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Hebrew Nation Online

Anglais, Judaism, 59 saisons, 1058 épisodes, 3 jours, 11 heures, 24 minutes
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Exploring the Hebrew Roots of our faith. Hebrew Nation Radio is a gathering place for those who believe in and practice Biblical living and culture as expressed through Torah and Messiah. Abba/Father has always been looking for an intimate relationship with His people; both Jews (Judah) and Gentiles (the scattered nations of Ephraim). When gentiles forsake their pagan past, often handed down unknowingly from our forefathers, and accept and keep the instructions of our Abba/Father through the Torah and Messiah Yeshua a transformation and whole understanding of the Torah, Tenack and Brit Hadasha begins to come alive, expressing itself in the full intimate relationship Abba intends with His set-apart people. Hebrew Nation Radio is a 24/7 terrestial radio station broadcast from Salem, Oregon on the radio dial at KPJC AM 1220 and streams online at and is a social network for Jewish and non-Jewish Israel to discuss what it means to reform the end-time nation prophecised in Scripture.
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Drive Time Friday

Unfortunately, Hebrew Nation Radio is still not back 0n-line yet, while the move is still in-progress, so live or streaming shows are not happening, but we can still post podcasts. And, in this case – that’s a blessing, since Mark was able to welcome long-time favorite of HNR listeners back to the program for a […]
05/07/202456 minutes, 21 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show – Declaration of Independence Special ~ Mark Call weekly

Join host Mark Call on this Independence Day, 2024 for a special in-depth look at what he demonstrates is THE Most Important Document Ever Written ORIGINALLY in the English Language, the Declaration of Independence… …and why it has NEVER been more important to understand exactly what that means.
04/07/202449 minutes, 48 secondes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 151- What Do You Want? (Part 23)

How do we get our lives unstuck? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, we are seeking to answer the question Yeshua asked His disciples in John 1:38, “What do […]
03/07/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 2 July, 2024. Hebrew Nation Radio is down for the time being, while the long-anticipated move is in-progress, so there are no live shows or regular streaming. But – podcasts can still be downloaded. So this is Mark’s news summary for the first two days of this very busy week.
02/07/202426 minutes, 29 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 52

Now we understand and should try to relate to the First-Century audience as the author of the letter makes the case for Messiah Yeshua’s place in the “big picture” and in the lives of the individuals as their standard of lifestyle was about to go away–the destruction of the Temple by the Romans and the […]
01/07/20241 heure, 9 minutes, 3 secondes
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Don’t Grow Weary!

& Don't be a Glutton?  Today we are going to look at two seemingly unrelated topics, being a glutton and growing weary. First we’ll look at gluttony, both physical AND Spiritual.  We are told in Exodus 16 that the children of Israel murmured against Moses because they wanted meat to eat like they had in Egypt.  We'll explore not only the obvious physical lesson against physically overeating meat from this story in Exodus as well as a possible Spiritual lesson about over indulging in Spiritual Meat?  We tie all of this in with an encouraging message of not growing weary by taking breaks from Spiritual Meat and refreshing our Spirit in the Milk and Manna of Scripture...  This message is a good reminder to be satisfied with the feast that YHWH sets before each of us and not constantly lust for more (I know I have been guilty of and had to repent for overeating at times (both physically and Spiritually), how about you?;)
30/06/202425 minutes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Shelach Lekha” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Shelach Lekha” (Numbers chapters 13 through 15) begins with a story that is often just called “The Spies,” because that might be sufficient to remind us what happened. Which is true, and because the story is also truly tragic, but – as is usually also true – there’s “more to the story.” The Erev […]
30/06/20241 heure, 58 minutes, 46 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #179

What is Truth? The better question is, “Who is Truth?” In Psalms 5 and 86, as well as others, David reminds us of the only source of truth. Yashua/Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” In this chaotic world that swirls around us and tries to gaslight us into believing its […]
29/06/202428 minutes
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PsyOps: In the Time of Hezekiah and In Our Time Today!

Audio Reading: 2 Kings 18: 13-19:37 Acts 21:1-17 King Hezekiah comes under  intense Psychological warfare from the invading King Sennacherib.  This invading King tells the people: “Dont let Hezekiah deceive you. He will never be able to rescue you from my power. Don’t let him fool you into trusting in the LORD by saying: “The […]
29/06/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended summary of the implosions, revelations, and implications of events for the week ending Saturday, 29 June, 2024.
28/06/202449 minutes, 49 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 27 June, 2024.
28/06/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

“The Four Boxes, Trial by Jury, and What IS ‘Law’?”
28/06/202449 minutes, 38 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 26 June, 2024. Brace yourselves…there have been no shortages of warnings.
26/06/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 150- What Do You Want? (Part 22)

How do we get our lives unstuck? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, we are seeking to answer the question Yeshua asked His disciples in John 1:38, “What do […]
26/06/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 25 June, 2024.
25/06/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 24 June, 2024.
25/06/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 51

This exciting episode begins the letter to the Hebrews. The goal of going through this letter is to get to chapter 7 and verse 22 where it speaks of Yeshua being the guarantor of a “better covenant”. What does this mean and hasn’t it caused a lot of trouble due to mainstream Christianity’s interpretation of […]
24/06/20241 heure, 6 minutes, 50 secondes
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Is Israel on the verge of Ezekiel 38-39?  Is another country attacked at the same time Israel is attacked, another country hidden within the opening paragraphs of Ez. 38?  Why is the Biden regime goading Russia, even to the point of attacking Russian civilians on a Crimean beach?  Is there something strange with the Scofield […]
24/06/202450 minutes, 1 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 116 (A Wedding of Words Pt 2)

A Wedding of Words Part Two Recap: Each year, it is traditional to read the scroll of Ruth at Shavuot. We might say the three scrolls of Ruth, Esther, and Song of Songs are the Bridal Scrolls of return from exile. What happened to Israel in leaving Egypt at Pesach is what happened to Ruth in leaving Moab and arriving at the House of Bread (Beit Lechem) at Pesach. The Israelites left Egypt as strangers there before she became a Bride, and Ruth left Moab to become a stranger inside the gate of Judah before she became part of the Bride. Israel and Ruth moved to holier places in their journeys. The setting of Ruth’s story is Beit Lechem, the House of Bread, where Judah was recovering from the famine. The wilderness also was a place of miraculous, Heavenly Bread and Living Water. A place of covering, anointing, preparation, and clean clothes for a nation of priests. The wilderness was where the Bride was purified with the Torah as she walked as she walked after her Bridegroom, picking up what He dropped for her each morning. Let’s see if there are wilderness template parallels in the story of Ruth: The Ten Words to the Bride at Shavuot, Mount Sinai, Via Moshe, Friend of the Bridegroom become Ten Witnesses to the Bride’s purity and offspring. If what happened to Israel in the wilderness at Mount Sinai happened to Ruth, then we should be able to find the Ten Words at work in the Megillat Ruth. Last week, we found the first four commandments. This week, we'll find the remaining six: Fifth Commandment (Ex 20:12) Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord God gives you. Ruth honors her father and mother in a way that many have had to when their parents were idolators and habitual sinners...she doesn't do what they would want, but what her mother "in Torah" would want. Her disobedience to her parents to honor her Heavenly Father is the only way to honor her earthly parents. All that you have done for your mother-in-law after the death of your husband has been fully reported to me, and how you left your father and your mother and the land of your birth and came to a people that you did not previously know. (Ru 2:11) Enjoying "long days on the earth" is a kind of security that is thought to allude to eternal security in the Kingdom of Heaven. Then Naomi her mother-in-law said to her, “My daughter, shall I not seek security for you, that it may be well with you? Now is not Boaz our kinsman, with whose maids you were? Behold, he winnows barley at the threshing floor tonight. Wash yourself therefore, and anoint yourself and put on your best clothes, and go down to the threshing floor; but do not make yourself known to the man until he has finished eating and drinking. It shall be when he lies down, that you shall notice the place where he lies, and you shall go and uncover his feet and lie down; then he will tell you what you shall do.” She said to her, “All that you say I will do.” So she went down to the threshing floor and did according to all that her mother-in-law had commanded her. (Ru 3:1-6) In Ruth, the Moses role and priesthood role along with “young men” shifts to Naomi as the friend/mediator between bride and bridegroom, and the young women (na’arot) are emphasized instead of young men (na’arim). Boaz tells Ruth to follow his young women. This shift in emphasis honors the “mother” [in law]. Whereas Moses instructs Israel what to do, Naomi instructs Ruth, who obeys her in all. Then Moses came and recounted to the people all the words of the LORD and all the ordinances; and all the people answered with one voice and said, “All the words which the LORD has spoken we will do!” Moses wrote down all the words of the LORD. Then he arose early in the morning and built an altar at the foot of the mountain with twelve pillars for the twelve tribes of Israel. He sent young men of the sons of Israel, and they offered burnt offerings and sacrificed young bulls as peace offerings to the LORD. (Ex 24:3-5) She said to her, “All that you say I will do.” So she went down to the threshing floor and did according to all that her mother-in-law had commanded her. (Ru 3:1-6) Naomi's instructions to Ruth to wash herself and her garments and anoint herself echo Moses instructions to the Israelites to prepare to meet the Bridegroom: “Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow and let them wash their garments; and let them be ready for the third day, for on the third day [first fruits of barley] the LORD will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people. You shall set bounds for the people all around, saying, ‘Beware that you do not go up on the mountain or touch the border of it; whoever touches the mountain shall surely be put to death. No hand shall touch him, but he shall surely be stoned or shot through; whether beast or man, he shall not live.’ When the ram’s horn sounds a long blast, they shall come up to the mountain.” So Moses went down from the mountain to the people and consecrated the people, and they washed their garments.” (Ex 19:10-15) Ruth's obedience also echoes the Israelites': Ex 19:8 All the people answered together and said, “All that the LORD has spoken we will do!” And Moses brought back the words of the people to the LORD. Ex 24:3 Then Moses came and recounted to the people all the words of the LORD and all the ordinances; and all the people answered with one voice and said, “All the words which the LORD has spoken we will do!” Ex 24:7 Then he took the book of the covenant and read it in the hearing of the people; and they said, “All that the LORD has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient!” Sixth Commandment (Ex 20:13) You shall not murder. Seventh Commandment (Ex 20:13) You shall not commit adultery. Ruth is recognized for her clean conduct: So she lay at his feet until morning and rose before one could recognize another; and he said, “Let it not be known that the woman came to the threshing floor.” (Ru 3:14) Ruth does nothing but request redemption and marriage from Boaz, and Boaz in turn protects her reputation by sending her away before she can be seen so that there will not even be an appearance of evil. Boaz makes sure her reputation is not murdered by evil talk. Even before he knows her intentions, Boaz takes steps to protect her reputation and purity: Then Boaz said to Ruth, “Listen carefully, my daughter. Do not go to glean in another field; furthermore, do not go on from this one, but stay here with my maids. Let your eyes be on the field which they reap and go after them. Indeed, I have commanded the servants not to touch you.” (Ru 2:8-9) Boaz even acknowledges that Ruth has pursued a husband for the sake of sanctifying the Name of the Holy One, not simply to have a young handsome husband or a rich one: “May you be blessed of the LORD, my daughter. You have shown your last kindness to be better than the first by not going after young men, whether poor or rich.” (Ru 3:10) Seventh Commandment  (Ex 20:13) You shall not commit adultery. "It was not Boaz’ habit to inquire about young women. What caught his notice was her exemplary conduct and knowledge of the Torah. She would only glean two ears out of three, for three ears remain the property of the farmer (Pe’ah 6:5, Shabbos 113b). She did not mingle or jest with the young men harvesting, nor did she lift her skirt or bend immodestly as she gleaned." (Midrash Rabbah) Going after men opens the door to sexual immorality, akin to idolatry. Let the righteous man notice a young woman’s dedication to the Word first. Eighth Commandment (Exodus 20:13) You shall not steal [a person]. Ninth Commandment (Exodus 20:13) You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Tenth Commandment (Exodus 20:14) You shall not covet your neighbor’s house, nor his wife, his man-servant, his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is your neighbor’s [in order to steal it]. Boaz acknowledges that there is another who is legally entitled to redeem Ruth and her deceased husband's property. Rather than make the transaction secretly because he loves Ruth, Boaz takes it to the proper court to make the transaction. He refuses to steal her from one who might take up the claim. He testifies to the truth both to Ruth and before the court. Now it is true I am a close relative; however, there is a relative closer than I. Remain this night, and when morning comes, if he will redeem you, good; let him redeem you. But if he does not wish to redeem you, then I will redeem you, as the LORD lives. Lie down until morning.” (Ru 3:12-13) Ruth is also an honest worker. And she said, ‘Please let me glean and gather after the reapers among the sheaves.’ (Ru 2:7) Even though Torah gives the poor the right to glean, in her modesty and humility, Ruth asks permission. And thus, both the Israelites and Ruth married their bridegrooms and Bridegroom, making a covenant of wedding Words, 'til death do us part. Please SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to get new teachings. 
24/06/202449 minutes, 6 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Beha’alotecha” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Beha’alotecha” (Numbers chapters 8 through 12) is a reading that spans what seems to be a number of ‘disparate’ stories. Is there a common theme? The Erev Shabbat reading: The Sabbath Day midrash is all about ‘prophets’. Moses, elsewhere, writes about a prophet ‘like unto Moses’ that will eventually appear. In this parsha, we […]
23/06/20242 heures, 20 minutes, 13 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #178

Light is powerful to dispel darkness. In Psalms 4 and 36 as well as others, David reminds us that even though it may look dark at times, the light of our Heavenly Father’s presence is sufficient to overcome the darkness. We too, are called to shine that light into the darkening world around us. The […]
22/06/202428 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended BEHIND the events for the week ending Saturday, 22 June, 2024.
21/06/202449 minutes, 47 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

This one is presented here primarily for folks who’d like to know what happened to the live show, amidst “technical difficulties.” Answer: Skype Happens. Still, we eventually did manage to talk a bit, and there was a lot of news (and more than the usual perfidy) to review.
21/06/202437 minutes, 42 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

This show is quite a bit different than usual, if for no other reason that it includes extensive excerpts from what most people will probably regard as a truly jaw-dropping interview by Alex Jones with Dr. David Martin. Mark Call chose to use most of it with only minimal commentary, because it makes a point […]
21/06/202449 minutes, 47 secondes
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A Fresh Word From the Mountains of Israel – May 26, 2024

Listen in as Pastor Carl Palinkas and the Zechariah’s Hope team give a ministry update for the vision of Z-Hope. Joining him are Buddy and Natalie Dumitrescu, from Kibbutz, Misgav Am, in Northern Israel,  on the border to Lebanon. They share about how they had to flee their home to escape rocket fire from Hezbollah, […]
21/06/202450 minutes, 15 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 20 June, 2024.
20/06/202425 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 19 June, 2024.
19/06/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 149- What Do You Want? (Part 21)

How do we get our lives unstuck? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, we are seeking to answer the question Yeshua asked His disciples in John 1:38, “What do […]
19/06/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 18 June, 2024.
18/06/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 17 June, 2024.
17/06/202424 minutes, 55 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 50

Moving forward from last week, Rabbi Steve Berkson takes us into Romans chapters 11 and 12, then to Ephesians chapter 2, where he interprets the writing of the apostle Paul quite a bit differently than most of us have ever heard taught before. Because of this, Rabbi Steve clarifies further his position on the understanding […]
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 115 (A Wedding of Words Pt 1)

A Wedding of Words Ruth's One-Way Flight Each year, it is traditional to read the scroll of Ruth at Shavuot. We might say the three scrolls of Ruth, Esther, and Song of Songs are the Bridal Scrolls of return from exile. There are many wonderful ideas about why Ruth commemmorates the giving of the Torah in addition to the story's setting, the time between the first fruits of the barley harvest at Pesach and the wheat harvest at Shavuot. Sometimes the simplest answer is the most memorable. What happened to Israel in leaving Egypt at Pesach is what happened to Ruth in leaving Moab and arriving at the House of Bread (Beit Lechem) at Pesach. The Israelites left Egypt as strangers there before she became a Bride, and Ruth left Moab to become a stranger in Judah before she became part of the Bride. The clue is in the wings that carried the Israelites and Ruth to their destinations, the wildernes and the Promised Land. In Hebrew, "wing" is kanaf  (??????). And why were they carried their places? To engage in a covenant of the Ten Words: “You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings (??????), and brought you to Myself.” (Ex 19:4) “May the LORD reward your work, and your wages be full from the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings (??????) you have come to seek refuge.” (Ruth 2:12) He said, “Who are you?” And she answered, “I am Ruth your maid. So spread your covering (??????) over your maid, for you are a close relative.” (Ruth 3:9) Were Israel and Ruth flown to a place of refuge, or were they moved to holier places in their journeys? Yes. “Thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘In those days ten men from all the nations will grasp the garment (??????) of a Jew, saying, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.”’” (Zec 8:23) The setting of Ruth’s story is Beit Lechem, the House of Bread, where Judah was recovering from the famine. The wilderness also was a place of miraculous, Heavenly Bread and Living Water. A place of covering, anointing, preparation, and clean clothes for a nation of priests. The wilderness was where the Bride was purified with the Torah as she walked as she walked after her Bridegroom, picking up what He dropped for her each morning. Let’s see if there are wilderness template parallels in the story of Ruth: The Ten Words to the Bride at Shavuot, Mount Sinai, Via Moshe, Friend of the Bridegroom become Ten Witnesses to the Bride’s purity and offspring. Think of the Ten Words (Commandments) as Ten Witnesses, the observable grace of the Bride in preparing for her Bridegroom according to their everlasting agreement. Ruth's character exhibited this grace in the Word, witnessed by ten elders of Beit Lechem: ...for all my people in the city know that you are a woman of excellence. (3:11) He took ten men of the elders of the city and said, “Sit down here.” So they sat down. (Ru 4:2) Then Boaz said to the elders and all the people, “You are witnesses today...(v. 9) All the people who were in the court, and the elders, said, “We are witnesses. May the LORD make the woman who is coming into your home like Rachel and Leah, both of whom built the house of Israel; and may you achieve wealth in Ephrathah and become famous in Bethlehem. Moreover, may your house be like the house of Perez whom Tamar bore to Judah, through the offspring which the LORD will give you by this young woman.” (v. 11-12) Numerous times in Deuteronomy Moses called heaven and earth as well as the Israelites to be witnesses "today" of the importance of obeying the Words of the covenant. Ruth's obedience to the Ten Words had risen to such heights that she broke the "Moabite barrier," a passage in the Torah forbidding marriage to a Moabite, for they were stingy and inhospitable to their kin, Israel, as they passed in the wilderness. Ruth, however, was the exact opposite: hospitable, obedient, humble, and loyal to her words of fialty to Naomi, Judah, Israel, and the Elohim of Israel. Because of this repentance, a new understanding of the commandment against Moabites was found, just as Moses found a new understanding of the laws of inheritance through the five daughters of Tzelofechad. Now the judges realized that the prohibition was against marrying male Moabites, for the wording, when examined closely, suggested the injunction was against the males, not females [who had put away idols]. If what happened to Israel in the wilderness at Mount Sinai happened to Ruth, then we should be able to find the Ten Words at work in the Megillat Ruth. We'll start this week with the first four commandments of the Ten Words, then continue next week, b'azrat HaShem. First Commandment (Ex 20:2) I am the Lord Your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Second Commandment (Ex 20:3-6) You shall have no other gods beside Me. You shall not make for yourself any graven image, nor any manner of likeness, of any thing that is heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Then she said, “Behold, your sister-in-law has gone back to her people and her gods; return after your sister-in-law.” But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. Thus may the LORD do to me, and worse, if anything but death parts you and me.” (Ru 1:15-17) While Orphah returned to the house of her people's idols, Ruth firmly declares she is entering the "lodge" of Naomi to become one of her people worshiping their Elohim...'til death do they part. You shall have no other gods beside Me. Part of acknowledging only one Elohim is to eat only His food, only His Word, His manna. A phrase sometimes appears in Scripture: "which your fathers did not know," indicating a new thing, sometimes good, sometimes bad, such as Daniel 11:38 describing strange gods previously unknown. “He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the LORD.” (Dt 8:3) In Beit Lechem, the House of Bread, Naomi continues to mentor Ruth in the precepts of the Torah which her fathers did not know because they served other gods. As Ruth sustains Naomi with physical bread, Naomi teaches her the manna-bread she will need to remain "long" in the Land. Boaz, too, instructs Ruth on how to remain safe gathering the Bread of the Word and where to drink safe water in his field. He acknowledges her allegiance has changed from the gods of her father's house to embrace a people and Elohim she did not previously know: Then Boaz said to Ruth, “Listen carefully, my daughter. Do not go to glean in another field; furthermore, do not go on from this one, but stay here with my maids. Let your eyes be on the field which they reap, and go after them. Indeed, I have commanded the servants not to touch you. When you are thirsty, go to the water jars and drink from what the servants draw.” Then she fell on her face, bowing to the ground and said to him, “Why have I found favor in your sight that you should take notice of me, since I am a foreigner?” Boaz replied to her, “All that you have done for your mother-in-law after the death of your husband has been fully reported to me, and how you left your father and your mother and the land of your birth, and came to a people that you did not previously know. (Ru 2:8-11) Third Commandment (Ex 20:7) You shall not take the name of the Lord Your God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that takes His name in vain. When an Israelite takes an oath in the Name of YHVH, it should be performed and true in every way. Ruth swears to remain loyal to Naomi and the Elohim of Israel until death, and Boaz swears to take Ruth as his wife: “Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. Thus may the LORD do to me, and worse, if anything but death parts you and me.” (Ru 1:17) Then Boaz said to the elders and all the people, “You are witnesses today that I have bought from the hand of Naomi all that belonged to Elimelech and all that belonged to Chilion and Mahlon. Moreover, I have acquired Ruth the Moabitess, the widow of Mahlon, to be my wife in order to raise up the name of the deceased on his inheritance, so that the name of the deceased will not be cut off from his brothers or from the court of his birth place; you are witnesses today.” All the people who were in the court, and the elders, said, “We are witnesses. (Ru 4:9-11) Fourth Commandment Remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work; but the seventh day is a Sabbath unto the Lord Your God, in it you shall not do any manner of work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your man-servant, nor your maid-servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger that is within your gates; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested on the seventh day. Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and made it holy. In trying to send Orpah and Ruth back to Moab, Naomi uses the term "rest" to describe what they will find with their husbands. In the case of Ruth, the words turn out to be prophecy of Ruth's shabbat rest under Boaz' wing, in his house as well as in the House of Adonai: And Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, “Go, return each of you to her mother’s house. May the LORD deal kindly with you as you have dealt with the dead and with me. May the LORD grant that you may find rest, each in the house of her husband.” (Ru 1: 8-9) The commandment requires even the stranger within the gates of Israel to rest on Shabbat as well. Boaz treats her well even though she is a stranger, teaching later generations that an obedient stranger at the gate is a stranger on the way in to clinging to the Covenant of Ten Words, not on the way out. She should be treated well since the sign of her faithfulness to the Elohim of Israel will also be the Shabbat like the native-born: Then she fell on her face, bowing to the ground and said to him, “Why have I found favor in your sight that you should take notice of me, since I am a foreigner?” (2:10) The next "rest" passage alludes to a Shabbat Shabbaton, or High Sabbath of the feasts via its number and grain symbolism: So she held it, and he measured six measures of barley and laid it on her. Then she went into the city. When she came to her mother-in-law, she said, “How did it go, my daughter?” And she told her all that the man had done for her. She said, “These six measures of barley he gave to me, for he said, ‘Do not go to your mother-in-law empty-handed.’” Then she said, “Wait, my daughter, until you know how the matter turns out; for the man will not rest until he has settled it today.” (Ru 3:15-18) Six can represent the six days of work. Boaz sends the six measures to Naomi, knowing she'll understand his intent to bring rest to Ruth. Naomi in turn assures Ruth that "the man will not rest until he has settled it today." Boaz is taking the sixth day as a "preparation day" to settle the matter in court so that they can rest on the seventh in unity. Remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy. I am the Lord Your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. The First Fruits of the barley is a reminder that Israel was brought out of the house of bondage. For Ruth, too, Boaz measures six measures of barley to signal that she has left Moab and the house of bondage to idols, and her journey to "Sinai" has occurred at the same season at the Israelites' journey: First fruits of Barley: “You shall observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread; for seven days you are to eat unleavened bread, as I commanded you, at the appointed time in the month Abib, for in it you came out of Egypt. And none shall appear before Me empty-handed. (Ex 23:15) So she held it, and he measured six measures of barley and laid it on her. Then she went into the city. When she came to her mother-in-law, she said, “How did it go, my daughter?” And she told her all that the man had done for her. She said, “These six measures of barley he gave to me, for he said, ‘Do not go to your mother-in-law empty-handed.’” Then she said, “Wait, my daughter, until you know how the matter turns out; for the man will not rest until he has settled it today.” (Ru 3:15-18) In the two passages above, the term "do not go empty-handed" appears in reference to the barley feast. Something interesting is happening here! Naomi is like Moses and the priesthood, friends of the Bridegroom, “matchmaking.” Moses led the people to the mountain to meet the Bridegroom at Sinai, and the priesthood drew the Israelites close to the Presence of the Bridegroom through the Temple services...a Temple that Ruth's offspring would fund, plan, and build! Using a female in the role of matchmaker or friend of the Bridegroom is another symbolic layer: righteous women in Scripture often represent the work of the Ruach HaKodesh working in the lives of men and Israel, such as Rachel and Leah "building" the house of Israel. Both advised Jacob to return to the Promised Land and to leave the exile of living with idol-worshipping Laban. Boaz' reasoning that Ruth should not return to Naomi empty-handed is also a subtle reference to the way he perceives Ruth's status has changed. She is now a Hebrew, not a Moabite as his servant erroneously told him. This precept applies uniquely to a Hebrew servant set free from bondage, not a foreigner: “When you set him free, you shall not send him away empty-handed. (Dt 15:13) And this refers to an offering brought by males to the Temple: “Three times in a year all your males shall appear before the LORD your God in the place which He chooses, at the Feast of Unleavened Bread and at the Feast of Weeks and at the Feast of Booths, and they shall not appear before the LORD empty-handed. (Dt 16:16) Ruth is being inducted into the Covenant People Israel, welcomed under the wing of Boaz just as Israel was taken to the wilderness on eagles' wings. Like Israel, she was saved from the house of bondage. Acting on that salvation, she begins learning the Torah, doing works of kindness, obeying the Ruach HaKodesh as symbolized by Naomi, which brings her to the holier places of Boaz' House of Bread. Not to be saved, but to reach for a holier space of intimacy. She was already saved. Now she would have offspring to dwell in those holier places of the Covenant. She asks Boaz, ““Why have I found favor in your sight that you should take notice of me, since I am a foreigner?” (Ru 2:10) He noticed her modesty, her obedience, her loyalty, her willingness to pursue the Covenant. In Acts Chapter Two, a similar group of proselytes of the gate also gathered at Shavuot and witnessed to the Ruach HaKodesh, the Friend of the Bridegroom. On that Shabbat Shabbaton, the former strangers to the Feast of Shavuot were assured they were no longer strangers to the Covenant of Ten Words: “For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself.” (Ac 2:39) They were called, like Ruth, to the feast. “At mealtime Boaz said to her, ‘Come here...’” (Ru 2:14) Please SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to get new teachings. 
17/06/202449 minutes, 49 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Naso” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Naso” (Numbers 4:21 through chapter 7) continues with the numbers – this time the other sons of Levi, and their assignments, but continues with SO much more. Including what Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship suggests is one of the most central in Scripture, even if is perhaps also one of the most […]
16/06/20242 heures, 2 minutes, 31 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #177

This weekend is the celebration of the feast of Shavuot or the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost. We will be reading from Psalm 68 and playing the music of the Table of Showbread in the 639 Hz frequency from the Frequency of Fellowship album. This feast of Shavuot represents the restoration of the Kingdom of […]
15/06/202428 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 40 into 41

The Torah teachers continue the study of the Book of the prophet YesheYahu, or Isaiah, into chapter 40, which begins an entirely different theme…and one of the most well-known, as Ray points out, in classical music.
15/06/20241 heure, 38 minutes, 15 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and some observations about Truth, beauty, and literally ‘crapping on everything,’ for the week ending Saturday, 8 June, 2024.
14/06/202449 minutes, 47 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

David and Mark discuss some of the major events (and insanity) of the last week, but, more importantly, how those of us who know what is already in-progress can share with friends, loved ones, and maybe even our local sheriff, to help them come to grips with “coming Reality.”
14/06/202449 minutes, 28 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 13 June, 2024.
14/06/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Mark welcomes Sheriff Richard Mack, found of the “Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association” ( and the man primarily responsible for one of the most important Bill of Rights-affirming Supreme Court decisions in our lifetime, Mack v US (later consolidated into Printz v US) which affirmed the authority of what he correctly calls the highest […]
14/06/202449 minutes, 45 secondes
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Do You Have an Ox or a Horse Pulling Your Cart?

Audio reading: 1 Kings 22:1-53, Acts 13: 16-39 “Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through this Man (Yeshua) is preached to you the forgiveness of sins; “and by Him everyone who believes is justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law (Torah) of Moses.  Acts 13:38-39 […]
13/06/202432 minutes, 25 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 12 June, 2024.
12/06/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Thursday, 11 June, 2024. It’s time for the Sacrificial Crackhead to take the center ring.
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 10 June, 2024.
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 49

As he continues in Romans chapters 10 and 11, Rabbi Steve Berkson has received some clear insight on a couple of troublesome verses. Understanding the context of the letter to the Roman assembly is the key, as he explains in the first part of this teaching. Not only the context in this letter, but also, […]
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 114 (Shavuot and the Authority of the Ruach)

Nahum 1:15 15 Behold, on the mountains the feet of him who brings good news, Who announces peace! Celebrate your feasts, O Judah; Pay your vows. For never again will the wicked one pass through you; He is cut off completely.
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Ezekiel’s Whirlwind Vision of Aurora Borealis Pt2

Ezekiel's Fiery Whirlwind out of the North (Ezekiel 1:4). Does the book of Ezekiel start out with Ezekiel being given a vision of VERY STRONG low latitude Northern Lights?   Perhaps an end times Carrington-strength event? We know we are to watch the signs in the heavens and as the end of this age draws near we are to look up for our redemption draws near. Are we limited in scripture to watching for solar and lunar eclipses, the stars and planetary alignments? Or could the signs in the heavens spoken of scripture also include aurora's which are caused by solar storms? Could the wall of untempered mortar which is caused to fall by a stormy wind actually be a technological wall of protection taken down by a solar storm so strong it causes extremely low latitude extremely bright northern lights? Are the faces of the living creatures seen by Ezekiel in chapter 1 perhaps visions of constellations as seen from a north pole vantage point? After all the north pole is where the northern lights or whirlwind out of the north originates from? All of this is what we begin to explore in this video which is part 1 in a series on this subject. Aurora Borealis in scripture, northern lights in the bible, signs in the heavens, Ezekiel's vision of the northern lights.
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Mark Call – Parsha “Bemidbar” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Bemidbar” (Numbers 1:1 – 4:20) begins the Book who’s Hebrew name literally means “In the Wilderness.” And that certainly fits. So, actually, does the English moniker ‘Numbers,’ because it has a lot of those. And this first parsha gives us a major clue as to why that will be so important. The Erev Shabbat […]
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Calming Harp Episode #176

Psalm 107 is full of wisdom about how we are to relate to our Heavenly Father. First of all, it starts with, “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His steadfast love endures forever.” I am including 2 tracks from my album, “Illuminations” as Shirley reads the scripture. David reminds us that the […]
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 38-39

The Torah teachers continue the study of the Book of the prophet YesheYahu, or Isaiah, and the story of King Hezekiah, through chapters 38 and 39. And, yes, what we he thinking?
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and some observations about Truth, beauty, and literally ‘crapping on everything,’ for the week ending Saturday, 8 June, 2024.
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Mark welcomes back special guest Brent Allan Winters, the Common Lawyer, to talk about what has happened to ‘due process’, and the ‘rule of law’ in the light of recent events that seem to suggest not only do neither still exist, but that the ‘servants of Satan who walk in men’s shoes,’ don’t even care […]
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 6 June, 2024.
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What is there about the Real ID that is being kept hidden?  Why does each believer in Jesus/Yeshua have a crosshairs on their back?  Insiders who work in AI are concerned about  what?  What is the plan for Gazans if they survive this war? The independent Spanish research center has published more conclusions: the vaxx […]
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 5 June, 2024.
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 148- What Do You Want? (Part 20)

How do we get our lives unstuck? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, we are seeking to answer the question Yeshua asked His disciples in John 1:38, “What do […]
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Thursday, 4 June, 2024.
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 3 June, 2024. Deep State unleashed.
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 48

Can you say that the things you are suffering now because of your faith are not worthy to be compared to the honor (glory) that shall be revealed in you? Who’s the ‘he’ that “searches the hearts”? Is it true that nothing can separate us from the love of Messiah? Romans 10:4 reads that Messiah […]
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 113 (The Answer Key to the Mine Field of Curses)

Why is the Holy One so angry?
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Mark Call – Parsha “Bechukotai” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Bechukotai” (Leviticus 26:2 through the end of the Book) contains one of the two most dramatic sets of ‘blessings and cursings,’ but particularly cursings, in all of Scripture. And it is, as Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa demonstrates, utterly relevant now. First, the Erev Shabbat reading: The Sabbath Day midrash starts with a […]
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Ezekiel’s Whirlwind Vision of Aurora Borealis Pt1

Ezekiel's Fiery Whirlwind out of the North (Ezekiel 1:4). Does the book of Ezekiel start out with Ezekiel being given a vision of VERY STRONG low latitude Northern Lights?   Perhaps an end times Carrington-strength event? We know we are to watch the signs in the heavens and as the end of this age draws near we are to look up for our redemption draws near. Are we limited in scripture to watching for solar and lunar eclipses, the stars and planetary alignments? Or could the signs in the heavens spoken of scripture also include aurora's which are caused by solar storms? Could the wall of untempered mortar which is caused to fall by a stormy wind actually be a technological wall of protection taken down by a solar storm so strong it causes extremely low latitude extremely bright northern lights? Are the faces of the living creatures seen by Ezekiel in chapter 1 perhaps visions of constellations as seen from a north pole vantage point? After all the north pole is where the northern lights or whirlwind out of the north originates from? All of this is what we begin to explore in this video which is part 1 in a series on this subject. Aurora Borealis in scripture, northern lights in the bible, signs in the heavens, Ezekiel's vision of the northern lights.
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American Church, Where are You?

The Israel Summit was held in Franklin, Tennessee on May 20-22.  All of the messages shared were calls to action. It is time for believers in Yeshua the Messiah to STAND WITH ISRAEL and the Jewish people. Today, we share two STELLAR messages from this conference with you: Caroline Glick: “What was Hamas’ Plan for […]
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 37 into 38

Isaiah chapter 37 could be called a great story of Faith, and of Truth. And it is followed up, in chapter 38, by what Ray Harrison points out is one the two most dramatic illustrations in Scripture of what might constitute proofs for ‘Divine Intervention’ in astronomy.
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and some questions that are arguably long overdue. Why do we trust a level of Evil that is nothing short of Satanic?
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Drive Time Friday

Jeff Prystupa, David Justice, and Mark Call talk about the news – and a lot of other things! – in a week where even the most blind among us have to recognize that something is horribly wrong. Which tells us what?
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Trust – or the justified Lack Thereof – Part 2
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 30 May, 2024.
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 29 May, 2024.
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 147- What Do You Want? (Part 19)

How do we get our lives unstuck? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, we are seeking to answer the question Yeshua asked His disciples in John 1:38, “What do […]
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 47

What other teacher do you know that can reference Star Wars and The Who, and do a Yoda impersonation in the same teaching? What is the critical thing of which Christians will not accept the biblical definition? For what purpose are you “set free”? Does the Torah ever lead to death? When is the one […]
27/05/20241 heure, 7 minutes, 3 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 112 (A Gardener’s Guide to the Tree of Life)

Gardener's Guide to the Tree of Life Days of Elijah Preparing the Bride She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her, and happy are all who hold her fast. (Pr 3:18) The Torah is a tree of life, and obeying it is the path to fruitfulness. This fruitfulness deepens the relationship, stitching earth to Heaven, where the roots of the Tree extend upward. After all, our eyes really see the world upside down and turn it "right" side up. Or is it? Studying the Word rights the world in the mind and circumcised heart of the diligent disciple of Yeshua. One of the frequent metaphors in Scripture is that of a tree representing a human being. "I see men like trees walking." (Mk 8:24) The Torah brought to life in a human being is indeed like a tree of life walking. In fact, the Torah gives specific instructions on how to plant a tree: When you come into the land and plant any kind of tree for food, then you shall regard its fruit as forbidden [orlah, uncircumcised]. Three years it shall be forbidden [orlah] to you; it must not be eaten. And in the fourth year all its fruit shall be holy, an offering of praise to the Lord. But in the fifth year you may eat of its fruit, to increase its yield for you: I am the Lord your God. (Le 19:23-25) The above passage from Torah portion Kedoshim, Holies, provides a teaching moment from Sefer HaChinnukh §246 and 1 Corinthians 10:23-30. Sefer HaChinnukh is a set of books explaining each commandment in the Torah. Since the Days of Elijah prepare the way of Yeshua's return, the holiness of the tree, representing human beings, instructs us in how to develop our circumcised hearts in holiness. One of the traditional views of Elijah is that he is associated with circumcision, zeal for the Torah. Holiness is often the result of a process. For instance, the seventh day of Creation was the first thing called holy in Scripture, and it was the result of a process of creation. Holiness in the Mishkan or Mikdash was something to be maintained and guarded after processes of purification. Holiness in a person is a matter of growing in sanctification. The mitzvot are the method of achieving holiness, not salvation.  Since the tree is often a metaphor for human beings in Scripture, the growth of a goodly (fruit) tree is a metaphor for growing in holiness. In simple terms, a tree “planted” in the Land of Israel must be set apart for three years before its fruit may be eaten freely by anyone (assuming holy portions are removed first even after it ages into circumcision). In the fourth year, its fruit is to be eaten in the Temple by the owner or turned into money with a fifth added to be taken to the Temple and enjoyed.  Only after the tree loses its orlah status is someone subject to a guilt offering if he/she took a holy portion designated for the Temple. If someone were to eat the set-apart fruit by mistake then, it would require a guilt offering plus a fifth, which is for taking holy things unwittingly. Three Levels of Holiness: The tree is planted in Israel and grows for three years The tree is holy to Adonai to be consumed by the planter only in Jerusalem, circumcised The tree finally is subject to terumah, holy tithes, firstfruits, shmittah, yovel, but otherwise freely consumed or sold by the owner; also a person may opportunistically eat of it (but not gather). By the Torah’s expression, this law applies only in the Land of Israel. The sages, however, see some doubt, and have extended this law of tree orlah, un-circumcision outside the Land of Israel. Although they do not extend the fourth and fifth year (and beyond) requirements because a Temple is lacking, they do prohibit eating the uncircumcised fruit for the first three years. This includes only trees planted in the ground, not trees in a container. The opportunistic eater presents a problem: he/she does not know the tree’s age-stage of holiness. Trees don't have signs with their birthday written on them. In general, in Jewish law where there is doubt, the sages ruled stringently, not permitting it. However, in the case of the orlah (uncircumcised), “That which is certain is forbidden; what is in doubt is permissible.” So which is it? It is explained thus... “...if an Israelite has a tree of orlah in his garden and his neighbor comes and eats of its fruit, he is not duty-bound to inform him at all that it is orlah. The sages of blessed memory used the expression, ‘It is a doubt to me, and I will eat’; in other words, as long as a man does not know for certain that it is orlah, he is allowed to eat of it....’ Only if he knows it is forbidden is he punishable by whiplashes.” Sefer HaChinnukh §246 If a passerby doesn’t ask if it is orlah, he is permitted to eat it. This extends grace to the hungry traveler, yet the owner of the tree is still developing a deeper relationship with Adonai. Now let’s see if Paul’s reasoning doesn’t make better sense when it comes to eating clean food in general... All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful, but not all things edify. Let no one seek his own good, but that of his neighbor. Eat anything that is sold in the meat market without asking questions for conscience’ sake; FOR THE EARTH IS THE LORD’S, AND ALL IT CONTAINS. If one of the unbelievers invites you and you want to go, eat *anything that is set before you without asking questions for conscience’ sake. But if anyone says to you, “This is meat sacrificed to idols,” do not eat it, for the sake of the one who informed you, and for conscience’ sake; I mean not your own conscience, but the other man’s. For why is my freedom judged by another’s conscience? If I partake with thankfulness, why am I slandered concerning that for which I give thanks? Whether then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1 Co 10:23-31) Although an “unbeliever” can be an idol-worshiper, very often in the New Testament it is a Jewish person who has not believed Yeshua for various reasons. In such a case, the food they would serve would be kosher. He/she is not obligated to notify the eater anything about the meat. The eater is not obligated to ask. See below a sample of the variety of ways "unbeliever" is used: If “anyone” informs you a meat was sacrificed to idols, don’t eat it so the server will be convicted by his conscience. Don't assume the relationship between the gardener and Heaven is growing in holiness! Quite the opposite! The eater's freedom is limited if the server informs him of idolatry. The model of the orlah is that the owner of the tree (an Israelite) is not obligated to tell an eater of the tree’s status, for the “doubt” makes the eater free to give thanks and enjoy the fruit. If, however, the grower informs the passerby of the tree's orlah status, the eater may not eat. The tree’s growth is a holy relationship between the planter gardener and Adonai, not an opportunistic eater. An Israelite gardener is assumed to have fulfilled all Torah Tree of Life requirements pertaining to the tree, making it "kosher" and spiritually healthy to eat for anyone. Now, in review, can we see that “holy eating” is: the result of a process.  something to be maintained and guarded after processes of purification. for the owner of the food growing and developing in sanctification. for the passive recipient to give thanks and glory to the Creator.  Since the deep, obligatory relationship is primarily between tree owner and Heaven, the amount of fruit a passerby eats is regulated by the Torah (Dt 23:24). The meat a guest eats is limited by the meal and whether the host is serving [clean] meat in good conscience. For the serendipitous eater for momentary pleasure or fellowship, the experience is limited to moments of thankfulness and glorying in the providence of Adonai, the first owner and Creator of food. The tree owner, like the tree, grows into the holiness of circumcision and becomes a guardian of the Word. *"anything" is assumed to be anything Scripturally defined as food Please SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to get new teachings. 
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Mark Call – Parsha “Behar” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “B’har” or ‘in the mount’ [Sinai] (Leviticus 25:1-26:2) is both notable – for one specific English word – and also problematic, because it applies “in the land,” where we’re NOT any more, and arguably because it is even more foreign to our anti-Torah economic and ‘world’ system than almost anything else except the dishonest […]
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Calming Harp #174

David reminds us in Psalm 12 of how our Heavenly Father remains faithful even though we see so much unfaithfulness surrounding us throughout the world. People we are supposed to be able to trust disappoint us. Sometimes we don’t know where to turn. Our Heavenly Father remains the one we can trust no matter what. […]
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Do YOU Want to be Like Yeshua?

I want to become one with him. I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ. For God’s way of making us right with himself depends on faith. I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. […]
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look at some of the major events for the week just past, and what it says about the Next Plandemic, currently In-Plan.
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Drive Time Friday

Jeff Prystupa, David Justice, and Mark Call discuss some of the major events of the week just past, and, in particular, some of the things we now know are getting ready to be foisted on a gullible nation ALL OVER AGAIN.
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Mark welcomes special guest Harmon Taylor, of Legal Reality, for a discussion about what we should consider when the “Next Plandemic,” no longer just ‘Disease X,’ but evidently it’s intended to be Bird Flu, is rolled out right in time for the election rig. And, perhaps more importantly, what we had better think through before […]
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 23 May, 2024.
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2 Leavened Loaves, Redemption of Firstborn… Pt3

…& Trading a Wooden Yoke for an Iron Yoke. Today’s message started to formulate about the 7th day of unleavened bread this past week. First I’m going to outline the progression of this message, then I will expound on all of these points. 1) The Shavuot wave offering of two leavened loaves of bread could represent the 2 houses of Israel, YHWH’s two sons as a wheat harvest firstfruits offering. 2) YHWH says Israel and Ephraim are His first born sons in Ex 4:22 and Jer 31:9, hence they/we are also a first born firstfruits offering that He has redeemed with the Blood of His Passover Lamb. 3) Backing up from Jer 31:9 for context I started reading in Jer 27 about Hannaniah’s false prophecy of deliverance from the wooden yoke of Babylon. To which Jeremiah calls him a false prophet leading people who listen to him into a false sense of deliverance and causing them to fight against the judgement of the wooden yoke of Babylon which is actually judgement from Yah for their wickedness. Through Jeremiah YHWH tells them that the broken wooden yoke of Babylon would be replaced with an iron yoke! So we came full circle from our thief in the night admonition about the false prophets of the take back America Christian Nationalist movement to what we believe is truly a message for us today which was delivered by Jeremiah thousands of years ago. All the scriptures for this message came together just a day or two BEFORE the free speech quashing bill HR 6090 passed from the House of Representatives to the Senate and BEFORE WE WERE EVEN AWARE OF THIS PROPOSED BILL! The conservative take back America, maga, Zionist, Christian Nationalist, secure our border, conservative movement in the US which appears to be trying to remove the yoke of tyranny and corruption, may actually be succeeding in breaking the wooden yoke of Babylon only to have it replaced with a soon to come iron yoke!!!
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Why Can’t America be Healed?

What is Coming ? the Cleansing of the Christian Nation(s). Video:
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 22 May, 2023.
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 146- What Do You Want? (Part 18)

How do we get our lives unstuck? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, we are seeking to answer the question Yeshua asked His disciples in John 1:38, “What do […]
22/05/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 20 May, 2023.
21/05/202425 minutes, 43 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look back at the major events of the week ending Saturday, 18 May, 2024… …where massive solar flares may just be a harbinger of turmoil to come.
21/05/202449 minutes, 46 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 46

Why was Messiah Yeshua “delivered up” and then “raised”? Is Yahweh “obligated” to us? What is the one thing on which Jews and Christians agree? Is the apostle Paul teaching his congregation against circumcision of the flesh? Is “circumcision of the heart” a concept exclusive to the New Testament? This teaching is particularly challenging for […]
20/05/20241 heure, 4 minutes, 23 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 111 (Don’t Fall for It)

In this teaching, Dr Hollisa Alewine shares some very basic yet important hermeneutic principles, which will encourage us on how to dig deeper into His WORD and not misinterpret the true meaning of the text.
20/05/202448 minutes, 50 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Emor” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Emor” (Leviticus chapters 21 through 24) continues the theme of “holiness” – but this time for a group of people that many ‘christians’ would now see as irrelevant. After all, we have new ‘priests’ today, and the sons of Aaron seem to have been displaced centuries ago. And, besides, with the world melting down, […]
19/05/20241 heure, 27 minutes, 21 secondes
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2 Leavened Loaves, Redemption of Firstborn… Pt2

…& Trading a Wooden Yoke for an Iron Yoke. Today’s message started to formulate about the 7th day of unleavened bread this past week. First I’m going to outline the progression of this message, then I will expound on all of these points. 1) The Shavuot wave offering of two leavened loaves of bread could represent the 2 houses of Israel, YHWH’s two sons as a wheat harvest firstfruits offering. 2) YHWH says Israel and Ephraim are His first born sons in Ex 4:22 and Jer 31:9, hence they/we are also a first born firstfruits offering that He has redeemed with the Blood of His Passover Lamb. 3) Backing up from Jer 31:9 for context I started reading in Jer 27 about Hannaniah’s false prophecy of deliverance from the wooden yoke of Babylon. To which Jeremiah calls him a false prophet leading people who listen to him into a false sense of deliverance and causing them to fight against the judgement of the wooden yoke of Babylon which is actually judgement from Yah for their wickedness. Through Jeremiah YHWH tells them that the broken wooden yoke of Babylon would be replaced with an iron yoke! So we came full circle from our thief in the night admonition about the false prophets of the take back America Christian Nationalist movement to what we believe is truly a message for us today which was delivered by Jeremiah thousands of years ago. All the scriptures for this message came together just a day or two BEFORE the free speech quashing bill HR 6090 passed from the House of Representatives to the Senate and BEFORE WE WERE EVEN AWARE OF THIS PROPOSED BILL! The conservative take back America, maga, Zionist, Christian Nationalist, secure our border, conservative movement in the US which appears to be trying to remove the yoke of tyranny and corruption, may actually be succeeding in breaking the wooden yoke of Babylon only to have it replaced with a soon to come iron yoke!!!
18/05/202425 minutes
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Why does Archbishop Vigano urge us to understand evil?  What is shockingly discovered in King Charles’ new official portrait? What was Blinken singing in the Kyiv bar? What does UK embalmer, John O’Looney, and Overstock founder, Patrick Byrne, report about the real purpose of migrants in western lands? What effects is the earth experiencing as […]
18/05/202450 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapters 35-36

This week the Torah teachers continue the study of the Book of the prophet Isaiah with chapter 35, and then into chapter 36, and a siege.
17/05/20241 heure, 38 minutes, 29 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

Regular co-hosts Dr. Jeff Prystupa, David Justice, and Mark Call discuss some of the major events (and insanity proofs) for the week just past, and – this week especially – take a look at some of the ‘indicators’ that give us some major hints of what to expect, particularly over perhaps the next few weeks.
17/05/202449 minutes, 46 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Last weekend, one of the largest sunspots in modern memory fired off a series of solar flares directed at Earth, resulting in one of the largest geomagnetic storms in decades. But it wasn’t a catastrophe, just a warning. That sunspot will reappear again in just a couple of weeks, as it rotates around from the […]
17/05/202449 minutes, 47 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 16 May, 2023.
17/05/202424 minutes, 33 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 15 May, 2023.
15/05/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 14 May, 2023. This regime is teaching even the AIs and robots to lie.
15/05/202424 minutes, 44 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 13 May, 2023.
14/05/202425 minutes, 3 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 45

In the face of 2,000 years of twisted teaching, Rabbi Steve Berkson asserts that the apostle Paul was not teaching that the Torah had been “done away with.” Rabbi Berkson proposes that the word “law” must be clarified so that we can achieve a better understanding of what Paul wrote. In this teaching, Rabbi Steve […]
13/05/20241 heure, 7 minutes, 34 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 110 (The Moment the World Turned Backward)

This week we'll cover the Torah portion Kedoshim, or "Holies" and we'll tease apart some profound details in the account of the woman caught in adultery. Leviticus 19:1-20:27 Amos 9:7-9:15 Psalm 15 John 8:2-11 "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Le 19:18) Kedoshim, the “holies,” is nestled in the very heart of the Torah. This commandment stitches itself to heaven and earth. Heaven and earth are two witnesses. If we love Adonai, then we will love His people. Loving His people on earth pleases Him above, for He is “glorified through his people.” Heaven should be glorified on and through the earth. “Then all your people will be righteous; they will possess the land forever, the branch of My planting, the work of My hands, that I may be glorified. (Is 60:21) “Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” (Jn 14:13) “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Le 19:18) In the explanation of the holy commandment to love one's neighbor, the Torah student is told it's the most obvious thing: “This is a great principle in the Torah. Many commandments in the Torah depend on it: Thus, a person who loves another as himself will not steal from him, will not commit adultery with his wife, will not cheat him of goods or oppress him with words, will not move his boundary and will not harm him in any way. So are many other religious duties bound up with it; the matter is evident to every understanding person.” (Sefer HaChinnukh #243) Yeshua wasn’t kidding. All the commandments really do hang on two! “...Whoever derives honor through the disgrace of his fellow-man, has no share in the world-to-come. On the other hand, when a man behaves toward his fellow in a way of love and peace, and friendship, seeking his advantage and rejoicing in his good fortune, Scripture refers to him in the verse, ‘Israel, in whom I will be glorified.’ (Is 49:3)” (Sefer HaChinnukh §243) In the Gospel of John, Yeshua elaborates on how the holy commandment will work on earth to glorify Heaven: “A new [chadasha-refreshed] commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (Jn 13:34-35) The KJV translates Strong's H2318 in the following manner: renew (7x), repair (3x). Outline of Biblical Usage: to be new, renew, repair to renew, make anew to repair (Hithpael) to renew oneself Strong’s Definitions ?????? châdash, to be new; causatively, to rebuild:—renew, repair. The KJV translates Strong's H2319 in the following manner: new (48x), new thing (4x), fresh (1x). Outline of Biblical Usage: new, new thing, fresh ?????? châdâsh; from H2318; new:—fresh, new thing. Yeshua wasn't teaching a brand-new commandment; he was teaching how to refresh and repair the commandment they already had by explaining its function. By loving one another, the greatest commandment, to love Adonai with all one's heart, soul, and strength, would be fulfilled in such a way that the whole world could see it! Loving one’s neighbor as one’s self is impossible if the Torah is not written on the tablets of the heart. If we love our neighbor, we will not disgrace him or her. It is a commandment that has a "refresh" button! Each day, we must remind ourselves to hit "refresh and repair" on our hearts where Adonai has written love. This explanation is found in context. A person who embarrasses another believer is behaving disgracefully toward ADONAI! A person who behaves peacefully with other believers and honors them glorifies ADONAI, not the person. It honors the Father through the person. It also sets apart in holiness the one who honors others as a disciple of Yeshua in the eyes of all men. This is ONE HEART. “You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men; being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.” (2 Co 3:2-3) “Love your neighbor as yourself” is embedded in Leviticus among many statutes of holiness. If you love your neighbor, and you are holy, you will not perform those transgressions. If you love Adonai, you will not perform those transgressions; therefore, all the holy Torah hangs on those two. "Why the Law then? It was added because of transgressions, having been ordained through angels by the agency of a mediator, until the seed would come to whom the promise had been made." (Ga 3:19) Yeshua is the Promised Seed. In him, we have, are, and will be made perfect in love. A day is coming...if we will continually and faithfully "refresh" with the Father's mercy and His Ruach...when Yeshua will need only two tablets of our hearts to hold 613 commandments. We will be the perfect testimony and witness of Heaven through the earth.
13/05/202447 minutes, 37 secondes
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2 Leavened Loaves, Redemption of Firstborn…

…& Trading a Wooden Yoke for an Iron Yoke. Today’s message started to formulate about the 7th day of unleavened bread this past week. First I’m going to outline the progression of this message, then I will expound on all of these points. 1) The Shavuot wave offering of two leavened loaves of bread could represent the 2 houses of Israel, YHWH’s two sons as a wheat harvest firstfruits offering. 2) YHWH says Israel and Ephraim are His first born sons in Ex 4:22 and Jer 31:9, hence they/we are also a first born firstfruits offering that He has redeemed with the Blood of His Passover Lamb. 3) Backing up from Jer 31:9 for context I started reading in Jer 27 about Hannaniah’s false prophecy of deliverance from the wooden yoke of Babylon. To which Jeremiah calls him a false prophet leading people who listen to him into a false sense of deliverance and causing them to fight against the judgement of the wooden yoke of Babylon which is actually judgement from Yah for their wickedness. Through Jeremiah YHWH tells them that the broken wooden yoke of Babylon would be replaced with an iron yoke! So we came full circle from our thief in the night admonition about the false prophets of the take back America Christian Nationalist movement to what we believe is truly a message for us today which was delivered by Jeremiah thousands of years ago. All the scriptures for this message came together just a day or two BEFORE the free speech quashing bill HR 6090 passed from the House of Representatives to the Senate and BEFORE WE WERE EVEN AWARE OF THIS PROPOSED BILL! The conservative take back America, maga, Zionist, Christian Nationalist, secure our border, conservative movement in the US which appears to be trying to remove the yoke of tyranny and corruption, may actually be succeeding in breaking the wooden yoke of Babylon only to have it replaced with a soon to come iron yoke!!!
12/05/20241 heure, 12 minutes, 29 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Kedoshim and Judgment” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Kedoshim” (Leviticus chapters 19 through 20) is the regular reading for this week, following the Feast of Unleavened Bread. But given the holiday, Mark actually took a look at the first part of the reading last week, with chapter 18, and the introduction to “be holy (or ‘set apart’, y’all!) because I AM.” The […]
11/05/20241 heure, 27 minutes, 29 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 34

This week the Torah teachers continue the study of the Book of the prophet Isaiah with chapter 34.
10/05/20241 heure, 39 minutes, 18 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look back at the major events of the week ending Saturday, 11 May, 2024… …where the wheels finally seem to have come off the circus wagons of the sham show trials. But will anyone notice?
10/05/202449 minutes, 48 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

“THe Wheels Have Come Off the Circus Wagon…” So can we understand what comes next?
10/05/202449 minutes, 17 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Many of us are dealing with people who just “don’t get it,” and don’t seem to recognize just how serious the situation in the world has become. And there definitely some stories and events that should be helpful when it comes to overcoming ‘cognitive dissonance,’ and what George Orwell called “doublethink” in 1984. But there […]
10/05/202449 minutes, 46 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 9 May, 2023.
10/05/202425 minutes, 10 secondes
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Why would AirBNB put out a notice to users that reservations beyond June 6 might be subject to “restricted travel,” hence, not their liability if you cannot claim your booking? Is the House Antisemitism Awareness Act the edge of the wedge for Noahide law enforcements in the US? Why are 700 Jewish professors opposed to […]
09/05/202450 minutes, 1 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 8 May, 2023.
09/05/202423 minutes, 32 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 7 May, 2023. Insanity just doesn’t cut it any more. From “mostly peaceful beheadings” to Senile Dr. Strangelove to persecutors whose crimes are finally coming out. So guess what the Waste Stream Media will do?
08/05/202424 minutes, 52 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 6 May, 2023.
07/05/202424 minutes, 13 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 44

Who are you allowing to have authority in your spiritual life, your faith? Is it possible to have more than one authority as it pertains to your halacha, your walk? What does it mean to be “unequally yoked”? What is the “twisted truth”? Many of you no longer believe in Santa Clause, but there’s another […]
06/05/20241 heure, 1 minute, 54 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 109 (Days of Elijah: Three Warnings Pt 2)

The Last Three Warnings and Shabbat HaGadol The Days of Elijah begin with Passover. Join us as we explore the role of Shabbat, especially Shabbat HaGadol, and the three foot festivals as a warning for Bride to prepare for the coming of the Bridegroom. Together we'll unpack the language of zealous striking in the feasts. This Pt 2.
06/05/202448 minutes, 14 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Acharei Mot into Kedoshim teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Acharei Mot” (Leviticus chapters 16 through 18) is the regular reading for this week, following the Feast of Unleavened Bread. But we did take a look at that week, Mark decided to look at some of the ‘common elements,’ including statutes and ordinances that span the gap between chapters 18 and then 19, which […]
05/05/20242 heures, 6 minutes, 58 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #171

David speaks often in his Psalms about being in the Temple or the House of the Lord. What structure is he talking about? The Temple of Solomon had yet to be built years later. What is David talking about? First of all, David was a worshiper of the highest order. The act of worship was […]
04/05/202428 minutes
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Like a Thief in the Night Pt2

But you are not asleep... so then who is?  What nation or entity is sleeping?  Are those that are asleep listening to false prophets that are declaring peace and safety?  Is sudden destruction going to come upon the scoffers who are ignoring or dismissing the many 'signs in the heavens'?  Are many of us currently abiding in that nation or entity that is about to be broken into?  Lots of scriptural evidence for our thoughts on who or what entity represents those that are asleep and why we should be watching for the THIEF IN THE NIGHT at all times but possibly sooner than later.
04/05/202425 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 33

The Torah teachers continue the study of the Book of the prophet Isaiah into chapter 33, which includes what may be THE fundamental basis for the structure of the form of government we were SUPPOSED to have: The separation of powers. It’s right there in Isaiah 33:22, the Founders knew it, and every American should.
03/05/20241 heure, 38 minutes, 32 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look back at the major events of the week ending Saturday, 4 May, 2024… …from riots, to what is intended to be far worse.
03/05/202449 minutes, 48 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

Mark Call and David Justice discuss the news, the spin, the latest lies, and how it does seem like the things hidden are finally being revealed.
03/05/202449 minutes, 28 secondes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 143- What Do You Want? (Part 15)

How do we get our lives unstuck? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, we are seeking to answer the question Yeshua asked His disciples in John 1:38, “What do […]
03/05/202450 minutes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

There is a war on ‘Truth, Justice, and the American Way,’ on so many fronts that it’s increasingly impossible for those who are not suffering from a Great Delusion to ignore. And the Bible is clear about at least part of our response, “come out of her, My people.” Which is never easy, and is […]
03/05/202449 minutes, 44 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 30 April, 2024.
01/05/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 29 April, 2024.
30/04/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Like a Thief in the Night

But you are not asleep... so then who is?  What nation or entity is sleeping?  Are those that are asleep listening to false prophets that are declaring peace and safety?  Is sudden destruction going to come upon the scoffers who are ignoring or dismissing the many 'signs in the heavens'?  Are many of us currently abiding in that nation or entity that is about to be broken into?  Lots of scriptural evidence for our thoughts on who or what entity represents those that are asleep and why we should be watching for the THIEF IN THE NIGHT at all times but possibly sooner than later.
29/04/202425 minutes, 2 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 43

Continuing with Paul’s Corinthian congregation, in his second letter he reaffirms his leadership and authority under Messiah (2 Cor 3:1). Consider that the congregates were primarily Jewish under a system that built fences around the Torah and who knew the Torah from a “letter of the law” perspective in contrast to the new teaching about […]
29/04/20241 heure, 5 minutes, 53 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 108 (Days of Elijah: Three Warnings Pt 1)

The Last Three Warnings and Shabbat HaGadol The Days of Elijah begin with Passover. Join us as we explore the role of Shabbat, especially Shabbat HaGadol, and the three foot festivals as a warning for Bride to prepare for the coming of the Bridegroom. Together we'll unpack the language of zealous striking in the feasts.
28/04/202448 minutes, 49 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Acharei Mot – ULB” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Acharei Mot” (Leviticus chapters 16 through 18) is typically read in the timeframe of the Passover, and the week of the ‘Feast of Unleavened Bread,’ or Chag HaMaMatzot, but seems to have more to do with a major element of the Fall Feasts – the Day of Atonement. The Moed of First Fruits is […]
28/04/20241 heure, 36 minutes, 6 secondes
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Back to the Basics: Are You Born Again?

