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Grit 'n' Grace — THE PODCAST Cover
Grit 'n' Grace — THE PODCAST Profile

Grit 'n' Grace — THE PODCAST

English, Christianity, 1 season, 100 episodes, 2 days, 41 minutes
Grit ‘n’ Grace is refreshment for women worn out from following bad rules, working to keep everybody else happy, and overextending their time and emotions. Through interviews with insightful and inspiring guests, Cheri Gregory and Amy Carroll will help you to: · Recalculate your journey from our culture’s bad rules to your own Jesus-made path. · Overcome error terror as you commit to learning from failure. · Replace the exhaustion of self-made goodness with the rest of God’s grace. · Discern whose input to invite and whose feedback to forget. · Leverage the strength of your emotions instead of either ignoring or being ruled by them.
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Episode #269: The End — Closing Thoughts from Cheri & Amy

The saying is true. All good things do come to an end. In this last planned episode of Grit 'n' Grace, Cheri and Amy talk about lessons they've learned about ending well and the biggest personal changes they've experienced through the Grit 'n' Grace years. There are some big lightbulb moments in this episode! Listen to the very end to learn how to keep in touch with Cheri and Amy. Grit 'n' Grace is wrapping up, but your connection with them doesn't have to end!
7/28/202247 minutes
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Episode #268: Becoming an Influential Woman in an Uncertain Time

When we're going through uncertain times, just keeping ourselves afloat can feel like a challenge. It's counterintuitive to believe that uncertainty can be a pathway to our greatest influence. Yet, that's exactly what we see in the book of Esther. With co-authors of the Esther study, Amy Carroll and Lynn Cowell, Cheri discusses four biblical steps that can lead us to influence in our most difficult days.
7/11/202225 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode #267: Seeing Our Invisible God in an Uncertain World

Let's be honest: It's difficult to love, know, and serve an invisible God. It's especially hard in uncertain times when He's nowhere in sight ... when He seems to have vanished. In today's episode, Cheri is the sole interviewer, digging for solutions to this dilemma with Amy Carroll and Lynn Cowell, co-authors of the new study, Esther: Seeing Our Invisible God in an Uncertain World. We're not the only women who have faced this challenge, so listen in for some ancient and reliable truths!
7/3/202229 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode #266: How to Handle Your Strange Season with Hope

It's uncomfortable to be in a strange season, one in which your reality looks very different than your peers'. It can happen early in life when everyone else is moving into dorms while you go to work. Or later, when you're raising grandchildren while your friends are having their passports stamped. No matter the stage of life, you can have hope and purpose in your strange season. Cheri and Amy discuss the difficulties and unexpected gifts we find when our lives take a turn we never expected.
6/28/202227 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode #265: How to Succeed at Raising Your Children’s Children

When grandparents take on the job of parenting grandchildren, a mix of blessing and challenge ensues. From the rich resource of personal experience, Rick Johnson, author of When Grandparents Become Parents, shares a dose of hope for all involved in this tricky parenting model. If you're a grandparent that's parenting your grandchild or love someone who is, tune in today for words of encouragement that you can absorb and share.
6/20/202224 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode #264: How to Seek and Find the Source of Heart Happy

Feeling alone in the chaos and stress of your life? We understand! Yet, everyone has seasons that it's hard to harness the happy that we're promised. In today's episode, Cheri and Amy dig deep into the obstacles to "heart happy" and ways to overcome them. You'll hear both practical tips and deep spiritual practices that will help you draw closer to God for the happy He has to give.
6/13/202230 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode #263: How to Cultivate a Happy Heart in the Midst of Chaos

When you're at the end of your rope, is happiness possible? Tricia Goyer, author of Heart Happy: Staying Centered in God's Love Through Chaotic Circumstances, found a secret to happiness at one of her lowest points. In today's episode, she shares that her life, just like ours, has had some painful challenges, but happiness has intersected those seasons in beautifully unexpected ways. Tune in to tap into a truth that we can all benefit from!
6/5/202231 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode #262: How to Handle Being (Inevitably) Misunderstood

It's coming. There will be a day when others misunderstand you. What then? Cheri and Amy discuss strategies to handle being misunderstood so that we aren't devastated when it happens. We can learn from being misunderstood and come out stronger on the other side!
5/30/202238 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode #261: Finding Women Who "Get You" When You Feel Misunderstood

Being misunderstood is the worst. The Worst. If you've been in that circumstance, you're in good company, and your story isn't over. Mary DeMuth, author of The Most Misunderstood Women of the Bible, unpacks the lessons she learned as she studied the scriptural stories of ten real-life women. This episode is full of mic-drop moments when Cheri and Amy were left with tears in their eyes and jaws on the floor.
5/23/202227 minutes, 15 seconds
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Episode #260: How Do You Feel Worthy When Your Past "Disqualifies" You?

