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FamilyLife This Week®

English, Religion, 1 season, 108 episodes, 1 day, 17 hours, 41 minutes
Host Michelle Hill, along with expert guests, provide a weekly dose of engaging and practical encouragement for marriages, families and other valuable relationships on FamilyLife This Week. New episodes every weekend.
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NEW PODCAST: Real Life Loading…

Michelle Hill interviews Shelby Abbott, the host of our new podcast for 18 to 28 year-olds called Real Life Loading... Learn more and subscribe here:
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Launching Your Kids Well

What does it take to launch your kids well? Dennis Rainey, Alex Chediak, and Michelle Hill cover the value of independence, friendship, time management, faith, good friends, and ramen noodles.
9/3/202228 minutes
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Making the Mundane Matter in Marriage

Gary Thomas, Paul David Tripp, Jonathan Pitts, Dave and Ann Wilson, and Bob Lepine talk about how to face mundane irritants in marriage with transcendent grace.
8/27/202228 minutes
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Complete in Your Singleness

If you're single, that doesn't mean you're incomplete. You can be whole in Christ. Clarence Shuler coaches singles to speak up and let your needs be known for the benefit of your local church.
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Complete in Your Singleness

If you're single, that doesn't mean you're incomplete. You can be whole in Christ. Clarence Shuler coaches singles to speak up and let your needs be known for the benefit of your local church.
8/20/202227 minutes, 59 seconds
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Complete in Your Singleness

If you're single, that doesn't mean you're incomplete. You can be whole in Christ. Clarence Shuler coaches singles to speak up and let your needs be known for the benefit of your local church.
8/20/202227 minutes, 59 seconds
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Complete in Your Singleness

If you're single, that doesn't mean you're incomplete. You can be whole in Christ. Clarence Shuler coaches singles to speak up and let your needs be known for the benefit of your local church.
8/20/202227 minutes, 59 seconds
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Suffering in Silence

There are few things that make humans feel more alone than experiencing loss. Ron Deal and Michelle Hill talk about the grieving process and how to care for yourself and others you know who may be grieving. We'll also hear from Matthew Arbo and Abigail Dodds.
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Leslie Layland Fields: The Journey of Forgiveness

What is forgiveness? Join us on the journey of biblical forgiveness with Leslie Leyland Fields, Voddie Baucham, and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.
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Clearing Our Conscience

Discover the incredible value of living in the freedom of a clear conscience with God and others. Our guests, Erwin Lutzer, Eric Mason, Chris and Cindy Beall, and Paul David Tripp offer biblical insight and heartfelt transparency.
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Charmaine Porter: Addressing Discontent for Singles

Charmaine Porter shares candidly with Michelle Hill how she has processed her own discontent with being single, and how the church has--or has not--been helpful in her struggle.
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Stephanie Green: Miscarriage Pain, Gospel Hope

For anyone who has experienced the pain of a miscarriage, the grief can make you feel all alone. Stephanie Green talks to Michelle Hill about her experience with miscarriage while helping listeners in this situation learn to process this unique grief.
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Resolving Conflict in Relationships

A significant chunk of "the book of love," a.k.a. Song of Solomon, talks about conflict. Matt Chandler, Tiffany Lee, Chip Ingram, and Tim Muehlhoff address the dynamics involved in conflict, and coach us toward resolution and closer relationships in the aftermath.
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Tech-wise Parents: Setting Boundaries

As parents do you have clear direction how to help your kids manage their technology usage? David Eaton and Melanie Mudge talk about the landscape of teens and technology. Brian Goins and Wynter and Jonathan Pitts share how they've helped their kids self-regulate.
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Intentional Summers

Summertime feels like freedom to kids getting out of school. But a working mom's perspective is a bit different. Tracy Lane describes how she plans to make meaningful memories with her children this summer.
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Tech-Wise Parents: Are You Addicted?

In this digital world, how can parents train their children in wise tech usage if they are addicted to their phones themselves? Arlene Pellicane teaches some wise tech-management habits that parents can adopt and then pass along to their children.
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One Adoption Journey

Author Tricia Goyer tells the story of her family adopting Alyssa and how that first adoption spring-boarded their family into foster care and adopting more children.
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What Is a Legacy?

