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Duane Sheriff Ministries - Messages Cover
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Duane Sheriff Ministries - Messages

English, Christianity, 1 season, 498 episodes, 1 day, 12 hours, 53 minutes
We exist to help people grow in Christ.
Episode Artwork

Divine Guidance | Episode 6 | God's Word & His Voice

In the sixth episode of "Divine Guidance," Duane Sheriff teaches the importance of recognizing God's voice and following His divine guidance. God speaks and guides us, but we must learn to discern His voice and heed the Holy Spirit's guidance.The primary way God communicates with us is through His Word. Psalm 119:105 states, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." This Scripture highlights how God's Word provides direction and illumination. The Bible is not just a collection of ancient texts but a living, powerful force that can transform our lives and decisions.The Holy Spirit will never lead us contrary to Scripture. Hebrews 4:12 describes the Word of God as "living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." This verse underscores the power of God's Word to help us distinguish between our thoughts and God's voice.It is crucial to immerse ourselves in Scripture. We will recognize His voice through familiarity with God's Word. Pursue truth and reject the lies in the media, politics, and personal relationships.
9/19/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Divine Guidance | Episode 5| Language Of The Spirit

In the fifth episode of "Divine Guidance," Duane Sheriff teaches how to be led by the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:14 states, "Those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God." Many Christians struggle to discern God's voice. Understanding the language of the Holy Spirit can transform one's spiritual journey. The Holy Spirit often communicates through an internal witness, described as a 'still small voice,' and not necessarily audibly. Discerning this voice is pivotal for making righteous decisions and aligning with God's will. Colossians 1:13 explains believers have been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of Jesus. This spiritual transition requires learning the language of the new kingdom – the language of the Holy Spirit, rooted fundamentally in truth. By recognizing the truth as the primary dialect of the Holy Spirit, believers can effectively tune out deceptive influences and align themselves with God's guidance. Understanding this heavenly language empowers Christians to navigate their spiritual journeys with confidence and clarity.
9/18/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Divine Guidance | Episode 4 | How God Speaks

In the fourth episode of "Divine Guidance," Duane Sheriff teaches how God speaks to His children. According to Romans 8:14, being led by the Spirit of God is a birthright for those born again. The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth, ensuring believers can hear God's voice. Duane emphasizes that hearing God's voice is not just for a select few but for all who follow Christ. He warns against the misleading representation by mainstream media that may cause doubt and disbelief. Using examples from the Bible, such as the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 19, God's voice is often a still, small voice that requires us to quiet our surroundings and inner turmoil to hear Him clearly. God may speak in a whisper—because He is so close to us that a loud voice would be overwhelming. Duane also addresses the issue of 'dead religion' and how some teachings wrongly advocate for a God who doesn't speak to manipulate. God does not require obedience. A direct relationship eliminates the need for any mediator between us and God. Through prayer, fasting, and a deep relationship with the Holy Spirit, believers can tune in to God's guidance and avoid the deceptive voices that try to lead us astray. By learning to recognize God's voice, you will be better equipped to follow His lead and experience the blessings He has prepared for you.
9/17/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Divine Guidance | Episode 3 | God Speaks

In the third episode of "Divine Guidance," Duane Sheriff teaches how to hear God's voice. Mark chapter 4 highlights the importance of choosing to hear God's voice and how it can lead us to wise decisions that bring healing and prosperity into our lives. Romans 8:14: "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God."If you are born again, it is your birthright to be led by the Lord. Even though God constantly speaks and leads, it is not automatic and requires faith. Duane references biblical examples to illustrate that God has always talked to His people, from Adam and Eve to Enoch, Noah, and beyond.Discern God's voice and heed His guidance in every aspect of life – for your occupation, relationships, or personal decisions. Sin does not stop God's voice. Instead, He calls us to repentance and closer fellowship. God's guidance is always available; we must learn to recognize and respond to it.
9/16/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Strife | Part 3 | Avoid

Understand the cause and cure of strife as Duane Sheriff teaches the importance of maintaining a strife-free heart, home, and church. Strife can destroy relationships and open doors to every evil work, as stated in James 3:16. Believers must guard their hearts against contention and division while relying on Jesus as the ultimate gardener of their hearts.Proverbs 17:14 compares the beginning of strife to letting out water. Like a small leak in a dam, strife should be addressed before it causes widespread damage. Christians are to be peacemakers and avoid meddling in others' quarrels, as suggested in Proverbs 26:17.The "unity of the spirit" and the "unity of the faith," as referenced in Ephesians 4:3 and 4:13, are keys to avoiding strife. Believers should strive to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace while growing towards the unity of the faith. Show love and forbearance to one another, even when disagreements arise over unimportant issues. Examine your heart for hidden pride, the root cause of contention. Repent when strife arises and focus on maintaining peace in your relationships. The power of unity releases God's blessings versus the destruction of division. Believers should prioritize peace and unity in their personal lives, families, and church communities.
9/15/202449 minutes, 54 seconds
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Divine Guidance | Episode 2 | The Inner Witness

In the second episode of "Divine Guidance," Duane Sheriff teaches how God leads and guides us through our inner spirit. Romans 8:14 states, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." It is crucial to discern and follow the inner voice of the Holy Spirit. God doesn't just lead us by external circumstances but primarily speaks to us from within. The guidance of the Holy Spirit is like a GPS system, urging us to heed the corrections and directions given by God. Even when we make mistakes or stray from God's path, the Holy Spirit guides us back in the right direction. The Holy Spirit, God's divine guidance system, is indwelling within you. He never leaves or forsakes you and is always speaking through the inner witness. Even when we dismiss or override His guidance, He prompts us to repent and recalculates our route to guide us back to His will.
9/13/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Divine Guidance | Episode 1 | We Are Led

In the brand new series, "Divine Guidance," Duane Sheriff teaches how God leads us, how God speaks to us, and how to confirm the inner witness of the Lord's leading in your life. How can you differentiate between God speaking, your imagination, or your own desires independent of His will?Nothing is more critical in a believer's life than being led by the Lord, knowing the voice of God, and discerning, recognizing, and obeying His voice. Many grew up in church seeking the Lord but were never taught how to discern the inner witness, the voice of God. This series will help you learn the language of the Holy Spirit.Every kingdom has a language, and the Holy Spirit speaks in a unique, inner way within the Kingdom of God. The decisions we make, influenced by the inner witness of the Holy Spirit, determine the quality of life we will live. Decisions made independently of God's will lead to forms of death, depression, and discouragement. 
9/12/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 20 | After the Flesh

In the final episode of "Identity Theft," Duane Sheriff emphasizes the importance of understanding one's identity in Christ and compares it with the limitations of the flesh. It is crucial to realize that our true identity is found in Christ, which requires revelation and faith. Living according to the flesh leads to spiritual death, encompassing negative emotions and experiences like depression and unfruitfulness.We should look to God and remember our origin from Him and our past without Him. Verses such as John 15:5, Philippians 4:13, and 1 Corinthians 4:6-7 illustrate that without God, we can do nothing, possess nothing, and know nothing of true value. On the other hand, in Christ, we can achieve all things, have everything we need, and possess divine wisdom.Beware of the dangers of pride and self-reliance, especially in today's culture, where many believe they can be good, do good, and know good without God. Pride stems from human knowledge and results in an inflated sense of self. Instead, humility and dependence on God's wisdom are encouraged. Romans 7:18 teaches believers to put no confidence in the flesh. It's important to recognize the need for God and live a life of thanksgiving and humility. Through grace, believers are made new and equipped to fulfill God's will.
9/11/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 19 | Spiritual Identity Theft

In the nineteenth episode of "Identity Theft," Duane Sheriff teaches how our spiritual identity can be stolen, manipulated, or misunderstood, leading to a life that does not reflect the true potential God has planned for each individual. Spiritual identity theft occurs when individuals allow negative influences, such as peer pressure, societal expectations, and personal failures, to define who they are. According to the Bible, each person is uniquely created in the image of God and endowed with specific gifts and purposes. Ephesians 2:10 states that we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works. Jeremiah 29:11 assures believers of God’s plan for their future, filled with hope and purpose. Reclaim your spiritual identity by immersing yourself in God’s word, seeking a supportive Christian community, and engaging in regular prayer. By doing so, you can counteract the negative influences trying to steal your spiritual identity and instead live a life that is true to God’s design. 
9/10/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 18 | Scripture

In the eighteenth episode of "Identity Theft," Duane Sheriff teaches how to understand our new identity in Christ. Just as Jesus discovered who He was through the scriptures and the Holy Spirit, we must also seek our true identity in the Bible. Jesus understood His purpose as the Messiah through ancient Hebrew scriptures. Believers should search the scriptures to learn who they are in Jesus. By following the Spirit and not weak, fleshly desires, we can overcome sin and live in righteousness. Human strength or wisdom is insignificant compared to God's wisdom and strength. God often chooses the weak and despised to show His power and glory. Pride and self-righteousness hinder many from seeing their need for God. True strength comes from acknowledging our weaknesses and relying on God's power. Live by the Spirit, understand God's righteousness, and reject the fleshly desires to reflect His love and justice in the world.
9/9/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Strife - Satan's Playground | Part 2 | The Cause & Cure

In Part 2 of "Strife - Satan's Underground," Duane Sheriff teaches the harmful effects of strife and how to overcome it. Acknowledging the importance of avoiding strife, especially in marriage, family, business, and church communities, is essential.James 3:16 highlights that where there is envy and strife, there is confusion and every evil work. This verse underscores the dangerous nature of strife and why it must be avoided. Identifying the root cause of strife is pride. Proverbs 13:10 states, 'Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.' This scripture helps to clarify that pride leads to arguments and conflicts. Addressing pride in our hearts is key to reducing strife in our relationships and environments. Humility cures strife. Jesus teaches us to humbly serve others, which helps prevent pride and the resulting conflicts. In Luke 22:26, Jesus says, "But you shall not be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves." The Bible shows that living humbly and avoiding conflict can lead to peaceful and loving relationships. Embrace humility, consider others, and manage your pride to promote a healthier community and personal life.
9/8/202453 minutes, 22 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 17 | Mirror

In the seventeenth episode of "Identity Theft," Duane Sheriff teaches how to discover one's identity in Christ. Our true identity cannot be found by merely looking in a mirror or through physical senses and emotions. Spiritual truth is revealed through the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.Faith is a key to connecting with one's spirit and understanding the spiritual realities of who we are in Jesus. John 4:24 emphasizes that God is spirit; therefore, Christians must worship Him in spirit and truth, a practice that not only requires faith but also deepens our spiritual connection with God. While humanity in Adam is steeped in sin and condemnation, the new identity in Christ brings renewal and freedom. 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 highlights that believers are a new creation in Christ. Old things have passed away, and all things have become new in one's born-again spirit. Understanding one's identity in Christ equips believers to resist cultural and satanic attacks. Just as Jesus discovered His identity in the scriptures, Christians must search the Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal their true selves and God's purpose.
9/6/202428 minutes, 32 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 16 | Amnesia

In the sixteenth episode of "Identity Theft," Duane Sheriff teaches that the devil incessantly targets a believer's sense of identity, just as he attacked Jesus's identity at the beginning and end of His ministry. Knowing your identity in Christ connects individuals to their purpose and ignites their passion for life. In our modern culture, many individuals claim to seek their 'authentic self.' However, our 'authentic self' without Jesus is a sinner under God's judgment. After accepting Christ, believers gain a new authentic self that is righteous and holy. This new identity is critical for fulfilling God's will and purpose in their lives. Satan's primary tactic is to create confusion about identity. By sowing doubt and promoting identity amnesia, Satan aims to derail believers from their God-given purpose. Jesus's confrontations with Satan in the wilderness serve as a prime example—Satan repeatedly questioned Jesus's identity to tempt Him. Believers today face similar trials, where their identity in Christ is often assaulted.Understanding and affirming one's identity in Christ is a defense against these attacks. When believers root their identity in Jesus, they find purpose and the strength to resist temptations and trials. Sheriff calls for believers, especially the youth, to resist identity confusion propagated by the world. By embracing their true identity in Christ, they can overcome challenges and pursue their God-given assignments with clarity and confidence. 
9/5/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 15 | We Be Tea

In the fifteenth episode of "Identity Theft," Duane Sheriff teaches that we are united with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection as believers. This unity signifies that Christ lives in us, giving us hope and a new life through faith. Colossians 1:27 states that "Christ in us" is the hope of glory, and Galatians 2:20 speaks about being crucified with Christ and living by faith in Him. Through baptism, believers are spiritually united with Christ's death and raised to new life, as highlighted in Romans 6 and Ephesians 2. Apostle Paul discusses in Philippians 1 his struggles between living on Earth or departing to be with Christ. Our physical bodies give us authority on Earth to empower us to carry out God's work, spreading the gospel and overcoming sin, the flesh, and Satan. Duane shares his revelation of comparing our unity with Christ to the process of making tea. Tea bags are infused with water, making them indistinguishable from the tea. In the same way, believers are so infused with Christ that we are one with Him in spirit. This profound union means we carry Christ within us and are called to live out His life through our actions. Our role as the "bride of Christ" involves a spiritual marriage with Jesus. This union requires loyalty, faithfulness, and a commitment to living a life that honors God's grace and truth.
9/4/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 14 | Internal Struggle

In the fourteenth episode of "Identity Theft," Duane Sheriff teaches about identity theft and spiritual strife. Many believers struggle with understanding their true identity in Christ, which can lead to inner conflict and spiritual immaturity.Many Christians experience an internal struggle because they do not fully grasp their new identity in Christ. Believers have died with Christ, been buried with Him, and raised to new life. Identifying with Christ's death and resurrection is critical to maturity, overcoming spiritual struggles, and living victorious Christian lives.
9/3/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 13 | Reversal

In the thirteenth episode of "Identity Theft," Duane Sheriff teaches the concept of identity theft in a spiritual context. Satan stole Adam's identity in the Garden of Eden when Adam ate from the Tree of Disobedience and plunged humanity into an identity crisis. Thus, all people are born into this fallen identity.Jesus Christ, who is referred to as the "second Adam," partook of the Tree of Obedience through his death on the cross. This act reversed the consequences of Adam's disobedience, offering righteousness and eternal life to believers. Our new identity in Christ transcends earthly distinctions such as race, gender, or social status.All believers are fully forgiven of all sins - past, present, and future - through Christ's redemption. Embrace your identity as a saint rather than seeing yourself as a sinner saved by grace. Understanding our new identity in Christ is crucial for our spiritual growth and overcoming sin.
9/2/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Culture Of The Word | Part 3

In Part 3 of the "Culture of the Word," Duane teaches the importance of absolute truth in the Christian faith. Absolute truths are unchanging and eternal, grounded in the Word of God. As Jesus prays in John 17:17, 'Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.' The Bible is our ultimate source of truth. Understanding absolute truth is essential for our spiritual journey. God's Word provides a solid foundation to navigate the challenges and lies of our modern culture. By embracing absolute truth, we acknowledge that there is a definitive right and wrong, as defined by God's teachings.Absolute truth is not relative or subjective; God determines it. 2 Thessalonians 2 states that in the end times, many will be deceived because they lack a love for the truth. Using personal anecdotes and biblical examples, Duane illustrates the danger of neglecting this truth and falling into deception. There is an ongoing battle between good and evil. It is vital to teach these truths to the next generation to shield them from the increasing deception of the world. By embracing God's truth, we will find the strength to overcome the lies and challenges of our time.
9/1/202454 minutes, 38 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 12 | New Creation

In the twelfth episode of "Identity Theft," Duane Sheriff teaches about our new identity in Christ. 2 Corinthians 5 explains how believers are now members of the family of God and should focus on their spiritual identity, not their fleshly one. The transformation that happens when someone becomes a new creature in Christ.Our old identity, which can include our family background and physical traits, should not define us. Instead, as Paul states in Romans 7:18, walking after the flesh results in spiritual death and negative emotions like guilt and depression. Our true identity is found in Jesus, who gave us a new life and purpose. The fleeting nature of short-term and long-term identities associated with our immediate families and the family of man traces back to Adam. Galatians 6:14-15 emphasizes that what truly matters is being a new creation in Christ and not any earthly or fleshly markers. Our new identity in Christ liberates us from the curses and limitations of our old selves. Understanding this enables believers to experience God's blessings, achieve victory over their circumstances, and maintain spiritual health and prosperity, as mentioned in 3 John 2. Let go of your past identity and embrace the transformative power of your new life in Christ.
8/30/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 11 | New Identification

In the eleventh episode of "Identity Theft," Duane Sheriff teaches our new identification in Christ from a spiritual perspective. Christians have a new identity through our association with Jesus, and it's essential to understand and embrace this truth.Many people, including Christians, suffer from "identity amnesia," forgetting who they truly are in Christ. Believers must break free from imposed identities that may come from family, peers, or society and instead embrace our new identity as children of God. 2 Corinthians 5:17 states, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." This verse underscores the transformative power of our identification with Christ, emphasizing that we are entirely new creations in Him.Romans 12:2 warns against conforming to the world's standards and instead encourages believers to be transformed by renewing their minds. This renewal process involves understanding and living out our new identity in Christ. Our actions flow from our identity. If we continue to see ourselves as "sinners saved by grace" rather than as righteous new creations in Christ, it will affect our behavior and spiritual growth.
8/29/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 10 | New Nature

In the tenth episode of Identity Theft, Duane Sheriff teaches that if you are born again, you are no longer in Adam but in Christ, and you have been radically transformed. 2 Corinthians 5:21 explains that Jesus became sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God. Our righteousness in Christ is not something we earn but is a free gift, as stated in Romans 5. Adam's sin made us all sinners, but Jesus's obedience makes us righteous and sanctified. It's crucial to renew our minds to this new identity in Christ and teach others. Ephesians 4:22-24 instructs us to put off the old self and put on the new self, created to be righteous and holy. In Christ, we have a new nature. Even when we sin, we do not lose our new identity.Colossians 3:9-10 urges us to put off the old man with its deeds and put on the new man, renewed in knowledge, after the image of Christ. When we were in Adam, we were dominated by the flesh, driven by our physical senses and carnal minds. However, in Christ, we walk after the Spirit, not the flesh, and there is no condemnation, as Romans 8:1-2 assures us. This new law of the Spirit gives us the power to overcome sin and live a victorious life."Identity Theft" is a call to embrace our new identity in Christ, recognizing that we are no longer sinners but the righteousness of God. We're empowered to walk in holiness and truth.
8/28/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 9 | Sin

In the ninth episode of Identity Theft, Duane Sheriff compares our new identity in Christ to our old identity in Adam. As believers, we are no longer in Adam, where we were made sinners, but we are now in Christ and made righteous with His righteousness. Focusing on Romans 5:17- 19, we can see how we were made sinners through Adam's disobedience and are now righteous through Christ's obedience. Just as we did not become sinners by our actions, we do not become righteous by our works. Instead, it's a gift received through faith in Jesus. 2 Corinthians 5:17 proclaims, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" This transformation begins in our spirit at the moment of rebirth. At the same time, our soul (mind, will, and emotions) is being renewed daily, offering us a continuous source of hope and encouragement, and our body awaits future redemption. While Christians may still sin, they are no longer sinners by nature. 2 Corinthians 5:21 shows how Jesus, who knew no sin, became sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. This exchange allows believers to stand righteous before God, not through their efforts, but through Christ's finished work on the cross.
8/27/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 8 | Born Again

In the eighth episode of "Identity Theft," Duane Sheriff teaches the contrast between Adam's disobedience and Christ's obedience and how it affects believers today. Citing Romans 5, he explains how Adam's sin brought death and condemnation to all humanity, while Jesus' righteousness brings life and justification to those who believe.Just as we were born into sin through Adam, we can be born again into righteousness through Jesus Christ. Through our new identity in Christ, believers are now righteous, holy, and more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). God brought forth Jesus through the virgin birth, bypassing man's sin nature. 1 Peter 1:23 describes how believers are born again of incorruptible seed through the Word of God.Isaiah 9:6 prophesies Jesus as both a child born and a son given. While Jesus had a beginning in His humanity, He is eternal as the Son of God. Jesus is the "everlasting Father" of the new creation, not to be confused with God the Father. Through our faith in Jesus, believers can overcome sin, sickness, and the challenges of this world. 
8/26/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Culture Of The Word | Part 2

In the "Culture Of The Word" message, Duane teaches the importance of truth and cultivating a culture of the word in the life of a believer. A culture of the word reflects Jesus, honors Him and focuses on Him. This culture embodies both grace and truth without compromising either.Duane stresses the significance of absolute truth in a world increasingly embracing relativism. He points to Jesus' words in John 18:37, where Christ declares, "For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." Believers should love and seek truth while warning against rejecting God's word as the ultimate authority.A culture of the word places high value and reverence on Scripture. It makes God's word a priority in daily life, even when it's challenging to understand or obey. This culture recognizes the Bible as a sure foundation, absolute truth, and final authority in all matters of faith and practice.God's word is "God-breathed" and profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Scripture works in believers' lives by teaching, reproving, correcting, and instructing them in righteousness. Duane reveals the remarkable prophetic accuracy of the Bible, with over 300 Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in Jesus Christ, providing strong evidence of the divine inspiration and trustworthiness of Scripture.God's word is absolute truth. Live according to its teachings and share the gospel with others. This will help embody and spread a culture of the word in a world that desperately needs it.
8/25/202455 minutes, 2 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 7 | Salvation

In the seventh episode of "Identity Theft," Duane Sheriff continues teaching our new identity in Christ. Drawing from the teachings of Apostle Paul, we explore the contrast between the first man, Adam, and Jesus Christ, the last Adam, to reveal the profound changes that Christ has brought into our lives. Romans 5:14-17 and 1 Corinthians 15:45-47 illustrate how Adam's disobedience introduced sin and death into the world and how Jesus' obedience and sacrifice brought righteousness and new life to believers. Adam's sin had widespread effects on humanity; Jesus' obedience offers a solution that restores and renews our lives. In Jesus, we are no longer under the curse of sin but are born again into righteousness, justification, and holiness. This powerful message emphasizes the importance of understanding our identity in Christ to overcome challenges and thrive in life. Isaiah 9:6 states the prophetic declaration of Jesus as the everlasting Father of the new creation, revealing the divine plan of salvation and the transition from the old creation to the new. This episode aims to inspire believers to recognize their spiritual heritage and embrace the authority and freedom that come with their new identity in Christ. It offers a deeper understanding of biblical truths about identity and encourages living victoriously, empowered by God's grace and Jesus' finished work on the cross.
8/23/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 6 | Identity Confusion

In the sixth episode of "Identity Theft," Duane Sheriff teaches on the critical issue of identity confusion, emphasizing the importance of understanding one's true identity in Christ. Satan targets people's identities to disrupt God's purpose for their lives, which leads to unprecedented levels of confusion prevalent in our society today, especially among young people.Christians need to teach their children about their God-given identity, including their gender as created by God. In Genesis 1:26-28 and Mark 10, Jesus affirms that God created humans male and female. Conforming to worldly identities contradicts one's new identity in Christ, citing Romans 12:2: "And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind."Psalm 139 tells us that God created us in our mother's womb, and Genesis 1:26-28, reminds us that God made humans in His image, male and female. Identity confusion is not a new tactic of Satan but seems to be at an all-time high in today's culture. Many people live their lives under a false identity or an imposed identity, which can hinder God's purpose for their lives.There are various forms of false identities, including imposed identities from family or society and the dangers of identity politics that divide people based on race, gender, or sexual orientation. Romans 12:2 shows how we need to renew our minds to avoid being conformed to the world but be transformed by discovering and living out God's will for us. Believers should reject these worldly classifications and instead embrace their spiritual identity in Christ.
8/22/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 5 | Master Copy

In the fifth episode of "Identity Theft," Duane Sheriff continues to teach about our new identity in Christ, highlighting God's incredible grace. He compares the significant impact of two men on humanity through God's master copy: Adam and Jesus Christ. While Adam's sin brought death and condemnation to all, Jesus' sacrifice brought righteousness and life through God's grace. Romans 5:12-19 illustrates how Adam, as the first representative of humanity, introduced sin into the world. However, Jesus, as the second and last Adam, became the perfect representative, offering salvation through His obedience and sacrifice. We inherited sin from Adam but can now inherit righteousness from Christ. This righteousness is not based on our efforts but on God's grace through faith in Jesus. Romans 5:17 states, "For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!" We are no longer defined by Adam's sin but by Christ's righteousness, saved by grace. Believers are encouraged to embrace their new identity in Christ and to live boldly in the grace and righteousness provided through Him. This new identity in Christ shapes our purpose and destiny in life.
8/21/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 4 | Identity in Christ

In the fourth episode of "Identity Theft," Duane Sheriff teaches about our new identity in Christ and its importance for today's generation. He stresses that our children and grandchildren face an identity crisis fueled by a culture that promotes confusion and chaos. This crisis is misleading young minds and targeting their very purpose and destiny. As Christians, we must protect our children's identities and teach them their true identity in Jesus. Our spiritual identity transforms from being tied to Adam, as described in Romans 5:14, to being renewed in Christ. Duane explains that while we inherit sin and death through Adam, we gain righteousness and new life through Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17). This new creation is not just a theological idea but a real change in our spirit. Recognizing ourselves and others through the lens of Christ's spirit rather than the flesh is crucial. 2 Corinthians 5:16-17 highlights that if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation; the old has passed away, and new life has begun. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 explains the transformation of the spirit, soul, and body, urging believers to renew their minds and live out their new identity in Christ." Duane encourages parents and grandparents to be proactive in teaching their children these truths to ensure they understand their worth and purpose in Jesus.
8/20/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 3 | Adam or Christ

In the third episode of "Identity Theft," Duane Sheriff teaches a powerful message on the topic of identity in Christ from his book, 'Identity Theft.' He emphasizes the importance of understanding our new nature as believers. Many people today, especially young people, are facing an identity crisis, and Satan uses this to steal, kill, and destroy their purpose and divine design.We have three types of identity: short-term (our immediate family), long-term (either in Adam or in Christ), and eternal (our new identity in Christ). According to Romans 7:18, there is no good thing in our flesh. We are to know ourselves after the Spirit and the Word of God. Duane passionately shares his own revelation of the cross and how it transformed his understanding of Galatians 2:20, where the old self is crucified, and Christ lives within us. Christians should no longer see themselves or others 'according to the flesh' as stated in 2 Corinthians 5:16. We should know each other by our new identity in Christ, breaking down divisions caused by race or the flesh.
8/19/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Strife - Satan's Playground

Duane teaches the danger and impact of strife in our relationships and spiritual lives. Strife is an issue that many people do not recognize in their lives, and it can be as destructive as sins like adultery. Strife can ruin marriages, churches, and personal relationships, causing confusion and hindering the manifestation of God's word in our lives. Strife is often rooted in envy and pride, creating an environment where every evil work can flourish. James Chapter 3 illustrates how strife stems from self-seeking and bitter envy, leading to confusion and disorder. Strife and self-centeredness open the door to demonic influences and every evil practice. To overcome this, believers must learn to recognize conflict, avoid it, and pursue wisdom that is pure, peaceful, gentle, and full of mercy.God's wisdom promotes peace and unity, recognized by purity, gentleness, willingness to yield, and mercy. In contrast, earthly wisdom is recognized by bitterness, jealousy, and strife. Believers should be God-centered and others-minded rather than self-seeking to nurture better relationships. Utilizing God's wisdom will avoid conflict in marriages, church leadership, and everyday relationships, manifesting heavenly blessings and peace. On the other hand, the earthly wisdom of this world is bitterness, jealousy, and strife.Striving for harmony and rejecting divisive behavior are crucial. Love, as demonstrated by Jesus, seeks to avoid harm and create a conflict-free environment, allowing the Holy Spirit to move freely and bless the congregation. The unwavering commitment to God's principles of love, unity, and wisdom from above is the key to combating strife.
8/18/20241 hour, 4 minutes, 25 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 2 | New Identity

In the second episode of "Identity Theft," Duane Sheriff shares his transformative experience of encountering Christ and receiving a revelation of the cross. He describes an open vision he had in May 1980, in which he saw himself inside Jesus on the cross, dying with Him, being buried, and then rising to new life. This vision dramatically changed his life, giving him a deep understanding of his new identity in Christ.This revelation aligns with Scripture. Galatians 2:20 states, "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless, I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me," Romans 6 speaks of being buried with Christ in baptism and raised to new life. Ephesians 2 describes how believers are seated with Christ in heavenly places.There are three types of identity that people deal with:1. Short-term identity: traits inherited from immediate family.2. Long-term identity: our connection to Adam and the sin nature.3. New identity in Christ: received through the new birth.Duane emphasizes how understanding our new identity in Christ can help overcome insecurities, complexes, and negative self-images rooted in our old nature. He contrasts the idea of having a "high self-esteem" with developing a "high Christ-esteem," encouraging believers to see themselves as new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).Jesus is the "second man" and "last Adam" (1 Corinthians 15:45-47), which explains how Christ came to reverse the effects of Adam's sin and provide a new master copy for humanity. Through faith in Christ, believers can now live in a "kingdom of justification and righteousness," continually renewing their minds to align with their new identity in Him (Romans 12:2).
8/16/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Identity Theft | Episode 1 | True Identity

