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Fresh Life Church

English, Religion, 1 season, 404 episodes, 5 days, 20 hours, 52 minutes
Welcome to the Fresh Life Church podcast! We are a church led by Pastor Levi and Jennie Lusko and exist to see those stranded in sin find life and liberty in Christ. For more information visit or download our app.
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Holding on When You Feel Like Giving Up

In this message, Pastor Levi Lusko explores Isaiah 40 to show you how to hold on when you feel like giving up. We’ll learn how to persevere in the face of weariness by interpreting correctly, analyzing carefully, catching it early, and replenishing proactively. You don't have to run on empty–God has new strength for you!
9/16/202449 minutes, 33 seconds
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It's Happening

In this message, Pastor Levi Lusko unpacks the crucial role of waiting in our walk with God. Waiting isn’t just something we endure—it’s something God uses to shape us. Drawing from Psalm 40:1 and Micah 7:7, we’ll dive into the purpose, pain, and problem of waiting, but also uncover the hidden power in trusting God’s timing. This message will encourage you to wait patiently, quietly, and confidently, knowing that God is working for those who wait on Him.
9/9/202451 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Weaker, The Better

Explore the profound truth that God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. Drawing from 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Pastor Jennie shows us how Paul embraced his "thorn in the flesh" as a gift that kept him humble and dependent on God. Just as Paul learned that God’s grace is sufficient, we, too, are invited to welcome our weaknesses, recognizing that they are the very places where Christ's power can rest on us. When we stop striving in our strength and rest in God's sufficiency, we discover that in our weakness, we are truly strong. 
9/2/202450 minutes, 33 seconds
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Breaking Free From A Spirit Of Resentment

In this message, Pastor Levi explores the critical importance of wisdom in overcoming the spirit of resentment that can poison our hearts and lives. Drawing from James 3:13-18, we unpack the difference between divine wisdom from above and the toxic counterfeit wisdom of this world. We’re learning how resentment, when left unchecked, can fester into bitterness, damaging your relationships, health, and spiritual walk. But there's hope! By welcoming the Holy Spirit's wisdom and embracing forgiveness, you can break free from resentment's grip and walk in the fullness of God's peace and purpose. 
8/26/202455 minutes, 8 seconds
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When Heaven Whispers

In this message, Pastor Levi dives into the importance of attuning ourselves to God's still, small voice amidst the noise of life. Drawing from Elijah's story in 1 Kings 19, we learn the importance of tuning into God's still, small voice amidst the noise of life. He encourages us to lean in, listen closely, and trust that God is near, guiding us through every detail, even when we feel alone or discouraged.
8/19/20241 hour, 1 minute, 54 seconds
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Welcome the Wind

In this message, Pastor Levi explores the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, showing us how God can breathe life into even the most hopeless situations. Drawing from Ezekiel 37 and the story of the valley of dry bones, Pastor Levi reminds us that God is not just the God of the "hard" but the God of the impossible. He challenges us to step out in faith, speak God's word over our circumstances, welcome the unexpected and miraculous moves of God, and boldly declare hope where there seems to be none. 
8/12/202457 minutes, 1 second
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We Can Do Impossible Things

Looking at Romans 15:13, Pastor Levi shows us how God, as the source of hope, fills us with joy and peace through our belief in Him. Discover how welcoming the wind of the Holy Spirit has the power to transform your life, enabling you to face impossible challenges with confidence.
8/5/202444 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sharing Jesus One Conversation at a Time

In this message, Willie Robertson shares his story of how the Gospel changed his life, how it can change yours, and how God wants to use you to share the Gospel to change others' lives. Could you share the gospel with another person? Would you know where to start? Do you even know what the gospel is? It's the Good News of Jesus, and a gospeler is simply someone who shares it with others.
7/29/202439 minutes, 18 seconds
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Think Ahead

In this message, "Think Ahead," Pastor Craig Groeschel points us to the the importance of making wise, God-honoring decisions today for a fulfilling and impactful life tomorrow. Discover how small, consistent habits can lead to significant changes in your spiritual, relational, financial, and physical well-being over time. Learn practical steps to align your daily actions with God's will and experience the power of sowing seeds of faith, love, and discipline. 
7/22/202431 minutes, 48 seconds
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Why Do I Do What I Don't Want To Do?

Looking at the biblical story of the rich young ruler, Jonathan "JP" Pokluda highlights the obstacles that prevent us from fully surrendering to Christ. With a call to recognize our need for Jesus, let go of worldly idols, and embrace the abundant life He offers, this message challenges us to go all in with our faith and live a life fully devoted to Jesus.
7/15/202440 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Clarity That Comes Through Humility

In this message, Dr. Joel Muddamalle explores how humility brings clarity and peace by examining the walk to Emmaus from Luke 24. He highlights how the disciples' confusion and lack of recognition of Jesus stemmed from their human-centered expectations. Discover that true understanding comes when we adopt a God-centered view, recognizing Jesus as the central figure who holds all things together. This posture helps us navigate life's challenges, bringing us closer to the fullness of life that Jesus offers.
7/8/202444 minutes, 58 seconds
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Like A River

In a world filled with uncertainty, chaos, and pain, true peace can seem elusive. In this message, Granger Smith looks to John 14:27, revealing the profound difference between worldly peace and the peace that Jesus offers. Unlike fleeting moments of calm, the peace of Christ surpasses all understanding, remains steadfast, and is a precious gift available to all who seek Him by faith. Explore seven truths of Christ's peace, a peace that transforms fear into faith and turmoil into tranquility.
7/1/202443 minutes, 53 seconds
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Understand Your Feelings, Change Your Life

Struggling to break old patterns? In this powerful message, Debra Fileta explores the concept of RESET, inspired by Romans 7:15. She reveals how our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected and how understanding this can lead to lasting change.Debra discusses cognitive distortions like all-or-nothing thinking and catastrophizing, and how they trap us in negative cycles. By recognizing, expressing, and questioning our emotions, we can transform our minds as Romans 12:2 encourages.Feelings aren't always facts—fear doesn't always mean danger, and loneliness doesn't mean we're truly alone. Join us to learn how owning your thoughts and understanding your feelings can change your life.
6/24/202441 minutes
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Raising Godly Kids and the Influence of a Father

Sit down with Pastor Levi Lusko and Carlos Whittaker for a conversation on Father's Day at Fresh Life. Looking at their personal experiences as both fathers and sons, Pastor Levi and Carlos share Biblical insight on how to trust the Holy Spirit, bounce back after setbacks, move with your kids through seasons, pray for your children, and what to do when Father's Day hurts. Discover how to look to and trust your ultimate heavenly Father–Jesus.
6/17/202446 minutes, 34 seconds
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Where Do We Go From Here

Live from inside San Quentin State Prison, in collaboration with God Behind Bars, Pastor Levi Lusko helps us answer the question, "where do we go from here?" Looking at Hebrews 3, we're learning it's never to late to write a new story, and today is the day to begin!
6/10/202434 minutes, 10 seconds
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From 'God With Us' to 'God In Us'

Is there more than a Sunday-to-Sunday relationship with Jesus? Looking at Colossians 1:24-29, Drew Worsham shows us that Jesus desires to move you from a shallow relationship to deeper waters by shifting our perspective from 'God with you' to 'God in you'. This truth changes everything.
6/3/202445 minutes, 28 seconds
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Spoiler Alert: The Best Is Still To Come

In studying Joel 3, Pastor Jennie Lusko helps us uncover the hope of Heaven found in the midst of pressure. Discover how we see life, live life, and love God can all be transformed by allowing Jesus' presence to cover us. By keeping our eyes fixed on Him we are provided a hope to live with, and a beautiful hope to die with.  Get your copy of Fit for the Fight here:
5/27/202444 minutes, 43 seconds
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Hanging In There

Exploring Joel 2, uncover five firm foundations that you can stand on when you’re just "hanging in there." Learn how to remain unshakable, to lean on Jesus, and to access the power of the Holy Spirit in the face of your hard reality.
5/20/202448 minutes, 36 seconds
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Roar Like a Mother

Looking at Joel 3, we see the strength and safety of God's love for us and the way He serves like a mother, sacrifices like a mother, loves like a mother, and roars like a mother! Learn how to run toward the roar of His glory and victory with your eyes on Him.
5/13/202452 minutes, 38 seconds
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You Are Going to Be Happy Again

If you are full of regrets from past choices, filled with heartache over something taken from you, feel crippled by consequences, or want a re-do of the past...this message is for you. Looking at Joel 2, we see God's desire to not only heal us but restore the years that we feel robbed of and make up for lost time. 
5/6/202450 minutes, 42 seconds
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Scared to Life

The more you understand God’s character, the easier it is to trust him in tragedy. Looking at Joel 2, we uncover how God reveals Himself amidst chaos and crisis and how in those season you can unlock rich spiritual understanding. We’re learning to shift our perspective from asking 'Why, God?' to seeking 'What are you teaching me, God?'"
4/29/20241 hour, 1 minute, 25 seconds
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It's Going To Be Alright

Pastor Levi Lusko sets up a new study through the Old Testament book of Joel, It's Going To Be Alright. We learn that trials seldom call ahead, and at any moment a trap door can open plunging us into crisis, death, and grief. In this message we are walked through grieving process– how not to grieve, how to grieve, and ultimately we are pointed to Jesus who never leaves our side and offers peace and healing.
4/22/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 53 seconds
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I Have A Bad Feeling About This

Pastor Levi Lusko looks at the final wound of Jesus in our series, The Wonderful Cross, and shows us that Jesus didn’t just die for your sins, he died for your sadness too. The cross made a way for both your salvation and your healing. Learn how his pierced heart was used to do great things for others and yours can too.
4/15/202449 minutes, 40 seconds
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All Means All

We often renegotiate what "all" means–we think it means "when I feel like it," "when I can see the benefit of it," "when I want to," or "when I'm not otherwise engaged." Looking at Mark 12:30, Pastor Bruce shows us that all means all and that in order to love God with all our hearts, some things have to go, some things have to change, and some things have to be embraced.
4/8/202437 minutes, 26 seconds
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I Am The Resurrection and the Life

Pastor Shawn Johnson reminds us that because of Easter everything changes! Our God is big and powerful but also close and personal. There is nothing He cannot handle and the promise of Easter is that because of Christ we can live in freedom. 
4/1/202437 minutes, 4 seconds
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I Didn't See It Coming

Jennie Lusko looks at another one of the wounds of Jesus in our series, The Wonderful Cross, and shows us that because Jesus wore the crown of thorns, we can wear the crown of life. We often don’t see it coming when pain and hardship come our way, but Jesus knew what was coming for Him–torture, pain, mockery, shame, nakedness, ridicule, and death–and did it voluntarily, vicariously, and victoriously!
4/1/202437 minutes, 31 seconds
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Left Foot, Right Path

Looking at Revelation Chapter 10, Pastor Levi Lusko shares that even in chaos, you can stay on the right path and keep your feet on solid ground. Looking at the powerful imagery of the angel in Revelation standing strong with one foot on land and the other on the sea, we see the balance between controlling what we can and trusting God with what we can't. We're learning that even in the face of chaos, we can choose to stay on the right path, and do what we can with what is in our control while we wait for Jesus to return.
3/25/20241 hour, 25 seconds
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On Your Feet

In this message, Pastor Levi explores the profound impact of tuning into God's whispers, engaging in His work, and walking in His ways. Looking at the story of the Leper in Leviticus 14, this message serves as a powerful reminder that finding your footing and getting back up on your feet after life has knocked you down isn't about your good works, but about receiving the healing only Jesus can give, and aligning your heart and actions with God's purpose. It's through this that you find strength, security, and the ability to rise up in the face of pain and adversity.
3/18/202444 minutes, 10 seconds
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I Can't Handle This

