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Fr Vladimir Echalas SOLT – Cradio Cover
Fr Vladimir Echalas SOLT – Cradio Profile

Fr Vladimir Echalas SOLT – Cradio

English, Religion, 1 season, 99 episodes
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Salvation From the Eye of the Storm

In times of difficulty do we doubt, and in times of success, do we try to be self-sufficient? Or do we look to Christ? The post Salvation From the Eye of the Storm appeared first on Cradio.
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Poverty that Enriches

In his homily, Fr Vlad reflects on how the miracle of the fish and loaves foreshadowed an even greater one: Christ feeding us with His own self in the Eucharist, and the challenge that follows. The post Poverty that Enriches appeared first on Cradio.
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What Are You Willing to Give?

In the Gospel for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time we hear about the treasure and the pearl that one would sell everything in order to possess. Why would someone do such a thing? What does it mean for us as followers of Christ? Fr Vlad reflects... The post What Are You Willing to Give? appeared first on Cradio.
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Which Wolf Did You Feed Today?

In his homily for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on the struggle between good and evil that is happening in the world and within ourselves. The post Which Wolf Did You Feed Today? appeared first on Cradio.
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The Word, Creation & the Mass

In his homily for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on the Creative Word of God which even now speaks to us, especially in the liturgy. The post The Word, Creation & the Mass appeared first on Cradio.
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Suffering & the Meaning of Life

In his homily for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on some differences between atheism and Christianity in regard to questions of the meaning of life and response to suffering. The post Suffering & the Meaning of Life appeared first on Cradio.
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What the Life & Death of Sts Peter & Paul Teach Us

In his homily for the Solemnity of Sts Peter and Paul, Fr Vlad looks at the contributions of these two very different men to the Gospels and the historical narrative of our Church. The post What the Life & Death of Sts Peter & Paul Teach Us appeared first on Cradio.
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Christ, Our Food and Sacrifice

In his homily for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Fr Vlad shares his own awe at the gift of Christ in the Eucharist... The post Christ, Our Food and Sacrifice appeared first on Cradio.
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Father, Saviour & Sanctifier

In his homily for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, Fr Vlad explores what it means to say that God is One, and God is Three. The post Father, Saviour & Sanctifier appeared first on Cradio.
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The Call of Pentecost

In his homily for the Feast of Pentecost, Fr Vlad explores what both the Old and New Testament teach us about the Holy Spirit. The post The Call of Pentecost appeared first on Cradio.
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Christ Calls You to Continue His Work

In his homily for the Feast of the Ascension Fr Vlad reflects on this new chapter in Salvation History: the call of the Body of Christ to make disciples of all the nations. The post Christ Calls You to Continue His Work appeared first on Cradio.
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He Will Never Abandon You

In his homily for the Sixth Sunday of Easter, Fr Vlad reflects on our own struggle with loneliness, and Christ's promise to be always with us. The post He Will Never Abandon You appeared first on Cradio.
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Following The Way, The Truth & the Life

In his homily for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Fr Vlad reflects on part of what sets Christianity apart from all other religious traditions. The post Following The Way, The Truth & the Life appeared first on Cradio.
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Men After Christ’s Own Heart

In his homily for the third Sunday of Easter Fr Vlad reflects on the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus and what it teaches us about the theological virtue of hope. The post Men After Christ’s Own Heart appeared first on Cradio.
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Find Your Hope in Christ

In his homily for the third Sunday of Easter Fr Vlad reflects on the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus and what it teaches us about the theological virtue of hope. The post Find Your Hope in Christ appeared first on Cradio.
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Blessed Are Those Who Believe

In his homily for the Second Sunday of Easter Fr Vlad reflects on the temptation of each of us to doubt, and how we can grow in faith like Thomas. The post Blessed Are Those Who Believe appeared first on Cradio.
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The Empty Tomb & the Church on Easter Morning

In his homily for Easter Sunday Fr Vlad reflects on the Church reflected in St Peter and St John on Easter morning. The post The Empty Tomb & the Church on Easter Morning appeared first on Cradio.
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Your King Comes Triumphant

In his homily for Passion Sunday, Fr Vlad links King David, the Ark of the Covenant, and Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem. The post Your King Comes Triumphant appeared first on Cradio.
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Overcoming the Last Enemy