Our culture is suffering from an identity crisis. Duane Sheriff teaches the concept of identity and the spiritual battle against identity theft orchestrated by Satan. Duane explains how crucial it is for believers to understand their true identity in Christ to fulfill God's purpose for their lives. John 10:10 reveals Satan's desire to steal, kill, and destroy, especially targeting our new identity in Christ.There are three key reasons why understanding our identity is crucial:1. It connects us to our purpose.2. It sets the course for our life.3. It affects the wholeness of our personhood.Duane shares his testimony, recounting a transformative vision in May 1980 where he saw the death of his old self on the cross and his new identity in the resurrected Christ. This vision changed the course of his life, emphasizing the power of knowing who we are in Christ as described in 2 Corinthians 5:17: "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"Identity is who we are or who we believe ourselves to be. Our identity connects us to our divine purpose and sets the course for our life. By understanding the death of our old identity in Christ and embracing our new identity in His resurrection, we can move forward with purpose and clarity.
8/15/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Culture of the Word

Duane Sheriff teaches the importance of developing a "Culture Of The Word" in the church and our personal life. During challenging times like the 2019 shutdown, churches with a strong foundation in God's Word thrived, while those lacking this foundation struggled or closed.A Word-Centered Culture embraces these five elements: 1. Value and reverence Scripture (Psalm 19:10). 2. Prioritize God's Word above everything else (Psalm 138:2). 3. Build a strong foundation on the Word (Matthew 7:24-27). 4. Acknowledge the Bible as absolute truth. 5. Submit to the authority of Scripture. Prioritize Scripture over personal opinions, emotions, and cultural trends. Stand firm on biblical truth, even in the face of opposition, and allow the Holy Spirit to transform rather than trying to bend God's Word to fit preferences. By embracing a "Culture Of The Word," believers can become a counterculture to the prevalent lies and corruption in society, ultimately reflecting the love, grace, and truth of Jesus Christ.
8/11/202453 minutes, 45 seconds
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Jubilee 2024

Duane recaps each speaker's message during the week of Jubilee. He intricately weaves the week's themes with creative humor and anecdotes as he discerns what God is saying through other speakers. This year, Duane heard "Grit." In the dictionary, 'grit' means having firmness of character and an indomitable spirit, which believers must embody to succeed in the 'third great awakening.  Acting with grit will be essential for standing against forthcoming challenges and being a light in the world. Grit will be the key to taking risks, like praying for others, standing firm in faith, and overcoming life's obstacles. Duane challenges everyone to embrace true grit, charging forward in faith to positively impact the world, like the examples of true grit in the Bible and history. Believers are encouraged to stand firm in their identity, rooted in God's truth, and seek a personal relationship with God through prayer and scripture. 
8/2/20241 hour, 6 minutes, 33 seconds
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Culture of Excellence

Duane continues teaching about the "Culture of Excellence" and pursuing excellence in our church, personal, and business lives. God is a God of excellence, and believers should desire and embody the characteristic of excellence in every aspect of their lives. Excellence is not legalism or perfectionism but a consistent effort to do and be our best with what we have and know. The Greek definition of excellence is 'to carry through,' illustrating that excellence serves as a bridge between God and people (Philippians 1:10). With anecdotes from his ministerial experiences, Duane illustrates that continual self-assessment and the willingness to learn from mistakes are vital for growth. 2 Corinthians 3:18 explains how we are transformed 'from glory to glory' by the Spirit of the Lord through consistent self-improvement and dedication to God. By doing so, they will better themselves and effectively transport God's presence into the world and bring people closer to Him.
8/1/202446 minutes, 45 seconds
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Culture of Excellence

Duane teaches the importance of cultivating a "Culture of Excellence" within the church and personal life. Excellence should not be confused with perfectionism. Excellence is about doing the best we can with what we have and know, making our work and actions reflect God's nature. Drawing from Philippians 1:9-10, Duane explains how love should abound in knowledge and discernment. Excellence is not just about outward actions but also about maintaining an excellent spirit, as seen in Daniel 6:3. Excellence impacts behavior, attitudes, and work ethic. Believers are encouraged to be consistent in everything they do. Psalms 8:1 praises the Excellence of God's name, and Psalms 36:7 emphasizes God's excellent loving-kindness. The purpose of Excellence is to carry and reflect God's glory to others, to be a bridge that transports people to God and vice versa.
8/1/202449 minutes, 35 seconds
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Who is My Neighbor? | Part 2

In this message, Brother Duane teaches the importance of staying rooted in God's Word and being loyal to Jesus in the world of deception. He emphasizes that true love for Jesus is demonstrated through obedience to His teachings, as stated in John 14:15: "If you love me, keep my commandments."Using the parable of the Good Samaritan as an illustration, he reveals how Jesus is our neighbor, the one we must love to inherit eternal life. He explains that just as the Good Samaritan poured oil and wine into the wounded man's injuries, we need the oil of salvation, the wine of the Holy Spirit, and the bread of God's Word.Many Christians today are easily deceived and lack the discernment that comes from studying Scripture. Hebrews 5:14 speaks of mature believers who have "their senses trained to discern good and evil" through the constant use of God's Word.There is a growing hostility towards Christians in society, but we should be reminded of Jesus' words in John 15:20: "If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also." Duane encourages believers to recommit themselves to Jesus, His Word, and His truth to stand firm in their faith, even when facing opposition from the world.John 8:31-32 states: "If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." In these deceptive days, it is critical to cultivate a disciplined habit of studying Scripture to sharpen our spiritual discernment and deepen our faith.
7/28/20241 hour, 4 minutes, 58 seconds
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Who is my Neighbor?

Brother Duane teaches a profound message about the parable of the Good Samaritan, revealing its deeper meaning as a representation of God's redemptive plan for humanity. In Luke 10, Jesus masterfully presents the entire gospel story in just a few verses (Luke 10:25-37).The parable reveals how the man who fell among thieves represents Adam and all of humanity, stripped of righteousness and left spiritually half-dead due to sin. The priest and Levite, representing the law, cannot save the man, just as the law cannot save us from our fallen state.The Good Samaritan is Jesus, who comes on a journey to rescue us. He binds our wounds, pours in oil and wine (representing the Holy Spirit), and takes us to the inn (the church) for care. The two pennies given to the innkeeper symbolize the approximately 2,000 years between Christ's first and second coming, with the promise of His return.Remember to stay focused on the return of Jesus and do not be swayed by fear or false predictions. Be filled with both the "oil" (new birth) and "wine" (empowerment) of the Holy Spirit to prepare for challenging times ahead. Strengthen your heart with God's Word (Psalm 104:15), and be prepared to stand firm in faith. Believers are to be neighbors to those in need, just as Christ is our neighbor, and to rely on the Holy Spirit's guidance in these last days.
7/21/202456 minutes, 14 seconds
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Money Talks | Part 4

In part four of "Money Talks," Brother Duane shares revelation on giving, focusing on the importance of tithing under New Testament grace. He distinguishes between tithing under the Old Testament law and New Testament grace, emphasizing that tithing wasn't just a practice tied to the Law of Moses but a principle that started before the law with Abraham and Melchizedek. Hebrews 7 describes Jesus as our High Priest in the order of Melchizedek. We now tithe to Jesus, not to an earthly priesthood. Tithing should be a joyful and willing act, not a response to obligation or fear of curses. In Malachi 3:10-11, God promises to "open the windows of heaven" and "rebuke the devourer" for those who tithe faithfully. This blessing is God's favor, wisdom, and protection over our finances and lives.Malachi 3:10-12 illustrates God's promise to bless those who bring their tithes into the storehouse. Tithing reflects loyalty, faith, and an acknowledgment of God's provision. Tithing and offerings are not about legalistic obligations but about understanding and honoring God with what He has given us. Brother Duane ties New Testament tithing to the principle of sowing and reaping (2 Corinthians 9:6-7). He encourages believers to give generously and cheerfully, believing that God will provide and bless their faithfulness.
7/14/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 36 seconds
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Love Beyond Measure | Episode 6 | Holy Spirit

In the sixth episode of "Love Beyond Measure," Duane teaches the Holy Spirit has a crucial role in helping us understand and experience God's love. According to Romans 5:5 (ESV), "The love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."). We cannot discern God's love through our circumstances, feelings, or human reasoning. Instead, the Holy Spirit reveals and sheds light on the depth of God's love for us. The Holy Spirit helps us understand the profound love demonstrated through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, where He took the punishment for our sins upon Himself. 2 Corinthians 5:21 states, "For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" (ESV). Through Christ's death, we are made righteous in God's sight, not by our efforts but by His love and grace. God's love is not dependent on our performance or worthiness. This incredible act of love demonstrates God's unwavering commitment to reconciling us to Himself, regardless of our condition.The Holy Spirit is vital in helping us grasp the immensity of God's love and apply it to our lives. As we yield to the Spirit's guidance and allow Him to reveal the truth of God's love, our faith is strengthened, and we experience the transformative power of His grace.
7/10/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Love Beyond Measure | Episode 5 | Sixteen Attributes

In the fifth episode of "Love Beyond Measure," Duane teaches about the profound depths of God's love and its essential attributes, as outlined in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. These sixteen characteristics are not just guidelines for believers to follow but also a reflection of God's very nature, for "God is love" (1 John 4:8).This love is not dependent on performance but on God's unchanging character. It is a love that bears, believes, hopes, and endures all things, never failing (1 Corinthians 13:7-8). It's important to meditate on these attributes as a revelation of how God loves us unconditionally. God loves His children with the same love He has for His Son, Jesus (John 17:23).By truly knowing and believing in God's love, believers can experience wholeness, develop a healthy self-love, and extend that same love to others around them. God's love is immeasurable, unconditional, and unchanging. It's this love that empowers believers to live abundantly and love others as God has loved them.
7/9/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Love Beyond Measure | Episode 4 | The Cross

In the fourth episode of "Love Beyond Measure," Duane explores the unfathomable depth of God's love for us, demonstrated through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross. 1 John 4:9-10 states, "In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins." God's love is not based on our circumstances or conduct but on His unchanging character and nature. Love is an inherent attribute of who God is, and He loves us unconditionally, regardless of our failures or shortcomings. God's love was displayed in the most profound way when Jesus, the sinless Son of God, took upon Himself the punishment for our sins on the cross, becoming the propitiation (the atoning sacrifice) for our transgressions. Through the cross, God's love was made manifest, providing a way for us to be forgiven, redeemed, and reconciled to Him. When we truly understand and embrace this love, it casts out fear and gives us boldness, even in the face of judgment or rejection from the world.
7/8/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Money Talks | Part 3

In the third part of the series "Money Talks," Brother Duane teaches the four pillars of biblical prosperity: work, stewardship, discipline, and giving. These principles work together to create a balanced approach to financial blessing, focusing on cultivating a giving heart.The first pillar, work, is presented as a God-given principle for prosperity. Brother Duane emphasizes the importance of developing a strong work ethic, especially when teaching children and grandchildren.Stewardship, the second pillar, involves wisely managing what one has and controlling desires for what one doesn't have. Good stewardship applies to both possessions and attitudes.The third pillar, discipline, illustrated in Proverbs 6:6-11, encourages readers to learn diligence from the work ethic of an ant. There is a for financial discipline, including budgeting, saving, and avoiding unnecessary debt.The fourth pillar, giving, is a supernatural principle that leads to blessing. Proverbs 11:24-25 states that those who give generously will prosper. In Acts 10:1-4, Cornelius' prayers and almsgiving are described as a "memorial before God."Giving is not just about money but about the attitude of the heart. Tithing under the New Covenant is not about legalism but honoring Jesus as our High Priest "after the order of Melchizedek" (Hebrews 7).Brother Duane encourages believers to apply these principles in their lives. God blesses those who follow His financial wisdom. Giving not only blesses others but also lays up treasures in heaven, as taught in Matthew 6:20.
7/7/202454 minutes, 55 seconds
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Love Beyond Measure | Episode 3 | Revelation

In the third episode of "Love Beyond Measure," Duane teaches about the depth of God's love by emphasizing the importance of truly understanding God's love beyond mere intellectual knowledge. According to 1 John 4:7-8, there are three fundamental truths about God's love:1. Love originates from God, not from the world or our human nature. True love is a divine attribute from God and cannot be fully understood or defined by the world.2. To truly love, one must be born of God and have an intimate knowledge of Him. The term "know" in the Bible refers to a deep, personal relationship, similar to the intimacy between a husband and wife. Therefore, we need a close personal relationship with God to experience and express His love.3. God is love. Love is not just something God possesses; it is His essential nature. God's love for us is limitless, immeasurable, and unchanging, regardless of our actions or circumstances.Duane emphasizes that many believers struggle to fully grasp God's love because they rely on the world's distorted understanding or measure God's love based on their performance. Ephesians 3:17-19 reveals that by being deeply rooted and grounded in God's love, we can comprehend its vastness and experience it fully. Growing in a deep revelation of God's love will provide a firm foundation during trials and enable us to love others.
7/5/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Love Beyond Measure | Episode 2 | Knowing

In the second episode of "Love Beyond Measure," Duane teaches the importance of knowing God's love for us and how the Holy Spirit primarily reveals this love. There are four foundational truths from 1 John 4:7-9 about God's love:1. Love is of God, not of this world or our flesh (v. 7).2. To love with God's love, one must be born of God and know God (v. 7).3. God is love; it is His nature and character (v. 8).4. God's love was manifested by sending His Son, Jesus, to be the propitiation (satisfactory sacrifice) for our sins (v. 9).Duane shares his powerful testimony of having an open vision of the cross, where he saw himself in Christ, crucified with Him, buried, and raised to new life. This revelation of the cross showed him God's unconditional, unmerited love, satisfying God's righteous judgment against sin through Christ's sacrifice, and his faith exploded.Not everyone has such a dramatic experience, but the Holy Spirit can reveal the same truth through the Word of God (Romans 5:8, 1 John 3:16). The cross is the primary way we know God's love, as He demonstrated His love by sending His Son to die for us while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8).
7/4/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Love Beyond Measure | Episode 1 | Faith

God loves you so much! Many Christians do not fully comprehend the depth of God's love and how it impacts their faith. Duane teaches that understanding God's love is crucial to our faith.In Ephesians 3:16-19, Paul pleads for believers to comprehend the vast dimensions of God's love - its breadth, length, depth, and height. This love is not just intellectual knowledge but a revelation from the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures. To be firmly established in God's love, our faith will soar, and we can love God and others more fully (1 Thessalonians 4:9-10).According to 1 John 4:18, perfect love casts out fear. When we truly grasp the immensity of God's love for us, it dispels anxiety and worry, even the fear of death itself. God's love is not based on our performance or conduct but on God's unchanging character and nature.Knowing God's love for us will transform our lives and help us to love God and others. This message will deepen your understanding of God's immeasurable love and how embracing that love can strengthen both your faith and relationships.
7/3/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 20 | Maturity

In the final episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches that maturity is the sixth defense in guarding against deception, especially in the Christian faith. One of the primary reasons many people depart from the faith is immaturity - being carnally minded and lacking spiritual discernment.How can professing Christians embrace immorality, vote for leaders who oppose biblical values, and support unbiblical ideologies that celebrate sinful behaviors? The root cause of this departure often lies in a lack of genuine salvation and spiritual rebirth. Some attend church and try to live a moral life, mistakenly believing that this alone secures their salvation. True Christianity, however, involves a spiritual transformation through being born again, with God's Spirit dwelling within and empowering a new life in Christ.Even among those genuinely born again, many fail to transition from being new converts to becoming mature disciples of Christ. They remain spiritual infants, unable to properly understand and apply the deep truths of God's Word. The path to maturity requires humility – acknowledging one's limitations, remaining teachable, and submitting to God's ways rather than pridefully clinging to one's own understanding. As the Apostle Paul affirmed, when he became a man, he put away childish things, recognizing and discarding immature thought patterns and behaviors.Ultimately, maturity is not the absence of all immaturity but the ability to discern and willingly lay aside immature mindsets and actions. It is a lifelong process of growth, enabled by God's grace, as believers press on to know Christ more intimately and become conformed to His image.
7/2/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 19 | Doer of the Word

In the nineteenth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches that the fifth defense against deception is to be a "doer of the word" and not just a "hearer only." This means actively living out and applying the teachings of the Bible, rather than simply listening or reading without putting them into practice (James 1:21-25).If you hear or read the Bible without mixing faith and obedience, it will not lead to transformation in your life. Someone who hears the word but does not act upon it is like a person who looks in a mirror, sees their reflection, but immediately forgets what they look like when they walk away.True faith requires doing "the work" by living out the teachings of Jesus and the principles found in God's Word. This obedience and application of Scripture is a vital safeguard against deception, helping believers stay grounded in the "simplicity of Jesus" rather than being led astray.
7/1/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Money Talks | Part 2

In this compelling message on money and prosperity, Brother Duane teaches that God desires to bless His people. However, prosperity involves more than just finances. There are four key components of biblical prosperity: work, stewardship, discipline, and giving.Having a solid work ethic is essential. Thessalonians 3:10 states: "If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat." Work is part of God's image in mankind and vital in providing for oneself and others.Duane explores Jesus' parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16:9. In this parable, Jesus says to "make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon," explaining that we should use money to further God's kingdom and save souls. Duane underscores that how we handle money tests our faithfulness in spiritual matters.Discipline is the third component that can be challenging in today's digital age. True prosperity comes from God's perspective on money. Proverbs 10:22 says, "The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it." The power of giving is the fourth component. Be a faithful steward so you can use your resources to bless others and further God's kingdom. In Acts 10, Cornelius' giving and prayers were a "memorial before God," even before he was saved, demonstrating the spiritual impact of generosity.
6/30/202454 minutes, 48 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 18 | The Fulfillment

In the eighteenth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches how the Holy Spirit testifies of Jesus throughout the Scriptures, revealing Him as the fulfillment and embodiment of God's promises. Jesus is also the firstborn of fullness from which all spiritual blessings come (Ephesians 1:3, 1 John 2:24). The Holy Spirit shows us Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6) regarding our need for God.The Spirit reveals Jesus as the answer to the human condition – our deep spiritual bankruptcy, separation from God due to sin (Romans 3:23). Scripture testifies that humanity was spiritually destitute and hopeless before the grace of God through Christ's sacrifice (Ephesians 2:12). It reveals all people, even spiritual people like Abraham, David, and Paul, were spiritually bankrupt and in desperate need of divine rescue from sin's dominion (Romans 3:10; 9:16; 11:32).The Holy Spirit revealed God's supreme expression of love – He so loved us that He gave His only begotten Son to deliver us from sin's dominion (John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8). This salvation requires a response to the Spirit's conviction, repentance, and turning from sin's depravity through embracing the light of the Cross (Ephesians 2:8).The Spirit reveals we were spiritually naked, bankrupt, doomed to judgment (Ephesians 2:11-12). Yet, Christ's full pardon came through His sacrifice, providing grace wherein our response can be sincere. By embracing His light, repenting, and receiving His pardon, we become spiritually alive from the dead - like Jesus bodily raised from spiritual death (Romans 3:23; Ephesians 2:1-8; Ezekiel 36:26-27). But for those who embrace and obey this way, we will live, co-reigned with Christ forevermore (Revelation 22:3-5, Romans 8:17).
6/28/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 17 | Simplicity of Jesus

In the seventeenth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches the importance of understanding the simplicity of Jesus as a defense against deception. He emphasizes that the Bible and scriptures should always lead us to Jesus. Studying the Bible without focusing on its author and subject, Jesus is like memorizing a restaurant menu without ordering a meal. People often focus solely on the literal interpretation of the word, missing the spiritual and life-giving aspects found in Jesus. This can lead to legalism, unkindness, and deception by not allowing the word to lead them to intimacy with Christ. Doctrines and traditions should guide us to Jesus.Only by keeping a simple focus on Jesus can we avoid being led astray. Believers should have a child-like, simple faith centered on Jesus as the living Word. Doctrines, traditions, and even the Scriptures themselves are meant to continually guide us to the person of Christ and abiding in Him, our sure defense against deception.
6/27/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 16 | Keep It Simple

In the sixteenth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane stresses the importance of making God's Word the ultimate authority in our lives. In a world with conflicting voices from our culture, leaders, and personal experiences, it's crucial to let God's Word be the ultimate truth. The simplicity of Jesus is a powerful defense against deception. In 2 Corinthians 11, Paul expresses concern that believers might be led astray from the simplicity that is in Christ, just as the serpent's cunning deceived Eve. This simplicity is not about lacking depth but about focusing on the fundamental truths of the gospel. Jesus' teachings are straightforward: love God, love your neighbor, and trust in His sacrifice for our salvation. Complexity can lead to deception. When we add to or complicate God's instructions, we open the door to misunderstanding and falsehood. For instance, in the Garden of Eden, Satan's tactic was to question and complicate God's simple command to Adam and Eve. By doubting and adding to God's words, they fell into deception. Keeping it simple means adhering to the core gospel message without allowing cultural or intellectual additions to distort it. Obeying God's straightforward commandments, such as loving others and living righteously, is the essence of faith. The simplicity of Jesus focuses on His love, His teachings, and His sacrifice.
6/26/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 15 | Depart From Evil

In the fifteenth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane continues teaching on the third defense against deception—the fear of the Lord. Our culture has become so saturated with deception that it has infected many in the church because they lack discernment. We need an awakening to come out from darkness and be separate as children of light.The first defense covered was the Word of God. The second defense was discerning the voice of God. This episode focuses on the third critical defense - the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord causes us to depart from evil rather than depart from the faith into deception.Jesus equated fearing the Lord with worshipping and serving Him alone (Matthew 4:10). Fearing God means being in awe of His glory, majesty, and greatness, as exemplified in the Psalms. It produces a thankful, worshipful heart.According to Proverbs 8:13, the fear of the Lord means hating evil, pride, arrogance, and perverse speech. Proverbs 6:16-19 lists things the Lord hates:A proud lookA lying tongueMurdering the innocent, wicked imaginationsEagerness for evilA false witnessSowing discordThe fear of God aligns our hatred with His hatred of these evils that destroy people.Many people, even in churches, do not truly fear God by hating evil. Instead, they deny God's holy wrath and justice against sin. Some wrongly claim a God of love could never send people to hell, failing to understand people choose hell themselves by rejecting God's love and sacrifice.God's wrath flows from His love, as He hates anything that harms His beloved people. Just as a loving parent warns their child against danger, our loving God warns against the eternal danger of embracing evil.Romans 12:9 commands believers to hate evil and cling to good with sincere love. We are to hate evil deeds, not people. Developing a healthy, reverential fear of the Lord protects us from being deceived onto the path of darkness and a reprobate mind. Instead, it aligns our hearts with God's heart to love what is good and hate what is evil.
6/25/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 14 | Third Defense

In the fourteenth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane continues his teaching on defenses against deception. The first defense is the Word of God. The second defense is discerning the voice of God. This episode focuses on the third defense - the fear of the Lord. Fearing the Lord means worshiping Him alone, as Jesus taught in Matthew 4:10. Worship acknowledges who God is - His love, holiness, and righteousness. As we gain revelatory knowledge of God's nature through Worship, we become more like Him. The fear of the Lord produces a thankful heart that glorifies Him even amid problems. Brother Duane acknowledges injustices have happened to him, but he chooses to see God's faithfulness because of his reverential fear of the Lord. We will ultimately face judgment before God—either the Great White Throne for unbelievers or the judgment seat of Christ for believers. No one will unjustly go to hell without clearly rejecting the knowledge of God revealed to them.The fear of the Lord protects us from being deceived onto the path of deception. Discerning God's truth from satanic lies requires humbly fearing, glorifying, and thanking our holy, just Creator and Savior.
6/24/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Money Talks | Part 1

6/23/202454 minutes, 13 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 13 | Fear of the Lord

In the thirteenth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches about the fear of the Lord as a crucial defense against deception. Understanding and embracing the fear of the Lord is vital for believers to maintain their faith and avoid falling into deception.The fear of the Lord is not a tormenting fear but a reverent and holy respect for God. This reverence is essential for guarding against the prevalent deception in the world and within the church. To clarify the fear of the Lord, Duane refers to Jesus' response to Satan during His temptation in the wilderness.In Matthew 4:10, Jesus rebukes Satan, saying, "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." Jesus was quoting Deuteronomy 6:13, which states, "Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, and serve him." Jesus equates the fear of the Lord with worshiping God, highlighting that to fear God is to worship Him and have a deep reverence for His holiness and authority.Reverence for God is crucial for believers. It leads them to depart from evil and align their lives with God's will. Job 28:28 declares, "The fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding." This verse underscores that fearing God grants wisdom and understanding, enabling believers to recognize and avoid evil.The fear of the Lord is foundational for acquiring true wisdom and knowledge. Proverbs 9:10 states, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding." By fearing God, believers start their journey toward wisdom and insight into God's nature and His expectations for righteous living.Duane contrasts the fear of the Lord with the fear of man or the world, which often leads to deception and sin. A proper fear of God includes an awareness of His holiness and justice. This fear motivates believers to live righteously, avoiding behaviors contradicting God's commandments. It also brings a deep respect for God's word, which is a defense against false teachings and cultural pressures that lead away from the truth.
6/21/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 12 | Joy & Fear

In the twelfth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane emphasizes the crucial role of God's provisions in countering pervasive deception in society and the church. The supernatural joy from the Holy Spirit and the reverent fear of the Lord stand out as key defenses.Joy is one of the core "protocols" or languages of God's Kingdom, along with righteousness and peace. When believers experience a supernatural joy rising up within, that reflects the voice and pleasure of God leading them. This godly joy serves as an inward guide showing His approved path.The Bible states in Nehemiah 8:10 that the joy of the Lord is our strength. As we obey God and walk in His ways, we will sense a divine joy that strengthens and affirms we are following His voice. However, when we operate in disobedience, that joy is grieved and absent from our spirits.Philippians 2:12-13 reveals that God works in believers "both to will and to do for His good pleasure." We can discern His good pleasure toward our actions by monitoring this supernatural joy. When it rises, we bring Him joy by doing His will. But when the joy fades, we have grieved His Spirit through disobedience.This divine joy becomes God's inward voice, leading and guiding us from the inside out. It provides an intuitive sense of His approval versus displeasure with our choices and behaviors. Learning to be sensitive to the presence or absence of this joy helps keep us from being deceived.The second defense is the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). Proper, reverential fear and awe of God prevent us from casually giving in to deception or departing from faith. That is why the Apostle Paul instructed believers to work out their salvation with "fear and trembling" in Philippians 2:12.When we walk in the fear of the Lord, we will take our obedience seriously and be on guard against anything displeasing to God. This breeds a sobriety and spiritual vigilance that protects us from deception's snares. The fear of the Lord provides a restraining, convicting influence that keeps us from being misled.By cultivating awareness of both the joy and the fear of the Lord within our spirits, we can be attuned to His voice and leading. These two defenses work in tandem to expose deception and keep us securely following the truth.
6/20/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 11 | Kingdom Protocols

In the eleventh episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches that God has provided several defenses to protect believers from being deceived in our culture filled with deception. One of the most important defenses is understanding the protocols and language of God's Kingdom.Just like every earthly kingdom has its own protocols, laws, and language, the Kingdom of God operates by specific principles. Romans 14:17 lays out three core protocols of God's Kingdom - righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. These form the "language" by which God speaks to His people.Righteousness is how God communicates what is right and wrong. When making decisions, God's voice will align with what is righteous according to His standards in Scripture. Anything promoting unrighteousness, like immorality, hatred, or harm, comes from the voice of the deceiver, not God's voice.Peace is another way God guides believers. The supernatural peace of God ruling in our hearts serves as an "umpire," showing God's path versus the wrong one. When we have an inward sense of peace about a decision, that indicates God's approval. But if our peace leaves, that signals a wrong direction from God's will.The third Kingdom protocol is joy. The Bible describes having supernatural joy from the Holy Spirit, even amid difficult circumstances. This joy becomes the voice of God leading and strengthening us. When we sense that joy rising up within, it reflects God's pleasure and good path for our lives.The Kingdom protocols - righteousness, peace, and joy - form the actual language of the Holy Spirit guiding believers from the inside out. God's will is not something "out there" to be found but is worked out from within us as He prompts our wills and desires according to His good pleasure.We can walk in God's truth rather than being deceived by learning to discern and yield to this inward voice of righteousness, peace, and joy. These Kingdom protocols provide a powerful defense against the rampant deception in society and even the church today.
6/19/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 10 | Peace

