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Getting To The Truth Profile

Getting To The Truth

English, Religion, 1 season, 29 episodes, 1 day, 2 hours, 2 minutes
Many people of this generation are struggling with learning what the ‘Truth Is’ about Christ. We now live in a time where your search engine can pull up just about anything you would like to know about God, but unfortunately seeking the truth is the hardest part. On this podcast, Joshua Darko sits down with friends, family, and subject matter experts in hopes to Get To The Truth on these big questions we all have about what it means to be a believer in Christ.
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Are Christians Enjoying Life? (w/ Megan Ashley)

This week we interviewed Megan Ashley. and discussed what "Fun" looks like for Christians. Time Stamps: 0:00 - Preview 2:03 - Start of Pod 2:51 - What is fun for Megan? 12:57 - What does it mean to "know who you are" 23:32 - Thoughts on being married young 36:13 - Dating today / Should we be in the club? 45:26 - Megan's relationship with God today
8/19/202455 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ruslan on Culture, Dating, Porn & Mega Pastors

This week we interviewed Ruslan and discussed, being married young, men not committing to relationships young, dealing with Porn, merging Christianity with “The Culture”, critiquing Mega Pastors, + More. Time Stamps: 0:00 - Preview 1:10 - Why don't people care about God like that? 7:45 - Being Married Young. 11:49 - What's stopping men from getting married younger? 29:25 - Dealing with Porn 40:45 - "The Culture" 50:52 - Discipline to be a Christian YouTuber 57:13 - Critiquing mega pastors 1:07:25 - What is a healthy expectation for a pastor? Big takeaways from the conversation: 1. You have to know who you are in Christ. If you don’t know who you are in Christ you may end up chasing vanity metrics (i.e. more money, more followers, more women, etc.) which is ultimately unfulfilling 2. Know what your goals “cost”. If you are working towards a goal, make sure you’ve done the research to know what it takes to obtain that goal. If not you may realize later in life that you were not working hard enough OR maybe even compromising your integrity. 3. Many media platforms today that lead conversations are “Gossip” based. Christians in media have an opportunity to dominate these spaces with content that is entertaining but not “Gossip.” 4. You are responsible for yourself more than any pastor or faith leader. 5. Being a pastor is hard.
11/20/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 14 seconds
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Why C.T. Fletcher is "NOT Christian"

For this episode of the Getting To The Truth podcast, we had a conversation with C.T. Fletcher about why he is "not Christian".
11/5/202340 minutes, 42 seconds
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Dating as Single a Christian Man

For this episode of the Getting To The Truth podcast, we dive deep into Christian dating from a single man's perspective. Navigating the dating scene as a Christian can be both rewarding and challenging, and we're here to share our experiences, insights, and advice.
10/1/20231 hour, 35 minutes, 24 seconds
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Historical Evidence of Jesus and the Resurrection

In this podcast, Artur Asaduriyan explores the compelling documentation and scholarly research that sheds light on the life, crucifixion, and miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ.
9/17/20231 hour, 42 minutes, 28 seconds
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Heaven and Hell According to the Bible

Have you ever wondered what really happens after you die? In this episode, we discuss truths about Heaven and Hell according to the Bible.
8/27/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 1 second
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Alexis Skyy Interview

For this episode of the Getting To The Truth podcast, we had a conversation with Alexis Sky about her Spiritual Journey, Relationships, and More.
6/14/202347 minutes, 3 seconds
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For Black History Month we tapped in with Dr. Umar Johnson for a legendary conversation on the Black Church, Christianity, FDMG School, & Tyre Nichols.
2/26/20231 hour, 41 minutes, 8 seconds
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How To Read the Bible

In this episode we discuss how we read the bible. Ever start reading the bible and don’t know how to navigate it? Or just don’t read often because you feel like there’s some strategy to this thing you may be missing?   Tap into today’s conversation with Paul Pitts III as we dive into How to Read the Bible.
2/9/202350 minutes, 1 second
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The Truth About "Men Of God"

