode of 2019. And it’s a fun one. We share some really cool things that are going on, things to look forward to in 2019. And we also take a trip down memory lane for some of our highlights. Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/6/201939 minutes, 11 seconds
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199: Unwanted Comments About Your Birth and the Cost of Home Birth

What did you do when people give you unnecessary and negative comments about your birth plan? Today we’re addressing a couple of listener emails, ranging from topics of dealing with comments about the pain of birth, incorporating your spirituality or religious faith into your birth planning and the discussion of costs of home birth. Links: Our website: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Instagram: Facebook Page: Facebook Group: Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/30/201837 minutes, 23 seconds
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198: Having a Healthy Relationship with Food in Preconception, Pregnancy and Postpartum with Laura Jean

Would you say that you eat with awareness? In today’s episode, we’re chatting with registered dietician and creator of Eat With Awareness, Laura Jean. Laura works with women and assists them in becoming the experts in their personal relationships with food. This covers the preconception, pregnancy and postpartum experiences. We talk with Laura about how to approach your nutrition with a holistic and loving mindset. This looks like learning what your body is saying and then figuring out how to honor that. Also letting go of rules, negativity and pressure that comes with the experience of having a baby and being a mother. Links: Laura’s website - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/23/201849 minutes, 2 seconds
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197: HOME BIRTH STORY - High-Risk Pregnancy, Traditional Midwives and Trusting Your Body with Erin Zekis

How do you learn to trust your body after some difficult experiences and a high-risk label? In today’s episode, we’re talking with Erin Zekis about her journey to home birth. From premature labor with her first pregnancy and a hospital transfer, to exploring different methods of care for her second pregnancy, Erin and her husband Kevin were very intentional about what they wanted to experience for the birth of both their sons, Tobin and Aldrin. Links: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch: ttps:// Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/18/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 47 seconds
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196: HOME BIRTH STORY - 53-Hour Labor, Hospital Transfer and a Badass Mama with Bekah Kitchens and Jesse Carroll

When asked a question by a care provider, do you have to respond right away? Most of us don’t know or realize that we have choice. And especially when it’s not an emergency, we can take time to process and decide what we want to do and even refuse what doesn’t work for us.  This is a powerful message from our guests in today’s episode, who experienced this firsthand during the birth of their son while in the hospital after transferring from their home birth plan. And it’s a special treat because we got to speak with both mom and dad, Bekah and Jesse Carroll.  Bekah’s journey to home birth actually started when she was back in high school and did a speech on birth interventions. That, plus her mom is a doula. And Jesse comes from a family where his 3 siblings were born at home. So it made sense to them to plan for a home birth for their son Benji.  After 36 hours of labor and being only 5 cm dilated, the team made the decision to transfer. This was a smooth transition thanks to a bridge program, a way to make home birth transfers easier for families and care providers, with her hospital.  So listen in to hear the beautiful story, and why Jesse thinks his wife is such a badass! Links: Bekah’s Resources: and The Womb Room in Milwaukee - Aurora Sinai Medical Center - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/12/201850 minutes
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195: Caring for Infant Acid Reflux with Kira Volpi

What is infant acid reflux and why does it go so untreated in babies? You’ll hear these answers in today’s episode in our interview with Kira Volpi of Infant Acid Reflux Solutions. Together with the two physicians, Dr. P and Dr. Prince, Kira works tirelessly to provide information and resources for the treatment of acid reflux in infants. We go over the main symptoms and specifics of the condition. Plus, how the team has an approach through telemedicine to offer care for families around the world. Links: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch: ttps:// Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/9/201832 minutes, 58 seconds
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194: HOME BIRTH STORY - Rainbow Home Birth Baby After 2 Miscarriages and a Stillbirth with Mellisa Reeves of Motherbirth

What would you do if you really trusted yourself? Mellisa Reeves of Motherbirth is sharing her journey with us. From some of the traumatic elements of her first hospital birth with her first son Aiden, a stillbirth in hospital at 41 weeks pregnant with her second son Rowan and two subsequent miscarriages, she brings us to the healing process and experience of her home birth with her daughter, Etney. And along the way she started the Motherbirth podcast and has been providing resources for women. Links: Mellisa's website: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch: ttps:// Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/5/201848 minutes, 47 seconds
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193: HOME BIRTH STORY - Blood Sugar Challenges and a Birth Center Closing at 34 Weeks with Bridgette Piatt

What can make a birth traumatic? There are a multitude of answers, because everyone has their own experience and ways of processing and healing. For Bridgette Piatt, she believes the trauma associated with her first birth in the hospital was the result of poor relationships with care providers. This inspired her to look into other options for her second pregnancy, however she wasn’t sure of home birth just yet. She and her husband Daniel, who was actually born at home, explored midwives and landed on a birthing center. Bridgette considers herself to have a planner’s personality and didn’t really think home birth was for her. She preferred the added safety that she felt the birth center provided. But then, the birth center closed unexpectedly when Bridgette was 34 weeks pregnant! The other birth center option didn’t resonate. So it came back to that care provider connection. She trusted her midwife and had developed such a close relationship with her that it ultimately influenced her to have a home birth. So we get into all of the details of that as well as the blood sugar challenges that Bridgette experienced in both pregnancies and what she learned as far as nutrition during pregnancy and releasing any guilt around gestational diabetes or anything close to it. Oh and another twist - the midwife who delivered Daniel all of those years ago attended Bridgette’s home birth! Listen in to hear the incredible story. Links: Real Food for Pregnancy - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/27/201851 minutes, 41 seconds
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192: HOME BIRTH STORY - Journeying From Cancer to Home Birth with Eva Whipple

How could lessons from surviving cancer empower you in your birth? For Eva Whipple, going through cancer at age 19 shifted up her perspective on things. It taught her about priorities and her ability to push through. She recognizes that it also taught her to be present. And this carried into both of her births, both on the same day two years apart. For her first birth of her daughter Lois, Eva was in a birthing center (birthing at home was illegal). Then for surprise pregnancy number two, she decided on a home birth for son Sonny. We chat about the road to home birth and the comparison of her two births, nursing a toddler while pregnant and how her practice of yoga has been a part of her life as a mother. Links: First Descents - Ina May Gaskin’s “Spiritual Midwifery” - Eva’s Instagram - Eva’s yoga studio - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/21/201844 minutes, 54 seconds
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191: HOME BIRTH STORY - Experiencing Home Birth and Hospital Birth as a Midwife with Sophia Williams

What’s it like for a midwife to experience her own birth? In today’s birth story, we’re chatting with Sophia Williams, a midwife, doula and published photographer.  Sophia walks us through her entrance into birth work, and then how becoming a doula and eventually studying to become a midwife influenced her own birth choices. There are certainly some twists throughout Sophia’s stories. From a home birth with her son Benjamin to her post birth hospital transfer to remove her placenta and then back to the hospital for baby Benjamin after his breathing was off. This took Sophia and her husband Spencer down a challenging road with Benjamin and his VACTERL Association, a disorder affecting multiple body systems. And when Benjamin was 8 months old, Sophia became pregnant with their second child, their daughter Gracie, who was born premature via cesarean. Sophia is an incredibly inspiring and strong mama. There are many many times that you hear us say “WOW,” in this episode. Because it’s that moving.  Links: Sophia’s website - Sophia’s Postpartum Covergirl Project - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/15/201854 minutes, 33 seconds
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190: Connecting to the Magic of Birth Through Being a Doula, Photographer and Actor with Carson Meyer

What do birth work and the art of acting have in common? The connection might not seem so obvious. But trust us, after you listen to this episode, you’ll get it. You’ll also feel empowered and energized around the magic of birth and self-care in all stages of fertility. We had the honor of chatting with Carson Meyer. Carson wears many hats, among which are actor, doula, birth photographer and natural skin care entrepreneur.  We talk about Carson’s induction into birth work and what fueled this intense passion. Also how her studies and training as an actor helped her in showing up fully for her doula clients. Plus reasons to have a doula at your birth.  Links: Carson’s Instagram - Carson’s skincare company C & The Moon - Carson’s doula website - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/11/201846 minutes, 51 seconds
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189: HOME BIRTH STORY - How Research, Options, and Open Minds Create an Empowered Home Birth with Lauren Thomas

How do you set yourself up for success when it comes to your birth? For one thing, that requires looking at what you want to create and experience. In today’s episode we get to hear Lauren Thomas’s journey to home birth and the research, education and preparation that brought her there. After a birthing center to hospital transfer with her first son Finn, Lauren had to take time to come to terms with some of the trauma around it. We talk about her special connection with her midwife and the gut decisions she trusted throughout her process. Also the risk of placenta previa and how she doula-ed herself during her labor of her son Rory in the middle of a snowstorm! Links: Lauren’s website - Lauren’s Instagram page - Lauren’s Facebook page - Lauren’s birth story of her son Finn - Lauren’s episode on The Birth Hour podcast - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/7/20181 hour, 11 minutes, 37 seconds
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188: HOME BIRTH STORY - Having a Victorious HBAC with Christina Winsnes

“Is my body able to give birth?” This is one of the questions that Christina Winsnes asked herself as she prepared for the home birth of her second child, after an unplanned cesarean birth with her first child Emma. With the support of her husband Yeti and the rest of her team, Christina took time during her second pregnancy to deal with fears and concerns. Also to come to a place of peace and acceptance that a non-vaginal birth was not a failure. She walks us through this process and then the birth of her son Daniel, and how it differed from her time in the hospital.  This is a beautiful story for any mama who is planning an HBAC or is working on building the trust with your body.  Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/30/201849 minutes, 58 seconds
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187: All Women Can Have Orgasmic Births with Kim Anami

Do you want an orgasmic experience of your pregnancy and birth? Who wouldn’t?! In today’s episode, Kim Anami, holistic sex and relationship coach, joins us for a powerful conversation about mamas reclaiming their sexual energy, intuitive power and true knowingness in order to clear away any blockages that prevent them from having a pleasurable birth experience. We chat with Kim about her journey into her work of helping others heal through the power of sex and intimacy. We also talk about the state of maternity care and birth in our culture, and what women can do rewrite the scripts that birth is painful, difficult and traumatic. Plus she shares some of the details of her latest online course, the Sexy Mama Salon, an 8-week experience for holistic pregnancy and ecstatic birth.  Links: Sexy Mama Salon - Kim’s Instagram - Kim’s website - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/27/201856 minutes
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186: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Pediatric Intensive Care Nurse, Myths of Home Birth and a Posterior Delivery with Elise Kuehner

How do you address the fears related to home birth when you work in a hospital? For Elise Kuehner, a self-proclaimed planner and researcher, she went down the rabbit hole of content to explore for herself and work through any disempowering thoughts. I could explain the rest, but honestly, she says it best in her email to us when we discussed sharing her birth story. So I’ll let her tell you: “I have felt for awhile that I should share my birth story not only for its outcome but also the process of choosing homebirth. I am a Pediatric Intensive Care nurse of 8 years and have felt comfortable in hospitals my entire life. When I graduated nursing school I was 22 and had seen multiple deaths within the first year of my career. There is something to be said about parents/families choosing natural death for their child and women choosing natural birth for their baby.  I never realized how similar they are. I thought of the traumatic deaths I’ve experienced and all of them involved lots of medical intervention prolonging inevitable death. These are the ones that haunt me. Of all the deaths I’ve experienced, the ones that were gentle or natural were the most healing and peaceful. How amazing would it be to start life in the same manner? I wanted this for my future children.  Of course there were several fears to address... the biggest was safety of homebirth. How would I turn off my “nurse brain” during labor? or even during pregnancy!  What would I tell my coworkers? Or my mom who is also a nurse.  I dug deep into books, I took myself on a solo date to see the premier of  “Why Not Home”, I meditated, took a hypnobirthing-ish type class which was profoundly helpful. I found a midwife (Paula, in your latest episode) that was a straight shooter, no B.S. type. Lastly, I threw all my fears and experiences about life and death out the window and it was the best thing I could have done for me and my baby. My labor was 8.5 hours and I delivered a posterior baby with minimal pain.  It was amazing.” Links: Sarah Buckley’s Hormonal Blueprint of Labor - Sarah Buckley’s Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering - Why Not Home - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/23/201850 minutes, 18 seconds
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185: HOME BIRTH STORY - Two Mamas Welcome Their Baby with Caitlin Thompson and Sho Selby

Were you surprised when your labor started? For mama Caitlin Thompson, she shares that even though she felt somewhat ready, there was still a part of her that didn’t expect it. Today’s home birth story is a followup to our interview with Caitlin back in episode 126 when we spoke to her about the emotional journey to conception for her and her wife Sho (definitely listen to that episode if you haven’t yet - it’s amazing). Now today we have Sho joining us (and even a little cameo from baby Florence!) to talk birthing day. From the moment they realized labor was starting to Caitlin taking a work call during contractions (Say what?! Go mama!) to baby Flo’s arrival. Plus their dogs hung out and provided emotional support. And they had a sweet friend offer to photograph the birth. Basically, it’s a magical story that you need to listen to right now. The whole crew agrees that home birth was “the most amazing thing we’ve ever done!” Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/17/201855 minutes, 58 seconds
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184: Mum of 16 Plus Creating Your Home Birth Plan

In today’s episode Sarah reads listener emails and talks about creating a home birth plan. How should you approach your home birth plan? Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/15/201827 minutes, 48 seconds
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183: HOME BIRTH STORY - 23 Years After Home Birth with Mimi Adeogba

Why home birth? That’s typically a question we ask every guest in some form or another. For today’s guest, the response circled around family and culture. Because when you were born at home and your father helped deliver you and all your siblings, as was custom in his home in Nigeria, it will probably influence you to explore home birth for yourself when the time comes.  Our latest DIAH mama is actually a close friend (a first for the show!). Mimi Adeogba, yoga instructor and yoga teacher trainer and all around amazing human being, joins us to retell the home birth story of her son Adeyemi from 23 years ago. And it’s amazing how decades can pass, and yet the memory of a birth can stick so strongly. The way Mimi tells the story, you would think it was yesterday. Beyond getting to have a powerful conversation with someone whom we love dearly, we greatly appreciate the perspective that Mimi brings to the DIAH community. Mimi was a 21-year-old PhD student at Baylor University when she found out she was pregnant. Her baby’s father chose not to be a part of the picture. So in the midst of fearing being alone, Mimi gained strength in the team she gathered around her to support her - namely her mother and a trusted licensed nurse-midwife. Her storytelling and heart behind it are compelling and endearing. Trust us, this is an episode you do not want to miss. Thank you, Mimi. We love you! Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/10/201848 minutes, 8 seconds
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182: Preconception Home Birth Planning (Listener Email)

Do you have questions regarding your home birth planning process? Like where and how to find midwives and how to choose your birth team? Why not email us with some of your questions?! We are NOT medical professionals and will not even attempt to give you formal medical advice of any kind. However we do love answering your general questions about our process, our birth, parenthood and sharing any part of our experience that might help you.  In today’s episode we’re answering a listener email from our friend Ellie. We get into some of the preconception birth talk conversations and things you can do to prepare for a powerful birth experience. Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/6/201837 minutes, 55 seconds
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181: HOME BIRTH STORY - 3 Home Births and Pregnant with Baby Number 4 with Postpartum Wellness Practitioner Maranda Bower

Did anyone else forget about preparing for postpartum?  Sometimes we get so focused on pregnancy and birth (which makes a lot of sense!) that we neglect the transition and experience that comes after baby arrives. In today’s interview, we’re chatting with Maranda Bower, a postpartum wellness practitioner and mama of 3 (soon to be 4!). Maranda shares how she was introduced to the idea of home birth (it’s not what you usually hear). We talk about some of her own experience and then how women can address the postpartum period equipped with resources and support.  Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/3/201849 minutes, 54 seconds
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180: How We Organize Working from Home with Childcare (Listener Email)

What’s your childcare and work schedule like? This is a question we received from a beloved listener as she navigates her own journey of entrepreneurship and raising a child. So we took to the mic and did what we do! We break down the facts for you on how we make our weekly schedules work and how it helps our family and businesses function. Then we get into some of the realness of when it feels super challenging. Plus what we have to say to people that want to question and judge your method of childcare. Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/30/201853 minutes, 52 seconds
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179: HOME BIRTH STORY - Building Confidence and Support for an HBAC After 2 Cesareans with Erin Holohan

How do you build the confidence and support to prepare for an HBAC after 2 cesarean births? Our guest in our latest birth story, Erin Holohan, is an example of this. After moving through 2 disappointing birth experiences with a lot of recovery and healing to do, she was determined to have her home birth for her third baby. With the love and support of her husband Mike and her awesome midwife Kelly, Erin created the vision and mindset for owning her birth.  She shares some of her prep, research and resources along the way. And then we get into the birth itself. Here’s a fun twist - it happened during a storm. Tornado warnings, power outage and all! Links: Kelly McDermott’s midwifery practice - Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth - Hypnobabies - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/26/201858 minutes, 49 seconds
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178: HOME BIRTH STORY - Home Birth for Baby #3 with the Help of an Enema During Transition with Alyssa Reeves

Would you consider using an enema during the labor process? In today’s birth story, we’re chatting with Alyssa Reeves, wife to Kirk and mama to twin boys Sam and Niko and daughter Zooey. And while there’s a lot more and totally magical elements to Alyssa’s story, she’s the first mama on the show to share her experience of using an enema during her transition phase of labor. We’re so grateful for her open and informative sharing on how helpful it was for her in preparation for pushing. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/19/201852 minutes, 36 seconds
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177: Maya and Doing It At Home Celebrate A Birthday

Today is a special day, so we have a special episode :) It's September 11, 2018, and that means it's Maya's 2nd birthday! Not only is Maya turning 2 today, but the Doing It At Home podcast itself is turning 2! So in today's special episode we recap what the past two years have been like, and reply our original retelling of Maya's birth (which original aired days after her birth in 2016). Thank you all for being a part of the DIAH community the past two years! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/12/20181 hour, 36 minutes, 23 seconds
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176: HOME BIRTH STORY - PPD, Infant Loss, Infertility and Transitioning into Motherhood with Keisha Reaves, LPC

How can we do more for women and mothers as they prepare for and transition into the experience of motherhood? Well, powerful conversations are a great start. And this episode is a prime example of that. Sarah got to sit down with licensed professional counselor and creator of the afterbirth kit company Push Thru, Keisha Reaves. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/5/201841 minutes, 8 seconds
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175: HOME BIRTH STORY - 2 Unassisted Home Births with Jani Barnes

What do you do when you were born at home yourself, over 30 of your cousins have been born at home and you have over 40 chiropractors in your extended family? It’s a safe assumption that you’d have your babies at home too! For our guest Jani Barnes, having babies at home was all she knew. So having both of her children at home, unassisted, was a no brainer. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/29/201849 minutes, 9 seconds
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174: Talking Birth and Sexuality with International Midwife of Over 30 Years, Jutta Wohlrab

What do birth and sexuality have in common? A lot. There. The end. Just kidding! In today’s episode we have international midwife, speaker and author Jutta Wohlrab joining us. Jutta has been a practicing midwife for over 30 years and has traveled all over the world, serving women and spreading the message of empowered birth. She’s also the author of “Happy Birthing Days” and the creator of Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/26/201841 minutes, 42 seconds
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173: HOME BIRTH STORY - Home Birth for Second Baby After a Hospital Transfer with First Baby with Thea Robnett

What happens when the news and experience of your pregnancy isn’t all sunshine and rainbows? For returning guest and DIAH mama Thea Robnett, she’s open and honest about the mix of emotions she dealt with when she got pregnant right after her first daughter, Harley, turned 1. She and her husband Alex had debated on whether or not to have another one, and actually decided to pause any plans for future children. So she worked through the mental challenges and coped with the changes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/22/20181 hour, 4 minutes, 1 second
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172: How To Plan Your First Night Away From Your Baby