Shadia Hrichi, author of Worthy of Love, knows what it's like to feel unworthy. An abortion early in her life left her believing that she was unqualified to serve God, but He didn't leave her in that untruth. Hear how Shadia, now a powerful Bible teacher, ended her silent suffering and experienced healing. Her saving grace can be yours too!
5/17/202226 minutes, 1 second
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Episode #259: How to Trust that Your Messy Story Can Be Redeemed

There's bad news and good news about your messy story. The bad news is that messy stories are straight-up painful. The good news is that you aren't alone. Shadia Hrichi, author of Tamar: Rediscovering the God Who Redeems Me, shares hope-filled truths about how God Himself cares for and transforms our painful places.
5/11/202228 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode #258: Why Learning How to Quit Good Things is a Vital Life Skill

It's important to end well, but it's tricky. As women, we don't like to feel like we're quitters, so we often hold onto things too long. But what about jobs, roles, and circumstances that are just for a season? How do we end those well? In this touching episode, Cheri and Amy discuss markers of an ending season, hard decisions, and learning how to end with excellence and grace.
3/27/202227 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode #257: How to Stop Dieting and Live in Peace with Food (Part 2)

So many of us have an unhealthy relationship with food. The disfunction can range from hypervigilance to constant dieting to eating disorders. Kassandra Baker, Certified Health, Life, and Mental Health Coach, explains how perfectionism and people-pleasing can be part of our problem with food. Then, she leads us to a new understanding about the way we eat. Speaking from her own personal experience and recovery from two eating disorders, Kassandra leads us to freedom from diet culture.
3/22/202228 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode #256: How to Stop Dieting and Live in Peace with Food (Part 1)

Ugh. It seems like this thought rolls through on the regular, "Well, it's time to diet again." What if it was possible to end our love/hate relationship with food and live in peace? Kassandra Baker, Certified Health, Life, and Mental Health Coach, says that peace can be our new reality! Speaking from her own personal experience and recovery from two eating disorders, Kassandra leads us to freedom from diet culture.
3/16/202230 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode #255: How to Build a Close Friendship with Holy Spirit

It's the member of the Trinity that makes us most squirmy. Because of a lack of knowledge, many of us avoid talking about the Holy Spirit at all, and most of us have missed out on the gift of friendship with Him. Sarah Bowling, author of Your Friendship with Holy Spirit, shares a warm, down-to-earth approach to deepening our relationship with God through a greater understanding of Holy Spirit (she explains dropping the article "the" for us!). This episode will take you into the more intimate relationship with God that you've longed for.
3/9/202233 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode #254: What Do You Do When Suddenly... He's HOME?! (Part 2)

When your husband's retired or continuing to work from home, things can get a little hairy. It can feel like you're losing control of "your domain." Cynthia Ruchti and Becky Melby, co-authors of Spouse in the House, give practical advice for rearranging our attitudes to make room for all we love at home.
3/1/202220 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode #253: What Do You Do When Suddenly ... He's HOME?! (Part 1)

When your husband's retired or continuing to work from home, things can get a little hairy. It can feel like you're losing control of "your domain." Cynthia Ruchti and Becky Melby, co-authors of Spouse in the House, give practical advice for rearranging our attitudes to make room for all we love at home.
2/23/202232 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode #252: 4 Insights that Will Dramatically Improve Your Painful Relationships

Are you bogged down in the pain of some of your most important relationships, feeling like a failure in what matters most to you? Today's episode has four key concepts that can truly change everything. You'll not only see things differently, but you'll have new hope for better things to come. Processing last week's interview with Lily Taylor, author of Unconfined: Lessons from Prison and the Journey of Being Set Free, Cheri and Amy are on a relational-realizations roll. You don't want to miss this one!
2/15/202234 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode #251: Hope-filled Lessons Learned in Heartbreak

Sometimes life takes a turn far worse than you could have imagined. That was true for Lily Taylor, author of Unconfined: Lessons from Prison and the Journey of Being Set Free, during the eight years her son was imprisoned on drug charges. But even in that dark season, rays of God's love and care shone through. Join us today to hear Lily's dramatic, true story and to get a dose of hope that heals the most broken heart.
2/8/202232 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode #250: Learning to Understand Jesus' Most Confusing Words

We all have them. You know... the passages about Jesus that we'd rather skip. They're confusing, and confusion makes us scared. What if Jesus isn't who we hope He is? Dr. Amy-Jill Levine, rides to our rescue in this episode, teaching us how to think through these difficult verses instead of blowing past them. (Spoiler Alert: Jesus IS who we hope He is ... and more.) Come sit at the table and learn alongside Amy & Cheri!
1/26/202229 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode #249: Two Powerful Ahas About Living with No Regrets

Cheri and Amy share take-your-breath-away insights about how to live a no-regrets life. Far from being intimidating (I mean really, who has no regrets? No one.), this episode is personal, raw and applicable. Amy has already declared this one "GnG's most impactful episode ever." It's one you'll want to listen to twice and share with all your friends!
1/20/202230 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode #248: How to Live in the Joy of a No-Regrets Life

We can easily become paralyzed by our regrets, giving up the life God has for us and surrendering His joy. Although we all have sins, disappointments, and heartaches, it's possible to surrender those points of regret to God in ways that release us. Rhonda Stoppe, the "No Regrets Woman," shares biblical strategies that help us to move forward in freedom and joy.
1/13/202235 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode #247: 5 Ways to Break Out and Experience God's Abundant Place for You

Many of us feel caged by our circumstances. Maybe it's being enclosed in a hard marriage, a job you hate, or a painful friendship that's making you feel trapped. Or perhaps it's just ... well ... a GLOBAL PANDEMIC. Kathi Lipp and Cheri Gregory talk today about five ways to move toward An Abundant Place, even when you feel like you can't get away. This is an interview that will breathe fresh, new-year freedom into your heart!
1/5/202225 minutes, 39 seconds
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End-of-2021 Bonus-sode #2: 3 Ways to Make 2022 a Creative New Year