What will be left in your wake when you are gone? Louis Upkins, Crawford Loritts, and Bryan Loritts talk about different kinds of legacies, and challenge us to make sure to leave a legacy that's godly.
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Comparison vs. Investing in Marriage

When we look for the positive or the negative in our spouse, we see what we want to see. Jeff and Stacy Kemp coach husbands and wives on how to address the causes and cures for marital discontentment.
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Untold Stories of Heroism

This Memorial Day Weekend hear stories of lesser known, but no less valiant soldiers--and families of soldiers--who sacrificed for our freedom.
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Contentment or Comparison

Kay Wills Wyma, Gary Thomas and Priscilla Shirer help us remember to be content with the life we have and avoid the temptation to compare ourselves with others.
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Just Plain Fun

Families experience a closer connection when they laugh together. Keeping things light with Ted Cunningham, Dave Stone, and mother-son duo, Nelda and Tim Hawkins.
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Ben Stuart: Parenting Bootcamp, Dating 101

Ben Stuart gives some guidelines for parents to consider as they prepare their kids for the dating years.
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Shannon Simmons: Working Moms and Their Guilt

As a pastor's wife with five kids and a job outside the home, Shannon Simmons knows how difficult it is to be a working mom. She describes her daily routine, and gives biblical perspective on the challenges working moms face.
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Explaining Easter and Lent to Kids

Easter and Lent should be a big deal for believers and their families. How does one communicate the sober reality of Good Friday leading to the celebration of Easter and Lent Sunday with children? Sally Lloyd-Jones and Phil Vischer give examples of how and why to tell the whole Easter and Lent story to your children.
4/16/202230 seconds
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Catherine Parks: Making and Keeping Friends

It's easy to make friends in Kindergarten. It gets harder to maintain friendships once we're out of school and in the "real world" but those key relationships are no less vital. Catherine Parks shares some tips for how to find, make, and keep quality friendships.
4/9/202228 minutes
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Sharing Easter with Your Kids

It is important to communicate the truth of the gospel to your kids--and the sooner, the better. Michelle Hill interacts with a number of kids about the story of Holy Week and Easter. Bob Lepine defines the gospel in a way that is easy to share with neighbors.
4/2/202228 minutes
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Love for a Lifetime

Marriage was intended to be a lifetime covenant. Be inspired and encouraged in your marriage commitment from guests Gary Thomas, Laura Story, and Voddie Baucham.
3/19/202227 minutes, 11 seconds
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Laughter is Good for the Soul

Laughter is good medicine, healing to the soul. Whether it pops up suddenly from someone's slip of the tongue, or it's pursued carefully and crafted as a career and life mission. Our guests, Michael Jr., Tim Hawkins, and Kristin Exton, explain how laughter is therapeutic, even on a spiritual level.
3/12/202228 minutes
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Busting the Myths of Singleness

Whether you're single or married, you likely subscribe to some popular myths about singleness. Matt Perman tackles these myths and mixed messages with practical suggestions.
3/5/202243 minutes, 36 seconds
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What the Bible Says About Singleness

There are many erroneous ideas about singleness floating around amidst both religious and secular cultures. Christopher Yuan tackles these ideas head-on with truth straight from the Bible.
2/26/202228 minutes
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The Benefits of Resolving Conflict

All healthy relationships experience conflict. Marriages and friendships all have to navigate personal differences. Ann Wilson explains how to know whether to overlook a conflict or to address it.
2/19/202228 minutes
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True Love

Sam Allberry reminds us to not make an idol of romantic love. Francis and Lisa Chan encourage us to look at married love in light of eternity.
2/12/202228 minutes
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Lonely on Valentine’s Day

Even if Valentine's Day is all about love, that doesn't mean everyone loves Valentine's Day. There are many people, single AND married, who feel isolated and alone on this holiday. Director of FamilyLife Blended on FamilyLife this Week and licensed counselor Ron Deal talks about healthy ways of coping with loneliness.
2/5/202228 minutes
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Don’t Take Them for Granted

If you take your spouse for granted, much hurt and relational brokenness will ensue. If you take God for granted, you open a door for sin to consume your life. Doyle Roth and Judy Starr tell their stories and their hard-learned lessons.
1/29/202228 minutes
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Being Single and Dating