How long was it before you spent the first night away from your kid(s) as parents? This magical time came for us a few weeks ago, and we’re sharing all about it. We talk about how the opportunity presented itself and how our tribe rallied behind us to help make it happen. We get into all the details of what we did, how we processed leaving Maya for 24 hours, and some of the biggest takeaways from the experience. And some things we learned for next time around (because it WILL be happening again!). Links: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: Donate to DIAH: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Birthfit Prenatal Training: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/20/201835 minutes, 45 seconds
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171: HOME BIRTH STORY - Empowering Hospital Births with a Home Birth Mindset with Cami Harper

What do you do when you want a home birth, but life circumstances make it a bit challenging to create? Cami Harper is sharing her story with us and how she embraced her situation to make it beautiful, even though it wasn’t exactly what she wanted. Cami herself was born with the help of midwives, so she knew she eventually wanted a holistic and natural approach to birth. She shares her process of both of her pregnancies with her sons James and Howie, along with the support of her husband Dustin. Links: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: Donate to DIAH: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Birthfit Prenatal Training: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/15/201835 minutes, 7 seconds
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170: Helping Women to Connect with Their Bodies Through Every Phase of Pregnancy with Jill Miller, Founder of Roll Model Mama

What type of self-care are you doing during your pregnancy? How about self-massage to help you connect with your body and support it through all the changes it’s experiencing? Today we have a very special guest joining us on the podcast. Jill Miller, founder of Roll Model Mama, a program that takes pregnant women through self-guided techniques for alleviating pre- and postnatal discomfort. The 21st century pregnancy can put a lot of stress and strain on the body. Jill wanted to create an experience that helped women focus on posture, breathing exercises, whole body movements and restorative self-massage. We chat with Jill about some of her own journey of creating a healthy relationship with her body, from years of yoga to experiencing eating disorders and feeling disconnected from her body. She says, “I was living in a body that I didn’t like. Through her study of anatomy, fitness and self-awareness, she’s now inspiring and supporting other women and mamas through her work.  Links: Roll Model Mama - Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: Donate to DIAH: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Birthfit Prenatal Training: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/12/201836 minutes, 31 seconds
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169: HOME BIRTH STORY - When Your Water Breaks 3 Days Before Labor Starts with Jenna Lehr

For those mamas who experienced their waters breaking - how long did it take for labor to begin after that? Well in the case of today’s guest, Jenna Lehr, her water broke on a Tuesday, and her baby was born that Saturday. What we love about this detail is the opportunity it provides to normalize all the unique aspects of every woman’s body, baby and birth itself. Sometimes waters break and it takes a while (or days) for active labor to begin). Sometimes the waters break in the middle of labor. Sometimes during delivery. Sometimes they break multiple times. And sometimes they don’t break! In this birth story we get to hear how Jenna and her husband Jason planned for their home birth. It evolved from knowing nothing about birth to watching “The Business of Being Born” and seeking more information to having preconception appointments to talk about what birth could be and look like. We also talk about dealing with the doubt that can creep in - the pressure, stress and emotion that pops up and tests your conviction. And how her husband Jason was super involved and supportive in the whole process. Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/8/201839 minutes, 49 seconds
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168: How to Deal With Things In Parenthood That Don’t Go the Way You Planned

How do you deal with things in parenthood that don’t exactly go the way you planned them? In today’s episode we’re talking about the elements that contribute to your plans and the disappointment surrounding them. Whether it has to do with sleep, breastfeeding, potty training, food, child care or any of the endless possibilities and decisions that come with the parenting gig. You can apply the basic essence of this conversation to any of them.  And then we share some of our recent personal example of approaching potty training - our expectations and plans, how we moved through it and where we’re at now. Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/5/201845 minutes, 12 seconds
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167: DIAH en Español: La Historia de Parto de Arianna Taboada

Hola querida familia "Doing It at Home" y bienvenidos a un episodio especial del podcast! Hoy tenemos nuestra primera historia de parto en español. Arianna Taboada, la mamá de episodio 166 está compartiendo su historia de nuevo, esta vez en su lengua materna. Pensabamos que sería increíble tener una historia para nuestra comunidad hispanoparlante, así como para los amigos/as y familiares de las mujeres quien eligen el parto en casa. Esperemos que esto sea un ejemplo poderoso y una oportunidad de representar a la comunidad Latina.  Arianna nos cuento sobre el día que nació su hijo, León, en Playa del Carmen, México, con el apoyo de un equipo de parteras y su esposo Mauricio. Es una historia hermosa y agradecemos a Arianna por unirse con nosotros y ayudarnos hacer algo diferente para que disfrute nuestros oyentes hispanoparlantes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/4/201821 minutes, 4 seconds
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166: Helping Self-Employed Women Prepare for Maternity Leave and a Home Birth in Playa del Carmen, Mexico with Arianna Taboada

How does a self-employed mama prepare for maternity leave? Today’s home birth story mama, Arianna Taboada, helps tackle that question with the women she serves in her private consultant practice. In this episode, we hear Arianna’s amazing birth story of her son Leon in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. We get to hear about her process of choosing home birth, selecting care providers and how the experience unfolded. Then we get into some tips and tools for mamas in finding the right mix of information and intuition when it comes to everything from your birth choices to how you integrate into working postpartum. Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/1/201846 minutes, 45 seconds
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165: How We Create a Healthy Relationship to Our Finances

How do you approach the topic of spending, bills and saving money? This is a question we got from one of our listeners, so we figured why not tackle it? Not 100% birth related we’ll grant you, however it’s a very real topic for parents as we navigate the world of our marriage and partnership, running a business and a household together. We go through our previous beliefs around money, the tools/practices we use to help us have healthy conversations around money and how we work as a team. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/29/201851 minutes, 28 seconds
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164: HOME BIRTH STORY - HBAC Story of Baby #3 with the Dope Doula Rachel Cunningham

Wanna hear a story about a sassy doula having a healing HBAC? Today we’re chatting with Rachel Cunningham, a small business owner, doula, wife to her husband Bernard and mama to her three girls: Greta, Beatrice and Agnes. Rachel shares with us, in such funny, vulnerable and real fashion, her journey in the birth world. From an emergency c-birth with her first daughter, to a successful yet interesting VBAC in a hospital, and finally to her most recent birth at home. Links: Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/25/201857 minutes, 9 seconds
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163: Inspiration from the DIAH Community and the Famous Oxytocin Tattoo

Today we’re sharing a few listener emails, talking about their birth planning and experiences. It’s such a testament to this community and the space of the DIAH platform. So many mothers that we interview on the show share how excited they are to tell their stories, mostly because they feel this beautiful opportunity to “pay it forward” to other mamas. They’ve been so inspired by the stories they’ve heard and want to be a part of the collective energy of empowered birth. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order: Expectful - use the code DIAH25OFF for 25% off an annual membership:   More From Doing It At Home: The Home Birth Hub: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/21/201842 minutes, 44 seconds
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162: HOME BIRTH STORY - From Dealing With Stressful Situations During Pregnancy to the Magic of Holding Your Baby with Lindsay Robinson

Did you have any stressful circumstances pop up during your pregnancy? Today’s episode is Lindsay Robinson’s birth story. In it we talk about some of the challenging and hectic situations that she and her husband Chris experienced while preparing for the birth of their son Elric. This is such an inspiring story and one that we know you’ll enjoy! Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order: Expectful - use the code DIAH25OFF for 25% off an annual membership:   More From Doing It At Home: The Home Birth Hub: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/18/201853 minutes, 56 seconds
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161: HOME BIRTH STORY - From A Four Month Hemorrhage To An Incredible Birth Experience with Raimee Botner

How do you process being pregnant and planning for a birth that you thought you could never have? Our DIAH mama in today’s episode, Raimee Botner, shares her experience of finding out she was pregnant after believing she couldn’t have children. Then healing through an intense miscarriage. Finally to find out she was pregnant again, this time with a pregnancy that would come full term and give her her son Otis. We talk about Raimee’s process of doing a lot of self-work and self-love practice. For her, birth was easy in comparison to everything that led up to it.  We also touch on the legality of home birth in her state of Kentucky, the details of her doula and midwife traveling over an hour to get to her birth, and her realization of what love truly is. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order: Expectful - use the code DIAH25OFF for 25% off an annual membership:   More From Doing It At Home: The Home Birth Hub: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/14/201850 minutes, 41 seconds
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160: HOME BIRTH STORY - Choosing Home Birth from an Academic Perspective and the Power of Women with Isis Rose

Are you the type to research and look for evidence and information to support your decisions when it comes to your birth? In today’s episode, we’re chatting with Isis Rose, a PhD student, doula and mama to baby Xena. Isis shares her journey to home birth, which first entered her awareness during a doula training. She’s a PhD student studying birth and reproductive justice. Her husband Chris, a fellow academic, is a visiting professor at UIUC. So it makes sense that Isis took a very analytical approach to planning her birth. She searched for truth and wanted to make sure she was as informed as possible when it came to her options. We hear about her transition into home birth planning, finding midwives and working through the legality and costs associated with direct-entry midwifery being illegal in her state of Illinois. An African-American woman and survivor of emotional abuse, it was important for Isis to have the support she needed and to do things her way - like by keeping their plans to home birth private from friends and family. And there’s a twist in the immediate postpartum hours that gave Isis the opportunity to feel in control and release any unnecessary fear. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order: Expectful - use the code DIAH25OFF for 25% off an annual membership:   More From Doing It At Home: The Home Birth Hub: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/11/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 56 seconds
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159: Our Back and Forth Journey to Deciding on a Home Birth (Rebroadcast)

Today we're bringing you a rebroadcast of the second ever episode we published on the podcast! Hope you all enjoy this throwback : ) --- When we began our pregnancy adventure, home birth was pretty far from our mind. We kicked things off the traditional way: going to see an OBGYN at a great hospital. But three months later we parted ways with our OBGYN, partnered up with a midwife group working out of their home, and began our home birth journey. Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order: Expectful - use the code DIAH25OFF for 25% off an annual membership:   More From Doing It At Home: The Home Birth Hub: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/7/201839 minutes, 3 seconds
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158: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Home Birth Story After a Torn Cervix and Years of Infertility with Jenn Irizarry

Where did your journey to birth begin? For today’s guest Jenn Irizarry, her story links back to a life-threatening accident she had when she was 17 that tore her cervix. She had emergency surgery as a result of the internal bleeding and shock. 44 staples in her abdomen down to her pelvis later, Jenn was just happy to be alive. She wasn’t too caught up in the conversation that doctors brought up of the likelihood of her ability to have children. But fast forward to when she and her husband Mike were trying to conceive, fertility became a popular topic. They went through rounds of unsuccessful IUIs and began the discussion of saving for IVF. In the process, she started seeing a Chinese Medicine doctor for acupuncture and a variety of herbs. Spoiler alert - Jenn gets pregnant naturally and she made the switch from an OB to a midwife and home birth plan around 20 weeks. We get to hear the whole birth story and what this meant to Jenn after such an emotional journey. Links From This Episode: Pure Natural Pregnancy Podcast - DFW fertility Acupuncture resource - Jenn’s midwife - Dallas Doulas - Becky Hines - Jenn’s episode on Dallas Birth Guide Podcast - Offers From Our Awesome Partners: Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order C & The Moon Malibu Made Glow Oil with code DIAH15 for 15% off your order: Expectful - use the code DIAH25OFF for 25% off an annual membership:   More From Doing It At Home: The Home Birth Hub: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH Website: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/4/201855 minutes, 25 seconds
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157: The Mama and Story Behind the Birth Documentary “These Are My Hours” with Emily Graham

Have you seen “These Are My Hours” yet? Well if you haven’t, this is your official suggestion and reminder. If you caught our last episode (number 156) - you’ll remember Matthew’s conversation with Scott Kirschenbaum, the creator of the documentary film that shows the process of birth completely through one woman’s perspective. And in today’s episode, I get to speak with this powerful woman and mother, Emily Graham. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/30/201859 minutes, 17 seconds
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156: How Men Can Get More Involved in the Birth Experience with Scott Kirschenbaum, director of the documentary “These Are My Hours”

What if men were just as excited about birth as mothers were? Today is a very special episode. Matthew gets to chat with Scott Kirschenbaum, the director and producer of the new birth documentary film “These Are My Hours,” an intimate immersion into one woman’s experience of giving birth. The film is told and viewed completely through the perspective of the birthing mother Emily (whom we are interviewing in our next episode so stay tuned!). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/26/201856 minutes, 13 seconds
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155: Ending Our Breastfeeding Journey: Weaning At 21 Months

When is the best time to wean? And how do you know when to begin? And if I do it too early will it mess up my baby forever? And why am I feeling so conflicted about it?? Chances are if you’ve weaned your kid, most or all of these questions went through your head. After 21 months of breastfeeding we’re beginning the weaning process with baby Maya, and it’s been an interesting journey to say the least. In today’s episode we talk all about our weaning journey and what it’s been like for both Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/24/201849 minutes, 17 seconds
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154: HOME BIRTH STORY - The Ups and Downs of Pregnancy and a Perfect Night of Birth with Chanté Newman

Who has experienced their ups and downs throughout pregnancy? Our DIAH for today’s birth story is not shy about sharing the fact that pregnancy can be an emotional time. For Chanté and her husband Patrick, they were finishing school, starting their chiropractic practice and moving. And oh hey, yeah - preparing for a baby! Chanté shares with us when she first learned about home birth and a number of great resources she used during her journey. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/20/201841 minutes, 30 seconds
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153: Cannabis Usage During Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum

What are your thoughts on cannabis usage during pregnancy, birth or postpartum? Maybe you haven’t even thought about it before, or known it was a thing (Sarah and Matthew raise both hands lol). A listener reached out recently and asked us to cover this topic. She was curious about other mamas who have used cannabis and can speak to their experience. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/16/201841 minutes, 30 seconds
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152: Breech Home Births and Misconceptions Around Midwives with Paula Schnebelt, LM

If your baby is in a breech position, can you still give birth at home? That answer varies from woman to woman and state to state. But breech alone does not need to be a factor that removes all of your options. It’s a variation of normal. And we’re chatting about that today with our guest Paula Schnebelt, Licensed Midwife and the midwife who cared for DIAH mama Brooke Nielsen in the birth story from episode 142. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/12/201853 minutes, 16 seconds
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151: When Is The Best Time To Get Pregnant?

When is the best time to get pregnant? Are you ready? How do you know when you’re ready? Are you ever really ready? We tackle this topic - with the full intention of simply sharing some of our experience and lessons. Remember - we’re never gonna tell you how to live your lives or what’s best for your family planning! But we do have some reflections on our own journeys, and if some of them resonate with you and you’re able to take them and apply them in your world - awesome! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/9/20181 hour, 8 minutes, 40 seconds
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150: HOME BIRTH STORY - From Hospital Birth with Interventions to Home Birth with Fetal Ejection Reflex with Kayleigh Johnson

Did you set intentions for your birth(s)? The last time we spoke with Kayleigh Johnson, DIAH mama from episode 77, she was setting some powerful intentions and visions for her upcoming birth. Today, we get to hear the full birth story! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/5/201846 minutes, 2 seconds
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149: Ali Wong, Uncensored Birth Photos and a Rockstar Home Birth Dad

What do Ali Wong, uncensored birth photos and one of our listeners have in common? They’re all getting talked about in today’s episode! We couldn’t record another episode without mentioning the latest hit Netflix comedy special featuring Ali Wong, titled “Hard Knock Wife.” We talk about how much we appreciate pregnancy, birth and motherhood “real talk” in the mainstream comedy world. Because it’s important for us to talk about, and even laugh about, the realities of these experiences. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/4/201831 minutes, 54 seconds
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148: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Second Home Birth and Postpartum Life with a Baby and a Toddler with Sam Peters

If you have a successful home birth, does that mean the next one is completely free of fear and anxiety? Simple answer: no! Extension to the simple answer: every woman, baby and birth is different and it all depends on a number of things. In today’s episode we’re chatting with Sam Peters, a DIAH vet mama who joined us back in episode 70 to share the home birth story of her son Brooks and how she was preparing for the birth of her second baby, also at home. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/30/201850 minutes, 34 seconds
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147: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Student Nurse-Midwife’s 4 Birth Stories Including C-Birth, VBAC and HBAC (and a Star Wars Baby) with Shoshanah Blaiss

Alright birth junkies, who is ready for 4 birth stories in one single episode?! Cuz that’s what we have for you today. We’re chatting with student nurse-midwife Shoshanah Blaiss about her journeys in birth. From c-birth to vbac to hbac, Shoshanah walks us through the different elements and situations around each pregnancy and birth. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/23/20182 hours, 22 minutes, 16 seconds
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146: Followup to Our Episode on Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Listener Emails

When did you first learn what Hyperemesis Gravidarum was? For us, it was when Kate Middleton was suffering from it during her pregnancy. But even then we didn’t know much about it or the extent to which it can impact a pregnant mama. Fast forward to one of our recent episodes, number 136, where we interviewed Jennifer Griffin about her experiences with HG, and our eyes were really opened. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/19/201829 minutes, 25 seconds
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145: HOME BIRTH STORY - When Your Pregnancy and Birth Inspires You to Become a Midwife with Jillisa Kraemer

How does one go from being unsure about being pregnant to planning a home birth and then on the path to becoming a midwife? Well our DIAH mama in today’s birth story can and does answer that question for us by sharing her incredible story of bringing her daughter Selah earthside. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/16/20181 hour, 7 minutes, 11 seconds
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144: The Onus is On Women To Move Birth Forward with Afua Hassan

How do we move the conversation and care of birth forward? In this episode, we chat with Afua Hassan, Afua is the founder, owner and licensed midwife of The Birthing Place in Houston, Texas. Her philosophy in her practice is that the mother is the captain, the partner is the co-captain and she is the advisor. In this conversation we talk about what is normal in birth and its variations, the fear women have around birth and racism in birth healthcare. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/8/201835 minutes, 13 seconds
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143: Why and How We Make Our Marriage a Priority

What’s more important - your children or your marriage? Well, sorry to disappoint, but we’re not going to answer that question. Because that’s not our business and we’re not here to tell you how to live your life. We respect and honor the variations of normal and the family dynamics that work best for each of you. So we’ll leave how you feel about that question and how you answer it up to you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/5/201855 minutes, 8 seconds
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142: HOME BIRTH STORY - Empowered Birth Doesn’t Mean It Went According to Plan with Brooke Nielsen (Part 2)

How do you cope with the potential frustrations of things not going according to plan? Today we’re jumping back into conversation with Brooke Nielsen, a DIAH mama from episode 111 where we talked about her preparation for a home birth with her first baby. We get to hear about the weeks leading up to birth and some changes that shifted some things around a bit. Like baby being in a breech position and not flipping. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/2/201850 minutes, 30 seconds
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141: The “Whole-istic” DIAH Home Birth Preparation Checklist

What do you need to do to prepare for a home birth? In this episode, we’re taking a “WHOLE-istic” approach to a home birth checklist. So yes, we cover the supplies and gear and equipment (which we have the full list of on our website with the episode). We talk about setting the scene and prepping the space for you birth. And then we a take a turn and talk about some of the deep, gritty stuff like emotional, mental, spiritual preparation with your birth partner and then with yourself. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/29/201848 minutes, 2 seconds
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140: Prenatal Yoga and Exercise and Honoring Motherhood with Deb Flashenberg

Can too much exercise during pregnancy become a detriment to your birth experience? We wouldn’t presume to give you a definitive answer to this question because frankly it’s not our place and we’re not the experts of your physical body, pregnancy, preferences or life experience. This is a question we explored with today’s guest Deb Flashenberg, founder and director of the Prenatal Yoga Center in New York. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/24/201841 minutes, 23 seconds
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139: A Few Not-So-Typical Places Mamas Have Given Birth

You know how they say babies have their own timelines and agendas when it comes to their births? Well in this episode, we’re digging into some past news stories of babies who have arrived in some unique locales. And they’re not hospitals, birthing centers or planned home births! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/21/201833 minutes, 2 seconds
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138: HOME BIRTH STORY - Two Mama’s Story of Insemination, Breech with ECV and Home to Hospital with Amy and Mallory Caldwell

How do you process when things don’t go the way you planned in your birth? We deconstruct this question with mamas Amy and Mallory Caldwell in today’s episode by taking it back to the beginning of their pregnancy journey. Both Amy and Mallory knew that they’d like to carry children at some point in their marriage and growing their family. So for their first, they made the decision for Mallory to go first as the gestational parent. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/18/20181 hour, 8 minutes, 42 seconds
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137: Have The Birth That You Want No Matter Where It Is

In today's episode we answer listener email and discuss having the birth that you want, no matter where it takes place. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/15/201834 minutes, 21 seconds
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136: HOME BIRTH STORY - 5 Home Births, Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Seeing Your Challenges As Gifts with Jennifer Griffin

How can we view our challenges around pregnancy, birth and parenthood as gifts? Take trying situations and circumstances and turn them into lessons of empowerment and gratitude? This is part of the discussion on the podcast today with our guest Jennifer Griffin. Jennifer has a background in counseling psychology that she has brought into her current work of running her website Spiritual Gift Institute, writing multiple books and being a mother to 4 children. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/10/201845 minutes, 20 seconds
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135: Why Are You Choosing Home Birth?

