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GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki

English, Religion, 193 seasons, 1402 episodes, 1 day, 6 hours, 25 minutes
Start your mornings off right with a mini-retreat to feel better, get more done, and live this life confidently, energetically, and abundantly. Each weekday at 7am ET, I'll be sharing easy access doors to help you find Peace in chaos, Love in fear, Silence in noise, and Light in darkness. You’ll start recognizing the Go(o)d in everything, including yourself. Listen anywhere you get your podcasts, and please subscribe, rate, and review Go(o)d Mornings if you enjoy it! ***10% of revenue generated from this podcast will be donated to "Showering Love" a non-profit organization that restores good mornings, dignity, hope and health to people experiencing homelessness by providing showers and other supportive services.
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Fear is Only Possible When You're Living in the Suburbs of Love #GMweekends

View your mind like traffic that has nothing to do with you. Traffic that's on the other side of the road.  The kind of traffic that makes you say, 'whooo! Glad I'm not going that way!"  Don't get involved with it.  You're not stuck in it.  You're simply watching it. Every time a thought approaches, ask yourself, 'to whom does this thought come?' And pause... listen.  The answer is the silence.  The mind stops and leaves you in the remembrance, in the recognition that you were never out of Love... you weren't living in the outskirts of the Kingdom.  YOU ARE THE KINGDOM.  You're Home, in the City of God. And as long as you're feeling Love inside of you, you'll be consciously aware of Love manifest all around you... as you. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ _________________________________ Today's Quotes:  "Complaint is only possible when you're living in the suburbs of God."  - Daniel Ladinsky, 'The Gift: Poems by Hafiz, The Great Sufi Master "To whom does this thought come?"  - Ramana Maharshi "See what you're doing now.  You're thinking.  That spoils it.  Learn to stay without thought. Even if for a few seconds.  It's hard isn't it?  This is the reason you have to ask yourself, 'To whom do these thoughts come?'  It's only a modality to cause you to stop thinking." -Robert Adams "You cannot see anyone, the face of God is all that shines.  The Soul of God looks out through all eyes."  - Joel Goldsmith  "None but ourselves can free our minds."  -Bob Marley
8/18/20246 minutes, 28 seconds
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Put Your Thoughts on Transparency Mode #GMweekends

Never hold a thought, never drop the Thread. Watch and listen to your mind.  Notice when it's doing what it does.  Notice its judgements, criticisms, projections, conclusions.  Don't react. Don't respond. Don't try to stop them.  Just notice.  And then notice what else is present.  Listen to the Silence that the thoughts are coming and going in.  Feel that Silence... Joy, Love... the Bliss of the Self.  When you feel this Bliss, It puts the thoughts on transparency mode (like your noise canceling headphones).  Now you're no longer hypnotized by thinking... It's not the only thing you can hear.  Now you can also hear the Silence!  You can feel the Thread.  And It feels good. Don't drop It. I love you, Nik To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show!  Support the show Today's Quotes: Ram Dass' Roommate Story from 'Changing Lenses' "If you would like to meet your roommate, just try to sit inside yourself for a while in complete solitude and silence. You have the right; it’s your inner domain. But instead of finding silence, you’re going to listen to incessant chatter: “Why am I doing this? I have more important things to do. This is a waste of time. There’s nobody in here but me. What’s this all about?” Right on cue, there’s your roommate. You may have a clear intention to be quiet inside, but your roommate won’t cooperate. And it’s not just when you try to be quiet. It has something to say about everything you look at: “I like it. I don’t like it. This is good. That’s bad.” It just talks and talks. You don’t generally notice because you don’t step back from it. You’re so close that you don’t realize that you’re actually hypnotized into listening to it. Basically, you’re not alone in there. There are two distinct aspects of your inner being. The first is you, the awareness, the witness, the center of your willful intentions; and the other is that which you watch. The problem is, the part that you watch never shuts up. If you could get rid of that part, even for a moment, the peace and serenity would be the nicest vacation you’ve ever had." -Singer, Michael A.. The Untethered Soul (p. 17)
8/17/20247 minutes, 30 seconds
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Your Story is About to Change. #GMweekends

In this moment you are deeply thankful to be able to be Love while things are rearranging, knowing that wherever you appear to be right now, is where you need to be. That you couldn't be anywhere else.  That your blessings are unfolding.  That the miracle is here.  That the miracle can be felt before It can be seen, but that It must be felt consistently, before It can be seen... before the scene can change. I Love you and I appreciate you! Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "You can't stop the mind from thinking because you didn't start it thinking." -Adyashanti "Don't identity any thought as negative because it's just a thought. Who told you it's negative? It's just a thought. What's the problem? If you understand it's just a thought, it has no power. If you think it's a reality, then it destroys you." -Sadhguru Note: Feeling the Loving Silence even when thoughts are present. "Even the feeling of the absence of God is His manifestation-- so that His Presence may be realized." -Ananadamayi Ma
8/4/20249 minutes, 16 seconds
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There's Peace in the Valley, Too. #GMweekends

God isn't just on the mountaintop, He's in the valley, too, and everywhere in between, and beyond.  God's Love, It's Peace, your innermost Self, can be felt even when you're in the valley of sadness. It can be felt on the pathless-path up the mountain, and once you reach the summit, you'll find that there isn't a 'you' feeling this Love, there's only Love. Only God.  And in and AS That, you abide. I Love you! Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:   "Shiva lives on the mountain top of awareness. This world is in the valley.  Many old souls have been trying to climb this mountain in reverse gear.  Even if they climb and reach near Shiva, they roll back down to the valley because of their attachments.  Climbing this mountain is not as important as changing the orientation: Turn your back to the valley and face toward Shiva." - @ImmortalTalks on IG Shiva is your innermost Self and the alert snake, with its raised hood around His neck represents PEAK Loving Awareness, Shakti, GoOD Energy on TEN!  As you read these words feel your back straightening, your shoulders relaxing down and back, your face smiling, your energy rising, Love peaking.  There! There you are!  Stay (t)here.  This is Go(o)d Energy and when you're practicing feeling and being This, This is all you see. You see that there is no valley or mountaintop, there's only the Kingdom. Only Love is here.   "Everywhere you look, you see what you're looking for.  When you're looking for God, all you see is God." -Ram Dass 
8/3/20248 minutes, 7 seconds
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May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor #GMweekends

Every time I remember that God is with me, I know the world is for me,  from Me.  “To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.” - Lao Tzu Affirm: 'God goes with me wherever I go", and feel into this meditation from 'A Course in Miracles':  "Today’s idea will eventually overcome completely the sense of loneliness and abandonment all the separated ones experience. Depression is an inevitable consequence of separation. ³So are anxiety, worry, a deep sense of helplessness, misery, suffering and intense fear of loss. The separated ones have invented many “cures” for what they believe to be “the ills of the world.” But the one thing they do not do is to question the reality of the problem. Yet its effects cannot be cured because the problem is not real. The idea for today has the power to end all this foolishness forever. And foolishness it is, despite the serious and tragic forms it may take. Deep within you is everything that is perfect, ready to radiate through you and out into the world. It will cure all sorrow and pain and fear and loss because it will heal the mind that thought these things were real, and suffered out of its allegiance to them. You can never be deprived of your perfect holiness because its Source goes with you wherever you go. You can never suffer because the Source of all joy goes with you wherever you go. You can never be alone because the Source of all life goes with you wherever you go. Nothing can destroy your peace of mind because God goes with you wherever you go. We understand that you do not believe all this. How could you, when the truth is hidden deep within, under a heavy cloud of insane thoughts, dense and obscuring, yet representing all you see? Today we will make our first real attempt to get past this dark and heavy cloud, and to go through it to the light beyond. There will be only one long practice period today. In the morning, as soon as you get up if possible, sit quietly for some three to five minutes, with your eyes closed. At the beginning of the practice period, repeat today’s idea very slowly. Then make no effort to think of anything. Try, instead, to get a sense of turning inward, past all the idle thoughts of the world. Try to enter very deeply into your own mind, keeping it clear of any thoughts that might divert your attention. From time to time, you may repeat the idea if you find it helpful. But most of all, try to sink down and inward, away from the world and all the foolish thoughts of the world. You are trying to reach past all these things. You are trying to leave appearances and approach reality. It is quite possible to reach God. In fact it is very easy, because it is the most natural thing in the world. You might even say it is the only natural thing in the world. The way will open, if you believe that it is possible. This exercise can bring very startling results even the first time it is attempted, and sooner or later it is always successful. But it will never fail completely, and instant success is possible. Throughout the day use today’s idea often, repeating it very slowly, preferably with eyes closed. Think of what you are saying; what the words mean. Concentrate on the holiness that they imply about you; on the unfailing companionship that is yours; on the complete protection that surrounds you. You can indeed afford to laugh at fear thoughts, remembering that God goes with you wherever you go." -ACIM, Lesson 41 I Love you, Nik [email protected]
7/28/20246 minutes, 24 seconds
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Find God - The Highest Meditation #GMweekend

Here's Your One-Second Mood Reset-- Close your eyes. Find God. Open your eyes. See God. Know that that feeling is now appearing as the world. God is always in front of you. Waving at you. Walking by you. Talking to you. God is always right where you are, appearing as you and as everything on display. It's never hidden. This is the highest meditation. To Look and Love. To Look and Love. To Look, and not let the appearance of the world make you forget to feel Love.    I Love you, [email protected] Please help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch! ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "...and the greatest gift God can give is His own experience.  Every object, every creature, every man, woman and child,  has a soul and it is the destiny of all,  to see as God sees, to know as God knows,  to feel as God feels, to Be as God is." -Meister Eckhart   "The Life Force that perpetuates your heartbeat and maintains and sustains all the other organs and functions of your body is not physical, but it is spiritual... is not temporal, but is eternal.  And once that basic truth has been established in your consciousness, you will experience the dissolution of all fear, the healing of all diseases, and the resolution of all conflicts.  This is the supernal activity of the Word being made flesh... this is the sacred process of Divine Grace being established on earth as it is in Heaven." -Don Mardak "The highest meditation is to think of nothing. If you can remain without thought, great power will come." -Swami Vivekananda 
7/27/202412 minutes, 29 seconds
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Affirm: God is Aware of My Situation #GMWeekends

R E L A X God is circling around you, that temple, that tower. He's aware of your situation, of every thought, every fear. You had gone astray, lost in what you're not, and who you're not, but you're back. How does it feel to know who you are? To know whose you are? Shift into this felt-Knowing, this Silence. Stop leaving, and expect miracles. I Love you, Nik Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    **My favorite icon of Jesus (on my nightstand, the pic I went to lay the communion in front of! )- **My favorite Maharajji picture (on my stand)- "Hidden power" - Baba Ram Singh ji "A hand unseen is behind this creation, and every pair of eyes is looking towards that hand which is not seen.  Wherever one looks, one is looking for that hand which is behind and unseen. You look at a flower and appreciate the flower and behind the flower, there's that beauty, that truth which could bring this beauty. If this flower does not remind you of the eternal beauty, of the eternal truth, then it has not fulfilled its purpose. So behind every activity, pleasant, unpleasant, chaotic, harmonious, is one Divinity." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "All I know and all I can say is, God is preparing me for something. I am necessary." - via IG @Ceexnotes "One of the proofs that our Simran is being done correctly is that, in any kind of difficulty, we first remember Simran." -Baba Ram Singh "I woke up and decided I will not stress over things that are out of my control.  People will be people.  Jobs will be jobs. But one thing I know for sure is... God will be God and... He's got me." -via IG @amazinggracecoffe "The only comfort we can find is by saying: "Allah is aware of my situation."" -via IG @noorsayingss "God will speak clearly, guide deliberately, and liberate completely as you know and experience his heart more fully." -via IG @NeilVermillion "I am circling around God, around the ancient tower, and I have been circling for a thousand years, and I still con't know if lam a falcon, or a storm, or a great song. -Rilke "Trusting the reality of reality itself." -Neil Douglas Klotz "Anything CAN happen BECAUSE He is the God of miracles." -Via IG @letsgrowsisters
7/21/202411 minutes, 48 seconds
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Time Is Never Lost – It is Rearranged #GMweekends

Every time you feel Peace, you're free. Every time you feel Peace, maya, the illusion, can't see you. Your old triggers can't find you. Your old karmas can't find you. You become invisible to them. Because you're so BRIGHT ... when you're like This. "You blind everyone, even yourself. " That's why you can't see anything, that's why the view ahead looks empty, that's why it appears dark... trust me that It isn't. Trust Him. He's touched you, and like it says in John, "one thing I do know: I was  blind and now I see." "I was one way, and now I'm completely different. And the thing that happened in between was Him." Love and Look. Look and SEE. Everything is changing. Nothing is the same. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    "The story is always old.  The silence is always brand new." -Jeff Foster "Keep going. No matter how stuck you feel. No matter how bad things are right now. No matter how many days you've spent crying. No matter how hopeless and depressed you feel. No matter how many days you've spent wishing things were different. I promise you won't feel this way forever. Keep going." -@Poetstext "Inhale: I am done holding this breath.  Exhale: I deserve to exhale." -@BlackLiturgies    "All is well, and everything is unfolding as it should. There are no mistakes. None have ever been made, none are being made, and none will ever be made." -Robert Adams "Your entire being is like a tree. Your family and friends only touch specific parts of it - mostly the fruits, maybe some branches . A large part of you remains untouched You feel like a machine, you feel dead inside. You shout , snap, and sulk at random things, or silently suffer. How to tell them that you want your entire being acknowledged? Or maybe you yourself have forgotten your entire being. That's why you need a person or a deity, a mortal or immortal, who is like air, who doesn't want anything specific from you , who touches every inch of your being, who makes you feel alive." - @ShunyaSouls via IG "You're so bright you blind even yourself." -Unknown “Matthew, you didn't lose any time. It just got rearranged. You're gaining it all back now.” -The Chosen on Amazon Prime "I was one way, and now I'm completely different. And the thing that happened in between was Him."-The Chosen on Amazon Prime 
7/20/202412 minutes, 45 seconds
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Hope Floats #GMweekends

In this parade of life, you're watching as everything is coming to you. Your destiny. That goal. That version of you you want to be... It's all in the parade line. You may not be able to see it yet, but it's coming.\ You're on the route, and it's en route. You can't miss it. Relax. Enjoy your Self. Smile. I Love you, Nik [email protected] GoOD Mornings Merch: ▶▶ _______________________ Today's Quotes: "Regard the sensations of life as an endless parade.  You are Awareness seated at the reviewing stand, and the parade of sensations, actions, and thoughts is passing before you. This perspective will keep you from getting caught up in any particular entry..." -Bob Pilato "The finest emotion of which we are capable of is the mystic emotion... here in lies the germ of all art and all true science.  Anyone to whom this feeling is alien, who is no longer capable of wonderment and lives in a state of fear, is a dead man... This knowledge, this feeling... this is the core of the true religious sentiment.  In this sense, and in this sense alone, I rank myself among profoundly religious men." -Albert Einstein via The Supreme Awakening I (highly recommended book of awakening stories by Craig Pearson, PhD) "Mystic comes from the Greek word 'to close'; your eyes, your ears, presumably to dive within and experience the 'germ of all art and true science'." -Craig Pearson, The Supreme Awakening  "It takes a special kind of commitment to do what you're doing. To commit to the growth of your mind, the health of your body, the expansion of your soul, and the fruition of your purpose.  One step at a time because that next step may be the one that helps you round the corner on something big in your life.  At times it's hard to keep the momentum, but you always seem to find a way to get it going. No matter what. And that's where progress lies. That's where your commitment to your Self becomes your Truth.  -via IG @SourceMessages Support the show
7/14/20246 minutes, 6 seconds
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When You Forget You're the Watcher, You Become the Thinker #GMweekends

There's no 'you' watching anything. There's just watching, always, already.  In each moment we practice waking up from the dream of being the thinker, into a truer reality of being the formless Watching. You watch the anger, you watch the fear, you watch the breath. And when you watch your Self, You know God. There’s only God. I Love you, [email protected] GoOD Mornings merch: ▶▶ _______________________ Today's Quotes: "Breath is the cause of thought, it will create thought when there is no one watching it." -Swami Lakshmanjoo "The winds of God's grace are always blowing, it is for us to raise our sails." -Ramakrishna "Mind and breath have the same source. Hence breath is controlled when mind is controlled and mind when breath is controlled. Breath is the gross form of the mind." -Ramana Maharshi Support the show
7/13/20244 minutes, 29 seconds
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When Dusk Arrives, It Already Has Dawn In Its Womb #GMweekends

"The cross we bear always precedes the crown we wear." - MLK Happy Resurrection day.  Not just His... Yours. He is You. His story is yours. There's only One. Remember.    I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ _______________________ Today's Quotes: "Inhale Love, exhale gratitude." -@RamdasBatchelder via IG "Always remember that when dusk arrives, it already has dawn in its womb." -Amma "No matter where you are in life, celebrate it. It's either a product of your growth or a place that will help you grow. Notice the progress. Cheers to today." -@antthewriter on IG "In Adam- the universal man- God sleeps. In Jesus Christ- the individualized God- God wakes." -Neville Goddard “Christ was lost in love. He was one with all beings and he had great love for all in the world. He was crucified so that his spirit could spread throughout the world. He was one with God. He sacrificed his body for the dharma. He never died. He never died. He is atman living in the hearts of all. See all beings as the reflection of Christ.” -Maharajji "Om. That is perfect. This is perfect. From the perfect springs the perfect. If the perfect is taken from the perfect, the perfect remains." -Swami Muktananda “Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames." -Rumi "Hanuman is the knower of all hearts, and lives only to serve God within us and prepare us to live fully in the spirit. His entrance into our lives brings about the fulfillment of every desire. It's not necessary to ask Hanuman for anything, For he knows all." -Krishna Das Filling Up My Eyes from Mooji Mala, written and saaaaaang by my friend, Ana Ling!     Support the show
7/7/20249 minutes, 11 seconds
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You do not heal 'from' trauma. You find healing 'in' the trauma. #GMweekends

When you find and hold Love before, during, and after the Cross you've been given to bear, you find that not only are you healed but that you can heal. That your Presence Itself is healing. Because It is everything. And It is perfect. I Love you, Nik Go(o)d Mornings merch: ▶▶ _______________________ Today's Quotes: "You do not heal 'from' trauma. You simply come to know yourself as Life Itself. And you turn towards the wounded place. And you flush it with attention, which is love. And maybe the wound will always be with you. Maybe you will always walk with the hurt. But now, you hold it. It doesn't hold you. You are the container, not the contained. It doesn't control you any longer, the wound. Because it is drenched in awareness now. Drenched in You. Loved by You. Even celebrated by You. You do not heal 'from' trauma. You find healing 'in' the trauma. You find yourself at trauma's sacred core. The One who is always present. The One who can bear even the most intense feeling states. And survive. The Indestructible One. The Infinite One. The Powerful One. You." - Jeff Foster "To love is human To feel  pain is human But to feel love despite the pain is pure angel." -Rumi "A boy came one time and asked, “Maharajji, did Jesus really get angry?” As soon as Maharajji heard the word “Jesus,” tears came to his eyes. He was sitting up when the question was asked, and he leaned over on his elbow and tapped his heart three times with tears coming down from his eyes. There was total silence for a moment. Maharajji had brought the reality of Christ into everyone’s consciousness, and he said, “Christ never got angry. When he was crucified he felt only love. Christ was never attached to anything; he even gave away his own body.” And at that point everyone was crying—we had gone through the complete Passion of Christ. And all of a sudden he sat up and said, “The mind can travel a million miles in the blink of an eye—Buddha said that.” -Maharajji Support the show
7/6/20247 minutes, 41 seconds
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Spend All of Your Time With God, and God Will Take Care of You #GMweekends

You spend time with God by listening. Think of that image of Dolores from Disney's 'Encanto', with her hand up to her ear. That. Just listening. This listening is continuous, that's mediation. When you're listening you're not thinking, that's meditation. And then in the quiet listening, Love is felt. You hear God's silence, and then you feel God's Love. You're gifted His Peace, and then you notice that that too, is continuous! No matter what comes (or goes), this Peace stands. All you have to do is remember to listen for the feeling of Peace, and then that Peace dissolves everything that isn't Peace... help comes, because God is. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Today's Quotes: "...continuous reaching toward the center of our being, will eventually result in the experience of the Christ. In that moment, we discover the mystery of spiritual living: We do not have to take thought for what we shall eat, what we shall drink, or wherewithal we shall be clothed; we do not have to plan; we do not have to struggle. only Christ can live our life for us, and we meet the Christ within ourselves in meditation. The degree to which we attain the experience or activity of the Christ, the presence of the Spirit of God in us, determines the degree of individual unfoldment." -by Joel S. Goldsmith via Practicing the Presence, Chapter 7 "I am the spaces between my thoughts." -via @daytohaveaday via IG “If a man wants to be used by God, he cannot spend all of his time with people.”  -A. W. Tozer "Does a young woman forget her jewelry? Does a bride hide her wedding dress? Yet for years on end my people have forgotten me." -Jeremiah 2:32   Getting in the Gap- by Wayne Dyer  Support the show
6/30/20249 minutes, 4 seconds
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Your Attempts to Reach God, Are God's Attempts to Reach You #GMweekends

When you're remembering Love, it's only because Love is remembering you. Holding you. Healing you. Being you. You reaching for God is like a fish reaching for water. We're in It. He's everywhere. Thank God. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Bonus episodes every week: ▶▶ _______________________ Today's Quotes:  "All your attempts to reach Me, are in reality My attempts to reach you." -Rumi "Sweet is the memory of Jesus, giving true joys to the heart; but sweeter beyond honey and all else is His presence."  - from Aldous Huxley's 'The Perennial Philosophy' Support the show
6/29/20248 minutes, 22 seconds
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Knowing that only God exists is the deepest rest possible #GMweekend

A short and powerful meditation on the 'I' that you are, and how knowing It, is the deepest, most regenerative rest possible.  When you know that only It is here, there's nothing left to think or worry about because whatever you're thinking or worrying about, isn't there... where it appears to be Love is. Bliss is.  The Bliss that you're sitting in right now.  The spacious and loving 'I' that you'll be walking through later. Feel This and be free. And here's a bonus activity from Wayne Dyer: "Think of the five words -- "I am that I am." In your mind, place a comma after the word "that." Let "that" represent for you what you would like to manifest, or become as a person. I can't stress this enough -- write down on paper precisely what that represents for you. Whatever constitutes your wish, write it down and in your mind, call it "that." For example, "that" could mean your perfect health or abundance or a specific job or a happy, loving partnership. Write it down and be specific. And as you close your eyes in meditation, let your inner mantra be "I am that." For example, "I am perfect health," "I am abundance," "I am in possession of the job I seek."    You take it a step further and let 'that' be... THAT... the All  that is being everything and nothing.  And then let THAT become what It's destined to be. That's trust. Surrender. I Love you, Nik [email protected] support the show!: ▶▶ _______________________ Today's Quotes:    "Who am I ? Feel your reality in the stillness,  in the quietness,  where there is no mind,  no thought, no words,  who are you then? You just are.  I Am. I Am.  I Am not this. I Am not that.  I Am.  I Am that which has always been, I Am that which will always be,  I Am That I Am. " -Robert Adams        "I  exist’ is the only permanent self-evident experience of everyone. Nothing else is so self-evident as ‘I am’. (…) So to do self-enquiry and be that ‘I am’ is the only thing to do. ‘I am’ is reality. I am this or that is unreal. I am is truth, another name for Self." -Ramana Maharshi "Deep rest is bliss, and bliss is the understanding that only God exists.  Knowing that only God exists is the deepest rest possible." -Ravi Shankar Support the show
6/23/20246 minutes, 45 seconds
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All Power is Within You #GMweekends

"Since the Kingdom of God is within me, all power is within me." - Joel Goldsmith (Invisible Supply) Bonus Quote: "Here is the answer to every problem that will confront you, today and tomorrow and throughout time.  In this world, you believe you are sustained by everything but God. Your faith is placed in the most trivial and insane symbols; pills, money, “protective” clothing, influence, prestige, being liked, knowing the “right” people, and an endless list of forms of nothingness that you endow with magical powers. All these things are your replacements for the Love of God. All these things are cherished to ensure a body identification. They are songs of praise to the ego. Do not put your faith in the worthless. It will not sustain you. Only the Love of God will protect you in all circumstances.  - ACIM Lesson 50 Today's Practice: Every time you notice worry thoughts today, let go of them by immediately remembering the mantra, "all power is within me", allowing the words to guide you back to the Peace, the Love, Power, Itself. Use this mantra to help you FEEL through to the Truth of every moment.  Only Love is here.  There can't be a problem AND Love.  There are no problems in the Kingdom.  There's only God, only Love, only the One.  Relax your shoulders as you're reading these words and know that you are the Kingdom.  You are safe. All is well.   Bonus Practice: Take out a cute notebook and pen and write down everything in your life that is not power.    Keep adding to that list until you can see and know and FEEL that Love is the only Power and that all seeming other powers dissolve in the presence of this Love.  Love is truly all we need. Let's stay plugged in, today.   Support the show! ▶▶
6/22/20247 minutes, 40 seconds
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Pray, not until God hears you, but until you hear God. #GMweekends

If this is a spiritual reality, of what value is the body? Feel the answer to that question in today's meditation. Spoiler, cause I know you like instant gratification: The body is how we come to know God. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show! ▶▶ ______________________ Today's Quotes:      Pray, not until God hears you, but until you listen to God." -via my GoOD friend @dearauset via @bibleogram "The body is a great deception." -Rumi "The formless timeless quality of God can be known and attained only through the impermanent form of the body." -Sathya Sai Baba Excerpt read from page 63 of Conversations with Sathya Sai Baba
6/16/20245 minutes, 12 seconds
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If You Surrender Totally to God, God Will Make Sure That You Don't Lack Anything #GMweekends

How do you surrender to God? You become like an empty cup. A wholly silent, Holy vessel. Let Him fill you. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show! ▶▶ Today's Quotes:    "If you surrender totally to God, He will make sure that you don't lack anything." -Amma via @Ramdasbatchelder via IG “When you are free of your identity and your person, nothing more needs to be learned. It's like another power, a great presence, flowing through this body and it doesn't seem strange. The less there is of you, the more you are. What a paradox! You without you are the real You. You without your person are the face of God. Your life doesn't get more complex, more sophisticated, more learned. You are not becoming a great scholar. It is so simple, there is a presence, wisdom, love, unlimited. A peace, unbreakable, alive, without end. Not a person. And yet you feel it inside, 'I don't do anything, I simply am.'” -Mooji
6/15/20245 minutes, 18 seconds
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This is Your Mind On God #GMweekends

This is your life on Love. Where every thorn becomes a rose, and every thought becomes GoOD. You think about God all day the way you used to think about your problems all day. You feel GoOD all day no matter what comes, by intending, "I'm feeling Go(o)d anyway". And you smile. And the world smiles. Because God is. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ _______________________ Today's Quotes:    "You have to meet God in this life. Don't let this life go by and miss discovering the Supreme One." -Mooji  "It is an insult to your Self to be born, live, and die without knowing the answer to the mystery of why you were sent here as a human being in the first place. To forget God is to miss the whole point of existence. Learn to feel God, and to enjoy Him." -Yogananda  "All objective experience- thoughts, images, feelings, sensations and perceptions- appears and disappears, but knowing or being aware remains present throughout all changing experience, just as a screen remains present throughout all movies." -Rupert Spira "If I pick a rose without you,  it becomes a thorn in my hand.  If I am the thorn,   I become a rose in your hand." -Rumi  "Don't worry about whether you are making progress or not... just keep your attention on the Self twenty-four hours a day.  Meditation is not something that should be done in a particular position at a particular time, It is an awareness and an attitude that must persist throughout the day." -Annamalai Swami 
6/9/20248 minutes, 36 seconds
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You Don't Have to Carry Everything You've Been Through #GMweekends

How do you put down imaginary baggage? You just know there isn't any. And your shoulders come down, and you sigh a breath of relief. You sigh your way into a deeper relaxation. Into a deeper trust. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show- ▶▶ _______________________ Today's Quotes:    "You don't need to carry everything you have been through, some of it is meant to be left behind." -@mindfullyevie via IG "The past can hurt you no longer. You have learned from it, and now it's time to let it go. Today is a new day, enter it with an open heart full of Love and Gratitude." -IG @saintsmxculturea "Focus on the step in front of you, not the entire staircase." -@iuliastration "Let your mind be like a beautiful flower that may be offered to the Lord in worship." -Ananadamayi Ma "For your faith to be a rock solid, your heart needs to be as soft as a feather." -Shams Tabrizi
6/8/20246 minutes, 50 seconds
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God Promises to Strengthen You Through This #GMweekends

No matter how bare things may look right now, or how scorching hot it may be, the Fruit is promised, and you'll have plenty to share. Trust This. And smile. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show + Merch! ▶▶ _______________________ Today's Quotes:    “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought, and never fails to bear fruit.” -Jeremiah 17: 7-8 "God promises to strengthen you through this." -IG @HerTrueWorth "See God with open eyes." -Sri Ramakrishna 
6/2/20244 minutes, 16 seconds
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Drop the World #GMweekends

As your God reception grows stronger, you drop the world. You drop all calls but the One. The true Calling. The one that God has on your life.  The One that shall cause you to walk in His commandments, and do Go(o)d works, greater works than you can imagine. Be receptive, today. Be Love, today. I Love you, Nik Support the show ▶▶ _______________________ Today's Quotes:    "This body was given to you so that you can discover your true nature, the origin of all, the one unborn Self.  ...For this single purpose you have appeared into manifestation, to solve yourself by dissolving the you which is the non-self, and thereafter to effortlessly celebrate your discovery as Peace, Love, Light and Joy." -Mooji "Always remember, nothing can touch you if you inwardly love God." -Yogananda "What can you do about something that isn't there? All you can do is stop believing that it's there." -Bob Pilato "The entire spiritual life is based on the rejection of appearances." -Joel Goldsmith "We must experience the Christ as a permanent and continuous dispensation.  We must live in the constant, conscious awareness of truth active within, maintaining always a receptive attitude... " -Joel Goldsmith, The Infinite Way (Prayer)
6/1/20246 minutes, 18 seconds
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As Long As There Are Thoughts, There Will Be Fear #GMweekends

...but there's a place inside, a certain altitude of consciousness where thoughts are not.  Where you witness thoughts without becoming them.  Where you witness fear without becoming fearful.  Listen to this short meditation to learn how to live fearlessly and free in and AS Love. I Love you and I'm with you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ _____________________________ Today's Quotes: "Be fearless. Whatever it is that you fear, take your mind away from it and leave it to Me. Have faith in Me and you will be free at once." -Mahavatar Babaji "As long as there are thoughts there will be fear." -Ramana Maharshi "Think of Me until all thoughts are dissolved." -Bhagavad Gita "The technique of the witness is to merely sit with the fear and be aware of it before it becomes so consuming that there’s no space left. The image I usually use is that of a picture frame and a painting of a gray cloud against a blue sky. But the picture frame is a little too small. So you bend the canvas around to frame it. But in doing so you lost all the blue sky. So you end up with just a framed gray cloud. It fills the entire frame. So when you say, 'I’m afraid,' or, 'I’m depressed,' if you enlarged the frame so that just a little blue space shows, you would say, ‘ah, a cloud.’ That is what the witness is. The witness is that tiny little blue over in the corner that leads you to say, ‘ah, fear.’" -Ram Dass 
5/26/202413 minutes, 4 seconds
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Meditation Changes Your Destiny #GMweekends

Affirm: "This is my moment of permanent change. I'm choosing Love I'm choosing who I came here to be." You came here to feel GoOD,  to remember God, to remind the world, by example, that God is real., that God is here, that God is Love. You came here to be Love. And when you're identified as Love, you've written a new chapter for that life, a chapter that can only be written Now. Smile. Everything is new. I Love you, Nik [email protected] ▶▶ Support the show: ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Every moment you spend on this planet, remember you're that you're here for a unique purpose and cause. far greater than to just eat, sleep and talk." -Ravi Shankar "Meditation is something that changes your destiny. If you go deep within and repose in the self, things start to change." -Ravi Shankar
5/25/20245 minutes, 9 seconds
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The End of Fear. #GMweekends

You forget Love and experience fear on account of the body.  The body IS fear.  Fear is having a body-- thinking about it, shielding it, having a vested interest in its survival. Remembering Love, you don't ignore the body, you just feel and know Love where the body is seen, where it is experienced.  You experience the body as Love.  You know only Love is there and that ends your belief in the body (as separate from God), and its fear, and its world.   That’s the real meaning of ‘the end of the world.’ Only God is, and for now, it is appearing as that body reading this message. In today's episode, in response to a listener's question, I summarize some of my favorite methods for "replacing fear with Love". Also check out this episode (  ) for another, more tactile practice to instantaneously become aware of Love, even while fear is visiting. I Love you and I'm with you! Nik ▶▶ Support the show! Today's Quotes: "Fear comes when there is a second." -Brihadaranyaka Upanishad "It's not happiness and peace that comes and goes. It's sickness, suffering and confusion that comes and goes. Many people mistakenly think peace and happiness comes and goes. They have a brief experience of peace or joy and then they think' they lost it'.  Happiness and peace is your permanent nature. It never changes. It does not fade or 'go away'.  What 'goes away' is your attention on your true nature and when you do that, other things arise, like sickness, doubt, worry, fear, suffering, anger, overwhelm.  -Lisa Natoli via IG @lisanatoli Meditations inspired by A Course in Miracles 
5/19/202410 minutes, 10 seconds
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Quiet Mind = Fulfilled Desire #GMweekends

Listen for the place inside that feels like, ‘I have’, instead of ‘I want’, by: Hearing the thought/desire  Immediately shifting to feeling Silent-Love View every desire today as an alarm reminding you to BE Love, again.  Reminding you to RELAX, again.  To lower your shoulders, again. To smile, again.  In this way, each desire is immediately dissolved in Love— the formless essence of both the thought and material form.  Love is the formless essence of everything, including you, and when you’re aware as That, you lack nothing. You are already whole and when you’re conscious of It, you project a wholly and holy abundant world. As desire disappears, fulfillment appears. Be still in This. Trust. Smile. I Love you! Nik [email protected] ▶▶ Support the show + get merch ________________________________ Today's Quotes: Episode mentioned- Love Is Your Preset "Consciousness which is undivided imagines to itself desirable objects and runs after them.   It is then known as the mind." -The Yoga Vasistha "Mind is Consciousness in motion. Consciousness is mind at rest." -Rupert Spira "When the mind becomes still, the world begins to disappear (becomes unreal)." -Robert Adams "You're looking for beauty outside of yourself. You have to learn that you are the beauty. You are the joy. You are the flowers that you enjoy so much. You are the trees and the ocean and the sky and the mountains. It's all coming from you.  If you really realize that you are that, would you run around seeking things? Everything that you want is within you. You are that. Even relationships. You look for relationship with someone so they can make you happy, so you can enjoy their company, so you can love them, so you can be with them. But I can assure you that within yourself is a greater love, a greater joy, a greater peace than you can ever find anywhere else. True. You've got it all. There is nothing, no thing that you need from the outside. And nothing can ever happen to you, because there is no one to make it happen, except yourself." -Robert Adams in a talk June 1991 "The soul is perfect; what can you improve? You have everything; what is there to gratify? Aum will seek out the man of contemplation; Reveal to him the wonder of great secrets." –The Book of Ashes, Dadaji “If you want to see God, kill desires. ... When you have a desire for something, don't act on it and it will go away. If you desire to drink this cup of tea, don't, and the desire for it will go away.” -Maharajji
5/18/202411 minutes, 10 seconds
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There's No Such Thing As Peace of Mind #GMweekends

There’s no such thing as peace of mind. But there is a Peace beyond the mind. A Peace that temporarily appears as the mind, while simultaneously, eternally remaining as Itself. A Peace that inner chanting brings attention to. A Peace that doesn't have to be practiced. A Peace that doesn't need a name. A Peace that appears as the best version of you. A Peace that appears as all things. Pause. Smile. Radiate Peace. A lot can happen in a month. Watch. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ ______________________________ Today's Quotes: "There's no such thing as peace of mind.  Mind means disturbance. Restlessness itself is mind." -Nisargadatta Maharaj "After a night of prayer, He changed my life when He sang, "Enjoy Me." -St. Teresa of Avila Excerpts from "Every Prophet's Name" by St. Teresa of Avila in 'Love Poems From God' by David Ladinsky Support the show
5/12/202411 minutes, 17 seconds
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Becoming a GoOD Receiver #GMweekends

That same Awareness in which the body begins to sway, is the same Awareness that appears as answered prayers. It's both the prayer and the answer. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show!  ▶▶ ______________________________ Today's Quotes: "No prayer is complete without presence." -Rumi "By sincere prayer you put yourself in a receptive mood. You become good receiver. You tune your heart radio. Prayer is a form of tuning. Once you tune your heart through prayer, you get all the cosmic things Whatever you pray for, you get. Pray for peace, you are tuning you radio to the peace station. Pray for beauty, you tune your radio to the beauty station. More things are wrought by prayer than the world dreams of: We don" know the power of prayers. Don't we say, "You want it, you got it!" It is literally true; if you really want it sincerely, you get it.  Real want, sincere want, honest want is prayer. Through that sincere prayer, you tune your heart to God." -Swami Satchidananda "Everything starts with Love, remember; Love is the ultimate law. Then prayer, mercy, grace, follow of their own accord." -Osho "Move like you know you're being taken care of." -Unknown on IG  Support the show
5/11/20246 minutes, 16 seconds
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Negative Thoughts: How to Stop Them #GMweekends

A meditation to help you IMMEDIATELY surrender negative thoughts. It's useful not just during 'formal' meditation, but in every moment you find yourself fearful or worried.   You shift from being aware of being 'you', to being aware AS the Christ Light that you truly are.  You shift out of your mind, and into the mind that was in Christ.  Into the no-mind of the Buddha.  How does that mind sound?  Is it thinking about your troubles, your past, your future? Or is It silent... steady?  How does It feel?    Stay (t)here.    I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show! ▶▶ _________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Constantly have this mind among yourselves which was in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 2:5-11 "Just as a lamp in a windless place does not flicker, so the disciplined mind of a yogi remains steady in meditation on the Self." -Bhagavad Gita "People come to me to ask for blessings, they don't understand the knowledge that one is not the body, but the consciousness within, is the blessing." -Nisargadatta Maharaj "Having realized that I am with, and yet beyond the world, I became free from all desire and fear. I did not reason out that I should be free, I found myself free, unexpectedly, without the least effort.  Spontaneity became a way of life, the real became natural and the natural became real. And above all, infinite affection, love, dark and quiet, radiating in all directions, embracing all, making all interesting and beautiful, significant and auspicious." -Nisargadatta Maharaj Support the show
5/5/20247 minutes, 44 seconds
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My Heart is Beating in the Peace of God #GMweekend

Assume, just for today, that the sound of your heart beating is the presence of God with you. That every time you stop,  listen, and feel for the heart beating, you know that God is (t)here. You know that God is in the silence of the listening. You know that God is beating that heart. You know that God is that heart. You know that God is both being ‘you’, and beyond ‘you’. And because you know This, because you feel This, your new chapter begins. I Love you and I'm with you! Nik GoOD Mornings merch: ▶▶ Today's Quotes: My Heart is Beating in the Peace of God "Surrounding me is all the life that God created in His Love.  It calls to me in every heartbeat and in every breath; in every action and in every thought. Peace fills my heart, and floods my body with the purpose of forgiveness. Now my mind is healed, and all I need to save the world is given me. Each heartbeat brings me peace; each breath infuses me with strength.  I am a messenger of God, directed by His Voice, sustained by Him in love, and held forever quiet and at peace within His loving Arms. Each heartbeat calls His Name, and every one is answered by His Voice, assuring me I am at home in Him. Let me attend Your Answer, not my own. Father, my heart is beating in the Peace the Heart of Love created.  It is there and only there that I can be at home.'  - Lesson 267 "In proportion as you are listening (to Silence), you are consciously aware of the presence of God, the power. the reality, the joy, the Spirit, the life, and the wisdom of God... Recognizing your Self as Consciousness, and adopting the listening ear, the attitude of consciousness, you become the child of God that is joint-heir to all the heavenly riches." -Joel Goldsmith (Consciousness is What I Am)
5/4/20246 minutes, 33 seconds
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‘Home’ and ‘You’ Are the Same Thing #GMweekends

Today's Practice: Every time you find that place inside that is forever still, you are Home. You are in Heaven.  You can turn any moment into heaven by, 'going into your heart cave' as Ram Dass would say.  Go into your heart cave before you go into your office tomorrow.  Don't leave your heart cave.  Realize you ARE the heart cave, itself. I Love you and I'm with you,  Nik [email protected]    “Rumi says, ‘The one who brought me here must take me home.’ Who is the one who brought you here? That Grace is calling you home. Where is home, which direction is home? You and home are the same thing.” -Mooji "It is foolish to think that we will enter heaven without entering into ourselves." -St. Teresa of Avila "Having never left the house you are looking for the way home." -Nisargadatta Maharj "Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder.  Help someone's soul heal.  Walk out of your house like a shepherd." -Rumi "We are called into the inner room, and then out again to serve others." -Carl McColman “Your homework is to stay home inside your heart.” - Mooji  Support the show: ▶▶
4/28/20248 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Only Realization Needed: 'Thank you, Father, I Already Am.' #GMweekend

Today, every time you notice a thought about something desired, something missing... something needed, inwardly repeat- 'thank you Father, I already Am.' And then feel the shoulders relax, the face smile, the whole being relax, and melt. This 'pulls the chair out from beneath the mind' and you fall into Loving Remembrance, Joyful Realization.  You already, always have been That.  Keep feeling It, and you'll see It.   I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ "The only realization needed: 'thank you, Father, I already Am." -Joel Goldsmith "Pulling out the chair Beneath the mind And watching you fall upon God-- "What else is there for Hafiz to do That is any fun in this world. " -Hafiz translated by Daniel Ladinsky "The object of our love is Love Itself." -Ram Dass "The greatest work there is for you to do, My Beloved, is to do nothing. Only let the Glory of God shine through the human vessel. Learn to let the spirit flow through all you do and say. Why need you be tense, or eager, or anxious as to how you can serve? Why should you ever watch for opportunity to serve Me? If you will relax, at all times, if you will dwell in the Center of your being, and rest in the consciousness of the Divine Presence you shall make no false moves nor mistakes. How sweet should be this thought to you, that you need take no active part aside from the still knowing that your Father has control over all situations and where ever you are at this moment, and where you shall go and what you shall do through the day is all controlled by the Father under the law of Divine love. So rest, relax, be very still, that you may have the surety of this guidance through all the hours of the day before you." -Eva Bell Werber. Voice of the Master
4/27/20249 minutes, 15 seconds
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Due to Divine reasons, my light cannot be dimmed. #GMweekends

Today’s Quote: “Due to divine reasons, my light cannot be dimmed.”  – author unknown via @rachnasometimes_education Today’s Practice: Your Light cannot be dimmed by anyone, including ‘you’ and your fluctuating moods and thoughts.  Find this Light inside and recognize It as un-flickering and inextinguishable.  Find this inner smile, and see that you can smile without smiling.  You can feel this Light even when you're upset.  Stay AS this inner smile today.  I love you,  Nik  [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶    
4/21/20245 minutes, 33 seconds
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This Feeling is More Real Than the Scene at Hand #GMweekends

Pretend you're standing in front of a window with a clear view out at a mountainous  forest.  It's a gorgeous day. The colors are vibrant and crisp.  Now, shift your attention to your reflection in the window.  The view is still there, but now it's in the background, and your reflection is in the foreground. Even if there was a war outside your window, it would be no more difficult to become aware of your reflection... of your innate Peace, that's also present.  No matter what's on view (and it is constantly changing!), don't lose sight of your Self. Don't forget Love.  Don't make the view and its alternating,  alluring beautiful and terrifying images more important than your awareness of Love.  Truly, only Love is here.  And you are That.  Feel It.  Be It.  I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ Today's Quote: "At every moment, we are free to allow experience to veil our innate Peace or to remain transparent to it. " - Rupert Spira 
4/20/20245 minutes, 50 seconds
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You Have to Feel the Invisible to Do the Impossible #GMweekends

Today's Quotes: "You have to see the invisible in order to do the impossible." - Dr. Michael Beckwith "The universe is saying: Allow me to flow through you unrestricted and you will see the greatest magic you have ever seen." - Klaus Joehle "Praying for a change in your life, well maybe it's gon' come tonight." - Kanye West Today's Practice: In your journal write, "The moment I feel Love, I Am ___________." The 'blank' is your desired reality.  Trust that when you are consciously feeling Love, you are Love, and that Love will take the form of that desired reality or something even more in alignment than you can presently imagine.   Don't be attached to outcomes, just trust that It will provide. It always has and It always will, and now, the process is conscious. Keep relaxing into Love, today. Keep breathing into Love, today.  Allowing It to flow unrestricted, absolutely nothing is impossible, and with Love, "everything is achieved." - Neem Karoli Baba Support the show!: ▶▶
4/14/202414 minutes, 57 seconds
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What I Want Also Wants Me #GMweekends

Know that Love is here.  Know that everything is changing.  Know that It, what's meant for you, is happening! And there's nothing you or anyone can do to stop It. It's all flowing from you, and that flow sounds like silence and feels like relaxation, like Love.  Step into your destiny by resting in and AS this Love. “When I run after what I think I want, my days are a furnace of stress and anxiety; if I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me, and without pain. From this I understand that what I want also wants me, is looking for me and attracting me. There is a great secret here for anyone who can grasp it.” - Shams-i Tabrizi “There is an inmost center in us all, where truth abides in fullness;....and, to know, rather consists in opening out a way where the imprisoned splendor may escape, then in effecting entry for a light supposed to be without.” -Robert Browning
4/13/20245 minutes, 33 seconds
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Finding God is the "Funeral of All Sorrows" #GMweekends

Finding and knowing this Love ends your worries, ends your suffering… ends the limited and distorted concept of 'you'.  And in its place, the Grace of felt-Oneness... Wisdom... Purpose.. Joy... I Am.    I Love you and I'm with you,   Nik [email protected] Support the show! ▶▶ Today's Quotes: "Remember that finding God will be the funeral of all sorrows."  - Sri Yukteswar Giri via Autobiography of a Yogi “Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” -Chinese Proverb  “St. Teresa of Avila wrote: 'All difficulties in prayer can be traced to one cause: praying as if God were absent.' This is the conviction that we bring with us from early childhood and apply to everyday life and to our lives in general. It gets stronger as we grow up, unless we are touched by the Gospel and begin the spiritual journey. This journey is a process of dismantling the monumental illusion that God is distant or absent.” -Thomas Keating, Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit "You are so near that I cannot see You.  Like a fool I keep looking around."  -Rumi
4/7/20245 minutes, 18 seconds
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Take a Vacation from Yourself #GMweekends

Take a vacation from yourself by being your Self.  Bask in the sun of the Self and immediately know everything AS that One.  As Love.  You're not trying to practice or trying to remember this, you immediately feel and know Love here, there, and everywhere.   When you scroll IG, you know that where the phone, the hand, the feed, and the profiles appear to be, only Love is.  Where the world is, including the body you call 'you' appears to be, know only Love is (t)here.  Here, everything is holy.  Everything is sacred.  Every day is a miracle. Every day is vacation.  Every day is Saturday.  This is an immediate recognition.  An instant retreat.  Stay here. I Love you,  Nik [email protected] Support the show! ▶▶ _________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Your consciousness of Truth does not mean your ability to recall Truth; it means your immediate awareness of Truth-- the Truth of which you are conscious this very moment." - Bob Pilato  “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” -John 16:33 "The entire spiritual life is based on the rejection of appearances." -Joel Goldsmith  “All evil vanishes from life for him who keeps the sun in his heart.”  -Ram Dass 
4/6/202411 minutes, 8 seconds
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I Am the Sign #GMWeekends

Love is saying-  Everything brought you to this moment, for you to hear this message, for you to receive this certainty, before you go back out into the appearance, the field of uncertainty. For you to feel this confidence, to be this Confidence, even while you appear to be unsure, even while in the storyline, you're doubting, you're stumbling, you're falling. In your Heart, simultelsouly,  there's a knowing that you're carried. That all you have to do is relax and allow, let go and receive. Stand up and know you're not alone,* know that you have Me by your side, in front of you, in back of you, within your Heart- that's My Home. I'm always within and I Am  all you need. The 'I Am', this felt-Love, the way you know you're alive, is all you need. ' I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "What if today is the day? The day.  The day that you've been waiting for. The moment that changes your life forever." -@saralandon via IG "In India, there is a proverb, 'If God is happy with you, He gives you a lot, and if He is very happy with you, then He gives you a slap also'. This is because every time God gives you a slap, He turns you away from the material world towards Himself; He wants to draw you to Himself. Drop everything and look at Him. That is why He gives you the slap because He is too compassionate and too happy." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Love is the religion and the universe is the book." -Rumi "What the universe manifests for us is much more exciting than what we are trying to manifest." -Adyashanti "God's Spirit of life approaches us so silently that we do not become aware of the presence immediately." -St Sophrony "How does one make muddy water clear? Be still. and the water will clear in time. How does one become still? Let everything happen, and stillness appears. -Tao Te Ching, i5 (trans. Marshall Davis "Stand up! You are a warrior. You are not alone, you have Me by your side, I'm all you need." -@neemkaroli_babaofficial__ 
3/31/20247 minutes, 56 seconds
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THIS Will Make You a Master of Your Destiny #GMweekends

Life is easy when you're flooded with Love. Life is beautiful when you’re a GoOD person. Life is a constant miracle when you’re conscious of God being you. I Love you and I'm with you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "You have been a prisoner of a little pond, I am the ocean and its turbulent flood.  Come merge with me,  leave this world of ignorance,  Be with me,  I will open the gate to your Love." -Rumi   "All nature will commune with you when you are in tune with God. Realization of this truth will make you a master of your destiny." -Yogananda "Don't pay more attention to the outside world than necessary, but concentrate more on the inner springs of joy." -Satya Sai Baba "I was, when you were not. I am, while you are. I shall be when you cease to be."  -Shirdi Sai Baba 
3/30/20247 minutes, 40 seconds
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Loving is the Reaping #GMfaves

Affirm: "I carry Light and Silence."* I keep my eye on the feeling of Love, and this eye doesn't blink, It doesn't lose sight of this Feeling beyond feelings, of this Faith beyond appearances. It's opened. And It opens. It's blessed. and It blesses. Loving is the Reaping. Faith is my blessing. I Love you, Nik ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Faith is your blessing. You are blessed." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Unless you give up the idea that the world is real, your mind will always be after it." -Sri Ramana Maharshi "You need not aspire for or get any new state. Get rid of your present thoughts, that is all." -Ramana Maharshi "The final reality is the Light and Love of God. Root yourself in that final reality always and at every moment, and evil will crumble around you." - Mother Meera "Believing we are 'human beings', rather than 'spiritual', is the disease itself." -Joel Goldsmith "Whether in daytime or in nighttime I always carry inside a light. In the middle of noise and turmoil I carry silence. Always I carry light and silence." - Anna Swir "She does not need to live in fear because God is working within her." -@Girlsavedbygrace  via IG "There are no obstacles on the path of a person who is constantly aware of God. For him, all situations are regarded as favourable! -Amma "Call out for God but let the call come from your heart." -Amma 
3/29/20245 minutes, 23 seconds
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Keep the GoOD Feeling Going - It's the Cure. #GMfaves

There is nowhere where God is not, where Joy is not, where Abundance is not. You just have to know where to look, how to look, how to shift. And as you shift, the world shifts. Everything is changing, thanks to you. Thank YOU. Keep going. I Love you! Nik ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "At times it's difficult to see your transformation while you're going through it. It's only after you've broken through your shell that it hits you: you're responding differently, you're smiling deeply, money is flowing to  you more easily, your relationships are improving or ending, the lens in which you view your experience is adapting to your upgrades. This will be one of the biggest chapters to your evolution. One shift at a time is altering your entire world. -Pedro de Santos via IG @sourcemessages "They can't see how beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that.” -Naya Rivera "Love is the cure, for your pain will keep giving birth to more pain until your eyes constantly exhale love as effortlessly as your body yields its scent." -Rumi (via Daniel Ladinsky's 'Love Poems from God') "One day He did not leave after kissing me." -Rabia  (via Daniel Ladinsky's 'Love Poems from God') "Sing my tongue; sing my hand; sing my feet, my knee, my loins, my whole body.  Indeed I am His choir." -St. Thomas Aquinas  (via Daniel Ladinsky's 'Love Poems from God')
3/28/20248 minutes, 29 seconds
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How To Give It To God and Let It Go #GMfaves

What's got you worried today? Speak it into the Silence. That's how you surrender it. That's how you give it to God-- you give it to the Silence. And then you just keep hearing the Silence, you keep listening to the Silence, the same way you were listening to the words of your worry, you listen to the Beauty of the Silence, you become the Beautiful Silence. And then, worry becomes Prayer, and the mountain moves. I Love you, Nik ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "The basic condition for us to be able to hear the call of beauty and respond to it is silence." -Thich Nhat Hahn "The position that you're in should excite you. Think about it for a moment: the hardest parts are over. Why? Because you had to endure playing catch up. You had to negate what was holding you down and holding you back this entire time. What you're left with is nothing but space & opportunity with which to build up on this open canvas. The decision is yours, and quite frankly, you already decided. You didn't start on this path just to get this far. This is when the fun begins. This is when fulfillment consistently finds you. This is when those wings begin to expand." -@SourceMessages via IG "Wherever you are, love is your sole refuge. Fill your hearts with love, and let love be the guiding principle in all your activities when you return home. When you have love in your heart, you do not need to worry about anything. God will always be with you, in you, around you and will look after you in all respects." -Satya Sai Baba Divine Discourse - April 13, 2005 "To seek is to abandon the here and now. To wake up is to abandon the search." -Alexander den Heijer @purposologist "God desires to give us everything, that is, the fullness of the Divine Life. We just have to be empty enough to receive it." -@isha_das_craig_bullock via IG "You're being guided, strengthed, and wisdomed from within." -Joel Goldsmith "Children, you should develop an attitude of bowing down to anything and everything. Keep the plate of food in front of you and bow down to the food before eating, and bow down to the plate after eating. An attitude to prostrate to anything at any time should come. In this way, an awareness, 'for what am I doing this?' will arise. Thus we should build up good character. Prostrate to the cloth you will wear. Bow down to the water with which you will take a shower. During these occasions of bowing down, you will have a pure resolve to see the same Consciousness in everything whether with form or without. While doing so, you are in fact remembering God." -Amma "Dead promises must resurrect. The dry bones must come to life. He's breathing over the dead area. One breath. One touch. One moment and it all changes. Through this might wind he is breathing life. New life. New season. New births. Hallelujah." -@Godlywaiting via IG
3/27/20247 minutes, 36 seconds
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Once you are on this path, there's only Victory. #GMfaves

We set out on this path listening to God, remembering God the way God remembers us, until we remember that God is us. That's what we are here for. That's what we're here to practice. That's what we are here to 'win', and you've won. So keep winning. I Love you, Nik ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ Today's Quotes: 'In the silence is where all the power is. In the silence is where all the answers are." -Robert Adams "When the mind becomes empty, then any wish or desire that you have at that time instantly manifests. This is a great secret."  -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Once you are on this path, there's only victory. Know that you are the ultimate winner."* -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "By being pleasant always and smiling, it takes you  nearer to God, nearer than any prayer." -Swami Vivekananda "Clear the mind of all worldly things. If you can't control your mind, how will you realize God." -Neem Karoli Baba / Maharajji
3/26/20247 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Password Is Love #GMfaves

As you read these words, listen for your heart beating. And as you read this line, become aware of your breath. And as you read this line, become aware of Love, no matter how subtle, no matter how Light, in your hands, in your feet, in your chest.\ You're feeling the password right now. I'm sharing It with you right now.    But it's not a word. It's a feeling. A GoOD one. And when you're aware of It, you gain access to the eternal silence beyond the heart beating, to the blissful stillness beyond the breath, to the Love beyond thoughts. Give this password to every inner and outer barrier today. Feel Love. And go beyond. I Love you and I'm with you, Nik ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Keep the Lord's name as constant as breathing." -Sai Baba "If you give yourself one complete minute of focused presence, to simply stop; even to listen to your heart beating, it will take you out of your head and introduce you to the moment which is complete in itself. It is not on the way to another moment. It is not a bridge to another opportunity. It is the timeless perfection. So stop and sink into this timeless moment." -Mooji "I have also given you the password, Love. When you come to barriers across your way, use the word freely and forcefully and nothing shall hinder your progress. You will be shown flowers of attainment which will bloom for you as you do well the tasks of the day, as you live largely and freely as a child of the Father who holds all good in His hands for you." -Eva Bell Werber, Journey With the Master  
3/25/20245 minutes, 31 seconds
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Confine Yourself to the Present Moment #GMweekend

Confine yourself to the bliss of Presence. Confine yourself to the security of God's lap. Don't leave It for any seeming thing, because there's nothing but It. I Love you, Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Confine yourself to the present moment." -Marcus Aurelius "Sending  love to everyone who wants to do better but can't find the energy to make the necessary changes. Sending love to everyone who wonders if their exhaustion is permanent. Sending Love to everyone who's tired of feeling stuck." -@michellcclark via IG "Just because you're struggling doesn't mean you're failing." -@Lisettedesigns_ via IG "O Rama,  If you thus overcome this sorrow of samsara (birth and death), you will live here on earth itself like a god, like Brahma or Vishnu!  For when delusion is gone and the Truth is realized by means of enquiry into Self-nature, when the mind is at peace and the heart leaps to the Supreme Truth, when all the disturbing thought-waves in the mind-stuff have subsided and there is unbroken flow of peace and the heart is filled with the bliss of the absolute, when thus the Truth has been seen in the heart, then this very world becomes an abode of bliss." - Sage Vasishta.  
3/24/20246 minutes, 11 seconds
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Don't let temporary circumstances make you think that you're not blessed. #GMfaves

Let It surface-- your Smile, the Silence, (t)His Love, the Breakthrough. They're all Here. They're all One. They're all You. Let It surface.    I Love you, Nik [email protected] p.s. In today's episode, I  shared the tremendous practice, the game-ending practice-- Self-Inquiry. Stay absent from the body and present with the Lord for the rest of the day, and watch what happens : ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Don't let temporary circumstances make you think that you're not blessed." -@Refresehedquotes "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." -12 Corinthians 4:18 "Don't beg. Don't chase, Don't be needy, Relax. when you relax, it'll come to you." -Osho "When you start to get delivered from where you've been, your social circle is the first to respond." -@RealSweetSpot via IG "No man discovers anything big unless he makes himself small." - Fulton Sheen "The next breakthrough that's coming is God's way of reminding you that NOTHING is impossible for Him." -@InstaGod "Why beg from a man, what can he give? God and the saints are all powerful but no one has to beg anything from them. They know and so they themselves give what is appropriate." - Maharajji "Spiritual practice is a staircase by which the devotee climbs to God, and God climbs down to the devotee. Carry on your spiritual practices regularly, while conducting your daily life and activities in such a way that you always benefit others. Spiritual practices will not only give you liberation but wealth and honor also. Become powerful and live out your life."  -Maharishi "The things that are closest to our hearts are the things we talk about, and if God is close to your heart, you will talk about him." -A W Tozer "Nothing I say can explain to you Divine Love. Yet all of creation cannot seem to stop talking about it" -Rumi "Love is already here." -April C. 
3/23/202412 minutes, 35 seconds
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No Doubt #GMfaves

The way you have no doubt that you're alive? You have to have THAT kind of faith that God is providing for you. Can you have no doubt about that? No doubt that you're being guided? No doubt you're being sheltered, protected? When you get quiet, when you 'be still and know' that you're aware,  that you're alive, you're simultaneously acknowledging  the presence of God. The aliveness and the  presence of God are One. The "I Am" and the presence of God are One. Your presence is His. In that moment, just as you don't doubt that you're alive, you also don't doubt that you're being carried. I Love you and I'm with you, Nik ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "He keeps on losing himself, but he does not know that he is losing himself and does not know even when he is completely lost. For when he is lost, he is God; not even that he is God, but that God is God. Oneness of God consciousness, one eternal existence, oneness of eternal life, oneness of absolute Being; only the One remains. And then the varieties of life are like the varieties of the waves in the eternal ocean of love of God." -Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Art and Science of Being, Transcendental Meditation "If you gather your will to the point of wakeful absence of thinking, everything you engage in will work out perfectly. Simply make way for the intelligence beyond the mind and let the creator play you like a flute." -Bentinho Massaro "Walk this earth for one purpose only; to show forth God's glory." -Joel Goldsmith Hollow Bamboo Episode  
3/22/202412 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Force is With You #GMfaves

You don't have to force your way into this Silence. You don't have to force your way into this Love. You don't have to force a manifestation. R E L A X, into the Force. That tension you were feeling was the false force, this Stillness that you've softened into, this Love, is THE Force. It's God. And God isn't a He, She, or It. God is an experience-- not something you  have to force, just something you have to feel, and not stop feeling, no matter what else  you feel, forever. I Love you, Nik [email protected] p.s. Maya = illusion Samadhi = highest state of meditation/Oneness ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: " Fret not where the road will take you. Instead concentrate on the first step. That is the hardest part and that is what you are responsible for. Once you take that step let everything do what it naturally does and the rest will follow. Don't go with the flow. Be the flow. " -Shams Tabrizi "That one thing is everything. Your body is God.  Your breath is God.  Your thoughts are God.  The good is God.  The bad is God. There is nothing other than that one thing.... then the duality vanishes. You and I vanish... that's Samadhi." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Where God guides, He provides" (Isaiah 58:11) -via IG @SheRises "Rahme is an active force transforming the world around us. When we experience the state to which this Beatitude points, our rebirth allows those whom we love to freely rebirth themselves as well. Ripening in a healthy way are those who radiate womb-like love from the deepest place inside. They shall be reborn within Love's creative stream." -The Aramaic Jesus, Neil Douglas Klotz "For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is."  - Yoda "Close your eyes. Feel it. The's always been there. It will guide you."  -Maz Kanata "If you're feeling negative emotion, it means you're telling yourself a lie." Abraham Hicks "See I am all in you, and all for you." -Luisa Piccarreta
3/21/20246 minutes, 13 seconds
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You Must Not Break Down So Easily #GMfaves

In moments when you feel pressed, close your eyes, and let the Word(s), 'I can of my own self do nothing' direct you to the Nothing inside. Look at It. Hear It. Feel It. The No Thing that does Everything. Right in that Place that you're attending to now, that you're actually being now, is where you must come back to often during the day. You must retreat here for at least 1-2 minutes every hour. This is how you keep from breaking down. This is how you keep letting go. This is how Love lifts you. I Love you, Nik ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "You must not break down so easily." -Maharajji "If you want good things, have belief.  If you want better things, have patience. If you want best things, surrender to Lord Shriram." -Maharajji Even when it seems as if God isn't answering you, He is.  You may be looking for a simple yes or no, but God always faithfully answers: abide." -@Amy_klutinoty IG "As you place yourself in willful dependency on God, he will not disappoint you. In moments when you feel pressed to, and even beyond, your limits, do not panic, nor be afraid" "Do not fear vou will expire as vour resources become depleted, but understand these are the valuable moments in which you will begin to experience me. You will experience me in the times you are in greatest need, and it will shape you and mark you for the rest of your life. You will not forget these times because you will be desperate in your heart, mind, and circumstances. But know, though you are desperate you will not be disappointed, for you will not put your hope, trust, or dependence upon yourself, circumstances, or your resources, but upon me. (1) In this you will learn to move beyond your present limits. You will advance to the edge of your limits, but will encounter me in these limits and will begin to understand how to move beyond them. You will allow yourself to overcome, to understand, and to manifest and possess, what you previously could not. While this experience and process will certainly be uncomfortable, know it will grow you and produce good fruit in your life over the course of time." -Neil Vermillion "Think how it changes the nature of your prayer when you stop looking out or up. Close your eyes and gently, "Look down within," and feel. "Right here, closer to me than breathing, is the very source of everything I shall need in my outer life. There is even the "good pleasure" to give me the entire kingdom." -Joel Goldsmith, Consciousness Transformed "Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him, and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly." -St. Ignatius Loyola
3/20/20247 minutes, 18 seconds
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In the Presence of Love, the Mind Rests #GMfaves

In the presence of God your mind is silent. In the presence of God your mind IS Silence. God heard your prayers before you were born. Your True prayer, the one behind the words-- to be happy, to give love, to be loved, to be Love. He's not asking you to do anything but trust. Give this silence, this stillness your attention, and It will give you everything. I Love you, Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Give me your plans and I will give you success.  Remember, that your success might not look the way you planned, but it will be more than you asked if you trust me." -Via @godsholyscriptures  on IG "You are like a mirage in the desert, which the thirsty man thinks is water; but when he comes up to it, he finds it is nothing.  And where he thought it was, there he finds God." -The Koran  
3/19/20249 minutes, 1 second
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Meditating is telling God, “Here I Am, ready to listen". #GMfaves

For a better morning, listen for God’s voice first. For a better night, listen for God’s voice last. For a better life, listen for God’s voice all day.* Shhhh… It sounds like the constant feeling of Love. Don’t think about that last sentence. Just read it again, and FEEL the Silence. Hear the Love. Smile. Relax your shoulders. Sway. Unexpected blessings happen here. I Love you and I'm with you, Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "For a better morning, talk to God first.  For a better night, talk to God last. For a better life, talk to God all day. " * - Via IG  @womenofpray "Praying is talking to God, asking God to give me this, to give me that.  But meditating is telling God, "here I am,  ready to listen." -Ravi Shankar "Silence is God's language. Everything else is poor translation." -Rumi "Free yourself from your own thoughts." -Rumi 
3/18/20247 minutes, 29 seconds
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You are coming out of the fog. It's time. 🚀

You might not be able to see the sun/Son yet, or hear It, but you can feel It, you can feel Him, while you look out at the seeming others and know, they're Him, which means they're perfect. And any problem that is perceived, is misperceived. That they don't have to become more loving, more positive... but that you must abide in that Place inside, of that Source of Love, of Compassion, of clearness of Purpose, first. That, you must be GoOD first. It's time. I Love you, Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: *Reading from 616A: 1951 First Seattle Series, The Practitioner of Spiritual Healings by Joel Goldsmith "In hard times, inner changes must precede changes to outer circumstances." -Michael Meade "By becoming still in the face of the appearance, you make it possible for the light of consciousness to dispel the illusion that is appearing. Thus you gradually remove finite concepts from your mind and allow its ever-present unconditioned state to come into focus." -Bob Pilato "The key to 'figuring it out' is not trying so hard." - Abraham Hicks "There is really only one problem, distraction. And therefore only one solution- mindfulness." -DJKR "The source is within you. And this whole world is springing from it." - Rumi "The whole universe is full of this voice, if you can but open your (inner) ear and listen to it. The most important facts that should be understood about the Sound Current are that it is God Himself and that it is now within every human being. It is the Supreme Creator, manifested and manifesting. It is not only an emanation of God, but it is God Himself. God is not static. He is superlatively dynamic, and the Sound Current is His dynamic energy and intelligent life force in a continuous process of manifestation. It is the omnipresent form of God which flows into and through everything from the highest to the lowest, and surrounds and pervades everything in the universe. "The Audible Life Stream is the everlasting form of the Lord, and is always within every one of us," says the Master Sawan Singh. But while the Holy Word is within each one of us, we cannot hear its melodies or see its light because we are spiritually deaf and blind. It is to this fact that Jesus referred when he said. "They seeing see not; and hearing they hear not." (Matthew 13:13) - Shah Niaz via Yoga and the Bible "If there is no thought, there is no me, and if there is no me, there is neither thought nor desire nor fear. The whole intent and purpose of self-inquiry is to focus the attention intensely and ceaselessly on the sense of I so that the spurious imposter me and it's identifications are exposed as nonexistent." -Ramesh Balsakar
3/17/20248 minutes, 18 seconds
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We Stay in GoOD Company #GMfaves