Pastor Levi Lusko shares important handles for handling seasons of abundance. Looking at the story from the Gospels of the man with the withered hand, this message explores the paradox that our greatest strengths can also be our greatest vulnerabilities. Learn how the seasons of abundance are not just times for celebration but also for cautious introspection, and discover the most important prayer you can pray on the mountaintop. Shift your perspective on success and strength, steering you towards honesty, humility, vulnerability, and authority.
3/11/202451 minutes, 37 seconds
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I'm Not What You Think

Pastor Levi Lusko teaches on the transformative power of embracing our true identity in Christ. He explores the biblical narrative of Ehud, a left-handed hero whose uniqueness was his advantage, and how this story parallels with our own lives. We're invited to cast aside the incorrect labels placed upon us by others or even ourselves, and discover the strength in what sets us apart.
3/4/202449 minutes, 28 seconds
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Be Right Back

Pastor Levi Lusko sets the stage for an in-depth exploration of the healing waiting for us Jesus' crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. Looking into Isaiah 53:5, we uncover the layers of healing, forgiveness, and peace granted by Jesus' wounds–looking specifically at the wounds on His back. Discover four things that contribute to keeping us bound: burdens, spiritual attacks, cowardice, or betrayal, and how Jesus willingly stayed bound, taking on the scourging so you could be free.
2/26/202448 minutes, 31 seconds
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Give Him Some Space

Pastor Jennie Lusko leads us in lingering longer in the presence of God, giving God space, and waiting on Him. Looking at Psalm 27, we’re learning to crave His presence and make space for Him to move as we spend time in God’s Word, worship, and prayer.'More of You'Belonging Co.Written by: Austin Davis, Hope Darst, Andrew Holt, Henry SeeleyCCLI #7216783'Wait On You'Maverick City MusicWritten by: Brandon Lake, Chandler Moore, Chris Brown, Dante Bowe, Steven Furtick, and Tiffany HudsonCCLI #7171578'Holy Spirit'Jesus CultureWritten by: Brian Torwalt and Katie TorwaltCCLI #6087919
2/19/202443 minutes, 6 seconds
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I Quit

"I Quit" is not just a statement of resignation but a powerful declaration of choosing a new path—the narrow way of triumph. Looking at 2 Corinthians 2:14, Pastor Levi Lusko reminds that God calls us to leave behind the victim mentality and invites us to live as more than conquerors, regardless of the very real challenges we face.This message challenges us to examine the 2,000 decisions we make each waking hour and to consciously choose to walk in the Spirit, to see ourselves as victors seated in heavenly places, and to embrace the fullness of life that Christ offers. Join us as we learn to say "I quit" to the victim mentality and step into our God-given identity as victors in Christ.
2/5/202450 minutes, 7 seconds
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Where There Are Sheep, There Are Wolves

Dan Galarza leads us through John Chapter 10, exploring the profound parable of the Good Shepherd as we learn to navigate life under the leadership of Jesus and master the art of following. In this message, "Where There Are Sheep, There Are Wolves," discover the rich symbolism of sheep, shepherds, and wolves in our spiritual journey and how these figures can guide us in leading a life of following Jesus. Learn to find strength in community, develop a deep hunger for God's word, and recognize the voice of our Shepherd amidst life's noise. 
1/29/202431 minutes, 57 seconds
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I Can't Cover For You Anymore

Pastor Levi Lusko delves into the themes of God's presence and life's pressures, drawing from Psalm 84 and 1 Samuel 5. This message, "I Can't Cover For You Anymore," explores the power of God's presence, the real reason for the pressure you feel, and how you can access the sound mind and sturdy foundation offered in God's presence. Pastor Levi shows us the ingredients to the pressure points in our lives–idolatry, anxiety, fear–and shows you that God's presence is the key and the cure.
1/22/202453 minutes, 43 seconds
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Murky Obedience

Pastor Levi Lusko preaches on how to walk in faith when the path isn’t clear. Looking at John 12, we’re learning the significance of taking steps in faith, that compliance with God's will is more vital than having complete clarity, and that true understanding, though often murky, comes when you trust in God's unfailing guidance. Whether you're facing a crossroads or seeking encouragement in your walk with God, discover how to keep your eyes on heaven and trust in God's unorthodox methods.
1/15/202451 minutes, 46 seconds
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Make Up Your Mind

Pastor Levi Lusko preaches on what to do with the intrusive thoughts, the pulls of this world, and the war between flesh and spirit. The kind of person you're going to become will be determined by the kind of thoughts you're going to think, so we're learning to stay in step with the spirit and lift our eyes on things above. 
1/8/202440 minutes, 49 seconds
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From Glory, For Glory

Pastor Kyle Heinecke preaches a message from Mark 1 about the type of transformation that can change everything. When we surrender everything to Jesus, though our world as we know it comes to an end, a new one is started with purpose and healing. 
1/1/202437 minutes, 20 seconds
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Huckleberry Christmas

Pastor Levi Lusko preaches a Christmas Eve message from Isaiah 53 on the remedy God has for the things that make your knees shake and your heart race. Because of the arrival of Jesus, we have been given assurance of His promise, and we can believe for restoration in our bodies, rejuvenation for our days here on earth, and reorientation of our eyes towards heaven. 
12/25/202341 minutes, 21 seconds
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Be The Brand...Because Jesus is Coming Soon

Pastor Jennie Lusko preaches from Daniel 3 on how to bear the brand of Jesus while we wait for His coming. Looking at the lives of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, we learn how to face hard things, live boldly, and submit to God's will while we wait for Jesus to return. We can go through hard things and come out stronger because Jesus is with us! 
12/18/202340 minutes, 4 seconds
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Walk With People

Carlos Whittaker shows us how to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a divided world. In order to be the hands and feet of Jesus, we need to slow down, see people, and, through generosity and sacrifice, free people. Discover five ways, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to do just that. 
12/11/202347 minutes, 54 seconds
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That'll Leave a Mark

Looking at Luke 8, Pastor Levi Lusko preaches on living a full, purposeful, and generous life. Discover seven things that will be true of your life when you live by "God math" and learn what it looks like to live a life that will leave a mark.   
12/4/202355 minutes, 45 seconds
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Too Many Irons in the Fire

Feeling pulled in 1000 directions? Spread too thin? Living with too many irons in the fire? Pastor Levi Lusko preaches from Isaiah 6 as we learn to trade the many irons we have in the fire for the one thing that is needed. When you find yourself saying yes to everything, you're saying no to the most important thing and are left without enough time, money, energy, attention, or capacity for compassion. As we open our eyes to see what Isaiah saw, we'll discover our best yes. 
11/27/202358 minutes, 49 seconds
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You're Better Than That

Pastor Levi Lusko preaches from Malachi on why we live with self-sabotaging tendencies and how to address them. Discover that you don't need to walk unsure of your worth, scarred, and scared, because God, through the work of Jesus, has made you better than that. Looking to the One who treasures you and made you His own leads to wholeness, healing, and a heart overflowing with generosity.
11/20/202359 minutes, 42 seconds
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How's That Working Out For You?

Pastor Levi Lusko preaches from Haggai on how to not get stuck in a cycle of dysfunction, fear, and the template of your trauma. Looking at Haggai 2:3-9, we learn from the people to not choose fear over faith and to not be paralyzed by the thought that your best days are behind you. Discover how to get unstuck and step into the freedom God has for you.
11/13/202357 minutes, 36 seconds
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Let Me Get This Straight

Pastor Levi Lusko preaches from Zechariah 3 on how Godly thinking can transform your life. When satan opposes, the odds are against you, and your own heart whispers, "You don't have what it takes," discover that you can have confidence in the God who saved you and called you His own. He plucked you from the fire, and He's got a good grip! Once you're in His hand, you can't be taken out, and nothing can stop you.
11/6/202358 minutes, 32 seconds
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Friendships in the 21st Century

Pastor Levi Lusko preaches on Biblical friendship and the secret to making friends in the 21st century. It's not easy, but it's possible, and it's worth it. You're not going to find amazing friendships, you have to build them. Pastor Levi shares six ways to build the sole stabilizing gift of friendship, what to do when friendships go wrong, and what to do when they go right.
10/30/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 45 seconds
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You Need Friends

Pastor Levi Lusko points out how loneliness is the only ache that doesn't come from sin, and teaches us six benefits to having friendships in our lives. Looking at various scriptures throughout the Bible, we see the richness of joy, wisdom, and power that can be found by placing the right community of people around us.
10/23/202353 minutes, 52 seconds
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Where Disappointment Grows Best

Pastor Levi Lusko preaches on the very real pit of disappointment–when things don't play out as planned. Looking at John 20, we gain insight into how to have the power to look up, show up, and grow in the midst of great disappointment. Enjoy this teaching from the Look Up series!
10/16/202342 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Secret to a Full Life

Pastor Drew Worsham shows us three ways to live like people who are fully alive, marked by Christ, and can't help but talk about it. Looking at Acts 4:1, we see the secrets to a full life that Peter and John lived by and the way we can live them out the same.
10/9/202348 minutes, 11 seconds
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The House Always Wins

Pastor Levi Lusko preaches out of Luke 15 and shows us that it’s never a mistake to invest your time, your money, your life, and your heart into the Church, because the house of God always wins. Where there is worship, identity, gathering, and serving, there will be victory because Jesus never fails. We're learning the why and how of building the only thing that will outlast everything–Jesus' Church.
10/2/202345 minutes, 12 seconds
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What Satan Fears Most

Pastor Levi Lusko shares how we can get to know God's plan for us by understanding the things that Satan hates and fears. By keeping our attention on Christ and worshipping Him, even in moments of uncertainty, we will tap into a radical generosity that mirrors the amazing life we've been given through Jesus.
9/25/202353 minutes, 37 seconds
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This Is Why You Are Lonely

Pastor Levi Lusko shares four reasons why you're so lonely and how you can combat loneliness by making yourself at home in Church. Looking at the story of the prodigal son, we see that self-discovery, selfishness, and sin don't give what they promise but lead to deeper isolation. Discover the truth in God's word that shows us that God made you for community, the benefits of being connected, and that there is a family available to you!
9/18/202357 minutes, 14 seconds
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A Church Like That

Pastor Levi Lusko preaches on what the church is meant to be, what it's meant to look like, and how to unlock life change by embracing God's decision to open up His home to us, both now and forever. Looking at Luke 15, we see 6 characteristics of a healthy church and explore God's heart and vision for His Church.
9/11/20231 hour, 7 seconds
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You Don't Have To Do It On Your Own

Pastor Kyle Heinecke preaches a message on Romans 8:1, reminding us that we don't have to do this Christian life on our own. You can live with joy and freedom and peace with Jesus, and it requires nothing in your own strength. Pastor Kyle reminds us that you have the opportunity to recalibrate where you have slipped into legalism and step into the life God has for you. 
9/4/202338 minutes, 51 seconds
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Out of Sight, On His Mind

Fresh Life Church: Pastor Levi Lusko preaches on how God does his best work in dark places. In times when you feel alone, left behind, and out of sight, Isaiah 45 shows us you're still on God's mind. You haven't been forgotten! We're learning how to embrace secret places, why it's important to choose the secret place, and what to do when secret places are chosen for us by God. How you choose to react to God in hardship is what leads to a dazzling display.
8/28/202352 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Treasures of Darkness

Pastor Levi Lusko preaches on dealing with difficult things in life and how God gives us promises in the midst of our pain. Looking at Isaiah 45:3, we learn that even in darkness there are treasures to be found, by holding tight to God we can look at our pain with hope and purpose. You will learn about God's nearness in your darkness, and how He wants to use your pain to unlock His plans for your life.
8/21/202358 minutes, 53 seconds
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Why It Matters to Memorize Scripture