Why did you choose home birth? Or any of your birth plans? There are usually a collection of motivating factors that go into creating the birth vision you have in mind. So after talking to a lot of amazing mamas on the show and reflecting on some of our own intentions for our birth, we decided to dedicate an episode to the reasons why some might choose home birth. This is based on the most common feedback and experiences we’ve heard and talked about on the show. But first, we start with a twist: why you shouldn’t choose home birth! When it might not be the most powerful decision to support you in feeling your best and most prepared for a magical birth experience. So we share the 5 most common reasons we’ve learned around choosing home birth, share our perspective on them, and then Matthew throws a big curveball and shares one of his disempowering motivations for getting pregnant. So stuff gets real! You don’t wanna miss this one! Show Notes:Dr. Berlin's Informed Pregnancy PodcastThe Parents On Demand NetworkBloom Event in AtlantaMatthew’s podcast "Having It A.L.L." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/7/201842 minutes, 40 seconds
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134: A Maternity Concierge and Doula Shares How to Pamper Yourself During Pregnancy with HeHe Stewart

Have you ever thought about pregnancy being a time to pamper yourself? It’s not something I would typically think about. I mean, you plan for birth, buy all the baby gear, take the classes, etc. But what about a time to give yourself that self-love and care, and even make it a luxurious process? Well that’s what HeHe Stewart creates for her clients in her maternity concierge and doula services. Enjoy the episode! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/3/201846 minutes, 53 seconds
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133: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Home Birth Story and Challenges in Postpartum and Breastfeeding with Kristina and Chris Porter

Was anyone blindsided by the postpartum experience? This is a home birth story with conversation on what can happen after baby arrives and how you can use your empowering birth experience to support you in challenging postpartum times. In this episode we’re chatting with Kristina and Chris Porter, parents to baby Madeline. Fun fact: Madeline and Maya have the same birthday - just one year apart! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/28/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 53 seconds
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132: World Doula Week 2018: Serving and Advocating for Women in Pregnancy and Birth with Sharon Randolph

How awesome are doulas?! It’s a trick question - because they’re so awesome it’s almost impossible to put into words how awesome they are. We’re celebrating World Doula Week this year by sharing some powerful conversations with doulas in different parts of the country and with different journeys into doula work as well as in practice. Today we have our conversation Sharon Randolph, holistic health practitioner and doula. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/25/201840 minutes, 52 seconds
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131: A Powerful Chat with Mom of 7 (Including 2 Sets of Consecutive Twins), Doula, Co-Director of Carriage House Birth and Author, Lindsey Bliss

Who are some of your heroes in the birth world? We got to chat with one of ours in this episode. Lindsey Bliss, also known as @doulabliss on Instagram - mom of 7 (including 2 sets of consecutive twins), doula, doula trainer, co-director of Carriage House Birth and the author of “The Doula’s Guide to Empowering Your Birth: A Complete Labor and Childbirth Companion for Parents to Be,” shared some of her time with us. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/20/201853 minutes, 46 seconds
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130: What is Empowered Birth?

What does it mean to have an empowered birth? Bottom line - it’s up to you - you make it your experience and mean what resonates most with you. In this episode we share some of our ideas on the elements that contribute to an empowered birth, and how you can empower your birth at any stage in the process - from planning to postpartum. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/17/201841 minutes, 16 seconds
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129: Changing Our Culture Around Postpartum with The Fourth Trimester Podcast’s Esther Gallagher

Why do we expect women in our culture to get everything back together right after she has a baby? Whether it’s her body, work or anything resembling her lifestyle before motherhood, there is a lot of misconception and skewed conversation around the postpartum period. But podcasts like the Fourth Trimester Podcast, hosted by Sarah Trott and Esther Gallegher are changing that narrative. And in today’s episode, we’re chatting with Esther about the fourth trimester. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/14/201856 minutes, 20 seconds
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128: How Multiple Cesarean Births Inspired a Family Business Centered on Postpartum Healing and Recovery with Bellefit's Carolina Suarez-Garcia

How many mamas have felt that sensitive belly and jumbled organs feeling after giving birth? It’s not a great feeling right? You’ve just had a baby and are learning to navigate that whole new journey, but your physical body is also in a very significant and intensive healing and recovery process. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/6/201856 minutes, 44 seconds
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127: Birth Roundup: Royal Home Birth, Birth Photography and Just Being Our Goofy Selves

What’s new in the birth world? What’s the latest and greatest? Or to quote a classic film of our time (Mean Girls) - “What’s the 411? What has everybody been up to? What's the hot gossip? Tell me everything.” This is a very fun, goofy, chill and laid back episode. Matthew and I are just riffing on some things that we’ve recently heard about, read about, or chatted about with listeners of the show. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/4/201829 minutes
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126: HOME BIRTH STORY - The Emotional Journey of Multiple Inseminations and Planning a Home Birth for Two Mamas with Caitlin Thompson

How do you stay in a space of trusting your body and the process when getting pregnant presents an emotional journey of challenges? This was Caitlin’s reality when she and her wife, Shona decided to start a family. We’re so honored to share their story on the podcast in our first episode with an LGBTQ family! As Caitlin says in the interview, “families are something we build out of love.” We couldn’t agree more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/28/201850 minutes, 9 seconds
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125: My Home Birth Postpartum Experience (Rebroadcast)

Today’s episode is a rebroadcast of episode 19 where Sarah shares her postpartum story. Enjoy! --- Hey all, Sarah here. In this episode I’m solo and talking all about my home birth postpartum experience. I’m currently almost 4 months postpartum, and it’s been quite the journey for me. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/25/201843 minutes, 50 seconds
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124: A Talk About Birth and Boobs with Badass Breastfeeder’s Abby Theuring

If you were a part of a Facebook group for breastfeeding mamas, would you be surprised to be kicked out of the group for sharing a photo of yourself breastfeeding in public? Probably...right? Well, so was Abby Theuring when that happened to her. So she turned that surprise (and a mix of other emotions - as a new mom in a group supposedly designed to support and encourage), and created something with it - her own space for sharing empowered breastfeeding content. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/20/20181 hour, 6 minutes
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123: HOME BIRTH STORY - Replacing Tension, Anxiety and Negativity Around Your Home Birth with Affirmation and Positivity with Lizzy Ward

How do you deal with fear, anxiety and negativity that might pop up during pregnancy and planning for a home birth? For Lizzy, it was a process of “reprogramming” those thoughts and beliefs that were holding her back from trusting and surrendering to the possibility of a peaceful and joyful birth experience. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/14/201847 minutes, 10 seconds
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122: Sex After Having Kids: How We Keep Our Sex Life Hot As New Parents

Does your sex life have to change for the worse after kids? We know of course the answer is “No, it doesn’t”, but how do you keep it from turning stale? How do you keep the fire burning for your partner after you’ve had a kid or two? Today we’re excited to bring you another SEX-PISODE, this time pulling the covers back on what our sex life has been like after having a baby. This episode joins our growing series of sex-pisodes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/11/20181 hour, 16 minutes, 33 seconds
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121: Education, Empowerment, Support and a Home Birth Story with Yukie McGregor, Founder of Dallas Birth Guide

What do you do when you become so passionate about birth that you are essentially compelled to dive into the work and make it part of who you are? Yukie McGregor answers that question for us in today’s episode. And for her - that looked like starting Dallas Birth Guide, an online and local resource tool for mothers in maternity, labor, birth and beyond. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/7/201852 minutes, 42 seconds
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120: What We'll Do Differently for Our Second Home Birth

So what are our plans for a future baby and birth? This episode is inspired by another listener question - how we’re going to plan for future births and babies. What would we do differently? What would we keep? We break it down for you - starting with our timeline for expanding our family. And it isn’t what we originally thought it would be when we first got pregnant with Maya! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/4/201851 minutes, 26 seconds
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119: Creating A New Paradigm In Birth: A Conversation With Indie Birth Creator Maryn Green

In today’s episode we’re talking to an amazing woman, mom, entrepreneur, midwife, and all around powerhouse -- Maryn Green. Maryn is the creator of Indie Birth (yes, THAT Indie Birth!), and together with her business partner and friend Margo, has grown that brand into an amazing resource and community for moms and women everywhere. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/31/201849 minutes, 5 seconds
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118: HOME BIRTH STORY - 11 Births, An 11 Pound Baby and A Male Midwife with Danyel Filipovich

What do you do when you’re 41 plus weeks pregnant and your doctor is pressuring to induce and you don’t want to? For Danyel, that answer was to switch to home birth! For her, she felt “like a caged bird in a hospital” in her previous births, and took this as an opportunity to experience something different. Oh, and let’s mention this here - while this would be Danyel’s first home birth, it would be her 10th birth. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/24/20181 hour, 33 minutes, 26 seconds
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117: How to Deal with Fears and Anxieties of Something Going “Wrong” in Your Home Birth

“But what if something goes wrong?” Does this sound familiar? It might to many home birth mamas and families. It’s a common thing that pops up, across many sources of feedback and advice and for a multitude of reasons. In this episode we are covering a listener-requested topic/question - “How do you deal with the fear and anxiety of 'if something goes wrong?'” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/20/201846 minutes, 48 seconds
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116: HOME BIRTH STORY - Two Non Hippie-Dippy Home Births at 42 Weeks with Erica Kempf

Does having a home birth mean you’re all “hippie-dippy” and stuff? Maybe, if that’s what works for you and that’s how you would describe yourself. You could also be a former pre-med student and do lots of research and dive head first into studies and medical literature to make the determination that home birth is the safest and best option for you and your baby. Home birth, along with its mamas, is not one size fits all and cannot be put in a box. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/15/20181 hour, 25 minutes, 13 seconds
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115: The Postpartum For Dads Episode: Matthew Shares His Perspective On Life After Childbirth For Fathers

How do dads balance life after baby? It’s easier to find resources and conversations around motherhood postpartum, and that makes a lot of sense. But dads are greatly impacted too in their own ways with their own set of challenges and lessons. So coming to you by listener request we have today’s episode - Matthew sharing some of his perspective on what life after baby has been like. This is a great episode to share with partners and dads. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/15/20181 hour, 14 seconds
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114: HOME BIRTH STORY - Using Mindfulness To Heal A Traumatic Home Birth Experience with Azra Gregor

Is it possible to have a “traumatic” home birth? With the kind of conversations we have on this show and the energy and education we seek to create around home birth - of course we want to reduce the number of any traumatic births. However, birth trauma and feelings of broken expectations and frustration are possible regardless of where you birth. So as long as that is the case, birth stories like that of today’s guest, Azra Gregor, are so important to the healing birth narrative. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/8/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 5 seconds
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113: HOME BIRTH STORY - Burning Man, HBAC and the Trust and Healing of Birth with Diana Tayan

How do you turn the trauma from one birth experience into a trusting, healing HBAC? Diana Tayan shares with us in today’s episode how she did just that. She takes us through the journey of both of her pregnancies and births of her sons Arakel and Rama. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/2/20181 hour, 4 minutes, 29 seconds
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112: HOME BIRTH STORY - Veteran and Eco-conscious Parents on Making a Beautiful Birth Despite Plans Changing with Pastaveia and Sean St. John

What links the terms black minimalism, veterans, eco-conscious lifestyle and home birth? Today’s birth story! In this episode we’re chatting with Pastaveia and Sean St. John, new parents to their daughter sage and an awesome couple with a powerful story. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/30/20171 hour, 5 minutes, 44 seconds
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111: First-time Mom Preparing for Home Birth with Brooke Nielsen (Part 1)

As a first-time mom, how do you navigate your birth options and then make the best decision for you and your family? Well in this episode we explore that with Brooke Nielsen, first-time mama-to-be and wife to her husband Jordan. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/26/201741 minutes, 53 seconds
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110: Changing From Hospital Birth To Home Birth At 35 Weeks with Jessica and Seth Burdette

Have you ever felt like you were limited with your birth options? At 35 weeks Jessica and Seth Burdette decided to make the switch from a hospital birth with OB care, to a home birth with the Atlanta Birth Center. Most people don’t consider switching that late into the game (the vast majority don’t realize that’s even an option), and so we found it so empowering to hear how Jessica and Seth decided to do what felt right for them. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/23/20171 hour, 30 seconds
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109: The Truth About Our Relationship: What Happens When the Mic is Off

This is a fun and different kind of episode for DIAH. We’re taking a slight curve off of the path of birth stories and empowering birth conversations to focus on us for a second. And by us, I more specifically mean our marriage - our relationship style and our communication (or sometimes lack thereof). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/19/20171 hour, 1 minute, 47 seconds
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108: HOME BIRTH STORY - Fulfilling the Deep Desire to Have a Home Birth with Brianna and Joe Larsen

In this episode I chat with Brianna and Joe Larsen about their second birth, and they did it at home! This birth was the opportunity to fulfill a deep desire for a home birth self-empowerment for Brianna. And get this - Joe himself is a home birth baby! So bringing a more holistic approach and trust in the way God designed our bodies, he was in full support of the process. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/12/20171 hour, 5 minutes, 41 seconds
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107: Sex While Pregnant: The Ins, The Outs, The Reach Arounds (Rebroadcast)

Have you been wondering "What is sex going to be like when I'm pregnant?" If so, this is the episode for you! Let’s talk about SEX, BABY! Not just the kind that makes the babies, but the kind you continue doing while the bun is in the oven. This episode is inspired by an article I wrote on some of our experience with pregnant sex. You can find that article here - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/10/201746 minutes, 45 seconds
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106: HOME BIRTH STORY - Gestational Diabetes, Birth Center Transfer and Multiple Water Breaks with Renee and Sean Kleve

In this episode we have another mom and dad conversation. Sean and Renee Kleve share the story of their pregnancy and birth of their first baby, their son Mason. Mason is just 4 weeks old at the time of this interview, so we are very grateful to both Sean and Renee for taking the time to hang out with us on the Doing It At Home podcast. The beautiful photos that accompany this episode (over on are from Strom Strandell. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/6/20171 hour, 6 minutes, 59 seconds
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105: The Censoring Of Birth In Social Media and Society #Rant

This episode is inspired by recent events in the online birth community. It’s pretty commonplace to have some of your images removed from Instagram if you are an account sharing images of birth. Due to things like “guidelines and regulations” as well as other users finding certain content offensive and then reporting it, we’ve seen a number of issues pop surrounding the censorship of motherhood since we ourselves started learning more about the community and being a part of the conversations. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/2/201751 minutes, 20 seconds
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104: The Most Powerful Tool for a Mama is Intuition with Kathryn Orr

In today’s episode we’re talking with Kathryn Orr, a certified birth doula, childbirth educator and more recently the outreach coordinator for the fantastic documentary “Why Not Home?” We’re familiar with “Why Not Home?” over here at Doing It At Home - because we had the pleasure of having Jessicca Moore, the creator of the film, on the podcast back in episode 82. So we’re very excited to have this mama of 2 share her birth stories with us and talk about her obsession with all things birth. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/28/20171 hour, 3 minutes, 39 seconds
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103: A Few Things About Home Birth We're Thankful For

In this episode we share why we're thankful for our home birth. Might sound like a weird topic, but having experienced home birth ourselves and interviewed dozens and dozens of moms and families who have chosen it as well (some who've also had experiences giving birth in a hospital), it's easy to see why we wanted to talk about the elements of giving birth at home which we really appreciate. Happy Thanksgiving to all the Doing It At Home listeners, moms, non-moms, dads, partners and supporters! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/26/201738 minutes, 23 seconds
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102: HOME BIRTH STORY - Moving While Pregnant, Holistic Living and Home Birth Research with Carissa Breen

In today’s episode we’re talking with Carissa Breen about her home birth journey and story. Carissa and her husband Ryan planned the home birth for their first baby, River, while simultaneously planning a move across the country. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/22/201744 minutes, 40 seconds
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101: Giving Women Confidence to Birth with Paige LoPinto of BirthTube

In this episode I chat with Paige LoPinto, mama of 2 and creator of BirthTube, a private Facebook group dedicated to connecting women through pregnancy and birth, specifically by live streaming births of members of the group. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/20/201746 minutes, 30 seconds
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100: Looking Back On The Moments, Mamas, And Magic From 100 Episodes Of The Doing It At Home Podcast

You guys!! Episode 100 is here! I can’t even believe it’s been 100 episodes. To all of our listeners and supporters - those of you who have just started listening, dropped in to hear an episode or two, and those who have been with us from the beginning or binge-listened to catch up….we freaking LOVE you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/15/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 51 seconds
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099: Our Take on Some Memorable Births in Film and TV

In this episode we’re having a bit of fun and taking a look at a few colorful birth scenes from movies and tv. This is a follow up to episode 97 where we talk about a home birth that was depicted in the hit tv show Jane The Virgin. That conversation inspired us to explore other depictions of birth….and the result is this silly episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/11/201745 minutes, 31 seconds
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098: HOME BIRTH STORY - Lessons in Surrender, Gratitude and Strength During Home Birth and Postpartum with Katie McCormick Part 2

We welcome back Katie McCormick to the show today! She joined us back in episode 73 where we talked about her and her husband Ryan planning a home birth in their cottage in West Cork, Ireland after leaving life in Portland, Oregon. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/8/201750 minutes, 24 seconds
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097: A Home Birth On Jane The Virgin

In today’s episode we’re discussing the depiction of a home birth in the popular tv show Jane The Virgin. Show Notes: Jane The Virgin Chapter Sixty Seven - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/4/201727 minutes, 4 seconds
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096: Wisdom from a Sleep Consultant for Infants and Toddlers with Alyssa Blask

This episode airs the day after Halloween - and we think it’s quite fitting. Because as a parent, sleep can be a scary subject! So do not fear - we have Alyssa Blask on the show today to help exorcise some of those stressful sleep demons. Alyssa has quite the resume - let’s just say she wears a lot of hats. She has a masters in early childhood and childhood development. She’s a doula. And a sleep consultant for infants and toddlers - what we focus on a lot of during our conversation. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/1/201753 minutes, 44 seconds
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095: How to Heal from Birth Trauma with Anne Margolis

In this episode we welcome back the amazing Anne Margolis back to the Doing It At Home podcast. We spoke with Anne back in episode 24 titled, “Normal, Natural and Joyful Childbirth.” Anne is a powerhouse in the birth community. She has over 21 years of experience as a home birth midwife, after previously working as an OB nurse in the hospital. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/28/201757 minutes, 41 seconds
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094: HOME BIRTH STORY - From A Disconnected Hospital Birth to an Awesome Home Birth with Cayla Thomas