And in the end, which is the beginning, you'll see that there never was a path to contentment, or steps made on it, or breaths taken in it. or persons met along it. There's no one here to recognize Love; to practice It, or to turn toward It. Only Love is here. And that's the final Truth. I Love you, NIk [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ Today's Quotes: "Rama,  there are four gate-keepers at the entrance to the Realm of Freedom, moksha.  They are  self-control, spirit of enquiry,  contentment and  good company.  The wise seeker should diligently cultivate the friendship of these, or at least one of them. " -Yoga Vasistha "When you know you are part of the divine plan, you stop demanding. Then you know everything is being done for you." -Ravi Shankar "You are lost only because you are searching." -UG Krishnamurti "The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it." -Nisargdatta Maharaj "We all feel that health is the natural state of the body. Why do we not feel that happiness is the natural state of the mind?" -Rupert Spira 
3/16/20246 minutes, 36 seconds
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Do not fear anything; nothing will happen to you against My Will. #GMfaves

Feel God saying- 'that thorn in your side (that job, that illness, that person), is to bring you closer to Me, to lock you inside of Me, inside of My Love, inside of My Healing, inside of My Will, so that you'll stop leaving. Don't let the appearance of this world make you forget that you're in Me. That I'm all around you. Just listen, when the noise becomes too much, listen for Me. When you listen to sound, the very listening is Me. The Silence and Sound are not separate. The Formless and Form are not separate. I Am not separate from you. Surrender. Soften.    Relax into Me-- the fulfillment of your greatest Desire.' I Love you, Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Whatever we put our attention on will grow stronger in our lives. Put your attention on the highest." -Maharishi Mahesh Yogi "I am love; if you come close to me, something will start dancing in your heart. Allow it." -Osho "Am I not here? I who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I t the source of your Joy? Are you not in the hollow of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms? Do you need something more? Let nothing else worry you, disturb you." -Virgin of Guadalupe to Juan Diego, December 12, 1531-From the Original Nican Mopohua recorded by Antonio Valeriano. "Jesus is the beginning, the means and the end of all desires. As I was concerned about the state of my soul, all of a sudden my adorable Jesus came and told me:"My daughter, do not be concerned, for I alone am the beginning, the means and the end of all your desires." With these words I calmed myself in Jesus. May everything be for the glory of God, and may His Holy Name be blessed." -Luisa Piccarreta, Book of Heaven "The path is simple: organize your heart around love and your mind around truth.  This how we live a divine life." -Isha Das "When you listen to sound the very listening is the silence. Silence and sound are not separate." -J Krishnamurti "If it's from God, it'll come with His Peace." -IG @faithfulfootprints "It is by God's Grace that we think of God." -Ramana Maharshi "Do not fear anything; nothing will happen to you against My Will." -Jesus to St. Faustina in Her Dairy "Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." -2 Corinthians 12 
3/15/20246 minutes, 19 seconds
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I Know God Breathed on Me #GMFaves

Feeling the breeze, think, "God is breathing on me." Feeling the sun, think, "God is shining on me." Feeling the water, think, "God is cleansing me.' Feeling the Love, think, “God is blessing me.” Use every moment of every day for remembrance of God, and you'll come to see that it's actually Him remembering you. I Love you, Nik ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "I know God breathed on me"- Kanye West "Problems are the denial of the presence of God." - Herb Fitch 
3/14/20248 minutes, 31 seconds
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What Is Yours Will Know Your Face. #GMfaves

Things have already 'come together', 'unfolded', 'fallen into place', but they will appear to take time in your experience. It's all here, always now, the storm and the rainbow, but the purpose of your experience is to live moment to seeming moment, in and AS this Love. That's what you're missing. As often as you notice you forget to consult with Me, to listen for Me before acting, you forget to be this Love. If you could just Love more, you would see more of what's already Here. You would stop trying to paint your own doors on walls, and finally, look and see My doors standing wide open for you. Pass through.    I Love you, Nik [email protected] Please help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch! ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "What is yours will know your face." -John Boroughs "If I can't stop thinking, maybe I can just let my thoughts go by without getting all caught up in them. Feel the breeze on your face or your neck? See how it's going by? You're not all hung up with it. You don't have to see where each breeze goes. You don't have to look quickly to see if it hit those trees over there. It's breezes, and they're just going by. Make your thoughts like those breezes, those little breezes…..just going by." - Ram Dass "Who am I? I am myself a word spoken by God. Can God speak a word that does not have any meaning?" -Thomas Merton "Your name is blessed. Your home is blessed. Your career is blessed. Your family is blessed. I speak nothing but blessings over your life. This is your time to be blessed." -@godlovessyou via IG "The present moment is not linear, it is spherical. When you go deep in meditation, you experience this and realize that everything is in this moment." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Seth: "Now, do not walk so heavily the paths of earth. Walk lightly. The weight you carry is not physical. It is not physical pounds that weigh you down. Your own identities will enlighten you. There is no need for you to concentrate so avidly and exclusively upon the physical paths. You have walked other paths You [this seemed directed to Rachell have cultivated other gardens. There are joys that can lighten your burden. It is not your ego that you fight, although you have a model of an ego. You fight a memory that lingers on the outskirts of your mind. A transgression already forgiven - a storm already passed - a dark cloud already punctured. Now, you are naturally as free as air. The rest is a facade to hide the memory. Now, consciously you will not understand what I am telling you but unconsciously you will. The transgression has already been paid for. The penance is finished. When you realize that you are free you will be able to enjoy your freedom Now, what brings you here? Knowledge that you do not realize that you possess, yet you do possess it. I look back again at your past histories and to your probabilities and futures in your terms, and my, how you change. You would not know yourselves. Be good of heart. You have more staying power than you know and you [Amelia] should realize that you are also here for a reason and that you build more that garden roads." -ESP 1968.10.22 (EC1) :Till the false is seen as false, Truth is not." -Jiddu Krishnamurti 
3/13/20249 minutes, 21 seconds
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Affirm: Greatness is Here and I am Ready For It. #GMfaves

When that body slouches, it's like it's slouching into forgetfulness. It's slouching into worry. It's slouching into  overthinking. Sit back up straight, like you’re on your Throne, and be Greatness. In this posture, that body is like an antenna, receiving, remembering Greatness, remembering its Divine Essence, remembering Truth. Remembering that everything it encounters is also Greatness, is one with Greatness. That there is nothing but Greatness. I Love you, Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: Have trust in God and the most difficult tasks become easy.  For success, hard work alone is not enough.  God's grace is essential." -Maharajji "When things in you move, you don't have to move with them." -Adyashanti 
3/12/20246 minutes, 51 seconds
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We Are Going to Live This Day Different #GMfaves

You're back! But you have to keep coming back. In the midst of your day, in the midst of that impulse to scroll your phone, in the midst of your worry sessions, you must surrender to this process that's unfolding, that's happening to you. God is doing something extraordinary through you-- that's the tension you feel. That's the anxiety you feel. It's not because of anything that appears to be happening in your life. It's the growth happening in Here. Fix your eyes, Here. Even when you're seeing what's around you, it's like you're looking inside. You're feeling inside. You're hearing inside. You've changed, inside, even though the mind disagrees. God knows, and you'll see. I Love you, Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Some periods of our growth are so confusing that we don't even recognize that growth is happening. We may feel hostile or angry or weepy and hysterical, or we may feel depressed. It would never occur to us, unless we stumbled on a book or a person who explained to us, that we were in fact in the process of change, of actually becoming larger, spiritually, than we were before. Whenever we grow, we tend to feel it, as a young seed must feel the weight and inertia of the earth as it seeks to break out of its shell on its way to becoming a plant. Often the feeling is anything but pleasant. But what is most unpleasant is the not knowing what is happening.  Those long periods when something inside ourselves seems to be waiting, holding its breath, unsure about what the next step should be, eventually become the periods we wait for, for it is in those periods that we realize that we are being prepared for the next phase of our life and that, in all probability, a new level of the personality is about to be revealed." - Alice Walker, Living by the Word "God did not bring you to this wilderness to leave you.  But to lead you to a better life." -via IG @LaurenFortenberry "Something really beautiful happens when you're in the middle of your pain and you choose to surrender everything to God." -via IG @goforspiritual "We're not pretending to be joyful or hiding behind rose-colored glasses  we're smiling faithfully and truthfully in every season because we know Him and His way of working in the unseen." -@wildflowerpages via IG "When we fix our eyes on God and watch Him work, the Lord will help us not to be shaken or unsettled." -Karen Ehman
3/11/20248 minutes, 9 seconds
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Just Breathe #GMfaves

*God is saying, 'It's the Love that counts. It's the Love that matters. It's the Love I hear. It's the Love that prays, that breathes.' Right now, breathe like you know who you are, like you know whose you are. Smile, like you know where you're going. You don't... you're walking by faith not by sight, but you're making it. He's made a Way. Just breathe, in every step. Just breathe, in every seeming moment today, in every email you open, in every anxious thought, just breathe. HE KNOWS. I Love you and I'm with you, [email protected] p.s. 'Temptation' = EVERY thought, not just the 'bad' ones. Try this for a day and see how BIG the Quiet 'grows' :)  I Love you again, again!    ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "For I know full well the plans I have for you, plans for your welfare and not for your misfortune, plans that will offer you a future filled with hope.  When you call out to me, come forth, and pray to me, I will listen to you. When you search for me, you will find me. When you seek me with all your heart, I will allow you to discover me, says the Lord. I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile."  -Jeremiah, Chapter 29, verses 11-14. The Catholic Bible "Be silent. Be still. Alone. Empty. Before your God. Say nothing. Ask nothing. Be silent. Be still Let your God look upon you. That is all. God knows. God understands. God loves you With an enormous love, And only wants To look upon you With that love. Quiet. Still. Be. Let your God - Love you." - Edwina Gateley "Our Father (Abba), who art in Heaven,  Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come.  Thy Will be done.  On earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. -The Lord's Prayer "Make of your life an offering! Make of your life a prayer! Be awake to the life that is loving you and sing your prayer, laugh your prayer, dance your prayer, run and weep and sweat your prayer, sleep your prayer, eat your prayer, paint, sculpt, hammer and read your prayer, sweep, dig, rake, drive and hoe your prayer, garden and farm and build and clean your prayer, wash, iron, vacuum, sew, embroider and pickle your prayer, compute, touch, bend and fold but never delete or mutilate your prayer. Learn and pray your prayer, work and rest your prayer, fast and feast your prayer, argue, talk, whisper, listen and shout your prayer, groan and moan and spit and sneeze your prayer, swim and I hunt and cook your prayer, digest and become your prayer, release and recover your prayer, breathe your prayer, BE YOUR PRAYER." -By Alla Renee Bozarth, Life Prayers "When I received Holy Communion, I said to Him, "Jesus, I thought about You so many times last night. And Jesus answered me, "And I thought of you before I called you into being.  Before I made the world, I loved you with the love your heart is experiencing today and, throughout the centuries, My love will never change." -St. Faustina's Diary "When I expected disappointment- love was all I heard." -Lyrics: Greater Still by Brandon Lake
3/10/202410 minutes, 10 seconds
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Love is the Sure Proof That Your Prayers Have Touched God #GMfaves

God responds to your prayers in many ways, the first response being Joy and inner Peace.  His Peace. Today I share about my current read/listen, 'Autobiography of a Yogi', and how we're divine roomies in "this place where every thought and breath starts", where every prayer is expressed and answered.  In this place where you practice being Love until Love is all that's left. I Love you, Nik ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Had I not read 'Autobiography of a Yogi', I would not have had a life." -George Harrison "The moment you sing in gratitude, in glory of the Divine, it immediately dawns in you and fills you up again." -Ravi Shanka "If you repeatedly call on Him with ever deeper concentration, He will answer your prayer. A joy and peace will strike your heart. When that comes, you know that you are communing with God. To utter God with devotion, and increase the concentration and devotion with each repetition of His name, is to plunge the mind deeper and deeper in the ocean of His presence until one reaches the fathomless depths of divine peace and ecstatic joy, the sure proof that one's prayers have touched God."  -Yogananda "A subsistent inner happiness unconditioned by any external influence is evident proof of the responding prsence of God." -Yogananda "From where every thought and breath start. You are that timeless Presence." -Ramana Maharshi 
3/9/20248 minutes, 36 seconds
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Don't Panic- Pray #GMfaves

Praying is remembering God. Putting yourself in touch with God. Feeling Its always-on, always-present Love for you... ceaselessly. Today we choose to stay aware of God, of Love, of the Unchangeable, knowing that since It and the changeable are one,  the changeable will appear to harmonize. I Love you, Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Don't panic- pray.  Don't worry- worship.  Don't give up- keep going.  Dong break- take a breath.  Don't quit- pause and reset.  Don't blow up- bless them Don't overthink- be open to solutions.  All we get is time and choices, use it wisely.  At this moment you have a chance to make a choice that creates change." - @Lawofattractionlive via IG "The unchangeable can only be realized in silence. Once realized, it will deeply affect the changeable, itself remaining unaffected." -Nisargadatta Maharaj "From Joy I came, for Joy I live, in Joy I melt." -Yogananda    "Whenever and wherever you put yourself in touch with God, that is the state of meditation." -Sathya Sai Baba "The real in us is silent, the acquired is the talkative." -khalil Gibran 
3/8/20248 minutes, 50 seconds
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As Your Silence Grows, Your Success Grows #GMfaves

To make it more specific to your situation, swap out 'success' for 'business,' swap out 'success' for 'love,' swap out 'success' for 'readership,' swap it out for 'audience,' swap it out for 'family.' As my silence grows, my success grows. As I grow more and more silent, I grow more and more in alignment. I grow more and more on purpose, in passion. In Love, I bloom. I Love you, Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: p.s. I snapped a picture of the bracelet I found. See it Here! "The Silence in you is the key to Me." "If God is not changing your situation, maybe He's changing your Heart." -Maharajji "If you want to build a great life, slow down. Anyone can caffeinate & push hard toward their next goal. But it's not sustainable. Long-term energy comes from alignment. And alignment requires feeling the subtle difference between energy created from anxiety & energy created from inspiration." -@CoryMuscara "The basic paradox: Everything is a mess, yet all is well." -Ezra Bayda "Peace is the first glimpse of the inner Kingdom of God." -Yogananda "And when she could no longer hear God's voice over the world's yelling and endless expectations. She got quiet with herself. She took her stillness to God. And His voice alone led her out of the wilderness." -@laurenfortenberrywrites via IG "Perhaps what you want is your destiny." -@her. written.thoughts via IG "Sometimes, the biggest, bravest step of faith is to STAND STILL." -@AutumnMiles via IG "Nonattachment is a pivotal practice going forward for you.  The easiest way to enjoy life is to accept what makes its way to you, embrace it, enjoy it, and let it go when and if it needs to. Trying to hold on to things and people is a trait you picked up when you were in survival mode.  The good things in your life were far and few between so you felt the need to grasp and hold on to what was good. That's no longer needed. You have one good thing lined up after the next. Focus on your continued expansion & evolution. -Via IG @ Sourcemessage "The escape is through the Sound Current."  -Hazur Baba Sawan Singh "Always listen to the inner Sound during meditation every day: "If you listen for ten minutes, or five minutes, or four minutes, or two minutes, or even one minute, with love and devotion, millions of sins and obstacles will be removed."  -Baba Jaimal Singh
3/7/202410 minutes, 10 seconds
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Are You Having Fun? #GMfaves

Wake somebody up with that question today. Wake yourself up with that question today. Am I having fun? while you're sending those emails, while you're making that daily commute, and then shift into the Fun. Sit up into the Fun, into the Smile. Keep finding your smile. Keep smiling your smile. Keep giving your smile, while you feel God Smiling back, Hint: Your smile is His. I Love you, Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "The world exists as you perceive it. It is not what you see... but how you see it. It is not what you hear...but how you hear it. It is not what you feel...but how you feel it." -Rumi "A Prayer Against Fear God, too often, I find myself overwhelmed by circumstances that are beyond my control. Too often, I am easily distracted by things that don't matter. I know that as I step into a new season I will face obstacles that make me want to give up. When this happens, give me the faith I need to cling to the truth: that Your peace and protection aren't based on my feelings or circumstances but on Your character and faithfulness. In Jesus' name,  Amen.' -IG @youversion "You are part of something bigger than yourself. You are part of the body of Christ." -IG @youversion "What I need: will find me. What is mine:  will never deny me. What is current: is necessary for this time in my life." -IG @womenontopp "Let that which He has ordained from all ages happen to me." -St. Faustina's Diary "I emerge from the secret place lighter." - IG @wildflowerpages "If you feel far from Allah, who moved?" - IG @alhvmdulilvh
3/6/20247 minutes, 58 seconds
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All You Need Is Love #GMfaves

I asked for a sign and got an actual one!  There’s nothing this Love can’t do. I love you, Nik ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quote: Lyrics to 'All You Need is Love' by the Beatles "There's nothin' you can do that can't be done Nothin' you can sing that can't be sung Nothin' you can say, but you can learn how to play the game It's easy Nothin' you can make that can't be made No one you can save that can't be saved Nothin' you can do, but you can learn how to be you in time It's easy All you need is love All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need All you need is love All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need There's nothin' you can know that isn't known Nothin' you can see that isn't shown There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be It's easy All you need is love All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need All you need is love (all together now) All you need is love (everybody) All you need is love, love."
3/5/20247 minutes, 7 seconds
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Great Things Shall Be Required of You #GMfaves

"Step out onto the path of service, but remember-do not fail to take the time each day for a loving worship and adoration of the King of your life. Then shall you be fitted and worthy for the work which you are to do." -Eva Bell Werber, Voice of the Master Today, every time you're troubled by a thought, remember where that thought is taking place. It's taking place in the ocean of Love. Hear this Silence. Feel this Love. And you'll see that even that disturbing thought, its essence is Love. And because you recognize it, it turns back into Love, it turns back into silence, where it becomes a more beautiful thought. One that says, "you're not upset, you just forgot that you're submerged in Love," or "how can I serve you", or "how can I help this one"? These are the thoughts you have when you recognize that God is in you and you are in God. This is the new you. The God you. I Love you, Nik ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶
3/4/20248 minutes, 13 seconds
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Vision of Love #GMweekends

Everything you see is sacred. Everything you taste is sacred. Everything you smell is sacred. Everything you hear and touch, sacred. Hafiz said, 'everything you do is sacred." In this Silence we practice, you are sacred. And in this sacredness there's nothing but Grace. Receive It by staying open to It, by feeling It... by giving It. The more you give, the more you have. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show, please!  ▶▶ ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "The Love that meets your need is the Love that's flowing out through you right now." -Joel Goldsmith "There is a tendency to doubt your growth in the midst of a big leap forward; hold steady and allow yourself to bloom." -Yung Pueblo "A great silence comes over me and I wonder why I ever thought to use language." -Rumi   "When the flower blooms, the bees come uninvited." -Ramakrishna 
3/3/20246 minutes, 31 seconds
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Practice: Cool Head, Warm Heart #GMweekends

When the heart is warm with Love, the head is automatically cool.    Your response is chill. Your thoughts are chill. Sometimes, it's like they're saying- "Thank you for giving me this Love as a reminder of Your presence. Thank you for giving me this opportunity, this moment, to remember you." And you can take as many of these moments as  you need during the day. Every time you close your eyes and go within, that's the Sabbath. That's true rest. That's the absence of desire (aka the feeling of lack), and the presence of all things GoOD. I Love you, Nik [email protected] ▶▶ ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "The only real rest comes when you're alone with God." -Rumi Heart As Wide As The World by Krishna Das “Holding me in your arms’ vast embrace Only love shining in endless space All I need is to be with you All my prayers have been heard All I want is to rest inside Your heart as wide as the world I looked away Your beauty too much to bear Where could I run? Your eyes, I found them everywhere All I want is to sing to you The song that no one has heard All my life has lead me to A heart as wide as the world Shree Raam Jai Raam Jai Jai Raam“ “No matter how turbulent the situation, Lord Shiva’s head and inner realm remains peaceful. Though the head is cool, the heart is always warm with compassion for the world. What we need is a cool head and a warm heart. But what we see in the world today is the very opposite: most people are hot-headed and cold-hearted. Everyone’s head is heated up by worldly thoughts, and the heart has become frosty with selfishness. If our head is cool, we can face the most adverse circumstances peacefully and turn it to our advantage." -Amma 2017 via @Sherenevismaya on IG "We must have one purpose alone: to seek the realization of His presence, His power, and His grace. When we emerge from these periods, usually we find that the “things” are added unto us: whatever knowledge we need to carry on our business, whatever physical strength or moral support." -Joel Goldsmith, 'A Parenthesis in Eternity' "A life built upon Sabbath is contented because in rhythms of rest we discover our time is full of the holiness of God." -Shelly Miller
3/2/20247 minutes, 47 seconds
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We are asleep until we fall in Love. #GMfaves

It's all Prayer, when you stay aware of God's Presence, when you're constantly calling His Name inside. Not because He's not there, and you're wanting Him to come to you, but because He is there and you're wanting your attention to stay there, to stay Here, on Him. On Love. On Silence. On God, this works. T R U S T. I Love you, Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "You can talk to me when your heart is heavy. You can come to me when your thoughts are loud. Your heart is safe here. You are safe here." -@poetstribe via IG "Things still control you. Situations still cause you to react. All that has to go. To become free you have to be empty, no preconceived ideas, no concepts, no judgments, no human knowledge. You have to be completely empty. When you're empty you're like space." -Robert Adams "O Holy Trinity, One and Indivisible God, may You be blessed for this great gift and testament of mercy. My Jesus, to atone for blasphemers I will keep silent when unjustly sI reprimanded and in this way make partial amends to You. I am singing within my soul an unending hymn to You, and no one will suspect or understand this. The song of my soul is known to You alone, O my Creator and Lord! I will not allow myself to be so absorbed in the whirlwind of work as to forget about God.  I will spend all my free moments at the feet of the Master hidden in the Blessed Sacrament. He has been tutoring me from my most tender years." -St. Faustina (Diary) "Give up everything to Him, resign yourself to Him, and there will be no more trouble for you." -Bhagwan Sri Ramakrishna "It's impossible to truly relax until we relax control." -Nicola Jane Hobbs "Jesus infinitely outweighs everything." - @Faithfulfootprints "Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.  For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." -Matthew 20: 26-28 "We are asleep until we fall in Love." -Leo Tolstoy "Do ordinary things with extraordinary love." -Saint Teresa of Calcutta  
3/1/20248 minutes, 44 seconds
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Love Will Come Through #GMfaves

The tears you cry are not because you're lost, they're because you're found. You are found in Him. Love sees you, and you cry when you look away. You cry when your mind tells you that Love is not (t)Here. You cry when you see and hear things that aren't truly (t)Here. But when you're fully Here, like you are right now, you find Him, again. And you hear It.   I Love you, Nik [email protected] p.s. I shared this on the forum a few days ago-- "What am I up to? Oh nothing, just reading and randomly came upon the Aramaic (and Arabic) word ‘rahm’ pronounced Raam (our mantra) that means ‘womb’. In Aramaic it’s root means ‘mercy and love from our inner womb’, or ‘love that births rays from the deepest place within us’… Ra= a fresh ray of light Am= from the Mother Chant and be Mary 😉 ! I love you" ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    "To find God, you must look with all your heart. To remain present to God, you must remain present to your heart. To hear His voice, you must listen with all your heart. To love Him, you must love with all your heart. You cannot be the person God meant you to be, and you cannot live the life He meant you to live, unless you live from the heart |I John Eldredge To maintain a close relationship with Jesus, I must remain in His Presence often. Without Him, I can do nothing. Like a branch that cannot bear much fruit unless it remains on the vine. Jesus, give me strength to - remain kind. remain soft. remain humble. remain myself." -@claremsf  via IG "Listen, and see if you remember an Ancient Song you knew so long ago and held more dear than any melody you taught yourself to cherish since."  -A Course In Miracles "Homeless are they Who would abide alone, apart from Me. Yet would I call them home. My Voice I send To sing in soundless places. Hear from Me The Song a Father sings to you, His child; A Melody from far beyond the world. Step back and listen, for He comes to bless And tell you that you are not comfortless Ripening in a healthy way are those who radiate womb-like love from the deepest place inside. They shall be reborn within Love's creative stream." -The Gifts of God
2/29/202410 minutes, 4 seconds
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Affirm: God is Aware of My Situation #GMfaves

R E L A X God is circling around you, that temple, that tower. He's aware of your situation, of every thought, every fear. You had gone astray, lost in what you're not, and who you're not, but you're back. How does it feel to know who you are? To know whose you are? Shift into this felt-Knowing, this Silence. Stop leaving, and expect miracles. I Love you, Nik ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    **My favorite icon of Jesus (on my nightstand, the pic I went to lay the communion in front of! )- **My favorite Maharajji picture (on my stand)- "Hidden power" - Baba Ram Singh ji "A hand unseen is behind this creation, and every pair of eyes is looking towards that hand which is not seen.  Wherever one looks, one is looking for that hand which is behind and unseen. You look at a flower and appreciate the flower and behind the flower, there's that beauty, that truth which could bring this beauty. If this flower does not remind you of the eternal beauty, of the eternal truth, then it has not fulfilled its purpose. So behind every activity, pleasant, unpleasant, chaotic, harmonious, is one Divinity." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "All I know and all I can say is, God is preparing me for something. I am necessary." - via IG @Ceexnotes "One of the proofs that our Simran is being done correctly is that, in any kind of difficulty, we first remember Simran." -Baba Ram Singh "I woke up and decided I will not stress over things that are out of my control.  People will be people.  Jobs will be jobs. But one thing I know for sure is... God will be God and... He's got me." -via IG @amazinggracecoffe "The only comfort we can find is by saying: "Allah is aware of my situation."" -via IG @noorsayingss "God will speak clearly, guide deliberately, and liberate completely as you know and experience his heart more fully." -via IG @NeilVermillion "I am circling around God, around the ancient tower, and I have been circling for a thousand years, and I still con't know if lam a falcon, or a storm, or a great song. -Rilke "Trusting the reality of reality itself." -Neil Douglas Klotz "Anything CAN happen BECAUSE He is the God of miracles." -Via IG @letsgrowsisters
2/28/202411 minutes, 48 seconds
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How Do I Get Myself Through the Day? #GMfaves

One step at a time... One prayer at a time... Feeling the Softness behind every step, behind every prayer. I Love you, Nik ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Joy is the grace we say to God. " -Ray Bradbury via @monkindocs via IG "Me: "God, how will I do it?  God: "One prayer at a time?" -@Laurenfortenberrywrites via IG "I tell you inside you there is an angel. You simply have to realize that you are angel. You have the power to do what you want to do . Know this and relax." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Love Itself is the actual form of God." -Ramana Maharshi One knowing and feeling behind everything." -Neil Douglas Klotz "The mind is here to keep you earthbound. When you stop thinking, the mind becomes the infinite, becomes God, becomes boundless space, nirvana, pure awareness. It doesn't really become that. You've always been that. The mind merely disappears, as a mind, and your true nature is expressed." -Robert Adams "Establish peace within yourself. Healing is not difficult when we know that we are not trying to heal a body, improve or change man. We are only trying to establish in our consciousness the awareness of the peace that is already there. Do not seek healing, seek peace; the healing is the added thing." -Joel Goldsmith "Human thought, with its judgment and resistance, is not only superfluous, but it keeps us entombed in the turmoil of the dream.  Divine Thought allowed, by the stillness of mind, lifts us into the altitude of perfect Reality.  Stay Risen, in the Deep Silence of My Peace Stay Risen..." -Octavia Williams
2/27/20248 minutes, 25 seconds
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Trust Deeper. #GMfaves

Can you feel Love moving through you? Nothing else is needed. If you just sat with this, feeling this fullness, being this fullness, your day will happen in this fullness, your destiny will unfold in this fullness, seemingly quicker. The things you've been waiting for begin tapping you on the shoulder like, 'where have you been? I've been here!' But you were lost in thought. You were lost in the illusion of lacking what's always Here. You couldn't see what was Here, but your 'I' is open now. Look, and you will find. I Love you, Nik [email protected]  ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "When we say Jesus we aren't just talking about a man who lived 2000 years ago, but to a certain possiblity within every human being." -Sadhguru "a tree is the same through sun and rain this we must learn through pleasure and pain - @draino via IG "Realm of the Unseen My daughter, there is a great realm, the realm of the unseen, where you shall more and more function. There you shall find your strength, your fullness of life, your work. This does not mean that you shall not also function on the side of the visible, but that first everything shall take place for you on that other, unseen, side. You actions shall be directed from this unseen side. Such beauties, such love, such utter sweetness shall then fill your days that you will feel transported to a heavenly glory even while performing the humblest tasks. This realm is only found by the practicing of My Presence, and day by day, it shall grow more and more accessible to you." -Eva Bell Werber, Quiet Talks with the Master "Listen and be still! If you could see and know the physical person of Christ Jesus, could go to those who are sick or in need of any kind; if you could see those Holy Hands upraised in healing, how firm would be your faith. But listen, that same Christ is within your consciousness; the Holy Spirit pervades all things. So can you not have the same faith, that when you speak to Him, He hears, just as He did when in the body of flesh? The body had nothing to do with it. It was only the instrument for the Divine flow of Life, even as you are the instrument. As you open your being to this sweet consciousness of the Abiding Christ, even so shall the greater works, long ago promised, be fulfilled through you." -Eva Bell Werber, Quiet Talks with the Master
2/26/20247 minutes, 47 seconds
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Until now you have asked for nothing in My Name #GMfaves

Until now you were sleep walking.    Sleep praying. But it's a new dawn. Welcome to the GoOD life, to your life in God, in His Name, in the Sun. You're remembering-- that you don't need anything you Have 2.  that hearing the Name, (t)His Silence, or this Divine Tone in the Silence, IS praying 3.  that hearing It while 'asking' is Alchemy 4. that you don't even have to 'ask', because at all times, you're hearing what He's giving 5. that there's no hearing outside of This. 6. that there's no living outside of This. 7. that Love's always on. Oh, It's on. 🚀    I Love you, Nik [email protected]    ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "First, He prepares the ground, and then He plants the Seed of the True Name." -Guru Nanak "I am learning to be gentle to be patient to not light fires when I cannot see the stars." - @william.bortz via IG "People who shine from within don't need a spotlight." -via FB Thoughts Wonder "When we pray for others the entire Universe prays for us." -Amma "A blessing may come to you because you wished it for someone else." - @Path2paradise via IG "Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it." -John 14:13-14 "Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be made full." -John 16:24 "Only one name is not pronounced in the world the name the father gave the son. It is the name above all: it is the father's name. For the son would not have become father if he had not put on the father's name. Those who have this name understand it but do not speak it. Those who do not have it cannot even understand it." -Gospel of Phillip "Use me, God. Show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, and what I can do, and use it for a purpose greater than myself." -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "By silence or stillness is meant in this context not emptiness but fullness, not an absence but a presence. True silence of the heart is an attitude of waiting upon God, of listening to Him, of responding to His love. It is not just the cessation of speech, a pause between words, but rather communion and dialogue. "This silence," says Ignatius, "is at the same time a conversation, yet without thoughts, above every thought." -Bishop Kallistos of Diokleia via On the Prayer of Jesus "It's okay, that you don't know how it will happen quite yet. The momentum is in place. The river is moving. The charge is alive. This constant unfolding. Stay with it. Stay in it." - @VictoriaEricksonWriter via IG "When it's God it flows, and when it's you, it's forced." -@Sardinebread via IG "You are now being your highest vibration." -Quornesha GoOD Mornings episode-- "Affirm: I Am a Star" 
2/25/202410 minutes, 7 seconds
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Let's Get Lifted | A Powerfully Simple Way to Meditate #GMfavorite

If you lie down, Love will raise you up... you will rise in Love, in Freedom, in Victory. Try meditating in corpse pose, today. Try surrendering, today. Try saying 'yes' to Loving Silence, today. Stop trying and do, today. Stop doing and BE, today. There's a place inside (and out) that's already surrendering, no matter the position the body is in. There's a place inside (and out) that's already Silent-Love, no matter the state the mind is in. Be That, today and always. I Love you, Nik [email protected]  Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "The silence is another way of saying to keep your mind stayed on God all the time.  God is the silence and you are that.  Feel the silence right now.  You can feel it.  It's a thing of beauty.  You know when you're getting into the true silence, you begin to become happier, and happier, and happier for no reason.  It makes no difference what's going on in the world.  The world is in one place and you're in another place.  In the deep silence you are identifying with the substratum of creation.  Always remember to go into the silence.  A sage is always in the silence.  A sage may be talking, listening, partaking of activities, but to the sage there's only silence." -Robert Adams "I have never known Truth to fail, never known any 'problem' that didn't vanish, once I was wholly honest with Omnipresent Awareness.  Do not just declare words, as if reciting a formula, but absolutely admit Love is pure, single, unadulterated-- thus unchallenged, unopposed Authority." -Aiken "To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." -Lao Tzu "Whatever happens, hold onto God's feet without loosening the grip even slightly." -Amma
2/24/20247 minutes, 36 seconds
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Now you're on the right track! #GMfaves

Being Aware, how you are right now, doesn't stop the loop, but it allows you to switch tracks. It enables you to hit play on a new story, on a new song. It's still God's  Song, but you couldn't hear this one before. You had to rise. You had to sit up taller, to hear this Track. to live this Track. Can you feel It? Listen... I Love you, nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    "Now you're on the right track!" -Maharajji "Be still awhile and let God love you. For just a moment, don't think about methods, or achievements, or past mistakes. Let God heal your heart, soothe your worries, and be your rock. Seek to utterly depend on Him." -Eva Koleva Timothy via  @claremsfItalitha IG "You didn't miss God. The bigger the destiny. The longer the process. Dogs can have babies in a few months. Elephants take two years to carry full term. What you're carrying is just more significant than you think!!! - @toracesolomon via IG "The Lord said to me, "I know vou aren't sure of the next move of what to do, don't look, just listen, because MY SPIRIT IS THE MAP!" - @autumnmiles via IG "The thought, I'm still on the road, but I'm getting closer day by day' seems very encouraging, but as long as you believe this voice, it will divide you and send you on a journey of near misses." -Mooji
2/23/20247 minutes, 38 seconds
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Love is the Miracle and It Becomes the Miracle #GMfaves

But you have to keep feeling the Miracle instead of the resistance. You have to keep feeling where you are instead of where you were, instead of where you are afraid you might end up. Knowing that where you are now is only an appearance. You're Home, now. You're in God, now, but because you can't see, you see an office, you see an apartment you don't want to be in anymore... but that only appears to be (t)here, that body only appears to be (t)here, the thoughts only appear to be (t)here. Love is Here and the Miracle happens POWERFULLY when you know/feel this, Now. and Now, and Now, and Now. :) It's a feeling You're chanting/recognizing... now, and now, and now, and now. A miracle You're causing/witnessing... now, and now, and now. I Love you, Nik ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    "Nothing happens next, this is it." -Zen master "If you will stop looking where it isn't, and start feeling for it where it is, your doubt will go away." - Abraham Hicks "To the girl waking up and falling asleep with anxiety each day, declare this truth over yourself: Though things feel out of control, God is still in control." -@proverbs31ministries "A mysterious power will take care of everything for you. This only happens when you understand, I am not the doer. As long as you believe you are the doer, you have to struggle, you have to fight, you have to compete and you have to straighten things out. But as soon as you realize, I am not the doer. I didn't ask to be born, I didn't have to go through this position, to have the parents I had, to grow up where I grew up, this is all karmic. The same power that took care of this will take care of you now. Will put you in your right place. Will take care of your finances, your health and everything else.  Your job is to focus your attention on the Self." -Robert Adams "If it's not God's time, you can't force it. When it is God's time, you can't stop it." -@SardineBread
2/22/202410 minutes, 3 seconds
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You are what you're seeking. #GMfaves

Seeking the Silence behind your thoughts, today, and the Love behind your body, you arrive at your Self. When you seek the Eternal Day behind 'Monday', the Timelessness behind time, you arrive at your Self. Nothing can touch you here. No one can 'block' you here, because there's nothing but You here. There's nothing but Love here, and this Divine Love is presently, right now as you're reading these words, becoming all the Go(o)d things you need.  Watch :) I Love you and I'm with you! Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    "Seek the Father behind all fathers And the Mother behind all mothers. Seek the only Beloved behind all loved ones And the friend behind all friends Of many lives lived on this mystery-earth. Search for the Brain behind all brains And the Mind behind all minds, The Hand behind all hands And the Feet behind all feet. Seek the Blood behind all bloods, The Breath behind all breaths, The Wisdom behind all wisdom And the Joy behind all joys. Find the Love behind all loves, The Life behind all living things." -Yogananda "Divine Love is the magnet that draws to me all Good." -Yogananada "You are a magnet. Not a claw."  -@TinySpiritualPoems on IG "You are what you're seeking." -Mooji 
2/21/20247 minutes, 37 seconds
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When God is With Me, All the 'Necessities of Life' Become Unnecessary #GMfaves

Once you have God, you have everything you need. You no longer have 'needs'. You just 'have'. You just 'are'. Because God is where you are. And the first proof of God where you are, is the GoOD feeling. The Glow. Love.    Let It flow forth. I Love you and I'm with you, Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    Referenced Episode 235-  'Whenever you're not glowing today, catch your Self, and Glow' "God has proven that when He is with me all the 'necessities of life" become unnecessary. In that consciousness you become more healthy than the average person, more joyous, more bountiful in every way. Don't seek little things; they will divert you from God. Start your experiment now: make life simple and be a king." -Yogananda "To be able to realize that [God is your individual consciousness] enables you to sit back as comfortably, as joyously and confidently as a baby sitting on its mother’s lap...In this attitude and altitude you eventually hear your own consciousness saying to you, “I am your bread, I am your meat, I am your wine and your water. Fear not, I am with you. Be not afraid, it is I. I will never leave you.” -Joel Goldsmith “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." -John 6:35 "Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous." -Isaiah 41:10 "As soon as you opened your mouth And I heard your soft Sounds, I knew we would be friends The first time dear pilgrim,I heard your laugh I knew it would not take me long To turn you back into God." - Hafiz via Daniel Ladinsky "(Upon meeting with Love) Even the beggar becomes a king, the lame persons are able to walk or even fly, the blind is able to see this universe, and many of the difficult writings of the destiny which are at the forehead of a person can be wiped out. Even the fundamental essence of a person or a personality or a being can be made to change." -Mukunda 
2/20/20248 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Most Powerful Mantra #GMfaves

Someone asked me over the weekend what my main mantra is, and what their mantra should be.  This is my answer. ❤️ Note: the most powerful mantra is the one you chant and keep chanting.  The one that helps you keep recognizing the unbroken mantra of Silent-Love that's always, already here. Feel It, feel It, feel It, or hear It, hear It, hear It... hold on to the path you're on because it is your destiny and is leading you to your destiny. You've made it (!!!!), and you'll make it. I Love you, Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    "The first rule to amass inner and outer wealth is: before all else, have awareness of Eufeeling (GoOD feeling)."  -Dr. Frank Kinslow, The Kinslow System "When nothing anyway belongs to you, what is it that you want to give up? Just relax and have faith. That's surrender." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Try to remain in the inner stillness of the soul. That is where your real home is." - Sri Daya Mata "Thank God today for removing you from the situations that you weren't strong enough to remove yourself from... Focus on Jesus, not the storm.  Focus on Jesus, not the anxiety.  Focus on Jesus, not the pain.  Focus on the Jesus, not the struggle.  Focus on Jesus, not the enemy.  Focus on Jesus, not the world." -by KJ via @Living_Christian "Everyone here is Absolute Reality, Pure Awareness. This is your real nature. Right now, not some time in the future. Not when you get enlightened. But right this minute. This is what you are. Why will you not accept it?  When you think about yourself, do you think you're a puny human that has to struggle for existence and fight for survival? As long as you believe this, that's the way it's going to be for you. But as soon as you accept the truth about yourself, that you are a delight, Divine Sat-Chit-Ananda, you will be free. You simply have to accept this. There are no rituals you have to go through. There are no prayers you have to chant. You simply have to awaken to your true nature, Pure Awareness, Nirvana, Bliss, Consciousness. This is what you are right at this moment." -Robert Adams ("Silence of the Heart") "The next chapter of my life is called... I  told y'all ___! Respectfully." -@Bigluvnhollywood via IG 
2/19/202413 minutes, 11 seconds
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Whatever you need will just happen if you 'do' this... #GMweekend

Today we're staying focused on Exuberance until we see that there's not 'focus' AND 'exuberance'.  There's really only One.  Only Exuberance.  Only Exuberant-Focus. Silent, alert, attention... the feeling of staring without blinking, or listening for a very faint sound. This is your natural state and when you're being that, you feel Go(o)d, and then, "whatever you need will just happen."* I Love you and I'm with you, Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:  *"Whatever you need will just happen if you keep your energies exuberant and focused.!" -Sadhguru Link to episode about 'being still in Love... being Still and knowing God'-- How to Let Go and Let God- The Real Meaning of Surrender
2/18/202411 minutes, 30 seconds
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Time Is Never Lost – It is Rearranged #GMweekends

Every time you feel Peace, you're free. Every time you feel Peace, maya, the illusion, can't see you. Your old triggers can't find you. Your old karmas can't find you. You become invisible to them. Because you're so BRIGHT ... when you're like This. "You blind everyone, even yourself. " That's why you can't see anything, that's why the view ahead looks empty, that's why it appears dark... trust me that It isn't. Trust Him. He's touched you, and like it says in John, "one thing I do know: I was  blind and now I see." "I was one way, and now I'm completely different. And the thing that happened in between was Him." Love and Look. Look and SEE. Everything is changing. Nothing is the same. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    "The story is always old.  The silence is always brand new." -Jeff Foster "Keep going. No matter how stuck you feel. No matter how bad things are right now. No matter how many days you've spent crying. No matter how hopeless and depressed you feel. No matter how many days you've spent wishing things were different. I promise you won't feel this way forever. Keep going." -@Poetstext "Inhale: I am done holding this breath.  Exhale: I deserve to exhale." -@BlackLiturgies    "All is well, and everything is unfolding as it should. There are no mistakes. None have ever been made, none are being made, and none will ever be made." -Robert Adams "Your entire being is like a tree. Your family and friends only touch specific parts of it - mostly the fruits, maybe some branches . A large part of you remains untouched You feel like a machine, you feel dead inside. You shout , snap, and sulk at random things, or silently suffer. How to tell them that you want your entire being acknowledged? Or maybe you yourself have forgotten your entire being. That's why you need a person or a deity, a mortal or immortal, who is like air, who doesn't want anything specific from you , who touches every inch of your being, who makes you feel alive." - @ShunyaSouls via IG "You're so bright you blind even yourself." -Unknown “Matthew, you didn't lose any time. It just got rearranged. You're gaining it all back now.” -The Chosen on Amazon Prime "I was one way, and now I'm completely different. And the thing that happened in between was Him." -The Chosen on Amazon Prime 
2/17/202412 minutes, 45 seconds
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I just felt God softly say, "There's More." #GMfaves

You're going to look back and appreciate these days. These apparent 'slow' or 'no momentum' days. So relax into that Gratitude, now. Relax back into Love, now. Notice that when you're caught in a thought train, you're not aware of Love. But when you become aware of Love, you're no longer caught. You see that you were never caught. You were never in the train... you were watching it. Watching this life unfold. Watching 'the more' unfold from Here, (w)here you're Reigning, and Resting. I Love you, Nik ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    "I just felt God softly say to me, "there's more". There may be some of you who are at a point in life where you feel like what you see is it. Like there is nothing past what you see now, but God says "there's more." Hang in there and keep seeking God because what you see now isn't all that there is or will be, there's more!! I don't know why exactly it is those words popped into my spirit, but hopefully they mean something to someone, including myself! God Bless you!" -Derrika Danielle via IG @TheRealSweetSpot -Romans 5: 3-13 -Mary Magdelene 2019 Film "Make the conscious choice to move the attention of your anxious heart away from the waves and direct it to the One who walks on them and says, 'It's me... Don't be afraid'.. Look at him and say, 'Lord, have mercy: Say it again and again, not anxiously but with confidence that he is very close to you and will put your soul to rest." - Fr. Henri Nouwen via IG @claremsf "Recognize what is before your face and that which is hidden from the you will be revealed to you. For there is nothing hidden which shall not be made manifest, nor buried which shall not be raised." -Gospel of St. Thomas "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All." -Gospel of St. Thomas "When you understand that God is never late, you wait differently." -@amazinggracecoffee via IG "Being never came into being because It is eternal. Therefore nothing in the three-dimensional world ever came into being: it came into appearing." -Bob Pilato -"...with or within my light, sound, name and vibration." -Neil Douglas Klotz, The Aramaic Jesus "Thoughts are nearly always on a journey into a past or future, but our essential nature of pure Awareness never takes the journey with them." -Rupert Spira, The Ashes of Love   "Never forget God. Never forget your real Source. Never move away from the real center within you." -Amma "Be here now" -Ram Dass  
2/16/20249 minutes, 18 seconds
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It is written. #GMfaves

You're growing into your future. The one you thought you were just imagining, hoping for, but now know is Promised. It is written. No matter what comes. No matter what apparent failure happens on your way to It. It's yours. It's finished. And from this Vibration, from this posture, sitting up taller, shoulders down and back, stomach soft, breathing soft, soft smile, feeling the weight of this phone in your hands, you Watch. I Am Watching, too I Love you, Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    "Every time you remember, FORGIVE again." -Ash Elisé @imashelise 'Let the first words out of your mouth, while you are still on your pillow, be a cry to God: "I need you again today." -John Piper "You are reimagining a life for yourself there's no real blueprint for and i'm really proud of you for that." -Joél Leon "Pray every prayer as if it's your last." -@thedesiroyal "...for it is Written, "You shall be holy,  for I am holy." -I Peter 1:16 "Holiness-- A quality of divine innocence or purity, untainted by the slightest sin or impurity. Holiness is characterized not by separation from the impure (as in some traditional notions), but by the willingness to love and share and unite with all beings. Holiness is the fundamental and changeless nature of all that God creates." -ACIM "Forgiveness recognizes what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred. It does not pardon sins and make them real. It sees there was no sin. And in that view are all your sins forgiven." -ACIM "For you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children o of Light." -Ephesians 5:8
2/15/20248 minutes, 48 seconds
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Turn on the Light(s) #GMfaves

Looking, wanting, praying, waiting... This is all we do, until we are called to Be. The Silence has called you into Itself, beyond your problems, beyond your needs, beyond your prayers. And It's holding you (t)here, softly, as you become more like It, Holy. As you begin to appreciate It, fully. As you begin to Love It as It Loves you, to call on It, as It called you. LIGHTS ON. You were calling yourSelf. Only You are here. I Love You, nik [email protected] p.s. You can 'turn on the Love' anytime, not just while praying or chanting. Turn It on while you're working, while you're eating, while you're watching a show. Let the Light in and watch things change. ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    "All powers are hidden within the Self and they manifest when you connect to your consciousness." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "May all that has been reduced to noise in you, become music again." -unknown via FB There is only one step, no other steps." -J Krishnamurti "God can do more through your surrender than you can with your control." -@RealSweetSpot via IG "God is not just found in your blessings, answered prayers, and miracles. God is also in the waiting. He's in your moments of silence. He's in the seeking, asking, and surrendering. He's in the hard times. Even if you don't see or feel it, the Lord is with you and He will never forsake you. He will never change." -@joenasandiego via IG "To listen is to lean in, softly, with a willingness to be changed by what we hear." -Mark Nepo
2/14/20247 minutes, 44 seconds
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Live your life in His Will, and He will take care of everything. #GMfaves

Love's always carried you through before, why do you doubt It this time? Why do you doubt Me this time? Have courage, and B R E A T H E with Me. Exhale, while knowing that this anxiety you're feeling... it's what change feels like. It's how the beginning feels. The worst is behind you. Keep breathing. I Love you, Nik ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    "Aditya Hridayam Punyam Sarva Shatru Vinashanam" (all evil vanishes in life from the one who keeps the sun in his Heart) -Ramayana via Ram Dass "Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me." -The Jesus Prayer via This Book "The Jesus Prayer is work common to angels and humans. With this prayer people attain to the life of the angels in a short time. The prayer is the source of all good works and virtues and drives the dark passions far away from man. In a short time it makes a man capable of acquiring the grace of the Holy Spirit."  -Saint Paisius Velichkovsky "Mantra gives you the power and choice to switch on your inner-peace, at any time." - @NanakNaam via IG "Letting go is leaving behind things from the past that are still trying to control how you feel in the present. "Leave behind what no longer feels right. You did your time with that part of yourself, learned some lessons, and grew from it. Now you can take what you've learned and go into your next phase with a fresh mind that sees clearer, makes better choices, and feels more confident trusting your instincts. Rediscover yourself often. Leave behind the ideas, habits, and stories that don't define you anymore. This creates the space for you to keep growing, learning, and moving towards what feels meaningful, inspiring, and healing." - @HeyCoryAllen via IG "I am capable of changing destiny.  There is no power in the world that can go against what I have said. I can lower the exalted and raise the humble."  - Love speaking through Sri Neem Karoli Baba "His Will and He Will The life of a seeker continuously circles between the tangents of struggle and relief. The benchmark of truth for every sadhak is that Everything is His Will and He Will take care of everything.  Struggle is when the seeker's mind distances itself from the above fact and relief is when he surrenders every passing event of his life to "His will and He Will." -@pulkitagarawal via IG "An awake heart is like a sky that pours light." -Hafiz "It is in Love that we are made.  In Love we disappear."  -Leonard Cohen "One of the proofs that our Simran is being done correctly is that, in any kind of difficulty, we first remember Simran." -Baba Ram Singh
2/13/202410 minutes, 7 seconds
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On Your Mark, Get Set, Go(d) #GMfaves

The more often you remember 'Love appearing as this', the more Love moves to the foreground, and 'this' moves to the background. The more you'll realize it was this Love you've been getting ready for, that you've been getting set for, this Love that's been here all along-- It's the staring point, the finish line, and the whole track. And if you can carry It today, and pour It, carry, and pour, It will become a steady flow, a steady flow, that carries you. I Love you, Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Today's Quotes: "It's hard  to hear god's voice when you've already decided what you want Him to say." -Derricka Danielle via IG @therealsweetspot "Just as the hem of Jesus' garment flowed healing virtue, so even the borders of the inner kingdom flow with a glory impossible to describe- but very easy to experience. " -Abbot George Burke "The wonderful thing about praying is that you leave a world of not being able to do something, and enter God's realm where everything is possible.  He specializes in the impossible.  Nothing is too great for His almighty power.  Nothing is too small for His Love." -Corrie Ten Boom via IG @worshipblog "Your ego can only exist if you are tense. If you are relaxed existence is, you are not." -Osho "The blessing God has for is where He is and He is with you." -Derricka Danielle via IG @therealsweetspot "I found happiness because I desire nothing. It's a happiness I never knew existed. In the past, happiness was, 'Oh I bought a dress!' 'Oh I have this car!' It was all material things. Now I get up in the morning and meditate. Inside, a feeling of wellness where you're sitting there, just where you want to be. There's nothing you want. People think when you're on stage, that they are your glory days. The lights, the clothes... They were not my glory days. These, now, are my glory days." -Tina Turner "This is not about becoming a more Aware person than the person next to you. This is about realising you are not a person, there is no person next to you, and there is nothing other than Awareness." -Pat Nolan "Can't you see it's all perfect?" -Maharaji
2/12/20247 minutes, 43 seconds
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Affirm: I will not react to appearances today, I will see through them #GMfaves

My life depends on me being Love, because when I'm being Love, I can see through appearances, and when I can see through appearances, they change.  This is how you see yourself out of any situation you have outgrown.  Not through resistance. When the resistance comes up, immediately see through it, too!  See through every thought, through every emotion, through every person, place, and thing, to the REAL.  And let the REAL manifest and define Itself.  Note: The REAL feels like the feeling of Love in and as that body.  And you can sense It even when the body is discordant. I Love you and I'm with you! Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Today's Quotes:      Quotes:  "The two worse feelings in the world  are not having a job and having a job." -Unknown via IG " In wealth is the fear of poverty, in knowledge the fear of ignorance, in beauty the fear of age, in fame the fear of backbiters, in success the fear of jealousy, even in body is the fear of death. Everything in this earth is fraught with fear. He alone is fearless who has given up everything." -Swami Vivekananda "Do not try to control matter.  Know it does not exist. You control it by knowing it does not exist."  -Herb Fitch "Being never came into being because It is eternal.  Therefore nothing in the three-dimensional world ever came into being. It came into appearing. " -Bob Pilato  "In 2022, I resolve not to react to appearances, but to see through them."  -Gil Michaels 
2/11/202412 minutes, 53 seconds
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Let's Have an Out-of-Body Experience #GMweekend

The title is kind of a misnomer, because you aren't actually 'in' the body to begin with.  You're simply aware of the body... aware of the sense of having a body.  But what is it that's aware? What's aware of these words right now?  What's aware of the questions your mind is throwing out right now? This awareness is what you've been looking for, and It's actually what you're looking with.  This awareness is the way 'out' of ordinariness and into the extraordinary.   Let's open the door, together. I Love you, Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Today's Quotes:    "You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body." -C.S. Lewis "Know with surety that the physical body is but the cloak I wear about My shoulders." -Love speaking through Eva Bell Werber in 'Voice of the Master' "Man was given choice to see Me and know Me and to feel My presence, or to go on in his blind human way knowing Me not. I would have all men to know Me, the Life force within them." -Love speaking through Eva Bell Werber in 'Voice of the Master' "Without the knowledge of the knower, there can be no peace." -Nisargadatta Maharaj "The sense of being, of the "I Am" is a sense of location here, present inside this body, but not bound by this body." -Mooji "Love Itself is the actual form of God." -Ramana Maharshi  
2/10/202411 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Shortest Way to the God Experience #GMfaves to remember that you're never not having the God Experience. And  while you allow my voice to remind you of that, all you ever need is your heart beat, or your breath, or your mantra... Let everything you're not, remind you of everything You are. I Love you, Nik ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "You Are All Gods. If you only knew that behind the wave of your consciousness is the Sea Of God's Presence You must look within. Don't concentrate on the little wave of the body with its weaknesses, look beneath." -Paramahansa Yogananda "I believe many of us go through life sucking on pacifiers.  Oh, we don't see them because they are in our bank. Or they're parked in our garage. Or we live in them. Don't put your hope into things that change- relationships, money talents, beauty, even health. Set your sights on the one thing that can never change: trust in your heavenly Father." -via IG @patridance_starfire144 The Holy Spirit is more real to me then you are! -Kathryn Kuhlman "When people smile, it doesn't mean they are doing good, it means that they have chosen to smile.  If someone's happy, that doesn't necessarily mean everything is going right in their life.   It just means they've chosen to shift their attention to their blessings and derive the strength to face and fight their problems." -Gaur Gopal Das "Let your heart constantly beat with the thought, "God, God, God" - God all the twenty-four hours of the day, God as Love, God as Light, God as Omnipotence, God as Omniscience, God as Peace, God as unlimited Happiness, God as infinite Blessedness, God as an all-seeing Presence, God as an all-loving Father, God as an indestructible, Eternal, Absolute Truth, God as Beauty, Protection, Strength. Let your heart constantly beat with these words. This is the shortest way to God-experience." - Swami Omkarananda "Learn to live in such a way that those who know you, but don't know God, will come to know God because they know you." -St Teresa of Calcutta "This peace that the Teacher offers us is a seed. After it has taken root in good soil, it still must grow.  We are not yet in peace, for this peace is a process of becoming, a work that we accomplish—or rather that we allow to be accomplished—within us. Nowhere else will it be found, and no one can sell or rent it to us. There may well appear merchants of happiness with pacifiers that can calm the troubles of our days and nights for a while. But there are no merchants of beatitude. There is only a Presence that is to be discovered, and allowed to grow, in the very core of ourselves." -Leloup, Jean-Yves. The Gospel of Mary Magdalene (p. 69). Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Kindle Edition. 
2/9/20246 minutes, 51 seconds
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There is really only one problem-- distraction. #GMfaves

'If riches increase, set not your heart on them."* When opportunities come, when all the doors are thrown open,  because of how you've opened yourself to Grace, set not your heart on them. Keep your heart Here. Remembering that God is your provider, not what He has turned into, what he seems to become. The riches don't provide, the opportunities don't provide, they appear because of Him. Because of This... that you're hearing in abundance, that you're feeling in abundance. It's always Here, and when you live out from this, you'll always Have. I Love you, Nik ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Lead me to the rock that is higher than I."* -Psalm 61:2 "There is really only one problem,  distraction.  And therefore only one solutions,  mindfulness." -Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche "My most frequent complaint toward my partner or loved one reveals my greatest emotional need,  not their greatest flaw." -Anonymous via @Mikefoster2000 "Forgive them,  all of your thems.  The more thems you can forgive, the lighter you'll feel." - via IG @Mikefoster2000 "Ask yourself: where am I  Answer: here Ask yourself: what time is it? Answer:Now Say it until you can hear it." -Ram Dass "In a conversation between St. Seraphim of Sarov and Motovilov in the middle of a cold and snowy forest, the latter asked the saint, "How can I discern for myself the true manifestation of the Spirit of God in me?"  The old St. Seraphim firmly took Motovilov by the shoulder and said, "We are both in the Spirit of God now, my dear.Why don't you look at me?"  Motovilov replied, "| cannot look, Father, because your eyes are flashing like lightning. Your face has become brighter than the sun, and my eyes ache with pain."St. Seraphim said, "Don't be alarmed, your God-lovingness! Now you yourself have become as bright as I am. You are now in the fullness of the Spirit of God yourself; otherwise you would not be able to see me as I am." -via IG @annapolozicons "Stop focusing on the forms and focus on what's inside." -Rumi 
2/8/20248 minutes, 5 seconds
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My Feelings Are Not God, God is God. #GMfaves

If things in your life aren't going good right now... good. Things always get worse before they get better. Like any renovation or spring cleaning you've ever witnessed, dust gets stirred up, things get pulled out, stuff gets thrown away... sorted. Space is made. Be thankful for this Space. Even though It looks empty. He'll make It full again. It already is, but your eyes can't see. Trust. And bear witness. I Love you, Nik p.s. Love isn't a feeling, It's beyond. Feelings are distortions of Love.  ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    "The Name is unseen because it is the enigma of the unseen, which comes to ears that are full of Him. Our Father's name is unutterable, but known through His Son. The Name is Great. Who will be capable of uttering His holy Name? Only our Father, who owns the Name, and his sons, in whom the Name lives. Since our Father is unborn, He alone is the One who created for Himself the Name, before He created the Aeons, so that His Name as Father might rule as Lord. That is His Name in Truth, stable in control, through His flawless force." -The Gnostic Gospels, Alan Jacobs "Way Maker Miracle Worker Promise Keeper Light in the Darkness" -@worshipblog via IG "God, who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain but without stain." -C. S. Lewis via @worshipblog IG "My feelings are not God. God is God. My feelings do not define truth. God's word defines truth. My feelings are echoes and responses to what my mind perceives. And sometimes - many times - my feelings are out of sync with the truth. When that happens - and it happens every day in some measure - I try not to bend the truth to justify my imperfect feelings, but rather, I plead with God: Purify my perceptions of your truth and transform my feelings so that they are in sync with the truth. - John Piper, Finally Alive via IG @worshipblob "What you hear clearly between your two ears. shout from the roof tops." -The Gnostic Gospels, Alan Jacobs "Note to self: Don't seek to be relevant, or liked, seek to be undeniable. Seek to be compassionate. Seek integrity. Seek humility. Seek Light." -@worshipblog via IG “I want that love that moved the mountains. I want that love that split the ocean. I want that love that made the winds tremble. I want that love that roared like thunder. I want that love that will raise the dead. I want that love that lifts us to ecstasy. I want that love that is the silence of eternity.” -Rumi "You did not choose me but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last..." -Jesus (John 15:16)  
2/7/20245 minutes, 28 seconds
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Your Hard Work and GoOD Deeds Are Never Wasted. Proceed.