Hanna Seymour and Jaqueline Anderson Meza tell their stories of courtship and dating their husbands. Deepak Reju has some advice for singles who are lonely and dateless on a Friday night. Shaunti Feldhahn gives her perspective on the singles' landscape based on her research.
1/22/202227 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Sanctity of Human Life

Culturally, when we talk about the sanctity of human life, we tend to focus on the plight of the unborn. But life itself extends to our last dying breath. Gary Thomas, Jim Stroud, and Jim Garlow tell stories of caring for souls at the end of their lives.
1/15/202227 minutes, 56 seconds
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Family Worship: How to Make It Happen

If the only time your kids see you worshipping God is at church on Sunday morning, then your kids are missing out on a rich experience that could bond your family on a soul-to-soul level. Don Whitney and Lauren Chandler talk about worshiping together with their families.
1/8/202228 minutes, 19 seconds
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Remembering The Best

As we approach a new year, it is appropriate to reflect and remember the good things from the year that is drawing to a close. Hear again, excerpts from some of the most meaningful interviews that aired in 2018.
1/1/202228 minutes
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Christmas Fact and Fiction

Does your knowledge of the Christmas story come from traditional Christmas songs or Scripture? Paul Maier gives us the historical background for the Christmas story, dispelling some popular myths perpetuated by artistic license. We'll also hear some Christmas hymns, and the biblical account from the Gospel of Luke. Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
12/25/202127 minutes, 56 seconds
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Stepfamilies and Christmas

It's the most wonderful time of the year!" But if you're in a stepfamily, the holidays can get complicated pretty fast. Ron Deal offers some perspective, and gives counsel for how to navigate Christmas in a stepfamily.
12/11/202128 minutes
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The Meaning of Happy

What does it take to be happily married? Researcher Shaunti Feldhahn shares encouraging data about what makes the best marriages thrive. Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
12/4/202128 minutes
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After Baby

11/27/202133 minutes, 7 seconds
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Thanksgiving and Entitlement

11/20/202128 minutes
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A Baby’s Birth Story

Courtney Reissig tells the harrowing story of the birth of her fourth child, Ben. Some problems cropped up late in the pregnancy that threatened both of their lives and left some emotional scarring in its wake. Show Notes and Resources Nancy Guthrie and Jerry Sittser share about the loss of a child.
11/13/202127 minutes, 31 seconds
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Happily Ever After: Debunking the Myths

Hollywood and fairy tales tell us that marriage means "Happily Ever After." But as Dennis and Barbara Rainey, and Jim and Carol Shores explain, there's much more to marriage than a catchy tagline. Show Notes and Resources Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network. Dennis and Barbara Rainey talk about marriage FamilyLife Today programs with Jim and Carol Shores.
11/6/202128 minutes
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Messy Money

Student loans, medical bills, credit card debt--do any of these trouble your family? Hayley DiMarco and Philip Holmes tell their journey of becoming debt free. Brad Formsma shares some compelling insights that are found when you are out of debt and able to give freely to others. Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
10/30/202128 minutes
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Generation Z Reaching Generation Z

Emma Jenkins and Jordan Whitmer are emerging from Generation Z and have a passion for reaching their generation for Christ. Hear what they are doing with and for their peers for the sake of the gospel. Show Notes and Resources More about How To Life movement Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
10/23/202127 minutes, 41 seconds
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What Sabbath Is About

The Sabbath day is Sunday for many Christians, but for others it’s Saturday. In either case, this special day of the week has a specific purpose. Dennis Rainey, John Piper, Melissa Spoelstra, and Hannah Anderson give their perspective on how to best honor the Sabbath and keep it holy.4 Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
10/16/202127 minutes, 41 seconds
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A Hard Calling

10/9/202128 minutes
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Back to School Busyness

Fern Nichols and Dennis and Barbara Rainey help parents evaluate their kids' level of busyness and consider the priority of family time. Show Notes and Resources Learn more about Mom's in Prayer here: Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
10/2/202128 minutes
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Hard to Love

Sometimes we have someone in our lives who is difficult to love. It might be a parent, child, sibling, or other family member. Lou Priolo, Bill and Vicki Rose, and Tommy and Teresa Nelson tell about the people in their lives who were difficult to love, and how God helped them extend love anyway. Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
9/25/202127 minutes, 59 seconds
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What’s Your Purpose

