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Fellowship Bible Church Waco Sunday Messages Cover
Fellowship Bible Church Waco Sunday Messages Profile

Fellowship Bible Church Waco Sunday Messages

English, Religion, 1 season, 675 episodes, 5 days, 18 hours, 19 minutes
Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
Episode Artwork

September 15, 2024 | The Final End of False World Religion

Do you know how destructive the web of false world religion is and what happens to it in the end? Revelation 17 graphically describes what every person needs to know about its identity, how it ends and the only way to overcome its grasp.
9/15/202439 minutes, 39 seconds
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September 8, 2024 | The Final Curtain for a Christ-Rejecting World

What occurs when God brings His final end-time judgment upon a Christ-rejecting world? Revelation 16 depicts the sobering and revealing events to come that cause us to evaluate how we live today.
9/8/202441 minutes, 5 seconds
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September 1, 2024 | The Holiness of God

Every believer in Christ knows that God is holy, but what does that mean, and how are we to respond? In Revelation 15, we will discover the answers to these critical questions that develop a greater devotion and expression of worship in His people.
9/1/202435 minutes, 56 seconds
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August 25, 2024 | The Eternal Gospel in Action: Saul of Tarsus’ Journey of Salvation!

Believers have experienced it, the lost are in need of it, many will reject it. What is “It?” The eternal gospel! Join with us this Sunday as we look at how Saul of Tarsus allowed the eternal gospel to not only save him, but to stir a passion within him to make sure the whole world knew about IT!
8/25/202439 minutes, 48 seconds
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August 11, 2024 | The Ultimate Deception Unveiled

Just how far will Satan go to deceive the masses? This Sunday, we will see the sobering and staggering reality of the devil’s ultimate deception and the only way to not be ensnared, as unveiled in Revelation 13.
8/11/202442 minutes, 25 seconds
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August 4, 2024 | The Resounding Praise for our Lord

Are we as believers crazy to think we can truly praise the Lord everywhere and in everything--the victories, the defeats, the mountaintop, the valley, the joy, the sadness? Join us this Sunday as we look to Psalm 150 to answer this question. Just a hint, we are NOT crazy:)
8/4/202427 minutes, 45 seconds
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July 28, 2024 | Remembering the Faithful Works of the Lord

Many times, when we face troubling situations or seasons in life, we are tempted to feel like we are lost and alone with no real hope. As we continue our sermon series, “Summer in the Psalms”, we are encouraged by Asaph in Psalm 77 to remember the past faithfulness of the Lord. Join with us this Sunday as we worship Jesus together and find comfort in recalling His faithfulness!
7/28/202439 minutes, 24 seconds
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July 21. 2024 | The Refuge and the Roar

The world around us is roaring and chaotic. The natural world and nations of the world appear out of control. Psalm 46 tells us this is not new. Do you want to know how to have deep peace and serenity in a world that doesn’t provide either of those? Psalm 46 provides the key to finding and knowing the refuge that can only come from knowing God.
7/21/202437 minutes, 43 seconds
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July 14, 2024 | Training The Heart For Adversity

How are the faithful to respond in moments of pain, anguish, and despair? In a fallen world, these times come and go for all of us. Before they do, how can we train our hearts to respond? In the midst of his own incredible turmoil, King David wrote Psalm 27, which serves us as a training of the heart to respond to those painful moments when the goodness of God and the painfulness of the moment appear to be in conflict. What do we do when we know God is good but it feels like he is not? -
7/14/202438 minutes, 22 seconds
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July 7, 2024 | The Righteous Way of the Lord

This week we are excited to kick off our “Summer in the Psalms” sermon series with Psalm 1. The psalmist identifies two ways people choose to live their life. He writes of, “The Way of the Word and The Way of the Wicked.” The question is how does one live out the way of the Word when our flesh drives us toward the way of the wicked? Join us this Sunday as we discover the powerful way the Lord allows His righteousness to be pursued
7/7/20241 hour, 23 minutes, 38 seconds
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June 30, 2024 | The Overcomer’s Guide to Satan’s War with God and His People

There is much more than meets the eye when it comes to the spiritual war between God and Satan. Revelation 12 gives us a fascinating look into the nature of the war and how believers today and in the future become overcomers in Christ.
6/30/202440 minutes, 50 seconds
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June 23, 2024 | Never Without a Witness

God always has a witness in the world.  You are a Christian who worships today because of this reality.  Revelation 11 highlights the unique testimonies God will manifest in the end times to bear witness of His sovereign character and power.
6/23/202443 minutes, 28 seconds
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June 16, 2024 | How God Develops the Faith of His People

This week at our FX Camp, we have focused on being "all in for Jesus". To make this journey our reality, we must each learn to live by faith. In Revelation 10, we will uncover some surprising insights about how God nurtures our faith in Him and His word.
6/16/202432 minutes, 13 seconds
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June 9, 2024 | Depravity Runs Deep

In a rarely taught section of Revelation, we discover just how deep the problem of human depravity is. Chapters 8 and 9 vividly show how great our need is for God's mercy in the midst of His judgments.
6/9/202451 minutes, 15 seconds
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June 2, 2024 | Seeing the Merciful Character of God Amid the Tribulations on Earth

This morning, we will take a look at a fascinating journey into the future as we study Revelation 7 and see the merciful character of God put on full display during the greatest judgments the world will ever face.
6/2/202444 minutes, 23 seconds
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May 26, 2024 | The World’s Coming Storm

What will occur when God brings His final judgment of the world? In Revelation 6 God gives a riveting look into the future of the events that take place on earth before Jesus Christ returns from heaven.
5/26/202438 minutes, 18 seconds
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May 19, 2024 | Heaven on Earth: A Lifestyle of Worship

As believers, we long for the eternal worship of Jesus in His presence in Heaven. But until then, what does worship of our Savior look like here on earth? This morning, we look to Psalm 63 to gain understanding of how a lifestyle of worship is displayed by the believer.
5/19/202435 minutes, 59 seconds
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May 12, 2024 | Heaven’s Awe-Inspiring Worship of Jesus Christ

We are familiar with worshipping Jesus Christ on earth, but what will it look like in heaven? In Revelation 5, we get a glimpse of the awe-inspiring worship of Jesus in heaven and what drives this celebration of Christ.
5/12/202443 minutes, 18 seconds
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May 5, 2024 | What Heaven is Really Like

Heaven. Everyone has heard of it, and most believe it exists. But what is heaven really like? In Revelation 4, Jesus gives John a unique glimpse into the glory of heaven, as we will see this morning.
5/5/202445 minutes, 30 seconds
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April 21, 2024 | How to Thrive in the Love of Christ

How do believers in a church thrive in the love of Christ? In the fascinating letter to the church at Philadelphia recorded in Rev. 3:7-13, Jesus outlines how Christians live well in His love.
4/21/202447 minutes, 59 seconds
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April 14, 2024 | Code Blue

“Code Blue” is a life-threatening situation for both your body and a body of local believers. This Sunday, we will discover what Jesus calls a spiritually dying church to do based on His letter in Revelation 3:1-6.
4/14/202455 minutes, 28 seconds
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April 7, 2024 | Jesus’ Plan to Build His Church

When you hear the word church, what immediately comes to your mind? This morning, we’ll dive into Ephesians 4:11-16 to discover Jesus’ plan to build His church and how He expects His church to be unified in truth and love!
4/7/202440 minutes, 23 seconds
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March 31, 20204 | From Doubt to Devotion (Easter Sunday)

Do you know the road to deep devotion to Christ may very well start with doubt? In John 20:19-31 we find a fascinating account of how this took place 2,000 years ago and discover how God continues to bring great devotion to Christ in the lives of people who started with doubt.
3/31/202444 minutes, 57 seconds
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March 29, 2024 | Why We Worship (Good Friday)

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
3/29/202428 minutes, 56 seconds
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March 24, 2024 | When Truth is Sacrificed for Tolerance

What happens when a church sacrifices truth in the name of tolerance? In Revelation 2:18-29, Jesus sends a letter to the church at Thyatira, explaining how to address the cancerous problem of tolerating sinful beliefs and behavior.
3/24/202440 minutes, 4 seconds
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March 17, 2024 | The High Cost of a Compromised Faith

What does it look like for a church to be spiritually compromised, and how serious is the issue? As we’ll see this morning, Jesus’s letter to the church at Pergamum answers these questions and reveals how Christians are to respond when compromises with the world have taken root in the church.
3/17/202441 minutes, 51 seconds
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March 10, 2024 | The Priority of a Pure Life

Amid a culture that is constantly about sin, self, and secularism, is it even possible to live a pure life? The Apostle John would answer with a resounding yes. This morning as we look to 1 John 1:5-10, we’ll learn how to prioritize living a pure life before the Lord.
3/10/202438 minutes, 15 seconds
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March 3, 2024 | The Keys to a Lifetime of Faithfulness

Who or what are you living for? In Revelation 2:8-11 we discover a letter Jesus wrote to a church living under immense pressure that reveals how to live for Christ for a lifetime.
3/3/202443 minutes, 47 seconds
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February 25, 2024 | The Church’s Ultimate Priority

What is the ultimate priority of the church? In Revelation 2:1-7, Jesus focuses on this paramount priority as He directs every church to keep and cultivate what is central to their existence.
2/25/202459 minutes, 55 seconds
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February 18, 2024 | Who is Jesus and What is His Ministry Today?

Who is Jesus, and what is His ministry today? Recent research shows that most people, including many Christians, are confused when it comes to these essential matters. As we will discover this Sunday, Revelation 1:9-20 gives us the clarity we so desperately need.
2/18/202440 minutes, 35 seconds
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February 11, 2024 | Are You Ready?

Are you getting ready for the return of Jesus Christ? Before you answer, take a close look at Revelation 1:1-8. As we will discover this Sunday, the introduction to the fascinating final book of the Bible shows us exactly what we need to know and do as we live for Christ and await His coming.
2/11/202450 minutes, 40 seconds
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February 4, 2024 | Becoming a Person Who Embodies Wisdom

Is it possible to consistently make the right decisions or choices throughout our lives? This morning we will look to Proverbs 3:1-12 to answer this question as we gain understanding in how to become a person who embodies wisdom.
2/4/202440 minutes, 51 seconds
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January 28, 2024 | A Portrait of the Wisdom of God

We often learn best by seeing an example. When it comes to living out wisdom, God gives us a picture of a person who embodies His wisdom, as vividly described in Proverbs 31:10-31.
1/28/202442 minutes, 30 seconds
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Will Wisdom Be Your Way of Life?

Will wisdom be your way of life? Before you answer, look at Proverbs 9. This unique chapter in the Bible strikingly reveals wisdom and foolishness and presents the criteria we need to know to make the choice that is pleasing to God.
1/21/202438 minutes, 31 seconds
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January 21, 2024 | Will Wisdom Be Your Way of Life?

Will wisdom be your way of life? Before you answer, look at Proverbs 9. This unique chapter in the Bible strikingly reveals wisdom and foolishness and presents the criteria we need to know to make the choice that is pleasing to God.
1/21/202438 minutes, 31 seconds
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January 14, 2024 | What You Must Have to be Wise

What must a person have to be wise? As we will discover in Proverbs 2:1-19, God's answer is surprising. Only those who pursue the two essential traits Solomon highlights will grow to embody the wisdom God gives.
1/14/202444 minutes, 49 seconds
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January 7, 2024 | The Fear of the Lord is where Wisdom Begins

How can we as believers grow in wisdom and understanding so we may live out a life well pleasing to the Lord? Join with us this morning as we look to Proverbs 1:1-7 to answer this question.
1/7/202441 minutes, 14 seconds
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December 24, 2024 | From Wander to Worship

How do you think you would have responded to the birth announcement of Jesus if you were living in that time? Join with us this Christmas Eve morning at 10:45am as we study Matthew 2:1-12 and experience two different responses: one of fear and desperation and the other that moved people from wander to worship. We can’t wait to worship Jesus together!
12/24/202336 minutes, 9 seconds
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December 17, 2023 | The Birth Announcement of Jesus: From Devastation to Devotion

Why are the birth announcements regarding Jesus Christ so important? As we will discover in our study of Matthew 1:18-25, the announcement of Christ’s birth develops the devotion of His people in two compelling ways.
12/17/202346 minutes, 18 seconds
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December 10, 2023 | The Birth Announcement of Christ: How Do You Respond When the Impossible Becomes Possible?

There are few things more precious and exciting than parents announcing the birth of their child! This birth announcement brings joy and jubilation to all who hear. This morning, we will explore how God announced the birth of His Son to Mary, how she responded, and how the impossible becomes possible through Him!
12/10/202335 minutes, 53 seconds
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December 3, 2023 | The Overcoming Life in Christ

In the final passage of 2 Timothy we discover the two factors that will most influence our faith in Christ. As we explore verses 9-22, we will also learn how to focus our faith on God and His truth when we could become emotionally overwhelmed.
12/3/202337 minutes, 56 seconds
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November 26, 2023 | The Legacy You Live

Do you have a mission statement that guides your life and recalibrates you in difficult times? In 2 Timothy 4:6-8 we learn how to do this from the Apostle Paul, who shows us that the convictions we hold guide the life that we live.
11/26/202340 minutes, 4 seconds
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November 19, 2023 | The Making of a Message

How important is the “preaching of the word” to you? In 2 Timothy 4:1-5 the Apostle Paul highlights why it is an absolute necessity that the Scriptures are taught and the mindset and manner for doing so.
11/19/202337 minutes, 58 seconds
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November 12, 2023 | The Principles of Spiritual Maturity

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
11/12/202355 minutes, 44 seconds
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November 5, 2023 | The Difference a Mentor Makes

Mentors can make all the difference, as we will discover this morning. 2 Timothy 3:10-14 gives us an inside look at the Apostle Paul’s strategy to develop spiritual depth in the lives of other people.
11/5/202335 minutes, 42 seconds
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October 29, 2023 | The Way to Walk with God in a Fallen World

Do you know how important it is for Christians to live out their faith amid a fallen world? This Sunday, we will discover the challenges we face and how to develop a biblical worldview as we study 2 Timothy 3:1-9.
10/29/202334 minutes, 49 seconds
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October 22, 2023 | The Keys to Christ-Centered Character

How would someone describe your character? This Sunday, we will learn to develop Christ-centered character as outlined in 2 Timothy 2:20-26.
10/22/202340 minutes, 58 seconds
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October 15, 2023 | The Basics to Interpret and Apply Scripture

You have heard the phrase, “You are what you eat.” There are priorities that healthy Christians develop that integrate the truth of Scripture, as we will discover in our study of 2 Timothy 2:14-19.
10/15/202345 minutes, 56 seconds
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October 8, 2023 | The Doctrines of Our Faith

None of us wants to be spiritually superficial. We will discover this Sunday in 2 Timothy 2:8-13 how God develops depth in His people.
10/8/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 2 seconds
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October 1, 2023 | The Priorities of Your Life

Our lives reflect our priorities. As we dive into 2 Timothy 2:3-7 this Sunday, we will discover the mindset of Christ-centered disciples who live with clearly defined priorities.
10/1/20231 hour, 22 minutes, 16 seconds
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September 24, 2023 | The Elements of a Disciple-Making Ministry

Discipleship. Most Christians know we are to be involved in doing this, but we may not know how to go about it. This morning in 2 Timothy 2:1-2 we will explore the top two priorities of disciple-makers and discover how we can follow Jesus’s disciple-making pattern.
9/24/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 35 seconds
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September 17, 2023 | The Dynamics of Life-giving Relationships

Who are some of the people who have been great encouragers in your life? This morning we will meet some unforgettable people whose contrasting lives help us learn the dynamics of life-giving relationships from 2 Timothy 1:15-18.
9/17/202343 minutes, 27 seconds
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September 10, 2023 | The Greatness of the Gospel

What are your life’s greatest treasures? This morning, we will discover from 2 Timothy 1:8-14 why spiritually healthy Christians place preeminent value on treasuring Jesus Christ and His gospel.
9/10/202345 minutes, 31 seconds
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September 3, 2023

How do you refuel your soul, especially when life has drained you? This morning, we will discover in 2 Timothy 1:1-7 how God replenishes our faith.
9/3/202343 minutes, 13 seconds
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August 27, 2023 | How To Know Jesus As Lord of Your Life

Jesus is Lord over all, but is He Lord over you? As we will discover this morning, Luke 24:36-53 highlights the characteristics Jesus develops in those who know Him as Lord of their lives.
8/27/202344 minutes, 3 seconds
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August 20, 2023 | The Sufficiency of Scripture is the Source to know the Savior

Is Scripture sufficient in providing all we need to know about Jesus? Join with us this morning as we look to a valuable life-lesson direct from the words of Jesus as He answers this question for us.
8/20/202339 minutes, 13 seconds
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August 13, 2023 | The Man in the Middle

How we respond to Jesus has eternal implications. This morning, we will explore Luke 23:32-43 and see two very different responses to Jesus Christ while He was on the cross and discover their unique bearing on our lives today
8/13/202334 minutes, 47 seconds
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August 6, 2023 | When Jesus Comes Calling

Curious? That is perhaps our first reaction when Jesus calls a person to Himself, as we will see this Sunday in a famous scene from Luke 19:1-10. People are still thinking and singing about this unusual encounter for excellent reasons!
8/6/202334 minutes, 58 seconds
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July 30, 2023 | Warning Signs

Caution! Our response to the warnings God gives reveals our place in eternity. In Luke 16:14-31, Jesus explains the signs of a wayward heart and tells a story that shows the outcomes of rejecting Him versus receiving Him.
7/30/20231 hour, 31 minutes, 52 seconds
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July 23, 2023 | Life Lessons from the Gospel of Luke: The Joy in Salvation!

