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FBG Sunday Sermons

English, Religion, 1 season, 220 episodes, 5 days, 5 hours, 20 minutes
Weekly services from FBG (First Baptist Georgetown). FBG strives to love God, love people and help others do the same.
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Ready. Set. Go | Colossians 3:18-21 | Week 2

27 minutes, 37 seconds
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Joshua 1 — Prepare to Take the Land

Kevin Ueckert — God reminded Joshua from the outset of his new leadership role that His divine presence would abide with him every step of the way. The Lord's commands were clear: Follow the Law and prepare to occupy the land which was promised.
41 minutes, 27 seconds
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Colossians 3:5-11 Live Service Recording

1 hour, 10 minutes, 47 seconds
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Matthew 13:1-23 — The Future of the Gospel

Dr. Steven Smith
39 minutes
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Revelation 12 — Overcomers

Kevin Ueckert
39 minutes, 33 seconds
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1 John 1:5–10 — God Is Light

Kevin Ueckert
39 minutes, 30 seconds
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James 1:5–8 — The Unfortunate Events of the Best Summer Ever: Part 2

Kevin Ueckert
37 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ephesians 2:4–7 — The Best Family Ever

L.J. McCulloch
30 minutes, 50 seconds
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Mark 5:21–43 — Peace in the Chaos

Curt Sparkman — Everybody faces chaos in their life. Each moment of chaos is an opportunity to recognize our desperation for Jesus and run to Him believing He is enough to bring peace out of our chaos.
28 minutes, 1 second
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Revelation 14:1–5 — Our Great Reward

Kevin Ueckert
36 minutes, 2 seconds
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Revelation 14:14–20 — Be Ready

Kevin Ueckert
37 minutes, 29 seconds
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Joshua 7 — Sin in the Camp

Kevin Ueckert — No sin can be or should be hidden from God.
38 minutes, 50 seconds
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Revelation 12 — The Church Overcomes

Kevin Ueckert
40 minutes, 32 seconds
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Hebrews 11:23–27 — Steady Steps

Curt Sparkman — Deciding to take a next step is an exciting place to be. When we seek the Lord and believe we understand what step He is leading us to take, we find a renewed energy and focus.
29 minutes, 51 seconds
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Revelation 22:10–21 — Come, Lord Jesus!

Kevin Ueckert
36 minutes, 42 seconds
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Revelation 2:18-29 — Eyes of Fire

Kevin Ueckert
33 minutes, 36 seconds
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Joshua 20–21 — Cities of Light

Kevin Ueckert — Consider that you live where you live to be salt and light to those living in proximity to you. God has placed you right where you live so that you might help others know and follow Him.
33 minutes, 27 seconds
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John 11:1–54 — Love in the Wait

Kevin Ueckert — In all the waiting of life, keep on waiting for Jesus. His love will not fail to make the impossible possible in your life. Keep on living for Jesus. Keep on loving Jesus. He is our hope, our peace, our joy and our love and He alone
27 minutes, 4 seconds
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Revelation 3:7-13 — Faithfulness

Kevin Ueckert
31 minutes, 44 seconds
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Romans 1:13-17 — All In and Not Ashamed

Gordon Fort
36 minutes, 19 seconds
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Exodus 3–4:17 — Standing at the Crossroads Part 1

Curt Sparkman — God has a history of interrupting peoples' lives, showing them a glimpse of His greatness and calling them to do that which exceeds their ability — but not His.
37 minutes, 50 seconds
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1 John 4:19–21 — Love God, Love People

Kevin Ueckert — Loving God and loving people are inseparable by design. We cannot love God if we do not seek to love other people, even the people who are hard to love.
29 minutes, 22 seconds
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Revelation 16 — What We Don't Deserve

Kevin Ueckert
38 minutes, 54 seconds
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Hebrews 4:14-16; 10:19-25 — Don't Give Up: Hold Fast and Draw Near

Dr. David Griffin
36 minutes, 59 seconds
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Judges 1:1-2:10 — One Generation Away

Kevin Ueckert
30 minutes, 38 seconds
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1 Chronicles 22 — Planting Trees You Will Never Sit Under

Dr. David Griffin — Just as God instructed David to provide opportunities for the following generation, he expects all of us to do the same.
36 minutes, 37 seconds
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Joshua 8 — Responding to Forgiveness Through Obedience