In the tenth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches the importance of God's Word and the peace of God as defenses against deception. God's Word is the first and foremost defense against deception, and it must be exalted above human reasoning, philosophies, and cultural influences. When the Word of God is neglected or rare, it becomes challenging to discern God's voice.A second defense is the peace of God. According to Colossians 3:15, believers are instructed to let the peace of God rule in their hearts. Peace is one of the primary ways God speaks and leads His people.There is a difference between being at peace with God and having the peace of God. Being at peace with God is the result of God making peace with us through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. However, having the peace of God is a fruit of the Holy Spirit that dwells within the born-again human spirit.The peace of God acts as an umpire or a voice of guidance in decision-making. When believers are about to make a wrong choice or stray from the path of light, they will lose their inner peace. Conversely, when they have peace about a decision, God's voice confirms that they are safe to proceed.Peace is God's umpire within believers, making the judgment call when decisions need to be made. Just as an umpire's call in baseball is final, the peace of God within is God's authoritative voice guiding our choices.God's Word and His peace are interconnected. When the Word of Christ dwells richly within believers, as instructed in Colossians 3:16, it heightens your spiritual discernment and sensitivity to the Lord's voice, including the voice of His peace. By exalting the Scriptures and yielding to the umpire of peace, believers can walk in the path of righteousness and avoid being misled.
6/18/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 9 | God's Word

In the ninth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches that God has provided two critical safeguards to protect believers from deception. God's Word is the first defense against deception, which must be exalted above human reasoning, philosophies, and cultural influences. When there is a lack of God's Word, it becomes difficult to discern His voice, as seen in the story of young Samuel.The second defense is recognizing the voice of the Lord. According to Romans 8:14, believers must be led by the Spirit of God. However, many Christians struggle to recognize God's voice. God's voice is often a still, small voice within and may not always be in English. The language of the Holy Spirit includes dreams, visions, impressions, and a sense of peace. These are ways in which God speaks to His people. Believers should expect to receive dreams and visions from the Lord, as these are the primary language of the Holy Spirit.Additionally, God can speak through prophecy, godly counsel, spiritual leaders, and impressions or gut feelings. The Holy Spirit may also grieve within us when we are about to make a wrong choice, which is another way God guides us.One of the main ways God speaks is through His peace. Colossians 3:15 instructs believers to let the peace of God rule in their hearts. When we are about to be misled or stray from the path of light, we will lose our inner peace, God's voice warning us.When we are grounded in God's Word, it heightens spiritual discernment and sensitivity to the Lord's voice. However, when the Word of God is rare or neglected, it becomes harder to recognize God's voice. Believers must immerse themselves in the Scriptures to become attuned to how the Holy Spirit speaks and leads them so they will not be deceived.
6/17/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Freedom from Condemnation

Romans 8:1 explains that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. God condemned sin in the flesh of Jesus, freeing believers from any negative judgment from God.Brother Duane teaches that there are four primary sources of condemnation: the devil, our own hearts, others, and the law. Let's expound on each source and reference relevant scriptures.1. The devil, the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10), tries to separate us from God through condemnation. Duane encourages believers to overcome the devil by mixing faith with the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony (Revelation 12:11).2. Our hearts, or conscience, can condemn us (1 John 3:18-21). Duane stresses the need to purge our conscience through the washing of the water of the Word (Hebrews 9:14), trusting God's forgiveness and acceptance, even when our hearts condemn us.3. Others may attempt to condemn us through negative judgments (2 Corinthians 7:2-3; Proverbs 17:15). Duane advises not receiving such condemnation, as God is our judge, and He has justified us.4. The law, called the "ministration of condemnation" (2 Corinthians 3:7-9), was given to make us feel guilty before God. Duane explains that trying to earn God's blessings through the law leads to condemnation, as we are now under grace, not the law (Romans 6:14).Duane encourages believers to embrace their freedom from condemnation in Christ, resist the sources of condemnation, and live in the righteousness and grace provided by God's love and sacrifice. Run your race with patience and finish your course.
6/16/202453 minutes, 49 seconds
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God Killed My Old Man | Part 4

Romans 8:1 explains that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. God condemned sin in the flesh of Jesus, freeing believers from any negative judgment from God.Brother Duane teaches that there are four primary sources of condemnation: the devil, our own hearts, others, and the law. Let's expound on each source and reference relevant scriptures.1. The devil, the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10), tries to separate us from God through condemnation. Duane encourages believers to overcome the devil by mixing faith with the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony (Revelation 12:11).2. Our hearts, or conscience, can condemn us (1 John 3:18-21). Duane stresses the need to purge our conscience through the washing of the water of the Word (Hebrews 9:14), trusting God's forgiveness and acceptance, even when our hearts condemn us.3. Others may attempt to condemn us through negative judgments (2 Corinthians 7:2-3; Proverbs 17:15). Duane advises not receiving such condemnation, as God is our judge, and He has justified us.4. The law, called the "ministration of condemnation" (2 Corinthians 3:7-9), was given to make us feel guilty before God. Duane explains that trying to earn God's blessings through the law leads to condemnation, as we are now under grace, not the law (Romans 6:14).Duane encourages believers to embrace their freedom from condemnation in Christ, resist the sources of condemnation, and live in the righteousness and grace provided by God's love and sacrifice. Run your race with patience and finish your course.
6/16/202453 minutes, 49 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 8 | Hearing His Voice

In the eighth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane Sheriff teaches the importance of hearing God's voice as a defense against deception. God has provided safeguards in Scripture to equip us against being deceived. Satan has a history of questioning God's word, as seen with Eve, and deception can appear harmless but have harmful intentions, as described in Revelation 13. Believers can and should hear God's voice, but many struggle to recognize it.In John 10, Jesus said that His sheep hear His voice and know it. However, like Thomas, who said he didn't know the way, we may not consciously recognize what we already know in our spirits. We may dismiss or not discern God's voice without realizing it.God's voice is often a still, small voice within and is not always in English. The language of the Spirit includes dreams, visions, impressions, and a sense of peace. Believers have the capacity to hear God's voice and discern it from the voice of the stranger or the devil.Romans 8 explains that believers are led by the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit bears witness with our Spirit that we are children of God. Even when we stray, the Holy Spirit leads us to repentance, guiding us back to the intended path, just as a GPS system does. By learning to tune in and heed the Holy Spirit's leading, we can stay on the straight and narrow path. When we stumble, God's voice calls us to repent, change our minds, and get back on track, as He is committed to guiding us to our destination.
6/14/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 7 | God's Authority

In the seventh episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches the importance of having the proper and final authority in one's life, which he identifies as God and God's Word. He stresses that this is a crucial defense against the increasing deception and darkness infiltrating society and the church.The New Testament repeatedly commands believers to "be not deceived" (1 Corinthians 15:33, Galatians 6:7), indicating it is possible to fall into deception. This deception grows worse and worse, often directly or indirectly enabled by Christians who have compromised the truth.The first line of defense is to exalt God's Word as absolute, objective truth and final authority over every other voice, such as government, media, feelings, etc. Those who prosper spiritually all uplift Scripture's authority in their lives. There must be a final authority, and only God and His Word can rightly claim that position of supreme truth.A second vital defense is cultivating sensitivity to the Lord's still, small voice within (1 Kings 19:12). When Jacob deceived Isaac, Isaac heard Jacob's voice but was led astray by his physical senses of touch, taste, and smell, which overrode that inner witness. Similarly, Sheriff laments how often people let their feelings trump God's clear Word when he tries to counsel them as Jesus' followers.Using Revelation 13:11, Sheriff illustrates how the spirit of deception makes things appear lamb-like and loving on the surface while masking the dragon's voice of destruction underneath. Immorality, perversion, and ideologies contrary to biblical truth are deceptively packaged as "love" and pushed on society and even churches. But God's kind of love never harms or violates His laws.Discerning the dragon's voice from the Shepherd's voice is crucial in this age of deception. Christians must mature in God's Word as the final authority, humbly cultivate hearing His still, small voice, and not be deceived by their senses or the persuasive yet destructive rhetoric of the world. Only by applying these divinely-given defenses can they remain undeceived.
6/13/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 6 | Discernment

In the sixth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane teaches the importance of guarding against deception, as God has provided multiple defenses against it. The New Testament repeated warnings about deceivers and being deceived, showing it is possible even for believers to fall into deception. The first defense God has given is His Word. If believers abide or continue in God's Word, Jesus said they are His disciples who will know the truth that brings freedom (John 8:31-32). By disciplining oneself in Scripture, one's discernment increases to recognize the fingerprints of the enemy versus the Holy Spirit.The story of Eve being deceived by the serpent in Genesis 3 illustrates how deception operates. Satan's tactic was first to question God's Word, get Eve to dismiss it, and then outright contradict it, tempting her to disobey by doubting God's goodness and care. This shows how compromising God's Word opens the door to deception.The Scripture of Jacob deceiving his father Isaac in Genesis 27 is also an example. A telltale sign of deception was the haste and pressure Jacob used—faith never operates under an anxious hurry. Another red flag was Jacob claiming "God blessed me" to justify his deceit, which is "dropping the God card" to wrongly use God to approve one's desired course.Isaac was led astray by his feelings - the hands "felt" like Esau's, though they were goatskins. How often do people let their feelings trump God's clear truth and Word when he tries to guide them as Jesus is the Way, Truth, and Life? They fail to realize that only obedience to God's Word, not rejecting it, leads to true wisdom.Discernment comes through knowing God's Word combined with patience and walking by faith, not feelings or hastiness. Professing believers who end up embracing abominations and departing from the faith have been deceived by not applying these safeguards against the deception that God has provided in Scripture.
6/12/202428 minutes, 27 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 5 | The Word

In the fifth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane warns about the increasing darkness and deception infiltrating the world and even the church. Many people, including believers, have departed from the faith by heeding deceiving spirits and doctrines of devils, just as the apostle Paul warned Timothy in 1 Timothy 4.According to 1 Timothy 3:15, the church is supposed to be the pillar and ground of truth. However, the church often propagates deception and doctrines contrary to God's nature, Judeo-Christian values, and a biblical worldview. This happens because people do not know the truth and are easily influenced by lies, fraud, and corruption from the world.The key defense against such deception is the Word of God. As Romans 1:18 states, God's wrath is revealed against those who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. Unrighteous people reject God's truth not just for themselves but actively work to suppress it. This is what is behind cancel culture - canceling and suppressing truth. Just as the devil accuses others of what he is guilty of himself, those embracing darkness accuse truth-tellers of spreading misinformation when they are the real purveyors of lies and deception. They gaslight and become such skilled liars that they start believing their own lies if one does not know the truth of God's Word.Even many pastors do not properly teach biblical truth anymore.So where are people, especially young people, supposed to find the truth -not from biased news media, corrupt politicians, or indoctrinating college professors? This is why knowing Scripture is so vital to identifying deception and remaining free in Christ's truth. As Jesus stated in John 8:31-32, it is by abiding or continuing in His Word that one is truly His disciple who will know the truth that brings freedom.In contrast, Duane explains how systems like Marxism, socialism, and communism - though claiming justice and equity - are rooted in the antichrist spirit that always leads to slavery, tyranny, and despotism by suppressing freedoms of thought, speech, and movement. The truth is that Christ alone brings true liberty, which is why societies built on Judeo-Christian principles protect against government tyranny. An entire generation is being deceived by the encroaching darkness. The church must wake up, know God's Word as the pillar of truth, and help shine light into this deepening societal darkness.
6/11/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 4 | Darkness

In the fourth episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane warns about the dangers of deception and darkness in the world today. Many of God's people have fallen into deception, leading to self-destruction in their Christian walk. Jesus Christ warns in Matthew 24:4 to "take heed that no man deceive you." Many false messiahs and deceivers will come and lead many astray. However, Christians can guard their hearts against deception by understanding how Satan operates and learning to discern good from evil based on a biblical worldview.The key defense against deception is the Word of God. In 1 Timothy 4, the Bible expressly states that in the last days, some will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of devils instead of sound doctrine from Christ. The world is becoming darker, but Christians must resist being dragged into that darkness through deception.As 2 Timothy 3:13 states, "Evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." While the Bible warns that things will get darker in the world, Christians need not agree with or be consumed by that ever-increasing darkness. They are called to be lights shining brightly in the midst of gross darkness.Deception is infiltrating churches today. Many Christians embrace outright abominations and justify them, not realizing they have been deceived because they do not know the Scriptures well enough. Moral issues like abortion, gender ideology, and anti-Semitism have led Christians astray from God's Word.The Scriptures, inspired by God, can make one wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Knowing the Holy Scriptures is the first roadblock and greatest defense against all deception. It equips Christians with doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness so that the person of God may be complete and equipped for every good work.Duane urges Christians to continue in the things they have learned from the Scriptures and been assured of, knowing the truth, such as the fact that all have sinned, there is no other way to salvation except through Jesus Christ, and one must be born again to see the kingdom of God. Pastors especially must dedicate themselves to understanding the Scriptures to properly feed God's people with wisdom from His Word. Only then can Christians be kept from the path of deception and remain on the path of light, righteousness, and life in Christ.
6/10/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Righteousness of the Law | Part 1 | Grace

This powerful message expounds on the righteousness of the law and how it relates to God's grace through Jesus Christ. The purpose of the law was not to reveal God but to expose our sinful nature and inability to keep it perfectly. James 2:10 highlights the law's demand for absolute perfection, stating, "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it," making it impossible for anyone to be justified by works alone.Duane teaches that this realization of our imperfection drives us to put our faith in Jesus, who fulfilled the law's righteous demands on our behalf. Galatians 3:11 emphasizes, "Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God, because 'the righteous will live by faith.'" Righteousness comes through faith in Christ, not by adhering to the law. Christians should not try to serve God under the Old Covenant law but rather embrace the New Covenant grace. Jesus accomplished three pivotal things: He kept the law perfectly, paid the penalty for our lawbreaking, and made us righteous before God through faith (Galatians 3:13-14).Romans 8:1-4 explains that the law could not make us righteous because of our sinful nature. However, Jesus fulfilled the righteousness the law demanded by living a perfect life (Galatians 3:10-13). His death paid the penalty for our lawbreaking. By faith, we receive his perfect righteousness, which the law could not provide. Like Abraham, we are justified by faith, not works (Galatians 3:6-9, Romans 4:4-5). Trying to earn righteousness by the law is sinful, as grace and works cannot be mixed (Romans 11:6). Our blessings flow from Christ's righteousness imputed to us by faith, not our imperfect law-keeping (Deuteronomy 28:1-2 & 15).True righteousness comes through faith in Christ rather than by the works of the law. Christ liberates us from the futile pursuit of self-righteousness and empowers us to embrace the grace of God's unconditional love and acceptance.
6/9/202447 minutes, 53 seconds
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God Killed My Old Man | Part 3

This powerful message expounds on the righteousness of the law and how it relates to God's grace through Jesus Christ. The purpose of the law was not to reveal God but to expose our sinful nature and inability to keep it perfectly. James 2:10 highlights the law's demand for absolute perfection, stating, "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it," making it impossible for anyone to be justified by works alone.Duane teaches that this realization of our imperfection drives us to put our faith in Jesus, who fulfilled the law's righteous demands on our behalf. Galatians 3:11 emphasizes, "Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God, because 'the righteous will live by faith.'" Righteousness comes through faith in Christ, not by adhering to the law. Christians should not try to serve God under the Old Covenant law but rather embrace the New Covenant grace. Jesus accomplished three pivotal things: He kept the law perfectly, paid the penalty for our lawbreaking, and made us righteous before God through faith (Galatians 3:13-14).Romans 8:1-4 explains that the law could not make us righteous because of our sinful nature. However, Jesus fulfilled the righteousness the law demanded by living a perfect life (Galatians 3:10-13). His death paid the penalty for our lawbreaking. By faith, we receive his perfect righteousness, which the law could not provide. Like Abraham, we are justified by faith, not works (Galatians 3:6-9, Romans 4:4-5). Trying to earn righteousness by the law is sinful, as grace and works cannot be mixed (Romans 11:6). Our blessings flow from Christ's righteousness imputed to us by faith, not our imperfect law-keeping (Deuteronomy 28:1-2 & 15).True righteousness comes through faith in Christ rather than by the works of the law. Christ liberates us from the futile pursuit of self-righteousness and empowers us to embrace the grace of God's unconditional love and acceptance.
6/9/202447 minutes, 53 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 3 | Roadblocks

In the third episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane Sheriff warns that the influence of Satan, "the father of lies," is increasing and stresses the importance of being able to discern deception. In Matthew 24, Jesus warned his followers not to be deceived.The Word provides crucial roadblocks to caution against being misled by "empty words," "deceiving spirits," and "doctrines of devils." However, the inability of many believers today to identify these deceptive spirits or false doctrines, such as multiple genders, gender reassignment surgery, man-made climate change, and governmental overreach during the pandemic, can lead to serious consequences. Loss of freedoms and governmental persecution of dissenting views can pave the way for the Antichrist prophesied in the Bible. Believers must remain vigilant to avoid being led astray by deceptive agendas and stand firm for godly values despite facing persecution and censorship.
6/7/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 2 | Lies

There is an intense battle raging between the freedom found in Christ's gospel and the deceptive agenda of the world, which seeks to enslave people with lies. In the second episode of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane Sheriff teaches the dangers of being deceived and the importance of guarding our hearts against deception. In Matthew 24, Jesus cautions that many deceivers will come and deceive multitudes.The New Testament instructs believers not to be deceived. Galatians 6:7 states, "Do not be deceived; God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, he will also reap." This scripture shows that deception is possible, so God warns against it. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 lists fornication, idolatry, adultery, homosexuality, thievery, and drunkenness and states, Those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. Yet some Christians seem to believe that unrighteous people embracing these sinful lifestyles can still go to heaven.That's the danger of deception. Once you accept one lie, it paves the way for more lies and greater deception. A "spirit of antichrist" is working through today's world systems, governments, corporations, and individuals to strip away humanity's God-given freedoms. As society rejects God's moral foundations as "hateful" or "misinformation," the Bible itself may become banned.Jesus came to set people free and give them abundant life. The gospel brings freedom of thought, speech, and movement - liberties the deceptive agenda of the antichrist seeks to steal.  Satan's lies may promise freedom but ultimately leads to enslavement of the mind, soul, and spirit.With so many lies bombarding us from the world and even seeping into the church, we must remain watchful and discerning. The spiritual well-being of future generations depends on boldly living out the freedom and abundant life found in the Gospel of Christ.
6/6/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Defenses Against Deception | Episode 1 | Agenda

In episode one of "Defenses Against Deception," Duane reveals that God has provided safeguards in His Word so we can judge our hearts against the spirit of the antichrist, which can lead to deception. Deception and lies are becoming increasingly common in our society. Matthew 24 warns of the arrival of many deceivers who will mislead multitudes of people. Rampant idolatry and false gods are being worshipped in our society today. They stem from Satan's deceptions, which try to lure people away from the true God.If Christians cannot recognize the spirit of the antichrist in the world, they will not be able to identify it infiltrating the church either. Duane reveals that all deceptions are gateways to greater deceptions. Many Christians fell for the deceptions surrounding COVID-19, such as fraudulent information, oppressive mandates, and violations of personal freedoms. This was a "dress rehearsal" for greater enslavement under the spirit of the antichrist who craves power and control. Once someone becomes deceived on one issue, they become vulnerable to falling for the next lie. Believers must learn defenses and safeguards to avoid deception—not just for ourselves but also to protect future generations from having their minds warped by a controlling agenda. There is a deceptive agenda to strip away human rights and freedom of movement, speech, and thought. These agendas include carbon tracking, the digital currency system, and "climate change" hysteria. In the future, the Bible itself may become banned as "hate speech" or "misinformation."More than 50 references in the New Testament warn about deception, deceivers, and being deceived. Failing to discern deception makes us and our children susceptible to the spirit of the antichrist.
6/5/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 19 | Teach Me

In the nineteenth and final episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane emphasizes the power of prayer, the different types of prayers, and the principles behind them. He stresses the importance of praying correctly to ensure prayers are not just uttered but answered. Duane highlights that while many Christians pray, not all understand the dynamics of different prayers and their appropriate applications.Learning to pray effectively is crucial and does not come automatically. The disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, indicating that effective prayer needs to be learned. There are several types of prayers, including the prayer of faith, the prayer of agreement, the prayer of petition, and the prayer of consecration, emphasizing that each type serves specific purposes and is suitable for different situations. This private devotion helps to develop a personal relationship with God and ensures that prayers are heartfelt communications, not just empty words.In Matthew 6, Jesus instructs us to pray in a private setting where personal communication with God can occur without the distractions of public display. This teaching reinforces the concept that prayer is a personal dialogue with God, not a public performance. The essence of prayer is not in the quantity of words but in the quality of faith and sincerity behind them. Jesus' teachings on prayer advocate for simplicity, sincerity, and clarity in communicating with God.To deepen the understanding of effective prayer, Duane explains that Jesus' model prayer, commonly known as the Lord's Prayer, is not just a script to be repeated mindlessly but a guideline on how to structure one's prayers. The Lord's Prayer encompasses adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication, which are key components of a well-rounded prayer.
6/4/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 18 | Prayer

In the eighteenth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane emphasizes the vital role of prayer in the spiritual maturation process. Drawing from Acts 2:42, Duane explains the different types of prayers and their significance in a believer's life. He stresses that understanding and practicing various forms of prayer can significantly enhance one's spiritual journey and relationship with God.Duane shares his struggles with prayer during his early spiritual journey with personal anecdotes to illustrate how a lack of proper teaching on prayer led to years of unproductive prayers. This reflection emphasizes the importance of learning to pray effectively, just as Jesus and John the Baptist taught the disciples.Prayer is a particular activity that requires varying approaches depending on the situation. Some believers face difficulty receiving answers to their prayers because they are unaware of the different types of prayers suitable for different circumstances. Having insufficient knowledge about these variations can significantly affect one's prayer life.In Acts 2:42, the early Christians engaged in prayers together. The Lord's Prayer is a model for personal communication with God. This collective approach not only bolstered their faith but also strengthened their community. Modern churches should foster a similar environment where believers can learn and grow together in their prayer lives.Physical nourishment requires different food groups. Spiritual nourishment through prayer is multi-faceted and requires a well-rounded approach. Believers are encouraged to view prayer as more than a ritual and instead as a dynamic interaction with God that involves sincerity, consistency, and understanding.
6/3/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 17 | Four Food Groups

In the seventeenth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane explores the processes that help believers evolve from converts to disciples. He uses the early church model from Acts 2:42 as a foundation. He emphasizes the importance of consistent engagement in four spiritual practices: the Apostles' doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers.The Apostles' doctrine highlights the essential teaching that grounds believers in their faith. Understanding these doctrines is crucial for preventing doctrinal errors and building a robust spiritual life. The New Testament's transformative power explains and fulfills the Old Testament, providing clarity and direction for contemporary Christian living.Next is fellowship, which is essential for spiritual growth. Fellowship in the Christian context goes beyond mere socializing; it involves creating deep, meaningful relationships that support and enhance one's spiritual journey. This social intimacy, termed "Konania" in Greek, is about developing real connections that are not shallow but rich in spiritual substance.The third practice is the breaking of bread, which includes both communion and shared meals among believers. In the early church and Jewish tradition, meals were not just about eating but were considered mini-covenants that expressed community and unity. These meals, whether part of communion or regular shared dining, hold a significant spiritual and relational meaning, reinforcing the bonds among believers.The role of prayer in personal and community settings should be diverse and adapted to various situations, serving as a critical spiritual tool that supports all other aspects of spiritual life.Throughout this episode, Duane illustrates how these practices are not outdated rituals but essential activities that foster deep spiritual maturity. He encourages believers to participate in these activities and support others in their spiritual journey, helping them transition from new converts to mature disciples.These teachings emphasize the importance of having a balanced spiritual diet to promote growth. Just like physical health requires a variety of nutrients, spiritual health requires various practices. By consistently following the Apostles' doctrine, participating in fellowship, breaking bread together, and praying, believers ensure their personal growth and contribute to the health and growth of the larger Christian community. This session encourages believers to adopt these foundational practices and promote individual and communal spiritual development.
5/31/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 16 | Growth Track

In the sixteenth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane discusses the process of spiritual growth and the essential steps and practices that guide believers from early stages to mature discipleship. He highlights the deliberate nature of spiritual growth, which requires intentional efforts and practices similar to physical, mental, and social development.Spiritual maturity, like physical growth, does not happen by accident but requires a balanced diet of spiritual practices that are encapsulated in Acts 2:42. These practices are as follows:1. Apostles' Doctrine: Understanding the New Testament's revelation of grace, which sheds light on the Old Testament law, is crucial for preventing doctrinal errors and building a solid faith.2. Fellowship: Engaging in meaningful relationships with other believers is essential for personal, social, and spiritual development.3. Breaking of Bread: This practice, including both communion and shared meals, symbolizes unity and shared life among believers. It is vital for building community and strengthening bonds within the church, similar to family meals fostering closeness in a household.4. Prayers: In its various forms, prayer is crucial for personal communication with God and corporate spiritual engagement. It supports all other aspects of spiritual life, anchoring the believer's relationship with God and their effectiveness in spiritual warfare.These practices are not about legalism but about establishing a growth track, a structured pathway that facilitates steady spiritual development. Believers engage in these practices and actively support others in their spiritual journey, helping them transition from new converts to disciplined followers of Christ.Duane addresses the challenge of spiritual growth in a world that often opposes biblical values, emphasizing the uphill nature of the spiritual journey in a culture that is metaphorically going downhill. He warns against passivity that leads to stagnation and challenges believers to adopt a proactive stance in their spiritual development.
5/30/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 15 | Fellowship

In the fifteenth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane discusses how believers can progress from spiritual infancy to mature discipleship in Christ. He highlights the importance of consistently engaging in four foundational spiritual activities, which he compares to essential food groups in a balanced spiritual diet. These activities are based on Acts 2:42 and include the apostles’ doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. The significance of the apostles' doctrine provides the theological framework necessary for understanding and living out New Testament truths. This doctrine is vital for believers to accurately interpret and apply biblical principles in their lives. Christians risk falling prey to misconceptions and false teachings without a solid grasp of apostolic teachings.Fellowship is the second component, and it is crucial for spiritual growth. Duane compares spiritual growth to natural maturity, explaining how just as marriage and family life can accelerate personal maturity in the natural realm, spiritual fellowship—consistent, deep interaction with other believers—facilitates spiritual growth. He suggests that isolation can hinder one's spiritual development and expose one to the risks of falling into error or heresy. Fellowship provides the support, accountability, and encouragement needed to navigate the complexities of life and faith.The third component, the breaking of bread, encompasses both communion and shared meals among believers. Sharing meals fosters intimacy and community among Christians, echoing the practices of the early church. This act of communion is not only a remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice but also a celebration of the unity and mutual care within the body of Christ.The fourth and final component is prayer. Various types of prayers are available for different circumstances and needs. Effective prayer life is taught and learned within the community of faith and is essential for personal communion with God and corporate spiritual warfare.In order to grow, believers should balance these practices and consistently engage in them. They should apply these principles and live them out, promoting both personal and communal spiritual development.
5/29/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 14 | Apostle's Doctrine

In the fourteenth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane emphasizes practical steps for personal development and helping others grow spiritually. He draws heavily on the early church practices outlined in Acts 2:42, where the community of believers engaged in four fundamental activities that fostered their spiritual development.Four "spiritual food groups" are essential for personal spiritual growth and the health and growth of the church community. These practices include the apostles' doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers—each contributing uniquely to the believer's spiritual journey.1. Apostles' Doctrine: This refers to the apostles' teachings, which are crucial for understanding and applying New Testament truths. Duane stresses the importance of grounding in the apostles' doctrine to avoid confusion and misinterpretation of the Scriptures, notably how the New Testament clarifies and fulfills the Old Testament.2. Fellowship: The value of fellowship sharpens believers and keeps them grounded in truth. It involves mature believers helping less experienced believers navigate their spiritual journey, ensuring they avoid falling into erroneous beliefs or practices.3. Breaking of Bread: Sharing meals is a mini-covenant, fostering closeness and openness among believers, similar to how families bond over meals at home.4. Prayers: Teaching new believers how to pray effectively is crucial, as there are different kinds of prayers for various situations.These practices are not just rituals but vital activities that helped the early church members grow from new converts into mature disciples. Modern believers should adopt these practices, ensuring they are part of a balanced spiritual diet that promotes continuous growth.Duane uses the analogy of natural food groups to explain how each spiritual activity nourishes and builds up the believer's faith. He encourages believers to engage in these practices and help integrate them into the lives of others, thereby fostering a healthy, growing community of faith. These practices provide a blueprint for spiritual growth modeled after the early church, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach that combines learning, community, worship, and prayer.
5/28/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 13 | Spiritual Diet