In today’s episode we’re sharing Cayla’s birth story of her son Jude, born at home and 2 months old at the time we speak. Cayla's first son was born naturally in a hospital, and her second in a home birth. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/24/201741 minutes, 30 seconds
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093: HOME BIRTH STORY - Choosing Faith Over Fear During Pregnancy and Birth with Caryn Ragin

In this episode we are chatting with Caryn Ragin, wife to Dadrick and mama to baby Deborah. Caryn shares her journey to home birth, one that was not the most straight and narrow. She and her husband are a military family and became pregnant for the first time while in Korea. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/21/201757 minutes, 39 seconds
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092: Empowering Stories, Sex Talk, And Self Advocacy: Awesome Lessons From Listener Emails

In today’s episode we’re sharing four particularly great recent listener emails we received. These emails are all about empowering birth stories, the importance of talking about sex in pregnancy and new parenthood, a beautiful example of in hospital self advocacy, and a valuable insight from a “non-mom”. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/17/201737 minutes, 13 seconds
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091: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Home Birth Story of Challenges, Changes and Healing with Laura Hale

Today we bring you Laura’s incredible birth story. Laura and her partner Mikey live in Homer, Alaska with their daughter Hannah. I honestly don’t know the best manner or order to present all of the awesome elements of this story, so I’ll do my best to share it all as it hits me. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/10/201754 minutes, 5 seconds
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090: How Orgasmic Birth Is Connecting Women To Their Power With Debra Pascali-Bonaro

Heads Up: this is an amazing episode. Full of conversation around pleasurable, joyful, ecstatic birth. It may cause you to feel empowered and excited around birth : ) But seriously, we are so honored to have Debra Pascali-Bonaro join us on the show. She’s another one of the powerhouses of the birthing community that we’ve been anxious to meet and chat with. She is the creator and director of the documentary, “Orgasmic Birth: The Best-Kept Secret.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/3/201753 minutes, 40 seconds
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089: HOME BIRTH STORY - Witchcraft, surprise babies, and moving during pregnancy with Meggie and Steve Andrews

In today’s episode we’ve got the whole family on the phone - Meggie and Steve Andrews, along with their baby Liam - to talk about Liam's home birth story. We talk about the mental and emotional adjustments that come with a huge unexpected life change, some of the more colorful comments around choosing home birth (like "Is that witchcraft or something?"), and about finding a new midwife when you move in the middle of pregnancy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/26/201751 minutes, 50 seconds
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088: HOME BIRTH STORY - Switching to Home Birth for Baby Number 4 with Jarmar and Jonnelle Dupas

In this episode, we get to speak with both mom and dad! We love when we get to chat with a home birth couple and hear both perspectives from the decision-making process to the experience itself. So we’re chatting with Jarmar and Jonnelle Dupas. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/19/201746 minutes, 47 seconds
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087: Celebrating and Reflecting on One Year of Parenthood

Matthew and I have been parents for a whole year now! This past week we celebrated Maya’s 1st birthday, the anniversary of the Doing It At Home podcast and one year of navigating parenthood together. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/17/201754 minutes, 42 seconds
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086: HOME BIRTH STORY - Home Birth For Baby #2 and Why Squats are So Important for Preparing for Birth with LIndsay Bonnar

In today's episode we're talking to a Doing It At Home Alumni, Lindsay Bonnar, about the home birth of her son Linken. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/13/201735 minutes, 4 seconds
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085: REBROADCAST: Star Wars, Kiddie Pools, and Hypnobabies: Our Home Birth Story

In this episode we're rebroadcasting Maya's home birth story, originally episode 9 "Star Wars, Kiddie Pools, and Hypnobabies: Our Home Birth Story". Today is Maya’s 1st birthday. Our baby girl is 1 year old! Please hold while we pull ourselves together. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/11/20171 hour, 23 minutes, 20 seconds
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084: Reflexology, Essential Oils and Holistic Health Practices for Pregnancy and Birth with Melinda Mickshaw of The Relievery

In this episode we have a special guest, Melinda Michshaw, who is talking to us about reflexology, essential oils and holistic health practices for pregnancy and birth. Melinda is a fantastic resource of information, and we think you’ll enjoy our convo! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/9/201730 minutes, 57 seconds
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083: HOME BIRTH STORY - Choosing Home Birth As A Registered Nurse with Alyssa Queen

In this episode we have Alyssa’s story. Alyssa is a mama and registered nurse who chose home birth with her daughter Zoey. And Alyssa is super knowledgeable. We were just in awe of all the information she has and can rattle off. There’s so much that we included parts of her emails and additional resources in the extra notes with the episode on our website. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/6/201752 minutes, 51 seconds
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082: SPECIAL LABOR DAY EPISODE - “Why Not Home?” Documentary with Jessicca Moore

Today we have the honor of speaking with Jessicca Moore, a family nurse practitioner and a filmmaker. She is the creator of the documentary film “Why Not Home?” which explores why labor and delivery medical professionals are choosing to give birth outside of the hospital, in this case - home! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/4/201750 minutes, 12 seconds
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081: HOME BIRTH STORY - Choosing to Transfer to a Hospital After a Long Labor at Home with Thea Robnett

In today’s episode we’re chatting with Thea. She and her husband Alex planned for a home birth for their daughter Harley. They envisioned a peaceful, serene environment. Calm, soothing and she knew she wanted water. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/30/201757 minutes, 58 seconds
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080: Ina May Gaskin, Hypnobabies, Stellar Midwives and Much More: Our List Of Favorite Home Birth Resources

In today's episode we're talking about all of the amazingly helpful resources we used when planning our home birth: from Ina May Gaskin books, to the Hypnobabies audio course, to The Business Of Being Born documentary, to conversations with our amazing midwives. We go through the home birth resources that we personally used, along with pregnancy and birth planning resources we intend to use for baby #2. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/27/201737 minutes, 22 seconds
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079: HOME BIRTH STORY - “Just Like a Home Birth, But in a Hospital” with Jessica Thomas

In today’s episode we’re chatting with Jessica Thomas, to hear about her empowered birth choice to deliver in a hospital. Her story is beautiful and it's almost like she had a home birth experience in a hospital! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/23/201740 minutes, 23 seconds
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078: Taboo Subjects of Birth and Motherhood with Ashley Woolsey of Motherhood Tabutiful

Today we have the awesome honor and privilege of bringing you an empowering conversation with Ashley Woolsey - mother of 3, doula and creator of Motherhood Tabutiful (pronounced “ta-beautiful”) - a blog and online community for mothers to come together and share their stories of motherhood. To give some more context on Motherhood Tabutiful, here is it’s mission statement straight from the site: “Our mission is to create a safe and judgment free space for women and mothers to share their stories of the taboo subjects that surround motherhood.  It is with this space, that we hope to help normalize these subjects.  It is with this space, that we hope to offer comfort and solidarity among those who are hurting.  It is with this space, that we hope to encourage those struggling, to speak up and reach out.  We realize that motherhood is beautiful, and amazing, and fulfilling. But we also know that it is ugly, and dark, and difficult.  And so, it is with this space, that we hope to wrap our arms and our hearts around you, for a virtual hug, so that even in the ugliest, and darkest, and most difficult of times, you will find solace in knowing that you are not alone.” Ashley and Sarah connected a while back on Instagram. Then with the birth of Motherhood Tabutiful, we knew we wanted to have Ashley on to share her perspective and riff on some topics with us. We chat about that isolation that many women feel during motherhood. And for Ashley, she found that social media and finding a community was extremely helpful. So why not create an easy-to-access platform for moms to share, read, learn, inspire...particularly around topics that others will shy away from due to fear or discomfort. Ashley has crafted Motherhood Tabutiful to be judgment-free and a safe space to delve into these types of things and normalize them. So of course, we chat about home birth and how that ties into the categories of “taboo” and uncomfortable conversations.  Listen in to hear more, and check out Motherhood Tabutiful to learn about what Ashley’s up to! Links: Tabutiful website: Tabutiful Instagram: The Peanut Gallery Instagram: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: Donate to DIAH: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Birthfit Prenatal Training: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/19/201739 minutes, 13 seconds
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077: HOME BIRTH STORY - Setting Intentions for a Pain-Free, En Caul Home Birth with Kayleigh Johnson

In today’s episode, we’re talking with Kayleigh Johnson, mama to 14-month-old Amelia and wife to DJ. Kayleigh and her family live in Massachusetts, where they are planning for the birth of baby number two. Amelia was born in a hospital with an epidural and pitocin experience. To Kayleigh, the pitocin contractions felt very unnatural. They way she puts it, “it felt like it was happening to me.” So after some soul searching, they decided on a home birth for this pregnancy. A big influence? Podcasts and social media! Kayleigh got to see and connect with real people, real stories that seemed attainable and allowed her to see the experience for herself. Kayleigh’s faith is integral in her life, and so it’s been a part of her birth planning as well. She was able to find a Christian midwife who aligned with her belief system (she even found her midwife on social media! Thank you, technology!). This synergy has been important for the connection she’s seeking with her birth team. Kayleigh also has visions she is praying for in her birth. She’s believing for a pain-free, no tear, en caul birth. We’re happy and honored to hold that intention for her. And we’re very excited to share her story with you! Links: Supernatural Childbirth - Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: Donate to DIAH: DIAH Shop: ttps:// Needed: - use code DIAH to get 20% off your order Birthfit Prenatal Training: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/16/201732 minutes, 32 seconds
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076: Why Non-Moms are Important in the Home Birth Conversation with Katy Drew

We have a fun and little different kind of episode for you today. Katy emailed us after her great friend and fellow DIAH mama Katie McCormick (from episode 73) shared the podcast with her. Katy thanked us for what we’re up to with the show. As a “non-mom” (though she plans to be in the future), she’s always been fascinated by pregnancy and birth. She’s been exploring the option of home birth for herself when that time comes.  So we figured...let’s get on the phone, hit record and see what happens!  We believe that what Katy’s doing is an awesome example. If women who are not yet mothers are interested in exploring their future options, educating themselves, having conversations with other women at different stages of motherhood, then that means we have a lot more women empowered, confident and supported in their decisions. We are all for that! This doesn’t mean all women need to be doing this. It’s whatever works for you. We would just like to see more positive energy around conversations of pregnancy and birth, regardless of what phase of it someone is in.  So Katy shares with us some of her thoughts on why home birth would be a good fit for her. For one, she likes to take the most natural route possible with things. She’s also a more private person, and looks at birth as a very sacred time.  We also talk about how resources like the Doing It At Home podcast have helped, supported and informed on home birth related topics.  So if you are not pregnant yet, but considering home birth as an option, this is a perfect episode for you! Links: Ann Margolis episode - Ann Margolis website - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/13/201737 minutes, 46 seconds
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075: HOME BIRTH STORY - Using Fitness, Nutrition and Mindfulness to Prepare for Your Home Birth with Becky Diaz

In today’s episode, we’re talking with Becky Diaz. Becky is a personal trainer, nutritionist, and placenta encapsulator who used fitness and nutrition to help prepare for her most recent home birth.  Becky and her husband Hugo live in Los Angeles, California and have 3 children: Riley, Juilan and River. Her first was born in a hospital, where she experienced an epidural and pitocin. For babies 2 and 3, they decided to go with home birth. Becky was really interested in how she could use the experiences of pregnancy and birth to really push herself and learn about herself more. In our conversation, we talk a lot about the preparation she did for her third birth for baby River. This pregnancy involved a lot more mental work - being more mindful and not just muscling through the birth. This was more about trust and surrender to the process. Becky utilized techniques like meditation to support her. She used a visualization practice of seeing the sensations as waves crashing and washing away, rather than a painful contraction. Birth for her was incredibly spiritual, and she says it was the most meditative she’s ever felt.  Becky is a beautiful examples of knowing yourself, tapping into that and using it to help you prepare for such an incredible experience like birth is. Another key piece of advice from her that we totally agree with: “Don’t listen to someone else’s horror story.” In other words, be mindful of the material you take in during pregnancy and birth preparation. It can really make an impact.  Links:  Becky's Instagram: Becky's website: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/8/201739 minutes, 28 seconds
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074: A Few Updates, Beyonce and Jay-z’s Home Birth and Word Association Games

In today’s episode, you get a little bit of a glimpse of our wacky world and Matthew’s and my silly banter.  Heads up on the audio for this episode: we know it’s not the most awesome thing ever. We’re kinda snobs about our audio quality (well, Matthew definitely is!), so it was quite irritating when we realized there was an issue after we recorded. Oh well, the show must go on! So if you didn’t notice anything, then forget we said anything!  Anyway, in this episode we’re just having fun. We’re keeping it pretty light and breezy, unscripted and our goofy, uncensored selves. We go over some updates and future things for Doing It At Home, also touch on some of the recent news in the birthing world. Like have you heard of this couple named Beyonce and Jay-Z? Well they’re kinda a big deal, and they just happened to welcome twins into the world - and technically in a home birth if the articles are correct.  And then things get really crazy - Matthew and I play a fun little word association game: home birth edition! Listen to find out what comes to Matthew’s mind when I throw out birth related words to him in rapid-fire fashion! Let’s just say we had a few laughs! Enjoy! Links: Beyonce article: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/5/201730 minutes, 20 seconds
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073: HOME BIRTH STORY - An Expat Planning a Home Birth in Ireland with Katie McCormick

In today's episode we're talking with Katie McCormick, an American ex-pat living in Ireland who is choosing home birth to welcome her baby into the world. Katie and her husband Ryan decided to leave their life in Portland, Oregon - quit their jobs and travel across Europe. About a year ago, they decided to settle in Ireland, eloped and got pregnant shortly after.  Katie knew immediately that she wanted to have a home birth. But being an expat in a new country, she had no idea where to begin as far as planning and resources. To use her words from her email to us: “When we got pregnant we were still living in a very temporary living space (think garage remodeled into a loft) on a sheep farm where we were 2 hours from the hospital, and no midwifes were willing to travel to us, so my initial search for beginning the birth plan kept coming up dry until one day through some magical universal energy I found a woman that recommended our midwife to us! However we would have to move 2 hours south to be close enough to be in her “region,” so thank  the stars we just recently have found a home on the southern coast of Ireland and got the “go ahead” from our midwife that we can birth in this house as we are close enough to her….. We are away from all our family, we are still foreigners in a new environment, yet we just know this is divine timing and this is where our child is meant to be born. The house we are living in now is a 150 year old stone cottage, and our landlady said many many babies have been born here; it feels quite kismet. Most people back in the states think we are little crazy/can’t believe we are doing this without family around etc, but truly we have never felt more supported than the community of people in our village, and little did I know we moved to an area where most women prefer home birth and have multiple stories to share. It is a small community, but because it is on the ocean, rugged, and so natural in this area, it is like a vortex of very creative and earthy people-it is an energy that makes you feel invincible.” We speak with Katie in the last few weeks of her pregnancy and get to hear how she’s feeling as the time in her pregnancy winds down and they prepare for baby’s arrival. She also shares the experience of what’s it like to have all of their family back in the States as they plan for home birth in their new home and country. Tune in and get ready for another inspiring pre-home birth story! Links: Dublin Doulas - Hypnobirth course - Ina may  spiritual midwifery - Doing It At Home book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/1/201737 minutes, 58 seconds
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072: HOME BIRTH STORY - 5 Home Births Over the Course of 20 Years with Melissa Rae Irish-Miller

In today’s episode we chat with Melissa Rae Irish-Miller about the home birth of her 5 children. I’m not even really sure with where to begin with this episode or what to tell you as far as the highlights...because there are too many! Melissa is a mother of 5. And all 5 of her children were born at home. And over the course of 20 years. Her oldest is 21 years old, and her youngest is 7 months old. Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/25/20171 hour, 7 minutes, 32 seconds
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071: Special Birthday Episode - Matthew's Birth Story

In this episode we are rebroadcasting a portion of our Mother's Day special -- Matthew's birth story. Today, July 22nd, is Matthew's birthday! And we thought what better way to celebrate on the podcast than to play the story of Matthew's birth 31 years ago. Back on Mother's Day of this year, both Matthew and I had conversations with our moms where they shared our birth stories. Neither of us were born at home, but it's our podcast and we can publish what we want! So we took the portion of that episode where Matthew's hearing his birth story from his mom, and republished it today. Happy Birthday Matthew! <3 : ) Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/22/201742 minutes, 24 seconds
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069: HOME BIRTH STORY - “I did it at home, ask me how!” with Sara Frattle

Remember episode 35 with Tammy Williams? The fearless first-time mom at 38? Well, there’s another fearless awesome woman from her gene pool, and it’s her sister Sara! Sara Frattle and her husband Tony got to watch Tammy and David go through their journey of home birth, and were influenced by the experience. Sara was also just generally turned off by the hospital option after watching a less than powerful birth in that environment. So, they used the same midwives as Auntie Tammy and planned their own home birth! We talk about the “want” and the “don’t want” lists you can make while you’re figuring out your birth plan. We also hear about prodromal labor, our joint obsessions with Halloween and...birth comics. Yep, it’s we cover it all. Oh, and favorite quote. Right after their baby daughter Sloane was born, new papa Tony exclaims, “that was awesome!” Listen and enjoy!   Notes: Episode #35 with Tammy Williams Ina May Books Hypnobirthing Crooked Fork Comic on Instagram Sara's Instagram   Sponsor Check out to learn about Reverie and their amazing power bed that helps pregnant moms and new moms get the best sleep possible. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/11/201759 minutes, 5 seconds
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068: HOME BIRTH STORY - Leaning Into Birth and Postpartum Challenges with Joy Kiesch Part 2

In this episode, we continue our conversation with Joy Kiesch, our DIAH mama who had her first baby Dakota at home. We dive into some of the things that pop up in the early postpartum stage. Things like dealing with family and visitors, informing people about the birth and how you deal with the outside energy, comments, etc. What happens when the whole “I just had a baby!” thing starts to sink in. You’re 72 hours in and just lose it. Crying. Don’t know what to do. Joy is real, raw and totally awesome to share what she experienced. Anyone interested in consuming your placenta in some way after birth? How about a smoothie?! And of course we chat about how this new phase can impact your relationship with your partner, and how you can work on staying connected. Thank you so much to Joy for being brave and bold and for sharing your story with us and the DIAH community! Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/5/201724 minutes, 17 seconds
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067: HOME BIRTH STORY - Leaning Into Birth and Postpartum Challenges with Joy Kiesch Part 1

In today’s episode we speak with Joy Kiesch, wife to Yamil and mama to Dakota. Our conversation flowed so organically, that we decided to make it a two-parter! More on that in a second. The way Joy describes the home birth of her son Dakota goes something like this, “born peacefully at home, surrounded by love.”  Joy considers herself a great candidate for home birth given her health and overall mindset. There were also other factors that influenced their decision - like for one, home birth is actually the more affordable option in many instances (not that we’re saying you should bargain hunt when it comes to your birth plan, however it is fascinating that this is an area where sometimes cheaper is better!). Joy also felt like a number when it came to the OBGYN offices. She was looking for more intimate connection, which she found in her midwife. She has family members who practice homepathy, and even her mom and aunt had home births of their own! Top it off with an incredibly supportive partner in Yamil, and we’re going home birth, folks! We really explore what it looks like to move through the discomforts that can arise in pregnancy and birth. sometimes surrender isn’t enough. Maybe it requires a further step of embracing it all. Listen in to learn more, and be sure to check out part 2 where we talk about some of the postpartum challenges Joy experienced. Links: Doing It At Home book on Amazon: DIAH website: DIAH Facebook Group: DIAH Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Give Back to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/5/201745 minutes, 38 seconds
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066: SPECIAL INTERVIEW - Preparing for Home Birth Before You’re Even Pregnant with Kim and Tim