Fresh Life Church: Pastor Levi Lusko preaches on memorizing scripture and why it matters to our spiritual health. Looking at Isaiah 45:3, we learn that even in darkness there are treasures to be found, and the way to access them is by treasuring God’s word, memorizing it, and letting it set the pace for your life. You will learn why it matters to memorize scripture, and what you can expect from this important spiritual formation.
8/14/202359 minutes, 4 seconds
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Giving God Your Yes

Christine Caine live from MVMNT Conference 2023 shows us how to step into the biggest step of faith — giving God your yes. When God asks you to do something, it won’t be hard. It will be impossible. But impossible is where God starts. All you’ve got to do is give God your yes! 
8/7/202349 minutes, 1 second
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Experience Freedom From What Holds You Back

Irene Rollins helps us find freedom from what holds us back with themes from her book, Reframe Your Shame. Irene shares her journey through alcoholism and rehab to teach you that you don't have to wait to hit rock bottom to encounter Jesus and find freedom from shame, the bottom can come up to you. You have to make the choice to lean in, admit it, accept it, and do the work.
7/31/202344 minutes, 29 seconds
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Praying Bold Prayers

Phil Wickham shares acoustics songs and a sermon on praying bold prayers with principles from his new devotional On Our Knees: 40 Days to Living Boldly in Prayer. In a conversation with Pastor Levi Lusko, they discuss praying in trials, praying for healing, praying when you’re afraid, being in conversation with God, and waiting on God to speak to you. 
7/24/20231 hour, 34 seconds
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Ten Coins of Marriage

Have you heard from Heaven a calling for your marriage? It’s not a one-size-fits-all. God has a plan cut out just for you! With principles from the Marriage Devotional and themes from The Last Supper on the Moon, Pastor Levi highlights ten attributes that will keep your marriage strong, why it’s essential to hold onto them, and how to pick them up if any have been dropped. 
7/17/202358 minutes, 24 seconds
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How to Live with Peace & Purpose Instead of Stress & Burnout

The only way to be worried about everything is to pray about nothing. Learn the power of the prayer cycle–asking, watching, waiting, repeating–and discover that prayer works, it's not as complicated as we often make it, and it's how to connect with God...just like He's always wanted.
7/10/202343 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Courage You Need To Live The Life God Wants For You

You were made for more than a life of holy discontent--more than the frustrating sense of sitting on the sidelines of your own life's purpose. The enemy comes to discourage and breed hopelessness by feeding you lies, but we’re learning to follow God's call with hearts fully alive, lives fully engaged, and the courage needed for both.
7/3/202345 minutes, 1 second
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The Pressure Is Not The Problem

Pressure is inevitable–current, future, professional, relational, and on and on. Looking at Hebrews 11, we’re learning what to do about the pressures we face, how to navigate through them, and how to perform well under them. 
6/26/202349 minutes, 50 seconds
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When You Feel Stuck

What do you do when you feel stuck? Looking at the life of Joshua and Rahab, we're learning to lift our eyes, stay still, keep going, and be strong and courageous.
6/19/202355 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Art of The Exit

If you follow God, there will be things you have to say no to. Learn to walk away from not only bad things but the good things that keep you from the best things. Discover that when you grow your no, God will bless your yes.
6/12/202358 minutes, 37 seconds
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There's More To It Than That

Have you ever looked at your life and seen only what appears to stand in the way of God’s promises? What may look like a barrier to us, often has “more to it than that”, proving to be a set up for greater blessing than we could’ve imagined.
6/5/202352 minutes, 42 seconds
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This Will Never Work

What do you do when God calls you to something that, from a human perspective, will never work? Looking at the story of Abraham’s wife, Sarah, we’re learning that doubt isn’t a barrier but a springboard to deeper faith. 
5/29/202345 minutes, 1 second
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It's All In Your Head

Abraham showed us it is not about what you face in life; it’s how you think about what you face. We’re looking at five truths to speak over your life to help you keep your mind in heavenly places like Abraham, the man of crazy faith, did. 
5/22/202357 minutes, 58 seconds
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Don't Give Up the (Mother) Ship

Would you be willing to do something crazy in order to follow your calling? We're looking at the story of Noah and his willingness to do just that. We're looking at his workmanship, his stewardship, his leadership, and the mothership of all his decisions–worship.
5/15/202346 minutes, 40 seconds
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In God's Hands Now

Following God requires faith, and for there to be faith, there has to be confusion. But there is also the promise that you'll never be alone, you'll never be bored, and you'll never have to fear death. Discover five things that come as a result of following God and living with your life in His hands. 
5/8/202355 minutes, 5 seconds
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God's Love Language

5/1/202355 minutes, 21 seconds
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Aim Higher, Shoot Farther

What you believe determines how you behave, and we are constantly faced with the decision of if we will live like we can truly take God at His Word. It is taking as fact what’s invisible to endure the impossible. Faith is the substance that gives hope a grip, allowing us to see there is more on our side than on the enemy’s—even when we appear outgunned. With faith, we become aware that we already have the advantage.
4/24/202354 minutes, 11 seconds
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No Ego, Amigo

You will never step into what God has for you with a spirit of pride. We're looking at the power of pride vs the power of humility so you can learn to kill your pride or your pride will kill you. 
4/17/202341 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Empty Chair and the Aching HeartThe Empty Chair and the Aching Heart

Bring your pain and give it to the one who can handle it and hold it. When Jesus resurrected, our faith was born; with it was born hope, freedom from shame, peace, forgiveness, and a place to bring your aching heart.
4/9/202334 minutes, 3 seconds
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For Whom the Bell Tolls

Death isn't the end of the road, it's a bend in the road. Discover how Jesus's death marked the end of your old life, the end of the crushing weight of sin, the end of climbing the ladder of religion, and the end of dying in despair.
4/8/202354 minutes, 2 seconds
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Go For Glory!

We're taking an unlikely path to God-given greatness. We all crave greatness but we tend to pursue it in ways that actually move us further and further from it. We're looking at the method, timing, and focus of Jesus on His way to the cross as we examine what true greatness and glory look like. 
4/3/202354 minutes, 1 second
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Keep Telling Yourself That

The lies we believe can lock us up on the inside. Tap into the truth that comes from believing in Jesus–the one who doesn't just speak truth but is truth– and find that He is the only one who can set you free.
3/27/202350 minutes, 12 seconds
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I Mean Business

What does it look like to say to God, “I mean business?” Learn what true, biblical fasting is, what it is not, and how it helps you trade tepid and casual in your walk with God for a spiritual life of strength and power. 
3/20/202355 minutes, 55 seconds
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When Your Best Is Not Good Enough

What do you do when your best isn’t good enough? Discover that when you get to the end of yourself, you find the beginning of Jesus. What he has for you and wants to unlock inside of you is better.
3/13/202337 minutes, 4 seconds
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What To Think About When You Think About Love

Your love life impacts all of your life. Discover what true love looks like, how to be capable of loving others, and how to be perfectly loved.
3/6/202342 minutes, 17 seconds
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What to Think About When You Think About Marriage

God saw the need for companionship so He created marriage. Discover what you should think about when you think about marriage so your relationship will be sweet, strong and centered on God.
2/27/202353 minutes, 31 seconds
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What to Think About When You Think About Sex

Sex is God-given, so it should be God-governed. Whether it blesses you or destroys you depends how you’re holding it and who you’re taking instructions from. So we’re learning what to think about when we think about sex so that we don’t trade what is valuable for what is common.
2/20/202356 minutes, 48 seconds
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What to Think About When You Think About Dating

We cannot live right or love right if we don’t first learn to think right. In everything, but especially in the context of relationships, God is not the author of confusion, but rather, of peace. When we find ourselves confused, we need to get back to God's intentions and find that He offers us clarity and confidence in our purpose, plans, and relational pursuits.
2/13/202356 minutes, 55 seconds
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What Can't Be Taken Away

We may not know what the next day, month, or even five years may hold, but whatever may come, as we consider the things which cannot be taken away, we find the power and simplicity of Jesus and His Word. By keeping Christ and His word at the center of our lives, we find that His promises, faithfulness, and work in us cannot be taken away.
2/6/202330 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Art of Crafting a Masterpiece Day

By reframing our day from evening to morning, we'll learn how to go deep spiritually, relationally, physically, and creatively and craft a masterpiece day.
1/30/202340 minutes, 42 seconds
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Too Small To Fail

We get to where we want to be and where we don't want to be the same exact way. One day at a time. We're learning how to set effective goals by making them too small to fail because small things add up over time and little by little eventually becomes a lot.
1/23/202355 minutes, 35 seconds
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In The Absence Of A Crisis

All of us are capable of great feats if we had to. We are all capable of much more than we think we are if life is on the line. But how do you change in the absence of a crisis? Discover what it takes and why it’s important to take drastic action when it comes to changing your life.
1/16/202351 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Life You Get Stuck With

The ways you let in are the ways you become set in. Going through the motions doesn’t have to be bad if you are going through the right motions, so we’re assessing what we let in, what motions we’re going through, doing the hard work, and asking for God’s blessing so that the life we get stuck with is a good one. 
1/9/202342 minutes, 50 seconds
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Starting Over Again

Trade resolutions for restoration! We're learning to look back–repent, release, and remove–and then look forward and walk with freedom into all that God has ahead.
1/2/202335 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Taste of Christmas

Looking at meals all throughout the Bible, we come to the story of Christmas. Eating and drinking our way through the scripture we find the true taste of Christmas—joy, belonging, purpose, and hope.
12/25/202246 minutes, 28 seconds
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Pass The Peace

If you want to fulfill Jesus’ mission, you have to employ Jesus’ method and sit at tables with people who need hope. Looking at the life of Jesus, we discover His mission: pass the peace. We're learning the power of not just receiving Jesus, but passing Him on to anyone who would receive it.
12/19/202249 minutes, 23 seconds
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Come Closer to the Magic of Christmas

God's heart is for children, so our hearts should be for children too. Whether or not you're a "kid person," there is something to be learned from the kids in your life. Looking at the way Jesus loved children and His example in coming down as a child, discover how He has called us to love kids, reach kids, and depend on Him as though we were kids.
12/12/202242 minutes, 15 seconds
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Yes, Chef

Look at the redemptive story of Peter, learn how saying yes to Jesus unlocks a “yes” to a new identity, to the blessing of God, to true greatness, sacrifice, and an invitation to a never-ending story!
12/5/20221 hour, 38 seconds
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The Amazing Ambiguity Of Abraham

If you're going to follow God, He is going to call you to places and spaces without any detail. Learn what to do in seasons of confusion and doubt, and discover how in the middle of ambiguity, God does the most revealing of Himself.
11/28/202256 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Only Miracle God Can't Do

The way you live now is preparing you for the life to come next. While riches might be okay in your hand, they are not so in your heart. Come consider where your treasure is being stored, if you’re stewarding it well, and if your generosity takes faith.
11/21/202256 minutes, 17 seconds
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My Apron is my Armor

When you live a life of humility, anything the enemy throws at you will fail. Discover how humble living protects you from an anxious mind, relational discord, and future heartache.
11/14/202251 minutes, 47 seconds
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Your Presence is Requested

The Gospel is all about being invited in. Grace is an invitation to a table. Discover the power that comes from sitting at a table we don’t deserve because Jesus hung on a cross that we do deserve.
11/7/202256 minutes, 24 seconds
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Living In The Light Of God’s Glory

We think of God as love, and He is, but that is not his only attribute. Discover how to make sense of and live in light of God’s great glory and holiness.
10/31/202239 minutes, 52 seconds
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All Dressed Up and Everywhere to Go

God is not any less God if you don't worship, but you are not all you are meant to be if you don't. Experience nearness to God, delight in your days, and freedom from shame, regret, and fear by lifting your voice to proclaim God's excellence, renown, and glory.
10/24/202259 minutes, 1 second
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Where History is Heading

How different would you live if you could know the future? Learn how kneeling before God will focus your prayer life, position you for anointing, give you strength through humility, and help you live in a way that will fill you with hope for the future.
10/17/202252 minutes, 28 seconds
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Change Your Mood By Changing Your Music

Music is a vehicle for our praise to rise to heaven! Discover how you can change your mood, combat fear, position yourself to receive God's blessing, and fulfill God's second most given command through singing out in worship.
10/10/202247 minutes, 45 seconds
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What Is It Good For

Lean into the power of raising your voice to God and learn how the roar of worship can soothe your aching heart, sync your heart with heaven, spread hope to a hurting world, and terrify the enemy.
10/2/202248 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Sound of a Healthy Soul

Praise is the sound of a healthy soul. Discover how thanksgiving and confessions are the ingredients to praise that works on the mountaintops and the valleys alike.
9/25/202250 minutes, 15 seconds
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And They Stay There

9/19/202255 minutes, 6 seconds
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It's Time to Dance

We were designed with a built-in response to shout, cheer, and raise our hands in moments of joy, success, and celebration–so why do we grow reserved when it comes to being in God’s house? Discover what it looks like to bring God your best praise through singing, dancing, and celebration.
9/12/202257 minutes, 6 seconds
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You're Invited!