Why are you so tired, when 'I' perform(s) that which is given you to do? It's My responsibility, My battle, not yours. That's My meeting. That's My commute. That's Me stirring in you. Love stirring. That's why I gave you this day-- to pray ceaselessly, to feel My Love constantly, no matter what you think you're feeling, no matter what you think you're seeing, no matter what you think you're hearing... You're silently knowing-- only God is here, only Love is here, and I Am that.  "I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name." -Exodus 33:17    I Love you, Nik [email protected] p.s. I = God = Love = Invisible, Formless, Faceless You = Me There's only That. ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "You will get a result for your hard work. Proceed with the thing, you will reach a high position. Trust me." -Maharajji "Lord, I don't want to be paralyzed with uncertainty. Help me to follow your voice even when I have questions. Please direct me as I move forward, and keep me in the middle of your will." -Chris Tiegreen "Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart And do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way.]" -Proverbs 3:5-6 AMP "Doubt is an unstable state where your foot is neither on this shore nor on the other. This leads to tension. One way or the other, take a direction and regain your footing. Have you noticed that you usually doubt the things that are positive in your life? You don't doubt negative things so much. You doubt a person's honesty, and you believe in his dishonesty. When someone is angry with you, you have no doubt about his anger. But when someone says he loves you, a doubt creeps in: Does he really love me? When you are depressed, do you ever think: Am I really depressed? No, you accept your depression as a fact. Yet when you are happy, you doubt: Am I really happy; is this what I really wanted? You doubt your capability, but never your weakness. Look at this tendency to doubt the positive things in your life. Doubt the negative and put your trust in the positive. Put doubt in its proper place and doubt the doubts." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, A Note to a Sincere Seeker "There is a breakthrough breaking through. The atmosphere is heavy with blessings and the Lord is saying, "Any moment now! Stay in position! Prepare!" Do not back track! Deny the enemies lies and tactics. This is your time!" -@Godlywaiting "Old feelings will resurface. Old thought patterns will resurface. Things you thought you got over will come back up. But who you are in relation to them is what changes. You don't have to hold so tight like you once did. You have a greater capacity now. You have the chance in the moment of extreme discomfort, to know yourself beyond it. These things don't come back up as a punishment. It's to show you who you really are. Be still. Be gentle with yourself. You're doing amazing!! I love you!!" -@sistercody via IG "Just because 'seeming' challenges come up, does not mean that you're not Self-Realized, or Spiritually Enlightened." -Ray A. McCloud
2/6/20248 minutes, 17 seconds
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Your Tears Are Prayers, Too. #GMfaves

He chose you. Love chose you to wake up. It chose you to pray ceaselessly. To Hear, ceaselessly.  Your silence is prayer. Your mantra is prayer. This Love you feel is prayer. Your tears are prayers. And in every moment they're answered, 'Here I Am'. I Love you, Nik [email protected] ******God is afoot! I’m writing, and working on something BIG (and very useful) for your practice! I’ll share #ListenerFavorite episodes until I return with new ones in Spring! Look out for announcements soon! Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    "All night, a man called 'Allah' Until his lips were bleeding. Then the Devil said, 'Hey! Mr Gullible! How comes you've been calling all night And never once heard Allah say, 'Here, I am'? You call out so earnestly and, in reply, what? I'II tell you what. Nothing!' The man suddenly felt empty and abandoned. Depressed, he threw himself on the ground And fell into a deep sleep. In a dream, he met Abraham, who asked, 'Why are you regretting praising Allah?' The man said, 'I called and called But Allah never replied, 'Here I am.' Abraham explained, 'Allah has said, 'Your calling my name is My reply. Your longing for Me is My message to you. All your attempts to reach Me Are in reality My attempts to reach you. Your fear and love are a noose to catch Me. In the silence surrounding every call of 'Allah' Waits a thousand replies of 'Here I am.'" -Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi (r.a.) "To run, you must first walk. To walk, you must first stand. To stand, you must first crawl. To crawl, you must first be held. Start where you are." - @corymuscara "When you feel your peace slipping away and anxiety rushing in, stand firm and remember that Jesus has given you His peace." -Joyce Meyer "Your tears are prayers, too. " -@speakholyspirit "God will give you a Peace that makes no sense." - @michelles_losing_it "The principal thing is to stand before God with the mind in the heart, and to go on standing before Him unceasingly day and night, until the end of life"  -(Bishop Theophan, quoted by Kallistos Ware in The Power of the Name: The Jesus Prayer in Orthodox Spirituality) "When you are tempted, recognize that a crown is being prepared for you." -St. John Chrysostom 
2/6/20248 minutes, 36 seconds
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This is What You Came For #GMweekends

You came for the Real not the fake. You came for the Kingdom, not the symbols of It.  While you are truly blessed by worldly success, you're more blessed and excited because you know (you are) the Source of it. That's what keeps this Light on, here-- the Source of the miracles, the Source of the stuff, not the stuff. That's what gets me up every morning.  That's what inspires me to share each day. I'm grateful for the words that come, but the Silence they come from... I give all the praise, all the glory.  What will that Silence become in your life? Listen... and see :)  Watch what happens. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Feeling and experiencing infinity within this finite body, living timelessness within the time span of life- this is what you are here for." -Ravi Shankar "Love Existed Before Heaven or Earth." - Hafiz "Closer is He than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet. God is law, say the wise; O soul, and let us rejoice, For if He thunder by law the thunder is yet His voice." -Lord Alfred Tennyson "The one who listens to Me, will be happy." - and other select Passages from Proverbs 8 from the Bible
2/4/20247 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Only Thing of Real Value is Love Itself #GMweekends

When I sit down in the morning to chant, I'm sitting down to feel Love. When I' sitting down to record for you, I'm sitting down to feel Love. When I'm doing yoga or breathing exercises, I'm doing it to feel Love. When I'm doing any spiritual practice, ever, I'm only doing it as a way to feel Love. The practices will "get you in the room with Christ. But only Love will keep you (t)here."* Everything I do, I do for Love... to remember It, to feel It, to know It as my Self. I Love you, Nik SUPPORT THE SHOW! ▶▶ ________________________________ Today's Quotes: "The most subtle aspect of my teaching is Love. The circle around that subtle point, in order to realize it, is the spiritual practices such as meditation, repetition of the name of the Lord, talking with good people, directing the mind away from harmful thoughts, and so on. In themselves, these spiritual practices are of no value. The only thing of real value is Love itself." -Satya Sai Baba "The true mystic is not a devotee lost in ecstatic communion with the One, or a reclusive saint who avoids others. The true mystic lives alongside other people- coming and going, eating and sleeping, buying and selling, marrying and chatting-- but not for a moment does he forget God." -Abus Sa'id lbn Abi-l-Khayr "The yogi medicine puts you in a room with Christ.  But it can’t keep you there. The only thing that can keep you there is love."* -Maharajji "Q: I have been practicing japa and meditation for a long time, but there is not enough progress. Amma: You should also love God. Without love no amount of japa and meditation will bear fruit. When your love for God becomes very strong, all the bad vasanas (mental tendencies) within you will automatically drop away. Rowing a boat against the current is difficult, but if there is a sail it becomes easy. Love for God is like a sail that helps the boat go forward. When two lovers are sitting together, they won't like it when anyone comes near them. A real sadhak has the same attitude. He doesn't like anything that isn't related to God. Living with the thought of God always in his mind, he can't bear any obstacles that come between himself and God. Compared to his love for God, everything else is worthless to him. Son, one should have true lakshya bodha (one-pointed focus on the goal). Only then can one's sadhana (spiritual practices) become deep. When someone sets out with a strong desire to reach a certain place, no obstacle can stop him. If he misses the bus, he will take a taxi. But if he lacks interest, he may decide to go home if he misses the bus, thinking he can try again the next day. Children, without intensity in sadhana it is difficult to reach the goal. Before you sow the seed you have to prepare the land, clearing it of grass and weeds. Otherwise it is difficult for the seeds to sprout. In the same way, we can enjoy the bliss of the Self only if we clear the mind of all external things and direct it to God." -Amma
2/3/20245 minutes, 22 seconds
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"Better days are ahead." -God #GMweekends

Better days are Here. BECAUSE WE'RE HERE. Because you can hear this Silence. Because you can feel this Love. Because you can chant His Name. He IS His Name. And you're finally praying in It, and Nothing is the same. I Love you, Nik [email protected]      Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    "Better days are ahead." -God -Neil Vermillion "This is how you pray continually - not by offering prayers in words, but by joining yourself to God through your whole way of life, so that your life becomes one continuous and uninterrupted prayer." - St Basil the Great "You just do the work of Lord Rama and chanting His name, I will take care of everything else." -Maharajji "Do not fear adversity before you this day, nor the uncertainty in your horizon. Do not reject the revelation I give you simply because it does not look the way you thought it would look. Do not run from the call upon our life, even though it is more costly than you want it to be. Do not run from me, for in all these things I will remain faithful, and I will not only guide, but also strengthen and empower, you as I protect and instruct you day by day in the development of the call upon your life..." -Neil Vermillion via email "Kabir says: Student, tell me what is God? He is the breath inside the breath." -Kabir "I love it when God interrupts my thoughts and reminds me that the battle is not mine, but His."  -via Twitter @IsraeMbonyi "Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who brings sleep to my eyes, slumber to my eyelids. May it be Your will, Lord my God and God of my ancestors, that I lie down in peace and that I arise in peace. Let my sleep be undisturbed by troubling thoughts, bad dreams, and wicked schemes. May I have a night of tranquil slumber. May I awaken to the light of a new day, that my eyes may behold the splendor of Your light. Praised are You, Lord whose glory gives light to the entire world." -Shema (bedtime prayer) "You're in one season and if you don't quit, one day you are going to wake up in a new season your hard work your discipline your sacrifices and your faithfulness are never wasted With God, a wiating season is never a wasted season. " -@Craiggroeschel 
1/28/202411 minutes, 30 seconds
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How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed #GMweekends

God has sent (t)His Love for us to follow out of the illusion. So don't let anything distract you from this Love. Not yourself, not your thoughts, or anyone else. Nothing is worth it. Nothing, this No Thing, this Silence is worth it. It's worth your attention. It made you worthy. It made you Holy. It has given you a Purpose. And right now It looks like whatever you are called to do 'today'. The pressure is not on you, the Presence is on you.* Affirm: The Presence is on me, in me, for me. And then just do it. Don't think about it. Just do it. Just watch It accomplish everything. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    "Pressure on you, Presence on me." -Gabriel Lopez "I have been asked many times, "How do you stop thinking?" And I have found one way. The minute I can look at any person or condition and know that it is neither good nor evil, my thought stops, and my mind becomes quiet. That is the end of it because then there are no thoughts left for me to think about it: I do not think good of it and I do not think evil of it. All I know is that it is, and then I am back at the center of my being where all power is." -Joel S Goldsmith "Unless you give up the idea that the world is real, then your mind will always be after it." -Sri Ramana Maharshi "The kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth but people don't see it." -The Gospel of Thomas “It seemed as if Maharaj-ji was about to answer, but instead his eyes closed and he sat there completely still, completely silent. It felt like he'd totally disappeared. In all the time I'd been with him, I'd only seen him sitting motionless like this a couple of times before. It was extraordinarily powerful, as if the whole universe had become silent. Then a tear came down his cheek. We were in awe. After a couple of minutes, his eyes half opened and, with great emotion, he quietly said, 'He lost himself in love, that's how he meditated. He was one with all beings. He loved everyone, even the people who crucified him. He never died. He is the atman [soul]. He lives in the hearts of all. He lost himself in love." -Krishna Das  "God is in me, God is with me. God is for me." -@Sardinebread 
1/27/202411 minutes, 44 seconds
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God is Whole, God is Perfect, and God is You. #GMweekends

Today, see every thought as Consciousness, as God, misperceived, unrecognized. See every thought like a wolf skin that's covering your awareness of God. Behind that fear of death, is the Love of God. Behind that thought predicting that you're not going to get that promotion is the One that does the promoting. Behind that thought of 'you' is the real You, the Self, the 'I Am'.  Stay in touch with That,  feel That, and  watch your life change and become Light, Fun, Love. I Love you, Nik [email protected]  Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    "One day Rumi arrives home.  He sees his son upset and asks the reason. His son replies 'nothing--' and upon his response, Rumi goes outside. He takes a wolf skin that's hanging on the door and puts it on.   He then raises his hands and starts howling, and when his son sees him, he begins to laugh. Rumi said, 'did you see son? This is how worldly trials are.  The wolf is a scary animal, but you didn't get scared when your father was behind it, and you laughed.  Just like that, know that your Lord is behind all your trials and trust Him.'" -via @towardseternity via IG "Let us think of our mind as a door. Since God, Infinity, is omnipresent, the moment we open the door, this Infinity floods us, and we are under Grace... But we have a part to play: 'Lord I know you are knocking at the door of my consciousness, and I am opening my consciousness.  Take over my mind and body. Be my soul; be my life." -Joel Goldsmith "What is left when God is taken out of our consciousness? Fear, ignorance, superstition, desire. anxiety. concern, get, give me, help me, I, me, mine." -Joel Goldsmith "Treat everyone you meet like God in drag." -Ram Dass 
1/21/20247 minutes, 53 seconds
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Finding Your Way Home #GMweekends

The success of your calling is up to Him, but the surrendering is up to you. The Being Still and Knowing is up to you. The illusion-breaking is up to you. "I found my Life when I laid it down."* I found this work only after I came to Him. Every time you come Here, every time you find the Silence, you have found your way Home, and after a short rest, you'll Know what to do next, too. You'll just Know. And It'll be GoOD.  I Love you, Nik [email protected]      Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes:    "When you are looking for happiness, you are actually looking for God." -@terapiacon via IG "When God calls you to something, He is not always calling you to succeed, He's calling you to obey! The success of the calling is up to Him; The obedience is up to you." -David Wilkerson "If your soul is on fire to serve in a way that scares you to death. And you don't feel worthy, ready, able. And the burning will not leave you alone. Congratulations. You have your calling. -Jaiya John, Freedom: Medicine Words for Your Brave Revolution "A King Inside Who Listens There are many people with their eyes open whose hearts are shut. What do they see? Matter. But someone whose love is alert, even if the eyes go to sleep, he or she will be waking up thousands of others..." -Rumi *"I found my life when I laid it down I touch the sky when my knees hit the ground." -via @worshipblog Touch the Sky, Hillsong Worship "Listen warrior, you will be faced with an illusion and you will not know that you are within an illusion. Your task is getting yourself out of it and to return home safely." -Braddha Bala "God remembers every small prayer, every tear. A tear is a door through which I can come. How can I come into a heart that doesn't long for me?" -Mother Meera- "No amount of anxiety makes any difference to anything that is going to happen." -Alan Watts "The simple truth is that the only thing that stands between us and God is the ability to be still." -Sant Rajinder Singhji Maharaj "When God calls you to something, He is not always calling you to succeed, He's calling you to obey! "The success of the calling is up to Him; The obedience is up to you." -David Wilkerson "God is stirring your heart to seek Him because He intends to be found." -Banning Liebscher "The will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you." - @adiwilliam8 via IG 
1/20/20246 minutes
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The Key of Life #GMweekends

It's Here, even in the trembling, in the crying, in the storm, like a little pinpoint of light that catches your eye, that catches your attention long enough for you to catch your breath. You become conscious of your breath again. You're able to relax your shoulders down and back again. You may not be smiling, but your Soul is. God Is. You're  Hearing... that tone, that Key. Remembering that Presence IS your prayer. Silence is your prayer. Love is my prayer, and Love takes care of Love. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "No prayer is complete without Presence " -Rumi "The basic condition for us to be able to hear the call of beauty and respond to it is silence." -Thich Nhat Hahn "It is in the dark that God is passing by. The bridge and our lives shake not because God has abandoned, but the exact opposite: God is passing by. God is in the tremors. Dark is the holiest ground, the glory passing by. In the blackest, God is closest, at work, forging His perfect and right will. Though it is black and we can't see and our world seems to be free-falling and we feel utterly alone, Christ is most present to us..." -Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are "The wise one does not try to control life and is not controlled by life. His heart is full and serene knowing that life takes care of life." -Mooji "Saints are the sinners who kept going." -Robert Louis Stevenson "Happiness does not enter making noise it is there everyday amid the little joys. -look closely" -@cayswords_ I via IG "Whatever happens in your life, no matter how troubling things might seem, do not enter the neighborhood of despair. Even when all doors remain closed, God will open up a new path only for you. Be thankful! It is easy to be thankful when all is well. A Sufi is thankful not only for what he has been given but also for all that he has been denied." -Shams Tabrizi "I've watched you. I've watched everything you have been through I've watched you fall  i've watched you get hurt I've watched you fight and get back up I've watched you learn I've watched you grow I also watched how hard you've been working To become the best version of yourself i've seen your heart today and it's beautiful it's pure  and it's ready to be loved the same way that I love you get ready because it's coming next week, everything you've been praying for." - @dailyuplifeingposts via IG   "It's desire which keeps you poor." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Songs in the Key of Life"  -Stevie Wonder Song- We Fall Down by Donnie McClurkin -
1/14/20248 minutes, 27 seconds
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Affirm: What I Don't Have Now, I Don't Need Now #GMweekends

'All you need is Love', and you have that, now. You are Love, now, beyond the form, and the formless, aware of both, causing both, appearances. Walking like both a king, and a servant. Let us run. Let us love. Let us pray. Come, this is the Way. I Love You, (I = Love = You ... the redundancy of It all!)    Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: 'All you need is Love' -The Beatles "I  have held many things in my hands, and I have last them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still passess." -Martin Luther "The first step in yoga is to let go, because it is the desires in the mind which restricts you. You should have this feeling, I will get what I need. Once this feeling is there, then where is the need to want something? So just let go and relax!" -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Whatever happens, hold on to His feet without loosening the grip even slightly." -Amma "Walk like a King and be the perfect servant." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "God has promised to supply all our needs. What we don't have now, we don't need now." -Elisabeth Elliot "True prayer is the dissolution of the one who prays and the one who is prayed to, leaving the heart open, naked and melted." - Rupert Spira "Nothing is ever really happening... the motion, the change, the seeming movement, the time, the space... nothing is actually happening, we must sit still with this in the silence, until the truth of it starts to reveal itself.  We must do this, if it takes a day, or a month of days, we must do this... we have to be willing to be uncompromising, because there's no need to be half in and half out... even if we could be." -Octavia Williams "This appearance I see is not happening." -Herb Fitch  
1/13/20246 minutes, 20 seconds
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God is saying He's gonna do it early in the year... #GMFaves

Love is appearing as a European retreat right now, but I'll be back with new episodes on Jan 8th! I love you! I am you!  ****** We aren't piecemealin' our Peace this year. "I want that." "I need that." We're being THAT, which is all of 'that' and more. You're beyond what you desire. You're beyond what you think you're lacking, what you think will complete you, it already is you, so reclaim it as a part of your Self. Take it back, while knowing that this Light is All you really want. This Light that's here, already. It's not coming tomorrow, or even later today, It's Now. It's You(rs). You're His. I Love You, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "And if you understand that, you will understand that you didn't finish reading this book, you just finished writing it." -Jed McKenna  "He's gonna do it early in the year. You're not gonna have to wait months for it to come to pass. The spirit of the Lord is saying that he's gonna do it early! - @Godlywaiting via IG '"You're the one who has to meet what you want at the vibration where it is." -Abraham Hicks "...There is a strength, but also a lightness. There is power, but also softness. There is firmness, but also flexibility. The being is like solid emptiness. Immeasurable. Weightless. Yet more solid than a mountain. Lighter than space. Full yet empty. Sublime." -Mooji "Dear friends, I want you to hear this: what is said of Jesus is said of you. I know this can be hard to affirm.  You are the beloved daughter or son of God. Can you believe it? Can you hear it not only in your head through your physical ears but in your gut, hear it so that your whole life can be turned around? Go to the scriptures and read: "I have loved you with an everlasting love. I have written your name in the palm of my hand from all eternity.  I have molded you in the depths of the earth and knitted you in your mother's womb. I love you. I embrace you. You are mine and I am yours and you belong to me." You have to hear this, because if you can hear this divine voice speak to you from all eternity, then your life will become more and more the life of the beloved, because that is who you are." -Henri Nouwen via IG @claremsf "Just wake up and say, "I don't care" for a minute.  Drop the desire and say, "I don't want this", the next second something comes up in you, and that is a smile. -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "When a cat falls out of a tree, it lets go of itself. The cat becomes completely relaxed, and lands lightly on the ground. But if a cat were about to fall out of a tree and suddenly make up its mind that it didn't want to fall, it would become tense and rigid, and would be just a bag of broken bones upon landing.  In the same way, it is the philosophy of the Tao that we are all falling off a tree, at every moment of our lives. As a matter of fact, the moment we were born, we were kicked off a precipice, and we are falling, and there is nothing that can stop it.  So instead of living in a state of chronic tension, and clinging to all sorts of things that are actually falling with us because the whole world is impermanent, be like a cat." - Alan Watts
1/7/20247 minutes, 47 seconds
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Your homework is to stay Home inside your Heart. #GMfaves

Love is appearing as a European retreat right now, but I'll be back with new episodes on Jan 8th! I love you! I am you!  ****** Every time you find that place inside that is forever still, you are Home. You are in Heaven.  You can turn any moment into heaven by, 'going into your heart cave' as Ram Dass would say.  Go into your heart cave before you go into your office tomorrow.  Don't leave your heart cave. Realize you ARE the heart cave, itself.   I Love you and I'm with you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: “Rumi says, ‘The one who brought me here must take me home.’ Who is the one who brought you here? That Grace is calling you home. Where is home, which direction is home? You and home are the same thing.” -Mooji "It is foolish to think that we will enter heaven without entering into ourselves." -St. Teresa of Avila "Having never left the house you are looking for the way home." -Nisargadatta Maharj "Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder.  Help someone's soul heal.  Walk out of your house like a shepherd." -Rumi "We are called into the inner room, and then out again to serve others." -Carl McColman “Your homework is to stay home inside your heart.” - Mooji
1/7/20248 minutes, 17 seconds
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Nothing Will Interfere With God’s Plan for Your Life- "Don't Lose Sight" #GMfaves

Love is appearing as a European retreat right now, but I'll be back with new episodes on Jan 8th! I love you! I am you!  ****** Watch Love the way you'd watch an unexpected lizard friend on the wall of your bedroom! Don't lose sight of It for nothing! I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: **Love Your Breath meditation inspired by Ram Dass "Just as a lamp in a windless place does not flicker, so the disciplined mind of a yogi remains steady in meditation on the Self." -Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6:19 Self = God = Loving Awareness = What you truly are "As the golden flame of the candle burns steadily, without flicker or wavering, so shall My Flame burn ever more in your heart. It shall burn out all dross of the mortal mind, smallness of nature, meanness of spirit, vindictiveness, jealousy. It shall burn out all carelessness of your habits, in the outer realms of your being. My Law and My Order can then function perfectly in your life. Then and then only will you be a worthy vessel for the inflow of My Spirit. Then and then only can My Spirit flow through you to other of My children. Likewise shall all disease be burned from the physical body, that nothing shall interfere with My Plan for your life. As the sigh of your spirit disturbs the flame and makes the candle drip, so the faintest wavering of your feet from the path of attainment causes a less steady burning of My Flame in your heart, and My Work goes on in imperfection. Oh, My Beloved, how necessary that you live with the eye single, to the high purpose of your calling. But you have many helpers. No soul who enters the path is left to walk alone. So go on, day by day, with the light and assurance of My Love in your face. Mighty Ones whom you see not, are by your side. And the forces of darkness shall touch you not." -Eva Bell Werber, ‘Quiet Talks the Master’ "Dear God, help me to not lose sight of your presence when things are going well." -Unknown Support the show  
1/6/20248 minutes, 23 seconds
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We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties... #GMfaves

Love is appearing as a European retreat right now, but I'll be back with new episodes on Jan 8th! I love you! I am you!  ****** Chanting keeps my eyes on God.  My 'I' in, and AS God.  I chant Ram, Ram, Ram all throughout the day as often as I can remember (60%-75% of my waking hours-- aloud when I'm alone, silently when I'm with others).  When I'm hearing the Sound (sounds like a high pitch 'eeeeee', here), I stop chanting and just Hear. Sometimes I continue to chant Ram WHILE hearing the Sound at the same time. Whether I'm chanting or hearing, I'm KNOWING by feeling that I'm not here as this body, as this scene, as this moment, I'm here as Love.  I'm here as the Sound. I'm here as Light.  The Sound, the Name breaks my belief in the world, in my problems, in myself. This is a 24/7 365 practice. It must go on constantly. It is your rope. Your lifeline. Keep climbing and don't let go!      Check out this excerpt on mantras from Polishing the Mirror by Ram Dass- "Keep repeating your mantra consciously until it has become a strong habit. Go for a walk and say the mantra all the time you are walking. Notice everything but keep the mantra going. Keep realizing that being with God is your focus… and therefore everything you see is part of God. Maharajji said, “The best form in which to worship God is all forms.” Everyone you meet is Ram who has come to teach you something. Mantra is remembering that place in the heart – Ram, Ram, Ram. Say it, mouth it, think it, feel it in your heart. You are continually meeting and merging into perfection. The Divine is present in the soul of all living beings and in the Universe." Check out  Chants of a Lifetime (my favorite book on chanting and devotion) by Krishna Das! The audiobook was just recorded last year and is updated with new commentary.  I Love you , Nik [email protected]      Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties."  -Oswald Chambers "There are so many thoughts in the mind Thought after thought after thought. But there is one thought that is continuous, though it is mostly sub-conscious: 'I am the body? This is the string on which all other thoughts are threaded. Once we identify ourselves with the body by thinking this thought, maya follows. It also follows that if we cease to identify with the body, maya will not affect us anymore." - Annamalai Swami  "You have caught My Voice, and the meaning of the words I speak is becoming plain in your heart. You are coming to see that in the realm of Pure Spirit there is nothing which can come and go, rise and fall, fail or succeed..." -Excerpt from Quiet Talks with the Master by Eva Bell Werber "Everything in this life is meant to draw you closer to me. -God" - IG @faith_on_fire__ "Nothing is personal, because You are not a person." - IG @ram_bodhi "Nobody wants to do it - not real change, not soul change, not the painful molecular change required to truly become who you need to be. Nobody ever does real transformation for fun.  Nobody ever does it on a dare. You do it only when your back is so far against the wall that you have no choice anymore." - Elizabeth Gilbert Support the show
1/5/202410 minutes, 15 seconds
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Pre-Party 🎉 #GMfaves

Love is appearing as a European retreat right now, but I'll be back with new episodes on Jan 8th! I love you! I am you!  ****** Feel the celebration that's happening in your inner Being right now. Don't use your mind, just go straight to that Joy you were ignoring. THIS is what you promised God. You promised to feel like THIS no matter what, no matter who, no matter where. You promised to remember Him, to share (t)His Love, to be It. In this moment, you're fulfilling that promise, and you're being rewarded. Don't worry if you can't see It yet, for now just trust that Feeling, this pre-party inside, and get ready. I Love you and I Am (is) with you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Change rooms in your mind for a day." Hafiz "Celebration is an attitude, to celebrate life you don't have to spend a lot of money. Celebration comes from enthusiasm and joy. When you are depressed, that's when celebration is needed the most. Reconcile with the past and move on to the future with enthusiasm.  Share what you have with others." -Ravi Shankar "When my mind starts racing and I begin to worry, I will remember this:  God is not caught off guard by what I am going through. God is in control. He is with me. There is nothing in my life that hasn't first passed through His love. There are no emergencies in heaven. Jesus is not moved by the chaos. He is Lord over it. I can trust Him. -@ruthschwenk via IG "My vocation is love!" -St. Therese of Lisieux "Now that your worry has proved such an unlucrative business, why not find a better job?" -Hafiz  Support the show  
1/4/20247 minutes, 36 seconds
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You Will Soon See That It Was GoOD #GMfaves

Love is appearing as a European retreat right now, but I'll be back with new episodes on Jan 8th! I love you! I am you!  ****** If tears have been flowing more than usual lately, then know that you're closer than usual, closer than you used to be , closer to your breakthrough. Those tears that fall are watering your harvest, a heavy one. The tears must be. They must fall. But if you can feel the Sun at the same time, if you can still know It's (t)here, if you can still feel (t)His love, you'll soon see It is GoOD, all of It. And you will smile, Now. I Love you, Nik Today's Quotes: *"You will soon see that it was good. The pain that led you to the promise. The tears that brought you to his feet.  You'll see that the father had a purpose, and every broken road was leading to your destiny. - @Hopeforthehopeless_ via IG "Coming to trust and surrender to our Higher Power is the work of a lifetime. Just begin. And each day commit to beginning again." -Richard Rohr "She started the year with a simple prayer, "Lord, lead the way. - @joenasandiego via IG "Trust. Wait. Believe." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Say not ye, ‘There are yet four months and then cometh the harvest’? Behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest." -John 4:35
1/4/20246 minutes, 13 seconds
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"Continue." - God #GMFaves

Love is appearing as a European retreat right now, but I'll be back with new episodes on Jan 8th! I love you! I am you!  ****** You are what the Christ has transformed Itself into. It's become you, me, your neighbors, your friends, your coworkers, and your enemies. And this year we're loving ALL of our Self-- remembering that where ourselves appear, only He is. Only Joy is, right behind the person, right behind their eyes, beyond those hands, look down at them... Right beyond those hands, is His hand, stretched out still.* Stilling you, enough to feel His Grace , as that breath that you just took. And that one. And that one. Continue this way. This is The Way.   *Isaiah 9:12, 17 I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "That breath you just took is by God's grace." - @NeilVermillion via IG "Be in love with existence! And let love be like breathing. Breathe in, breathe out, but let it be love coming in, going out. By and by with each breath you have to create that magic of Love. " -Osho "[The Self]...might equally be called the "God within us". -Carl Jung "There is no 'other'. The truth is that you are always alone. Even when you are with others, you are essentially alone. However, it is a beautiful aloneness; it is not psychological. You are not alone anymore as a person. You are alone as everything--as the only One. All the various 'others' are only forms of the single Self." -Mooji "Who are you when you are just with you?" - @sophia.joan.short via IG "This is important. But let me spin this for a moment also and ask you something: How often do you see someone's open hand and hold it? Look at your hands for a moment. There are people out there whose hand yours will fit into. That's why you have hands - to hold the hands of others, to lift up others by their hands, to place things in the hands of others, to work with your hands alongside others.  May God give us eyes to see the open hands; and the willingness to hold them as long as they need." - Mark Gladman @monkindocs via IG "And if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail." -Isaiah 58:10-11 "… Continue To dare to love deeply And risk everything For the good thing Continue To float Happily in the sea of infinite substance Which set aside riches for you Before you had a name Continue And by doing so You and your work Will be able to continue Eternally" - excerpt from , 'Continue' by Maya Angelou "Your life is to be put out for others.... if you keep it to yourself, it rots... Put your life out there for people & Divinity.." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Acquire the spirit of peace and a thousand souls around you will be saved." -St. Seraphim of Sarov "Our self (I) is what Maharaj transformed himself into leaving behind the image of what is the medium which holds us toget
1/3/20248 minutes, 11 seconds
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Can you change how things turn out by changing how you feel? #GMfaves

Love is appearing as a European retreat right now, but I'll be back with new episodes on Jan 8th! I love you! I am you!  ****** An Important replay from Jan 2022 Every time you  see something disturbing today (a headline, an email, an annoying someone), or feel some inner upset, pause and remember, 'I'm It'.  You've been tagged.  You've been chosen to remember that things aren't as they appear.  You become the witness of the inner or outer disturbance AND witness to the Love that's also present.  Feel Love in that body while the disturbance appears to be (t)here.  This is the first and last step. Witness as Love smiles that face, relaxes that body, and stirs up Peace and calm-confidence. This is what 'It' feels like.  When  you're feeling It, you're being It, and soon you'll be seeing the fruits of 'It' in and as the world. You're IT, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "God Disguised As a myriad of things and Playing a game Of tag Has kissed you and said, "You're it--- I mean, you're Really IT!" No It does not matter What you believe or feel For something wonderful, Major-league Wonderful Is someday going To Happen. " - Daniel Ladinsky, from 'You're It' in "The Gift, Poems by Hafiz"     "I became conscious of being (feeling) it.  I am still conscious of being it. And I shall continue to be conscious of being it until that which I am conscious of being is perfectly expressed. " -Neville Goddard "By changing the way you feel you can change the way things turn out." -Abraham Hicks "Actually the only freedom you have is not to react to conditions and to turn within, to see the truth. Everything else is preordained. Whatever appears in your life is destined to be.  It is your reaction to what appears that matters to you, what's going to happen to you next."  -Robert Adams "The secret is to allow the world to show you what it will, and for you not to react to anything." -Robert Adams  
1/2/202411 minutes, 4 seconds
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Blessings Look Like Lessons From Far Away #GMFaves

Love is appearing as a European retreat right now, but I'll be back with new episodes on Jan 8th! I love you! I am you!  ****** He's never far, you just think He is. Your dream isn't out of reach, you just think it is. That problem is not unsolvable, you just think so. So what must you do? You don't have to stop thinking. In the moment you hear Silence, you're not thinking. You're Causing. You're Seeing again, that the lessons are Blessings, that everything is Grace. All of It. Affirm: 'My whole life has changed'. Your whole life has changed. Watch. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Blessings look like lessons from far away." -Pharrell Williams "At a distance you can only see My Light, come closer and know that I Am you." -Rumi "That moment didn't cause you to feel GoOD, in that moment you became aware of the Cause and that felt good. " -Nik "When you can't hear God, read God." -@SardineBread via IG   "...He speaks, and the sound of His voice,  is so sweet, the birds hush their singing,  And the melody that He gave to me, within my Heart is ringing. And He walks with me,  and He talks with me,  And He tells me I am His own. And the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known." -Yogananda "If you have ever been distant from God, but somehow found yourself praying again, praising again, thinking about him again, it's because god was working behind the scenes to bring you back to Him. He isn't letting you go." -@RefreshedQuotes via IG "Just as thoughts about your home crowd into your mind as you draw nearer to your dwelling place, so also the closer you get to God, the greater grows the joy derived from the ever increasing variety of experiences of the Divine." - Sri Anandamayi Ma "It is high time that we realized that it is pointless to praise the light and preach it if nobody can see it.  It is much more needful to preach the art of seeing." -Carl Jung "Maybe if we chased God as hard as we chase people, God would give us people we don't have to chase. Seek first the Kingdom of God and all else will be added!" -@RefreshedQuotes via IG 
1/2/20246 minutes, 56 seconds
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If the Divine Is In Your Favor, The Whole World Will Be, Too #GMfaves

Love is appearing as a European retreat right now, but I'll be back with new episodes on Jan 8th! I love you! I am you!  ****** Keep smiling at 'them', knowing that ‘they’ are not 'them', that ‘they’ are Him, and because you and the Father are one, that ‘they’ ARE you. In today's episode I  share a gorgeous story that touches on  the power of faith and a dedicated mantra practice, and the Peace and Freedom found in remembering the difference between channels of supply and the Source of supply.  Remember: focus on your relationship, your union with God, and all your seeming human relationships will be GoOD, too. I Love you and I'm with you!  Happy Now- Here! Nik [email protected]  Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "If the Divine is in your favor, the whole world will be, too ." -Om Swami via The Power of the Gayatri Mantra "Take it from me, repetition of His name makes everything possible." -Anandamayi Ma "God became man that man might become God." -Athanasius 
1/1/202410 minutes, 23 seconds
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Your Best Year Ever #GMFaves

Love is appearing as a European retreat right now, but I'll be back with new episodes on Jan 8th! I love you! I am you!  ****** The Only Step: FEEL LOVE. In feeling Love you automatically forgive, you naturally let go, you heal... you HAVE.   Love holds onto nothing but Love. Love carries nothing but Love.  Where Love is consciously, only Love manifests.  Remember this Love.  Feel this Love. Be this Love. Everything  that you think you want and need in 2024 is here, now.  It's now, here... just like your breath is, just like you are, just like God is.  Happy Now Here's Eve. I Love you and I'm with you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Your outer journey may contain a million steps; your inner journey only has one: the step you are taking right now." -Eckhart Tolle "The desire for security and the feeling of insecurity are the same thing." -Alan Watts    
12/31/20239 minutes, 26 seconds
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Springtime is always growing in you #GMfaves

Love is appearing as a European retreat right now, but I'll be back with new episodes on Jan 8th! I love you! I am you!  ****** Breathe in: His Grace Breathe out: is making all things new Jaiya John says, 'springtime is always growing in you', in Love appearing as you, in Love appearing as a new year, as your year. This is God's year. I Love You, Nik Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Grace is everything. Grace is another name for what we are. Grace is indefinable, the ever-perfect, timeless. It is that in which the apparent timeful plays as names and forms in their brief dance as life. We are the experience and simultaneously the witness of this experience. Grace is that which calls you  away from the chaos, away from the noise of the world. Grace is the same as peace, but there is no peacekeeper nor anyone being silent. Grace is the breath of the Self." -Mooji "Your future will be nothing like your past. You won't have to do as much talking; your energy will speak for you. You won't have to do as much of the hard labor; your energy will work for you. You won't have to do as much convincing because you'll realize that the authentic truth as you know it always reveals itself. You're getting more comfortable in your skin and soul, and that growth will manifest on a number of levels. Life is getting easier. Life is getting lighter. When you envision your future, leave the difficult version in your past." - @Sourcemessages via IG "When you feel power within yourself, when new light dawns on you from within, the more you can keep it concealed in utter calm and stillness, the more will it grow in intensity. If it gets the slightest opening, there is always the fear of its escaping. Be vigilant. He Himself will provide everything that is necessary - initiation, instruction - whatever it may be." -Anandamayi Ma "You will flower again, dear soul. Have hope. Springtime is always growing in you." -Jaiya John, All These Rivers and You Chose Love "Remember that, dear one. Love has no opposite. Love just is. It is the answer to everything. Everything." -Dolores Cannon "There is nothing between the heart and the eyes, only a clear open pathway to peace and love." -Ruth Davis "Remember a year ago, when you didn't know how you would make it here?  By grace, you made it here and by grace, you will make it through next year." [email protected] via IG
12/30/20235 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Hidden Time Is Protection #GMFaves

Love is appearing as a European retreat right now, but I'll be back with new episodes on Jan 8th! I love you! I am you!  ****** You are hidden, not forgotten. Stay in touch with this Love, and you'll see that God can see you, and that's all that matters. Because God is all... When you make it to that stage, there's an audience of One , appearing as many, but you have one Listener, one Reader one Client one Customer one Contract one Covenant and giving Him your attention, the whole world smiles. *singing in Lauryn Hill* it could all be so simple  :) I Love you, nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: Title quote- @prophetess.maggie via IG "You never know how and when the Existence will start using you for Its purpose. You never know how and when you will be filled with abundance and you will start raining quenching the thirst of many. You never know how and when you will be full of fruits and shade and travelers will take shelter and food from you, You never know how and when you will be full with Love and Light and you will start spreading the fragrance of beauty to everyone. You never know how and when the death will come and make you deathless and life will start flowing out of you you never know how & when...really." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Keep going. You never know what's right around the corner." -@SisterCody via IG "I want to speak to the hidden people for a moment...I don't find it coincidental that many of God's servants were found in the most unconventional & ambiguous places. They weren't found in Synagogues, or popular gather places but fields, deserts, at home, mangers, or at work. The settings we find them I'm sure are strategic in that they develop certain skills, and traits that would translate to their callings but also I can't help but think because it was one of the last places men would look for where a move of God would come from next. He often tucked them away, but in plain sight but hidden. Where everyone could see, but could not yet SEE. What a mystery of the Gospel. If you feel hidden, do not despise your present status. If you are busy wondering when God is going to do the things you've heard & envisioned -be patient. The time is coming sooner than you thought. And you'll look back at this 'hidden' time of consecration & private development with longing. When God 'reveals' you, He wants to make sure you have the capacity in character, to remain where He calls. It's not your gifts that will sustain you, but your character. That's what's being carefully curated, carefully molded, privately developed, and carefully grown. Do not despise this time. The hidden time is protection. This time + the lessons are invaluable, and it will be the key to being able to remain & go higher. "For nothing is hidden except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret except to come to light." - Mark 4:22 - @prophetess.maggie via IG "Waiting is just a gift of time in disguise - a time to pray wrapped up in a ribbon of patience - because is the Lord ever late? -Ann Voskamp via IG @worshipblog "Don't try to stop thinking, let it happen. Just recognize that which is not thinking." -Adyashanti
12/29/20236 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Gravity Of God's Love #GMfaves

Love is appearing as a European retreat right now, but I'll be back with new episodes on Jan 8th! I love you! I am you!  ****** Like those burglar alarms that make no noise, that aren't audible to the trespasser, but sound somewhere else... when I feel invaded by thought, I close my eyes and I Hear. I hear this Silence sounding, and in that Emptiness, in that Quiet Space, help gets deployed, problems get solved, the right people show up. This Silence is the helper. It is the Comforter. It is Love. If you could just stop leaving this Love, if you could just stop forgetting to hear this Love, you'd start seeing changes. You'd start seeing yourself as Love, knowing only Love Is here, only this Weight, that has no form, that has no shape, that has no 'weight', is here. But here where you are, It's experienced as a Joyful Gravity, pulling what's for you, Destiny, into Your orbit. I Love you, Nik Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: “For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!” -2 Corinthians 4:17 NLT "Your struggles are not because you didn't pray the right way or because you didn't pray enough, or because you have weak faith or insufficient intercessors. It is because God is using you in ways that you may not understand now, but one day you will. One day you will see how God used your affliction to prepare you for an incomparable weight of glory." -@Therealsweetspot Derrika Danielle "A million speak of love, yet how few know, True love is not to lose remembrance even for an instant." -Kabir "I used to think that in order to abide in Christ, I had to read my bible every day, pray everyday, and share my faith every single day. My abiding  was depending on me doing something, but this is just wrong. Abiding in Christ is not another work that needs to be performed, but it's a reality to live in. In the same way that one lives in a house, and only need not leave in order to remain in the house, you are in Christ.  And abiding in Hm is simply the decision to not walk away." -@Jkjoe via IG   
12/28/20238 minutes, 58 seconds
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God's Answer Is Some Form Of Peace #GMfaves

Love is appearing as a European retreat right now, but I'll be back with new episodes on Jan 8th! I love you! I am you!  You are Chosen Affirm: I Am chosen.    My past couldn't have been any other way. My future will be what I choose today, and today, I choose Him. I chose this Love. I choose this Peace I choose this Sound-- to let It inform my thoughts, to let It inform my actions, to let It inform me that It is more real than the world. Where you're  sitting or standing, where you're breathing, is Holy Ground. Drop your head down to your heart and Hear. (and watch The Chosen on Amazon Prime!!!) I Love you, Nik    Support the show: ▶▶ "Your life is perfect.. It is a perfect plan and it is a spontaneous miracle every moment."  -SriSri Ravi Shankar via IG @sarikajgd "The greatest miracle that God can do today is to take an unholy man out of an unholy world, and make that man holy and put him back into that unholy world and keep him holy in it." -Leonard Ravenhill via IG @WorshipBlog "Jesus was not sent here to teach the people to build magnificent churches and temples amidst the cold wretched huts and dismal hovels. He came to make the human heart a temple, and the soul an altar, and the mind a priest!" -Kahlil Gibran "God's answer is some form of peace. All pain Is healed; all misery replaced with joy. All prison doors are opened. And all sin is understood as merely a mistake." -A Course in Miracles LESSON 359 "Live in such a way that you're constantly free from the past and unbothered by the future.  Observe the voices in your head, but don't join the conversation. Be the silent detached awareness, and your mind will slowly quiet down." -Via IG @LessonToSelf "In the end it's all very simple. Either we give ourselves to Silence or we don't." -Adyashanti "I was afraid of being rejected Until I learned to never reject myself I was afraid of being abandoned Until I learned to never abandon myself ... I was afraid of the darkness Until I remembered that I was the Light And I was afraid of life Until I remembered who I was." -Excerpt from Tahlia Hunter "We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us." -Rumi "He's not an "I told you so" kind of God He's a 'Come here Welcome home I'll keep you safe I'll keep you warm Let me hold you Let me heal you I love you I have so much for you I am not mad at you Trust me I will never leave you My grace will never run out Stay with me' Kind of God. At this very moment, go to Him in your heart and He will meet you there with His Peace." -@HerTrueWorth   
12/27/20236 minutes, 20 seconds
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The WORD Made Flesh #GMfaves

Love is appearing as a European retreat right now, but I'll be back with new episodes on Jan 8th! I love you! I am you!  You can call off the search. (T)here is no other Voice but this One. There is no other Silence. There is no other God. There is no other awakening experience. When your mind is telling you that you're not 'there' yet, you're hearing it from 'there'. This is It. You're hearing THE Voice. You are the Voice. This Silence is what you are. This silence is what I Am (is). Affirm that, 'This Silence is what I Am." The first few times with words, and then drop the words. Your whole being is singing, SHREEMing, 'I Am' without words... being the silence I Am, being the Love I Am, being That, I Am. (Exodus 3:14)      Meditation excerpt from the 'Little Book of Life and Death' by Douglas Harding "There is no instrument other than deep meditation that can detect the presence of that almighty Grace within. Still the body, withdraw the energy from the senses into the brain, calm the heart: Christ will be there; you will feel the divine joy of the Infinite Christ." -Yogananda Reading from, 'Voice of the Masters' by Eva Bell Werber
12/26/20237 minutes, 27 seconds
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"Blessed Is He Who Came Into Being Before He Came Into Being." #GMweekends

"Everyday I say to myself, today I will begin." - St. Anthony of the Desert Today, we begin.  This very moment, we begin... remembering that we ARE what's appearing as this moment, we are the substratum of the Now, we are the  Christ.  We celebrate the birth of Jesus today, the birth of the awareness of the Christ among us, and now, the birth of our awareness of the Christ within us. Repeat this mantra by Herb Fitch, "I am not man or woman, I live the day as I, Spirit", and notice how you're already, effortlessly detached from the body.   There's some space (t)here, naturally.  You, as Awareness, don't have to try to detangle your Self from the body, you already are the witness.  You already are Love.  Be That, by feeling It and remembering to feel It all day.  "Blessed is he who came into being before he came into being." (Gospel of Thomas) Merry Christmas! I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶
12/25/20237 minutes, 25 seconds
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What You Call the 'Christmas Spirit' Is Your True Nature #GMweekends

You’re feeling absolutely fantastic this morning! But not for the reason you think. You don’t feel good because it’s Christmas Eve. You don’t feel good because you know what’s under the tree, or even because you’re off work or have no professional Zoom meetings tomorrow (likely for a whole week!), or that your favorite food is being prepared, or that your playlist is FIRE and the Temptations are going in on ‘Silent Night’. All of these things may very well seem to be happening, but they’re not causing that quiet-Joy you’re aware of. You’re just presently in alignment... allowing yourself to feel good, to experience God. You’re currently BEing your true Self! This is your natural state— one of uncaused joy, ease, love, relaxation and peace. What people call ‘The Christmas Spirit’ is your original nature, and you can feel this way even on your first day back to work, if you give yourself permission. God didn’t come closer this morning, and It won’t get further away next week. We just changed the way we are living in this moment. And now we must keep living this way... remembering to recognize that the Light is ALWAYS on inside. That we are this Light. If you can stop waiting for special occasions to remember this background Joy, to feel Go(o)d, to be yourSelf, your life will change drastically from the inside out and very rapidly. I promise you. #MerryChristmas With you in and AS Christhood, @curlynikki Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "We all think of the Lord when troubled, never when at peace. But if we held our faith during peace, there would be no trouble." -Kabir Ke Dohe via IG “This is the supreme meditation, this is the supreme worship: the continuous and unbroken awareness of the indwelling presence, inner light or consciousness. While doing whatever one is doing— seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, moving, sleeping, breathing or talking— one should realize one’s essential nature as pure consciousness. Thus does one attain liberation.”  - The Yoga Vasistha
12/24/20236 minutes, 26 seconds
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Christmas Eve Blues? Listen to This One. #GMfaves

Whatever you're feeling... it's okay.  It's just inner weather.  You couldn't be feeling any other way. Breathe. Sway. Let's chat about how to take Shelter and ride it out, together.  God is here, even now.  Feel It and know. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show ▶▶
12/24/202311 minutes, 57 seconds
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I Am the Voice of the Sound #GMfaves

Remember who you are when you're in that airport, or doing that last minute shopping trip. When you find yourself in line, find this Peace in that line. Find your smile in that line. Remember (t)His truth in that line, and It will relax your shoulders, It will relax your stomach, It will relax that belief that you're the one standing in that line. That line is happening in you. That store is happening in you, and then you are the Light of that store. Keep catching yourself, and letting yourself go. Catching yourself, and letting yourself go. Catching yourself believing in the world, catching yourself believing in others, catching yourself in fear, catching yourself in worry, catching yourself pretending to be what you're not. You are the Light of the world. You are Amazing Grace. How sweet, Your Sound. I love you, nik  [email protected]   ________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "I have issued from a Great Power and visit all who contemplate me; I have been discovered by those who search diligently. Pay attention, those that meditate upon me, and listen well! All of you who are patiently waiting, take me to your Self. Don’t dismiss me from your mind and don’t let your inner voices despise me; don’t forget me at any time or place; be watchful..." -Alan Jacobs, 'Thunder' from The Gnostic Gospels "When we close our physical eyes we see darkness inside but as we cross this void of darkness following the meditation practice of the Saints, there is Light. Beyond the silence there is Sound." -James Bean via IG @santmat "Be within your body. Light the inner lamp that your within and without may sparkle with Radiance Divine. In Its brilliance let the shadow of your karmas fade.  The NAAM help you steer through this ocean of life and death." -Kabir "I Am the Light of the world," declared Jesus (John 8:12), but he also said, 'you are the Light of the world. (Matthew 5:I4). A paradox? Or, perhaps, insight into the essential unity between Christ and creation that forms the foundation of the mystical life? The light that shines in us is the light of Christ shining through us. This is not something we have to make happen; it is something we must allow to happen. Not something we achieve, something we receive. Yet to bask in that Christ-light within, we need to open ourselves to receive it. The sunflower turns over the course of the day so that its blossom always faces the sun. Likewise, mystics continually recalibrate their lives to embrace the Divine light. Illumination may come from within, but its source is heavenly." -Carl McColman, The Little Book of Christian Mystics Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
12/23/20239 minutes, 22 seconds
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This Will RAPIDLY Transform Your Life #GMfaves

Like Rumi said, you've been knocking on this door, chanting your mantras, practicing your breathing, reading scripture, sitting for meditation, you've been knocking, praying, ceaselessly, and finally, the door opens... and you see that you've been knocking from the inside. You're already inside, in Here in Him with me, we're here together, as One. And the world is new. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________________ Today's Quotes: “I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside.” -Rumi "In oneself lies the whole world, and if you know how to look and learn, then the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either that key or the door to open, except yourself." -J. Krishnamurti "The key is to be in a state of permanent connectedness with your inner body - to feel it all times. This will rapidly deepen and transform your life." -Eckhart Tolle. "Real death is death of the ego. Real birth is to dwell in one's natural state." -Ramana Paravidyopanishad "Your mind will tell you go somewhere else, go do this and go do that, keep searching, keep looking. It will never tell you there's nothing to look for. It will never tell you there's nothing to do. It will never tell you just be yourself, awaken. It will put you through all kinds of trials and tribulations. It will even make you believe that the more you suffer, the greater the value. But if you're wise, you will simply observe, and watch your mind telling you all these things. You will not fight, because your mind will always win. You will simply dissolve your mind through observation, through becoming the witness, or by asking "to whom do these thoughts come?" And the mind will grow weaker. But it will really fight you. It will cause you to observe many dastardly things in this world, and perhaps some upheavals in your life also. To make you believe in your mind and its power. I guess that's what Jesus meant when he said "Get thee behind me Satan!" In other words his mind was trying to tell him things are wrong, you're wasting your time. So he named his mind Satan. And told it "don't bother me, don't come up with all these things: I don't believe in you, you're a liar." That's exactly what you must do. Let the mind show us the worst. Allow the ego to do what it wants. But you be the observer, the witness. Hold on tight to the 'I. And follow the I thread to the heart. And you'll start laughing for you'll come to the conclusion, there never was a mind, there never was an I, there never was an ego, there never were problems, there never was a world, there never was a personal God, there never was karma, there's no such thing as enlightenment, there's no such thing as awakening. You are already That.  So be it." -Robert Adams Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
12/22/20237 minutes, 19 seconds
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When Trouble Comes, Meditate a Little More #GMfaves

Chant a little more. Open your heart a little more, and hear Its ancient song, the melody from Heaven that carries you out of trouble. I Love you, Nik [email protected] _________________________________ Today's Quotes:   "The more trouble we have, the more we need meditation... Lots of people who have asked my advice about their troubles have later come back and said, "Now everything is all right." And the only advice I had given them was just to meditate a little more." -Swami Bhaktananda Giri "Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come." -A Chinese Proverb "How can I be happy always? Forget about always and then you are happy." -Ravi Shankar   This moment in time and space is an eggshell with an embryo crumpled inside,  soaked in belief-yolk, under the wing of grace,  until it breaks free of mind to become the song of an actual bird, and God.” ― Rumi, The Soul of Rumi: A New Collection of Ecstatic Poems "And you can tell everybody this is your song It may be quite simple, but now that it's done I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind That I put down in the words How wonderful life is while you're in the world" -Sir Elton John, Your Song "Melodies from Heaven Rain down on me, rain down on me" -Kirk Franklin "When I die, only Love can replace me." -Yogananda   “He will cover you with his feathers; you will take refuge under his wings. His faithfulness will be a protective shield.” Psalms 91:4 "Our only remedy is that whatever situation there is, we just simply chant and everything will be adjusted." -AC Bhaktivedanta Swami "God is fulfilling Itself as my life right now. If I remain conscious of that truth, I will behold Gold fulfilling Itself as my life.  If I don't remain conscious of it, I will continue dreaming that I have a human life and behold a life of fearing and desiring." -Bob Pilato "As I walk towards You, every step I take is a blessing." -Rumi         "He assumed he had it and continued to assume he had it until his assumption took on the feeling of reality and he got it. This is how you find God in yourself, by being persistent in your assumption." -Neville Goddard "When trouble's in your life sing praises when trouble's in your life sing praises hallelujah (rep 3 times)" -Sistah “Skully" Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
12/17/20236 minutes, 11 seconds
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All of Your Troubles Will Melt Away #GMFaves

"I hear You." That's today's affirmation, While you're hearing 'them', while you're hearing the world, say inside, "but I hear you, God." I feel You. I know You. I admit You. This is Your Life, and I trust You with It. I'm ready. You're ready. Get ready! I Love you, Nik [email protected] ________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Come to this place, where Nothing drowns you." -Nik "Let some energy flow through your own being and feel it refresh you and make you young and strong and vital and know that it resides within you all of the time. That you can rely upon it easily and with confidence, that it is yours for the asking, that it resides within you. That it is your right and your heritage." -Seth "There is a book that is not written, it's just unfolding. It's like we are each actors without a script and everything you do, God has written and you are just finding as we go. You have to learn how to read this book, to read the language of the life force and the deeper Self. It really brings you back into the reality of true existence. Sensing life and listening to the needs of each unfolding moment, empty of mind and fully present in the heart." -Mooji "Every decision you make is not a decision about what to do... It's a decision about who you are." -via IG @wisethinkers "It's okay to go quiet, to pause long enough to hear your own interior world with the regard it deserves. Don't let the noise of the world drown out the sound of you. Sometimes silence is presence." -Via IG @BlackLiturgies "The mind is the experience. The heart is the Source. All that is True is in the heart. I am still among movement I am happy among sadness I am love among anger I am light among darkness I am life among death I am but of a moment. Yet ultimately there is no moment, There is no I. Tat Tvam Asi" - @karoli_dass via IG "The mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth." -Psalm 97:5 "...There is no use looking outside and wondering in what form that peace will come, because it does not come in a worldly form. Strangely enough, however, when the inner peace comes it forms and re-forms our outer life. It changes our relationships with other human beings. It changes the nature and the amount of our supply because it is Its func- tion to see that we are fed and clothed abundantly. All things will be added unto us but they will not be added by taking thought for the things: Relinquish thought of things; turn within and admit Me. -Joel Goldsmith, Living Between Two Worlds Chapter 1, “Opening the Door to Infinity” "It’s a place of natural and effortless Peace. The more somehow the attention is trained to rest in this Peace, all your troubles will melt away. Mooji has said this." -Mooji Video (episode title source)- Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
12/16/20238 minutes, 1 second
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Can we skip to the GoOD Part #GMFaves

Although you can't skip to the part of the day where you're already done with everything, you can skip to that feeling. You can stream this feeling even while you're at the office today. While you're at the store, you can BE 'Saturday'. You can be Sunday morning. You don't have to be Monday. You don't have to be tired... the 'character' you're playing is, your character can NOT, today, but You can. You can be Love. You can be infinitely Patient, even when they're not, because You are Faith, You are Life. And You trust your Self. You're no longer imitating that character. Taking on their fears and their personality traits, the way they speak. You are the Silent One. The Ageless One, the Faceless One, the Fearless One, the Still One. Remember? :) Welcome Back. I Love you, Nik [email protected] p.s. the GoOD part is always this part!!!! It's always NOW! p.p.s. Maharajji chanting the Name , Ram.  Today's Quotes: "It was God's word that made us; is it any wonder that His Word should sustain us?" -Charles Spurgeon via @WorshipBlog  "Don't copy the behavior and customers of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." -Romans 12:2 "All the complexities of the human condition can be rendered null and void if you touch the hem of the Christ Robe in your meditations. Fear, conflict, pain, sorrow, and emotional turmoil can all be dissolved in a moment of God-contact." -Don Mardak  "A moment with the beloved and the river changes its course." -Anandamayi Ma  "Stillness is the only thing in this world that has no form. But then, it is not really a thing, and it is not of this world." -Eckhart Tolle "He who utters the Name of God while walking gets the merit of a sacrifice at every step. His body becomes a place of pilgrimage. He who repeats God's Name while working always finds perfect peace. He who utters the Name of God while eating gets the merit of a fast even though he has taken his meals. Even if one were to give in charity the whole earth encircled by the seas it would not equal the merit of repeating the Name. By the power of the Name one will know what cannot be known, One will see what cannot be seen, One will speak what cannot be spoken, One will meet what cannot be met. Tuka says, Incalculable is the gain that comes from repeating the Name of God." -Sant Tukaram  
12/15/20237 minutes, 13 seconds
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When God Says Yes #GMweekends

Affirm: (t)His love is changing everything, feeling It as you say it. *This Love is changing everything.* When you're looking at something you don't like, feel those words inside,  and know that you're looking at the past, you're looking at an echo, what you're seeing isn't really there. So don't react. Just know that Love has changed everything, and you'll soon see It, because God is saying, 'Yes'. I love you, Nik [email protected] ************************ To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show When God says yes we grow in awe, when God says wait we grow in patience, but when God says no, he's growing something better. -Ann Voskamp via @worshipblog IG "Sometimes we ask God for a healing when he wants to give us a resurrection." -unknown via @worshipblog IG "When your mind is quiet you enter into the flow of Love." -Ram Dass "Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you, and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh." -Ezekiel 36:26-27 "We come to this stillness until we feel a release from the problem." -Joel Goldsmith "The most powerful way to resist evil is to sit with good friends who have turned their faces to God." -Rumi "Prayer is touching Reality without seeking to get anything." -Dr. Michael Beckwith "Love master all things I'm mastered totally by Love My God is Love My Prophet is Love My Religion is Love My Father is Love My Mother is Love I'm a child of Love I've come to speak of nothing but Love." -Rumi "You know more than you think but it is your thinking that prevents you from knowing what you know." -Unknown  "I believe the reason why God doesn't reveal His entire plan to you all at once is because if He did, then you would get your peace from the information, rather than from your relationship with Him." -@TheRealSweetSpot via IG   Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
12/10/20237 minutes, 7 seconds
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One Who is Everywhere is Joyous, One Who is Nowhere is Free. #GMweekend

Rock and sway between these two mantras today- 'I am nowhere'. 'I am everywhere'.  They're both true.  The moment you make the felt-connection with Love, you are beyond the body.  You are no longer attached to it.  You're free and that freedom feels like Joy.  You are everywhere, and nowhere.  You are everyone and no one.   You are the invisible,  formless, boundless Love appearing as the  countless visible forms.  And because you know This, because you ARE This, that body smiles.  Love is felt as its very being.  I Love you, Nik [email protected] ************************ To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show Today's Quotes: "When we know who we are, we're everybody and we're free."  -Krishna Das "Toss attachment for body aside, realizing I am everywhere.  One who is everywhere is joyous." -Osho, The Book of Secrets (On letting go of attachment)  "You will not ask “how.” If your house is on fire you will not ask anyone, you will not go seeking a master to ask how to come out of it. If the house is on fire you will simply get out of it. You will not lose a single moment. You will not search for the teacher, you will not consult the scriptures. And you will not try to choose in what ways one has to come out, what means have to be adopted, and which door is the right door. These things are irrelevant when the house is on fire. When you know what attachment is, the house is on fire. You can put it aside.  There is no need to ask how. It is absolutely a fire, a hell. You can jump out of it. This sutra says: 'Toss attachment for body aside, realizing I am everywhere.'  And the moment you toss aside the attachment, you will realize you are everywhere. Because of this attachment you feel you are limited by the body. It is not the body which is limiting you; it is your attachment to it. It is not the body which is making a barrier between you and the reality; it is your attachment to it. Once you know what the attachment is not there, there is no body to you. Rather, the whole existence becomes your body; your body becomes a part of the total existence. Then it is not separate." -Osho. The Book of Secrets (p. 929). Osho International. Kindle Edition. Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
12/9/20236 minutes, 51 seconds
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Spoiler: God Wins #GMweekends

This is what It has come to... this moment, where you remember what's really happening, what's really here, who you really are. Show up as this One, today. Don't stop being this One. This One is Anointed. This One is Blessed. This One is on the path. This One won, It wins. Watch. I love you , Nik To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show ________________________________________ Today's Quotes:  "Sometimes God's blessings are not in what He gives or what He takes away. " -Anonymous via @sarbatdahala96  "God knew it would come to this, but it's okay, He has a plan."-@rock_solid_ministries_intl  "Every awkward situation increases your comfort zone. Every awkward situation is a test for how deep you are in the Knowledge." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "It's in the Silence that your problems just dissolve. Try it. It really works." -Robert Adams "I thought God was the boat but now I know He's the sea." -Faith Dwight      "The most relaxed person in the room is the most powerful person in the room.  The most relaxed person in the room is the most present person in the room.  The most relaxed person in the room is the most safe, the most soft, the most soothing person in the room..." -@Nicolajanehobbs via IG  "What is fear? It is only a thought. If there is anything besides the Self there is reason to fear." -Ramana Maharshi 
12/3/20237 minutes, 32 seconds
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Listen With Your Eyes #GMweekends

Affirm: 'I Am' is my Power. I Am is the only Power. All I have to do is hear It, is feel It, is be It, and the earth melts (it's seen as not truly real), and the miracle happens. I Love you, Nikki To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show Today's Quotes:  "If the beautiful One is not hidden inside you, then what is that Light hidden under your cloak?" -Rumi "Listen with your eyes." - Rumi  “I know now, Lord, why you utter no answer. You are yourself the answer. Before your face questions die away. What other answer would suffice?” -C.S. Lewis  "They seemed to be staring at the dark, but their eyes were watching God." -Zora Neale Hurston  "I thought vs I am" -Robert Adams   "In the stillness of the quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart giving strength to weakness, courage to fear, hope to despair." -Howard Thurman 
12/2/20238 minutes, 13 seconds
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If everything in your life seems to be changing, let it. #GMfaves

God is saying-- It was from Me, all of it. So soften, into this moment, into that 'good' or 'bad' mood. And receive the Love that I AM (is) constantly Giving, Vibrating, Ringing. Singing. Look at Me, and relax.   This is radical acceptance. This is the supreme practice, the Inducement, the Great Shift. The end of suffering. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: Excerpts from "This was from Me" - letter from Saint Seraphim of Sarov "True freedom is living as if you had completely chosen whatever you feel or experience in this moment. This inner alignment with the Now is the end of suffering." -Eckhart Tolle "Even in the most difficult times, he who will occupy himself diligently with the Jesus prayer will be able to be saved easily." - St. Seraphim of Vyritsa "Be still and know that I am God.  The original Hebrew root of Be still doesn't mean "be quiet", it means "let go." That's very different, don't you think? Let go and know that I am God! Let go of trying to control your spouse! Let go of your worry about your finances! Let go of your unforgiveness! Let go of your past!  Let go of what you can't control-and rest in the knowledge that God is in control!" - @therealsweetspot via IG If everything in your life seems to be changing, let it. It's raining because you've gotta grow. Dear God, help me accept that the past can never be different. - @brandiefreely via IG Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
11/27/202310 minutes, 12 seconds
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I don't know how, but I know Who. #GMfaves

The "Always-So" the Always-GoOD the Always (t)Here the Always With You the Always Now and Now and Now the Always Smiling... Are you smiling yet? Less silence-filling today, and more feeling into the Silence. Relaxing into It. Trusting It. I Love you, Nik [email protected] __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "When Teresa of Avila was asked what she did in prayer, she replied, 'I just allow myself to be loved! Why not stop for a while and pray? Keep praying even if you only have a whisper left.Yet hope returns when I remember this one thing: The Lord's unfailing love and mercy still continue, fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise. The Lord is all I have, and so in him I put my hope {Lamentations 3:21-24} -@claremsf via IG "Go beyond everything. Don't collect anything.  A king does not need to go shopping in his own kingdom. Nor does he beg. Remember, you are the inner reality-pure awareness only. All that arises are appearances in consciousness. Don't bother with all that. Rest only as the awareness. This is the secret." -Mooii "When filled with the holy truth, the mind rests." -Charles Spurgeon "If you believe in a God who controls the big things, you have to believe in a God who controls the little things. It is we, of course, to whom things look "little" or "big.'" -Elisabeth Elliot "Lord, deliver me from the urge to open my mouth when I should shut it. Give me the wisdom to keep silence where silence is wise. Remind me that not everything needs to be said, and that there are very few things that need to be said by me." -Elisabeth Elliot "Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength- carrying to days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorry, it empties today of its strength." -Corrie Ten Boom "I don't know how, but I know Who." @worshipblog via IG  "God says don't need your talent.  I don't need your gift. I don't want all the stuff that you can do. I just want you. I want your heart." - @Worshipblog     "To know the always-so is to be illuminated; not to know it, means to go blindly in disaster. He who knows the always- so has room in him for everything; he who has room in him for everything is without prejudice. " -Lao Tzu
11/26/202312 minutes, 7 seconds
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Keep Relaxing Into the Answer

Where was God 10 minutes ago? Where was God yesterday? Last year? Right now? Where will God be next week? The Felt-Answer to these questions solves every problem, because the problems were born when you stopped feeling the Answer. Keep relaxing into the Answer, into what's He's giving you, and expect miracles. I Love you, Nik __________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "They will know you by your Love Not by how much you know or how much you've accomplished but sipmly by your Love for one another Love unconditionally, abundantly, and with no strings attached Live the kind of Love that will not make sense to the world so that through your Love they might know him" - @DearHeartCo via IG "You are being loved very dearly. This reminder softens you; Brings about miracles around you and changes your life." -Sri Sri Ravishankar ji "Love has come and it flows like blood beneath my skin, through my veins. It has emptied me of my self and filled me with the Beloved. The Beloved has penetrated every cell of my body. Of myself there remains only a name, everything else is Him." -Rumi "Close your eyes and ask God to show you where He was in a recent difficult situation." - @youversionrest via IG "Thoughts are neither from nor about you." - @thehamsterwheelisnotmotorized via IG "God! Take my soul to that Place where  I may speak without words." -Rumi "I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am lost... I am helpless. It isn't my fault. It takes forever to find a way out. I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I don't see it. I fall in again. I can't believe I am in the same place. But, it isn't my fault. It still takes me a long time to get out. I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it is there. I still fall in. It's a habit. My eyes are open. I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately. I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it. walk down another street." -Portia Nelson, There's a Hole in My Sidewalk: The Romance of Self-Discovery "I am upset because I see something that is not there." -Lesson 6, ACIM "You have never truly been a person, and yet you have been so many people. So many versions of the single Self you have tried, and yet all your efforts have failed to make r
11/25/20239 minutes, 27 seconds
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You Will Soon See That It Was GoOD #GMfaves

If tears have been flowing more than usual lately, then know that you're closer than usual, closer than you used to be , closer to your breakthrough. Those tears that fall are watering your harvest, a heavy one. The tears must be. They must fall. But if you can feel the Sun at the same time, if you can still know It's (t)here, if you can still feel (t)His love, you'll soon see It is GoOD, all of It. And you will smile, Now. I Love you, Nik  Today's Quotes: *"You will soon see that it was good. The pain that led you to the promise. The tears that brought you to his feet.  You'll see that the father had a purpose, and every broken road was leading to your destiny. - @Hopeforthehopeless_ via IG "Coming to trust and surrender to our Higher Power is the work of a lifetime. Just begin. And each day commit to beginning again." -Richard Rohr "She started the year with a simple prayer, "Lord, lead the way. - @joenasandiego via IG "Trust. Wait. Believe." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Say not ye, ‘There are yet four months and then cometh the harvest’? Behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest." -John 4:35
11/24/20236 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Only Real Gratitude #GMfaves

Imagine you have a direct line to God up to your right ear what do you hear? Prayer. Without words. True prayer. The one where you listen to God listening, the one where you hear God hearing you feel, 'thank you Father, I Am.' Happy Thanksgiving, I Love you, Nik [email protected] "In prayer, I do not go to God to have certain things brought about for tomorrow or for Thanksgiving or for Christmas. I don't do that, I go to God in this way. 'Today, tomorrow and all time to come, God, I belong to Thee. Map out my days.'  And then, I sit in complete silence, in complete quietness, as if I really and truly had a telephone receiver at my ear and were trying to hear somebody at the other end. It isn't so much that I expect to hear a voice, although I sometimes do." -Joel S Goldsmith "Only those who understand that God is their own consciousness and that from this individual, yet infinite, consciousness flow all things can really know the true sense of gratitude. The only real gratitude is that which is felt for the gift of spiritual discernment." -Joel S Goldsmith "Dan Rather, CBS anchor, once asked Mother Teresa what she said during her prayers. She answered, "I listen." So Dan turned the question and asked, "Well then, what does God say?"  Mother Teresa smiled with confidence and answered, "He listens." For an instant, Dan didn't know what to say. "And if you don't understand that," Mother Teresa added, "I can't explain it to you." -Via ServiceSpace "Maybe the soul is tired because all it needs is more time with the Lord; Maybe the heart is tired because it has been fed with all- the wrong things." -@worshipblog via IG Cory Asbury "I want to reach for God the way I reach for my phone. When I'm bored,  when I'm uncomfortable,  when I need answers or entertainment. When I'm lonely and need someone to talk to." @worshipblog via IG Cory Asbury "If He holds the universe He is holding your world together." -@worshipblog "You could go all through the balance of your career without a treatment, without a lesson, without reading a book, and find greater harmony, greater peace, greater health,  than you have ever known, just with the simple realization of, 'Thank you, Father, I Am.  I Am'. Not will be and not shall be, but I Am.  Not ought to be and not deserve to be. Just, "Thank you, Father, I am! -Joel S. Goldsmith
11/23/20234 minutes, 33 seconds
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Home for the Holidays? Do THIS to Stay In Your Power. #GMFaves

 Stay in your Home energy even when you're away from home, with this easy practice and mini-meditation.   "If you think you're so enlightened, go home for Thanksgiving." - Ram Dass "Not good humanhood, not bad humanhood, Christhood." - Joel Goldsmith I Love you, Nik [email protected] 
11/22/20238 minutes, 32 seconds
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Miracles Are Your Calling #GMweekends

Every time you become aware of a worry thought about tomorrow or next week, pause and pray. Pause by listening for Silence instead of to the worry thought.  Remember that you're not thinking that worry thought.  That thought isn't yours.  You're simply listening to it... and you can choose to believe it or not.  You can choose to claim it or not.  You can choose to listen to Silence instead! And you pray by recognizing and feeling Go(o)d in the Silence.  You pray by repeating (hearing or becoming aware of) the above mantra, the truth that it isn't you that must face these problems, but God in you.  You pray by remembering that God in you has no problems, knows no problems, sees no problems. You pray by reaching and feeling for even 2% of the Love that is fully present in and AS that moment and by watching your experience of the moment and the seeming moment itself, shift. The awareness to pause and pray is the miracle, and it manifests as such. I Love you, Nik ▶▶Join our new forum, GoOD Friends and enter the Mala Giveaway! Support the show: ▶▶ ________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Sometimes God challenges you to find strength you don’t have. Only like this will you go beyond your imagined limits. You must be pushed so far that you are forced to be humble. Only then, when your pride and arrogance are crushed, will you discover muscles that are not yours. You will find and use the muscles of God. When you completely abandon yourself, your ego, this miracle becomes possible." -Mooji "Repeat this under your breath: It is no longer ________ (your name) who lives, but Christ who lives in  _________ (your name) who is going to boldly face and conquer any kind of problems."  -@ThePrayingFashionistas via IG  Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
11/19/20236 minutes, 12 seconds
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It Doesn't Take Time, It Takes Alignment #GMweekends

And it doesn't matter how long you're in 'alignment', but how often you return Here. How frequently you find yourself not wanting, not seeking, but settled, in Silence, in Stillness, In God. Not settling in life, not being 'content' with the way things are, but seeing through the way things are. Being contentment Itself. Aligning and settling your sight, your ear, on what's actually Here. Now. And Now. and Now. I Love you, Nik [email protected] and Now and Now :) Support the show: ▶▶ GoOD Mornings merch: ▶▶ Today's Quotes: "It doesn't take time, it takes alignment" -Abraham Hicks "Was Jesus the son of God? Yes. But so are you, you just haven't realized it yet." -Eckhart Tolle "Settle yourself in solitude and you will come upon God in yourself." -St. Teresa of Avila "Heaven is this moment Hell is the burning desire for this moment to be different." -Jeff Foster "Now is where Love breathes." -Rumi "Can you go a week without wanting?" -@JiteshVaswani via IG "To have finally dealt  with suffering is to consume it into yourself. Which means you have to, with eyes open, be able to keep your heart open in hell... And what it involves is bearing the unbearable. And who you really are can do it. So that who you think you are has to die in the process." -Ram Dass “Many misunderstandings and false beliefs about Christ will clear if you realize that there is no past or future in Christ. To say that Christ was or will be is a contradiction in terms. Jesus was. He was a man who lived two thousand years ago and realized divine presence, his true nature. And so he said: “Before Abraham was, I am.” He did not say: “I already existed before Abraham was born.” That would have meant that he was still within the dimension of time and form identity. The words I am used in a sentence that starts in the past tense indicate a radical shift, a discontinuity in the temporal dimension. It is a Zen-like statement of great profundity. Jesus attempted to convey directly, not through discursive thought, the meaning of presence, of self-realization. He had gone beyond the consciousness dimension governed by time, into the realm of the timeless. The dimension of eternity had come into this world. Eternity, of course, does not mean endless time, but no time. Thus, the man Jesus became Christ, a vehicle for pure consciousness. And what is God’s self-definition in the Bible? Did God say, “I have always been, and I always will be?” Of course not. That would have given reality to past and future. God said: “I AM THAT I AM.” No time here, just presence.” - Excerpt From, 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle and Now... And NOW :) I Love youuuu!   Support the show  
11/18/20238 minutes
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Stop the Mind to Hear the Soul #GMweekends

Affirm: 'I Am Castled In God's Presence' And in the beginning, It will feel like a fortress, like you're protected. But as you progress, you'll realize- there's No thing here. No one that needs protecting. Nothing to be protected from. No fortress. Just Love. And the mind stops. And this Love is heard. I Love you, Nik To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show _________________________________ Today's Quotes: "For how many more days can you live by external light, like that of sun and moon? When your eyes fail, when your body becomes feeble with age and your intellect clouded, you will be left to grope in utter darkness. Set to work while there is yet time and try to kindle the inner light.  In the hearth of the mind, ignite the fire of Self-inquiry or the fire of God's Name; fan it into a blazing flame by associating with the Holy and Wise, by prayer and meditation.  Little by little, this light will grow bright and steady and illumine you both inwardly and outwardly; thereby the path to Self-realization will be made easy." -Anandamayi Ma "At all times keep your mind immersed in the thought of God, so that there may be no possibility of straying into a path that leads to misery." -Anandamayi Ma "Another level of you will begin to be born, a level of you which faces the apparently solid world around you. You'll find your Soul replacing your mind. You'll find the senses bump into your Soul instead of your mind which acquiesces and your Soul says, "uh-uh, no, no." And this birth of Soul awareness, as you practice this, is really the end product of what you're doing." -Herb Fitch, 40 Days in the Wilderness Audio 1 (Orlando, 1984) "Never accept the limitations of your environment. Remain inwardly ensconced in the castle of God's presence. There is no other haven of safety....In fearlessness affirm: "I am castled in God's presence. No harm can reach me, for in every situation of life - physical, mental, financial, spiritual - I am protected in the fortress of God's presence." -Paramahansa Yogananda "When you do Sadhana, all the lines on the hand changes." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Stop your mind so you can hear your Soul." -Sant Dattatreya Kali Baba  "Let freedom ring..." -Dr. Martin Luther King jr. "So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” -John 8: 31-32 Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue
11/12/20236 minutes, 53 seconds
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When Your Back Is Against The Wall #GMweekends

When your back is against the wall, there's only one thing left to do, the one thing you haven't tried, to know by felt-Faith, 'No wall, here. Only God, Here.' This is the prerequisite for the Miracle. I Love you, Nik  To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show Today's Quotes: "Don't equate the presence of God with a good mood or a pleasant temperament.  God is near whether you are happy or not.  -Max Lucado “Why struggle to open a door between us when the whole wall is an illusion?” -Rumi "I told my friend that I'm emotionally 'hitting a wall' and she said "sometimes walls are there so we can lean on them and rest." I can't even begin to express how much I really needed to hear that." -@BrandonKgood  via IG "...See clearly, not with your physical eyes, but with your spiritual eye, not with your little I, not the I-thought, but with the I-Am." -Robert Adams "If you're not seeing miracles yet, don't worry, they'll happen to you, too!" -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Fix your inner eye on the supreme Lord Sri Ram, and faith will arise effortlessly in your soul, followed by a miracle in your life." -Maharajji "Train yourself to see the awe beyond the obvious." -Rick Rubin Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
11/11/20236 minutes, 46 seconds
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You ARE the Love of God #GMweekends

Today's Quotes: "One who is able to withdraw the senses from their objects, just as a tortoise withdraws its limbs into its shell, is established in divine wisdom." - Bhagavad Gita 2.58 "If you feel nothing at all, it is only an intermediary stage that will go after sometime.  Think that blessing rains down on your head from above.  The head is your root and the body, the tree. When the root is well watered the whole tree becomes beautiful." - Ananadamayi Ma  "Find that flame, that existence, That wonderful Man who can burn beneath the water. No other kind of light will cook the food you need." - Daniel Ladinsky, 'No Other Kind of Light'  "There is something inside each of us that comes from behind that veil.  Behind the place of our own birth, it's as if you have tasted of something, somewhere in your past that's been so high, so much light, so much energy, that nothing you can experience through any of your senses or your thoughts can be enough. " - Ram Dass, Be Here Now  "I feel the Love of God within me now." - ACIM Lesson 189 "Who could feel fear in such a world as this? ²It welcomes you, rejoices that you came, and sings your praises as it keeps you safe from every form of danger and of pain. ³It offers you a warm and gentle home in which to stay a while. ⁴It blesses you throughout the day, and watches through the night as silent guardian of your holy sleep. ⁵It sees salvation in you, and protects the light in you, in which it sees its own. ⁶It offers you its flowers and its snow, in thankfulness for your benevolence."  -ACIM Lesson 189 Today's Practice: Repeat and FEEL the mantra- "I feel the Love of God within me now." "I am the Love of God within me now". "I am the Love of God." "I am Love." "I am." Stay as That, without words. Without someone there to feel or hold the Love.  Just be.  Light. Love.  This.   I Love you,  Nik  [email protected] To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show
11/5/20238 minutes, 43 seconds
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Put Your Thoughts on Transparency Mode #GMweekends

Never hold a thought, never drop the Thread. Watch and listen to your mind.  Notice when it's doing what it does.  Notice its judgements, criticisms, projections, conclusions.  Don't react. Don't respond. Don't try to stop them.  Just notice.  And then notice what else is present.  Listen to the Silence that the thoughts are coming and going in.  Feel that Silence... Joy, Love... the Bliss of the Self.  When you feel this Bliss, It puts the thoughts on transparency mode (like your noise canceling headphones).  Now you're no longer hypnotized by thinking... It's not the only thing you can hear.  Now you can also hear the Silence!  You can feel the Thread.  And It feels good. Don't drop It. I love you, Nik To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show Today's Quotes: Ram Dass' Roommate Story from 'Changing Lenses' "If you would like to meet your roommate, just try to sit inside yourself for a while in complete solitude and silence. You have the right; it’s your inner domain. But instead of finding silence, you’re going to listen to incessant chatter: “Why am I doing this? I have more important things to do. This is a waste of time. There’s nobody in here but me. What’s this all about?” Right on cue, there’s your roommate. You may have a clear intention to be quiet inside, but your roommate won’t cooperate. And it’s not just when you try to be quiet. It has something to say about everything you look at: “I like it. I don’t like it. This is good. That’s bad.” It just talks and talks. You don’t generally notice because you don’t step back from it. You’re so close that you don’t realize that you’re actually hypnotized into listening to it. Basically, you’re not alone in there. There are two distinct aspects of your inner being. The first is you, the awareness, the witness, the center of your willful intentions; and the other is that which you watch. The problem is, the part that you watch never shuts up. If you could get rid of that part, even for a moment, the peace and serenity would be the nicest vacation you’ve ever had." -Singer, Michael A.. The Untethered Soul (p. 17) Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
11/4/20237 minutes, 30 seconds
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You are a Candle. And at Night a Candle Stands and Burns.