Do you know God's purpose for your life? Dave and Ann Wilson talk about their pain, skills, and opportunities that contributed to God's greater purpose in their lives. Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
9/18/202128 minutes
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What’s Your Purpose

Do you know God's purpose for your life? Dave and Ann Wilson talk about their pain, skills, and opportunities that contributed to God's greater purpose in their lives. Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
9/18/202128 minutes
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How to Blend a Stepfamily

Ron Deal, Director of FamilyLife Blended, explains the benefits of "cooking" your stepfamily with a crock pot and not a blender. He stresses the value of being patient as your blended family blends at its own pace. Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
9/11/202128 minutes
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What Is the Gospel?

Bob Lepine gives a theological, Bible-based description of the gospel. Tracy Lane shares how the gospel applies to her life as a mom. Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
9/4/202125 minutes, 49 seconds
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What Did We Do Wrong?

If a child has strayed from the faith of his parents, it's tempting for parents to question what they did wrong. Phil Waldrep, Bob Lepine, and Michelle Hill offer hope for families of prodigals. Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
8/28/202128 minutes, 7 seconds
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What Did We Do Wrong?

If a child has strayed from the faith of his parents, it's tempting for parents to question what they did wrong. Phil Waldrep, Bob Lepine, and Michelle Hill offer hope for families of prodigals. Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
8/28/202128 minutes, 7 seconds
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Sanctified Feminism

Feminism has become a bad word in Christian culture. But the origins of feminism were good and noble, even if the culture has taken it too far. Tim Muehlhoff and Courtney Reissig talk about the origins of feminism, and how Jesus valued women. Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
8/23/202128 minutes
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The Value of Mentors

Barbara Rainey, Karen Loritts, Mary Kassian, Holly Elliff, and Carolyn McCulley talk about the value of mentoring. Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
8/14/202128 minutes
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Putting Things in the Right Place

Moms, you cannot do everything, so prioritize the relationships or roles that are the most important, and let the rest slide. Brooke McGlothlin and Natalie Jones share their successes and failures in prioritizing time with God and their husbands over the demands of their kids.
8/7/202128 minutes
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Grace-Filled Living

What is the difference between giving grace and giving in? Paul David Tripp, Tim Kimmel, Ron Deal, and Caleb Kaltenbach explain what grace is: in parenting, marriage, or relationships with a watching world. Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
7/31/202128 minutes
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The Art of Prayer

Is prayer a daily discipline for you, or is it something you save "for emergencies"? Crawford Loritts shares principles of effective prayer. Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
7/24/202128 minutes
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Young Moms Ask Barbara

Moms, if you had the chance to pick the brain of an older, more experienced mom, what would you ask? Hear what some young moms asked Barbara Rainey during a question and answer session. Show Notes and Resources Find out about seeking out mentors and not mothering alone here: Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
7/17/202127 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Game of Life

In the game of "Life" you never know what you'll roll, nor where you'll end up. So describes the lives of Scott and Sherry Jennings, Kim De Blecourt, Robertson McQuilkin, and Chuck Colson as they share their stories. Show Notes and Resources Visit Kim De Blecourt's organization, Nourished Hearts Attend a Weekend to Remember marriage retreat. Learn more about The Art of Marriage small groups or video event.
7/10/202127 minutes, 29 seconds
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Heaven minded

You just found out you only have three months to live. How do you handle it? Matt and Lauren Chandler faced this reality when Matt was diagnosed with brain cancer. They both tell their side to the story and how their focus on heaven was sharpened.
7/3/202128 minutes
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Weddings, Promises, and True Love

You spend hours and hours dreaming and preparing for a special wedding day. But what have you done to prepare for the marriage itself? Kevin DeYoung talks about what love looks like in marriage. Show Notes and Resources Listen to the full interviews with Ed Harrell Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
6/26/202127 minutes, 53 seconds
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Dads and Legacy

A father's legacy leaves a lasting impression on his children, for good or for bad. H.B. Charles talks about his father's enduring legacy. Hear Jim Daly, Sally-Lloyd Jones, and Rick Rigsby give tributes to their fathers. Show Notes and Resources Listen to the full interviews with Ed Harrell Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
6/19/202127 minutes, 37 seconds
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Memorizing Scripture