In the thirteenth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane discusses the importance of a balanced spiritual diet that helps believers transition from spiritual infancy to maturity. This diet contains crucial components that help believers evolve from mere converts to disciplined disciples of Christ.The four spiritual food groups based on Acts 2:42, which the early church followed steadfastly to grow spiritually. These groups are the apostles' doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers. The early believers strengthened their faith and deepened their communal bonds by engaging in these practices.The first food group, the apostles' doctrine, pertains to the apostles' teachings, focusing on the New Testament. It explains the significance of Jesus' fulfillment of the Old Testament's types and shadows. Understanding the apostles' doctrine is crucial for believers to correctly interpret biblical principles and avoid confusion that might arise from misinterpreting the Old Testament.Fellowship, the second group, highlights the importance of community among believers. Growth often happens in the context of relationships and shared experiences among the faithful. By regularly engaging in fellowship, believers can support each other's development, encourage one another, and build a strong, supportive community that mirrors the early church.The third group, the breaking of bread, refers to the act of communion, which serves as a reminder of Christ's sacrifice and promotes a deep connection spiritually and with one another. This act is a profound expression of unity and remembrance of what Jesus did for humanity.Prayers, the fourth group, are essential for personal communication with God and corporate spiritual warfare. Through prayer, believers align their will with God's, seek His guidance, and invoke His power in their lives and community.Just like a diet in the natural world requires a balance of nutrients, spiritual growth necessitates a comprehensive approach that incorporates teaching, community, worship, and prayer. A holistic approach to spiritual growth like that modeled by the early church. This approach requires a balanced intake of scriptural teachings, communal support, sacramental participation, and fervent prayer. By following these practices, believers can ensure they consume the milk of fundamental doctrines and the solid food necessary for a mature faith, leading to an practical Christian life.
5/27/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Grace & Faith UK 2024 | Session 2

This message expounds on the paradox of the Christian life, emphasizing the contrast between who we are in the flesh and who we are in Christ. Drawing from Isaiah 51:1, Duane reminds us to "look to the rock from which you were hewn and to the hole of the pit from which you were dug."Without Christ, we can do nothing (John 15:5), have nothing (1 Corinthians 4:6-7), and know nothing (1 Corinthians 8:2). However, in Christ, we have everything – we are new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17), blessed with all spiritual blessings (Ephesians 1:3), and possessing the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16).1 Corinthians 6:9-11 reminds us that our identity is no longer defined by our past sin but by our new life in Christ. We are washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we must live accordingly, putting off the deeds of the flesh. Duane challenges us to recognize our total dependence on God and to walk in the newness of life He has given us, remembering "the pit" from which we were dug and "the rock" to which we are now grafted by faith.
5/25/20241 hour, 1 minute, 26 seconds
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Healing Now 2024

Brother Duane explores the concept of unbelief and its impact on our faith journey, particularly in the area of healing. He shares his personal experiences of witnessing God's miraculous power, including the resurrection of his grandson Urias. Unbelief can hinder our ability to receive from God. According to Mark 9:23, "If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes." There are four types of unbelief: rejection of Jesus, lack of knowledge, wrong knowledge, and carnality. Duane emphasizes the importance of overcoming unbelief through prayer and fasting, clarifying that these spiritual disciplines are not intended to change God but to align ourselves with His will. According to Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."Strongholds can become refuges for unbelief in our minds. To tear down these strongholds, we should submit every thought to the obedience of Christ. Although our feelings are real, they may not always reflect the truth. By focusing on God's Word and bringing our bodies under subjection through prayer and fasting, we can overcome unbelief and experience the fullness of God's promises regardless of circumstances or feelings.
5/25/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 59 seconds
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God Killed My Old Man | Part 1

This message expounds on the paradox of the Christian life, emphasizing the contrast between who we are in the flesh and who we are in Christ. Drawing from Isaiah 51:1, Duane reminds us to "look to the rock from which you were hewn and to the hole of the pit from which you were dug."Without Christ, we can do nothing (John 15:5), have nothing (1 Corinthians 4:6-7), and know nothing (1 Corinthians 8:2). However, in Christ, we have everything – we are new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17), blessed with all spiritual blessings (Ephesians 1:3), and possessing the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16).1 Corinthians 6:9-11 reminds us that our identity is no longer defined by our past sin but by our new life in Christ. We are washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we must live accordingly, putting off the deeds of the flesh. Duane challenges us to recognize our total dependence on God and to walk in the newness of life He has given us, remembering "the pit" from which we were dug and "the rock" to which we are now grafted by faith.
5/25/20241 hour, 1 minute, 26 seconds
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God Killed My Old Man | Part 2

This message expounds on the paradox of the Christian life, emphasizing the contrast between who we are in the flesh and who we are in Christ. Drawing from Isaiah 51:1, Duane reminds us to "look to the rock from which you were hewn and to the hole of the pit from which you were dug."Without Christ, we can do nothing (John 15:5), have nothing (1 Corinthians 4:6-7), and know nothing (1 Corinthians 8:2). However, in Christ, we have everything – we are new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17), blessed with all spiritual blessings (Ephesians 1:3), and possessing the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16).1 Corinthians 6:9-11 reminds us that our identity is no longer defined by our past sin but by our new life in Christ. We are washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we must live accordingly, putting off the deeds of the flesh. Duane challenges us to recognize our total dependence on God and to walk in the newness of life He has given us, remembering "the pit" from which we were dug and "the rock" to which we are now grafted by faith.
5/25/20241 hour, 1 minute, 26 seconds
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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 12 | Culture

In the twelfth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane emphasizes the critical need for discernment and maturity in the Christian faith. He particularly highlights the dangers of spiritual immaturity in discerning good and evil. These biblical principles and real-world applications are necessary for believers to understand and navigate the complexities of modern society.Every believer must make the essential transition from spiritual infancy, where one is primarily nourished by the 'milk' of basic Christian doctrines, to a more robust and mature faith characterized by the 'meat' of deeper, more complex teachings. While new believers start with fundamental understandings of faith, true spiritual growth involves advancing to a more advanced stage where they can handle and discern more profound truths.A significant part of this growth process involves recognizing the influence of the cultural and spiritual warfare surrounding believers. Society often mimics the biblical account of eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, resulting in fatalities and devastation rather than growth and affluence. This metaphor illustrates how modern cultural norms often contradict biblical teachings, leading people to label evil as good and good as evil based on misguided or uninformed perspectives.Just as children rely on their parents to make sense of the world around them, spiritually immature believers need guidance from mature Christians to navigate their faith in a complex world. This guidance is crucial for personal growth, contributing positively to society and countering destructive cultural trends.Believers should move beyond the basics and embrace the challenging aspects of their faith. By developing a mature, discerning faith, believers can navigate their spiritual journeys more effectively and positively impact the world around them. They can reflect the true character of Christ in all aspects of life.
5/24/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Grace & Faith UK 2024 | Session 1

This powerful message reveals the profound truth of our identity in Christ. Drawing from Romans 6, Duane highlights that through Jesus' death on the cross, our old sinful nature in Adam has been crucified, and we are now dead to sin. Just as Christ was resurrected, we have been raised to walk in newness of life, freed from the bondage of sin (Romans 6:4-7).We are no longer slaves to sin because the one who has died has been freed from sin (Romans 6:7). Our old self has been put to death, and we have been made alive in Christ, becoming a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). We are now the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21), and our lives are hidden in Christ (Colossians 3:3).The message encourages believers to reckon themselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus (Romans 6:11). We are urged to set our minds on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God (Colossians 3:1-2). Duane encourages us that our identity is no longer defined by our past sins or struggles but by our union with Christ, in whom we are righteous and truly holy.
5/24/20241 hour, 34 seconds
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God Killed My Old Man | Part 1

This powerful message reveals the profound truth of our identity in Christ. Drawing from Romans 6, Duane highlights that through Jesus' death on the cross, our old sinful nature in Adam has been crucified, and we are now dead to sin. Just as Christ was resurrected, we have been raised to walk in newness of life, freed from the bondage of sin (Romans 6:4-7).We are no longer slaves to sin because the one who has died has been freed from sin (Romans 6:7). Our old self has been put to death, and we have been made alive in Christ, becoming a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). We are now the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21), and our lives are hidden in Christ (Colossians 3:3).The message encourages believers to reckon themselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus (Romans 6:11). We are urged to set our minds on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God (Colossians 3:1-2). Duane encourages us that our identity is no longer defined by our past sins or struggles but by our union with Christ, in whom we are righteous and truly holy.
5/24/20241 hour, 34 seconds
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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 11 | Milk

In the eleventh episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane explores the importance of moving from spiritual immaturity to maturity. He emphasizes the critical role of discernment in articulating how discernment is not only about recognizing what is from God and what isn't but also about understanding deeper spiritual truths and applying them to daily life.Spiritual maturity is characterized by a believer's capacity to move beyond the basic principles of their faith ("milk") and grasp deeper, more complex concepts ("meat"). Milk refers to the basic teachings of Christianity, which are necessary for new believers to build a foundation in their faith. Meanwhile, meat refers to more profound and substantial teachings that challenge and grow a Christian's faith, enabling them to handle complex spiritual and moral issues effectively.A significant aspect of maturity is the ability to discern good from evil. Many believers struggle because they remain at a basic level of spiritual understanding, only consuming milk. Consuming meat requires mature senses trained through experience and deep engagement with the Word of God. This maturity allows believers to navigate and interpret life's challenges in alignment with God's wisdom.The inability to discern can lead to regression instead of progression in spiritual life. The writer of Hebrews criticizes his audience for their need to relearn basic principles instead of advancing their understanding. This scenario mirrors the broader condition in many churches today, with a prevalent lack of deep scriptural understanding and application.Duane delves into the implications of lacking discernment, discussing how it affects societal and cultural perceptions and actions. He explains how a superficial understanding of good and evil can lead people to label evil as good and vice versa, influenced by cultural norms and pressures rather than scriptural truth.This episode calls for a deeper commitment and engagement with Christ's teachings. Going beyond the elementary teachings and embracing the solid food of the Gospel equips believers to discern wisely and live righteously. By developing a mature, discerning faith, believers can navigate their spiritual journeys more effectively and positively impact the world around them, reflecting Christ's true character.
5/23/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 10 | Discernment

In the tenth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane highlights the importance of discernment in spiritual maturity. He explains that spiritual growth is more than attending church or gaining knowledge; it also involves the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil—which are the hallmarks of a mature believer.Discernment is an essential element of spiritual development that is frequently disregarded. Many tend to focus on the basics of faith or the mechanics of church life. However, discernment requires a deeper level of wisdom that allows believers to navigate life's complexities effectively. It's a crucial skill because, like young children, immature believers often struggle to make sound judgments, especially in situations that require a nuanced understanding of spirituality and morality.Duane uses examples from daily life to illustrate the need for discernment. Just as parents make decisions for their young children, spiritual leaders, and mature Christians must guide less mature believers and help them understand spiritual truths while steering them away from potential pitfalls.In Hebrews 5, the writer laments the readers' regression to needing "milk" instead of "solid food." This regression is symptomatic of a lack of discernment, where even basic principles of Christianity need constant reiteration because the deeper truths are too challenging for the immature.Discernment is a crucial indicator of spiritual maturity. It requires more than just knowing right from wrong; it involves actively applying that knowledge in real-world situations. Believers must strive for maturity, which involves a robust understanding of God's word, a deep sense of discernment, and the ability to apply biblical principles in everyday life. This growth strengthens the individual and fortifies the broader Christian community by promoting collective maturity and understanding.
5/22/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 9 | Transformation

In episode nine of his series, "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane focuses on the journey that Christians undertake from spiritual infancy to maturity. This journey is transformative and involves much more than gaining knowledge or performing religious duties. Christians are called to become true image bearers of Christ, reflecting His love and grace in every aspect of life.The shift from being a "convert" to becoming a "disciple" is marked by a deepening relationship with God and a commitment to live out Christian values. This involves growing from immaturity to maturity. Entering the Kingdom of God is only the beginning; the real challenge and goal is to grow within the kingdom. This means embracing and embodying the attributes of Christ.The discussion revolves around the concepts of spiritual "milk" and "meat." These terms differentiate between elementary and more complex doctrines of Christianity. Milk represents basic teachings necessary for new believers to understand their faith, while meat involves deeper, more challenging teachings that require a mature understanding and a strong faith foundation. Sheriff stresses that maturity in the Christian life means moving beyond the basics and grappling with more profound truths, which enable believers to handle life's complexities with wisdom and grace.Duane emphasizes the necessity of love in the growth process. Spiritual maturity isn't just about what believers know but how they apply that knowledge in their relationships and daily lives. True maturity manifests through love — a love that echoes Christ's unconditional love for us. This kind of love involves forgiveness, patience, kindness, and a host of other qualities that Jesus exemplified during His time on earth.The role of believers as image bearers of Christ emphasizes that to truly reflect Christ, believers must exhibit His character in their actions, decisions, and treatment of others. Being an image bearer means more than outward religious observance; it involves inner transformation that shines outwardly, positively impacting others.Believers can become "dull of hearing," losing their eagerness to learn and grow, which leads to regression rather than progression in their spiritual lives. Nurturing spiritual growth is a call to Christians to a higher living standard that truly reflects Christ's love and grace. It's a call to grow in knowledge and become profound embodiments of that knowledge through love. This transformation turns believers into genuine image-bearers of Christ who can stand strong and shine brightly in a world that desperately needs the light of the gospel.
5/21/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 8 | Forgiven

In the eighth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane discusses the differences between spiritual maturity and immaturity. He focuses on the biblical analogy of milk and solid food, as described in 1 Corinthians 3. This metaphor explains the journey from basic, foundational teachings (milk) to more profound, actionable insights (solid food) that embody true spiritual maturity.Transitioning from spiritual infancy to maturity is essential for a fulfilling Christian life. The reference to "milk" represents the elementary principles of Christianity, such as fundamental truths about Jesus, God's love, and our identity as believers. These fundamental truths are crucial for new believers to understand and embrace as they lay the groundwork for their faith.While these basics are necessary, they are just the beginning. Actual spiritual growth, or "eating solid food," means applying these foundational truths in real life. Maturity involves moving beyond knowing that God loves us to actively loving God and others. It's about making faith an actionable part of our daily lives, demonstrating God's love through our actions, decisions, and how we treat those around us.Duane uses the concept of forgiveness as a powerful illustration. He explains that comprehending God's forgiveness towards us is like drinking milk, which is easy to swallow. However, forgiving others in the same manner that we have been forgiven is like consuming solid food, which requires more effort. This demonstrates a mature expression of our faith in our relationships with others and symbolizes authentic spiritual growth.Believers can sometimes become "dull of hearing," stagnant, and lose enthusiasm for deeper truths, which results in a lack of growth. This stagnation can lead to a decline in spiritual life instead of progression. To avoid this, believers must continuously seek growth, be eager to learn more than just the basic teachings, and strive towards understanding and living out the more challenging aspects of their faith.The role of the community in spiritual growth is crucial. It involves mature Christians taking up the responsibility of guiding the less mature ones through their spiritual journey and helping them understand and apply the deeper truths of the Bible. This communal aspect of growth ensures that the entire body of Christ moves towards maturity together, supporting one another in love and good deeds.
5/20/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Children in the Hands of Warriors | Part 2

The message speaks to the importance of raising children in a way that prepares them to thrive in adulthood. Duane uses a scriptural analogy from Psalm 127:3-5, comparing children to arrows in the hands of a warrior. Just as an arrow has different components (feathers, shaft, and arrowhead), Duane highlights three stages of parenting and their significance.The feathers (ages 0-10) represent laying the foundational principles of life, such as moral clarity, absolute truth in Jesus, and faith (Psalm 127:4). The shaft (ages 10-20) is the time for teaching wisdom and preparing them for marriage, careers, and handling responsibilities (Proverbs 1:8, Ephesians 6:4). The arrowhead represents the target or purpose of raising children, which is to love God and love others (Matthew 22:37-39). Using the example of Abraham (Genesis 18:17-19), Duane emphasizes the need to command children to keep the ways of the Lord, do righteousness and justice, and pass down God's promises generationally. The speaker warns against the danger of failing to pass down the knowledge and works of God, which can lead to paganism in just one generation (Judges 2:10-12).Duane also provides practical advice for relating to your children once they become adults, such as showing interest in their lives, asking questions (as Jesus did with his disciples), giving advice (only when asked), listening well (James 1:19), praying for laborers (Matthew 9:38), being a laborer to someone else's prayers, and more.
5/19/202447 minutes, 22 seconds
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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 7 | Spiritual Gifts

In the seventh episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane emphasizes the importance of Christian maturity and urges believers to grow into the likeness of Christ in every aspect of their lives. Spiritual maturity is not only about obtaining salvation and securing a place in heaven but also about living out heavenly principles here on earth. This means demonstrating behaviors that align with being citizens of heaven rather than reflecting our old, sinful natures.In 1 Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul speaks about putting away childish things when becoming a man. This metaphor describes the journey from spiritual childhood to adulthood, highlighting that maturity involves more than aging or having spiritual gifts. Possessing spiritual gifts does not necessarily equate to maturity, as gifts can be misused if character and love do not accompany them.The true measure of spiritual maturity is characterized by love and the correct use of God's gifts. It's possible for believers to operate in gifts of the Spirit and still be immature if they lack the foundational love of God, which should direct all actions. Immaturity can lead to misusing spiritual gifts, potentially causing harm to oneself and others. This misuse demonstrates a lack of spiritual development, which should ideally blend the operation of gifts with a mature character formed by God's love.1 Corinthians 13, famously known as the "love chapter," underscores that spiritual gifts must operate out of love to be genuinely effective and beneficial. This love is not just an abstract feeling but a concrete force that should guide all interactions and the exercise of spiritual gifts.Duane also addresses the concept of spiritual food in terms of "milk" and "meat." He explains that spiritual milk represents the basic, foundational teachings of Christianity essential for new believers, while spiritual meat involves doing God's will. Just as physical children grow from milk to solid food, spiritual believers must progress from elementary teachings to more profound truths.
5/17/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 6 | Carnal

In the sixth episode, "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane Sheriff emphasizes the importance of personal growth and helping others. Spiritual maturity is not just about an individual's growth but also involves creating an environment where everyone can mature, particularly within the church community.Many believers who think they have achieved maturity still show signs of immaturity, such as judging or looking down on less mature individuals. True maturity involves recognizing these immature tendencies and actively working to overcome them. In 1 Corinthians, Paul draws a distinction between spiritual and carnal believers. Paul characterizes carnal believers as those who are still like "babes in Christ," lacking the ability to grasp more profound spiritual teachings. On the other hand, mature Christians can adapt their messages based on the spiritual readiness of their audience, which helps to prevent unnecessary conflict and division.One key sign of immaturity is the tendency to create divisions within the church based on personal preferences or loyalties to different leaders. Such behavior is carnal and not indicative of a mature believer. We should examine our behaviors and attitudes, especially those that might contribute to envy, strife, and division, as these are signs of immaturity. Mature believers should focus on unity and the collective growth of the community rather than promoting division.The truth may inherently offend, but it should not be a weapon to harm others. Instead, mature believers should aim to communicate by speaking truthfully and with love, which promotes understanding and growth, even when the topics are challenging.Duane takes a compassionate and nurturing approach to spiritual growth, personally and within the church. He calls on all believers to mature in their faith and assist others in their spiritual journey, emphasizing that this is key to building a strong, unified, loving community that reflects Christ's teachings.
5/16/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 5 | Wisdom

In the fifth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane Sheriff discusses the concepts of wisdom, spiritual immaturity, and maturity. He focuses on how believers can grow from simple converts to mature disciples of Christ by providing a roadmap for their spiritual development based on biblical teachings.Wisdom is crucial for personal growth in the life of a believer. It involves knowledge and applying God's word in everyday situations. Wisdom is necessary to discern right from wrong and make decisions that align with God's will.Duane describes spiritual immaturity as a stage in which believers are learning the basic principles of faith. He likens new believers to children who are just beginning to understand the world around them. In this stage, individuals may struggle with fundamental concepts such as faith, grace, and redemption. Spiritual immaturity is not a negative phase but a necessary step in growth. However, staying in this phase for too long can lead to stagnation and vulnerability to false doctrines.Maturity in faith means that believers can handle the "meat" of the scripture, which includes complex doctrines and teachings that require a higher level of spiritual comprehension. Mature believers are not swayed by every new teaching or trend but rather grounded in their faith, capable of teaching others, and effective in applying biblical principles to life's challenges.
5/15/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 4 | Christ

In the fourth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane Sheriff discusses how to nurture our spiritual development individually and within the community of believers. As Christians, our ultimate goal is to become more like Jesus Christ, reflecting His character and virtues in our everyday lives.Romans Chapter 8 focuses on God's plan for believers to become more like Christ. This transformation is not only for personal growth but also to reflect Christ's virtues in our relationships with others. God wants all of us to embody His attributes and carry His glory, which was His original intention in creation but was disrupted by sin. However, Christ can reconcile and restore us to our intended purpose.Duane also talks about the process of spiritual maturation using the metaphor of newborn babies who must desire the pure milk of the Word to grow (1 Peter 2:2). This growth involves more than just increasing in knowledge; it's about transforming our mindsets and behaviors to align more closely with God's will. The 'renewing of the mind' is portrayed as essential for this transformation, enabling believers to discern and live out the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.Often, Christians are distracted by debates around predestination and salvation, focusing too narrowly on whether actions lead to heaven or hell rather than embracing the broader, more impactful purpose of reflecting God's love and righteousness. We need to see beyond these debates and focus on living out our faith through acts of love and service, nurturing our spiritual growth.The focus should be on the practical aspects of spiritual growth, such as the importance of community and how we treat each other. In Matthew 25 and Acts 9, Jesus takes a personal interest in how we treat other members of the body of Christ. Acts of kindness and love towards fellow believers are seen by Christ as done unto Him, emphasizing the profound connection between personal spirituality and communal responsibility.Believers should continually assess and elevate their understanding of God's Word and His purposes. Spiritual maturity involves an ongoing process of learning, applying, and manifesting the principles of God's Kingdom in every life area, leading to holistic and fulfilling Christian living.This teaching calls for a deep and reflective Christianity that seeks personal salvation and a desire to positively impact the world by genuinely expressing Christ's love and truth. Nurturing spiritual growth is a personal endeavor and a communal responsibility that enriches the individual believer and the broader Christian community.
5/14/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 3 | Image-Bearers

In the third episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane Sheriff discusses spiritual growth from a Christian perspective. He emphasizes that spiritual growth is more about internal transformation than external conformity. Duane also discusses the importance of believers being image-bearers of Christ and explores the concepts of predestination and God's will in Christians' lives.Christians often have questions about God's will for their lives, such as career choices or personal decisions. While these decisions are essential, they are secondary compared to God's primary will, which is for believers to be transformed into the image of Christ. This transformation involves how believers reflect Christ's image in every aspect of their lives.The concept of predestination is often misunderstood. Predestination in the biblical context refers not to a predetermined fate of salvation or condemnation but to God's plan for believers to conform to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. This idea is foundational to understanding spiritual growth because it aligns with God's purpose for every believer—becoming like Christ in character and action.Sin can hinder transformation, which distorts God's image in people. Jesus restores our image and relationship with God, allowing us to reflect God's glory. Romans 8:28-29 explains that God's foreknowledge and predestination involve shaping believers to mirror Christ's image, which is the ultimate goal of Christian growth.The process of transformation involves the renewal of the mind, as stated in Romans 12:2. Believers should change their thinking, aligning it with God's truths to demonstrate the reality of God's kingdom on Earth. This mental renewal is crucial because it affects how believers understand and live out their faith in practical terms.Duane cautions against the dangers of conforming to the world's values, often contrary to God's principles. He stresses that societal pressures to adapt to secular standards can lead believers away from the truth of Scripture and hinder their spiritual growth. Instead, he encourages believers to stand firm in their faith and pursue a life that reflects Christ's love and righteousness.Believers are encouraged to rise above cultural and personal challenges by focusing on the transformative power of Christ's love and renewing their minds. By doing so, they will grow in faith and become effective ambassadors of Christ's kingdom on Earth. This process involves learning about God and living in a way that genuinely reflects His love and truth to the world.
5/13/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Children in the Hands of Warriors | Part 1

This message speaks to the importance of raising children according to biblical principles and the challenges parents face in a culture that is increasingly hostile towards Biblical values. Children are a gift from God, and the Bible compares them to arrows in the hands of a warrior (Psalm 127:3-5), suggesting that parents are warriors engaged in a spiritual battle for their children. This message outlines three stages of parenting: the training stage (0-10 years), the teaching stage (10-20 years), and the transition stage (20+ years), and how parents are meant to relate to their children during each of these phases of life. Using the parables of the lost coin, the lost sheep, and the prodigal son from Luke 15, Duane encourages parents to remain steadfast in their faith and values, even when their children go astray. The father in the parable of the prodigal son stayed true to his principles while waiting for his son to "come to his senses" (Luke 15:17). Some of our children may rebel against their upbringing, but there is hope that they will eventually return to the truth, as the prodigal son did. Duane urges parents to pray for their children, trust God, and not compromise the truth of God's word. It is crucial that we learn what Scripture teaches us about parenting, discipline, and remaining faithful to God, even when our children go astray. It offers encouragement to parents struggling with rebellious children, reminding them of God's love and the hope that their children will return home, just as the prodigal son did.
5/12/202445 minutes, 30 seconds
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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 2 | Fivefold

In the second episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane emphasizes the importance of spiritual maturity in a believer's life and how every Christian needs to transition from spiritual infancy to maturity, as it is God's will. This transition is a growth process that involves a deeper understanding and application of God's Word, aiming to mold believers into true image-bearers of Christ.When believers enter the kingdom of God, they are spiritually reborn, possessing a fully mature, righteous, and holy spirit due to the sanctifying work of Christ. However, new believers often lack knowledge and practical application of the Bible, similar to newborn babies who are entirely dependent on milk for nourishment.To address this gap, Duane discusses the necessity for believers to be nurtured with the "milk" of basic biblical teachings before they can handle the "meat" of more profound doctrines. This spiritual nourishment is crucial for their growth, enabling them to gradually develop the capacity to apply God's Word in their lives to reflect Christ's character and love.Spiritual maturity involves more than personal holiness; it also encompasses how believers interact with the world around them. Mature believers should manifest Christ's traits in their actions, attitudes, and interactions with others, effectively displaying the gospel's transformative power.Ephesians 4 explains the role of the fivefold ministry – apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. These ministry gifts are given to equip the saints for service and build up the body of Christ until all attain unity in faith and knowledge of Jesus. This unity is crucial for the church's collective maturity, reaching the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.Duane warns against the dangers of spiritual immaturity, which can leave believers susceptible to being misled by false doctrines and deceitful teachings. He emphasizes the importance of community in the church, where mature believers help to nurture and guide the less mature, promoting growth and stability in faith.Believers should continuously strive for spiritual growth, not settling for mere infancy in their faith but pressing on toward the fullness of maturity that God desires for them. This journey requires intentionality, commitment, and a deep engagement with God's Word, ensuring that believers are not just hearers but doers. Spiritual growth is a progressive journey that every believer is called to embark on, with the ultimate goal of being conformed to the image of Christ and effectively impacting the world with the gospel's truth.
5/10/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 1 | Immature

In this episode, Duane discusses spiritual growth, emphasizing the journey from immaturity to maturity in the Christian faith. He explains that this growth is about increasing knowledge, deepening character, and becoming more like Christ. This process involves moving from spiritual immaturity, where believers may be easily swayed by incorrect teachings or worldly influences, to a mature understanding and application of biblical truths.Spiritual immaturity is like being a child in faith. Like young children, new believers need simple, foundational teachings, which he compares to milk. These basics are essential for starting their spiritual journey. However, staying in this stage too long can lead to a lack of depth and susceptibility to being misled. As in the physical world, where children grow and develop, spiritual growth requires moving beyond the basics to tackle more complex and substantial "food," Duane calls meat.Transitioning to spiritual maturity involves embracing and applying deeper biblical teachings—meat. Maturity is a believer's ability to handle complex situations with wisdom, reflect Christ's character in daily actions, and positively influence others toward Christ. Mature believers should not only focus on their growth but also support and mentor less mature ones, helping them grow in their faith and understanding.Christians are expected to grow from spiritual infants to mature adults in their faith. This growth is not just for personal benefit but is essential to discern truth and fulfill God's purpose for each believer, which is to reflect Christ's image to the world.Mature Christians navigate life's challenges effectively and help others do the same. The goal of every believer should be to reach a point where they are not just consuming spiritual milk but are also capable of digesting spiritual meat, thereby achieving a deeper understanding and application of God's word.
5/9/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Our Identity Conference 2024 | Part 5