Have you ever lost something valuable? Many of us have and we know the search for it can become all-consuming. There are times our lost item is never found, but when the item is found, we rejoice with great joy! In the book of Luke, we see God and the angels in Heaven rejoice when a lost sinner repents and is found! We invite you to worship with us this Sunday as we continue to study the Gospel of Luke learning how to apply its life lessons in our journey with Jesus!
7/23/202341 minutes, 35 seconds
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July 16, 2023 | Jesus: The True Focus of Our Time, Talent, Treasure and Tribe

This Sunday, we are going to learn a life lesson from Jesus on how to have a right focus, which impacts all aspects of life. We'll learn about trading temporal, perishable, earthly things of little value for treasure that will not wear out, rust or fade away. It’s called the great exchange.
7/16/202342 minutes, 56 seconds
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July 9, 2023 | Prioritizing Our Time with the Word

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of life, many believers find themselves fatigued, frustrated and fuming. Jesus, in the Gospel of Luke, helps equip us to avoid and overcome these issues by teaching us the valuable life lesson of prioritizing our time with the Word. Join with us this Sunday as we discover how to apply this valuable life lesson!
7/9/202340 minutes, 24 seconds
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July 2, 2023 | Loving My Neighbor

We live in a culture where religion, politics, race, and economics determine how we love our neighbor. According to Luke, Jesus provides a countercultural worldview on this. He commands us to love our neighbor without exception. Join with us this Sunday as we learn how to live out this valuable life lesson from Jesus!
7/2/202340 minutes, 45 seconds
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June 25, 2023 | How to Follow Jesus in This Life

How do you follow Jesus in this life? The answer to this central question is found in an unforgettable encounter with Jesus revealed in Luke 5:1-11 in which He called His first disciples 2,000 years ago.
6/25/202337 minutes, 33 seconds
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June 18, 2023 | What Every Person Needs to Know About Jesus

There are three central truths that every person needs to know about Jesus that are highlighted in His hometown visit recorded in Luke 4:13-30. How you respond to these truths makes an eternal difference in your life.
6/18/202349 minutes, 9 seconds
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June 4, 2023 | How to Stand in the Gap

In light of the trials and trouble we encounter, how do we “stand in the gap” as believers who are strong in prayer? As we will discover this morning, Ephesians 6:18-20 is key text for learning how to pray as a way of life.
6/4/202342 minutes, 31 seconds
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May 28, 2023 | Our Confidence in Christ Comes Through His Salvation and His Sword!

A helmet and sword are two essentials in a body of armor. What do each of these pieces of the armor of God have to do with our readiness for the spiritual battles we face every day? This morning, we'll look to Ephesians 6:17 to answer this very important question.
5/28/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 4 seconds
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May 21, 2023 | How To Stand Strong in the All-Sufficiency of Christ (Part 3)

Do you know how to apply your faith in the face of trouble? This morning we will continue our series in Ephesians on the armor of God and discover in verse 6:16 that how we apply our faith in Christ makes all the difference in our lives.
5/21/202340 minutes, 45 seconds
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May 14, 2023 | How To Stand Strong in the All-Sufficiency of Christ (Part 2)

Did you get your shoes tied this morning? Likely, you are ready to go when it comes to your footwear. Ephesians 6:15 shows us how to be prepared each day to share and show the gospel of peace, which is an essential part of the footwear included in the armor of God.
5/14/202342 minutes, 41 seconds
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May 7, 2023 | How To Stand Strong in the All-Sufficiency of Christ (Part 1)

How equipped are you to walk with God in the midst of the dangers the Devil poses in this world? Everything we need God has given us in Christ as we find out in Ephesians 6:10-14.
5/7/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 11 seconds
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April 30, 2023 | The War of Your Life (Part 1)

Did you know there is a spiritual war going on? Ephesians 6:10-13 reveals how believers in Christ can stand strong in the ongoing spiritual battle they face by revealing Satan’s strategy and the Savior’s resources.
5/1/202342 minutes, 44 seconds
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April 23, 2023 | Your Faith at Work (Part 2)

God has called us to carry out our work “heartily” unto Him. What does this actually look like within the environments in which we work? This morning, we will take a look at Colossians 3:22-25 to understand how our work is not only an act of worship, but how it also allows us to point others to Christ!
4/24/202342 minutes, 53 seconds
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April 23, 2023 | Our Faith at Work (Part 2)

God has called us to carry out our work “heartily” unto Him. What does this actually look like within the environments in which we work? This morning, we will take a look at Colossians 3:22-25 to understand how our work is not only an act of worship, but how it also allows us to point others to Christ!
4/24/202342 minutes, 53 seconds
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April 16, 2023 | Our Faith at Work

How does our relationship with Christ make a difference in how we go about our jobs? This Sunday we will discover from Ephesians 6:5-9 how our faith transforms the way that we work, wherever that may be.
4/16/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 28 seconds
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April 9, 2023 (Easter Sunday) | What Will You Do With Jesus?

What will you do with Jesus? Easter provides the world a God-ordained opportunity to learn of the significance of the resurrection of Christ and how knowing Him personally transforms our lives eternally as revealed in Matthew 28:1-15.
4/9/202341 minutes, 53 seconds
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April 7, 2023 (Good Friday) | What Will You Do With Jesus? (Innocence on Trial)

The most important question in human history was asked by a Roman governor 2,000 years ago. It’s a question that is timeless, and every person’s response has eternal implications.
4/7/202337 minutes, 11 seconds
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April 2, 2023 | Parenting 101: God’s Instructions to Parents: Love, Lead, and Live

We can all agree that parenting can be quite the challenge. Fortunately for us, God has graciously provided His instruction on how we can become parents who raise up a godly generation. This morning, we will be encouraged and equipped to carry out this call we have as parents. Even if you are not a parent, or if you are a grandparent, you, too, will be encouraged to raise a godly generation!
4/3/202340 minutes, 55 seconds
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March 26, 2023 | Parenting 101

If you are a parent, how prepared are you to carry out one of your most significant roles? As we will discover this morning, Ephesians 6:4 gives us the guiding principles for godly parents. This one verse can make all the difference!
3/26/202344 minutes, 24 seconds
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March 19, 2023 |A Thriving, Godly Family

Will a godly family thrive in today's culture? Our culture and the world would not only tell you no, but many would insist that when a family is pursuing God, they will in no way thrive. Join us as we discover that it is not only possible to be a thriving, godly family, but it is exactly what God desires for your family.
3/19/202342 minutes, 13 seconds
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March 12, 2023 | The Role of a Godly Husband

What is God’s vision for marriage? This Sunday we will continue our series on “Marriage and Family” and discover the God-exalting roles He has for husbands and wives and how we fulfill His divine design.
3/12/202343 minutes, 24 seconds
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March 5, 2023 | Honor: What Every Child is to Give and What Every Parent Longs to Receive

Have you realized the importance of honor in your home? Ephesians 6:1-3 highlights just how foundational it is for children of every age to honor their parents.
3/5/202345 minutes, 20 seconds
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February 26, 2023 | The Role of a Godly Wife

What is God’s vision for marriage according to the Bible? This morning we will continue our series on “Marriage and Family” and discover the meaningful and God-exalting roles He has for husbands and wives.
2/26/202342 minutes, 12 seconds
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February 19, 2023 | Marriage, Divorce and the Significance of Being Single

When it comes to marriage, divorce, and the significance of being single, our current culture is completely confused. As we begin our series on marriage and family we will take a close look at what God has revealed on these most significant subjects.
2/19/202339 minutes, 18 seconds
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February 12, 2023 | The Heart of Worship

Did you know that God’s great priority for His people is that we are to be a people of praise? This Sunday we will look at Ephesians 5:18-19 and explore the fascinating past, present and future of how the living God is worshiped in song.
2/12/202344 minutes, 54 seconds
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February 5, 2023 | The Spirit-Filled Life

The key to experiencing the fullness of life that God offers is revealed in Ephesians 5:18-21. This morning we will discover how to be filled with God’s Spirit and how His presence makes all the difference in our lives.
2/5/202343 minutes, 29 seconds
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January 29, 2023 | How to Discern the Will of God

How can we really know the will of God? Every believer would like to know how to answer this critical question, especially when faced with a significant decision. This morning, we will look at Ephesians 5:17 and take a deep dive into the Bible to discover how to discern the will of God.
1/29/202348 minutes, 1 second
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January 22, 2023 | When the Wisdom of God Becomes Our Way of Life

How much do you value wisdom? This Sunday we discover from Ephesians 5:15-16 the tremendous blessings that come when the wisdom of God becomes our way of life.
1/22/202342 minutes, 35 seconds
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January 15, 2023 | Children of Light

As followers of Jesus, we are called to be imitators of Christ. This imitation consists of walking in love, but it also consists of walking in light. Join with us this Sunday as we study Ephesians 5:3-14 with the purpose of understanding how to biblically live out our calling to be the light of Christ in this dark world.
1/16/202336 minutes, 40 seconds
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January 8, 2023 |The Journey to Maturity (Milestone Moment Celebration Sunday)

Wow! Look what God is doing. We are coming together to celebrate God’s faithfulness in this “milestone moment.” What a privilege it is to be part of Fellowship Bible Church as we rejoice in His work in us and through us!
1/8/202341 minutes, 17 seconds
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January 1, 2023

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2023. I want you to know that you are not here today on accident. You are not sitting in church on New Year's Day, or looking at these notes at some point later – on accident. God has a plan for you and your next steps. I am excited to walk through verses that help us know what God is calling us to BE in 2023.
1/1/202327 minutes, 35 seconds
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December 25, 2022 (Christmas Day) | Go Tell it on the Mountain… Jesus Christ is Born!

Go tell it on the mountain, Jesus Christ is born! As we gather this Christmas Sunday morning, we will look at the importance and impact of proclaiming the Good News of that first Christmas morning with those around us and to the ends of the earth! Join with us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ!
12/25/202227 minutes, 10 seconds
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December 24, 2022 (Christmas Eve) | Christmas Celebrates the Eternal Love of God

Why did God send His Son to this earth? In John 17:24-26 we discover some of the most remarkable, and rarely noticed realities, that have been made possible with the coming of Christ. This is Christmas from God’s perspective!
12/25/202225 minutes, 50 seconds
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December 18, 2022 | Christmas Celebrates the Eternal Will of God

What is on your Christmas list? We will discover this morning what Jesus specifically asked His Father for as recorded in John 17:13-24. These words reveal the heart of why Jesus came to this earth.
12/18/202247 minutes
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December 11, 2022 | Christmas Celebrates the Eternal Gifts God Gives

Gifts. The word itself evokes anticipation, curiosity, and gratitude. But have you ever considered the gifts God has given? This morning, we will discover from Jesus’ prayer in John 17:6-12 three of the greatest gifts given by God that lead us into love, joy and worship.
12/12/202244 minutes, 55 seconds
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December 4, 2022 | Christmas Celebrates the Eternal Glory of God

You have probably had a lifetime celebrating Christmas, but have you ever considered Christmas from God’s perspective? This Sunday we will start a fascinating study beginning in John 17:1-5 and see the significance of Christmas from an eternal standpoint.
12/4/202242 minutes, 53 seconds
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November 27, 2022 | A Thankful Heart in the Midst of Adversity

Do you enjoy facing adversity in your life? I’m sure the answer is a resounding NO! So, is it possible to experience adversity with a thankful heart? We invite you to join with us this Sunday as we look to the example of our Old Testament friend, Joseph, to answer this question with a resounding YES!
11/28/202235 minutes, 21 seconds
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November 20, 2022 | A Life of Love

How do you live a life of love? It is a deep question, and as we will discover today, Ephesians 5:1-2 has a profound answer. Get ready to dive deep into the wondrous ways of God!
11/20/202237 minutes, 19 seconds
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November 13, 2022 | The Art of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is difficult. Hurt and pain run deep when we have been offended or sinned against. However, God has provided a way for believers to pursue and carry out forgiveness toward others. He has also given us powerful instruction on how to ask for forgiveness. Join with us this Sunday as we explore the art of forgiveness!
11/13/202238 minutes, 34 seconds
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November 6, 2022 | Hope for a Sin-Weary Heart: The Key to Life Change

I am sure you were told to not play with fire. Fire is dangerous and destructive, just like sin. That is why Ephesians 4:30-32 is so vital to our well-being. As we will see this morning, it shows us the key to life change in Christ.
11/7/202244 minutes, 53 seconds
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October 30, 2022 | Overcoming Stealing and Speech That Defiles: Experiencing the Life Change Christ has Provided

Have you ever stolen? Have you used your words to hurt someone? I would guess that we all have. Jesus, when He saved us, called us to a different way of life. Join with us this Sunday as we study Ephesians 4:28-29 to ensure we are pursuing His righteousness and holiness of truth.
10/30/202242 minutes, 42 seconds
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October 16, 2022 | The Walk of Your Life

How do you really walk with Jesus Christ in this life? This life-changing reality is explained in Ephesians 4:17-24. I am looking forward to our time of worship this morning as we take these steps of spiritual growth together.
10/16/202244 minutes, 49 seconds
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October 9, 2022 | Body Life Essentials

God’s goal is for His people to grow together to become spiritually mature. How does this really happen? We will discover the answer to this essential question as we take a deep dive into Ephesians 4:14-16 this Sunday.
10/9/202246 minutes, 4 seconds
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October 2, 2022 | How to See the Glory of God in the Life of the Church

God's purpose for the church is to bring Him great glory. We will discover how God does just that as we look at the true purpose of the church described in Ephesians 4:11-13. Fellowship, this is our focus.
10/2/202245 minutes, 3 seconds
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September 25, 2022 | Spiritual Gifts

Have you ever thought about who spiritual gifts were intended for, or who has the authority to grant them, or even furthermore, what are their purpose? Maybe you have entertained this question as well: "How do I know if I have one and how am I able to identify it?". This Sunday we will study Ephesians 4:7-10 to answer these exact questions.
9/25/202244 minutes, 28 seconds
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September 18, 2022 | The Difference is Jesus

How does Jesus really make a difference in people? Ephesians 4:1-6 shows us how our calling in Christ is to be manifested in our lives.
9/18/202241 minutes, 6 seconds
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September 11, 2022 | How to See the Greatness of God

How do you see the greatness of God? The visible expressions of God are highlighted in Paul’s concluding statement recorded in Ephesians 3:20-21. As we will see this Sunday, the powerful presence of God is hidden in plain sight.
9/11/202247 minutes, 33 seconds
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September 4, 2022 | How Spiritual Maturity Becomes Reality

We all value maturity, both personally and in the lives of others. In fact, we are pretty good at identifying the presence or absence of maturity in people. This Sunday in Ephesians 3:14-19, we will discover how spiritual maturity becomes our reality.
9/4/202243 minutes, 41 seconds
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August 28, 2022 | How to Make the Most of Your Life

Are you making the most of your life? As we will discover this Sunday, the Apostle Paul gives us a personal look at how to do just this. Take it from Paul, this passage in Ephesians 3:1-13 is life-changing!
8/28/202243 minutes, 3 seconds
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August 21, 2022 | What Unity in Christ Really Looks Like

Is unity among the great diversity of people in the world even possible? God is presently accomplishing a remarkable unity among those who are trusting in Him, as we will see this Sunday in three powerful images presented in Ephesians 2:19-22.
8/21/202244 minutes, 7 seconds
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August 14, 2022 | Operation Reconciliation

Is racial reconciliation even possible? How does God bring unity to the great diversity and the disunity that exists among people? This Sunday we will see God’s answer to one of our world’s most pressing questions as we study Ephesians 2:11-18.
8/14/202245 minutes, 9 seconds
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August 7, 2022 | Have you been sent?

"Have you been sent?" This is a simple question every Christian of every age needs to examine. This Sunday, we will consider how we are called to “Engage Our World” with the gospel, fulfilling the mission given to us by Jesus.
8/7/202241 minutes, 2 seconds
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July 31, 2022 | Christ the Cornerstone!