Kevin Ueckert — After God restores our relationship with Him through our repentance, we should be quick to hear Him, obey His commands and worship Him.
38 minutes, 54 seconds
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Judges 13:1-25 — Wonderful

Kevin Ueckert
34 minutes, 32 seconds
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Revelation 2:12-17 — Right Relationship

Kevin Ueckert
28 minutes, 19 seconds
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Matthew 22:34–40 — Love God

Kevin Ueckert — In their simplest form, God's commandments make us aware that we are incapable of loving Him and the people near us in our own strength. When an awareness of our great need is followed by faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ
36 minutes, 43 seconds
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Judges 4:1-5:31 — Friends With God

Kevin Ueckert
32 minutes, 1 second
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Becoming a Ready Bride | Colossians 2:1-7

The focus of this passage is Paul's struggle for the church at Colossae. His burden is that they would know Christ and walk in him so that they would be a ready bride. This is accomplished by living in Christ, being established in the faith and ove
44 minutes, 24 seconds
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Numbers 13–14 — Standing at the Crossroads Part 2

Curt Sparkman — God creates "right here, right now" moments that present an opportunity for us to join Him in His great works. He does not need us to accomplish His will; He invites us to participate.
29 minutes, 21 seconds
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1 John 2:15–17 — Not of This World

Kevin Ueckert
30 minutes, 20 seconds
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Joshua 6:1–27 — Victory

Kevin Ueckert — Everything changes when we know that God is with us and that with God is the victory.
39 minutes, 6 seconds
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Joshua 1:1–2 — Everyone Needs a Joshua

Kevin Ueckert — God's design is for each of us to have a Joshua in our life — a person we are intentionally developing to take the gospel and multiply the body of Christ. Taking our land for His kingdom begins with making and growing disciples.
38 minutes, 24 seconds
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Revelation 1:9-20 — Seeing Jesus

Kevin Ueckert
36 minutes, 58 seconds
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Striving — Haggai 1

Curt Sparkman
27 minutes
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Colossians 1:9–14 — A Life Worth Living

Chad Warren
43 minutes, 20 seconds
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1 John 3:11–24 — God Knows Everything

Kevin Ueckert — God knows everything and will keep His promises to forgive and save those who have trusted in Jesus Christ.
33 minutes, 57 seconds
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John 11:55 — The Resurrection is Everything

Kevin Ueckert
32 minutes, 23 seconds
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Judges 8:22-35 — A Life of Faith

Kevin Ueckert
26 minutes, 9 seconds
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Deuteronomy 6:4–9 — Disciple-Making Amid Daily Living

Brett Levy — When God instituted the family, one of His purposes for the family was to help transmit the gospel and the truths of the Bible in order to cultivate personal walks of faith from generation to generation.
36 minutes, 45 seconds
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Colossians 1 :15–23 — The Supremacy of Christ

Curt Sparkman — In showing Christ's supremacy, Paul helps the Colossian church put their lives in the proper perspective of who they are in light of who Jesus is.
26 minutes, 46 seconds
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1 Corinthians 12:14-20 — A Day of Decision

Kevin Ueckert
27 minutes, 45 seconds
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Jeremiah 29:4–7 — To Be a Blessing Part 2

Chad Warren — God has a plan for you that leads you to not being of the world, but He has sent you into the world (John 17:14–19). You are to be about the family business of knowing God and making Him known in the ordinary everyday moments of you
33 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ready. Set. Go | Colossians 3: 12-17 | Week 1

Colossians 3: 12-17 Ready. Set. Go is a mini-series in our continued study of Colossians.
32 minutes, 50 seconds
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Judges 9:1-57 — Any King Is Not the Answer

Kevin Ueckert
20 minutes, 42 seconds
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Joshua 18–19 — What Are You Waiting For?