In the final message, Duane teaches that "Our Identity" and worth should not come from our abilities or accomplishments in the flesh but from our relationship with God and who we are in Christ. According to scripture, we can do nothing of value or significance without God. We have no reason to boast or take pride in our flesh, for everything we have and our talent or ability is a gift from God.No one is wise, mighty, or noble in their own strength or by their own merits (1 Corinthians 1:26-29). Instead, God has chosen the foolish, weak, and despised things of the world to confound the wise and mighty so that no flesh can boast or glory in His presence. We are nothing without God, and any knowledge, skills, or achievements we possess are ultimately from Him.Our natural, carnal mind is at enmity with God and cannot please Him. Only by abiding in Christ, the true vine, can we bear spiritual fruit and live lives that glorify God. Apart from Him, we can accomplish nothing of lasting value. Even our best efforts and supposedly good deeds are like filthy rags without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.When believers embrace their weaknesses and inadequacies, they become strong in the Lord. By acknowledging our utter dependence on God and His grace, we are driven to live by faith and rely on Christ's strength rather than our own. Our boasting and confidence must be in the Lord alone, for He alone is worthy of all glory, honor, and praise.
4/28/202456 minutes, 2 seconds
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Our Identity Conference 2024 | Part 3

In the third session of "The Identity Conference," Duane Sheriff explores the transformative power of understanding one's identity in Christ by contrasting the lives and impacts of two men: Adam and Jesus Christ.Adam, the first man, disobeyed, which led to sin entering the world. In contrast, Jesus Christ, through His ultimate sacrifice, brought salvation and righteousness to humanity. This comparison is foundational to understanding the Christian message of redemption and transformation.Adam's disobedience led to sin and death spreading to all humanity, creating a separation between humanity and God, marking every human as inherently sinful from birth. Jesus Christ, often called the "second Adam" or "the last Adam," signifies a new beginning for humanity. His life, death, and resurrection offer hope and a new nature to those who believe in Him. By His obedience and sacrifice, Jesus reversed Adam's curse, providing a path to righteousness that is not based on human efforts but on divine grace.Jesus' act was a free gift, bringing justification and life, whereas Adam's act brought judgment and condemnation. This contrast is crucial for believers to understand their new identity in Christ. Believers are no longer defined by their sins or human nature but by faith in Christ and rebirth as new creations.The practical application of this teaching is a life transformed by the renewing of the mind. Believers are called to live out their new identities, not conforming to the sinful patterns of the world but embracing the holiness and righteousness imparted by Christ. This transformation is not instantaneous but is a progressive journey of aligning one's thoughts and actions with the truth of God's word.Several scriptures are referenced to emphasize that actions like theft, greed, and other listed sins do not align with the kingdom of God. However, the identity of the believer is not defined by these actions. Instead, their true identity is defined by their status in Christ—washed, sanctified, and justified.Duane examines the common misinterpretation of the Christian's dual nature, insisting instead on a complete transformation that occurs at salvation. Believers can fully reflect God's holiness through the power of faith and the indwelling Spirit. This transformation should lead believers to live out their new identities, shedding sinful behaviors not because they are compelled by law but because their very nature has changed.Believers should fully embrace this new identity, letting it transform every aspect of their lives. This involves a continuous effort to renew one's mind, allowing the truth of God's word to replace old, sinful thought patterns and behaviors.When one becomes a Christian, a radical change occurs. It's not merely a shift in behavior but a profound transformation of identity. This understanding is essential for overcoming sin, experiencing personal growth, and manifesting the kingdom of God on earth. Through the lens of Adam and Jesus, believers are reminded of their true identity and the power they have to overcome sin and lead lives that reflect the glory of God.
4/27/20241 hour, 15 seconds
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Our Identity Conference 2024 | Part 4

In this message, Duane teaches the great mystery of Christ and the Church, as illustrated through marriage, to provide a deep understanding of our identity and relationship with Jesus. In Ephesians 5:31-32 Paul compares the marriage relationship between a husband and wife to that of Christ and the Church. This analogy helps believers understand their union with Christ and the depth of His love and commitment to them.Just as a husband and wife become one flesh in marriage, believers become one spirit with Christ. This union is a spiritual reality that reflects the intimate and unbreakable bond between Christ and His followers. The marriage analogy illustrates how believers are to submit to Christ and how Christ, as the husband, loves and cares for the Church.Old Testament prophecies foreshadow this mystery. In Isaiah 9:6, Jesus is called the "Everlasting Father," signifying His role as the progenitor of the new creation. Unlike Adam, who brought sin and death into the world, Jesus, the second Adam, brings righteousness and eternal life. This new creation in Christ forms a spiritual family, a grace race that transcends all earthly divisions and identities.Eve was taken out of Adam, symbolizing that she was always a part of him. This act foreshadows how the Church, taken out of Christ through His sacrifice, is intimately connected to Him. The opening of Jesus' side on the cross, from which blood and water flowed, parallels the creation of Eve from Adam's side and symbolizes the birth of the Church.This mystery of marriage and union with Christ reveals God's profound love and commitment to His people. It also highlights the spiritual reality that believers, as the Bride of Christ, are called to live in holiness and unity with Him. This relationship is not a temporary affiliation but an eternal bond culminating in ruling and reigning with Christ in the new heaven and earth.
4/27/202453 minutes, 34 seconds
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Culture Conference | Part 3 | Armor of Light

Believers must put on the whole armor of God, as outlined in Ephesians 6:10-18, to engage in today's culture war. According to Duane, we are not merely fighting against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.Duane breaks down the six pieces of spiritual armor as follows: 1. The Belt of Truth (Ephesians 6:14): He stresses the importance of being grounded in God's truth, as it is the weapon against Satan's lies. 2. The Breastplate of Righteousness (Isaiah 54:14): Our righteousness comes from God, not our efforts, protecting us from the enemy's accusations. 3. The Gospel of Peace (Psalms 28:3): We should not compromise for a false peace that demands disarmament from our spiritual weapons. 4. The Shield of Faith (Romans 10:17): Faith comes from hearing God's Word, enabling us to extinguish the fiery darts of the evil one. 5. The Helmet of Salvation (Isaiah 26:3): Protecting our minds and thought life, allowing us to think biblically and experience God's life. 6. The Sword of the Spirit (Hebrews 4:12, Revelation 1:16): The Word of God is a sharp, two-edged sword that divides truth from lies and pierces spiritual darkness when spoken in love. These spiritual weapons are not mere metaphors but have real power to defeat the enemy's schemes. Believers are encouraged to embrace these truths, stand firm in their God-given authority, and boldly proclaim the truth in love to impact the culture for Christ.
4/27/20241 hour, 8 minutes, 7 seconds
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Culture Conference | Part 2 | Darkness vs. Light

According to the scriptures in Matthew 5:13-16, Romans 13:11-14, and 1 Thessalonians 5:4-8, Christians are called to be the "light of the world" and not partake in the darkness around us. As "children of light," we should live holy, exposing evil, which will point people to the light of Christ.Duane contrasts the "woke" movement with being spiritually awake, saying the woke agenda loves darkness because "their deeds are evil" (John 3:19). This movement is a wake-up call for Christians to embrace their identity and embrace a "great awakening" for the church. Just as Jesus came as the 'great light' to shine on those living in darkness (Matthew 4:16), we, as believers, have a crucial role. We cannot condone sin, quoting Jesus telling the adulterous woman, 'Go and sin no more' (John 8:11). Duane urges believers to repent of any areas of spiritual slumber and numbness to the darkness encroaching in society. Using Acts 26:18, he reiterated our calling is to turn people' from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God.'
4/27/20241 hour, 1 minute, 36 seconds
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Our Identity Conference 2024 | Part 2

2 Corinthians 5:17 says that those who are in Christ are completely new creations. Their old sinful selves have passed away, and they have been made brand new in their spiritual nature. In this message, Duane Sheriff teaches that although our physical bodies and minds did not literally become new at salvation, our spirits were recreated and made righteous before God through faith in Jesus.Many believers still view themselves solely based on their physical characteristics and fleshly nature instead of their new spiritual reality. The Bible says we are no longer to regard anyone from a merely human perspective but through the lens of who we have become through the transforming work of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:16). Our true identity comes not from our family heritage, ethnic background, or any other natural factors, but from our spiritual rebirth in Christ.Jesus discovered His identity as the Son of God by having the Scriptures opened to Him through the Holy Spirit. As Jesus read the Old Testament, the Spirit revealed the prophecies and symbols that were speaking about Him. The same applies to believers - as we study the Bible, the Holy Spirit will reveal how the descriptions of who we are in Christ are relevant to us. Just as Jesus saw Himself in the Scriptures, we will recognize our new identity spelled out on the pages of God's Word.According to Romans 5, we were all born into sin because of Adam's disobedience in the Garden of Eden. Because of his one trespass, we were all made sinners by nature from conception. However, through Jesus' perfect obedience and sacrificial death, those who put their faith in Christ have been made righteous before God (Romans 5:19). Our sin was imputed to Jesus on the cross, and His righteousness has now been imputed to us.Believers are no longer sinners but have been made the very righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21). Understanding this truth about our identity transforms how we view ourselves and live. When we realize we have been made completely righteous through Jesus, we repent and turn from sin because it no longer matches who we really are as new creations in Christ.
4/26/202454 minutes, 40 seconds
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Culture Conference | Part 1 | Awake or Woke

In this thought-provoking message, Duane exposes the cultural war raging between light and darkness. Referencing Ephesians 5:8, he warns Christians not to be deceived by the lies of the "woke" ideology that promotes moral relativism. The "woke" movement's advocacy for numerous genders beyond male and female exposes the devil's ploy to confuse God's people and lead them astray from biblical truth, as prophesied in Isaiah 5:20. The church must remain awake and stand firm on God's unchanging Word, which teaches in Genesis 1:27 and Matthew 19:4 that there are only two genders designed by God - male and female. It is imperative to expose and avoid the unfruitful works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11). Any ideology claiming more than the two God-ordained genders is an insidious deception from the Enemy, whose ultimate aim is to destroy God's beautiful design for human sexuality and the sacred family unit. The "woke" movement's redefinition of truth and morality is a tactic straight from Satan himself, who disguises himself as an "angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14). However, the path of supposed enlightenment it offers is a lie that leads to spiritual darkness. The church must resist this false path and instead boldly walk as true "children of light" (Ephesians 5:8), holding forth the light of Christ's transformative truth in an increasingly secular world.
4/26/20241 hour, 3 minutes, 28 seconds
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Our Identity Conference 2024 | Part 1

In this message, Duane Sheriff teaches that we are all born with a fallen identity because of sin entering the world. Many people struggle with their fallen identity and try to pretend to be something they are not. Others have had false identities imposed on them by family or society. The world also tries to confuse people's identities for its hidden agendas and purposes.However, when we come to faith in Jesus Christ, we receive a brand new identity as God's children. This identity is not based on our physical body or external circumstances but on our reborn spirit. The Bible teaches that when we accept Christ, we are crucified, buried, and raised with Him to new life (Galatians 2:20, Romans 6). Our old sinful self died with Christ, and we are made into a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).Understanding this new identity in Christ is extremely important because it connects us to our true purpose in life. When we know who we really are in Christ, it gives us a passion to live for Him. Our identity sets the course for how we think, feel, and act. Just as Jesus was attacked about His identity as the Son of God, Satan also tries to confuse believers about who they are in Christ. The devil wants to derail us from living out our God-given identity and purpose.The Apostle Paul emphasizes that believers must regard themselves and others based on this new spiritual reality, not on external appearances (2 Corinthians 5:16). Though we live in physical bodies, our true life is hidden in Christ. Colossians 1:27 calls this the "mystery" that Christ actually lives inside those who follow Him!Just as we use mirrors to see our physical appearance, we must use the Bible as a mirror to see our true spiritual identity. As we renew our minds according to the truth of God's Word, we experience the power of becoming who we already are in Christ. Though it is ultimately a spiritual mystery, knowing our new creation identity is the key to living with passion and purpose for God's glory.
4/25/202444 minutes, 6 seconds
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Spirit vs. Flesh

Duane Sheriff teaches a powerful sermon about the difference between our spirit and flesh as believers in Christ. It's essential to understand that while our flesh is still weak and incapable, Christ Himself lives in our spirit through the Holy Spirit."Christ is in my spirit. And while I have a spirit united to Christ, I have this soul, mind, will, and emotions, but I live in this body." Because of this reality, we should not be condemned or confused by the weakness we experience in our flesh. Instead, we must learn to depend on Christ's power in our spirit. Duane outlined four fundamental truths we need to understand about our flesh:1. Without God, we can accomplish nothing of eternal value. "Without Him, I can do nothing" (John 15:5). "But I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13). 2. Without God, we have nothing good in ourselves to boast about. "Without Him, I have nothing...Everything I have is by the grace of God." We should never be arrogant because our gifts and abilities come from God's grace. 3. Without God's wisdom, we truly know nothing as we ought to know. "If anyone thinks he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know" (1 Corinthians 8:2). Only God can give us true knowledge and understanding. 4. In our flesh, we are inherently unworthy. "For I am the least of the apostles, who am not worthy of being called an apostle" (1 Corinthians 15:9). Yet by God's grace, Paul could say, "I labored more abundantly than they all" (v.10). Despite our fleshly weaknesses, we must believe the reality that Christ dwells in our spirit.Duane uses the analogy of tea to illustrate how Christ has infused our spirit. Though remaining distinct from us, just as you call water "tea," once the tea bag has steeped in it, God calls us the "body of Christ" because Christ has infused our spirit through salvation. Believers should not be arrogant or condemning but walk with humble dependence on God's grace. We should continually look to Christ's power in our spirit, not our fleshly efforts, which accomplish nothing. As Paul said, "I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me" (1 Corinthians 15:10).
4/21/202459 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Power of Truth

God desires to revive the hearts of believers with the Truth, and we should eagerly seek after and be passionate for the Truth. Duane uses the example of Pilate, who stood before the embodiment of Truth itself but chose to reject and condemn Truth due to external pressures and personal denial. The story of Pilate is a reflection of society's struggle with Truth, where we confront it every day but often choose to deny, reject, or even condemn it for various reasons, such as seeking comfort, conforming to societal norms, or due to ignorance. This impactful teaching highlights the importance of recognizing and embracing the Truth, especially in the face of opposition, to break free from the chains of lies and experience genuine freedom.
4/7/202458 minutes, 13 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace | Episode 15 | Eternal Life

Duane Sheriff emphasizes that eternal life is not just about existing forever but about having an intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ guided by the Holy Spirit. This relationship with God goes beyond just existing in eternity and instead embodies a deep connection and union with God. At the heart of eternal life is a relationship steeped in love, nurtured through learning of Him. 
4/1/202428 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Cross

Duane Sheriff teaches the importance of Jesus as the Passover Lamb. Jesus's sacrifice on the cross fulfills the prophecy of the Passover Lamb in the Old Testament. The lamb's blood was used to symbolize salvation and protection for the Israelites in Egypt. Through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus fulfills this prophecy by providing salvation and forgiveness of sins to anyone who believes. This momentous event in history serves as the foundation for personal faith and spiritual growth, bridging the gap between humans and God.
3/31/202451 minutes, 14 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace | Episode 14 | Spiritual Habits

Duane Sheriff teaches the transformative power of grace and emphasizes the significance of developing spiritual habits that will lead to victory and peace. True humility involves denying oneself, prioritizing others, aligning with God's will, and cultivating a deep and more intimate relationship with Jesus, transforming knowledge of God into a direct experiential understanding that fosters spiritual growth, peace, and a more grace-filled life.
3/29/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace | Episode 13 | Meek

Duane Sheriff teaches the importance of meekness and humility in our lives. Meekness is not a passive trait but a powerful quality that attracts grace and transforms lives. Being meek or humble can foster a deep connection with God and help us face life's challenges with peace and resilience. Jesus invites us to learn from His meek and humble heart, presenting it as a key to finding rest for our souls. If we embrace humility, it has the power to transform our relationship with God, which is marked by peace, submission, and spiritual growth.
3/28/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace | Episode 12 | Jealous

Duane Sheriff teaches the significance of drawing near to God, submitting to His will, and acknowledging the depth of His jealous love. God desires an intimate relationship. His divine jealousy is not rooted in insecurity or possessiveness but in a profound love and longing for undivided devotion. God's holy jealousy starkly contrasts human envy, highlighting the pure, passionate commitment God yearns for from us. We must recognize and cherish God's unique love for each of us and strive for a deeper, more faithful engagement with Him, free from the distractions and allegiances that often entangle our hearts and minds.
3/27/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace | Episode 11 | Humility

Duane Sheriff teaches the importance of humility as a crucial aspect of fully experiencing God's grace. Jesus invites us to learn from Him and to seek an intimate knowledge of God, which goes beyond mere knowledge about Him. Humility is a defining attribute of God's character, contrasting with humanity's prideful nature and false gods. God is approachable, humble, and involved in our lives, challenging us to cultivate a deep, personal relationship. Understanding and practicing humility is the cornerstone for living a life of grace, leading to peace, rest, and freedom.
3/26/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace | Episode 10 | Yoke of Grace

Duane Sheriff teaches the difference between the yoke of grace and the yoke of the law. The yoke of Jesus is not a burden but a source of rest and freedom, which starkly contrasts the yoke of the law described as bondage. There is transformative power in coming to Jesus, taking His yoke upon ourselves, and learning from Him. True rest for our souls is found in a relationship with Christ, not in adherence to the law or religious practices. When we understand this concept, we can live a life of grace, free from guilt, condemnation, and the relentless pursuit of self-righteousness.
3/25/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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God's Kind of Love | Part 6

Duane Sheriff teaches about the depth of God's love. God's love is not just about acceptance but also involves correction and protection. It manifests through both tenderness and righteous anger. God's love is all-encompassing, forgiving our past, present, and future sins and saving us from the wrath to come. This journey from judgment to grace highlights God's profound love for us.
3/24/20241 hour, 3 minutes, 27 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace | Episode 9 | Purpose of the Law

Duane Sheriff teaches that God gave us the law out of love. The law reveals our sins so that we may be saved. It acts as a mirror, showing our need for salvation and leading us towards faith in Christ. By highlighting our inability to attain righteousness on our own, the law emphasizes the significance of Jesus' fulfillment of the law on our behalf. This revelation of sin through the law is a necessary step towards embracing God's grace, ultimately leading us to a life of freedom and grace.
3/22/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace | Episode 8 | Law

Duane Sheriff explains the purpose of the law given to humanity. It reflects our inability to achieve righteousness through our own efforts, emphasizing our need for grace and redemption. The law reveals our spiritual condition, but grace provides the cure. Through grace, we receive the power to live a life that pleases God, not by our own strength but by the righteousness imparted to us through faith in Jesus Christ.
3/21/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace | Episode 7 | Grace or Law

Duane Sheriff teaches how grace has the power to break the power of sin. When we understand and embrace the concept of grace, it liberates us from the tyranny of sin. Grace frees us from the burdens and obligations of living under the law. Christianity is a relationship rooted in grace rather than legalism. This illustrates the contrast between living under the heavy yoke of the law and experiencing the light, restful yoke of grace, which enables believers to live in freedom and joy.
3/20/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace | Episode 6 | Freedom

Duane Sheriff teaches the concept of freedom from the law through grace. He emphasizes how grace liberates us from the constraints and demands of legalism, offering a life characterized by peace and rest. By focusing on Jesus' teachings and the grace offered through His sacrifice, we transition from living under the law to living in the freedom of grace. By embracing the restorative power of grace, we live freely and fully in the light of Christ's love.
3/19/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace | Episode 5 | Come To Jesus

Duane Sheriff teaches about the transformative power of coming to Jesus amidst life's burdens. Through God's grace, we can be freed from fear, worry, and the overwhelming pressures of life. One of the three principles of Rhythms of Grace is "Come to Me," which offers rest and liberation. By aligning ourselves with Jesus, we can navigate the complexities of life with peace and resilience, embracing a journey toward spiritual growth and freedom.
3/18/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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God's Kind of Love | Part 5

Duane Sheriff teaches how God's correction and chastening differ from human punishment. He explains that every act of divine correction is rooted in God's desire for our ultimate good, aiming to foster spiritual maturity, holiness, and a deeper relationship with Him. This perspective encourages a receptive attitude towards God's loving discipline, recognizing it as a vital component of our spiritual journey.
3/17/202453 minutes, 14 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace | Episode 4 | Divine Calling

Duane Sheriff teaches that the power of grace can transform our lives and enable us to fulfill our divine calling. We can find rest in Jesus with a deep relationship with Christ. Duane addresses fear, worry, anxiety, and stress, advocating for a faith-driven approach to overcome these challenges. We can achieve spiritual maturity and resilience by following the three rhythms of grace: coming to Jesus, taking His yoke, and learning from Him. By living a life marked by peace, purpose, and power in God's grace, we can fulfill our divine calling.
3/15/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace | Episode 3 | Grace

Duane Sheriff explains how grace is intricately found in Jesus. Jesus is the epitome of divine grace made manifest. Through Jesus, grace is not just an abstract concept but a tangible reality experienced by believers. His life, teachings, and sacrificial love on the cross exemplify the depth of God's grace. This offers redemption, forgiveness, and the promise of eternal life to all who believe. There is a transformative power in encountering Jesus, where grace becomes the lens through which we view God, ourselves, and our purpose in the world. Through Jesus, grace is lived, received, and extended, embodying the heart of the Gospel message.
3/14/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace | Episode 2 | Amazing Grace

"Amazing Grace" is a divine gift that goes beyond human understanding and has the power to change lives. It liberates us from our past burdens, allowing us to embrace a hopeful and promising future. In this teaching, Duane Sheriff provides practical guidance on incorporating grace rhythms into our daily lives. He emphasizes the importance of solitude, silence, and meditation on scripture to nurture our connection with God. By combining these practices, we can experience personal renewal and spiritual growth. Engaging in these disciplines has a transformative power, which can lead to a more profound and grace-filled life.
3/13/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace | Episode 1 | Rest

Duane Sheriff teaches that, as Christians, we have been delivered from fear, worry, anxiety, and stress. Our lives are anchored in the grace and love of God, and our focus should be on our identity, transformation, and wholeness in Christ. The term "rhythms of grace" refers to an intimate and transformative relationship with God, where His divine presence flows into every aspect of our lives with love, healing, and renewal. Instead of striving, we learn to rest in the assurance of His provision and guidance. 
3/12/202428 minutes, 31 seconds
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God's Kind of Love | Part 4

How wide, long, deep, and high is God's love? God's love is immeasurable, with four dimensions depicted not just as an emotion but also as a guiding principle for actions and relationships. It is rooted deeply in God's nature and manifested through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. This sacrifice offers forgiveness and redemption to all humanity. Understanding and experiencing God's love transforms how we view ourselves and others, leading to a life of compassion, forgiveness, and self-sacrifice.
3/10/202455 minutes, 16 seconds
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God's Kind of Love | Part 3

3/3/202457 minutes, 22 seconds
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Basics Of Prayer | Episode 15 | Anoint With Oil

Duane Sheriff teaches the profound impact of prayer, emphasizing the synergy between faith, love, and healing. He explores the biblical foundation for the anointing with oil in prayer, symbolizing the Holy Spirit's presence and power in the healing process. Duane underscores the importance of developing a personal relationship with God. Through this relationship, prayer becomes not just a request but a deep communion with the divine. This connection fosters a fertile ground for miracles, underpinned by unwavering faith and the loving intent behind every prayer. 
3/1/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Basics Of Prayer | Episode 14 | Prayer of Faith

Duane Sheriff teaches the importance of following instructions on how to pray, what to pray for, and when to pray. Faith-filled prayer is effective, and it highlights the unshakable power of invoking Jesus' name for healing and restoration. He emphasizes that faith, when aligned with the will of God and expressed through love, becomes the foundation for miraculous transformations in one’s life and relationships. Prayer is more than just a ritual; it is an act of love and a channel through which God's mercy and healing flow, affirming the believer’s relationship with the divine through the name of Jesus.
2/29/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Basics Of Prayer | Episode 13 | Name of Jesus

Duane Sheriff teaches that the name of Jesus is the most powerful name under heaven. Effective prayer is not just about repeating Jesus' name but understanding and embracing the authority that comes with it. To pray effectively, we need to align our requests with God's will and use the powerful name of Jesus. This approach to prayer requires a personal relationship with Jesus, ensuring that our requests are in harmony with God's desires and plans. Duane encourages believers to approach prayer with faith, gratitude, and a heart aligned with Jesus' teachings, highlighting that effective prayer stems from a genuine connection with Jesus rather than the mechanical use of His name.
2/28/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Basics Of Prayer | Episode 12 | Power In Jesus' Name

Duane Sheriff teaches the significance of prayer, power, and belief in the name of Jesus. Jesus granted this authority to believers, as evidenced by the Holy Spirit's empowerment, to perform miracles and act on His behalf. Duane draws examples from the book of Acts and the teachings of Jesus to illustrate that praying in Jesus' name requires alignment with His will and character, not just a verbal acknowledgment. A genuine relationship with Jesus, obedience to His commandments, and the role of the Holy Spirit in empowering believers are all necessary. Faith in the transformative power of prayer in the name of Jesus goes beyond mere ritual or formula.
2/27/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Basics Of Prayer | Episode 11 | In Jesus Name

Duane Sheriff teaches that when we pray or heal in the name of Jesus, we are accessing His authority and acting on His behalf, as if He were doing it. In the Bible, the apostles prayed and healed a man using only the name of Jesus, emphasizing that true power and miracles come not from our merit but from our faith in Jesus Christ's finished work on the cross. 
2/26/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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God's Kind of Love | Part 2

God is love. In order to truly love and understand love, you must be born again, born of God, and have a personal relationship with God. This message focuses on the significance of God's love, as written in the book of Ephesians. Duane emphasizes the importance of the older generation teaching the younger generation to recognize and distinguish divine love from mere attraction or lust. It's crucial to understand that the world's definition of love differs from God's definition, and this understanding is essential to our faith because our faith works through love.
2/25/202459 minutes, 49 seconds
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Basics Of Prayer | Episode 10 | Relationship

Duane Sheriff teaches that we should rely on God as the ultimate source of our needs. We should pray to God and ask for His wisdom, blessings, and guidance in our lives. Looking for fulfillment outside of God is equivalent to spiritual unfaithfulness, which emphasizes the importance of maintaining a pure relationship with God and avoiding worldly temptations. Through prayer, we develop a close relationship with God, recognizing Him as the only provider of our happiness and contentment and avoiding selfish desires that lead us away from our divine purpose.
2/23/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Grace, Growth & Gratitude | Sue Sheriff

In this personal and inspiring message, Sue Sheriff shares testimonies of times that tested her faith and resilience. Facing financial difficulties, unexpected pregnancy, health scares among her children, and questioning her role as a pastor's wife, Sue navigates these challenges with a reliance on God's grace and guidance. Through her testimony, she emphasizes the importance of faith, the power of prayer, and the support of the church community in overcoming life's obstacles. This message encourages listeners to trust in God's plan, seek Him in every circumstance, and find strength in their spiritual walk, even in the face of adversity.
2/23/202432 minutes, 24 seconds
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Basics Of Prayer | Episode 9 | Kinds of Prayer

Duane Sheriff delves into the fundamentals of prayer, emphasizing its transformative power in our relationship with the Lord. He underscores the necessity of being taught how to pray effectively, just as the disciples sought guidance from Jesus. Through exploring different kinds of prayer, as revealed in the Bible, Duane illuminates the journey from discouragement in unanswered prayers to the encouragement of witnessing God's responses. Highlighting wisdom from the book of James, he stresses the importance of praying with pure motives and faith, without doubting, to navigate life's trials and receive God's guidance and blessings. This message is a call to deepen our prayer life, ensuring it aligns with God's will, thereby becoming more effectual and fulfilling.
2/22/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Basics Of Prayer | Episode 8 | Wisdom