Rumi says, "Listen, Stand up in prayer during the night, For you are a candle, And at night, A candle stands and burns." And when you believe in this world (as something separate or other than God), it is the night. It is the Kali Yuga. And in the Kali Upanishad it says to go from night to day, to go from ignorance to enlightenment, you stand and chant. You stand and sing. You stand and praise, in the dark, in the storm. You stand knowing, God is Here. Love is Here. The Dawn is Here. Even when we can't see It, we feel It. We thank It. For everything.  I Love you and I'm with you, Nik To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम Today's Quotes: "Sometimes God calms the storm, but sometimes God lets the storm rage and He calms His child." -@TheUpperRoom via IG "When we have light within, no darkness can affect us." -Amma "God is hearing your thoughts in this moment and loving you fully anyway." -Amma "Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark." -Rabindranath Tagore "The only thing you must remember is how fortunate you are. When you forget this, you become sad." -Ravi Shankar "Lord, help me to live this day, quietly, easily. To lean upon Thy great strength, trustfully, restfully. To wait for the unfolding of Thy will, patiently, serenely. To meet others, peacefully, joyously. To face tomorrow, confidently, courageously." -St. Francis of Assisi "As the golden flame of the candle burns steadily, without flicker or wavering, so shall My Flame burn ever more in your heart. It shall burn out all dross of the mortal mind, smallness of nature, meanness of spirit, vindictiveness, jealousy. It shall burn out all carelessness of your habits, in the outer realms of your being. My Law and My Order can then function perfectly in your life. Then and then only will you be a worthy vessel for the inflow of My Spirit. Then and then only can My Spirit flow through you to other of My children. Likewise shall all disease be burned from the physical body, that nothing shall interfere with My Plan for your life..." -excerpt from Voice of the Master by Eva Bell Werber (My Flame in Your Heart) Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
10/29/20235 minutes, 47 seconds
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This feels like The Way because it is.

This weekend, sit that body down. Sit it up straight close its eyes and know that that's Shiva sitting there. That's Hanuman. That's Krishna, Rama, Jesus, Buddha, sitting there. That's how sitting becomes easier-- when you tap into your highest level of consciousness, the One that's been sitting for lifetimes, that's been mediating for millions of years. Tap into that place inside, the One that knows what to do, that doesn't need to read, that doesn't need questions answers, because there's no questions in this silence, no words, no world. Just Love. I Love you, Nik To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]! Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम Today's Quotes: "We pinch ourselves to know we are alive in this life. Considerable joy. Considerable Joy. All of us, one. All of us, one. One consciousness. That is the way in which the world could right itself. Start with your peace. Your love. Your compassion. And go from there. And then, love everything. Love everything." -Ram Dass  "Other than what you are thinking and believing, are you okay? Notice." -Byron Katie "Eternal Awareness, you are the only Presence.  Your sacred name is I Am.  Your perfection is just a realization away.  As consciousness unfolds, give now your Grace and forgive unawareness. Let the mind be an avenue of Awareness-- free of belief. For you are the only Presence, the only Power, and eternal timeless Perfection.  And so it is." -Gil Michaels via FB "All your ambitions and achievements are connected with others. Either to show off, prove yourself or to provide. Just for a moment imagine there is no one to appreciate your achievements nor to support your ambition and you will find your self to be calm and free. " -Ravi Shankar "If meditation is anything, it is a deep and profound willingness to listen. That's what Silence is about. Don't try to be silent. That's trying to impose control. Instead, just listen. But listening is a humble thing. Listen. You know, because the mind wants to come in there and it wants to hear its own voice. So meditation is an embodied form of listening." -Adyashanti "Nothing can stop what God is about to do in your life." - @NeilVermillion "This feels like the way because it is." -@SourceMessages  Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
10/28/20237 minutes, 39 seconds
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It's Dark Because You're Trying Too Hard #GMweekends

Today's homework is to meditate until you feel GoOD, and then to lean and/or rock wit It ;) I Love you and I'm with you,  Nik राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show "In life you have 2 choices U can lean wit it or U can rock wit it" -Dude @brinixolew via Twitter “It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them. I was so preposterously serious in those days, such a humorless little prig. Lightly, lightly – it’s the best advice ever given me. When it comes to dying even. Nothing ponderous, or portentous, or emphatic. No rhetoric, no tremolos, no self conscious persona putting on its celebrated imitation of Christ or Little Nell. And of course, no theology, no metaphysics. Just the fact of dying and the fact of the clear light. So throw away your baggage and go forward. There are quicksands all about you, sucking at your feet, trying to suck you down into fear and self-pity and despair. That’s why you must walk so lightly. Lightly my darling, on tiptoes and no luggage, not even a sponge bag, completely unencumbered.” -Aldous Huxley "God, I rest in You. I wait patiently for you to flood my awareness with the Love that You are. I look past the illusions of lack, limitation and sin the mind sees, and acknowledge that You alone exist. You are Light, in whom there is no darkness. You are Truth, in whom there is no falsity, You are Love, in whom there is no fear. How marvelous it is to know that there is onlv Your Perfection here, and nothing else whatsoever." -@agaronabke via IG "The moment you wake up, right away, you can smile. That's a smile of enlightenment. You are aware that a new day is beginning, that life is offering you twenty-four brand-new hours to live, and that that's the most precious of gifts." -Thich Nhat Hanh Song of the day: Lean Wit It, Rock Wit It Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
10/22/20239 minutes, 9 seconds
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This is the Sound of Abundance #GMweekends

You're only 'wanting' when you're not 'Being', when you're not 'Shreeming'. The Sound of Silence is the sound of Abundance. So keep your inner ear on the Sound, your inner eye on the Field, your felt- 'I' in Love, and behold the Harvest.  I Love you, Nik [email protected] "Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." -John 4:35 राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show Today's Quotes: "God is a word that points to the experience of unbounded silence, absolute reality and ineffable love." -Isha Das "Why were we given the gift of speech? To give voice to God's unspoken words." -Isha Das "I feel the Love of God within me now." -A Course in Miracles "The most important thing you manage is your own energy.: -@Enlightenment_tao_zen via IG "Humble yourself, you'll grow greater than the world. Your Self will be revealed to you, without you." -Rumi 
10/21/20239 minutes, 24 seconds
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You've Never Failed and You Won't Start Now. #GMweekend

Even though we appear to be here in this world, we can hear what's happening at Home. We know that Home is all that's happening. His Kingdom is all that's here. Ravi Shankar said, if you run after glory, all you get is misery. But if you rest, if you're dispassionate about this world, if you love the Word more than you love the world, Glory comes to you. Smile. Breathe. Listen. I Love you, Nik राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम "You've never failed and you won't start now. " -@worshipblog "We went too far in our thinking and forgot that destinies are written.  There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be." -M. darwish "Whatever you're going through right now, it's happening on purpose, in order to forge you into the person you're meant to be." -@HimalayanYogaYatra "Half smile when you're irritated. When you realize you're irritated, half smile at once. And then inhale and exhale quietly, maintaining the half smile for 3 breaths." -Thich Nhat Hanh "Persist, persist, persist.  At the moment of non-reaction, circumstances change." -Neville Goddard "If you run after glory all you get is misery. When you are dispassionate, glory comes to you." -Sri Sri Ravishankar  "The goal of yoga can be reached in countless ways. One of them is Nád Yoga, the yoga of sound. The ancient scriptures say that the faculty of listening is the most comprehensive and powerful of all five senses. In the cycle of birth and death, it is the first one to appear and the last one to disappear. Nád Yoga exclusively uses sound, tone, rhythm, singing and listening in order to awaken the consciousness. The archetype of the Nád Yogi is Guru Nanak, a spiritual rebel, poet and leader who found full enlightenment by singing the praises of the Creator, whom he found to permeate the whole Creation ("I Ong Kaar")." - Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
10/15/20235 minutes, 44 seconds
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This is the Missing Piece #GMweekends

Esther Hicks said, 'the way you get the missing piece, is by not focusing on the piece that's missing.' Instead of focusing on your intention, focus on the Peace you have. Focus on Love. Focus on Presence. You focus on on what you already have an abundance of,  like the Name. Every time you notice an intention , notice the Name, chant the Name of God, your chosen one, and in that moment you become the Chosen One, again. I Love you, I am you, Nik राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम "Instead of trying to make it all work out, know that it's already happening." -@spiritdaughter "Outside the will of God, there's nothing I want.  Inside the will of God there's nothing I fear." -A. Towser "How aligned you are, how you sit, stand, and breath, determines how your body functions and for how long it will function." -Sadhguru "If you walk into a very pristine forest where hardly any human beings have moved, if you just go in, close your eyes and sit, it is like you are sitting in a temple; you can actually feel this. There is a phenomenal amount of energy which supports you because the whole life process - from a microbe to a worm, to an insect, to a bird, to an animal, to a tree, to a plant - every one of them is living with this intention: they want to be something more than what they are right now. That intention creates a kind of consecration of its own, it creates a certain sacredness of its own. If you allow the planet to be just the way it was, and if you simply sit here or sleep, you will find the whole place will become like a consecrated space... This is the reason why yogis always withdrew into forests and mountain caves.  Because just sitting there, the intention of nature is crystal clear to you. The main thing is to grow beyond all limitations which are restricting you right now. That intention is being expressed by every grain of soil out there - don't miss it! If you become without intention, you will feel the intention of the Existence. When you become one with that, you travel so much more easily in that direction." -Sadhguru The Name I chant is Ram.   Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
10/14/20235 minutes, 41 seconds
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Let God Happen #GMweekends

What you usually do is you 'stop' letting yourself be Loved by God because you're angry, or frustrated, or stressed. You don 't have time to let God love you. You say, 'I'm too busy trying to get this done', or, 'I'm trying to get there from here...' Start noticing moments like these and close your eyes on them and say, 'Let it happen.' Let God happen. Let Love happen. Let HIM, and you rest, You watch. You win. I Love you, Nikki To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम Today's Quotes: "The difference between humanhood and Christhood can be found in the two words getting and letting.  As human beings, we are constantly driven to get: we get up in the morning, get breakfast, get to work, get lunch, get home, get to bed, all in order to get money to get food and clothing so that we can keep on getting to work everything appears to come from the outside, and in that belief human beings are enslaved to a life of getting. The transition to our realized Christhood changes our life from one of getting to one of letting. we let that mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus: we let "the imprisoned splendor escape."  The whole purpose of our life changes as this enlightened awareness lifts consciousness. the kingdom is within not outside to get.  Through meditation we enter that kingdom and let it flow out from our conscious oneness with god. we are then a blessing to all we meet. we are no longer in bondage to getting: we are released into the joy of letting. " -A message for the ages - Joel Goldsmith  " As you sit with me in the space of deliberate influence I will highlight the direction I have intended for you to travel. I will guide you clearly and precisely as you allow the influence of my spirit to make its mark, without resistance or opposition. I know sometimes you resist unknowingly and unintentionally. I know sometimes you resist, not because you want to resist my will, but because you do not recognize what I am saying. You do not recognize my voice, ways, or timing so you unintentionally resist what I'm giving you. Understand as you walk with me and continue to abide with me, all of these interactions will become more and more familiar as they happen more and more frequently. You will recognize My signature, and will see it clearly without question, and will do so from a greater distance. And with this capacity to discern more quickly and more accurately, you will be poised to cooperate with me more and more, operating with less and less confusion and misunderstanding, and more and more clarity and precision with the wisdom, discernment, and understanding I have given you." -Neil Vermillion, Daily Newsletter  @neilvermillion via IG  "If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished?" - Rumi Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
10/8/20238 minutes, 4 seconds
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I Am God's Project #GMweekends

God is renovating His life as you, declaring "this house shall be called a House of prayer for all people..." The inner noise and discomfort you're experiencing isn't a sign that you're broken, it's a sign that GoOD things are happening. So let Love work.  You are set to do (Be) great things. It's time.  I Love you I am you Nik To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम *Mark 11:17 _________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of; You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself." -C.S. Lewis  "Love is seeing God in the person next to us and meditation is seeing God within us." -Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "One sign you're growing as a Christian: your prayers are dominated less and less by "Give me this" and more and more by "Give me You."" -  @MattSmethurst via IG "We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be." -C.S. Lewis, Letters to an American Lady "You are a story who has to be told by God- who so believes in you He moved right into you, and keeps writing hope on all your impossible walls, who keeps raising the sun over you because He's intent on raising His dream for you, who keeps you, so you can keep on, and who will not let your story end till Glory has the last word. Period. -Ann Voskamp via IG Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
10/7/20236 minutes, 15 seconds
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Next Time You Feel Lonely... #GMweekends

Instead of avoiding or trying to cover the Silence by reaching for creature comforts today (idle chatter, unnecessary busyness, etc), reach for the Comforter in the Silence.  Sit in the big Quiet and feel for the Love inside.  Touching this place inside is the end of loneliness.  It's the end of fear.  It's the end of your perceived separation from God, from your Self.   Reach for the Comforter, and smile, and then go about your Sunday in and AS Love. I Love you, Nik To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम Today's Quotes: "Don't surrender your loneliness so quickly, let it cut more deep.  Let it ferment and season you as few human or even divine ingredients can.  Something missing in my heart tonight has made my eyes so soft my voice so tender my need of God absolutely clear.” - Hafiz “Man ordinarily lives in loneliness. To avoid loneliness, he creates all kinds of relationships, friendships, organizations, political parties, religions and what not. But the basic thing is that he is very much afraid of being lonely. Loneliness is a black hole, a darkness, a frightening negative state almost like death … as if you are being swallowed by death itself. To avoid it, you run out and fall into anybody, just to hold somebody’s hand, to feel that you are not lonely… Nothing hurts more than loneliness. But the trouble is, any relationship that arises out of the fear of being lonely is not going to be a blissful experience, because the other is also joining you out of fear. You both call it love. You are both deceiving yourself and the other. It is simply fear, and fear can never be the source of love. Only those who love are absolutely fearless; only those who love are able to be alone, joyously, whose need for the other has disappeared, who are sufficient unto themselves… The day you decide that all these efforts are failures, that your loneliness has remained untouched by all your efforts, that is a great moment of understanding. Then only one thing remains: to see whether loneliness is such a thing that you should be afraid of, or if it is just your nature. Then rather than running out and away, you close your eyes and go in. Suddenly the night is over, and a new dawn … The loneliness transforms into aloneness. Aloneness is your nature. You were born alone, you will die alone. And you are living alone without understanding it, without being fully aware of it. You misunderstand aloneness as loneliness; it is simply a misunderstanding. You are sufficient unto yourself.” ― Osho "Fear can be an indication that we are letting go of false comforts to find the true comfort in the silence.  Fear can be a sign that we are becoming aware of our unnecessary busyness, the loneliness we feel, the needs we usually ignore, including our need for peace, and quiet.  Fear emerge as our substitutes for the Love in the silence no longer work, and only silence is present." - Dr. Bruce Davis
10/1/20239 minutes, 12 seconds
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We Have Begun Our Real Journey #GMweekends

Can you hear the Silence, while the crying is (t)here? While the heaviness is (t)here, can you be Light? It doesn't push the heaviness away. When you wake up in the heaviness, you actually bring it closer. Because you feel safe, you can bring it closer, you can hold it, because God is holding you. And because you know God is holding you, you can finally release it. Release the fear. It's not who you are. Release the past. It's not where you are. Release yourself. It's not really here. Only the Word is.  I Love you, Nik [email protected] To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम "And we pray, not for new earth or Heaven but to be quiet in Heart and in Eye, clear. What we need is here." -Wendell Berry "When we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and when we no longer know which way to go we have begun our real journey." -Wendell Berry "If you can't meditate, pause before every sip of coffee. If you can't pray, simply say thank you before every meal." -Vex King "Courage is a love affair with the unknown." -Osho "As one drawn to his lost spiritual home Feels now the closeness of a waiting love, Into a passage dim and tremulous That clasped him in from day and night’s pursuit, He travelled led by a mysterious sound. A murmur multitudinous and lone, All sounds it was in turn, yet still the same. A hidden call to unforeseen delight." -Sri Aurobindo, Savitri – I: The World-Soul
9/30/20237 minutes, 17 seconds
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You Will Attain What You Want, Only If You Seek For It Where It Is #GMfaves

And every time you're tempted to go out and seek for It where It's not, stop. And breathe in... breathe out... And Love your Self enough to go slowly, to Hear clearly, that Voice that says, "I Am." "I Have." "It's Here." Thank you, thank you, thank you. I Love you! Nik    To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम Today's Quotes: "The kingdom of God is not in the clouds, in some designated point of space; it is right behind the darkness that you perceive with closed eyes." - Paramahansa Yogananda "Some time back, I asked my Master, 'How long should I meditate? He gave this example to help me understand, If you were told there is a treasure of four hundred thousand dollars at a depth of twenty feet, how long would you spend daily trying to dig it up?* Then it was clear to me, 'I would work all day and all night and would not rest until I had reached that treasure; I answered. "Similarly," he continued, "and this is just tour hundred thousand dollars of worldly treasure, But inside us, at the third eye center, there is a limitless wonderful treasure and for that we are to devote all our time.  This treasure never decreases. One can even take it with one after leaving the body. It is not a worldly kind of wealth.  If you take one piece from a worldly treasure, then it will always be one piece less. But the godly treasure is such that the more you use it for yourself and others, the more it will increase." -Good Stories, July 17,1977 (Thakar Singh)  "You will attain what you want only if you seek for it where it is. If you want happiness, seek for it in the Self, in God, the fountain source of the highest bliss, not in sensual obiects." -Mahavatar Babaji  Support the show
9/28/20236 minutes, 45 seconds
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Affirm: "I refuse to do something about nothing." #GMweekends

Original airdate- Nov 2022 God consciousness is always acting, never reacting. It's always recalibrating, restoring you to this new version of you. This new version of you doesn't have the old desires, the old wants. This new version of you is content, is fulfilled, is full. If you already had the relationship, if you already had the house, if you already had that number in your bank account, You wouldn't be affirming it right now. You wouldn't be thinking about it right now. You wouldn't be needing it right now. You'd be silent right now. That's the sound of answered prayer. That's how you sound when you don't want anything, when you don't need anything. That's how you sound when you are one with God. Listen. That's how you sound when you know who you are. That's how you sound when you know God is. This is what a smile sounds like. Affirm to yourself- My life changes now. I am at the beginning of a new journey. I'm sitting up taller. I'm feeling love. I'm being loved. I am on the expressway, smiling unswervingly through it all, on my way to it all, remembering that I am it all. Love you,  I Am you, nik To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम Today's Quotes: "Each person comes to life at a time when they have something to give to the world." -Old Proverb "Identify the most profound and pleasant experience that you have experienced. At that moment, what sort of face did you carry? Make that experience and expression the baseline of your life.  You should not come below that high that you already know. You can only exist above that benchmark. Make the high point of your life the base for the future! The tools for transformation are there. You are at the right time in history. This is a great time for blossoming into your fullest. When I am here, you should not aspire for the mundane. Your goal should be nothing less than the Ultimate." -Sadhguru  Before outer conditions can change, your reaction to them must stop, for it is your reaction that perpetuates them by giving truth to the lie.  Refuse to do something about nothing. Reacting to thoughts about the material world is like a hypnotized stage subject swinging at an imaginary opponent.  The secret to non-reaction is in remembering that you are already infinite God-consciousness.  We are to let thoughts pass out of us and thus uncondition our mind. As they are passing out, don't pull them back by thinking about them. The only reaction you should have is to omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence; that reaction being awe and gratitude that you are one with all that is. God-consciousness is always acting, never reacting." -Joel Goldsmith  "Fear says 'what if' Faith says 'even if'" -@prayerteam via IG  "WHENEVER HE LOOKS AT YOU God sees nothing in us that He has not given, Everything is empty until He places what He wishes into it. The soul is like an uninhabited world that comes to life only when God lays His head against us. The delight a child can know tossing a ball into the air, my Lord confessed He experiences whenever He looks at you. God sees nothing in us that He has not given." -St. Thomas Aquinas, Love Poems From God by Daniel Ladinsky “Smiling can be a deliberate, intentioned act. When it is that, it becomes an act of creation, and a powerful tool. Be quick to smile, and quick to share your smile with others. You will light up your heart and light up the room.” -Neale Donald Walsch “When you are in readiness, you are in wakefulness. A smile can take you there. A simple smile. Just stop everything for one moment, and smile. At nothing. Just because it feels good. Just because your heart knows a secret. And because your soul knows what the secret is. Smile at that. Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
9/24/20236 minutes, 32 seconds
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You Still Don't Know Me. #GMweekend

Original airdate: 4/23/2023 You read about Me. You share about Me. Sometimes you even believe in Me, but you still don't trust Me. What you call faith is often just distraction, from the appearances, with other appearances. True Faith is when you face the problem, the appearance, and all you see is My Face, all you hear is My Voice, all you feel is My Promise. That's the difference between yesterday and today- LOVE, sustained. "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His Love endures forever." -Psalm 136:1 ******** Today's Practice: Instead of Where's Waldo, keep asking, 'where's Jesus'? Where's the Christ? And keep seeing It shining through appearances, as appearances, as you.  I Love you, Nik To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम Today's Quotes:  "God, may I focus more on what I'm trying to get to, than on where I'm trying to get away from." [email protected] "Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, That my thoughts may all be holy. Act in me, O Holy Spirit, That my work, too, may be holy. Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, That I love but what is holy. Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, To defend all that is holy. Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit, That I always may be holy." -St. Augustine "When the Lord God, the Holy Spirit, visits us [he says] and comes to us in the fuliness of his ineffable goodness, then we have to stop praying and refrain from prayer itself. The praying soul speaks and offers up words, but at the descent of the Holy Spirit it must be utterly silent so that it can clearly hear and truly understand the words of eternal life which the Spirit condescends to bring to it." -St Seraphim of Sarov  "The will of God will never take you where the grace of God won't sustain you." -Unknown  "We live in a Christ-soaked universe that is pulling us into the abundant, resurrection life of Jesus. We can either let go and trust the process or we can resist and suffer. Either way, death is the inevitable entryway into resurrection life." -Brandy Anderson "Just because something hasn't manifested, doesn't mean it can't. You are not miles away from what you want, and you are not years, or hours, or months, or weeks away from what you want. You're only vibrations away from what you want." - Esther Hicks "If you can recognize and accept your pain without running away from it, you will discover that although pain is there, joy can also be there at the same time." - Thich Nhat Hanh, No Mud, No Lotus "God desires to give us everything we just have to be empty enough to receive it." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar  Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
9/23/20239 minutes, 14 seconds
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Chant and the Bonds of a Thousand Chains Will Vanish #GMweekends

*Original Airdate - Nov 15, 2022 Chant and God will fill you up again, to overflowing, smiling your face, bringing you Peace, bringing you the world.   Chant and see. Love you,  I Am you, nik To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम राम Today's Quotes: "If negative thoughts, insecurities, doubts come into the mind, chant Om Namah Shivaya. This itself will  put you on the right track." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Regardless of time or place, one who chants the Holy Name, even while eating or sleeping, attains all perfection." -Chaitanya Mahaprabhu "Sleep while awake." -Ramana Maharshi "No matter what your impulses dictate, let nothing sit on the throne of your heart but God. If you love this creation of God's more than Him, you will be disillusioned. God first, God in the middle, God last." -Yogananda "You should not be carried away by the dictation of your mind, but the mind should be carried away by your dictation." -Srila Prabhupada "Let there be no boundaries. When you lose all sense of self, the bonds of a thousand chains will vanish. Lose yourself completely, return to the root of the root of your own soul” - Rumi "In this world full of shapes, there you are with no form." -Rumi "Japa is not a battle with the mind but an emotional connection with Krishna." -Mahatma Das "There is a silence in you. It is always here, constant and unmovable. It is not doing anything. Be aware of this. It is simply here but it didn’t arrive. You are not a person here. In the silence itself, you are without history, name and form. Recognise that space here now which simply is. It underlies all activity, but it itself does not participate in any activity. Notice and confirm this now, and stay in your beautiful rest." -Mooji "You've been seeking a drop of water when God has the ocean written for you." -Maharajji My mantra and its benefits- Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare   Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
9/23/20235 minutes, 50 seconds
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It's All in the Name #GMweekends

Even though the Name may sound like, 'Hare Krishna', or 'Hare Rama', or 'Yahweh', or 'Abba', It's basically saying: 'There's nothing to fear here.' 'This is illusion.' 'This is maya.' 'Only God is here.' 'Only Love is here.' 'You're safe.' 'I'm with you.' 'I'm protecting you.' 'I'm healing you.' 'I'm growing you.' 'I'm prospering you.' 'I'm blessing you.' All of that, is implied, as you chant, as you catch this Beat, and feel this Rhythm. It's all in the Name. It's all in the Name. I Love you, Nik [email protected] To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]! Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show *************************************** Today's Quotes: "There's a morning when presence comes over your soul. You sing like a rooster in your earth-colored shape. Your heart hears and, no longer frantic, begins to dance." - Rumi "Where the pictures on the screen of the mind no longer disturb. That is enlightenment." -Anu Mullick Koul "Out of the four problems of material existence, namely the food problem, the shelter problem, the fear problem and the mating problem, the fear problem gives us more trouble than the others. Yet all fear is vanished as soon as there is the sound of the Lord, represented by His holy name. We can take advantage of these sounds and be free from all threatening problems of material existence." -Srila Prabhupada "The transcendental Presence must become a living experience, permeating our consciousness, flowing through us to the extent that the fingers tingle with It, and the toes. It is a reality, even though the human mind cannot understand It, the human eyes cannot see It, and the human ears cannot hear It. It is so real that when It happens we know It, and there are no questions." - Joel Goldsmith "And if hardship approaches, you then say: You are what I will use to blossom" -Hashim Y. A. " The presence of fear is a sure sign that you are trusting in your own strength. The awareness that there is nothing to fear shows that somewhere in your mind, though not necessarily in a place you recognize as yet, you have remembered God, and let His strength take the place of your weakness. The instant you are willing to do this there is indeed nothing to fear." -A Course in Miracles "Once a dog came to the ashram to beg for food, Anandamayi Ma placed some food close to wooden tigers that were so realistically painted that they appear as real tigers. The dog obviously was in a quandary. He was eager to eat the food but fear of the tigers kept him from touching it. Anandamayi Ma there upon remarked that the dog found himself in the position of most human beings who are held captive by their imaginary fears.  Fear is unreal and it appears only in imagination; abide in Self to stay fearless." -Sri Anandamavi Ma Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
9/17/20235 minutes, 53 seconds
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Everything that is meant for you, you will have. #GMweekends

Maharajji said, "I hear the Sound here. We shall have a temple." I say, "I hear the Sound here, we shall have GoOD words..." You say, "I hear the Sound here, we shall have _________. Whatever you ask for in God's Name, in the presence of this Sound, you shall have. But it'll pale in comparison to His Promise. Watch and see :) I Love you, Nik p.s. that Maharajji quote, tho?! Just found it yesterday and what a Gift!  Confirmation.  Motivation. Celebration! (oringally recorded and shared  November 2022) To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]! Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show *************************************** Today's Quotes: "Don't let what you see make you forget what I said. -God" -Unknown via IG “The large Kainchi temple is built at a spot where Sombari Maharaj, a great saint of that area, had lived in a cave. The cave still remains at the back of the temple and there is a strong feeling of continuity of spirit there. Once Maharajji, Siddhi Ma, and Jivanti Ma went at night to the site that was later to become the temple at Kainchi. While the Ma’s sat by the roadside, Maharajji crossed over the river and didn’t come back for four or five hours. When he did, he said, “I hear the sound here. We shall have a temple.”” — Miracle of Love: Stories about Neem Karoli Baba by Ram Dass "Thinking of anything other than God is what creates sorrow." -Anandamayi Ma 'Everything that is meant for you, you will have." - @lawofattractionuniversal via IG "There's nothing to see here, there's nothing to see/hear." -Jarett Anderson 
9/16/20235 minutes, 33 seconds
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Let It Begin Now. #GMweekends

Open that body's eyes in the same spirit that you start the engine of your car. You don't think the car is You, and right now, you're not thinking that that body is You. You're seeing it silently. You're looking 'in' at the world, at these words, through that body's eyes, from where You are, from what You are. And suddenly, You're doing It! You're BEing the Impossible, and life is GoOD. I Love you, Nik [email protected] p.s. more affirmations from today's episode that got edited out- It's happening now. I Am Feeling now. I Am Seeing now. I Am Hearing now. I Am Healing now. I Am Rising now. I Am Now. I Am the Now.      To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show *************************************** Today's Quotes: "Heaven is a well of living water that seeks to replenish and renew the face of the earth. Let it begin now, with me.” - Isha Das "Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." -St. Francis of Assisi "Breathe in and out of your heart. With each inhalation, you take in that Love a little more. With each exhalation, you get rid of that which keeps you from acknowledging that you are Love." -Ram Dass "My consciousness has never association itself with this temporary body.  Before I came on this earth I was the same.  As a little girl I was the same. Even afterward, though the dance of creation changes around me, in the hall of eternity I shall be the same." -Anandamayi Ma "Now imagine that you stop to sit on a bench in the park. As you sit there everything stops, absolutely stops. Your mind is so still and quiet that you can hear dust particles floating in the air. Suddenly you are falling, and falling, and falling. There is no ground below or sky overhead, just a crushing thunderous silence, racing faster and faster. You suddenly realize that it’s going to kill you, rip you limb from limb and explode your lungs into dust. There’s no way out, no possible means of survival. And so you do the only thing there is to do. Surrender.  All goes blank and empty, more empty than limitless space.  Prior to life and death, you blink out of (or is it into?) existence. Timelessness is all there is, all there ever was, or could be. Eternity reigns supreme, and is radiantly present in every particle of being.  Something unborn and undying stirs to life and opens its eyes—your eyes. You or It is still sitting on the park bench. It is smiling, radiant, and content. A little girl on roller skates passes by. The sun glitters through the aspen leaves as an old man smokes his pipe on a footbridge crossing over a stream that feeds into a pond filled with goldfish." -Adyashanti excerpt from The Way of Liberation        Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
9/10/20236 minutes, 31 seconds
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You Don't Need a New Plan. You Need a Commitment. #GMweekends

Take no anxious thought by remembering your mantra. Take no fearful thought by hearing the Silence. Just for this eternal moment, take no thought at all by feeling the Love, knowing only Love is (t)here, and all is GoOD.     You must finish what you started. With you in and AS the Commitment, Nik [email protected] To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show *************************************** Today's Quotes: "You are not lost, you are not less than, you are not losing it all, unworthy, or invisible in any way. You are waking up." -Matt Khan "Take no thought" -Joel Goldsmith  "You are calling up the Divinity within you which will enable you to bear hunger and thirst, heat and cold."  -Vivekananda "Call up the Divinity with you. If any social institution stands in your way of becoming God, it will give way before the power of Spirit." -Swami Vivekenanda   "It's time to disconnect from the standard.  Disconnect from the norm. You're operating at an entirely new level of frequency. What you're capable of doing with this renewed spirit of energy is beyond the average. Where most people can't, you can. Where most people won't, you will. Where most people stop, you go. Don't follow the line because you're creating your own now. This phase of your life doesn't require courage; it just requires you accepting who you were always meant to be." -@SourceMessages via IG "Look past your thoughts, so you may drink the pure nectar of this moment." -Rumi "The human being has a unique place among God's creation. 'I breathed into him of My Spirit', God says. Each and every one of us without exception is designed to be God's delegate on earth. Ask yourself, just how often do you behave like a delegate, if you ever do so? Remember, it falls upon each of us to discover the Divine Spirit inside and live by it."-Shams Tabriz "Do what you have been called to do, and then do more. The sky will clear and God's presence will be your presence." -@Isha_das_craig_bullock via IG "Our only remedy is that whatever situation is there, you simply chant. Everything will be adjusted." -Srila Prabhuapda "Take the Name Ram and everything will be achieved." -Maharajji  "You don't need a new plan next year. You need a commitment." -Seth Godin "Sadhana isn't just sitting and closing your eyes, it's your attitude and how you act in different situations." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
9/9/20236 minutes, 16 seconds
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You are Light that can Hear. #GMfaves

#ProTip: Today keep something in your ear, so you’re not in your head. Joel Goldsmith's 'Secret work of the original 25' playlist helped me tremendously in 2018.  Maybe it'll help you, too! May all your doors open, Nik To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show *************************************** Today's Quotes: "Love finds a way to Love you more." -Lesley-Ann "You are light that can walk.  You are light that can see. You are light that can touch. you are light that can hear..." -@philpattar via IG  "Open all the doors, all the windows.  Let the sun and the rains and the wind come. Let God come in all the forms He wants: through music, through poetry, through song, through love, through meditation, through work, through play.  May all the doors be open." -Osho "All sensory pleasures in the world are like wrapping paper; the true bliss is the presence inside." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Remember that God called you. So, when you quit, you quit on whoever He wants to reach through you." -@beckministries via IG  "Just when you think it's too late, that's when God whispers... 'We don't use the same watch.'" @blessedprintdesigns "He changes times and seasons, He removes kings and sets up kings. He gives wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to the discerning." Daniel 2:21 Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
9/7/20236 minutes, 35 seconds
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Listen to This One Before Work Tomorrow #GMfaves

You've been offered a new job! It's a different position...a witnessing one, a Loving one.   You will continue to work your present job, for now, but from now on, you'll do it from and AS "Loving Awareness", the awarness that is NOT a person. You'll  watch that body work. You'll watch it from and AS  the position of Joy.  And that Joy will radically transform the work that body does, how it serves, who it serves... this Joy will take shape as an entirely new life.  A life in Its own image. I'm with you in and AS Love, Nik To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show *************************************** Today's Quotes: "The real work is to feel the silence in everything that we do." - Dr. Bruce Davis "The love in the silence has specific plans for us. With our hearts open, the voice of the stillness inside us speaks clearly to trust this love, our true guide and employer. People who are tested in their work are being challenged in their belief in how present the silence is and how much it provides and cares for them. The struggle for survival is moved by the fear that we are all alone and the world is against us. The love in the quiet reminds us that we live in God’s midst, which is full of purpose and meaning and caring. It is through living in the monastery without walls that our worries about survival give way to trust in the silence. The sacred moments melt our fears, giving way to a practical life full of the joyous essence. We are each called to a work that gives fulfillment. Fulfilling work separate from a life full of silence is not possible. We are called to work for the silence, in the silence, with the silence, and feel the love of the silence working through us." -Dr. Bruce Davis,  Monastery Without Walls: Daily Life in the Silence The deeper the self realization of a man, the more he influences the whole universe by his subtle spiritual vibrations, and the less he himself is affected by the phenomenal flux. "  - Yogananda  "Now that your worry has proved such an unlucrative business, why not find a better job?"  -Hafiz Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
9/4/202312 minutes, 52 seconds
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Nobody Has to Give You Your Flowers 💐 God Did. #GMfaves

I am 'Rooting' for 'you', you're 'Rooting' for 'me', you're 'Rooting' for 'them', knowing they're not 'them', so 'they' can bloom, too . That's your true Calling. If you persist in this Calling, hearing the Voice of God over the world, then you'll play your part in helping to change it. I Love you, Nik To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show *************************************** Today's Quotes: "Nobody has to give you your flowers. God did. " -Katt Williams  "Somebody, somewhere is depending on you to do what God has called you to do." -@rock_solid_ministries_intl via IG  "The only thing separating you from God is the thought that something is separating you from God." -Richard Rohr "The mind looks for problems so it can keep you occupied with problems so you'll never realize it's the mind that is the problem.  Break the chain. " -@Dovepeace via IG  Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
9/4/20235 minutes, 50 seconds
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Relax and Let My Spirit Descend Upon You.

Relax... I Am you in your most peaceful state. So why struggle? R E M E M B E R. Stop worrying and listen... Hear that Ringing? Answer. I Am calling. Descending. I Love you, Nik To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show *************************************** Today's Quotes: "It's like Love calls and I answer." -Kiyada via Love Charging Station   "To materialize your wish, the universe has to change the things around you. Your body is also one of those things. Drop the idea of ownership over your body and consider it as just another part of the universe.  Otherwise either your wish will never materialize, or it will materialize in a distorted way." -@Shunyasouls via IG "RELAX! Do not believe that you can either bring about the flow of God or prevent its flow. It is already full and complete within your being, awaiting your recognition of your fullness in Christ. Though your sins be scarlet, you are white as snow. Only do not go back; do not sin again; do not go back to the belief of a sense of separation from God. Do not go back to seeking your good from outside because after you have learned that the kingdom of God is within you and that you must let it flow up from the within to the without, if you then again go seeking it without, you create a deeper sense of separation than you ever had before. Do not do it! Do not go back! Do not go back! "Go, and sin no more." Do not go back to being hurt because somebody is not doing for you what you think he should: forgiving you, co-operating with you, or recognizing your virtues. Do not go back to that! Loose him! Forgive him and let him go! You are alone with your God. You are alone in your God-being. There are times when you are faced with the appearance of discord, inharmony, pain, lack, or limitation; and the temptation is to make a mental effort to indulge in vigorous thought-taking, affirmations, and denials in order to achieve peace and harmony. Now reverse that, and whenever there is an appearance of discord, relax. Make no mental effort.  Remember that your good does not come to you by might or by power, but by the very gentle spirit. It does not come to you by your striving, by your efforts, by your thought-taking: it comes to you from the depths of your being, in stillness, in quietness, and in confidence. You are not to try to achieve a healing. You are to be still and let the still small voice take over. You are to let the Spirit descend upon you. Rest. Rest, right now, in the midst of the disease, lack, discord, or inharmony that is disturbing you. Rest; relax! "My grace is sufficient for thee. I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." Why struggle, as if you had to? -Joel Goldsmith, Leave Your Nets- Chapter Five  "Any obstacle can be overcome, if we are willing to accept that it is not really there." -Octavia Williams  Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
9/3/202310 minutes, 48 seconds
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Nothing Is Unresolved or Too Late in God

Affirm: "I rest in the shelter of God's Loving Presence." Listen to the Silence, and find the Harmony. Go from meditation to Melody, and stay (t)here. I Love you, Nik To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  ___________________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Melodies from Heaven Rain down on me, rain down on me Melodies from Heaven Rain down on me, rain down on me Take me in Your arms and hold me close Rain down on me, rain down on me Fill me with Your precious Holy Ghost Rain down on me Rain down on me " -Kirk Franklin, Melodies from Heaven Excerpt from 'Journey with the Master' by Eva Bell Werber 'I Am Your Teacher'  "If you get in touch with something bigger, the smaller things naturally evaporate. The source of life which is functioning within you is a far bigger phenomenon than the thought process." -Sadhguru  "It is necessary to close the eyes to all appearances, judging neither good nor bad, acknowledging only that it is, and in this way something rather like a vacuum is created within your own being, and into that place of stillness and peace Truth reveals Itself as the harmony unto the situation." -Joel Goldsmith  "I rest in the shelter of God's Loving Presence." -Unity Church   "When Christ wishes it... he receives within himself the Song sent into Him from the heavens, and His meditation is changed into Melody, and His Spirit lingers in marvelous Harmony." -Richard Rolle, "The Fire of Love" "It does not matter how urgent, threatening or overwhelming the problem seems to be nor its category-- health, wealth, harmony, peace, or justice; neither does it matter how close to destruction or even death the problem seems to leave you. When you seek God for God itself you are safe. You are protected from physical and material harm of any category even though the problem may appear to be overwhelming or even too late to resolve. Nothing is unresolved or too late in God." -Don Mardak  "One cannot handle the mind from the level of the mind. Just forcing positive thoughts on oneself is not enough. This is where knowing the secret of breath can transform lives." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Let us never fear an image in our mind whether that image is a person, a disease, or even a bomb. That still small Voice in the midst of us is mightier than all of these, and if we can become so silent that that Voice can utter Itself—even if only as a deep breath or a sense of peace or warmth—this earth will be filled with the voice of God and the belief in two powers will be silenced." -Goldsmith, Joel S.. The Thunder of Silence (p. 200). Acropolis Books, Inc.. Kindle Edition.  Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
9/2/202310 minutes, 51 seconds
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Prove It to Yourself in 24 Hours #GMfaves

Spread your silent Influence by knowing, 'Nobody. No-body (t)here, but the invisible Christ, but Love.  Treat everyone as Holy and they will be. They are. You are. I Am.      I Love you, Nik To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show Today's Quotes: "The way you alchemize a soulless world into a sacred world is by treating everyone as if they are sacred until the sacred in them remembers." -Sarah Durham Wilson  "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change." -Wayne Dyer "Your outer experience is the direct manifestation of your inner state of consciousness. Therefore, the outer world can be no better to you than the degree of your present state of consciousness... (excerpt from 'I Stand on Holy Ground' by Joel Goldsmith) "We cannot attain the presence of God because we're already totally in the presence of God.  What's absent is awareness." -Richard Rohr "Why struggle to open a door between us when the whole wall is an illusion?" -Rumi "Sometimes you hear a voice through the door calling you, as fish out of water hear the waves or a hunting falcon hears the drum's come back. This turning toward what you deeply love saves you. -Rumi "You did not come to this earth to become some body. You came to this earth to discover that you are nobody, no-body." -Robert Adams Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
8/30/20238 minutes, 59 seconds
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God is 'It', and You Are Found. #GMweekends

I catch God peeking at me, from around every corner, from behind every person, situation, and thought, smiling at me, ready to be found, so He can be It, and I can know Him as All.  I Love you, Nik To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show Today's Quotes: "Young children, who have not yet accumulated a lot of stress, exhibit an abundance of energy, enthusiasm, profound joy, and unconditional love. These qualities that manifest spontaneously in an innocent child demonstrate the truest, unadulterated essence of humanness. We are all born with a wellspring of love and joy.  These qualities are not just emotions, they are the essence of our existence. The truth of our essence cannot change, it can only be covered over and hidden from us." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Your Name is Everything. Hare Rãma. It should be heard, spoken, sung, thought. And yet ultimately it is unheard, unspoken, unsung, unthought. The mantra is the bridge to this unknown. -@gaieasanskrit via IG "Really, if only you have this faith in the Name, you need not struggle to secure the chance to detail to me your desires and wants. I will fulfill them even without your telling me. Have the Nam bright and clear on your tongue, in your mind; and the form symbolised by it before your eye and mental vision-nothing can harm you." -Shirdi Sai Baba  "As Consciousness is Lifted into Awareness, there is nothing but Harmony. All Life is of God, Infinite Love. Go right to God and stay there." -Al Denninger
8/27/20234 minutes, 45 seconds
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God Has Entered the Cha(n)t #GMweekends

...reminding you to cross that bridge from B.C. to A.C., from before chanting, to after chanting, and from head chanting, to Heart chanting. Here, is Love.   This is the something Sacred that's born every moment. And your awareness of It births new experiences in the world, every moment. You have to stay aware of this unbroken  connection between the Invisible and the visible, between the Kingdom and the world, between God and You.   Heart Chanting is the bridge.    I Love you, Nik To claim your free gift, leave a review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it and send it to me at [email protected]!  Join us on Patreon to support the show, and tune into and participate in live video Q&As with me!  Support the show ************************* Today's Quotes: "before chanting to after chanting!" -Jessika via the Love Charging Station  "MAHARISHI : ... I was in Norway - don't remember which church in Norway - and then after the lecture boys and girls gathered around me and said "I like your lecture" and I say "What did you like about the lecture?" "And he said, "You said that life is bliss, and we heard in church that life is misfortune and you must suffer." "And we're afraid to go to church because we're sad to hear that life suffers, and you have to suffer." I said life is happiness. You just have to enjoy it. But I told you how to enjoy. If you are not connected to the creative intelligence, which is within you, you will suffer. I said the teaching of the church is not that you must suffer, but the teaching of the Church is that if you don't study the kingdom of heaven within you will surely suffer. (laugh) So better research the kingdom of heaven within then tell the church people that they are right and now start enjoying life. I said the doctrine is fine but you have to understand the doctrine. If you don't know the kingdom of heaven, you shall suffer. Many young boys and girls started meditation and became happy. Just a message that life is bliss and there is no need for suffering. This information is just so uplifting……. the kingdom of heaven within." -Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Audio, 1964 "I am using words just to create silent gaps.  The words are secondary; the silences between those words are primary. This is simply a device to give you a glimpse of meditation. And once you know that it is possible for you, you have traveled fare in the direction of your own being."  -Osho  "Being "in the gap- can be disorienting + even scary.  Nothing to hold on to, no sense of direction, not even a hint of what choices possibilities might lie ahead.  But it was just this state of pure potential that existed before the universe was created.  Relax into the no-thingness; fall into this silence between the words.. watch the gap between the outgoing and incoming breathing, and treasure each empty moment of the experience.  Something sacred is about to be born.  -Osho  "The river that flows in you also flows in me." -Kabir 
8/26/20237 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Courage to Stop Running #GMweekends

Today we begin, to stop. Just for Now. Whenever you get the urge to leap into unnecessary business, pause and Hear. Pause and Chant.  Pause and Love. As humans we're all addicted to something, so crave this Pause. Worship this Scintillating Silence. Devour It. Love It. Until Grace wakes you up as It. I Love you, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ GoOD Mornings merch: ▶▶ _________________________________ Today's Quotes: "There is a worm addicted to eating grape leaves. Suddenly, he wakes up, call it grace, whatever, something wakes him, and he is no longer a worm. He is the entire vineyard, and the orchard too, the fruit, the trunks, a growing wisdom and joy that does not need to devour." -Rumi -There's a great silence that is listening to the thoughts." -Adyashanti "We are all addicts. All addiction has spiritual roots. The alcoholic, when they're drinking the beer, what they're really trying to do is drink unconditional Love. And when they're smoking  a cigarette, they're trying to inhale unconditional Love, the cigarette, the chocolate the sex might give you a taste of unconditional Love but it doesn't last. That's why you see the seeking mechanism can't provide the unconditional love that we seek, because the unconditional love that we seek is actually who we already are." -Jeff Foster Jeff Foster reading via IG-- I've read and LOVE and highly recommend all of his beuatiful books, but this one is a great place to start if you feel like stopping :) -- The Way of Rest But this one, 'An Extraordinary Absence' was one of the books that kicked off my journey more than 10 years ago! I read it and re-read it and now that I'm remember it, will be revisiting! Enjoy!   Support the show
8/20/20236 minutes, 26 seconds
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Affirm: God Has Found Me #GMweekends

Keep finding Him by waking up in every appearance and asking, "Is this here, or is God here?" "Is that problem here, or is God here?" "Is this worrying thought here, or is God here?" "Am I here, or is He here?" "What is 'here'?'  Love. Only That.    I Love you,  Nikki [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ GoOD Mornings merch: ▶▶ _________________________________ Today's Quotes: "Our Father (God) who art in Heaven (eternal reality), hallowed be thy Name." Prayer is the remembrance of the Divine Name. The Kingdom is come, the Will is done, when the Name is remembered." -Jay Matthews via Quora  "When God wishes to help, He lets us weep.  Wherever water flows life nourishes.  Wherever tears fall, Divine mercy is shown." -Rumi "Nothing can make you happy until Nothing can make you happy." -Jeff Foster  "The Light of God surrounds you, The Love of God enfolds you, The Power of God protects you, The presence of God watches over you, Where ever you are God is, And all is well." -Ray Rarmilo via FB "I am pleased with you, My Child.  Allow yourself to become fully aware of My pleasure shining upon you. You don't have to perform well in order to receive My Love. In fact, a performance focus will pull you away from Me, toward some sort of Pharisaism. This can be a subtle form of idolatry: worshiping your own good works. It can also be a source of deep discouragement when your works don't measure up to your expectations.Shift your focus from your performance to My radiant Presence. The Light of My Love shines on you continually, regardless of your feelings or behavior. Your responsibility is to be receptive to this unconditional Love.  Thankfulness and trust are your primary receptors. Thank Me for everything; trust in Me at all times. These simple disciplines will keep you open to My loving Presence. - @jesuscalling.daily via IG  "Where we see waves we have a God who makes highways. Where we see dead ends, we have a God who makes a Red Sea Road. The brave trust Him unwaveringly and know that it's okay if things feel kinda unsteady when your heart's fixed on Him because: Faith feels like waves. And your heart takes a deep breath, smiles wide, takes its own wild leap of faith and believes: The brave ignore waves." -Ann Voskamp "I  was a black ant, on a black stone, on a dark night, but God has found me." -Sufi Proverb
8/19/20235 minutes, 57 seconds
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Just believe in this one thing: what you need you will get. #GMweekends

Everything is leading you to right Here. Every moment,  every tragedy, every triumph, brings your attention Here. Everything is happening Here. Everything you want is Here. And the more attention you give to Here, the more you'll have Here, the more you'll 'get' from Here. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said just believe in one thing: what you need you will get.  Just open your "I", and feel It.  With you in and AS the Having, Nik [email protected] Support the show: ▶▶ _________________________________ Today's Quotes:  "Just believe in one thing: what you need you will get." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Move on in life with the confidence that you will be given everything in abundance, and that you are being protected by the Divine." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Grace is that which comes to you without you doing anything specific to gain it. When you recognize it, then you are showered with more Grace." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "In between two thoughts, what is there? You cannot think two thoughts at the same time. Try it and see. It cannot be done. One has to stop before another one starts. In between the stop of one thought and the start of another, what is there? You are there! But this you is not a person. It is the great emptiness, the womb and source of the universe. Awaken to your timeless and immutable Self." -Mooji "Relax a little, give life a chance to flow its own way, unassisted by your mind and effort. Stop directing the river's flow!" -Mooji "Wisdom without words is silence." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "You do not express God. God expresses God, and that expression appears as you. God reflects Himself into this universe as you, but you have nothing to do with it. God expresses Himself; God glorifies not you or me: God glorifies Himself. The nearer you approach to that vision, the greater is the glory of God that is being shown forth by you." -Joel S Goldsmith  Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
8/13/20237 minutes, 56 seconds
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Affirm: I Am a Star #GMweekends

What sound does a Star make? Ask yourself this question and listen to the silence that follows. Every time you're noticing thoughts today, pause, and come back Here. To the Scintillating-Silence. Hear your Light. Feel your Light. When you dissolve thoughts in this Light, you're dissolving the problem. Whatever it was you were thinking about is also clearing-- the sky of your mind is clearing, revealing the twinkling Star, the Sun, that you are, that I Am.    With you in and AS the Shining, Nik [email protected] p.s.  How I weathered the (inner and outer) storm- 1. Prioritized meditation and silent sitting  2. Limited access to me- reduced meetings, phone calls, text messages, excessive news watching, and went inside myself ("Worldly people go outwards but you go inwards like the tortoise withdrawing in his shell." - Neem Karoli Baba) 3. Whenever fear or doubt would arise, I'd immediately retreat if I could, to hear God's voice, the voice of Silence, over my own.  4. Trusted that everything would be okay no matter what, and that whether the storm appeared to hit our home or not, the practice, the work was the same-- to open my heart.  5. Smiled and help others find theirs. “My challenge to you as fellow pilgrims on the journey, is to cultivate the stability of living on two planes of consciousness simultaneously—as Christ said, ‘In the world but not of the world,’ to be fully passionately involved in life and also be totally equanimous and centered. This is not an either/or, it’s a both/and.”   - Ram Dass Support the show: ▶▶ _________________________________ Today's Quotes:  "As the depth of Love increases, the intensity of fear slowly decreases." -Amma "Pray to God for the power to remain aware of the Self in all conditions and circumstances." -Anandamayi Ma "When you go within yourself-- I don't care what the trouble is-- and Christ arises, awakens, it says to the storm within you, 'Peace, Be Still,' and there is a great Calm. You have entered meditation; you have left the storm of the mind and entered the Silence." -Bill Skiles  "As for the Word-- His wisdom meditates on It,  His teaching utters It,  His knowledge has revealed It,  His patience is a crown upon It,  His joy is in harmony with It,  His glory has exalted It,  His character has revealed It,  His rest has received It,  His Love has incarnated It,  His faith has embraced It." -The Word of the Father Appears (Naghamadi Texts, translation by John Lash)  Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
8/12/20239 minutes, 38 seconds
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How I Get Through My Dark Nights #GMweekends

SEASON 3 begins Aug 7!!! First, I remember that it doesn't matter what the body is feeling or what the mind is thinking-- I Am Love and Love is unfolding where I Am.  Then, I wait to feel this Love.  And because I'm now feeling Love, I'm no longer matching the energy of the moment.  I'm not generating a false or fake joy, but turning back toward the inner Light, the subtle Joy, the Love that IS.  And I keep feeling the Light, holding this Love, through the situation, through the anxiety, through the worry... until it's seen that only the Light is real.  The eyes see the appearance but I'm no longer judging by the appearance.  I'm no longer fooled by it.  I'm seeing it... but I'm feeling Love at the same time.  And I know that Only Love is Here. As you move through your dark nights, it's important to remember that you aren't seeking God. You aren't seeking the Light.  You don't want Freedom or happiness or Love.   YOU ARE THAT.  You want them because of the false perception that you think you are separate from That, from God.  Freedom is the essence of who you are.  Relax, recognize, and stay feeling this Truth, inside.  And this Truth becomes your outer circumstances. "He is a real man who does not let go his hold on the Self-state while he is attending to whatever problems come of their own accord and without desire." - Ramana Maharshi, Padamalai pg. 250 "Self-knowledge, or knowledge of Truth is not had by resorting to teachers, scriptures, or good deeds.  It is attained only by means of enquiry inspired by those who have awareness of the inner Light.  One's inner Light alone is the means, naught else. When this inner Light is kept alive, it is not affected by the darkness of inertia.  Whatever sorrows there may be that seem to be difficult to overcome are easily crossed over with the help of the boat of wisdom (the inner Light).  He who is devoid of this wisdom is bothered even by minor difficulties.  The effort and the energy that are directed by the people in worldly activities should first be directed in the gaining of this wisdom.  Wisdom or the inner Light is like the legendary precious stone which bestows on its owner whatever he wishes to have." - The Yoga Vasistha Rhonda Ross' poem mentioned in this episode.  Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
8/6/20239 minutes, 48 seconds
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Try This 'Inner Elevator' Trick to Quiet the Mind #GMweekends

SEASON 3 begins Aug 7!!! Ride your inner elevator from the mind down into the Heart.  Ride it from noise to Silence. From chaos to Peace. From fear to Love.  It's noisy in the head, but quiet in the Heart. Stay (t)here in this Loving Silence. Don't ride the elevator back up. Stay (t)here. Stay Love. Today's Quote:  "The mind should be kept in the heart as long as it has not reached the Highest End.  This is wisdom, and this is liberation.  Everything else is only words."  -Maitri Upanishad 6.24 Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
8/5/202310 minutes, 27 seconds
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Affirm: "I simply Be and the world rearranges itself to reflect Me." #GMfaves

Simply Be. Simply breathe. Simply smile because you remembered Love is on the field, and the game is already won (One). I Love you, Nik [email protected] p.s. I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3 Support the show!: ▶▶ _________________________________ Today's Quotes:    "I simply Be and the world rearranges itself to reflect Me." IG @artofassumption "There are things that months or weeks ago or years ago were part of your experience that you cannot even relate to now, that you cannot even remember now, because you have elevated yourself so far beyond them." - @SaraLandon via IG "Choose pure love for yourself again and again. Choose pure love for others again and again. Choose to see the pure love that is the truth of every moment again and again. Do not judge yourself when you find yourself someplace other than this state of pure love. Simply take a deep breath and come back to pure love." - @SaraLandon via IG "In deep love your mind is free from thoughts." -Ravi Shankar  Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
8/4/20237 minutes, 1 second
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I Am Risen #GMfaves

An emotion only lasts 90 seconds, and if you can wake up during those 90 seconds and remember, 'I'm not upset... I'm aware of this upset, I'm aware of this emotion, I'm aware of this wave, conscious breathing is my anchor', then that'll be the beginning. A new way to live in the world. Rumi said, 'absorbed in this world you've made it your burden. Rise above this world, there's another vision." Every time you breathe and feel your way through an emotion, you have risen. Feel the sun/Son in your Heart and know, "I Am risen." The I Am is the healing and it's flowing through and from You.    Thank You. Thank God, for Love.    I Love you, Nik [email protected] p.s. I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3 Support the show!: ▶▶ _________________________________ Today's Quotes:    "Emotional waves last just 90 seconds.  After that, we're simply re-stimulating our internal circuitry." -Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor "Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky.   Conscious breathing is my anchor." -Thich Nhat Hanh "It is the frequency not the length of time, that makes It natural. That to which you constantly return constitutes your Truest Self." -Neville Goddard  "Like gravity, grace too is constantly active. It is just that you have to make yourself receptive to it. When you do, suddenly, you seem to function like magic." -Sadhguru "Every breath that flows in the nose, every beat that throbs in the heart, every artery that pulsates in the body, every thought that arises in the mind, speaks to you that God is near." -Swami Shivananda "But He said to them, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.” -John 4:32 "The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing." -Zephaniah 3:17 Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
8/4/20239 minutes, 12 seconds
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'Whatever you ask in My Name, will be given to you.' #GMfaves

Whatever you ask in Love's Name (while feeling Love, feeling Love while the words come from that Love, addressing that Love, like you're speaking directly to that inner experience of felt-Love), will be given to you. Read that again. That's how I pray. Sometimes I ask that Love for what I want. But mostly I just listen to It... And It gives me what It wants. This Silence that is everything. This alert-listening to the felt-Love is the most powerful prayer. It moves mountains. It helps you to see they were never truly (t)here. Only Love is. I Love you, Nik [email protected] p.s. I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3 Support the show!: ▶▶ ______________________________ Today's Quotes:       "Whatever you ask in My Name, will be given to you."  -Jesus "I will whisper secrets in your ear just nod yes and be silent." -Rumi  "God's infinite being shines in each of our minds as the knowledge, 'I Am'" -Rupert Spira  "All perfection and every Divine virtue are hidden within you. Reveal them to the world." -Mahavatar Babaji  "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit- fruit that wil last- and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you." -John 15:16 NIV KEEP GOING.   Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
8/3/20235 minutes, 52 seconds
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Be Humble - "Don't Think Less of Yourself, But Think of Yourself Less" #GMfaves

Deep dive into the power of humility, and how to remain in this inner posture of communion, of worship, of sacredness, no matter what the mind, body, or world is doing. This is power. This is the real meaning of humility. This is the real you--where miracles come from. I Love you, I Am you, nik [email protected] p.s. I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3 Bonus content: ▶▶ "I pray that the Lord would meet you in your sadness today. In all of your disappointments, in all that you don't have understanding in, in every area that you desperately long for healing in.  May He meet you there and remind you that you don't have to seek for Peace and Comfort elsewhere. That you can have endless Peace and  Comfort in His Presence. " -IG @HerTrueWorth "The way up is by bowing down. If you wish to reach Krishna then become truly humble. Though please remember: don't think less of yourself, but think of yourself less." -Sacinananda Swami "Getting what you think about, being Loved and adored, and having the whole world spin in the palm of your hand aren't things you learn, earn, or force.  Breathing is enough.  Because you already do, you already are, and it already does." -Mike Dooley  Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
8/2/20236 minutes, 54 seconds
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Affirm: 'I will be treated Sacredly.' #GMfaves