Once more, Amy and Cheri welcome back Grit ‘n’ Grace’s most frequent and beloved guest, Kathi Lipp — co-author (with Cheri) of the new devo: An Abundant Place: Daily Retreats for the Woman Who Can’t Get Away.  Kathi and Cheri share the challenges they faced while writing a book about "abundance" during a time of unprecedented scarcity. And Kathi shares three practical tips for rediscovering (or perhaps reviving) your own creativity in the new year. She reminds us that whether you're writing or cooking or painting or keeping humans alive, "You're putting a creative force in the world. And that's to be celebrated."
12/24/202111 minutes, 32 seconds
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End-of-2021 Bonus-sode #1: Creating an Abundant Place with God Right Where You Are

In this special year-end bonus-sode, Amy and Cheri welcome back Grit ‘n’ Grace’s most frequent and beloved guest, Kathi Lipp — co-author (with Cheri) of the new devo: An Abundant Place: Daily Retreats for the Woman Who Can't Get Away. In this candid conversation about connecting with God in the everyday ordinaries of our often-overwhelmed lives, Kathi reminds us that "Our minds and souls don't have to be bound by our location." Join in for a time of laughter, reflection, and planning for abundance, right where you are, right now.
12/18/202111 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode #246: One Step to Escape the Burden of Better

Comparison. It's so easy to slip into it. Before we're even aware, we want her story, her talents, or her body. The lines between healthy growth and the obsessive pursuit of better get blurred, and we're back in the comparison trap, stripped of joy and feeling less than. Heather Creekmore, author of The Burden of Better: How a Comparison-Free Life Leads to Joy, Peace, and Rest, gives us one sure step out of the destructive habit of comparison. Listen in today to receive the gift we all want!
12/8/202131 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode #245: How to Find Hope in Your Divorce Story

When life as you know it — as you dreamed it — ends, it can lead to a deep sense of hopelessness. That's what our guest, Tracie Miles, author of Living Unbroken: Reclaiming Your Life and Heart after Divorce, felt in the early days of her marriage ending. But she didn't stay there. God helped her to move forward, and she's sharing her story so that we can experience the healing that she has received. We can live unbroken, even when the last thing we ever expected becomes part of our story.
11/30/202127 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode #244: How to Handle the Holidays with Great Joy

Can it be? Thanksgiving is almost here, and Christmas is on the way! This is the year for joy to abound more than ever. Jill Baughan, host of the "Find Joy ... No Matter What" podcast, gives us small, daily exercises that can change everything about how we relate to all the bumps and twists coming our way in the next month. Make sure to listen in to this delightful episode. You'll find your heart readjusted and rested.
11/22/202133 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode #243: How to Increase Your Joy Quotient

Some folks seem wired for joy, carrying sunshine in their pockets everywhere they go. But what if your natural wiring leans more toward "cloudy" or if your circumstances have blown in some storms? Speaker and author Jill Baughan reassures us that we can find joy ... no matter what! If you're struggling to dredge up joy right now, this episode is filled with practical wisdom and quirky, laugh-out-loud moments. (Portrait with a monkey, anyone?!)
11/16/202128 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode #242: How to Make 2022 a Fabulous Year for You

It's been a tough couple of years for everyone, but the fresh start that January offers is on its way. This is the year to step into the trifecta that God has for us. Yes, we can (1) glorify God, (2) love our people well, and (3) have a joyful life all at the same time! Tune in today for a conversation with women who have stepped into the life that they were created for. Their aha moments and practical steps will leave you inspired to see 2022 as the year for you!
11/11/202132 minutes, 1 second
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Episode #241: How to Exhale the Good, Bad and Very Ugly of 2021

The year is winding down (can I hear a Hallelujah?!) which means that it's time to evaluation and celebrate. Amy and Cheri do a year in review, discussing what they've done well and not so well in losing who they're NOT, loving who they ARE, and living their ONE life well. Listen in for lots of giggles and some high impact moments too!
11/3/202137 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode #240: Real Talk About Pregnancy Loss — Part 2

So many of us struggle to know what to say and do when someone we know is hurting. That feeling of helplessness can multiply when it involves the loss of a child. In this second episode with Rachel Lewis — author of Unexpecting: Real Talk on Pregnancy Loss — she helps us all to become more grief literate. Rachel not only explains practically how we can help others in their grief but also how to manage our own better. This is an episode that we all need in a pain-stricken, broken world.
10/26/202134 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode #239: Real Talk About Pregnancy Loss

It's a loss that's so common that it's often tragically overlooked. Whether you've personally miscarried or love someone who has, you know the unspoken pain of losing a child. Rachel Lewis, author of Unexpecting, tenderly leads us to a deeper understanding of healthy ways to deal with grief triggers, physical changes, and the dismissiveness of others. Rachel also gently instructs us to bring healing, not more hurt, into others' pregnancy loss. This important episode is not to be missed.
10/19/202137 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode #238: Callings, Qualifiers, and Cultivating Habits that Set You Up for Success

Calling can seem like something that's mystical. Something that's given only to the special people. But calling is for all of us... if we can overcome feeling disqualified. Cheri and Amy discuss being used by God despite their failings and give practical practices that set us up to follow God into our assignments. (Also, find out what set Amy on an oppositional defiant path this week!)
10/3/202128 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode #237: Why the Future of Flawed People Is Brighter Than You Think

So often, we can feel disqualified by our flaws. Jodie Niznik, author of Crossroads: a Study of Esther and Jonah for Boldly Responding to Your Call, assures us again that God uses very ordinary, very flawed people. Using Esther and Jonah as biblical examples, Jodie encourages each of us that we have a significant place — warts and all! — in God's story.
9/26/202131 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode #236: How Thankfulness, Kindness, and Mercy Lead to Greater Peace