Audio reading: Lev 18:11-20 Judges 17:1-18:31 John 3:1-21 Ps 104:1-23 Prov 14:20-21 Audio reading: Lev 19:1-9 Judges 21:1-Ruth 1:22 John 4:4-42 Ps 105:1-15 Prov 14:25 So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a SHADOW of things to come, but […]
28/04/202450 minutes
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Calming Harp Episode #170

This week’s theme is “Coming Home” – which applies to both Shirley and I coming back to Mississippi as well as our coming home to the presence of our Heavenly Father. This week is a High Sabbath in the Feast of the Lord calendar and we begin to count the Omer of Barley for 50 […]
27/04/202428 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 32

The Torah teachers continue the study of the Book of the prophet Isaiah into chapter 32, and some parallels that look back at Isaiah chapter 3, and also look familiar on TV today.
26/04/20241 heure, 38 minutes, 17 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look back at the major events of the week where the gang-rape of the Rule of Law may finally have gotten too blatant even to be ignored further by the Supreme Court… …for the week ending, really, on Saturday, 27 April, 2024. At least the reality is becoming hard to […]
26/04/202449 minutes, 47 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

This was another very interesting week, particularly when it came to exposing just what it looks like when “lawlessness abounds.” But, as Mark and David discuss, just MAYBE we may see a bit of pushback, when even the Supreme Court has to realize that the charade has become just simply TOO transparent to deny. The […]
26/04/202448 minutes, 55 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

More and more commentators are lamenting the fact that ‘errors’ like a NOT-vaccine that is neither safe, nor effective, and show trials that demonstrate not only how far from the Rule of Law a once-free nation has descended, seem to have resulted in a “loss of trust” in once-respected institutions. But, host Mark Call suggests, […]
26/04/202449 minutes, 46 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 25 April, 2024.
26/04/202424 minutes, 58 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 24 April, 202
24/04/202425 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 23 April, 2024.
24/04/202424 minutes, 34 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 42

Is the wearing of a headscarf (or kippah for males) what is being discussed in 1 Corinthians chapter 11? Why does Paul talk about headship or authority structure in 1 Corinthians chapter 11? What does it have to do with drinking of the cup and eating the bread? How does it connect to being covenanted? […]
22/04/20241 heure, 7 minutes, 20 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 107 (That’s So Lame)

THAT'S SO LAME With the eclipse so recent, literally putting a point on the new year of the feast cycle at the New Moon (Rosh Chodesh), it seemed proper to emphasize this year's pilgrimage through the feast. This is true specially in the United States where the eclipse bisected an already very divided nation. The eclipse gave us a glimpse of a wedding ring, which for believers in Yeshua, is the covenant, particularly Shabbat, the sign of our betrothal. We protect its holiness while we await the Bridegroom's return. During each eclipse, we have a dramatic reminder. For Americans, at the very least, I take this as a warning. Repent. Be set-apart. No more lukewarmness toward the feasts and Shabbat. Pray. Pray for the world, but especially Israel and our nation. The new moons are a zikaron, or remembrance. It is an appointed time for Adonai to "remember" us, which means to purpose an action pertaining to us. Attend Shabbat and each feast with like kind and like mind. Gather however you can. Each year at Pesach, you may have have started the journey through your last "sealing" on earth as we know it. It is your protection to the tribulation that accompanies those final days. Even as I write this, the ancient beasts of Babylon and Medo-Persia are crouching at the door. In apostolic times, the Biblical feasts were seen as a seal of protection to those who celebrated them. Seven feasts, seven seals. Sound familiar? You can find the details in Creation Gospel Workbook Six. We are living in a miracle so great that almost everyone is missing it...even those who are the miracle! What is even greater than the Exodus? The Greater Exodus! Israel being gathered from all the nations to return to her covenant, the Living Torah, and her Promised Land of covenant. Isn't that greater than the Reed Sea parting? After all, it's been almost 2000 years since a large group of people dared to proclaim Yeshua the Messiah and walk in obedience to his Torah simultaneously. As with the wilderness journey, the arguments and chaos frequently obliterate the miracle-consciousness. First, however, before the journey home, the "moral" return begins in the lands of exile. Before we walk and leap on the way to celebrate the foot festivals of Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot, we need healing. Thousands upon thousands are being healed of enmity against the Word and their Jewish brothers and sisters walking in the covenant. In ancient times, Jeroboam put up barriers on the highways of Israel to prevent the tribes of the Northern Kingdom from journeying to Jerusalem to celebrate the feasts. By separating brothers, which is the seventh and most wicked of abominations, the northern tribes quickly lost their identity among the nations. To undo this separation has to be a work of the Ruach HaKodesh. To reiterate how the Ruach works to knit together like kind, rather than scatter and separate, I'm including Chapter Two of Standing With Israel: a House of Prayer for All Nations. It describes how prayer brought Jew and non-Jew together at the time of the afternoon prayer and Temple sacrifice. This prayer is named after the sacrifice, the Minchah. It is also called Shemoneh Esrei, or Eighteen, after its eighteen individual prayers. STANDING WITH ISRAEL: A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL NATIONS CHAPTER TWO JEW AND GENTILE: PETER AND CORNELIUS The Shemoneh Esrei, whatever its form evolving in the Second Temple era, is a common prayer for both Jews and “God fearers” in Acts of the Apostles. Peter and John observe the hour of prayer: “Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour.” In Acts, Peter and John are still accustomed to praying in the Temple at the appointed hour, and they encounter a lame man, likely a Jew, at the hour of Minchah prayer, the ninth hour. This is three o’clock. The lame man’s inability to walk in the life of the covenant people makes him poor. He asks alms at the Beautiful Gate (Yaffa Gate), and receives silver and gold of the Kingdom, which is strength to walk into the Temple of Israel as a strong man. His waiting for alms at the gate parallels the common term for a non Jew who practices some of the Torah, but who has not yet converted to Judaism; he is a “proselyte of the gate.” Although he is a native-born Israelite, there is yet a barrier between him and the inner Temple courts, for none blemished in body could enter into those precincts. The correlation to Minchah prayer and the poor lame man is found in Jewish law. In Berachot 34b of the Talmud, the code of Jewish law and commentary, we read, “The Minchah has the same high degree of holiness which is generally brought by a poor person.” The reason is that a poor man may have to fast his daily bread in order to afford his offering, so his Minchah has a heightened degree of holiness. Adonai’s concern for the poor is evidenced by the many provisions in Leviticus for the poor man to bring an offering of reduced cost, whether turtledoves and meal in place of flesh, or a single lamb instead of several. This poor man’s Minchah request for help from the disciples of Yeshua is endowed with special favor from his Father in heaven. Peter and John’s Shemoneh Esrei prayers of faith at the 3 o’clock hour of Minchah minister healing to the poor lame man. This restored Jew sees the beautiful feet of Peter and John, who bring him the good news of Messiah Yeshua. He no longer has to sit outside the Beautiful Gate like a Gentile, separated from the joy of the “foot festivals,” the pilgrimage feasts of Adonai, but he can walk, leap, and praise Adonai in the Temple. Yeshua is the Beautiful Gate to the House of God. By faith in the blood of the Minchah Lamb, who was sacrificed at the hour of prayer as an everlasting memorial, the restored Israelite can enter the Temple on strong feet. The cripple is reunited with his Jewish brothers and his Messiah in the life of the covenant. He affirms the blessing of the Shemoneh Esrei, “Blessed are You, O Lord, who heals the sick of your people Israel.” Cornelius is also in Minchah prayer when he is visited by the angel. “He saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming in to him, and saying unto him, Cornelius.” While many English readers would picture Cornelius as kneeling in prayer with clasped hands as Christians do today, the true picture would look much different. Cornelius learned of the One God of Israel from Israelites; therefore, he learned how to pray from Israelites! Picture Cornelius standing in his home facing Jerusalem. He takes three steps back, then three steps forward, symbolically stepping into the Presence of Adonai. He begins to pray, “My Adonai, open my lips, that my mouth may declare your praise…” Cornelius’ Minchah prayers are accompanied by acts of kindness to the Jews of his community. He offers not only the sacrifice of his lips, but good deeds of the Torah. The text calls Cornelius a “God-fearer.” A God-fearer is a Gentile, a “proselyte of the gate,” who has accepted the one God of Israel and who has begun to keep some of the commandments. Cornelius the God fearer also observes the Jewish hour of prayer: “And Cornelius said, ‘Four days ago I was fasting until this hour; and at the ninth hour I prayed in my house, and, behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing.” In the waning decades of the second Temple, the hour of prayer is the ninth hour. This places the prayer “between the evenings,” between noon and sundown, three o’clock, the time of unity for day and night. Even the time of month when Cornelius prayed is evident. Rabbi Munk reminds us that “The Torah ordains ‘On your days of rejoicing and your holy days and on your month’s beginning, you shall blow the trumpets over your offerings that they may be to you a memorial (zikaron) before your God.” Just as the Jews place goodwill money offerings in the Temple trumpets to accompany their prayers, Cornelius’ good deeds are offered with prayer, and together they ascend as a memorial offering, a zikaron, for the angel says, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God.” Cornelius’ Minchah prayer and gifts to the poor parallel Peter’s Minchah and gift to the poor, not silver and gold, but healing. Rosh Chodesh, the first day of the lunar Biblical month, is a day appointed for sacrifices of prayer and good deeds to be an especial zikaron to Adonai. This may be Cornelius’ exact day of prayer. When one is fasting as Cornelius says he is the day of his visitation, a significant benediction of the Shemoneh Esrei is inserted. The fasting benediction is a fervent plea to Adonai to answer the prayer: Answer us, Adonai, answer us, on this day of our fast, for we are in great distress. Do not pay attention to our wickedness; do not hide Your Face from us, and do not ignore our plea. Please be near to our cry; please comfort us with your kindness – before we call to You answer us, as it is said: ‘And it will be that before they call, I will answer; while they are speaking, I will hear.’ For You, Adonai, are the One Who responds in time of distress, who redeems and rescues. The answer to Cornelius’ fervent Minchah prayer is that indeed, while he is yet speaking, Adonai hears and answers. Cornelius is rewarded with not only acceptance of his zikaron offering of prayer, but redemption for his whole household, and the gate is opened for the unification of the Jew and Gentile in the Commonwealth of Israel. The Orthodox Jewish translation of the New Testament plainly connects the zikaron (remembrance) to the unification of Jew and Gentile through the sacrifice of Messiah. Paul urges the Ephesians to Have zikaron (remembrance) that you were at that time unrelated and separate from Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having been alienated from the citizenship in the Am Berit, from Yisroel, being strangers to the Beritot HaHavtacha, lost, and having no tikvah (hope) and without G d in the Olam Hazeh. But now in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, you, who formerly were in the outermost courts, have been brought near by the kapparah of the dam of Moshiach. Therefore, then, no longer are you zarim and aliens, but you are fellow citizens of the Kadoshim and bnei bayit members of the household of G-d. The KJV translates the same passage: Therefore remember, that formerly you, the Gentiles in the flesh…that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ...For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one…that in Himself He might make the two into one new man…for through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God's household… Paul’s placing of believing Gentiles within the Am Berit, or as most English translations read, the Commonwealth of Israel, and the Gentiles’ inclusion with the bnei bayit, or Children of the Household, gives credence to Rabbi Munk’s comment on a portion of the Minchah Shemoneh Esrei: “The third group (of prayers) comprises the spiritual preconditions for the reunion of the nation of Israel under the rule of G-d. According to the prediction of the prophets, the spiritual and moral foundation will have to be laid before the rehabilitation of our people can take place.” Cornelius’ commandment-keeping, acts of kindness to the Jews, and participation in a “Jewish” prayer lay the moral foundation for the rescue and reunion of Israel under the rule of God. Apathy, hatred, and jealousy among Israelites is so lame it prohibits entry to the House. Where do we think we're going? A lame person cannot fully engage the Shabbat and feasts, a Beautiful Gate into the Presence of our Father at His feasts. He is separate from the House. We are being healed. Rise up and walk. Walk to Shabbat. Walk to the Passover seder with a staff in your hand, ready to collect the seven seals of Yeshua's kingdom. They are seven beautiful gates, and each week, the Shabbat gate protects you and beautifies you for the Bridegroom while you journey between the feasts. Healing is available for Jew and non-Jew. One household. One House. A foot-festival is approaching quickly. The zealous spirit of Elijah says, "The King is coming." Prepare.
22/04/202448 minutes, 5 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Metzora” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Metzora” (Leviticus chapters 14 through 15) is almost like “part two” of something many people might tend to skip over anyway. But don’! After all, this malady hasn’t been seen in – at least! – many centuries. So how could it possibly be SO relevant to exactly what is happening now? Start with this […]
21/04/20241 heure, 57 minutes, 34 secondes
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Hidden Leaven… In Plain Sight!

Originally from PASSOVER 2022 BUT EVEN MORE RELEVANT & PROFOUND TODAY THAN IT WAS 2 YEARS AGO! - Passover, Leaven & Judging Others… Should We? – Are we as a chosen & transformed people, who do our best to follow all the instructions of YHWH (His Torah) that we are able to follow, looking right past Leaven or Sin in our own lives which is actually hiding right out in the open for outsiders to see and judge as wicked? Then tackling another big issue which is actually interconnected with hidden leaven, should we be judging one another? the world? or ourselves? What does judging mean anyway? Did you know there are actually at least 2 main Greek words that are both translated into English as judge? Let’s insert the correct meanings in order to understand judging better.
20/04/202425 minutes
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Calming Harp Episode #169

As Passover comes to us this week, I wanted to share the Psalms of 113 and 114 along with the music of the Frequency of Fire which represents the Altar of Sacrifice or Brazen Altar. Yashua was the Passover Lamb – His Blood is what the sacrificial blood represented that kept the destroying angel from […]
20/04/202428 minutes
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Is Israel waiting until after Pesach to deliver its real retaliation against Iran?  Both Steve and I had externally shut down at about the 16.30 mark in the second half.  Please take note of the topic we were discussing.  Evidently, we were too close to …  Please pray for protection.  Is mass media finally admitting […]
20/04/202450 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 30 – 31

The Torah teachers complete the study of Isaiah chapter 30, and then chapter 31.
19/04/20241 heure, 39 minutes, 24 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look back at the week where the ONLY accurate word to describe the action in the District of Criminal Swamp was “Treason”… …for the week ending, really, on Friday, April the 19th, 2024.
19/04/202449 minutes, 46 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

The topic of the week is Treason. Making war against the states of the union, and the people. And there is a LOT of it! Which is not at all surprising; we’ve seen it for a long time. But now, the House and Senate BOTH give the infamous ‘middle finger’ to even a pretense that […]
19/04/202448 minutes, 59 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

This week, Mark can’t help but take note of an AMAZING ‘confluence of events,’ both currently, and in history: April the 19th, the Real “Patriot’s Day,” was the date in 1775 of the “shot heard ’round the world,” and Lexington and Concord Green, that began the War for American Independence, and marking one of the […]
19/04/202449 minutes, 47 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 18 April, 2024.
19/04/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 17 April, 2024. SO much going on that the Fake Three-Letter News agencies just don’t want you to know…
18/04/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 16 April, 2024.
17/04/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 15 April, 2024.
16/04/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 41

In one of his letters to the Corinthians Paul talks about the cup that Yeshua gave to his disciples and said, this is my blood of the renewed covenant. (1 Cor 11:25) Why was Paul talking about this cup? What does it have to do with the covenant? What was the issue in his congregation? […]
15/04/20241 heure, 7 minutes, 48 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 106 (Getting Stoned)

Getting Stoned Biblically, that is. Torah contains many commandments. Some of those are positive, "you shalls," and some are negative, "you shall nots." Most frequently, the negative commandments carry tangible punishments such as restitution, whiplashes, hanging, or even stoning. Sometimes no punishment is prescribed, or a vague phrase, "he shall be cut off from his people." It has been speculated to be banishment or shunning, and some sources say this is a Divine punishment, not a human one. Let's take a closer look at stoneable offenses, which will help us to understand a Divine punishment in John's Revelation. “You shall also say to the sons of Israel: ‘Any man from the sons of Israel or from the aliens sojourning in Israel who gives any of his offspring to Molech, shall surely be put to death; the people of the land shall stone him with stones.’” (Le 20:2) “Now a man or a woman who is a medium or a spiritist shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones, their bloodguiltiness is upon them.” (Le 20:27) “Moreover, the one who blasphemes the name of the LORD shall surely be put to death; all the congregation shall certainly stone him. The alien as well as the native, when he blasphemes the Name, shall be put to death….Then Moses spoke to the sons of Israel, and they brought the one who had cursed outside the camp and stoned him with stones. Thus the sons of Israel did, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.” (Le 24:16, 23) “Now while the sons of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering wood on the sabbath day…Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘The man shall surely be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.’ So all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him to death with stones, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.” (Nu 15:32-36) Idolatry, dark arts, blasphemy, and desecration of the Shabbat are the most explicit of the commandments that carry a death penalty of stoning. An additional commandment against adultery is linked to idolatry: Thus they went in to Oholah and to Oholibah, the lewd women. But they, righteous men, will judge them with the judgment of adulteresses and with the judgment of women who shed blood, because they are adulteresses and blood is on their hands. ‘For thus says the Lord GOD, ‘Bring up a company against them and give them over to terror and plunder. The company will stone them with stones and cut them down with their swords; they will slay their sons and their daughters and burn their houses with fire. Thus I will make lewdness cease from the land, that all women may be admonished and not commit lewdness as you have done. Your lewdness will be requited upon you, and you will bear the penalty of worshiping your idols; thus you will know that I am the Lord GOD.’” (Ezekiel 23:44-49) The Ezekiel passage is addressed to two nations in their state of apostasy, Oholah (Northern tribes of Israel) and Oholibah (Judah). They are also called mystically "Babylon" and "Egypt" because they carried with them the adulteries/idolatries of Egypt and Babylon and continued to practice them. Their example was a message to other "women," or nations. The vital transition in Revelation is that first Israel is warned through the "moedic memos" to the Seven Assemblies of Revelation. Next, those nations from which they carried the adulterous idolatries are judged. The smaller to greater pattern may also be seen in Zechariah 14:17 when he prophesies that the commandment that initially was specific to Israel of going up to Jerusalem for the foot festivals of Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot will extend to the other nations in the millennium. It then explains why John prophesies in the Revelation to the world that they will suffer the same sentences applied to Israel for the "stoning" offenses. As those nations transition to King Yeshua's rule over the earth, they, like Pharaoh, will suffer stoning for stubborness concerning control of Israel and the commandments of Adonai. To understand how stoning was performed, we have to erase our memories of high school reading assignments such as "The Lottery" or news images of men stoning women in Afghanistan. While throwing stones at someone until they are dead is one way of stoning, the Biblical method is rarely explained outside of Judaism. The Jewish understanding of how to perform stoning is rooted in Moses’ warning at Sinai to protect the people from the hailstones by which they would be stoned if they approached the mountain: “And you shall set bounds around it for the people, saying, ‘Guard yourself from ascending the mountain or touching its edge; whoever touches the mountain shall surely die. A hand shall not touch it, for he shall be stoned or he shall be cast down; whether animal or person he shall not live; when the blast of the ram’s horn is drawing out, they will ascend the mountain.” (Ex 19:12-13) Judicial orders of stoning in ancient times consisted of first, pushing the guilty one off a high place, such as a cliff. This was the "casting down." If the person were to somehow survive the fall, then he or she would be stoned, sometimes placing a heavy rock on the chest to prevent breathing. First the fall, second the stones. Exodus 9:25 was a plague of hail in Egypt which affected unbelieving man and beast: “Now therefore send, bring your livestock and whatever you have in the field to safety. Every man and beast that is found in the field and is not brought home, when the hail comes down on them, will die.”’” (v. 19) This is just after a pestilence upon the beasts of Egypt (but not of the prepared Hebrews) which knocked them off their feet (Re 2:22-23). Likewise, those following the idolatrous teaching in Thyatira, which corresponds to the fourth feast of Shavuot, will be thrown on a sickbed and afflicted with pestilence for eating things offered to idols. Egypt and Babylon. Fallen, fallen. The unprepared "believers" and the rebellious world: fallen, fallen. This equivalency sounds very familiar from the Revelation of John, which describes those who conform themselves to the image of the beast. The nations are judged at the blowing of the shofar at Yom Teruah in the fall, whereas Shavuot, the conclusion of Pesach, is the warning to the righteous among all nations to prepare. If prepared by “holiness and washing” (Ex 19:14), they will be prepared to cross the boundary and ascend the mountain at Yom Teruah without fear of stoning or being cast down. Put that in the context of ascending into the cloud, "going up" as the resurrection, then it makes sense why Israel could not ascend until a specific shofar was heard, the Great Shofar of Yom Teruah that accompanies Yeshua's return. It is the plague of the Seventh Angel, corresponding to Shabbat and Sukkot, that stones the nations of the earth. If we read the context of Revelation 16, it references Babylon, recalling the Tower of Bavel when mankind agreed to challenge the boundary of heaven to achieve eternal life. Their attempt to approach the mountain without holiness and washing results in this: “And huge hailstones, about one hundred pounds each, came down from heaven upon men; and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail, because its plague was extremely severe.” (Re 16:21) Egypt and Babylon were the sources of the idolatry-adultery of Israel and Judah. Egypt handed off the authority of the serpent to the first beast kingdom, Babylon. Israel and Judah will be judged first. The righteous among them will wash themselves and their "clothes" (garment of salvation, robes of righteous deeds) and be prepared to go up to the mountain at Shavuot (not saying they will). The nations and the lukewarm among Israel and Judah will hear the Great Shofar at Yom Teruah, yet not be prepared to ascend. If they try, they will be "stoned." What would keep them from ascending, or worse yet, being "stoned"? Adultery/idolatry, dark arts, blaspheming, and profaning Shabbat are all associated with the punishment of stoning. Warn, judge, cast down, stone. Yeshua uses the language of Yom Teruah, when he comes like a thief in the night, to warn the world to be "awake" on Judgment Day. Yom Teruah is the opening of the books, and Yom HaKippurim is the closing ten days later, a period known at the Terrible Days, the Great and Terrible Day of Adonai: “Behold, I am coming like a thief. Blessed is the one who stays awake and keeps his clothes, so that he will not walk about naked and men will not see his shame.” (Re 16:15) The preparation for Shavuot at Sinai to receive the Torah included washing one’s clothes. This warning was given through Moses. The Torah. The clothes must then be “kept,” or guarded, shamar. This guards the person's body. Likewise, the preparation for Yom Teruah is to stay awake: “Awake you sleeper, arise from the dead...”  The warning is to “keep” one’s clothes, which were washed to prepare for Shavuot, all the way to the Great Shofar, the Resurrection of the Dead at Yom Teruah. Discerning the Body of the Bride on Shabbat is to guard the first of the moedim, to guard one’s clothes. Guarding one’s clothes from Re 16:15 has a Hebrew cognate, shamar, which is also used in the “wedding ring” of Shabbat as shamor et yom ha-shabbat: “Observe the sabbath day to keep it holy, as the LORD your God commanded you.” (Dt 5:12) ??????? ???????? ????????? ??????????? ????????? ??????? ?????? ????????? It is because of this warning of stoning at Shavuot that Jewish scholars scrupulously read guidelines concerning stoning offenses in the Torah. “He shall be stoned or he shall be cast down” (Ex 19:13 Artscroll) explains how the death sentence is executed.  If a person is observed committing a stonable offense, he should be warned, just as the Israelites were warned to wash and keep themselves and their garments until the Presence was revealed on the mountain. The beast will try to "ascend" in rebellion, not obedience, with the stonable offense of blasphemy: There was given to him a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies, and authority to act for forty-two months was given to him. And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle, that is, those who dwell in heaven. (Re 13:5-6) Adultery/idolatry, dark arts, blasphemy, Sabbath-breaking. The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, so as not to worship demons, and the idols of gold and of silver and of brass and of stone and of wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk; and they did not repent of their murders nor of their sorceries nor of their immorality nor of their thefts. (Re 9:20-21) The offender is warned first. If he does not repent (stop), then he is judged. When he is found guilty, he is stoned. The very presence of believers who obey the Word of Adonai and proclaim Yeshua's testimony serves as a warning to the nations. Those "lukewarm" believers who are a little like obedient Israel and a little like the rebellious world will be assigned a place with unbelievers, at least for a time. (Lk 12:46) They failed to warn the idolators, magic-workers, blasphemers, and Sabbath-breakers. Maybe they've even engaged in it themselves like the Thyatirans. What we do, how we walk before others is the testimony of Yeshua that can warn the world and protect them from falling down and from the hailstones of judgment. Why wouldn't the Master be angry when He returns if His own witnesses have treated His Shabbat casually? Those sentenced by the court to be stoned are First pushed down from a high stoning place. The fall may kill them. Should he survive the fall, he will be stoned with stones. Yes, as Israel is judged, so will the nations follow quickly: “The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell...” (Re 16:19) First they will be warned like Pharaoh with plagues. Then they will fall. Then they will be stoned. Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, Or have you seen the storehouses of the hail, Which I have reserved for the time of distress, For the day of war and battle? (Job 38:22-23) The message to Laodicea, the Seventh Assembly, is to not think that being "lukewarm" concerning the Shabbat would adequate covering to survive the Presence that is encountered at the resurrection of the dead in the cloud on the Mountain. It isn't. It wasn't in the wilderness, and it won't be when we hear the Great Shofar. Yeshua gives the warning: "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. Because you say, 'I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,' and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see. Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent." (Re 3:15-19) Every Shabbat could be the most important Shabbat of your life. We've been warned. Don't get stoned. Why else would the most important number in Revelation be seven? We've seen the Words. We'll hear the sound. Soon, we will see the sounds.
15/04/202448 minutes, 52 secondes
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Global Prayer for Israel – May 15, 2024

Genesis 123 Foundation and Bridge Connector Ministries are partnering together to launch a Global Day of Prayer for Israel on May 15, 2024.  May 15 is the day on the secular calendar in 1948 on which Israel achieved independence. Israel’s enemies call it the “Nakba,” or Catastrophe. They speak of Israel’s very existence as a “catastrophe”. Join […]
14/04/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Tazria” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Here’s another one of those paraschot that just seems to be SO “old testament,” and that has perhpas even been used as a poster child for “done away with.” After all, it’s a ‘disease’ that hasn’t been seen for centuries, except in a few Bible movies, and isn’t really “leprosy” at all, anyway. So who […]
14/04/20241 heure, 31 minutes, 46 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #168

This week we will look at a Psalm that isn’t in the book of Psalms. Habakkuk 3 starts out by calling it a prayer or song, and then uses the formats and style of the Psalms of David. This Psalm ends by asking it to be given to the singers and instrumentalists for the worship […]
13/04/202428 minutes
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The Song of Moses, the Song of the Lamb & the New Song. We know that the Song of Moses is found in Deuteronomy, but where can we find the Song of the Lamb?  How about the New Song that can only be learned by the 144,000?  Are there clues in scripture as to what the New Song will be?  What might we learn ABOUT the singers of these songs with regard to their whereabouts (during the tribulation and wrath) from the songs they sing?  You might be surprised!  This is part 2 of a 2 part introductory series.  Then we plan to dig into the details of the New Song & 144,000 that sing it!
13/04/202425 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look back at the week of a total solar eclipse, where no terrorism was seen, but the Hand of the Creator arguably was, and other Truth just kept slipping out as well… …for the week ending Friday, 12 April, 2024.
12/04/202449 minutes, 47 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 30

Ray Harrison is back this week with the other Torah teachers, Marks Pitrone and Call, and they continue the study of the Book of the prophet Isaiah/YesheYahu into chapter 30.
12/04/20241 heure, 38 minutes, 2 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

David Justice and Mark Call team up to take a look back at some of the major, and more “revealing,” events of the past week, but also a look “behind the events.” And this week, even more than usual, that means ‘conspiracy theories’ confirmed, and outright, bald-faced lies, long told, that are being blown to […]
12/04/202453 minutes, 28 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Mark welcomes back special guest Harmon Taylor of ‘Legal Reality.’ There have been a number of recent court cases, and ultimately horrible examples, of what has happened to the ‘rule of law.’ But they tend to demonstrate what Harmon has taught for quite some time: Most people have entered in bondage, ‘voluntarily,’ even if in […]
12/04/202449 minutes, 38 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 11 April, 2024. More admissions that Big Brother can destroy anyone they feel like, whenever they want, and other revelations…
11/04/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 142- What Do You Want? (Part 14)

How do we get our lives unstuck? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, we are seeking to answer the question Yeshua asked His disciples in John 1:38, “What do […]
10/04/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 9 April, 2024. There WAS a sign in the heavens on Monday, some evidently got it, and the world is still here. But so are the same issues that haven’t yet played out. And there are quite a few “Amazing Coincidences,” too. Maybe even downright Unbelievable…
09/04/202425 minutes, 10 secondes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 141- What Do You Want? (Part 13)

How do we get our lives unstuck? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, we are seeking to answer the question Yeshua asked His disciples in John 1:38, “What do […]
08/04/202450 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 40

On what issue do Christians and those who are Messianic Torah Observant agree? How did Abraham obey Torah before Mt. Sinai? (Genesis 26:4-5) What is the whole point of Torah observance? When Yeshua gave his disciples the bread and wine, saying this is the new covenant in my blood, did He start the ritual called […]
08/04/20241 heure, 6 minutes, 18 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 105 (One Size Fits All)

One Size Fits All "Tzav" "One Size Fits All!" We’ve probably all been duped by that assurance! Sure it fits, as long as you don't mind sleeves so long you could make it into a straitjacket! One size definitely doesn’t fit all. Do we trust the ad enough to order it online? Do we hire a personal shopper who knows our taste, our height, our weight, body shape, even arm length? How about prayer? Does one size fit all? That’s a common question even though it is not usually worded that way. Frequently I hear objections to Jewish prayer as vain repetition. It’s an uninformed way of looking at it, but we often simply repeat what someone who we respected told us. As we allow the Ruach HaKodesh to turn our spiritual life upside down repeatedly, that may be one area that turns. To help coach new-to-Torah believers in the basics of Jewish prayer, I’ve written books such as Standing With Israel: A House of Prayer for All Nations, Messianic Shabbat Service, and Creation Gospel Workbook Six: Hebrew Prayer and Worship Traditions. Rather than cover that ground again, I thought I would reiterate one of the principles of Hebrew prayer. Although the basic daily, feast, and Shabbat prayers are fixed and do not change, they do not need to. The Temple service was the same. Fixed. As the daily prayers took the place of the Temple services after its destruction, they too, were fixed. There is room in the Amidah prayers for spontaneous, personal conversation with Adonai. The point of Hebrew prayer is that the person is transformed with each prayer. When I pray the Amidah in the evening, I am not the same person who prayed it that morning. The conversation with Adonai changed me. As immersion into Messiah Yeshua makes me a new person, so does the fire of the Ruach burn me on the altar each day. This is why it is so difficult to advise someone on which siddur (prayer book) to purchase. It’s kind of like picking out someone else’s clothes, especially if you don’t know them personally. I’d need to know several things: 1. Do you want Hebrew text, English, or both? 2. Do you want an English transliteration? 3. Do you need a daily siddur, Shabbat siddur, or a combination of both? 4. Do you want a Messianic siddur? 5. Large print, or are you good with a font the size of a gnat’s tattoo in the pocket size? You get the gist. This week’s Ulpan-Or newsletter on the Torah portion is an excellent illustration of the personal relationship with prayer. The ashes from altar that burn down from the previous day are symbolically placed beside it. Today’s sacrifice will be a new one. Today’s prayers will be new because we are new, re-born of fire and water. With their permission to reproduce, I’ve included Ulpan-Or's lesson below: TORAH PORTION "Tzav" This Shabbat we will read Torah Portion "Tzav". In our Torah Portion Tzav, G?d instructs Moses to command Aaron and his sons regarding their duties who offer the offerings on the altar in the Sanctuary. The fire on the altar had to be kept burning at all times. It is interesting to notice that each and every morning, the first order of the day in the Holy Temple was for the priest to remove a small portion of the ashes from the altar and place it on the floor just next to the altar. Why particularly the priest had to start each day with removing ashes from the previous day? What was the purpose of this ritual? The purpose of this ritual was not merely to tidy up the ashes left over from the fire that had burned all night. The priest only had to remove a very small symbolic amount of ash. And, in fact, after the first priest would remove a small portion of the ashes, the other priests would place the remainder of the ashes in a large heap in the center of the altar. Why is it so important that it’s the first ritual performed in the Temple, - the first step in the service of G?d? What is the significance of lifting and removing the symbolic amount of ashes? Let us think. What are ashes? These are what is left over from the previous day’s service. Your yesterday, may have been perfect. Yesterday, you may have achieved a lot with your talents and strengths. But, …. That was yesterday. However, if you do the same thing today, you do not grow spiritually. If you repeat what you did yesterday - then you are merely stuck in the past. You remain the “Old You”. So, the ashes that represent “the old me” must be removed, in order to clear the way for “the new me,” that today will actualize today’s greater potential. That’s why the first step in serving G?d each morning is the realization that that the ashes that represent “the old me” must be removed, in order to clear the way for “the new me,” One must tell himself – Tomorrow will be totally different - not just “a bit different,” The next day’s potential would be so much greater. Unlike in the Beatles’ song “Yesterday”, one should not long for yesterday, but rather look onward for a better tomorrow. Remembering the exodus from Egypt is so central to Judaism. Egypt in Hebrew is Mitzrayim - ?????, and it means “constraints.” So, if today you are in the same spiritual space that you were in yesterday, you are in Egypt – you are constrained. The verse in the Torah insists that you “remember the day you left Egypt all the days of your life.” Each morning when we wake up, we need to remember to symbolically remove the ashes of yesterday and not limit ourselves to the person we were yesterday. As Dr. Joe Dispenza says in his book: “Breaking the Habit of being yourself: “If you want a new outcome, you will have to break the habit of being yourself, and reinvent a new self."
08/04/202448 minutes, 18 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Shmini” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Shmini” (Leviticus chapters 9 through 11) appears to be an unusual combination. It begins on the ‘eighth day,’ with the climax of the consecration of the priests, Aaron and his sons, and only appears to end when “there came forth fire from before YHVH.” Those same words frame the tragedy of the death of […]
07/04/20242 heures, 13 minutes, 26 secondes
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The Astonishing Significance of Red Heifers in Our Day

Here is a High-Level Summary from both an Old and New Testament Perspective: *There have been only nine red heifer sacrifices throughout biblical history. *The Red Heifer had to be without spot or blemish (Numbers 19:1-10) *The Red Heifer was burned outside of the camp. *The likely place where the red heifer will be sacrificed […]
06/04/202449 minutes, 35 secondes
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The Song of Moses, the Song of the Lamb & the New Song. We know that the Song of Moses is found in Deuteronomy, but where can we find the Song of the Lamb?  How about the New Song that can only be learned by the 144,000?  Are there clues in scripture as to what the New Song will be?  What might we learn ABOUT the singers of these songs with regard to their whereabouts (during the tribulation and wrath) from the songs they sing?  You might be surprised!  This is part 1 of a 2 part introductory series.  Then we plan to dig into the details of the New Song & 144,000 that sing it!
06/04/202425 minutes
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Calming Harp Episode #167

As we watched the snow fall here in Montana, my thoughts were turned towards Psalms 147 and 148. David reminds us that our Heavenly Father is the One who controls all of creation, even the snow. In a wonderful YouTube video, Louie Giglio demonstrates how all of creation is praising our Heavenly Father 24 hours […]
06/04/202428 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 29 concl

The teachers complete the study of Isaiah chapter 29, and this week that includes the warning from Yahushua in Mark chapter 7, “well did Isaiah prophesy of you…” …because most of the ‘sun-god-day’ churches STILL just pay “lip service” to Him, but then “make the commandments of Elohim of no effect” by what they claim […]
05/04/20241 heure, 38 minutes, 25 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look back at the week where a senile imposter in diapers declaring Tranny Visibility trumps a Resurrection was just the beginning of the outrages… …for the week ending Saturday, 30 March, 2024.
05/04/202449 minutes, 46 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

David and Mark take a look back at a week where warnings about what is on the horizon even eclipsed the transgender paganism oozing from the Oval Orifice.
05/04/202449 minutes, 8 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

In the category, “Best New Plot For a World-Shattering Follow-On Plandemic…” …the winner is: Bird Flu, aka H5-N1. And the question is, just how stupid do the Neo-Faucis of the World think people really are? Hmmm. Maybe they already know that answer. It’s time to brace for what’s next, folks.
05/04/202449 minutes, 47 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 4 April, 2024. It may be Deja Vu All Over Again.
05/04/202424 minutes, 49 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 3 April, 2024. From major earthquakes to real potentially earth-shaking events…
04/04/202425 minutes, 10 secondes
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Was the Baltimore bridge an accident or an attack?  What would be the motive for an attack?  What factors surrounding the eclipse of April 8 give one pause?  What stunning truths have come to light regarding the Covid non-pandemic?  Why are so many western countries criminalizing free speech?  How do top scientists examine the issue […]
04/04/202450 minutes, 1 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 2 April, 2024. From WW III escalation, to the next phase of the Greatest Crime in Human History, (so far) to ‘signs in the heavens…’ …there’s a LOT going on this week. And it’s still early.
03/04/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 1 April, 2024.
02/04/202424 minutes, 29 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 39

What are the “shepherds” spoken about in Jeremiah 23? Why were they given a scathing rebuke? What’s the difference between esteeming self and self-esteem? How does discouragement, worry and stress relate to the covenant? Ezekiel chapter 37 talks about the prophet speaking to dry bones–what is this about? Rabbi Steve Berkson brings clarity to the […]
01/04/20241 heure, 4 minutes, 31 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 104 (Whiplash)

Violence in Eden: Whiplash Although its connection to Yom HaKippurim (A Day like Purim) is more easily heard, the story of Purim in the scroll of Esther holds references to all the feasts. In fact, Purim holds a key to Passover that is very practical. It has to do with how the danger started: evil words. Chametz. Leaven. When Queen Esther calls the Jews to fast with her against the evil, it is during the days of matzah! The antidote to the violence of evil words is holy words, words spoken in prayer and fasting. By fasting and praying with unleavened tongues, the power of evil was broken. In our "Benjamin Will Not Bow" newsletter, we searched back to Eden to find the source of slander, gossip, and separating brothers in conflict. Ezekiel describes the Edenic violation as a kind of violence. Indeed, today, when people profess hatred toward others, it often leads to actual violence. It "spreads out" two human beings made in the image of Elohim that were not created to be apart. Ezekiel 28:12 “Son of man, take up a lamentation over the king of Tyre and say to him, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD,“You had the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.13 “You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering: the ruby, the topaz and the diamond; the beryl, the onyx and the jasper; the lapis lazuli, the turquoise and the emerald; and the gold, the workmanship of your settings and sockets, was in you. On the day that you were created they were prepared.14 “You were the anointed cherub who covers, and I placed you there.You were on the holy mountain of God; you walked in the midst of the stones of fire.15 You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created until unrighteousness was found in you.16 By the abundance of your trade (rakal) you were internally filled with violence (malu chamas), and you sinned; therefore I have cast you as profane from the mountain of God and I have destroyed you, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.17 Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor. I cast you to the ground; I put you before kings, that they may see you. It is rather odd that "trade" led to "violence," or chamas. Perhaps there is more to the word than is translated. What is "trade" in Hebrew? Rakhal- “...go about, from one to another” There is much debate on the identity of the “King of Tyre.” In this type of prophecy, the "villain" may be an archetype of a certain sinner. The tip-off is that it is anachronistic, completely out of the time period. Just as often it will work on the positive side, such as a later person coming "in the spirit of Elijah," for instance. This violent violator walked among ”fiery stones” until he was cast out because of his “trade,” rakhal. The same accusation is made against Babylon in Revelation. The Adversary, the serpent, goes back and forth between Adonai and His People to accuse. The trafficker has two connotations: go about for spice trading and slandering. A High Priest is to go about with spices for atonement, not leverage to accuse Israel. On the other hand, false witness was trafficked to convict Yeshua. Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough? Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed. Therefore let us celebrate the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people; I did not at all mean with the immoral people of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with idolaters, for then you would have to go out of the world. But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler—not even to eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? But those who are outside, God judges. REMOVE THE WICKED MAN FROM AMONG YOURSELVES. (1 Co 5:6-13) If only Adam and Eve hadn't associated with an immoral "person," the slanderer! Why are we so hesitant to confront a slanderer? We're not supposed to even eat with's quite a sour fruit even though it looks juicy. A “reviler” as Paul describes is G3060 ???????? loídoros The KJV translates Strong's G3060 in the following manner: railer (1x), reviler (1x). Its Hebrew cognate is from din, judgment: madon ?????? ?????? H4066 from H1777; a contest or quarrel:—brawling, contention(-ous), discord, strife. One who quarrels is one who is both arrogant and “leavened,” prone to distort the truth. The serpent in the Garden was a trafficker of falsely twisted information. Slander is a reviling truth to separate humans from Elohim and one another. It's probably not the whole story, just enough to deceive. We must remove these things before Passover. It is chametz! During the search for leaven, and especially the seven days of Matzah, beware of slander, gossip, and lies. If you have to tape your mouth shut and wear noise-canceling headphones, do it! Who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, who spreads strife. H4066 (Pr 6:14) ? A perverse man spreads ?????? strife, H4066 And a slanderer separates intimate friends. (Pr 16:28) ? Like charcoal to hot embers and wood to fire, So is a contentious H4066 man to kindle strife. (Pr 26:21) ? An arrogant man stirs up strife, H4066 But he who trusts in the LORD will prosper. (Pr 28:25) Stirring up strife is evidence we don’t trust Adonai in the situation. It is “tongue-leaven”: So also the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things. See how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, the very world of iniquity; the tongue is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell. For every species of beasts and birds, of reptiles and creatures of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by the human race. But no one can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil and full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the likeness of God; from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be this way. Does a fountain send out from the same opening both fresh and bitter water? (Ja 3:5-11) It is so clear from James' warning that pride is what sets the stage for the evil tongue and all the abominations that follow. Is Passover just about finding leavened products in our homes, or is it about finding the arrogance that leavens us? 15 ‘You shall do no injustice in judgment; you shall not be partial to the poor nor defer to the great, but you are to judge your neighbor fairly. 16 You shall not go about as a slanderer among your people, and you are not to act against the life of your neighbor; I am the LORD. 17 ‘You shall not hate your fellow countryman in your heart; you may surely reprove your neighbor but shall not incur sin because of him. 18 You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am the LORD. (Le 19:15-18) Are there any other commandments in Scripture that we so predictably apply to other people? You shall not go about as a slanderer among your people...[Sefer HaChinnuch to Le 19:16] The Jewish sages explain: “This means that if we hear a person telling something bad about his fellow, we should not go and tell him, ‘So and so is saying this-and-this about you’ unless it is our intention to remove or avoid injury or to stop a quarrel. Our Sages of blessed memory said of the word rakkil (talebearer, slanderer): rakh, soft (kind), to one, and harsh to another. Another meaning: do not be as a Rokhel (peddler), loading up with words and going to peddle them...evil gossip and its partner, slander...bring death to the one who says it, the one who receives it, and the one about whom it is told-but most of all to the one who receives it...he is as one who violates a royal command...” This explains the violence done by the serpent. He "peddled" words to Eve. To this day, he "peddles" words back and forth from human beings to the Throne, most regrettably, even back and forth from the people of Adonai to His Throne. He accuses us because we continue to load up his peddler's cart with our word-poisons against one another. The same tongues that could make peace instead create distance, killing relationships. Just as Adam and Even were separated from the Presence in the Garden, so we continually hide our faces from one another. One day, the Adversary will have no more words from our lips to peddle, and he will be cast down to earth. This is our goal in preparing for Passover. Make peace. It will not make itself, for peace must be made. Peace is not a spontaneous miracle, but humility in two parties who build it together. Adonai makes peace in the Heavens; it is our job to make peace on earth. What is the Torah's punishment for a slanderer? It requires no whiplashes from the beit din, but instead, Adonai Himself is thought to send agents of judgment with “whiplashes.” Whiplashes are frequently the punishment for violations of the mishpatim, mostly for violation of a negative commandment. Whiplashes can be both literal by human hands or through Divine judgment: If there is a dispute between men and they go to court, and the judges decide their case, and they justify the righteous and condemn the wicked, then it shall be if the wicked man deserves to be beaten, the judge shall then make him lie down and be beaten in his presence with the number of stripes according to his guilt. He may beat him forty times but no more, so that he does not beat him with many more stripes than these and your brother is not degraded in your eyes. (Dt 25:1-3) In the case above, the dispute has a clear innocent person and guilty person. Righteous and innocent. Even the punishment must not be degrading, a mercy the wicked did not extend to the righteous. Slander, however, incurs Divine whiplashes. Consider this slander committed by the ten evil spies concerning the Land itself. By using the truth about the Land of Israel, they turned the hearts of the people against it! According to the number of days which you spied out the land, forty days, for every day you shall bear your guilt a year, even forty years, and you will know My opposition. (Nu 13:4) Moses didn't give anyone a whipping over the slander and the peddling of malicious talk. Yet, just as in Eden, the sentence was death. The slanderers would die off in forty years, a year for a day. These were Divine "whiplashes." It is as if Adonai knew the degree of malice each man arrogantly kindled with his tongue, and He set the forty-year death time-table accordingly. Some were executed sooner, some later in the journey. In the graphic below, you can see that whiplashes are sometimes seen in Scripture as the words of a malicious tongue, yet also the judgment of Adonai Himself. Yeshua describes it this way: And the Lord said, “Who then is the faithful and sensible steward, whom his master will put in charge of his servants, to give them their rations at the proper time? Blessed is that slave whom his master finds so doing when he comes. Truly I say to you that he will put him in charge of all his possessions. But if that slave says in his heart, ‘My master will be a long time in coming,’ and begins to beat the slaves, both men and women, and to eat and drink and get drunk; the master of that slave will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know, and will cut him in pieces, and assign him a place with the unbelievers. And that slave who knew his master’s will and did not get ready or act in accord with his will, will receive many lashes, but the one who did not know it, and committed deeds worthy of a flogging, will receive but few. From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more. (Lk 12:42-48) When is it okay to be a tattletale? Mordechai demonstrates: When the truth will save a life. By telling of the plot to assassinate the king, he saved his life. Queen Esther does it more boldly: she accuses wicked Haman in his very presence and saves the lives of all the Jews in Persia! The assassins and wicked Haman both set out to do the same thing with their tongues: kill. Given time, they would have completed the killing task that their tongues began. They arrogantly decided who had a right to live. So it is with slander. We arrogantly decide who has a right to live and begin to flog our enemies with gossip and slander to kill their reputations. In Vayigash, Judah atoned for Benjamin, not knowing he was innocent of the charge. In Esther, Benjamin (Mordechai and Esther are Benjaminites) atones for Judah. Atonement can be a painful thing because peacemaking carries a risk of personal loss. So when we see a peddler's cartful of words rolling our way, we know what to do. Even though the king was an unwitting receiver of the slander against the Jews, he did receive some lashes. The trouble it started resulted in a number of deaths when he granted the Jews the authority to defend themselves against attackers. The king is supposed to protect his people, not set them up for harm. He received the words, and death happened. How much more will those suffer who know better than to receive the words, yet they purchase the juicy fruit of slanderous lips. Like Yeshua said, it's violence, beating up fellow-servants. And they thought it cost them nothing. Free fruit juice. Whiplash is coming when that cart skids to a stop before the King and Judge of all the earth. May we unload any apples of our own in that cart before Passover.
01/04/202449 minutes, 25 secondes
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What is Life Like for Northern Residents of Israel Right Now? How YOU Can Get Involved!

Today, we meet Pastor Carl of Church on the Rock, in Florence Oregon and his two Israeli guests, Buddy and Natalie D. Buddy and Natalie are from Misgav Am, a Kibbutz on the Northernmost border of Israel overlooking Lebanon. Since the war broke out on Oct 7, more than 130,000 Israelis have been evacuated from […]
31/03/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Tzav” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Tzav” (Leviticus chapters 6 through 8) begins with the word ‘command,’ but this time specifically Aaron and his sons, having to do with some more detail of the offerings that they are going to make. And, again, there is something for us to learn here, too, but it starts with a realization, and an […]
31/03/20242 heures, 8 minutes, 55 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #166

As I look around and see the flowers of spring lifting their beautiful blooms above the earth, I am reminded how our heavenly father created the world to show through the cycles of the seasons how we are constantly given NEW opportunities to return to our Heavenly Father for redemption. Psalms 96 and 98 remind […]
30/03/202428 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 29

The teachers explore chapter 29 of the Book of the prophet Isaiah/YesheYahu. And even a little bit about gardening.
30/03/20241 heure, 38 minutes, 34 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

David Justice and Mark Call take a look back at a week where the demolition of a Key bridge in Baltimore spoke volumes about just how gullible the Deep State seems to think AmeriKans might be, and…Other Distractions.
30/03/202449 minutes, 8 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look back at the week where it just might seem a once-free nation has gone “Through the Looking Glass,” for the week ending Saturday, 30 March, 2024. Are we really ready to swallow “six impossible things before breakfast?”
29/03/202449 minutes, 47 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Are AmeriKans as “dumbed down” as most of the Waste-stream Media and the Swamp Traitors believe? Will they literally swallow anything? (Or, allow themselves to be injected with it?) It seems that “incredibly unlikely events,” even statistically-impossible events, are now descending on a nation that arguably deserves “Judgment!” even faster than a flock of black […]
29/03/202449 minutes, 46 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 28 March, 2024.
28/03/202425 minutes, 13 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 27 March, 2024. And maybe we can blow away some of the Woke Smoke, too.
27/03/202425 minutes, 6 secondes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 140- What Do You Want? (Part 12)

How do we get our lives unstuck? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, we are seeking to answer the question Yeshua asked His disciples in John 1:38, “What do […]
27/03/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 26 March, 2024. Where all these AMAZING, yet COINCIDENTAL, attacks do threaten ‘credulity’ just a bit…
27/03/202425 minutes, 23 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 25 March, 2024.
26/03/202422 minutes, 28 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 38

Is Jeremiah 31:31 talking about a “new” covenant or a “renewed” covenant? Why? When Torah was given at Mt. Sinai, what was that symbolic of? What does that make us as a group? Is there a clue as to what covenant is being talked about in Jeremiah 31? Has this “new covenant” already happened? Why […]
25/03/20241 heure, 3 minutes, 40 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 103 (Preparing for Purim Part 3)

Preparing for Purim This is Pt 3.
25/03/202449 minutes, 38 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Vayikra” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week marks the first parsha in the Book of Vayikra, or Leviticus (Lev. chapters 1 through 5), where the reading beings with descriptions of several different types of offerings, and how they are to be done. What is perhaps most interesting, however, and certainly overlooked, is the fact that they are specifically for what […]
24/03/20241 heure, 58 minutes, 29 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #165

This past week, Shirley and I celebrated our 50th anniversary! This led me to think about a Psalm with the ideal of remembering which I found in Psalm 103 and the music of Psalm 103 recorded on my Keys of David album. As we remember what our Heavenly Father has done for us, we choose […]
24/03/202428 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and a wrap-up of some of the major, and most-twisted, events for the week ending Friday, 22 March, 2024.
22/03/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 21 March, 2024.
22/03/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

The number of court cases which, for good or ill, tend to focus on what were once fundamental, Constitutionally-protected Rights, seems to have exploded in the last few weeks. And in the high-profile case of Missouri v Biden, and the issue of whether the US Supreme Court can even recognize even the most simple concept […]
22/03/202449 minutes, 47 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 20 March, 2024. In which we see whether or not even blind pigs in the US Supreme Court can find an obvious First Amendment acorn. Eventually.
20/03/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 139- What Do You Want? (Part 11)

How do we get our lives unstuck? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, we are seeking to answer the question Yeshua asked His disciples in John 1:38, “What do […]
20/03/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 19 March, 2024.
19/03/202424 minutes, 55 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 18 March, 2024.
19/03/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 37

What does it mean to “come to Him”? What is our part? What is His part? Is King David from long ago coming back to life to reign in Israel again? When was “The Covenant” in effect? With whom was it made? How are teachers different from prophets? When it comes to His commandments, statutes […]
18/03/20241 heure, 8 minutes, 42 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 102 (Preparing for Purim Part 2)

Preparing for Purim This is Pt 2.
18/03/202448 minutes, 37 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Pekudei” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a two-part look at parsha ‘Pekudei,’ (Exodus 38:21 through the end of the Book) where the story of the Exodus essentially comes to a middle, but the Book of that name draws to a close. The Erev Shabbat reading: which really sets up more questions than […]
17/03/20241 heure, 17 minutes, 31 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #164

As I spend time at the R.E.S.T. retreat in Southern California, I thought it would be a great theme for this week. Rest is found in the Psalms and in this episode, we will read from Psalms 125 and 132 along with the music that comes with them from my album “Psalms of Aliyah.” I […]
16/03/202428 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 28

The teachers take a detailed look at Isaiah chapter 28, “line by line, precept by precept.”
15/03/20241 heure, 39 minutes, 5 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

We know the Waste-Stream Media, Big Brother, and their official Ministry of Truth are pushing ‘the Narrative.’ And that it’s intended to destroy, and ultimately kill as many people as possible. And this week, it got even worse, even more deadly, and even more obvious. But the point of this show is to ARM listeners; […]
15/03/202449 minutes, 25 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, a wrap-up of some of the most important, and especially most revealing, stories of the week, and also a blunt assessment of where we are, and why. Call it at least part of the antidote for the MSM Kool-Aid, er, Bud Lite. AmeriKa is literally getting its brains bashed out.
15/03/202449 minutes, 48 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

There can no longer be any doubt that the ‘plagues’ warned about in Revelation 18:4 are now at hand. And both the sins of a nation which has so thoroughly turned from Him to massive Evil and the surety of judgment are equally obvious, at least to those with ‘eyes to see’. But this week, […]
15/03/202449 minutes, 48 secondes
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Set History Straight – Bread and Wine

What does the symbols of Bread and Wine represent?
14/03/202451 minutes, 39 secondes
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What country has the biggest military in all of Europe?  In the book, “The Indoctrinated Brain,” what factors of the three Covid years would physiologically steer humanity toward the acceptance of slavery without a whimper?  What western countries are pondering expansion of “hate crimes”?  According to the New Age auto-writings of Helena Blavatsky, what is […]
14/03/202450 minutes, 1 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 13 March, 2024.
13/03/202424 minutes, 54 secondes
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Babylonian Eclipses, Planetary Alignment & Revelation 1 Vision

AMAZING CONNECTIONS! Are ancient eclipses during the fall of ancient Babylon connected with present day eclipses over the United States? The answer and where these ancient eclipses occur WILL surprise you! Is the upcoming planetary alignment of ALL seven planets connected to John's vision of the revealing of Y'shua Messiah in Revelation chapter 1? Watch this video all the way to the end to be amazed at the possibilities and then pray about what you and your family can do to get ready physically and spiritually... just in case.
13/03/202425 minutes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 138- What Do You Want? (Part 10)

How do we get our lives unstuck? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, we are seeking to answer the question Yeshua asked His disciples in John 1:38, “What do […]
13/03/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 12 March, 2024.
13/03/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 11 March, 2024. And there’s fire behind the Oscar PC Smokescreen.
11/03/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 36

Why does God allow suffering, pain and misery on this Earth? How has the law been “changed”? What was it that caused the Great Flood cleansing the Earth of mankind? Why was Noah preserved? What is the “plan of redemption”? What is a remnant? In this episode we are going to the book of the […]
11/03/20241 heure, 4 minutes, 27 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 101 (Preparing for Purim Part 1)

Preparing for Purim This is Pt 1.
11/03/202448 minutes, 53 secondes
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Cloud by Day, Pillar of Fire by Night

Audio reading: Ex 39:32-43, Luke 1:1-25, Psalm 56:1-13, Prov 11:8 An angel of the LORD visited Zacharias  as he was lighting incense at the altar in the Temple. What was that like? What promise was given to him by the angel? Audio reading: Ex 40:23-38, Luke 2:1-35, Psalm 59:1-17, Prov 11:14 And Moses was not […]
10/03/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Vayakhel” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha ‘Vayakhel,’ (Exodus 35:1 through chapter 38:20) is named for the root word which means “assembled,” and this is the second time we see that word appear in Scripture. The first was in the last parsha, where ‘the people assembled,’ and it turned out to be against Aaron, to demand the infamous ‘golden calf.’ This […]
10/03/20241 heure, 42 minutes, 20 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #163

We are reminded that some of our greatest learning experiences are in the middle of difficult circumstances. Psalms 90 and 94 encourage us to find our Heavenly Father in the midst of difficult circumstances instead of complaining about them. There is much wisdom to be gained out of these times that are not necessarily fun, […]
09/03/202428 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

We already knew the “State of the [dis-] Union” was dire. But when the bar is set so low that a senile imposter who can’t even read a teleprompter for comprehension gets a pass because he stood upright for the better part of an hour, and didn’t fall off the podium, or soil his pampers, […]
08/03/202449 minutes, 47 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 27

This week the teachers explore Isaiah chapter 27.
08/03/20241 heure, 38 minutes, 1 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

Mark Call, David Justice, and Dr. Jeff Prystupa discuss some of the most hyped, and most important events of the week, starting with the Senile Elephant in the Oval Room. In spite of the whoppers, the ‘state of the union’ is dire.
08/03/202449 minutes, 9 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 7 March, 2024.
08/03/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Set History Straight – Melchizedek- IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO KNOW!

We will discuss the role of MelchizdekIMPORTA
08/03/202453 minutes, 57 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

The modern day ‘curses’ warned about in Revelation 18:4 seem to be well underway, from foreign invasion, to war, to economic collapse, and, of course, the setup for famine. Some of the elements that have been put in place by those who serve the ‘prince of this world,’ may even seem insurmountable, at least in […]
08/03/202449 minutes, 45 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 6 March, 2024.
07/03/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 137- What Do You Want? (Part 9)

How do we get our lives unstuck? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, we are seeking to answer the question Yeshua asked His disciples in John 1:38, “What do […]
06/03/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 5 March, 2024. And “Super Tuesday” is just the beginning. But some of the SIGNALS tell the real story.
05/03/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 4 March, 2024.
05/03/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 35

The faith/belief/trust we as humans profess in something that is greater than ourselves ultimately boils down to relationship. This relationship is being one with our Creator, our Father and our Messiah, in the context of or vehicle known as “covenant.” For this reason, to learn about this covenant is critical to the health of the […]
04/03/20241 heure, 8 minutes, 7 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 100 (The Plague Lady)

Are you planning Passover? Passover is a celebration that requires significant planning whether you are celebrating in your own home with your family or with a group. In Temple times, people would “register” for a lamb in groups of about fifty people. Since sacrificial animals all turn a year older on Elul 1 Rosh Hodesh Elul, the new moon festival of the month of Elul marks the opening of the time window when one-year-old lambs qualified for the Pesach will be born. Elul 1 is ma’aser behema, or the counting of domesticated animals. During the time of the Temple, this day was the new year to determine the start date of animal tithes. The lambs would therefore be a year old even though technically aged about six months or less. Since only a kazayit (the size of an olive) of the lamb had to be eaten to meet the requirement of sharing the Pesach, one lamb sufficed for many people. They simply needed to share in its suffering, not make the main meal from it. The celebratory meal of the chag (joyous festival) was the main course to fill the belly. During Second Temple times, if you did not register ahead of time to share in a lamb, then you were not permitted to eat from it! Yikes. Such delay in planning one’s worship was considered a severe spiritual lapse. We might compare this to someone who has many opportunities to accept Yeshua as savior, yet refuses or delays repeatedly. When the Day comes, it is too late. Practically speaking, a person could make a last-minute purchase and bring his own lamb by procuring one himself, but that’s a lot of meat for one person to eat before midnight! Passover is a type and shadow of salvation, but it is also predictive of how we acquire an identity with the holy community of Israel. From smaller family and friends gatherings, we grow together and eventually stand as one people at Shavuot and the fall feasts of Yom Teruah and Yom HaKippurim. A chag is a “memorial,” so while you’re planning, why not plan to make it memorable? Since an essential element of Pesach is teaching children, the part of the seder that is telling the story of the Exodus can ALWAYS be made memorable to children. For instance, one year, I dressed up in Egyptian costume as “The Plague Lady.” It required a few months of planning! I don't have any photos from that seder because I was too busy plaguing people, but I looked pretty scary. Here's what I did: 1. Water turning to blood: I purchased small (dead) baitfish and a whole big fish from the market and submersed the big fish in a pitcher of red Kool-Aid. When the leader announced the plague, I came in and offered to serve the kids’ table drinks from the pitcher. Yes, they screamed. I then threw some of the dried fish onto their table. Be careful with that one. One of the kids tried to eat one. 2. Frogs: Over a month before the seder, I purchased a frog pinata and three packages of catfish stinkbait. I opened the stinkbait, inserted it into the pinata, then wrapped the frog in a big Hefty bag and left it in the garage until Passover. I unwrapped it just after the dead fish Kool-Aid, unplugged the pinata, and then I walked through the room swinging the pinata around. Yes, it was horrible. I also bought some frog legs from the market and threw some onto the kids’ table. I don’t think anyone tried to eat those. We were all nauseated from the stinkbait frog. It smelled so bad you could taste it. 3. Lice: Easy-peasy. Lice-rice, baby, but go easy. Clean-up is a mess. 4. Flies: Cheap party favors, a dollar a bag. Pass them out to parents ahead of time so they can throw them at the kids. You won’t have to worry about clean-up. The kids will scoop them up to take home. 5. Livestock pestilence: I took a huge stuffed cow, wrapped it in some bandages, stuffed a thermometer in her mouth, and made a “litter.” We took a few trips around the kids’ table asking if there were a doctor in the house. A couple of red cross armbands are good enough for your "paramedics," siren sound effects optional. 6. Boils: Before the seder started, I used a drama makeup kit to build realistic boils on the arms of volunteers. When the plague was announced, they rolled up their sleeves and moaned and groaned. It was a little disturbing how much they got into the acting. 7. Hail. Easy-peasy. Ping-pong balls. May require temporary confiscation before the seder can proceed. Including adults. 8. Locusts: I bought those from the same place as the dollar-flies. Again, you won’t have to clean them up. They’ll be in pockets. Or they might end up in a few dishes in next week's oneg. 9. Darkness: A helper cut the lights, and THEN… 10. Killing of firstborn children: …all the firstborn men began wailing and then staged being dead, slumped over tables, on the floor, etc. When the lights came on, voila. They saw dead people. This was very scary for some of the young ones. You might have a better idea, or at least warn them ahead of time it’s not real. No sense in drama trauma, Mama, but it did keep them awake. For several nights, I hear. So yes, making a memorial memorable takes a lot of planning. I hope you’ve already started! Looking for insights into the Passover and how it developed from the Egyptian exodus to modern times? When and how were things added, such as the use of four cups of wine or the afikomen? Creation Gospel Workbook Six is an excellent overview of Hebrew prayer and worship traditions. The second section of the book uses the historical development of Passover to show how thousands of years of celebration developed from the seed of the Torah instructions. Here is an excerpt: "The Tosefta notes that the seder had developed some lighthearted elements to keep the children awake. Modern readers may not recognize the use of reductio ad absurdum in the Mishnah, which sometimes shows up in the Haggadah or other texts that quote from the Mishnah. A good example of the light-hearted fun may be found when the ten plagues are expounded by later rabbis to include 60, 240, and even up to 300 plagues (Raphael, p. 77). This leaves the uninitiated reader scratching his or her head, but it is a good demonstration that the seders have always been nights of fun for children as well as nights of serious reflection on themes of sacrifice, deliverance, and redemption. The Tosefta to 10:9b reads: “They grab unleavened bread from each other for the sake of the child to astonish him so that he will not fall asleep.” The rabbis recognized that if the seder may lead to some adult dozing and slumbering, then a child weary from excitement would surely need some helping remaining awake! To combat their drowsiness, adults were instructed to surprise the children by snatching matzah at unexpected times. Similar games were played in Iraqi seders in order to keep children awake even until the modern era. The following examples from CG Workbook Five Vol IV are listed for reference. These ancient Iraqi Jewish Pesach traditions were still practiced in the early 1900s: A. When the blessing was made of the soft, pliable matzah, Kadouri took the middle matzah shemora and tore it, creating the shape of the Hebrew letters vav and daled. He wrapped the largest part of the matzah shemorah in a small tablecloth to make the afikoman, and tied it on the back of little Tzadek for safekeeping. This ritual was customary to keep the children interested in the long ceremony. The other children would wait until the little boy fell asleep so that they could steal the afikomen and hide it elsewhere until the end of the seder. However, when the baby fell asleep, Kadouri took the afikoman from him and hid it in the bedroom. The children sat anxiously ready and waiting for the traditional negotiations over the afikoman…” (Yerushalmi, loc. 2299 of 3932) B. When the time came for the ritual of the ‘Four Questions,’ as was the custom of Iraqi Jews, the children went out of the room with pillows, blankets, matzot, and other paraphernalia, as though to reenact the long journey through the Sinai Desert. They waited outside for a few minutes, then knocked on the door and Kadouri asked, ‘Who is it?’ ‘Israel,’ the children answer in loud chorus. ‘And where do you come from?’ the adults asked, still siting around the large dining table. ‘From Egypt,’ the children answered. ‘And where are you heading?’ ‘To Jerusalem,’ the children answered again in a joyful chorus. ‘And what do you want?’ the audience asked. ‘Why is this night different from all other nights?’ the children broke in loud song, and the adults joined in. (Yerushalmi, location 2310) C. Everyone laughed and drank wine, blessed the matzah and the karpas, and ate from the delicious, thick, dark charoset made from date syrup and crushed almonds. Then they ate hard-boiled eggs and finally, the delicious festive main course that Hela had prepared. As usual, the seder was over only after the children found the hidden afikoman. After lengthy, funny, and tiresome negotiations, the children handed it back to Kadouri and each received one dinar, feeling it was a fortune.” (Yerushalmi, loc. 2310) Syrian Jews had a similar custom. The participants act out a personal drama of the Exodus: Guests: “Where do you come from?” Seder participant: “Egypt!” Guests: “Where are you going?” Seder participant: “Jerusalem!” Guests: “What are your provisions?” Seder participant: “Matzah and maror.” (Dweck, 2007, p. 351) Such enactments kept both children and adults awake through the lengthy seder.
04/03/202449 minutes, 25 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Ki Tisa” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

The Torah parsha titled ‘Ki Tisa,’ (Exodus 30:11 through chapter 34) is not only ‘feature-packed,’ but includes one of the most important, and tragic, turning points in all of Scripture. And it also includes one of the most notable chiasms in the Bible, too (although Mark prefers the more descriptive Hebrew term, ‘atbash.’) And, again, […]
03/03/20242 heures, 14 minutes, 18 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #162

The word “sacrifice” does not usually send warm fuzzy feelings through us. We seem to avoid any mention of sacrifice in our normal daily lives. However, sacrifice does have positive connotations as well, and maybe even more so. In the Psalms, David speaks often of making a sacrifice and it seems to be frequently involved […]
02/03/202428 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary and a bit of recap of the week ending Friday, 1 March, 2024.
02/03/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 26

This week the Torah teachers explore the prophecies of Isaiah/YesheYahu chapter 26.
02/03/20241 heure, 38 minutes, 24 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

This week Mark’s two regular co-hosts were both unavailable for unrelated reasons, but a voice very familiar to the Hebrew Nation audience, Daniel Holdings, was able to sit down for an hour to talk about recent events and important trends. And it was a very interesting discussion.
01/03/202424 minutes, 51 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

It seems lately that the level of Utter BS that people are being fed by the likes of the WasteStream Media, and traitors like Letitia James and Fani Willis is simply too much to even believe. And why do people put up with it? Robert Heinlein once said that, “Stupidity is the only universal capital […]
01/03/202449 minutes, 50 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 29 February, 2024.
29/02/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Where did Talmud/Zohar/etc come from? How do these writings affect Arab Christians or Christians who work in the Holy Land? Was Oct. 7 an inside job to achieve various goals, amongst them the advent of the Talmud’s Messiah? How is the “vaxx a certain percentage and they’ll all be vaxxed via shedding” principle working out? […]
29/02/202450 minutes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 136- What Do You Want? (Part 8 )

How do we get our lives unstuck? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, we are seeking to answer the question Yeshua asked His disciples in John 1:38, “What do […]
28/02/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuessday, 27 February, 2024.
28/02/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 26 February, 2024.
27/02/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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DOZENS OF BIBLICALLY NAMED TOWNS IN THE U.S. DARKENED WITH MOST BEING 90-100% IN DARKNESS DURING BOTH ECLIPSES!  JACOB, Illinois in the Southern tip of Illinois an area historically known as Little Egypt, was is 100% darkness during the 2017 eclipse AND will be in 100% darkness AGAIN DURING THE UPCOMING April 8, 2024 second Great American total solar eclipse!  That’s not all!  10 of the original 12 tribes plus Ephraim also have towns named after them in the US which will be in darkness for both eclipses (with the exception that Reuben was only darkened in 2017).  How about towns named Israel, Zion, Palestine, Assyria, Nineveh & even Babylon?  Yep all of them have US towns named after them that will or were also plunged into darkness (most of them being 90 to 100% but at a minimum 70% darkened in BOTH eclipses)!  COULD THIS BE ONE OF THE SIGNS OF JONAH?  Could this upcoming 2024 eclipse be marking the Aleph-Tav… the beginning of the end of the U.S. as we know it? Listen to this message to find out more!
26/02/202425 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 34

In Proverbs 5:6 we see the “strange woman” described as unstable. What does it mean to be unstable? How is faith related to stability/unstability? How is wisdom related to being stable or unstable? Rabbi Steve Berkson continues the theme of covenant with our Creator being connected to wisdom, knowledge and understanding in how we keep […]
26/02/20241 heure, 5 minutes, 5 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah 99 (Take me A Portion – Tetzaveh)

Teaching at River of Life Tabernacle Shabbat Service
26/02/202448 minutes, 43 secondes
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A Wedding is Coming!