I see Light where you appear to be. A Light that you can't hide anymore. A Light that you can't dim anymore, that nothing can eclipse, nothing can cover. Step into your Self fully, now. All is being revealed. I Love you, Nik [email protected] p.s. I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3 Support the show!: ▶▶ _________________________________ Today's Quotes:     "Your boundary need not always be an angry electric fence that shocks those who touch it. It can be a consistent light around you that announces, 'I will be treated sacredly'." -Jaiya John, Fragrance After Rain via IG @Jaiyajohn   "Even a brief flash of God realization,  will cause some human problem to dissolve." -Joel Goldsmith  "The spiritual journey is awakening back into the unity, the oneness, the spirit, the God, that permeates and is all things. Not so that you get lost in the unity and forget the diversity, or your uniqueness, but that you regain the balance." -Ram Dass  Support the show Beginning Aug 7, 2023 - 'GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki' will host pre and post roll ads within the back catalogue.
8/1/20236 minutes, 34 seconds
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Your Path Is More Difficult Because Your Calling is Higher #GMfaves

'They' aren't your Peace.You Are.Love is.Turn to It and don't look away.Your calling is higher, so your vision must be, too.I Love you,[email protected]. I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3 Support the show!:▶▶'s Quotes:   "Your path is more difficult because your calling is higher. Make it happen. Shock everyone."- @Raghunathyogi via IG"Stop thinking in terms of a God who will do something for a person. There is no such thing. There is no such thing as a God who will heal me or you or your patient or your student. That is going back to paganism. God is the impersonal life of all being, but God is spirit, and so your entire consciousness must be on the nature of the kingdom of God: Seek ye first the kingdom of God, the nature of spiritual grace, the nature of the gift of God. Then when you are absent from the body, when you are absent from taking any thought about the externalized forms, “the bridegroom cometh.” The eternal mistake is trying to connect a spiritual God with a material universe when “My kingdom is not of this world.” Do not try to make a spiritual God maintain a human body or a human home or a human purse or a human business, and in the moment ye “think not” about persons, things or conditions, and continue to abide with me—continue to abide in the Word—spiritual harmony comes and it brings the out picturing of harmonious human conditions."-Goldsmith, Joel S.. Consciousness Transformed (pp. 457-458) Kindle     "Imagine a thread pulling you toward the ceiling."-Sacinanand Swami , The Living Name "I know you and I have a relationship, I may not always feel it but please  don't take this personally, It's just my mind. I can't help that I am weak. Only You can help me..."-@Sacinanand Swami , The Living NameSupport the show
7/31/20237 minutes, 23 seconds
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Your Story is About to Change. #GMweekends

In this moment you are deeply thankful to be able to be Love while things are rearranging, knowing that wherever you appear to be right now, is where you need to be. That you couldn't be anywhere else.  That your blessings are unfolding.  That the miracle is here.  That the miracle can be felt before It can be seen, but that It must be felt consistently, before It can be seen... before the scene can change.I Love you and I appreciate [email protected]. I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes: "You can't stop the mind from thinking because you didn't start it thinking."-Adyashanti "Don't identity any thought as negative because it's just a thought. Who told you it's negative? It's just a thought. What's the problem? If you understand it's just a thought, it has no power. If you think it's a reality, then it destroys you."-Sadhguru Note: Feeling the Loving Silence even when thoughts are present. "Even the feeling of the absence of God is His manifestation-- so that His Presence may be realized."-Ananadamayi MaSupport the show
7/30/20239 minutes, 10 seconds
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Meditation Changes Your Destiny #GMweekends

Affirm:"This is my moment of permanent change.I'm choosing LoveI'm choosing who I came here to be."You came here to feel Go(o)d,to remember God,to remind the world, by example, that God is real., that God is here, that God is Love.You came here to be Lpve.And when you're identified as Love,you've written a new chapter for that life,a chapter that can only be written Now.Smile. Everything is new.I Love you,[email protected]. I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:"Every moment you spend on this planet, remember you're that you're here for a unique purpose and cause. far greater than to just eat, sleep and talk."-Ravi Shankar"Meditation is something that changes your destiny. If you go deep within and repose in the self, things start to change."-Ravi ShankarSupport the show
7/29/20235 minutes, 9 seconds
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Before You Make Any Decision, Ask Yourself This Question #GMfaves

"Am I aware?"And stay there.*...In the Silence.Start, stay, and end with this Silence, and you'll make decisions that you feel GoOD about! I Love you,Nik [email protected]. I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3Please support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:   "The next time you feel intimidated by the prospect of making a choice and you don’t feel anything in your heart one way or the other, just keep quiet, but without waiting for something to appear. You are going to have to bear some discomfort for a bit because something inside will not want to experience that feeling of not knowing. Something wants to go, but just sit with that uneasiness. Remain as awareness itself. Then, at some point, everything will calm down. A kind of recognition rather than a decision may enter your heart. The way forward may clearly manifest, and you simply move in a certain direction."-Mooji, "Vaster Than Sky, Greater Than Space: What You Are Before You Became""Ask 'Am I aware?' And then stay there."*-Rupert Spira  "Get yourself out of the way. allow those Divine Circuits to start working for you."-Robert Adams Support the show
7/28/20238 minutes, 6 seconds
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Manifesting With 'Easy Joy' #GMfaves

Surrender to the alignment of Easy Joy, in the present moment, and trust It. Free this Divine Energy of worldly concepts,of your desires,of you,and let It be good enough. Know It to be Alignment.Know It to be God, and all you'll see is God's form, everywhere.I Love you,[email protected]. I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3Please support the show!:▶▶'s Quotes:   "Your ego can only exist if you are tense. If you are relaxed, existence is, and you are not."-Osho "You trust in the power that is already taking care of you without effort."-Mooji Support the show
7/27/20237 minutes, 6 seconds
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Remember: You have to see through everything, to receive the best of everything. #GMfaves

Ravi Shankar said the best form of prayer is, 'being silent and knowing that the Divinity is taking care of everything'. But first It reveals to you that there is no 'everything'. That there is nothing here but It.Nothing here but God.Nothing here but Love.Unlocated, undivided, formless. And once you're able to see past the form, to see through everything, you're given the best of everything.You have to see through it all to receive the best of it all.I Love you, I Am you,[email protected]. I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3Support the show!:▶▶'s Quotes:   "Stop, look, and see."-Swami Chinmayananda "Whatever it is you're stressing about right now, give it up to God in prayer."- @HerTrueWorth via IG  "People say, 'I can't do it. I can't do it.'  I'm not asking you to do it. I'm asking you to be still and see."-Mooji  "Maya is not a separate entity. Absence of light is called darkness, so absence of Knowledge, Illumination, etc., is called ignorance, illusion or Maya."-Ramana Maharshi "Being silent and knowing that the divinity is taking care of everything-- that is the best form of prayer; the best prayer is meditation."-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Practice meditation. Become a seeker. Walk the path of the seeker. You will get the best of everything the world has to offer."-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "There is no answer to any problem, there in only an understanding of the problem."-Krishnamurti "The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing."-Zephaniah 3:17Support the show
7/26/20236 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Most Important Meeting of Your Day, Every Day. #GMfaves

The pin code is God's Name.  I'm holding the line.  Join Me.I Love you. I Am you,[email protected]. I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3*****Today's Quotes:Excerpt from, Eva Bell Werber's 'Quiet Talks the Master' - The Throne Room"Meditation is something that changes destiny. If you go deep within and repose in  the Self, things start to change."-Ravi Shankar"The breath that does not repeat the name of God is a wasted breath."-Kabir"In Rama, who is the dispeller of all sorrow, there is rest and ease; where Rama is not, there is discomfort and disease."-Anandamayi Ma Bonus content:▶▶ the show
7/25/20238 minutes, 28 seconds
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Affirm: "It's Happening!" #GMfaves

The miracle isn't coming to you, It's coming FROM you, THROUGH you.As you exhale right now,you're exhaling the miracle you've been waiting for.It's happening, unfolding for you presently,as present as your breath is. Feel It. And don't stop feeling It, to see It. I Love you,[email protected]. I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3Support the show!:▶▶'s Quotes:   "When you live in the Invisible, the visible takes care of itself."-Joel Goldsmith "Healing is a deep return to the Self."- @Medicine_Mami "Turn the mind inward and cease thinking of yourself as the body; thereby you will come to know that the Self is ever happy."-Ramana Maharshi "Grace comes out of nowhere. It can happen anytime, in any place."-Amma"I have retained my smile-- but to win it permanently was hard work! The same smiles are there within you; the same joy and bliss of the soul is there. You don't have to acquire them, but rather regain them. You have merely lost them temporarily by identifying yourself with the senses."-Yogananda  “There is an inmost center in us all, where truth abides in fullness;....and, to know, rather consists in opening out a way where the imprisoned splendor may escape, then in effecting entry for a light supposed to be without.”-Robert Browning"Happiness is not a feeling, it's the background of all feelings."-Rupert Spira "Love is the strongest medicine. It is more powerful than electricity."- Neem Karoli BabaSupport the show
7/24/20237 minutes, 43 seconds
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I just felt God softly say, "There's More." #GMfaves

You're going to look back and appreciate these days.These apparent 'slow' or 'no momentum' days. So relax into that Gratitude, now.Relax back into Love, now. Notice that when you're caught in a thought train,you're not aware of Love.But when you become aware of Love, you're no longer caught.You see that you were never caught.You were never in the were watching it.Watching this life unfold.Watching 'the more' unfold from Here,(w)here you're Reigning,and Resting.I Love you,[email protected]   p.s. I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:    "I just felt God softly say to me, "there's more". There may be some of you who are at a point in life where you feel like what you see is it. Like there is nothing past what you see now, but God says "there's more." Hang in there and keep seeking God because what you see now isn't all that there is or will be, there's more!! I don't know why exactly it is those words popped into my spirit, but hopefully they mean something to someone, including myself! God Bless you!"-Derrika Danielle via IG @TheRealSweetSpot-Romans 5: 3-13-Mary Magdelene 2019 Film"Make the conscious choice to move the attention of your anxious heart away from the waves and direct it to the One who walks on them and says, 'It's me... Don't be afraid'.. Look at him and say, 'Lord, have mercy: Say it again and again, not anxiously but with confidence that he is very close to you and will put your soul to rest."- Fr. Henri Nouwen via IG @claremsf "Recognize what is before your face and that which is hidden from the you will be revealed to you. For there is nothing hidden which shall not be made manifest, nor buried which shall not be raised."-Gospel of St. Thomas"Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."-Gospel of St. Thomas"When you understand that God is never late, you wait differently."-@amazinggracecoffee via IG "Being never came into being because It is eternal. Therefore nothing in the three-dimensional world ever came into being: it came into appearing."-Bob Pilato -"...with or within my light, sound, name and vibration."-Neil Douglas Klotz, The Aramaic Jesus "Thoughts are nearly always on a journey into a past or future, but our essential nature of pure Awareness never takes the journey with them."-Rupert Spira, The Ashes of Love  "Never forget God. Never forget your real Source. Never move away from the real center within you."-Amma"Be here now"-Ram Dass  Support the show
7/24/20239 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Foundation for All Abundance #GMweekends

"Acknowledging the good that is already in your life is the foundation for all abundance."-Eckhart TolleCeaselessly acknowledging God by feeling Love, and knowing this Love as the source of 'the good that is already in your life', is the foundation for all abundance. Today we practice remembering that this feeling of God, our Joy is the foreground of our experience, not the background.  We eat joyfully, drive joyfully, breathe in Joy, walk in Joy... we do everything we normally do on a Sunday morning, but with conscious Joy.  We do all of it as if we  are existing  and moving in and through a Joy bubble... feeling this same Joy within and without.  The more we remember to feel this all-pervasive Joy, the more our life changes. The instant you feel Joy is the instant the changes begin.“Whoever works for God, his work will be done by itself.”-Neem Karoli Baba aka  Maharajji "For one who sees Me everywhere, and everything in Me; I am never lost to Him, and he is never lost to Me."-Sri Krishna (Bhagavad Gita)   "Wherever you concentrate, and on whatever centre, there must be a you to concentrate, and that is what you must concentrate on."-Ramana Maharshi"A fully Krishna (God) Conscious person, although situated in this material world, does not see anything but Krishna."-Unknown*Krishna is the God of Love in Hinduism"I Am so often not recognized. Life is a thing so taken for granted. Blessed art thou that thou dost love, recognize, and adore the Power indwelling.  For I blend with your body, I thrill through your veins, I think through your mind, and love through your heart center, even as I am the One who thrills through every other being of My creation...This is your lesson for the day. Bow before Me in all whom you contact and you shall see miracles spring from the very dirt beneath your feet."-Eva Bell Werber,  Voice of the MasterI Love you and I'm with you,Nik p.s. I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3▶▶ Subscribe to support + get Go(o)d merch: the show
7/23/202310 minutes, 49 seconds
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There's Peace in the Valley, Too. #GMweekends

God isn't just on the mountaintop, He's in the valley, too, and everywhere in between, and beyond.  God's Love, It's Peace, your innermost Self, can be felt even when you're in the valley of sadness. It can be felt on the pathless-path up the mountain, and once you reach the summit, you'll find that there isn't a 'you' feeling this Love, there's only Love. Only God.  And in and AS That, you abide.I Love [email protected]. I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:  "Shiva lives on the mountain top of awareness. This world is in the valley.  Many old souls have been trying to climb this mountain in reverse gear.  Even if they climb and reach near Shiva, they roll back down to the valley because of their attachments.  Climbing this mountain is not as important as changing the orientation: Turn your back to the valley and face toward Shiva."- @ImmortalTalks on IGShiva is your innermost Self and the alert snake, with its raised hood around His neck represents PEAK Loving Awareness, Shakti, GoOD Energy on TEN!  As you read these words feel your back straightening, your shoulders relaxing down and back, your face smiling, your energy rising, Love peaking.  There! There you are!  Stay (t)here.  This is Go(o)d Energy and when you're practicing feeling and being This, This is all you see. You see that there is no valley or mountaintop, there's only the Kingdom. Only Love is here.  "Everywhere you look, you see what you're looking for.  When you're looking for God, all you see is God."-Ram Dass Support the show
7/22/20238 minutes, 1 second
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Do Not Fear, I Am With You. #GMfaves

Love is whispering in your ear,not with words,but with a soothing Feeling,"Don't be afraid, have courage.Feel My Love and keep going.I Am guiding you.I Am  showing you how to trust.I Am teaching you how to breathe.B R E A T H to be aware that you're breathing.When you're aware of your breathing, you're aware of Me.When you're aware of your breathing, you're aware of Me being 'you'.You're aware of My Grace.Every time you feel afraid today, come back to Me.Come back to your Self, back to your breath, and stop leaving.That's when things get good.I Love you,Nik   [email protected] the show!:▶▶'s Quotes:   "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."-Isaiah 41:10"God take my soul to that place where I may speak without words."-Rumi You're no longer repeating the same old patterns. The more you open your heart and mind, the more you tell the Universe: "I'm ready for new and elevated fulfillment." The flow that is required for these changes to take place has been set. Which is why you're beginning to experience major shifts. This is your revolution of a lifetime. Uplifting the entire landscape of your life is no easy feat, but it's the most important thing you'll ever do for yourself."-@Sourcemessages via IG Support the show
7/21/20235 minutes, 5 seconds
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Your Tears Are Prayers, Too. #GMfaves

He chose you.Love chose you to wake up.It chose you to pray ceaselessly.To Hear, ceaselessly. Your silence is prayer.Your mantra is prayer.This Love you feel is prayer.Your tears are prayers.And in every moment they're answered,'Here I Am'.I Love you,[email protected]. I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:   "All night, a man called 'Allah' Until his lips were bleeding.Then the Devil said, 'Hey! Mr Gullible!How comes you've been calling all nightAnd never once heard Allah say, 'Here, I am'?You call out so earnestly and, in reply, what?I'II tell you what. Nothing!'The man suddenly felt empty and abandoned.Depressed, he threw himself on the ground And fell into a deep sleep.In a dream, he met Abraham, who asked,'Why are you regretting praising Allah?'The man said, 'I called and called But Allah never replied, 'Here I am.' Abraham explained, 'Allah has said,'Your calling my name is My reply.Your longing for Me is My message to you.All your attempts to reach MeAre in reality My attempts to reach you.Your fear and love are a noose to catch Me.In the silence surrounding every call of 'Allah' Waits a thousand replies of 'Here I am.'"-Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi (r.a.)"To run, you must first walk.To walk, you must first stand.To stand, you must first crawl.To crawl, you must first be held.Start where you are."- @corymuscara"When you feel your peace slipping away and anxiety rushing in, stand firm and remember that Jesus has given you His peace."-Joyce Meyer "Your tears are prayers, too. "-@speakholyspirit"God will give you a Peace that makes no sense."- @michelles_losing_it"The principal thing is to stand before God with the mind in the heart, and to go on standing before Him unceasingly day and night, until the end of life" -(Bishop Theophan, quoted by Kallistos Ware in The Power of the Name: The Jesus Prayer in Orthodox Spirituality)"When you are tempted, recognize that a crown is being prepared for you."-St. John Chrysostom Support the show
7/21/20238 minutes, 36 seconds
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Live your life in His Will, and He will take care of everything. #GMfaves

Love's always carried you through before,why do you doubt It this time?Why do you doubt Me this time?Have courage, and B R E A T H E with Me.Exhale, while knowing that this anxiety you're's what change feels like.It's how the beginning feels.The worst is behind you.Keep breathing. I Love you,Nikp.s. I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3 Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:   "Aditya Hridayam Punyam Sarva Shatru Vinashanam" (all evil vanishes in life from the one who keeps the sun in his Heart)-Ramayana via Ram Dass"Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me."-The Jesus Prayer via This Book"The Jesus Prayer is work common to angels and humans. With this prayer people attain to the life of the angels in a short time. The prayer is the source of all good works and virtues and drives the dark passions far away from man. In a short time it makes a man capable of acquiring the grace of the Holy Spirit." -Saint Paisius Velichkovsky"Mantra gives you the power and choice to switch on your inner-peace, at any time."- @NanakNaam via IG "Letting go is leaving behind things from the past that are still trying to control how you feel in the present."Leave behind what no longer feels right. You did your time with that part of yourself, learned some lessons, and grew from it. Now you can take what you've learned and go into your next phase with a fresh mind that sees clearer, makes better choices, and feels more confident trusting your instincts.Rediscover yourself often. Leave behind the ideas, habits, and stories that don't define you anymore. This creates the space for you to keep growing, learning, and moving towards what feels meaningful, inspiring, and healing."- @HeyCoryAllen via IG"I am capable of changing destiny.  There is no power in the world that can go against what I have said. I can lower the exalted and raise the humble." - Love speaking through Sri Neem Karoli Baba"His Will and He WillThe life of a seeker continuously circles between the tangents of struggle and relief.The benchmark of truth for every sadhak is thatEverything is His Will and He Will take care of everything. Struggle is when the seeker's mind distances itself from the above fact and relief is when he surrenders every passing event of his life to "His will and He Will."-@pulkitagarawal via IG "An awake heart is like a sky that pours light."-Hafiz"It is in Love that we are made. In Love we disappear." -Leonard Cohen "One of the proofs that our Simran is being done correctly is that, in any kind of difficulty, we first remember Simran."-Baba Ram SinghSupport the show
7/20/202310 minutes, 7 seconds
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When You're Anxious or Worried, Be Patient. #GMfaves

The moment you remember what you are,the moment you shift your identity from being the person that's worrying,to being the Love that the worried person is happening in,the Love that they came from,you've initiated the change.You've initiated the healing.That's the key that opens the door.That's the Love that guides your steps through that door and into the room with Christ,where there is no darkness,where there is no 'you',only the pure Light of God.The sound of Love.RamRamRam.I Love you,[email protected]'m traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3Support the show!:▶▶'s Quotes: "You can't realize God if you see differences. Learn to find the love within."-Neem Karoli Baba"When you're anxious or worried, be patient. The key of patience opens the door of happiness. "-Rumi"Just drop everything and become aware of this inner presence. This inner presence is all that you have to work with, and it is all that matters."-Herb Fitch"The moment your mind starts worrying, know that at that moment, your mind has wandered away from Him. Bring it back to Him and watch your worries melt away."-Geetima via IG"Your suffering serves no other purpose than as an impetus for your awakening. It is meant to reveal your ignorance, so that you can transcend it."-Zen Thinking"Go direct to the Christ. Christ I Am, here, there, and everywhere... Christ fills this room, Christ fills this entire threatened area. Then wait, wait to feel the One Christ Presence.  Because Christ is everywhere and only Christ fills all space and time, the drought or flood is not there. Christ is there. When Christ within is real to you, Christ will manifest out there as peace, serenity, the end of the problem."-Herb Fitch, Maui Talks  "Perfect calmness is when you do not change. No matter what you see, no matter what is going on around you, you stay relaxed: peaceful. You may say this is impossible to do; on the contrary, it’s not. You can make yourself this way for this is your true state to begin with. Perfect calmness, perfect happiness, perfect peace."-Robert Adams Support the show
7/19/20236 minutes, 58 seconds
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You're Right On Time for Your Next Chapter #GMfaves

... and although you can trust that it's a GoOD one, once you know it's just a story, you can let go and be Free. You can be 'an empty page untouched by words.'You can see beyond the story to the changeless, timeless, wordless Reality that you are.That  I Am.That Is. There's only That. Appearing as This.I Love you,[email protected]. I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3_____________________________________________ Support the show!:▶▶'s Quotes: "Be an empty page untouched by words."-Rumi "You're right on time for your next chapterall the prior chapters have prepared you for this momenteven though this is a page you've never seen before, you're trusting the process. You're ready. "[email protected] via IG"Be still and let God direct you."-Al Deninger "The state of inner wakefulness with no object of thought or perceptions, just pure consciousness aware of its own unbounded nature is Transcendental Consciousness.  It is wholeness, aware of itself, devoid of differences, beyond the division of subject and object. "-Maharishi Mahesh Yogi "The universe is an example of Love. Like a tree. Like the ocean. Like my body. Like my wheelchair. I see Love." -Ram Dass"The world around me is both the hiding place and revelation of God."-Richard Rohr"Today I will recognize every sense perception as 'temptation' to believe it is anything other than Love/Rama.  This whole life-- the whole movie, the whole story is a superimposition.  Everything is Love appearing.  Even Nikki trying to escape or achieve enlightenment or use Love to shift the picture-- all seen as temptations."-Aug 11, 2020 (my iPhone notes) Support the show
7/18/20237 minutes, 33 seconds
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Meditation: The Answer to all your problems? #GMfaves

I'm traveling through the end of the month with my mom, sister, aunt, and grandma! We are birthday cruising through Italy and Greece, sponsored by my favorite skincare brand, MadHippie! New episodes resume on Aug 7! I love you!  #Season3 Dear God,When I am stressed,remind me:Only one thing is needed.Remind me to meditate.Remind me to feel You.Remind me that in Your presence, there is no problem.I Love you,[email protected] Support the show!:▶▶'s Quotes: *"Divine Mother, when I am stressed remind me: only one thing is needed."-Yogananda       "Divine life can be summed up in two words: Detach- Attach. Detach from the world, attach to the Lord. "-Swami Sivananda "The Silent Voice of reason."-@ThePresenceofAwareness via IG"I cannot imagine how religious people can live satisfied without the practice of the presence of God. For my part, I keep myself retired with Him in the fund or center of my soul as much as I can, and while I am so with Him, I fear nothing, but the least turning from Him is insupportable."-Brother Lawrence"Solve all your problems through meditation. Exchange unprofitable religious speculations for actual God-contact. Clear your mind of dogmatic theological debris; let in the fresh, healing waters of direct perception. Attune yourself to the active inner Guidance; the Divine Voice has the answer to every dilemma of life. Though man's ingenuity for getting himself into trouble appears to be endless, the Infinite Succor is no less resourceful.-Lahiri Mahasaya "I have found a way to live in the presence of the LordAnd It's all in the Name. Hare Ram Ram RamSita Ram Ram Ram." -Krishna Das, from the song- 'God is Real' "Something deeper and greater than yourself will flow out into visible expression. It, then will do what we interpret as healing work, although actually what appears as healing work will be the dissolution of material sense. When there is no material sense there is no personal sense of "I" to sin, to be sick, or to be poor... when there is no longer any personal "I ", what is left? GOD! God, the Father, appearing as God, the Son, in all of God's glory."-Joel Goldsmith , The Infinite Way Concordance Support the show
7/17/20236 minutes, 48 seconds
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How to Let Go of Resentments and Be Love #GMweekends

Pause in the midst of a familiar train of thought about who or what is bothering you.  Scan your body.  Let go of the tension you find. Letting go of the tension on the inside is the healing.  You'll begin to experience a constant, conscious Peace inside, and harmony outside until you see that there is no inside and outside. Only Peace. Only Harmony, Only this Love.REMEMBER: Feeling Love is the 'let go'.  When you keep feeling Love, you keep letting go into Love. And when only Love is left, what appears can only be in the image of that Love.  You realize life is really GoOD.  I Love you,[email protected] the show!:▶▶'s Quotes:"Tonight, give thanks to those who have done you wrong. They have unknowingly made you strong." - Unknown "Resentments. They all have their cheap little payoff, that little inner satisfaction. Let’s not pretend that it’s not there. There is a weird, quirky pleasure when we hang on to pain. It certainly satisfies our unconscious need for the alleviation of guilt through punishment. We get to feel miserable and rotten. The question then arises, “But for how long?”  - David R. HawkinsSupport the show
7/16/202321 minutes, 51 seconds
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Meditate Upon Love as Greatness, and You Will Be Great #GMweekends

Get into Love and feel and know It to be _______.  Then wear the feeling like a cloak and don't take it off ever, haha.  If you keep It on, It becomes your life. I Love you and I'm with you,[email protected] the show:▶▶'s Quotes: "Brahman is to be meditated upon as the source of all thought and life and action. He is the splendor in wealth, he is the light in the stars. He is all things.  Let a man meditate upon Brahman as support, and he will be supported. Let him meditate upon Brahman as greatness, and he will be great.  Let him meditate upon Brahman as mind, and he will be endowed with intellectual power.  Let him meditate upon Brahman as adoration, and he will be adored.  Let him worship Brahman as Brahman, and he will become Brahman." - Taittiriya Upanishad translated by Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester "Attune yourself to the active inner Guidance; the Divine Voice has the answer to every dilemma of life." - Lahiri Mahasaya Brahman definition via WIKI- The ultimate reality underlying all phenomena.  Brahman connotes the highest Universal Principle, the Ultimate Reality in the universe. In major schools of Hindu philosophy, it is the material, efficient, formal and final cause of all that exists. It is the pervasive, infinite, eternal truth and bliss which does not change, yet is the cause of all changes.Support the show
7/15/202310 minutes, 42 seconds
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Life is Not a Race, and You Are Not Behind #GMfaves

You have to trust the process.You have to trust your Self.You have to accept your Holiness.You have to accept that every morning you wake up is the first day of your life.Today is the first day of your life!And you are here fully,silently,swaying,rocking gently, like those video game characters that are waiting to be chosen,waiting to be selected,ready to be used.Ready for Grace.Stay ready.Feel ready, without the word, 'ready',and expect miracles.I Love you,[email protected] Please support the show!:▶▶'s Quotes:"Before you move onto the next things,pause. Sit with what is. Just for a moment. Open your hands and let goof what you're holding tight. Breathe deepand exhale the heavinessthat's been trapped inside. Before you move on, find yourself in these words:Life is not a raceand you are not behind. -@writtentospeak via IG"Some seeds beneath the earthare dormant. They fell the last time the cool airturned the leavesgold. Those seeds have different needs than we do;let them go about their lifecompletely unharmedby your views. We have cracked open, we sensedeven beneath the earth—the holy was near, and are reaching up to knowand claimlight as our Self."- St. John of Cross via Love Poems from God, Daniel Ladinsky *"I accept my holiness."-A Course in Miracles  Support the show
7/14/20235 minutes, 34 seconds
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Your Gift From God is Here! #GMfaves

Open It and thank God,by feeling GoOD, by loving GoOD. You are the child of the Blessed One.The Sun.   Remember This.Radiate.I Love you,[email protected] Support the show!:▶▶'s Quotes:"I am merely a guest born in this world, to know the secrets that lie beyond it."-Rumi  "In every moment you only have one real choice: to be aware of the Self or to identify with the body and the mind."-Annamalai Swami"Remembering what you are, when what you are not is present."-Amrit ji  "You can either hold your focus on the movie, or you can hold it on reality, which is you."-Peter Stoughton"Don't focus on the visible, don't believe the visible, don't look for Perfection in the visible.Focus your attention within, in Silence and wait, for the revelation to tell you what is really Here.  First become aware of Divine Perfection in the invisible and you will soon see it manifested."-Octavia Williams “The world is new to every soul when Love has entered in. When you let that energy rise up, when you let the Christ in.  There is now a presence, invisible of course, but nevertheless real that goes before you not only to make the crooked places straight but to prepare mansions for you. There is a presence within you that is a protective influence, a guiding influence, a maintaining and a sustaining influence - it is as if you had a silent partner. Not only a silent partner, an invisible partner. The world may look at you and say ‘how have you done this’ or ‘how have you accomplished this’, or ‘what is it that brings you this Peace within and without?’ And to the world you can’t answer - inwardly you smile in the realization ‘yes it’s true— out there you can’t see it but I have a silent and invisible partner. It is a presence.’ The natural man imbued with this presence is a new individual.”-Joel Goldsmith, The World is New Support the show
7/13/20236 minutes, 12 seconds
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I Am Nothing But God #GMfaves

Who is with you right now? Who did you forget is looking out through your eyes with you?  Experiencing your life with you?  When you feel them, you're also feeling your Self, and you're also feeling GoOD. There's only One and It can't go anywhere."The day my mother died, I wrote in my journal, "A serious misfortune of my life has arrived." I suffered for more than one year after the passing away of my mother. But one night, in the highlands of Vietnam, I was sleeping in the hut in my hermitage. I dreamed of my mother. I saw myself sitting with her, and we were having a wonderful talk. She looked young and beautiful, her hair flowing down. It was so pleasant to sit there and talk to her as if she had never died. When I woke up, it was about two in the morning, and I felt very strongly that I had never lost my mother. The impression that my mother was still with me was very clear. I understood then that the idea of having lost my mother was just an idea. It was obvious in that moment that my mother is always alive in me.I opened the door and went outside. The entire hillside was bathed in moonlight. It was a hill covered with tea plants, and my hut was set behind the temple halfway up. Walking slowly in the moonlight through the rows of tea plants, I noticed my mother was still with me. She was the moonlight caressing me as she had done so often, very tender, very sweet... wonderful! Each time my feet touched the earth I knew my mother was there with me. I knew this body was not mine but a living continuation of my mother and my father and my grandparents and great-grandparents. Of all my ancestors. Those feet that I saw as "my" feet were actually "our" feet. Together my mother and I were leaving footprints in the damp soil.From that moment on, the idea that I had lost my mother no longer existed. All I had to do was look at the palm of my hand, feel the breeze on my face or the earth under my feet to remember that my mother is always with me, available at any time."-Thich Nhat Hanh I Love you,[email protected] the show:▶▶ Quote:"More of Christ, less of me.More Joy. More Love. More Faith. More Hope. More Grace. More Peace. More Patience. More Compassion."-@nevillermillion via IG  Support the show
7/12/20236 minutes, 17 seconds
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Keep Being the Sun, and You'll Have Your Fruit. It's Law. #GMfaves

Realize inside, like a prayer of acknowledgement, of remembrance that--"God is good.God's part is done.All I have to do is feel Go(o)d to see Go(o)d.Thank you God.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you."I Love you,[email protected]**********************Come sit with Me.Chant with Me.Pray for the continuous awareness of Love with Me,so that you may begin to see what you Feel,and trust what you See.This is a time to hang out in the Heart together, as One!Date: July 11Time: 7pm ETWhere: Included with Patreon membership! _________________________________________Today's Quotes:"Does the sun know night?Does it even know day?You can worship the sun,you can dry your clothes in the sun,but this is not the sun's job. It only shines. The Self is like this."-Mooji "It will do us no good to sit back and plead, “O God, when are you going to act in my life?” Let us rather realize, “God is good. God’s part is done. Thank you, God, that this principle is and has been available throughout all time. Now show me what I must do in order to avail myself of this principle, this love, this life, this immortal body.” When we have reached that state of readiness, we have begun traveling the road which leads to spiritual consciousness."-Goldsmith, Joel S.. Practicing the Presence (pp. 20-21). Acropolis Books, Inc."The letter of truth is made up of statements, quotations, and words, none of which, alone, is power. The only power is God Itself. It is very much as if the shades on the windows were drawn, and we sat all afternoon talking about sunlight: what it is, what it will do, and how to avail ourselves of it. Then, after several hours, someone very skeptically remarked, “But, it’s still dark here. After all this talking about light, it is still dark.” Yes, it is still dark, and dark it will remain until we roll up the shades. So it is that we can talk about truth; we can read truth; we can study truth; we can hear about truth and never once feel the light, never once feel the presence and power of God, unless and until we take the final step of opening consciousness to the very presence of God. When truth comes to our conscious awareness from within our own being, we have gone from the letter to the Spirit. That is the most important phase of the activity of truth in consciousness."-Goldsmith, Joel S.. Practicing the Presence (pp. 20-21). Acropolis Books, Inc.Support the show
7/11/20235 minutes, 4 seconds
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It's Time to Return Home to Your Self, and Never Leave. #GMweekends

Dick Gregory said, "When we are born, we have one thing to do.  All raindrops have one job... to work its way back Home to the river, to the stream, to the ocean. When you come here, the only thing you have to do is work your way back Home."But wait-- while that raindrop was making its way back home, it was already, always water! It was water while it was appearing as the cloud, it was water as it fell to the ground, it was water as it mixed with mud, it was water as it merged with The Water, The Ocean.  It was water all along the journey.  It didn't need to meditate to become water. It didn't have to pray, practice, or fast to become water.  It just had to realize 'I Am Water'... and feel the presence of it Self.  Remembering that you're God while appearing to be human, will make the journey back Home a blessed one.I Love you,[email protected]**********************Come sit with Me.Chant with Me.Pray for the continuous awareness of Love with Me,so that you may begin to see what you Feel,and trust what you See.This is a time to hang out in the Heart together, as One!Date: July 11Time: 7pm ETWhere: Included with Patreon membership! _________________________________________Today's Quotes:"It's time to return Home to yourself and never leave. "-@spiritdaughter via IG"When you're sad, breathe deeply.When you're stressed, breathe deeply.When you're angry, breathe deeply.When you're anxious, breathe deeply.when you're happy, breathe deeply. Breathe deeply."-Roxanne Gupta"Relaxed, reposed respiration. Every breath should fill the abdomen."-Ganesh Baba "As a person you are a fiction.The only fact is the Self."-Mooji"Tell yourself that the divinity within you is working in your favor."-Swami Sivananda Support the show
7/9/20235 minutes, 12 seconds
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Living FROM Your Worth, Not For It. #GMweekends

"How scary it is to admit to yourself that you want to live a different kind of life."*But you're doing just that.Living from your Worth,from the feeling of your Peace,from your Freedom,from God's Love.You ARE God's Love, and your life is blooming as you feel It, consciously. TRUST DEEPER.I Love you,Nik**********************Come sit with Me.Chant with Me.Pray for the continuous awareness of Love with Me,so that you may begin to see what you Feel,and trust what you See.This is a time to hang out in the Heart together, as One!Date: July 11Time: 7pm ETWhere: Included with Patreon membership! _________________________________________Today's Quotes:*@howtobehumanpod via IG"Lord help me to live from my worth and not for it. Anchor me in Your Word and what you say of me, not what the world expects of me. In Jesus' name, amen."-@hertrueworth via IG "God is hearing all our prayers. In truth, the Lord knows each and every thought; He does not have to hear the prayers of His devotees. He is all pervading. People's thoughts exist in God only, but they do not know it. All powers belong to Him."-AmmaSupport the show
7/8/20235 minutes, 27 seconds
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Affirm: God is Aware of My Situation #GMweekends

R E L A XGod is circling around you,that temple,that tower.He's aware of your situation,of every thought, every fear. You had gone astray,lost in what you're not, and who you're not,but you're back.How does it feel to know who you are?To know whose you are?Shift into this felt-Knowing, this Silence.Stop leaving, and expect miracles. I Love you,NikSupport the show:▶▶'s Quotes:   **My favorite icon of Jesus (on my nightstand, the pic I went to lay the communion in front of! )-**My favorite Maharajji picture (on my stand)-"Hidden power"- Baba Ram Singh ji "A hand unseen is behind this creation, and every pair of eyes is looking towards that hand which is not seen.  Wherever one looks, one is looking for that hand which is behind and unseen. You look at a flower and appreciate the flower and behind the flower, there's that beauty, that truth which could bring this beauty. If this flower does not remind you of the eternal beauty, of the eternal truth, then it has not fulfilled its purpose. So behind every activity, pleasant, unpleasant, chaotic, harmonious, is one Divinity."-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar"All I know and all I can say is, God is preparing me for something. I am necessary."- via IG @Ceexnotes"One of the proofs that our Simran is being done correctly is that, in any kind of difficulty, we first remember Simran."-Baba Ram Singh "I woke up and decided I will not stress over things that are out of my control.  People will be people.  Jobs will be jobs. But one thing I know for sure is... God will be God and... He's got me."-via IG @amazinggracecoffe"The only comfort we can find is by saying: "Allah is aware of my situation.""-via IG @noorsayingss"God will speak clearly, guide deliberately, and liberate completely as you know and experience his heart more fully."-via IG @NeilVermillion"I am circling around God, around the ancient tower, and I have been circling for a thousand years, and I still con't know if lam a falcon, or a storm, or a great song.-Rilke"Trusting the reality of reality itself."-Neil Douglas Klotz"Anything CAN happenBECAUSEHe is theGod of miracles."-Via IG @letsgrowsisters"Never think you are just working for your boss or for a company. Do your duty with the attitude that you are serving God."-AmmaSupport the show
7/2/202311 minutes, 48 seconds
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Time Is Never Lost – It is Rearranged #GMweekends

Every time you feel Peace, you're free.Every time you feel Peace, maya, the illusion, can't see you.Your old triggers can't find you.Your old karmas can't find you.You become invisible to them.Because you're so BRIGHT ...when you're like This."You blind everyone,even yourself. "That's why you can't see anything,that's why the view ahead looks empty,that's why it appears me that It isn't.Trust Him.He's touched you,and like it says in John, "one thing I do know: I was  blind and now I see.""I was one way, and now I'm completely different. And the thing that happened in between was Him."Love and Look.Look and SEE.Everything is changing.Nothing is the same.  I Love you,[email protected] the show:▶▶'s Quotes:   "The story is always old.  The silence is always brand new."-Jeff Foster"Keep going. No matter how stuck you feel. No matter how bad things are right now. No matter how many days you've spent crying. No matter how hopeless and depressed you feel. No matter how many days you've spent wishing things were different. I promise you won't feel this way forever. Keep going."-@Poetstext "Inhale: I am done holding this breath. Exhale: I deserve to exhale."-@BlackLiturgies    "All is well, and everything is unfolding as it should. There are no mistakes. None have ever been made, none are being made, and none will ever be made."-Robert Adams"Your entire being is like a tree. Your family and friends only touch specific parts of it - mostly the fruits, maybe some branches . A large part of you remains untouched You feel like a machine, you feel dead inside. You shout , snap, and sulk at random things, or silently suffer. How to tell them that you want your entire being acknowledged? Or maybe you yourself have forgotten your entire being. That's why you need a person or a deity, a mortal or immortal, who is like air, who doesn't want anything specific from you , who touches every inch of your being, who makes you feel alive."- @ShunyaSouls via IG"You're so bright you blind even yourself."-Unknown “Matthew, you didn't lose any time. It just got rearranged. You're gaining it all back now.”-The Chosen on Amazon Prime "I was one way, and now I'm completely different. And the thing that happened in between was Him."-The Chosen on Amazon Prime Support the show
7/1/202312 minutes, 45 seconds
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Smile, Beam, Trust. Everything is Right on Schedule. #GMweekends

Remember,  you're only able to catch yourself mid-worry because you caught God's voice... because Grace caught you.   The ability to become Aware, to become the Witness mid-thought, mid-worry IS Grace.We think we're doing It.We think we're practicing It.But It's happening to us.We're waking up as It.Smile, Beam, Trust. Everything is right on schedule.I Love you,[email protected] the show + Merch:▶▶'s Quotes:    "Worrying  is like paying a debt you don't owe."-Mark Twain "If the problem can be solved, why worry?If the problem can not be solved, worrying will do you no good."-Shantideva“Be empty of worrying. Think of who created thought! Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking. Live in silence. Flow down and down in always widening rings of being.”-Rumi "As I count to three my worries leave me... 1, 2, 3."-Tanaaz Chubb  in 'My Pocket Mantras' Support the show
6/25/20236 minutes, 45 seconds
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Negative Thoughts: How to Stop Them #GMweekends

A meditation to help you IMMEDIATELY surrender negative thoughts. It's useful not just during 'formal' meditation, but in every moment you find yourself fearful or worried.   You shift from being aware of being 'you', to being aware AS the Christ Light that you truly are.  You shift out of your mind, and into the mind that was in Christ.  Into the no-mind of the Buddha.  How does that mind sound?  Is it thinking about your troubles, your past, your future? Or is It silent... steady?  How does It feel?   Stay (t)here.   I Love you,[email protected] the show!▶▶'s Quotes: "Constantly have this mind among yourselves which was in Christ Jesus."-Philippians 2:5-11"Just as a lamp in a windless place does not flicker, so the disciplined mind of a yogi remains steady in meditation on the Self."-Bhagavad Gita "People come to me to ask for blessings, they don't understand the knowledge that one is not the body, but the consciousness within, is the blessing."-Nisargadatta Maharaj "Having realized that I am with, and yet beyond the world, I became free from all desire and fear. I did not reason out that I should be free, I found myself free, unexpectedly, without the least effort.  Spontaneity became a way of life, the real became natural and the natural became real. And above all, infinite affection, love, dark and quiet, radiating in all directions, embracing all, making all interesting and beautiful, significant and auspicious."-Nisargadatta Maharaj Support the show
6/24/20237 minutes, 44 seconds
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When I Remember God, God Takes Care of Everything #GMweekends

Repeat, feelingly: "I know all the power I need to live a successful life is within me.I relax my entire body.I cast all burdens on the Christ. (aka Love, Source, God, etc)I go free.I claim and feel the Peace of God flooding my mind, heart, and whole being.I know the quiet mind gets its problems solved.I am at Peace."-Unknown authorThe Hollow Bamboo Game  by Ram DassA quiet mind is all you need.  All else will happen rightly once your mind is quiet."-Nisargardatta Maharaj        "When I remember God, He takes care of everything." -Maharajji aka Neem Kaorli Baba Today's Practice:1. Become like a hollow bamboo... an empty reed... a flute... 2. Become aware of the emptiness, the space and silence within you-- hollow bamboos don't think. 3. Notice the fullness of Love in the emptiness. 4. Know this Love as God. As your true Self.  As the solution to every problem.  I Love you and I'm with you, [email protected] Support the show!▶▶ the show
6/18/20237 minutes, 16 seconds
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All Power is Within You #GMweekends

"Since the Kingdom of God is within me, all power is within me." - Joel Goldsmith (Invisible Supply)Bonus Quote:"Here is the answer to every problem that will confront you, today and tomorrow and throughout time.  In this world, you believe you are sustained by everything but God. Your faith is placed in the most trivial and insane symbols; pills, money, “protective” clothing, influence, prestige, being liked, knowing the “right” people, and an endless list of forms of nothingness that you endow with magical powers.All these things are your replacements for the Love of God. All these things are cherished to ensure a body identification. They are songs of praise to the ego. Do not put your faith in the worthless. It will not sustain you.Only the Love of God will protect you in all circumstances. - ACIM Lesson 50Today's Practice:Every time you notice worry thoughts today, let go of them by immediately remembering the mantra, "all power is within me", allowing the words to guide you back to the Peace, the Love, Power, Itself. Use this mantra to help you FEEL through to the Truth of every moment.  Only Love is here.  There can't be a problem AND Love.  There are no problems in the Kingdom.  There's only God, only Love, only the One.  Relax your shoulders as you're reading these words and know that you are the Kingdom.  You are safe. All is well.  Bonus Practice:Take out a cute notebook and pen and write down everything in your life that is not power.    Keep adding to that list until you can see and know and FEEL that Love is the only Power and that all seeming other powers dissolve in the presence of this Love.  Love is truly all we need. Let's stay plugged in, today.  Support the show!▶▶ the show
6/17/20237 minutes, 37 seconds
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Everything will come together, when you see through everything.

You have to forgive yourself.You have to give yourself back to Me. You have to feel My Spirit upon you, within you. You have to know that I haven’t just forgiven you,I live in You, which means you’re free. Say it back to me,“I Am free.There is no past. There is no burden. My yoke is easy.And I can rest.”Give yourself permission to rest this weekend. To rest from believing in the world. Be Love in Me. I Love you,[email protected] Please support the show!▶▶'s Quote:"As the pictures of sense touch automatically learn to reinterpret them into their spiritual values."-Joel Goldsmith  Support the show
6/16/20235 minutes, 27 seconds
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Don't Be the Worker, Be the Watcher #GMfaves

Becoming the Witnessing Consciousness is a very subtle shift,  that in the beginning brings about very subtle changes... so subtle you won't notice them until people start bringing them to your attention."You look happier.""You look younger.""You're so easy to talk to you, I love your energy."But It's God's Light they're feeling.It's God they're seeing.It's God they're hearing.And they don't know.You know. You know what Is,You have what Is.You're aware of what Is, aware of God,between the space of where you are and where you want to be,trusting that as long as you continue to practice feeling Go(o)d, the work you're doing, the work you're watching, becomes your path. I Love you,[email protected] the show!▶▶'s Quotes:     "Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is."-Ernest Hemingway "Fear not, for I have redeemed you, I've called you by name, you're mine."-Isaiah 43:1"Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established."-Proverbs 16:3"Start from where you are, not where you wish you were. The work you're doing becomes your path."-Ram Dass  Support the show
6/12/20235 minutes, 2 seconds
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You Have to Feel the Invisible to Do the Impossible #GMweekends

Today's Quotes:"You have to see the invisible in order to do the impossible." - Dr. Michael Beckwith"The universe is saying: Allow me to flow through you unrestricted and you will see the greatest magic you have ever seen." - Klaus Joehle "Praying for a change in your life, well maybe it's gon' come tonight." - Kanye West Today's Practice:In your journal write, "The moment I feel Love, I Am ___________." The 'blank' is your desired reality.  Trust that when you are consciously feeling Love, you are Love, and that Love will take the form of that desired reality or something even more in alignment than you can presently imagine.    Don't be attached to outcomes, just trust that It will provide. It always has and It always will, and now, the process is conscious. Keep relaxing into Love, today. Keep breathing into Love, today.  Allowing It to flow unrestricted, absolutely nothing is impossible, and with Love, "everything is achieved." - Neem Karoli BabaSupport the show!:▶▶ the show
6/11/202314 minutes, 50 seconds
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Knowing that only God exists is the deepest rest possible #GMweekend

A short and powerful meditation on the 'I' that you are, and how knowing It, is the deepest, most regenerative rest possible.  When you know that only It is here, there's nothing left to think or worry about because whatever you're thinking or worrying about, isn't there... where it appears to be Love is. Bliss is.  The Bliss that you're sitting in right now.  The spacious and loving 'I' that you'll be walking through later. Feel This and be free.And here's a bonus activity from Wayne Dyer:"Think of the five words -- "I am that I am." In your mind, place a comma after the word "that." Let "that" represent for you what you would like to manifest, or become as a person. I can't stress this enough -- write down on paper precisely what that represents for you. Whatever constitutes your wish, write it down and in your mind, call it "that." For example, "that" could mean your perfect health or abundance or a specific job or a happy, loving partnership. Write it down and be specific. And as you close your eyes in meditation, let your inner mantra be "I am that." For example, "I am perfect health," "I am abundance," "I am in possession of the job I seek."   You take it a step further and let 'that' be... THAT... the All  that is being everything and nothing.  And then let THAT become what It's destined to be. That's trust. Surrender.I Love you,[email protected] support the show!:▶▶'s Quotes:    "Who am I ?Feel your realityin the stillness, in the quietness, where there is no mind, no thought, no words, who are you then?You just are. I Am. I Am. I Am not this. I Am not that. I Am. I Am that which has always been, I Am that which will always be, I Am That I Am. "-Robert Adams       "I  exist’ is the only permanent self-evident experience of everyone. Nothing else is so self-evident as ‘I am’. (…) So to do self-enquiry and be that ‘I am’ is the only thing to do. ‘I am’ is reality. I am this or that is unreal. I am is truth, another name for Self."-Ramana Maharshi "Deep rest is bliss, and bliss is the understanding that only God exists.  Knowing that only God exists is the deepest rest possible."-Ravi Shankar Support the show
6/10/20236 minutes, 45 seconds
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Hardships Often Prepare Ordinary People for an Extraordinary Destiny. #GMfavorites

A quick review of different 'doors' or practices to keep you in Love this week, to get you through and beyond your hardships to the Go(o)d that awaits.The GoOD you deserve.The GoOD you ARE.The GoOD that IS.The only one I forgot to mention (that helped me TREMENDOUSLY) was:1. Notice when you're worrying about something2. Remember that you don't feel bad because what you're worrying about is true (or will come true), you feel bad because it's NOT TRUE. It's false. And that's the only reason you feel 'off'... because God doesn't agree with you on that subject.  When you and God differ on a topic, you get a sign. And that sign is 'worry', or 'fear'.3. Feel the relief in that remembrance and feel Go(o)d again.  Now you and God agree!4. And watch what happens :)Finally, a seed to be planted-“Your own concepts have created "walls" and so you need a "door." But when there are no concepts, there are no walls.”-Ravi ShankarI Love you,[email protected] the show!▶▶ the show
6/6/202311 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Secret to Fulfilling Your Deepest Desire #GMweekends

The secret to fulfilling your deepest desire is... FULL FEELING.  God's Love.  Having the felt- experience of Love where you are, frequently. I Love you and I'm with you,NikSupport the show!▶▶'s Quotes:"Books and learning, yoga and meditation and illumination-- all are but dust compared with Love." - Vivekananda "Friend, if you've never really met the Secret One, what is the source of your self-confidence?Stop all this flirtation using words. Love does not happen with words. Don't lie to yourself about the holy books and what they say. The love I talk of is not in the books. Who has wanted it has it. " - Kabir"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school." - Albert Einstein"As Namdev, the great 13th-century poet-saint, wrote, he had perfect knowledge of the Vedas (ancient Indian scriptures) and all of the schools of Indian philosophy; he had accomplished the goal of the yogis; he had himself experienced the joy of merging in the formless God; but he’d transcended all of these experiences through the grace of the saints, to find that “the secret is the Lord’s Love.” - Krishna Das, Chants of a Lifetime "The effort through mental means to become spiritual is wasted effort. The attempt to understand spiritual things with the five senses or the intellect is useless. Developing a sense of receptivity; learning to silence the senses and gaining the ability to listen for “the still, small voice” – this is the Way. Human thoughts – even good ones – will not help."-Joel Goldsmith, Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture Today's Practice:Fulfilled prayer happens when you are FILLED FULLY... fully feeling God's Love where you are.  Don't pray for happiness or peace.  Don't pray for dream solutions and dream stuff.  Drop everything and you'll find only Love.  Drop even good thoughts and words and you'll find only God.  And then God will fulfill Itself. I Love you, [email protected] the show
6/4/20239 minutes, 42 seconds
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Calm Down. #GMweekends

Calm     down,into your breath.Into your Heart.Into your Center.Into God,which is your Self.Calm down.Stop leaving.I Love you,[email protected] the show!▶▶'s Quotes:   "Try to stay as peaceful as you are now, during your normal activities during the day. Do not take anything too seriously. Just observe the world going by and yet do not react to it. Watch everything, be alert, but leave it alone. Do not try to own anything and do not try to give up anything. Just be yourself. Have no feeling that 'I am the doer'. Let your body go about its business, but YOU STAY. Stay with the I, and all will go well with you."-Robert AdamsSupport the show
6/3/20239 minutes, 46 seconds
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Turn from your problems to My Presence #GMfaves

When you turn from your problems to My Presence,your load is immediately lighter.*You live in a new way,You see in a new way,you consistently feel a new way,and so God does a new thing.He's already done It.But now you're about to see It.You're walking right into It.I N E V I T A B L E,your blessings.I Love you,Nik Support the show!▶▶'s Quotes: "My child. Your mind leaps from problems to problems to problems, tangling your thoughts in anxious knots.  When you think like that, you leave Me out of your worldview and your mind becomes darkened. Though I yearn to help, I will not violate your freedom. I stand silently in the background of your mind, waiting for you to remember that I am with you. When you turn from your problems to My Presence, your load is immediately lighter.  Circumstances may not have changed, but we carry your burdens together. Your compulsion to "fix" everything gives way to a deep, satisfying connection with Me. Together we can handle whatever this day brings.    -Sarah Young, "Jesus Calling""Whatever action we are doing, we should be sure to keep the thought of God alive within. Whenever we sit or get up, we should prostrate in that place. It is good to cultivate the habit of considering our pen, books, clothes, vessels, and the tools of our job as imbued with divine presence and use them with care and respect. This will help keep the thought of God alive throughout our body, mind, and atmosphere."-Amma “A day of silence can be a pilgrimage in itself.”-HafizSupport the show
6/1/20236 minutes, 9 seconds
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When Love Leads the Way, the Soul Enjoys Comfort #GMfaves

How do you feel when you're on a journey with someone who has already been there before?With someone that knows the way?With someone who is The Way?You trust.You smile.You relax your shoulders,and enjoy the view.If you stay where your feet are,you'll arrive.I Love you,[email protected] the show!▶▶'s Quotes: "When Love leads the way, the Soul enjoys comfort."-Rumi "There is only one day left, always starting over: it is given to us at dawn and taken away from us at dusk."-Jean-Paul Sartre Quotes. "In learning you will teach, in teaching you will learn."-Phil Collins"We teach best what we most need to learn."-Richard BachExcerpt read from Eva Bell Werber's Journey With the Master Support the show
5/30/20236 minutes, 33 seconds
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Pray, not until God hears you, but until you hear God. #GMweekends

If this is a spiritual reality, of what value is the body?Feel the answer to that question in today's meditation.Spoiler, cause I know you like instant gratification: The body is how we come to know God.I Love you,[email protected] the show!▶▶'s Quotes:     Pray, not until God hears you, but until you listen to God."-via my GoOD friend @dearauset via @bibleogram"The body is a great deception."-Rumi "The formless timeless quality of God can be known and attained only through the impermanent form of the body."-Sathya Sai BabaExcerpt read from page 63 of Conversations with Sathya Sai BabaSupport the show
5/28/20235 minutes, 12 seconds
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If You Surrender Totally to God, God Will Make Sure That You Don't Lack Anything

How do you surrender to God?You become like an empty cup. A wholly silent,Holy vessel.Let Him fill you. I Love you,[email protected] the show!▶▶'s Quotes:    "If you surrender totally to God, He will make sure that you don't lack anything."-Amma via @Ramdasbatchelder via IG “When you are free of your identity and your person, nothing more needs to be learned. It's like another power, a great presence, flowing through this body and it doesn't seem strange. The less there is of you, the more you are. What a paradox! You without you are the real You. You without your person are the face of God.Your life doesn't get more complex, more sophisticated, more learned. You are not becoming a great scholar. It is so simple, there is a presence, wisdom, love, unlimited. A peace, unbreakable, alive, without end. Not a person. And yet you feel it inside, 'I don't do anything, I simply am.'”-MoojiSupport the show
5/27/20235 minutes, 18 seconds
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The God Who Stays #GMfaves

Simply thinking, 'the Presence goes before me’,  is not enough.You have to listen for that Presence,feel for It.In the feeling of It, It has already 'gone before you to make the crooked places straight',It's healing what's behind you,and It's where and what you are presently, performing miracles.When you stay with Him.He stays with you.In you.As you.Consciously.I Love you,[email protected] the show!▶▶'s Quotes:    “God is compassion. He is waiting at the door of every heart. He is an uninvited guest everywhere, because whether you call Him or not, He is there. Whether you are a believer or a nonbeliever, He is within you uninvited. Behind every form, behind everything, God is hiding. He beautifies things and makes them what they are. He is the hidden formula of life. But He won’t reveal Himself to you. You won’t feel Him unless you call Him. Prayer is the invitation. You must invoke Him through prayer and meditation. Chanting, singing and repeating the mantra are invitations, asking God to reveal Himself.”-Amma "The Presence does go before you, and It “makes the crooked places straight”—if you have the conscious awareness of the Presence. There are persons all over the world declaring, “The Presence goes before me,” and It does not do a single thing for them. No, no, the Presence does not go before you just because you declare some words, nor is God consciously present with you just because you declare It.God is an experience. God must be experienced, and we experience God through our meditation. I am not saying meditation is the only way to have the experience. There are people on earth who have never meditated who have a conscious awareness of the presence of God all the time. But those who have not had the experience of the presence of God have not lived, and if they have not experienced the presence of God, it is because they have not specifically known the truth and then gone to the source where God is to be found.Do you understand now what I mean when I point out there must be discipline and a declaration or statement of truth, a realization of truth, and yet, in the same breath, I say that when you get to the point of prayer or treatment, you do not need words or thoughts? Let this be clear to you. Do not hesitate about it, because it is very important."-Joel S. Goldsmith: The Only Freedom. Chapter Six; The Discipline of Knowing The Truth; Practice Is Essential; Kindle: location pp 99"We've been together for a while nowWe're growing stronger everyday nowIt feels so good and there's no doubtI will stay with you as each morning brings the sunriseAnd the flowers bloom in springtimeOn my love you can relyAnd I'll stay with youOh I'll stay with you through the ups and the downsOh I'll stay with you when no one else is aroundAnd when the dark clouds ariseI will stay by your sideI know we'll be alrightI will stay with you."-John Legend, Stay With You"The God Who Stays"-Matthew West "When you are faced with the Fact, thought does not operate."-J Krishnamurti, Meeting Life Support the show
5/26/20238 minutes, 15 seconds
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Love comes quietly into the mind that stops an instant, and is still. #GMfaves

This Holy Silence is God saying;"There is no problem...that mind that is so heavy? It isn't even there,because I'm there.I'm here.Hear Me.Listen to Me."And in that listening your shoulders come down,your breath deepens,lengthens,your stomach goes soft,your jaw relaxes,you become aware of the weight of your phone in your hand,and even though that face may not be smiling just yet,your Heart Is.And that's the 'upleveling'.I Love you,[email protected] content every week:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶'s Quotes:   "The miracle comes quietly into the mind that stops an instant and is still."-ACIM"Become so still you can hear the blood flowing through your veins."-Mira"Now when an emotional upset starts, it may start out of a thought process, but then it starts to involve all of the body — the adrenaline and all kinds of chemical reactions. Then often, one of the ways out of it is to work with the body.  For example, running or movement. Taking a walk. Doing things which start to release the energy, the kind of chemical buildup. Because you get that kind of nervous energy when you are emotionally upset. Then there is meditation–quieting down and allowing yourself to see how lost you’ve gotten. I mean on the deeper devotional path, there is the offering of the emotion to God.  Saying, “Here, You take it.  I offer it to You.”  There is appreciating your humanity. “Yea, here I am. I’m human. I just lost it again.  Ah so!” There’s the Ah so — Right? “Okay. Once more. Boy, am I hung up.” These are all spiritual techniques. See, it’s the upleveling. It’s the ability to see it without denying it. Not saying, “I’m not really upset.” “I am upset. Far out. Here we are again.” It’s like talking with God and saying “Oh, look at how deliciously human I am.” Not to milk it.  Not to keep feeding it, but not to push it away. That’s the quickest way through. To acknowledge it, allow it, and then use body energy to keep working out the chemical stuff that’s built up and the tension in the body that’s been built up. And then get on with it and just keep letting go, letting go, letting go. Sometimes music does it. There are a lot of techniques that do it."-Ram Dass“God turns you from one feeling to another and teaches by means of opposites so that you will have two wings to fly, not one”-Rumi "Gain this consciousness of God’s presence and you have the whole secret of success in every walk of life....It is our conscious union with God which enables us to live without taking thought and makes possible a life of complete abundance – by Grace."-Goldsmith, Joel S., The Infinite Way (Kindle Locations 1081-1089). Dancing Unicorn Books. Kindle EditionSupport the show
5/25/20236 minutes, 31 seconds
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Enter Into the Unknowing #GMfaves

That which sees the waves of unknowing and the waves of knowing, the waves of doubt, and the waves of clarity, is beyond both.That, you are.  Like kneeling over a disturbed lake,trying to see your reflection through the waves,you can see something,you can see a distortion,but as the waves calm down,as the lake goes still again,there you are.When the mind is still,like it is right now,more aware of silence than anything else,there you are(t)here, God is.I love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:   "When you feel pulled into two different directions,surrender into the not knowing. It's okay to not know what direction to go inwhen you feel this conflict.It's your heart teling you to release control, to make space and allow spirit to lead you through."-@JessicaDelmar_ via IG"I entered into unknowing and remained there, knowing nothing.This place transcends all thought. I had no idea where I was, but when I found myself there (without knowing where there was) I suddenly understood sublime things, ineffable things."-St John of the Cross     "This is what you are to do: lift your heart up to the Lord, with a gentle stirring of love desiring him for his own sake and not for his gifts. Center all your attention and desire on him and let this be the sole concern of your mind and heart. Do all in your power to forget everything else, keeping your thoughts and desires free from involvement with any of God's creatures or their affairs whether in general or particular. Perhaps this will seem like an irresponsible attitude, but I tell you, let them all be; pay no attention to them....And so diligently persevere until you feel the joy in it. For in the beginning it is usual to feel nothing but a kind of darkness about your mind, or as it were, a cloud of unknowing. You will seem to know nothing and to feel nothing except a naked intent toward God in the depths of your being. Try as you might, this darkness and this cloud will remain between you and your God. You will feel frustrated, for your mind will be unable to grasp him, and your heart will not relish the delight of his love. But learn to be at home in this darkness. Return to it as often as you can, letting your spirit cry out to him who you love. For if, in this life, you hope to feel and see God as he is in himself it must be within this darkness and this cloud. But if you strive to fix your love on him forgetting all else, which is the work of contemplation I have urged you to begin, I am confident that God in his goodness will bring you to a deep experience of himself."-Excerpt from 'The Cloud of Unknowing'Support the show
5/24/20239 minutes, 46 seconds
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Clean Your Heart and God Will Move In #GMfaves

Watch your thoughts and watch yourself watching the thoughts.Watch your mantra, and watch yourself watching the mantra.Your mantra cleans up the inside,and because in the Kingdom there is no inside or outside,it cleans up what appears to be the outside for you, too.It cleans up your relationships,it cleans up your career,it cleans up how you relate to your children,it cleans up how you relate to your Self.But it all begins with how you relate to your thoughts in this moment.Assume responsibility for your practice, for your life,until you realize that the responsibility is God's.And that you do what you can, until Grace kicks in.Until the Holy Spirit flows in,and the blocks are cleared,and the path is open,and your success is established.I Love you,Nikp.s. Listen to 'Give Me a Clean Heart' by Fred Hammond.Please help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:   “Christ may make His home in your hearts”-Ephesians 3:17"If you clear the cobwebs of material sense from the darkest corners of your mind, you will be preparing a place for the inflow of the Holy Spirit. As that Divine Presence then establishes Itself as the Primal Force in your soul and consciousness, It will go before you to lighten all burdens of the human condition that have been restricting your progress on the path to mystical illumination. So, take every opportunity to retire often to the inner sanctum of your being, where this cleansing process can occur and then, allow this hallowed Presence to work Its magic in your ongoing life unfoldment."-Don Mardak"Watch your thoughts and watch yourself watching the thoughts. The state of freedom from all thoughts will happen suddenly and by the Bliss of It, you shall recognize It."-Nisargadatta Maharaj "Stuck with another day, how should we pass it?If anything worked for you before--I'd give thatpreference."-Mira via Daniel Ladinsky's, 'Love Poems from God'"A house is made of brick and stone, but a Home is made of Love alone."-Rumi Support the show
5/22/20239 minutes, 3 seconds
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This is Your Mind On God #GMweekend

This is your life on Love.Where every thorn becomes a rose,and every thought becomes Go(o)d.You think about God all day the way you used to think about your problems all day.You feel GoOD all day no matter what comes, by intending, "I'm feeling Go(o)d anyway".And you smile.And the world smiles. Because God is.I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶"You have to meet God in this life. Don't let this life go by and miss discovering the Supreme One."-Mooji "It is an insult to your Self to be born, live, and die without knowing the answer to the mystery of why you were sent here as a human being in the first place. To forget God is to miss the whole point of existence. Learn to feel God, and to enjoy Him."-Yogananda "All objective experience- thoughts, images, feelings, sensations and perceptions- appears and disappears, but knowing or being aware remains present throughout all changing experience, just as a screen remains present throughout all movies."-Rupert Spira"If I pick a rose without you, it becomes a thorn in my hand. If I am the thorn,  I become a rose in your hand."-Rumi "Don't worry about whether you are making progress or not... just keep your attention on the Self twenty-four hours a day.  Meditation is not something that should be done in a particular position at a particular time, It is an awareness and an attitude that must persist throughout the day."-Annamalai Swami Support the show
5/21/20238 minutes, 35 seconds
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You Don't Have to Carry Everything You've Been Through #GMweekend

How do you put down imaginary baggage?You just know there isn't any.And your shoulders come down,and you sigh a breath of relief.You sigh your way into a deeper relaxation.Into a deeper trust.I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:   "You don't need to carry everything you have been through, some of it is meant to be left behind."-@mindfullyevie via IG "The past can hurt you no longer. You have learned from it, and now it's time to let it go. Today is a new day, enter it with an open heart full of Love and Gratitude."-IG @saintsmxculturea"Focus on the step in front of you, not the entire staircase."-@iuliastration"Let your mind be like a beautiful flower that may be offered to the Lord in worship."-Ananadamayi Ma"For your faith to be a rock solid, your heart needs to be as soft as a feather."-Shams TabriziSupport the show
5/20/20236 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Creator is Hidden in the Creation #GMfaves

As you learn to let go of thinking even as the thinking is happening,shifting the attention out of the mind,and down into the silence of the Heart, the looking becomes Loving. And in that Loving vision,everything is perfect. That's God's vision,the original vision for your life.I Love you,[email protected] Please help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:   "The path is the destination, and the destination is hidden in the path, as the Creator is hidden in the creation."-Sadguru"There's no one in your life who hasn't always loved you. They're all just learning how to show it. Like you. It's simply a matter of applying what you have to what you face..."-Mike Dooley, The Complete Notes from the Universe "Everything is painted with the brush of the Invisible One. Let us follow the hidden signs and find the Painter."-Rumi "Your life becomes a masterpiece when you learn to master Peace."-Unknown via IGSupport the show
5/18/20235 minutes, 51 seconds
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What Does it Mean to Have the Faith of a Mustard Seed? #GMfaves

