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Every Woman’s Grace Sermon Podcast Cover
Every Woman’s Grace Sermon Podcast Profile

Every Woman’s Grace Sermon Podcast

English, Religion, 1 season, 98 episodes, 3 days, 21 hours, 30 minutes
Recent sermons from Every Woman’s Grace, a ministry of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California.
Episode Artwork

The Preeminence of Jesus

Peter Sammons • Selected Scriptures • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
1/1/145 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Superiority of Jesus

Anne Johnson • Hebrews 1:4–2:4 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
1/1/152 minutes, 4 seconds
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Christ: The Author of Salvation

Ruth Granlund • Selected Scriptures • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
1/1/155 minutes, 22 seconds
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Consider Jesus

Glenna Andersen • Selected Scriptures • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson)
1/1/141 minutes, 6 seconds
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Do Not Harden Your Hearts

Glenna Andersen • Hebrews 3:7–3:19 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
1/1/140 minutes, 15 seconds
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Rest for God’s People

Ann Bradley • Hebrews 4:1–4:13 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
1/1/150 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Perfect High Priest

Ann Bradley • Hebrews 4:14–5:14 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
1/1/150 minutes, 52 seconds
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Understanding the Covenants

Mike Riccardi • Selected Scriptures • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Handout | Handout | Video)
1/1/147 minutes, 23 seconds
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Discernment for God's People

Jeremy Vuolo • Hebrews 6:1–6:20 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson)
1/1/148 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Anchor of Our Soul

Alana Ko • Hebrews 7:1–7:28 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson)
1/1/146 minutes, 41 seconds
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A Better Covenant

Alana Ko • Hebrews 8:1–8:13 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
1/1/150 minutes, 29 seconds
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A Better Sanctuary

Kelly Hazelrigg • Hebrews 9:1–9:22 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
1/1/142 minutes, 5 seconds
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A Better Mediator

Cammy Scott • Hebrews 9:22–10:18 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
1/1/144 minutes, 14 seconds
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A Better Sacrifice

Jeremy Vuolo • Hebrews 10:19–10:25 • Sermon Notes (DOC | DOC | Video)
1/1/151 minutes, 50 seconds
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A Believer’s Faith

Joey Mejia • Hebrews 10:26–10:39 • Sermon Notes (DOC | DOC | Video)
1/1/144 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Meaning of Faith

Judy Luenebrink • Hebrews 11:1–11:3 • Sermon Notes (DOC | DOC | Video)
1/1/145 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Triumph of Faith

Ruth Granlund • Hebrews 11:4–11:40 • Sermon Notes (DOC | DOC)
1/1/151 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Meaning of Faith

Shelbi Cullen • Hebrews 12:1–12:17 • Sermon Notes (DOC | DOC | Video)
1/1/148 minutes, 57 seconds
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Jesus: The Example of Faith

Shelbi Cullen • Hebrews 12:18–12:29 • Sermon Notes (DOC | DOC | Video)
1/1/150 minutes, 50 seconds
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Christian Practices: To Be Well-Pleasing in His Sight

Robin Contreras • Hebrews 13:1–13:25 • Sermon Notes (DOC | DOC)
1/1/148 minutes, 26 seconds
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Hebrews Review

Sheldon Ko • Selected Scriptures • Sermon Notes (DOC | DOC)
1/1/149 minutes, 54 seconds
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Old Testament Narrative Tips

Paul Twiss • Selected Scriptures
1/1/149 minutes, 11 seconds
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Pentateuch Review

Abner Chou • Selected Scriptures • Sermon Notes (DOC | DOC)
1/1/11 hour, 37 seconds
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Peter Sammons • Selected Scriptures • Sermon Notes (Video)
46 minutes, 7 seconds
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Review of John

Carol Beakley • Selected Scriptures • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson)
44 minutes, 54 seconds
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Jesus Appears to His Disciples

Robin Contreras • Selected Scriptures • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
44 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Resurrection of Jesus

Glenna Andersen • John 20:1–20:31 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson)
46 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Crucifixion of Jesus

Glenna Andersen • John 19:16–19:42 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson)
47 minutes, 39 seconds
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Paul's Defense of His Ministry

Crystal Grauman • Acts 22:1–23:35 • Watch the lesson on the EWG live stream page on Wednesdays at 10 AM or watch the recording after 5 PM. Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
45 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ananias and Sapphira