Today’s episode has a nice twist to it! It’s an interview, but not typically like the ones we do on the show. We’re kinda the ones being interviewed! Here’s some context and background: we received an awesome listener email from Kim. Kim is engaged to Tim. Yes, Kim and Tim. Kim and Tim are a great couple, creating this beautiful partnership. As they prepare to enter marriage and plan for this amazing life they intend to have together, they are naturally having conversations of eventually wanting to have children. What’s really cool is that they know they want to experience a home birth when the time comes. First off, we acknowledge them for being so in tuned with one another, and exploring this conversation beforehand. While they understand there isn’t direct planning that needs to be put in place right now for a home birth, they are recognizing the value in having these discussions and being on the same page. We can greatly appreciate this. Children - how to make them, birth them and raise them - can be a big topic of division between partners. To work on aligning with one another early in the game is something that we support. So for any of you listeners out there who have not had any children yet - this is a great episode for you. Because you don’t have to be pregnant to be interested in birth, or interested in exploring what your future options could be. It’s never too early for information, inspiration and empowerment. Kim and Tim ask Matthew and me (Sarah) some of the questions they have like physical and mental preparation for pregnancy and birth and how the partner can be involved and an active support role. We had such a blast chatting with these two. We’re going to keep in touch and keep tabs on their journey for when they eventually want to “do it at home!”   Link: The Business Of Being Born Doing It At Home book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/2/201750 minutes, 36 seconds
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062: HOME BIRTH STORY - Finding Peace When the Plans Change with Olivia and Will Byrnes

In this episode, we have the joy of chatting with Olivia and Will, parents to sweet 7-week-old baby Audrey. Olivia and Will share the story of their journey to choosing home birth, planning for it, and then discovering at 37 weeks pregnant that it was no longer a viable option for them. Olivia is a neonatal nurse in the NICU - so she sees all the things that can go wrong. This was part of the reason why she and Will didn’t want to be a hospital for Audrey’s birth. She’s also very transparent about not being 100% confident in the decision and having reservations about sharing their plans with others for fear of judgement and less than powerful conversation. It’s also wild to hear the difference in healthcare costs and options in different countries (see show notes on our website for an email from Olivia all about it). Olivia and Will live in Australia and while planning their home birth they only spent about $60 for a general practitioner visit and the cost of a birthing pool. Whether they chose to birth at home or in the hospital, it would be free! After they learned they could no longer have a home birth, they worked on finding peace with the situation and preparing themselves for having an amazing birth experience despite the change in plans. Olivia still labored most of the time at home, before traveling to the birthing center where they had their daughter Audrey. Olivia and Will are such a beautiful couple and we’re so happy to have connected with them to share their inspiring story on the podcast!    Links: Why Not Home Unhindered Childbirth Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: A special post interview email from Olivia: After we finished the call I realized we never even spoke about the differences in our healthcare system - i.e. everything being free! Also about how we weren't able (didn't feel like) we could share our home birth choice with people, especially at work, for fear of judgment. Although I'm sure that's quite a common issue surrounding home birth. I would have liked to share a few things, but completely forgot/got side tracked! During pregnancy I had lots of severe SIJ pain, which really impacted negatively on exercise - I wasn't able run or do much cardio. So I walked everyday for about an hour at the beach with the dogs & listened to amazing empowering podcasts like yours! And I also went swimming, 3 times a week while I was working & then when I went on maternity leave at 34 weeks, I swam 5 times a week. I just loved the freedom! And I wanted to make sure baby was in a good position, I wanted to avoid a breech or posterior baby & swimming is great for that! I saw a chiropractor regularly for my hip pain which also really helped. I floated every single week up til 37 weeks in a float tank! I think it was the best thing I could have done. The relaxation was an absolute blessing & it helped with aching legs towards the end too. It was also really lovely because baby moved a lot in the tank, so I felt really connected (maybe I just noticed it more - my placenta was at the front, so I struggled to feel lots of movement). I think the most important message to pass on to women preparing for home birth - or just birth in general - is just to surround yourself with positive birth stories. Don't let the negative vibes in! Things didn't go to plan, but I'm so glad I didn't go into birth & delivery being scared of it - i was excited! I love our birth story & I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to plan & prepare for a home birth, even if it didn't work out that way. We have a beautiful baby girl, & that's really all that matters! Lots of love Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/14/201753 minutes, 26 seconds
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061: BONUS - Meditation and The Power Of Allowing Yourself To Be Happy with Mark Krassner

We have a special bonus episode for you! We had the chance to speak with Mark Krassner, creator of the guided meditation app for moms called Expectful. Sarah has been using this app recently and really loves it. So she was thrilled when we had the chance to talk with Mark about the app, the how and why of it's creation, and his mission to make meditation as common as prenatal vitamins. Enjoy this bonus episode with Mark! Links: Expectful Expectful on Instagram Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/10/201729 minutes, 13 seconds
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060: HOME BIRTH STORY - Letting Baby Lead The Way with Deanne Ziadie

In today's episode we're talking with Deanne Ziadie, an amazing mama with a beautiful birth story. Dee planned for a home birth and ended up being transferred to a hospital. Despite the change in plans, Dee made the conscious choice to surrender her need to control the situation and let her baby lead the way. The result was the peaceful and healthy birth of her daughter, Seren. Links: Dee's Instagram Page Expectful Hypnobabies Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/10/201735 minutes, 8 seconds
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059: HOME BIRTH STORY - The Alabama Freebirth Story with Ginny Rodgers

Today we have a really incredible episode, for many reasons. For one, it’s a home birth story with an extensive journey, full of highs and lows. And it’s really about trusting your heart and your intuition. Ginny is the essence of a mother. The way she describes her connection with her children and her experience of her gave me goosebumps multiple times during our conversation. She has dreams about her children - before she conceives them. Her trust and faith is so beautiful and something we can all learn from. She and her husband James have two children together: Grace who is 3 years old and Deborah who is 9 months old. Ginny opens up and shares part of the loss they’ve also experienced, having endured 3 miscarriages before Deborah’s birth. She’s open and honest about the loneliness she felt in the grief walk, the devastation and the healing. She shares how all of it has just brought her and James closer together, strengthening their partnership and bonding them in a more intimate way. Living in Alabama, where home birth was illegal at the time (happy to report this status has changed since our interview!), Ginny and James decided to have an unassisted home birth, otherwise known as free birth (The only way to have a home birth in Alabama at the time, as it was illegal to have any certified nurse midwife or medical professional in attendance for a planned home birth. This, as you can imagine, deterred many families from choosing home birth, with the fear factor of not being allowed to have any care providers present. Yes, we’re shaking our heads just thinking about it, too.). Even with the label of “high risk” after blood clotting and a stillbirth, Ginny and James proceeded to plan for their home birth. They were under the care of an OB for prenatal visits and educated themselves. For Ginny, she just knew the hospital wasn’t the right choice for her. And so, the two of them welcomed their baby daughter Deborah into the world from the comfort of their home, just the two of them. Listen to the episode to hear more! Notes: Ginny's birth story blog post "Dear Deborah: On The Day Your Were Born" Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/7/201745 minutes, 1 second
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058: 8 Celebrities Who Did It At Home

Today’s episode is the Doing It At Home celebrity list of home births. We’re chatting about 8 celebrities who chose home birth. This of course is not the list of the only celebrities who had their babies at home. There’s a bunch out there, and probably even more that haven’t publicly shared this part of their lives (which we can understand, given all the attention they already get!). These are just the people we were most excited to talk about when we found out we shared this common experience with them.  Ricki Lake - One of the mamas behind the famous documentary The Business of Being Born. We had to acknowledge her in this list and thank for the awesome documentary that has inspired and influenced so many of us. Majority of the home birth moms we interview mentioned BOBB as a big part of their home birth decision and preparation. Think about how many home births have happened as a result of her and what she decided to boldly do! Erykah Badu - Matthew and I are huge fans. All hail her and her awesomeness. She had all 3 of her children at home. She even does doula work! Pamela Anderson - Celebrating the upcoming Baywatch movie, she had to be on the list when we found out she had both of her sons at home. Demi Moore - She made a big splash with her famous Vanity Fair cover, naked and pregnant, in 1991. And then had her babies at home. What a powerful woman! Gisele Bundchen - BOBB did a followup four-part series, one of which featured celebrity moms talking about their various birth experiences. Gisele totally rocked it, talking about her home birth so peacefully and matter of factly. Her chill vibe resonated and prompted us to add her to the list. Mayim Bialik - Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler! We are also big fans of Big Bang Theory. Mayim, aside from being a great actress and neuroscientist, is big on natural parenting, extended breastfeeding, and home birth. There was really no question of putting her on this list.  Justin and Emily Baldoni - This spot goes to both mom and dad. Justin shares so much of his experience of fatherhood and family life on his social media that he needed to be included along with his beautiful wife Emily. They’re on the list for a few reasons. For one, Sarah loves Jane the Virgin - it’s a total guilty pleasure and reminds her of home in South Florida. Another reason, they welcomed their first baby in a home birth - a daughter named...Maiya! We obviously love this name. They’re currently pregnant with baby number 2, and we’re very excited to watch this part of their journey. Queen Elizabeth II - So not your average home birth. But if you live in a palace, and you give birth there...well, call it home birth! The Queen gave birth to Prince Charles, with a royal midwife in attendance. This just seemed like such a cool fact that we had to talk about it and incorporate it into the list. Honorary number 9 spot goes out to Alanis Morissette, who also made an appearance in the BOBB followup series to talk about her home birth. Alanis songs are Matthew’s go-to for karaoke, so to acknowledge that and of course honor the splendor that is Alanis, she gets a special spot. Notes: Celebrity Home Births: 10 Celebrities Who Gave Birth At Home 11 Celebrity Home Birth Mamas UK Daily Mail article about Justin and Emily Baldoni home birth Business of Being Born and the additional series Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/3/201723 minutes, 55 seconds
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057: HOME BIRTH STORY - The Jurassic Park Affirmation Birth Story: Part 2 with Katie and Chris McGrath

In this episode we're once again talking with Katie and Chris McGrath on their home birth. Katie and Chris joined us on the podcast a while back to share about their pregnancy, homebirth plans, and how preparation leading up to birth day. Today we're following up now that baby has arrived! Back in episode 39 we spoke with Katie and Chris McGrath, parents-to-be, awaiting the arrival of undetermined gender baby McGrath. Chris was actually our first home birth dad to join us on the show. Since our first interview with them, we’ve developed a close bond with the McGraths. We’ve connected over all the usual things home birth parents do, you Star Wars, super heroes and Jurassic Park. We get right into the birth story, so if you want some background and all that led up to this, go back to episode 39 and check that out. There’s a lot of similarities with our own birth story. For example, Katie describes the experience as “pretty intense and pretty quick.” We get to hear first-hand from Chris about his role as birth partner and how he processed the event. There’s some really cool tips regarding having birth affirmations in the room as well. And they even had their dog with them during the birth! So pet owners who are debating what to do at birth time, listen in! Spoiler alert: baby turned out to be a girl. And baby Molly is quite the adorable ball of squish. So you’ll have to check out the episode page on our website to see for yourself! Links: Being A Birth Nerd And Trusting The Process with Katie & Chris McGrath (pt1) Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/29/201748 minutes, 58 seconds
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056: How To Prepare Your Children For Your Home Birth

In this episode we're sharing tips that we've picked up from talking to home birth moms who chose to have their kids present at their siblings birth. A number of moms on the show had their kids present when their siblings came into the world, and we thought it would be a great idea to share some of the creative ways they prepared their kids for childbirth. We're sharing 5 simple tips for preparing your kids for homebirth. We reference a few previous episodes in this podcast, including episode 49 - The 11 Pound Home Birth Baby with Natalie Bancroft and Laura Fifield, and an episode with Laura Drury which has yet to publish (but keep a look out for it). If you had your children present at your home birth, and have any additional advice for fellow listeners, we'd love to hear it! You can reach out to us at [email protected].  Links: Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Sponsors Check out to learn about Anne Margolis's amazing birth course for having the most exquisite birth experience of your life! It's called "Love Your Birth" and you can use the code DIAHOME to get $20 off. (Code applies only to course, not to course + call bundle). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/28/201722 minutes, 59 seconds
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055: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Chiropractic Mama At A Birthing Center with Emily Lucchino

In today's episode we're talking to mama Emily Lucchino about giving birth at a birth center, being a natural mama, and how chiropractic practices factored into her prenatal care. Meet Emily, chiropractor, doula-in-training, mama to Ava Grace, wife to Joe, and lover of all things natural. Emily grew up on a farm and familiar with what it’s like to live off the land. She shares that when they weren’t feeling well in her home, they used hand-picked herbs, flowers and other natural remedies for healing. It makes sense that Emily was drawn to school for chiropractic care, being in alignment (pun intended!) with natural healthcare and living. Her husband Joe had a more modern upbringing. So when it came time to decide what to do when they became pregnant, it was a big test of their marriage. To set the scene, Emily and Joe got pregnant just after getting married, at the same time their careers were taking off. So here they are with multiple new life experiences and figuring out how to navigate it all. They asked themselves, “are we ready for this?!” Emily originally wanted a home birth. After some discussion and compromising with Joe, they decided on a birthing center. Emily takes us through the process of this decision, along with some of the deep self-work she did while pregnant. She’s excited to share her story because it’s an opportunity to re-write the script of what you typically hear around birth. And she also answers the million dollar question for us - Will they do a home birth for baby number 2?! Links: The Midwife Center for Birth & Women's Health in Pittsburg, PA Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/24/201748 minutes, 53 seconds
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054: A Raw Conversation About New Motherhood

In this episode we're talking about mommy guilt, comparison and shame. We're kicking off a brand new series on the Doing It At Home podcast. Normally we talk about home birth, healthy pregnancy, and share home birth stories. But we also want to bring conversations about new parenthood because that's extremely relevant to many of our listeners (and also to ourselves).  On episode 45 Matthew and I interviewed new mom Monica Smith, and me and Monica really hit it off. So much so that we started having weekly phone calls where we opened up to one another about the challenges we were facing in new motherhood. The conversations were so honest and raw that we decided to record them for you all, because we know we're not the only ones with these feelings. So what you're hearing is a recorded conversation between Monica and myself. There is no structure to the call, we're simply sharing from our hearts how we're feeling in the moment. In this episode we talk about mommy guilt, comparison and shame. Links: Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/21/201724 minutes, 17 seconds
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053: HOME BIRTH STORY - The Super Fast Bradley Method Water Birth with Kimberly Huck

In today’s episode we’re talking with Kimberly Huck, a new mama who used the Bradley Method during her water birth at home. Kimberly is mama to Henry and wife to Dan. And we have a special connection with Kimberly. We live near each other and...we used the same midwives! So the same women who helped deliver baby Maya, delivered baby Henry just a few months earlier. Kimberly and I connected after she posted a cool home birth related article on Facebook that happened to make its way into my awareness (article link in the show notes). Kimberly is a chiropractor, and she and her husband Dan own a fitness studio in Marietta, Georgia called American Row House. They met while attending Life University, while Kimberly studied chiropractic and Dan studied sports health science. The Huck household is very into health and fitness, healthy habits and lifestyle and living as natural and toxin-free as possible. Kimberly grew up in a natural home, being unvaccinated herself. She became interested in home birth after working for a chiropractor in her early 20s who had a home birth in their family. So for she and Dan, home birth is just a part of the world they live in. In their environment it’s “normal.” Kimberly’s story highlights the concept of honoring the body’s natural process and timing. Also - birth is not an exact science. Enjoy her journey and story!   Show notes Kimberly's Crunchi page American Row House Dawning Life Midwifery The Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth Birth Takes A Village article "Dear home birth skeptic" Dr. Bootstaylor's gynecology, midwifery and perinatal practice Dr. Rubin's chiropractic practice Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH:   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/16/20171 hour, 1 minute, 10 seconds
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052: Mother's Day Special Edition: We Interview Our Own Moms!

In today's super special episode of the Doing It At Home podcast, we are interviewing our own moms about our birth stories! In this show we interview tons of moms and families on their home birth stories, and so we thought we'd switch things up a bit for Mother's Day and hear about how each of us came into the world from the women who ushered us earth side. Derry Bivens is mother to Matthew, and Kathryn Russell is mother to Sarah. Both moms have beautiful birth stories filled with courage, strength, determination and joy.  Enjoy this super special Mother's Day episode of the Doing It At Home Podcast! Links: The Doing It At Home book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/13/20171 hour, 21 minutes, 36 seconds
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051: The Birth Of A Mama Goddess with Kim Newing

In this episode, we’re chatting with Kim Newing - a teacher, intuitive coach and creator of hypnotic meditations for women who want more from their lives. I found Kim from a Facebook post of a video of her home birth (link to video is in our show notes on our website). This video brought me to tears and I knew we had to have her on the show. The video was the home birth of her third daughter, Harper. Kim is mother to two other girls, Charlotte and Page. Kim, her husband Jess and their girls live in Brisbane, Australia (if you haven’t noticed, we’ve had quite a few amazing interviews with women from Australia - it’s rising steadily to the top of our list of places we need to visit!). Kim was a life coach for 11 years, and then her business took a slightly different trajectory after experiencing a miscarriage. Since then, she’s found a way to acknowledge the divine synchronistic events of life, and to birth something beautiful from the experience. Then, Mama Goddess was born! Mama Goddess is Kim’s movement - a way to address the lack of nurturing many women have towards themselves. It’s also an awakening for women to love and honor themselves. Kim’s goal is to help women feel whole and empowered in the preparation and experience of birth. To do this, she has just launched her Sacred Birthing Program, an audio series for conscious women to want to experience a “divine and empowered birthing experience.” In this program, Kim is there with you to say, “I see you and I know what you’re capable of.” Kim is really about the spirituality of birth, and her experiences and knowledge are so valuable and we’re grateful to share it with our listeners. Links: Kim's Website Sacred Birthing Course Kim's incredible home birth video The Doing It At Home book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH:   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/9/201738 minutes, 19 seconds
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050: HOME BIRTH STORY - The Secret Home Birth Story with Catherine Spada

In this episode, we’re talking with Catherine about her home birth. Catherine is a spunky, energetic mom of 2 from Canada. You can feel her enthusiasm through the speakers. Her lively nature and passionate storytelling captivates you. Catherine has a the perspective of hospital birth and a home birth. Cool fact: she got to use the same midwife for both births! And we’re honored to share that our show helped influence and support Catherine and her husband Carmen (who wasn’t so convinced to start off with) to choose a home birth. Their preparation process involved a lot of trust-building with the intention to protect the reverence of the birth experience. Isn’t that beautiful? And get this - Catherine and Carmen strategically chose not to tell anyone of their intentions to home birth. So everyone found out after baby arrived! We find this to be totally badass - being bold and true to yourself and going about things the way that resonates most with you. Catherine talks about how her home birth gave her the opportunity to open up and surrender more than she had in her first birth. Quotable from Catherine, “birth is reflective of your life.” Listen to how Catherine did what she calls “conquering pushing,” what it feels like to have a bowling ball between your butt and vagina (yes, we’re getting real, folks), and how your home birth can have lots of sandwiches. Links: Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Sponsors Check out to learn about Anne Margolis's amazing birth course for having the most exquisite birth experience of your life! It's called "Love Your Birth" and you can use the code DIAHOME to get $20 off. (Code applies only to course, not to course + call bundle). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/6/20171 hour, 15 minutes, 52 seconds
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049: HOME BIRTH STORY - The 11 Pound Home Birth Baby with Natalie Bancroft and Laura Fifield