What can I bring? This is usually the first thing you ask when someone invites you over. God has invited you into His story and welcomed you to the table. Discover 7 things you can bring to the extravagant life God has invited you to.
9/5/202242 minutes, 4 seconds
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How to Entertain the Holy Spirit

Discover seven ingredients to making yourself hospitable to the Holy Spirit and why it’s important to fight for your life to be an easy place for Him to land.
8/29/20221 hour, 19 seconds
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That's The Spirit!

How can we tell that we’re living a life full of the Spirit? It’s all in the fruit. Learn how to tell when you’re living in line with God’s Holy Spirit.
8/22/202247 minutes, 38 seconds
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I Need Some Juice (Ghosted Part 1)

8/15/202252 minutes, 55 seconds
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Kicking the Bucket List

There is a God-shaped hole in your heart that nothing in this life can fill. When we chase after a bucket list life, we come up empty every time. A week in an RV or an afternoon on a boat, or a weekend at a beach house isn't the enemy, but Jesus offers something better – immortality, inheritance, and future hope.
8/8/202241 minutes, 12 seconds
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Entering the A.O.

When things get hard, we often start to question if we are walking in God’s plan for us and if He’s still with us in it. The truth is, the battle belongs to the Lord, and it has already been won! But we still need to engage in the fight. Discover strategies for confidently entering the battlefield.
8/1/202243 minutes, 54 seconds
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Preparing Your Children to Spread Their Wings

Preparing your kids to spread their wings requires patience, humility, creativity, uniqueness, and parenting with the end in mind. Discover 7 tips that will grow you as a parent while you lean on the only perfect parent — your Heavenly Father.
7/25/202246 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Secret to a Fruitful Marriage

No marriage is perfect, but every marriage can flourish! Your marriage can and should be fruitful, and God has given us the secrets to attain growth and beauty in your relationship.
7/18/202258 minutes, 19 seconds
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Love and Thunder

The best thing you can do for the world is to have a strong and healthy family. Discover how to build a strong family by building a strong marriage, and a strong marriage by building a strong soul, and a strong soul by fearing God.
7/11/202249 minutes, 39 seconds
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Attacking Anxiety

Your freedom is worth the fight. Tap into the strength and tools you need to attack anxiety. God desires for you and the ones you love to not just get by or make it through your day but to overflow with joy and peace and hope.
7/4/202239 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Ultimate Sleeper Hunter

Discover how to tap into your true worth and value based not on what you do or who you are but on who you belong to.
6/27/202241 minutes, 31 seconds
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Dealing With Depression

No one is immune from bad days and dark moments and getting down in the dumps. Learn from Elijah’s life on how to pray like it’s up to you, trust like it’s up to God, not take yourself too serious, and how to look up when you’re feeling down.
6/20/202238 minutes, 45 seconds
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You Blew It. Now What?

Have you ever thought: Things aren’t what they should be. This isn’t the life I thought I’d be living. I wish I could get a re-do. Now what? Learn five thing from the life of Jeremiah that will help you navigate when it feels like you blew it.
6/13/202258 minutes, 3 seconds
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I'm So Glad I Did These Three Things

Following God is simple, but hard. We tend to focus on outcome, but God is more concerned with process. Learn the power of trusting God in all seasons.
6/6/202243 minutes, 32 seconds
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I Still Feel So Empty

What if you have everything, but it’s still not enough? Learn where to find the truth your soul longs for. Hint: it’s closer than you think.
5/30/202250 minutes, 10 seconds
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How to Not Give Up

Discover the secret to contentment and how to not give up by learning to stay tethered to the true source — Jesus.
5/23/202250 minutes, 33 seconds
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Not My Idea of a Good Time

God has good plans for us, but that doesn't mean they always feel good. Learn the secret to aligning our definition of 'good' on this earth with what's 'good' in the eyes of God.
5/16/202255 minutes, 17 seconds
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She Did What She Could

Do you ever feel like you don't have enough time, resources, or influence to make a difference or do something big for God? Learn what it looks like to do what you can, use what you have, and bring your best to Jesus so you can experience His peace and His presence.
5/9/202235 minutes, 52 seconds
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Don't Let Shame Hold You Back

Your sins don’t define you, and shame has no power over you. Learn about how your identity is found in Jesus’ sacrifice, not in your failures.
5/2/202245 minutes, 18 seconds
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God Has Hands

Anxiety distracts us from our God-given purpose. Learn to silence anxiety's moment-by-moment chatter by enlisting the power of humility in your story.
4/25/202235 minutes, 28 seconds
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Nothing To Be Ashamed Of

The resurrection of Jesus doesn't only give you redemption for yesterday, hope for tomorrow, and purpose for today, but freedom from shame. Learn how to shed the shame that keeps you from Jesus and take your place as a Child of God!
4/17/202257 minutes, 21 seconds
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It Had To Be Done

Jesus knew what He was getting into by going to the cross, and He did it anyway. It had to be done. Learn to tap into the hope of the cross– hope not just for dying but hope and purpose for living.
4/16/202251 minutes, 40 seconds
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Getting Rid of Jesus

As our world attempts to forget Jesus, we should commit to remembering what his death brought to life. For even in his crucifixion, He showed that beauty can be birthed from brokenness, and we can play a part in his story.
4/11/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 28 seconds
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Something To Cry About

What do you do with the sadness you feel and the emotions that overpower you? Jesus, too, faced a sadness that he felt could kill him, but what he did with the sadness was key. He prayed. Discover what happened when Jesus prayed and how we can follow His example.
4/4/202253 minutes, 51 seconds
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It's Later Than You Think

Hardships and blessings are both inevitable in life. Are you ready? Learn how to be prepared for whatever life sends your way.
3/28/202252 minutes, 58 seconds
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Going Against the Flow

Most relationship problems boil down to individual problems. Whether you're single, dating, married, or divorced, discover how to counter the toxic thoughts that are destroying your relationships (future or present), how to be secure in the season you're in, and how to go against the flow to step into all that God has for you.
3/21/202246 minutes, 34 seconds
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This Is Too Much

No matter your strength, life gets heavy. But what if you weren’t meant to carry the load alone? Learn to lean into God’s promises and experience his power.
3/14/202238 minutes, 28 seconds
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Pouring Water, Waiting Tables, Washing Feet

God never takes you to less-than, He always takes you to greater! Discover the process of greatness and how to step into the great life God has dreamt up for you — not through a position, but through the posture of who you are in Christ.
3/7/202245 minutes, 13 seconds
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One For The Road

Debrief The Last Supper on the Moon series with Levi and Jennie Lusko, and learn about the last miracle in the book of John.
2/28/202241 minutes, 22 seconds
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When God Lets You Down

Death and pain are inevitable in life; but the story doesn’t end there. Learn how to keep your eyes open to experience God’s glory in your darkest moments.
2/20/202252 minutes, 32 seconds
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Flying Blind

Have you ever wondered where God is when life hurts? Why would He allow suffering and hardship? Looking at the story of the blind man in John 9, discover how to change your question from "Why, God?" to "What do you want to do in the midst of this, God?" He has a plan for all your pain, and none of your suffering is senseless.
2/13/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 34 seconds
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A Dry Run On A Stormy Sea

Facing a storm? Feeling like you’ve been left high and dry? Life not looking like you imagined? If God tells you to go to the other side, He’s not going to leave you in the middle. Learn how to walk in faith through the storms and hardships of life and discover that, even there, God is not afraid of what you’re afraid of.
2/6/202245 minutes, 54 seconds
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This Is Only A Test

You’ve heard it said, a faith that cannot be tested is a faith that cannot be trusted…so how do you pass the test? Discover how to navigate tests and trials in life by looking to the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000.
1/30/202248 minutes, 3 seconds
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Getting Off The Ground

It’s God’s desire that you would fix your eyes to the heavens and get off the ground. Are there faulty assumptions you have believed that are holding you back? Lies that you have you allowed yourself to buy into? Things you’ve tolerated for far too long? God wants to set you free! Discover five ingredients to getting off the ground.
1/23/202250 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Gift of Rejection

Could it be that when we feel rejected or disappointed or looked over or forgotten it’s because we’ve been handed a strangely wrapped gift? Discover how rejection is actually an invitation into the life God made for you.
1/16/202241 minutes, 48 seconds
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Running Low On Purpose

There is nothing more gratifying or satisfying than living life with a sense of purpose. Are you tired of feeling like a life of fulfillment and purpose is impossible to grasp? Like the moon, always there but always out of reach? Learn that the answer is not in finding yourself but in discovering who Jesus is.
1/9/202242 minutes, 2 seconds
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Anxiety's Antidote

Anxiety is not your identity, and it has an antidote. Discover seven steps to tap into God’s peace as your greatest weapon, and His grace as your greatest gift.
1/2/202242 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Ancient Future King

Jesus’ birth was not the beginning, it was simply an entrance into another world. With humility and obscurity, the birth of this ancient and future King paved the way for us to spend eternity with Him in paradise.
12/24/202139 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Thousand Mile Tree

Before there was pain and heartache and stress, there was Christmas in God’s heart. Learn how to speak God’s word over your reality and how to believe that your awe, your worship, your wonder, and your hope can hang on the original Christmas tree – the cross.
12/19/202146 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Fragrance of Fruitfulness

Discover what it looks like to live the kind of life that keeps Jesus front and center, that bears much fruit, and that can experience hope and joy in the midst of heartache.
12/12/202159 minutes, 7 seconds
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Dot, Dot, Dot...Done!