Kevin Ueckert — God has delivered on His promise to the Israelites — the land has been subdued and is waiting for them to take possession.
38 minutes, 18 seconds
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Joshua 3:1–5:1 — Cross the River

Kevin Ueckert — We are prone to forget the wondrous works of the Redeemer. As memories fade, fear often takes root in the vacated space resulting in reduced confidence in the Lord and hesitation in obeying Him.
40 minutes, 59 seconds
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Go and Tell

Kevin Ueckert
16 minutes, 15 seconds
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2 Chronicles 30–31 — Find Compassion

Kevin Ueckert
32 minutes, 44 seconds
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Colossians 1:1–14 — A Reputation That Matters

Curt Sparkman — Paul wrote to the Colossians to encourage them and ensure that their knowledge of Jesus Christ was not distorted by the popular beliefs of their culture.
32 minutes, 18 seconds
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Judges 19-21 — We Need a King

Kevin Ueckert
33 minutes, 37 seconds
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Genesis 12:1–3 — To Be a Blessing Part 1

Chad Warren — God loves your family more than you do. This has been true for all families across human history.
33 minutes, 38 seconds
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Judges 3:12-31 — Exactly What We Need

Kevin Ueckert
31 minutes, 8 seconds
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Christmas Changes Everything

Kevin Ueckert
21 minutes, 44 seconds
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Community: Teach and Admonish One Another — Colossians 3:1–17

Curt Sparkman
37 minutes, 58 seconds
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Joshua 12–13 — Some Assembly Required

Kevin Ueckert — Through the Israelites' obedience, God gave them the land, just as He promised.
36 minutes, 13 seconds
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Judges 10:1-16 — This Is Repentance

Kevin Ueckert
29 minutes, 35 seconds
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1 John 5:6–12 — Can I Get a Witness?

Kevin Ueckert — God has given multiple witnesses about Jesus Christ that provide reliable and consistent evidence from which anyone can believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. When someone believes in Jesus Christ, he or she receives eternal li
35 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ephesians 4:11–16 — We Help People

Kevin Ueckert — Ephesians 4:11–16 gives us a picture of the bride of Christ and how the church body operates and interacts with each other and the world, for her sanctification and the glory of God.
35 minutes, 49 seconds
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Family Talk - Colossians 1:1-8

Paul heard stories of the Gospel fruit being produced by the believers in Colossae which brought him great joy. In response, he sent his affirmation and encouragement to the Colossian church which would have surely inspired them to continue in their
41 minutes, 14 seconds
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God's Way — Ephesians 5:21–33

Kevin Ueckert
36 minutes, 59 seconds
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1 Timothy 6:17–19 — Taking Our Next Steps Together

Kevin Ueckert — God is moving in Williamson County and inviting us to join Him in the “greater graces” — helping others find God and follow Him.
39 minutes, 12 seconds
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Judges 10:17-11:28 — God's Will Reigns Supreme

Kevin Ueckert
29 minutes, 33 seconds
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Matthew 16:13-18 — I Will Build My Church

Dr. O.S. Hawkins
28 minutes, 24 seconds
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Judges 17:1-18:31 — All the Wrong Places

Kevin Ueckert
37 minutes, 18 seconds
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Revelation 21:1–8 — Thirsty

Kevin Ueckert
32 minutes, 21 seconds
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Community: Love One Another — John 13:34–35

Ben Wilson
26 minutes, 7 seconds
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1 John 2:12–14 — Encouragement

Kevin Ueckert
37 minutes, 47 seconds
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Habakkuk 3:1-19 — Why? Through it All

Curt Sparkman
30 minutes, 18 seconds
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1 Corinthians 10:23–11:1 — Glorious Surrender

Curt Sparkman
33 minutes, 18 seconds
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Revelation 5 — Lamb of God

Kevin Ueckert
34 minutes, 12 seconds
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Joshua 22 — The Witness

Kevin Ueckert — Jesus tells us that our witness to the world is our love for each other as followers of Christ in our homes, in our churches and in our workplaces.
39 minutes, 55 seconds
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1 John 2:29–3:10 — Our Family Identity

Kevin Ueckert — We belong to God as His children. Our pursuit of a righteous life isn't about a self-mustered effort to complete a moral checklist. Instead, the overall patterns and rhythms of our lives are an outpouring of love for a Father who ho
35 minutes, 45 seconds
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Judges 3:7-11 — A Change in Direction

Kevin Ueckert
27 minutes, 49 seconds
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Advent - Love - Isaiah 61:1-3

Isaiah brought hope in his prophesy proclaiming how the coming Messiah would show His love to His people.
41 minutes, 39 seconds
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2 Peter 1:3–4 — Everything We Need for the Best Summer Ever