In today’s episode we’re talking with Natalie Bancroft and Laura Fifield, two amazing women who are linked with a quite famous recent birth story. You see Natalie, a birth photographer and doula as well as a mama of 3, gave birth to her third baby earlier this year at home. And baby Simon weighed 11 lbs. 2 oz!!! And Laura, Natalie’s friend, birth photographer and mama of 2, was there to document the experience. Some of the amazing photos from the birth, namely one that features Natalie holding her newly birthed bundle of adorable squish with this elated, shocked, goddess-like expression of “wow!” has been featured far and wide. Publications like Today Show, Hello Giggles and even People have featured the image on their sites.  We were so grateful and excited to speak with these awesome women. They share insights from the birth photography community, which is small in their city of Spokane, WA. We get to hear about some of the memorable births they’ve been able to document. Natalie talks about her journey to home birth, having her first in a hospital, and deciding that she wanted a different experience for future births. Her second was a beautiful home birth, and she knew she’d have another one for her third. It wasn’t long into the pregnancy that she realized baby number 3 was going to be larger than the others. Natalie’s belly was so much larger, in fact, that they went for an ultrasound towards the end of the pregnancy to find out if she was having twins! Turns out, she wasn’t. This baby was just that big. When birthing time came around, everyone was prepared and peaceful. And the whole experience was only about 4 hours! Both these women are total rockstars and inspiration for the birthing community. We’re honored to have them join the DIAH podcast and share a story that has reached so many. Enjoy! Links: Natalie's birth photography website Natalie's Instagram Laura's birth photography website Laura's Instagram Spokane River Midwifes Childbirth Without Fear Ina May's Guide To Childbirth Natalie & Laura in Today Natalie & Laura in Hello Giggles Natalie & Laura in People Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/2/201757 minutes, 36 seconds
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048: Reaction To Huffington Post Home Birth Article & Big News For Midwives In Alabama

In today's episode we're commenting on a few recent news articles that center around home birth. The first comes from Huffington Post (now HuffPost) and is titled "Home Births Safe For Most Woman, But Not All, Says New Study". The second is an article from and is called "House approves Bill to allow midwives to legally practice in Alabama". Both of these articles speak to the progress being made for the home birth community, both online and locally.  In the first article, the author Chloe Tejada cites a study that finds that home birth is safe for most women. We had a reaction of "Duh!", but that's not the point. The point is that a major media outlet is reporting something positive about home birth! That's a huge step forward for the homebirth community as a whole. The article goes on to state things that are probably not surprising to most: in women who are low risk, and even some who in the past have been deemed moderate risk (like over 35 years of age, have had a previous cesarean), can have favorable outcomes with a home birth. The study referenced in the article also makes the point that women are allowed to decide where they want to give birth, which we absolutely loved. So overall, we give this article two thumbs up for presenting the idea that out-of-hospital birth may be a viable option for people who may not have considered it before.  The second article reports on news out of the state of Alabama. Recently, the House in Alabama approved a bill to allow midwives to practice legally in the state. Up until then, it was illegal for a midwife to help families choosing home birth. If you chose a home birth in Alabama then you were, essentially, on your own in terms of having a certified professional on hand. A mom we recently interviewed for the show shared how this law had impacted her home birth. She and her husband chose to do a free birth because of the law prohibiting midwives from attending. So you can see how big of a deal it is that Alabama has passed this bill. The bill still needs to go through the Senate before it can become law, but this is a huge step forward for the state of Alabama. We're extremely excited for the home birth community in Alabama. Links: Home Births Safe For Most Woman, But Not All, Says New Study House approves Bill to allow midwives to legally practice in Alabama Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/30/201722 minutes, 57 seconds
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047: HOME BIRTH STORY - Two Births at The Farm with Katie Holman

In this episode we’re talking with Katie Holman about her two home births at The Farm (yes that The Farm...the one founded by Ina May Gaskin). Meet Katie. She lives outside of Nashville with her husband, Jimmy and her two sons Cash and Elon. Katie is our first DIAH mom to have a birth story from The Farm! If you’re not familiar with The Farm, prepare to get acquainted. Founded in 1970 by a group of powerful and conscious people, looking to return the natural and sacred act of birth to the family, and have it in an environment that supported women and families. Ina May Gaskin, a juggernaut in the natural birth, home birth and midwifery world, was a founding member. Most anyone who explores natural or home birth has heard of Ina May Gaskin and has been influenced by her work and her writings. Back to Katie. Katie had watched The Business of Being Born documentary and read Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth. The message of Ina May really resonated with Katie, and that lead her to the decision to have both of her children at The Farm. Katie and her husband drove 2 hours to get to The Farm for both births...and while she was in labor, by the way. What a woman! She talks about how having her boys in this home type of atmosphere changed her life. One of my favorite things Katie said, “Birth is not something that happens to you, it’s something you get to experience.” So listen in on what it’s like to have a birth at the world-famous Farm. There’s also conversation around placenta planting and placenta encapsulation. Another fun fact about Katie that just has to be mentioned: her great-grandmother had 17 babies at home! Seems like mama power is in the genes! Links: The Business Of Being Born Ina May Gaskin The Farm Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/25/201754 minutes, 41 seconds
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046: Dr. Sarah Buckley on The Science Of Natural and Undisturbed Birth

In today’s episode we speak with Dr. Sarah Buckley on the science of natural and undisturbed birth. Dr. Buckley is the author of the best selling book Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering, the author the report Hormonal Physiology of Childbearing, and all around natural childbirth expert. We are honored and grateful to have Dr. Sarah Buckley join us on the Doing It At Home Podcast for many reasons. To start, her book "Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor's Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting Choices" was a huge influence on us during our pregnancy. Sarah (our Sarah...Sarah Bivens that is) started reading Dr. Buckley's book while we were still planning for a birth with an OBGYN in a hospital. We learned about Dr. Buckley from her appearances in a DVD series called "Happy Healthy Child" (another resource we highly recommend and link to in the show notes.) Dr. Buckley's extensive research and evidence based information on pregnancy and birth, along with her own accounts of her 4 home births left quite the impression on us. It got the wheels turning and prompted us to think about the elements we wanted in our birth. Overtime we found that the best way to experience all of that would be at home. So we're very grateful to Dr. Buckley and the work that she does, because it's like she's been a part of our journey. Dr. Buckley integrates what would seem like differing philosophies at first glance: in the mindset of a medical background, training, practice and care, and natural, holistic, unassisted, physiological birth. Dr. Buckley talks about physiological birth as the type of birth that's in alignment with how the body is designed to work. And low tech models of care support this process. Home birth is an ideal situation to allow for this. We also talk about the core requirements for birth and what a woman needs to feel private, safe and unobserved. And if you didn't know or fully understand the hormonal cocktail that a woman experienced in natural birth, you will by the end of this episode. Want to know what ecstatic birth is? Listen to this episode. One of the key takeaways here is the potential to reclaim power in the experience of birth. That with a healing birth, we can heal the earth! Links from this episode: Sarah Buckley on Facebook Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor's Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting Choices by Sarah Buckley Hormonal Physiology Of Childbearing (report) Pain In Labor (ebook) Ecstatic Birth (ebook) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/23/201751 minutes, 28 seconds
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045: HOME BIRTH STORY - Learning To Listen To Your Body in Pregnancy and Birth with Monica Smith

In today's episode we're talking to mama, Monica Smith. Monica and her husband Matt welcomed their son Rocky into the world 7 months ago, and they’re such a beautiful family (pictures on our website confirm this so check those out). Both chiropractors, Monica and Matt are used to environments that support home birth and back it up with the philosophy of trusting the body and its amazing ability to heal. Monica is a well of knowledge. She’s also incredibly insightful. Her perspectives on the body, women and birth are enough to get you pumped up and inspired to take on the world! We cover all kinds of topics like tiny house (she and Matt lived in a 275 sq. ft. home for a period of time!) and simplified living, which has transferred over into their parenting styles. We explore what happens when your birth vision does not match up with the actual experience (and how that can be a great thing). Monica also went 42 weeks and 6 days into her pregnancy! Holy mama, right?! Not to mention, she ties in the value of chiropractic care for pregnancy and preparing for home birth (we utilized chiropractic care in our pregnancy and highly recommend it). Monica embodies pregnant intuition - listening to your body, and then using that to influence other areas of your life. And can birth actually be a mirror for who you are in your life? Find out in our interview! Links: Monica's Chiropractic Practice: Rev Optimal Living Birth Wellness Center Birthing From Within The book "Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful: Experience The Natural Power Of Pregnancy and Birth with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation" Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/19/201742 minutes, 27 seconds
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044: Transforming A Purple Pushing Hospital Transfer Into A Beautiful Experience With Brianna Larson

In today's episode we're reading a truly amazing listener email from Brianna. Now, Brianna is a totally badass mama (which you'll hear in the episode). She had planned to birth her daughter in a birth pool at a birthing center, but after pushing for literally the entire night with no real horizon in sight, they decided to transfer her to a hospital, and that's where the story really picks up! Brianna connected with us on Instagram (which you can do @diahpodcast), and emailed me a detailed account of her amazing birth story. I read and re-read her story because it was just too inspiring. As you'll hear, Brianna is a really courageous and strong woman who was determined to bring her baby into the world.   If you would like to email your birth story to us, either to read on the podcast or simply to share it, we'd love to receive it! You can email us at hello [at] diahpodcast [dot] com. You can also reach us on Instagram at @diahpodcast. Links: Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/14/201726 minutes, 30 seconds
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043: HOME BIRTH STORY - Pregnant, Vegan and Planning a Home Birth with Jennifer Sanchez

In this episode we have another home birth story for you! This time we're talking with soon-to-be mom Jennifer Sanchez. Jennifer lives a vegan lifestyle and so we were super curious about how that has played into her pregnancy and home birth planning. Jennifer was a lot of fun to talk to and we're excited to have her on the Doing It At Home Podcast. Jennifer is currently 6 months pregnant and planning for her first child. Her passion is about “helping others to live healthier, more compassionate and eco-friendly lives through the power of making plant-powered choices.” This has also influenced her process of choosing home birth. After making the shift into self-improvement and personal development about 7 years ago, she’s been more focused on being informed and doing research when it comes to life decisions. She watched the Business of Being Born (like a lot of our home birth moms...Ricki Lake if you’re out there, we want to talk with you!), and thought, “this is what it’s supposed to be like, this is motherhood.” She reached out online for home birth resources and came across the Well Rounded Momma, a source of support and information for her throughout the pregnancy. Jennifer is taking care of herself through meditation, taking time to bond with baby, prenatal yoga and releasing any fear-based thinking that’s going to create unnecessary anxiety around birth. Wishing her and her partner Jose all the loving, peaceful vibes for welcoming their baby in the next few months. Stay tuned! Links: Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/10/201738 minutes, 4 seconds
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042: The 8 Things I Did To Be Powerful And Centered During Birth

In this episode, Matthew and I talk about 8 specific things I did before and during my pregnancy, which helped me remain strong, focused, powerful and centered during our home birth.  Links: Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/4/201735 minutes, 25 seconds
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041: HOME BIRTH STORY - Home Birth Across The Pond with Irish Mom Charlotte Knee

In this episode we're talking with Charlotte Knee -- a brand spanking new mom, hailing all the way from Ireland, who welcomed her little bundle of joy in a home birth. In this episode we get to hear some perspective on home birth in Ireland! Charlotte was kind enough to chat with us while her 6-week old baby daughter Iza hung out in the background. We understand the life of fresh parenthood, and we know time is one of the most precious things at this state. So we consider it an honor that she spent some of it with us to share her awesome story. Charlotte’s story is an example of how we continue to stay fascinated with birth in general, especially home birth. Because it’s so different everywhere you go. Living in the states, you just tend to hear about the variations in laws and practices from state to state. But there’s a whole big world out there! Charlotte has never been a big fan of hospitals. And get this - she was born at home! So continuing the tradition, she hired a private midwife and she and her husband Max planned for their home birth. Another cool part of Charlotte’s life - she and her husband live in a shared house. So community is very important to her, and has played a big part in her journey of pregnancy and motherhood. We learned all kinds of new stuff from her - like using a tens unit and laughing gas during labor. We’re totally inspired by Charlotte’s style. And you need to check the show notes on the website because she and her family are pretty adorable! Links: Ina May books Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/3/201744 minutes, 20 seconds
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040: Breaking Up With Your OBGYN When You're Choosing Home Birth

In today's episode we're answering listener email. This one comes to us from Hannah who is looking for feedback on how she can amicably part ways with her OBGYN.  Matthew and I LOVE our listener emails. Seriously, they energize us and inspire us to keep bringing you all awesome content. On the days when we’re feeling under the weather (like Matthew is in this episode - notice the deep, raspy voice) and sleep deprived, we remember your questions and beautiful words of affirmation. They remind us of our mission - to create empowering conversation around home birth and to inspire other moms and families to choose the birth plan that resonates most with them after understanding their options. Enter a great listener email from Hannah. Hannah and her husband were going the hospital birth route, until the details and stipulations around the birthing plan didn’t jive with them. On top of that, they’re exploring how to have the conversation with their general doctor on moving forward with care for baby after birth. You see, their doctor doesn’t support home birth. So how should they move forward? Should they continue to work with the doctor in hopes she’ll be comfortable with treating baby, despite not being on board with home birth? Or do they even worry about it, given all the other things going on? Matthew and I read our response to them and share our feedback. We also give some clear action items for how Hannah and her husband can proceed with their plan from a space of love and understanding. Links: Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/30/201724 minutes, 46 seconds
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039: HOME BIRTH STORY - Being A Birth Nerd and Trusting The Process with Katie & Chris McGrath

In this episode we chat with mom-to-be Katie about her journey to home birth, and the days ahead. At 39 weeks pregnant, she’s prepped and ready for birth day! And this episode has a surprise special guest - Katie’s husband Chris! He joins us for the call, a first for the show. We were super excited to hear from him and get his perspective on the whole process. Both were heavily influenced by The Business of Being Born, and knew they wanted to have labor and birth be on their own terms. A self-described “birth nerd,” Katie loves to dive into researcher mode. Their pregnancy was no exception. They searched their options for a local midwife and never looked back. Katie and Chris feel like old friends to us. The conversation was effortless, fun, light and empowering. They set a great example for doing what feels best to them and creating a loving, welcoming space for baby to enter into. We can’t wait to chat with them once baby is earthside! Links: The Business Of Being Born Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/27/201737 minutes, 22 seconds
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038: HOME BIRTH STORY - "Birth Is Not Pain, Birth Is Power!" with Megan Kibling

In this episode we're talking with Megan Kibling as she shares her empowering home birth story with us. Megan is mom to 6-year-old Aurelia and 19-month-old Leonardo Iztali from Denver, Colorado. We connected with Megan via another DIAH mom, Marissa (whom we interviewed a few weeks before). Megan had sent a banner to Marissa to decorate her home in preparation for home birth. The same banner has made its way to other mamas since then, and Megan plans to continue to send it to friends as they want it. Besides supporting other women in their home birth journeys, Megan has an amazing story of her own. After having a great experience with her first birth in a birthing center, she felt inspired to move into home birth for the next time around. She says she felt empowered and knew a home birth was the next step. In between Aurelia and Leonardo, Megan experienced a miscarriage at 10 weeks. Megan shares openly on the fear and guilt that crept in during that time, and how she embarked on a journey of forgiveness, back to grace, comfort and love. By the time she was pregnant with Leonardo, Megan felt in full trust of her body, her baby and herself. She listened to the flow and went the whole pregnancy and birth almost completely unassisted. She did yoga, meditated, read, watched home births, created affirmations and playlists -- all to create the sacred space for her birth. Megan is a total inspiration. This episode has a lot of great quotes and mantras to pull from. My favorite? “PURE MAGIC!” Links: Sacred Living Movement - Indie Birth - Peaceful Birth Project - Ina May Gaskin - Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/23/201754 minutes, 42 seconds
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037: Thinking About Hiring A Photographer For Your Home Birth? An Interview With Birth Photographer Christina Benton

In this episode we're talking with Christina Benton - birth photographer, birth and postpartum doula, mom and wife. Christina shares her beautiful home birth and hospital birth stories, from behind the lens, and she shares why moms and families should highly consider hiring a photographer for their homebirth.  This is a first for the Doing It At Home Podcast: an interview with a birth photographer! We were very excited to chat with Christina Benton, a doula and birth photographer. For starters, we didn’t have a formal birth photographer. If you’ve listened to our birth story you know that most of our birth team came equipped with their camera phones, which we are extremely grateful for, however it meant a bunch of lights and phones up in my business at different points in time, and the pictures themselves are scattered in their composition and quality. We weren’t really aware of birth photography and its value until after the experience. So chatting with Christina was as much for us and it is for our listeners, quite frankly. Because we were taking our own notes for the future! Christina is a birth and postpartum doula and over the last 8 months she has extended her birth work into the realm of photography. The first thing that struck us about Christina’s images is just how real and raw they are. They capture the sacredness and beauty of the births in such an authentic way. Christina shares with us her journey into birth work, some stories of some memorable births that she has photographed and advice for how to research and select your birth photographer. We asked Christina why someone should hire a birth photographer, what’s the value in it? Her response, “Because every woman deserves to see herself like that - the moment you meet your baby for the first time.” If you’re unsure or considering hiring a birth photographer, this is an episode to bookmark. Links: Christina's website Christina's Instagram Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/16/201749 minutes, 12 seconds
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036: So, What Happens After Your Home Birth?

In this episode we're commenting on a blog article that Matthew found in Romper, called ”7 Things That Happen After You Give Birth At Home.” The article covers everything from what happens with the mess, to baby's first checkup, to bonding with your new baby. This was such a great article, simple and informative, that it inspired us to do this episode! So Angela Johnson, if you’re out there and see this, thank you for writing the article and spreading the awareness. (We’d love to have you on the show by the way!) A lot of times when we’re planning for a big event, like say...birth, we’re not always focused on what happens afterwards. And it makes sense because birth can have a lot of moving parts to it. Especially with home birth, there’s a lot of planning and preparation that comes into play. So this episode goes through a lot of the likely scenarios and traits of home birth that you can expect to experience once the main festivities (launching a baby out of your body and into the world) have concluded. Some things you might be wondering: What about clean up? Can I eat? What happens to baby? What about the birth certificate? Well wonder no more, because we cover it! This is a great episode to help you get on the same page with your partner, midwife and/or doula and any birth team members. All of this information is designed to help you feel more relaxed once baby comes, so that all you have to do is soak up all the delicious new baby smells and snuggles! Notes from this episode: The article that inspired this episode "7 Things That Happen After You Give Birth At Home" Angels Johnson's author profile Is this breast milk still good? (freshness tool) Episode 14: Is Home Birth Messy? Episode 9: Star Wars, Kiddie Pools, and Hypnobabies: Our Home Birth Story Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH:   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/15/201736 minutes, 29 seconds
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035: HOME BIRTH STORY - Fearless First Time Mom at 38 with Tammy Williams

In this episode we're talking with Tammy Williams. Tammy is a 38 year old first time mom who chose to have her baby at home. She is an amazing momma who approached her home birth without fear, and had a magic experience. If Tammy could, she would shout from every rooftop about how awesome her home birth experience was and how every woman can give birth without fear. Since finding every rooftop would take some time, having her on our “podcast rooftop” will suffice for now. Unsure of whether or not she’d be able to get pregnant, Tammy had a surprise first pregnancy at 38. In a circumstance where many women might find themselves fearful and worried about the risks, Tammy powered up and she and her partner David decided on home birth after a close friend who was also pregnant at the same time shared her intentions of having a home birth. Overwhelmed with emotion in an amazing way, Tammy sought out empowering information and resources with the support of her midwives that she selected from a nearby birthing center. Tammy is a powerful example of knowing her body and trusting the inner voice. To her, home birth is such an important opportunity to strengthen all aspect of your life from your relationship to your partner to how you raise your children. And through the course of her journey, she has actually inspired, influenced and encouraged other women and families in their home birth experiences as a resource and friend. “I truly believe that by sharing these stories we can educate women about the importance of birthing without fear and helping to change the stigma around home birth,” says Tammy. Links: The Business of Being Born Tree of Life birthing center Your Pregnancy Week by Week Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth Hypnobirthing - Mongan Method Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/13/201759 minutes, 42 seconds
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034: HOME BIRTH STORY - Crunchy Moms, Community and Placenta Previa with Danielle Turk-Bly

In today's episode we're talking with Danielle Turk-Bly, two time mom with a third on the way. Danielle is a self described "crunchy mom" (#represent) and we have an amazing conversation on this episode. We talk about all kinds of things from the birth planning to cloth diapering and homeschooling, running while pregnant, facing your fear demons around birth, placenta previa and how that has been impacting her current pregnancy, having a community of like-minded people to support you, cultivating your voice for what you want, and intimacy with your partner during pregnancy. Danielle's first birth was in a birthing center. When it came time to plan for the second pregnancy, she and her husband Ryan made the shift to home birth. Despite Ryan being a little bit more conservative than Danielle, he was fully on board and in support of the decision. Danielle doesn’t revel in “going against the grain” or defying anyone else’s way of going about things. She just simply does what resonates most with her. I really appreciate that perspective, because often times you think that home birth is the choice as a result of a defiance or rebellion against something. Danielle’s example is a powerful one in just being proactive and true to yourself. And heads up - Danielle has thought about doing a podcast of her own. This is something we totally support and will definitely update you on when she decides to jump into that venture! Links: Danielle’s blog Danielle’s Instagram Danielle’s Facebook Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/7/201748 minutes, 52 seconds
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033: You're Doing Great, Mama!