Discover three beautiful and important parts of giving — waiting, participating, and celebrating — and how your generosity can make straight the way of the Lord.
12/5/202156 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Longest House in the World

God will always prioritize the saving of a soul over the miracle of meeting a physical need — but both matter to God so both should matter to us. Discover the ingredients for the making of a miracle.
11/28/202153 minutes, 52 seconds
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How to Have a Winning Mindset

11/21/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 40 seconds
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From See To Shining See

How do you access the "exceedingly and abundantly more" that God has for you to walk in? It's not enough to own something, you have to have access to it. Discover how not to get stuck at saved, but to welcome the weird, open your eyes, and take hold of all He has for you.
11/14/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 58 seconds
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I Am Alone

When you find yourself all alone and ready to throw in the towel you can miss the call of God to better promises. Instead of running away from what you need to hear, discover four keys that will help you find your way back to purpose.
11/7/202140 minutes, 26 seconds
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Batteries Die, Birds Don't

10/31/202158 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Danger of Living With Dreams

When you open your life to the Holy Spirit, dreaming big is par for the course. Discover how to dream God-sized dreams and uncover four ways to avoid the danger they can bring.
10/24/202157 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Danger of Living Without Dreams

God does not want you to have a flat life, barely coping, or hanging on by a thread – you were set free for freedom. Discover how to refuel your dreams and protect your passion so God can reveal himself to you, protect you, lead you, and you can live life with a sparkle in your eye.
10/17/202152 minutes, 12 seconds
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Where Disappointment Grows Best

Has life disappointed you lately? Things not playing out like you planned out in your head? Discover how to look up, show up, and grow when life isn’t meeting your expectations.
10/10/202144 minutes, 17 seconds
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Worship That Hurts Like Hell

Tap into a unique power that comes from choosing to worship God even when life hurts like hell. Though God doesn't cause the difficulty you walk through in life, He does use it to bring purpose and strength in the midst of your pain.
10/2/202146 minutes, 43 seconds
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I Really Screwed Up

How does God look at you after you've really screwed up? Just because you made a mistake doesn’t mean you are one and just because you've failed doesn’t mean you are a failure. Discover there is no pit so deep that His love is not deeper still. Hope is available even there.
9/26/202156 minutes, 34 seconds
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How Thinking Like An Astronaut Can Keep You Grounded on Earth | Live From The ISS

Discover how thinking like an astronaut can help you find hope in space between pain and purpose. Live from the International Space Station with Pastor Levi Lusko and NASA astronaut Shane Kimbrough.
9/19/202155 minutes, 51 seconds
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What To Do When Life Sucks

Following God is messy. There is no cut and dry formula to an easy life. So what do you do when life sucks? How do you suffer successfully? Find your footing on earth by keeping your head in the clouds.
9/12/202156 minutes, 48 seconds
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Rub My Feet Mama

Find the strength to reach for hope instead of settling for shame and disappointment. Discover that God is good and kind even when life is anything but.
9/5/202147 minutes, 22 seconds
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How To Get Rid Of Your Enemies

Discover how to deal with difficult people by tapping into the power that comes when you give compassion that is not expected and kindness that is not deserved.
8/29/202147 minutes, 22 seconds
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Get A Grip

What do you do when you feel like you’re slipping? Discover four handles for when what you are holding feels too heavy and how to carry on when what you are carrying is too much.
8/22/202151 minutes, 22 seconds
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Growing Up and Back

What can kids teach us about being grown up? Learn how to unlock your greatness and live upside down in a right side up world.
8/15/202151 minutes, 57 seconds
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I Woke Up Like This

How do you wake up your soul? Discover the morning routine that can change your life so you can be at your best spiritually before you begin each day.
8/8/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 42 seconds
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Fight For Faithfulness

Being faithful isn’t about being comfortable, convenient, or certain. Faithfulness is about commitment. Discover three keys to fighting for faithfulness.
8/1/202137 minutes, 2 seconds
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Pass The Salt

Salty people change the world.
7/25/202145 minutes, 31 seconds
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When Past Hurts Still Hurt

Forgiveness is a process, not an event. Discover five healing steps for handling past hurts that still hurt.
7/18/202139 minutes, 57 seconds
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Don't Let Go

Step into a new identity by learning to trust that God’s dreams for you are bigger, His ways for you are better, and His plans for you are best.
7/11/202151 minutes, 9 seconds
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Hope In A Hard Place

Discover that in broken places you can find blessing, in pain you can find peace, in hardship you can find hope, and how God always shows up in hard places.
7/4/202138 minutes, 42 seconds
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Mysterious Ways

God’s ways are mysterious but they are not impossible to understand. Learn to walk in the way of life by loving your enemy, going the second mile, and choosing faith over sight.
6/27/202134 minutes, 51 seconds
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Father Figure

The secret to a good father figure? Walk humbly with your God.
6/20/202150 minutes, 17 seconds
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Friends With Benefits

What if a friendship with God benefitted more people than just you?
6/13/202151 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Secret To A Good Life

What does a good life look like? It's maybe not what you think, and better than what you think.
6/6/202146 minutes, 16 seconds
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Liquid Courage

Stop searching for satisfaction and find the courage, contentment, and confidence that comes from drinking God’s living water.
5/30/202154 minutes, 26 seconds
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When God Doesn't Make Sense

What is your threshold for confusion? Determine how much God can use you by getting comfortable with discomfort and clinging to God in the midst of confusion.
5/23/202158 minutes, 43 seconds
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How Bad Do You Want It?

God has a calling on your life, but how bad do you want it? Discover how to fight through delays, distractions, and discouragement so you can step into the dreams God has for you.
5/16/20211 hour
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What you carry can change the world.
5/9/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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You Have A New Memory

Forget what you think you know—remember what you wish you could forget.
5/2/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 10 seconds
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Five Feet High and Rising

What if the one thing that can save you requires complete surrender?
4/25/202154 minutes, 35 seconds
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Follow The Water

A river runs through the entire story of God’s plan to redeem creation — beginning to end, and right in the pivotal middle. If we follow the water, we find our origin story.
4/18/202148 minutes, 52 seconds
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A Life Filled to Bursting

What does God want from us? The answer has a little bit to do with us, and a little bit to do with Him. And when we figure it out, along the way we find the greatest gift we've ever been given.
4/11/202143 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Power To Overcome Gloominess and Despair

Discover the antidote to gloominess and despair by coming in contact with the truth and power of the Resurrection.
4/4/202159 minutes, 17 seconds
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Forever Hold Your Peace

Experience peaceful serenity in the face of any adversity by discovering that the God of Peace will protect you, empower you, and fight for you.
4/2/202147 minutes, 13 seconds
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Same Dirt, Different Day

God has always used the ordinary to do the extraordinary–and he won't stop with you.
3/28/202135 minutes, 48 seconds
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Unleashing The Flow of Blessing in Marriage

Our relationships are meant to be a well of blessing to us and to those around us. But how can you tell if your well is doing well?
3/21/202156 minutes, 26 seconds
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Secondhand Sins

Our God is generational and merciful. What if He wants to use you to change your family's story for good?
3/14/202151 minutes, 41 seconds
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Look Up Child

No matter your relationship status, there’s always something to learn from looking up.
3/7/202155 minutes, 27 seconds
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Handle With Care

People are like packages: full of good things, but fragile if handled poorly.
2/28/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 15 seconds
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Four Keys To Avoiding Relation Shipwreck

Navigating the waters of relationships is challenging, but choosing the right ship before setting sail can make all the difference.
2/21/202159 minutes, 18 seconds
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A Conversation with Tim and Demi Tebow

We’re talking relationships, engagement, dating, marriage, and much more!
2/14/202153 minutes, 14 seconds
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Progress Is A Process

Who's setting the pace in your life? Surrender to the process. Slow down, but don't stop.
1/31/202147 minutes, 22 seconds
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Growing Through The Motions

Simple isn’t always easy, but it is the way God saves.
1/24/202147 minutes, 23 seconds
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Clean Fill Wanted

What happens when getting everything you want doesn’t give you what you need? When we set aside pride and accept God’s freely given gift, we find true healing.
1/17/202154 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Compliment of Unanswered Prayer

God doesn’t waste the hard things we face. The enemy wants to tempt, divide, and shame, but God has come to bring love, life, and healing to our darkest days.
1/10/202145 minutes, 35 seconds
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Shut Your Door

With the right motivation, as we create space to be with God, we reap the rewards of true validation, continued formation, and permission to pursue our calling.
1/3/202144 minutes, 48 seconds
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Christmas and the Dragon

On Christmas Day we celebrate the arrival of an unlikely dragon-slayer. Because of Him, we can have courage, help, friendship, and forgiveness all year long.
12/24/202038 minutes, 48 seconds
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Christmas State of Mind

This Christmas may feel full of conflict, disappointment, and confusion, but when we reframe our thoughts, a Christmas state of mind can be the solution.
12/20/202055 minutes
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Do You Hear What I Hear?

In the midst of the struggle, God is speaking love over you. As we hear His voice, our lives should reflect this chorus of love. The good news is for all of us!
12/13/202051 minutes, 36 seconds
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Unshackled Spirit

Breakthrough is often followed by backlash, but hard times are an opportunity to take refuge in God and act in faith with kindness, boldness, and gladness.
12/6/202054 minutes, 33 seconds
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Made To Be A Merlin

The enemy may seek to disrupt generosity with fear, but faith speaks louder. Give lift to the gospel by living a life that reflects the giving nature of God.
11/29/202043 minutes, 25 seconds
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A Lady In The Air

Don’t settle for being on the ground; you were made to fly. Embrace God’s rhythms, fight complacency, and find purpose even in the midst of discomfort.
11/22/202049 minutes, 38 seconds
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Potato salad, World War 2, and the Early Church

In the face of overwhelming need, it is our combined efforts that create the greatest impact. If not us, then who? What will you build with what you have?
11/15/202058 minutes, 15 seconds
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A Wing and A Prayer

The enemy may seek to defeat us, but victory has already been won. With stirred hearts, willing spirits, and confidence in Christ, we can change the world.
11/8/202049 minutes, 17 seconds
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Christine Caine

Feel like 2020 has thrown you completely off course? Take heart. God’s still leading you toward your purpose, even if the path is different than you expected.
11/1/202047 minutes, 32 seconds
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Highly Unlikely

Christine Caine delivers a powerful message for the "Flourish" 2020, an annual Fresh Life ladies night for women of all ages in every season.
10/27/202051 minutes, 48 seconds
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Moving Church

Do you feel stuck? When life feels overwhelming, go from paralysis to peace and walk forward with the strength of community and confidence in God’s presence.
10/25/202035 minutes, 59 seconds
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Honest To God

Our prayers aren’t meant to be rehearsed, but a reflection of our real life circumstances. Get honest with God with these 7 keys to a powerful prayer life.
10/18/202049 minutes, 2 seconds
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Five More Minutes

It’s possible to have serenity even in adversity. By developing our patience we can stand firm, embrace the process, and face the future with calm confidence.
10/11/202050 minutes, 27 seconds
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Get Outside

The problems among us spring from the pride within us. The good news: As we work to embrace humility and get outside ourselves, God never stops giving us grace.
10/4/202055 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Muscle That Can Move Mountains

What do others expect when you speak? What you say—to yourself or to others—can tear down or give life. If you want to change your world, change your words.
9/27/202041 minutes, 23 seconds
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Leave No Trace

You should live differently when God lives in you. Salvation is a free gift, but a proclamation of faith should lead to fruit that proves God’s presence.
9/20/202046 minutes, 29 seconds
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Stand Your Ground

9/13/202050 minutes, 41 seconds
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Carlos Whittaker

Jesus didn’t die on the cross so you could cope; He died so you could be free. Take hold of God’s promises for here and now and start living life to the full.
9/6/202047 minutes, 14 seconds
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The King Passing By

A religion you can control has no power to save your soul. Religious formality leaves us dead on the inside, but a heart of humility brings life and victory.
8/30/202043 minutes, 19 seconds
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Hold That Thought

If you feel trapped in a cycle of negative thinking, freedom is an inside job. Redirect your thoughts, anchor your identity, and find the peace God has for you.
8/23/202038 minutes, 47 seconds
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Grace Against The Grain

The enemy wants to use our pain to stop us, but Lisa Harper reminds us God doesn’t use shame as a motivator; He compassionately calls us to take the next step.
8/16/202047 minutes, 32 seconds
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Sight For Sore Eyes

Poor vision impacts your whole life. When we fix our focus, we can find release from the pressure of life and see the full brilliance of what God has for us.
8/9/202048 minutes, 39 seconds
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This Is Your Wake-Up Call