There’s a reason the Word of God is referred to as “the sword of the Spirit.” It's “sharper than any two-edged sword,” “living and active,” and it “never returns void.” We can maximize this spiritual weapon by memorizing Scripture. Larry Fowler, Emmitt Fowler, Hannah Leary, and Barbara Rainey talk about the blessings of hiding God's Word in your heart.
6/12/202128 minutes
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God-Glorifying Disability

Being equipped for every good work takes on a whole new dimension for Dave and Gloria Furman, Jay and Katherine Wolf, and Julie Denker as they share what it's like to care for or live as an adult with a disability.
6/5/202127 minutes, 34 seconds
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Memorial Weekend Road Trip

It's Memorial Day weekend! Let's take a trip to remember our fallen heroes, witness one man's struggle to trust God's sovereignty, and watch as God transforms another man's life. Ed Harrell, Jeremy Camp, and Christopher Yuan share their stories. Show Notes and Resources Listen to the full interviews with Ed Harrell Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
5/29/202128 minutes
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A Father’s Influence

5/22/202128 minutes
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Parenting Influence

As parents, our number one job is to make sure our children grow into God-fearing, Christ-following, responsible adults. Dru Joyce II and Ron Deal share different character traits to instill in your children and some helpful ways to teach them. Show Notes and Resources FamilyLife's Art of Parenting. Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
5/15/202128 minutes
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Moms in the Middle

Whether a mom works outside the home by choice, necessity, or a combination of both, it is difficult to find a good balance between work and home. Author Nancy Wolgemuth helps us see what the Bible says to help us prioritize. Dr. Meg Meeker and Tracy Lane offers some practical tips for how to achieve balance. Show Notes and Resources Are you in a race to see who can be a better mom? Dr. Meg Meeker feels that many mothers today have lost their joy due to the pressure they feel to keep up with other moms. Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
5/8/202128 minutes
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Make a Joyful Noise

Throughout the Bible, we are strongly encouraged to sing a song to the Lord. Don Whitney, Jason Houser, Kristyn Getty, and Ginny Owens explain the importance and the power of singing as worship. Show Notes and Resources Growing up, Dove award-winning singer-songwriter Ginny Owens never imagined that’s what she’d be. In fact, Ginny—blind since age 3—was not even considering music as a profession. Fortunately, God had other plans. Find resources from this podcast at Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
5/1/202128 minutes
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Parent to Parent

What if, as a dad, you got a chance to pick the brain of an older, wiser, more experienced dad? Bruce Goff, a relatively new dad with a toddler, gets to do just that with Bob Lepine, a veteran dad with grandchildren, and you get to hear the conversation.
4/24/202128 minutes
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Helping Your Kids Transition

In seasons of major life change, parents need to help their kids process the difficult things in healthy ways. Meg Robbins talks about walking with her kids through a major, cross-country move. Sabrina McDonald tells how she coached her kids through the process of becoming a blended family.
4/17/202127 minutes, 17 seconds
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A Prescription for Busyness

Are you too busy? Answer this question as you learn more from Joanne Kraft, Kevin DeYoung, and Hannah Anderson. Show Notes and Resources Joanne Kraft recalls the day when she and her husband decided their family was going to take a year off from all extracurricular activities to spend more time together. Pastor Kevin Deyoung talks about "Is Attending Church Relevant?" on FamilyLife Today. Resting is a spiritual discipline that many of us choose to ignore. Guests Hannah Anderson and Barbara Rainey describe why our souls are in desperate need of consistent periods of rest. Hannah Anderson's website Download FamilyLife's new app! Find resources from this podcast at Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
4/10/202128 minutes
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Explaining Easter and Lent to Kids

Easter and Lent should be a big deal for believers and their families. How does one communicate the sober reality of Good Friday leading to the celebration of Easter and Lent Sunday with children? Sally Lloyd-Jones and Phil Vischer give examples of how and why to tell the whole Easter and Lent story to your children. Show Notes and Resources Sally Lloyd-Jones, author of “The Jesus Storybook Bible.” Sally recalls how her father sent her off to boarding school at the tender age of eight with the words of Joshua 1, “Be strong and very courageous.” Sally Lloyd-Jones gets us in the spirit of the holidays by recalling the Christmases of her youth in Africa and England. Phil Vischer joins Dennis Rainey to talk about the real meaning of Easter. 'Christ the Lord is Risen Today', a popular Easter hymn
4/3/202126 minutes, 29 seconds
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What comes to mind when you think of home? Barbara Rainey and Jen Pollock Michel explain the value of making Christ the foundation of a stable, godly home. Show Notes and Resources 40 Reasons Your Home Matters
3/27/202128 minutes
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Road Trips