Audio reading: Exodus 34:10-26, Mark 10:32-52, Psalm 45:1-17, Prov 10:22 The royal daughter is all glorious within the palace; Her clothing is woven with gold. She shall be brought to the King in robes of many colors; The virgins, her companions who follow her, shall be brought to You. With gladness and rejoicing they shall be brought; They shall enter […]
25/02/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Tetzaveh” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a two-part look this week at Torah parsha, Tetzaveh, (Exodus 27:20-30:10) which, among other things, describes in some detail the special clothing to be made and worn by the cohenim, or priests, when they serve the people and YHVH in the mishkan. Again, the Bible gives […]
25/02/20241 heure, 32 minutes, 13 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #161

The power of Blessings is mostly underrated. The word for blessing is found throughout the Bible and in this episode, we will look at 2 of the Psalms – 1 and 103 – that tell us we will receive blessings from our Heavenly Father if we walk in His ways, and then encourage us to […]
24/02/202428 minutes
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Calming Harp Episode #160

The Psalms are always an encouragement as we see how David and the other authors dealt with the situations that surrounded them. Psalms 27 and 118 are no exception. Shirley is reading these Psalms as I am playing the music from them so there is a double impact of the words and the music of […]
24/02/202428 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 25 into 26

The Torah teachers, Mark Pitrone, Mark Call, and Ray Harrison, take a detailed look at the Book of the prophet Isaiah, chapter 25, and then into 26.
23/02/20241 heure, 39 minutes, 43 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

David Justice and Mark Call take a look back at a week where literally NO one with even a shred of integrity can deny that the Rule of Law, at least in the Cesspool of New York City, is utterly dead. And, on every front, Evil is being called “good,” and what was Good is […]
23/02/202449 minutes, 19 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 22 February, 2024. Signs of the times…
23/02/202425 minutes, 32 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

It turns out that the Fake News Media not only lied about the poison poke, they’ve lied about the dangers of ‘transgendering,’ too. But when it came to the shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs Superbowl victory parade, there was a whole LOT of information that just plain didn’t get reported. It even seems to […]
23/02/202449 minutes, 49 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 21 February, 2024. And it’s definitely a ‘different’ kind of news day…
22/02/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 135- What Do You Want? (Part 7)

How do we get our lives unstuck? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, we are seeking to answer the question Yeshua asked His disciples in John 1:38, “What do […]
21/02/202450 minutes
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INTERVIEW – Essenes, Dead Sea Scrolls, New Age

Part 1 - With video blogger Maria Nikolaidi from Greece for her Bitchute Channel. Our sister in Messiah Maria from Greece was brought out of New Age Religion by Y'shua Messiah, Praise Yah!  She has been studying the calendar issue and says the Essenes' (or whomever the writers were of some of the extra-biblical Dead Sea Scrolls were) doctrines do seem similar to the New Age doctrines which she came out of.  That is why she wanted to include both sides of the calendar discussion, both for and against, on her Freefloat Bitchute Channel.  Our interview of course was in the against category but mostly outlined reasons why you should use extreme caution when reading the Dead Sea Scrolls and switching calendars or any doctrine based upon the content of these scrolls.
20/02/202425 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 19 February, 2024. And an eventful day it is…
20/02/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 33

The prophet Jeremiah was given some severe words to speak to the people concerning how they were behaving while being in covenant with their Elohim. They were living in the land and claiming Yahweh to be their Elohim yet, at the same time, living according to the idolatry of the nations around them, but thinking […]
19/02/20241 heure, 3 minutes, 3 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 98 (Return or Resurrection?)

Return or Resurrection? Footsteps of Messiah In the Footsteps of Messiah series, we’ve used the Song of Songs as a prophetic working text to help us understand the preparation of the Bride of Messiah: “Come with me from Lebanon, my bride...” (So 4:8) Some passages of the Song describe the relationship between the Bride and her Beloved, and some describe the perfecting conditions in millennial kingdom. What is puzzling is how the resurrection of the righteous dead aligns with the more natural-sounding earth prophecies such as this one in Isaiah: ’For I know their works and their thoughts; the time is coming to gather all nations and tongues. And they shall come and see My glory. I will set a sign among them and will send survivors from them to the nations: Tarshish, Put, Lud, Meshech, Tubal and Javan, to the distant coastlands that have neither heard My fame nor seen My glory. And they will declare My glory among the nations. Then they shall bring all your brethren from all the nations as a grain offering to the LORD, on horses, in chariots, in litters, on mules and on camels, to My holy mountain Jerusalem,’ says the LORD, ‘just as the sons of Israel bring their grain offering in a clean vessel to the house of the LORD.’ (Is 66:18-20) The ancient boundaries of the coastlands (nations) were according to language and family: From these the coastlands of the nations were separated into their lands, every one according to his language, according to their families, into their nations. (Ge 10:5) In the millennial kingdom of Messiah, it appears that those boundaries don’t disappear. Maybe they are re-drawn according to the original assignments, or maybe the shifting of peoples and their languages results in re-drawing. I’m not sure whether that’s important, only that the boundaries of Tzion are established and respected. Isaiah prophesies that all nations and tongues will gather. The only event(s) we know that fit this prophecy is the gathering to the House of Prayer for All Nations, the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Zechariah 14:16 prophesies the nations will begin to observe the feasts of Adonai in the millennium. Zechariah’s prophecy seems a little more aligned with Isaiah’s vision of the millennium, a time that still seems very much within a perfecting, but yet physical, world. How, then, do we see the Bride's gathering into the cloud (1 Th 4:16) to remain in the Presence of Adonai versus being a “sign” for the gathering of the nations? Are we in the Presence of Adonai or active among the nations? Maybe it’s not an either/or question, simply one of learning from both prophecies. A thousand years is a very long time. A thousand years ago, the Vikings were terrorizing Europe and beyond by sea, and the Byzantine Empire still sailed the Mediterranean. There were castles and kings. The samurai in Japan were beginning to arise as a warrior class. The Mayans had not yet reached the pinnacle of their empire. We’ve come a long way, baby Bride. And the nations will have a long way to go in the millennium. From the text in Exodus describing the giving of the Torah, an identity evolved of Israel as a Bride. In Jewish thought, Moses is the one leading the Bride out to meet the Bridegroom at Sinai. From here, the prophets (Je 2:2 among others) take up the Bride as an identity of Israel who is willing to do and hear the commandments of her Elohim. She’s saved from Egypt and bound in covenant of her free will. The New Testament Scriptures extend this identity and elaborate upon it. Likewise, the Feast of Shavuot is seen as the time at which the Bride will be sealed. The Feast of Trumpets is the resurrection of those sealed and the righteous dead, but what of the ten days until Yom HaKippurim? Those days are seen as an opportunity for the “intermediates,” or as Yeshua calls them “lukewarm,” to repent and return to the Covenant before the gates close at the conclusion of Yom HaKippurim. What are the sealed righteous doing during this ten days? According to some sources, Israel is like the indentured Hebrew servant, now free at the sound of the shofar on Yom Teruah in the seventh “year.” She spends the next ten days feasting with her Master and His family, and then when the Jubilee shofar sounds at Yom HaKippurim after ten days, she returns to her original inheritance. She goes home to her own territory in the Land. The wicked and the unrepentant? Well, read the Book of Revelation. What about those left among the nations from the tribulation? Zechariah 14:6 clarifies: “And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.” If we pair the Isaiah prophecy with Zechariah’s, then it is the people of Adonai, survivors, maybe the Bride herself, who will be dispatched during the millennium to the nations to teach them the Word. They will need to be instructed in the Word in order to know how to approach the Holy City and the powerful Presence of Adonai that abides there: Many people shall come and say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, To the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, And we shall walk in His paths.” For out of Zion shall go forth the Torah, And the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. (Is 2:3) Just as Yeshua always taught and reasoned with the people in Jerusalem at the feasts, it sounds as if he will continue doing so. But again, how will the nations approach? In total ignorance of sin? The full power and glory of Adonai would kill them, probably even before they set foot inside a city gate! Zechariah explains further about Sukkot in Israel and Jerusalem: “In that day “HOLINESS TO THE LORD” shall be engraved on the bells of the horses. The pots in the LORD's house shall be like the bowls before the altar. Yes, every pot in Jerusalem and Judah shall be holiness to the LORD of hosts. Everyone who sacrifices shall come and take them and cook in them...” (Zech 14:20-21) When the nations come to celebrate, they will cook festive meals: the Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot sacrifices. Just as the feast-meal plates were smashed in ancient times (pottery is like gravel around the site of the Tabernacle in Shiloh!) because they were only for holy use, so in the future the nations who come will have the opportunity to partake in the holy feasts. Who will prepare them to come in a state of holiness to hear Yeshua teach and share in the holy meals? Isaiah saw this: “...the time is coming to gather all nations and tongues. And they shall come and see My glory. I will set a sign among them and will send survivors from them to the nations...” It’s unclear whether the “sign” from among the Israelites is the actual Bride or those who repented during the ten days. Whomever it may be, they are able to teach Torah and their skin will be full of the glory of Adonai. It is thought that the original skins of Adam and Eve were light, and only after sin were they covered with “animal skin.” The two words in Hebrew even sound alike: or: skin - ??? light - ???? The transformed, sinless, resurrection physical skin shines a little of the glory of Elohim as at the Creation. The survivors from among the nations need to hear the Good News of Yeshua which is found in the Torah. The Torah will educate them in the critical details of holiness required to approach the Holy One. Whether it’s the Bride or the reformed lukewarm, they know the Word and can teach it. They can prepare the survivors of the nations to attend the feasts in holiness and rejoice. Perhaps this is why we were born where we were and why we speak the language we speak. We know the language, the culture, the local customs and history of those locations. We can teach in a known tongue. We can prepare others even though that nation is no longer our home, for our home is in the Land of Israel. Could it be that we will rotate between enjoying our inheritance land and going on special teaching missions? These are things to contemplate if only to motivate us to learn every bit of the Word we can in preparation for our assignments. An interesting detail is that those who are set among the nations to teach so that the nations' survivors can see His glory are called a “sign.” A sign is an ot, something visible. It is a miracle sometimes, or evidence, an appearing. The nations who did not see the glory of Messiah Yeshua, the glory of the Father, have an opportunity to see it in the resurrected skins of their Torah teachers. They start with the little signs of glory, which motivates them to prepare and go up to hear Yeshua teach at the appointed Feasts of Adonai and worship in His Presence. Being a sign is an important distinction. A sign has to be seen by everyone even if not comprehended by everyone. There will be no more alibis. The righteous teachers will likely have bodies like Yeshua’s, able to function in both realms, the natural world we see and the supernatural world which we rarely can see. Yeshua went into and out of realms whenever he needed to, but only when he needed to. If someone were trying to kill him, he could disappear into the spiritual realm. If he wanted to walk on water in a pesty storm, he did. If he needed to get somewhere fast, he just appeared there. Otherwise, he lived a very natural, visible life. He ate and drank, comfortable in both realms. He came in the flesh. Our flesh, too, will be transformed. Nevertheless, it sounds as if we will have a very natural existence and will not rely on “superpowers” to get around unless it’s necessary. We will walk and ride with our students as Yeshua did. The nations will be so grateful for the signs that they will commandeer every kind of transportation to make pilgrimages with their teachers to Jerusalem at the appointed times: “Then they shall bring all your brethren from all the nations as a grain offering to the LORD, on horses, in chariots, in litters, on mules and on camels, to My holy mountain Jerusalem,’ says the LORD, ‘just as the sons of Israel bring their grain offering in a clean vessel to the house of the LORD.’” All kinds of transportation are used in the millennium to arrive at the moedim: re-fitted war vehicles, ambulances, commercial vehicles, and even personal vehicles. While that may be a main question is where would they park all those vehicles...the prophetic value is immense because it demonstrates the changed hearts of the survivors who seek the Word and keep the feasts. Isaiah even prophesies that just as Yeshua was our own clean sacrifice, so those who are signs to the nations will be brought back to the Temple as clean “grain” sacrifices. Grain often represents the seed of the Word. Those who lead the nations to Jerusalem will be acknowledged as bearing the image of Yeshua and the Holy One, for they bear His Word in their vessels. They maintain their vessels in holiness, like the "clean vessels in Jerusalem and Judah." This returns us to our Footsteps of Messiah working text from the Song of Songs: “Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, may you come with me from Lebanon. Journey down...(So 4:8) “Journey down” in Hebrew is the verb tashuri. The scholars see a secondary reading to tashuri. Based on its used in the following passage, it also means a gift: “Then Saul said to his servant, ‘But behold, if we go, what shall we bring the man? For the bread is gone from our sack and there is no present [??????????? teshurah] to bring to the man of God. What do we have?’” (1 Sa 9:7) A gift is a teshurah, and in the verse above, the future King Shaul speculates that he has no gift great enough to bring a great prophet. What is the only gift that is great enough and holy enough for the nations to bring to King Messiah Yeshua? Only the Bride.
19/02/202449 minutes, 30 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Terumah” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

From the story of the “Exodus” itself, this week’s Torah parsha, Terumah, (Exodus 25:1-27:19) takes a bit of a turn, and embarks on a description of the building and furnishing of the mishkan, or ‘tabernacle in the wilderness.’ But what is most noteworthy, perhaps even confusing, is the level of detail. Why? And why is […]
18/02/20241 heure, 32 minutes, 54 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

An extended look back at news, and related commentary, for the week ending Saturday, 17 February, 2024.
16/02/202449 minutes, 49 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 24 into 25

The Torah teachers, Mark Pitrone, Mark Call, and Ray Harrison, take a detailed look at the Book of the prophet Isaiah, chapter 24, and then into 25.
16/02/20241 heure, 38 minutes, 21 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

David Justice, Jeff Prystupa, and Mark Call discuss the Deceptions, Distractions, Double-think, and Dissemblings of the Week, and where we go after starting to ‘come out of her.’
16/02/202448 minutes, 54 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

There are so many apparently impossible challenges facing those who begin to see the Truth of just how evil the world has become, and deserving of Judgment, than many people seem to feel overwhelmed, or even hopeless. Mark suggests that is certainly the intent of the Tyrants and Wannabe World Dictators, who serve that ‘other […]
16/02/202449 minutes, 47 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 15 February, 2024.
15/02/202426 minutes, 20 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 14 February, 2024.
15/02/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 13 February, 2024.
14/02/202425 minutes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 134- What Do You Want? (Part 6)

How do we get our lives unstuck? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, we are seeking to answer the question Yeshua asked His disciples in John 1:38, “What do […]
13/02/202450 minutes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 133- What Do You Want? (Part 5)

Stuck. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually. What do you do when you’re stuck? How do you find what you’re looking for in life, relationships, career? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, […]
13/02/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 12 February, 2024.
12/02/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Dead Sea Scrolls, Gezer Tablet, Essenes, Trump Calendar Pt2

ARE YOU AWARE of the Gezer calendar tablet found 20 miles NW of Jerusalem that pre-dates both the DSS calendar scroll AND the Babylonian Captivity? We also look at the Dead Sea Scrolls Qumran Zadokite Calendar which is almost IDENTICAL to the proposed Hanke-Henry replacement WORLD CALENDAR they have proposed calling the "Trump calendar" complete with a "Trump Week"... they also propose doing away with time zones and international date lines. Connecting a lot of dots INCLUDING New Age "Christian" Channeler Edgar Cayce & Theosophy founder Madame Helen Blavatsky beliefs regarding the Essenes & Jesus!
12/02/202425 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 32

What kind of relationship do you think you have with our Creator? Do you believe you are “in covenant” with the Almighty? What are the two things needed to have the correct relationship with YHVH? What determines whether or not you have a relationship with Him? Proverbs 5:5 talks about a “strange woman” and how […]
12/02/20241 heure, 6 minutes, 36 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – A Better Torah Starter (with guest Timothy Herron)

A Better Torah Starter Yitro The Torah Portion Study Habit This week's Torah portion is Yitro, or Jethro, named after Moses' father-in-law who had some very practical ideas for the fledgling nation. It should make us grin to see Moses fall into a very common trap, thinking he had to do everything on his own instead of assembling and teaching a team to help him carry the load. Why do leaders do this? Often it's from a fear that he or she protects the sheep from harmful influences, others who might lead or teach the people astray. It's a heightened sense of responsibility when the leader feels there is no one else qualified. Very understandable, but needs improvement. Sometimes it is ego-centric. The leader likes being the leader and having everyone consult him/her on every issue. He/she likes the feeling of power that comes with being in charge. Needs heart improvement. The Father's sheep are not there to boost our self-esteem. There are probably lots of other reasons, but I suspect the best of Moses, which is what we should do. Suspect the best intentions. In spite of his good intentions, Moses was wearing himself out as well as those who need help and guidance! In fact, the sages say, Yitro is pointing out that it's disrespectful to the people to make them stand in line all day. Don't you feel disrespected when you have to sit in the waiting room for an appointment for hours? Your time is valuable, too! And how many times did Moses have to repeat himself each day? What if everyone who had a similar question could be addressed in a particular court? Local judges could take on the responsibility of teaching the most common laws and applications so that it became common knowledge, like what happens when four cars approach a four-way stop at the same time. Not that they were driving cars in the wilderness. I'm sure it was donkeys or ATVs. Yitro's practical advice sparks Moses into training and setting up judges to help him carry the load so that he can become the Supreme Court to hear cases that the primary leaders and appeals courts couldn't handle. This was a better way. Our medical system implements this model to train physicians. In a teaching hospital, you might first see a med student who does an initial exam and workup, then there will be an ascending level of expertise called in to treat the patient and train those learning: interns, residents, attendings. Yitro's name comes from yoter in Hebrew: more. Yoter tov is better, more good. More good better. Yitro reminds us that sometimes there is a more good better way of doing things, and that way is more respectful of people's time, need, and their own responsibilities. Since the Israelites were newcomers to the Torah, they needed an appropriate level of instruction to get started. This is a stop sign. It is red with white letters and has eight sides. The letters spell STOP. It means to come to a complete stop. Look in all directions. If more then one of you approach the stop sign at the same time, then let the donkey on the right go first. Isn't that easier and more good better than thousands of donkeys galloping around the wilderness trying to figure out which Hebrew word means "Stop"? On this week's Shabbat livestream, I've invited Timothy Herron to join us and teach a sample lesson from his Seedtime and Harvest workbook series designed for newcomers to the Torah. Like Yitro, Tim said, "There's a better way to introduce folks to the weekly Torah portions." Many people begin to study Torah haphazardly, or maybe they never start because they're discouraged by all those Hebrew words we're using and how comfortable we seem with feasts and commandments they've never studied. New language, new wonder it's intimidating! Tim's workbooks ease in the beginner to Torah with smaller bites of information and an introduction to the structure of the Torah portions. The point is to help the learner establish a study habit instead of a reading habit. Anyone can read through the Bible in a year. Not everyone remembers or understands what he or she read at the end of that year. This Seedtime and Harvest "Torah Tuesday" series introduces good study habits and new words in a manner that the beginner can acquire without feeling overwhelmed: Five volumes - one for each book of the Torah based on the 54 traditional Torah Portions. Each volume contains: Torah Portion name in Hebrew and English Hebrew Mini which introduces the reader to Hebrew letters. Nutshell is seven highlights of each portion. Seven Readings from each portion with selected commentary Suggestions for further study Simple Thoughts by the author If you've been looking for a good starter program for friends, family, or your Bible study, it is worth checking out this preview lesson on our Shabbat YouTube livestream. And if you're looking for the accompanying videos to the study, they have now begun airing on Hebraic Roots Network. More will be added soon.
12/02/202449 minutes, 1 secondes
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Road to Calvary: Christ and Christ Crucified!

Audio reading: Exodus 25:17-30, Matthew 27:15-31, Psalm 33:12-22, Prov 9:1-6 Audio reading: Exodus 25:31-26:14, Matthew 27:32-66, Psalm 34:1-10, Prov 9:7-8 Sometimes we have to go back to basics. We have to go back to our essential core truth: We are ALL sinners, the penalty for sins is death, and our Savior, our Messiah, Jesus/Yeshua, in […]
11/02/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Mishpatim” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week’s Torah portion is perhaps one of the most appropriately-named in the Torah; parsha Mishpatim (Exodus chapters 21 through 24) contains a major helping of the ‘mishpatim’ or ordinances/judgments, even ‘rules,’ in the Book. The Erev Shabbat reading outlines those judgments and ordinances, and sets the stage for the observations that follow: The fact […]
11/02/20241 heure, 55 minutes, 11 secondes
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Is the world “outta time”? Does Poland’s Notice-to-All-Air-Missions, concerning Feb. 5-May 5, indicate WWIII within this time frame?  What’s happening in Poland that could be so sensitive?  Has the “petro dollar” been exterminated? What’s happening at the Gaza/Egypt border?  Could the US defend against Kinzhal or Zircon missiles?  What did Henry Gruver see that is […]
11/02/202450 minutes, 1 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #159

In Psalm 4, David is professing his perfect trust in the plans and purposes of God, no matter what the world is planning to do. Today, as we are inundated by troubling news around the world, we must renew our efforts to focus totally on our Heavenly Father’s plans for us. We must not allow […]
10/02/202428 minutes
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Drive Time Friday

Is this the week that the once-free nation finally realizes the Emperor fuhrer has no clothes? And no brain? David Justice and Mark Call discuss the revelations, and the remedy.
10/02/202448 minutes, 34 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look back at the week where, just maybe, a once-free nation can no longer deny that a senile puppet in adult pampers was never a real ‘president’ anyway, ending Saturday, 10 February, 2024.
09/02/202449 minutes, 46 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 7 February, 2024.
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News, commentary, and even some news about the news, for Tuesday, 6 February, 2024.
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 5 February, 2024. When ‘they’ think you can’t fight back, they will RUB your FACE in it!
06/02/202425 minutes, 8 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 97 (The Day of the LORD – Understanding the Chosen)

For believers in Yeshua who observe the Shabbat, we are reminded frequently…make that every week…that most of the world has not chosen to honor the Seventh Day as His chosen day. For many, they’ve simply not been taught about it. For others, they’ve been taught incorrectly. For others, they know, and they don’t choose to honor it. It’s a matter of choice. Our choices reflect both what we 1) understand and/or 2) prefer In the internet age, we are harassed multiple times per day to “rate” a product or a service. With a greedy disregard for the value of a purchaser’s time, the vendor expects to take a minute, five minutes, or even longer, for the purchaser to fill out surveys and questionnaires on preferences in order to help the seller adjust products and selling techniques to make more money. Shouldn’t they be paying us? I don’t work for free in my secular job, only in ministry. You probably don’t either. There is rarely an offer of more than a trinket of thanks in return for our valuable time, but sometimes we give it to them because we are flattered that someone would want to know what we think or we have an opportunity to vent even though a real human being is not likely to see or care what we write. In that sense, the business takes our money, takes uncompensated time, and then largely ignores the specific concern and buries it in a mass of number data. What a deal! The process depends upon what we choose. Why did we choose that product? That company? That day? That salesperson? Now here’s the question: Because we chose that particular product from that particular company on that particular day from that particular salesperson, does it mean we HATED every other choice? Of course not. We simply did our shopping and research (hopefully), and we preferred one over the others. Choice. We found the right thing for us personally. Unfortunately, many approach Shabbat and the Word with a similar mindset. They see it as a personal choice of what best suits them rather than a process of learning what their Creator has chosen and mirroring His choices. Esau is a great example of one who knew what to do, yet chose differently. This is why Esau, Edom, “The Red One” represents the untamed appetites of the soul: appetite, emotion, desire, and intellect. It is a tremendous life force designed by the Creator, yet in its design, the spirit of a man was chosen to rule over it. It doesn’t mean Elohim hates the soul in an emotional sense: quite the contrary! He loves us so much that He sent His Son to save our rowdy souls. The spirit of a man comes from above, from Elohim Himself. He wants that Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) to rule over the soul. He CHOSE that modality. • The oracle of the word of the LORD to Israel through Malachi. “I have loved you,” says the LORD. But you say, “How have You loved us?” “Was not Esau Jacob’s brother?” declares the LORD. “Yet I have loved Jacob; but I have hated Esau, and I have made his mountains a desolation and appointed his inheritance for the jackals of the wilderness.” (Mal 1:1-3) It can be confusing when reading Scripture to understand being “chosen.” In context, it can simply mean preferring one over the other, not hating the one who was not chosen. Because we associate hate with an extreme emotion, we lose the grasp that what is chosen is loved in the sense of preference and precedence in certain matters, and what is hated is what is ranked beneath it in certain mattters. In our culture, we rarely use “hate” if the feeling of loathing and disgust is not attached to it. Herein lies the problem. The human experience is only a parable of reality, which is found in our Creator. Our experience of emotion, desire, and intellect only mirrors His, but His is perfect. When we see love and hate only as strong emotions, then we can miss the nuances of Scripture where He is teaching us the importance of good choices based on His preferences instead of ours. He’s not offering us a survey to find out which of the commandments we prefer or even if we prefer to do them at all. He’s observing us. The times in Scripture when people felt rejected, they also felt unloved, so they acted in reprehensible ways. Kain killed Abel. Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery. King Saul tried to kill David, and so on. Their story is our story. The problem is that when Adonai expresses a preference for those who do His will instead of their own, we miss the issue, just like Kain. Kain knew what to do in order to have his sacrifice respected. That’s all he had to do. Choose and do what Elohim preferred. Here is another example of the choosing-lesson: “He also rejected the tent of Joseph, and did not choose the tribe of Ephraim, but chose the tribe of Judah, Mount Zion which He loved.” (Ps 78:67-68) Joseph/Ephraim were not rejected as people, only their territory as the resting place of Adonai’s glory. Instead, the Judah/Benjamin territory was already chosen as The Place of the Temple Mount for the peoples to come worship. The Father loved Mount Zion, which means He loved His People...all His People who would go up there to worship. It would be a House of Prayer for ALL nations to worship. He loved the world. It is hard to accept “God so loved the world” if we trip over “He rejected Joseph and did not choose Ephraim.” In context, the choice indicates the great plan of salvation and the geography of how it will be accomplished, not a qualitative assessment of everyone descended from Joseph. We do tend to get stuck when we’re not chosen for something, and if we can’t step back and decide 1) is it a “Kain Question,” of whether I need to modify my own behavior and choices to do better? or 2) does it really have nothing to do with me and my choices, only how a greater plan is being executed? Divine plans and design. The world really does struggle with words like Zion, Zionism, Zionist. Why? • Because I love Zion, I will not keep still. Because my heart yearns for Jerusalem, I cannot remain silent. I will not stop praying for her until her righteousness shines like the dawn, and her salvation blazes like a burning torch. (Is 62:1) • Then the angel said to me, “Shout this message for all to hear: ‘This is what the LORD of Heaven's Armies says: My love for Jerusalem and Mount Zion is passionate and strong.’” (Zec 1:14)’ • “This is what the LORD of Heaven's Armies says: ‘My love for Mount Zion is passionate and strong; I am consumed with passion for Jerusalem!’” (Zec 8:2) Zion and Jerusalem are the Covenant People walking in righteousness, assembling at “The Place.” The Father has passionate love for them, for they are instrumental to His ultimate plan. Zionists are people who obey their Creator and choose what He chooses. Righteous nations and people accept this pattern. Like Joseph and Ephraim’s territory, their rejection was not being left unloved and scorned, the way human beings hate, but to highlight the way of His choice so they could find that path of obedience to salvation in Yeshua, who will rule and reign from Jerusalem. The Father loves and chooses those who love and choose what He loves and chooses. It is His way of guiding the people of the earth to Him because He loves them all. Jeroboam set up golden calves in Beth-El of Ephraim and in Dan because he didn’t agree with Adonai’s choice of geography or tribes and priests in the design. Because he did not love what his Creator loved or choose what He chose, he'd do anything to divert the chosen people from the chosen place so that they would lose their identity as those who loved and chose Zion (Tzion). “For out of Tzion shall the Torah go forth, and the Word of the LORD from Jerusalem.” (Is 2:3) Those who reject Tzion and Tzionists try to dominate or control The Place and People, thinking it will destroy the terms of the Covenant, the Word, the Torah. Tzionism is to choose the Father's plan. Since Judah has leadership, the nations believe controlling or exterminating Jews is the first step toward ruling the whole earth. After that, re-directing the obedience of the nations is next. Esau has always coveted his father’s love, yet did not love the Father enough to obey His plan. “Jacob” obeys, in which case the Father “loves” Jacob and “hates” Esau. In the earth-story, Isaac emotionally loved Esau in spite of his disobedience. In Biblical language, love and hate can be a matter of preference, not necessarily an emotion of hatred. Let’s extend this principle to the Lord’s Day, Shabbat: • “If because of the sabbath, you turn your foot from doing your own pleasure on My holy day, and call the sabbath a delight, the holy day of the LORD honorable, and honor it, desisting from your own ways, from seeking your own pleasure, and speaking your own word…” In the English text, “your own word” is a bit of a stretch from the simple Hebrew word davar. Take a look at the concise definition of davar: ?????? (H1696) speech, word, speaking, thing speech saying, utterance word, words business, occupation, acts, matter, case, something, manner (by extension) The translators are reading more into the simple word davar. They see “your OWN word” rather than word. The reason for this might be due to the many ways davar is translated in its many contexts: The KJV translates Strong's H1697 in the following manner: word (807x), thing (231x), matter (63x), acts (51x), chronicles (38x), saying (25x), commandment (20x), miscellaneous (204x). What sticks out is the number of miscellaneous words davar is used for: 204! A davar is a word. A davar is a thing. In Hebrew, the word is the thing. In context, the translators see a contrast between Shabbat behavior, thinking, emotions, and yes, choices versus Days 1-6. It is not that Adonai rejects Days 1-6 to destroy them. Each of those days is full of goodness and good choices. He’s not un-creating Days 1-6. He is, however, choosing and designating Day 7 like he chose and designated a people and place called Tzion. We must choose to let His choosing prevail, and help advance even, the purpose of that choosing by also choosing to honor and enjoy it differently than the other six days of the week. In fact, all the things we’ve prepared in the first six days of the week become part of Day Seven. If we didn’t prepare it on one of those other six days, then we don’t have it on Shabbat. It’s not a love-unloved, hated-not hated proposition in the sense of emotion, but of design. The soul was chosen for its purpose; the spirit was chosen for its purpose; the body was chosen for its purpose. They work together under the discipline of the spirit to live, not to chop off soul and body. We’d call that being dead! Esau’s territory will be made a desolation as a discipline for not accepting the choices and design of Elohim. The soul will finally see the death and devastation in the body, formed from earth, that is caused when it does not choose to follow the Creator’s will and design. Likewise, all the 7s in the Book of Revelation hint to the devastation the world must experience in order to acknowledge His choices, starting with the first principle, Shabbat, the Seventh Day. Understanding the many uses of the word davar, now it makes sense in context. “Your own words” are business words, occupation words, preparation words, the things you talk about and do on weekdays. We can reject those conversations and things in order to choose the words and things of Shabbat. • The Gemara cites what we learned with regard to the following passage: “If you keep your feet from breaking, from pursuing your affairs on My holy day, and you call Shabbat a delight..., the Lord’s holy day honorable, and you honor it by not going your own way, from attending to your affairs and speaking idle words.” Mishneh Torah, Shabbat 113a:14 Idle words are reik, or empty, worthless. A word that would be valuable if spoken Sunday-Friday is worthless and empty on Shabbat. Words that would be valuable, honorable and delightful on a different day are not on Shabbat. By choosing the Shabbat and its instructions for ceasing from creative work, we exercise a choice to be chosen and loved. We choose to rest in our salvation in Yeshua, knowing we cannot add or subtract anything from what was already finished on Day Six. All we can do is walk in and honor the Davar that was established “from the foundation of the world.” It is not ours to re-draw the boundaries either of Creation or the Word. It is ours to hear and do. To honor and respect. To delight in and rejoice in. When we choose and love HIS Day, we have lots of personal choices WITHIN the boundary of Shabbat. What to eat, what to wear, who to have over for a meal, what Torah discussion we can have that is not idle, empty, controversial, or likely to kindle a fire. The Father’s love is strong, passionate, and eternal toward us. Chosen.
05/02/202449 minutes, 57 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 31

What is significant about a “teacher’s wisdom”? (Proverbs 5:1) Who (or what) is this “strange woman” we find in Proverbs 5:3? Yeshua talked about the “leaven of the Pharasees”–what was that? How many people does it take to “make peace”? What does it mean to validate each other’s position and feelings when dealing with conflicts […]
05/02/20241 heure, 6 minutes, 55 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Yitro” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week’s Torah parsha from the annual cycle is Yitro (Exodus 18:1 – 20:23) and begins with the name of Moses’s father-in-law, but it ends with one of the most important ‘recitations’ in all of Scripture, the ‘download’ of the Ten Debarimm (Words/Commandments/Sayings) on Mount Sinai. Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for […]
04/02/20241 heure, 54 minutes, 11 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #158

What is truth!? As we listen to the news and see what is going on around us, we are forced to seek a source of truth that we can depend on. Psalm 19 tells us that our Heavenly Father is the only reliable source of truth. He is not like a man that He would […]
03/02/202428 minutes
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Dead Sea Scrolls, Gezer Tablet, Essenes, Trump Calendar Pt1

ARE YOU AWARE of the Gezer calendar tablet found 20 miles NW of Jerusalem that pre-dates both the DSS calendar scroll AND the Babylonian Captivity? We also look at the Dead Sea Scrolls Qumran Zadokite Calendar which is almost IDENTICAL to the proposed Hanke-Henry replacement WORLD CALENDAR they have proposed calling the "Trump calendar" complete with a "Trump Week"... they also propose doing away with time zones and international date lines. Connecting a lot of dots INCLUDING New Age "Christian" Channeler Edgar Cayce & Theosophy founder Madame Helen Blavatsky beliefs regarding the Essenes & Jesus!
03/02/202425 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 22 into 23

The Torah teachers, Mark Pitrone, Ray Harrison, and Mark Call, continue the study of the Book of the prophet Isaiah. This week from chapter 22 into chapter 23.
03/02/20241 heure, 38 minutes, 55 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look back at the week where TWO wars, civil and global, probably only appear to be on temporary hold, ending Saturday, 3 February, 2024.
02/02/202449 minutes, 50 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

While the no-longer-united States continue to hurdle toward ‘Civil War 2.0,’ and the Swamp Puppets lust for more WWIII blood, much of the news on those fronts seemed to be on “temporary hold” this week. Which means there are other things to focus on…
02/02/202449 minutes, 13 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Most of us recognize by now that when it comes to everything from paper metal futures prices to national elections, ‘the fix is in.’ But what might not be quite so obvious is just how PERVASIVE ‘the Fix’ really is. And it’s in some of those cases where it might not be quite so clear, […]
02/02/202449 minutes, 45 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 1 February, 2024.
01/02/202425 minutes, 3 secondes
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There Has To Be More~02-02-2024

Overview of the Tanakh- Session 48
01/02/202425 minutes
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There Has To Be More~01-31-2024

Overview of the Tanakh- Session 47
01/02/202425 minutes
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There Has To Be More~1-29-2024

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 46
01/02/202425 minutes
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There Has To Be More~01-26-2024

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 45
01/02/202425 minutes
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There Has To Be More~01-24-2024

Overview of the Tanakh-Session 44
01/02/202425 minutes
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There Has To Be More~01-22-2023

An Overview of the Tanakh- Session 43
01/02/202425 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 31 January, 2024.
01/02/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News, commentary, and even some news about the news, for Tuesday, 30 January, 2024.
31/01/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 132- What Do You Want? (Part 4)

Stuck. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually. What do you do when you’re stuck? How do you find what you’re looking for in life, relationships, career? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, […]
30/01/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 29 January, 2024. How better to Distract the Masses and Change the Subject from the REAL War than… …yet another front in WW3?
29/01/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Set History Straight – Flood in Revelations 12- what is it?

floodWe will bediscussing Rev 12 and the Dragon sends a flood. What is that?
29/01/202446 minutes, 9 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 30

Going to the book of the prophet Amos, chapter 5, we are staying with the topic of how wisdom, understanding and knowledge relate to keeping covenant with the Almighty. In this episode Rabbi Steve Berkson continues looking at the references of “wormwood” to discover the relevance for you today. Then from “wormwood” we get the […]
29/01/20241 heure, 6 minutes, 1 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 96 (Double Life Pt 2)

This week we continue with "Living a Double Life" To review: The challenge is that many of the commandments are given as nos, or the “you shall nots.” At least half of life is managing the nos, the boundaries, and the good fences that preserve our lives.  If life is at least half no, then fostering a great relationship with the no commandments is the key. We can discipline ourselves to engage the nos with as much enthusiasm as the yeses, which really, is what makes a disciple. Just like Yeshua told Peter, we are transformed from a person who always wants to be in charge to one who is willing to be led of the Ruach HaKodesh in every circumstance, even down to the time and way we die. Some disciples discipline the nos faster, and some not so fast. It is important, though, for if we cannot engage the simple commandments of yes and no, then how will we hear the more subtle still, small, voice of the Ruach HaKodesh is our daily dilemmas that don’t come with a chapter and verse attached to them? This week, let’s look at another “commandment principle” of life: the possibility of living a double life. It starts with the first commandment given at Mount Sinai in Exodus 20:1-5: Then God spoke all these words, saying, ‘I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them…’ The commandment is not to put another created entity as an “elohim” in front of Elohim, the only Creator. The idea is that there is nothing else created that could possibly be Elohim. By definition, Elohim is the Creator of all things, and a created elohim (judge, appointed ruler) is not. It is merely another created thing originating from Elohim. All other things go behind Him. He is the first, and there is no second to compare to Him. Sometimes a glance at a more literal Hebrew helps. “You shall have no other gods before Me” is: ??? ???????????? ???????? ???????? ???????????? or You will not be to yourself another god on My face. When a human being fabricates an image from wood, stone, or other substance, or attributes the Ruach Elohim to an existing created substance such as a tree, water, cloud, etc., then the human has put a “face” on Elohim. The urge is so strong that this is the first commandment, a “yes” paired with a “no.” Yes, He is Elohim, and no, do not tamper with Him by fabricating an image to put a face on Him, for it will be inaccurate and a product of human imagination. A philosopher once said that "imagination is man's most God-like characteristic." We can also say that based on the primacy of the first commandment, imagination is man's most god-like characteristic, his primary place of vulnerability to idols. The moment we put a face on Elohim, we become susceptible to idolatry, looking to that object for intervention on our behalf: success, health, sustenance, good, peace, prosperity, comfort, joy, etc. For instance, rather than partner with Elohim for our life-path of prosperity, prerequisite to putting His Kingdom first, we forge our own ideas about how much wealth we need and when we need it without regard for our spiritual discipline and agreement to put Elohim first in all things. In ancient times, people sought out gods of prosperity, fertility, strength, war, and so on. Rather than partner with Elohim, “who teaches my hands to war,” (Ps 18:34) they consulted principalities and powers and made war. Because the worship of these entities requires the imagination, effort, time, and faith of the human being, the powers of the entity reflect the human who turns to it, not the true created ability assigned to that power by Elohim for it to manage its particular realm, whether in the heavens above or earth below. Are there other powerful spiritual beings and human organizations in our universe? Yes. Are they the Creator and worthy of our time, attention, and resources? NO! These entities are not ours to petition or order around. In selecting the attributes of certain entities, we put a human, animal, or other physical face on Elohim. While He is often hidden from human beings, He does not need a mask of our choosing. We desperately need to believe that so that we don’t live a double life, claiming to worship Elohim while putting our trust in other created entities. That is done today not so much by worshiping an object, but by putting faith in the leopard’s spots. Remember our lessons on the beast kingdoms? The leopard was Greece. The spots were its organizations: medicine, art, philosophy, education, drama, military, government, politics, sports, music, etc. The Romans took those organizations and expanded them, and even when the Roman Empire fell, those systems are disseminated all over the world to influence and control human beings. Now human beings are conditioned to look to those organizations to supply every human need. When we put faith in them, they become a god on Elohim’s face. They are to be used lawfully, not trusted. We are in Babylon, the whole earth. The golden head of Babylon is still attached to the whole image: Babylon’s golden head; Medo-Persia’s silver chest; Greece’s bronze abdomen; Rome’s iron legs; and those organizations mixed with all humans made of clay are standing on the whole earth. When King Messiah, the Stone, smashes the feet of the world’s organizations being worshiped, then it will also tumble the cumulative effect of the whole image, and Babylon will be fallen once again. Can we use these systems? Go to a doctor? Vote? Write and paint? Play sports? Defend our country? Receive an education? Absolutely! We are in Babylon, but we are not OF it. “Come out of her” is a yes commandment, but we can’t come out of the world itself without also saying some nos. Those iron and clay feet are everywhere. The key is don’t participate in Babylon’s sins: “I heard another voice from heaven, saying, ‘Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues;’” (Re 18:4) Being in the earth and its systems is inevitable; participating in its sinfulness is not. The Ten Commandments are the Cliff’s Notes of how to master the yeses and nos of the Word. Inevitably, all those organizations will be destroyed by King Messiah Yeshua. They are each being exposed even now. While they meet many needs, just like a created power in the heavens above or earth below, they are not Elohim. When those organizations begin to exercise sinful power, influence, and control over human beings, especially because human beings WANT them to do so in order to derive the benefit, just like ancient idolatry, THEN they begin to function like a face on Elohim. It is our responsibility to never let these things replace our faith in Elohim as the Lord of Armies, the Healer, the Provider, the Creator, and the many names of Who He is to His Creation. “To you it was shown that you might know that the LORD, He is God; there is no other besides Him.” (Dt 4:35) ???? ???? ?????????? Ain od m'ilvado. There is no other beside Him. There is nothing more than His oneness. This week a rabbi explained the first commandment to have no other gods. He said it is to be double-minded! To think that any other power or force on earth is our source rather than the One who created us. That reminded me of something I memorized in high school: James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes who are dispersed abroad: Greetings. Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. (Ja 1:1-8) Now that I’m older, I can read the contextual and symbolic phrasing. The letter is written specifically to disciples of Yeshua in the dispersion, not in Judea. These believers are among the nations, not in the defined land of Israel itself. Emphasizing this, James (Ya’akov) describes them as being in a place the sea where “wind” tosses. The sea alludes to the nations, and the tossing wind is “ruach,” those created spiritual entities that rule them, such as the Prince of Persia. Each nation has its assigned ruler until it is shaken down just before King Messiah returns to set up his government on earth. Wisdom, or “chokhmah,” is the first of the seven spirits of Adonai listed in Isaiah 11:2, the Holy Spirit. They are seven manifestations of the ONE Ruach HaKodesh, for the menorah was hammered from one piece of gold. James is giving believers an exhortation from the first commandment: There is only one Elohim; believe it! Being among the wind-tossed sea of nations is to be vulnerable to those who have made spiritual powers into their gods by believing they had power independent of Elohim's will, or they have created organizations to accomplish the same goals as those who worshiped idols of their imagination from ancient times. Indeed, those "princes" are responsible for their assigned territories, but they do not report to nor heed another created being. Only Elohim. There is none other. James knew we'd need this reminder not to absorb the nations' reliance on their systems instead of our Creator Elohim. An idol is nothing but an inaccurate, pathetic, self-serving, figment of the human imagination placed like one of many faces on Elohim. In these lands of exile among the nations, we are to turn to the Ruach HaKodesh, the Spirit of Elohim, Who is One, to meet all our needs in His time, not ours. In His quantity, not ours, When we begin to “work the system” apart from His perfect will in our lives, we’ll be double-minded. Like the Israelites, we will fall into fear and uncertainty. Although they said “We will do and we will hear" at the mountain,” there was still some double-mindedness. Could they really do the yes and not do the nos? Even the first commandment, to believe Elohim created all things and would provide all things...even their perfection at the resurrection, was so unbelievable that they thought they’d die. They asked Moses to talk directly to Adonai and relay the messages and their answers. It is difficult to judge them. After all, do we really believe that we can be “perfect and complete, lacking in nothing”? We have no control over the fact we’re in the exile and Babylon. What we do have control over is sin! Before we get past ten commandments to 613, we examine our hearts toward Elohim and His people: Hear, O, Israel. YHVH our Elohim, YHVH is ONE. You shall love… And you shall love your neighbor as yourself. In our hearts, we must accept that there is none other. First, Elohim is Creator. He created everything that is BEHIND Him, including our neighbor. Ain od m’ilvado. Once we accept that, then we can hear the Ten Commandments without dying. After that, we can learn the details of all 613 in the “seas,” the wilderness of the nations, our dispersion. Elohim’s pre-eminence is the key to coming out of Babylon, to not placing our faith in human systems. We must evaluate whether any of those systems is influencing us or coercing us to sin. If so, the Word of the commandments will provide the answer as to whether we are being double-minded. Gradually, like Peter going to his own cross, we stop living a double life and thinking with a double mind. We quit placing our masks on Elohim. Worry is evidence that the Ruach HaKodesh is still working on the second mind-mask whispering that Elohim is not fully to be trusted to be our Creator, Provider, Healer, Protector…and even the One Who will resurrect us to life when our worst fears come true. And isn’t that the key to not fearing? May Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. One mind. The worst fear, death, is our greatest hope. Ain od m’ilvado. No human being, principality, power, or human organization can resurrect us from the dead to live in the Presence of Elohim forever. Only ONE can and will. The ONE we believe…and our doing is evidence of our believing…will bring us to perfection by His Ruach HaKodesh. What if we’re not entirely perfect when we die? We’ll leave at least a few things not perfected. Otherwise, we’d be Messiah himself with the power of resurrection, but we’re not. We are depending on Yeshua’s sinless life to raise us sinless from the dead, not the other way around. Yeshua is the Living Word. The Word is the Torah. The Word is the Commandment. The yeses and the nos of Torah are life from the dead. So next time we’re worried about the economy, war, family, disease, politics, and every other care of the world, we have an opportunity. The Ruach HaKodesh is giving us an open window to put Elohim first. The imposter mind is being exposed as a fake! The person worrying is not us. It's just a man-made image-ination trying to put a distorted mask on our Deliverer. We need only a single mind in every trial: Ain od m’ilvado! There is none other than Him! Perfect.
29/01/202447 minutes, 45 secondes
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Dead Sea Scrolls, Gezer Tablet, Essenes, Trump Calendar

NEW VIDEO! ARE YOU AWARE of the Gezer calendar tablet found 20 miles NW of Jerusalem that pre-dates both the DSS calendar scroll AND the Babylonian Captivity? We also look at the Dead Sea Scrolls Qumran Zadokite Calendar which is almost IDENTICAL to the proposed Hanke-Henry replacement WORLD CALENDAR they have proposed calling the "Trump calendar" complete with a "Trump Week"... they also propose doing away with time zones and international date lines. Connecting a lot of dots INCLUDING New Age "Christian" Channeler Edgar Cayce & Theosophy founder Madame Helen Blavatsky beliefs regarding the Essenes & Jesus!
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Mark Call – Parsha “B’shalach” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a two-part look at the parsha from the Book of Exodus, B’shalach (Ex. 13:17 through chapter 17), that includes perhaps the most famous miracle in Scripture, the ‘parting of the Red Sea’ (or, arguably, Sea of Reeds.) The Erev Shabbat reading includes far more than just […]
28/01/20242 heures, 3 minutes, 39 secondes
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Is the Texas border about to escalate into a fiasco?  What are some possible (nefarious) motives for bringing in National Guard units from all over?  Why are military units allegedly being told to prepare for off-grid functionality by Feb. __?  Why are “governmental entities” told to prepare for the “worst weather imaginable” by Feb. __?  […]
27/01/202450 minutes
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Calming Harp Episode #157

Everyone is calling for Peace amidst the growing conflicts in the world. When we read the word “peace” in scripture, what does it mean? In this episode, we will take a closer look at the Hebrew word “shalom” which is usually translated as peace and look a little deeper to understand exactly what it is […]
27/01/202428 minutes
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Dead Sea Scrolls, Zadokite Calendar & SAMARITANS Pt4

Did you know the Samaritans had an APOSTATE Zadokite priesthood? PART 4 OF 4. Who were/are Samaritans?  Could some of them have been SOME the self proclaimed “Sons of Zadok” who lived in Qumran and/or wrote SOME of the Dead Sea Scrolls including the so-called 'Zadokite Calendar'?  In this message we will introduce you to the Samaritans and show you from scripture as well as the writings of Josephus as a second witness and scholarly writings with regard to the Dead Sea scrolls as a third witness that these ‘sons of Zadok’ MAY WELL BE an offshoot of the Samaritan APOSTATE Zadok priesthood.  Did you know the Zadok priesthood was split after the Babylonian captivity and the brother of the actual Jerusalem Zadokite high priest went to Samaria to be the Samaritan high priest making sacrifices in the temple on Mt Gerizim?  If not, listen in and we'll give historic and biblical proof.   We'll explain how and why we believe the descendants of this apostate Zadok priest and his priestly followers are very likely the ancestors of the self proclaimed 'Sons of Zadok' with regard to the Dead Sea Scrolls, Qumran and the solar calendar.  Since we already opened that pandora's (calendar) box... here's our next installment.
26/01/202425 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look back at the week where the Insurgent Regime may have finally gotten their New Civil War, ending Friday, 27 January, 2024.
26/01/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapters 20-21-into 22

The Torah teachers, Mark Pitrone, Ray Harrison, and Mark Call, continue the study of the Book of the prophet Isaiah from chapter 20 into chapter 22. And this seems like a particularly ‘poignant’ week to read that “Babylon is fallen…”
26/01/20241 heure, 38 minutes, 46 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

This week the once united States took the biggest leap yet toward ‘Civil War 2.0,’ when a traitorous ‘Supreme Court’ ignored the clear written text of the Constitution and declared “let the invasion continue,” while Texas finally stood up and did what arguably should have been done long ago, before the situation became terminal. But […]
26/01/202449 minutes, 15 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

We may in fact actually be there. The “Civil War 2.0” the the Deep State Tyrants and their CCP et al masters have been trying so hard to foment for so long was given a treacherous jump start this week by the traitors-in-black-robes at the ‘Supreme Court.’ So it’s time to talk consequences, potential scenarios, […]
26/01/202449 minutes, 47 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 25 January, 2024.
26/01/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 24January, 2024… …some of which you probably already knew, but there’s more.
24/01/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 131- What Do You Want? (Part 3)

Stuck. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually. What do you do when you’re stuck? How do you find what you’re looking for in life, relationships, career? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, […]
24/01/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

Yesterday the so-called US ‘Supreme Court’ committed what is arguably the most heinous and blatant act of outright treason in its history: Ordering the attempt by a State of the union to allow the invasion of its own territory, and the attempted overthrow of its people. It was, demonstrably, and act of War against the […]
23/01/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 22 January, 2024.
23/01/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Hear the report of a talk given by 2 astrophysicists regarding the earth/weather changes we can expect because of the incoming Planet X.  Henry Gruver says the first sign of imminent attack on the US the loss of _____.   Did Isaiah accurately depict our sins and our coming judgments?  The WEF cites ____ as the […]
23/01/202450 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 29

Continuing on our journey through the book of Proverbs we are staying with the topic of how wisdom, understanding and knowledge relate to keeping covenant with the Almighty. In this episode Rabbi Steve Berkson continues looking at the references of “wormwood” to discover the relevance for you today. We also discover that a majority of […]
22/01/20241 heure, 7 minutes, 55 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 95 (Double Life)

Living a Double Life Last week in the Shabbat livestream, we looked at the human relationship to two types of commandments, the “Yes,” or you shall commandments, and the “No,” or you shall not commandments. In general, human beings like to hear yeses instead of nos. The challenge is that many of the commandments are given as nos, or the “you shall nots.” At least half of life is managing the nos, the boundaries, and the good fences that preserve our lives. If life is at least half no, then fostering a great relationship with the no commandments is the key. We can discipline ourselves to engage the nos with as much enthusiasm as the yeses, which really, is what makes a disciple. Just like Yeshua told Peter, we are transformed from a person who always wants to be in charge to one who is willing to be led of the Ruach HaKodesh in every circumstance, even down to the time and way we die. Some disciples discipline the nos faster, and some not so fast. It is important, though, for if we cannot engage the simple commandments of yes and no, then how will we hear the more subtle still, small, voice of the Ruach HaKodesh is our daily dilemmas that don’t come with a chapter and verse attached to them? This week, let’s look at another “commandment principle” of life: the possibility of living a double life. It starts with the first commandment given at Mount Sinai in Exodus 20:1-5: Then God spoke all these words, saying, ‘I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them…’ The commandment is not to put another created entity as an “elohim” in front of Elohim, the only Creator. The idea is that there is nothing else created that could possibly be Elohim. By definition, Elohim is the Creator of all things, and a created elohim (judge, appointed ruler) is not. It is merely another created thing originating from Elohim. All other things go behind Him. He is the first, and there is no second to compare to Him. Sometimes a glance at a more literal Hebrew helps. “You shall have no other gods before Me” is: ??? ???????????? ???????? ???????? ???????????? or You will not be to yourself another god on My face. When a human being fabricates an image from wood, stone, or other substance, or attributes the Ruach Elohim to an existing created substance such as a tree, water, cloud, etc., then the human has put a “face” on Elohim. The urge is so strong that this is the first commandment, a “yes” paired with a “no.” Yes, He is Elohim, and no, do not tamper with Him by fabricating an image to put a face on Him, for it will be inaccurate and a product of human imagination. A philosopher once said that "imagination is man's most God-like characteristic." We can also say that based on the primacy of the first commandment, imagination is man's most god-like characteristic, his primary place of vulnerability to idols. The moment we put a face on Elohim, we become susceptible to idolatry, looking to that object for intervention on our behalf: success, health, sustenance, good, peace, prosperity, comfort, joy, etc. For instance, rather than partner with Elohim for our life-path of prosperity, prerequisite to putting His Kingdom first, we forge our own ideas about how much wealth we need and when we need it without regard for our spiritual discipline and agreement to put Elohim first in all things. In ancient times, people sought out gods of prosperity, fertility, strength, war, and so on. Rather than partner with Elohim, “who teaches my hands to war,” (Ps 18:34) they consulted principalities and powers and made war. Because the worship of these entities requires the imagination, effort, time, and faith of the human being, the powers of the entity reflect the human who turns to it, not the true created ability assigned to that power by Elohim for it to manage its particular realm, whether in the heavens above or earth below. Are there other powerful spiritual beings and human organizations in our universe? Yes. Are they the Creator and worthy of our time, attention, and resources? NO! These entities are not ours to petition or order around. In selecting the attributes of certain entities, we put a human, animal, or other physical face on Elohim. While He is often hidden from human beings, He does not need a mask of our choosing. We desperately need to believe that so that we don’t live a double life, claiming to worship Elohim while putting our trust in other created entities. That is done today not so much by worshiping an object, but by putting faith in the leopard’s spots. Remember our lessons on the beast kingdoms? The leopard was Greece. The spots were its organizations: medicine, art, philosophy, education, drama, military, government, politics, sports, music, etc. The Romans took those organizations and expanded them, and even when the Roman Empire fell, those systems are disseminated all over the world to influence and control human beings. Now human beings are conditioned to look to those organizations to supply every human need. When we put faith in them, they become a god on Elohim’s face. They are to be used lawfully, not trusted. We are in Babylon, the whole earth. The golden head of Babylon is still attached to the whole image: Babylon’s golden head; Medo-Persia’s silver chest; Greece’s bronze abdomen; Rome’s iron legs; and those organizations mixed with all humans made of clay are standing on the whole earth. When King Messiah, the Stone, smashes the feet of the world’s organizations being worshiped, then it will also tumble the cumulative effect of the whole image, and Babylon will be fallen once again. Can we use these systems? Go to a doctor? Vote? Write and paint? Play sports? Defend our country? Receive an education? Absolutely! We are in Babylon, but we are not OF it. “Come out of her” is a yes commandment, but we can’t come out of the world itself without also saying some nos. Those iron and clay feet are everywhere. The key is don’t participate in Babylon’s sins: “I heard another voice from heaven, saying, ‘Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues;’” (Re 18:4) Being in the earth and its systems is inevitable; participating in its sinfulness is not. The Ten Commandments are the Cliff’s Notes of how to master the yeses and nos of the Word. Inevitably, all those organizations will be destroyed by King Messiah Yeshua. They are each being exposed even now. While they meet many needs, just like a created power in the heavens above or earth below, they are not Elohim. When those organizations begin to exercise sinful power, influence, and control over human beings, especially because human beings WANT them to do so in order to derive the benefit, just like ancient idolatry, THEN they begin to function like a face on Elohim. It is our responsibility to never let these things replace our faith in Elohim as the Lord of Armies, the Healer, the Provider, the Creator, and the many names of Who He is to His Creation. “To you it was shown that you might know that the LORD, He is God; there is no other besides Him.” (Dt 4:35) ???? ???? ?????????? Ain od m'ilvado. There is no other beside Him. There is nothing more than His oneness. This week a rabbi explained the first commandment to have no other gods. He said it is to be double-minded! To think that any other power or force on earth is our source rather than the One who created us. That reminded me of something I memorized in high school: James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes who are dispersed abroad: Greetings. Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. (Ja 1:1-8) Now that I’m older, I can read the contextual and symbolic phrasing. The letter is written specifically to disciples of Yeshua in the dispersion, not in Judea. These believers are among the nations, not in the defined land of Israel itself. Emphasizing this, James (Ya’akov) describes them as being in a place the sea where “wind” tosses. The sea alludes to the nations, and the tossing wind is “ruach,” those created spiritual entities that rule them, such as the Prince of Persia. Each nation has its assigned ruler until it is shaken down just before King Messiah returns to set up his government on earth. Wisdom, or “chokhmah,” is the first of the seven spirits of Adonai listed in Isaiah 11:2, the Holy Spirit. They are seven manifestations of the ONE Ruach HaKodesh, for the menorah was hammered from one piece of gold. James is giving believers an exhortation from the first commandment: There is only one Elohim; believe it! Being among the wind-tossed sea of nations is to be vulnerable to those who have made spiritual powers into their gods by believing they had power independent of Elohim's will, or they have created organizations to accomplish the same goals as those who worshiped idols of their imagination from ancient times. Indeed, those "princes" are responsible for their assigned territories, but they do not report to nor heed another created being. Only Elohim. There is none other. James knew we'd need this reminder not to absorb the nations' reliance on their systems instead of our Creator Elohim. An idol is nothing but an inaccurate, pathetic, self-serving, figment of the human imagination placed like one of many faces on Elohim. In these lands of exile among the nations, we are to turn to the Ruach HaKodesh, the Spirit of Elohim, Who is One, to meet all our needs in His time, not ours. In His quantity, not ours, When we begin to “work the system” apart from His perfect will in our lives, we’ll be double-minded. Like the Israelites, we will fall into fear and uncertainty. Although they said “We will do and we will hear" at the mountain,” there was still some double-mindedness. Could they really do the yes and not do the nos? Even the first commandment, to believe Elohim created all things and would provide all things...even their perfection at the resurrection, was so unbelievable that they thought they’d die. They asked Moses to talk directly to Adonai and relay the messages and their answers. It is difficult to judge them. After all, do we really believe that we can be “perfect and complete, lacking in nothing”? We have no control over the fact we’re in the exile and Babylon. What we do have control over is sin! Before we get past ten commandments to 613, we examine our hearts toward Elohim and His people: Hear, O, Israel. YHVH our Elohim, YHVH is ONE. You shall love… And you shall love your neighbor as yourself. In our hearts, we must accept that there is none other. First, Elohim is Creator. He created everything that is BEHIND Him, including our neighbor. Ain od m’ilvado. Once we accept that, then we can hear the Ten Commandments without dying. After that, we can learn the details of all 613 in the “seas,” the wilderness of the nations, our dispersion. Elohim’s pre-eminence is the key to coming out of Babylon, to not placing our faith in human systems. We must evaluate whether any of those systems is influencing us or coercing us to sin. If so, the Word of the commandments will provide the answer as to whether we are being double-minded. Gradually, like Peter going to his own cross, we stop living a double life and thinking with a double mind. We quit placing our masks on Elohim. Worry is evidence that the Ruach HaKodesh is still working on the second mind-mask whispering that Elohim is not fully to be trusted to be our Creator, Provider, Healer, Protector…and even the One Who will resurrect us to life when our worst fears come true. And isn’t that the key to not fearing? May Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. One mind. The worst fear, death, is our greatest hope. Ain od m’ilvado. No human being, principality, power, or human organization can resurrect us from the dead to live in the Presence of Elohim forever. Only ONE can and will. The ONE we believe…and our doing is evidence of our believing…will bring us to perfection by His Ruach HaKodesh. What if we’re not entirely perfect when we die? We’ll leave at least a few things not perfected. Otherwise, we’d be Messiah himself with the power of resurrection, but we’re not. We are depending on Yeshua’s sinless life to raise us sinless from the dead, not the other way around. Yeshua is the Living Word. The Word is the Torah. The Word is the Commandment. The yeses and the nos of Torah are life from the dead. So next time we’re worried about the economy, war, family, disease, politics, and every other care of the world, we have an opportunity. The Ruach HaKodesh is giving us an open window to put Elohim first. The imposter mind is being exposed as a fake! The person worrying is not us. It's just a man-made image-ination trying to put a distorted mask on our Deliverer. We need only a single mind in every trial: Ain od m’ilvado! There is none other than Him! Perfect.
22/01/202449 minutes, 6 secondes
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There Has To Be More~01-19-2024

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 42
21/01/202425 minutes
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There Has To Be More~01-17-2024

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 41
21/01/202425 minutes
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There Has To Be More~01-15-2024

Overview of the Tanakh – Session-40
21/01/202425 minutes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Bo” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a two-part look at the second parsha in the Book of Exodus, Bo(Ex. 10:1 – 13:16), and the final set of plagues, and, perhaps most importantly, for the outline of His Instruction for how we are to remember, and teach, and understand what He did then, […]
21/01/20241 heure, 56 minutes, 29 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #156

The Promises of our Heavenly Father are sure and everlasting. In Psalm 119, David uses the word for Promise at least 15 times to remind us that our Heavenly Father is good for His word. If He said it, we can depend on it. Even more, the promises of our Heavenly Father are meant to […]
20/01/202428 minutes
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Calming Harp Episode #155

Giving Thanks to our Heavenly Father opens up the communication channels so that we can hear more clearly what our Abba wants to tell us and show us. Psalm 148 tells us that all of creation is praising their Creator continually and Psalm 148 invites us to join in with them. Louie Giglio put together […]
20/01/202428 minutes
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Dead Sea Scrolls, Zadokite Calendar & SAMARITANS Pt3

Did you know the Samaritans had an APOSTATE Zadokite priesthood? PART 3 OF 4. Who were/are Samaritans?  Could some of them have been the self proclaimed “Sons of Zadok” who lived in Qumran and/or wrote some of the Dead Sea Scrolls including the so-called 'Zadokite Calendar'?  In this message we will introduce you to the Samaritans and show you from scripture as well as the writings of Josephus as a second witness and scholarly writings with regard to the Dead Sea scrolls as a third witness that these ‘sons of Zadok’ MAY WELL BE an offshoot of the Samaritan APOSTATE Zadok priesthood.  Did you know the Zadok priesthood was split after the Babylonian captivity and the brother of the actual Jerusalem Zadokite high priest went to Samaria to be the Samaritan high priest making sacrifices in the temple on Mt Gerizim?  If not, listen in and we'll give historic and biblical proof.   We'll explain how and why we believe the descendants of this apostate Zadok priest and his priestly followers are very likely the ancestors of the self proclaimed 'Sons of Zadok' with regard to the Dead Sea Scrolls, Qumran and the solar calendar.  Since we already opened that pandora's (calendar) box... here's our next installment.
20/01/202425 minutes
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Birth Pangs of Biblical ZION Nation

I want to share an article that I recently wrote that is now published with Israel365 news. I will put a link to the article in the description box below.  I look for patterns and trends and I try to connect the dots between what is happening in current events and how they relate back […]
20/01/202422 minutes, 25 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 19

The Torah teachers continue the study of the Book of the prophet Ezekiel, from chapter 19, and the ‘warning against Egypt,’ both ancient and perhaps modern, or at least figurative.
19/01/20241 heure, 38 minutes, 18 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look back at the week of Tyranny and treachery, headlined in Davos, ending Saturday, 20 January, 2024.
19/01/202449 minutes, 48 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

The World Extermination Fascists met in Davos this week, and the most important news seemed to be that there is no longer any attempt to even hide the level of Evil they serve, and the Totalitarian Reich they intend to implement. But in a way, that’s the good news. Jeff, David, and Mark talk about […]
19/01/202450 minutes, 37 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Satan’s A-Team is meeting again this week in Davos, Switzerland, and the thing that is perhaps most obvious about the Totalitarian Evil being so openly plotted is that they aren’t even trying to hide the outright Satanism that underlies it. By this time, a number of the engineered crises that have been plotted to destroy […]
19/01/202450 minutes, 5 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 18 January, 2024.
18/01/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 17 January, 2024.
18/01/202425 minutes, 47 secondes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 130- What Do You Want? (Part 2)

Stuck. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually. What do you do when you’re stuck? How do you find what you’re looking for in life, relationships, career? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, […]
17/01/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 16 January, 2024.
16/01/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~01-12-2024

Overview of the Tanakh- Session 39
15/01/202425 minutes
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There Has To Be More~01-10-2024

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 38
15/01/202425 minutes
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There Has To Be More~01-08-2024

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 37
15/01/202425 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 28

Continuing on our journey through the book of Proverbs, we are staying with the topic of how wisdom, understanding and knowledge relate to keeping covenant with the Almighty. In the last episode Rabbi Steve Berkson took us down a “Rabbi Trail” to look at the words “discretion” and “wormwood”. In this episode he continues looking […]
15/01/20241 heure, 7 minutes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 94 (Half Life)

Part of STUDIES IN EXODUS, this episode is about the enthusiasm of saying no.
15/01/202449 minutes, 15 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Vayeira” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a two-part look at the second parsha in the Book of Exodus, Vayeira (Ex. 6:2 – 9:35), where we begin to see what YHVH means by His repeatd demonstration that “Ani YHVH”. This part of the story includes the first of the ‘Ten Plagues,’ and certainly […]
14/01/20242 heures, 5 minutes, 56 secondes
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Are the days of Yeshua’s walk upon this earth 2,000 years ago repeating itself – in the people, the religious leaders, and the political leaders? What was the (horrifying) cause of the recent disturbance at the Miami mall? Please join Steve and Bonnie as we teeter on the brink of WWIII, a prerequisite for global […]
13/01/202450 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 17, 18, into 19

The Torah teachers continue the study of the Book of the prophet Ezekiel, from chapter 17 into 18.
13/01/20241 heure, 38 minutes, 16 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look back at the week of treason, treachery, and certainly war, ending Saturday, 5 January.
12/01/202449 minutes, 48 secondes
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Dead Sea Scrolls, Zadokite Calendar & SAMARITANS Pt2

Did you know the Samaritans had an APOSTATE Zadokite priesthood? PART 2 OF 4. Who were/are Samaritans?  Could some of them have been the self proclaimed “Sons of Zadok” who lived in Qumran and/or wrote some of the Dead Sea Scrolls including the so-called 'Zadokite Calendar'?  In this message we will introduce you to the Samaritans and show you from scripture as well as the writings of Josephus as a second witness and scholarly writings with regard to the Dead Sea scrolls as a third witness that these ‘sons of Zadok’ MAY WELL BE an offshoot of the Samaritan APOSTATE Zadok priesthood.  Did you know the Zadok priesthood was split after the Babylonian captivity and the brother of the actual Jerusalem Zadokite high priest went to Samaria to be the Samaritan high priest making sacrifices in the temple on Mt Gerizim?  If not, listen in and we'll give historic and biblical proof.   We'll explain how and why we believe the descendants of this apostate Zadok priest and his priestly followers are very likely the ancestors of the self proclaimed 'Sons of Zadok' with regard to the Dead Sea Scrolls, Qumran and the solar calendar.  Since we already opened that pandora's (calendar) box... here's our next installment.
12/01/202425 minutes, 1 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

While “things hidden” are certainly being revealed, it’s also true that the Big Lies are thicker than ever. From AWOL Lloyd Austin — why the cover-up? Is he even still alive? — to Fauci’s latest 2-day FraudFest (“I don’t recall,” he reportedly said, over 100 times) — to the latest massive escalation in WW IIi […]
12/01/202449 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 11 January, 2024.
12/01/202424 minutes, 49 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

This week Mark again welcomes back Special Guest Harmon Taylor, of ‘Legal Reality’ to talk about elections, undeniable perfidy and vote fraud, and whether or not the ‘court system’ really has become nothing more than a cruel joke. But what becomes increasingly clear during the discussion is that the ‘great delusion’ that the Bible promises […]
12/01/202449 minutes, 47 secondes
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Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible-Kinnor

Beginning our adventure into Biblical instrumentation we examine one of the earliest Lyres in the Bible, the Kinnor. Robert will take you through the kinnors construction into its linguistic and hermetical significance in scripture as well as the opinions of academics and church fathers through ancient records. Video link: Megiddo Lyre
11/01/202427 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 10 January, 2024. And given that the man who is arguably history’s (certainly AmierKa’s!) Greatest Mass Murderer testiLied before Congress yesterday, and claimed he “could not recall” – or similar prevarications – over 100 TIMES, it’s also apropos to take a trip in the WayBack Machine to catalog some of […]
10/01/202425 minutes, 42 secondes
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Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible-Kinnor

Beginning our adventure into Biblical instrumentation we examine one of the earliest Lyres in the Bible, the Kinnor. Robert will take you through the kinnors construction into its linguistic and hermetical significance in scripture as well as the opinions of academics and church fathers through ancient records. Video link: Megiddo Lyre
10/01/202427 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 9 January, 2024.
10/01/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 129- What Do You Want? (Part 1)

Stuck. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually. What do you do when you’re stuck? How do you find what you’re looking for in life, relationships, career? Is belief alone the thing that gets our lives moving and producing the kind of fruit we & God desire? How do we actualize the idealized version of ourselves? In this series, […]
09/01/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 8 January, 2024.
09/01/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~01-05-2024

Overview of the Tanakh- Session 36
08/01/202425 minutes
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There Has To Be More~01-03-2024

Overview of the Tanakh- Session 35
08/01/202425 minutes
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There Has To Be More~01-01-2024

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 35
08/01/202425 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 27

Continuing on the relationship between wisdom, knowledge and understanding and keeping covenant, Rabbi Steve Berkson uncovers valuable understanding regarding discretion and the word “wormwood” and its connection to keeping covenant. Take advantage of new teachings every week. To learn more about MTOI, visit our website, Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: […]
08/01/202457 minutes, 26 secondes
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Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible – Origins

Today Robert gives his testimony on how God gave him a passion for music, history, and their theological connection to the Holy Bible. Exploring the academic means by which history is taught and establishing a need for biblical musicology (Bible Music History) to fill a gap commonly found in Liberal arts textbooks, while also educating […]
08/01/202427 minutes
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Is This the Time of Ezekiel’s Dry Bones Coming Alive?