Do you feel like you’ve lost sight of yourself and who you were meant to become? Don’t give in or give up—take back your life by taking charge of yourself.
8/2/202037 minutes, 16 seconds
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Relationship Goals

Want better relationships? Pastor Mike Todd shows that when we apply God’s principles, we can trade relational panic and pain for peace and protection.
7/26/202035 minutes, 53 seconds
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Dream Big

What do you want, why do you want it, and what are you going to do about it? Bob Goff reminds us to look to Jesus, live from a place of grace, and take action.
7/19/202026 minutes, 10 seconds
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Acres Of Diamonds

Don’t run from the pressure and heat of life. Pastor Jentezen Franklin shares that a better life is not “out there,” it’s on the other side of not giving up.
7/12/202026 minutes, 33 seconds
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Jeremy & Adrienne Camp - A Conversation

If we’re not talking real stuff, how can God meet us in our real mess? Jeremy and Adrienne Camp share honest stories to help us strengthen our relationships.
7/5/202036 minutes, 56 seconds
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Relational Intelligence

Your welfare and well-being are influenced by who you’re with. Join us as Dr. Dharius Daniels shows us the steps for building more intentional relationships.
6/28/202025 minutes, 53 seconds
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Heads Up

As we rise up and speak up, we’re also called to lift others up. As fathers and father-figures, this call should influence the way we raise the next generation.
6/21/202048 minutes, 13 seconds
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Community Service Is Not Punishment

If we want to see our cities flourish, we must be willing to have our hearts broken for what breaks God’s heart, but we can’t stop there. Our call to serve means coupling emotion with action.
6/14/202037 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Upper Hand

God’s ultimate reconciliation does not excuse us from the work of reconciliation today. We must embrace discomfort, have the courage to change, and use our privilege to fight oppression.
6/7/202050 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Fight To Flourish | A Conversation With Pastor Levi and Jennie Lusko

When life isn’t what we imagined, we can still flourish. And as we fight to keep showing up and trust the process, our story can help others flourish, too.
5/31/202037 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Leopard, The Lines, and The Rose

When you know you're loved, it changes the way you live. In Jesus, we find the fierceness, courage, and strength we need to flourish and run with confidence.
5/24/202035 minutes, 2 seconds
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Don't Quit Now

When you want to quit, don’t give up, keep showing up. It’s okay to fight and cry—our strength will be renewed as we trust that God has something more in store.
5/17/202037 minutes, 28 seconds
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Black and White and Color All Over

Every seed sprouts in darkness. By viewing the trial as an opportunity, we can embrace each step and trust that God is bringing beautiful things to the surface.
5/10/202033 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Flourishing Life You Were Born To Fight For

The struggle may be real, but it can also help you thrive. Live from a place of victory by embracing the truth that you were born to fight and flourish!
5/3/202033 minutes, 10 seconds
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Hold On For Deer Life

God can bring good from bad, but what if we can’t see the good? When we stay calm and don’t let go, we discover a joy that is sweet, even when life is bitter.
4/26/202059 minutes, 39 seconds
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Feeling stuck? Through gratitude, selflessness, and an unvarnished confidence, we can choose joy and find purpose even in the middle of hard times.
4/19/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Show On The Road

It may feel like the end, but it’s always too soon to give up. With the power and perspective of the resurrection, we can find blessing when things feel broken, and walk in joy, come what may.
4/12/202050 minutes, 29 seconds
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I've Seen Enough

The story of Thomas reveals that while absence may fuel our unbelief, through the persistent kindness of others and a personal encounter with Jesus, there is hope for the skeptic.
4/5/202044 minutes, 31 seconds
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Joseph of Arimathea

When faced with crisis, we can all make a difference if we keep our heads, take heart, and use our hands to spread hope—for true hope will not disappoint us.
3/29/202040 minutes, 52 seconds
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Right In The Middle

In the midst of fear and uncertainty, we find comfort and courage in the assurance that peace is not the absence of fear, but the presence of Jesus.
3/22/202043 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Show Must Go On

In her darkest place, God used her to shine brightest. Mary Magdalene’s story is one transformed by gratitude, resilience, and a willingness to keep showing up.
3/14/202049 minutes, 37 seconds
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What Do You See?

Do we see only sinners where we should see souls? Rather than label or ignore the people around us, we’re called to see them—and love them—as Jesus does.
3/8/202040 minutes, 11 seconds
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God Has A Plan

How do we avoid becoming bitter when life is ugly? There is power when we look beyond the appearance of our circumstances and trust that God has a plan.
3/1/202046 minutes, 40 seconds
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Good Deeds In A Naughty World

We shouldn’t be surprised when we encounter ugliness, but how do we not become ugly ourselves? Don’t become sour or spiteful; be kind and keep doing good.
2/23/202046 minutes, 16 seconds
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Based On A True Story

How do we avoid getting caught up in the charm of our own egos? We must expose the lies, flip the script, and live new lives based on the true story.
2/16/202047 minutes, 49 seconds
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Angels On The Inside

How can we avoid the danger of unhealthy relationships? We must look past the deceptiveness of the external to see what is deeper and find the delight of true beauty.
2/9/202053 minutes, 22 seconds
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Get Ahead of Yourself

God doesn't want us to just get by, to live like we're just letting life happen to us, like we're ahead of ourself. We're learning how to zoom out, to look ahead and learn to listen to what God wants for us.
2/2/202041 minutes, 6 seconds
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Becoming Antifragile

How do we not just survive, but get stronger in difficult times? We must build root systems in our lives to go beyond resilience and become anti-fragile.
1/26/202042 minutes, 28 seconds
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Fasting: A Key To Spiritual Quickness

What if fasting is more than just a trend to improve our physical health? When our attention is fixed on Jesus, fasting can not only positively impact our bodies, but our spirit and soul.
1/19/202041 minutes, 43 seconds
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Shaken and Stirred

What battles are you facing? Though fear may be present, we can instead focus our faith and praise the God who fights our battles for us.
1/12/202042 minutes, 13 seconds
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Wash Your Hands

Soap is one of the most accessible commodities in the world however there is no substance that can cleanse our souls. It's only by the love of Jesus that we can be made clean.
1/5/202044 minutes, 48 seconds
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Roughing It

Can anyone climb the stairway to heaven? Many are exhausted from striving for success and good deeds, but Jesus came down to Earth to bring rest to our weary souls.
12/25/201933 minutes
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Over My Dead Body

Have you ever felt like you’ve hit rock bottom? Remember this - even then, you are not alone. And you are not too far gone to be loved by God.
12/15/201933 minutes, 21 seconds
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Dream, Come True

What does it take to see a dream come true? When we couple gratitude with expectation, we find the relentless drive and vision to invest in what God will do.
12/8/201943 minutes, 36 seconds
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Many of us aren't generous by nature. However a heart that is truly given to God will be challenged to trust him fully. What will you trust him with?
12/1/201941 minutes, 5 seconds
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You're No Good Samaritan

No one can argue against being good to our neighbors but none of us are capable of doing it perfectly. Who can truly claim to be a good Samaritan?
11/24/201943 minutes, 37 seconds
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The 20/20 Experience

11/17/201950 minutes, 36 seconds
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Seeking A Second Touch

Do you ever feel like there's more to life? If so, good! Have faith and keep looking, God wants to open your eyes and lead you to a life that thrives!
11/10/201947 minutes, 28 seconds
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Commitment Calling

What is the calling on your life? The question isn’t what you’ll do but rather if you’re willing to commit to it.
11/3/201929 minutes, 24 seconds
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Lying Means Roar

Do you ever feel like you are being sabotaged? As Jesus followers, we have a real enemy. In order to defeat him we must first recognize his tactics.
10/27/201942 minutes, 14 seconds
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Like Your Life Depends On It

What is your purpose? We were all created with a part to play in glorifying God. In good times and bad, you are uniquely positioned to speak and serve.
10/20/201948 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Order Is Everything

When life is going terribly wrong, do you still trust God has a plan? He is a God of order. Set your eyes on Him and let your story tell of His faithfulness.
10/13/201954 minutes, 54 seconds
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Where Beauty Comes From

God wants your marriage to thrive. Peter kindly shares a few simple guidelines for how we can tap into the beauty God intended for you within your marriage.
10/6/201949 minutes, 45 seconds
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For God's Sake

Are you following a difficult leader? Peter calls us to be mindful of our conduct in these situations as we are representatives of heaven.
9/29/201948 minutes, 9 seconds
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Home Away From Home

Where do you belong? One of the greatest gifts we have in Christ is our promise of a home in Heaven. Until then, our home is found in the Church.
9/22/201943 minutes, 43 seconds
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Love While You Can

Trials feel long lasting, but our time is short. Choose to set your minds on things above, keep your eyes towards Jesus, and love people all the while.
9/15/201940 minutes, 19 seconds
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Dawn Is Coming

Are you familiar with suffering or difficult days? Peter encourages us to take hold of the hope and power we have because of Jesus. Keep going, dawn is coming!
9/8/201943 minutes, 1 second
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It's Not The Thought That Counts

How did you become who you are today? Our life is full of good people with good intentions but It’s the follow through of the things we say we will do that determines our future.
9/1/201933 minutes, 15 seconds
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A Conversation With Debra Fileta

Debra Fileta joins us in a conversation about having healthy rhythms that not only benefit us as individuals but positively impact our relationships.
8/25/201936 minutes, 3 seconds
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No Days Off

Are you feeling burnt out? We were created to work but if we model our lives after Gods example, we will see the necessity of the gift of rest.
8/18/201943 minutes, 44 seconds
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Man-Made Wilderness

Do you consider lingering anxiety to be the new normal? Distraction is constant these days, but there is quiet in the wilderness if we chose to seek it out.
8/11/201941 minutes, 56 seconds
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What are you anchoring your soul to? Pastor Levi teaches on the importance of being in communion with God in order to have a healthy rhythm in our soul.
8/4/201944 minutes, 10 seconds
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Louie Giglio

We all long for a father’s blessing but not all receive it from our earthly father. Louie Giglio speaks to the blessings of God who fills in the gap as our perfect Heavenly Father.
7/28/201948 minutes, 15 seconds
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Bianca Juarez Olthoff

When you doubt the goodness of God, keep going. In this message, Bianca Olthoff takes us through the story of Ruth showing us that when life sucks, we don't have to. Your next step might be into His blessings.
7/21/201937 minutes, 24 seconds
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Chad Veach

God has big dreams for your life, and with big dreams there often comes big tests. If God has called you to it, he will see you through it. Trust the process.
7/14/201936 minutes, 6 seconds
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Scott Harrison

You're never too far gone. Scott Harrison, founder of Charity Water, shares how God changed his life and inspired him to bring clean water to everyone on earth.
7/7/201938 minutes, 7 seconds
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Lysa Terkeurst

What do you do when you're faced with disappointment? This message highlights key principles to remember when the enemy is feeding you lies about your happiness.
6/30/201940 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Grain of Salt & A Beam of Light

The world cannot taste and see the goodness of the Lord if we aren't salt and light. Our participation and perspective in a hurting world makes all the difference.
6/23/201931 minutes, 2 seconds
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Rite Of Passage

What does the transition from boy to man look like? In this message we participate in Gods’ rite of passage into manhood as He gave it to Joshua.
6/16/201945 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Tougher It Gets, The Harder We Hit

When life gets hard how do you stay mad about the house? In this message we are inspired to push past what we feel, keep showing up and live for what Jesus died for.
6/9/201934 minutes, 43 seconds
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In The Same Boat

As Christians we bear the weight of Jesus’ name everywhere we go. How are you representing His name in your day today?
6/2/201941 minutes, 40 seconds
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Buried Treasure