Judy Luenebrink • Acts 5:1–5:42 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | DOC | DOC | Video)
46 minutes, 18 seconds
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Jesus’ Equality with the Father

Ruth Granlund • John 5:1–5:47 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
50 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Conversion of Saul

Evy Anderson • Acts 9:1–9:43 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
3 hours, 38 minutes, 41 seconds
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Review of the Pentateuch

Robin Contreras • Selected Scriptures • Sermon Notes (DOC | DOC | Video)
3 hours, 20 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Abrahamic Covenant

Ann Bradley • Genesis 12:1–17:27 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
52 minutes, 30 seconds
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Joe Zhakevich • Genesis 1:1–2:25 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
45 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Exodus

Glenna Andersen • Exodus 1:1–18:27 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Handout | Handout | Video)
44 minutes, 9 seconds
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The High Priestly Prayer

Austin Duncan • John 17:1–17:26 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
56 minutes, 8 seconds
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God’s Covenant with Israel

Glenna Andersen • Exodus 19:1–31:18 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
44 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Ascension and the Upper Room

Glenna Andersen • Acts 1:1–1:26 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
47 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Triumphal Entry

Shelbi Cullen • John 12:1–12:50 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
50 minutes, 52 seconds
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Confidence in the Gospel

Shelbi Cullen • Acts 18:1–18:28 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
39 minutes, 49 seconds
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Introduction to Exodus and Leviticus

Whitney Gamble-Smith • Selected Scriptures • Sermon Notes (Video)
45 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Light of the World

Abner Chou • John 8:1–8:59 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
58 minutes, 49 seconds
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Review of Romans

Judy Luenebrink • Romans 1:1–6:23 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video | Video)
51 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Word Incarnate

Jay Lennington • John 1:1–1:34 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
42 minutes, 28 seconds
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Walking with a Holy God

Luis Contreras • Leviticus 17:1–25:55 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
41 minutes, 56 seconds
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Cammy Scott • John 1:1–6:71 • Sermon Notes (Video)
45 minutes, 58 seconds
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Coming to a Holy God

Kelly Hazelrigg • Leviticus 1:1–16:34 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
46 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Final Words of Moses

Judy Luenebrink • Deuteronomy 31:1–34:12 • Sermon Notes (DOC | DOC | Video)
3 hours, 51 minutes
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Cornelius' Vision

Ann Bradley • Acts 10:1–10:48 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
50 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Arrest and Trials of Jesus

Kelly Hazelrigg • John 18:1–19:15 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson)
43 minutes, 1 second
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Saul, Philip, and the Ethiopian Eunuch

Helen Varner • Acts 8:1–8:40 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
32 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Fall and God's Promise

Crystal Grauman • Genesis 3:1–4:26 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
42 minutes, 55 seconds
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Shipwreck and Arrival in Rome

Cammy Scott • Acts 27:1–28:31 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
44 minutes, 49 seconds
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Foundational Principles and Stipulations of the Law

Shelbi Cullen • Deuteronomy 1:1–11:32 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
45 minutes, 24 seconds
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Old Testament Connections in John

Mark Zhakevich • Selected Scriptures • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
57 minutes, 54 seconds
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Jesus Displays His Power

Ann Bradley • John 6:1–6:25 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
53 minutes, 29 seconds
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Israel Wanders in the Wilderness

Alana Ko • Numbers 15:1–25:18 • Sermon Notes (DOC | DOC | Video)
52 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Good Shepherd

Lynne Brown • John 10:1–10:42 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
44 minutes, 55 seconds
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The New Birth

Alana Ko • John 3:1–3:36 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
56 minutes, 15 seconds
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Paul Answers to Felix

Brenda Frields • Selected Scriptures • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | PDF | PDF | PDF | PDF | Video)
44 minutes, 48 seconds
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Opposition and Division

Cammy Scott • John 7:1–7:53 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
44 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Gospel Spreads to the Gentiles

Ann Bradley • Acts 11:1–12:25 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
52 minutes, 13 seconds
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Pleasing Others for the Glory of God

Lynne Brown • Romans 15:1–15:13 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video | Video)
41 minutes, 7 seconds
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Paul's Travels and Arrest