In this bite-sized episode, I share some realness with you. This week has been tough for me. At any point, I’ve felt frustrated, tired, stressed, over-extended, low, and a bunch of other adjectives you use when everything feels difficult. I didn’t take time for myself and had myself convinced that I wasn’t doing enough - that I wasn’t feeling productive enough. Bottom line: this was my ego playing some huge mind tricks. So for any mama out there, future and present, who has felt this way. This is for you. I talk about how I got into the dark place and what I did to get out of it. Take advantage of the opportunities to remind yourself how awesome you are - especially for pregnancy and birth planning. Experience your joy! Links: Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/4/201718 minutes, 45 seconds
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032: HOME BIRTH STORY - Switching to Home Birth at 31 weeks with Sara-Beth Reuter

In this episode we're talking to Sara-Beth Reuter about her inspiring journey to home birth. Sara-Beth is a great example of courage and determination. After her doctor told her that she would not be able to deliver naturally and would need a c-section because of the size of her baby, she and her husband Matthew decided to get another opinion on the matter. They reached out to Matthew’s grandmother, an experienced midwife, and explored their options. Already not too keen on hospitals and clear that she wanted a natural birth, at 19 years old and 31 weeks pregnant, Sara-Beth switched over to the midwifery model of care and planned for a home birth with the help of Matthew’s grandmother. Sara-Beth has a solid sense of confidence in her body’s ability to do what it’s meant to do, and it comes across when she talks about the rest of her pregnancy and her birth. Sarah-Beth believes that “labor is not a sickness,” and is all about putting empowering information out there to support women in having a home birth if that’s what they want for themselves and their families. We’re so grateful to her for sharing her time with us, especially with 2-month old baby Silas in the picture. We understand how valuable time is for a new mama! Links: Miami Maternity Center Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/26/201740 minutes, 22 seconds
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031: The Postpartum Sex Episode: Why We’re Having Our Best Sex After Baby

In this episode we're talking all about having sex after baby. Yes, this is the much anticipated followup to our episode about sex while pregnant (link below). Postpartum sex can be tricky, and for us it involved patience, compassion and creativity. But now, both Matthew and I can say without a doubt, that we're having the BEST SEX OF OUR RELATIONSHIP, and that's after pushing out a kid! If you’ve listened to the Doing It At Home podcast for a while, you’ve probably gathered that Matthew and I value transparency a whole lot. It’s important for us to be as candid, raw and real as possible - because the greatest breakthroughs we’ve had as a couple and as individuals have been made possible by others showing the example of bold and authentic living. It’s for this reason that we share parts of our experience of home birth and beyond - because if it helps and empowers anyone like others did for us, then we feel in our purpose and mission. So that’s why we include talking about our sex life in the show’s topics. We covered sex while pregnant in episode 6. And now that we’re on the other side, we figured it was worth taking time to talk about postpartum sex. Sex after giving birth is a whole other dimension of a sexual relationship - or at least it has been for us. It has brought its own set of unique opportunities and challenges. For one thing, after some minor tearing during Maya’s home birth, I had some fears around how my vagina would heal and whether or not I’d ever be able to make love the way we used to (forget the possibility of expanding our repertoire or level of intimacy). I judged myself when I thought about the timeframe of when we’d return to having sex. When I asked other women how long they waited, I catalogued the responses and started comparing myself. And when we did have sex for the first time after giving birth, I was a little disheartened and frustrated. It was pretty painful. So here I was back to the time I lost my virginity and thought, “Why would anyone ever want to have sex?! This is the worst thing ever. I can’t believe people do this and like it!” I saw what I thought would be a long road of recovery up ahead. Not to mention I was getting used to my new body - everything leaking and in a different position from where it was a year ago. I am blessed to have an amazingly patient partner in Matthew. Over the course of postpartum recovery we worked together to communicate clearly and connect intimately. It’s been a process of opening up, drawing upon the trust and surrender process of giving birth, and allowing that to carry over into our sexual relationship. It’s taken time, conversations, and some deep breathing...but now we’re at a place where the sex is juicier than it ever was! How is that possible? Listen to this episode and find out! Links: DIAH Episode 6 - Sex While Pregnant: The Ins, The Outs, The Reach Arounds Orgasmic Meditation (aka OMing) Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/22/20171 hour, 10 minutes, 29 seconds
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030: HOME BIRTH STORY - First Pregnancy, Planning a Home Birth and an Active Duty Daddy with Christie Andersen - Part 2

This episode is part two of our conversation with Christie Andersen, our first-time mom planning her home birth while her husband Ryan had been stationed in Korea throughout the whole pregnancy. And a lot has changed since our last conversation! For one, we had a baby! Little Charlotte has since stepped on the scene, and we get to hear all about her grand entrance. Christie shares Ryan’s homecoming, anxiety around whether or not she’d actually go into labor while he was home, and how she dealt with the pressure of all the calls and texts inquiring as to baby’s arrival. We get to hear the whole process, as it’s still fresh in her mind (Charlotte is just 2 weeks old now! They welcomed their baby girl into the world from the comfort of their home along with Christie’s mother, a close friend, a midwife, a doula and 2 midwife assistants (quite the full house, which we can relate to!). One of my favorite takeaways from Christie’s story is “be open, go with the flow.” It sounds simple, but it’s incredibly profound and relevant when it comes to birthing babies. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/18/201730 minutes, 47 seconds
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029: HOME BIRTH STORY - First Pregnancy, Planning a Home Birth and an Active Duty Daddy with Christie Andersen - Part 1

In this episode we're talking with Christie Andersen about her upcoming home birth. Christie was pregnant at the time of our recording, just days away from giving birth. We were incredibly excited that Christie wanted to share her homebirth story with us and let us into her experience as a soon-to-be-mom. On top of all of that magic, Christie was excitedly awaiting the return of her husband, who was on active duty and heading back home that very evening. This is a great story because it’s ongoing. Christie Andersen is pregnant - in fact just a couple of days away from her due date at the time of this interview. So this is our first “before and after” style interview where we’re talking to a mom who is actively planning and preparing for her home birth (her first!). Then in a couple of weeks, once mom and baby are a little bit settled, we’re going to do another interview to recount the actual birth and compare thoughts and feelings for both before and after birth. Christie’s husband Ryan was deployed right after they found out they were pregnant. Christie originally intended for a hospital birth but decided to make the switch around 20 weeks, in a bold move to follow her heart and trust her body. Even though he’s been thousand of miles away for the entire pregnancy, Ryan has been fully supportive of Christie in her process of transitioning to home birth planning and was traveling home for the birth at the exact moment we were chatting with Christie on the phone for our interview. So already Christie’s story is an amazing one - planning a home birth and also representing the community of women and families who experience pregnancies and births often without spouses or other family present because of active military duty. We’re so honored to share her journey and excited to bring you the rest in part 2 sometime soon! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/14/201732 minutes, 16 seconds
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028: HOME BIRTH STORY - Trust, Surrender and the Magic of Home Birth with Melissa Thormahlen

In today's episode we're talking to two-time mom Melissa Thormahlen, about the home birth of her son Tyler. Melissa's home birth story is a beautiful example of trust and surrender to the process of childbirth. Melissa Thormahlen knows how to give me “all the feels.” I knew her story would impact many when her first email to me about her birth story had me tearing up. She experienced most of her birthing experience at home with her first baby Emeline, before transferring to a hospital and having a beautiful birth. For Tyler, baby number 2, she knew she wanted to go for a home birth again because she trusted her body and her amazing birth team. In Tyler’s birth story, Melissa explains the trust and surrender to the process. She also took time to be close and intimate with her husband, Paul in the time before active labor. When baby Tyler was born in the bathtub after a strong surge that took everyone by surprise she exclaimed, “I DID IT!” We even get to hear from baby Tyler as he chimes in a couple of times. We love when the babies make little appearances, they’re the reason we’ve come together to chat after all! Links: Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/12/201749 minutes, 9 seconds
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027: When It Comes To Home Birth, Everything Is Energy

Everything is energy - this is a principle that Matthew and I became aware of a few years ago and since then have used it to guide our lives. How we create and nurture our relationships, our businesses and how we make decisions in our lives have all been influenced. And especially our home birth journey. Essentially when it comes to planning your home birth, it serves you well to drop judgements and be at peace with what is. It’s also a great idea to think about the energy you have around you during your pregnancy and birth. This includes (but is not limited to) to physical environments you place yourself in, the people you hang around, the information, entertainment and food you ingest, and even down to the thoughts and emotions you have. Pregnancy can be a particularly vulnerable time, so it’s important to be mindful of what you allow to enter your own energy field. One way to think about it is to evaluate your ART form. In other words, your ACTIONS, RELATIONSHIPS and THOUGHTS. How is the energy of all of these things playing a part in your home birth experience? For more episodes and resources on home birth check out these links: Links: Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/10/201724 minutes, 32 seconds
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026: HOME BIRTH STORY - How Home Birth is a “Hands-On Experience” with Megan Hebenstreit

In today's episode we have another home birth story for you, this time from Megan Henebstreit. Megan Hebenstreit is a straight shooter - she’s very real and super clear about her decision to go with home birth and how she experienced it. She’s also known from a younger age that she was interested in home birth - something Matthew and I haven’t heard very often in our conversations with women and families. So that’s really exciting and inspiring! One of the biggest things you get from Megan when you hear her birth stories is that birth has been so empowering for her. You also get to hear the difference in experience with her two births. One was relatively quiet, and in the other she thought her body was going to explode! Just goes to show how no birth story is the same, even for the same woman. Megan’s honest story covers all manners of things many who choose home birth encounter like: resistance from family, conversations around the female body and its ability to know what it’s doing, and the physical experiences of a challenging pregnancy that make birth seem like “a breeze.” Megan lives in Austin, Texas with her husband Ian and her two daughters, Amelia and Macy. Links: Megan’s Instagram The Business of Being Born Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/6/201738 minutes, 19 seconds
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025: Preparing Your Space For Your Home Birth

In this episode we’re talking about ways in which you can prepare the physical space (i.e. your home) for your home birth. For our home birth, Matthew and I were very intentional in wanting to create a peaceful, comfortable, relaxing space to welcome Maya into the world. We were also gifted with incredibly fabulous things like a home cleaning and a “homebirth space setting” ceremony, which really helped create the most amazing environment for birth. So in this episode we share with you all the things that worked for us and some ideas to help make your home birth space as magical as it can be. Links: Our new "Doing It At Home" book on Amazon: Our website: Facebook Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: --- Rough Episode Transcript --- Ways to prepare the space for home birth - beyond the medical supplies and the “must-haves”: Candles Music Decorations Hire cleaners beforehand (or have friends do it like ours did) Especially if you have pets; don’t want pet hair all over the place when you’re laboring Sage, some kind of clearing of the space…. Which leads into our specific example There are a lot of awesome things you can do, by yourself, with your partner or family/extended community members and I wanted to share a recent experience I had and how it impacted me as we prepare for birth anytime over the next couple of weeks. Group of women gathered at our house - unbeknownst to me The Ceremony: We all sat in a circle and shared our names, our mother’s name and our grandmothers’ names Then everyone shared a significant motherhood story - whether they were mothers and shared their birth story or something about their kids or how they have helped raised others, or a story from when they were a baby Then each woman gave a token representing something significant to them and they were strung together on a necklace We drummed and sang and hugged Then we decorated the birth room - have nice things to look at during the birthing process Fantastic method to prepare for your homebirth. So that’s one idea, but I’m sure there’s a million awesome things you could do to prepare and put yourself in the space...just about what aligns best with you. Have you done something like this or do you have any ideas for one? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/3/201730 minutes, 14 seconds
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024: HOME BIRTH STORY - Normal, Natural and Joyful Birth with Anne Margolis

In today's episode we're talking to Anne Margolis - Certified and Licensed Home Birth Midwife, Licensed OB/GYN nurse practitioner, practicing prenatal yogi, home birth expert and creator of Anne believes in a healthy woman’s innate ability to give birth normally, naturally and with pleasure despite the challenges. She is devoted to protecting undisturbed physiological labor and birth, and, after our conversation, you'll see that she is a wealth of knowledge and resources! It’s really exciting when things you put out into the Universe come together. That’s how I feel about this episode. I had been following Anne Margolis of Home Sweet Home Birth for a while. I love the work she does and her influence of empowering women around holistic birth. With over 21 years of experience as a home birth midwife, more certifications than I have fingers, knowledge in all things pregnancy, birth and postpartum, and not to mention an Instagram following of over 47,000 people, it’s safe to say that Anne is a leader in the space of home birth. I knew we had to have her on the show. When we finally connected, it’s so easy to see how Anne has touched so many lives. I could sit and listen to her talk for hours. Anne has 4 children: 2 born in a hospital and 2 born at home (in that order). She brings the perspective of not only giving birth in a hospital, but also working in one as an obstetric nurse - an experience which oddly enough created a lot of fear for her around giving birth. When she made the switch to midwifery and eventually opened up her own home birth practice, she describes it like “coming home.” Anne is brilliant, personable and funny. This interview is chock-full of great quotes, tidbits of information and morsels on resources for you all to take advantage of. I say listen to this one with a notepad and pen. Listen, pause and re-listen. It’s a great one! Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/26/201748 minutes, 40 seconds
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023: Home Birth and Pregnancy Affirmations for Moms and Dads

In this episode we're giving you some powerful affirmations to help you prepare for your pregnancy and home birth. We have 2 affirmations for moms and 2 for dads. We’ve talked a lot about affirmations on the show at different points in time - a little bit in our story and then in the stories of other moms, so we thought we’d create some of our own for you beautiful listeners! I thought it would be fun to have some for both pregnancy and the birthing process. And not just for mamas - for the dads too! This episode is a little shorter, but all the more sweeter. We both share our affirmations and a little bit on why we chose them and how they can contribute to a powerful and peaceful mindset and experience of your home birth. We hope these affirmations serve you well or even inspire you to come up with your own! Here are the affirmations for you to copy and use or share with others:   For Pregnancy Sarah: I am fully connected to my body and my baby’s needs Matthew: I anticipate our upcoming birth with joy and peace in my heart. It will unfold exactly as it should.   For Birth Sarah: I am powerful, peaceful and fully supported as I give birth. Matthew: I am strong. I am capable. I am intuitive. I am compassionate. I am patient. I am a parent. Links The blog post Matthew drew inspiration for his affirmations from: Birth Affirmations for Expectant Dads and Partners   “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/23/201726 minutes, 36 seconds
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022: HOME BIRTH STORY - Finding Your Home Birth Midwives and Releasing Fear with Marissa Olivera

In today's episode we're talking with Marissa Olivera, a mom of 2 from Utica, NY, with both a hospital birth story and home birth story. Marissa experienced intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) with her first pregnancy. That, along with some early signs of labor made for a hospital birth that included a lot of intervention and fear. The way she sees it, baby Maxwell just wasn’t ready yet. She planned for a home birth again with baby number two, Miles. With positive reinforcement from resources like Ina May Gaskin and Birth Without Fear, Marissa went into her second birth tuned in to her intuition and gut feeling (and we’re not just talking about the contractions!). Marissa’s candor and detail with her birth stories compels you to listen and engage. She’s a great example of how to plan the birth you’re intending to create - like finding midwives even when you’re far away from a big city with more options. We even get a little cameo from surprise guest Maxwell! Here are links to the things mentioned in today's episode: Marissa’s blogpost on her home birth Birth Without Fear Ina May Gaskin “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/20/201751 minutes, 2 seconds
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021: 9 Questions To Ask Yourself When Considering A Home Birth

In today's episode we're giving you nine questions to ask yourself to decide whether home birth might be an option for you and your family. This podcast is all about providing resources, stories and empowering around the home birth conversation. We personally chose homebirth to welcome our daughter into the world, but we realize that home birth is not the best option for some families. There are so many factors to take into consideration when making your birth plans. Our number one priority with this show is to help you ask the questions, have access to the resources, and find the information to help you make the best decision for you. This episode was inspired by an article on Fit Pregnancy called "3 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Giving Birth At Home". I read that article and immediately felt there were more things to ask, and felt inspired to record this episode.  These are the 9 questions covered in today's podcast:  How is your health: physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc.? What’s the most important thing for you to experience during birth? (is home birth a way to have this happen) Who would you be working with? Midwife, doula, etc. What does your partner, husband, etc think? Are you prepared to go “no drugs”? Costs - insurance vs. out of pocket What’s the backup plan? What are your fears around birth? How much do you trust your body and the process? Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/16/201743 minutes, 4 seconds
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020: HOME BIRTH STORY - Birth Center Transfer and Planning A Home Birth with Lindsay Bonnar

In today's episode we talk to mom Lindsay Bonnar about her home birth story. Lindsay planned a home birth for her first baby, but circumstances required a transfer to a birth center. Now pregnant with her second, Lindsay and her husband are planning a home birth again for the second round.  ---- This episode is an interview and home birth story of Lindsay Bonnar. Lindsay is another beautiful face of home birth, sharing her plans for home birth with her daughter that eventually shifted into a transfer to a birthing center. Now pregnant with baby number two, Lindsay is planning another home birth, a decision that we are totally inspired by and know others will be as well. For Lindsay, birth was the most spiritual experience of her life. And she talks about trusting herself and her body in such a way - it’s an amazing example to women everywhere to empower themselves to choose in alignment with what’s best for them. Another aspect of Lindsay’s story that really resonated with me and Matthew was the role of her husband Kevin and how awesomely he showed up for the birth experience. Dads and birth partners, take notes from this one! You can learn more about Lindsay and the resources mentioned in the show below. Links: Lindsay’s blog post on her birth story - Birthfit - “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/12/201745 minutes, 47 seconds
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019: My Home Birth Postpartum Experience

In today’s episode I’m sharing my postpartum story. I get into the nitty gritty details of the very first postpartum stages after my home birth. I also talk about what I experienced with postnatal visits with my midwives, healing a perineal tear, breastfeeding, diastasis recti (aka ab separation), postpartum sex and more! --  Hey all, Sarah here. In this episode I’m solo and talking all about my home birth postpartum experience. I’m currently almost 4 months postpartum, and it’s been quite the journey for me. Postpartum is this fascinating transition stage of life - first off, you just launched a human being from your body! And for a first-time mom like me, not only are you learning what the heck this whole motherhood thing is about - you’re adjusting to the new normal of a seemingly endless cycle of feeding, diaper changing and “moments” of shut eye. You’re responsible for keeping a little creature alive, whilst trying to figure out why you’re leaking from every orifice, your organs are bouncing around and you’re starving all the time (or at least that was the case for me). Postpartum could be its own series of episodes...nay, probably a whole podcast dedicated to it. For now, I take one episode to skim the surface of my experience and how it ties in with our home birth. I talk about: First stages of postpartum after home birthPostnatal visits with midwivesHealing a delivery tear (ouch!)Placenta pillsBreastfeeding and mastitisPostpartum sexDiastasis recti (aka ab separation) and post-baby weight lossAnd here are some links from some of the references I make in the show: Stuff You Should Know Podcast episode on breastfeeding - You can sign up to be notified for the new version of the Balance Chart tool that I mention here -, if you are so excited and can’t wait and are interested in getting on the current version, you can email me at [email protected] and I can help you out. Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/9/201740 minutes, 6 seconds
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018: HOME BIRTH STORY - A Home Birth Story and A Birth Center Story with Maria Mengel

