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Gary Brecka - Body Science Profile

Gary Brecka - Body Science

English, Sciences, 1 season, 5 episodes, 23 minutes
Hi, I'm Gary Brecka. I'm a professional human biologist, an entrepreneur, and CEO of Streamline Medical Group based in Naples, Fl. My goal is to support people so they can become their best, healthiest and living the most fulfilled lives.
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Gary Brecka Body & Science - Cardio Exercise

What type of exercise is best for you if you are attempting to lose body fat? This is the subject of discussion on this latest podcast from Gary Brecka. The Streamline Medical Group CEO explains why our bodies may be eating away at our own lean muscle tissue as an energy source rather than our preferred body fat. Tune in.
12/18/20186 minutes, 24 seconds
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Gary Brecka - Exercise & Nutrition - Fat Loss

Gary Brecka shares his discussion with the clients of Streamline Medical Group. He reveals in this episode why we may not be optimizing our bodies for fat loss and how to accomplish this task. Tune in to this weeks' Body Science with Gary Brecka.
10/31/20187 minutes, 43 seconds
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Gary Brecka Body & Science Interview- Vitamin D3

Gary Brecka of Streamline Medical Group shares his insight and perspective in this interview on Vitamin D3. One of the most commonly deficient in large amounts of populations, yet vital to better health, vitamin D3 is important to a better life experience. Tune in. To learn more visit: / Hosted by: Gary Brecka Produced by: Dino Viper Productions Location: Naples, Florida
10/23/20183 minutes, 25 seconds
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Gary Brecka Body & Science - BCAA

Gary Brecka with Streamlined Medical Group and today's discussion is about (BCAA) branched-chain amino acids. Most of us have heard of amino acids because these are the essential building blocks of proteins in there found all throughout the body. There are 22 amino acids in the body of which nine of those amino acids are what they call essential amino acids. What is essential amino acids are an amino acid that your body does not synthesize and therefore that amino acid must come from diet or supplementation? Within those nine essential amino acids are three critically important amino acids. They are so important that streamline medical group isolated these three into a singular injection. To learn more:
10/23/20182 minutes, 27 seconds
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Gary Brecka Body Science Glutathione

Glutathione is possibly the most important antioxidant in the entire human biome. Most people have not heard of glutathione. Those that have, may be aware that it’s an antioxidant but not realize quite how powerful and cellular protective this mother of all antioxidants really is. Glutathione is an antioxidant that is manufactured by the liver and resides inside every single cell in our bodies. This mother of all antioxidants is so cellular protective that when given prior to cancer and oncology treatments, it can actually protect cancer cells from chemotherapeutic agents. Sometimes when glutathione is injected there is mild soreness at the site.This usually passes in a short period of time.This is because it is hypo-tonic which means that it will draw water out of the surrounding tissue toward the glutathione in order to dilute it and allow it to be absorbed back into the body. Glutathione is especially good at reducing the stress on the liver and liver enzymes as well as substantial anti-aging benefits to skin, hair, nails and connective tissue.
10/17/20183 minutes, 8 seconds