Dr. David Griffin
33 minutes, 47 seconds
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Mark 5:1–20 — Hope in the Broken

Dr. David Griffin — The busyness and stress of the Christmas season can easily leave us little time to invest meaningfully in personal relationships, leaving us isolated and alone.
31 minutes, 56 seconds
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Hebrews 9:11–28 — A Better Way

Curt Sparkman
29 minutes, 17 seconds
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Striving — Haggai 2

Curt Sparkman
27 minutes, 27 seconds
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Joshua 24:1-28 – More Memories

Joshua sets the example that he and his family will serve the Lord. He challenges the rest of the Israelites to make a choice to do the same and to put away all their idols.
32 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ephesians 1; 2:4–10; 17–22; 5:22–33 — Becoming a Ready Bride

Kevin Ueckert — As recipients of God's grace through Jesus Christ, we are called to join with other believers in making the church a ready bride for Christ's return.
46 minutes, 1 second
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Easter — Celebrate

Kevin Ueckert
29 minutes, 23 seconds
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Closer to Jesus - Part 3 - 1 Cor. 9:19-23

Paul's motivation to lead someone close to him closer to Jesus is partnership in the blessings of the gospel. He longs for everyone to experience the blessings of the gospel, the adventure of the expanding kingdom of God. He wants to be a part o
37 minutes, 14 seconds
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Revelation 6:1-8 — Four Horsemen

Kevin Ueckert
33 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ezekiel 36:16–36 — A Change of Heart

Dr. David Griffin — We have been redeemed from our sin and God wants us to help others find Jesus.
37 minutes, 51 seconds
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1 John 5:18–21 — Be on Guard

Kevin Ueckert — God has provided a way for us to live in the confidence of the new identity Jesus has given us by following His commands, confessing when we fail, loving others and experiencing His works daily to replenish our assurance.
39 minutes, 36 seconds
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Advent - Joy - Zechariah 2:10

This powerful and exciting verse tells us to sing and rejoice for our Lord is coming to be with us. What tremendous source of JOY!
36 minutes, 57 seconds
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Joshua 14 — Our Inheritance

Kevin Ueckert — Our inheritance is even greater than the Levites — the Holy Spirit dwells inside us when we have accepted Jesus' payment for our sins (1 Corinthians 6:19–20). This should change everything about how we live on this side of
34 minutes, 59 seconds
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Philippians 4:4–9 — More Than Enough

Curt Sparkman
30 minutes, 39 seconds
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Habakkuk 2:5-20 — Why? Glory and God's Great Plan

Curt Sparkman
28 minutes, 20 seconds
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Revelation 18:1–24 — God is Strong

Kevin Ueckert
39 minutes, 51 seconds
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Acts 1:15-26 — A Better Way

Kevin Ueckert
35 minutes, 11 seconds
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Luke 15 — Jesus Seeks Sinners

Kevin Ueckert
27 minutes, 55 seconds
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Judges 14:1-15:20 — The Right Side of Grace

Kevin Ueckert
35 minutes, 57 seconds
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1 John 5:1–5 — Not a Burden

Kevin Ueckert — Active faith in the person and work of Jesus is the defining mark of a Christ-follower. Christian identity compels a response to the Lord's matchless love.
36 minutes, 36 seconds
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1 John 2:1–6 — Certainty

Kevin Ueckert
31 minutes, 48 seconds
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Revelation 9:13-21 — We Will Worship

Kevin Ueckert
39 minutes, 13 seconds
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Revelation 21:9–27 — No Temple

Kevin Ueckert
39 minutes, 46 seconds
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I Cry Out - Psalm 90

30 minutes, 26 seconds
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1 John 1:1–4 — More Joy

Kevin Ueckert
34 minutes, 35 seconds
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Judges 2:11-3:6 — The Compassion of God

Kevin Ueckert
35 minutes
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James 3:1–12 — Words Matter

Curt Sparkman — Each one of us experiences some degree of disconnect between the standard of a perfectly holy God and our actions. This gap should drive us to confession and repentance, not spur us to pursue the hollowness of mere behavioral modifi
29 minutes, 40 seconds
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Revelation 1:4-8 — The Hope of Glory

Kevin Ueckert
29 minutes, 49 seconds
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Colossians 4:7-18