It's spring break! Let's take a road trip. Leslie Leyland Fields, David Nasser, and Dru Joyce II share stories of their epic journeys with God. Show Notes and Resources Leslie Leyland Fields, author of 'Surprise Child,' talks about the feelings and concerns women have when they find themselves unexpectedly pregnant. Pastor David Nasser tells how his family escaped execution and fled Iran during the Iranian Revolution of 1979. Dru Joyce II has been mentor to some of the nation’s best young players, including LeBron James. Hear Joyce tell how love for his son drew him into coaching. Download FamilyLife's new app! Find resources from this podcast at Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
3/20/202128 minutes
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Conflict: What starts it?

Conflict happens in marriages and families. But what do you do with it? Do you avoid it altogether or plow through it like a freight train? Dave and Ann Wilson relay a story of their most epic disagreement. Lou Priolo deconstructs the root cause of conflict and helps us see our sin.
3/6/202128 minutes, 17 seconds
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Performance-Driven Parenting

Can you raise "perfect kids" by being a "perfect parent"? Not only is it impossible, but you'll bring more harm to your kids the harder you try to achieve perfection. Hear Meg Meeker, Karis Kimmel Murray, Elisa Morgan, and Reb Bradley share their parenting stories. Show Notes and Resources Download FamilyLife's new app! Find resources from this podcast at Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
2/27/202128 minutes
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Epic Love Stories

Great love stories are inspiring and encouraging, and are tales you want to hear again and again. Hear some epic love stories from Carl and Lib Wenger, Lars and Elisabeth Elliot Gren, Irene and Domingo Garcia. Show Notes and Resources When Domingo and Irene Garcia fell in love and married, it was like mixing oil and water. Hear them tell their unique story. Download FamilyLife's new app! Find resources from this podcast at Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
2/20/202128 minutes
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My Sweet Valentine

Valentine's Day is coming. We'll take a look at bad Valentine gifts, the strange history behind the holiday, and the true meaning of love and marriage. Hear from Ken and Nook Tuttle, Hugh Duncan, Voddie Baucham, and Paul David Tripp. Show Notes and Resources VALENTINES SLIME VALENTINES DAY HEART SLIME SCIENCE FOR KIDS
2/13/202128 minutes
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Parents and their Adult Children

When children become adults, a parent's job gets trickier. Especially when parents and their adult children disagree. Jeff Kemp talks with Michelle HIll about how to navigate this tricky dynamic, and emphasizes the importance of maintaining good relationships between parents and adult kids, on FamilyLife This Week. Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at Learn more about the Dates to Remember™ box. Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
2/6/202145 minutes, 37 seconds
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Feeling Empty

The loss of a child, loss of a job—loss of any kind—can leave you feeling empty, hollow, and completely spent. The good news is, God has a history of getting the best results from empty vessels. Nancy Guthrie, Holley Gerth, and Dale Kreienkamp encourage listeners with God's promises from His Word. Show Notes and Resources Download FamilyLife's new app! Find resources from this podcast at Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
1/30/202128 minutes
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Complete Singleness

Many people who find themselves still single at an age that they'd hoped to be married wonder what they've done wrong. Emerson Eggerichs says, "You are here because you made GOOD decisions." Also hear from Gina Dalfonzo and Carolyn McCulley.
1/23/202128 minutes
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Mission Statement

Why do I need a mission statement? Author Holley Gerth says a personal mission statement will help you decide between "good" and "great" pursuits. Show Notes and Resources Find out more from Holley Gerth and get the ebook "15 Minutes to Your Mission Statement: 5 Exercises to Help You Discover Your Personal Strengths and Direction." Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network. Learn more about becoming a Legacy Partner, a monthly supporter of FamilyLife.
1/16/202128 minutes
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Screen Kids