Audio reading:Exodus 7:8-8:6, Isaiah 29:22-23, Matthew 8:1-17, Psalm 9:13-20, Prov 3:1-6 What does it really mean to “Trust in the LORD with all your heart?”  In a culture of the pioneer independent spirit, how do we do that? Watch the song on Youtube: 1000 Israelis cry out to the Heavens in song, “Bring them Home” […]
07/01/202450 minutes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Shemot” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

The annual Torah cycle reading for this week is parsha “Shemot,” and it begins the Book of the same name, or Exodus in English (Ex. 1:1-6:1) The Erev Shabbat reading sets the stage for the story to follow, which is not only the rest of the ‘Torah’ itself, of the ‘Five Books of Moses,’ but […]
07/01/20241 heure, 53 minutes, 2 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #154

Psalms 136 and 132 use the word “Restore” to talk about our Heavenly Father bringing back conditions that have been lost through bad decisions and evil plots against us. He promises to restore us to His plans and purposes for our lives if we will but follow his path that He has clearly laid out […]
06/01/202428 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 15 into 17

The Torah teachers continue the study of the Book of the prophet Ezekiel, into chapters 15, 16, and then 17, where Moab remains a central theme. And, this week in particular, there is a ‘timestamp’ in the form of a specific prophecy not YET fulfilled, since Damascus remains a city.
05/01/20241 heure, 38 minutes, 20 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look back at the first week of calendar year 2024, ending Saturday, 5 January.
05/01/202449 minutes, 50 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

David, Jeff, and Mark discuss the events of the first full week of 2024.
05/01/202449 minutes, 8 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

This week’s show SOUNDS like it might have something to do with what once passed for law, but since the courts have become not much more than a sick joke , that is not really the case at all. What it is, instead, is a look at why concepts that once mattered in a “nation […]
05/01/202449 minutes, 48 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 4 January, 2024.
05/01/202423 minutes, 36 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 3 January, 2024.
04/01/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible-Origins

Today Robert gives his testimony on how God gave him a passion for music, history, and their theological connection to the Holy Bible. Exploring the academic means by which history is taught and establishing a need for biblical musicology (Bible Music History) to fill a gap commonly found in Liberal arts textbooks, while also educating […]
04/01/202427 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 2 January, 2024.
03/01/202424 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~12-29-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 33
01/01/202425 minutes
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There Has To Be More~12-27-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 32
01/01/202425 minutes
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There Has To Be More~12-25-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 31
01/01/202425 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 26

What two concepts has mainstream Christianity combined to make one incorrect concept? What “active” roles has the Father shown us in keeping covenant with Him–things that He won’t do? Everyone has a “worldview”–what should your worldview be? What did Peter say about Paul’s teachings? (2 Peter 3:14-16) What does “untaught and unstable” mean? Continuing in […]
01/01/20241 heure, 4 minutes, 38 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 93 (The Two Olive Trees)

Have you ever encountered Bible study or any area of life...and within a day or two, bam! You run into it again! Often it is noticeable because it is now in our conscious thought where it wasn't before. In that sense, it's not really a coincidence. Sometimes, though, you know the odds are pretty remote that you'd encounter the same thing twice in such a short period of time. That happened today, so I think this would be a good prophecy insight to share. The prophecy is Zechariah’s vision of the High Priest Yehoshua and the governor Zerubabbel after the return from exile in Babylon: “Then the angel who was speaking with me returned and roused me, as a man who is awakened from his sleep. He said to me, “What do you see?” And I said, “I see, and behold, a lampstand all of gold with its bowl on the top of it, and its seven lamps on it with seven spouts belonging to each of the lamps which are on the top of it; also two olive trees by it, one on the right side of the bowl and the other on its left side.” (Zech 4:1-3) This particular prophecy is the subject of many interpretations, each offering a different possible fulfillment of the prophecy. In this case, we’re looking at its significance through ancient eyes. It is important to have the historical timeline in mind when reading the Prophets. Aside from the proto-prophecy of the Torah which guides all prophecy, the prophets either prophesied before the destruction of the first Temple and the Babylonian exile or afterward. For instance, Ezekiel prophesied before Judah was conquered by Babylon. His vision extends even until the Messianic era, but regardless, the actual lifetime of the prophet is important. Typically, the prophecies will address both: the prophet’s immediate lifetime or very near, and then a future time, often as far as the Messianic kingdom. In Ezekiel’s lifetime, Judah had fallen into severe apostasy like the Northern Kingdom. The Temple services were conducted by a corrupt priesthood failing in its appointed service. That generation is referred to as “copper, tin, and dross.” Zechariah’s prophecy after the exile in Babylon, however, describes Israel (the lampstand) as pure gold. The Midrash Rabbah (Shir HaShirim to Chapter 4) explains the prophecy of the menorah and two olive trees: “The verse’s plain meaning refers to the Second Temple; however, the Midrash take it to be metaphorically describing Israel in the Messianic era...Ezekiel 22:18 refers to Israel as ‘copper, tin, and dross’, yet Zechariah describes them as pure gold in the Messianic era.” Zechariah sees a troubled community as pure gold after its return from Babylon. In spite of the filthy garments worn by the high priest, symbolizing the uncleanness of exile in Babylon, he is re-clothed in clean linen garments, symbolizing the purification of Israel and its priesthood. Like Balaam saw Israel without blemish even though clearly Israel had some sin blemishes in the wilderness, so Judah’s return is seen as a step toward its ultimate purification in the Messianic kingdom. They were seen not as they were, but as they would be, like Father Abraham, justified by faith as they returned until the ultimate circumcision of the heart. In their present return from the exile (Zechariah's time), Judah was messy and even God-forbid...political? Look at the pattern. Ezra and Nehemiah were up to their eyeballs in messy when the Jews returned from the Babylonian exile. This should sound familiar: Marriage to idolatrous spouses and painful divorces Political intrigue and accusations instigated and stirred by Arabs Terror attacks by Arabs while Jews restored Jerusalem’s walls Selfish individualism instead of a willingness to work together to rebuild the Temple for gathering Blatant Shabbat and feast-breaking “Zechariah the prophet said, ‘I saw all of the house of Israel as pure gold.’ and behold-there is a menorah made entirely of gold with its bowl on its head [veh-gulah al rosha], etc. There are two olive trees over it, etc.’ Zechariah’s prophecy is directed at Zerubbabel who lived in the time of the Second Temple and not in Messianic time. The Midrash takes ‘Zerubabbel (v. 6) to be King Messiah, whose progenitor* he was.” (Shir 4§16) *Substituting the ancestor’s name for a descendant is common in Scripture, such as “my servant David” standing for King Messiah, the offspring of David. It can also be used to describe the Divinely-gifted spirit of a particular individual appearing in a later generation, such as John the Baptist coming in the “spirit of Elijah.” Why two olive trees? This is oblique, and open to multiple ideas, and the sages offer a homiletic (preaching/teaching) interpretation of the word gulah from gulah al rosha “a bowl on its head.” ????????? ???????????? In that explanation, they interpret gulah as golah, or “an exile.” One said that the word is to be expounded as it was written, go’alah, which means, “its redeemer.” The Midrash adds: “The one who said ‘exile’ was referring to the fact that when Israel went into exile in Babylonia, the Divine Presence went with them. And according to the one who said ‘its goel,’ meaning ‘its redeemer,’ for it is written, ‘Our Redeemer, Whose Name is HASHEM, Master of Legions, etc.” (Is 47:4). Using their teaching application, Israel is the one who went into exile, and Adonai is the “bowl” on their head, the anointing of the Ruach HaKodesh watching over them. In the first explanation, Adonai went with them into exile, and in the second explanation, He redeemed them from exile. This is why Zechariah saw two olive trees. The redemption from "Babylon" would occur in two separate time periods: once in Zechariah's generation and again in the future return from Babylon as also prophesied by John. This is how they explain, “You are entirely fair, my beloved, and there is no blemish in you.” “Although the Midrash says that the word gulah refers to Babylonian exile, it means to include as well the current exile. It interprets the Zechariah verse where this word appears to be speaking of the Messianic era, which will follow the current exile. Although the Isaiah passage speaks of redemption from the Babylonian exile, it serves to teach about the Future Redemption as well, that is ‘Jews’ becoming pure gold in Messianic times.” 4§17) The information above was the subject of our Torah classes this week. It’s specific information relating the return of the exiles into the Messianic kingdom from “Babylon,” the place of their exile. Even John’s prophecy “Babylon the Great is fallen, fallen,” refers to two time periods: the fall of the historical Babylon, and the future fall of Babylon, all those Babylonian systems that extend across the earth in the clay and iron feet and toes of the Beast’s image. Just as the first return from Babylon was very messy, so the second will be characterized by a people in need of cleaning up their devotion to Adonai. Nevertheless, Zechariah sees them as pure gold, the same pure gold lampstand standing before the Throne in Revelation. (Re 1:4, 20) They are gathered through seven sacred convocations (the moedim), a pure gold menorah anointed by the bowl of anointing oil and Messiah's redemption on their heads. Hallelu Yah! The text below is excerpted by permission from today’s Ulpan-Or email newsletter [12/29/23], a Hebrew language school in Israel: This Shabbat we will read the Torah Portion "Va'Yehi", which concludes the book of Genesis. This Torah portion contains the famous blessing bestowed by Jacob on his grandchildren Ephraim and Manasseh, which has been used over generations as a blessing of father to his sons. ????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????????? "May G-d make you like Ephraim and Manasseh." (Ge. 48:20) Jacob's blessing to his grandsons is the only scene of grandfather giving blessing to his grandchildren in the Torah. And the Torah describes the circumstances under which this blessing was given. Jacob asks Joseph to bring the two grandchildren near so that he can bless them. Joseph took them both, Ephraim in his right hand toward Israel’s left, and Manasseh (the firstborn) in his left hand towards Israel’s right, and brought them near him. But Israel reached out his right hand and put it on Ephraim’s head, though he was the younger, and crossing his arms, he put his left hand on Manasseh’s head, even though Manasseh was the firstborn. Joseph was displeased when he saw his father placing his right hand on Ephraim’s head. So he took hold of his father’s hand to move it from Ephraim’s head to Manasseh’s head and said to Jacob, ????????? ?????? ???-??????, ???-??? ?????: ????-??? ????????, ????? ????????? ???-??????? “No, my father, this one is the firstborn; put your right hand on his head.” ????????? ??????, ????????? ?????????? ????? ??????????--????-???? ???????-??????, ?????-???? ????????; ????????, ?????? ???????? ???????? ?????????, ?????????, ??????? ?????-????????? "But his father refused and said, “I know, my son, I know. He too will become a people, and he too will become great. Nevertheless, his younger brother will be greater than he, and his descendants will become a group of nations.” ??????????? ???????? ??????, ???????, ????? ???????? ?????????? ??????, ????????? ???????? ???????????? ?????????????; ????????? ???-?????????, ??????? ????????? He blessed them that day, saying: "By thee shall Israel bless, saying: God make thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh.' And he set Ephraim before Manasseh." Why did Jacob favour Ephraim over Manasseh? Jacob knew two things, and it is here that the explanation lies. He knew that the stay of his family in Egypt would not be a short one. Before leaving Canaan to see Joseph, G-d had appeared to him in a vision: ?????????, ??????? ????? ??????? ???????; ???-??????? ??????? ???????????, ????-?????? ??????? ?????????? ???? ???????, ????? ??????? ???????????, ?????????, ???????? ???-?????; ????????, ??????? ????? ???-???????? Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there. I will go down to Egypt with you, and I will surely bring you back again. And Joseph’s own hand will close your eyes. (46: 3-4) This was the start of the long exile which G-d had told Jacob's father Abraham would be the fate of his children. The other thing Jacob knew was his grandsons’ names, Manasseh and Ephraim. These have specific meanings in Hebrew, as the Torah describes: ?????????? ?????? ???-???? ?????????, ?????????: ????-????????? ???????? ???-????-???????, ????? ????-????? ????? ????? ???? ?????????, ????? ?????????: ????-????????? ????????, ???????? ??????? "Joseph named his firstborn Manasseh, saying, 'It is because G-d has made me forget all my trouble and all my father’s household.' The second son he named Ephraim, saying, 'It is because G-d has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction.'" (41: 50-52) In Egypt Joseph had risen to greatness. In Canaan, he had been the youngest of eleven brothers in a nomadic family of shepherds. Now, in Egypt, he was at the centre of the greatest civilization of the ancient world! The past was a bitter memory he sought to remove from his mind. Manasseh - ???? ( The Hebrew root is ???) means “forgetting.” By the time his second son was born, Joseph undergone a profound change of heart. He had all the trappings of earthly success – “G-d has made me fruitful” and he called his second son - Ephraim - ????? (The Hebrew root is ???) - means "fruit". But Egypt had become “the land of my affliction.” Why? Because it was exile. Jacob knew that these were the first two children of his family to be born in exile. Knowing too that the exile would be prolonged and at times difficult and dark, Jacob sought to convey a message to all future generations that there would be a constant tension between the desire to forget - to assimilate and the promptings of memory that our real home is somewhere else. Jacob blessed the "child of forgetting" Manasseh - ???? However, the blessings of a child Ephraim - ?????, who remembers the past and future of which he is a part, should be greater. (Based on Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' lesson). And now a little bit of Hebrew: It is interesting to note that the Hebrew word for 'exile' is: ????? (GOLAH) And the Hebrew word for 'redemption' is: ????? (GEULAH) The difference in spelling of these words is the addition of the letter "Aleph" - ? to the word ???? Letter "Aleph" represents the creator ???? (ALOOF) If one inserts an aleph into the word ???? (exile), exile is empowered and transformed into ????? (redemption). And the name Ephraim ????? starts with the letter Aleph, possibly alluding to that transformation. ** So you be the judge: is it just a coincidence or a sweet kiss from Heaven that our weekly study focused on the return from exile and it is synchronized with Ulpan-Or’s Hebrew lesson? We can become fruitful in the places of our exile, shedding the sins and uncleanness of Babylon. King Yeshua will gather us back to the Temple clean, without blemish, to forget all the sins and afflictions by which we were purified with Salvation's (Yeshua's) clean garments of righteousness. Look up and listen closely. I think I hear the Footsteps of Messiah.
01/01/202450 minutes, 29 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Vayechi” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

The reading of the Book of Bereshiet or Genesis comes to an end with parsha “Vayechi” (Gen. 47:28 through the end) as do the lives of first Yakov, and then Yosef. “And lived Yakov,” the parsha begins, 17 years in the land of Egypt after he brought his family to be there with Joseph. But […]
31/12/20232 heures, 14 minutes, 59 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #153

What does the “Fear” of our Heavenly Father mean? There are actually 4 different Hebrew words that are used in the scriptures. In Psalm 111, David is using the word that closely translates to the moral compass of our lives. If we have this fear of our Heavenly Father, we will take the teachings that […]
30/12/202328 minutes
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Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible – Orthodox Music Part 2

Diving deeper into our Israelite Hebraic cultural music and context by listening to three congregational cantering “Singing” chants in 3 synagogues.    1.  The first is a Hasidic Kaddish. 2. The second is a Sephardi Sabbath prayer, 3.  A Mizrahi cantor chanting the Shema in Numbers 6 and “Adonai Melek” The Lord […]
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News and commentary for Friday, 29 December, 2023.
29/12/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

It’s time to wrap up the week that marks the last of calendar year 2023. And there are more ‘records’ being set, too – from the Bidenvasion, to the levels of perfidy.
29/12/202349 minutes, 4 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 14 concl

This week the Torah teachers explore chapter 14 of the Book of the prophet Ezekiel, where much of his warning might be called ‘judgment upon Moab’. Perhaps by now it shouldn’t surprise us by now that prophecy, like history, seems to ‘rhyme,’ and much of it is at least as applicable to our understanding today […]
29/12/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 32 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 28 December, 2023.
29/12/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

This is the last show of the calendar year 2023, and, while that generally means a “slow news week,” and Mark’s admitted disdain for the resultant slew of “Top 10 News – or whatever – Stories,” there is a way to turn that on its head, and still make an important point: Why not take […]
29/12/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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Gog-Magog: The Culmination Of Two Wars Simultaneously

Ezekiel 38 describes an internal war that turns regional. Two different allied armies will converge on Israeli soil. One will be in Israel to help with internal turmoil. The other will invade during the turmoil. Read More: The post Gog-Magog: The Culmination Of Two Wars Simultaneously appeared first on Bible Prophecy In The Daily Headlines.
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 27 December, 2023.
27/12/202323 minutes, 56 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 26 December, 2023.
27/12/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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2 Babylons, JWs, & The Problem of Paganism

On Christmas Eve Robert addresses a real set of problems. The first being the influence of a poorly written historical work called the Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop and its impact on the Jehovah Witnesses and its similar spiritual permeation into Messianic/Hebrew Roots. Secondly there is no messianic speaking about the debate from the church […]
26/12/202328 minutes, 29 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #152

Psalm 7 assures us that those who plot evil will be dealt with by the Righteous Judge in His time. Sometimes we think it takes too long for that to happen, but David assures us that it will happen. Our lives are not always a bed of roses. Sometimes, our Heavenly Father takes us through […]
25/12/202328 minutes
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There Has To Be More~12-22-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 30
25/12/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~12-20-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 29
25/12/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~12-18-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 28
25/12/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 25

Why are people referred to as “children” in scripture? e.g., Children of Israel We are instructed to “not forget” and “don’t turn away” from the Father’s discipline–how do we keep from doing these? Why do some “turn away” from the words of Elohim? How are some people today “disempowered”? From where does understanding come? Why […]
25/12/20231 heure, 5 minutes, 49 secondes
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WWTTWD? What Will The Two Witnesses Do?

Forget The Great Reset. Here is “The Great Setup”! The games the nations are playing on the global population never cease. One of the steps of The Great Reset includes war. This war between Israel and Hamas is one of those wars. Read More: The post WWTTWD? What Will The Two Witnesses Do? appeared first […]
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 92 (Vayigash – Freedom from Edom)

Then Judah went up to him and said, “Oh, my lord, please let your servant speak a word in my lord's ears, and let not your anger burn against your servant, for you are like Pharaoh himself. 19 My lord asked his servants, saying, ‘Have you a father, or a brother?’ 20 And we said to my lord, ‘We have a father, an old man, and a young brother, the child of his old age. His brother is dead, and he alone is left of his mother's children, and his father loves him.’ 21 Then you said to your servants, ‘Bring him down to me, that I may set my eyes on him.’ 22 We said to my lord, ‘The boy cannot leave his father, for if he should leave his father, his father would die.’ 23 Then you said to your servants, ‘Unless your youngest brother comes down with you, you shall not see my face again.’ 24 “When we went back to your servant my father, we told him the words of my lord. 25 And when our father said, ‘Go again, buy us a little food,’ 26 we said, ‘We cannot go down. If our youngest brother goes with us, then we will go down. For we cannot see the man's face unless our youngest brother is with us.’ 27 Then your servant my father said to us, ‘You know that my wife bore me two sons. 28 One left me, and I said, “Surely he has been torn to pieces,” and I have never seen him since. 29 If you take this one also from me, and harm happens to him, you will bring down my gray hairs in evil to Sheol.’ 30 “Now therefore, as soon as I come to your servant my father, and the boy is not with us, then, as his life is bound up in the boy's life, 31 as soon as he sees that the boy is not with us, he will die, and your servants will bring down the gray hairs of your servant our father with sorrow to Sheol. 32 For your servant became a pledge of safety for the boy to my father, saying, ‘If I do not bring him back to you, then I shall bear the blame before my father all my life.’ 33 Now therefore, please let your servant remain instead of the boy as a servant to my lord, and let the boy go back with his brothers. 34 For how can I go back to my father if the boy is not with me? I fear to see the evil that would find my father.” (Ge 44:18-34) Some say this is the moment that Judah was awarded royal authority over the tribes. Judah conquered “The Red One,” of the soul. He wants to feed others, not be fed. He’d overcome his jealousy of his brother, his murderous thoughts toward his brother, his lack of honor for the wishes of his father, and confessed his relationship with Tamar to ensure the righteous offspring of Judah would live to fulfill the covenant promise of inheritance in the Land of Israel. Esau (Edom) has never conquered his jealousy of Jacob, his murderous inclination toward Jacob, and his lack of honor for the wishes of the “father” in marriage. Esau spurned the birthright of protecting the offspring and sold it for food. The Jewish sages say it was not then, nor when he was chosen to bring the first dedicatory gifts to the Tabernacle, nor when he was appointed to take the first step in the Camp movement to follow the Cloud and Ark. These foreshadowed. It was not until Israel entered the Land and Joshua died. After that, Judah was given leadership when he was chosen to lead his brothers in war against the Canaanites. Others add Boaz when he was kind to Ruth. [Midrash Rabbah to Shir HaShirim 4§16]
25/12/202354 minutes, 53 secondes
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The God of Israel is Speaking to the Arab World!

Audio reading: Genesis 48:10-16, Zech 8:1-23, Rev 16:1-21, Psalm 144:1-15, Prov 30:29-31, 12-26-23 Click link below to see the video clip referred to in this teaching: Unbelievable! The God of Israel is speaking to the Arab World For I have bent Judah, My bow, Fitted the bow with Ephraim, And raised up your sons, O […]
24/12/202346 minutes, 4 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Vayigash” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week we see the conclusion to the ‘cliff-hanger’ story of Miketz, where Yosef has tested his brothers, and they stand before him accused, and evidently guilty, of theft. And this week, as Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship likes to put it, Judah ‘draws near’ (Vayigash, Genesis 44:18 through 47:27) and “mans up.” […]
24/12/20232 heures, 30 minutes, 32 secondes
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NEW!! Calendars, Which One?

Zadokite, Enochian, Sighted Moon, Hillel? We have purposely avoided doing any programs regarding calendars… until now. We believe Abba has been nudging us toward taking on this subject for the past many weeks in various not to subtle ways. The subject specifically of the “Zadokite” calendar has kept coming up, over and over from different people in a variety of ways. The last straw which convinced us to do a more in depth study to see if perhaps we were wrong with regard to this subject was a recent series of videos by a well known main stream Hebraic Roots teacher. These videos proposed that this “Zadokite” calendar is the correct calendar to follow. In today’s message we will be sharing what we found during our more in depth study and will be heavy on scriptural evidence and very light on opinion and conjecture. Toward the end of this program we will also share our thoughts (based upon scripture) regarding the possible dangers of incorrect calendars.
23/12/202325 minutes
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Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible-Orthodox Music Part 1

On this episode Robert answers the question as to how Orthodox Jewish music dispersed after the fall of the temple.  Three distinct methods of cultural worship have evolved throughout the centuries, Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Mizrahi.  These three coexist separately and interchangeably depending on  the style of worship practiced in various countries all over the world. […]
23/12/202329 minutes, 32 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 13 into 14

The teachers discuss Isaiah chapter 13, which continues the theme of “the “Day of the LORD,” as well as more about “Babylon.” But there is so much more in here beyond just references that most of xtianity have heard of, but never really studied.
23/12/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 6 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

The ‘gloves have been off’ for quite a while now. But too many of our friends, family, and neighbors just wouldn’t believe it. That all changed this week.
22/12/202349 minutes, 39 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

This week the news wrap-up and summary is a bit different, because the week itself was: The Big Con was revealed this week. Those ‘black-robed priests of the fake god of this world’ came right out and said, “while we prattle about ‘democracy’ – we don’t give a $#@@! how you vote, and we won’t […]
22/12/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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Eclipses in the Next 3 Years will fall on Holy Days

historyofeclipsesHN Also Covering also Future Eclipses. Almost all the eclipses in the next 3 years fall on Holy Days. Why?
22/12/202342 minutes, 9 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Winter is not just coming…Winter is HERE. The Big Con was revealed this week. Those ‘black-robed priests of the fake god of this world’ came right out and said, “while we prattle about ‘democracy’ – we don’t give a $#@@! how you vote, and we won’t count ’em anyway.” So what’s next? And how do […]
22/12/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 20 December, 2023. The Colorado Supreme Kangaroo circus just did exactly as programmed, and sent a message: If you did NOT know the election was a communist fake before, there’s no excuse now for blindness. But that’s just the beginning…
21/12/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 19 December, 2023.
19/12/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More ~ 12-15-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 27
19/12/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~12-13-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 26
19/12/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~12-11-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 25
19/12/202325 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 18 December, 2023. This news today will offend some: It should. Because the alternative is deadly. And is intended to be.
18/12/202325 minutes, 28 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 24

Hoping to get through more than seven verses this time, Rabbi Steve Berkson continues teaching in Proverbs about wisdom, knowledge and understanding and how they relate to keeping covenant with our Creator. What is “cruel”? How is it related to “perverse”? What do these have to do with Covenant-Life? Do you see yourself as cruel […]
18/12/20231 heure, 5 minutes, 48 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 91 (Three Wise Men and A Red One)

"We had a wonderful Sukkot in the Land. And then when we woke up on October 7th, something had changed. And I guess long story short: k-boom. A lot of k-booms. And you find out who you are inside. I think when the k-booms start going off, and you have no control over them... You know, I think most people are used to–at least familiar with-weapons, that it’s probably not going to go–it’s not supposed to go off-unless you do specific things to make it go off. But when you have no control over what’s going over your head, it’s a completely different dynamic. And so, I’m still learning how to deal with that one. I’m not used to being shot at. It’s different. So I’m glad to be here tonight. It’s good to be back with Jacob’s Tent. And the larger tent that we see often around the feast times. And what I want to do tonight is not necessarily seem Chanukah-forward. But I think we’re in a time where we need to be encouraged because if you’re like me, since October 7th, you’ve kind of been stuck in a certain place. It’s hard to know what’s on the horizon, but you definitely know what’s behind you. And so you’re beginning to ask yourself: “All this that I’ve been learning, you know He’s brought me out of some system that I was in and maybe happy with, maybe unhappy with, but He brought me out of that system. And I can’t help but think He brought me out for some reason in this generation in particular. I wasn’t born in a different generation. I was born into this generation. And we know every generation has its tribulation. That’s not new. Is this the tribulation of our generation? And I think the answer’s going to be “yes” to that. I’ve not experienced anything like this. I’m used to them lobbing rockets at Sukkot, that’s what they do. If you didn’t go to Israel because they lobbed a few rockets, you would never go to Israel. But this is different. And it really feels as though everything we have been doing has prepared us for this moment in time. What’s on the horizon? We don’t know. That’s why I feel a little bit stuck in a certain place. I feel like everything’s outside our control right now, but hasn’t it always been? It’s always been outside of our control. He’s been preparing us for this time when it’s going to feel so much as if things are out of our control. And the good news is, there is no Plan B. In the beginning, there was plan A. We would like to think that our sin is just so powerful that Adonai just has to keep coming up with new plans like B, C, D, E, F. He never did. He never changed His mind. He never changed the goal. Now, it might be taking us a little longer to get there, but He hasn’t changed His mind, and the purpose for which you have been called hasn’t changed because there is a war in Israel. That has not changed. He has been preparing you for this moment. What I want to do is take a look at the history that has brought us to this point. We might call it prophecy, we might not. I mean, what people usually call prophecy, I just call deep Torah study. There’s no prophecy without Torah. And so as we look at some of the prophecies, and tonight I want to look at a passage in the Song of Songs of all things, we think it’s a love song but it’s actually a prophecy of the return of the exiles. And this is the way that the rabbis construe it. This is not Hollisa Alewine sitting too long with too many cups of coffee. This is the way the rabbis have put it together. The only thing I can see that’s missing from the way they’ve put it together is the fact that they haven’t yet recognized Yeshua as that Messiah that they’re talking about. Part of that you can see even in the gospels when it was teaching about the circumstances surrounding Yeshua’s birth. We have all sorts of things: Shepherds by night. Stars. We have peace on earth. We have all of these things that are associated with the particular season, and we say well what happened here? I want to go back and look at what happened in order to figure out why Herod was so upset that the wise men were there and why in particular he was upset. I want to go back to Abraham because he’s our forefather. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re descended from Abraham by blood or by faith, you are still a child of Abraham and Sarah. And so I want to call this: Three Wise Men and a Red One. And I know, we don’t know for sure that there were Three Wise Men; we just tend to say that because there were three specific gifts. I want to trace this prophecy to Abraham all the way up to the time of Herod and the birth of Yeshua and see if there’s something about those three gifts that should ring a bell with us, but should also encourage us about this particular moment in time in which we live. Because I believe one of the problems that the Jews of the first century had with Yeshua is that they were expecting what we are experiencing. They were 2,000 years too early. But on the other hand, we don’t want to be lulled to sleep. What we want to do is look at the prophecies of Micah and Isaiah and say “What should we look for next, and how should our feet be planted?” And understand we’re still part of Plan A. He still had a plan to gather us in. He’s not abandoned it. And that’s the danger of just studying prophecy in isolation. It’s like an amusement park. It’s fun. It’s exciting. But if you get on the rollercoaster it always ends up back at the same stop. If you get on the Ferris wheel, you still get off at the same place. If you eat the cotton candy, you still get sick to your stomach. This is prophecy as it’s usually taught. It’s exciting and we get to sit around and speculate as to who's got the right insight to the prophecy. But so many times, if we’ll just go back into the Word, back into the Torah, and we look at some of the insights from the people who have studied those prophecies for thousands of years, it might be much simpler than it seems. It doesn’t have to be an amusement park. That’s when we can turn it into the field. The field has the Word in it. And so we have to labor in that field like a farmer, with patience. Not on a rollercoaster ride, not with cotton candy, but planting very patiently until we can see that fruit of that labor. You don’t see a lot of farmers in the field screaming at each other, and holding their hands up. Right? It’s a much more serious approach. But there is joy at the harvest. And I want us to have some of that joy tonight. Where we can see the end. Where we can see the seed He has planted thousands of years ago, and there’s no Plan B. And we get to be part, hopefully, of that harvest. So if you would turn in your Bibles to Song of Songs 4:6, we’re going to look at the passage from Song of Songs 4:6 to verse 8 and that’ll be our text for tonight and for tomorrow. We’ll stay on this same section. We’re going to look at the promises made to Abraham and see, “Why is there always conflict over Jerusalem? Why is there conflict over the Temple Mount? Why can the nations not just leave Israel alone?” I think it’s for the same reason that Adam and Eve had an entire garden full of trees and there was one they couldn’t just leave alone. You tell people they can’t have that one thing, and that’s exactly what they’re going to covet. But this starts out, this is very beautiful, it says: 6“Until the cool of the day when the shadows flee away, I will go my way to the mountain of myrrh and to the hill of frankincense. So I’m going to do a quick significance definition for you. If you like to take notes, this is where you would take notes. In prophecy, often there is a significance to particular terms. The mountain? That can be either Mount Sinai, or it can be the Temple Mount. In this case, it’s going to be the Temple Mount. This is the mountain of myrrh, and the hill of frankincense. It’s also called the Holy Hill. So we’re talking about the Temple Mount right here. I will go my way to the mountain of myrrh and to the hill of frankincense. Where is the Messiah coming to? He’s coming to the Temple Mount. It’s called the Mountain of Myrrh and Frankincense because this is where the incense offerings are offered. And if we understand what those incense offerings are about, we understand these are the prayers of Israel being offered up on behalf of the nations. And one thing to remember about the incense service is it could not be conducted without animal sacrifice. The coals had to come from the outer altar. If there’s no animal sacrifice–this is going to make sense when we talk about the Beast–if there’s no animal sacrifice, there’s no incense service. The Beast has to be sacrificed. He says, 7You are altogether beautiful, my darling, and there is no blemish in you. 8Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, may you come with me from Lebanon. Journey down from the summit of Amana, from the summit of Senir and Hermon, from the dens of lions, from the mountains of leopards. So that’s what we want to do: let’s unpack these. Tonight, tomorrow. Let’s take a look at these terms and say, “What exactly is this prophecy about?” It’s about the return of the exiles. First of all, let’s look at the summit, or the mount, the “head,” of Amana. Now some of you who can speak a little bit of Hebrew, you can hear a word in there that you’re familiar with. Amana sounds a whole lot like...? Emunah. Right. Exactly: faith. So let’s turn to Genesis 15:5 through 7. Let’s go back to father Abraham. Because in the end, I can’t remember exactly how Brad used to put it, but in summary it’s always been about a land, a covenant, and a people. A land, a covenant, and a people. And I want to show you how that land, covenant and people are very specific and set aside as it pertains to the other nations. So it says, 5And He took him outside and said, “Now look toward the heavens, and count the stars, if you are able to count them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be.” “So shall your descendants be.” What is He talking about? That many? It can be. That’s the plain sense of the verse. But we also understand that the stars sometimes in Scripture represent principalities and powers. And He’s saying, “Your descendants…” if we look at the significance, “...will be like these principalities and powers. They will rule over the earth someday.” That’s a pretty big promise. 6Then he believed in the LORD; and He reckoned it to him as righteousness. He believed. There’s our emunah. The heh-amin. 7And He said to him, “I am the LORD who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans, to give you this land to possess it. So the promise is to Abraham, to his descendants, and it’s about a specific land. And this belief–you know we talk a lot about faith. There was even a movement called Word of Faith movement. Faith is a big thing if you’re a believer. But what exactly should this faith focus around? Faith in Yeshua? Yes. But let’s go even farther back. How would the people of the First Century even come to look at Yeshua in faith? They would look back to their father Abraham as a pattern. So the heh-amin, the faith, it…was reckoned to him as righteousness because he believed. He believed that that specific land would be given to his descendants to possess. To this day a very small percentage of the earth believe. Whether we talk about believing that the people who are there are the descendants of Abraham...there’s all sorts of conspiracy and protocols and things out there that are trying to subvert the position of the Jews within the covenant. But it really goes back to: does Adonai have the right to promise this little piece of land to these people? Do we believe it? If we believe it, it can be among those things that are accounted to us as righteousness. Let’s look at another passage, very similar, Genesis 17:1 through 8. And this was when Avram was 99 years old. Now when Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am God Almighty; walk before Me, and be blameless. I will establish My covenant between Me and you, and I will multiply you exceedingly.” Abram fell on his face, and God talked with him, saying, “As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you will be the father of a multitude of nations. No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations. Right there we know that Abraham’s descendants will be out among the nations. I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of you, and kings will come forth from you. I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your descendants after you. I will give to you and to your descendants after you, the land of your sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God. Now how many times did He repeat Himself in that passage as if we didn’t hear Him the first time? He knows we’re not hard of hearing. But He also knows that we need to hear things more than once to get it. It’s about a covenant between Abraham and his descendants concerning this particular land that He has established. You cannot talk about the covenant without talking about the Land. And you can’t talk about the land and the covenant without talking about the descendants of Abraham. Those three things are the essentials if we’re going to talk about faith, emunah. If we are going to come from the summit of Amana, there is a summit of faith we must reach. And who is first associated with faith? Abraham. If we are descendants of Abraham, we have to exhibit that same kind of faith. Even though Abraham is told, ‘this is going to be a land of your sojourning’, in other words, ‘Abraham, you’re not really going to be able to call this your home. But your descendants will come back and they will be able to call it home.’ So let’s look at another passage, Genesis 13:17. And again, it’s about a specific land area and a specific people group. Again, talking to Abraham: Arise, walk about the land through its length and breadth; for I will give it to you. And I emphasize “I”. Adonai is giving to Abraham and his descendants this specific land. It’s not for people to give it to Abraham or his descendants. Human beings do not give that land. Ever. A human being cannot transfer that land. It’s not under our authority, even as the tree of knowledge of good and evil was not under our authority. And it never will be ours to buy, to sell, to trade, to give away, to conquer. It’s always His. And it’s these terms that the nations have always coveted. Everything we just read...? The nations have coveted that tree. Out of all the trees in the world, they want this tiny piece of Land that’s promised to a specific group of people. And what is the big thing today? You have some people who would tolerate a few Jews in the land, but they would never tolerate Zionism. Zionism is the hot word. It’s Zionism to which they object so strongly because Zionism is associated with this covenant of an eternal promise between the Creator of the universe, Abraham, and his descendants. They can’t tolerate that. Because as long as there are people on earth who hold that covenant, then there is proof that there is still an Elohim. That there is One GOD. That’s what they’re fighting. They’re not fighting Jews. Jews are just in the way. They’re fighting their Creator. They want to say, “I get to subjectively choose my boundaries.” And we all do that to an extent, don’t we? We all want to define our own boundaries? And then we look into the Word and we say, ‘well I can’t do that anymore, because the Word says this is My boundary.’ We can’t be like King Solomon and say, ‘well that one doesn’t apply to me, that one doesn’t apply to me, that one doesn’t apply to me.’ We don’t get to do that. We have to say, ‘His boundaries apply to me in every area. It’s just a matter of me learning where those boundaries are. That’s the only question: have I learned them yet? And as I learn them, will I accept them? Or will I rise up like Cain and kill my brother? Will I rise up like Esau and try to kill my brother? Will I rise up like Ishmael and mock my brother?’ And so there’s a deep human disease that has been here from the time of the garden, and it’s coveting that which is not yours. Because as long as it’s not yours, you’re not GOD. If you can’t possess it, then you’re not in control. Adonai is the only one who gets to define what is acceptable sacrifice to Him. He’s the only one who can define acceptable behavior for a human being. No matter what your race. No matter what your nation. He’s the one who defines the boundaries. He made the design of the earth, He determined the inheritance of the nations, the reward of the nations, and Cain and Esau didn’t want to live within those boundaries. In fact, have you ever heard bigger crybabies? I mean cry baby, cry baby. What did Cain say, “My punishment is more than I can bear.” Well bless your heart. Criminals tend to get like that in the courtroom, don’t they? Here’s what Esau does, Genesis 27:34, once he finds out that Isaac has given the blessing to Jacob. When Esau heard the words of his father, he cried out with an exceedingly great and bitter cry, and said to his father, “Bless me, even me also, O my father!” Esau said to his father, “Do you have only one blessing, my father? Bless me, even me also, O my father.” So Esau lifted his voice and wept. It’s all about crybaby. The Father in Heaven may not have given us something and we sit around and cry, “Do you just have one blessing? Could I have one too? Could I have what he has?” We look at things and we covet them. Well we’re supposed to covet the better gifts. But if it’s not your gift? It’s not your gift. And so what will Esau do? Esau is the Red One. Since we’re going to talk about Three Wise Men and a Red One – Esau is the Red One. He came out red and hairy all over. And he’s referred to in Jewish literature as Admon. The permanent red one. Edom. And so there’s Esau, which is bad enough, and there’s the worst end of Esau, which we call Amalek, may his name be blotted out. Here’s what Esau wants to do. He wants to dominate. He wants to possess. He will kill if it serves those ends. But to him, simply maintaining control and power is usually to his satisfaction, that he is more powerful than Elohim. If he’s just got the power, he’s convinced he’s god. It doesn’t matter how many names he calls on. How many times he says it’s great. That’s not what he believes; he believes he’s great. Amalek, remember, was a descendant of Esau. And it’s worse. It’s the worst end of Esau because he will kill you. He’s not there to just control you. Amalek is there to kill you, and he will kill you through craft. He will kill you through animal violence. He’s much more on board to actually exterminate the Creator. Esau wants to control so he can say, “You don’t control me. I control me. I’m god.” Amalek actually wants to exterminate the Creator Himself. If he can get rid of the people of the covenant, then he’s to step one. But this is it, controlling the covenant people and their assigned habitation has always been the key to the aims of the Beast. The Beast is nothing new in Revelation. The Beast was created on Day Six. On the same day as a human being. And as we look at those four beast kingdoms – as we look at Babylon, we look at Medo-Persia, we look at Greece, we look at Rome, and then the systems, the organizations that have spread over the earth today in the feet – it has always been their aim to control the assigned habitation of Abraham’s descendants. Whether it’s the Temple Mount itself or even those nations that were prophesied to Abraham, that’s why their systems have been established all over the world. By the way, the leopard spots? Of Greece? If you go back into the Hebrew, the word can actually refer to organizations. And that’s what Greece had. Greece brought us medicine, literature, education, philosophy, politics, and the military. Rome comes along, they might change the names of the gods, but they perfect those systems of organization. And to this day we go to coliseums. And to this day we use the Latin language when we talk about medicine. Those systems, those leopard spots, were perfected by Rome and now they’re in every nation on earth still trying to control people. Now I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I mean, surely there are conspiracies out there; it’s not my job to find them. It’s my job to find Yeshua and point out that he ultimately will defeat the Red Beast. It’s so funny sometimes when people think they’ve found the anti-christ. Like it wasn’t that hard, was it? I mean, seriously? Every generation has one. It’s not unusual to find an anti-christ. What is unusual is to find somebody who will follow Yeshua with a whole heart as a descendant of Abraham and never stop believing that Plan A is still in effect. If we look at the resistance that is mustered by these Beast Kingdoms, we can see again that pointing to the stars, not just as numerous those stars, but one day, Abraham, your twelve tribes, they will judge from the twelve gates of Jerusalem. They will judge the earth with king Messiah. They will take their rightful place, what they were created to do with Plan A–it was to be a special people who will rule and reign from Jerusalem. Still Plan A, folks. He’s still raising us up. He’s teaching us how to be prepared to know His Word, to know how to judge nations, to have something on the resume other than a name and a phone number. And that’s why learning these Torah portions, it’s critical. How are you going to judge the nations? How are you going to be a star of Abraham if you don’t know the fundamentals of the Torah? What other measurement do you think He’s going to use? U.S. Constitution? Fine choice, but that’s not it. His Word stands forever. And we can see that in history, like in the Book of Daniel, you had Gabriel. Daniel is praying. He needs an answer. Gabriel is coming with an answer. But he’s resisted by the Prince of Persia. And it takes one more thing to overcome the Prince of Persia. The Prince of Persia is assigned to Persia. It’s his job to defend the interest of Persia. And those powers are very single-minded. They just do one thing. They don’t really multitask. And so a message is coming that is going to prophesy the overthrow of Persia. Does he want that message to go through? No, that’s his job, to maintain that nation and its boundaries. So he stands against Gabriel which means “the strength of El.” But MikhaEl, Michael, comes along and he breaks through. Because “who is like El”? There is none higher. Even that created entity called the Prince of Persia had to bow to Who Is Like Unto El. There’s no one higher. He’s a created being. Even the devils believe and tremble. They must obey when they’re confronted with the strength and that oneness of Elohim. And we can see there will come a time in the book of Revelation when it says these stars will be moved out of their places. These principalities and powers will be moved out of their places over the nations. Because who is supposed to arise? The star of Jacob is going to arise, and with him, the descendants of Abraham who were created to rule and to reign from Jerusalem. They're going to take those places of judgment under King Messiah. So let’s get a little more detailed. Let’s go to Isaiah 41. And I wanted to find a word here so we’ll understand this envy of the nations against Israel. And it–I know for you guys, you’re probably like me–there is no pretense of logic and reason in the world today as it pertains to the modern state of Israel. There’s nothing that even makes sense. And there’s a reason it doesn’t make sense. He’s dividing people out. He’s unmasking them. And it’s all going to come down to: Do we have a Creator? Do we accept Him as Supreme and the One to assign our job as human beings? Is He the only One worthy of worship? If you don’t believe that, then you’re going to have trouble with the logic and the reason of Zion because the Torah is going to go forth from Zion. There is only one measure. What are they fighting against? A few Jews and tanks? That’s not who they’re fighting. They’re fighting The One Who holds the Covenant. And He says, “Only by this will the world be judged.” They don’t want to be judged by that. In Isaiah 41:1 (ESV), I want to look at verse 1 and then skip down to 8 through 10. I want you to see who it’s addressed to. It says, Listen to me in silence, O coastlands; let the peoples renew their strength; let them approach, then let them speak; let us together draw near for judgment. So the nations, the coastlands, the peoples, He says “renew your strength” and I want you to approach Me and we’re going to have judgment. There’s nothing scarier to me than Adonai saying, ‘Come on, approach the bench. Let’s hear your case.” Then we skip down to verse 8, He says, But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, the offspring of Abraham, my friend; you whom I took from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest corners, saying to you, “You are my servant, I have chosen you and not cast you off”; No Plan B. 10fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, He’s telling the nations, ‘strengthen yourself if you can,’ but He’s telling the people of Israel, “I will strengthen you.” It’s not by your strength, it’s by His. I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. His righteous right hand Yeshua. Now do we want to be part of the coastlands who approach the throne in our own strength for judgment? Or do we want Yeshua, our advocate, standing beside us? And standing in his strength. Standing in his righteousness. I want Yeshua. I can’t stand on my own strength anyway. So the coastlands are being challenged: “approach for judgment. To define who these coastlands are, even though the internal text tells us it’s the nations. Alright? Can you see the inner definition within the verse there? The coastlands are the nations? The specific word is actually “ee” (???). Which is kind of a funny word to me like “ee”, “ee”. And “eeyeem” (????????) would be plural. Coastlands. All that means is a habitable spot, dry land, a coast, an island. But it can be any habitable dry land. It doesn’t have to mean like the beach. The coastlands. The first mention of coastlands is going to be Genesis 10:5 (NASB 1995). It says, From these the coastlands of the nations were separated into their lands, every one according to his language, according to their families, into their nations. So the coastlands of the nations indicate this is where He set their boundaries. He set their boundaries the same way He set Abraham’s boundaries. And He set it according to language and family. These were the nations’ assignments. The nations didn’t like where they were assigned. Did you ever get a seat assignment you didn’t like? You ever get – you ever sit next to that one on the plan? They’re going to fall asleep on your shoulder and drool? Yeah. Or they’re going to stick their dirty feet up on the back of your seat? Some people, we don’t like our assignments. But in this case we better like our assignment. What they have been doing from the beginning is to reassign the boundaries and to absorb the descendants of Abraham. It’s not under their authority. They don’t get to change where the boundary is. But they want to. And the Messianic reign is going to be a time when the nations apparently will be forced to retain those assigned territories. Now does everybody have to go back from where they came from? I don’t know. I don’t intend to be here. I intend to be somewhere in the land as a descendant of Abraham. Because I believe. I believe. The children of Abraham will also live in peace on their assigned territory. And you say, ‘well where am I? Where am I supposed to be?’ You all know Galatians 3:29 (NASB 1995): And if if, conditional you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to promise. Heirs according to the promise. What promise? The land, the covenant, the people are the promise. You have a people and you have a land. Whether you’re there yet or not, it’s just a matter of yet. But if you believe on Messiah, then you are entitled to become an heir in that assigned territory to Abraham’s descendants. And you say, “But I don’t know what tribe I come from?” Most Jews don’t either. After the destruction of the second temple, most of the records were lost. Usually the Levi’im, the Levites and the priests, know who they are. They say it’s going to be Elijah’s job at the End of the Days to sort everybody out into their tribal territory. So they don’t know either. You’re not alone. You say, “But what if I don’t have any blood relation to Abraham.” Ezekiel 47:21 (NASB 1995) says, So you shall divide this land among yourselves according to the tribes of Israel. Not according to what the nations tell you. According to the tribes of Israel. You shall divide it by lot for an inheritance among yourselves and among the aliens who stay in your midst, who bring forth sons in your midst. And they shall be to you as the native-born among the sons of Israel; they shall be allotted an inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel. 23“And in the tribe with which the alien stays, there you shall give him his inheritance,” declares the Lord GOD. There’s still no Plan B. You’re still there. If you believe. And if you belong to Messiah, then you are Abraham’s descendants. So I don’t know if you are an Issacharite, a Gadite, a Zebulonite, it doesn’t really matter to me. It basically, according to Ezekiel, just whatever ‘–ite’ you feel like that morning, then go there. Join yourself. And that route into the land, going back to the time of Abraham, as we look back at the text that we started with in the Song of Songs, it talks about (NASB 1995, chapter 4): Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, may you come with me (down) from Lebanon. Journey down from the summit of Amana, also in Lebanon From the summit of Senir and Hermon, is actually on the Israeli side today, but we’re talking about the same area – it’s in the northern part of Israel, the southern part of Lebanon. Abraham came down through that route. He came down through Haran. And from Haran we know that eventually his journey did take him to the mountain of myrrh and the hill of frankincense. It took him to mount Moriah where he offered Isaac. And then later, the offspring of Jacob would also be seen camped according to this passage of prophecy without a blemish. So yes, Abraham, proto-prophecy, he goes to the mountain of frankincense and myrrh. But then remember the prophecy of Balaam. Later as Israel is coming out of Egypt, they’re returning to the land, they’re returning to their inheritance, Balaam looks out at Jacob’s tents and he says, “How lovely are your tents, O Jacob. Your dwelling places, O Israel.” (Numbers 24:5) It’s one of the most beautiful prophecies of the Bible and–do you guys sing that on Shabbat? It’s prophecy. You’re singing of yourself without a blemish. You’re saying, “Well, I don’t know about that. ” He’s seeing forward, ok? It’s not exactly this moment. What He’s seeing is far into the millennial reign. He seeing that far where no longer does this bride have any blemish. She’s become perfect. And so that prophecy is actually a song of return to the land. It’s the gift and a sacrifice without blemish. What gifts do you bring to the altar? That without a blemish. Israel will be a sacrifice like it’s Messiah – without a blemish. And again, this is where are located the mountains mentioned here. Not just Amana, the mountain of faith like Abraham. And remember, Abraham is reckoned as righteous because of his faith. How are we reckoned as righteous? The same way. Because of our faith. So let’s look at that verse 8 again in the Song of Songs, chapter 4. It says, Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, may you come with me from Lebanon. Journey down from the summit of Amana, from the summit of Senir and Hermon, from the dens of lions, from the mountains of leopards. Right there you hear two of the Beast kingdoms mentioned. You hear Babylon the original beast kingdom, the golden head of the image. You hear about the leopard of Greece. You hear about the bronze belly, two of those beast kingdoms. And so He’s asking us, ‘come out of the belly of the beast. Get out of the head of the beast.’ Remember, the golden head of Babylon is associated with the lion. Get out of the lion’s head. Get out of the head of the beast. Journey down with Me from there. Come out of the belly of Greece. Get out of those organizations that have first, enticed you. And if you couldn’t be enticed, then they coerce you, and the Greek pattern, since we’re talking about Chanukah at this season, since you couldn’t be enticed or coerced, then you would be killed. He’s saying, get out of that belly. Get out of the belly of the beast. But you’re going to have to journey down. We’re all stuck out here in the kingdoms of the beast. How do we do that? He says, the way to do that is to journey down. Journey down. Abraham was told, ‘Lech Lecha - go for yourself, walk the land, inspect the land.’ He had already done that. You say, ‘Why is he being told to do that again?’ Because he’s told to arise. That’s very specific language in prophecy that can pertain to ‘resurrect’. Arise, come up to a different level. I want you to see the garden hovering over this land. I want you to see Plan A, Abraham. Because I want you to see your descendants here. I want you to see your descendants as occupying a land that’s more than sand and rocks. I want you to see the realm above it, so arise and walk and see the garden that is here. Inspect it. This is the land that your offspring are going to possess. There is a natural Israel, and there is a garden that is hovering just above it that is waiting to be married back to the natural land. So He says tashuri. In Hebrew, tashuri, ‘journey down.’ (Behold, Look, And shur, if we look it up in Hebrew, means go around for inspection. That’s what lech lecha means to Abraham, go around and inspect the place. See something here you’ve never seen before. Spy it out. Survey it. Observe it. Perceive it. Regard it. And it can even mean “lurk”. Like an animal. Lurk around. Observe. That word is first mentioned, tashuri, like ‘come on Bride, journey down, I want you to come with me. You’re blameless. You’re walking out your faith now. Come with me.’ So let’s go to the first mention of shur. Come with me, journey with me, regard. It goes back to Numbers 23:9 (NASB 1995). The first uses of shur. This is the prophecy of Balaam concerning Jacob’s tents. He says, As I see him from the top of the rocks, and I look at him (shur; I’m observing him, I’m regarding him, I’m perceiving him) from the hills; behold, a people who dwells apart, and (they) will not be reckoned among the nations. They’re different. He sets their boundaries. The nations do not set their boundaries. Journey down, you’re going to come to a place where the nations cannot set this boundary because it was eternally set by the Holy One of Israel. And then if you skip down to Numbers 24:17 (NASB 1995), he’s still prophesying. He says, I see him, but not now; I behold him shur, same word, I perceive, I regard, but not near; A star shall come forth from Jacob, A scepter shall rise from Israel, And shall crush through the forehead of Moab, And tear down all the sons of Sheth. So if we take those first uses of the word ‘shur’ for ‘journey down’ that we’re seeing in the Song of Songs, we say ‘Okay, what’s the prophecy of the Song of Songs about?’ It’s about what Balaam is seeing right here. He’s seeing into the future. He’s even seeing the Garden. Remember how he talks about the buckets of water that are flowing? He’s seeing Israel planted in the garden. And remember the beloved says ‘Come, come journey with me.’ He says, ‘You are altogether beautiful my darling, there’s no blemish in you.’ Well clearly Israel was blemished at that time. But there will be a time. Because in between those two uses we saw of “shur” for journey down. Numbers 23:21 (NASB 1995), it says, He has not observed misfortune in Jacob; nor has He seen trouble in Israel; the LORD his God is with him, and what did He say to Abraham? ‘I will be with you.’ And he says, And the shout of a king is among them. How can they be without a blemish? How can they be without iniquity? How can they be without wickedness? They can be without wickedness because the Lord his God is with him and the shout of a king is among them. Teruah. You know what a teruah is, when we play all those different notes on Rosh Hashana, on the feast of trumpets, it’s about resurrection from the dead. How can they be perfect? They are resurrected in perfection. That’s how Balaam is seeing them. Resurrected in perfection and not reckoned among the nations. They are now back in their assigned territory. And the shout of the king is going to scare any nation that would presume to move a boundary stone. I dare say they wouldn’t get a finger near a boundary stone at that time. We are perfect in our resurrection in our Messiah. The shout of a king is among us. So we know we are in exile. We know we are in the belly of the beast. We know we are in the head of the beast. But we are told to come out. ‘Come out from among her.’ We have to live in the world, but we don’t have to be of the world. And sometimes we feel like Adonai is not looking. He won’t see this. Or we hadn’t heard from Him in awhile, He probably won’t care if I do this. That’s not smart thinking. Because I think more than ever before as we look around at what’s going on in history, we have to say He’s watching. And it’s in Hosea 13:7, Adonai is prophesying about Israel in exile. He says: So I will be like a lion to them; like a leopard See how He’s using the Beast kingdoms? I will lie in wait by the wayside. Lie in wait by the wayside, that word is SHUR. “I’m watching them.” He’s actually lurking out here among the Beast Kingdoms watching us. Waiting. He’s lurking to do good for us. He’s lurking to bring us out of the belly of the beast. He’s lurking to clear up our heads. Our confused heads. We get out here in the world and we get confused about what we’re seeing. We get confused about what we’re hearing. And He’s like, ‘No, stay in My Word. Stay in My Word. Believe. There is no Plan B. You stay in My Word, and I will be lurking right next to you to do good. To deliver you.’ He sent Israel away for idolatry. But He’s still lurking to redeem us from the Red Beast of Exile. From Edom’s domain. There’s specifics that we’re given in this prophecy to help us understand how the return from the exile will occur. It’s going to connect with our passage from Song of Songs, and it’s from Hosea 14:4. Israel has been sent into exile. There it is called night. Sometimes if you see “night” in prophecy it means “a time of exile”. And here’s what He’s lurking to do for us. He says, 4I will heal their apostasy, I will love them freely, for My anger has turned away from them. 5 I will be like the dew dew also represents resurrection by the way to Israel; He will blossom like the lily, and he will take root like the cedars of Lebanon. Where are we supposed to come from? Come down with me from Lebanon. He’s saying, “Come on!” 6His shoots will sprout, and his beauty will be like the olive tree and his fragrance like the cedars of Lebanon. 7Those who live in his shadow will again raise grain, and they will blossom like the vine. His renown will be like the wine of Lebanon. 8O Ephraim, what more have I to do with idols? It is I who answer and look after you. That word there for ‘look after’? It's our word, shur. I’m lurking out there in the nations. Here, He says, “I’m looking after you.' You might be out in Lebanon. Where did Jacob go to find a bride? To Lebanon. He went into exile to find a bride. And now He’s saying, ‘Come away with me my love. I’ve been looking after you, Ephraim. Ephraim, you’ve been out here among the nations as punishment for your idolatry, but I’m not angry with you anymore. I’m going to resurrect you. I’m going to be the dew of Israel. You’re going to blossom like the lily. Even in these lands of your exile, you’re going to start to take root and emit a fragrance like the cedars of Lebanon.’ He says, ‘It is I who answer and look after you’: I am like a luxuriant cypress; From Me comes your fruit. And this is what Adonai is doing. He’s lurking out here in the nations to resurrect His people, the descendants of Abraham, from their idols. And then they can be immersed in His Word and emit this fragrance of Lebanon. Because the meaning of Lebanon, other than a place of exile for Jacob, has several meanings. Sometimes it’s a euphemism for the Temple because the bones of the Temple were made from the cedars of Lebanon. So imagine the fragrance inside the Temple. You are little temples, and you, as you study in His Word and follow hard after Adonai, you obey Yeshua, and you will start to smell like a cedar tree. You are a little Temple. And you are going to come with Him from Lebanon, but you will begin to thrive out here in Lebanon. You will begin to thrive in the place of your exile because He says you’re putting down these roots, shoreshim. You’re learning where you came from. And He’s preparing to take you back there. There’s still Plan A, but He has to teach proper behavior, and you have to accept the boundaries. You can’t define your own commandments. They’re not subjective. You have to obey My commandments, and then I will then place you on the mountain of myrrh and frankincense. Now there’s other meanings to Lebanon. It can also mean pride. But it can also relate to Eden-like conditions. He’s preparing us to bring us back that same route that Abraham took. What route did he take? Faith. He believed. What route is he bringing you? Faith. Because you believe you’re doing something. Because you believe, you’re studying Torah portions. You’re studying to show yourself approved. Because you believe, you’re developing an identity with Israel. You’re coming out of replacement theologies that say, “Well it doesn’t really matter what happens to the Jews because we’ve replaced them all.” No. Your thinking is getting untwisted. And it’s beginning to become fragrant. So we know that the boundaries of Israel according to the millennial boundaries, it’s much bigger than it was even in the time of the 12 tribes. Much, in fact, it goes all the way to the Euphrates River. The only time we know that that occurred was during the era of King David. He actually did make war as far as the Euphrates. I don’t know of any other time that the boundary would have extended that far, but it makes sense that the son of David would also extend the boundary to the Euphrates because remember, He’s going to dry up the Euphrates to entice the kings of the East. ‘Come on in.’ Where did the wise men come from? Didn’t they come from the east? That was a good trip. The one in Revelation doesn’t sound like it’s going to be a good trip. Our passage is focusing on Lebanon. If we’re looking at the time of Abraham, it’s saying, ‘This is prophesying how we’re going to retrace his steps,’ at least his spiritual steps. The sages say those mountains that are referred to in the passage would be considered North and West. And sometimes directions are more symbolic than actual, like you wouldn’t necessarily look at a compass to get the answer. You would look at their symbolism. That’s the area from which Abraham had to go to retrieve Lot. When Lot was stolen and taken off, he had to go through there. And so those kidnapped were retrieved from the territory of Dan. In fact, to this day it’s referred to as Dan. If you’ve been up there you can actually see the altar that was built. The pagan altar that was built up there. Dan held the northern banner. Of the encampments of the tribes, it was Dan who was in the north with two other tribes. But what those four encampments represented was the directions of the four winds, and we know we’ve got the angels of the four winds. We’ve talked about the principalities and powers. Eventually, the tribes of Israel will judge. And again they will ascend to rule and reign with King Messiah. And they’re going to judge four-square Jerusalem with its twelve gates. The rabbis say Messiah is hidden in the North. Tzafon is North in Hebrew. It means hidden. So it’s a play-on word. So they say that King Messiah is going to come from the North. He’s been hidden in the North. But they also say that the Divine Presence is concealed, or hidden, in the West. And they say this Presence–you might have heard it called the Shekhinah, based on shaken, which means to dwell–they say that the Divine Presence is out there, like the prophecy says, lurking among the exiles. He’s not forsaken them. And when the time comes, those exiles will come from the West with Messiah from the North. And they will come over these mountains that it’s talking about in the Song of Songs. And they say that’s what’s going on. The Presence of Adonai is out here among the nations represented by the West watching over them. And what they’re saying is not necessarily for you to think by literal direction. It’s giving you spiritual directions. They’re saying when the exiles come home, it’s because they’re coming home through covenant faith. They’re coming through emunah, just like our father Abraham. Those exiled children will come back into the kingdom of Kingdom Messiah. In the same way that our forefather Abraham was credited for righteousness for his faith, they say his descendants will come the exact same way. Is that not preached in pretty much every church? Habbakkuk 2:4 (NASB 1995), it says Behold, as for the proud one, his soul is not right within him; but the righteous will live by his faith. We will live by faith. In fact if you look at Amana in the Song of Songs, it’s a play-on Word. It’s “her faith”. Her faith. Come away with me, my Bride. Come with your faith. The children of Abraham, the daughters of Jerusalem, they’re going to return to the head, the origin, the rosh, the head, the peak of her faith, which is going to be the Star of Jacob that Balaam saw through prophecy. The star of Jacob. The shout of a king is among them making them perfect in their faith. And He says there’s a scepter, there’s a royal king among them. There’s a shout of a king among them, and they are going to return in perfection with this king to the mountain of frankincense and myrrh. And so just to wrap it up for tonight before tomorrow when we get into the specific fears that Herod would have had and the language of the seven shepherds and the eight princes, and the Red One, let’s read Matthew 2:10 through 12. It’s talking about the wise men. It says, When they saw the star Which star would that have been? The star of Jacob. Amen., they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. After coming into the house they saw the Child with Mary His mother; and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned by God in a dream not to return to Herod, the magi left for their own country by another way. So two out of the three gifts: They brought the frankincense and the myrrh. We know the context now. It’s prophesying of the return of the exiles. They’re coming to this infant Yeshua and saying, ‘Here is the star of Jacob. Here is the scepter that will arise from Judah. And he will return the exiles from the nations.’ He will regather them according to every Jewish expectation this is what King Messiah must do. And then there’s the third gift. It’s the gold. And where does the gold come from? The twelve tribes were set in gold. They were carried on the priest’s shoulders. There’s the onyx stones. The names of each tribe are inscribed, and each is set in that gold filigree. And so here is a priest of Israel who is going to bear the exiles home on his own shoulders. And what does it say? The Government will be on his shoulders. It will be. So the gold, the frankincense and the myrrh weren’t random. It was a mindset within the way Jews think about scripture. They know that this passage in the Song of Songs is prophesying the return of the exiles. The disciples knew about it, they asked Yeshua, ‘At this time are you going to restore the kingdom? Are you going to gather them in?’ And he says, ‘It’s not really for you to know that right now.’ And when Yeshua is challenged in the Temple during the time of Chanukah, he’s asked a very specific question, and he gives a very specific answer. He starts talking about sheep. Tomorrow we’ll talk about those sheep and how the exiles actually do get home.
18/12/202351 minutes, 6 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Miketz” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship this week for a two-part look at parsha ‘Miketz’ (Genesis chapter 41 through 44:17) – arguably the second installment in the life of Joseph, and his rise to the Number Two position in all Egypt, with at least a start of the ‘testing’ of his long-lost brothers, […]
17/12/20231 heure, 51 minutes, 26 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #151

Psalm 7 assures us that those who plot evil will be dealt with by the Righteous Judge in His time. Sometimes we think it takes too long for that to happen, but David assures us that it will happen. Our lives are not always a bed of roses. Sometimes, our Heavenly Father takes us through […]
16/12/202328 minutes
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Holy Worship: The Music of the Bible-Samaritan Music

Beginning our journey into Ancient Israelite music culture and context we focus on the marginalized community of the Samaritans.  These prophetic estranged sons of Joseph have preserve one of the most ancient forms of Cantering every heard.  A combination of Hebrew and Arabic, like the language itself the Samaritans are stuck in the midst of […]
16/12/202329 minutes, 32 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 12

The teachers discuss Isaiah chapter 12, and yet another set of ‘popular discussion topics,’ that the Book seems to inspire, from issues associated with a siege, to one that appears multiple times in the Bible, even if most don’t quite get the Name right: the “Day of the LORD.”
16/12/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 22 secondes
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Fear Not, Strength & Psalms 91 Warfare!