In his homily for the 5th Sunday of Lent, Fr Vlad reflects on the Gospel account of Christ raising Lazarus from the dead. The post Overcoming the Last Enemy appeared first on Cradio.
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That You Might See

In his homily for the 4th Sunday of Lent, Fr Vlad reflects on the story of Christ healing the blind man, and how He continues to restore our sight through our encounters with Him. The post That You Might See appeared first on Cradio.
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The Woman at the Well & Call to Conversion

Fr Vlad reflects on the story of the Samaritan woman at the well, and how Christ seeks us out offering us continual conversion and fulness of life. The post The Woman at the Well & Call to Conversion appeared first on Cradio.
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Transfiguration & Salvation

In his homily for the 2nd Sunday of Lent, Fr Vlad reflects on Christ's salvific mission, and our own experience of transfiguration through Christ. The post Transfiguration & Salvation appeared first on Cradio.
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The Temptations of Christ & Redeeming Israel

In his homily for the 1st Sunday of Lent, Fr Vlad looks at the link between the experience of the Israelites in the desert and the temptation of Christ. The post The Temptations of Christ & Redeeming Israel appeared first on Cradio.
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How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

In his homily for the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on the Christian perspective on coping with anxiety. The post How to Stop Worrying and Start Living appeared first on Cradio.
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The Way of Love

In his homily for the7th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on the challenge Christ has given us: not to seek revenge when others have wronged us, but to do good, to forgive and to love. The post The Way of Love appeared first on Cradio.
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Freedom in God’s Law

In his homily for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reminds us that we are not to follow the law of God out of fear or obligation, but in freedom and love. The post Freedom in God’s Law appeared first on Cradio.
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Called to Melt & Shine

In his homily for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on how we are called to be revolutionaries in the secular world; to be a light in the darkness of the culture of death. The post Called to Melt & Shine appeared first on Cradio.
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You Belong to God

In his homily for the feast of the Presentation Fr Vlad reflects on the prophecy of Symeon, and how each of us are consecrated to Christ at Baptism. The post You Belong to God appeared first on Cradio.
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Is He Calling You? Come and See

Fr Vlad reflects on Christ's call to the first apostles in his homily for the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. The post Is He Calling You? Come and See appeared first on Cradio.
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Behold the Lamb

Fr Vlad unpacks the Baptism of Christ by St John the Baptist and its significance in relation to our own baptism. The post Behold the Lamb appeared first on Cradio.
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Beloved Children of God

Fr Vlad unpacks the Baptism of Christ by St John the Baptist and its significance in relation to our own baptism. The post Beloved Children of God appeared first on Cradio.
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Trinity & Family

In his homily for the Feast of the Holy Family Fr Vlad reflects on how the family reflects the Holy Trinity. The post Trinity & Family appeared first on Cradio.
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And the Word was Made Flesh

In his Christmas homily Fr Vlad reflects on the first Christmas, and God's magnificent design in coming to us as a baby, and now in the form of bread and wine in the Holy Eucharist. The post And the Word was Made Flesh appeared first on Cradio.
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The Faith of St Joseph

In his homily for the Fourth Sunday in Advent Fr Vlad reflects on the unique responsibility of St Joseph in God's plan for salvation. The post The Faith of St Joseph appeared first on Cradio.
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Be the Hands, Feet and Voice of God

In his homily for Gaudete Sunday Fr Vlad reflects on our call to, like John the Baptist, be the voice announcing to the world the coming of Christ. The post Be the Hands, Feet and Voice of God appeared first on Cradio.
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Let This Message Change Your Heart

In his homily for the second Sunday of Advent Fr Vlad reflects on St John the Baptist as the voice of Advent. The post Let This Message Change Your Heart appeared first on Cradio.
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The Time We Have is Golden

In his homily for the first Sunday of Advent Fr Vlad reflects on the gift of time that should not be taken for granted. The post The Time We Have is Golden appeared first on Cradio.
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The Humble King

In his homily for the Solemnity of Christ the King Fr Vlad reflects on what Christ reveals to us about His kingship through His suffering and death on the cross. The post The Humble King appeared first on Cradio.
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I Look Forward to the Resurrection of the Dead

In his homily for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr Vlad reminds us that we are Alleluia people and reflects on what we believe about life after death. The post I Look Forward to the Resurrection of the Dead appeared first on Cradio.
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The Hospitality of God

In his homily for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr Vlad reflects on how Zacchaeus' humiliation became his salvation. The post The Hospitality of God appeared first on Cradio.
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Do You Pray Like the Tax Collector?