Everything, the good and the bad brought you to this moment,to this level of growth where the Love is now growing new experiences,new opportunities to bring you closer to God,new opportunities to help you exercise trust,the way you trust that mustard seed you plant will grow into a plant?You have to trust that you're growing into all that you're destined to be.I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:   “And He said to them…. “for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you."-Matthew 17:20“When you recognize her beauty, the eye applauds, the heart stands in an ovation, and the tongue when she is near is on its best behavior, it speaks more like light. What does light talk about? I asked a plant that once, It said, “I am not sure, but it makes me grow.” –Thomas Aquinas, “Love Poems from God”, translated by Daniel Ladinsky"Ask yourself, "during this silent time in the Presence, did I fear anything or anyone?" Your answer will certainly be, 'No'. This is your true state of Being. Accept no other."-Allen White 'The Inner Light is beyond praise and blame; like space it knows no boundaries, yet it is even here, within us, ever retaining its serentiy and fullness.  It is only when you hunt for it that you lose it; you cannot take hold of it, but equally you cannot get rid of it, and while you can do neither, it goes on its own way."-Yung- Chia Ta-Shih Support the show
5/17/20235 minutes, 31 seconds
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A New Day is Dawning #GMfaves

The moment you touch His Peace,the mind dissolves,and you're back where the sun never sets.You're back where there is no suffering.You're back where there is no 'you',and none of your problems,and none of your limitations.Just the Christ.And you'll watch the Christ manifest Itself where you appear to be.It fulfills Itself where you appear to be.It serves and heals others where you appear to be.It lives where you appear to be,right now, It lives.God lives.Thank God, and smile.I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:   "Imagine if we treated each new dawn, and each new day with the same reverence and joy that we treat each new year."-Angie Lynn"Don't you know yet?  It's your light that lights the world."-Rumi"However long the night, the dawn will break."-Rumi  "Unconditioned awareness is just like a light--I don't mean a light you can see, but the light that is seeing."-Adyashanti  "You give up not meditating. It's called meditation action. There's no way out of it. Meditation means to be constantly extricating yourself from the clinging of mind."-Ram Dass"The new day is at hand, the birds are awakening, the air is soft and sweet, and for you also a new day is dawning. You feel that you have lived, have loved, have rejoiced and sorrowed; but I say to you, that which has seemed of such importance was only as the threads of silken web drawing ing you up to Me. Your life shall unfold. You are, as it were, but at the beginning of that which never began. The page lies fresh and white before you even as does the new day. Old things shall rule you no more. Old ways shall tempt you no more. You shall go on and up the sunlit lit path with Me. If at times you seem to be back again and the old familiar ways seem to take possession of you, only turn within and know that the One who dwells on the throne of your heart is after all that which is eternal. As you do your work, as you meet My children on the path, you will be love-filled and understanding, for it shall be the Christ in you who sees and works. All things shall be done with Me and by Me, and all your day shall be made a thing of beauty. Never shall you want, and never shall you lack, for I know not either state. When we function as ONE you cannot experience that which I do not know."-Eva Bell Werber. Quiet Talks the Master (Kindle Locations 475-483). Kindle Edition. Support the show
5/15/20236 minutes, 51 seconds
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God Promises to Strengthen You Through This #GMweekends

No matter how bare things may look right now,or how scorching hot it may be,the Fruit is promised,and you'll have plenty to share.Trust This.And smile.I Love you,[email protected] the show + Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:   “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,whose confidence is in him.They will be like a tree planted by the waterthat sends out its roots by the stream.It does not fear when heat comes;its leaves are always green.It has no worries in a year of drought,and never fails to bear fruit.”-Jeremiah 17: 7-8"God promises to strengthen you through this."-IG @HerTrueWorth "See God with open eyes."-Sri Ramakrishna Support the show
5/14/20234 minutes, 15 seconds
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Drop the World #GMweekends

As your God reception grows stronger, you drop the world. You drop all calls but the One. The true Calling. The one that God has on your life.  The One that shall cause you to walk in His commandments, and do Go(o)d works, greater works than you can imagine.Be receptive, today.Be Love, today. I Love you,NikSupport the show + Merch! ▶▶'s Quotes:   "This body was given to you so that you can discover your true nature, the origin of all, the one unborn Self. ...For this single purpose you have appeared into manifestation, to solve yourself by dissolving the you which is the non-self, and thereafter to effortlessly celebrate your discovery as Peace, Love, Light and Joy."-Mooji"Always remember, nothing can touch you if you inwardly love God."-Yogananda "What can you do about something that isn't there? All you can do is stop believing that it's there."-Bob Pilato"The entire spiritual life is based on the rejection of appearances."-Joel Goldsmith"We must experience the Christ as a permanent and continuous dispensation.  We must live in the constant, conscious awareness of truth active within, maintaining always a receptive attitude... "-Joel Goldsmith, The Infinite Way (Prayer)Support the show
5/13/20236 minutes, 17 seconds
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Be Still Like a Mountain #GMfaves

Be like a mountain with your head above the clouds of thought, and tap into this meditation by Sacinananda Swami.I Love you,NikPlease help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:   "Sit up tall and focus on what you can hear, and focus on the objects you can see by becoming aware of your present reality...Evoke the picture of a mountain in your mind. Look at its beauty, its peaks, valleys, and vegetation. It’s starting to rain, then raining harder. A torrent of water hits the mountain, but it remains undisturbed. Now bring your body into the image. Your head is the mountain’s peak, your shoulders and arms its sides, your torso the middle, and your legs the firm base. Even though the rain of your life circumstances is hitting you, you remain peaceful like the mountain that remains stable in any weather. The mountain is unaffected by passing clouds, so you are not affected by passing emotions and thoughts..."-Sacinananda Swami"Though struck by torrents of water, the mountain does not shake but rather becomes beautiful, being washed of dirt.  Similarly, a devotee, afflicted by the pains caused by his body, mind or other entities, is not disturbed because his mind is absorbed in the Supreme Lord."-Srila Thakura via The Mountain Meditation"Be still like a mountain and flow like a great river."-Lao TzuSONG: "Higher Than the Mountains" (I reside)Slow downAnd give your mind a restCalm downAnd do your bestBecome one in the eyes of loveSeeking god aboveIt's all inside, it's all insideI'm higher than the mountainsHigher than the mountainsOoh higher than the mountainSlow down, down lowYou make me high, oooo"- Sam Garrett Support the show
5/12/20236 minutes, 42 seconds
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Either the Bliss Covers the World, or the World Covers the Bliss

2022 Bonus Episode ❤️🥰🌞 New episodes resumed today! See the previous one!*****************Though in my experience, Bliss appears as the world.In today's episode, I share a synchronistic moment that happened over the weekend involving covid, my mantra (Hare Krishna, Hare Rama), and a majestic looking Egret.  The photo evidence is up on my Patreon! We also practice remembering Go(o)d memories with the sole/soul purpose of constantly feeling Go(o)d. THIS is why memory has been given to us.I Love you,[email protected]_______________________Today's Quotes:   "Memory has been given to us that we may practice the remembrance of good things until we can fully remember the highest good- God."-Yogananda "Just as a mountain of snow is nothing but water, so also the whole universe is nothing but bliss." -Maharishi Mahesh Yogi"Either the Mother covers the world, or the world covers the Mother.  May we see Her in all and all in Her"-Mataji via M. Rorman Support the show
5/10/202310 minutes, 19 seconds
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I Love You Lord, Today. #GMfaves

*I'm in the Holy Land this week, returning with new episodes on May 10th! I love you and I'm with you!*    Give a knowing smile to everything today,a 'hey' to everyone because you recognize your Friend there.Every pair of eyes are God's.Use yours to see past humanhood to the Christ.I Love you,[email protected]_______________________Today's Quotes:   "Dear you,You who always haveso many things to doso many places to beyour mind spinning likefan blades at high speedeach moment always a blurbecause you’re never still.I know you’re tired.I also know it’s not your fault.The constant brain-buzz is likea swarm of bees threateningto sting if you close your eyes.You’ve forgotten something again.You need to prepare for that or else.You should have done that differently.What if you closed your eyes?Would the world fallapart without you?Or would your mindbecome the open skyflock of thoughtsflying across the sunriseas you just watched and smiled."- by Kaveri Patel via Daily Meditation"Life is found only in the present moment. I think we should have a holiday to celebrate this fact. We have holidays for so many important occasions - Christmas, New Year's, Mother's Day, Father’s Day, even Earth Day - why not celebrate a day when we can live happily in the present moment all day long? I would like to declare today ”Today’s Day”, a day dedicated to touching the Earth, touching the sky, touching the trees, and touching the Peace that is available in the present moment.- Thich Nhat Hanh, in ”Essential Writings”"Behind the scenes, we see, the Great One, appearing as everyone!'-Joel Goldsmith"I have been saying 'hey' lately too, to God.Formalities just weren't working."-Rumi “I see the Lord in His universe, viewing a beautiful tree, my heart is moved and whispers: ‘He is there!’ I bow to adore Him. Doesn’t He permeate every atom of the earth? Could our planet exist at all except by the cohesive power of God? A true devotee, she sees Him in all persons, in all things; each rock becomes an altar.”-Yogananda"Hey God."-Bon JoviSONG: "I Love you Lord, Today"Support the show
5/9/20239 minutes, 32 seconds
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You Are Retiring From Your Past #GMfaves

*I'm in the Holy Land this week, returning with new episodes on May 10th! I love you and I'm with you!*    Make an effort to hear the Silence now, and later you'll enjoy a pension.*Later this Silence will just be (t)here without you having to work for It.This Love will just flow to you,to the new you,to the retired you.The one that Love is retiring  from that unhealthy job,from that toxic relationship,or from that version of you that didn't feel confident,that version of you that didn't feel Go(o)d.You're retiring form being that one, and you're stepping into this new life where all you know is God,and the things of God,and the people of God,and the service of God.Your whole life is changing.Right now, as you read these words,relaxing your shoulders,feeling Go(o)d,you're changing your whole life. Keep holding God with both hands today,and know God is holding you, too,retiring, returning you to Hisself. I Love you,[email protected]'s Quotes:  “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” –Socrates"You must always fix the mind on the Lord. Initially, you have to make some effort.  Later you enjoy a pension."*-Ramakrishna "Do your work with one hand and hold onto God with the other. when you finish yor work, you will hold God with both hands."**-Ramakrishna "It is normal to experience a silent pause, a limbo space, between the old you and who you are becoming. Some call this the void,  It may feel a little empty, because you are shedding  yet another layer of who you once were while finding your foot ing for what is next. It can be so subtle that you may not even notice it. Except for the feeling that something is off, something has changed.  What used to resonate and excite you may feel a bit duller. But this  is because your consciousness is expanding and you are being nudged-- there is more out there! So much more that will move your soul. Only you don't know where to look just yet.  And that is okay.  It is in the pause, where you are recalibrating. Coming back to your center. Quieting the noise... The truth of who you are is beyond any human concept beyond language. Beyond thought.  And only you can feel It for yourself."- @asmi.path via Instagram Support the show
5/8/20236 minutes, 50 seconds
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Turn My Headphones Up #GMfaves

*I'm in the Holy Land this week, returning with new episodes on May 10th! I love you and I'm with you!*    The felt-Presence of God turns down your belief in thoughts,it turns down your belief in problems,it turns down your belief in other powers,powers other than God.The whole world has God behind it,you just have to keep turning God up,and turning the world down.I Love you and Happy Mother’s [email protected]_______________________Today's Quotes:“People try to get away from it all—to the country, to the beach, to the mountains. You always wish that you could too. Which is idiotic: you can get away from it anytime you like. By going within. Nowhere you can go is more peaceful—more free of interruptions—than your own soul.”-Marcus Aurelius, Meditations"Turn my headphones up." -Dave Chappelle "When you begin to sit still and you look upon the mind, the thoughts, you witness the thoughts, you watch the thoughts, the mind slows down. As you continue witnessing the thoughts, watching the thoughts, the mind becomes weaker and weaker and weaker and you become happier and happier and happier. Bliss comes when the mind is at rest. Unalloyed happiness comes when the mind is inactive."-Robert Adams Support the show
5/7/20236 minutes, 27 seconds
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May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor #GMfaves

*I'm in the Holy Land this week, returning with new episodes on May 10th! I love you and I'm with you!*    Every time I remember that God is with me,I know the world is for me, from Me. “To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.”- Lao TzuAffirm: 'God goes with me wherever I go", and feel into this meditation from 'A Course in Miracles': "Today’s idea will eventually overcome completely the sense of loneliness and abandonment all the separated ones experience. Depression is an inevitable consequence of separation. ³So are anxiety, worry, a deep sense of helplessness, misery, suffering and intense fear of loss.The separated ones have invented many “cures” for what they believe to be “the ills of the world.” But the one thing they do not do is to question the reality of the problem. Yet its effects cannot be cured because the problem is not real. The idea for today has the power to end all this foolishness forever. And foolishness it is, despite the serious and tragic forms it may take.Deep within you is everything that is perfect, ready to radiate through you and out into the world. It will cure all sorrow and pain and fear and loss because it will heal the mind that thought these things were real, and suffered out of its allegiance to them.You can never be deprived of your perfect holiness because its Source goes with you wherever you go. You can never suffer because the Source of all joy goes with you wherever you go. You can never be alone because the Source of all life goes with you wherever you go. Nothing can destroy your peace of mind because God goes with you wherever you go.We understand that you do not believe all this. How could you, when the truth is hidden deep within, under a heavy cloud of insane thoughts, dense and obscuring, yet representing all you see? Today we will make our first real attempt to get past this dark and heavy cloud, and to go through it to the light beyond.There will be only one long practice period today. In the morning, as soon as you get up if possible, sit quietly for some three to five minutes, with your eyes closed. At the beginning of the practice period, repeat today’s idea very slowly. Then make no effort to think of anything. Try, instead, to get a sense of turning inward, past all the idle thoughts of the world. Try to enter very deeply into your own mind, keeping it clear of any thoughts that might divert your attention.From time to time, you may repeat the idea if you find it helpful. But most of all, try to sink down and inward, away from the world and all the foolish thoughts of the world. You are trying to reach past all these things. You are trying to leave appearances and approach reality.It is quite possible to reach God. In fact it is very easy, because it is the most natural thing in the world. You might even say it is the only natural thing in the world. The way will open, if you believe that it is possible. This exercise can bring very startling results even the first time it is attempted, and sooner or later it is always successful. But it will never fail completely, and instant success is possible.Throughout the day use today’s idea often, repeating it very slowly, preferably with eyes closed. Think of what you are saying; what the words mean. Concentrate on the holiness that they imply about you; on the unfailing companionship that is yours; on the complete protection that surrounds you.You can indeed afford to laugh at fear thoughts, remembering that God goes with you wherever you go."-ACIM, Lesson 41I Love you,[email protected] the show
5/6/20236 minutes, 24 seconds
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Emergency Exits #GMfaves

*I'm in the Holy Land this week, returning with new episodes on May 10th! I love you and I'm with you!*    Every time you come into a new moment,into a new seeming worldly situation today,find your exits into Truth.Find your breath,Find the Name,Find His Silence.Find the Love,and then engage with the moment fully. Enjoy your Self,but know the Truth.Only Love is here.I Love you,[email protected]_______________________Today's Quotes:  “Meditate unceasingly, that you quickly behold yourself as the Infinite Essence, free from every form of misery. Cease being a prisoner of the body; using the secret key of Kriya, learn to escape into Spirit.“- Lahiri Mahasaya "There's simply no polite way to tell people that they've dedicated their lives to an illusion."-Daniel Dennet"There's nothing to think about except illusion."-Peter Stoughton "All is illusion except the name of God.”-Ramayana “My thoughts are not meBut my thoughts make me feel like I am themIf I believe in them I start to feel, “I am having a bad day today “A thought cannot have a bad day, It’s just the believer in the thought that can have a bad day.But the believer in a thought is also a kind of thought…  The most dangerous thought actually, because nobody suspects it is a thought. We all think it is us. And because we think it is us... our life becomes very unstable and unsteady because even that identity is not steady.  ‘The only steady thing is the Self which is what we really are.’”-Mooji"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way, walk in it."-Isaiah 30:21Support the show
5/5/20236 minutes, 37 seconds
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If You Call to God, God Will Call Back to You. #GMfaves

*I'm in the Holy Land this week, returning with new episodes on May 10th! I love you and I'm with you!*    But you don't even have to call.Because there's no need to call someone you're in the room with,you just turn to them,and smile,and mouth, "I Love you".Nik   [email protected]_______________________Today's Quotes:  Every breath is God saying, "I love you."-Prem  Rawat "Be yourself. Do not react to the world. Do not ever react to your own body.  Do not even react to your own thoughts. Learn to become the witness. Learn to be quiet."-Robert Adams "Your job is to invoke the name of God. Not to react to the situation.  If you react to the situation, the situation will become amplified totally out of proportion.  Your feelings and your emotions will get worse as time goes by and you will have a lot of work to do to get back on the path. It makes no difference what the situation is.  It makes no difference how things appear.  It makes no difference what the world tells you. This is between you and God. If you call to God, God will call you back to you."-Robert AdamsSupport the show
5/4/20234 minutes, 1 second
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The words I share only help you to recognize the Word. #GMfaves

*I'm in the Holy Land this week, returning with new episodes on May 10th! I love you and I'm with you!*   #ChantingForChange: Day 7 Email  You have to listen for that Voice. The One that never stops speaking.The One that was speaking in the beginning, is speaking now, and will be forever speaking.Uninterrupted,unbroken,unchanging,silent-speech.The words I share only help you to recognize The Word.The peace I share only helps you to recognize His Peace.Recognize It and be free.Recognize that you are It. You are Love.I Love you,[email protected]'s Quotes:"You see the flesh or recognize the spirit.  There is no compromise between the two. If one is real the other must be false, for what is real denies its opposite. There is no choice in vision but this one. What you decide in this determines all you see and think is real and hold as true. On this one choice does all your world depend, for here have you established what you are, as flesh or spirit in your own belief. If you choose flesh, you never will escape the body as your own reality, for you have chosen that you want it so. But choose the spirit, and all Heaven bends to touch your eyes and bless your holy sight, that you may see the world of flesh no more except to heal and comfort and to bless."-A Course in Miracles, Lesson 31"I am a voice throughout time, spoken by few, and unheard by many. At times lost or forgotten, later recovered, but I persist eternally, for I am Truth. And Truth is That which never changes.  Attend to me, for I am consciousness in all matter."-Gayatree Revelation, an excerpt from Yoga Sutra 19   Episode 231- Choose the SpiritSupport the show
5/3/20237 minutes, 7 seconds
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Those aren't your problems, they're MINE. #GMfaves

*I'm in the Holy Land this week, returning with new episodes on May 10th! I love you and I'm with you!*    #ChantingforChange: Day 7 EmailIt's like a switch get's flipped from me seeing my 11-year-old,to feeling the Christ where I see my 11-year-old.It happens just that fast.But it's not me.God is remembering in me,God is pulling the veil back like,"See, that's not your child she's Mine,that's not your house, that's Mine,these aren't your problems, they're Mine,that's not your health, not your body , it's Mine.That's not you breathing, that's Me.And the weight gets lifted,and the Silence gets louder,and the Love gets stronger,and there's only Gratitude.I Love you,[email protected]'s Quotes:  "The flower doesn’t know it is giving fragrance. Does it even say, “I want to give a nice smell. Here is a nice person. I want to be extra nice to him?” A candle doesn’t know it is giving light. It doesn’t worry you, “Look. I’m wasting my time; I’m melting away. Come and read something with my light.” Does the candle ask you that? No, it is just there, the same as a Karma Yogi. Because of his very presence, people enjoy the light; people enjoy the smell, and people get the benefit."-Swami Sadchidananda"Your power source is your Heart but most of the time you're in your head wondering why you don't feel very powerful."-@Saralandonlife via IG "God's activities are so subtle, and simultaneously so profound that the mind is blind to them but not the heart."-Yogananda "All I know is Love, and I find my heart infinite and everywhere."-Hafiz"In marriage, you are neither the husband or the wife, you're the Love between the two."-Nisargadatta Maharaj#ChantingForChange Newsletter--Day 1 EmailDay 2 EmailDay 3 EmailDay 4 EmailDay 5 Email Day 6 EmailSupport the show
5/2/20237 minutes, 30 seconds
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The May Challenge- Keep Your Foot on the Gas #GMfaves

*I'm in the Holy Land this week, returning with new episodes on May 10th! I love you and I'm with you!*    #ChantingforChange: Day 6 Email Stop stopping feeling Love.Feeling Love is the only way you're going to get to where you want to go.Felt-Love is the direct route to God. Spoiler: You're (t)here now. You're That now. But keep Loving, anyway. Keep going. Keep knowing.I Love you,[email protected]'s Quotes: "When doubts come to an end, the light of God enters into one's heart."-Amma "Worry is either about acquiring what is out of reach or holding on to what is already acquired.  When you know that it is the Divine who brings you what is out of reach and protects what you have, you are free of worry."-Ravi Shankar"Prayer is the simple act of turning our hearts and minds toward God, just as a flower turns toward the sun."-Anandamayi Ma"We don't have to heal 'you', only recognize You. Because in spite of the way it seems, Spirit is the real life of you and that is perfect and eternal."-Herb Fitch #ChantingForChange Newsletter--Day 1 EmailDay 2 EmailDay 3 Email Day 4 EmailDay 5 Email Day 6 EmailSupport the show
5/1/20238 minutes, 59 seconds
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The felt-Presence of God turns down your belief in thoughts #GMweekends

Day 5's #ChantingForChange Email! The felt-Presence of God turns down your belief in thoughts,it turns down your belief in problems,it turns down your belief in other powers,powers other than God.The whole world has God behind it,you just have to keep turning God up,and turning the world down.I Love [email protected]_______________________Today's Quotes:“People try to get away from it all—to the country, to the beach, to the mountains. You always wish that you could too. Which is idiotic: you can get away from it anytime you like. By going within. Nowhere you can go is more peaceful—more free of interruptions—than your own soul.”-Marcus Aurelius, Meditations"Turn my headphones up." -Dave Chappelle "When you begin to sit still and you look upon the mind, the thoughts, you witness the thoughts, you watch the thoughts, the mind slows down. As you continue witnessing the thoughts, watching the thoughts, the mind becomes weaker and weaker and weaker and you become happier and happier and happier. Bliss comes when the mind is at rest. Unalloyed happiness comes when the mind is inactive."-Robert Adams #ChantingForChange Newsletter--Day 1 EmailDay 2 EmailDay 3 Email Day 4 EmailSupport the show
4/30/20236 minutes, 27 seconds
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When You Forget You're the Watcher, You Become the Thinker #GMweekends

#ChantingForChange: Day 4 EmailThere's no 'you' watching anything. There's just watching, always, already.  In each moment we practice waking up from the dream of being the thinker, into a truer reality of being the formless Watching.You watch the anger,you watch the fear,you watch the breath.And when you watch your Self,You know God.There’s only God.I Love you,[email protected]_______________________Today's Quotes: "Breath is the cause of thought, it will create thought when there is no one watching it."-Swami Lakshmanjoo"The winds of God's grace are always blowing, it is for us to raise our sails."-Ramakrishna "Mind and breath have the same source. Hence breath is controlled when mind is controlled and mind when breath is controlled. Breath is the gross form of the mind."-Ramana Maharshi #ChantingForChange Newsletter--Day 1 EmailDay 2 EmailDay 3 Email Day 4 EmailSupport the show
4/29/20234 minutes, 29 seconds
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If the Self is Gained, All Desires Are Fulfilled #GMfaves

When felt-Love is as continuous as your breathing,as your heart beating,as this Silence,all you'll have are Go(o)d experiences. All you'll know is Love. I Love you,[email protected]_______________________Today's Quotes:"As soon as you want something from the silence, you are moved outside of the silence again."-Adyashanti "Confine yourself to the present."-Marcus Aurelius "If the Self is gained all the desires are fulfilled."-Sri Ramana Maharshi "Until we know that God lives in us and we can see Him there, a great poverty we suffer."-Rabia"I was sleeping on myself, but I'm woke now."-Unknown via IG  "I give people what they want in the hopes that someday they'll want what I want to give them."-Shirdi Sai Baba"All I know is Love, and I find my heart infinite and everywhere."-Rumi  Support the show
4/28/20236 minutes, 28 seconds
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Just the slightest turn toward the inside is a very big thing. #GMfaves

It’s only up from here. Trust.I used to sing this song at church growing up— 'through it all, I learned to trust in Jesus, I learned to trust in God. Through it all, I learned to depend upon His word."His Word, which was in the beginning, and IS now;It's what you're hearing right now,this Loving-Silence IS His Word.And you're learning to listen for this vibrating Silence, through it all-- through all the noise,through all the challenges,like a rope, it's pulling you up and out of the chaos. You're learning to trust what's on the other end of that rope.Trusting that It's pulling you to safety,that It's pulling you to the recognition that you were never in a well of suffering.That there was no well,just the belief in one,the dream of one,just like the dream of 'you'.And you wake up back on the throne,you wake up back at His feet.I Love you, [email protected]_______________________Today's Quotes:"…going up on a Tuesday.” -Drake"Now we're talking about a different end of the world than the bible has meant to most people. We're talking about an end of the world which is not the creation of God. We're talking about the end of a second creation. Of a false creation. We're talking about an internal change of consciousness."-Herb Fitch, Avila Beach"Just the slightest turn toward the inside is a very big thing."-Krishna Das"Bring your mind to one point, and wait for Grace."-MaharajjiEpisode about 'Looking Up Behind Closed Eyes'The song, 'Through It All'. Support the show
4/27/20239 minutes, 5 seconds
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Joy starts with YOU – not with your relationships, job, or money. #GMfaves

If the work you do today does not bring you Joy, your work is to bring Joy to it.Feel this river of Joy while you work.The river of Joy was already there,and then It seems to appear as you doing work.So today, for the first time,you're remembering the river while you work,feeling the river while you work,being the river while you watch the work.Wherever you are, wherever you go, you bring the Joy.You bring the party.You don't go somewhere to have fun.'I' is the fun!You become aware of the Joy (of the 'I') in that place,beyond the appearance of that place,and so you can become aware of Joy in any place,including your workplace.I Love you ,[email protected] our Mantra Chanting Challenge! Starts on Wednesday! Today's Quotes:"Happiness starts with you – not with your relationships, job, or money."-Sadhguru"My heart, flows like a river to the sea,may it always be,may it always be.A river of Grace flows through me,may it always be,may it always be."-Jahnavi Harrison from the song, "Like a River""When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy."-Rumi "Wherever you are, be the soul of that place."-Rumi"Constant repetition of God's name , even without feelings of Devotion, in anger or lethargy , brings out His Grace. Once this is realized, there is no room for misgivings."-Maharajji "Whistle while you twerk." - The Yin Yang Twins "In this life, we learn how to flow with the river, and stop fighting with the rocks."-Lauren London "Flow of Grace." - Krishna Das "When we no longer search for the peace that the world can give, but seek only "my peace," the gates of consciousness open to admit the spiritual light which becomes the life of our being and our body. Many people desire spiritual power in order to enjoy more harmonious experiences. Their purpose in seeking God usually is to enjoy more and better earthly things, to catch larger fish in their nets bigger fish, better fish. But the basis of our work is to "leave your nets," to leave this search for more and better human good and open consciousness to the spiritual realities. Then the things which come to us in the outer world are the fruits of an inward grace. Grace can only be attained by a state of inner silence, a state of inner awareness and receptivity; therefore it is necessary for us to prepare ourselves for the experience of receiving that grace. This is the whole purpose of meditation."-Joel Goldsmith, "The Art of Meditation" (Chapter 2, The Purpose)Support the show
4/25/20237 minutes, 6 seconds
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#ChantWithMe: The Jesus Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.The power in this simple prayer comes from the Name, 'Jesus Christ' and the remembrance that all you need is His Mercy, His Forgiveness. Everything lies in His Name, and the moment you say It, He's (t)here, and you're His.Safe.Supported.Whole. In the foreground is the Jesus Prayer and in the background, a 528hz frequency, known as 'the sun frequency', and the 'miracle frequency'.  "And I will do whatever you ask in My Name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son."-John 14:13Scriptural reference- Luke 18:13“But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner. ' “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God."Join the Chanting for Change Challenge beginning on Wednesday! Support the show
4/23/20235 minutes, 10 seconds
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#ChantWithMe: Hare Krishna Mahamantra

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare-Wiki(even though Rama has two syllables, the second 'a' isn't pronounced, listen to Maharajji chanting Rama, here). Keep an AirPod in on low volume.  Even when you're at work listening to the 'illusory struggle', you'll have one ear in the Kingdom, on Truth, at all times."It's all illusion except the Name of the Lord."-Ramayana "All sorrow is due to the fact that many are seen where there is only One."-Anandamayi Ma In the foreground is the Great Mantra of Deliverance and in the background, a 528hz frequency, known as 'the sun frequency', and the 'miracle frequency'. Listen while you sleep. Listen while you play. Listen while you work. and chant, chant, 'chant and be happy!' "Chant Hare Krsna Mantra Sixteen Times--Please!So people are so rascal, they will not even chant Hare Krsna mantra. So Krsna is teaching. Krsna is so kind. He's personally teaching. That is, perform yajña. He's personally chanting, dancing, Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Personally, He's teaching us, "Perform this yajña you rascal, and you'll get everything. You'll get everything." Now, where is the proof? The proof is this Krsna consciousness movement. We are simply chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra and spending millions of rupees. Simply. What we are doing? We are not doing any business. We have not many professional men.But why we are getting ..? We are spending eight hundred thousand rupees per month. And we have got food, we have got milk. We are feeding others also, bringing food. So why don't you see practically how these Krsna conscious people are fabulously rich. This question was raised in Parliament also. So how we became fabulously rich? We do not do anything. I have not taught you anything magic. I simply request you, "Chant Hare Krsna mantra sixteen times- please!!" But you are not even following that. This is the only remedy."-(Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.18 /Mayapura, September 28, 1974)Helpful links--How and Why to Chant the Hare Krishna MantraMantra Chanting ChallengeSupport the show
4/23/202310 minutes, 21 seconds
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How and Why to Chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra (The Great Chanting of Deliverance)

When we chant, we are- Fully attentiveRespectful SilentOnly hearing Not thinking Not splitWhole, and ready for Grace. In preparation for Wednesday's Chanting for Change Challenge, I've shared the best practices and some of my personal experiences from chanting this mantra over the years. I hope you'll join us! Happening Album Intro at 14:14 markKrishna Das  rhythm at 13:45Srila Prabhupada chanting fast Scriptural references to Hare Krishna Mahamantra If I could only recommend one book to keep you motivated, it would be this one, 'Chanting Hare Krishna'! How to chant on beads I Love you and I'm with you!Nik  Support the show
4/23/202321 minutes, 15 seconds
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Hope Floats #GMweekends

In this parade of life, you're watching as everything is coming to you.Your destiny.That goal.That version of you you want to be...It's all in the parade line.You may not be able to see it yet, but it's coming.You're on the route,and it's en route.You can't miss it.Relax.Enjoy your Self. Smile.I Love you,[email protected]'s Quotes: "Regard the sensations of life as an endless parade.  You are Awareness seated at the reviewing stand, and the parade of sensations, actions, and thoughts is passing before you. This perspective will keep you from getting caught up in any particular entry..."-Bob Pilato"The finest emotion of which we are capable of is the mystic emotion... here in lies the germ of all art and all true science.  Anyone to whom this feeling is alien, who is no longer capable of wonderment and lives in a state of fear, is a dead man... This knowledge, this feeling... this is the core of the true religious sentiment.  In this sense, and in this sense alone, I rank myself among profoundly religious men."-Albert Einstein via The Supreme Awakening I (highly recommended book of awakening stories by Craig Pearson, PhD)"Mystic comes from the Greek word 'to close'; your eyes, your ears, presumably to dive within and experience the 'germ of all art and true science'."-Craig Pearson, The Supreme Awakening "It takes a special kind of commitment to do what you're doing. To commit to the growth of your mind, the health of your body, the expansion of your soul, and the fruition of your purpose.  One step at a time because that next step may be the one that helps you round the corner on something big in your life.  At times it's hard to keep the momentum, but you always seem to find a way to get it going. No matter what. And that's where progress lies. That's where your commitment to your Self becomes your Truth. -via IG @SourceMessagesSupport the show
4/23/20236 minutes, 7 seconds
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Spend All of Your Time With God, and God Will Take Care of You #GMweekends

You spend time with God by listening.Think of that image of Dolores from Disney's 'Encanto', with her hand up to her ear. That.Just listening. This listening is continuous,that's mediation.When you're listening you're not thinking,that's meditation.And then in the quiet listening,Love is felt.You hear God's silence, and then you feel God's Love.You're gifted His Peace, and then you notice that that too, is continuous!No matter what comes (or goes), this Peace stands.All you have to do is remember to listen for the feeling of Peace,and then that Peace dissolves everything that isn't comes,because God is.I Love you,[email protected]'s Quotes: "...continuous reaching toward the center of our being, will eventually result in the experience of the Christ. In that moment, we discover the mystery of spiritual living: We do not have to take thought for what we shall eat, what we shall drink, or wherewithal we shall be clothed; we do not have to plan; we do not have to struggle. only Christ can live our life for us, and we meet the Christ within ourselves in meditation. The degree to which we attain the experience or activity of the Christ, the presence of the Spirit of God in us, determines the degree of individual unfoldment."-by Joel S. Goldsmith via Practicing the Presence, Chapter 7 "I am the spaces between my thoughts."-via @daytohaveaday via IG“If a man wants to be used by God, he cannot spend all of his time with people.” -A. W. Tozer"Does a young woman forget her jewelry? Does a bride hide her wedding dress? Yet for years on end my people have forgotten me."-Jeremiah 2:32Getting in the Gap- by Wayne Dyer Support the show
4/22/20239 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Gift You Are #GMfaves

Ram Dass said, ‘I Am Loving Awareness.’And in this moment, you are Loving Seeing.Loving the seeing, itself.Feel Love for the seeing of these words.If you were to close your eyes, you would feel Love for the seeing of the darkness.Feel Love while seeing.Feel Love AS the seeing.Silent-Seeing unsees problems.Silent-Seeing unsees lack.Silent-Seeing is your gift.The gift You are.I Love you,[email protected] our Mantra Chanting Challenge! Today's Quotes:"Imagine a month of SundaysEach one a cloudy dayImagine the moment the sun came shining throughImagine that ray of sunshine as youRemember your darkest hourWith dawn still far awayRemember the way that you longed for morning's lightAnd think of yourself as a candle in the nightMake believe this is the first dayEverything all brand newMake believe that the sun is your own lucky starAnd then understand the kind of gift you areThe gift you areLike the very first breath of SpringThe gift you areAll the joy that love can bringThe gift you areAll of our dreams come trueThe gift you areThe gift of youYou are the promise of all the agesYou are the Prodigal SonYou are the vision of prophets and sagesYou are the only oneDream of a bright tomorrowKnow that your dream will come trueCarry your dream in a sparkling crystal jarThen you will know the kind of gift you areThe gift you areLike the very first breath of SpringtimeThe gift you areAll the joy that love can bringThe gift you areAll of our dreams come true, yes they doThe gift you areThe gift of youThe gift you areThe gift of you"-John Denver, 'The Gift You Are' (Never heard that song before, and only know of John Denver, but while trying to brainstorm a title along the lines of 'you are a gift', AFTER recording, AFTER editing, AFTER uploading, I  bumped into these lyrics and swooned! Serendipity at its finest.) "If you feel drained, tired or pulled in multiple directions, it's time to pause and breathe. Choose yourself for the rest of the month. Choose your happiness and purpose. Every person around you benefits from you being your highest self- give yourself what you need to thrive."-@SylvesterMcNutt via IG "It's in the Silence where you will receive the message."-Robert Adams "Where Truth is (and there is nowhere It is not), there is no problem at all. Where there 'appears' to be a problem, believe me, if you start' with Truth only, you will suddenly discover there is no problem, for a problem only could be where Truth is not."-Aiken "I Am Loving Awareness."-Ram Dass  Support the show
4/20/20236 minutes, 43 seconds
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First you feel GoOD, then you live GoOD. #GMfaves

There's a place inside you that IS Silence.That place is also Still.That place is also God.The 'I Am'.The Principle that shows up as answered prayer before you even have the thought to pray. Hearing the Silence now,sensing the Stillness now,feeling the Love now,you'll be living the Miracles, always.I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"I could live in any time.I could live in any country.I could live on any planet, and I would be fine."-Phylicia Rashad"You should have this freedom within you: "even if I go to hell, I will live well."-Sadhguru "Whoever travels without a guide needs two hundred years for a two-day journey."-Rumi"We should always remember that there is an invisible hand guiding us."-Amma       Support the show
4/18/20239 minutes, 15 seconds
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Actually, You Can. #GMfaves

You can and you ARE changing everything from (t)here.Right from that room.Right from that seat.Right from this Love.I Love you,NikPlease help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"Actually, you can. You can follow your heart. You can alter your path. You can break the mold. You can take the leap. You can free yourself from your fears. You can refuse to settle for less than you deserve. You can live a life aligned with your purpose and passions. You can do the thing you're not sure you can do. You can take the first step. You can create your future. You can have exactly what you've been dreaming about.  You are strong enough. You are brave enough. You have what it takes."-Zanna Keithley "I think God might be a little prejudiced.For once He asked me to join Him on a walkthrough this world, and we gazed into every heart on this earth,and I noticed He lingered a bit longerbefore any face that was weeping, and before any eyes that were laughing. And sometimes when we passeda soul in worship God too would kneel down.I have come to learn: God adores His creation."-St. Francis of Assisi via Daniel Ladinsky's 'Love Poems From God'"Our hands imbibe like roots, so I place them on what is beautiful in this world.And I fold them in prayer, and they draw from the heavens light."-St. Francis of Assisi via Daniel Ladinsky's 'Love Poems From God'Support the show
4/17/20237 minutes, 48 seconds
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The More you Practice THIS, The More Your Life Changes #GMweekends

In the Adi Lila, Krishna said, "cleanse and decorate your body because you consider it Mine."Not yours. I consider that 'Love is here, and only Love is here',and where Nikki seems to be here, that's the illusion.And it's only an illusion because one day, Nikki won't be here.But 'I'  still will be,because 'I' can't go anywhere.'I' didn't come here, so 'I' can't leave here.'I Am' what is known as 'Here'.Hereness is Me.That's what you have to consider.That's what you have to practice.Everything has to remind you of That.Everything has to be your mirror.Everything has to be God.There's no room for anything else.No room for imperfections.Today you're going to look out and see imperfections.Your thoughts are going to inform you of many. And your work is to stay woke enough to hear every report of an imperfection,to see every seeming imperfection,and to hear Go(o)d where it appears to be.To feel Go(o)d where it appears to be.It's that simple.You see the imperfection and you know God.You feel THIS (Love) that you're feeling right now, while you're looking at it,and then what you're looking at changes.Even if you can't detect it in that moment,it has changed.Your gaze is healing this world.Because your gaze is silent.Because your gaze is steady.Because your gaze is God's. I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes: "A person trying to play me plays themself."-Prince“It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."-Henry David Thoreau "Beauty surrounds us, but usually we need to be walking in a garden to know it."-Rumi"But listen to me. For one moment quit being sad. Hear blessings dropping their blossoms all around you."-Rumi"It’s you who must come to the place where the human brain is not in the way. And behold, when you come to that secret place, the light and the power which always are present, even now, sweep aside the veil of your human sense, and then they reveal to you the perfection of Heaven where the imperfection of human thought had seemed to be." -Herb Fitch La Jolla Series 8B. In the Spirit of Truth"Your gaze is healing the world."-Nik Support the show
4/16/202310 minutes, 15 seconds
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You do not heal 'from' trauma. You find healing 'in' the trauma. #GMweekends

When you find and hold Lovebefore,during,and afterthe Cross you've been given to bear,you find that not only are you healed but that you can heal.That your Presence Itself is healing.Because It is everything.And It is perfect. I Love you,NikPlease help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes: "You do not heal 'from' trauma.You simply come to know yourselfas Life Itself.And you turn towards the wounded place.And you flush it with attention,which is love.And maybe the wound will always be with you.Maybe you will always walk with the hurt.But now, you hold it. It doesn't hold you.You are the container, not the contained.It doesn't control you any longer, the wound.Because it is drenched in awareness now.Drenched in You.Loved by You.Even celebrated by You.You do not heal 'from' trauma.You find healing 'in' the trauma.You find yourself at trauma's sacred core.The One who is always present.The One who can beareven the most intense feeling states.And survive.The Indestructible One.The Infinite One.The Powerful One.You."- Jeff Foster"To love is humanTo feel  pain is humanBut to feel love despite the pain is pure angel."-Rumi "A boy came one time and asked, “Maharajji, did Jesus really get angry?” As soon as Maharajji heard the word “Jesus,” tears came to his eyes. He was sitting up when the question was asked, and he leaned over on his elbow and tapped his heart three times with tears coming down from his eyes. There was total silence for a moment. Maharajji had brought the reality of Christ into everyone’s consciousness, and he said, “Christ never got angry. When he was crucified he felt only love. Christ was never attached to anything; he even gave away his own body.” And at that point everyone was crying—we had gone through the complete Passion of Christ. And all of a sudden he sat up and said, “The mind can travel a million miles in the blink of an eye—Buddha said that.”-Maharajji Support the show
4/15/20237 minutes, 41 seconds
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Where God Is, Opulence Is. #GMfaves

Where 'I Am' is recognized, God is.* Feel Its Love.Hear Love’s Silence.Know God everywhere,like I know you,Love you,Am you. Always here,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes: "Where I Am is recognized, God is."-Joel Goldsmith  "Wherever there is Krsna, the master of all mystics, and wherever there is Arjuna, the supreme archer, there will also certainly be opulence, victory, extraordinary power, and morality. That is my opinion."-Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 18, Verse 78"The greatest gift in the world, is the ability to help others see past the illusion and recognize the Divinity within."-IG @TheHighPriestess11"Spiritual realization is to look through the third eye while keeping your other two eyes wide open on the world."-Amma Support the show
4/14/20237 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Instrument is Blessed #Gmfaves

"You were assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved."To show 'others' how to B R E A T H E.To show 'them' how you let God breathe you,back into Calm,back into Center,back into your Power,where you know "I AM" is the only Power.Where you know the only assignment is to remember Love.To trust in Love.And to watch It dissolve every mountain,knowing there never was a mountain, only Love.I Love you,Nik [email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes: "The instrument is blessed."-Sri Ramakrishna "You were assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved"-Unknown via FB"Bliss comes only from ourself and It is most intense when we are free from thoughts and perceptions."-Ramana Maharshi "I'm like air, you can't see me but I'm everywhere."-Maharajji Support the show
4/12/20236 minutes, 19 seconds
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Persisting in God's Love, Change is Here #GMfaves

Even if the world is not smiling back at you yet,you FEEL its smile,you FEEL the changes beneath the surface,you FEEL the Go(o)d behind the scene,pervading the scene,appearing AS the scene.You know the Secret.You're in on the Secret,and that's why you smile.Persisting in His Love,swaying,looking, and not letting the appearance of the world make you forget to feel His Love.   That's the real change. And only from here do you see the 'outer' one. I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes: Excerpts from 'My Higher Self  Spoke to Me' by @Ashmi.Path via IG "Quiet the mind, open the Heart."-Ram Dass“There is an inmost center in us all, where truth abides in fullness;....and, to know, rather consists in opening out a way where the imprisoned splendor may escape, then in effecting entry for a light supposed to be without.”― Robert BrowningSupport the show
4/11/20239 minutes, 34 seconds
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Lose Yourself in Love - A Powerful Meditation for CHANGE #GMfaves

When you lose yourself in God,you find yourself Here.Hearing this Silence.Feeling this Love.Smiling.Swaying.Knowing,that your life starts NOW.Happy new week,new birth,new life.You deserve this.You deserve everything.You are Everything,because you are Love.I Love you,Nik [email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes: "For I AM the 4th Dimension. I AM the dimension where all karmic law is broken, shattered, never to raise its head again. Where I AM, even in the midst of the appearance of war, there is peace; in the midst of the appearance of lack there is abundance. Where I AM, there is no depression. Where I AM, there are no broken bones. Where I AM, there are no germs. Where I AM there is no death, because I AM Life Itself. Such a realm has existed before Time was invented by the mind of man. We are walking in a realm, a realm called I, a realm of Spirit which man calls God and this Spiritual Realm is waiting patiently, just beyond the periphery of every man's consciousness, waiting for him to expand, to open up. And that's the meaning of Rebirth.As your consciousness expands to become aware of this invisible kingdom around you, it enters into your consciousness; and its name is I. It is infinite. It is present. I stand here NOW, the perfect invisible Kingdom, waiting for anyone who has the vision, the understanding, the courage, the desire to serve truth instead of concept. And so we open up. We open out a way for that imprisoned splendor. And when you do, then you receive your signs very quickly, for I AM quick, sharp, powerful. The moment you turn to I, I rushes to you. And then you find power is not in the mind. Power is not in the sword. Power is not in the bomb. Power is not in the human planning and scheming. Power is simply in the receptivity to I. That's your new philosopher stone. I in the midst of you can do all things. Nothing is impossible to I."Herb Fitch 1971 Seminar Tape Series"The Mystical I"Class: 1"I Stand At The Door And Knock"Page 15"Lose your soul in God's Love. I swear there is no other way."-Rumi  "When I asked Maharajji how to meditate, he said, “Meditate like Christ.” I said, “Maharajji, how did Christ meditate?” He became very quiet and closed his eyes. After a few minutes, he had a blissful expression on his face and a tear trickled down his cheek. He opened his eyes and said, “He lost himself in Love.” Try the meditation of losing yourself in love.."-Ram Dass Support the show
4/10/20239 minutes, 17 seconds
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When Dusk Arrives, It Already Has Dawn In Its Womb #GMweekend

"The cross we bear always precedes the crown we wear." - MLKHappy Resurrection day.  Not just His... Yours.He is You. His story is yours. There's only One. Remember.   I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes: "Inhale Love, exhale gratitude."-@RamdasBatchelder via IG"Always remember that when dusk arrives, it already has dawn in its womb."-Amma "No matter where you are in life, celebrate it. It's either a product of your growth or a place that will help you grow. Notice the progress. Cheers to today."-@antthewriter on IG"In Adam- the universal man- God sleeps. In Jesus Christ- the individualized God- God wakes."-Neville Goddard“Christ was lost in love. He was one with all beings and he had great love for all in the world. He was crucified so that his spirit could spread throughout the world. He was one with God. He sacrificed his body for the dharma. He never died. He never died. He is atman living in the hearts of all. See all beings as the reflection of Christ.”-Maharajji"Om. That is perfect. This is perfect. From the perfect springs the perfect. If the perfect is taken from the perfect, the perfect remains."-Swami Muktananda“Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames."-Rumi"Hanuman is the knower of all hearts, and lives only to serve God within us and prepare us to live fully in the spirit. His entrance into our lives brings about the fulfillment of every desire. It's not necessary to ask Hanuman for anything, For he knows all."-Krishna DasFilling Up My Eyes from Mooji Mala, written and saaaaaang by my friend, Ana Ling!  Support the show
4/9/20239 minutes, 12 seconds
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Find God - The Highest Meditation #GMweekend

Here's Your One-Second Mood Reset--Close your eyes.Find God.Open your eyes.See God.Know that that feeling is now appearing as the world.God is always in front of you.Waving at you.Walking by you.Talking to you.God is always right where you are, appearing as you and as everything on display.It's never hidden.This is the highest meditation.To Look and Love.To LookandLove. To Look,and not let the appearance of the world make you forget to feel Love.    I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes: "...and the greatest gift God can give is His own experience. Every object, every creature, every man, woman and child, has a soul and it is the destiny of all, to see as God sees, to know as God knows, to feel as God feels, to Be as God is."-Meister Eckhart  "The Life Force that perpetuates your heartbeat and maintains and sustains all the other organs and functions of your body is not physical, but it is spiritual... is not temporal, but is eternal.  And once that basic truth has been established in your consciousness, you will experience the dissolution of all fear, the healing of all diseases, and the resolution of all conflicts.  This is the supernal activity of the Word being made flesh... this is the sacred process of Divine Grace being established on earth as it is in Heaven."-Don Mardak "The highest meditation is to think of nothing. If you can remain without thought, great power will come."-Swami Vivekananda Support the show
4/8/202312 minutes, 29 seconds
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Your Attempts to Reach God, Are God's Attempts to Reach You #GMfaves

When you're remembering Love, it's only because Love is remembering you.Holding you.Healing you.Being you.You reaching for God is like a fish reaching for water.We're in It.He's everywhere.Thank God.I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:  "All your attempts to reach Me, are in reality My attempts to reach you."-Rumi"Sweet is the memory of Jesus, giving true joys to the heart; but sweeter beyond honey and all else is His presence." - from Aldous Huxley's 'The Perennial Philosophy'Support the show
4/6/20238 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Come Up. #GMfaves

When you're being still and knowing that 'I Am' is God, there's flow, there's alignment, there's space, silence, felt-Faith. Fulfillment of desire is the natural consequence of abiding in and AS This Place. You're Home, Here.You're God's, Now. Radiate Him, Always.I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"Shake off the story that you have to grind yourself into dust every day. Putting space in your life and letting go of what doesn't matter will give you the energy to focus deeply on what does." -@HeyCoryAllen on IG"Fulfillment of desire is a natural consequence of knowing the Self.   For example, the Kena Upanishad points out that, "thorough the Self one gains strength" (atmana vindate viryam).  The Sanskrit word for strength is viryam, which also means 'vitality', or 'energy'.  When the Self is realized through direct experience, the individual enjoys a state of contentment in which desires are no longer experienced as unfulfilled needs that cling to the heart. Then whatever the individual might require for the maintenance of life will be produced through the creative power of his or her own nature. The Mundaka Upanishad explains how desires are fulfilled in an effortless manner for one who knows the self:'Whatever world a man of purified nature sees clearly in his mind,and whatever desires he desires, that world and those desires he wins.He who knows Brahman dwelling in the secret place, in the field of the transcendent, wins all desires together with Brahman, the all-knowing.'The Katha Upanishad expresses the same idea:'This imperishable indeed is Brahman.This imperishable indeed is the Supreme.For one who truly knows this Imperishable,whatever he desires, is his.'"-Excerpt from  'Upanishads' (A New Translation) Vernon Katz and Thomas Egenes"A lot can happen in a month. Trust God."-Unknown on IGSupport the show
4/3/20237 minutes, 29 seconds
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There's No Such Thing As Peace of Mind #GMfaves

There’s no such thing as peace of mind. But there is a Peace beyond the mind.A Peace that temporarily appears as the mind, while simultaneously, eternally remaining as Itself. A Peace that inner chanting brings attention to. A Peace that doesn't have to be practiced.A Peace that doesn't need a name.A Peace that appears as the best version of you.A Peace that appears as all things.Pause.Smile.Radiate Peace.A lot can happen in a month. Watch. I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"There's no such thing as peace of mind. Mind means disturbance.Restlessness itself is mind."-Nisargadatta Maharaj "After a night of prayer, He changed my life when He sang, "Enjoy Me."-St. Teresa of AvilaExcerpts from "Every Prophet's Name" by St. Teresa of Avila in 'Love Poems From God' by David Ladinsky  Support the show
4/2/202311 minutes, 17 seconds
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Becoming a GoOD Receiver #GMfaves

That same Awareness in which the body begins to sway, is the same Awareness that appears as answered prayers. It's both the prayer and the answer.I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"No prayer is complete without presence."-Rumi "By sincere prayer you put yourself in a receptive mood. You become good receiver. You tune your heart radio. Prayer is a form of tuning. Once you tune your heart through prayer, you get all the cosmic things Whatever you pray for, you get. Pray for peace, you are tuning you radio to the peace station. Pray for beauty, you tune your radio to the beauty station.More things are wrought by prayer than the world dreams of: We don" know the power of prayers. Don't we say, "You want it, you got it!" It is literally true; if you really want it sincerely, you get it.  Real want, sincere want, honest want is prayer. Through that sincere prayer, you tune your heart to God."-Swami Satchidananda "Everything starts with Love, remember; Love is the ultimate law. Then prayer, mercy, grace, follow of their own accord."-Osho "Move like you know you're being taken care of."-Unknown on IG Support the show
4/1/20236 minutes, 16 seconds
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Are You Keeping Your Appointments with God? #GMfaves

Meet with God every day and you'll meet with success in every way.I Love you,Nik Please help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"Sit quietlyand listen for a voice that will say be more silent.As that happens your Soul starts to revive."-Rumi "When the divine joy comes, immediately my breath is still and I am lifted into the Spirit. I feel the bliss of a thousand sleeps rolled into one, and yet I don't lose my ordinary awareness. This is universally the experience of those who go deep in the superconscious state. When the profound ecstasy of God falls over you, the body becomes still, the breath ceases to flow, and the thoughts are quiet - banished, every one, by the magic command of the soul. Then you drink of God's bliss and experience an intoxication of joy that not a thousands draughts of wine could give you."- Paramahansa Yogananda, Man's Eternal Quest, P.161."Make an appointment with God each day and hold that as your highest priority’”-Amma Support the show
3/31/20238 minutes, 6 seconds
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There Are Places You Haven't Been Where You Already Belong #GMFaves

You are both in that place, and you're not.You're both the seed, and the oak tree.You're both the bud, and the rose in full bloom.You're both you, and God.Walk in your power by noticing what's NOT walking while that body appears to be.Stillness. Be That. Be (T)here.Consciously, always.I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"Once I said to God, 'How do you teach us?'And He replied, 'If you were playing chess with someone who had infinite power and infinite knowledge and wanted to make you a master of the game where would all the chess pieces be at every moment?  Indeed, not only where he wanted them, but where all were best for your development; and that is every situation of one’s life.’”-St. John of the Cross via ‘Love Poems from God’ by Daniel Ladinsky "...Your humanity isn't an error. All your desires are part of the journey."-Ram Dass"At present, we do not know how to remain anchored in our own Self. When whatever we lean on shifts, we will fall. Spirituality gives us the necessary training to remain poised in our Self."-Amma"There are places you haven't been where you already belong."-@QuietSpace on IG Support the show
3/29/20239 minutes, 2 seconds
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All You Have to Do Is Say, "Yes". #GMfaves

“For God's sake, don't postpone your yes!Give up . . .and become the giver!”-RumiYou're giving yourself this experience right now,this one of felt-faith,of felt-Love,of remembrance of who you truly are.As you read these words, you're relaxing your shoulders.You're feeling the weight of your phone in your hand,you're feeling your inner 'yes'. When you feel, 'yes', for life, no matter how It's showing up,It'll start showing up, and showing out!It'll finally start giving what it was supposed to have gave.Trust It. Trust your Self.Smile.I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶ the show
3/28/20235 minutes, 33 seconds
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Once You Set Foot On MY Path, All Doors Open. #GMfaves

Didn't I tell you that I would never leave you nor forsake you?Didn't I tell you that the burden is Mine?Didn't I  tell you that I didn't give you a spirit of fear, but of Power and of Love and of a sound mind?Didn't I tell you to focus on Me until all thoughts dissolve,until all emotions dissolve,to remember Me,to call My name, to feel My Presence?Didn't I tell you that once you set foot on My path, all doors open?All of your doors are now open.Hold Love's hand,and walk through.I Love you and I'm with you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"Didn’t I tell youDo not leave me for I am your only Friend,I am the spring of life.Even if you leave in anger for thousands of yearsYou will come back to me for I am your goal and your end.Didn’t I tell younot to be seduced by this colourful worldfor I am the Ultimate Painter.Didn’t I tell youyou are a fish do not go to dry landfor I am the deep Sea.Didn’t I tell younot to fall in the net like birdsfor I am your wings and the power of light.Didn’t I tell younot to let them change your mind and turn you to icefor I am your fire and warmth.Didn’t I tell youthey will corrupt you and make you forgetthat I am the Spring of all virtues.Didn’t I tell younot to question my actionsfor everything falls into order, I am the Creator.Didn’t I tell youyour heart can guide you homebecause it knows that I am your Master."-Rumi "Memory has been given to us that we may practice the remembrance of good things until we can fully remember the highest good-- God."-Yogananda Quotes from above in line order- (1) Deuteronomy 31:8(2) Matthew 11:28-3(3) 2 Timothy 1:7 (4) Swami Ram Das (5) Neem Karoli Baba Support the show
3/27/20237 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Most Productive Thing You Can Do Today #GMweekends

For me, productivity means how often I'm consciously radiating Love during the day.How often I'm resting as Love.Not the body resting on the couch or in the bed,but how often I'm resting as the witness of the body,witnessing the mind,being simultaneously aware of being Nikki AND Love,hearing thoughts while hearing the Silence,hearing the world while feeling the Silence.Feeling the Kingdom. Feeling Go(o)d. That's how I define productivity. Because from this place, Nikki appears to be very productive.When I'm rooted in this power, Nikki gets stuff done.The weeks fly by and they would be labeled as productive in the traditional sense, but only because I AM productive in  My sense, in My way, as we define It in our Language.The unsounded One.   I Love you and I'm with you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"We often think Productivity means to work. It doesn't.  Productivity means to make intentional choices towards a goal. The choice could be to pause. The goal could be to replenish. Productivity could mean to rest."-Dr. Mona Masood, DO via IG @shrinkrapping "Not the ones speaking the same language, but the ones sharing the same feeling understand each other."-Rumi  "The message you communicate with another is the vibration that emanates from you."-Ram Dass Support the show
3/26/20238 minutes, 16 seconds
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You Are Already Chosen #GMweekends

When you choose this Silent Power, you choose miracles, you choose confidence, you choose Love .When you're choosing silenceyou're choosing your Self. You're no longer waiting to be chosen;for someone to make you worthy,for someone to make you feel love,for some circumstance to make you feel whole.You choose your Self.And you keep choosing your Self,until you arrive at the Truth.That there is none else but You.No other Power. It's all your Self.So put down your sword.Smile.Love. I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes: "If you can only learn to rely on the Self. How do you learn to rely on the Self? By trusting life. Trusting life just the way it is. I'm not saying to trust certain people, or to trust certain conditions, certain situations. I'm saying just to trust life. To trust life you go beyond people, places and things. You trust the substratum of all existence. You trust Consciousness. In other words, you feel and believe in your heart that there is a power that knows the way. You came out of it. So you're That also. For you are It. You are that power yourself. And you feel good about it. This is what I mean when I say, trust the power that knows the way."-Robert Adams, 'Silence of the Heart' "Listen to the secret sound, the real sound, which is inside you. The one no one talks of speaks the secret sound to himself, and he is the one who has made it all."-Kabir"All of life's obstacles whether created by human beings or nature will crumble when they hit against the firm and stable faith of the believer."-Amma Support the show
3/25/20236 minutes, 9 seconds
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Hold the Frequency of Love (this is why we're here) #GMfaves

You're always 'On'.Your transmission is ALWAYS being broadcasted.Are you emitting Love or fear, right now?Peace or doubt?Abundance or lack?God or ego?Ask your Self.Feel your Self.Be your Self.Live the life worthy of your Self.I Love you,NikWith you in and AS Love,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"Hold the frequency. This is why we came." --@organicascension via IG "The message you communicate with another human being is the vibrations that emanate from you."-Ram Dass "“A quiet mind is all you need. All else will happen rightly, once your mind is quiet.  As the sun on rising makes the world active, so does self-awareness affect changes in the mind. In the light of calm and steady self-awareness, inner energies wake up and work miracles without any effort on your part."-Nisargadatta Maharaj Support the show
3/23/20237 minutes, 17 seconds
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Affirm: "I Live in God's Dream for Me." #GMFavorites

When you're aware of the indwelling Spirit, you're IN God's dream for you.You ARE God's dream.There's nothing but God's dream.  Your very existence,your truest desire,your life,is God's plan.Surrender to It, by feeling Love, through it all. With you in and AS Love,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"I live in God's dream for me". -Oprah  “'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord."-Isaiah 55:8 "God has already prepared the way. Now He's just preparing you."-IG @rock_solid_ministries_intl "The divine indwelling is never earned by any behavior whatsoever or any ritual, but only recognized and realized and fallen in love with."-Father Richard Rohr Support the show
3/22/20235 minutes, 54 seconds
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You are Bigger Than Your Problems #GMFavorites

You are bigger than the fear.You are bigger than the anxiety.You are the Love that the problems,  the fear, and the anxiety seem to come and go in.You are being the Love, consciously now, appearing as Joy, solutions, and miracles, Now.With you in and AS Love,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"There is no order of difficulty in miracles.To God, every moment is a new beginning. And God is held back by nothing. God would never say, "I could help you, but you messed up badly so I can’t.”Neither does He say, “I could give you a great life, but your parents were dysfunctional so my hands are tied." Limits do not stand before the limitlessness of God; it is only limits to our faith, not inherent limits in our circumstances, that would keep us from experiencing miracles.Every situation provides us the chance to live with broader, more audacious faith that all things are possible. God is bigger than any limited circumstance in our past; God is bigger than any limits that the world is showing us now. Limitations exist only as a challenge to us to mature spiritually, to realize that through the grace of God we are bigger than our problems.There is no order of difficulty in miracles. When we pray to God to dissolve the messes that we have created, His spirit enters our minds. It then turns us into the people we need to be in order to make all things right."-Marianne Williamson, Return to Love"You're here to do wonders but you must  be patient with yourself. Patience is an attitude of mind characterized by poise, inner calmness, and quiet endurance in the face of trying conditions. It is perfected only in those who have an unwavering knowing in the inner God (Good)."-IG @whoisprakarsaka Support the show
3/21/202310 minutes, 14 seconds
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Affirm: Today is My Day #GMfaves

Every moment has been leading up to this day,to this moment,to this rung on the ladder to God.Today is your day.Smile ❤️I Love you and I'm with you,[email protected] Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"I  could not lie anymore so I started to call my dog “God.”First he lookedconfused,then he started smiling, then he evendanced.I kept at it: now he doesn’t evenbite.I am wondering if this might work onpeople?"-Tukaram "From the moment of your birth A ladder was placed before youTo help you escape."-Rumi"The one who is sitting on the top, isn't it?Whom we all call God,He can do anything,Just have patience and trust..!"~ Shri Baba Neem Karoli Ji MaharajSupport the show
3/20/20238 minutes, 47 seconds
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As Long as There Are Thoughts, There Will Be Fear #Gmweekends

...but there's a place inside, a certain altitude of consciousness where thoughts are not.  Where you witness thoughts without becoming them.  Where you witness fear without becoming fearful.  Listen to this short meditation to learn how to live fearlessly and free in and AS Love. I Love you and I'm with you, [email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"Be fearless. Whatever it is that you fear, take your mind away from it and leave it to Me. Have faith in Me and you will be free at once."-Mahavatar Babaji "As long as there are thoughts there will be fear."-Ramana Maharshi "Think of Me until all thoughts are dissolved."-Bhagavad Gita "The technique of the witness is to merely sit with the fear and be aware of it before it becomes so consuming that there’s no space left. The image I usually use is that of a picture frame and a painting of a gray cloud against a blue sky. But the picture frame is a little too small. So you bend the canvas around to frame it. But in doing so you lost all the blue sky. So you end up with just a framed gray cloud. It fills the entire frame.So when you say, 'I’m afraid,' or, 'I’m depressed,' if you enlarged the frame so that just a little blue space shows, you would say, ‘ah, a cloud.’ That is what the witness is. The witness is that tiny little blue over in the corner that leads you to say, ‘ah, fear.’"-Ram Dass Support the show
3/19/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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When You Start Meditating, Whatever You Think Starts Happening #GMweekends

..or,  whatever is going to happen, those thoughts come to you.*But you have to make time for meditation.You have to make time to go beyond time.Don't let your mind tell you that you don't have time for This, because there's nothing but This.When you go beyond time you go beyond your problems.You go beyond your limitations.You go beyond the illusion.You live beyond the illusion,and it's only from beyond the illusionthat you will watch Love win.I Love you and I'm with you, [email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"Love still wins.Prayer still worksGod is still able."-@trustgodswords via IG "The reward of love is love, and what a reward it is! It is the only thing that takes off all sorrows, the only cup, by the drinking of which this disease of the world vanishes. Man becomes divinely mad and forgets that be is man."-Swami Vivekananda "He will quiet you with His Love."-Zephaniah 3:17"When the mind becomes empty, then any wish or desire that you have at that time instantly manifests. This is a great secret."-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar *"See this is what happens when you meditate. Whatever you think starts happening or whatever is  going to happen, those thoughts come to you.  Before you need something, you already have it. That is a perfection, so you better ask for something bigger, don't ask for small things."-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Support the show
3/18/20235 minutes, 12 seconds
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You ARE Abundance #GMFavorites

The truth is right where you are.Perfection is right where you are.Abundance is right where you are.It's who you are.You ARE abundance.And there is nothing you can do to change That.There's nothing you can do to not be That.Wake up and live That, today.Smile.Shoulders down and back.Feel His Grace.RECEIVE all. I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"There's nothing to fix in your life. Nothing to change. Nothing to accomplish. Nothing to do except to abide in the Power that knows the way."-Robert Adams "Everyday you should sit quietly and affirm with deep conviction: "no birth, no death, no caste have I;  father, mother, have I none. Blessed Spirit, I am He. I am the Infinite Happiness." If you again and again repeat these thoughts day and night, you will eventually realize what you really are: an immortal soul."-Yogananda "Your body is a little universe, and God is residing in that little universe.  Search for that power of God. He dwells within you."-Guru Hariharananda Paramahansa  Support the show
3/16/20236 minutes, 5 seconds
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Being a Human, But Knowing You're God. #GMfaves

It's like a dual recognition all the time.Being in the world but not of it.Being a wave but knowing you're the ocean.Being a human but knowing you're God.I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"I  have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High."-Psalms 82:6“It has nothing to do with effort. Just turn away, look between the thoughts, rather than at the thoughts. When you happen to walk in a crowd, you do not fight every man you meet, you just find your way between. When you fight, you invite a fight. But when you do not resist, you meet no resistance. When you refuse to play the game, you are out of it.”― Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj"Why struggle to open a door between us, when the whole wall is an illusion?"-Rumi"Be wherever you like, do whatever you choose, remember this well that all what you do is known to Me. I am the Inner Ruler of all and seated in their hearts. Nothing will harm him, who turns his attention towards Me, but Maya (illusion) will lash or whip him who forgets Me. All the insects, ants, the visible, movable and immovable world is My body or Form."-Shirdi Sai Baba  Support the show
3/15/20237 minutes, 17 seconds
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Keep the GoOD Feeling Going - It's the Cure. #GMfaves

There is nowhere where God is not,where Joy is not,where Abundance is not. You just have to know where to look,how to look,how to shift.And as you shift, the world shifts.Everything is changing, thanks to you.Thank YOU. Keep going.I Love [email protected] Please help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"At times it's difficult to see your transformation while you're going through it. It's only after you've broken through your shell that it hits you: you're responding differently, you're smiling deeply, money is flowing to  you more easily, your relationships are improving or ending, the lens in which you view your experience is adapting to your upgrades. This will be one of the biggest chapters to your evolution. One shift at a time is altering your entire world.-Pedro de Santos via IG @sourcemessages"They can't see how beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that.”-Naya Rivera"Love is the cure, for your pain will keep giving birth to more pain until your eyes constantly exhale love as effortlessly as your body yields its scent."-Rumi (via Daniel Ladinsky's 'Love Poems from God')"One day He did not leave after kissing me."-Rabia  (via Daniel Ladinsky's 'Love Poems from God')"Sing my tongue; sing my hand; sing my feet, my knee, my loins, my whole body. Indeed I am His choir."-St. Thomas Aquinas  (via Daniel Ladinsky's 'Love Poems from God')Support the show
3/14/20238 minutes, 30 seconds
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Once you are on this path, there's only Victory. #GMfaves