Screens are everywhere in our world. While it is smart to keep your kids from getting a smartphone too young, they will still need to be trained how to interact with them. Arlene Pellicane presents data and coaches parents to address this critical issue with their kids. Show Notes and Resources Take the Quiz: Too Much Screen Time for Kids? Screen Dependency Disorder: The Effects of ‘Screen Time’ Addiction. Dr. Andrew & Julie Doan's website. Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network. Learn more about becoming a Legacy Partner, a monthly supporter of FamilyLife.
1/9/202128 minutes
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Spiritual Resolutions for the New Year

For Christians, a popular New Year's resolution often involves reading through the Bible in a year. Instead of just reading the Bible as fast as you can, what if you made it your goal to get to know God's word better-to know your heavenly Father better? Dennis Rainey, Bob Lepine, Jen Wilkin, Barbara Rainey, and Don Whitney share their resolutions and offer some coaching on effective ways to dig into God's word.
1/4/202128 minutes
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Healing From Christmas

If your blended family Christmas turned out to be less than you'd hoped for, be encouraged. Bob and Vicki Maday and their grown daughters Katie and Jonell describe the good, but mostly rough parts of their first Christmas as a stepfamily.
12/26/202028 minutes
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Stepfamily and Christmas

Holidays for newly blended families can be a minefield of hurt feelings if you don't know the terrain. Ron Deal, Director of FamilyLife Blended, talks with Michelle Hill to help families navigate the holidays by managing expectations from the start. Show Notes and Resources FamilyLife Blended Podcast with Ron Deal: Blended family resources: Read articles for blended families. Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network. Learn more about becoming a Legacy Partner, a monthly supporter of FamilyLife.
12/21/202028 minutes
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Making it Through the Storms of Life

In this life you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world. Jesus gave these words of hope to his disciples before ascending into Heaven. We reflect on His words as we share "storm stories" of other believers, and how they walked through their own storms with hope in Christ alone. Show Notes and Resources More from John and Donna Bishop. Depression: A Stubborn Darkness with Ed Welch and Leslie Vernick. Kara Tippetts' blog. and books including "Just Show Up" Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network. Learn more about becoming a Legacy Partner, a monthly supporter of FamilyLife.
12/12/202033 minutes, 56 seconds
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My Grownup Christmas List

What do you think God wants us to have for Christmas? One idea found in Scripture is the Fruit of the Spirit. Bob Lepine, Hayley DiMarco (with occasional comments from Michael DiMarco) discuss just what the Fruit of the Spirit is, and how we can acquire it. Show Notes and Resources Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network. Learn more about becoming a Legacy Partner, a monthly supporter of FamilyLife.
12/5/202028 minutes
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Combatting Stress in Marriage

The year 2020 has been a year of forced togetherness-or forced isolation-paired with additional stress. Greg Smalley talks with Michelle Hill, giving suggestions for ways to manage stress in marriage, and how couples can use the stressful times to grow together, rather than apart. Show Notes and Resources Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network. Learn more about becoming a Legacy Partner, a monthly supporter of FamilyLife.
11/28/202028 minutes
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Preparing for Thanksgiving

Most people know what to prepare for when it comes to the food of Thanksgiving, but what about preparing to interact with relatives over controversial topics like politics in the current cultural climate? Darrell Harrison talks to Michelle Hill, and coaches listeners about how to be kind and gracious with family members. Show Notes and Resources Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network.
11/21/202028 minutes
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Thankful For Home

Most of us enjoy the perception of security when we lock our doors at night. But true, soul-deep security can only come when home is built on The Rock, Jesus. Barbara Rainey encourages believers that our ultimate security is only in our eternal home. Show Notes and Resources Ever Thine Home Blog ARTICLE: Three Ways to Make Your Home Safe Before the Storms of Life Hit by Barbara Rainey. Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network. Learn more about becoming a Legacy Partner, a monthly supporter of FamilyLife.
11/14/202028 minutes
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Safe At Home

These days, many people feel it wouldn't be safe to go outside without a mask on. And yet others, need to arm their security system at night in order to sleep. According to Barbara Rainey there's one place we might not be securing, and it's probably doing more harm than good. Barbara outlines what it takes to make your home safe, on FamilyLife This Week. Show Notes and Resources Ever Thine Home Blog ARTICLE: Three Ways to Make Your Home Safe Before the Storms of Life Hit by Barbara Rainey. Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network. Learn more about becoming a Legacy Partner, a monthly supporter of FamilyLife.
11/7/202028 minutes
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Life with a Baby with Special Needs