Powerful potential can be hidden in unexpected places. God chose to see it in us, but will we choose to see it in each other?
5/26/201938 minutes, 7 seconds
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Choose Your Own Adventure

In order to see growth that lasts within us, we must allow the Word to take root in us. What is the condition of the soil in your soul?
5/19/201946 minutes, 30 seconds
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Wait There's More

Life comes in seasons. Some more difficult than others. In this teaching, we are encouraged to embrace each season, leaning into grace and the promises of God.
5/12/201946 minutes, 44 seconds
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Coming To Yourself

Each of us are bricks making up God’s church. Are you leaving an empty space that you alone can fill?
5/5/201945 minutes, 56 seconds
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Power of Your Posse

Living for Jesus is no easy task. But with the right crew, you will find strength to become who God made you to be and do the work He has called you to do.
4/28/201934 minutes, 18 seconds
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Dust And Blood

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust. We all must face the inevitable grave. But because of Jesus’ resurrection we have a hope that overcomes death and promises life everlasting.
4/21/201938 minutes, 32 seconds
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Butterflies and Eagles

Apart from God, what can we do? By His Holy Spirit, the Church is supercharged to walk in the forgiveness and love Jesus died for us to have and save the world!
4/14/201948 minutes, 12 seconds
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This Same Jesus

Jesus ascending to Heaven wasn't Him leaving us, but the fulfillment of a promise that He would always be with us. We have a part to play in what God is doing while we wait for His return.
4/7/201944 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Stuff Legends Are Made Of

Jesus rose from the dead, legend or fact? Witnesses testify what they saw in the Bible but can those accounts be trusted? Do you believe He rose again?
3/31/201944 minutes, 5 seconds
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X Marks The Spot

What does the cross represent? Historically known as a place of shame, anguish, and death, we look to the cross and see love, victory and life!
3/24/201942 minutes, 30 seconds
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Not A Good Person

What is the big deal about Jesus? His name has taken fame as the staple of our faith. He’s not simply Jesus, but Jesus Christ.
3/17/201951 minutes, 38 seconds
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800 Pounds of Grace

What do we believe? The foundation of the Christian faith begins with the One who created it all — almighty God and loving Father.
3/10/201940 minutes, 8 seconds
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Commitment Issues

He loves me? He loves me not. She loves me? She loves me not. Better question: Are you committed or not?
3/3/201941 minutes, 30 seconds
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Relationship Q&A

Got questions? You’re in good company. Let’s talk this out. Pastor Levi and a Jennie sit down to discuss common questions about dating and marriage.
2/24/201946 minutes, 7 seconds
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Bring Your Own Significant Other

God’s breath in our lungs makes us significant and that goes for your S.O too. Find the significance in each other and grow in purpose and power.
2/17/201941 minutes, 59 seconds
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Deeper Than Skin

Sex is bad... or is it? The Bible disagrees. God created sex so we should follow His guidelines for it. How we handle our sex life will impact our whole life.
2/10/201942 minutes, 20 seconds
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Redwoods, Revenge and Thirty Pieces of Silver

Judas wasn’t always known as the man who betrayed Jesus. But sin that is allowed to grow can change our identity without us realizing. In observing his betrayal, we are given two truths that can lead us from a path of our own destruction and we see the faithfulness of Jesus to always offer a way to redemption.
2/3/201939 minutes, 53 seconds
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Kings, Dragons, and a One-Night Stand

What caused David, the man after God’s own heart, to commit adultery and murder? In this message we follow the small compromises that lead to David’s demise and establish three truths to help counteract the same mistakes in our own lives.
1/27/201942 minutes, 53 seconds
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Corpses, Hair-Cuts and Cabernet

As we follow the life of Samson, we see how his small compromises lead to big mistakes. But God is faithful to redeem a humble heart. No one is ever too far gone. Our greatest days can come after our greatest failures.
1/20/201945 minutes, 47 seconds
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Candybars, Squirrels and Homicide

In Genesis 4 we see someone who could have killed the baby monsters in his life while they were still small, but didn’t. Huge horrible deeds come from tiny seeds - if we’re not victors over our sin we’ll become victims of it.
1/13/201936 minutes, 23 seconds
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Blake Mycoskie | A Conversation

In this interview, TOMS founder Blake Mycoskie shares about his faith and entrepreneurial spirit launching a company that has given away over 88 million pairs of shoes to those in need. The foundation of TOMS is made possible by the mentality to live as the head and not the tail, something we can all learn from.
1/6/201941 minutes, 45 seconds
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The End Of Christmas

Christmas is complicated. From Eden to Bethlehem and beyond, Satan’s mission has been to crush the head of Christ, but Jesus freely gave His life for us. We must choose if we’ll remain on our own throne or recognize His.
12/24/201835 minutes, 40 seconds
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Red In The Shed

What does it cost to worship God? Looking back to the three wise men, we learn how to use the map and compass God has given us to orientate our hearts towards Jesus and live a life that glorifies Him.
12/16/201844 minutes, 52 seconds
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Camels and Needles and Spoons

What myths do you believe about money? If we follow God’s plan, He’ll do more through us together than we could ever do on our own.
12/9/201848 minutes, 22 seconds
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On Your Left

The sunrise is God’s compass for our hearts. In this message we examine the expression of God’s promises and love for us through the faithfulness of the sun.
12/2/201841 minutes, 26 seconds
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Moving The Needle

Everyone experiences the universal sensation that there is something more to this life. In this message we seek to identify what it is that pulls on our hearts and how to satisfy the longing.
11/25/201841 minutes, 44 seconds
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Fight Like A Wolf

Life is not a playground - it’s a battleground. Let the wolf rise in your heart and win the war within so others can do the same.
11/18/201841 minutes, 26 seconds
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Act Like A Wolf

In this teaching we take a look at how wolves act according to their place in a pack and we are reminded that as sons and daughters of the King, our actions should reflect our identity.
11/11/201833 minutes, 52 seconds
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Speak Like A Wolf

In this message we take a look at how the words we speak can sabotage our lives. If we are to live the life God calls us to, we must be intentional with our speech.
11/4/201838 minutes, 33 seconds
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Think Like A Wolf

As we begin to declare war on the version of ourselves we don’t like, we are encouraged to be intentional with our thoughts. Negative thinking cannot lead to a positive life.
10/28/201835 minutes, 43 seconds
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Planted and Under Fire

The fires of life often threaten to consume us, but in this message Pastor Michael Todd reminds us that when we’re under pressure, God is always on our side.
10/21/201838 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Shoulders Of Giants

Pastor Levi and Jennie together share a message from God's Word on the importance of multigenerational ministry.
10/14/201837 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Kick

In this teaching, we are challenged by the story of Caleb in Joshua 14, to continue to run our race well, even in old age. Our purpose doesn’t end when retirement begins.
10/7/201847 minutes
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Getting Back To Neverland

It’s clear in the scriptures that children are a priority to Jesus, and He advises us to follow their example in how we live out our faith. In this message we explore what it means to live with the heart of a child.
9/30/201840 minutes, 6 seconds
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This all too familiar movement of #adulting poses the question of what it means to enter adulthood. There's more to being an adult than age. It's time to rise up and allow the love of God to change us from within.
9/23/201834 minutes, 56 seconds
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Countdown To Forever

Everyone has questioned the meaning of life. In this teaching we discover the truth that a world without God has no meaning at all. But with Jesus, we have something strong enough to bear the weight of our souls and we can live out our ever-fleeting lives with confidence.
9/16/201835 minutes, 40 seconds
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Where Night Becomes Morning

9/9/201836 minutes, 58 seconds
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Brought To Bring

What God has done in you isn’t just for you. Knowing Jesus and experiencing his blessings and power is intended for you to share with other people.
9/2/201837 minutes, 56 seconds
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Beard Oil and Mountain Dew

Where there is unity there is strength, where there is division there is weakness.
8/26/201836 minutes, 38 seconds
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Life Is Just Not Fair

In this teaching, we are reminded that although we will face circumstances that are just not fair, we also have a God who loves us and offers us grace that we don’t deserve. And that makes Him worthy of praise.
8/19/201834 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Good Life

In this teaching we continue our journey through the Psalms of Ascent. We are reminded that if we want to live the good life, we need to walk in Gods ways.
8/12/201836 minutes, 15 seconds
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Entrances, Exits and Everywhere In Between

In this teaching, we begin our journey through the Psalms of Ascent. We are reminded to look to God, our ultimate guide, shelter, and guardian in every season of life.
8/5/201835 minutes, 8 seconds
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Own The Moment

In this message, Pastor Carl Lentz reminds us of who we are and how we are meant to live as Christ-followers. We should be leading the way in loving others better than anyone else, following in the ways of Jesus.
7/29/201839 minutes, 33 seconds
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Live Fearless

Sadie Robertson shares what she has learned through her battle with fear - something we all face. If we walk with God daily, we can walk in confidence that He will fight on our behalf.
7/22/201839 minutes, 2 seconds
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Divine Direction

In this teaching from Craig Groeschel, we discuss how to discern God’s divine direction for our lives. His will is more about who we are before what we do.
7/15/201839 minutes, 39 seconds
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Tailor Made

Alex Seeley challenges us to rise up to our unique purpose as image bearers of God. Don't let the enemy take one more day of your life!
7/8/201840 minutes, 6 seconds
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Kill The Spider

In this message, we join Carlos Whittaker as he highlights the main theme of his new book “Kill the Spider.” We learn that cleaning up cobwebs in our lives is a temporary solution preventing ultimate joy and peace. We need courage and the Holy Spirit’s guidance to hunt down the spiders and kill the lies lurking in our souls.
7/1/201839 minutes
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Needlecraft :: Rock This City 2018

We cannot change a world that we are unwilling to touch. In this teaching, we learn how to be a needle and thread in the hand of God, becoming part of the needlework of loving the world.
6/24/201835 minutes, 11 seconds
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Faith On Fire

In this special Father's Day message, Pastor Craig Groeschel gives us practical things we can do as Fathers and as the Church to raise a generation of Christ centered, biblically anchored, world changers.
6/17/201838 minutes, 52 seconds
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Worth Dying For

A fresh look at the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendago shows us when we fear God, we don’t have to fear anyone else. He will deliver us either from the furnace or through it.
6/10/201845 minutes, 44 seconds
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Nowhere To Go But Up

When you have nowhere to go but up, it’s essential to look to God for revelation during your tribulation. God wants you walking in power, postured with a humble heart and the spirit of a volunteer, to carry out His perfect plan to save the world.
6/3/201848 minutes, 7 seconds
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Why God Refuses To Meet You Halfway

How many times have you wondered if God was sleeping through your darkest hours? We look into Abraham’s life to see that faith requires uncertainty, but our God is holding up His end of the bargain and ours as well.
5/27/201841 minutes, 30 seconds
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Good Night Failure, Good Morning Grace

We learn principles from the life of Peter on what God can do with a smoke-filled situation. There is redemption and grace even in our greatest failures.
5/20/201848 minutes, 16 seconds
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This special Mother’s Day message is a reminder that we’re not just filling a hole that anyone could fill, we are fulfilling God’s unique call on our lives.
5/13/201834 minutes, 42 seconds
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Singing Shoulders

Music in your mouth can lift your day, but God's melody in your heart will light up your life.
5/6/201850 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ten and Two :: Rumble Strip (Pt. 3) | Pastor Levi Lusko

When you listen to the right voices you avoid the wrong places.
4/29/201843 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Gentle Nudge That Could Save Your Life :: Rumble Strip (Pt. 2) | Pastor Levi Lusko

God has given us a conscience for our benefit, but it’s what we do with it that matters.
4/22/201842 minutes, 47 seconds
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Life Is A Highway :: Rumble Strip (Pt. 1) | Pastor Levi Lusko

Rumble strips are in place for one reason - to tell us we're moving in the wrong direction. You can't correct what you don't detect.
4/15/201842 minutes, 37 seconds
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Who Needs Church?