What if peace comes with practice? That was the question that set Kay Wyma, author of The Peace Project: a 30-Day Experiment Practicing Thankfulness, Kindness, and Mercy, on a path to find the key elements that lead to peace. Kay shares the way she stumbled into the some counterintuitive truths for battling anxiety, and then she dives into the brain science (squeeee!). This fun episode will leave you with powerful, practical tips to practice yourself into peace.
9/20/202132 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode #235: How to Live in Peace Even When You Want to Go to War

In our contentious culture, there are dozens of triggers every day. One of our buzz words is uttered (or typed), and we go from sipping coffee to armoring up for war. How can we find peace when we feel so embattled? In today's interview with Amberly Neese, author of Common Ground: Loving Others Despite Our Differences, we learn lessons for loving others well ... even when we disagree with them.
9/12/202130 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode #234: How to Live the Unexpected Gift of Being Intentionally Average

It's easy to get so caught up in the roller coaster ride of pursuing amazing that we miss the blessings of slow growth and intentional focus. Cheri and Amy discuss the lessons they've learned (some the hard way!) about trying to make up for lost time and chasing dreams of being spectacular. It turns out that "average" is a life of many gifts! Listen in and celebrate with us.
8/15/202135 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode #233: How to Harvest the Gains of Your Slow Growth

Choosing farm life was a difficult shift for Jennifer Dukes Lee, author of Growing Slow. But over time, as she watched the seasons of planting, growing, harvest and fallow, she began to see the benefits of internal seasons too. Sharing wisdom from creation and personal experience, Jennifer lays out the compelling reasons that we need to reconsider our go-faster-lives.
8/10/202134 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode #232: Developing an Easy Companionship with God

What would it be like to have an easy companionship with God? One like you have with your best friend? It's possible! Instead of fearing Him as a taskmaster, we can know God as our tutor. Instead of fleeing Him in a panic, we can walk in God's presence. We can take off our masks and enjoy our Maker. Tune in as Amy and Cheri discuss their growth in God, unveiling the joy of living closer to Him.
7/25/202121 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode #231: Tapping Into Your Promised Deep & Wide Life

We believe in Jesus, becoming a part of His family, and then what? A less-than life is what this week's guest, Shellie Rushing Tomlinson — author of Finding Deep & Wide — lived for years. She knew there was more, but she wasn't sure how to tap into it. Through hilarious stories, Shellie shares what she's learned about the life she first heard about in Sunday School as a little girl, the deep and wide life.
7/18/202132 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode #230: Crushing Your Facade by Craving Freedom

It can be scary to come out from behind our carefully crafted facades. Living in freedom makes it so, so worth it, though. Today, as Cheri and Amy reflect on their interview with Barb Roose — author of Breakthrough: Finding Freedom in Christ — they share facade-crushing truths they've learned in pursuit of true freedom in Christ. You may find that there's something better than being a super-Christian!
6/27/202124 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode #229: How to Find the Elusive Freedom You Long For

It's a common human failing to add extra layers on our faith in order to feel good about our relationship with God. Unfortunately, that destructive habit leads to bondage rather than the freedom for which we long. From the book of Galatians, Barb Roose — author of Breakthrough: Finding Freedom in Christ — shares six freedom principles in this episode that will take your breath away and breathe freedom into your walk with God. Freedom may be elusive, but it's not impossible!
6/20/202130 minutes, 20 seconds
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Episode #228: How to Build a Variety of Habits Called Faith

Building a habit can have a bad rap unless the end-goal is a pleasure. Knowing God, our highest pleasure, is a goal that can keep us motivated! Today, Cheri and Amy knock obstacles to spiritual growth out of the way and reveal the winsome ways that God keeps them growing.
6/13/202127 minutes, 20 seconds
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Episode #227: Stepping Into the Good Life of Faith

Developing new and better habits sometimes feels like too much work. But often the work of change is worth it. Jen Pollock Michel, author of A Habit Called Faith, calls us into habits that will deepen our relationship with God. This life of faith is better than any other we've imagined, so tune in today to hear more!
5/29/202127 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode #226: How to Grow in God in Ways You Never Imagined

Limited. That's the way most of us would describe our understanding of the spiritual growth curve. Today, Cheri and Amy discuss what they've been learning about the stages of spiritual growth from Kristie Gaultiere, co-author of Journey of the Soul: A Practical Guide to Emotional and Spiritual Growth. God wants us to know Him in ways deeper than ever before! Listen in today to get a hope-filled view of our struggles and a glimpse of the spiritual riches beyond the walls we all hit.  
5/23/202132 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode #225: How to See the Joyful Journey Your Soul's Already On

When we watch a baby grow, we understand that there are developmental stages, but we often expect our souls (and others') to arrive full-grown! Kristi Gaultiere, co-author of Journey of the Soul: a Practical Guide to Emotional and Spiritual Growth, introduces us to the spiritual formation of our souls. It's a joy-filled concept that will allow you to enjoy your soul's steps as well as extend grace to those behind you.
5/15/202128 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode #224: Embracing the Peace of Being a New Creation

We're told that we're a new creation in Christ, but do we believe it? Do we live like we are? Too often Christian women feel that we need to work to make it true. Today, you can lay down all the effort of trying harder and pick up the peace that you've been given. Cheri and Amy process the revolutionary freedom found in living the truth about our new life.
5/9/202127 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode #223: How to Live in the Peace of Who You Really Are