A simple question as a great reminder for the Church: Who is the foundation and authority of the Church? Join with us this week as we look to Christ the Cornerstone!
7/31/202233 minutes, 46 seconds
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July 24, 2022 | The Gospel of The Kingdom

“The gospel that we preach determines the disciples that we make.” As we will discover this Sunday, Bill Hull’s insightful words drive home the importance of understanding the true nature of the gospel and its effect on our lives as emphasized in Ephesians 2:8-10.
7/24/202241 minutes, 44 seconds
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July 17, 2022 | The Testimony of the Christian

Every Christian has a testimony, but only 50% of believers are prepared and willing to share their faith. Join with us this Sunday as we look at Ephesians 2:1-7, with the purpose of encouraging and equipping every believer to have the confidence to share their salvation story.
7/17/202237 minutes, 52 seconds
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July 10, 2022 | Moving Beyond Inch-Deep Christianity

How does God move you and me beyond inch-deep Christianity? The much needed answer to this question is given to us in Ephesians 1:15-23. Let’s ask God to open “the eyes of our hearts” as He transforms our lives when we worship Him this Sunday.
7/10/202241 minutes, 42 seconds
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July 3, 2022 | Responding Wisely to God's Grace

How should we respond to God’s grace beyond initially trusting Christ for our salvation? Our personal response to God’s grace should evoke gratitude that compels us to love and serve Him. Ideally, we should consider one another as valuable as God does. Join us this Sunday as we let God’s word (Eph. 1:15-17) guide us to a life of service and love for God and for one another.
7/3/202230 minutes, 50 seconds
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June 26, 2022 | He Who Has the Holy Spirit is Sealed, Secured and Sanctified

Can we be confident that our salvation is secure? Many believers have struggled with this exact question. When we trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior we are given this promise. This Sunday we will explore Ephesians 1:13-14 and rejoice in our salvation being sealed and secure through the work of the Holy Spirit.
6/26/202236 minutes, 40 seconds
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June 19, 2022 | He Who Has the Son Has it All

Who are you? Many people find their identity in what they do. But when we trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we begin to discover that who we really are is found in who He is and what He has done. This Sunday we will explore Ephesians 1:7-12 and rejoice in our true identity in Christ.
6/19/202240 minutes, 28 seconds
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June 12, 2022 | More Than We Know

Do you know that we exalt God when we celebrate His work of salvation with others? This is so important, yet do we often follow Paul’s example in doing this well? This Sunday, we will discover from Ephesians 1:3-6, that there is a profound depth to the manner and mystery of how God has brought about the redemption of His people.
6/12/202239 minutes, 50 seconds
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June 5, 2022 | A Letter for LIFE

What do Christians really need to become all that God desires? As we begin our study of the Letter to the Ephesians this Sunday, we will discover the nature of the “True Church” and find that even from the opening verses, God has given us all that we need to become all that He desires.
6/5/20221 hour, 44 seconds
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May 29, 2022 | Following Jesus: Love -- A More Excellent Way

As we follow Jesus in how we love, the big question is, “Is it even possible to truly love others in a way that reflects Christ’s love for us?” In 1 Corinthians 13:1-8a, Paul provides for us a resounding, "YES!" Join with us this Sunday as we look at how to live out Christ-like love in our every day lives.
5/29/202240 minutes, 39 seconds
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May 22, 2022 | The Priority of Being in His Presence

If you ever felt overworked and under-appreciated, then you can relate to the lady we meet in Luke 10:38-42. It is one of the unforgettable scenes in the Bible that reveals one of life’s most important lessons, especially to all who feel the weight of so many responsibilities.
5/23/202242 minutes, 5 seconds
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May 15, 2022 | Following Jesus in How We Love

How is your heart? We all know the importance of our physical heart’s well-being, but our heart for God and His people is of eternal importance. This Sunday we will discover how to assess the condition of our hearts from Luke 10:25-37 and how to love as God intends.
5/15/202243 minutes, 1 second
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May 8, 2022 | Following Jesus in How We Live

How do you follow Jesus as a way of life? This is at the heart of what Jesus presents in Matthew 8:18-27. There are a lot of “fans" of Jesus, but what He calls for and develops are “followers" of Him, as we shall see first-hand this Sunday.
5/8/202247 minutes, 38 seconds
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May 1, 2022 | Following Jesus in How We Live

Following Jesus with our lives is God’s command for us, but it doesn’t come easily. We must be strong in his grace as we fight the good fight, face competing forces, and farm this battlefield called earth. His grace is enough, and His message is worth the hardship. Let’s follow Jesus together as we explore Paul’s encouragement to Timothy.
5/2/202236 minutes, 20 seconds
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April 24, 2022 | Life-Giving Leadership

There is so much riding on your style of leadership. Yet, many people have not given much consideration as to how they lead with their family, at work, in school, and at church. In Matthew 20:17-28 Jesus addresses the barriers to and essential characteristics of life-giving leaders.
4/24/202243 minutes, 38 seconds
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April 17, 2022 (Easter) | Did Jesus Really Rise From the Grave

Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Our lives and eternity are defined by the answer to this question and our response to the facts. On this Easter Sunday we are going to investigate the answer to this central question of all eternity.
4/18/202231 minutes, 45 seconds
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April 15, 2022 (Good Friday) | Does Jesus Christ Really Change Your Life?

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
4/16/202228 minutes, 19 seconds
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April 10, 2022 | Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus? This is one of the most important questions that every person in the world must answer. Our eternity rests on our earthly response to Him. This Sunday we will look at a fascinating event in history from John 9 that clearly presents the identity of Jesus.
4/10/202243 minutes, 7 seconds
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April 3, 2022 | Redemption Revealed

Redemption revolutionizes lives. This Sunday we will explore the wonders of redemption starting from Ruth 4 to our present lives. Redemption reveals the depth of God’s love; and when we understand, it gives us every reason to rejoice.
4/3/202243 minutes, 58 seconds
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March 27, 2022 | Love and Live By Faith

Do you know that God is advancing His kingdom agenda in your life? Even though we may not feel like it or see it very clearly in the present time, we learn from Ruth 4 how God accomplishes His work through the lives of His people.
3/27/202242 minutes, 23 seconds
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March 20, 2022 | Love In Action

Every person should have the experience of planting seeds and seeing them grow. Amazing growth is exactly what we observe in Ruth 3. This Sunday we will discover how the seeds of love bear the fruit of action. God develops His people with His loyal love.
3/20/202242 minutes, 6 seconds
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March 13, 2022 | Seeing the Fingerprints of God Upon Your Life

Facing the unknown can be daunting and at times it can paralyze us from moving forward or taking the next step. The fingerprints of God run all through our lives and today we will look together at how His fingerprints can provide confidence for you and me to face the unknown and take the next step.
3/13/202238 minutes, 1 second
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March 6, 2022 | Discovering the Fingerprints of God in Your Life

Fingerprints are fascinating. Just like there are unique impressions that can be left by human fingers, there are distinct patterns of God’s providential work in our lives that we will discover how to detect from Ruth 2:17-23.
3/6/202244 minutes, 1 second
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February 27, 2022 | Seeing the Evidence of God's Presence

Just like hikers watch for cairns to assure them they are on the right trail, God provides particular trail markers that highlight His presence in our journey in life, as we will discover this Sunday in Ruth 2:1-17. We certainly do not want to miss how to move forward in this life by faith.
2/27/202243 minutes, 48 seconds
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February 20, 2022 | Following God in a Fallen World

How do you follow God in a fallen world? This morning we will discover from Ruth 1 what every believer needs to know to thrive in the midst life’s challenges and the world’s opposition.
2/20/202248 minutes, 22 seconds
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February 13, 2022 | Blinded By Bitterness

Bitterness can be blinding. If we do not know what to do with the hardships and suffering in our lives, resentment can become our defining feature. This Sunday we will discover from Ruth 1:19-2:1 what happens when we are blinded by bitterness and how God brings hope and help.
2/13/202241 minutes, 46 seconds
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February 6, 2022 | Hope When Life Seems Hopeless

Every person experiences times when life seems overwhelmingly difficult. In those seasons we can miss experiencing God’s hope when life seems hopeless. This Sunday, in Ruth 1:6-18 we will learn from a lady who is drowning in sorrow and discover how we can experience true hope in the midst of our trials.
2/6/202238 minutes, 38 seconds
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January 30, 2022 | Shattered Dreams

As Christians we know that God is great, but in times of significant difficulty we may find ourselves asking, “Is He good – and specifically is God good to me?” This Sunday we begin our study of the fascinating Book of Ruth that answers this very personal question in profound ways.
1/30/202242 minutes, 53 seconds
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January 23, 2022 | A Single Focus

Is there a divine purpose for singleness? At present, 40% of American adults are single. This Sunday we are going to take an insightful look at passages in 1 Corinthians 7 that highlight the significance of singleness in God’s kingdom plan. No matter what your marital status, this message is for each of us.
1/23/202247 minutes, 58 seconds
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January 16, 2022 | The Three R’s of Parenting

What are the most important things you want to pass on to your children and see woven into the fabric of their character? Like the old three “R’s” of education, the three “R’s” of parenting, relationship, respect and responsibility, are indispensable in the development of our children.
1/16/202240 minutes, 4 seconds
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January 9, 2022 | Marriage (Christian Living, Part 1)

When you hear the word marriage, what comes to mind? This week we will look to God’s word to discover His thoughts on marriage as well as seek to understand how we can live out a healthy biblical marriage in today’s culture. I want to encourage you to join with us this Sunday as we pursue Christian Living through the lens of marriage. Matthew 19:3-6, Colossians 4:18-19, Ecclesiastes 4:12
1/9/202239 minutes, 52 seconds
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January 2, 2022 | Living With Hope in 2022

How can we really live with hope in 2022? For this to be our reality, we need what only God can provide. This Sunday we will discover from Romans 15:13 how we can truly experience hope as we look forward to all that God has for us in this new year.
1/2/202237 minutes, 52 seconds
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December 26, 2021 | Living in Christ’s Hope as a Way of Life

During this Christmas season we have been discovering and rejoicing in the reality that, “Hope is born!” If you have received the gift of God which is Jesus Christ Himself, how do you live in His hope as a way of life? This Sunday we will learn how from Romans 15:1-7.
12/26/202139 minutes, 58 seconds
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December 24, 2021 (Christmas Eve Service) | Hope is Born for You!

(Christmas Eve Service 2021) People give gifts for a variety of reasons at Christmas: to share joy, express love, meet needs; some feel a sense of obligation. But there is one gift, the gift given by God, that is absolutely unique and unparalleled in value. Have you opened the gift that God has given to you?
12/24/202124 minutes, 43 seconds
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December 12, 2021 | Hope is Born to the Unworthy

Where do you find hope? This Sunday we will take a fascinating journey of discovery going through Isaiah 8:19-9:7 and see firsthand how God brings eternal and personal hope to believers living in the midst of the darkness of the world.
12/12/202144 minutes, 32 seconds
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December 5, 2021 | Hope is Born to the Unexpecting

The Christmas season takes on a whole new significance when you see from the Scriptures just how remarkable the birth of Christ really is. This Sunday we are going to discover one of the great mountain peak promises of biblical revelation from 2 Samuel 7. Hope is born for the unexpecting!
12/6/202154 minutes, 55 seconds
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November 28, 2021 | HOPE in a Hopeless World!

Many people today are asking, “Is there any hope to be had in what seems like a hopeless world in which we live? I’m joyful to share that in Romans 12:12 we are given the answer! Join with us this Sunday as we discover in whom we find this hope!
11/29/202136 minutes, 24 seconds
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November 21, 2021 | Thriving in Christ’s Kingdom!

How is your health? Doctors can help us assess our physical health and Mark 16 gives us the priorities of those who are spiritually thriving in Christ’s kingdom. We are looking forward to a great Sunday of worship as we conclude our study of the Gospel of Mark.
11/22/202149 minutes, 50 seconds
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November 14, 2021 | Resurrection Reality

Did Jesus really rise from the dead? All of Christianity and genuine relationship with God rests on the answer to this one question. This Sunday we will examine the evidence recorded in Mark 16:1-8 and discover the basis of our faith and why it makes an eternal difference.
11/14/202144 minutes, 10 seconds
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November 7, 2021 | Did Jesus Really Die on a Cross and Why Does It Matter?

How do you know that Jesus really died on a cross and why does it matter? On Sunday we will explore the powerful facts presented in Mark 15:39-47 that are the basis of our life-changing faith in Jesus Christ who was crucified, died, and buried on our behalf.
11/7/202155 minutes, 3 seconds
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October 31, 2021 | The Pinnacle Moment of History

Of all the momentous events in human history, what took place on the cross of Jesus Christ is the most significant of all. This Sunday we will discover from Mark 15:33-39 why Jesus on the cross is the pinnacle moment in history and how it changes our lives forever.
10/31/202139 minutes, 50 seconds
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October 24, 2021 | Jesus Examines the "I" of the Heart

If the opportunity presented itself today, would you be able to present the gospel? This week we will look to Luke 18:9-14, as Jesus, surrounded by the self-righteous crowd, shares a parable teaching what it truly means to be justified. Join with us as we get a glimpse into how Jesus uses an “I” exam to share the gospel with truth and grace!
10/24/202137 minutes, 6 seconds
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October 17, 2021 | Seeing the Savior Through His Suffering

How well do you know Jesus at the cross? How we live and worship is directly tied to the degree we see the Savior through His suffering. This Sunday we will see from Mark 15:15-32 the unforgettable way the complete humility of Jesus makes salvation in Him a reality.
10/17/202144 minutes, 18 seconds
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October 10, 2021 | Jesus on Trial

To gain an understanding of the depth of God’s love and justice, you must take into full account the events recorded in Mark 15:1-15. This morning we will take a first-hand look at how Jesus was condemned to death so that we can truly experience life in Him. The glories of the gospel are on full display!
10/10/202140 minutes, 56 seconds
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October 3, 2021 | The Love That Never Lets Us Go

Failure. It’s a word we not only know but have experienced. Today we will see from Mark 14 the five steps toward a spiritual meltdown and how God restores and uses broken people. This is going to be a special day of baptisms and celebrating the love that never lets us go.
10/3/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 18 seconds
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September 26, 2021 | Love Revealed

Knowing the depth of Christ’s love leads to growing in our relationship with Him. As we immerse ourselves in Mark 14:43-65 this Sunday, we will make some fascinating discoveries of just how deep Christ’s love is for His people. What a joy it is to realize the sovereignty and the love of the Savior.
9/26/202145 minutes, 50 seconds
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September 19, 2021 | Why Our Failures Are Not Our Final Story

Every one of us is far too familiar with failure. What we need to know, and experience, is that our failures are not our final story because of the commitments of Christ. This morning we will discover these life-changing realities from Mark 14:26-42.
9/19/202145 minutes, 44 seconds
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September 12, 2021 | Seeing the Significance of Communion

Have you noticed how understanding brings appreciation? This is true when it comes to significant achievements and events in history. This is especially evident when it comes to Communion. This morning, we will take the familiar practice and discover from Jesus’ words, recorded in Mark 14:22-26, the great significance of this key practice for believers.
9/12/202140 minutes, 43 seconds
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September 5, 2021 | Shaped for Significance

How does Jesus develop depth in His disciples? Our ability to know and experience the answer to this question makes a significant difference in our relationship with Him. Today we are going to discover how Jesus shapes His disciples for significance from Mark 14:12-21. Taking this to heart is life changing.
9/5/202140 minutes, 3 seconds
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August 29, 2021 | How Are You Responding to Jesus?

Every day each person makes thousands of choices. Most decisions have seemingly little bearing on the overall direction of your life, but the one that is critical is, “How are you responding to Jesus Christ?” This Sunday we will discover three unforgettable responses to Jesus from Mark 14:1-11.
8/29/202142 minutes, 43 seconds
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August 22, 2021 | Living in Light of Christ's Second Coming

How are Christians to live in light of Christ’s second coming? Just hours before the cross, Jesus tells us exactly the answers we need as recorded in Mark 13:23-37. This morning, we will see and apply the priorities that Jesus calls His people to live out.
8/22/202141 minutes, 27 seconds
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August 15, 2021 | Ready for His Return

Are we in the end times? The last year and a half of a worldwide pandemic, locust plagues in East Africa and the Middle East, and international tensions have heightened apocalyptic awareness. Jesus reveals in Mark 13:1-27 how we are to be ready for His return. This morning we will focus on His instructions.
8/15/202144 minutes, 40 seconds
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August 8, 2021 | Lord of Your Life

There is a big difference between knowing that Jesus is Lord and following Him as Lord. The Lord of our hearts is revealed by the traits in our lives. This Sunday we will see from Mark 12:38-44 two of the most important features in the lives of those who follow Jesus as Lord.
8/8/202141 minutes, 30 seconds
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August 1, 2021 | Outcasts Are Welcome! (guest speaker Dr. Abraham Joseph)

Knowing The big story of the Bible points us to Jesus Christ and how we find our identity in Him. This morning, we will discover how the power of Christ and His gospel brings redemption and real meaning to those who humbly seek Him.
8/2/202138 minutes, 36 seconds
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July 25, 2021 | Two of the Most Important Questions of Life

There are a few questions that are so critical that our response to them sets the trajectory of our lives, both in this life and for eternity. We will explore two of those essential life questions this Sunday from Mark 12:28-37. What we learn and how we respond will make all the difference.
7/26/202142 minutes, 30 seconds
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July 18, 2021 | Is There Life After Death?

Is there life after death? If so, what will it be like? The answers to these profound questions are revealed by Jesus in Mark 12:18-27 as we will discover this morning. If heaven is your home, this passage will give you a lot of insight as to what it will be like.
7/18/202139 minutes, 14 seconds
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July 11, 2021 | Traits of a Christ-Centered Team (Part 2)

We exalt Christ through every aspect of our lives -- through our witness, through our worship, and through our works! When the church comes together as a team with unified hearts of humility, with a servant-minded focus, and a desire to carry out our obedience as an act of worship, Christ WILL be exalted! Join us this Sunday as we study Philippians 2:5-11.
7/12/202134 minutes, 46 seconds
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July 4, 2021 Traits of a Christ-Centered Team (Part 1)

God’s work is accomplished by teamwork. Living out the traits of a Christ-centered team is essential for any church, ministry or family. In Philippians 2:1-4, we will discover that God provides the strength and direction we need to flourish in the relationships and ministries we share.
7/4/202145 minutes, 16 seconds
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June 27, 2021 | God and Government

I am sure you have heard that there are two things you shouldn’t talk about – religion and politics. As we will see this Sunday, Jesus addresses both in Mark 12:13-17 when He powerfully speaks to how kingdom citizens relate to God and government.
6/27/202147 minutes, 32 seconds
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June 20, 2021 | The Power of Pride

Pride is powerful. The presence of pride can have significant, long-term, negative effects. This Sunday we will see how Jesus highlights the destructive power of pride and the only hope for a sure foundation in life in an unforgettable story he told in Mark 12:1-12.
6/20/202141 minutes, 17 seconds
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June 13, 2021 | Authority Issues

What does it look like when you have an authority issue with God? Today we will examine the top two reasons why some people reject the authority of Jesus found in Mark 11:27-33 and discover what rejoicing in His sovereignty looks like.
6/13/202148 minutes, 23 seconds
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June 6, 2021 | What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus?