Lynne Brown • Acts 21:1–21:40 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
44 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Continuation of the Covenant with Isaac

Ann Bradley • Genesis 18:1–26:35 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
50 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Resurrection and the Life

Shelbi Cullen • Selected Scriptures • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
53 minutes, 33 seconds
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Introduction - How to Study Biblical Narrative

Rodney Andersen • Acts 1:1–28:31 • Sermon Notes (Video)
37 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Noahic Covenant

Alana Ko • Genesis 5:1–11:32 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
52 minutes, 19 seconds
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Paul's Ministry in Greece

Mark Zhakevich • Acts 17:1–17:34 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
38 minutes, 29 seconds
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Paul in Ephesus

Shelbi Cullen • Acts 19:1–19:41 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
44 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Bread of Life

Ann Bradley • John 6:26–6:71 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
51 minutes, 36 seconds
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Blessings and Curses of the Law

Abner Chou • Deuteronomy 27:1–29:29 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
4 hours, 40 minutes, 42 seconds
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Introduction to the Pentateuch

Paul Twiss • Selected Scriptures • Sermon Notes (Video)
43 minutes, 10 seconds
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Review of Acts

Cammy Scott • Acts 1:1–28:31 • Watch the lesson on the EWG live stream page on Wednesdays at 10 AM or watch the recording after 5 PM. Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
45 minutes, 38 seconds
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A Minister of God

Chris Burnett • Romans 15:14–16:27 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video | Video)
58 minutes, 40 seconds
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Specific Stipulations of the Law

Shelbi Cullen • Deuteronomy 12:1–26:19 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
4 hours, 19 minutes, 1 second
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Overview of Acts

Paul Twiss • Selected Scriptures • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson)
40 minutes, 7 seconds
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First Missionary Journey and Salvation for the Gentiles

Anne Johnson • Acts 13:1–14:28 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | PDF | Video)
48 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Protection of God's People Through Joseph

Robin Contreras • Genesis 37:1–50:26 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
47 minutes, 42 seconds
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Overview of Acts

Paul Twiss • Acts 1:1–28:31 • Sermon Notes (Video)
47 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Chosen Line Through Jacob

Anne Johnson • Genesis 27:1–36:43 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video | PDF | PDF)
47 minutes, 36 seconds
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Israel’s Idolatry and God’s Glory

Cammy Scott • Exodus 32:1–40:38 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
43 minutes, 39 seconds
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Israel Again Prepares for the Promised Land

Ruth Granlund • Numbers 26:1–36:13 • Sermon Notes (DOC | DOC | Video)
49 minutes, 23 seconds
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Living Water

Anne Johnson • John 4:1–4:54 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
51 minutes, 18 seconds
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Results of Covenant Obedience or Disobedience

Luis Contreras • Leviticus 26:1–27:34 • Sermon Notes (DOC | DOC | Video)
47 minutes, 2 seconds
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Introduction to Genesis

Abner Chou • Selected Scriptures • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
55 minutes, 19 seconds
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Israel Rebels and God Responds

Lynne Brown • Numbers 11:1–14:45 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
44 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ministry Commencement

Alana Ko • John 1:35–2:25 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
46 minutes, 46 seconds
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Israel Prepares for the Promised Land

Lynne Brown • Numbers 1:1–10:36 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
45 minutes, 1 second
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The Farewell Discourse

Mark Zhakevich • John 13:1–17:26 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
44 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Gospel Prevails

Kelly Hazelrigg • Acts 15:1–15:41 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
36 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Gospel Spreads to Europe

Lauren Brown • Acts 16:1–16:40 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
53 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Farewell Discourse, Part 2

Mark Zhakevich • John 13:1–17:26 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
49 minutes, 51 seconds
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Overview of the Gospel of John

Mark Zhakevich • Selected Scriptures • Sermon Notes (Video)
54 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Growth and Persecution of the Church

Ladonna Watkins • Acts 6:1–7:60 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
51 minutes, 41 seconds
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Jesus Heals a Blind Man

Lynne Brown • John 9:1–9:41 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Video)
45 minutes, 16 seconds
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Appealing to Caesar

Brenda Frields • Acts 25:1–26:32 • Sermon Notes (Lesson | Lesson | Handout | Handout | Video)
41 minutes, 46 seconds