In his homily for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr Vlad reflects on how to pray like the tax collector who went home justified. The post Do You Pray Like the Tax Collector? appeared first on Cradio.
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What are the 3 Aspects of Prayer?

In his homily for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr Vlad reminds us of the three aspects of prayer: communion, persistence and faith. The post What are the 3 Aspects of Prayer? appeared first on Cradio.
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Don’t Forget to Say Thank You

In his homily for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr Vlad reflects on the importance of thanksgiving, particularly through the Mass. The post Don’t Forget to Say Thank You appeared first on Cradio.
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Fidelity in the Midst of Suffering

In his homily for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr Vlad encourages us to trust in God and be faithful, even in the darkness. The post Fidelity in the Midst of Suffering appeared first on Cradio.
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Lazarus at Your Gate

In his homily for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Social Justice Sunday), Fr Vlad reflects on the Parable of Lazarus and the rich man, reminding us to be attentive to the suffering of our brothers and sisters. The post Lazarus at Your Gate appeared first on Cradio.
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You Cannot Serve God & Greed

In his homily for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr Vlad reflects on the Parable of the Shrewd Manager, reminding us to avoid distractions from our own goal: Eternity with God. The post You Cannot Serve God & Greed appeared first on Cradio.
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You Are Loved by God & Precious in His Eyes

Fr Vlad reflects on the Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin, reminding us that each and every one of us is precious to God. The post You Are Loved by God & Precious in His Eyes appeared first on Cradio.
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Is Christ Your Number One?

In his homily for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on how any attachment, whether it be to a material thing or a loved one, can prevent us from being true followers of Christ. The post Is Christ Your Number One? appeared first on Cradio.
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True Humility & Love Without Boundaries

In his homily for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on humility, false humility, and loving others as God loves us. The post True Humility & Love Without Boundaries appeared first on Cradio.
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Heaven is our Goal

In his homily for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on the universal call to salvation in Christ. The post Heaven is our Goal appeared first on Cradio.
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Is Your Faith on Fire?

In his homily for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on how our faith is something that pervades every part of our lives, not just a hat we wear on Sundays. The post Is Your Faith on Fire? appeared first on Cradio.
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Waiting for the Lord

In his homily for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on the parable of the faithful steward reminding us that we have no time to waste: our God is a God of surprises. The post Waiting for the Lord appeared first on Cradio.
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Who is Truly Wise Before God?

In his homily for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on the parable of the rich fool and reminds us to be on guard against selfishness and greed, remembering that all we have comes from God. The post Who is Truly Wise Before God? appeared first on Cradio.
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Teach Us How to Pray

In his homily for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on how Christ Himself taught us to pray, giving us the Our Father. The post Teach Us How to Pray appeared first on Cradio.
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Martha, Mary & the Gift of Contemplation

In his homily for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on how our work of evangelisation is made fruitful only by first turning to God in prayer. The post Martha, Mary & the Gift of Contemplation appeared first on Cradio.
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Revolutionary Love

In his homily for the 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on the parable of the Good Samaritan and Christ's call to love, even when it hurts. The post Revolutionary Love appeared first on Cradio.
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Empowered for Mission

In his homily for the 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on the mission given each of us, to use our own circumstances and gifts for the service of God and His Church. The post Empowered for Mission appeared first on Cradio.
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One in Following Christ

In his homily for the 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on the cost of discipleship: giving up all security, detachment from all things without delay and embracing the uncertainty of the future. The post One in Following Christ appeared first on Cradio.
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Who do you say that I am?