The more secular our society gets, the more it compels individuals to seek transcendence, purpose, and authentic spirituality. The Gospel of Mark is the account of Jesus’ life and ministry that has been used to bring millions of people to trust in Christ and has fortified the faith of those who follow Him. This Sunday we will dive back into our study of this life-changing book.
6/7/202153 minutes, 52 seconds
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May 30, 2021 | Consider, Ask and Believe

Hello, Fellowship! I am very excited you have joined us on this Sunday morning. Today we will explore the purpose of trials – God’s divine design in life’s trials, and His divine provision during life’s trials. In this life we will have trials, but they are meant to bolster and mature our faith. Let’s explore God’s word to find out how that happens. ~Brian Davis, Elder
5/31/202132 minutes, 50 seconds
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May 23, 2021 | Focus on Your Foundation

The focus of our faith determines the future that we face. Who or what is the foundation of your life? This Sunday we will delve into Jesus’ grand conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7:24-29 and discover the key to having an eternal foundation for life.
5/23/202140 minutes, 53 seconds
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May 16, 2021 | The Great Danger of Spiritual Deception

Warning! In Matthew 7:15-23 Jesus gives one of the most alarming passages in all of Scripture when He details the two greatest dangers that keep people from trusting and following Jesus Christ. This Sunday we will see how Kingdom Citizens can avoid being deceived by these spiritual dangers.
5/17/202141 minutes, 20 seconds
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May 9, 2021 | Are You a Fan or Follower of Jesus?

The most important decision of your life is clearly presented in Matthew 7:13-14. It is one of the great crossroad texts of the Bible and the focus of our message this Sunday. Where we are headed in life is determined by how we are responding to Christ.
5/10/202138 minutes, 38 seconds
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May 2, 2021 | A Love-Motivated Life

If I could give you one verse in the Bible that would guarantee to improve your relationships, make you more mature, more grateful, and even more worshipful, it would be Matthew 7:12. This Sunday we will see firsthand how Jesus develops a love-motivated life in His kingdom citizens.
5/2/202136 minutes, 24 seconds
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April 25, 2021 | Treasures of the Kingdom (Shane Sanders)

Hello, Fellowship! In Luke 12:13-34, Jesus warns of the perils of pursuing the wrong kind of treasure in life – a worldly treasure. And conversely, he cautions against anxiety over limited resources. Followers of Christ have a different focus and priority and seek first the kingdom of God. To seek the kingdom is to pursue the reign of Christ in your life, and every part of your life. The priceless treasures of the kingdom are found in that pursuit!
4/26/202140 minutes, 18 seconds
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April 18, 2021 | How Our Lives are Transformed By Knowing God

Knowing who God is transforms the way a disciple of Jesus lives. In Matthew 7:7-12 Jesus gives us very practical and memorable insights on how our relationship with God changes us in profound ways.
4/19/202137 minutes, 41 seconds
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April 11, 2021 | How to Bring Help to Broken People

One of the great needs in our world and the church are kingdom-minded citizens who are competent and committed to helping broken people find hope and healing in Christ. This Sunday we will learn from Jesus in Matthew 7:1-6 and discover what is required for us to be spiritually helpful to others.
4/12/202142 minutes, 40 seconds
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April 4, 2021 Easter | Resurrection Response

Real relationship with God is made possible because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This Sunday we will examine the evidence of an eyewitness account of that first Easter morning.
4/4/202143 minutes, 7 seconds
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April 2, 2021 Good Friday | Resurrection Reality

Every year when we come to this particular Friday, we do so with solemnity as we seek to grasp the significance of Jesus Christ’s death on our behalf. Philippians 3:7-11 reveals the profound ways we are made new by knowing Christ, His death and resurrection.
4/3/202135 minutes, 31 seconds
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March 28, 2021 | Why We Worship

This Easter season the watching world wonders, “Why do Christians worship Jesus Christ?” There are people in your life that have this question about you. The profound answer is revealed in the events surrounding Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem recorded in John 12:12-26.
3/28/202142 minutes, 31 seconds
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March 21, 2021 | The Heartbeat of Thriving Leaders

If you want to know how to grow as a thriving relational leader, 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20 is your text. As we will see this Sunday, this passage highlights the traits God develops in spiritual leaders. These qualities make all the difference!
3/22/202143 minutes, 23 seconds
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March 7, 2021 | The Walk of Your Life

What does it mean to “walk with God” and what does God give to us for this to take place? 1 Thessalonians 2:12-16 gives us the answers we need for a thriving walk with God.
3/7/202144 minutes, 40 seconds
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February 28, 2021 | Discipling People Like Jesus Did

If you were asked to describe the role of a Christ-centered spiritual leader what would you say? The idea of helping people take steps of spiritual growth can seem rather daunting, whether you are a parent or ministry leader. What we need is clarity. Christ has called us to “make disciples”, and this Sunday we will discover the priorities that Jesus employed and the Apostles practiced, that we are to follow as well.
2/28/202141 minutes, 30 seconds
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February 21, 2021 | The Key Traits of Thriving Believers

If you want to know what thriving believers and spiritual leaders look like, 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 is your text. This Sunday we will see firsthand the key traits Jesus develops in the lives of growing disciples.
2/21/202137 minutes, 56 seconds
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February 7, 2021 | Thriving in the Face of Suffering

We are accustomed to saying, “Good morning,” but when you are suffering it may be difficult to know what is “good” and where that “good” can be found. Every human knows hardship. Today we will see firsthand from Paul’s personal experience how we can thrive in the face of suffering by taking to heart 1 Thessalonians 2:1-2.
2/7/202141 minutes, 15 seconds
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January 31, 2021 | The LIFE-Giving Disciple-Making Church

Vision is vital. Whether it be in parenting, coaching, or running a business, a lack of vision can create a lot of confusion. God desires for Fellowship Bible Church to continue to thrive with a clear, Christ-centered vision. This Sunday we will see what God’s vision is for a LIFE-giving, disciple-making church in Colossians 1:28-29.
1/31/202144 minutes, 37 seconds
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January 24, 2021 | Devotion Determines Direction

What are believers in a thriving church known for? The answer to this very important question may likely surprise you as we shall see this Sunday when we look at 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10. A truly thriving church is identified by three specific traits.
1/24/202145 minutes, 16 seconds
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January 17, 2021 | A Church on Track

There are two key characteristics found in any church that is on track with what Jesus intended for His people. The health of Fellowship, and any church, can be measured in part by the prevalence of these two traits that the Apostle Paul highlights in 1 Thessalonians 1:5-8 as we will see this Sunday.
1/18/202140 minutes, 53 seconds
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January 10, 2021 | Signs of Life

Every parent wants their children to thrive. God is no exception. There are certain elements that must be present for a church to have genuine spiritual health. In 1 Thessalonians 1:1-4 we find three key features of a thriving church that is “growing deep and reaching out.” As we will see this Sunday, the signs of life are everywhere when God is manifesting these traits in His people.
1/11/202133 minutes, 47 seconds
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January 3, 2021 | How to Live With Hope in 2021

If you want to know how to live with hope in this upcoming year, then you will want to take to heart the powerful words Jesus gives us in Matthew 6:25-34. So much of our peace, sense of well-being, and perspective will be directly tied to how we see God applying this life-giving passage to our hearts. I am praying that 2021 will be a significant year of growing in the grace of Christ for each of us and all of us as a body of believers in this new year.
1/3/202142 minutes, 14 seconds
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December 27, 2020 | How Should We Respond When Blindsided by the Unexpected? | Guest Speaker Larry Litton

Ten months ago, our economic, social, and community health prospects indicated a bright future in many respects. In a matter of days that bright outlook dimmed as we found ourselves in the throes of the unexpected, the unthinkable—a worldwide pandemic. It has taken lives. It has affected our political system and challenged the greatest healthcare system in the world. It has genuinely altered the way we live. Multiple sources have given us unfamiliar and often conflicting advice and instruction for health and safety. While we may have been blindsided, God has not. As His children, we must turn to His word to learn how to reflect His light in the face of the unexpected.
12/28/202037 minutes, 22 seconds
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December 20, 2020 | Joy for the Unassuming

This Sunday we are going to discover the heart of a worshipful life that is displayed in one of the most overlooked songs of Christmas. In order to really know the joy God gives to the world in sending Christ, we need to have humility. This song of praise, “The Magnificat” found in Luke 1:46-56, will show us exactly what humility of heart looks like as it exalts the greatness of our God.
12/21/202039 minutes, 55 seconds
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December 13, 2020 | Joy for the Unlikely

Every one of us has sung, “Joy to the World”. The question is, “How do we live with joy?” We begin to answer this question by considering an often-overlooked scene in the Christmas story recorded in Luke 1:39-45. These were life-changing events for Mary and Elizabeth and will be for us as we look at them this Sunday.
12/13/202030 minutes, 36 seconds
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November 29, 2020 | You Cannot Serve Both God and Money

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
11/29/202039 minutes, 12 seconds
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November 22, 2020 | The Triumph of Treasuring Christ and His Kingdom

Not long before she died in 1988, in a moment of surprising candor on TV, well-known British secular humanist novelist and avowed atheist Marghanita Laski said, “What I envy most about you Christians is your forgiveness. I have nobody to forgive me.” One of the greatest features of those who follow Christ is their ability to forgive people from the heart. This Sunday we are going to learn essential life lessons in the art of forgiveness from Matthew 6:14-15 and Genesis 50:15-21.
11/23/202037 minutes, 3 seconds
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November 15, 2020 | The Faith to Forgive

Not long before she died in 1988, in a moment of surprising candor on TV, well-known British secular humanist novelist and avowed atheist Marghanita Laski said, “What I envy most about you Christians is your forgiveness. I have nobody to forgive me.” One of the greatest features of those who follow Christ is their ability to forgive people from the heart. This Sunday we are going to learn essential life lessons in the art of forgiveness from Matthew 6:14-15 and Genesis 50:15-21.
11/16/202040 minutes, 58 seconds
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November 8, 2020 | How God Develops Our Spiritual Lives

Every skill and ability that you are good at didn’t come about without being intentional. Whether it be at home, on the job, or in school, development of these abilities wasn’t automatic. It was actually a process. Time and energy were invested, and you likely learned a lot from others. The same is true with how God develops our spiritual lives, as we see from Matthew 6:9-18.
11/9/202038 minutes, 36 seconds
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November 1, 2020 | How to Develop a Deep Relationship with God

It is one thing to know about God, but it is another to know Him deeply. There are many people who would like to know how to have a significant relationship with God but have settled for superficiality. They simply do not know how to grow any deeper. What is needed is Matthew 5:48-6:8, which shows us the way to a personal and powerful relationship with the living God of the universe.
11/1/202041 minutes, 8 seconds
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October 25, 2020 | Enlarging Credibility During an Epidemic of Conflict

In the midst of raging social turmoil and political conflict, followers of Jesus Christ need God’s wisdom to pursue peace, address conflicts and engage people with spiritual credibility. Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5:43-48 focuses on these issues with penetrating significance for our current challenges.
10/26/202038 minutes, 26 seconds
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October 18, 2020 | Transformation Not Retaliation

Suffering unjustly can create a lot of heartache. Likely, you have had some experience with your family, at work, at school, or in the community in which the words and actions of others have hurt you. Instead of retaliation, Jesus calls for, and develops, our transformation. As we will see this Sunday, when we live out Matthew 5:38-42 in His strength, the watching world sees a powerful display of the presence of Christ.
10/19/202042 minutes, 6 seconds
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October 11, 2020 | Truth Matters

Why do people have so much trouble with telling the truth? It turns out, this problem has existed from the very beginning of humanity. In order to have trust we need to have truth. For those who are trusting in the King, telling the truth is to become our way of life. As we will see on Sunday, Jesus reveals how to become truth-tellers in Matthew 5:33-37.
10/11/202037 minutes, 13 seconds
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October 4, 2020 | Keeping the Covenant in Marriage

The statistics on marriages making it for the long haul continue to remain sobering and staggering. It’s as if people move forward with marriage with very little idea of what it is and how it works. That is why Matthew 5:31-32 and 19:4-6 are so critical. Jesus not only addresses the issue of divorce, but also presents the building blocks of God-glorifying marriages, as we will see this Sunday.
10/5/202043 minutes, 36 seconds
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September 27, 2020 | Overcoming the Lust Issues in Life

There is not a person alive who has not been affected by sexual lust. But how do we get control of it when it burns so deep and when it's fanned into flame by our hyper-sexualized society? This Sunday we will see Jesus teaching His kingdom citizens how to overcome the lust issues in their lives from Matthew 5:27-30. His message is heavy hitting, but just what our hearts need.*
9/27/20202 minutes, 9 seconds
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September 20, 2020 | Overcoming Anger

All of us have first-hand experience with anger. As a country we are dealing with the significant implications of a pandemic, economic fallout, and civil unrest. Anger seems to be one of the leading responses to this cauldron of calamities. As we will see in our sermon on Sunday from Matthew 5:21-26, Jesus shows how He addresses the anger issues in the hearts of His kingdom citizens.
9/20/202037 minutes, 24 seconds
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September 13, 2020 | The Key to the Kingdom

If you own a car and have a place to live, you are fully aware of how important it is to have the right key and to know how to use it. Matthew 5:17-20 is the key to the kingdom and is the focus of our sermon this Sunday. The message Jesus gives is one that you cannot miss. If you misunderstand how to apply what He says, you miss out on genuine relationship with God altogether.
9/13/202034 minutes, 42 seconds
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September 6, 2020 | Enriching Fruitful Relationships

God has a plan to use your life that is better than you can imagine (Eph. 3:20-21). In Ephesians 4, Paul explains that humility and honesty are essential building blocks for a mature, fruitful life that blesses others.
9/6/202040 minutes, 3 seconds
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August 30, 2020 | You Are the Light of the World

If you have ever visited or taken a tour of a lighthouse, you likely have a whole new appreciation for its role. Lighthouses are lifesavers. When Jesus told His disciples that they are the, “light of the world,” he gave them an unforgettable word picture of the role God intended them to have in society. Like a lighthouse, we have a LIFE-giving mission in this world,as Jesus explains in Matthew 5:14-16. This Sundayduring our worship servicewewill see how we canfulfill our calling.
8/31/202044 minutes, 42 seconds
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August 23, 2020 | You Are the Salt of the Earth

What role does God intend for His people to have in this world? Until we have clarity as to our calling, we likely are living with a lot of confusion. Jesus gives His disciples the insight we need for living as kingdom citizens in this broken world in Matthew 5:13. By living out this one verse, Christ makes a significant difference through us in our world.
8/23/202043 minutes, 34 seconds
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August 16, 2020 | The Power of Christ's Presence in the Face of Persecution

Why would Christians be willing to undergo persecution? Following Jesus when there are no costs to doing so is easy enough. But why would a person stay committed to Christ when there are consequences for doing so? The answer to this significant question is given by Jesus in Matthew 5:10-12 and will be the focus of our message as part of our worship service this Sunday.
8/17/202034 minutes, 45 seconds
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Aug. 9, 2020 | Faith Under Fire

Persecution. The word alone is unsettling. Its reality is sobering. Yet, Jesus not only tells His followers that they will face it, but also gives what we need to know when living through it. Without His words we will quickly lose hope. This Sunday, during our worship service, we will discover how believers can live when their faith is under fire from Matthew 5:10.
8/9/202038 minutes, 26 seconds
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August 2, 2020 | The Power of Peacemaking

There is a role that God’s people are to have in this world that is rarely discussed. When Jesus addressed His disciples in Matthew 5:9, He told them, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” This Sunday, during our online worship service, we will discover what a peacemaker really is and how we can grow in this role. There is power in peacemaking.
8/3/202041 minutes, 5 seconds
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July 26, 2020 | The Priority of Purity

How does the pursuit of purity rate in your priorities? As we look at how Kingdom Citizens live in a broken world, Jesus make a startling statement in Matthew 5:8 when He declares, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." This Sunday, during our worship service ,we are going to take a life-giving look at what every disciple needs to know about purity.
7/26/202037 minutes, 16 seconds
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July 19, 2020 | How to Live on Mission

If you have ever been lost, you know how valuable a map can be. In Acts 1:6-8, God has given us just that: a road map and strategy for His mission of making disciples of all the nations. It is clear, concise and reveals the keys to “living on mission”. This Sunday we are going to take a close look at this strategy God has given us and see how it is being manifested in our church’s mission strategy today.
7/19/202023 minutes, 54 seconds
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July 12, 2020 | The Magnificence of Mercy

As we continue our study of “Kingdom Living in a Broken World”, we are learning that relationship with Christ is to lead to sharing and showing the values of His kingdom. This is exactly what is needed in our country today: Followers of Jesus living out their identity in Christ, bringing the hope of the gospel and healing to the hurt in our society. This Sunday we will see from Matthew 5:7 why we must have mercy.
7/12/202040 minutes, 47 seconds
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July 5, 2020 | Soul Satisfaction

How are you doing with the “pursuit of happiness?” If you are like most Americans, you long to be happy, but are looking for it in all the wrong places. That is why taking to heart what Jesus describes in Mathew 5:1-16 is critical. To really be blessed, you need to really know God. Everyone desires “Soul Satisfaction”, and this Sunday we will see that is exactly what Jesus offers in Matthew 5:6.
7/5/202042 minutes, 30 seconds
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June 28, 2020 | The Greatness That Comes With Gentleness