Angst-y describes the way most of us live our Christian life. Angst over our sins and mistakes. Distress over the ways we fall short. Despair that our trying harder never seems to get us where we want to go spiritually. What if we don't have to live that way? Today, Andrew Farley, author of The Perfect You gives us the secret to overcoming angst with peace. This interview is revolutionary and not to be missed!   "I know we use Bible words like righteousness and holiness. But a lot of Christians feel dirty and distant."  ~Andrew Farley
5/2/202132 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode #222: How to Transform Your Closet from Disaster to Delight

After slumping into a COVID wardrobe rut, Cheri and Amy needed some help from Shari Braendel of Fashion Meets Faith to get their groove back. Today they discuss their transformation from a 24/7 yoga pants trend to a dive into spring. This fun fashion episode will lift your spirits, give you some laughs, and it just might inspire you to start a transformation of your own. You can look your most beautiful with a plan on a budget!
4/7/202125 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode #221: Spring Trends and Other Fashion Fun

It may seem counterintuitive to include fashion in a series about spiritual disciplines. It's not a stretch, though, as today's guest, Shari Braendel of Fashion Meets Faith explains. Tune in today for loads of fun, tips about picking the colors that make you shine, and spring trends that will delight every girly soul.
3/31/202125 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode #220: How to Find Renewal in Your Hard Story

What do you do when you're drowning in the bitterness stoked by hard circumstances? Most of us don't want to stay there but aren't sure how to swim to higher ground. Heather Dixon, author of Renewed: Finding Hope When You Don’t Like Your Story, gives practical help from both her own difficult story and the biblical story of Naomi. Just when you're about to give up and go under, there's hope to hang on to!
3/25/202136 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode #219: Hope for When Life Falls Apart

It's hard to come up with strategies for keeping your head above water when it's already up to your neck! In this episode, Cheri and Amy process the amazing insights they gained from author Sheri Rose Shepherd — author of Beyond the White Picket Fence: What to Do When Your Life is Dismantled — through their unique lens. You can lose some things that lighten you, love some things that buoy you, and live your one life well... even in the midst of crisis.
3/16/202126 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode #218: What to Do When Your Life is Dismantled

We've all experienced heart break. But what do you do when devastating circumstances crash over you, one after the other, like waves on the shore? Sheri Rose Shepherd, author of No More Picket Fences, has lived through a simultaneous diagnosis, divorce, and season of sickness with her mother. She has the authority to encourage women whose lives have been dismantled, and she pulls out all the stops in this riveting episode.
3/10/202127 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode #217: You Have Permission to Be Fully You

What is it about receiving permission? Permission often gives us the confidence and courage to step into what we've always longed to be. Bethany Howard, author of Permission Granted, shares thoughtful and creative ways to be your fullest God-created self. Don't miss listening today because you're going to get a unique dose of poetry reading that will set your soul soaring!
2/23/202122 minutes, 52 seconds
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Episode #216: Knowing the Names Is the Secret to Growing Grit

Since the beginning, names have had significance. The meaning of our name is often a blessing spoken over our birth. As Melissa Spoelstra, author of The Names of God, shares, God's names have more transforming power than any other. Listen in today as she explains how knowing His names grows our grit and helps us through hard times. This episode will be balm to your soul!
2/17/202127 minutes, 52 seconds
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Episode #215: How to Release and Surrender the "Extra" of 2020

Barb Roose, author of Surrendered: 40 Devotions to Help You Let Go and Live Like Jesus and one of Grit 'n' Grace's favorites, shares how to let go of all the residual angst from 2020,. Otherwise known as "the year of extra," there's a lot to release! In an interview infused with practical help, Barb leads listeners to let go of control and surrender to God's hope and peace.
2/9/202127 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode #214: Strengthening Yourself with Helpful Facts About Menopause

Menopause: you had questions. we got you answers! In this riveting conversation with Amy's gynecologist, Nurse Practitioner Julie Keeler, you'll hear the medical/physical side of menopause. Julie helps us better understand our body's changes, navigate a heightened set of emotions, address sleep disturbances, and more. Women of all ages will appreciate the real talk on an often-ignored topic!
2/2/202132 minutes, 47 seconds
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Episode #213: Harnessing the Unexpected Power of Joy in Your Life

Joy is a gift that we all aspire to own, but circumstances sometimes make it feel elusive. Through two years filled with trials, Suzie Eller, author of Joy-Keeper: 6 Truths that Change Everything You Thought You Knew About Joy, revamped her personal definition of joy and honed ways to maintain it. Make sure to join us as Suzie outlines the joy-stealers in our lives and gives us ways to vanquish them with a deeper, grounded joy.
1/26/202129 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode #212: How to Take the Pressure Off Yourself in Evangelism

How do you respond to the word evangelism? Does it evoke excitement and joy? Or does it spark guilt and dread? Cheri & Amy discuss their past experiences-- the good, the bad, and the very, very ugly. Based on the model in B.L.E.S.S.: 5 Everyday Ways to Love Your Neighbor and Change the World, by Dave and Jon Ferguson, they also process the paradigm shift that they experienced in seeing evangelism in a new way. No more converter guilt for them ... or you!
1/13/202125 minutes, 58 seconds
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Episode #211: How to Use the Power of Blessing to Help People to God

Do you suffer from "converter guilt"? It's the feeling of failure when you desperately want people to know Jesus, but you've failed to share the Gospel ... again. It's a terrible feeling that most of us have experienced, but today you can be released! Dave and Jon Ferguson, brothers and co-authors of B.L.E.S.S.: 5 Everyday Ways to Love Your Neighbor and Change the World share solutions in this episode that will empower you to help people around you back to God.
1/6/202128 minutes, 50 seconds
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Minisode #2: Creating a Gift That Can Change a Life

