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For His Glory

English, Religion, 1 season, 4 episodes, 1 hour, 46 minutes
We live in such a modern world of fast paced lives, high speed internet and technology at our finger tips yet there seems to be even less time in a day. Are we rushing through life or are we living to the fullest potential God intended for us to? Everything we do in life should be unto the glory of God. Finding God's purpose and will for our life can seem more like a maze than a straight road map. For His Glory was created to give inspiration, hope and encouragement in a dark world. It is my prayer that these podcasts will leave you with the truths of God's Word and a desire to live your life fully for the glory of God.
Episode Artwork

FHG-004 Living Life With Your Spiritual Eyes Wide Open

Sometimes life can seem like what is coming against us is overwhelming and we don’t know if there is a way out .Thank God for those who are walking in the spirit and that can pray for us and God helps us to see with spiritual eyes.Prayer is the key that opens our eyes to the truth. Prayer activates faith, causes blinders to fall off and brings victory! Living Life With Your Spiritual Eyes Wide Open.
12/18/201731 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

FHG-003 What Do You See In The Fire?

What Do You See In The Fire? Sounds like a strange title but it has a much deeper meaning. Many people are hurting all around us everyday. I guess you could say everyone has their own fires to be put out. Firemen are trained to rescue lives but what about us? Did God really give us the ability to see something others missed? How can the Spirit of God use you to help someone going through the fire? Are we so busy battling our own blazes in life that we just can't see someone else needs help? These are just a few things we talk about in today's podcast. I pray you will tune in and be blessed. Remember through it all God is with us in the fire.
11/21/201728 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

FHG-002 Broken But Not Forgotten

Broken But Not ForgottenHave you ever just had just one of those days? You know what I am talking about, it’s one of those times when you just feel overwhelmed by life. Have you ever just looked up at the sky in your brokenness and asked, why God? The truth is, if we’re honest we’ve all felt that way at some point in our lives.Can God really use us in our brokenness? Is it OK to tell God when you just don’t understand his plan? How can God teach us so many things through our brokenness and let us know we’re not forgotten? These are just some of the things we will be talking about in today’s podcast. I share my own personal story and my prayer is that it will help you to move forward in your situation as well. We’re all broken and that’s OK as long as we’re giving God all the pieces.
11/16/201721 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

FHG-001 Are Your Thoughts Really That Powerful?

We have heard the saying you are what you eat. But what about you are what you think? What does the Bible say about this? Is it really important what we think about all day? The answer is yes. Does the enemy try to bring us down by negative thoughts? In today's topic "Are Your Thoughts Really that Powerful" we will uncover strategies the enemy uses to bring destructive thought patterns. We will also explore God's Word to find out how we can combat the enemies attacks. Our minds can seem like a mine field, a place the enemy sits waiting to attack. If you’re ready to allow God to renew your mind then this podcast is for you.
11/14/201724 minutes, 22 seconds