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Faith2Lead Cover
Faith2Lead Profile


English, Personal health, 1 season, 48 episodes
Dr. OrLando Yarborough III's diverse messages and workshops to help inspire, inform and improve your life and leadership.
Episode Artwork

A Stand Out Marriage

A message given with the Black Church at Yale (BCAY) on connecting with like-minded people and partnering with people who hold your values, especially your spouse.
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Why I Sing

Message with a church on Yale's campus. Opener: Joyful Joyful song. Fall 2015.
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How To Raise Up Leaders

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How Leaders Develop

Episode Artwork

Culture that Breeds Excellence

At age 12, Freeman Hrabowski marched with Martin Luther King. Now he's president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), where he works to create an environment that helps under-represented students — specifically African-American, Latino and low-income learners — get degrees in math and science. He shares the four pillars of UMBC's approach.
Episode Artwork

The Incomplete Leader

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How to Raise Up Leaders, Part 1

Episode Artwork

Transformational Leadership Part 2

Transformational Leadership influences people to think, speak, and act in such a way that it makes a positive difference in their life and in the lives of others.
Episode Artwork

The Power of Introverts

In a culture where being social and outgoing are prized above all else, it can be difficult, even shameful, to be an introvert. But, as Susan Cain argues in this passionate talk, introverts bring extraordinary talents and abilities to the world, and should be encouraged and celebrated.
Episode Artwork

The Four Leadership Aptitudes

Every leader has what we have labeled a “dominant leadership aptitude,” which refers to a specialization or emphasis within the leadership endeavor. A leadership aptitude is more than a style of leading; it incorporates a specific skill set, personality type and strategic perspective that moves the leader to emphasize one particular aspect of leadership more than the other aspects that comprise aggregate leadership. ~ George Barna
Episode Artwork

15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

Tried and true principles that are always certain to help a person grow
Episode Artwork

Sometimes You Win Sometimes You Learn

In life we will all make mistakes and face failure, but we will hopefully also experience success! In the end, you won’t always win, you can ALWAYS learn. John is ready to draw a lesson out of every experience and this month he’s going to help all of us learn in every circumstance.
Episode Artwork

How to Raise Up Leaders, Part 2

Episode Artwork

The Laws of Lifetime Growth

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Transformational Leadership

Transformational Leadership influences people to think, speak, and act in such a way that it makes a positive difference in their life and in the lives of others.
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My Walk His Faith

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Plan B

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Follow Me...And Value People

Episode Artwork

Growing Yourself Growing Others

Episode Artwork

Culture that Breeds Excellence

At age 12, Freeman Hrabowski marched with Martin Luther King. Now he's president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), where he works to create an environment that helps under-represented students — specifically African-American, Latino and low-income learners — get degrees in math and science. He shares the four pillars of UMBC's approach.
Episode Artwork

How to Raise Up Leaders, Part 2

Episode Artwork

The Four Leadership Aptitudes

Every leader has what we have labeled a “dominant leadership aptitude,” which refers to a specialization or emphasis within the leadership endeavor. A leadership aptitude is more than a style of leading; it incorporates a specific skill set, personality type and strategic perspective that moves the leader to emphasize one particular aspect of leadership more than the other aspects that comprise aggregate leadership. ~ George Barna
Episode Artwork

Sometimes You Win Sometimes You Learn

In life we will all make mistakes and face failure, but we will hopefully also experience success! In the end, you won’t always win, you can ALWAYS learn. John is ready to draw a lesson out of every experience and this month he’s going to help all of us learn in every circumstance.
Episode Artwork

It's Time

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How To Raise Up Leaders

Episode Artwork

Transformational Leadership

Transformational Leadership influences people to think, speak, and act in such a way that it makes a positive difference in their life and in the lives of others.
Episode Artwork

The Power of Introverts

In a culture where being social and outgoing are prized above all else, it can be difficult, even shameful, to be an introvert. But, as Susan Cain argues in this passionate talk, introverts bring extraordinary talents and abilities to the world, and should be encouraged and celebrated.
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How Leaders Develop

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The Laws of Lifetime Growth

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My Walk His Faith

Episode Artwork

Follow Me...And Influence People

Episode Artwork

Follow Me...And Value People

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It's Time

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Growing Yourself Growing Others

Episode Artwork

A Stand Out Marriage

A message given with the Black Church at Yale (BCAY) on connecting with like-minded people and partnering with people who hold your values, especially your spouse.
Episode Artwork

15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

Tried and true principles that are always certain to help a person grow
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How to Raise Up Leaders, Part 1

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Plan B

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Give Your Best Wherever God Puts You

My mentor John C. Maxwell inspires us to to give our best for God's Glory, knowing that God will empower us to do greater things than our ability. (Recorded LIVE at 12Stone Church)
Episode Artwork

Give Your Best Wherever God Puts You

My mentor John C. Maxwell inspires us to to give our best for God's Glory, knowing that God will empower us to do greater things than our ability. (Recorded LIVE at 12Stone Church)
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The Incomplete Leader

Episode Artwork

Follow Me...And Influence People

Episode Artwork

Follow Me...And Serve People

Episode Artwork

Follow Me...And Serve People

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Follow Me...And Connect With People

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Transformational Leadership Part 2

Transformational Leadership influences people to think, speak, and act in such a way that it makes a positive difference in their life and in the lives of others.
Episode Artwork

Why I Sing

Message with a church on Yale's campus. Opener: Joyful Joyful song. Fall 2015.
Episode Artwork

Follow Me...And Connect With People