When was the last time that you considered the importance of “gentleness”? It has probably been awhile. It is a trait that is often overlooked, not highly esteemed, and not usually seen as a strength. Yet, according to Jesus, this often misunderstood and discounted quality is central to His disciples’ development. This Sunday, we will continue looking at how to live as kingdom citizens in a broken world. I think you will find a whole new appreciation for the greatness that comes with gentleness.
6/28/202040 minutes, 24 seconds
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June 21, 2020 |The Blessing for the Brokenhearted

Living in this world has times of great grief. No person is exempt from the pain of sorrow and loss. It is in these seasons of deep hurt in our heart, that God brings the grace of His comfort. Jesus even promised this in Matthew 5:4. Comfort is often a process. It takes time and can’t be rushed. This Sunday we will look at the comfort our broken hearts and our world need and how God provides this in Christ for all who are in His kingdom.
6/21/202036 minutes, 32 seconds
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June 14, 2020 | God's Hope for a Broken World

We are living in unprecedented times. Between the pandemic that has ravaged our world and the pain and civil unrest being experienced in our society, the need for hope is great. How does God bring hope to broken hearts, broken lives, and a broken world? The answer is clearly seen in Matthew 4:23-5:3. This Sunday we are going to begin a series on, “Kingdom Living in a Broken World” as we journey together in experiencing how God brings transformation in our hearts and to our world.
6/14/202048 minutes, 56 seconds
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June 7, 2020 | Forged: The Purpose in Our Painful Problems

Is there really a purpose in the painful problems we face? Until we know the answer to that question, the challenges and struggles we face will often times become overwhelming and leave us discouraged and confused. This Sunday, as we conclude our series on how God uses adversity to forge our faith, we will take a close look at 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. In this passage, the Apostle Paul shows how God used a deeply painful experience to bring significant transformation in his life. We have the same opportunity in the midst of the challenges we face today.
6/7/202050 minutes, 59 seconds
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May 31, 2020 | Forged: The Race of Your Life

Graduations are celebrations of milestones reached and anticipation of the future next steps to be taken. This morning we are celebrating our high school graduates. As they begin this new season of their lives, I would like to encourage all of us with the timeless words recorded in 2 Timothy 1:1-7. In the beginning of his final letter, God has the Apostle Paul record the key to running the race of your life, even in the face of adversity. Those who thrive spiritually are those who have taken to heart these life-giving words.
5/31/202040 minutes, 6 seconds
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May 24, 2020 | Forged: How God Develops Faith in the Face of Adversity (Part 6)

Most of us have experienced defining events in our lives. These experiences often occur in times of adversity, revealing who we are and shaping who we become. They also change the trajectory of our lives. During such events, we are challenged to choose God’s honor and will ahead of our own wellbeing, and to endure the suffering while trusting in God alone for deliverance. And through these defining events, we are transformed into his likeness to fulfill his purposes.
5/24/202035 minutes, 16 seconds
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May 17, 2020 | Forged: How God Develops Faith in the Face of Adversity (Part 5)

How does God use brokenness in our lives? Until we can answer this question, much of our pain and unfulfilled desires leave us feeling hopeless and robbed of peace and joy. During our worship service on Sunday we will look at 1 Samuel 1 and learn from the life of Hannah. In the face of great difficulty God forged the faith of one of the most remarkable people in the Bible. The lessons we learn from her show us how God uses our pain as part of His grand purpose.
5/17/202043 minutes, 6 seconds
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May 10, 2020 | Forged: How God Develops Faith in the Face of Adversity (Part 4)

How might God be accomplishing His kingdom work in the midst of this pandemic? Covid-19 has certainly brought about a lot of difficulty. Yet, God is still on His throne, and He is displaying His sovereignty in the midst of this adversity. This Sunday, during our online worship service, we will take a close look at Daniel 6 and see how God developed faith in Him in the midst of hardship years ago and discover how He is doing the same in this present time.
5/10/202042 minutes, 16 seconds
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April 26, 2020 | Forged: How God Develops Faith in the Face of Adversity (Part 2)

No one is exempt from the problems this Corona Virus pandemic is posing. Like Eliphaz said in the Book of Job, “For man is born for trouble, as sparks fly upward” (Job 5:7). So how do we respond when we face the flames of living in this fallen world? How does God develop our faith when we go through the great difficulties of life? For 2,600 years God has used the events recorded in Daniel 3 to reveal the power of His presence and the how He develops faith in the face of adversity.
4/26/202046 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Mission and Meaning of LIFE

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
4/29/201839 minutes, 55 seconds
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Christ’s Priority for His People

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
4/22/201837 minutes, 18 seconds
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Maturity Matters: Identifying with Christ in Baptism

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
4/15/201843 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Purpose Of Life

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
4/8/201840 minutes, 14 seconds
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Easter Sunday: The Word of the Cross

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
4/1/201833 minutes, 54 seconds
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Good Friday 2018 | Who Is the Messiah?

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
3/30/201842 minutes, 25 seconds
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How to Live Vertically in a Horizontal World

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
3/25/201841 minutes, 11 seconds
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Essential Traits of a Shepherding Leader

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
3/18/201840 minutes, 38 seconds
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The King’s Commission

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
3/11/201839 minutes, 12 seconds
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Wisdom for the Young and Those Who Train Them

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
3/4/201839 minutes, 42 seconds
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From Surviving to Thriving

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
2/25/201838 minutes, 27 seconds
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Why do we want wisdom and forsake foolishness?

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
2/18/201842 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Mindset for Moving Forward in Life

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
2/11/201842 minutes, 45 seconds
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Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
2/4/201841 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Priceless Power of an Eternal Perspective

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
1/28/201841 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Life-Changing Ways of Wisdom

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
1/21/201842 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Priceless Possession of an Eternal Perspective

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
1/14/201842 minutes, 51 seconds
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Living in Light of the Gospel in the New Year

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
1/7/201839 minutes, 36 seconds
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Maximum Joy- Living 2018 in Light of Eternity

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
12/31/201736 minutes, 36 seconds
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Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
12/24/201729 minutes, 18 seconds
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Who is Your Shepherd?

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
12/24/201738 minutes, 22 seconds
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Christmas Through a Shepherd’s Eyes

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
12/17/201737 minutes, 18 seconds
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The X-Factor In Life

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
12/10/201741 minutes, 45 seconds
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The X-Factor In Life

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
12/3/201741 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Basics of a Worshipful Life

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
11/26/201743 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Kingdom Priority of caring

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
11/19/201740 minutes
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Values That Keep You From The Vanity Of Life

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
11/12/201741 minutes, 17 seconds
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Faith in the Face of Injustice

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
11/5/201743 minutes, 7 seconds
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How God Develops Worshipful Lives

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
10/29/201741 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Convictions that Lead to Joy and Purpose in Life

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
10/22/201744 minutes, 9 seconds
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Finding Joy and Purpose Living In a Futile World

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
10/15/201747 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

‘but even if not...”

Guest teacher Gary DeSalvo Senior Pastor, Temple Bible Church Temple, TX A break from our Ecclesiastes series, to hear an unforgettable message from the Book of Daniel by visiting Sr. Pastor Gary DeSalvo. Pastor DeSalvo will share a powerful and transforming message of his recent cancer diagnosis, and of trusting in God no matter how things turn out.
10/8/201738 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Counterfeit Crisis

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
10/1/201744 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Is Life Really Meaningless?

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
9/24/201743 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Consider the Lovingkindness of the Lord

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
9/17/201735 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Loving One Another By Bearing One Another’s Burdens

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
9/10/201747 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Legacy We Are Leaving

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
9/3/201744 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Mindset For Following Jesus With Joy

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
8/27/201741 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

What every Christian needs to know about the role of the preaching of the word in the life of a church

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
8/20/201740 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Priority, Perspective, and Power of Paul

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
8/13/201740 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Is the Bible Really the Word of God?

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
8/7/201738 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Revelation for Transformation

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
7/31/201737 minutes, 50 seconds
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Reaching Out with Hearts to Serve

Reaching Out with Hearts to Serve
7/23/201743 minutes, 29 seconds
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Reaching Out with Words of Hope

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
7/16/201739 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Fidelity to the Scriptures

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
7/10/201742 minutes, 22 seconds
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A Game Plan for Following Jesus

A Game Plan for Following Jesus
7/2/201735 minutes, 8 seconds
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Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
6/26/201757 minutes, 15 seconds
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Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
6/19/201743 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork


Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
6/12/201741 minutes, 44 seconds
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Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
6/5/201736 minutes, 21 seconds
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Displaying Jesus in Your Character

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
5/28/201740 minutes, 7 seconds
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Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
5/21/201738 minutes, 2 seconds
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Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
4/23/201744 minutes, 2 seconds
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Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
4/16/201741 minutes, 54 seconds
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Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
4/9/201736 minutes, 35 seconds
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Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
4/2/201736 minutes, 39 seconds
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Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
3/27/201739 minutes, 54 seconds
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Living With Hope When Facing Questions About Death

Why Can Christians have hope even when facing questions about death?
3/19/201739 minutes, 5 seconds
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Keys of the Kingdom

Keys of the Kingdom
3/12/201736 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Miracle-Gro of Grace

grace: the blessings of God freely given to people. God’s free and loving actions and gifts, especially seen in providing salvation and empowering believers.
3/5/201736 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Courage of Caleb

The Courage of Caleb
2/27/201738 minutes, 1 second
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The Treasure Principle: How to Become a Spiritual Encourager

The Treasure Principle:How to Become a Spiritual Encourager
2/20/201739 minutes, 45 seconds
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How to Grow Confident in Christ

How to Grow Confident in Christ
2/12/201739 minutes, 33 seconds
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Why would anyone be willing to suffer for the gospel of Christ?

Christian Suffering: any distress or pain that comes from our identity with Christ and our involvement with His work.
2/5/201738 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Essence of Spiritual Leadership

The Essence of Spiritual Leadership
2/1/201739 minutes, 33 seconds
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Taste and See

How does the promise of life in Christ Jesus transform us?
1/25/201740 minutes, 16 seconds
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Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
1/15/201740 minutes, 34 seconds
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Don’t Mess With a Classic

Don’t Mess With a ClassicIntroduction to 2 Timothy with1 Timothy 1:12-17What is the essence of classic Christianity?
1/8/201737 minutes, 53 seconds
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Walking on Water 101

3When we face the everyday challenges and storms of life we ask,“Why are we going through this? How are we to make it? What is God teaching us about Himself and ourselves through these situations?”
1/1/201739 minutes, 21 seconds
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Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve
12/24/201624 minutes, 41 seconds
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Who Are You Calling King?

Who Are You Calling King?
12/18/201643 minutes, 38 seconds
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God with Us!

Is Jesus really God?
12/11/201639 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Hidden Hope of Christmas

The Hidden Hope of Christmas Does the New Testament really begin with hope for humanity?
12/4/201640 minutes, 59 seconds
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Are You Really Thankful This Thanksgiving?

Are You Really Thankful This Thanksgiving?
11/27/201636 minutes, 13 seconds
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How do we live and grow through adversity?

How do we live and grow through adversity? Our lifeline is the Lord.
11/13/201640 minutes, 46 seconds
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Why Missions is so Important to Me

Why Missions is so Important to Me
11/6/201640 minutes, 12 seconds
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Who Is Your Master?

Who is your master –money or Jesus?
10/30/201639 minutes, 12 seconds
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Forgetting Someone?

Why do we forget God in the details and even the big decisions in life?
10/23/201639 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Orientation of Your Heart

Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.
10/16/201638 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Posture Required for Acquiring Wisdom

Wisdom isn’t hiding – it’s in plain sight. In fact, it’s shouting in the streets for those who have ears to hear. In Proverbs 2:1-10, God reveals the “posture” required for a person to acquire wisdom and the results wisdom has in the life of the person who finds it.
10/9/201646 minutes, 39 seconds
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An Invitation for Life

Proverbs 9
10/2/201640 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Wisdom We Live By

The wisdom we follow is shown by the way that we live.
9/25/201641 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Power of Our Words

The words of your mouth reveal the maturity of your heart.
9/18/201640 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Life of Faith

The Theme for the Book of James: Maturity Matters
9/11/201640 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Problem with Playing Favorites

1The Theme for the Book of James: Maturity MattersThe
9/4/201638 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Letter for Life

A Letter for Life
8/28/201638 minutes, 10 seconds
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Building to Build Lives

How does God build lives?
8/21/201638 minutes, 13 seconds
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Gifted to Grow

How does spiritual growth take place in a local church?
8/14/201640 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Danger of Having No Debt

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
8/8/201642 minutes, 36 seconds
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Walking With God in a World That Opposes Him

How do you walk with God in a world that opposes Him?
8/1/201641 minutes, 11 seconds
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Worshiping God in the Waiting of Life

Psalm 40, Worshiping God in the Waiting of Life
7/24/201637 minutes, 8 seconds
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Marriage: Made in Heaven?

Marriage: Made in Heaven?
7/17/201638 minutes, 2 seconds
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Living the Word (Building to Build Lives 2016)

How does God use His word to develop maturity in our lives?
7/10/201641 minutes, 1 second
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When Temptation Calls

Building to Build Lives 2016)
7/3/201641 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Triumph in our Trials

The Triumph in our Trials Building to Build Lives 2016
6/27/201638 minutes, 50 seconds
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Foundation MattersSeries: Building to Build Lives

What are the most foundational matters of life according to Jesus?
6/19/201639 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Master Plan: Invest & Multiply

Luke 19:11-13
6/12/201638 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Legacy You Live

The Legacy You Live Colossians 3:12-17 What does a well-lived life look like?
6/5/201640 minutes, 3 seconds
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God’s Goal for His People

God’s Goal for His People Colossians 1:24-29
5/29/201638 minutes, 54 seconds
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How God Develops a Deeper Faith in His People (Part 2)

How God Develops a Deeper Faith in His People 1 Thessalonians 5:19-28 How do you become a person of spiritual depth?
5/22/201639 minutes, 2 seconds
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Stimulating Spiritual Transformation

Stimulating Spiritual Transformation 2 Corinthians 3:7-18
5/15/201632 minutes, 58 seconds
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How God Develops a Deeper Faith in His People (Part 1)

How God Develops a Deeper Faith in His People (Part 1)How God 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 How do you become a person of spiritual depth?
5/13/201639 minutes, 54 seconds
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Redeeming Relationships

Redeeming Relationships 1 Thessalonians 5:13b-15 How do you see people?
5/1/201640 minutes
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How God Develops a LIFE-giving Church

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
4/24/201642 minutes, 42 seconds
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How to be a Life Giving Believer

How to be a Life Giving Believer 1 Thessalonians 5:11
4/17/201638 minutes
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Living In Light of Christ’s Return (Part 2)

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 How are Christians to live in light of Christ’s return?
4/10/201640 minutes, 1 second
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Living In Light of Christ’s Return

Living In Light of Christ’s Return (Part 1) 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
4/3/201636 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Rally Cry of Easter

2 Timothy 2:8-9 How does Jesus really change your life?
3/27/201639 minutes, 50 seconds
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Good Friday

Good Friday Matthew
3/25/201637 minutes, 42 seconds
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Living With Hope When Facing Questions About Death

Why Can Christians have hope even when facing questions about death?
3/20/201641 minutes, 18 seconds
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Genuine Discipleship

Genuine Discipleship John 15: 8,16
3/13/201635 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Rest We Need in the Midst of Our Work

The Rest We Need in the Midst of Our Work 1 Thessalonians 4:11 How do you really pursue rest in the midst of a busy life?
3/7/201639 minutes, 18 seconds
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When Our Work Becomes Worship (Part 2)

How does relationship with Christ transform the way that we work? Colossians 3:23-24
2/29/201637 minutes, 16 seconds
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Sermons You Can See

Sermons You Can See 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 How do we add credibility to our Testimony?
2/15/201639 minutes, 27 seconds
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How To Live With Sexual Integrity

How To Live With Sexual Integrity 1 Corinthians 6:9-7:7 How can Christians live with sexual integrity and why is it important?
2/7/201639 minutes, 30 seconds
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Hope for the Broken Heart

What happens if you trip and fall? Is there really hope and healing for those who have fallen into sin?
2/1/201639 minutes, 21 seconds
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How to Walk with God in a Sexualized Society

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
1/24/201641 minutes, 58 seconds
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Christianity’s Greatest Need

How do we confidently live a Christ-centered life?
1/18/201636 minutes, 57 seconds
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Let God Be Your Guide

Where we are going depends on whom we are following. How do you really let God be your guide?
1/11/201636 minutes, 36 seconds
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Wise Perspective for a New Year

Is there wisdom that will help us make the most of the new year before us? How do we gain the perspective which provides the daily guidance we need? Psalm 85:1-13
1/3/201637 minutes, 13 seconds
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Why We Focus On Faith

Why We Focus On Faith, 1 Thessalonians 3:1-10
12/13/201536 minutes, 22 seconds
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Grace-Motivated Giving

Grace-Motivated Giving, 2 Corinthians 8:1-9
12/6/201537 minutes, 57 seconds
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Compelled by Love

Compelled by Love, 1 Thessalonians 2
11/29/201537 minutes, 24 seconds
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Following Christ in a Fallen World

Following Christ in a Fallen World, 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16
11/22/201541 minutes, 15 seconds
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How the Word of God Transforms our Way of Life

How the Word of God Transforms our Way of Life
11/16/201541 minutes, 32 seconds
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Discipling People Like Jesus Did

Discipling People Like Jesus Did, 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12
11/8/201542 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Difference Maker

The Difference Maker, 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
11/1/201540 minutes, 36 seconds
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Faith in the Face of Suffering

Faith in the Face of Suffering, 1 Thessalonians 2:1-2
10/25/201543 minutes, 13 seconds
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Engaging Non-Christins with Grace & Truth

Engaging Non-Christians with Grace & Truth, Acts 17:16-34, John 4:3-26
10/18/201543 minutes, 40 seconds
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Idols are Never Idle

Idols are Never Idle, 1 Thessalonians
10/11/201540 minutes, 3 seconds
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Devotion Determines Direction

Devotion Determines Direction
10/4/201540 minutes, 20 seconds
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When the Word of God Transforms Our Way of Life

When the Word of God Transforms Our Way of Life
9/27/201539 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Divine Domino Effect

The Divine Domino Effect
9/20/201530 minutes, 10 seconds
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How the Gospel Goes Forth

How the Gospel Goes Forth
9/13/201539 minutes, 31 seconds
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Signs of Life

Signs of Life
9/6/201538 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Miracle of the Church

The Miracle of the Church
8/30/201540 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Essence of a God-Exalting Life

The Essence of a God-Exalting Life
8/23/201536 minutes, 49 seconds
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An Inside Look at Intentional Spiritual Leadership

An Inside Look at Intentional Spiritual Leadership
8/16/201537 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Greatest Threat to Today’s Church

Weekly Bible-based messages of encouragement and hope. Grow Deep in your faith and Reach Out to our world! Get connected at!
8/9/201538 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Legacy You Leave

Romans 16:1-16
8/2/201540 minutes, 51 seconds
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Jesus: Rock of Salvation or Rock of Offense?