How does a mom anticipate the birth of a child when she knows the baby will have special physical needs once he or she is born? Tracy Lane talks about anticipating the birth of her third child, a boy named Davis, that doctors identified as having Spina Bifida. Tracy talks about her journey towards surrender with God. Gina Flood talks about Jenny, who was born with Downs Syndrome. Show Notes and Resources ARTICLE: When My Husband Said ‘No’ to Aborting Our Baby by Tracy Lane. Follow Matt and Tracy Lane's journey at Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network. Learn more about becoming a Legacy Partner, a monthly supporter of FamilyLife.
10/31/202028 minutes
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Children, Parents, and School During a Pandemic

How do you make decisions for educating your children in the midst of a Pandemic? It depends on so many factors, there is no one-size-fits all answer. Hear how three moms, Tracy Lane, Gina Flood, and Shannon Simmons, who come from different backgrounds, and live in different parts of the country, came to different decisions for educating each of their children. Show Notes and Resources Download FamilyLife's new app! Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network. Have the FamilyLife Today® podcast and resources helped you?  Consider becoming a Legacy Partner, a monthly supporter of FamilyLife.
10/24/202028 minutes
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The Heart of Grandparenting

Does God have instructions for grandparents? Mary Larmoyeux, Nancy Downing, Josh Mulvihill, and Anne Dierks share scriptural examples and practical tips for being godly, intentional grandparents. Show Notes and Resources Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network. Learn more about becoming a Legacy Partner, a monthly supporter of FamilyLife.
10/17/202028 minutes
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Parents of Special Needs Kids

Do you have a child with special needs? Do you know someone who does? Find encouragement in the stories of others on the same journey. Ginny Owens, Jennifer Shaw, Paul Miller, Sarah Parshall Perry, and Amy Julia Becker share stories of faith, joy, and hardship unique to parenting special children. Show Notes and Resources VIDEO: Jennifer Shaw's song "Your Child". Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network. Learn more about becoming a Legacy Partner, a monthly supporter of FamilyLife.
10/10/202028 minutes
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Sustaining Forgiveness

Anthony Thompson and Mary DeMuth tell their devastating stories that require heroic--ongoing--forgiveness. Show Notes and Resources FamilyLife articles on forgiveness: Listen to the entire episode with Anthony Thompson on Unfavorable Odds™ with Kim Anthony. Find resources from this podcast at Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network. Have the FamilyLife Today® podcast and resources helped you?  Consider becoming a Legacy Partner, a monthly supporter of FamilyLife.
10/3/202028 minutes
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The Heart of a Pastor

As a worship pastor, Justin Unger feels the call and the challenge to lead a congregation in worship. He shares how he went from talent show, to Christian boy band, to worship pastor, to today, ministering to pastors. Show Notes and Resources Likewise Worship for developing healthy and humble worship pastors. Find more from Justin Unger at Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network. Learn more about becoming a Legacy Partner, a monthly supporter of FamilyLife.
9/26/202028 minutes, 1 second
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Raising Godly kids

Lindsey Carlson has suggestions for training kids and teens to grow their own faith in Jesus. Show Notes and Resources Find out more from Lindsey Carlson at Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network. Learn more about becoming a Legacy Partner, a monthly supporter of FamilyLife.
9/19/202028 minutes
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Is School in Session?

Parents are making some difficult decisions regarding school this fall. As a teacher, Nan Deal offers suggestions for forming a cooperation between teachers and parents to make sure children are learning. Show Notes and Resources Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network. Have the FamilyLife Today® podcast and resources helped you?  Consider becoming a Legacy Partner, a monthly supporter of FamilyLife.
9/12/202028 minutes
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Spiritual Liberation for Prisoners

Dennis Rainey gives a message at a local prison, and some of the gentlemen in that prison catch a vision to be the spiritual leaders of their families even while being incarcerated. Also, hear from Pete Leonard, a coffee roaster, who wants to bestow dignity and worth to former prisoners. Show Notes and Resources Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network. Learn more about becoming a Legacy Partner, a monthly supporter of FamilyLife.
9/5/202028 minutes