29 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ephesians 4:11–16 — God's Plan: The Church

Curt Sparkman — One of the primary means God provides for us to grow in our ability to abide in Christ is through the church. It can be easy to minimize the role of the church in our lives and to miss what God intends to do in our lives through the
28 minutes, 1 second
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2 Corinthians 9:6–15; Luke 16:10–13 — Stewards of Grace

Kevin Ueckert — Take the next step in helping others as the church. This is a call for everyone, not just for specific people or specific roles. Join a small group this week. Take the next step toward equipping others. Respond to a request for help
35 minutes, 51 seconds
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1 John 5:13–17 — The Assurance Cycle

Kevin Ueckert — God gives believers confidence regarding their identify in Christ. Their assurance of eternal life empowers boldness in prayer as they ask to see the Lord's will come to pass. God promises to hear and responds in perfect timing and
32 minutes, 38 seconds
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Jeremiah 1:4–5 — What God Did for You Before You Were Born

O.S. Hawkins — Awaken to the reality that no one else on the entire planet has a DNA just like yours. You are an individual, indescribably valuable to God.
29 minutes, 7 seconds
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Revelation 7:9–12 — The Salvation of God

Kevin Ueckert
31 minutes, 5 seconds
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Revelation 1:1-3 — The Way of Blessing

Kevin Ueckert
36 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ephesians 5:15-16 — Best Summer Ever

Brett Levy
34 minutes, 36 seconds
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Jeremiah 29:1-14 — Citizens of a Kingdom

Kevin Ueckert
33 minutes, 30 seconds
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Who Leads the Church and Why it Matters - Various texts

God designed for the pastors and leaders of our church to provide an essential benefit and blessing for each person in our church.
37 minutes, 30 seconds
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Judges 11:29-40 — Faith and Victory

Kevin Ueckert
33 minutes, 53 seconds
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Matthew 21:28-46 — The Cornerstone

Curt Sparkman
31 minutes, 41 seconds
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Joshua 24:29-33 – Leaving a Legacy

At the conclusion of the Book of Joshua, the last of the faithful leaders used by the Lord passed away as the nation of Israel steps into a new way of life in the promised land. What was true in that generation is true of every generation – our leg
35 minutes, 8 seconds
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James 4:13-17 — Asking “What” When the Question Is “Why”?

O.S. Hawkins
32 minutes, 18 seconds
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Matthew 28:19–20 — Outposts for the Gospel

Brett Levy — As we follow Christ, we are expected to be making disciples “as we go” through our daily lives. This begins in our families with parents/grandparents/aunts/uncles/siblings being intentional about discipling the younger generations
31 minutes, 39 seconds
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John 11:17–48 — The Revealing of Christ

Curt Sparkman
33 minutes, 3 seconds
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Suffering with Purpose | Colossians 1:24-29

We all choose to suffer for something we think matters - for success in a competition, at work, for our family or for a cause we believe in. Jesus Christ glorified is the thing most worthy of our suffering.
35 minutes, 4 seconds
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Revelation 20:1–10 — Reward for the Faithful

Kevin Ueckert
37 minutes, 30 seconds
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Anna: Prayer Warrior & Faithful Witness - Luke 2:36-38

The prophetess Anna was blessed by God to have a personal encounter with Jesus. God took that humble and faithful prayer warrior and made her into one of the first and most enduring witnesses for Christ. She should be a role model for us today.
34 minutes, 59 seconds
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Joshua 2 — Faith That Takes the Land

Kevin Ueckert — Faith alone allows each one of us to have right standing before God and to be used by Him to take the land for the gospel.
39 minutes, 16 seconds
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Joshua 9 — God Redeems

Kevin Ueckert — Israel made a big mistake when they made the treaty. But instead of making it worse with additional sins, they responded by returning to doing things "the right way."
35 minutes, 12 seconds
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2 Corinthians 2:14-17 — Vision 2017

Kevin Ueckert
36 minutes, 55 seconds
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1 John 2:7–11 — No More Stumbling

Kevin Ueckert
41 minutes, 50 seconds
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Words With God: Invitation not Obligation — Week One

Kevin Ueckert
31 minutes, 40 seconds
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Joshua 11 — God Keeps His Promises