Don't Go on the Defensive, Keep the Offensive!  Strike Back with His Word! Tracks from our "Healing Scriptures" CD.  This has been playing in our programs slots on HNR for the past week as an encouragement and a reminder.  The last couple weeks we've been busy switching to a new computer (ugggh!) and with company and fellowship.  Meanwhile we've also been waiting and watching events unfold in the ME and around the world.  Nothing hugely significant (to the extent of Dana Coverstone's vision) that we are aware of happened in November however that doesn't necessarily mean November wasn't the beginning of something this coming year leading up to November.  Perhaps something took place in the spiritual realm which we have yet to see the effects of?  In any case it's still time for His people to keep watching for their Bridegroom's return and the world events prophesied to take place prior to His return!
16/12/202325 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and given the lateness of the hour, some analysis of what’s coming, for the week ending Saturday, 16 December, 2023.
15/12/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

Dr. Jeff Prystupa again joins David Justice and Mark Call to discuss some of the events in the news over the past week, and what we should do in ‘such a time as this.’
15/12/202348 minutes, 59 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 14 December, 2023.
15/12/202324 minutes, 47 secondes
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What steps have been taken recently to implement digital ID/everything?  What has happened to the New Zealand statistician whistleblower who assembled stats that showed a 25% kill rate from some batches of C19 vaxxes?  Nobel Prize winning developer of C19 vaxx is now developing a ___ vaxx. What global injunction (? global) has been issued?  […]
14/12/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 12 December, 2023.
13/12/202325 minutes, 55 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 11 December, 2023.
12/12/202324 minutes, 34 secondes
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There Has To Be More~12-08-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 24
11/12/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~12-06-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 23
11/12/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~ 12-04-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 22
11/12/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 23

Do you place high value on Torah and the Covenant? How about wisdom? Isn’t it through wisdom that Yahweh has a relationship with us? What is the beginning of wisdom? Is intelligence the same as wisdom? What does wisdom accomplish exactly? Continuing in the book of Proverbs, Rabbi Steve Berkson teaches from chapter 3 about […]
11/12/20231 heure, 8 minutes, 30 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Vayeshev” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha ‘Vayeshev’ (Genesis chapters 37 through 40) appears to be mostly the first installment in the life of Joseph, and at least an introduction to his brothers, but is far more. The story begins with a description of his dreams, which turn out to be not only a key component of his life, but the […]
10/12/20231 heure, 59 minutes, 52 secondes
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Holy Worship: The Music of the Bible-Richard Dumbrill, Dr. Anne Kilmer

We finish Richard Dumbrills discussion of the Silver Lyre and the main tablet associated with the musical structures.  Followed by mini lectures by Dr. Anne Kilmer.  Followed by a couple Babylonian songs by Dr. Anne Kilmer singing a Sumerian drinking song and Peter Pringle singing a portion of the Epic of Gilgamesh Dr. Anne Kilmer […]
09/12/202329 minutes, 35 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #150

This week focuses on Channukah – The Feast of Lights. In Psalms 37, David reminds us that God’s way is the way of light. Righteousness and light are companions. Evil and darkness are also companions. Channukah is also called the Feast of Dedication and commemorates the time when the Maccabees regained control of the temple […]
09/12/202328 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 11

Isaiah chapter 11 again contains some of the most famous verses and references in the Book, and this week it includes at least one of the most misquoted. But the teachers delve into what looks a lot like another reference to ‘greater exodus’ and the ‘remnant.’
09/12/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 19 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

Jeff Prystupa, David Justice, and Mark Call discuss the news, invasions, and major prevarications of a week of true Infamy.
08/12/202352 minutes, 23 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News and commentary for an entire week that should ‘live in infamy,’ for the week ending Saturday, 9 December, 2023.
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

December 7th is remembered, at least by some not ‘Publik Skool Indoctrunatid” as a day of infamy. A sneak attack. But, today, the attack, and the invasion, and the destruction, are not even remotely stealthy. So this week, it’s time for what Einstein used to call a “thought experiment.” And host Mark Call shows may […]
08/12/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 7 December, 2023. Another big day for invasions…but not such much a sneak attack.
07/12/202324 minutes, 44 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 6 December, 2023. It’s another one of THOSE kinda days…
07/12/202324 minutes, 24 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 5 December, 2023.
06/12/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 4 December, 2023. It was a REALLY big news weekend and Monday, whether or not the wastestream reports it.
05/12/202324 minutes, 52 secondes
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There Has To Be More~12-1-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 21
04/12/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~11-29-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 20
04/12/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~11-27-2024

Overview of the Tanahk – Session 19
04/12/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 22

What we’ve been dealing with in Proverbs is the other part of keeping covenant–the ‘why’ we do what He says to do (or not do). We know there is the “mechanical” part–the how, what, where, when, but we need to understand that the attitude of our heart works together with the mechanical to provide the […]
04/12/20231 heure, 9 minutes, 19 secondes
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8 Days of Prayer During the 8 Days of Hanukkah!

Visit the 8 Days of Prayer During the 8 Days of Hanukkah page. (Dec 7-15) Go to our Prayer Wall and POST A PRAYER! On November 29, 2023 the Jerusalem Prayer breakfast team was invited to the Knesset to host a time of prayer for Israel. Both Jews and Christians spoke prayers to lift up […]
04/12/202350 minutes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 90 (The Seven Shepherd Vs The Red One)

Maybe a better title would be The Circumcised Heart vs The Red One. In last week's epsiode, we referenced the Jewish expectation of the Seven Shepherds during Chanukkah. It explains why Yeshua (salvation) was challenged specifically about his Messiahship during Chanukkah at the Temple: Bare Your holy arm and hasten the end for salvation - Avenge the vengeance of Your servant's blood from the wicked nation. For the triumph is too long delayed for us, and there is no end to days of evil, repel the Red One in the nethermost shadow and establish for us the seven shepherds.  The siddur explains the key players of the Chanukkah liturgy: "The Red One (Admon) refers to Esau/Edom, whose descendants brought the current exile. The seven shepherds of Micah 5:4 will conquer Israel’s oppressors.” (Scherman, p. 832) The Red One whose descendants brought the "current exile" is Rome. In Daniel's vision of the Beast, Rome's iron legs were mingled with clay in the feet and toes, representing the many beast "systems" that have now infected the nations of the world. The Chanukkah prayer refers to the Seven Shepherds and Eight Princes prophecy of Micah, which gives us a glimpse of how the Kingdom of Heaven will one day defeat and repel the infected world systems. The central shepherd of the seven is thought to be David, and the eighth of the princes to be Messiah. (Micah 5:5) Although Roman Christianity went to a solar calendar and began to observe "Christmas," they retained the date of the 25th (although it now fell in a solar "month" of December instead of Kislev). Their holiday still includes original Chanukkah symbology associated with prophecy and its institution as a second Sukkot: shepherds and sheep, the birth of a king, a prince of peace, a sukkah, a light to the nations, etc. as depicted in the Gospels. When King Messiah returns and re-calibrates the earth with its Scriptural calendar month, Chanukkah will not be so hard for them to understand. They've been awfully close to the Chanukkah prophecies of Messiah in the Books of Haggai and Micah all this time! King Messiah will rule and reign during the Seventh Millennium, preparing the world for the Eighth Millennium, a period associated with "circumcision." A circumcised heart no longer struggles against the Spirit of its Creator and no longer desires to dominate the Creator with its own will. The Red One is simply the great world systems attempting to keep human pride over its Creator alive and dominating the rule of the world (or so it may seem). The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh HaShanah) kicks off the fall season of feasts that includes Atonements and Sukkot. Sardis, which represents Rosh HaShanah in the Book of Revelation, literally means “Red Ones.” Enemies scatter when the Torah goes forth on Shabbat, and the Red Ones along with the Wicked One are scattered in winter, Chanukkah. The other mention of “winter” in the Brit HaChadasha (New Testament) was the inquiry addressed to Yeshua in the Temple: At that time the Feast of the Dedication took place at Jerusalem; it was winter, and Jesus was walking in the temple in the portico of Solomon. The Jews then gathered around Him, and were saying to Him, ‘How long will You keep us in suspense? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly.’  King Solomon dedicated the First House, so it was no accident that Yeshua was questioned in the portico of Solomon. Are you the Prince of Peace? Are you the prophesied Eighth Prince King Messiah? “The Jews” ask Yeshua if he is the 8th Shepherd Prince desired at Chanukkah to deliver the Temple from the Romans, Edom, the Red One, The Wicked, the Abomination that Causes Desolation. Because Messiah Son of David is the last of the seven shepherds, the Jews say that it is time for Yeshua to speak plainly…and he did!  Yeshua spoke of himself as the central Shepherd, the Son of David, calling sheep, but he says that the doubters cannot hear his voice. In the desire for short-term deliverance from Rome (also called Edom), the doubters had forgotten long-term salvation spoken of by the prophets in the context of the Seven Shepherds. Deliverance from the Red One is not merely deliverance from Rome or any other regime in a given generation, but deliverance from the Red One within the man that wars against the Ruach Adonai (Spirit of Adonai). Apart from the Ruach, the man is nothing more than a human who conforms himself to the image of the beast-serpent, icons in Revelation that are familiar to Bible readers. Because Adam and Eve disregarded the Spirit of the commandment and conformed themselves to the soul-driven desires of the beast, they fell to their earthy, animal nature. Without the Ruach, what differentiates a man from a beast? Such a man becomes a Red One, for his base substance was taken from the earth (adamah) like a beast, and the earth’s Hebrew root is also the root of the color red (adom).  Like every human being who has ever lived, those who challenged Yeshua in the Temple at Chanukkah were looking for the “Red One” to be vanquished outside of themselves. If only Assyria, Babylon, Greece, or Rome could be vanquished… Those things, however, are outside the control of the individual. The Red One within is under control of the individual with the help of the Ruach HaKodesh, the Comforter sent from the Father.  The serpent-beast appeals to a human being at the level of his soul (appetite, emotion, desire, and intellect). He entices the soul to dominate the ruach within a man. If the serpent can seduce the man with his “red” desires to dominate the Ruach within, then the beast is the victor. The man’s ruach, however, longs to connect with the Ruach HaKodesh, the Spirit of God that sets him apart from the animal kingdom. The evil inclination may be described as that animal soul striving against obedience to the spiritual commandments, for Paul writes that the Law is spiritual. 
04/12/202350 minutes, 46 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Vayishlach” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha ‘Vayishlach’ (Genesis 32:4 thru chapter 26) begins with an encounter that been delayed at this point for two decades, when Yakov returns home, and has to deal with his brother Esau. Does he still want to kill him? And who was it that he was wrestling with? The Erev Shabbat reading begins there: And […]
03/12/20231 heure, 59 minutes, 10 secondes
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Holy Worship: Babylonian Musical Systems in Context

This episode analyzes the music structures on 2 Babylonian Cuniform tablets, CBS 10996 & Nabnitu XXXII.  Breaking down each text and music structure with musical examples on a harp, Robert details the simple, yet genius construct of musical systems used by the ancient Assyrians and modern inceptions through the macro evolution of the Babylonian systems […]
02/12/202329 minutes, 35 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #149

There is a lot of attention devoted to learning how to meditate. It is an important understanding. David tells us many times in the Psalms that He meditates, but what does David mean when he uses that word? I will use the music from the album “All Nature Sings” and the track “Thunder” as background […]
02/12/202328 minutes
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Will all Gaza be like northern Gaza?  Is the goal to seize the Gaza Marine wealth of ___ and ___?  How might the Lord’s hand in this war?  Did the C19 vaxxine do ANY good?  New studies from all over the world concerning excess mortality and morbidity paint a sobering picture of the past and […]
02/12/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 10

Ray Harrison again joins the Marks Pitrone and Call to discuss Isaiah chapter 10. And if it again sounds like some warnings that could come from the evening news, that’s probably correct.
01/12/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 21 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

Mark and David welcome Dr. Jeff Prystupa to the forum, and he brings a background in both medicine and Scripture to the discussion of the important issue of the week, and the season.
01/12/202349 minutes, 3 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and even a bit more analysis than usual, for the week ending Saturday, 2 December, 2023.
01/12/202349 minutes, 49 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

In last week’s show, Mark reviewed the importance of energy, and lots of it, to any civilization that wants to survive as such. This week, the focus is on what that means at an individual and family level, and how understanding just a bit about biology, photosynthesis, and then making some of the simple connections […]
01/12/202349 minutes, 43 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 30 November, 2023.
01/12/202325 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

This is a special edition of the news show today, focused on just one aspect of the Big Lie that is being used to destroy most of ‘western civilization,’ and that is the ‘green climate agenda.’ Not only is ‘your carbon footprint’ and any related damage to the planet a total farce, but so is […]
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Redemption and Bridge Building: “Light up the Church” and Hanukkah Symposium!

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE INTERVIEW AS A VIDEO! Today we interview Gidon Ariel, CEO and co-founder of He shares with us about the recent “Light up the Church” event that took place on Nov 9, 2023. Kristallnacht, or “The Night of broken glass” took place on Nov 9-10, 1938. Nazi mobs torched and […]
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 28 November, 2023.
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 27 November, 2023.
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There Has To Be More~11-24-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session – 18
27/11/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~11-22-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 17
27/11/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~11-20-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 16
27/11/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 21

“Without wisdom, knowledge and understanding it is impossible to behave correctly within the framework of the covenant.” Rabbi Steve Berkson continues the subject of how wisdom, knowledge and understanding relate to keeping covenant from the Book of Proverbs. Take advantage of new teachings every week. To learn more about MTOI, visit our website, Like […]
27/11/20231 heure, 8 minutes, 57 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 89 (The Red One in Winter)

In last week's episode, we reviewed the essential understanding of the red beast, Esau (Edom is from adom, red), or The Red One, as he came to be called within Jewish literature. The Red One holds a place of special concern during the Chanukkah season because of the Seven Shepherds and Eighth Prince prophesied to deliver Israel from invading enemies. In The Seven Shepherds: Hanukkah in Prophecy, I demonstrated how we can use Yeshua's template concerning celebrations like Chanukkah and even learn prophecy, especially expectations concerning The Red One. What helps as well is to understand the history of Israel and the Temple that lends insight to the First Century Jewish mindset. In this case, the month of Kislev, or the Ninth Month, is one in which the Greeks installed an abomination that causes desolation idol on the 15th of Kislev and offered sacrifices to the abomination on the 25th of Kislev. Once the Greeks were driven off, the Temple precincts were purified from the abomination, the Temple was rededicated to holy worship on the 25th of Kislev in an eight-day celebration. The eight days of celebration and re-dedication commemorated a missed festival of Sukkot due to the abomination. In effect, it became a "Sukkot sheni," or second Sukkot, a "makeup" permission established in the Torah when a festival was missed due to uncleanness or being absent from the place of celebration. By the time of Yeshua, the Greeks, who were the third beast kingdom, had been replaced by Rome, the fourth beast kingdom. Rome was thought to be descended from Esau, and was called Edom, The Red One. First Century Jerusalem and the Temple Mount were controlled by the Romans politically and militarily. Jews of the First Century were looking for the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Seven Shepherds and Eight Princes who would be raised up to defeat Edom. This is why at the Feast of Dedication (Chanukkah) in winter, Yeshua was asked whether he was the Messiah or not. If so, then they wanted him to declare himself, raise up his kingdom, and overthrow The Red One. When Yeshua answers by talking about sheep, it is not a rambling, random answer. It is rooted in the Jewish expectation of The Seven Shepherds, and very precise. The problem was that no one wanted to hear the answer, which was that there were many other sheep who would have to be gathered first. The gathering would take a long time, and the scarlet beast would not be completely overthrown until Yeshua gathered them. Like most of us, the listeners didn't want to hear that answer. Our mindset is: Destroy all evil right now! What follows is an additional section of The Seven Shepherds: In the New Testament, there is only one other mention of “winter” other than the mention of Yeshua walking in the Temple at the Feast of Dedication, Chanukkah. Words means things, and so does their placement. The winter celebration of Chanukkah was significant in its placement in the Book of John, not random. Likewise, the other mention of winter in Matthew adds more context to the apocalyptic Jewish expectations of Messiah. Therefore, when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains…But pray that your flight will not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath. There are two times that Yeshua doesn’t want his sheep to take flight: winter or Shabbat. The Jewish liturgy gives the rationale. Every Shabbat, the Torah, the covenant Word of God, is removed from the ark and held up for the congregation to see. The congregation responds with these words initiated by Moses: Arise, O Lord, and let Your enemies be scattered; and let them who hate You flee from You. From for Zion will forth the Torah, and the Word of the LORD from Jerusalem. Blessed be He, Who in His holiness gave His Torah to His people Israel. Those who flee and scatter from the Holy One on Shabbat are His enemies! Shabbat is the Waterloo of spiritual battles, for it is the eternal sign of betrothal between the Holy One and Israel. The wicked are destined to scatter on a great Shabbat to come. Why not flee in winter? The only significant date in winter is Chanukkah. The synagogue liturgy reinforces the apocalyptic nature of the feast: Bare Your holy arm and hasten the end for salvation - Avenge the vengeance of Your servant's blood from the wicked nation. For the triumph is too long delayed for us, and there is no end to days of evil, repel the Red One in the nethermost shadow and establish for us the seven shepherds. The siddur explains the key players of the Chanukkah liturgy: "The Red One (Admon) refers to Esau/Edom, whose descendants brought the current exile. The seven shepherds of Micah 5:4 will conquer Israel’s oppressors.” (Scherman, p. 832) Yeshua did not want his sheep to be scattered on Chanukkah, for it would mean that they were running from him, the Shepherd Prince! be continued!
27/11/202351 minutes, 15 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Vayetze” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha ‘Vayetze’ (Genesis 29:10 through 32:3) begins the new, and most critical part of the live of Yakov, as he leaves home, goes to the place where he sees His ladder, and then sojourns with the infamous Laban and ultimately takes his four wives, and fathers the twelve tribes. The Erev Shabbat reading lays it […]
26/11/20232 heures, 10 minutes, 27 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #148

With the event of Thanksgiving in the US, I decided to share some thoughts on being thankful. An article I read gave information on some studies that have shown how a thankful attitude has definite health benefits. Conversely, a worried or sour attitude has detrimental effects on our health. In Psalm 136, David reminds us […]
25/11/202328 minutes
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Not what most people think or have been taught… Gog is likely another name for the Anti-Christ (Anti-Messiah) and his cohorts. The only person in scripture named Gog (outside of the Ezekiel prophecies) is from the tribe of Reuben and is also the Daniel 11 King of the North as he will enter Israel coming down from the far north (northern Europe). Ezekiel 38 and 39 are 2 separate Gog battles… Ezekiel 38 is the mid-tribulation invasion by Gog/Anti-Messiah to set up himself as king and the abomination desolation followed by a great earthquake and the splitting of the Mount of Olives allowing those in Judea to flee/escape to/through the valley of the mountains created by this split. Ezekiel 39 is the Gog battle known as Armageddon at the end of the 7 year tribulation after the witnesses are resurrected and ascend into heaven. YHWH makes a great feast of dead kings, mighty men and horses on the mountains of Israel to feed the birds and the beasts (also seen in Revelation 19). Then there is a 7 month burying of bodies and 7 year burning of weapons that takes place into the beginning of Y’shua’s (Jesus’) 1000 year Millennial Kingdom on earth.
25/11/202325 minutes
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Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible – A Babylonian Debate

We begin our first look at the three main musical cultures of the Bible with Babylon.  We will hear two expert scholars in their respective fields of Assyriology, Dr Anne Kilmer, and in Assyrian and Archeo-Musicology, Richard Dumbrill speak regarding CBS10997 – one of the earliest musical cuniform tablets from Babylon.  While buth areas have […]
25/11/202329 minutes, 35 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 9

This week the Torah teachers Mark Pitrone and Mark Call welcome Ray Harrison to the table, to continue the discussion of Isaiah chapter 9, and what are some of the most famous verses in the entire Bible, particularly with respect to the Messiah. And as Ray points out, even among those who have never read […]
25/11/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 5 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News and commentary for the holiday-shortened week ending Friday, 24 November, 2023.
24/11/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 22 November, 2023. The 60th anniversary of a date that should prove what happens when “lawlessness abounds,” and REAL insurrection goes unpunished.
23/11/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 21 November, 2023.
22/11/202323 minutes, 32 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 20 November, 2023.
21/11/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~11-17-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 15
20/11/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~11-15-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 14
20/11/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~11-13-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 13
20/11/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 20

Is it using wisdom to keep the covenant with the Most High Elohim? Does it take knowledge and understanding? From Proverbs chapter 2, Rabbi Steve Berkson shows how wisdom, knowledge and understanding relate and are connected to keeping covenant with the Almighty. Is there an active role in this covenant that people are expected to […]
20/11/20231 heure, 2 minutes, 33 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 88 (The Red One)

The Red One is a monster you already know about. In the Book of Revelation, the scarlet beast is a fearsome creature, hunting the children of Israel. It is a conglomerate beast of Babylon, Persia-Media, Greece, and Rome. How The Red One unfolded through history from Day Six of Creation to Esau to the Edomite/Idumeans to the Roman Empire to the current conglomerate of organizations that facilitate the scarlet beast is important to understand. It helps the reader understand the Scriptures as one continuous, unfolding prophetic text. Oddly, The Red One holds a place of special concern during the Chanukkah season because of the Seven Shepherds and Eighth Prince prophesied to deliver Israel from invading enemies. This is also concerning because so many believers don't understand the place of Chanukkah in prophecy, preferring instead to debate whether it is "adding to the Torah" instead of studying its seeds in the Torah and Haggai, and even how it unfolds in the Gospels and Revelation. In Truth, Tradition, or Tare?, I demonstrated Yeshua's approach to "man's traditions" and how some he observed and others he dismissed. Better yet, I gave the reader a template to use based on Yeshua's teaching so that one could test traditions against the pattern. In The Seven Shepherds: Hanukkah in Prophecy, I demonstrated how we can use Yeshua's template concerning celebrations like Chanukkah and even learn prophecy, especially expectations concerning The Red One. What follows is the first section of The Seven Shepherds' chapter entitled The Red Shadow. As we delve so deeply into the prophecies of the Footsteps of Messiah, sometimes it helps to review the basics for newcomers: The Torah holds the Seed words from which the rest of the Older Testament (TANAKH) and Newer Testament grow. Those books of Scripture between Joshua and Revelation document traditions grown from the Torah. In fact, even the Torah seeds the idea that customs will grow from the Torah itself: Therefore, to this day the sons of Israel do not eat the sinew of the hip which is on the socket of the thigh, because he touched the socket of Jacob's thigh in the sinew of the hip. This ancient battle between Esau and Jacob is a Seed pattern demonstrating both the struggle of mankind and the practice of traditions to preserve the memory of a Seed event in the Torah. The sensitive areas of both the foot and the hand are symbolic in Scripture. The foot, specifically the heel, represents the soul. In Hebrew, the soul is the nefesh. The shortest definition of the soul is a bundle of appetites, emotions, desires, and intellect. The heel becomes very hard and calloused, but the sole (Hebrew: caph) remains highly sensitive. When Jacob is born, he is holding onto red, hairy Esau’s heel, pointing to the place of Esau’s vulnerability, his appetites. The heel is the point of vulnerability to Eve’s “seed,” yet the point of vulnerability to the serpent-beast is the head, the symbol of the spirit. In his appetite for the “red stuff” and Canaanite women, Esau is both hardened predator and vulnerable prey, like a beast. He hunts for game and that which pleases his soul, and this is exactly how Jacob deceives his father Isaac out of Esau’s blessing and bargains with Esau for his birthright in Genesis 25. His soul appetites were what made Esau the prey, for all that is needed to bait a Red One like Esau is food, the hunt (competition, games), sexual pleasure, emotional pleasure, or intellectual achievement. Being governed by these desires instead of mastering them with the Spirit are the beast’s vulnerabilities. Esau represents the red stuff, a rowdy soul seeking pleasure and achievement. When Jacob returns to the Land to face Esau, he struggles one night with a “man,” whom he declares has the face of God, and Jacob names the place of the wrestling match Peniel. This struggle resulted in Jacob being smitten in the thigh socket, the caph. Before Jacob could face his twin Esau, he had to wrestle the Esau within. Jacob was notorious for relying on his own heel, which in Jacob’s case, was the hardened intellect of his soul, to obtain the result he wanted. Jacob, too, needed for his spirit to prevail over his red soul in order to conquer Red One within, for this is a competition worth winning. It changed Jacob’s walk to do so, as it will any disciple’s walk when he practices walking after the Spirit instead of his soul. When a disciple walks in the Spirit, it is with the sensitivity of the sole of his foot to the Spirit, not the vulnerability to his red desires. In Revelation Three, the fifth assembly is Sardis. It literally means “Red Ones.” In rabbinic tradition, Esau (Edom) is the Red One, for he was born red and hairy all over like a beast, and Esau’s Biblical nickname Edom comes from adom, or the color red. The Sardinians are singled out as conforming to the image of the hairy beast Esau, a man controlled by his appetites. The Seed of the Torah hints to the principle of the first born beast, for in Day Six of Creation, the beast was created first, yet the second-born man was created to rule over the beasts, for the man was made in the image of Elohim, who is Spirit. When he walks into to his father’s tent not knowing that Jacob has already deceived his way to the blessing, Esau tells his father, “I am your firstborn, Esau.” Because his father Isaac has been deceived through his own red soul, his vulnerable appetite for wild game, the Red One Esau is right on target. Isaac began his walk with the God of his father Abraham by sowing seed in the field and reaping a hundredfold, yet at a critical time of rendering the blessing to the firstborn, Isaac is vulnerable to the appetites of a man who hunts in the field instead of sowing seed in it! These are critical links between the serpent, the most cunning beast of the field (Gen. 3:1) and the man of the field, Esau (Gen. 25:27).
20/11/202349 minutes, 44 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Toldot” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha ‘Toldot’ (Genesis 25:19:1 through 29:9) details the life of the patriarch Yitzak (Isaac) after his marriage, the birth of their twins, and then perhaps one of the more “problematic” deceptions in Scripture. The Erev Shabbat reading lays it out: And offten, the focus of the midrash for this parsha tends to be the drama […]
19/11/20232 heures, 8 minutes, 15 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #147

Well, after a month abroad, we have finally returned home to the US. And yet, I wonder where “home” really is. There is a song that says, “I’m just a poor wayfaring stranger, traveling through this world of woe.” As we return from other nations, we see things through different eyes. We begin to see […]
18/11/202328 minutes
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Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible – Prayer and the impact of God

We begin Season three with a recap of this years events and the power of prayer and its challenges in the body of Christ.  Followed by some testimony as to the power of Holy Worship on the radio on Hebrew Nation Radio as well as in a marginalized community on Innervision FM radio (see links […]
18/11/202329 minutes, 37 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 8 into 9

Mark Pitrone and Mark Call continue the study of the Book of the Prophet Isaiah through chapter 8 and into 9, and some of the most well-known, but perhaps therefore also ‘twisted’ in the Book. There seems to be a reason He uses terms like “rock of offense.”
18/11/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 16 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and a summary of at least some of the Just Plain Weird – or worse – events that marked the week ending Friday, 17 November, 2023.
17/11/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

We seem to have reached the point where news isn’t at all ‘new,’ and so much of what is going on in a ‘world gone mad’ has now stretched even the definition of insanity, that the review and discussion this week to a bit different turn.
17/11/202348 minutes, 50 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Sometimes we need to take a look beyond the obvious: They really DO want to kill you… …and explore the real reasons why. Why helps us understand ‘how’ and even how they intend to do it. We probably understand control of food, water, and even ‘commerce’ in order to implement the coming Mark of the […]
17/11/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 16 November, 2023.
17/11/202324 minutes, 11 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 15 November, 2023. And today, again, there’s no shortage of the Good, the Bad, and the downright Ugly. Starting with ‘Miss’ TrannyVerse…
15/11/202324 minutes, 57 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 14 November, 2023.
15/11/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~11-12-2023

An Overview of the Tanakh – Session 12
14/11/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~11-08-2023

An Overview of the Tanakh – Session 11
14/11/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~11-06-2023

An Overview of the Tanakh – Session 10
14/11/202325 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 13 November, 2023.
14/11/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 19

In this teaching Rabbi Steve Berkson takes us into the book of Proverbs to discover the connection between wisdom, knowledge and understanding and covenant-keeping. What is “understanding the words of understanding”? Do you need a teacher for understanding Torah? Are you going beyond the mechanics of keeping Torah and into the discipline of keeping Torah? […]
13/11/20231 heure, 3 minutes, 33 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 87 (Blood of the Righteous Part 2 )

This is a continuation of Blood of the Righteous Part 1. Vayera "And appeared" Genesis 18:1-22:4 2 Kings 4:1-37 Psalm 11 This week’s Torah portion Vayera gives insight to a city (actually five of them) cited often in Scripture, even in the New Testament. The infamous city is Sodom and its four satellite cities. This was often the case in ancient times: there was a main city, then it was surrounded by smaller satellite towns. In the case of Sodom, the wickedness of Gomorra, Zoar, Admah, and Zevoiim were simply on a smaller scale, but reflective of, the main city of the district. In fact, ancient districts were called a kikar, meaning round, like a kikar, a round loaf of barley. Sodom was likely the center of the round district, or at least the biggest and most influential. In terms of wickedness, Sodom set the example for the others. Lot chose to settle in Sodom even though he’d lived a nomadic life with Avraham and Sarah. Oddly, Lot retained a modicum of “righteousness” even living in Sodom: But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment; and did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a preacher of righteousness, with seven others, when He brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly; and if He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction by reducing them to ashes, having made them an example to those who would live ungodly lives thereafter; and if He rescued righteous Lot, oppressed by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men (for by what he saw and heard that righteous man, while living among them, felt his righteous soul tormented day after day by their lawless deeds), then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment, and especially those who indulge the flesh in its corrupt desires and despise authority. (2 Pe 2:1-21) Most of us are thinking: “Ummm…righteous? Compared to what?” And then we’re probably very thankful that Adonai doesn’t compare us when He judges us, that we have an advocate in Yeshua just as Lot had an advocate in Avraham who would pray for him and intercede. Avraham can possibly teach us something about how to intercede for those who have embedded and surrounded themselves in places of wickedness. Peter gives us a clue about Lot. Lot benefited from living in Sodom, yet he hadn’t completely lost a sense of morality. The wickedness really did vex him day after day. The real question is why did Lot remain in such a wicked place? Why do any of us refuse to leave things from which we benefit, yet we know in our hearts that it is eaten up with immorality? We can be a lot like Lot, surrounded by twisted thinking and sin, yet preferring to keep a low profile in order to derive a good income. Lot had held onto some shred of righteous behavior, and he tried to protect the angels by urging them to leave the city square where they would be vulnerable to sexual assault, robbery, torture, and murderous violence. He hadn’t forgotten Avraham and Sarah’s hospitality to strangers and a sense of responsibility to keep them safe. Unfortunately, Lot’s attempt to protect the angels was found out. Sexual and blood lust had overtaken the city, and they would not rest until they’d brutalized and killed the heavenly visitors. When they were struck with blindness, the Sodomites couldn’t process logic and reason. It was a supernatural blindness. No matter how physically blind a person is, it would take only a few minutes to locate a door. They were confused-blind, not just blind-blind. How did they attain that level of wickedness so that logic and reason made no difference whatsoever? This takes us back to our Wars of Kings lessons, the siege tactics that parallel the plagues of Egypt, another nation that would be supernatural blinded and eventually pursue the Israelites beyond all logic and reason. After all, the score was Moses-10 Pharaoh-0. And yet, they were drawn after the Israelites in insatiable bloodlust. Confused blind. In both cases, the populace were deceived and believed lies. Their thinking process operated on petrified lies, petrified because they continued to believe them even when the Spirit of Adonai within them had to be contending with them each time they worshiped an idol, hated their brothers, robbed, or stood by while unjust laws were enacted and used to torment the innocent. The first plague on Egypt was blood. The bait for the final judgment on Egypt was bloodlust. Blood is actually an attractant to demonic activity, so sacrificing to idols as the Egyptians did was part of their process of making idols for themselves. In its own realm, an idol is nothing. That’s where it was assigned and that for which it was designed. When human being entice the spiritual being into the human realm to which they were not assigned, it is often through setting a “table” for demons: Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry. I speak as to wise men; you judge what I say. Is not the cup of blessing which we bless a sharing in the blood of Christ? Is not the bread which we break a sharing in the body of Christ? Since there is one bread, we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one bread. Look at the nation Israel; are not those who eat the sacrifices sharers in the altar? What do I mean then? That a thing sacrificed to idols is anything, or that an idol is anything? No, but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God; and I do not want you to become sharers in demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. Or do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? We are not stronger than He, are we? (1 Co 10:14-22) We are warned in Leviticus 19:4 “Do not turn to idols,” which is explained, “If you turn after them, you thus make them into gods...” (Sefer HaChinnukh §213) Deuteronomy explains that these entities that human beings turn into gods by sacrificing to them are actually shedim, or demons: They provoked Him to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations provoked they Him to anger. They sacrificed unto devils [shedim], not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not. (Dt 32:16-17) In general, “species” of spirits such as shedim or elilim are created for other realms and do not interact with human beings. They have their own assigned “business.” They have form, but not matter. They are nothing to us and we have no business communicating with them. We communicate with their and our Creator. When we attempt to access them, or we perform actions to attract them, then we make it an idol, not its purpose. We have to do specific things to attract them or repel them. To benefit from the innate “iron dome” against demons or unclean spirits, one must follow the life manual of human beings, the Torah. Unclean spirits (things not of our realm) are repelled by: Holiness as defined by the Word. Righteousness as defined by the Word. Reading, praying, or singing of the Word (as young David playing for King Saul) Those spirits willing to leave their realm are unclean. They are attracted to the soul (nefesh) of a human being or secondarily, animals. The life is in the blood. The life is the “nefesh,” or appetite, desire, emotions, and intellect. The unclean things can “drink” from a cup or “feed” upon a table of unmanaged: Bloods (the life/nefesh is in the blood), including violence (chamas) and bloodshed, bloodlust Impure sexual activity Appetites, desires Emotions Thoughts, especially prideful ones Given access to these unmanaged according to the Word, they can begin to manipulate them. This is why walking according to the Torah of Life is a must. It is protection against many oppressive things, but especially against believing lies that are pleasing and comforting to the soul. The ruach [spirit] of a human being is guided by “It is written…” The soul of a human being is guided by “I think, I feel, I want…” The walk of a disciple is to discipline the saved soul into thinking, feeling, and wanting the precepts from the Book of Life, not the Egyptian Book of the Dead. While the “food of your God” at the holy altar is understood to be the devotion of the heart to Adonai-He doesn’t literally “eat” sacrifices, it is the repentance and devotion of the soul/nefesh which Adonai consumes. With a pure heart, we give Him the opening to manipulate our souls, purifying and making holy, acceptable to Him. We allow His thoughts and desires to become ours. Offering the soul to a shed or even a ministering angel is idolatry, activating “nothing” into something, opening to them to manipulate our souls. The demons feed on the life of the undiscipled soul devoted to appetite, emotion, desire, and intellect, and the consequences are observable: more bloodlust, more immoral sexual appetite, more addiction, more twisted thinking, and so on. When concentrated within a particular group of people, a particular sin may proliferate, for the people united in sin are feeding what they are creating, and as Yeshua taught, the unclean spirits are masterful recruiters to attach things even more wicked than itself to a willing host. Other species of spirits “more wicked” do more than feed on the nefesh-they move in and possess and attempt to destroy the host, for they “davak,” or cling to the host, whereas a shed may be willing to simply “feed off” a host for a prolonged period because it provides steady “meals” from its darkened soul: “Then it goes and takes along with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. That is the way it will also be with this evil generation.” (Mt 12:45) Leviticus is the management manual for all unclean things. Of all the precepts of Leviticus, perhaps the most well known is: Love your neighbor as yourself. The malevolent forces of evil have been fed liberally from the altars of human sexual lust, ideological rebellion against the Word, twisted justice, unbridled emotions, and especially hatred and bloodlust. They have been gathered like vultures to locations like Sodom and Egypt where humans have thrown open the doors and windows for those unclean beings to cross into our assigned realm, not theirs. They first oppress, then possess. In our Wars of Kings series, we saw how the plague of frogs was actually a spreading of lies. The frogs call and gather to battle; they are a step in the process that is advanced by sound. Pharaoh’s magicians also produced frogs, not just blood. The governments and people of this earth are being gathered by lies. And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs; for they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them together for the war of the great day of God, the Almighty.” (Re 16:13-14) The serpent is a deceiver The beast is the human soul apart from the discipline and truth of the Ruach HaKodesh, “It is written.” The false prophet intentionally speaks a word or performs a sign that leads away from the Torah. The Mishneh Torah (8) clarifies the work of the false prophet: What is this [false prophet] similar to? To witnesses that testify to a man concerning something that he saw with his own eyes, [but they claim to have] seen something different than what he saw. [And so] he does not heed them, but rather knows with certainty that these are false witnesses. Therefore, the Torah states that [even] if the signs and wonders come [true], "You shall not heed the words of this prophet" (Deuteronomy 13:4), as behold, this [false prophet] is coming with signs and wonders to contradict something that you have seen with your own eyes. And since we only believe in wonders because of the commandments that Moshe commanded us, how can we accept this sign that is being brought to contradict the prophecy of Moshe that we saw and we heard? The frogs spread lies that to a logical mind are clearly lies. Not so to those who do not use “It is written…” as the guide to truth. To them, the truth is incomprehensible, for it is confusing. It doesn’t fit their chosen twist of the heart and mind. The Jewish scholars’ discussed whether it was many frogs or one frog spawning many frogs in Egypt, which at first sounds strange, but it is especially salient considering our lesson on how the entire army of Egypt was “one” chariot wheel because it was of one heart and it was influenced by the spiritual entity appointed over Egypt named “Egypt.” One frog? Yes. Many frogs? Yes. One lie? Yes. Many liars? Yes. Sanhedrin 89a:15 The mishnah lists among those liable to be executed as a false prophet one who prophesies that which he did not hear. The Three Liars usher in a period of rampant lying. The rise of mass media, especially digital communication, enables the proliferation of lies, especially intentional ones. The lies originate with the serpent, the father of lies, are aimed at the beast’s vulnerable essence [appetite, emotion, desire, intellect], and “verified” by false witnesses who have no firsthand knowledge, or “hearing.” When mixed with the confusion of the tzirah (hell-bugs) from Abaddon and the plague of darkness, the liars will experience mental and emotional anguish and an inability to derive truth from either natural logic or the Word. The lies will be amazingly uniform once translated into many languages: Same slogans or tropes Same symbols Same misconstruction and re-construction of facts and history A Lot of Prayer In Creation Gospel Workbook Two, you learned about the tzirah. These are the HORNET-LOCUST-HORSE-SCORPION-SERPENT-MANLIKE CREATURES whose work was to shoot venom at the foes of Israel, cutting off the root and fruit and blinding the eyes: Moreover, the LORD your God will send the hornet [tzirah] against them, until those who are left and hide themselves from you perish. (Dt 7:20) Then I sent the hornet [tzirah] before you and it drove out the two kings of the Amorites from before you, but not by your sword or your bow. (Jos 24:12) They mark periods of: Torment and confusion Destruction of reproduction and offspring, or “fruit” If we marvel at the world's sudden extraordinary inability to process logic and reason, then we can look to the siege tactics of the Wars of Kings. The bloodlust symbolized by the bloody water and the lies of the frogs set the stage for the succeeding plagues. We should not be amazed at the bloodlust, lies, darkness, confusion, and mental anguish we see around us, for this is what the Egyptian-Sodomites have chosen to offer on their altars to demons: The second angel poured out his bowl into the sea, and it became blood like that of a dead man; and every living thing in the sea died. Then the third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and the springs of waters; and they became blood. And I heard the angel of the waters saying, “Righteous are You, who are and who were, O Holy One, because You judged these things; for they poured out the blood of saints and prophets, and You have given them blood to drink. They deserve it.” And I heard the altar saying, “Yes, O Lord God, the Almighty, true and righteous are Your judgments.” (Re 16:3-7) Drink up. The "angel of the waters," a spiritual ministering angel, is agreeing that punishment must be poured out on his assigned domain. The altar agrees, for the holy altar has witnessed their sacrifices to demons. This may also reflect the voices of those righteous under the altar awaiting resurrection, testifying to their blood that was spilled. While the wicked poured out their blood to demons, it was actually the martyrs' own holy sacrifice on the altar sanctified by Yeshua's sinless life, death, and resurrection. They share in that holy altar, that holy table, that holy cup. The Sodomite and Egyptian populations invested in the prolific lies preceding their judgments and destructions. Those eras were characterized by rampant lies, unjust legal edicts, blood, sexual immorality, and twisting not only of the Word of Adonai as they were given it, but common-sense human ethics. Love your neighbor. When the Egyptians could process not a shred of truth in their confusion, they followed Pharaoh headlong into the flood of the Reed Sea: “As Pharaoh drew near, the sons of Israel looked, and behold, the Egyptians were marching after them, and they became very frightened; so the sons of Israel cried out to the LORD.” (Ex 14:10) The English translation tries to fix an anomaly. The text actually says ”Egypt was journeying after them...” Singular. Rashi explains the singular Egypt thus: “With one heart, as one man...” like the frog-liars “...the Israelites saw the ministering angel of Egypt traveling from the heavens to aid Egypt.” The army was united by its bloodlust. The second explanation also explains 14:25, which alluded to “Egypt” oddly as well. “He removed the wheel of his chariot...Egypt said, ‘I shall flee before Israel, for YHVH is waging war for them against Egypt.” Rather than ofanayim, wheels, the text states ofen, “wheel.” Egypt is referred to by the Egyptians as if it is an entity outside itself, perhaps alluding to the spiritual prince of Egypt. It is thought that their willingness to accompany Pharaoh and the “King of Egypt” was due to the loss of the power of reason, the end result of hardening the heart. One’s complicity with an idol activates it in the physical realm. One unifying lie marked the Egyptians for destruction. Drink up. In our Wars of Kings lessons, we saw one of the other siege tactics was the plague of wild beasts. Wild Beasts is equated to attack by foreign mercenaries. These people are hunters for sale, unrooted, unstable mobs, living in the fervor of the moment. They may not even have any personal connection to the conflict, but they “feed” on it, and in turn, feed those strong emotions to idols. The plague of wild beasts was not first exercised on the Egyptians, but the Egyptian wild beasts upon the Hebrews. They plundered the Hebrews in the same way the cities of Sodom plundered travelers and rioted against its own citizen, Lot. Social justice may demonstrate for just or even religious causes. Historically, however, the cause has frequently been unjust, twisted, an opportunity for the swarms of wild beasts to hunt People of the Book. Pogroms, Kristallnacht, the Inquisition, Farhud, etc. An entire population can be frozen in fear that the roving bands of beasts will attack and tear them, too, which silences their objections and hands the potential power of many to the few. This was Lot’s position in riotous Sodom. The Sodomites complained that Lot thought could judge their morals. The ethical laws Lot learned from Abraham were not their laws. That made Lot the enemy. Some sages offer an alternative view of Avraham’s prayer in this Torah portion Vayera. While we often cite the bargaining prayers as evidence of Avraham’s lovingkindness toward the lost, a question is asked: Is it really “righteous” to pray that wickedness be allowed to prevail and perpetrate endless violence against its population or unwitting passersby so that ten righteous people may not be destroyed with the wicked? Was there a better prayer in the circumstances? Why not pray that with “righteous” Lot, they would leave the wicked cities with supernatural help? Why not pray that the strong hold of economic prosperity (or whatever they loved) over them be broken and they depart so that their souls would not be consumed by the wild beasts, confused by lies, torn and violated by demonic oppression? Why not pray the citizens of the five cities would repent? It’s apparent that neither Avraham nor Lot understood the severity of wickedness. The demonic oppression and suggestion was proliferating, feeding on bloodlust, greed, and immoral sexual behavior. It had become the habitation of every unclean and demonic thing, a human meal. Eat up. And he cried out with a mighty voice, saying, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird. For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality...I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people...’ 8 For this reason in one day her plagues will come, pestilence and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire; for the Lord God who judges her is strong. (Re 18:2-8) Because the burning of Sodom is referenced so many times in judgment, and the story of Lot takes place during days of unleavened bread, we should be more prepared than ever at Pesach this year. Egypt’s final judgment was at Passover. The tzirah, or “hell-bug” of Revelation may be tormenting during these five dark months between the Seventh Month and the First Month of Nissan, Passover month. To those whose souls are offered on the table of Adonai, sanctified by Yeshua the Living Word, sealed by the truth of the Ruach HaKodesh, there is no confusion, no lie, no darkness, no hatred, no bloodlust. We must, however, pray a lot. Pray for repentance. Pray that the righteous and innocent be supernaturally delivered from wicked cities. As Peter wrote, Adonai DOES know how to deliver the godly from temptation and destruction. Pray that it happens before the full Revelation plague of hail and fire descend, a plague much more devastating than any hail or fire that a human army could ever muster.
13/11/202349 minutes, 58 secondes
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Originally posted 04/27/2022 but perhaps more relevant now than ever! - Can it Happen Anytime Now? Or do a few other things need to take place first? Will there be one or two Gog Invasions? Who is Gog OF Magog? A closer look at Ezekiel 38 and 39. Who, when, where from, why & then what? These are the questions we will attempt to answer with more scriptural clarity than the traditional teachings. You might be surprised at what we find. This is part 1 of what will likely be only a 2 part series but possibly 3. Part 2 will be available a week or two after Part 1.
13/11/202325 minutes
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Esau, Amalek, Haman and Hamas: Connecting the Dots

They call on chariots, they call on horses, but we call on the name of the LORD our God .  Psalm 20:7 In the words of Jeremy Gimpel, Israel is currently facing a battle on three different levels: There is a literal battle with boots on the ground, the kinetic war with Hamas in the […]
12/11/202325 minutes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Chayei Sarah” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsh ‘Chayei Sarah’ (Genesis 23:1 through 25:18) is called the “Life of Sarah,” but that literally is only the beginning. Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa contends that it is THE primary portion in Scripture when it comes to stories that are ‘precedents’ for what are literally the backbone of the Common Law, from the […]
12/11/20231 heure, 58 minutes, 52 secondes
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Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible – Meditations

Season 2 Finale ends in two parts.  The first part of this episode will educate you on how missionaries share the Gospel to people who have never heard it in their native tongue through music and story telling.  The second half is music to meditate and praise God with.  The first three songs are Accapella […]
11/11/202329 minutes, 37 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapters 5 thru 7

Mark Pitrone and Mark Call continue the study of the Book of the Prophet Isaiah from chapter 5 through chapter 7. And if calling “evil,” good, and good, “evil,” sounds familiar…it should.
10/11/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 49 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah, chapter 3 into 4

The Torah teachers, Mark Call and Mark Pitrone, take a detailed look at the prophecy from Isaiah chapter 3, and into chapter 4, that may be one of the most telling warnings in the Book today for a nation, and world, that looks ripe for judgment.
10/11/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 58 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary and a deeper look at some of the overlooked events for the week ending Saturday, 11 November, 2023. If you are starting to get more than a bit disgusted that so many people seem to be “drinking the Bud Lite,” then this is a show to save.
10/11/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

David Justice is not happy today. Sometimes watching the destruction of a nation and a world can get to be hard to watch, as many listeners can no doubt understand. But that’s no small part of the reason we do this show. Yes, we know the usual answers, and they are important to keep in […]
10/11/202348 minutes, 56 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

This week Mark welcomes back special guest Harmon Taylor, who encourages an understanding of “Legal Reality,” and observes that SOMETIMES — and we’re there! — that reality seems to approach a literally ‘comic book’ level of Evil. Which is arguably the point. It’s hard not to see that the literal traitors who have been working […]
10/11/202354 minutes, 38 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News, and commentary for Thursday, 9 November, 2023. Was this last exercise in national deception yet another rigged election, or just practice for something even more brazen? Mark looks at some of the “analysis” (propaganda) from the WasteStream, to make the case that if the actual vote counts are even more suspect than the push […]
09/11/202323 minutes, 20 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News, and commentary for Tuesday, 7 November, 2023. You don’t have to be a ‘conspiracy theorist’ to recognize facts that show just how Big of a Lie the masses are being fed. But some days, the stories are so…revealing…that the Ministry of Truth just has to ignore them.
07/11/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News, commentary, and some pertinent warnings, for Monday, 6 November, 2023.
07/11/202325 minutes, 54 secondes
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There Has To Be More~11-03-2023

An Overview of the Tanakh – Session 9
06/11/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More ~11-01-2023

An Overview of the Tanakh- Session 8
06/11/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~10-30-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 7
06/11/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 18

Continuing the thought, The Role and Effect of Remembering What Yah Has Done on Keeping Covenant, Rabbi Steve Berkson takes us to more examples from scripture. Going through a quick recap of last week’s teaching from Psalm 106: How are we to approach Elohim Most High? How does Yah consider the way we treat earthly […]
06/11/20231 heure, 1 minute, 22 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 86 (Blood of the Righteous Part 1 )

Vayera "And appeared" Genesis 18:1-22:4 2 Kings 4:1-37 Psalm 11 This week’s Torah portion Vayera gives insight to a city (actually five of them) cited often in Scripture, even in the New Testament. The infamous city is Sodom and its four satellite cities. This was often the case in ancient times: there was a main city, then it was surrounded by smaller satellite towns. In the case of Sodom, the wickedness of Gomorra, Zoar, Admah, and Zevoiim were simply on a smaller scale, but reflective of, the main city of the district. In fact, ancient districts were called a kikar, meaning round, like a kikar, a round loaf of barley. Sodom was likely the center of the round district, or at least the biggest and most influential. In terms of wickedness, Sodom set the example for the others. Lot chose to settle in Sodom even though he’d lived a nomadic life with Avraham and Sarah. Oddly, Lot retained a modicum of “righteousness” even living in Sodom: But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment; and did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a preacher of righteousness, with seven others, when He brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly; and if He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction by reducing them to ashes, having made them an example to those who would live ungodly lives thereafter; and if He rescued righteous Lot, oppressed by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men (for by what he saw and heard that righteous man, while living among them, felt his righteous soul tormented day after day by their lawless deeds), then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment, and especially those who indulge the flesh in its corrupt desires and despise authority. (2 Pe 2:1-21) Most of us are thinking: “Ummm…righteous? Compared to what?” And then we’re probably very thankful that Adonai doesn’t compare us when He judges us, that we have an advocate in Yeshua just as Lot had an advocate in Avraham who would pray for him and intercede. Avraham can possibly teach us something about how to intercede for those who have embedded and surrounded themselves in places of wickedness. Peter gives us a clue about Lot. Lot benefited from living in Sodom, yet he hadn’t completely lost a sense of morality. The wickedness really did vex him day after day. The real question is why did Lot remain in such a wicked place? Why do any of us refuse to leave things from which we benefit, yet we know in our hearts that it is eaten up with immorality? We can be a lot like Lot, surrounded by twisted thinking and sin, yet preferring to keep a low profile in order to derive a good income. Lot had held onto some shred of righteous behavior, and he tried to protect the angels by urging them to leave the city square where they would be vulnerable to sexual assault, robbery, torture, and murderous violence. He hadn’t forgotten Avraham and Sarah’s hospitality to strangers and a sense of responsibility to keep them safe. Unfortunately, Lot’s attempt to protect the angels was found out. Sexual and blood lust had overtaken the city, and they would not rest until they’d brutalized and killed the heavenly visitors. When they were struck with blindness, the Sodomites couldn’t process logic and reason. It was a supernatural blindness. No matter how physically blind a person is, it would take only a few minutes to locate a door. They were confused-blind, not just blind-blind. How did they attain that level of wickedness so that logic and reason made no difference whatsoever? This takes us back to our Wars of Kings lessons, the siege tactics that parallel the plagues of Egypt, another nation that would be supernatural blinded and eventually pursue the Israelites beyond all logic and reason. After all, the score was Moses-10 Pharaoh-0. And yet, they were drawn after the Israelites in insatiable bloodlust. Confused blind. In both cases, the populace were deceived and believed lies. Their thinking process operated on petrified lies, petrified because they continued to believe them even when the Spirit of Adonai within them had to be contending with them each time they worshiped an idol, hated their brothers, robbed, or stood by while unjust laws were enacted and used to torment the innocent. The first plague on Egypt was blood. The bait for the final judgment on Egypt was bloodlust. Blood is actually an attractant to demonic activity, so sacrificing to idols as the Egyptians did was part of their process of making idols for themselves. In its own realm, an idol is nothing. That’s where it was assigned and that for which it was designed. When human being entice the spiritual being into the human realm to which they were not assigned, it is often through setting a “table” for demons: Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry. I speak as to wise men; you judge what I say. Is not the cup of blessing which we bless a sharing in the blood of Christ? Is not the bread which we break a sharing in the body of Christ? Since there is one bread, we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one bread. Look at the nation Israel; are not those who eat the sacrifices sharers in the altar? What do I mean then? That a thing sacrificed to idols is anything, or that an idol is anything? No, but I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God; and I do not want you to become sharers in demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. Or do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? We are not stronger than He, are we? (1 Co 10:14-22) We are warned in Leviticus 19:4 “Do not turn to idols,” which is explained, “If you turn after them, you thus make them into gods...” (Sefer HaChinnukh §213) Deuteronomy explains that these entities that human beings turn into gods by sacrificing to them are actually shedim, or demons: They provoked Him to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations provoked they Him to anger. They sacrificed unto devils [shedim], not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not. (Dt 32:16-17) In general, “species” of spirits such as shedim or elilim are created for other realms and do not interact with human beings. They have their own assigned “business.” They have form, but not matter. They are nothing to us and we have no business communicating with them. We communicate with their and our Creator. When we attempt to access them, or we perform actions to attract them, then we make it an idol, not its purpose. We have to do specific things to attract them or repel them. To benefit from the innate “iron dome” against demons or unclean spirits, one must follow the life manual of human beings, the Torah. Unclean spirits (things not of our realm) are repelled by: Holiness as defined by the Word. Righteousness as defined by the Word. Reading, praying, or singing of the Word (as young David playing for King Saul) Those spirits willing to leave their realm are unclean. They are attracted to the soul (nefesh) of a human being or secondarily, animals. The life is in the blood. The life is the “nefesh,” or appetite, desire, emotions, and intellect. The unclean things can “drink” from a cup or “feed” upon a table of unmanaged: Bloods (the life/nefesh is in the blood), including violence (chamas) and bloodshed, bloodlust Impure sexual activity Appetites, desires Emotions Thoughts, especially prideful ones Given access to these unmanaged according to the Word, they can begin to manipulate them. This is why walking according to the Torah of Life is a must. It is protection against many oppressive things, but especially against believing lies that are pleasing and comforting to the soul. The ruach [spirit] of a human being is guided by “It is written…” The soul of a human being is guided by “I think, I feel, I want…” The walk of a disciple is to discipline the saved soul into thinking, feeling, and wanting the precepts from the Book of Life, not the Egyptian Book of the Dead. While the “food of your God” at the holy altar is understood to be the devotion of the heart to Adonai-He doesn’t literally “eat” sacrifices, it is the repentance and devotion of the soul/nefesh which Adonai consumes. With a pure heart, we give Him the opening to manipulate our souls, purifying and making holy, acceptable to Him. We allow His thoughts and desires to become ours. Offering the soul to a shed or even a ministering angel is idolatry, activating “nothing” into something, opening to them to manipulate our souls. The demons feed on the life of the undiscipled soul devoted to appetite, emotion, desire, and intellect, and the consequences are observable: more bloodlust, more immoral sexual appetite, more addiction, more twisted thinking, and so on. When concentrated within a particular group of people, a particular sin may proliferate, for the people united in sin are feeding what they are creating, and as Yeshua taught, the unclean spirits are masterful recruiters to attach things even more wicked than itself to a willing host. Other species of spirits “more wicked” do more than feed on the nefesh-they move in and possess and attempt to destroy the host, for they “davak,” or cling to the host, whereas a shed may be willing to simply “feed off” a host for a prolonged period because it provides steady “meals” from its darkened soul: “Then it goes and takes along with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. That is the way it will also be with this evil generation.” (Mt 12:45) Leviticus is the management manual for all unclean things. Of all the precepts of Leviticus, perhaps the most well known is: Love your neighbor as yourself. The malevolent forces of evil have been fed liberally from the altars of human sexual lust, ideological rebellion against the Word, twisted justice, unbridled emotions, and especially hatred and bloodlust. They have been gathered like vultures to locations like Sodom and Egypt where humans have thrown open the doors and windows for those unclean beings to cross into our assigned realm, not theirs. They first oppress, then possess. In our Wars of Kings series, we saw how the plague of frogs was actually a spreading of lies. The frogs call and gather to battle; they are a step in the process that is advanced by sound. Pharaoh’s magicians also produced frogs, not just blood. The governments and people of this earth are being gathered by lies. And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs; for they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them together for the war of the great day of God, the Almighty.” (Re 16:13-14) The serpent is a deceiver The beast is the human soul apart from the discipline and truth of the Ruach HaKodesh, “It is written.” The false prophet intentionally speaks a word or performs a sign that leads away from the Torah. The Mishneh Torah (8) clarifies the work of the false prophet: What is this [false prophet] similar to? To witnesses that testify to a man concerning something that he saw with his own eyes, [but they claim to have] seen something different than what he saw. [And so] he does not heed them, but rather knows with certainty that these are false witnesses. Therefore, the Torah states that [even] if the signs and wonders come [true], "You shall not heed the words of this prophet" (Deuteronomy 13:4), as behold, this [false prophet] is coming with signs and wonders to contradict something that you have seen with your own eyes. And since we only believe in wonders because of the commandments that Moshe commanded us, how can we accept this sign that is being brought to contradict the prophecy of Moshe that we saw and we heard? The frogs spread lies that to a logical mind are clearly lies. Not so to those who do not use “It is written…” as the guide to truth. To them, the truth is incomprehensible, for it is confusing. It doesn’t fit their chosen twist of the heart and mind. The Jewish scholars’ discussed whether it was many frogs or one frog spawning many frogs in Egypt, which at first sounds strange, but it is especially salient considering our lesson on how the entire army of Egypt was “one” chariot wheel because it was of one heart and it was influenced by the spiritual entity appointed over Egypt named “Egypt.” One frog? Yes. Many frogs? Yes. One lie? Yes. Many liars? Yes. Sanhedrin 89a:15 The mishnah lists among those liable to be executed as a false prophet one who prophesies that which he did not hear. The Three Liars usher in a period of rampant lying. The rise of mass media, especially digital communication, enables the proliferation of lies, especially intentional ones. The lies originate with the serpent, the father of lies, are aimed at the beast’s vulnerable essence [appetite, emotion, desire, intellect], and “verified” by false witnesses who have no firsthand knowledge, or “hearing.” When mixed with the confusion of the tzirah (hell-bugs) from Abaddon and the plague of darkness, the liars will experience mental and emotional anguish and an inability to derive truth from either natural logic or the Word. The lies will be amazingly uniform once translated into many languages: Same slogans or tropes Same symbols Same misconstruction and re-construction of facts and history A Lot of Prayer In Creation Gospel Workbook Two, you learned about the tzirah. These are the HORNET-LOCUST-HORSE-SCORPION-SERPENT-MANLIKE CREATURES whose work was to shoot venom at the foes of Israel, cutting off the root and fruit and blinding the eyes: Moreover, the LORD your God will send the hornet [tzirah] against them, until those who are left and hide themselves from you perish. (Dt 7:20) Then I sent the hornet [tzirah] before you and it drove out the two kings of the Amorites from before you, but not by your sword or your bow. (Jos 24:12) They mark periods of: Torment and confusion Destruction of reproduction and offspring, or “fruit” If we marvel at the world's sudden extraordinary inability to process logic and reason, then we can look to the siege tactics of the Wars of Kings. The bloodlust symbolized by the bloody water and the lies of the frogs set the stage for the succeeding plagues. We should not be amazed at the bloodlust, lies, darkness, confusion, and mental anguish we see around us, for this is what the Egyptian-Sodomites have chosen to offer on their altars to demons: The second angel poured out his bowl into the sea, and it became blood like that of a dead man; and every living thing in the sea died. Then the third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and the springs of waters; and they became blood. And I heard the angel of the waters saying, “Righteous are You, who are and who were, O Holy One, because You judged these things; for they poured out the blood of saints and prophets, and You have given them blood to drink. They deserve it.” And I heard the altar saying, “Yes, O Lord God, the Almighty, true and righteous are Your judgments.” (Re 16:3-7) Drink up. The "angel of the waters," a spiritual ministering angel, is agreeing that punishment must be poured out on his assigned domain. The altar agrees, for the holy altar has witnessed their sacrifices to demons. This may also reflect the voices of those righteous under the altar awaiting resurrection, testifying to their blood that was spilled. While the wicked poured out their blood to demons, it was actually the martyrs' own holy sacrifice on the altar sanctified by Yeshua's sinless life, death, and resurrection. They share in that holy altar, that holy table, that holy cup. The Sodomite and Egyptian populations invested in the prolific lies preceding their judgments and destructions. Those eras were characterized by rampant lies, unjust legal edicts, blood, sexual immorality, and twisting not only of the Word of Adonai as they were given it, but common-sense human ethics. Love your neighbor. When the Egyptians could process not a shred of truth in their confusion, they followed Pharaoh headlong into the flood of the Reed Sea: “As Pharaoh drew near, the sons of Israel looked, and behold, the Egyptians were marching after them, and they became very frightened; so the sons of Israel cried out to the LORD.” (Ex 14:10) The English translation tries to fix an anomaly. The text actually says ”Egypt was journeying after them...” Singular. Rashi explains the singular Egypt thus: “With one heart, as one man...” like the frog-liars “...the Israelites saw the ministering angel of Egypt traveling from the heavens to aid Egypt.” The army was united by its bloodlust. The second explanation also explains 14:25, which alluded to “Egypt” oddly as well. “He removed the wheel of his chariot...Egypt said, ‘I shall flee before Israel, for YHVH is waging war for them against Egypt.” Rather than ofanayim, wheels, the text states ofen, “wheel.” Egypt is referred to by the Egyptians as if it is an entity outside itself, perhaps alluding to the spiritual prince of Egypt. It is thought that their willingness to accompany Pharaoh and the “King of Egypt” was due to the loss of the power of reason, the end result of hardening the heart. One’s complicity with an idol activates it in the physical realm. One unifying lie marked the Egyptians for destruction. Drink up. In our Wars of Kings lessons, we saw one of the other siege tactics was the plague of wild beasts. Wild Beasts is equated to attack by foreign mercenaries. These people are hunters for sale, unrooted, unstable mobs, living in the fervor of the moment. They may not even have any personal connection to the conflict, but they “feed” on it, and in turn, feed those strong emotions to idols. The plague of wild beasts was not first exercised on the Egyptians, but the Egyptian wild beasts upon the Hebrews. They plundered the Hebrews in the same way the cities of Sodom plundered travelers and rioted against its own citizen, Lot. Social justice may demonstrate for just or even religious causes. Historically, however, the cause has frequently been unjust, twisted, an opportunity for the swarms of wild beasts to hunt People of the Book. Pogroms, Kristallnacht, the Inquisition, Farhud, etc. An entire population can be frozen in fear that the roving bands of beasts will attack and tear them, too, which silences their objections and hands the potential power of many to the few. This was Lot’s position in riotous Sodom. The Sodomites complained that Lot thought could judge their morals. The ethical laws Lot learned from Abraham were not their laws. That made Lot the enemy. Some sages offer an alternative view of Avraham’s prayer in this Torah portion Vayera. While we often cite the bargaining prayers as evidence of Avraham’s lovingkindness toward the lost, a question is asked: Is it really “righteous” to pray that wickedness be allowed to prevail and perpetrate endless violence against its population or unwitting passersby so that ten righteous people may not be destroyed with the wicked? Was there a better prayer in the circumstances? Why not pray that with “righteous” Lot, they would leave the wicked cities with supernatural help? Why not pray that the strong hold of economic prosperity (or whatever they loved) over them be broken and they depart so that their souls would not be consumed by the wild beasts, confused by lies, torn and violated by demonic oppression? Why not pray the citizens of the five cities would repent? It’s apparent that neither Avraham nor Lot understood the severity of wickedness. The demonic oppression and suggestion was proliferating, feeding on bloodlust, greed, and immoral sexual behavior. It had become the habitation of every unclean and demonic thing, a human meal. Eat up. And he cried out with a mighty voice, saying, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird. For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality...I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people...’ 8 For this reason in one day her plagues will come, pestilence and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire; for the Lord God who judges her is strong. (Re 18:2-8) Because the burning of Sodom is referenced so many times in judgment, and the story of Lot takes place during days of unleavened bread, we should be more prepared than ever at Pesach this year. Egypt’s final judgment was at Passover. The tzirah, or “hell-bug” of Revelation may be tormenting during these five dark months between the Seventh Month and the First Month of Nissan, Passover month. To those whose souls are offered on the table of Adonai, sanctified by Yeshua the Living Word, sealed by the truth of the Ruach HaKodesh, there is no confusion, no lie, no darkness, no hatred, no bloodlust. We must, however, pray a lot. Pray for repentance. Pray that the righteous and innocent be supernaturally delivered from wicked cities. As Peter wrote, Adonai DOES know how to deliver the godly from temptation and destruction. Pray that it happens before the full Revelation plague of hail and fire descend, a plague much more devastating than any hail or fire that a human army could ever muster.
06/11/202350 minutes, 4 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Vayeira” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week the regular Torah parsh ‘Vayeira’ (Genesis chapters 118 through 22) covers not only the second, and certainly most well-known part of the life of the ‘patriarch,’ Abraham, but also one of the most foundational. From Sodom and Gomorrah to the ‘binding of Isaac,’ this one resonate today like never before in our lives. […]
05/11/20231 heure, 53 minutes, 18 secondes
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Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible – Vocals Part 2