Prayer is a voluntary act that we choose to do. It involves opening our hearts to seek God's will, and when we do so, God draws closer to us, and His grace becomes available to us. Duane Sheriff teaches that we should pray for God's will instead of our own. If we do not know God's will or His promises for our daily decisions, we should pray for His wisdom. 
2/21/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Basics Of Prayer | Episode 7 | God's Will

Duane Sheriff teaches that if we pray according to God's will, God will hear us, and if He hears us, we can be confident that we will receive the petitions we ask for. God's will is found in His promises contained in the Word. 
2/20/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Basics Of Prayer | Episode 6 | Faith in Prayer

Prayer is a powerful part of our relationship with the Lord. Duane Sheriff teaches that when you pray, you are to pray in faith without ceasing. That means that you do not abort your prayer in doubt and unbelief. Trust God and give him thanks. The prayer of Thanksgiving effects all other kinds and types of prayer.
2/19/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Gospel Truth Conference | Part 3

Duane Sheriff teaches the transformative process of growing in God's Word and maturity by emphasizing the importance of transitioning from "milk" to "meat" and from being a convert to a disciple so we can hear and discern the voice of God. By understanding our identity as the salt of the earth, a city on a hill, and the light of the world, we can recognize the significance of our personal growth in benefiting those around us. As we mature, we are able to shine a light in a world that is often filled with darkness and become a positive influence on those around us.
2/17/202447 minutes, 5 seconds
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Basics Of Prayer | Episode 5 | Persistence

Duane Sheriff teaches that if you pray in accordance with God's promises and His will, the scripture states that God will hear you. Therefore, if God hears you, you should believe you will receive what you asked for when you pray. However, the manifestation of answered prayer is not always instant, so it is essential to be persistent in prayer and to stand in faith.
2/16/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Gospel Truth Conference | Part 2

According to 1 Corinthians, when we are immature, our way of thinking, speaking, and understanding is like that of a child. Immaturity can hinder our personal and spiritual growth and prevent blessings intended for our lives. Duane Sheriff teaches that we will not know how to discern good from evil if we remain immature. Recognizing the signs of immaturity, such as irresponsible speech, thoughts, and understanding, is essential. Instead, we should hunger and thirst for the will of God, growing in our faith and developing a Christlike mindset in preparation for future challenges.
2/16/20241 hour, 3 minutes, 29 seconds
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Gospel Truth Conference | Part 1

Duane Sheriff teaches on the topic of spiritual growth and the transitioning into a mature believer. God has a specific plan for spiritual maturity, which involves transitioning and transforming our lives through the washing of the water of the Word. We are called to transition from an immature believer to a mature one, from a convert to a disciple, and from spiritual infancy to a mature relationship with Christ. Through this process, we become Christ-like and are prepared to be the mature bride of Christ, ready for His return and equipped to love others.
2/16/202446 minutes, 58 seconds
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Basics Of Prayer | Episode 4 | How To Pray

God has granted us the authority and keys to bind and loose things on this earth to fulfill His will. God's power is released on earth when we collaborate with Him and pray according to His will. In his teachings, Duane Sheriff emphasizes the importance of seeking God's Kingdom and righteousness first, and he explains the significance of praying in the name of Jesus. We pray as the representative of Jesus, and it is through Him that our prayers are answered.
2/15/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Basics Of Prayer | Episode 3 | Why Pray

Duane Sheriff teaches that our prayers don't need to be long to be effective. The key is to mix faith with our prayers. God has granted us authority and keys to bind and loose things on this earth to fulfill His will. When we partner with God and pray for His will to be done, His power is released on earth.
2/14/202426 minutes, 38 seconds
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Basics Of Prayer | Episode 2 | Forgiveness

Duane Sheriff shares why to pray, how to pray, and what to pray in order to receive answers to our prayers. Prayer is a way for us to connect with God and see His kingdom manifest, but unforgiveness or offense will hinder our prayer.
2/13/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Basics Of Prayer | Episode 1 | Motives Matter

Duane Sheriff teaches the importance of understanding why we pray and why the motives behind our prayers are important. Duane examines the teachings of Jesus, which instructs us to refrain from praying to be noticed by others like hypocrites do. Instead, we should focus on our intentions and align our prayers with the teachings of Jesus.
2/12/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Spiritual Formation | Part 3 | Spiritual Maturity

2/11/202454 minutes, 26 seconds
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Spiritual Formation | Part 4 | Transitioning into Maturity

God's plan for all of us is to be transformed into the image of Christ. This means that we should have Christ in our hearts and strive to become more like Him so we can be a blessing to everyone we meet. Brother Duane teaches us about the difference between spiritual immaturity and maturity. He encourages us to grow in our faith and stand firm amidst the moral challenges of today's culture.
2/11/202455 minutes, 59 seconds
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Safeguards Against Deception | Part 6

1/21/202449 minutes, 20 seconds
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Part 2

1/17/202447 minutes, 14 seconds
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Part 1

1/16/202447 minutes, 22 seconds
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Safeguards Against Deception | Part 5

According to 1 Timothy chapter 4, believers will depart from their faith due to deceiving spirits and the doctrines of devils in the later days. Brother Duane teaches that God has provided Safeguards Against Deception to protect believers so they will be able to stand firm in their beliefs. Today, our lack of reverence is leading to a crisis of equity and justice. Believers should seek God's judgment and mercy with a righteous heart. They should promote unity rather than division and distinguish between the fear that imprisons and the reverential fear that empowers.
1/14/202453 minutes, 38 seconds
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Born Again-What Now? | Episode 10 | Hope & Love

After accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior, the next step is to become a mature believer. Duane Sheriff teaches there are three cooperative powers - hope, love, and patience - that, when combined with faith, will help us become a mature believer and be a blessing to others.
1/10/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Born Again-What Now? | Episode 9 | Grace

According to Ephesians 2:8, we are saved by grace through faith. Duane Sheriff teaches that faith toward God is the second foundational truth or elementary principle of the Doctrine of Christ. Faith is our response to the God of grace. Faith is how we access grace and how we receive God's blessings and love.
1/9/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Born Again-What Now? | Episode 8 | Faith

What Now? Your "born again" spirit is not a baby, but your understanding and experience in applying the word of God is that of a child. Duane Sheriff teaches six fundamental principles that must be understood to transition from a convert to a disciple of Jesus. Faith in God is one of these elementary principles essential to the Christian faith.
1/8/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Safeguards Against Deception | Part 4

How do we safeguard against deception and the departure from faith when we are bombarded by deceiving spirits and doctrines of devils? Brother Duane teaches that God's voice is not hidden. The language of God's Kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy. A distinction can be made between the 'voice of the lamb,' which guides us toward recognizing our blessings, and the 'voice of the dragon,' which promotes negativity and unthankfulness. Learn to recognize divine whispers amidst life's noise.
1/7/202457 minutes, 40 seconds
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Born Again-What Now? | Episode 7 | Repentence

Before accepting Christ and becoming "born again," the power of sin enslaved us. Duane Sheriff teaches the importance of repentance. After we become "born again" and accept Christ as our savior, we may be tempted to sin, but we are no longer a slave to sin. The power of grace is greater and releases us from the power of sin.
1/5/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Born Again-What Now? | Episode 6 | Elementary Principles

Duane Sheriff teaches that to mature spiritually, we must apply six elementary principles that lay a foundation. One of these principles is repentance from dead works. Repentance means to change your mind and change your direction. Some examples of dead works include self-righteousness, sins of our flesh, and religious works.
1/4/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Born Again-What Now? | Episode 5 | Food Groups

Duane Sheriff teaches that four major food groups help a convert mature into a disciple. The first food group is the Apostles' Creed, which trains a believer in their new identity in Christ. The second food group is fellowship, which builds faith when believers share who they are in Christ. The third food group is breaking bread, which involves sharing a meal with others and building intimacy. The last major food group is prayer. Different kinds of prayers are effective for different situations.
1/3/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Born Again-What Now? | Episode 4 | Spiritual Diet

The Lord's spiritual diet consists of four spiritual food groups that can help us grow and mature spiritually in our faith. These groups are the apostle's doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers. Duane Sheriff explains that the apostle's doctrine refers to the scripture that is inspired by God. It is beneficial for teaching, correcting, reproving, and instructing in righteousness.
1/2/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Born Again-What Now? | Episode 3 | Next Steps

When you are born again, your spirit man is united to Christ, but your understanding of Christ is as a newborn baby. Duane Sheriff teaches that the first step in figuring out "what now" is reading, studying, and meditating on the Bible. God's word is like nourishing food for your spirit, and it will help you gain a deeper understanding of Christ.
1/1/202428 minutes, 29 seconds
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Safeguards Against Deception | Part 3

Today, we face the perils of deceptive narratives that hijack the true meaning of love and justice. Brother Duane teaches the importance of spiritual maturity, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the critical role of biblical teachings to discern the truth. Scriptures provide essential safeguards to equip our children and grandchildren with the armor of wisdom. The story of Samuel parallels our present-day challenges and the urgency to discern God's voice amid global concerns. It is vital to respond righteously and align with our divine purpose for a life of fulfillment and impact.
12/31/202353 minutes, 57 seconds
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Born Again-What Now? | Episode 2 | New Birth

Our first birth is physically created by two flesh and blood parents. When you are born again, you experience a spiritual rebirth created by God, who is spirit. The new birth is made possible by the word of God, which is an incorruptible seed that will remain forever. The spirit part of you becomes born again and becomes "new" inside of you, righteous and holy.
12/29/202328 minutes, 29 seconds
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Born Again-What Now? | Episode 1 | Testimony

What does it mean to be born again? Duane Sheriff shares his personal testimony when he accepted Christ at the age of seven. New believers are often faced without instruction on how to live their new life in Christ. They have many questions and little guidance, causing them to feel confused or revert to their former life before accepting Christ.
12/28/202326 minutes, 55 seconds
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Safeguards Against Deception | Part 2

12/17/202353 minutes, 2 seconds
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Safeguards Against Deception | Part 1

The New Testament warns against deception, which typically begins with questioning the authenticity of God's word, "Has God said?" Brother Duane teaches believers how to recognize the warning signs of deception, the importance of discerning truth, and the role of personal responsibility in guarding against deception. We cannot accurately distinguish between good and evil without God. In a culture that censors truth, turning to God's word as our ultimate guide is crucial.
12/10/202355 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Mystery & Power of Foot Washing | Part 3

Brother Duane explains the spiritual significance of foot washing and its cleansing power. This act by Jesus reveals profound love, humility, and forgiveness, even towards those who would betray him. By allowing Jesus to wash away our guilt and shame, we can forgive others as we are forgiven. We become clean through the finished work of Christ and can love one another as Jesus loved us.
12/3/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 43 seconds
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A New Commandment of Love

Brother Duane explains the spiritual significance of foot washing and its cleansing power. This act by Jesus reveals profound love, humility, and forgiveness, even towards those who would betray him. By allowing Jesus to wash away our guilt and shame, we can forgive others as we are forgiven. We become clean through the finished work of Christ and can love one another as Jesus loved us.
12/3/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 43 seconds
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How Faith Works | Episode 15 | Maturity

Our faith will be tested. Trusting God in our problems will develop our maturity. Duane Sheriff encourages us to believe the Word of God and trust God when our faith is tested.
11/27/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Mystery & Power of Foot Washing | Part 2

Brother Duane reveals the profound spiritual significance of foot washing, an act steeped in mystery and divine power. Jesus' ultimate sacrifice washes and cleanses us by the Word of God, and through Jesus' sacrifice, our deepest transgressions are pardoned, unveiling God's profound love for us.
11/26/20231 hour, 1 minute, 14 seconds
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How Faith Works | Episode 14 | Tested

Duane Sheriff reveals that it is possible to learn to stand firm in faith during difficult times by speaking to your mountains, circumstances, and emotions rather than allowing them to speak to you. Your faith is tested in difficult times, and we grow in our faith when facing and overcoming problems.
11/24/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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How Faith Works | Episode 13 | Character

Duane Sheriff reviews the three cooperative powers of faith: hope, love, and patience. The testing of your faith in trials produces patience, and patience is what develops your character. The maturity of your character will help you endure in the days ahead.
11/23/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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How Faith Works | Episode 12 | Trials

Patience is vital to the answer of prayer manifesting in your life. Duane Sheriff encourages believers to know that through their faith and patience, they will inherit the promises of God. Something supernatural happens when you trust God, and a spiritual battle begins to test your faith to give up.
11/22/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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How Faith Works | Episode 11 | Patience

Patience is the third cooperative power in the ecosystem that operates in God's kind of faith. Duane Sheriff reveals that it takes patience to see the manifestation of our prayers. Often, when we pray, there is a battle between heaven and hell, and our weapon in this battle is our shield of faith. During that time, we can waiver, and our faith can be tested.
11/21/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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How Faith Works | Episode 10 | The Cross

Duane Sheriff reveals that God loved us so much that He sent His son, Jesus, to bear our penalty for sin. Jesus bore God's wrath and punishment for our sins in his body on the Cross so we could be made righteous by his sacrifice. It is so important that we understand the beauty and simplicity of the Cross. It is the very foundation of our faith.
11/20/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Mystery & Power of Foot Washing | Part 1

11/19/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 6 seconds
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How Faith Works | Episode 9 | Rooted and Grounded

Duane Sheriff shares that God is love, so God loves everyone the same, and His love is unconditional. We should not judge God's love for us by our feelings or circumstances. We experience God's kind of love if we are born of God and know God. Therefore, you can be a Christian and not love. 
11/17/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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How Faith Works | Episode 8 | Apostle Paul

God is love. Love is the second cooperative power that works in the ecosystem of faith. Duane Sheriff shares the simplicity of love written by the Apostle Paul: to love, you must be born of God and know God. If you do not love, you do not know God. Duane says having faith is easy if you know how much God loves you.
11/16/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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How Faith Works | Episode 7 | Love is Taught

Love is a cooperative power in the ecosystem of faith, and we are encouraged to be rooted and grounded in God's kind of love. Duane Sheriff examines scriptures on how we are to teach others how to love.
11/15/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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How Faith Works | Episode 6 | God's Love

In the ecosystem of faith, three cooperative powers are interconnected: hope, love, and patience. Duane Sheriff helps us understand that our faith strengthens as we grow in our revelation of God's love for us. Love is who God is. We receive a knowledge of God's love for us through His word and the Holy Spirit, not by our feelings.
11/14/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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How Faith Works | Episode 5 | Abraham

Even Abraham, the father of faith, lost hope. Duane Sheriff explains how to regain your hope. Do not consider yourself, your circumstances, or your mistakes. Give thanks and set your focus on the promises of God, who is faithful to accomplish all His promises.
11/13/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Calling Evil Good | Part 2

11/12/202359 minutes, 38 seconds
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How Faith Works | Episode 4 | Promises

Hope, love, and patience make up the ecosystem of faith. Duane Sheriff emphasizes the importance of hope and how hope is a powerful force in our lives. There is a battle for your hope. Losing hope can lead to a shipwreck of faith. Put your hope in the promises of God and not in the world.
11/10/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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How Faith Works | Episode 3 | Hope

Love, hope, and patience are principles connected in the ecosystem of faith. Duane Sheriff explores the importance of hope in our lives and that our hope should be in God. Abraham's life is an example of hope, and is considered the father of faith.
11/9/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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How Faith Works | Episode 2 | Ecosystem

Have you ever wondered why faith is vital in our relationship with God? Duane Sheriff unravels this mystery together as we journey through the enlightening spiritual ecosystem of faith, hope, love, and patience. Discover how hope, even in the face of challenges, can fuel our faith and sustain our lives.
11/8/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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How Faith Works | Episode 1

Duane Sheriff explains that there is an ecosystem of faith and how things are connected to your faith. There are laws and principles of faith. Your prayers will become more effective once you understand how these things are connected to your faith.
11/7/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Murmuring and Complaining | Episode 5 | Wilderness

In the fifth episode of "Murmuring and Complaining," Duane Sheriff delivers a powerful message on the dangers of murmuring and complaining. Drawing from personal testimony, Duane shares how God has worked in his own life to help him overcome a habit of murmuring and complaining, deeply rooted in his upbringing. Using passages like Philippians 2:14, where Paul encourages believers to do everything without grumbling, and 1 Corinthians 10, Duane illustrates how the Israelites' constant complaining kept them from entering the Promised Land. He carefully unpacks the story of the Israelites in the desert, highlighting the five specific sins that prevented them from receiving God's promises. Four of these sins are linked to murmuring and complaining. In Numbers 14:26, God is clear about His displeasure with the Israelites' constant complaints, which He equates to unbelief. Guard your heart against this destructive habit and cultivate an attitude of gratitude instead.Duane balances the gravity of this sin with the assurance of God's grace and love through Jesus Christ. We should choose faith over unbelief, gratitude over grumbling, and enter into God's promises to avoid the pitfalls that hindered the Israelites in the wilderness.
11/6/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Murmuring and Complaining | Episode 4 | Thankful

In the fourth episode of "Murmuring and Complaining," Duane Sheriff teaches the dangers of murmuring and complaining, contrasting them with the importance of thanksgiving and glorifying God. Murmuring and complaining are voices of unbelief, while praise and gratitude are voices of faith.Romans 1:18-21 reveals how a lack of gratitude and an unthankful heart can lead believers away from their faith, causing their hearts to be filled with foolishness and darkness. In 2 Timothy 3:1-5, Duane emphasizes that unthankfulness is a significant characteristic of people in the last days, among other negative traits. He emphasizes the importance of cultivating a heart of gratitude. To grow in the knowledge and will of God, one must give thanks in all circumstances, as stated in 1 Thessalonians 5:18.Duane shares personal stories and scriptural insights to inspire believers to stop complaining and instead adopt an attitude of gratitude. He believes that being thankful can profoundly change a person's life and bring them closer to God's plan. He promises that doing so will help deepen their relationship with God and help them experience His presence and blessings more fully.
11/3/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Murmuring and Complaining | Episode 3 | Heart of Faith

In the third episode of "Murmuring and Complaining," Duane Sheriff addresses the dangerous habit of murmuring and complaining, which he identifies as the voice of unbelief. He contrasts this with the voice of faith, characterized by praise, worship, and thanksgiving. Philippians 2:14 instructs believers to "do all things without murmuring and disputings."Murmuring and complaining stem from an evil heart of unbelief, which can lead to departing from the living God (Hebrews 3:12). Abraham, the father of faith, illustrates how he went from being weak in faith to becoming strong in faith (Romans 4:18-20). Abraham learned to "call things that be not as though they were" (Romans 4:17). Despite facing seemingly impossible circumstances, Abraham believed in hope against hope, giving glory to God and being fully persuaded that God was able to perform what He had promised (Romans 4:20-21).Believers are encouraged to follow Abraham's example and cultivate a heart of faith that speaks the language of praise, worship, and thanksgiving. Our words have power, and when we speak from a heart of faith, we align ourselves with the faith of Jesus Christ that dwells within us (Galatians 2:20).
11/2/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Murmuring and Complaining | Episode 2 | Heart of Faith

Duane shares the dangers of murmuring and complaining, which he identifies as the voice of unbelief. He contrasts this with the voice of faith, characterized by praise, worship, and thanksgiving. Philippians 2:14 instructs believers to "do all things without murmuring and disputings."Murmuring and complaining stem from an evil heart of unbelief, which can lead to departing from the living God (Hebrews 3:12). Abraham, the father of faith, illustrates how he went from being weak in faith to becoming strong in faith (Romans 4:18-20). Abraham learned to "call things that be not as though they were" (Romans 4:17). Despite facing seemingly impossible circumstances, Abraham believed in hope against hope, giving glory to God and being fully persuaded that God was able to perform what He had promised (Romans 4:20-21).Believers are encouraged to follow Abraham's example and cultivate a heart of faith that speaks the language of praise, worship, and thanksgiving. Our words have power, and when we speak from a heart of faith, we align ourselves with the faith of Jesus Christ that dwells within us (Galatians 2:20).
11/1/202328 minutes, 28 seconds
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Murmuring and Complaining | Episode 1 | Unbelief

Brother Duane teaches how the harmful behavior of murmuring and complaining stems from a heart of unbelief. God's love desires to transform our hearts so we can walk with Him in faith, gratitude, and thanksgiving. Murmuring and complaining are the voices of unbelief, while praise, worship, and thanksgiving are the voices of faith. Philippians 2:14 (ESV) says, "Do all things without grumbling or disputing." Murmuring and complaining question God's sovereignty, doubting His goodness and wisdom. God doesn't condemn us for our unbelief but lovingly convicts us. Sharing his experiences and convictions from the Holy Spirit, Duane explains how these negative actions can damage one's destiny and hinder God's purpose in life. He stresses the importance of leading a life characterized by faith, gratitude, and reverence for God, referencing scriptures such as Philippians 2:12-14 and Colossians 2:6-7.Philippians 2:12 (ESV) instructs: "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." This fear is not anxiety but a holy reverence for God, trusting that His will and good pleasure are at work within us. When we walk in faith and thanksgiving, we experience God's blessings and purpose in our lives. Colossians 2:7 (ESV) states, "Abounding in thanksgiving." By giving thanks and praising God, our faith abounds, and we shine as a light in a world full of darkness.
10/31/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Calling Evil Good | Part 1

Brother Duane challenges you to awaken from the lies and deceit that pervade our world today and to prepare our hearts to seek the Lord. We reflect on how manipulation of the news media is overcharging our hearts, illustrating this with a shocking example of the New York Times article that nearly sparked World War III. Remember, not recognizing evil for what it is has dire consequences. So, let's learn how to love our enemies, call out evil, renew our minds with the Word of God, and prepare our hearts to seek the Lord.
10/29/202356 minutes, 45 seconds
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Basics Of Grace | Episode 10

True humility accepts that we are nothing without Christ, but through Christ, we are His workmanship. Duane Sheriff shares the four attributes of humility so we can judge our hearts. Without God: 1) we are nothing, 2) we have nothing, 3) we know nothing, 4) we can do nothing. All our abilities, talents, gifts, and blessings come from God. 
10/24/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Basics Of Grace | Episode 9

Through faith, grace is how we enter God's Kingdom and how we live in God's Kingdom. Grace is God's power to be who we are and God's power to do what we do. Grace is God's power in our human weakness. Duane Sheriff explains that it is our human weakness that keeps us humble and dependent on God. 
10/23/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Culture of Death & Terrorism

10/22/202352 minutes, 40 seconds
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Basics Of Grace | Episode 8

Why does God resist the proud? Pride was the original sin of Lucifer. Duane Sheriff contrasts the attributes of humility and the attributes of pride. Humility is God-centered and focuses on others, whereas pride is self-centered and focuses on self.
10/20/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Basics Of Grace | Episode 7

Grace is the power to do all God has called us to do. When we humble ourselves, we receive more of God's grace. But when pride is in our lives, God will resist us. Duane Sheriff contrasts humility and pride so we can experience God's grace.
10/19/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Basics Of Grace | Episode 6

Humility allows us to receive more grace in our lives, but pride can hinder grace in our lives. Duane Sheriff shares the attributes of humility and what humility looks like, as well as the attributes of grace and what grace looks like. Grace empowers us to be the salt of the world, the light of the world, and a blessing to everyone we know.
10/18/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Basics Of Grace | Episode 5

We are saved by grace through faith, and grace is a gift from God. Duane Sheriff shares the basics of grace, where to find grace, and when to find grace. Grace is God's power in human weakness and can only be found in a relationship with Jesus in our time of need.
10/17/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Basics Of Grace | Episode 4

Grace is God's power in human weakness. Grace is found in Jesus and a relationship with Jesus. Duane Sheriff teaches that overcoming today's sins, weaknesses, and addictions is impossible without Jesus.
10/16/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Fundamentals of Prayer | Part 3

The scripture in 1 John says that if we pray in accordance with God's will, He hears us. And if we know God hears us, then we know we have the petitions of our hearts have been granted. But how do we know what to pray for? According to Brother Duane, we need to learn to pray God's will, and God's will is His Word. When we pray in accordance with God's will, He takes pleasure in answering our prayers. This not only brings glory to Him but also serves as a testimony to non-believers.
10/15/202353 minutes, 5 seconds
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Basics Of Grace | Episode 3

Grace is God's power in our lives to become the children of God. By grace, we are saved through faith; it is the gift of God. Duane Sheriff explains that our work, effort, or self-righteousness can not save us. We must mix faith with the word of grace for God's power to be released in our lives.
10/13/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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From the Pit to the Rock

Duane Sheriff received a calling from God when he was just seven years old. However, due to a family tragedy, he decided to go his own way until he had an open vision of the cross. Duane saw all of his sins being absorbed into the body of Jesus, dying with Him, being resurrected with him, ascending, and finally being seated at the right hand of God. This vision helps remind Duane to rely on Jesus - the Rock and not the pit he was in before the vision of the cross.
10/13/202345 minutes, 41 seconds
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From the Pit to the Rock

Duane Sheriff's testimony of his open vision of the cross inspires reliance on Jesus rather than the flesh. Four things we are not after the flesh: 1) Without Jesus, we can do nothing. 2) Without Him, we have nothing. 3) Without Him, we know nothing. 4) Without Him, we are nothing.
10/13/202349 minutes, 40 seconds
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Basics Of Grace | Episode 2

When you embrace Jesus - you embrace grace and truth. Grace makes us who we are in the Kingdom. Duane Sheriff teaches that Grace is the power of God to be all you were created to be and do all God has called you to do.
10/12/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Basics Of Grace | Episode 1

The basics of God's grace is vital to our walk with the Lord, understanding our salvation, and receiving all of God's promises. Duane Sheriff teaches foundational truths and the basics of grace to reveal the "amazing" in amazing grace. 
10/11/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Supernatural Change | Episode 5

10/10/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Supernatural Change | Episode 4

10/9/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Fundamentals of Prayer | Part 2

No matter how long we have had a relationship with the Lord, we can always grow in the area of prayer. In this message, Brother Duane shares the basics of prayer - why to pray, how to pray, and what to pray.
10/8/202351 minutes, 5 seconds
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Supernatural Change | Episode 3

10/6/202353 minutes, 36 seconds
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Minister's Conference '23 | Part 2

Although it is important to learn steps and principles in ministry, Duane Sheriff teaches that those principles should point you to a relationship with Jesus. Three rhythm of grace principles are: 1) learn to come unto Jesus, 2) learn to take His Yoke, and 3) learn of Him. When we develop disciplines that become a natural rhythm, ministry should come from a place of supernatural rest.
10/6/202349 minutes, 21 seconds
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Supernatural Change | Episode 2

10/5/202323 minutes, 17 seconds
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Supernatural Change | Episode 1

10/4/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Minister's Conference '23 | Part 1

Through his personal testimony, Duane Sheriff shares how he developed an unforced rhythm of grace. And just like in physical activities, there is a muscle memory aspect to our spiritual journey with God. If we consistently and intentionally develop our muscle memory by walking with Christ, we will be prepared to respond to the enemy's attacks without having to think about it. To build our spiritual muscle memory, we come to Jesus, take His yoke, and learn of Him.
10/3/20231 hour, 1 minute, 49 seconds
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Fundamentals of Prayer | Part 1

Duane Sheriff explores how to pray, what to pray, and why to pray. 
10/1/202352 minutes, 17 seconds
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Part 4

9/24/202354 minutes, 47 seconds
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Part 1

9/22/202351 minutes, 21 seconds
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Part 2

9/22/202351 minutes, 46 seconds
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Part 3

9/22/202359 minutes, 21 seconds
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Murmuring & Complaining | Part 4

Both faith and unbelief have an attitude. An attitude is your perspective on how you think. Brother Duane contrasts the attitude of the Israelites versus the attitude of Joshua and Caleb.
9/17/202353 minutes, 17 seconds
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Erasing Offense | Episode 19

9/15/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Erasing Offense | Episode 18

9/14/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Erasing Offense | Episode 17

9/13/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Erasing Offense | Episode 16

9/12/202328 minutes, 42 seconds
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Erasing Offense | Episode 15

9/11/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Voice of Faith

9/10/202350 minutes, 23 seconds
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Erasing Offense | Episode 14

9/8/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Erasing Offense | Episode 13

9/7/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Erasing Offense | Episode 12

9/6/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Erasing Offense | Episode 11

9/5/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Erasing Offense | Episode 10

9/4/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Murmuring & Complaining | Part 3

In this message, Brother Duane reviews the five offenses that prevented the Israelites from entering the promised land. He encourages believers to avoid these offenses and to mix grace and faith, which gives them the power to overcome.
9/3/202353 minutes, 40 seconds
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Erasing Offense | Episode 9

9/1/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Erasing Offense | Episode 8

8/31/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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HealingNow - Part 1

8/30/202331 minutes, 39 seconds
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Erasing Offense | Episode 7

8/30/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Erasing Offense | Episode 6

8/29/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Erasing Offense | Episode 5

8/28/202328 minutes, 37 seconds
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Murmuring & Complaining | Part 2

Murmuring and complaining is the voice of unbelief. In this message, Brother Duane shares several passages regarding the deadliness of murmuring and complaining. Murmuring and complaining is one of the five offenses. 
8/27/202357 minutes, 1 second
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Erasing Offense | Episode 4

8/25/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Erasing Offense | Episode 3

8/24/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Erasing Offense | Episode 2

8/23/202329 minutes, 58 seconds
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Erasing Offense | Episode 1

8/22/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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Murmuring & Complaining

In this message, Brother Duane helps us to understand the deadliness and consequences of murmuring and complaining while sharing the benefits of a thankful heart.
8/20/202353 minutes, 58 seconds
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Better Together | Part 6

8/18/20231 hour, 1 minute, 10 seconds
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Better Together | Part 5

According to the apostle Paul, marriage is a great mystery and refers to the husband as a type of Christ and the wife as a type of church or the bride of Christ. In this message, Brother Duane teaches that respect is important to a man and love is important to a woman. 
8/18/202350 minutes, 53 seconds
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Better Together | Part 2

In this message, Brother Duane continues to review the differences between a man and a woman. It is through our differences that unity occurs in marriage, and we become one flesh that bears fruit. We also examine the top 5 reasons "why not" to get married.
8/17/202352 minutes, 36 seconds
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Better Together | Part 3

In this message, Brother Duane shares his personal experience regarding the top five reasons why people get married and then provides counterpoints with the top five reasons people should get married according to scripture.
8/17/202351 minutes, 6 seconds
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Better Together | Part 4

When we do not understand the purpose of marriage, we can abuse, misuse, or frustrate marriage. In this message, Brother Duane shares the biblical purpose of marriage.
8/17/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 17 seconds
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Better Together - Part 1

In this message, Brother Duane discusses the question of what is a man and what is a woman and that man and woman together reflect the image of God.  Marriage is spiritual and it is a type and shadow of the institution of Christ and His church.
8/16/202357 minutes, 35 seconds
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Sobriety of Heart | Part 1

In this message, Brother Duane shares that our hearts are not built for worry, stress and anxiety. God has made your heart for truth. According to the biblical definition - the heart is a combination of the soul and spirit.
8/6/202357 minutes, 34 seconds
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Sobriety of Heart | Part 2

8/6/202358 minutes, 5 seconds
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Jubilee 2023

8/4/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 45 seconds
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Marriage and Faith Conference

In this message, Brother Duane explains the three stages of raising our children and the importance of honor.
8/3/202350 minutes, 54 seconds
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What is Jubilee? | Part 2

Watch Brother Duane continue teaching "What is Jubilee?" live from Woodland Park, CO.Duane Sheriff is the founding pastor and senior elder of Victory Life Church. His passion for sharing the truth of God’s word helps people develop a personal relationship with Jesus as they discover their identity to become all God created them to be.  We hope Duane’s message has been a blessing to you. Please like, share, and subscribe. To learn more about Duane Sheriff’s Ministry, you can visit our website at To make a one-time gift or become an impact partner with DSM:
7/30/202345 minutes, 15 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 25

In this message, Duane explains how the six pieces of God's armor are offensive weapons to counter Satan's weapons in the culture. The last piece of God's armor is the sword of the spirit. The sword of the spirit is the Word of God.
7/28/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 24

In this message, Duane addresses the fifth piece of God's armor- the helmet of salvation. The spiritual battle is won or lost in the battlefield of our mind. It is imperative to take our thoughts captive.
7/27/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 23

In this message, Duane continues to share that God has called us to engage in a spiritual battle. By putting on the six pieces of God's armor, we have the spiritual weapons to become the counterculture.
7/26/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 22

In this message, Duane discusses the next piece of the armor of God that is above all the other spiritual weapons -- the shield of faith. Understanding the basics of faith is vital in the spiritual battle.
7/25/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 21

We engage in spiritual warfare by putting on the armor of God, also called the armor of light. In this message, Duane explores the next piece of armor -- the gospel of peace.
7/24/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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What is Jubilee?