Today we're talking with Maria Mengel about her 2 birth stories. Maria's first daughter was born at a birthing center with a midwife, and her second was an unassisted home birth (also known as "freebirth"). In this episode Maria gets honest about her two birth experiences and shares some of the things she learned during the process. Maria reached out to us after listening to the show and felt inspired to share her experience of home birth. We love stories like these - full of candor, vulnerability and humor. Maria has the experience and perspective of giving birth in a birthing center as well as at home, so we were really excited to sit down and pick her brain about it all. We learn about the birthing center experience and why Maria was certain on the drive home with her new daughter that she’d never do it like that again. We also hear about the process of home birth, and what can happen when your waters break and you don’t go into labor that day...or even the next day! Birth was such a transformational experience for Maria that it ignited a passion that would shift her career. She became a doula and now owns a business dedicated to birth work which includes placenta encapsulation and childbirth education. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/28/201647 minutes, 30 seconds
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017: 6 Things You Don't Say To A Homebirth Mom

In today's episode we talk about 6 comments and questions that you absolutely don't want to say to a homebirth mom or family! We heard these things as we prepared for our home birth and can say from experience that they are not helpful at all. Some things are better left unsaid, and that applies to commentary on someone’s decision to have a home birth. In this episode we share 6 big statement/topics to avoid when you’re talking to a mom who’s planning a home birth. While they may be well-intentioned, these are the things that don’t help the process. And if you are a home birth mom, we talk about ways to address these comments and how you can deflect them like Neo with those slow motion bullets in the Matrix. Let’s leave the fear and judgement out of it. Because we all know birth could use less of that. So steer away from these 6 things, please. And if you must comment then simply tell the mom how much of a badass she is! (that'll win you some brownie points) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/7/201628 minutes, 49 seconds
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016: Normalizing Birth And Empowering Families with CPM Debbie Schneider

Continuing our work to bring real and honest stories of home birth to you, we sat down with Debbie Schneider, CPM extraordinaire. Debbie is actually our midwife. She delivered Maya, and has become a very important part of our lives. We’ve known we wanted to interview Debbie since we started the podcast. She’s an amazing and wise source of information and support of all things home birth. Her story in becoming a midwife is an inspiring one, deciding to shift into her life’s passion at 44. Now 18 years later and some 700 births attended, Debbie talks about “normalizing birth again,” that is, putting it back in the hands of mothers and families to choose the birth plan that aligns best with them. We could’ve talked with Debbie all day, but for the sake of time, we kept it to about an hour. And you won’t want to miss one minute of it. You’ll get some of the history of home birth, obstetrics’ attempts to “make birth more efficient,” and the differences in the experiences of home and the typical hospital birth. Here are some of the resources Debbie mentions in the episode: The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth Ina May Gaskin Obstetric Myths Versus Research Realities DawningLife Midwifery Other links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/1/20161 hour, 14 seconds
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015: HOME BIRTH STORY - Talking Home Birth and Placenta Encapsulation With Jenny DiPietro

In this episode we're talking with mom of 4 Jenny DiPietro, who has had multiple home births, a homebirth turned hospital transfer, a water birth at home, and who performs placenta encapsulation for families. We get into a lot in this one!  Oh yeah, and we’re also entering a new phase of the podcast! In addition to our episodes that feature Matthew and me discussing some topic related to home birth, we’re publishing our conversations with moms and families who have experienced home birth along with professionals and thought leaders on the subject. First to kick off this endeavor is our chat with Jenny DiPietro. Jenny is a mom of 4, who has experienced both home and hospital birth. In our talk, we cover things like: The details of her births What went into her decision-making process to choose home birth Her work as a Placenta Encapsulation Specialist The importance of education in the pregnancy and birthing journey  We’re very excited to bring other stories and perspectives of home birth to you. Enjoy!  For more on Jenny and her work, you can check her out on her website here. Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/23/201636 minutes, 52 seconds
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014: Is Home Birth Messy?

In today’s episode we address the question, “Is home birth messy?” It's a great question that I know crossed my mind once or twice during pregnancy, because let's be honest, most images we have about birth is that it's a bloody, sticky, gross mess! But here’s the truth on mess during a homebirth: yes there are parts of it that can be messy (as I’m sure you can imagine fluids can go everywhere), but you do not have to make a mess while giving birth at home. I repeat, you do NOT have to walk away from your home birth with your house looking like a crime scene. With the right supplies, preparation, and team, you can have a completely comfortable, mess free home birth. I guarantee it! Listen as we share tips to keep your home birth as mess free as possible, give you a list of the things you’ll want to have on hand and set up before hand to ensure your birth is as pleasant as possible.  Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/19/201628 minutes, 8 seconds
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013: When Things Don’t Go As Planned: Leonie’s Honest Birth Story

Today’s episode was inspired by a listener email. Leonie, listening all the way in Australia, reached out to share her birth story. She had planned for a minimal intervention birth in a midwife led public hospital program (way to go Australis!) but things didn’t go exactly as anticipated. Her email was amazing - raw, honest and transparent - and at the end she had a few questions for me about home birth, my connection to Maya, and more. So when we received this email we knew we wanted to record an episode with our response. Here are the questions we cover in this episode: Sarah how did you feel after Maya was born? Did you feel an instant connection? Can you go into this time a bit for us? How do you feel now weeks down the track, looking back? Do you look back with any regrets, and trauma, and worries? How do you feel overall about the home birth concept, how did it fit into your dream/vision? Is there anything you would change? Is there anything your would recommend? Leonie, and every mom and family out there with similar stories and questions, this one is for you! Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/10/201649 minutes, 45 seconds
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012: Picking Your All Star Home Birth Team

A lot goes into creating a badass and powerful team. You want a team that works together and has synergy. You want individual members who can hold their own yet contribute to the totality of the group. You want to be able to trust everyone’s competence and commitment to the overall goal. These teams win championships, seal the deals, and set the example for all other teams. Now when it comes to choosing your team for your home birth, how do you go about creating the ultimate, most awesome group of people to support you in such an amazing, magical experience? That’s exactly what Matthew and I talk about in this episode. Maybe you haven’t even thought about having a birth team and this is a new concept for you. We’re here to help give some context around it. We share our experience of selecting the members of our home birth team - our thought process in how we chose them and why, the vision we had in mind for the people who would be involved, the roles they played and how they contributed to the whole experience. It takes a village to raise a child, so why not recruit the best team possible to usher him/her into the world? Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/2/201636 minutes, 45 seconds
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011: An Intimate And Unforgettable Message From My Husband During My Home Birth Active Labor

In this episode, I invite you into a precious and intimate moment. You see, during the early parts of birthing time (labor), we placed a recorder in the room - to capture the experience and be able to listen back to it later on. While I was moving through my birthing waves (contractions) in the bathtub, Matthew tended to me by bringing me water and snacks along with affirming me and contacting our midwife with updates. I would later find out that during one of the times Matthew left the room, he took the recorder with him. And he would then record one of the most amazing pieces of audio I’ve ever listened to. A few days later, he shared the recording with me. And now I’m sharing it with all of you, along with my response to it. Why am I choosing to let you in on this? Because I think it’s important to hear about the magic of this experience. Because by sharing this, it creates the opportunity for its impact to be magnified by anyone who might hear it and be influenced. I want women and their partners to feel empowered and inspired to create their own magical and intimate moments - in birth and beyond. Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/26/201617 minutes, 55 seconds
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010: Seriously?!? Dealing With Unsolicited Pregnancy Advice And Commentary From Strangers

I had always heard pregnancy can be a vulnerable time. You’re dealing with a lot of changes - physically and emotionally. Not to mention, the more pregnant you become, the more obvious your circumstance is to anyone who lays eyes on you. And for some reason, actually lots of reasons - there’s something about a big, beautiful belly that attracts a lot of attention. There comes a time when you can’t walk through the grocery store without being approached with a question or comment on your pregnancy. It’s kinda like a weird form of celebrity. And while some of it is sweet and affirming, others make for an uncomfortable encounter. Like the unsolicited advice and opinions. I actually had a woman in a restaurant apologize to me when I told her I was having a girl. Oh, and then there are those who take it a step further and feel compelled to touch your belly. Yep, that happened. So how do you respond to these people who test your patience and tempt you to kick them in the shins? For me, it involved a lot of deep, intentional breathing. Listen to more of our story on traversing the challenges of unsolicited comments and advice on pregnancy and birth from the strangers of the world. Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/20/201627 minutes, 38 seconds
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009: Our First Home Birth Story: Star Wars, Kiddie Pools, and Hypnobabies

This is it, folks! The episode you’ve all been waiting for….our birth story! Matthew and I sit down (in bed, as always) with our first guest - less than a week old baby Maya. She lies quietly (for the most part, you might hear some coos and little grunts in the background at times) on Matthew’s chest while we recount the story of our home birth, while it’s still fresh in our minds. We take you from the beginning of the birthing waves (contractions) when they started late Saturday night, all the way to delivery. It just so happens that the night it all started was a special date night, and one that we’re sure to remember forever. I purchased tickets to the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra performing music by the famous composer John Williams earlier in the year as a Father’s Day present for Matthew. Its date being a precarious one (close to our due date), we weren’t sure if we’d end up going. Turns out that Maya must’ve known, and was waiting for us to have this special time together before her arrival. It would be a couple of hours and attempts to sleep the discomfort off that I would realize I was in active labor. I spent this time in our bathtub, listening to Hypnobabies while Matthew sat with me, made me a PB&J and kept me hydrated. Over the next few hours our birth team, which included a midwife and 2 apprentices, as well as 5 close family members, arrived and assumed their roles of supporting myself and Matthew. I labored for the majority of the time in the giant kiddie blow up pool and eventually delivered on what the midwives refer to as the “birthing stool.” I won’t give all the fun details away. You’ll hear all of that in the episode. But let’s just say it was intense, intimate, spiritual and magical. The whole event was 12 hours total, exactly the amount of time I envisioned when I mentally planned the birth experience. There were a lot of tears, a fair amount of blood, some laughs and so much love. So join us from our bedroom - where we made our baby, birthed her and are now hanging out with her and talking about the whole darn thing. Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/13/20161 hour, 20 minutes, 49 seconds
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008: The In Between Stage: The [Agonizing] Final Days Of Pregnancy

“We are not a culture that waits for anything, nor are we believers in normal birth; waiting for a baby can feel like insanity.” This is a powerful quote from an article that had a profound impact on Matthew and me. The article is about the “in between” stage of the last days of pregnancy before moving into birth, a period that the author of the article calls zwischen (pulling from the German word for “between” - fitting huh?). You can find the article here. In this episode, Matthew and I talk about our own experience with the “between,” being that we are technically past our “due date.” We share how this is a beautiful time to practice patience, surrender, and enjoy the moments that we have together before moving into the roles of parents for the first time. We also acknowledge, however, that it can seem excruciating - like you’re walking around waiting for a timer to go off that you really have no control or knowledge of its plans. We share some examples of things and situations that have helped us stay patient and present, as well as things that have driven us a little nutty. All in preparation for our magical home birth and days to follow it. Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/6/201637 minutes, 41 seconds
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007: The 10 Best Things We Did For Our Home Birth Prenatal Care

We preface this episode with a little disclaimer and I feel it necessary to include it here as well - WE ARE NOT DOCTORS OR MEDICAL EXPERTS AND WE ARE NOT GIVING MEDICAL ADVICE. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get into some fun stuff. Today we’re talking about our top 10 list for prepping for our home birth. We found that these were the things that helped us throughout pregnancy - from the mental prepping to physical activity to some natural products and even spiritual and energetic exercises. We’ve been very keen on having the most powerful and peaceful home birth experience possible. And we know for that to happen, it requires some conscious and proactive action on our part. So here’s a quick recap of the 10 (in no particular order of importance) for you: Working with midwives. Not just working with {amazing} midwives - but having hour-long prenatal appointments with them every time we met (which was a huge contrast from the hour-plus we would spend at the OBGYN - to physically meet with the doctor for an average of about 8 minutes). Chiropractic care. This came recommended by the midwives and boy am I glad I did it. It started as a habit of prenatal care for me, but ended up into a family affair and was something Matthew and I did together each week. Yoga. Tons of pregnant women sign the praises of prenatal yoga. It’s mind, body, spirit alignment. And an awesome space to practice your breathing! Exercise. Beyond yoga, I “worked out” about twice a week, supplementing jogging (which I did up until 36 weeks pregnant), walking and other stuff to stay active. Pool. This is something I did not do enough. But swimming in a pool was such a glorious thing. I highly recommend it. Natural products. Here are some links to a few we mention in this episode: Slippery Elm - Mama Angel Baby Organics - Witch Hazel Pads - Nutrition. My biggest realization here was that I’m not actually eating for 2. Instead I kept to what I knew worked for me. Meditation. Specifically Hypnobabies childbirth hypnosis classes. I did the self guided route and have loved it. A supportive community. It truly takes a village to raise a child - and that process starts in pregnancy. Matthew and I have been so blessed with amazing, loving people to help us prepare for this epic journey of birth and parenthood. Working on yourself! I took as best advantage as I could have this time to think about the person and mother I want to be - who I want to model for baby Maya and how that’s going to play a part in every other aspect of my life as well. Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/28/201641 minutes, 20 seconds
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006: Sex While Pregnant: The Ins, The Outs, The Reach Arounds

Let’s talk about sex, BABY! Not just the kind that makes the babies, but the kind you continue doing while the bun is in the oven. There’s plenty of topics around pregnancy that receive just the surface level of attention paid to them in the blogs, books, and classes. Sex was the big thing for me that I experienced ambiguity around. Everything I saw depicted one of two extremes - you either want it all the time or the thought it makes you more nauseated than morning sickness. My main takeaway was “no more missionary” and just do whatever works for you. I won’t knock the advice of doing what is most comfortable for you - it’s great even. I was just hungry for more -- like what was stuff that popped up for other women and couples in the bedroom? What were the fears that could be broken down during this time, new paradigms that could be formed and stronger, more intimate bonds that could be forged in the scene of sexual intimacy while pregnant? Naturally, Matthew and I decided to sit down and talk about it. So not only do you get to hear about my perspective on our sexual relationship traveling through pregnancy, but you get the male’s point-of-view as well. Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/21/201643 minutes, 7 seconds
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005: Reactions To Home Birth From Family, Friends and Strangers

When you’re expecting, it’s very common to hear the question, “Where are you delivering?” If not that specifically, people generally ask about your doctor or your doctor visits. Whether it’s close friends and family or total strangers, most will insert some sort of advice or personal experience to whatever birth plan it is you’ve chosen. It can be even more interesting when you share that your birth plan involves a home birth. Queue awkward silences, uncomfortable jokes and even sometimes downright judgement. That’s what we’re talking about in this episode: what we’re calling the “pushbacks.” They are the often well-intentioned but poorly executed gestures and words to share varying degrees of care and concern for yours and your baby’s well-being. But it’s great because it gives you a chance to exercise patience and understanding. It might even help you confirm why you’re considering or chose home birth. Matthew and I have grown to love the pushbacks, and we share some examples of ones we received. Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/20/201638 minutes, 42 seconds
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004: Watching Home Birth Videos

Remember the horrible films you’d watch in sex ed classes featuring a scary, screaming, bloody mess of a woman giving birth in total agony (probably because she had sex before marriage and was birthing the baby out of wedlock - I went to Catholic school so I’m convinced those videos were purely to warn off pre-marital sex rather than educate on the miracle of childbirth)? Well until becoming pregnant myself, these were the only visual references I had for a birthing experience. Throughout the pregnancy, I’ve made it a point to watch more empowering examples of birth play out. Our awesome midwives have a full library of home birth videos from women and families they’ve worked with, and they lend them out to current patients to check out for themselves. I dove right in, like an athlete studying film of other amazing athletes in the game. I watched for different home birth setups, styles of laboring, support from birthing partners and family members, and all the other elements I could use to envision my own home birth experience. Watching all of the videos brought up new ideas and contexts like what I previously thought birth had to look like and how it could be with intentional planning. Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/20/201626 minutes, 21 seconds
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003: A Father’s Perspective: Wrestling With the Fears, Thoughts and Beliefs of an Out-Of-Hospital Birth

Just about every pregnancy/birth resource out there focuses on the mother or the baby, which makes sense to an extent because they are the main actors on stage. But there’s typically another partner involved who is feeling all sorts of things, but isn’t always asked or encouraged to share and express the roller coaster of thoughts, fears, hopes, beliefs that they’re experiencing. I wanted to change that in today’s episode, and so I interviewed my husband Matthew on his experience of going through pregnancy with me, how he initially felt about a home birth, and how he managed his fears and emotions of finally settling on an out-of-hospital birth. It’s an amazingly open and honest conversation about all of the things that came up for him through this journey. Matthew, as always, is honest and transparent, and that brings an amazingly refreshing perspective to the conversation of pregnancy and home birth. This episode was inspired by an article I read in Pathways To Family Wellness magazine. The article is titled “A Father’s Perspective: The Journey From Hospital To Home”. I highly recommend you check out Pathways magazine for a holistic and conscious resource on pregnancy, birth, parenthood and families. It’s amazing! Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/15/201637 minutes, 4 seconds
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002: Our Back and Forth Journey to Deciding on a Home Birth

When we began our pregnancy adventure, home birth was pretty far from our mind. We kicked things off the traditional way: going to see an OBGYN at a great hospital that would usher our baby into the world the way that 98% of families in the US do it. But three months later we parted ways with our OBGYN, partnered up with a midwife group working out of their home, and began our home birth journey. The two of us flip flopped on who was more fearful and enthusiastic about the idea. Neither of us had seen a home birth, we didn’t know much about them, and (until we started asking around) we didn’t know anyone who had even done one. But our decision to have baby Maya in our home ended up being the absolute best decision we could have ever made for our family (and I can say that with full resolutness, because 5 days ago we welcomed Maya into the world! But we’ll get into that in a future episode). In this episode you’ll hear our full story on how we went from traditional hospital birth with an OBGYN, to a shiny new birthing center with all the bells and whistles, to having our daughter in our very own bedroom. Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/15/201635 minutes, 4 seconds
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001: A Loving Yet Raw Dialogue On Home Birth

“We’re doing it at home!” That’s the response my husband and I gave when people asked us about our birth plans. 3 months into our pregnancy we decided to ditch the traditional hospital birth with an OBGYN, for a birth that aligned more with the experience we wanted to create for ourselves and our little one. Home birth suited us well, and we dove in. But not without fears, judgements, conversations, decisions, research, planning, and everything else you can imagine. This podcast is about our home birth journey. The purpose of this show is simple: To provide empowering conversation around home birth. What we’re setting out to do with the podcast is to create the space for a conscious, loving, raw dialogue around home birth, by sharing our own personal experience and through storytelling, conversations and interviews that give women and families an empowering resource so that they can make the birthing decision that is the best for them. Listen to the episode to learn more about our story, why we started the show, what you can expect from the show, and how you can be a part of the show (and our journey) as well! Links: “Doing It At Home” book on Amazon: Our website: Home Birth Support Group: Instagram: DIAH YouTube: DIAH Store: DIAH Merch:  Donate to DIAH: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/9/201618 minutes, 24 seconds