If you're looking for that last-minute, perfect Christmas gift, we've got it for you! Our favorite creative, Kristie Christie, joins us today to help us with creative gift-giving that has the impact of a lifetime.
12/16/202014 minutes, 22 seconds
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Minisode #1: How You Can Make Someone's Story Better

Our dear friend Mary Snyder joins Grit 'n' Grace today. With humor (lots of funny in this one!) and southern charm, Mary shares stories that will move you and spur you to action.
12/7/202014 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode #210: Creating a Richer Life through a Passion for Pets

Animals, especially our pets, are so much more than just something to cuddle. Pets enrich our lives and create growth in delightful ways. Listen in as Amy and Cheri reminisce about their fur-babies and the lessons they've learned from them. There's lots of laughter (drunk dog, anyone?) and some tears shed too, but you won't be able to walk away without memories of your own furry friends flooding to the surface!
11/17/202027 minutes, 32 seconds
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Episode #209: How to Tap the Joy and Wisdom of Your Furry Friends

Jen Bleakley, author of Pawverbs: 100 Inspirations to Delight an Animal Lover's Heart, believes that God uses animals to both teach and heal us. In this interview, Jen discusses how animals can be tangible tie-ins to the wisdom in the book of Proverbs, and she gives us a glimpse into how pets can be one of God's greatest gifts. Listen in for delightful insights about the furry friends that we don't want to live without!
11/10/202024 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode #208: Bursting Out of the First-Half-of-Life Boxes

"Over the hill." "No spring chicken." "Has been." These are some of the derogatory terms for people who are aging, but those negative stereotypes are being dismantled. 50 is the new 30, baby! In this conversation, Cheri and Amy discuss the abundant gifts that are emerging as they age. With real talk about menopause and after, they process the second half of life as a time of thriving, not wilting.
11/5/202038 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode #207: How Menopause Might Take You by Surprise (in a GOOD way!)

The word "menopause" is often associated with its negative symptoms — hot flashes, sleeplessness, and weight struggles. But what if we've missed the gifts associated with menopause? Through personal experience and research, Dr. Cheryl Bridges Johns has identified 7 benefits of this oft-maligned season in a woman's life. Listen in today to hear the good gifts God has in store for His maturing daughters!
10/27/202033 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode #206: Using the Pain of Suffering to Grow and Help

Suffering is painful; we'd all like to avoid it. Suffering also has a redemptive quality that is often more powerful than we imagine. Amy and Cheri discuss their own times of suffering and the lessons they've learned. They've found that the redemption's not only personal—it's a gift to pass on to others! Listen in for a changed perspective on the gift that none of us would choose.
10/20/202031 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode #205: How to Grow Through the Terrible Beauty of Refining

It's a hard truth: our greatest times of growth most often happen during seasons of suffering. How do we leverage the hard places instead of crumbling under them? Meg Apperson, author of Sky Full of Stars: Learning to Surrender to God’s Perfect Plans, tells her story of suffering through the diagnosis and birth of her daughter who has a cranial facial syndrome. Listen in to hear how Meg has embraced their family's continuing suffering as a gift of God's Presence that brings growth.
10/14/202030 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode #204: Celebrating Freedom by Kicking Comparison to the Curb

Since comparison is a trap that keeps us from fully being ourselves, we have to take intentional steps to see it as an enemy and kick it to the curb. From the heart conditions that spark comparison to practical steps to walk into a comparison-free space, our Grit 'n' Grace friends, Cheri and Amy, cover it all with transparency.
10/7/202028 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode #203: How to Find Your True Measure

"Do I measure up?" Often, when we're trying to answer that question, we look around at everyone else to find our answer. In a word: we compare. In this episode, Shannon Popkin, author of Comparison Girl, shares a new and better way to find our true measure. She leads us to Jesus' example, which — instead of making us feel less than or greater than — will set us free! 
9/29/202032 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode #202: How to Harness the Problem-Solving Power of Learning

Concerning our American race problems, do you feel overwhelmed with conflicting emotions and a lack of understanding? You're in good company. The amount that many of us need to learn is enormous, but there's good news. You don't have to learn it all today. You can take one do-able step at a time. Tune in today to hear what Cheri and Amy have been learning that's making a difference.
9/22/202047 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode #201: What You Learn About Race Today Can Help Tomorrow

In the wake of so many race-related tragedies in America, many of us are suddenly aware of all the things we didn't know. Race educator and two-time Grit 'n' Grace guest, Dr. Lucretia Berry, explains the importance of knowing the history of race so that we can face today's problems and build a better future. Listen in today to hear how to talk to your family and community in ways that create solutions.
9/15/202029 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode #200: Tapping Into a Love with No Performance Review

Many of us have adopted a skewed view of love. The belief that we're loved for our performance or productivity starts burrowing into hearts when we're young, and those deep-seeded convictions are hard to overcome. But these beliefs aren't innocuous. Over time, they kill our souls by drips. Listen in as Amy and Cheri process two truths about who we are that will dismantle the lies that keep us from living loved.
9/9/202033 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode #199: How to Lift a Girl's Heart (and Your Own in the Process)

At the core of every girl is the need to be loved and cherished, yet many of us missed out on those gifts. Either they weren't given by those who nurtured us or they didn't make it over the obstacles in our own hearts. Lynn Cowell, co-author of Loved and Cherished: 100 Devotions for Girls, discusses how to lead girls to God's perfect love even when they feel less than perfect. If you need to know how to build love's strong foundation for a girl in your life, or if you feel called to strengthen your own underpinnings, tune in to hear God's heart for all His daughters.
9/2/202028 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode #198: How to Lose the Old "Control Freak" Label