Duane is live from VLC in Woodland Park, CO.
7/23/202348 minutes, 57 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 20

In this message, Duane continues to share the six pieces of God's armor and highlights the breastplate of righteousness.
7/21/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 19

7/20/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 18

7/19/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 17

7/18/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 16

7/17/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 15

7/14/202328 minutes, 28 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 14

7/13/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 6

The church needs to recognize the spiritual battle within our current culture. We have a responsibility to be a counterculture and address the cultural issues that threaten the eternal life of individuals and the assault on family, marriage, and our language.
7/12/202328 minutes, 29 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 13

7/12/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 12

7/11/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 11

7/10/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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What is Humility?

God is humble and believers should reflect His image. In this message, Duane describes the attributes of humility and how humility is God's nature in man. We also examine the effects of pride.
7/9/202352 minutes, 28 seconds
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Culture | Part 6

In this message, Duane urges the church to embody a culture of humility rather than pride. He emphasizes that the church should be a house of humility and describes the attributes of humility as well as the consequences of pride.
7/9/202356 minutes, 7 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 10

7/7/202328 minutes, 29 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 9

7/6/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 5

God is love. In this message, Duane continues to dive deeper into God's kind of love and how it looks different than the culture's definition of love. The holy spirit reveals God's love through the Spirit, the Cross, and the Word. Get rooted and grounded in God's kind of love.
7/5/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 8

The Church should be a Counter Culture of life, light, and love to a culture of death, darkness, and hate. In this message, Duane shares that John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit in his mother's womb.
7/5/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 7

The church is facing an identity crisis. The current culture of death is a culture separated from God, has no respect for God, and is disobedient to God. The church must be a Counterculture of Life and remember its true identity.
7/4/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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Culture | Part 5

Humility should be a part of a grace culture. Humility is preferring others before self and lifting others up. In this message, Duane helps us to understand humility and explains what humility should look like, feel like and how to be humble corporately.
7/2/202351 minutes, 33 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 4

God is love. Believers should be a counterculture of love to a culture of hate. In this message, Duane defines love and explains what God's culture of love looks like. All God's children are called to love.
6/28/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Culture | Part 4

In this message, Duane defines culture and continues to explore the signs & symptoms of a grace culture and its importance. Grace leads to giving and mercy.
6/25/202350 minutes, 48 seconds
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CounterCulture | Episode 3

We are living and raising our children and grandchildren in today's "woke" culture which violates God's Word and God's Kingdom. Duane explains how believers can be a counterculture countering hate with love, darkness with light and death with life. In this message, Duane correlates today's spiritual battle with the story of David to help believers discern the time and the wisdom of what to do.
6/21/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Culture | Part 3

In this message, Duane encourages the church to be a culture of grace. He defines culture, explains what a grace culture should look like and reviews the signs and symptoms of that grace culture.
6/18/202347 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode 2

The church is called to be a Counter Culture.  Will believers be equipped to withstand persecution, prosecution, and in some countries, even execution? Or, will we compromise to get along with the culture of hate, darkness, and death? In this message, Duane encourages the body of Christ to be agents of light in a world corrupted by darkness. 
6/14/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 1

The dominant culture in America has become hate, darkness, and death. God wants to use the church in the third great awakening. We must learn how to express God’s Culture of love to counter hate. In the next few sessions, we will define God’s kind of Love. Because the church at large has forgotten what love is, we will revisit biblically God’s Culture of love. What does love look like, what does love act like, and what does love sound like? 
6/7/202328 minutes, 37 seconds
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Grace & Faith UK 2023 - Part 2

The church is called to be a Counter Culture.  Will believers be equipped to withstand persecution, prosecution, and in some countries, even execution? Or, will we compromise to get along with the culture of hate, darkness, and death? In this message, Duane encourages the body of Christ to be agents of light in a world corrupted by darkness. 
6/3/202340 minutes, 47 seconds
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Grace & Faith UK 2023 - Part 1

In this message, Duane shares his testimony of how his life was radically changed when he had an encounter with Jesus and received an open vision of the cross. Grace is not something that is taught, it is someone you meet.
6/2/202352 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Believer's Ministry | Part 4

Luke 10:16-20As we fulfill our Ministry to the Lost - we are called to be a witness and witnessing is just sharing your faith. Luke 10:16 “He who hears you hears me, he who rejects you rejects me, and he who rejects me rejects Him who sent me.” Share the truth in love and the Holy Spirit is the one that will convince, convict, and convert. Learn your authority.
5/28/202351 minutes, 58 seconds
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Culture : Woke or Awake | Part 2

Culture - Woke or Awake - Part 2The Church needs to develop a Kingdom Culture. Learn the seven basic building blocks in developing a Kingdom Culture: Values, Priorities (Matt 6:33, 2 Tim 3:16-17), Behavior (1 Tim 3:15, 2 Corn 3:1-2, Standards – Plumbline (Rom 13:10, Amos 7:7-8), Celebrations, Morality – Moral Law 10 Commandments, Relationships (Prov 13:20, 1 Corn 15:33).
5/24/202350 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Believer's Ministry | Part 3

The Believer’s Ministry - Part 3: There are three different Ministries that God wants to develop in the life of a believer.Minister to the Lord. We are called to minister to the Lord. Acts 13:2, Exod 40:13-15; 1 Sam13:1; 1 Peter 2:9Minister to the Body of Christ. We are called to encourage one another. Eph 4:12-16, 1 Corn 12:12-30; Rom 12:3-8.Minister to the Lost. We are called to be ambassadors for Christ. 2 Corn 5:17-21, 1 Tim 2:9.
5/21/202356 minutes, 46 seconds
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Culture - Woke or Awake - Part 1

5/17/202349 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Believer's Ministry | Part 2

5/14/202349 minutes, 32 seconds
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Our Call to Ministry

5/7/202354 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Believer's Ministry | Part 1

We are ALL called into ministry. Ministry is when divine provision meets human needs and it is God's will for us to minister and live a life on purpose.
5/7/202352 minutes, 25 seconds
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Christian Ministries Church | Part 3

Scripture teaches that we must be taught to love. Duane Sheriff explains the four attributes of God, so we will know that God loves us as much as He loves Jesus.
4/30/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 43 seconds
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Christian Ministries Church | Part 2

Culture is a group's way of life, beliefs, and values. Culture is by design; if you don't purposely develop a healthy culture, you'll have a negative culture. Duane Sheriff teaches that even the church has a culture, and we must build a kingdom-centered culture.
4/28/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 6 seconds
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Christian Ministries Church | Part 1

Duane Sheriff addresses the challenging issues that our culture is facing today. He explains that the battle is between God's definition of good and man's definition of good. The church can distinguish between good and evil by consuming the fruit of the Tree of Life or adopt the subculture of the world by consuming the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
4/27/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 51 seconds
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God's Kind of Love

God's kind of love is not man's kind of love. God IS love and love is OF God.
4/16/202348 minutes, 41 seconds
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Seeking & Saving The Lost

4/9/202337 minutes, 2 seconds
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God's Gladiators | Part 4

We have 6 pieces of armor that are the weapons that God has provided for our spiritual warfare. These weapons of mass destruction reveal satan's strategies and equip us to fight the power of darkness with the power of God's light.
4/2/202355 minutes, 5 seconds
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God's Gladiators | Part 3

God has called his people who are willing to stand and fight—gladiators who are informed and equipped with His armor to war against darkness. To be exalted in light and truth.
3/26/202353 minutes, 23 seconds
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God's Gladiators | Part 2

Gladiators are trained fighters. God's gladiators defend and declare the gospel of the kingdom, and engage in spiritual warfare.
3/19/202355 minutes, 12 seconds
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God's Gladiators | Part 1

God is raising an army; we need to be better equipped to engage in spiritual warfare instead of being defeated on every front.
3/12/202354 minutes, 18 seconds
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God's New Creation | Part 5

Jesus is the father of the new creation. Under Adam, we were all made sinners, but in Christ, we are all made righteous.
3/8/202351 minutes, 23 seconds
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God's New Creation | Part 4

Our old creation (Adam) was after the flesh, but now our new Creation is in Christ, the hope of glory.
3/7/202353 minutes, 11 seconds
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God's New Creation | Part 3

This mystery was hidden from ages and generations and how it has been revealed—Christ in you, the hope of glory, a new creation.
3/6/202352 minutes, 4 seconds
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God's New Creation | Part 1

Through Jesus - the 2nd creation of man, God has reversed all the negative effects of Adam, the old creation.
3/5/202347 minutes, 54 seconds
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God's New Creation | Part 2

We were in Jesus on the cross and died with Him. In Him we are born a new creation to bring light and life to a fallen world.
3/5/20231 hour, 17 seconds
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The Promise, Power & Process of Change | Part 3

Continually beholding the glory of God will supernaturally bring change in a believer's life. In this message Brother Duane teaches about the 8 attributes of God's glory
2/26/202352 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Promise, Power & Process of Change | Part 2

We are called to be God's children of light; this is an ongoing process of changing into the image of Jesus.
2/19/202351 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Promise, Power, & Process of Change | Part 1

Change is a constant and God has promised to be with us through this ongoing transformation process for His glory.
2/12/202350 minutes, 26 seconds
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Our Predestination | Part 6

God has given us the power and grace to change and we have to mix our faith with God's promise.
1/29/202349 minutes, 52 seconds
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Session 1

Grace is Jesus and we can't experience it without a relationship with Him. Jesus is God's amazing grace that empowers and teaches us to be holy.
1/26/202349 minutes, 44 seconds
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Session 2

Grace comes to the humble. We have no strength independent of God, and when we see His grace- Christ in us, we get a true understanding of grace.
1/26/202350 minutes, 1 second
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Healing School

We are all on a healing journey that God has put us on and we are constantly developing and learning in this journey of healing.
1/25/202359 minutes, 29 seconds
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Our Predestination | Part 5

God has given us all the power needed to change, or be transformed into the image of Jesus just as He has predestined for us.
1/22/202351 minutes, 20 seconds
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Our Predestination | Part 4

God's predestination is that we are conformed into the image of Jesus. This is the appointment with destiny that we all have.
1/15/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Our Predestination | Part 3

God created us on purpose, for a purpose. It is God's divine design for us to know our purpose individually, and corporately as the body of Christ.
1/8/202353 minutes, 43 seconds
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Why The Law? | Part 2

The purpose of the law is to reveal sin. The Gospel of Jesus Christ reveals a righteousness that is not earned. It is a gift from God.
12/18/202249 minutes, 35 seconds
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Advent means arrival, or a coming into place. For this Advent season, Duane teaches Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love and how Christmas shouldn't just be one day. The birth of Jesus should impact us each and every day.
12/18/202256 minutes, 32 seconds
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Our Predestination | Part 2

God's thoughts of you are always happy. He has good plans for you and has predestined nothing but success for you.
12/11/202248 minutes, 24 seconds
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Why the Law? | Part 1

Jesus didn't just bear all of our sins on the cross. He also bore all of God's wrath for us so we could live free from the law.
12/11/202249 minutes, 44 seconds
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Our Predestination | Part 1

It is our predestination to be conformed into the image of Jesus."For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren." - Romans 8:29 (NKJV)
12/4/202258 minutes, 28 seconds
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Being Transformed | Part 2

There is a supernatural change that takes place within us after we make Jesus the Lord of our lives. This changing is an ongoing process that takes place when we yield to God and allow Him to change us. Everyone and everything changes, but God never does.
11/27/202255 minutes, 2 seconds
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Being Transformed | Part 1

How does God change us, save us, and transform us? In this message, Duane teaches us about the process of change and how we are not to be conformed to this world but transformed by renewing our minds.
11/20/202252 minutes, 5 seconds
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Gospel Truth Conference | Session 3

Strongholds are not demons. Strongholds are places where demons hide. The devil builds strongholds in our culture where he hides from God. It is our obedience to God that pulls down these strongholds.
11/12/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 52 seconds
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Gospel Truth Conference | Session 1

When you embrace Jesus, you embrace grace and truth. It is grace that saves and converts us, but the truth makes us disciples. "Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:31-32
11/11/202254 minutes, 19 seconds
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Gospel Truth Conference | Session 2

Jesus was God made flesh. If you embrace Jesus, you embrace grace and truth. Grace saves us, but it is the truth that makes us disciples.
11/11/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 8 seconds
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The One Thing | Part 2

There is one thing vital to our understanding and in our relationship with the Lord and Jesus is that one thing, the focus of our life.
10/23/202245 minutes, 23 seconds
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The One Thing | Part 1

We need to understand that Jesus is the one necessary thing we need to live life as Christ. Everything comes from Jesus, and everything comes back to Jesus, the one thing.
10/16/202241 minutes, 21 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace | Part 4

Do you know God? Grace is multiplied by knowing God and we can only know God through a deep, personal relationship with Him.
10/9/202250 minutes, 34 seconds
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Minister's Conference | Part 1

Do you have an understanding of our times and of what is happening in our world? We need to have understanding and wisdom to fulfill our purpose and not be compromised in the last days.
10/7/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 27 seconds
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The God Who Heals | Part 5

Can God trust you to stay in faith? Faith in God will equip you to overcome anything and to fight the good fight (I Timothy 6:12). We must fight to maintain our righteousness and our healing. We must fight against sickness just as we fight against sin. In this message Brother Duane teaches us the eternal truths to healing we must understand.
10/6/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ministers Conference | Part 2

Faith in God will equip us to overcome anything, even death. In this message, Duane teaches us how to be trustworthy disciples of Jesus.
10/5/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 55 seconds
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Minister's Conference | Part 3

God is raising an army of people who know how to fight, who to fight, and when to fight, whose passion for Jesus cannot be quenched, and whose loyalty cannot be compromised.
10/3/202258 minutes, 17 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace | Part 3

There is a gravitational pull to religion we need to resist. The rhythms of God's grace keep us focused on a relationship with Jesus VS with law or religion.
10/2/202250 minutes, 17 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace | Part 2

We can live in, and from the grace of God throughout our lives by walking in faith and staying in relationship with Him, trusting Him always. "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
9/25/202258 minutes, 44 seconds
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Grace Encounters 2022 | Part 2

The richness of grace is the strength of God to be what we don't have the strength to do on our own without Christ.
9/25/202249 minutes, 49 seconds
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Grace Encounters 2022 | Part 3

We are living a life free of the law and should also be living free of guilt and condemnation associated with the law. We must understand that we are sinners to be free, but God doesn't want us living under condemnation and guilt for our sins.
9/24/202247 minutes, 47 seconds
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Grace Encounters 2022 | Part 1

We are coming into a new understanding of God's amazing grace which has made us alive together in Christ.
9/24/202248 minutes, 33 seconds
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Rhythms of Grace | Part 1

Jesus told us that if we come to Him, He will give us rest. We live in a world that is full of stress and we need to learn when we have a relationship with Jesus and enter into that rhythm of grace, we will find rest.
9/18/202257 minutes, 49 seconds
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God is Faithful, Not Guilty | Part 2

In life, we face many problems but they do not come from God. God is the answer, not the problem. God never temps us or does bad things to us. When troubles come we need to run toward God, and not away.
9/11/202253 minutes, 55 seconds
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God is Faithful, Not Guilty | Part 2

God is Faithful, Not Guilty | Part 2 | Live from Durant, OK
9/11/20222 minutes, 37 seconds
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God is Faithful, Not Guilty | Part 1

God is faithful and not guilty of death, darkness, or pain. Because we live in a fallen world we will experience evil and tribulations. This comes by sin, not the will of God.
9/4/202252 minutes, 13 seconds
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Generational Stewards | Part 2

We are stewards of the kingdom of God and it is our responsibility to pass the things of God down to each and every generation. We have to be fully present to God and be generational people of God, His word, and His works.
8/28/202256 minutes, 8 seconds
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Generational Stewards | Part 1

Have we been faithful in stewarding God's Kingdom for the next generation? God is a generational God and has called us to be generational stewards of His kingdom. It is our responsibility to value the old while recognizing the value of the new, and pass down the things of God, generation after generation.
8/21/202252 minutes, 1 second
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Gospel of The Kingdom | Part 3

Between "I believe, I receive" and received is where we must endure and be thankful. Thankfulness is where our endurance grows. The Bible says to thank God IN all things, not for all things and we must have an attitude of gratitude despite challenges. Pastor Duane teaches us to thank God always, in all things.
8/17/202249 minutes, 43 seconds
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Abounding In Faith

The body of Christ should be a people of faith and courage who know to trust God. In this message Pastor Duane teaches to prepare for a great awakening by resisting fear and by abounding in faith.
8/12/202255 minutes, 44 seconds
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Gospel of The Kingdom | Part 2

Look at the world around you. What do you see? Hate? Death? Darkness? Or, are you walking in faith and seeing the Kingdom? God's Kingdom is here and cannot be destroyed. We have to walk by faith, not by sight until the day of Jesus appears; manifesting with Him the one and only Kingdom of God.
8/10/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 41 seconds
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Jubilee Sunday Morning | Andrew Wommack

Andrew Wommack ministers to close out Jubilee 2022.
8/7/202251 minutes, 46 seconds
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Authority & Faith | Part 2

We have to understand that all authority comes from God and is delegated with boundaries. If we can not understand how authority works, we will live an unfulfilled, unsuccessful life.
8/6/202255 minutes, 24 seconds
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Jubilee Night 4 | Duane Sheriff

Live from Durant, OK
8/6/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 26 seconds
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Gospel of The Kingdom | Part 1

Are you saved and stuck? Have you just been waiting around for the kingdom? The kingdom of God is here now and is greater than any kingdom of this world. We need to grow and mature to understand the cost of seeking the kingdom. Pastor Duane teaches us how to endure the opposition that comes with seeking His kingdom
8/6/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 26 seconds
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Jubilee Night 3 | Jacob Sheriff

Live from Durant, OK
8/5/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 45 seconds
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Authority & Faith | Part 1

Success is directly connected to how we relate to authority, the authority we are under, and the authority we have. Brother Duane teaches us how to understand authority in faith and not abuse our authority.
8/5/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Jubilee Night 2 | Andrew Wommack

Live from Durant, OK
8/4/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 14 seconds
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Jubilee Night 1 | Billy Epperhart

Live from Durant, OK
8/3/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 58 seconds
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Understanding God’s Will | Part 6

Yes, we can understand God’s will for our lives! It is His plan for us to know His will. God is not evasive on this subject, but we need to be in relationship with Him and attuned to Him. “…that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;” (Col. 1:9-10)
8/1/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ecosystem of Faith | Part 3

It is those with faith AND patience who inherit the promises of God. Patience is the strength of faith that allows you to get to the end and see the manifestation of what God gives you at the beginning of every journey.
7/31/202256 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ecosystem of Faith | Part 2

One of the components that make up our faith ecosystem is love. Faith works by love and knowing His love for us grows and strengthens our faith
7/24/202259 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ecosystem of Faith | Part 1

Why is it that so many seem to be struggling with simple faith? Pastor Duane teaches that there is an ecosystem that makes up our faith environment. We need to understand this ecosystem so we can build up and strengthen our faith to live a life free from fear and full of hope.
7/17/202257 minutes, 58 seconds
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A New Identity

God wants us as his people and as the bride of Jesus to know who we are in Christ and to have a firm foundation of our identity in Him.
7/10/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 28 seconds
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Discernment Of The Times

The world can’t discern truth because they are being consumed by darkness. Even in The Church, there is deception, and we need discernment to live in God’s will and lead people to the truth and light of the world which is Jesus Christ. We need to listen with open ears as Pastor Duane teaches us how to life a life established in kingdom principles.
7/10/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 7 seconds
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Restoring the Brokenhearted | Part 5

The Lord is near the broken hearted and it is His will for full restoration in all our hearts. In this message Pastor Duane teaches on two kinds of sorrow and how we need to repent for our sins and be receptive to His forgiveness.
7/3/202259 minutes, 28 seconds
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The God Who Heals | Part 4

It’s God’s will and pleasure to see us healed. We need to connect to Him in faith to manifest the many ways He makes healing available to us. In this message Pastor Duane teaches us eight ways we can receive healing.
6/29/202257 minutes, 4 seconds
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The God Who Heals | Part 3

In this third teaching Pastor Duane addresses many questions people have in relation to sin, sickness and healing. Questions like; where does sickness come from, what is the source of sickness and how do I get healed? This message looks at 3 sources of sickness and their relation to sin. Sin should never stop the power of God working in our lives and we hope this message clears things up for many people and opens a path for receiving healing.
6/22/202249 minutes, 43 seconds
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Restoring The Broken Hearted | Part 3

In this message we take a look at God’s heart to restore us when we are brokenhearted. We also see how He not only wants to restore us, He desires to bring good out of the bad things that happen in this life.
6/19/202251 minutes, 31 seconds
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The God Who Heals | Part 2

This message takes a look back into the old testament and particularly the story of the Passover Meal and how it relates to healing for us today.
6/15/202254 minutes, 25 seconds
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Restoring The Brokenhearted | Part 2

There are many things that happen in life that we have no answers for. When the unexplainable happens, it can be absolutely devastating to the human heart. Then, when brokenness goes unresolved, it leads to a negative harvest in our lives. It is essential to guard our hearts with all diligence and to turn to Jesus when faced with brokenness. He is always faithful to walk us through hard times and to lead us into wholeness of heart.
6/12/202256 minutes, 40 seconds
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God Uses Weak People | Part 2

6/10/20221 hour, 1 minute, 13 seconds
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The God Who Heals | Part 1

In this message Pastor Duane talks about how it is God's will to heal all the time every time. How do we know it's God's will to heal? We take a look at 5 biblical truths about God that can be found in his word in many scriptures that can sure up our foundation and give us confidence in the God who heals.
6/8/202251 minutes, 48 seconds
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Restoring The Brokenhearted | Part 1

We all at one time or another have experienced pain, hurt, and hardship because of the effects of sin in our world. Learning to turn to Jesus during these difficult times is crucial. A lot of people’s suffering comes from either their own broken heart, or the brokenness of another person who hasn't properly healed. God has called us as a community of faith to understand the anointing of God to heal the broken hearted, and for our churches to be a house of restoration and healing in the world.
6/5/202248 minutes, 45 seconds
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Kinds Of Unbelief | Part 2

This message takes a look at 4 types of unbelief that can go masked in our lives. it is important to identify the disguises of unbelief so that we can properly cast it out and operate in the full measure of faith we have been given.
5/29/202253 minutes, 44 seconds
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Kinds Of Unbelief | Part 1

Faith is vital to our walk with Christ and the enemy of our faith is unbelief. This message looks at 4 different kinds of unbelief and what the cure is for each of them. As believers, we need to be confident that God has equipped us to overcome any unbelief that is warring against our faith.
5/22/20221 hour, 43 seconds
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The Sting Of Death

For a believer, Jesus has removed the sting of death and the strength of the law over us by bearing our sins on the cross. If we can get a deeper revelation of this truth it will grow our love for the Lord and reveal His incredible love for us.
5/11/202244 minutes, 5 seconds
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Grave Clothes | Part 1

When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, scripture says that his family and friends had to loose him of his grave clothes. This message talks about what "grave clothes" are and looks at how to remove the garments of death off of our lives. Our old sin nature can try to cling to us when we are born again and resurrected from a life of sin and death. Maybe Easter was a day you decided to give your life to Jesus and Pastor Duane wants to help with your journey out of the "grave" and gives us 2 essentials for freedom and 4 ways to remove grave clothes off of our lives.
4/24/202249 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Empty Tomb

The resurrection of Jesus is not just a historical event, it can be a personal experience with Christ when mixed with faith. When we get a new revelation of what Jesus really did for us on the cross and how we can now leave the tombs in our lives because of His resurrection we can see true transformation.
4/17/202252 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Life Of David

David was a man after God's heart who fulfilled all of God's will. We can also fulfill all of God's will for us if we pursue the heart of God.
4/10/202256 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Glorious Church | Part 6

Our identity as the church is the body and Christ is the head. This message looks at another part of our identity as being the bride. The bride testifies of Gods passionate love and pursuit of us a his people. Marriage is a type and a shadow of our relationship with Jesus as our husband and the church being His bride.
4/3/20221 hour, 1 minute, 36 seconds
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Being Assembled | Part 1

God is gathering his people together and assembling them to fulfill a divine purpose in our world. We all need each other in the body of Christ to grow and mature in the things of God.
3/27/202258 minutes, 19 seconds
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Being Assembled | Part 2

God is gathering his people together and assembling them to fulfill a divine purpose in our world. We all need each other in the body of Christ to grow and mature in the things of God.
3/27/20221 hour, 2 minutes
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Happily Married | Part 2

This message reviews the 4 keys to every success story and how it applies to marriage. Then Pastor Duane gives 5 building blocks of marriage that are eternal truths from the Bible and are generational constants.
3/26/202257 minutes, 39 seconds
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Happily Married | Part 3