Kevin Ueckert — Today's story is full of God's promises to His people that He kept. God keeps all His promises. His people trust Him and through their trust, they experience the blessing of His fulfilled promises.
35 minutes, 21 seconds
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1 John 4:1–6 — God Is Greater

Kevin Ueckert — Every day we will encounter many different messages and temptations that threaten to pull us away from the truth and from our confidence in Jesus Christ. But we are not alone. He that is in us is greater than all the messages and te
31 minutes, 22 seconds
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Revelation 22:1–9 — See His Face: The New Earth

Kevin Ueckert
32 minutes, 42 seconds
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2 Corinthians 1:3–11 — The Comfort of Christ in Suffering

L.J. McCulloch
32 minutes, 20 seconds
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Living on Mission

Kevin Ueckert
34 minutes, 28 seconds
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Revelation 2:1-7 — First Love

Kevin Ueckert
31 minutes, 59 seconds
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Matthew 13:44-46 — What's It Worth?

Brett Levy
33 minutes, 4 seconds
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Revelation 7:13–17 — A Perfect Shepherd

Kevin Ueckert
35 minutes, 7 seconds
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1 Peter 3:7 — Best Summer Ever

Kevin Ueckert
42 minutes, 29 seconds
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Revelation 17:1–18 — God's Purposes

Kevin Ueckert
40 minutes, 34 seconds
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Revelation 6:9-11 — The Fifth Seal

Kevin Ueckert
38 minutes, 3 seconds
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Revelation 4 — Worship Is Ultimate

Kevin Ueckert
31 minutes, 6 seconds
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Joshua 23 — The Blessing of God's Faithfulness

Kevin Ueckert — Joshua recounts all that the Lord has done in fulfilling His promises and charges the leaders to continue to cling tightly to the Lord.
37 minutes, 51 seconds
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Revelation 19:11–21 — Stand Firm in Faith

Kevin Ueckert
42 minutes, 18 seconds
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Living in Awe of Jesus - Colossians 1:13-20

The Bible is full of amazing stories that all point to THE story - God's redemption through Jesus Christ. In this passage, Paul powerfully exhorts Christ, what He has done, and what He is doing.
36 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ephesians 6:1-4; 10-20 — Three Things Every Child Needs to Thrive in the Christian Life

Phillip Bethancourt — Executive Vice President Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
29 minutes, 12 seconds
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Matthew 18:21–22 — New Life in Christ: Forgiveness

Brett Levy
26 minutes, 52 seconds
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Habakkuk 1:1-2:4 — Why? Questions and Faith

Curt Sparkman
29 minutes, 11 seconds
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Acts 17:16–34 — You Are Here

Kevin Ueckert — The Creator is set apart and completely sovereign, yet so very near and knowable. He has gone to great lengths for you to find Him. The journey starts with repentance — an acknowledgement that you are wrong, and He is right.
42 minutes, 11 seconds
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Acts 17:16–34 — Driven by Hope

Chad Warren
33 minutes, 6 seconds
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Mark 2:1–12 — Joy in the Journey

Brett Levy — People often think of happiness when they think of joy. They are similar, but happiness is circumstantial. Joy has little to do with the circumstances of our life and everything to do with the focus of our life.
25 minutes, 25 seconds
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Revelation 10:1-11 — No More Delay

Kevin Ueckert
38 minutes, 34 seconds
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Revelation 3:14-22 — Restoration

Kevin Ueckert
30 minutes, 19 seconds
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Jeremiah 29:1-9 — Citizens of a Nation

Kevin Ueckert
39 minutes, 10 seconds
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Revelation 2:8-11 — Jesus Sees Clearly

Kevin Ueckert
33 minutes, 9 seconds
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Community: Encourage One Another — Hebrews 10:24–25

Jake Wright
26 minutes, 46 seconds
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Revelation 13 — Deception is our Greatest Threat: Part One

Kevin Ueckert
38 minutes, 33 seconds
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I Cry Out | Psalm 142

Join us as we journey through "I Cry Out" - a sermon series in Psalms
31 minutes, 42 seconds
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Revelation 19:7–10 — The Greatest Invitation

Kevin Ueckert
38 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Good News of Christmas

Kevin Ueckert
32 minutes, 12 seconds
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Revelation 11:1-14 — The Final Word

Kevin Ueckert
35 minutes, 38 seconds
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2 Timothy 2:1–10 — Help Others Do the Same