In this episode, Hafeez of The Roommates Podcast speaks on what it really means to be a "Man of God".    Time Stamps:   0:00 - intro  6:10 - What inspired Hafeez to believe in Christ  10:17 - How has being a believer helped Hafeez’s career?  15:20 - Why “Relationship with God” can be misleading 20:00 - What does God’s Work say about romantic relationships?  26:10 - Why does God care about having sexual discipline important  31:45 - Did God Tell Hafeez his wife was “The One” 33:10 - Should a Man be established before finding a Wife?  37:24 - Can men have multiple wives?  48:25 - Why male promiscuity should not be celebrated  55:07 - Why surrounding yourself with great men is important
9/27/20221 hour, 22 seconds
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The Truth About Marriage

Have you ever wondered what a Christian Marriage is really like?  It can be difficult to know what to expect from marriage when you haven't been married and It can be very difficult to know who / what information to trust. Being that there is a lot of conflicting information available, in this episode, Preston Perry uncovers the “truth about marriage” (from a biblical perspective) and helps level set expectations.  Preston Perry is a spoken-word poet, performing artist, and teacher from the Southside of Chicago. He and his wife Jackie Hill Perry are Christian leaders and have a great podcast With The Perrys 
9/22/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 48 seconds
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What Is a Spirit?

The goal of this conversation was to uncover the truth about what being “spiritual” really means and what the bible says about it. In this episode, our hope was to separate what’s MAN MADE and what’s GOD / BIBLE.
5/24/202257 minutes, 29 seconds
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"Finding" Your Purpose

Today, many people struggle to figure out their purpose in life and know if their lives are significant. In this episode, we go over truths found within Dr. Michaela O'Donnell’s book Make Work Matter in hopes to help bring people a sense of peace in a world of hustle culture.
5/17/202240 minutes, 7 seconds
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Faith and Family

What role does family play in our life as believers? In this episode, Morgan Westbrooks explains the important role family has played in her life as a believer and speaks about how she manages her relationships with family, friends, and her significant other. 
4/12/202246 minutes, 19 seconds
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Are Christians allowed to....

As Christians, we are called to live free. We are called to be uniquely ourselves and walk out our God-given gifts. Doing that can be difficult when being a Christian can seem to come along with societal pressures. (I.e. girls can't wear bikinis, you can’t get tattoos, you can't cuss, you can't eat pork, etc.). In this episode, our hope is to separate what’s MAN MADE and what’s GOD / BIBLE and hopefully alleviate some of the pressure Christians feel today to meet societal pressures.
4/5/20221 hour, 20 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sage, Crystals, & "Manifesting"

Although as Christians we are called to have faith in Jesus, many people today also have put their trust in things like “manifesting”, crystals, and burning sage. In this episode, Joshua Darko and AC Holliday discuss why many people have put their trust in earthly things and whether or not these are things that we should be doing as Christians.
3/22/202254 minutes, 39 seconds
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What Is Church?

What is a church? Many of us have questioned whether or not church has a relevant place in society in today. Is church something that Christians have to do? What does the Bible say about church? On this episode Paul Pitts III and Kassidy Noelle Pitts break this down in such an amazing way. Trust us when we say it is worth the listen!
2/8/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 18 seconds
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New Year New You?

The world needs you this year. Most of us have entered into 2022 with new Goals and plans. On this episode of the Getting to the Truth podcast we talk about how to make sure you achieve everything that God has for you this year.
1/18/202218 minutes, 42 seconds
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"White Man's Religion"

Is Christianity the white man's religion? With Christianity being historically used to abuse power it can be difficult to trust the faith. Although difficult, it’s important that we do not make assumptions. Like everything, we can’t allow the misuse of the belief system to cause us to reject the faith entirely.   On this Episode of The Getting to the Truth Podcast spiritual leader J. Patrick Wise breaks down why many people feel Christianity may be “The White Man’s religion” and talks about the truth behind the faith and answers questions like:  1. Are people of Color in the Bible?   2. Was Jesus White?    3. Can we trust Christianity? And more!
1/11/202238 minutes, 8 seconds
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What is a Christian?

With so many different belief systems, perspectives, denominations, religious practices ect. It can sometimes be difficult and confusing to understand what it means to be a “Christian”. A Christian is a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. Although attending church regularly, serving the less fortunate, being a good person ect. are all things that many Christians do, it is our FAITH in Jesus that that allows us to be saved.  Ephesians 2:8 (NIV) For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God   On this Episode of The Getting to the Truth Podcast pastor, friend, and spiritual leader Paul Pitts III breaks down what exactly it means to be a Christian in a way that is simple and easy to understand.
1/4/20221 hour, 1 minute, 32 seconds
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Can We Trust The Bible?