The Bible addresses the number one need in marriage for husbands and wives in Ephesians 5:30-33 and it simply breaks down to men needing respect and wives needing to be loved. This message looks and how we can do these things and some of the roles that God has shown us in scripture that we are to have as a husband or a wife.
3/26/202253 minutes, 25 seconds
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Happily Married | Part 4

In a previous message we learned that communication is one of the anchor lines to being happily married and this session focuses on that anchor line. Pastor Duane gives us 4 elements involved in effective communication and explains each one and shows us how to apply them to our relationships and marriages.
3/26/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 37 seconds
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Happily Married | Part 1

Marriage is a beautiful thing designed by God and He intended it to be nothing but a blessing to us. It is something we should always be working on and seeking knowledge about, not just when it is in trouble. So what is the purpose of marriage? How do I be happily married? These are some of the questions Pastor Duane covers in this message.
3/25/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Glorious Church | Part 5

This message talks about 4 different tabernacles that are in the scriptures and how all of them speak to something we need understand in the Kingdom of God. Pastor Duane shows us each one and explains what each tabernacle was a type and shadow of and how it relates to Jesus and His church today and how much God truly loves us and how he longs to be among us.
3/20/202252 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Glorious Church | Part 4

In part 4 of this series we look at how we are living stones built upon Jesus who is the cornerstone to make up the building of the Church. Each of us are given grace gifts that are for the edifying of the Church and we have to see our need for each other.
3/13/202256 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Glorious Church | Part 3

God has a plan for you individually and it is important to discover and fulfill that, but often we do not see our purpose in the church and how it fits with the body of the Lord Jesus Christ. This message takes a look at how we are each given gifts that are for building up the church and how each part is essential and needs the other in order to function. There is a corporate power and anointing when we assemble together that we do not have individually on our own.
3/6/202258 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Glorious Church | Part 2

We as the people of God have a corporate identity as the church and it is for a divine purpose. How do we progress toward manifesting this purpose? One way is by understanding three parts of the churchThe head , The body , and The Bride. This message looks at the body and goes in depth on what that is and what it means.
2/27/202258 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Glorious Church | Part 1

What does it mean to be a glorious church? What might that look like? This message breaks down 3 descriptions of the church that are used in the bible and Pastor Duane helps us understand what our roles are as members. He also looks at the role of pastors and what part Jesus plays in the church. When we keep Jesus as the head, we can see how it can be glorious.
2/20/202253 minutes, 35 seconds
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Seek First The Kingdom | Part 2

The Kingdom of God is Heaven on Earth: God’s will being done in the earth. We have to come to a place where we understand that we have God’s Kingdom on the inside of us and we forget that we are supposed to be the ones that change the culture. We keep wanting our workplaces to change but we seem to not understand that we are the culture changers. We bring the Kingdom to our workplaces, schools, and so on. We cannot allow the world to be our shepherd, that is God’s job. Pastor Duane shows us how we bring God’s Kingdom to the earth and why it is so important, especially for our future generations.
2/13/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 11 seconds
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Seek First The Kingdom | Part 1

We tend to get consumed by the worries of this world and they are important things, like being fed and clothed. However, we so often forget to seek God's Kingdom FIRST and at the same time remember that "these things shall be added" to us. (Matthew 6:31-34)How do we seek the Kingdom? What does that even mean and what is the Kingdom of God? Pastor Duane shows us how to seek God's Kingdom. But he doesn't stop there, we also learn how to bring the influence of God's Kingdom into our world. We come against a lot of resistance and yes, it's easier to just "go with the flow", but the Kingdom will irritate the powers of this world.
2/6/202256 minutes, 35 seconds
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Thanksgiving Acivates Faith | Part 3

In part 2 of this series, we learned that faith is voice activated and that it speaks. So what does the voice of faith sound like? It's edifying, encouraging and saturated with thanksgiving. The same principle applies to unbelief and that voice sounds like murmuring and complaining. Pastor Duane looks at both of these principles and how they affect our lives.
1/23/202247 minutes, 24 seconds
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Discernment | Part 1

The world at large is in an era of darkness and supernatural blindness to the things around them and it can be difficult to discern truth from lie, right from wrong and good from evil. Pastor Duane wants to show us how to develop the ability to discern these things and to be able to discern the times your are in and then walk in wisdom and love to help minister to people.
1/21/202247 minutes, 16 seconds
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Discernment | Part 2

Proverbs 1:7 says, "Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline." So to learn anything we have to start with a reverential worship of God. When we get wisdom and instruction from the Lord it is pure and not based on our feelings or emotions which can sometimes confuse or blind us. Pastor Duane show us that in order for us to continue to develop the ability to discern we have to start with reverential fear and respect for God.
1/21/202250 minutes, 26 seconds
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Thanksgiving Activates Faith | Part 2

Faith requires action. One way we can act is when we choose to trust God and simply be thankful. In this session we look at the people of Israel and the five dangers that God told them to avoid. One of those dangers is complaining. Pastor Duane explains why complaining is so dangerous and actually produces decrease in our lives.
1/15/202251 minutes, 49 seconds
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Thanksgiving Activates Faith | Part 1

In this message, Pastor Duane talks about one of the actions of Faith which is Thanksgiving! We as people must learn how to activate our faith and train our children and others to activate their faith by modeling an attitude of gratitude.”
1/9/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Cup of Reconciliation

First thing to know—nothing can separate you from the Love of God. God will never leave you, He will never forsake you, and He will be nothing less than faithful to you.He is always looking for relationship with you— no matter how far you have ran or drifted away from Him.There is only one of you and no one can take your place at the table of the Lord. He wants YOU reconciled back to Him.
1/2/202256 minutes, 9 seconds
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God's Word On Prosperity | Part 5

If you don't have a lot of money, you can still have the love of money in your heart! Money is a poor master but it is a tool in our hands to serve the true King of our heart. Pastor Duane talks more about God's Word on prosperity. We can trust God with our finances because we can trust Him with our hearts. We are all at risk to be self-righteous in either camp, rich or poor, but we can all trust God no matter what the balance says on our bank account.
12/15/202139 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Knowledge of Good and Evil | Part 5

God has laid before us a choice of good or evil, life or death. Not only that, He also gives us the answer - choose LIFE! Most of the time we get it wrong and choose evil, but if we remain in fellowship with God and meditate on His Word, then by His Spirit we will know what life truely is.
12/8/20211 hour, 2 seconds
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The Knowledge of Good and Evil | Part 4

What is the Spirit of Antichrist? How can we recognize it? How do we not let oursleves be decieved by it? These can be deep questions, but more simple to answer than we may think. In this message Pastor Duane takes us to several scriptures that help break down these questions in a simple way for everyone to understand.
12/7/202154 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Knowledge of Good and Evil | Part 3

Man today believes he can know good from evil independent of God. In the last days it will be impossible to discern things without a relationship with God and a love for His Word. We as God's people need to see and understand the times we are in so that we can be a blessing to others and be prepared to reap a great harvest of people waking up and coming to God.
12/6/202159 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Knowledge of Good and Evil | Part 2

We live in a world that easily confuses good and evil. So how do we as believers keep ourselves from being deceived and have the ability to see right from wrong? This series searches the word of God to help us discover how to guard our hearts and to supernaturally be able to discern good from evil.
12/5/202147 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Knowledge of Good and Evil | Part 1

We live in a world that easily confuses good and evil. So how do we as believers keep ourselves from being deceived and have the ability to see right from wrong? This series searches the word of God to help us discover how to guard our hearts and to supernaturally be able to discern good from evil.
12/5/202143 minutes, 29 seconds
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Jesus - God's Selfie | Part 2

Most people would say Jesus came to save us from our sins. While that is correct it is incomplete. Part of the reason Jesus came to the earth was to reveal God's true nature and character to us so that we could know him. Eternal life is knowing God and it is intimate and it will take a lifetime for us to know God, but looking to Jesus is the place to start.
12/4/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 56 seconds
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Jesus - God's Selfie | Part 1

How does God identify? He identifies himself through Jesus. Jesus is God's "selfie".He is a perfect and pure picture of the true and living God and He came to establish the character of God in the earth. How we perceive God effects everything in our life and it will be how we reflect God in our everyday lives. It's important that we understand who God is and what he is like to be true image bearers of God.
12/4/20211 hour, 12 seconds
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God's Word On Prosperity | Part 4

There are many temptations and dangers that can come with accumulating wealth. It's important that we guard our hearts in the area of finances and possessions and stay yielded to God so that we don't become unbalanced in our relationship to riches.
12/1/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 8 seconds
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Treasures In Heaven

11/28/202157 minutes, 31 seconds
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God's Word On Prosperity | Part 3

11/28/20211 hour, 1 minute, 19 seconds
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God's Word On Prosperity | Part 2

Have you ever had someone do something for you and then they expect to be able to "cash in" on it from you later? Pastor Duane talks about where the harvest comes from, what the harvest is, and the timing of the harvest when we sow into other people.
11/21/202155 minutes, 35 seconds
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Giving With Love and Grace

Have you ever had someone do something for you and then they expect to be able to "cash in" on it from you later? Pastor Duane talks about where the harvest comes from, what the harvest is, and the timing of the harvest when we sow into other people.
11/14/202153 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Great Awakening | Part 4

Immaturity keeps us from growing into mature disciples who see the truth in today's world. Pastor Duane teaches us how to have eyes that see and ears that hear the truth and not go by what we see or feel in the natural.
11/10/202159 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Great Awakening | Part 3

Immaturity keeps us from growing into mature disciples who see the truth in today's world. Pastor Duane teaches us how to have eyes that see and ears that hear the truth and not go by what we see or feel in the natural.
11/9/20211 hour, 17 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Great Awakening | Part 2

A great awakening happens when believers are transformed from converts to disciples. Pastor Duane teaches us how we need to discern between good and evil and be the disciples of the great awakening movement.
11/8/20211 hour, 18 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Great Awakening | Part 1

We are at the beginning stages of a third Great Awakening and we as the church are called to be the salt and light of the world. It is time for us to wake up and learn to discern the times and stand up to corruption.
11/7/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 12 seconds
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A Better Covenant | Part 4

Sin is not just a vertical issue, it is horizontal, too! What does that mean? Your sins do not only affect you, they have an effect on all of us. God's grace and forgiveness does not mean we should just keep sinning. His grace and forgiveness empowers us to live better and live healed! We are not just trying to have a good afterlife, we are making our current life count and bring Heaven to earth.
10/24/202157 minutes, 27 seconds
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A Better Covenant | Part 3

Did you know that we have sins that we don't even know we are doing? If we were still under the old covenant, we would have to offer up so many sacrifices to atone for just our known sins. Then once a year, there was a sacrifice just for all the unknown sins!In the new and better covenant, Jesus's sacrifice atoned for ALL our sins, known and unknown. All we have to do is trust Him! Jesus's sacrifice perfected us forever and made us completely forgiven! We live from that place of understanding that we are forgiven and from that Love!
10/17/202150 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ministers Conference 2021 | Part 3

Some people are stuck in immaturity; unaware that they are asleep. A healthy church transitions the sleeping to the awakened, the immature to the mature.
10/8/202152 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ministers Conference 2021 | Part 1

A healthy church needs to be a church set apart from today’s culture. A church that is prepared for a harvest and raising up disciples for His purpose.
10/5/202148 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ministers Conference 2021 | Part 2

In this message, Pastor Duane explains how to build healthy churches that walk in maturity and that raise up healthy church members, families, cities and ultimately a healthy nation.
10/5/202154 minutes, 25 seconds
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A Better Covenant | Part 2

10/3/202157 minutes, 20 seconds
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A Better Covenant | Part 1

Yes, God divorced Israel, but Pastor Duane is great at telling the story of why and how that was a part of creating a better covenant! Pastor Duane even talks about how he got in trouble with a group of people when he said there are things God cannot do, like break a promise. We certainly trust people who are good at keeping promises, but God is perfect at it! We can trust Him with everything!
9/26/202153 minutes, 18 seconds
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Destiny Conference | Part 4

In this message, Pastor Duane talks about fulfilling God’s will for our lives even in the most challenging times. Although we fail at times, if we remain steadfast in our faith, we are victorious in Him!
9/18/202158 minutes, 35 seconds
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Destiny Conference | Part 1

God has a purpose and a plan for your life.  In this session at the Destiny Conference, Pastor Duane reveals how God is living big within us and that He has designed us with a specific purpose in mind.
9/17/202152 minutes, 26 seconds
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Destiny Conference | Part 3

In this message, Pastor Duane teaches us how to discover God’s purpose and perfect will for our lives. God has instilled a unique predestined appointment within each one of us and we do not want to miss out on all that He has for us!
9/17/20211 hour, 33 seconds
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Destiny Conference | Part 2

God is for you and has predestined a primary and a secondary purpose for you that is unique to you alone. Until we understand God’s will for us, we will live an unfulfilled life.
9/17/202152 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Mystery Of Seeds | Part 7

The Word of God is seed and our hearts are ground. If you openly receive God's Word, your heart is good ground. But, if you let your heart grow hard, you won't bear fruit and could miss your harvest. What are you letting take root in your life?
9/8/202151 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Mystery Of Seeds | Part 6

One of the most important steps a farmer takes is preparing the ground for planting. Our hearts are like soil and we are "good ground" but we need to prepare our hearts to grow the good seeds and reject the bad ones.Pastor Duane teaches us to prepare our hearts for the harvest!
9/5/202146 minutes, 27 seconds
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Critical GRACE Theory | Part 1

Pastor Duane warns us not to buy into cultural thinking and into critical race ideology. The only path towards true equality is rooted in the Gospel and in the Cross. It is Critical GRACE Theory and we must understand it and share it with a world that's in desperate need.
8/11/202158 minutes
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Critical GRACE Theory

Pastor Duane shows us that we need to look only to Jesus as The Solution. We are in a critical time where we are hearing multiple groups come up with all kinds of "solutions" for living well, none of which are sustainable. We cannot afford to forget the grace that only Jesus has provided!
8/7/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 37 seconds
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Critical GRACE Theory | Part 2

Pastor Duane shows us that we need to look only to Jesus as The Solution. We are in a critical time where we are hearing multiple groups come up with all kinds of "solutions" for living well, none of which are sustainable. We cannot afford to forget the grace that only Jesus has provided!
8/7/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 37 seconds
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A New Identity In Christ | Part 1

We live in a time where everything in the church and in our culture is being shaken. When the dust settles, only that which is of the Kingdom will remain. This is why it's so critical that believers understand their new identity in Christ and are building lives that are Kingdom-focused rather than rooted in the cares of this world.
7/11/202150 minutes, 33 seconds
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A New Identity In Christ | Part 2

How do you identify? It's a prevalent question being asked in our culture today. Without Christ, people will look to their flesh to find some sort of identity and purpose in this life. With Christ, however, we now know that our identity has nothing to do with our flesh. Instead, it has everything to do with how we have been made a new creation through faith in Christ Jesus. And that the life we now live is not according to the flesh but by the Spirit of God.
7/11/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Mystery Of Seeds | Part 5

Work is a form of worship and a part of the image of God. Without saying, "live long and prosper", Pastor Duane shows us how mixing faith with our work gives us a prosperous mindset!
7/4/202156 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Mystery Of Seeds | Part 4

Our words, if spoken in faith, have the power to change the trajectory of our lives. Jesus said that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, and the scriptures give many examples of how Jesus would sow seeds of faith and see an instant harvest. And though we may not always see instant results, we need to understand that our words matter and that if we mix faith with our words, we will see transformation in our lives.
6/30/202151 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Mystery Of Seeds | Part 3

Words are seeds!What kind of spiritual seeds are you planting with your words?We tend to forget the power of what we say, but Pastor Duane reminds us that what we say has such potential to grow into something big, whether good or bad.This message will inspire you to start planting the spiritual seeds that will bring a good harvest in your life and in the lives of others around you!
6/27/202150 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Mystery Of Seeds | Part 2

God’s Word is like a seed. It carries life and has the power to grow exponentially and produce nourishing fruit. But seed only grows when planted in soil! You must plant it and trust that your soil has been given everything it needs to produce good fruit in your life
6/20/202155 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Mystery Of Seeds | Part 1

Good in, good out: Bad in, bad out. It is a simple enough principle, especially in gardening. If you plant good seeds in good soil, you will get good crops. If you plant bad seeds, even in good soil, you will get bad crops. So, what are you planting in your life?
6/13/202150 minutes, 49 seconds
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Immaturity - A Trojan Horse | Part 6

A balanced diet is just as important in spiritual development and growth as it is in the natural! Each part of the diet is important for certain parts of development, so one neither replaces nor stands more important than the other. And just as we go through different phases of what and in what form we can eat things dependent on our age, so it is in our spiritual maturity. So, what are you eating?
5/16/202151 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Chastening of the Lord | Part 2

Words of correction from the Father are cleansing and redeeming. They sanctify us. When we receive his chastening, and apply it to our lives, we find a peace that passes all understanding.
5/12/202152 minutes, 58 seconds
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Immaturity - A Trojan Horse | Part 5

Maturity takes a lot of work, a lot of learning and a lot of support! The Bible calls for the mature in the faith to act as spiritual parents to the immature in the faith; not to be overbearing know-it-alls but to lovingly guide and teach the Word of God. This takes patience and grace, but also takes the fortitude to stand up for what is right and call out the dangers that could harm others.
5/9/202152 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Chastening of the Lord | Part 1

Just as a good father should, the Lord disciplines us to teach us how to be healthy, mature believers. His correction is not punishment or wrath, but rather, it’s an extension of mercy from a loving Father.
5/5/202156 minutes, 27 seconds
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Immaturity - A Trojan Horse | Part 4

True understanding comes with maturity. It's not a given for a child. It takes years before a child can hear and actually understand why they should not put that piece of metal in the electric outlet or put random objects in their mouth. And while as adults we are likely not doing any of those things, we may still not be mature enough to understand what God is saying in His Word and through other people.
5/2/202150 minutes, 55 seconds
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Immaturity - A Trojan Horse | Part 3

While we may not have our fingers in our ears, there are things that we may have experienced, or are experiencing, that keep us from hearing clearly. Our hurts, history and hang ups can keep us from growing up! God is always talking and revealing things to us, we need only to clear the noise of all the distractions to hear and apply all that He is saying to us.
4/25/202154 minutes, 12 seconds
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Immaturity - A Trojan Horse | Part 2

No one likes changing a dirty diaper, but babies can’t clean up their own messes. They need a grown-up to clean them and then train them for a time. Immaturity is ok for a season, but we can’t allow it to continue in our lives as if we are adults walking around with diapers on. We have to put things we did as a child away to fully mature. It’s time for us to grow up and stop causing a stink!
4/18/202154 minutes, 34 seconds
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Immaturity - A Trojan Horse | Part 1

It may be hard to believe but we actually do not know everything! Humility is so important in seeing where we truly are in our growth. Immaturity can keep us from stepping into a greater understanding, a greater reasoning and a greater relationship with Jesus.
4/11/202155 minutes, 52 seconds
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Better Together | Date Night

Join Pastor Duane & Sue as they discuss his new book "Better Together" and share some of the triumphs and failures of their own 40-year marriage. They also play games to test how well they've gotten to know each other over the years and answer questions from the audience.
4/9/20211 hour, 14 minutes, 7 seconds
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Good News | Part 2

Life can be overwhelming. Is the weight of it keeping you down? The Good News is there is one who provides the strength and hope to stand and walk tall. There is one who has been through hell and back again so that you would not have to. Through Jesus, we are more than conquerors! Hear more from Pastor Duane in Part 2 of Good News.
4/4/202151 minutes, 20 seconds
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Good News | Part 1

We all need Good News, especially in a time where bad news runs rampant. The strength, wisdom, wholeness, and hope we need to live well in this life is found in the truth and sovereignty of Jesus. Take some time to hear the Good News, share it and truly live from it!
3/28/202156 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Gospel is Good News

The term "news" is often abused and misunderstood in society today. However, the Gospel is described in Scripture as "Good News"; and those that have heard and experienced the power of the Gospel are called to share it with others. In this message, Pastor Duane breaks down the “Good News” of the Gospel and equips believers to spread that news to those in their sphere of influence.
3/14/202152 minutes, 28 seconds
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Spiritual Battles | Part 3

We cannot live in denial or be afraid of spiritual warfare in our lives. We have to be awake and attuned to the Spirit of the Lord to fight the good fight of faith in these challenging times. In this series, Pastor Duane teaches us how to follow the mind of Christ in our Spirit rather than our carnal, unrenewed mind.
2/4/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 12 seconds
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Spiritual Battles | Part 2

We cannot live in denial or be afraid of spiritual warfare in our lives. We have to be awake and attuned to the Spirit of the Lord to fight the good fight of faith in these challenging times. In this series, Pastor Duane teaches us how to follow the mind of Christ in our Spirit rather than our carnal, unrenewed mind.
2/3/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 1 second
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Spiritual Battles | Part 1

We cannot live in denial or be afraid of spiritual warfare in our lives. We have to be awake and attuned to the Spirit of the Lord to fight the good fight of faith in these challenging times. In this series, Pastor Duane teaches us how to follow the mind of Christ in our Spirit rather than our carnal, unrenewed mind.
2/1/202153 minutes, 35 seconds
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Time To Stand | Part 4

The power of God’s people standing in His will, can take down any foe, any enemy. It is the Armor of God that equips us to stand and gives us the wisdom of when and how to take a stand. It’s time to suit up and take a stand!
1/24/202154 minutes, 27 seconds
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Time To Stand | Part 3

The Devil never takes a day off from the battle to destroy mankind. He is clever and never appears as we think he will, as he often comes masquerading in what seems right and good. We know that God will win the battle! But we need to stand and fight for the moral influence in our world and for those who are lost with weapons and armor that equips us to fight spiritually.
1/17/202150 minutes, 14 seconds
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Time To Stand | Part 2

The power of God’s people standing in His will, can take down any foe, any enemy. But we need to learn what to fight, when to fight, why to fight and who we fight. In part 2 of this series, Pastor Duane shares on the importance of knowing who we are wrestling with, the enemy’s tactics and when to take a stand.
1/10/202157 minutes, 55 seconds
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Time To Stand | Part 1

The power of God’s people standing in His will, can take down any foe, any enemy. But we need to learn what to fight, when to fight, why to fight and who we fight. Pastor Duane begins this short series on taking a stand and getting in the fight for God.
1/3/202158 minutes, 9 seconds
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Among Us

During Christmas we do not celebrate a day on the calendar but the coming of Jesus and we remember to place our hope on what is yet to come. We celebrate that God loved us so much that He chose to live among us through Jesus. Check out this message from Pastor Duane on this powerful event.
12/20/202033 minutes, 48 seconds
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Marriage | A Supernatural Institution | Part 5

Marriage is the oldest institution known to man. It is the glue that holds our communities and churches together. In this series, Pastor Duane dives into the parallels between the institution of marriage and how that relates to the Church and our relationship with Jesus.
12/16/202059 minutes, 46 seconds
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Marriage | A Supernatural Institution | Part 4

Marriage is the oldest institution known to man. It is the glue that holds our communities and churches together. In this series, Pastor Duane dives into the parallels between the institution of marriage and how that relates to the Church and our relationship with Jesus.
12/15/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 22 seconds
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Marriage | A Supernatural Institution | Part 3

Marriage is the oldest institution known to man. It is the glue that holds our communities and churches together. In this series, Pastor Duane dives into the parallels between the institution of marriage and how that relates to the Church and our relationship with Jesus.
12/14/202051 minutes, 55 seconds
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Marriage | A Supernatural Institution | Part 2

Marriage is the oldest institution known to man. It is the glue that holds our communities and churches together. In this series, Pastor Duane dives into the parallels between the institution of marriage and how that relates to the Church and our relationship with Jesus.
12/13/20201 hour, 7 minutes, 22 seconds
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Marriage | A Supernatural Institution | Part 1

Marriage is the oldest institution known to man. It is the glue that holds our communities and churches together. In this series, Pastor Duane dives into the parallels between the institution of marriage and how that relates to the Church and our relationship with Jesus.
12/13/202044 minutes, 40 seconds
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Be Encouraged, Not Dismayed | Part 5

12/11/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 44 seconds
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Be Encouraged, Not Dismayed | Part 4

12/10/202053 minutes, 55 seconds
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Be Encouraged, Not Dismayed | Part 3

In this message Pastor Duane walks us through the balance of Grace and Faith. We must set our minds on God, stand on His Grace in a position of Victory, and see the Salvation of God.
12/9/202048 minutes, 59 seconds
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Be Encouraged, Not Dismayed | Part 2

When we go through challenging times, when bad or evil things happen, our hearts can become burdened and overloaded. But we do not have to be discouraged or dismayed! God is still in control. In this part of the series, Pastor Duane shares on how to live by faith, staying actively engaged in this world and in relationship with God.
11/22/202059 minutes, 51 seconds
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Be Encouraged, Not Dismayed | Part 1

When we go through challenging times, when bad or evil things happen, our hearts can become burdened and overloaded. But we do not have to be discouraged or dismayed! God is still in control. Pastor Duane shares on how to live by faith, in relationship with one another until Jesus returns again.
11/15/202042 minutes, 37 seconds
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Identity In Christ | Part 7

10/18/202051 minutes, 16 seconds
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Complete Forgiveness

Did you know that we have sins that we don’t even know we are doing? If we were still under the old covenant, we would have to offer up so many sacrifices to atone for just our known sins. Then once a year, there was a sacrifice just for all the unknown sins!In the new and better covenant, Jesus’s sacrifice atoned for ALL our sins, known and unknown. All we have to do is trust Him! Jesus’s sacrifice perfected us forever and made us completely forgiven! We live from that place of understanding that we are forgiven and from that Love!
10/17/202054 minutes, 19 seconds
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Identity In Christ | Part 6

10/4/202050 minutes, 8 seconds
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Identity In Christ | Part 5

9/27/202048 minutes, 37 seconds
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Identity In Christ | Part 4

9/26/202051 minutes, 35 seconds
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Identity In Christ | Part 3

9/25/202048 minutes, 47 seconds
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Identity In Christ | Part 1

9/25/202053 minutes, 27 seconds
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Identity In Christ | Part 2

9/25/202055 minutes, 38 seconds
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Counter Culture II | Part 3

9/20/202056 minutes, 1 second
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Counter Culture II | Part 2

9/20/202055 minutes, 51 seconds
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Counter Culture II | Part 1

We are to be a people of life, light, and love in a culture of death, darkness, and hate. Too many topics in our culture get labeled as off-limits for discussion but we need to learn what the Bible says about all things and be able to stand up for what God says is right and do so in love.
8/23/20201 hour, 42 seconds
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Session 2 - Family Finances

8/8/202017 minutes, 14 seconds
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Session 1 - Why Fight For Marriage

8/8/202048 minutes, 23 seconds
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Session 5 - Leading Your Family Through Loss

8/8/202037 minutes, 17 seconds
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Session 4 - Teaching Kids to Pray

8/8/202026 minutes, 2 seconds
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Jubilee 2020 | Part 3

8/8/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 44 seconds
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Session 3 - Keeping Kids Safe Online

8/8/202051 minutes, 51 seconds
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Jubilee 2020 | Part 2

8/7/202053 minutes, 55 seconds
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Jubilee 2020 | Part 1

8/6/202050 minutes, 58 seconds
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Counter Culture | Part 6

8/2/202056 minutes, 50 seconds
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Choosing Life | Part 2

Choosing Life
7/19/202049 minutes, 10 seconds
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Counter Culture | Part 5

We are a Counter Culture of life, light and love to a culture of death, darkness and hate. All human life is sacred to God and created with divine purpose.
7/12/202043 minutes, 49 seconds
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Choosing Life | Part 1

Choosing Life
7/12/202052 minutes, 44 seconds
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Counter Culture | Part 4

We are a Counter Culture of life, light and love to a culture of death, darkness and hate. It is only through knowing and living according to the Word of God that we can bring life into this world of death.
7/5/202051 minutes, 19 seconds
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Counter Culture | Part 3

We are a Counter Culture of life, light and love to a culture of death, darkness and hate. God is able to do great things when we have faith and love working in our hearts. Understanding God’s love is vital and comes from a life saturated with the Spirit, the Cross, and the Word of God.
5/24/202053 minutes, 19 seconds
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Counter Culture | Part 2

We are a Counter Culture of life, light and love to a culture of death, darkness and hate. God is able to do great things when we have faith and love working in our hearts. It is fear and hate that empowers Satan to steal kill and destroy.
5/17/202056 minutes, 24 seconds
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Counter Culture | Part 1

5/10/20201 hour, 1 minute, 45 seconds