This podcast examines the means by which vocal phrasicng in the middle east gave rise to the different cultural approaches to Hebrew vocal music for Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Western, and Egyptian worshipers.  Examining the tonal linguistics of Hebrew in comparrison to another eastern language, Chinese.  In so doing, we hear clearly the ornimentation and grace notes […]
04/11/202328 minutes, 29 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

“The Heavy and the Light: If we have BEEN in a constant state of ’emergency’ all our lives, but most didn’t even know it…what happens when it really DOES hit us?”
03/11/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Was Oct. 7 a false flag?  What Middle Eastern countries have declared on Israel?  Why are Christians so reluctant to censure Israel’s excessive response?  Where will this Christian reluctance lead?  Please join Steven and Bonnie for a look into the storm that will produce the Spirit-filled Soldiers of the Lion that will harvest the earth. […]
03/11/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 2 November, 2023.
03/11/202325 minutes, 42 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 1 November, 2023.
02/11/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH? DREAMS, VISIONS, MESSAGES & SCRIPTURES. PART 1. Another look at a message I woke up with on my mind in Feb of 2018 in relation to lots of witnesses that this message may be for this year… 7 days from the time we recorded this message!! What would you do today if you were living back in the days of Noah? We really do not like to sensationalize nor do we ever want to cause fear or a false panic. So I’m really not looking forward to airing this program just in case this is a false alarm. HOWEVER, there have been too many witnesses coalescing today after I prayed yesterday for at least 2 more witnesses to the revelation we believe we received during a discussion with someone who is still overseas unable to get back to the states yet from Israel after the attack. We are watchmen and as such if we see danger coming we are commanded to sound the shofar, so that is what this message is all about. We are sounding the shofar just in case this is the real deal.
31/10/202325 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News, commentary, and some pertinent warnings, for Monday, 30 October, 2023. Wars, and rumors of…nukes. And traitors galore.
31/10/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~10-27-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 6
30/10/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~10-25-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 5
30/10/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~10-23-2023

Overview of the Tanakh – Session 4
30/10/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 17

Psalm 105:4 tells us to “seek His face always”. How do we “seek His face”? What is the Relational Framework? In what forms do we see and experience this currently? There are some who teach that there was a problem with the old covenant and a new and improved covenant had to be created. Is […]
30/10/20231 heure, 5 minutes, 32 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 85 (The Greater Exodus Pt 15 – Wars of Kings Pt 10: The Great Gift Return)

In our Footsteps of Messiah series, we’ve been taking a close look at the prophecies of the Song of Songs, and our current text is from Chapter Four: Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, may you come with me from Lebanon. Journey down from the summit of Amana, from the summit of Senir and Hermon, from the dens of lions, from the mountains of leopards. This passage is thought to be a prophecy of exile from and return to the Land of Israel. In the traditional interpretation, “Come with Me,” refers to Israel’s exile from the Temple when she was conquered by the lion-beast Babylon. Although exiled into the kingdoms of the Beast, Adonai was with her. “Lebanon” is seen as a metaphor for the Temple in that context, for its timbers were made of Lebanon's cedars.  The second “come with Me” is thought to be the return from the Beast kingdoms of lion, bear, leopard, and Roman conglomerate beast that extend to the world. They will attain a summit of emunah, faith, in their exile in preparation for return to their inheritance and a rebuilt Temple. It is this "mountain" of Amana that is the subject of our Shabbat livestream this week. As we watch the war unfolding in the northern mountain range between Lebanon and Israel, the Song of Songs hints that this can help us understand how the exiles of Israel will return home. Strangely, it also explains why the "three wise men" brought the gifts they gave to Yeshua. In our Footsteps of Messiah series, we’ve been taking a close look at the prophecies of the Song of Songs, and our current text is from Chapter Four: Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, may you come with me from Lebanon. Journey down from the summit of Amana, from the summit of Senir and Hermon, from the dens of lions, from the mountains of leopards. This week we relate the weekly Torah portion, Lekh Lekha, to the Holy One's command to Israel to journey with Him. Please SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to get new teachings.
30/10/202349 minutes, 51 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Lekh Lekha” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a two-part look at parsha ‘Lekh Lekha’ (Genesis chapters 12through 17) and the first installment of the life of one of THE most important figures in Scripture, and in our faith, and the man who is literally THE ‘patriarch,’ Abraham. And we start this time before […]
29/10/20232 heures, 41 minutes, 24 secondes
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Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible – Vocals part 1

Season two concludes with 2 Vocal episodes.  This podcast examines the various Massoretic “Traditional” worship in Synegogues today, as well as the means by which the priesthood worshiped in the Jerusalem temple.  We further more examine the poetic examples of songs in the Psalms (Hebrew=Tehelym) and Exodus (Heb=Shemot).  The song of Moses is given particular […]
28/10/202328 minutes, 29 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #144

While traveling around in United Kingdom, I have been impressed by the amazing age and restoration of the architecture that we have seen. The word restoration came to my mind as so much of it was evident in all of the structures that were centuries old. That took me to Psalm 80 where the word […]
28/10/202328 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and a summary of some of the most important and revealing, and this week, ranging from the disgustingly evil to the at least mildly surprising, events in the week ending Saturday, 28 October, 2023.
27/10/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah, chapter 2 into 3

Torah teachers Mark Pitrone, Mark Call, and Jeff Prystupa, discuss the second and third chapters of the Book of the prophet Isaiah. And it sounds exactly like what the news would read today, if it was a bit more honest.
27/10/20231 heure, 36 minutes, 9 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

David Justice and Mark Call discuss the key news stories of the week, and ponder just how stupid the Deep State and New World Order Satanists just must think people really are. Step one is admitting you realize they really DO want you dead. Step two is making the choice…
27/10/202349 minutes, 31 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

By essentially every metric, on every front – economic, social, political, legal, spiritual, and even military, the United States of now-AmeriKa is being destroyed. And it’s arguably true that collapse is now inevitable. So it’s time to take a hard look at what we can discern about how it will play out. And what that […]
27/10/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH? DREAMS, VISIONS, MESSAGES & SCRIPTURES. Another look at a message I woke up with on my mind in Feb of 2018 in relation to lots of witnesses that this message may be for this year… 7 days from now!!! What would you do today if you were living back in the days of Noah? We really do not like to sensationalize nor do we ever want to cause fear or a false panic. So I’m really not looking forward to airing this program just in case this is a false alarm. HOWEVER, there have been too many witnesses coalescing today after I prayed yesterday for at least 2 more witnesses to the revelation we believe we received during a discussion with someone who is still overseas unable to get back to the states yet from Israel after the attack. We are watchmen and as such if we see danger coming we are commanded to sound the shofar, so that is what this message is all about. We are sounding the shofar just in case this is the real deal.
27/10/202349 minutes, 27 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 26 October, 2023. If you know people who haven’t yet figured out just how diabolically Evil what has ALREADY been done is, have them listen to this show… If nothing else, you’ll have an indication of whether or not they’re salvageable.
27/10/202327 minutes, 16 secondes
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YHWH will Rise Up & Lift the Burden… Gaza in Prophets Pt2

THOSE HIDDEN BY YAH, YHWH REMEMBERS!  Could this current Gaza/Israel conflict (which started on the 8th Day of Sukkot 2023) be pointing us to this hidden message from YHWH?  YHWH will Rise Up & Lift the Burden, Those Hidden by Yah YHWH Remembers!  There are passages, which I will read in this message that speak of conflict from Gaza and judgement on Gaza in just four of the prophets.  Jeremiah 47, Amos 1, Zephaniah 2 and Zechariah 9.  Why only these prophets?  These prophets’ prophecies regarding Gaza are even found in our scriptures in that order.  As we know Hebrew Names, especially biblical ones all have a meaning sooooo if we parse out the meaning of Jeremiah Amos Zephaniah Zechariah in that order what is the message that we get?  YHWH will Rise Up, Lift the Burden, Hidden by Yah, YHWH Remembers.  YHWH will Rise Up & Lift the Burden, Those Hidden by Yah YHWH Remembers!
26/10/202325 minutes, 1 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 25 October, 2023.
26/10/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 24 October, 2023. And it demonstrates that there are many very good reasons why people are ‘losing faith’ in a regime that more than hates them.
25/10/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~10-20-2023

An Overview of the Tanakh – Session 3
24/10/202325 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News, commentary, and some pertinent warnings, for Monday, 23 October, 2023. The border farce is beyond deadly, and it’s SO bad now that even Big Brother is starting to admit the ‘Truth will out.’
24/10/202324 minutes, 32 secondes
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There Has To Be More~10-18-2023

An Overview of the Tanakh – Session 2
24/10/202325 minutes
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Thre Has To Be More~10-16-2023

An Overview of the Tanakh – Session 1
24/10/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~10-13-2023

An Inductive Study of the Book of Ya’akov – Session 39
24/10/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~10-11-2023

Ya’akov- An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 38
24/10/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~10-9-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 37
23/10/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 16

What should you be thinking about as you read through the Bible? What is the “beautiful thing” that you see in scripture? Finish this statement, “Come as you are, …” How does change happen? What is the one thing you should do when approaching the Creator in prayer? What is the whole point of the […]
23/10/20231 heure, 4 minutes, 22 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 84 (The Greater Exodus Pt 14 – Wars of Kings Pt 9: War Prayers for the Dead)

Was there any prior clue that the Simchat Torah war would break out last Shabbat? The Creation Gospel is a pattern that links the days of Creation, the Seven Spirits of Adonai listed in Isaiah, the Seven Feasts of Adonai, and even the Seven Assemblies of Revelation to demonstrate the significance of the numbers 1-7. The video series is free to watch on YouTube. Beginner classes are free on Zoom and routinely announced in our newsletter and Facebook. The Creation Gospel workbooks are not free because they fund LaMalah Orphanage in Kenya. The paradigm of Days 1-7 is the seed prophecy from which every other prophecy sprouts in the Word. Day One: separation of light and darkness Day Two: separation of waters from water (the day not declared “good”) Day Three: separation of dry land from water, seed-bearing trees with fruit Day Four: establishment of the sun, moon, and stars to “govern” the day and night, seasons (moedim-feasts) Day Five: first living creatures with a breath of life, birds and fish in swarms Day Six: beasts to reproduce after their kind; human beings to reproduce after the kind and image of their Creator Day Seven: Shabbat rest from creative work Creation Gospel students analyze the symbols and patterns of each day, including linking the creation characteristics to the corresponding seven feasts. For instance, Day Two is a day on which separation begins to work with the chaos of fluidity. Because there is only separation, it is seen as a “death” day, for death occurs when the the soul and body separate along with the spirit. These await resurrection to life or judgment. Day Two is not pronounced good until Day Three when the chaotic waters are finally gathered into one place. Only then is it declared “good.” What good comes from Day Two? Although chaotic, the process of gathering is begun, a day in which the pain of separation must occur. Perhaps this is why Day Three corresponds to resurrection with its symbolism of first fruits from the dead. In the cycle of shmittah years, we have now entered into “Day Two,” or Year Two of the cycle. What should we expect between now and next Feast of Trumpets? Chaos. Fluidity. Uncertainty. Separation, separation, separation. Exposure and assignment to upper or lower realms. In the pain of this coming year, the “gray area” of faith will be obliterated. One’s true heart will be exposed. Since Day Two is connected at its base on the menorah to the Sixth Day, then expect one’s conforming to be exposed. Do we conform to the image of the beast or the image of Elohim? Nothing in between. No fence riding. Heaven and earth are the two witnesses who will be the first to speak: “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants by loving the LORD your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding fast to Him; for this is your life and the length of your days, that you may live in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.”” (Dt 30:19-20) A fence is a dangerous place this year. Run to truth; embrace it; proclaim it. Don’t be embarrassed by it. Learn to begin sentences with “It is written…,” not “I think… I feel… I want…” I could add words here to emphasize the importance of this, but those who don’t have ears to hear at this point have already sunk too low in the lower waters. Their confusion will likely not improve, although we should continue to pray that it does. It feels as though Covid somehow began the process of sorting those who would continually harden their hearts to believe lies. When you talk to them, it is like talking to a a walking human lie. What they believe and proclaim as truth defies all heavenly or earthly logic. Believers must continue to shine the Light of the First Day so that if a fence-rider should look up to the surface, he or she can re-orient and make an effort to swim upward to the Light of the Word. Here is another way of applying the pattern using the relationship to the seven feasts, or moedim: We use the menorah to show chiastic relationships (mirrors). On Day Five, birds and fish were created. They are prophecies of many peoples, and so Yeshua later refers to the fish as “men,” which his disciples will go fish out of the nations with the Good News. Two of his post-resurrection appearances involved fish as food. Yeshua knew where to find good fish, and so his disciples would be dispatched to find them, too. The Fifth Feast is the Feast of Trumpets, which heralds the resurrection of the dead, or the Greater Resurrection of the faithful. It is also known as Rosh HaShanah, referring the “change” or turn of the year. These swarms of fish would be fished out the waters, which represent nations, and be resurrected to life in the waters above, the heavenly waters. From Rosh HaShanah until Yom Kippur, or Yom HaKippurim, ten days later, the standard greeting among Jews is “May your name be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life for a sweet year.” The decrees are written, but they can still be modified or discarded if an individual repents and returns to Adonai and His Word. If there is no repentance by the conclusion of the tenth day, Yom HaKippurim, the decrees are sealed and handed off to the angels for execution upon each person, whether for good or evil, life or death. After a week of joyful feasting in the sukkah during the Feast of Sukkot, Israel removes themselves from their celebratory shelters (sukkot) on the Eighth Day for Shemini Atzeret, which is “rejoicing in the Torah,” Simchat Torah. Things come uncovered. The seals begin to break. When the gates closed on Yom HaKippurim (Day of Atonements, Coverings), one’s fate was sealed. If one repented, he or she was covered, atoned for. If not, he or she remained uncovered, vulnerable. This covering blood was a precious price paid by Yeshua, the letter to the Hebrews cautions believers not to take it lightly and keep on sinning, or there was "severer punishment." (He 10:29) This year, something interesting happened in Israel during the Days of Awe, the ten days between Rosh HaShanah and Yom HaKippurim. Heaven and nature warned the nation with a fish kill during the Days of Awe. Heaven and nature are warning the rest of the world through the uncovered slaughter of Shemini Atzeret. Not so incidentally, heaven and earth, the natural world, were summoned as witnesses to the warnings in the Deuteronomic Song of Moses, a song repeated in the Book of Revelation. Here is the text of an article published on 9/26/23 in YNet News, the day after Yom HaKippurim. Reported the day after the decrees on the world were sealed up: “Thousands of dead fish have been spotted on one of the beaches in Hadera in recent days. A dead sea-turtle was also found in the area, and the Nature and Parks Authority said that its death is unrelated to the fish. The Environmental Protection Ministry estimated that since these fish were not of commercial use, they were likely discarded by fishermen. Shelly Goldsmith, a travel blogger, shared her distress, saying, ‘This morning, I headed towards Hadera beach, which is a beautiful spot. As I reached the shore, I saw large quantities of dead fish scattered along the beach, numbering in the thousands. I also noticed a dead sea turtle. I realized that pollution must have caused this.’ Goldsmith added, ‘It's truly a terrible and heartbreaking sight. This is not the first time we've witnessed such a horrifying phenomenon with thousands of dead fish washing up on the shore. It's a sorrowful morning.’ According to the Environmental Protection Ministry, ‘In recent days, reports were received about dead fish on Hadera's beach. The images were sent to Dr. Nir Stern from the Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research, who identified them as young and non-endangered fish. The small size of these fish indicates that they were likely discarded by fishermen. The ministry and other authorities are not aware of any pollution in the area that could have caused the fish deaths.’” Knowing what we know of the events of Simchat Torah, the words of the article take on predictive horror. Young fish. Not endangered. Or so they thought. Discarded by evil fishermen. It was indeed a sorrowful morning. We came out of the covering of our sukkot to see the decrees came unsealed with lightning speed. In an unbelievable coincidence, the YNet fish article yesterday held photos of a young lady kidnaped and mutilated by Hamas on Shabbat, splayed unnaturally in the back of a pickup truck, broadcast to the nations. Some rejoiced. Some were horrified. The waters, the nations, are separating into upper and lower realms. What happened to Israel happens next among the nations. We think it was unfortunate "her"? Evil fishermen are among the nations. Adonai is marking, sealing, and gathering His fish. He sent His Good News with fishermen to call those who would listen and love truth. His Word is truth. The beast is doing the same. Gathering, marking, directing with demonic, hateful, deathly lies. It is a year of exposure. The illusion of safety on the broken fence is exposed, so get off of it and get away from it. It is dangerous. If none of this makes sense to you, it’s not too late. Don’t complain about it being over your head. These things are plainly written in Scripture from Genesis to Revelation for anyone to read, learn, verify, live by. Read it until you do understand. Buy a book on the Biblical feasts. Enroll in a Creation Gospel Zoom class to learn the paradigm. Read your Bible. Believe it. The Torah is the first five books of the Bible, the covenant with Israel. Its seed prophecies are expanded throughout the rest of Scripture. The Torah is the Word. We are to rejoice in obeying the Word, not evil. Take a side. Make a decision. Heaven and nature are screaming that the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is judging His creation. Call upon Him. Swim up if you know you're drowning in doubt, anxiety, and confusion. Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble; for in this way the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be abundantly supplied to you. (2 Pe 1:10-11) It was a sunny Shabbat morning on the beach, close to the fence like thousands of others. Until it wasn’t.
23/10/202349 minutes, 52 secondes
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Israel: His People?

I am going to depart from reading the scriptures today, because I want to share a very important teaching with given by Amir Tsarfati. The title of the message is: “Israel: His People?” and it aired on the Behold Israel Youtube channel on Oct 13. It addresses the topic that has plagued the church for […]
22/10/202353 minutes, 7 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Noach” (Genesis ch. 6 – 11) teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a two-part look at parsha Noach (Genesis chapters 6 through 11) – which not only includes the enigmatic setting of the “days of Noach,” when the thoughts of men’s hearts were only evil all the days, and certainly MAY apply again today, but the Flood itself, […]
22/10/20232 heures, 4 minutes, 10 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #143

Upon visiting the city of Bath in England, I was inspired to put together this weeks episode on the theme of cleansing. I am using the music from my album titled, “Frequency of Cleansing” and using Psalm 51 as the backdrop for the discussion of bathing – cleansing – mikvah – baptism. Yashua died to […]
21/10/202328 minutes
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YHWH will Rise Up & Lift the Burden… Gaza in Prophets

THOSE HIDDEN BY YAH, YHWH REMEMBERS!  Could this current Gaza/Israel conflict (which started on the 8th Day of Sukkot 2023) be pointing us to this hidden message from YHWH?  YHWH will Rise Up & Lift the Burden, Those Hidden by Yah YHWH Remembers!  There are passages, which I will read in this message that speak of conflict from Gaza and judgement on Gaza in just four of the prophets.  Jeremiah 47, Amos 1, Zephaniah 2 and Zechariah 9.  Why only these prophets?  These prophets’ prophecies regarding Gaza are even found in our scriptures in that order.  As we know Hebrew Names, especially biblical ones all have a meaning sooooo if we parse out the meaning of Jeremiah Amos Zephaniah Zechariah in that order what is the message that we get?  YHWH will Rise Up, Lift the Burden, Hidden by Yah, YHWH Remembers.  YHWH will Rise Up & Lift the Burden, Those Hidden by Yah YHWH Remembers!
21/10/202325 minutes
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Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible – Percussion

Nearly to the end of Season 2 we examine ancient percussion instruments in the bible and their application to spiritual warfare, the priests garments, and their cultural evolution.  finally we end with an audio sample of the oldest gongs ever used by mankind going far back before biblical instruments, back to the very bedrock of […]
21/10/202328 minutes, 29 secondes
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Steven gives a summary of the situation in Israel and the Middle East.  He has many contacts, eye-opening stories.  We are on the brink of the culmination of prophecy when, soon, Yeshua will raise up His army to harvest the fields.  Hold fast for the end to sin and everlasting righteousness are on the horizon. […]
21/10/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

This week, as things so clearly head toward a climax on so many fronts, there’s even more smoke than usual. Although some of the distraction is at least educational, such as what has happened in Israel, and even the furor surrounding the “hospital bombing,” some of which might even be true. But there’s so much […]
20/10/202348 minutes, 55 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah, chapter 2

The teachers continue the study of the Books of the prophets into chapter two of Isaiah, and again welcome Dr. Jeff Prystupa to the group.
20/10/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 32 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News and a bit more commentary than usual, for Friday, 20 October, 2023.
20/10/202325 minutes
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Set History Straight – Jerusalem Conflict Daniel chp 11

We will be discussing: 1) the Middle Eastern War from scripture 2) the Abomination of Desolations 3) meaning of the 70 weeks 4)the influence of Judaism on our religions today 5) America’s role jeru_conflictHN
20/10/20231 heure, 6 minutes, 6 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

This will no doubt be a tough show for many to listen to. But many of those are already “dead men walking” anyway. How can so many things that are “statistically impossible” happen so…routinely? How can the world’s most feared and respected “intelligence organization” fail so…utterly? How can ANY regime – even in the Swamp […]
20/10/202349 minutes, 48 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News, commentary, and some retrospective, for Thursday, 19 October, 2023. Just how utterly UNBELIEVABLE does it have to get?
20/10/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News, commentary, and some retrospective, for Wednesday, 18 October, 2023.
19/10/202324 minutes, 22 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News, commentary, and some retrospective, for Tuesday, 17 October, 2023.
18/10/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~10-06-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 39
17/10/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~10-04-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 38
17/10/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~10-02-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 37- Exhortations Concerning Suffering and Endurance
17/10/202325 minutes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 83 (The Greater Exodus Pt 13- Wars of Kings Pt 8: A Time for War)

Was there any prior clue that the Simchat Torah war would break out last Shabbat? The Creation Gospel is a pattern that links the days of Creation, the Seven Spirits of Adonai listed in Isaiah, the Seven Feasts of Adonai, and even the Seven Assemblies of Revelation to demonstrate the significance of the numbers 1-7. The video series is free to watch on YouTube. Beginner classes are free on Zoom and routinely announced in our newsletter and Facebook. The Creation Gospel workbooks are not free because they fund LaMalah Orphanage in Kenya. The paradigm of Days 1-7 is the seed prophecy from which every other prophecy sprouts in the Word. Day One: separation of light and darkness Day Two: separation of waters from water (the day not declared “good”) Day Three: separation of dry land from water, seed-bearing trees with fruit Day Four: establishment of the sun, moon, and stars to “govern” the day and night, seasons (moedim-feasts) Day Five: first living creatures with a breath of life, birds and fish in swarms Day Six: beasts to reproduce after their kind; human beings to reproduce after the kind and image of their Creator Day Seven: Shabbat rest from creative work Creation Gospel students analyze the symbols and patterns of each day, including linking the creation characteristics to the corresponding seven feasts. For instance, Day Two is a day on which separation begins to work with the chaos of fluidity. Because there is only separation, it is seen as a “death” day, for death occurs when the the soul and body separate along with the spirit. These await resurrection to life or judgment. Day Two is not pronounced good until Day Three when the chaotic waters are finally gathered into one place. Only then is it declared “good.” What good comes from Day Two? Although chaotic, the process of gathering is begun, a day in which the pain of separation must occur. Perhaps this is why Day Three corresponds to resurrection with its symbolism of first fruits from the dead. In the cycle of shmittah years, we have now entered into “Day Two,” or Year Two of the cycle. What should we expect between now and next Feast of Trumpets? Chaos. Fluidity. Uncertainty. Separation, separation, separation. Exposure and assignment to upper or lower realms. In the pain of this coming year, the “gray area” of faith will be obliterated. One’s true heart will be exposed. Since Day Two is connected at its base on the menorah to the Sixth Day, then expect one’s conforming to be exposed. Do we conform to the image of the beast or the image of Elohim? Nothing in between. No fence riding. Heaven and earth are the two witnesses who will be the first to speak: “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants by loving the LORD your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding fast to Him; for this is your life and the length of your days, that you may live in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.”” (Dt 30:19-20) A fence is a dangerous place this year. Run to truth; embrace it; proclaim it. Don’t be embarrassed by it. Learn to begin sentences with “It is written…,” not “I think… I feel… I want…” I could add words here to emphasize the importance of this, but those who don’t have ears to hear at this point have already sunk too low in the lower waters. Their confusion will likely not improve, although we should continue to pray that it does. It feels as though Covid somehow began the process of sorting those who would continually harden their hearts to believe lies. When you talk to them, it is like talking to a a walking human lie. What they believe and proclaim as truth defies all heavenly or earthly logic. Believers must continue to shine the Light of the First Day so that if a fence-rider should look up to the surface, he or she can re-orient and make an effort to swim upward to the Light of the Word. Here is another way of applying the pattern using the relationship to the seven feasts, or moedim: We use the menorah to show chiastic relationships (mirrors). On Day Five, birds and fish were created. They are prophecies of many peoples, and so Yeshua later refers to the fish as “men,” which his disciples will go fish out of the nations with the Good News. Two of his post-resurrection appearances involved fish as food. Yeshua knew where to find good fish, and so his disciples would be dispatched to find them, too. The Fifth Feast is the Feast of Trumpets, which heralds the resurrection of the dead, or the Greater Resurrection of the faithful. It is also known as Rosh HaShanah, referring the “change” or turn of the year. These swarms of fish would be fished out the waters, which represent nations, and be resurrected to life in the waters above, the heavenly waters. From Rosh HaShanah until Yom Kippur, or Yom HaKippurim, ten days later, the standard greeting among Jews is “May your name be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life for a sweet year.” The decrees are written, but they can still be modified or discarded if an individual repents and returns to Adonai and His Word. If there is no repentance by the conclusion of the tenth day, Yom HaKippurim, the decrees are sealed and handed off to the angels for execution upon each person, whether for good or evil, life or death. After a week of joyful feasting in the sukkah during the Feast of Sukkot, Israel removes themselves from their celebratory shelters (sukkot) on the Eighth Day for Shemini Atzeret, which is “rejoicing in the Torah,” Simchat Torah. Things come uncovered. The seals begin to break. When the gates closed on Yom HaKippurim (Day of Atonements, Coverings), one’s fate was sealed. If one repented, he or she was covered, atoned for. If not, he or she remained uncovered, vulnerable. This covering blood was a precious price paid by Yeshua, the letter to the Hebrews cautions believers not to take it lightly and keep on sinning, or there was "severer punishment." (He 10:29) This year, something interesting happened in Israel during the Days of Awe, the ten days between Rosh HaShanah and Yom HaKippurim. Heaven and nature warned the nation with a fish kill during the Days of Awe. Heaven and nature are warning the rest of the world through the uncovered slaughter of Shemini Atzeret. Not so incidentally, heaven and earth, the natural world, were summoned as witnesses to the warnings in the Deuteronomic Song of Moses, a song repeated in the Book of Revelation. Here is the text of an article published on 9/26/23 in YNet News, the day after Yom HaKippurim. Reported the day after the decrees on the world were sealed up: “Thousands of dead fish have been spotted on one of the beaches in Hadera in recent days. A dead sea-turtle was also found in the area, and the Nature and Parks Authority said that its death is unrelated to the fish. The Environmental Protection Ministry estimated that since these fish were not of commercial use, they were likely discarded by fishermen. Shelly Goldsmith, a travel blogger, shared her distress, saying, ‘This morning, I headed towards Hadera beach, which is a beautiful spot. As I reached the shore, I saw large quantities of dead fish scattered along the beach, numbering in the thousands. I also noticed a dead sea turtle. I realized that pollution must have caused this.’ Goldsmith added, ‘It's truly a terrible and heartbreaking sight. This is not the first time we've witnessed such a horrifying phenomenon with thousands of dead fish washing up on the shore. It's a sorrowful morning.’ According to the Environmental Protection Ministry, ‘In recent days, reports were received about dead fish on Hadera's beach. The images were sent to Dr. Nir Stern from the Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research, who identified them as young and non-endangered fish. The small size of these fish indicates that they were likely discarded by fishermen. The ministry and other authorities are not aware of any pollution in the area that could have caused the fish deaths.’” Knowing what we know of the events of Simchat Torah, the words of the article take on predictive horror. Young fish. Not endangered. Or so they thought. Discarded by evil fishermen. It was indeed a sorrowful morning. We came out of the covering of our sukkot to see the decrees came unsealed with lightning speed. In an unbelievable coincidence, the YNet fish article yesterday held photos of a young lady kidnaped and mutilated by Hamas on Shabbat, splayed unnaturally in the back of a pickup truck, broadcast to the nations. Some rejoiced. Some were horrified. The waters, the nations, are separating into upper and lower realms. What happened to Israel happens next among the nations. We think it was unfortunate "her"? Evil fishermen are among the nations. Adonai is marking, sealing, and gathering His fish. He sent His Good News with fishermen to call those who would listen and love truth. His Word is truth. The beast is doing the same. Gathering, marking, directing with demonic, hateful, deathly lies. It is a year of exposure. The illusion of safety on the broken fence is exposed, so get off of it and get away from it. It is dangerous. If none of this makes sense to you, it’s not too late. Don’t complain about it being over your head. These things are plainly written in Scripture from Genesis to Revelation for anyone to read, learn, verify, live by. Read it until you do understand. Buy a book on the Biblical feasts. Enroll in a Creation Gospel Zoom class to learn the paradigm. Read your Bible. Believe it. The Torah is the first five books of the Bible, the covenant with Israel. Its seed prophecies are expanded throughout the rest of Scripture. The Torah is the Word. We are to rejoice in obeying the Word, not evil. Take a side. Make a decision. Heaven and nature are screaming that the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is judging His creation. Call upon Him. Swim up if you know you're drowning in doubt, anxiety, and confusion. Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble; for in this way the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be abundantly supplied to you. (2 Pe 1:10-11) It was a sunny Shabbat morning on the beach, close to the fence like thousands of others. Until it wasn’t.
16/10/202350 minutes, 23 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Bereshiet” (Genesis – In the Beginning) teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

The cycle begins again. Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship as the continuing study of His Word, as Written, restarts “In the Beginning,” on page one of every Bible, with Bereshiet (Genesis 1:1 through 6:8) and the Foundation upon which literally EVERYTHING else rests… …and the Erev Shabbat reading which answers so many […]
15/10/20232 heures, 12 minutes, 6 secondes
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Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible – Shofar

This episode covers 3 Trumpets.  Two are for Jubilee and War, while the third is ceremonial for the Temple.  These trumpets are distinctively Hebrew in their culture and scriptural classification.  One New Testament verse presents a problem of cultural context.  Robert addresses a misunderstanding in the west that must be corrected for a more profound […]
14/10/202328 minutes, 29 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #142

The events of this past week I believe have set a new course for our world and the people in it. There is now a clear definition between the side of evil and good. Those who support evil are making themselves known and those who support righteousness are speaking out more clearly. Genesis 3:15 describes […]
14/10/202328 minutes
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Israel at War! Oct 12 News Update and Prayer Resources

Pictured above: 900 roses laid out in front of Israel embassy in Stockholm to honor 900 Jews who were slaughtered by Hamas. The death toll is now at 1300. Wartime Broadcast from Jeremy Gimpel and Ari Abramowitz Israel is at war. With superpowers shifting and nations mobilizing, no one knows what to expect. Ari Abramowitz […]
14/10/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News and commentary for the week ending Saturday, 14 October, 2023… …where everyone KNOWS the Big Story, but the Truth is becoming the first casualty of a radically escalated World War III.
13/10/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

It’s clear by now to everybody but CNN-watchers and Bud Lite drinkers that the foremost “intelligence agency” on earth wasn’t conned by the biggest terrorist invasion in modern history in Israel. Somebody “looked the other way,” and a lot of innocent people died for it. But there’s more to this than even the intended escalation […]
13/10/202349 minutes, 2 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Special guest Daniel Holdings joins Mark to talk about what should be obvious, but certainly isn’t: Can ANYONE really believe that the Israeli Mossad was utterly fooled by the biggest invasion, on a major Holy Day no less, unless they also think Joe Biden is brilliant, too, but still missed it as well? There’s FAR […]
13/10/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Mind boggling as it may be, is Israeli leadership ready to forego Israel and move “back to” Ukraine, as some aver?  Who avers?  Henry Kissinger, Times of Israel, Zelensky, for openers.  Will they abandon Mt. Zion to God’s enemies?  Even worse, are we now in the operational phase of said plans, along with billionaire Ukrainian […]
13/10/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 11 October, 2023.
12/10/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Song of Moses, Song of the Lamb, Atonement & Revelation Pt2

ALSO ALEF TAV SOLAR ECLIPSE COMING OVER U.S. - NOT A COINCIDENCE!  Look at all the connections. NOT A COINCIDENCE THAT WE FINISHED AND POSTED THIS MESSAGE JUST PRIOR TO THE 8TH DAY OF SUKKOT WHEN ISRAEL WAS ATTACKED AND SUBSEQUENTLY DECLARED THEY WERE AT WAR! THIS PART 2 HNR VERSION ALSO INCLUDES A SPECIAL INTRODUCTION MESSAGE WITH INFORMATION ABOUT THIS COMING SHABBAT RING OF FIRE SOLAR ECLIPSE OVER THE UNITED STATES WHICH WE ALSO DO NOT BELIEVE IS A COINCIDENCE!!   Can we know what the Song of the Lamb is?  Have the Jews been reading (i.e. singing) this song along with the Song of Moses for millennia without even recognizing Y'shua as the Lamb?  Is the Song of the Lamb the same as the 'new song' that will be sung by the 144,000?  Can we see the book of Revelation & Yom Kippur in the Song of Moses?  How about in the Song of the Lamb?  Can we find the 'new song' or at least variations of it in the Psalms?  In this message we will discuss all of this and more!
12/10/202325 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah, chapter 1, and more

This week, in the absence of the regular co-hosts, Dr. Jeff Prystupa joins Mark Call to not only take a look at a ‘new’ Book, and a very ancient prophet, but a whole bunch of warnings which suddenly seem even MORE important than ever. It’s a bit of a departure from the ‘regular’ show, but, […]
11/10/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 23 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 10 October, 2023. Where the lessons from the latest escalation in World War III continue.
11/10/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~09-29-2023

Y’akov – An Inductive study of the Book of James – Session 36 – Exhortation Concerning Patience
10/10/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~09-27-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 35- Failing of the Rich
10/10/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~09-25-2023

Ya’akov- An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 34 – Arrogant Self-Sufficiency
10/10/202325 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News, commentary, and some retrospective, for Monday, 9 October, 2023. The Last Great Day of Sukkot turned out to be quite a turning point after all.
10/10/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 15

Rabbi Steve Berkson desires that you embrace the understanding that it’s all about your heart when it comes to keeping covenant with your Creator. It has to be in your heart to fear him, guard and do all of His commandments, to love Him and to serve Yahweh your Elohim. This episode focuses on believing, […]
09/10/20231 heure, 3 minutes, 45 secondes
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Mark Call – ‘Sukkot Finale – Last Great Day – teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

The conclusion of the Fall Feasts, and the week of Sukkot which ends with the “Last Great Day,” is this weekend, by most calendar reckonings. And certainly the largest attack on the modern nation of Israel in almost exactly 50 years on that day, and Sabbath, can hardly be a coincidence. Especially since the last […]
08/10/20231 heure, 19 minutes, 10 secondes
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Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible – Symphonia

This episode welcomes guest speaker Alexander Hislop, A Scottish Presbyterian Preacher and best selling author who introduces the show in Gaelic instead of Hebrew.  Being from Scotland he knows something about our topic instrument and its rich cultural heritage.  As a proud Scotsman he will share with you one of his favorite bagpipe bands and […]
07/10/202328 minutes, 20 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and a summary of some of the most important and revealing, and finally this week, even truly surprising, events in the week ending Saturday, 7 October, 2023.
06/10/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

For the first time in a long time, the Big Story this week was actually a bit of a genuine surprise: Some Congressional representatives actually demonstrated that they’d had enough, and voted to “vacate” the office of speaker, and send RINO Kevin McCarthy to the showers. For the first time in American history. And it […]
06/10/202349 minutes, 7 secondes
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Song of Moses, Song of the Lamb, Atonement & Revelation Pt1

Look at all the Connections! Can we know what the Song of the Lamb is?  Have the Jews been reading (i.e. singing) this song along with the Song of Moses for millennia without even recognizing Y'shua as the Lamb?  Is the Song of the Lamb the same as the 'new song' that will be sung by the 144,000?  Can we see the book of Revelation & Yom Kippur in the Song of Moses?  How about in the Song of the Lamb?  Can we find the 'new song' or at least variations of it in the Psalms?  In this message we will discuss all of this and more!
06/10/202325 minutes, 1 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

The final Fall Feast of Sukkot is a time associated with harvest, the Wedding Feast, and the Birth of the Real Messiah. It’s also, according to Scripture, a time for remembrance of time past, in the wilderness, and practice – hopefully, perhaps – for what is soon to come. As such, it’s also a time […]
06/10/202349 minutes, 42 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News, commentary, and no shortage even of cynicism this time, for Thursday, 5 October, 2023. Can Hell freeze over even as Man-Made Global Warming is still Top Propaganda?
05/10/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News, commentary, and some retrospective, for Wednesday, 4 October, 2023… FEMA day…and some arguably at least INTERESTING news from the Swamp. This show was NOT played during the regular air times today, for a lot of reasons that will be obvious, but is available here for download. Because there’s a lot to ponder.
05/10/202322 minutes, 30 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News, commentary, and some retrospective, for Tuesday, 3 October, 2023… …and some prep for ’emergency warnings,’ too.
04/10/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 2 October, 2023.
03/10/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 14

In 1 Chronicles 16 we see within a song of praise that went up in thanksgiving there is a “covenantal-mindset”. What is that “covenantal-mindset”? What happened to Israel when the “covenantal-mindset” faded away? 1 Chronicles 16:22 is the statement, “Do not touch my anointed ones, and do My prophets no evil.” What does this mean? […]
02/10/20231 heure, 5 minutes, 45 secondes
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Mark Call – ‘Sukkot begins’ (and His real birth) teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week the season of the Fall Feasts enter – literally – the final joyful week, with Sukkot, or the Feast of Tabernacles, also known as ‘the Season of our Joy.’ And that turns out to be more appropriate than most ‘Christians’ have been told in ‘sun-god-day school,’ because, as is readily shown, it is […]
01/10/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 1 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #140

The fall season brings with it the celebration of life and the harvesting of the produce that gives life. One of the Feasts of the Lord is the Feast of Tabernacles or Succot. It is a time to celebrate the promise of our Heavenly Father dwelling with us. Even the coming of the Messiah Yashua […]
30/09/202328 minutes
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Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible – Ugav

The most unique instrument within S2 and Robert’s favorite.  After some academic debate as to whether this instrument has valid existence as an ancient instrument based on its controversial transliteration and definition in various scriptural passages it becomes clear this is more than it appears to be.  Perhaps this instrument is the most Hebraic in […]
30/09/202328 minutes, 47 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and a detailed look into a few of THE most important, albeit ignored, events in the week ending Saturday, 30 September, 2023. There is a very important lesson here.
29/09/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

By any measure, even recent insanity, this has been another pretty weird week. But the difference seems to be that there’s no longer even a pretense that there is still “one law” in the once-free united States for the Elite and the peons…SOME of whom are beginning to realize that they really ARE slaves. David […]
29/09/202349 minutes, 40 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

The destruction of the foundational concept of ‘property rights’ has been underway for quite some time. From ‘infringing’ the single type of property which “shall not be infringed,” to “civil asset forfeiture,” of anything that needs stealin’, we’ve witnessed the ‘progressive’ progression. But this week, the final nail was hammered in the coffin. And the […]
29/09/202350 minutes, 2 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 28 September, 2023.
29/09/202325 minutes
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In his final video before his untimely death, Dr. Rashid Buttar shared that a uploaded-by-vaxx hemorrhagic virus would be released within their bodies upon the receipt of a wave signal within a certain gigahertz range for a certain number of bursts.  (See first vid below.) Is this the Oct. 4 emergency signal test?  What is […]
27/09/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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Military attorney, Todd Callender, says lipid nanoparticles contain pathogens that can be released by pulsed 5G signal. We need to turn off all cell phones, iPads, and computer devices on: Wednesday, Oct 4, from 11am-1pm Pacific, (2-4PM EST).   The “cover story” is that this is a test of the Emergency Broadcast system administered by FEMA. Visit THIS […]
27/09/20234 minutes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 82 (The Greater Exodus Pt 12- Wars of Kings Pt 7 : Locusts in Your Face)

Your neck is like the tower of David, Built with rows of stones On which are hung a thousand shields, All the round shields of the mighty men. (So 4:4) Our working text for the Footsteps of Messiah is the Song of Songs. From the above text, we previously connected the shields of a thousand generations with the offspring of Abraham, the righteous remnant in each generation forming the faithful shield of their generation. These are faithful warriors of the Word. Deuteronomy gives us insight into how Israel is instructed to prepare for war: “When you go out to battle against your enemies and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt, is with you. When you are approaching the battle, the priest shall come near and speak to the people. He shall say to them, ‘Hear, O Israel, you are approaching the battle against your enemies today. Do not be fainthearted. Do not be afraid, or panic, or tremble before them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.’ The officers also shall speak to the people, saying, ‘Who is the man that has built a new house and has not dedicated it? Let him depart and return to his house, otherwise he might die in the battle and another man would dedicate it. Who is the man that has planted a vineyard and has not begun to use its fruit? Let him depart and return to his house, otherwise he might die in the battle and another man would begin to use its fruit. And who is the man that is engaged to a woman and has not married her? Let him depart and return to his house, otherwise he might die in the battle and another man would marry her.’ Then the officers shall speak further to the people and say, ‘Who is the man that is afraid and fainthearted? Let him depart and return to his house, so that he might not make his brothers’ hearts melt like his heart.’ When the officers have finished speaking to the people, they shall appoint commanders of armies at the head of the people. When you approach a city to fight against it, you shall offer it terms of peace. If it agrees to make peace with you and opens to you, then all the people who are found in it shall become your forced labor and shall serve you. However, if it does not make peace with you, but makes war against you, then you shall besiege it... (Dt 20:1-12) Before a soldier could go to war, he was required to enjoy the fruit of his labors. A soldier who built, planted, and betrothed without consummating the joy of his labors expected to die in battle, an attitude that would discourage his fellow soldiers. Comfortable shelter, food and drink, and a family relationship are the building blocks of human joy. The feast time of Sukkot teaches this pattern. Every family comes to Jerusalem to commemmorate the Divine provision of food, drink, shelter, and family relationships, including the extended family who will share in the offerings along with strangers, aliens, Levites, and even the kohanim: “There also you and your households shall eat before the LORD your God, and rejoice in all your undertakings in which the LORD your God has blessed you.” (Dt 12:7) “You shall not do at all what we are doing here today, every man doing whatever is right in his own eyes; for you have not as yet come to the resting place and the inheritance which the LORD your God is giving you. When you cross the Jordan and live in the land which the LORD your God is giving you to inherit, and He gives you rest from all your enemies around you so that you live in security, then it shall come about that the place in which the LORD your God will choose for His name to dwell, there you shall bring all that I command you: your burnt offerings and your sacrifices, your tithes and the contribution of your hand, and all your choice votive offerings which you will vow to the LORD. And you shall rejoice before the LORD your God, you and your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, and the Levite who is within your gates, since he has no portion or inheritance with you. (Dt 12:8-12) In the passage above, there are some interesting questions: If Israel is at peace, then why instructions for war? What do the Three Questions suggest about the spiritual state of the nation at war? Why is joy so important in a festival of shelter, food and drink, and family? Each question asked of a soldier involves his “wife”: house, vineyard, and betrothed. Each of those in certain contexts represents one's wife. A wise woman builds her house; a man's wife is his vineyard (Ps 128:3); his betrothed is his future wife with nothing left but the consummation of the marriage to complete it. It's not as if such a man is lazy; quite the contrary! He has labored hard to build, plant, and consider a family. He simply hasn't allowed himself the final commitment to fully enjoy it! These are the gifts of Adonai to human beings. He gives us the ability to build, plan, create, and imagine. Part of the joy is in that process, but the crown of joy is to eat the fruit of one's labor. Strangely, it is the Feast of Sukkot that celebrates the partnership of Adonai and His People to build, plant, and live in intimate relationships. If a young man works, yet refuses the fruit, instead leaving it for someone else, he is cutting himself off from faith in the root and fruit of blessing. Not only is he entitled to it, he is OBLIGATED to it. It is as if he plans to die in battle, a hidden mindset that will discourage his fellow soldiers on the day of tribulation. This hidden fault can be exposed by the priest and remedied if he will go back and enter into joy in the commandment. If not, he will likely die in battle and another man will enjoy the blessings of fulfilling his unfulfilled mitzvot, which ironically, is what the hopeless soldier expects to happen. Sukkot is about embracing the joy of offspring, whether one's own household or the household of faith, even those just curiously sitting in. Sukkot defies the fear of death. Sukkot says that the Holy One will shelter us in His sukkah on the day of trouble; He will feed us and give us drink without sorrow; He will betroth us in righteousness. The blessings He's enabled us to set before our families and friends is the proof of even greater blessings of peace and prosperity yet to come if we believe and obey His Word. Having joy in the commandments is a type of armor on the day of battle. Don’t live a life of ascetism in the Name of Heaven. Fast when you must, but like Yeshua, don’t refuse the joy of this life for which he was criticized: But to what shall I compare this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces, who call out to the other children, and say, ‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.’ For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon!’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Behold, a gluttonous man and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ Yet wisdom is vindicated by her deeds. (Mt 11:16-19) Others want us to conform ourselves to the childish emotional flavor of the day. Instead, we conform to “it is written.” There is a time and season to everything, appointed times for fasting and feasting. Do not be so consumed with tribulation that you fail to invest in joy, nor so gluttonous as to refuse days of sober fasting and intense prayer for war. This life is a brief investment window from which we will continue eternally to enjoy its yield from the Root of Jesse and his fruit which the Father has placed in our hands. Your joy at Sukkot is part of the battle plan. Arm yourself with a lulav. Can't you just imagine Yeshua sitting among his parents, his brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles and cousins, and all his disciples and their families in Jerusalem at Sukkot, laughing big belly-laughs while he watches the nieces and nephews romping around the barbecue pit? What a mitzvah! What a war hero! Wars of Kings is a foundation for using the template of the first Exodus to understand the Greater Exodus and the accompanying plagues in the Book of Revelation. Click on Wars of Kings to go to the first segment of the Wars YouTube video. Last week's teaching explained up to plague five, and this week's video will continue the plagues, providing examples from our time to connect with the texts.
26/09/202349 minutes, 24 secondes
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There Has To Be More~09-22-2023

An Inductive Study of the book of James – Session 33 – Condemnation of the Wicked
25/09/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~09-20-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the book of James – Session 32 – Repent and Humble Yourself before the LORD
25/09/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~09-18-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive study of the book of James – Session 31- Submit to G-d
25/09/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 13

Continuing with, “The Role and Effect of Leadership on Covenant Keeping”, Rabbi Steve Berkson takes us on a journey through the books of 1 & 2 Kings where he shows us examples in King Solomon and the Northern Kingdom of Israel of what happens when those in leadership cause real problems for those for whom […]
25/09/20231 heure, 5 minutes, 42 secondes
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Yeshua Loves the Church, as a Husband Loves His Wife

Audio reading: Deut 34:1-12, Isaiah 51:1-53:12, Eph 5:1-33, Psalm 69:19-36, Prov 24:7 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having […]
24/09/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Ha’azinu” and ‘Shabbat Shuva’ teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

The regular Torah portion now includes the very last few in the Book of Deuteronomy, the life of Moses himself, and thus some of his final admonitions, including the second, and final, “Song of Moses,” in parsha “Ha’azinu,” chapter 32 of Debarim. This week is also the Sabbath that falls between the sounding of the […]
24/09/202312 minutes, 20 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #139

The word “Sacrifice” is not a very popular word. Most people see it as uncomfortable. Nobody wants to sacrifice because that means you are going to have to do without something that you really think you need. Scripture sees sacrifice quite differently, however. David speaks of bringing a sacrifice of praise. In another place he […]
23/09/202328 minutes
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Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible – Khalil

We continue our journey of instruments through the Woodwinds of  Israel.  The Khalil was a unique pipe, perhaps most likely a pan pipe.   The debated history  lies in a controversy of the transliteration  between an instrument and an expression through music that such a pipe  causes through dancing.  Archeologically it evolved into the modern  flute […]
23/09/202328 minutes, 2 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel ch 47 into 48

The teachers examine the final chapters of the Book of the prophet Ezekiel, completing chapter 47 and continuing into 48.
22/09/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 26 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and a summary of some of the most important and revealing events in the week ending Friday, 22 September, 2023.
22/09/202324 minutes, 54 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

The theft – or was it really just yet MORE unbelievable incompetence! – of a Marine F-35 stealth fighter jet this week seems emblematic of the rot now being exposed almost continually. Join David Justice and Mark Call as they discuss the events of a week leading into the heart of the Fall Feasts of […]
22/09/202350 minutes, 57 secondes
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Set History Straight – Message for Atonement

Adam Wicker will covering the connection between the spring and fall Holy Days and what does it mean to be cut off. cutoffHN
22/09/202349 minutes, 13 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

There is a major nationwide FEMA ‘test’ scheduled for October 4th that has people who are already suspicious of a Big Brother that lies about every thing from grooming kids to bioweapon injections wondering what they might pull next. Forewarned is – maybe – forearmed. But there’s more on the horizon, too, of course. The […]
22/09/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 21 September, 2023.
22/09/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 20 September, 2023.
21/09/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 167- “Free Forgiveness” Isn’t Biblical

As we approach Yom Kippur, we are all doing our most intense introspection. We are also making amends with anyone whom we’ve hurt. Have you been taught that you are to freely forgive? No matter the responsibility of the other party, do you feel as though you are required by God to forgive them even […]
20/09/202350 minutes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 127- “Free Forgiveness” Isn’t Biblical

As we approach Yom Kippur, we are all doing our most intense introspection. We are also making amends with anyone whom we’ve hurt. Have you been taught that you are to freely forgive? No matter the responsibility of the other party, do you feel as though you are required by God to forgive them even […]
20/09/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 19 September, 2023.
19/09/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 18 September, 2023.
18/09/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~09-15-2023

Ya’akov- An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 30 – Way to Repentance
18/09/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~09-13-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 29- Dangers of Assimilation
18/09/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~09-11-2023

Ya’akov- An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 28 – Interview with Jonah Karsten
18/09/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 12

Is sin and transgressing the Covenant two different things or the same? What is the definition of sin? What does Joshua 7:9 show us in regards to what Elohim thinks about sin and His Covenant. What is it that the “World” will not allow you to do? Rabbi Steve Berkson then moves us to Joshua […]
18/09/20231 heure, 6 minutes, 35 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 81 (The Greater Exodus Pt 11- Wars of Kings Pt 6 : Hail of Plagues)

Wars of Kings is a foundation for using the template of the first Exodus to understand the Greater Exodus and the accompanying plagues in the Book of Revelation. Click on Wars of Kings to go to the first segment of the Wars YouTube video. Last week's teaching explained up to plague five, and this week's video will continue the plagues, providing examples from our time to connect with the texts.
18/09/202347 minutes, 18 secondes
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Mark Call – ‘Fall Feasts begin’ teachings from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

The time of the Fall Feasts means that the “regular Torah portions” end up getting shuffled a bit, especially given the “calendar variants” many of us see. But as the Torah cycle begins to wrap up, parsha Vayelekh (Deuteronomy chapter 31) is one of the final few, but there are also a number of readings […]
17/09/20231 heure, 47 minutes, 4 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #138

Today is Yom Teruah, The blowing of the trumpets for the Feast of Trumpets – Today we will take a look at Psalm 94 and gain an understanding of how David saw through the difficulties of his day and proclaimed that even though it looked bad, our Heavenly Father was still in control. Even though […]
16/09/202328 minutes
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Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible – Silver Lyre part 2

Season 1 of our show concludes as we examine in a biblical dramatization the one chapter where the majority of biblical instruments can be found in the book of Daniel.  Robert then gives a final packaging of the instruments we’ve examined within the string family.  Finally concluding the show with the final segment of Richard […]
16/09/202325 minutes, 26 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

Join Mark Call and David Justice as they welcome a familiar voice back to HNR, in Daniel Holdings. And it’s an important week to have him back, with a lot to cover.
16/09/202349 minutes, 35 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel ch 46 into 47

The teachers examine the final chapters of the Book of the prophet Ezekiel, completing chapter 46 and continuing into 47.
15/09/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 20 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look at the actual news stories for the distraction-filled week ending Friday, 15 September, 2023.
15/09/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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Case Law & the New Covenant

A Closer Look at the "Laws" in Deuteronomy.  Did Y'shua contradict or "add to" the laws or commandments in the book of Deuteronomy when He said "Moses allowed divorce because of the hardness of your hearts BUT I SAY..." and other such things?  Is everything in the book of Deuteronomy actually a 'command by YHWH'?  Or is there possibly something else going on in chapters 20-25?  Are there really 615 commandments OR are MANY OF THEM possibly 'Case Law'... BASED UPON YHWH's actual Commandments/Laws?  Case Law decided in the authority of YHWH by Moses in his Yah given role as "Chief Justice" of the Supreme Court in the wilderness?  And then Y'shua is Chief Justice of a higher court... THE HIGHEST court?  Y'shua's rulings would then be a "higher court ruling" while HE DID STILL UPHOLD Moses' case law in the wilderness but brought clarification to its application.  Moses Himself in Deuteronomy told us YHWH would raise up a prophet LIKE unto Moses himself and that we should listen to all He says because He would only speak the Words of YHWH in the Name of YHWH?  THEN ALSO we see in the New Testament writings that as the Body of Messiah we are also given authority under Y'shua to judge according to the Commandments of YHWH.  Like all judges we are to take all prior Case Law into account when judging putting the most weight on what the highest judging authority (Y'shua) has said, especially when judging ourselves.  Please listen all the way to the end of this message where we tie this all into the New or Renewed Covenant which is which is also founded upon the 10 Commandments or Words of the covenant at Horeb or Mt. Sinai AND IS FIRST OUTLINED IN DEUTERONOMY! 
15/09/202325 minutes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

The fiat-based world economy is collapsing. But so may be the fascist system that grew from it, sometimes called “stakeholder capitalism.” Corporations are co-opted by ESG, the WEF-pushed equivalent of the CCP ‘social credit score.’ The more we understand WHY that anti-Scriptural, and anti-constitutional, system is coming apart, the better we will be able to […]
15/09/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 14 September, 2023.
15/09/202324 minutes, 54 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 13 September, 2023 And when we get to the point where even the ‘Better Late Than Never’ IMPEACHMENT of the senile plant in the You-Know-What House is more smoke than the fires in Maui, you know things are, or at least should be, coming to a head.
13/09/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 12 September, 2023 Some days, the Tyranny is just SO blatant, it’s hard to believe they ever tried to hide it.
13/09/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Will this week’s Sea Breeze 23.3 naval exercise in the Black Sea lead to WWIII?  Are all world leaders part of the plan to install the pseudo-messiah?  What other indicators have we seen recently regarding the shortness of time?  Please join Steve and Bonnie for some surprising issues that might be influencing both Israeli leaders […]
12/09/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 11 September, 2023 On 9-11, the Federal Death Agency is at it again, and the traitor in the New Mexico governor’s mansion shows the next step.
12/09/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 11

Rabbi Steve Berkson subtitles this teaching, “The Role and Effect of Leadership in Covenant Keeping.” He starts by taking us to Deuteronomy 31 to show how that after the Covenant had been established the people did well with keeping it sometimes and not so well at other times. The role of the leadership and the […]
11/09/20231 heure, 6 minutes, 20 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 80 (The Greater Exodus Pt 10: Interview with Howie and Aline George)

Discussing how the hell-bug of Abaddon is overcome by believers who connect the generations with the Word. with special guests Howie and Aline George from Mishkanim. ( Please SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to get new teachings.
11/09/202348 minutes, 1 secondes
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There Has To Be More~09-08-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 27- Interview with Jonah Karsten
11/09/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~09-06-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Sessin 26 – Interview with Jonah Karsten
11/09/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~09-04-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 25 – Interview with David Luckey
11/09/202325 minutes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Nitzavim” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha Nitzavim [“you are standing THIS Day…” from Deuteronomy 29:9 through chapter 30] contains what Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa contend is one of the most graphic and undeniable refutations of some of THE Biggest Lies in all xtianity…things that are NOT in the Real Book, but get taught in sun-god-day skool as if […]
10/09/20231 heure, 31 minutes, 18 secondes
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Are You Dancing With Yeshua’s Shadow?

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:7, Gal 2:15-21, John 14:6, 2 Cor 4:6-7, Matthew 13:45-46, Col 1:26-27, Ephesians 2:4-7, Col 3:3-4, 2 Cor 3:2-8, John 14:22-23 I am going to depart from the usual reading of scripture today and instead, I am going to share a topical teaching with you, which I have entitled:  Are You Dancing […]
10/09/202325 minutes
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Calming Harp Episode #137

Psalm 42 is one of the better-known psalms that cries out – “As the Deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after You!” David is reminding us of the only source of living water that can satisfy the thirst our soul and spirit. There are many things and sources that try to offer […]
09/09/202328 minutes
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Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible – Kittara

The Greek root names sake gives away its evolution, stemming from a similar linage as that of the dulcimer.  However this gives rise to not only the guitar, but also the modern stringed instruments for orchestration.  After scriptural citation of its use we will hear an excerpt about an odd instrument called the Theorbo.    […]
09/09/202327 minutes, 46 secondes
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Holy Worship: The Music of The Bible – Silver Lyre pt 1

To conclude the strings portion of our evolution or biblical ancient instrumentation we examine the archeology and musicology behind the Silver Lyre from Ur.  Richard Dunbrill an expert Archeomusicologist, details the history of this instrument from excavation to reconstructing its original casing for display in the 1960s.  Unfortunately it is no longer able to be […]
09/09/202325 minutes, 26 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

Co-hosts David Justice and Mark Call tackle the issue of ‘what happened to the rule of law’ directly as they look back at events in a week that emphasize how far gone they now are. Is it that ‘free speech’ has now become blasphemy? Or maybe Big Brother has every right to expect his slaves, […]
08/09/202348 minutes, 17 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look at the news stories which demonstrate the depth of deception, corruption, and intended destruction still in progress, for the week ending Saturday, 2 September, 2023. Maybe just “withdrawing consent” from Evil just isn’t quite enough.
08/09/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

“Come out of her, My people” is an admonition. It is blunt, and should be clear, but has also been engineered, by the ‘prince of this world,’ to be as difficult as Evil can possibly make it. And it turns out, not surprisingly, that there are multiple aspects to the process of ‘coming out,’ and […]
08/09/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 6 September, 2023
07/09/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~09-01-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Interview David Luckey – Part 2
05/09/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~08-30-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 23 – Interview – David Lucky
05/09/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~08-28-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 22-The Worldly Attitude
05/09/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 10

What is the definition of evil? Is keeping the Covenant really that big of a deal? Hasn’t it been “done away with” because of the Messiah? Who are the teachers today? What is the leadership structure today? Isn’t it now all about the “Holy Spirit”? What is the “essence” of all covenants? Digging deeper into […]
04/09/20231 heure, 10 minutes, 17 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 79 (The Greater Exodus Pt 9: Wars of Kings Pt 5)

Wars of Kings is a foundation for using the template of the first Exodus to understand the Greater Exodus and the accompanying plagues in the Book of Revelation. Click on Wars of Kings to go to the first segment of the Wars YouTube video. Part of this week's teaching will continue with the rest of the plagues, providing examples from our time to connect with the texts. Please SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to get new teachings.
04/09/202348 minutes, 3 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Ki Tavo” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Ki Tavo” (Deuteronomy 26:1 thru 29:8) is the most well-known collection of “blessings and cursings” in the Bible. There is, of course, much more. But this year, there’s an additional twist as well. Having taught this for a number of years at this point, and noting just how relevant – and DESERVED – those […]
03/09/20231 heure, 31 minutes, 44 secondes
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Holy worship:The Music of the Bible – Nebel

Continuing our “Stringed Instruments” series we look at two highly debated instruments, the Nebel and Nebel Azor pronounced (Ad-Zor). Like our previous broadcasts we examine its construction and the debate surrounding its origin culturally as well as the number of strings. Scriptural citations and academic debate also take stage allowing for the case of these […]
02/09/202327 minutes, 46 secondes
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Holy Worship: The Music of the bible – Kinnor

Beginning our adventure into Biblical instrumentation we examine one of the earliest Lyres in the Bible, the Kinnor. Robert will take you through the kinnors construction into its linguistic and hermetical significance in scripture as well as the opinions of academics and church fathers through ancient records.   Video link: Megiddo Lyre Podcast Streams […]
02/09/202327 minutes
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Holy Worship: The Music of the bible – Origins

Today Robert gives his testimony on how God gave him a passion for music, history, and their theological connection to the Holy Bible. Exploring the academic means by which history is taught and establishing a need for biblical musicology (Bible Music History) to fill a gap commonly found in Liberal arts textbooks, while also educating […]
02/09/202327 minutes
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Calming Harp Episode #136

Having just experienced Hurricane Idalia here in Florida, I was drawn to the words of Psalm 107. Our Heavenly Father promises to be with us through the storms of life. They might be literal storms of weather, or the might be other storms of finances, health or family. In any case, our Heavenly Father promises […]
02/09/202328 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look at the news stories which demonstrate the depth of deception, corruption, and intended destruction still in progress, for the week ending Saturday, 2 September, 2023. Maybe just “withdrawing consent” from Evil just isn’t quite enough.
01/09/202322 minutes, 51 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel ch 45 into 46

The Torah teachers continue the detailed study of the Book of Ezekiel the prophet, and complete chapter 45, and head into 46. And as several previous prophecies have, this one invites a question: If the ‘temple’ that seems to be described in this section is a still-future event, then why does Yahuah keep talking about […]
01/09/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 19 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

There has got to be a reason why the unelected criminal government masquerading as a ‘democracy’ is so desperate to hide the facts surrounding the latest very suspicious mass murder on Maui behind a black curtain. David Justice and Mark Call discuss news events that suggest more and more people are starting to get VERY […]
01/09/202348 minutes, 24 secondes
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Set History Straight- Fulfillment Of Daniel Chp. 4 In 2024

Fulfillment Of Daniel Chp. 4 In 2024
01/09/202354 minutes, 59 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

When Mark Call started doing this show, years ago, a common metaphor for ‘the world’ at the time, and those who served its prince, was “an iron fist, hidden in a velvet glove.” Later, the glove clearly came off, and the “iron fist of Tyranny” within was revealed. But now we see it’s holding a […]
01/09/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 31 August, 2023.
31/08/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Does Ezekiel 38-39, the traditional Haftorah portion for Sukkot, involve a second country that is being attacked at the same time by the same group of nations?  If so, who is that country?  The traditional understanding is that this great war will occur in the 7th month, Tishrei, which begins in September.  How close are […]
31/08/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 30 August, 2023.
31/08/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 29 August, 2023.
30/08/202325 minutes, 3 secondes
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Which Mountain Are You Standing on? Mt Sinai? or Mt Zion?

Scripture Reading: Deut 29:1-9 Ecc 1:1-3:22 2 Cor 6:1-13 Psalm 46:1-11 Prov 22:15 and Additional reading: Hebrews 12:18-24, 1 Timothy 2:5, Hebrews 8:1-7, Hebrews 8:13, Jeremiah 31:31-33, Ezekiel 36:27-28, Ezekiel 11:19-20, Galatians 4:21-30, Colossians 1:18. In this teaching, we take a look at this critical question: Where are we standing in our spiritual walk? Are […]
28/08/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 28 August, 2023.
28/08/202324 minutes, 57 secondes
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There Has To Be More~08-25-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 21 – 2 Kinds of Wisdom – 2
28/08/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~08-23-2023

Ya’akov- An Inductive Study of the Book of James -Session 20- 2 Kinds of Wisdom -1
28/08/202325 minutes
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Set History Straight- Where is the Place of Safety?