We set out on this path listening to God,remembering God the way God remembers us,until we remember that God is us.That's what we are here for. That's what we're here to practice.That's what we are here to 'win',and you've won.So keep winning.I Love you,Nik Please help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:'In the silence is where all the power is. In the silence is where all the answers are."-Robert Adams"When the mind becomes empty, then any wish or desire that you have at that time instantly manifests. This is a great secret." -Sri Sri Ravi Shankar "Once you are on this path, there's only victory. Know that you are the ultimate winner."*-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar"By being pleasant always and smiling, it takes you  nearer to God, nearer than any prayer."-Swami Vivekananda "Clear the mind of all worldly things. If you can't control your mind, how will you realize God."-Neem Karoli Baba / MaharajjiSupport the show
3/13/20237 minutes, 57 seconds
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THIS Will Make You a Master of Your Destiny #GMweekends

Life is easy when you're flooded with Love.Life is beautiful when you’re a Go(o)d person.Life is a constant miracle when you’re conscious of God being you.I Love you and I'm with you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"You have been a prisoner of a little pond, I am the ocean and its turbulent flood. Come merge with me, leave this world of ignorance, Be with me, I will open the gate to your Love."-Rumi  "All nature will commune with you when you are in tune with God. Realization of this truth will make you a master of your destiny."-Yogananda "Don't pay more attention to the outside world than necessary, but concentrate more on the inner springs of joy."-Satya Sai Baba"I was, when you were not. I am, while you are. I shall be when you cease to be." -Shirdi Sai Baba Support the show
3/12/20237 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Password Is Love #GMweekend

As you read these words, listen for your heart beating.And as you read this line, become aware of your breath.And as you read this line, become aware of Love,no matter how subtle,no matter how Light,in your hands, in your feet, in your chest.You're feeling the password right now.I'm sharing It with you right now.   But it's not a word. It's a feeling. A GoOD one.And when you're aware of It, you gain access to the eternal silence beyond the heart beating, to the  blissful stillness beyond the breath, to the Love beyond thoughts. Give this password to every inner and outer barrier today. Feel Love.And go beyond.I Love you and I'm with you,NikPlease help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"Keep the Lord's name as constant as breathing."-Sai Baba "If you give yourself one complete minute of focused presence, to simply stop; even to listen to your heart beating, it will take you out of your head and introduce you to the moment which is complete in itself. It is not on the way to another moment. It is not a bridge to another opportunity. It is the timeless perfection. So stop and sink into this timeless moment."-Mooji"I have also given you the password, Love. When you come to barriers across your way, use the word freely and forcefully and nothing shall hinder your progress. You will be shown flowers of attainment which will bloom for you as you do well the tasks of the day, as you live largely and freely as a child of the Father who holds all good in His hands for you."-Eva Bell Werber, Journey With the Master  Support the show
3/12/20235 minutes, 31 seconds
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Confine Yourself to the Present Moment #GMweekend

Confine yourself to the bliss of Presence.Confine yourself to the security of God's lap.Don't leave It for any seeming thing, because there's nothing but It.  I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"Confine yourself to the present moment."-Marcus Aurelius "Sending  love to everyone who wants to do better but can't find the energy to make the necessary changes. Sending love to everyone who wonders if their exhaustion is permanent. Sending Love to everyone who's tired of feeling stuck."-@michellcclark via IG "Just because you're struggling doesn't mean you're failing."-@Lisettedesigns_ via IG"O Rama, If you thus overcome this sorrow of samsara (birth and death), you will live here on earth itself like a god, like Brahma or Vishnu! For when delusion is gone and the Truth is realized by means of enquiry into Self-nature, when the mind is at peace and the heart leaps to the Supreme Truth, when all the disturbing thought-waves in the mind-stuff have subsided and there is unbroken flow of peace and the heart is filled with the bliss of the absolute, when thus the Truth has been seen in the heart, then this very world becomes an abode of bliss."- Sage Vasishta.Support the show
3/11/20236 minutes, 11 seconds
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No Doubt #GMfaves

The way you have no doubt that you're alive?You have to have THAT kind of faith that God is providing for you.Can you have no doubt about that?No doubt that you're being guided?No doubt you're being sheltered, protected?When you get quiet,when you 'be still and know' that you're aware,  that you're alive,you're simultaneously acknowledging  the presence of God.The aliveness and the  presence of God are One. The "I Am" and the presence of God are One.Your presence is His.In that moment, just as you don't doubt that you're alive,you also don't doubt that you're being carried.I Love you and I'm with you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"He keeps on losing himself, but he does not know that he is losing himself and does not know even when he is completely lost. For when he is lost, he is God; not even that he is God, but that God is God.Oneness of God consciousness, one eternal existence, oneness of eternal life, oneness of absolute Being; only the One remains. And then the varieties of life are like the varieties of the waves in the eternal ocean of love of God."-Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Art and Science of Being, Transcendental Meditation"If you gather your will to the point of wakeful absence of thinking, everything you engage in will work out perfectly. Simply make way for the intelligence beyond the mind and let the creator play you like a flute."-Bentinho Massaro"Walk this earth for one purpose only; to show forth God's glory."-Joel Goldsmith Hollow Bamboo Episode  Support the show
3/9/202312 minutes, 2 seconds
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In the Presence of Love, the Mind Rests #GMfaves

In the presence of God your mind is silent.In the presence of God your mind IS Silence.God heard your prayers before you were born.Your True prayer, the one behind the words--to be happy,to give love,to be loved,to be Love.He's not asking you to do anything but trust.Give this silence, this stillness your attention,and It will give you everything.I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"Give me your plans and I will give you success.  Remember, that your success might not look the way you planned, but it will be more than you asked if you trust me."-Via @godsholyscriptures  on IG "You are like a mirage in the desert, which the thirsty man thinks is water; but when he comes up to it, he finds it is nothing.  And where he thought it was, there he finds God."-The Koran  Support the show
3/8/20239 minutes, 1 second
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Meditating is telling God, “Here I Am, ready to listen". #GMfaves

For a better morning,listen for God’s voice first.For a better night,listen for God’s voice last.For a better life,listen for God’s voice all day.*Shhhh…It sounds like the constant feeling of Love.Don’t think about that last sentence. Just read it again, and FEEL the Silence. Hear the Love. Smile. Relax your shoulders. Sway. Unexpected blessings happen here. I Love you and I'm with you,[email protected] Please help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"For a better morning,talk to God first. For a better night,talk to God last.For a better life,talk to God all day. " *- Via IG  @womenofpray "Praying is talking to God, asking God to give me this, to give me that.  But meditating is telling God, "here I am,  ready to listen."-Ravi Shankar "Silence is God's language. Everything else is poor translation."-Rumi"Free yourself from your own thoughts."-Rumi Support the show
3/7/20237 minutes, 28 seconds
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We Stay in GoOD Company #GMfaves

And in the end,which is the beginning,you'll see that there never was a path to contentment,or steps made on it,or breaths taken in it.or persons met along it.There's no one here to recognize Love;to practice It, or to turn toward It.Only Love is here.And that's the final Truth.I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"Rama, there are four gate-keepers at the entrance to the Realm of Freedom, moksha. They are self-control,spirit of enquiry, contentment and good company. The wise seeker should diligently cultivate the friendship of these, or at least one of them. "-Yoga Vasistha "When you know you are part of the divine plan, you stop demanding. Then you know everything is being done for you."-Ravi Shankar "You are lost only because you are searching."-UG Krishnamurti "The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it."-Nisargdatta Maharaj "We all feel that health is the natural state of the body. Why do we not feel that happiness is the natural state of the mind?"-Rupert Spira Support the show
3/6/20236 minutes, 36 seconds
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Practice: Cool Head, Warm Heart #GMweekends

When the heart is warm with Love, the head is automatically cool.   Your response is chill.Your thoughts are chill.Sometimes, it's like they're saying- "Thank you for giving me this Love as a reminder of Your presence.Thank you for giving me this opportunity, this moment, to remember you."And you can take as many of these moments as  you need during the day. Every time you close your eyes and go within,that's the Sabbath.That's true rest.That's the absence of desire (aka the feeling of lack),and the presence of all things GoOD. I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"The only real rest comes when you're alone with God."-RumiHeart As Wide As The World by Krishna Das“Holding me in your arms’ vast embraceOnly love shining in endless spaceAll I need is to be with youAll my prayers have been heardAll I want is to rest insideYour heart as wide as the worldI looked awayYour beauty too much to bearWhere could I run?Your eyes,I found them everywhereAll I want is to sing to youThe song that no one has heardAll my life has lead me toA heart as wide as the worldShree Raam Jai Raam Jai Jai Raam““No matter how turbulent the situation, Lord Shiva’s head and inner realm remains peaceful. Though the head is cool, the heart is always warm with compassion for the world. What we need is a cool head and a warm heart. But what we see in the world today is the very opposite: most people are hot-headed and cold-hearted. Everyone’s head is heated up by worldly thoughts, and the heart has become frosty with selfishness. If our head is cool, we can face the most adverse circumstances peacefully and turn it to our advantage."-Amma 2017 via @Sherenevismaya on IG "We must have one purpose alone: to seek the realization of His presence, His power, and His grace. When we emerge from these periods, usually we find that the “things” are added unto us: whatever knowledge we need to carry on our business, whatever physical strength or moral support."-Joel Goldsmith, 'A Parenthesis in Eternity'"A life built upon Sabbath is contented because in rhythms of rest we discover our time is full of the holiness of God."-Shelly MillerSupport the show
3/5/20237 minutes, 47 seconds
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Vision of Love #GMweekends

Everything you see is sacred.Everything you taste is sacred.Everything you smell is sacred.Everything you hear and touch,sacred.Hafiz said, 'everything you do is sacred."In this Silence we practice, you are sacred.And in this sacredness there's nothing but Grace.Receive It by staying open to It, by feeling It... by giving It.The more you give, the more you have.I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"The Love that meets your need is the Love that's flowing out through you right now."-Joel Goldsmith "There is a tendency to doubt your growth in the midst of a big leap forward; hold steady and allow yourself to bloom."-Yung Pueblo "A great silence comes over me and I wonder why I ever thought to use language."-Rumi  "When the flower blooms, the bees come uninvited."-Ramakrishna Support the show
3/4/20236 minutes, 31 seconds
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I Know God Breathed on Me #GMFaves

Feeling the breeze, think, "God is breathing on me."Feeling the sun, think, "God is shining on me."Feeling the water, think, "God is cleansing me.'Feeling the Love, think, “God is blessing me.”Use every moment of every day for remembrance of God, and you'll come to see that it's actually Him remembering you.  I Love you,[email protected] Please help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"I know God breathed on me"- Kanye West "Problems are the denial of the presence of God." - Herb Fitch Support the show
3/3/20238 minutes, 31 seconds
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Affirm: Greatness is Here and I am Ready For It. #GMfaves

When that body slouches,it's like it's slouching into forgetfulness.It's slouching into worry.It's slouching into  overthinking.Sit back up straight,like you’re on your Throne,and be Greatness.In this posture, that body is like an antenna, receiving, remembering Greatness, remembering its Divine Essence, remembering Truth.Remembering that everything it encounters is also Greatness,is one with Greatness.That there is nothing but Greatness.I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:Have trust in God and the most difficult tasks become easy.  For success, hard work alone is not enough.  God's grace is essential."-Maharajji"When things in you move, you don't have to move with them."-Adyashanti Support the show
3/2/20236 minutes, 51 seconds
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Love is the Sure Proof That Your Prayers Have Touched God #GMfaves

God responds to your prayers in many ways, the first response being Joy and inner Peace.  His Peace.Today I share about my current read/listen, 'Autobiography of a Yogi', and how we're divine roomies in "this place where every thought and breath starts", where every prayer is expressed and answered.  In this place where you practice being Love until Love is all that's left.I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes: "Had I not read 'Autobiography of a Yogi', I would not have had a life."-George Harrison  "The moment you sing in gratitude, in glory of the Divine, it immediately dawns in you and fills you up again."-Ravi Shankar "If you repeatedly call on Him with ever deeper concentration, He will answer your prayer. A joy and peace will strike your heart. When that comes, you know that you are communing with God.""To utter God with devotion, and increase the concentration and devotion with each repetition of His name, is to plunge the mind deeper and deeper in the ocean of His presence until one reaches the fathomless depths of divine peace and ecstatic joy, the sure proof that one's prayers have touched God." -Yogananda "A subsistent inner happiness unconditioned by any external influence is evident proof of the responding prsence of God."-Yogananda "From where every thought and breath start. You are that timeless Presence."-Ramana Maharshi Support the show
2/28/20238 minutes, 36 seconds
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Don't Panic- Pray #GMfaves

I'm on Silent Retreat with the Franciscans! Chat soon! I love you! Love each other!*******************************Praying is remembering God.Putting yourself in touch with God.Feeling Its always-on, always-present Love for you... ceaselessly. Today we choose to stay aware of God, of Love, of the Unchangeable, knowing that since It and the changeable are one,  the changeable will appear to harmonize. I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes: "Don't panic- pray. Don't worry- worship. Don't give up- keep going. Dong break- take a breath. Don't quit- pause and reset. Don't blow up- bless themDon't overthink- be open to solutions. All we get is time and choices, use it wisely. At this moment you have a chance to make a choice that creates change."- @Lawofattractionlive via IG"The unchangeable can only be realized in silence. Once realized, it will deeply affect the changeable, itself remaining unaffected."-Nisargadatta Maharaj "From Joy I came, for Joy I live, in Joy I melt."-Yogananda    "Whenever and wherever you put yourself in touch with God, that is the state of meditation."-Sathya Sai Baba "The real in us is silent, the acquired is the talkative."-khalil Gibran Support the show
2/27/20238 minutes, 50 seconds
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Great Things Shall Be Required of You #GMweekends

I'm on Silent Retreat with the Franciscans! Chat soon! I love you! Love each other!**************************** "Step out onto the path of service, but remember-do not fail to take the time each day for a loving worship and adoration of the King of your life. Then shall you be fitted and worthy for the work which you are to do."-Eva Bell Werber, Voice of the MasterToday, every time you're troubled by a thought, remember where that thought is taking place.It's taking place in the ocean of Love.Hear this Silence.Feel this Love.And you'll see that even that disturbing thought,its essence is Love.And because you recognize it,it turns back into Love,it turns back into silence,where it becomes a more beautiful thought.One that says,"you're not upset, you just forgot that you're submerged in Love,"or"how can I serve you",or"how can I help this one"?These are the thoughts you have when you recognize that God is in you and you are in God.This is the new you.The God you.I Love you,[email protected] the show
2/26/20238 minutes, 13 seconds
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All You Need Is Love #GMweekends

I'm on Silent Retreat! Chat soon! I love you! Love each other! *********************I asked for a sign and got an actual one!  There’s nothing this Love can’t do. I love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes: Lyrics to 'All You Need is Love' by the Beatles "There's nothin' you can do that can't be doneNothin' you can sing that can't be sungNothin' you can say, but you can learn how to play the gameIt's easyNothin' you can make that can't be madeNo one you can save that can't be savedNothin' you can do, but you can learn how to be you in timeIt's easyAll you need is loveAll you need is loveAll you need is love, loveLove is all you needAll you need is loveAll you need is loveAll you need is love, loveLove is all you needThere's nothin' you can know that isn't knownNothin' you can see that isn't shownThere's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to beIt's easyAll you need is loveAll you need is loveAll you need is love, loveLove is all you needAll you need is love (all together now)All you need is love (everybody)All you need is love, love."Support the show
2/25/20237 minutes, 7 seconds
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Silence is not a thing to find-- It is a place inside me #GMfavorites

Our only practice is keeping Loving-Silence, the presence of God, in the foreground of our experience. Hearing This first.Seeing This first.Noticing This first.Being This first,then being human,then being a mom, sister, friend, a husband.Being Love first, because It makes you a better mom, sister, friend or husband.Silence is not hiding from you.You can't find It.You can't earn don't have to understand It.You just have to STOP,and listen to It...listen for It...just like you're listening now...just like you're relaxing your shoulders now...just like you're smiling now :) Don't talk to God today.Just listen. Feel It (the Silence). Hear It (the Silence).Trust It (the Silence).Then, watch It :)I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:  "Any attempt to find peace is throwing  a stone into a calm lake.  Peace is already here. You just disturb it by running outside. When you don't make any attempt there is no mind, but when you try to make any attempt, there rises the mind which is going to disturb you."-Papaji"Silence is not a thing to find-- It is a place inside me.I can go there and visit whenever and wherever I want."-'The Boy Who Searched for Silence' by Andrew Newman"Silence is something that comes from your heart, not from outside. Silence doesn't mean not talking and not doing things; it means that you are not disturbed inside.  If you're truly silent, then no natter what situation you find yourself in you can enjoy the silence."-Thich Nhat Hanh  Support the show
2/21/20239 minutes, 26 seconds
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Stress Happens When You Forget God is Here #GMfavorites

Stress happens when you forget God is you.But we're not forgetting anymore.We are forever remembering.From this Holy Instant forward,we know that-'God is here,and God is me,and God is being everyone and everything.'Only Love is here.  and I Love you, I AM you,   [email protected]▶▶ BONUS EPISODES  + GoOD merch:'s Quote:   "The true beginning of prayer is warmth of the heart, which scorches (compulsions and disorders), fills the heart with the joy and delight of unshakable love and strengthens it with sure conviction." (St. Gregory of Sinai) This state is so deeply blissful and satisfying that the Christian tantric masters say it is one and the same as heaven, a heaven in the heart. "-Dr. James Hughes Reho, 'Tantric Jesus'The gravest error man can make is 'man on earth and God in heaven. Me here, God there.' In our lifetime we have all made that error and we perpetuated it in many ways.  Every moment of fear, every doubt, every lack, every limitation comes from 'me here, God there'... never in the same place."-Herb Fitch 'The Mystical I' , talk 1"Shut your eyes and see." - James Joyce Support the show
2/20/20237 minutes, 24 seconds
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Vision of Love #GMweekend

Everything you see is sacred.Everything you taste is sacred.Everything you smell is sacred.Everything you hear and touch,sacred.Hafiz said, 'everything you do is sacred."In this Silence we practice, you are sacred.And in this sacredness there's nothing but Grace.Receive It by staying open to It, by feeling It... by giving It.The more you give, the more you have.I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"The Love that meets your need is the Love that's flowing out through you right now."-Joel Goldsmith "There is a tendency to doubt your growth in the midst of a big leap forward; hold steady and allow yourself to bloom."-Yung Pueblo "A great silence comes over me and I wonder why I ever thought to use language."-Rumi  "When the flower blooms, the bees come uninvited."-RamakrishnaSupport the show
2/19/20236 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Only Thing of Real Value is Love Itself #GMweekends

When I sit down in the morning to chant, I'm sitting down to feel Love.When I' sitting down to record for you, I'm sitting down to feel Love.When I'm doing yoga or breathing exercises, I'm doing it to feel Love.When I'm doing any spiritual practice, ever, I'm only doing it as a way to feel Love.The practices will "get you in the room with Christ.But only Love will keep you (t)here."*Everything I do, I do for Love... to remember It, to feel It, to know It as my Self.I Love you,NikPlease help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:"The most subtle aspect of my teaching is Love. The circle around that subtle point, in order to realize it, is the spiritual practices such as meditation, repetition of the name of the Lord, talking with good people, directing the mind away from harmful thoughts, and so on. In themselves, these spiritual practices are of no value. The only thing of real value is Love itself."-Satya Sai Baba "The true mystic is not a devotee lost in ecstatic communion with the One, or a reclusive saint who avoids others. The true mystic lives alongside other people- coming and going, eating and sleeping, buying and selling, marrying and chatting-- but not for a moment does he forget God."-Abus Sa'id lbn Abi-l-Khayr "The yogi medicine puts you in a room with Christ.  But it can’t keep you there. The only thing that can keep you there is love."*-Maharajji"Q: I have been practicing japa and meditation for a long time, but there is not enough progress.Amma: You should also love God. Without love no amount of japa and meditation will bear fruit. When your love for God becomes very strong, all the bad vasanas (mental tendencies) within you will automatically drop away. Rowing a boat against the current is difficult, but if there is a sail it becomes easy. Love for God is like a sail that helps the boat go forward.When two lovers are sitting together, they won't like it when anyone comes near them. A real sadhak has the same attitude. He doesn't like anything that isn't related to God. Living with the thought of God always in his mind, he can't bear any obstacles that come between himself and God. Compared to his love for God, everything else is worthless to him.Son, one should have true lakshya bodha (one-pointed focus on the goal). Only then can one's sadhana (spiritual practices) become deep. When someone sets out with a strong desire to reach a certain place, no obstacle can stop him. If he misses the bus, he will take a taxi. But if he lacks interest, he may decide to go home if he misses the bus, thinking he can try again the next day. Children, without intensity in sadhana it is difficult to reach the goal.Before you sow the seed you have to prepare the land, clearing it of grass and weeds. Otherwise it is difficult for the seeds to sprout. In the same way, we can enjoy the bliss of the Self only if we clear the mind of all external things and direct it to God."-AmmaSupport the show
2/18/20235 minutes, 22 seconds
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Affirm: I Am Now Becoming All that I Am Supposed to Be #GMfaves

Affirm:"I am willing to release the need to be unworthy,I am now becoming all that I am supposed to be. "*I am now becoming All. Periodt. Every 'supposed to be' is a limitation. Every idea or concept you're aspiring to, no matter how beautiful or lofty, is just a thought. What you truly are is beyond imagination.  Sway your way into the realization of the All and allow It to be all that It is.  Allow It to define Itself and become your life. You just keep feeling It and trusting It.  And smiling :) Smile. Relax your shoulders. I Love you,[email protected] help me keep the show ad free + Get Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:*"I am willing to release the need to be unworthy,I am now becoming all that I am supposed to be. "-Louise Hay (title quote)"it is not for the sake of the husband that the husband is dear, but for the sake of the Self is a husband dear. The wife is dear for the sake of the Self in her! The sons are dear only because of the Self, not because they are sons! - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad     "The more you are free of you, the more there is of You. You without you. The more you are free of you- the psychological identity, this emotional psychological construct of a self0 the more here is of the true Self. You are the true Self discovering Itself. "-MoojiSupport the show
2/15/20236 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Whole World is Your Valentine #GMfave

It doesn't matter the box you check--single-married- widowedyou are never 'in' or 'out' of Love. You ARE Love.And when you live like this, knowing that you are Love and everyone else is, too,the whole world is your Valentine.Every day is Valentine's Day.Every day is Love's Day.Every day is God's Day.Which means you are free torelax,breathe,smile :)trust,to LOVE, unconditionally.I Love you,[email protected] me keep the show ad free +Merch!▶▶'s Quotes:“Love is the absence of separation. I don't love others. I am the others.  The sense of duality, which is a barrier to true love, must prevail so long as the apperception of truth has not occurred. Once individuality is surrendered, there is only total love.”-Ramesh Balsekar (title quote)"The universe only pretends to be made out of matter. Secretly, it is made out of love."-Daniel Pinchbeck“Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation.”-Rabindranath Tagore“Love is not an emotion. It is your very existence.”-Ravi Shankar“Life is love. All else is imagined confusion.There is no one who doesn't live in love. There are few who realize it.”-Byron Katie"It is possible to live twenty-four hours a day in a state of love. Every movement, every glance, every thought, and every word can be infused with love.We all have the seeds of love in us. We can develop this wonderful source of energy, nurturing the unconditional love that does not expect anything in return. When we understand someone deeply, even someone who has done us harm, we cannot resist loving him or her.Happiness is only possible with true love."-Thích Nhất Hạnh“Love has nothing to do with another person. Love is Truth. Love is Beauty. Love is Self.Finally all that is trustworthy is this immeasurable silent awareness that is the truth of who you are, that is love.”-GangajiSupport the show
2/14/20237 minutes, 47 seconds
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Smile, Beam, Trust. Everything is Right on Schedule. #GMweekends

Remember,  you're only able to catch yourself mid-worry because you caught God's voice... because Grace caught you.   The ability to become Aware, to become the Witness mid-thought, mid-worry IS Grace.We think we're doing It.We think we're practicing It.But It's happening to us.We're waking up as It.Smile, Beam, Trust. Everything is right on schedule.I Love you,[email protected] the show + Merch:▶▶'s Quotes:    "Worrying  is like paying a debt you don't owe."-Mark Twain "If the problem can be solved, why worry?If the problem can not be solved, worrying will do you no good."-Shantideva“Be empty of worrying. Think of who created thought! Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking. Live in silence. Flow down and down in always widening rings of being.”-Rumi "As I count to three my worries leave me... 1, 2, 3."-Tanaaz Chubb  in 'My Pocket Mantras' Support the show
2/12/20236 minutes, 45 seconds
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Meditation Changes Your Destiny #GMweekends

Affirm:"This is my moment of permanent change.I'm choosing LoveI'm choosing who I came here to be." You came here to feel Go(o)d,to remember God,to remind the world, by example, that God is real., that God is here, that God is Love.You came here to be Lpve.And when you're identified as Love,you've written a new chapter for that life,a chapter that can only be written Now.Smile. Everything is new. I Love you,[email protected] the show +Merch:▶▶'s Quotes:    "Every moment you spend on this planet, remember you're that you're here for a unique purpose and cause. far greater than to just eat, sleep and talk."-Ravi Shankar"Meditation is something that changes your destiny. If you go deep within and repose in the self, things start to change."-Ravi ShankarSupport the show
2/11/20235 minutes, 9 seconds
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Staying Connected to Your Soul #GMFavorites

As you read these words, shift from that weak signal to having ALL your bars. A strong connection feels like Love, radiating. It feels like a straighter spine. A smiling face. Belly breaths. It feels like... Home. Welcome back :) READ THAT JOEL GOLDSMITH QUOTE! xxI Love you,[email protected]🚨❤️ I need your help!  ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’ was nominated for an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Lifestyle / Self- Help Podcast! The voting is open to the public and I'd appreciate YOURS as we continue to get the Word out!Vote here- and share with all your GoOD friends so they can vote, too! Once you make your selection, make sure you hit 'back to categories' and then, 'submit votes' at the bottom of the page (and enter your email)! THANK YOU!!! I love you!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:    "Hope, expectancy, and what the world calls faith—this all has to do with a future tense. God has no way of operating except now, a continuing now. “Now is the appointed time,” and this takes away from us the false sense of faith that God will meet our rent on the first of the month. It helps us to realize that God does not operate in the future, because that takes away from us the false sense of expectancy and the false sense of faith it gives us. “I will never leave you nor forsake you,” so omnipresent I is a continuing experience, but not one that begins tomorrow. If faith has anything to do with anything beyond this moment it is not faith at all. You may say that you will not have fruit on your fruit trees until next month; but I say to you—if the law is not operating in your trees now, there never will be fruit. It is only the operation of the nowness that brings fruit in its season. It is what is happening in the tree now that determines the fruit to be on the tree. So it is, that which is taking place in our consciousness now determines the fruitage in our bodies, in our pocketbook, in our family, in our life—next week, next month, next year. "- Joel Goldsmith 'Consciousness Transformed' (pp. 114-116). Acropolis Books, Inc.."This life is about finding a way to be in the world that connects you to your Soul."-Ram Dass "And now these three remain: faith, hope, love, but the greatest of these is Love."-1 Corinthians 13:13"The present moment is the only moment available to us and it is the door to all moments."-Thich Nhat Hanh Support the show
2/10/20236 minutes, 27 seconds
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When God is With Me, All the 'Necessities of Life' Become Unnecessary #GMfaves

Once you have God, you have everything you need. You no longer have 'needs'. You just 'have'. You just 'are'. Because God is where you are. And the first proof of God where you are,is the GoOD feeling.The Glow.Love.   Let It flow forth.I Love you and I'm with you,[email protected]🚨❤️ I need your help!  ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’ was nominated for an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Lifestyle / Self- Help Podcast! The voting is open to the public and I'd appreciate YOURS as we continue to get the Word out!Vote here- and share with all your GoOD friends so they can vote, too! Once you make your selection, make sure you hit 'back to categories' and then, 'submit votes' at the bottom of the page (and enter your email)! THANK YOU!!! I love you!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:    Referenced Episode 235-  'Whenever you're not glowing today, catch your Self, and Glow'"God has proven that when He is with me all the 'necessities of life" become unnecessary. In that consciousness you become more healthy than the average person, more joyous, more bountiful in every way. Don't seek little things; they will divert you from God. Start your experiment now: make life simple and be a king."-Yogananda "To be able to realize that [God is your individual consciousness] enables you to sit back as comfortably, as joyously and confidently as a baby sitting on its mother’s lap...In this attitude and altitude you eventually hear your own consciousness saying to you, “I am your bread, I am your meat, I am your wine and your water. Fear not, I am with you. Be not afraid, it is I. I will never leave you.”-Joel Goldsmith“I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."-John 6:35"Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous."-Isaiah 41:10"As soon as you opened your mouthAnd I heard your softSounds,I knew we would befriendsThe first time dear pilgrim,I heardyour laughI knew it would not take me longTo turn you back intoGod."- Hafiz via Daniel Ladinsky "(Upon meeting with Love) Even the beggar becomes a king, the lame persons are able to walk or even fly, the blind is able to see this universe, and many of the difficult writings of the destiny which are at the forehead of a person can be wiped out. Even the fundamental essence of a person or a personality or a being can be made to change." -Mukunda Support the show
2/8/20238 minutes, 33 seconds
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You Are What You're Seeking #GMfaves

Seeking the Silence behind your thoughts, today, and the Love behind your body, you arrive at your Self. When you seek the Eternal Day behind 'Monday', the Timelessness behind time, you arrive at your Self.Nothing can touch you here.No one can 'block' you here, because there's nothing but You here. There's nothing but Love here,and this Divine Love is presently, right now as you're reading these words, becoming all the Go(o)d things you need.  Watch :)  I Love you and I'm with [email protected]🚨❤️ I need your help!  ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’ was nominated for an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Lifestyle / Self- Help Podcast! The voting is open to the public and I'd appreciate YOURS as we continue to get the Word out!Vote here- and share with all your GoOD friends so they can vote, too! Once you make your selection, make sure you hit 'back to categories' and then, 'submit votes' at the bottom of the page (and enter your email)! THANK YOU!!! I love you!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:    "Seek the Father behind all fathersAnd the Mother behind all mothers.Seek the only Beloved behind all loved onesAnd the friend behind all friendsOf many lives lived on this mystery-earth.Search for the Brain behind all brainsAnd the Mind behind all minds,The Hand behind all handsAnd the Feet behind all feet.Seek the Blood behind all bloods,The Breath behind all breaths,The Wisdom behind all wisdomAnd the Joy behind all joys.Find the Love behind all loves,The Life behind all living things."-Yogananda"Divine Love is the magnet that draws to me all Good."-Yogananada"You are a magnet. Not a claw." -@TinySpiritualPoems on IG "You are what you're seeking."-Mooji Support the show
2/6/20237 minutes, 37 seconds
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This is What You Came For #GMweekends

You came for the Real not the fake. You came for the Kingdom, not the symbols of It.  While you are truly blessed by worldly success, you're more blessed and excited because you know (you are) the Source of it.That's what keeps this Light on, here-- the Source of the miracles, the Source of the stuff, not the stuff. That's what gets me up every morning.  That's what inspires me to share each day. I'm grateful for the words that come, but the Silence they come from... I give all the praise, all the glory.  What will that Silence become in your life? Listen... and see :)  Watch what happens.I Love you,[email protected]🚨❤️ I need your help!  ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’ was nominated for an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Lifestyle / Self- Help Podcast! The voting is open to the public and I'd appreciate YOURS as we continue to get the Word out!Vote here- and share with all your GoOD friends so they can vote, too! Once you make your selection, make sure you hit 'back to categories' and then, 'submit votes' at the bottom of the page (and enter your email)! THANK YOU!!! I love you!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes: "Feeling and experiencing infinity within this finite body, living timelessness within the time span of life- this is what you are here for."-Ravi Shankar "Love Existed Before Heaven or Earth." - Hafiz "Closer is He than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet. God is law, say the wise; O soul, and let us rejoice, For if He thunder by law the thunder is yet His voice."-Lord Alfred Tennyson "The one who listens to Me, will be happy."- and other select Passages from Proverbs 8 from the Bible Support the show
2/5/20237 minutes, 47 seconds
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Negative Thoughts: How to Stop Them #GMweekends

A meditation to help you IMMEDIATELY surrender negative thoughts. It's useful not just during 'formal' meditation, but in every moment you find yourself fearful or worried.   You shift from being aware of being 'you', to being aware AS the Christ Light that you truly are.  You shift out of your mind, and into the mind that was in Christ.  Into the no-mind of the Buddha.  How does that mind sound?  Is it thinking about your troubles, your past, your future? Or is It silent... steady?  How does It feel?   Stay (t)here.   I Love you,Nik [email protected]🚨❤️ I need your help!  ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’ was nominated for an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Lifestyle / Self- Help Podcast! The voting is open to the public and I'd appreciate YOURS as we continue to get the Word out!Vote here- and share with all your GoOD friends so they can vote, too! Once you make your selection, make sure you hit 'back to categories' and then, 'submit votes' at the bottom of the page (and enter your email)! THANK YOU!!! I love you!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes: "Constantly have this mind among yourselves which was in Christ Jesus."-Philippians 2:5-11"Just as a lamp in a windless place does not flicker, so the disciplined mind of a yogi remains steady in meditation on the Self."-Bhagavad Gita "People come to me to ask for blessings, they don't understand the knowledge that one is not the body, but the consciousness within, is the blessing."-Nisargadatta Maharaj "Having realized that I am with, and yet beyond the world, I became free from all desire and fear. I did not reason out that I should be free, I found myself free, unexpectedly, without the least effort.  Spontaneity became a way of life, the real became natural and the natural became real. And above all, infinite affection, love, dark and quiet, radiating in all directions, embracing all, making all interesting and beautiful, significant and auspicious."-Nisargadatta Maharaj Support the show
2/4/20237 minutes, 44 seconds
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Joy starts with YOU – not with your relationships, job, or money #GMfaves

If the work you do today does not bring you Joy, your work is to bring Joy to it.Feel this river of Joy while you work.The river of Joy was already there,and then It seems to appear as you doing work.So today, for the first time,you're remembering the river while you work,feeling the river while you work,being the river while you watch the work.Wherever you are, wherever you go, you bring the Joy.You bring the party.You don't go somewhere to have fun.'I' is the fun!You become aware of the Joy (of the 'I') in that place,beyond the appearance of that place,and so you can become aware of Joy in any place,including your workplace.I Love you ,[email protected]🚨❤️ I need your help!  ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’ was nominated for an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Lifestyle / Self- Help Podcast! The voting is open to the public and I'd appreciate YOURS as we continue to get the Word out!Vote here- and share with all your GoOD friends so they can vote, too! Once you make your selection, make sure you hit 'back to categories' and then, 'submit votes' at the bottom of the page (and enter your email)! THANK YOU!!! I love you!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:    "Happiness starts with you – not with your relationships, job, or money."-Sadhguru"My heart, flows like a river to the sea,may it always be,may it always be.A river of Grace flows through me,may it always be,may it always be."-Jahnavi Harrison from the song, "Like a River""When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy."-Rumi "Wherever you are, be the soul of that place."-Rumi"Constant repetition of God's name , even without feelings of Devotion, in anger or lethargy , brings out His Grace. Once this is realized, there is no room for misgivings."-Maharajji "Whistle while you twerk." - The Yin Yang Twins "In this life, we learn how to flow with the river, and stop fighting with the rocks."-Lauren London "Flow of Grace." - Krishna Das "When we no longer search for the peace that the world can give, but seek only "my peace," the gates of consciousness open to admit the spiritual light which becomes the life of our being and our body. Many people desire spiritual power in order to enjoy more harmonious experiences. Their purpose in seeking God usually is to enjoy more and better earthly things, to catch larger fish in their nets bigger fish, better fish. But the basis of our work is to "leave your nets," to leave this search for more and better human good and open consciousness to the spiritual realities. Then the things which come to us in the outer world are the fruits of an inward grace. Grace can only be attained by a state of inner silence, a state of inner awareness and receptivity; therefore it is necessary for us to prepare ourselves for the experience of receiving that grace. This is the whole purpose of meditation."-Joel Goldsmith, "The Art of Meditation" (Chapter 2, The Purpose)Support the show
2/2/20237 minutes, 6 seconds
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Training Day: 'Looking at the Thorn and Seeing the Rose' #GMfaves

Today think of your life like one big obstacle course, like one big training field, where the Trainer, Love, is disguised as scary thoughts, needs, problems, and difficult people... It's disguised as your office, as everyone on your calls, today. God is disguised as your kids, as your partner, as your neighbor.  Can you keep the felt-Faith? Can you remember that it's all GoOD?  Can you feel and know Love, 24/7, no matter what? Even when what you want is not present? Can you feel Its Spiritual presence even in its material absence? When I was in my old life, wanting to live on the beach, I wasn't imagining the ocean.I was listening for Silence and feeling Love, trusting that this Love would take shape in a way that would further reinforce my ability to practice this Love.That It would become the environment that I most needed.That It would become the people that I most needed to help me cultivate This,to give me the strength and the focus to train even harder.   Happy Training Day! Let's Go!I Love you,[email protected]🚨❤️ I need your help!  ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’ was nominated for an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Lifestyle / Self- Help Podcast! The voting is open to the public and I'd appreciate YOURS as we continue to get the Word out!Vote here- and share with all your GoOD friends so they can vote, too! Once you make your selection, make sure you hit 'back to categories' and then, 'submit votes' at the bottom of the page (and enter your email)! THANK YOU!!! I love you!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:“Patience is not sitting and waiting, it is foreseeing. It is looking at the thorn and seeing the rose, looking at the night and seeing the day. Lovers are patient and know that the moon needs time to become full.”-Shams Tabrizi"Gradually we find ourselves in prayer while at work -- driving -- walking. Ultimately we achieve it even while conversing or while in a room where much talk goes on -- even while at the theatre and movies in the very midst of the performance. It all begins with practicing the listening ear. Learn to keep that right ear half cocked all the time. Never get so engrossed in what you are doing that you forget the listening ear. Do not be concerned with or about results. We have no more right to think about results than the beginner at the piano should be thinking of playing a concert. Constant receptivity to the Inner Self should be our aim. "-Joel Goldsmith, Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture"Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark."-Rabindranath Tagore"Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear."-Isaiah 65:24"This world is a camouflage, so what are you worried?"-Maharajji"The flute of the Infinite is played without ceasing, and its sound is Love."-Kabir"Only one whose heart is absorbedIn the ecstacy of Love all twenty four hoursOnly he can be called a lover."-Kabir"Our Faith is our fortune."-Neville Goddard Support the show
1/31/20236 minutes, 56 seconds
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Let's Have an Out-of-Body Experience #GMweekend

The title is kind of a misnomer, because you aren't actually 'in' the body to begin with.  You're simply aware of the body... aware of the sense of having a body.  But what is it that's aware? What's aware of these words right now?  What's aware of the questions your mind is throwing out right now? This awareness is what you've been looking for, and It's actually what you're looking with.  This awareness is the way 'out' of ordinariness and into the extraordinary.   Let's open the door, together.I Love you,[email protected] 🚨❤️ I need your help!  ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’ was nominated for an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Lifestyle / Self- Help Podcast! The voting is open to the public and I'd appreciate YOURS as we continue to get the Word out!Vote here- and share with all your GoOD friends so they can vote, too! Once you make your selection, make sure you hit 'submit votes' at the bottom of the page (and enter your email)! THANK YOU!!! I love you!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:   "You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body."-C.S. Lewis "Know with surety that the physical body is but the cloak I wear about My shoulders."-Love speaking through Eva Bell Werber in 'Voice of the Master' "Man was given choice to see Me and know Me and to feel My presence, or to go on in his blind human way knowing Me not. I would have all men to know Me, the Life force within them."-Love speaking through Eva Bell Werber in 'Voice of the Master' "Without the knowledge of the knower, there can be no peace."-Nisargadatta Maharaj "The sense of being, of the "I Am" is a sense of location here, present inside this body, but not bound by this body."-Mooji "Love Itself is the actual form of God."-Ramana Maharshi  Support the show
1/29/202311 minutes, 9 seconds
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Whatever you need will just happen if you 'do' this... #GMweekend

Today we're staying focused on Exuberance until we see that there's not 'focus' AND 'exuberance'.  There's really only One.  Only Exuberance.  Only Exuberant-Focus. Silent, alert, attention... the feeling of staring without blinking, or listening for a very faint sound. This is your natural state and when you're being that, you feel Go(o)d, and then, "whatever you need will just happen."*I Love you and I'm with you,[email protected] 🚨❤️ I need your help!  ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’ was nominated for an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Lifestyle / Self- Help Podcast! The voting is open to the public and I'd appreciate YOURS as we continue to get the Word out!Vote here- and share with all your GoOD friends so they can vote, too! Once you make your selection, make sure you hit 'submit votes' at the bottom of the page (and enter your email)! THANK YOU!!! I love you!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:   *"Whatever you need will just happen if you keep your energies exuberant and focused.!"-SadhguruLink to episode about 'being still in Love... being Still and knowing God'--How to Let Go and Let God- The Real Meaning of SurrenderSupport the show
1/28/202311 minutes, 30 seconds
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Affirm: I will not react to appearances today, I will see through them #GMfaves

My life depends on me being Love, because when I'm being Love, I can see through appearances, and when I can see through appearances, they change.  This is how you see yourself out of any situation you have outgrown.  Not through resistance. When the resistance comes up, immediately see through it, too!  See through every thought, through every emotion, through every person, place, and thing, to the REAL.  And let the REAL manifest and define Itself.  Note: The REAL feels like the feeling of Love in and as that body.  And you can sense It even when the body is discordant. I Love you and I'm with [email protected] 🚨❤️ I need your help!  ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’ was nominated for an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Lifestyle / Self- Help Podcast! The voting is open to the public and I'd appreciate YOURS as we continue to get the Word out!Vote here- and share with all your GoOD friends so they can vote, too! Once you make your selection, make sure you hit 'submit votes' at the bottom of the page (and enter your email)! THANK YOU!!! I love you!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:    Quotes: "The two worse feelings in the world  are not having a job and having a job."-Unknown via IG" In wealth is the fear of poverty, in knowledge the fear of ignorance, in beauty the fear of age, in fame the fear of backbiters, in success the fear of jealousy, even in body is the fear of death. Everything in this earth is fraught with fear. He alone is fearless who has given up everything."-Swami Vivekananda"Do not try to control matter.  Know it does not exist. You control it by knowing it does not exist." -Herb Fitch"Being never came into being because It is eternal.  Therefore nothing in the three-dimensional world ever came into being. It came into appearing. "-Bob Pilato "In 2022, I resolve not to react to appearances, but to see through them." -Gil Michaels  Support the show
1/27/202312 minutes, 48 seconds
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God is Whole, God is Perfect, and God is You. #GMFaves

Today, see every thought as Consciousness, as God, misperceived, unrecognized. See every thought like a wolf skin that's covering your awareness of God. Behind that fear of death, is the Love of God.Behind that thought predicting that you're not going to get that promotion is the One that does the promoting. Behind that thought of 'you' is the real You, the Self, the 'I Am'.  Stay in touch with That,  feel That, and  watch your life change and become Light, Fun, Love.I Love you,[email protected] 🚨❤️ I need your help!  ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’ was nominated for an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Lifestyle / Self- Help Podcast! The voting is open to the public and I'd appreciate YOURS as we continue to get the Word out!Vote here- and share with all your GoOD friends so they can vote, too! Once you make your selection, make sure you hit 'submit votes' at the bottom of the page (and enter your email)! THANK YOU!!! I love you!▶▶LOVE CHARGING STATION- Free Forum , Challenges, and Live Chat at 6:30am ET▶▶Join our new forum, GoOD Friends and enter the Mala Giveaway!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:   "One day Rumi arrives home.  He sees his son upset and asks the reason. His son replies 'nothing--' and upon his response, Rumi goes outside. He takes a wolf skin that's hanging on the door and puts it on.   He then raises his hands and starts howling, and when his son sees him, he begins to laugh. Rumi said, 'did you see son? This is how worldly trials are.  The wolf is a scary animal, but you didn't get scared when your father was behind it, and you laughed.  Just like that, know that your Lord is behind all your trials and trust Him.'"-via @towardseternity via IG"Let us think of our mind as a door. Since God, Infinity, is omnipresent, the moment we open the door, this Infinity floods us, and we are under Grace... But we have a part to play: 'Lord I know you are knocking at the door of my consciousness, and I am opening my consciousness.  Take over my mind and body. Be my soul; be my life."-Joel Goldsmith"What is left when God is taken out of our consciousness? Fear, ignorance, superstition, desire. anxiety. concern, get, give me, help me, I, me, mine."-Joel Goldsmith"Treat everyone you meet like God in drag."-Ram Dass I Love you and I'm with you,[email protected] the show
1/24/20237 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Foundation for All Abundance #GMweekends

Ceaselessly acknowledging God by feeling Love, and knowing this Love as the source of 'the good that is already in your life', is the foundation for all abundance. Today we practice remembering that this feeling of God, our Joy is the foreground of our experience, not the background.  We eat joyfully, drive joyfully, breathe in Joy, walk in Joy... we do everything we normally do on a Sunday morning, but with conscious Joy.  We do all of it as if we  are existing  and moving in and through a Joy bubble... feeling this same Joy within and without.  The more we remember to feel this all-pervasive Joy, the more our life changes. The instant you feel Joy is the instant the changes begin.I Love you,[email protected]🚨❤️ I need your help! Last week, ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’ was nominated for an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Lifestyle / Self- Help Podcast! The voting is open to the public and I'd appreciate YOURS as we continue to get the Word out!Vote here- and share with all your GoOD friends so they can vote, too! Once you make your selection, make sure you hit 'submit votes' at the bottom of the page (and enter your email)! THANK YOU!!! I love you!▶▶LOVE CHARGING STATION- Free Forum , Challenges, and Live Chat at 6:30am ET▶▶Join our new forum, GoOD Friends and enter the Mala Giveaway!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:"Acknowledging the good that is already in your life is the foundation for all abundance."-Eckhart Tolle“Whoever works for God, his work will be done by itself.”-Neem Karoli Baba aka  Maharajji "For one who sees Me everywhere, and everything in Me; I am never lost to Him, and he is never lost to Me."-Sri Krishna (Bhagavad Gita)   "Wherever you concentrate, and on whatever centre, there must be a you to concentrate, and that is what you must concentrate on."-Ramana Maharshi"A fully Krishna (God) Conscious person, although situated in this material world, does not see anything but Krishna."-Unknown*Krishna is the God of Love in Hinduism"I Am so often not recognized. Life is a thing so taken for granted. Blessed art thou that thou dost love, recognize, and adore the Power indwelling.  For I blend with your body, I thrill through your veins, I think through your mind, and love through your heart center, even as I am the One who thrills through every other being of My creation...This is your lesson for the day. Bow before Me in all whom you contact and you shall see miracles spring from the very dirt beneath your feet."-Eva Bell Werber,  Voice of the MasterSupport the show
1/22/202310 minutes, 49 seconds
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Meditation Changes Your Destiny #GMweekends

Affirm:"This is my moment of permanent change.I'm choosing LoveI'm choosing who I came here to be." You came here to feel Go(o)d,to remember God,to remind the world, by example, that God is real., that God is here, that God is Love.You came here to be Lpve.And when you're identified as Love,you've written a new chapter for that life,a chapter that can only be written Now.Smile. Everything is new. I Love you,[email protected]🚨❤️ I need your help! Last week, ‘GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki’ was nominated for an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Lifestyle / Self- Help Podcast! The voting is open to the public and I'd appreciate YOURS as we continue to get the Word out!Vote here- and share with all your GoOD friends so they can vote, too! Once you make your selection, make sure you hit 'submit votes' at the bottom of the page (and enter your email)! THANK YOU!!! I love you!▶▶LOVE CHARGING STATION- Free Forum , Challenges, and Live Chat at 6:30am ET▶▶Join our new forum, GoOD Friends and enter the Mala Giveaway!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:"Every moment you spend on this planet, remember you're that you're here for a unique purpose and cause. far greater than to just eat, sleep and talk."-Ravi Shankar"Meditation is something that changes your destiny. If you go deep within and repose in the self, things start to change."-Ravi ShankarSupport the show
1/21/20235 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to Stop Thinking #GMfavorites

You don't have to stop thinking.  You just have to feel Love. The thoughts dissolve in That.  And then the ones that come from That, are not only transparent (easy to see as thoughts) but supportive, productive, and impactful.  Attachment to this felt-Love, keeping your attention on It... with It, is the effortless and simultaneous detachment from your limiting beliefs about this world. And when beliefs are dropped, in that space, a new world is experienced.  #ThyKingdomCome“I have been asked many times, "How do you stop thinking?" And I have found one way. The minute I can look at any person or condition and know that it is neither good nor evil, my thought stops, and my mind becomes quiet. That is the end of it because then there are no thoughts left for me to think about it: I do not think good of it and I do not think evil of it. All I know is that it is, and then I am back at the center of my being where all power is. Our mind is restless only when we are thinking about things or persons, either in terms of good or evil, but the mind is at rest when we surrender all such concepts.”-Joel Goldsmith"This world is all attachment.  Yet you get worried because you are attached."-Neem Karoli Baba "To observe Silence means to keep the mind fixed on Him."-Anandamayi Ma"You can't heal a man because man is what God is appearing as.  Feel Christ sitting in center of every one.  The practitioner's only duty is to feel a living Presence."-Joel Goldsmith "God, may I remember that my struggles with others stem from my  forgetfulness of who they really are."-Doyal.Gauranga I Love you and I'm with you,Nik  Support the show
1/17/20237 minutes, 36 seconds
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Your Story is About to Change. #GMweekends

In this moment you are deeply thankful to be able to be Love while things are rearranging, knowing that wherever you appear to be right now, is where you need to be. That you couldn't be anywhere else.  That your blessings are unfolding.  That the miracle is here.  That the miracle can be felt before It can be seen, but that It must be felt consistently, before It can be seen... before the scene can change. I Love you and I appreciate [email protected]▶▶LOVE CHARGING STATION- Free Forum , Challenges, and Live Chat at 6:30am ET▶▶Join our new forum, GoOD Friends and enter the Mala Giveaway!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes: "You can't stop the mind from thinking because you didn't start it thinking."-Adyashanti "Don't identity any thought as negative because it's just a thought. Who told you it's negative? It's just a thought. What's the problem? If you understand it's just a thought, it has no power. If you think it's a reality, then it destroys you."-Sadhguru Note: Feeling the Loving Silence even when thoughts are present. "Even the feeling of the absence of God is His manifestation-- so that His Presence may be realized."-Ananadamayi MaSupport the show
1/15/20239 minutes, 10 seconds
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There's Peace in the Valley, Too. #GMweekends

God isn't just on the mountaintop, He's in the valley, too, and everywhere in between, and beyond.  God's Love, It's Peace, your innermost Self, can be felt even when you're in the valley of sadness. It can be felt on the pathless-path up the mountain, and once you reach the summit, you'll find that there isn't a 'you' feeling this Love, there's only Love. Only God.  And in and AS That, you abide. I Love [email protected]▶▶LOVE CHARGING STATION- Free Forum , Challenges, and Live Chat at 6:30am ET▶▶Join our new forum, GoOD Friends and enter the Mala Giveaway!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:  "Shiva lives on the mountain top of awareness. This world is in the valley.  Many old souls have been trying to climb this mountain in reverse gear.  Even if they climb and reach near Shiva, they roll back down to the valley because of their attachments.  Climbing this mountain is not as important as changing the orientation: Turn your back to the valley and face toward Shiva."- @ImmortalTalks on IGShiva is your innermost Self and the alert snake, with its raised hood around His neck represents PEAK Loving Awareness, Shakti, GoOD Energy on TEN!  As you read these words feel your back straightening, your shoulders relaxing down and back, your face smiling, your energy rising, Love peaking.  There! There you are!  Stay (t)here.  This is Go(o)d Energy and when you're practicing feeling and being This, This is all you see. You see that there is no valley or mountaintop, there's only the Kingdom. Only Love is here.  "Everywhere you look, you see what you're looking for.  When you're looking for God, all you see is God."-Ram Dass Support the show
1/14/20238 minutes, 1 second
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Let's Get Lifted | A Powerfully Simple Way to Meditate #GMfavorite

If you lie down, Love will raise you up... you will rise in Love, in Freedom, in Victory.Try meditating in corpse pose, today. Try surrendering, today. Try saying 'yes' to Loving Silence, today.Stop trying and do, today.Stop doing and BE, today.There's a place inside (and out) that's already surrendering, no matter the position the body is in.There's a place inside (and out) that's already Silent-Love, no matter the state the mind is in. Be That, today and always.I Love you,Nik [email protected] ▶▶LOVE CHARGING STATION- Free Forum and Live Chat at 6:30am ET▶▶Join our new forum, GoOD Friends and enter the Mala Giveaway!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes: "The silence is another way of saying to keep your mind stayed on God all the time.  God is the silence and you are that.  Feel the silence right now.  You can feel it.  It's a thing of beauty.  You know when you're getting into the true silence, you begin to become happier, and happier, and happier for no reason.  It makes no difference what's going on in the world.  The world is in one place and you're in another place.  In the deep silence you are identifying with the substratum of creation.  Always remember to go into the silence.  A sage is always in the silence.  A sage may be talking, listening, partaking of activities, but to the sage there's only silence."-Robert Adams"I have never known Truth to fail, never known any 'problem' that didn't vanish, once I was wholly honest with Omnipresent Awareness.  Do not just declare words, as if reciting a formula, but absolutely admit Love is pure, single, unadulterated-- thus unchallenged, unopposed Authority."-Aiken"To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders."-Lao Tzu"Whatever happens, hold onto God's feet without loosening the grip even slightly."-Amma“The only thing that we ever drop is a concept of body.  And as we stepped out of our infant body and our youth body into maturity, so we step out of a mortal sense of body into the spiritual demonstration and realization of body.  And that we can do, and do do here on this plane.  It is not necessary to die or make a transition to experience it.  We have experienced it here and now.  The Master says, “I can lay down my life, I can pick up my life.”[3]  And I will tell you that there are others who can step in or out of the mortal concept of body and life at will, here and now.  And it all comes about through attaining the revelation or realization within of true being.”-Joel Goldsmith Support the show
1/11/20237 minutes, 30 seconds
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Your homework is to stay Home inside your Heart. #GMweekends

Every time you find that place inside that is forever still, you are Home. You are in Heaven.  You can turn any moment into heaven by, 'going into your heart cave' as Ram Dass would say.  Go into your heart cave before you go into your office tomorrow.  Don't leave your heart cave.  Realize you ARE the heart cave, itself.  I Love you and I'm with you, [email protected] ▶▶LOVE CHARGING STATION- Free Forum and Live Chat at 6:30am ET▶▶Join our new forum, GoOD Friends and enter the Mala Giveaway!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:“Rumi says, ‘The one who brought me here must take me home.’ Who is the one who brought you here? That Grace is calling you home. Where is home, which direction is home? You and home are the same thing.”-Mooji "It is foolish to think that we will enter heaven without entering into ourselves."-St. Teresa of Avila "Having never left the house you are looking for the way home."-Nisargadatta Maharj"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder.  Help someone's soul heal.  Walk out of your house like a shepherd."-Rumi "We are called into the inner room, and then out again to serve others."-Carl McColman “Your homework is to stay home inside your heart.”- MoojiSupport the show
1/8/20238 minutes, 11 seconds
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Nothing Will Interfere With God’s Plan for Your Life- "Don't Lose Sight" #GMweekends

Watch Love the way you'd watch an unexpected lizard friend on the wall of your bedroom! Don't lose sight of It for nothing!I Love you,[email protected]▶▶LOVE CHARGING STATION- Free Forum and Live Chat at 6:30am ET▶▶Join our new forum, GoOD Friends and enter the Mala Giveaway!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:**Love Your Breath meditation inspired by Ram Dass"Just as a lamp in a windless place does not flicker, so the disciplined mind of a yogi remains steady in meditation on the Self."-Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6:19Self = God = Loving Awareness = What you truly are "As the golden flame of the candle burns steadily, without flicker or wavering, so shall My Flame burn ever more in your heart. It shall burn out all dross of the mortal mind, smallness of nature, meanness of spirit, vindictiveness, jealousy. It shall burn out all carelessness of your habits, in the outer realms of your being. My Law and My Order can then function perfectly in your life. Then and then only will you be a worthy vessel for the inflow of My Spirit. Then and then only can My Spirit flow through you to other of My children. Likewise shall all disease be burned from the physical body, that nothing shall interfere with My Plan for your life. As the sigh of your spirit disturbs the flame and makes the candle drip, so the faintest wavering of your feet from the path of attainment causes a less steady burning of My Flame in your heart, and My Work goes on in imperfection. Oh, My Beloved, how necessary that you live with the eye single, to the high purpose of your calling. But you have many helpers. No soul who enters the path is left to walk alone. So go on, day by day, with the light and assurance of My Love in your face. Mighty Ones whom you see not, are by your side. And the forces of darkness shall touch you not."-Eva Bell Werber, ‘Quiet Talks the Master’"Dear God, help me to not lose sight of your presence when things are going well."-UnknownSupport the show
1/7/20238 minutes, 16 seconds
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Can you change how things turn out by changing how you feel?

An Important replay from Jan 2022Every time you  see something disturbing today (a headline, an email, an annoying someone), or feel some inner upset, pause and remember, 'I'm It'.  You've been tagged.  You've been chosen to remember that things aren't as they appear.  You become the witness of the inner or outer disturbance AND witness to the Love that's also present.  Feel Love in that body while the disturbance appears to be (t)here.  This is the first and last step.  Witness as Love smiles that face, relaxes that body, and stirs up Peace and calm-confidence.  This is what 'It' feels like.  When  you're feeling It, you're being It, and soon you'll be seeing the fruits of 'It' in and as the world. You're IT, [email protected]▶▶LOVE CHARGING STATION- Free Forum and Live Chat 6:30am ET!▶▶Join our new forum, GoOD Friends and enter the Mala Giveaway!Support the show:▶▶ Today's Quotes:"GodDisguisedAs a myriad of things andPlaying a gameOf tagHas kissed you and said,"You're it---I mean, you're Really IT!"NoIt does not matterWhat you believe or feelFor something wonderful,Major-league WonderfulIs someday goingToHappen. "- Daniel Ladinsky, from 'You're It' in "The Gift, Poems by Hafiz"     "I became conscious of being (feeling) it. I am still conscious of being it.And I shall continue to be conscious of being it until that which I am conscious of being is perfectly expressed. "-Neville Goddard"By changing the way you feel you can change the way things turn out."-Abraham Hicks"Actually the only freedom you have is not to react to conditions and to turn within, to see the truth. Everything else is preordained. Whatever appears in your life is destined to be.  It is your reaction to what appears that matters to you, what's going to happen to you next." -Robert Adams"The secret is to allow the world to show you what it will, and for you not to react to anything."-Robert AdamsSupport the show
1/2/202310 minutes, 58 seconds
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If the Divine Is In Your Favor, The Whole World Will Be, Too #GMweekends

Keep smiling at 'them', knowing that ‘they’ are not 'them', that ‘they’ are Him, and because you and the Father are one, that ‘they’ ARE you. In today's episode I  share a gorgeous story that touches on  the power of faith and a dedicated mantra practice, and the Peace and Freedom found in remembering the difference between channels of supply and the Source of supply.  Remember: focus on your relationship, your union with God, and all your seeming human relationships will be GoOD, too.  I Love you and I'm with you!  Happy Now- Here! [email protected]  ▶▶LOVE CHARGING STATION- Free Forum and Live Chat 6:30am ET!▶▶Join our new forum, GoOD Friends and enter the Mala Giveaway!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:"If the Divine is in your favor, the whole world will be, too ."-Om Swami via The Power of the Gayatri Mantra "Take it from me, repetition of His name makes everything possible."-Anandamayi Ma"God became man that man might become God."-Athanasius Support the show
1/1/202310 minutes, 17 seconds
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Your Best Year Ever #GMweekends

The Only Step: FEEL LOVE. In feeling Love you automatically forgive, you naturally let go, you heal... you HAVE.   Love holds onto nothing but Love. Love carries nothing but Love.  Where Love is consciously, only Love manifests.  Remember this Love.  Feel this Love. Be this Love. Everything  that you think you want and need in 2023 is here, now.  It's now, here... just like your breath is, just like you are, just like God is.  Happy Now Here's Eve. I Love you and I'm with you, [email protected]▶▶LOVE CHARGING STATION- Free Forum and Live Chat 6:30am ET!▶▶Join our new forum, GoOD Friends and enter the Mala Giveaway!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:"Your outer journey may contain a million steps; your inner journey only has one: the step you are taking right now."-Eckhart Tolle"The desire for security and the feeling of insecurity are the same thing."-Alan Watts  Support the show
12/31/20229 minutes, 20 seconds
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"Blessed Is He Who Came Into Being Before He Came Into Being." #GMweekends

"Everyday I say to myself, today I will begin." - St. Anthony of the Desert Today, we begin.  This very moment, we begin... remembering that we ARE what's appearing as this moment, we are the substratum of the Now, we are the  Christ.  We celebrate the birth of Jesus today, the birth of the awareness of the Christ among us, and now, the birth of our awareness of the Christ within us.  Repeat this mantra by Herb Fitch, "I am not man or woman, I live the day as I, Spirit", and notice how you're already, effortlessly detached from the body.   There's some space (t)here, naturally.  You, as Awareness, don't have to try to detangle your Self from the body, you already are the witness.  You already are Love.  Be That, by feeling It and remembering to feel It all day.  "Blessed is he who came into being before he came into being." (Gospel of Thomas) Merry Christmas! I Love you, [email protected]▶▶LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (and Forum!)▶▶Join our new forum, GoOD Friends and enter the Mala Giveaway!Support the show:▶▶ the show
12/25/20227 minutes, 19 seconds
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Christmas Eve Blues? Listen to This One. #GMweekends

Whatever you're feeling... it's okay.  It's just inner weather.  You couldn't be feeling any other way. Breathe. Sway. Let's chat about how to take Shelter and ride it out, together.  God is here, even now.  Feel It and know. I Love you, [email protected]▶▶LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (and Forum!)▶▶Join our new forum, GoOD Friends and enter the Mala Giveaway!Support the show▶▶ the show
12/24/202211 minutes, 51 seconds
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What You Call the 'Christmas Spirit' Is Your True Nature #GMweekends

You’re feeling absolutely fantastic this morning! But not for the reason you think. You don’t feel good because it’s Christmas Eve. You don’t feel good because you know what’s under the tree, or even because you’re off work or have no professional Zoom meetings tomorrow (likely for a whole week!), or that your favorite food is being prepared, or that your playlist is FIRE and the Temptations are going in on ‘Silent Night’.All of these things may very well seem to be happening, but they’re not causing that quiet-Joy you’re aware of. You’re just presently in alignment... allowing yourself to feel good, to experience God. You’re currently BEing your true Self! This is your natural state— one of uncaused joy, ease, love, relaxation and peace. What people call ‘The Christmas Spirit’ is your original nature, and you can feel this way even on your first day back to work, if you give yourself permission.God didn’t come closer this morning, and It won’t get further away next week. We just changed the way we are living in this moment. And now we must keep living this way... remembering to recognize that the Light is ALWAYS on inside. That we are this Light.If you can stop waiting for special occasions to remember this background Joy, to feel Go(o)d, to be yourSelf, your life will change drastically from the inside out and very rapidly. I promise you. #MerryChristmasWith you in and AS Christhood,@curlynikki▶▶LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (and Forum!)▶▶Join our new forum, GoOD Friends and enter the Mala Giveaway!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:"We all think of the Lord when troubled,never when at peace.But if we held our faith during peace,there would be no trouble."-Kabir Ke Dohe via IG“This is the supreme meditation, this is the supreme worship: the continuous and unbroken awareness of the indwelling presence, inner light or consciousness. While doing whatever one is doing— seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, moving, sleeping, breathing or talking— one should realize one’s essential nature as pure consciousness. Thus does one attain liberation.” - The Yoga VasisthaSupport the show
12/24/20226 minutes, 19 seconds
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Hold Your Faith, Meet No Trouble #GMweekends

Moments of peace are the best time to practice Love.  Set the intention today to hold your heart in peace on this beautiful Sunday, so that when moments of chaos come, you don't have to effort.  You're already practicing Love. You're already Being Love. Nothing can shake you.  No thing can disturb you.  There is no trouble in the Kingdom.  And you are That. I Love you, Nik [email protected]▶▶LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (and Forum!)▶▶Join our new forum, GoOD Friends and enter the Mala Giveaway!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes: "We all think of the Lord when troubled, never when at peace. But if we held our faith during peace, there would be no trouble."-Kabir Ke Dohe via IGBonus Quote:"If we take into our meditation the question, "what is God?" ultimately we shall be led to the secret of prayer, and when we have achieved correct prayer, meditation, or communion, we shall be led to a God-experience, which is a 'peace, be still' to any form of error that may ever touch us.  As a matter of fact, continuing in the God-experience will prevent about ninety-odd percent of the world's troubles ever touching us, and the little that may touch us will be quickly resolved."-Joel GoldsmithSupport the show
12/18/20225 minutes, 22 seconds
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Unwrap Your Present #GMWeekends

Because I feel GoOD now, I trust my future will be, too.Repeat these words, feelingly:The past is over. Only GoOD lies before me now.Only Love lies before me now. Only Love is here. And I Am That.Keep returning to today's mantra, "only GoOD lies before me'.  Keep feeling the Love that it's pointing to. Don't live another second without feeling the Love it's pointing to.  Let life unfold in this feeling of Love, and it will unfold AS this feeling of Love. When you're feeling Love presently, It takes shape as your future-now.  You remember that just as there is no 'Monday' or 'Friday', there is no 'future'... just Now, God, this Presence we call Love.  I Love you, [email protected] ▶▶LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (and Forum!)▶▶Join our new forum, GoOD Friends and enter the Mala Giveaway!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes: "The future is made up of only one substance and that is the present moment. By taking care of the present, you are doing everything you can to assure a good future." - Thich Nhat Hanh"Our future is our present brought to light."-Herb Fitch Support the show
12/17/20226 minutes, 18 seconds
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Miracles Are Your Calling #GMweekends

Every time you become aware of a worry thought about tomorrow or next week, pause and pray. Pause by listening for Silence instead of to the worry thought.  Remember that you're not thinking that worry thought.  That thought isn't yours.  You're simply listening to it... and you can choose to believe it or not.  You can choose to claim it or not.  You can choose to listen to Silence instead!And you pray by recognizing and feeling Go(o)d in the Silence.  You pray by repeating (hearing or becoming aware of) the above mantra, the truth that it isn't you that must face these problems, but God in you.  You pray by remembering that God in you has no problems, knows no problems, sees no problems. You pray by reaching and feeling for even 2% of the Love that is fully present in and AS that moment and by watching your experience of the moment and the seeming moment itself, shift.The awareness to pause and pray is the miracle, and it manifests as such.I Love you,[email protected]▶▶LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (and Forum!)▶▶Join our new forum, GoOD Friends and enter the Mala Giveaway!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:"Sometimes God challenges youto find strength you don’t have.Only like this will you go beyondyour imagined limits.You must be pushed so farthat you are forced to be humble.Only then, when your prideand arrogance are crushed,will you discover muscles that are not yours.You will find and use the muscles of God.When you completely abandon yourself, your ego,this miracle becomes possible."-Mooji"Repeat this under your breath:It is no longer ________ (your name) who lives, but Christ who lives in  _________ (your name) who is going to boldly face and conquer any kind of problems." -@ThePrayingFashionistas via IG Support the show
12/11/20226 minutes, 6 seconds
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One Who is Everywhere is Joyous, One Who is Nowhere is Free. #GMweekend