Jesus: Rock of Salvation or Rock of Offense?
7/26/201537 minutes, 3 seconds
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Priority of the Kingdom

Mark 1:15, Matthew 6:33, Daniel 2:44, Priority of the Kingdom
7/19/201526 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Groundbreaking Mission of the Church

Matthew 28:18-20, The Groundbreaking Mission of the Church
7/12/201528 minutes, 19 seconds
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When the Peace of God Prevails

Romans 15:33, When the Peace of God Prevails
7/5/201537 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Power of Prayer

Romans 15:30-33,
6/28/201537 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Mindset of a Disciple-Maker (Part 2)

Romans 15:20-33, The Mindset of a Disciple-Maker (Part 2)
6/21/201538 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Mindset of a Disciple-Maker (Part 1)

The Mindset of a Disciple-Maker (Part 1), Romans 15:14-19
6/14/201537 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Hope of the World

Romans 15:8-13, The Hope of the World
6/7/201544 minutes, 36 seconds
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Music to His Ears

Romans 15:1-7, Music to His Ears
5/31/201538 minutes, 19 seconds
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How to Build a Church

How to Build a Church, Romans 14:13-23
5/24/201542 minutes, 53 seconds
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Money Matters

Luke 16:10-15
5/17/201547 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Priority of Being in His Presence

Luke 10:38-42, The Priority of Being in His Presence
5/10/201537 minutes, 27 seconds
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When Liberty is Guided by Love

When Liberty is Guided by Love
5/3/201539 minutes, 42 seconds
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What To Do When You Have Blown It

What To Do When You Have Blown It, Pslam 32
4/26/201537 minutes, 38 seconds
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Wake Up Call: Love-Motivated Living in a Sin-Dominated World

Romans 13:11-14, Wake Up Call: Love-Motivated Living in a Sin-Dominated World
4/19/201541 minutes, 41 seconds
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A Love-Motivated Life

Romans 13:8-10, A Love-Motivated Life
4/12/201539 minutes, 27 seconds
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Evidence that Demands a Verdict

Evidence that Demands a Verdict, 1 Corinthians 15:12-20
4/5/201540 minutes, 3 seconds
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God, Government and the Citezen-Saint

Romans 13:1-7,God, Government and the Citezen-Saint
3/29/201544 minutes, 58 seconds
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God, Government, and the Citizen-Saint

God, Government, and the Citizen-Saint (part 1), Romans 13:1-7
3/22/201540 minutes, 2 seconds
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Faith to Forgive

How are we to forgive from the heart? Matthew 18:21-22
3/15/201538 minutes, 17 seconds
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Rediscovering the Lost Art of Forgiveness

(Recap) Romans 12:9, 17-21, Genesis 50:12-21,Rediscovering the Lost Art of Forgiveness
3/8/201538 minutes, 45 seconds
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How To Overcome Evil With Good

Romans, 12:17-21, How To Overcome Evil With Good
3/1/201540 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Key to Loving People Well

Romans 12:14-16, The Key to Loving People Well
2/22/201539 minutes, 49 seconds
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What Love Looks Like

What Love Looks Like, Romans 12:10-13
2/15/201539 minutes, 24 seconds
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True Love - How to Really Love From the Heart

Romans 12:9, True Love - How to Really Love From the Heart
2/8/201536 minutes, 48 seconds
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Don't Stop the Story too Soon

Don't Stop the Story too Soon, 2 Peter 3:1-13, John Henderson
2/1/201537 minutes, 36 seconds
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With Jesus We Have All That We Need

With Jesus We Have All That We Need, Luke 9:10-17
1/25/201545 minutes, 8 seconds
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To Believe is To Belong

To Believe is To Belong, Romans 12:4-5
1/11/201538 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Mission Focus of Fellowship Bible Church

The Mission Focus of Fellowship Bible Church, Col 1:28-29
1/4/201539 minutes, 59 seconds
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How to Know If You Are Really Thankful This Christmas

How to Know If You Are Really Thankful This Christmas
12/28/201437 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Hidden Hope of Christmas

Matthew 1:1-6, 18-25 The Hidden Hope of Christmas
12/21/201439 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Secret of Living Well

Romans 12:3 The Secret of Living Well
12/14/201440 minutes, 32 seconds
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A Charge to Keep

A Charge to Keep, 2 Timothy 4:1-8
12/7/201443 minutes, 46 seconds
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Live the Christ Exchanged Life

Live the Christ Exchanged Life Galatians 2:20; 5:16-25
12/1/201441 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to Truly Live a Transformed Life pt2

How to Truly Live a Transformed Life pt2, Romans 12:1-2
11/23/201438 minutes
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How to Truly Live a Transformed Life pt1

How to Truly Live a Transformed Life pt1, Romans 12:1-2
11/16/201442 minutes, 45 seconds
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Trusting God in a Performance-Driven Society

Trusting God in a Performance-Driven Society, Matthew 6:19-34
11/9/201440 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Wonders of His Way Pt2

The Wonders of His Way, Romans 11:15-36
11/2/201435 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Wonders of His Way

The Wonders of His Way, Romans 11:1-14
10/26/201440 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Gospel in Motion

The Gospel in Motion, Romans 10:13-15
10/19/201442 minutes, 27 seconds
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A Close Up Look On Reaching People Far From Christ, Romans 10

A Close Up Look On Reaching People Far From Christ Romans 10:1-21
10/12/201440 minutes, 5 seconds
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Behind the Scenes Tour of God’s Salvation

Behind the Scenes Tour of God’s Salvation Romans 9:6-33
10/5/201439 minutes, 32 seconds
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We Live What We Believe

Romans 9:1-5, We Live What We Believe
9/21/201442 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Power of His Presence

Romans 8:26-39, The Power of His Presence
9/14/201436 minutes
Episode Artwork

Hope in the Face of Hardships

Romans 8:15-28, Hope in the Face of Hardship
9/7/201439 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Revolutionary Change

Revolutionary Love, Romans 8:9-17 Knowing who we are revolutionizes how we live.
8/31/201436 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork


Thrive, Romans 8:1-11 In order to thrive in life, we must know what it means to be alive in Christ.
8/24/201439 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Asa Factor: Reliance

The Asa Factor: Reliance, 2 Chron 14:9-11,16:7-9,Prov3:5-6
8/17/201434 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Win the War Within

How to Win the War Within, Romans 7:14-25
8/10/201437 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Liberated from Legalism

Liberated from Legalism, Romans 7:1-13
8/3/201434 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Persevering through Affliction

Persevering through Affliction 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:10
7/27/201439 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Handling Depression by Hoping in God

Handling Depression by Hoping in God psalm 42-43
7/20/201448 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Master Lock

Master Lock, Romans 6:15-23 Why is it essential that every person knows who really is their master? The life we lead depends upon the master that we serve.
7/13/201442 minutes, 28 seconds
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Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset, Romans 6:12-14
7/6/201438 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Can God Really Change Me?

Can God Really Change Me? Romans 6:1-11
6/29/201437 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Christ in Contrast

Christ in Contrast Romans 5:12-21
6/22/201438 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Justified and Living Like It

Justified and Living Like It, Romans 5:1-11
6/15/201440 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Unvarnished Truth about Justification

The Unvarnished Truth about Justification Romans 4:9-25
6/8/201436 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

The World's Greatest Discovery

The World’s Greatest Discovery Romans 4:1-8
6/1/201439 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

How Does God Really Make a Person Right with Him?

How Does God Really Make a Person Right with Him? Romans 3:21-31
5/25/201436 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Tragedy of Total Depravity

The Tragedy of Total Depravity is only overcome by the triumph of Jesus Christ. Romans 3:9-24
5/18/201442 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Ministry of Your Life

The Ministry of Your Life 2 Corinthians 2:14-17
5/11/201438 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

Facing Down Anxiety with Attitudes and Actions of Faith

Facing Down Anxiety with Attitudes and Actions of Faith Philippians 4:4-9
5/4/201442 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Can Being Religious Really Save You?

Can Being Religious Really Save You? Romans 2:17-3:10
4/27/201449 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

What Will You Do With Jesus?

What will you do with Jesus? John 20:19-31 Easter 2014 Service
4/20/201439 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Judging from the Looks of Things

Judging from the Looks of Things Romans 2:1-16
4/15/201438 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Exchanging the Truth of God for a Lie

Romans 1:22-32 Exchanging the Truth of God for a Lie Exchanging the truth of God for a lie leads to experiencing the wrath of God over sin.
4/6/201444 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Trajectory of Our Lives

Romans 1:18-25 The trajectory of our lives is determined by our response to God’s revealed truth.
3/30/201437 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Gospel Truth

Romans 1:1-17, The Gospel Truth What does it look like when your life is set apart for the gospel of God?
3/23/201445 minutes, 21 seconds
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Come Let Us Worship

Come Let Us Worship Psalm 95 Romans 12:1
3/16/201447 minutes, 12 seconds
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Navigating Today’s Challenges

Navigating Today's Challenges - Road Trip Series Colossians 4:2-6
3/9/201443 minutes, 15 seconds
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Work, Family, & the Glory of God

Work for the Glory of God and model to your family a God centered view of work Colossians 3:22-4:1
3/2/201446 minutes, 17 seconds
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Parenting 101

Parenting 101 The passion of godly parents is to see their children made complete in Christ. Road Trip
2/23/201442 minutes, 28 seconds
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Practical Parenting

Practical Parenting 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8, 11-12
2/16/201428 minutes, 59 seconds
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A Kid’s Role in a Christian Family

A Kid’s Role in a Christian Family Colossians 3:20
2/9/201447 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Experience God’s Best for Your Marriage (Part 2)

How to Experience God’s Best for Your Marriage (Part 2) Road Trip Colossians 3:18-19
2/2/201447 minutes, 12 seconds
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How to Experience God’s Best for Your Marriage

How to Experience God’s Best for Your Marriage Colossians 3:18-19
1/26/201449 minutes, 28 seconds
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Relationship Commitments of a Christ-centered Family

Relationship Commitments of a Christ-centered Family Colossians 3:12-21
1/19/201441 minutes, 11 seconds
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Road Trip: Essentials for the Trip

Road Trip: Essentials for the Trip How Christian Families Can Thrive as They Travel Through Today’s Culture Colossians 3:1-17
1/12/201443 minutes, 30 seconds
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Revelation Overview

Starting the Year with the End in Mind Overview of the book of Revelation
1/5/201449 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Compassion of Christ

The Compassion of Christ
12/29/201344 minutes, 24 seconds
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Good News: A Savior, Christ the Lord

Do You See What I See? Good News: A Savior, Christ the Lord Luke 2:1-20
12/22/201342 minutes, 14 seconds
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Do You See What I See - John 9

Do You See What I See - John 9
12/15/201345 minutes, 7 seconds
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Finding Your Joy in Christ - Philippians 4

Finding Your Joy in Christ - Philippians 4
12/8/201337 minutes, 23 seconds
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Who Is This Man - Hearts that Hunger for the Living God

Who Is This Man? Hearts that Hunger for the Living God Luke 5:17-26
12/1/201338 minutes, 38 seconds
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Hearts Consumed with Christ

Hearts Consumed with Christ Philippians 3:7-21
11/24/201341 minutes, 35 seconds
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Hearts that Hunger for the Living God - Hearts for the Hurting

Hearts that Hunger for the Living God Hearts for the Hurting Isaiah 58:1-12
11/17/201346 minutes, 48 seconds
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Reason to Celebrate

Reason to Celebrate Esther 9:20-10:3
11/10/201337 minutes, 31 seconds
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A Divine Reversal - Esther 9:1-22

A Divine Reversal - Esther 9:1-22
11/3/201337 minutes, 58 seconds
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Glimpses of God's Greatness

Glimpses of God's Greatness Esther 8:1-7
10/27/201339 minutes, 46 seconds
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When Pride Prevails - Esther 6-7

When Pride Prevails Esther 6-7
10/20/201343 minutes, 29 seconds
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Reconciled to Relay the Message of Reconciliation

Reconciled to Relay the Message of Reconciliation 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
10/13/201340 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Search for Significance - Esther 5:1-14

The Search for Significance Esther 5:1-14
10/6/201343 minutes, 46 seconds
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Growing Pains - Esther 4:1-17

Growing Pains Esther 4:1-17
9/29/201342 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Power of Pride - Esther 2:21-3:15

The Power of Pride
9/22/201342 minutes, 41 seconds
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Out of the Blue - Esther 2:1-20

Out of the Blue Esther 2:1-20 God displays His divine sovereignty even in those who are distant from Him.
9/15/201340 minutes, 43 seconds
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When God Seems Absent and Kings Act Like Gods - Esther1:1-22

When God Seems Absent and Kings Act Like Gods Esther 1:1-22
9/8/201341 minutes, 26 seconds
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Do LIFE Together

Draw near to God Hold fast our hope Do LIFE Together Hebrews 10:19-25
9/1/201344 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Intentional Life - 1 Timothy 6:17-21

The Intentional Life 1 Timothy 6:17-21
8/25/201343 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Defining Features of Your Life - 1 Timothy 6:11-16

The Defining Features of Your Life 1 Timothy 6:11-16 What we flee from What we aspire to Who we are trusting in
8/18/201338 minutes, 22 seconds
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Gain with Christ Centered Contentment 1 Timothy 6:3-10 Aug 11 2013

Gain with Christ Centered Contentment 1 Timothy 6:3-10 Intentional Church series
8/11/201342 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Way Your Work Matters - Aug 4 2013

The Way Your Work Matters 1 Timothy 6:1-2
8/4/201346 minutes, 13 seconds
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How to Have Healthy Church Leaders - 1 Timothy 5:17-25 - July 28, 2013

How to Have Healthy Church Leaders - 1 Timothy 5:17-25 July 28, 2013
7/28/201339 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Church as Family - July 21, 2013

The Church as Family 1 Timothy 5:1-16 Intentional Church
7/21/201342 minutes, 3 seconds
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Intentional Church 1 Timothy 4:10-16

1 Timothy 4:10-16 Characteristics of True Christian Leadership Intentional Church
7/14/201343 minutes, 3 seconds
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Let Your Life Speak - 1 Timothy 4:12

Let Your Life Speak - 1 Timothy 4:12 What does Christian character really look like?
7/7/201342 minutes
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How to Live and Lead with Spiritual Strength

How to Live and Lead with Spiritual Strength 1 Timothy 4:6-11
6/30/201338 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Church: A Pillar of Truth in a World of Heresy - 1 Timothy 3:14-4:5

1 Timothy 3:14-4:5 The Church: A Pillar of Truth in a World of Heresy
6/23/201342 minutes, 57 seconds
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Intentional Church 1 Timothy 3:8-13

Intentional Church 1 Timothy 3:8-13 Deacons: The Church’s Lead Servants
6/16/201347 minutes, 11 seconds
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Foundational Issues

Foundational Issues Luke 6:46-49 “Is Jesus really the Lord of your life?”
6/9/201332 minutes, 58 seconds
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Intentional Church 1 Timothy 3:1-7

Essential Traits of Church Leaders 1 Timothy 3:1-7
6/2/201344 minutes, 29 seconds
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Intentional Church 1 Timothy 2:9-15 Holiness in a Woman's Heart

Intentional Church 1 Timothy 2:9-15 Holiness in a Woman's Heart
5/26/201342 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Priority of Prayer in Worship & Evangelism

The Priority of Prayer in Worship & Evangelism 1 Timothy 2:1-8
5/19/201350 minutes, 20 seconds
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Intentional Church 2 Timothy 1:5, 3:14-17

Mothers Who Influence Their Children’s Hearts for Eternity 2 Timothy 1:5 and 3:14-17 Intentional Church
5/12/201339 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Life You Lead - 1 Tim 1:18-20

The Life You Lead - 1 Tim 1:18-20
5/5/201339 minutes, 29 seconds
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Intentional Church 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Don't Mess With a Classic

Intentional Church 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Don't Mess With a Classic
4/28/201340 minutes
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How to Live Life When Your Heart is Breaking

How To Live Life When Your Heart is Breaking Psalm 103 How are we to live when trials come, trouble strikes, and our hearts have grown heavy?
4/21/201343 minutes, 4 seconds
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Intentional Church 1 Timothy 1:6-11

Intentional Church 1 Timothy 1:6-11 Lawful Use of the Law
4/14/201342 minutes, 1 second
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Intentional Church 1 Timothy 1:1-6