In his homily for the 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on how the call to know Christ is ultimately a call to take up our cross. The post Who do you say that I am? appeared first on Cradio.
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He Loved Us First

In his homily for the 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad encourages us to approach the Eucharist in a spirit of humility and gratitude for the extravagant love and mercy of God. The post He Loved Us First appeared first on Cradio.
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The Living Body of Christ

In his homily for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, Fr Vlad reflects on the Church as the Living Body of Christ nourished through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The post The Living Body of Christ appeared first on Cradio.
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Blessed Trinity: Divine Family

In this homily for Trinity Sunday, Fr Vlad looks at the complex teaching on the Blessed Trinity: a God who is Relationship. The post Blessed Trinity: Divine Family appeared first on Cradio.
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Day of Empowerment

In this homily for Pentecost Sunday, Fr Vlad reflects on the transformation that occurred in the Apostles through the Holy Spirit's coming. The post Day of Empowerment appeared first on Cradio.
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You are Made for Eternity

What is your purpose? What motivates you? Where are you heading? In his homily for the Solemnity of the Ascension, Fr Vlad reflects on how the answer to each of these questions is found in Christ. The post You are Made for Eternity appeared first on Cradio.
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Promise of the Holy Spirit

In his homily for the 6th Sunday of Easter, Fr Vlad reflects on the great gift of the Holy Spirit and the indwelling presence of the Blessed Trinity. The post Promise of the Holy Spirit appeared first on Cradio.
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What is Love?

In his homily for the 5th Sunday of Easter, Fr Vlad challenges us to reflect on the true meaning and call of 'love'; a word commonly overused in our modern culture. He speaks on the three kinds of love discussed in Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI's encyclical Deus Caritas Est (God is Love) and how we are called to love as Christ has loved us. The post What is Love? appeared first on Cradio.
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The Good Shepherd

In his homily for the 4th Sunday of Easter, Fr Vlad reflects on Christ, the Good Shepherd, foretold in the Old Testament. The post The Good Shepherd appeared first on Cradio.
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Second Chances

In his homily for the 3rd Sunday of Easter, Fr Vlad reflects on the second chances that came for Peter and the Apostles after the passion and resurrection of Christ. The post Second Chances appeared first on Cradio.
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Freedom From Fear & Doubt

In his homily for the 2nd Sunday of Easter, Fr Vlad reflects on the danger of fear and doubt, and how the Risen Christ comes to set us free and give us fullness of life. The post Freedom From Fear & Doubt appeared first on Cradio.
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The Lord is Risen, Alleluia!

In his Easter homily Fr Vlad reflects on Christ's victory over death and our call to be an 'Alleluia' people, sharing in this victory. The post The Lord is Risen, Alleluia! appeared first on Cradio.
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Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem

In his homily for Passion Sunday, Fr Vlad reflects on Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem ahead of His true triumph in His passion, death and resurrection. The post Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem appeared first on Cradio.
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Misery & Mercy

In his homily for the 5th Sunday of Lent Fr Vlad reflects on the story of the woman caught in adultery, and how as recipients of God's great mercy we must show mercy to others. The post Misery & Mercy appeared first on Cradio.
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His Love is Extravagant

In his homily for the 4th Sunday of Lent, Fr Vlad reflects on the parable of the Prodigal Son as the story of our own lives, and the extravagant love and mercy of God. The post His Love is Extravagant appeared first on Cradio.
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While we still have time…

In his homily for the 3rd Sunday of Lent, Fr Vlad reflects on how each of us are called to use our brief time on earth to bear fruit that will last. The post While we still have time… appeared first on Cradio.
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Listen to Him

In his homily for the 2nd Sunday of Lent, Fr Vlad reflects on the transfiguration of Christ, and our call to reflect the very image of God. The post Listen to Him appeared first on Cradio.
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Overcoming Temptation

In his homily for the 1st Sunday of Lent, Fr Vlad reflects on how the three temptations of Christ are manifested in our own lives through survival, security and social acceptance. The post Overcoming Temptation appeared first on Cradio.
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Responding to God’s Call in Your Life

In his homily for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr Vlad reflects on St Peter's vocation, and how our response to God's call allows Him to work great wonders in our lives. The post Responding to God’s Call in Your Life appeared first on Cradio.
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Facing Persecution

In his homily for the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr Vlad reflects on how Christ was rejected in His own time as well as ours, and how we are called to love those who hate us. The post Facing Persecution appeared first on Cradio.
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The Word Made Flesh

