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FM4 Reality Check Podcast Profile

FM4 Reality Check Podcast

Anglais, Current Affairs, 1 saison, 15 épisodes, 5 heures, 5 minutes
A propos
We go behind the headlines with commentary and analysis to examine what lies behind the story, and why it is relevant. Politics and people, science and technology, climate change and space exploration, it's your Reality Check on the world around us.
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Fm4Klimanews Preview of COP28 - the climate conference in an oil state

COP28 is as controversial as it is crucial. A key meeting to ween the world off fossil-fuels taking place in a fossil fuel state. We hear of oil deal scandal engulfing the presidency, but also why the COP process remains vital, we hear about a "global stocktake" and how climate scientists exerience COPs. A special show from Fm4 Klimanews' Chris Cummins Sendungshinweis OKFm4 29.11.23 17:00
29/11/202318 minutes, 24 secondes
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Saving Brazil's Threated Cerrado Savannah

The Brazilian Cerrado savannah is vital to the planet. It's stores as much carbon as a rainforest, it hosts 5% of the world's biodiversity and it is the source of most of Brazil's water, making it a lifeline for the Amazon. But it is being destroyed at a dizzying rate to grow the soybeans used as animal feed for the global meat and dairy industry. Chris Cummins has been to this threatened jewel. Sendungshinweis: OKfm4 18.10.23 18uhr
18/10/202329 minutes, 7 secondes
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In Depth: The Vicious War In The Amazon Over Deforestation

Two years in Glasgow, world leaders pledged to end global deforestation by 2030. But the latest figures show that actually deforestation rates are not decreasing but are increasing! The new Global Forest Watch An area of tropical forest the size of Switzerland was lost last year. That's 11 football pitches a minute. Brazil is the worst area and there a battle is waging between forest defenders and organized crime. With Chris Cummins Sendungshinweis Mo Show 30.07.23 8.15
29/06/202326 minutes, 25 secondes
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In Depth: Nature Restoration: the solution for climate & biodiversity?

A European plan to restore degraded ecosystems is under threat from right-wing lawmakers. Conservationists say it’s our last chance to avoid a catastrophic ecosystem collapse. Sendungshinweis: OK Fm4 13.06.23 um 17.20
15/06/202318 minutes, 9 secondes
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In Depth: Marc Buckley on how healthy food production means a healthy planet

At least a third of global greenhouse emissions are linked to food production. At the same time we have depleted our soil so badly the UN is warning farming may be impossible in the future. Something has to radically change. Ecological economist Marc Buckley has an idea: Regenerative farming: Sendungshinweis Fm4 Morning Show 17.04.2023 07:00
23/05/202327 minutes, 39 secondes
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In Depth: youth researcher & podcaster Chloe Combi on misunderstood youth

Chloe Combi is author, Podcaster, Film-Director and researcher who has interviewed over 10,000 members of Gen Z + Gen A. She says listening to young people is a window to the future, but you have to do it with respect and an open mind. Sendungshinweis: 16.05.23 OKfm4 17uhr
16/05/202315 minutes, 53 secondes
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In Depth: Nobel Prize winning human rights lawyer Oleksandra Matviichuk

Nobel Peace Prize winner Oleksandra Matviichuk has campaigned for the release of illegally detained people has documented war crimes comitted in Ukraine, mostly by Russia troops. She tells Chris Cummins how an “accountability gap” means Russian forces believe they are beyond international law. Sendungshinweis: Ok Fm4, 09.05.23 17.10
10/05/202312 minutes, 52 secondes
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In Depth: Nobel Prize winning human rights lawyer Oleksandra Matviichuk

Nobel Peace Prize winner Oleksandra Matviichuk has campaigned for the release of illegally detained people has documented war crimes comitted in Ukraine, mostly by Russia troops. She tells Chris Cummins how an “accountability gap” means Russian forces believe they are beyond international law. Sendungshinweis: Ok Fm4, 09.05.23 17.10
09/05/202312 minutes, 52 secondes
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In Depth: Getting Renewable Clean Energy from Space

They say to solve the climate crisis we will have to think “out of the box”. Well what about thinking beyond the planet? China, Japan, the US and Europe are racing to be the first to put giant solar farms in space and then to beam the renewable energy back down to Earth. It sounds like science fiction; but it could be science fact within a decade: Chris Cummins chats to Sanjay Vijendran, who leads space-based solar project SOLARIS at the European Space Agency. Sendungshinweis: OKfm4 28.04.2023 17.15
28/04/202318 minutes, 11 secondes
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"Israel's democracy is in real danger" says historian Tom Segev

Thousands of people are out on the streets of Israel every week, protesting judicial reforms that veteran journalist and historian Tom Segev describes as a “right-wing putsch”. He tells fm4's Chris Cummins that Israeli democracy is in “unprecedented danger” and the new far-right security minister is a “ very dangerous” man who will make life much worse for Palestinians. Sendungshinweis: OK Fm4 21.04.2023 17uhr
21/04/202321 minutes, 38 secondes
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In Depth: a journey through the rivers and lagoons of the Veneto

Venice, La Serenissima, is one of the most celebrated and glorious cities in the world. But mass tourism has damaged its charm and ecology. Chris Cummins travels by train, bike and boat to see if there is more sustainable was to enjoy the Veneto region and understand its water-side culture? Sendungshinweis: OKFm4 14.04.2023 18.40
15/04/202316 minutes, 12 secondes
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In Depth: a journey through the rivers and lagoon of the Veneto

Venice, La Serenissima, is one of the most celebrated and glorious cities in the world. But mass tourism has damaged its charm and ecology. Chris Cummins travels by train, bike and boat to see if there is more sustainable was to enjoy the Veneto region and understand its water-side culture? Sendungshinweis: OKFm4 14.04.2023 18.40
14/04/202316 minutes, 11 secondes
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In Depth: A "Reception", not an "Invasion" - Erika Freeman on Nazi Vienna

96-year old Erika Freeman grew up in Vienna in the 1930s and as a young Jewish girl was persecuted by the Nazis who put her father in a concentration camp. She fled to New York at the age of twelve and, eventually, became a renowned psychoanalyst to the stars and friend and adviser to Marlon Brando and Marilyn Monroe. Now back in Austria she told fm4's Chris Cummins out about her childhood experiences under the Nazis.
30/03/202319 minutes, 24 secondes
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In Depth: Klimanews Weekly on Vjosa - Europe's first Wild River National Park

It’s World Water Day today. an opportunity to talk about rivers, which are generally in a poor state of health in Europe. But Last week Europe’s first wild river national park was announced in Albania. The Vjosa River will remain free for its entire length of 270kms. Ulrich Eichelmann, founder of Riverwatch, tells Chris Cummins about this important and magnficent river. Sendungshinweiss 22.03.23 OKfm4 17.40
22/03/202321 minutes, 25 secondes
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In Depth: Nina Krushcheva on the war in Ukraine and Russian society

Nina Krushcheva is a political scientist at New York’s New School university and also the great-grand daughter of former Soviet leader Nikita Kruschchev. she has her head in the Russian and western ways of thinking and she has spent 6 months of the past year in Moscow. She tells Chris Cummins how the war in Ukraine is impacting Russian society. Sendungshinweis 15.03.23 OK Fm4 17.40
15/03/202330 minutes, 39 secondes