1 Timothy 1:1-5 Intentional Church I will build my church” –as Jesus stated in Matthew 16:18
4/7/201342 minutes, 23 seconds
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Do You Really See the Significance of Easter?

seeing the significance of Easter 1 Timothy 1:15-16
3/31/201338 minutes, 56 seconds
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It is Finished - Good Friday

It is Finished
3/29/201328 minutes, 12 seconds
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Living Out Your Identity in Christ

Live out your life in Christ by putting off old self, renewing your mind, and putting on the new self as you rely on the Holy Spirit!
3/24/201346 minutes, 58 seconds
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Work Matter part 2

Work Matters Does our work during the week really matter to God?
3/17/201343 minutes, 43 seconds
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Work Matters

Does our work during the week really matter to God?
3/10/201341 minutes, 41 seconds
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Habakkuk 3:1-19 Songs in the Night

Habakkuk 3:1-19 Songs in the Night How do we live by faith?
3/3/201340 minutes, 18 seconds
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Habakkuk 2:1-20 The Life of Faith vs The Perils of Pride

Habakkuk 2:1-20 The Life of Faith vs The Perils of Pride
2/24/201341 minutes, 8 seconds
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Habakkuk 1:1-2:4 - Grappling with God

Habakkuk 1:1-2:4 Grappling with God How do you live in the midst of all the pain...
2/17/201342 minutes, 19 seconds
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Service: Every Believer Being Involved

Building for the Journey Ahead Service: Every Believer Being Involved
2/10/201344 minutes, 21 seconds
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Luke 16:13-15 - Building for the Journey - Stewardship

Luke 16:13-15 Building for the Journey Stewardship
2/3/201355 minutes, 33 seconds
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Luke 5:1-11 The Heart of Discipleship

The Heart of Discipleship
1/27/201341 minutes, 15 seconds
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1 Thessalonians 1:5 - Evangelism - Everyone Reaching Out to One

1 Thessalonians 1:5 - Evangelism – Everyone reaching out to one.
1/20/201350 minutes, 46 seconds
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2 Corinthians 11:1-3 Spritual Practices 1-13-2013

Building for the Journey Ahead 2 Corinthians 11:1-3 Spiritual Practices
1/13/201348 minutes, 41 seconds
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Acts 2:42-47 Building for the Journey Ahead-Community 1-6-2013

Building for the Journey Ahead - Community Acts 2:42-47
1/6/201346 minutes, 38 seconds
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Revelation 2:1-7 Love

Revlation 2:1-7
12/30/201244 minutes, 56 seconds
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Philippians 4:6-7 The Gift of Peace

The Gift of Peace
12/23/201237 minutes, 7 seconds
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Philippians 4:4-5 The Gift of Joy

How Relationship with Christ Blesses the Lives of His People
12/16/201241 minutes, 29 seconds
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1 Peter 1:3-9,13 The Gift of Hope

How Relationship with Christ Blesses the Lives of His People
12/9/201242 minutes, 21 seconds
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1 John 4:7-13 - The Gift of Love

How Relationship with Christ Blesses the Lives of His People
12/2/201240 minutes, 36 seconds
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Luke 17-11-19 Are You Really Thankful 11-25-12

Luke 17-11-19 Are You Really Thankful
11/25/201233 minutes, 49 seconds
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1 Thess 4-3-8 What, How, & Why of Sexual Purity

Sexual Purity
11/18/201240 minutes, 41 seconds
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2 Kings 18:1-4 Tearing Down Our Good Idols

Tearing down our "Good" Idols - we all worship something
11/11/201254 minutes, 9 seconds
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Matthew 28:18-20 Recovering Christ’s Disciple-making Mission (Part 4) Going Global With Making Disciples of All Nations

An essential question of life is, “Will we come to Christ and will those who have Christ go to the world?”
11/4/201247 minutes, 29 seconds
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Matthew 28:18-20 Recovering Christ's Disciple-Making Mission Part 3

Maturity Matters! The ongoing process of developing maturity in Christ
10/28/201241 minutes, 2 seconds
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Matthew 28:16-20 Recovering Christ's Disciple-making Mission (Part 2)

Jesus’ Game Plan for Developing Disciples
10/21/201244 minutes, 26 seconds
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Matthew 28:16-20 Recovering Christ's Disciple-making Mission

Recovering Christ's disciple-making mission requires that we are responsive to His words.
10/14/201241 minutes, 23 seconds
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Matt 27:55-28:15 The Single Greatest Event in History

Did Jesus really die and rise again?
10/7/201240 minutes, 41 seconds
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Matthew 27:27-54 The One Who Suffered on Our Behalf

To understand the value of the cross, you have to understand the suffering that Jesus endured.
9/30/201244 minutes, 10 seconds
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Matthew 27:1-26 Innocence on Trial

The Innocent One was condemned to death so that guilty ones might truly live.
9/23/201238 minutes, 23 seconds
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Matthew 26:69-75 The God Who Uses Broken People

Five steps toward a spiritual meltdown.
9/16/201233 minutes, 57 seconds
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Matthew 26:47-68 Total Rejection

The seed of redemption sprouts from the soil of rejection.
9/9/201241 minutes, 50 seconds
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Matthew 26:31-46 The Overcoming Life

It is in prayerfully trusting God's sovereignty that we experience the peace of Christs' presence.
9/2/201238 minutes, 31 seconds
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Matthew 26:17-30 The Essence of Our Faith: Communion

Communion strengthens our worship of Christ. Communion is at the heart of our union with Christ.
8/26/201247 minutes, 18 seconds
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Matthew 26:1-16 The Word of the Cross

Our lives, for eternity, are determined by what we do with the Word of the Cross.
8/19/201243 minutes, 8 seconds
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Matthew 25:31-46 How's Your Heart?

Even the little things reveal the great things that Christ is doing in your heart.
8/12/201234 minutes, 8 seconds
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Jonah 4:1-11 A Testimony of God's Character

Act 4: An angry prophet and our compassionate God. Jonah goes to school with a compassionate Teacher, the LORD God.
8/5/201241 minutes, 27 seconds
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Jonah 3:1-10 Jonah: More than just a Fish Story

Act 3: A Redirected Prophet, A Repentant Pagan People, & our Merciful God. Our God is eager to relent when people repent!
7/29/201238 minutes, 24 seconds
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Matthew 25:14-30 Fellowship Has Talent!

The parable of the talents. Our use of His resources matters to God. What are you doing with what you have been given?
7/22/201236 minutes, 4 seconds
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Matthew 25:1-13 The Tragedy of an Unprepared Life

In Matthew 25:1-13 Jesus gives a parable designed to have us evaluate if we are really prepared for His return. The Kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are ready for Christ's return.
7/15/201237 minutes, 11 seconds
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Jonah 1:17-2:10 Jonah: More than Just a Fish Story

Act 2: A Sinking Prophet, A Fish, and Our God Who Disciplines and Delivers.
7/8/201238 minutes, 41 seconds
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Jonah 1:1-16 Jonah: More than Just a Fish Story

Act 1: A runaway prophet, pagan sailors, and our God who graciously pursues. God graciously pursues His rebellious children! So -- stop going down and get back up by God's grace!
7/1/201237 minutes, 5 seconds
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Matthew 24:36-51 Really, Are You Ready?

How do you know if you are really ready for Christ's return?
6/24/201237 minutes, 53 seconds
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Matthew 24:1-35 Where is The World Headed?

Our convictions, compassion, and commitment to Christ reveal if we are ready for His return.
6/17/201236 minutes, 32 seconds
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Matthew 23:1-39 Landmines in Life and Leadership (Part 2)

Lessons from those who failed to learn them (Part 2). Landmines #6 through #11. Failures in life are meant to bring us to faith in Christ.
6/10/201242 minutes, 38 seconds
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Matthew 23:1-39 Landmines in Life and Leadership (Part 1)

Landmines in life and leadership and the lessons we can learn. 1. Hypocrisy 2. Your Image 3. Pride 4. Blocking the way 5. Self-centeredness
6/3/201239 minutes, 42 seconds
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Matthew 22:23-46 Do You Really Want to Know?

In the three interchanges recorded in Matthew 22:23-46 we find answers to some of life's more important questions. The ultimate question is not what will you do with the answers Jesus gives, but what will you do with Jesus?
5/27/201237 minutes, 48 seconds
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1 Timothy 2:1-8 The Call to Prayer in Worship for All People

The call to prayer for all people.
5/20/201238 minutes, 52 seconds
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Matthew 22:15-22 Image is Everything

"Image is everything" when we realize we are made in God's image to experience life in His Son.
5/13/201237 minutes, 18 seconds
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Matthew 22:1-14 Designer Spirituality

In a day of "designer spirituality" God makes it clear that relationship with Him comes only through believing in His Son.
5/6/201245 minutes, 41 seconds
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Matthew 21:33-46 The Power of Pride

The power of pride prevents us from experiencing the life of Christ.
4/29/201237 minutes, 26 seconds
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Matthew 21:23-32 Faith Beyond Words

How do you develop a faith in Christ that goes far beyond words? Believing in the King leads to being involved in His kingdom work
4/22/201232 minutes, 3 seconds
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Matthew 21:18-22 Divine Design

Spiritual fruit in our lives comes from a dependent faith in God.
4/15/201237 minutes
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John 14:6 The Reality of Easter

Is there a way to really know God? Yes! The reality of Easter is that we can truly know God by trusting in Christ.
4/8/201237 minutes, 37 seconds
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Luke 23 Good Friday Message

The Cross of Christ
4/6/201234 minutes, 14 seconds
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Titus 2:11-15 Improving Our Grasp on God's Grace

The grace of God deals with our past, guides and powers us in the present, and gives us a sure hope for the future
4/1/201240 minutes, 25 seconds
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Matthew 20:29-21:17 When Blind Eyes See -- Who really is Jesus?

We really live only when we see and worship Christ as King
3/26/201238 minutes, 18 seconds
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Matthew 20:17-28 Greatness in God's Eyes

Greatness in God's eyes is living out of a heart of Christ-centered humility that willingly serves others.
3/18/201237 minutes, 58 seconds
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Matthew 19:30-20:16 Radical Grace

The radical grace of God is to transform the lives of His people.
3/11/201237 minutes, 8 seconds
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Matthew 19:13-29 Following Jesus on His Terms

As Christians, we must follow Jesus on His terms, not ours.
3/4/201237 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ephesians 5:18-33 Philippians2:3-5 Strngthening Your Marriage by Putting Christ at the Center

Put Christ at the center of your marriage motivations, mindset, manner, and means!
2/26/201243 minutes, 42 seconds
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Matthew 19:1-12 Marriage, Divorce, and the Significance of Being Single

The sanctity of marriage. The seriousness of divorce. The significance of being single.
2/19/201242 minutes, 10 seconds
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Matthew 18:21-35 The Heart of Forgiveness (Part 2)

Forgiveness is the loving, voluntary cancellation of a debt. Forgiving one another removes obstacles to loving, honest, growing relationships.
2/12/201234 minutes, 50 seconds
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Matthew 18:21-35 The Heart of Forgiveness (Part 1)

Forgiveness is the loving, voluntary cancellation of a debt. Forgiving one another removes obstacles to loving, honest and growing relationships. The ability to truly forgive is found only through our faith in Christ.
2/5/201224 minutes, 9 seconds
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Matthew 18:15-20 Holiness Matters

Holiness matters because Jesus is in our midst. Addressing sin in the life of another believer
1/29/201247 minutes
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Matthew 18:1-14 Greatness in God's Eyes

Humble attitude like a child Holy hatred of sin like God Heart of compassion for the straying like Christ
1/22/201245 minutes, 55 seconds
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Matthew 17:14-27 Going Deep

The Gospel of Matthew is God's discipleship masterpiece. Jesus developed His disciples in the tradition of Jewish Rabbis. Jesus is serious about developing maturity in His people.
1/15/201250 minutes, 59 seconds
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Galatians 5:16-25 The Exchanged Life Part 2: Spirit's Leading in Me

The Exchanged Life: Choosing dependence on the Spirit over self alone. Live the Christian life by walking in step with the Spirit!
1/8/201246 minutes, 18 seconds
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Galatians 2:11-21 The Exchanged Life - Part 1: Christ Living in Me

Justified through faith in Christ to live by faith in Christ. Let Christ live His life through you by faith!
1/1/201253 minutes, 37 seconds
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Romans 15:10-13 Joy to the World

The joy of Christmas comes from knowing Jesus as Lord. The gift of God's Word points us to the gift of God's Son.
12/25/201129 minutes, 19 seconds
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Luke Chapter 2 Christmas Story

Christmas, a time of great joy? or of great sadness?
12/24/201128 minutes, 48 seconds
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Matthew 17:1-13 A Glimpse of His Glory

Glimpses of His glory fuels our confidence in Christ.
12/18/201141 minutes, 45 seconds
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Matthew 16:21-28 How Do You See Your Life

How we see life determines how we live life
12/11/201147 minutes, 53 seconds
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Matthew 16:13-20 Who Really is Jesus?

To call Jesus the Christ, the Son of the living God is a Confession and a Commitment.
12/6/201155 minutes, 12 seconds
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Colossians 1:9-14 Going Deeper in Our Prayers for Spiritual Growth

Deepen you prayer life through the use of Scripture guided prayers.
11/27/201153 minutes, 41 seconds
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Matthew 16:1-12 The Truth about Deception

Your faith is only as good as the object in which it is placed
11/20/201148 minutes, 35 seconds
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Matthew 15:29-39 Forgetting Something?

Knowing why we are here is critical to fulfilling God's purpose in our life.
11/13/201149 minutes, 34 seconds
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Matthew 15:1-28 Holiness is a Heart Issue

Watch over your heart with all diligence. For from it flow the springs of life. Proverbs 4:23 Why is it so easy for external religious practices to replace genuine heart-felt relationship with God?
11/6/201151 minutes, 14 seconds
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1 Corinthians 12:4-30 Re-Discovering the "We" of the Christian Faith

Where do we fit in the - Universal Church (Christ's Body) ? The local church? Other ministries?
10/30/201141 minutes, 9 seconds
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Matthew 14:22-36 Walking on Water 101

Confidence in Christ allows us to overcome our fears in life.
10/23/201146 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ephesians 2:1-10 God's Grace

God's marvelous grace. Report of Banjara school in India
10/16/201150 minutes, 43 seconds
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Matthew 14:1-21 Christ's Mission in the Crosshairs

Christ's Mission in the Crosshairs: Death of John the Baptist Feeding the five thousand Training His disciples
10/9/201146 minutes, 53 seconds
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Matthew 13:44-58 Ultimate

The most important question of life is, "What will you do with Jesus?"
10/2/201149 minutes, 28 seconds
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Matthew 13:24-43 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

The word 'parable' means "to cast alongside". A parable is a story that teaches something new by putting the truth alongside something familiar. Parables paint powerful pictures that reveal the spiritual realities of Christ and His kingdom.
9/27/201146 minutes, 45 seconds
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Hebrews 10:19-25 Connect For Life

The reality of the gospel is to be seen in our relationships with one another.
9/18/201129 minutes
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Matthew 13:1-23 The Parable of the Sower-More than Meets the Eye

The word 'parable' means "to cast alongside." A parable is a story that teaches something new by putting the truth alongside something familiar. The condition of our heart is revealed by our response to God's Word.
9/11/201149 minutes, 16 seconds
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Romans 12:9-13 Pursue Hospitality

Pursue hospitality and put God's heart for people on display!
9/4/201151 minutes, 58 seconds
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Matthew 12:33-50 Radical Assumptions

What you do with Jesus and His Words reveals whether or not you really have a relationship with God.
8/28/201144 minutes, 47 seconds
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Matthew 12:1-32 Is Jesus Really Lord?

Jesus is able to give us a genuine relationship with God because... He is the Sovereign Lord of the Sabbath He is the Sovereign Lord over all sickness and sin He is the Sovereign Lord who overrules Satan
8/21/201149 minutes, 4 seconds
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Matthew 11:1-30 Dealing with Doubt

We overcome our doubts by developing our faith in Christ.
8/14/201152 minutes, 59 seconds
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Matthew 10:24-32 When Jesus says, 'Follow Me'

Christ, who has accomplished all things for us, intends to do great things through us.
8/7/201152 minutes, 30 seconds
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Matthew 10:1-23 Clarity is Critical

Mission clarity is critical to ministry effectiveness.
7/31/201147 minutes, 19 seconds
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Matthew 10:1-4 Out of the Ordinary

People are God's ordinary means to accomplish His extraordinary mission.
7/24/201156 minutes, 57 seconds
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Numbers 13-14 Choosing Faith Over Fear and Doubt

Choose faith over fear and doubt.
7/17/201150 minutes, 4 seconds
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Numbers 12 Attitude Adjustment: Part 2

Choose Christ-like compassion and love over criticalness and envy. Numbers 12:13
7/10/201154 minutes, 34 seconds
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Numbers 11:1-35 Attitude Adjustment: Part 1

In Numbers 11-16, we see that one's attitudes can lead to desert living -- dry and fruitless or to the land of blessing -- fertile and fruitful!
7/3/201148 minutes, 24 seconds
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Matthew 9:36-10:4 What Grips Your Heart?

The great spiritual need in our time is for God to raise up servants who will be shepherds.
6/26/201157 minutes, 42 seconds
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Matthew 9:14-34 If Only You Knew

How can we know with certainty that our relationship with God is truly made possible through Jesus Christ?
6/19/201145 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ephesians 4:11-13 Legacy of the Saints

The Work of Ministry and The Role of Ordinary Christians
6/12/201138 minutes, 56 seconds
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Matthew 9:9-13 Seeing Through a Doctor's Eyes

The people who are truly changed by Jesus are thos who are: Receiving His call Responding to His Word and Realizing their need
6/5/201149 minutes, 31 seconds
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John 3:1-21 You Must Be Born Again!