Rock and sway between these two mantras today- 'I am nowhere'. 'I am everywhere'.  They're both true.  The moment you make the felt-connection with Love, you are beyond the body.  You are no longer attached to it.  You're free and that freedom feels like Joy.  You are everywhere, and nowhere.  You are everyone and no one.   You are the invisible,  formless, boundless Love appearing as the  countless visible forms.  And because you know This, because you ARE This, that body smiles.  Love is felt as its very being.  I Love you, Nik [email protected]▶▶LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (and Forum!)▶▶Join our new forum, GoOD Friends and enter the Mala Giveaway!Support the show:▶▶'s Quotes:"When we know who we are, we're everybody and we're free." -Krishna Das"Toss attachment for body aside, realizing I am everywhere. One who is everywhere is joyous."-Osho, The Book of Secrets (On letting go of attachment)  "You will not ask “how.” If your house is on fire you will not ask anyone, you will not go seeking a master to ask how to come out of it. If the house is on fire you will simply get out of it. You will not lose a single moment. You will not search for the teacher, you will not consult the scriptures. And you will not try to choose in what ways one has to come out, what means have to be adopted, and which door is the right door. These things are irrelevant when the house is on fire. When you know what attachment is, the house is on fire. You can put it aside.  There is no need to ask how. It is absolutely a fire, a hell. You can jump out of it. This sutra says: 'Toss attachment for body aside, realizing I am everywhere.'  And the moment you toss aside the attachment, you will realize you are everywhere. Because of this attachment you feel you are limited by the body. It is not the body which is limiting you; it is your attachment to it. It is not the body which is making a barrier between you and the reality; it is your attachment to it. Once you know what the attachment is not there, there is no body to you. Rather, the whole existence becomes your body; your body becomes a part of the total existence. Then it is not separate."-Osho. The Book of Secrets (p. 929). Osho International. Kindle Edition. Support the show
12/10/20226 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Power of Peace #GMweekends

When you feel resistance (upset of any intensity physical or mental) to a dark moment or dark period in your life-- keep pausing and listening for Silence.  Keep feeling for Love.  Let everything that's not built on Love fall.  You won't.  You and all the forms of Love meant for you, will be left standing tall, unscathed, unburnt... the breaker of chains ;)I Love you and I'm with you, Nik LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes:"Peace is the feeling that knows no obstacles. Peace is the experience that strengthens our being yet confronts our lives in so many ways. Peace is the original state of the great quiet. When we learn how immense the Peace is, it flows in like a stream of light. Peace can seemingly come crashing down upon our lives if we do not know how to receive it. Peace can knock over our lives and all the walls we erect to protect ourselves from it. Peace can be very gentle, like waves lapping at the shore. But the power of peace can be frightening, at least in the beginning, for those who become aware how separate their lives have been from the presence in the silence. True peace can open questions about everything in our lives that is not peaceful.   With peace as our desire, sooner or later we may have no choice but to make peace with everyone and every part of our life." - Dr. Bruce Davis,  Monastery Without Walls: Daily Life in the Silence "And I am higher in. But also firing. Also firing, firing." - Kanye Support the show
12/4/20226 minutes, 9 seconds
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This is How You Change Your Self to Change the World #GMweekends

See this entire moment, including these words, as a reflection of your Self... your consciousness... the invisible, Loving Awareness that you are.  You're looking from It, at your reflection that we call 'the world'.    We don't change the world/reflection by choosing and practicing new thoughts... the thoughts are the reflection!  We do it by recognizing that we are Love.. by choosing, feeling, and BEing Love. Then we see thoughts, feelings, circumstances, and 'others' that mirror that Love back to us more clearly.  We see this body practicing Love, treating 'others' as it would want to be treated, singing, celebrating, feeling Go(o)d.  Today, before going into any room, first remember that everyone you see, everything you see, is only your own energy.  Act accordingly.  Take off your armor.  Smile.  Love.  I Love you, [email protected] LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes:See this moment, including that body and the mind, as a reflection of yourself.  You change the reflection by choosing Love... by holding the reflection in the feeling of Love.  "When the normal breath stops, the True Breath begins."-Mantak Chia "Everyone is a reflection of my face." -Neem Karoli Baba Bonus Quotes:"We do not think ourselves into new ways of living, we live ourselves into new ways of thinking." - Richard Rohr "We are like  the spider.  We weave our life and then move along in it.  We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream.  This is true for the entire Universe. "-The Upanishads Support the show
12/3/20227 minutes, 7 seconds
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Fear is Only Possible When You're Living in the Suburbs of Love #GMweekends

View your mind like traffic that has nothing to do with you. Traffic that's on the other side of the road.  The kind of traffic that makes you say, 'whooo! Glad I'm not going that way!"  Don't get involved with it.  You're not stuck in it.  You're simply watching it. Every time a thought approaches, ask yourself, 'to whom does this thought come?' And pause... listen.  The answer is the silence.  The mind stops and leaves you in the remembrance, in the recognition that you were never out of Love... you weren't living in the outskirts of the Kingdom.  YOU ARE THE KINGDOM.  You're Home, in the City of God. And as long as you're feeling Love inside of you, you'll be consciously aware of Love manifest all around you... as you. I Love you,[email protected] CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes: "Complaint is only possible when you're living in the suburbs of God." - Daniel Ladinsky, 'The Gift: Poems by Hafiz, The Great Sufi Master"To whom does this thought come?" - Ramana Maharshi"See what you're doing now.  You're thinking.  That spoils it.  Learn to stay without thought. Even if for a few seconds.  It's hard isn't it?  This is the reason you have to ask yourself, 'To whom do these thoughts come?'  It's only a modality to cause you to stop thinking."-Robert Adams"You cannot see anyone, the face of God is all that shines.  The Soul of God looks out through all eyes." - Joel Goldsmith "None but ourselves can free our minds." -Bob MarleySupport the show
11/27/20226 minutes, 21 seconds
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Put Your Thoughts on Transparency Mode #GMweekends

Never hold a thought, never drop the Thread.Watch and listen to your mind.  Notice when it's doing what it does.  Notice its judgements, criticisms, projections, conclusions.  Don't react. Don't respond. Don't try to stop them.  Just notice.  And then notice what else is present.  Listen to the Silence that the thoughts are coming and going in.  Feel that Silence... Joy, Love... the Bliss of the Self.  When you feel this Bliss, It puts the thoughts on transparency mode (like your noise canceling headphones).  Now you're no longer hypnotized by thinking... It's not the only thing you can hear.  Now you can also hear the Silence!  You can feel the Thread.  And It feels good. Don't drop It.I love you, [email protected]  LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes: Ram Dass' Roommate Story from 'Changing Lenses'"If you would like to meet your roommate, just try to sit inside yourself for a while in complete solitude and silence. You have the right; it’s your inner domain. But instead of finding silence, you’re going to listen to incessant chatter: “Why am I doing this? I have more important things to do. This is a waste of time. There’s nobody in here but me. What’s this all about?”Right on cue, there’s your roommate. You may have a clear intention to be quiet inside, but your roommate won’t cooperate. And it’s not just when you try to be quiet. It has something to say about everything you look at: “I like it. I don’t like it. This is good. That’s bad.” It just talks and talks. You don’t generally notice because you don’t step back from it. You’re so close that you don’t realize that you’re actually hypnotized into listening to it. Basically, you’re not alone in there. There are two distinct aspects of your inner being. The first is you, the awareness, the witness, the center of your willful intentions; and the other is that which you watch. The problem is, the part that you watch never shuts up. If you could get rid of that part, even for a moment, the peace and serenity would be the nicest vacation you’ve ever had."-Singer, Michael A.. The Untethered Soul (p. 17)Support the show
11/26/20227 minutes, 24 seconds
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Live Life As If Everything is Rigged in Your Favor #GMholiday

Treat every 'problem' like a blessing in disguise.  When a problem comes, pause, and:1. Notice the problem2. Notice the Silence3. Notice LoveAs soon as you feel Love, you are in touch with the solution, and will live the miracle.  You feel Grace within yourself, and then you see Grace around yourself.I Love you, [email protected] CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes:"What is Grace? I asked God.  And He said, 'all that happens'. " - Unknown “All is God’s will, but maya prevents you from knowing It’s all God’s will.” - Neem Karoli Baba"You must always remember this, that no matter what you're going through, no matter what appears to have come upon you that you consider negative, it's a blessing in disguise. Sounds strange but true. It's a blessing in disguise, believe it or not. If you handle it in the right way, and you work through it by not reacting to it, it will turn into something so beautiful you can't imagine. I can assure you of this. But if you react you may win, you may get your point across. That will only last a short while. Then you’ll have to go through the condition again and again, perhaps with other people, and you'll never know why you suffer so much."- Robert Adams "Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor." - RumiSupport the show
11/25/202212 minutes, 17 seconds
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Home for the Holidays? Do THIS to Stay In Your Power. #Bonus

 Stay in your Home energy even when you're away from home, with this easy practice and mini-meditation.  "If you think you're so enlightened, go home for Thanksgiving." - Ram Dass "Not good humanhood, not bad humanhood, Christhood." - Joel GoldsmithI Love you, [email protected] Support the show
11/23/20228 minutes, 26 seconds
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I'm Happy Even Before I Have a Reason #GMweekends

Keep listening and feeling for God's silent, jubilant Laughter.  Allow It to become the soundtrack and the feeling quality of your life.  Allow It to replace your life.  I Love you, [email protected] CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes:"I am happy even before I have a reason." - Hafiz"Hafiz tells us that the Beloved's nature is pure Joy.  The closer we come to Him, the more we are able to hear and feel God's Laughter.  The rhythm of His Laughter is the music of the dance of life.  That music is the essence of Love, and it is the radiant core of every song of Hafiz."-Daniel Ladinsky Support the show
11/20/20225 minutes, 38 seconds
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Don't lose heart. God helps those who are courageous. #GMweekends

Keep recognizing familiar thought patterns and immediately shifting into your spiritual practice-- your mantra, listening for silence, staring straight ahead, unblinkingly, swaying, smiling, etc.  Jump out of the mind and into the Heart.  Fall into the One Love, the One Power, the One Cause, and you'll discover your wings. I Love you, Nik [email protected] LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes:"The more fearful a person is, the more he uses his mind. The more fearless a person is, the more he uses his Heart." - Teal Swan "The spiritual work is like jumping out of an airplane and after you get out of the airplane, you see you have no parachute on.  But then you finally figure out it's okay because there is no ground." - Ram Dass "Don't lose heart.  God helps those who are courageous." - Neem Karoli Baba "Give your real being a chance to shape your life.  You will not regret it." -Nisargadatta Maharaj "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is One Lord. (Deuteronomy 6:4)In our agreement and understanding that God is one, God has no opposite, and there is no opposition.  With God as one, there is only one activity, one being, one cause, one power, one law." - Joel Goldsmith "Think of God alone. Dismiss every thought from your mind, You will see God before you and all your problems will be solved." - Shivapuri BabaSupport the show
11/19/20226 minutes, 18 seconds
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Finding God is the "Funeral of All Sorrows" #GMweekends

Finding and knowing this Love ends your worries, ends your suffering… ends the limited and distorted concept of 'you'.  And in its place, the Grace of felt-Oneness... Wisdom... Purpose.. Joy... I Am.   I Love you and I'm with you,  [email protected] CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes:"Remember that finding God will be the funeral of all sorrows." - Sri Yukteswar Giri via Autobiography of a Yogi“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.”-Chinese Proverb “St. Teresa of Avila wrote: 'All difficulties in prayer can be traced to one cause: praying as if God were absent.' This is the conviction that we bring with us from early childhood and apply to everyday life and to our lives in general. It gets stronger as we grow up, unless we are touched by the Gospel and begin the spiritual journey. This journey is a process of dismantling the monumental illusion that God is distant or absent.”-Thomas Keating, Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit"You are so near that I cannot see You.  Like a fool I keep looking around." -RumiSupport the show
11/13/20225 minutes, 12 seconds
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Take a Vacation from Yourself #GMweekends

Take a vacation from yourself by being your Self.  Bask in the sun of the Self and immediately know everything AS that One.  As Love.  You're not trying to practice or trying to remember this, you immediately feel and know Love here, there, and everywhere.  When you scroll IG, you know that where the phone, the hand, the feed, and the profiles appear to be, only Love is.  Where the world is, including the body you call 'you' appears to be, know only Love is (t)here.  Here, everything is holy.  Everything is sacred.  Every day is a miracle. Every day is vacation.  Every day is Saturday.  This is an immediate recognition.  An instant retreat.  Stay here. I Love you, [email protected] CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes:"Your consciousness of Truth does not mean your ability to recall Truth; it means your immediate awareness of Truth-- the Truth of which you are conscious this very moment."- Bob Pilato “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”-John 16:33"The entire spiritual life is based on the rejection of appearances."-Joel Goldsmith “All evil vanishes from life for him who keeps the sun in his heart.” -Ram Dass Support the show
11/12/202211 minutes, 2 seconds
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Next Time You Feel Lonely... #GMweekends

Instead of avoiding or trying to cover the Silence by reaching for creature comforts today (idle chatter, unnecessary busyness, etc), reach for the Comforter in the Silence.  Sit in the big Quiet and feel for the Love inside.  Touching this place inside is the end of loneliness.  It's the end of fear.  It's the end of your perceived separation from God, from your Self.   Reach for the Comforter, and smile, and then go about your Sunday in and AS Love.  I Love you,[email protected] CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes:"Don't surrender your loneliness so quickly, let it cut more deep.  Let it ferment and season you as few human or even divine ingredients can.  Something missing in my heart tonight has made my eyes so soft my voice so tender my need of God absolutely clear.” - Hafiz “Man ordinarily lives in loneliness. To avoid loneliness, he creates all kinds of relationships, friendships, organizations, political parties, religions and what not. But the basic thing is that he is very much afraid of being lonely. Loneliness is a black hole, a darkness, a frightening negative state almost like death … as if you are being swallowed by death itself. To avoid it, you run out and fall into anybody, just to hold somebody’s hand, to feel that you are not lonely… Nothing hurts more than loneliness.But the trouble is, any relationship that arises out of the fear of being lonely is not going to be a blissful experience, because the other is also joining you out of fear. You both call it love. You are both deceiving yourself and the other. It is simply fear, and fear can never be the source of love. Only those who love are absolutely fearless; only those who love are able to be alone, joyously, whose need for the other has disappeared, who are sufficient unto themselves…The day you decide that all these efforts are failures, that your loneliness has remained untouched by all your efforts, that is a great moment of understanding. Then only one thing remains: to see whether loneliness is such a thing that you should be afraid of, or if it is just your nature. Then rather than running out and away, you close your eyes and go in. Suddenly the night is over, and a new dawn … The loneliness transforms into aloneness.Aloneness is your nature. You were born alone, you will die alone. And you are living alone without understanding it, without being fully aware of it. You misunderstand aloneness as loneliness; it is simply a misunderstanding. You are sufficient unto yourself.”― Osho"Fear can be an indication that we are letting go of false comforts to find the true comfort in the silence.  Fear can be a sign that we are becoming aware of our unnecessary busyness, the loneliness we feel, the needs we usually ignore, including our need for peace, and quiet.  Fear emerge as our substitutes for the Love in the silence no longer work, and only silence is present."- Dr. Bruce Davis"The lonely one offers his hand too quickly to whomever he encounters." - NietzscheSupport the show
11/6/20229 minutes, 6 seconds
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You ARE the Love of God #GMweekends

Repeat and FEEL the mantra- "I feel the Love of God within me now.""I am the Love of God within me now"."I am the Love of God.""I am Love.""I am."Stay as That, without words. Without someone there to feel or hold the Love.  Just be.  Light. Love.  This.  I Love you, Nik [email protected] CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes:"One who is able to withdraw the senses from their objects, just as a tortoise withdraws its limbs into its shell, is established in divine wisdom." - Bhagavad Gita 2.58"If you feel nothing at all, it is only an intermediary stage that will go after sometime.  Think that blessing rains down on your head from above.  The head is your root and the body, the tree. When the root is well watered the whole tree becomes beautiful." - Ananadamayi Ma "Find that flame, that existence, That wonderful Man who can burn beneath the water. No other kind of light will cook the food you need." - Daniel Ladinsky, 'No Other Kind of Light' "There is something inside each of us that comes from behind that veil.  Behind the place of our own birth, it's as if you have tasted of something, somewhere in your past that's been so high, so much light, so much energy, that nothing you can experience through any of your senses or your thoughts can be enough. " - Ram Dass, Be Here Now "I feel the Love of God within me now." - ACIM Lesson 189"Who could feel fear in such a world as this? ²It welcomes you, rejoices that you came, and sings your praises as it keeps you safe from every form of danger and of pain. ³It offers you a warm and gentle home in which to stay a while. ⁴It blesses you throughout the day, and watches through the night as silent guardian of your holy sleep. ⁵It sees salvation in you, and protects the light in you, in which it sees its own. ⁶It offers you its flowers and its snow, in thankfulness for your benevolence."  -ACIM Lesson 189Support the show
11/5/20228 minutes, 37 seconds
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It's Not Friday. #GMweekends

It's Now.  It's Presence.  And sometimes, we call it Friday,  and we allow ourselves to feel Go(o)d.  We allow ourselves to be our Self.  What people call 'that Friday feeling', that relaxation, that Peace, this Joy, is our truest Self... the present moment... NOW.  And we can feel It even on Monday, if we allow It. If we remember It. If we practice It. Keep recognizing that It's not Friday... It just IS.  It's NOW, and we're collectively (in this time zone at least) calling it Friday.   It's always only this same Presence, no matter if you're in NYC or Tokyo.  You're just slapping labels and locations and ideas on the one Presence.  Enjoy your labels and concepts, enjoy weekends and new destinations, but always be in the conscious remembrance of what's actually (t)here.  Your Self, only this Love, seeming to temporarily appear as a weekend. I Love you, [email protected] CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes:"God’s voice thunders, and the earth melts!" - Psalm 46:6"If we become so proficient in the practice of the Presence that we can sit quietly with our attention focused on the Within, the still small voice will thunder, and the whole earth of evil will melt and fade out of our experience. It may come as an actual voice; it may come as a vision; but neither is necessary: Only one thing is necessary and that is to wait until there is a stirring or a feeling which is our assurance that God has uttered His voice. When that occurs, we shall find that discord is replaced by harmony, sickness gives way to health, and the people we meet are no longer human beings but children of God." - Joel Goldsmith  'Practicing the Presence' (pp. 109-110)Support the show
11/4/20227 minutes, 21 seconds
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Listen to This One Before Work Tomorrow #GMweekends

You've been offered a new job! It's a different position...a witnessing one, a Loving one.   You will continue to work your present job, for now, but from now on, you'll do it from and AS "Loving Awareness".  You'll  watch that body work. You'll watch it from and AS  the position of Joy.  And that Joy will radically transform the work that body does, how it serves, who it serves... this Joy will take shape as an entirely new life.  A life in Its own image.I'm with you in and AS Love, [email protected] CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶"The real work is to feel the silence in everything that we do." - Dr. Bruce Davis"The love in the silence has specific plans for us. With our hearts open, the voice of the stillness inside us speaks clearly to trust this love, our true guide and employer. People who are tested in their work are being challenged in their belief in how present the silence is and how much it provides and cares for them. The struggle for survival is moved by the fear that we are all alone and the world is against us. The love in the quiet reminds us that we live in God’s midst, which is full of purpose and meaning and caring. It is through living in the monastery without walls that our worries about survival give way to trust in the silence. The sacred moments melt our fears, giving way to a practical life full of the joyous essence.We are each called to a work that gives fulfillment. Fulfilling work separate from a life full of silence is not possible. We are called to work for the silence, in the silence, with the silence, and feel the love of the silence working through us."-Dr. Bruce Davis,  Monastery Without Walls: Daily Life in the SilenceThe deeper the self realization of a man, the more he influences the whole universe by his subtle spiritual vibrations, and the less he himself is affected by the phenomenal flux. " - Yogananda "Now that your worry has proved such an unlucrative business, why not find a better job?" -HafizSupport the show
10/30/202212 minutes, 46 seconds
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Rooted in Love, Everything I Need Comes to Me #GMweekends

Think and FEEL this mantra-- "Rooted in Love, everything I need comes to me."Recognize that no one (and that includes the one you think you are) has the power to distract you from your true Self, from Love.  This Love is the only Presence, It's the only Power, and as you stay rooted in and AS This, the one you thought you were, and everyone in your field of awareness begins to grow and flower.  Today, we stay consciously rooted, without distraction, and let the Go(o)d we've been seeking come to us. I Love you, Nik LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes:"As long as you think someone else is responsible for the way you are, you cannot become the way you want to be. " - Sadhguru "Be so rooted in yourself that nobody's absence or presence can disturb your inner Peace." - Unknown "The day you stop racing, is the day you win the race." - Bob Marley “Even if I am with a million people, I am always alone. I do not see people as people. I see them as myself.” - Sadhguru Support the show
10/29/20226 minutes, 51 seconds
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"If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." #GMweekends

Let's recognize and look out of your single eye, today! You always, already are... you just think you're not.Check out's experiments -- Richard Lang provides some gems that walk you through what I shared in the meditation (via video!).  You'll be guided to the first person experience... the same one you have when you're wearing a VR headset.  Stay as the first person today, until you see that you're no person.  Just Love aware of Itself as this moment, including the person.  I Love you, [email protected] CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes:"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." - Matthew 6:22"The sense of being, of the "I Am" is a sense of location here, present inside this body, but not bound by this body." - MoojiToday's Meditation:"We don’t realize how deep our learned assumptions are embedded.  Could all this really be a projection of consciousness?  Is it really just a matter of how it has been interpreted?  Dare we recognize that consciousness is not some quality or power that we “own” and exercise individually, and that everything, including our precious self, is nothing but consciousness?   Now, stand up with the book in your hand.  Going only by what you see, here and now, not what you think or believe or remember...Look at your feet.Now move your gaze up your body.Look at your ankles,Your knees,Your hips,Stomach,Chest,Can you see any further up your body?Going by sight alone, not what you believe or feel, can you accurately describe what you see where your head is supposed to be? We were taught that we are our body and that somehow, by some mysterious, unknown process consciousness has appeared in it.  We have assumed this for so long that we don’t even question it.  Isn’t it time we looked to see for ourselves?  Does consciousness appear in our body or is it our body that appears in consciousness?   See for yourself right now.  Put down this book, look down at your body and ask yourself, “Is consciousness appearing in my body or is it my body that is appearing in this consciousness?”  Don’t go by your learned assumptions; just look openly and honestly, as if for the first time.Then ask, “Could this body even appear without consciousness?  Could anything appear without this consciousness here?”What are we then?  Are we our body as we have been told or are we consciousness, as we can directly observe for ourselves?  So, what then is our body?  Could it be consciousness also?"Sharp, Galen. What Am I? A Study in Non-Volitional Living (p. 88). Tandava Press. Kindle Edition.Support the show
10/23/20228 minutes, 38 seconds
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My Heart is Beating in the Peace of God #GMweekend

Assume, just for today, that the sound of your heart beating is the presence of God with you. That every time you stop,  listen, and feel for the heart beating, you know that God is (t)here. You know that God is in the silence of the listening.  You know that God is beating that heart. You know that God is that heart. You know that God is both being ‘you’, and beyond ‘you’. And because you know This, because you feel This, your new chapter begins.  I Love you and I'm with you!Nik [email protected] LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes:My Heart is Beating in the Peace of God"Surrounding me is all the life that God created in His Love.  It calls to me in every heartbeat and in every breath; in every action and in every thought. Peace fills my heart, and floods my body with the purpose of forgiveness. Now my mind is healed, and all I need to save the world is given me. Each heartbeat brings me peace; each breath infuses me with strength.  I am a messenger of God, directed by His Voice, sustained by Him in love, and held forever quiet and at peace within His loving Arms. Each heartbeat calls His Name, and every one is answered by His Voice, assuring me I am at home in Him.Let me attend Your Answer, not my own. Father, my heart is beating in the Peace the Heart of Love created.  It is there and only there that I can be at home.'  - Lesson 267"In proportion as you are listening (to Silence), you are consciously aware of the presence of God, the power. the reality, the joy, the Spirit, the life, and the wisdom of God... Recognizing your Self as Consciousness, and adopting the listening ear, the attitude of consciousness, you become the child of God that is joint-heir to all the heavenly riches."-Joel Goldsmith (Consciousness is What I Am)Support the show
10/22/20226 minutes, 27 seconds
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Call on Love #GMweekends

Whatever issue or problem you have, even if the 'issue' is that you don't know what to do next, or what your 'purpose' is... just for today, don't call on anyone, don't call on Google just yet, call on Love.  Feel for Love, and therefore Be Love.  And the needed answers will come from out of nowhere... from out of now-here... beyond the body and the mind.  The Love that announces Itself IS the solution, the answer. This Love IS your purpose.  I Love you, Nik [email protected] CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quote:Repeat, "I meditate everyday. Going within allows me to hear what Love wants me to know." Note: Remember my definition of meditation is marinating in this felt-Love.  When you feel Love, the mind falls quiet, naturally.  And then you can FEEL Love, and that Love  guides you, it moves you, it thinks and acts through you. "Speak Father, your servant heareth." -Joel Goldsmith via 1 Samuel 3:10 Note: my interpretation, "Speak Love, I'm here."“I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in the silence, and the truth comes to me.” -  Einstein Support the show
10/16/20228 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Past Doesn't Live Here Anymore #GMweekends

When you're feeling Love, that's "putting the box aside", that's, "destroying your house", that's knowing that where you are, He is, and that He is you. This Love is risen and conscious as Itself where you appear to be, and the forecast is sunny with a GoOD chance of sudden miracles! Let's go!  I love you and I'm with you in this Place where the past is not and never was, [email protected] LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes:Repeat: “This box is now too small for the person I’ve become.  I’m giving myself permission to live a bigger life that includes sudden miracles, and unexpected blessings.  I deserve this newfound state of freedom where my soul is unobstructed.  I am open, willing, and ready to let my spirit explore the endless ways in which I can be happy and at peace.  I am putting this box aside. I’ve outgrown my past.” - via IG @lawofattractionlive “Destroy your house, and with the treasure hidden in it,You will be able to build thousands of houses. The treasure lies under it; there’s no help for it;Hesitate not to pull it down; do not tarry!” - Rumi"In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.” - John 14: 2-6**This "I" = the impersonal, invisible Christ = Love  = Awareness = your true Self**Support the show
10/15/20225 minutes, 10 seconds
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Full Stop. #GMweekends

This quick but powerful meditation was inspired by Sailor Bob Adamson's book, "What's Wrong With Right Now?", and his directive to 'full stop'. Full Stop. ...Hear those words as the final thought, the final pointer before  the SILENCE that follows it. Everything is still... frozen... even the breath, even the mind. And simultaneously notice what your body feels in that instant. Peace. Love. Stay in the 'stop'.Only there's no 'you'  to 'stay' in the stop. There's only God in the stop. Only Awareness .  Only Grace. Only Love. Your new life is born of this stop, of the Love in the stop. I Love you, Nik [email protected] CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶ the show
10/9/20225 minutes, 44 seconds
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Every Day Is Saturday #GMweekends

"Pray until your situation changes." - UnknownI'd say 'feel Love, and don't stop feeling Love until your situation changes, and then, keep feeling Love.'Check out this Q&A from Joel Goldsmith I read during today's episode, and feel your way into the forever Saturday and stay (t)here with me. I Love you,  [email protected] CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ the show:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶ the show
10/8/202212 minutes, 33 seconds
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How to Manifest What You Really Want #GMweekends

Stop doing 'manifestation' practices today and relax into that place inside that is already, always relaxed.  Allow Love to dissolve your desires. Allow your GoOD to come.  Surrender to Love and trust It to become all that you need and more.  I love you, [email protected] CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes:"Your work is to relax and allow.  To relax and allow, no matter what." - Abraham Hicks"Sit in meditation not to make something happen, but to stay out of the way of what is happening." - Dr. Michael BeckwithSupport the show
10/2/202211 minutes, 9 seconds
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I Am Surrounded by the Love of God #GMweekends

Keep remembering that you are surrounded by the Love of God, until it is revealed that you are the Love that's doing the surrounding.   You are the Love that pervades and appears as the body. You are the Love that the world appears to take place in.  Be this Love, consciously. I love you, Nik LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶ Today's Quotes:"I am surrounded by the Love of God." - A Course in Miracles Lesson 264"Stillness is the highest level of intensity.  When there is stillness within you, your body, mind, and energies will be exuberantly intense." - Sadhguru Support the show
10/1/20229 minutes, 7 seconds
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How to Change the Game #GMweekends

Make the choice to be woke in the game.  Know that Love is the essence of every scene, of every situation, of every character,  even yours.  Feel Love and watch the game change.  I love you, Nik [email protected] LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quote:"The most important spiritual growth doesn't happen when you're meditating or on a yoga mat. It happens in the midst of conflict-- when you're frustrated, angry, or scared and you're doing the same old thing, and then suddenly you realize you have a choice to do it differently." - Anonymous from IGSupport the show
9/25/20227 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Hidden Perfume #GMweekends

Remembering God is our main business, and that remembrance handles all of our other business!  So all of the senses must be employed toward that end.Up next, the sense of smell.   Allow a fragrant oil (I like Jasmine Absolute in Jojoba Oilfrom Whole Foods) to jog your memory to reach for God, to stay tapped into Love.  Or light an incense to help you stay aware of the Light in your heart.  Let the worldly perfume guide you to your inner, "hidden perfume".  Do what it takes to BE who you are.I Love you, NikLOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quote:"You contain within your innermost being many qualities of which you are unaware.  These are like unto beautiful bottles of rare perfume which you have put away in closets and forgotten."-   excerpted from Journey with the Master by Eva Bell Werber (The Hidden Perfume)Support the show
9/24/20229 minutes, 36 seconds
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Affirm: "It's Happening!" #GMweekends

The miracle isn't coming to you, It's coming FROM you, THROUGH you.As you exhale right now,you're exhaling the miracle you've been waiting for.It's happening, unfolding for you presently,as present as your breath is. Feel It. And don't stop feeling It, to see It. I Love you,[email protected] CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes: "When you live in the Invisible, the visible takes care of itself."-Joel Goldsmith "Healing is a deep return to the Self."- @Medicine_Mami "Turn the mind inward and cease thinking of yourself as the body; thereby you will come to know that the Self is ever happy."-Ramana Maharshi "Grace comes out of nowhere. It can happen anytime, in any place."-Amma"I have retained my smile-- but to win it permanently was hard work! The same smiles are there within you; the same joy and bliss of the soul is there. You don't have to acquire them, but rather regain them. You have merely lost them temporarily by identifying yourself with the senses."-Yogananda  “There is an inmost center in us all, where truth abides in fullness;....and, to know, rather consists in opening out a way where the imprisoned splendor may escape, then in effecting entry for a light supposed to be without.”-Robert Browning"Happiness is not a feeling, it's the background of all feelings."-Rupert Spira "Love is the strongest medicine. It is more powerful than electricity."- Neem Karoli BabaSupport the show
9/18/20227 minutes, 43 seconds
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How to Hear God's Voice Over the Noise #GMweekends

Knowing the Truth where we see the false, hearing the Silence over the noise, feeling Love even while fear is felt... this is how we practice being our true Self. This is the 'healing consciousness' that unfolds as the GoOD life. I Love you and I'm with you, [email protected] CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes:  "A spiritual healer is not a person who develops a technique of using truth to overcome error or of using treatment to overcome disease.  A spiritual healer is that state of consciousness which knows that God alone is the reality of all being, and that anything else is a state of hypnosis.  The recognition that he is dealing with a state of hypnosis, rather than with a person, place; or with a condition, is the healing consciousness.”-Joel Goldsmith "Sickness is not cured by saying 'medicine', but by drinking it."-Adi Shankara "The witness is both unreal and real.  The last remnant of the illusion, the first touch of the real.  To say: 'I  am only the witness' is both false and true, false because of the 'I am', true because of the witness.  It is better to say: 'there is witnessing'.  The moment you say, 'I am', the entire universe comes into being along with its creator."-Nisargadatta Maharaj    Support the show
9/17/20227 minutes, 15 seconds
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This Feeling is More Real Than the Scene at Hand #GMweekends

Pretend you're standing in front of a window with a clear view out at a mountainous  forest.  It's a gorgeous day. The colors are vibrant and crisp.  Now, shift your attention to your reflection in the window.  The view is still there, but now it's in the background, and your reflection is in the foreground. Even if there was a war outside your window, it would be no more difficult to become aware of your reflection... of your innate Peace, that's also present.  No matter what's on view (and it is constantly changing!), don't lose sight of your Self. Don't forget Love.  Don't make the view and its alternating,  alluring beautiful and terrifying images more important than your awareness of Love.  Truly, only Love is here.  And you are That.  Feel It.  Be It.  I Love you,[email protected] CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quote:"At every moment, we are free to allow experience to veil our innate Peace or to remain transparent to it. " - Rupert Spira Support the show
9/11/20225 minutes, 44 seconds
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Live in Your Bigger Body #GMweekends

Today's Meditation is a reading from Brian Tom O'Connor's Awareness Games.Today's Practice:1. Notice your whole, entire body.2. Imagine that you have a bigger body that surrounds your entire body.3. Be that bigger body.Live from and AS the bigger body, witnessing the regular body, its thoughts, and its world from this expanded (and more natural) perspective.  This is very similar to the practice from the panning out episode-- just approached from a different angle!  Get back, or hover above, or pan out, or live in the bigger body, or live as the spiritual body--- do what it takes to continuously recognize that you are more than that body! I Love you,[email protected] CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes: "In other words, the background is what objects appear in, silence is what sound appears in, mind is what thoughts appear in, space is what the body appears in, "I" is what "me" appears in, and now is what time appears in. "- Brian Tom O'Connor via Awareness Games"You are confused, because you believe that you are in the world.  Not the world in you.  Who came first-- you or your parents?  You imagine that you were born at a certain tine and place, that you have a father and a mother, a body and a name.  This is your sin and your calamity."-Nisargadatta Maharaj"Before Abraham was, I Am."- John 8:48-59Support the show
9/10/20227 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Only Thing of Real Value is Love Itself #GMweekends

When I sit down in the morning to chant, I'm sitting down to feel Love.When I' sitting down to record for you, I'm sitting down to feel Love.When I'm doing yoga or breathing exercises, I'm doing it to feel Love.When I'm doing any spiritual practice, ever, I'm only doing it as a way to feel Love.The practices will "get you in the room with Christ.But only Love will keep you (t)here."*Everything I do, I do for Love... to remember It, to feel It, to know It as my Self.I Love you,NikLOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes:"The most subtle aspect of my teaching is Love. The circle around that subtle point, in order to realize it, is the spiritual practices such as meditation, repetition of the name of the Lord, talking with good people, directing the mind away from harmful thoughts, and so on. In themselves, these spiritual practices are of no value. The only thing of real value is Love itself."-Satya Sai Baba "The true mystic is not a devotee lost in ecstatic communion with the One, or a reclusive saint who avoids others. The true mystic lives alongside other people- coming and going, eating and sleeping, buying and selling, marrying and chatting-- but not for a moment does he forget God."-Abus Sa'id lbn Abi-l-Khayr "The yogi medicine puts you in a room with Christ.  But it can’t keep you there. The only thing that can keep you there is love."*-Maharajji"Q: I have been practicing japa and meditation for a long time, but there is not enough progress.Amma: You should also love God. Without love no amount of japa and meditation will bear fruit. When your love for God becomes very strong, all the bad vasanas (mental tendencies) within you will automatically drop away. Rowing a boat against the current is difficult, but if there is a sail it becomes easy. Love for God is like a sail that helps the boat go forward.When two lovers are sitting together, they won't like it when anyone comes near them. A real sadhak has the same attitude. He doesn't like anything that isn't related to God. Living with the thought of God always in his mind, he can't bear any obstacles that come between himself and God. Compared to his love for God, everything else is worthless to him.Son, one should have true lakshya bodha (one-pointed focus on the goal). Only then can one's sadhana (spiritual practices) become deep. When someone sets out with a strong desire to reach a certain place, no obstacle can stop him. If he misses the bus, he will take a taxi. But if he lacks interest, he may decide to go home if he misses the bus, thinking he can try again the next day. Children, without intensity in sadhana it is difficult to reach the goal.Before you sow the seed you have to prepare the land, clearing it of grass and weeds. Otherwise it is difficult for the seeds to sprout. In the same way, we can enjoy the bliss of the Self only if we clear the mind of all external things and direct it to God."-AmmaSupport the show
9/4/20225 minutes, 22 seconds
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What I Want Also Wants Me. #GMweekends

Know that Love is here.  Know that everything is changing.  Know that It, what's meant for you, is happening! And there's nothing you or anyone can do to stop It. It's all flowing from you, and that flow sounds like Silence and feels like relaxation, like Love.  Step into your destiny by resting in and AS this Love. I Love you, [email protected] LOVE CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes:“When I run after what I think I want,my days are a furnace of stress and anxiety;if I sit in my own place of patience,what I need flows to me, and without pain.From this I understand thatwhat I want also wants me,is looking for me and attracting me.There is a great secret herefor anyone who can grasp it.”- Shams-i Tabrizi“There is an inmost center in us all, where truth abides in fullness;....and, to know, rather consists in opening out a way where the imprisoned splendor may escape, then in effecting entry for a light supposed to be without.”-Robert BrowningSupport the show
9/3/20225 minutes, 26 seconds
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Meditate Like Oprah & Maya Angelou - Become a Quiet Vessel #GMweekends

Today, I want you to prioritize the Silence. Make yourself the ‘quiet vessel’ and ‘get out of your own way’, so that you may hear the feeling of Love and unfold Its unique path for you. Take 5-10 minutes today to sit on the charger :)  You got the juice!Click this LINK for info about Maya Angelou's meditation practice, and more info about Oprah Winfrey's first introduction to spirituality through Eric Butterworth!  There's also a link in there to the 6 minute meditation I referred to! I Love you and I'm with you,[email protected] Bonus content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶ LIVE Group Meditation at 6:30am ET (FREE on Spotify LIVE)▶▶'s Quotes: Today's Quotes:  "When we plug the battery into the charger, it doesn't chatter away about how much it needs charging... it simply and quietly accepts the inflow of energy. And when we pray, Jesus is telling us, we should get into the depths of our being, and shut out the concerns of the world, and "pray to the Father in secret".As we grow in understanding of the Truth of our relationship with God, as we begin to see ourselves in the light of our divinity, prayer becomes an experience in the silent.  We put the words of entreaty, of supplication, even of adoration behind us.  Our heart speaks in the language of the soul.  We praise God through our feeling of gratitude.  We worship through our spirit of reverence.  We ask for help through our receptive mind and heart. We affirm the Truth of being by meditating quietly upon it."-Eric Butterworth, excerpt from 'Discover the Power Within You: A Guide to the Unexplored Depths Within'"A true Christian is a true Hindu, and a true Hindu is a true Christian." - Swami Vivekananda“Along this path of knowledge, I find that prayer and meditation are elemental. Guidance comes from those practices. Sometimes in meditation one really tries to think of nothing. I do, anyway. I try not to have any focus or use any focus to get away from everything. I try to make myself a quiet vessel, a quiet pool where ideas can rise."- Maya AngelouSupport the show
8/28/20228 minutes, 1 second
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The Kingdom Isn't Far Away #GMweekends

Take a few moments to notice that when you're not blinking, you're not thinking.  And notice what you FEEL in that pause.  Love.  Become a transparency for that Love to shine through, for the Kingdom to reach out and through and touch others.  Text someone a message of gratitude, today.  Be Love, today, and remember that the Kingdom is not only where you reside, It's what you are.I Love you and I'm with you,[email protected] CHARGING STATION, Live, Daily, Group Practice-  6:30am ET (Spotify LIVE):▶▶ content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶'s Quotes:"The Kingdom of God is spread upon the earth, and men do not see it.'* The Kingdom isn't far away.  The Kingdom is right here and right now. The challenge of Jesus' message is that it constantly asks of us: Can you see it? Can you see the Kingdom right now? Right in the midst of this very moment in the midst of this very life that often seems mundane and ordinary-- can you see eternity? Have you allowed yourself and your world to be rendered transparent to the underlying divinity that shines through it?   - from Adyashanti's, 'Resurrecting Jesus' *The Gospel of St. Thomas 113"By and by your consciousness will become more and more centered in the eyes. You will just be aware; there will be no thinking.  Eyes cannot think. When the whole consciousness is centered in the eyes, the mind has no energy left for thinking.  There is no mind-- only the eyes exist-- so there is no thinking." - OshoSupport the show
8/27/20228 minutes, 46 seconds
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How I Get Through My Dark Nights #GMweekends

First, I remember that it doesn't matter what the body is feeling or what the mind is thinking-- I Am Love and Love is unfolding where I Am.  Then, I wait to feel this Love.  And because I'm now feeling Love, I'm no longer matching the energy of the moment.  I'm not generating a false or fake joy, but turning back toward the inner Light, the subtle Joy, the Love that IS.  And I keep feeling the Light, holding this Love, through the situation, through the anxiety, through the worry... until it's seen that only the Light is real.  The eyes see the appearance but I'm no longer judging by the appearance.  I'm no longer fooled by it.  I'm seeing it... but I'm feeling Love at the same time.  And I know that Only Love is Here. As you move through your dark nights, it's important to remember that you aren't seeking God. You aren't seeking the Light.  You don't want Freedom or happiness or Love.   YOU ARE THAT.  You want them because of the false perception that you think you are separate from That, from God.  Freedom is the essence of who you are.  Relax, recognize, and stay feeling this Truth, inside.  And this Truth becomes your outer circumstances."He is a real man who does not let go his hold on the Self-state while he is attending to whatever problems come of their own accord and without desire."- Ramana Maharshi, Padamalai pg. 250"Self-knowledge, or knowledge of Truth is not had by resorting to teachers, scriptures, or good deeds.  It is attained only by means of enquiry inspired by those who have awareness of the inner Light.  One's inner Light alone is the means, naught else. When this inner Light is kept alive, it is not affected by the darkness of inertia.  Whatever sorrows there may be that seem to be difficult to overcome are easily crossed over with the help of the boat of wisdom (the inner Light).  He who is devoid of this wisdom is bothered even by minor difficulties.  The effort and the energy that are directed by the people in worldly activities should first be directed in the gaining of this wisdom.  Wisdom or the inner Light is like the legendary precious stone which bestows on its owner whatever he wishes to have."- The Yoga VasisthaRhonda Ross' poem mentioned in this episode. Support the show
8/21/20229 minutes, 47 seconds
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Try This 'Inner Elevator' Trick to Quiet the Mind #GMweekends

Ride your inner elevator from the mind down into the Heart.  Ride it from noise to Silence. From chaos to Peace. From fear to Love.  It's noisy in the head, but quiet in the Heart. Stay (t)here in this Loving Silence. Don't ride the elevator back up. Stay (t)here. Stay Love.Today's Quote: "The mind should be kept in the heart as long as it has not reached the Highest End.  This is wisdom, and this is liberation.  Everything else is only words." -Maitri Upanishad 6.24Support the show
8/20/202210 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to Let Go of Resentments and Be Love #GMweekends

Pause in the midst of a familiar train of thought about who or what is bothering you.  Scan your body.  Let go of the tension you find. Letting go of the tension on the inside is the healing.  You'll begin to experience a constant, conscious Peace inside, and harmony outside until you see that there is no inside and outside. Only Peace. Only Harmony, Only this Love. REMEMBER: Feeling Love is the 'let go'.  When you keep feeling Love, you keep letting go into Love. And when only Love is left, what appears can only be in the image of that Love.  You realize life is really Go(o)d.  I Love you,[email protected] Bonus content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶ LIVE Group Meditation at 6:30am ET (FREE on Spotify LIVE)▶▶'s Quotes:"Tonight, give thanks to those who have done you wrong. They have unknowingly made you strong." - Unknown "Resentments. They all have their cheap little payoff, that little inner satisfaction. Let’s not pretend that it’s not there. There is a weird, quirky pleasure when we hang on to pain. It certainly satisfies our unconscious need for the alleviation of guilt through punishment. We get to feel miserable and rotten. The question then arises, “But for how long?”  - David R. HawkinsSupport the show
8/14/202221 minutes, 51 seconds
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Meditate Upon Love as Greatness, and You Will Be Great #GMweekends

Get into Love and feel and know It to be _______.  Then wear the feeling like a cloak and don't take it off ever, haha.  If you keep It on, It becomes your life.  I Love you and I'm with you,[email protected] Bonus content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶ LIVE Group Meditation at 6:30am ET (FREE on Spotify LIVE)▶▶'s Quotes: "Brahman is to be meditated upon as the source of all thought and life and action. He is the splendor in wealth, he is the light in the stars. He is all things.  Let a man meditate upon Brahman as support, and he will be supported. Let him meditate upon Brahman as greatness, and he will be great.  Let him meditate upon Brahman as mind, and he will be endowed with intellectual power.  Let him meditate upon Brahman as adoration, and he will be adored.  Let him worship Brahman as Brahman, and he will become Brahman." - Taittiriya Upanishad translated by Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester "Attune yourself to the active inner Guidance; the Divine Voice has the answer to every dilemma of life." - Lahiri Mahasaya Brahman definition via WIKI- The ultimate reality underlying all phenomena.  Brahman connotes the highest Universal Principle, the Ultimate Reality in the universe. In major schools of Hindu philosophy, it is the material, efficient, formal and final cause of all that exists. It is the pervasive, infinite, eternal truth and bliss which does not change, yet is the cause of all changes.Support the show
8/13/202210 minutes, 42 seconds
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THIS Will Make You a Master of Your Destiny #GMweekends

Life is easy when you're flooded with Love.Life is beautiful when you’re a Go(o)d person.Life is a constant miracle when you’re conscious of God being you.I Love you and I'm with you,[email protected] Bonus content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶ LIVE Group Meditation at 6:30am ET (FREE on Spotify LIVE)▶▶'s Quotes: "You have been a prisoner of a little pond, I am the ocean and its turbulent flood. Come merge with me, leave this world of ignorance, Be with me, I will open the gate to your Love."-Rumi  "All nature will commune with you when you are in tune with God. Realization of this truth will make you a master of your destiny."-Yogananda "Don't pay more attention to the outside world than necessary, but concentrate more on the inner springs of joy."-Satya Sai Baba"I was, when you were not. I am, while you are. I shall be when you cease to be." -Shirdi Sai Baba Support the show
8/7/20227 minutes, 40 seconds
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Find God - The Highest Meditation #GMweekends

Here's Your One-Second Mood Reset--Close your eyes.Find God.Open your eyes.See God.Know that that feeling is now appearing as the world.God is always in front of you.Waving at you.Walking by you.Talking to you.God is always right where you are, appearing as you and as everything on display.It's never hidden.This is the highest meditation.To Look and Love.To LookandLove. To Look,and not let the appearance of the world make you forget to feel Love.    I Love you,[email protected] Bonus content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶ LIVE Group Meditation at 6:30am ET (FREE on Spotify LIVE)▶▶'s Quotes-  "...and the greatest gift God can give is His own experience. Every object, every creature, every man, woman and child, has a soul and it is the destiny of all, to see as God sees, to know as God knows, to feel as God feels, to Be as God is."-Meister Eckhart  "The Life Force that perpetuates your heartbeat and maintains and sustains all the other organs and functions of your body is not physical, but it is spiritual... is not temporal, but is eternal.  And once that basic truth has been established in your consciousness, you will experience the dissolution of all fear, the healing of all diseases, and the resolution of all conflicts.  This is the supernal activity of the Word being made flesh... this is the sacred process of Divine Grace being established on earth as it is in Heaven."-Don Mardak "The highest meditation is to think of nothing. If you can remain without thought, great power will come."-Swami Vivekananda Support the show
8/6/202212 minutes, 29 seconds
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Affirm: "I will forgive, and this will disappear." #GMweekends

Keep remembering, "I will forgive, and this will disappear."  I will feel Love, and this will disappear. I will know 'only Love is here', and this will disappear. I will know 'only God is here', and this will disappear. I will forgive my misperception of God's presence, and this will disappear. Keep forgiving yourself for judging by appearances.  Keep forgiving yourself for believing in this world.  You forgive the instant you remember God... the moment you pause and feel for the Silent-Love. Forgiveness is allowing the Love you are to flow into the scene... into the world appearance.  Feeling Love while moving through the world disappears problems. Love is the solution you've been looking for.  It is the miracle.  And It is you.  Which means It's here, now.  Smile :)  I Love you, Nik [email protected] Bonus content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶ LIVE Group Meditation at 6:30am ET (FREE on Spotify LIVE)▶▶'s Quotes:"These are the words the Holy Spirit speaks in all your tribulations, all your pain, all suffering regardless of its form.  These are the words with which temptation ends, and guilt, abandoned, is revered no more. These are the words which end the dream of sin, and rid the mind of fear.   These are the words by which salvation comes to all the world.Shall we not learn to say these words when we are tempted to believe that pain is real, and death becomes our choice instead of life?  Shall we not learn to say these words when we have understood their power to release all minds from bondage?  These are words which give you power over all events that seem to have been given power over you. ⁴You see them rightly when you hold these words in full awareness, and do not forget these words apply to everything you see or any brother looks upon amiss." - A Course in Miracles Lesson 193"All the negatives of your life are like riding down the road spiked with nails.  Every day is another road, and the way you ride down that road is to realize one divine life without opposite.  I am looking at a road that is not there." - Herb Fitch"You see the worldAnd you try to dissolve it.But the master has no need toHe is without desire. For though he sees,He sees nothing."-The Ashtavakra Gita, Heart of Awareness"Every appearance that comes to us from morning to night, or from night to morning, regarding the human scene needs treatment... Do not be satisfied to accept even a good human appearance, but translate that, too, into the spiritually real of which the good is but the form." - Joel GoldsmithSupport the show
7/31/202211 minutes, 40 seconds
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God's Grace Appears as the Form Necessary to the Situation #GMweekends

A reading from Eva Bell Werber's 'Journey With the Master' and then a chat on how this inner experience  becomes the outer one.  "God's grace appears as the form necessary to the situation." - Joel S. Goldsmith Today's Practice:Smile. Feel Love. This felt-Love, this inner Reality, becomes your outer one. The seeming two, are really only One. I Love you,Nik [email protected] Bonus content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE on Spotify)▶▶ LIVE Group Meditation at 6:30am ET (FREE on Spotify LIVE)▶▶ the show
7/30/202213 minutes, 43 seconds
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DAILY Online Group Meditation - The Power of Silence

To support your regular practice of Silence, I'm offering a new option for daily morning meditation. It's free, and all you need is the Spotify Live app, and to follow me (@CurlyNikki) there. I'll be online for at least an hour beginning at 6:30am ET each morning. You can use this time  to meditate (on the Silence), to journal (while noticing the Silence),  to set your intentions for the day  (including to not forget the Silence), or just to know that you're not alone.  'I Am' with you. The I Am, the Silence, is in the midst of you... and It's greater than you... going before you to prepare mansions and smooth your way.  Also, you can ask questions in the chat box so other GoOD Friends and myself can answer them. But mostly, we'll just hold each other and the world in Silence. Thank you Felicia, Sylvia, and Amie for sitting with me, today!Come sit with us tomorrow. Take time to sit with God- the Truth appearing as the Silence, and change your life.  I Love you,[email protected] ***************************************Download the Spotify Live App to join us at 6:30am ET every GoOD morning and tell a friend- do a new thing together! Apple Play QUOTES:"Silence is the root of everything."-Rumi"There is a silence into which the world can not intrude.  There is an ancient Peace you carry in your heart and have not lost." - ACIM"Silence must never be forgotten; benediction is silence; His path is silence; His way of love is silence; and He speaks to the quiet soul." - Cora Evans "Wherever your mind takes you, or your body wanders, we are together."-Ram Dass  to Storm in a letter from 1974ARTICLES ABOUT THE POWER OF SILENCE:20 Ways Sitting in Silence Can Completely Transform Your LifeThe Hidden Benefits of SilenceAn Ode to Silence: Why You Need It in Your LifeSupport the show
7/28/20223 minutes, 57 seconds
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Meditate with me TONIGHT on Spotify!- How to Change Your Life Completely

Come meditate with me LIVE on Spotify at 7pm ET -- 'Meditation with CurlyNikki'.   (  If you want to take the stage and share your experiences, or ask questions tonight  (even if only in the chat box), make sure to download the Spotify Live app and follow the show  here! Also feel free to email your question that you'd like read aloud and answered live to [email protected] .  Please share with a friend so we can practice Love together!I Love you, Nik  Support the show
7/26/20221 minute, 16 seconds
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"I'm Happy Even Before I Have a Reason." - Listening for God's Laughter #GMweekends

Keep listening and feeling for God's silent, jubilant Laughter.  Allow It to become the soundtrack and the feeling quality of your life.  Allow It to replace your life.  I Love you, [email protected] Bonus content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE)▶▶'s Quotes:"I am happy even before I have a reason." - Hafiz"Hafiz tells us that the Beloved's nature is pure Joy.  The closer we come to Him, the more we are able to hear and feel God's Laughter.  The rhythm of His Laughter is the music of the dance of life.  That music is the essence of Love, and it is the radiant core of every song of Hafiz."-Daniel LadinskySupport the show
7/24/20225 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Secret to Fulfilling Your Deepest Desire #GMweekends

The secret to fulfilling your deepest desire is... FULL FEELING.  God's Love.  Having the felt- experience of Love where you are, frequently.  I Love you and I'm with you,Nik Bonus episodes and content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶'s Quotes:"Books and learning, yoga and meditation and illumination-- all are but dust compared with Love." - Vivekananda "Friend, if you've never really met the Secret One, what is the source of your self-confidence?Stop all this flirtation using words. Love does not happen with words. Don't lie to yourself about the holy books and what they say. The love I talk of is not in the books. Who has wanted it has it. " - Kabir"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school." - Albert Einstein"As Namdev, the great 13th-century poet-saint, wrote, he had perfect knowledge of the Vedas (ancient Indian scriptures) and all of the schools of Indian philosophy; he had accomplished the goal of the yogis; he had himself experienced the joy of merging in the formless God; but he’d transcended all of these experiences through the grace of the saints, to find that “the secret is the Lord’s Love.” - Krishna Das, Chants of a Lifetime "The effort through mental means to become spiritual is wasted effort. The attempt to understand spiritual things with the five senses or the intellect is useless. Developing a sense of receptivity; learning to silence the senses and gaining the ability to listen for “the still, small voice” – this is the Way. Human thoughts – even good ones – will not help."-Joel Goldsmith, Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture Today's Practice:Fulfilled prayer happens when you are FILLED FULLY... fully feeling God's Love where you are.  Don't pray for happiness or peace.  Don't pray for dream solutions and dream stuff.  Drop everything and you'll find only Love.  Drop even good thoughts and words and you'll find only God.  And then God will fulfill Itself. I Love you, [email protected] the show
7/23/20229 minutes, 42 seconds
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Smile, Beam, Trust. Everything is Right on Schedule. #GMweekends

Remember,  you're only able to catch yourself mid-worry because you caught God's voice... because Grace caught you.   The ability to become Aware, to become the Witness mid-thought, mid-worry IS Grace.We think we're doing It.We think we're practicing It.But It's happening to us.We're waking up as It.Smile, Beam, Trust. Everything is right on schedule.I Love you,[email protected] Bonus content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE)▶▶'s Quotes:"Worrying  is like paying a debt you don't owe."-Mark Twain "If the problem can be solved, why worry?If the problem can not be solved, worrying will do you no good."-Shantideva“Be empty of worrying. Think of who created thought! Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? Move outside the tangle of fear-thinking. Live in silence. Flow down and down in always widening rings of being.”-Rumi "As I count to three my worries leave me... 1, 2, 3."-Tanaaz Chubb  in 'My Pocket Mantras' Support the show
7/17/20226 minutes, 45 seconds
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Negative Thoughts: How to Stop Them #GMweekends

A meditation to help you IMMEDIATELY surrender negative thoughts. It's useful not just during 'formal' meditation, but in every moment you find yourself fearful or worried.   You shift from being aware of being 'you', to being aware AS the Christ Light that you truly are.  You shift out of your mind, and into the mind that was in Christ.  Into the no-mind of the Buddha.  How does that mind sound?  Is it thinking about your troubles, your past, your future? Or is It silent... steady?  How does It feel?   Stay (t)here.   I Love you,Nik [email protected] Bonus content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶ LIVE Meditation, Tuesdays at 7pm ET (FREE)▶▶'s Quotes: "Constantly have this mind among yourselves which was in Christ Jesus."-Philippians 2:5-11"Just as a lamp in a windless place does not flicker, so the disciplined mind of a yogi remains steady in meditation on the Self."-Bhagavad Gita "People come to me to ask for blessings, they don't understand the knowledge that one is not the body, but the consciousness within, is the blessing."-Nisargadatta Maharaj "Having realized that I am with, and yet beyond the world, I became free from all desire and fear. I did not reason out that I should be free, I found myself free, unexpectedly, without the least effort.  Spontaneity became a way of life, the real became natural and the natural became real. And above all, infinite affection, love, dark and quiet, radiating in all directions, embracing all, making all interesting and beautiful, significant and auspicious."-Nisargadatta Maharaj Support the show
7/16/20227 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Password is Love #GMweekend

As you read these words, listen for your heart beating.And as you read this line, become aware of your breath.And as you read this line, become aware of Love,no matter how subtle,no matter how Light,in your hands, in your feet, in your chest.You're feeling the password right now.I'm sharing It with you right now.   But it's not a word. It's a feeling. A Go(o)d one.And when you're aware of It, you gain access to the eternal silence beyond the heart beating, to the  blissful stillness beyond the breath, to the Love beyond thoughts. Give this password to every inner and outer barrier today. Feel Love.And go beyond.I Love you and I'm with you,Nik Bonus episodes and content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶'s Quotes:"Keep the Lord's name as constant as breathing."-Sai Baba "If you give yourself one complete minute of focused presence, to simply stop; even to listen to your heart beating, it will take you out of your head and introduce you to the moment which is complete in itself. It is not on the way to another moment. It is not a bridge to another opportunity. It is the timeless perfection. So stop and sink into this timeless moment."-Mooji"I have also given you the password, Love. When you come to barriers across your way, use the word freely and forcefully and nothing shall hinder your progress. You will be shown flowers of attainment which will bloom for you as you do well the tasks of the day, as you live largely and freely as a child of the Father who holds all good in His hands for you."-Eva Bell Werber, Journey With the Master  Support the show
7/10/20225 minutes, 31 seconds
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Vision of Love #GMweekend

Everything you see is sacred.Everything you taste is sacred.Everything you smell is sacred.Everything you hear and touch,sacred.Hafiz said, 'everything you do is sacred."In this Silence we practice, you are sacred.And in this sacredness there's nothing but Grace.Receive It by staying open to It, by feeling It... by giving It.The more you give, the more you have.I Love you,[email protected] Bonus episodes and content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶'s Quotes: "The Love that meets your need is the Love that's flowing out through you right now."-Joel Goldsmith "There is a tendency to doubt your growth in the midst of a big leap forward; hold steady and allow yourself to bloom."-Yung Pueblo "A great silence comes over me and I wonder why I ever thought to use language."-Rumi  "When the flower blooms, the bees come uninvited."-Ramakrishna Support the show
7/9/20226 minutes, 31 seconds
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The More you Practice THIS, The More Your Life Changes

In the Adi Lila, Krishna said, "cleanse and decorate your body because you consider it Mine."Not yours. I consider that 'Love is here, and only Love is here',and where Nikki seems to be here, that's the illusion.And it's only an illusion because one day, Nikki won't be here.But 'I'  still will be,because 'I' can't go anywhere.'I' didn't come here, so 'I' can't leave here.'I Am' what is known as 'Here'.Hereness is Me.That's what you have to consider.That's what you have to practice.Everything has to remind you of That.Everything has to be your mirror.Everything has to be God.There's no room for anything else.No room for imperfections.Today you're going to look out and see imperfections.Your thoughts are going to inform you of many. And your work is to stay woke enough to hear every report of an imperfection,to see every seeming imperfection,and to hear Go(o)d where it appears to be.To feel Go(o)d where it appears to be.It's that simple.You see the imperfection and you know God.You feel THIS (Love) that you're feeling right now, while you're looking at it,and then what you're looking at changes.Even if you can't detect it in that moment,it has changed.Your gaze is healing this world.Because your gaze is silent.Because your gaze is steady.Because your gaze is God's. I Love you,[email protected]'s Quotes:"A person trying to play me plays themself."-Prince“It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."-Henry David Thoreau "Beauty surrounds us, but usually we need to be walking in a garden to know it."-Rumi"But listen to me. For one moment quit being sad. Hear blessings dropping their blossoms all around you."-Rumi"It’s you who must come to the place where the human brain is not in the way. And behold, when you come to that secret place, the light and the power which always are present, even now, sweep aside the veil of your human sense, and then they reveal to you the perfection of Heaven where the imperfection of human thought had seemed to be." -Herb Fitch La Jolla Series 8B. In the Spirit of Truth"Your gaze is healing the world."-NikBonus content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶**I'm on vacation/pilgrimage/a self-care break! New episodes to resume in July!  I'll be checking in regularly on Patreon. I love you and we'll chat soon! Support the show
7/4/202210 minutes, 15 seconds
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Spend All of Your Time With God, and God Will Take Care of You

You spend time with God by listening.Think of that image of Dolores from Disney's 'Encanto', with her hand up to her ear. That.Just listening. This listening is continuous,that's mediation.When you're listening you're not thinking,that's meditation.And then in the quiet listening,Love is felt.You hear God's silence, and then you feel God's Love.You're gifted His Peace, and then you notice that that too, is continuous!No matter what comes (or goes), this Peace stands.All you have to do is remember to listen for the feeling of Peace,and then that Peace dissolves everything that isn't comes,because God is.I Love you,[email protected]'s Quotes: "...continuous reaching toward the center of our being, will eventually result in the experience of the Christ. In that moment, we discover the mystery of spiritual living: We do not have to take thought for what we shall eat, what we shall drink, or wherewithal we shall be clothed; we do not have to plan; we do not have to struggle. only Christ can live our life for us, and we meet the Christ within ourselves in meditation. The degree to which we attain the experience or activity of the Christ, the presence of the Spirit of God in us, determines the degree of individual unfoldment."-by Joel S. Goldsmith via Practicing the Presence, Chapter 7 "I am the spaces between my thoughts."-via @daytohaveaday via IG“If a man wants to be used by God, he cannot spend all of his time with people.” -A. W. Tozer"Does a young woman forget her jewelry? Does a bride hide her wedding dress? Yet for years on end my people have forgotten me."-Jeremiah 2:32Getting in the Gap- by Wayne Dyer Bonus content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶**I'm on vacation/pilgrimage/a self-care break! New episodes to resume in July!  I'll be checking in regularly on Patreon. I love you and we'll chat soon! Support the show
7/3/20229 minutes, 4 seconds
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Your Attempts to Reach God, Are God's Attempts to Reach You

When you're remembering Love, it's only because Love is remembering you.Holding you.Healing you.Being you.You reaching for God is like a fish reaching for water.We're in It.He's everywhere.Thank God.I Love you,[email protected]'s Quotes: "All your attempts to reach Me, are in reality My attempts to reach you."-Rumi"Sweet is the memory of Jesus, giving true joys to the heart; but sweeter beyond honey and all else is His presence." - from Aldous Huxley's 'The Perennial Philosophy'Bonus content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶**I'm on vacation/pilgrimage/a self-care break! New episodes to resume in July!  I'll be checking in regularly on Patreon. I love you and we'll chat soon! Support the show
7/2/20228 minutes, 22 seconds
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Reform Yourself and You Will Reform Thousands

Only Love is real, and you are That.But while you appear to be this body,praying,wishing,and hoping...serve, too.Serve the seeming others,uplift them,help them.Show them this Way. Show them The Way,that they are Home.I Love you,[email protected]'s Quotes:"I  like when the music happens like this:Something in His eye grabs hold of a tambourine in me, then I turn and lift a violin in someone else, and they turn, and this turning continues;it has reached you now, Isn't that something?"-Rumi via Daniel Ladinsky's book 'Love Poems From God" "Such Love does the sky now pour that whenever I stand in a field, I have to wring out the light when I get home."-St. Francis of Assisi  via Daniel Ladinsky's book 'Love Poems From God" "Let your example be the way to change others lives. Reform yourself and you will reform thousands."-Yogananda Bonus content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶**I'm on vacation/pilgrimage/a self-care break! New episodes to resume in July!  I'll be checking in regularly on Patreon. I love you and we'll chat soon! Support the show
7/1/20227 minutes, 43 seconds
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You Have to Feel the Invisible to Do the Impossible #GMFavorites

Today's Quotes:"You have to see the invisible in order to do the impossible." - Dr. Michael Beckwith"The universe is saying: Allow me to flow through you unrestricted and you will see the greatest magic you have ever seen." - Klaus Joehle "Praying for a change in your life, well maybe it's gon' come tonight." - Kanye West Today's Practice:In your journal write, "The moment I feel Love, I Am ___________." The 'blank' is your desired reality.  Trust that when you are consciously feeling Love, you are Love, and that Love will take the form of that desired reality or something even more in alignment than you can presently imagine.    Don't be attached to outcomes, just trust that It will provide. It always has and It always will, and now, the process is conscious. Keep relaxing into Love, today. Keep breathing into Love, today.  Allowing It to flow unrestricted, absolutely nothing is impossible, and with Love, "everything is achieved." - Neem Karoli BabaBonus content:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶**I'm on vacation/pilgrimage/a self-care break! New episodes to resume in July!  I'll be checking in regularly on Patreon. I love you and we'll chat soon! Support the show
6/12/202214 minutes, 50 seconds
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Chanting is the Fast Pass at Disney World #GMFavorites

DM's with my Go(o)d friend, Ganesh Das, on IG last week inspired today's episode. Chant and proceed :)"Nik: I had a mini revelation a few weeks ago that because we found God's Love, it’s like we can’t help but be in line… we are in cue for Home. But unless we are actively chanting, the line doesn't move very much lol. When we chant, it starts moving again 😂Not sure if that makes sense to anyone but me, but yeah... Things move when I’m doing my 16 rounds.  Stagnation is felt otherwise, inside and out. Ganesh Das: 🤯 That’s it!! Perfect visual representation. Wow. Chanting is the the Fast Pass at Disney World 🤣""If we don't fill our mind with prayer, it will fill itself with anxieties, worries, temptation, resentment, and unwelcome memories." - Unknown via IGChanting is the Fast Pass for our world, for this level of Consciousness.  Silently, inwardly, calling on God, that's how we pray, that's how we move. We fill our minds and hearts with Love and have the time of our lives! I Love you and I'm with you,[email protected] episodes every week:▶▶ Mornings merch:▶▶**Today, I also shared an excerpt from Ram Dass' Miracle of Love, and mentioned this episode about the sacred breath prayer. **I'm on vacation/pilgrimage/a self-care break! New episodes to resume in July!  I'll be checking in regularly on Patreon. I love you and we'll chat soon! Support the show
6/5/20229 minutes, 53 seconds