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Emotional Talks With E

English, Religion, 3 seasons, 14 episodes, 4 hours, 1 minute
We are going to discuss topics that touch the heart. There is going to be a lot of me because I believe there is no better way to communicate emotions than to share our experiences... but I will be closely accompanied and directed by the Holy Spirit!
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L’IMPUDICITE Beaucoup de jeunes se retrouvent pris au piège par ce fléau mais tellement le garde pour eux qu’on a le sentiment d’être seul à vivre cette situation. Cette solitude rend la situation d’autant plus compliquée et mets au-dedans de la personne une très grande frustration. On se retrouve parfois à s’éloigner des autres, de Dieu et à perdre notre amour propre. Aujourd’hui je viens te rappeler ce que la Bible nous dit dans Romains 10.13 : « En effet, toute personne qui fera appel au nom du Seigneur sera sauvée. » Si tu l’appelles, Il ne manquera pas de venir à ton secours.  Aujourd’hui je voudrais que tu prennes conscience du fait que contrairement à ce que tu penses ceci n’est pas une bataille qui tu mènes seule. Ce n’est pas non plus une bataille qui tu mènes contre toi-même. C’est un travail d’équipe entre Holy Holy et toi. La Bible nous dit encore dans 1 Corinthiens 6.18-19 : « Fuyez l'impudicité. Quelque autre péché qu'un homme commette, ce péché est hors du corps; mais celui qui se livre à l'impudicité pèche contre son propre corps. Ne savez-vous pas que votre corps est le temple du Saint-Esprit qui est en vous, que vous avez reçu de Dieu, et que vous ne vous appartenez point à vous-mêmes? » De ce fait il est temps que tu comprennes qu’Il n’y a que Lui qui peut t’apprendre la marche à suivre pour garder son temple propre. 
10/2/202220 minutes, 19 seconds
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VALUE The dictionary defines value as the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.I have come to realize that it is only in the eyes of a man that in order to have value you need to earn it. The wonderful thing about God is that the only thing you need to do is be you. In Genesis 1.27 the Bible says: "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." As a human, you are a part of God and He is a part of you. This being established, you can never lose value in His eyes because you are perfectly imperfect. No matter how deep it is buried, a diamond doesn't lose its value.  I, therefore, have three questions for you today: What determines your value? How much do you value yourself? What is your value in God's eyes?
7/24/202215 minutes, 32 seconds
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Where Is Your Heart?

WHERE IS YOUR HEARTMatthew 15.7-10: "You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: 'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.’ Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand.  What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them."Some events this week lead me to ask myself if I truly do things for the sake of God's glory or if deep inside I do them just for me to be seen. Sadly the latter is true. Although I do want to share with others the wonders of God sometimes I just want to be noticed and as a servant of God, that means there is a problem with my heart. I say that because the love He has for me should satisfy me above anything I could receive from somebody else.So I just wish to as you this question: In your relationship with God does your heart really belong to Him?
7/10/202212 minutes, 59 seconds