Even if "control freak" has felt like part of your DNA, you can lose that label today. In fact, you can lose it in a minute. Listen to this episode where Amy and Cheri lose who they're not — control freaks — and unpack the joy of moving into the new identity of "surrendered." It's as simple as one choice, and what you need is just on the other side!
7/8/202032 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode #197: How to Harness the Transforming Power of Surrender

Often, when we think of surrender, we think of weakness and giving up. But what if it's the opposite? What if surrender is where true power is found? Barb Roose, author of Surrendered: Letting Go and Living Like Jesus, explains the downsides of control and the beautiful benefits of letting God lead. She gives 6 surrender principles that are tools taking hold of peace, joy, and power. For all of us that struggle with the "C-word" (control), this episode is freedom!
7/1/202028 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode #196: How to Cancel Your Happiness Exemption

Do you ever feel like happiness is for other people, not you? In this episode, Cheri and Amy discuss the difficulties of embracing the happiness that's ours in Christ. As we learned in the last episode, all who are His have happiness as their birthright. It's time to cancel our "happiness exemption" and embrace what's woven into our spiritual DNA! Scripture: Psalm 1:1-3 1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.
6/18/202034 minutes
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A Special Invitation to You from Amy

When it comes to the conversation about race, are you… Afraid to ask questions or speak up for fear of “saying it wrong?” Tired of divisive messages from the noisy extremes? Overwhelmed by the amount of information and unsure where to find reliable sources? If you feel that way, I completely understand. I’ve been in your shoes. About three years ago, God started to gently but firmly teach me (Amy Carroll) through race education experts and loving friends. I’m not an expert, in fact I still feel like a beginner, but I have some valuable resources and experiences to share from my journey. If you’d like to be part of a private Facebook group, a safe, shame-free environment to learn and grow, for 30 days of committed community around racial reconciliation, please search 30 Days Toward Unity and Love and ask to join. Starting the week of Jun 14, we’ll process one small, daily piece of information together. Each week, there will be: A chance to process questions with no fear of attack Scriptural encouragement Links to trusted resources Interviews with women of color who generously share their perspective Note: This group will close to new members on Friday, June 19th. If you'd like to join, you must answer at least one question and agree to the group rules. Hope to see you there!
6/14/20209 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode #195: What If Happy is Holy?

What if the pursuit of happiness has gotten a bad rap? What if it's not wrong or selfish but rather part of who we're meant to be? Katie Orr, the author of Secrets of the Happy Soul, explains the true meaning and source of happiness, giving us the green light to chase it with all our hearts. You'll leave this episode feeling freed and, well, ... happy!
6/10/202029 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode #194: Walking in Your New Life of Victory

In a frank discussion, Amy an Cheri process the steps (and mis-steps) required to move into a victorious life. They unpack how to leave your old stories in favor of the new one, how to leverage your past as a tool, and how to vanquish your habit of trying to fix it all. It takes God's power to remake our old stories into victory stories, but it's possible!
6/3/202026 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode #193: You Can Leave Your "Victim" Label Behind

People almost always become a victim by circumstances beyond their control, but even when your circumstances change, it's hard to lose the label. With great compassion and tenderness, Cynthia Garrett, a victim of childhood sexual abuse, rape, abuse, and cancer, shares the tools she's learned to move from victim to victory. Although it's a painful journey, Cynthia shows us with her own life that it's possible. Don't miss this unique and powerful episode.
5/27/202034 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode #192: You're Not Alone in Anxiety and Depression

One of the greatest lies that keeps us isolated in suffering is the demonic hiss, "You're the only one." In this episode, Cheri and Amy dispel that lie by transparently sharing their own struggles with anxiety and depression. If you feel stuck and/or alone in dealing with your own mental health issues or someone else's, this episode will leave you with both comfort and practical tools for a healthier, happier life.
5/20/202027 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode #191: How to Handle Anxiety and Depression with Hope

Would you be surprised to know that a Superior Court Justice in California has suffered from anxiety and depression? Tim Fall, author of Running for Judge, has built a thriving family and career while wrestling with mental health issues. Sharing his story without shame, Tim is working to break down the stigmas so many still carry about mental illness. If you live with anxiety or depression, or love someone who does, Tim's perspective will fill you with hope and encouragement!
5/13/202039 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode #190: Three Practical Steps to Feel Confidence in Crisis

Being prepared for any crisis or emergency can feel overwhelming, but we don't have to live in fear and paralysis. Using practical advice from Kathi Lipp, Cheri and Amy process their readiness and come up with three small steps forward that we can all take today. We can be ready for anything!
5/6/202040 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode #189: How to Move Beyond the Catcher-Upper Life

Recently, we've all been tested in the area of crisis preparedness. What grade would you give yourself? Were you ahead of the curve or scrambling to catch up? Kathi Lipp, author of Ready for Anything, gives us practical steps to be prepared when an emergency, natural disaster, or other crisis hits. Listen in today so that you, too, are ready for anything!
4/29/202034 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode #188: Hello to Grit 'n' Grace 2.0!