Even though Nicodemus was a leader of the Jews and had high moral standing he still needed to be born again and believe in Jesus.
5/29/201143 minutes, 13 seconds
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Matthew 8:28-9:8 Behind Enemy Lines

Because Jesus is Lord, He is able to overcome all evil, forgive our sins, and demonstrate His authority.
5/22/201146 minutes, 41 seconds
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Matthew 8:18-27 Base Camp Basics

If we are going to follow Christ in a difficult and dangerous world we need to know - 1. The demands of His call 2. The depth of His power.
5/15/201150 minutes, 11 seconds
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Matthew 8:1-17 I.D - Identity Displayed

Jesus validated himself by the gracious acts of kindness which he did that no other person could do.
5/8/201143 minutes, 14 seconds
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Matthew 7:13-29 Foundation Matters

Life with God is only found in relationship with Christ. He is the narrow gate that leads to life.
5/1/201142 minutes, 2 seconds
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1 Corinthians 1:18 The Word of the Cross

1 Cor 1:18 "For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God"
4/24/201139 minutes, 3 seconds
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Mark 15:21-41 The Cross of Christ

Good Friday message. We should think deeply about the cross of Christ and what it means to us and to Jesus Christ.
4/22/201136 minutes, 55 seconds
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Matthew 7:1-12 Evidence of His Presence

Knowing Jesus as Lord leads to showing that Jesus is Lord.
4/17/201144 minutes
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Matthew 6:25-34 Why Worry?

Worry need not consume those who walk with God. Our faith in God allows us to overcome our fears in life.
4/10/201148 minutes, 49 seconds
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Matthew 6:19-24 What Our Wealth Reveals

What we do with our wealth reveals who really is Lord in our hearts.
4/3/201151 minutes, 6 seconds
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Matthew 6:1-18 What Godly Living Really Looks Like

Quiet devotion is greatly rewarded by God
3/27/201153 minutes, 26 seconds
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Matthew 5:33-48 Heart Surgery (Part 3)

Because God wants us to experience the fullness of life in Christ, He addresses the issue of our hearts
3/20/201148 minutes, 24 seconds
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1 Corinthians 6:12-20 Glorify God in Your Body

Glorify God in your body for His salvation plan is for the whole person.
3/13/201149 minutes, 17 seconds
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Matthew 5:27-32 Heart Surgery (Part 2)

Addressing the heart issues that can move us to adultery or divorce.
3/6/201155 minutes, 13 seconds
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Matthew 5:17-26 Heart Surgery (Part 1)

The Sermon on the Mount. We truly live when we really know Christ as Lord. Beacause God wants us to experience the fullness of life in Christ, He addresses the issue of our hearts.
2/27/201148 minutes, 15 seconds
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Matthew 4:23- 5:16 How to Truly Live (Part 1)

The Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount. We truly live when we really know Christ as our Lord.
2/20/201148 minutes, 43 seconds
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Matthew 4:12-22 The Savior's Strategy

The essence of Christ's ministry: The ministry of Christ continues with those who follow Him today. How will you respond to Jesus' call of "Follow Me"?
2/13/201148 minutes, 44 seconds
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Matthew 4:12-16 When the Light Shines in The Darkness

The mission of Christ is to bring His light into darkness
2/6/201127 minutes, 30 seconds
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Genesis 3 What Messed Up The Blueprints?

Restoration for God's marital design is found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and choosing to walk in the Spirit. Genesis 3, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21, and Galatians 5:13-15, 16-23.
1/30/201150 minutes, 2 seconds
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Genesis 1-3 God's Marital Blueprints

Display God's Glory by depending on His Holy Spirit to team with and love your spouse well!
1/23/201146 minutes, 19 seconds
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Matthew 4:1-11 The Overcoming Life

We can overcome temptation only by relying on Christ the Overcomer. Mt 4:1-11
1/16/201145 minutes, 24 seconds
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Matthew 2:13-3:17 Unmistakable

What is most important in life is what we really believe about Jesus Christ.
1/9/201150 minutes, 31 seconds
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Deuteronomy 6:1-9 Parental Blueprints

Model and minister a whole hearted love for God to your children and grandchildren. Deuteronomy 6:1-9
1/2/201143 minutes, 6 seconds
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Proverbs 3:5-6 Learning to Trust

The Steps to trusting in the Lord
12/26/201044 minutes, 47 seconds
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John 5:24 - Christmas Eve Message

At Christmas time we should not just celebrate the birth of Jesus but also we should hear and believe in Him.
12/24/201018 minutes, 47 seconds
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Matthew 2:1-18 Who Are You Calling King?

This Christmas, Who are you calling King?
12/19/201051 minutes, 33 seconds
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Matthew 1:18-25 God with Us

The Difference is His Presence
12/12/201042 minutes, 25 seconds
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Matthew 1:1-17 Delivered by Divine Design

Seeing the hand of God moving in history gives us the hope of God today.
12/5/201046 minutes, 21 seconds
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Isaiah 6:1-13 Tranformed by the Holiness of God

Humbly let God's revelation lead you to transformation!
11/28/201046 minutes, 17 seconds
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1 Peter 1:3-9 Joy and Glory of Ministry

Joy is not happiness. We can be joyful in the midst of distress or trouble.
11/21/201052 minutes, 52 seconds
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1 Samuel 8:1-7 Bad Conformity vs. Good Conformity

How do we keep God on the throne of our lives?
11/14/201049 minutes, 40 seconds
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James 5:19-20 When Maturity Matters to You

The mature in Christ are committed to the spiritual maturity of others. James 5:19-20
11/7/201039 minutes, 17 seconds
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James 5:7-18 Our Lifeline is Our Lord

Maturing in our faith comes from focusing on our Lord. James 5:7-18
10/31/201051 minutes, 48 seconds
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James 5:1-6 Right on the Money

The love of money is deceitful and dangerous. If left unconquered by Christ in our hearts, it becomes eternally destructive. James 5:1-6
10/24/201039 minutes, 17 seconds
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James 4:13-17 Forgetting Someone?

A God-centered perspective comes from seeing all of life related to Him. James 4:13-17
10/17/201048 minutes, 37 seconds
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James 4:1-12 The War Within

The cure for our internal conflict: growing in the grace of God made possible by our relationship with Christ. James 4:1-12
10/10/201045 minutes, 57 seconds
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James 3:13-18 The Wisdom We Live By

The wisdom we follow is shown by the way that we live. James 3:13-18
10/3/201044 minutes, 30 seconds
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James 3:1-12 The Power of Our Words

The words of your mouth reveal the maturity of your heart. James 3:1-12
9/26/201046 minutes
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James 2:14-26 The Life of Faith

The reality of our faith is seen by the way that we live. James 2:14-26
9/19/201047 minutes, 30 seconds
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James 2:1-13 The Problem with Playing Favorites

Our life in Christ enables us to have a love that sees past labels. James 2:1-13
9/12/201043 minutes, 37 seconds
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James 1:19-27 Living the Word

God uses His Word to bring maturity in our life. James 1:19-27
9/5/201050 minutes, 52 seconds
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James 1:13-18 When Temptation Calls

Trusting in the goodness of God keeps us from falling into the evil of temptation. When you are tempted to sin, turn to your faith in Him. James 1:13-18
8/29/201048 minutes, 58 seconds
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James 1:2-12 The Triumph in Our Trials

The journey to maturity comes from growing through trials. James 1:2-12
8/22/201046 minutes, 59 seconds
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James 1:1-4 Maturity Matters

The journey to maturity comes from growing through trials. James 1:1-4
8/15/201040 minutes, 38 seconds
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Genesis 50 - The Faith to Forgive

Forgiveness is the loving, voluntary cancellation of a debt. It is a commitment to a decisive and effective choice to release another. The fruit of forgiveness is rooted in our relationship with Christ. Genesis 50:19-21, Colossians 3:12-15
8/8/201047 minutes, 20 seconds
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Genesis 50 - Transformed by His Presence

We are transformed by God's presence when we are trusting in His goodness. Genesis 50:1-26
8/1/201045 minutes, 22 seconds
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Genesis 49 - Lasting Impressions

Lasting Impressions. Genesis 48:22 - 49:1-33
7/25/201037 minutes, 29 seconds
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Genesis 48 - How to Leave a Legacy

Because God is my Shepherd I can believe His promises and be a blessing to people. Genesis 48:1-22
7/18/201041 minutes, 54 seconds
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Genesis 47 - With God All Things Are Possible

With God All Things Are Possible. Genesis 47:13-31
7/11/201041 minutes, 31 seconds
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Genesis 46 - The Triumph of God's Faithfulness

Knowing that God is faithful enables us to walk by faith. Genesis 46:1-24, 47:1-12
7/4/201040 minutes, 51 seconds
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Genesis 45 - The Triumph of Grace

Knowing that God is with us allows us to live with grace. Genesis 45:1-28
6/27/201042 minutes, 16 seconds
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Colossians 3 - The Necessary Focus and Follow Through Pt3

In order to live out one's new life with Christ, the believer must develop a Christ-centered focus and a follow through that puts to death our body's opportunities for sin, puts off the clothing of our old self, and puts on the clothing consistent with our new life in Christ. Colossians 3:12-17
6/20/201047 minutes, 54 seconds
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Colossians 3 - The Necessary Focus and Follow Through Pt2

Living out one's life with Christ requires a Christ-centered focus, but also Christ's prescribed steps of follow through which include putting to death the use of sin by our bodies and putting off the clothing of life without Christ. Colossians 3:5-11
6/13/201040 minutes, 58 seconds
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Colossians 3 - The Necessary Focus and Follow Through Pt1

Living out one's life with Christ starts by continually fostering a Christ centered focus. Colossians 3:1-4
6/6/201044 minutes, 46 seconds
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Genesis 44 - Glimpses of God

We see glimpses of God when we see His power accomplishing His plans. Genesis 44:1-34, 45:1-8
5/30/201041 minutes, 18 seconds
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Genesis 43 - Seeing Ourselves in the Hand of God

We respond to life differently when we see ourselves in the hand of God. Genesis 43:1-34
5/23/201039 minutes, 40 seconds
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Genesis 42 - Seeing the Invisible Hand of God

We can trust that God is always working, even when we can't see it at the time. Genesis 42:1-38
5/16/201041 minutes, 53 seconds
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Genesis 41 - The Power of God on Display

Knowing God's providence allows us to live and lead with confidence. Genesis 41:1-57
5/9/201046 minutes, 45 seconds
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Genesis 40 - The Power of His Presence

It is in the difficulties of our life that we learn the power of His presence. Genesis 39:19-23; Genesis 40:1-23
5/2/201040 minutes, 47 seconds
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Genesis 39 - The Difference Is His Presence

How can we survive, and even thrive, amidst the great difficulties and temptations we face in life? Genesis 39:1-23
4/25/201043 minutes, 3 seconds
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Genesis 38 - When Depravity Runs Deep

Can God really work His good through people who were so bad? Genesis 38:1-30
4/18/201051 minutes, 24 seconds
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Genesis 37 - When it Seems that Dreams have Died

Have there been times in your life where you simply could not see how God could be working in the problems and challenges you are or were facing? Genesis 37:1-36
4/11/201045 minutes, 25 seconds
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Titus 2 - Able to Teach, Part 2

Emphasizes that spiritually healthy and mature living is sourced in spiritually sound teaching. Healthy churches are developed through healthy teaching. Spiritually strong believers grow from spiritually sound teaching. Titus 2:1
1/17/201048 minutes, 20 seconds
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Titus 1 - Able to Teach, Part 1

Emphasizes that spiritual leaders must have the ability to communicate Scriptural truth for guiding people to maturity and guarding believers from error. For spiritual leaders to lead well, they must communicate spiritual truth well. Titus 1:9-16
1/10/201044 minutes
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2 Timothy 4 - How to Bring Focus to Your Life - A Guide for Developing an Intentional Life in Christ

How to Bring Focus to Your Life - A Guide for Developing an Intentional Life in Christ. 2 Timothy 4
1/3/201045 minutes, 18 seconds
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Titus 1 - Character Counts, Part 2

Highlights the necessary character of spiritual leaders. The strength of a leader is determined by the development of his character. Covers specific character qualities. Titus 1:7-8
12/13/200944 minutes, 5 seconds
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Titus 1 - Character Counts, Part 1

Highlights the necessary character of spiritual leaders. The strength of a leader is determined by the development of his character. Covers specific character qualities. Titus 1:7-8
12/6/200947 minutes, 24 seconds
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Titus 1 - Family Life in Focus, Part 2

Highlights essential traits of spiritual leaders. Leadership in the church is matured through relationships at home. Titus 1:5-6
11/29/200944 minutes, 32 seconds
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Titus 1 - Family Life in Focus, Part 1

Highlights essential traits of spiritual leaders. Leadership in the church is matured through relationships at home. Titus 1:5-6
11/22/200953 minutes, 51 seconds
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Titus 1 - Can We Believe the Bible?

The Apostle Paul highlights the nature of God and the trustworthiness of His Word. Titus 1:1-3
11/15/200952 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ephesians 6 - Guiding Principles for Godly Parents, Part 2

The focus of this message puts attention on the role of godly parents in a Christ-centered family. The passion of godly parents is to see their children made complete in Christ. Ephesians 6:4
5/31/200940 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ephesians - Godly Grandparents - Leaving a Legacy of Significance

Godly Grandparents - Leaving a Legacy of Significance. The legacy we leave comes from the priorities and the perspective we keep. Various scriptures
5/24/200948 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ephesians 6 - Guiding Principles for Godly Parents, Part 1

The focus of this message puts attention on the role of godly parents in a Christ-centered family. The passion of godly parents is to see their children made complete in Christ. Ephesians 6:4
5/17/200942 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ephesians 5 - The Role of a Godly Husband

Our relationship with Christ enables oneness in marriage. What does a true biblical, fulfilling, God-honoring marriage look like? How is it possible? Here we explore the husband's role. Ephesians 5:21-33
5/3/200952 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ephesians 5 - The Role of a Godly Wife

Our relationship with Christ enables oneness in marriage. What does a true biblical, fulfilling, God-honoring marriage look like? How is it possible? Here we explore the wife's role. Ephesians 5:22-24
4/26/200947 minutes, 36 seconds
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Luke 15 - God's Divine Rescue

Let's discover the great joy of God the Father in recovering and bringing salvation to those who are lost. Luke 15:1-32
4/12/200949 minutes, 19 seconds
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Rest of God - The Forgotten Commandment, Part 2

God is reverenced and His people are renewed as they learn to rest in Him. God restores our souls as we learn to rest in Him. Matthew 11:28-12:8
8/31/200839 minutes, 49 seconds
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Rest of God - The Forgotten Commandment, Part 1

God is reverenced and His people are renewed as they learn to rest in Him. God restores our souls as we as we learn to rest in Him. Exodus 20:8-11, Deuteronomy 5:12-15
8/24/200840 minutes, 41 seconds
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Rest of God - One Thing is Necessary

We discover the one thing that is necessary in our life is to enjoy the presence of the Savior. We cannot let much activity keep us from what is most important. Luke 10:38-42
8/17/200840 minutes, 8 seconds
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Your Mind Matters

Being in neutral mentally is dangerous. What we do with our minds greatly affects our walk with God. Our mind matters!
6/22/200840 minutes, 16 seconds
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Philippians 3 - The Unity Factor

Here we see the picture of what the church should look like. People in this world will know we are followers of Christ by the way we love one another. The reality of Christ is seen by our unity with each other. Philippians 3:20-4:3
6/1/200843 minutes, 8 seconds
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Luke 16 - Money Matters

The American Lie: You, as an American, can live your life without thinking about financial principle: without regard to stewardship, you can spend what you like, when you like it you are entitled to it. You can live without any financial margin. You can have whatever you want whenever you want… Luke 16:10-12
5/25/200857 minutes, 19 seconds
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Matthew 6 - The Treasure Principle

Just like a sign telling you where you are, there is a sign that tells you where your heart is - the treasure principle. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21
5/18/200851 minutes, 34 seconds
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Luke 19 - The Stewardship Mindset

Jesus says it's absolutely impossible: you cannot serve God and wealth. You can only be devoted to one. If money is your master, we become its slave. Luke 19:11-27
5/4/200846 minutes, 28 seconds
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Luke 16-19 - Who Really is Your Master?

This is the first message looking at experiencing an extreme financial makeover - making a life-transformation in your finances. If you will listen to what the Lord has to say in His scriptures and ask for His divine enablement for this to be a reality in your life, you will see God doing an amazing work. Luke 16-19
4/27/200847 minutes, 47 seconds
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2 Timothy 4 - The Personal Convictions of a Christ-Centered Life

Apostle Paul unveils the personal convictions that guide a Christ-centered life. The convictions we hold will guide the life that we live. 2 Timothy 4:6-8
3/30/200850 minutes, 42 seconds
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2 Timothy 2 - The Dynamics of an In-Depth Discipleship

An intentional relationship that helps a fellow believer in Christ integrate God's truth with his/her life. As we grow in Christ, we can help others mature in life. 2 Timothy 2:1-2
10/21/200745 minutes, 43 seconds
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2 Timothy 2 - An Inside Look at Personal Discipleship

Discipleship: An intentional relationship that helps a fellow believer in Christ to integrate God's truth with his/her life. As we grow in Christ, we can help others mature in life. 2 Timothy 2:1-2
10/14/200754 minutes, 33 seconds
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Matthew 28 - His Plan is in Your Hand (Baptism)

We explore God
12/4/200553 minutes, 16 seconds