In his homily for the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on the power of Sacred Scripture as the living word of God spoken to us. The post The Word Made Flesh appeared first on Cradio.
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The New Bridegroom

In his homily for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr Vlad reflects on the miracle at the Wedding at Cana as a sign revealing Christ as the new bridegroom. The post The New Bridegroom appeared first on Cradio.
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Baptism of Lord

Fr Vlad's homily for the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. The post Baptism of Lord appeared first on Cradio.
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The Face of Mercy

In his homily for the Feast of the Epiphany, Fr Vlad reflects on the impact of the Incarnation on the Magi, the shepherds, and all of us. The post The Face of Mercy appeared first on Cradio.
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Virgin and Mother

In his homily for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, Fr Vlad reflects on virginity and motherhood as gifts to Our Lady and to the Church. The post Virgin and Mother appeared first on Cradio.
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The Holy Family

In his homily for the Feast of the Holy Family, Fr Vlad reminds us of the need to put Christ at the centre of our family lives. The post The Holy Family appeared first on Cradio.
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Bringing Christ to the World

In his homily for the 4th Sunday of Advent, Fr Vlad reflects on the visitation of Our Lady to her cousin Elizabeth and how each of us, like Mary, are called to be agents of the Incarnation. The post Bringing Christ to the World appeared first on Cradio.
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Discipleship in the World

In his homily for Gaudete Sunday, Fr Vlad reflects on how each of us can respond to John the Baptist's exhortations in the midst of our everyday lives. The post Discipleship in the World appeared first on Cradio.
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A Voice in the Wilderness

What is blocking the coming of Christ into your life? Fr Vlad reflects on John the Baptist's call to prepare the way of the Lord. The post A Voice in the Wilderness appeared first on Cradio.
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Stay Awake!

In his homily for the first Sunday of Advent, Fr Vlad reflects on our pilgrim journey toward Parousia; the second coming of Christ and the Kingdom of God. The post Stay Awake! appeared first on Cradio.
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Christ the King

Fr Vlad reflects on the kingship of Christ in his homily for the last Sunday of the liturgical year. The post Christ the King appeared first on Cradio.
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We Are But Travellers

As we come to the end of the liturgical year, Fr Vlad reflects on the Christian life as a pilgrimage toward our ultimate destination. The post We Are But Travellers appeared first on Cradio.
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Selfless Giving

In this homily for the 32nd Sunday in ordinary time, Fr Vlad reflects on how total self-giving is the key to allowing God to work in our lives. The post Selfless Giving appeared first on Cradio.
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Love of God, Love of Neighbour

In this homily for the 31st Sunday in ordinary time, Fr Vlad reflects on love as our reason for being and the law by which we must live our lives. The post Love of God, Love of Neighbour appeared first on Cradio.
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Blind Bartimaeus

In this homily for the 30th Sunday in ordinary time, Fr Vlad reflects on how Christ comes to us when we experience blindness in our spiritual life. The post Blind Bartimaeus appeared first on Cradio.
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Christian Leadership

In this homily for the 29th Sunday in ordinary time, Fr Vlad reflects on leadership as modelled by Christ, "for the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many." The post Christian Leadership appeared first on Cradio.
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The Rich Young Man

In this homily for the 28th Sunday in ordinary time, Fr Vlad reflects on the lesson of the rich young man and the idols in our lives that hold us back from following Christ. The post The Rich Young Man appeared first on Cradio.
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Marriage in God’s plan

Fr Vlad reflects on the vocation of marriage in his homily for the 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B. The post Marriage in God’s plan appeared first on Cradio.
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26th Sunday Ordinary Time

Fr Vlad reflects on the need to detach ourselves from things that prevent us from living the Christian life in its fullness. The post 26th Sunday Ordinary Time appeared first on Cradio.
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25th Sunday Ordinary Time

Fr Vlad of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity breaks open the Word in this homily for the 25th Sunday Ordinary Time. The post 25th Sunday Ordinary Time appeared first on Cradio.
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24th Sunday Ordinary Time

Fr Vlad of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity breaks open the Word in this homily for the 24th Sunday Ordinary Time. The post 24th Sunday Ordinary Time appeared first on Cradio.