In an unexpected plot twist, God didn't shut down Grit 'n' Grace. He simply gave the gifts of redirection and fresh focus. Cheri and Amy talk about what's going away in the podcast, what's staying, and what's new. They're over-the-moon excited about a new beginning, and you're a big part of it! Listen in to see how you can be involved in the interviews.
4/22/202039 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode #187: Farewell to Good Girls Breaking Bad Rules

All good things must come to an end. Or do they? In this episode, Cheri and Amy describe a near-miss and how God put them back on track. But it's a new track and a fresh vision for Grit 'n' Grace, so tune in for a funeral of sorts ... but mostly, an exciting rebirth.
4/15/202024 minutes, 47 seconds
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Episode #186: Why the Complications of Community are So Worth It

"Sometimes it's just easier to be alone." Have you ever thought this after wrestling with a complication of community? You're not alone! Cheri and Amy have a candid conversation about the challenges of being in community. Ultimately, though, community has pay-offs that make the difficulties worth navigating. Listen in for encouragement that will leave you ready to dive back into deeper relationships again.
2/27/202027 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode #185: What to Do with the Parts of You that You Don't Like

We're all a mix of good and bad, virtue and vice. This truth can leave us striving to fix ourselves and feeling like a failure when we inevitably fall short. Amy and Cheri discuss how we can tell the difference between the way God has made us and the unhealthy ways we've developed. Listen in to find freedom from the angst that picking yourself apart can bring!
2/16/202031 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode #184: How to Find Books that Create a Shift

What books made your favorites list in 2019? In this episode, Cheri and Amy share their list and the top lessons they learned from them. If you're looking for a great read, listen in for books that will challenge you and shift your ways of thinking and doing.
2/10/202024 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode #183: One Thing You Need to Know About Self Care

Self-care is such a fraught topic for reforming perfectionists and people-pleasers, isn't it? In this episode, Amy and Cheri discuss their Enneagram types and answer listener questions about self care. They share how the Enneagram can serve as a valuable tool for knowing what kind of self care you need and tackle the question, "When is it okay to put myself first?" Most importantly, they explore what self care is — and is not — from a Biblical perspective.
2/4/202031 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode #182: Avoiding the Bite of Blind Spots

In this New Year episode, Tim Riddle and Fil Anderson—authors of Blind Spots—unpack the dangers of what we don't see or know about ourselves. Growth and change is on all of our minds as we head into 2020, and unearthing blind spots is a great place to start! Amy and Cheri end with an important Grit 'n' Grace announcement that includes YOU.
1/5/202037 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode #181: How to Find the Gift in "Wobbly"

Feeling a little off-balance is the norm this busy time of year! Most of us try to correct quickly, but what if there's actually a gift embedded in that uncomfortable feeling? Amy and Cheri talk about how "wobbly" has been a catalyst for growth and forward movement in their lives at just the right moments. Listen in today to unwrap one of the best gifts in store for you this season!
12/23/201925 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode #180: What to Do with the Life You Didn't Design

None of us get exclusive rights to design a perfect life, but how can we find joy in the life that we have? Tracy Steele, author of A Redesigned Life: Uncovering God's Purpose When Life Doesn't Go as Planned, shares the principles of our Divine Designer that help us find meaning in His work. When life doesn't go according to our plans (and when does it?!), there's hope in knowing that God has a purpose for every circumstance, even the difficult ones.
12/16/201919 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode #179: How to Handle an "Overweight" Friendship

Friendships are healthy when both parties seek God as the primary source. But when we start seeking a friend to fill our needs, watch out! Putting too much emphasis on any friendship makes it "overweight." Cheri and Amy discuss strategies for shifting our focus back to God, which takes the excess pressure off our friends.
12/1/201920 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode #178: What to Do When Your Friendship's a Little Off

Have you ever had a friendship that was just a little off? You really liked the person, but they were too clingy or demanding or jealous of your other friendships. Or maybe you've been that person? Ouch! That's hard to contemplate, but Kelly Needham, author of Friendish, helps us to strengthen our friendships by putting them into their correct perspective. Tune in for tips to turn your friend-ish relationships into true friendships!
11/26/201926 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode #177: The Unshakeable Presence of a God Who Never Leaves

It's that time of year again, when we're getting ready to celebrate all that God has done for us. But what if your faith is faltering? What if the disappointments and questions have piled up so high that you can't even see Him? With her trademark blend of compassion and candor, Michele Cushatt, author of Relentless, tackles these hard questions head-on, sharing Biblical truths discovered during her own years of searching for God's presence in the midst of suffering. Whether you're struggling this holiday season, or love someone who is, you'll be reassured, challenged, and greatly encouraged!
11/17/201913 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode #176: The World Needs Your Gift of Sensitivity

Amy and Cheri dive deep into the hidden strengths of Highly Sensitive Persons. Amy opens up about her experience as a mom raising an HSP son. Cheri discloses a sneaky misconception about HSP's and reveals the strengths locked inside. You'll also receive practical insight into how your strengths can be used in the world in a powerful way. God made you on purpose for a purpose. Find out what it is!
11/10/201923 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode #175: Finding the Strength of Your Sensitive Heart

For too long, the word "sensitive" has evoked negative associations. But research shows that 20% of the population have Sensory Processing Sensitivity. In this context, "sensitive" does not automatically mean emotional ... fragile .... or drama queen.  Denise J. Hughes and Cheri Gregory, co-authors of Sensitive and Strong, are debunking myths around being a Highly Sensitive Person and celebrating the unique contributions HSPs have to offer the world. If you're a Highly Sensitive Person, you'll hear how you can leverage your beautiful sensitive heart and celebrate who you ARE. If you're not an HSP, you'll learn how you can better understand the Highly Sensitive Persons in your life.
11/2/201927 minutes, 30 seconds