Kevin Ueckert — Change can be difficult because we prefer to live in what is known or at least what is more known. However, when we are unwilling to change something particular in our lives, it is often a clear indication that idolatry has crept in
33 minutes, 44 seconds
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Galatians 5:13-14 — Collide Impact Weekend

Brett Levy
33 minutes, 13 seconds
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Judges 6:1-8:21 — From Fear to Faith

Kevin Ueckert
33 minutes, 21 seconds
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Closer to Jesus - Part 1 - 1 Cor. 9:24-27

Our 2020 Vision is for each of us to lead someone who is close to us closer to Jesus. Jesus places us where we live, when we live, around people who need to see and hear about Jesus through us. As we grow closer to Jesus in 2020, we want those who ar
36 minutes, 4 seconds
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2 Corinthians 5:17–18 — New Life in Christ: Hide No More

Kevin Ueckert
34 minutes, 55 seconds
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How to Know You Have Worshipped — Isaiah 6:1–9

O.S. Hawkins
23 minutes, 17 seconds
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Revelation 11:15-19 — The Reign of Christ

Kevin Ueckert
37 minutes, 58 seconds
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2 Corinthians 5:17–18 — New Life in Christ: Moving Into Community

Dr. David Griffin
37 minutes, 17 seconds
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Matthew 7:7–12 — Love People

Kevin Ueckert — We are called to love people in a selfless, sacrificial and wholehearted way. God's love stands as our perfect example.
29 minutes, 47 seconds
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Revelation 20:11–15 — The Book of Life

Kevin Ueckert
32 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Harvest — Matthew 9:35–38

Jake Wright
26 minutes, 49 seconds
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Closer to Jesus - Rerouting...

Acts 20:22-24
29 minutes, 41 seconds
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Advent - Peace - Isaiah 9:6-7

When Jesus came He offered a peace far greater than anyone could have imagined.
30 minutes, 38 seconds
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1 John 4:17–18 — No Fear

Kevin Ueckert — God's love for us is the answer for all our fears. Perfect love casts out fear. God is love and those who have trusted in Jesus Christ can experience the life-changing love of God.
32 minutes, 20 seconds
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Luke 13:1–9 — A Window of Opportunity

Kevin Ueckert
22 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ephesians 2:1–10 — Looking Back

Curt Sparkman
31 minutes, 28 seconds
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Joshua 10 — Live for the Rescue

Kevin Ueckert — In the battle to conquer the southern region, God again fights and wins the battle for His purposes and His people, specifically to enable His people to rescue the Gibeonites.
36 minutes, 49 seconds
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Psalm 106 — Remember What He Has Done

Chad Warren — When we remember what God has done, we regard what we are doing.
38 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

What's Next, What's Best | Colossians 1:9-12

We often have concerns about what to do next in our lives. We want to make sure that we are making the best decision or choosing the best way. As followers of Christ, we want to live a life that is more and more pleasing to the Lord. For that reas
39 minutes, 42 seconds
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Judges 12:1-15 — Unity Is Better

Kevin Ueckert
35 minutes, 3 seconds
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Judges 16 — God Listens

Kevin Ueckert
28 minutes, 15 seconds
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Revelation 6:12–17 — Hide No More

Kevin Ueckert
33 minutes, 47 seconds
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Matthew 20:1-16 — Surprising Generosity

Dr. David Griffin
30 minutes, 52 seconds
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Revelation 15 — A New Forever

Kevin Ueckert
39 minutes, 10 seconds
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Mark 1 :35-39 — Fuel for the Journey

Brett Levy
32 minutes, 46 seconds
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Matthew 21:23-32 — Parable of the Two Sons

Jake Wright
27 minutes, 59 seconds
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Revelation — The Revelation of Jesus

Kevin Ueckert
33 minutes, 57 seconds
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Revelation 14:6–13 — Pay the Better Price

Kevin Ueckert
40 minutes, 12 seconds
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2 Corinthians 5:14–21 — Everyday Ambassadors

Chad Warren
31 minutes, 30 seconds
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Revelation 8 — Silence and Trumpets

Kevin Ueckert
40 minutes, 57 seconds
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Mark 4:35-41 — Perception and Reality