Where is the Place of Safety? whereistheplaceofsafetyHN CLICK VIDEO LINK
28/08/202349 minutes, 30 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 9

Continuing in Deuteronomy, Rabbi Steve Berkson shows us how to recognize certain words and phrases continuously linked to help you understand what they’re about. What do you suppose is the phrase that links to the Covenant? As we look at a “covenant within the Covenant” made with the tribe of Levi we see that one […]
28/08/202334 minutes, 54 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 78 (The Greater Exodus Pt 8: Wars of Kings Pt 4)

Wars of Kings is a foundation for using the template of the first Exodus to understand the Greater Exodus and the accompanying plagues in the Book of Revelation. Click on Wars of Kings to go to the first segment of the Wars YouTube video. Last week's teaching explained up to plague five, and part of this week's teaching will continue with the rest of the plagues, providing examples from our time to connect with the texts. Please SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to get new teachings.
28/08/202348 minutes, 26 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Ki Tetzi” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Ki Tetzi” (Deuteronomy 21:10 thru chapter 25) is unique in a number of ways. Not only is it “maximally politically INcorrect” – which itself speaks volumes – but it contains more ‘statutes, judgments, and commandments’ than just about any other parsha in the Torah, with the possible exception of Mishaptim itself. But, as Mark […]
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look at the major stories about the destruction of the economy, the Rule of Law, and anything else the Satanic Rules of a Corrupt World hate, for the week ending Saturday, 26 August, 2023.
26/08/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #135

In order to come into the gates of our Heavenly Father’s kingdom, we must, as David says in Psalm 100 enter in with thanksgiving and praise. When we express thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father, it gets His attention. It opens the channel of communication so that we can present our petitions, desires, and hopes before […]
26/08/202328 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel ch 44 into 45

The teachers complete the study of Ezekiel chapter 44 and continue into chapter 45. Some of the strictures on the cohenim, or priests, in this section we saw in the Torah. But the emphasis on “teach My people” the difference, between the holy and unholy, clean and profane, is key. And certainly explains a lot.
25/08/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 23 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

Literally everything that is happening, on essentially every front, demonstrates to those with “eyes to see” that the battle between YHVH and Evil is violent, open, and deadly. But, as David Justice points out, the “Law of non-contradiction,” which has to do with people forced to confront clearly contradictory facts head-on, SHOULD leave those who […]
25/08/202349 minutes, 4 secondes
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Even Greater Works Than Y’shua Did

Why aren't we doing them...? Y'shua Himself says if we believe in Him we would do the works that He did and even GREATER works than them.  Why aren't we?  Can we really literally move a mountain if we have faith?  Will He really do all that we ask in His Name?  We take a closer look at these passages in John 14 and Matthew 11.  Do we have authority in Y'shua Messiah or not?  Was that only for them back then?  The first century believers?  What has been hindering us for almost 2000 years?  Is it time to reclaim our authority in Him and not just continue to have a 'form of Godliness but denying the power thereof' (2 Timothy 3:5)?  All this and more in today's program.
25/08/202325 minutes, 1 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

A special note up front from host Mark Call: This was a tough show to do, folks. It’s a topic that has been on my heart, and my mind, for a while now, and finally “came to a head” this week. And I knew it would strike a nerve. But until I actually went through […]
25/08/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 24 August, 2023.
25/08/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 21 August, 2023.
23/08/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 21 August, 2023.
22/08/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Elul Fast 40 Days of Repentance Pt 2

Joel's Fast, Daniel's Prayer & Jeremiah's Warning. The sixth month we are now in is also known as the month of Elul. The time period of 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur which includes the entire month of Elul is known as the "40 Days of Repentance".  Should we consider a fast and serious time of repentance during this 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur?  A look at Joel's end time call to fasting and repentance, Daniel's prayer of repentance and Jeremiah's warning in part 2.
21/08/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~ – 08-18-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 18- Faith Without Works is Dead
21/08/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~08-16-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 17 – Relation of Faith and Action – 3
21/08/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~08-14-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 16 – The Relation of Faith and Action 2
21/08/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 8

As he said he would, Rabbi Steve Berkson spends a bit more time teaching on Deuteronomy 4:9. He points out the emphasis placed on the exhortation to “guard yourself” lest you forget the words your eyes have seen. How does one “see the words”? The second part of Deu 4:9 instructs the reader to make […]
21/08/20231 heure, 4 minutes, 9 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 77 (The Greater Exodus Pt 7: Wars of Kings Pt 3)

The Greater Exodus will have its own challenges, but is Perfect Attendance possible? If we see it as the presence of every chosen one, then Scripture indicates yes, it is more than possible, but promised. Our working text is Song of Songs Chapter Four: Your teeth are like a flock of newly shorn sheep which have come up from their washing, all of which bear twins, and not one among them has lost her young. Translations will vary. Some will say “all of them perfect” or “not one of them is missing.” This “twins and pairs” passage of the Song of Songs is also seen by the sages as hinting to the missing daughters of Jacob, of whom there is only the brief mention in Genesis 37:35. Where did these daughters come from? Scripture is often so subtle when it reveals information about women in Scripture that the hint is often read over without notice.  Although Scripture only names one daughter, Dinah, who is believed to have been a single birth, the sages believe that each son was born with a twin sister. Like Rachel, whose name means “ewe lamb,” she was thought to be a twin to Leah as Jacob was a twin to Esau.  Where did these daughters go? Why aren’t they mentioned in the descent to Egypt? Were they too attached to the Land of Israel to descend, preferring instead to remain?  We have no answers, but we have a deliberately-placed hint, and in addition to its plain meaning, that not one sheep of the flock of Israel will be missing when they cross over the Jordan, we also have some insight as to Joel’s prophecy, quoted by Peter in Acts Two, that the latter days of prophecy will be characterized by a pouring-out of the Ruach HaKodesh on both sons AND daughters, male AND female servants. Not one will be missing when they come up from their washing. In fact, maybe they never were missing, just unseen. The twinning aspect is seen in the 24 courses of the Temple service. This may explain much about Acts Two and Peter’s explanation of Yoel’s prophecy of “sons and daughters,” “male and female servants.” In the “House,” or Temple, the male AND female disciples were praying on Shavuot, commemorating the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, the “mountain of testimony” also from Chapter Four of the Song of Songs: “...your hair is like a flock of goats that have descended from Mount Gilead.” The 24 courses were a twinning, or “perfection” of the twelve.  The 24 mishmarot priestly watches would each consume the sacrifices with their teeth: “Your teeth are like a flock of newly shorn sheep which have come up from their washing.” Three times of year the 24 courses are equal, or ”perfect,” all in attendance. These times are Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot. While only those kohanim on duty would eat the sacrifices at other times, at the foot festivals they all were present to serve, so they shared equally. Every priest was part of the Perfect Attendance of the feasts. There were also the 24 watches of the Levites who served for a week on a rotating basis, functioning as gatekeepers and singers, along with other duties. The kohanim and Leviim were mishmarot who “watched over” the Israelites by seeing to the sacrifices and doing the work for Adonai’s atonement. In addition to the kohanim and Leviim were the royal priesthood on duty. They served for a full month rather than a week, providing continuity during the changing of the Levitical and priestly courses, just as each tribe represents a month on the calendar. The royal priesthood provides year-round service. This royal priesthood ministered to the needs of Israel and the nations on behalf of the king, just as we do today. As the kohanim were to the tribes of Israel, so the tribes of Israel were to the nations. The 24,000 men were sent from each tribe, one tribe per month, to serve as maamadot who were at the king’s disposal. They assisted in the execution of royal duties and ensured the security of the Israelites while they worshiped. They also fasted, recited Scripture, and prayed, like Channah (Annah), who remained in the Temple day and night. Their duties of security, administration duties as assigned by the king, fasting, and prayer/Scripture reading is consistent with the identity of the tribes as a royal priesthood. This is unique from the kohanim and leviim, for the 24,000 both served in the Temple and mingled with the people, conducting Kingdom business. At the feasts, the royal priesthood from the twelve tribes would also have Perfect Attendance, for all were required to present themselves in Jerusalem for Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot.  Although only the able-bodied males were required by Torah, the prophetic perfection of the commandment in Acts Two included the women as well, just as Channah was sought as a witness to the infant Yeshua's birth, for she served as a member of the Tribe of Asher.  Likewise, the royal priesthood of Yeshua’s disciples assembled at The House (Temple) with Perfect Attendance on Shavuot, and the Ruach HaKodesh fell on them, equipping them to execute the King’s commandments and see to His business on earth, declaring His mighty deeds through their testimony of Yeshua’s resurrection. Another line from the Shir: “Your lips are like a scarlet thread, and your mouth is beautiful.” Another translation:  “Your speech [midbarekha] is beautiful.” Your sons and your daughters. Your male and female servants. Not one is missing, and their testimony of Yeshua and the commandments of Elohim is beautiful. “It will come about after this that I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; and your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on the male and female servants I will pour out My Spirit in those days. (Joel 2:28-29) Will you be serving the King of Kings at the upcoming feasts? If we all show up, then no matter the exact date of the Greater Exodus, we have PERFECT ATTENDANCE! Please SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to get new teachings.
21/08/202348 minutes, 16 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Shoftim” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Shoftim” (Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9) begins with the word which means “judges,” and proceeds to describe a set of instruction having to do with the “rule of law,” and ‘justice,’ and concepts of what an honest, trustworthy judiciary looks like that is so foreign to us today it’s no WONDER the Whore Church is happy that […]
20/08/20232 heures, 15 minutes, 20 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #134

David has a lot to say about the heart in the Psalms. The Hebrew understanding for the word “Lev” used for heart is not so much the anatomical organ that pumps the blood, but rather the central part of us that makes our decisions, expresses our emotions, and establishes our moral guide for our actions. […]
19/08/202328 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel ch 43 into 44

The teachers examine Ezekiel chapter 43 and into 44.
19/08/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 28 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look at the stories which drive home the point: they really DO want you, and all of us DEAD, for the week ending Saturday, 19 August, 2023.
18/08/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

There were two primary sets of stories this week that pretty well laid-out the case for what is ahead for AmeriKa-with-a-K: the “wildfire” that wasn’t in Maui, but was certainly a major smokescreen… and the “Orwell-was-right” lawlessness from Georgia. (And you know what that means!) We’ve all seen it coming, and been talking about it. […]
18/08/202348 minutes, 50 secondes
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Elul Fast 40 Days of Repentance Part 1

Is this Tradition Supported by Scripture? A look at the sixth biblical or Hebrew month in scripture.  The sixth month is also known as the month of Elul. We are now entering this sixth month starting the evening of August 27th.  The time period of 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur which includes the entire month of Elul is known as the "40 Days of Repentance" but is this supported by scripture or just a tradition.  Should we consider a fast and serious time of repentance during this 40 days leading up to Yom Kippur?  If yes, then what kind of fast?  What should be included in our repentance?  We'll see just what YHWH says in His Word!
18/08/202325 minutes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

For those with ‘eyes to see,’ is now beyond dispute that there is a level of Evil in power that is literally antithetical not only to the Rule of Law, and the principles upon which a once-free Republic was founded, but the Creator and His Word as well. And they intend to kill billions. But […]
18/08/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 17 August, 2023.
18/08/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Dena Smiley Speaks on Sex Trafficking

Hope for Sex Trafficked Women Join Laura Lee and her guest, Dena Smiley, as they discuss the topic of sex trafficking. Blazing Hope is a six-bed free faith-based residential program for women who have been trafficked. House of Hope is a large, faith-based 4-year residential program in 3 Central American countries to rescue and redeem […]
17/08/202344 minutes, 10 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 16 August, 2023.
17/08/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Are there any developments in Israel that Netanyahu’s coalition is backing away from judicial “reform” or are there subtle signs of a coming “theo”cracy?  Was Lahaina a wildfire or energy weapon?  Is there a war on women?  Why or why not?  Please join Steven and Bonnie for a glimpse into the coming satanic rule from […]
16/08/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 15 August, 2023.
16/08/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Dena Smiley Speaks out on Sex Trafficking!

Torah Therapist or Torah Terrorist? Sorry, I couldn’t resist! Dena is a return guest, she is a therapist and has many years of training and much wisdom and skill to share with those who have suffered from various forms of trauma. There are way too many Torah terrorists i.e., wolves in sheep’s clothing wandering around […]
15/08/202340 minutes, 29 secondes
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There Has To Be More~08-11-2023

Ya’Akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 15 – Relation of Faith and Action #1
14/08/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~08-09-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – #14 – The Royal Law
14/08/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~08-07-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 13 – Condemnation of Partiality #2
14/08/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 7

What is discipleship about? What does it look like in your life? How does it relate to being in covenant? What are you willing or not willing to do as a disciple? Continuing the topic of the “Covenant of Salt”, Rabbi Steve Berkson teaches vital principles about discipleship and how Yeshua ties being his disciple […]
14/08/20231 heure, 5 minutes, 38 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 76 (The Greater Exodus Pt 6: Wars of Kings and the Revelation Siege)

Wars of Kings is a foundation for using the template of the first Exodus known as the "Wars of Kings" to understand the Greater Exodus and the accompanying plagues in the Book of Revelation. Go to the first segment of the Wars from last week. Last week's teaching explained the template and the plague on the waters, and this week's teaching will complete the rest of the plagues, providing examples from our time to connect with the texts.
14/08/202349 minutes, 28 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Re-eh” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Re’eh” (Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17) begins with the single word “Behold!” Or, more simply, in the modern English, just “See.” Which is what most of xtianity has refused to do for at least 1700 years now. And it’s pretty easy to actually read this one, and see why. The Erev Shabbat reading and commentary of the […]
13/08/20232 heures, 18 minutes, 28 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #133

Good is the enemy of Best! Our Heavenly Father has designed for us the best way to live, yet we so often take what may appear to be a “good” way. So many times, in the process of walking that choice out, we are shown how wrong that choice was and how far it took […]
12/08/202328 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look the good, the bad, and the truly ugly, much of which overlaps, for the week ending Saturday, 12 August, 2023.
11/08/202349 minutes, 48 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

“Those who would make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.” — JFK And they’re working REAL hard on it. But there’s a far better solution.
11/08/202347 minutes, 1 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Special guest Dr. Jeff Prystupa joins host Mark Call for a wide-ranging discussion of what might be some of the “most important Come-out-of-her priorities” now, with a special emphasis on those things that have to do directly with our health, or threats to it.
11/08/202349 minutes, 45 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 10 August, 2023.
11/08/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 9 August, 2023.
10/08/202325 minutes, 3 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 7 August, 2023. Where, perhaps surprisingly, Vladimir Putin demonstrates what it might look like if the west had an actual leader who told his citizenry the Truth, even a bit…
07/08/202325 minutes, 13 secondes
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There Has To Be More~08-04-2023

Ya’akov- An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 12-Condemnation of Partiality – #1
07/08/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~08-02-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 11 – The Practice of the WORD
07/08/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~07-31-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study of the Book of James – Session 10- The Practice of the WORD
07/08/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 6

Is there such a thing as a covenant within a covenant? Does the word ‘forever’ always mean what you think it means? What exactly is a “Covenant of Salt”? Does it still apply to us today? What are the challenges to understanding the Bible? How do “The Beatitudes” go hand-in-hand with the “Covenant of Salt” […]
07/08/20231 heure, 7 minutes, 8 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 75 (The Greater Exodus Pt 5: Wars of Kings Pt 1)

Wars of Kings is a foundation for using the template of the first Exodus known as the "Wars of Kings" to understand the Greater Exodus and the accompanying plagues in the Book of Revelation. This week's teaching explains the template and the plague on the waters, and next week's teaching will complete the rest of the plagues, providing examples from our time to connect with the texts.
07/08/202350 minutes, 25 secondes
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The 70 Weeks of Daniel Unsealed: What Time is it?

Audio reading: Deut 11:1-10 2 Chron 35:1-36:23 1 Cor 1:1-17 Psalm 27:1-6 Prov 20:20-21 Audio reading: Deut 11:11-25 Ezra 1:1-2:70 1 Cor 1:18-2:5 Psalm27:7-14 Prov 20:22-23 For thus says the LORD: After seventy years are completed at Babylon, I will visit you and perform My good word toward you, and cause you to return to […]
06/08/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Ekev” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Sometimes the Torah portion reading almost seems like it could have come from today’s news. Other times, we know the message applies, but we have to search a bit to make what later often turn out to be obvious connections. This week, it’s a bit of both. Parsha Ekev (Deuteronomy/Debarim 7:12-11:25) begins with a promise. […]
06/08/20231 heure, 8 minutes, 42 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #132

This week I want to share with you a new recording of Psalm 66. I used the text last week but this is the music from the chord progression of that Psalm. We continue the theme of testing. Our Heavenly Father is so loving that He designs test to help us prepare for the challenges […]
05/08/202328 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel ch 42 into 43

The teachers complete the discussion of Ezekiel chapter 42 and the prophesied temple, and continue into chapter 43. Where there is a warning which must not be overlooked.
05/08/20231 heure, 33 minutes, 53 secondes
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Is Natanyahu’s judicial reform a strengthening of democracy in Israel or a first step in the establishment of a Talmudic state?  Is much of the body of Christianity urging support for Israel in any changes they make?  Is the purpose of the Ukraine war to deplete the west of all military resources prior to an […]
05/08/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

David Justice and Mark Call discuss the events of the week, the importance, and the implications. But, especially now, the sleight-of-hand. Put simply, there are still those in the Public-Private Partnership who want you to believe it’s raining on you…but that’s not what it is.
04/08/202349 minutes, 11 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look at a regime where the First Crime Family has now not only been outed, the evidence undeniable, as the Fascists Blocking Investigations continue to put horses heads in the beds of the innocent…for the week ending Saturday, 5 August, 2023.
04/08/202349 minutes, 45 secondes
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Set History Straight – Two Witnesses

What does the Bible say about the 2 Witnesses?
04/08/202350 minutes, 23 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

This week Mark welcomes David Justice, the co-host of the “Drive Time Friday Show,” to talk about his own journey to “come out of her,” and, in particular, the “Institutional Church.” There were a few technical problems, but hopefully you’ll find his journey interesting, and of value as they talk about so many things that […]
04/08/202349 minutes, 48 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 2 August, 2023.
02/08/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 1 August, 2023. Once again, the news today pretty well ‘paints a picture.’ For those with eyes to see.
02/08/202322 minutes, 57 secondes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 126- Situating Ourselves For This Season

We are in the most intense season of the year as we prepare ourselves for the Fall Feasts of Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot. In this episode, we want to take a short break from life and situate ourselves so that we don’t miss anything that God has for us in this season.
01/08/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 31 July, 2023.
01/08/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More- 07-28-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study – Session 9 – Do Not Be Deceived
31/07/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~07-26-2023

Ya’akov – An Inductive Study – Session 8-The Path to Sin and Death
31/07/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~07-24-2023

Ya’akov-An Inductive Study – Session 7 -The Source of Temptation
31/07/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 5

A covenant made between two parties has certain expectations of performance. When those expectations are not met the covenant has been broken or breached. When a covenant has been broken there will then be another expectation–consequences. In this lesson of “Are You Covenanted?”, Rabbi Steve Berkson focuses on the consequences of us breaking our covenant […]
31/07/20231 heure, 8 minutes, 31 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 74 (The Greater Exodus Pt 4: Giants of the Greater Exodus)

When we looked at key “prepping” points for the Greater Exodus as children of Sarah, Jerusalem above and temples of the Ruach HaKodesh. We saw the need to: guard against wickedness entering her house, a temple of the Ruach HaKodesh pray for her generation (until the Holy One Himself seals our lips) obey the Covenant, especially assembling on Shabbat and at the feasts, conspicuously holding daily "services" the lost may easily find because they are landmarks This week, we’ll identify the traits of the warriors of a thousand generations gathering to Jerusalem. Here is our working text: ?Your neck is like the tower of David, Built with rows of stones On which are hung a thousand shields, All the round shields of the mighty men. (So 4:4) To understand a thousand shields and generations, we look at the First Mention of a thousand: To Sarah he said, “Behold, I have given your brother a thousand pieces of silver; behold, it is your vindication before all who are with you, and before all men you are cleared.” (Ge 20:16) When Avimelekh “redeems” Sarah’s reputation to a thousand generations, the earlier part of the story gives context. In ancient times, rape was viewed as less permissible than killing the husband and then taking the wife. For this reason, Avraham twice uses the deception "Say you are my sister" to protect himself. In a sense, the serpent “killed” Adam and then had access to Eve, perhaps the source of some strange doctrines pertaining to the serpent and Eve. It is a spiritual metaphor, not a physical relationship. In Sarah, the 1,000 generations were in jeopardy, yet her reputation, which was held captive, was redeemed with 1,000 pieces of silver. In Messiah Yeshua, the serpent killed the Bridegroom, yet he resurrected, zealous with love stronger than the grave. Once confronted with the plague on his house because he held Sarah unlawfully, Avimelekh seeks to rectify the wrong and clear Sarah's name to lift the plague. “And Abimelech said to Abraham, “What have you encountered [ra-ah-”seen”], that you have done this thing?” Abraham said, “Because I thought, surely there is no fear of God [Yirat Elohim] in this place, and they will kill me because of my wife. Besides, she actually is my sister...” (Ge 20:10-12) Avraham worried that there was no Yirat Elohim, or fear/reverence of Elohim. This is the seventh spirit of Adonai listed in Isaiah, which Creation Gospel students know quite well! It is the Shabbat spirit. Why does Avraham say "Elohim" instead of "YHVH"? Perhaps it is because he does not think Avimelekh knows the Creator as YHVH, as Pharaoh did not, but probably he was familiar with variations of "El" or "Elohim" as Creator. The important point is that Avraham did not identify any reverence (also translated as fear) of Elohim in Avimelekh's city-state. Where there is no reverence of Adonai, there is little respect for rule of moral law. It is no accident that Yirat Adonai is connected to Shabbat and the Temple: “You are awesome [norah, from yareh, ?????? ?????], O God, from Your Sanctuaries.” (Ps 68:35/36) “From where does the awe of God issue forth if not from the Holy Temple? Thus does it state, ‘My Sabbaths shall you observe, and My Sanctuary shall you fear [tira-u ?????????] (Le 26:2).’” (Shir 4§7) “This verse indicates that the Sanctuary is sanctified in its destruction just as it was sanctified when it still stood.” (ibid) Fear of Elohim is what Avraham pointed out was lacking among Avimelekh’s people, who would murder him for access to his wife as the serpent “murdered” Adam to corrupt his children with sin. Just as Adam and Eve (bride and bridegroom) lost their dwelling place in the Garden, so the serpent seeks to prevent the Bride and Bridegroom from entering in sanctity of Torah covenant. Sarah, representing her descendants Israel, maintained her sanctity in the Fear of Elohim, which preserved 1,000 generations. Prophetically, the Vineyard of Israel is already “cleared before all men” by 1,000 pieces of silver. The thousand shields are a thousand generations, Israel. How are they "conspicuous" in their generations? One way their necks are like the Tower of David, the Temple, is their observance of Shabbat. They both are a Sanctuary and reverence His Sanctuary. They cease from their labors on Shabbat because they continue to reverence Him. These are the offspring of Sarah and Avraham. These are the warriors of a thousand generations, polishing their shields in reverence for the Holy One. Because they remember the covenant of Torah, He remembers them: Remember His covenant forever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations... (1Ch 16:15) He has remembered His covenant forever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations... (Ps 105:8) The warrior comprehends the Word: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend (G2638) it. (Jn 1:1-5) The Torah is a light, and the commandment is a lamp. The Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. The Torah is the Word. The Word is the Torah. The one who "comprehends" this is a warrior: “comprehend” G2638 katalamban? Sept. for ????????, ?????, also for ?????, etc.; (from Homer down); to lay hold of; i. e.: to lay hold of so as to make one's own, to obtain, attain to: with the accusative of the thing; the prize of victory The Torah is a Tree of Life to those who take hold of her. To comprehend something Biblically is not just to understand how it works; it is to grab it! Take hold of it! Pursue it! Seek it! Its many contexts support the meaning of actively seeking for [and finding] something. Darkness is the “place” and identity of those who do not seek the Word actively; therefore, they cannot obtain. The Word must be sought to obtain its Light of the Torah and Lamp of Mitzvah (commandment). We are not passive recipients. This is the inheritance of Sarah’s Tent to the children of Avraham. Now let's look again at the fuller context of the 1,000 generations of Israel: “The covenant which He made with Abraham, and His oath to Isaac. He also confirmed it to Jacob for a statute, to Israel as an everlasting covenant, saying, ‘To you I will give the land of Canaan, as the portion of your inheritance.’” (1 Ch 16:16-18) Psalm 105 repeats 1 Chronicles 16. “All the thousands and myriads that crossed the Jordan River and whom I shielded (from the Canaanite kings), I shielded only in the merit of the one who came for a thousand generations, i.e, Yehoshua [Avot 1:1]. And it is not you alone who depended upon the merit of Yehoshua, but all shiltei, the mighty men, for anyone who rises and rules and prevails over his evil inclination, such as Moses in his time, David in his time, and Ezra in his time, their whole generation depends on their merit.” (Shir 4§7) Anyone...ANYONE...who seeks the Word of Yeshua, takes hold of it, and lives by it, is a mighty warrior and a shield for his or her generation. The hopelessness of this generation reflects the Evil One's desperate last attempt to keep the shield of the last generation from taking its place on the Tower of David, the Temple. Yeshua taught the warriors of 1,000 generations how to pray: Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from [the, G3588 ho] evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. As Yehoshua was a mighty shield to 1,000 generations, the sages and Yeshua (contraction of Yehoshua) teach that ANYONE who rules over “the evil” in his generation becomes a shield to that generation. The world depends upon those shields who defend the spiritual stature of the “Tower of David.” While the evil inclination will be bound for the duration of the millennium, it is those who fight it in their generation who are the warriors and shields standing between utter destruction and salvation, like the Temple. They are the little sanctuaries offering gifts and sacrifices on behalf of the nations in each generation. The context of “The Lord’s Prayer” is acknowledgment of the sovereignty of Adonai and His role as supplier of help in both earthly needs and the spiritual need for strength to withstand the evil inclination, which becomes a satan to accuse us. We cease secular work and our “own thing” on Shabbat because we are shields hung on the Tower of David, protecting the world by reverencing His Sanctuary, who we are, on His holy Shabbat. “If because of the sabbath, you turn your foot from doing your own pleasure on My holy day, and call the sabbath a delight, the holy day of the LORD honorable, and honor it, desisting from your own ways, from seeking your own pleasure and speaking your own word, then you will take delight in the LORD, and I will make you ride on the heights of the earth; and I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father, for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” (Is 58:13-14) To delight in the Shabbat and become a functional sanctuary, we have to change our hearts from “Oh, how awesome I am” to “Oh, how awesome He is!” Otherwise, we will seek our own pleasure rather than what pleases Him. What pleases Him is to minister to others and bring them into the “House” so that He may be a sanctuary to all, and they in turn may become little sanctuaries. This is the context of Isaiah 58. A shield is something strong. It protects the holiness and righteousness of Israel and Shabbat because it acknowledges Heaven’s sovereignty in a world that does not serve the King over kings. In a world that increasingly scorns the moral laws of the Word, we are conspicuous. Although it feels as though we are being attacked, it is simply the world counter-attacking the conspicuously different faithful shields of their generation. Observing Shabbat and letting His Word sustain us become a strong place for others, a refuge of many shields from generations past who revered Adonai. Because the tower is conspicuous, people may find it. The context of Isaiah 58 details the many ways we as little sanctuaries can minister ”daily bread” to others and bring them into the House in reverence. “The fear of God issues forth to the entire world through their knowledge that His Presence rests within the Temple; hence, the Temple serves as a standing testimony to the world that God’s Presence dwells among Israel...the verse juxtaposes Sabbath observance with reverence for the Temple to intimate that just as the commandment to observe the sanctity of Sabbath is everlasting, so the reverence one must have for the Temple is obligatory forever-even in its destruction.” (4§7) In the meantime, the shields of Israel are sanctuaries who show “all men” the Fear of Elohim by honoring Shabbat with the same reverence as if the Temple still stood, for a measure of its sanctity and its Bridegroom resides in her, the descendants of Sarah. Take hold of the Light of Yeshua...conspicuously...and become a shield of your generation. Those who sanctify the Shabbat and reverence Adonai are those preparing to move into their inheritance.
31/07/202349 minutes, 29 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Vaetchanan” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha “Vaetchanan” (Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11) might be considered one of the ‘most important’ in the entire Torah: it includes not only the ‘second reading’ of the Ten Debaraim/Words/Sayings/Commandments, but also what the Messiah called the Greatest Commandment of all. So, it’s certainly “feature packed.” The overview and reading from Erev Shabbat: But, as Mark Call of […]
30/07/20232 heures, 48 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #131

This week, I’m going to share a bit of our worship session that we had in Tennessee with some great fellowship. The text comes out of Psalm 66 where David encourages us to Praise our Heavenly Father no matter the circumstances. In fact, praise to our Abba gives us the perspective to see that all […]
29/07/202328 minutes
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Mystery Babylon the Great Part 2

The Daughter of Babylon Part 2 - Who is the Daughter of Babel? Originally posted Feb 2020 but I think you'll see that the last 3 1/2 years and continued almost daily events have only served to strengthen the validity of this message which appears even more urgent today than ever.  Is Jeremiah 50 & 51 all about ancient Babylon and was this prophecy of her destruction already fulfilled since Babylon is just a bunch of half rebuilt ruins?  Will the ancient city of Babylon be rebuilt to fulfill the end time Daughter of Babylon prophecies?  Or perhaps is end time Mystery Babylon the Great already in existence just waiting for Jeremiah's prophesied invasion from the North by a multitude of great nations?
29/07/202325 minutes, 2 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel ch 42

This week, the Torah teachers examine Ezekiel chapter 42.
28/07/20231 heure, 37 minutes, 44 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look at a regime where the First Crime Family has been outed, their puppeteers identified, and the Fascists Blocking Investigations try, but fail…for the week ending Saturday, 29 July, 2023.
28/07/202349 minutes, 45 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

David Justice likes to remind us that what Scripture says is true, and the “weapons of our warfare are not carnal.” This week, Mark Call added, we should also add that one of those powerful weapons is ridicule. Sometimes people who can’t hear the Truth directly can’t help but laugh at what they’ve been trying […]
28/07/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

One of the things that host Mark Call has suggested is perhaps THE toughest for most people who are beginning to realize just how Big the Lies are is the fact that ‘they’ really DO want to kill billions of people. In fact, John 10:10 puts it precisely: the thief, the Adversary, the Enemy, “comes […]
28/07/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 27 July, 2023. From Bogus ‘Science’ to Idiot Economics (‘Bidenomics’) – the smoke remains the same. As is what it’s intended to hide: They’re LYING to you.
28/07/202324 minutes, 26 secondes
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Living Torah

Our actions have consequences! The Hebrews are a walking model of this truth. Will our walk be any different? If not, we can expect the same results as they lived out. The eyes of Yah have a singular focus, Israel as a land and Israel as a people. Where ever we are today His focus […]
27/07/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 26 July, 2023.
27/07/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Is the repeal of the reasonableness standard in Israel a strengthening of democracy or an opening for a Talmudic state? What do former IDF chiefs, Mossad directors, Israel Medical Assn., and the Israel Bar Assn. have in common regarding this lurch toward a far-right policy?  What did Netanyahu promise the Haredi in 2014?  With what […]
25/07/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 25 July, 2023.
25/07/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mystery Babylon the Great

Who is the Daughter of Babel? Originally posted Feb 2020 but I think you'll see that the last 3 1/2 years and continued almost daily events have only served to strengthen the validity of this message which appears even more urgent today than ever.  Is Jeremiah 50 & 51 all about ancient Babylon and was this prophecy of her destruction already fulfilled since Babylon is just a bunch of half rebuilt ruins?  Will the ancient city of Babylon be rebuilt to fulfill the end time Daughter of Babylon prophecies?  Or perhaps is end time Mystery Babylon the Great already in existence just waiting for Jeremiah's prophesied invasion from the North by a multitude of great nations?  Today's program is the first half of our video entitled Mystery Babylon the Great - Daughter of Babylon on our website at .
25/07/202325 minutes, 6 secondes
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There Has To Be More~07-21-2023

The Book of Ya’akov – Inductive Study – Session 6 – Patience and Endurance – Looking Toward Our Spiritual Identity
24/07/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~07-19-2023

The Book of Ya’akov – An Inductive Study – Session 5 – What Does Faith and Wisdom Look Like in Our Daily Lives
24/07/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~07-17-2023

The Book of Ya’akov- An Inductive Study – Session 4 – Where Do We Find Wisdom for Living in Today’s World
24/07/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 4

Covenanted people need not worry–Yahweh is faithful to His side of the covenant. In this episode, Rabbi Steve Berkson places emphasis on “emunah”, which is Hebrew for faith/trust/belief, as it pertains to being covenanted with our Elohim. Take advantage of new teachings every week. To learn more about MTOI, visit our website, Like us […]
24/07/20231 heure, 7 minutes, 38 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 73 (The Greater Exodus Pt 3: Greater Exodus as Inheritance)

In the last teaching, we saw how The Footsteps of Messiah are directly linked to the feasts. More specifically, it is the three “foot festivals,” also known as the chagim: Pesach Shavuot Sukkot A feast is not just a moed or chag, but mikra [convocation]. It is a planned happening. Here is our working text: Your neck is like the tower of David, Built with rows of stones On which are hung a thousand shields, All the round shields of the mighty men. (So 4:4) Prophecies are planned things, but we don’t always understand they are guides that inform every generation...prophetically, a thousand generations, thus “a thousand round shields.” Because the neck is a vulnerable spot, the Tower of David is an excellent analogy. It is tall and conspicuous in Jerusalem, yet a thousand shields cover it. Likewise, in the Shabbat Blessing After Meals, every week we acknowledge that Adonai is a tower of salvations to His King, a Shield keeping His promises to 1,000 generations of Israel [1,000 is a symbolic number-don't get out the calculator!] “He is a tower of deliverance to His king, And shows lovingkindness to His anointed, To David and his descendants forever.” (2 Sa 22:51) In return, the righteous of each generation walk in the Covenant, and they become shields for their generations. The obedient service of Israel protects the earth in their generations from total calamity. It almost makes me wonder if the sealing of the saints in Revelation and the half-hour silence is not just to protect them, but also to silence them from interceding so that the final destructions can be loosed. Like a mikra, or appointed time of the feast, the prophecies of the gathering of the twelve tribes of Israel are already known. The Temple was the focal point of gathering, and the Tower of David thought to represent it. Rather than the modern Tower of David built in the Second Century BC on the ruins of earlier fortifications, the Biblical tower is thought to be the Temple itself: Pesikta Rabbati 33:1 R’ Avin the Levi said: “our neck is like the Tower of David, built as a model …” What does talpiyot mean? The hill toward which all turns are directed. [tel-hill; "the holy hill," the Temple Mount] Proverbs 15:6 “The house of the righteous one [i.e., the Temple, built by David] is a tower of strength, but with the entrance of wickedness, it is polluted.” Tosafot on Berakhot 30a:10:1 The Gemara concludes that the verse “as the tower of David”, refers to the Beit Hamikdash [Temple]. ??????? literally means a landmark. The House, or Temple, is a metaphor for Israel, something Paul emphasized. The Temple past, present, and future is the place where it all "happens." It is part of the prophecy of the Greater Exodus to gather a single people from every nation, tribe, and tongue. What could possibly unite that remnant from every nation on earth? The appointed times. On the other hand, isn't Israel still very scattered? Some faithful, like Joshua and Caleb, visit the Land of Israel and attend the feasts anyway, setting steps in the Land, giving a good report, and establishing a claim to their future inheritance. Even if they are prevented from living there now, they will be back at the conclusion of the Greater Exodus! Others cannot afford it or are too feeble. Nevertheless, they continue guarding and serving in the lands of their exile faithfully. They gather for the feasts and understand that they are little temples stationed wherever they are to testify to the Covenant by being "conspicuous," like a tower hung with a thousand shields. These are the shields of their generation, leaving no generation's place with an empty spot. Because the rows of stones graduate higher and higher, each generation builds on some strength or advances a step higher than the previous ones. This allows them to "shield" their generation with obedience and prayer. Scorn for the shortcomings of previous generations completely misses the point of restoration from such low spiritual places. Instead, appreciate the sacrifices each made to prepare another layer for the next generation's shield. Preparing for the Greater Exodus is a matter of protecting and serving with one’s individual temple, something about which Paul obsessed in his letter to the Corinthians, by all reports a real wild bunch of believers: Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 1Co 3:16 If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are. 1Co 3:17 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? 1Co 6:19 In what reality would the Temple service omit the daily sacrifices, prayers (incense), renewal of the menorah's oil, the special Shabbat sacrifices, and the seven feasts? Only in an apostate reality of the harlot riding the Beast, eras when wickedness was allowed through the gates of the Temple and Israel failed in her twenty-four watches at every level: priestly, Levitical, plus each tribes' 24,000 representatives who served each month on a schedule. The House, or Temple, is a metaphor for Israel, something Paul emphasized. There was no point in using it to teach the Corinthians about their role unless he intended for them to correlate it to the Temple patterns. Paul’s rabbinic training explains his obsession with this metaphor, which matches that from the Jewish sages’ insight into the destruction of both Temples: Proverbs 15:6 “The house of the righteous one [i.e., the Temple, built by David] is a tower of strength, but with the entrance of wickedness, it is polluted.” (Midrash Rabbah Shir HaShirim 4§7) The Gemara concludes that the verse “as the tower of David”, refers to the Beit Hamikdash [Temple]. ??????? literally means a landmark. (Tosafot on Berakhot 30a:10:1 ) “Now, does it not stand to reason that if to His Temple the Holy One, blessed is He, showed no favor, then when He comes to exact retribution from those who destroyed it, all the more so will He not show them favor?” (Midrash Rabbah Shir HaShirim 4§7) Yeshua’s own conspicuous “Temple” was torn down and rebuilt for all mankind’s redemption in three days. (Mt 26:61; 27:40) There are consequences for Israel allowing wickedness into the Temple, and likewise there are consequences for those saved by Yeshua's death, burial, and resurrection who invite wickedness back into the Temple of their bodies. Those who destroy it will repay the Holy One, including those who engage in self-destruction. This is why a life of repentance is necessary to maintain holiness in the temple of the Ruach HaKodesh. We must conduct the services daily. We are a "landmark" wherever we are, something and someone who will be noticed either for a beautiful "neck," growing spiritual stature, or for a polluted waste of opportunity because of harlotry. Those who grow, pray, and obey, are the shields of their generation. To understand a thousand shields and generations, we look at the First Mention of a thousand: To Sarah he said, “Behold, I have given your brother a thousand pieces of silver; behold, it is your vindication before all who are with you, and before all men you are cleared.” (Ge 20:16) Silver represents a redemption-price. Sarah's reputation was redeemed before all men. Sarah is a prophetess known for both physical and spiritual beauty. She appeared much younger than her age, having vitality from a spiritual source. Her barrenness was Divinely-appointed, perhaps waiting until she (and Avraham) attained a height, a tower of faith and noticeably righteous living to pass on to Isaac. This protected him the Land from giants. Abraham was even friends with giants! There was no reason for the ten spies to be discouraged by giants, but to be conspicuously righteous in one’s generation is to stick his or her neck out. Righteousness in Yeshua is taller than giants. Sarah’s “neck” was unfettered by foreign kings, and unlike the scarlet harlot in Revelation, she does not make covenant with the Beast. In Sarah’s case, she did not enter in covenant with Pharaoh, the Dragon-king, nor Avimelekh, a Canaanite king. The 1,000 pieces of silver “clear” her reputation before the entire world. She maintains spiritual integrity and prominence. This is Israel, Sarah above, Jerusalem above, “a thousand generations” and “kings of peoples” which will descend from her. Until she is released by both Pharaoh and Avimelekh, plagues descend upon their houses. In the generation of Moses, when Pharaoh doesn’t let Israel return to its Promise, plagues descend upon his house and all Egypt, much worse than when Sarah brought the first plague upon Egypt (symbolic of the world, the wilderness of the peoples, the wilderness of Egypt, Ezek 20:35-36). Revelation describes the plagues that will also descend upon the nations of the earth until they release the Woman Israel who is not rightfully theirs, the descendants of Sarah and Abraham, the last exodus of the 1,000 generations. The gathering of the Greater Exodus will be tribulation on earth, but necessary to release the Woman Israel and clear her name before “all men.” That means all. Next week, we’ll take a closer look at the prophecy pattern concerning Sarah and her descendants, illustrated by Yeshua, and then taught by the apostles. As Israel prepares for her gathering, she must: guard against wickedness entering her house, a temple of the Ruach HaKodesh pray for her generation (until the Holy One Himself seals our lips) obey her Covenant, especially assembling on Shabbat and at the feasts, conspicuously holding daily "services" the lost may easily find because they are landmarks
24/07/202348 minutes, 18 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Masei/Debarim” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week the regular annual cycle followed another double-parsha, but Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa wanted to spend more time on Matot, and instead decided to combine the last parsha of Numbers/Bemidbar into this week, where the “stages” seem to fit better with Moshe’s “introduction” besides. So, Masei (Numbers 33 through the end of […]
23/07/20232 heures, 32 minutes, 31 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #130

Shirley and I got to go up into the air with a parasail. It was amazing and it got me thinking about how our altitude can change our attitude – and our attitude can change our altitude. David encourages us to “Lift” our eyes in Psalm 121 and 123 and in this episode, I will […]
22/07/202328 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look at what happens after it’s obvious that the Big Lie has fallen apart, the fake emperor has no pampers, and ‘free speech’…ISN’T…for the week ending Saturday, 222 July, 2023.
21/07/202349 minutes, 48 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

This was a ‘particularly revealing week.’ We’re probably getting used to the Big Lie from Big Brother and his Public-Private Partners, and even the revelations that keep coming about just HOW corrupt and Evil the whole fetid corrupt enterprise is. But something has now changed. Host Mark Call suggested that the news, and the CONTRASTS […]
21/07/202349 minutes, 4 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel ch 41

This week the teachers complete the look at the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, chapter 40, and continue into chapter 41.
21/07/20231 heure, 37 minutes, 55 secondes
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Set History Straight – Sign of the Times

Featuring Adam Wicker covering prrof the Father writes in the Heavens.
21/07/202350 minutes
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Living Torah

Moshe pitched his tent in the presence of Yah in order to plead his case. The answer was no. Why? Yah saw a bigger picture then and by the way, does now. He saw the sin of the people, the exile and our day of return. The Shema. Why are these words so important? What […]
21/07/202350 minutes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

So many “conspiracy theories” that tend to point out just how satanically EVIL the world has now become have been admitted to be “fact” of late, that even some folks who have been determined to hand on to their delusions to the bitter (and obvious) End are starting to question whether they should “continue to […]
21/07/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 20 July, 2023.
20/07/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 19 July, 2023.
20/07/202325 minutes, 10 secondes
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There Has To Be More~07-14-2023

The Book of Ya’akov – An Inductive Study – Session 3- Trials and Tribulations
19/07/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~07-12-2023

The Book of Ya’akov- An Inductive Study-Session 2- Living Out Your Faith
19/07/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~07-10-2023

The Book of Ya’akov – An Inductive Study – Session 1- Introduction
19/07/202325 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 18 July, 2023. As the Narrative collapses, and Big Brother doubles-down, it’s important to understand the concept of “Obedience Idiots.” Because, like “torah-less-ness,” they abound.
19/07/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 17 July, 2023.
18/07/202319 minutes, 18 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | The Sound of the Shofar

May the sound of the shofar wake us up to life that only comes from the Father through His Messiah. From Yom Teruah 2018, this message by Rabbi Steve Berkson goes deeper into some of the responsive reading of the liturgy. Take advantage of new teachings every week. To learn more about MTOI, visit our […]
17/07/202342 minutes, 13 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 72 (The Greater Exodus Pt 1: The Silence of The Greater Exodus)

In the last episode, we saw how The Footsteps of Messiah are directly linked to the feasts. More specifically, from among the seven moedim, it is the three “foot festivals,” also known as the chagim: Pesach Shavuot Sukkot Nahum explains: Behold, on the mountains the feet of him who brings good news, who announces peace! Celebrate [chag, verb] your feasts [chag, noun], O Judah; pay your vows. For never again will the wicked one pass through you; He is cut off completely. (Na 1:15) The key to hearing the footsteps of Messiah is to know and celebrate the feasts of Adonai, which are in perfect synchronization with the footsteps of Messiah Yeshua’s return. Here is our working text: Your neck is like the tower of David, Built with rows of stones On which are hung a thousand shields, All the round shields of the mighty men. (So 4:4) Mah karah? In Hebrew, mah karah means, "What happened?" A feast is not just a moed, but mikra [convocation]. It is a happening.  If something just happens randomly, karah. Mikra, however, is a planned happening. It may appear random to the unspiritual eye, but it didn’t just happen. It was planned to happen. We accept that prophecies are planned things, but we don’t always understand there is a method to the planning that informs every generation...prophetically, a thousand generations, thus “a thousand round shields.” Compare the definitions of karah below. See how similar they are? They are pronounced the same, yet one is a random happening, and one is a planned happening. Feasts are planned happenings; therefore, planned prophecies. In fact, H7121 is a "calling" to something. These are two side of the same word-coin. We can live our lives randomly, or we can walk in our calling.
17/07/202349 minutes, 18 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Matot” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha Matot (Numbers 30:2 through chapter 32) begins with the topic, and what “YHVH has commanded,” concerning vows. And, as Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship has suggested literally every time it’s taught, it is in his opinion one of the most vital foundations for understanding marriage. As well what has been done to […]
16/07/20231 heure, 46 minutes, 53 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #129

Well, I turned 70 this week and it has given me a pause for reassessment of my life. Psalm 90 tells us that a life is 70 years and if by strength, 80 years. I am including the music from Psalm 90 which can be found on my album, “Living Water” at: I am […]
15/07/202328 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel ch 40

This week the Torah teachers, and the prophet Ezekiel, ‘change gears’ as the study continues into chapter 40, and the description of a temple, certainly evidently, ‘yet to come’.
14/07/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 25 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look at what happens when the wheels come of the ‘Official Narrative,’ the Big Lie falls apart, the Capo of the AmeriKan Gestapo gets caught – repeatedly – testiLYING about it, and Big Brother just ‘doubles down,’ again…for the week ending Saturday, 15 July, 2023.
14/07/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

David Justice and Mark Call take a look back at the Big News, and the Big Smoke of the week, but with the understanding that the Big Lie has imploded. Which means that Evil has already ‘doubled-down’.
14/07/202349 minutes, 4 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

There’s a war coming. Maybe more than one. Because the same servants-of-the-Adversary who have been jonesin’ to kick off a thermonuclear first strike are also working hard to set “neighbor against neighbor,” and drive once-free AmeriKa into total chaos as well. And THIS time, Big Brother and his master are pulling out all the stops […]
14/07/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 13 July, 2023.
13/07/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Living Torah

Moshe could have been remembered for his final failure, but Yah had a better plan. Do personalities and personal issues keep us from entering into the fullness of His promises? Show no mercy to that which we are called to destroy! Are we expecting Yah to become comfortable with exile?
13/07/202350 minutes
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Hear What the Spirit Says to the 7 Churches Pt2

AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH... Is there a correlation between the 8 people on Noah's Ark and the 7 Churches of Revelation?  What can we glean from the Revelation messages to the 7 Churches when viewed in light of Noah's flood and the 8 people on the Ark?  You might be surprised at what the parallels and implications may be.  Prayerfully consider this message and these warnings from the book of Revelation to the 7 assemblies, both then and now!
13/07/202325 minutes, 1 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 12 July, 2023.
13/07/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Is the Poseidon Torpedo already deployed off our east coast?  Is that the fruit of long range missiles and cluster bombs to Ukraine? Why is our east coast/Gulf maritime essentially closed? CBDC’s (and chip?) to be unleashed imminently.  Please prepare mentally, physically, and spiritually to live as an outcast – in the glory and power […]
12/07/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 11 July, 2023. Some good, some bad, and a lot REALLLLLY Ugly.
11/07/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 10 July, 2023.
11/07/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~07-07-2023

Living for G-d’s Glory – The Four Principles
10/07/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~07-05-2023

Living For G-d’s Glory – Repent – Session 14
10/07/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~07-03-2023

Living for G-d’s Glory – Transparent Glory- Session 13
10/07/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 3

What is/are the sign(s) of The Covenant? Is baptism/immersion a sign of The Covenant? Who are those that are a part of The Covenant? Rabbi Steve Berkson takes some time making sure we understand what it is we’re involved with–The Covenant between The Creator and us. It is important we are not going on what […]
10/07/20231 heure, 8 minutes, 33 secondes
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We Have a Two Tiered Justice System

Audio reading: Num 35:1-34, 1 Chron 16:37-18:17, Romans 2:1-24, Psalm 10:16-18, Prov 19:8-9 In our nation today, we have a two – tiered justice system: one for the anarchists (BLM, Antifa) and a different one for Conservative Patriots and Christians. The law of the land has been twisted and perverted.  On the one hand, BLM […]
09/07/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Pinchas” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha Pinchas (Numbers 25:10 – 30:1) is in fact “the rest of the story,” and more, from last week, and the end of ‘Balak,’ where the daughters of Midian began to seduce the men of the mixed multitude into pagan practices. And, again, no question, it is one of the most “problematic,” and no doubt […]
09/07/20232 heures, 12 minutes, 27 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #128

Our Heavenly Father can be trusted to have our best interests in mind. Psalm 103 reminds us that He lovingly provides for us in so many ways. The harp music in this episode was just recorded today, so it is “fresh off the press” as it were. As we find ourselves in chaotic times and […]
08/07/202328 minutes
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Drive Time Friday

David Justice and Mark Call discuss the news and major ‘Truth eruptions’ for the week ending 7 July, 2023, and hopefully encourage those who still understand just how important it really is that we have that love of the Truth, and His Word. This podcast is a bit longer than usual, because of an extension […]
07/07/202355 minutes, 40 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

A summary of news and events for the holiday-shortened week ending 7 July, 2023.
07/07/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

What was once literally unthinkable, as in “it could NEVER happen here,” is now subsidized by a totalitarian state that makes the Tyrant King George III of the American Revolutionary era look reasonable by comparison. We’ve almost gotten used to “grooming” of pre-pubescent children in the Public Cesspools en route to their sterilization and eventual […]
07/07/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Living Torah

Catching up with a double Torah portion as well as a report from Revive. Balam and Balak give us clues to a war every generation will battle. The righteous one in their crowd is the donkey! We need those with the same spirit as Pinchas to rise up in our generation. No time to site […]
06/07/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 5 July, 2023. America once showed the world what a republic based on “self-evident Truths” and an understanding that real Rights come from our Creator could accomplish. Only a few years later, the French Revolution showed us what the converse looked like. And now the French are again warning AmeriKa […]
05/07/202325 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Independence Day Tuesday

For Monday and Tuesday this week, it’s arguably more important to take a look at the news, and historic events, that are being ignored than current events in a world that is self-destructing in no small part BECAUSE it has ignored “self-evident Truths.” So since this is Independence day, welll look at what host Mark […]
04/07/202349 minutes, 49 secondes
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There Has To Be More~06-30-2023

Living For G-d’s Glory – Session 12 -Ordinary or Special?
03/07/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~-06-28-2023

Living For G-d’s Glory – Session 11 -I Finished the Word That You Gave Me To Do.
03/07/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~06-26-2023

Living For G-d’s Glory – Session 10 – Walk By The Spirit.
03/07/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 2

There’s only one covenant that we should be concerned about, right? What if there are more than one covenant in play, with some overlapping others, that we need to understand and be concerned about? In part 2 of this teaching on covenants, Rabbi Steve Berkson gets into more detail about Yahweh’s covenant with Noah, Abraham […]
03/07/20231 heure, 7 minutes, 31 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 71 (The Greater Exodus Pt 1)

The Footsteps of Messiah are directly linked to the feasts. More specifically, from among the seven moedim, it is the three “foot festivals,” also known as the chagim: Pesach (Passover) Shavuot Sukkot Nahum explains: Behold, on the mountains the feet of him who brings good news, who announces peace! Celebrate [chag, verb] your feasts [chag, noun], O Judah; pay your vows. For never again will the wicked one pass through you; He is cut off completely. (Na 1:15) The key to hearing the footsteps of Messiah is to know and celebrate the feasts of Adonai, which are in perfect synchronization with the footsteps of Messiah Yeshua’s return. Although we do not know the exact date of his return, we are commanded to rehearse these foot festivals so that we will be ready every year. Additionally, by rehearsing, the next generation is show the way to salvation in Messiah Yeshua and the path for growth and maturity. Let’s return to our working text, the Shir HaShirim, Song of Songs, focusing on the context of Chapter 4:1-5 How beautiful you are, my darling, how beautiful you are! Your eyes are like doves behind your veil; your hair is like a flock of goats that have descended from Mount Gilead. Your teeth are like a flock of newly shorn sheep which have come up from their washing, all of which bear twins, and not one among them has lost her young. Your lips are like a scarlet thread, and your mouth is beautiful. Your temples are like a slice of a pomegranate behind your veil. Your neck is like the tower of David, built with layers of stones on which are hung a thousand shields, all the round shields of the warriors. Your two breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle that graze among the lilies. In past newsletters, we did more in-depth study of these verses. In a nutshell, they describe the spiritual growth of Israel in the Exodus from Egypt. To recap: • The glory of Adonai is the glory "hair" of Israel, who descend from Mt. Sinai after their meeting with Him. • They came up from their two “washings,” the crossing of the Sea of Reeds and the washing to prepare for their meeting at Mt. Sinai. • Israel’s agreement to “do and hear” the covenant is a scarlet thread, two lips acknowledging their redemption. • The pomegranates are the commandments. • The neck is the increase in spiritual stature. • The shields are the “perfect” and symbolic 1,000 generations promised to Abraham and Sarah. • The two breasts are the twin tablets of the commandments, Moses and Aaron, Joshua and Elazar. Let's return to "your hair is like a flock of goats that have descended from Mount Gilead." Previously, we considered an explanation of this flock as referring to the sons of Israel crossing from the territory of Laban into Israel. Although Laban pursued, he was prevented from harming the flock, “not one of them has lost her young.” Laban and Jacob made a pile of rocks [galeed] to commemorate their covenant of no harm, a “mound of testimony.” (Ge 31:47-48) After the covenant at the mound of testimony, Jacob was about to cross the Jordan to return to the Land of Promise. This is the seed prophecy for Israel later entering into covenant at another mound of testimony, Mt. Sinai, and then crossing the Jordan to the Land of Promise. This Jordan [Yarden] crossing is mentioned in all three components of the TANAKH. Tanakh is an acronym of: Torah Neviim Prophets Ketuvim writings In the first mention of a miraculous water crossing in the Torah, the literal flocks of goats and sheep followed Jacob, creating a “pairing” with the sons of Jacob, the twelve tribes. In Genesis 32:11, Jacob refers to the importance of the crossing: “For with my staff I crossed this Jordan.” The Midrash Rabbah explains, “He placed his staff in the waters of the Jordan River, and God miraculously parted the waters for him.” 4§6 Later, Jacob’s descendants will experience the same miracle following a shepherd of their generation. In the Prophets, Joshua reminds the Tribes of Israel of their forefather Jacob’s [Israel’s] prophetic crossing to encourage them, using heaps of stones to illustrate: Now the people came up from the Jordan on the tenth of the first month and camped at Gilgal on the eastern edge of Jericho. Those twelve stones which they had taken from the Jordan, Joshua set up at Gilgal. He said to the sons of Israel, “When your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying, ‘What are these stones?’ then you shall inform your children, saying, ‘Israel crossed this Jordan on dry ground.’ For the LORD your God dried up the waters of the Jordan before you until you had crossed, just as the LORD your God had done to the Red Sea, which He dried up before us until we had crossed; that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the LORD is mighty, so that you may fear the LORD your God forever.” (Jo 4:19-24) Joshua reminds Israel of their forefather Israel's testimony of crossing the Jordan with his staff and its miraculous parting. If Jacob (Israel) crossed at the same feast time, he crossed in the first month. The Jordan in spring is gushing from winter rainwater, which makes the miracle all the more notable. This parting and pairing of the water crossings is commemorated each year in the Passover Seder with the recitation of the Great Hallel. Psalm 114 (Writings) is part of the Great Hallel recited at the conclusion of the Pesach seder: 1When Israel went forth from Egypt, the house of Jacob from a people of strange language, 2 Judah became His sanctuary, Israel, His dominion. 3 The sea looked and fled; the Jordan turned back. 4 The mountains skipped like rams, the hills, like lambs. 5 What ails you, O sea, that you flee? O Jordan, that you turn back? 6 O mountains, that you skip like rams? O hills, like lambs? 7 Tremble, O earth, before the Lord, before the God of Jacob, 8 Who turned the rock into a pool of water, the flint into a fountain of water. The point is rehearsal. The second Jordan crossing occurs during the Pesach week, just as the crossing of the Reed Sea occurred during Pesach week forty years previous. Prophecy recycles because that is its structure, the structure of the universe. Joshua tells the Israelites to pass on the Jordan crossing to their children just as Moses told them to pass on the Passover to their children. By using Moses’ language, Joshua assumes the leadership of his new generation of prophecy with Elazar the High Priest. They are now the “two breasts” of our Shir. This is the importance of rehearsing and passing along the feasts in every generation as though the great miracles happened to us personally. Because prophecy transcends time, we were there. We are there. We will be there. We taste something of the Divine nature of the Sacred name when we walk in the footsteps of Messiah, who will one day part the seas of the peoples to return his faithful ones to their Land of Promise. The question is, are we walking out our own generation of these prophecies? May it be so! In Part Two, we'll look more closely at another word for the feasts to learn even more about the importance of ear tuning to the Footsteps by keeping the feasts.
03/07/202349 minutes, 29 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Chukat/Balak” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week the regular annual cycle is a double-parsha (Chukat, Numbers chapters 19 through 21), and then parsha Balak, chapters 22 through 24…and a bit more. Admittedly, Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa thinks that’s a bit much for one week’s study, but at least it’s an interesting combination, for reason’s we’ll explore. First, the […]
02/07/20232 heures, 14 minutes, 29 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #127

David reminds us in Psalm 19 that all creation speaks to us of our Creator – Our Heavenly Father – Who has made the way for us to be restored to His original plan and design. Our recent trip to The Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter were a vivid reminder of how amazingly intricate […]
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Was the Prigozhin incident a mutiny of the frustrated or cunning extortion?  Under Sec. of State Victoria Nuland states that “war will effectively start” July 11 with a push toward ____ to take out ___.  She was correct re the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline – will she be correct once again?  Ukraine is […]
01/07/202350 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel 28-39 War concl

The teachers complete the look at one of the most notable, and certainly not-yet-fulfilled, wars in the Bible, from Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39.
30/06/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 15 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

David Justice and Mark Call examine what Americans who still remember what “self-evident Truths” once were should pay attention to leading into the holiday weekend that once commemorated the founding of a “nation of law, not of men.”
30/06/202348 minutes, 58 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an detailed look what’s most important leading into the holiday weekend of Saturday, 1 July, 2023.
30/06/202349 minutes, 45 secondes
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Hear What the Spirit Says to the 7 Churches

AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH... Is there a correlation between the 8 people on Noah's Ark and the 7 Churches of Revelation?  What can we glean from the Revelation messages to the 7 Churches when viewed in light of Noah's flood and the 8 people on the Ark?  You might be surprised at what the parallels and implications may be.  Prayerfully consider this message and these warnings from the book of Revelation to the 7 assemblies, both then and now!
30/06/202325 minutes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

This week it’s again time to take a detailed look at what host Mark Call has frequently called the most important document ever written ORIGINALLY in the English language, the “unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America.” Mark welcomes the Common Lawyer, Brent Winters, who points out up front that it’s less a […]
30/06/202349 minutes, 48 secondes
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Living Torah

Miriam died! That’s it. Finished. Done. Shen died. Why is Scripture so blunt and even matter of fact with this statement? The answers may speak volumes to us today. Moshe has been leading these people for some 38 years now. It would seem he could get a break when his frustration caused error. Another lesson […]
29/06/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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6.27.23_Hebrew Nation Morning Show_3Wise Guys

After 13 years of producing weekly podcasts on Hebrew Nation Radio, the Wise Guys are coming to a close.  Join them as they review one of the most challenging texts in Scripture as well as a walk down memory lane. [email protected]
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 28 June, 2023.
28/06/202324 minutes, 50 secondes
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6.27.23_Hebrew Nation Morning Show_3Wise Guys

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Farm Update June 2023: Hooked Up And Off-Grid

The caravans are now on the farm, the solar is connected, plumbing is almost done. It has been an adventure since our last update. Read More: The post Farm Update June 2023: Hooked Up And Off-Grid appeared first on Bible Prophecy In The Daily Headlines.
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Set History Straight – The Fulfilled of Revelations Chp 12

The Fulfilled of Revelations Chapter 12 – Sept 23, 2017 Constellation Virgo Revisited Video: Click here Video Link Audio:
28/06/202354 minutes, 58 secondes
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Set History Straight – Haggai Message for Believers

The Book of Haggai points to American Eclipse. Haggai has a specific message for the believers today.
28/06/202350 minutes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 125- Swallowed- The Truth Behind Korach’s Rebellion

In this week’s teaching; we explore Parasha Korach. This well known portion is the cause for many different interpretations and understandings. However, as with the sin of the spies, what exactly was Korach’s sin? It may not be what we think it is on the surface. You can view the full teaching on our YouTube […]
28/06/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 27 June, 2023.
28/06/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 26 June, 2023.
27/06/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~06-23-2023

Living for G-d’s Glory – Session 9 – The Inside Fix  
26/06/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~06–21-2023

Living for G-d’s Glory – Session 8 – Full Potential in the LORD
26/06/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~06-19-2023

Living for the Glory of G-d – Session 7 -Exchanging the Glory of the Incorruptible G-d!
26/06/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Covenanted? Part 1

Now that you’ve learned about the relationship between salvation, faith and works, and that “saved” is not a status in the “Are You Saved” series, it makes sense to learn about the one thing that could be considered a status worth bearing–being “in covenant” or “covenanted”. In this series Rabbi Steve Berkson begins to define […]
26/06/20231 heure, 8 minutes, 30 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 70 (Dipped in Oil: Asher’s Daughters Pt 2)

Part 2 of 2 parts.
26/06/202348 minutes, 35 secondes
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6.20.23_Hebrew Nation Morning Show_3Wise Guys

Join the Wise Guys, along with Avi Ben Mordecai, as they take a deeper look into the Tzadok priesthood.  The Scriptures are opened to find out who these priests were, what their commission was and why we should concerned.  [email protected]
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6.20.23_Hebrew Nation Morning Show_3Wise Guys

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Mark Call – Parsha “Korach” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Ask most people who have even just a bit of knowledge of the Bible who “Korah,” was, and you’ll hear the response: rebellion. And what happened to him is almost as well-known: he was taken alive ‘into the pit’ as the earth opened up. This parsha (Korach, Numbers chapters 16 through 18), and the associated […]
25/06/20231 heure, 34 minutes, 27 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #126

In Psalm 5, David speaks about coming into the house of his Heavenly Father. We are all invited to attend the great celebration feast that our Heavenly Father has prepared for us. Yeshua also reminded us that He has gone to prepare a place for us. In this episode, we are also going to hear […]
24/06/202328 minutes
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Drive Time Friday

This week, an individual well-known to the HNR audience returns to Drive Time Friday. Guest Daniel Holdings joins Mark Call and David Justice to talk about the real news, the fake news, and the smokescreen this week, and explore where we are today, and where we are on the path that way at least “see […]
24/06/202349 minutes, 44 secondes
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There is an attempt at coup d’état in Russia as we speak.  Evidently, the hardliners in Russian power are tired of Putin’s patience and feel that Russia is being dishonored and are willing to use the Wagner Group, a private army, as their own army.  Those who support a “strong Russia” are urged to take […]
24/06/202350 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel ch 38 into 39

Ezekiel chapter 38 begins the discussion of one of the most famous wars in the Bible, often known simply as the ‘Ezekiel 38-39 war,’ or Gog vs. Magog.
23/06/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 9 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an detailed look at the real and fake news for the week ending Saturday, 24 June, 2023.
23/06/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

This program has been advising people with “eyes to see” for over a dozen years now that it is high time to do what Scripture advises, and “Come out of her, My people.” So it’s at least a bit amusing that more and more “conservative columnists and pundits” are beginning to realize that those of […]
23/06/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 22 June, 2023.
23/06/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Living Torah

The Korah rebellion challenged the Hebrews on many levels. Who would they stand with? Would they go forward or retreat? The crowd made the wrong choices over and over and the circumstances cost them dearly. In the end one man stood between the living and the dead. The opportunity is once again before us to […]
22/06/202352 minutes
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6.20.23_Hebrew Nation Morning Show_3Wise Guys

Join the Wise Guys, along with Avi Ben Mordecai, as they take a deeper look into the Tzadok priesthood.  The Scriptures are opened to find out who these priests were, what their commission was and why we should concerned.  [email protected]  
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There Has To Be More~06-16-2023

Living for G-d’s Glory Session 6 – When the Glory Fades
21/06/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~ 06-14-2023

Living for G-d’s Glory – Session 5 – Glory or No Glory
21/06/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~06-12-2023

Living For G-d’s Glory – Session 4 – The Name Below All Names
21/06/202325 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 20 June, 2023.
20/06/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 19 June, 2023.
20/06/202324 minutes, 54 secondes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Saved? | Part 17

If we already “possess” everlasting life, why are we instructed by Messiah Yeshua in John chapter 6 not to labor for the bread that perishes but rather for the bread that is remaining unto everlasting life which the Son of Adam gives? What is that “bread” referring to? How do men get this concept wrong? […]
19/06/20231 heure, 2 minutes, 48 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 69 (Dipped in Oil: Asher’s Daughters)

This part 1 of 2 parts.
19/06/202348 minutes, 44 secondes
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When Truth Has Fallen in the Streets…What Then Shall We Do?

Audio reading: Num 16:31-40, 1 Kings 22:1-53, Acts 13: 16-41 Audio reading: Num 16:41-50 2 Kings 1:1-25 Acts 13:42-14:7 Psalm 139:1-24 Prov 17:19-21 “And the LORD said, ‘Who will persuade Ahab to go up, that he may fall at Ramoth Gilead?’ So one spoke in this manner, and another spoke in that manner. Then a […]
18/06/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Shalach Lekha” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Most people know of the story of ‘the spies.’ Most who have heard Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa before have probably even heard him refer to it as the ‘first recorded VOTE in history,’ too. And the wrong side won. THIS year, though, the story has a “special resonance.” It hits even closer to […]
18/06/20231 heure, 43 minutes, 41 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #125

This week I am sharing some clips from our presentation at the Proclaim Conference in Iowa. A beautiful setting out in the cornfields. Sharing from Psalm 145 which commands us to praise our Heavenly Father no matter what is going on. We are to remember all the wonderful ways He has provided for us. I […]
17/06/202328 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel ch 37 concl into 38

The prophet Ezekiel’s vision of the ‘two sticks’, one for the Judah and his companions, the other for Ephraim and his companions, which become echad in His hand, is arguably among the most important in the Bible. And certainly NOT yet fulfilled. This week the teachers go into the details of that one, and the […]
16/06/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 20 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an detailed look at the week ending Saturday, 17 June, 2023, when AmeriKa-with-a-K officially became a banana republic.
16/06/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

Now that even most who have denied the obvious must reluctantly admit that the “United States of America” most of us grew up in has been conquered, the tough question remains: What NOW? The answer hasn’t changed. But the urgency certainly has, and the TOOLS to do it have never been more vital to understand. […]
16/06/202349 minutes, 4 secondes
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Was the Las Vegas alien a fake?  What are some possible ramifications of Israel’s sending 200 tanks “to Poland”?  What is happening to much of the weaponry donated to Ukraine?  Will the present system be destroyed, i.e., bank cyber attack, in order to bring in the new – CBDC’s?  What did NATO announce just one […]
16/06/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Beha’alotcha” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week Mark had a very important mitzvah on the Sabbath Day, so the only teaching for this week is the Friday Torah parsha reading and summary, for Beha’alotcha (Numbers chapters 8 through 12):
16/06/202336 minutes, 42 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 15 June, 2023.
16/06/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Go Along to Get Along will KILL you – so Beware what does NOT Unfold as Expected
16/06/202349 minutes, 48 secondes
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Living Torah

Twelve men were called to “tour” The Land. Was it their idea, Moshe’s idea or God’s idea? What was the purpose of their tour? Why did they go to Hebron and what is the significance of fruit from the Eshkol Valley? Why Joshua and Caleb? How is this all being played out today?
15/06/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 13 June, 2023. Happy (or maybe NOT…) Banana Republic Day!
13/06/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 12 June, 2023.
13/06/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~06-09-2023

Guarding the Glory of G0d – Session 3 – Ichabod
12/06/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~06-07-2023

Living for the Glory of G-d – Session 2 – What Do You Trust?
12/06/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~06-05-2023

Living for G-d’s Glory – Session 1 – Guarding the Glory of G-d
12/06/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Saved? | Part 16

Do you, right now, have eternal life? Do you possess everlasting life as Messiah taught about in the Gospel of John chapter 3 verse 36? This week’s teaching from Rabbi Steve Berkson is on the topic, Possessing Everlasting Life. This is an important topic to clarify simply because most people are taught that salvation “equals” […]
12/06/20231 heure, 7 minutes, 53 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 67 (What Have I Done?)