Can We Trust The Bible? Many people today question the validity of the Bible. Many of us question whether or not the Bible is a book of fact or fiction. Many people struggle with understanding / accepting that the bible is reliable, accurate, relatable and relevant. With so much information available, we just want to be assured that the foundations our lives are built on are trustworthy and true. On this episode of the Getting To The Truth Podcast, Brittney Brown answers questions about the Bible.
10/25/202145 minutes, 29 seconds
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Greatness Inside and Out

Right now we live in a world that highlights exterior things. How you look, how much money you have, how many followers you have. Most people know that there will always be someone who looks better, has more money or has more followers but yet many of us still focus primarily on these exterior things. The Bible is a book that provides solutions to many of the world's problems. When you read the Bible it touches on internal work way more than extertal work because who you are inside matters way more than who you are outside. We all should consistently be working on who we are internally and that is exactly what a relationship with God will do.  We need to work on who we are internally and not just work on who we are externally. 
10/11/202137 minutes, 57 seconds
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You do not have to be perfect

“You don't have to be perfect” is a phrase we hear often when hearing about being a believer in Christ. Although we hear it often many of us still find ourselves feeling the pressures and being having to be perfect and the guilt and shame of not being perfect. Essentially, for the rest of our lives we are being delivered from the habit of sin and will consistently be a work in progress. Our righteousness comes through faith.
10/4/202129 minutes, 53 seconds
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What is a Christian Artist?

It is important to know we are artist because God is. It is possible to be an Artist who is Christian and not just a “Christian artist”. Many artists who are christian are not extremely vocal about being christian. This may be due to the fact that an artist may be potentially type casted into being a “Gospel Artist” or “Christian artist” once they do. Once typecasted, artists are then often held to a standard that is not sustainable or true to the artist. When artists are labeled as “Christian artists” the public often expects them to produce assets that are “wholesome” and that can be directly correlated to Jesus.   
9/28/202127 minutes, 55 seconds
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"I'm not religious like that"

In a world where everyone's fighting for our attention, it's hard to sit down and figure ourselves out spiritually. And when you sit down, it can be difficult to figure out when you have every religion screaming “this is God!”. It can be so overwhelming that you end up just saying things like, “there probably is a God, but I don't know who that God is”   For a lot of people this just ends up being something that gets put on a shelf as life continues to go on. Life's not easy and a real important question that everyone has to ask themselves is “what if what you’ve been searching for your whole life has been with God the whole time?” ......
9/20/202137 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Difference That Christ Makes

Being a believer in Christ is so much more than just not sinning. It’s not all about what we don’t do it’s really about what we DO. As believers we are called to:   1. Love: We are called to love. Not just those who are nice to us but those  who do not love us back.    2. Have faith: We are blessed in that we can have an optimistic perspective because we know God got us. We don’t have to be perfect, by having faith we are made perfect.    3. Give our God given gifts to the world: Everyone has a unique gift that the worlds needs.
8/15/202153 minutes, 57 seconds
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Christianity and Therapy

Christians need therapy too! On this epidote of the Getting To the Truth Podcast Darko and Dr. Marquita Stokes get deep on the topic of Therapy and Christianity. On this episode they answer questions like:   What is Therapy?   As Believers in Christ what role should therapy play in our lives?   Is the bible and the church effective if you still need therapy?  When do you know you need a therapist?   AND MORE.
6/28/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 30 seconds
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Religion vs Relationship

On this episode of the Getting To The Truth Podcast Darko and Veronica discuss the difference between relationship and Religion in the context of being a believer in Christ. In the faith community we often hear the two compared. We want to help provide clarity on the difference between the two and the role both relationship and religion play in our walk with Jesus.   We hope this video helps you in your walk with Jesus and helps improve your relationship with God.
5/23/202137 minutes, 51 seconds
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Many people are struggling with learning what the ‘Truth Is’ about Christ. We now live in a time where your search engine can pull up just about anything you would like to know about God, but unfortunately seeking the truth is the hardest part. On this podcast 'Getting To The Truth' we are addressing these big questions episode by episode with friends, family, and subject matter experts who can speak Truth on these topics.
2/16/20211 minute