Kevin Ueckert
36 minutes, 56 seconds
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1 John 2:18–25 — Eternal Life

Kevin Ueckert
33 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ephesians 4:11-13 — Best Summer Ever: Serve

Kevin Ueckert
35 minutes, 18 seconds
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2 Corinthians 7:8–11 — New Life in Christ: A New Way

Curt Sparkman
34 minutes, 56 seconds
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James 1:2–4 — The Unfortunate Events of the Best Summer Ever: Part 1

Kevin Ueckert
30 minutes, 37 seconds
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Revelation 9:1-12 — The Fifth Trumpet

Kevin Ueckert
41 minutes, 46 seconds
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1 John 4:13–16 — We Know

Kevin Ueckert — As we experience Jesus Christ and the love of God in our church and in our lives, we will consider ways to share the love of Jesus Christ with others.
29 minutes, 26 seconds
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1 John 4:7–12 — Visible God

Kevin Ueckert — God is invisible, yet He provides the opportunity to see Him through His Word and through His people.
36 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ready. Set. Go | Colossians 3: 22 - 4:1 | Week 3

26 minutes, 55 seconds
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Revelation 19:1–6 — Hallelujah

Kevin Ueckert
38 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ephesians 4:1–6 — Maintaining Church Unity

David Griffin
39 minutes, 59 seconds
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150-Year Celebration

Kevin Ueckert
23 minutes, 25 seconds
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Joshua 5:1–18 — Preparing for the Lord's Victories in Our Land

Kevin Ueckert — It is God who provides victories and we have an opportunity to join Him in His great works.
37 minutes, 13 seconds
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Remaining in the Faith - Colossians 1:21-23

Following the awe-inspiring truth of who Jesus is. Let's be certain that we are changed because of our encounter with Him!
42 minutes, 30 seconds
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Revelation 3:1-6 — Revival

Kevin Ueckert
30 minutes, 12 seconds
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Free Bondservants — 1 Peter 2:13–20

Kevin Ueckert
37 minutes, 17 seconds
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Matthew 10:24–31 — No More Fear

Kevin Ueckert — Fearing God doesn't mean being afraid of Him but trusting in Him and following Him with your life every single day.
32 minutes, 21 seconds
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Words With God: Invitation not Obligation — Week Two

Curt Sparkman
23 minutes, 9 seconds
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Matthew 26:17-30 — Preparing for the Cross

Curt Sparkman
23 minutes, 40 seconds
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Community: Bear With One Another — Ephesians 4:1–6

Brett Levy
35 minutes, 24 seconds
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Joshua 15–17 — We Can Do It

Kevin Ueckert — These chapters begin a detailed description of the allotment of the Promised Land. The real story of how Israel was dealing with the enemy that remained in the land is found in the details of the description.
35 minutes, 57 seconds
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Revelation 7:1-8 — The Seal of God

Kevin Ueckert
31 minutes, 8 seconds
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Closer to Jesus - Part 2 - 1 Corinthians 9:19-22

Vision 2020 - Lead someone who is close to you closer to Jesus. As we grow closer to Jesus in 2020, we want those who are close to us to also grow closer to Jesus.
39 minutes, 11 seconds
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Revelation 13 — Deception is our Greatest Threat: Part Two

Kevin Ueckert
41 minutes, 34 seconds
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1 John 2:26-28 — The Greatest Work

Kevin Ueckert — We often go about our daily routines and everyday lives without really thinking about God's incredible gift to us: His presence through the Holy Spirit. God is with us, always. "Abiding" in this reality, we can set our gaz
35 minutes, 39 seconds
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Becoming A Ready Bride | Colossians 2:8-15

In this passage, Paul warns us to be careful not to be deceived by false teachings. He reminds us of the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ as well as what He has done in us to enable us to avoid deception if we stay rooted in Him.
25 minutes, 19 seconds
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Luke 9:57-62 — Going to Jerusalem

Chad Warren
59 minutes, 10 seconds
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Words With God: Invitation not Obligation — Week Three

Ben Wilson
29 minutes, 54 seconds
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Advent - Hope - Genesis 3:15

In Genesis 3:15 we see that one of the results of sin is conflict and subjugation to our enemy the Devil. However, we are given Hope that the Devil will be defeated by our ultimate Savior, Jesus.
34 minutes, 33 seconds