When folks begin studying prophecy, it is common for them to identify which prophecies have been fulfilled and which haven’t, especially as it pertains to Yeshua. When the feasts of Adonai are fully grasped, this adds another burst of enthusiasm for identifying which feasts Yeshua has already fulfilled and which he has yet to fulfill. For some, there is a bit of smugness, as if to entice those who don’t keep the feasts to join in so they’ll understand prophecy, too. Well, sure, the feasts are for everybody, but there’s no need to be smug. Prophecy is not a one-and-done proposition, and this is part of the richness of the feasts, which cycle with the years. It’s easy to see that Yeshua fulfilled the spring feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread, and Firstfruits of Barley. On the other hand, doesn’t the writer to the Hebrews spend multiple chapters explaining how Yeshua fulfilled the fall feasts, especially Yom HaKippurim? So did he, or didn’t he? Ummmm... Yes. Let’s turn to the Shavuot as the axis of the feasts to unpack the cycle of prophecy, at least until some future time when prophecy will cease: Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away. (1 Co 13:8) This doesn’t mean that there will no longer be any gift of prophecy; it simply means it becomes inoperative. The spiritual gifts in the world to come will become unnecessary, for the righteous will be in perfect tune with the realm of the Ruach (Spirit). The challenges that necessitate these gifts will no longer exist. The spiritual pillars that are now commemorated with “time” will be part of our internal clocks, which don’t need calendars, just a well-tuned ruach, for in that day, the trees will bear fruit every month even though there will be no sun or moon to signal seasons or even day and night. Days, months, hours, years, and so forth, will form a reality that until now we only experience with the natural “clocks” of Creation. Let Shavuot guide into understanding of how Yeshua’s footsteps might sound. Having left behind the salvation of Passover, Shavuot is the appointed time to grow from milk to solid food by Rosh HaShanah. As at Sinai, it requires a willingness to “do and hear,” or receive the Word of Moses and Yeshua. The Ruach enables this process: “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to infants in Christ. I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able, for you are still fleshly. For since there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not fleshly, and are you not walking like mere men?” (1 Co 3:1-3) For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed [“inexperienced”] to the word of righteousness, for he is an infant. (Heb 5:12-13) Paul and the writer to the Hebrews do not expect the non-Jews to whom they write to continue in milk. Jewish tradition says a remnant of the nations desired the Torah when it was offered at Mt. Sinai. In Acts 2 at Shavuot, this desire was satisfied for the proselytes from the nations, and they returned to their nations with the Good News of salvation and covenant. Along with verses from Psalm 119, Psalm 67 is read each day of the counting of the omer to Shavuot. These peoples are to mature to Sukkot: God be gracious to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us—Selah. That Your way may be known on the earth, Your salvation among all nations. Let the peoples praise You, O God; let all the peoples praise You. Let the nations be glad and sing for joy; for You will judge the peoples with uprightness and guide the nations on the earth. Selah. Let the peoples praise You, O God; let all the peoples praise You. The earth has yielded its produce [people]; God, our God, blesses us. God blesses us, that all the ends of the earth may fear Him. (Ps 67:1–7) Shavuot commemorates both the giving of the Torah at Sinai as well as the Firstfruits of the Wheat harvest. The Seed of the Word is beginning to mature, ready to commit to the covenant anew, to learn and grow to the fullness of Sukkot, which celebrates the ingathering of everything: winevat, threshing floor, fruit of the ground, fruit of the tree, flocks and herds. The fruit of the olive tree, however, creates a link between Sukkot and the next Passover. Because olives just begin ripening at Sukkot, it is too early to bring tithes, and perhaps even firstfruit in some late-ripening years. Processing the olive fruit is time-consuming, and it can take several weeks to harvest, process, store, and do the accounting necessary to separate tithes for the priests and Levites. The late winter fiscal year for tree fruits also affects when tithes and firstfruits might be brought. Season overlaps season, and feast overlaps feast, never disconnecting: “Behold, days are coming,” declares the LORD, “When the plowman will overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him who sows seed; when the mountains will drip sweet wine and all the hills will be dissolved.” (Amos 9:13) These cycles of the feasts explain why a prophecy may be fulfilled many times, never exactly the way it was previously, but according to that template. New generation, new fulfillment. The blessings upon the tribes are sometimes oblique, but the blessing on Judah is fairly straightforward, an excellent example of the growth principle. “Judah, your brothers shall praise you; your hand shall be on the neck of your enemies; your father’s sons shall bow down to you. Judah is a lion’s whelp; from the prey, my son, you have gone up. He couches, he lies down as a lion, and as a lion(ess), who dares rouse him up? The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until Shiloh comes and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples. He ties his foal to the vine, and his donkey’s colt to the choice vine; he washes his garments in wine, and his robes in the blood of grapes. His eyes are dull from wine, and his teeth white from milk.” (Ge 49:8-12) Milk grows teeth for solid food. Wine is for grownups, especially associated with the Feast of Sukkot. At Sukkot, the Torah scrolls are re-rolled to start reading in the new cycle with Genesis (Bereishit). Judah has grown strong adult teeth to digest the Word. Inheritance is for the mature, not infants or children. A child who will inherit is taught, guided, rehearsed, and prepared to manage that inheritance. Some will faithfully grow in each feast cycle so that they may inherit the Kingdom. Others will live as little children perpetually, unwilling and unable to manage tasks assigned by the Holy One. Judah is the focus of the above Messianic prophecy, but a rule of Scripture is that it must first apply at the simple level. What applies to Messiah Yeshua will also apply to Judah and Israel, for it is understood that each tribe has some measure of every blessing, but the blessings identified with them are evident and characteristic. For instance, there were kings from other tribes, but Judah is assigned the scepter and dynasty. Israel is a royal priesthood, but Judah will provide the king, and the Levites provide the priests. In Judah’s blessing, he is identified both with a young donkey and its mother; it is a blessing of both growth and continuity that is echoed in the lion symbols. Judah is first a cub (gur aryeh), next a lion (ari), and then a lioness (lavi). Even though context presents child, male, female, all three symbols collectively are “he,” yet they symbolize the same tribe. Believers as individuals mature from nursing children to mature adults to adults with the ability to nurse new believers: "But we proved to be gentle among you, as a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own children." (1 Th 2:7) The Corinthians and Thessalonians were once "strangers to the covenant," yet the apostles who ministered to them refused to allow them to remain little cubs in the Word. They were supposed to grow to solid food and become teachers of the Word. The whole Word. The term for "cub" in Judah's blessing is gur aryeh. Gur shares the same two-letter root with the ger, the Hebrew word for stranger. A stranger in Israel is just a newcomer to the Word, but he or she will not stay a cub. The stranger in Israel is there to learn, grow, and engage the covenant, not to remain a stranger. They are to become fellow-citizens with all the rights and obligations of Israel when they take the covenant yoke of Kingdom with Yeshua. The good news is that putting your neck in the yoke with Yeshua means that he is strong enough to make the burden easy, and he won't drag you along if you need more learning time. He has sent the Ruach HaKodesh to teach us. As long as these cycles of the feasts continue, until the resurrection of the dead, we have the opportunity to do two kinds of growth each year: grow in a new cycle individually, like the shoots of the olive plant that will mature the fruits at Sukkot grow together as Israel into the vine of Sukkot maturity
12/06/202348 minutes, 58 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #124

In Psalm 12,13, 14, and 15 David reminds us that even though there are people around us that flaunt our Heavenly Father’s guidance for us to have a blessed life, we are not to become discouraged, because there is an ultimate accountability. He does not forget those who remain faithful to His word and those […]
10/06/202328 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel ch 36 concl into 37

The wrap-up of Ezekiel chapter 36 includes some other references to the ‘greater exodus’ arguably still yet-to-come, and sets up one of the most well-known prophecies from Ezekiel.
10/06/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 29 secondes
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Part 2 – Messiah 2030 Plus Revelation Timeline & Decoding Daniel’s 2300 Days

Part 2 - A review and synopsis of Messiah 2030’s most explosive decoding tool! We pair that with our exclusive Revelation Timeline (been watching it for 3-4 years now), Signs in the Heavens during the next 7 years AND Daniel’s 2300 days! These are all fitting together perfectly so far like a perfectly pieced together jigsaw puzzle with each piece confirming the accuracy of the others!
09/06/202325 minutes
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Get spiritually and mentally prepared, America: missiles along CA coast pointed toward the ocean; the largest NATO exercise in history, June 12-24; Congress told to go home; “last resort” Kakhovka Dam destroyed; threat re Kerch Strait Bridge; Zaporozhe nuclear plant at risk over falling river levels.  What’s up?  Rather, keeping looking up for our salvation […]
09/06/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an detailed look at the open criminals who have great PRIDE in being able to get away with everything from grooming and mutilating kids, to outright treason, for the week ending Saturday, 10 June, 2023.
09/06/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

“June is Pride month” say the servants of – let’s be honest – the Adversary, HaSatan. Evidently grooming kids at Target, and conditioning them to hate the God of the Bible, and mutilate their own bodies, just isn’t enough any more. It is, however, getting SO bad that even the blind are starting to smell […]
09/06/202348 minutes, 43 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 8 June, 2023.
09/06/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Big Brother, and his master, the “Prince of this World,” and all of his Public-Private Partners want you to believe, and affirm – on penalty of Guess What – that June is Pride Month. And just exactly what does that MEAN? Pride in what? And is there ANY PLACE in all of Scripture where such […]
09/06/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Living Torah

The Menorah shines light onto the Table Of Showbread in the Tabernacle. It still does today in our Tabernacles. Inverted Hebrew letters bracket two instructions to the people as they travel. These letters are like two arms reaching out embracing a moment or period of time. What if these two letters are able to “float” […]
08/06/202350 minutes
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6.6.23_Hebrew Nation Morning Show_3Wise Guys

“What do vegetables and a strong spiritual life have in common? Join the Wise Guys as they talk with Mert from Rockney Farms about producing nourishing food.  Then hang on as The Wise Guys digest 1 Corinthians 10.”  [email protected]
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 7 June, 2023.
07/06/202324 minutes, 41 secondes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 124- The Psychology of Faithfulness

Faithfulness is possibly the most important part of our lives with God. It is one of the most mentioned commands in Scripture. Every believer has a strong desire to consistently become more faithful, but how? In this teaching, we talk about a strategic plan to increase our faithfulness using one of God’s creation that you […]
07/06/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 6 June, 2023.
07/06/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 5 June, 2023.
06/06/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~06-02-2023

Do You Know I Am? – An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d – Session 49
05/06/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~05-31-2023

Do You Know I AM? – An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d – Session 48
05/06/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~05-29-2023

Do You Know I AM? – An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d – Session 47
05/06/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Saved? | Part 15

Continuing in the book of Revelation, Rabbi Steve Berkson takes us into chapter 3 where we find Messiah Yeshua continuing to give His praise and correction to the seven assemblies. In this teaching Rabbi Steve asks questions such as, “what does the word ‘complete’ mean?”, “Why does Messiah Yeshua refer to Himself as a thief?”, […]
05/06/20231 heure, 4 minutes, 47 secondes
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Messiah 2030 Plus Revelation Timeline & Decoding Daniel’s 2300 Days

A review and synopsis of Messiah 2030’s most explosive decoding tool! We pair that with our exclusive Revelation Timeline (been watching it for 3-4 years now), Signs in the Heavens during the next 7 years AND Daniel’s 2300 days! These are all fitting together perfectly so far like a perfectly pieced together jigsaw puzzle with each piece confirming the accuracy of the others!
05/06/202325 minutes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 67 (What Have I Done?)

What have I done today? Other than talk to the carrots, that is. By now, I should have the newsletter teaching completed, pasted in the latest news from the orphanage, recommended a new book, and dropped in a reminder to register for REVIVE and mention that a new bloc of discounted rooms for the conference is now available. I should have answered a dozen emails and a phone call. I should have cleaned my bike chain and lubed it. I should have made something fresh for Erev Shabbat instead of being happy with plating up leftovers. I should have sprayed the north side of the house with cleaner. I should have. Should have. But I didn't. My mom of blessed memory called them the “Shouldsandoughts.” I did blanch, cold-shock, and vacuum-seal four freezer bags of asparagus from the garden. And make a maple-bourbon-pecan sauce for the sweet potatoes for oneg tomorrow. After that, I went back to the garden. Seems like I always go back to the Garden when I’m in this state of mind. Yesterday, I received word that Rick Daviscourt passed away, may his memory be for blessing. You may not know him. In fact, I never met him in person. We emailed and texted about Torah things and the ministries, how to support one another, but I can’t even remember how I first knew about his ministry. He has a girls’ home in Peru we support whenever we can, called Restoring Hope International. Rick was providing the girls a Torah-based home to be safe in. On March 22nd, Rick knew his diagnosis and prognosis, and he sent out his final newsletter. He wrote: "I want to thank all of you who have been praying for me and personally encouraging me through my battle with pancreatic cancer. Honestly speaking, most of us will struggle in one way or another in our lives. So, I really do not consider my struggle as being more important than the next person's difficult struggle. I have met and continue to meet people who seem to have it much worse than what I am going through - even if they are enjoying perfectly good physical health. Life on this planet, unfortunately, causes great obstacles for many of us - sooner or later. Even though my Whipple Surgery was successful in removing the tumor in my pancreas, it did not stop there. Now, after even more chemotherapy, this cancer has spread to different areas of my liver and continues to spread in that organ. I have been given 6 months to live. I am so grateful to our Creator for having given me this many years of life, most of which have been happy and productive for me! In several weeks, I will turn 67. And many of you have greatly helped to enrich my life's experience through your support and encouragement. You are so appreciated! Being able to work with God in starting our children's home in Peru has been such an honor and privilege for me. What an adventure that has been! With respect to those who are dealing with serious illnesses, etc..., I would like to reference the Book of Job, in the Old Testament. Neither he nor his friends had the least little idea as to why he, Job, became so ill and lost so much, including his children. His supposed friends were accusing him of this and of that - all of which were untrue. His wife told him to curse God and die... Also, it is very important to take into account what the apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:28 to the end of that chapter. First of all, a person cannot come to God - to Christ - unless God calls and draws that person to our Savior and Messiah. That person must love Him, God, with all his/her heart and soul (Deuteronomy 11:13). In my case, I have dedicated my life - both internally and externally to this end. I remember very well, the morning when our Lord invited me to give my life to Him. I will never, ever forget that special moment. So, as many of you already know, there are no easy "Canned Answers" to many of the complex issues of our lives and world. Some things are not for us to know…" Day before yesterday, Rick was heavy on my heart, and I wasn’t sure why. Prayer is the only option at such times, and I sent a donation, not knowing anything additional I could do. Yesterday I found out he’d passed away. So that was it. Can you grieve over a person you’ve never met face-to-face? So today, I went to the garden. I pulled suckers from the tomatoes, nodded to the poblanos, anchos, and jalapenos to keep up the good work, and guided the cucumber vines up their cages. I kneeled and picked away the weeds from the beets and carrots by hand because they’re too young and tender for the hoe. I suggested that they get a move on with their growing so they’d be easier to deal with. I’m getting too old and stiff to crawl around in the dirt. Did they have any idea why good people like Brad, Rick, Charles, and Mark left us so soon? No, they didn’t, but I left them in neat rows to think about it. Some things are not for us to know, remember? The cranberry beans, green beans, and Jacob’s cattle didn’t have any answers, either, but they endured the hoe without too much complaining. The cantaloupes and watermelons were pretty quiet, too. Just sat there and yellow-flowered me, which I take as a grin. The potatoes needed some shovel work, which I think they appreciated. I told them to give me a holler if they saw any of those striped beetles. It looked like something chewed the tomatillos, but they’re tough, and they get tougher as the summer wears on. I’ve picked tomatillos even after a light frost. You’d like my homemade salsa verde. Then I hoed the other garden with the corn and purple hull peas and butternut squash. I noticed some of the pole beans I’d planted to grow on the corn stalks were breaking the surface. The Three Sisters garden. They were all coughing dust, though. We need a good rain. Good rain. Not a gully-washer. Even the weeds weren’t too committed to the heavy clay. The purple hull peas have been passed down from my grandpa. My Uncle Jimmy gave me some to get started years ago. He started his from Grandpa's. We’re not sure how many generations they go back. I just thought you’d like to know that. Most of them are in the Garden now. My relatives, not the peas. With Rick. And Brad. And Charles. And Mark. If I had to have a last meal, I think it would be purple peas and cornbread and sliced tomatoes and watermelon. Funny how people on death row get to pick a last meal, but the saints, not usually. Maybe none of them would have a taste for it anyway. I finished up by checking the sweet potatoes and raised beds. All good. Sweet strawberries, but they’re not big talkers, and you have move the leaves away to find them and get them before the ants do. “Consider the ant, thou sluggard.” I doubt a sluggard would be reading Proverbs anyway. So here I am considering the ant. Not to worry. They don’t eat much. Tomatoes are volunteering in the strawberry, asparagus, and onion beds. You have to weed them out, but I leave a couple. I think they’re the little yellow pear tomatoes. Later in the summer, it’s like candy on the vine. The sun chokes are getting tall. They’ll make pretty yellow flowers as tall as the sunflowers I let grow around the bird feeders. It’s too early for persimmon and pawpaw fruits to set, but the apple trees look good. It will be a race to see whether the deer will clean out the fruit from the lower branches before we do. The fig tree is spreading, and even though I thought the new cherry tree was dead, I see a little branch sprouting out the bottom. A definite maybe. Some things are not for us to know. Yet. Memories must do for now. Ever notice how deeply the grooves are cut into the record of memories? No wonder records used to get stuck and just go round and round. Like today. When you can't concentrate, you concentrate. Like Rick wrote, a “Canned Answer” would be an insult to both the deceased and their Creator. When great, righteous people are transplanted into the Garden, they deserve our continued wonder. We should challenge our own ideas about what we “deserve” quantified in mere years and whether what can be accomplished there is somehow of less value than what we can accomplish here. Maybe the goodness there is exactly what they deserve, and because we see only the carrot top, and the deep red strawberries hide from us, we struggle round and round. This week, our Torah portion Bamidbar includes a census of the tribes for war. The army of Israel is not like other armies. Israel must first “pass muster” with Adonai Tzvaot, the Lord of Armies. When Israel falls into idolatry and other serious sins, their army is usually defeated, even routed shamefully. Israelite soldiers must pass a test of courage even before they are admitted to the ranks: Have you betrothed a wife, but not married her? Go home. Have you built a house, but not lived in it? Go home. Have you planted a vineyard, but not consumed its fruit? Go home. (Dt 20:3-8) Such a person is planning to fail! He started with good plans, then at some point, he could not envision a successful outcome, one of the jobs we accomplish in prayer-work. If he fell in battle, then someone else would marry his wife, live in his house, and tend his vineyard. In fact, both the “house” and the “vineyard” are sometimes used as euphemisms for a wife, the wise woman and the Proverbs 31 woman who builds the house and is the fruitful vine. The wife, in turn, symbolizes the work of the Holy Spirit in his life (see Workbook Four). The Ruach (Spirit) is what implants successful vision within a believer. Relating this to the No Place for Chickens Part Two last week, the spiritually deficient soldier did well at first, planning and imagining his life in the future, but when the enemy approached, he was unable to also plan and envision a victorious outcome to his prayer. This cowardice would become a cancerous discouragement to his fellow soldiers. A soldier planning a desolate house will be rewarded with a desolate house, for he does not remember the exhortation of the war priest: “Hear, O Israel, you are approaching the battle against your enemies today. Do not be fainthearted. Do not be afraid, or panic, or tremble before them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.” (Dt 20:3-4) If the soldier cannot go forward with confidence after that reminder, he’s hopeless in battle! In the following lament over Jerusalem, Yeshua evokes two important passages in the Torah: 1) the Ruach Adonai hovering over the surface of the waters at Creation and (Ge 1:2) 2) the torah of the hen and chicks, which assures the chicks’ safety if they will stay under their mother’s wings or in the nest with her. (Dt 22:6) The Jewish sages say that the Ruach hovering over the Creation waters was Messiah, whose obedience would bring order out of chaos, light out of darkness. The verb used for “hovering” is merachefet, which describes how a mother bird beats her wings violently to call her chicks. Also in the tradition, the palace of King Messiah is located in the Garden of Eden. It is called Kan Tzippor, or “The Bird Nest.” King Messiah’s job is to gather the Father’s chicks back into the Garden, to minister the Word to them so that they can be restored to their original habitat. Frequently, the chicks are obstinate: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling. Behold, your house is being left to you desolate! For I say to you, from now on you will not see Me until you say, ‘BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!’” (Mt 23:37-39) What can be derived from Yeshua’s lament? 
05/06/202349 minutes, 5 secondes
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Mark Call – Special teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

What is the “Two House” understanding of Scripture, history, and prophecy? How do we explain to those who ‘just don’t get it’ why it is SO vital to understand the ‘the law’ has NOT been ‘done away with’? And how can people ostensibly read the same Bible and come to diametrically opposite conclusions about, well, […]
04/06/20233 heures, 7 minutes, 51 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #123

In Psalm 27 David expresses his great desire to be in the House of the Lord. What did this “House” offer him? In this episode, we will consider how our Heavenly Father sets aside places and times for us to come apart from the craziness of the world to rest and detox – recuperate and […]
03/06/202328 minutes
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Patent obtained in 2017 shows that the jab is a bio____.  WEF calls for global control of ____.  Predictive programming of “Blackjack” portrayed ____.  Where are we according to Albert Pike’s description of three world wars?  Why would Netanyahu want a preemptive strike on Israel?  The WHO wants to move from “advisory” to ____.  The […]
03/06/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended summary of Official Narratives Unraveling, while the Goose Step to Tyranny continues, for the week ending Saturday, 3 June, 2023.
02/06/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

“Sedition Just Ain’t What it Used to Be”
02/06/202348 minutes, 58 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel ch 36

This week the teachers explore Ezekiel chapter 36.
02/06/20231 heure, 37 minutes, 30 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Just maybe there’s an “upside” to a world where it’s pretty clear to everyone with “eyes to see” that the world has gone insane. Because there are still too many who not only do NOT see, but refuse to. Almost like the prophet Isaiah was right – and YHVH has “chosen their delusions.” Which we […]
02/06/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 1 June, 2023.
02/06/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Living Torah

Everyone has something they are responsible for. We should all be asking what that task or Tasks are. The Aaronic Blessing is maybe the most beautiful set of verses in all of Scripture. Who should speak these word to whom? What are the purpose of these words. How is Messiah revealed in the words?
01/06/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 31 May, 2023.
31/05/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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5.30.23_Hebrew Nation Morning Show_3Wise Guys

“What if we are wrong about the times and seasons, do we still prepare for His Coming?” Special guest Dr. Richard Ruhling adds Scriptural insights and knowledge. Join the Wise Guys as they wrestle with this!  [email protected]  
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 30 May, 2023.
31/05/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~05-26-2023

Do You Know I AM? – An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d – Session 46
30/05/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~05-24-23

Do You Know I AM? – An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d – Session 45
30/05/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~05-22-2023

Do you Know I AM- An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d – Session 44
30/05/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Saved? | Part 14

There is a particular blessing for those who read, hear and guard the words in book of Revelation. (Rev 1:3) Knowing this, Rabbi Steve Berkson takes us this week into Revelation chapters 2 and 3 where we see the apostle John write messages to seven assemblies as dictated by Messiah Yeshua. • What do these […]
29/05/20231 heure, 9 minutes, 24 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #122

What do we do with God’s silence? Sometimes silence is good so that we can clear our minds and hearts. Sometimes silence is discouraging because we are waiting for a solution and it seems as if time has stopped and we are held in suspense. Our Heavenly Father uses silence sometimes to get our attention […]
28/05/202328 minutes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Naso” and Shavuot teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Parsha Naso (Numbers 4:21 through all of chapter 7) is on the agenda for this week’s Torah portion, but after the Sabbath this week is the 50th day of the counting of the Omer, and thus the day of Shavuot, or the Feast of Weeks. The Erev Shabbat reading of the parsha begins with the […]
28/05/20232 heures, 5 minutes, 51 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended summary of Big Lies Revealed and new ones initiated, for the week ending Saturday, 27 May, 2023.
26/05/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 25 May, 2023.
26/05/202325 minutes
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Drive Time Friday

What does the “Great Falling Away” prophesied in Scripture look like? Are we there yet? David Justice and Mark Call discuss some of the major news events of the week, the collapse and meltdown still in-progress, and how some of the judgments that may be on the near horizon might play out now, given what […]
26/05/202348 minutes, 17 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

A century ago, the majority of the entire population of the Earth lived in what would be called “extreme poverty.” Some are working hard (their master comes but to ‘kill, steal, and destroy’) to bring that back. And isn’t it revealing to ponder that the very same people who want to mandate the mRNA Immune-Destruction […]
26/05/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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What is unusual about this Saturday, May 27 (according to a well-connected broadcaster)?  What connection could this have to Shavuot, May 28, or our near future?  Knowing that Henry Gruver saw our enemy taking down communications prior to invasion, what should we regard part of Congress being given satellite phones?  Will Father announce something new […]
26/05/202350 minutes
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Living Torah

Growing up in a Baptist church the day of Shavuot or Pentecost was not taught on. Later in my walk I find the importance of this wonderful festival. Then I find out that it did not begin in the Book of Acts, but rather at Mt. Sinai. My how life has changed!
25/05/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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5.23.23_Hebrew Nation Morning Show_3Wise Guys

Is it possible to be smart around a fool?  Join the 3Wise Guys-Rollyn, Aaron, and Tuck as they explore the concept of being balanced. [email protected]  
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 23 May, 2023. Where the Booga-Booga factor is off-the-scale, and cynicism has become a survival tool.
23/05/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 22 May, 2023.
23/05/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~05-19-2023

There Has To Be More- An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d – Session 43
22/05/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~05-17-2023

Do You Know I AM? – An Inductive study of the Names of G-d- Session 42
22/05/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~05-15-2023

Do You Know I AM? – An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d- Session 41
22/05/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Saved? | Part 13

Continuing on the topic of “you’re going to be judged according to your works”, Rabbi Steve Berkson reviews and reiterates 1 Peter chapters 1 and 2, adding even more insight and revelation to the words of the Apostle Peter (Kepha). If your relationship with your Creator is like a marriage, what do you expect from […]
22/05/20231 heure, 6 minutes, 43 secondes
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Under the Wings of the Almighty

I am going to depart from the usual reading of the scriptures today and instead, I am going to share a topical teaching with you, entitled “Under the Wings of the Almighty: How to Shelter there”.  You can listen to the teaching here, or you can also WATCH the teaching as a VIDEO by clicking […]
21/05/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Bemidbar” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa Fellowship for a two-part look at parsha “Behmidbar” (Numbers/Bemidbar 1:1 through 4:20), The Erev Shabbat reading of the parsha begins B’midbar – literally, “In the Wilderness,” which is a great description of the Book. But so, actually, is “Numbers”. The Erev Shabbat reading explains why: There […]
21/05/20232 heures, 7 minutes, 52 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #121

Are we able to express our JOY in our Heavenly Father? David reminds us in many of the Psalms that we are to come Joyfully before our Heavenly Father and acknowledge the amazing things that He has done for us. He protects, provides, comforts, heals, and so many more actions on our behalf. If we […]
20/05/202328 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended summary of the events and Big Lies Revealed for the week ending Saturday, 20 May, 2023.
19/05/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

David Justice and Mark Call review the events of a week where SOME of the WasteStream Media is forced to come right out and admit – well, not so much that they were LYING, but just that what they were trying to get AmeriKans to swallow was not true.
19/05/202349 minutes, 8 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 18 May, 2023.
19/05/202326 minutes, 27 secondes
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Farm Update For May 2023

An update has not been written since February 2023. A lot of work has happened on the farm, we have been to Israel twice for Passover and the second Passover, and got pneumonia once. Read More: The post Farm Update For May 2023 appeared first on Bible Prophecy In The Daily Headlines.
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Is the Ukraine war theater to deplete the west of weapons reserves? Per a conversation of Steve’s with a Russian party insider, is Putin in favor of the New World Order? Now that Iran expresses support for global governance, will they attack Israel to fulfill Talmudic prophecy? Who started the Ukraine War? Are we watching […]
19/05/202350 minutes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

Let’s start with what – at least for those with “eyes to see!” – should be obvious today: They really DO want you dead. As Yahushua pointed out, the Adversary/Devil/BadDevilThing/etc, “comes but to steal, kill, and destroy.” Which is a great description of what we see happening now, world-wide, but especially in AmeriKa-with-a-K. That has […]
19/05/202350 minutes, 2 secondes
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Living Torah

What is the purpose of the wilderness experience? The very basis of the word has much to teach on this subject. The Tabernacle was to be the center of the camp. That message is still speaking to us today. Are we listening?
18/05/202350 minutes
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5.16.23_Hebrew Nation Morning Show_3Wise Guys

How can you be a spiritual warrior when the government takes away parental rights? The Wise Guys take a deep dive into Biblical concepts that can help the believer stand firm. [email protected]
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tueday, 16 May, 2023. Looks like at least another six months have gone by, because yet another major “Conspiracy Theory” again proves to have been True all along. And More Treason comes to light…
17/05/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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King Charles III Coronation… 7 Year Covenant?

King Charles Multi-faith & VERY Religious Coronation which took place May 6, 2023 which this year is the biblical 2nd Passover! Was this the covenant with the many that Daniel was told about? Representatives from several different religions including Muslim, Sikh, Hindu & Jewish actually took part in the king’s coronation. Is king Charles only going to be allowed a pre-planned 7 year reign? He’s 73, will his reign end when he’s 80 (Psalms 90)? That will also be the year 2030… think Agenda 2030. Is Prince William already scheduled to take over in 2030 when he turns 40? We sure have A LOT of biblical numbers here! You decide. We are told to watch so that the day does not overtake us as a thief. Help us to sound the shofar by sharing this video and all of our others.Hindu "Traditionalism" and other new age religion books, has a prominent "Green Man" on his coronation invitations and it is considered by some Jewish publications that he will be a "good King for the Jews". Get the facts here & then watch for yourselves!
16/05/202324 minutes, 59 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 15 May, 2023.
15/05/202324 minutes, 27 secondes
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There Has To Be More~05-12-2023

Do You Know I AM? – An Inductive study of the Names of G-d- Session 40
15/05/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~05-10-2023

Do You Know I AM? – An Inductive study of the names of G-d- Session 39
15/05/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~05-08-2023

15/05/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Saved? | Part 12

Why are your actions or “works” important? Rabbi Steve Berkson continues teaching about the relationship between salvation, faith/belief and works/actions by taking us to the letter from Peter, an emissary/apostle of Messiah Yeshua, to the chosen, and dissects what he said about being born-again and living in obedience by the Ruach. Take advantage of new […]
15/05/20231 heure, 10 minutes, 12 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 65 (No Place for Chickens Part Two)

Prayer makes you think. For instance, who was better prepared for what happened after midnight in the Garden of Gethsemane, Yeshua or his disciples? Why? Apparently, Peter needed to go to bed with the chickens, and by the time the cock crowed three times the next morning, he’d denied Yeshua and run away. Just hours before, Peter didn't imagine such a thing were possible. An often-quoted proverb helps us to understand the inner process of prayer: “As a man thinks within himself [b’nafsho], so is he...” (Pr 23:7) "B'nafsho" is "in his soul." The soul is defined as a bundle of appetites, emotions, desires, and intellect. The soul thinks. We don't usually hear the beginning or the end of the proverb, though. The beginning of the proverb is: “Do not eat the bread of a selfish man or desire his delicacies...” The rest of the verse is:  “...he says to you, ‘Eat and drink!’ But his heart [lev] is not with you.” The heart is sometimes seen as the mind, interconnected with the soul. Even scientists understand there is a "heart brain" that communicates with the head brain. In context, the proverb warns us that in spite of the generous words he says, a selfish person’s silent soul and heart think the opposite and wish that you would not accept. The connection between prayer and the proverb is that it is possible to pray one thing with the lips, yet not to really believe it or want it to come to pass. It is possible to pray one thing and think the opposite. Yeshua struggled in this like we do, yet he prayed the perfect solution in the Garden of Gethsemane: "Nevertheless, not my will, but Yours be done."
15/05/202349 minutes, 28 secondes
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Mark Call – Double Parsha “Behar/Bechukotai” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This was either the week where average Americans began to awaken to the fact that what was once their country has been successfully invaded, or that it was in fact, conquered long ago. And it is also the week where the regular Torah portion gives us a stunning revelation of WHY. Join Mark Call of […]
14/05/20232 heures, 41 minutes, 40 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #120

My recent experience taking care of a family member healing slowly and becoming discouraged lead me to think that there might be others who are facing discouragement and that David reminds us of how we can still rely on our Heavenly Father even when we think we are forgotten. David encourages us to praise our […]
13/05/202328 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel ch 35

This week the Torah Teachers explore Ezekiel chapter 35. Notes: From Ken’s comment on the Greater Exodus – Jeremiah 16:14-15
12/05/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 22 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

While there are no shortage of contenders, from traitors to Title 42, the Big News this week was almost certainly the end of the concept of US borders, and an invasion which is becoming an outright tsunami. Join David Justice and Mark Call for a discussion of not only what that means, but what we, […]
12/05/202349 minutes, 2 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and a look back at some of the biggest stories, incredible lies, and planned destruction events of the week ending Friday, 12 May, 2023.
12/05/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

By now, anybody who has been paying attention realizes that the level of destruction taking place in AmeriKa-with-a-K cannot be the result of even incredible levels of incompetence; it’s just plain Evil. But what is harder for people to “wrap their heads around” is just HOW Evil what we are dealing with really is. But […]
12/05/202349 minutes, 48 secondes
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Living Torah

“When you enter The Land.” It is getting harder and harder to get past those words. How are we doing in our longing for home? Is the anger over the world system really getting us anywhere? Time to look to the horizon instead of staring in the rear view mirror.
11/05/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 10 May, 2023.
10/05/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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5.9.23_Hebrew Nation Morning Show_3Wise Guys

When Eve took fruit from a tree in the Garden of Eden, was it a mix of good and evil or was it just evil? What is the real definition of lust as described by Yeshua?  Do you really want to bless your kids to be like Mannasah or Ephraim? These are just a few […]
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 123- The Moral Ethic of Holiness

In last week’s episode, we looked at holiness through a Temple-focused, ritualistic lens. In this week’s episode, we want to take a look at the prophets and the lens through which they view holiness.
10/05/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 9 May, 2023.
09/05/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 8 May, 2023.
09/05/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~05-05-2023

Do You Know I AM? – An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d: Session 37
08/05/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~05-03-2023

Do You Know I AM? – An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d – Session 36
08/05/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~05-01-2023

Do You Know I AM? – An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d- Session 35
08/05/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Saved? | Part 11

Contrary to the vast majority of those who twist the writings (2 Peter 3:16) and teach that “works” are no longer important or necessary, Rabbi Steve Berkson brings us to the understanding of why “works” are important. Take advantage of new teachings every week. To learn more about MTOI, visit our website, Like us […]
08/05/20231 heure, 6 minutes, 42 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 64 (No Place for Chickens Part One)

Thanks to the availability of rabbinic reference books, most people now understand that the rooster crow in Jerusalem wasn't likely on the Temple Mount. When Yeshua warns Peter that he will deny Yeshua by the third rooster crow, the meaning is likely referring to the official Temple trumpet blowers, who signaled the Temple's daily activities from special posts on the Temple Mount. To this day, you can view the tumbled stone on which they stood, which was found lying in the rubble at the base of the Temple Mount in 1968. It is forbidden to raise fowl in Jerusalem because of the “Holy Things”, [fowl may bring impurity in to sacrificial items] nor may priests raise them [anywhere] in the Land of Israel because of [the laws concerning] pure foods. (Mishnah Bava Kama 7) On the other hand, the rooster was used to signal the trumpet blowers when it was daylight, which was especially important on feast days with so many to accommodate in the services. Where was this rooster? Perhaps just outside the city walls, in which case, he would be easily heard. The Temple was no place for chickens. Now that you are called into covenant of royal priesthood with the Holy One of Israel, a little Temple sent to the nations, there's still no room for chickens. There's no room for a people too afraid to obey the Word. The appearance of Yeshua as the conqueror in Revelation is one of authority, and his feet are bronze, just like the bronze sea of the Temple. Seas in Scriptures often represent the peoples. The washing of water by the Word is what Yeshua sacrificed himself for on the altar. It is also what a royal priesthood is called to do. No chickens.
08/05/202349 minutes, 15 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Emor” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa Fellowship for a two-part look at double parsha “Emor” (Leviticus/Vayikra chapters 21through 24). And this time the parsha contains references to a lot of things that don’t even exist any more, which – as we will see – make it all the MORE relevant. The Erev Shabbat reading […]
07/05/20232 heures, 5 minutes, 35 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #119

As we have been talking about our being faithful to our Heavenly Father, this week we will take a look at what David has to say about our faithfulness to Him. It’s a two-way street. As I say often, it’s Relationship, Relationship, Relationship…. Our Abba has shown Himself to be faithful in so many circumstances […]
06/05/202328 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel ch 34 concl

The teachers complete the study of Ezekiel, chapter 34, including a look at what might be called the “Greater Exodus,” still yet to come.
06/05/20231 heure, 36 minutes, 23 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended summary of the news, ever-expanding Big Lies, and a lot of the continuing coverups as they come apart, for the week ending 6 May, 2023.
05/05/202349 minutes, 48 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

David and Mark kick the Drive Time review of the week-that-was off with a bit of “follow the money,” or at least, the fiat. But where that leads, none of us really want to go. So it’s perhaps never been more important to look at HOW the deception(s) work.
05/05/202348 minutes, 47 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

More people are starting to become familiar with “AI,” or Artificial Intelligence, through things like ChatGPT, and via online search engines. Some of the news articles are even talking about the ‘threat’ it might represent, but primarily as an impact to jobs. Host Mark Call suggests that, even though losing a job is a big […]
05/05/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, May 4, 2023.
04/05/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Grief and Loss with John Bratton

 The Grief Process Join Laura Lee and her guest John Bratton as they discuss the topic of losing someone you love. Both Laura Lee and John have lost their sons tragically. So, join them as they share their experiences and healing journey.
04/05/202331 minutes, 49 secondes
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Living Torah

Life is a test and there will be an exam at the end. What standard are we setting for our life? We may have been allowed to cheat on the entrance exam, but what about the performance exam? It’s all about making our Creator look good!
04/05/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told Congress that the US Gov might not be able to pay its bills as of ____.  What major change in the financial world is to be inaugurated July 1?  Is there any connection?  New Zealand is establishing __ minute cities and populations are already driven out of their homes by […]
04/05/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, May 3, 2023.
03/05/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 122- Understanding Temple Holiness

Holiness. A word that has bewildered believers for a very long time. We severely lack a deep and thorough understanding of holiness all the while it is the foundation of God’s expectations of us. The Sages of Israel teach that when the Shekinah left the land of Israel just before the Babylonian Exile, it left […]
03/05/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, May 2, 2023.
02/05/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Mayday, Monday, May 1, 2023. Pagan and steeped in totalitarianism though this date seems to be, certain things are at least consistent.
01/05/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~04-28-2023

Do You Know I AM? – An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d – Session 34
01/05/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~04-26-2023

Do You Know I AM? – An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d – Session 33
01/05/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~04-24-2023

Do You Know I AM? – An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d- Session 32
01/05/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Saved? | Part 10

In part 9 of “Are You Saved?”, we read through James (Ya’akov) chapter 2 and now understand that faith/belief and works are intertwined so that one without the other cannot exist. In this lesson, Rabbi Steve Berkson takes us to the book of Hebrews, chapters 11 and 12 to show us proof by examples that […]
01/05/20231 heure, 7 minutes, 3 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 63 (The Foot Festival to Straying or Sealing)

It doesn't take long to learn about Passover and Sukkot, but Shavuot? What, exactly, are we supposed to do? There is a lot of celebration, storytelling, camping, and general hilarity during our bookend feasts of Passover and Sukkot, but I've had more than one email or student question concerning Shavuot and what to "do." Just eat dairy products? Just stay up all night reading Torah? That's it? No, no, that's not it. Shavuot forms the axis of the foot festivals. They are called foot festivals because these are the feasts that Israel was expected to walk to three times per year. The more fortunate could ride donkeys. As we listen for the footsteps of Messiah, then where else should we listen the most closely? Yes, the foot festivals. Two most important themes of Shavuot are the bringing of the firstfruits of the wheat and commemorating the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. Our working text in the Footsteps of Messiah comes from Song of Songs Chapter 4:1-5. In past newsletters, we related these two symbols, a flock of goats and clean sheep as the nation of Israel come up from her two washings, the crossing of the Reed Sea and the three-day washing to prepare for the visitation at Mount Sinai to receive the Torah. The goats represent the Israelites descending from "Mount Gilead," or the "Mount of Witness," symbolizing Sinai, where they witnessed the Words in fire, smoke, hail, and rain: How beautiful you are, my darling, how beautiful you are!Your eyes are like doves behind your veil; your hair is like a flock of goats that have descended from Mount Gilead. Your teeth are like a flock of newly shorn sheep which have come up from their washing, all of which bear twins, and not one among them has lost her young. Your lips are like a scarlet (shani) thread, and your mouth is beautiful. Your temples are like a slice of a pomegranate behind your veil. Your neck is like the tower of David, built with layers of stones on which are hung a thousand shields, all the round shields of the warriors.Your two breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle that graze among the lilies. The goat's hair formed a covering for the Tabernacle: "All the skilled women spun with their hands, and brought what they had spun, in blue and purple and scarlet material and in fine linen. All the women whose heart stirred with a skill spun the goats’ hair." (Ex 35:25-26) After the “mount of Witness,” the Israelites begin to work under the inspiration of the Ruach HaKodesh with Betzalel and Oholiav. As an aside, it is a given within the ancient Jewish way of viewing the Revelation at Sinai, that the offer of the Torah was made to the other 70 nations on earth as well as to Israel. Out of those 70, there was a remnant who desired the Torah, yet only one nation that unanimously, and with ONE VOICE replied, “We will do and we will hear.”
01/05/202349 minutes, 21 secondes
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Anti-Messiah, Scapegoat, Vomit & Tribulation

Pictures in Prophecy. Will the Anti-Messiah possibly be a religious figure that attempts to annihilate all of the scapegoats? Who are the goats and who are the sheep? Who will be vomited out of the land(s)? Who and how many will die during tribulation? Lots of scripture in this message.
30/04/202325 minutes
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What is the Call of Ruth?

Audio reading: Lev 24:1-11, Judges 21:1-21 ,Ruth 1:22, John 4:4-42, Ps 105:1-15 Prov 14:25, In the first half of the program, we do a deep dive into the book of Ruth. The story of Ruth and Naomi is a parallel portrait of the Church and Israel. The book of Ruth is an analogy of what […]
30/04/202350 minutes
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Mark Call – Double-Parsha “Acharei Mot / Kedoshim” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa Fellowship for a two-part look at double parsha “Acharei Mot/Kedoshim” (Leviticus/Vayikra chapters 16 through 20) — and another of those portions that is not only filled with a variety of interesting instructions and commandments, but so many that are now so “politically incorrect” as well. The Erev Shabbat […]
30/04/20232 heures, 15 minutes, 49 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #118

Have you ever said something you wish you could take back? In Psalm 141 David asks his Heavenly Father to put a watch over his mouth. I know I need one of those frequently! As things transpire in our nation and around the world, I can get quite critical and I need that watch over […]
29/04/202328 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended summary of the news, Big Lies being revealed, and a lot of the continuing coverups, for the week ending 29 April, 2023.
28/04/202349 minutes, 47 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

Join David Justice and Mark Call as they take another look back at some of the major stories, Biggest Lies, and, ultimately, hopeful indications that things long anticipated, both for Good and for Evil, are coming to a head. “Exciting times,” certainly. But that’s where we come in.
28/04/202349 minutes, 8 secondes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel ch 33 into 34

The teachers continue the study of the Book of the prophet Ezekiel into chapter 34.
28/04/20231 heure, 38 minutes, 50 secondes
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Set History Straight – Our Role at the End Time

What is our job at End Time?  The End Time is a time of Mercy for people.
28/04/202348 minutes, 32 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

This week special guest David Justice, co-host of the Drive Time Friday show, joins Mark to talk about a subject both of them turn out to have been studying for years: the corporate 501c(3) IRS-approved ‘church.’ If you’ve ever wondered why “there’s no power in the church anymore,” or why most pastors are scared to […]
28/04/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 27 April, 2023. What happens when even WORDS no longer have any real meaning? We’re seeing it.
27/04/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Living Torah

In order for there to be life there must first be death. Just where are we looking to for our life? Why was the goat sent out of the camp? Why was it a goat? Just what is the abomination of current practices of our day?
27/04/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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4.25.23_Hebrew Nation Morning Show_3Wise Guys

Have you wanted to be a witness for the Kingdom of YHWH, but have been uncertain as to how to go about it?  The Wise Guys talk with evangelist/ Jonah Freeman to explore the Scriptures for an answer.  [email protected]  
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Tucker Carlson sees something he hasn’t seen in 25 years of reporting, it’s ____.  When a group of physicians wrote to the FDA asking for clarification regarding why the Covid vaxx prevented neither disease nor transmission, the FDA responded ____.  In fact, said the FDA, future EUA can be given without ANY ___ that the […]
27/04/202350 minutes
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The Plight of the Daughters

The Plight of the Daughters of Abraham Meet Stacy Carr as she and Laura Lee chat about the plight of many of the daughters of Abraham. Many women and children are in dire straights due to being driven out of their homes by abusive men. What are we, as a community of Torah followers, to […]
26/04/202343 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 26 April, 2023.
26/04/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 25 April, 2023. The Once-UNbelievable has become the Now-Repetitive. But that, too, is a flashing red warning for those with “eyes to see.”
25/04/202325 minutes, 26 secondes
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There Has to Be More~04-19-2023

Do you know I AM? – An inductive study of the names of G-d- Session 30
25/04/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~04-21-2023

Do You Know I AM? – An inductive study of the Names of G-d- Session 31
24/04/202325 minutes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 28 April, 2023.
24/04/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~04-17-2023

Do You Know I AM – An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d – Session 29
24/04/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Saved? | Part 9

In Matthew 24:12 Yeshua taught that because of the increase in lawlessness, the love of many will become cold–what is the love that’s connected to the Law (Torah)? When Yeshua said, “But he who shall have endured to the end…”–what is meant by “to the end”? Moving from there to the parable of the talents, […]
24/04/20231 heure, 7 minutes, 51 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 62 (Footfalls on Kings)

The double Torah portion has a common thread: Those in need of purification, healing, and restoration must go through the agency of a human priest. This human priest is a type and shadow of Messiah Yeshua, a priest after the order of Malkhi-Tzedek. With types and shadows, expect some things to be identical, yet other things to be slightly different in application. As Pastor Mark and Tammy like to say, "patterns and principles." The one seeking restoration brings his or her various offerings to the doorway of the Tent of Meeting. From there, the service works its way inward to the bronze altar. The flames of the bronze altar purge out sin, and they provide atonement, or covering. It is from these very coals that the incense service moves the process of restoration even closer to the Divine Presence, the golden incense altar. In performing their services, the Cohanim were required to wear a turban-like headcover (the high priest wore a type of crown on his) and to be girded with a belt, or sash. Without these, the priests could not perform the service. In contrast, the metzorah, or leper, was required to let his hair go loose and wear torn clothes. These practices were forbidden to the priesthood when they served in the holy spaces, for they are identified with death and mourning. Then Moses said to Aaron and to his sons Eleazar and Ithamar, “Do not uncover your heads nor tear your clothes, so that you will not die and that He will not become wrathful against all the congregation.” (Le 10:6) “As for the leper who has the infection, his clothes shall be torn, and the hair of his head shall be uncovered, and he shall cover his mustache and cry, ‘Unclean! Unclean!’” (Le 13:45) “The priest who is the highest among his brothers, on whose head the anointing oil has been poured and who has been consecrated to wear the garments, shall not uncover his head nor tear his clothes.” (Le 21:10) The moral of the story? Those who minister on behalf of others have fewer “rights” and more “atonement, covering” responsibilities. Priests are not allowed the depth of grieving behaviors permitted to others. So what does that have to do with us? Following the pattern, from Shavuot onward, members of a royal priesthood need “working clothes,” not just a garment of salvation: A headcover, possibly a “credit crown” An untorn garment (why else was Yeshua’s garment left whole?) A sash or belt Shavuot is the axis of the journey. The Mishkan and priesthood were inaugurated at Sinai to serve the tribal kingdom of royal priests. We should expect these priestly clothes to be explained in the context of Sinai. Having followed the Presence from Egypt to Sinai, from ”animal food” barley to the finest of wheat at Shavuot in untorn garments of salvation, it was time to receive the additional garments and crowns of a royal priesthood. When the Israelites said, “We will do, and we will hear,” they were awarded, Please SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to get new teachings.
24/04/202349 minutes, 22 secondes
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Baal and Ishtar Worship: Then…and Now

The Israelites did evil in the LORD’s sight and served the images of Baal. They abandoned the LORD, the God of their ancestors, who had brought them out of Egypt. They went after other gods, worshiping the gods of the people around them. And they angered the LORD. They abandoned the LORD to serve Baal and […]
23/04/202349 minutes, 2 secondes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Tazria” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa Fellowship for a two-part look at parsha “Tazria” (Leviticus/Vayikra chapters 12 through 13) — and several lessons that are dramatic, not only because they are now so “politically incorrect,” but so at odds with what we have seen in the world – for centuries even – that the […]
23/04/20231 heure, 58 minutes, 58 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #117

Many times we are tempted to feel that we just don’t make any difference in the world around us. We wonder if we even matter in the greater scheme of things. David reminds us that the humble will be the ones on whom our Heavenly Father can depend. Psalm 34 is a litany of what […]
22/04/202328 minutes
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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel ch 33

The teachers explore the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, into chapter 33, and what is probably one of the most clear metaphors – to us, hopefully – in Scripture: the ‘Watchman on the Wall.’
21/04/20231 heure, 41 minutes, 28 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended summary of the news, some of the history, and a lot of the continuing coverups, for the week ending 22 April, 2023.
21/04/202350 minutes
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Drive Time Friday

David Justice begins the program with an update on his Colorado lawsuit to expose “irregularities” associated with the so-called ‘recounts’ that violate statutory provisions, and undermine (what’s LEFT of!) ‘voter confidence’. Which helps to make the increasingly undeniable point that votes who have any ‘CONfidence’ in a rigged system are deluded. But – what are […]
21/04/202349 minutes, 11 secondes
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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

We have been warned that there will come a time when “lawlessness abounds.” And we’re there. A “man’s word” is no longer his bond. Integrity is – without question – a rare commodity, but especially in ‘The Swamp.” A politician who keeps his oath is as rare as a lucid moment from the senile Dictator-in-chief. […]
21/04/202349 minutes, 44 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 20 April, 2023. The Far Left may be ‘420 Friendly’ – but history? Not so much.
21/04/202318 minutes, 59 secondes
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Living Troah

Mold, scabs and sores. What is the purpose of all these things? Is the satan’s work or God’s work. Knowing who is bringing something into our lives can mean the difference between healing and life or sickness and death. The love The Father has for us is brought forth in these Torah portions.
20/04/202350 minutes
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Is transgenderism the edge-of-the-wedge of transgenderism?  Is there evidence that the US has been sold out since WWII?  What are some factors that would be a problem if the US had to defend itself against a foreign attack?  April 19-May 1 is what dangerous season?  Is Planet X real? Please join Steven and Bonnie for […]
20/04/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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4.18.23_Hebrew Nation Morning Show_3Wise Guys

What does it mean to fret and can we be separated from YHWH when we do? Join the Wise Guys as they discuss world monopolies alongside Biblical promises.  [email protected]
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 19 April, 2023. 419 is a date that, throughout history, has been characterized by the battle between good and evil, liberty vs tyranny. And that remains true today.
19/04/202325 minutes, 31 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 18 April, 2023.
18/04/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 17 April, 2023.
18/04/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~04-14-2023

Do You Know I AM? – An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d- Session 28
17/04/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~04-12-2023

Do You Know I AM? – An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d – Session 27
17/04/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~04-10-2023

Do You Know I AM? – An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d? – Session 26
17/04/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Saved? | Part 8

Teaching further on the topic of guarding the Torah and possessing the Witness, Rabbi Steve takes us to Luke 10:25 to look at Messiah Yeshua tested by someone considered as “learned.” Here, the word “inherit” is connected to eternal life. What does this mean? How does it bring a critical understanding to being “saved”? In […]
17/04/20231 heure, 7 minutes, 12 secondes
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2nd Month, 2nd Passover, King Charles, the Green Man, Ecumenism

Anti-Messiah, False Prophet or Precursor Prototype? King Charles III will be coronated as king on the biblical Second Passover in the second biblical month, May 6, 2023 which is also a Shabbat or 7th day Sabbath. Could his very ecumenical coronation be the confirmation or strengthening of a covenant 'with the many' for 7 years spoken of in Daniel 9? He will sit on the antique coronation throne over the Stone of Destiny which is believed to be the biblical Jacob's pillow stone on which Jacob slept when having the vision of angels descending the ladder from heaven (Jacob's Ladder). Some also believe this Stone of Destiny is also the pillar next to which all of the King's of Israel where crowned by or on which sat at the entrance to the temple in Jerusalem and that the prophet Jeremiah took this stone from Egypt to Ireland after first temple destroyed. Recorded facts in this video: King Charles wants an ecumenical coronation ceremony even though as monarch he is head of the Church of England and they are against it. Charles is pro-Muslim, studies the Quran, wears both Muslim head garb & Jewish Kippah, reads & agrees with new age / Hindu "Traditionalism" and other new age religion books, has a prominent "Green Man" on his coronation invitations and it is considered by some Jewish publications that he will be a "good King for the Jews". Get the facts here & then watch for yourselves!
17/04/202325 minutes
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Calming Harp Episode #116

Eternity is not about time, it’s about relationship and trust in our Heavenly Father. Psalm 37 is David’s reminder that our Heavenly Father knows our needs and helps us remember that we are not to be discouraged if there are those around us that are not following His way of life. In our relationship with […]
16/04/202328 minutes
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Mark Call – Parsha “Shmini” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa Fellowship for a two-part look at parsha “Shmini” (Leviticus/Vayikra chapters 9 through 11) — and perhaps some insight as well into why what he refers to, especially now, as the ‘whore church’ would prefer to ignore it. This one includes the death of the sons of Aaron, Nadab […]
16/04/20231 heure, 42 minutes, 32 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended summary of the continued decline and collapse, for the week ending 15 April, 2023.
14/04/202349 minutes, 48 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

The Feast of Unleavened Bread is just wrapping up for most of us, but the ‘pivot point’ that seems to hinge on Passover this year is arguably just getting rolling. Join David Justice and Mark Call as they discuss some of the events of the holiday week, and how the breakdown of both the ‘official […]
14/04/202350 minutes, 4 secondes
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April the official announcement of the ___ of cows and pigs.  In 2006, Dr. Deagle warned against __, which are a “chocker chain” on physicians, the insertion of ___, and vaxxes that alter one’s ____.  In 2022, researchers announced the manipulation of monkeypox to make it ____.  Will we see Genesis 6, human-fallen angel hybrids, […]
13/04/202350 minutes, 1 secondes
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4.11.23_Hebrew Nation Morning Show_3Wise Guys

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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 12 April, 2023.
12/04/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 11 April, 2023.
12/04/202324 minutes, 53 secondes
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There Has To Be More~04-07-2023

Do You Know I AM? – An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d: Session 25
10/04/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~04-05-2023

Do You Know I AM? – An Inductive Study of the Names of G-d: Session 24
10/04/202325 minutes
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There Has To Be More~04-03-2023

Lord, Do You Know I AM? – Inductive Study of the Names of G-d – session 23
10/04/202325 minutes
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Now Is The Time with Rabbi Steve Berkson | Are You Saved? | Part 7

Messiah Yeshua said, “Strive to enter through the narrow gate…” (Luke 13:24). Do salvation and reward require effort? What is that effort? To where does the narrow gate lead? What does the saying mean, “Our righteousness is as filthy rags”? In Acts 16:30, someone asked, “What do I have to do to be saved?” How […]
10/04/20231 heure, 7 minutes, 50 secondes
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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 61 (The Pomegranate Seal)

The Footsteps of Messiah are echoing through the earth. Yeshua is returning for the righteous, to gather them. He is coming to judge the wicked as well. But what about the "in-betweens"? From the beginning until today, there are "believers" who don't believe so much that it changes their lives significantly. What should they know about these Footsteps? The model is found within the feasts of Israel, which culminate in the final feast, the Feast of the Nations, Sukkot (Tabernacles). Three of the seven feasts are the chagim, or "foot festivals" in which Israel was commanded to go up to Jerusalem to celebrate: Passover, Shavuot, Sukkot. Those who are expecting the Footsteps of Messiah Yeshua might also check where their own feet have trod in expectation. Have they proclaimed the Good News of Messiah and the commandments of Elohim? There are three seasonal firstfruits contained within the foot festivals: barley (Pesach), wheat (Shavuot), and everything else (Sukkot). At barley, Yeshua resurrected. In Egypt, the Israelites were delivered from sin and death at Pesach. There was little “Torah” to obey, they simply trusted in the lamb’s blood and followed the cloud in faith. At the wheat harvest of Shavuot, the Israelites made a commitment to the full Torah based on their deliverance by and in the cloud so far, which was in faith. They were in the wilderness. Not yet resurrected in body, but not dead in Egypt, either. At Sukkot of the nations, a cloud of greater resurrection would occur, one that included the nations. It is then that the Torah cycle concludes, rolling up the commandments. The Torah scrolls are re-rolled at this foot festival, and the reading begins again in Genesis 1:1. Sukkot leads to Pesach, a new beginning. Let's return to Shavuot, which comemmorates the giving of the Torah at Sinai. Every year, Israel accepts the yoke of the Torah anew at Shavuot, firstfruits of the wheat, echoing the commitment, "We will do, and we will hear." Oddly, the day is never celebrated as one of repentance from sin. Tradition sees the intervening weeks between Pesach and Shavuot as time to do work removing the “encrustations” of sin left over from Egypt, yet Shavuot itself has no repentance themes. In fact, the mussaf sin offering, an extra offering required on feast days, does not apply to Shavuot. It is as if the Israelites are considered sin-free when they received the Torah. Why? Our Footsteps text is the Song of Songs. From there, we read: “Your lips are like a scarlet thread, and your mouth is beautiful. Your temples are like a slice of a pomegranate behind your veil.” (So 4:3) The symbolism of the pomegranate is thus: the pips represent the individual commandments, because the number of pomegranate pips is approximately 613, the number of the commandments. The high priest wore a garment hemmed with bells and pomegranates, and these made a musical noise as he walked, creating a pleasant atmosphere. Walking in the Word should be both musical and pleasant! Another symbol of the commandments is jewelry. When Israel sinned with the golden calf, Moses made them remove their jewelry, the ornaments of a Bride. When people removed their gold rings to make the golden calf, they already exchanged the righteousness of Adonai for an idol, and stripping them of the rest of their jewelry pointed out that if they could not remain faithful for 40 days, then they were not ready to enter the Land of Israel. If the ornaments represent commandments, then it is easy to see that they were adorned with "commandments" on credit to await Moses' return from the mountain with the rest of the Torah. As we've established in the last few newletters, this was the righteousness of Yeshua, the Living Word, credited into their accounts before they had a chance to walk in them. This is the same righteousness the apostles assured the Gentile believers that they'd been credited when they came to faith in Messiah Yeshua. Commandments wouldn't make them more saved, but they would result as they walked faithfully in the righteousness of their salvation, Yeshua. The Ruach HaKodesh would teach them from that starting point, just as Yeshua promised, and just as was experienced in Acts Two at Shavuot. While they learned, grace would abound. The fulness of the Torah is promised the betrothed. If we continue to walk faithfully, repenting as necessary, then Adonai makes us to stand and live in the righteousness of them before we fully realize perfection of the body. He clothes our “red” souls. The soul is associated with Esau, or Edom, the "Red One" because it is a bundle of appetites, emotions, desires, and intellect, which must be disciplined by the Ruach (Spirit) within each person, represented by Jacob in the twin analogy. The righteousness is not our own, for we did not invent it! It is the righteousness of the Father and His son Yeshua, our salvation. Our pips are red, reflecting the salvation and redemption of our red souls. Proverbs Thirty-one is a parable of the Ruach HaKodesh. This is what the Ruach does, it clothes us in the righteousness of Yeshua, which protects us from the judgment of snow (Job 38:22-23): “She is not afraid of the snow for her household, for all her household are clothed with scarlet.” (Pr 31:21) The lips like a scarlet thread is the mouth of the righteous, and the Word spoken through them in prayer and faith is a protection against judgment. The betrothed of Yeshua have slice of red pomegranate on their foreheads. Out of 613 pomegranate pips, only a small number apply to each person. It takes a full house of Israel with a functioning Temple and priesthood to observe them all. Each person, however, has his or her own slice, depending upon whether the person is son, daughter, father, mother, merchant, farmer, seller, buyer, animal herder, etc. The number may grow or shrink as the person ages or changes occupation. Just a slice of the whole. “Your lips are like a scarlet thread, and your mouth (speech) is beautiful” When we confess our faith in Messiah Yeshua and make our equivalent expression to "do and hear" the commandments given by the Father through Moses, we declare our Intention to walk in the Word, which is counted as “doing well,” righteousness credited before learning and performance: “Go near and hear all that the LORD our God says; then speak to us all that the LORD our God speaks to you, and we will hear and do it.’ The LORD heard the voice of your words when you spoke to me, and the LORD said to me, ‘I have heard the voice of the words of this people which they have spoken to you. They have done well in all that they have spoken.” (Dt 5:27-28) When we make this declaration with true intention, it is believed that we receive two crowns of Torah: Royalty and leadership We are welcomed into a royal priesthood nation, and we begin to learn the instructions through which we will lead others to salvation. The righteousness is awarded to us on credit, and we are clothed in scarlet against the day of judgment. The garments of of righteousness are seen as having protective power to guard against sin, like the scarlet clothes of the Ruach HaKodesh. When we know what sin is, then we can walk worthy of the credit in our accounts and avoid sin while learning to do good as well. Once we know what sin is, then it is easier to avoid it. When we avoid it, we avoid the judgment and consequences that follow rebellious sin. What if it's not rebellious, just ignorant? (Nu 14:9) This is the where grace abounds while we learn. Yeshua knows our suffering and that we are still housed in a corruptible body. For this, he makes intercession. We long for the resurrection of this Old Man Chametz to be raised incorruptible so that we no longer have to live on credit. Rebellious sin, however, is a retreat to the "in-between," or lukewarm status of the Laodiceans. But what about the person who just retreats? He or she doesn't really sin rebelliously, just passively? What if there is no attempt to know Yeshua in the fellowship of his suffering for the sake of righteousness? This, too, is rebellion. Passive aggression is still agression. Passive rebellion against doing good is still rebellion. For those who are lukewarm in redeeming their time, there are ten days between the Feast of Trumpets and Yom HaKippurim for them to repent before the Feast of the Nations at Sukkot. As we count toward Shavuot, let us commit anew to our slice of the yoke of the Torah and the testimony of Yeshua.
10/04/202352 minutes, 23 secondes
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Mark Call – Pesach Sabbath teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

This week, by most reckonings of the Biblical Feast calendar (no, certainly not all) begins the week of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which includes the Passover seder or meal. Not surprisingly, there are a number of choices for readings during His true Holy Days, including those passages which describe them. It’s also a season […]
09/04/20231 heure, 45 minutes, 11 secondes
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Calming Harp Episode #115

As we find ourselves in the middle of the Passover season, it is important to remember that our Saviour Yashua is the whole point of what the Passover lamb was showing us. In Psalm 51, David tells us that our Heavenly Father does not require the blood of bulls and goats but rather a broken […]
08/04/202328 minutes
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Husband and Wife Power Team!

Meet Jamie and Daniel Bertle Tselem Elohim: Connecting Singles! Join the Bertle’s as they chat with Laura Lee about their ministry to Torah singles. Hear about their life-changing retreats and learn how to attend the next retreat!      
07/04/202340 minutes, 34 secondes
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Drive Time Friday

By the ‘sighted moon’ reckoning of the timing for Pesach, and the beginning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, today is the first High Holy day of that week of ULB. So, this show is a bit different. Mark and David do, of course, look at some of the stories in the news this week, […]
07/04/202349 minutes, 46 secondes
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“Hidden” Passover Messages – Esther Fast

Should we do an Esther fast 3 days prior to the "7th Day" of the feast of Unleavened Bread this year (which would begin on the Feast of First Fruits this year) and then present our petition for the safety of our people before our King on the 7th Day of His Feast… Unleavened Bread?  Chag Sameach!  Have a blessed Passover!  FREE Modified (for Believers in Y’shua Messiah) Haggadah (guide or outline of events & scripture reading) for Passover Seder (Dinner).
07/04/202325 minutes, 1 secondes