Church is not what we do, it’s who we are. If Jesus shed His blood to buy it, we should give our lives to build it.
4/8/201834 minutes, 9 seconds
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But First, Death

Jesus went into the grave to bring you out of it. It wasn't nails that held Him to the cross, it was love.
4/1/201836 minutes, 23 seconds
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A More Perfect Union

The gaps in your union will stunt your fruit production. Apart from Jesus we can do nothing.
3/25/201840 minutes, 40 seconds
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Welcome Home

Jesus is the answer to the ache within. There are many ways to miss Heaven, but only one way to get there. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
3/18/201844 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Human Shield

Jesus became human so you and I could have a shield. There are a lot of shepherds in this world, but Jesus is the only Good Shepherd - laying down His life for the sheep.
3/11/201851 minutes, 12 seconds
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Open Sesame

Jesus is God’s “open sesame” to everlasting life and abundance. On the other side of the door is more freedom, not less.
3/4/201845 minutes, 59 seconds
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Spiritual Sunburst

God sent Jesus to turn off the dark. Light is not only what He is, it’s Who. He is - the light of the world, and those who follow Him no longer walk on the darkness.
2/25/201842 minutes, 53 seconds
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Soul Food

A full stomach is temporary, but a full soul is forever. This is what Jesus, the bread of life, is willing to give us if we ask.
2/18/201842 minutes, 34 seconds
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Swipe Right Special Anniversary Message

A special remix Valentine’s edition of the Swipe Right message on the life and death power of sex and romance.
2/11/201839 minutes, 46 seconds
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What Can't Be Taken Away

We focus on what can’t be taken away, so that if our plans fail, our relationship with Jesus is still strong.
2/4/201833 minutes, 36 seconds
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From Evening To Morning

If you anchor your evenings and mornings, then come what may, you've already had a great day!
1/28/201844 minutes, 51 seconds
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Too Small To Fail

Victory is not going to be one thing you're going to do and be undefeated, it's going to be small things continuously repeated. You have to maintain what you obtain.
1/21/201839 minutes, 38 seconds
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In the Absence of a Crisis

Crisis can be catalyst for change, but how do we change in the absence of one? We learn from the life of Elisha how to go through the unbearable and uncomfortable to reach the unstoppable.
1/14/201844 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Life You Get Stuck With

Your ways are how you live, and the ways you let in become the ways you are set in.
1/7/201847 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Christmas Table

Your history doesn't determine your destiny. God can do something new in your life and He wants you to have a seat at the King's table.
12/24/201744 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Waypoints Of Wonder

Navigating through the waypoints of wonder will provide us a path to make sure we’re on the right trajectory as we give.
12/17/201755 minutes, 51 seconds
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Rethinking Runways

The bigger a runway, the greater its capacity for handling large aircraft. In our lives, the more we clear the field for Jesus, the greater the yield God can deliver.
12/10/201759 minutes, 37 seconds
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Faith In The Middle

It’s a journey to become who God has called and created you to be. Don’t give up just because you’re in process.
12/3/201747 minutes, 56 seconds
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Living On Leftovers

When your touch is light your hand can be full. We’re meant to be marked by a spirit of generosity.
11/26/201741 minutes, 50 seconds
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The City In The Sky

More than anything we must be marked by where we are going rather than where we are. We must keep our eyes on the city in the sky.
11/19/201745 minutes, 58 seconds
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In The Rough

Keep it simple. The power of Christianity is never the packaging, it’s the Person. It’s not a system, it’s a Savior. The moment we lose sight of that, we lose sight of everything.
11/5/201731 minutes, 8 seconds
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Mask On, Mask Off

When you put a mask on you mask yourself off from God’s blessing. God can’t use who you wish you were.
10/29/201743 minutes, 28 seconds
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A Part Of The Process

When God touches a life it's often incremental and not instantaneous. People are truly in process and we get to be a part of the process.
10/22/201734 minutes, 27 seconds
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I Got It From Here

In the first installment of October Surprise, Pastor Chris Durso encourages us to seek success in obedience by trusting in a God who enables us to carry our cross of purpose.
10/15/201733 minutes, 2 seconds
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Honor Role

Pride destroys intimacy, but humility unlocks rich relationships. When you take the role of honor and humility, God puts you on His honor role.
10/8/201735 minutes, 3 seconds
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Stick and Slide

Gratitude is a powerful tool. Relationships appreciate in value the more you appreciate them.
10/1/201731 minutes, 36 seconds
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Do The Hard Things

When it comes to having healthy relationships we must get out of our comfort zones and do the hard things. Just because something is unpleasant doesn't mean it's unprofitable.
9/24/201742 minutes, 47 seconds
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Nosebleeds and Beestings

Our intentions don't matter, but our actions do. We're using the tool of alignment to close the gap between the two.
9/17/201742 minutes, 35 seconds
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Start With God

We are shaped by what we start with. Starting with God will grow our relationships.
9/10/201754 minutes, 41 seconds
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Rock This Way!

In a world full of reasons to throw stones, we must put those reasons down and throw relief.
9/3/201741 minutes, 32 seconds
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Where the Wild Things Are

The higher you climb the more glory you’ll find. Living out in the valley what you learn on the mountain is what will change the world.
8/27/201741 minutes, 20 seconds
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Bears and Berries

We have an enemy and our enemy is out to destroy us. Our success and safety comes down to remembering this. When we anticipate the attack we're braced for impact.
8/20/201741 minutes, 16 seconds
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Nothing But Leaves

Living well matters more than looking good. We don't want our lives to be under the dead leaves of religion, but to live submitted to Jesus as King.
8/13/201754 minutes, 46 seconds
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Where Fire Has Been

Where fire has been, it lets light in. His light comes through our pain and we must remember that glory is just around the corner.
8/6/201741 minutes, 7 seconds
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Goliath Must Fall

Contrary to popular belief, we are not David in the story of David and Goliath; Jesus is. In our story, He is our giant-slayer and fear must fall.
7/30/201747 minutes, 15 seconds
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How's Your Soul?

Humans live inside-out; the state of our soul dictates all else in our life. Are you doing all that you can to keep your heart healthy?
7/23/201749 minutes, 16 seconds
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I Am Number 8

Even when we feel overlooked or undervalued, we are never forgotten by God. In the midst of what may feel like a complete 'no', God wants us to give us a new beginning.
7/16/201745 minutes, 14 seconds
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Hope Heals

If suffering is our new normal, then service should be our response. If our lives are stories still being written, then we should never wait to celebrate.
7/9/201749 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Miracle In The Middle

All of us are always at one of three points in our lives: the beginning, the middle, or the end. Though the middle is the longest, the most straining, and often the most difficult, it’s also in the middle where our Savior does His best work.
7/2/201738 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Things That Make For Peace

As Christians, we must influence our cities while not allowing our cities to influence us. We've been commissioned to seek the favor of our cities, and in doing so, to unleash the love of Christ right where we live.
6/25/201739 minutes, 34 seconds
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Where Love Is

The most important role of a father is to create a home where love is. Love in place makes everything else fall into place.
6/18/201738 minutes
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Tornados and Potatoes

Is something weighing you down? Heavy things are no longer heavy when you learn to swap your scale.
6/11/201733 minutes, 17 seconds
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Rock and Soul Recap

We're reflecting on the truths that have been uncovered in the Rock & Soul Series and talking about the cheat code to life: 'ABBA'.
6/4/201724 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Best For Last

The goodness and mercy that God has for us will always follow us and flow through us when our focus is Heaven.
5/28/201739 minutes, 12 seconds
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Blessing You Can't Get To The Bottom Of

God wants to bless you. As you follow Jesus He will do so in spite of and in the sight of your enemies.
5/21/201740 minutes, 58 seconds
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Courageous Living, Even When You're Scared To Death

Life is full of valleys, but we're just passing through. No matter how bad, how barren, or how bleak; God is before, beside, and behind us.
5/14/201734 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Shepherd of Your Bad Days

Sheep wander and so do we. Our Shepherd rights us when we falter and pursues us when we stray from the path.
5/7/201739 minutes, 57 seconds
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Counting People

We eat, drink, and sleep to fuel our bodies, but what about our souls? As sheep, we must let the Shepherd prepare us for what he’s leading us into.
4/30/201743 minutes, 50 seconds
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Upon This Rock

Jesus asked his disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" The same question is posed to us today. How will we respond?
4/23/201735 minutes, 30 seconds
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All Or Nothing

When it comes to Easter and the resurrection, is it true, or is it a lie? And what are the implications either way?
4/16/201749 minutes, 13 seconds
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Instantly Hot

As Christians, the church doesn't exist for us. We are the Church and we exist to reach the world. But we can't do that if we're not fervent in Spirit.
4/9/201731 minutes, 57 seconds
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Becoming The One

God wants our relationships to be beautiful, but that takes effort. Whether in singleness or in marriage, the common denominator is that we must faithfully steward what we've been given.
3/26/201738 minutes, 5 seconds
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Magic Beans and The In-Betweens

God specializes in redemption stories and your role in His narrative is fighting to see past the seed. With God's help, you'll get through this.
3/19/201741 minutes, 32 seconds
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Worth Fighting For

Marriage is worth fighting for, and God's word gives us the tools to navigate through adversity when it comes.
3/12/201744 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Things We Carry

We lug what we load, but it's never too late to protect the future by living carefully right now.
3/5/201737 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Point of No Return

Your desires can keep you from your destiny. Don't trade away God's lifelong gift in order to satisfy a short-term appetite.
2/26/201736 minutes, 14 seconds
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Water Everywhere and Not A Drop To Drink

Sex and romance from a pineapple perspective.
2/19/201743 minutes, 46 seconds
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Get Ahead Of Yourself

Kill the giant today, fight with his sword tomorrow.
2/5/201742 minutes, 16 seconds
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Like A Hawk

Nehemiah worked with a sword in one hand and a shovel in the other. Shut the gates–protect your progress.
1/29/201744 minutes, 24 seconds
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On The Spot

The Bible can't change us, but living out what it says can. We must hear consistently, act instantly, speak carefully and serve constantly if we want to create and keep the right changes in our lives.
1/22/201734 minutes, 25 seconds
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I Got An Agent

Pastor Chad Veach introduces us to our ultimate helper and the power behind the progress: the Holy Spirit.
1/8/201741 minutes, 22 seconds
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Making Cents of Change

Changing seems easy, but in reality, it's easier said than done. We learn from a beggar in the Bible who was merely looking for some spare change, but walked away with life change.
1/1/201743 minutes, 19 seconds
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Run Toward The Roar

We often turn our backs to the things that cause us fear or stress. Jobs, school, relationships, sin... There are things that we run from. What if these fears were the roars in our lives that we ran toward and brought increased faith to our lives?
8/23/201549 minutes, 44 seconds
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Hope has a Rope

Pastor Levi shares principles on how to keep the tether to Heaven tight. Life lessons forged from the fire that he and his family went through when their five-year-old daughter Lenya went to heaven.
8/16/201546 minutes, 52 seconds
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Standing on Tiptoes at the Edge of Eternity

We all have a longing within us for something more. It's a deep groaning placed there for God and from Him. He is leading us to Himself and we wait with eager expectation for our true home.
8/9/201548 minutes, 2 seconds
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Hidden in Plain Sight

We kick off an exciting and much anticipated series, Through The Eyes of A Lion. Pastor Levi Lusko gives the first message based on the book on the microphone given in the loss of his Daughter Lenya.
8/2/201539 minutes, 24 seconds